path: root/kernel/
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1 files changed, 71 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 84845af5..3d041c6c 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 7639 2005-12-02 10:01:15Z gregoire $ i*)
open Util
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ open Term
open Declarations
open Environ
open Entries
+open Mod_subst
let error_existing_label l =
@@ -66,6 +67,11 @@ let error_not_a_constant l =
let error_with_incorrect l =
error ("Incorrect constraint for label \""^(string_of_label l)^"\"")
+let error_a_generative_module_expected l =
+ error ("The module " ^ string_of_label l ^ " is not generative. Only " ^
+ "component of generative modules can be changed using the \"with\" " ^
+ "construct.")
let error_local_context lo =
match lo with
None ->
@@ -123,6 +129,9 @@ let rec check_modpath_equiv env mp1 mp2 =
let rec subst_modtype sub = function
+ (* This is the case in which I am substituting a whole module.
+ For instance "Module M(X). Module N := X. End M". When I apply
+ M to M' I must substitute M' for X in "Module N := X". *)
| MTBident ln -> MTBident (subst_kn sub ln)
| MTBfunsig (arg_id, arg_b, body_b) ->
if occur_mbid arg_id sub then failwith "capture";
@@ -148,23 +157,77 @@ and subst_signature sub sign =
and subst_module sub mb =
let mtb' = subst_modtype sub mb.msb_modtype in
+ (* This is similar to the previous case. In this case we have
+ a module M in a signature that is knows to be equivalent to a module M'
+ (because the signature is "K with Module M := M'") and we are substituting
+ M' with some M''. *)
let mpo' = option_smartmap (subst_mp sub) mb.msb_equiv in
if mtb'==mb.msb_modtype && mpo'==mb.msb_equiv then mb else
{ msb_modtype=mtb';
let subst_signature_msid msid mp =
subst_signature (map_msid msid mp)
+let rec constants_of_specification env mp sign =
+ let aux res (l,elem) =
+ match elem with
+ | SPBconst cb -> ((make_con mp empty_dirpath l),cb)::res
+ | SPBmind _ -> res
+ | SPBmodule mb ->
+ (constants_of_modtype env (MPdot (mp,l))
+ (module_body_of_spec mb).mod_type) @ res
+ | SPBmodtype mtb -> res (* ???? *)
+ in
+ List.fold_left aux [] sign
+and constants_of_modtype env mp modtype =
+ match scrape_modtype env modtype with
+ MTBident _ -> anomaly "scrape_modtype does not work!"
+ | MTBsig (msid,sign) ->
+ constants_of_specification env mp
+ (subst_signature_msid msid mp sign)
+ | MTBfunsig _ -> []
+(* returns a resolver for kn that maps mbid to mp and then delta-expands
+ the obtained constants according to env *)
+let resolver_of_environment mbid modtype mp env =
+ let constants = constants_of_modtype env (MPbound mbid) modtype in
+ let resolve =
+ (fun (con,expecteddef) ->
+ let con' = replace_mp_in_con (MPbound mbid) mp con in
+ let constr =
+ try
+ if expecteddef.Declarations.const_body <> None then
+ (* Do not expand constants that already have a body in the
+ expected type (i.e. only parameters/axioms in the module type
+ are expanded). In the few examples we have this seems to
+ be the more reasonable behaviour for the user. *)
+ None
+ else
+ let constant = lookup_constant con' env in
+ if constant.Declarations.const_opaque then
+ None
+ else
+ option_app Declarations.force
+ constant.Declarations.const_body
+ with Not_found -> error_no_such_label (con_label con')
+ in
+ con,constr
+ ) constants
+ in
+ Mod_subst.make_resolver resolve
(* we assume that the substitution of "mp" into "msid" is already done
(or unnecessary) *)
let rec add_signature mp sign env =
let add_one env (l,elem) =
let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
+ let con = make_con mp empty_dirpath l in
match elem with
- | SPBconst cb -> Environ.add_constant kn cb env
+ | SPBconst cb -> Environ.add_constant con cb env
| SPBmind mib -> Environ.add_mind kn mib env
| SPBmodule mb ->
add_module (MPdot (mp,l)) (module_body_of_spec mb) env
@@ -180,7 +243,6 @@ and add_module mp mb env =
| MTBident _ -> anomaly "scrape_modtype does not work!"
| MTBsig (msid,sign) ->
add_signature mp (subst_signature_msid msid mp sign) env
| MTBfunsig _ -> env
@@ -189,11 +251,13 @@ let strengthen_const env mp l cb =
| false, Some _ -> cb
| true, Some _
| _, None ->
- let const = mkConst (make_kn mp empty_dirpath l) in
+ let const = mkConst (make_con mp empty_dirpath l) in
let const_subs = Some (Declarations.from_val const) in
{cb with
const_body = const_subs;
- const_opaque = false
+ const_opaque = false;
+ const_body_code = Cemitcodes.from_val
+ (compile_constant_body env const_subs false false)
let strengthen_mind env mp l mib = match mib.mind_equiv with
@@ -243,3 +307,4 @@ and strengthen_sig env msid sign mp = match sign with
let strengthen env mtb mp = strengthen_mtb env mp mtb