path: root/kernel/vars.mli
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/vars.mli')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/vars.mli b/kernel/vars.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fdd4603b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/vars.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Names
+open Constr
+open Context
+(** {6 Occur checks } *)
+(** [closedn n M] is true iff [M] is a (deBruijn) closed term under n binders *)
+val closedn : int -> constr -> bool
+(** [closed0 M] is true iff [M] is a (deBruijn) closed term *)
+val closed0 : constr -> bool
+(** [noccurn n M] returns true iff [Rel n] does NOT occur in term [M] *)
+val noccurn : int -> constr -> bool
+(** [noccur_between n m M] returns true iff [Rel p] does NOT occur in term [M]
+ for n <= p < n+m *)
+val noccur_between : int -> int -> constr -> bool
+(** Checking function for terms containing existential- or
+ meta-variables. The function [noccur_with_meta] does not consider
+ meta-variables applied to some terms (intended to be its local
+ context) (for existential variables, it is necessarily the case) *)
+val noccur_with_meta : int -> int -> constr -> bool
+(** {6 Relocation and substitution } *)
+(** [exliftn el c] lifts [c] with lifting [el] *)
+val exliftn : Esubst.lift -> constr -> constr
+(** [liftn n k c] lifts by [n] indexes above or equal to [k] in [c] *)
+val liftn : int -> int -> constr -> constr
+(** [lift n c] lifts by [n] the positive indexes in [c] *)
+val lift : int -> constr -> constr
+(** [substnl [a1;...;an] k c] substitutes in parallel [a1],...,[an]
+ for respectively [Rel(k+1)],...,[Rel(k+n)] in [c]; it relocates
+ accordingly indexes in [a1],...,[an] and [c] *)
+val substnl : constr list -> int -> constr -> constr
+val substl : constr list -> constr -> constr
+val subst1 : constr -> constr -> constr
+val substnl_decl : constr list -> int -> rel_declaration -> rel_declaration
+val substl_decl : constr list -> rel_declaration -> rel_declaration
+val subst1_decl : constr -> rel_declaration -> rel_declaration
+val substnl_named_decl : constr list -> int -> named_declaration -> named_declaration
+val subst1_named_decl : constr -> named_declaration -> named_declaration
+val substl_named_decl : constr list -> named_declaration -> named_declaration
+val replace_vars : (Id.t * constr) list -> constr -> constr
+(** (subst_var str t) substitute (VAR str) by (Rel 1) in t *)
+val subst_var : Id.t -> constr -> constr
+(** [subst_vars [id1;...;idn] t] substitute [VAR idj] by [Rel j] in [t]
+ if two names are identical, the one of least indice is kept *)
+val subst_vars : Id.t list -> constr -> constr
+(** [substn_vars n [id1;...;idn] t] substitute [VAR idj] by [Rel j+n-1] in [t]
+ if two names are identical, the one of least indice is kept *)
+val substn_vars : int -> Id.t list -> constr -> constr
+(** {3 Substitution of universes} *)
+open Univ
+val subst_univs_fn_constr : universe_subst_fn -> constr -> constr
+val subst_univs_fn_puniverses : universe_level_subst_fn ->
+ 'a puniverses -> 'a puniverses
+val subst_univs_constr : universe_subst -> constr -> constr
+(** Level substitutions for polymorphism. *)
+val subst_univs_level_constr : universe_level_subst -> constr -> constr
+val subst_univs_level_context : Univ.universe_level_subst -> rel_context -> rel_context
+(** Instance substitution for polymorphism. *)
+val subst_instance_constr : universe_instance -> constr -> constr
+val subst_instance_context : universe_instance -> rel_context -> rel_context
+type id_key = pconstant tableKey
+val eq_id_key : id_key -> id_key -> bool