path: root/kernel/term.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/term.mli')
1 files changed, 86 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/term.mli b/kernel/term.mli
index 3b5a2bc1..0de83166 100644
--- a/kernel/term.mli
+++ b/kernel/term.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: term.mli 11309 2008-08-06 10:30:35Z herbelin $ i*)
+(*i $Id$ i*)
open Names
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ type metavariable = int
(*s Case annotation *)
type case_style = LetStyle | IfStyle | LetPatternStyle | MatchStyle | RegularStyle
type case_printing =
- { ind_nargs : int; (* number of real args of the inductive type *)
+ { ind_nargs : int; (* length of the arity of the inductive type *)
style : case_style }
(* the integer is the number of real args, needed for reduction *)
type case_info =
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ val eq_constr : constr -> constr -> bool
(* [types] is the same as [constr] but is intended to be used for
documentation to indicate that such or such function specifically works
- with {\em types} (i.e. terms of type a sort).
+ with {\em types} (i.e. terms of type a sort).
(Rem:plurial form since [type] is a reserved ML keyword) *)
type types = constr
(*s Functions for dealing with constr terms.
- The following functions are intended to simplify and to uniform the
+ The following functions are intended to simplify and to uniform the
manipulation of terms. Some of these functions may be overlapped with
previous ones. *)
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ val mkType : Univ.universe -> types
(* This defines the strategy to use for verifiying a Cast *)
-type cast_kind = VMcast | DEFAULTcast
+type cast_kind = VMcast | DEFAULTcast
-(* Constructs the term [t1::t2], i.e. the term $t_1$ casted with the
+(* Constructs the term [t1::t2], i.e. the term $t_1$ casted with the
type $t_2$ (that means t2 is declared as the type of t1). *)
val mkCast : constr * cast_kind * constr -> constr
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ val mkNamedLetIn : identifier -> constr -> types -> constr -> constr
$(f~t_1~\dots~t_n)$. *)
val mkApp : constr * constr array -> constr
-(* Constructs a constant *)
+(* Constructs a constant *)
(* The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *)
val mkConst : constant -> constr
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ val mkConst : constant -> constr
(* The array of terms correspond to the variables introduced in the section *)
val mkInd : inductive -> constr
-(* Constructs the jth constructor of the ith (co)inductive type of the
+(* Constructs the jth constructor of the ith (co)inductive type of the
block named kn. The array of terms correspond to the variables
introduced in the section *)
val mkConstruct : constructor -> constr
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ val mkFix : fixpoint -> constr
[typarray = [|t1,|]]
[bodies = [b1,]] \par\noindent
then [mkCoFix (i, (typsarray, funnames, bodies))]
- constructs the ith function of the block
+ constructs the ith function of the block
[CoFixpoint f1 = b1
with f2 = b2
@@ -208,11 +208,12 @@ type ('constr, 'types) kind_of_term =
term *)
val kind_of_term : constr -> (constr, types) kind_of_term
+val kind_of_term2 : constr -> ((constr,types) kind_of_term,constr) kind_of_term
(* Experimental *)
type ('constr, 'types) kind_of_type =
| SortType of sorts
- | CastType of 'types * 'types
+ | CastType of 'types * 'types
| ProdType of name * 'types * 'types
| LetInType of name * 'constr * 'types * 'types
| AtomicType of 'constr * 'constr array
@@ -226,6 +227,7 @@ val isVar : constr -> bool
val isInd : constr -> bool
val isEvar : constr -> bool
val isMeta : constr -> bool
+val isEvar_or_Meta : constr -> bool
val isSort : constr -> bool
val isCast : constr -> bool
val isApp : constr -> bool
@@ -245,7 +247,7 @@ val is_Type : constr -> bool
val iskind : constr -> bool
val is_small : sorts -> bool
-(*s Term destructors.
+(*s Term destructors.
Destructor operations are partial functions and
raise [invalid_arg "dest*"] if the term has not the expected form. *)
@@ -258,7 +260,7 @@ val destMeta : constr -> metavariable
(* Destructs a variable *)
val destVar : constr -> identifier
-(* Destructs a sort. [is_Prop] recognizes the sort \textsf{Prop}, whether
+(* Destructs a sort. [is_Prop] recognizes the sort \textsf{Prop}, whether
[isprop] recognizes both \textsf{Prop} and \textsf{Set}. *)
val destSort : constr -> sorts
@@ -298,7 +300,7 @@ val destConstruct : constr -> constructor
(* Destructs a term <p>Case c of lc1 | lc2 .. | lcn end *)
val destCase : constr -> case_info * constr * constr * constr array
-(* Destructs the $i$th function of the block
+(* Destructs the $i$th function of the block
$\mathit{Fixpoint} ~ f_1 ~ [ctx_1] = b_1
\mathit{with} ~ f_2 ~ [ctx_2] = b_2
@@ -330,6 +332,18 @@ val fold_named_declaration :
val fold_rel_declaration :
(constr -> 'a -> 'a) -> rel_declaration -> 'a -> 'a
+(*s Contexts of declarations referred to by de Bruijn indices *)
+(* In [rel_context], more recent declaration is on top *)
+type rel_context = rel_declaration list
+val empty_rel_context : rel_context
+val add_rel_decl : rel_declaration -> rel_context -> rel_context
+val lookup_rel : int -> rel_context -> rel_declaration
+val rel_context_length : rel_context -> int
+val rel_context_nhyps : rel_context -> int
(* Constructs either [(x:t)c] or [[x=b:t]c] *)
val mkProd_or_LetIn : rel_declaration -> types -> types
val mkNamedProd_or_LetIn : named_declaration -> types -> types
@@ -352,7 +366,7 @@ val applistc : constr -> constr list -> constr
val appvect : constr * constr array -> constr
val appvectc : constr -> constr array -> constr
-(* [prodn n l b] = $(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)b$
+(* [prodn n l b] = $(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)b$
where $l = [(x_n,T_n);\dots;(x_1,T_1);Gamma]$ *)
val prodn : int -> (name * constr) list -> constr -> constr
@@ -367,15 +381,15 @@ val lamn : int -> (name * constr) list -> constr -> constr
(* [compose_lam l b] = $[x_1:T_1]..[x_n:T_n]b$
where $l = [(x_n,T_n);\dots;(x_1,T_1)]$.
- Inverse of [decompose_lam] *)
+ Inverse of [it_destLam] *)
val compose_lam : (name * constr) list -> constr -> constr
-(* [to_lambda n l]
+(* [to_lambda n l]
= $[x_1:T_1]...[x_n:T_n]T$
where $l = (x_1:T_1)...(x_n:T_n)T$ *)
val to_lambda : int -> constr -> constr
-(* [to_prod n l]
+(* [to_prod n l]
= $(x_1:T_1)...(x_n:T_n)T$
where $l = [x_1:T_1]...[x_n:T_n]T$ *)
val to_prod : int -> constr -> constr
@@ -386,6 +400,9 @@ val to_prod : int -> constr -> constr
val prod_appvect : constr -> constr array -> constr
val prod_applist : constr -> constr list -> constr
+val it_mkLambda_or_LetIn : constr -> rel_context -> constr
+val it_mkProd_or_LetIn : types -> rel_context -> types
(*s Other term destructors. *)
(* Transforms a product term $(x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)T$ into the pair
@@ -397,22 +414,53 @@ val decompose_prod : constr -> (name*constr) list * constr
$([(x_n,T_n);...;(x_1,T_1)],T)$, where $T$ is not a lambda. *)
val decompose_lam : constr -> (name*constr) list * constr
-(* Given a positive integer n, transforms a product term
+(* Given a positive integer n, transforms a product term
into the pair $([(xn,Tn);...;(x1,T1)],T)$. *)
val decompose_prod_n : int -> constr -> (name * constr) list * constr
-(* Given a positive integer $n$, transforms a lambda term
+(* Given a positive integer $n$, transforms a lambda term
$[x_1:T_1]..[x_n:T_n]T$ into the pair $([(x_n,T_n);...;(x_1,T_1)],T)$ *)
val decompose_lam_n : int -> constr -> (name * constr) list * constr
+(* Extract the premisses and the conclusion of a term of the form
+ "(xi:Ti) ... (xj:=cj:Tj) ..., T" where T is not a product nor a let *)
+val decompose_prod_assum : types -> rel_context * types
+(* Idem with lambda's *)
+val decompose_lam_assum : constr -> rel_context * constr
+(* Idem but extract the first [n] premisses *)
+val decompose_prod_n_assum : int -> types -> rel_context * types
+val decompose_lam_n_assum : int -> constr -> rel_context * constr
(* [nb_lam] $[x_1:T_1]...[x_n:T_n]c$ where $c$ is not an abstraction
gives $n$ (casts are ignored) *)
val nb_lam : constr -> int
-(* similar to [nb_lam], but gives the number of products instead *)
+(* Similar to [nb_lam], but gives the number of products instead *)
val nb_prod : constr -> int
+(* Returns the premisses/parameters of a type/term (let-in included) *)
+val prod_assum : types -> rel_context
+val lam_assum : constr -> rel_context
+(* Returns the first n-th premisses/parameters of a type/term (let included)*)
+val prod_n_assum : int -> types -> rel_context
+val lam_n_assum : int -> constr -> rel_context
+(* Remove the premisses/parameters of a type/term *)
+val strip_prod : types -> types
+val strip_lam : constr -> constr
+(* Remove the first n-th premisses/parameters of a type/term *)
+val strip_prod_n : int -> types -> types
+val strip_lam_n : int -> constr -> constr
+(* Remove the premisses/parameters of a type/term (including let-in) *)
+val strip_prod_assum : types -> types
+val strip_lam_assum : constr -> constr
(* flattens application lists *)
val collapse_appl : constr -> constr
@@ -427,6 +475,21 @@ val under_casts : (constr -> constr) -> constr -> constr
(* Apply a function under components of Cast if any *)
val under_outer_cast : (constr -> constr) -> constr -> constr
+(*s An "arity" is a term of the form [[x1:T1]...[xn:Tn]s] with [s] a sort.
+ Such a term can canonically be seen as the pair of a context of types
+ and of a sort *)
+type arity = rel_context * sorts
+(* Build an "arity" from its canonical form *)
+val mkArity : arity -> types
+(* Destructs an "arity" into its canonical form *)
+val destArity : types -> arity
+(* Tells if a term has the form of an arity *)
+val isArity : types -> bool
(*s Occur checks *)
(* [closedn n M] is true iff [M] is a (deBruijn) closed term under n binders *)
@@ -532,11 +595,11 @@ val compare_constr : (constr -> constr -> bool) -> constr -> constr -> bool
val hcons_constr:
(constant -> constant) *
- (kernel_name -> kernel_name) *
+ (mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive) *
(dir_path -> dir_path) *
(name -> name) *
(identifier -> identifier) *
- (string -> string)
+ (string -> string)
(constr -> constr) *
(types -> types)