path: root/kernel/
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/')
1 files changed, 144 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/ b/kernel/
index 700de502..0a24a75d 100644
--- a/kernel/
+++ b/kernel/
@@ -17,23 +17,28 @@ open Term
type tag = int
-let id_tag = 0
-let iddef_tag = 1
-let ind_tag = 2
-let fix_tag = 3
-let switch_tag = 4
-let cofix_tag = 5
-let cofix_evaluated_tag = 6
-(* It could be greate if OCaml export this value,
- So fixme if this occur in a new version of OCaml *)
+let accu_tag = 0
+let type_atom_tag = 2
+let max_atom_tag = 2
+let proj_tag = 3
+let fix_app_tag = 4
+let switch_tag = 5
+let cofix_tag = 6
+let cofix_evaluated_tag = 7
+(* It would be great if OCaml exported this value,
+ So fixme if this happens in a new version of OCaml *)
let last_variant_tag = 245
type structured_constant =
| Const_sorts of sorts
- | Const_ind of pinductive
+ | Const_ind of inductive
+ | Const_proj of Constant.t
| Const_b0 of tag
| Const_bn of tag * structured_constant array
+ | Const_univ_level of Univ.universe_level
+ | Const_type of Univ.universe
type reloc_table = (tag * int) array
@@ -58,29 +63,30 @@ type instruction =
| Kpush
| Kpop of int
| Kpush_retaddr of Label.t
- | Kapply of int (* number of arguments *)
- | Kappterm of int * int (* number of arguments, slot size *)
- | Kreturn of int (* slot size *)
+ | Kapply of int
+ | Kappterm of int * int
+ | Kreturn of int
| Kjump
| Krestart
- | Kgrab of int (* number of arguments *)
- | Kgrabrec of int (* rec arg *)
- | Kclosure of Label.t * int (* label, number of free variables *)
+ | Kgrab of int
+ | Kgrabrec of int
+ | Kclosure of Label.t * int
| Kclosurerec of int * int * Label.t array * Label.t array
- (* nb fv, init, lbl types, lbl bodies *)
| Kclosurecofix of int * int * Label.t array * Label.t array
(* nb fv, init, lbl types, lbl bodies *)
- | Kgetglobal of pconstant
+ | Kgetglobal of constant
| Kconst of structured_constant
- | Kmakeblock of int * tag (* size, tag *)
+ | Kmakeblock of int * tag
| Kmakeprod
| Kmakeswitchblock of Label.t * Label.t * annot_switch * int
- | Kswitch of Label.t array * Label.t array (* consts,blocks *)
+ | Kswitch of Label.t array * Label.t array
| Kpushfields of int
| Kfield of int
| Ksetfield of int
| Kstop
| Ksequence of bytecodes * bytecodes
+ | Kproj of int * Constant.t (* index of the projected argument,
+ name of projection *)
(* spiwack: instructions concerning integers *)
| Kbranch of Label.t (* jump to label *)
| Kaddint31 (* adds the int31 in the accu
@@ -124,7 +130,10 @@ type instruction =
and bytecodes = instruction list
-type fv_elem = FVnamed of Id.t | FVrel of int
+type fv_elem =
+ | FVnamed of Id.t
+ | FVrel of int
+ | FVuniv_var of int
type fv = fv_elem array
@@ -142,105 +151,138 @@ type vm_env = {
type comp_env = {
- nb_stack : int; (* nbre de variables sur la pile *)
- in_stack : int list; (* position dans la pile *)
- nb_rec : int; (* nbre de fonctions mutuellement *)
- (* recursives = nbr *)
+ nb_uni_stack : int ; (* number of universes on the stack, *)
+ (* universes are always at the bottom. *)
+ nb_stack : int; (* number of variables on the stack *)
+ in_stack : int list; (* position in the stack *)
+ nb_rec : int; (* number of mutually recursive functions *)
pos_rec : instruction list; (* instruction d'acces pour les variables *)
(* de point fix ou de cofix *)
offset : int;
- in_env : vm_env ref
+ in_env : vm_env ref (* The free variables of the expression *)
+(* --- Pretty print *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+let pp_sort s =
+ match family_of_sort s with
+ | InSet -> str "Set"
+ | InProp -> str "Prop"
+ | InType -> str "Type"
-(* --- Pretty print *)
-open Format
-let rec instruction ppf = function
- | Klabel lbl -> fprintf ppf "L%i:" lbl
- | Kacc n -> fprintf ppf "\tacc %i" n
- | Kenvacc n -> fprintf ppf "\tenvacc %i" n
- | Koffsetclosure n -> fprintf ppf "\toffsetclosure %i" n
- | Kpush -> fprintf ppf "\tpush"
- | Kpop n -> fprintf ppf "\tpop %i" n
- | Kpush_retaddr lbl -> fprintf ppf "\tpush_retaddr L%i" lbl
- | Kapply n -> fprintf ppf "\tapply %i" n
+let rec pp_struct_const = function
+ | Const_sorts s -> pp_sort s
+ | Const_ind (mind, i) -> pr_mind mind ++ str"#" ++ int i
+ | Const_proj p -> Constant.print p
+ | Const_b0 i -> int i
+ | Const_bn (i,t) ->
+ int i ++ surround (prvect_with_sep pr_comma pp_struct_const t)
+ | Const_univ_level l -> l
+ | Const_type u -> str "Type@{" ++ Univ.pr_uni u ++ str "}"
+let pp_lbl lbl = str "L" ++ int lbl
+let pp_pcon (id,u) =
+ pr_con id ++ str "@{" ++ u ++ str "}"
+let pp_fv_elem = function
+ | FVnamed id -> str "FVnamed(" ++ Id.print id ++ str ")"
+ | FVrel i -> str "Rel(" ++ int i ++ str ")"
+ | FVuniv_var v -> str "FVuniv(" ++ int v ++ str ")"
+let rec pp_instr i =
+ match i with
+ | Klabel _ | Ksequence _ -> assert false
+ | Kacc n -> str "acc " ++ int n
+ | Kenvacc n -> str "envacc " ++ int n
+ | Koffsetclosure n -> str "offsetclosure " ++ int n
+ | Kpush -> str "push"
+ | Kpop n -> str "pop " ++ int n
+ | Kpush_retaddr lbl -> str "push_retaddr " ++ pp_lbl lbl
+ | Kapply n -> str "apply " ++ int n
| Kappterm(n, m) ->
- fprintf ppf "\tappterm %i, %i" n m
- | Kreturn n -> fprintf ppf "\treturn %i" n
- | Kjump -> fprintf ppf "\tjump"
- | Krestart -> fprintf ppf "\trestart"
- | Kgrab n -> fprintf ppf "\tgrab %i" n
- | Kgrabrec n -> fprintf ppf "\tgrabrec %i" n
+ str "appterm " ++ int n ++ str ", " ++ int m
+ | Kreturn n -> str "return " ++ int n
+ | Kjump -> str "jump"
+ | Krestart -> str "restart"
+ | Kgrab n -> str "grab " ++ int n
+ | Kgrabrec n -> str "grabrec " ++ int n
| Kclosure(lbl, n) ->
- fprintf ppf "\tclosure L%i, %i" lbl n
+ str "closure " ++ pp_lbl lbl ++ str ", " ++ int n
| Kclosurerec(fv,init,lblt,lblb) ->
- fprintf ppf "\tclosurerec";
- fprintf ppf "%i , %i, " fv init;
- print_string "types = ";
- Array.iter (fun lbl -> fprintf ppf " %i" lbl) lblt;
- print_string " bodies = ";
- Array.iter (fun lbl -> fprintf ppf " %i" lbl) lblb;
+ h 1 (str "closurerec " ++
+ int fv ++ str ", " ++ int init ++
+ str " types = " ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pp_lbl (Array.to_list lblt) ++
+ str " bodies = " ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pp_lbl (Array.to_list lblb))
| Kclosurecofix (fv,init,lblt,lblb) ->
- fprintf ppf "\tclosurecofix";
- fprintf ppf " %i , %i, " fv init;
- print_string "types = ";
- Array.iter (fun lbl -> fprintf ppf " %i" lbl) lblt;
- print_string " bodies = ";
- Array.iter (fun lbl -> fprintf ppf " %i" lbl) lblb;
- | Kgetglobal (id,u) -> fprintf ppf "\tgetglobal %s" (Names.string_of_con id)
- | Kconst cst ->
- fprintf ppf "\tconst"
+ h 1 (str "closurecofix " ++
+ int fv ++ str ", " ++ int init ++
+ str " types = " ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pp_lbl (Array.to_list lblt) ++
+ str " bodies = " ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pp_lbl (Array.to_list lblb))
+ | Kgetglobal idu -> str "getglobal " ++ pr_con idu
+ | Kconst sc ->
+ str "const " ++ pp_struct_const sc
| Kmakeblock(n, m) ->
- fprintf ppf "\tmakeblock %i, %i" n m
- | Kmakeprod -> fprintf ppf "\tmakeprod"
+ str "makeblock " ++ int n ++ str ", " ++ int m
+ | Kmakeprod -> str "makeprod"
| Kmakeswitchblock(lblt,lbls,_,sz) ->
- fprintf ppf "\tmakeswitchblock %i, %i, %i" lblt lbls sz
+ str "makeswitchblock " ++ pp_lbl lblt ++ str ", " ++
+ pp_lbl lbls ++ str ", " ++ int sz
| Kswitch(lblc,lblb) ->
- fprintf ppf "\tswitch";
- Array.iter (fun lbl -> fprintf ppf " %i" lbl) lblc;
- Array.iter (fun lbl -> fprintf ppf " %i" lbl) lblb;
- | Kpushfields n -> fprintf ppf "\tpushfields %i" n
- | Ksetfield n -> fprintf ppf "\tsetfield %i" n
- | Kfield n -> fprintf ppf "\tgetfield %i" n
- | Kstop -> fprintf ppf "\tstop"
- | Ksequence (c1,c2) ->
- fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" instruction_list c1 instruction_list c2
-(* spiwack *)
- | Kbranch lbl -> fprintf ppf "\tbranch %i" lbl
- | Kaddint31 -> fprintf ppf "\taddint31"
- | Kaddcint31 -> fprintf ppf "\taddcint31"
- | Kaddcarrycint31 -> fprintf ppf "\taddcarrycint31"
- | Ksubint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tsubint31"
- | Ksubcint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tsubcint31"
- | Ksubcarrycint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tsubcarrycint31"
- | Kmulint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tmulint31"
- | Kmulcint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tmulcint31"
- | Kdiv21int31 -> fprintf ppf "\tdiv21int31"
- | Kdivint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tdivint31"
- | Kcompareint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tcompareint31"
- | Khead0int31 -> fprintf ppf "\thead0int31"
- | Ktail0int31 -> fprintf ppf "\ttail0int31"
- | Kaddmuldivint31 -> fprintf ppf "\taddmuldivint31"
- | Kisconst lbl -> fprintf ppf "\tisconst %i" lbl
- | Kareconst(n,lbl) -> fprintf ppf "\tareconst %i %i" n lbl
- | Kcompint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tcompint31"
- | Kdecompint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tdecompint"
- | Klorint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tlorint31"
- | Klandint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tlandint31"
- | Klxorint31 -> fprintf ppf "\tlxorint31"
+ h 1 (str "switch " ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pp_lbl (Array.to_list lblc) ++
+ str " | " ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pp_lbl (Array.to_list lblb))
+ | Kpushfields n -> str "pushfields " ++ int n
+ | Kfield n -> str "field " ++ int n
+ | Ksetfield n -> str "set field" ++ int n
-(* /spiwack *)
+ | Kstop -> str "stop"
+ | Kbranch lbl -> str "branch " ++ pp_lbl lbl
+ | Kproj(n,p) -> str "proj " ++ int n ++ str " " ++ Constant.print p
-and instruction_list ppf = function
- [] -> ()
- | Klabel lbl :: il ->
- fprintf ppf "L%i:%a" lbl instruction_list il
- | instr :: il ->
- fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" instruction instr instruction_list il
+ | Kaddint31 -> str "addint31"
+ | Kaddcint31 -> str "addcint31"
+ | Kaddcarrycint31 -> str "addcarrycint31"
+ | Ksubint31 -> str "subint31"
+ | Ksubcint31 -> str "subcint31"
+ | Ksubcarrycint31 -> str "subcarrycint31"
+ | Kmulint31 -> str "mulint31"
+ | Kmulcint31 -> str "mulcint31"
+ | Kdiv21int31 -> str "div21int31"
+ | Kdivint31 -> str "divint31"
+ | Kcompareint31 -> str "compareint31"
+ | Khead0int31 -> str "head0int31"
+ | Ktail0int31 -> str "tail0int31"
+ | Kaddmuldivint31 -> str "addmuldivint31"
+ | Kisconst lbl -> str "isconst " ++ int lbl
+ | Kareconst(n,lbl) -> str "areconst " ++ int n ++ spc () ++ int lbl
+ | Kcompint31 -> str "compint31"
+ | Kdecompint31 -> str "decompint"
+ | Klorint31 -> str "lorint31"
+ | Klandint31 -> str "landint31"
+ | Klxorint31 -> str "lxorint31"
+and pp_bytecodes c =
+ match c with
+ | [] -> str ""
+ | Klabel lbl :: c ->
+ str "L" ++ int lbl ++ str ":" ++ fnl () ++
+ pp_bytecodes c
+ | Ksequence (l1, l2) :: c ->
+ pp_bytecodes l1 ++ pp_bytecodes l2 ++ pp_bytecodes c
+ | i :: c ->
+ tab () ++ pp_instr i ++ fnl () ++ pp_bytecodes c
(*spiwack: moved this type in this file because I needed it for
retroknowledge which can't depend from cbytegen *)
type block =
@@ -253,8 +295,3 @@ type block =
(* spiwack: compilation given by a function *)
(* compilation function (see get_vm_constant_dynamic_info in
retroknowledge.mli for more info) , argument array *)
-let draw_instr c =
- fprintf std_formatter "@[<v 0>%a@]" instruction_list c