path: root/ide/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/')
1 files changed, 517 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ide/ b/ide/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..29363211
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Preferences
+let prefs = Preferences.current
+(** A session is a script buffer + proof + messages,
+ interacting with a coqtop, and a few other elements around *)
+class type ['a] page =
+ object
+ inherit GObj.widget
+ method update : 'a -> unit
+ method on_update : callback:('a -> unit) -> unit
+ end
+class type control =
+ object
+ method detach : unit -> unit
+ end
+type errpage = (int * string) list page
+type jobpage = string CString.Map.t page
+type session = {
+ buffer : GText.buffer;
+ script : Wg_ScriptView.script_view;
+ proof : Wg_ProofView.proof_view;
+ messages : Wg_MessageView.message_view;
+ segment : Wg_Segment.segment;
+ fileops : FileOps.ops;
+ coqops : CoqOps.ops;
+ coqtop : Coq.coqtop;
+ command : Wg_Command.command_window;
+ finder : Wg_Find.finder;
+ tab_label : GMisc.label;
+ errpage : errpage;
+ jobpage : jobpage;
+ mutable control : control;
+let create_buffer () =
+ let buffer = GSourceView2.source_buffer
+ ~tag_table:Tags.Script.table
+ ~highlight_matching_brackets:true
+ ?language:(lang_manager#language prefs.source_language)
+ ?style_scheme:(style_manager#style_scheme prefs.source_style)
+ ()
+ in
+ let _ = buffer#create_mark ~name:"start_of_input" buffer#start_iter in
+ let _ = buffer#create_mark
+ ~left_gravity:false ~name:"stop_of_input" buffer#end_iter in
+ let _ = buffer#create_mark ~name:"prev_insert" buffer#start_iter in
+ let _ = buffer#place_cursor ~where:buffer#start_iter in
+ let _ = buffer#add_selection_clipboard Ideutils.cb in
+ buffer
+let create_script coqtop source_buffer =
+ let script = Wg_ScriptView.script_view coqtop ~source_buffer
+ ~show_line_numbers:true ~wrap_mode:`NONE ()
+ in
+ let _ = script#misc#set_name "ScriptWindow"
+ in
+ script
+(** NB: Events during text edition:
+ - [begin_user_action]
+ - [insert_text] (or [delete_range] when deleting)
+ - [changed]
+ - [end_user_action]
+ When pasting a text containing tags (e.g. the sentence terminators),
+ there is actually many [insert_text] and [changed]. For instance,
+ for "a. b.":
+ - [begin_user_action]
+ - [insert_text] (for "a")
+ - [changed]
+ - [insert_text] (for ".")
+ - [changed]
+ - [apply_tag] (for the tag of ".")
+ - [insert_text] (for " b")
+ - [changed]
+ - [insert_text] (for ".")
+ - [changed]
+ - [apply_tag] (for the tag of ".")
+ - [end_user_action]
+ Since these copy-pasted tags may interact badly with the retag mechanism,
+ we now don't monitor the "changed" event, but rather the "begin_user_action"
+ and "end_user_action". We begin by setting a mark at the initial cursor
+ point. At the end, the zone between the mark and the cursor is to be
+ untagged and then retagged. *)
+let set_buffer_handlers
+ (buffer : GText.buffer) script (coqops : CoqOps.ops) coqtop
+ let action_was_cancelled = ref true in
+ let no_coq_action_required = ref true in
+ let cur_action = ref 0 in
+ let new_action_id =
+ let id = ref 0 in
+ fun () -> incr id; !id in
+ let running_action = ref None in
+ let cancel_signal reason =
+ Minilib.log ("user_action cancelled: "^reason);
+ action_was_cancelled := true;
+ GtkSignal.stop_emit () in
+ let del_mark () =
+ try buffer#delete_mark (`NAME "target")
+ with GText.No_such_mark _ -> () in
+ let add_mark it = del_mark (); buffer#create_mark ~name:"target" it in
+ let call_coq_or_cancel_action f =
+ no_coq_action_required := false;
+ let action = !cur_action in
+ let action, fallback =
+ Coq.seq (Coq.lift (fun () -> running_action := Some action)) f,
+ fun () -> (* If Coq is busy due to the current action, we don't cancel *)
+ match !running_action with
+ | Some aid when aid = action -> ()
+ | _ -> cancel_signal "Coq busy" in
+ Coq.try_grab coqtop action fallback in
+ let get_start () = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "start_of_input") in
+ let get_stop () = buffer#get_iter_at_mark (`NAME "stop_of_input") in
+ let ensure_marks_exist () =
+ try ignore(buffer#get_mark (`NAME "stop_of_input"))
+ with GText.No_such_mark _ -> assert false in
+ let get_insert () = buffer#get_iter_at_mark `INSERT in
+ let debug_edit_zone () = if false (*!Minilib.debug*) then begin
+ buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.edit_zone
+ ~start:buffer#start_iter ~stop:buffer#end_iter;
+ buffer#apply_tag Tags.Script.edit_zone
+ ~start:(get_start()) ~stop:(get_stop())
+ end in
+ let backto_before_error it =
+ let rec aux old it =
+ if it#is_start || not(it#has_tag Tags.Script.error_bg) then old
+ else aux it it#backward_char in
+ aux it it in
+ let insert_cb it s = if String.length s = 0 then () else begin
+ Minilib.log ("insert_cb " ^ string_of_int it#offset);
+ let text_mark = add_mark it in
+ if it#has_tag Tags.Script.to_process then
+ cancel_signal "Altering the script being processed in not implemented"
+ else if it#has_tag Tags.Script.read_only then
+ cancel_signal "Altering read_only text not allowed"
+ else if it#has_tag Tags.Script.processed then
+ call_coq_or_cancel_action (coqops#go_to_mark (`MARK text_mark))
+ else if it#has_tag Tags.Script.error_bg then begin
+ let prev_sentence_end = backto_before_error it in
+ let text_mark = add_mark prev_sentence_end in
+ call_coq_or_cancel_action (coqops#go_to_mark (`MARK text_mark))
+ end end in
+ let delete_cb ~start ~stop =
+ Minilib.log (Printf.sprintf "delete_cb %d %d" start#offset stop#offset);
+ cur_action := new_action_id ();
+ let min_iter, max_iter =
+ if start#compare stop < 0 then start, stop else stop, start in
+ let text_mark = add_mark min_iter in
+ let rec aux min_iter =
+ if min_iter#equal max_iter then ()
+ else if min_iter#has_tag Tags.Script.to_process then
+ cancel_signal "Altering the script being processed in not implemented"
+ else if min_iter#has_tag Tags.Script.read_only then
+ cancel_signal "Altering read_only text not allowed"
+ else if min_iter#has_tag Tags.Script.processed then
+ call_coq_or_cancel_action (coqops#go_to_mark (`MARK text_mark))
+ else if min_iter#has_tag Tags.Script.error_bg then
+ let prev_sentence_end = backto_before_error min_iter in
+ let text_mark = add_mark prev_sentence_end in
+ call_coq_or_cancel_action (coqops#go_to_mark (`MARK text_mark))
+ else aux min_iter#forward_char in
+ aux min_iter in
+ let begin_action_cb () =
+ Minilib.log "begin_action_cb";
+ action_was_cancelled := false;
+ no_coq_action_required := true;
+ cur_action := new_action_id ();
+ let where = get_insert () in
+ buffer#move_mark (`NAME "prev_insert") ~where in
+ let end_action_cb () =
+ Minilib.log "end_action_cb";
+ ensure_marks_exist ();
+ if not !action_was_cancelled then begin
+ (* If coq was asked to backtrack, the clenup must be done by the
+ backtrack_until function, since it may move the stop_of_input
+ to a point indicated by coq. *)
+ if !no_coq_action_required then begin
+ let start, stop = get_start (), get_stop () in
+ buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.error ~start ~stop;
+ buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.error_bg ~start ~stop;
+ buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.tooltip ~start ~stop;
+ buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.processed ~start ~stop;
+ buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.to_process ~start ~stop;
+ buffer#remove_tag Tags.Script.incomplete ~start ~stop;
+ Sentence.tag_on_insert buffer
+ end;
+ end in
+ let mark_deleted_cb m =
+ match GtkText.Mark.get_name m with
+ | Some "insert" -> ()
+ | Some s -> Minilib.log (s^" deleted")
+ | None -> ()
+ in
+ let mark_set_cb it m =
+ debug_edit_zone ();
+ let ins = get_insert () in
+ let line = ins#line + 1 in
+ let off = ins#line_offset + 1 in
+ let msg = Printf.sprintf "Line: %5d Char: %3d" line off in
+ let () = !Ideutils.set_location msg in
+ match GtkText.Mark.get_name m with
+ | Some "insert" -> ()
+ | Some s -> Minilib.log (s^" moved")
+ | None -> ()
+ in
+ (** Pluging callbacks *)
+ let _ = buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback:insert_cb in
+ let _ = buffer#connect#delete_range ~callback:delete_cb in
+ let _ = buffer#connect#begin_user_action ~callback:begin_action_cb in
+ let _ = buffer#connect#end_user_action ~callback:end_action_cb in
+ let _ = buffer#connect#after#mark_set ~callback:mark_set_cb in
+ let _ = buffer#connect#after#mark_deleted ~callback:mark_deleted_cb in
+ ()
+let find_int_col s l =
+ match List.assoc s l with `IntC c -> c | _ -> assert false
+let find_string_col s l =
+ match List.assoc s l with `StringC c -> c | _ -> assert false
+let make_table_widget cd cb =
+ let frame = GBin.scrolled_window ~hpolicy:`NEVER ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC () in
+ let columns, store =
+ let cols = new GTree.column_list in
+ let columns = (function
+ | (`Int,n,_) -> n, `IntC (cols#add
+ | (`String,n,_) -> n, `StringC (cols#add Gobject.Data.string))
+ cd in
+ columns, GTree.list_store cols in
+ let data = GTree.view
+ ~vadjustment:frame#vadjustment ~hadjustment:frame#hadjustment
+ ~rules_hint:true ~headers_visible:false
+ ~model:store ~packing:frame#add () in
+ let () = data#set_headers_visible true in
+ let mk_rend c = GTree.cell_renderer_text [], ["text",c] in
+ let cols =
+ List.map2 (fun (_,c) (_,n,v) ->
+ let c = match c with
+ | `IntC c -> GTree.view_column ~renderer:(mk_rend c) ()
+ | `StringC c -> GTree.view_column ~renderer:(mk_rend c) () in
+ c#set_title n;
+ c#set_visible v;
+ c#set_sizing `AUTOSIZE;
+ c)
+ columns cd in
+ List.iter (fun c -> ignore(data#append_column c)) cols;
+ ignore(
+ data#connect#row_activated ~callback:(fun tp vc -> cb columns store tp vc)
+ );
+ frame, (fun f -> f columns store)
+let create_errpage (script : Wg_ScriptView.script_view) : errpage =
+ let table, access =
+ make_table_widget
+ [`Int,"Line",true; `String,"Error message",true]
+ (fun columns store tp vc ->
+ let row = store#get_iter tp in
+ let lno = store#get ~row ~column:(find_int_col "Line" columns) in
+ let where = script#buffer#get_iter (`LINE (lno-1)) in
+ script#buffer#place_cursor ~where;
+ ignore (script#scroll_to_iter
+ ~use_align:false ~yalign:0.75 ~within_margin:0.25 where)) in
+ let tip = GMisc.label ~text:"Double click to jump to error line" () in
+ let box = GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:false () in
+ let () = box#pack ~expand:true table#coerce in
+ let () = box#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2 tip#coerce in
+ let last_update = ref [] in
+ let callback = ref (fun _ -> ()) in
+ object (self)
+ inherit GObj.widget box#as_widget
+ method update errs =
+ if !last_update = errs then ()
+ else begin
+ last_update := errs;
+ access (fun _ store -> store#clear ());
+ !callback errs;
+ List.iter (fun (lno, msg) -> access (fun columns store ->
+ let line = store#append () in
+ store#set line (find_int_col "Line" columns) lno;
+ store#set line (find_string_col "Error message" columns) msg))
+ errs
+ end
+ method on_update ~callback:cb = callback := cb
+ end
+let create_jobpage coqtop coqops : jobpage =
+ let table, access =
+ make_table_widget
+ [`String,"Worker",true; `String,"Job name",true]
+ (fun columns store tp vc ->
+ let row = store#get_iter tp in
+ let w = store#get ~row ~column:(find_string_col "Worker" columns) in
+ let info () = Minilib.log ("Coq busy, discarding query") in
+ Coq.try_grab coqtop (coqops#stop_worker w) info
+ ) in
+ let tip = GMisc.label ~text:"Double click to interrupt worker" () in
+ let box = GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:false () in
+ let () = box#pack ~expand:true table#coerce in
+ let () = box#pack ~expand:false ~padding:2 tip#coerce in
+ let last_update = ref CString.Map.empty in
+ let callback = ref (fun _ -> ()) in
+ object (self)
+ inherit GObj.widget box#as_widget
+ method update jobs =
+ if !last_update = jobs then ()
+ else begin
+ last_update := jobs;
+ access (fun _ store -> store#clear ());
+ !callback jobs;
+ CString.Map.iter (fun id job -> access (fun columns store ->
+ let column = find_string_col "Worker" columns in
+ if job = "Dead" then
+ store#foreach (fun _ row ->
+ if store#get ~row ~column = id then store#remove row || true
+ else false)
+ else
+ let line = store#append () in
+ store#set line column id;
+ store#set line (find_string_col "Job name" columns) job))
+ jobs
+ end
+ method on_update ~callback:cb = callback := cb
+ end
+let create_proof () =
+ let proof = Wg_ProofView.proof_view () in
+ let _ = proof#misc#set_can_focus true in
+ let _ = GtkBase.Widget.add_events proof#as_widget
+ in
+ proof
+let create_messages () =
+ let messages = Wg_MessageView.message_view () in
+ let _ = messages#misc#set_can_focus true in
+ messages
+let dummy_control : control =
+ object
+ method detach () = ()
+ end
+let create file coqtop_args =
+ let basename = match file with
+ |None -> "*scratch*"
+ |Some f -> Glib.Convert.filename_to_utf8 (Filename.basename f)
+ in
+ let coqtop = Coq.spawn_coqtop coqtop_args in
+ let reset () = Coq.reset_coqtop coqtop in
+ let buffer = create_buffer () in
+ let script = create_script coqtop buffer in
+ let proof = create_proof () in
+ let messages = create_messages () in
+ let segment = new Wg_Segment.segment () in
+ let command = new Wg_Command.command_window basename coqtop in
+ let finder = new Wg_Find.finder basename (script :> GText.view) in
+ let fops = new FileOps.fileops (buffer :> GText.buffer) file reset in
+ let _ = fops#update_stats in
+ let cops =
+ new CoqOps.coqops script proof messages segment coqtop (fun () -> fops#filename) in
+ let errpage = create_errpage script in
+ let jobpage = create_jobpage coqtop cops in
+ let _ = set_buffer_handlers (buffer :> GText.buffer) script cops coqtop in
+ let _ = Coq.set_reset_handler coqtop cops#handle_reset_initial in
+ let _ = Coq.init_coqtop coqtop cops#initialize in
+ {
+ buffer = (buffer :> GText.buffer);
+ script=script;
+ proof=proof;
+ messages=messages;
+ segment=segment;
+ fileops=fops;
+ coqops=cops;
+ coqtop=coqtop;
+ command=command;
+ finder=finder;
+ tab_label= GMisc.label ~text:basename ();
+ errpage=errpage;
+ jobpage=jobpage;
+ control = dummy_control;
+ }
+let kill (sn:session) =
+ (* To close the detached views of this script, we call manually
+ [destroy] on it, triggering some callbacks in [detach_view].
+ In a more modern lablgtk, rather use the page-removed signal ? *)
+ sn.coqops#destroy ();
+ sn.script#destroy ();
+ Coq.close_coqtop sn.coqtop
+let build_layout (sn:session) =
+ let session_paned = GPack.paned `VERTICAL () in
+ let session_box =
+ GPack.vbox ~packing:(session_paned#pack1 ~shrink:false ~resize:true) ()
+ in
+ (** Right part of the window. *)
+ let eval_paned = GPack.paned `HORIZONTAL ~border_width:5
+ ~packing:(session_box#pack ~expand:true) () in
+ let script_frame = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`IN
+ ~packing:eval_paned#add1 () in
+ let script_scroll = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:script_frame#add () in
+ let state_paned = GPack.paned `VERTICAL
+ ~packing:eval_paned#add2 () in
+ (** Proof buffer. *)
+ let title = Printf.sprintf "Proof (%s)" sn.tab_label#text in
+ let proof_detachable = Wg_Detachable.detachable ~title () in
+ let () = proof_detachable#button#misc#hide () in
+ let () = proof_detachable#frame#set_shadow_type `IN in
+ let () = state_paned#add1 proof_detachable#coerce in
+ let callback _ = proof_detachable#show in
+ let () = proof_detachable#connect#attached ~callback in
+ let callback _ =
+ sn.proof#coerce#misc#set_size_request ~width:500 ~height:400 ()
+ in
+ let () = proof_detachable#connect#detached ~callback in
+ let proof_scroll = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC ~packing:proof_detachable#pack () in
+ (** Message buffer. *)
+ let message_frame = GPack.notebook ~packing:state_paned#add () in
+ let add_msg_page pos name text (w : GObj.widget) =
+ let detachable =
+ Wg_Detachable.detachable ~title:(text^" ("^name^")") () in
+ detachable#add w#coerce;
+ let label = GPack.hbox ~spacing:5 () in
+ let lbl = GMisc.label ~text ~packing:label#add () in
+ let but = GButton.button () in
+ but#add (GMisc.label ~markup:"<small>↗</small>" ())#coerce;
+ label#add but#coerce;
+ ignore(message_frame#insert_page ~pos
+ ~tab_label:label#coerce detachable#coerce);
+ ignore(but#connect#clicked ~callback:(fun _ ->
+ message_frame#remove_page (message_frame#page_num detachable#coerce);
+ detachable#button#clicked ()));
+ detachable#connect#detached ~callback:(fun _ ->
+ if message_frame#all_children = [] then message_frame#misc#hide ();
+ w#misc#set_size_request ~width:500 ~height:400 ());
+ detachable#connect#attached ~callback:(fun _ ->
+ ignore(message_frame#insert_page ~pos
+ ~tab_label:label#coerce detachable#coerce);
+ message_frame#misc#show ();
+ detachable#show);
+ detachable#button#misc#hide ();
+ lbl in
+ let session_tab = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false () in
+ let img = GMisc.image ~icon_size:`SMALL_TOOLBAR
+ ~packing:session_tab#pack () in
+ let _ =
+ sn.buffer#connect#modified_changed
+ ~callback:(fun () -> if sn.buffer#modified
+ then img#set_stock `SAVE
+ else img#set_stock `YES) in
+ let _ =
+ eval_paned#misc#connect#size_allocate
+ ~callback:
+ (let old_paned_width = ref 2 in
+ let old_paned_height = ref 2 in
+ fun {Gtk.width=paned_width;Gtk.height=paned_height} ->
+ if !old_paned_width <> paned_width ||
+ !old_paned_height <> paned_height
+ then begin
+ eval_paned#set_position
+ (eval_paned#position * paned_width / !old_paned_width);
+ state_paned#set_position
+ (state_paned#position * paned_height / !old_paned_height);
+ old_paned_width := paned_width;
+ old_paned_height := paned_height;
+ end)
+ in
+ session_box#pack sn.finder#coerce;
+ session_box#pack sn.segment#coerce;
+ sn.command#pack_in (session_paned#pack2 ~shrink:false ~resize:false);
+ script_scroll#add sn.script#coerce;
+ proof_scroll#add sn.proof#coerce;
+ ignore(add_msg_page 0 sn.tab_label#text "Messages" sn.messages#coerce);
+ let label = add_msg_page 1 sn.tab_label#text "Errors" sn.errpage#coerce in
+ ignore(add_msg_page 2 sn.tab_label#text "Jobs" sn.jobpage#coerce);
+ let txt = label#text in
+ let red s = "<span foreground=\"#FF0000\">" ^ s ^ "</span>" in
+ sn.errpage#on_update ~callback:(fun l ->
+ if l = [] then (label#set_use_markup false; label#set_text txt)
+ else (label#set_text (red txt);label#set_use_markup true));
+ session_tab#pack sn.tab_label#coerce;
+ img#set_stock `YES;
+ eval_paned#set_position 1;
+ state_paned#set_position 1;
+ let control =
+ object
+ method detach () = proof_detachable#detach ()
+ end
+ in
+ let () = sn.control <- control in
+ (Some session_tab#coerce,None,session_paned#coerce)