path: root/kernel/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index d762a246..e0a07dcc 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ open Declarations
These fields could be deduced from [revstruct], but they allow faster
name freshness checks.
- [univ] and [future_cst] : current and future universe constraints
- - [engagement] : are we Set-impredicative?
- - [type_in_type] : does the universe hierarchy collapse?
+ - [engagement] : are we Set-impredicative? does the universe hierarchy collapse?
- [required] : names and digests of Require'd libraries since big-bang.
This field will only grow
- [loads] : list of libraries Require'd inside the current module.
@@ -119,13 +118,13 @@ type safe_environment =
revstruct : structure_body;
modlabels : Label.Set.t;
objlabels : Label.Set.t;
- univ : Univ.constraints;
- future_cst : Univ.constraints Future.computation list;
+ univ : Univ.ContextSet.t;
+ future_cst : Univ.ContextSet.t Future.computation list;
engagement : engagement option;
- type_in_type : bool;
required : vodigest DPMap.t;
loads : (module_path * module_body) list;
- local_retroknowledge : Retroknowledge.action list }
+ local_retroknowledge : Retroknowledge.action list;
+ native_symbols : Nativecode.symbols DPMap.t }
and modvariant =
@@ -149,12 +148,12 @@ let empty_environment =
modlabels = Label.Set.empty;
objlabels = Label.Set.empty;
future_cst = [];
- univ = Univ.Constraint.empty;
+ univ = Univ.ContextSet.empty;
engagement = None;
- type_in_type = false;
required = DPMap.empty;
loads = [];
- local_retroknowledge = [] }
+ local_retroknowledge = [];
+ native_symbols = DPMap.empty }
let is_initial senv =
match senv.revstruct, senv.modvariant with
@@ -182,16 +181,20 @@ let set_engagement c senv =
(** Check that the engagement [c] expected by a library matches
the current (initial) one *)
-let check_engagement env c =
- match Environ.engagement env, c with
- | None, Some ImpredicativeSet ->
- Errors.error "Needs option -impredicative-set."
- | _ -> ()
-let set_type_in_type senv =
- { senv with
- env = Environ.set_type_in_type senv.env;
- type_in_type = true }
+let check_engagement env (expected_impredicative_set,expected_type_in_type) =
+ let impredicative_set,type_in_type = Environ.engagement env in
+ begin
+ match impredicative_set, expected_impredicative_set with
+ | PredicativeSet, ImpredicativeSet ->
+ Errors.error "Needs option -impredicative-set."
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ begin
+ match type_in_type, expected_type_in_type with
+ | StratifiedType, TypeInType ->
+ Errors.error "Needs option -type-in-type."
+ | _ -> ()
+ end
(** {6 Stm machinery } *)
@@ -204,36 +207,79 @@ let get_opaque_body env cbo =
(Opaqueproof.force_proof (Environ.opaque_tables env) opaque,
Opaqueproof.force_constraints (Environ.opaque_tables env) opaque)
-let sideff_of_con env c =
+type private_constant = Entries.side_effect
+type private_constants = private_constant list
+type private_constant_role = Term_typing.side_effect_role =
+ | Subproof
+ | Schema of inductive * string
+let empty_private_constants = []
+let add_private x xs = x :: xs
+let concat_private xs ys = xs @ ys
+let mk_pure_proof = Term_typing.mk_pure_proof
+let inline_private_constants_in_constr = Term_typing.inline_side_effects
+let inline_private_constants_in_definition_entry = Term_typing.inline_entry_side_effects
+let side_effects_of_private_constants x = Term_typing.uniq_seff (List.rev x)
+let constant_entry_of_private_constant = function
+ | { Entries.eff = Entries.SEsubproof (kn, cb, eff_env) } ->
+ [ kn, Term_typing.constant_entry_of_side_effect cb eff_env ]
+ | { Entries.eff = Entries.SEscheme (l,_) } ->
+ (fun (_,kn,cb,eff_env) ->
+ kn, Term_typing.constant_entry_of_side_effect cb eff_env) l
+let private_con_of_con env c =
let cbo = Environ.lookup_constant c env.env in
- SEsubproof (c, cbo, get_opaque_body env.env cbo)
-let sideff_of_scheme kind env cl =
- SEscheme(
- (fun (i,c) ->
- let cbo = Environ.lookup_constant c env.env in
- i, c, cbo, get_opaque_body env.env cbo) cl,
- kind)
+ { Entries.from_env = Ephemeron.create env.revstruct;
+ Entries.eff = Entries.SEsubproof (c,cbo,get_opaque_body env.env cbo) }
+let private_con_of_scheme ~kind env cl =
+ { Entries.from_env = Ephemeron.create env.revstruct;
+ Entries.eff = Entries.SEscheme(
+ (fun (i,c) ->
+ let cbo = Environ.lookup_constant c env.env in
+ i, c, cbo, get_opaque_body env.env cbo) cl,
+ kind) }
+let universes_of_private eff =
+ let open Declarations in
+ List.fold_left (fun acc { Entries.eff } ->
+ match eff with
+ | Entries.SEscheme (l,s) ->
+ List.fold_left (fun acc (_,_,cb,c) ->
+ let acc = match c with
+ | `Nothing -> acc
+ | `Opaque (_, ctx) -> ctx :: acc in
+ if cb.const_polymorphic then acc
+ else (Univ.ContextSet.of_context cb.const_universes) :: acc)
+ acc l
+ | Entries.SEsubproof (c, cb, e) ->
+ if cb.const_polymorphic then acc
+ else Univ.ContextSet.of_context cb.const_universes :: acc)
+ [] eff
let env_of_safe_env senv = senv.env
let env_of_senv = env_of_safe_env
type constraints_addition =
- Now of Univ.constraints | Later of Univ.constraints Future.computation
+ | Now of bool * Univ.ContextSet.t
+ | Later of Univ.ContextSet.t Future.computation
let add_constraints cst senv =
match cst with
| Later fc ->
{senv with future_cst = fc :: senv.future_cst}
- | Now cst ->
+ | Now (poly,cst) ->
{ senv with
- env = Environ.add_constraints cst senv.env;
- univ = Univ.Constraint.union cst senv.univ }
+ env = Environ.push_context_set ~strict:(not poly) cst senv.env;
+ univ = Univ.ContextSet.union cst senv.univ }
let add_constraints_list cst senv =
- List.fold_right add_constraints cst senv
+ List.fold_left (fun acc c -> add_constraints c acc) senv cst
-let push_context_set ctx = add_constraints (Now (Univ.ContextSet.constraints ctx))
-let push_context ctx = add_constraints (Now (Univ.UContext.constraints ctx))
+let push_context_set poly ctx = add_constraints (Now (poly,ctx))
+let push_context poly ctx = add_constraints (Now (poly,Univ.ContextSet.of_context ctx))
let is_curmod_library senv =
match senv.modvariant with LIBRARY -> true | _ -> false
@@ -243,9 +289,11 @@ let join_safe_environment ?(except=Future.UUIDSet.empty) e =
(fun e fc ->
if Future.UUIDSet.mem (Future.uuid fc) except then e
- else add_constraints (Now (Future.join fc)) e)
+ else add_constraints (Now (false, Future.join fc)) e)
{e with future_cst = []} e.future_cst
+let is_joined_environment e = List.is_empty e.future_cst
(** {6 Various checks } *)
let exists_modlabel l senv = Label.Set.mem l senv.modlabels
@@ -331,21 +379,22 @@ let safe_push_named (id,_,_ as d) env =
let push_named_def (id,de) senv =
- let c,typ,univs = Term_typing.translate_local_def senv.env id de in
- let senv' = push_context univs senv in
- let c, senv' = match c with
- | Def c -> Mod_subst.force_constr c, senv'
+ let c,typ,univs = Term_typing.translate_local_def senv.revstruct senv.env id de in
+ let poly = de.Entries.const_entry_polymorphic in
+ let univs = Univ.ContextSet.of_context univs in
+ let c, univs = match c with
+ | Def c -> Mod_subst.force_constr c, univs
| OpaqueDef o ->
- Opaqueproof.force_proof (Environ.opaque_tables senv'.env) o,
- push_context_set
- (Opaqueproof.force_constraints (Environ.opaque_tables senv'.env) o)
- senv'
+ Opaqueproof.force_proof (Environ.opaque_tables senv.env) o,
+ Univ.ContextSet.union univs
+ (Opaqueproof.force_constraints (Environ.opaque_tables senv.env) o)
| _ -> assert false in
+ let senv' = push_context_set poly univs senv in
let env'' = safe_push_named (id,Some c,typ) senv'.env in
- {senv' with env=env''}
+ univs, {senv' with env=env''}
-let push_named_assum ((id,t),ctx) senv =
- let senv' = push_context_set ctx senv in
+let push_named_assum ((id,t,poly),ctx) senv =
+ let senv' = push_context_set poly ctx senv in
let t = Term_typing.translate_local_assum senv'.env t in
let env'' = safe_push_named (id,None,t) senv'.env in
{senv' with env=env''}
@@ -368,10 +417,10 @@ let labels_of_mib mib =
let globalize_constant_universes env cb =
if cb.const_polymorphic then
- [Now Univ.Constraint.empty]
+ [Now (true, Univ.ContextSet.empty)]
- let cstrs = Univ.UContext.constraints cb.const_universes in
- Now cstrs ::
+ let cstrs = Univ.ContextSet.of_context cb.const_universes in
+ Now (false, cstrs) ::
(match cb.const_body with
| (Undef _ | Def _) -> []
| OpaqueDef lc ->
@@ -379,23 +428,21 @@ let globalize_constant_universes env cb =
| None -> []
| Some fc ->
match Future.peek_val fc with
- | None -> [Later (Future.chain
- ~greedy:(not (Future.is_exn fc))
- ~pure:true fc Univ.ContextSet.constraints)]
- | Some c -> [Now (Univ.ContextSet.constraints c)])
+ | None -> [Later fc]
+ | Some c -> [Now (false, c)])
let globalize_mind_universes mb =
if mb.mind_polymorphic then
- [Now Univ.Constraint.empty]
+ [Now (true, Univ.ContextSet.empty)]
- [Now (Univ.UContext.constraints mb.mind_universes)]
+ [Now (false, Univ.ContextSet.of_context mb.mind_universes)]
let constraints_of_sfb env sfb =
match sfb with
| SFBconst cb -> globalize_constant_universes env cb
| SFBmind mib -> globalize_mind_universes mib
- | SFBmodtype mtb -> [Now mtb.mod_constraints]
- | SFBmodule mb -> [Now mb.mod_constraints]
+ | SFBmodtype mtb -> [Now (false, mtb.mod_constraints)]
+ | SFBmodule mb -> [Now (false, mb.mod_constraints)]
(** A generic function for adding a new field in a same environment.
It also performs the corresponding [add_constraints]. *)
@@ -437,19 +484,16 @@ let update_resolver f senv = { senv with modresolver = f senv.modresolver }
(** Insertion of constants and parameters in environment *)
type global_declaration =
- | ConstantEntry of Entries.constant_entry
+ | ConstantEntry of bool * private_constants Entries.constant_entry
| GlobalRecipe of Cooking.recipe
-let add_constant dir l decl senv =
- let kn = make_con senv.modpath dir l in
- let cb = match decl with
- | ConstantEntry ce -> Term_typing.translate_constant senv.env kn ce
- | GlobalRecipe r ->
- let cb = Term_typing.translate_recipe senv.env kn r in
- if DirPath.is_empty dir then Declareops.hcons_const_body cb else cb
- in
+type exported_private_constant =
+ constant * private_constants Entries.constant_entry * private_constant_role
+let add_constant_aux no_section senv (kn, cb) =
+ let l = pi3 (Constant.repr3 kn) in
let cb, otab = match cb.const_body with
- | OpaqueDef lc when DirPath.is_empty dir ->
+ | OpaqueDef lc when no_section ->
(* In coqc, opaque constants outside sections will be stored
indirectly in a specific table *)
let od, otab =
@@ -466,7 +510,32 @@ let add_constant dir l decl senv =
(Mod_subst.add_inline_delta_resolver (user_con kn) (lev,None)) senv'
| _ -> senv'
- kn, senv''
+ senv''
+let add_constant dir l decl senv =
+ let kn = make_con senv.modpath dir l in
+ let no_section = DirPath.is_empty dir in
+ let seff_to_export, decl =
+ match decl with
+ | ConstantEntry (true, ce) ->
+ let exports, ce =
+ Term_typing.export_side_effects senv.revstruct senv.env ce in
+ exports, ConstantEntry (false, ce)
+ | _ -> [], decl
+ in
+ let senv =
+ List.fold_left (add_constant_aux no_section) senv
+ ( (fun (kn,cb,_,_) -> kn, cb) seff_to_export) in
+ let senv =
+ let cb =
+ match decl with
+ | ConstantEntry (export_seff,ce) ->
+ Term_typing.translate_constant senv.revstruct senv.env kn ce
+ | GlobalRecipe r ->
+ let cb = Term_typing.translate_recipe senv.env kn r in
+ if no_section then Declareops.hcons_const_body cb else cb in
+ add_constant_aux no_section senv (kn, cb) in
+ (kn, (fun (kn,_,ce,r) -> kn, ce, r) seff_to_export), senv
(** Insertion of inductive types *)
@@ -498,13 +567,13 @@ let add_modtype l params_mte inl senv =
(** full_add_module adds module with universes and constraints *)
let full_add_module mb senv =
- let senv = add_constraints (Now mb.mod_constraints) senv in
+ let senv = add_constraints (Now (false, mb.mod_constraints)) senv in
let dp = ModPath.dp mb.mod_mp in
let linkinfo = Nativecode.link_info_of_dirpath dp in
{ senv with env = Modops.add_linked_module mb linkinfo senv.env }
let full_add_module_type mp mt senv =
- let senv = add_constraints (Now mt.mod_constraints) senv in
+ let senv = add_constraints (Now (false, mt.mod_constraints)) senv in
{ senv with env = Modops.add_module_type mp mt senv.env }
(** Insertion of modules *)
@@ -612,8 +681,8 @@ let propagate_senv newdef newenv newresolver senv oldsenv =
modlabels = Label.Set.add (fst newdef) oldsenv.modlabels;
univ =
List.fold_left (fun acc cst ->
- Univ.Constraint.union acc (Future.force cst))
- (Univ.Constraint.union senv.univ oldsenv.univ)
+ Univ.ContextSet.union acc (Future.force cst))
+ (Univ.ContextSet.union senv.univ oldsenv.univ)
future_cst = later_cst @ oldsenv.future_cst;
(* engagement is propagated to the upper level *)
@@ -621,7 +690,8 @@ let propagate_senv newdef newenv newresolver senv oldsenv =
required = senv.required;
loads = senv.loads@oldsenv.loads;
local_retroknowledge =
- senv.local_retroknowledge@oldsenv.local_retroknowledge }
+ senv.local_retroknowledge@oldsenv.local_retroknowledge;
+ native_symbols = senv.native_symbols}
let end_module l restype senv =
let mp = senv.modpath in
@@ -635,8 +705,8 @@ let end_module l restype senv =
let senv'=
propagate_loads { senv with
env = newenv;
- univ = Univ.Constraint.union senv.univ mb.mod_constraints} in
- let newenv = Environ.add_constraints mb.mod_constraints senv'.env in
+ univ = Univ.ContextSet.union senv.univ mb.mod_constraints} in
+ let newenv = Environ.push_context_set ~strict:true mb.mod_constraints senv'.env in
let newenv = Modops.add_module mb newenv in
let newresolver =
if Modops.is_functor mb.mod_type then oldsenv.modresolver
@@ -661,7 +731,7 @@ let end_modtype l senv =
let () = check_empty_context senv in
let mbids = List.rev_map fst params in
let newenv = Environ.set_opaque_tables oldsenv.env (Environ.opaque_tables senv.env) in
- let newenv = Environ.add_constraints senv.univ newenv in
+ let newenv = Environ.push_context_set ~strict:true senv.univ newenv in
let newenv = set_engagement_opt newenv senv.engagement in
let senv' = propagate_loads {senv with env=newenv} in
let auto_tb = functorize params (NoFunctor (List.rev senv.revstruct)) in
@@ -676,38 +746,32 @@ let end_modtype l senv =
let add_include me is_module inl senv =
let open Mod_typing in
let mp_sup = senv.modpath in
- let sign,cst,resolver =
- if is_module then
- let sign,_,reso,cst = translate_mse_incl senv.env mp_sup inl me in
- sign,cst,reso
- else
- let mtb = translate_modtype senv.env mp_sup inl ([],me) in
- mtb.mod_type,mtb.mod_constraints,mtb.mod_delta
+ let sign,_,resolver,cst =
+ translate_mse_incl is_module senv.env mp_sup inl me
- let senv = add_constraints (Now cst) senv in
+ let senv = add_constraints (Now (false, cst)) senv in
(* Include Self support *)
let rec compute_sign sign mb resolver senv =
match sign with
| MoreFunctor(mbid,mtb,str) ->
let cst_sub = Subtyping.check_subtypes senv.env mb mtb in
- let senv = add_constraints (Now cst_sub) senv in
+ let senv =
+ add_constraints
+ (Now (false, Univ.ContextSet.add_constraints cst_sub Univ.ContextSet.empty))
+ senv in
let mpsup_delta =
Modops.inline_delta_resolver senv.env inl mp_sup mbid mtb mb.mod_delta
let subst = Mod_subst.map_mbid mbid mp_sup mpsup_delta in
let resolver = Mod_subst.subst_codom_delta_resolver subst resolver in
compute_sign (Modops.subst_signature subst str) mb resolver senv
- | str -> resolver,str,senv
+ | NoFunctor str -> resolver,str,senv
- let resolver,sign,senv =
+ let resolver,str,senv =
let struc = NoFunctor (List.rev senv.revstruct) in
- let mtb = build_mtb mp_sup struc Univ.Constraint.empty senv.modresolver in
+ let mtb = build_mtb mp_sup struc Univ.ContextSet.empty senv.modresolver in
compute_sign sign mtb resolver senv
- let str = match sign with
- | NoFunctor struc -> struc
- | MoreFunctor _ -> Modops.error_higher_order_include ()
- in
let senv = update_resolver (Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver resolver) senv
let add senv ((l,elem) as field) =
@@ -729,12 +793,15 @@ type compiled_library = {
comp_name : DirPath.t;
comp_mod : module_body;
comp_deps : library_info array;
- comp_enga : engagement option;
- comp_natsymbs : Nativecode.symbol array
+ comp_enga : engagement;
+ comp_natsymbs : Nativecode.symbols
type native_library = list
+let get_library_native_symbols senv dir =
+ DPMap.find dir senv.native_symbols
(** FIXME: MS: remove?*)
let current_modpath senv = senv.modpath
let current_dirpath senv = Names.ModPath.dp (current_modpath senv)
@@ -771,17 +838,17 @@ let export ?except senv dir =
mod_retroknowledge = senv.local_retroknowledge
- let ast, values =
- if !Flags.no_native_compiler then [], [||]
- else
+ let ast, symbols =
+ if !Flags.native_compiler then
Nativelibrary.dump_library mp dir senv.env str
+ else [], Nativecode.empty_symbols
let lib = {
comp_name = dir;
comp_mod = mb;
comp_deps = Array.of_list (DPMap.bindings senv.required);
comp_enga = Environ.engagement senv.env;
- comp_natsymbs = values }
+ comp_natsymbs = symbols }
mp, lib, ast
@@ -792,9 +859,11 @@ let import lib cst vodigest senv =
check_engagement senv.env lib.comp_enga;
let mp = MPfile lib.comp_name in
let mb = lib.comp_mod in
- let env = Environ.add_constraints mb.mod_constraints senv.env in
- let env = Environ.push_context_set cst env in
- (mp, lib.comp_natsymbs),
+ let env = Environ.push_context_set ~strict:true
+ (Univ.ContextSet.union mb.mod_constraints cst)
+ senv.env
+ in
+ mp,
{ senv with
env =
(let linkinfo =
@@ -803,7 +872,8 @@ let import lib cst vodigest senv =
Modops.add_linked_module mb linkinfo env);
modresolver = Mod_subst.add_delta_resolver mb.mod_delta senv.modresolver;
required = DPMap.add lib.comp_name vodigest senv.required;
- loads = (mp,mb)::senv.loads }
+ loads = (mp,mb)::senv.loads;
+ native_symbols = DPMap.add lib.comp_name lib.comp_natsymbs senv.native_symbols }
(** {6 Safe typing } *)
@@ -845,7 +915,9 @@ let register_inline kn senv =
let env = { env with env_globals = new_globals } in
{ senv with env = env_of_pre_env env }
-let add_constraints c = add_constraints (Now c)
+let add_constraints c =
+ add_constraints
+ (Now (false, Univ.ContextSet.add_constraints c Univ.ContextSet.empty))
(* NB: The next old comment probably refers to [propagate_loads] above.