path: root/interp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'interp')
37 files changed, 4329 insertions, 4096 deletions
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3f232c36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Loc
+open Tacexpr
+open Term
+open Misctypes
+open Genarg
+(** This is a hack for now, to break the dependency of Genarg on constr-related
+ types. We should use dedicated functions someday. *)
+let loc_of_or_by_notation f = function
+ | AN c -> f c
+ | ByNotation (loc,s,_) -> loc
+let unsafe_of_type (t : argument_type) : ('a, 'b, 'c) Genarg.genarg_type =
+ Obj.magic t
+let wit_int_or_var = unsafe_of_type IntOrVarArgType
+let wit_intro_pattern : (Constrexpr.constr_expr intro_pattern_expr located, glob_constr_and_expr intro_pattern_expr located, intro_pattern) genarg_type =
+ Genarg.make0 None "intropattern"
+let wit_tactic : (raw_tactic_expr, glob_tactic_expr, glob_tactic_expr) genarg_type =
+ Genarg.make0 None "tactic"
+let wit_ident = unsafe_of_type IdentArgType
+let wit_var = unsafe_of_type VarArgType
+let wit_ref = Genarg.make0 None "ref"
+let wit_quant_hyp = unsafe_of_type QuantHypArgType
+let wit_genarg = unsafe_of_type GenArgType
+let wit_sort : (glob_sort, glob_sort, sorts) genarg_type =
+ Genarg.make0 None "sort"
+let wit_constr = unsafe_of_type ConstrArgType
+let wit_constr_may_eval = unsafe_of_type ConstrMayEvalArgType
+let wit_uconstr = Genarg.make0 None "uconstr"
+let wit_open_constr = unsafe_of_type OpenConstrArgType
+let wit_constr_with_bindings = unsafe_of_type ConstrWithBindingsArgType
+let wit_bindings = unsafe_of_type BindingsArgType
+let wit_red_expr = unsafe_of_type RedExprArgType
+let wit_clause_dft_concl =
+ Genarg.make0 None "clause_dft_concl"
+(** Register location *)
+let () =
+ register_name0 wit_ref "Constrarg.wit_ref";
+ register_name0 wit_intro_pattern "Constrarg.wit_intro_pattern";
+ register_name0 wit_tactic "Constrarg.wit_tactic";
+ register_name0 wit_sort "Constrarg.wit_sort";
+ register_name0 wit_uconstr "Constrarg.wit_uconstr";
+ register_name0 wit_clause_dft_concl "Constrarg.wit_clause_dft_concl";
diff --git a/interp/constrarg.mli b/interp/constrarg.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..74c6bd31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/constrarg.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** Generic arguments based on [constr]. We put them here to avoid a dependency
+ of Genarg in [constr]-related interfaces. *)
+open Loc
+open Names
+open Term
+open Libnames
+open Globnames
+open Genredexpr
+open Pattern
+open Constrexpr
+open Tacexpr
+open Misctypes
+open Genarg
+(** FIXME: nothing to do there. *)
+val loc_of_or_by_notation : ('a -> Loc.t) -> 'a or_by_notation -> Loc.t
+(** {5 Additional generic arguments} *)
+val wit_int_or_var : int or_var uniform_genarg_type
+val wit_intro_pattern : (constr_expr intro_pattern_expr located, glob_constr_and_expr intro_pattern_expr located, intro_pattern) genarg_type
+val wit_ident : Id.t uniform_genarg_type
+val wit_var : (Id.t located, Id.t located, Id.t) genarg_type
+val wit_ref : (reference, global_reference located or_var, global_reference) genarg_type
+val wit_quant_hyp : quantified_hypothesis uniform_genarg_type
+val wit_genarg : (raw_generic_argument, glob_generic_argument, typed_generic_argument) genarg_type
+val wit_sort : (glob_sort, glob_sort, sorts) genarg_type
+val wit_constr : (constr_expr, glob_constr_and_expr, constr) genarg_type
+val wit_constr_may_eval :
+ ((constr_expr,reference or_by_notation,constr_expr) may_eval,
+ (glob_constr_and_expr,evaluable_global_reference and_short_name or_var,glob_constr_pattern_and_expr) may_eval,
+ constr) genarg_type
+val wit_uconstr : (constr_expr , glob_constr_and_expr, Glob_term.closed_glob_constr) genarg_type
+val wit_open_constr :
+ (open_constr_expr, open_glob_constr, Evd.open_constr) genarg_type
+val wit_constr_with_bindings :
+ (constr_expr with_bindings,
+ glob_constr_and_expr with_bindings,
+ constr with_bindings Evd.sigma) genarg_type
+val wit_bindings :
+ (constr_expr bindings,
+ glob_constr_and_expr bindings,
+ constr bindings Evd.sigma) genarg_type
+val wit_red_expr :
+ ((constr_expr,reference or_by_notation,constr_expr) red_expr_gen,
+ (glob_constr_and_expr,evaluable_global_reference and_short_name or_var,glob_constr_pattern_and_expr) red_expr_gen,
+ (constr,evaluable_global_reference,constr_pattern) red_expr_gen) genarg_type
+val wit_tactic : (raw_tactic_expr, glob_tactic_expr, glob_tactic_expr) genarg_type
+val wit_clause_dft_concl : (Names.Id.t Loc.located Locus.clause_expr,Names.Id.t Loc.located Locus.clause_expr,Names.Id.t Locus.clause_expr) genarg_type
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d48ea4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Constrexpr
+open Misctypes
+open Decl_kinds
+(* For binders parsing *)
+let binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2 = match bk1, bk2 with
+| Explicit, Explicit -> true
+| Implicit, Implicit -> true
+| _ -> false
+let abstraction_kind_eq ak1 ak2 = match ak1, ak2 with
+| AbsLambda, AbsLambda -> true
+| AbsPi, AbsPi -> true
+| _ -> false
+let binder_kind_eq b1 b2 = match b1, b2 with
+| Default bk1, Default bk2 -> binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2
+| Generalized (bk1, ck1, b1), Generalized (bk2, ck2, b2) ->
+ binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2 && binding_kind_eq ck1 ck2 &&
+ (if b1 then b2 else not b2)
+| _ -> false
+let default_binder_kind = Default Explicit
+let names_of_local_assums bl =
+ List.flatten ( (function LocalRawAssum(l,_,_)->l|_->[]) bl)
+let names_of_local_binders bl =
+ List.flatten ( (function LocalRawAssum(l,_,_)->l|LocalRawDef(l,_)->[l]) bl)
+(* Functions on constr_expr *)
+let prim_token_eq t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
+| Numeral i1, Numeral i2 -> Bigint.equal i1 i2
+| String s1, String s2 -> String.equal s1 s2
+| _ -> false
+let explicitation_eq ex1 ex2 = match ex1, ex2 with
+| ExplByPos (i1, id1), ExplByPos (i2, id2) ->
+ Int.equal i1 i2 && Option.equal Id.equal id1 id2
+| ExplByName id1, ExplByName id2 ->
+ Id.equal id1 id2
+| _ -> false
+let eq_located f (_, x) (_, y) = f x y
+let rec cases_pattern_expr_eq p1 p2 =
+ if p1 == p2 then true
+ else match p1, p2 with
+ | CPatAlias(_,a1,i1), CPatAlias(_,a2,i2) ->
+ Id.equal i1 i2 && cases_pattern_expr_eq a1 a2
+ | CPatCstr(_,c1,a1,b1), CPatCstr(_,c2,a2,b2) ->
+ eq_reference c1 c2 &&
+ List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq a1 a2 &&
+ List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq b1 b2
+ | CPatAtom(_,r1), CPatAtom(_,r2) ->
+ Option.equal eq_reference r1 r2
+ | CPatOr (_, a1), CPatOr (_, a2) ->
+ List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq a1 a2
+ | CPatNotation (_, n1, s1, l1), CPatNotation (_, n2, s2, l2) ->
+ String.equal n1 n2 &&
+ cases_pattern_notation_substitution_eq s1 s2 &&
+ List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq l1 l2
+ | CPatPrim(_,i1), CPatPrim(_,i2) ->
+ prim_token_eq i1 i2
+ | CPatRecord (_, l1), CPatRecord (_, l2) ->
+ let equal (r1, e1) (r2, e2) =
+ eq_reference r1 r2 && cases_pattern_expr_eq e1 e2
+ in
+ List.equal equal l1 l2
+ | CPatDelimiters(_,s1,e1), CPatDelimiters(_,s2,e2) ->
+ String.equal s1 s2 && cases_pattern_expr_eq e1 e2
+ | _ -> false
+and cases_pattern_notation_substitution_eq (s1, n1) (s2, n2) =
+ List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq s1 s2 &&
+ List.equal (List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq) n1 n2
+let eq_universes u1 u2 =
+ match u1, u2 with
+ | None, None -> true
+ | Some l, Some l' -> l = l'
+ | _, _ -> false
+let rec constr_expr_eq e1 e2 =
+ if e1 == e2 then true
+ else match e1, e2 with
+ | CRef (r1,u1), CRef (r2,u2) -> eq_reference r1 r2 && eq_universes u1 u2
+ | CFix(_,id1,fl1), CFix(_,id2,fl2) ->
+ eq_located Id.equal id1 id2 &&
+ List.equal fix_expr_eq fl1 fl2
+ | CCoFix(_,id1,fl1), CCoFix(_,id2,fl2) ->
+ eq_located Id.equal id1 id2 &&
+ List.equal cofix_expr_eq fl1 fl2
+ | CProdN(_,bl1,a1), CProdN(_,bl2,a2) ->
+ List.equal binder_expr_eq bl1 bl2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq a1 a2
+ | CLambdaN(_,bl1,a1), CLambdaN(_,bl2,a2) ->
+ List.equal binder_expr_eq bl1 bl2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq a1 a2
+ | CLetIn(_,(_,na1),a1,b1), CLetIn(_,(_,na2),a2,b2) ->
+ Name.equal na1 na2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq a1 a2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq b1 b2
+ | CAppExpl(_,(proj1,r1,_),al1), CAppExpl(_,(proj2,r2,_),al2) ->
+ Option.equal Int.equal proj1 proj2 &&
+ eq_reference r1 r2 &&
+ List.equal constr_expr_eq al1 al2
+ | CApp(_,(proj1,e1),al1), CApp(_,(proj2,e2),al2) ->
+ Option.equal Int.equal proj1 proj2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq e1 e2 &&
+ List.equal args_eq al1 al2
+ | CRecord (_, e1, l1), CRecord (_, e2, l2) ->
+ let field_eq (r1, e1) (r2, e2) =
+ eq_reference r1 r2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2
+ in
+ Option.equal constr_expr_eq e1 e2 &&
+ List.equal field_eq l1 l2
+ | CCases(_,_,r1,a1,brl1), CCases(_,_,r2,a2,brl2) ->
+ (** Don't care about the case_style *)
+ Option.equal constr_expr_eq r1 r2 &&
+ List.equal case_expr_eq a1 a2 &&
+ List.equal branch_expr_eq brl1 brl2
+ | CLetTuple (_, n1, (m1, e1), t1, b1), CLetTuple (_, n2, (m2, e2), t2, b2) ->
+ List.equal (eq_located Name.equal) n1 n2 &&
+ Option.equal (eq_located Name.equal) m1 m2 &&
+ Option.equal constr_expr_eq e1 e2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq t1 t2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq b1 b2
+ | CIf (_, e1, (n1, r1), t1, f1), CIf (_, e2, (n2, r2), t2, f2) ->
+ constr_expr_eq e1 e2 &&
+ Option.equal (eq_located Name.equal) n1 n2 &&
+ Option.equal constr_expr_eq r1 r2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq t1 t2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq f1 f2
+ | CHole _, CHole _ -> true
+ | CPatVar(_,i1), CPatVar(_,i2) ->
+ Id.equal i1 i2
+ | CEvar (_, id1, c1), CEvar (_, id2, c2) ->
+ Id.equal id1 id2 && List.equal instance_eq c1 c2
+ | CSort(_,s1), CSort(_,s2) ->
+ Miscops.glob_sort_eq s1 s2
+ | CCast(_,a1,(CastConv b1|CastVM b1)), CCast(_,a2,(CastConv b2|CastVM b2)) ->
+ constr_expr_eq a1 a2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq b1 b2
+ | CCast(_,a1,CastCoerce), CCast(_,a2, CastCoerce) ->
+ constr_expr_eq a1 a2
+ | CNotation(_, n1, s1), CNotation(_, n2, s2) ->
+ String.equal n1 n2 &&
+ constr_notation_substitution_eq s1 s2
+ | CPrim(_,i1), CPrim(_,i2) ->
+ prim_token_eq i1 i2
+ | CGeneralization (_, bk1, ak1, e1), CGeneralization (_, bk2, ak2, e2) ->
+ binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2 &&
+ Option.equal abstraction_kind_eq ak1 ak2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq e1 e2
+ | CDelimiters(_,s1,e1), CDelimiters(_,s2,e2) ->
+ String.equal s1 s2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq e1 e2
+ | _ -> false
+and args_eq (a1,e1) (a2,e2) =
+ Option.equal (eq_located explicitation_eq) e1 e2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq a1 a2
+and case_expr_eq (e1, (n1, p1)) (e2, (n2, p2)) =
+ constr_expr_eq e1 e2 &&
+ Option.equal (eq_located Name.equal) n1 n2 &&
+ Option.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq p1 p2
+and branch_expr_eq (_, p1, e1) (_, p2, e2) =
+ List.equal (eq_located (List.equal cases_pattern_expr_eq)) p1 p2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq e1 e2
+and binder_expr_eq ((n1, _, e1) : binder_expr) (n2, _, e2) =
+ (** Don't care about the [binder_kind] *)
+ List.equal (eq_located Name.equal) n1 n2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2
+and fix_expr_eq (id1,(j1, r1),bl1,a1,b1) (id2,(j2, r2),bl2,a2,b2) =
+ (eq_located Id.equal id1 id2) &&
+ Option.equal (eq_located Id.equal) j1 j2 &&
+ recursion_order_expr_eq r1 r2 &&
+ List.equal local_binder_eq bl1 bl2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq a1 a2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq b1 b2
+and cofix_expr_eq (id1,bl1,a1,b1) (id2,bl2,a2,b2) =
+ (eq_located Id.equal id1 id2) &&
+ List.equal local_binder_eq bl1 bl2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq a1 a2 &&
+ constr_expr_eq b1 b2
+and recursion_order_expr_eq r1 r2 = match r1, r2 with
+| CStructRec, CStructRec -> true
+| CWfRec e1, CWfRec e2 -> constr_expr_eq e1 e2
+| CMeasureRec (e1, o1), CMeasureRec (e2, o2) ->
+ constr_expr_eq e1 e2 && Option.equal constr_expr_eq o1 o2
+| _ -> false
+and local_binder_eq l1 l2 = match l1, l2 with
+| LocalRawDef (n1, e1), LocalRawDef (n2, e2) ->
+ eq_located Name.equal n1 n2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2
+| LocalRawAssum (n1, _, e1), LocalRawAssum (n2, _, e2) ->
+ (** Don't care about the [binder_kind] *)
+ List.equal (eq_located Name.equal) n1 n2 && constr_expr_eq e1 e2
+| _ -> false
+and constr_notation_substitution_eq (e1, el1, bl1) (e2, el2, bl2) =
+ List.equal constr_expr_eq e1 e2 &&
+ List.equal (List.equal constr_expr_eq) el1 el2 &&
+ List.equal (List.equal local_binder_eq) bl1 bl2
+and instance_eq (x1,c1) (x2,c2) =
+ Id.equal x1 x2 && constr_expr_eq c1 c2
+let constr_loc = function
+ | CRef (Ident (loc,_),_) -> loc
+ | CRef (Qualid (loc,_),_) -> loc
+ | CFix (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CCoFix (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CProdN (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CLambdaN (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CLetIn (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CAppExpl (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CApp (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CRecord (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CCases (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CLetTuple (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CIf (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CHole (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CPatVar (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CEvar (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CSort (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CCast (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CNotation (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CGeneralization (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CPrim (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CDelimiters (loc,_,_) -> loc
+let cases_pattern_expr_loc = function
+ | CPatAlias (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | CPatCstr (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CPatAtom (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CPatOr (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CPatNotation (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | CPatRecord (loc, _) -> loc
+ | CPatPrim (loc,_) -> loc
+ | CPatDelimiters (loc,_,_) -> loc
+let raw_cases_pattern_expr_loc = function
+ | RCPatAlias (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | RCPatCstr (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | RCPatAtom (loc,_) -> loc
+ | RCPatOr (loc,_) -> loc
+let local_binder_loc = function
+ | LocalRawAssum ((loc,_)::_,_,t)
+ | LocalRawDef ((loc,_),t) -> Loc.merge loc (constr_loc t)
+ | LocalRawAssum ([],_,_) -> assert false
+let local_binders_loc bll = match bll with
+ | [] -> Loc.ghost
+ | h :: l ->
+ Loc.merge (local_binder_loc h) (local_binder_loc (List.last bll))
+(** Pseudo-constructors *)
+let mkIdentC id = CRef (Ident (Loc.ghost, id),None)
+let mkRefC r = CRef (r,None)
+let mkCastC (a,k) = CCast (Loc.ghost,a,k)
+let mkLambdaC (idl,bk,a,b) = CLambdaN (Loc.ghost,[idl,bk,a],b)
+let mkLetInC (id,a,b) = CLetIn (Loc.ghost,id,a,b)
+let mkProdC (idl,bk,a,b) = CProdN (Loc.ghost,[idl,bk,a],b)
+let mkAppC (f,l) =
+ let l = (fun x -> (x,None)) l in
+ match f with
+ | CApp (_,g,l') -> CApp (Loc.ghost, g, l' @ l)
+ | _ -> CApp (Loc.ghost, (None, f), l)
+let rec mkCProdN loc bll c =
+ match bll with
+ | LocalRawAssum ((loc1,_)::_ as idl,bk,t) :: bll ->
+ CProdN (loc,[idl,bk,t],mkCProdN (Loc.merge loc1 loc) bll c)
+ | LocalRawDef ((loc1,_) as id,b) :: bll ->
+ CLetIn (loc,id,b,mkCProdN (Loc.merge loc1 loc) bll c)
+ | [] -> c
+ | LocalRawAssum ([],_,_) :: bll -> mkCProdN loc bll c
+let rec mkCLambdaN loc bll c =
+ match bll with
+ | LocalRawAssum ((loc1,_)::_ as idl,bk,t) :: bll ->
+ CLambdaN (loc,[idl,bk,t],mkCLambdaN (Loc.merge loc1 loc) bll c)
+ | LocalRawDef ((loc1,_) as id,b) :: bll ->
+ CLetIn (loc,id,b,mkCLambdaN (Loc.merge loc1 loc) bll c)
+ | [] -> c
+ | LocalRawAssum ([],_,_) :: bll -> mkCLambdaN loc bll c
+let rec abstract_constr_expr c = function
+ | [] -> c
+ | LocalRawDef (x,b)::bl -> mkLetInC(x,b,abstract_constr_expr c bl)
+ | LocalRawAssum (idl,bk,t)::bl ->
+ List.fold_right (fun x b -> mkLambdaC([x],bk,t,b)) idl
+ (abstract_constr_expr c bl)
+let rec prod_constr_expr c = function
+ | [] -> c
+ | LocalRawDef (x,b)::bl -> mkLetInC(x,b,prod_constr_expr c bl)
+ | LocalRawAssum (idl,bk,t)::bl ->
+ List.fold_right (fun x b -> mkProdC([x],bk,t,b)) idl
+ (prod_constr_expr c bl)
+let coerce_reference_to_id = function
+ | Ident (_,id) -> id
+ | Qualid (loc,_) ->
+ Errors.user_err_loc (loc, "coerce_reference_to_id",
+ str "This expression should be a simple identifier.")
+let coerce_to_id = function
+ | CRef (Ident (loc,id),_) -> (loc,id)
+ | a -> Errors.user_err_loc
+ (constr_loc a,"coerce_to_id",
+ str "This expression should be a simple identifier.")
+let coerce_to_name = function
+ | CRef (Ident (loc,id),_) -> (loc,Name id)
+ | CHole (loc,_,_,_) -> (loc,Anonymous)
+ | a -> Errors.user_err_loc
+ (constr_loc a,"coerce_to_name",
+ str "This expression should be a name.")
diff --git a/interp/constrexpr_ops.mli b/interp/constrexpr_ops.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..10c84b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/constrexpr_ops.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Loc
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Misctypes
+open Constrexpr
+(** Constrexpr_ops: utilities on [constr_expr] *)
+(** {6 Equalities on [constr_expr] related types} *)
+val explicitation_eq : explicitation -> explicitation -> bool
+(** Equality on [explicitation]. *)
+val constr_expr_eq : constr_expr -> constr_expr -> bool
+(** Equality on [constr_expr]. This is a syntactical one, which is oblivious to
+ some parsing details, including locations. *)
+val local_binder_eq : local_binder -> local_binder -> bool
+(** Equality on [local_binder]. Same properties as [constr_expr_eq]. *)
+val binding_kind_eq : Decl_kinds.binding_kind -> Decl_kinds.binding_kind -> bool
+(** Equality on [binding_kind] *)
+val binder_kind_eq : binder_kind -> binder_kind -> bool
+(** Equality on [binder_kind] *)
+(** {6 Retrieving locations} *)
+val constr_loc : constr_expr -> Loc.t
+val cases_pattern_expr_loc : cases_pattern_expr -> Loc.t
+val raw_cases_pattern_expr_loc : raw_cases_pattern_expr -> Loc.t
+val local_binders_loc : local_binder list -> Loc.t
+(** {6 Constructors}*)
+val mkIdentC : Id.t -> constr_expr
+val mkRefC : reference -> constr_expr
+val mkAppC : constr_expr * constr_expr list -> constr_expr
+val mkCastC : constr_expr * constr_expr cast_type -> constr_expr
+val mkLambdaC : Name.t located list * binder_kind * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
+val mkLetInC : Name.t located * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
+val mkProdC : Name.t located list * binder_kind * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
+val abstract_constr_expr : constr_expr -> local_binder list -> constr_expr
+val prod_constr_expr : constr_expr -> local_binder list -> constr_expr
+val mkCLambdaN : Loc.t -> local_binder list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
+(** Same as [abstract_constr_expr], with location *)
+val mkCProdN : Loc.t -> local_binder list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
+(** Same as [prod_constr_expr], with location *)
+(** {6 Destructors}*)
+val coerce_reference_to_id : reference -> Id.t
+(** FIXME: nothing to do here *)
+val coerce_to_id : constr_expr -> Id.t located
+(** Destruct terms of the form [CRef (Ident _)]. *)
+val coerce_to_name : constr_expr -> Name.t located
+(** Destruct terms of the form [CRef (Ident _)] or [CHole _]. *)
+(** {6 Binder manipulation} *)
+val default_binder_kind : binder_kind
+val names_of_local_binders : local_binder list -> Name.t located list
+(** Retrieve a list of binding names from a list of binders. *)
+val names_of_local_assums : local_binder list -> Name.t located list
+(** Same as [names_of_local_binders], but does not take the [let] bindings into
+ account. *)
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index 911d3741..58e1eb1d 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,25 +8,27 @@
open Pp
+open Errors
open Util
-open Univ
open Names
open Nameops
open Term
open Termops
-open Namegen
-open Inductive
-open Sign
-open Environ
open Libnames
+open Globnames
open Impargs
+open Constrexpr
+open Constrexpr_ops
+open Notation_ops
open Topconstr
open Glob_term
+open Glob_ops
open Pattern
open Nametab
open Notation
-open Reserve
open Detyping
+open Misctypes
+open Decl_kinds
(* Translation from glob_constr to front constr *)
@@ -37,8 +39,8 @@ open Detyping
(* This governs printing of local context of references *)
let print_arguments = ref false
-(* If true, prints local context of evars, whatever print_arguments *)
-let print_evar_arguments = ref false
+(* If true, prints local context of evars *)
+let print_evar_arguments = Detyping.print_evar_arguments
(* This governs printing of implicit arguments. When
[print_implicits] is on then [print_implicits_explicit_args] tells
@@ -56,11 +58,14 @@ let print_implicits_defensive = ref true
let print_coercions = ref false
(* This forces printing universe names of Type{.} *)
-let print_universes = ref false
+let print_universes = Detyping.print_universes
-(* This suppresses printing of primitive tokens (e.g. numeral) and symbols *)
+(* This suppresses printing of primitive tokens (e.g. numeral) and notations *)
let print_no_symbol = ref false
+(* This tells which notations still not to used if print_no_symbol is true *)
+let print_non_active_notations = ref ([] : interp_rule list)
(* This governs printing of projections using the dot notation symbols *)
let print_projections = ref false
@@ -70,8 +75,10 @@ let with_arguments f = Flags.with_option print_arguments f
let with_implicits f = Flags.with_option print_implicits f
let with_coercions f = Flags.with_option print_coercions f
let with_universes f = Flags.with_option print_universes f
-let without_symbols f = Flags.with_option print_no_symbol f
let with_meta_as_hole f = Flags.with_option print_meta_as_hole f
+let without_symbols f = Flags.with_option print_no_symbol f
+let without_specific_symbols l f =
+ Flags.with_extra_values print_non_active_notations l f
(* Control printing of records *)
@@ -121,7 +128,7 @@ module PrintingConstructor = Goptions.MakeRefTable(PrintingRecordConstructor)
let insert_delimiters e = function
| None -> e
- | Some sc -> CDelimiters (dummy_loc,sc,e)
+ | Some sc -> CDelimiters (Loc.ghost,sc,e)
let insert_pat_delimiters loc p = function
| None -> p
@@ -134,8 +141,7 @@ let insert_pat_alias loc p = function
(* conversion of references *)
-let extern_evar loc n l =
- if !print_evar_arguments then CEvar (loc,n,l) else CEvar (loc,n,None)
+let extern_evar loc n l = CEvar (loc,n,l)
(** We allow customization of the global_reference printer.
For instance, in the debugger the tables of global references
@@ -151,124 +157,44 @@ let get_extern_reference () = !my_extern_reference
let extern_reference loc vars l = !my_extern_reference loc vars l
-let in_debugger = ref false
-(* Equality up to location (useful for translator v8) *)
-let rec check_same_pattern p1 p2 =
- match p1, p2 with
- | CPatAlias(_,a1,i1), CPatAlias(_,a2,i2) when i1=i2 ->
- check_same_pattern a1 a2
- | CPatCstr(_,c1,a1), CPatCstr(_,c2,a2) when c1=c2 ->
- List.iter2 check_same_pattern a1 a2
- | CPatCstrExpl(_,c1,a1), CPatCstrExpl(_,c2,a2) when c1=c2 ->
- List.iter2 check_same_pattern a1 a2
- | CPatAtom(_,r1), CPatAtom(_,r2) when r1=r2 -> ()
- | CPatPrim(_,i1), CPatPrim(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> ()
- | CPatDelimiters(_,s1,e1), CPatDelimiters(_,s2,e2) when s1=s2 ->
- check_same_pattern e1 e2
- | _ -> failwith "not same pattern"
-let check_same_ref r1 r2 =
- match r1,r2 with
- | Qualid(_,q1), Qualid(_,q2) when q1=q2 -> ()
- | Ident(_,i1), Ident(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> ()
- | _ -> failwith "not same ref"
-let rec check_same_type ty1 ty2 =
- match ty1, ty2 with
- | CRef r1, CRef r2 -> check_same_ref r1 r2
- | CFix(_,(_,id1),fl1), CFix(_,(_,id2),fl2) when id1=id2 ->
- List.iter2 (fun (id1,i1,bl1,a1,b1) (id2,i2,bl2,a2,b2) ->
- if id1<>id2 || i1<>i2 then failwith "not same fix";
- check_same_fix_binder bl1 bl2;
- check_same_type a1 a2;
- check_same_type b1 b2)
- fl1 fl2
- | CCoFix(_,(_,id1),fl1), CCoFix(_,(_,id2),fl2) when id1=id2 ->
- List.iter2 (fun (id1,bl1,a1,b1) (id2,bl2,a2,b2) ->
- if id1<>id2 then failwith "not same fix";
- check_same_fix_binder bl1 bl2;
- check_same_type a1 a2;
- check_same_type b1 b2)
- fl1 fl2
- | CArrow(_,a1,b1), CArrow(_,a2,b2) ->
- check_same_type a1 a2;
- check_same_type b1 b2
- | CProdN(_,bl1,a1), CProdN(_,bl2,a2) ->
- List.iter2 check_same_binder bl1 bl2;
- check_same_type a1 a2
- | CLambdaN(_,bl1,a1), CLambdaN(_,bl2,a2) ->
- List.iter2 check_same_binder bl1 bl2;
- check_same_type a1 a2
- | CLetIn(_,(_,na1),a1,b1), CLetIn(_,(_,na2),a2,b2) when na1=na2 ->
- check_same_type a1 a2;
- check_same_type b1 b2
- | CAppExpl(_,(proj1,r1),al1), CAppExpl(_,(proj2,r2),al2) when proj1=proj2 ->
- check_same_ref r1 r2;
- List.iter2 check_same_type al1 al2
- | CApp(_,(_,e1),al1), CApp(_,(_,e2),al2) ->
- check_same_type e1 e2;
- List.iter2 (fun (a1,e1) (a2,e2) ->
- if e1<>e2 then failwith "not same expl";
- check_same_type a1 a2) al1 al2
- | CCases(_,_,_,a1,brl1), CCases(_,_,_,a2,brl2) ->
- List.iter2 (fun (tm1,_) (tm2,_) -> check_same_type tm1 tm2) a1 a2;
- List.iter2 (fun (_,pl1,r1) (_,pl2,r2) ->
- List.iter2 (located_iter2 (List.iter2 check_same_pattern)) pl1 pl2;
- check_same_type r1 r2) brl1 brl2
- | CHole _, CHole _ -> ()
- | CPatVar(_,i1), CPatVar(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> ()
- | CSort(_,s1), CSort(_,s2) when s1=s2 -> ()
- | CCast(_,a1,CastConv (_,b1)), CCast(_,a2, CastConv(_,b2)) ->
- check_same_type a1 a2;
- check_same_type b1 b2
- | CCast(_,a1,CastCoerce), CCast(_,a2, CastCoerce) ->
- check_same_type a1 a2
- | CNotation(_,n1,(e1,el1,bl1)), CNotation(_,n2,(e2,el2,bl2)) when n1=n2 ->
- List.iter2 check_same_type e1 e2;
- List.iter2 (List.iter2 check_same_type) el1 el2;
- List.iter2 check_same_fix_binder bl1 bl2
- | CPrim(_,i1), CPrim(_,i2) when i1=i2 -> ()
- | CDelimiters(_,s1,e1), CDelimiters(_,s2,e2) when s1=s2 ->
- check_same_type e1 e2
- | _ when ty1=ty2 -> ()
- | _ -> failwith "not same type"
-and check_same_binder (nal1,_,e1) (nal2,_,e2) =
- List.iter2 (fun (_,na1) (_,na2) ->
- if na1<>na2 then failwith "not same name") nal1 nal2;
- check_same_type e1 e2
-and check_same_fix_binder bl1 bl2 =
- List.iter2 (fun b1 b2 ->
- match b1,b2 with
- LocalRawAssum(nal1,k,ty1), LocalRawAssum(nal2,k',ty2) ->
- check_same_binder (nal1,k,ty1) (nal2,k',ty2)
- | LocalRawDef(na1,def1), LocalRawDef(na2,def2) ->
- check_same_binder ([na1],default_binder_kind,def1) ([na2],default_binder_kind,def2)
- | _ -> failwith "not same binder") bl1 bl2
-let is_same_type c d =
- try let () = check_same_type c d in true
- with Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ -> false
(* mapping patterns to cases_pattern_expr *)
+let add_patt_for_params ind l =
+ if !Flags.in_debugger then l else
+ Util.List.addn (Inductiveops.inductive_nparamdecls ind) (CPatAtom (Loc.ghost,None)) l
+let drop_implicits_in_patt cst nb_expl args =
+ let impl_st = (implicits_of_global cst) in
+ let impl_data = extract_impargs_data impl_st in
+ let rec impls_fit l = function
+ |[],t -> Some (List.rev_append l t)
+ |_,[] -> None
+ |h::t,CPatAtom(_,None)::tt when is_status_implicit h -> impls_fit l (t,tt)
+ |h::_,_ when is_status_implicit h -> None
+ |_::t,hh::tt -> impls_fit (hh::l) (t,tt)
+ in let rec aux = function
+ |[] -> None
+ |(_,imps)::t -> match impls_fit [] (imps,args) with
+ |None -> aux t
+ |x -> x
+ in
+ if Int.equal nb_expl 0 then aux impl_data
+ else
+ let imps = List.skipn_at_least nb_expl (select_stronger_impargs impl_st) in
+ impls_fit [] (imps,args)
let has_curly_brackets ntn =
- String.length ntn >= 6 & (String.sub ntn 0 6 = "{ _ } " or
- String.sub ntn (String.length ntn - 6) 6 = " { _ }" or
- string_string_contains ~where:ntn ~what:" { _ } ")
+ String.length ntn >= 6 && (String.is_sub "{ _ } " ntn 0 ||
+ String.is_sub " { _ }" ntn (String.length ntn - 6) ||
+ String.string_contains ~where:ntn ~what:" { _ } ")
let rec wildcards ntn n =
- if n = String.length ntn then []
- else let l = spaces ntn (n+1) in if ntn.[n] = '_' then n::l else l
+ if Int.equal n (String.length ntn) then []
+ else let l = spaces ntn (n+1) in if ntn.[n] == '_' then n::l else l
and spaces ntn n =
- if n = String.length ntn then []
- else if ntn.[n] = ' ' then wildcards ntn (n+1) else spaces ntn (n+1)
+ if Int.equal n (String.length ntn) then []
+ else if ntn.[n] == ' ' then wildcards ntn (n+1) else spaces ntn (n+1)
let expand_curly_brackets loc mknot ntn l =
let ntn' = ref ntn in
@@ -278,7 +204,7 @@ let expand_curly_brackets loc mknot ntn l =
| a::l ->
let a' =
let p = List.nth (wildcards !ntn' 0) i - 2 in
- if p>=0 & p+5 <= String.length !ntn' & String.sub !ntn' p 5 = "{ _ }"
+ if p>=0 && p+5 <= String.length !ntn' && String.is_sub "{ _ }" !ntn' p
then begin
ntn' :=
String.sub !ntn' 0 p ^ "_" ^
@@ -304,128 +230,199 @@ let make_notation_gen loc ntn mknot mkprim destprim l =
match decompose_notation_key ntn, l with
| [Terminal "-"; Terminal x], [] ->
(try mkprim (loc, Numeral (Bigint.neg (Bigint.of_string x)))
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> mknot (loc,ntn,[]))
+ with Failure _ -> mknot (loc,ntn,[]))
| [Terminal x], [] ->
(try mkprim (loc, Numeral (Bigint.of_string x))
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> mknot (loc,ntn,[]))
+ with Failure _ -> mknot (loc,ntn,[]))
| _ ->
mknot (loc,ntn,l)
let make_notation loc ntn (terms,termlists,binders as subst) =
- if termlists <> [] or binders <> [] then CNotation (loc,ntn,subst) else
- make_notation_gen loc ntn
- (fun (loc,ntn,l) -> CNotation (loc,ntn,(l,[],[])))
- (fun (loc,p) -> CPrim (loc,p))
- destPrim terms
+ if not (List.is_empty termlists) || not (List.is_empty binders) then
+ CNotation (loc,ntn,subst)
+ else
+ make_notation_gen loc ntn
+ (fun (loc,ntn,l) -> CNotation (loc,ntn,(l,[],[])))
+ (fun (loc,p) -> CPrim (loc,p))
+ destPrim terms
-let make_pat_notation loc ntn (terms,termlists as subst) =
- if termlists <> [] then CPatNotation (loc,ntn,subst) else
+let make_pat_notation loc ntn (terms,termlists as subst) args =
+ if not (List.is_empty termlists) then CPatNotation (loc,ntn,subst,args) else
make_notation_gen loc ntn
- (fun (loc,ntn,l) -> CPatNotation (loc,ntn,(l,[])))
+ (fun (loc,ntn,l) -> CPatNotation (loc,ntn,(l,[]),args))
(fun (loc,p) -> CPatPrim (loc,p))
destPatPrim terms
let mkPat loc qid l =
(* Normally irrelevant test with v8 syntax, but let's do it anyway *)
- if l = [] then CPatAtom (loc,Some qid) else CPatCstr (loc,qid,l)
+ if List.is_empty l then CPatAtom (loc,Some qid) else CPatCstr (loc,qid,[],l)
+let pattern_printable_in_both_syntax (ind,_ as c) =
+ let impl_st = extract_impargs_data (implicits_of_global (ConstructRef c)) in
+ let nb_params = Inductiveops.inductive_nparams ind in
+ List.exists (fun (_,impls) ->
+ (List.length impls >= nb_params) &&
+ let params,args = Util.List.chop nb_params impls in
+ (List.for_all is_status_implicit params)&&(List.for_all (fun x -> not (is_status_implicit x)) args)
+ ) impl_st
(* Better to use extern_glob_constr composed with injection/retraction ?? *)
let rec extern_cases_pattern_in_scope (scopes:local_scopes) vars pat =
+ (* pboutill: There are letins in pat which is incompatible with notations and
+ not explicit application. *)
+ match pat with
+ | PatCstr(loc,cstrsp,args,na)
+ when !Flags.in_debugger||Inductiveops.constructor_has_local_defs cstrsp ->
+ let c = extern_reference loc Id.Set.empty (ConstructRef cstrsp) in
+ let args = (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars) args in
+ CPatCstr (loc, c, add_patt_for_params (fst cstrsp) args, [])
+ | _ ->
- if !Flags.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
+ if !Flags.raw_print || !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
let (na,sc,p) = uninterp_prim_token_cases_pattern pat in
match availability_of_prim_token p sc scopes with
- | None -> raise No_match
- | Some key ->
- let loc = cases_pattern_loc pat in
- insert_pat_alias loc (insert_pat_delimiters loc (CPatPrim(loc,p)) key) na
- with No_match ->
- try
- if !Flags.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
- extern_symbol_pattern scopes vars pat
- (uninterp_cases_pattern_notations pat)
+ | None -> raise No_match
+ | Some key ->
+ let loc = cases_pattern_loc pat in
+ insert_pat_alias loc (insert_pat_delimiters loc (CPatPrim(loc,p)) key) na
with No_match ->
- match pat with
- | PatVar (loc,Name id) -> CPatAtom (loc,Some (Ident (loc,id)))
- | PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> CPatAtom (loc, None)
- | PatCstr(loc,cstrsp,args,na) ->
- let args = (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars) args in
- let p =
- try
- if !in_debugger || !Flags.raw_print then raise Exit;
- let projs = Recordops.lookup_projections (fst cstrsp) in
- let rec ip projs args acc =
- match projs with
- | [] -> acc
- | None :: q -> ip q args acc
- | Some c :: q ->
- match args with
- | [] -> raise No_match
- | CPatAtom(_, None) :: tail -> ip q tail acc
- (* we don't want to have 'x = _' in our patterns *)
- | head :: tail -> ip q tail
- ((extern_reference loc Idset.empty (ConstRef c), head) :: acc)
+ try
+ if !Flags.raw_print || !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
+ extern_symbol_pattern scopes vars pat
+ (uninterp_cases_pattern_notations pat)
+ with No_match ->
+ match pat with
+ | PatVar (loc,Name id) -> CPatAtom (loc,Some (Ident (loc,id)))
+ | PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> CPatAtom (loc, None)
+ | PatCstr(loc,cstrsp,args,na) ->
+ let args = (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars) args in
+ let p =
+ try
+ if !Flags.raw_print then raise Exit;
+ let projs = Recordops.lookup_projections (fst cstrsp) in
+ let rec ip projs args acc =
+ match projs with
+ | [] -> acc
+ | None :: q -> ip q args acc
+ | Some c :: q ->
+ match args with
+ | [] -> raise No_match
+ | CPatAtom(_, None) :: tail -> ip q tail acc
+ (* we don't want to have 'x = _' in our patterns *)
+ | head :: tail -> ip q tail
+ ((extern_reference loc Id.Set.empty (ConstRef c), head) :: acc)
+ in
+ CPatRecord(loc, List.rev (ip projs args []))
+ with
+ Not_found | No_match | Exit ->
+ let c = extern_reference loc Id.Set.empty (ConstructRef cstrsp) in
+ if !Topconstr.oldfashion_patterns then
+ if pattern_printable_in_both_syntax cstrsp
+ then CPatCstr (loc, c, [], args)
+ else CPatCstr (loc, c, add_patt_for_params (fst cstrsp) args, [])
+ else
+ let full_args = add_patt_for_params (fst cstrsp) args in
+ match drop_implicits_in_patt (ConstructRef cstrsp) 0 full_args with
+ |Some true_args -> CPatCstr (loc, c, [], true_args)
+ |None -> CPatCstr (loc, c, full_args, [])
+ in insert_pat_alias loc p na
+and apply_notation_to_pattern loc gr ((subst,substlist),(nb_to_drop,more_args))
+ (tmp_scope, scopes as allscopes) vars =
+ function
+ | NotationRule (sc,ntn) ->
+ begin
+ match availability_of_notation (sc,ntn) allscopes with
+ (* Uninterpretation is not allowed in current context *)
+ | None -> raise No_match
+ (* Uninterpretation is allowed in current context *)
+ | Some (scopt,key) ->
+ let scopes' = Option.List.cons scopt scopes in
+ let l =
+ (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) ->
+ extern_cases_pattern_in_scope (scopt,scl@scopes') vars c)
+ subst in
+ let ll =
+ (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) ->
+ let subscope = (scopt,scl@scopes') in
+ (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope subscope vars) c)
+ substlist in
+ let l2 = (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope allscopes vars) more_args in
+ let l2' = if !Topconstr.oldfashion_patterns || not (List.is_empty ll) then l2
+ else
+ match drop_implicits_in_patt gr nb_to_drop l2 with
+ |Some true_args -> true_args
+ |None -> raise No_match
- CPatRecord(loc, List.rev (ip projs args []))
- with
- Not_found | No_match | Exit ->
- CPatCstr (loc, extern_reference loc vars (ConstructRef cstrsp), args) in
- insert_pat_alias loc p na
+ insert_pat_delimiters loc
+ (make_pat_notation loc ntn (l,ll) l2') key
+ end
+ | SynDefRule kn ->
+ let qid = Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_syndef vars kn) in
+ let l1 =
+ List.rev_map (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) ->
+ extern_cases_pattern_in_scope (scopt,scl@scopes) vars c)
+ subst in
+ let l2 = (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope allscopes vars) more_args in
+ let l2' = if !Topconstr.oldfashion_patterns then l2
+ else
+ match drop_implicits_in_patt gr (nb_to_drop + List.length l1) l2 with
+ |Some true_args -> true_args
+ |None -> raise No_match
+ in
+ assert (List.is_empty substlist);
+ mkPat loc qid (List.rev_append l1 l2')
and extern_symbol_pattern (tmp_scope,scopes as allscopes) vars t = function
| [] -> raise No_match
| (keyrule,pat,n as _rule)::rules ->
- match t,n with
- | PatCstr (loc,(ind,_),l,na), n when (n = Some 0 or n = None or
- n = Some(fst(Global.lookup_inductive ind)).Declarations.mind_nparams)
- && (match keyrule with SynDefRule _ -> true | _ -> false) ->
- (* Abbreviation for the constructor name only *)
- (match keyrule with
- | NotationRule _ -> assert false
- | SynDefRule kn ->
- let qid = Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_syndef vars kn) in
- let l = (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope allscopes vars) l in
- insert_pat_alias loc (mkPat loc qid l) na)
- | PatCstr (_,f,l,_), Some n when List.length l > n ->
- raise No_match
- | PatCstr (loc,_,_,na),_ ->
- (* Try matching ... *)
- let subst,substlist = match_aconstr_cases_pattern t pat in
- (* Try availability of interpretation ... *)
- let p = match keyrule with
- | NotationRule (sc,ntn) ->
- (match availability_of_notation (sc,ntn) allscopes with
- (* Uninterpretation is not allowed in current context *)
- | None -> raise No_match
- (* Uninterpretation is allowed in current context *)
- | Some (scopt,key) ->
- let scopes' = Option.List.cons scopt scopes in
- let l =
- (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) ->
- extern_cases_pattern_in_scope (scopt,scl@scopes') vars c)
- subst in
- let ll =
- (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) ->
- let subscope = (scopt,scl@scopes') in
- (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope subscope vars) c)
- substlist in
- insert_pat_delimiters loc
- (make_pat_notation loc ntn (l,ll)) key)
- | SynDefRule kn ->
- let qid = Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_syndef vars kn) in
- let l =
- (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) ->
- extern_cases_pattern_in_scope (scopt,scl@scopes) vars c)
- subst in
- assert (substlist = []);
- mkPat loc qid l in
- insert_pat_alias loc p na
- | PatVar (loc,Anonymous),_ -> CPatAtom (loc, None)
- | PatVar (loc,Name id),_ -> CPatAtom (loc, Some (Ident (loc,id)))
+ if List.mem keyrule !print_non_active_notations then raise No_match;
+ match t with
+ | PatCstr (loc,cstr,_,na) ->
+ let p = apply_notation_to_pattern loc (ConstructRef cstr)
+ (match_notation_constr_cases_pattern t pat) allscopes vars keyrule in
+ insert_pat_alias loc p na
+ | PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> CPatAtom (loc, None)
+ | PatVar (loc,Name id) -> CPatAtom (loc, Some (Ident (loc,id)))
No_match -> extern_symbol_pattern allscopes vars t rules
+let rec extern_symbol_ind_pattern allscopes vars ind args = function
+ | [] -> raise No_match
+ | (keyrule,pat,n as _rule)::rules ->
+ try
+ if List.mem keyrule !print_non_active_notations then raise No_match;
+ apply_notation_to_pattern Loc.ghost (IndRef ind)
+ (match_notation_constr_ind_pattern ind args pat) allscopes vars keyrule
+ with
+ No_match -> extern_symbol_ind_pattern allscopes vars ind args rules
+let extern_ind_pattern_in_scope (scopes:local_scopes) vars ind args =
+ (* pboutill: There are letins in pat which is incompatible with notations and
+ not explicit application. *)
+ if !Flags.in_debugger||Inductiveops.inductive_has_local_defs ind then
+ let c = extern_reference Loc.ghost vars (IndRef ind) in
+ let args = (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars) args in
+ CPatCstr (Loc.ghost, c, add_patt_for_params ind args, [])
+ else
+ try
+ if !Flags.raw_print || !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
+ let (sc,p) = uninterp_prim_token_ind_pattern ind args in
+ match availability_of_prim_token p sc scopes with
+ | None -> raise No_match
+ | Some key ->
+ insert_pat_delimiters Loc.ghost (CPatPrim(Loc.ghost,p)) key
+ with No_match ->
+ try
+ if !Flags.raw_print || !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
+ extern_symbol_ind_pattern scopes vars ind args
+ (uninterp_ind_pattern_notations ind)
+ with No_match ->
+ let c = extern_reference Loc.ghost vars (IndRef ind) in
+ let args = (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars) args in
+ match drop_implicits_in_patt (IndRef ind) 0 args with
+ |Some true_args -> CPatCstr (Loc.ghost, c, [], true_args)
+ |None -> CPatCstr (Loc.ghost, c, args, [])
let extern_cases_pattern vars p =
extern_cases_pattern_in_scope (None,[]) vars p
@@ -438,20 +435,32 @@ let occur_name na aty =
| Anonymous -> false
let is_projection nargs = function
- | Some r when not !Flags.raw_print & !print_projections ->
- (try
- let n = Recordops.find_projection_nparams r + 1 in
- if n <= nargs then Some n else None
- with Not_found -> None)
+ | Some r when not !Flags.in_debugger && not !Flags.raw_print && !print_projections ->
+ (try
+ let n = Recordops.find_projection_nparams r + 1 in
+ if n <= nargs then None
+ else Some n
+ with Not_found -> None)
| _ -> None
-let is_hole = function CHole _ -> true | _ -> false
+let is_hole = function CHole _ | CEvar _ -> true | _ -> false
let is_significant_implicit a =
not (is_hole a)
let is_needed_for_correct_partial_application tail imp =
- tail = [] & not (maximal_insertion_of imp)
+ List.is_empty tail && not (maximal_insertion_of imp)
+exception Expl
+let params_implicit n impl =
+ let rec aux n impl =
+ if n == 0 then true
+ else match impl with
+ | [] -> false
+ | imp :: impl when is_status_implicit imp -> aux (pred n) impl
+ | _ -> false
+ in aux n impl
(* Implicit args indexes are in ascending order *)
(* inctx is useful only if there is a last argument to be deduced from ctxt *)
@@ -462,55 +471,70 @@ let explicitize loc inctx impl (cf,f) args =
| a::args, imp::impl when is_status_implicit imp ->
let tail = exprec (q+1) (args,impl) in
let visible =
- !Flags.raw_print or
- (!print_implicits & !print_implicits_explicit_args) or
- (is_needed_for_correct_partial_application tail imp) or
- (!print_implicits_defensive &
- is_significant_implicit a &
+ !Flags.raw_print ||
+ (!print_implicits && !print_implicits_explicit_args) ||
+ (is_needed_for_correct_partial_application tail imp) ||
+ (!print_implicits_defensive &&
+ is_significant_implicit a &&
not (is_inferable_implicit inctx n imp))
if visible then
- (a,Some (dummy_loc, ExplByName (name_of_implicit imp))) :: tail
+ (a,Some (Loc.ghost, ExplByName (name_of_implicit imp))) :: tail
| a::args, _::impl -> (a,None) :: exprec (q+1) (args,impl)
| args, [] -> (fun a -> (a,None)) args (*In case of polymorphism*)
- | [], _ -> [] in
- match is_projection (List.length args) cf with
- | Some i as ip ->
- if impl <> [] & is_status_implicit (List.nth impl (i-1)) then
- let f' = match f with CRef f -> f | _ -> assert false in
- CAppExpl (loc,(ip,f'),args)
- else
- let (args1,args2) = list_chop i args in
- let (impl1,impl2) = if impl=[] then [],[] else list_chop i impl in
- let args1 = exprec 1 (args1,impl1) in
- let args2 = exprec (i+1) (args2,impl2) in
- CApp (loc,(Some (List.length args1),f),args1@args2)
+ | [], (imp :: _) when is_status_implicit imp && maximal_insertion_of imp ->
+ (* The non-explicit application cannot be parsed back with the same type *)
+ raise Expl
+ | [], _ -> []
+ in
+ let ip = is_projection (List.length args) cf in
+ let expl () =
+ match ip with
+ | Some i ->
+ if not (List.is_empty impl) && is_status_implicit (List.nth impl (i-1)) then
+ raise Expl
+ else
+ let (args1,args2) = List.chop i args in
+ let (impl1,impl2) = if List.is_empty impl then [],[] else List.chop i impl in
+ let args1 = exprec 1 (args1,impl1) in
+ let args2 = exprec (i+1) (args2,impl2) in
+ let ip = Some (List.length args1) in
+ CApp (loc,(ip,f),args1@args2)
| None ->
- let args = exprec 1 (args,impl) in
- if args = [] then f else CApp (loc, (None, f), args)
-let extern_global loc impl f =
- if not !Constrintern.parsing_explicit &&
- impl <> [] && List.for_all is_status_implicit impl
+ let args = exprec 1 (args,impl) in
+ if List.is_empty args then f else CApp (loc, (None, f), args)
+ in
+ try expl ()
+ with Expl ->
+ let f',us = match f with CRef (f,us) -> f,us | _ -> assert false in
+ let ip = if !print_projections then ip else None in
+ CAppExpl (loc, (ip, f', us), args)
+let is_start_implicit = function
+ | imp :: _ -> is_status_implicit imp && maximal_insertion_of imp
+ | [] -> false
+let extern_global loc impl f us =
+ if not !Constrintern.parsing_explicit && is_start_implicit impl
- CAppExpl (loc, (None, f), [])
- else
- CRef f
-let extern_app loc inctx impl (cf,f) args =
- if args = [] (* maybe caused by a hidden coercion *) then
- extern_global loc impl f
+ CAppExpl (loc, (None, f, us), [])
- if not !Constrintern.parsing_explicit &&
- ((!Flags.raw_print or
- (!print_implicits & not !print_implicits_explicit_args)) &
+ CRef (f,us)
+let extern_app loc inctx impl (cf,f) us args =
+ if List.is_empty args then
+ (* If coming from a notation "Notation a := @b" *)
+ CAppExpl (loc, (None, f, us), [])
+ else if not !Constrintern.parsing_explicit &&
+ ((!Flags.raw_print ||
+ (!print_implicits && not !print_implicits_explicit_args)) &&
List.exists is_status_implicit impl)
- CAppExpl (loc, (is_projection (List.length args) cf, f), args)
+ CAppExpl (loc, (is_projection (List.length args) cf,f,us), args)
- explicitize loc inctx impl (cf,CRef f) args
+ explicitize loc inctx impl (cf,CRef (f,us)) args
let rec extern_args extern scopes env args subscopes =
match args with
@@ -521,15 +545,19 @@ let rec extern_args extern scopes env args subscopes =
| scopt::subscopes -> (scopt,scopes), subscopes in
extern argscopes env a :: extern_args extern scopes env args subscopes
-let rec remove_coercions inctx = function
- | GApp (loc,GRef (_,r),args) as c
- when not (!Flags.raw_print or !print_coercions)
- ->
+let match_coercion_app = function
+ | GApp (loc,GRef (_,r,_),args) -> Some (loc, r, 0, args)
+ | _ -> None
+let rec remove_coercions inctx c =
+ match match_coercion_app c with
+ | Some (loc,r,pars,args) when not (!Flags.raw_print || !print_coercions) ->
let nargs = List.length args in
(try match Classops.hide_coercion r with
- | Some n when n < nargs && (inctx or n+1 < nargs) ->
+ | Some n when (n - pars) < nargs && (inctx || (n - pars)+1 < nargs) ->
(* We skip a coercion *)
- let l = list_skipn n args in
+ let l = List.skipn (n - pars) args in
let (a,l) = match l with a::l -> (a,l) | [] -> assert false in
(* Recursively remove the head coercions *)
let a' = remove_coercions true a in
@@ -541,10 +569,10 @@ let rec remove_coercions inctx = function
been confused with ordinary application or would have need
a surrounding context and the coercion to funclass would
have been made explicit to match *)
- if l = [] then a' else GApp (loc,a',l)
+ if List.is_empty l then a' else GApp (loc,a',l)
| _ -> c
with Not_found -> c)
- | c -> c
+ | _ -> c
let rec flatten_application = function
| GApp (loc,GApp(_,a,l'),l) -> flatten_application (GApp (loc,a,l'@l))
@@ -574,38 +602,44 @@ let extern_optimal_prim_token scopes r r' =
(* mapping glob_constr to constr_expr *)
let extern_glob_sort = function
- | GProp _ as s -> s
- | GType (Some _) as s when !print_universes -> s
- | GType _ -> GType None
+ | GProp -> GProp
+ | GSet -> GSet
+ | GType _ as s when !print_universes -> s
+ | GType _ -> GType []
+let extern_universes = function
+ | Some _ as l when !print_universes -> l
+ | _ -> None
let rec extern inctx scopes vars r =
let r' = remove_coercions inctx r in
- if !Flags.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
+ if !Flags.raw_print || !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
extern_optimal_prim_token scopes r r'
with No_match ->
let r'' = flatten_application r' in
- if !Flags.raw_print or !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
+ if !Flags.raw_print || !print_no_symbol then raise No_match;
extern_symbol scopes vars r'' (uninterp_notations r'')
with No_match -> match r' with
- | GRef (loc,ref) ->
+ | GRef (loc,ref,us) ->
extern_global loc (select_stronger_impargs (implicits_of_global ref))
- (extern_reference loc vars ref)
+ (extern_reference loc vars ref) (extern_universes us)
- | GVar (loc,id) -> CRef (Ident (loc,id))
+ | GVar (loc,id) -> CRef (Ident (loc,id),None)
- | GEvar (loc,n,None) when !print_meta_as_hole -> CHole (loc, None)
+ | GEvar (loc,n,[]) when !print_meta_as_hole -> CHole (loc, None, Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None)
| GEvar (loc,n,l) ->
- extern_evar loc n ( ( (extern false scopes vars)) l)
+ extern_evar loc n ( (on_snd (extern false scopes vars)) l)
- | GPatVar (loc,n) ->
- if !print_meta_as_hole then CHole (loc, None) else CPatVar (loc,n)
+ | GPatVar (loc,(b,n)) ->
+ if !print_meta_as_hole then CHole (loc, None, Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None) else
+ if b then CPatVar (loc,n) else CEvar (loc,n,[])
| GApp (loc,f,args) ->
(match f with
- | GRef (rloc,ref) ->
+ | GRef (rloc,ref,us) ->
let subscopes = find_arguments_scope ref in
let args =
extern_args (extern true) (snd scopes) vars args subscopes in
@@ -623,7 +657,7 @@ let rec extern inctx scopes vars r =
let projs = struc.Recordops.s_PROJ in
let locals = struc.Recordops.s_PROJKIND in
let rec cut args n =
- if n = 0 then args
+ if Int.equal n 0 then args
match args with
| [] -> raise No_match
@@ -635,7 +669,7 @@ let rec extern inctx scopes vars r =
| None :: q -> raise No_match
| Some c :: q ->
match locs with
- | [] -> anomaly "projections corruption [Constrextern.extern]"
+ | [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "projections corruption [Constrextern.extern]")
| (_, false) :: locs' ->
(* we don't want to print locals *)
ip q locs' args acc
@@ -644,92 +678,93 @@ let rec extern inctx scopes vars r =
| [] -> raise No_match
(* we give up since the constructor is not complete *)
| head :: tail -> ip q locs' tail
- ((extern_reference loc Idset.empty (ConstRef c), head) :: acc)
+ ((extern_reference loc Id.Set.empty (ConstRef c), head) :: acc)
CRecord (loc, None, List.rev (ip projs locals args []))
| Not_found | No_match | Exit ->
extern_app loc inctx
(select_stronger_impargs (implicits_of_global ref))
- (Some ref,extern_reference rloc vars ref) args
+ (Some ref,extern_reference rloc vars ref) (extern_universes us) args
| _ ->
- explicitize loc inctx [] (None,sub_extern false scopes vars f)
- ( (sub_extern true scopes vars) args))
- | GProd (loc,Anonymous,_,t,c) ->
- (* Anonymous product are never factorized *)
- CArrow (loc,extern_typ scopes vars t, extern_typ scopes vars c)
+ explicitize loc inctx [] (None,sub_extern false scopes vars f)
+ ( (sub_extern true scopes vars) args))
| GLetIn (loc,na,t,c) ->
CLetIn (loc,(loc,na),sub_extern false scopes vars t,
extern inctx scopes (add_vname vars na) c)
| GProd (loc,na,bk,t,c) ->
- let t = extern_typ scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na t) in
+ let t = extern_typ scopes vars t in
let (idl,c) = factorize_prod scopes (add_vname vars na) na bk t c in
- CProdN (loc,[(dummy_loc,na)::idl,Default bk,t],c)
+ CProdN (loc,[(Loc.ghost,na)::idl,Default bk,t],c)
| GLambda (loc,na,bk,t,c) ->
- let t = extern_typ scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na t) in
+ let t = extern_typ scopes vars t in
let (idl,c) = factorize_lambda inctx scopes (add_vname vars na) na bk t c in
- CLambdaN (loc,[(dummy_loc,na)::idl,Default bk,t],c)
+ CLambdaN (loc,[(Loc.ghost,na)::idl,Default bk,t],c)
| GCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt,tml,eqns) ->
- let vars' =
- List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add)
- (cases_predicate_names tml) vars in
- let rtntypopt' = (extern_typ scopes vars') rtntypopt in
- let tml = (fun (tm,(na,x)) ->
- let na' = match na,tm with
- Anonymous, GVar (_,id) when
- rtntypopt<>None & occur_glob_constr id (Option.get rtntypopt)
- -> Some (dummy_loc,Anonymous)
- | Anonymous, _ -> None
- | Name id, GVar (_,id') when id=id' -> None
- | Name _, _ -> Some (dummy_loc,na) in
- (sub_extern false scopes vars tm,
- (na', (fun (loc,ind,n,nal) ->
- let params = list_tabulate
- (fun _ -> GHole (dummy_loc,Evd.InternalHole)) n in
- let args = (function
- | Anonymous -> GHole (dummy_loc,Evd.InternalHole)
- | Name id -> GVar (dummy_loc,id)) nal in
- let t = GApp (dummy_loc,GRef (dummy_loc,IndRef ind),params@args) in
- (extern_typ scopes vars t)) x))) tml in
- let eqns = (extern_eqn inctx scopes vars) eqns in
- CCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt',tml,eqns)
+ let vars' =
+ List.fold_right (name_fold Id.Set.add)
+ (cases_predicate_names tml) vars in
+ let rtntypopt' = (extern_typ scopes vars') rtntypopt in
+ let tml = (fun (tm,(na,x)) ->
+ let na' = match na,tm with
+ | Anonymous, GVar (_, id) ->
+ begin match rtntypopt with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some ntn ->
+ if occur_glob_constr id ntn then
+ Some (Loc.ghost, Anonymous)
+ else None
+ end
+ | Anonymous, _ -> None
+ | Name id, GVar (_,id') when Id.equal id id' -> None
+ | Name _, _ -> Some (Loc.ghost,na) in
+ (sub_extern false scopes vars tm,
+ (na', (fun (loc,ind,nal) ->
+ let args = (fun x -> PatVar (Loc.ghost, x)) nal in
+ let fullargs =
+ if !Flags.in_debugger then args else
+ Notation_ops.add_patterns_for_params ind args in
+ extern_ind_pattern_in_scope scopes vars ind fullargs
+ ) x))) tml in
+ let eqns = (extern_eqn inctx scopes vars) eqns in
+ CCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt',tml,eqns)
| GLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,typopt),tm,b) ->
- CLetTuple (loc, (fun na -> (dummy_loc,na)) nal,
- ( (fun _ -> (dummy_loc,na)) typopt,
+ CLetTuple (loc, (fun na -> (Loc.ghost,na)) nal,
+ ( (fun _ -> (Loc.ghost,na)) typopt, (extern_typ scopes (add_vname vars na)) typopt),
sub_extern false scopes vars tm,
extern inctx scopes (List.fold_left add_vname vars nal) b)
| GIf (loc,c,(na,typopt),b1,b2) ->
CIf (loc,sub_extern false scopes vars c,
- ( (fun _ -> (dummy_loc,na)) typopt,
+ ( (fun _ -> (Loc.ghost,na)) typopt, (extern_typ scopes (add_vname vars na)) typopt),
sub_extern inctx scopes vars b1, sub_extern inctx scopes vars b2)
| GRec (loc,fk,idv,blv,tyv,bv) ->
- let vars' = Array.fold_right Idset.add idv vars in
+ let vars' = Array.fold_right Id.Set.add idv vars in
(match fk with
| GFix (nv,n) ->
let listdecl =
Array.mapi (fun i fi ->
let (bl,ty,def) = blv.(i), tyv.(i), bv.(i) in
let (assums,ids,bl) = extern_local_binder scopes vars bl in
- let vars0 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars in
- let vars1 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars' in
+ let vars0 = List.fold_right (name_fold Id.Set.add) ids vars in
+ let vars1 = List.fold_right (name_fold Id.Set.add) ids vars' in
let n =
match fst nv.(i) with
| None -> None
- | Some x -> Some (dummy_loc, out_name (List.nth assums x))
+ | Some x -> Some (Loc.ghost, out_name (List.nth assums x))
let ro = extern_recursion_order scopes vars (snd nv.(i)) in
- ((dummy_loc, fi), (n, ro), bl, extern_typ scopes vars0 ty,
+ ((Loc.ghost, fi), (n, ro), bl, extern_typ scopes vars0 ty,
extern false scopes vars1 def)) idv
CFix (loc,(loc,idv.(n)),Array.to_list listdecl)
@@ -737,21 +772,20 @@ let rec extern inctx scopes vars r =
let listdecl =
Array.mapi (fun i fi ->
let (_,ids,bl) = extern_local_binder scopes vars blv.(i) in
- let vars0 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars in
- let vars1 = List.fold_right (name_fold Idset.add) ids vars' in
- ((dummy_loc, fi),bl,extern_typ scopes vars0 tyv.(i),
+ let vars0 = List.fold_right (name_fold Id.Set.add) ids vars in
+ let vars1 = List.fold_right (name_fold Id.Set.add) ids vars' in
+ ((Loc.ghost, fi),bl,extern_typ scopes vars0 tyv.(i),
sub_extern false scopes vars1 bv.(i))) idv
CCoFix (loc,(loc,idv.(n)),Array.to_list listdecl))
| GSort (loc,s) -> CSort (loc,extern_glob_sort s)
- | GHole (loc,e) -> CHole (loc, Some e)
+ | GHole (loc,e,naming,_) -> CHole (loc, Some e, naming, None) (** TODO: extern tactics. *)
- | GCast (loc,c, CastConv (k,t)) ->
- CCast (loc,sub_extern true scopes vars c, CastConv (k,extern_typ scopes vars t))
- | GCast (loc,c, CastCoerce) ->
- CCast (loc,sub_extern true scopes vars c, CastCoerce)
+ | GCast (loc,c, c') ->
+ CCast (loc,sub_extern true scopes vars c,
+ Miscops.map_cast_type (extern_typ scopes vars) c')
and extern_typ (_,scopes) =
extern true (Some Notation.type_scope,scopes)
@@ -762,8 +796,8 @@ and factorize_prod scopes vars na bk aty c =
let c = extern_typ scopes vars c in
match na, c with
| Name id, CProdN (loc,[nal,Default bk',ty],c)
- when bk = bk' && is_same_type aty ty
- & not (occur_var_constr_expr id ty) (* avoid na in ty escapes scope *) ->
+ when binding_kind_eq bk bk' && constr_expr_eq aty ty
+ && not (occur_var_constr_expr id ty) (* avoid na in ty escapes scope *) ->
| _ ->
@@ -772,8 +806,8 @@ and factorize_lambda inctx scopes vars na bk aty c =
let c = sub_extern inctx scopes vars c in
match c with
| CLambdaN (loc,[nal,Default bk',ty],c)
- when bk = bk' && is_same_type aty ty
- & not (occur_name na ty) (* avoid na in ty escapes scope *) ->
+ when binding_kind_eq bk bk' && constr_expr_eq aty ty
+ && not (occur_name na ty) (* avoid na in ty escapes scope *) ->
| _ ->
@@ -782,22 +816,22 @@ and extern_local_binder scopes vars = function
[] -> ([],[],[])
| (na,bk,Some bd,ty)::l ->
let (assums,ids,l) =
- extern_local_binder scopes (name_fold Idset.add na vars) l in
+ extern_local_binder scopes (name_fold Id.Set.add na vars) l in
- LocalRawDef((dummy_loc,na), extern false scopes vars bd) :: l)
+ LocalRawDef((Loc.ghost,na), extern false scopes vars bd) :: l)
| (na,bk,None,ty)::l ->
- let ty = extern_typ scopes vars (anonymize_if_reserved na ty) in
- (match extern_local_binder scopes (name_fold Idset.add na vars) l with
+ let ty = extern_typ scopes vars ty in
+ (match extern_local_binder scopes (name_fold Id.Set.add na vars) l with
- when is_same_type ty ty' &
+ when constr_expr_eq ty ty' &&
match na with Name id -> not (occur_var_constr_expr id ty')
| _ -> true ->
- LocalRawAssum((dummy_loc,na)::nal,k,ty')::l)
+ LocalRawAssum((Loc.ghost,na)::nal,k,ty')::l)
| (assums,ids,l) ->
- LocalRawAssum([(dummy_loc,na)],Default bk,ty) :: l))
+ LocalRawAssum([(Loc.ghost,na)],Default bk,ty) :: l))
and extern_eqn inctx scopes vars (loc,ids,pl,c) =
(loc,[loc, (extern_cases_pattern_in_scope scopes vars) pl],
@@ -806,42 +840,42 @@ and extern_eqn inctx scopes vars (loc,ids,pl,c) =
and extern_symbol (tmp_scope,scopes as allscopes) vars t = function
| [] -> raise No_match
| (keyrule,pat,n as _rule)::rules ->
- let loc = Glob_term.loc_of_glob_constr t in
+ let loc = Glob_ops.loc_of_glob_constr t in
+ if List.mem keyrule !print_non_active_notations then raise No_match;
(* Adjusts to the number of arguments expected by the notation *)
let (t,args,argsscopes,argsimpls) = match t,n with
| GApp (_,f,args), Some n
when List.length args >= n ->
- let args1, args2 = list_chop n args in
+ let args1, args2 = List.chop n args in
let subscopes, impls =
match f with
- | GRef (_,ref) ->
+ | GRef (_,ref,us) ->
let subscopes =
- try list_skipn n (find_arguments_scope ref)
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> [] in
+ try List.skipn n (find_arguments_scope ref)
+ with Failure _ -> [] in
let impls =
let impls =
(List.length args) (implicits_of_global ref) in
- try list_skipn n impls
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> [] in
+ try List.skipn n impls with Failure _ -> [] in
| _ ->
[], [] in
- (if n = 0 then f else GApp (dummy_loc,f,args1)),
+ (if Int.equal n 0 then f else GApp (Loc.ghost,f,args1)),
args2, subscopes, impls
- | GApp (_,(GRef (_,ref) as f),args), None ->
+ | GApp (_,(GRef (_,ref,us) as f),args), None ->
let subscopes = find_arguments_scope ref in
let impls =
(List.length args) (implicits_of_global ref) in
f, args, subscopes, impls
- | GRef _, Some 0 -> GApp (dummy_loc,t,[]), [], [], []
+ | GRef (_,ref,us), Some 0 -> GApp (Loc.ghost,t,[]), [], [], []
| _, None -> t, [], [], []
| _ -> raise No_match in
(* Try matching ... *)
let terms,termlists,binders =
- match_aconstr !print_universes t pat in
+ match_notation_constr !print_universes t pat in
(* Try availability of interpretation ... *)
let e =
match keyrule with
@@ -871,9 +905,9 @@ and extern_symbol (tmp_scope,scopes as allscopes) vars t = function (fun (c,(scopt,scl)) ->
extern true (scopt,scl@scopes) vars c, None)
terms in
- let a = CRef (Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_syndef vars kn)) in
- if l = [] then a else CApp (loc,(None,a),l) in
- if args = [] then e
+ let a = CRef (Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_syndef vars kn),None) in
+ if List.is_empty l then a else CApp (loc,(None,a),l) in
+ if List.is_empty args then e
let args = extern_args (extern true) scopes vars args argsscopes in
explicitize loc false argsimpls (None,e) args
@@ -896,9 +930,9 @@ let extern_glob_type vars c =
(* Main translation function from constr -> constr_expr *)
-let loc = dummy_loc (* for constr and pattern, locations are lost *)
+let loc = Loc.ghost (* for constr and pattern, locations are lost *)
-let extern_constr_gen goal_concl_style scopt env t =
+let extern_constr_gen lax goal_concl_style scopt env sigma t =
(* "goal_concl_style" means do alpha-conversion using the "goal" convention *)
(* i.e.: avoid using the names of goal/section/rel variables and the short *)
(* names of global definitions of current module when computing names for *)
@@ -907,87 +941,99 @@ let extern_constr_gen goal_concl_style scopt env t =
(* those goal/section/rel variables that occurs in the subterm under *)
(* consideration; see for further details *)
let avoid = if goal_concl_style then ids_of_context env else [] in
- let rel_env_names = names_of_rel_context env in
- let r = Detyping.detype goal_concl_style avoid rel_env_names t in
+ let r = Detyping.detype ~lax:lax goal_concl_style avoid env sigma t in
let vars = vars_of_env env in
extern false (scopt,[]) vars r
-let extern_constr_in_scope goal_concl_style scope env t =
- extern_constr_gen goal_concl_style (Some scope) env t
+let extern_constr_in_scope goal_concl_style scope env sigma t =
+ extern_constr_gen false goal_concl_style (Some scope) env sigma t
-let extern_constr goal_concl_style env t =
- extern_constr_gen goal_concl_style None env t
+let extern_constr ?(lax=false) goal_concl_style env sigma t =
+ extern_constr_gen lax goal_concl_style None env sigma t
-let extern_type goal_concl_style env t =
+let extern_type goal_concl_style env sigma t =
let avoid = if goal_concl_style then ids_of_context env else [] in
- let rel_env_names = names_of_rel_context env in
- let r = Detyping.detype goal_concl_style avoid rel_env_names t in
+ let r = Detyping.detype goal_concl_style avoid env sigma t in
extern_glob_type (vars_of_env env) r
-let extern_sort s = extern_glob_sort (detype_sort s)
+let extern_sort sigma s = extern_glob_sort (detype_sort sigma s)
+let extern_closed_glob ?lax goal_concl_style env sigma t =
+ let avoid = if goal_concl_style then ids_of_context env else [] in
+ let r =
+ Detyping.detype_closed_glob ?lax goal_concl_style avoid env sigma t
+ in
+ let vars = vars_of_env env in
+ extern false (None,[]) vars r
(* Main translation function from pattern -> constr_expr *)
let any_any_branch =
(* | _ => _ *)
- (loc,[],[PatVar (loc,Anonymous)],GHole (loc,Evd.InternalHole))
+ (loc,[],[PatVar (loc,Anonymous)],GHole (loc,Evar_kinds.InternalHole,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None))
-let rec glob_of_pat env = function
- | PRef ref -> GRef (loc,ref)
+let rec glob_of_pat env sigma = function
+ | PRef ref -> GRef (loc,ref,None)
| PVar id -> GVar (loc,id)
- | PEvar (n,l) -> GEvar (loc,n,Some (array_map_to_list (glob_of_pat env) l))
+ | PEvar (evk,l) ->
+ let test id = function PVar id' -> Id.equal id id' | _ -> false in
+ let l = Evd.evar_instance_array test (Evd.find sigma evk) l in
+ let id = Evd.evar_ident evk sigma in
+ GEvar (loc,id, (on_snd (glob_of_pat env sigma)) l)
| PRel n ->
let id = try match lookup_name_of_rel n env with
| Name id -> id
| Anonymous ->
- anomaly "glob_constr_of_pattern: index to an anonymous variable"
- with Not_found -> id_of_string ("_UNBOUND_REL_"^(string_of_int n)) in
+ anomaly ~label:"glob_constr_of_pattern" (Pp.str "index to an anonymous variable")
+ with Not_found -> Id.of_string ("_UNBOUND_REL_"^(string_of_int n)) in
GVar (loc,id)
- | PMeta None -> GHole (loc,Evd.InternalHole)
+ | PMeta None -> GHole (loc,Evar_kinds.InternalHole, Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)
| PMeta (Some n) -> GPatVar (loc,(false,n))
+ | PProj (p,c) -> GApp (loc,GRef (loc, ConstRef (Projection.constant p),None),
+ [glob_of_pat env sigma c])
| PApp (f,args) ->
- GApp (loc,glob_of_pat env f,array_map_to_list (glob_of_pat env) args)
+ GApp (loc,glob_of_pat env sigma f,Array.map_to_list (glob_of_pat env sigma) args)
| PSoApp (n,args) ->
GApp (loc,GPatVar (loc,(true,n)),
- (glob_of_pat env) args)
+ (glob_of_pat env sigma) args)
| PProd (na,t,c) ->
- GProd (loc,na,Explicit,glob_of_pat env t,glob_of_pat (na::env) c)
+ GProd (loc,na,Explicit,glob_of_pat env sigma t,glob_of_pat (na::env) sigma c)
| PLetIn (na,t,c) ->
- GLetIn (loc,na,glob_of_pat env t, glob_of_pat (na::env) c)
+ GLetIn (loc,na,glob_of_pat env sigma t, glob_of_pat (na::env) sigma c)
| PLambda (na,t,c) ->
- GLambda (loc,na,Explicit,glob_of_pat env t, glob_of_pat (na::env) c)
+ GLambda (loc,na,Explicit,glob_of_pat env sigma t, glob_of_pat (na::env) sigma c)
| PIf (c,b1,b2) ->
- GIf (loc, glob_of_pat env c, (Anonymous,None),
- glob_of_pat env b1, glob_of_pat env b2)
- | PCase ({cip_style=LetStyle; cip_ind_args=None},PMeta None,tm,[(0,n,b)]) ->
- let nal,b = it_destRLambda_or_LetIn_names n (glob_of_pat env b) in
- GLetTuple (loc,nal,(Anonymous,None),glob_of_pat env tm,b)
+ GIf (loc, glob_of_pat env sigma c, (Anonymous,None),
+ glob_of_pat env sigma b1, glob_of_pat env sigma b2)
+ | PCase ({cip_style=LetStyle; cip_ind_tags=None},PMeta None,tm,[(0,n,b)]) ->
+ let nal,b = it_destRLambda_or_LetIn_names n (glob_of_pat env sigma b) in
+ GLetTuple (loc,nal,(Anonymous,None),glob_of_pat env sigma tm,b)
| PCase (info,p,tm,bl) ->
let mat = match bl, info.cip_ind with
| [], _ -> []
| _, Some ind ->
- let bl' = (fun (i,n,c) -> (i,n,glob_of_pat env c)) bl in
+ let bl' = (fun (i,n,c) -> (i,n,glob_of_pat env sigma c)) bl in
simple_cases_matrix_of_branches ind bl'
- | _, None -> anomaly "PCase with some branches but unknown inductive"
+ | _, None -> anomaly (Pp.str "PCase with some branches but unknown inductive")
let mat = if info.cip_extensible then mat @ [any_any_branch] else mat
- let indnames,rtn = match p, info.cip_ind, info.cip_ind_args with
+ let indnames,rtn = match p, info.cip_ind, info.cip_ind_tags with
| PMeta None, _, _ -> (Anonymous,None),None
- | _, Some ind, Some (nparams,nargs) ->
- return_type_of_predicate ind nparams nargs (glob_of_pat env p)
- | _ -> anomaly "PCase with non-trivial predicate but unknown inductive"
+ | _, Some ind, Some nargs ->
+ return_type_of_predicate ind nargs (glob_of_pat env sigma p)
+ | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "PCase with non-trivial predicate but unknown inductive")
- GCases (loc,RegularStyle,rtn,[glob_of_pat env tm,indnames],mat)
- | PFix f -> Detyping.detype false [] env (mkFix f)
- | PCoFix c -> Detyping.detype false [] env (mkCoFix c)
+ GCases (loc,RegularStyle,rtn,[glob_of_pat env sigma tm,indnames],mat)
+ | PFix f -> Detyping.detype_names false [] env (Global.env()) sigma (mkFix f) (** FIXME bad env *)
+ | PCoFix c -> Detyping.detype_names false [] env (Global.env()) sigma (mkCoFix c)
| PSort s -> GSort (loc,s)
-let extern_constr_pattern env pat =
- extern true (None,[]) Idset.empty (glob_of_pat env pat)
+let extern_constr_pattern env sigma pat =
+ extern true (None,[]) Id.Set.empty (glob_of_pat env sigma pat)
-let extern_rel_context where env sign =
- let a = detype_rel_context where [] (names_of_rel_context env) sign in
+let extern_rel_context where env sigma sign =
+ let a = detype_rel_context where [] (names_of_rel_context env,env) sigma sign in
let vars = vars_of_env env in
pi3 (extern_local_binder (None,[]) vars a)
diff --git a/interp/constrextern.mli b/interp/constrextern.mli
index 8933d3af..b797e455 100644
--- a/interp/constrextern.mli
+++ b/interp/constrextern.mli
@@ -1,43 +1,47 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Util
open Names
open Term
+open Context
open Termops
-open Sign
open Environ
open Libnames
-open Nametab
+open Globnames
open Glob_term
open Pattern
-open Topconstr
+open Constrexpr
+open Notation_term
open Notation
-val is_same_type : constr_expr -> constr_expr -> bool
+open Misctypes
(** Translation of pattern, cases pattern, glob_constr and term into syntax
trees for printing *)
-val extern_cases_pattern : Idset.t -> cases_pattern -> cases_pattern_expr
-val extern_glob_constr : Idset.t -> glob_constr -> constr_expr
-val extern_glob_type : Idset.t -> glob_constr -> constr_expr
-val extern_constr_pattern : names_context -> constr_pattern -> constr_expr
+val extern_cases_pattern : Id.Set.t -> cases_pattern -> cases_pattern_expr
+val extern_glob_constr : Id.Set.t -> glob_constr -> constr_expr
+val extern_glob_type : Id.Set.t -> glob_constr -> constr_expr
+val extern_constr_pattern : names_context -> Evd.evar_map ->
+ constr_pattern -> constr_expr
+val extern_closed_glob : ?lax:bool -> bool -> env -> Evd.evar_map -> closed_glob_constr -> constr_expr
(** If [b=true] in [extern_constr b env c] then the variables in the first
- level of quantification clashing with the variables in [env] are renamed *)
+ level of quantification clashing with the variables in [env] are renamed.
+ ~lax is for debug printing, when the constr might not be well typed in
+ env, sigma
-val extern_constr : bool -> env -> constr -> constr_expr
-val extern_constr_in_scope : bool -> scope_name -> env -> constr -> constr_expr
-val extern_reference : loc -> Idset.t -> global_reference -> reference
-val extern_type : bool -> env -> types -> constr_expr
-val extern_sort : sorts -> glob_sort
-val extern_rel_context : constr option -> env ->
+val extern_constr : ?lax:bool -> bool -> env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr -> constr_expr
+val extern_constr_in_scope : bool -> scope_name -> env -> Evd.evar_map -> constr -> constr_expr
+val extern_reference : Loc.t -> Id.Set.t -> global_reference -> reference
+val extern_type : bool -> env -> Evd.evar_map -> types -> constr_expr
+val extern_sort : Evd.evar_map -> sorts -> glob_sort
+val extern_rel_context : constr option -> env -> Evd.evar_map ->
rel_context -> local_binder list
(** Printing options *)
@@ -52,11 +56,9 @@ val print_projections : bool ref
(** Customization of the global_reference printer *)
val set_extern_reference :
- (loc -> Idset.t -> global_reference -> reference) -> unit
+ (Loc.t -> Id.Set.t -> global_reference -> reference) -> unit
val get_extern_reference :
- unit -> (loc -> Idset.t -> global_reference -> reference)
-val in_debugger : bool ref
+ unit -> (Loc.t -> Id.Set.t -> global_reference -> reference)
(** This governs printing of implicit arguments. If [with_implicits] is
on and not [with_arguments] then implicit args are printed prefixed
@@ -71,8 +73,11 @@ val with_coercions : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(** This forces printing universe names of Type\{.\} *)
val with_universes : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
-(** This suppresses printing of numeral and symbols *)
+(** This suppresses printing of primitive tokens and notations *)
val without_symbols : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(** This suppresses printing of specific notations only *)
+val without_specific_symbols : interp_rule list -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
(** This prints metas as anonymous holes *)
val with_meta_as_hole : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index b6f18fe3..68f0050d 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,33 +1,50 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
open Pp
+open Errors
open Util
-open Flags
open Names
open Nameops
open Namegen
open Libnames
+open Globnames
open Impargs
open Glob_term
-open Pattern
+open Glob_ops
+open Patternops
open Pretyping
open Cases
+open Constrexpr
+open Constrexpr_ops
+open Notation_term
+open Notation_ops
open Topconstr
open Nametab
open Notation
open Inductiveops
+open Decl_kinds
+(** constr_expr -> glob_constr translation:
+ - it adds holes for implicit arguments
+ - it remplaces notations by their value (scopes stuff are here)
+ - it recognizes global vars from local ones
+ - it prepares pattern maching problems (a pattern becomes a tree where nodes
+ are constructor/variable pairs and leafs are variables)
+ All that at once, fasten your seatbelt!
(* To interpret implicits and arg scopes of variables in inductive
types and recursive definitions and of projection names in records *)
type var_internalization_type =
- | Inductive of identifier list (* list of params *)
+ | Inductive of Id.t list (* list of params *)
| Recursive
| Method
| Variable
@@ -38,16 +55,21 @@ type var_internalization_data =
var_internalization_type *
(* impargs to automatically add to the variable, e.g. for "JMeq A a B b"
in implicit mode, this is [A;B] and this adds (A:=A) and (B:=B) *)
- identifier list *
+ Id.t list *
(* signature of impargs of the variable *)
Impargs.implicit_status list *
(* subscopes of the args of the variable *)
scope_name option list
type internalization_env =
- (var_internalization_data) Idmap.t
+ (var_internalization_data) Id.Map.t
+type glob_binder = (Name.t * binding_kind * glob_constr option * glob_constr)
-type glob_binder = (name * binding_kind * glob_constr option * glob_constr)
+type ltac_sign = {
+ ltac_vars : Id.Set.t;
+ ltac_bound : Id.Set.t;
let interning_grammar = ref false
@@ -75,38 +97,33 @@ let global_reference_of_reference ref =
locate_reference (snd (qualid_of_reference ref))
let global_reference id =
- constr_of_global (locate_reference (qualid_of_ident id))
+ Universes.constr_of_global (locate_reference (qualid_of_ident id))
let construct_reference ctx id =
- Term.mkVar (let _ = Sign.lookup_named id ctx in id)
+ Term.mkVar (let _ = Context.lookup_named id ctx in id)
with Not_found ->
global_reference id
let global_reference_in_absolute_module dir id =
- constr_of_global (Nametab.global_of_path (Libnames.make_path dir id))
+ Universes.constr_of_global (Nametab.global_of_path (Libnames.make_path dir id))
(* Internalization errors *)
type internalization_error =
- | VariableCapture of identifier
- | WrongExplicitImplicit
+ | VariableCapture of Id.t * Id.t
| IllegalMetavariable
| NotAConstructor of reference
- | UnboundFixName of bool * identifier
- | NonLinearPattern of identifier
+ | UnboundFixName of bool * Id.t
+ | NonLinearPattern of Id.t
| BadPatternsNumber of int * int
- | BadExplicitationNumber of explicitation * int option
-exception InternalizationError of loc * internalization_error
+exception InternalizationError of Loc.t * internalization_error
-let explain_variable_capture id =
- str "The variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " occurs in its type"
-let explain_wrong_explicit_implicit =
- str "Found an explicitly given implicit argument but was expecting" ++
- fnl () ++ str "a regular one"
+let explain_variable_capture id id' =
+ pr_id id ++ str " is dependent in the type of " ++ pr_id id' ++
+ strbrk ": cannot interpret both of them with the same type"
let explain_illegal_metavariable =
str "Metavariables allowed only in patterns"
@@ -123,44 +140,31 @@ let explain_non_linear_pattern id =
str "The variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " is bound several times in pattern"
let explain_bad_patterns_number n1 n2 =
- str "Expecting " ++ int n1 ++ str (plural n1 " pattern") ++
+ str "Expecting " ++ int n1 ++ str (String.plural n1 " pattern") ++
str " but found " ++ int n2
-let explain_bad_explicitation_number n po =
- match n with
- | ExplByPos (n,_id) ->
- let s = match po with
- | None -> str "a regular argument"
- | Some p -> int p in
- str "Bad explicitation number: found " ++ int n ++
- str" but was expecting " ++ s
- | ExplByName id ->
- let s = match po with
- | None -> str "a regular argument"
- | Some p -> (*pr_id (name_of_position p) in*) failwith "" in
- str "Bad explicitation name: found " ++ pr_id id ++
- str" but was expecting " ++ s
let explain_internalization_error e =
let pp = match e with
- | VariableCapture id -> explain_variable_capture id
- | WrongExplicitImplicit -> explain_wrong_explicit_implicit
+ | VariableCapture (id,id') -> explain_variable_capture id id'
| IllegalMetavariable -> explain_illegal_metavariable
| NotAConstructor ref -> explain_not_a_constructor ref
| UnboundFixName (iscofix,id) -> explain_unbound_fix_name iscofix id
| NonLinearPattern id -> explain_non_linear_pattern id
| BadPatternsNumber (n1,n2) -> explain_bad_patterns_number n1 n2
- | BadExplicitationNumber (n,po) -> explain_bad_explicitation_number n po in
- pp ++ str "."
+ in pp ++ str "."
let error_bad_inductive_type loc =
user_err_loc (loc,"",str
- "This should be an inductive type applied to names or \"_\".")
+ "This should be an inductive type applied to patterns.")
-let error_inductive_parameter_not_implicit loc =
+let error_parameter_not_implicit loc =
user_err_loc (loc,"", str
- ("The parameters of inductive types do not bind in\n"^
- "the 'return' clauses; they must be replaced by '_' in the 'in' clauses."))
+ "The parameters do not bind in patterns;" ++ spc () ++ str
+ "they must be replaced by '_'.")
+let error_ldots_var loc =
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Special token " ++ pr_id ldots_var ++
+ str " is for use in the Notation command.")
(* Pre-computing the implicit arguments and arguments scopes needed *)
@@ -168,12 +172,12 @@ let error_inductive_parameter_not_implicit loc =
let parsing_explicit = ref false
-let empty_internalization_env = Idmap.empty
+let empty_internalization_env = Id.Map.empty
let compute_explicitable_implicit imps = function
| Inductive params ->
(* In inductive types, the parameters are fixed implicit arguments *)
- let sub_impl,_ = list_chop (List.length params) imps in
+ let sub_impl,_ = List.chop (List.length params) imps in
let sub_impl' = List.filter is_status_implicit sub_impl in name_of_implicit sub_impl'
| Recursive | Method | Variable ->
@@ -186,25 +190,25 @@ let compute_internalization_data env ty typ impl =
(ty, expls_impl, impl, compute_arguments_scope typ)
let compute_internalization_env env ty =
- list_fold_left3
- (fun map id typ impl -> Idmap.add id (compute_internalization_data env ty typ impl) map)
+ List.fold_left3
+ (fun map id typ impl -> Id.Map.add id (compute_internalization_data env ty typ impl) map)
(* Contracting "{ _ }" in notations *)
let rec wildcards ntn n =
- if n = String.length ntn then []
- else let l = spaces ntn (n+1) in if ntn.[n] = '_' then n::l else l
+ if Int.equal n (String.length ntn) then []
+ else let l = spaces ntn (n+1) in if ntn.[n] == '_' then n::l else l
and spaces ntn n =
- if n = String.length ntn then []
- else if ntn.[n] = ' ' then wildcards ntn (n+1) else spaces ntn (n+1)
+ if Int.equal n (String.length ntn) then []
+ else if ntn.[n] == ' ' then wildcards ntn (n+1) else spaces ntn (n+1)
let expand_notation_string ntn n =
let pos = List.nth (wildcards ntn 0) n in
- let hd = if pos = 0 then "" else String.sub ntn 0 pos in
+ let hd = if Int.equal pos 0 then "" else String.sub ntn 0 pos in
let tl =
- if pos = String.length ntn then ""
+ if Int.equal pos (String.length ntn) then ""
else String.sub ntn (pos+1) (String.length ntn - pos -1) in
hd ^ "{ _ }" ^ tl
@@ -227,7 +231,7 @@ let contract_pat_notation ntn (l,ll) =
let ntn' = ref ntn in
let rec contract_squash n = function
| [] -> []
- | CPatNotation (_,"{ _ }",([a],[])) :: l ->
+ | CPatNotation (_,"{ _ }",([a],[]),[]) :: l ->
ntn' := expand_notation_string !ntn' n;
contract_squash n (a::l)
| a :: l ->
@@ -237,19 +241,19 @@ let contract_pat_notation ntn (l,ll) =
type intern_env = {
- ids: Names.Idset.t;
+ ids: Names.Id.Set.t;
unb: bool;
- tmp_scope: Topconstr.tmp_scope_name option;
- scopes: Topconstr.scope_name list;
+ tmp_scope: Notation_term.tmp_scope_name option;
+ scopes: Notation_term.scope_name list;
impls: internalization_env }
(* Remembering the parsing scope of variables in notations *)
-let make_current_scope = function
- | (Some tmp_scope,(sc::_ as scopes)) when sc = tmp_scope -> scopes
- | (Some tmp_scope,scopes) -> tmp_scope::scopes
- | None,scopes -> scopes
+let make_current_scope tmp scopes = match tmp, scopes with
+| Some tmp_scope, (sc :: _) when String.equal sc tmp_scope -> scopes
+| Some tmp_scope, scopes -> tmp_scope :: scopes
+| None, scopes -> scopes
let pr_scope_stack = function
| [] -> str "the empty scope stack"
@@ -263,10 +267,6 @@ let error_inconsistent_scope loc id scopes1 scopes2 =
pr_scope_stack scopes2 ++ strbrk " while it was elsewhere used in " ++
pr_scope_stack scopes1)
-let error_expect_constr_notation_type loc id =
- user_err_loc (loc,"",
- pr_id id ++ str " is bound in the notation to a term variable.")
let error_expect_binder_notation_type loc id =
user_err_loc (loc,"",
pr_id id ++
@@ -274,18 +274,17 @@ let error_expect_binder_notation_type loc id =
let set_var_scope loc id istermvar env ntnvars =
- let idscopes,typ = List.assoc id ntnvars in
- if istermvar then
+ let idscopes,typ = Id.Map.find id ntnvars in
+ let () = if istermvar then
(* scopes have no effect on the interpretation of identifiers *)
- if !idscopes = None then
- idscopes := Some (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes)
- else
- if make_current_scope (Option.get !idscopes)
- <> make_current_scope (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes)
- then
- error_inconsistent_scope loc id
- (make_current_scope (Option.get !idscopes))
- (make_current_scope (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes));
+ begin match !idscopes with
+ | None -> idscopes := Some (env.tmp_scope, env.scopes)
+ | Some (tmp, scope) ->
+ let s1 = make_current_scope tmp scope in
+ let s2 = make_current_scope env.tmp_scope env.scopes in
+ if not (List.equal String.equal s1 s2) then error_inconsistent_scope loc id s1 s2
+ end
+ in
match typ with
| NtnInternTypeBinder ->
if istermvar then error_expect_binder_notation_type loc id
@@ -303,14 +302,14 @@ let set_type_scope env = {env with tmp_scope = Some Notation.type_scope}
let reset_tmp_scope env = {env with tmp_scope = None}
-let rec it_mkGProd env body =
+let rec it_mkGProd loc2 env body =
match env with
- (na, bk, _, t) :: tl -> it_mkGProd tl (GProd (dummy_loc, na, bk, t, body))
+ (loc1, (na, bk, _, t)) :: tl -> it_mkGProd loc2 tl (GProd (Loc.merge loc1 loc2, na, bk, t, body))
| [] -> body
-let rec it_mkGLambda env body =
+let rec it_mkGLambda loc2 env body =
match env with
- (na, bk, _, t) :: tl -> it_mkGLambda tl (GLambda (dummy_loc, na, bk, t, body))
+ (loc1, (na, bk, _, t)) :: tl -> it_mkGLambda loc2 tl (GLambda (Loc.merge loc1 loc2, na, bk, t, body))
| [] -> body
@@ -318,7 +317,7 @@ let rec it_mkGLambda env body =
let build_impls = function
|Implicit -> (function
|Name id -> Some (id, Impargs.Manual, (true,true))
- |Anonymous -> anomaly "Anonymous implicit argument")
+ |Anonymous -> anomaly (Pp.str "Anonymous implicit argument"))
|Explicit -> fun _ -> None
let impls_type_list ?(args = []) =
@@ -337,30 +336,32 @@ let impls_term_list ?(args = []) =
|_ -> (Variable,[],List.append args (List.rev acc),[])
in aux []
-let check_capture loc ty = function
- | Name id when occur_var_constr_expr id ty ->
- raise (InternalizationError (loc,VariableCapture id))
- | _ ->
+(* Check if in binder "(x1 x2 .. xn : t)", none of x1 .. xn-1 occurs in t *)
+let rec check_capture ty = function
+ | (loc,Name id)::(_,Name id')::_ when occur_glob_constr id ty ->
+ raise (InternalizationError (loc,VariableCapture (id,id')))
+ | _::nal ->
+ check_capture ty nal
+ | [] ->
-let locate_if_isevar loc na = function
- | GHole _ ->
+let locate_if_hole loc na = function
+ | GHole (_,_,naming,arg) ->
(try match na with
- | Name id -> glob_constr_of_aconstr loc (Reserve.find_reserved_type id)
+ | Name id -> glob_constr_of_notation_constr loc
+ (Reserve.find_reserved_type id)
| Anonymous -> raise Not_found
- with Not_found -> GHole (loc, Evd.BinderType na))
+ with Not_found -> GHole (loc, Evar_kinds.BinderType na, naming, arg))
| x -> x
let reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env =
- { env with impls = Idmap.fold (fun id x ->
- let x = match x with
+ { env with impls = (function
| (Inductive _,b,c,d) -> (Inductive [],b,c,d)
- | x -> x
- in Idmap.add id x) env.impls Idmap.empty }
+ | x -> x) env.impls }
let check_hidden_implicit_parameters id impls =
- if Idmap.exists (fun _ -> function
- | (Inductive indparams,_,_,_) -> List.mem id indparams
+ if Id.Map.exists (fun _ -> function
+ | (Inductive indparams,_,_,_) -> Id.List.mem id indparams
| _ -> false) impls
errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "A parameter of an inductive type " ++
@@ -374,14 +375,17 @@ let push_name_env ?(global_level=false) lvar implargs env =
| loc,Name id ->
check_hidden_implicit_parameters id env.impls ;
- set_var_scope loc id false env (let (_,ntnvars) = lvar in ntnvars);
+ let (_,ntnvars) = lvar in
+ if Id.Map.is_empty ntnvars && Id.equal id ldots_var
+ then error_ldots_var loc;
+ set_var_scope loc id false env ntnvars;
if global_level then Dumpglob.dump_definition (loc,id) true "var"
else Dumpglob.dump_binding loc id;
- {env with ids = Idset.add id env.ids; impls = Idmap.add id implargs env.impls}
+ {env with ids = Id.Set.add id env.ids; impls = Id.Map.add id implargs env.impls}
let intern_generalized_binder ?(global_level=false) intern_type lvar
- env bl (loc, na) b b' t ty =
- let ids = (match na with Anonymous -> fun x -> x | Name na -> Idset.add na) env.ids in
+ env (loc, na) b b' t ty =
+ let ids = (match na with Anonymous -> fun x -> x | Name na -> Id.Set.add na) env.ids in
let ty, ids' =
if t then ty, ids else
Implicit_quantifiers.implicit_application ids
@@ -392,7 +396,11 @@ let intern_generalized_binder ?(global_level=false) intern_type lvar
let env' = List.fold_left
(fun env (x, l) -> push_name_env ~global_level lvar (Variable,[],[],[])(*?*) env (l, Name x))
env fvs in
- let bl = (fun (id, loc) -> (Name id, b, None, GHole (loc, Evd.BinderType (Name id)))) fvs in
+ let bl =
+ (fun (id, loc) ->
+ (loc, (Name id, b, None, GHole (loc, Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id), Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None))))
+ fvs
+ in
let na = match na with
| Anonymous ->
if global_level then na
@@ -400,183 +408,221 @@ let intern_generalized_binder ?(global_level=false) intern_type lvar
let name =
let id =
match ty with
- | CApp (_, (_, CRef (Ident (loc,id))), _) -> id
- | _ -> id_of_string "H"
+ | CApp (_, (_, CRef (Ident (loc,id),_)), _) -> id
+ | _ -> default_non_dependent_ident
in Implicit_quantifiers.make_fresh ids' (Global.env ()) id
in Name name
| _ -> na
- in (push_name_env ~global_level lvar (impls_type_list ty')(*?*) env' (loc,na)), (na,b',None,ty') :: List.rev bl
-let intern_local_binder_aux ?(global_level=false) intern intern_type lvar (env,bl) = function
+ in (push_name_env ~global_level lvar (impls_type_list ty')(*?*) env' (loc,na)), (loc,(na,b',None,ty')) :: List.rev bl
+let intern_assumption intern lvar env nal bk ty =
+ let intern_type env = intern (set_type_scope env) in
+ match bk with
+ | Default k ->
+ let ty = intern_type env ty in
+ check_capture ty nal;
+ let impls = impls_type_list ty in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (env, bl) (loc, na as locna) ->
+ (push_name_env lvar impls env locna,
+ (loc,(na,k,None,locate_if_hole loc na ty))::bl))
+ (env, []) nal
+ | Generalized (b,b',t) ->
+ let env, b = intern_generalized_binder intern_type lvar env (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
+ env, b
+let intern_local_binder_aux ?(global_level=false) intern lvar (env,bl) = function
| LocalRawAssum(nal,bk,ty) ->
- (match bk with
- | Default k ->
- let ty = intern_type env ty in
- let impls = impls_type_list ty in
- List.fold_left
- (fun (env,bl) (loc,na as locna) ->
- (push_name_env lvar impls env locna,
- (na,k,None,locate_if_isevar loc na ty)::bl))
- (env,bl) nal
- | Generalized (b,b',t) ->
- let env, b = intern_generalized_binder ~global_level intern_type lvar env bl (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
- env, b @ bl)
+ let env, bl' = intern_assumption intern lvar env nal bk ty in
+ env, bl' @ bl
| LocalRawDef((loc,na as locna),def) ->
let indef = intern env def in
(push_name_env lvar (impls_term_list indef) env locna,
- (na,Explicit,Some(indef),GHole(loc,Evd.BinderType na))::bl)
+ (loc,(na,Explicit,Some(indef),GHole(loc,Evar_kinds.BinderType na,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)))::bl)
let intern_generalization intern env lvar loc bk ak c =
let c = intern {env with unb = true} c in
let fvs = Implicit_quantifiers.generalizable_vars_of_glob_constr ~bound:env.ids c in
let env', c' =
let abs =
- let pi =
- match ak with
+ let pi = match ak with
| Some AbsPi -> true
- | None when env.tmp_scope = Some Notation.type_scope
- || List.mem Notation.type_scope env.scopes -> true
- | _ -> false
+ | Some _ -> false
+ | None ->
+ let is_type_scope = match env.tmp_scope with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some sc -> String.equal sc Notation.type_scope
+ in
+ is_type_scope ||
+ String.List.mem Notation.type_scope env.scopes
if pi then
(fun (id, loc') acc ->
- GProd (join_loc loc' loc, Name id, bk, GHole (loc', Evd.BinderType (Name id)), acc))
+ GProd (Loc.merge loc' loc, Name id, bk, GHole (loc', Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id), Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None), acc))
(fun (id, loc') acc ->
- GLambda (join_loc loc' loc, Name id, bk, GHole (loc', Evd.BinderType (Name id)), acc))
+ GLambda (Loc.merge loc' loc, Name id, bk, GHole (loc', Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id), Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None), acc))
List.fold_right (fun (id, loc as lid) (env, acc) ->
let env' = push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[]) env (loc, Name id) in
(env', abs lid acc)) fvs (env,c)
in c'
-let iterate_binder intern lvar (env,bl) = function
- | LocalRawAssum(nal,bk,ty) ->
- let intern_type env = intern (set_type_scope env) in
- (match bk with
- | Default k ->
- let ty = intern_type env ty in
- let impls = impls_type_list ty in
- List.fold_left
- (fun (env,bl) (loc,na as locna) ->
- (push_name_env lvar impls env locna,
- (na,k,None,locate_if_isevar loc na ty)::bl))
- (env,bl) nal
- | Generalized (b,b',t) ->
- let env, b = intern_generalized_binder intern_type lvar env bl (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
- env, b @ bl)
- | LocalRawDef((loc,na as locna),def) ->
- let indef = intern env def in
- (push_name_env lvar (impls_term_list indef) env locna,
- (na,Explicit,Some(indef),GHole(loc,Evd.BinderType na))::bl)
(* Syntax extensions *)
let option_mem_assoc id = function
- | Some (id',c) -> id = id'
+ | Some (id',c) -> Id.equal id id'
| None -> false
-let find_fresh_name renaming (terms,termlists,binders) id =
- let fvs1 = (fun (_,(c,_)) -> free_vars_of_constr_expr c) terms in
- let fvs2 = List.flatten ( (fun (_,(l,_)) -> free_vars_of_constr_expr l) termlists) in
- let fvs3 = snd renaming in
+let find_fresh_name renaming (terms,termlists,binders) avoid id =
+ let fold1 _ (c, _) accu = Id.Set.union (free_vars_of_constr_expr c) accu in
+ let fold2 _ (l, _) accu =
+ let fold accu c = Id.Set.union (free_vars_of_constr_expr c) accu in
+ List.fold_left fold accu l
+ in
+ let fold3 _ x accu = Id.Set.add x accu in
+ let fvs1 = Id.Map.fold fold1 terms avoid in
+ let fvs2 = Id.Map.fold fold2 termlists fvs1 in
+ let fvs3 = Id.Map.fold fold3 renaming fvs2 in
(* TODO binders *)
- let fvs = List.flatten ( Idset.elements (fvs1@fvs2)) @ fvs3 in
- next_ident_away id fvs
+ next_ident_away_from id (fun id -> Id.Set.mem id fvs3)
-let traverse_binder (terms,_,_ as subst)
- (renaming,env)=
- function
+let traverse_binder (terms,_,_ as subst) avoid (renaming,env) = function
| Anonymous -> (renaming,env),Anonymous
| Name id ->
(* Binders bound in the notation are considered first-order objects *)
- let _,na = coerce_to_name (fst (List.assoc id terms)) in
- (renaming,{env with ids = name_fold Idset.add na env.ids}), na
+ let _,na = coerce_to_name (fst (Id.Map.find id terms)) in
+ (renaming,{env with ids = name_fold Id.Set.add na env.ids}), na
with Not_found ->
(* Binders not bound in the notation do not capture variables *)
(* outside the notation (i.e. in the substitution) *)
- let id' = find_fresh_name renaming subst id in
- let renaming' = if id=id' then renaming else (id,id')::renaming in
+ let id' = find_fresh_name renaming subst avoid id in
+ let renaming' =
+ if Id.equal id id' then renaming else Id.Map.add id id' renaming
+ in
(renaming',env), Name id'
-let make_letins loc = List.fold_right (fun (na,b,t) c -> GLetIn (loc,na,b,c))
+let make_letins = List.fold_right (fun (loc,(na,b,t)) c -> GLetIn (loc,na,b,c))
let rec subordinate_letins letins = function
(* binders come in reverse order; the non-let are returned in reverse order together *)
(* with the subordinated let-in in writing order *)
- | (na,_,Some b,t)::l ->
- subordinate_letins ((na,b,t)::letins) l
- | (na,bk,None,t)::l ->
+ | (loc,(na,_,Some b,t))::l ->
+ subordinate_letins ((loc,(na,b,t))::letins) l
+ | (loc,(na,bk,None,t))::l ->
let letins',rest = subordinate_letins [] l in
- letins',((na,bk,t),letins)::rest
+ letins',((loc,(na,bk,t)),letins)::rest
| [] ->
let rec subst_iterator y t = function
- | GVar (_,id) as x -> if id = y then t else x
+ | GVar (_,id) as x -> if Id.equal id y then t else x
| x -> map_glob_constr (subst_iterator y t) x
-let subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern lvar subst infos c =
+let subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern (_,ntnvars as lvar) subst infos c =
let (terms,termlists,binders) = subst in
+ (* when called while defining a notation, avoid capturing the private binders
+ of the expression by variables bound by the notation (see #3892) *)
+ let avoid = Id.Map.domain ntnvars in
let rec aux (terms,binderopt as subst') (renaming,env) c =
let subinfos = renaming,{env with tmp_scope = None} in
match c with
- | AVar id ->
- begin
- (* subst remembers the delimiters stack in the interpretation *)
- (* of the notations *)
- try
- let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc id terms in
- intern {env with tmp_scope = scopt;
- scopes = subscopes @ env.scopes} a
- with Not_found ->
- try
- GVar (loc,List.assoc id renaming)
- with Not_found ->
- (* Happens for local notation joint with inductive/fixpoint defs *)
- GVar (loc,id)
- end
- | AList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
+ | NVar id -> subst_var subst' (renaming, env) id
+ | NList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
(* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
- let (l,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc x termlists in
+ let (l,(scopt,subscopes)) = Id.Map.find x termlists in
let termin = aux subst' subinfos terminator in
- List.fold_right (fun a t ->
- subst_iterator ldots_var t
- (aux ((x,(a,(scopt,subscopes)))::terms,binderopt) subinfos iter))
- (if lassoc then List.rev l else l) termin
+ let fold a t =
+ let nterms = Id.Map.add x (a, (scopt, subscopes)) terms in
+ subst_iterator ldots_var t (aux (nterms, binderopt) subinfos iter)
+ in
+ List.fold_right fold (if lassoc then List.rev l else l) termin
with Not_found ->
- anomaly "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation")
- | AHole (Evd.BinderType (Name id as na)) ->
- let na =
- try snd (coerce_to_name (fst (List.assoc id terms)))
- with Not_found -> na in
- GHole (loc,Evd.BinderType na)
- | ABinderList (x,_,iter,terminator) ->
+ anomaly (Pp.str "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation"))
+ | NHole (knd, naming, arg) ->
+ let knd = match knd with
+ | Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id as na) ->
+ let na =
+ try snd (coerce_to_name (fst (Id.Map.find id terms)))
+ with Not_found ->
+ try Name (Id.Map.find id renaming)
+ with Not_found -> na
+ in
+ Evar_kinds.BinderType na
+ | _ -> knd
+ in
+ let arg = match arg with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some arg ->
+ let open Tacexpr in
+ let open Genarg in
+ let wit = glbwit Constrarg.wit_tactic in
+ let body =
+ if has_type arg wit then out_gen wit arg
+ else assert false (** FIXME *)
+ in
+ let mk_env id (c, (tmp_scope, subscopes)) accu =
+ let nenv = {env with tmp_scope; scopes = subscopes @ env.scopes} in
+ let gc = intern nenv c in
+ let c = ConstrMayEval (Genredexpr.ConstrTerm (gc, Some c)) in
+ ((loc, id), c) :: accu
+ in
+ let bindings = Id.Map.fold mk_env terms [] in
+ let tac = TacLetIn (false, bindings, body) in
+ let arg = in_gen wit tac in
+ Some arg
+ in
+ GHole (loc, knd, naming, arg)
+ | NBinderList (x,_,iter,terminator) ->
(* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
- let (bl,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc x binders in
- let env,bl = List.fold_left (iterate_binder intern lvar) (env,[]) bl in
+ let (bl,(scopt,subscopes)) = Id.Map.find x binders in
+ let env,bl = List.fold_left (intern_local_binder_aux intern lvar) (env,[]) bl in
let letins,bl = subordinate_letins [] bl in
let termin = aux subst' (renaming,env) terminator in
let res = List.fold_left (fun t binder ->
subst_iterator ldots_var t
(aux (terms,Some(x,binder)) subinfos iter))
termin bl in
- make_letins loc letins res
+ make_letins letins res
with Not_found ->
- anomaly "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation")
- | AProd (Name id, AHole _, c') when option_mem_assoc id binderopt ->
- let (na,bk,t),letins = snd (Option.get binderopt) in
- GProd (loc,na,bk,t,make_letins loc letins (aux subst' infos c'))
- | ALambda (Name id,AHole _,c') when option_mem_assoc id binderopt ->
- let (na,bk,t),letins = snd (Option.get binderopt) in
- GLambda (loc,na,bk,t,make_letins loc letins (aux subst' infos c'))
+ anomaly (Pp.str "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation"))
+ | NProd (Name id, NHole _, c') when option_mem_assoc id binderopt ->
+ let (loc,(na,bk,t)),letins = snd (Option.get binderopt) in
+ GProd (loc,na,bk,t,make_letins letins (aux subst' infos c'))
+ | NLambda (Name id,NHole _,c') when option_mem_assoc id binderopt ->
+ let (loc,(na,bk,t)),letins = snd (Option.get binderopt) in
+ GLambda (loc,na,bk,t,make_letins letins (aux subst' infos c'))
+ (* Two special cases to keep binder name synchronous with BinderType *)
+ | NProd (na,NHole(Evar_kinds.BinderType na',naming,arg),c')
+ when Name.equal na na' ->
+ let subinfos,na = traverse_binder subst avoid subinfos na in
+ let ty = GHole (loc,Evar_kinds.BinderType na,naming,arg) in
+ GProd (loc,na,Explicit,ty,aux subst' subinfos c')
+ | NLambda (na,NHole(Evar_kinds.BinderType na',naming,arg),c')
+ when Name.equal na na' ->
+ let subinfos,na = traverse_binder subst avoid subinfos na in
+ let ty = GHole (loc,Evar_kinds.BinderType na,naming,arg) in
+ GLambda (loc,na,Explicit,ty,aux subst' subinfos c')
| t ->
- glob_constr_of_aconstr_with_binders loc (traverse_binder subst)
- (aux subst') subinfos t
+ glob_constr_of_notation_constr_with_binders loc
+ (traverse_binder subst avoid) (aux subst') subinfos t
+ and subst_var (terms, binderopt) (renaming, env) id =
+ (* subst remembers the delimiters stack in the interpretation *)
+ (* of the notations *)
+ try
+ let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = Id.Map.find id terms in
+ intern {env with tmp_scope = scopt;
+ scopes = subscopes @ env.scopes} a
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ GVar (loc, Id.Map.find id renaming)
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Happens for local notation joint with inductive/fixpoint defs *)
+ GVar (loc,id)
in aux (terms,None) infos c
let split_by_type ids =
@@ -586,7 +632,9 @@ let split_by_type ids =
| NtnTypeConstrList -> (l1,(x,scl)::l2,l3)
| NtnTypeBinderList -> (l1,l2,(x,scl)::l3)) ids ([],[],[])
-let make_subst ids l = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) ids l
+let make_subst ids l =
+ let fold accu (id, scl) a = Id.Map.add id (a, scl) accu in
+ List.fold_left2 fold Id.Map.empty ids l
let intern_notation intern env lvar loc ntn fullargs =
let ntn,(args,argslist,bll as fullargs) = contract_notation ntn fullargs in
@@ -597,7 +645,7 @@ let intern_notation intern env lvar loc ntn fullargs =
let termlists = make_subst idsl argslist in
let binders = make_subst idsbl bll in
subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern lvar
- (terms,termlists,binders) ([],env) c
+ (terms, termlists, binders) (Id.Map.empty, env) c
(* Discriminating between bound variables and global references *)
@@ -609,39 +657,35 @@ let string_of_ty = function
| Variable -> "var"
let intern_var genv (ltacvars,ntnvars) namedctx loc id =
- let (ltacvars,unbndltacvars) = ltacvars in
(* Is [id] an inductive type potentially with implicit *)
- let ty,expl_impls,impls,argsc = Idmap.find id genv.impls in
+ let ty,expl_impls,impls,argsc = Id.Map.find id genv.impls in
let expl_impls =
- (fun id -> CRef (Ident (loc,id)), Some (loc,ExplByName id)) expl_impls in
+ (fun id -> CRef (Ident (loc,id),None), Some (loc,ExplByName id)) expl_impls in
let tys = string_of_ty ty in
- Dumpglob.dump_reference loc "<>" (string_of_id id) tys;
+ Dumpglob.dump_reference loc "<>" (Id.to_string id) tys;
GVar (loc,id), make_implicits_list impls, argsc, expl_impls
with Not_found ->
(* Is [id] bound in current term or is an ltac var bound to constr *)
- if Idset.mem id genv.ids or List.mem id ltacvars
+ if Id.Set.mem id genv.ids || Id.Set.mem id ltacvars.ltac_vars
GVar (loc,id), [], [], []
(* Is [id] a notation variable *)
- else if List.mem_assoc id ntnvars
+ else if Id.Map.mem id ntnvars
(set_var_scope loc id true genv ntnvars; GVar (loc,id), [], [], [])
(* Is [id] the special variable for recursive notations *)
- else if ntnvars <> [] && id = ldots_var
- then
- GVar (loc,id), [], [], []
+ else if Id.equal id ldots_var
+ then if Id.Map.is_empty ntnvars
+ then error_ldots_var loc
+ else GVar (loc,id), [], [], []
+ else if Id.Set.mem id ltacvars.ltac_bound then
+ (* Is [id] bound to a free name in ltac (this is an ltac error message) *)
+ user_err_loc (loc,"intern_var",
+ str "variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " should be bound to a term.")
- (* Is [id] bound to a free name in ltac (this is an ltac error message) *)
- try
- match List.assoc id unbndltacvars with
- | None -> user_err_loc (loc,"intern_var",
- str "variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " should be bound to a term.")
- | Some id0 -> Pretype_errors.error_var_not_found_loc loc id0
- with Not_found ->
(* Is [id] a goal or section variable *)
- let _ = Sign.lookup_named id namedctx in
+ let _ = Context.lookup_named id namedctx in
(* [id] a section variable *)
(* Redundant: could be done in intern_qualid *)
@@ -649,128 +693,171 @@ let intern_var genv (ltacvars,ntnvars) namedctx loc id =
let impls = implicits_of_global ref in
let scopes = find_arguments_scope ref in
Dumpglob.dump_reference loc "<>" (string_of_qualid (Decls.variable_secpath id)) "var";
- GRef (loc, ref), impls, scopes, []
+ GRef (loc, ref, None), impls, scopes, []
with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
(* [id] a goal variable *)
GVar (loc,id), [], [], []
-let find_appl_head_data = function
- | GRef (_,ref) as x -> x,implicits_of_global ref,find_arguments_scope ref,[]
- | GApp (_,GRef (_,ref),l) as x
- when l <> [] & Flags.version_strictly_greater Flags.V8_2 ->
+let proj_impls r impls =
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let f (x, l) = x, projection_implicits env r l in
+ f impls
+let proj_scopes n scopes =
+ List.skipn_at_least n scopes
+let proj_impls_scopes p impls scopes =
+ match p with
+ | Some (r, n) -> proj_impls r impls, proj_scopes n scopes
+ | None -> impls, scopes
+let find_appl_head_data c =
+ match c with
+ | GRef (loc,ref,_) as x ->
+ let impls = implicits_of_global ref in
+ let scopes = find_arguments_scope ref in
+ x, impls, scopes, []
+ | GApp (_,GRef (_,ref,_),l) as x
+ when l != [] && Flags.version_strictly_greater Flags.V8_2 ->
let n = List.length l in
- x, (drop_first_implicits n) (implicits_of_global ref),
- list_skipn_at_least n (find_arguments_scope ref),[]
+ let impls = implicits_of_global ref in
+ let scopes = find_arguments_scope ref in
+ x, (drop_first_implicits n) impls,
+ List.skipn_at_least n scopes,[]
| x -> x,[],[],[]
let error_not_enough_arguments loc =
user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Abbreviation is not applied enough.")
let check_no_explicitation l =
- let l = List.filter (fun (a,b) -> b <> None) l in
- if l <> [] then
- let loc = fst (Option.get (snd (List.hd l))) in
- user_err_loc
- (loc,"",str"Unexpected explicitation of the argument of an abbreviation.")
+ let is_unset (a, b) = match b with None -> false | Some _ -> true in
+ let l = List.filter is_unset l in
+ match l with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (_, None) :: _ -> assert false
+ | (_, Some (loc, _)) :: _ ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str"Unexpected explicitation of the argument of an abbreviation.")
let dump_extended_global loc = function
- | TrueGlobal ref -> Dumpglob.add_glob loc ref
+ | TrueGlobal ref -> (*feedback_global loc ref;*) Dumpglob.add_glob loc ref
| SynDef sp -> Dumpglob.add_glob_kn loc sp
let intern_extended_global_of_qualid (loc,qid) =
- try let r = Nametab.locate_extended qid in dump_extended_global loc r; r
- with Not_found -> error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
+ let r = Nametab.locate_extended qid in dump_extended_global loc r; r
let intern_reference ref =
- Smartlocate.global_of_extended_global
- (intern_extended_global_of_qualid (qualid_of_reference ref))
+ let qid = qualid_of_reference ref in
+ let r =
+ try intern_extended_global_of_qualid qid
+ with Not_found -> error_global_not_found_loc (fst qid) (snd qid)
+ in
+ Smartlocate.global_of_extended_global r
(* Is it a global reference or a syntactic definition? *)
-let intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar args =
+let intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar us args =
match intern_extended_global_of_qualid (loc,qid) with
- | TrueGlobal ref ->
- GRef (loc, ref), args
+ | TrueGlobal ref -> GRef (loc, ref, us), true, args
| SynDef sp ->
let (ids,c) = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition sp in
let nids = List.length ids in
if List.length args < nids then error_not_enough_arguments loc;
- let args1,args2 = list_chop nids args in
+ let args1,args2 = List.chop nids args in
check_no_explicitation args1;
- let subst = make_subst ids ( fst args1) in
- subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern lvar (subst,[],[]) ([],env) c, args2
+ let terms = make_subst ids ( fst args1) in
+ let subst = (terms, Id.Map.empty, Id.Map.empty) in
+ let infos = (Id.Map.empty, env) in
+ let projapp = match c with NRef _ -> true | _ -> false in
+ subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern lvar subst infos c, projapp, args2
(* Rule out section vars since these should have been found by intern_var *)
-let intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env lvar args =
- match intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar args with
- | GRef (loc, VarRef id),_ -> error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
+let intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env lvar us args =
+ match intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar us args with
+ | GRef (_, VarRef _, _),_,_ -> raise Not_found
| r -> r
-let intern_applied_reference intern env namedctx lvar args = function
+let intern_applied_reference intern env namedctx lvar us args = function
| Qualid (loc, qid) ->
- let r,args2 = intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar args in
- find_appl_head_data r, args2
+ let r,projapp,args2 =
+ try intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar us args
+ with Not_found -> error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
+ in
+ let x, imp, scopes, l = find_appl_head_data r in
+ (x,imp,scopes,l), args2
| Ident (loc, id) ->
try intern_var env lvar namedctx loc id, args
with Not_found ->
let qid = qualid_of_ident id in
- let r,args2 = intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env lvar args in
- find_appl_head_data r, args2
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ let r, projapp, args2 = intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env lvar us args in
+ let x, imp, scopes, l = find_appl_head_data r in
+ (x,imp,scopes,l), args2
+ with Not_found ->
(* Extra allowance for non globalizing functions *)
if !interning_grammar || env.unb then
- (GVar (loc,id), [], [], []),args
- else raise e
+ (GVar (loc,id), [], [], []), args
+ else error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
let interp_reference vars r =
let (r,_,_,_),_ =
- intern_applied_reference (fun _ -> error_not_enough_arguments dummy_loc)
- {ids = Idset.empty; unb = false ;
+ intern_applied_reference (fun _ -> error_not_enough_arguments Loc.ghost)
+ {ids = Id.Set.empty; unb = false ;
tmp_scope = None; scopes = []; impls = empty_internalization_env} []
- (vars,[]) [] r
+ (vars, Id.Map.empty) None [] r
in r
+(** {5 Cases } *)
+(** {6 Elemtary bricks } *)
let apply_scope_env env = function
| [] -> {env with tmp_scope = None}, []
| sc::scl -> {env with tmp_scope = sc}, scl
let rec simple_adjust_scopes n scopes =
- if n=0 then [] else match scopes with
+ (* Note: they can be less scopes than arguments but also more scopes *)
+ (* than arguments because extra scopes are used in the presence of *)
+ (* coercions to funclass *)
+ if Int.equal n 0 then [] else match scopes with
| [] -> None :: simple_adjust_scopes (n-1) []
| sc::scopes -> sc :: simple_adjust_scopes (n-1) scopes
-let find_remaining_constructor_scopes pl1 pl2 (ind,j as cstr) =
- let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind in
- let npar = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
- snd (list_chop (npar + List.length pl1)
- (simple_adjust_scopes (npar + List.length pl1 + List.length pl2)
- (find_arguments_scope (ConstructRef cstr))))
+let find_remaining_scopes pl1 pl2 ref =
+ let impls_st = implicits_of_global ref in
+ let len_pl1 = List.length pl1 in
+ let len_pl2 = List.length pl2 in
+ let impl_list = if Int.equal len_pl1 0
+ then select_impargs_size len_pl2 impls_st
+ else List.skipn_at_least len_pl1 (select_stronger_impargs impls_st) in
+ let allscs = find_arguments_scope ref in
+ let scope_list = List.skipn_at_least len_pl1 allscs in
+ let rec aux = function
+ |[],l -> l
+ |_,[] -> []
+ |h::t,_::tt when is_status_implicit h -> aux (t,tt)
+ |_::t,h::tt -> h :: aux (t,tt)
+ in ((try List.firstn len_pl1 allscs with Failure _ -> simple_adjust_scopes len_pl1 allscs),
+ simple_adjust_scopes len_pl2 (aux (impl_list,scope_list)))
-(* Cases *)
+let merge_subst s1 s2 = Id.Map.fold Id.Map.add s1 s2
let product_of_cases_patterns ids idspl =
List.fold_right (fun (ids,pl) (ids',ptaill) ->
- (ids@ids',
- (* Cartesian prod of the or-pats for the nth arg and the tail args *)
- List.flatten (
- (fun (subst,p) ->
- (fun (subst',ptail) -> (subst@subst',p::ptail)) ptaill) pl)))
- idspl (ids,[[],[]])
-let simple_product_of_cases_patterns pl =
- List.fold_right (fun pl ptaill ->
- List.flatten ( (fun (subst,p) ->
- (fun (subst',ptail) -> (subst@subst',p::ptail)) ptaill) pl))
- pl [[],[]]
-(* Check linearity of pattern-matching *)
+ (ids @ ids',
+ (* Cartesian prod of the or-pats for the nth arg and the tail args *)
+ List.flatten (
+ (fun (subst,p) ->
+ (fun (subst',ptail) -> (merge_subst subst subst',p::ptail)) ptaill) pl)))
+ idspl (ids,[Id.Map.empty,[]])
+(* @return the first variable that occurs twice in a pattern
+naive n^2 algo *)
let rec has_duplicate = function
| [] -> None
- | x::l -> if List.mem x l then (Some x) else has_duplicate l
+ | x::l -> if Id.List.mem x l then (Some x) else has_duplicate l
let loc_of_lhs lhs =
- join_loc (fst (List.hd lhs)) (fst (list_last lhs))
+ Loc.merge (fst (List.hd lhs)) (fst (List.last lhs))
let check_linearity lhs ids =
match has_duplicate ids with
@@ -782,167 +869,89 @@ let check_linearity lhs ids =
(* Match the number of pattern against the number of matched args *)
let check_number_of_pattern loc n l =
let p = List.length l in
- if n<>p then raise (InternalizationError (loc,BadPatternsNumber (n,p)))
+ if not (Int.equal n p) then raise (InternalizationError (loc,BadPatternsNumber (n,p)))
let check_or_pat_variables loc ids idsl =
- if List.exists (fun ids' -> not (list_eq_set ids ids')) idsl then
+ if List.exists (fun ids' -> not (List.eq_set Id.equal ids ids')) idsl then
user_err_loc (loc, "", str
"The components of this disjunctive pattern must bind the same variables.")
-let check_constructor_length env loc cstr pl pl0 =
- let n = List.length pl + List.length pl0 in
- let nargs = Inductiveops.constructor_nrealargs env cstr in
- let nhyps = Inductiveops.constructor_nrealhyps env cstr in
- if n <> nargs && n <> nhyps (* i.e. with let's *) then
- error_wrong_numarg_constructor_loc loc env cstr nargs
-(* Manage multiple aliases *)
- (* [merge_aliases] returns the sets of all aliases encountered at this
- point and a substitution mapping extra aliases to the first one *)
-let merge_aliases (ids,asubst as _aliases) id =
- ids@[id], if ids=[] then asubst else (id, List.hd ids)::asubst
-let alias_of = function
- | ([],_) -> Anonymous
- | (id::_,_) -> Name id
-let message_redundant_alias (id1,id2) =
- if_warn msg_warning
- (str "Alias variable " ++ pr_id id1 ++ str " is merged with " ++ pr_id id2)
-(* Expanding notations *)
-let chop_aconstr_constructor loc (ind,k) args =
- if List.length args = 0 then (* Tolerance for a @id notation *) args else
- begin
- let mib,_ = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
- let nparams = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
- if nparams > List.length args then error_invalid_pattern_notation loc;
- let params,args = list_chop nparams args in
- List.iter (function AHole _ -> ()
- | _ -> error_invalid_pattern_notation loc) params;
- args
- end
-let rec subst_pat_iterator y t (subst,p) = match p with
- | PatVar (_,id) as x ->
- if id = Name y then t else [subst,x]
- | PatCstr (loc,id,l,alias) ->
- let l' = (fun a -> (subst_pat_iterator y t ([],a))) l in
- let pl = simple_product_of_cases_patterns l' in
- (fun (subst',pl) -> subst'@subst,PatCstr (loc,id,pl,alias)) pl
-let subst_cases_pattern loc alias intern fullsubst env a =
- let rec aux alias (subst,substlist as fullsubst) = function
- | AVar id ->
- begin
- (* subst remembers the delimiters stack in the interpretation *)
- (* of the notations *)
- try
- let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc id subst in
- intern {env with scopes=subscopes@env.scopes;
- tmp_scope = scopt} ([],[]) a
- with Not_found ->
- if id = ldots_var then [], [[], PatVar (loc,Name id)] else
- anomaly ("Unbound pattern notation variable: "^(string_of_id id))
- (*
- (* Happens for local notation joint with inductive/fixpoint defs *)
- if aliases <> ([],[]) then
- anomaly "Pattern notation without constructors";
- [[id],[]], PatVar (loc,Name id)
- *)
- end
- | ARef (ConstructRef c) ->
- ([],[[], PatCstr (loc,c, [], alias)])
- | AApp (ARef (ConstructRef cstr),args) ->
- let args = chop_aconstr_constructor loc cstr args in
- let idslpll = (aux Anonymous fullsubst) args in
- let ids',pll = product_of_cases_patterns [] idslpll in
- let pl' = (fun (asubst,pl) ->
- asubst,PatCstr (loc,cstr,pl,alias)) pll in
- ids', pl'
- | AList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
- (try
- (* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
- let (l,(scopt,subscopes)) = List.assoc x substlist in
- let termin = aux Anonymous fullsubst terminator in
- let idsl,v =
- List.fold_right (fun a (tids,t) ->
- let uids,u = aux Anonymous ((x,(a,(scopt,subscopes)))::subst,substlist) iter in
- let pll = (subst_pat_iterator ldots_var t) u in
- tids@uids, List.flatten pll)
- (if lassoc then List.rev l else l) termin in
- idsl, (fun ((asubst, pl) as x) ->
- match pl with PatCstr (loc, c, pl, Anonymous) -> (asubst, PatCstr (loc, c, pl, alias)) | _ -> x) v
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation")
- | AHole _ -> ([],[[], PatVar (loc,Anonymous)])
- | t -> error_invalid_pattern_notation loc
- in aux alias fullsubst a
-(* Differentiating between constructors and matching variables *)
-type pattern_qualid_kind =
- | ConstrPat of constructor * (identifier list *
- ((identifier * identifier) list * cases_pattern) list) list
- | VarPat of identifier
-let find_constructor ref f aliases pats env =
- let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference ref in
- let gref =
- try locate_extended qid
- with Not_found -> raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor ref)) in
- match gref with
- | SynDef sp ->
- let (vars,a) = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition sp in
- (match a with
- | ARef (ConstructRef cstr) ->
- assert (vars=[]);
- cstr, [], pats
- | AApp (ARef (ConstructRef cstr),args) ->
- let args = chop_aconstr_constructor loc cstr args in
- let nvars = List.length vars in
- if List.length pats < nvars then error_not_enough_arguments loc;
- let pats1,pats2 = list_chop nvars pats in
- let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) vars pats1 in
- let idspl1 = (subst_cases_pattern loc Anonymous f (subst,[]) env) args in
- cstr, idspl1, pats2
- | _ -> raise Not_found)
- | TrueGlobal r ->
- let rec unf = function
- | ConstRef cst ->
- let v = Environ.constant_value (Global.env()) cst in
- unf (global_of_constr v)
- | ConstructRef cstr ->
- Dumpglob.add_glob loc r;
- cstr, [], pats
- | _ -> raise Not_found
- in unf r
+(** Use only when params were NOT asked to the user.
+ @return if letin are included *)
+let check_constructor_length env loc cstr len_pl pl0 =
+ let n = len_pl + List.length pl0 in
+ if Int.equal n (Inductiveops.constructor_nallargs cstr) then false else
+ (Int.equal n (Inductiveops.constructor_nalldecls cstr) ||
+ (error_wrong_numarg_constructor_loc loc env cstr
+ (Inductiveops.constructor_nrealargs cstr)))
+let add_implicits_check_length fail nargs nargs_with_letin impls_st len_pl1 pl2 =
+ let impl_list = if Int.equal len_pl1 0
+ then select_impargs_size (List.length pl2) impls_st
+ else List.skipn_at_least len_pl1 (select_stronger_impargs impls_st) in
+ let remaining_args = List.fold_left (fun i x -> if is_status_implicit x then i else succ i) in
+ let rec aux i = function
+ |[],l -> let args_len = List.length l + List.length impl_list + len_pl1 in
+ ((if Int.equal args_len nargs then false
+ else Int.equal args_len nargs_with_letin || (fst (fail (nargs - List.length impl_list + i))))
+ ,l)
+ |imp::q as il,[] -> if is_status_implicit imp && maximal_insertion_of imp
+ then let (b,out) = aux i (q,[]) in (b,RCPatAtom(Loc.ghost,None)::out)
+ else fail (remaining_args (len_pl1+i) il)
+ |imp::q,(hh::tt as l) -> if is_status_implicit imp
+ then let (b,out) = aux i (q,l) in (b,RCPatAtom(Loc.ghost,None)::out)
+ else let (b,out) = aux (succ i) (q,tt) in (b,hh::out)
+ in aux 0 (impl_list,pl2)
+let add_implicits_check_constructor_length env loc c len_pl1 pl2 =
+ let nargs = Inductiveops.constructor_nallargs c in
+ let nargs' = Inductiveops.constructor_nalldecls c in
+ let impls_st = implicits_of_global (ConstructRef c) in
+ add_implicits_check_length (error_wrong_numarg_constructor_loc loc env c)
+ nargs nargs' impls_st len_pl1 pl2
+let add_implicits_check_ind_length env loc c len_pl1 pl2 =
+ let nallargs = inductive_nallargs_env env c in
+ let nalldecls = inductive_nalldecls_env env c in
+ let impls_st = implicits_of_global (IndRef c) in
+ add_implicits_check_length (error_wrong_numarg_inductive_loc loc env c)
+ nallargs nalldecls impls_st len_pl1 pl2
+(** Do not raise NotEnoughArguments thanks to preconditions*)
+let chop_params_pattern loc ind args with_letin =
+ let nparams = if with_letin
+ then Inductiveops.inductive_nparamdecls ind
+ else Inductiveops.inductive_nparams ind in
+ assert (nparams <= List.length args);
+ let params,args = List.chop nparams args in
+ List.iter (function PatVar(_,Anonymous) -> ()
+ | PatVar (loc',_) | PatCstr(loc',_,_,_) -> error_parameter_not_implicit loc') params;
+ args
+let find_constructor loc add_params ref =
+ let cstr = match ref with
+ | ConstructRef cstr -> cstr
+ | IndRef _ ->
+ let error = str "There is an inductive name deep in a \"in\" clause." in
+ user_err_loc (loc, "find_constructor", error)
+ | ConstRef _ | VarRef _ ->
+ let error = str "This reference is not a constructor." in
+ user_err_loc (loc, "find_constructor", error)
+ in
+ cstr, (function (ind,_ as c) -> match add_params with
+ |Some nb_args ->
+ let nb =
+ if Int.equal nb_args (Inductiveops.constructor_nrealdecls c)
+ then Inductiveops.inductive_nparamdecls ind
+ else Inductiveops.inductive_nparams ind
+ in
+ List.make nb ([], [(Id.Map.empty, PatVar(Loc.ghost,Anonymous))])
+ |None -> []) cstr
let find_pattern_variable = function
| Ident (loc,id) -> id
| Qualid (loc,_) as x -> raise (InternalizationError(loc,NotAConstructor x))
-let maybe_constructor ref f aliases env =
- try
- let c,idspl1,pl2 = find_constructor ref f aliases [] env in
- assert (pl2 = []);
- ConstrPat (c,idspl1)
- with
- (* patt var does not exists globally *)
- | InternalizationError _ -> VarPat (find_pattern_variable ref)
- (* patt var also exists globally but does not satisfy preconditions *)
- | (Environ.NotEvaluableConst _ | Not_found) ->
- if_warn msg_warning (str "pattern " ++ pr_reference ref ++
- str " is understood as a pattern variable");
- VarPat (find_pattern_variable ref)
-let mustbe_constructor loc ref f aliases patl env =
- try find_constructor ref f aliases patl env
- with (Environ.NotEvaluableConst _ | Not_found) ->
- raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor ref))
let sort_fields mode loc l completer =
(*mode=false if pattern and true if constructor*)
match l with
@@ -966,18 +975,19 @@ let sort_fields mode loc l completer =
| [] -> (i, acc)
| (Some name) :: b->
(match m with
- | [] -> anomaly "Number of projections mismatch"
+ | [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "Number of projections mismatch")
| (_, regular)::tm ->
let boolean = not regular in
- (match global_reference_of_reference refer with
- | ConstRef name' when eq_constant name name' ->
+ begin match global_reference_of_reference refer with
+ | ConstRef name' when eq_constant name name' ->
if boolean && mode then
user_err_loc (loc, "", str"No local fields allowed in a record construction.")
else build_patt b tm (i + 1) (i, snd acc) (* we found it *)
| _ ->
build_patt b tm (if boolean&&mode then i else i + 1)
(if boolean && mode then acc
- else fst acc, (i, ConstRef name) :: snd acc)))
+ else fst acc, (i, ConstRef name) :: snd acc)
+ end)
| None :: b-> (* we don't want anonymous fields *)
if mode then
user_err_loc (loc, "", str "This record contains anonymous fields.")
@@ -987,9 +997,9 @@ let sort_fields mode loc l completer =
let ind = record.Recordops.s_CONST in
try (* insertion of Constextern.reference_global *)
- Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_global Idset.empty (ConstructRef ind)),
+ Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty (ConstructRef ind)),
build_patt record.Recordops.s_PROJ record.Recordops.s_PROJKIND 1 (0,[]))
- with Not_found -> anomaly "Environment corruption for records."
+ with Not_found -> anomaly (Pp.str "Environment corruption for records.")
(* now we want to have all fields of the pattern indexed by their place in
the constructor *)
@@ -1032,111 +1042,287 @@ let sort_fields mode loc l completer =
Some (nparams, base_constructor,
List.rev (clean_list sorted_indexed_pattern 0 []))
-let rec intern_cases_pattern genv env (ids,asubst as aliases) pat =
- let intern_pat = intern_cases_pattern genv in
- match pat with
- | CPatAlias (loc, p, id) ->
- let aliases' = merge_aliases aliases id in
- intern_pat env aliases' p
+(** {6 Manage multiple aliases} *)
+type alias = {
+ alias_ids : Id.t list;
+ alias_map : Id.t Id.Map.t;
+let empty_alias = {
+ alias_ids = [];
+ alias_map = Id.Map.empty;
+ (* [merge_aliases] returns the sets of all aliases encountered at this
+ point and a substitution mapping extra aliases to the first one *)
+let merge_aliases aliases id =
+ let alias_ids = aliases.alias_ids @ [id] in
+ let alias_map = match aliases.alias_ids with
+ | [] -> aliases.alias_map
+ | id' :: _ -> Id.Map.add id id' aliases.alias_map
+ in
+ { alias_ids; alias_map; }
+let alias_of als = match als.alias_ids with
+| [] -> Anonymous
+| id :: _ -> Name id
+let message_redundant_alias id1 id2 =
+ msg_warning
+ (str "Alias variable " ++ pr_id id1 ++ str " is merged with " ++ pr_id id2)
+(** {6 Expanding notations }
+ @returns a raw_case_pattern_expr :
+ - no notations and syntactic definition
+ - global reference and identifeir instead of reference
+let rec subst_pat_iterator y t p = match p with
+ | RCPatAtom (_,id) ->
+ begin match id with Some x when Id.equal x y -> t | _ -> p end
+ | RCPatCstr (loc,id,l1,l2) ->
+ RCPatCstr (loc,id, (subst_pat_iterator y t) l1,
+ (subst_pat_iterator y t) l2)
+ | RCPatAlias (l,p,a) -> RCPatAlias (l,subst_pat_iterator y t p,a)
+ | RCPatOr (l,pl) -> RCPatOr (l, (subst_pat_iterator y t) pl)
+let drop_notations_pattern looked_for =
+ (* At toplevel, Constructors and Inductives are accepted, in recursive calls
+ only constructor are allowed *)
+ let ensure_kind top loc g =
+ try
+ if top then looked_for g else
+ match g with ConstructRef _ -> () | _ -> raise Not_found
+ with Not_found ->
+ error_invalid_pattern_notation loc
+ in
+ let test_kind top =
+ if top then looked_for else function ConstructRef _ -> () | _ -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ let rec drop_syndef top env re pats =
+ let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference re in
+ try
+ match locate_extended qid with
+ |SynDef sp ->
+ let (vars,a) = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition sp in
+ (match a with
+ | NRef g ->
+ test_kind top g;
+ let () = assert (List.is_empty vars) in
+ let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes [] pats g in
+ Some (g, [], List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs pats)
+ | NApp (NRef g,[]) -> (* special case : Syndef for @Cstr *)
+ test_kind top g;
+ let () = assert (List.is_empty vars) in
+ let (argscs,_) = find_remaining_scopes pats [] g in
+ Some (g, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs pats, [])
+ | NApp (NRef g,args) ->
+ ensure_kind top loc g;
+ let nvars = List.length vars in
+ if List.length pats < nvars then error_not_enough_arguments loc;
+ let pats1,pats2 = List.chop nvars pats in
+ let subst = make_subst vars pats1 in
+ let idspl1 = (in_not false loc env (subst, Id.Map.empty) []) args in
+ let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes pats1 pats2 g in
+ Some (g, idspl1, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs pats2)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found)
+ |TrueGlobal g ->
+ test_kind top g;
+ Dumpglob.add_glob loc g;
+ let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes [] pats g in
+ Some (g,[],List.map2 (fun x -> in_pat false {env with tmp_scope = x}) argscs pats)
+ with Not_found -> None
+ and in_pat top env = function
+ | CPatAlias (loc, p, id) -> RCPatAlias (loc, in_pat top env p, id)
| CPatRecord (loc, l) ->
- let sorted_fields = sort_fields false loc l (fun _ l -> (CPatAtom (loc, None))::l) in
- let self_patt =
- match sorted_fields with
- | None -> CPatAtom (loc, None)
- | Some (_, head, pl) -> CPatCstr(loc, head, pl)
- in
- intern_pat env aliases self_patt
- | CPatCstr (loc, head, pl) | CPatCstrExpl (loc, head, pl) ->
- let c,idslpl1,pl2 = mustbe_constructor loc head intern_pat aliases pl env in
- check_constructor_length genv loc c idslpl1 pl2;
- let argscs2 = find_remaining_constructor_scopes idslpl1 pl2 c in
- let idslpl2 = List.map2 (fun x -> intern_pat {env with tmp_scope = x} ([],[])) argscs2 pl2 in
- let (ids',pll) = product_of_cases_patterns ids (idslpl1@idslpl2) in
- let pl' = (fun (asubst,pl) ->
- (asubst, PatCstr (loc,c,pl,alias_of aliases))) pll in
- ids',pl'
- | CPatNotation (loc,"- _",([CPatPrim(_,Numeral p)],[]))
- when Bigint.is_strictly_pos p ->
- intern_pat env aliases (CPatPrim(loc,Numeral(Bigint.neg p)))
- | CPatNotation (_,"( _ )",([a],[])) ->
- intern_pat env aliases a
- | CPatNotation (loc, ntn, fullargs) ->
+ let sorted_fields =
+ sort_fields false loc l (fun _ l -> (CPatAtom (loc, None))::l) in
+ begin match sorted_fields with
+ | None -> RCPatAtom (loc, None)
+ | Some (_, head, pl) ->
+ match drop_syndef top env head pl with
+ |Some (a,b,c) -> RCPatCstr(loc, a, b, c)
+ |None -> raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor head))
+ end
+ | CPatCstr (loc, head, [], pl) ->
+ begin
+ match drop_syndef top env head pl with
+ | Some (a,b,c) -> RCPatCstr(loc, a, b, c)
+ | None -> raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor head))
+ end
+ | CPatCstr (loc, r, expl_pl, pl) ->
+ let g = try
+ (locate (snd (qualid_of_reference r)))
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor r)) in
+ let (argscs1,argscs2) = find_remaining_scopes expl_pl pl g in
+ RCPatCstr (loc, g, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs1 expl_pl, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs2 pl)
+ | CPatNotation (loc,"- _",([CPatPrim(_,Numeral p)],[]),[])
+ when Bigint.is_strictly_pos p ->
+ fst (Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc (ensure_kind false loc) (Numeral (Bigint.neg p))
+ (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes))
+ | CPatNotation (_,"( _ )",([a],[]),[]) ->
+ in_pat top env a
+ | CPatNotation (loc, ntn, fullargs,extrargs) ->
let ntn,(args,argsl as fullargs) = contract_pat_notation ntn fullargs in
let ((ids',c),df) = Notation.interp_notation loc ntn (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes) in
let (ids',idsl',_) = split_by_type ids' in
Dumpglob.dump_notation_location (patntn_loc loc fullargs ntn) ntn df;
- let subst = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) ids' args in
- let substlist = List.map2 (fun (id,scl) a -> (id,(a,scl))) idsl' argsl in
- let ids'',pl =
- subst_cases_pattern loc (alias_of aliases) intern_pat (subst,substlist)
- env c
- in ids@ids'', pl
- | CPatPrim (loc, p) ->
- let a = alias_of aliases in
- let (c,_) = Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern loc p a
- (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes) in
- (ids,[asubst,c])
- | CPatDelimiters (loc, key, e) ->
- intern_pat {env with scopes=find_delimiters_scope loc key::env.scopes;
- tmp_scope = None} aliases e
- | CPatAtom (loc, Some head) ->
- (match maybe_constructor head intern_pat aliases env with
- | ConstrPat (c,idspl) ->
- check_constructor_length genv loc c idspl [];
- let (ids',pll) = product_of_cases_patterns ids idspl in
- (ids, (fun (asubst,pl) ->
- (asubst, PatCstr (loc,c,pl,alias_of aliases))) pll)
- | VarPat id ->
- let ids,asubst = merge_aliases aliases id in
- (ids,[asubst, PatVar (loc,alias_of (ids,asubst))]))
- | CPatAtom (loc, None) ->
- (ids,[asubst, PatVar (loc,alias_of aliases)])
- | CPatOr (loc, pl) ->
- assert (pl <> []);
- let pl' = (intern_pat env aliases) pl in
+ let substlist = make_subst idsl' argsl in
+ let subst = make_subst ids' args in
+ in_not top loc env (subst,substlist) extrargs c
+ | CPatDelimiters (loc, key, e) ->
+ in_pat top {env with scopes=find_delimiters_scope loc key::env.scopes;
+ tmp_scope = None} e
+ | CPatPrim (loc,p) -> fst (Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc (test_kind false) p
+ (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes))
+ | CPatAtom (loc, Some id) ->
+ begin
+ match drop_syndef top env id [] with
+ |Some (a,b,c) -> RCPatCstr (loc, a, b, c)
+ |None -> RCPatAtom (loc, Some (find_pattern_variable id))
+ end
+ | CPatAtom (loc,None) -> RCPatAtom (loc,None)
+ | CPatOr (loc, pl) ->
+ RCPatOr (loc, (in_pat top env) pl)
+ and in_pat_sc env x = in_pat false {env with tmp_scope = x}
+ and in_not top loc env (subst,substlist as fullsubst) args = function
+ | NVar id ->
+ let () = assert (List.is_empty args) in
+ begin
+ (* subst remembers the delimiters stack in the interpretation *)
+ (* of the notations *)
+ try
+ let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = Id.Map.find id subst in
+ in_pat top {env with scopes=subscopes@env.scopes;
+ tmp_scope = scopt} a
+ with Not_found ->
+ if Id.equal id ldots_var then RCPatAtom (loc,Some id) else
+ anomaly (str "Unbound pattern notation variable: " ++ Id.print id)
+ end
+ | NRef g ->
+ ensure_kind top loc g;
+ let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes [] args g in
+ RCPatCstr (loc, g, [], List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs args)
+ | NApp (NRef g,pl) ->
+ ensure_kind top loc g;
+ let (argscs1,argscs2) = find_remaining_scopes pl args g in
+ RCPatCstr (loc, g,
+ List.map2 (fun x -> in_not false loc {env with tmp_scope = x} fullsubst []) argscs1 pl,
+ List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs2 args)
+ | NList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
+ let () = assert (List.is_empty args) in
+ (try
+ (* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
+ let (l,(scopt,subscopes)) = Id.Map.find x substlist in
+ let termin = in_not top loc env fullsubst [] terminator in
+ List.fold_right (fun a t ->
+ let nsubst = Id.Map.add x (a, (scopt, subscopes)) subst in
+ let u = in_not false loc env (nsubst, substlist) [] iter in
+ subst_pat_iterator ldots_var t u)
+ (if lassoc then List.rev l else l) termin
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly (Pp.str "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation"))
+ | NHole _ ->
+ let () = assert (List.is_empty args) in
+ RCPatAtom (loc, None)
+ | t -> error_invalid_pattern_notation loc
+ in in_pat true
+let rec intern_pat genv aliases pat =
+ let intern_cstr_with_all_args loc c with_letin idslpl1 pl2 =
+ let idslpl2 = (intern_pat genv empty_alias) pl2 in
+ let (ids',pll) = product_of_cases_patterns aliases.alias_ids (idslpl1@idslpl2) in
+ let pl' = (fun (asubst,pl) ->
+ (asubst, PatCstr (loc,c,chop_params_pattern loc (fst c) pl with_letin,alias_of aliases))) pll in
+ ids',pl' in
+ match pat with
+ | RCPatAlias (loc, p, id) ->
+ let aliases' = merge_aliases aliases id in
+ intern_pat genv aliases' p
+ | RCPatCstr (loc, head, expl_pl, pl) ->
+ if !oldfashion_patterns then
+ let len = if List.is_empty expl_pl then Some (List.length pl) else None in
+ let c,idslpl1 = find_constructor loc len head in
+ let with_letin =
+ check_constructor_length genv loc c (List.length idslpl1 + List.length expl_pl) pl in
+ intern_cstr_with_all_args loc c with_letin idslpl1 (expl_pl@pl)
+ else
+ let c,idslpl1 = find_constructor loc None head in
+ let with_letin, pl2 =
+ add_implicits_check_constructor_length genv loc c (List.length idslpl1 + List.length expl_pl) pl in
+ intern_cstr_with_all_args loc c with_letin idslpl1 (expl_pl@pl2)
+ | RCPatAtom (loc, Some id) ->
+ let aliases = merge_aliases aliases id in
+ (aliases.alias_ids,[aliases.alias_map, PatVar (loc, alias_of aliases)])
+ | RCPatAtom (loc, None) ->
+ let { alias_ids = ids; alias_map = asubst; } = aliases in
+ (ids, [asubst, PatVar (loc, alias_of aliases)])
+ | RCPatOr (loc, pl) ->
+ assert (not (List.is_empty pl));
+ let pl' = (intern_pat genv aliases) pl in
let (idsl,pl') = List.split pl' in
let ids = List.hd idsl in
check_or_pat_variables loc ids ( idsl);
(ids,List.flatten pl')
+let intern_cases_pattern genv env aliases pat =
+ intern_pat genv aliases
+ (drop_notations_pattern (function ConstructRef _ -> () | _ -> raise Not_found) env pat)
+let intern_ind_pattern genv env pat =
+ let no_not =
+ try
+ drop_notations_pattern (function (IndRef _ | ConstructRef _) -> () | _ -> raise Not_found) env pat
+ with InternalizationError(loc,NotAConstructor _) -> error_bad_inductive_type loc
+ in
+ match no_not with
+ | RCPatCstr (loc, head,expl_pl, pl) ->
+ let c = (function IndRef ind -> ind
+ |_ -> error_bad_inductive_type loc) head in
+ let with_letin, pl2 = add_implicits_check_ind_length genv loc c
+ (List.length expl_pl) pl in
+ let idslpl1 = List.rev_map (intern_pat genv empty_alias) expl_pl in
+ let idslpl2 = (intern_pat genv empty_alias) pl2 in
+ (with_letin,
+ match product_of_cases_patterns [] (List.rev_append idslpl1 idslpl2) with
+ |_,[_,pl] ->
+ (c,chop_params_pattern loc c pl with_letin)
+ |_ -> error_bad_inductive_type loc)
+ | x -> error_bad_inductive_type (raw_cases_pattern_expr_loc x)
(* Utilities for application *)
let merge_impargs l args =
+ let test x = function
+ | (_, Some (_, y)) -> explicitation_eq x y
+ | _ -> false
+ in
List.fold_right (fun a l ->
match a with
| (_,Some (_,(ExplByName id as x))) when
- List.exists (function (_,Some (_,y)) -> x=y | _ -> false) args -> l
+ List.exists (test x) args -> l
| _ -> a::l)
l args
-let check_projection isproj nargs r =
- match (r,isproj) with
- | GRef (loc, ref), Some _ ->
- (try
- let n = Recordops.find_projection_nparams ref + 1 in
- if nargs <> n then
- user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Projection does not have the right number of explicit parameters.");
- with Not_found ->
- user_err_loc
- (loc,"",pr_global_env Idset.empty ref ++ str " is not a registered projection."))
- | _, Some _ -> user_err_loc (loc_of_glob_constr r, "", str "Not a projection.")
- | _, None -> ()
let get_implicit_name n imps =
Some (Impargs.name_of_implicit (List.nth imps (n-1)))
let set_hole_implicit i b = function
- | GRef (loc,r) | GApp (_,GRef (loc,r),_) -> (loc,Evd.ImplicitArg (r,i,b))
- | GVar (loc,id) -> (loc,Evd.ImplicitArg (VarRef id,i,b))
- | _ -> anomaly "Only refs have implicits"
+ | GRef (loc,r,_) | GApp (_,GRef (loc,r,_),_) -> (loc,Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (r,i,b),Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)
+ | GVar (loc,id) -> (loc,Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (VarRef id,i,b),Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)
+ | _ -> anomaly (Pp.str "Only refs have implicits")
let exists_implicit_name id =
- List.exists (fun imp -> is_status_implicit imp & id = name_of_implicit imp)
+ List.exists (fun imp -> is_status_implicit imp && Id.equal id (name_of_implicit imp))
let extract_explicit_arg imps args =
let rec aux = function
- | [] -> [],[]
+ | [] -> Id.Map.empty, []
| (a,e)::l ->
let (eargs,rargs) = aux l in
match e with
@@ -1147,7 +1333,7 @@ let extract_explicit_arg imps args =
if not (exists_implicit_name id imps) then
(loc,"",str "Wrong argument name: " ++ pr_id id ++ str ".");
- if List.mem_assoc id eargs then
+ if Id.Map.mem id eargs then
user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Argument name " ++ pr_id id
++ str " occurs more than once.");
@@ -1161,29 +1347,30 @@ let extract_explicit_arg imps args =
(loc,"",str"Wrong argument position: " ++ int p ++ str ".")
- if List.mem_assoc id eargs then
+ if Id.Map.mem id eargs then
user_err_loc (loc,"",str"Argument at position " ++ int p ++
str " is mentioned more than once.");
id in
- ((id,(loc,a))::eargs,rargs)
+ (Id.Map.add id (loc, a) eargs, rargs)
in aux args
(* Main loop *)
-let internalize sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
+let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let rec intern env = function
- | CRef ref as x ->
+ | CRef (ref,us) as x ->
let (c,imp,subscopes,l),_ =
- intern_applied_reference intern env (Environ.named_context globalenv) lvar [] ref in
- (match intern_impargs c env imp subscopes l with
- | [] -> c
- | l -> GApp (constr_loc x, c, l))
+ intern_applied_reference intern env (Environ.named_context globalenv)
+ lvar us [] ref
+ in
+ apply_impargs c env imp subscopes l (constr_loc x)
| CFix (loc, (locid,iddef), dl) ->
let lf = (fun ((_, id),_,_,_,_) -> id) dl in
let dl = Array.of_list dl in
let n =
- try list_index0 iddef lf
+ try List.index0 Id.equal iddef lf
with Not_found ->
raise (InternalizationError (locid,UnboundFixName (false,iddef)))
@@ -1194,7 +1381,7 @@ let internalize sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let (env',rbefore) =
List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env,[]) before in
let ro = f (intern env') in
- let n' = (fun _ -> List.length rbefore) n in
+ let n' = (fun _ -> List.length (List.filter (fun (_,(_,_,b,_)) -> (* remove let-ins *) b = None) rbefore)) n in
n', ro, List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env',rbefore) after
let n, ro, (env',rbl) =
@@ -1207,47 +1394,45 @@ let internalize sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
intern_ro_arg (fun f -> GMeasureRec (f m, f r))
((n, ro), List.rev rbl, intern_type env' ty, env')) dl in
- let idl = array_map2 (fun (_,_,_,_,bd) (a,b,c,env') ->
- let env'' = list_fold_left_i (fun i en name ->
+ let idl = Array.map2 (fun (_,_,_,_,bd) (a,b,c,env') ->
+ let env'' = List.fold_left_i (fun i en name ->
let (_,bli,tyi,_) = idl_temp.(i) in
- let fix_args = ( (fun (na, bk, _, _) -> (build_impls bk na)) bli) in
+ let fix_args = ( (fun (_,(na, bk, _, _)) -> (build_impls bk na)) bli) in
push_name_env lvar (impls_type_list ~args:fix_args tyi)
- en (dummy_loc, Name name)) 0 env' lf in
+ en (Loc.ghost, Name name)) 0 env' lf in
(a,b,c,intern {env'' with tmp_scope = None} bd)) dl idl_temp in
GRec (loc,GFix
( (fun (ro,_,_,_) -> ro) idl,n),
Array.of_list lf,
- (fun (_,bl,_,_) -> bl) idl,
+ (fun (_,bl,_,_) -> snd bl) idl, (fun (_,_,ty,_) -> ty) idl, (fun (_,_,_,bd) -> bd) idl)
| CCoFix (loc, (locid,iddef), dl) ->
let lf = (fun ((_, id),_,_,_) -> id) dl in
let dl = Array.of_list dl in
let n =
- try list_index0 iddef lf
+ try List.index0 Id.equal iddef lf
with Not_found ->
raise (InternalizationError (locid,UnboundFixName (true,iddef)))
let idl_tmp =
- (fun (id,bl,ty,_) ->
+ (fun ((loc,id),bl,ty,_) ->
let (env',rbl) =
List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env,[]) bl in
(List.rev rbl,
intern_type env' ty,env')) dl in
- let idl = array_map2 (fun (_,_,_,bd) (b,c,env') ->
- let env'' = list_fold_left_i (fun i en name ->
+ let idl = Array.map2 (fun (_,_,_,bd) (b,c,env') ->
+ let env'' = List.fold_left_i (fun i en name ->
let (bli,tyi,_) = idl_tmp.(i) in
- let cofix_args = (fun (na, bk, _, _) -> (build_impls bk na)) bli in
+ let cofix_args = (fun (_, (na, bk, _, _)) -> (build_impls bk na)) bli in
push_name_env lvar (impls_type_list ~args:cofix_args tyi)
- en (dummy_loc, Name name)) 0 env' lf in
+ en (Loc.ghost, Name name)) 0 env' lf in
(b,c,intern {env'' with tmp_scope = None} bd)) dl idl_tmp in
GRec (loc,GCoFix n,
Array.of_list lf,
- (fun (bl,_,_) -> bl) idl,
+ (fun (bl,_,_) -> snd bl) idl, (fun (_,ty,_) -> ty) idl, (fun (_,_,bd) -> bd) idl)
- | CArrow (loc,c1,c2) ->
- GProd (loc, Anonymous, Explicit, intern_type env c1, intern_type env c2)
| CProdN (loc,[],c2) ->
intern_type env c2
| CProdN (loc,(nal,bk,ty)::bll,c2) ->
@@ -1273,100 +1458,154 @@ let internalize sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
| CDelimiters (loc, key, e) ->
intern {env with tmp_scope = None;
scopes = find_delimiters_scope loc key :: env.scopes} e
- | CAppExpl (loc, (isproj,ref), args) ->
+ | CAppExpl (loc, (isproj,ref,us), args) ->
let (f,_,args_scopes,_),args =
let args = (fun a -> (a,None)) args in
- intern_applied_reference intern env (Environ.named_context globalenv) lvar args ref in
- check_projection isproj (List.length args) f;
- (* Rem: GApp(_,f,[]) stands for @f *)
- GApp (loc, f, intern_args env args_scopes ( fst args))
+ intern_applied_reference intern env (Environ.named_context globalenv)
+ lvar us args ref
+ in
+ (* Rem: GApp(_,f,[]) stands for @f *)
+ GApp (loc, f, intern_args env args_scopes ( fst args))
| CApp (loc, (isproj,f), args) ->
- let isproj,f,args = match f with
+ let f,args = match f with
(* Compact notations like "t.(f args') args" *)
- | CApp (_,(Some _,f), args') when isproj=None -> isproj,f,args'@args
+ | CApp (_,(Some _,f), args') when not (Option.has_some isproj) ->
+ f,args'@args
(* Don't compact "(f args') args" to resolve implicits separately *)
- | _ -> isproj,f,args in
+ | _ -> f,args in
let (c,impargs,args_scopes,l),args =
match f with
- | CRef ref -> intern_applied_reference intern env (Environ.named_context globalenv) lvar args ref
+ | CRef (ref,us) ->
+ intern_applied_reference intern env
+ (Environ.named_context globalenv) lvar us args ref
| CNotation (loc,ntn,([],[],[])) ->
let c = intern_notation intern env lvar loc ntn ([],[],[]) in
- find_appl_head_data c, args
+ let x, impl, scopes, l = find_appl_head_data c in
+ (x,impl,scopes,l), args
| x -> (intern env f,[],[],[]), args in
- let args =
- intern_impargs c env impargs args_scopes (merge_impargs l args) in
- check_projection isproj (List.length args) c;
- (match c with
- (* Now compact "(f args') args" *)
- | GApp (loc', f', args') -> GApp (join_loc loc' loc, f',args'@args)
- | _ -> GApp (loc, c, args))
+ apply_impargs c env impargs args_scopes
+ (merge_impargs l args) loc
| CRecord (loc, _, fs) ->
let cargs =
sort_fields true loc fs
- (fun k l -> CHole (loc, Some (Evd.QuestionMark (Evd.Define true))) :: l)
- in
+ (fun k l -> CHole (loc, Some (Evar_kinds.QuestionMark (Evar_kinds.Define true)), Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None) :: l)
+ in
match cargs with
| None -> user_err_loc (loc, "intern", str"No constructor inference.")
| Some (n, constrname, args) ->
- let pars = list_make n (CHole (loc, None)) in
- let app = CAppExpl (loc, (None, constrname), List.rev_append pars args) in
+ let pars = List.make n (CHole (loc, None, Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None)) in
+ let app = CAppExpl (loc, (None, constrname,None), List.rev_append pars args) in
intern env app
| CCases (loc, sty, rtnpo, tms, eqns) ->
- let tms,env' = List.fold_right
- (fun citm (inds,env) ->
- let (tm,ind),nal = intern_case_item env citm in
- (tm,ind)::inds,List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[])) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env) nal)
- tms ([],env) in
- let rtnpo = (intern_type env') rtnpo in
+ let as_in_vars = List.fold_left (fun acc (_,(na,inb)) ->
+ Option.fold_left (fun x tt -> List.fold_right Id.Set.add (ids_of_cases_indtype tt) x)
+ (Option.fold_left (fun x (_,y) -> match y with | Name y' -> Id.Set.add y' x |_ -> x) acc na)
+ inb) Id.Set.empty tms in
+ (* as, in & return vars *)
+ let forbidden_vars = Option.cata free_vars_of_constr_expr as_in_vars rtnpo in
+ let tms,ex_ids,match_from_in = List.fold_right
+ (fun citm (inds,ex_ids,matchs) ->
+ let ((tm,ind),extra_id,match_td) = intern_case_item env forbidden_vars citm in
+ (tm,ind)::inds, Option.fold_right Id.Set.add extra_id ex_ids, List.rev_append match_td matchs)
+ tms ([],Id.Set.empty,[]) in
+ let env' = Id.Set.fold
+ (fun var bli -> push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[]) bli (Loc.ghost,Name var))
+ (Id.Set.union ex_ids as_in_vars) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env) in
+ (* PatVars before a real pattern do not need to be matched *)
+ let stripped_match_from_in = let rec aux = function
+ |[] -> []
+ |(_,PatVar _) :: q -> aux q
+ |l -> l
+ in aux match_from_in in
+ let rtnpo = match stripped_match_from_in with
+ | [] -> (intern_type env') rtnpo (* Only PatVar in "in" clauses *)
+ | l -> let thevars,thepats=List.split l in
+ Some (
+ GCases(Loc.ghost,Term.RegularStyle,(* Some (GSort (Loc.ghost,GType None)) *)None, (* "return Type" *)
+ (fun id -> GVar (Loc.ghost,id),(Name id,None)) thevars, (* "match v1,..,vn" *)
+ [Loc.ghost,[],thepats, (* "|p1,..,pn" *)
+ Option.cata (intern_type env') (GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.CasesType false,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)) rtnpo; (* "=> P" is there were a P "=> _" else *)
+ Loc.ghost,[],List.make (List.length thepats) (PatVar(Loc.ghost,Anonymous)), (* "|_,..,_" *)
+ GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.ImpossibleCase,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None) (* "=> _" *)]))
+ in
let eqns' = (intern_eqn (List.length tms) env) eqns in
GCases (loc, sty, rtnpo, tms, List.flatten eqns')
| CLetTuple (loc, nal, (na,po), b, c) ->
let env' = reset_tmp_scope env in
- let ((b',(na',_)),ids) = intern_case_item env' (b,(na,None)) in
- let p' = (fun p ->
- let env'' = List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[])) env ids in
- intern_type env'' p) po in
+ (* "in" is None so no match to add *)
+ let ((b',(na',_)),_,_) = intern_case_item env' Id.Set.empty (b,(na,None)) in
+ let p' = (fun u ->
+ let env'' = push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[]) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env')
+ (Loc.ghost,na') in
+ intern_type env'' u) po in
GLetTuple (loc, snd nal, (na', p'), b',
intern (List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[])) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env) nal) c)
| CIf (loc, c, (na,po), b1, b2) ->
- let env' = reset_tmp_scope env in
- let ((c',(na',_)),ids) = intern_case_item env' (c,(na,None)) in
- let p' = (fun p ->
- let env'' = List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[])) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env) ids in
+ let env' = reset_tmp_scope env in
+ let ((c',(na',_)),_,_) = intern_case_item env' Id.Set.empty (c,(na,None)) in (* no "in" no match to ad too *)
+ let p' = (fun p ->
+ let env'' = push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[]) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env)
+ (Loc.ghost,na') in
intern_type env'' p) po in
GIf (loc, c', (na', p'), intern env b1, intern env b2)
- | CHole (loc, k) ->
- GHole (loc, match k with Some k -> k | None -> Evd.QuestionMark (Evd.Define true))
+ | CHole (loc, k, naming, solve) ->
+ let k = match k with
+ | None -> Evar_kinds.QuestionMark (Evar_kinds.Define true)
+ | Some k -> k
+ in
+ let solve = match solve with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some gen ->
+ let (ltacvars, ntnvars) = lvar in
+ let ntnvars = Id.Map.domain ntnvars in
+ let lvars = Id.Set.union ltacvars.ltac_bound ltacvars.ltac_vars in
+ let lvars = Id.Set.union lvars ntnvars in
+ let lvars = Id.Set.union lvars env.ids in
+ let ist = {
+ Genintern.ltacvars = lvars;
+ ltacrecvars = Id.Map.empty;
+ genv = globalenv;
+ } in
+ let (_, glb) = Genintern.generic_intern ist gen in
+ Some glb
+ in
+ GHole (loc, k, naming, solve)
+ (* Parsing pattern variables *)
| CPatVar (loc, n) when allow_patvar ->
- GPatVar (loc, n)
- | CPatVar (loc, _) ->
- raise (InternalizationError (loc,IllegalMetavariable))
+ GPatVar (loc, (true,n))
+ | CEvar (loc, n, []) when allow_patvar ->
+ GPatVar (loc, (false,n))
+ (* end *)
+ (* Parsing existential variables *)
| CEvar (loc, n, l) ->
- GEvar (loc, n, ( (intern env)) l)
+ GEvar (loc, n, (on_snd (intern env)) l)
+ | CPatVar (loc, _) ->
+ raise (InternalizationError (loc,IllegalMetavariable))
+ (* end *)
| CSort (loc, s) ->
- | CCast (loc, c1, CastConv (k, c2)) ->
- GCast (loc,intern env c1, CastConv (k, intern_type env c2))
- | CCast (loc, c1, CastCoerce) ->
- GCast (loc,intern env c1, CastCoerce)
+ | CCast (loc, c1, c2) ->
+ GCast (loc,intern env c1, Miscops.map_cast_type (intern_type env) c2)
and intern_type env = intern (set_type_scope env)
and intern_local_binder env bind =
- intern_local_binder_aux intern intern_type lvar env bind
+ intern_local_binder_aux intern lvar env bind
(* Expands a multiple pattern into a disjunction of multiple patterns *)
and intern_multiple_pattern env n (loc,pl) =
let idsl_pll =
- (intern_cases_pattern globalenv {env with tmp_scope = None} ([],[])) pl in
+ (intern_cases_pattern globalenv {env with tmp_scope = None} empty_alias) pl in
check_number_of_pattern loc n pl;
product_of_cases_patterns [] idsl_pll
(* Expands a disjunction of multiple pattern *)
and intern_disjunctive_multiple_pattern env loc n mpl =
- assert (mpl <> []);
+ assert (not (List.is_empty mpl));
let mpl' = (intern_multiple_pattern env n) mpl in
let (idsl,mpl') = List.split mpl' in
let ids = List.hd idsl in
@@ -1378,91 +1617,77 @@ let internalize sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let eqn_ids,pll = intern_disjunctive_multiple_pattern env loc n lhs in
(* Linearity implies the order in ids is irrelevant *)
check_linearity lhs eqn_ids;
- let env_ids = List.fold_right Idset.add eqn_ids env.ids in
+ let env_ids = List.fold_right Id.Set.add eqn_ids env.ids in (fun (asubst,pl) ->
let rhs = replace_vars_constr_expr asubst rhs in
- List.iter message_redundant_alias asubst;
+ Id.Map.iter message_redundant_alias asubst;
let rhs' = intern {env with ids = env_ids} rhs in
(loc,eqn_ids,pl,rhs')) pll
- and intern_case_item env (tm,(na,t)) =
+ and intern_case_item env forbidden_names_for_gen (tm,(na,t)) =
+ (*the "match" part *)
let tm' = intern env tm in
- let ids,typ = match t with
+ (* the "as" part *)
+ let extra_id,na = match tm', na with
+ | GVar (loc,id), None when not (Id.Map.mem id (snd lvar)) -> Some id,(loc,Name id)
+ | GRef (loc, VarRef id, _), None -> Some id,(loc,Name id)
+ | _, None -> None,(Loc.ghost,Anonymous)
+ | _, Some (loc,na) -> None,(loc,na) in
+ (* the "in" part *)
+ let match_td,typ = match t with
| Some t ->
let tids = ids_of_cases_indtype t in
- let tids = List.fold_right Idset.add tids Idset.empty in
- let t = intern_type {env with ids = tids; tmp_scope = None} t in
- let loc,ind,l = match t with
- | GRef (loc,IndRef ind) -> (loc,ind,[])
- | GApp (loc,GRef (_,IndRef ind),l) -> (loc,ind,l)
- | _ -> error_bad_inductive_type (loc_of_glob_constr t) in
- let nparams, nrealargs = inductive_nargs globalenv ind in
- let nindargs = nparams + nrealargs in
- if List.length l <> nindargs then
- error_wrong_numarg_inductive_loc loc globalenv ind nindargs;
- let nal = (function
- | GHole (loc,_) -> loc,Anonymous
- | GVar (loc,id) -> loc,Name id
- | c -> user_err_loc (loc_of_glob_constr c,"",str "Not a name.")) l in
- let parnal,realnal = list_chop nparams nal in
- if List.exists (fun (_,na) -> na <> Anonymous) parnal then
- error_inductive_parameter_not_implicit loc;
- realnal, Some (loc,ind,nparams, snd realnal)
+ let tids = List.fold_right Id.Set.add tids Id.Set.empty in
+ let with_letin,(ind,l) = intern_ind_pattern globalenv {env with ids = tids; tmp_scope = None} t in
+ let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif globalenv ind in
+ let nparams = (List.length (mib.Declarations.mind_params_ctxt)) in
+ (* for "in Vect n", we answer (["n","n"],[(loc,"n")])
+ for "in Vect (S n)", we answer ((match over "m", relevant branch is "S
+ n"), abstract over "m") = ([("m","S n")],[(loc,"m")]) where "m" is
+ generated from the canonical name of the inductive and outside of
+ {forbidden_names_for_gen} *)
+ let (match_to_do,nal) =
+ let rec canonize_args case_rel_ctxt arg_pats forbidden_names match_acc var_acc =
+ let add_name l = function
+ |_,Anonymous -> l
+ |loc,(Name y as x) -> (y,PatVar(loc,x)) :: l in
+ match case_rel_ctxt,arg_pats with
+ (* LetIn in the rel_context *)
+ |(_,Some _,_)::t, l when not with_letin ->
+ canonize_args t l forbidden_names match_acc ((Loc.ghost,Anonymous)::var_acc)
+ |[],[] ->
+ (add_name match_acc na, var_acc)
+ |_::t,PatVar (loc,x)::tt ->
+ canonize_args t tt forbidden_names
+ (add_name match_acc (loc,x)) ((loc,x)::var_acc)
+ |(cano_name,_,ty)::t,c::tt ->
+ let fresh =
+ Namegen.next_name_away_with_default_using_types "iV" cano_name forbidden_names ty in
+ canonize_args t tt (fresh::forbidden_names)
+ ((fresh,c)::match_acc) ((cases_pattern_loc c,Name fresh)::var_acc)
+ |_ -> assert false in
+ let _,args_rel =
+ List.chop nparams (List.rev mip.Declarations.mind_arity_ctxt) in
+ canonize_args args_rel l (Id.Set.elements forbidden_names_for_gen) [] [] in
+ match_to_do, Some (cases_pattern_expr_loc t,ind,List.rev_map snd nal)
| None ->
- [], None in
- let na = match tm', na with
- | GVar (loc,id), None when not (List.mem_assoc id (snd lvar)) ->
- loc,Name id
- | GRef (loc, VarRef id), None -> loc,Name id
- | _, None -> dummy_loc,Anonymous
- | _, Some (loc,na) -> loc,na in
- (tm',(snd na,typ)), na::ids
+ [], None in
+ (tm',(snd na,typ)), extra_id, match_td
and iterate_prod loc2 env bk ty body nal =
- let default env bk = function
- | (loc1,na)::nal' as nal ->
- if nal' <> [] then check_capture loc1 ty na;
- let ty = intern_type env ty in
- let impls = impls_type_list ty in
- let env = List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar impls) env nal in
- List.fold_right (fun (loc,na) c ->
- GProd (join_loc loc loc2, na, bk, locate_if_isevar loc na ty, c))
- nal (intern_type env body)
- | [] -> assert false
- in
- match bk with
- | Default b -> default env b nal
- | Generalized (b,b',t) ->
- let env, ibind = intern_generalized_binder intern_type lvar env [] (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
- let body = intern_type env body in
- it_mkGProd ibind body
+ let env, bl = intern_assumption intern lvar env nal bk ty in
+ it_mkGProd loc2 bl (intern_type env body)
and iterate_lam loc2 env bk ty body nal =
- let default env bk = function
- | (loc1,na)::nal' as nal ->
- if nal' <> [] then check_capture loc1 ty na;
- let ty = intern_type env ty in
- let impls = impls_type_list ty in
- let env = List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar impls) env nal in
- List.fold_right (fun (loc,na) c ->
- GLambda (join_loc loc loc2, na, bk, locate_if_isevar loc na ty, c))
- nal (intern env body)
- | [] -> assert false
- in match bk with
- | Default b -> default env b nal
- | Generalized (b, b', t) ->
- let env, ibind = intern_generalized_binder intern_type lvar env [] (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
- let body = intern env body in
- it_mkGLambda ibind body
+ let env, bl = intern_assumption intern lvar env nal bk ty in
+ it_mkGLambda loc2 bl (intern env body)
and intern_impargs c env l subscopes args =
- let l = select_impargs_size (List.length args) l in
let eargs, rargs = extract_explicit_arg l args in
if !parsing_explicit then
- if eargs <> [] then
- error "Arguments given by name or position not supported in explicit mode."
- else
- intern_args env subscopes rargs
+ if Id.Map.is_empty eargs then intern_args env subscopes rargs
+ else error "Arguments given by name or position not supported in explicit mode."
let rec aux n impl subscopes eargs rargs =
let (enva,subscopes') = apply_scope_env env subscopes in
@@ -1470,11 +1695,11 @@ let internalize sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
| (imp::impl', rargs) when is_status_implicit imp ->
begin try
let id = name_of_implicit imp in
- let (_,a) = List.assoc id eargs in
- let eargs' = List.remove_assoc id eargs in
+ let (_,a) = Id.Map.find id eargs in
+ let eargs' = Id.Map.remove id eargs in
intern enva a :: aux (n+1) impl' subscopes' eargs' rargs
with Not_found ->
- if rargs=[] & eargs=[] & not (maximal_insertion_of imp) then
+ if List.is_empty rargs && Id.Map.is_empty eargs && not (maximal_insertion_of imp) then
(* Less regular arguments than expected: complete *)
(* with implicit arguments if maximal insertion is set *)
@@ -1485,17 +1710,28 @@ let internalize sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
| (imp::impl', a::rargs') ->
intern enva a :: aux (n+1) impl' subscopes' eargs rargs'
| (imp::impl', []) ->
- if eargs <> [] then
- (let (id,(loc,_)) = List.hd eargs in
+ if not (Id.Map.is_empty eargs) then
+ (let (id,(loc,_)) = Id.Map.choose eargs in
user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Not enough non implicit \
arguments to accept the argument bound to " ++
pr_id id ++ str"."));
| ([], rargs) ->
- assert (eargs = []);
+ assert (Id.Map.is_empty eargs);
intern_args env subscopes rargs
in aux 1 l subscopes eargs rargs
+ and apply_impargs c env imp subscopes l loc =
+ let imp = select_impargs_size (List.length l) imp in
+ let l = intern_impargs c env imp subscopes l in
+ smart_gapp c loc l
+ and smart_gapp f loc = function
+ | [] -> f
+ | l -> match f with
+ | GApp (loc', g, args) -> GApp (Loc.merge loc' loc, g, args@l)
+ | _ -> GApp (Loc.merge (loc_of_glob_constr f) loc, f, l)
and intern_args env subscopes = function
| [] -> []
| a::args ->
@@ -1515,29 +1751,38 @@ let internalize sigma globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let extract_ids env =
- List.fold_right Idset.add
+ List.fold_right Id.Set.add
(Termops.ids_of_rel_context (Environ.rel_context env))
- Idset.empty
+ Id.Set.empty
+let scope_of_type_kind = function
+ | IsType -> Some Notation.type_scope
+ | OfType typ -> compute_type_scope typ
+ | WithoutTypeConstraint -> None
+let empty_ltac_sign = {
+ ltac_vars = Id.Set.empty;
+ ltac_bound = Id.Set.empty;
-let intern_gen isarity sigma env
- ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) ?(allow_patvar=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[]))
+let intern_gen kind env
+ ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) ?(allow_patvar=false) ?(ltacvars=empty_ltac_sign)
c =
- let tmp_scope =
- if isarity then Some Notation.type_scope else None in
- internalize sigma env {ids = extract_ids env; unb = false;
- tmp_scope = tmp_scope; scopes = [];
- impls = impls}
- allow_patvar (ltacvars, []) c
+ let tmp_scope = scope_of_type_kind kind in
+ internalize env {ids = extract_ids env; unb = false;
+ tmp_scope = tmp_scope; scopes = [];
+ impls = impls}
+ allow_patvar (ltacvars, Id.Map.empty) c
-let intern_constr sigma env c = intern_gen false sigma env c
+let intern_constr env c = intern_gen WithoutTypeConstraint env c
-let intern_type sigma env c = intern_gen true sigma env c
+let intern_type env c = intern_gen IsType env c
let intern_pattern globalenv patt =
intern_cases_pattern globalenv {ids = extract_ids globalenv; unb = false;
tmp_scope = None; scopes = [];
- impls = empty_internalization_env} ([],[]) patt
+ impls = empty_internalization_env} empty_alias patt
InternalizationError (loc,e) ->
user_err_loc (loc,"internalize",explain_internalization_error e)
@@ -1546,158 +1791,135 @@ let intern_pattern globalenv patt =
(* Functions to parse and interpret constructions *)
-let interp_gen kind sigma env
- ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) ?(allow_patvar=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[]))
- c =
- let c = intern_gen (kind=IsType) ~impls ~allow_patvar ~ltacvars sigma env c in
- Default.understand_gen kind sigma env c
+(* All evars resolved *)
-let interp_constr sigma env c =
- interp_gen (OfType None) sigma env c
+let interp_gen kind env sigma ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
+ let c = intern_gen kind ~impls env c in
+ understand ~expected_type:kind env sigma c
-let interp_type sigma env ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
- interp_gen IsType sigma env ~impls c
+let interp_constr env sigma ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
+ interp_gen WithoutTypeConstraint env sigma c
-let interp_casted_constr sigma env ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c typ =
- interp_gen (OfType (Some typ)) sigma env ~impls c
+let interp_type env sigma ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
+ interp_gen IsType env sigma ~impls c
-let interp_open_constr sigma env c =
- Default.understand_tcc sigma env (intern_constr sigma env c)
+let interp_casted_constr env sigma ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c typ =
+ interp_gen (OfType typ) env sigma ~impls c
-let interp_open_constr_patvar sigma env c =
- let raw = intern_gen false sigma env c ~allow_patvar:true in
- let sigma = ref sigma in
- let evars = ref (Gmap.empty : (identifier,glob_constr) Gmap.t) in
- let rec patvar_to_evar r = match r with
- | GPatVar (loc,(_,id)) ->
- ( try Gmap.find id !evars
- with Not_found ->
- let ev = Evarutil.e_new_evar sigma env (Termops.new_Type()) in
- let ev = Evarutil.e_new_evar sigma env ev in
- let rev = GEvar (loc,(fst (Term.destEvar ev)),None) (*TODO*) in
- evars := Gmap.add id rev !evars;
- rev
- )
- | _ -> map_glob_constr patvar_to_evar r in
- let raw = patvar_to_evar raw in
- Default.understand_tcc !sigma env raw
-let interp_constr_judgment sigma env c =
- Default.understand_judgment sigma env (intern_constr sigma env c)
-let interp_constr_evars_gen_impls ?evdref ?(fail_evar=true)
- env ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) kind c =
- let evdref =
- match evdref with
- | None -> ref Evd.empty
- | Some evdref -> evdref
- in
- let istype = kind = IsType in
- let c = intern_gen istype ~impls !evdref env c in
- let imps = Implicit_quantifiers.implicits_of_glob_constr ~with_products:istype c in
- Default.understand_tcc_evars ~fail_evar evdref env kind c, imps
+(* Not all evars expected to be resolved *)
+let interp_open_constr env sigma c =
+ understand_tcc env sigma (intern_constr env c)
-let interp_casted_constr_evars_impls ?evdref ?(fail_evar=true)
- env ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c typ =
- interp_constr_evars_gen_impls ?evdref ~fail_evar env ~impls (OfType (Some typ)) c
+(* Not all evars expected to be resolved and computation of implicit args *)
-let interp_type_evars_impls ?evdref ?(fail_evar=true) env ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
- interp_constr_evars_gen_impls ?evdref ~fail_evar env IsType ~impls c
+let interp_constr_evars_gen_impls env evdref
+ ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) expected_type c =
+ let c = intern_gen expected_type ~impls env c in
+ let imps = Implicit_quantifiers.implicits_of_glob_constr ~with_products:(expected_type == IsType) c in
+ understand_tcc_evars env evdref ~expected_type c, imps
-let interp_constr_evars_impls ?evdref ?(fail_evar=true) env ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
- interp_constr_evars_gen_impls ?evdref ~fail_evar env (OfType None) ~impls c
+let interp_constr_evars_impls env evdref ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
+ interp_constr_evars_gen_impls env evdref ~impls WithoutTypeConstraint c
-let interp_constr_evars_gen evdref env ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) kind c =
- let c = intern_gen (kind=IsType) ~impls !evdref env c in
- Default.understand_tcc_evars evdref env kind c
+let interp_casted_constr_evars_impls env evdref ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c typ =
+ interp_constr_evars_gen_impls env evdref ~impls (OfType typ) c
-let interp_casted_constr_evars evdref env ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c typ =
- interp_constr_evars_gen evdref env ~impls (OfType (Some typ)) c
+let interp_type_evars_impls env evdref ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
+ interp_constr_evars_gen_impls env evdref ~impls IsType c
-let interp_type_evars evdref env ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
- interp_constr_evars_gen evdref env IsType ~impls c
+(* Not all evars expected to be resolved, with side-effect on evars *)
-type ltac_sign = identifier list * unbound_ltac_var_map
+let interp_constr_evars_gen env evdref ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) expected_type c =
+ let c = intern_gen expected_type ~impls env c in
+ understand_tcc_evars env evdref ~expected_type c
-let intern_constr_pattern sigma env ?(as_type=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[])) c =
- let c = intern_gen as_type ~allow_patvar:true ~ltacvars sigma env c in
+let interp_constr_evars env evdref ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
+ interp_constr_evars_gen env evdref WithoutTypeConstraint ~impls c
+let interp_casted_constr_evars env evdref ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c typ =
+ interp_constr_evars_gen env evdref ~impls (OfType typ) c
+let interp_type_evars env evdref ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c =
+ interp_constr_evars_gen env evdref IsType ~impls c
+(* Miscellaneous *)
+let intern_constr_pattern env ?(as_type=false) ?(ltacvars=empty_ltac_sign) c =
+ let c = intern_gen (if as_type then IsType else WithoutTypeConstraint)
+ ~allow_patvar:true ~ltacvars env c in
pattern_of_glob_constr c
-let interp_aconstr ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) vars recvars a =
+let interp_notation_constr ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) nenv a =
let env = Global.env () in
(* [vl] is intended to remember the scope of the free variables of [a] *)
- let vl = (fun (id,typ) -> (id,(ref None,typ))) vars in
- let c = internalize Evd.empty (Global.env()) {ids = extract_ids env; unb = false;
+ let vl = (fun typ -> (ref None, typ)) nenv.ninterp_var_type in
+ let c = internalize (Global.env()) {ids = extract_ids env; unb = false;
tmp_scope = None; scopes = []; impls = impls}
- false (([],[]),vl) a in
+ false (empty_ltac_sign, vl) a in
(* Translate and check that [c] has all its free variables bound in [vars] *)
- let a = aconstr_of_glob_constr vars recvars c in
+ let a = notation_constr_of_glob_constr nenv c in
(* Splits variables into those that are binding, bound, or both *)
(* binding and bound *)
let out_scope = function None -> None,[] | Some (a,l) -> a,l in
- let vars = (fun (id,(sc,typ)) -> (id,(out_scope !sc,typ))) vl in
+ let vars = (fun (sc, typ) -> (out_scope !sc, typ)) vl in
(* Returns [a] and the ordered list of variables with their scopes *)
vars, a
(* Interpret binders and contexts *)
-let interp_binder sigma env na t =
- let t = intern_gen true sigma env t in
- let t' = locate_if_isevar (loc_of_glob_constr t) na t in
- Default.understand_type sigma env t'
+let interp_binder env sigma na t =
+ let t = intern_gen IsType env t in
+ let t' = locate_if_hole (loc_of_glob_constr t) na t in
+ understand ~expected_type:IsType env sigma t'
-let interp_binder_evars evdref env na t =
- let t = intern_gen true !evdref env t in
- let t' = locate_if_isevar (loc_of_glob_constr t) na t in
- Default.understand_tcc_evars evdref env IsType t'
+let interp_binder_evars env evdref na t =
+ let t = intern_gen IsType env t in
+ let t' = locate_if_hole (loc_of_glob_constr t) na t in
+ understand_tcc_evars env evdref ~expected_type:IsType t'
open Environ
-open Term
-let my_intern_constr sigma env lvar acc c =
- internalize sigma env acc false lvar c
+let my_intern_constr env lvar acc c =
+ internalize env acc false lvar c
-let my_intern_type sigma env lvar acc c = my_intern_constr sigma env lvar (set_type_scope acc) c
-let intern_context global_level sigma env impl_env params =
- let lvar = (([],[]), []) in
+let intern_context global_level env impl_env binders =
+ try
+ let lvar = (empty_ltac_sign, Id.Map.empty) in
let lenv, bl = List.fold_left
- (intern_local_binder_aux ~global_level (my_intern_constr sigma env lvar) (my_intern_type sigma env lvar) lvar)
+ (intern_local_binder_aux ~global_level (my_intern_constr env lvar) lvar)
({ids = extract_ids env; unb = false;
- tmp_scope = None; scopes = []; impls = impl_env}, []) params in (lenv.impls, bl)
+ tmp_scope = None; scopes = []; impls = impl_env}, []) binders in
+ (lenv.impls, snd bl)
+ with InternalizationError (loc,e) ->
+ user_err_loc (loc,"internalize", explain_internalization_error e)
-let interp_rawcontext_gen understand_type understand_judgment env bl =
+let interp_rawcontext_evars env evdref bl =
let (env, par, _, impls) =
(fun (env,params,n,impls) (na, k, b, t) ->
match b with
None ->
- let t' = locate_if_isevar (loc_of_glob_constr t) na t in
- let t = understand_type env t' in
+ let t' = locate_if_hole (loc_of_glob_constr t) na t in
+ let t =
+ understand_tcc_evars env evdref ~expected_type:IsType t' in
let d = (na,None,t) in
let impls =
- if k = Implicit then
+ if k == Implicit then
let na = match na with Name n -> Some n | Anonymous -> None in
(ExplByPos (n, na), (true, true, true)) :: impls
else impls
(push_rel d env, d::params, succ n, impls)
| Some b ->
- let c = understand_judgment env b in
- let d = (na, Some c.uj_val, Termops.refresh_universes c.uj_type) in
+ let c = understand_judgment_tcc env evdref b in
+ let d = (na, Some c.uj_val, c.uj_type) in
(push_rel d env, d::params, succ n, impls))
(env,[],1,[]) (List.rev bl)
in (env, par), impls
-let interp_context_gen understand_type understand_judgment ?(global_level=false) ?(impl_env=empty_internalization_env) sigma env params =
- let int_env,bl = intern_context global_level sigma env impl_env params in
- int_env, interp_rawcontext_gen understand_type understand_judgment env bl
-let interp_context ?(global_level=false) ?(impl_env=empty_internalization_env) sigma env params =
- interp_context_gen (Default.understand_type sigma)
- (Default.understand_judgment sigma) ~global_level ~impl_env sigma env params
-let interp_context_evars ?(global_level=false) ?(impl_env=empty_internalization_env) evdref env params =
- interp_context_gen (fun env t -> Default.understand_tcc_evars evdref env IsType t)
- (Default.understand_judgment_tcc evdref) ~global_level ~impl_env !evdref env params
+let interp_context_evars ?(global_level=false) ?(impl_env=empty_internalization_env) env evdref params =
+ let int_env,bl = intern_context global_level env impl_env params in
+ let x = interp_rawcontext_evars env evdref bl in
+ int_env, x
diff --git a/interp/constrintern.mli b/interp/constrintern.mli
index b8b3d995..792e6f63 100644
--- a/interp/constrintern.mli
+++ b/interp/constrintern.mli
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,15 +8,18 @@
open Names
open Term
-open Sign
+open Context
open Evd
open Environ
open Libnames
+open Globnames
open Glob_term
open Pattern
-open Topconstr
-open Termops
+open Constrexpr
+open Notation_term
open Pretyping
+open Misctypes
+open Decl_kinds
(** Translation from front abstract syntax of term to untyped terms (glob_constr) *)
@@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ open Pretyping
of [env] *)
type var_internalization_type =
- | Inductive of identifier list (* list of params *)
+ | Inductive of Id.t list (* list of params *)
| Recursive
| Method
| Variable
@@ -46,14 +49,14 @@ type var_internalization_data =
var_internalization_type *
(** type of the "free" variable, for coqdoc, e.g. while typing the
constructor of JMeq, "JMeq" behaves as a variable of type Inductive *)
- identifier list *
+ Id.t list *
(** impargs to automatically add to the variable, e.g. for "JMeq A a B b"
in implicit mode, this is [A;B] and this adds (A:=A) and (B:=B) *)
Impargs.implicit_status list * (** signature of impargs of the variable *)
- scope_name option list (** subscopes of the args of the variable *)
+ Notation_term.scope_name option list (** subscopes of the args of the variable *)
(** A map of free variables to their implicit arguments and scopes *)
-type internalization_env = var_internalization_data Idmap.t
+type internalization_env = var_internalization_data Id.Map.t
val empty_internalization_env : internalization_env
@@ -61,79 +64,81 @@ val compute_internalization_data : env -> var_internalization_type ->
types -> Impargs.manual_explicitation list -> var_internalization_data
val compute_internalization_env : env -> var_internalization_type ->
- identifier list -> types list -> Impargs.manual_explicitation list list ->
+ Id.t list -> types list -> Impargs.manual_explicitation list list ->
-type ltac_sign = identifier list * unbound_ltac_var_map
+type ltac_sign = {
+ ltac_vars : Id.Set.t;
+ (** Variables of Ltac which may be bound to a term *)
+ ltac_bound : Id.Set.t;
+ (** Other variables of Ltac *)
-type glob_binder = (name * binding_kind * glob_constr option * glob_constr)
+val empty_ltac_sign : ltac_sign
+type glob_binder = (Name.t * binding_kind * glob_constr option * glob_constr)
(** {6 Internalization performs interpretation of global names and notations } *)
-val intern_constr : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> glob_constr
+val intern_constr : env -> constr_expr -> glob_constr
-val intern_type : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> glob_constr
+val intern_type : env -> constr_expr -> glob_constr
-val intern_gen : bool -> evar_map -> env ->
+val intern_gen : typing_constraint -> env ->
?impls:internalization_env -> ?allow_patvar:bool -> ?ltacvars:ltac_sign ->
constr_expr -> glob_constr
val intern_pattern : env -> cases_pattern_expr ->
- Names.identifier list *
- ((Names.identifier * Names.identifier) list * Glob_term.cases_pattern) list
-val intern_context : bool -> evar_map -> env -> internalization_env -> local_binder list -> internalization_env * glob_binder list
+ Id.t list * (Id.t Id.Map.t * cases_pattern) list
-(** {6 Composing internalization with pretyping } *)
+val intern_context : bool -> env -> internalization_env -> local_binder list -> internalization_env * glob_binder list
-(** Main interpretation function *)
-val interp_gen : typing_constraint -> evar_map -> env ->
- ?impls:internalization_env -> ?allow_patvar:bool -> ?ltacvars:ltac_sign ->
- constr_expr -> constr
+(** {6 Composing internalization with type inference (pretyping) } *)
-(** Particular instances *)
+(** Main interpretation functions expecting evars to be all resolved *)
-val interp_constr : evar_map -> env ->
- constr_expr -> constr
+val interp_constr : env -> evar_map -> ?impls:internalization_env ->
+ constr_expr -> constr Evd.in_evar_universe_context
-val interp_type : evar_map -> env -> ?impls:internalization_env ->
- constr_expr -> types
+val interp_casted_constr : env -> evar_map -> ?impls:internalization_env ->
+ constr_expr -> types -> constr Evd.in_evar_universe_context
-val interp_open_constr : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> evar_map * constr
+val interp_type : env -> evar_map -> ?impls:internalization_env ->
+ constr_expr -> types Evd.in_evar_universe_context
-val interp_open_constr_patvar : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> evar_map * constr
+(** Main interpretation function expecting evars to be all resolved *)
-val interp_casted_constr : evar_map -> env -> ?impls:internalization_env ->
- constr_expr -> types -> constr
+val interp_open_constr : env -> evar_map -> constr_expr -> evar_map * constr
-(** Accepting evars and giving back the manual implicits in addition. *)
+(** Accepting unresolved evars *)
-val interp_casted_constr_evars_impls : ?evdref:(evar_map ref) -> ?fail_evar:bool -> env ->
- ?impls:internalization_env -> constr_expr -> types -> constr * Impargs.manual_implicits
+val interp_constr_evars : env -> evar_map ref ->
+ ?impls:internalization_env -> constr_expr -> constr
-val interp_type_evars_impls : ?evdref:(evar_map ref) -> ?fail_evar:bool ->
- env -> ?impls:internalization_env ->
- constr_expr -> types * Impargs.manual_implicits
+val interp_casted_constr_evars : env -> evar_map ref ->
+ ?impls:internalization_env -> constr_expr -> types -> constr
-val interp_constr_evars_impls : ?evdref:(evar_map ref) -> ?fail_evar:bool ->
- env -> ?impls:internalization_env ->
- constr_expr -> constr * Impargs.manual_implicits
+val interp_type_evars : env -> evar_map ref ->
+ ?impls:internalization_env -> constr_expr -> types
-val interp_casted_constr_evars : evar_map ref -> env ->
- ?impls:internalization_env -> constr_expr -> types -> constr
+(** Accepting unresolved evars and giving back the manual implicit arguments *)
-val interp_type_evars : evar_map ref -> env -> ?impls:internalization_env ->
- constr_expr -> types
+val interp_constr_evars_impls : env -> evar_map ref ->
+ ?impls:internalization_env -> constr_expr ->
+ constr * Impargs.manual_implicits
-(** {6 Build a judgment } *)
+val interp_casted_constr_evars_impls : env -> evar_map ref ->
+ ?impls:internalization_env -> constr_expr -> types ->
+ constr * Impargs.manual_implicits
-val interp_constr_judgment : evar_map -> env -> constr_expr -> unsafe_judgment
+val interp_type_evars_impls : env -> evar_map ref ->
+ ?impls:internalization_env -> constr_expr ->
+ types * Impargs.manual_implicits
(** Interprets constr patterns *)
val intern_constr_pattern :
- evar_map -> env -> ?as_type:bool -> ?ltacvars:ltac_sign ->
+ env -> ?as_type:bool -> ?ltacvars:ltac_sign ->
constr_pattern_expr -> patvar list * constr_pattern
(** Raise Not_found if syndef not bound to a name and error if unexisting ref *)
@@ -144,39 +149,42 @@ val interp_reference : ltac_sign -> reference -> glob_constr
(** Interpret binders *)
-val interp_binder : evar_map -> env -> name -> constr_expr -> types
+val interp_binder : env -> evar_map -> Name.t -> constr_expr ->
+ types Evd.in_evar_universe_context
-val interp_binder_evars : evar_map ref -> env -> name -> constr_expr -> types
+val interp_binder_evars : env -> evar_map ref -> Name.t -> constr_expr -> types
(** Interpret contexts: returns extended env and context *)
-val interp_context_gen : (env -> glob_constr -> types) ->
- (env -> glob_constr -> unsafe_judgment) ->
+val interp_context_evars :
?global_level:bool -> ?impl_env:internalization_env ->
- evar_map -> env -> local_binder list -> internalization_env * ((env * rel_context) * Impargs.manual_implicits)
-val interp_context : ?global_level:bool -> ?impl_env:internalization_env ->
- evar_map -> env -> local_binder list -> internalization_env * ((env * rel_context) * Impargs.manual_implicits)
+ env -> evar_map ref -> local_binder list ->
+ internalization_env * ((env * rel_context) * Impargs.manual_implicits)
-val interp_context_evars : ?global_level:bool -> ?impl_env:internalization_env ->
- evar_map ref -> env -> local_binder list -> internalization_env * ((env * rel_context) * Impargs.manual_implicits)
+(* val interp_context_gen : (env -> glob_constr -> unsafe_type_judgment Evd.in_evar_universe_context) -> *)
+(* (env -> Evarutil.type_constraint -> glob_constr -> unsafe_judgment Evd.in_evar_universe_context) -> *)
+(* ?global_level:bool -> ?impl_env:internalization_env -> *)
+(* env -> evar_map -> local_binder list -> internalization_env * ((env * Evd.evar_universe_context * rel_context * sorts list) * Impargs.manual_implicits) *)
+(* val interp_context : ?global_level:bool -> ?impl_env:internalization_env -> *)
+(* env -> evar_map -> local_binder list -> *)
+(* internalization_env * *)
+(* ((env * Evd.evar_universe_context * rel_context * sorts list) * Impargs.manual_implicits) *)
(** Locating references of constructions, possibly via a syntactic definition
(these functions do not modify the glob file) *)
-val is_global : identifier -> bool
-val construct_reference : named_context -> identifier -> constr
-val global_reference : identifier -> constr
-val global_reference_in_absolute_module : dir_path -> identifier -> constr
-(** Interprets a term as the left-hand side of a notation; the boolean
- list is a set and this set is [true] for a variable occurring in
- term position, [false] for a variable occurring in binding
- position; [true;false] if in both kinds of position *)
-val interp_aconstr : ?impls:internalization_env ->
- (identifier * notation_var_internalization_type) list ->
- (identifier * identifier) list -> constr_expr ->
- (identifier * (subscopes * notation_var_internalization_type)) list * aconstr
+val is_global : Id.t -> bool
+val construct_reference : named_context -> Id.t -> constr
+val global_reference : Id.t -> constr
+val global_reference_in_absolute_module : DirPath.t -> Id.t -> constr
+(** Interprets a term as the left-hand side of a notation. The returned map is
+ guaranteed to have the same domain as the input one. *)
+val interp_notation_constr : ?impls:internalization_env ->
+ notation_interp_env -> constr_expr ->
+ (subscopes * notation_var_internalization_type) Id.Map.t *
+ notation_constr
(** Globalization options *)
val parsing_explicit : bool ref
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index e446d177..e722615a 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,34 +1,38 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Errors
open Util
open Pp
open Names
open Term
open Libnames
-open Pattern
+open Globnames
open Nametab
open Smartlocate
+let coq = Nameops.coq_string (* "Coq" *)
(* Generic functions to find Coq objects *)
type message = string
-let make_dir l = make_dirpath ( id_of_string (List.rev l))
+let make_dir l = DirPath.make (List.rev_map Id.of_string l)
let find_reference locstr dir s =
- let sp = Libnames.make_path (make_dir dir) (id_of_string s) in
+ let sp = Libnames.make_path (make_dir dir) (Id.of_string s) in
try global_of_extended_global (Nametab.extended_global_of_path sp)
- with Not_found -> anomaly (locstr^": cannot find "^(string_of_path sp))
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly ~label:locstr (str "cannot find " ++ Libnames.pr_path sp)
-let coq_reference locstr dir s = find_reference locstr ("Coq"::dir) s
-let coq_constant locstr dir s = constr_of_global (coq_reference locstr dir s)
+let coq_reference locstr dir s = find_reference locstr (coq::dir) s
+let coq_constant locstr dir s = Universes.constr_of_global (coq_reference locstr dir s)
let gen_reference = coq_reference
let gen_constant = coq_constant
@@ -40,103 +44,119 @@ let has_suffix_in_dirs dirs ref =
let global_of_extended q =
try Some (global_of_extended_global q) with Not_found -> None
-let gen_constant_in_modules locstr dirs s =
+let gen_reference_in_modules locstr dirs s =
let dirs = make_dir dirs in
let qualid = qualid_of_string s in
let all = Nametab.locate_extended_all qualid in
- let all = list_uniquize (list_map_filter global_of_extended all) in
+ let all = List.map_filter global_of_extended all in
+ let all = List.sort_uniquize all in
let these = List.filter (has_suffix_in_dirs dirs) all in
match these with
- | [x] -> constr_of_global x
+ | [x] -> x
| [] ->
- anomalylabstrm "" (str (locstr^": cannot find "^s^
+ anomaly ~label:locstr (str ("cannot find "^s^
" in module"^(if List.length dirs > 1 then "s " else " ")) ++
prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_dirpath dirs)
| l ->
- anomalylabstrm ""
- (str (locstr^": found more than once object of name "^s^
- " in module"^(if List.length dirs > 1 then "s " else " ")) ++
- prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_dirpath dirs)
+ anomaly ~label:locstr
+ (str ("ambiguous name "^s^" can represent ") ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_comma
+ (fun x -> Libnames.pr_path (Nametab.path_of_global x)) l ++
+ str (" in module"^(if List.length dirs > 1 then "s " else " ")) ++
+ prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_dirpath dirs)
+let gen_constant_in_modules locstr dirs s =
+ Universes.constr_of_global (gen_reference_in_modules locstr dirs s)
(* For tactics/commands requiring vernacular libraries *)
let check_required_library d =
- let d' = id_of_string d in
- let dir = make_dirpath (List.rev d') in
- let mp = (fst(Lib.current_prefix())) in
- let current_dir = match mp with
- | MPfile dp -> (dir=dp)
- | _ -> false
- in
- if not (Library.library_is_loaded dir) then
- if not current_dir then
+ let dir = make_dir d in
+ if Library.library_is_loaded dir then ()
+ else
+ let in_current_dir = match Lib.current_mp () with
+ | MPfile dp -> DirPath.equal dir dp
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ if not in_current_dir then
(* Loading silently ...
- let m, prefix = list_sep_last d' in
+ let m, prefix = List.sep_last d' in
- (dummy_loc,make_qualid (make_dirpath (List.rev prefix)) m)
+ (Loc.ghost,make_qualid (DirPath.make (List.rev prefix)) m)
(* or failing ...*)
- error ("Library "^(string_of_dirpath dir)^" has to be required first.")
+ error ("Library "^(DirPath.to_string dir)^" has to be required first.")
(* Specific Coq objects *)
-let init_reference dir s = gen_reference "Coqlib" ("Init"::dir) s
+let init_reference dir s =
+ let d = "Init"::dir in
+ check_required_library (coq::d); gen_reference "Coqlib" d s
-let init_constant dir s = gen_constant "Coqlib" ("Init"::dir) s
+let init_constant dir s =
+ let d = "Init"::dir in
+ check_required_library (coq::d); gen_constant "Coqlib" d s
-let logic_constant dir s = gen_constant "Coqlib" ("Logic"::dir) s
+let logic_reference dir s =
+ let d = "Logic"::dir in
+ check_required_library ("Coq"::d); gen_reference "Coqlib" d s
-let arith_dir = ["Coq";"Arith"]
+let arith_dir = [coq;"Arith"]
let arith_modules = [arith_dir]
-let numbers_dir = [ "Coq";"Numbers"]
-let parith_dir = ["Coq";"PArith"]
-let narith_dir = ["Coq";"NArith"]
-let zarith_dir = ["Coq";"ZArith"]
+let numbers_dir = [coq;"Numbers"]
+let parith_dir = [coq;"PArith"]
+let narith_dir = [coq;"NArith"]
+let zarith_dir = [coq;"ZArith"]
let zarith_base_modules = [numbers_dir;parith_dir;narith_dir;zarith_dir]
-let init_dir = ["Coq";"Init"]
+let init_dir = [coq;"Init"]
let init_modules = [
+ init_dir@["Nat"];
-let logic_module_name = ["Coq";"Init";"Logic"]
+let prelude_module_name = init_dir@["Prelude"]
+let prelude_module = make_dir prelude_module_name
+let logic_module_name = init_dir@["Logic"]
let logic_module = make_dir logic_module_name
-let logic_type_module_name = ["Coq";"Init";"Logic_Type"]
+let logic_type_module_name = init_dir@["Logic_Type"]
let logic_type_module = make_dir logic_type_module_name
-let datatypes_module_name = ["Coq";"Init";"Datatypes"]
+let datatypes_module_name = init_dir@["Datatypes"]
let datatypes_module = make_dir datatypes_module_name
-let arith_module_name = ["Coq";"Arith";"Arith"]
-let arith_module = make_dir arith_module_name
-let jmeq_module_name = ["Coq";"Logic";"JMeq"]
+let jmeq_module_name = [coq;"Logic";"JMeq"]
let jmeq_module = make_dir jmeq_module_name
-(* TODO: temporary hack *)
-let make_kn dir id = Libnames.encode_mind dir id
-let make_con dir id = Libnames.encode_con dir id
+(* TODO: temporary hack. Works only if the module isn't an alias *)
+let make_ind dir id = Globnames.encode_mind dir (Id.of_string id)
+let make_con dir id = Globnames.encode_con dir (Id.of_string id)
(** Identity *)
-let id = make_con datatypes_module (id_of_string "id")
-let type_of_id = make_con datatypes_module (id_of_string "ID")
+let id = make_con datatypes_module "idProp"
+let type_of_id = make_con datatypes_module "IDProp"
-let _ = Termops.set_impossible_default_clause (mkConst id,mkConst type_of_id)
+let _ = Termops.set_impossible_default_clause
+ (fun () ->
+ let c, ctx = Universes.fresh_global_instance (Global.env()) (ConstRef id) in
+ let (_, u) = destConst c in
+ (c,mkConstU (type_of_id,u)), ctx)
(** Natural numbers *)
-let nat_kn = make_kn datatypes_module (id_of_string "nat")
-let nat_path = Libnames.make_path datatypes_module (id_of_string "nat")
+let nat_kn = make_ind datatypes_module "nat"
+let nat_path = Libnames.make_path datatypes_module (Id.of_string "nat")
let glob_nat = IndRef (nat_kn,0)
@@ -146,7 +166,7 @@ let glob_O = ConstructRef path_of_O
let glob_S = ConstructRef path_of_S
(** Booleans *)
-let bool_kn = make_kn datatypes_module (id_of_string "bool")
+let bool_kn = make_ind datatypes_module "bool"
let glob_bool = IndRef (bool_kn,0)
@@ -156,21 +176,21 @@ let glob_true = ConstructRef path_of_true
let glob_false = ConstructRef path_of_false
(** Equality *)
-let eq_kn = make_kn logic_module (id_of_string "eq")
+let eq_kn = make_ind logic_module "eq"
let glob_eq = IndRef (eq_kn,0)
-let identity_kn = make_kn datatypes_module (id_of_string "identity")
+let identity_kn = make_ind datatypes_module "identity"
let glob_identity = IndRef (identity_kn,0)
-let jmeq_kn = make_kn jmeq_module (id_of_string "JMeq")
+let jmeq_kn = make_ind jmeq_module "JMeq"
let glob_jmeq = IndRef (jmeq_kn,0)
type coq_sigma_data = {
- proj1 : constr;
- proj2 : constr;
- elim : constr;
- intro : constr;
- typ : constr }
+ proj1 : global_reference;
+ proj2 : global_reference;
+ elim : global_reference;
+ intro : global_reference;
+ typ : global_reference }
type coq_bool_data = {
andb : constr;
@@ -182,59 +202,61 @@ let build_bool_type () =
andb_prop = init_constant ["Datatypes"] "andb_prop";
andb_true_intro = init_constant ["Datatypes"] "andb_true_intro" }
-let build_sigma_set () = anomaly "Use build_sigma_type"
+let build_sigma_set () = anomaly (Pp.str "Use build_sigma_type")
let build_sigma_type () =
- { proj1 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projT1";
- proj2 = init_constant ["Specif"] "projT2";
- elim = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigT_rect";
- intro = init_constant ["Specif"] "existT";
- typ = init_constant ["Specif"] "sigT" }
+ { proj1 = init_reference ["Specif"] "projT1";
+ proj2 = init_reference ["Specif"] "projT2";
+ elim = init_reference ["Specif"] "sigT_rect";
+ intro = init_reference ["Specif"] "existT";
+ typ = init_reference ["Specif"] "sigT" }
let build_sigma () =
- { proj1 = init_constant ["Specif"] "proj1_sig";
- proj2 = init_constant ["Specif"] "proj2_sig";
- elim = init_constant ["Specif"] "sig_rect";
- intro = init_constant ["Specif"] "exist";
- typ = init_constant ["Specif"] "sig" }
+ { proj1 = init_reference ["Specif"] "proj1_sig";
+ proj2 = init_reference ["Specif"] "proj2_sig";
+ elim = init_reference ["Specif"] "sig_rect";
+ intro = init_reference ["Specif"] "exist";
+ typ = init_reference ["Specif"] "sig" }
let build_prod () =
- { proj1 = init_constant ["Datatypes"] "fst";
- proj2 = init_constant ["Datatypes"] "snd";
- elim = init_constant ["Datatypes"] "prod_rec";
- intro = init_constant ["Datatypes"] "pair";
- typ = init_constant ["Datatypes"] "prod" }
+ { proj1 = init_reference ["Datatypes"] "fst";
+ proj2 = init_reference ["Datatypes"] "snd";
+ elim = init_reference ["Datatypes"] "prod_rec";
+ intro = init_reference ["Datatypes"] "pair";
+ typ = init_reference ["Datatypes"] "prod" }
(* Equalities *)
type coq_eq_data = {
- eq : constr;
- ind : constr;
- refl : constr;
- sym : constr;
- trans: constr;
- congr: constr }
+ eq : global_reference;
+ ind : global_reference;
+ refl : global_reference;
+ sym : global_reference;
+ trans: global_reference;
+ congr: global_reference }
(* Data needed for discriminate and injection *)
type coq_inversion_data = {
- inv_eq : constr; (* : forall params, t -> Prop *)
- inv_ind : constr; (* : forall params P y, eq params y -> P y *)
- inv_congr: constr (* : forall params B (f:t->B) y, eq params y -> f c=f y *)
+ inv_eq : global_reference; (* : forall params, t -> Prop *)
+ inv_ind : global_reference; (* : forall params P y, eq params y -> P y *)
+ inv_congr: global_reference (* : forall params B (f:t->B) y, eq params y -> f c=f y *)
+let lazy_init_reference dir id = lazy (init_reference dir id)
let lazy_init_constant dir id = lazy (init_constant dir id)
-let lazy_logic_constant dir id = lazy (logic_constant dir id)
+let lazy_logic_reference dir id = lazy (logic_reference dir id)
(* Leibniz equality on Type *)
-let coq_eq_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq"
-let coq_eq_refl = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_refl"
-let coq_eq_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_ind"
-let coq_eq_congr = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal"
-let coq_eq_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_sym"
-let coq_eq_trans = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_trans"
-let coq_f_equal2 = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal2"
+let coq_eq_eq = lazy_init_reference ["Logic"] "eq"
+let coq_eq_refl = lazy_init_reference ["Logic"] "eq_refl"
+let coq_eq_ind = lazy_init_reference ["Logic"] "eq_ind"
+let coq_eq_congr = lazy_init_reference ["Logic"] "f_equal"
+let coq_eq_sym = lazy_init_reference ["Logic"] "eq_sym"
+let coq_eq_trans = lazy_init_reference ["Logic"] "eq_trans"
+let coq_f_equal2 = lazy_init_reference ["Logic"] "f_equal2"
let coq_eq_congr_canonical =
- lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "f_equal_canonical_form"
+ lazy_init_reference ["Logic"] "f_equal_canonical_form"
let build_coq_eq_data () =
let _ = check_required_library logic_module_name in {
@@ -258,14 +280,15 @@ let build_coq_inversion_eq_data () =
(* Heterogenous equality on Type *)
-let coq_jmeq_eq = lazy_logic_constant ["JMeq"] "JMeq"
-let coq_jmeq_refl = lazy_logic_constant ["JMeq"] "JMeq_refl"
-let coq_jmeq_ind = lazy_logic_constant ["JMeq"] "JMeq_ind"
-let coq_jmeq_sym = lazy_logic_constant ["JMeq"] "JMeq_sym"
-let coq_jmeq_congr = lazy_logic_constant ["JMeq"] "JMeq_congr"
-let coq_jmeq_trans = lazy_logic_constant ["JMeq"] "JMeq_trans"
+let coq_jmeq_eq = lazy_logic_reference ["JMeq"] "JMeq"
+let coq_jmeq_hom = lazy_logic_reference ["JMeq"] "JMeq_hom"
+let coq_jmeq_refl = lazy_logic_reference ["JMeq"] "JMeq_refl"
+let coq_jmeq_ind = lazy_logic_reference ["JMeq"] "JMeq_ind"
+let coq_jmeq_sym = lazy_logic_reference ["JMeq"] "JMeq_sym"
+let coq_jmeq_congr = lazy_logic_reference ["JMeq"] "JMeq_congr"
+let coq_jmeq_trans = lazy_logic_reference ["JMeq"] "JMeq_trans"
let coq_jmeq_congr_canonical =
- lazy_logic_constant ["JMeq"] "JMeq_congr_canonical_form"
+ lazy_logic_reference ["JMeq"] "JMeq_congr_canonical_form"
let build_coq_jmeq_data () =
let _ = check_required_library jmeq_module_name in {
@@ -276,14 +299,9 @@ let build_coq_jmeq_data () =
trans = Lazy.force coq_jmeq_trans;
congr = Lazy.force coq_jmeq_congr }
-let join_jmeq_types eq =
- mkLambda(Name (id_of_string "A"),Termops.new_Type(),
- mkLambda(Name (id_of_string "x"),mkRel 1,
- mkApp (eq,[|mkRel 2;mkRel 1;mkRel 2|])))
let build_coq_inversion_jmeq_data () =
let _ = check_required_library logic_module_name in {
- inv_eq = join_jmeq_types (Lazy.force coq_jmeq_eq);
+ inv_eq = Lazy.force coq_jmeq_hom;
inv_ind = Lazy.force coq_jmeq_ind;
inv_congr = Lazy.force coq_jmeq_congr_canonical }
@@ -293,13 +311,13 @@ let coq_sumbool = lazy_init_constant ["Specif"] "sumbool"
let build_coq_sumbool () = Lazy.force coq_sumbool
(* Equality on Type as a Type *)
-let coq_identity_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity"
-let coq_identity_refl = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity_refl"
-let coq_identity_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "identity_ind"
-let coq_identity_congr = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "identity_congr"
-let coq_identity_sym = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "identity_sym"
-let coq_identity_trans = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "identity_trans"
-let coq_identity_congr_canonical = lazy_init_constant ["Logic_Type"] "identity_congr_canonical_form"
+let coq_identity_eq = lazy_init_reference ["Datatypes"] "identity"
+let coq_identity_refl = lazy_init_reference ["Datatypes"] "identity_refl"
+let coq_identity_ind = lazy_init_reference ["Datatypes"] "identity_ind"
+let coq_identity_congr = lazy_init_reference ["Logic_Type"] "identity_congr"
+let coq_identity_sym = lazy_init_reference ["Logic_Type"] "identity_sym"
+let coq_identity_trans = lazy_init_reference ["Logic_Type"] "identity_trans"
+let coq_identity_congr_canonical = lazy_init_reference ["Logic_Type"] "identity_congr_canonical_form"
let build_coq_identity_data () =
let _ = check_required_library datatypes_module_name in {
@@ -318,9 +336,9 @@ let build_coq_inversion_identity_data () =
inv_congr = Lazy.force coq_identity_congr_canonical }
(* Equality to true *)
-let coq_eq_true_eq = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "eq_true"
-let coq_eq_true_ind = lazy_init_constant ["Datatypes"] "eq_true_ind"
-let coq_eq_true_congr = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "eq_true_congr"
+let coq_eq_true_eq = lazy_init_reference ["Datatypes"] "eq_true"
+let coq_eq_true_ind = lazy_init_reference ["Datatypes"] "eq_true_ind"
+let coq_eq_true_congr = lazy_init_reference ["Logic"] "eq_true_congr"
let build_coq_inversion_eq_true_data () =
let _ = check_required_library datatypes_module_name in
@@ -331,6 +349,7 @@ let build_coq_inversion_eq_true_data () =
(* The False proposition *)
let coq_False = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "False"
+let coq_proof_admitted = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "proof_admitted"
(* The True proposition and its unique proof *)
let coq_True = lazy_init_constant ["Logic"] "True"
@@ -352,6 +371,7 @@ let build_coq_True () = Lazy.force coq_True
let build_coq_I () = Lazy.force coq_I
let build_coq_False () = Lazy.force coq_False
+let build_coq_proof_admitted () = Lazy.force coq_proof_admitted
let build_coq_not () = Lazy.force coq_not
let build_coq_and () = Lazy.force coq_and
let build_coq_conj () = Lazy.force coq_conj
@@ -368,7 +388,7 @@ let coq_eq_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "eq")
let coq_identity_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Datatypes"] "identity")
let coq_jmeq_ref = lazy (gen_reference "Coqlib" ["Logic";"JMeq"] "JMeq")
let coq_eq_true_ref = lazy (gen_reference "Coqlib" ["Init";"Datatypes"] "eq_true")
-let coq_existS_ref = lazy (anomaly "use coq_existT_ref")
+let coq_existS_ref = lazy (anomaly (Pp.str "use coq_existT_ref"))
let coq_existT_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "existT")
let coq_exist_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Specif"] "exist")
let coq_not_ref = lazy (init_reference ["Logic"] "not")
diff --git a/interp/coqlib.mli b/interp/coqlib.mli
index 0efebc29..986a4385 100644
--- a/interp/coqlib.mli
+++ b/interp/coqlib.mli
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,9 +8,8 @@
open Names
open Libnames
-open Nametab
+open Globnames
open Term
-open Pattern
open Util
(** This module collects the global references, constructions and
@@ -43,6 +42,7 @@ val gen_reference : message -> string list -> string -> global_reference
(** Search in several modules (not prefixed by "Coq") *)
val gen_constant_in_modules : string->string list list-> string -> constr
+val gen_reference_in_modules : string->string list list-> string -> global_reference
val arith_modules : string list list
val zarith_base_modules : string list list
val init_modules : string list list
@@ -53,12 +53,18 @@ val check_required_library : string list -> unit
(** {6 Global references } *)
(** Modules *)
-val logic_module : dir_path
-val logic_type_module : dir_path
+val prelude_module : DirPath.t
-val datatypes_module_name : string list
+val logic_module : DirPath.t
val logic_module_name : string list
+val logic_type_module : DirPath.t
+val jmeq_module : DirPath.t
+val jmeq_module_name : string list
+val datatypes_module_name : string list
(** Natural numbers *)
val nat_path : full_path
val glob_nat : global_reference
@@ -96,43 +102,49 @@ val build_bool_type : coq_bool_data delayed
(** {6 For Equality tactics } *)
type coq_sigma_data = {
- proj1 : constr;
- proj2 : constr;
- elim : constr;
- intro : constr;
- typ : constr }
+ proj1 : global_reference;
+ proj2 : global_reference;
+ elim : global_reference;
+ intro : global_reference;
+ typ : global_reference }
val build_sigma_set : coq_sigma_data delayed
val build_sigma_type : coq_sigma_data delayed
val build_sigma : coq_sigma_data delayed
+(* val build_sigma_type_in : Environ.env -> coq_sigma_data Univ.in_universe_context_set *)
+(* val build_sigma_in : Environ.env -> coq_sigma_data Univ.in_universe_context_set *)
+(* val build_prod_in : Environ.env -> coq_sigma_data Univ.in_universe_context_set *)
+(* val build_coq_eq_data_in : Environ.env -> coq_eq_data Univ.in_universe_context_set *)
(** Non-dependent pairs in Set from Datatypes *)
val build_prod : coq_sigma_data delayed
type coq_eq_data = {
- eq : constr;
- ind : constr;
- refl : constr;
- sym : constr;
- trans: constr;
- congr: constr }
+ eq : global_reference;
+ ind : global_reference;
+ refl : global_reference;
+ sym : global_reference;
+ trans: global_reference;
+ congr: global_reference }
val build_coq_eq_data : coq_eq_data delayed
val build_coq_identity_data : coq_eq_data delayed
val build_coq_jmeq_data : coq_eq_data delayed
-val build_coq_eq : constr delayed (** = [(build_coq_eq_data()).eq] *)
-val build_coq_eq_refl : constr delayed (** = [(build_coq_eq_data()).refl] *)
-val build_coq_eq_sym : constr delayed (** = [(build_coq_eq_data()).sym] *)
-val build_coq_f_equal2 : constr delayed
+val build_coq_eq : global_reference delayed (** = [(build_coq_eq_data()).eq] *)
+val build_coq_eq_refl : global_reference delayed (** = [(build_coq_eq_data()).refl] *)
+val build_coq_eq_sym : global_reference delayed (** = [(build_coq_eq_data()).sym] *)
+val build_coq_f_equal2 : global_reference delayed
(** Data needed for discriminate and injection *)
type coq_inversion_data = {
- inv_eq : constr; (** : forall params, args -> Prop *)
- inv_ind : constr; (** : forall params P (H : P params) args, eq params args
+ inv_eq : global_reference; (** : forall params, args -> Prop *)
+ inv_ind : global_reference; (** : forall params P (H : P params) args, eq params args
-> P args *)
- inv_congr: constr (** : forall params B (f:t->B) args, eq params args ->
+ inv_congr: global_reference (** : forall params B (f:t->B) args, eq params args ->
f params = f args *)
@@ -148,6 +160,7 @@ val build_coq_sumbool : constr delayed
(** Connectives
The False proposition *)
val build_coq_False : constr delayed
+val build_coq_proof_admitted : constr delayed
(** The True proposition and its unique proof *)
val build_coq_True : constr delayed
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index dbccf8ae..c18ceeca 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Util
(* Dump of globalization (to be used by coqdoc) *)
@@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ type glob_output_t =
| NoGlob
| StdOut
| MultFiles
+ | Feedback
| File of string
let glob_output = ref NoGlob
@@ -29,14 +31,19 @@ let dump () = !glob_output != NoGlob
let noglob () = glob_output := NoGlob
-let dump_to_stdout () = glob_output := StdOut; glob_file := Pervasives.stdout
+let dump_to_dotglob () = glob_output := MultFiles
-let dump_to_dotglob f = glob_output := MultFiles
+let dump_into_file f =
+ if String.equal f "stdout" then
+ (glob_output := StdOut; glob_file := Pervasives.stdout)
+ else
+ (glob_output := File f; open_glob_file f)
-let dump_into_file f = glob_output := File f; open_glob_file f
+let feedback_glob () = glob_output := Feedback
let dump_string s =
- if dump () then Pervasives.output_string !glob_file s
+ if dump () && !glob_output != Feedback then
+ Pervasives.output_string !glob_file s
let start_dump_glob vfile =
match !glob_output with
@@ -48,23 +55,18 @@ let start_dump_glob vfile =
| File f ->
open_glob_file f;
output_string !glob_file "DIGEST NO\n"
- | NoGlob | StdOut ->
+ | NoGlob | Feedback | StdOut ->
let end_dump_glob () =
match !glob_output with
| MultFiles | File _ -> close_glob_file ()
- | NoGlob | StdOut -> ()
+ | NoGlob | Feedback | StdOut -> ()
let previous_state = ref MultFiles
let pause () = previous_state := !glob_output; glob_output := NoGlob
let continue () = glob_output := !previous_state
-type coqdoc_state = Lexer.location_table
-let coqdoc_freeze = Lexer.location_table
-let coqdoc_unfreeze = Lexer.restore_location_table
open Decl_kinds
let type_of_logical_kind = function
@@ -102,18 +104,27 @@ let type_of_global_ref gr =
match gr with
- | Libnames.ConstRef cst ->
+ | Globnames.ConstRef cst ->
type_of_logical_kind (Decls.constant_kind cst)
- | Libnames.VarRef v ->
+ | Globnames.VarRef v ->
"var" ^ type_of_logical_kind (Decls.variable_kind v)
- | Libnames.IndRef ind ->
+ | Globnames.IndRef ind ->
let (mib,oib) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env ()) ind in
- if mib.Declarations.mind_record then
- if mib.Declarations.mind_finite then "rec"
- else "corec"
- else if mib.Declarations.mind_finite then "ind"
- else "coind"
- | Libnames.ConstructRef _ -> "constr"
+ if mib.Declarations.mind_record <> None then
+ let open Decl_kinds in
+ begin match mib.Declarations.mind_finite with
+ | Finite -> "indrec"
+ | BiFinite -> "rec"
+ | CoFinite -> "corec"
+ end
+ else
+ let open Decl_kinds in
+ begin match mib.Declarations.mind_finite with
+ | Finite -> "ind"
+ | BiFinite -> "variant"
+ | CoFinite -> "coind"
+ end
+ | Globnames.ConstructRef _ -> "constr"
let remove_sections dir =
if Libnames.is_dirpath_prefix_of dir (Lib.cwd ()) then
@@ -124,79 +135,30 @@ let remove_sections dir =
let interval loc =
- let loc1,loc2 = Util.unloc loc in
+ let loc1,loc2 = Loc.unloc loc in
loc1, loc2-1
let dump_ref loc filepath modpath ident ty =
- let bl,el = interval loc in
- dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d:%d %s %s %s %s\n"
+ if !glob_output = Feedback then
+ (Feedback.GlobRef (loc, filepath, modpath, ident, ty))
+ else
+ let bl,el = interval loc in
+ dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d:%d %s %s %s %s\n"
bl el filepath modpath ident ty)
-let add_glob_gen loc sp lib_dp ty =
- if dump () then
- let mod_dp,id = Libnames.repr_path sp in
- let mod_dp = remove_sections mod_dp in
- let mod_dp_trunc = Libnames.drop_dirpath_prefix lib_dp mod_dp in
- let filepath = Names.string_of_dirpath lib_dp in
- let modpath = Names.string_of_dirpath mod_dp_trunc in
- let ident = Names.string_of_id id in
- dump_ref loc filepath modpath ident ty
-let add_glob loc ref =
- if dump () && loc <> Util.dummy_loc then
- let sp = Nametab.path_of_global ref in
- let lib_dp = Lib.library_part ref in
- let ty = type_of_global_ref ref in
- add_glob_gen loc sp lib_dp ty
-let mp_of_kn kn =
- let mp,sec,l = Names.repr_kn kn in
- Names.MPdot (mp,l)
-let add_glob_kn loc kn =
- if dump () && loc <> Util.dummy_loc then
- let sp = Nametab.path_of_syndef kn in
- let lib_dp = Lib.dp_of_mp (mp_of_kn kn) in
- add_glob_gen loc sp lib_dp "syndef"
-let dump_binding loc id = ()
-let dump_definition (loc, id) sec s =
- let bl,el = interval loc in
- dump_string (Printf.sprintf "%s %d:%d %s %s\n" s bl el
- (Names.string_of_dirpath (Lib.current_dirpath sec)) (Names.string_of_id id))
let dump_reference loc modpath ident ty =
- let bl,el = interval loc in
- dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d:%d %s %s %s %s\n"
- bl el (Names.string_of_dirpath (Lib.library_dp ())) modpath ident ty)
-let dump_constraint ((loc, n), _, _) sec ty =
- match n with
- | Names.Name id -> dump_definition (loc, id) sec ty
- | Names.Anonymous -> ()
+ let filepath = Names.DirPath.to_string (Lib.library_dp ()) in
+ dump_ref loc filepath modpath ident ty
let dump_modref loc mp ty =
- if dump () then
- let (dp, l) = Lib.split_modpath mp in
- let l = if l = [] then l else Util.list_drop_last l in
- let fp = Names.string_of_dirpath dp in
- let mp = Names.string_of_dirpath (Names.make_dirpath l) in
- let bl,el = interval loc in
- dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d:%d %s %s %s %s\n"
- bl el fp mp "<>" ty)
-let dump_moddef loc mp ty =
- if dump () then
- let bl,el = interval loc in
- let (dp, l) = Lib.split_modpath mp in
- let mp = Names.string_of_dirpath (Names.make_dirpath l) in
- dump_string (Printf.sprintf "%s %d:%d %s %s\n" ty bl el "<>" mp)
+ let (dp, l) = Lib.split_modpath mp in
+ let filepath = Names.DirPath.to_string dp in
+ let modpath = Names.DirPath.to_string (Names.DirPath.make l) in
+ let ident = "<>" in
+ dump_ref loc filepath modpath ident ty
let dump_libref loc dp ty =
- let bl,el = interval loc in
- dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d:%d %s <> <> %s\n"
- bl el (Names.string_of_dirpath dp) ty)
+ dump_ref loc (Names.DirPath.to_string dp) "<>" "<>" ty
let cook_notation df sc =
(* We encode notations so that they are space-free and still human-readable *)
@@ -212,19 +174,19 @@ let cook_notation df sc =
let l = String.length df - 1 in
let i = ref 0 in
while !i <= l do
- assert (df.[!i] <> ' ');
- if df.[!i] = '_' && (!i = l || df.[!i+1] = ' ') then
+ assert (df.[!i] != ' ');
+ if df.[!i] == '_' && (Int.equal !i l || df.[!i+1] == ' ') then
(* Next token is a non-terminal *)
(ntn.[!j] <- 'x'; incr j; incr i)
else begin
(* Next token is a terminal *)
ntn.[!j] <- '\''; incr j;
- while !i <= l && df.[!i] <> ' ' do
+ while !i <= l && df.[!i] != ' ' do
if df.[!i] < ' ' then
let c = char_of_int (int_of_char 'A' + int_of_char df.[!i] - 1) in
(String.blit ("'^" ^ String.make 1 c) 0 ntn !j 3; j := !j+3; incr i)
else begin
- if df.[!i] = '\'' then (ntn.[!j] <- '\''; incr j);
+ if df.[!i] == '\'' then (ntn.[!j] <- '\''; incr j);
ntn.[!j] <- df.[!i]; incr j; incr i
@@ -235,16 +197,67 @@ let cook_notation df sc =
let df = String.sub ntn 0 !j in
match sc with Some sc -> ":" ^ sc ^ ":" ^ df | _ -> "::" ^ df
-let dump_notation (loc,(df,_)) sc sec =
- (* We dump the location of the opening '"' *)
- dump_string (Printf.sprintf "not %d %s %s\n" (fst (Util.unloc loc))
- (Names.string_of_dirpath (Lib.current_dirpath sec)) (cook_notation df sc))
let dump_notation_location posl df (((path,secpath),_),sc) =
if dump () then
- let path = Names.string_of_dirpath path in
- let secpath = Names.string_of_dirpath secpath in
+ let path = Names.DirPath.to_string path in
+ let secpath = Names.DirPath.to_string secpath in
let df = cook_notation df sc in
- List.iter (fun (bl,el) ->
- dump_string(Printf.sprintf "R%d:%d %s %s %s not\n" bl el path secpath df))
+ List.iter (fun l ->
+ dump_ref (Loc.make_loc l) path secpath df "not")
+let add_glob_gen loc sp lib_dp ty =
+ if dump () then
+ let mod_dp,id = Libnames.repr_path sp in
+ let mod_dp = remove_sections mod_dp in
+ let mod_dp_trunc = Libnames.drop_dirpath_prefix lib_dp mod_dp in
+ let filepath = Names.DirPath.to_string lib_dp in
+ let modpath = Names.DirPath.to_string mod_dp_trunc in
+ let ident = Names.Id.to_string id in
+ dump_ref loc filepath modpath ident ty
+let add_glob loc ref =
+ if dump () && not (Loc.is_ghost loc) then
+ let sp = Nametab.path_of_global ref in
+ let lib_dp = Lib.library_part ref in
+ let ty = type_of_global_ref ref in
+ add_glob_gen loc sp lib_dp ty
+let mp_of_kn kn =
+ let mp,sec,l = Names.repr_kn kn in
+ Names.MPdot (mp,l)
+let add_glob_kn loc kn =
+ if dump () && not (Loc.is_ghost loc) then
+ let sp = Nametab.path_of_syndef kn in
+ let lib_dp = Lib.dp_of_mp (mp_of_kn kn) in
+ add_glob_gen loc sp lib_dp "syndef"
+let dump_binding loc id = ()
+let dump_def ty loc secpath id =
+ if !glob_output = Feedback then
+ (Feedback.GlobDef (loc, id, secpath, ty))
+ else
+ let bl,el = interval loc in
+ dump_string (Printf.sprintf "%s %d:%d %s %s\n" ty bl el secpath id)
+let dump_definition (loc, id) sec s =
+ dump_def s loc (Names.DirPath.to_string (Lib.current_dirpath sec)) (Names.Id.to_string id)
+let dump_constraint ((loc, n), _, _) sec ty =
+ match n with
+ | Names.Name id -> dump_definition (loc, id) sec ty
+ | Names.Anonymous -> ()
+let dump_moddef loc mp ty =
+ let (dp, l) = Lib.split_modpath mp in
+ let mp = Names.DirPath.to_string (Names.DirPath.make l) in
+ dump_def ty loc "<>" mp
+let dump_notation (loc,(df,_)) sc sec =
+ (* We dump the location of the opening '"' *)
+ let i = fst (Loc.unloc loc) in
+ let location = (Loc.make_loc (i, i+1)) in
+ dump_def "not" location (Names.DirPath.to_string (Lib.current_dirpath sec)) (cook_notation df sc)
diff --git a/interp/dumpglob.mli b/interp/dumpglob.mli
index df192e9b..428189be 100644
--- a/interp/dumpglob.mli
+++ b/interp/dumpglob.mli
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -15,29 +15,30 @@ val end_dump_glob : unit -> unit
val dump : unit -> bool
val noglob : unit -> unit
-val dump_to_stdout : unit -> unit
-val dump_into_file : string -> unit
+val dump_into_file : string -> unit (** special handling of "stdout" *)
val dump_to_dotglob : unit -> unit
+val feedback_glob : unit -> unit
val pause : unit -> unit
val continue : unit -> unit
-type coqdoc_state = Lexer.location_table
-val coqdoc_freeze : unit -> coqdoc_state
-val coqdoc_unfreeze : coqdoc_state -> unit
-val add_glob : Util.loc -> Libnames.global_reference -> unit
-val add_glob_kn : Util.loc -> Names.kernel_name -> unit
-val dump_definition : Util.loc * Names.identifier -> bool -> string -> unit
-val dump_moddef : Util.loc -> Names.module_path -> string -> unit
-val dump_modref : Util.loc -> Names.module_path -> string -> unit
-val dump_reference : Util.loc -> string -> string -> string -> unit
-val dump_libref : Util.loc -> Names.dir_path -> string -> unit
-val dump_notation_location : (int * int) list -> Topconstr.notation -> (Notation.notation_location * Topconstr.scope_name option) -> unit
-val dump_binding : Util.loc -> Names.Idset.elt -> unit
-val dump_notation : Util.loc * (Topconstr.notation * Notation.notation_location) -> Topconstr.scope_name option -> bool -> unit
-val dump_constraint : Topconstr.typeclass_constraint -> bool -> string -> unit
+val add_glob : Loc.t -> Globnames.global_reference -> unit
+val add_glob_kn : Loc.t -> Names.kernel_name -> unit
+val dump_definition : Loc.t * Names.Id.t -> bool -> string -> unit
+val dump_moddef : Loc.t -> Names.module_path -> string -> unit
+val dump_modref : Loc.t -> Names.module_path -> string -> unit
+val dump_reference : Loc.t -> string -> string -> string -> unit
+val dump_libref : Loc.t -> Names.DirPath.t -> string -> unit
+val dump_notation_location : (int * int) list -> Constrexpr.notation ->
+ (Notation.notation_location * Notation_term.scope_name option) -> unit
+val dump_binding : Loc.t -> Names.Id.Set.elt -> unit
+val dump_notation :
+ Loc.t * (Constrexpr.notation * Notation.notation_location) ->
+ Notation_term.scope_name option -> bool -> unit
+val dump_constraint :
+ Constrexpr.typeclass_constraint -> bool -> string -> unit
val dump_string : string -> unit
+val type_of_global_ref : Globnames.global_reference -> string
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 41cbcdaf..00000000
--- a/interp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Nametab
-open Glob_term
-open Topconstr
-open Term
-open Evd
-type argument_type =
- (* Basic types *)
- | BoolArgType
- | IntArgType
- | IntOrVarArgType
- | StringArgType
- | PreIdentArgType
- | IntroPatternArgType
- | IdentArgType of bool
- | VarArgType
- | RefArgType
- (* Specific types *)
- | SortArgType
- | ConstrArgType
- | ConstrMayEvalArgType
- | QuantHypArgType
- | OpenConstrArgType of bool * bool (* casted, TC resolution *)
- | ConstrWithBindingsArgType
- | BindingsArgType
- | RedExprArgType
- | List0ArgType of argument_type
- | List1ArgType of argument_type
- | OptArgType of argument_type
- | PairArgType of argument_type * argument_type
- | ExtraArgType of string
-type 'a and_short_name = 'a * identifier located option
-type 'a or_by_notation =
- | AN of 'a
- | ByNotation of (loc * string * Notation.delimiters option)
-let loc_of_or_by_notation f = function
- | AN c -> f c
- | ByNotation (loc,s,_) -> loc
-type glob_constr_and_expr = glob_constr * constr_expr option
-type open_constr_expr = unit * constr_expr
-type open_glob_constr = unit * glob_constr_and_expr
-type glob_constr_pattern_and_expr = glob_constr_and_expr * Pattern.constr_pattern
-type 'a with_ebindings = 'a * open_constr bindings
-(* Dynamics but tagged by a type expression *)
-type 'a generic_argument = argument_type * Obj.t
-type rlevel
-type glevel
-type tlevel
-type intro_pattern_expr =
- | IntroOrAndPattern of or_and_intro_pattern_expr
- | IntroWildcard
- | IntroRewrite of bool
- | IntroIdentifier of identifier
- | IntroFresh of identifier
- | IntroForthcoming of bool
- | IntroAnonymous
-and or_and_intro_pattern_expr = (loc * intro_pattern_expr) list list
-let rec pr_intro_pattern (_,pat) = match pat with
- | IntroOrAndPattern pll -> pr_or_and_intro_pattern pll
- | IntroWildcard -> str "_"
- | IntroRewrite true -> str "->"
- | IntroRewrite false -> str "<-"
- | IntroIdentifier id -> pr_id id
- | IntroFresh id -> str "?" ++ pr_id id
- | IntroForthcoming true -> str "*"
- | IntroForthcoming false -> str "**"
- | IntroAnonymous -> str "?"
-and pr_or_and_intro_pattern = function
- | [pl] ->
- str "(" ++ hv 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_comma pr_intro_pattern pl) ++ str ")"
- | pll ->
- str "[" ++
- hv 0 (prlist_with_sep pr_bar (prlist_with_sep spc pr_intro_pattern) pll)
- ++ str "]"
-let rawwit_bool = BoolArgType
-let globwit_bool = BoolArgType
-let wit_bool = BoolArgType
-let rawwit_int = IntArgType
-let globwit_int = IntArgType
-let wit_int = IntArgType
-let rawwit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType
-let globwit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType
-let wit_int_or_var = IntOrVarArgType
-let rawwit_string = StringArgType
-let globwit_string = StringArgType
-let wit_string = StringArgType
-let rawwit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType
-let globwit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType
-let wit_pre_ident = PreIdentArgType
-let rawwit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType
-let globwit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType
-let wit_intro_pattern = IntroPatternArgType
-let rawwit_ident_gen b = IdentArgType b
-let globwit_ident_gen b = IdentArgType b
-let wit_ident_gen b = IdentArgType b
-let rawwit_ident = rawwit_ident_gen true
-let globwit_ident = globwit_ident_gen true
-let wit_ident = wit_ident_gen true
-let rawwit_pattern_ident = rawwit_ident_gen false
-let globwit_pattern_ident = globwit_ident_gen false
-let wit_pattern_ident = wit_ident_gen false
-let rawwit_var = VarArgType
-let globwit_var = VarArgType
-let wit_var = VarArgType
-let rawwit_ref = RefArgType
-let globwit_ref = RefArgType
-let wit_ref = RefArgType
-let rawwit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType
-let globwit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType
-let wit_quant_hyp = QuantHypArgType
-let rawwit_sort = SortArgType
-let globwit_sort = SortArgType
-let wit_sort = SortArgType
-let rawwit_constr = ConstrArgType
-let globwit_constr = ConstrArgType
-let wit_constr = ConstrArgType
-let rawwit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType
-let globwit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType
-let wit_constr_may_eval = ConstrMayEvalArgType
-let rawwit_open_constr_gen (b1,b2) = OpenConstrArgType (b1,b2)
-let globwit_open_constr_gen (b1,b2) = OpenConstrArgType (b1,b2)
-let wit_open_constr_gen (b1,b2) = OpenConstrArgType (b1,b2)
-let rawwit_open_constr = rawwit_open_constr_gen (false,false)
-let globwit_open_constr = globwit_open_constr_gen (false,false)
-let wit_open_constr = wit_open_constr_gen (false,false)
-let rawwit_casted_open_constr = rawwit_open_constr_gen (true,false)
-let globwit_casted_open_constr = globwit_open_constr_gen (true,false)
-let wit_casted_open_constr = wit_open_constr_gen (true,false)
-let rawwit_open_constr_wTC = rawwit_open_constr_gen (false,true)
-let globwit_open_constr_wTC = globwit_open_constr_gen (false,true)
-let wit_open_constr_wTC = wit_open_constr_gen (false,true)
-let rawwit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType
-let globwit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType
-let wit_constr_with_bindings = ConstrWithBindingsArgType
-let rawwit_bindings = BindingsArgType
-let globwit_bindings = BindingsArgType
-let wit_bindings = BindingsArgType
-let rawwit_red_expr = RedExprArgType
-let globwit_red_expr = RedExprArgType
-let wit_red_expr = RedExprArgType
-let wit_list0 t = List0ArgType t
-let wit_list1 t = List1ArgType t
-let wit_opt t = OptArgType t
-let wit_pair t1 t2 = PairArgType (t1,t2)
-let in_gen t o = (t,Obj.repr o)
-let out_gen t (t',o) = if t = t' then Obj.magic o else failwith "out_gen"
-let genarg_tag (s,_) = s
-let fold_list0 f = function
- | (List0ArgType t, l) ->
- List.fold_right (fun x -> f (in_gen t x)) (Obj.magic l)
- | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list0"
-let fold_list1 f = function
- | (List1ArgType t, l) ->
- List.fold_right (fun x -> f (in_gen t x)) (Obj.magic l)
- | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list1"
-let fold_opt f a = function
- | (OptArgType t, l) ->
- (match Obj.magic l with
- | None -> a
- | Some x -> f (in_gen t x))
- | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a opt"
-let fold_pair f = function
- | (PairArgType (t1,t2), l) ->
- let (x1,x2) = Obj.magic l in
- f (in_gen t1 x1) (in_gen t2 x2)
- | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a pair"
-let app_list0 f = function
- | (List0ArgType t as u, l) ->
- let o = Obj.magic l in
- (u, Obj.repr ( (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o))
- | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list0"
-let app_list1 f = function
- | (List1ArgType t as u, l) ->
- let o = Obj.magic l in
- (u, Obj.repr ( (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o))
- | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a list1"
-let app_opt f = function
- | (OptArgType t as u, l) ->
- let o = Obj.magic l in
- (u, Obj.repr ( (fun x -> out_gen t (f (in_gen t x))) o))
- | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not an opt"
-let app_pair f1 f2 = function
- | (PairArgType (t1,t2) as u, l) ->
- let (o1,o2) = Obj.magic l in
- let o1 = out_gen t1 (f1 (in_gen t1 o1)) in
- let o2 = out_gen t2 (f2 (in_gen t2 o2)) in
- (u, Obj.repr (o1,o2))
- | _ -> failwith "Genarg: not a pair"
-let unquote x = x
-type an_arg_of_this_type = Obj.t
-let in_generic t x = (t, Obj.repr x)
-let dyntab = ref ([] : (string * glevel generic_argument option) list)
-type ('a,'b) abstract_argument_type = argument_type
-let create_arg v s =
- if List.mem_assoc s !dyntab then
- anomaly ("Genarg.create: already declared generic argument " ^ s);
- let t = ExtraArgType s in
- dyntab := (s, (in_gen t) v) :: !dyntab;
- (t,t,t)
-let exists_argtype s = List.mem_assoc s !dyntab
-let default_empty_argtype_value s = List.assoc s !dyntab
-let default_empty_value t =
- let rec aux = function
- | List0ArgType _ -> Some (in_gen t [])
- | OptArgType _ -> Some (in_gen t None)
- | PairArgType(t1,t2) ->
- (match aux t1, aux t2 with
- | Some (_,v1), Some (_,v2) -> Some (in_gen t (v1,v2))
- | _ -> None)
- | ExtraArgType s -> default_empty_argtype_value s
- | _ -> None in
- match aux t with
- | Some v -> Some (out_gen t v)
- | None -> None
diff --git a/interp/genarg.mli b/interp/genarg.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index f1425c55..00000000
--- a/interp/genarg.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Libnames
-open Glob_term
-open Pattern
-open Topconstr
-open Term
-open Evd
-type 'a and_short_name = 'a * identifier located option
-type 'a or_by_notation =
- | AN of 'a
- | ByNotation of (loc * string * Notation.delimiters option)
-val loc_of_or_by_notation : ('a -> loc) -> 'a or_by_notation -> loc
-(** In globalize tactics, we need to keep the initial [constr_expr] to recompute
- in the environment by the effective calls to Intro, Inversion, etc
- The [constr_expr] field is [None] in TacDef though *)
-type glob_constr_and_expr = glob_constr * constr_expr option
-type open_constr_expr = unit * constr_expr
-type open_glob_constr = unit * glob_constr_and_expr
-type glob_constr_pattern_and_expr = glob_constr_and_expr * constr_pattern
-type 'a with_ebindings = 'a * open_constr bindings
-type intro_pattern_expr =
- | IntroOrAndPattern of or_and_intro_pattern_expr
- | IntroWildcard
- | IntroRewrite of bool
- | IntroIdentifier of identifier
- | IntroFresh of identifier
- | IntroForthcoming of bool
- | IntroAnonymous
-and or_and_intro_pattern_expr = (loc * intro_pattern_expr) list list
-val pr_intro_pattern : intro_pattern_expr located -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val pr_or_and_intro_pattern : or_and_intro_pattern_expr -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-(** The route of a generic argument, from parsing to evaluation.
-In the following diagram, "object" can be tactic_expr, constr, tactic_arg, etc.
-{% \begin{%}verbatim{% }%}
- parsing in_raw out_raw
- char stream ---> raw_object ---> raw_object generic_argument -------+
- encapsulation decaps|
- |
- V
- raw_object
- |
- globalization |
- V
- glob_object
- |
- encaps |
- in_glob |
- V
- glob_object generic_argument
- |
- out in out_glob |
- object <--- object generic_argument <--- object <--- glob_object <---+
- | decaps encaps interp decaps
- |
- V
-effective use
-{% \end{%}verbatim{% }%}
-To distinguish between the uninterpreted (raw), globalized and
-interpreted worlds, we annotate the type [generic_argument] by a
-phantom argument which is either [constr_expr], [glob_constr] or
-Transformation for each type :
-{% \begin{%}verbatim{% }%}
-tag raw open type cooked closed type
-BoolArgType bool bool
-IntArgType int int
-IntOrVarArgType int or_var int
-StringArgType string (parsed w/ "") string
-PreIdentArgType string (parsed w/o "") (vernac only)
-IdentArgType true identifier identifier
-IdentArgType false identifier (pattern_ident) identifier
-IntroPatternArgType intro_pattern_expr intro_pattern_expr
-VarArgType identifier located identifier
-RefArgType reference global_reference
-QuantHypArgType quantified_hypothesis quantified_hypothesis
-ConstrArgType constr_expr constr
-ConstrMayEvalArgType constr_expr may_eval constr
-OpenConstrArgType open_constr_expr open_constr
-ConstrWithBindingsArgType constr_expr with_bindings constr with_bindings
-BindingsArgType constr_expr bindings constr bindings
-List0ArgType of argument_type
-List1ArgType of argument_type
-OptArgType of argument_type
-ExtraArgType of string '_a '_b
-{% \end{%}verbatim{% }%}
-(** All of [rlevel], [glevel] and [tlevel] must be non convertible
- to ensure the injectivity of the type inference from type
- ['co generic_argument] to [('a,'co) abstract_argument_type];
- this guarantees that, for 'co fixed, the type of
- out_gen is monomorphic over 'a, hence type-safe
-type rlevel
-type glevel
-type tlevel
-type ('a,'co) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_bool : (bool,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_bool : (bool,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_bool : (bool,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_int : (int,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_int : (int,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_int : (int,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_int_or_var : (int or_var,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_int_or_var : (int or_var,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_int_or_var : (int or_var,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_string : (string,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_string : (string,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_string : (string,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_pre_ident : (string,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_pre_ident : (string,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_pre_ident : (string,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_intro_pattern : (intro_pattern_expr located,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_intro_pattern : (intro_pattern_expr located,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_intro_pattern : (intro_pattern_expr located,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_ident : (identifier,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_ident : (identifier,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_ident : (identifier,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_pattern_ident : (identifier,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_pattern_ident : (identifier,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_pattern_ident : (identifier,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_ident_gen : bool -> (identifier,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_ident_gen : bool -> (identifier,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_ident_gen : bool -> (identifier,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_var : (identifier located,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_var : (identifier located,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_var : (identifier,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_ref : (reference,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_ref : (global_reference located or_var,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_ref : (global_reference,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_quant_hyp : (quantified_hypothesis,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_quant_hyp : (quantified_hypothesis,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_quant_hyp : (quantified_hypothesis,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_sort : (glob_sort,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_sort : (glob_sort,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_sort : (sorts,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_constr : (constr_expr,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_constr : (glob_constr_and_expr,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_constr : (constr,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_constr_may_eval : ((constr_expr,reference or_by_notation,constr_expr) may_eval,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_constr_may_eval : ((glob_constr_and_expr,evaluable_global_reference and_short_name or_var,glob_constr_pattern_and_expr) may_eval,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_constr_may_eval : (constr,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_open_constr_gen : bool * bool -> (open_constr_expr,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_open_constr_gen : bool * bool -> (open_glob_constr,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_open_constr_gen : bool * bool -> (open_constr,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_open_constr : (open_constr_expr,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_open_constr : (open_glob_constr,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_open_constr : (open_constr,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_casted_open_constr : (open_constr_expr,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_casted_open_constr : (open_glob_constr,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_casted_open_constr : (open_constr,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_open_constr_wTC : (open_constr_expr,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_open_constr_wTC : (open_glob_constr,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_open_constr_wTC : (open_constr,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_constr_with_bindings : (constr_expr with_bindings,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_constr_with_bindings : (glob_constr_and_expr with_bindings,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_constr_with_bindings : (constr with_bindings sigma,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_bindings : (constr_expr bindings,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_bindings : (glob_constr_and_expr bindings,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_bindings : (constr bindings sigma,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val rawwit_red_expr : ((constr_expr,reference or_by_notation,constr_expr) red_expr_gen,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val globwit_red_expr : ((glob_constr_and_expr,evaluable_global_reference and_short_name or_var,glob_constr_pattern_and_expr) red_expr_gen,glevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_red_expr : ((constr,evaluable_global_reference,constr_pattern) red_expr_gen,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_list0 :
- ('a,'co) abstract_argument_type -> ('a list,'co) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_list1 :
- ('a,'co) abstract_argument_type -> ('a list,'co) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_opt :
- ('a,'co) abstract_argument_type -> ('a option,'co) abstract_argument_type
-val wit_pair :
- ('a,'co) abstract_argument_type ->
- ('b,'co) abstract_argument_type ->
- ('a * 'b,'co) abstract_argument_type
-(** ['a generic_argument] = (Sigma t:type. t[[constr/'a]]) *)
-type 'a generic_argument
-val fold_list0 :
- ('a generic_argument -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'a generic_argument -> 'c -> 'c
-val fold_list1 :
- ('a generic_argument -> 'c -> 'c) -> 'a generic_argument -> 'c -> 'c
-val fold_opt :
- ('a generic_argument -> 'c) -> 'c -> 'a generic_argument -> 'c
-val fold_pair :
- ('a generic_argument -> 'a generic_argument -> 'c) ->
- 'a generic_argument -> 'c
-(** [app_list0] fails if applied to an argument not of tag [List0 t]
- for some [t]; it's the responsability of the caller to ensure it *)
-val app_list0 : ('a generic_argument -> 'b generic_argument) ->
-'a generic_argument -> 'b generic_argument
-val app_list1 : ('a generic_argument -> 'b generic_argument) ->
-'a generic_argument -> 'b generic_argument
-val app_opt : ('a generic_argument -> 'b generic_argument) ->
-'a generic_argument -> 'b generic_argument
-val app_pair :
- ('a generic_argument -> 'b generic_argument) ->
- ('a generic_argument -> 'b generic_argument)
- -> 'a generic_argument -> 'b generic_argument
-(** create a new generic type of argument: force to associate
- unique ML types at each of the three levels *)
-val create_arg : 'rawa option ->
- string ->
- ('a,tlevel) abstract_argument_type
- * ('globa,glevel) abstract_argument_type
- * ('rawa,rlevel) abstract_argument_type
-val exists_argtype : string -> bool
-type argument_type =
- (** Basic types *)
- | BoolArgType
- | IntArgType
- | IntOrVarArgType
- | StringArgType
- | PreIdentArgType
- | IntroPatternArgType
- | IdentArgType of bool
- | VarArgType
- | RefArgType
- (** Specific types *)
- | SortArgType
- | ConstrArgType
- | ConstrMayEvalArgType
- | QuantHypArgType
- | OpenConstrArgType of bool * bool
- | ConstrWithBindingsArgType
- | BindingsArgType
- | RedExprArgType
- | List0ArgType of argument_type
- | List1ArgType of argument_type
- | OptArgType of argument_type
- | PairArgType of argument_type * argument_type
- | ExtraArgType of string
-val genarg_tag : 'a generic_argument -> argument_type
-val unquote : ('a,'co) abstract_argument_type -> argument_type
-val in_gen :
- ('a,'co) abstract_argument_type -> 'a -> 'co generic_argument
-val out_gen :
- ('a,'co) abstract_argument_type -> 'co generic_argument -> 'a
-(** [in_generic] is used in combination with camlp4 [Gramext.action] magic
- [in_generic: !l:type, !a:argument_type -> |a|_l -> 'l generic_argument]
- where |a|_l is the interpretation of a at level l
- [in_generic] is not typable; we replace the second argument by an absurd
- type (with no introduction rule)
-type an_arg_of_this_type
-val in_generic :
- argument_type -> an_arg_of_this_type -> 'co generic_argument
-val default_empty_value : ('a,rlevel) abstract_argument_type -> 'a option
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c78b13a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Names
+open Mod_subst
+open Genarg
+type glob_sign = {
+ ltacvars : Id.Set.t;
+ ltacrecvars : Nametab.ltac_constant Id.Map.t;
+ genv : Environ.env }
+type ('raw, 'glb) intern_fun = glob_sign -> 'raw -> glob_sign * 'glb
+type 'glb subst_fun = substitution -> 'glb -> 'glb
+module InternObj =
+ type ('raw, 'glb, 'top) obj = ('raw, 'glb) intern_fun
+ let name = "intern"
+ let default _ = None
+module SubstObj =
+ type ('raw, 'glb, 'top) obj = 'glb subst_fun
+ let name = "subst"
+ let default _ = None
+module Intern = Register (InternObj)
+module Subst = Register (SubstObj)
+let intern = Intern.obj
+let register_intern0 = Intern.register0
+let generic_intern ist v =
+ let unpacker wit v =
+ let (ist, v) = intern wit ist (raw v) in
+ (ist, in_gen (glbwit wit) v)
+ in
+ unpack { unpacker; } v
+(** Substitution functions *)
+let substitute = Subst.obj
+let register_subst0 = Subst.register0
+let generic_substitute subs v =
+ let unpacker wit v = in_gen (glbwit wit) (substitute wit subs (glb v)) in
+ unpack { unpacker; } v
+let () = Hook.set Detyping.subst_genarg_hook generic_substitute
diff --git a/interp/genintern.mli b/interp/genintern.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e63f71c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/genintern.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Names
+open Mod_subst
+open Genarg
+type glob_sign = {
+ ltacvars : Id.Set.t;
+ ltacrecvars : Nametab.ltac_constant Id.Map.t;
+ genv : Environ.env }
+(** {5 Internalization functions} *)
+type ('raw, 'glb) intern_fun = glob_sign -> 'raw -> glob_sign * 'glb
+(** The type of functions used for internalizing generic arguments. *)
+val intern : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> ('raw, 'glb) intern_fun
+val generic_intern : (raw_generic_argument, glob_generic_argument) intern_fun
+(** {5 Substitution functions} *)
+type 'glb subst_fun = substitution -> 'glb -> 'glb
+(** The type of functions used for substituting generic arguments. *)
+val substitute : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type -> 'glb subst_fun
+val generic_substitute : glob_generic_argument subst_fun
+(** Registering functions *)
+val register_intern0 : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type ->
+ ('raw, 'glb) intern_fun -> unit
+val register_subst0 : ('raw, 'glb, 'top) genarg_type ->
+ 'glb subst_fun -> unit
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index 1b0f1341..e304725d 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -9,45 +9,35 @@
open Names
open Decl_kinds
-open Term
-open Sign
-open Evd
-open Environ
-open Nametab
-open Mod_subst
+open Errors
open Util
open Glob_term
-open Topconstr
+open Constrexpr
open Libnames
open Typeclasses
open Typeclasses_errors
open Pp
open Libobject
open Nameops
+open Misctypes
-let generalizable_table = ref Idpred.empty
-let _ =
- Summary.declare_summary "generalizable-ident"
- { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !generalizable_table);
- Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun r -> generalizable_table := r);
- Summary.init_function = (fun () -> generalizable_table := Idpred.empty) }
+let generalizable_table = Summary.ref Id.Pred.empty ~name:"generalizable-ident"
let declare_generalizable_ident table (loc,id) =
- if id <> root_of_id id then
+ if not (Id.equal id (root_of_id id)) then
(pr_id id ++ str
" is not declarable as generalizable identifier: it must have no trailing digits, quote, or _"));
- if Idpred.mem id table then
+ if Id.Pred.mem id table then
(pr_id id++str" is already declared as a generalizable identifier"))
- else Idpred.add id table
+ else Id.Pred.add id table
let add_generalizable gen table =
match gen with
- | None -> Idpred.empty
- | Some [] -> Idpred.full
+ | None -> Id.Pred.empty
+ | Some [] -> Id.Pred.full
| Some l -> List.fold_left (fun table lid -> declare_generalizable_ident table lid)
table l
@@ -57,7 +47,7 @@ let cache_generalizable_type (_,(local,cmd)) =
let load_generalizable_type _ (_,(local,cmd)) =
generalizable_table := add_generalizable cmd !generalizable_table
-let in_generalizable : bool * identifier located list option -> obj =
+let in_generalizable : bool * Id.t Loc.located list option -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "GENERALIZED-IDENT") with
load_function = load_generalizable_type;
cache_function = cache_generalizable_type;
@@ -67,29 +57,22 @@ let in_generalizable : bool * identifier located list option -> obj =
let declare_generalizable local gen =
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_generalizable (local, gen))
-let find_generalizable_ident id = Idpred.mem (root_of_id id) !generalizable_table
+let find_generalizable_ident id = Id.Pred.mem (root_of_id id) !generalizable_table
let ids_of_list l =
- List.fold_right Idset.add l Idset.empty
-let locate_reference qid =
- match Nametab.locate_extended qid with
- | TrueGlobal ref -> true
- | SynDef kn -> true
+ List.fold_right Id.Set.add l Id.Set.empty
let is_global id =
- try
- locate_reference (qualid_of_ident id)
- with Not_found ->
- false
+ try ignore (Nametab.locate_extended (qualid_of_ident id)); true
+ with Not_found -> false
+let is_named id env =
+ try ignore (Environ.lookup_named id env); true
+ with Not_found -> false
let is_freevar ids env x =
- try
- if Idset.mem x ids then false
- else
- try ignore(Environ.lookup_named x env) ; false
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> not (is_global x)
- with e when Errors.noncritical e -> true
+ not (Id.Set.mem x ids || is_named x env || is_global x)
(* Auxiliary functions for the inference of implicitly quantified variables. *)
@@ -97,9 +80,9 @@ let ungeneralizable loc id =
user_err_loc (loc, "Generalization",
str "Unbound and ungeneralizable variable " ++ pr_id id)
-let free_vars_of_constr_expr c ?(bound=Idset.empty) l =
+let free_vars_of_constr_expr c ?(bound=Id.Set.empty) l =
let found loc id bdvars l =
- if List.mem id l then l
+ if Id.List.mem id l then l
else if is_freevar bdvars (Global.env ()) id
if find_generalizable_ident id then id :: l
@@ -107,26 +90,26 @@ let free_vars_of_constr_expr c ?(bound=Idset.empty) l =
else l
let rec aux bdvars l c = match c with
- | CRef (Ident (loc,id)) -> found loc id bdvars l
- | CNotation (_, "{ _ : _ | _ }", (CRef (Ident (_, id)) :: _, [], [])) when not (Idset.mem id bdvars) ->
- fold_constr_expr_with_binders (fun a l -> Idset.add a l) aux (Idset.add id bdvars) l c
- | c -> fold_constr_expr_with_binders (fun a l -> Idset.add a l) aux bdvars l c
+ | CRef (Ident (loc,id),_) -> found loc id bdvars l
+ | CNotation (_, "{ _ : _ | _ }", (CRef (Ident (_, id),_) :: _, [], [])) when not (Id.Set.mem id bdvars) ->
+ Topconstr.fold_constr_expr_with_binders (fun a l -> Id.Set.add a l) aux (Id.Set.add id bdvars) l c
+ | c -> Topconstr.fold_constr_expr_with_binders (fun a l -> Id.Set.add a l) aux bdvars l c
in aux bound l c
let ids_of_names l =
List.fold_left (fun acc x -> match snd x with Name na -> na :: acc | Anonymous -> acc) [] l
-let free_vars_of_binders ?(bound=Idset.empty) l (binders : local_binder list) =
+let free_vars_of_binders ?(bound=Id.Set.empty) l (binders : local_binder list) =
let rec aux bdvars l c = match c with
((LocalRawAssum (n, _, c)) :: tl) ->
let bound = ids_of_names n in
let l' = free_vars_of_constr_expr c ~bound:bdvars l in
- aux (Idset.union (ids_of_list bound) bdvars) l' tl
+ aux (Id.Set.union (ids_of_list bound) bdvars) l' tl
| ((LocalRawDef (n, c)) :: tl) ->
let bound = match snd n with Anonymous -> [] | Name n -> [n] in
let l' = free_vars_of_constr_expr c ~bound:bdvars l in
- aux (Idset.union (ids_of_list bound) bdvars) l' tl
+ aux (Id.Set.union (ids_of_list bound) bdvars) l' tl
| [] -> bdvars, l
in aux bound l binders
@@ -134,13 +117,13 @@ let free_vars_of_binders ?(bound=Idset.empty) l (binders : local_binder list) =
let add_name_to_ids set na =
match na with
| Anonymous -> set
- | Name id -> Idset.add id set
+ | Name id -> Id.Set.add id set
-let generalizable_vars_of_glob_constr ?(bound=Idset.empty) ?(allowed=Idset.empty) =
+let generalizable_vars_of_glob_constr ?(bound=Id.Set.empty) ?(allowed=Id.Set.empty) =
let rec vars bound vs = function
| GVar (loc,id) ->
if is_freevar bound (Global.env ()) id then
- if List.mem_assoc id vs then vs
+ if Id.List.mem_assoc id vs then vs
else (id, loc) :: vs
else vs
| GApp (loc,f,args) -> List.fold_left (vars bound) vs (f::args)
@@ -163,7 +146,7 @@ let generalizable_vars_of_glob_constr ?(bound=Idset.empty) ?(allowed=Idset.empty
let vs3 = vars bound vs2 b1 in
vars bound vs3 b2
| GRec (loc,fk,idl,bl,tyl,bv) ->
- let bound' = Array.fold_right Idset.add idl bound in
+ let bound' = Array.fold_right Id.Set.add idl bound in
let vars_fix i vs fid =
let vs1,bound1 =
@@ -179,13 +162,13 @@ let generalizable_vars_of_glob_constr ?(bound=Idset.empty) ?(allowed=Idset.empty
let vs2 = vars bound1 vs1 tyl.(i) in
vars bound1 vs2 bv.(i)
- array_fold_left_i vars_fix vs idl
+ Array.fold_left_i vars_fix vs idl
| GCast (loc,c,k) -> let v = vars bound vs c in
- (match k with CastConv (_,t) -> vars bound v t | _ -> v)
+ (match k with CastConv t | CastVM t -> vars bound v t | _ -> v)
| (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) -> vs
and vars_pattern bound vs (loc,idl,p,c) =
- let bound' = List.fold_right Idset.add idl bound in
+ let bound' = List.fold_right Id.Set.add idl bound in
vars bound' vs c
and vars_option bound vs = function None -> vs | Some p -> vars bound vs p
@@ -196,7 +179,7 @@ let generalizable_vars_of_glob_constr ?(bound=Idset.empty) ?(allowed=Idset.empty
in fun rt ->
let vars = List.rev (vars bound [] rt) in
List.iter (fun (id, loc) ->
- if not (Idset.mem id allowed || find_generalizable_ident id) then
+ if not (Id.Set.mem id allowed || find_generalizable_ident id) then
ungeneralizable loc id) vars;
@@ -205,7 +188,7 @@ let rec make_fresh ids env x =
let next_name_away_from na avoid =
match na with
- | Anonymous -> make_fresh avoid (Global.env ()) (id_of_string "anon")
+ | Anonymous -> make_fresh avoid (Global.env ()) (Id.of_string "anon")
| Name id -> make_fresh avoid (Global.env ()) id
let combine_params avoid fn applied needed =
@@ -213,7 +196,11 @@ let combine_params avoid fn applied needed =
(t, Some (loc, ExplByName id)) ->
- if not (List.exists (fun (_, (id', _, _)) -> Name id = id') needed) then
+ let is_id (_, (na, _, _)) = match na with
+ | Name id' -> Id.equal id id'
+ | Anonymous -> false
+ in
+ if not (List.exists is_id needed) then
user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Wrong argument name: " ++ Nameops.pr_id id);
| _ -> false) applied
@@ -222,13 +209,17 @@ let combine_params avoid fn applied needed =
(fun x -> match x with (t, Some (loc, ExplByName id)) -> id, t | _ -> assert false)
- let needed = List.filter (fun (_, (_, b, _)) -> b = None) needed in
+ let is_unset (_, (_, b, _)) = match b with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some _ -> false
+ in
+ let needed = List.filter is_unset needed in
let rec aux ids avoid app need =
match app, need with
[], [] -> List.rev ids, avoid
- | app, (_, (Name id, _, _)) :: need when List.mem_assoc id named ->
- aux (List.assoc id named :: ids) avoid app need
+ | app, (_, (Name id, _, _)) :: need when Id.List.mem_assoc id named ->
+ aux (Id.List.assoc id named :: ids) avoid app need
| (x, None) :: app, (None, (Name id, _, _)) :: need ->
aux (x :: ids) avoid app need
@@ -244,25 +235,25 @@ let combine_params avoid fn applied needed =
aux (t' :: ids) avoid' app need
| (x,_) :: _, [] ->
- user_err_loc (constr_loc x,"",str "Typeclass does not expect more arguments")
+ user_err_loc (Constrexpr_ops.constr_loc x,"",str "Typeclass does not expect more arguments")
in aux [] avoid applied needed
let combine_params_freevar =
fun avoid (_, (na, _, _)) ->
let id' = next_name_away_from na avoid in
- (CRef (Ident (dummy_loc, id')), Idset.add id' avoid)
+ (CRef (Ident (Loc.ghost, id'),None), Id.Set.add id' avoid)
let destClassApp cl =
match cl with
- | CApp (loc, (None, CRef ref), l) -> loc, ref, fst l
- | CAppExpl (loc, (None, ref), l) -> loc, ref, l
- | CRef ref -> loc_of_reference ref, ref, []
+ | CApp (loc, (None, CRef (ref,_)), l) -> loc, ref, fst l
+ | CAppExpl (loc, (None, ref,_), l) -> loc, ref, l
+ | CRef (ref,_) -> loc_of_reference ref, ref, []
| _ -> raise Not_found
let destClassAppExpl cl =
match cl with
- | CApp (loc, (None, CRef ref), l) -> loc, ref, l
- | CRef ref -> loc_of_reference ref, ref, []
+ | CApp (loc, (None, CRef (ref,_)), l) -> loc, ref, l
+ | CRef (ref,_) -> loc_of_reference ref, ref, []
| _ -> raise Not_found
let implicit_application env ?(allow_partial=true) f ty =
@@ -277,32 +268,37 @@ let implicit_application env ?(allow_partial=true) f ty =
match is_class with
| None -> ty, env
| Some ((loc, id, par), gr) ->
- let avoid = Idset.union env (ids_of_list (free_vars_of_constr_expr ty ~bound:env [])) in
+ let avoid = Id.Set.union env (ids_of_list (free_vars_of_constr_expr ty ~bound:env [])) in
let c, avoid =
let c = class_info gr in
let (ci, rd) = c.cl_context in
if not allow_partial then
- let applen = List.fold_left (fun acc (x, y) -> if y = None then succ acc else acc) 0 par in
- let needlen = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> if x = None then succ acc else acc) 0 ci in
- if needlen <> applen then
+ let opt_succ x n = match x with
+ | None -> succ n
+ | Some _ -> n
+ in
+ let applen = List.fold_left (fun acc (x, y) -> opt_succ y acc) 0 par in
+ let needlen = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> opt_succ x acc) 0 ci in
+ if not (Int.equal needlen applen) then
Typeclasses_errors.mismatched_ctx_inst (Global.env ()) Parameters ( fst par) rd
let pars = List.rev (List.combine ci rd) in
let args, avoid = combine_params avoid f par pars in
- CAppExpl (loc, (None, id), args), avoid
+ CAppExpl (loc, (None, id, None), args), avoid
in c, avoid
let implicits_of_glob_constr ?(with_products=true) l =
- let add_impl i na bk l =
- if bk = Implicit then
- let name =
- match na with
- | Name id -> Some id
- | Anonymous -> None
- in
- (ExplByPos (i, name), (true, true, true)) :: l
- else l in
+ let add_impl i na bk l = match bk with
+ | Implicit ->
+ let name =
+ match na with
+ | Name id -> Some id
+ | Anonymous -> None
+ in
+ (ExplByPos (i, name), (true, true, true)) :: l
+ | _ -> l
+ in
let rec aux i c =
let abs na bk b =
add_impl i na bk (aux (succ i) b)
@@ -310,15 +306,17 @@ let implicits_of_glob_constr ?(with_products=true) l =
match c with
| GProd (loc, na, bk, t, b) ->
if with_products then abs na bk b
- else
- (if bk = Implicit then
- msg_warning (str "Ignoring implicit status of product binder " ++
- pr_name na ++ str " and following binders");
- [])
+ else
+ let () = match bk with
+ | Implicit ->
+ msg_warning (strbrk "Ignoring implicit status of product binder " ++
+ pr_name na ++ strbrk " and following binders")
+ | _ -> ()
+ in []
| GLambda (loc, na, bk, t, b) -> abs na bk b
| GLetIn (loc, na, t, b) -> aux i b
| GRec (_, fix_kind, nas, args, tys, bds) ->
let nb = match fix_kind with |GFix (_, n) -> n | GCoFix n -> n in
- list_fold_left_i (fun i l (na,bk,_,_) -> add_impl i na bk l) i (aux (List.length args.(nb) + i) bds.(nb)) args.(nb)
+ List.fold_left_i (fun i l (na,bk,_,_) -> add_impl i na bk l) i (aux (List.length args.(nb) + i) bds.(nb)) args.(nb)
| _ -> []
in aux 1 l
diff --git a/interp/implicit_quantifiers.mli b/interp/implicit_quantifiers.mli
index ab2ad566..818f7e9a 100644
--- a/interp/implicit_quantifiers.mli
+++ b/interp/implicit_quantifiers.mli
@@ -1,54 +1,47 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Loc
open Names
-open Decl_kinds
-open Term
-open Sign
-open Evd
-open Environ
-open Nametab
-open Mod_subst
open Glob_term
-open Topconstr
-open Util
+open Constrexpr
open Libnames
-open Typeclasses
+open Globnames
-val declare_generalizable : Vernacexpr.locality_flag -> (identifier located) list option -> unit
+val declare_generalizable : Vernacexpr.locality_flag -> (Id.t located) list option -> unit
-val ids_of_list : identifier list -> Idset.t
-val destClassApp : constr_expr -> loc * reference * constr_expr list
-val destClassAppExpl : constr_expr -> loc * reference * (constr_expr * explicitation located option) list
+val ids_of_list : Id.t list -> Id.Set.t
+val destClassApp : constr_expr -> Loc.t * reference * constr_expr list
+val destClassAppExpl : constr_expr -> Loc.t * reference * (constr_expr * explicitation located option) list
(** Fragile, should be used only for construction a set of identifiers to avoid *)
-val free_vars_of_constr_expr : constr_expr -> ?bound:Idset.t ->
- identifier list -> identifier list
+val free_vars_of_constr_expr : constr_expr -> ?bound:Id.Set.t ->
+ Id.t list -> Id.t list
val free_vars_of_binders :
- ?bound:Idset.t -> Names.identifier list -> local_binder list -> Idset.t * Names.identifier list
+ ?bound:Id.Set.t -> Id.t list -> local_binder list -> Id.Set.t * Id.t list
(** Returns the generalizable free ids in left-to-right
order with the location of their first occurence *)
-val generalizable_vars_of_glob_constr : ?bound:Idset.t -> ?allowed:Idset.t ->
- glob_constr -> (Names.identifier * loc) list
+val generalizable_vars_of_glob_constr : ?bound:Id.Set.t -> ?allowed:Id.Set.t ->
+ glob_constr -> (Id.t * Loc.t) list
-val make_fresh : Names.Idset.t -> Environ.env -> identifier -> identifier
+val make_fresh : Id.Set.t -> Environ.env -> Id.t -> Id.t
val implicits_of_glob_constr : ?with_products:bool -> Glob_term.glob_constr -> Impargs.manual_implicits
val combine_params_freevar :
- Names.Idset.t -> (global_reference * bool) option * ( * Term.constr option * Term.types) ->
- Topconstr.constr_expr * Names.Idset.t
+ Id.Set.t -> (global_reference * bool) option * (Name.t * Term.constr option * Term.types) ->
+ Constrexpr.constr_expr * Id.Set.t
-val implicit_application : Idset.t -> ?allow_partial:bool ->
- (Names.Idset.t -> (global_reference * bool) option * ( * Term.constr option * Term.types) ->
- Topconstr.constr_expr * Names.Idset.t) ->
- constr_expr -> constr_expr * Idset.t
+val implicit_application : Id.Set.t -> ?allow_partial:bool ->
+ (Id.Set.t -> (global_reference * bool) option * (Name.t * Term.constr option * Term.types) ->
+ Constrexpr.constr_expr * Id.Set.t) ->
+ constr_expr -> constr_expr * Id.Set.t
diff --git a/interp/interp.mllib b/interp/interp.mllib
index 546f277e..c9a03152 100644
--- a/interp/interp.mllib
+++ b/interp/interp.mllib
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index 2feac863..fdc6e609 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Names
-open Entries
+open Declarations
open Libnames
-open Topconstr
+open Constrexpr
open Constrintern
+open Misctypes
type module_internalization_error =
| NotAModuleNorModtype of string
@@ -21,172 +19,72 @@ type module_internalization_error =
exception ModuleInternalizationError of module_internalization_error
-val error_declaration_not_path : module_struct_entry -> 'a
-val error_not_a_functor : module_struct_entry -> 'a
-val error_not_equal : module_path -> module_path -> 'a
-val error_result_must_be_signature : unit -> 'a
-oval error_not_a_modtype_loc : loc -> string -> 'a
-val error_not_a_module_loc : loc -> string -> 'a
-val error_not_a_module_or_modtype_loc : loc -> string -> 'a
-val error_with_in_module : unit -> 'a
-val error_application_to_module_type : unit -> 'a
-let error_result_must_be_signature () =
- error "The result module type must be a signature."
-let error_not_a_modtype_loc loc s =
- Compat.Loc.raise loc (Modops.ModuleTypingError (Modops.NotAModuleType s))
-let error_not_a_module_loc loc s =
- Compat.Loc.raise loc (Modops.ModuleTypingError (Modops.NotAModule s))
+let error_not_a_module_loc kind loc qid =
+ let s = string_of_qualid qid in
+ let e = match kind with
+ | Module -> Modops.ModuleTypingError (Modops.NotAModule s)
+ | ModType -> Modops.ModuleTypingError (Modops.NotAModuleType s)
+ | ModAny -> ModuleInternalizationError (NotAModuleNorModtype s)
+ in
+ Loc.raise loc e
-let error_not_a_module_nor_modtype_loc loc s =
- Compat.Loc.raise loc (ModuleInternalizationError (NotAModuleNorModtype s))
+let error_application_to_not_path loc me =
+ Loc.raise loc (Modops.ModuleTypingError (Modops.ApplicationToNotPath me))
let error_incorrect_with_in_module loc =
- Compat.Loc.raise loc (ModuleInternalizationError IncorrectWithInModule)
+ Loc.raise loc (ModuleInternalizationError IncorrectWithInModule)
let error_application_to_module_type loc =
- Compat.Loc.raise loc (ModuleInternalizationError IncorrectModuleApplication)
+ Loc.raise loc (ModuleInternalizationError IncorrectModuleApplication)
+(** Searching for a module name in the Nametab.
-let rec make_mp mp = function
- [] -> mp
- | h::tl -> make_mp (MPdot(mp, label_of_id h)) tl
+ According to the input module kind, modules or module types
+ or both are searched. The returned kind is never ModAny, and
+ it is equal to the input kind when this one isn't ModAny. *)
-(* Since module components are not put in the nametab we try to locate
-the module prefix *)
-exception BadRef
-let lookup_qualid (modtype:bool) qid =
- let rec make_mp mp = function
- [] -> mp
- | h::tl -> make_mp (MPdot(mp, label_of_id h)) tl
- in
- let rec find_module_prefix dir n =
- if n<0 then raise Not_found;
- let dir',dir'' = list_chop n dir in
- let id',dir''' =
- match dir'' with
- | hd::tl -> hd,tl
- | _ -> anomaly "This list should not be empty!"
- in
- let qid' = make_qualid dir' id' in
- try
- match Nametab.locate qid' with
- | ModRef mp -> mp,dir'''
- | _ -> raise BadRef
- with
- Not_found -> find_module_prefix dir (pred n)
- in
- try Nametab.locate qid
- with Not_found ->
- let (dir,id) = repr_qualid qid in
- let pref_mp,dir' = find_module_prefix dir (List.length dir - 1) in
- let mp =
- List.fold_left (fun mp id -> MPdot (mp, label_of_id id)) pref_mp dir'
- in
- if modtype then
- ModTypeRef (make_ln mp (label_of_id id))
- else
- ModRef (MPdot (mp,label_of_id id))
-(* Search for the head of [qid] in [binders].
- If found, returns the module_path/kernel_name created from the dirpath
- and the basename. Searches Nametab otherwise.
-let lookup_module (loc,qid) =
+let lookup_module_or_modtype kind (loc,qid) =
+ if kind == ModType then raise Not_found;
let mp = Nametab.locate_module qid in
- Dumpglob.dump_modref loc mp "modtype"; mp
- with
- | Not_found -> error_not_a_module_loc loc (string_of_qualid qid)
-let lookup_modtype (loc,qid) =
- try
- let mp = Nametab.locate_modtype qid in
- Dumpglob.dump_modref loc mp "mod"; mp
- with
- | Not_found ->
- error_not_a_modtype_loc loc (string_of_qualid qid)
-let lookup_module_or_modtype (loc,qid) =
- try
- let mp = Nametab.locate_module qid in
- Dumpglob.dump_modref loc mp "modtype"; (mp,true)
- with Not_found -> try
- let mp = Nametab.locate_modtype qid in
- Dumpglob.dump_modref loc mp "mod"; (mp,false)
+ Dumpglob.dump_modref loc mp "modtype"; (mp,Module)
with Not_found ->
- error_not_a_module_nor_modtype_loc loc (string_of_qualid qid)
+ try
+ if kind == Module then raise Not_found;
+ let mp = Nametab.locate_modtype qid in
+ Dumpglob.dump_modref loc mp "mod"; (mp,ModType)
+ with Not_found -> error_not_a_module_loc kind loc qid
+let lookup_module lqid = fst (lookup_module_or_modtype Module lqid)
let transl_with_decl env = function
| CWith_Module ((_,fqid),qid) ->
- With_Module (fqid,lookup_module qid)
+ WithMod (fqid,lookup_module qid)
| CWith_Definition ((_,fqid),c) ->
- With_Definition (fqid,interp_constr Evd.empty env c)
+ WithDef (fqid,fst (interp_constr env Evd.empty c)) (*FIXME*)
let loc_of_module = function
| CMident (loc,_) | CMapply (loc,_,_) | CMwith (loc,_,_) -> loc
-let check_module_argument_is_path me' = function
- | CMident _ -> ()
- | (CMapply (loc,_,_) | CMwith (loc,_,_)) ->
- Compat.Loc.raise loc
- (Modops.ModuleTypingError (Modops.ApplicationToNotPath me'))
+(* Invariant : the returned kind is never ModAny, and it is
+ equal to the input kind when this one isn't ModAny. *)
-let rec interp_modexpr env = function
+let rec interp_module_ast env kind = function
| CMident qid ->
- MSEident (lookup_module qid)
+ let (mp,kind) = lookup_module_or_modtype kind qid in
+ (MEident mp, kind)
| CMapply (_,me1,me2) ->
- let me1' = interp_modexpr env me1 in
- let me2' = interp_modexpr env me2 in
- check_module_argument_is_path me2' me2;
- MSEapply(me1',me2')
- | CMwith (loc,_,_) -> error_incorrect_with_in_module loc
-let rec interp_modtype env = function
- | CMident qid ->
- MSEident (lookup_modtype qid)
- | CMapply (_,mty1,me) ->
- let mty' = interp_modtype env mty1 in
- let me' = interp_modexpr env me in
- check_module_argument_is_path me' me;
- MSEapply(mty',me')
- | CMwith (_,mty,decl) ->
- let mty = interp_modtype env mty in
- let decl = transl_with_decl env decl in
- MSEwith(mty,decl)
-let rec interp_modexpr_or_modtype env = function
- | CMident qid ->
- let (mp,ismod) = lookup_module_or_modtype qid in
- (MSEident mp, ismod)
- | CMapply (_,me1,me2) ->
- let me1',ismod1 = interp_modexpr_or_modtype env me1 in
- let me2',ismod2 = interp_modexpr_or_modtype env me2 in
- check_module_argument_is_path me2' me2;
- if not ismod2 then error_application_to_module_type (loc_of_module me2);
- (MSEapply (me1',me2'), ismod1)
+ let me1',kind1 = interp_module_ast env kind me1 in
+ let me2',kind2 = interp_module_ast env ModAny me2 in
+ let mp2 = match me2' with
+ | MEident mp -> mp
+ | _ -> error_application_to_not_path (loc_of_module me2) me2'
+ in
+ if kind2 == ModType then
+ error_application_to_module_type (loc_of_module me2);
+ (MEapply (me1',mp2), kind1)
| CMwith (loc,me,decl) ->
- let me,ismod = interp_modexpr_or_modtype env me in
+ let me,kind = interp_module_ast env kind me in
+ if kind == Module then error_incorrect_with_in_module loc;
let decl = transl_with_decl env decl in
- if ismod then error_incorrect_with_in_module loc;
- (MSEwith(me,decl), ismod)
+ (MEwith(me,decl), kind)
diff --git a/interp/modintern.mli b/interp/modintern.mli
index d832ffc6..8b6d002e 100644
--- a/interp/modintern.mli
+++ b/interp/modintern.mli
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Declarations
open Environ
open Entries
-open Util
-open Libnames
-open Names
-open Topconstr
+open Constrexpr
+open Misctypes
(** Module internalization errors *)
@@ -24,17 +21,11 @@ type module_internalization_error =
exception ModuleInternalizationError of module_internalization_error
(** Module expressions and module types are interpreted relatively to
- possible functor or functor signature arguments. *)
-val interp_modtype : env -> module_ast -> module_struct_entry
-val interp_modexpr : env -> module_ast -> module_struct_entry
-(** The following function tries to interprete an ast as a module,
- and in case of failure, interpretes this ast as a module type.
- The boolean is true for a module, false for a module type *)
-val interp_modexpr_or_modtype : env -> module_ast ->
- module_struct_entry * bool
-val lookup_module : qualid located -> module_path
+ possible functor or functor signature arguments. When the input kind
+ is ModAny (i.e. module or module type), we tries to interprete this ast
+ as a module, and in case of failure, as a module type. The returned
+ kind is never ModAny, and it is equal to the input kind when this one
+ isn't ModAny. *)
+val interp_module_ast :
+ env -> module_kind -> module_ast -> module_struct_entry * module_kind
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index dddc8aad..aeec4b61 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Errors
open Util
open Pp
open Bigint
@@ -14,9 +15,11 @@ open Names
open Term
open Nametab
open Libnames
-open Summary
+open Globnames
+open Constrexpr
+open Notation_term
open Glob_term
-open Topconstr
+open Glob_ops
open Ppextend
@@ -40,24 +43,24 @@ open Ppextend
type level = precedence * tolerability list
type delimiters = string
-type notation_location = (dir_path * dir_path) * string
+type notation_location = (DirPath.t * DirPath.t) * string
type scope = {
- notations: (string, interpretation * notation_location) Gmap.t;
+ notations: (interpretation * notation_location) String.Map.t;
delimiters: delimiters option
-(* Uninterpreted notation map: notation -> level * dir_path *)
-let notation_level_map = ref Gmap.empty
+(* Uninterpreted notation map: notation -> level * DirPath.t *)
+let notation_level_map = ref String.Map.empty
(* Scopes table: scope_name -> symbol_interpretation *)
-let scope_map = ref Gmap.empty
+let scope_map = ref String.Map.empty
(* Delimiter table : delimiter -> scope_name *)
-let delimiters_map = ref Gmap.empty
+let delimiters_map = ref String.Map.empty
let empty_scope = {
- notations = Gmap.empty;
+ notations = String.Map.empty;
delimiters = None
@@ -65,22 +68,33 @@ let default_scope = "" (* empty name, not available from outside *)
let type_scope = "type_scope" (* special scope used for interpreting types *)
let init_scope_map () =
- scope_map := Gmap.add default_scope empty_scope !scope_map;
- scope_map := Gmap.add type_scope empty_scope !scope_map
+ scope_map := String.Map.add default_scope empty_scope !scope_map;
+ scope_map := String.Map.add type_scope empty_scope !scope_map
(* Operations on scopes *)
+let parenRelation_eq t1 t2 = match t1, t2 with
+| L, L | E, E | Any, Any -> true
+| Prec l1, Prec l2 -> Int.equal l1 l2
+| _ -> false
+let level_eq (l1, t1) (l2, t2) =
+ let tolerability_eq (i1, r1) (i2, r2) =
+ Int.equal i1 i2 && parenRelation_eq r1 r2
+ in
+ Int.equal l1 l2 && List.equal tolerability_eq t1 t2
let declare_scope scope =
- try let _ = Gmap.find scope !scope_map in ()
+ try let _ = String.Map.find scope !scope_map in ()
with Not_found ->
(* Flags.if_warn message ("Creating scope "^scope);*)
- scope_map := Gmap.add scope empty_scope !scope_map
+ scope_map := String.Map.add scope empty_scope !scope_map
let error_unknown_scope sc = error ("Scope "^sc^" is not declared.")
let find_scope scope =
- try Gmap.find scope !scope_map
+ try String.Map.find scope !scope_map
with Not_found -> error_unknown_scope scope
let check_scope sc = let _ = find_scope sc in ()
@@ -89,11 +103,11 @@ let check_scope sc = let _ = find_scope sc in ()
(now allowed after Open Scope) *)
let normalize_scope sc =
- try let _ = Gmap.find sc !scope_map in sc
+ try let _ = String.Map.find sc !scope_map in sc
with Not_found ->
- let sc = Gmap.find sc !delimiters_map in
- let _ = Gmap.find sc !scope_map in sc
+ let sc = String.Map.find sc !delimiters_map in
+ let _ = String.Map.find sc !scope_map in sc
with Not_found -> error_unknown_scope sc
@@ -102,12 +116,18 @@ let normalize_scope sc =
type scope_elem = Scope of scope_name | SingleNotation of string
type scopes = scope_elem list
+let scope_eq s1 s2 = match s1, s2 with
+| Scope s1, Scope s2
+| SingleNotation s1, SingleNotation s2 -> String.equal s1 s2
+| Scope _, SingleNotation _
+| SingleNotation _, Scope _ -> false
let scope_stack = ref []
let current_scopes () = !scope_stack
let scope_is_open_in_scopes sc l =
- List.mem (Scope sc) l
+ List.exists (function Scope sc' -> String.equal sc sc' | _ -> false) l
let scope_is_open sc = scope_is_open_in_scopes sc (!scope_stack)
@@ -115,13 +135,14 @@ let scope_is_open sc = scope_is_open_in_scopes sc (!scope_stack)
(* Exportation of scopes *)
let open_scope i (_,(local,op,sc)) =
- if i=1 then
+ if Int.equal i 1 then
let sc = match sc with
| Scope sc -> Scope (normalize_scope sc)
| _ -> sc
scope_stack :=
- if op then sc :: !scope_stack else list_except sc !scope_stack
+ if op then sc :: !scope_stack
+ else List.except scope_eq sc !scope_stack
let cache_scope o =
open_scope 1 o
@@ -165,24 +186,24 @@ let declare_delimiters scope key =
let sc = find_scope scope in
let newsc = { sc with delimiters = Some key } in
begin match sc.delimiters with
- | None -> scope_map := Gmap.add scope newsc !scope_map
- | Some oldkey when oldkey = key -> ()
+ | None -> scope_map := String.Map.add scope newsc !scope_map
+ | Some oldkey when String.equal oldkey key -> ()
| Some oldkey ->
- Flags.if_warn msg_warning
- (str ("Overwriting previous delimiting key "^oldkey^" in scope "^scope));
- scope_map := Gmap.add scope newsc !scope_map
+ msg_warning
+ (strbrk ("Overwriting previous delimiting key "^oldkey^" in scope "^scope));
+ scope_map := String.Map.add scope newsc !scope_map
- let oldscope = Gmap.find key !delimiters_map in
- if oldscope = scope then ()
+ let oldscope = String.Map.find key !delimiters_map in
+ if String.equal oldscope scope then ()
else begin
- Flags.if_warn msg_warning (str ("Hiding binding of key "^key^" to "^oldscope));
- delimiters_map := Gmap.add key scope !delimiters_map
+ msg_warning (strbrk ("Hiding binding of key "^key^" to "^oldscope));
+ delimiters_map := String.Map.add key scope !delimiters_map
- with Not_found -> delimiters_map := Gmap.add key scope !delimiters_map
+ with Not_found -> delimiters_map := String.Map.add key scope !delimiters_map
let find_delimiters_scope loc key =
- try Gmap.find key !delimiters_map
+ try String.Map.find key !delimiters_map
with Not_found ->
(loc, "find_delimiters", str ("Unknown scope delimiting key "^key^"."))
@@ -200,29 +221,50 @@ type key =
| RefKey of global_reference
| Oth
+let key_compare k1 k2 = match k1, k2 with
+| RefKey gr1, RefKey gr2 -> gr1 gr2
+| RefKey _, Oth -> -1
+| Oth, RefKey _ -> 1
+| Oth, Oth -> 0
+module KeyOrd = struct type t = key let compare = key_compare end
+module KeyMap = Map.Make(KeyOrd)
+type notation_rule = interp_rule * interpretation * int option
+let keymap_add key interp map =
+ let old = try KeyMap.find key map with Not_found -> [] in
+ KeyMap.add key (interp :: old) map
+let keymap_find key map =
+ try KeyMap.find key map
+ with Not_found -> []
(* Scopes table : interpretation -> scope_name *)
-let notations_key_table = ref Gmapl.empty
-let prim_token_key_table = Hashtbl.create 7
+let notations_key_table = ref (KeyMap.empty : notation_rule list KeyMap.t)
+let prim_token_key_table = ref KeyMap.empty
let glob_prim_constr_key = function
- | GApp (_,GRef (_,ref),_) | GRef (_,ref) -> RefKey (canonical_gr ref)
+ | GApp (_,GRef (_,ref,_),_) | GRef (_,ref,_) -> RefKey (canonical_gr ref)
| _ -> Oth
let glob_constr_keys = function
- | GApp (_,GRef (_,ref),_) -> [RefKey (canonical_gr ref); Oth]
- | GRef (_,ref) -> [RefKey (canonical_gr ref)]
+ | GApp (_,GRef (_,ref,_),_) -> [RefKey (canonical_gr ref); Oth]
+ | GRef (_,ref,_) -> [RefKey (canonical_gr ref)]
| _ -> [Oth]
let cases_pattern_key = function
| PatCstr (_,ref,_,_) -> RefKey (canonical_gr (ConstructRef ref))
| _ -> Oth
-let aconstr_key = function (* Rem: AApp(ARef ref,[]) stands for @ref *)
- | AApp (ARef ref,args) -> RefKey(canonical_gr ref), Some (List.length args)
- | AList (_,_,AApp (ARef ref,args),_,_)
- | ABinderList (_,_,AApp (ARef ref,args),_) -> RefKey (canonical_gr ref), Some (List.length args)
- | ARef ref -> RefKey(canonical_gr ref), None
- | AApp (_,args) -> Oth, Some (List.length args)
+let notation_constr_key = function (* Rem: NApp(NRef ref,[]) stands for @ref *)
+ | NApp (NRef ref,args) -> RefKey(canonical_gr ref), Some (List.length args)
+ | NList (_,_,NApp (NRef ref,args),_,_)
+ | NBinderList (_,_,NApp (NRef ref,args),_) ->
+ RefKey (canonical_gr ref), Some (List.length args)
+ | NRef ref -> RefKey(canonical_gr ref), None
+ | NApp (_,args) -> Oth, Some (List.length args)
| _ -> Oth, None
@@ -231,7 +273,7 @@ let aconstr_key = function (* Rem: AApp(ARef ref,[]) stands for @ref *)
type required_module = full_path * string list
type 'a prim_token_interpreter =
- loc -> 'a -> glob_constr
+ Loc.t -> 'a -> glob_constr
type cases_pattern_status = bool (* true = use prim token in patterns *)
@@ -239,7 +281,7 @@ type 'a prim_token_uninterpreter =
glob_constr list * (glob_constr -> 'a option) * cases_pattern_status
type internal_prim_token_interpreter =
- loc -> prim_token -> required_module * (unit -> glob_constr)
+ Loc.t -> prim_token -> required_module * (unit -> glob_constr)
let prim_token_interpreter_tab =
(Hashtbl.create 7 : (scope_name, internal_prim_token_interpreter) Hashtbl.t)
@@ -256,8 +298,8 @@ let declare_prim_token_interpreter sc interp (patl,uninterp,b) =
declare_scope sc;
add_prim_token_interpreter sc interp;
List.iter (fun pat ->
- Hashtbl.add prim_token_key_table
- (glob_prim_constr_key pat) (sc,uninterp,b))
+ prim_token_key_table := KeyMap.add
+ (glob_prim_constr_key pat) (sc,uninterp,b) !prim_token_key_table)
let mkNumeral n = Numeral n
@@ -280,7 +322,7 @@ let check_required_module loc sc (sp,d) =
with Not_found ->
user_err_loc (loc,"prim_token_interpreter",
str ("Cannot interpret in "^sc^" without requiring first module "
- ^(list_last d)^"."))
+ ^(List.last d)^"."))
(* Look if some notation or numeral printer in [scope] can be used in
the scope stack [scopes], and if yes, using delimiters or not *)
@@ -288,27 +330,31 @@ let check_required_module loc sc (sp,d) =
let find_with_delimiters = function
| None -> None
| Some scope ->
- match (Gmap.find scope !scope_map).delimiters with
+ match (String.Map.find scope !scope_map).delimiters with
| Some key -> Some (Some scope, Some key)
| None -> None
let rec find_without_delimiters find (ntn_scope,ntn) = function
| Scope scope :: scopes ->
(* Is the expected ntn/numpr attached to the most recently open scope? *)
- if Some scope = ntn_scope then
+ begin match ntn_scope with
+ | Some scope' when String.equal scope scope' ->
Some (None,None)
- else
+ | _ ->
(* If the most recently open scope has a notation/numeral printer
but not the expected one then we need delimiters *)
if find scope then
find_with_delimiters ntn_scope
find_without_delimiters find (ntn_scope,ntn) scopes
+ end
| SingleNotation ntn' :: scopes ->
- if ntn_scope = None & ntn = Some ntn' then
- Some (None,None)
- else
+ begin match ntn_scope, ntn with
+ | None, Some ntn when String.equal ntn ntn' ->
+ Some (None, None)
+ | _ ->
find_without_delimiters find (ntn_scope,ntn) scopes
+ end
| [] ->
(* Can we switch to [scope]? Yes if it has defined delimiters *)
find_with_delimiters ntn_scope
@@ -316,35 +362,43 @@ let rec find_without_delimiters find (ntn_scope,ntn) = function
(* Uninterpreted notation levels *)
let declare_notation_level ntn level =
- if Gmap.mem ntn !notation_level_map then
- anomaly ("Notation "^ntn^" is already assigned a level");
- notation_level_map := Gmap.add ntn level !notation_level_map
+ if String.Map.mem ntn !notation_level_map then
+ anomaly (str "Notation " ++ str ntn ++ str " is already assigned a level");
+ notation_level_map := String.Map.add ntn level !notation_level_map
let level_of_notation ntn =
- Gmap.find ntn !notation_level_map
+ String.Map.find ntn !notation_level_map
(* The mapping between notations and their interpretation *)
let declare_notation_interpretation ntn scopt pat df =
let scope = match scopt with Some s -> s | None -> default_scope in
let sc = find_scope scope in
- if Gmap.mem ntn sc.notations then
- Flags.if_warn msg_warning (str ("Notation "^ntn^" was already used"^
- (if scopt = None then "" else " in scope "^scope)));
- let sc = { sc with notations = Gmap.add ntn (pat,df) sc.notations } in
- scope_map := Gmap.add scope sc !scope_map;
- if scopt = None then scope_stack := SingleNotation ntn :: !scope_stack
+ let () =
+ if String.Map.mem ntn sc.notations then
+ let which_scope = match scopt with
+ | None -> ""
+ | Some _ -> " in scope " ^ scope in
+ let message = "Notation " ^ ntn ^ " was already used" ^ which_scope in
+ msg_warning (strbrk message)
+ in
+ let sc = { sc with notations = String.Map.add ntn (pat,df) sc.notations } in
+ let () = scope_map := String.Map.add scope sc !scope_map in
+ begin match scopt with
+ | None -> scope_stack := SingleNotation ntn :: !scope_stack
+ | Some _ -> ()
+ end
let declare_uninterpretation rule (metas,c as pat) =
- let (key,n) = aconstr_key c in
- notations_key_table := Gmapl.add key (rule,pat,n) !notations_key_table
+ let (key,n) = notation_constr_key c in
+ notations_key_table := keymap_add key (rule,pat,n) !notations_key_table
let rec find_interpretation ntn find = function
| [] -> raise Not_found
| Scope scope :: scopes ->
(try let (pat,df) = find scope in pat,(df,Some scope)
with Not_found -> find_interpretation ntn find scopes)
- | SingleNotation ntn'::scopes when ntn' = ntn ->
+ | SingleNotation ntn'::scopes when String.equal ntn' ntn ->
(try let (pat,df) = find default_scope in pat,(df,None)
with Not_found ->
(* e.g. because single notation only for constr, not cases_pattern *)
@@ -353,7 +407,7 @@ let rec find_interpretation ntn find = function
find_interpretation ntn find scopes
let find_notation ntn sc =
- Gmap.find ntn (find_scope sc).notations
+ String.Map.find ntn (find_scope sc).notations
let notation_of_prim_token = function
| Numeral n when is_pos_or_zero n -> to_string n
@@ -364,12 +418,12 @@ let find_prim_token g loc p sc =
(* Try for a user-defined numerical notation *)
let (_,c),df = find_notation (notation_of_prim_token p) sc in
- g (glob_constr_of_aconstr loc c),df
+ g (Notation_ops.glob_constr_of_notation_constr loc c),df
with Not_found ->
(* Try for a primitive numerical notation *)
let (spdir,interp) = Hashtbl.find prim_token_interpreter_tab sc loc p in
check_required_module loc sc spdir;
- g (interp ()), ((dirpath (fst spdir),empty_dirpath),"")
+ g (interp ()), ((dirpath (fst spdir),DirPath.empty),"")
let interp_prim_token_gen g loc p local_scopes =
let scopes = make_current_scopes local_scopes in
@@ -384,90 +438,129 @@ let interp_prim_token_gen g loc p local_scopes =
let interp_prim_token =
interp_prim_token_gen (fun x -> x)
-let interp_prim_token_cases_pattern loc p name =
- interp_prim_token_gen (cases_pattern_of_glob_constr name) loc p
+(** [rcp_of_glob] : from [glob_constr] to [raw_cases_pattern_expr] *)
-let rec interp_notation loc ntn local_scopes =
+let rec rcp_of_glob looked_for = function
+ | GVar (loc,id) -> RCPatAtom (loc,Some id)
+ | GHole (loc,_,_,_) -> RCPatAtom (loc,None)
+ | GRef (loc,g,_) -> looked_for g; RCPatCstr (loc, g,[],[])
+ | GApp (loc,GRef (_,g,_),l) ->
+ looked_for g; RCPatCstr (loc, g, (rcp_of_glob looked_for) l,[])
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc looked_for p =
+ interp_prim_token_gen (rcp_of_glob looked_for) loc p
+let interp_notation loc ntn local_scopes =
let scopes = make_current_scopes local_scopes in
try find_interpretation ntn (find_notation ntn) scopes
with Not_found ->
(loc,"",str ("Unknown interpretation for notation \""^ntn^"\"."))
-let isGApp = function GApp _ -> true | _ -> false
let uninterp_notations c =
- list_map_append (fun key -> Gmapl.find key !notations_key_table)
+ List.map_append (fun key -> keymap_find key !notations_key_table)
(glob_constr_keys c)
let uninterp_cases_pattern_notations c =
- Gmapl.find (cases_pattern_key c) !notations_key_table
+ keymap_find (cases_pattern_key c) !notations_key_table
+let uninterp_ind_pattern_notations ind =
+ keymap_find (RefKey (canonical_gr (IndRef ind))) !notations_key_table
let availability_of_notation (ntn_scope,ntn) scopes =
let f scope =
- Gmap.mem ntn (Gmap.find scope !scope_map).notations in
+ String.Map.mem ntn (String.Map.find scope !scope_map).notations in
find_without_delimiters f (ntn_scope,Some ntn) (make_current_scopes scopes)
let uninterp_prim_token c =
let (sc,numpr,_) =
- Hashtbl.find prim_token_key_table (glob_prim_constr_key c) in
+ KeyMap.find (glob_prim_constr_key c) !prim_token_key_table in
match numpr c with
- | None -> raise No_match
+ | None -> raise Notation_ops.No_match
+ | Some n -> (sc,n)
+ with Not_found -> raise Notation_ops.No_match
+let uninterp_prim_token_ind_pattern ind args =
+ let ref = IndRef ind in
+ try
+ let k = RefKey (canonical_gr ref) in
+ let (sc,numpr,b) = KeyMap.find k !prim_token_key_table in
+ if not b then raise Notation_ops.No_match;
+ let args' =
+ (fun x -> snd (glob_constr_of_closed_cases_pattern x)) args in
+ let ref = GRef (Loc.ghost,ref,None) in
+ match numpr (GApp (Loc.ghost,ref,args')) with
+ | None -> raise Notation_ops.No_match
| Some n -> (sc,n)
- with Not_found -> raise No_match
+ with Not_found -> raise Notation_ops.No_match
let uninterp_prim_token_cases_pattern c =
let k = cases_pattern_key c in
- let (sc,numpr,b) = Hashtbl.find prim_token_key_table k in
- if not b then raise No_match;
+ let (sc,numpr,b) = KeyMap.find k !prim_token_key_table in
+ if not b then raise Notation_ops.No_match;
let na,c = glob_constr_of_closed_cases_pattern c in
match numpr c with
- | None -> raise No_match
+ | None -> raise Notation_ops.No_match
| Some n -> (na,sc,n)
- with Not_found -> raise No_match
+ with Not_found -> raise Notation_ops.No_match
let availability_of_prim_token n printer_scope local_scopes =
let f scope =
- try ignore (Hashtbl.find prim_token_interpreter_tab scope dummy_loc n); true
+ try ignore (Hashtbl.find prim_token_interpreter_tab scope Loc.ghost n); true
with Not_found -> false in
let scopes = make_current_scopes local_scopes in snd (find_without_delimiters f (Some printer_scope,None) scopes)
(* Miscellaneous *)
-let exists_notation_in_scope scopt ntn r =
- let scope = match scopt with Some s -> s | None -> default_scope in
- try
- let sc = Gmap.find scope !scope_map in
- let (r',_) = Gmap.find ntn sc.notations in
- r' = r
- with Not_found -> false
-let isAVar_or_AHole = function AVar _ | AHole _ -> true | _ -> false
+let isNVar_or_NHole = function NVar _ | NHole _ -> true | _ -> false
(* Mapping classes to scopes *)
-open Classops
+type scope_class = ScopeRef of global_reference | ScopeSort
-let class_scope_map = ref (Gmap.empty : (cl_typ,scope_name) Gmap.t)
+let scope_class_compare sc1 sc2 = match sc1, sc2 with
+| ScopeRef gr1, ScopeRef gr2 -> gr1 gr2
+| ScopeRef _, ScopeSort -> -1
+| ScopeSort, ScopeRef _ -> 1
+| ScopeSort, ScopeSort -> 0
-let _ =
- class_scope_map := Gmap.add CL_SORT "type_scope" Gmap.empty
+let scope_class_of_reference x = ScopeRef x
-let declare_class_scope sc cl =
- class_scope_map := Gmap.add cl sc !class_scope_map
+let compute_scope_class t =
+ let t', _ = decompose_appvect (Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta Evd.empty t) in
+ match kind_of_term t' with
+ | Var _ | Const _ | Ind _ -> ScopeRef (global_of_constr t')
+ | Proj (p, c) -> ScopeRef (ConstRef (Projection.constant p))
+ | Sort _ -> ScopeSort
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
-let find_class_scope cl =
- Gmap.find cl !class_scope_map
+module ScopeClassOrd =
+ type t = scope_class
+ let compare = scope_class_compare
-let find_class_scope_opt = function
- | None -> None
- | Some cl -> try Some (find_class_scope cl) with Not_found -> None
+module ScopeClassMap = Map.Make(ScopeClassOrd)
-let find_class t = fst (find_class_type Evd.empty t)
+let initial_scope_class_map : scope_name ScopeClassMap.t =
+ ScopeClassMap.add ScopeSort "type_scope" ScopeClassMap.empty
+let scope_class_map = ref initial_scope_class_map
+let declare_scope_class sc cl =
+ scope_class_map := ScopeClassMap.add cl sc !scope_class_map
+let find_scope_class cl =
+ ScopeClassMap.find cl !scope_class_map
+let find_scope_class_opt = function
+ | None -> None
+ | Some cl -> try Some (find_scope_class cl) with Not_found -> None
(* Special scopes associated to arguments of a global reference *)
@@ -475,26 +568,37 @@ let find_class t = fst (find_class_type Evd.empty t)
let rec compute_arguments_classes t =
match kind_of_term (Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta Evd.empty t) with
| Prod (_,t,u) ->
- let cl = try Some (find_class t) with Not_found -> None in
+ let cl = try Some (compute_scope_class t) with Not_found -> None in
cl :: compute_arguments_classes u
| _ -> []
let compute_arguments_scope_full t =
let cls = compute_arguments_classes t in
- let scs = find_class_scope_opt cls in
+ let scs = find_scope_class_opt cls in
scs, cls
let compute_arguments_scope t = fst (compute_arguments_scope_full t)
-(** When merging scope list, we give priority to the first one (computed
- by substitution), using the second one (user given or earlier automatic)
- as fallback *)
+let compute_type_scope t =
+ find_scope_class_opt (try Some (compute_scope_class t) with Not_found -> None)
+let compute_scope_of_global ref =
+ find_scope_class_opt (Some (ScopeRef ref))
+(** Updating a scope list, thanks to a list of argument classes
+ and the current Bind Scope base. When some current scope
+ have been manually given, the corresponding argument class
+ is emptied below, so this manual scope will be preserved. *)
-let rec merge_scope sc1 sc2 = match sc1, sc2 with
- | [], _ -> sc2
- | _, [] -> sc1
- | Some sc :: sc1, _ :: sc2 -> Some sc :: merge_scope sc1 sc2
- | None :: sc1, sco :: sc2 -> sco :: merge_scope sc1 sc2
+let update_scope cl sco =
+ match find_scope_class_opt cl with
+ | None -> sco
+ | sco' -> sco'
+let rec update_scopes cls scl = match cls, scl with
+ | [], _ -> scl
+ | _, [] -> find_scope_class_opt cls
+ | cl :: cls, sco :: scl -> update_scope cl sco :: update_scopes cls scl
let arguments_scope = ref Refmap.empty
@@ -505,43 +609,56 @@ type arguments_scope_discharge_request =
let load_arguments_scope _ (_,(_,r,scl,cls)) =
List.iter (Option.iter check_scope) scl;
- arguments_scope := Refmap.add r (scl,cls) !arguments_scope
+ let initial_stamp = ScopeClassMap.empty in
+ arguments_scope := Refmap.add r (scl,cls,initial_stamp) !arguments_scope
let cache_arguments_scope o =
load_arguments_scope 1 o
+let subst_scope_class subst cs = match cs with
+ | ScopeSort -> Some cs
+ | ScopeRef t ->
+ let (t',c) = subst_global subst t in
+ if t == t' then Some cs
+ else try Some (compute_scope_class c) with Not_found -> None
let subst_arguments_scope (subst,(req,r,scl,cls)) =
let r' = fst (subst_global subst r) in
- let subst_cl cl =
- try Option.smartmap (subst_cl_typ subst) cl with Not_found -> None in
- let cls' = list_smartmap subst_cl cls in
- let scl' = merge_scope ( find_class_scope_opt cls') scl in
- let scl'' = ( Declaremods.subst_scope) scl' in
- (ArgsScopeNoDischarge,r',scl'',cls')
+ let subst_cl ocl = match ocl with
+ | None -> ocl
+ | Some cl ->
+ match subst_scope_class subst cl with
+ | Some cl' as ocl' when cl' != cl -> ocl'
+ | _ -> ocl in
+ let cls' = List.smartmap subst_cl cls in
+ (ArgsScopeNoDischarge,r',scl,cls')
let discharge_arguments_scope (_,(req,r,l,_)) =
- if req = ArgsScopeNoDischarge or (isVarRef r & Lib.is_in_section r) then None
+ if req == ArgsScopeNoDischarge || (isVarRef r && Lib.is_in_section r) then None
else Some (req,Lib.discharge_global r,l,[])
let classify_arguments_scope (req,_,_,_ as obj) =
- if req = ArgsScopeNoDischarge then Dispose else Substitute obj
+ if req == ArgsScopeNoDischarge then Dispose else Substitute obj
let rebuild_arguments_scope (req,r,l,_) =
match req with
| ArgsScopeNoDischarge -> assert false
| ArgsScopeAuto ->
- let scs,cls = compute_arguments_scope_full (Global.type_of_global r) in
+ let scs,cls = compute_arguments_scope_full (fst(Universes.type_of_global r)(*FIXME?*)) in
| ArgsScopeManual ->
(* Add to the manually given scopes the one found automatically
- for the extra parameters of the section *)
- let l',cls = compute_arguments_scope_full (Global.type_of_global r) in
- let l1,_ = list_chop (List.length l' - List.length l) l' in
- (req,r,l1@l,cls)
+ for the extra parameters of the section. Discard the classes
+ of the manually given scopes to avoid further re-computations. *)
+ let l',cls = compute_arguments_scope_full (Global.type_of_global_unsafe r) in
+ let nparams = List.length l' - List.length l in
+ let l1 = List.firstn nparams l' in
+ let cls1 = List.firstn nparams cls in
+ (req,r,l1@l,cls1)
type arguments_scope_obj =
arguments_scope_discharge_request * global_reference *
- scope_name option list * Classops.cl_typ option list
+ scope_name option list * scope_class option list
let inArgumentsScope : arguments_scope_obj -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "ARGUMENTS-SCOPE") with
@@ -557,17 +674,27 @@ let is_local local ref = local || isVarRef ref && Lib.is_in_section ref
let declare_arguments_scope_gen req r (scl,cls) =
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inArgumentsScope (req,r,scl,cls))
-let declare_arguments_scope local ref scl =
- let req =
- if is_local local ref then ArgsScopeNoDischarge else ArgsScopeManual in
- declare_arguments_scope_gen req ref (scl,[])
+let declare_arguments_scope local r scl =
+ let req = if is_local local r then ArgsScopeNoDischarge else ArgsScopeManual
+ in
+ (* We empty the list of argument classes to disable futher scope
+ re-computations and keep these manually given scopes. *)
+ declare_arguments_scope_gen req r (scl,[])
let find_arguments_scope r =
- try fst (Refmap.find r !arguments_scope)
+ try
+ let (scl,cls,stamp) = Refmap.find r !arguments_scope in
+ let cur_stamp = !scope_class_map in
+ if stamp == cur_stamp then scl
+ else
+ (* Recent changes in the Bind Scope base, we re-compute the scopes *)
+ let scl' = update_scopes cls scl in
+ arguments_scope := Refmap.add r (scl',cls,cur_stamp) !arguments_scope;
+ scl'
with Not_found -> []
let declare_ref_arguments_scope ref =
- let t = Global.type_of_global ref in
+ let t = Global.type_of_global_unsafe ref in
declare_arguments_scope_gen ArgsScopeAuto ref (compute_arguments_scope_full t)
@@ -576,10 +703,18 @@ let declare_ref_arguments_scope ref =
type symbol =
| Terminal of string
- | NonTerminal of identifier
- | SProdList of identifier * symbol list
+ | NonTerminal of Id.t
+ | SProdList of Id.t * symbol list
| Break of int
+let rec symbol_eq s1 s2 = match s1, s2 with
+| Terminal s1, Terminal s2 -> String.equal s1 s2
+| NonTerminal id1, NonTerminal id2 -> Id.equal id1 id2
+| SProdList (id1, l1), SProdList (id2, l2) ->
+ Id.equal id1 id2 && List.equal symbol_eq l1 l2
+| Break i1, Break i2 -> Int.equal i1 i2
+| _ -> false
let rec string_of_symbol = function
| NonTerminal _ -> ["_"]
| Terminal "_" -> ["'_'"]
@@ -602,8 +737,8 @@ let decompose_notation_key s =
let tok =
match String.sub s n (pos-n) with
- | "_" -> NonTerminal (id_of_string "_")
- | s -> Terminal (drop_simple_quotes s) in
+ | "_" -> NonTerminal (Id.of_string "_")
+ | s -> Terminal (String.drop_simple_quotes s) in
decomp_ntn (tok::dirs) (pos+1)
decomp_ntn [] 0
@@ -616,29 +751,35 @@ let pr_delimiters_info = function
| Some key -> str "Delimiting key is " ++ str key
let classes_of_scope sc =
- Gmap.fold (fun cl sc' l -> if sc = sc' then cl::l else l) !class_scope_map []
+ ScopeClassMap.fold (fun cl sc' l -> if String.equal sc sc' then cl::l else l) !scope_class_map []
+let pr_scope_class = function
+ | ScopeSort -> str "Sort"
+ | ScopeRef t -> pr_global_env Id.Set.empty t
let pr_scope_classes sc =
let l = classes_of_scope sc in
- if l = [] then mt()
- else
- hov 0 (str ("Bound to class"^(if l=[] then "" else "es")) ++
- spc() ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_class l) ++ fnl()
+ match l with
+ | [] -> mt ()
+ | _ :: l ->
+ let opt_s = match l with [] -> "" | _ -> "es" in
+ hov 0 (str ("Bound to class" ^ opt_s) ++
+ spc() ++ prlist_with_sep spc pr_scope_class l) ++ fnl()
let pr_notation_info prglob ntn c =
str "\"" ++ str ntn ++ str "\" := " ++
- prglob (glob_constr_of_aconstr dummy_loc c)
+ prglob (Notation_ops.glob_constr_of_notation_constr Loc.ghost c)
let pr_named_scope prglob scope sc =
- (if scope = default_scope then
- match Gmap.fold (fun _ _ x -> x+1) sc.notations 0 with
+ (if String.equal scope default_scope then
+ match String.Map.cardinal sc.notations with
| 0 -> str "No lonely notation"
- | n -> str "Lonely notation" ++ (if n=1 then mt() else str"s")
+ | n -> str "Lonely notation" ++ (if Int.equal n 1 then mt() else str"s")
str "Scope " ++ str scope ++ fnl () ++ pr_delimiters_info sc.delimiters)
++ fnl ()
++ pr_scope_classes scope
- ++ Gmap.fold
+ ++ String.Map.fold
(fun ntn ((_,r),(_,df)) strm ->
pr_notation_info prglob df r ++ fnl () ++ strm)
sc.notations (mt ())
@@ -646,16 +787,19 @@ let pr_named_scope prglob scope sc =
let pr_scope prglob scope = pr_named_scope prglob scope (find_scope scope)
let pr_scopes prglob =
- Gmap.fold
+ String.Map.fold
(fun scope sc strm -> pr_named_scope prglob scope sc ++ fnl () ++ strm)
!scope_map (mt ())
let rec find_default ntn = function
- | Scope scope::_ when Gmap.mem ntn (find_scope scope).notations ->
- Some scope
- | SingleNotation ntn'::_ when ntn = ntn' -> Some default_scope
- | _::scopes -> find_default ntn scopes
| [] -> None
+ | Scope scope :: scopes ->
+ if String.Map.mem ntn (find_scope scope).notations then
+ Some scope
+ else find_default ntn scopes
+ | SingleNotation ntn' :: scopes ->
+ if String.equal ntn ntn' then Some default_scope
+ else find_default ntn scopes
let factorize_entries = function
| [] -> []
@@ -663,29 +807,32 @@ let factorize_entries = function
let (ntn,l_of_ntn,rest) =
(fun (a',l,rest) (a,c) ->
- if a = a' then (a',c::l,rest) else (a,[c],(a',l)::rest))
+ if String.equal a a' then (a',c::l,rest) else (a,[c],(a',l)::rest))
(ntn,[c],[]) l in
let browse_notation strict ntn map =
- let find =
- if String.contains ntn ' ' then (=) ntn
- else fun ntn' ->
+ let find ntn' =
+ if String.contains ntn ' ' then String.equal ntn ntn'
+ else
let toks = decompose_notation_key ntn' in
- let trms = List.filter (function Terminal _ -> true | _ -> false) toks in
- if strict then [Terminal ntn] = trms else List.mem (Terminal ntn) trms in
+ let get_terminals = function Terminal ntn -> Some ntn | _ -> None in
+ let trms = List.map_filter get_terminals toks in
+ if strict then String.List.equal [ntn] trms
+ else String.List.mem ntn trms
+ in
let l =
- Gmap.fold
+ String.Map.fold
(fun scope_name sc ->
- Gmap.fold (fun ntn ((_,r),df) l ->
+ String.Map.fold (fun ntn ((_,r),df) l ->
if find ntn then (ntn,(scope_name,r,df))::l else l) sc.notations)
map [] in
- List.sort (fun x y -> (fst x) (fst y)) l
+ List.sort (fun x y -> (fst x) (fst y)) l
let global_reference_of_notation test (ntn,(sc,c,_)) =
match c with
- | ARef ref when test ref -> Some (ntn,sc,ref)
- | AApp (ARef ref, l) when List.for_all isAVar_or_AHole l & test ref ->
+ | NRef ref when test ref -> Some (ntn,sc,ref)
+ | NApp (NRef ref, l) when List.for_all isNVar_or_NHole l && test ref ->
Some (ntn,sc,ref)
| _ -> None
@@ -700,7 +847,8 @@ let error_notation_not_reference loc ntn =
let interp_notation_as_global_reference loc test ntn sc =
let scopes = match sc with
| Some sc ->
- Gmap.add sc (find_scope (find_delimiters_scope dummy_loc sc)) Gmap.empty
+ let scope = find_scope (find_delimiters_scope Loc.ghost sc) in
+ String.Map.add sc scope String.Map.empty
| None -> !scope_map in
let ntns = browse_notation true ntn scopes in
let refs = (global_reference_of_notation test) ntns in
@@ -708,7 +856,12 @@ let interp_notation_as_global_reference loc test ntn sc =
| [_,_,ref] -> ref
| [] -> error_notation_not_reference loc ntn
| refs ->
- let f (ntn,sc,ref) = find_default ntn !scope_stack = Some sc in
+ let f (ntn,sc,ref) =
+ let def = find_default ntn !scope_stack in
+ match def with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some sc' -> String.equal sc sc'
+ in
match List.filter f refs with
| [_,_,ref] -> ref
| [] -> error_notation_not_reference loc ntn
@@ -717,9 +870,9 @@ let interp_notation_as_global_reference loc test ntn sc =
let locate_notation prglob ntn scope =
let ntns = factorize_entries (browse_notation false ntn !scope_map) in
let scopes = Option.fold_right push_scope scope !scope_stack in
- if ntns = [] then
- str "Unknown notation"
- else
+ match ntns with
+ | [] -> str "Unknown notation"
+ | _ ->
t (str "Notation " ++
tab () ++ str "Scope " ++ tab () ++ fnl () ++
prlist (fun (ntn,l) ->
@@ -728,35 +881,35 @@ let locate_notation prglob ntn scope =
(fun (sc,r,(_,df)) ->
hov 0 (
pr_notation_info prglob df r ++ tbrk (1,2) ++
- (if sc = default_scope then mt () else (str ": " ++ str sc)) ++
+ (if String.equal sc default_scope then mt () else (str ": " ++ str sc)) ++
tbrk (1,2) ++
- (if Some sc = scope then str "(default interpretation)" else mt ())
+ (if Option.equal String.equal (Some sc) scope then str "(default interpretation)" else mt ())
++ fnl ()))
l) ntns)
let collect_notation_in_scope scope sc known =
- assert (scope <> default_scope);
- Gmap.fold
+ assert (not (String.equal scope default_scope));
+ String.Map.fold
(fun ntn ((_,r),(_,df)) (l,known as acc) ->
- if List.mem ntn known then acc else ((df,r)::l,ntn::known))
+ if String.List.mem ntn known then acc else ((df,r)::l,ntn::known))
sc.notations ([],known)
let collect_notations stack =
fst (List.fold_left
(fun (all,knownntn as acc) -> function
| Scope scope ->
- if List.mem_assoc scope all then acc
+ if String.List.mem_assoc scope all then acc
let (l,knownntn) =
collect_notation_in_scope scope (find_scope scope) knownntn in
| SingleNotation ntn ->
- if List.mem ntn knownntn then (all,knownntn)
+ if String.List.mem ntn knownntn then (all,knownntn)
let ((_,r),(_,df)) =
- Gmap.find ntn (find_scope default_scope).notations in
+ String.Map.find ntn (find_scope default_scope).notations in
let all' = match all with
- | (s,lonelyntn)::rest when s = default_scope ->
+ | (s,lonelyntn)::rest when String.equal s default_scope ->
| _ ->
(default_scope,[df,r])::all in
@@ -768,8 +921,8 @@ let pr_visible_in_scope prglob (scope,ntns) =
(fun (df,r) strm -> pr_notation_info prglob df r ++ fnl () ++ strm)
ntns (mt ()) in
- (if scope = default_scope then
- str "Lonely notation" ++ (if List.length ntns <> 1 then str "s" else mt())
+ (if String.equal scope default_scope then
+ str "Lonely notation" ++ (match ntns with [_] -> mt () | _ -> str "s")
str "Visible in scope " ++ str scope)
++ fnl () ++ strm
@@ -787,25 +940,36 @@ let pr_visibility prglob = function
(* Mapping notations to concrete syntax *)
type unparsing_rule = unparsing list * precedence
+type extra_unparsing_rules = (string * string) list
(* Concrete syntax for symbolic-extension table *)
let printing_rules =
- ref (Gmap.empty : (string,unparsing_rule) Gmap.t)
+ ref (String.Map.empty : (unparsing_rule * extra_unparsing_rules) String.Map.t)
-let declare_notation_printing_rule ntn unpl =
- printing_rules := Gmap.add ntn unpl !printing_rules
+let declare_notation_printing_rule ntn ~extra unpl =
+ printing_rules := String.Map.add ntn (unpl,extra) !printing_rules
let find_notation_printing_rule ntn =
- try Gmap.find ntn !printing_rules
- with Not_found -> anomaly ("No printing rule found for "^ntn)
+ try fst (String.Map.find ntn !printing_rules)
+ with Not_found -> anomaly (str "No printing rule found for " ++ str ntn)
+let find_notation_extra_printing_rules ntn =
+ try snd (String.Map.find ntn !printing_rules)
+ with Not_found -> []
+let add_notation_extra_printing_rule ntn k v =
+ try
+ printing_rules :=
+ let p, pp = String.Map.find ntn !printing_rules in
+ String.Map.add ntn (p, (k,v) :: pp) !printing_rules
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc (Loc.ghost,"add_notation_extra_printing_rule",
+ str "No such Notation.")
(* Synchronisation with reset *)
-let freeze () =
+let freeze _ =
(!scope_map, !notation_level_map, !scope_stack, !arguments_scope,
!delimiters_map, !notations_key_table, !printing_rules,
- !class_scope_map)
+ !scope_class_map)
let unfreeze (scm,nlm,scs,asc,dlm,fkm,pprules,clsc) =
scope_map := scm;
@@ -815,27 +979,26 @@ let unfreeze (scm,nlm,scs,asc,dlm,fkm,pprules,clsc) =
arguments_scope := asc;
notations_key_table := fkm;
printing_rules := pprules;
- class_scope_map := clsc
+ scope_class_map := clsc
let init () =
init_scope_map ();
- scope_stack := Gmap.empty
- arguments_scope := Refmap.empty
- notation_level_map := Gmap.empty;
- delimiters_map := Gmap.empty;
- notations_key_table := Gmapl.empty;
- printing_rules := Gmap.empty;
- class_scope_map := Gmap.add CL_SORT "type_scope" Gmap.empty
+ notation_level_map := String.Map.empty;
+ delimiters_map := String.Map.empty;
+ notations_key_table := KeyMap.empty;
+ printing_rules := String.Map.empty;
+ scope_class_map := initial_scope_class_map
let _ =
- declare_summary "symbols"
- { freeze_function = freeze;
- unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
- init_function = init }
+ Summary.declare_summary "symbols"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init }
let with_notation_protection f x =
- let fs = freeze () in
+ let fs = freeze false in
try let a = f x in unfreeze fs; a
- with reraise -> unfreeze fs; raise reraise
+ with reraise ->
+ let reraise = Errors.push reraise in
+ let () = unfreeze fs in
+ iraise reraise
diff --git a/interp/notation.mli b/interp/notation.mli
index bb2d5090..c66115cb 100644
--- a/interp/notation.mli
+++ b/interp/notation.mli
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Util
open Pp
open Bigint
open Names
-open Nametab
open Libnames
+open Globnames
+open Constrexpr
open Glob_term
-open Topconstr
+open Notation_term
open Ppextend
(** Notations *)
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ val declare_scope : scope_name -> unit
val current_scopes : unit -> scopes
+val level_eq : level -> level -> bool
(** Check where a scope is opened or not in a scope list, or in
* the current opened scopes *)
val scope_is_open_in_scopes : scope_name -> scopes -> bool
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@ val find_scope : scope_name -> scope
(** Declare delimiters for printing *)
val declare_delimiters : scope_name -> delimiters -> unit
-val find_delimiters_scope : loc -> delimiters -> scope_name
+val find_delimiters_scope : Loc.t -> delimiters -> scope_name
(** {6 Declare and uses back and forth an interpretation of primitive token } *)
@@ -62,12 +64,12 @@ val find_delimiters_scope : loc -> delimiters -> scope_name
negative numbers are not supported, the interpreter must fail with
an appropriate error message *)
-type notation_location = (dir_path * dir_path) * string
+type notation_location = (DirPath.t * DirPath.t) * string
type required_module = full_path * string list
type cases_pattern_status = bool (** true = use prim token in patterns *)
type 'a prim_token_interpreter =
- loc -> 'a -> glob_constr
+ Loc.t -> 'a -> glob_constr
type 'a prim_token_uninterpreter =
glob_constr list * (glob_constr -> 'a option) * cases_pattern_status
@@ -81,10 +83,10 @@ val declare_string_interpreter : scope_name -> required_module ->
(** Return the [term]/[cases_pattern] bound to a primitive token in a
given scope context*)
-val interp_prim_token : loc -> prim_token -> local_scopes ->
+val interp_prim_token : Loc.t -> prim_token -> local_scopes ->
glob_constr * (notation_location * scope_name option)
-val interp_prim_token_cases_pattern : loc -> prim_token -> name ->
- local_scopes -> cases_pattern * (notation_location * scope_name option)
+val interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr : Loc.t -> (global_reference -> unit) -> prim_token ->
+ local_scopes -> raw_cases_pattern_expr * (notation_location * scope_name option)
(** Return the primitive token associated to a [term]/[cases_pattern];
raise [No_match] if no such token *)
@@ -92,7 +94,9 @@ val interp_prim_token_cases_pattern : loc -> prim_token -> name ->
val uninterp_prim_token :
glob_constr -> scope_name * prim_token
val uninterp_prim_token_cases_pattern :
- cases_pattern -> name * scope_name * prim_token
+ cases_pattern -> Name.t * scope_name * prim_token
+val uninterp_prim_token_ind_pattern :
+ inductive -> cases_pattern list -> scope_name * prim_token
val availability_of_prim_token :
prim_token -> scope_name -> local_scopes -> delimiters option option
@@ -110,14 +114,15 @@ val declare_notation_interpretation : notation -> scope_name option ->
val declare_uninterpretation : interp_rule -> interpretation -> unit
(** Return the interpretation bound to a notation *)
-val interp_notation : loc -> notation -> local_scopes ->
+val interp_notation : Loc.t -> notation -> local_scopes ->
interpretation * (notation_location * scope_name option)
+type notation_rule = interp_rule * interpretation * int option
(** Return the possible notations for a given term *)
-val uninterp_notations : glob_constr ->
- (interp_rule * interpretation * int option) list
-val uninterp_cases_pattern_notations : cases_pattern ->
- (interp_rule * interpretation * int option) list
+val uninterp_notations : glob_constr -> notation_rule list
+val uninterp_cases_pattern_notations : cases_pattern -> notation_rule list
+val uninterp_ind_pattern_notations : inductive -> notation_rule list
(** Test if a notation is available in the scopes
context [scopes]; if available, the result is not None; the first
@@ -132,36 +137,43 @@ val level_of_notation : notation -> level (** raise [Not_found] if no level *)
(** {6 Miscellaneous} *)
-val interp_notation_as_global_reference : loc -> (global_reference -> bool) ->
+val interp_notation_as_global_reference : Loc.t -> (global_reference -> bool) ->
notation -> delimiters option -> global_reference
-(** Checks for already existing notations *)
-val exists_notation_in_scope : scope_name option -> notation ->
- interpretation -> bool
(** Declares and looks for scopes associated to arguments of a global ref *)
val declare_arguments_scope :
bool (** true=local *) -> global_reference -> scope_name option list -> unit
val find_arguments_scope : global_reference -> scope_name option list
-val declare_class_scope : scope_name -> Classops.cl_typ -> unit
+type scope_class
+val scope_class_of_reference : global_reference -> scope_class
+val subst_scope_class :
+ Mod_subst.substitution -> scope_class -> scope_class option
+val declare_scope_class : scope_name -> scope_class -> unit
val declare_ref_arguments_scope : global_reference -> unit
val compute_arguments_scope : Term.types -> scope_name option list
+val compute_type_scope : Term.types -> scope_name option
+val compute_scope_of_global : global_reference -> scope_name option
(** Building notation key *)
type symbol =
| Terminal of string
- | NonTerminal of identifier
- | SProdList of identifier * symbol list
+ | NonTerminal of Id.t
+ | SProdList of Id.t * symbol list
| Break of int
+val symbol_eq : symbol -> symbol -> bool
val make_notation_key : symbol list -> notation
val decompose_notation_key : notation -> symbol list
(** Prints scopes (expects a pure aconstr printer) *)
+val pr_scope_class : scope_class -> std_ppcmds
val pr_scope : (glob_constr -> std_ppcmds) -> scope_name -> std_ppcmds
val pr_scopes : (glob_constr -> std_ppcmds) -> std_ppcmds
val locate_notation : (glob_constr -> std_ppcmds) -> notation ->
@@ -173,8 +185,12 @@ val pr_visibility: (glob_constr -> std_ppcmds) -> scope_name option -> std_ppcmd
(** Declare and look for the printing rule for symbolic notations *)
type unparsing_rule = unparsing list * precedence
-val declare_notation_printing_rule : notation -> unparsing_rule -> unit
+type extra_unparsing_rules = (string * string) list
+val declare_notation_printing_rule :
+ notation -> extra:extra_unparsing_rules -> unparsing_rule -> unit
val find_notation_printing_rule : notation -> unparsing_rule
+val find_notation_extra_printing_rules : notation -> extra_unparsing_rules
+val add_notation_extra_printing_rule : notation -> string -> string -> unit
(** Rem: printing rules for primitive token are canonical *)
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c91c7815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,856 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Pp
+open Errors
+open Util
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Globnames
+open Misctypes
+open Glob_term
+open Glob_ops
+open Mod_subst
+open Notation_term
+open Decl_kinds
+(* Re-interpret a notation as a glob_constr, taking care of binders *)
+let name_to_ident = function
+ | Anonymous -> Errors.error "This expression should be a simple identifier."
+ | Name id -> id
+let to_id g e id = let e,na = g e (Name id) in e,name_to_ident na
+let rec cases_pattern_fold_map loc g e = function
+ | PatVar (_,na) ->
+ let e',na' = g e na in e', PatVar (loc,na')
+ | PatCstr (_,cstr,patl,na) ->
+ let e',na' = g e na in
+ let e',patl' = List.fold_map (cases_pattern_fold_map loc g) e patl in
+ e', PatCstr (loc,cstr,patl',na')
+let rec subst_glob_vars l = function
+ | GVar (_,id) as r -> (try Id.List.assoc id l with Not_found -> r)
+ | GProd (loc,Name id,bk,t,c) ->
+ let id =
+ try match Id.List.assoc id l with GVar(_,id') -> id' | _ -> id
+ with Not_found -> id in
+ GProd (loc,Name id,bk,subst_glob_vars l t,subst_glob_vars l c)
+ | GLambda (loc,Name id,bk,t,c) ->
+ let id =
+ try match Id.List.assoc id l with GVar(_,id') -> id' | _ -> id
+ with Not_found -> id in
+ GLambda (loc,Name id,bk,subst_glob_vars l t,subst_glob_vars l c)
+ | r -> map_glob_constr (subst_glob_vars l) r (* assume: id is not binding *)
+let ldots_var = Id.of_string ".."
+let glob_constr_of_notation_constr_with_binders loc g f e = function
+ | NVar id -> GVar (loc,id)
+ | NApp (a,args) -> GApp (loc,f e a, (f e) args)
+ | NList (x,y,iter,tail,swap) ->
+ let t = f e tail in let it = f e iter in
+ let innerl = (ldots_var,t)::(if swap then [] else [x,GVar(loc,y)]) in
+ let inner = GApp (loc,GVar (loc,ldots_var),[subst_glob_vars innerl it]) in
+ let outerl = (ldots_var,inner)::(if swap then [x,GVar(loc,y)] else []) in
+ subst_glob_vars outerl it
+ | NBinderList (x,y,iter,tail) ->
+ let t = f e tail in let it = f e iter in
+ let innerl = [(ldots_var,t);(x,GVar(loc,y))] in
+ let inner = GApp (loc,GVar (loc,ldots_var),[subst_glob_vars innerl it]) in
+ let outerl = [(ldots_var,inner)] in
+ subst_glob_vars outerl it
+ | NLambda (na,ty,c) ->
+ let e',na = g e na in GLambda (loc,na,Explicit,f e ty,f e' c)
+ | NProd (na,ty,c) ->
+ let e',na = g e na in GProd (loc,na,Explicit,f e ty,f e' c)
+ | NLetIn (na,b,c) ->
+ let e',na = g e na in GLetIn (loc,na,f e b,f e' c)
+ | NCases (sty,rtntypopt,tml,eqnl) ->
+ let e',tml' = List.fold_right (fun (tm,(na,t)) (e',tml') ->
+ let e',t' = match t with
+ | None -> e',None
+ | Some (ind,nal) ->
+ let e',nal' = List.fold_right (fun na (e',nal) ->
+ let e',na' = g e' na in e',na'::nal) nal (e',[]) in
+ e',Some (loc,ind,nal') in
+ let e',na' = g e' na in
+ (e',(f e tm,(na',t'))::tml')) tml (e,[]) in
+ let fold (idl,e) na = let (e,na) = g e na in ((name_cons na idl,e),na) in
+ let eqnl' = (fun (patl,rhs) ->
+ let ((idl,e),patl) =
+ List.fold_map (cases_pattern_fold_map loc fold) ([],e) patl in
+ (loc,idl,patl,f e rhs)) eqnl in
+ GCases (loc,sty, (f e') rtntypopt,tml',eqnl')
+ | NLetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ let e',nal = List.fold_map g e nal in
+ let e'',na = g e na in
+ GLetTuple (loc,nal,(na, (f e'') po),f e b,f e' c)
+ | NIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ let e',na = g e na in
+ GIf (loc,f e c,(na, (f e') po),f e b1,f e b2)
+ | NRec (fk,idl,dll,tl,bl) ->
+ let e,dll = Array.fold_map (List.fold_map (fun e (na,oc,b) ->
+ let e,na = g e na in
+ (e,(na,Explicit, (f e) oc,f e b)))) e dll in
+ let e',idl = Array.fold_map (to_id g) e idl in
+ GRec (loc,fk,idl,dll, (f e) tl, (f e') bl)
+ | NCast (c,k) -> GCast (loc,f e c,Miscops.map_cast_type (f e) k)
+ | NSort x -> GSort (loc,x)
+ | NHole (x, naming, arg) -> GHole (loc, x, naming, arg)
+ | NPatVar n -> GPatVar (loc,(false,n))
+ | NRef x -> GRef (loc,x,None)
+let glob_constr_of_notation_constr loc x =
+ let rec aux () x =
+ glob_constr_of_notation_constr_with_binders loc (fun () id -> ((),id)) aux () x
+ in aux () x
+(* Translating a glob_constr into a notation, interpreting recursive patterns *)
+let add_id r id = r := (id :: pi1 !r, pi2 !r, pi3 !r)
+let add_name r = function Anonymous -> () | Name id -> add_id r id
+let split_at_recursive_part c =
+ let sub = ref None in
+ let rec aux = function
+ | GApp (loc0,GVar(loc,v),c::l) when Id.equal v ldots_var ->
+ begin match !sub with
+ | None ->
+ let () = sub := Some c in
+ begin match l with
+ | [] -> GVar (loc, ldots_var)
+ | _ :: _ -> GApp (loc0, GVar (loc, ldots_var), l)
+ end
+ | Some _ ->
+ (* Not narrowed enough to find only one recursive part *)
+ raise Not_found
+ end
+ | c -> map_glob_constr aux c in
+ let outer_iterator = aux c in
+ match !sub with
+ | None -> (* No recursive pattern found *) raise Not_found
+ | Some c ->
+ match outer_iterator with
+ | GVar (_,v) when Id.equal v ldots_var -> (* Not enough context *) raise Not_found
+ | _ -> outer_iterator, c
+let on_true_do b f c = if b then (f c; b) else b
+let compare_glob_constr f add t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with
+ | GRef (_,r1,_), GRef (_,r2,_) -> eq_gr r1 r2
+ | GVar (_,v1), GVar (_,v2) -> on_true_do (Id.equal v1 v2) add (Name v1)
+ | GApp (_,f1,l1), GApp (_,f2,l2) -> f f1 f2 && List.for_all2eq f l1 l2
+ | GLambda (_,na1,bk1,ty1,c1), GLambda (_,na2,bk2,ty2,c2)
+ when Name.equal na1 na2 && Constrexpr_ops.binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2 ->
+ on_true_do (f ty1 ty2 && f c1 c2) add na1
+ | GProd (_,na1,bk1,ty1,c1), GProd (_,na2,bk2,ty2,c2)
+ when Name.equal na1 na2 && Constrexpr_ops.binding_kind_eq bk1 bk2 ->
+ on_true_do (f ty1 ty2 && f c1 c2) add na1
+ | GHole _, GHole _ -> true
+ | GSort (_,s1), GSort (_,s2) -> Miscops.glob_sort_eq s1 s2
+ | GLetIn (_,na1,b1,c1), GLetIn (_,na2,b2,c2) when Name.equal na1 na2 ->
+ on_true_do (f b1 b2 && f c1 c2) add na1
+ | (GCases _ | GRec _
+ | GPatVar _ | GEvar _ | GLetTuple _ | GIf _ | GCast _),_
+ | _,(GCases _ | GRec _
+ | GPatVar _ | GEvar _ | GLetTuple _ | GIf _ | GCast _)
+ -> error "Unsupported construction in recursive notations."
+ | (GRef _ | GVar _ | GApp _ | GLambda _ | GProd _
+ | GHole _ | GSort _ | GLetIn _), _
+ -> false
+let rec eq_glob_constr t1 t2 = compare_glob_constr eq_glob_constr (fun _ -> ()) t1 t2
+let subtract_loc loc1 loc2 = Loc.make_loc (fst (Loc.unloc loc1),fst (Loc.unloc loc2)-1)
+let check_is_hole id = function GHole _ -> () | t ->
+ user_err_loc (loc_of_glob_constr t,"",
+ strbrk "In recursive notation with binders, " ++ pr_id id ++
+ strbrk " is expected to come without type.")
+let compare_recursive_parts found f (iterator,subc) =
+ let diff = ref None in
+ let terminator = ref None in
+ let rec aux c1 c2 = match c1,c2 with
+ | GVar(_,v), term when Id.equal v ldots_var ->
+ (* We found the pattern *)
+ assert (match !terminator with None -> true | Some _ -> false);
+ terminator := Some term;
+ true
+ | GApp (_,GVar(_,v),l1), GApp (_,term,l2) when Id.equal v ldots_var ->
+ (* We found the pattern, but there are extra arguments *)
+ (* (this allows e.g. alternative (recursive) notation of application) *)
+ assert (match !terminator with None -> true | Some _ -> false);
+ terminator := Some term;
+ List.for_all2eq aux l1 l2
+ | GVar (_,x), GVar (_,y) when not (Id.equal x y) ->
+ (* We found the position where it differs *)
+ let lassoc = match !terminator with None -> false | Some _ -> true in
+ let x,y = if lassoc then y,x else x,y in
+ begin match !diff with
+ | None ->
+ let () = diff := Some (x, y, Some lassoc) in
+ true
+ | Some _ -> false
+ end
+ | GLambda (_,Name x,_,t_x,c), GLambda (_,Name y,_,t_y,term)
+ | GProd (_,Name x,_,t_x,c), GProd (_,Name y,_,t_y,term) ->
+ (* We found a binding position where it differs *)
+ check_is_hole x t_x;
+ check_is_hole y t_y;
+ begin match !diff with
+ | None ->
+ let () = diff := Some (x, y, None) in
+ aux c term
+ | Some _ -> false
+ end
+ | _ ->
+ compare_glob_constr aux (add_name found) c1 c2 in
+ if aux iterator subc then
+ match !diff with
+ | None ->
+ let loc1 = loc_of_glob_constr iterator in
+ let loc2 = loc_of_glob_constr (Option.get !terminator) in
+ (* Here, we would need a loc made of several parts ... *)
+ user_err_loc (subtract_loc loc1 loc2,"",
+ str "Both ends of the recursive pattern are the same.")
+ | Some (x,y,Some lassoc) ->
+ let newfound = (pi1 !found, (x,y) :: pi2 !found, pi3 !found) in
+ let iterator =
+ f (if lassoc then subst_glob_vars [y,GVar(Loc.ghost,x)] iterator
+ else iterator) in
+ (* found have been collected by compare_constr *)
+ found := newfound;
+ NList (x,y,iterator,f (Option.get !terminator),lassoc)
+ | Some (x,y,None) ->
+ let newfound = (pi1 !found, pi2 !found, (x,y) :: pi3 !found) in
+ let iterator = f iterator in
+ (* found have been collected by compare_constr *)
+ found := newfound;
+ NBinderList (x,y,iterator,f (Option.get !terminator))
+ else
+ raise Not_found
+let notation_constr_and_vars_of_glob_constr a =
+ let found = ref ([],[],[]) in
+ let rec aux c =
+ let keepfound = !found in
+ (* n^2 complexity but small and done only once per notation *)
+ try compare_recursive_parts found aux' (split_at_recursive_part c)
+ with Not_found ->
+ found := keepfound;
+ match c with
+ | GApp (_,GVar (loc,f),[c]) when Id.equal f ldots_var ->
+ (* Fall on the second part of the recursive pattern w/o having
+ found the first part *)
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",
+ str "Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.")
+ | c ->
+ aux' c
+ and aux' = function
+ | GVar (_,id) -> add_id found id; NVar id
+ | GApp (_,g,args) -> NApp (aux g, aux args)
+ | GLambda (_,na,bk,ty,c) -> add_name found na; NLambda (na,aux ty,aux c)
+ | GProd (_,na,bk,ty,c) -> add_name found na; NProd (na,aux ty,aux c)
+ | GLetIn (_,na,b,c) -> add_name found na; NLetIn (na,aux b,aux c)
+ | GCases (_,sty,rtntypopt,tml,eqnl) ->
+ let f (_,idl,pat,rhs) = List.iter (add_id found) idl; (pat,aux rhs) in
+ NCases (sty, aux rtntypopt,
+ (fun (tm,(na,x)) ->
+ add_name found na;
+ Option.iter
+ (fun (_,_,nl) -> List.iter (add_name found) nl) x;
+ (aux tm,(na, (fun (_,ind,nal) -> (ind,nal)) x))) tml,
+ f eqnl)
+ | GLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ add_name found na;
+ List.iter (add_name found) nal;
+ NLetTuple (nal,(na, aux po),aux b,aux c)
+ | GIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ add_name found na;
+ NIf (aux c,(na, aux po),aux b1,aux b2)
+ | GRec (_,fk,idl,dll,tl,bl) ->
+ Array.iter (add_id found) idl;
+ let dll = ( (fun (na,bk,oc,b) ->
+ if bk != Explicit then
+ error "Binders marked as implicit not allowed in notations.";
+ add_name found na; (na, aux oc,aux b))) dll in
+ NRec (fk,idl,dll, aux tl, aux bl)
+ | GCast (_,c,k) -> NCast (aux c,Miscops.map_cast_type aux k)
+ | GSort (_,s) -> NSort s
+ | GHole (_,w,naming,arg) -> NHole (w, naming, arg)
+ | GRef (_,r,_) -> NRef r
+ | GPatVar (_,(_,n)) -> NPatVar n
+ | GEvar _ ->
+ error "Existential variables not allowed in notations."
+ in
+ let t = aux a in
+ (* Side effect *)
+ t, !found
+let pair_equal eq1 eq2 (a,b) (a',b') = eq1 a a' && eq2 b b'
+let check_variables nenv (found,foundrec,foundrecbinding) =
+ let recvars = nenv.ninterp_rec_vars in
+ let fold _ y accu = Id.Set.add y accu in
+ let useless_vars = Id.Map.fold fold recvars Id.Set.empty in
+ let filter y _ = not (Id.Set.mem y useless_vars) in
+ let vars = Id.Map.filter filter nenv.ninterp_var_type in
+ let check_recvar x =
+ if Id.List.mem x found then
+ errorlabstrm "" (pr_id x ++
+ strbrk " should only be used in the recursive part of a pattern.") in
+ let check (x, y) = check_recvar x; check_recvar y in
+ let () = List.iter check foundrec in
+ let () = List.iter check foundrecbinding in
+ let check_bound x =
+ if not (Id.List.mem x found) then
+ if Id.List.mem_assoc x foundrec ||
+ Id.List.mem_assoc x foundrecbinding ||
+ Id.List.mem_assoc_sym x foundrec ||
+ Id.List.mem_assoc_sym x foundrecbinding
+ then
+ error
+ (Id.to_string x ^
+ " should not be bound in a recursive pattern of the right-hand side.")
+ else nenv.ninterp_only_parse <- true
+ in
+ let check_pair s x y where =
+ if not (List.mem_f (pair_equal Id.equal Id.equal) (x,y) where) then
+ errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "in the right-hand side, " ++ pr_id x ++
+ str " and " ++ pr_id y ++ strbrk " should appear in " ++ str s ++
+ str " position as part of a recursive pattern.") in
+ let check_type x typ =
+ match typ with
+ | NtnInternTypeConstr ->
+ begin
+ try check_pair "term" x (Id.Map.find x recvars) foundrec
+ with Not_found -> check_bound x
+ end
+ | NtnInternTypeBinder ->
+ begin
+ try check_pair "binding" x (Id.Map.find x recvars) foundrecbinding
+ with Not_found -> check_bound x
+ end
+ | NtnInternTypeIdent -> check_bound x in
+ Id.Map.iter check_type vars
+let notation_constr_of_glob_constr nenv a =
+ let a, found = notation_constr_and_vars_of_glob_constr a in
+ let () = check_variables nenv found in
+ a
+(* Substitution of kernel names, avoiding a list of bound identifiers *)
+let notation_constr_of_constr avoiding t =
+ let t = Detyping.detype false avoiding (Global.env()) Evd.empty t in
+ let nenv = {
+ ninterp_var_type = Id.Map.empty;
+ ninterp_rec_vars = Id.Map.empty;
+ ninterp_only_parse = false;
+ } in
+ notation_constr_of_glob_constr nenv t
+let rec subst_pat subst pat =
+ match pat with
+ | PatVar _ -> pat
+ | PatCstr (loc,((kn,i),j),cpl,n) ->
+ let kn' = subst_mind subst kn
+ and cpl' = List.smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl in
+ if kn' == kn && cpl' == cpl then pat else
+ PatCstr (loc,((kn',i),j),cpl',n)
+let rec subst_notation_constr subst bound raw =
+ match raw with
+ | NRef ref ->
+ let ref',t = subst_global subst ref in
+ if ref' == ref then raw else
+ notation_constr_of_constr bound t
+ | NVar _ -> raw
+ | NApp (r,rl) ->
+ let r' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r
+ and rl' = List.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) rl in
+ if r' == r && rl' == rl then raw else
+ NApp(r',rl')
+ | NList (id1,id2,r1,r2,b) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1
+ and r2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ NList (id1,id2,r1',r2',b)
+ | NLambda (n,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1
+ and r2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ NLambda (n,r1',r2')
+ | NProd (n,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1
+ and r2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ NProd (n,r1',r2')
+ | NBinderList (id1,id2,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1
+ and r2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ NBinderList (id1,id2,r1',r2')
+ | NLetIn (n,r1,r2) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1
+ and r2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r2 in
+ if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
+ NLetIn (n,r1',r2')
+ | NCases (sty,rtntypopt,rl,branches) ->
+ let rtntypopt' = Option.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) rtntypopt
+ and rl' = List.smartmap
+ (fun (a,(n,signopt) as x) ->
+ let a' = subst_notation_constr subst bound a in
+ let signopt' = (fun ((indkn,i),nal as z) ->
+ let indkn' = subst_mind subst indkn in
+ if indkn == indkn' then z else ((indkn',i),nal)) signopt in
+ if a' == a && signopt' == signopt then x else (a',(n,signopt')))
+ rl
+ and branches' = List.smartmap
+ (fun (cpl,r as branch) ->
+ let cpl' = List.smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl
+ and r' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r in
+ if cpl' == cpl && r' == r then branch else
+ (cpl',r'))
+ branches
+ in
+ if rtntypopt' == rtntypopt && rtntypopt == rtntypopt' &&
+ rl' == rl && branches' == branches then raw else
+ NCases (sty,rtntypopt',rl',branches')
+ | NLetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ let po' = Option.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) po
+ and b' = subst_notation_constr subst bound b
+ and c' = subst_notation_constr subst bound c in
+ if po' == po && b' == b && c' == c then raw else
+ NLetTuple (nal,(na,po'),b',c')
+ | NIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ let po' = Option.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) po
+ and b1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound b1
+ and b2' = subst_notation_constr subst bound b2
+ and c' = subst_notation_constr subst bound c in
+ if po' == po && b1' == b1 && b2' == b2 && c' == c then raw else
+ NIf (c',(na,po'),b1',b2')
+ | NRec (fk,idl,dll,tl,bl) ->
+ let dll' =
+ Array.smartmap (List.smartmap (fun (na,oc,b as x) ->
+ let oc' = Option.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) oc in
+ let b' = subst_notation_constr subst bound b in
+ if oc' == oc && b' == b then x else (na,oc',b'))) dll in
+ let tl' = Array.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) tl in
+ let bl' = Array.smartmap (subst_notation_constr subst bound) bl in
+ if dll' == dll && tl' == tl && bl' == bl then raw else
+ NRec (fk,idl,dll',tl',bl')
+ | NPatVar _ | NSort _ -> raw
+ | NHole (knd, naming, solve) ->
+ let nknd = match knd with
+ | Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (ref, i, b) ->
+ let nref, _ = subst_global subst ref in
+ if nref == ref then knd else Evar_kinds.ImplicitArg (nref, i, b)
+ | _ -> knd
+ in
+ let nsolve = Option.smartmap (Genintern.generic_substitute subst) solve in
+ if nsolve == solve && nknd == knd then raw
+ else NHole (nknd, naming, nsolve)
+ | NCast (r1,k) ->
+ let r1' = subst_notation_constr subst bound r1 in
+ let k' = Miscops.smartmap_cast_type (subst_notation_constr subst bound) k in
+ if r1' == r1 && k' == k then raw else NCast(r1',k')
+let subst_interpretation subst (metas,pat) =
+ let bound = fst metas in
+ (metas,subst_notation_constr subst bound pat)
+(* Pattern-matching glob_constr and notation_constr *)
+let abstract_return_type_context pi mklam tml rtno =
+ (fun rtn ->
+ let nal =
+ List.flatten ( (fun (_,(na,t)) ->
+ match t with Some x -> (pi x)@[na] | None -> [na]) tml) in
+ List.fold_right mklam nal rtn)
+ rtno
+let abstract_return_type_context_glob_constr =
+ abstract_return_type_context (fun (_,_,nal) -> nal)
+ (fun na c ->
+ GLambda(Loc.ghost,na,Explicit,GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.InternalHole,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None),c))
+let abstract_return_type_context_notation_constr =
+ abstract_return_type_context snd
+ (fun na c -> NLambda(na,NHole (Evar_kinds.InternalHole, Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None),c))
+exception No_match
+let rec alpha_var id1 id2 = function
+ | (i1,i2)::_ when Id.equal i1 id1 -> Id.equal i2 id2
+ | (i1,i2)::_ when Id.equal i2 id2 -> Id.equal i1 id1
+ | _::idl -> alpha_var id1 id2 idl
+ | [] -> Id.equal id1 id2
+let add_env alp (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders) var v =
+ (* Check that no capture of binding variables occur *)
+ if List.exists (fun (id,_) ->occur_glob_constr id v) alp then raise No_match;
+ (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *)
+ ((var,v)::sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders)
+let bind_env alp (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders as fullsigma) var v =
+ try
+ let v' = Id.List.assoc var sigma in
+ match v, v' with
+ | GHole _, _ -> fullsigma
+ | _, GHole _ ->
+ add_env alp (Id.List.remove_assoc var sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders) var v
+ | _, _ ->
+ if glob_constr_eq v v' then fullsigma
+ else raise No_match
+ with Not_found -> add_env alp fullsigma var v
+let bind_binder (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders) x bl =
+ (sigma,sigmalist,(x,List.rev bl)::sigmabinders)
+let match_fix_kind fk1 fk2 =
+ match (fk1,fk2) with
+ | GCoFix n1, GCoFix n2 -> Int.equal n1 n2
+ | GFix (nl1,n1), GFix (nl2,n2) ->
+ let test (n1, _) (n2, _) = match n1, n2 with
+ | _, None -> true
+ | Some id1, Some id2 -> Int.equal id1 id2
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ Int.equal n1 n2 &&
+ Array.for_all2 test nl1 nl2
+ | _ -> false
+let match_opt f sigma t1 t2 = match (t1,t2) with
+ | None, None -> sigma
+ | Some t1, Some t2 -> f sigma t1 t2
+ | _ -> raise No_match
+let match_names metas (alp,sigma) na1 na2 = match (na1,na2) with
+ | (_,Name id2) when Id.List.mem id2 (fst metas) ->
+ let rhs = match na1 with
+ | Name id1 -> GVar (Loc.ghost,id1)
+ | Anonymous -> GHole (Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.InternalHole,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None) in
+ alp, bind_env alp sigma id2 rhs
+ | (Name id1,Name id2) -> (id1,id2)::alp,sigma
+ | (Anonymous,Anonymous) -> alp,sigma
+ | _ -> raise No_match
+let rec match_cases_pattern_binders metas acc pat1 pat2 =
+ match (pat1,pat2) with
+ | PatVar (_,na1), PatVar (_,na2) -> match_names metas acc na1 na2
+ | PatCstr (_,c1,patl1,na1), PatCstr (_,c2,patl2,na2)
+ when eq_constructor c1 c2 && Int.equal (List.length patl1) (List.length patl2) ->
+ List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern_binders metas)
+ (match_names metas acc na1 na2) patl1 patl2
+ | _ -> raise No_match
+let glue_letin_with_decls = true
+let rec match_iterated_binders islambda decls = function
+ | GLambda (_,na,bk,t,b) when islambda ->
+ match_iterated_binders islambda ((na,bk,None,t)::decls) b
+ | GProd (_,(Name _ as na),bk,t,b) when not islambda ->
+ match_iterated_binders islambda ((na,bk,None,t)::decls) b
+ | GLetIn (loc,na,c,b) when glue_letin_with_decls ->
+ match_iterated_binders islambda
+ ((na,Explicit (*?*), Some c,GHole(loc,Evar_kinds.BinderType na,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None))::decls) b
+ | b -> (decls,b)
+let remove_sigma x (sigmavar,sigmalist,sigmabinders) =
+ (Id.List.remove_assoc x sigmavar,sigmalist,sigmabinders)
+let match_abinderlist_with_app match_fun metas sigma rest x iter termin =
+ let rec aux sigma acc rest =
+ try
+ let sigma = match_fun (ldots_var::fst metas,snd metas) sigma rest iter in
+ let rest = Id.List.assoc ldots_var (pi1 sigma) in
+ let b =
+ match Id.List.assoc x (pi3 sigma) with [b] -> b | _ ->assert false
+ in
+ let sigma = remove_sigma x (remove_sigma ldots_var sigma) in
+ aux sigma (b::acc) rest
+ with No_match when not (List.is_empty acc) ->
+ acc, match_fun metas sigma rest termin in
+ let bl,sigma = aux sigma [] rest in
+ bind_binder sigma x bl
+let match_alist match_fun metas sigma rest x iter termin lassoc =
+ let rec aux sigma acc rest =
+ try
+ let sigma = match_fun (ldots_var::fst metas,snd metas) sigma rest iter in
+ let rest = Id.List.assoc ldots_var (pi1 sigma) in
+ let t = Id.List.assoc x (pi1 sigma) in
+ let sigma = remove_sigma x (remove_sigma ldots_var sigma) in
+ aux sigma (t::acc) rest
+ with No_match when not (List.is_empty acc) ->
+ acc, match_fun metas sigma rest termin in
+ let l,sigma = aux sigma [] rest in
+ (pi1 sigma, (x,if lassoc then l else List.rev l)::pi2 sigma, pi3 sigma)
+let does_not_come_from_already_eta_expanded_var =
+ (* This is hack to avoid looping on a rule with rhs of the form *)
+ (* "?f (fun ?x => ?g)" since otherwise, matching "F H" expands in *)
+ (* "F (fun x => H x)" and "H x" is recursively matched against the same *)
+ (* rule, giving "H (fun x' => x x')" and so on. *)
+ (* Ideally, we would need the type of the expression to know which of *)
+ (* the arguments applied to it can be eta-expanded without looping. *)
+ (* The following test is then an approximation of what can be done *)
+ (* optimally (whether other looping situations can occur remains to be *)
+ (* checked). *)
+ function GVar _ -> false | _ -> true
+let rec match_ inner u alp (tmetas,blmetas as metas) sigma a1 a2 =
+ match (a1,a2) with
+ (* Matching notation variable *)
+ | r1, NVar id2 when Id.List.mem id2 tmetas -> bind_env alp sigma id2 r1
+ (* Matching recursive notations for terms *)
+ | r1, NList (x,_,iter,termin,lassoc) ->
+ match_alist (match_hd u alp) metas sigma r1 x iter termin lassoc
+ (* Matching recursive notations for binders: ad hoc cases supporting let-in *)
+ | GLambda (_,na1,bk,t1,b1), NBinderList (x,_,NLambda (Name id2,_,b2),termin)->
+ let (decls,b) = match_iterated_binders true [(na1,bk,None,t1)] b1 in
+ (* TODO: address the possibility that termin is a Lambda itself *)
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma x decls) b termin
+ | GProd (_,na1,bk,t1,b1), NBinderList (x,_,NProd (Name id2,_,b2),termin)
+ when na1 != Anonymous ->
+ let (decls,b) = match_iterated_binders false [(na1,bk,None,t1)] b1 in
+ (* TODO: address the possibility that termin is a Prod itself *)
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma x decls) b termin
+ (* Matching recursive notations for binders: general case *)
+ | r, NBinderList (x,_,iter,termin) ->
+ match_abinderlist_with_app (match_hd u alp) metas sigma r x iter termin
+ (* Matching individual binders as part of a recursive pattern *)
+ | GLambda (_,na,bk,t,b1), NLambda (Name id,_,b2) when Id.List.mem id blmetas ->
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id [(na,bk,None,t)]) b1 b2
+ | GProd (_,na,bk,t,b1), NProd (Name id,_,b2)
+ when Id.List.mem id blmetas && na != Anonymous ->
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id [(na,bk,None,t)]) b1 b2
+ (* Matching compositionally *)
+ | GVar (_,id1), NVar id2 when alpha_var id1 id2 alp -> sigma
+ | GRef (_,r1,_), NRef r2 when (eq_gr r1 r2) -> sigma
+ | GPatVar (_,(_,n1)), NPatVar n2 when Id.equal n1 n2 -> sigma
+ | GApp (loc,f1,l1), NApp (f2,l2) ->
+ let n1 = List.length l1 and n2 = List.length l2 in
+ let f1,l1,f2,l2 =
+ if n1 < n2 then
+ let l21,l22 = List.chop (n2-n1) l2 in f1,l1, NApp (f2,l21), l22
+ else if n1 > n2 then
+ let l11,l12 = List.chop (n1-n2) l1 in GApp (loc,f1,l11),l12, f2,l2
+ else f1,l1, f2, l2 in
+ let may_use_eta = does_not_come_from_already_eta_expanded_var f1 in
+ List.fold_left2 (match_ may_use_eta u alp metas)
+ (match_in u alp metas sigma f1 f2) l1 l2
+ | GLambda (_,na1,_,t1,b1), NLambda (na2,t2,b2) ->
+ match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 (match_in u alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2
+ | GProd (_,na1,_,t1,b1), NProd (na2,t2,b2) ->
+ match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 (match_in u alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2
+ | GLetIn (_,na1,t1,b1), NLetIn (na2,t2,b2) ->
+ match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 (match_in u alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2
+ | GCases (_,sty1,rtno1,tml1,eqnl1), NCases (sty2,rtno2,tml2,eqnl2)
+ when sty1 == sty2
+ && Int.equal (List.length tml1) (List.length tml2)
+ && Int.equal (List.length eqnl1) (List.length eqnl2) ->
+ let rtno1' = abstract_return_type_context_glob_constr tml1 rtno1 in
+ let rtno2' = abstract_return_type_context_notation_constr tml2 rtno2 in
+ let sigma =
+ try Option.fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma rtno1' rtno2'
+ with Option.Heterogeneous -> raise No_match
+ in
+ let sigma = List.fold_left2
+ (fun s (tm1,_) (tm2,_) ->
+ match_in u alp metas s tm1 tm2) sigma tml1 tml2 in
+ List.fold_left2 (match_equations u alp metas) sigma eqnl1 eqnl2
+ | GLetTuple (_,nal1,(na1,to1),b1,c1), NLetTuple (nal2,(na2,to2),b2,c2)
+ when Int.equal (List.length nal1) (List.length nal2) ->
+ let sigma = match_opt (match_binders u alp metas na1 na2) sigma to1 to2 in
+ let sigma = match_in u alp metas sigma b1 b2 in
+ let (alp,sigma) =
+ List.fold_left2 (match_names metas) (alp,sigma) nal1 nal2 in
+ match_in u alp metas sigma c1 c2
+ | GIf (_,a1,(na1,to1),b1,c1), NIf (a2,(na2,to2),b2,c2) ->
+ let sigma = match_opt (match_binders u alp metas na1 na2) sigma to1 to2 in
+ List.fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma [a1;b1;c1] [a2;b2;c2]
+ | GRec (_,fk1,idl1,dll1,tl1,bl1), NRec (fk2,idl2,dll2,tl2,bl2)
+ when match_fix_kind fk1 fk2 && Int.equal (Array.length idl1) (Array.length idl2) &&
+ Array.for_all2 (fun l1 l2 -> Int.equal (List.length l1) (List.length l2)) dll1 dll2
+ ->
+ let alp,sigma = Array.fold_left2
+ (List.fold_left2 (fun (alp,sigma) (na1,_,oc1,b1) (na2,oc2,b2) ->
+ let sigma =
+ match_in u alp metas
+ (match_opt (match_in u alp metas) sigma oc1 oc2) b1 b2
+ in match_names metas (alp,sigma) na1 na2)) (alp,sigma) dll1 dll2 in
+ let sigma = Array.fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma tl1 tl2 in
+ let alp,sigma = Array.fold_right2 (fun id1 id2 alsig ->
+ match_names metas alsig (Name id1) (Name id2)) idl1 idl2 (alp,sigma) in
+ Array.fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma bl1 bl2
+ | GCast(_,c1,CastConv t1), NCast (c2,CastConv t2)
+ | GCast(_,c1,CastVM t1), NCast (c2,CastVM t2) ->
+ match_in u alp metas (match_in u alp metas sigma c1 c2) t1 t2
+ | GCast(_,c1, CastCoerce), NCast(c2, CastCoerce) ->
+ match_in u alp metas sigma c1 c2
+ | GSort (_,GType _), NSort (GType _) when not u -> sigma
+ | GSort (_,s1), NSort s2 when Miscops.glob_sort_eq s1 s2 -> sigma
+ | GPatVar _, NHole _ -> (*Don't hide Metas, they bind in ltac*) raise No_match
+ | a, NHole _ -> sigma
+ (* On the fly eta-expansion so as to use notations of the form
+ "exists x, P x" for "ex P"; ensure at least one constructor is
+ consumed to avoid looping; expects type not given because don't know
+ otherwise how to ensure it corresponds to a well-typed eta-expansion;
+ we make an exception for types which are metavariables: this is useful e.g.
+ to print "{x:_ & P x}" knowing that notation "{x & P x}" is not defined. *)
+ | b1, NLambda (Name id,(NHole _ | NVar _ as t2),b2) when inner ->
+ let id' = Namegen.next_ident_away id (free_glob_vars b1) in
+ let t1 = GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id'),Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None) in
+ let sigma = match t2 with
+ | NHole _ -> sigma
+ | NVar id2 -> bind_env alp sigma id2 t1
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id [(Name id',Explicit,None,t1)])
+ (mkGApp Loc.ghost b1 (GVar (Loc.ghost,id'))) b2
+ | (GRec _ | GEvar _), _
+ | _,_ -> raise No_match
+and match_in u = match_ true u
+and match_hd u = match_ false u
+and match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 sigma b1 b2 =
+ let (alp,sigma) = match_names metas (alp,sigma) na1 na2 in
+ match_in u alp metas sigma b1 b2
+and match_equations u alp metas sigma (_,_,patl1,rhs1) (patl2,rhs2) =
+ (* patl1 and patl2 have the same length because they respectively
+ correspond to some tml1 and tml2 that have the same length *)
+ let (alp,sigma) =
+ List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern_binders metas)
+ (alp,sigma) patl1 patl2 in
+ match_in u alp metas sigma rhs1 rhs2
+let match_notation_constr u c (metas,pat) =
+ let test (_, (_, x)) = match x with NtnTypeBinderList -> false | _ -> true in
+ let vars = List.partition test metas in
+ let vars = ( fst (fst vars), fst (snd vars)) in
+ let terms,termlists,binders = match_ false u [] vars ([],[],[]) c pat in
+ (* Reorder canonically the substitution *)
+ let find x =
+ try Id.List.assoc x terms
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* Happens for binders bound to Anonymous *)
+ (* Find a better way to propagate Anonymous... *)
+ GVar (Loc.ghost,x) in
+ List.fold_right (fun (x,(scl,typ)) (terms',termlists',binders') ->
+ match typ with
+ | NtnTypeConstr ->
+ ((find x, scl)::terms',termlists',binders')
+ | NtnTypeConstrList ->
+ (terms',(Id.List.assoc x termlists,scl)::termlists',binders')
+ | NtnTypeBinderList ->
+ (terms',termlists',(Id.List.assoc x binders,scl)::binders'))
+ metas ([],[],[])
+(* Matching cases pattern *)
+let add_patterns_for_params ind l =
+ let mib,_ = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ let nparams = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ Util.List.addn nparams (PatVar (Loc.ghost,Anonymous)) l
+let bind_env_cases_pattern (sigma,sigmalist,x as fullsigma) var v =
+ try
+ let vvar = Id.List.assoc var sigma in
+ if cases_pattern_eq v vvar then fullsigma else raise No_match
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *)
+ (var,v)::sigma,sigmalist,x
+let rec match_cases_pattern metas sigma a1 a2 =
+ match (a1,a2) with
+ | r1, NVar id2 when Id.List.mem id2 metas -> (bind_env_cases_pattern sigma id2 r1),(0,[])
+ | PatVar (_,Anonymous), NHole _ -> sigma,(0,[])
+ | PatCstr (loc,(ind,_ as r1),largs,_), NRef (ConstructRef r2) when eq_constructor r1 r2 ->
+ sigma,(0,add_patterns_for_params (fst r1) largs)
+ | PatCstr (loc,(ind,_ as r1),args1,_), NApp (NRef (ConstructRef r2),l2)
+ when eq_constructor r1 r2 ->
+ let l1 = add_patterns_for_params (fst r1) args1 in
+ let le2 = List.length l2 in
+ if Int.equal le2 0 (* Special case of a notation for a @Cstr *) || le2 > List.length l1
+ then
+ raise No_match
+ else
+ let l1',more_args = Util.List.chop le2 l1 in
+ (List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern_no_more_args metas) sigma l1' l2),(le2,more_args)
+ | r1, NList (x,_,iter,termin,lassoc) ->
+ (match_alist (fun (metas,_) -> match_cases_pattern_no_more_args metas)
+ (metas,[]) (pi1 sigma,pi2 sigma,()) r1 x iter termin lassoc),(0,[])
+ | _ -> raise No_match
+and match_cases_pattern_no_more_args metas sigma a1 a2 =
+ match match_cases_pattern metas sigma a1 a2 with
+ |out,(_,[]) -> out
+ |_ -> raise No_match
+let match_ind_pattern metas sigma ind pats a2 =
+ match a2 with
+ | NRef (IndRef r2) when eq_ind ind r2 ->
+ sigma,(0,pats)
+ | NApp (NRef (IndRef r2),l2)
+ when eq_ind ind r2 ->
+ let le2 = List.length l2 in
+ if Int.equal le2 0 (* Special case of a notation for a @Cstr *) || le2 > List.length pats
+ then
+ raise No_match
+ else
+ let l1',more_args = Util.List.chop le2 pats in
+ (List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern_no_more_args metas) sigma l1' l2),(le2,more_args)
+ |_ -> raise No_match
+let reorder_canonically_substitution terms termlists metas =
+ List.fold_right (fun (x,(scl,typ)) (terms',termlists') ->
+ match typ with
+ | NtnTypeConstr -> ((Id.List.assoc x terms, scl)::terms',termlists')
+ | NtnTypeConstrList -> (terms',(Id.List.assoc x termlists,scl)::termlists')
+ | NtnTypeBinderList -> assert false)
+ metas ([],[])
+let match_notation_constr_cases_pattern c (metas,pat) =
+ let vars = fst metas in
+ let (terms,termlists,()),more_args = match_cases_pattern vars ([],[],()) c pat in
+ reorder_canonically_substitution terms termlists metas, more_args
+let match_notation_constr_ind_pattern ind args (metas,pat) =
+ let vars = fst metas in
+ let (terms,termlists,()),more_args = match_ind_pattern vars ([],[],()) ind args pat in
+ reorder_canonically_substitution terms termlists metas, more_args
diff --git a/interp/notation_ops.mli b/interp/notation_ops.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7283ed6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/notation_ops.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Names
+open Notation_term
+open Glob_term
+(** Utilities about [notation_constr] *)
+(** Translate a [glob_constr] into a notation given the list of variables
+ bound by the notation; also interpret recursive patterns *)
+val notation_constr_of_glob_constr : notation_interp_env ->
+ glob_constr -> notation_constr
+(** Name of the special identifier used to encode recursive notations *)
+val ldots_var : Id.t
+(** Equality of [glob_constr] (warning: only partially implemented) *)
+(** FIXME: nothing to do here *)
+val eq_glob_constr : glob_constr -> glob_constr -> bool
+(** Re-interpret a notation as a [glob_constr], taking care of binders *)
+val glob_constr_of_notation_constr_with_binders : Loc.t ->
+ ('a -> Name.t -> 'a * Name.t) ->
+ ('a -> notation_constr -> glob_constr) ->
+ 'a -> notation_constr -> glob_constr
+val glob_constr_of_notation_constr : Loc.t -> notation_constr -> glob_constr
+(** [match_notation_constr] matches a [glob_constr] against a notation
+ interpretation; raise [No_match] if the matching fails *)
+exception No_match
+val match_notation_constr : bool -> glob_constr -> interpretation ->
+ (glob_constr * subscopes) list * (glob_constr list * subscopes) list *
+ (glob_decl list * subscopes) list
+val match_notation_constr_cases_pattern :
+ cases_pattern -> interpretation ->
+ ((cases_pattern * subscopes) list * (cases_pattern list * subscopes) list) *
+ (int * cases_pattern list)
+val match_notation_constr_ind_pattern :
+ inductive -> cases_pattern list -> interpretation ->
+ ((cases_pattern * subscopes) list * (cases_pattern list * subscopes) list) *
+ (int * cases_pattern list)
+(** Substitution of kernel names in interpretation data *)
+val subst_interpretation :
+ Mod_subst.substitution -> interpretation -> interpretation
+val add_patterns_for_params : inductive -> cases_pattern list -> cases_pattern list
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index f244c4da..cb12b98a 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,16 +1,12 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
open Pp
-open Util
-open Names
(*s Pretty-print. *)
diff --git a/interp/ppextend.mli b/interp/ppextend.mli
index f3dcda8c..0385eea2 100644
--- a/interp/ppextend.mli
+++ b/interp/ppextend.mli
@@ -1,13 +1,12 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
open Pp
-open Names
(** {6 Pretty-print. } *)
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index 88d3546f..3100298e 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,57 +8,89 @@
(* Reserved names *)
+open Errors
open Util
open Pp
open Names
open Nameops
-open Summary
open Libobject
open Lib
-open Topconstr
-open Libnames
+open Notation_term
+open Notation_ops
+open Globnames
type key =
| RefKey of global_reference
| Oth
-let reserve_table = ref Idmap.empty
-let reserve_revtable = ref Gmapl.empty
+(** TODO: share code from Notation *)
-let aconstr_key = function (* Rem: AApp(ARef ref,[]) stands for @ref *)
- | AApp (ARef ref,args) -> RefKey(canonical_gr ref), Some (List.length args)
- | AList (_,_,AApp (ARef ref,args),_,_)
- | ABinderList (_,_,AApp (ARef ref,args),_) -> RefKey (canonical_gr ref), Some (List.length args)
- | ARef ref -> RefKey(canonical_gr ref), None
+let key_compare k1 k2 = match k1, k2 with
+| RefKey gr1, RefKey gr2 -> gr1 gr2
+| RefKey _, Oth -> -1
+| Oth, RefKey _ -> 1
+| Oth, Oth -> 0
+module KeyOrd = struct type t = key let compare = key_compare end
+module KeyMap = Map.Make(KeyOrd)
+module ReservedSet :
+ type t
+ val empty : t
+ val add : (Id.t * notation_constr) -> t -> t
+ val find : (Id.t -> notation_constr -> bool) -> t -> Id.t * notation_constr
+end =
+ type t = (Id.t * notation_constr) list
+ let empty = []
+ let rec mem id c = function
+ | [] -> false
+ | (id', c') :: l ->
+ if c == c' && Id.equal id id' then true else mem id c l
+ let add p l =
+ let (id, c) = p in
+ if mem id c l then l else p :: l
+ let rec find f = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | (id, c) as p :: l -> if f id c then p else find f l
+let keymap_add key data map =
+ let old = try KeyMap.find key map with Not_found -> ReservedSet.empty in
+ KeyMap.add key (ReservedSet.add data old) map
+let reserve_table = Summary.ref Id.Map.empty ~name:"reserved-type"
+let reserve_revtable = Summary.ref KeyMap.empty ~name:"reserved-type-rev"
+let notation_constr_key = function (* Rem: NApp(NRef ref,[]) stands for @ref *)
+ | NApp (NRef ref,args) -> RefKey(canonical_gr ref), Some (List.length args)
+ | NList (_,_,NApp (NRef ref,args),_,_)
+ | NBinderList (_,_,NApp (NRef ref,args),_) -> RefKey (canonical_gr ref), Some (List.length args)
+ | NRef ref -> RefKey(canonical_gr ref), None
| _ -> Oth, None
let cache_reserved_type (_,(id,t)) =
- let key = fst (aconstr_key t) in
- reserve_table := Idmap.add id t !reserve_table;
- reserve_revtable := Gmapl.add key (t,id) !reserve_revtable
+ let key = fst (notation_constr_key t) in
+ reserve_table := Id.Map.add id t !reserve_table;
+ reserve_revtable := keymap_add key (id, t) !reserve_revtable
-let in_reserved : identifier * aconstr -> obj =
+let in_reserved : Id.t * notation_constr -> obj =
declare_object {(default_object "RESERVED-TYPE") with
cache_function = cache_reserved_type }
-let freeze_reserved () = (!reserve_table,!reserve_revtable)
-let unfreeze_reserved (r,rr) = reserve_table := r; reserve_revtable := rr
-let init_reserved () =
- reserve_table := Idmap.empty; reserve_revtable := Gmapl.empty
-let _ =
- Summary.declare_summary "reserved-type"
- { Summary.freeze_function = freeze_reserved;
- Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze_reserved;
- Summary.init_function = init_reserved }
let declare_reserved_type_binding (loc,id) t =
- if id <> root_of_id id then
+ if not (Id.equal id (root_of_id id)) then
(pr_id id ++ str
" is not reservable: it must have no trailing digits, quote, or _"));
begin try
- let _ = Idmap.find id !reserve_table in
+ let _ = Id.Map.find id !reserve_table in
(pr_id id++str" is already bound to a type"))
with Not_found -> () end;
@@ -67,7 +99,7 @@ let declare_reserved_type_binding (loc,id) t =
let declare_reserved_type idl t =
List.iter (fun id -> declare_reserved_type_binding id t) (List.rev idl)
-let find_reserved_type id = Idmap.find (root_of_id id) !reserve_table
+let find_reserved_type id = Id.Map.find (root_of_id id) !reserve_table
let constr_key c =
try RefKey (canonical_gr (global_of_constr (fst (Term.decompose_app c))))
@@ -75,25 +107,18 @@ let constr_key c =
let revert_reserved_type t =
- let l = Gmapl.find (constr_key t) !reserve_revtable in
- let t = Detyping.detype false [] [] t in
- list_try_find
- (fun (pat,id) ->
- try let _ = match_aconstr false t ([],pat) in Name id
- with No_match -> failwith "") l
+ let reserved = KeyMap.find (constr_key t) !reserve_revtable in
+ let t = Detyping.detype false [] (Global.env()) Evd.empty t in
+ (* pedrot: if [Notation_ops.match_notation_constr] may raise [Failure _]
+ then I've introduced a bug... *)
+ let filter _ pat =
+ try
+ let _ = match_notation_constr false t ([], pat) in
+ true
+ with No_match -> false
+ in
+ let (id, _) = ReservedSet.find filter reserved in
+ Name id
with Not_found | Failure _ -> Anonymous
let _ = Namegen.set_reserved_typed_name revert_reserved_type
-open Glob_term
-let anonymize_if_reserved na t = match na with
- | Name id as na ->
- (try
- if not !Flags.raw_print &
- (try aconstr_of_glob_constr [] [] t = find_reserved_type id
- with UserError _ -> false)
- then GHole (dummy_loc,Evd.BinderType na)
- else t
- with Not_found -> t)
- | Anonymous -> t
diff --git a/interp/reserve.mli b/interp/reserve.mli
index 4d7685e3..6cae2b02 100644
--- a/interp/reserve.mli
+++ b/interp/reserve.mli
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Util
+open Loc
open Names
-open Glob_term
-open Topconstr
+open Notation_term
-val declare_reserved_type : identifier located list -> aconstr -> unit
-val find_reserved_type : identifier -> aconstr
-val anonymize_if_reserved : name -> glob_constr -> glob_constr
+val declare_reserved_type : Id.t located list -> notation_constr -> unit
+val find_reserved_type : Id.t -> notation_constr
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index 5779231d..ce3c9b8f 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -13,23 +13,38 @@
(* *)
open Pp
-open Util
-open Names
+open Errors
open Libnames
-open Genarg
+open Globnames
+open Misctypes
open Syntax_def
-open Topconstr
+open Notation_term
+let global_of_extended_global_head = function
+ | TrueGlobal ref -> ref
+ | SynDef kn ->
+ let _, syn_def = search_syntactic_definition kn in
+ let rec head_of = function
+ | NRef ref -> ref
+ | NApp (rc, _) -> head_of rc
+ | NCast (rc, _) -> head_of rc
+ | NLetIn (_, _, rc) -> head_of rc
+ | _ -> raise Not_found in
+ head_of syn_def
let global_of_extended_global = function
| TrueGlobal ref -> ref
| SynDef kn ->
match search_syntactic_definition kn with
- | [],ARef ref -> ref
+ | [],NRef ref -> ref
+ | [],NApp (NRef ref,[]) -> ref
| _ -> raise Not_found
-let locate_global_with_alias (loc,qid) =
+let locate_global_with_alias ?(head=false) (loc,qid) =
let ref = Nametab.locate_extended qid in
- try global_of_extended_global ref
+ try
+ if head then global_of_extended_global_head ref
+ else global_of_extended_global ref
with Not_found ->
user_err_loc (loc,"",pr_qualid qid ++
str " is bound to a notation that does not denote a reference.")
@@ -43,14 +58,14 @@ let global_inductive_with_alias r =
pr_reference r ++ spc () ++ str "is not an inductive type.")
with Not_found -> Nametab.error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
-let global_with_alias r =
+let global_with_alias ?head r =
let (loc,qid as lqid) = qualid_of_reference r in
- try locate_global_with_alias lqid
+ try locate_global_with_alias ?head lqid
with Not_found -> Nametab.error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
-let smart_global = function
+let smart_global ?head = function
| AN r ->
- global_with_alias r
+ global_with_alias ?head r
| ByNotation (loc,ntn,sc) ->
Notation.interp_notation_as_global_reference loc (fun _ -> true) ntn sc
@@ -60,3 +75,7 @@ let smart_global_inductive = function
| ByNotation (loc,ntn,sc) ->
(Notation.interp_notation_as_global_reference loc isIndRef ntn sc)
+let loc_of_smart_reference = function
+ | AN r -> loc_of_reference r
+ | ByNotation (loc,_,_) -> loc
diff --git a/interp/smartlocate.mli b/interp/smartlocate.mli
index 589505c3..68ef6594 100644
--- a/interp/smartlocate.mli
+++ b/interp/smartlocate.mli
@@ -1,35 +1,41 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Util
+open Loc
open Names
open Libnames
-open Genarg
+open Globnames
+open Misctypes
(** [locate_global_with_alias] locates global reference possibly following
- a notation if this notation has a role of aliasing; raise Not_found
- if not bound in the global env; raise an error if bound to a
+ a notation if this notation has a role of aliasing; raise [Not_found]
+ if not bound in the global env; raise a [UserError] if bound to a
syntactic def that does not denote a reference *)
-val locate_global_with_alias : qualid located -> global_reference
+val locate_global_with_alias : ?head:bool -> qualid located -> global_reference
(** Extract a global_reference from a reference that can be an "alias" *)
val global_of_extended_global : extended_global_reference -> global_reference
-(** Locate a reference taking into account possible "alias" notations *)
-val global_with_alias : reference -> global_reference
+(** Locate a reference taking into account possible "alias" notations.
+ May raise [Nametab.GlobalizationError _] for an unknown reference,
+ or a [UserError] if bound to a syntactic def that does not denote
+ a reference. *)
+val global_with_alias : ?head:bool -> reference -> global_reference
(** The same for inductive types *)
val global_inductive_with_alias : reference -> inductive
(** Locate a reference taking into account notations and "aliases" *)
-val smart_global : reference or_by_notation -> global_reference
+val smart_global : ?head:bool -> reference or_by_notation -> global_reference
(** The same for inductive types *)
val smart_global_inductive : reference or_by_notation -> inductive
+(** Return the loc of a smart reference *)
+val loc_of_smart_reference : reference or_by_notation -> Loc.t
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e155a521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Genarg
+let wit_unit : unit uniform_genarg_type =
+ make0 None "unit"
+let wit_bool : bool uniform_genarg_type =
+ make0 None "bool"
+let wit_int : int uniform_genarg_type =
+ make0 None "int"
+let wit_string : string uniform_genarg_type =
+ make0 None "string"
+let wit_pre_ident : string uniform_genarg_type =
+ make0 None "preident"
+let () = register_name0 wit_unit "Stdarg.wit_unit"
+let () = register_name0 wit_bool "Stdarg.wit_bool"
+let () = register_name0 wit_int "Stdarg.wit_int"
+let () = register_name0 wit_string "Stdarg.wit_string"
+let () = register_name0 wit_pre_ident "Stdarg.wit_pre_ident"
diff --git a/interp/stdarg.mli b/interp/stdarg.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5a44b1ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/stdarg.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** Basic generic arguments. *)
+open Genarg
+val wit_unit : unit uniform_genarg_type
+val wit_bool : bool uniform_genarg_type
+val wit_int : int uniform_genarg_type
+val wit_string : string uniform_genarg_type
+val wit_pre_ident : string uniform_genarg_type
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index da29c5e0..9be7abcf 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Errors
open Util
open Pp
open Names
open Libnames
-open Topconstr
+open Notation_term
open Libobject
open Lib
open Nameops
@@ -20,13 +21,9 @@ open Nametab
type version = Flags.compat_version option
-let syntax_table = ref (KNmap.empty : (interpretation*version) KNmap.t)
-let _ = Summary.declare_summary
- { Summary.freeze_function = (fun () -> !syntax_table);
- Summary.unfreeze_function = (fun ft -> syntax_table := ft);
- Summary.init_function = (fun () -> syntax_table := KNmap.empty) }
+let syntax_table =
+ Summary.ref (KNmap.empty : (interpretation*version) KNmap.t)
let add_syntax_constant kn c onlyparse =
syntax_table := KNmap.add kn (c,onlyparse) !syntax_table
@@ -39,19 +36,21 @@ let load_syntax_constant i ((sp,kn),(_,pat,onlyparse)) =
Nametab.push_syndef (Nametab.Until i) sp kn
let is_alias_of_already_visible_name sp = function
- | _,ARef ref ->
- let (dir,id) = repr_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_global Idset.empty ref) in
- dir = empty_dirpath && id = basename sp
+ | _,NRef ref ->
+ let (dir,id) = repr_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty ref) in
+ DirPath.is_empty dir && Id.equal id (basename sp)
| _ ->
let open_syntax_constant i ((sp,kn),(_,pat,onlyparse)) =
if not (is_alias_of_already_visible_name sp pat) then begin
Nametab.push_syndef (Nametab.Exactly i) sp kn;
- if onlyparse = None then
+ match onlyparse with
+ | None ->
(* Redeclare it to be used as (short) name in case an other (distfix)
notation was declared inbetween *)
Notation.declare_uninterpretation (Notation.SynDefRule kn) pat
+ | _ -> ()
let cache_syntax_constant d =
@@ -59,7 +58,7 @@ let cache_syntax_constant d =
open_syntax_constant 1 d
let subst_syntax_constant (subst,(local,pat,onlyparse)) =
- (local,subst_interpretation subst pat,onlyparse)
+ (local,Notation_ops.subst_interpretation subst pat,onlyparse)
let classify_syntax_constant (local,_,_ as o) =
if local then Dispose else Substitute o
@@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ let in_syntax_constant
subst_function = subst_syntax_constant;
classify_function = classify_syntax_constant }
-type syndef_interpretation = (identifier * subscopes) list * aconstr
+type syndef_interpretation = (Id.t * subscopes) list * notation_constr
(* Coercions to the general format of notation that also supports
variables bound to list of expressions *)
@@ -83,8 +82,7 @@ let out_pat (ids,ac) = ( (fun (id,(sc,typ)) -> (id,sc)) ids,ac)
let declare_syntactic_definition local id onlyparse pat =
let _ = add_leaf id (in_syntax_constant (local,in_pat pat,onlyparse)) in ()
-let pr_global r = pr_global_env Idset.empty r
-let pr_syndef kn = pr_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_syndef Idset.empty kn)
+let pr_syndef kn = pr_qualid (shortest_qualid_of_syndef Id.Set.empty kn)
let allow_compat_notations = ref true
let verbose_compat_notations = ref false
@@ -98,7 +96,7 @@ let verbose_compat kn def = function
if !verbose_compat_notations then msg_warning else errorlabstrm ""
let pp_def = match def with
- | [], ARef r -> str " is " ++ pr_global_env Idset.empty r
+ | [], NRef r -> str " is " ++ pr_global_env Id.Set.empty r
| _ -> str " is a compatibility notation"
let since = str (" since Coq > " ^ Flags.pr_version v ^ ".") in
diff --git a/interp/syntax_def.mli b/interp/syntax_def.mli
index 338538a9..e5a3f4ce 100644
--- a/interp/syntax_def.mli
+++ b/interp/syntax_def.mli
@@ -1,23 +1,19 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Util
open Names
-open Topconstr
-open Glob_term
-open Nametab
-open Libnames
+open Notation_term
(** Syntactic definitions. *)
-type syndef_interpretation = (identifier * subscopes) list * aconstr
+type syndef_interpretation = (Id.t * subscopes) list * notation_constr
-val declare_syntactic_definition : bool -> identifier ->
+val declare_syntactic_definition : bool -> Id.t ->
Flags.compat_version option -> syndef_interpretation -> unit
val search_syntactic_definition : kernel_name -> syndef_interpretation
diff --git a/interp/ b/interp/
index ff49fb73..1231f115 100644
--- a/interp/
+++ b/interp/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
@@ -8,921 +8,26 @@
open Pp
+open Errors
open Util
open Names
open Nameops
open Libnames
-open Glob_term
-open Term
-open Mod_subst
+open Misctypes
+open Constrexpr
+open Constrexpr_ops
-(* This is the subtype of glob_constr allowed in syntactic extensions *)
-(* For AList: first constr is iterator, second is terminator;
- first id is where each argument of the list has to be substituted
- in iterator and snd id is alternative name just for printing;
- boolean is associativity *)
-type aconstr =
- (* Part common to glob_constr and cases_pattern *)
- | ARef of global_reference
- | AVar of identifier
- | AApp of aconstr * aconstr list
- | AList of identifier * identifier * aconstr * aconstr * bool
- (* Part only in glob_constr *)
- | ALambda of name * aconstr * aconstr
- | AProd of name * aconstr * aconstr
- | ABinderList of identifier * identifier * aconstr * aconstr
- | ALetIn of name * aconstr * aconstr
- | ACases of case_style * aconstr option *
- (aconstr * (name * (inductive * int * name list) option)) list *
- (cases_pattern list * aconstr) list
- | ALetTuple of name list * (name * aconstr option) * aconstr * aconstr
- | AIf of aconstr * (name * aconstr option) * aconstr * aconstr
- | ARec of fix_kind * identifier array *
- (name * aconstr option * aconstr) list array * aconstr array *
- aconstr array
- | ASort of glob_sort
- | AHole of Evd.hole_kind
- | APatVar of patvar
- | ACast of aconstr * aconstr cast_type
-type scope_name = string
-type tmp_scope_name = scope_name
-type subscopes = tmp_scope_name option * scope_name list
-type notation_var_instance_type =
- | NtnTypeConstr | NtnTypeConstrList | NtnTypeBinderList
-type notation_var_internalization_type =
- | NtnInternTypeConstr | NtnInternTypeBinder | NtnInternTypeIdent
-type interpretation =
- (identifier * (subscopes * notation_var_instance_type)) list * aconstr
-(* Re-interpret a notation as a glob_constr, taking care of binders *)
-let name_to_ident = function
- | Anonymous -> error "This expression should be a simple identifier."
- | Name id -> id
-let to_id g e id = let e,na = g e (Name id) in e,name_to_ident na
-let rec cases_pattern_fold_map loc g e = function
- | PatVar (_,na) ->
- let e',na' = g e na in e', PatVar (loc,na')
- | PatCstr (_,cstr,patl,na) ->
- let e',na' = g e na in
- let e',patl' = list_fold_map (cases_pattern_fold_map loc g) e patl in
- e', PatCstr (loc,cstr,patl',na')
-let rec subst_glob_vars l = function
- | GVar (_,id) as r -> (try List.assoc id l with Not_found -> r)
- | GProd (loc,Name id,bk,t,c) ->
- let id =
- try match List.assoc id l with GVar(_,id') -> id' | _ -> id
- with Not_found -> id in
- GProd (loc,Name id,bk,subst_glob_vars l t,subst_glob_vars l c)
- | GLambda (loc,Name id,bk,t,c) ->
- let id =
- try match List.assoc id l with GVar(_,id') -> id' | _ -> id
- with Not_found -> id in
- GLambda (loc,Name id,bk,subst_glob_vars l t,subst_glob_vars l c)
- | r -> map_glob_constr (subst_glob_vars l) r (* assume: id is not binding *)
-let ldots_var = id_of_string ".."
-let glob_constr_of_aconstr_with_binders loc g f e = function
- | AVar id -> GVar (loc,id)
- | AApp (a,args) -> GApp (loc,f e a, (f e) args)
- | AList (x,y,iter,tail,swap) ->
- let t = f e tail in let it = f e iter in
- let innerl = (ldots_var,t)::(if swap then [] else [x,GVar(loc,y)]) in
- let inner = GApp (loc,GVar (loc,ldots_var),[subst_glob_vars innerl it]) in
- let outerl = (ldots_var,inner)::(if swap then [x,GVar(loc,y)] else []) in
- subst_glob_vars outerl it
- | ABinderList (x,y,iter,tail) ->
- let t = f e tail in let it = f e iter in
- let innerl = [(ldots_var,t);(x,GVar(loc,y))] in
- let inner = GApp (loc,GVar (loc,ldots_var),[subst_glob_vars innerl it]) in
- let outerl = [(ldots_var,inner)] in
- subst_glob_vars outerl it
- | ALambda (na,ty,c) ->
- let e',na = g e na in GLambda (loc,na,Explicit,f e ty,f e' c)
- | AProd (na,ty,c) ->
- let e',na = g e na in GProd (loc,na,Explicit,f e ty,f e' c)
- | ALetIn (na,b,c) ->
- let e',na = g e na in GLetIn (loc,na,f e b,f e' c)
- | ACases (sty,rtntypopt,tml,eqnl) ->
- let e',tml' = List.fold_right (fun (tm,(na,t)) (e',tml') ->
- let e',t' = match t with
- | None -> e',None
- | Some (ind,npar,nal) ->
- let e',nal' = List.fold_right (fun na (e',nal) ->
- let e',na' = g e' na in e',na'::nal) nal (e',[]) in
- e',Some (loc,ind,npar,nal') in
- let e',na' = g e' na in
- (e',(f e tm,(na',t'))::tml')) tml (e,[]) in
- let fold (idl,e) na = let (e,na) = g e na in ((name_cons na idl,e),na) in
- let eqnl' = (fun (patl,rhs) ->
- let ((idl,e),patl) =
- list_fold_map (cases_pattern_fold_map loc fold) ([],e) patl in
- (loc,idl,patl,f e rhs)) eqnl in
- GCases (loc,sty, (f e') rtntypopt,tml',eqnl')
- | ALetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
- let e',nal = list_fold_map g e nal in
- let e'',na = g e na in
- GLetTuple (loc,nal,(na, (f e'') po),f e b,f e' c)
- | AIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
- let e',na = g e na in
- GIf (loc,f e c,(na, (f e') po),f e b1,f e b2)
- | ARec (fk,idl,dll,tl,bl) ->
- let e,dll = array_fold_map (list_fold_map (fun e (na,oc,b) ->
- let e,na = g e na in
- (e,(na,Explicit, (f e) oc,f e b)))) e dll in
- let e',idl = array_fold_map (to_id g) e idl in
- GRec (loc,fk,idl,dll, (f e) tl, (f e') bl)
- | ACast (c,k) -> GCast (loc,f e c,
- match k with
- | CastConv (k,t) -> CastConv (k,f e t)
- | CastCoerce -> CastCoerce)
- | ASort x -> GSort (loc,x)
- | AHole x -> GHole (loc,x)
- | APatVar n -> GPatVar (loc,(false,n))
- | ARef x -> GRef (loc,x)
-let rec glob_constr_of_aconstr loc x =
- let rec aux () x =
- glob_constr_of_aconstr_with_binders loc (fun () id -> ((),id)) aux () x
- in aux () x
-(* Translating a glob_constr into a notation, interpreting recursive patterns *)
-let add_id r id = r := (id :: pi1 !r, pi2 !r, pi3 !r)
-let add_name r = function Anonymous -> () | Name id -> add_id r id
-let split_at_recursive_part c =
- let sub = ref None in
- let rec aux = function
- | GApp (loc0,GVar(loc,v),c::l) when v = ldots_var ->
- if !sub <> None then
- (* Not narrowed enough to find only one recursive part *)
- raise Not_found
- else
- (sub := Some c;
- if l = [] then GVar (loc,ldots_var)
- else GApp (loc0,GVar (loc,ldots_var),l))
- | c -> map_glob_constr aux c in
- let outer_iterator = aux c in
- match !sub with
- | None -> (* No recursive pattern found *) raise Not_found
- | Some c ->
- match outer_iterator with
- | GVar (_,v) when v = ldots_var -> (* Not enough context *) raise Not_found
- | _ -> outer_iterator, c
-let on_true_do b f c = if b then (f c; b) else b
-let compare_glob_constr f add t1 t2 = match t1,t2 with
- | GRef (_,r1), GRef (_,r2) -> eq_gr r1 r2
- | GVar (_,v1), GVar (_,v2) -> on_true_do (v1 = v2) add (Name v1)
- | GApp (_,f1,l1), GApp (_,f2,l2) -> f f1 f2 & list_for_all2eq f l1 l2
- | GLambda (_,na1,bk1,ty1,c1), GLambda (_,na2,bk2,ty2,c2) when na1 = na2 && bk1 = bk2 -> on_true_do (f ty1 ty2 & f c1 c2) add na1
- | GProd (_,na1,bk1,ty1,c1), GProd (_,na2,bk2,ty2,c2) when na1 = na2 && bk1 = bk2 ->
- on_true_do (f ty1 ty2 & f c1 c2) add na1
- | GHole _, GHole _ -> true
- | GSort (_,s1), GSort (_,s2) -> s1 = s2
- | GLetIn (_,na1,b1,c1), GLetIn (_,na2,b2,c2) when na1 = na2 ->
- on_true_do (f b1 b2 & f c1 c2) add na1
- | (GCases _ | GRec _
- | GPatVar _ | GEvar _ | GLetTuple _ | GIf _ | GCast _),_
- | _,(GCases _ | GRec _
- | GPatVar _ | GEvar _ | GLetTuple _ | GIf _ | GCast _)
- -> error "Unsupported construction in recursive notations."
- | (GRef _ | GVar _ | GApp _ | GLambda _ | GProd _
- | GHole _ | GSort _ | GLetIn _), _
- -> false
-let rec eq_glob_constr t1 t2 = compare_glob_constr eq_glob_constr (fun _ -> ()) t1 t2
-let subtract_loc loc1 loc2 = make_loc (fst (unloc loc1),fst (unloc loc2)-1)
-let check_is_hole id = function GHole _ -> () | t ->
- user_err_loc (loc_of_glob_constr t,"",
- strbrk "In recursive notation with binders, " ++ pr_id id ++
- strbrk " is expected to come without type.")
-let compare_recursive_parts found f (iterator,subc) =
- let diff = ref None in
- let terminator = ref None in
- let rec aux c1 c2 = match c1,c2 with
- | GVar(_,v), term when v = ldots_var ->
- (* We found the pattern *)
- assert (!terminator = None); terminator := Some term;
- true
- | GApp (_,GVar(_,v),l1), GApp (_,term,l2) when v = ldots_var ->
- (* We found the pattern, but there are extra arguments *)
- (* (this allows e.g. alternative (recursive) notation of application) *)
- assert (!terminator = None); terminator := Some term;
- list_for_all2eq aux l1 l2
- | GVar (_,x), GVar (_,y) when x<>y ->
- (* We found the position where it differs *)
- let lassoc = (!terminator <> None) in
- let x,y = if lassoc then y,x else x,y in
- !diff = None && (diff := Some (x,y,Some lassoc); true)
- | GLambda (_,Name x,_,t_x,c), GLambda (_,Name y,_,t_y,term)
- | GProd (_,Name x,_,t_x,c), GProd (_,Name y,_,t_y,term) ->
- (* We found a binding position where it differs *)
- check_is_hole x t_x;
- check_is_hole y t_y;
- !diff = None && (diff := Some (x,y,None); aux c term)
- | _ ->
- compare_glob_constr aux (add_name found) c1 c2 in
- if aux iterator subc then
- match !diff with
- | None ->
- let loc1 = loc_of_glob_constr iterator in
- let loc2 = loc_of_glob_constr (Option.get !terminator) in
- (* Here, we would need a loc made of several parts ... *)
- user_err_loc (subtract_loc loc1 loc2,"",
- str "Both ends of the recursive pattern are the same.")
- | Some (x,y,Some lassoc) ->
- let newfound = (pi1 !found, (x,y) :: pi2 !found, pi3 !found) in
- let iterator =
- f (if lassoc then subst_glob_vars [y,GVar(dummy_loc,x)] iterator
- else iterator) in
- (* found have been collected by compare_constr *)
- found := newfound;
- AList (x,y,iterator,f (Option.get !terminator),lassoc)
- | Some (x,y,None) ->
- let newfound = (pi1 !found, pi2 !found, (x,y) :: pi3 !found) in
- let iterator = f iterator in
- (* found have been collected by compare_constr *)
- found := newfound;
- ABinderList (x,y,iterator,f (Option.get !terminator))
- else
- raise Not_found
-let aconstr_and_vars_of_glob_constr a =
- let found = ref ([],[],[]) in
- let rec aux c =
- let keepfound = !found in
- (* n^2 complexity but small and done only once per notation *)
- try compare_recursive_parts found aux' (split_at_recursive_part c)
- with Not_found ->
- found := keepfound;
- match c with
- | GApp (_,GVar (loc,f),[c]) when f = ldots_var ->
- (* Fall on the second part of the recursive pattern w/o having
- found the first part *)
- user_err_loc (loc,"",
- str "Cannot find where the recursive pattern starts.")
- | c ->
- aux' c
- and aux' = function
- | GVar (_,id) -> add_id found id; AVar id
- | GApp (_,g,args) -> AApp (aux g, aux args)
- | GLambda (_,na,bk,ty,c) -> add_name found na; ALambda (na,aux ty,aux c)
- | GProd (_,na,bk,ty,c) -> add_name found na; AProd (na,aux ty,aux c)
- | GLetIn (_,na,b,c) -> add_name found na; ALetIn (na,aux b,aux c)
- | GCases (_,sty,rtntypopt,tml,eqnl) ->
- let f (_,idl,pat,rhs) = List.iter (add_id found) idl; (pat,aux rhs) in
- ACases (sty, aux rtntypopt,
- (fun (tm,(na,x)) ->
- add_name found na;
- Option.iter
- (fun (_,_,_,nl) -> List.iter (add_name found) nl) x;
- (aux tm,(na, (fun (_,ind,n,nal) -> (ind,n,nal)) x))) tml,
- f eqnl)
- | GLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
- add_name found na;
- List.iter (add_name found) nal;
- ALetTuple (nal,(na, aux po),aux b,aux c)
- | GIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
- add_name found na;
- AIf (aux c,(na, aux po),aux b1,aux b2)
- | GRec (_,fk,idl,dll,tl,bl) ->
- Array.iter (add_id found) idl;
- let dll = ( (fun (na,bk,oc,b) ->
- if bk <> Explicit then
- error "Binders marked as implicit not allowed in notations.";
- add_name found na; (na, aux oc,aux b))) dll in
- ARec (fk,idl,dll, aux tl, aux bl)
- | GCast (_,c,k) -> ACast (aux c,
- match k with CastConv (k,t) -> CastConv (k,aux t)
- | CastCoerce -> CastCoerce)
- | GSort (_,s) -> ASort s
- | GHole (_,w) -> AHole w
- | GRef (_,r) -> ARef r
- | GPatVar (_,(_,n)) -> APatVar n
- | GEvar _ ->
- error "Existential variables not allowed in notations."
- in
- let t = aux a in
- (* Side effect *)
- t, !found
-let rec list_rev_mem_assoc x = function
- | [] -> false
- | (_,x')::l -> x = x' || list_rev_mem_assoc x l
-let check_variables vars recvars (found,foundrec,foundrecbinding) =
- let useless_vars = snd recvars in
- let vars = List.filter (fun (y,_) -> not (List.mem y useless_vars)) vars in
- let check_recvar x =
- if List.mem x found then
- errorlabstrm "" (pr_id x ++
- strbrk " should only be used in the recursive part of a pattern.") in
- List.iter (fun (x,y) -> check_recvar x; check_recvar y)
- (foundrec@foundrecbinding);
- let check_bound x =
- if not (List.mem x found) then
- if List.mem_assoc x foundrec or List.mem_assoc x foundrecbinding
- or list_rev_mem_assoc x foundrec or list_rev_mem_assoc x foundrecbinding
- then
- error ((string_of_id x)^" should not be bound in a recursive pattern of the right-hand side.")
- else
- error ((string_of_id x)^" is unbound in the right-hand side.") in
- let check_pair s x y where =
- if not (List.mem (x,y) where) then
- errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "in the right-hand side, " ++ pr_id x ++
- str " and " ++ pr_id y ++ strbrk " should appear in " ++ str s ++
- str " position as part of a recursive pattern.") in
- let check_type (x,typ) =
- match typ with
- | NtnInternTypeConstr ->
- begin
- try check_pair "term" x (List.assoc x recvars) foundrec
- with Not_found -> check_bound x
- end
- | NtnInternTypeBinder ->
- begin
- try check_pair "binding" x (List.assoc x recvars) foundrecbinding
- with Not_found -> check_bound x
- end
- | NtnInternTypeIdent -> check_bound x in
- List.iter check_type vars
-let aconstr_of_glob_constr vars recvars a =
- let a,found = aconstr_and_vars_of_glob_constr a in
- check_variables vars recvars found;
- a
-(* Substitution of kernel names, avoiding a list of bound identifiers *)
-let aconstr_of_constr avoiding t =
- aconstr_of_glob_constr [] [] (Detyping.detype false avoiding [] t)
-let rec subst_pat subst pat =
- match pat with
- | PatVar _ -> pat
- | PatCstr (loc,((kn,i),j),cpl,n) ->
- let kn' = subst_ind subst kn
- and cpl' = list_smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl in
- if kn' == kn && cpl' == cpl then pat else
- PatCstr (loc,((kn',i),j),cpl',n)
-let rec subst_aconstr subst bound raw =
- match raw with
- | ARef ref ->
- let ref',t = subst_global subst ref in
- if ref' == ref then raw else
- aconstr_of_constr bound t
- | AVar _ -> raw
- | AApp (r,rl) ->
- let r' = subst_aconstr subst bound r
- and rl' = list_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst bound) rl in
- if r' == r && rl' == rl then raw else
- AApp(r',rl')
- | AList (id1,id2,r1,r2,b) ->
- let r1' = subst_aconstr subst bound r1
- and r2' = subst_aconstr subst bound r2 in
- if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
- AList (id1,id2,r1',r2',b)
- | ALambda (n,r1,r2) ->
- let r1' = subst_aconstr subst bound r1
- and r2' = subst_aconstr subst bound r2 in
- if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
- ALambda (n,r1',r2')
- | AProd (n,r1,r2) ->
- let r1' = subst_aconstr subst bound r1
- and r2' = subst_aconstr subst bound r2 in
- if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
- AProd (n,r1',r2')
- | ABinderList (id1,id2,r1,r2) ->
- let r1' = subst_aconstr subst bound r1
- and r2' = subst_aconstr subst bound r2 in
- if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
- ABinderList (id1,id2,r1',r2')
- | ALetIn (n,r1,r2) ->
- let r1' = subst_aconstr subst bound r1
- and r2' = subst_aconstr subst bound r2 in
- if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
- ALetIn (n,r1',r2')
- | ACases (sty,rtntypopt,rl,branches) ->
- let rtntypopt' = Option.smartmap (subst_aconstr subst bound) rtntypopt
- and rl' = list_smartmap
- (fun (a,(n,signopt) as x) ->
- let a' = subst_aconstr subst bound a in
- let signopt' = (fun ((indkn,i),n,nal as z) ->
- let indkn' = subst_ind subst indkn in
- if indkn == indkn' then z else ((indkn',i),n,nal)) signopt in
- if a' == a && signopt' == signopt then x else (a',(n,signopt')))
- rl
- and branches' = list_smartmap
- (fun (cpl,r as branch) ->
- let cpl' = list_smartmap (subst_pat subst) cpl
- and r' = subst_aconstr subst bound r in
- if cpl' == cpl && r' == r then branch else
- (cpl',r'))
- branches
- in
- if rtntypopt' == rtntypopt && rtntypopt == rtntypopt' &
- rl' == rl && branches' == branches then raw else
- ACases (sty,rtntypopt',rl',branches')
- | ALetTuple (nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
- let po' = Option.smartmap (subst_aconstr subst bound) po
- and b' = subst_aconstr subst bound b
- and c' = subst_aconstr subst bound c in
- if po' == po && b' == b && c' == c then raw else
- ALetTuple (nal,(na,po'),b',c')
- | AIf (c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
- let po' = Option.smartmap (subst_aconstr subst bound) po
- and b1' = subst_aconstr subst bound b1
- and b2' = subst_aconstr subst bound b2
- and c' = subst_aconstr subst bound c in
- if po' == po && b1' == b1 && b2' == b2 && c' == c then raw else
- AIf (c',(na,po'),b1',b2')
- | ARec (fk,idl,dll,tl,bl) ->
- let dll' =
- array_smartmap (list_smartmap (fun (na,oc,b as x) ->
- let oc' = Option.smartmap (subst_aconstr subst bound) oc in
- let b' = subst_aconstr subst bound b in
- if oc' == oc && b' == b then x else (na,oc',b'))) dll in
- let tl' = array_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst bound) tl in
- let bl' = array_smartmap (subst_aconstr subst bound) bl in
- if dll' == dll && tl' == tl && bl' == bl then raw else
- ARec (fk,idl,dll',tl',bl')
- | APatVar _ | ASort _ -> raw
- | AHole (Evd.ImplicitArg (ref,i,b)) ->
- let ref',t = subst_global subst ref in
- if ref' == ref then raw else
- AHole (Evd.InternalHole)
- | AHole (Evd.BinderType _ | Evd.QuestionMark _ | Evd.CasesType
- | Evd.InternalHole | Evd.TomatchTypeParameter _ | Evd.GoalEvar
- | Evd.ImpossibleCase | Evd.MatchingVar _) -> raw
- | ACast (r1,k) ->
- match k with
- CastConv (k, r2) ->
- let r1' = subst_aconstr subst bound r1
- and r2' = subst_aconstr subst bound r2 in
- if r1' == r1 && r2' == r2 then raw else
- ACast (r1',CastConv (k,r2'))
- | CastCoerce ->
- let r1' = subst_aconstr subst bound r1 in
- if r1' == r1 then raw else
- ACast (r1',CastCoerce)
-let subst_interpretation subst (metas,pat) =
- let bound = fst metas in
- (metas,subst_aconstr subst bound pat)
-(* Pattern-matching glob_constr and aconstr *)
-let abstract_return_type_context pi mklam tml rtno =
- (fun rtn ->
- let nal =
- List.flatten ( (fun (_,(na,t)) ->
- match t with Some x -> (pi x)@[na] | None -> [na]) tml) in
- List.fold_right mklam nal rtn)
- rtno
-let abstract_return_type_context_glob_constr =
- abstract_return_type_context (fun (_,_,_,nal) -> nal)
- (fun na c -> GLambda(dummy_loc,na,Explicit,GHole(dummy_loc,Evd.InternalHole),c))
-let abstract_return_type_context_aconstr =
- abstract_return_type_context pi3
- (fun na c -> ALambda(na,AHole Evd.InternalHole,c))
-exception No_match
-let rec alpha_var id1 id2 = function
- | (i1,i2)::_ when i1=id1 -> i2 = id2
- | (i1,i2)::_ when i2=id2 -> i1 = id1
- | _::idl -> alpha_var id1 id2 idl
- | [] -> id1 = id2
-let alpha_eq_val (x,y) = x = y
-let bind_env alp (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders as fullsigma) var v =
- try
- let vvar = List.assoc var sigma in
- if alpha_eq_val (v,vvar) then fullsigma
- else raise No_match
- with Not_found ->
- (* Check that no capture of binding variables occur *)
- if List.exists (fun (id,_) ->occur_glob_constr id v) alp then raise No_match;
- (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *)
- ((var,v)::sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders)
-let bind_binder (sigma,sigmalist,sigmabinders) x bl =
- (sigma,sigmalist,(x,List.rev bl)::sigmabinders)
-let match_fix_kind fk1 fk2 =
- match (fk1,fk2) with
- | GCoFix n1, GCoFix n2 -> n1 = n2
- | GFix (nl1,n1), GFix (nl2,n2) ->
- n1 = n2 &&
- array_for_all2 (fun (n1,_) (n2,_) -> n2 = None || n1 = n2) nl1 nl2
- | _ -> false
-let match_opt f sigma t1 t2 = match (t1,t2) with
- | None, None -> sigma
- | Some t1, Some t2 -> f sigma t1 t2
- | _ -> raise No_match
-let match_names metas (alp,sigma) na1 na2 = match (na1,na2) with
- | (_,Name id2) when List.mem id2 (fst metas) ->
- let rhs = match na1 with
- | Name id1 -> GVar (dummy_loc,id1)
- | Anonymous -> GHole (dummy_loc,Evd.InternalHole) in
- alp, bind_env alp sigma id2 rhs
- | (Name id1,Name id2) -> (id1,id2)::alp,sigma
- | (Anonymous,Anonymous) -> alp,sigma
- | _ -> raise No_match
-let rec match_cases_pattern_binders metas acc pat1 pat2 =
- match (pat1,pat2) with
- | PatVar (_,na1), PatVar (_,na2) -> match_names metas acc na1 na2
- | PatCstr (_,c1,patl1,na1), PatCstr (_,c2,patl2,na2)
- when c1 = c2 & List.length patl1 = List.length patl2 ->
- List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern_binders metas)
- (match_names metas acc na1 na2) patl1 patl2
- | _ -> raise No_match
-let glue_letin_with_decls = true
-let rec match_iterated_binders islambda decls = function
- | GLambda (_,na,bk,t,b) when islambda ->
- match_iterated_binders islambda ((na,bk,None,t)::decls) b
- | GProd (_,(Name _ as na),bk,t,b) when not islambda ->
- match_iterated_binders islambda ((na,bk,None,t)::decls) b
- | GLetIn (loc,na,c,b) when glue_letin_with_decls ->
- match_iterated_binders islambda
- ((na,Explicit (*?*), Some c,GHole(loc,Evd.BinderType na))::decls) b
- | b -> (decls,b)
-let remove_sigma x (sigmavar,sigmalist,sigmabinders) =
- (List.remove_assoc x sigmavar,sigmalist,sigmabinders)
-let rec match_abinderlist_with_app match_fun metas sigma rest x iter termin =
- let rec aux sigma acc rest =
- try
- let sigma = match_fun (ldots_var::fst metas,snd metas) sigma rest iter in
- let rest = List.assoc ldots_var (pi1 sigma) in
- let b = match List.assoc x (pi3 sigma) with [b] -> b | _ ->assert false in
- let sigma = remove_sigma x (remove_sigma ldots_var sigma) in
- aux sigma (b::acc) rest
- with No_match when acc <> [] ->
- acc, match_fun metas sigma rest termin in
- let bl,sigma = aux sigma [] rest in
- bind_binder sigma x bl
-let match_alist match_fun metas sigma rest x iter termin lassoc =
- let rec aux sigma acc rest =
- try
- let sigma = match_fun (ldots_var::fst metas,snd metas) sigma rest iter in
- let rest = List.assoc ldots_var (pi1 sigma) in
- let t = List.assoc x (pi1 sigma) in
- let sigma = remove_sigma x (remove_sigma ldots_var sigma) in
- aux sigma (t::acc) rest
- with No_match when acc <> [] ->
- acc, match_fun metas sigma rest termin in
- let l,sigma = aux sigma [] rest in
- (pi1 sigma, (x,if lassoc then l else List.rev l)::pi2 sigma, pi3 sigma)
-let does_not_come_from_already_eta_expanded_var =
- (* This is hack to avoid looping on a rule with rhs of the form *)
- (* "?f (fun ?x => ?g)" since otherwise, matching "F H" expands in *)
- (* "F (fun x => H x)" and "H x" is recursively matched against the same *)
- (* rule, giving "H (fun x' => x x')" and so on. *)
- (* Ideally, we would need the type of the expression to know which of *)
- (* the arguments applied to it can be eta-expanded without looping. *)
- (* The following test is then an approximation of what can be done *)
- (* optimally (whether other looping situations can occur remains to be *)
- (* checked). *)
- function GVar _ -> false | _ -> true
-let rec match_ inner u alp (tmetas,blmetas as metas) sigma a1 a2 =
- match (a1,a2) with
- (* Matching notation variable *)
- | r1, AVar id2 when List.mem id2 tmetas -> bind_env alp sigma id2 r1
- (* Matching recursive notations for terms *)
- | r1, AList (x,_,iter,termin,lassoc) ->
- match_alist (match_hd u alp) metas sigma r1 x iter termin lassoc
- (* Matching recursive notations for binders: ad hoc cases supporting let-in *)
- | GLambda (_,na1,bk,t1,b1), ABinderList (x,_,ALambda (Name id2,_,b2),termin)->
- let (decls,b) = match_iterated_binders true [(na1,bk,None,t1)] b1 in
- (* TODO: address the possibility that termin is a Lambda itself *)
- match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma x decls) b termin
- | GProd (_,na1,bk,t1,b1), ABinderList (x,_,AProd (Name id2,_,b2),termin)
- when na1 <> Anonymous ->
- let (decls,b) = match_iterated_binders false [(na1,bk,None,t1)] b1 in
- (* TODO: address the possibility that termin is a Prod itself *)
- match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma x decls) b termin
- (* Matching recursive notations for binders: general case *)
- | r, ABinderList (x,_,iter,termin) ->
- match_abinderlist_with_app (match_hd u alp) metas sigma r x iter termin
- (* Matching individual binders as part of a recursive pattern *)
- | GLambda (_,na,bk,t,b1), ALambda (Name id,_,b2) when List.mem id blmetas ->
- match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id [(na,bk,None,t)]) b1 b2
- | GProd (_,na,bk,t,b1), AProd (Name id,_,b2)
- when List.mem id blmetas & na <> Anonymous ->
- match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id [(na,bk,None,t)]) b1 b2
- (* Matching compositionally *)
- | GVar (_,id1), AVar id2 when alpha_var id1 id2 alp -> sigma
- | GRef (_,r1), ARef r2 when (eq_gr r1 r2) -> sigma
- | GPatVar (_,(_,n1)), APatVar n2 when n1=n2 -> sigma
- | GApp (loc,f1,l1), AApp (f2,l2) ->
- let n1 = List.length l1 and n2 = List.length l2 in
- let f1,l1,f2,l2 =
- if n1 < n2 then
- let l21,l22 = list_chop (n2-n1) l2 in f1,l1, AApp (f2,l21), l22
- else if n1 > n2 then
- let l11,l12 = list_chop (n1-n2) l1 in GApp (loc,f1,l11),l12, f2,l2
- else f1,l1, f2, l2 in
- let may_use_eta = does_not_come_from_already_eta_expanded_var f1 in
- List.fold_left2 (match_ may_use_eta u alp metas)
- (match_in u alp metas sigma f1 f2) l1 l2
- | GLambda (_,na1,_,t1,b1), ALambda (na2,t2,b2) ->
- match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 (match_in u alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2
- | GProd (_,na1,_,t1,b1), AProd (na2,t2,b2) ->
- match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 (match_in u alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2
- | GLetIn (_,na1,t1,b1), ALetIn (na2,t2,b2) ->
- match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 (match_in u alp metas sigma t1 t2) b1 b2
- | GCases (_,sty1,rtno1,tml1,eqnl1), ACases (sty2,rtno2,tml2,eqnl2)
- when sty1 = sty2
- & List.length tml1 = List.length tml2
- & List.length eqnl1 = List.length eqnl2 ->
- let rtno1' = abstract_return_type_context_glob_constr tml1 rtno1 in
- let rtno2' = abstract_return_type_context_aconstr tml2 rtno2 in
- let sigma =
- try Option.fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma rtno1' rtno2'
- with Option.Heterogeneous -> raise No_match
- in
- let sigma = List.fold_left2
- (fun s (tm1,_) (tm2,_) ->
- match_in u alp metas s tm1 tm2) sigma tml1 tml2 in
- List.fold_left2 (match_equations u alp metas) sigma eqnl1 eqnl2
- | GLetTuple (_,nal1,(na1,to1),b1,c1), ALetTuple (nal2,(na2,to2),b2,c2)
- when List.length nal1 = List.length nal2 ->
- let sigma = match_opt (match_binders u alp metas na1 na2) sigma to1 to2 in
- let sigma = match_in u alp metas sigma b1 b2 in
- let (alp,sigma) =
- List.fold_left2 (match_names metas) (alp,sigma) nal1 nal2 in
- match_in u alp metas sigma c1 c2
- | GIf (_,a1,(na1,to1),b1,c1), AIf (a2,(na2,to2),b2,c2) ->
- let sigma = match_opt (match_binders u alp metas na1 na2) sigma to1 to2 in
- List.fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma [a1;b1;c1] [a2;b2;c2]
- | GRec (_,fk1,idl1,dll1,tl1,bl1), ARec (fk2,idl2,dll2,tl2,bl2)
- when match_fix_kind fk1 fk2 & Array.length idl1 = Array.length idl2 &
- array_for_all2 (fun l1 l2 -> List.length l1 = List.length l2) dll1 dll2
- ->
- let alp,sigma = array_fold_left2
- (List.fold_left2 (fun (alp,sigma) (na1,_,oc1,b1) (na2,oc2,b2) ->
- let sigma =
- match_in u alp metas
- (match_opt (match_in u alp metas) sigma oc1 oc2) b1 b2
- in match_names metas (alp,sigma) na1 na2)) (alp,sigma) dll1 dll2 in
- let sigma = array_fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma tl1 tl2 in
- let alp,sigma = array_fold_right2 (fun id1 id2 alsig ->
- match_names metas alsig (Name id1) (Name id2)) idl1 idl2 (alp,sigma) in
- array_fold_left2 (match_in u alp metas) sigma bl1 bl2
- | GCast(_,c1, CastConv(_,t1)), ACast(c2, CastConv (_,t2)) ->
- match_in u alp metas (match_in u alp metas sigma c1 c2) t1 t2
- | GCast(_,c1, CastCoerce), ACast(c2, CastCoerce) ->
- match_in u alp metas sigma c1 c2
- | GSort (_,GType _), ASort (GType None) when not u -> sigma
- | GSort (_,s1), ASort s2 when s1 = s2 -> sigma
- | GPatVar _, AHole _ -> (*Don't hide Metas, they bind in ltac*) raise No_match
- | a, AHole _ -> sigma
- (* On the fly eta-expansion so as to use notations of the form
- "exists x, P x" for "ex P"; expects type not given because don't know
- otherwise how to ensure it corresponds to a well-typed eta-expansion;
- ensure at least one constructor is consumed to avoid looping *)
- | b1, ALambda (Name id,AHole _,b2) when inner ->
- let id' = Namegen.next_ident_away id (free_glob_vars b1) in
- match_in u alp metas (bind_binder sigma id
- [(Name id',Explicit,None,GHole(dummy_loc,Evd.BinderType (Name id')))])
- (mkGApp dummy_loc b1 (GVar (dummy_loc,id'))) b2
- | (GRec _ | GEvar _), _
- | _,_ -> raise No_match
-and match_in u = match_ true u
-and match_hd u = match_ false u
-and match_binders u alp metas na1 na2 sigma b1 b2 =
- let (alp,sigma) = match_names metas (alp,sigma) na1 na2 in
- match_in u alp metas sigma b1 b2
-and match_equations u alp metas sigma (_,_,patl1,rhs1) (patl2,rhs2) =
- (* patl1 and patl2 have the same length because they respectively
- correspond to some tml1 and tml2 that have the same length *)
- let (alp,sigma) =
- List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern_binders metas)
- (alp,sigma) patl1 patl2 in
- match_in u alp metas sigma rhs1 rhs2
-let match_aconstr u c (metas,pat) =
- let vars = list_split_by (fun (_,(_,x)) -> x <> NtnTypeBinderList) metas in
- let vars = ( fst (fst vars), fst (snd vars)) in
- let terms,termlists,binders = match_ false u [] vars ([],[],[]) c pat in
- (* Reorder canonically the substitution *)
- let find x =
- try List.assoc x terms
- with Not_found ->
- (* Happens for binders bound to Anonymous *)
- (* Find a better way to propagate Anonymous... *)
- GVar (dummy_loc,x) in
- List.fold_right (fun (x,(scl,typ)) (terms',termlists',binders') ->
- match typ with
- | NtnTypeConstr ->
- ((find x, scl)::terms',termlists',binders')
- | NtnTypeConstrList ->
- (terms',(List.assoc x termlists,scl)::termlists',binders')
- | NtnTypeBinderList ->
- (terms',termlists',(List.assoc x binders,scl)::binders'))
- metas ([],[],[])
-(* Matching cases pattern *)
-let bind_env_cases_pattern (sigma,sigmalist,x as fullsigma) var v =
- try
- let vvar = List.assoc var sigma in
- if v=vvar then fullsigma else raise No_match
- with Not_found ->
- (* TODO: handle the case of multiple occs in different scopes *)
- (var,v)::sigma,sigmalist,x
-let rec match_cases_pattern metas sigma a1 a2 = match (a1,a2) with
- | r1, AVar id2 when List.mem id2 metas -> bind_env_cases_pattern sigma id2 r1
- | PatVar (_,Anonymous), AHole _ -> sigma
- | PatCstr (loc,(ind,_ as r1),[],_), ARef (ConstructRef r2) when r1 = r2 ->
- sigma
- | PatCstr (loc,(ind,_ as r1),args1,_), AApp (ARef (ConstructRef r2),l2)
- when r1 = r2 ->
- let nparams = Inductive.inductive_params (Global.lookup_inductive ind) in
- if List.length l2 <> nparams + List.length args1
- then
- (* TODO: revert partially applied notations of the form
- "Notation P := (@pair)." *)
- raise No_match
- else
- let (p2,args2) = list_chop nparams l2 in
- (* All parameters must be _ *)
- List.iter (function AHole _ -> () | _ -> raise No_match) p2;
- List.fold_left2 (match_cases_pattern metas) sigma args1 args2
- | r1, AList (x,_,iter,termin,lassoc) ->
- match_alist (fun (metas,_) -> match_cases_pattern metas)
- (metas,[]) (pi1 sigma,pi2 sigma,()) r1 x iter termin lassoc
- | _ -> raise No_match
-let match_aconstr_cases_pattern c (metas,pat) =
- let vars = fst metas in
- let terms,termlists,() = match_cases_pattern vars ([],[],()) c pat in
- (* Reorder canonically the substitution *)
- List.fold_right (fun (x,(scl,typ)) (terms',termlists') ->
- match typ with
- | NtnTypeConstr -> ((List.assoc x terms, scl)::terms',termlists')
- | NtnTypeConstrList -> (terms',(List.assoc x termlists,scl)::termlists')
- | NtnTypeBinderList -> assert false)
- metas ([],[])
-(*s Concrete syntax for terms *)
-type notation = string
-type explicitation = ExplByPos of int * identifier option | ExplByName of identifier
-type binder_kind = Default of binding_kind | Generalized of binding_kind * binding_kind * bool
-type abstraction_kind = AbsLambda | AbsPi
-type proj_flag = int option (* [Some n] = proj of the n-th visible argument *)
-type prim_token = Numeral of Bigint.bigint | String of string
-type cases_pattern_expr =
- | CPatAlias of loc * cases_pattern_expr * identifier
- | CPatCstr of loc * reference * cases_pattern_expr list
- | CPatCstrExpl of loc * reference * cases_pattern_expr list
- | CPatAtom of loc * reference option
- | CPatOr of loc * cases_pattern_expr list
- | CPatNotation of loc * notation * cases_pattern_notation_substitution
- | CPatPrim of loc * prim_token
- | CPatRecord of Util.loc * (reference * cases_pattern_expr) list
- | CPatDelimiters of loc * string * cases_pattern_expr
-and cases_pattern_notation_substitution =
- cases_pattern_expr list * (** for constr subterms *)
- cases_pattern_expr list list (** for recursive notations *)
-type constr_expr =
- | CRef of reference
- | CFix of loc * identifier located * fix_expr list
- | CCoFix of loc * identifier located * cofix_expr list
- | CArrow of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CProdN of loc * (name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr) list * constr_expr
- | CLambdaN of loc * (name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr) list * constr_expr
- | CLetIn of loc * name located * constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CAppExpl of loc * (proj_flag * reference) * constr_expr list
- | CApp of loc * (proj_flag * constr_expr) *
- (constr_expr * explicitation located option) list
- | CRecord of loc * constr_expr option * (reference * constr_expr) list
- | CCases of loc * case_style * constr_expr option *
- (constr_expr * (name located option * constr_expr option)) list *
- (loc * cases_pattern_expr list located list * constr_expr) list
- | CLetTuple of loc * name located list * (name located option * constr_expr option) *
- constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CIf of loc * constr_expr * (name located option * constr_expr option)
- * constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CHole of loc * Evd.hole_kind option
- | CPatVar of loc * (bool * patvar)
- | CEvar of loc * existential_key * constr_expr list option
- | CSort of loc * glob_sort
- | CCast of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr cast_type
- | CNotation of loc * notation * constr_notation_substitution
- | CGeneralization of loc * binding_kind * abstraction_kind option * constr_expr
- | CPrim of loc * prim_token
- | CDelimiters of loc * string * constr_expr
-and fix_expr =
- identifier located * (identifier located option * recursion_order_expr) * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr
-and cofix_expr =
- identifier located * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr
-and recursion_order_expr =
- | CStructRec
- | CWfRec of constr_expr
- | CMeasureRec of constr_expr * constr_expr option (* measure, relation *)
-and local_binder =
- | LocalRawDef of name located * constr_expr
- | LocalRawAssum of name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr
-and constr_notation_substitution =
- constr_expr list * (* for constr subterms *)
- constr_expr list list * (* for recursive notations *)
- local_binder list list (* for binders subexpressions *)
-type typeclass_constraint = name located * binding_kind * constr_expr
-and typeclass_context = typeclass_constraint list
-type constr_pattern_expr = constr_expr
-(* For binders parsing *)
-let default_binder_kind = Default Explicit
-let names_of_local_assums bl =
- List.flatten ( (function LocalRawAssum(l,_,_)->l|_->[]) bl)
-let names_of_local_binders bl =
- List.flatten ( (function LocalRawAssum(l,_,_)->l|LocalRawDef(l,_)->[l]) bl)
+let oldfashion_patterns = ref (false)
+let _ = Goptions.declare_bool_option {
+ Goptions.optsync = true; Goptions.optdepr = false;
+ Goptions.optname =
+ "Constructors in patterns require all their arguments but no parameters instead of explicit parameters and arguments";
+ Goptions.optkey = ["Asymmetric";"Patterns"];
+ Goptions.optread = (fun () -> !oldfashion_patterns);
+ Goptions.optwrite = (fun a -> oldfashion_patterns:=a);
(* Miscellaneous *)
@@ -933,68 +38,22 @@ let error_invalid_pattern_notation loc =
(* Functions on constr_expr *)
-let constr_loc = function
- | CRef (Ident (loc,_)) -> loc
- | CRef (Qualid (loc,_)) -> loc
- | CFix (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CCoFix (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CArrow (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CProdN (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CLambdaN (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CLetIn (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
- | CAppExpl (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CApp (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CRecord (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CCases (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
- | CLetTuple (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
- | CIf (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
- | CHole (loc, _) -> loc
- | CPatVar (loc,_) -> loc
- | CEvar (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CSort (loc,_) -> loc
- | CCast (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CNotation (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CGeneralization (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
- | CPrim (loc,_) -> loc
- | CDelimiters (loc,_,_) -> loc
-let cases_pattern_expr_loc = function
- | CPatAlias (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CPatCstr (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CPatCstrExpl (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CPatAtom (loc,_) -> loc
- | CPatOr (loc,_) -> loc
- | CPatNotation (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | CPatRecord (loc, _) -> loc
- | CPatPrim (loc,_) -> loc
- | CPatDelimiters (loc,_,_) -> loc
-let local_binder_loc = function
- | LocalRawAssum ((loc,_)::_,_,t)
- | LocalRawDef ((loc,_),t) -> join_loc loc (constr_loc t)
- | LocalRawAssum ([],_,_) -> assert false
-let local_binders_loc bll =
- if bll = [] then dummy_loc else
- join_loc (local_binder_loc (List.hd bll)) (local_binder_loc (list_last bll))
let ids_of_cases_indtype =
- let add_var ids = function CRef (Ident (_,id)) -> id::ids | _ -> ids in
- let rec vars_of = function
+ let rec vars_of ids = function
(* We deal only with the regular cases *)
- | CApp (_,_,l) -> List.fold_left add_var [] ( fst l)
- | CNotation (_,_,(l,[],[]))
+ | (CPatCstr (_,_,l1,l2)|CPatNotation (_,_,(l1,[]),l2)) ->
+ List.fold_left vars_of (List.fold_left vars_of [] l2) l1
(* assume the ntn is applicative and does not instantiate the head !! *)
- | CAppExpl (_,_,l) -> List.fold_left add_var [] l
- | CDelimiters(_,_,c) -> vars_of c
- | _ -> [] in
- vars_of
+ | CPatDelimiters(_,_,c) -> vars_of ids c
+ | CPatAtom (_, Some (Libnames.Ident (_, x))) -> x::ids
+ | _ -> ids in
+ vars_of []
let ids_of_cases_tomatch tms =
(fun (_,(ona,indnal)) l ->
Option.fold_right (fun t -> (@) (ids_of_cases_indtype t))
- indnal (Option.fold_right (down_located name_cons) ona l))
+ indnal (Option.fold_right (Loc.down_located name_cons) ona l))
tms []
let is_constructor id =
@@ -1005,19 +64,23 @@ let rec cases_pattern_fold_names f a = function
| CPatRecord (_, l) ->
List.fold_left (fun acc (r, cp) -> cases_pattern_fold_names f acc cp) a l
| CPatAlias (_,pat,id) -> f id a
- | CPatCstr (_,_,patl) | CPatCstrExpl (_,_,patl) | CPatOr (_,patl) ->
+ | CPatOr (_,patl) ->
List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f) a patl
- | CPatNotation (_,_,(patl,patll)) ->
- List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f) a (patl@List.flatten patll)
+ | CPatCstr (_,_,patl1,patl2) ->
+ List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f)
+ (List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f) a patl1) patl2
+ | CPatNotation (_,_,(patl,patll),patl') ->
+ List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f)
+ (List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names f) a (patl@List.flatten patll)) patl'
| CPatDelimiters (_,_,pat) -> cases_pattern_fold_names f a pat
| CPatAtom (_,Some (Ident (_,id))) when not (is_constructor id) -> f id a
| CPatPrim _ | CPatAtom _ -> a
let ids_of_pattern_list =
- (located_fold_left
- (List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names Idset.add)))
- Idset.empty
+ (Loc.located_fold_left
+ (List.fold_left (cases_pattern_fold_names Id.Set.add)))
+ Id.Set.empty
let rec fold_constr_expr_binders g f n acc b = function
| (nal,bk,t)::l ->
@@ -1038,18 +101,17 @@ let rec fold_local_binders g f n acc b = function
f n acc b
let fold_constr_expr_with_binders g f n acc = function
- | CArrow (loc,a,b) -> f n (f n acc a) b
- | CAppExpl (loc,(_,_),l) -> List.fold_left (f n) acc l
+ | CAppExpl (loc,(_,_,_),l) -> List.fold_left (f n) acc l
| CApp (loc,(_,t),l) -> List.fold_left (f n) (f n acc t) ( fst l)
| CProdN (_,l,b) | CLambdaN (_,l,b) -> fold_constr_expr_binders g f n acc b l
| CLetIn (_,na,a,b) -> fold_constr_expr_binders g f n acc b [[na],default_binder_kind,a]
- | CCast (loc,a,CastConv(_,b)) -> f n (f n acc a) b
+ | CCast (loc,a,(CastConv b|CastVM b|CastNative b)) -> f n (f n acc a) b
| CCast (loc,a,CastCoerce) -> f n acc a
| CNotation (_,_,(l,ll,bll)) ->
(* The following is an approximation: we don't know exactly if
an ident is binding nor to which subterms bindings apply *)
let acc = List.fold_left (f n) acc (l@List.flatten ll) in
- List.fold_left (fun acc bl -> fold_local_binders g f n acc (CHole (dummy_loc,None)) bl) acc bll
+ List.fold_left (fun acc bl -> fold_local_binders g f n acc (CHole (Loc.ghost,None,IntroAnonymous,None)) bl) acc bll
| CGeneralization (_,_,_,c) -> f n acc c
| CDelimiters (loc,_,a) -> f n acc a
| CHole _ | CEvar _ | CPatVar _ | CSort _ | CPrim _ | CRef _ ->
@@ -1061,93 +123,29 @@ let fold_constr_expr_with_binders g f n acc = function
let acc = List.fold_left (f n) acc ( fst al) in
List.fold_right (fun (loc,patl,rhs) acc ->
let ids = ids_of_pattern_list patl in
- f (Idset.fold g ids n) acc rhs) bl acc
+ f (Id.Set.fold g ids n) acc rhs) bl acc
| CLetTuple (loc,nal,(ona,po),b,c) ->
- let n' = List.fold_right (down_located (name_fold g)) nal n in
- f (Option.fold_right (down_located (name_fold g)) ona n') (f n acc b) c
+ let n' = List.fold_right (Loc.down_located (name_fold g)) nal n in
+ f (Option.fold_right (Loc.down_located (name_fold g)) ona n') (f n acc b) c
| CIf (_,c,(ona,po),b1,b2) ->
let acc = f n (f n (f n acc b1) b2) c in
- (f (Option.fold_right (down_located (name_fold g)) ona n)) acc po
+ (f (Option.fold_right (Loc.down_located (name_fold g)) ona n)) acc po
| CFix (loc,_,l) ->
let n' = List.fold_right (fun ((_,id),_,_,_,_) -> g id) l n in
List.fold_right (fun (_,(_,o),lb,t,c) acc ->
fold_local_binders g f n'
(fold_local_binders g f n acc t lb) c lb) l acc
| CCoFix (loc,_,_) ->
- Pp.msg_warn "Capture check in multiple binders not done"; acc
+ msg_warning (strbrk "Capture check in multiple binders not done"); acc
let free_vars_of_constr_expr c =
let rec aux bdvars l = function
- | CRef (Ident (_,id)) -> if List.mem id bdvars then l else Idset.add id l
+ | CRef (Ident (_,id),_) -> if Id.List.mem id bdvars then l else Id.Set.add id l
| c -> fold_constr_expr_with_binders (fun a l -> a::l) aux bdvars l c
- in aux [] Idset.empty c
-let occur_var_constr_expr id c = Idset.mem id (free_vars_of_constr_expr c)
-let mkIdentC id = CRef (Ident (dummy_loc, id))
-let mkRefC r = CRef r
-let mkCastC (a,k) = CCast (dummy_loc,a,k)
-let mkLambdaC (idl,bk,a,b) = CLambdaN (dummy_loc,[idl,bk,a],b)
-let mkLetInC (id,a,b) = CLetIn (dummy_loc,id,a,b)
-let mkProdC (idl,bk,a,b) = CProdN (dummy_loc,[idl,bk,a],b)
-let mkAppC (f,l) =
- let l = (fun x -> (x,None)) l in
- match f with
- | CApp (_,g,l') -> CApp (dummy_loc, g, l' @ l)
- | _ -> CApp (dummy_loc, (None, f), l)
-let rec mkCProdN loc bll c =
- match bll with
- | LocalRawAssum ((loc1,_)::_ as idl,bk,t) :: bll ->
- CProdN (loc,[idl,bk,t],mkCProdN (join_loc loc1 loc) bll c)
- | LocalRawDef ((loc1,_) as id,b) :: bll ->
- CLetIn (loc,id,b,mkCProdN (join_loc loc1 loc) bll c)
- | [] -> c
- | LocalRawAssum ([],_,_) :: bll -> mkCProdN loc bll c
-let rec mkCLambdaN loc bll c =
- match bll with
- | LocalRawAssum ((loc1,_)::_ as idl,bk,t) :: bll ->
- CLambdaN (loc,[idl,bk,t],mkCLambdaN (join_loc loc1 loc) bll c)
- | LocalRawDef ((loc1,_) as id,b) :: bll ->
- CLetIn (loc,id,b,mkCLambdaN (join_loc loc1 loc) bll c)
- | [] -> c
- | LocalRawAssum ([],_,_) :: bll -> mkCLambdaN loc bll c
-let rec abstract_constr_expr c = function
- | [] -> c
- | LocalRawDef (x,b)::bl -> mkLetInC(x,b,abstract_constr_expr c bl)
- | LocalRawAssum (idl,bk,t)::bl ->
- List.fold_right (fun x b -> mkLambdaC([x],bk,t,b)) idl
- (abstract_constr_expr c bl)
+ in aux [] Id.Set.empty c
-let rec prod_constr_expr c = function
- | [] -> c
- | LocalRawDef (x,b)::bl -> mkLetInC(x,b,prod_constr_expr c bl)
- | LocalRawAssum (idl,bk,t)::bl ->
- List.fold_right (fun x b -> mkProdC([x],bk,t,b)) idl
- (prod_constr_expr c bl)
-let coerce_reference_to_id = function
- | Ident (_,id) -> id
- | Qualid (loc,_) ->
- user_err_loc (loc, "coerce_reference_to_id",
- str "This expression should be a simple identifier.")
-let coerce_to_id = function
- | CRef (Ident (loc,id)) -> (loc,id)
- | a -> user_err_loc
- (constr_loc a,"coerce_to_id",
- str "This expression should be a simple identifier.")
-let coerce_to_name = function
- | CRef (Ident (loc,id)) -> (loc,Name id)
- | CHole (loc,_) -> (loc,Anonymous)
- | a -> user_err_loc
- (constr_loc a,"coerce_to_name",
- str "This expression should be a name.")
+let occur_var_constr_expr id c = Id.Set.mem id (free_vars_of_constr_expr c)
(* Interpret the index of a recursion order annotation *)
@@ -1155,16 +153,27 @@ let split_at_annot bl na =
let names = snd (names_of_local_assums bl) in
match na with
| None ->
- if names = [] then error "A fixpoint needs at least one parameter."
- else [], bl
+ begin match names with
+ | [] -> error "A fixpoint needs at least one parameter."
+ | _ -> ([], bl)
+ end
| Some (loc, id) ->
let rec aux acc = function
| LocalRawAssum (bls, k, t) as x :: rest ->
- let l, r = list_split_when (fun (loc, na) -> na = Name id) bls in
- if r = [] then aux (x :: acc) rest
- else
- (List.rev (if l = [] then acc else LocalRawAssum (l, k, t) :: acc),
- LocalRawAssum (r, k, t) :: rest)
+ let test (_, na) = match na with
+ | Name id' -> Id.equal id id'
+ | Anonymous -> false
+ in
+ let l, r = List.split_when test bls in
+ begin match r with
+ | [] -> aux (x :: acc) rest
+ | _ ->
+ let ans = match l with
+ | [] -> acc
+ | _ -> LocalRawAssum (l, k, t) :: acc
+ in
+ (List.rev ans, LocalRawAssum (r, k, t) :: rest)
+ end
| LocalRawDef _ as x :: rest -> aux (x :: acc) rest
| [] ->
@@ -1173,7 +182,7 @@ let split_at_annot bl na =
(* Used in correctness and interface *)
-let map_binder g e nal = List.fold_right (down_located (name_fold g)) nal e
+let map_binder g e nal = List.fold_right (Loc.down_located (name_fold g)) nal e
let map_binders f g e bl =
(* TODO: avoid variable capture in [t] by some [na] in [ nal] *)
@@ -1192,7 +201,6 @@ let map_local_binders f g e bl =
(e, List.rev rbl)
let map_constr_expr_with_binders g f e = function
- | CArrow (loc,a,b) -> CArrow (loc,f e a,f e b)
| CAppExpl (loc,r,l) -> CAppExpl (loc,r, (f e) l)
| CApp (loc,(p,a),l) ->
CApp (loc,(p,f e a), (fun (a,i) -> (f e a,i)) l)
@@ -1201,8 +209,7 @@ let map_constr_expr_with_binders g f e = function
| CLambdaN (loc,bl,b) ->
let (e,bl) = map_binders f g e bl in CLambdaN (loc,bl,f e b)
| CLetIn (loc,na,a,b) -> CLetIn (loc,na,f e a,f (name_fold g (snd na) e) b)
- | CCast (loc,a,CastConv (k,b)) -> CCast (loc,f e a,CastConv(k, f e b))
- | CCast (loc,a,CastCoerce) -> CCast (loc,f e a,CastCoerce)
+ | CCast (loc,a,c) -> CCast (loc,f e a, Miscops.map_cast_type (f e) c)
| CNotation (loc,n,(l,ll,bll)) ->
(* This is an approximation because we don't know what binds what *)
CNotation (loc,n,( (f e) l, ( (f e)) ll,
@@ -1219,11 +226,11 @@ let map_constr_expr_with_binders g f e = function
let po = (f (List.fold_right g ids e)) rtnpo in
CCases (loc, sty, po, (fun (tm,x) -> (f e tm,x)) a,bl)
| CLetTuple (loc,nal,(ona,po),b,c) ->
- let e' = List.fold_right (down_located (name_fold g)) nal e in
- let e'' = Option.fold_right (down_located (name_fold g)) ona e in
+ let e' = List.fold_right (Loc.down_located (name_fold g)) nal e in
+ let e'' = Option.fold_right (Loc.down_located (name_fold g)) ona e in
CLetTuple (loc,nal,(ona, (f e'') po),f e b,f e' c)
| CIf (loc,c,(ona,po),b1,b2) ->
- let e' = Option.fold_right (down_located (name_fold g)) ona e in
+ let e' = Option.fold_right (Loc.down_located (name_fold g)) ona e in
CIf (loc,f e c,(ona, (f e') po),f e b1,f e b2)
| CFix (loc,id,dl) ->
CFix (loc,id, (fun (id,n,bl,t,d) ->
@@ -1243,33 +250,21 @@ let map_constr_expr_with_binders g f e = function
(* Used in constrintern *)
let rec replace_vars_constr_expr l = function
- | CRef (Ident (loc,id)) as x ->
- (try CRef (Ident (loc,List.assoc id l)) with Not_found -> x)
- | c -> map_constr_expr_with_binders List.remove_assoc
+ | CRef (Ident (loc,id),us) as x ->
+ (try CRef (Ident (loc,Id.Map.find id l),us) with Not_found -> x)
+ | c -> map_constr_expr_with_binders Id.Map.remove
replace_vars_constr_expr l c
-(* Concrete syntax for modules and modules types *)
-type with_declaration_ast =
- | CWith_Module of identifier list located * qualid located
- | CWith_Definition of identifier list located * constr_expr
-type module_ast =
- | CMident of qualid located
- | CMapply of loc * module_ast * module_ast
- | CMwith of loc * module_ast * with_declaration_ast
(* Returns the ranges of locs of the notation that are not occupied by args *)
(* and which are then occupied by proper symbols of the notation (or spaces) *)
let locs_of_notation loc locs ntn =
- let (bl,el) = Util.unloc loc in
- let locs = Util.unloc locs in
+ let (bl, el) = Loc.unloc loc in
+ let locs = Loc.unloc locs in
let rec aux pos = function
- | [] -> if pos = el then [] else [(pos,el-1)]
- | (ba,ea)::l ->if pos = ba then aux ea l else (pos,ba-1)::aux ea l
- in aux bl (Sort.list (fun l1 l2 -> fst l1 < fst l2) locs)
+ | [] -> if Int.equal pos el then [] else [(pos,el)]
+ | (ba,ea)::l -> if Int.equal pos ba then aux ea l else (pos,ba)::aux ea l
+ in aux bl (List.sort (fun l1 l2 -> fst l1 - fst l2) locs)
let ntn_loc loc (args,argslist,binderslist) =
locs_of_notation loc
diff --git a/interp/topconstr.mli b/interp/topconstr.mli
index 39ec8e74..b25d7082 100644
--- a/interp/topconstr.mli
+++ b/interp/topconstr.mli
@@ -1,274 +1,49 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Pp
-open Util
+open Loc
open Names
-open Libnames
-open Glob_term
-open Term
-open Mod_subst
+open Constrexpr
-(** Topconstr: definitions of [aconstr] et [constr_expr] *)
+(** Topconstr *)
-(** {6 aconstr } *)
-(** This is the subtype of glob_constr allowed in syntactic extensions
- No location since intended to be substituted at any place of a text
- Complex expressions such as fixpoints and cofixpoints are excluded,
- non global expressions such as existential variables also *)
+val oldfashion_patterns : bool ref
-type aconstr =
- (** Part common to [glob_constr] and [cases_pattern] *)
- | ARef of global_reference
- | AVar of identifier
- | AApp of aconstr * aconstr list
- | AList of identifier * identifier * aconstr * aconstr * bool
- (** Part only in [glob_constr] *)
- | ALambda of name * aconstr * aconstr
- | AProd of name * aconstr * aconstr
- | ABinderList of identifier * identifier * aconstr * aconstr
- | ALetIn of name * aconstr * aconstr
- | ACases of case_style * aconstr option *
- (aconstr * (name * (inductive * int * name list) option)) list *
- (cases_pattern list * aconstr) list
- | ALetTuple of name list * (name * aconstr option) * aconstr * aconstr
- | AIf of aconstr * (name * aconstr option) * aconstr * aconstr
- | ARec of fix_kind * identifier array *
- (name * aconstr option * aconstr) list array * aconstr array *
- aconstr array
- | ASort of glob_sort
- | AHole of Evd.hole_kind
- | APatVar of patvar
- | ACast of aconstr * aconstr cast_type
-type scope_name = string
-type tmp_scope_name = scope_name
-type subscopes = tmp_scope_name option * scope_name list
-(** Type of the meta-variables of an aconstr: in a recursive pattern x..y,
- x carries the sequence of objects bound to the list x..y *)
-type notation_var_instance_type =
- | NtnTypeConstr | NtnTypeConstrList | NtnTypeBinderList
-(** Type of variables when interpreting a constr_expr as an aconstr:
- in a recursive pattern x..y, both x and y carry the individual type
- of each element of the list x..y *)
-type notation_var_internalization_type =
- | NtnInternTypeConstr | NtnInternTypeBinder | NtnInternTypeIdent
-(** This characterizes to what a notation is interpreted to *)
-type interpretation =
- (identifier * (subscopes * notation_var_instance_type)) list * aconstr
-(** Translate a glob_constr into a notation given the list of variables
- bound by the notation; also interpret recursive patterns *)
-val aconstr_of_glob_constr :
- (identifier * notation_var_internalization_type) list ->
- (identifier * identifier) list -> glob_constr -> aconstr
-(** Name of the special identifier used to encode recursive notations *)
-val ldots_var : identifier
-(** Equality of glob_constr (warning: only partially implemented) *)
-val eq_glob_constr : glob_constr -> glob_constr -> bool
-(** Re-interpret a notation as a glob_constr, taking care of binders *)
-val glob_constr_of_aconstr_with_binders : loc ->
- ('a -> name -> 'a * name) ->
- ('a -> aconstr -> glob_constr) -> 'a -> aconstr -> glob_constr
-val glob_constr_of_aconstr : loc -> aconstr -> glob_constr
-(** [match_aconstr] matches a glob_constr against a notation interpretation;
- raise [No_match] if the matching fails *)
-exception No_match
-val match_aconstr : bool -> glob_constr -> interpretation ->
- (glob_constr * subscopes) list * (glob_constr list * subscopes) list *
- (glob_decl list * subscopes) list
-val match_aconstr_cases_pattern : cases_pattern -> interpretation ->
- (cases_pattern * subscopes) list * (cases_pattern list * subscopes) list
-(** Substitution of kernel names in interpretation data *)
-val subst_interpretation : substitution -> interpretation -> interpretation
-(** {6 Concrete syntax for terms } *)
-type notation = string
-type explicitation = ExplByPos of int * identifier option | ExplByName of identifier
-type binder_kind =
- | Default of binding_kind
- | Generalized of binding_kind * binding_kind * bool
- (** Inner binding, outer bindings, typeclass-specific flag
- for implicit generalization of superclasses *)
-type abstraction_kind = AbsLambda | AbsPi
-type proj_flag = int option (** [Some n] = proj of the n-th visible argument *)
-type prim_token = Numeral of Bigint.bigint | String of string
-type cases_pattern_expr =
- | CPatAlias of loc * cases_pattern_expr * identifier
- | CPatCstr of loc * reference * cases_pattern_expr list
- | CPatCstrExpl of loc * reference * cases_pattern_expr list
- | CPatAtom of loc * reference option
- | CPatOr of loc * cases_pattern_expr list
- | CPatNotation of loc * notation * cases_pattern_notation_substitution
- | CPatPrim of loc * prim_token
- | CPatRecord of Util.loc * (reference * cases_pattern_expr) list
- | CPatDelimiters of loc * string * cases_pattern_expr
-and cases_pattern_notation_substitution =
- cases_pattern_expr list * (** for constr subterms *)
- cases_pattern_expr list list (** for recursive notations *)
-type constr_expr =
- | CRef of reference
- | CFix of loc * identifier located * fix_expr list
- | CCoFix of loc * identifier located * cofix_expr list
- | CArrow of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CProdN of loc * (name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr) list * constr_expr
- | CLambdaN of loc * (name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr) list * constr_expr
- | CLetIn of loc * name located * constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CAppExpl of loc * (proj_flag * reference) * constr_expr list
- | CApp of loc * (proj_flag * constr_expr) *
- (constr_expr * explicitation located option) list
- | CRecord of loc * constr_expr option * (reference * constr_expr) list
- | CCases of loc * case_style * constr_expr option *
- (constr_expr * (name located option * constr_expr option)) list *
- (loc * cases_pattern_expr list located list * constr_expr) list
- | CLetTuple of loc * name located list * (name located option * constr_expr option) *
- constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CIf of loc * constr_expr * (name located option * constr_expr option)
- * constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CHole of loc * Evd.hole_kind option
- | CPatVar of loc * (bool * patvar)
- | CEvar of loc * existential_key * constr_expr list option
- | CSort of loc * glob_sort
- | CCast of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr cast_type
- | CNotation of loc * notation * constr_notation_substitution
- | CGeneralization of loc * binding_kind * abstraction_kind option * constr_expr
- | CPrim of loc * prim_token
- | CDelimiters of loc * string * constr_expr
-and fix_expr =
- identifier located * (identifier located option * recursion_order_expr) * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr
-and cofix_expr =
- identifier located * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr
-and recursion_order_expr =
- | CStructRec
- | CWfRec of constr_expr
- | CMeasureRec of constr_expr * constr_expr option (** measure, relation *)
-(** Anonymous defs allowed ?? *)
-and local_binder =
- | LocalRawDef of name located * constr_expr
- | LocalRawAssum of name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr
-and constr_notation_substitution =
- constr_expr list * (** for constr subterms *)
- constr_expr list list * (** for recursive notations *)
- local_binder list list (** for binders subexpressions *)
-type typeclass_constraint = name located * binding_kind * constr_expr
-and typeclass_context = typeclass_constraint list
-type constr_pattern_expr = constr_expr
-(** Utilities on constr_expr *)
-val constr_loc : constr_expr -> loc
-val cases_pattern_expr_loc : cases_pattern_expr -> loc
-val local_binders_loc : local_binder list -> loc
+(** Utilities on constr_expr *)
val replace_vars_constr_expr :
- (identifier * identifier) list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
+ Id.t Id.Map.t -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val free_vars_of_constr_expr : constr_expr -> Idset.t
-val occur_var_constr_expr : identifier -> constr_expr -> bool
-val default_binder_kind : binder_kind
+val free_vars_of_constr_expr : constr_expr -> Id.Set.t
+val occur_var_constr_expr : Id.t -> constr_expr -> bool
(** Specific function for interning "in indtype" syntax of "match" *)
-val ids_of_cases_indtype : constr_expr -> identifier list
-val mkIdentC : identifier -> constr_expr
-val mkRefC : reference -> constr_expr
-val mkAppC : constr_expr * constr_expr list -> constr_expr
-val mkCastC : constr_expr * constr_expr cast_type -> constr_expr
-val mkLambdaC : name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val mkLetInC : name located * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val mkProdC : name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val coerce_reference_to_id : reference -> identifier
-val coerce_to_id : constr_expr -> identifier located
-val coerce_to_name : constr_expr -> name located
-val split_at_annot : local_binder list -> identifier located option -> local_binder list * local_binder list
-val abstract_constr_expr : constr_expr -> local_binder list -> constr_expr
-val prod_constr_expr : constr_expr -> local_binder list -> constr_expr
+val ids_of_cases_indtype : cases_pattern_expr -> Id.t list
-(** Same as [abstract_constr_expr] and [prod_constr_expr], with location *)
-val mkCLambdaN : loc -> local_binder list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val mkCProdN : loc -> local_binder list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
-(** For binders parsing *)
-(** With let binders *)
-val names_of_local_binders : local_binder list -> name located list
-(** Does not take let binders into account *)
-val names_of_local_assums : local_binder list -> name located list
+val split_at_annot : local_binder list -> Id.t located option -> local_binder list * local_binder list
(** Used in typeclasses *)
-val fold_constr_expr_with_binders : (identifier -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+val fold_constr_expr_with_binders : (Id.t -> 'a -> 'a) ->
('a -> 'b -> constr_expr -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b -> constr_expr -> 'b
(** Used in correctness and interface; absence of var capture not guaranteed
in pattern-matching clauses and in binders of the form [x,y:T(x)] *)
val map_constr_expr_with_binders :
- (identifier -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr_expr -> constr_expr) ->
+ (Id.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr_expr -> constr_expr) ->
'a -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
-(** Concrete syntax for modules and module types *)
-type with_declaration_ast =
- | CWith_Module of identifier list located * qualid located
- | CWith_Definition of identifier list located * constr_expr
-type module_ast =
- | CMident of qualid located
- | CMapply of loc * module_ast * module_ast
- | CMwith of loc * module_ast * with_declaration_ast
val ntn_loc :
- Util.loc -> constr_notation_substitution -> string -> (int * int) list
+ Loc.t -> constr_notation_substitution -> string -> (int * int) list
val patntn_loc :
- Util.loc -> cases_pattern_notation_substitution -> string -> (int * int) list
+ Loc.t -> cases_pattern_notation_substitution -> string -> (int * int) list
(** For cases pattern parsing errors *)
-val error_invalid_pattern_notation : Util.loc -> 'a
+val error_invalid_pattern_notation : Loc.t -> 'a