path: root/interp/topconstr.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'interp/topconstr.mli')
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/interp/topconstr.mli b/interp/topconstr.mli
index 39ec8e74..b25d7082 100644
--- a/interp/topconstr.mli
+++ b/interp/topconstr.mli
@@ -1,274 +1,49 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2014 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Pp
-open Util
+open Loc
open Names
-open Libnames
-open Glob_term
-open Term
-open Mod_subst
+open Constrexpr
-(** Topconstr: definitions of [aconstr] et [constr_expr] *)
+(** Topconstr *)
-(** {6 aconstr } *)
-(** This is the subtype of glob_constr allowed in syntactic extensions
- No location since intended to be substituted at any place of a text
- Complex expressions such as fixpoints and cofixpoints are excluded,
- non global expressions such as existential variables also *)
+val oldfashion_patterns : bool ref
-type aconstr =
- (** Part common to [glob_constr] and [cases_pattern] *)
- | ARef of global_reference
- | AVar of identifier
- | AApp of aconstr * aconstr list
- | AList of identifier * identifier * aconstr * aconstr * bool
- (** Part only in [glob_constr] *)
- | ALambda of name * aconstr * aconstr
- | AProd of name * aconstr * aconstr
- | ABinderList of identifier * identifier * aconstr * aconstr
- | ALetIn of name * aconstr * aconstr
- | ACases of case_style * aconstr option *
- (aconstr * (name * (inductive * int * name list) option)) list *
- (cases_pattern list * aconstr) list
- | ALetTuple of name list * (name * aconstr option) * aconstr * aconstr
- | AIf of aconstr * (name * aconstr option) * aconstr * aconstr
- | ARec of fix_kind * identifier array *
- (name * aconstr option * aconstr) list array * aconstr array *
- aconstr array
- | ASort of glob_sort
- | AHole of Evd.hole_kind
- | APatVar of patvar
- | ACast of aconstr * aconstr cast_type
-type scope_name = string
-type tmp_scope_name = scope_name
-type subscopes = tmp_scope_name option * scope_name list
-(** Type of the meta-variables of an aconstr: in a recursive pattern x..y,
- x carries the sequence of objects bound to the list x..y *)
-type notation_var_instance_type =
- | NtnTypeConstr | NtnTypeConstrList | NtnTypeBinderList
-(** Type of variables when interpreting a constr_expr as an aconstr:
- in a recursive pattern x..y, both x and y carry the individual type
- of each element of the list x..y *)
-type notation_var_internalization_type =
- | NtnInternTypeConstr | NtnInternTypeBinder | NtnInternTypeIdent
-(** This characterizes to what a notation is interpreted to *)
-type interpretation =
- (identifier * (subscopes * notation_var_instance_type)) list * aconstr
-(** Translate a glob_constr into a notation given the list of variables
- bound by the notation; also interpret recursive patterns *)
-val aconstr_of_glob_constr :
- (identifier * notation_var_internalization_type) list ->
- (identifier * identifier) list -> glob_constr -> aconstr
-(** Name of the special identifier used to encode recursive notations *)
-val ldots_var : identifier
-(** Equality of glob_constr (warning: only partially implemented) *)
-val eq_glob_constr : glob_constr -> glob_constr -> bool
-(** Re-interpret a notation as a glob_constr, taking care of binders *)
-val glob_constr_of_aconstr_with_binders : loc ->
- ('a -> name -> 'a * name) ->
- ('a -> aconstr -> glob_constr) -> 'a -> aconstr -> glob_constr
-val glob_constr_of_aconstr : loc -> aconstr -> glob_constr
-(** [match_aconstr] matches a glob_constr against a notation interpretation;
- raise [No_match] if the matching fails *)
-exception No_match
-val match_aconstr : bool -> glob_constr -> interpretation ->
- (glob_constr * subscopes) list * (glob_constr list * subscopes) list *
- (glob_decl list * subscopes) list
-val match_aconstr_cases_pattern : cases_pattern -> interpretation ->
- (cases_pattern * subscopes) list * (cases_pattern list * subscopes) list
-(** Substitution of kernel names in interpretation data *)
-val subst_interpretation : substitution -> interpretation -> interpretation
-(** {6 Concrete syntax for terms } *)
-type notation = string
-type explicitation = ExplByPos of int * identifier option | ExplByName of identifier
-type binder_kind =
- | Default of binding_kind
- | Generalized of binding_kind * binding_kind * bool
- (** Inner binding, outer bindings, typeclass-specific flag
- for implicit generalization of superclasses *)
-type abstraction_kind = AbsLambda | AbsPi
-type proj_flag = int option (** [Some n] = proj of the n-th visible argument *)
-type prim_token = Numeral of Bigint.bigint | String of string
-type cases_pattern_expr =
- | CPatAlias of loc * cases_pattern_expr * identifier
- | CPatCstr of loc * reference * cases_pattern_expr list
- | CPatCstrExpl of loc * reference * cases_pattern_expr list
- | CPatAtom of loc * reference option
- | CPatOr of loc * cases_pattern_expr list
- | CPatNotation of loc * notation * cases_pattern_notation_substitution
- | CPatPrim of loc * prim_token
- | CPatRecord of Util.loc * (reference * cases_pattern_expr) list
- | CPatDelimiters of loc * string * cases_pattern_expr
-and cases_pattern_notation_substitution =
- cases_pattern_expr list * (** for constr subterms *)
- cases_pattern_expr list list (** for recursive notations *)
-type constr_expr =
- | CRef of reference
- | CFix of loc * identifier located * fix_expr list
- | CCoFix of loc * identifier located * cofix_expr list
- | CArrow of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CProdN of loc * (name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr) list * constr_expr
- | CLambdaN of loc * (name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr) list * constr_expr
- | CLetIn of loc * name located * constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CAppExpl of loc * (proj_flag * reference) * constr_expr list
- | CApp of loc * (proj_flag * constr_expr) *
- (constr_expr * explicitation located option) list
- | CRecord of loc * constr_expr option * (reference * constr_expr) list
- | CCases of loc * case_style * constr_expr option *
- (constr_expr * (name located option * constr_expr option)) list *
- (loc * cases_pattern_expr list located list * constr_expr) list
- | CLetTuple of loc * name located list * (name located option * constr_expr option) *
- constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CIf of loc * constr_expr * (name located option * constr_expr option)
- * constr_expr * constr_expr
- | CHole of loc * Evd.hole_kind option
- | CPatVar of loc * (bool * patvar)
- | CEvar of loc * existential_key * constr_expr list option
- | CSort of loc * glob_sort
- | CCast of loc * constr_expr * constr_expr cast_type
- | CNotation of loc * notation * constr_notation_substitution
- | CGeneralization of loc * binding_kind * abstraction_kind option * constr_expr
- | CPrim of loc * prim_token
- | CDelimiters of loc * string * constr_expr
-and fix_expr =
- identifier located * (identifier located option * recursion_order_expr) * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr
-and cofix_expr =
- identifier located * local_binder list * constr_expr * constr_expr
-and recursion_order_expr =
- | CStructRec
- | CWfRec of constr_expr
- | CMeasureRec of constr_expr * constr_expr option (** measure, relation *)
-(** Anonymous defs allowed ?? *)
-and local_binder =
- | LocalRawDef of name located * constr_expr
- | LocalRawAssum of name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr
-and constr_notation_substitution =
- constr_expr list * (** for constr subterms *)
- constr_expr list list * (** for recursive notations *)
- local_binder list list (** for binders subexpressions *)
-type typeclass_constraint = name located * binding_kind * constr_expr
-and typeclass_context = typeclass_constraint list
-type constr_pattern_expr = constr_expr
-(** Utilities on constr_expr *)
-val constr_loc : constr_expr -> loc
-val cases_pattern_expr_loc : cases_pattern_expr -> loc
-val local_binders_loc : local_binder list -> loc
+(** Utilities on constr_expr *)
val replace_vars_constr_expr :
- (identifier * identifier) list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
+ Id.t Id.Map.t -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val free_vars_of_constr_expr : constr_expr -> Idset.t
-val occur_var_constr_expr : identifier -> constr_expr -> bool
-val default_binder_kind : binder_kind
+val free_vars_of_constr_expr : constr_expr -> Id.Set.t
+val occur_var_constr_expr : Id.t -> constr_expr -> bool
(** Specific function for interning "in indtype" syntax of "match" *)
-val ids_of_cases_indtype : constr_expr -> identifier list
-val mkIdentC : identifier -> constr_expr
-val mkRefC : reference -> constr_expr
-val mkAppC : constr_expr * constr_expr list -> constr_expr
-val mkCastC : constr_expr * constr_expr cast_type -> constr_expr
-val mkLambdaC : name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val mkLetInC : name located * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val mkProdC : name located list * binder_kind * constr_expr * constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val coerce_reference_to_id : reference -> identifier
-val coerce_to_id : constr_expr -> identifier located
-val coerce_to_name : constr_expr -> name located
-val split_at_annot : local_binder list -> identifier located option -> local_binder list * local_binder list
-val abstract_constr_expr : constr_expr -> local_binder list -> constr_expr
-val prod_constr_expr : constr_expr -> local_binder list -> constr_expr
+val ids_of_cases_indtype : cases_pattern_expr -> Id.t list
-(** Same as [abstract_constr_expr] and [prod_constr_expr], with location *)
-val mkCLambdaN : loc -> local_binder list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
-val mkCProdN : loc -> local_binder list -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
-(** For binders parsing *)
-(** With let binders *)
-val names_of_local_binders : local_binder list -> name located list
-(** Does not take let binders into account *)
-val names_of_local_assums : local_binder list -> name located list
+val split_at_annot : local_binder list -> Id.t located option -> local_binder list * local_binder list
(** Used in typeclasses *)
-val fold_constr_expr_with_binders : (identifier -> 'a -> 'a) ->
+val fold_constr_expr_with_binders : (Id.t -> 'a -> 'a) ->
('a -> 'b -> constr_expr -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b -> constr_expr -> 'b
(** Used in correctness and interface; absence of var capture not guaranteed
in pattern-matching clauses and in binders of the form [x,y:T(x)] *)
val map_constr_expr_with_binders :
- (identifier -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr_expr -> constr_expr) ->
+ (Id.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> ('a -> constr_expr -> constr_expr) ->
'a -> constr_expr -> constr_expr
-(** Concrete syntax for modules and module types *)
-type with_declaration_ast =
- | CWith_Module of identifier list located * qualid located
- | CWith_Definition of identifier list located * constr_expr
-type module_ast =
- | CMident of qualid located
- | CMapply of loc * module_ast * module_ast
- | CMwith of loc * module_ast * with_declaration_ast
val ntn_loc :
- Util.loc -> constr_notation_substitution -> string -> (int * int) list
+ Loc.t -> constr_notation_substitution -> string -> (int * int) list
val patntn_loc :
- Util.loc -> cases_pattern_notation_substitution -> string -> (int * int) list
+ Loc.t -> cases_pattern_notation_substitution -> string -> (int * int) list
(** For cases pattern parsing errors *)
-val error_invalid_pattern_notation : Util.loc -> 'a
+val error_invalid_pattern_notation : Loc.t -> 'a