path: root/kernel/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index d69efe3a..6b2a6245 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:24 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 9320 2006-10-30 16:53:43Z barras $ i*)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -19,154 +19,116 @@ open Reduction
(*s Cooking the constants. *)
-type 'a modification =
- | DO_ABSTRACT of 'a * constr array
- | DO_REPLACE of constant_body
+type work_list = identifier array Cmap.t * identifier array KNmap.t
-type work_list =
- (constant * constant modification) list
- * (inductive * inductive modification) list
- * (constructor * constructor modification) list
+let dirpath_prefix p = match repr_dirpath p with
+ | [] -> anomaly "dirpath_prefix: empty dirpath"
+ | _::l -> make_dirpath l
-type recipe = {
- d_from : constant_body;
- d_abstract : identifier list;
- d_modlist : work_list }
+let pop_kn kn =
+ let (mp,dir,l) = Names.repr_kn kn in
+ Names.make_kn mp (dirpath_prefix dir) l
+let pop_con con =
+ let (mp,dir,l) = Names.repr_con con in
+ Names.make_con mp (dirpath_prefix dir) l
+type my_global_reference =
+ | ConstRef of constant
+ | IndRef of inductive
+ | ConstructRef of constructor
+let cache = (Hashtbl.create 13 : (my_global_reference, constr) Hashtbl.t)
+let clear_cooking_sharing () = Hashtbl.clear cache
+let share r (cstl,knl) =
+ try Hashtbl.find cache r
+ with Not_found ->
+ let f,l =
+ match r with
+ | IndRef (kn,i) ->
+ mkInd (pop_kn kn,i), KNmap.find kn knl
+ | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) ->
+ mkConstruct ((pop_kn kn,i),j), KNmap.find kn knl
+ | ConstRef cst ->
+ mkConst (pop_con cst), Cmap.find cst cstl in
+ let c = mkApp (f, mkVar l) in
+ Hashtbl.add cache r c;
+ (* has raised Not_found if not in work_list *)
+ c
-let failure () =
- anomalylabstrm "generic__modify_opers"
- (str"An oper which was never supposed to appear has just appeared" ++
- spc () ++ str"Either this is in system code, and you need to" ++ spc () ++
- str"report this error," ++ spc () ++
- str"Or you are using a user-written tactic which calls" ++ spc () ++
- str"generic__modify_opers, in which case the user-written code" ++
- spc () ++ str"is broken - this function is an internal system" ++
- spc () ++ str"for internal system use only")
-let modify_opers replfun (constl,indl,cstrl) =
+let update_case_info ci modlist =
+ try
+ let ind, n =
+ match kind_of_term (share (IndRef ci.ci_ind) modlist) with
+ | App (f,l) -> (destInd f, Array.length l)
+ | Ind ind -> ind, 0
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ { ci with ci_ind = ind; ci_npar = ci.ci_npar + n }
+ with Not_found ->
+ ci
+let empty_modlist = (Cmap.empty, KNmap.empty)
+let expmod_constr modlist c =
let rec substrec c =
- let c' = map_constr substrec c in
- match kind_of_term c' with
+ match kind_of_term c with
| Case (ci,p,t,br) ->
+ map_constr substrec (mkCase (update_case_info ci modlist,p,t,br))
+ | Ind ind ->
- match List.assoc ci.ci_ind indl with
- | DO_ABSTRACT (ind,abs_vars) ->
- let n' = Array.length abs_vars + ci.ci_npar in
- let ci' = { ci with
- ci_ind = ind;
- ci_npar = n' } in
- mkCase (ci',p,t,br)
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- with
- | Not_found -> c')
- | Ind spi ->
- (try
- (match List.assoc spi indl with
- | NOT_OCCUR -> failure ()
- | DO_ABSTRACT (oper',abs_vars) ->
- mkApp (mkInd oper', abs_vars)
- | DO_REPLACE _ -> assert false)
+ share (IndRef ind) modlist
- | Not_found -> c')
- | Construct spi ->
+ | Not_found -> map_constr substrec c)
+ | Construct cstr ->
- (match List.assoc spi cstrl with
- | NOT_OCCUR -> failure ()
- | DO_ABSTRACT (oper',abs_vars) ->
- mkApp (mkConstruct oper', abs_vars)
- | DO_REPLACE _ -> assert false)
+ share (ConstructRef cstr) modlist
- | Not_found -> c')
- | Const kn ->
+ | Not_found -> map_constr substrec c)
+ | Const cst ->
- (match List.assoc kn constl with
- | NOT_OCCUR -> failure ()
- | DO_ABSTRACT (oper',abs_vars) ->
- mkApp (mkConst oper', abs_vars)
- | DO_REPLACE cb -> substrec (replfun (kn,cb)))
+ share (ConstRef cst) modlist
- | Not_found -> c')
- | _ -> c'
- in
- if (constl,indl,cstrl) = ([],[],[]) then fun x -> x else substrec
+ | Not_found -> map_constr substrec c)
+ | _ -> map_constr substrec c
-let expmod_constr modlist c =
- let simpfun =
- if modlist = ([],[],[]) then fun x -> x else nf_betaiota in
- let expfun (kn,cb) =
- if cb.const_opaque then
- errorlabstrm "expmod_constr"
- (str"Cannot unfold the value of " ++
- str(string_of_kn kn) ++ spc () ++
- str"You cannot declare local lemmas as being opaque" ++ spc () ++
- str"and then require that theorems which use them" ++ spc () ++
- str"be transparent");
- match cb.const_body with
- | Some body -> Declarations.force body
- | None -> assert false
- in
- let c' = modify_opers expfun modlist c in
- match kind_of_term c' with
- | Cast (value,typ) -> mkCast (simpfun value,simpfun typ)
- | _ -> simpfun c'
-let expmod_type modlist c =
- type_app (expmod_constr modlist) c
-let abstract_constant ids_to_abs hyps (body,typ) =
- let abstract_once_typ ((hyps,typ) as sofar) id =
- match hyps with
- | (hyp,c,t as decl)::rest when hyp = id ->
- let typ' = mkNamedProd_wo_LetIn decl typ in
- (rest, typ')
- | _ ->
- sofar
- in
- let abstract_once_body ((hyps,body) as sofar) id =
- match hyps with
- | (hyp,c,t as decl)::rest when hyp = id ->
- let body' = mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn decl body in
- (rest, body')
- | _ ->
- sofar
- in
- let (_,typ') =
- List.fold_left abstract_once_typ (hyps,typ) ids_to_abs
- in
- let body' = match body with
- None -> None
- | Some l_body ->
- Some (Declarations.from_val
- (let body = Declarations.force l_body in
- let (_,body') =
- List.fold_left abstract_once_body (hyps,body) ids_to_abs
- in
- body'))
- (body',typ')
+ if modlist = empty_modlist then c
+ else under_outer_cast nf_betaiota (substrec c)
+let abstract_constant_type =
+ List.fold_left (fun c d -> mkNamedProd_wo_LetIn d c)
+let abstract_constant_body =
+ List.fold_left (fun c d -> mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn d c)
+type recipe = {
+ d_from : constant_body;
+ d_abstract : named_context;
+ d_modlist : work_list }
+let on_body f =
+ option_map (fun c -> Declarations.from_val (f (Declarations.force c)))
let cook_constant env r =
let cb = r.d_from in
- let typ = expmod_type r.d_modlist cb.const_type in
- let body =
- option_app
- (fun lconstr ->
- Declarations.from_val
- (expmod_constr r.d_modlist (Declarations.force lconstr)))
- cb.const_body
- in
- let hyps =
- Sign.fold_named_context
- (fun d ctxt ->
- Sign.add_named_decl
- (map_named_declaration (expmod_constr r.d_modlist) d)
- ctxt)
- cb.const_hyps
- ~init:empty_named_context in
- let body,typ = abstract_constant r.d_abstract hyps (body,typ) in
- (body, typ, cb.const_constraints, cb.const_opaque)
+ let hyps = Sign.map_named_context (expmod_constr r.d_modlist) r.d_abstract in
+ let body =
+ on_body (fun c ->
+ abstract_constant_body (expmod_constr r.d_modlist c) hyps)
+ cb.const_body in
+ let typ = match cb.const_type with
+ | NonPolymorphicType t ->
+ let typ = abstract_constant_type (expmod_constr r.d_modlist t) hyps in
+ NonPolymorphicType typ
+ | PolymorphicArity (ctx,s) ->
+ let t = mkArity (ctx,Type s.poly_level) in
+ let typ = abstract_constant_type (expmod_constr r.d_modlist t) hyps in
+ Typeops.make_polymorphic_if_arity env typ in
+ let boxed = Cemitcodes.is_boxed cb.const_body_code in
+ (body, typ, cb.const_constraints, cb.const_opaque, boxed)