path: root/kernel/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e8c7001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:26 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Univ
+open Declarations
+open Entries
+open Environ
+open Term_typing
+open Modops
+open Subtyping
+exception Not_path
+let path_of_mexpr = function
+ | MEident mb -> mb
+ | _ -> raise Not_path
+let rec replace_first p k = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | h::t when p h -> k::t
+ | h::t -> h::(replace_first p k t)
+let rec list_split_assoc k rev_before = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (k',b)::after when k=k' -> rev_before,b,after
+ | h::tail -> list_split_assoc k (h::rev_before) tail
+let rec list_fold_map2 f e = function
+ | [] -> (e,[],[])
+ | h::t ->
+ let e',h1',h2' = f e h in
+ let e'',t1',t2' = list_fold_map2 f e' t in
+ e'',h1'::t1',h2'::t2'
+let type_modpath env mp =
+ strengthen env (lookup_module mp env).mod_type mp
+let rec translate_modtype env mte =
+ match mte with
+ | MTEident ln -> MTBident ln
+ | MTEfunsig (arg_id,arg_e,body_e) ->
+ let arg_b = translate_modtype env arg_e in
+ let env' =
+ add_module (MPbound arg_id) (module_body_of_type arg_b) env in
+ let body_b = translate_modtype env' body_e in
+ MTBfunsig (arg_id,arg_b,body_b)
+ | MTEsig (msid,sig_e) ->
+ let str_b,sig_b = translate_entry_list env msid false sig_e in
+ MTBsig (msid,sig_b)
+ | MTEwith (mte, with_decl) ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in
+ merge_with env mtb with_decl
+and merge_with env mtb with_decl =
+ let msid,sig_b = match (Modops.scrape_modtype env mtb) with
+ | MTBsig(msid,sig_b) -> msid,sig_b
+ | _ -> error_signature_expected mtb
+ in
+ let id = match with_decl with
+ | With_Definition (id,_) | With_Module (id,_) -> id
+ in
+ let l = label_of_id id in
+ try
+ let rev_before,spec,after = list_split_assoc l [] sig_b in
+ let before = List.rev rev_before in
+ let env' = Modops.add_signature (MPself msid) before env in
+ let new_spec = match with_decl with
+ | With_Definition (id,c) ->
+ let cb = match spec with
+ SPBconst cb -> cb
+ | _ -> error_not_a_constant l
+ in
+ begin
+ match cb.const_body with
+ | None ->
+ let (j,cst1) = Typeops.infer env' c in
+ let cst2 =
+ Reduction.conv_leq env' j.uj_type cb.const_type in
+ let cst =
+ Constraint.union
+ (Constraint.union cb.const_constraints cst1)
+ cst2
+ in
+ SPBconst {cb with
+ const_body =
+ Some (Declarations.from_val j.uj_val);
+ const_constraints = cst}
+ | Some b ->
+ let cst1 = Reduction.conv env' c (Declarations.force b) in
+ let cst = Constraint.union cb.const_constraints cst1 in
+ SPBconst {cb with
+ const_body = Some (Declarations.from_val c);
+ const_constraints = cst}
+ end
+(* and what about msid's ????? Don't they clash ? *)
+ | With_Module (id, mp) ->
+ let old = match spec with
+ SPBmodule msb -> msb
+ | _ -> error_not_a_module (string_of_label l)
+ in
+ let mtb = type_modpath env' mp in
+ (* here, using assertions in substitutions,
+ we check that there is no msid bound in mtb *)
+ begin
+ try
+ let _ = subst_modtype (map_msid msid (MPself msid)) mtb in
+ ()
+ with
+ Failure _ -> error_circular_with_module id
+ end;
+ let cst =
+ try check_subtypes env' mtb old.msb_modtype
+ with Failure _ -> error_with_incorrect (label_of_id id) in
+ let equiv =
+ match old.msb_equiv with
+ | None -> Some mp
+ | Some mp' ->
+ check_modpath_equiv env' mp mp';
+ Some mp
+ in
+ let msb =
+ {msb_modtype = mtb;
+ msb_equiv = equiv;
+ msb_constraints = Constraint.union old.msb_constraints cst }
+ in
+ SPBmodule msb
+ in
+ MTBsig(msid, before@(l,new_spec)::after)
+ with
+ Not_found -> error_no_such_label l
+ | Reduction.NotConvertible -> error_with_incorrect l
+and translate_entry_list env msid is_definition sig_e =
+ let mp = MPself msid in
+ let do_entry env (l,e) =
+ let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
+ match e with
+ | SPEconst ce ->
+ let cb = translate_constant env ce in
+ begin match cb.const_hyps with
+ | (_::_) -> error_local_context (Some l)
+ | [] ->
+ add_constant kn cb env, (l, SEBconst cb), (l, SPBconst cb)
+ end
+ | SPEmind mie ->
+ let mib = translate_mind env mie in
+ begin match mib.mind_hyps with
+ | (_::_) -> error_local_context (Some l)
+ | [] ->
+ add_mind kn mib env, (l, SEBmind mib), (l, SPBmind mib)
+ end
+ | SPEmodule me ->
+ let mb = translate_module env is_definition me in
+ let mspec =
+ { msb_modtype = mb.mod_type;
+ msb_equiv = mb.mod_equiv;
+ msb_constraints = mb.mod_constraints }
+ in
+ let mp' = MPdot (mp,l) in
+ add_module mp' mb env, (l, SEBmodule mb), (l, SPBmodule mspec)
+ | SPEmodtype mte ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in
+ add_modtype kn mtb env, (l, SEBmodtype mtb), (l, SPBmodtype mtb)
+ in
+ let _,str_b,sig_b = list_fold_map2 do_entry env sig_e
+ in
+ str_b,sig_b
+(* if [is_definition=true], [mod_entry_expr] may be any expression.
+ Otherwise it must be a path *)
+and translate_module env is_definition me =
+ match me.mod_entry_expr, me.mod_entry_type with
+ | None, None ->
+ anomaly "Mod_typing.translate_module: empty type and expr in module entry"
+ | None, Some mte ->
+ let mtb = translate_modtype env mte in
+ { mod_expr = None;
+ mod_user_type = Some mtb;
+ mod_type = mtb;
+ mod_equiv = None;
+ mod_constraints = Constraint.empty }
+ | Some mexpr, _ ->
+ let meq_o = (* do we have a transparent module ? *)
+ try (* TODO: transparent field in module_entry *)
+ match me.mod_entry_type with
+ | None -> Some (path_of_mexpr mexpr)
+ | Some _ -> None
+ with
+ | Not_path -> None
+ in
+ let meb,mtb1 =
+ if is_definition then
+ translate_mexpr env mexpr
+ else
+ let mp =
+ try
+ path_of_mexpr mexpr
+ with
+ | Not_path -> error_declaration_not_path mexpr
+ in
+ MEBident mp, type_modpath env mp
+ in
+ let mtb, mod_user_type, cst =
+ match me.mod_entry_type with
+ | None -> mtb1, None, Constraint.empty
+ | Some mte ->
+ let mtb2 = translate_modtype env mte in
+ let cst =
+ try check_subtypes env mtb1 mtb2
+ with Failure _ -> error "not subtype" in
+ mtb2, Some mtb2, cst
+ in
+ { mod_type = mtb;
+ mod_user_type = mod_user_type;
+ mod_expr = Some meb;
+ mod_equiv = meq_o;
+ mod_constraints = cst }
+(* translate_mexpr : env -> module_expr -> module_expr_body * module_type_body *)
+and translate_mexpr env mexpr = match mexpr with
+ | MEident mp ->
+ MEBident mp,
+ type_modpath env mp
+ | MEfunctor (arg_id, arg_e, body_expr) ->
+ let arg_b = translate_modtype env arg_e in
+ let env' = add_module (MPbound arg_id) (module_body_of_type arg_b) env in
+ let (body_b,body_tb) = translate_mexpr env' body_expr in
+ MEBfunctor (arg_id, arg_b, body_b),
+ MTBfunsig (arg_id, arg_b, body_tb)
+ | MEapply (fexpr,mexpr) ->
+ let feb,ftb = translate_mexpr env fexpr in
+ let ftb = scrape_modtype env ftb in
+ let farg_id, farg_b, fbody_b = destr_functor ftb in
+ let meb,mtb = translate_mexpr env mexpr in
+ let cst =
+ try check_subtypes env mtb farg_b
+ with Failure _ ->
+ error "" in
+ let mp =
+ try
+ path_of_mexpr mexpr
+ with
+ | Not_path -> error_application_to_not_path mexpr
+ (* place for nondep_supertype *)
+ in
+ MEBapply(feb,meb,cst),
+ subst_modtype (map_mbid farg_id mp) fbody_b
+ | MEstruct (msid,structure) ->
+ let structure,signature = translate_entry_list env msid true structure in
+ MEBstruct (msid,structure),
+ MTBsig (msid,signature)
+(* is_definition is true - me.mod_entry_expr may be any expression *)
+let translate_module env me = translate_module env true me
+let rec add_module_expr_constraints env = function
+ | MEBident _ -> env
+ | MEBfunctor (_,mtb,meb) ->
+ add_module_expr_constraints (add_modtype_constraints env mtb) meb
+ | MEBstruct (_,mod_struct_body) ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (l,item) -> add_struct_elem_constraints env item)
+ env
+ mod_struct_body
+ | MEBapply (meb1,meb2,cst) ->
+ Environ.add_constraints cst
+ (add_module_expr_constraints
+ (add_module_expr_constraints env meb1)
+ meb2)
+and add_struct_elem_constraints env = function
+ | SEBconst cb -> Environ.add_constraints cb.const_constraints env
+ | SEBmind mib -> Environ.add_constraints mib.mind_constraints env
+ | SEBmodule mb -> add_module_constraints env mb
+ | SEBmodtype mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb
+and add_module_constraints env mb =
+ (* if there is a body, the mb.mod_type is either inferred from the
+ body and hence uninteresting or equal to the non-empty
+ user_mod_type *)
+ let env = match mb.mod_expr with
+ | None -> add_modtype_constraints env mb.mod_type
+ | Some meb -> add_module_expr_constraints env meb
+ in
+ let env = match mb.mod_user_type with
+ | None -> env
+ | Some mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb
+ in
+ Environ.add_constraints mb.mod_constraints env
+and add_modtype_constraints env = function
+ | MTBident _ -> env
+ | MTBfunsig (_,mtb1,mtb2) ->
+ add_modtype_constraints
+ (add_modtype_constraints env mtb1)
+ mtb2
+ | MTBsig (_,mod_sig_body) ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (l,item) -> add_sig_elem_constraints env item)
+ env
+ mod_sig_body
+and add_sig_elem_constraints env = function
+ | SPBconst cb -> Environ.add_constraints cb.const_constraints env
+ | SPBmind mib -> Environ.add_constraints mib.mind_constraints env
+ | SPBmodule {msb_modtype=mtb; msb_constraints=cst} ->
+ add_modtype_constraints (Environ.add_constraints cst env) mtb
+ | SPBmodtype mtb -> add_modtype_constraints env mtb