path: root/kernel/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 469 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d46609c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:28 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* Universes are stratified by a partial ordering $\ge$.
+ Let $\~{}$ be the associated equivalence. We also have a strict ordering
+ $>$ between equivalence classes, and we maintain that $>$ is acyclic,
+ and contained in $\ge$ in the sense that $[U]>[V]$ implies $U\ge V$.
+ At every moment, we have a finite number of universes, and we
+ maintain the ordering in the presence of assertions $U>V$ and $U\ge V$.
+ The equivalence $\~{}$ is represented by a tree structure, as in the
+ union-find algorithm. The assertions $>$ and $\ge$ are represented by
+ adjacency lists *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+type universe_level =
+ { u_mod : Names.dir_path;
+ u_num : int }
+type universe =
+ | Variable of universe_level
+ | Max of universe_level list * universe_level list
+module UniverseOrdered = struct
+ type t = universe_level
+ let compare =
+let string_of_univ_level u =
+ Names.string_of_dirpath u.u_mod^"."^string_of_int u.u_num
+let make_univ (m,n) = Variable { u_mod=m; u_num=n }
+let string_of_univ = function
+ | Variable u -> string_of_univ_level u
+ | Max (gel,gtl) ->
+ "max("^
+ (String.concat ","
+ (( string_of_univ_level gel)@
+ ( (fun u -> "("^(string_of_univ_level u)^")+1") gtl)))^")"
+let pr_uni_level u = str (string_of_univ_level u)
+let pr_uni = function
+ | Variable u ->
+ pr_uni_level u
+ | Max (gel,gtl) ->
+ str "max(" ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_coma pr_uni_level gel ++
+ if gel <> [] & gtl <> [] then pr_coma () else mt () ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_coma
+ (fun x -> str "(" ++ pr_uni_level x ++ str ")+1") gtl ++
+ str ")"
+(* Returns a fresh universe, juste above u. Does not create new universes
+ for Type_0 (the sort of Prop and Set).
+ Used to type the sort u. *)
+let super = function
+ | Variable u ->
+ Max ([],[u])
+ | Max _ ->
+ anomaly ("Cannot take the successor of a non variable universes:\n"^
+ "you are probably typing a type already known to be the type\n"^
+ "of a user-provided term; if you really need this, please report")
+(* returns the least upper bound of universes u and v. If they are not
+ constrained, then a new universe is created.
+ Used to type the products. *)
+let sup u v =
+ match u,v with
+ | Variable u, Variable v -> Max ((if u = v then [u] else [u;v]),[])
+ | Variable u, Max (gel,gtl) -> Max (list_add_set u gel,gtl)
+ | Max (gel,gtl), Variable v -> Max (list_add_set v gel,gtl)
+ | Max (gel,gtl), Max (gel',gtl') ->
+ Max (list_union gel gel',list_union gtl gtl')
+(* Comparison on this type is pointer equality *)
+type canonical_arc =
+ { univ: universe_level; gt: universe_level list; ge: universe_level list }
+let terminal u = {univ=u; gt=[]; ge=[]}
+(* A universe is either an alias for another one, or a canonical one,
+ for which we know the universes that are smaller *)
+type univ_entry =
+ Canonical of canonical_arc
+ | Equiv of universe_level * universe_level
+module UniverseMap = Map.Make(UniverseOrdered)
+type universes = univ_entry UniverseMap.t
+let enter_equiv_arc u v g =
+ UniverseMap.add u (Equiv(u,v)) g
+let enter_arc ca g =
+ UniverseMap.add ca.univ (Canonical ca) g
+let declare_univ u g =
+ if not (UniverseMap.mem u g) then
+ enter_arc (terminal u) g
+ else
+ g
+(* When typing Prop and Set, there is no constraint on the level,
+ hence the definition of prop_univ *)
+let initial_universes = UniverseMap.empty
+let prop_univ = Max ([],[])
+(* Every universe has a unique canonical arc representative *)
+(* repr : universes -> universe -> canonical_arc *)
+(* canonical representative : we follow the Equiv links *)
+let repr g u =
+ let rec repr_rec u =
+ let a =
+ try UniverseMap.find u g
+ with Not_found -> anomalylabstrm "Univ.repr"
+ (str"Universe " ++ pr_uni_level u ++ str" undefined")
+ in
+ match a with
+ | Equiv(_,v) -> repr_rec v
+ | Canonical arc -> arc
+ in
+ repr_rec u
+let can g = (repr g)
+(* transitive closure : we follow the Greater links *)
+(* collect : canonical_arc -> canonical_arc list * canonical_arc list *)
+(* collect u = (V,W) iff V={v canonical | u>v} W={w canonical | u>=w}-V *)
+(* i.e. collect does the transitive closure of what is known about u *)
+let collect g arcu =
+ let rec coll_rec gt ge = function
+ | [],[] -> (gt, list_subtractq ge gt)
+ | arcv::gt', ge' ->
+ if List.memq arcv gt then
+ coll_rec gt ge (gt',ge')
+ else
+ coll_rec (arcv::gt) ge ((can g (',ge')
+ | [], arcw::ge' ->
+ if (List.memq arcw gt) or (List.memq arcw ge) then
+ coll_rec gt ge ([],ge')
+ else
+ coll_rec gt (arcw::ge) (can g, (can g')
+ in
+ coll_rec [] [] ([],[arcu])
+(* reprgeq : canonical_arc -> canonical_arc list *)
+(* All canonical arcv such that arcu>=arcc with arcv#arcu *)
+let reprgeq g arcu =
+ let rec searchrec w = function
+ | [] -> w
+ | v :: vl ->
+ let arcv = repr g v in
+ if List.memq arcv w || arcu==arcv then
+ searchrec w vl
+ else
+ searchrec (arcv :: w) vl
+ in
+ searchrec []
+(* between : universe -> canonical_arc -> canonical_arc list *)
+(* between u v = {w|u>=w>=v, w canonical} *)
+(* between is the most costly operation *)
+let between g u arcv =
+ (* good are all w | u >= w >= v *)
+ (* bad are all w | u >= w ~>= v *)
+ (* find good and bad nodes in {w | u >= w} *)
+ (* explore b u = (b or "u is good") *)
+ let rec explore ((good, bad, b) as input) arcu =
+ if List.memq arcu good then
+ (good, bad, true) (* b or true *)
+ else if List.memq arcu bad then
+ input (* (good, bad, b or false) *)
+ else
+ let childs = reprgeq g arcu in
+ (* are any children of u good ? *)
+ let good, bad, b_childs =
+ List.fold_left explore (good, bad, false) childs
+ in
+ if b_childs then
+ arcu::good, bad, true (* b or true *)
+ else
+ good, arcu::bad, b (* b or false *)
+ in
+ let good,_,_ = explore ([arcv],[],false) (repr g u) in
+ good
+(* We assume compare(u,v) = GE with v canonical (see compare below).
+ In this case List.hd(between g u v) = repr u
+ Otherwise, between g u v = []
+ *)
+type order = EQ | GT | GE | NGE
+(* compare : universe -> universe -> order *)
+let compare g u v =
+ let arcu = repr g u
+ and arcv = repr g v in
+ if arcu==arcv then
+ EQ
+ else
+ let (gt,geq) = collect g arcu in
+ if List.memq arcv gt then
+ GT
+ else if List.memq arcv geq then
+ GE
+ else
+(* Invariants : compare(u,v) = EQ <=> compare(v,u) = EQ
+ compare(u,v) = GT or GE => compare(v,u) = NGE
+ compare(u,v) = NGE => compare(v,u) = NGE or GE or GT
+ Adding u>=v is consistent iff compare(v,u) # GT
+ and then it is redundant iff compare(u,v) # NGE
+ Adding u>v is consistent iff compare(v,u) = NGE
+ and then it is redundant iff compare(u,v) = GT *)
+(* setgt : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* forces u > v *)
+let setgt g u v =
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ enter_arc {arcu with} g
+(* checks that non-redondant *)
+let setgt_if g u v = match compare g u v with
+ | GT -> g
+ | _ -> setgt g u v
+(* setgeq : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* forces u >= v *)
+let setgeq g u v =
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ enter_arc {arcu with} g
+(* checks that non-redondant *)
+let setgeq_if g u v = match compare g u v with
+ | NGE -> setgeq g u v
+ | _ -> g
+(* merge : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* we assume compare(u,v) = GE *)
+(* merge u v forces u ~ v with repr u as canonical repr *)
+let merge g u v =
+ match between g u (repr g v) with
+ | arcu::v -> (* arcu is chosen as canonical and all others (v) are *)
+ (* redirected to it *)
+ let redirect (g,w,w') arcv =
+ let g' = enter_equiv_arc arcv.univ arcu.univ g in
+ (g',list_unionq w,')
+ in
+ let (g',w,w') = List.fold_left redirect (g,[],[]) v in
+ let g'' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgt_if g arcu.univ) g' w in
+ let g''' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgeq_if g arcu.univ) g'' w' in
+ g'''
+ | [] -> anomaly "Univ.between"
+(* merge_disc : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* we assume compare(u,v) = compare(v,u) = NGE *)
+(* merge_disc u v forces u ~ v with repr u as canonical repr *)
+let merge_disc g u v =
+ let arcu = repr g u in
+ let arcv = repr g v in
+ let g' = enter_equiv_arc arcv.univ arcu.univ g in
+ let g'' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgt_if g arcu.univ) g' in
+ let g''' = List.fold_left (fun g -> setgeq_if g arcu.univ) g'' in
+ g'''
+(* Universe inconsistency: error raised when trying to enforce a relation
+ that would create a cycle in the graph of universes. *)
+exception UniverseInconsistency
+let error_inconsistency () = raise UniverseInconsistency
+(* enforcegeq : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* enforcegeq u v will force u>=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
+let enforce_univ_geq u v g =
+ let g = declare_univ u g in
+ let g = declare_univ v g in
+ match compare g u v with
+ | NGE ->
+ (match compare g v u with
+ | GT -> error_inconsistency()
+ | GE -> merge g v u
+ | NGE -> setgeq g u v
+ | EQ -> anomaly "")
+ | _ -> g
+(* enforceq : universe -> universe -> unit *)
+(* enforceq u v will force u=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
+let enforce_univ_eq u v g =
+ let g = declare_univ u g in
+ let g = declare_univ v g in
+ match compare g u v with
+ | EQ -> g
+ | GT -> error_inconsistency()
+ | GE -> merge g u v
+ | NGE ->
+ (match compare g v u with
+ | GT -> error_inconsistency()
+ | GE -> merge g v u
+ | NGE -> merge_disc g u v
+ | EQ -> anomaly "")
+(* enforcegt u v will force u>v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
+let enforce_univ_gt u v g =
+ let g = declare_univ u g in
+ let g = declare_univ v g in
+ match compare g u v with
+ | GT -> g
+ | GE -> setgt g u v
+ | EQ -> error_inconsistency()
+ | NGE ->
+ (match compare g v u with
+ | NGE -> setgt g u v
+ | _ -> error_inconsistency())
+let enforce_univ_relation g = function
+ | Equiv (u,v) -> enforce_univ_eq u v g
+ | Canonical {univ=u; gt=gt; ge=ge} ->
+ let g' = List.fold_right (enforce_univ_gt u) gt g in
+ List.fold_right (enforce_univ_geq u) ge g'
+(* Merging 2 universe graphs *)
+let merge_universes sp u1 u2 =
+ UniverseMap.fold (fun _ a g -> enforce_univ_relation g a) u1 u2
+(* Constraints and sets of consrtaints. *)
+type constraint_type = Gt | Geq | Eq
+type univ_constraint = universe_level * constraint_type * universe_level
+let enforce_constraint cst g =
+ match cst with
+ | (u,Gt,v) -> enforce_univ_gt u v g
+ | (u,Geq,v) -> enforce_univ_geq u v g
+ | (u,Eq,v) -> enforce_univ_eq u v g
+module Constraint = Set.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = univ_constraint
+ let compare =
+ end)
+type constraints = Constraint.t
+type constraint_function =
+ universe -> universe -> constraints -> constraints
+let enforce_gt u v c = Constraint.add (u,Gt,v) c
+let enforce_geq u v c =
+ match u with
+ | Variable u -> (match v with
+ | Variable v -> Constraint.add (u,Geq,v) c
+ | Max (l1, l2) ->
+ let d = List.fold_right (fun v -> Constraint.add (u,Geq,v)) l1 c in
+ List.fold_right (fun v -> Constraint.add (u,Gt,v)) l2 d)
+ | Max _ -> anomaly "A universe bound can only be a variable"
+let enforce_eq u v c =
+ match (u,v) with
+ | Variable u, Variable v -> Constraint.add (u,Eq,v) c
+ | _ -> anomaly "A universe comparison can only happen between variables"
+let merge_constraints c g =
+ Constraint.fold enforce_constraint c g
+(* Pretty-printing *)
+let num_universes g =
+ UniverseMap.fold (fun _ _ -> succ) g 0
+let num_edges g =
+ let reln_len = function
+ | Equiv _ -> 1
+ | Canonical {gt=gt;ge=ge} -> List.length gt + List.length ge
+ in
+ UniverseMap.fold (fun _ a n -> n + (reln_len a)) g 0
+let pr_arc = function
+ | Canonical {univ=u; gt=[]; ge=[]} ->
+ mt ()
+ | Canonical {univ=u; gt=gt; ge=ge} ->
+ pr_uni_level u ++ str " " ++
+ v 0
+ (prlist_with_sep pr_spc (fun v -> str "> " ++ pr_uni_level v) gt ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_spc (fun v -> str ">= " ++ pr_uni_level v) ge) ++
+ fnl ()
+ | Equiv (u,v) ->
+ pr_uni_level u ++ str " = " ++ pr_uni_level v ++ fnl ()
+let pr_universes g =
+ let graph = UniverseMap.fold (fun k a l -> (k,a)::l) g [] in
+ prlist (function (_,a) -> pr_arc a) graph
+(* Dumping constrains to a file *)
+let dump_universes output g =
+ let dump_arc _ = function
+ | Canonical {univ=u; gt=gt; ge=ge} ->
+ let u_str = string_of_univ_level u in
+ List.iter
+ (fun v ->
+ Printf.fprintf output "%s > %s ;\n" u_str
+ (string_of_univ_level v))
+ gt;
+ List.iter
+ (fun v ->
+ Printf.fprintf output "%s >= %s ;\n" u_str
+ (string_of_univ_level v))
+ ge
+ | Equiv (u,v) ->
+ Printf.fprintf output "%s = %s ;\n"
+ (string_of_univ_level u) (string_of_univ_level v)
+ in
+ UniverseMap.iter dump_arc g
+module Huniv =
+ Hashcons.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = universe
+ type u = Names.dir_path -> Names.dir_path
+ let hash_aux hdir u = { u with u_mod=hdir u.u_mod }
+ let hash_sub hdir = function
+ | Variable u -> Variable (hash_aux hdir u)
+ | Max (gel,gtl) ->
+ Max ( (hash_aux hdir) gel, (hash_aux hdir) gtl)
+ let equal u v =
+ match u, v with
+ | Variable u, Variable v -> u == v
+ | Max (gel,gtl), Max (gel',gtl') ->
+ (List.for_all2 (==) gel gel') && (List.for_all2 (==) gtl gtl')
+ | _ -> false
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+let hcons1_univ u =
+ let _,hdir,_,_,_ = Names.hcons_names() in
+ Hashcons.simple_hcons Huniv.f hdir u