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-%\coverpage{Addendum to the Reference Manual}{\ }
-%\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Additional documentation}
-\setheaders{Presentation of the Addendum}
-\chapter*{Presentation of the Addendum}
-Here you will find several pieces of additional documentation for the
-\Coq\ Reference Manual. Each of this chapters is concentrated on a
-particular topic, that should interest only a fraction of the \Coq\
-users: that's the reason why they are apart from the Reference
-\item[Extended pattern-matching] This chapter details the use of
- generalized pattern-matching. It is contributed by Cristina Cornes
- and Hugo Herbelin.
-\item[Implicit coercions] This chapter details the use of the coercion
- mechanism. It is contributed by Amokrane Saïbi.
-%\item[Proof of imperative programs] This chapter explains how to
-% prove properties of annotated programs with imperative features.
-% It is contributed by Jean-Christophe Filliâtre
-\item[Program extraction] This chapter explains how to extract in practice ML
- files from $\FW$ terms. It is contributed by Jean-Christophe
- Filliâtre and Pierre Letouzey.
-\item[Program] This chapter explains the use of the \texttt{Program}
- vernacular which allows the development of certified
- programs in \Coq. It is contributed by Matthieu Sozeau and replaces
- the previous \texttt{Program} tactic by Catherine Parent.
-%\item[Natural] This chapter is due to Yann Coscoy. It is the user
-% manual of the tools he wrote for printing proofs in natural
-% language. At this time, French and English languages are supported.
-\item[omega] \texttt{omega}, written by Pierre Crégut, solves a whole
- class of arithmetic problems.
-\item[The {\tt ring} tactic] This is a tactic to do AC rewriting. This
- chapter explains how to use it and how it works.
- The chapter is contributed by Patrick Loiseleur.
-\item[The {\tt Setoid\_replace} tactic] This is a
- tactic to do rewriting on types equipped with specific (only partially
- substitutive) equality. The chapter is contributed by Clément Renard.
-\item[Calling external provers] This chapter describes several tactics
- which call external provers.
-%%% Local Variables:
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-\achapter{Extended pattern-matching}
-\aauthor{Cristina Cornes and Hugo Herbelin}
-\index{ML-like patterns}
-This section describes the full form of pattern-matching in {\Coq} terms.
-\asection{Patterns}\label{implementation} The full syntax of {\tt
-match} is presented in Figures~\ref{term-syntax}
-and~\ref{term-syntax-aux}. Identifiers in patterns are either
-constructor names or variables. Any identifier that is not the
-constructor of an inductive or co-inductive type is considered to be a
-variable. A variable name cannot occur more than once in a given
-pattern. It is recommended to start variable names by a lowercase
-If a pattern has the form $(c~\vec{x})$ where $c$ is a constructor
-symbol and $\vec{x}$ is a linear vector of (distinct) variables, it is
-called {\em simple}: it is the kind of pattern recognized by the basic
-version of {\tt match}. On the opposite, if it is a variable $x$ or
-has the form $(c~\vec{p})$ with $p$ not only made of variables, the
-pattern is called {\em nested}.
-A variable pattern matches any value, and the identifier is bound to
-that value. The pattern ``\texttt{\_}'' (called ``don't care'' or
-``wildcard'' symbol) also matches any value, but does not bind
-anything. It may occur an arbitrary number of times in a
-pattern. Alias patterns written \texttt{(}{\sl pattern} \texttt{as}
-{\sl identifier}\texttt{)} are also accepted. This pattern matches the
-same values as {\sl pattern} does and {\sl identifier} is bound to the
-matched value.
-A pattern of the form {\pattern}{\tt |}{\pattern} is called
-disjunctive. A list of patterns separated with commas is also
-considered as a pattern and is called {\em multiple pattern}. However
-multiple patterns can only occur at the root of pattern-matching
-equations. Disjunctions of {\em multiple pattern} are allowed though.
-Since extended {\tt match} expressions are compiled into the primitive
-ones, the expressiveness of the theory remains the same. Once the
-stage of parsing has finished only simple patterns remain. Re-nesting
-of pattern is performed at printing time. An easy way to see the
-result of the expansion is to toggle off the nesting performed at
-printing (use here {\tt Set Printing Matching}), then by printing the term
-with \texttt{Print} if the term is a constant, or using the command
-The extended \texttt{match} still accepts an optional {\em elimination
-predicate} given after the keyword \texttt{return}. Given a pattern
-matching expression, if all the right-hand-sides of \texttt{=>} ({\em
-rhs} in short) have the same type, then this type can be sometimes
-synthesized, and so we can omit the \texttt{return} part. Otherwise
-the predicate after \texttt{return} has to be provided, like for the basic
-Let us illustrate through examples the different aspects of extended
-pattern matching. Consider for example the function that computes the
-maximum of two natural numbers. We can write it in primitive syntax
-Fixpoint max (n m:nat) {struct m} : nat :=
- match n with
- | O => m
- | S n' => match m with
- | O => S n'
- | S m' => S (max n' m')
- end
- end.
-\paragraph{Multiple patterns}
-Using multiple patterns in the definition of {\tt max} allows to write:
-Reset max.
-Fixpoint max (n m:nat) {struct m} : nat :=
- match n, m with
- | O, _ => m
- | S n', O => S n'
- | S n', S m' => S (max n' m')
- end.
-which will be compiled into the previous form.
-The pattern-matching compilation strategy examines patterns from left
-to right. A \texttt{match} expression is generated {\bf only} when
-there is at least one constructor in the column of patterns. E.g. the
-following example does not build a \texttt{match} expression.
-Check (fun x:nat => match x return nat with
- | y => y
- end).
-\paragraph{Aliasing subpatterns}
-We can also use ``\texttt{as} {\ident}'' to associate a name to a
-Reset max.
-Fixpoint max (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n, m with
- | O, _ => m
- | S n' as p, O => p
- | S n', S m' => S (max n' m')
- end.
-\paragraph{Nested patterns}
-Here is now an example of nested patterns:
-Fixpoint even (n:nat) : bool :=
- match n with
- | O => true
- | S O => false
- | S (S n') => even n'
- end.
-This is compiled into:
-Print even.
-In the previous examples patterns do not conflict with, but
-sometimes it is comfortable to write patterns that admit a non
-trivial superposition. Consider
-the boolean function \texttt{lef} that given two natural numbers
-yields \texttt{true} if the first one is less or equal than the second
-one and \texttt{false} otherwise. We can write it as follows:
-Fixpoint lef (n m:nat) {struct m} : bool :=
- match n, m with
- | O, x => true
- | x, O => false
- | S n, S m => lef n m
- end.
-Note that the first and the second multiple pattern superpose because
-the couple of values \texttt{O O} matches both. Thus, what is the result
-of the function on those values? To eliminate ambiguity we use the
-{\em textual priority rule}: we consider patterns ordered from top to
-bottom, then a value is matched by the pattern at the $ith$ row if and
-only if it is not matched by some pattern of a previous row. Thus in the
-\texttt{O O} is matched by the first pattern, and so \texttt{(lef O O)}
-yields \texttt{true}.
-Another way to write this function is:
-Reset lef.
-Fixpoint lef (n m:nat) {struct m} : bool :=
- match n, m with
- | O, x => true
- | S n, S m => lef n m
- | _, _ => false
- end.
-Here the last pattern superposes with the first two. Because
-of the priority rule, the last pattern
-will be used only for values that do not match neither the first nor
-the second one.
-Terms with useless patterns are not accepted by the
-system. Here is an example:
-% Test failure
-Set Printing Depth 50.
- (********** The following is not correct and should produce **********)
- (**************** Error: This clause is redundant ********************)
-Check (fun x:nat =>
- match x with
- | O => true
- | S _ => false
- | x => true
- end).
-\paragraph{Disjunctive patterns}
-Multiple patterns that share the same right-hand-side can be
-factorized using the notation \nelist{\multpattern}{\tt |}. For instance,
-{\tt max} can be rewritten as follows:
-Reset max.
-Fixpoint max (n m:nat) {struct m} : nat :=
- match n, m with
- | S n', S m' => S (max n' m')
- | 0, p | p, 0 => p
- end.
-Similarly, factorization of (non necessary multiple) patterns
-that share the same variables is possible by using the notation
-\nelist{\pattern}{\tt |}. Here is an example:
-Definition filter_2_4 (n:nat) : nat :=
- match n with
- | 2 as m | 4 as m => m
- | _ => 0
- end.
-Here is another example using disjunctive subpatterns.
-Definition filter_some_square_corners (p:nat*nat) : nat*nat :=
- match p with
- | ((2 as m | 4 as m), (3 as n | 5 as n)) => (m,n)
- | _ => (0,0)
- end.
-\asection{About patterns of parametric types}
-When matching objects of a parametric type, constructors in patterns
-{\em do not expect} the parameter arguments. Their value is deduced
-during expansion.
-Consider for example the type of polymorphic lists:
-Inductive List (A:Set) : Set :=
- | nil : List A
- | cons : A -> List A -> List A.
-We can check the function {\em tail}:
- (fun l:List nat =>
- match l with
- | nil => nil nat
- | cons _ l' => l'
- end).
-When we use parameters in patterns there is an error message:
-% Test failure
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is not correct and should produce **********)
-(******** Error: The constructor cons expects 2 arguments ************)
- (fun l:List nat =>
- match l with
- | nil A => nil nat
- | cons A _ l' => l'
- end).
-\asection{Matching objects of dependent types}
-The previous examples illustrate pattern matching on objects of
-non-dependent types, but we can also
-use the expansion strategy to destructure objects of dependent type.
-Consider the type \texttt{listn} of lists of a certain length:
-Inductive listn : nat -> Set :=
- | niln : listn 0
- | consn : forall n:nat, nat -> listn n -> listn (S n).
-\asubsection{Understanding dependencies in patterns}
-We can define the function \texttt{length} over \texttt{listn} by:
-Definition length (n:nat) (l:listn n) := n.
-Just for illustrating pattern matching,
-we can define it by case analysis:
-Reset length.
-Definition length (n:nat) (l:listn n) :=
- match l with
- | niln => 0
- | consn n _ _ => S n
- end.
-We can understand the meaning of this definition using the
-same notions of usual pattern matching.
-% Constraining of dependencies is not longer valid in V7
-Now suppose we split the second pattern of \texttt{length} into two
-cases so to give an
-alternative definition using nested patterns:
-Definition length1 (n:nat) (l:listn n) :=
- match l with
- | niln => 0
- | consn n _ niln => S n
- | consn n _ (consn _ _ _) => S n
- end.
-It is obvious that \texttt{length1} is another version of
-\texttt{length}. We can also give the following definition:
-Definition length2 (n:nat) (l:listn n) :=
- match l with
- | niln => 0
- | consn n _ niln => 1
- | consn n _ (consn m _ _) => S (S m)
- end.
-If we forget that \texttt{listn} is a dependent type and we read these
-definitions using the usual semantics of pattern matching, we can conclude
-that \texttt{length1}
-and \texttt{length2} are different functions.
-In fact, they are equivalent
-because the pattern \texttt{niln} implies that \texttt{n} can only match
-the value $0$ and analogously the pattern \texttt{consn} determines that \texttt{n} can
-only match values of the form $(S~v)$ where $v$ is the value matched by
-The converse is also true. If
-we destructure the length value with the pattern \texttt{O} then the list
-value should be $niln$.
-Thus, the following term \texttt{length3} corresponds to the function
-\texttt{length} but this time defined by case analysis on the dependencies instead of on the list:
-Definition length3 (n:nat) (l:listn n) :=
- match l with
- | niln => 0
- | consn O _ _ => 1
- | consn (S n) _ _ => S (S n)
- end.
-When we have nested patterns of dependent types, the semantics of
-pattern matching becomes a little more difficult because
-the set of values that are matched by a sub-pattern may be conditioned by the
-values matched by another sub-pattern. Dependent nested patterns are
-somehow constrained patterns.
-In the examples, the expansion of
-\texttt{length1} and \texttt{length2} yields exactly the same term
- but the
-expansion of \texttt{length3} is completely different. \texttt{length1} and
-\texttt{length2} are expanded into two nested case analysis on
-\texttt{listn} while \texttt{length3} is expanded into a case analysis on
-\texttt{listn} containing a case analysis on natural numbers inside.
-In practice the user can think about the patterns as independent and
-it is the expansion algorithm that cares to relate them. \\
-\asubsection{When the elimination predicate must be provided}
-The examples given so far do not need an explicit elimination predicate
- because all the rhs have the same type and the
-strategy succeeds to synthesize it.
-Unfortunately when dealing with dependent patterns it often happens
-that we need to write cases where the type of the rhs are
-different instances of the elimination predicate.
-The function \texttt{concat} for \texttt{listn}
-is an example where the branches have different type
-and we need to provide the elimination predicate:
-Fixpoint concat (n:nat) (l:listn n) (m:nat) (l':listn m) {struct l} :
- listn (n + m) :=
- match l in listn n return listn (n + m) with
- | niln => l'
- | consn n' a y => consn (n' + m) a (concat n' y m l')
- end.
-The elimination predicate is {\tt fun (n:nat) (l:listn n) => listn~(n+m)}.
-In general if $m$ has type $(I~q_1\ldots q_r~t_1\ldots t_s)$ where
-$q_1\ldots q_r$ are parameters, the elimination predicate should be of
-the form~:
-{\tt fun $y_1$\ldots $y_s$ $x$:($I$~$q_1$\ldots $q_r$~$y_1$\ldots
- $y_s$) => Q}.
-In the concrete syntax, it should be written~:
-\[ \kw{match}~m~\kw{as}~x~\kw{in}~(I~\_\ldots \_~y_1\ldots y_s)~\kw{return}~Q~\kw{with}~\ldots~\kw{end}\]
-The variables which appear in the \kw{in} and \kw{as} clause are new
-and bounded in the property $Q$ in the \kw{return} clause. The
-parameters of the inductive definitions should not be mentioned and
-are replaced by \kw{\_}.
-Recall that a list of patterns is also a pattern. So, when
-we destructure several terms at the same time and the branches have
-different type we need to provide
-the elimination predicate for this multiple pattern.
-It is done using the same scheme, each term may be associated to an
-\kw{as} and \kw{in} clause in order to introduce a dependent product.
-For example, an equivalent definition for \texttt{concat} (even though the matching on the second term is trivial) would have
-Reset concat.
-Fixpoint concat (n:nat) (l:listn n) (m:nat) (l':listn m) {struct l} :
- listn (n + m) :=
- match l in listn n, l' return listn (n + m) with
- | niln, x => x
- | consn n' a y, x => consn (n' + m) a (concat n' y m x)
- end.
-% Notice that this time, the predicate \texttt{[n,\_:nat](listn (plus n
-% m))} is binary because we
-% destructure both \texttt{l} and \texttt{l'} whose types have arity one.
-% In general, if we destructure the terms $e_1\ldots e_n$
-% the predicate will be of arity $m$ where $m$ is the sum of the
-% number of dependencies of the type of $e_1, e_2,\ldots e_n$
-% (the $\lambda$-abstractions
-% should correspond from left to right to each dependent argument of the
-% type of $e_1\ldots e_n$).
-When the arity of the predicate (i.e. number of abstractions) is not
-correct Coq raises an error message. For example:
-% Test failure
-Reset concat.
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is not correct and should produce ***********)
-(** Error: the term l' has type listn m while it is expected to have **)
-(** type listn (?31 + ?32) **)
-Fixpoint concat
- (n:nat) (l:listn n) (m:nat)
- (l':listn m) {struct l} : listn (n + m) :=
- match l, l' with
- | niln, x => x
- | consn n' a y, x => consn (n' + m) a (concat n' y m x)
- end.
-\asection{Using pattern matching to write proofs}
-In all the previous examples the elimination predicate does not depend
-on the object(s) matched. But it may depend and the typical case
-is when we write a proof by induction or a function that yields an
-object of dependent type. An example of proof using \texttt{match} in
-given in Section~\ref{refine-example}.
-For example, we can write
-the function \texttt{buildlist} that given a natural number
-$n$ builds a list of length $n$ containing zeros as follows:
-Fixpoint buildlist (n:nat) : listn n :=
- match n return listn n with
- | O => niln
- | S n => consn n 0 (buildlist n)
- end.
-We can also use multiple patterns.
-Consider the following definition of the predicate less-equal
-Inductive LE : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
- | LEO : forall n:nat, LE 0 n
- | LES : forall n m:nat, LE n m -> LE (S n) (S m).
-We can use multiple patterns to write the proof of the lemma
- \texttt{forall (n m:nat), (LE n m)}\verb=\/=\texttt{(LE m n)}:
-Fixpoint dec (n m:nat) {struct n} : LE n m \/ LE m n :=
- match n, m return LE n m \/ LE m n with
- | O, x => or_introl (LE x 0) (LEO x)
- | x, O => or_intror (LE x 0) (LEO x)
- | S n as n', S m as m' =>
- match dec n m with
- | or_introl h => or_introl (LE m' n') (LES n m h)
- | or_intror h => or_intror (LE n' m') (LES m n h)
- end
- end.
-In the example of \texttt{dec},
-the first \texttt{match} is dependent while
-the second is not.
-% In general, consider the terms $e_1\ldots e_n$,
-% where the type of $e_i$ is an instance of a family type
-% $\lb (\vec{d_i}:\vec{D_i}) \mto T_i$ ($1\leq i
-% \leq n$). Then, in expression \texttt{match} $e_1,\ldots,
-% e_n$ \texttt{of} \ldots \texttt{end}, the
-% elimination predicate ${\cal P}$ should be of the form:
-% $[\vec{d_1}:\vec{D_1}][x_1:T_1]\ldots [\vec{d_n}:\vec{D_n}][x_n:T_n]Q.$
-The user can also use \texttt{match} in combination with the tactic
-\texttt{refine} (see Section~\ref{refine}) to build incomplete proofs
-beginning with a \texttt{match} construction.
-\asection{Pattern-matching on inductive objects involving local
-If local definitions occur in the type of a constructor, then there
-are two ways to match on this constructor. Either the local
-definitions are skipped and matching is done only on the true arguments
-of the constructors, or the bindings for local definitions can also
-be caught in the matching.
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import Arith.
-Inductive list : nat -> Set :=
- | nil : list 0
- | cons : forall n:nat, let m := (2 * n) in list m -> list (S (S m)).
-In the next example, the local definition is not caught.
-Fixpoint length n (l:list n) {struct l} : nat :=
- match l with
- | nil => 0
- | cons n l0 => S (length (2 * n) l0)
- end.
-But in this example, it is.
-Fixpoint length' n (l:list n) {struct l} : nat :=
- match l with
- | nil => 0
- | cons _ m l0 => S (length' m l0)
- end.
-\Rem for a given matching clause, either none of the local
-definitions or all of them can be caught.
-\asection{Pattern-matching and coercions}
-If a mismatch occurs between the expected type of a pattern and its
-actual type, a coercion made from constructors is sought. If such a
-coercion can be found, it is automatically inserted around the
-Inductive I : Set :=
- | C1 : nat -> I
- | C2 : I -> I.
-Coercion C1 : nat >-> I.
-Check (fun x => match x with
- | C2 O => 0
- | _ => 0
- end).
-\asection{When does the expansion strategy fail ?}\label{limitations}
-The strategy works very like in ML languages when treating
-patterns of non-dependent type.
-But there are new cases of failure that are due to the presence of
-The error messages of the current implementation may be sometimes
-confusing. When the tactic fails because patterns are somehow
-incorrect then error messages refer to the initial expression. But the
-strategy may succeed to build an expression whose sub-expressions are
-well typed when the whole expression is not. In this situation the
-message makes reference to the expanded expression. We encourage
-users, when they have patterns with the same outer constructor in
-different equations, to name the variable patterns in the same
-positions with the same name.
-E.g. to write {\small\texttt{(cons n O x) => e1}}
-and {\small\texttt{(cons n \_ x) => e2}} instead of
-{\small\texttt{(cons n O x) => e1}} and
-{\small\texttt{(cons n' \_ x') => e2}}.
-This helps to maintain certain name correspondence between the
-generated expression and the original.
-Here is a summary of the error messages corresponding to each situation:
-\item \sverb{The constructor } {\sl
- ident} \sverb{ expects } {\sl num} \sverb{ arguments}
- \sverb{The variable } {\sl ident} \sverb{ is bound several times
- in pattern } {\sl term}
- \sverb{Found a constructor of inductive type } {\term}
- \sverb{ while a constructor of } {\term} \sverb{ is expected}
- Patterns are incorrect (because constructors are not applied to
- the correct number of the arguments, because they are not linear or
- they are wrongly typed).
-\item \errindex{Non exhaustive pattern-matching}
-The pattern matching is not exhaustive.
-\item \sverb{The elimination predicate } {\sl term} \sverb{ should be
- of arity } {\sl num} \sverb{ (for non dependent case) or } {\sl
- num} \sverb{ (for dependent case)}
-The elimination predicate provided to \texttt{match} has not the
- expected arity.
-%\item the whole expression is wrongly typed
-% CADUC ?
-% , or the synthesis of
-% implicit arguments fails (for example to find the elimination
-% predicate or to resolve implicit arguments in the rhs).
-% There are {\em nested patterns of dependent type}, the elimination
-% predicate corresponds to non-dependent case and has the form
-% $[x_1:T_1]...[x_n:T_n]T$ and {\bf some} $x_i$ occurs {\bf free} in
-% $T$. Then, the strategy may fail to find out a correct elimination
-% predicate during some step of compilation. In this situation we
-% recommend the user to rewrite the nested dependent patterns into
-% several \texttt{match} with {\em simple patterns}.
-\item {\tt Unable to infer a match predicate\\
- Either there is a type incompatiblity or the problem involves\\
- dependencies}
- There is a type mismatch between the different branches.
- The user should provide an elimination predicate.
-% Obsolete ?
-% \item because of nested patterns, it may happen that even though all
-% the rhs have the same type, the strategy needs dependent elimination
-% and so an elimination predicate must be provided. The system warns
-% about this situation, trying to compile anyway with the
-% non-dependent strategy. The risen message is:
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item {\tt Warning: This pattern matching may need dependent
-% elimination to be compiled. I will try, but if fails try again
-% giving dependent elimination predicate.}
-% \end{itemize}
-% \item there are {\em nested patterns of dependent type} and the
-% strategy builds a term that is well typed but recursive calls in fix
-% point are reported as illegal:
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item {\tt Error: Recursive call applied to an illegal term ...}
-% \end{itemize}
-% This is because the strategy generates a term that is correct w.r.t.
-% the initial term but which does not pass the guard condition. In
-% this situation we recommend the user to transform the nested dependent
-% patterns into {\em several \texttt{match} of simple patterns}. Let us
-% explain this with an example. Consider the following definition of a
-% function that yields the last element of a list and \texttt{O} if it is
-% empty:
-% \begin{coq_example}
-% Fixpoint last [n:nat; l:(listn n)] : nat :=
-% match l of
-% (consn _ a niln) => a
-% | (consn m _ x) => (last m x) | niln => O
-% end.
-% \end{coq_example}
-% It fails because of the priority between patterns, we know that this
-% definition is equivalent to the following more explicit one (which
-% fails too):
-% \begin{coq_example*}
-% Fixpoint last [n:nat; l:(listn n)] : nat :=
-% match l of
-% (consn _ a niln) => a
-% | (consn n _ (consn m b x)) => (last n (consn m b x))
-% | niln => O
-% end.
-% \end{coq_example*}
-% Note that the recursive call {\tt (last n (consn m b x))} is not
-% guarded. When treating with patterns of dependent types the strategy
-% interprets the first definition of \texttt{last} as the second
-% one\footnote{In languages of the ML family the first definition would
-% be translated into a term where the variable \texttt{x} is shared in
-% the expression. When patterns are of non-dependent types, Coq
-% compiles as in ML languages using sharing. When patterns are of
-% dependent types the compilation reconstructs the term as in the
-% second definition of \texttt{last} so to ensure the result of
-% expansion is well typed.}. Thus it generates a term where the
-% recursive call is rejected by the guard condition.
-% You can get rid of this problem by writing the definition with
-% \emph{simple patterns}:
-% \begin{coq_example}
-% Fixpoint last [n:nat; l:(listn n)] : nat :=
-% <[_:nat]nat>match l of
-% (consn m a x) => Cases x of niln => a | _ => (last m x) end
-% | niln => O
-% end.
-% \end{coq_example}
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-\achapter{\protect{Type Classes}}
-\aauthor{Matthieu Sozeau}
- \em The status of Type Classes is (extremely) experimental.
-This chapter presents a quick reference of the commands related to type
-classes. For an actual introduction to type classes, there is a
-description of the system \cite{sozeau08} and the literature on type
-classes in \Haskell which also applies.
-\asection{Class and Instance declarations}
-The syntax for class and instance declarations is the same as
-record syntax of \Coq:
-\kw{Class}~\classid{Id}~(\alpha_1 : \tau_1) \cdots (\alpha_n : \tau_n)
-[: \sort] := \{\\
- & \cst{f}_1 & : & \type_1 ; \\
- & \vdots & & \\
- & \cst{f}_m & : & \type_m \}.
-\kw{Instance}~\ident~:~\classid{Id}~\term_1 \cdots \term_n := \{\\
- & \cst{f}_1 & := & \term_{f_1} ; \\
- & \vdots & & \\
- & \cst{f}_m & := & \term_{f_m} \}.
- Reset Initial.
- Generalizable All Variables.
-The $\tele{\alpha_i : \tau_i}$ variables are called the \emph{parameters}
-of the class and the $\tele{f_k : \type_k}$ are called the
-\emph{methods}. Each class definition gives rise to a corresponding
-record declaration and each instance is a regular definition whose name
-is given by $\ident$ and type is an instantiation of the record type.
-We'll use the following example class in the rest of the chapter:
-Class EqDec (A : Type) := {
- eqb : A -> A -> bool ;
- eqb_leibniz : forall x y, eqb x y = true -> x = y }.
-This class implements a boolean equality test which is compatible with
-Leibniz equality on some type. An example implementation is:
-Instance unit_EqDec : EqDec unit :=
-{ eqb x y := true ;
- eqb_leibniz x y H :=
- match x, y return x = y with tt, tt => refl_equal tt end }.
-If one does not give all the members in the \texttt{Instance}
-declaration, Coq enters the proof-mode and the user is asked to build
-inhabitants of the remaining fields, e.g.:
-Instance eq_bool : EqDec bool :=
-{ eqb x y := if x then y else negb y }.
-Proof. intros x y H.
- destruct x ; destruct y ; (discriminate || reflexivity).
-One has to take care that the transparency of every field is determined
-by the transparency of the \texttt{Instance} proof. One can use
-alternatively the \texttt{Program} \texttt{Instance} \comindex{Program Instance} variant which has
-richer facilities for dealing with obligations.
-\asection{Binding classes}
-Once a type class is declared, one can use it in class binders:
-Definition neqb {A} {eqa : EqDec A} (x y : A) := negb (eqb x y).
-When one calls a class method, a constraint is generated that is
-satisfied only in contexts where the appropriate instances can be
-found. In the example above, a constraint \texttt{EqDec A} is generated and
-satisfied by \texttt{{eqa : EqDec A}}. In case no satisfying constraint can be
-found, an error is raised:
-Definition neqb' (A : Type) (x y : A) := negb (eqb x y).
-The algorithm used to solve constraints is a variant of the eauto tactic
-that does proof search with a set of lemmas (the instances). It will use
-local hypotheses as well as declared lemmas in the
-\texttt{typeclass\_instances} database. Hence the example can also be
-Definition neqb' A (eqa : EqDec A) (x y : A) := negb (eqb x y).
-However, the generalizing binders should be used instead as they have
-particular support for type classes:
-\item They automatically set the maximally implicit status for type
- class arguments, making derived functions as easy to use as class
- methods. In the example above, \texttt{A} and \texttt{eqa} should be
- set maximally implicit.
-\item They support implicit quantification on partialy applied type
- classes (\S \ref{implicit-generalization}).
- Any argument not given as part of a type class binder will be
- automatically generalized.
-\item They also support implicit quantification on superclasses
- (\S \ref{classes:superclasses})
-Following the previous example, one can write:
-Definition neqb_impl `{eqa : EqDec A} (x y : A) := negb (eqb x y).
-Here \texttt{A} is implicitly generalized, and the resulting function
-is equivalent to the one above.
-\asection{Parameterized Instances}
-One can declare parameterized instances as in \Haskell simply by giving
-the constraints as a binding context before the instance, e.g.:
-Instance prod_eqb `(EA : EqDec A, EB : EqDec B) : EqDec (A * B) :=
-{ eqb x y := match x, y with
- | (la, ra), (lb, rb) => andb (eqb la lb) (eqb ra rb)
- end }.
-These instances are used just as well as lemmas in the instance hint database.
-\asection{Sections and contexts}
-To ease the parametrization of developments by type classes, we provide
-a new way to introduce variables into section contexts, compatible with
-the implicit argument mechanism.
-The new command works similarly to the \texttt{Variables} vernacular
-(see \ref{Variable}), except it accepts any binding context as argument.
-For example:
-Section EqDec_defs.
- Context `{EA : EqDec A}.
- Global Instance option_eqb : EqDec (option A) :=
- { eqb x y := match x, y with
- | Some x, Some y => eqb x y
- | None, None => true
- | _, _ => false
- end }.
-intros x y ; destruct x ; destruct y ; intros H ;
-try discriminate ; try apply eqb_leibniz in H ;
-subst ; auto.
-End EqDec_defs.
-About option_eqb.
-Here the \texttt{Global} modifier redeclares the instance at the end of
-the section, once it has been generalized by the context variables it uses.
-\asection{Building hierarchies}
-One can also parameterize classes by other classes, generating a
-hierarchy of classes and superclasses. In the same way, we give the
-superclasses as a binding context:
-Class Ord `(E : EqDec A) :=
- { le : A -> A -> bool }.
-Contrary to \Haskell, we have no special syntax for superclasses, but
-this declaration is morally equivalent to:
-Class `(E : EqDec A) => Ord A :=
- { le : A -> A -> bool }.
-This declaration means that any instance of the \texttt{Ord} class must
-have an instance of \texttt{EqDec}. The parameters of the subclass contain
-at least all the parameters of its superclasses in their order of
-appearance (here \texttt{A} is the only one).
-As we have seen, \texttt{Ord} is encoded as a record type with two parameters:
-a type \texttt{A} and an \texttt{E} of type \texttt{EqDec A}. However, one can
-still use it as if it had a single parameter inside generalizing binders: the
-generalization of superclasses will be done automatically.
-Definition le_eqb `{Ord A} (x y : A) := andb (le x y) (le y x).
-In some cases, to be able to specify sharing of structures, one may want to give
-explicitly the superclasses. It is is possible to do it directly in regular
-binders, and using the \texttt{!} modifier in class binders. For
-Definition lt `{eqa : EqDec A, ! Ord eqa} (x y : A) :=
- andb (le x y) (neqb x y).
-The \texttt{!} modifier switches the way a binder is parsed back to the
-regular interpretation of Coq. In particular, it uses the implicit
-arguments mechanism if available, as shown in the example.
-Substructures are components of a class which are instances of a class
-themselves. They often arise when using classes for logical properties,
-Require Import Relations.
-Class Reflexive (A : Type) (R : relation A) :=
- reflexivity : forall x, R x x.
-Class Transitive (A : Type) (R : relation A) :=
- transitivity : forall x y z, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.
-This declares singleton classes for reflexive and transitive relations,
-(see \ref{SingletonClass} for an explanation).
-These may be used as part of other classes:
-Class PreOrder (A : Type) (R : relation A) :=
-{ PreOrder_Reflexive :> Reflexive A R ;
- PreOrder_Transitive :> Transitive A R }.
-The syntax \texttt{:>} indicates that each \texttt{PreOrder} can be seen
-as a \texttt{Reflexive} relation. So each time a reflexive relation is
-needed, a preorder can be used instead. This is very similar to the
-coercion mechanism of \texttt{Structure} declarations.
-The implementation simply declares each projection as an instance.
-One can also declare existing objects or structure
-projections using the \texttt{Existing Instance} command to achieve the
-same effect.
-\section{Summary of the commands
-\subsection{\tt Class {\ident} {\binder$_1$ \ldots~\binder$_n$}
- : \sort := \{ field$_1$ ; \ldots ; field$_k$ \}.}
-The \texttt{Class} command is used to declare a type class with
-parameters {\binder$_1$} to {\binder$_n$} and fields {\tt field$_1$} to
-{\tt field$_k$}.
-\item \label{SingletonClass} {\tt Class {\ident} {\binder$_1$ \ldots \binder$_n$}
- : \sort := \ident$_1$ : \type$_1$.}
- This variant declares a \emph{singleton} class whose only method is
- {\tt \ident$_1$}. This singleton class is a so-called definitional
- class, represented simply as a definition
- {\tt {\ident} \binder$_1$ \ldots \binder$_n$ := \type$_1$} and whose
- instances are themselves objects of this type. Definitional classes
- are not wrapped inside records, and the trivial projection of an
- instance of such a class is convertible to the instance itself. This can
- be useful to make instances of existing objects easily and to reduce
- proof size by not inserting useless projections. The class
- constant itself is declared rigid during resolution so that the class
- abstraction is maintained.
-\item \label{ExistingClass} {\tt Existing Class {\ident}.\comindex{Existing Class}}
- This variant declares a class a posteriori from a constant or
- inductive definition. No methods or instances are defined.
-\subsection{\tt Instance {\ident} {\binder$_1$ \ldots \binder$_n$} :
- {Class} {t$_1$ \ldots t$_n$} [| \textit{priority}]
- := \{ field$_1$ := b$_1$ ; \ldots ; field$_i$ := b$_i$ \}}
-The \texttt{Instance} command is used to declare a type class instance
-named {\ident} of the class \emph{Class} with parameters {t$_1$} to {t$_n$} and
-fields {\tt b$_1$} to {\tt b$_i$}, where each field must be a declared
-field of the class. Missing fields must be filled in interactive proof mode.
-An arbitrary context of the form {\tt \binder$_1$ \ldots \binder$_n$}
-can be put after the name of the instance and before the colon to
-declare a parameterized instance.
-An optional \textit{priority} can be declared, 0 being the highest
-priority as for auto hints.
-\item {\tt Instance {\ident} {\binder$_1$ \ldots \binder$_n$} :
- forall {\binder$_{n+1}$ \ldots \binder$_m$},
- {Class} {t$_1$ \ldots t$_n$} [| \textit{priority}] := \term}
- This syntax is used for declaration of singleton class instances or
- for directly giving an explicit term of type
- {\tt forall {\binder$_{n+1}$ \ldots \binder$_m$}, {Class} {t$_1$ \ldots t$_n$}}.
- One need not even mention the unique field name for singleton classes.
-\item {\tt Global Instance} One can use the \texttt{Global} modifier on
- instances declared in a section so that their generalization is automatically
- redeclared after the section is closed.
-\item {\tt Program Instance} \comindex{Program Instance}
- Switches the type-checking to \Program~(chapter \ref{Program})
- and uses the obligation mechanism to manage missing fields.
-\item {\tt Declare Instance} \comindex{Declare Instance}
- In a {\tt Module Type}, this command states that a corresponding
- concrete instance should exist in any implementation of this
- {\tt Module Type}. This is similar to the distinction between
- {\tt Parameter} vs. {\tt Definition}, or between {\tt Declare Module}
- and {\tt Module}.
-Besides the {\tt Class} and {\tt Instance} vernacular commands, there
-are a few other commands related to type classes.
-\subsection{\tt Existing Instance {\ident}}
-\comindex{Existing Instance}
-This commands adds an arbitrary constant whose type ends with an applied
-type class to the instance database. It can be used for redeclaring
-instances at the end of sections, or declaring structure projections as
-instances. This is almost equivalent to {\tt Hint Resolve {\ident} :
- typeclass\_instances}.
-\item {\tt Existing Instances {\ident}$_1$ \ldots {\ident}$_n$}
- \comindex{Existing Instances}
- With this command, several existing instances can be declared at once.
-\subsection{\tt Context {\binder$_1$ \ldots \binder$_n$}}
-Declares variables according to the given binding context, which might
-use implicit generalization (see \ref{SectionContext}).
-\subsection{\tt Typeclasses Transparent, Opaque {\ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$}}
-\comindex{Typeclasses Transparent}
-\comindex{Typeclasses Opaque}
-This commands defines the transparency of {\ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$}
-during type class resolution. It is useful when some constants prevent some
-unifications and make resolution fail. It is also useful to declare
-constants which should never be unfolded during proof-search, like
-fixpoints or anything which does not look like an abbreviation. This can
-additionally speed up proof search as the typeclass map can be indexed
-by such rigid constants (see \ref{HintTransparency}).
-By default, all constants and local variables are considered transparent.
-One should take care not to make opaque any constant that is used to
-abbreviate a type, like {\tt relation A := A -> A -> Prop}.
-This is equivalent to {\tt Hint Transparent,Opaque} {\ident} {\tt: typeclass\_instances}.
-\subsection{\tt Typeclasses eauto := [debug] [dfs | bfs] [\emph{depth}]}
-\comindex{Typeclasses eauto}
-This commands allows to customize the type class resolution tactic,
-based on a variant of eauto. The flags semantics are:
-\item {\tt debug} In debug mode, the trace of successfully applied
- tactics is printed.
-\item {\tt dfs, bfs} This sets the search strategy to depth-first search
- (the default) or breadth-first search.
-\item {\emph{depth}} This sets the depth of the search (the default is 100).
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-\achapter{Implicit Coercions}
-\aauthor{Amokrane Saïbi}
-\asection{General Presentation}
-This section describes the inheritance mechanism of {\Coq}. In {\Coq} with
-inheritance, we are not interested in adding any expressive power to
-our theory, but only convenience. Given a term, possibly not typable,
-we are interested in the problem of determining if it can be well
-typed modulo insertion of appropriate coercions. We allow to write:
-\item $f~a$ where $f:forall~ x:A, B$ and $a:A'$ when $A'$ can
- be seen in some sense as a subtype of $A$.
-\item $x:A$ when $A$ is not a type, but can be seen in
- a certain sense as a type: set, group, category etc.
-\item $f~a$ when $f$ is not a function, but can be seen in a certain sense
- as a function: bijection, functor, any structure morphism etc.
- A class with $n$ parameters is any defined name with a type
-$forall~ (x_1:A_1)..(x_n:A_n), s$ where $s$ is a sort. Thus a class with
-parameters is considered as a single class and not as a family of
-classes. An object of a class $C$ is any term of type $C~t_1
-.. t_n$. In addition to these user-classes, we have two abstract
-\item {\tt Sortclass}, the class of sorts;
- its objects are the terms whose type is a sort.
-\item {\tt Funclass}, the class of functions;
- its objects are all the terms with a functional
- type, i.e. of form $forall~ x:A, B$.
-Formally, the syntax of a classes is defined on Figure~\ref{fig:classes}.
-{\class} & ::= & {\qualid} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt Sortclass} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt Funclass}
-\caption{Syntax of classes}
- A name $f$ can be declared as a coercion between a source user-class
-$C$ with $n$ parameters and a target class $D$ if one of these
-conditions holds:
-\item $D$ is a user-class, then the type of $f$ must have the form
- $forall~ (x_1 \oftype A_1)..(x_n \oftype A_n)(y\oftype C~x_1..x_n), D~u_1..u_m$ where $m$
- is the number of parameters of $D$.
-\item $D$ is {\tt Funclass}, then the type of $f$ must have the form
- $forall~ (x_1\oftype A_1)..(x_n\oftype A_n)(y\oftype C~x_1..x_n)(x:A), B$.
-\item $D$ is {\tt Sortclass}, then the type of $f$ must have the form
- $forall~ (x_1\oftype A_1)..(x_n\oftype A_n)(y\oftype C~x_1..x_n), s$ with $s$ a sort.
-We then write $f:C \mbox{\texttt{>->}} D$. The restriction on the type
-of coercions is called {\em the uniform inheritance condition}.
-Remark that the abstract classes {\tt Funclass} and {\tt Sortclass}
-cannot be source classes.
-To coerce an object $t:C~t_1..t_n$ of $C$ towards $D$, we have to
-apply the coercion $f$ to it; the obtained term $f~t_1..t_n~t$ is
-then an object of $D$.
-\asection{Identity Coercions}
- Identity coercions are special cases of coercions used to go around
-the uniform inheritance condition. Let $C$ and $D$ be two classes
-with respectively $n$ and $m$ parameters and
-$f:forall~(x_1:T_1)..(x_k:T_k)(y:C~u_1..u_n), D~v_1..v_m$ a function which
-does not verify the uniform inheritance condition. To declare $f$ as
-coercion, one has first to declare a subclass $C'$ of $C$:
-$$C' := fun~ (x_1:T_1)..(x_k:T_k) => C~u_1..u_n$$
-\noindent We then define an {\em identity coercion} between $C'$ and $C$:
-Id\_C'\_C & := & fun~ (x_1:T_1)..(x_k:T_k)(y:C'~x_1..x_k) => (y:C~u_1..u_n)\\
-We can now declare $f$ as coercion from $C'$ to $D$, since we can
-``cast'' its type as
-$forall~ (x_1:T_1)..(x_k:T_k)(y:C'~x_1..x_k),D~v_1..v_m$.\\ The identity
-coercions have a special status: to coerce an object $t:C'~t_1..t_k$
-of $C'$ towards $C$, we does not have to insert explicitly $Id\_C'\_C$
-since $Id\_C'\_C~t_1..t_k~t$ is convertible with $t$. However we
-``rewrite'' the type of $t$ to become an object of $C$; in this case,
-it becomes $C~u_1^*..u_k^*$ where each $u_i^*$ is the result of the
-substitution in $u_i$ of the variables $x_j$ by $t_j$.
-\asection{Inheritance Graph}
-\index{Coercions!inheritance graph}
-Coercions form an inheritance graph with classes as nodes. We call
-{\em coercion path} an ordered list of coercions between two nodes of
-the graph. A class $C$ is said to be a subclass of $D$ if there is a
-coercion path in the graph from $C$ to $D$; we also say that $C$
-inherits from $D$. Our mechanism supports multiple inheritance since a
-class may inherit from several classes, contrary to simple inheritance
-where a class inherits from at most one class. However there must be
-at most one path between two classes. If this is not the case, only
-the {\em oldest} one is valid and the others are ignored. So the order
-of declaration of coercions is important.
-We extend notations for coercions to coercion paths. For instance
-$[f_1;..;f_k]:C \mbox{\texttt{>->}} D$ is the coercion path composed
-by the coercions $f_1..f_k$. The application of a coercion path to a
-term consists of the successive application of its coercions.
-\asection{Declaration of Coercions}
-%%%%% "Class" is useless, since classes are implicitely defined via coercions.
-% \asubsection{\tt Class {\qualid}.}\comindex{Class}
-% Declares {\qualid} as a new class.
-% \begin{ErrMsgs}
-% \item {\qualid} \errindex{not declared}
-% \item {\qualid} \errindex{is already a class}
-% \item \errindex{Type of {\qualid} does not end with a sort}
-% \end{ErrMsgs}
-% \begin{Variant}
-% \item {\tt Class Local {\qualid}.} \\
-% Declares the construction denoted by {\qualid} as a new local class to
-% the current section.
-% \end{Variant}
-% END "Class" is useless
-\asubsection{\tt Coercion {\qualid} : {\class$_1$} >-> {\class$_2$}.}
-Declares the construction denoted by {\qualid} as a coercion between
-{\class$_1$} and {\class$_2$}.
-% Useless information
-% The classes {\class$_1$} and {\class$_2$} are first declared if necessary.
-\item {\qualid} \errindex{not declared}
-\item {\qualid} \errindex{is already a coercion}
-\item \errindex{Funclass cannot be a source class}
-\item \errindex{Sortclass cannot be a source class}
-\item {\qualid} \errindex{is not a function}
-\item \errindex{Cannot find the source class of {\qualid}}
-\item \errindex{Cannot recognize {\class$_1$} as a source class of {\qualid}}
-\item {\qualid} \errindex{does not respect the uniform inheritance condition}
-\item \errindex{Found target class {\class} instead of {\class$_2$}}
-When the coercion {\qualid} is added to the inheritance graph, non
-valid coercion paths are ignored; they are signaled by a warning.
-\noindent {\bf Warning :}
-\item \begin{tabbing}
-{\tt Ambiguous paths: }\= $[f_1^1;..;f_{n_1}^1] : C_1\mbox{\tt >->}D_1$\\
- \> ... \\
- \>$[f_1^m;..;f_{n_m}^m] : C_m\mbox{\tt >->}D_m$
- \end{tabbing}
-\item {\tt Local Coercion {\qualid} : {\class$_1$} >-> {\class$_2$}.}
-\comindex{Local Coercion}\\
- Declares the construction denoted by {\qualid} as a coercion local to
- the current section.
-\item {\tt Coercion {\ident} := {\term}}\comindex{Coercion}\\
- This defines {\ident} just like \texttt{Definition {\ident} :=
- {\term}}, and then declares {\ident} as a coercion between it
- source and its target.
-\item {\tt Coercion {\ident} := {\term} : {\type}}\\
- This defines {\ident} just like
- \texttt{Definition {\ident} : {\type} := {\term}}, and then
- declares {\ident} as a coercion between it source and its target.
-\item {\tt Local Coercion {\ident} := {\term}}\comindex{Local Coercion}\\
- This defines {\ident} just like \texttt{Let {\ident} :=
- {\term}}, and then declares {\ident} as a coercion between it
- source and its target.
-\item Assumptions can be declared as coercions at declaration
-time. This extends the grammar of assumptions from
-Figure~\ref{sentences-syntax} as follows:
-\comindex{Variable \mbox{\rm (and coercions)}}
-\comindex{Axiom \mbox{\rm (and coercions)}}
-\comindex{Parameter \mbox{\rm (and coercions)}}
-\comindex{Hypothesis \mbox{\rm (and coercions)}}
-%% Declarations
-{\assumption} & ::= & {\assumptionkeyword} {\assums} {\tt .} \\
-{\assums} & ::= & {\simpleassums} \\
- & $|$ & \nelist{{\tt (} \simpleassums {\tt )}}{} \\
-{\simpleassums} & ::= & \nelist{\ident}{} {\tt :}\zeroone{{\tt >}} {\term}\\
-If the extra {\tt >} is present before the type of some assumptions, these
-assumptions are declared as coercions.
-\item Constructors of inductive types can be declared as coercions at
-definition time of the inductive type. This extends and modifies the
-grammar of inductive types from Figure \ref{sentences-syntax} as follows:
-\comindex{Inductive \mbox{\rm (and coercions)}}
-\comindex{CoInductive \mbox{\rm (and coercions)}}
-%% Inductives
-{\inductive} & ::= &
- {\tt Inductive} \nelist{\inductivebody}{with} {\tt .} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt CoInductive} \nelist{\inductivebody}{with} {\tt .} \\
- & & \\
-{\inductivebody} & ::= &
- {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} {\tt :} {\term} {\tt :=} \\
- && ~~~\zeroone{\zeroone{\tt |} \nelist{\constructor}{|}} \\
- & & \\
-{\constructor} & ::= & {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} \zeroone{{\tt :}\zeroone{\tt >} {\term}} \\
-Especially, if the extra {\tt >} is present in a constructor
-declaration, this constructor is declared as a coercion.
-\asubsection{\tt Identity Coercion {\ident}:{\class$_1$} >-> {\class$_2$}.}
-\comindex{Identity Coercion}
-We check that {\class$_1$} is a constant with a value of the form
-$fun~ (x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n) => (\mbox{\class}_2~t_1..t_m)$ where $m$ is the
-number of parameters of \class$_2$. Then we define an identity
-function with the type
-$forall~ (x_1:T_1)..(x_n:T_n)(y:\mbox{\class}_1~x_1..x_n),
-{\mbox{\class}_2}~t_1..t_m$, and we declare it as an identity
-coercion between {\class$_1$} and {\class$_2$}.
-\item {\class$_1$} \errindex{must be a transparent constant}
-\item {\tt Local Identity Coercion {\ident}:{\ident$_1$} >-> {\ident$_2$}.} \\
-Idem but locally to the current section.
-\item {\tt SubClass {\ident} := {\type}.} \\
- If {\type} is a class
-{\ident'} applied to some arguments then {\ident} is defined and an
-identity coercion of name {\tt Id\_{\ident}\_{\ident'}} is
-declared. Otherwise said, this is an abbreviation for
-{\tt Definition {\ident} := {\type}.}
- followed by
-{\tt Identity Coercion Id\_{\ident}\_{\ident'}:{\ident} >-> {\ident'}}.
-\item {\tt Local SubClass {\ident} := {\type}.} \\
-Same as before but locally to the current section.
-\asection{Displaying Available Coercions}
-\asubsection{\tt Print Classes.}
-\comindex{Print Classes}
-Print the list of declared classes in the current context.
-\asubsection{\tt Print Coercions.}
-\comindex{Print Coercions}
-Print the list of declared coercions in the current context.
-\asubsection{\tt Print Graph.}
-\comindex{Print Graph}
-Print the list of valid coercion paths in the current context.
-\asubsection{\tt Print Coercion Paths {\class$_1$} {\class$_2$}.}
-\comindex{Print Coercion Paths}
-Print the list of valid coercion paths from {\class$_1$} to {\class$_2$}.
-\asection{Activating the Printing of Coercions}
-\asubsection{\tt Set Printing Coercions.}
-\comindex{Set Printing Coercions}
-\comindex{Unset Printing Coercions}
-This command forces all the coercions to be printed.
-Conversely, to skip the printing of coercions, use
- {\tt Unset Printing Coercions}.
-By default, coercions are not printed.
-\asubsection{\tt Set Printing Coercion {\qualid}.}
-\comindex{Set Printing Coercion}
-\comindex{Unset Printing Coercion}
-This command forces coercion denoted by {\qualid} to be printed.
-To skip the printing of coercion {\qualid}, use
- {\tt Unset Printing Coercion {\qualid}}.
-By default, a coercion is never printed.
-\asection{Classes as Records}
-\index{Coercions!and records}
-We allow the definition of {\em Structures with Inheritance} (or
-classes as records) by extending the existing {\tt Record} macro
-(see Section~\ref{Record}). Its new syntax is:
-{\tt Record \zeroone{>}~{\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\sort} := \zeroone{\ident$_0$} \verb+{+} \\
- {\tt \ident$_1$ $[$:$|$:>$]$ \term$_1$ ;} \\
- ... \\
- {\tt \ident$_n$ $[$:$|$:>$]$ \term$_n$ \verb+}+. }
- \end{tabular}
-The identifier {\ident} is the name of the defined record and {\sort}
-is its type. The identifier {\ident$_0$} is the name of its
-constructor. The identifiers {\ident$_1$}, .., {\ident$_n$} are the
-names of its fields and {\term$_1$}, .., {\term$_n$} their respective
-types. The alternative {\tt $[$:$|$:>$]$} is ``{\tt :}'' or ``{\tt
-:>}''. If {\tt {\ident$_i$}:>{\term$_i$}}, then {\ident$_i$} is
-automatically declared as coercion from {\ident} to the class of
-{\term$_i$}. Remark that {\ident$_i$} always verifies the uniform
-inheritance condition. If the optional ``{\tt >}'' before {\ident} is
-present, then {\ident$_0$} (or the default name {\tt Build\_{\ident}}
-if {\ident$_0$} is omitted) is automatically declared as a coercion
-from the class of {\term$_n$} to {\ident} (this may fail if the
-uniform inheritance condition is not satisfied).
-\Rem The keyword {\tt Structure}\comindex{Structure} is a synonym of {\tt
-\asection{Coercions and Sections}
-\index{Coercions!and sections}
- The inheritance mechanism is compatible with the section
-mechanism. The global classes and coercions defined inside a section
-are redefined after its closing, using their new value and new
-type. The classes and coercions which are local to the section are
-simply forgotten.
-Coercions with a local source class or a local target class, and
-coercions which do not verify the uniform inheritance condition any longer
-are also forgotten.
-\asection{Coercions and Modules}
-\index{Coercions!and modules}
-From Coq version 8.3, the coercions present in a module are activated
-only when the module is explicitly imported. Formerly, the coercions
-were activated as soon as the module was required, whatever it was
-imported or not.
-To recover the behavior of the versions of Coq prior to 8.3, use the
-following command:
-\comindex{Set Automatic Coercions Import}
-\comindex{Unset Automatic Coercions Import}
-Set Automatic Coercions Import.
-To cancel the effect of the option, use instead:
-Unset Automatic Coercions Import.
- There are three situations:
-\item $f~a$ is ill-typed where $f:forall~x:A,B$ and $a:A'$. If there is a
- coercion path between $A'$ and $A$, $f~a$ is transformed into
- $f~a'$ where $a'$ is the result of the application of this
- coercion path to $a$.
-We first give an example of coercion between atomic inductive types
-Definition bool_in_nat (b:bool) := if b then 0 else 1.
-Coercion bool_in_nat : bool >-> nat.
-Check (0 = true).
-Set Printing Coercions.
-Check (0 = true).
-Unset Printing Coercions.
-\Warning ``\verb|Check true=O.|'' fails. This is ``normal'' behaviour of
-coercions. To validate \verb|true=O|, the coercion is searched from
-\verb=nat= to \verb=bool=. There is none.
-We give an example of coercion between classes with parameters.
- (C : nat -> Set) (D : nat -> bool -> Set) (E : bool -> Set).
-Parameter f : forall n:nat, C n -> D (S n) true.
-Coercion f : C >-> D.
-Parameter g : forall (n:nat) (b:bool), D n b -> E b.
-Coercion g : D >-> E.
-Parameter c : C 0.
-Parameter T : E true -> nat.
-Check (T c).
-Set Printing Coercions.
-Check (T c).
-Unset Printing Coercions.
-We give now an example using identity coercions.
-Definition D' (b:bool) := D 1 b.
-Identity Coercion IdD'D : D' >-> D.
-Print IdD'D.
-Parameter d' : D' true.
-Check (T d').
-Set Printing Coercions.
-Check (T d').
-Unset Printing Coercions.
- In the case of functional arguments, we use the monotonic rule of
-sub-typing. Approximatively, to coerce $t:forall~x:A, B$ towards
-$forall~x:A',B'$, one have to coerce $A'$ towards $A$ and $B$ towards
-$B'$. An example is given below:
-Parameters (A B : Set) (h : A -> B).
-Coercion h : A >-> B.
-Parameter U : (A -> E true) -> nat.
-Parameter t : B -> C 0.
-Check (U t).
-Set Printing Coercions.
-Check (U t).
-Unset Printing Coercions.
- Remark the changes in the result following the modification of the
-previous example.
-Parameter U' : (C 0 -> B) -> nat.
-Parameter t' : E true -> A.
-Check (U' t').
-Set Printing Coercions.
-Check (U' t').
-Unset Printing Coercions.
-\item An assumption $x:A$ when $A$ is not a type, is ill-typed. It is
- replaced by $x:A'$ where $A'$ is the result of the application
- to $A$ of the coercion path between the class of $A$ and {\tt
- Sortclass} if it exists. This case occurs in the abstraction
- $fun~ x:A => t$, universal quantification $forall~x:A, B$,
- global variables and parameters of (co-)inductive definitions
- and functions. In $forall~x:A, B$, such a coercion path may be
- applied to $B$ also if necessary.
-Parameter Graph : Type.
-Parameter Node : Graph -> Type.
-Coercion Node : Graph >-> Sortclass.
-Parameter G : Graph.
-Parameter Arrows : G -> G -> Type.
-Check Arrows.
-Parameter fg : G -> G.
-Check fg.
-Set Printing Coercions.
-Check fg.
-Unset Printing Coercions.
-\item $f~a$ is ill-typed because $f:A$ is not a function. The term
- $f$ is replaced by the term obtained by applying to $f$ the
- coercion path between $A$ and {\tt Funclass} if it exists.
-Parameter bij : Set -> Set -> Set.
-Parameter ap : forall A B:Set, bij A B -> A -> B.
-Coercion ap : bij >-> Funclass.
-Parameter b : bij nat nat.
-Check (b 0).
-Set Printing Coercions.
-Check (b 0).
-Unset Printing Coercions.
-Let us see the resulting graph of this session.
-Print Graph.
-%%% Local Variables:
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-%%% End:
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deleted file mode 100644
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-\achapter{Extraction of programs in Objective Caml and Haskell}
-\aauthor{Jean-Christophe Filliâtre and Pierre Letouzey}
-We present here the \Coq\ extraction commands, used to build certified
-and relatively efficient functional programs, extracting them from
-either \Coq\ functions or \Coq\ proofs of specifications. The
-functional languages available as output are currently \ocaml{},
-\textsc{Haskell} and \textsc{Scheme}. In the following, ``ML'' will
-be used (abusively) to refer to any of the three.
-\paragraph{Differences with old versions.}
-The current extraction mechanism is new for version 7.0 of {\Coq}.
-In particular, the \FW\ toplevel used as an intermediate step between
-\Coq\ and ML has been withdrawn. It is also not possible
-any more to import ML objects in this \FW\ toplevel.
-The current mechanism also differs from
-the one in previous versions of \Coq: there is no more
-an explicit toplevel for the language (formerly called \textsc{Fml}).
-\asection{Generating ML code}
-\comindex{Recursive Extraction}
-\comindex{Extraction Module}
-\comindex{Recursive Extraction Module}
-The next two commands are meant to be used for rapid preview of
-extraction. They both display extracted term(s) inside \Coq.
-\item {\tt Extraction \qualid.} ~\par
- Extracts one constant or module in the \Coq\ toplevel.
-\item {\tt Recursive Extraction \qualid$_1$ \dots\ \qualid$_n$.} ~\par
- Recursive extraction of all the globals (or modules) \qualid$_1$ \dots\
- \qualid$_n$ and all their dependencies in the \Coq\ toplevel.
-%% TODO error messages
-All the following commands produce real ML files. User can choose to produce
-one monolithic file or one file per \Coq\ library.
-\item {\tt Extraction "{\em file}"}
- \qualid$_1$ \dots\ \qualid$_n$. ~\par
- Recursive extraction of all the globals (or modules) \qualid$_1$ \dots\
- \qualid$_n$ and all their dependencies in one monolithic file {\em file}.
- Global and local identifiers are renamed according to the chosen ML
- language to fulfill its syntactic conventions, keeping original
- names as much as possible.
-\item {\tt Extraction Library} \ident. ~\par
- Extraction of the whole \Coq\ library {\tt\ident.v} to an ML module
- {\tt\}. In case of name clash, identifiers are here renamed
- using prefixes \verb!coq_! or \verb!Coq_! to ensure a
- session-independent renaming.
-\item {\tt Recursive Extraction Library} \ident. ~\par
- Extraction of the \Coq\ library {\tt\ident.v} and all other modules
- {\tt\ident.v} depends on.
-The list of globals \qualid$_i$ does not need to be
-exhaustive: it is automatically completed into a complete and minimal
-\asection{Extraction options}
-\asubsection{Setting the target language}
-\comindex{Extraction Language}
-The ability to fix target language is the first and more important
-of the extraction options. Default is Ocaml.
-\item {\tt Extraction Language Ocaml}.
-\item {\tt Extraction Language Haskell}.
-\item {\tt Extraction Language Scheme}.
-\asubsection{Inlining and optimizations}
-Since Objective Caml is a strict language, the extracted
-code has to be optimized in order to be efficient (for instance, when
-using induction principles we do not want to compute all the recursive
-calls but only the needed ones). So the extraction mechanism provides
-an automatic optimization routine that will be
-called each time the user want to generate Ocaml programs. Essentially,
-it performs constants inlining and reductions. Therefore some
-constants may not appear in resulting monolithic Ocaml program.
-In the case of modular extraction, even if some inlining is done, the
-inlined constant are nevertheless printed, to ensure
-session-independent programs.
-Concerning Haskell, such optimizations are less useful because of
-lazyness. We still make some optimizations, for example in order to
-produce more readable code.
-All these optimizations are controled by the following \Coq\ options:
-\item \comindex{Set Extraction Optimize}
-{\tt Set Extraction Optimize.}
-\item \comindex{Unset Extraction Optimize}
-{\tt Unset Extraction Optimize.}
-Default is Set. This control all optimizations made on the ML terms
-(mostly reduction of dummy beta/iota redexes, but also simplifications on
-Cases, etc). Put this option to Unset if you want a ML term as close as
-possible to the Coq term.
-\item \comindex{Set Extraction AutoInline}
-{\tt Set Extraction AutoInline.}
-\item \comindex{Unset Extraction AutoInline}
-{\tt Unset Extraction AutoInline.}
-Default is Set, so by default, the extraction mechanism feels free to
-inline the bodies of some defined constants, according to some heuristics
-like size of bodies, useness of some arguments, etc. Those heuristics are
-not always perfect, you may want to disable this feature, do it by Unset.
-\item \comindex{Extraction Inline}
-{\tt Extraction Inline} \qualid$_1$ \dots\ \qualid$_n$.
-\item \comindex{Extraction NoInline}
-{\tt Extraction NoInline} \qualid$_1$ \dots\ \qualid$_n$.
-In addition to the automatic inline feature, you can now tell precisely to
-inline some more constants by the {\tt Extraction Inline} command. Conversely,
-you can forbid the automatic inlining of some specific constants by
-the {\tt Extraction NoInline} command.
-Those two commands enable a precise control of what is inlined and what is not.
-\item \comindex{Print Extraction Inline}
-{\tt Print Extraction Inline}.
-Prints the current state of the table recording the custom inlinings
-declared by the two previous commands.
-\item \comindex{Reset Extraction Inline}
-{\tt Reset Extraction Inline}.
-Puts the table recording the custom inlinings back to empty.
-\paragraph{Inlining and printing of a constant declaration.}
-A user can explicitly ask for a constant to be extracted by two means:
-\item by mentioning it on the extraction command line
-\item by extracting the whole \Coq\ module of this constant.
-In both cases, the declaration of this constant will be present in the
-produced file.
-But this same constant may or may not be inlined in the following
-terms, depending on the automatic/custom inlining mechanism.
-For the constants non-explicitly required but needed for dependency
-reasons, there are two cases:
-\item If an inlining decision is taken, whether automatically or not,
-all occurrences of this constant are replaced by its extracted body, and
-this constant is not declared in the generated file.
-\item If no inlining decision is taken, the constant is normally
- declared in the produced file.
-\asubsection{Extra elimination of useless arguments}
-\item \comindex{Extraction Implicit}
- {\tt Extraction Implicit} \qualid\ [ \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ ].
-This experimental command allows to declare some arguments of
-\qualid\ as implicit, i.e. useless in extracted code and hence to
-be removed by extraction. Here \qualid\ can be any function or
-inductive constructor, and \ident$_i$ are the names of the concerned
-arguments. In fact, an argument can also be referred by a number
-indicating its position, starting from 1. When an actual extraction
-takes place, an error is raised if the {\tt Extraction Implicit}
-declarations cannot be honored, that is if any of the implicited
-variables still occurs in the final code. This declaration of useless
-arguments is independent but complementary to the main elimination
-principles of extraction (logical parts and types).
-\asubsection{Realizing axioms}\label{extraction:axioms}
-Extraction will fail if it encounters an informative
-axiom not realized (see Section~\ref{extraction:axioms}).
-A warning will be issued if it encounters an logical axiom, to remind
-user that inconsistent logical axioms may lead to incorrect or
-non-terminating extracted terms.
-It is possible to assume some axioms while developing a proof. Since
-these axioms can be any kind of proposition or object or type, they may
-perfectly well have some computational content. But a program must be
-a closed term, and of course the system cannot guess the program which
-realizes an axiom. Therefore, it is possible to tell the system
-what ML term corresponds to a given axiom.
-\comindex{Extract Constant}
-\item{\tt Extract Constant \qualid\ => \str.} ~\par
- Give an ML extraction for the given constant.
- The \str\ may be an identifier or a quoted string.
-\item{\tt Extract Inlined Constant \qualid\ => \str.} ~\par
- Same as the previous one, except that the given ML terms will
- be inlined everywhere instead of being declared via a let.
-Note that the {\tt Extract Inlined Constant} command is sugar
-for an {\tt Extract Constant} followed by a {\tt Extraction Inline}.
-Hence a {\tt Reset Extraction Inline} will have an effect on the
-realized and inlined axiom.
-Of course, it is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the ML
-terms given to realize the axioms do have the expected types. In
-fact, the strings containing realizing code are just copied in the
-extracted files. The extraction recognizes whether the realized axiom
-should become a ML type constant or a ML object declaration.
-Axiom X:Set.
-Axiom x:X.
-Extract Constant X => "int".
-Extract Constant x => "0".
-Notice that in the case of type scheme axiom (i.e. whose type is an
-arity, that is a sequence of product finished by a sort), then some type
-variables has to be given. The syntax is then:
-\item{\tt Extract Constant \qualid\ \str$_1$ \ldots \str$_n$ => \str.} ~\par
-The number of type variables is checked by the system.
-Axiom Y : Set -> Set -> Set.
-Extract Constant Y "'a" "'b" => " 'a*'b ".
-Realizing an axiom via {\tt Extract Constant} is only useful in the
-case of an informative axiom (of sort Type or Set). A logical axiom
-have no computational content and hence will not appears in extracted
-terms. But a warning is nonetheless issued if extraction encounters a
-logical axiom. This warning reminds user that inconsistent logical
-axioms may lead to incorrect or non-terminating extracted terms.
-If an informative axiom has not been realized before an extraction, a
-warning is also issued and the definition of the axiom is filled with
-an exception labeled {\tt AXIOM TO BE REALIZED}. The user must then
-search these exceptions inside the extracted file and replace them by
-real code.
-\comindex{Extract Inductive}
-The system also provides a mechanism to specify ML terms for inductive
-types and constructors. For instance, the user may want to use the ML
-native boolean type instead of \Coq\ one. The syntax is the following:
-\item{\tt Extract Inductive \qualid\ => \str\ [ \str\ \dots \str\ ]\
-{\it optstring}.} ~\par
- Give an ML extraction for the given inductive type. You must specify
- extractions for the type itself (first \str) and all its
- constructors (between square brackets). If given, the final optional
- string should contain a function emulating pattern-matching over this
- inductive type. If this optional string is not given, the ML
- extraction must be an ML inductive datatype, and the native
- pattern-matching of the language will be used.
-For an inductive type with $k$ constructor, the function used to
-emulate the match should expect $(k+1)$ arguments, first the $k$
-branches in functional form, and then the inductive element to
-destruct. For instance, the match branch \verb$| S n => foo$ gives the
-functional form \verb$(fun n -> foo)$. Note that a constructor with no
-argument is considered to have one unit argument, in order to block
-early evaluation of the branch: \verb$| O => bar$ leads to the functional
-form \verb$(fun () -> bar)$. For instance, when extracting {\tt nat}
-into {\tt int}, the code to provide has type:
-{\tt (unit->'a)->(int->'a)->int->'a}.
-As for {\tt Extract Inductive}, this command should be used with care:
-\item The ML code provided by the user is currently \emph{not} checked at all by
- extraction, even for syntax errors.
-\item Extracting an inductive type to a pre-existing ML inductive type
-is quite sound. But extracting to a general type (by providing an
-ad-hoc pattern-matching) will often \emph{not} be fully rigorously
-correct. For instance, when extracting {\tt nat} to Ocaml's {\tt
-int}, it is theoretically possible to build {\tt nat} values that are
-larger than Ocaml's {\tt max\_int}. It is the user's responsability to
-be sure that no overflow or other bad events occur in practice.
-\item Translating an inductive type to an ML type does \emph{not}
-magically improve the asymptotic complexity of functions, even if the
-ML type is an efficient representation. For instance, when extracting
-{\tt nat} to Ocaml's {\tt int}, the function {\tt mult} stays
-quadratic. It might be interesting to associate this translation with
-some specific {\tt Extract Constant} when primitive counterparts exist.
-Typical examples are the following:
-Extract Inductive unit => "unit" [ "()" ].
-Extract Inductive bool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ].
-Extract Inductive sumbool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ].
-If an inductive constructor or type has arity 2 and the corresponding
-string is enclosed by parenthesis, then the rest of the string is used
-as infix constructor or type.
-Extract Inductive list => "list" [ "[]" "(::)" ].
-Extract Inductive prod => "(*)" [ "(,)" ].
-As an example of translation to a non-inductive datatype, let's turn
-{\tt nat} into Ocaml's {\tt int} (see caveat above):
-Extract Inductive nat => int [ "0" "succ" ]
- "(fun fO fS n -> if n=0 then fO () else fS (n-1))".
-\asubsection{Avoiding conflicts with existing filenames}
-\comindex{Extraction Blacklist}
-When using {\tt Extraction Library}, the names of the extracted files
-directly depends from the names of the \Coq\ files. It may happen that
-these filenames are in conflict with already existing files,
-either in the standard library of the target language or in other
-code that is meant to be linked with the extracted code.
-For instance the module {\tt List} exists both in \Coq\ and in Ocaml.
-It is possible to instruct the extraction not to use particular filenames.
-\item{\tt Extraction Blacklist \ident \ldots \ident.} ~\par
- Instruct the extraction to avoid using these names as filenames
- for extracted code.
-\item{\tt Print Extraction Blacklist.} ~\par
- Show the current list of filenames the extraction should avoid.
-\item{\tt Reset Extraction Blacklist.} ~\par
- Allow the extraction to use any filename.
-For Ocaml, a typical use of these commands is
-{\tt Extraction Blacklist String List}.
-\asection{Differences between \Coq\ and ML type systems}
-Due to differences between \Coq\ and ML type systems,
-some extracted programs are not directly typable in ML.
-We now solve this problem (at least in Ocaml) by adding
-when needed some unsafe casting {\tt Obj.magic}, which give
-a generic type {\tt 'a} to any term.
-For example, here are two kinds of problem that can occur:
- \item If some part of the program is {\em very} polymorphic, there
- may be no ML type for it. In that case the extraction to ML works
- all right but the generated code may be refused by the ML
- type-checker. A very well known example is the {\em distr-pair}
- function:
-Definition dp :=
- fun (A B:Set)(x:A)(y:B)(f:forall C:Set, C->C) => (f A x, f B y).
-In Ocaml, for instance, the direct extracted term would be:
-let dp x y f = Pair((f () x),(f () y))
-and would have type:
-dp : 'a -> 'a -> (unit -> 'a -> 'b) -> ('b,'b) prod
-which is not its original type, but a restriction.
-We now produce the following correct version:
-let dp x y f = Pair ((Obj.magic f () x), (Obj.magic f () y))
- \item Some definitions of \Coq\ may have no counterpart in ML. This
- happens when there is a quantification over types inside the type
- of a constructor; for example:
-Inductive anything : Set := dummy : forall A:Set, A -> anything.
-which corresponds to the definition of an ML dynamic type.
-In Ocaml, we must cast any argument of the constructor dummy.
-Even with those unsafe castings, you should never get error like
-``segmentation fault''. In fact even if your program may seem
-ill-typed to the Ocaml type-checker, it can't go wrong: it comes
-from a Coq well-typed terms, so for example inductives will always
-have the correct number of arguments, etc.
-More details about the correctness of the extracted programs can be
-found in \cite{Let02}.
-We have to say, though, that in most ``realistic'' programs, these
-problems do not occur. For example all the programs of Coq library are
-accepted by Caml type-checker without any {\tt Obj.magic} (see examples below).
-\asection{Some examples}
-We present here two examples of extractions, taken from the
-\Coq\ Standard Library. We choose \ocaml\ as target language,
-but all can be done in the other dialects with slight modifications.
-We then indicate where to find other examples and tests of Extraction.
-\asubsection{A detailed example: Euclidean division}
-The file {\tt Euclid} contains the proof of Euclidean division
-(theorem {\tt eucl\_dev}). The natural numbers defined in the example
-files are unary integers defined by two constructors $O$ and $S$:
-Inductive nat : Set :=
- | O : nat
- | S : nat -> nat.
-This module contains a theorem {\tt eucl\_dev}, whose type is:
-forall b:nat, b > 0 -> forall a:nat, diveucl a b
-where {\tt diveucl} is a type for the pair of the quotient and the
-modulo, plus some logical assertions that disappear during extraction.
-We can now extract this program to \ocaml:
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import Euclid Wf_nat.
-Extraction Inline gt_wf_rec lt_wf_rec induction_ltof2.
-Recursive Extraction eucl_dev.
-The inlining of {\tt gt\_wf\_rec} and others is not
-mandatory. It only enhances readability of extracted code.
-You can then copy-paste the output to a file {\tt} or let
-\Coq\ do it for you with the following command:
-Extraction "euclid" eucl_dev.
-Let us play the resulting program:
-# #use "";;
-type nat = O | S of nat
-type sumbool = Left | Right
-val minus : nat -> nat -> nat = <fun>
-val le_lt_dec : nat -> nat -> sumbool = <fun>
-val le_gt_dec : nat -> nat -> sumbool = <fun>
-type diveucl = Divex of nat * nat
-val eucl_dev : nat -> nat -> diveucl = <fun>
-# eucl_dev (S (S O)) (S (S (S (S (S O)))));;
-- : diveucl = Divex (S (S O), S O)
-It is easier to test on \ocaml\ integers:
-# let rec nat_of_int = function 0 -> O | n -> S (nat_of_int (n-1));;
-val i2n : int -> nat = <fun>
-# let rec int_of_nat = function O -> 0 | S p -> 1+(int_of_nat p);;
-val n2i : nat -> int = <fun>
-# let div a b =
- let Divex (q,r) = eucl_dev (nat_of_int b) (nat_of_int a)
- in (int_of_nat q, int_of_nat r);;
-val div : int -> int -> int * int = <fun>
-# div 173 15;;
-- : int * int = (11, 8)
-Note that these {\tt nat\_of\_int} and {\tt int\_of\_nat} are now
-available via a mere {\tt Require Import ExtrOcamlIntConv} and then
-adding these functions to the list of functions to extract. This file
-{\tt ExtrOcamlIntConv.v} and some others in {\tt plugins/extraction/}
-are meant to help building concrete program via extraction.
-\asubsection{Extraction's horror museum}
-Some pathological examples of extraction are grouped in the file
-{\tt test-suite/success/extraction.v} of the sources of \Coq.
-\asubsection{Users' Contributions}
- Several of the \Coq\ Users' Contributions use extraction to produce
- certified programs. In particular the following ones have an automatic
- extraction test (just run {\tt make} in those directories):
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Bordeaux/Additions
- \item Bordeaux/EXCEPTIONS
- \item Bordeaux/SearchTrees
- \item Dyade/BDDS
- \item Lannion
- \item Lyon/CIRCUITS
- \item Lyon/FIRING-SQUAD
- \item Marseille/CIRCUITS
- \item Muenchen/Higman
- \item Nancy/FOUnify
- \item Rocq/ARITH/Chinese
- \item Rocq/COC
- \item Rocq/GRAPHS
- \item Rocq/HIGMAN
- \item Sophia-Antipolis/Stalmarck
- \item Suresnes/BDD
- \end{itemize}
- Lannion, Rocq/HIGMAN and Lyon/CIRCUITS are a bit particular. They are
- examples of developments where {\tt Obj.magic} are needed.
- This is probably due to an heavy use of impredicativity.
- After compilation those two examples run nonetheless,
- thanks to the correction of the extraction~\cite{Let02}.
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-\index{XML exportation}
-\index{Proof rendering}
-This section describes the exportation of {\Coq} theories to XML that
-has been contributed by Claudio Sacerdoti Coen. Currently, the main
-applications are the rendering and searching tool
-developed within the HELM\footnote{Hypertextual Electronic Library of
-Mathematics} and MoWGLI\footnote{Mathematics on the Web, Get it by
-Logic and Interfaces} projects mainly at the University of Bologna and
-partly at INRIA-Sophia Antipolis.
-\subsection{Practical use of the XML exportation tool}
-The basic way to export the logical content of a file into XML format
-is to use {\tt coqc} with option {\tt -xml}.
-When the {\tt -xml} flag is set, every definition or declaration is
-immediately exported to XML once concluded.
-The system environment variable {\tt COQ\_XML\_LIBRARY\_ROOT} must be
-previously set to a directory in which the logical structure of the
-exported objects is reflected.
- For {\tt Makefile} files generated by \verb+coq_makefile+ (see section
- \ref{Makefile}), it is sufficient to compile the files using
- \begin{quotation}
- \verb+make COQ_XML=-xml+
- \end{quotation}
- To export a development to XML, the suggested procedure is then:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item add to your own contribution a valid \verb+Make+ file and use
- \verb+coq_makefile+ to generate the \verb+Makefile+ from the \verb+Make+
- file.
- \Warning Since logical names are used to structure the XML
- hierarchy, always add to the \verb+Make+ file at least one \verb+"-R"+
- option to map physical file names to logical module paths.
- \item set the \verb+COQ_XML_LIBRARY_ROOT+ environment variable to
- the directory where the XML file hierarchy must be physically
- rooted.
- \item compile your contribution with \verb+"make COQ_XML=-xml"+
- \end{enumerate}
-\Rem In case the system variable {\tt COQ\_XML\_LIBRARY\_ROOT} is not set,
-the output is done on the standard output. Also, the files are
-compressed using {\tt gzip} after creation. This is to save disk space
-since the XML format is very verbose.
-\subsection{Reflection of the logical structure into the file system}
-For each {\Coq} logical object, several independent files associated
-to this object are created. The structure of the long name of the
-object is reflected in the directory structure of the file system.
-E.g. an object of long name {\tt
-{\ident$_1$}.{\ldots}.{\ident$_n$}.{\ident}} is exported to files in the
-subdirectory {{\ident$_1$}/{\ldots}/{\ident$_n$}} of the directory
-bound to the environment variable {\tt COQ\_XML\_LIBRARY\_ROOT}.
-\subsection{What is exported?}
-The XML exportation tool exports the logical content of {\Coq}
-theories. This covers global definitions (including lemmas, theorems,
-...), global assumptions (parameters and axioms), local assumptions or
-definitions, and inductive definitions.
-Vernacular files are exported to {\tt .theory.xml} files.
-%definitions, theorems, axioms and proofs are exported to individual
-%files whose suffixes range from {\tt .var.xml}, {\tt .con.xml}, {\tt
-%.con.body.xml}, {\tt .con.types.xml} to {\tt .con.proof_tree.xml}.
-Comments are pre-processed with {\sf coqdoc} (see section
-\ref{coqdoc}). Especially, they have to be enclosed within {\tt (**}
-and {\tt *)} to be exported.
-For each inductive definition of name
-{\ident$_1$}.{\ldots}.{\ident$_n$}.{\ident}, a file named {\tt
-{\ident}.ind.xml} is created in the subdirectory {\tt
-{\ident$_1$}/{\ldots}/{\ident$_n$}} of the xml library root
-directory. It contains the arities and constructors of the type. For mutual inductive definitions, the file is named after the
-name of the first inductive type of the block.
-For each global definition of base name {\tt
-{\ident$_1$}.{\ldots}.{\ident$_n$}.{\ident}}, files named
-{\tt {\ident}.con.body.xml} and {\tt {\ident}.con.xml} are created in the
-subdirectory {\tt {\ident$_1$}/{\ldots}/{\ident$_n$}}. They
-respectively contain the body and the type of the definition.
-For each global assumption of base name {\tt
-{\ident$_1$}.{\ident$_2$}.{\ldots}.{\ident$_n$}.{\ident}}, a file
-named {\tt {\ident}.con.xml} is created in the subdirectory {\tt
-{\ident$_1$}/{\ldots}/{\ident$_n$}}. It contains the type of the
-global assumption.
-For each local assumption or definition of base name {\ident} located
-in sections {\ident$'_1$}, {\ldots}, {\ident$'_p$} of the module {\tt
-{\ident$_1$}.{\ident$_2$}.{\ldots}.{\ident$_n$}.{\ident}}, a file
-named {\tt {\ident}.var.xml} is created in the subdirectory {\tt
-It contains its type and, if a definition, its body.
-In order to do proof-rendering (for example in natural language), some
-redundant typing information is required, i.e. the type of at least
-some of the subterms of the bodies and types of the CIC objects. These
-types are called inner types and are exported to files of suffix {\tt
-.types.xml} by the exportation tool.
-% Deactivated
-%% \subsection{Proof trees}
-%% For each definition or theorem that has been built with tactics, an
-%% extra file of suffix {\tt proof\_tree.xml} is created. It contains the
-%% proof scripts and is used for rendering the proof.
-\subsection[Inner types]{Inner types\label{inner-types}}
-The type of a subterm of a construction is called an {\em inner type}
-if it respects the following conditions.
- \item Its sort is \verb+Prop+\footnote{or {\tt CProp} which is the
- "sort"-like definition used in C-CoRN (see
- \url{}) to type
- computationally relevant predicative propositions.}.
- \item It is not a type cast nor an atomic term (variable, constructor or constant).
- \item If it's root is an abstraction, then the root's parent node is
- not an abstraction, i.e. only the type of the outer abstraction of
- a block of nested abstractions is printed.
-The rationale for the 3$^{rd}$ condition is that the type of the inner
-abstractions could be easily computed starting from the type of the
-outer ones; moreover, the types of the inner abstractions requires a
-lot of disk/memory space: removing the 3$^{rd}$ condition leads to XML
-file that are two times as big as the ones exported applying the 3$^{rd}$
-\subsection{Interactive exportation commands}
-There are also commands to be used interactively in {\tt coqtop}.
-\subsubsection[\tt Print XML {\qualid}]{\tt Print XML {\qualid}\comindex{Print XML}}
-If the variable {\tt COQ\_XML\_LIBRARY\_ROOT} is set, this command creates
-files containing the logical content in XML format of {\qualid}. If
-the variable is not set, the result is displayed on the standard
-\item {\tt Print XML File {\str} {\qualid}}\\
-This writes the logical content of {\qualid} in XML format to files
-whose prefix is {\str}.
-\subsubsection[{\tt Show XML Proof}]{{\tt Show XML Proof}\comindex{Show XML Proof}}
-If the variable {\tt COQ\_XML\_LIBRARY\_ROOT} is set, this command creates
-files containing the current proof in progress in XML format. It
-writes also an XML file made of inner types. If the variable is not
-set, the result is displayed on the standard output.
-\item {\tt Show XML File {\str} Proof}\\ This writes the
-logical content of {\qualid} in XML format to files whose prefix is
-\subsection{Applications: rendering, searching and publishing}
-The HELM team at the University of Bologna has developed tools
-exploiting the XML exportation of {\Coq} libraries. This covers
-rendering, searching and publishing tools.
-All these tools require a running http server and, if possible, a
-MathML compliant browser. The procedure to install the suite of tools
-ultimately allowing rendering and searching can be found on the HELM
-web site \url{}.
-It may be easier though to upload your developments on the HELM http
-server and to re-use the infrastructure running on it. This requires
-publishing your development. To this aim, follow the instructions on
-Notice that the HELM server already hosts a copy of the standard
-library of {\Coq} and of the {\Coq} user contributions.
-\subsection{Technical informations}
-\subsubsection{CIC with Explicit Named Substitutions}
-The exported files are XML encoding of the lambda-terms used by the
-\Coq\ system. The implementative details of the \Coq\ system are hidden as much
-as possible, so that the XML DTD is a straightforward encoding of the
-Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions.
-Nevertheless, there is a feature of the \Coq\ system that can not be
-hidden in a completely satisfactory way: discharging (see Sect.\ref{Section}).
-In \Coq\ it is possible
-to open a section, declare variables and use them in the rest of the section
-as if they were axiom declarations. Once the section is closed, every definition and theorem in the section is discharged by abstracting it over the section
-variables. Variable declarations as well as section declarations are entirely
-dropped. Since we are interested in an XML encoding of definitions and
-theorems as close as possible to those directly provided the user, we
-do not want to export discharged forms. Exporting non-discharged theorem
-and definitions together with theorems that rely on the discharged forms
-obliges the tools that work on the XML encoding to implement discharging to
-achieve logical consistency. Moreover, the rendering of the files can be
-misleading, since hyperlinks can be shown between occurrences of the discharge
-form of a definition and the non-discharged definition, that are different
-To overcome the previous limitations, Claudio Sacerdoti Coen developed in his
-PhD. thesis an extension of CIC, called Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions
-with Explicit Named Substitutions, that is a slight extension of CIC where
-discharging is not necessary. The DTD of the exported XML files describes
-constants, inductive types and variables of the Calculus of (Co)Inductive
-Constructions with Explicit Named Substitutions. The conversion to the new
-calculus is performed during the exportation phase.
-The following example shows a very small \Coq\ development together with its
-version in CIC with Explicit Named Substitutions.
-# CIC version: #
-Section S.
- Variable A : Prop.
- Definition impl := A -> A.
- Theorem t : impl. (* uses the undischarged form of impl *)
- Proof.
- exact (fun (a:A) => a).
- Qed.
-End S.
-Theorem t' : (impl False). (* uses the discharged form of impl *)
- Proof.
- exact (t False). (* uses the discharged form of t *)
- Qed.
-# Corresponding CIC with Explicit Named Substitutions version: #
-Section S.
- Variable A : Prop.
- Definition impl(A) := A -> A. (* theorems and definitions are
- explicitly abstracted over the
- variables. The name is sufficient to
- completely describe the abstraction *)
- Theorem t(A) : impl. (* impl where A is not instantiated *)
- Proof.
- exact (fun (a:A) => a).
- Qed.
-End S.
-Theorem t'() : impl{False/A}. (* impl where A is instantiated with False
- Notice that t' does not depend on A *)
- Proof.
- exact t{False/A}. (* t where A is instantiated with False *)
- Qed.
-Further details on the typing and reduction rules of the calculus can be
-found in Claudio Sacerdoti Coen PhD. dissertation, where the consistency
-of the calculus is also proved.
-\subsubsection{The CIC with Explicit Named Substitutions XML DTD}
-A copy of the DTD can be found in the file ``\verb+cic.dtd+'' in the
-\verb+plugins/xml+ source directory of \Coq.
-The following is a very brief overview of the elements described in the DTD.
- \item[]\texttt{<ConstantType>}
- is the root element of the files that correspond to constant types.
- \item[]\texttt{<ConstantBody>}
- is the root element of the files that correspond to constant bodies.
- It is used only for closed definitions and theorems (i.e. when no
- metavariable occurs in the body or type of the constant)
- \item[]\texttt{<CurrentProof>}
- is the root element of the file that correspond to the body of a constant
- that depends on metavariables (e.g. unfinished proofs)
- \item[]\texttt{<Variable>}
- is the root element of the files that correspond to variables
- \item[]\texttt{<InductiveTypes>}
- is the root element of the files that correspond to blocks
- of mutually defined inductive definitions
-The elements
- \verb+<LAMBDA>+, \verb+<CAST>+, \verb+<PROD>+, \verb+<REL>+, \verb+<SORT>+,
- \verb+<APPLY>+, \verb+<VAR>+, \verb+<META>+, \verb+<IMPLICIT>+, \verb+<CONST>+, \verb+<LETIN>+, \verb+<MUTIND>+, \verb+<MUTCONSTRUCT>+, \verb+<MUTCASE>+,
- \verb+<FIX>+ and \verb+<COFIX>+ are used to encode the constructors of CIC.
- The \verb+sort+ or \verb+type+ attribute of the element, if present, is
- respectively the sort or the type of the term, that is a sort because of the
- typing rules of CIC.
-The element \verb+<instantiate>+ correspond to the application of an explicit
-named substitution to its first argument, that is a reference to a definition
-or declaration in the environment.
-All the other elements are just syntactic sugar.
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-\achapter{Micromega : tactics for solving arithmetic goals over ordered rings}
-\aauthor{Frédéric Besson and Evgeny Makarov}
-\asection{Short description of the tactics}
-\tacindex{psatz} \tacindex{lra}
-The {\tt Psatz} module ({\tt Require Psatz.}) gives access to several tactics for solving arithmetic goals over
- {\tt Z}\footnote{Support for {\tt nat} and {\tt N} is obtained by pre-processing the goal with the {\tt zify} tactic.}, {\tt Q} and {\tt R}:
-\item {\tt lia} is a decision procedure for linear integer arithmetic (see Section~\ref{sec:lia});
-\item {\tt nia} is an incomplete proof procedure for integer non-linear arithmetic (see Section~\ref{sec:nia});
-\item {\tt lra} is a decision procedure for linear (real or rational) arithmetic goals (see Section~\ref{sec:lra});
-\item {\tt psatz D n} where {\tt D} is {\tt Z}, {\tt Q} or {\tt R} and {\tt n} is an optional integer limiting the proof search depth is
-is an incomplete proof procedure for non-linear arithmetic. It is based on John Harrison's Hol light driver to the external prover {\tt cspd}\footnote{Sources and binaries can be found at \url{}}.
- Note that the {\tt csdp} driver is generating
- a \emph{proof cache} thus allowing to rerun scripts even without {\tt csdp} (see Section~\ref{sec:psatz}).
-The tactics solve propositional formulas parameterised by atomic arithmetics expressions
-interpreted over a domain $D \in \{\mathbb{Z}, \mathbb{Q}, \mathbb{R} \}$.
-The syntax of the formulas is the following:
- F &::=& A \mid P \mid \mathit{True} \mid \mathit{False} \mid F_1 \land F_2 \mid F_1 \lor F_2 \mid F_1 \leftrightarrow F_2 \mid F_1 \to F_2 \mid \sim F\\
- A &::=& p_1 = p_2 \mid p_1 > p_2 \mid p_1 < p_2 \mid p_1 \ge p_2 \mid p_1 \le p_2 \\
- p &::=& c \mid x \mid {-}p \mid p_1 - p_2 \mid p_1 + p_2 \mid p_1 \times p_2 \mid p \verb!^! n
- \end{array}
- \]
- where $c$ is a numeric constant, $x\in D$ is a numeric variable and the operators $-$, $+$, $\times$, are
- respectively subtraction, addition, product, $p \verb!^!n $ is exponentiation by a constant $n$, $P$ is an
- arbitrary proposition.
- %
- For {\tt Q}, equality is not leibnitz equality {\tt =} but the equality of rationals {\tt ==}.
-For {\tt Z} (resp. {\tt Q} ), $c$ ranges over integer constants (resp. rational constants).
-%% The following table details for each domain $D \in \{\mathbb{Z},\mathbb{Q},\mathbb{R}\}$ the range of constants $c$ and exponent $n$.
-%% \[
-%% \begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|}
-%% \hline
-%% &\mathbb{Z} & \mathbb{Q} & \mathbb{R} \\
-%% \hline
-%% c &\mathtt{Z} & \mathtt{Q} & (see below) \\
-%% \hline
-%% n &\mathtt{Z} & \mathtt{Z} & \mathtt{nat}\\
-%% \hline
-%% \end{array}
-%% \]
-For {\tt R}, the tactic recognises as real constants the following expressions:
-c ::= R0 | R1 | Rmul(c,c) | Rplus(c,c) | Rminus(c,c) | IZR z | IQR q | Rdiv(c,c) | Rinv c
-where ${\tt z}$ is a constant in {\tt Z} and {\tt q} is a constant in {\tt Q}.
-This includes integer constants written using the decimal notation \emph{i.e.,} {\tt c\%R}.
-\asection{\emph{Positivstellensatz} refutations}
-The name {\tt psatz} is an abbreviation for \emph{positivstellensatz} -- literally positivity theorem -- which
-generalises Hilbert's \emph{nullstellensatz}.
-It relies on the notion of $\mathit{Cone}$. Given a (finite) set of polynomials $S$, $Cone(S)$ is
-inductively defined as the smallest set of polynomials closed under the following rules:
-\dfrac{p \in S}{p \in Cone(S)} \quad
-\dfrac{}{p^2 \in Cone(S)} \quad
-\dfrac{p_1 \in Cone(S) \quad p_2 \in Cone(S) \quad \Join \in \{+,*\}} {p_1 \Join p_2 \in Cone(S)}\\
-The following theorem provides a proof principle for checking that a set of polynomial inequalities do not have solutions\footnote{Variants deal with equalities and strict inequalities.}:
- \label{thm:psatz}
- Let $S$ be a set of polynomials.\\
- If ${-}1$ belongs to $Cone(S)$ then the conjunction $\bigwedge_{p \in S} p\ge 0$ is unsatisfiable.
-A proof based on this theorem is called a \emph{positivstellensatz} refutation.
-The tactics work as follows. Formulas are normalised into conjonctive normal form $\bigwedge_i C_i$ where
-$C_i$ has the general form $(\bigwedge_{j\in S_i} p_j \Join 0) \to \mathit{False})$ and $\Join \in \{>,\ge,=\}$ for $D\in
-\{\mathbb{Q},\mathbb{R}\}$ and $\Join \in \{\ge, =\}$ for $\mathbb{Z}$.
-For each conjunct $C_i$, the tactic calls a oracle which searches for $-1$ within the cone.
-Upon success, the oracle returns a \emph{cone expression} that is normalised by the {\tt ring} tactic (see chapter~\ref{ring}) and checked to be
-\asection{{\tt lra} : a decision procedure for linear real and rational arithmetic}
-The {\tt lra} tactic is searching for \emph{linear} refutations using
-Fourier elimination\footnote{More efficient linear programming techniques could equally be employed}. As a
-result, this tactic explores a subset of the $Cone$ defined as:
-LinCone(S) =\left\{ \left. \sum_{p \in S} \alpha_p \times p\ \right|\ \alpha_p \mbox{ are positive constants} \right\}
-The deductive power of {\tt lra} is the combined deductive power of {\tt ring\_simplify} and {\tt fourier}.
-There is also an overlap with the {\tt field} tactic {\emph e.g.}, {\tt x = 10 * x / 10} is solved by {\tt lra}.
-\asection{ {\tt psatz} : a proof procedure for non-linear arithmetic}
-The {\tt psatz} tactic explores the $Cone$ by increasing degrees -- hence the depth parameter $n$.
-In theory, such a proof search is complete -- if the goal is provable the search eventually stops.
-Unfortunately, the external oracle is using numeric (approximate) optimisation techniques that might miss a
-To illustrate the working of the tactic, consider we wish to prove the following Coq goal.\\
- Require Import ZArith Psatz.
- Open Scope Z_scope.
- Goal forall x, -x^2 >= 0 -> x - 1 >= 0 -> False.
-intro x; psatz Z 2.
-Such a goal is solved by {\tt intro x; psatz Z 2}. The oracle returns the cone expression $2 \times
-(\mathbf{x-1}) + \mathbf{x-1}\times\mathbf{x-1} + \mathbf{-x^2}$ (polynomial hypotheses are printed in bold). By construction, this
-expression belongs to $Cone(\{-x^2, x -1\})$. Moreover, by running {\tt ring} we obtain $-1$. By
-Theorem~\ref{thm:psatz}, the goal is valid.
-%% \paragraph{The {\tt sos} tactic} -- where {\tt sos} stands for \emph{sum of squares} -- tries to prove that a
-%% single polynomial $p$ is positive by expressing it as a sum of squares \emph{i.e.,} $\sum_{i\in S} p_i^2$.
-%% This amounts to searching for $p$ in the cone without generators \emph{i.e.}, $Cone(\{\})$.
-\asection{ {\tt lia} : a tactic for linear integer arithmetic }
-The tactic {\tt lia} offers an alternative to the {\tt omega} and {\tt romega} tactic (see
-Rougthly speaking, the deductive power of {\tt lia} is the combined deductive power of {\tt ring\_simplify} and {\tt omega}.
-However, it solves linear goals that {\tt omega} and {\tt romega} do not solve, such as the
-following so-called \emph{omega nightmare}~\cite{TheOmegaPaper}.
- Goal forall x y,
- 27 <= 11 * x + 13 * y <= 45 ->
- -10 <= 7 * x - 9 * y <= 4 -> False.
-intro x; lia;
-The estimation of the relative efficiency of lia \emph{vs} {\tt omega}
-and {\tt romega} is under evaluation.
-\paragraph{High level view of {\tt lia}.}
-Over $\mathbb{R}$, \emph{positivstellensatz} refutations are a complete proof principle\footnote{In practice, the oracle might fail to produce such a refutation.}.
-However, this is not the case over $\mathbb{Z}$.
-Actually, \emph{positivstellensatz} refutations are not even sufficient to decide linear \emph{integer}
-The canonical exemple is {\tt 2 * x = 1 -> False} which is a theorem of $\mathbb{Z}$ but not a theorem of $\mathbb{R}$.
-To remedy this weakness, the {\tt lia} tactic is using recursively a combination of:
-\item linear \emph{positivstellensatz} refutations;
-\item cutting plane proofs;
-\item case split.
-\paragraph{Cutting plane proofs} are a way to take into account the discreetness of $\mathbb{Z}$ by rounding up
-(rational) constants up-to the closest integer.
- Let $p$ be an integer and $c$ a rational constant.
- \[
- p \ge c \Rightarrow p \ge \lceil c \rceil
- \]
-For instance, from $2 * x = 1$ we can deduce
-\item $x \ge 1/2$ which cut plane is $ x \ge \lceil 1/2 \rceil = 1$;
-\item $ x \le 1/2$ which cut plane is $ x \le \lfloor 1/2 \rfloor = 0$.
-By combining these two facts (in normal form) $x - 1 \ge 0$ and $-x \ge 0$, we conclude by exhibiting a
-\emph{positivstellensatz} refutation ($-1 \equiv \mathbf{x-1} + \mathbf{-x} \in Cone(\{x-1,x\})$).
-Cutting plane proofs and linear \emph{positivstellensatz} refutations are a complete proof principle for integer linear arithmetic.
-\paragraph{Case split} allow to enumerate over the possible values of an expression.
- Let $p$ be an integer and $c_1$ and $c_2$ integer constants.
- \[
- c_1 \le p \le c_2 \Rightarrow \bigvee_{x \in [c_1,c_2]} p = x
- \]
-Our current oracle tries to find an expression $e$ with a small range $[c_1,c_2]$.
-We generate $c_2 - c_1$ subgoals which contexts are enriched with an equation $e = i$ for $i \in [c_1,c_2]$ and
-recursively search for a proof.
-\asection{ {\tt nia} : a proof procedure for non-linear integer arithmetic}
-The {\tt nia} tactic is an {\emph experimental} proof procedure for non-linear integer arithmetic.
-The tactic performs a limited amount of non-linear reasoning before running the
-linear prover of {\tt lia}.
-This pre-processing does the following:
-\item If the context contains an arithmetic expression of the form $e[x^2]$ where $x$ is a
- monomial, the context is enriched with $x^2\ge 0$;
-\item For all pairs of hypotheses $e_1\ge 0$, $e_2 \ge 0$, the context is enriched with $e_1 \times e_2 \ge 0$.
-After pre-processing, the linear prover of {\tt lia} is searching for a proof by abstracting monomials by variables.
-%%% Local Variables:
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-\achapter{\texttt{Natural} : proofs in natural language}
-\aauthor{Yann Coscoy}
-\Natural~ is a package allowing the writing of proofs in natural
-language. For instance, the proof in \Coq~of the induction principle on pairs
-of natural numbers looks like this:
-Require Natural.
-Print nat_double_ind.
-Piping it through the \Natural~pretty-printer gives:
-\comindex{Print Natural}
-Print Natural nat_double_ind.
-\asection{Activating \Natural}
-To enable the printing of proofs in natural language, you should
-type under \texttt{coqtop} or \texttt{coqtop -full} the command
-Require Natural.
-By default, proofs are transcripted in english. If you wish to print them
-in French, set the French option by
-\comindex{Set Natural}
-Set Natural French.
-If you want to go back to English, type in
-Set Natural English.
-Currently, only \verb=French= and \verb=English= are available.
-You may see for example the natural transcription of the proof of
-the induction principle on pairs of natural numbers:
-Print Natural nat_double_ind.
-You may also show in natural language the current proof in progress:
-\comindex{Show Natural}
-Goal (n:nat)(le O n).
-Induction n.
-Show Natural Proof.
-For \Natural, a proof is an object of type a proposition (i.e. an
-object of type something of type {\tt Prop}). Only proofs are written
-in natural language when typing {\tt Print Natural \ident}. All other
-objects (the objects of type something which is of type {\tt Set} or
-{\tt Type}) are written as usual $\lambda$-terms.
-\asection{Customizing \Natural}
-The transcription of proofs in natural language is mainly a paraphrase of
-the formal proofs, but some specific hints in the transcription
-can be given.
-Three kinds of customization are available.
-\asubsection{Implicit proof steps}
-\subsubsection*{Implicit lemmas}
-Applying a given lemma or theorem \verb=lem1= of statement, say $A
-\Rightarrow B$, to an hypothesis, say $H$ (assuming $A$) produces the
-following kind of output translation:
-Using lem1 with H we get B.
-But sometimes, you may prefer not to see the explicit invocation to
-the lemma. You may prefer to see:
-With H we have A.
-This is possible by declaring the lemma as implicit. You should type:
-\comindex{Add Natural}
-Add Natural Implicit lem1.
-By default, the lemmas \verb=proj1=, \verb=proj2=, \verb=sym_equal=
-and \verb=sym_eqT= are declared implicit. To remove a lemma or a theorem
-previously declared as implicit, say \verb=lem1=, use the command
-\comindex{Remove Natural}
-Remove Natural Implicit lem1.
-To test if the lemma or theorem \verb=lem1= is, or is not,
-declared as implicit, type
-\comindex{Test Natural}
-Test Natural Implicit for lem1.
-\subsubsection*{Implicit proof constructors}
-Let \verb=constr1= be a proof constructor of a given inductive
-proposition (or predicate)
-\verb=Q= (of type \verb=Prop=). Assume \verb=constr1= proves
-\verb=(x:A)(P x)->(Q x)=. Then, applying \verb=constr1= to an hypothesis,
-say \verb=H= (assuming \verb=(P a)=) produces the following kind of output:
-By the definition of Q, with H we have (Q a).
-But sometimes, you may prefer not to see the explicit invocation to
-this constructor. You may prefer to see:
-With H we have (Q a).
-This is possible by declaring the constructor as implicit. You should
-type, as before:
-\comindex{Add Natural Implicit}
-Add Natural Implicit constr1.
-By default, the proposition (or predicate) constructors
-\verb=conj=, \verb=or_introl=, \verb=or_intror=, \verb=ex_intro=,
-\verb=exT_intro=, \verb=refl_equal=, \verb=refl_eqT= and \verb=exist=
-\noindent are declared implicit. Note that declaring implicit the
-constructor of a datatype (i.e. an inductive type of type \verb=Set=)
-has no effect.
-As above, you can remove or test a constant declared implicit.
-\subsubsection*{Implicit inductive constants}
-Let \verb=Ind= be an inductive type (either a proposition (or a
-predicate) -- on \verb=Prop= --, or a datatype -- on \verb=Set=).
-Suppose the proof proceeds by induction on an hypothesis \verb=h=
-proving \verb=Ind= (or more generally \verb=(Ind A1 ... An)=). The
-following kind of output is produced:
-With H, we will prove A by induction on the definition of Ind.
-Case 1. ...
-Case 2. ...
-But sometimes, you may prefer not to see the explicit invocation to
-\verb=Ind=. You may prefer to see:
-We will prove A by induction on H.
-Case 1. ...
-Case 2. ...
-This is possible by declaring the inductive type as implicit. You should
-type, as before:
-\comindex{Add Natural Implicit}
-Add Natural Implicit Ind.
-This kind of parameterization works for any inductively defined
-proposition (or predicate) or datatype. Especially, it works whatever
-the definition is recursive or purely by cases.
-By default, the data type \verb=nat= and the inductive connectives
-\verb=and=, \verb=or=, \verb=sig=, \verb=False=, \verb=eq=,
-\verb=eqT=, \verb=ex= and \verb=exT= are declared implicit.
-As above, you can remove or test a constant declared implicit. Use
-{\tt Remove Natural Contractible $id$} or {\tt Test Natural
-Contractible for $id$}.
-\asubsection{Contractible proof steps}
-\subsubsection*{Contractible lemmas or constructors}
-Some lemmas, theorems or proof constructors of inductive predicates are
-often applied in a row and you obtain an output of this kind:
-Using T with H1 and H2 we get P.
- * By H3 we have Q.
- Using T with theses results we get R.
-where \verb=T=, \verb=H1=, \verb=H2= and \verb=H3= prove statements
-of the form \verb=(X,Y:Prop)X->Y->(L X Y)=, \verb=A=, \verb=B= and \verb=C=
-respectively (and thus \verb=R= is \verb=(L (L A B) C)=).
-You may obtain a condensed output of the form
-Using T with H1, H2, and H3 we get R.
-by declaring \verb=T= as contractible:
-\comindex{Add Natural Contractible}
-Add Natural Contractible T.
-By default, the lemmas \verb=proj1=, \verb=proj2= and the proof
-constructors \verb=conj=, \verb=or_introl=, \verb=or_intror= are
-declared contractible. As for implicit notions, you can remove or
-test a lemma or constructor declared contractible.
-\subsubsection*{Contractible induction steps}
-Let \verb=Ind= be an inductive type. When the proof proceeds by
-induction in a row, you may obtain an output of this kind:
-We have (Ind A (Ind B C)).
-We use definition of Ind in a study in two cases.
-Case 1: We have A.
-Case 2: We have (Ind B C).
- We use definition of Ind in a study of two cases.
- Case 2.1: We have B.
- Case 2.2: We have C.
-You may prefer to see
-We have (Ind A (Ind B C)).
-We use definition of Ind in a study in three cases.
-Case 1: We have A.
-Case 2: We have B.
-Case 3: We have C.
-This is possible by declaring \verb=Ind= as contractible:
-Add Natural Contractible T.
-By default, only \verb=or= is declared as a contractible inductive
-As for implicit notions, you can remove or test an inductive notion declared
-\asubsection{Transparent definitions}
-``Normal'' definitions are all constructions except proofs and proof constructors.
-\subsubsection*{Transparent non inductive normal definitions}
-When using the definition of a non inductive constant, say \verb=D=, the
-following kind of output is produced:
-We have proved C which is equivalent to D.
-But you may prefer to hide that D comes from the definition of C as
-We have prove D.
-This is possible by declaring \verb=C= as transparent:
-\comindex{Add Natural Transparent}
-Add Natural Transparent D.
-By default, only \verb=not= (normally written \verb=~=) is declared as
-a non inductive transparent definition.
-As for implicit and contractible definitions, you can remove or test a
-non inductive definition declared transparent.
-Use \texttt{Remove Natural Transparent} \ident or
-\texttt{Test Natural Transparent for} \ident.
-\subsubsection*{Transparent inductive definitions}
-Let \verb=Ind= be an inductive proposition (more generally: a
-predicate \verb=(Ind x1 ... xn)=). Suppose the definition of
-\verb=Ind= is non recursive and built with just
-one constructor proving something like \verb=A -> B -> Ind=.
-When coming back to the definition of \verb=Ind= the
-following kind of output is produced:
-Assume Ind (H).
- We use H with definition of Ind.
- We have A and B.
- ...
-When \verb=H= is not used a second time in the proof, you may prefer
-to hide that \verb=A= and \verb=B= comes from the definition of
-\verb=Ind=. You may prefer to get directly:
-Assume A and B.
-This is possible by declaring \verb=Ind= as transparent:
-Add Natural Transparent Ind.
-By default, \verb=and=, \verb=or=, \verb=ex=, \verb=exT=, \verb=sig=
-are declared as inductive transparent constants. As for implicit and
-contractible constants, you can remove or test an inductive
-constant declared transparent.
-As for implicit and contractible constants, you can remove or test an
-inductive constant declared transparent.
-\asubsection{Extending the maximal depth of nested text}
-The depth of nested text is limited. To know the current depth, do:
-\comindex{Set Natural Depth}
-Set Natural Depth.
-To change the maximal depth of nested text (for instance to 125) do:
-Set Natural Depth 125.
-\asubsection{Restoring the default parameterization}
-The command \verb=Set Natural Default= sets back the parameterization tables of
-\Natural~ to their default values, as listed in the above sections.
-Moreover, the language is set back to English and the max depth of
-nested text is set back to its initial value.
-\asubsection{Printing the current parameterization}
-The commands {\tt Print Natural Implicit}, {\tt Print Natural
-Contractible} and {\tt Print \\ Natural Transparent} print the list of
-constructions declared {\tt Implicit}, {\tt Contractible},
-{\tt Transparent} respectively.
-\asubsection{Interferences with \texttt{Reset}}
-The customization of \texttt{Natural} is dependent of the \texttt{Reset}
-command. If you reset the environment back to a point preceding an
-\verb=Add Natural ...= command, the effect of the command will be
-erased. Similarly, a reset back to a point before a
-\verb=Remove Natural ... = command invalidates the removal.
-\asection{Error messages}
-An error occurs when trying to \verb=Print=, to \verb=Add=, to
-\verb=Test=, or to \verb=remove= an undefined ident. Similarly, an
-error occurs when trying to set a language unknown from \Natural.
-Errors may also occur when trying to parameterize the printing of
-proofs: some parameterization are effectively forbidden.
-Note that to \verb=Remove= an ident absent from a table or to
-\verb=Add= to a table an already present ident does not lead to an
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-\achapter{Nsatz: tactics for proving equalities in integral domains}
-\aauthor{Loïc Pottier}
-The tactic \texttt{nsatz} proves goals of the form
-\[ \begin{array}{l}
- \forall X_1,\ldots,X_n \in A,\\
- P_1(X_1,\ldots,X_n) = Q_1(X_1,\ldots,X_n) , \ldots , P_s(X_1,\ldots,X_n) =Q_s(X_1,\ldots,X_n)\\
- \vdash P(X_1,\ldots,X_n) = Q(X_1,\ldots,X_n)\\
- \end{array}
-where $P,Q, P_1,Q_1,\ldots,P_s,Q_s$ are polynomials and A is an integral
-domain, i.e. a commutative ring with no zero divisor. For example, A can be
-$\mathbb{R}$, $\mathbb{Z}$, of $\mathbb{Q}$. Note that the equality $=$ used in these
-goals can be any setoid equality
-(see \ref{setoidtactics})
-, not only Leibnitz equality.
-It also proves formulas
-\[ \begin{array}{l}
- \forall X_1,\ldots,X_n \in A,\\
- P_1(X_1,\ldots,X_n) = Q_1(X_1,\ldots,X_n) \wedge \ldots \wedge P_s(X_1,\ldots,X_n) =Q_s(X_1,\ldots,X_n)\\
- \rightarrow P(X_1,\ldots,X_n) = Q(X_1,\ldots,X_n)\\
- \end{array}
-\] doing automatic introductions.
-\asection{Using the basic tactic \texttt{nsatz}}
-Load the
-\texttt{Nsatz} module: \texttt{Require Import Nsatz}.\\
- and use the tactic \texttt{nsatz}.
-\asection{More about \texttt{nsatz}}
-Hilbert's Nullstellensatz theorem shows how to reduce proofs of equalities on
-polynomials on a commutative ring A with no zero divisor to algebraic computations: it is easy to see that if a polynomial
-$P$ in $A[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$ verifies $c P^r = \sum_{i=1}^{s} S_i P_i$, with $c
-\in A$, $c \not = 0$, $r$ a positive integer, and the $S_i$s in
-$A[X_1,\ldots,X_n]$, then $P$ is zero whenever polynomials $P_1,...,P_s$ are
-zero (the converse is also true when A is an algebraic closed field:
-the method is complete).
-So, proving our initial problem can reduce into finding $S_1,\ldots,S_s$, $c$
-and $r$ such that $c (P-Q)^r = \sum_{i} S_i (P_i-Q_i)$, which will be proved by the
-tactic \texttt{ring}.
-This is achieved by the computation of a Groebner basis of the
-ideal generated by $P_1-Q_1,...,P_s-Q_s$, with an adapted version of the Buchberger
-This computation is done after a step of {\em reification}, which is
-performed using {\em Type Classes}
-(see \ref{typeclasses})
-The \texttt{Nsatz} module defines the tactic
-\texttt{nsatz}, which can be used without arguments: \\
-or with the syntax: \\
-\texttt{nsatz with radicalmax:={\em number}\%N strategy:={\em number}\%Z parameters:={\em list of variables} variables:={\em list of variables}}\\
- \item \texttt{radicalmax} is a bound when for searching r s.t.$c (P-Q)^r =
-\sum_{i=1..s} S_i (P_i - Q_i)$
- \item \texttt{strategy} gives the order on variables $X_1,...X_n$ and
-the strategy used in Buchberger algorithm (see
-\cite{sugar} for details):
- \begin{itemize}
- \item strategy = 0: reverse lexicographic order and newest s-polynomial.
- \item strategy = 1: reverse lexicographic order and sugar strategy.
- \item strategy = 2: pure lexicographic order and newest s-polynomial.
- \item strategy = 3: pure lexicographic order and sugar strategy.
- \end{itemize}
- \item \texttt{parameters} is the list of variables
-$X_{i_1},\ldots,X_{i_k}$ among $X_1,...,X_n$ which are considered as
- parameters: computation will be performed with rational fractions in these
- variables, i.e. polynomials are considered with coefficients in
-$R(X_{i_1},\ldots,X_{i_k})$. In this case, the coefficient $c$ can be a non
-constant polynomial in $X_{i_1},\ldots,X_{i_k}$, and the tactic produces a goal
-which states that $c$ is not zero.
- \item \texttt{variables} is the list of the variables
-in the decreasing order in which they will be used in Buchberger algorithm. If \texttt{variables} = {(@nil
-R)}, then \texttt{lvar} is replaced by all the variables which are not in
-See file \texttt{Nsatz.v} for many examples, specially in geometry.
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-\achapter{Omega: a solver of quantifier-free problems in
-Presburger Arithmetic}
-\aauthor{Pierre Crégut}
-\asection{Description of {\tt omega}}
-{\tt omega} solves a goal in Presburger arithmetic, i.e. a universally
-quantified formula made of equations and inequations. Equations may
-be specified either on the type \verb=nat= of natural numbers or on
-the type \verb=Z= of binary-encoded integer numbers. Formulas on
-\verb=nat= are automatically injected into \verb=Z=. The procedure
-may use any hypothesis of the current proof session to solve the goal.
-Multiplication is handled by {\tt omega} but only goals where at
-least one of the two multiplicands of products is a constant are
-solvable. This is the restriction meant by ``Presburger arithmetic''.
-If the tactic cannot solve the goal, it fails with an error message.
-In any case, the computation eventually stops.
-\asubsection{Arithmetical goals recognized by {\tt omega}}
-{\tt omega} applied only to quantifier-free formulas built from the
-\verb=/\, \/, ~, ->=
-on atomic formulas. Atomic formulas are built from the predicates
-\verb!=, le, lt, gt, ge!
- on \verb=nat= or from the predicates
-\verb!=, <, <=, >, >=!
- on \verb=Z=. In expressions of type \verb=nat=, {\tt omega} recognizes
-\verb!plus, minus, mult, pred, S, O!
-and in expressions of type \verb=Z=, {\tt omega} recognizes
-\verb!+, -, *, Zsucc!, and constants.
-All expressions of type \verb=nat= or \verb=Z= not built on these
-operators are considered abstractly as if they
-were arbitrary variables of type \verb=nat= or \verb=Z=.
-\asubsection{Messages from {\tt omega}}
-When {\tt omega} does not solve the goal, one of the following errors
-is generated:
-\item \errindex{omega can't solve this system}
- This may happen if your goal is not quantifier-free (if it is
- universally quantified, try {\tt intros} first; if it contains
- existentials quantifiers too, {\tt omega} is not strong enough to solve your
- goal). This may happen also if your goal contains arithmetical
- operators unknown from {\tt omega}. Finally, your goal may be really
- wrong!
-\item \errindex{omega: Not a quantifier-free goal}
- If your goal is universally quantified, you should first apply {\tt
- intro} as many time as needed.
-\item \errindex{omega: Unrecognized predicate or connective: {\sl ident}}
-\item \errindex{omega: Unrecognized atomic proposition: {\sl prop}}
-\item \errindex{omega: Can't solve a goal with proposition variables}
-\item \errindex{omega: Unrecognized proposition}
-\item \errindex{omega: Can't solve a goal with non-linear products}
-\item \errindex{omega: Can't solve a goal with equality on {\sl type}}
-%% Ce code est débranché pour l'instant
-% \asubsection{Control over the output}
-% There are some flags that can be set to get more information on the procedure
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item \verb=Time= to get the time used by the procedure
-% \item \verb=System= to visualize the normalized systems.
-% \item \verb=Action= to visualize the actions performed by the OMEGA
-% procedure (see \ref{technical}).
-% \end{itemize}
-% \comindex{Set omega Time}
-% \comindex{UnSet omega Time}
-% \comindex{Switch omega Time}
-% \comindex{Set omega System}
-% \comindex{UnSet omega System}
-% \comindex{Switch omega System}
-% \comindex{Set omega Action}
-% \comindex{UnSet omega Action}
-% \comindex{Switch omega Action}
-% Use {\tt Set omega {\rm\sl flag}} to set the flag
-% {\rm\sl flag}. Use {\tt Unset omega {\rm\sl flag}} to unset it and
-% {\tt Switch omega {\rm\sl flag}} to toggle it.
-\section{Using {\tt omega}}
-The {\tt omega} tactic does not belong to the core system. It should be
-loaded by
-Require Import Omega.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Goal forall m n:Z, 1 + 2 * m <> 2 * n.
-intros; omega.
-Goal forall z:Z, z > 0 -> 2 * z + 1 > z.
-intro; omega.
-% Other examples can be found in \verb+$COQLIB/theories/DEMOS/OMEGA+.
-\asection{Technical data}
-\asubsection{Overview of the tactic}
-\item The goal is negated twice and the first negation is introduced as an
- hypothesis.
-\item Hypothesis are decomposed in simple equations or inequations. Multiple
- goals may result from this phase.
-\item Equations and inequations over \verb=nat= are translated over
- \verb=Z=, multiple goals may result from the translation of
- substraction.
-\item Equations and inequations are normalized.
-\item Goals are solved by the {\it OMEGA} decision procedure.
-\item The script of the solution is replayed.
-\asubsection{Overview of the {\it OMEGA} decision procedure}
-The {\it OMEGA} decision procedure involved in the {\tt omega} tactic uses
-a small subset of the decision procedure presented in
- "The Omega Test: a fast and practical integer programming
-algorithm for dependence analysis", William Pugh, Communication of the
-ACM , 1992, p 102-114.
-Here is an overview, look at the original paper for more information.
-\item Equations and inequations are normalized by division by the GCD of their
- coefficients.
-\item Equations are eliminated, using the Banerjee test to get a coefficient
- equal to one.
-\item Note that each inequation defines a half space in the space of real value
- of the variables.
- \item Inequations are solved by projecting on the hyperspace
- defined by cancelling one of the variable. They are partitioned
- according to the sign of the coefficient of the eliminated
- variable. Pairs of inequations from different classes define a
- new edge in the projection.
- \item Redundant inequations are eliminated or merged in new
- equations that can be eliminated by the Banerjee test.
-\item The last two steps are iterated until a contradiction is reached
- (success) or there is no more variable to eliminate (failure).
-It may happen that there is a real solution and no integer one. The last
-steps of the Omega procedure (dark shadow) are not implemented, so the
-decision procedure is only partial.
-\item The simplification procedure is very dumb and this results in
- many redundant cases to explore.
-\item Much too slow.
-\item Certainly other bugs! You can report them to
- \url{}
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-\achapter{The \texttt{ring} and \texttt{field} tactic families}
-\aauthor{Bruno Barras, Benjamin Gr\'egoire, Assia
- Mahboubi, Laurent Th\'ery\footnote{based on previous work from
- Patrick Loiseleur and Samuel Boutin}}
-This chapter presents the tactics dedicated to deal with ring and
-field equations.
-\asection{What does this tactic do?}
-\texttt{ring} does associative-commutative rewriting in ring and semi-ring
-structures. Assume you have two binary functions $\oplus$ and $\otimes$
-that are associative and commutative, with $\oplus$ distributive on
-$\otimes$, and two constants 0 and 1 that are unities for $\oplus$ and
-$\otimes$. A \textit{polynomial} is an expression built on variables $V_0, V_1,
-\dots$ and constants by application of $\oplus$ and $\otimes$.
-Let an {\it ordered product} be a product of variables $V_{i_1}
-\otimes \ldots \otimes V_{i_n}$ verifying $i_1 \le i_2 \le \dots \le
-i_n$. Let a \textit{monomial} be the product of a constant and an
-ordered product. We can order the monomials by the lexicographic
-order on products of variables. Let a \textit{canonical sum} be an
-ordered sum of monomials that are all different, i.e. each monomial in
-the sum is strictly less than the following monomial according to the
-lexicographic order. It is an easy theorem to show that every
-polynomial is equivalent (modulo the ring properties) to exactly one
-canonical sum. This canonical sum is called the \textit{normal form}
-of the polynomial. In fact, the actual representation shares monomials
-with same prefixes. So what does \texttt{ring}? It normalizes
-polynomials over any ring or semi-ring structure. The basic use of
-\texttt{ring} is to simplify ring expressions, so that the user does
-not have to deal manually with the theorems of associativity and
-\item In the ring of integers, the normal form of
-$x (3 + yx + 25(1 - z)) + zx$ is $28x + (-24)xz + xxy$.
-\texttt{ring} is also able to compute a normal form modulo monomial
-equalities. For example, under the hypothesis that $2x^2 = yz+1$,
- the normal form of $2(x + 1)x - x - zy$ is $x+1$.
-\asection{The variables map}
-It is frequent to have an expression built with + and
- $\times$, but rarely on variables only.
-Let us associate a number to each subterm of a ring
-expression in the \gallina\ language. For example in the ring
-\texttt{nat}, consider the expression:
-(plus (mult (plus (f (5)) x) x)
- (mult (if b then (4) else (f (3))) (2)))
-\noindent As a ring expression, it has 3 subterms. Give each subterm a
-number in an arbitrary order:
-0 & $\mapsto$ & \verb|if b then (4) else (f (3))| \\
-1 & $\mapsto$ & \verb|(f (5))| \\
-2 & $\mapsto$ & \verb|x| \\
-\noindent Then normalize the ``abstract'' polynomial
-$$((V_1 \otimes V_2) \oplus V_2) \oplus (V_0 \otimes 2) $$
-\noindent In our example the normal form is:
-$$(2 \otimes V_0) \oplus (V_1 \otimes V_2) \oplus (V_2 \otimes V_2)$$
-\noindent Then substitute the variables by their values in the variables map to
-get the concrete normal polynomial:
-(plus (mult (2) (if b then (4) else (f (3))))
- (plus (mult (f (5)) x) (mult x x)))
-\asection{Is it automatic?}
-Yes, building the variables map and doing the substitution after
-normalizing is automatically done by the tactic. So you can just forget
-this paragraph and use the tactic according to your intuition.
-\asection{Concrete usage in \Coq
-The {\tt ring} tactic solves equations upon polynomial expressions of
-a ring (or semi-ring) structure. It proceeds by normalizing both hand
-sides of the equation (w.r.t. associativity, commutativity and
-distributivity, constant propagation, rewriting of monomials)
-and comparing syntactically the results.
-{\tt ring\_simplify} applies the normalization procedure described
-above to the terms given. The tactic then replaces all occurrences of
-the terms given in the conclusion of the goal by their normal
-forms. If no term is given, then the conclusion should be an equation
-and both hand sides are normalized.
-The tactic can also be applied in a hypothesis.
-The tactic must be loaded by \texttt{Require Import Ring}. The ring
-structures must be declared with the \texttt{Add Ring} command (see
-below). The ring of booleans is predefined; if one wants to use the
-tactic on \texttt{nat} one must first require the module
-\texttt{ArithRing} (exported by \texttt{Arith});
-for \texttt{Z}, do \texttt{Require Import
-ZArithRing} or simply \texttt{Require Import ZArith};
-for \texttt{N}, do \texttt{Require Import NArithRing} or
-\texttt{Require Import NArith}.
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Goal forall a b c:Z,
- (a + b + c)^2 =
- a * a + b^2 + c * c + 2 * a * b + 2 * a * c + 2 * b * c.
-intros; ring.
-Goal forall a b:Z, 2*a*b = 30 ->
- (a+b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 + 30.
-intros a b H; ring [H].
-Reset Initial.
- \item {\tt ring [\term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$]} decides the equality of two
- terms modulo ring operations and rewriting of the equalities
- defined by \term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$. Each of \term$_1$
- {\ldots} \term$_n$ has to be a proof of some equality $m = p$,
- where $m$ is a monomial (after ``abstraction''),
- $p$ a polynomial and $=$ the corresponding equality of the ring structure.
- \item {\tt ring\_simplify [\term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$] $t_1 \ldots t_m$ in
- performs the simplification in the hypothesis named {\tt ident}.
-\Warning \texttt{ring\_simplify \term$_1$; ring\_simplify \term$_2$} is
-not equivalent to \texttt{ring\_simplify \term$_1$ \term$_2$}. In the
-latter case the variables map is shared between the two terms, and
-common subterm $t$ of \term$_1$ and \term$_2$ will have the same
-associated variable number. So the first alternative should be
-avoided for terms belonging to the same ring theory.
-\item \errindex{not a valid ring equation}
- The conclusion of the goal is not provable in the corresponding ring
- theory.
-\item \errindex{arguments of ring\_simplify do not have all the same type}
- {\tt ring\_simplify} cannot simplify terms of several rings at the
- same time. Invoke the tactic once per ring structure.
-\item \errindex{cannot find a declared ring structure over {\tt term}}
- No ring has been declared for the type of the terms to be
- simplified. Use {\tt Add Ring} first.
-\item \errindex{cannot find a declared ring structure for equality
- {\tt term}}
- Same as above is the case of the {\tt ring} tactic.
-\asection{Adding a ring structure
-\comindex{Add Ring}}
-Declaring a new ring consists in proving that a ring signature (a
-carrier set, an equality, and ring operations: {\tt
-Ring\_theory.ring\_theory} and {\tt Ring\_theory.semi\_ring\_theory})
-satisfies the ring axioms. Semi-rings (rings without $+$ inverse) are
-also supported. The equality can be either Leibniz equality, or any
-relation declared as a setoid (see~\ref{setoidtactics}). The definition
-of ring and semi-rings (see module {\tt Ring\_theory}) is:
- Record ring_theory : Prop := mk_rt {
- Radd_0_l : forall x, 0 + x == x;
- Radd_sym : forall x y, x + y == y + x;
- Radd_assoc : forall x y z, x + (y + z) == (x + y) + z;
- Rmul_1_l : forall x, 1 * x == x;
- Rmul_sym : forall x y, x * y == y * x;
- Rmul_assoc : forall x y z, x * (y * z) == (x * y) * z;
- Rdistr_l : forall x y z, (x + y) * z == (x * z) + (y * z);
- Rsub_def : forall x y, x - y == x + -y;
- Ropp_def : forall x, x + (- x) == 0
- }.
-Record semi_ring_theory : Prop := mk_srt {
- SRadd_0_l : forall n, 0 + n == n;
- SRadd_sym : forall n m, n + m == m + n ;
- SRadd_assoc : forall n m p, n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p;
- SRmul_1_l : forall n, 1*n == n;
- SRmul_0_l : forall n, 0*n == 0;
- SRmul_sym : forall n m, n*m == m*n;
- SRmul_assoc : forall n m p, n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p;
- SRdistr_l : forall n m p, (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p
- }.
-This implementation of {\tt ring} also features a notion of constant
-that can be parameterized. This can be used to improve the handling of
-closed expressions when operations are effective. It consists in
-introducing a type of \emph{coefficients} and an implementation of the
-ring operations, and a morphism from the coefficient type to the ring
-carrier type. The morphism needs not be injective, nor surjective. As
-an example, one can consider the real numbers. The set of coefficients
-could be the rational numbers, upon which the ring operations can be
-implemented. The fact that there exists a morphism is defined by the
-following properties:
- Record ring_morph : Prop := mkmorph {
- morph0 : [cO] == 0;
- morph1 : [cI] == 1;
- morph_add : forall x y, [x +! y] == [x]+[y];
- morph_sub : forall x y, [x -! y] == [x]-[y];
- morph_mul : forall x y, [x *! y] == [x]*[y];
- morph_opp : forall x, [-!x] == -[x];
- morph_eq : forall x y, x?=!y = true -> [x] == [y]
- }.
- Record semi_morph : Prop := mkRmorph {
- Smorph0 : [cO] == 0;
- Smorph1 : [cI] == 1;
- Smorph_add : forall x y, [x +! y] == [x]+[y];
- Smorph_mul : forall x y, [x *! y] == [x]*[y];
- Smorph_eq : forall x y, x?=!y = true -> [x] == [y]
- }.
-where {\tt c0} and {\tt cI} denote the 0 and 1 of the coefficient set,
-{\tt +!}, {\tt *!}, {\tt -!} are the implementations of the ring
-operations, {\tt ==} is the equality of the coefficients, {\tt ?+!} is
-an implementation of this equality, and {\tt [x]} is a notation for
-the image of {\tt x} by the ring morphism.
-Since {\tt Z} is an initial ring (and {\tt N} is an initial
-semi-ring), it can always be considered as a set of
-coefficients. There are basically three kinds of (semi-)rings:
-\item[abstract rings] to be used when operations are not
- effective. The set of coefficients is {\tt Z} (or {\tt N} for
- semi-rings).
-\item[computational rings] to be used when operations are
- effective. The set of coefficients is the ring itself. The user only
- has to provide an implementation for the equality.
-\item[customized ring] for other cases. The user has to provide the
- coefficient set and the morphism.
-This implementation of ring can also recognize simple
-power expressions as ring expressions. A power function is specified by
-the following property:
- Section POWER.
- Variable Cpow : Set.
- Variable Cp_phi : N -> Cpow.
- Variable rpow : R -> Cpow -> R.
- Record power_theory : Prop := mkpow_th {
- rpow_pow_N : forall r n, req (rpow r (Cp_phi n)) (pow_N rI rmul r n)
- }.
- End POWER.
-The syntax for adding a new ring is {\tt Add Ring $name$ : $ring$
-($mod_1$,\dots,$mod_2$)}. The name is not relevent. It is just used
-for error messages. The term $ring$ is a proof that the ring signature
-satisfies the (semi-)ring axioms. The optional list of modifiers is
-used to tailor the behavior of the tactic. The following list
-describes their syntax and effects:
-\item[abstract] declares the ring as abstract. This is the default.
-\item[decidable \term] declares the ring as computational. The expression
- \term{} is
- the correctness proof of an equality test {\tt ?=!} (which should be
- evaluable). Its type should be of
- the form {\tt forall x y, x?=!y = true $\rightarrow$ x == y}.
-\item[morphism \term] declares the ring as a customized one. The expression
- \term{} is
- a proof that there exists a morphism between a set of coefficient
- and the ring carrier (see {\tt Ring\_theory.ring\_morph} and {\tt
- Ring\_theory.semi\_morph}).
-\item[setoid \term$_1$ \term$_2$] forces the use of given setoid. The
- expression \term$_1$ is a proof that the equality is indeed a setoid
- (see {\tt Setoid.Setoid\_Theory}), and \term$_2$ a proof that the
- ring operations are morphisms (see {\tt Ring\_theory.ring\_eq\_ext} and
- {\tt Ring\_theory.sring\_eq\_ext}). This modifier needs not be used if the
- setoid and morphisms have been declared.
-\item[constants [\ltac]] specifies a tactic expression that, given a term,
- returns either an object of the coefficient set that is mapped to
- the expression via the morphism, or returns {\tt
- InitialRing.NotConstant}. The default behaviour is to map only 0 and
- 1 to their counterpart in the coefficient set. This is generally not
- desirable for non trivial computational rings.
-\item[preprocess [\ltac]]
- specifies a tactic that is applied as a preliminary step for {\tt
- ring} and {\tt ring\_simplify}. It can be used to transform a goal
- so that it is better recognized. For instance, {\tt S n} can be
- changed to {\tt plus 1 n}.
-\item[postprocess [\ltac]] specifies a tactic that is applied as a final step
- for {\tt ring\_simplify}. For instance, it can be used to undo
- modifications of the preprocessor.
-\item[power\_tac {\term} [\ltac]] allows {\tt ring} and {\tt ring\_simplify} to
- recognize power expressions with a constant positive integer exponent
- (example: $x^2$). The term {\term} is a proof that a given power function
- satisfies the specification of a power function ({\term} has to be a
- proof of {\tt Ring\_theory.power\_theory}) and {\ltac} specifies a
- tactic expression that, given a term, ``abstracts'' it into an
- object of type {\tt N} whose interpretation via {\tt Cp\_phi} (the
- evaluation function of power coefficient) is the original term, or
- returns {\tt InitialRing.NotConstant} if not a constant coefficient
- (i.e. {\ltac} is the inverse function of {\tt Cp\_phi}).
- See files {\tt plugins/setoid\_ring/ZArithRing.v} and
- {\tt plugins/setoid\_ring/RealField.v} for examples.
- By default the tactic does not recognize power expressions as ring
- expressions.
-\item[sign {\term}] allows {\tt ring\_simplify} to use a minus operation
- when outputing its normal form, i.e writing $x - y$ instead of $x + (-y)$.
- The term {\term} is a proof that a given sign function indicates expressions
- that are signed ({\term} has to be a
- proof of {\tt Ring\_theory.get\_sign}). See {\tt plugins/setoid\_ring/IntialRing.v} for examples of sign function.
-\item[div {\term}] allows {\tt ring} and {\tt ring\_simplify} to use moniomals
-with coefficient other than 1 in the rewriting. The term {\term} is a proof that a given division function satisfies the specification of an euclidean
- division function ({\term} has to be a
- proof of {\tt Ring\_theory.div\_theory}). For example, this function is
- called when trying to rewrite $7x$ by $2x = z$ to tell that $7 = 3 * 2 + 1$.
- See {\tt plugins/setoid\_ring/IntialRing.v} for examples of div function.
-\item \errindex{bad ring structure}
- The proof of the ring structure provided is not of the expected type.
-\item \errindex{bad lemma for decidability of equality}
- The equality function provided in the case of a computational ring
- has not the expected type.
-\item \errindex{ring {\it operation} should be declared as a morphism}
- A setoid associated to the carrier of the ring structure as been
- found, but the ring operation should be declared as
- morphism. See~\ref{setoidtactics}.
-\asection{How does it work?}
-The code of \texttt{ring} is a good example of tactic written using
-\textit{reflection}. What is reflection? Basically, it is writing
-\Coq{} tactics in \Coq, rather than in \ocaml. From the philosophical
-point of view, it is using the ability of the Calculus of
-Constructions to speak and reason about itself. For the \texttt{ring}
-tactic we used \Coq\ as a programming language and also as a proof
-environment to build a tactic and to prove it correctness.
-The interested reader is strongly advised to have a look at the file
-\texttt{Ring\_polynom.v}. Here a type for polynomials is defined:
-Inductive PExpr : Type :=
- | PEc : C -> PExpr
- | PEX : positive -> PExpr
- | PEadd : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEsub : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEmul : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEopp : PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEpow : PExpr -> N -> PExpr.
-Polynomials in normal form are defined as:
- Inductive Pol : Type :=
- | Pc : C -> Pol
- | Pinj : positive -> Pol -> Pol
- | PX : Pol -> positive -> Pol -> Pol.
-where {\tt Pinj n P} denotes $P$ in which $V_i$ is replaced by
-$V_{i+n}$, and {\tt PX P n Q} denotes $P \otimes V_1^{n} \oplus Q'$,
-$Q'$ being $Q$ where $V_i$ is replaced by $V_{i+1}$.
-Variables maps are represented by list of ring elements, and two
-interpretation functions, one that maps a variables map and a
-polynomial to an element of the concrete ring, and the second one that
-does the same for normal forms:
-Definition PEeval : list R -> PExpr -> R := [...].
-Definition Pphi_dev : list R -> Pol -> R := [...].
-A function to normalize polynomials is defined, and the big theorem is
-its correctness w.r.t interpretation, that is:
-Definition norm : PExpr -> Pol := [...].
-Lemma Pphi_dev_ok :
- forall l pe npe, norm pe = npe -> PEeval l pe == Pphi_dev l npe.
-So now, what is the scheme for a normalization proof? Let \texttt{p}
-be the polynomial expression that the user wants to normalize. First a
-little piece of ML code guesses the type of \texttt{p}, the ring
-theory \texttt{T} to use, an abstract polynomial \texttt{ap} and a
-variables map \texttt{v} such that \texttt{p} is
-$\beta\delta\iota$-equivalent to \verb|(PEeval v ap)|. Then we
-replace it by \verb|(Pphi_dev v (norm ap))|, using the
-main correctness theorem and we reduce it to a concrete expression
-\texttt{p'}, which is the concrete normal form of
-\texttt{p}. This is summarized in this diagram:
-\texttt{p} & $\rightarrow_{\beta\delta\iota}$
- & \texttt{(PEeval v ap)} \\
- & & $=_{\mathrm{(by\ the\ main\ correctness\ theorem)}}$ \\
- & $\leftarrow_{\beta\delta\iota}$
- & \texttt{(Pphi\_dev v (norm ap))}
-The user do not see the right part of the diagram.
-From outside, the tactic behaves like a
-$\beta\delta\iota$ simplification extended with AC rewriting rules.
-Basically, the proof is only the application of the main
-correctness theorem to well-chosen arguments.
-\asection{Dealing with fields
-The {\tt field} tactic is an extension of the {\tt ring} to deal with
-rational expresision. Given a rational expression $F=0$. It first reduces the expression $F$ to a common denominator $N/D= 0$ where $N$ and $D$ are two ring
-For example, if we take $F = (1 - 1/x) x - x + 1$, this gives
-$ N= (x -1) x - x^2 + x$ and $D= x$. It then calls {\tt ring}
-to solve $N=0$. Note that {\tt field} also generates non-zero conditions
-for all the denominators it encounters in the reduction.
-In our example, it generates the condition $x \neq 0$. These
-conditions appear as one subgoal which is a conjunction if there are
-several denominators.
-Non-zero conditions are {\it always} polynomial expressions. For example
-when reducing the expression $1/(1 + 1/x)$, two side conditions are
-generated: $x\neq 0$ and $x + 1 \neq 0$. Factorized expressions are
-broken since a field is an integral domain, and when the equality test
-on coefficients is complete w.r.t. the equality of the target field,
-constants can be proven different from zero automatically.
-The tactic must be loaded by \texttt{Require Import Field}. New field
-structures can be declared to the system with the \texttt{Add Field}
-command (see below). The field of real numbers is defined in module
-\texttt{RealField} (in texttt{plugins/setoid\_ring}). It is exported
-by module \texttt{Rbase}, so that requiring \texttt{Rbase} or
-\texttt{Reals} is enough to use the field tactics on real
-numbers. Rational numbers in canonical form are also declared as a
-field in module \texttt{Qcanon}.
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import Reals.
-Open Scope R_scope.
-Goal forall x, x <> 0 ->
- (1 - 1/x) * x - x + 1 = 0.
-intros; field; auto.
-Goal forall x y, y <> 0 -> y = x -> x/y = 1.
-intros x y H H1; field [H1]; auto.
-Reset Initial.
- \item {\tt field [\term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$]} decides the equality of two
- terms modulo field operations and rewriting of the equalities
- defined by \term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$. Each of \term$_1$
- {\ldots} \term$_n$ has to be a proof of some equality $m = p$,
- where $m$ is a monomial (after ``abstraction''),
- $p$ a polynomial and $=$ the corresponding equality of the field structure.
- Beware that rewriting works with the equality $m=p$ only if $p$ is a
- polynomial since rewriting is handled by the underlying {\tt ring}
- tactic.
- \item {\tt field\_simplify}
- performs the simplification in the conclusion of the goal, $F_1 = F_2$
- becomes $N_1/D_1 = N_2/D_2$. A normalization step (the same as the
- one for rings) is then applied to $N_1$, $D_1$, $N_2$ and
- $D_2$. This way, polynomials remain in factorized form during the
- fraction simplifications. This yields smaller expressions when
- reducing to the same denominator since common factors can be
- cancelled.
- \item {\tt field\_simplify [\term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$]}
- performs the simplification in the conclusion of the goal using
- the equalities
- defined by \term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$.
- \item {\tt field\_simplify [\term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$] $t_1$ \ldots
- performs the simplification in the terms $t_1$ \ldots $t_m$
- of the conclusion of the goal using
- the equalities
- defined by \term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$.
- \item {\tt field\_simplify in $H$}
- performs the simplification in the assumption $H$.
- \item {\tt field\_simplify [\term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$] in $H$}
- performs the simplification in the assumption $H$ using
- the equalities
- defined by \term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$.
- \item {\tt field\_simplify [\term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$] $t_1$ \ldots
-$t_m$ in $H$}
- performs the simplification in the terms $t_1$ \ldots $t_n$
- of the assumption $H$ using
- the equalities
- defined by \term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_m$.
- \item {\tt field\_simplify\_eq}
- performs the simplification in the conclusion of the goal removing
- the denominator. $F_1 = F_2$
- becomes $N_1 D_2 = N_2 D_1$.
- \item {\tt field\_simplify\_eq [\term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$]}
- performs the simplification in the conclusion of the goal using
- the equalities
- defined by \term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$.
- \item {\tt field\_simplify\_eq} in $H$
- performs the simplification in the assumption $H$.
- \item {\tt field\_simplify\_eq [\term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$] in $H$}
- performs the simplification in the assumption $H$ using
- the equalities
- defined by \term$_1$ {\ldots} \term$_n$.
-\asection{Adding a new field structure
-\comindex{Add Field}}
-Declaring a new field consists in proving that a field signature (a
-carrier set, an equality, and field operations: {\tt
-Field\_theory.field\_theory} and {\tt Field\_theory.semi\_field\_theory})
-satisfies the field axioms. Semi-fields (fields without $+$ inverse) are
-also supported. The equality can be either Leibniz equality, or any
-relation declared as a setoid (see~\ref{setoidtactics}). The definition
-of fields and semi-fields is:
-Record field_theory : Prop := mk_field {
- F_R : ring_theory rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req;
- F_1_neq_0 : ~ 1 == 0;
- Fdiv_def : forall p q, p / q == p * / q;
- Finv_l : forall p, ~ p == 0 -> / p * p == 1
-Record semi_field_theory : Prop := mk_sfield {
- SF_SR : semi_ring_theory rO rI radd rmul req;
- SF_1_neq_0 : ~ 1 == 0;
- SFdiv_def : forall p q, p / q == p * / q;
- SFinv_l : forall p, ~ p == 0 -> / p * p == 1
-The result of the normalization process is a fraction represented by
-the following type:
-Record linear : Type := mk_linear {
- num : PExpr C;
- denum : PExpr C;
- condition : list (PExpr C) }.
-where {\tt num} and {\tt denum} are the numerator and denominator;
-{\tt condition} is a list of expressions that have appeared as a
-denominator during the normalization process. These expressions must
-be proven different from zero for the correctness of the algorithm.
-The syntax for adding a new field is {\tt Add Field $name$ : $field$
-($mod_1$,\dots,$mod_2$)}. The name is not relevent. It is just used
-for error messages. $field$ is a proof that the field signature
-satisfies the (semi-)field axioms. The optional list of modifiers is
-used to tailor the behaviour of the tactic. Since field tactics are
-built upon ring tactics, all mofifiers of the {\tt Add Ring}
-apply. There is only one specific modifier:
-\item[completeness \term] allows the field tactic to prove
- automatically that the image of non-zero coefficients are mapped to
- non-zero elements of the field. \term is a proof of {\tt forall x y,
- [x] == [y] -> x?=!y = true}, which is the completeness of equality
- on coefficients w.r.t. the field equality.
-\asection{Legacy implementation}
-\Warning This tactic is the {\tt ring} tactic of previous versions of
-\Coq{} and it should be considered as deprecated. It will probably be
-removed in future releases. It has been kept only for compatibility
-reasons and in order to help moving existing code to the newer
-implementation described above. For more details, please refer to the
-Coq Reference Manual, version 8.0.
-\subsection{\tt legacy ring \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$
-\tacindex{legacy ring}
-\comindex{Add Legacy Ring}
-\comindex{Add Legacy Semi Ring}}
-This tactic, written by Samuel Boutin and Patrick Loiseleur, applies
-associative commutative rewriting on every ring. The tactic must be
-loaded by \texttt{Require Import LegacyRing}. The ring must be declared in
-the \texttt{Add Ring} command. The ring of booleans (with \texttt{andb}
-as multiplication and \texttt{xorb} as addition)
-is predefined; if one wants to use the tactic on \texttt{nat} one must
-first require the module \texttt{LegacyArithRing}; for \texttt{Z}, do
-\texttt{Require Import LegacyZArithRing}; for \texttt{N}, do \texttt{Require
-Import LegacyNArithRing}.
-The terms \term$_1$, \dots, \term$_n$ must be subterms of the goal
-conclusion. The tactic \texttt{ring} normalizes these terms
-w.r.t. associativity and commutativity and replace them by their
-normal form.
-\item \texttt{legacy ring} When the goal is an equality $t_1=t_2$, it
- acts like \texttt{ring\_simplify} $t_1$ $t_2$ and then
- solves the equality by reflexivity.
-\item \texttt{ring\_nat} is a tactic macro for \texttt{repeat rewrite
- S\_to\_plus\_one; ring}. The theorem \texttt{S\_to\_plus\_one} is a
- proof that \texttt{forall (n:nat), S n = plus (S O) n}.
-You can have a look at the files \texttt{LegacyRing.v},
-\texttt{ArithRing.v}, \texttt{ZArithRing.v} to see examples of the
-\texttt{Add Ring} command.
-\subsection{Add a ring structure}
-It can be done in the \Coq toplevel (No ML file to edit and to link
-with \Coq). First, \texttt{ring} can handle two kinds of structure:
-rings and semi-rings. Semi-rings are like rings without an opposite to
-addition. Their precise specification (in \gallina) can be found in
-the file
-The typical example of ring is \texttt{Z}, the typical
-example of semi-ring is \texttt{nat}.
-The specification of a
-ring is divided in two parts: first the record of constants
-($\oplus$, $\otimes$, 1, 0, $\ominus$) and then the theorems
-(associativity, commutativity, etc.).
-Section Theory_of_semi_rings.
-Variable A : Type.
-Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
-Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
-Variable Aone : A.
-Variable Azero : A.
-(* There is also a "weakly decidable" equality on A. That means
- that if (A_eq x y)=true then x=y but x=y can arise when
- (A_eq x y)=false. On an abstract ring the function [x,y:A]false
- is a good choice. The proof of A_eq_prop is in this case easy. *)
-Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
-Record Semi_Ring_Theory : Prop :=
-{ SR_plus_sym : (n,m:A)[| n + m == m + n |];
- SR_plus_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p |];
- SR_mult_sym : (n,m:A)[| n*m == m*n |];
- SR_mult_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p |];
- SR_plus_zero_left :(n:A)[| 0 + n == n|];
- SR_mult_one_left : (n:A)[| 1*n == n |];
- SR_mult_zero_left : (n:A)[| 0*n == 0 |];
- SR_distr_left : (n,m,p:A) [| (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p |];
- SR_plus_reg_left : (n,m,p:A)[| n + m == n + p |] -> m==p;
- SR_eq_prop : (x,y:A) (Is_true (Aeq x y)) -> x==y
-Section Theory_of_rings.
-Variable A : Type.
-Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
-Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
-Variable Aone : A.
-Variable Azero : A.
-Variable Aopp : A -> A.
-Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
-Record Ring_Theory : Prop :=
-{ Th_plus_sym : (n,m:A)[| n + m == m + n |];
- Th_plus_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p |];
- Th_mult_sym : (n,m:A)[| n*m == m*n |];
- Th_mult_assoc : (n,m,p:A)[| n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p |];
- Th_plus_zero_left :(n:A)[| 0 + n == n|];
- Th_mult_one_left : (n:A)[| 1*n == n |];
- Th_opp_def : (n:A) [| n + (-n) == 0 |];
- Th_distr_left : (n,m,p:A) [| (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p |];
- Th_eq_prop : (x,y:A) (Is_true (Aeq x y)) -> x==y
-To define a ring structure on A, you must provide an addition, a
-multiplication, an opposite function and two unities 0 and 1.
-You must then prove all theorems that make
-a ring structure, and pack them with the \verb|Build_Ring_Theory|
-Finally to register a ring the syntax is:
-\comindex{Add Legacy Ring}
- \texttt{Add Legacy Ring} \textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Ainv Aeq T}
- \texttt{[} \textit{c1 \dots cn} \texttt{].}
-\noindent where \textit{A} is a term of type \texttt{Set},
-\textit{Aplus} is a term of type \texttt{A->A->A},
-\textit{Amult} is a term of type \texttt{A->A->A},
-\textit{Aone} is a term of type \texttt{A},
-\textit{Azero} is a term of type \texttt{A},
-\textit{Ainv} is a term of type \texttt{A->A},
-\textit{Aeq} is a term of type \texttt{A->bool},
-\textit{T} is a term of type
-\texttt{(Ring\_Theory }\textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Ainv
- Aeq}\texttt{)}.
-The arguments \textit{c1 \dots cn},
-are the names of constructors which define closed terms: a
-subterm will be considered as a constant if it is either one of the
-terms \textit{c1 \dots cn} or the application of one of these terms to
-closed terms. For \texttt{nat}, the given constructors are \texttt{S}
-and \texttt{O}, and the closed terms are \texttt{O}, \texttt{(S O)},
-\texttt{(S (S O))}, \ldots
-\item \texttt{Add Legacy Semi Ring} \textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aeq T}
- \texttt{[} \textit{c1 \dots\ cn} \texttt{].}\comindex{Add Legacy Semi
- Ring}
- There are two differences with the \texttt{Add Ring} command: there
- is no inverse function and the term $T$ must be of type
- \texttt{(Semi\_Ring\_Theory }\textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero
- Aeq}\texttt{)}.
-\item \texttt{Add Legacy Abstract Ring} \textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Ainv
- Aeq T}\texttt{.}\comindex{Add Legacy Abstract Ring}
- This command should be used for when the operations of rings are not
- computable; for example the real numbers of
- \texttt{theories/REALS/}. Here $0+1$ is not beta-reduced to $1$ but
- you still may want to \textit{rewrite} it to $1$ using the ring
- axioms. The argument \texttt{Aeq} is not used; a good choice for
- that function is \verb+[x:A]false+.
-\item \texttt{Add Legacy Abstract Semi Ring} \textit{A Aplus Amult Aone Azero
- Aeq T}\texttt{.}\comindex{Add Legacy Abstract Semi Ring}
-\item \errindex{Not a valid (semi)ring theory}.
- That happens when the typing condition does not hold.
-Currently, the hypothesis is made than no more than one ring structure
-may be declared for a given type in \texttt{Set} or \texttt{Type}.
-This allows automatic detection of the theory used to achieve the
-normalization. On popular demand, we can change that and allow several
-ring structures on the same set.
-The table of ring theories is compatible with the \Coq\
-sectioning mechanism. If you declare a ring inside a section, the
-declaration will be thrown away when closing the section.
-And when you load a compiled file, all the \texttt{Add Ring}
-commands of this file that are not inside a section will be loaded.
-The typical example of ring is \texttt{Z}, and the typical example of
-semi-ring is \texttt{nat}. Another ring structure is defined on the
-\Warning Only the ring of booleans is loaded by default with the
-\texttt{Ring} module. To load the ring structure for \texttt{nat},
-load the module \texttt{ArithRing}, and for \texttt{Z},
-load the module \texttt{ZArithRing}.
-\subsection{\tt legacy field
-\tacindex{legacy field}}
-This tactic written by David~Delahaye and Micaela~Mayero solves equalities
-using commutative field theory. Denominators have to be non equal to zero and,
-as this is not decidable in general, this tactic may generate side conditions
-requiring some expressions to be non equal to zero. This tactic must be loaded
-by {\tt Require Import LegacyField}. Field theories are declared (as for
-{\tt legacy ring}) with
-the {\tt Add Legacy Field} command.
-\subsection{\tt Add Legacy Field
-\comindex{Add Legacy Field}}
-This vernacular command adds a commutative field theory to the database for the
-tactic {\tt field}. You must provide this theory as follows:
-{\tt Add Legacy Field {\it A} {\it Aplus} {\it Amult} {\it Aone} {\it Azero} {\it
-Aopp} {\it Aeq} {\it Ainv} {\it Rth} {\it Tinvl}}
-where {\tt {\it A}} is a term of type {\tt Type}, {\tt {\it Aplus}} is
-a term of type {\tt A->A->A}, {\tt {\it Amult}} is a term of type {\tt
- A->A->A}, {\tt {\it Aone}} is a term of type {\tt A}, {\tt {\it
- Azero}} is a term of type {\tt A}, {\tt {\it Aopp}} is a term of
-type {\tt A->A}, {\tt {\it Aeq}} is a term of type {\tt A->bool}, {\tt
- {\it Ainv}} is a term of type {\tt A->A}, {\tt {\it Rth}} is a term
-of type {\tt (Ring\_Theory {\it A Aplus Amult Aone Azero Ainv Aeq})},
-and {\tt {\it Tinvl}} is a term of type {\tt forall n:{\it A},
- {\~{}}(n={\it Azero})->({\it Amult} ({\it Ainv} n) n)={\it Aone}}.
-To build a ring theory, refer to Chapter~\ref{ring} for more details.
-This command adds also an entry in the ring theory table if this theory is not
-already declared. So, it is useless to keep, for a given type, the {\tt Add
-Ring} command if you declare a theory with {\tt Add Field}, except if you plan
-to use specific features of {\tt ring} (see Chapter~\ref{ring}). However, the
-module {\tt ring} is not loaded by {\tt Add Field} and you have to make a {\tt
-Require Import Ring} if you want to call the {\tt ring} tactic.
-\item {\tt Add Legacy Field {\it A} {\it Aplus} {\it Amult} {\it Aone} {\it Azero}
-{\it Aopp} {\it Aeq} {\it Ainv} {\it Rth} {\it Tinvl}}\\
-{\tt \phantom{Add Field }with minus:={\it Aminus}}
-Adds also the term {\it Aminus} which must be a constant expressed by
-means of {\it Aopp}.
-\item {\tt Add Legacy Field {\it A} {\it Aplus} {\it Amult} {\it Aone} {\it Azero}
-{\it Aopp} {\it Aeq} {\it Ainv} {\it Rth} {\it Tinvl}}\\
-{\tt \phantom{Add Legacy Field }with div:={\it Adiv}}
-Adds also the term {\it Adiv} which must be a constant expressed by
-means of {\it Ainv}.
-\SeeAlso \cite{DelMay01} for more details regarding the implementation of {\tt
-legacy field}.
-\asection{History of \texttt{ring}}
-First Samuel Boutin designed the tactic \texttt{ACDSimpl}.
-This tactic did lot of rewriting. But the proofs
-terms generated by rewriting were too big for \Coq's type-checker.
-Let us see why:
-Require Import ZArith.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Goal forall x y z:Z, x + 3 + y + y * z = x + 3 + y + z * y.
-intros; rewrite (Zmult_comm y z); reflexivity.
-Save toto.
-Print toto.
-At each step of rewriting, the whole context is duplicated in the proof
-term. Then, a tactic that does hundreds of rewriting generates huge proof
-terms. Since \texttt{ACDSimpl} was too slow, Samuel Boutin rewrote it
-using reflection (see his article in TACS'97 \cite{Bou97}). Later, the
-stuff was rewritten by Patrick
-Loiseleur: the new tactic does not any more require \texttt{ACDSimpl}
-to compile and it makes use of $\beta\delta\iota$-reduction
-not only to replace the rewriting steps, but also to achieve the
-interleaving of computation and
-reasoning (see \ref{DiscussReflection}). He also wrote a
-few ML code for the \texttt{Add Ring} command, that allow to register
-new rings dynamically.
-Proofs terms generated by \texttt{ring} are quite small, they are
-linear in the number of $\oplus$ and $\otimes$ operations in the
-normalized terms. Type-checking those terms requires some time because it
-makes a large use of the conversion rule, but
-memory requirements are much smaller.
-Efficiency is not the only motivation to use reflection
-here. \texttt{ring} also deals with constants, it rewrites for example the
-expression $34 + 2*x -x + 12$ to the expected result $x + 46$. For the
-tactic \texttt{ACDSimpl}, the only constants were 0 and 1. So the
-expression $34 + 2*(x - 1) + 12$ is interpreted as
-$V_0 \oplus V_1 \otimes (V_2 \ominus 1) \oplus V_3$,
-with the variables mapping
-$\{V_0 \mt 34; V_1 \mt 2; V_2 \mt x; V_3 \mt 12 \}$. Then it is
-rewritten to $34 - x + 2*x + 12$, very far from the expected
-result. Here rewriting is not sufficient: you have to do some kind of
-reduction (some kind of \textit{computation}) to achieve the
-The tactic \texttt{ring} is not only faster than a classical one:
-using reflection, we get for free integration of computation and
-reasoning that would be very complex to implement in the classic fashion.
-Is it the ultimate way to write tactics? The answer is: yes and
-no. The \texttt{ring} tactic uses intensively the conversion rule of
-\CIC, that is replaces proof by computation the most as it is
-possible. It can be useful in all situations where a classical tactic
-generates huge proof terms. Symbolic Processing and Tautologies are in
-that case. But there are also tactics like \texttt{auto} or
-\texttt{linear} that do many complex computations, using side-effects
-and backtracking, and generate a small proof term. Clearly, it would
-be significantly less efficient to replace them by tactics using
-Another idea suggested by Benjamin Werner: reflection could be used to
-couple an external tool (a rewriting program or a model checker) with
-\Coq. We define (in \Coq) a type of terms, a type of \emph{traces},
-and prove a correction theorem that states that \emph{replaying
-traces} is safe w.r.t some interpretation. Then we let the external
-tool do every computation (using side-effects, backtracking,
-exception, or others features that are not available in pure lambda
-calculus) to produce the trace: now we can check in Coq{} that the
-trace has the expected semantic by applying the correction lemma.
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-\aauthor{Matthieu Sozeau}
-We present here the \Program\ tactic commands, used to build certified
-\Coq\ programs, elaborating them from their algorithmic skeleton and a
-rich specification \cite{Sozeau06}. It can be sought of as a dual of extraction
-(see Chapter~\ref{Extraction}). The goal of \Program~is to program as in a regular
-functional programming language whilst using as rich a specification as
-desired and proving that the code meets the specification using the whole \Coq{} proof
-apparatus. This is done using a technique originating from the
-``Predicate subtyping'' mechanism of \PVS \cite{Rushby98}, which generates type-checking
-conditions while typing a term constrained to a particular type.
-Here we insert existential variables in the term, which must be filled
-with proofs to get a complete \Coq\ term. \Program\ replaces the
-\Program\ tactic by Catherine Parent \cite{Parent95b} which had a similar goal but is no longer
-The languages available as input are currently restricted to \Coq's term
-language, but may be extended to \ocaml{}, \textsc{Haskell} and others
-in the future. We use the same syntax as \Coq\ and permit to use implicit
-arguments and the existing coercion mechanism.
-Input terms and types are typed in an extended system (\Russell) and
-interpreted into \Coq\ terms. The interpretation process may produce
-some proof obligations which need to be resolved to create the final term.
-\asection{Elaborating programs}
-The main difference from \Coq\ is that an object in a type $T : \Set$
-can be considered as an object of type $\{ x : T~|~P\}$ for any
-wellformed $P : \Prop$.
-If we go from $T$ to the subset of $T$ verifying property $P$, we must
-prove that the object under consideration verifies it. \Russell\ will
-generate an obligation for every such coercion. In the other direction,
-\Russell\ will automatically insert a projection.
-Another distinction is the treatment of pattern-matching. Apart from the
-following differences, it is equivalent to the standard {\tt match}
-operation (see Section~\ref{Caseexpr}).
-\item Generation of equalities. A {\tt match} expression is always
- generalized by the corresponding equality. As an example,
- the expression:
- match x with
- | 0 => t
- | S n => u
- end.
-will be first rewrote to:
- (match x as y return (x = y -> _) with
- | 0 => fun H : x = 0 -> t
- | S n => fun H : x = S n -> u
- end) (refl_equal n).
- This permits to get the proper equalities in the context of proof
- obligations inside clauses, without which reasoning is very limited.
-\item Generation of inequalities. If a pattern intersects with a
- previous one, an inequality is added in the context of the second
- branch. See for example the definition of {\tt div2} below, where the second
- branch is typed in a context where $\forall p, \_ <> S (S p)$.
-\item Coercion. If the object being matched is coercible to an inductive
- type, the corresponding coercion will be automatically inserted. This also
- works with the previous mechanism.
-\subsection{Syntactic control over equalities}
-To give more control over the generation of equalities, the typechecker will
-fall back directly to \Coq's usual typing of dependent pattern-matching
-if a {\tt return} or {\tt in} clause is specified. Likewise,
-the {\tt if} construct is not treated specially by \Program{} so boolean
-tests in the code are not automatically reflected in the obligations.
-One can use the {\tt dec} combinator to get the correct hypotheses as in:
-Require Import Program Arith.
-Program Definition id (n : nat) : { x : nat | x = n } :=
- if dec (leb n 0) then 0
- else S (pred n).
-The let tupling construct {\tt let (x1, ..., xn) := t in b}
-does not produce an equality, contrary to the let pattern construct
-{\tt let '(x1, ..., xn) := t in b}.
-Also, {\tt {\term}:>} explicitly asks the system to coerce {\tt \term} to its
-support type. It can be useful in notations, for example:
-Notation " x `= y " := (@eq _ (x :>) (y :>)) (only parsing).
-This notation denotes equality on subset types using equality on their
-support types, avoiding uses of proof-irrelevance that would come up
-when reasoning with equality on the subset types themselves.
-The next two commands are similar to their standard counterparts
-Definition (see Section~\ref{Basic-definitions}) and Fixpoint (see Section~\ref{Fixpoint}) in that
-they define constants. However, they may require the user to prove some
-goals to construct the final definitions.
-\subsection{\tt Program Definition {\ident} := {\term}.
- \comindex{Program Definition}\label{ProgramDefinition}}
-This command types the value {\term} in \Russell\ and generate proof
-obligations. Once solved using the commands shown below, it binds the final
-\Coq\ term to the name {\ident} in the environment.
-\item \errindex{{\ident} already exists}
-\item {\tt Program Definition {\ident} {\tt :}{\term$_1$} :=
- {\term$_2$}.}\\
- It interprets the type {\term$_1$}, potentially generating proof
- obligations to be resolved. Once done with them, we have a \Coq\ type
- {\term$_1'$}. It then checks that the type of the interpretation of
- {\term$_2$} is coercible to {\term$_1'$}, and registers {\ident} as
- being of type {\term$_1'$} once the set of obligations generated
- during the interpretation of {\term$_2$} and the aforementioned
- coercion derivation are solved.
-\item {\tt Program Definition {\ident} {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}
- {\tt :}\term$_1$ {\tt :=} {\term$_2$}.}\\
- This is equivalent to \\
- {\tt Program Definition\,{\ident}\,{\tt :\,forall} %
- {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}{\tt ,}\,\term$_1$\,{\tt :=}} \\
- \qquad {\tt fun}\,{\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}\,{\tt =>}\,{\term$_2$}\,%
- {\tt .}
-\item \errindex{In environment {\dots} the term: {\term$_2$} does not have type
- {\term$_1$}}.\\
- \texttt{Actually, it has type {\term$_3$}}.
-\SeeAlso Sections \ref{Opaque}, \ref{Transparent}, \ref{unfold}
-\subsection{\tt Program Fixpoint {\ident} {\params} {\tt \{order\}} : type := \term
- \comindex{Program Fixpoint}
- \label{ProgramFixpoint}}
-The structural fixpoint operator behaves just like the one of Coq
-(see Section~\ref{Fixpoint}), except it may also generate obligations.
-It works with mutually recursive definitions too.
-Admit Obligations.
-Program Fixpoint div2 (n : nat) : { x : nat | n = 2 * x \/ n = 2 * x + 1 } :=
- match n with
- | S (S p) => S (div2 p)
- | _ => O
- end.
-Here we have one obligation for each branch (branches for \verb:0: and \verb:(S 0): are
-automatically generated by the pattern-matching compilation algorithm).
- Obligation 1.
-One can use a well-founded order or a measure as termination orders using the syntax:
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import Arith.
-Require Import Program.
-Program Fixpoint div2 (n : nat) {measure n} :
- { x : nat | n = 2 * x \/ n = 2 * x + 1 } :=
- match n with
- | S (S p) => S (div2 p)
- | _ => O
- end.
-The order annotation can be either:
-\item {\tt measure f (R)?} where {\tt f} is a value of type {\tt X}
- computed on any subset of the arguments and the optional
- (parenthesised) term {\tt (R)} is a relation
- on {\tt X}. By default {\tt X} defaults to {\tt nat} and {\tt R} to
- {\tt lt}.
-\item {\tt wf R x} which is equivalent to {\tt measure x (R)}.
-When defining structurally recursive functions, the
-generated obligations should have the prototype of the currently defined functional
-in their context. In this case, the obligations should be transparent
-(e.g. defined using {\tt Defined}) so that the guardedness condition on
-recursive calls can be checked by the
-kernel's type-checker. There is an optimization in the generation of
-obligations which gets rid of the hypothesis corresponding to the
-functionnal when it is not necessary, so that the obligation can be
-declared opaque (e.g. using {\tt Qed}). However, as soon as it appears in the
-context, the proof of the obligation is \emph{required} to be declared transparent.
-No such problems arise when using measures or well-founded recursion.
-\subsection{\tt Program Lemma {\ident} : type.
- \comindex{Program Lemma}
- \label{ProgramLemma}}
-The \Russell\ language can also be used to type statements of logical
-properties. It will generate obligations, try to solve them
-automatically and fail if some unsolved obligations remain.
-In this case, one can first define the lemma's
-statement using {\tt Program Definition} and use it as the goal afterwards.
-Otherwise the proof will be started with the elobarted version as a goal.
-The {\tt Program} prefix can similarly be used as a prefix for {\tt Variable}, {\tt
- Hypothesis}, {\tt Axiom} etc...
-\section{Solving obligations}
-The following commands are available to manipulate obligations. The
-optional identifier is used when multiple functions have unsolved
-obligations (e.g. when defining mutually recursive blocks). The optional
-tactic is replaced by the default one if not specified.
-\item {\tt [Local|Global] Obligation Tactic := \tacexpr}\comindex{Obligation Tactic}
- Sets the default obligation
- solving tactic applied to all obligations automatically, whether to
- solve them or when starting to prove one, e.g. using {\tt Next}.
- Local makes the setting last only for the current module. Inside
- sections, local is the default.
-\item {\tt Show Obligation Tactic}\comindex{Show Obligation Tactic}
- Displays the current default tactic.
-\item {\tt Obligations [of \ident]}\comindex{Obligations} Displays all remaining
- obligations.
-\item {\tt Obligation num [of \ident]}\comindex{Obligation} Start the proof of
- obligation {\tt num}.
-\item {\tt Next Obligation [of \ident]}\comindex{Next Obligation} Start the proof of the next
- unsolved obligation.
-\item {\tt Solve Obligations [of \ident] [using
- \tacexpr]}\comindex{Solve Obligations}
- Tries to solve
- each obligation of \ident using the given tactic or the default one.
-\item {\tt Solve All Obligations [using \tacexpr]} Tries to solve
- each obligation of every program using the given tactic or the default
- one (useful for mutually recursive definitions).
-\item {\tt Admit Obligations [of \ident]}\comindex{Admit Obligations}
- Admits all obligations (does not work with structurally recursive programs).
-\item {\tt Preterm [of \ident]}\comindex{Preterm}
- Shows the term that will be fed to
- the kernel once the obligations are solved. Useful for debugging.
-\item {\tt Set Transparent Obligations}\comindex{Set Transparent Obligations}
- Control whether all obligations should be declared as transparent (the
- default), or if the system should infer which obligations can be declared opaque.
-The module {\tt Coq.Program.Tactics} defines the default tactic for solving
-obligations called {\tt program\_simpl}. Importing
-{\tt Coq.Program.Program} also adds some useful notations, as documented in the file itself.
-\section{Frequently Asked Questions
- \label{ProgramFAQ}}
-\item {Ill-formed recursive definitions}
- This error can happen when one tries to define a
- function by structural recursion on a subset object, which means the Coq
- function looks like:
- \verb$Program Fixpoint f (x : A | P) := match x with A b => f b end.$
- Supposing $b : A$, the argument at the recursive call to f is not a
- direct subterm of x as b is wrapped inside an {\tt exist} constructor to build
- an object of type \verb${x : A | P}$. Hence the definition is rejected
- by the guardedness condition checker. However one can use
- wellfounded recursion on subset objects like this:
-Program Fixpoint f (x : A | P) { measure (size x) } :=
- match x with A b => f b end.
- One will then just have to prove that the measure decreases at each recursive
- call. There are three drawbacks though:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item A measure function has to be defined;
- \item The reduction is a little more involved, although it works well
- using lazy evaluation;
- \item Mutual recursion on the underlying inductive type isn't possible
- anymore, but nested mutual recursion is always possible.
- \end{enumerate}
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-\chapter[List of additional documentation]{List of additional documentation\label{Addoc}}
-A companion volume to this reference manual, the \Coq\ Tutorial, is
-aimed at gently introducing new users to developing proofs in \Coq\
-without assuming prior knowledge of type theory. In a second step, the
-user can read also the tutorial on recursive types (document {\tt}).
-\section[The \Coq\ standard library]{The \Coq\ standard library\label{Addoc-library}}
-A brief description of the \Coq\ standard library is given in the additional
-document {\tt Library.dvi}.
-\section[Installation and un-installation procedures]{Installation and un-installation procedures\label{Addoc-install}}
-A \verb!INSTALL! file in the distribution explains how to install
-\section[{\tt Extraction} of programs]{{\tt Extraction} of programs\label{Addoc-extract}}
-{\tt Extraction} is a package offering some special facilities to
-extract ML program files. It is described in the separate document
-{\tt Extraction.dvi}
-\index{Extraction of programs}
-\section[{\tt Program}]{A tool for {\tt Program}-ing\label{Addoc-program}}
-{\tt Program} is a package offering some special facilities to
-extract ML program files. It is described in the separate document
-{\tt Program.dvi}
-\section[Proof printing in {\tt Natural} language]{Proof printing in {\tt Natural} language\label{Addoc-natural}}
-{\tt Natural} is a tool to print proofs in natural language.
-It is described in the separate document {\tt Natural.dvi}.
-\index{Natural@{\tt Print Natural}}
-\index{Printing in natural language}
-\section[The {\tt Omega} decision tactic]{The {\tt Omega} decision tactic\label{Addoc-omega}}
-{\bf Omega} is a tactic to automatically solve arithmetical goals in
-Presburger arithmetic (i.e. arithmetic without multiplication).
-It is described in the separate document {\tt Omega.dvi}.
-\index{Omega@{\tt Omega}}
-\section[Simplification on rings]{Simplification on rings\label{Addoc-polynom}}
-A documentation of the package {\tt polynom} (simplification on rings)
-can be found in the document {\tt Polynom.dvi}
-\index{Polynom@{\tt Polynom}}
-\index{Simplification on rings}
-%The separate document {\tt Anomalies.*} gives a list of known
-%anomalies and bugs of the system. Before communicating us an
-%anomalous behavior, please check first whether it has been already
-%reported in this document.
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-\chapter[Calculus of Inductive Constructions]{Calculus of Inductive Constructions
-\index{Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions}}
-The underlying formal language of {\Coq} is a {\em Calculus of
- Constructions} with {\em Inductive Definitions}. It is presented in
-this chapter.
-For {\Coq} version V7, this Calculus was known as the
-{\em Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions}\index{Calculus of
- (Co)Inductive Constructions} (\iCIC\ in short).
-The underlying calculus of {\Coq} version V8.0 and up is a weaker
- calculus where the sort \Set{} satisfies predicative rules.
-We call this calculus the
-{\em Predicative Calculus of (Co)Inductive
- Constructions}\index{Predicative Calculus of
- (Co)Inductive Constructions} (\pCIC\ in short).
-In Section~\ref{impredicativity} we give the extra-rules for \iCIC. A
- compiling option of \Coq{} allows to type-check theories in this
- extended system.
-In \CIC\, all objects have a {\em type}. There are types for functions (or
-programs), there are atomic types (especially datatypes)... but also
-types for proofs and types for the types themselves.
-Especially, any object handled in the formalism must belong to a
-type. For instance, the statement {\it ``for all x, P''} is not
-allowed in type theory; you must say instead: {\it ``for all x
-belonging to T, P''}. The expression {\it ``x belonging to T''} is
-written {\it ``x:T''}. One also says: {\it ``x has type T''}.
-The terms of {\CIC} are detailed in Section~\ref{Terms}.
-In \CIC\, there is an internal reduction mechanism. In particular, it
-allows to decide if two programs are {\em intentionally} equal (one
-says {\em convertible}). Convertibility is presented in section
-The remaining sections are concerned with the type-checking of terms.
-The beginner can skip them.
-The reader seeking a background on the Calculus of Inductive
-Constructions may read several papers. Giménez and Castéran~\cite{GimCas05}
-an introduction to inductive and co-inductive definitions in Coq. In
-their book~\cite{CoqArt}, Bertot and Castéran give a precise
-description of the \CIC{} based on numerous practical examples.
-Barras~\cite{Bar99}, Werner~\cite{Wer94} and
-Paulin-Mohring~\cite{Moh97} are the most recent theses dealing with
-Inductive Definitions. Coquand-Huet~\cite{CoHu85a,CoHu85b,CoHu86}
-introduces the Calculus of Constructions. Coquand-Paulin~\cite{CoPa89}
-extended this calculus to inductive definitions. The {\CIC} is a
-formulation of type theory including the possibility of inductive
-constructions, Barendregt~\cite{Bar91} studies the modern form of type
-\section[The terms]{The terms\label{Terms}}
-In most type theories, one usually makes a syntactic distinction
-between types and terms. This is not the case for \CIC\ which defines
-both types and terms in the same syntactical structure. This is
-because the type-theory itself forces terms and types to be defined in
-a mutual recursive way and also because similar constructions can be
-applied to both terms and types and consequently can share the same
-syntactic structure.
-Consider for instance the $\ra$ constructor and assume \nat\ is the
-type of natural numbers. Then $\ra$ is used both to denote
-$\nat\ra\nat$ which is the type of functions from \nat\ to \nat, and
-to denote $\nat \ra \Prop$ which is the type of unary predicates over
-the natural numbers. Consider abstraction which builds functions. It
-serves to build ``ordinary'' functions as $\kw{fun}~x:\nat \Ra ({\tt mult} ~x~x)$ (assuming {\tt mult} is already defined) but may build also
-predicates over the natural numbers. For instance $\kw{fun}~x:\nat \Ra
-(x=x)$ will
-represent a predicate $P$, informally written in mathematics
-$P(x)\equiv x=x$. If $P$ has type $\nat \ra \Prop$, $(P~x)$ is a
-proposition, furthermore $\kw{forall}~x:\nat,(P~x)$ will represent the type of
-functions which associate to each natural number $n$ an object of
-type $(P~n)$ and consequently represent proofs of the formula
-``$\forall x.P(x)$''.
-When manipulated as terms, types have themselves a type which is called a sort.
-There is an infinite well-founded typing hierarchy of sorts whose base
-sorts are {\Prop} and {\Set}.
-The sort {\Prop} intends to be the type of logical propositions. If
-$M$ is a logical proposition then it denotes the class of terms
-representing proofs of $M$. An object $m$ belonging to $M$ witnesses
-the fact that $M$ is provable. An object of type {\Prop} is called a
-The sort {\Set} intends to be the type of small sets. This includes data
-types such as booleans and naturals, but also products, subsets, and
-function types over these data types.
-{\Prop} and {\Set} themselves can be manipulated as ordinary
-terms. Consequently they also have a type. Because assuming simply
-that {\Set} has type {\Set} leads to an inconsistent theory, the
-language of {\CIC} has infinitely many sorts. There are, in addition
-to {\Set} and {\Prop} a hierarchy of universes {\Type$(i)$} for any
-integer $i$.
-Like {\Set}, all of the sorts {\Type$(i)$} contain small sets such as
-booleans, natural numbers, as well as products, subsets and function
-types over small sets. But, unlike {\Set}, they also contain large
-sets, namely the sorts {\Set} and {\Type$(j)$} for $j<i$, and all
-products, subsets and function types over these sorts.
-Formally, we call {\Sort} the set of sorts which is defined by:
-\[\Sort \equiv \{\Prop,\Set,\Type(i)| i \in \NN\} \]
-The sorts enjoy the following properties\footnote{In the Reference
- Manual of versions of Coq prior to 8.4, the level of {\Type} typing
- {\Prop} and {\Set} was numbered $0$. From Coq 8.4, it started to be
- numbered $1$ so as to be able to leave room for re-interpreting
- {\Set} in the hierarchy as {\Type$(0)$}. This change also put the
- reference manual in accordance with the internal conventions adopted
- in the implementation.}: {\Prop:\Type$(1)$}, {\Set:\Type$(1)$} and
-The user will never mention explicitly the index $i$ when referring to
-the universe \Type$(i)$. One only writes \Type. The
-system itself generates for each instance of \Type\ a new
-index for the universe and checks that the constraints between these
-indexes can be solved. From the user point of view we consequently
-have {\sf Type :Type}.
-We shall make precise in the typing rules the constraints between the
-\paragraph{Implementation issues}
-In practice, the {\Type} hierarchy is implemented using algebraic
-universes. An algebraic universe $u$ is either a variable (a qualified
-identifier with a number) or a successor of an algebraic universe (an
-expression $u+1$), or an upper bound of algebraic universes (an
-expression $max(u_1,...,u_n)$), or the base universe (the expression
-$0$) which corresponds, in the arity of sort-polymorphic inductive
-types, to the predicative sort {\Set}. A graph of constraints between
-the universe variables is maintained globally. To ensure the existence
-of a mapping of the universes to the positive integers, the graph of
-constraints must remain acyclic. Typing expressions that violate the
-acyclicity of the graph of constraints results in a \errindex{Universe
-inconsistency} error (see also Section~\ref{PrintingUniverses}).
-Besides the sorts, the language also contains constants denoting
-objects in the environment. These constants may denote previously
-defined objects but also objects related to inductive definitions
-(either the type itself or one of its constructors or destructors).
-\medskip\noindent {\bf Remark. } In other presentations of \CIC,
-the inductive objects are not seen as
-external declarations but as first-class terms. Usually the
-definitions are also completely ignored. This is a nice theoretical
-point of view but not so practical. An inductive definition is
-specified by a possibly huge set of declarations, clearly we want to
-share this specification among the various inductive objects and not
-to duplicate it. So the specification should exist somewhere and the
-various objects should refer to it. We choose one more level of
-indirection where the objects are just represented as constants and
-the environment gives the information on the kind of object the
-constant refers to.
-Our inductive objects will be manipulated as constants declared in the
-environment. This roughly corresponds to the way they are actually
-implemented in the \Coq\ system. It is simple to map this presentation
-in a theory where inductive objects are represented by terms.
-Terms are built from variables, global names, constructors,
-abstraction, application, local declarations bindings (``let-in''
-expressions) and product.
-From a syntactic point of view, types cannot be distinguished from terms,
-except that they cannot start by an abstraction, and that if a term is
-a sort or a product, it should be a type.
-More precisely the language of the {\em Calculus of Inductive
- Constructions} is built from the following rules:
-\item the sorts {\sf Set, Prop, Type} are terms.
-\item names for global constants of the environment are terms.
-\item variables are terms.
-\item if $x$ is a variable and $T$, $U$ are terms then $\forall~x:T,U$
- ($\kw{forall}~x:T,U$ in \Coq{} concrete syntax) is a term. If $x$
- occurs in $U$, $\forall~x:T,U$ reads as {\it ``for all x of type T,
- U''}. As $U$ depends on $x$, one says that $\forall~x:T,U$ is a
- {\em dependent product}. If $x$ doesn't occurs in $U$ then
- $\forall~x:T,U$ reads as {\it ``if T then U''}. A non dependent
- product can be written: $T \rightarrow U$.
-\item if $x$ is a variable and $T$, $U$ are terms then $\lb~x:T \mto U$
- ($\kw{fun}~x:T\Ra U$ in \Coq{} concrete syntax) is a term. This is a
- notation for the $\lambda$-abstraction of
- $\lambda$-calculus\index{lambda-calculus@$\lambda$-calculus}
- \cite{Bar81}. The term $\lb~x:T \mto U$ is a function which maps
- elements of $T$ to $U$.
-\item if $T$ and $U$ are terms then $(T\ U)$ is a term
- ($T~U$ in \Coq{} concrete syntax). The term $(T\
- U)$ reads as {\it ``T applied to U''}.
-\item if $x$ is a variable, and $T$, $U$ are terms then
- $\kw{let}~x:=T~\kw{in}~U$ is a
- term which denotes the term $U$ where the variable $x$ is locally
- bound to $T$. This stands for the common ``let-in'' construction of
- functional programs such as ML or Scheme.
-\paragraph{Notations.} Application associates to the left such that
-$(t~t_1\ldots t_n)$ represents $(\ldots (t~t_1)\ldots t_n)$. The
-products and arrows associate to the right such that $\forall~x:A,B\ra C\ra
-D$ represents $\forall~x:A,(B\ra (C\ra D))$. One uses sometimes
-$\forall~x~y:A,B$ or
-$\lb~x~y:A\mto B$ to denote the abstraction or product of several variables
-of the same type. The equivalent formulation is $\forall~x:A, \forall y:A,B$ or
-$\lb~x:A \mto \lb y:A \mto B$
-\paragraph{Free variables.}
-The notion of free variables is defined as usual. In the expressions
-$\lb~x:T\mto U$ and $\forall x:T, U$ the occurrences of $x$ in $U$
-are bound. They are represented by de Bruijn indexes in the internal
-structure of terms.
-The notion of substituting a term $t$ to free occurrences of a
-variable $x$ in a term $u$ is defined as usual. The resulting term
-is written $\subst{u}{x}{t}$.
-\section[Typed terms]{Typed terms\label{Typed-terms}}
-As objects of type theory, terms are subjected to {\em type
-discipline}. The well typing of a term depends on an environment which
-consists in a global environment (see below) and a local context.
-\paragraph{Local context.}
-A {\em local context} (or shortly context) is an ordered list of
-declarations of variables. The declaration of some variable $x$ is
-either an assumption, written $x:T$ ($T$ is a type) or a definition,
-written $x:=t:T$. We use brackets to write contexts. A
-typical example is $[x:T;y:=u:U;z:V]$. Notice that the variables
-declared in a context must be distinct. If $\Gamma$ declares some $x$,
-we write $x \in \Gamma$. By writing $(x:T) \in \Gamma$ we mean that
-either $x:T$ is an assumption in $\Gamma$ or that there exists some $t$ such
-that $x:=t:T$ is a definition in $\Gamma$. If $\Gamma$ defines some
-$x:=t:T$, we also write $(x:=t:T) \in \Gamma$. Contexts must be
-themselves {\em well formed}. For the rest of the chapter, the
-notation $\Gamma::(y:T)$ (resp. $\Gamma::(y:=t:T)$) denotes the context
-$\Gamma$ enriched with the declaration $y:T$ (resp. $y:=t:T$). The
-notation $[]$ denotes the empty context. \index{Context}
-% Does not seem to be used further...
-% Si dans l'explication WF(E)[Gamma] concernant les constantes
-% definies ds un contexte
-We define the inclusion of two contexts $\Gamma$ and $\Delta$ (written
-as $\Gamma \subset \Delta$) as the property, for all variable $x$,
-type $T$ and term $t$, if $(x:T) \in \Gamma$ then $(x:T) \in \Delta$
-and if $(x:=t:T) \in \Gamma$ then $(x:=t:T) \in \Delta$.
-%We write
-% $|\Delta|$ for the length of the context $\Delta$, that is for the number
-% of declarations (assumptions or definitions) in $\Delta$.
-A variable $x$ is said to be free in $\Gamma$ if $\Gamma$ contains a
-declaration $y:T$ such that $x$ is free in $T$.
-Because we are manipulating global declarations (constants and global
-assumptions), we also need to consider a global environment $E$.
-An environment is an ordered list of declarations of global
-names. Declarations are either assumptions or ``standard''
-definitions, that is abbreviations for well-formed terms
-but also definitions of inductive objects. In the latter
-case, an object in the environment will define one or more constants
-(that is types and constructors, see Section~\ref{Cic-inductive-definitions}).
-An assumption will be represented in the environment as
-\Assum{\Gamma}{c}{T} which means that $c$ is assumed of some type $T$
-well-defined in some context $\Gamma$. An (ordinary) definition will
-be represented in the environment as \Def{\Gamma}{c}{t}{T} which means
-that $c$ is a constant which is valid in some context $\Gamma$ whose
-value is $t$ and type is $T$.
-The rules for inductive definitions (see section
-\ref{Cic-inductive-definitions}) have to be considered as assumption
-rules to which the following definitions apply: if the name $c$ is
-declared in $E$, we write $c \in E$ and if $c:T$ or $c:=t:T$ is
-declared in $E$, we write $(c : T) \in E$.
-\paragraph[Typing rules.]{Typing rules.\label{Typing-rules}\index{Typing rules}}
-In the following, we assume $E$ is a valid environment w.r.t.
-inductive definitions. We define simultaneously two
-judgments. The first one \WTEG{t}{T} means the term $t$ is well-typed
-and has type $T$ in the environment $E$ and context $\Gamma$. The
-second judgment \WFE{\Gamma} means that the environment $E$ is
-well-formed and the context $\Gamma$ is a valid context in this
-environment. It also means a third property which makes sure that any
-constant in $E$ was defined in an environment which is included in
-\footnote{This requirement could be relaxed if we instead introduced
- an explicit mechanism for instantiating constants. At the external
- level, the Coq engine works accordingly to this view that all the
- definitions in the environment were built in a sub-context of the
- current context.}.
-A term $t$ is well typed in an environment $E$ iff there exists a
-context $\Gamma$ and a term $T$ such that the judgment \WTEG{t}{T} can
-be derived from the following rules.
-\item[W-E] \inference{\WF{[]}{[]}}
-\item[W-S] % Ce n'est pas vrai : x peut apparaitre plusieurs fois dans Gamma
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{s}~~~~s \in \Sort~~~~x \not\in
- \Gamma % \cup E
- }
- {\WFE{\Gamma::(x:T)}}~~~~~
- \frac{\WTEG{t}{T}~~~~x \not\in
- \Gamma % \cup E
- }{\WFE{\Gamma::(x:=t:T)}}}
-\item[Def] \inference{\frac{\WTEG{t}{T}~~~c \notin E \cup \Gamma}
- {\WF{E;\Def{\Gamma}{c}{t}{T}}{\Gamma}}}
-\item[Assum] \inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{s}~~~~s \in \Sort~~~~c \notin E \cup \Gamma}
- {\WF{E;\Assum{\Gamma}{c}{T}}{\Gamma}}}
-\item[Ax] \index{Typing rules!Ax}
-\item[Var]\index{Typing rules!Var}
- \inference{\frac{ \WFE{\Gamma}~~~~~(x:T) \in \Gamma~~\mbox{or}~~(x:=t:T) \in \Gamma~\mbox{for some $t$}}{\WTEG{x}{T}}}
-\item[Const] \index{Typing rules!Const}
-\inference{\frac{\WFE{\Gamma}~~~~(c:T) \in E~~\mbox{or}~~(c:=t:T) \in E~\mbox{for some $t$} }{\WTEG{c}{T}}}
-\item[Prod] \index{Typing rules!Prod}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{s}~~~~s \in \Sort~~~
- \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Prop}}
- { \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Prop}}}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{s}~~~~s \in\{\Prop, \Set\}~~~~~~
- \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Set}}
- { \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Set}}}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{\Type(i)}~~~~i\leq k~~~
- \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Type(j)}~~~j \leq k}
- {\WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Type(k)}}}
-\item[Lam]\index{Typing rules!Lam}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{s}~~~~ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{t}{U}}
- {\WTEG{\lb~x:T\mto t}{\forall x:T, U}}}
-\item[App]\index{Typing rules!App}
- \inference{\frac{\WTEG{t}{\forall~x:U,T}~~~~\WTEG{u}{U}}
- {\WTEG{(t\ u)}{\subst{T}{x}{u}}}}
-\item[Let]\index{Typing rules!Let}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{t}{T}~~~~ \WTE{\Gamma::(x:=t:T)}{u}{U}}
- {\WTEG{\kw{let}~x:=t~\kw{in}~u}{\subst{U}{x}{t}}}}
-\Rem We may have $\kw{let}~x:=t~\kw{in}~u$
-well-typed without having $((\lb~x:T\mto u)~t)$ well-typed (where
-$T$ is a type of $t$). This is because the value $t$ associated to $x$
-may be used in a conversion rule (see Section~\ref{conv-rules}).
-\section[Conversion rules]{Conversion rules\index{Conversion rules}
-We want to be able to identify some terms as we can identify the
-application of a function to a given argument with its result. For
-instance the identity function over a given type $T$ can be written
-$\lb~x:T\mto x$. In any environment $E$ and context $\Gamma$, we want to identify any object $a$ (of type $T$) with the
-application $((\lb~x:T\mto x)~a)$. We define for this a {\em reduction} (or a
-{\em conversion}) rule we call $\beta$:
-\[ \WTEGRED{((\lb~x:T\mto
- t)~u)}{\triangleright_{\beta}}{\subst{t}{x}{u}} \]
-We say that $\subst{t}{x}{u}$ is the {\em $\beta$-contraction} of
-$((\lb~x:T\mto t)~u)$ and, conversely, that $((\lb~x:T\mto t)~u)$
-is the {\em $\beta$-expansion} of $\subst{t}{x}{u}$.
-According to $\beta$-reduction, terms of the {\em Calculus of
- Inductive Constructions} enjoy some fundamental properties such as
-confluence, strong normalization, subject reduction. These results are
-theoretically of great importance but we will not detail them here and
-refer the interested reader to \cite{Coq85}.
-A specific conversion rule is associated to the inductive objects in
-the environment. We shall give later on (see Section~\ref{iotared}) the
-precise rules but it just says that a destructor applied to an object
-built from a constructor behaves as expected. This reduction is
-called $\iota$-reduction and is more precisely studied in
-We may have defined variables in contexts or constants in the global
-environment. It is legal to identify such a reference with its value,
-that is to expand (or unfold) it into its value. This
-reduction is called $\delta$-reduction and shows as follows.
-$$\WTEGRED{x}{\triangleright_{\delta}}{t}~~~~~\mbox{if $(x:=t:T) \in \Gamma$}~~~~~~~~~\WTEGRED{c}{\triangleright_{\delta}}{t}~~~~~\mbox{if $(c:=t:T) \in E$}$$
-Coq allows also to remove local definitions occurring in terms by
-replacing the defined variable by its value. The declaration being
-destroyed, this reduction differs from $\delta$-reduction. It is
-called $\zeta$-reduction and shows as follows.
-Let us write $\WTEGRED{t}{\triangleright}{u}$ for the contextual closure of the relation $t$ reduces to $u$ in the environment $E$ and context $\Gamma$ with one of the previous reduction $\beta$, $\iota$, $\delta$ or $\zeta$.
-We say that two terms $t_1$ and $t_2$ are {\em convertible} (or {\em
- equivalent)} in the environment $E$ and context $\Gamma$ iff there exists a term $u$ such that $\WTEGRED{t_1}{\triangleright \ldots \triangleright}{u}$
-and $\WTEGRED{t_2}{\triangleright \ldots \triangleright}{u}$.
-We then write $\WTEGCONV{t_1}{t_2}$.
-The convertibility relation allows to introduce a new typing rule
-which says that two convertible well-formed types have the same
-At the moment, we did not take into account one rule between universes
-which says that any term in a universe of index $i$ is also a term in
-the universe of index $i+1$. This property is included into the
-conversion rule by extending the equivalence relation of
-convertibility into an order inductively defined by:
-\item if $\WTEGCONV{t}{u}$ then $\WTEGLECONV{t}{u}$,
-\item if $i \leq j$ then $\WTEGLECONV{\Type(i)}{\Type(j)}$,
-\item for any $i$, $\WTEGLECONV{\Set}{\Type(i)}$,
-\item $\WTEGLECONV{\Prop}{\Set}$, hence, by transitivity,
- $\WTEGLECONV{\Prop}{\Type(i)}$, for any $i$
-\item if $\WTEGCONV{T}{U}$ and $\WTELECONV{\Gamma::(x:T)}{T'}{U'}$ then $\WTEGLECONV{\forall~x:T,T'}{\forall~x:U,U'}$.
-The conversion rule is now exactly:
-\item[Conv]\index{Typing rules!Conv}
- \inference{
- \frac{\WTEG{U}{s}~~~~\WTEG{t}{T}~~~~\WTEGLECONV{T}{U}}{\WTEG{t}{U}}}
- \end{description}
-An other important rule is the $\eta$-conversion. It is to identify
-terms over a dummy abstraction of a variable followed by an
-application of this variable. Let $T$ be a type, $t$ be a term in
-which the variable $x$ doesn't occurs free. We have
-\[ \WTEGRED{\lb~x:T\mto (t\ x)}{\triangleright}{t} \]
-Indeed, as $x$ doesn't occur free in $t$, for any $u$ one
-applies to $\lb~x:T\mto (t\ x)$, it $\beta$-reduces to $(t\ u)$. So
-$\lb~x:T\mto (t\ x)$ and $t$ can be identified.
-\Rem The $\eta$-reduction is not taken into account in the
-convertibility rule of \Coq.
-\paragraph[Normal form.]{Normal form.\index{Normal form}\label{Normal-form}\label{Head-normal-form}\index{Head normal form}}
-A term which cannot be any more reduced is said to be in {\em normal
- form}. There are several ways (or strategies) to apply the reduction
-rule. Among them, we have to mention the {\em head reduction} which
-will play an important role (see Chapter~\ref{Tactics}). Any term can
-be written as $\lb~x_1:T_1\mto \ldots \lb x_k:T_k \mto
-(t_0\ t_1\ldots t_n)$ where
-$t_0$ is not an application. We say then that $t_0$ is the {\em head
- of $t$}. If we assume that $t_0$ is $\lb~x:T\mto u_0$ then one step of
-$\beta$-head reduction of $t$ is:
-\[\lb~x_1:T_1\mto \ldots \lb x_k:T_k\mto (\lb~x:T\mto u_0\ t_1\ldots t_n)
-~\triangleright ~ \lb~(x_1:T_1)\ldots(x_k:T_k)\mto
-(\subst{u_0}{x}{t_1}\ t_2 \ldots t_n)\]
-Iterating the process of head reduction until the head of the reduced
-term is no more an abstraction leads to the {\em $\beta$-head normal
- form} of $t$:
-\[ t \triangleright \ldots \triangleright
-\lb~x_1:T_1\mto \ldots\lb x_k:T_k\mto (v\ u_1
-\ldots u_m)\]
-where $v$ is not an abstraction (nor an application). Note that the
-head normal form must not be confused with the normal form since some
-$u_i$ can be reducible.
-Similar notions of head-normal forms involving $\delta$, $\iota$ and $\zeta$
-reductions or any combination of those can also be defined.
-\section{Derived rules for environments}
-From the original rules of the type system, one can derive new rules
-which change the context of definition of objects in the environment.
-Because these rules correspond to elementary operations in the \Coq\
-engine used in the discharge mechanism at the end of a section, we
-state them explicitly.
-\paragraph{Mechanism of substitution.}
-One rule which can be proved valid, is to replace a term $c$ by its
-value in the environment. As we defined the substitution of a term for
-a variable in a term, one can define the substitution of a term for a
-constant. One easily extends this substitution to contexts and
-\paragraph{Substitution Property:}
-\inference{\frac{\WF{E;\Def{\Gamma}{c}{t}{T}; F}{\Delta}}
- {\WF{E; \subst{F}{c}{t}}{\subst{\Delta}{c}{t}}}}
-One can modify the context of definition of a constant $c$ by
-abstracting a constant with respect to the last variable $x$ of its
-defining context. For doing that, we need to check that the constants
-appearing in the body of the declaration do not depend on $x$, we need
-also to modify the reference to the constant $c$ in the environment
-and context by explicitly applying this constant to the variable $x$.
-Because of the rules for building environments and terms we know the
-variable $x$ is available at each stage where $c$ is mentioned.
-\paragraph{Abstracting property:}
- \inference{\frac{\WF{E; \Def{\Gamma::(x:U)}{c}{t}{T};
- F}{\Delta}~~~~\WFE{\Gamma}}
- {\WF{E;\Def{\Gamma}{c}{\lb~x:U\mto t}{\forall~x:U,T};
- \subst{F}{c}{(c~x)}}{\subst{\Delta}{c}{(c~x)}}}}
-\paragraph{Pruning the context.}
-We said the judgment \WFE{\Gamma} means that the defining contexts of
-constants in $E$ are included in $\Gamma$. If one abstracts or
-substitutes the constants with the above rules then it may happen
-that the context $\Gamma$ is now bigger than the one needed for
-defining the constants in $E$. Because defining contexts are growing
-in $E$, the minimum context needed for defining the constants in $E$
-is the same as the one for the last constant. One can consequently
-derive the following property.
-\paragraph{Pruning property:}
-\inference{\frac{\WF{E; \Def{\Delta}{c}{t}{T}}{\Gamma}}
- {\WF{E;\Def{\Delta}{c}{t}{T}}{\Delta}}}
-\section[Inductive Definitions]{Inductive Definitions\label{Cic-inductive-definitions}}
-A (possibly mutual) inductive definition is specified by giving the
-names and the type of the inductive sets or families to be
-defined and the names and types of the constructors of the inductive
-predicates. An inductive declaration in the environment can
-consequently be represented with two contexts (one for inductive
-definitions, one for constructors).
-Stating the rules for inductive definitions in their general form
-needs quite tedious definitions. We shall try to give a concrete
-understanding of the rules by precising them on running examples. We
-take as examples the type of natural numbers, the type of
-parameterized lists over a type $A$, the relation which states that
-a list has some given length and the mutual inductive definition of trees and
-\subsection{Representing an inductive definition}
-\subsubsection{Inductive definitions without parameters}
-As for constants, inductive definitions can be defined in a non-empty
-context. \\
-We write \NInd{\Gamma}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} an inductive
-definition valid in a context $\Gamma$, a
-context of definitions $\Gamma_I$ and a context of constructors
-The inductive declaration for the type of natural numbers will be:
-In a context with a variable $A:\Set$, the lists of elements in $A$ are
-represented by:
-\[\NInd{A:\Set}{\List:\Set}{\Nil:\List,\cons : A \ra \List \ra
- \List}\]
- Assuming
- $\Gamma_I$ is $[I_1:A_1;\ldots;I_k:A_k]$, and $\Gamma_C$ is
- $[c_1:C_1;\ldots;c_n:C_n]$, the general typing rules are,
- for $1\leq j\leq k$ and $1\leq i\leq n$:
-\inference{\frac{\NInd{\Gamma}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} \in E}{(I_j:A_j) \in E}}
-\inference{\frac{\NInd{\Gamma}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} \in E}{(c_i:C_i) \in E}}
-\subsubsection{Inductive definitions with parameters}
-We have to slightly complicate the representation above in order to handle
-the delicate problem of parameters.
-Let us explain that on the example of \List. With the above definition,
-the type \List\ can only be used in an environment where we
-have a variable $A:\Set$. Generally one want to consider lists of
-elements in different types. For constants this is easily done by abstracting
-the value over the parameter. In the case of inductive definitions we
-have to handle the abstraction over several objects.
-One possible way to do that would be to define the type \List\
-inductively as being an inductive family of type $\Set\ra\Set$:
-\[\NInd{}{\List:\Set\ra\Set}{\Nil:(\forall A:\Set,\List~A),
- \cons : (\forall A:\Set, A \ra \List~A \ra \List~A)}\]
-There are drawbacks to this point of view. The
-information which says that for any $A$, $(\List~A)$ is an inductively defined
-\Set\ has been lost.
-So we introduce two important definitions.
-\paragraph{Inductive parameters, real arguments.}
-An inductive definition $\NInd{\Gamma}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$ admits
-$r$ inductive parameters if each type of constructors $(c:C)$ in
-$\Gamma_C$ is such that
-\[C\equiv \forall
-p_1:P_1,\ldots,\forall p_r:P_r,\forall a_1:A_1, \ldots \forall a_n:A_n,
-(I~p_1~\ldots p_r~t_1\ldots t_q)\]
-with $I$ one of the inductive definitions in $\Gamma_I$.
-We say that $q$ is the number of real arguments of the constructor
-\paragraph{Context of parameters.}
-If an inductive definition $\NInd{\Gamma}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$ admits
-$r$ inductive parameters, then there exists a context $\Gamma_P$ of
-size $r$, such that $\Gamma_P=[p_1:P_1;\ldots;p_r:P_r]$ and
-if $(t:A) \in \Gamma_I,\Gamma_C$ then $A$ can be written as
-$\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots \forall p_r:P_r,A'$.
-We call $\Gamma_P$ the context of parameters of the inductive
-definition and use the notation $\forall \Gamma_P,A'$ for the term $A$.
-If we have a term $t$ in an instance of an
-inductive definition $I$ which starts with a constructor $c$, then the
-$r$ first arguments of $c$ (the parameters) can be deduced from the
-type $T$ of $t$: these are exactly the $r$ first arguments of $I$ in
-the head normal form of $T$.
-The \List{} definition has $1$ parameter:
-\[\NInd{}{\List:\Set\ra\Set}{\Nil:(\forall A:\Set, \List~A),
- \cons : (\forall A:\Set, A \ra \List~A \ra \List~A)}\]
-This is also the case for this more complex definition where there is
-a recursive argument on a different instance of \List:
-\[\NInd{}{\List:\Set\ra\Set}{\Nil:(\forall A:\Set, \List~A),
- \cons : (\forall A:\Set, A \ra \List~(A \ra A) \ra \List~A)}\]
-But the following definition has $0$ parameters:
-\[\NInd{}{\List:\Set\ra\Set}{\Nil:(\forall A:\Set, \List~A),
- \cons : (\forall A:\Set, A \ra \List~A \ra \List~(A*A))}\]
-%The interested reader may compare the above definition with the two
-%following ones which have very different logical meaning:\\
-%$\NInd{}{\List:\Set}{\Nil:\List,\cons : (A:\Set)A
-% \ra \List \ra \List}$ \\
-%$\NInd{}{\List:\Set\ra\Set}{\Nil:(A:\Set)(\List~A),\cons : (A:\Set)A
-% \ra (\List~A\ra A) \ra (\List~A)}$.}
-\paragraph{Concrete syntax.}
-In the Coq system, the context of parameters is given explicitly
-after the name of the inductive definitions and is shared between the
-arities and the type of constructors.
-% The vernacular declaration of polymorphic trees and forests will be:\\
-% \begin{coq_example*}
-% Inductive Tree (A:Set) : Set :=
-% Node : A -> Forest A -> Tree A
-% with Forest (A : Set) : Set :=
-% Empty : Forest A
-% | Cons : Tree A -> Forest A -> Forest A
-% \end{coq_example*}
-% will correspond in our formalism to:
-% \[\NInd{}{{\tt Tree}:\Set\ra\Set;{\tt Forest}:\Set\ra \Set}
-% {{\tt Node} : \forall A:\Set, A \ra {\tt Forest}~A \ra {\tt Tree}~A,
-% {\tt Empty} : \forall A:\Set, {\tt Forest}~A,
-% {\tt Cons} : \forall A:\Set, {\tt Tree}~A \ra {\tt Forest}~A \ra
-% {\tt Forest}~A}\]
-We keep track in the syntax of the number of
-Formally the representation of an inductive declaration
-will be
-\Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} for an inductive
-definition valid in a context $\Gamma$ with $p$ parameters, a
-context of definitions $\Gamma_I$ and a context of constructors
-The definition \Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} will be
-well-formed exactly when \NInd{\Gamma}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} is and
-when $p$ is (less or equal than) the number of parameters in
-The declaration for parameterized lists is:
-\[\Ind{}{1}{\List:\Set\ra\Set}{\Nil:(\forall A:\Set,\List~A),\cons :
- (\forall A:\Set, A \ra \List~A \ra \List~A)}\]
-The declaration for the length of lists is:
-\[\Ind{}{1}{\Length:\forall A:\Set, (\List~A)\ra \nat\ra\Prop}
- {\LNil:\forall A:\Set, \Length~A~(\Nil~A)~\nO,\\
- \LCons :\forall A:\Set,\forall a:A, \forall l:(\List~A),\forall n:\nat, (\Length~A~l~n)\ra (\Length~A~(\cons~A~a~l)~(\nS~n))}\]
-The declaration for a mutual inductive definition of forests and trees is:
- {\\~~\node:\forest \ra \tree,
- \emptyf:\forest,\consf:\tree \ra \forest \ra \forest\-}\]
-These representations are the ones obtained as the result of the \Coq\
-Inductive nat : Set :=
- | O : nat
- | S : nat -> nat.
-Inductive list (A:Set) : Set :=
- | nil : list A
- | cons : A -> list A -> list A.
-Inductive Length (A:Set) : list A -> nat -> Prop :=
- | Lnil : Length A (nil A) O
- | Lcons :
- forall (a:A) (l:list A) (n:nat),
- Length A l n -> Length A (cons A a l) (S n).
-Inductive tree : Set :=
- node : forest -> tree
-with forest : Set :=
- | emptyf : forest
- | consf : tree -> forest -> forest.
-% The inductive declaration in \Coq\ is slightly different from the one
-% we described theoretically. The difference is that in the type of
-% constructors the inductive definition is explicitly applied to the
-% parameters variables.
-The \Coq\ type-checker verifies that all
-parameters are applied in the correct manner in the conclusion of the
-type of each constructors~:
-In particular, the following definition will not be accepted because
-there is an occurrence of \List\ which is not applied to the parameter
-variable in the conclusion of the type of {\tt cons'}:
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is not correct and should produce **********)
-(********* Error: The 1st argument of list' must be A in ... *********)
-Inductive list' (A:Set) : Set :=
- | nil' : list' A
- | cons' : A -> list' A -> list' (A*A).
-Since \Coq{} version 8.1, there is no restriction about parameters in
-the types of arguments of constructors. The following definition is
-Inductive list' (A:Set) : Set :=
- | nil' : list' A
- | cons' : A -> list' (A->A) -> list' A.
-\subsection{Types of inductive objects}
-We have to give the type of constants in an environment $E$ which
-contains an inductive declaration.
-\item[Ind-Const] Assuming
- $\Gamma_I$ is $[I_1:A_1;\ldots;I_k:A_k]$, and $\Gamma_C$ is
- $[c_1:C_1;\ldots;c_n:C_n]$,
-\inference{\frac{\Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} \in E
- ~~j=1\ldots k}{(I_j:A_j) \in E}}
-\inference{\frac{\Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} \in E
- ~~~~i=1.. n}
- {(c_i:C_i) \in E}}
-We have $(\List:\Set \ra \Set), (\cons:\forall~A:\Set,A\ra(\List~A)\ra
-(\List~A))$, \\
-$(\Length:\forall~A:\Set, (\List~A)\ra\nat\ra\Prop)$, $\tree:\Set$ and $\forest:\Set$.
-From now on, we write $\ListA$ instead of $(\List~A)$ and $\LengthA$
-for $(\Length~A)$.
-%%The parameters introduce a distortion between the inside specification
-%%of the inductive declaration where parameters are supposed to be
-%%instantiated (this representation is appropriate for checking the
-%%correctness or deriving the destructor principle) and the outside
-%%typing rules where the inductive objects are seen as objects
-%%abstracted with respect to the parameters.
-%In the definition of \List\ or \Length\, $A$ is a parameter because
-%what is effectively inductively defined is $\ListA$ or $\LengthA$ for
-%a given $A$ which is constant in the type of constructors. But when
-%we define $(\LengthA~l~n)$, $l$ and $n$ are not parameters because the
-%constructors manipulate different instances of this family.
-\subsection{Well-formed inductive definitions}
-We cannot accept any inductive declaration because some of them lead
-to inconsistent systems. We restrict ourselves to definitions which
-satisfy a syntactic criterion of positivity. Before giving the formal
-rules, we need a few definitions:
-A type $T$ is an {\em arity of sort $s$}\index{Arity} if it converts
-to the sort $s$ or to a product $\forall~x:T,U$ with $U$ an arity
-of sort $s$. (For instance $A\ra \Set$ or $\forall~A:\Prop,A\ra
-\Prop$ are arities of sort respectively \Set\ and \Prop). A {\em type
- of constructor of $I$}\index{Type of constructor} is either a term
-$(I~t_1\ldots ~t_n)$ or $\fa x:T,C$ with $C$ recursively
-a {\em type of constructor of $I$}.
-The type of constructor $T$ will be said to {\em satisfy the positivity
-condition} for a constant $X$ in the following cases:
-\item $T=(X~t_1\ldots ~t_n)$ and $X$ does not occur free in
-any $t_i$
-\item $T=\forall~x:U,V$ and $X$ occurs only strictly positively in $U$ and
-the type $V$ satisfies the positivity condition for $X$
-The constant $X$ {\em occurs strictly positively} in $T$ in the
-following cases:
-\item $X$ does not occur in $T$
-\item $T$ converts to $(X~t_1 \ldots ~t_n)$ and $X$ does not occur in
- any of $t_i$
-\item $T$ converts to $\forall~x:U,V$ and $X$ does not occur in
- type $U$ but occurs strictly positively in type $V$
-\item $T$ converts to $(I~a_1 \ldots ~a_m ~ t_1 \ldots ~t_p)$ where
- $I$ is the name of an inductive declaration of the form
- $\Ind{\Gamma}{m}{I:A}{c_1:\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots \forall
- p_m:P_m,C_1;\ldots;c_n:\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots \forall
- p_m:P_m,C_n}$
- (in particular, it is not mutually defined and it has $m$
- parameters) and $X$ does not occur in any of the $t_i$, and the
- (instantiated) types of constructor $C_i\{p_j/a_j\}_{j=1\ldots m}$
- of $I$ satisfy
- the nested positivity condition for $X$
-%\item more generally, when $T$ is not a type, $X$ occurs strictly
-%positively in $T[x:U]u$ if $X$ does not occur in $U$ but occurs
-%strictly positively in $u$
-The type of constructor $T$ of $I$ {\em satisfies the nested
-positivity condition} for a constant $X$ in the following
-\item $T=(I~b_1\ldots b_m~u_1\ldots ~u_{p})$, $I$ is an inductive
- definition with $m$ parameters and $X$ does not occur in
-any $u_i$
-\item $T=\forall~x:U,V$ and $X$ occurs only strictly positively in $U$ and
-the type $V$ satisfies the nested positivity condition for $X$
-$X$ occurs strictly positively in $A\ra X$ or $X*A$ or $({\tt list}~
-X)$ but not in $X \ra A$ or $(X \ra A)\ra A$ nor $({\tt neg}~X)$
-assuming the notion of product and lists were already defined and {\tt
- neg} is an inductive definition with declaration \Ind{}{A:\Set}{{\tt
- neg}:\Set}{{\tt neg}:(A\ra{\tt False}) \ra {\tt neg}}. Assuming
-$X$ has arity ${\tt nat \ra Prop}$ and {\tt ex} is the inductively
-defined existential quantifier, the occurrence of $X$ in ${\tt (ex~
- nat~ \lb~n:nat\mto (X~ n))}$ is also strictly positive.
-\paragraph{Correctness rules.}
-We shall now describe the rules allowing the introduction of a new
-inductive definition.
-\item[W-Ind] Let $E$ be an environment and
- $\Gamma,\Gamma_P,\Gamma_I,\Gamma_C$ are contexts such that
- $\Gamma_I$ is $[I_1:\forall \Gamma_P,A_1;\ldots;I_k:\forall
- \Gamma_P,A_k]$ and $\Gamma_C$ is
- $[c_1:\forall \Gamma_P,C_1;\ldots;c_n:\forall \Gamma_P,C_n]$.
- \frac{
- (\WTE{\Gamma;\Gamma_P}{A_j}{s'_j})_{j=1\ldots k}
- ~~ (\WTE{\Gamma;\Gamma_I;\Gamma_P}{C_i}{s_{q_i}})_{i=1\ldots n}
- {\WF{E;\Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}}{\Gamma}}}
-provided that the following side conditions hold:
-\item $k>0$ and all of $I_j$ and $c_i$ are distinct names for $j=1\ldots k$ and $i=1\ldots n$,
-\item $p$ is the number of parameters of \NInd{\Gamma}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}
- and $\Gamma_P$ is the context of parameters,
-\item for $j=1\ldots k$ we have that $A_j$ is an arity of sort $s_j$ and $I_j
- \notin \Gamma \cup E$,
-\item for $i=1\ldots n$ we have that $C_i$ is a type of constructor of
- $I_{q_i}$ which satisfies the positivity condition for $I_1 \ldots I_k$
- and $c_i \notin \Gamma \cup E$.
-One can remark that there is a constraint between the sort of the
-arity of the inductive type and the sort of the type of its
-constructors which will always be satisfied for the impredicative sort
-(\Prop) but may fail to define inductive definition
-on sort \Set{} and generate constraints between universes for
-inductive definitions in the {\Type} hierarchy.
-It is well known that existential quantifier can be encoded as an
-inductive definition.
-The following declaration introduces the second-order existential
-quantifier $\exists X.P(X)$.
-Inductive exProp (P:Prop->Prop) : Prop
- := exP_intro : forall X:Prop, P X -> exProp P.
-The same definition on \Set{} is not allowed and fails~:
-(********** The following is not correct and should produce **********)
-(*** Error: Large non-propositional inductive types must be in Type***)
-Inductive exSet (P:Set->Prop) : Set
- := exS_intro : forall X:Set, P X -> exSet P.
-It is possible to declare the same inductive definition in the
-universe \Type.
-The \texttt{exType} inductive definition has type $(\Type_i \ra\Prop)\ra
-\Type_j$ with the constraint that the parameter \texttt{X} of \texttt{exT\_intro} has type $\Type_k$ with $k<j$ and $k\leq i$.
-Inductive exType (P:Type->Prop) : Type
- := exT_intro : forall X:Type, P X -> exType P.
-%We shall assume for the following definitions that, if necessary, we
-%annotated the type of constructors such that we know if the argument
-%is recursive or not. We shall write the type $(x:_R T)C$ if it is
-%a recursive argument and $(x:_P T)C$ if the argument is not recursive.
-\paragraph[Sort-polymorphism of inductive families.]{Sort-polymorphism of inductive families.\index{Sort-polymorphism of inductive families}}
-From {\Coq} version 8.1, inductive families declared in {\Type} are
-polymorphic over their arguments in {\Type}.
-If $A$ is an arity and $s$ a sort, we write $A_{/s}$ for the arity
-obtained from $A$ by replacing its sort with $s$. Especially, if $A$
-is well-typed in some environment and context, then $A_{/s}$ is typable
-by typability of all products in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions.
-The following typing rule is added to the theory.
-\item[Ind-Family] Let $\Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$ be an
- inductive definition. Let $\Gamma_P = [p_1:P_1;\ldots;p_{p}:P_{p}]$
- be its context of parameters, $\Gamma_I = [I_1:\forall
- \Gamma_P,A_1;\ldots;I_k:\forall \Gamma_P,A_k]$ its context of
- definitions and $\Gamma_C = [c_1:\forall
- \Gamma_P,C_1;\ldots;c_n:\forall \Gamma_P,C_n]$ its context of
- constructors, with $c_i$ a constructor of $I_{q_i}$.
- Let $m \leq p$ be the length of the longest prefix of parameters
- such that the $m$ first arguments of all occurrences of all $I_j$ in
- all $C_k$ (even the occurrences in the hypotheses of $C_k$) are
- exactly applied to $p_1~\ldots~p_m$ ($m$ is the number of {\em
- recursively uniform parameters} and the $p-m$ remaining parameters
- are the {\em recursively non-uniform parameters}). Let $q_1$,
- \ldots, $q_r$, with $0\leq r\leq m$, be a (possibly) partial
- instantiation of the recursively uniform parameters of
- $\Gamma_P$. We have:
-\Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} \in E\\
-(E[\Gamma] \vdash q_l : P'_l)_{l=1\ldots r}\\
-(\WTEGLECONV{P'_l}{\subst{P_l}{p_u}{q_u}_{u=1\ldots l-1}})_{l=1\ldots r}\\
-1 \leq j \leq k
-{E[\Gamma] \vdash (I_j\,q_1\,\ldots\,q_r:\forall [p_{r+1}:P_{r+1};\ldots;p_{p}:P_{p}], (A_j)_{/s_j})}
-provided that the following side conditions hold:
-\item $\Gamma_{P'}$ is the context obtained from $\Gamma_P$ by
-replacing each $P_l$ that is an arity with $P'_l$ for $1\leq l \leq r$ (notice that
-$P_l$ arity implies $P'_l$ arity since $\WTEGLECONV{P'_l}{ \subst{P_l}{p_u}{q_u}_{u=1\ldots l-1}}$);
-\item there are sorts $s_i$, for $1 \leq i \leq k$ such that, for
- $\Gamma_{I'} = [I_1:\forall
- \Gamma_{P'},(A_1)_{/s_1};\ldots;I_k:\forall \Gamma_{P'},(A_k)_{/s_k}]$
-we have $(\WTE{\Gamma;\Gamma_{I'};\Gamma_{P'}}{C_i}{s_{q_i}})_{i=1\ldots n}$;
-\item the sorts are such that all eliminations, to {\Prop}, {\Set} and
- $\Type(j)$, are allowed (see section~\ref{elimdep}).
-Notice that if $I_j\,q_1\,\ldots\,q_r$ is typable using the rules {\bf
-Ind-Const} and {\bf App}, then it is typable using the rule {\bf
-Ind-Family}. Conversely, the extended theory is not stronger than the
-theory without {\bf Ind-Family}. We get an equiconsistency result by
-mapping each $\Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$ occurring into a
-given derivation into as many different inductive types and constructors
-as the number of different (partial) replacements of sorts, needed for
-this derivation, in the parameters that are arities (this is possible
-because $\Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$ well-formed implies
-that $\Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_{I'}}{\Gamma_{C'}}$ is well-formed and
-has the same allowed eliminations, where
-$\Gamma_{I'}$ is defined as above and $\Gamma_{C'} = [c_1:\forall
-\Gamma_{P'},C_1;\ldots;c_n:\forall \Gamma_{P'},C_n]$). That is,
-the changes in the types of each partial instance
-$q_1\,\ldots\,q_r$ can be characterized by the ordered sets of arity
-sorts among the types of parameters, and to each signature is
-associated a new inductive definition with fresh names. Conversion is
-preserved as any (partial) instance $I_j\,q_1\,\ldots\,q_r$ or
-$C_i\,q_1\,\ldots\,q_r$ is mapped to the names chosen in the specific
-instance of $\Ind{\Gamma}{p}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C}$.
-In practice, the rule {\bf Ind-Family} is used by {\Coq} only when all the
-inductive types of the inductive definition are declared with an arity whose
-sort is in the $\Type$
-hierarchy. Then, the polymorphism is over the parameters whose
-type is an arity of sort in the {\Type} hierarchy.
-The sort $s_j$ are
-chosen canonically so that each $s_j$ is minimal with respect to the
-hierarchy ${\Prop}\subset{\Set_p}\subset\Type$ where $\Set_p$ is
-predicative {\Set}.
-%and ${\Prop_u}$ is the sort of small singleton
-%inductive types (i.e. of inductive types with one single constructor
-%and that contains either proofs or inhabitants of singleton types
-More precisely, an empty or small singleton inductive definition
-(i.e. an inductive definition of which all inductive types are
-singleton -- see paragraph~\ref{singleton}) is set in
-{\Prop}, a small non-singleton inductive family is set in {\Set} (even
-in case {\Set} is impredicative -- see Section~\ref{impredicativity}),
-and otherwise in the {\Type} hierarchy.
-% TODO: clarify the case of a partial application ??
-Note that the side-condition about allowed elimination sorts in the
-rule~{\bf Ind-Family} is just to avoid to recompute the allowed
-elimination sorts at each instance of a pattern-matching (see
-As an example, let us consider the following definition:
-Inductive option (A:Type) : Type :=
-| None : option A
-| Some : A -> option A.
-As the definition is set in the {\Type} hierarchy, it is used
-polymorphically over its parameters whose types are arities of a sort
-in the {\Type} hierarchy. Here, the parameter $A$ has this property,
-hence, if \texttt{option} is applied to a type in {\Set}, the result is
-in {\Set}. Note that if \texttt{option} is applied to a type in {\Prop},
-then, the result is not set in \texttt{Prop} but in \texttt{Set}
-still. This is because \texttt{option} is not a singleton type (see
-section~\ref{singleton}) and it would loose the elimination to {\Set} and
-{\Type} if set in {\Prop}.
-Check (fun A:Set => option A).
-Check (fun A:Prop => option A).
-Here is another example.
-Inductive prod (A B:Type) : Type := pair : A -> B -> prod A B.
-As \texttt{prod} is a singleton type, it will be in {\Prop} if applied
-twice to propositions, in {\Set} if applied twice to at least one type
-in {\Set} and none in {\Type}, and in {\Type} otherwise. In all cases,
-the three kind of eliminations schemes are allowed.
-Check (fun A:Set => prod A).
-Check (fun A:Prop => prod A A).
-Check (fun (A:Prop) (B:Set) => prod A B).
-Check (fun (A:Type) (B:Prop) => prod A B).
-The specification of inductive definitions with arities and
-constructors is quite natural. But we still have to say how to use an
-object in an inductive type.
-This problem is rather delicate. There are actually several different
-ways to do that. Some of them are logically equivalent but not always
-equivalent from the computational point of view or from the user point
-of view.
-From the computational point of view, we want to be able to define a
-function whose domain is an inductively defined type by using a
-combination of case analysis over the possible constructors of the
-object and recursion.
-Because we need to keep a consistent theory and also we prefer to keep
-a strongly normalizing reduction, we cannot accept any sort of
-recursion (even terminating). So the basic idea is to restrict
-ourselves to primitive recursive functions and functionals.
-For instance, assuming a parameter $A:\Set$ exists in the context, we
-want to build a function \length\ of type $\ListA\ra \nat$ which
-computes the length of the list, so such that $(\length~(\Nil~A)) = \nO$
-and $(\length~(\cons~A~a~l)) = (\nS~(\length~l))$. We want these
-equalities to be recognized implicitly and taken into account in the
-conversion rule.
-From the logical point of view, we have built a type family by giving
-a set of constructors. We want to capture the fact that we do not
-have any other way to build an object in this type. So when trying to
-prove a property $(P~m)$ for $m$ in an inductive definition it is
-enough to enumerate all the cases where $m$ starts with a different
-In case the inductive definition is effectively a recursive one, we
-want to capture the extra property that we have built the smallest
-fixed point of this recursive equation. This says that we are only
-manipulating finite objects. This analysis provides induction
-For instance, in order to prove $\forall l:\ListA,(\LengthA~l~(\length~l))$
-it is enough to prove:
-\noindent $(\LengthA~(\Nil~A)~(\length~(\Nil~A)))$ and
-$\forall a:A, \forall l:\ListA, (\LengthA~l~(\length~l)) \ra
-\noindent which given the conversion equalities satisfied by \length\ is the
-same as proving:
-$(\LengthA~(\Nil~A)~\nO)$ and $\forall a:A, \forall l:\ListA,
-(\LengthA~l~(\length~l)) \ra
-One conceptually simple way to do that, following the basic scheme
-proposed by Martin-L\"of in his Intuitionistic Type Theory, is to
-introduce for each inductive definition an elimination operator. At
-the logical level it is a proof of the usual induction principle and
-at the computational level it implements a generic operator for doing
-primitive recursion over the structure.
-But this operator is rather tedious to implement and use. We choose in
-this version of Coq to factorize the operator for primitive recursion
-into two more primitive operations as was first suggested by Th. Coquand
-in~\cite{Coq92}. One is the definition by pattern-matching. The second one is a definition by guarded fixpoints.
-\subsubsection[The {\tt match\ldots with \ldots end} construction.]{The {\tt match\ldots with \ldots end} construction.\label{Caseexpr}
-\index{match@{\tt match\ldots with\ldots end}}}
-The basic idea of this destructor operation is that we have an object
-$m$ in an inductive type $I$ and we want to prove a property $(P~m)$
-which in general depends on $m$. For this, it is enough to prove the
-property for $m = (c_i~u_1\ldots u_{p_i})$ for each constructor of $I$.
-The \Coq{} term for this proof will be written~:
-\[\kw{match}~m~\kw{with}~ (c_1~x_{11}~...~x_{1p_1}) \Ra f_1 ~|~\ldots~|~
- (c_n~x_{n1}...x_{np_n}) \Ra f_n~ \kw{end}\]
-In this expression, if
-$m$ is a term built from a constructor $(c_i~u_1\ldots u_{p_i})$ then
-the expression will behave as it is specified with $i$-th branch and
-will reduce to $f_i$ where the $x_{i1}$\ldots $x_{ip_i}$ are replaced
-by the $u_1\ldots u_p$ according to the $\iota$-reduction.
-Actually, for type-checking a \kw{match\ldots with\ldots end}
-expression we also need to know the predicate $P$ to be proved by case
-analysis. In the general case where $I$ is an inductively defined
-$n$-ary relation, $P$ is a $n+1$-ary relation: the $n$ first arguments
-correspond to the arguments of $I$ (parameters excluded), and the last
-one corresponds to object $m$. \Coq{} can sometimes infer this
-predicate but sometimes not. The concrete syntax for describing this
-predicate uses the \kw{as\ldots in\ldots return} construction. For
-instance, let us assume that $I$ is an unary predicate with one
-parameter. The predicate is made explicit using the syntax~:
-\[\kw{match}~m~\kw{as}~ x~ \kw{in}~ I~\verb!_!~a~ \kw{return}~ (P~ x)
- ~\kw{with}~ (c_1~x_{11}~...~x_{1p_1}) \Ra f_1 ~|~\ldots~|~
- (c_n~x_{n1}...x_{np_n}) \Ra f_n \kw{end}\]
-The \kw{as} part can be omitted if either the result type does not
-depend on $m$ (non-dependent elimination) or $m$ is a variable (in
-this case, the result type can depend on $m$). The \kw{in} part can be
-omitted if the result type does not depend on the arguments of
-$I$. Note that the arguments of $I$ corresponding to parameters
-\emph{must} be \verb!_!, because the result type is not generalized to
-all possible values of the parameters. The expression after \kw{in}
-must be seen as an \emph{inductive type pattern}. As a final remark,
-expansion of implicit arguments and notations apply to this pattern.
-For the purpose of presenting the inference rules, we use a more
-compact notation~:
-\[ \Case{(\lb a x \mto P)}{m}{ \lb x_{11}~...~x_{1p_1} \mto f_1 ~|~\ldots~|~
- \lb x_{n1}...x_{np_n} \mto f_n}\]
-%% CP 06/06 Obsolete avec la nouvelle syntaxe et incompatible avec la
-%% presentation theorique qui suit
-% \paragraph{Non-dependent elimination.}
-% When defining a function of codomain $C$ by case analysis over an
-% object in an inductive type $I$, we build an object of type $I
-% \ra C$. The minimality principle on an inductively defined logical
-% predicate $I$ of type $A \ra \Prop$ is often used to prove a property
-% $\forall x:A,(I~x)\ra (C~x)$. These are particular cases of the dependent
-% principle that we stated before with a predicate which does not depend
-% explicitly on the object in the inductive definition.
-% For instance, a function testing whether a list is empty
-% can be
-% defined as:
-% \[\kw{fun} l:\ListA \Ra \kw{match}~l~\kw{with}~ \Nil \Ra \true~
-% |~(\cons~a~m) \Ra \false \kw{end}\]
-% represented by
-% \[\lb~l:\ListA \mto\Case{\bool}{l}{\true~ |~ \lb a~m,~\false}\]
-%\noindent {\bf Remark. }
-% In the system \Coq\ the expression above, can be
-% written without mentioning
-% the dummy abstraction:
-% \Case{\bool}{l}{\Nil~ \mbox{\tt =>}~\true~ |~ (\cons~a~m)~
-% \mbox{\tt =>}~ \false}
-\paragraph[Allowed elimination sorts.]{Allowed elimination sorts.\index{Elimination sorts}}
-An important question for building the typing rule for \kw{match} is
-what can be the type of $P$ with respect to the type of the inductive
-We define now a relation \compat{I:A}{B} between an inductive
-definition $I$ of type $A$ and an arity $B$. This relation states that
-an object in the inductive definition $I$ can be eliminated for
-proving a property $P$ of type $B$.
-The case of inductive definitions in sorts \Set\ or \Type{} is simple.
-There is no restriction on the sort of the predicate to be
-The \compat{I:A}{B} is defined as the smallest relation satisfying the
-following rules:
-We write \compat{I}{B} for \compat{I:A}{B} where $A$ is the type of
-\item[Prod] \inference{\frac{\compat{(I~x):A'}{B'}}
- {\compat{I:\forall x:A, A'}{\forall x:A, B'}}}
-\item[{\Set} \& \Type] \inference{\frac{
- s_1 \in \{\Set,\Type(j)\},
- s_2 \in \Sort}{\compat{I:s_1}{I\ra s_2}}}
-The case of Inductive definitions of sort \Prop{} is a bit more
-complicated, because of our interpretation of this sort. The only
-harmless allowed elimination, is the one when predicate $P$ is also of
-sort \Prop.
-\item[\Prop] \inference{\compat{I:\Prop}{I\ra\Prop}}
-\Prop{} is the type of logical propositions, the proofs of properties
-$P$ in \Prop{} could not be used for computation and are consequently
-ignored by the extraction mechanism.
-Assume $A$ and $B$ are two propositions, and the logical disjunction
-$A\vee B$ is defined inductively by~:
-Inductive or (A B:Prop) : Prop :=
- lintro : A -> or A B | rintro : B -> or A B.
-The following definition which computes a boolean value by case over
-the proof of \texttt{or A B} is not accepted~:
-(*** This example should fail with ``Incorrect elimination'' ***)
-Definition choice (A B: Prop) (x:or A B) :=
- match x with lintro a => true | rintro b => false end.
-From the computational point of view, the structure of the proof of
-\texttt{(or A B)} in this term is needed for computing the boolean
-In general, if $I$ has type \Prop\ then $P$ cannot have type $I\ra
-\Set$, because it will mean to build an informative proof of type
-$(P~m)$ doing a case analysis over a non-computational object that
-will disappear in the extracted program. But the other way is safe
-with respect to our interpretation we can have $I$ a computational
-object and $P$ a non-computational one, it just corresponds to proving
-a logical property of a computational object.
-% Also if $I$ is in one of the sorts \{\Prop, \Set\}, one cannot in
-% general allow an elimination over a bigger sort such as \Type. But
-% this operation is safe whenever $I$ is a {\em small inductive} type,
-% which means that all the types of constructors of
-% $I$ are small with the following definition:\\
-% $(I~t_1\ldots t_s)$ is a {\em small type of constructor} and
-% $\forall~x:T,C$ is a small type of constructor if $C$ is and if $T$
-% has type \Prop\ or \Set. \index{Small inductive type}
-% We call this particular elimination which gives the possibility to
-% compute a type by induction on the structure of a term, a {\em strong
-% elimination}\index{Strong elimination}.
-In the same spirit, elimination on $P$ of type $I\ra
-\Type$ cannot be allowed because it trivially implies the elimination
-on $P$ of type $I\ra \Set$ by cumulativity. It also implies that there
-is two proofs of the same property which are provably different,
-contradicting the proof-irrelevance property which is sometimes a
-useful axiom~:
-Axiom proof_irrelevance : forall (P : Prop) (x y : P), x=y.
-Reset proof_irrelevance.
-The elimination of an inductive definition of type \Prop\ on a
-predicate $P$ of type $I\ra \Type$ leads to a paradox when applied to
-impredicative inductive definition like the second-order existential
-quantifier \texttt{exProp} defined above, because it give access to
-the two projections on this type.
-%\paragraph{Warning: strong elimination}
-%\index{Elimination!Strong elimination}
-%In previous versions of Coq, for a small inductive definition, only the
-%non-informative strong elimination on \Type\ was allowed, because
-%strong elimination on \Typeset\ was not compatible with the current
-%extraction procedure. In this version, strong elimination on \Typeset\
-%is accepted but a dummy element is extracted from it and may generate
-%problems if extracted terms are explicitly used such as in the
-%{\tt Program} tactic or when extracting ML programs.
-\paragraph[Empty and singleton elimination]{Empty and singleton elimination\label{singleton}
-\index{Elimination!Singleton elimination}
-\index{Elimination!Empty elimination}}
-There are special inductive definitions in \Prop\ for which more
-eliminations are allowed.
- \frac{I \mbox{~is an empty or singleton
- definition}~~~s \in \Sort}{\compat{I:\Prop}{I\ra s}}
-% A {\em singleton definition} has always an informative content,
-% even if it is a proposition.
-A {\em singleton
-definition} has only one constructor and all the arguments of this
-constructor have type \Prop. In that case, there is a canonical
-way to interpret the informative extraction on an object in that type,
-such that the elimination on any sort $s$ is legal. Typical examples are
-the conjunction of non-informative propositions and the equality.
-If there is an hypothesis $h:a=b$ in the context, it can be used for
-rewriting not only in logical propositions but also in any type.
-% In that case, the term \verb!eq_rec! which was defined as an axiom, is
-% now a term of the calculus.
-Print eq_rec.
-Extraction eq_rec.
-An empty definition has no constructors, in that case also,
-elimination on any sort is allowed.
-\paragraph{Type of branches.}
-Let $c$ be a term of type $C$, we assume $C$ is a type of constructor
-for an inductive definition $I$. Let $P$ be a term that represents the
-property to be proved.
-We assume $r$ is the number of parameters.
-We define a new type \CI{c:C}{P} which represents the type of the
-branch corresponding to the $c:C$ constructor.
-\CI{c:(I_i~p_1\ldots p_r\ t_1 \ldots t_p)}{P} &\equiv (P~t_1\ldots ~t_p~c) \\[2mm]
-\CI{c:\forall~x:T,C}{P} &\equiv \forall~x:T,\CI{(c~x):C}{P}
-We write \CI{c}{P} for \CI{c:C}{P} with $C$ the type of $c$.
-For $\ListA$ the type of $P$ will be $\ListA\ra s$ for $s \in \Sort$. \\
-$ \CI{(\cons~A)}{P} \equiv
-\forall a:A, \forall l:\ListA,(P~(\cons~A~a~l))$.
-For $\LengthA$, the type of $P$ will be
-$\forall l:\ListA,\forall n:\nat, (\LengthA~l~n)\ra \Prop$ and the expression
-\CI{(\LCons~A)}{P} is defined as:\\
-$\forall a:A, \forall l:\ListA, \forall n:\nat, \forall
-h:(\LengthA~l~n), (P~(\cons~A~a~l)~(\nS~n)~(\LCons~A~a~l~n~l))$.\\
-If $P$ does not depend on its third argument, we find the more natural
-$\forall a:A, \forall l:\ListA, \forall n:\nat,
-\paragraph{Typing rule.}
-Our very general destructor for inductive definition enjoys the
-following typing rule
-% , where we write
-% \[
-% \Case{P}{c}{[x_{11}:T_{11}]\ldots[x_{1p_1}:T_{1p_1}]g_1\ldots
-% [x_{n1}:T_{n1}]\ldots[x_{np_n}:T_{np_n}]g_n}
-% \]
-% for
-% \[
-% \Case{P}{c}{(c_1~x_{11}~...~x_{1p_1}) \Ra g_1 ~|~\ldots~|~
-% (c_n~x_{n1}...x_{np_n}) \Ra g_n }
-% \]
-\item[match] \label{elimdep} \index{Typing rules!match}
-\frac{\WTEG{c}{(I~q_1\ldots q_r~t_1\ldots t_s)}~~
- \WTEG{P}{B}~~\compat{(I~q_1\ldots q_r)}{B}
- ~~
-(\WTEG{f_i}{\CI{(c_{p_i}~q_1\ldots q_r)}{P}})_{i=1\ldots l}}
-{\WTEG{\Case{P}{c}{f_1|\ldots |f_l}}{(P\ t_1\ldots t_s\ c)}}}%\\[3mm]
-provided $I$ is an inductive type in a declaration
-\Ind{\Delta}{r}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C} with
-$\Gamma_C = [c_1:C_1;\ldots;c_n:C_n]$ and $c_{p_1}\ldots c_{p_l}$ are the
-only constructors of $I$.
-For \List\ and \Length\ the typing rules for the {\tt match} expression
-are (writing just $t:M$ instead of \WTEG{t}{M}, the environment and
-context being the same in all the judgments).
-\[\frac{l:\ListA~~P:\ListA\ra s~~~f_1:(P~(\Nil~A))~~
- f_2:\forall a:A, \forall l:\ListA, (P~(\cons~A~a~l))}
- {\Case{P}{l}{f_1~|~f_2}:(P~l)}\]
- \begin{array}[b]{@{}c@{}}
-H:(\LengthA~L~N) \\ P:\forall l:\ListA, \forall n:\nat, (\LengthA~l~n)\ra
- \Prop\\
- f_1:(P~(\Nil~A)~\nO~\LNil) \\
- f_2:\forall a:A, \forall l:\ListA, \forall n:\nat, \forall
- h:(\LengthA~l~n), (P~(\cons~A~a~n)~(\nS~n)~(\LCons~A~a~l~n~h))
- \end{array}}
- {\Case{P}{H}{f_1~|~f_2}:(P~L~N~H)}\]
-\paragraph[Definition of $\iota$-reduction.]{Definition of $\iota$-reduction.\label{iotared}
-We still have to define the $\iota$-reduction in the general case.
-A $\iota$-redex is a term of the following form:
-\[\Case{P}{(c_{p_i}~q_1\ldots q_r~a_1\ldots a_m)}{f_1|\ldots |
- f_l}\]
-with $c_{p_i}$ the $i$-th constructor of the inductive type $I$ with $r$
-The $\iota$-contraction of this term is $(f_i~a_1\ldots a_m)$ leading
-to the general reduction rule:
-\[ \Case{P}{(c_{p_i}~q_1\ldots q_r~a_1\ldots a_m)}{f_1|\ldots |
- f_n} \triangleright_{\iota} (f_i~a_1\ldots a_m) \]
-\subsection[Fixpoint definitions]{Fixpoint definitions\label{Fix-term} \index{Fix@{\tt Fix}}}
-The second operator for elimination is fixpoint definition.
-This fixpoint may involve several mutually recursive definitions.
-The basic concrete syntax for a recursive set of mutually recursive
-declarations is (with $\Gamma_i$ contexts)~:
-\[\kw{fix}~f_1 (\Gamma_1) :A_1:=t_1~\kw{with} \ldots \kw{with}~ f_n
-(\Gamma_n) :A_n:=t_n\]
-The terms are obtained by projections from this set of declarations
-and are written
-\[\kw{fix}~f_1 (\Gamma_1) :A_1:=t_1~\kw{with} \ldots \kw{with}~ f_n
-(\Gamma_n) :A_n:=t_n~\kw{for}~f_i\]
-In the inference rules, we represent such a
-term by
-\[\Fix{f_i}{f_1:A_1':=t_1' \ldots f_n:A_n':=t_n'}\]
-with $t_i'$ (resp. $A_i'$) representing the term $t_i$ abstracted
-(resp. generalized) with
-respect to the bindings in the context $\Gamma_i$, namely
-$t_i'=\lb \Gamma_i \mto t_i$ and $A_i'=\forall \Gamma_i, A_i$.
-\subsubsection{Typing rule}
-The typing rule is the expected one for a fixpoint.
-\item[Fix] \index{Typing rules!Fix}
-\inference{\frac{(\WTEG{A_i}{s_i})_{i=1\ldots n}~~~~
- (\WTE{\Gamma,f_1:A_1,\ldots,f_n:A_n}{t_i}{A_i})_{i=1\ldots n}}
- {\WTEG{\Fix{f_i}{f_1:A_1:=t_1 \ldots f_n:A_n:=t_n}}{A_i}}}
-Any fixpoint definition cannot be accepted because non-normalizing terms
-will lead to proofs of absurdity.
-The basic scheme of recursion that should be allowed is the one needed for
-defining primitive
-recursive functionals. In that case the fixpoint enjoys a special
-syntactic restriction, namely one of the arguments belongs to an
-inductive type, the function starts with a case analysis and recursive
-calls are done on variables coming from patterns and representing subterms.
-For instance in the case of natural numbers, a proof of the induction
-principle of type
-\[\forall P:\nat\ra\Prop, (P~\nO)\ra(\forall n:\nat, (P~n)\ra(P~(\nS~n)))\ra
-\forall n:\nat, (P~n)\]
-can be represented by the term:
-\lb P:\nat\ra\Prop\mto\lb f:(P~\nO)\mto \lb g:(\forall n:\nat,
-(P~n)\ra(P~(\nS~n))) \mto\\
-\Fix{h}{h:\forall n:\nat, (P~n):=\lb n:\nat\mto \Case{P}{n}{f~|~\lb
- p:\nat\mto (g~p~(h~p))}}
-Before accepting a fixpoint definition as being correctly typed, we
-check that the definition is ``guarded''. A precise analysis of this
-notion can be found in~\cite{Gim94}.
-The first stage is to precise on which argument the fixpoint will be
-decreasing. The type of this argument should be an inductive
-For doing this the syntax of fixpoints is extended and becomes
- \[\Fix{f_i}{f_1/k_1:A_1:=t_1 \ldots f_n/k_n:A_n:=t_n}\]
-where $k_i$ are positive integers.
-Each $A_i$ should be a type (reducible to a term) starting with at least
-$k_i$ products $\forall y_1:B_1,\ldots \forall y_{k_i}:B_{k_i}, A'_i$
-and $B_{k_i}$
-being an instance of an inductive definition.
-Now in the definition $t_i$, if $f_j$ occurs then it should be applied
-to at least $k_j$ arguments and the $k_j$-th argument should be
-syntactically recognized as structurally smaller than $y_{k_i}$
-The definition of being structurally smaller is a bit technical.
-One needs first to define the notion of
-{\em recursive arguments of a constructor}\index{Recursive arguments}.
-For an inductive definition \Ind{\Gamma}{r}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_C},
-the type of a constructor $c$ has the form
-$\forall p_1:P_1,\ldots \forall p_r:P_r,
-\forall x_1:T_1, \ldots \forall x_r:T_r, (I_j~p_1\ldots
-p_r~t_1\ldots t_s)$ the recursive arguments will correspond to $T_i$ in
-which one of the $I_l$ occurs.
-The main rules for being structurally smaller are the following:\\
-Given a variable $y$ of type an inductive
-definition in a declaration
-where $\Gamma_I$ is $[I_1:A_1;\ldots;I_k:A_k]$, and $\Gamma_C$ is
- $[c_1:C_1;\ldots;c_n:C_n]$.
-The terms structurally smaller than $y$ are:
-\item $(t~u), \lb x:u \mto t$ when $t$ is structurally smaller than $y$ .
-\item \Case{P}{c}{f_1\ldots f_n} when each $f_i$ is structurally
- smaller than $y$. \\
- If $c$ is $y$ or is structurally smaller than $y$, its type is an inductive
- definition $I_p$ part of the inductive
- declaration corresponding to $y$.
- Each $f_i$ corresponds to a type of constructor $C_q \equiv
- \forall p_1:P_1,\ldots,\forall p_r:P_r, \forall y_1:B_1, \ldots \forall y_k:B_k, (I~a_1\ldots a_k)$
- and can consequently be
- written $\lb y_1:B'_1\mto \ldots \lb y_k:B'_k\mto g_i$.
- ($B'_i$ is obtained from $B_i$ by substituting parameters variables)
- the variables $y_j$ occurring
- in $g_i$ corresponding to recursive arguments $B_i$ (the ones in
- which one of the $I_l$ occurs) are structurally smaller than $y$.
-The following definitions are correct, we enter them using the
-{\tt Fixpoint} command as described in Section~\ref{Fixpoint} and show
-the internal representation.
-Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n with
- | O => m
- | S p => S (plus p m)
- end.
-Print plus.
-Fixpoint lgth (A:Set) (l:list A) {struct l} : nat :=
- match l with
- | nil => O
- | cons a l' => S (lgth A l')
- end.
-Print lgth.
-Fixpoint sizet (t:tree) : nat := let (f) := t in S (sizef f)
- with sizef (f:forest) : nat :=
- match f with
- | emptyf => O
- | consf t f => plus (sizet t) (sizef f)
- end.
-Print sizet.
-\subsubsection[Reduction rule]{Reduction rule\index{iota-reduction@$\iota$-reduction}}
-Let $F$ be the set of declarations: $f_1/k_1:A_1:=t_1 \ldots
-The reduction for fixpoints is:
-\[ (\Fix{f_i}{F}~a_1\ldots
-a_{k_i}) \triangleright_{\iota} \substs{t_i}{f_k}{\Fix{f_k}{F}}{k=1\ldots n}
-~a_1\ldots a_{k_i}\]
-when $a_{k_i}$ starts with a constructor.
-This last restriction is needed in order to keep strong normalization
-and corresponds to the reduction for primitive recursive operators.
-We can illustrate this behavior on examples.
-Goal forall n m:nat, plus (S n) m = S (plus n m).
-Goal forall f:forest, sizet (node f) = S (sizef f).
-But assuming the definition of a son function from \tree\ to \forest:
-Definition sont (t:tree) : forest
- := let (f) := t in f.
-The following is not a conversion but can be proved after a case analysis.
-(** Error: Impossible to unify .... **)
-Goal forall t:tree, sizet t = S (sizef (sont t)).
-reflexivity. (** this one fails **)
-destruct t.
-% La disparition de Program devrait rendre la construction Match obsolete
-% \subsubsection{The {\tt Match \ldots with \ldots end} expression}
-% \label{Matchexpr}
-% %\paragraph{A unary {\tt Match\ldots with \ldots end}.}
-% \index{Match...with...end@{\tt Match \ldots with \ldots end}}
-% The {\tt Match} operator which was a primitive notion in older
-% presentations of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions is now just a
-% macro definition which generates the good combination of {\tt Case}
-% and {\tt Fix} operators in order to generate an operator for primitive
-% recursive definitions. It always considers an inductive definition as
-% a single inductive definition.
-% The following examples illustrates this feature.
-% \begin{coq_example}
-% Definition nat_pr : (C:Set)C->(nat->C->C)->nat->C
-% :=[C,x,g,n]Match n with x g end.
-% Print nat_pr.
-% \end{coq_example}
-% \begin{coq_example}
-% Definition forest_pr
-% : (C:Set)C->(tree->forest->C->C)->forest->C
-% := [C,x,g,n]Match n with x g end.
-% \end{coq_example}
-% Cet exemple faisait error (HH le 12/12/96), j'ai change pour une
-% version plus simple
-%Definition forest_pr
-% : (P:forest->Set)(P emptyf)->((t:tree)(f:forest)(P f)->(P (consf t f)))
-% ->(f:forest)(P f)
-% := [C,x,g,n]Match n with x g end.
-\subsubsection{Mutual induction}
-The principles of mutual induction can be automatically generated
-using the {\tt Scheme} command described in Section~\ref{Scheme}.
-\section{Co-inductive types}
-The implementation contains also co-inductive definitions, which are
-types inhabited by infinite objects.
-More information on co-inductive definitions can be found
-%They are described in Chapter~\ref{Co-inductives}.
-\section[\iCIC : the Calculus of Inductive Construction with
- impredicative \Set]{\iCIC : the Calculus of Inductive Construction with
- impredicative \Set\label{impredicativity}}
-\Coq{} can be used as a type-checker for \iCIC{}, the original
-Calculus of Inductive Constructions with an impredicative sort \Set{}
-by using the compiler option \texttt{-impredicative-set}.
-For example, using the ordinary \texttt{coqtop} command, the following
-is rejected.
-(** This example should fail *******************************
- Error: The term forall X:Set, X -> X has type Type
- while it is expected to have type Set
-Definition id: Set := forall X:Set,X->X.
-while it will type-check, if one use instead the \texttt{coqtop
- -impredicative-set} command.
-The major change in the theory concerns the rule for product formation
-in the sort \Set, which is extended to a domain in any sort~:
-\item [Prod] \index{Typing rules!Prod (impredicative Set)}
-\inference{\frac{\WTEG{T}{s}~~~~s \in \Sort~~~~~~
- \WTE{\Gamma::(x:T)}{U}{\Set}}
- { \WTEG{\forall~x:T,U}{\Set}}}
-This extension has consequences on the inductive definitions which are
-In the impredicative system, one can build so-called {\em large inductive
- definitions} like the example of second-order existential
-quantifier (\texttt{exSet}).
-There should be restrictions on the eliminations which can be
-performed on such definitions. The eliminations rules in the
-impredicative system for sort \Set{} become~:
-\item[\Set] \inference{\frac{s \in
- \{\Prop, \Set\}}{\compat{I:\Set}{I\ra s}}
-~~~~\frac{I \mbox{~is a small inductive definition}~~~~s \in
- \{\Type(i)\}}
- {\compat{I:\Set}{I\ra s}}}
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-%\coverpage{Co-inductive types in Coq}{Eduardo Gim\'enez}
-\chapter[Co-inductive types in Coq]{Co-inductive types in Coq\label{Co-inductives}}
-{\it Co-inductive} types are types whose elements may not be well-founded.
-A formal study of the Calculus of Constructions extended by
-co-inductive types has been presented
-in \cite{Gim94}. It is based on the notion of
-{\it guarded definitions} introduced by Th. Coquand
-in \cite{Coquand93}. The implementation is by E. Gim\'enez.
-\section{A short introduction to co-inductive types}
-We assume that the reader is rather familiar with inductive types.
-These types are characterized by their {\it constructors}, which can be
-regarded as the basic methods from which the elements
-of the type can be built up. It is implicit in the definition
-of an inductive type that
-its elements are the result of a {\it finite} number of
-applications of its constructors. Co-inductive types arise from
-relaxing this implicit condition and admitting that an element of
-the type can also be introduced by a non-ending (but effective) process
-of construction defined in terms of the basic methods which characterize the
-type. So we could think in the wider notion of types defined by
-constructors (let us call them {\it recursive types}) and classify
-them into inductive and co-inductive ones, depending on whether or not
-we consider non-ending methods as admissible for constructing elements
-of the type. Note that in both cases we obtain a ``closed type'', all whose
-elements are pre-determined in advance (by the constructors). When we
-know that $a$ is an element of a recursive type (no matter if it is
-inductive or co-inductive) what we know is that it is the result of applying
-one of the basic forms of construction allowed for the type.
-So the more primitive way of eliminating an element of a recursive type is
-by case analysis, i.e. by considering through which constructor it could have
-been introduced. In the case of inductive sets, the additional knowledge that
-constructors can be applied only a finite number of times provide
-us with a more powerful way of eliminating their elements, say,
-the principle of
-induction. This principle is obviously not valid for co-inductive types,
-since it is just the expression of this extra knowledge attached to inductive
-An example of a co-inductive type is the type of infinite sequences formed with
-elements of type $A$, or streams for shorter. In Coq,
-it can be introduced using the \verb!CoInductive! command~:
-CoInductive Stream (A:Set) : Set :=
- cons : A -> Stream A -> Stream A.
-The syntax of this command is the same as the
-command \verb!Inductive! (cf. section
-Definition of mutually co-inductive types are possible.
-As was already said, there are not principles of
-induction for co-inductive sets, the only way of eliminating these
-elements is by case analysis.
-In the example of streams, this elimination principle can be
-used for instance to define the well known
-destructors on streams $\hd : (\Str\;A)\rightarrow A$
-and $\tl: (\Str\;A)\rightarrow (\Str\;A)$ :
-Section Destructors.
-Variable A : Set.
-Definition hd (x:Stream A) := match x with
- | cons a s => a
- end.
-Definition tl (x:Stream A) := match x with
- | cons a s => s
- end.
-End Destructors.
-\subsection{Non-ending methods of construction}
-At this point the reader should have realized that we have left unexplained
-what is a ``non-ending but effective process of
-construction'' of a stream. In the widest sense, a
-method is a non-ending process of construction if we can eliminate the
-stream that it introduces, in other words, if we can reduce
-any case analysis on it. In this sense, the following ways of
-introducing a stream are not acceptable.
-$\zeros = (\cons\;\nat\;\nO\;(\tl\;\zeros))\;\;:\;\;(\Str\;\nat)$\\[12pt]
-$\filter\;(\cons\;A\;a\;s) = \si\;\;(P\;a)\;\;\alors\;\;(\cons\;A\;a\;(\filter\;s))\;\;\sinon\;\;(\filter\;s) )\;\;:\;\;(\Str\;A)$
-\noindent The former it is not valid since the stream can not be eliminated
-to obtain its tail. In the latter, a stream is naively defined as
-the result of erasing from another (arbitrary) stream
-all the elements which does not verify a certain property $P$. This
-does not always makes sense, for example it does not when all the elements
-of the stream verify $P$, in which case we can not eliminate it to
-obtain its head\footnote{Note that there is no notion of ``the empty
-stream'', a stream is always infinite and build by a \texttt{cons}.}.
-On the contrary, the following definitions are acceptable methods for
-constructing a stream~:
-$\zeros = (\cons\;\nat\;\nO\;\zeros)\;\;:\;\;(\Str\;\nat)\;\;\;(*)$\\[12pt]
-$(\from\;n) = (\cons\;\nat\;n\;(\from\;(\nS\;n)))\;:\;(\Str\;\nat)$\\[12pt]
-$\alter = (\cons\;\bool\;\true\;(\cons\;\bool\;\false\;\alter))\;:\;(\Str\;\bool)$.
-\noindent The first one introduces a stream containing all the natural numbers
-greater than a given one, and the second the stream which infinitely
-alternates the booleans true and false.
-In general it is not evident to realise when a definition can
-be accepted or not. However, there is a class of definitions that
-can be easily recognised as being valid : those
-where (1) all the recursive calls of the method are done
-after having explicitly mentioned which is (at least) the first constructor
-to start building the element, and (2) no other
-functions apart from constructors are applied to recursive calls.
-This class of definitions is usually
-referred as {\it guarded-by-constructors}
-definitions \cite{Coquand93,Gim94}.
-The methods $\from$
-and $\alter$ are examples of definitions which are guarded by constructors.
-The definition of function $\filter$ is not, because there is no
-constructor to guard
-the recursive call in the {\it else} branch. Neither is the one of
-$\zeros$, since there is function applied to the recursive call
-which is not a constructor. However, there is a difference between
-the definition of $\zeros$ and $\filter$. The former may be seen as a
-wrong way of characterising an object which makes sense, and it can
-be reformulated in an admissible way using the equation (*). On the contrary,
-the definition of
-$\filter$ can not be patched, since is the idea itself
-of traversing an infinite
-construction searching for an element whose existence is not ensured
-which does not make sense.
-Guarded definitions are exactly the kind of non-ending process of
-construction which are allowed in Coq. The way of introducing
-a guarded definition in Coq is using the special command
-{\tt CoFixpoint}. This command verifies that the definition introduces an
-element of a co-inductive type, and checks if it is guarded by constructors.
-If we try to
-introduce the definitions above, $\from$ and $\alter$ will be accepted,
-while $\zeros$ and $\filter$ will be rejected giving some explanation
-about why.
-CoFixpoint zeros : Stream nat := cons nat 0%N (tl nat zeros).
-CoFixpoint zeros : Stream nat := cons nat 0%N zeros.
-CoFixpoint from (n:nat) : Stream nat := cons nat n (from (S n)).
-As in the \verb!Fixpoint! command (see Section~\ref{Fixpoint}), it is possible
-to introduce a block of mutually dependent methods. The general syntax
-for this case is :
-{\tt CoFixpoint {\ident$_1$} :{\term$_1$} := {\term$_1'$}\\
- with\\
- \mbox{}\hspace{0.1cm} $\ldots$ \\
- with {\ident$_m$} : {\term$_m$} := {\term$_m'$}}
-\subsection{Non-ending methods and reduction}
-The elimination of a stream introduced by a \verb!CoFixpoint! definition
-is done lazily, i.e. its definition can be expanded only when it occurs
-at the head of an application which is the argument of a case expression.
-Isolately it is considered as a canonical expression which
-is completely evaluated. We can test this using the command \verb!compute!
-to calculate the normal forms of some terms~:
-Eval compute in (from 0).
-Eval compute in (hd nat (from 0)).
-Eval compute in (tl nat (from 0)).
-\noindent Thus, the equality
-$(\from\;n)\equiv(\cons\;\nat\;n\;(\from \; (\S\;n)))$
-does not hold as definitional one. Nevertheless, it can be proved
-as a propositional equality, in the sense of Leibniz's equality.
-The version {\it à la Leibniz} of the equality above follows from
-a general lemma stating that eliminating and then re-introducing a stream
-yields the same stream.
-Lemma unfold_Stream :
- forall x:Stream nat, x = match x with
- | cons a s => cons nat a s
- end.
-\noindent The proof is immediate from the analysis of
-the possible cases for $x$, which transforms
-the equality in a trivial one.
-olddestruct x.
-The application of this lemma to $(\from\;n)$ puts this
-constant at the head of an application which is an argument
-of a case analysis, forcing its expansion.
-We can test the type of this application using Coq's command \verb!Check!,
-which infers the type of a given term.
-Check (fun n:nat => unfold_Stream (from n)).
- \noindent Actually, The elimination of $(\from\;n)$ has actually
-no effect, because it is followed by a re-introduction,
-so the type of this application is in fact
-definitionally equal to the
-desired proposition. We can test this computing
-the normal form of the application above to see its type.
-Transparent unfold_Stream.
-Eval compute in (fun n:nat => unfold_Stream (from n)).
-\section{Reasoning about infinite objects}
-At a first sight, it might seem that
-case analysis does not provide a very powerful way
-of reasoning about infinite objects. In fact, what we can prove about
-an infinite object using
-only case analysis is just what we can prove unfolding its method
-of construction a finite number of times, which is not always
-enough. Consider for example the following method for appending
-two streams~:
-Variable A : Set.
-CoFixpoint conc (s1 s2:Stream A) : Stream A :=
- cons A (hd A s1) (conc (tl A s1) s2).
-Informally speaking, we expect that for all pair of streams $s_1$ and $s_2$,
-defines the ``the same'' stream as $s_1$,
-in the sense that if we would be able to unfold the definition
-``up to the infinite'', we would obtain definitionally equal normal forms.
-However, no finite unfolding of the definitions gives definitionally
-equal terms. Their equality can not be proved just using case analysis.
-The weakness of the elimination principle proposed for infinite objects
-contrast with the power provided by the inductive
-elimination principles, but it is not actually surprising. It just means
-that we can not expect to prove very interesting things about infinite
-objects doing finite proofs. To take advantage of infinite objects we
-have to consider infinite proofs as well. For example,
-if we want to catch up the equality between $(\conc\;s_1\;s_2)$ and
-$s_1$ we have to introduce first the type of the infinite proofs
-of equality between streams. This is a
-co-inductive type, whose elements are build up from a
-unique constructor, requiring a proof of the equality of the
-heads of the streams, and an (infinite) proof of the equality
-of their tails.
-CoInductive EqSt : Stream A -> Stream A -> Prop :=
- eqst :
- forall s1 s2:Stream A,
- hd A s1 = hd A s2 -> EqSt (tl A s1) (tl A s2) -> EqSt s1 s2.
-\noindent Now the equality of both streams can be proved introducing
-an infinite object of type
-\noindent $(\EqSt\;s_1\;(\conc\;s_1\;s_2))$ by a \verb!CoFixpoint!
-CoFixpoint eqproof (s1 s2:Stream A) : EqSt s1 (conc s1 s2) :=
- eqst s1 (conc s1 s2) (refl_equal (hd A (conc s1 s2)))
- (eqproof (tl A s1) s2).
-Reset eqproof.
-\noindent Instead of giving an explicit definition,
-we can use the proof editor of Coq to help us in
-the construction of the proof.
-A tactic \verb!Cofix! allows to place a \verb!CoFixpoint! definition
-inside a proof.
-This tactic introduces a variable in the context which has
-the same type as the current goal, and its application stands
-for a recursive call in the construction of the proof. If no name is
-specified for this variable, the name of the lemma is chosen by
-Lemma eqproof : forall s1 s2:Stream A, EqSt s1 (conc s1 s2).
-\noindent An easy (and wrong!) way of finishing the proof is just to apply the
-variable \verb!eqproof!, which has the same type as the goal.
-apply eqproof.
-\noindent The ``proof'' constructed in this way
-would correspond to the \verb!CoFixpoint! definition
-CoFixpoint eqproof : forall s1 s2:Stream A, EqSt s1 (conc s1 s2) :=
- eqproof.
-\noindent which is obviously non-guarded. This means that
-we can use the proof editor to
-define a method of construction which does not make sense. However,
-the system will never accept to include it as part of the theory,
-because the guard condition is always verified before saving the proof.
-\noindent Thus, the user must be careful in the
-construction of infinite proofs
-with the tactic \verb!Cofix!. Remark that once it has been used
-the application of tactics performing automatic proof search in
-the environment (like for example \verb!Auto!)
-could introduce unguarded recursive calls in the proof.
-The command \verb!Guarded! allows to verify
-if the guarded condition has been violated
-during the construction of the proof. This command can be
-applied even if the proof term is not complete.
-\noindent To finish with this example, let us restart from the
-beginning and show how to construct an admissible proof~:
- cofix.
-apply eqst.
-apply eqproof.
-\section{Experiments with co-inductive types}
-Some examples involving co-inductive types are available with
-the distributed system, in the theories library and in the contributions
-of the Lyon site. Here we present a short description of their contents~:
-\item Directory \verb!theories/LISTS! :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item File \verb!Streams.v! : The type of streams and the
-extensional equality between streams.
- \end{itemize}
-\item Directory \verb!contrib/Lyon/COINDUCTIVES! :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Directory \verb!ARITH! : An arithmetic where $\infty$
-is an explicit constant of the language instead of a metatheoretical notion.
- \item Directory \verb!STREAM! :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item File \verb!Examples! :
-Several examples of guarded definitions, as well as
-of frequent errors in the introduction of a stream. A different
-way of defining the extensional equality of two streams,
-and the proofs showing that it is equivalent to the one in \verb!theories!.
- \item File \verb!Alter.v! : An example showing how
-an infinite proof introduced by a guarded definition can be also described
-using an operator of co-recursion \cite{Gimenez95b}.
- \end{itemize}
-\item Directory \verb!PROCESSES! : A proof of the alternating
-bit protocol based on Pra\-sad's Calculus of Broadcasting Systems \cite{Prasad93},
-and the verification of an interpreter for this calculus.
-See \cite{Gimenez95b} for a complete description about this development.
- \end{itemize}
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-\chapter[The \Coq~commands]{The \Coq~commands\label{Addoc-coqc}
-There are three \Coq~commands:
-\item {\tt coqtop}: The \Coq\ toplevel (interactive mode) ;
-\item {\tt coqc} : The \Coq\ compiler (batch compilation).
-\item {\tt coqchk} : The \Coq\ checker (validation of compiled libraries)
-The options are (basically) the same for the first two commands, and
-roughly described below. You can also look at the \verb!man! pages of
-\verb!coqtop! and \verb!coqc! for more details.
-\section{Interactive use ({\tt coqtop})}
-In the interactive mode, also known as the \Coq~toplevel, the user can
-develop his theories and proofs step by step. The \Coq~toplevel is
-run by the command {\tt coqtop}.
-\index{native code}
-They are two different binary images of \Coq: the byte-code one and
-the native-code one (if Objective Caml provides a native-code compiler
-for your platform, which is supposed in the following). When invoking
-\verb!coqtop! or \verb!coqc!, the native-code version of the system is
-used. The command-line options \verb!-byte! and \verb!-opt! explicitly
-select the byte-code and the native-code versions, respectively.
-The byte-code toplevel is based on a Caml
-toplevel (to allow the dynamic link of tactics). You can switch to
-the Caml toplevel with the command \verb!Drop.!, and come back to the
-\Coq~toplevel with the command \verb!Toplevel.loop();;!.
-\section{Batch compilation ({\tt coqc})}
-The {\tt coqc} command takes a name {\em file} as argument. Then it
-looks for a vernacular file named {\em file}{\tt .v}, and tries to
-compile it into a {\em file}{\tt .vo} file (See ~\ref{compiled}).
-\Warning The name {\em file} must be a regular {\Coq} identifier, as
-defined in the Section~\ref{lexical}. It
-must only contain letters, digits or underscores
-(\_). Thus it can be \verb+/bar/foo/toto.v+ but cannot be
-\verb+/bar/foo/to-to.v+ .
-Notice that the \verb!-byte! and \verb!-opt! options are still
-available with \verb!coqc! and allow you to select the byte-code or
-native-code versions of the system.
-\section[Customization]{Customization at launch time}
-\subsection{By resource file\index{Resource file}}
-When \Coq\ is launched, with either {\tt coqtop} or {\tt coqc}, the
-resource file \verb:$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/coq/ is loaded, where
-\verb:$XDG_CONFIG_HOME: is the configuration directory of the user (by
-default its home directory \verb!/.config! and \verb:xxx: is the version
-number (e.g. 8.3). If this file is not found, then the file
-\verb:$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/coqrc: is searched. You can also specify an
-arbitrary name for the resource file (see option \verb:-init-file:
-This file may contain, for instance, \verb:Add LoadPath: commands to add
-directories to the load path of \Coq.
-It is possible to skip the loading of the resource file with the
-option \verb:-q:.
-\section{By environment variables\label{EnvVariables}
-\index{Environment variables}\label{envars}}
-Load path can be specified to the \Coq\ system by setting up
-\verb:$COQPATH: environment variable. It is a list of directories separated by \verb|:|
-(\verb|;| on windows).
-\Coq will also honour \verb:$XDG_DATA_HOME: and \verb:$XDG_DATA_DIRS: (see
-\Coq adds \verb:${XDG_DATA_HOME}/coq: and \verb:${XDG_DATA_DIRS}/coq: to its
-search path.
-\subsection{By command line options\index{Options of the command line}
-The following command-line options are recognized by the commands {\tt
- coqc} and {\tt coqtop}, unless stated otherwise:
-\item[{\tt -I} {\em directory}, {\tt -include} {\em directory}[ {\tt -as} {\em dirpath}]]\
-Add physical path {\em directory} to the list of directories where to look for a
-file and bind it to the empty logical directory/the logical directory {\em
- dirpath}. The sub-directory structure of {\em directory} is recursively available
-from {\Coq} using absolute names (extending the {\dirpath} prefix) (see
- \SeeAlso {\tt Add LoadPath} in Section~\ref{AddLoadPath} and logical
- paths in Section~\ref{Libraries}.
-\item[{\tt -R} {\em directory} {\dirpath}, {\tt -R} {\em directory} [{\tt -as} {\dirpath}]]\
- Do as {\tt -I} {\em directory} {\tt -as} {\dirpath} but make the
- sub-directory structure of {\em directory} recursively visible so
- that the recursive contents of physical {\em directory} is available
- from {\Coq} using short or partially qualified names.
- \SeeAlso {\tt Add Rec LoadPath} in Section~\ref{AddRecLoadPath} and logical
- paths in Section~\ref{Libraries}.
-\item[{\tt -top} {\dirpath}, {\tt -notop}]\
- This sets the toplevel module name to {\dirpath}/the empty logical path instead
- of {\tt Top}. Not valid for {\tt coqc}.
-\item[{\tt -exclude-dir} {\em subdirectory}]\
- This tells to exclude any sub-directory named {\em subdirectory}
- while processing option {\tt -R}. Without this option only the
- conventional version control management sub-directories named {\tt
- CVS} and {\tt \_darcs} are excluded.
-\item[{\tt -is} {\em file}, {\tt -inputstate} {\em file}, {\tt -outputstate} {\em file}]\
- Load at the beginning/Dump at the end a \Coq{} state from the file {\em file}.
- Incompatible with some not purely functional aspect of the code
-\item[{\tt -nois}]\
- Cause \Coq~to begin with an empty state.
-\item[{\tt -init-file} {\em file}, {\tt -q}]\
- Take {\em file} as the resource file. /
- Cause \Coq~not to load the resource file.
-\item[{\tt -load-ml-source} {\em file}]\
- Load the Caml source file {\em file}.
-\item[{\tt -load-ml-object} {\em file}]\
- Load the Caml object file {\em file}.
-\item[{\tt -l[v]} {\em file}, {\tt -load-vernac-source[-verbose]} {\em file}]\
- Load \Coq~file {\em file}{\tt .v} optionally with copy it contents on the
- standard input.
-\item[{\tt -load-vernac-object} {\em file}]\
- Load \Coq~compiled file {\em file}{\tt .vo}
-\item[{\tt -require} {\em file}]\
- Load \Coq~compiled file {\em file}{\tt .vo} and import it ({\tt
- Require} {\em file}).
-\item[{\tt -compile} {\em file},{\tt -compile-verbose} {\em file}, {\tt -batch}]\
- {\tt coqtop} options only used internally by {\tt coqc}.
- This compiles file {\em file}{\tt .v} into {\em file}{\tt .vo} without/with a
- copy of the contents of the file on standard input. This option implies options
- {\tt -batch} (exit just after arguments parsing). It is only
- available for {\tt coqtop}.
-\item[{\tt -verbose}]\
- This option is only for {\tt coqc}. It tells to compile the file with
- a copy of its contents on standard input.
-%Mostly unused in the code
-%\item[{\tt -debug}]\
-% Switch on the debug flag.
-\item[{\tt -xml}]\
- This option is for use with {\tt coqc}. It tells \Coq\ to export on
- the standard output the content of the compiled file into XML format.
-\item[{\tt -with-geoproof} (yes|no)]\
- Activate or not special functions for Geoproof within Coqide (default is yes).
-\item[{\tt -beautify}]\
- While compiling {\em file}, pretty prints each command just after having parsing
- it in {\em file}{\tt .beautified} in order to get old-fashion
- syntax/definitions/notations.
-\item[{\tt -quality}]
- Improve the legibility of the proof terms produced by some tactics.
-\item[{\tt -emacs}, {\tt -ide-slave}]\
- Start a special main loop to communicate with ide.
-\item[{\tt -impredicative-set}]\
- Change the logical theory of {\Coq} by declaring the sort {\tt Set}
- impredicative; warning: this is known to be inconsistent with
- some standard axioms of classical mathematics such as the functional
- axiom of choice or the principle of description
-\item[{\tt -compat} {\em version}] \null
- Attempt to maintain some of the incompatible changes in their {\em version}
- behavior.
-\item[{\tt -dump-glob} {\em file}]\
- This dumps references for global names in file {\em file}
- (to be used by coqdoc, see~\ref{coqdoc})
-\item[{\tt -dont-load-proofs}]\
- Warning: this is an unsafe mode.
- Instead of loading in memory the proofs of opaque theorems, they are
- treated as axioms. This results in smaller memory requirement and
- faster compilation, but the behavior of the system might slightly change
- (for instance during module subtyping), and some features won't be
- available (for example {\tt Print Assumptions}).
-\item[{\tt -lazy-load-proofs}]\
- This is the default behavior. Proofs of opaque theorems aren't
- loaded immediately in memory, but only when necessary, for instance
- during some module subtyping or {\tt Print Assumptions}. This should be
- almost as fast and efficient as {\tt -dont-load-proofs}, with none
- of its drawbacks.
-\item[{\tt -force-load-proofs}]\
- Proofs of opaque theorems are loaded in memory as soon as the
- corresponding {\tt Require} is done. This used to be Coq's default behavior.
-\item[{\tt -no-hash-consing}] \null
-\item[{\tt -vm}]\
- This activates the use of the bytecode-based conversion algorithm
- for the current session (see Section~\ref{SetVirtualMachine}).
-\item[{\tt -image} {\em file}]\
- This option sets the binary image to be used by {\tt coqc} to be {\em file}
- instead of the standard one. Not of general use.
-\item[{\tt -bindir} {\em directory}]\
- Set for {\tt coqc} the directory containing \Coq\ binaries.
- It is equivalent to do \texttt{export COQBIN=}{\em directory}
- before launching {\tt coqc}.
-\item[{\tt -where}, {\tt -config}, {\tt -filteropts}]\
- Print the \Coq's standard library location or \Coq's binaries, dependencies,
- libraries locations or the list of command line arguments that {\tt coqtop} has
- recognize as options and exit.
-\item[{\tt -v}]\
- Print the \Coq's version and exit.
-\item[{\tt -h}, {\tt --help}]\
- Print a short usage and exit.
-\section{Compiled libraries checker ({\tt coqchk})}
-The {\tt coqchk} command takes a list of library paths as argument.
-The corresponding compiled libraries (.vo files) are searched in the
-path, recursively processing the libraries they depend on. The content
-of all these libraries is then type-checked. The effect of {\tt
- coqchk} is only to return with normal exit code in case of success,
-and with positive exit code if an error has been found. Error messages
-are not deemed to help the user understand what is wrong. In the
-current version, it does not modify the compiled libraries to mark
-them as successfully checked.
-Note that non-logical information is not checked. By logical
-information, we mean the type and optional body associated to names.
-It excludes for instance anything related to the concrete syntax of
-objects (customized syntax rules, association between short and long
-names), implicit arguments, etc.
-This tool can be used for several purposes. One is to check that a
-compiled library provided by a third-party has not been forged and
-that loading it cannot introduce inconsistencies.\footnote{Ill-formed
- non-logical information might for instance bind {\tt
- Coq.Init.Logic.True} to short name {\tt False}, so apparently {\tt
- False} is inhabited, but using fully qualified names, {\tt
- Coq.Init.Logic.False} will always refer to the absurd proposition,
- what we guarantee is that there is no proof of this latter
- constant.}
-Another point is to get an even higher level of security. Since {\tt
- coqtop} can be extended with custom tactics, possibly ill-typed
-code, it cannot be guaranteed that the produced compiled libraries are
-correct. {\tt coqchk} is a standalone verifier, and thus it cannot be
-tainted by such malicious code.
-Command-line options {\tt -I}, {\tt -R}, {\tt -where} and
-{\tt -impredicative-set} are supported by {\tt coqchk} and have the
-same meaning as for {\tt coqtop}. Extra options are:
-\item[{\tt -norec} $module$]\
- Check $module$ but do not force check of its dependencies.
-\item[{\tt -admit} $module$] \
- Do not check $module$ and any of its dependencies, unless
- explicitly required.
-\item[{\tt -o}]\
- At exit, print a summary about the context. List the names of all
- assumptions and variables (constants without body).
-\item[{\tt -silent}]\
- Do not write progress information in standard output.
-Environment variable \verb:$COQLIB: can be set to override the
-location of the standard library.
-The algorithm for deciding which modules are checked or admitted is
-the following: assuming that {\tt coqchk} is called with argument $M$,
-option {\tt -norec} $N$, and {\tt -admit} $A$. Let us write
-$\overline{S}$ the set of reflexive transitive dependencies of set
-$S$. Then:
-\item Modules $C=\overline{M}\backslash\overline{A}\cup M\cup N$ are
- loaded and type-checked before being added to the context.
-\item And $\overline{M}\cup\overline{N}\backslash C$ is the set of
- modules that are loaded and added to the context without
- type-checking. Basic integrity checks (checksums) are nonetheless
- performed.
-As a rule of thumb, the {\tt -admit} can be used to tell that some
-libraries have already been checked. So {\tt coqchk A B} can be split
-in {\tt coqchk A \&\& coqchk B -admit A} without type-checking any
-definition twice. Of course, the latter is slightly slower since it
-makes more disk access. It is also less secure since an attacker might
-have replaced the compiled library $A$ after it has been read by the
-first command, but before it has been read by the second command.
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-\newcommand{\DPL}{Mathematical Proof Language}
-\chapter{The \DPL\label{DPL}\index{DPL}}
-In this chapter, we describe an alternative language that may be used
-to do proofs using the Coq proof assistant. The language described
-here uses the same objects (proof-terms) as Coq, but it differs in the
-way proofs are described. This language was created by Pierre
-Corbineau at the Radboud University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
-The intent is to provide language where proofs are less formalism-{}
-and implementation-{}sensitive, and in the process to ease a bit the
-learning of computer-{}aided proof verification.
-\subsection{What is a declarative proof ?{}}
-In vanilla Coq, proofs are written in the imperative style: the user
-issues commands that transform a so called proof state until it
-reaches a state where the proof is completed. In the process, the user
-mostly described the transitions of this system rather than the
-intermediate states it goes through.
-The purpose of a declarative proof language is to take the opposite
-approach where intermediate states are always given by the user, but
-the transitions of the system are automated as much as possible.
-\subsection{Well-formedness and Completeness}
-The \DPL{} introduces a notion of well-formed
-proofs which are weaker than correct (and complete)
-proofs. Well-formed proofs are actually proof script where only the
-reasoning is incomplete. All the other aspects of the proof are
-\item All objects referred to exist where they are used
-\item Conclusion steps actually prove something related to the
- conclusion of the theorem (the {\tt thesis}.
-\item Hypothesis introduction steps are done when the goal is an
- implication with a corresponding assumption.
-\item Sub-objects in the elimination steps for tuples are correct
- sub-objects of the tuple being decomposed.
-\item Patterns in case analysis are type-correct, and induction is well guarded.
-\subsection{Note for tactics users}
-This section explain what differences the casual Coq user will
-experience using the \DPL .
-\item The focusing mechanism is constrained so that only one goal at
- a time is visible.
-\item Giving a statement that Coq cannot prove does not produce an
- error, only a warning: this allows to go on with the proof and fill
- the gap later.
-\item Tactics can still be used for justifications and after
-The \DPL{} is available for all Coq interfaces that use
-text-based interaction, including:
-\item the command-{}line toplevel {\texttt{coqtop}}
-\item the native GUI {\texttt{coqide}}
-\item the Proof-{}General emacs mode
-\item Cezary Kaliszyk'{}s Web interface
-\item L.E. Mamane'{}s tmEgg TeXmacs plugin
-However it is not supported by structured editors such as PCoq.
-Here is a complete formal description of the syntax for DPL commands.
- instruction & ::= & {\tt proof} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt assume } \nelist{statement}{\tt and}
- \zeroone{[{\tt and } \{{\tt we have}\}-clause]} \\
- & $|$ & \{{\tt let},{\tt be}\}-clause \\
- & $|$ & \{{\tt given}\}-clause \\
- & $|$ & \{{\tt consider}\}-clause {\tt from} term \\
- & $|$ & ({\tt have} $|$ {\tt then} $|$ {\tt thus} $|$ {\tt hence}]) statement
- justification \\
- & $|$ & \zeroone{\tt thus} ($\sim${\tt =}|{\tt =}$\sim$) \zeroone{\ident{\tt :}}\term\relax justification \\ & $|$ & {\tt suffices} (\{{\tt to have}\}-clause $|$
- \nelist{statement}{\tt and } \zeroone{{\tt and} \{{\tt to have}\}-clause})\\
- & & {\tt to show} statement justification \\
- & $|$ & ({\tt claim} $|$ {\tt focus on}) statement \\
- & $|$ & {\tt take} \term \\
- & $|$ & {\tt define} \ident \sequence{var}{,} {\tt as} \term\\
- & $|$ & {\tt reconsider} (\ident $|$ {\tt thesis}) {\tt as} type\\
- & $|$ &
- {\tt per} ({\tt cases}$|${\tt induction}) {\tt on} \term \\
- & $|$ & {\tt per cases of} type justification \\
- & $|$ & {\tt suppose} \zeroone{\nelist{ident}{,} {\tt and}}~
- {\tt it is }pattern\\
- & & \zeroone{{\tt such that} \nelist{statement} {\tt and} \zeroone{{\tt and} \{{\tt we have}\}-clause}} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt end}
- ({\tt proof} $|$ {\tt claim} $|$ {\tt focus} $|$ {\tt cases} $|$ {\tt induction}) \\
- & $|$ & {\tt escape} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt return} \medskip \\
- \{$\alpha,\beta$\}-clause & ::=& $\alpha$ \nelist{var}{,}~
- $\beta$ {\tt such that} \nelist{statement}{\tt and } \\
- & & \zeroone{{\tt and } \{$\alpha,\beta$\}-clause} \medskip\\
- statement & ::= & \zeroone{\ident {\tt :}} type \\
- & $|$ & {\tt thesis} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt thesis for} \ident \medskip \\
- var & ::= & \ident \zeroone{{\tt :} type} \medskip \\
- justification & ::= &
- \zeroone{{\tt by} ({\tt *} | \nelist{\term}{,})}
- ~\zeroone{{\tt using} tactic} \\
-\caption{Syntax of mathematical proof commands}
-The lexical conventions used here follows those of section \ref{lexical}.
- \item {\texttt{<{}tactic>{}}} stands for an Coq tactic.
- \end{itemize}
-\subsection{Temporary names}
-In proof commands where an optional name is asked for, omitting the
-name will trigger the creation of a fresh temporary name (e.g. for a
-hypothesis). Temporary names always start with an undescore '\_'
-character (e.g. {\tt \_hyp0}). Temporary names have a lifespan of one
-command: they get erased after the next command. They can however be safely in the step after their creation.
-\section{Language description}
-\subsection{Starting and Ending a mathematical proof}
- The standard way to use the \DPL is to first state a {\texttt{Lemma/Theorem/Definition}} and then use the {\texttt{proof}} command to switch the current subgoal to mathematical mode. After the proof is completed, the {\texttt{end proof}} command will close the mathematical proof. If any subgoal remains to be proved, they will be displayed using the usual Coq display.
-Theorem this_is_trivial: True.
- thus thesis.
-end proof.
-The {\texttt{proof}} command only applies to \emph{one subgoal}, thus
-if several sub-goals are already present, the {\texttt{proof .. end
- proof}} sequence has to be used several times.
-Theorem T: (True /\ True) /\ True.
- split. split.
- Show.
- proof. (* first subgoal *)
- thus thesis.
- end proof.
- trivial. (* second subgoal *)
- proof. (* third subgoal *)
- thus thesis.
- end proof.
-As with all other block structures, the {\texttt{end proof}} command
-assumes that your proof is complete. If not, executing it will be
-equivalent to admitting that the statement is proved: A warning will
-be issued and you will not be able to run the {\texttt{Qed}}
-command. Instead, you can run {\texttt{Admitted}} if you wish to start
-another theorem and come back
-Theorem this_is_not_so_trivial: False.
-end proof. (* here a warning is issued *)
-Qed. (* fails : the proof in incomplete *)
-Admitted. (* Oops! *)
-Reset this_is_not_so_trivial.
-\subsection{Switching modes}
-When writing a mathematical proof, you may wish to use procedural
-tactics at some point. One way to do so is to write a using-{}phrase
-in a deduction step (see section~\ref{justifications}). The other way
-is to use an {\texttt{escape...return}} block.
-Theorem T: True.
- Show.
- escape.
- auto.
- return.
-The return statement expects all subgoals to be closed, otherwise a
-warning is issued and the proof cannot be saved anymore.
-It is possible to use the {\texttt{proof}} command inside an
-{\texttt{escape...return}} block, thus nesting a mathematical proof
-inside a procedural proof inside a mathematical proof ...
-\subsection{Computation steps}
-The {\tt reconsider ... as} command allows to change the type of a hypothesis or of {\tt thesis} to a convertible one.
-Theorem T: let a:=false in let b:= true in ( if a then True else False -> if b then True else False).
-intros a b.
-assume H:(if a then True else False).
- Show.
- reconsider H as False.
- reconsider thesis as True.
-\subsection{Deduction steps}
-The most common instruction in a mathematical proof is the deduction step:
- it asserts a new statement (a formula/type of the \CIC) and tries to prove it using a user-provided indication : the justification. The asserted statement is then added as a hypothesis to the proof context.
-Theorem T: forall x, x=2 -> 2+x=4.
-let x be such that H:(x=2).
- Show.
- have H':(2+x=2+2) by H.
-It is very often the case that the justifications uses the last hypothesis introduced in the context, so the {\tt then} keyword can be used as a shortcut, e.g. if we want to do the same as the last example :
-Theorem T: forall x, x=2 -> 2+x=4.
-let x be such that H:(x=2).
- Show.
- then (2+x=2+2).
-In this example, you can also see the creation of a temporary name {\tt \_fact}.
-\subsection{Iterated equalities}
-A common proof pattern when doing a chain of deductions, is to do
-multiple rewriting steps over the same term, thus proving the
-corresponding equalities. The iterated equalities are a syntactic
-support for this kind of reasoning:
-Theorem T: forall x, x=2 -> x + x = x * x.
-let x be such that H:(x=2).
- Show.
- have (4 = 4).
- ~= (2 * 2).
- ~= (x * x) by H.
- =~ (2 + 2).
- =~ H':(x + x) by H.
-Notice that here we use temporary names heavily.
-When an intermediate step in a proof gets too complicated or involves a well contained set of intermediate deductions, it can be useful to insert its proof as a subproof of the current proof. this is done by using the {\tt claim ... end claim} pair of commands.
-Theorem T: forall x, x + x = x * x -> x = 0 \/ x = 2.
-let x be such that H:(x + x = x * x).
-claim H':((x - 2) * x = 0).
-A few steps later ...
-thus thesis.
-end claim.
-Now the rest of the proof can happen.
-\subsection{Conclusion steps}
-The commands described above have a conclusion counterpart, where the
-new hypothesis is used to refine the conclusion.
- \centering
- X & \,simple\, & \,with previous step\, &
- \,opens sub-proof\, & \,iterated equality\, \\
-intermediate step & {\tt have} & {\tt then} &
- {\tt claim} & {\tt $\sim$=/=$\sim$}\\
-conclusion step & {\tt thus} & {\tt hence} &
- {\tt focus on} & {\tt thus $\sim$=/=$\sim$}\\
-\caption{Correspondence between basic forward steps and conclusion steps}
-Let us begin with simple examples :
-Theorem T: forall (A B:Prop), A -> B -> A /\ B.
-intros A B HA HB.
-hence B.
-In the next example, we have to use {\tt thus} because {\tt HB} is no longer
-the last hypothesis.
-Theorem T: forall (A B C:Prop), A -> B -> C -> A /\ B /\ C.
-intros A B C HA HB HC.
-thus B by HB.
-The command fails the refinement process cannot find a place to fit
-the object in a proof of the conclusion.
-Theorem T: forall (A B C:Prop), A -> B -> C -> A /\ B.
-intros A B C HA HB HC.
-hence C. (* fails *)
-The refinement process may induce non
-reversible choices, e.g. when proving a disjunction it may {\it
- choose} one side of the disjunction.
-Theorem T: forall (A B:Prop), B -> A \/ B.
-intros A B HB.
-hence B.
-In this example you can see that the right branch was chosen since {\tt D} remains to be proved.
-Theorem T: forall (A B C D:Prop), C -> D -> (A /\ B) \/ (C /\ D).
-intros A B C D HC HD.
-thus C by HC.
-Now for existential statements, we can use the {\tt take} command to
-choose {\tt 2} as an explicit witness of existence.
-Theorem T: forall (P:nat -> Prop), P 2 -> exists x,P x.
-intros P HP.
-take 2.
-It is also possible to prove the existence directly.
-Theorem T: forall (P:nat -> Prop), P 2 -> exists x,P x.
-intros P HP.
-hence (P 2).
-Here a more involved example where the choice of {\tt P 2} propagates
-the choice of {\tt 2} to another part of the formula.
-Theorem T: forall (P:nat -> Prop) (R:nat -> nat -> Prop), P 2 -> R 0 2 -> exists x, exists y, P y /\ R x y.
-intros P R HP HR.
-thus (P 2) by HP.
-Now, an example with the {\tt suffices} command. {\tt suffices}
-is a sort of dual for {\tt have}: it allows to replace the conclusion
-(or part of it) by a sufficient condition.
-Theorem T: forall (A B:Prop) (P:nat -> Prop), (forall x, P x -> B) -> A -> A /\ B.
-intros A B P HP HA.
-suffices to have x such that HP':(P x) to show B by HP,HP'.
-Finally, an example where {\tt focus} is handy : local assumptions.
-Theorem T: forall (A:Prop) (P:nat -> Prop), P 2 -> A -> A /\ (forall x, x = 2 -> P x).
-intros A P HP HA.
-focus on (forall x, x = 2 -> P x).
-let x be such that (x = 2).
-hence thesis by HP.
-end focus.
-\subsection{Declaring an Abbreviation}
-In order to shorten long expressions, it is possible to use the {\tt
- define ... as ...} command to give a name to recurring expressions.
-Theorem T: forall x, x = 0 -> x + x = x * x .
-let x be such that H:(x = 0).
-define sqr x as (x * x).
-reconsider thesis as (x + x = sqr x).
-\subsection{Introduction steps}
-When the {\tt thesis} consists of a hypothetical formula (implication
-or universal quantification (e.g. \verb+A -> B+) , it is possible to
-assume the hypothetical part {\tt A} and then prove {\tt B}. In the
-\DPL{}, this comes in two syntactic flavors that are semantically
-equivalent : {\tt let} and {\tt assume}. Their syntax is designed so that {\tt let} works better for universal quantifiers and {\tt assume} for implications.
-Theorem T: forall (P:nat -> Prop), forall x, P x -> P x.
-let P:(nat -> Prop).
-let x:nat.
-assume HP:(P x).
-In the {\tt let} variant, the type of the assumed object is optional
-provided it can be deduced from the command. The objects introduced by
-let can be followed by assumptions using {\tt such that}.
-Theorem T: forall (P:nat -> Prop), forall x, P x -> P x.
-let P:(nat -> Prop).
-let x. (* fails because x's type is not clear *)
-let x be such that HP:(P x). (* here x's type is inferred from (P x) *)
-In the {\tt assume } variant, the type of the assumed object is mandatory but the name is optional :
-Theorem T: forall (P:nat -> Prop), forall x, P x -> P x -> P x.
-let P:(nat -> Prop).
-let x:nat.
-assume (P x). (* temporary name created *)
-After {\tt such that}, it is also the case :
-Theorem T: forall (P:nat -> Prop), forall x, P x -> P x.
-let P:(nat -> Prop).
-let x be such that (P x). (* temporary name created *)
-\subsection{Tuple elimination steps}
-In the \CIC, many objects dealt with in simple proofs are tuples :
-pairs , records, existentially quantified formulas. These are so
-common that the \DPL{} provides a mechanism to extract members of
-those tuples, and also objects in tuples within tuples within
-Theorem T: forall (P:nat -> Prop) (A:Prop), (exists x, (P x /\ A)) -> A.
-let P:(nat -> Prop),A:Prop be such that H:(exists x, P x /\ A) .
-consider x such that HP:(P x) and HA:A from H.
-Here is an example with pairs:
-Theorem T: forall p:(nat * nat)%type, (fst p >= snd p) \/ (fst p < snd p).
-let p:(nat * nat)%type.
-consider x:nat,y:nat from p.
-reconsider thesis as (x >= y \/ x < y).
-It is sometimes desirable to combine assumption and tuple
-decomposition. This can be done using the {\tt given} command.
-Theorem T: forall P:(nat -> Prop), (forall n , P n -> P (n - 1)) ->
-(exists m, P m) -> P 0.
-let P:(nat -> Prop) be such that HP:(forall n , P n -> P (n - 1)).
-given m such that Hm:(P m).
-\subsection{Disjunctive reasoning}
-In some proofs (most of them usually) one has to consider several
-cases and prove that the {\tt thesis} holds in all the cases. This is
-done by first specifying which object will be subject to case
-distinction (usually a disjunction) using {\tt per cases}, and then specifying which case is being proved by using {\tt suppose}.
-Theorem T: forall (A B C:Prop), (A -> C) -> (B -> C) -> (A \/ B) -> C.
-let A:Prop,B:Prop,C:Prop be such that HAC:(A -> C) and HBC:(B -> C).
-assume HAB:(A \/ B).
-per cases on HAB.
-suppose A.
- hence thesis by HAC.
-suppose HB:B.
- thus thesis by HB,HBC.
-end cases.
-The proof is well formed (but incomplete) even if you type {\tt end
- cases} or the next {\tt suppose} before the previous case is proved.
-If the disjunction is derived from a more general principle, e.g. the
-excluded middle axiom), it is desirable to just specify which instance
-of it is being used :
-Section Coq.
-Hypothesis EM : forall P:Prop, P \/ ~ P.
-Theorem T: forall (A C:Prop), (A -> C) -> (~A -> C) -> C.
-let A:Prop,C:Prop be such that HAC:(A -> C) and HNAC:(~A -> C).
-per cases of (A \/ ~A) by EM.
-suppose (~A).
- hence thesis by HNAC.
-suppose A.
- hence thesis by HAC.
-end cases.
-\subsection{Proofs per cases}
-If the case analysis is to be made on a particular object, the script
-is very similar: it starts with {\tt per cases on }\emph{object} instead.
-Theorem T: forall (A C:Prop), (A -> C) -> (~A -> C) -> C.
-let A:Prop,C:Prop be such that HAC:(A -> C) and HNAC:(~A -> C).
-per cases on (EM A).
-suppose (~A).
-End Coq.
-If the object on which a case analysis occurs in the statement to be
-proved, the command {\tt suppose it is }\emph{pattern} is better
-suited than {\tt suppose}. \emph{pattern} may contain nested patterns
-with {\tt as} clauses. A detailed description of patterns is to be
-found in figure \ref{term-syntax-aux}. here is an example.
-Theorem T: forall (A B:Prop) (x:bool), (if x then A else B) -> A \/ B.
-let A:Prop,B:Prop,x:bool.
-per cases on x.
-suppose it is true.
- assume A.
- hence A.
-suppose it is false.
- assume B.
- hence B.
-end cases.
-\subsection{Proofs by induction}
-Proofs by induction are very similar to proofs per cases: they start
-with {\tt per induction on }{\tt object} and proceed with {\tt suppose
- it is }\emph{pattern}{\tt and }\emph{induction hypothesis}. The
-induction hypothesis can be given explicitly or identified by the
-sub-object $m$ it refers to using {\tt thesis for }\emph{m}.
-Theorem T: forall (n:nat), n + 0 = n.
-let n:nat.
-per induction on n.
-suppose it is 0.
- thus (0 + 0 = 0).
-suppose it is (S m) and H:thesis for m.
- then (S (m + 0) = S m).
- thus =~ (S m + 0).
-end induction.
-Intuitively, justifications are hints for the system to understand how
-to prove the statements the user types in. In the case of this
-language justifications are made of two components:
-Justification objects : {\texttt{by}} followed by a comma-{}separated
-list of objects that will be used by a selected tactic to prove the
-statement. This defaults to the empty list (the statement should then
-be tautological). The * wildcard provides the usual tactics behavior:
-use all statements in local context. However, this wildcard should be
-avoided since it reduces the robustness of the script.
-Justification tactic : {\texttt{using}} followed by a Coq tactic that
-is executed to prove the statement. The default is a solver for
-(intuitionistic) first-{}order with equality.
-\section{More details and Formal Semantics}
-I suggest the users looking for more information have a look at the
-paper \cite{corbineau08types}. They will find in that paper a formal
-semantics of the proof state transition induces by mathematical
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-\chapter[Extensions of \Gallina{}]{Extensions of \Gallina{}\label{Gallina-extension}\index{Gallina}}
-{\gallina} is the kernel language of {\Coq}. We describe here extensions of
-the Gallina's syntax.
-\section{Record types
-The \verb+Record+ construction is a macro allowing the definition of
-records as is done in many programming languages. Its syntax is
-described on Figure~\ref{record-syntax}. In fact, the \verb+Record+
-macro is more general than the usual record types, since it allows
-also for ``manifest'' expressions. In this sense, the \verb+Record+
-construction allows to define ``signatures''.
-{\sentence} & ++= & {\record}\\
- & & \\
-{\record} & ::= &
- {\recordkw} {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} \zeroone{{\tt :} {\sort}} \verb.:=. \\
-&& ~~~~\zeroone{\ident}
- \verb!{! \zeroone{\nelist{\field}{;}} \verb!}! \verb:.:\\
- & & \\
-{\recordkw} & ::= &
- {\tt Record} $|$ {\tt Inductive} $|$ {\tt CoInductive}\\
- & & \\
-{\field} & ::= & {\name} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type} [ {\tt where} {\it notation} ] \\
- & $|$ & {\name} \zeroone{\binders} {\typecstr} := {\term}
-\caption{Syntax for the definition of {\tt Record}}
-\noindent In the expression
-{\tt Record} {\ident} {\params} \texttt{:}
- {\sort} := {\ident$_0$} \verb+{+
- {\ident$_1$} \binders$_1$ \texttt{:} {\term$_1$};
- \dots
- {\ident$_n$} \binders$_n$ \texttt{:} {\term$_n$} \verb+}+.
-\noindent the identifier {\ident} is the name of the defined record
-and {\sort} is its type. The identifier {\ident$_0$} is the name of
-its constructor. If {\ident$_0$} is omitted, the default name {\tt
-Build\_{\ident}} is used. If {\sort} is omitted, the default sort is ``{\Type}''.
-The identifiers {\ident$_1$}, ..,
-{\ident$_n$} are the names of fields and {\tt forall} \binders$_1${\tt ,} {\term$_1$}, ..., {\tt forall} \binders$_n${\tt ,} {\term$_n$}
-their respective types. Remark that the type of {\ident$_i$} may
-depend on the previous {\ident$_j$} (for $j<i$). Thus the order of the
-fields is important. Finally, {\params} are the parameters of the
-More generally, a record may have explicitly defined (a.k.a.
-manifest) fields. For instance, {\tt Record} {\ident} {\tt [}
-{\params} {\tt ]} \texttt{:} {\sort} := \verb+{+ {\ident$_1$}
-\texttt{:} {\type$_1$} \verb+;+ {\ident$_2$} \texttt{:=} {\term$_2$}
-\verb+;+ {\ident$_3$} \texttt{:} {\type$_3$} \verb+}+ in which case
-the correctness of {\type$_3$} may rely on the instance {\term$_2$} of
-{\ident$_2$} and {\term$_2$} in turn may depend on {\ident$_1$}.
-The set of rational numbers may be defined as:
-Reset Initial.
-Record Rat : Set := mkRat
- {sign : bool;
- top : nat;
- bottom : nat;
- Rat_bottom_cond : 0 <> bottom;
- Rat_irred_cond :
- forall x y z:nat, (x * y) = top /\ (x * z) = bottom -> x = 1}.
-Remark here that the field
-\verb+Rat_cond+ depends on the field \verb+bottom+.
-%Let us now see the work done by the {\tt Record} macro.
-%First the macro generates an inductive definition
-%with just one constructor:
-%{\tt Inductive {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\sort} := \\
-%\mbox{}\hspace{0.4cm} {\ident$_0$} : forall ({\ident$_1$}:{\term$_1$}) ..
-%({\ident$_n$}:{\term$_n$}), {\ident} {\rm\sl params}.}
-Let us now see the work done by the {\tt Record} macro. First the
-macro generates an inductive definition with just one constructor:
-{\tt Inductive {\ident} {\params} :{\sort} :=} \\
-\qquad {\tt
- {\ident$_0$} ({\ident$_1$}:{\term$_1$}) .. ({\ident$_n$}:{\term$_n$}).}
-To build an object of type {\ident}, one should provide the
-constructor {\ident$_0$} with $n$ terms filling the fields of
-the record.
-As an example, let us define the rational $1/2$:
-Require Import Arith.
-Theorem one_two_irred :
- forall x y z:nat, x * y = 1 /\ x * z = 2 -> x = 1.
-Lemma mult_m_n_eq_m_1 : forall m n:nat, m * n = 1 -> m = 1.
-destruct m; trivial.
-intros; apply f_equal with (f := S).
-destruct m; trivial.
-destruct n; simpl in H.
- rewrite <- mult_n_O in H.
- discriminate.
- rewrite <- plus_n_Sm in H.
- discriminate.
-intros x y z [H1 H2].
- apply mult_m_n_eq_m_1 with (n := y); trivial.
-Definition half := mkRat true 1 2 (O_S 1) one_two_irred.
-Check half.
-The macro generates also, when it is possible, the projection
-functions for destructuring an object of type {\ident}. These
-projection functions have the same name that the corresponding
-fields. If a field is named ``\verb=_='' then no projection is built
-for it. In our example:
-Eval compute in half.(top).
-Eval compute in half.(bottom).
-Eval compute in half.(Rat_bottom_cond).
-Reset Initial.
-Records defined with the {\tt Record} keyword are not allowed to be
-recursive (references to the record's name in the type of its field
-raises an error). To define recursive records, one can use the {\tt
- Inductive} and {\tt CoInductive} keywords, resulting in an inductive
-or co-inductive record. A \emph{caveat}, however, is that records
-cannot appear in mutually inductive (or co-inductive) definitions.
-\item {\tt Warning: {\ident$_i$} cannot be defined.}
- It can happen that the definition of a projection is impossible.
- This message is followed by an explanation of this impossibility.
- There may be three reasons:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item The name {\ident$_i$} already exists in the environment (see
- Section~\ref{Axiom}).
- \item The body of {\ident$_i$} uses an incorrect elimination for
- {\ident} (see Sections~\ref{Fixpoint} and~\ref{Caseexpr}).
- \item The type of the projections {\ident$_i$} depends on previous
- projections which themselves could not be defined.
- \end{enumerate}
-\item \errindex{Records declared with the keyword Record or Structure cannot be recursive.}
- The record name {\ident} appears in the type of its fields, but uses
- the keyword {\tt Record}. Use the keyword {\tt Inductive} or {\tt
- CoInductive} instead.
-\item \errindex{Cannot handle mutually (co)inductive records.}
- Records cannot be defined as part of mutually inductive (or
- co-inductive) definitions, whether with records only or mixed with
- standard definitions.
-\item During the definition of the one-constructor inductive
- definition, all the errors of inductive definitions, as described in
- Section~\ref{gal_Inductive_Definitions}, may also occur.
-\SeeAlso Coercions and records in Section~\ref{Coercions-and-records}
-of the chapter devoted to coercions.
-\Rem {\tt Structure} is a synonym of the keyword {\tt Record}.
-\Rem Creation of an object of record type can be done by calling {\ident$_0$}
-and passing arguments in the correct order.
-Record point := { x : nat; y : nat }.
-Definition a := Build_point 5 3.
-The following syntax allows to create objects by using named fields. The
-fields do not have to be in any particular order, nor do they have to be all
-present if the missing ones can be inferred or prompted for (see
-Definition b := {| x := 5; y := 3 |}.
-Definition c := {| y := 3; x := 5 |}.
-This syntax can be disabled globally for printing by
-{\tt Unset Printing Records.}
-For a given type, one can override this using either
-{\tt Add Printing Record {\ident}.}
-to get record syntax or
-{\tt Add Printing Constructor {\ident}.}
-to get constructor syntax.
-This syntax can also be used for pattern matching.
-Eval compute in (
- match b with
- | {| y := S n |} => n
- | _ => 0
- end).
-Reset Initial.
-\Rem An experimental syntax for projections based on a dot notation is
-available. The command to activate it is
-{\tt Set Printing Projections.}
-{\term} & ++= & {\term} {\tt .(} {\qualid} {\tt )}\\
- & $|$ & {\term} {\tt .(} {\qualid} \nelist{\termarg}{} {\tt )}\\
- & $|$ & {\term} {\tt .(} {@}{\qualid} \nelist{\term}{} {\tt )}
-\caption{Syntax of \texttt{Record} projections}
-The corresponding grammar rules are given Figure~\ref{fig:projsyntax}.
-When {\qualid} denotes a projection, the syntax {\tt
- {\term}.({\qualid})} is equivalent to {\qualid~\term}, the syntax
-{\tt {\term}.({\qualid}~{\termarg}$_1$~ \ldots~ {\termarg}$_n$)} to
-{\qualid~{\termarg}$_1$ \ldots {\termarg}$_n$~\term}, and the syntax
-{\tt {\term}.(@{\qualid}~{\term}$_1$~\ldots~{\term}$_n$)} to
-{@\qualid~{\term}$_1$ \ldots {\term}$_n$~\term}. In each case, {\term}
-is the object projected and the other arguments are the parameters of
-the inductive type.
-To deactivate the printing of projections, use
-{\tt Unset Printing Projections}.
-\section{Variants and extensions of {\mbox{\tt match}}
-\index{match@{\tt match\ldots with\ldots end}}}
-\subsection{Multiple and nested pattern-matching
-\index{ML-like patterns}
-The basic version of \verb+match+ allows pattern-matching on simple
-patterns. As an extension, multiple nested patterns or disjunction of
-patterns are allowed, as in ML-like languages.
-The extension just acts as a macro that is expanded during parsing
-into a sequence of {\tt match} on simple patterns. Especially, a
-construction defined using the extended {\tt match} is generally
-printed under its expanded form (see~\texttt{Set Printing Matching} in
-\SeeAlso Chapter~\ref{Mult-match-full}.
-\subsection{Pattern-matching on boolean values: the {\tt if} expression
-\index{if@{\tt if ... then ... else}}}
-For inductive types with exactly two constructors and for
-pattern-matchings expressions which do not depend on the arguments of
-the constructors, it is possible to use a {\tt if ... then ... else}
-notation. For instance, the definition
-Definition not (b:bool) :=
- match b with
- | true => false
- | false => true
- end.
-\noindent can be alternatively written
-Reset not.
-Definition not (b:bool) := if b then false else true.
-More generally, for an inductive type with constructors {\tt C$_1$}
-and {\tt C$_2$}, we have the following equivalence
-{\tt if {\term} \zeroone{\ifitem} then {\term}$_1$ else {\term}$_2$} $\equiv$
-{\tt match {\term} \zeroone{\ifitem} with}\\
-{\tt \verb!|! C$_1$ \_ {\ldots} \_ \verb!=>! {\term}$_1$} \\
-{\tt \verb!|! C$_2$ \_ {\ldots} \_ \verb!=>! {\term}$_2$} \\
-{\tt end}
-Here is an example.
-Check (fun x (H:{x=0}+{x<>0}) =>
- match H with
- | left _ => true
- | right _ => false
- end).
-Notice that the printing uses the {\tt if} syntax because {\tt sumbool} is
-declared as such (see Section~\ref{printing-options}).
-\subsection{Irrefutable patterns: the destructuring {\tt let} variants
-\index{let in@{\tt let ... in}}
-Pattern-matching on terms inhabiting inductive type having only one
-constructor can be alternatively written using {\tt let ... in ...}
-constructions. There are two variants of them.
-\subsubsection{First destructuring {\tt let} syntax}
-The expression {\tt let
-(}~{\ident$_1$},\ldots,{\ident$_n$}~{\tt ) :=}~{\term$_0$}~{\tt
-in}~{\term$_1$} performs case analysis on a {\term$_0$} which must be in
-an inductive type with one constructor having itself $n$ arguments. Variables
-{\ident$_1$}\ldots{\ident$_n$} are bound to the $n$ arguments of the
-constructor in expression {\term$_1$}. For instance, the definition
-Definition fst (A B:Set) (H:A * B) := match H with
- | pair x y => x
- end.
-can be alternatively written
-Reset fst.
-Definition fst (A B:Set) (p:A * B) := let (x, _) := p in x.
-Notice that reduction is different from regular {\tt let ... in ...}
-construction since it happens only if {\term$_0$} is in constructor
-form. Otherwise, the reduction is blocked.
-The pretty-printing of a definition by matching on a
-irrefutable pattern can either be done using {\tt match} or the {\tt
-let} construction (see Section~\ref{printing-options}).
-If {\term} inhabits an inductive type with one constructor {\tt C},
-we have an equivalence between
-{\tt let ({\ident}$_1$,\ldots,{\ident}$_n$) \zeroone{\ifitem} := {\term} in {\term}'}
-\noindent and
-{\tt match {\term} \zeroone{\ifitem} with C {\ident}$_1$ {\ldots} {\ident}$_n$ \verb!=>! {\term}' end}
-\subsubsection{Second destructuring {\tt let} syntax\index{let '... in}}
-Another destructuring {\tt let} syntax is available for inductive types with
-one constructor by giving an arbitrary pattern instead of just a tuple
-for all the arguments. For example, the preceding example can be written:
-Reset fst.
-Definition fst (A B:Set) (p:A*B) := let 'pair x _ := p in x.
-This is useful to match deeper inside tuples and also to use notations
-for the pattern, as the syntax {\tt let 'p := t in b} allows arbitrary
-patterns to do the deconstruction. For example:
-Definition deep_tuple (A:Set) (x:(A*A)*(A*A)) : A*A*A*A :=
- let '((a,b), (c, d)) := x in (a,b,c,d).
-Notation " x 'with' p " := (exist _ x p) (at level 20).
-Definition proj1_sig' (A:Set) (P:A->Prop) (t:{ x:A | P x }) : A :=
- let 'x with p := t in x.
-When printing definitions which are written using this construct it
-takes precedence over {\tt let} printing directives for the datatype
-under consideration (see Section~\ref{printing-options}).
-\subsection{Controlling pretty-printing of {\tt match} expressions
-The following commands give some control over the pretty-printing of
-{\tt match} expressions.
-\subsubsection{Printing nested patterns
-\comindex{Set Printing Matching}
-\comindex{Unset Printing Matching}
-\comindex{Test Printing Matching}}
-The Calculus of Inductive Constructions knows pattern-matching only
-over simple patterns. It is however convenient to re-factorize nested
-pattern-matching into a single pattern-matching over a nested pattern.
-{\Coq}'s printer try to do such limited re-factorization.
-{\tt Set Printing Matching.}
-This tells {\Coq} to try to use nested patterns. This is the default
-{\tt Unset Printing Matching.}
-This tells {\Coq} to print only simple pattern-matching problems in
-the same way as the {\Coq} kernel handles them.
-{\tt Test Printing Matching.}
-This tells if the printing matching mode is on or off. The default is
-\subsubsection{Printing of wildcard pattern
-\comindex{Set Printing Wildcard}
-\comindex{Unset Printing Wildcard}
-\comindex{Test Printing Wildcard}}
-Some variables in a pattern may not occur in the right-hand side of
-the pattern-matching clause. There are options to control the
-display of these variables.
-{\tt Set Printing Wildcard.}
-The variables having no occurrences in the right-hand side of the
-pattern-matching clause are just printed using the wildcard symbol
-``{\tt \_}''.
-{\tt Unset Printing Wildcard.}
-The variables, even useless, are printed using their usual name. But some
-non dependent variables have no name. These ones are still printed
-using a ``{\tt \_}''.
-{\tt Test Printing Wildcard.}
-This tells if the wildcard printing mode is on or off. The default is
-to print wildcard for useless variables.
-\subsubsection{Printing of the elimination predicate
-\comindex{Set Printing Synth}
-\comindex{Unset Printing Synth}
-\comindex{Test Printing Synth}}
-In most of the cases, the type of the result of a matched term is
-mechanically synthesizable. Especially, if the result type does not
-depend of the matched term.
-{\tt Set Printing Synth.}
-The result type is not printed when {\Coq} knows that it can
-re-synthesize it.
-{\tt Unset Printing Synth.}
-This forces the result type to be always printed.
-{\tt Test Printing Synth.}
-This tells if the non-printing of synthesizable types is on or off.
-The default is to not print synthesizable types.
-\subsubsection{Printing matching on irrefutable pattern
-\comindex{Add Printing Let {\ident}}
-\comindex{Remove Printing Let {\ident}}
-\comindex{Test Printing Let for {\ident}}
-\comindex{Print Table Printing Let}}
-If an inductive type has just one constructor,
-pattern-matching can be written using {\tt let} ... {\tt :=}
-... {\tt in}~...
-{\tt Add Printing Let {\ident}.}
-This adds {\ident} to the list of inductive types for which
-pattern-matching is written using a {\tt let} expression.
-{\tt Remove Printing Let {\ident}.}
-This removes {\ident} from this list.
-{\tt Test Printing Let for {\ident}.}
-This tells if {\ident} belongs to the list.
-{\tt Print Table Printing Let.}
-This prints the list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is
-written using a {\tt let} expression.
-The list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is written
-using a {\tt let} expression is managed synchronously. This means that
-it is sensible to the command {\tt Reset}.
-\subsubsection{Printing matching on booleans
-\comindex{Add Printing If {\ident}}
-\comindex{Remove Printing If {\ident}}
-\comindex{Test Printing If for {\ident}}
-\comindex{Print Table Printing If}}
-If an inductive type is isomorphic to the boolean type,
-pattern-matching can be written using {\tt if} ... {\tt then} ... {\tt
- else} ...
-{\tt Add Printing If {\ident}.}
-This adds {\ident} to the list of inductive types for which
-pattern-matching is written using an {\tt if} expression.
-{\tt Remove Printing If {\ident}.}
-This removes {\ident} from this list.
-{\tt Test Printing If for {\ident}.}
-This tells if {\ident} belongs to the list.
-{\tt Print Table Printing If.}
-This prints the list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is
-written using an {\tt if} expression.
-The list of inductive types for which pattern-matching is written
-using an {\tt if} expression is managed synchronously. This means that
-it is sensible to the command {\tt Reset}.
-This example emphasizes what the printing options offer.
-Test Printing Let for prod.
-Print fst.
-Remove Printing Let prod.
-Unset Printing Synth.
-Unset Printing Wildcard.
-Print fst.
-% \subsection{Still not dead old notations}
-% The following variant of {\tt match} is inherited from older version
-% of {\Coq}.
-% \medskip
-% \begin{tabular}{lcl}
-% {\term} & ::= & {\annotation} {\tt Match} {\term} {\tt with} {\terms} {\tt end}\\
-% \end{tabular}
-% \medskip
-% This syntax is a macro generating a combination of {\tt match} with {\tt
-% Fix} implementing a combinator for primitive recursion equivalent to
-% the {\tt Match} construction of \Coq\ V5.8. It is provided only for
-% sake of compatibility with \Coq\ V5.8. It is recommended to avoid it.
-% (see Section~\ref{Matchexpr}).
-% There is also a notation \texttt{Case} that is the
-% ancestor of \texttt{match}. Again, it is still in the code for
-% compatibility with old versions but the user should not use it.
-% Explained in RefMan-gal.tex
-%% \section{Forced type}
-%% In some cases, one may wish to assign a particular type to a term. The
-%% syntax to force the type of a term is the following:
-%% \medskip
-%% \begin{tabular}{lcl}
-%% {\term} & ++= & {\term} {\tt :} {\term}\\
-%% \end{tabular}
-%% \medskip
-%% It forces the first term to be of type the second term. The
-%% type must be compatible with
-%% the term. More precisely it must be either a type convertible to
-%% the automatically inferred type (see Chapter~\ref{Cic}) or a type
-%% coercible to it, (see \ref{Coercions}). When the type of a
-%% whole expression is forced, it is usually not necessary to give the types of
-%% the variables involved in the term.
-%% Example:
-%% \begin{coq_example}
-%% Definition ID := forall X:Set, X -> X.
-%% Definition id := (fun X x => x):ID.
-%% Check id.
-%% \end{coq_example}
-\section{Advanced recursive functions}
-The \emph{experimental} command
- \texttt{Function {\ident} {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}
- \{decrease\_annot\} : type$_0$ := \term$_0$}
- \comindex{Function}
- \label{Function}
-can be seen as a generalization of {\tt Fixpoint}. It is actually a
-wrapper for several ways of defining a function \emph{and other useful
- related objects}, namely: an induction principle that reflects the
-recursive structure of the function (see \ref{FunInduction}), and its
-fixpoint equality. The meaning of this
-declaration is to define a function {\it ident}, similarly to {\tt
- Fixpoint}. Like in {\tt Fixpoint}, the decreasing argument must be
-given (unless the function is not recursive), but it must not
-necessary be \emph{structurally} decreasing. The point of the {\tt
- \{\}} annotation is to name the decreasing argument \emph{and} to
-describe which kind of decreasing criteria must be used to ensure
-termination of recursive calls.
-The {\tt Function} construction enjoys also the {\tt with} extension
-to define mutually recursive definitions. However, this feature does
-not work for non structural recursive functions. % VRAI??
-See the documentation of {\tt functional induction}
-(see Section~\ref{FunInduction}) and {\tt Functional Scheme}
-(see Section~\ref{FunScheme} and \ref{FunScheme-examples}) for how to use the
-induction principle to easily reason about the function.
-\noindent {\bf Remark: } To obtain the right principle, it is better
-to put rigid parameters of the function as first arguments. For
-example it is better to define plus like this:
-Function plus (m n : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n with
- | 0 => m
- | S p => S (plus m p)
- end.
-\noindent than like this:
-Reset plus.
-Function plus (n m : nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n with
- | 0 => m
- | S p => S (plus p m)
- end.
-\term$_0$ must be build as a \emph{pure pattern-matching tree}
-(\texttt{match...with}) with applications only \emph{at the end} of
-each branch.
-Function does not support partial application of the function being defined. Thus, the following example cannot be accepted due to the presence of partial application of \ident{wrong} into the body of \ident{wrong}~:
- Function wrong (C:nat) {\ldots} : nat :=
- List.hd( wrong (C::nil)).
-For now dependent cases are not treated for non structurally terminating functions.
-\item \errindex{The recursive argument must be specified}
-\item \errindex{No argument name \ident}
-\item \errindex{Cannot use mutual definition with well-founded
- recursion or measure}
-\item \errindex{Cannot define graph for \ident\dots} (warning)
- The generation of the graph relation \texttt{(R\_\ident)} used to
- compute the induction scheme of \ident\ raised a typing error. Only
- the ident is defined, the induction scheme will not be generated.
- This error happens generally when:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item the definition uses pattern matching on dependent types, which
- \texttt{Function} cannot deal with yet.
- \item the definition is not a \emph{pattern-matching tree} as
- explained above.
- \end{itemize}
-\item \errindex{Cannot define principle(s) for \ident\dots} (warning)
- The generation of the graph relation \texttt{(R\_\ident)} succeeded
- but the induction principle could not be built. Only the ident is
- defined. Please report.
-\item \errindex{Cannot build functional inversion principle} (warning)
- \texttt{functional inversion} will not be available for the
- function.
-\SeeAlso{\ref{FunScheme}, \ref{FunScheme-examples}, \ref{FunInduction}}
-Depending on the {\tt \{$\ldots$\}} annotation, different definition
-mechanisms are used by {\tt Function}. More precise description
-given below.
-\item \texttt{ Function {\ident} {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}
- : type$_0$ := \term$_0$}
- Defines the not recursive function \ident\ as if declared with
- \texttt{Definition}. Moreover the following are defined:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item {\tt\ident\_rect}, {\tt\ident\_rec} and {\tt\ident\_ind},
- which reflect the pattern matching structure of \term$_0$ (see the
- documentation of {\tt Inductive} \ref{Inductive});
- \item The inductive \texttt{R\_\ident} corresponding to the graph of
- \ident\ (silently);
- \item \texttt{\ident\_complete} and \texttt{\ident\_correct} which are
- inversion information linking the function and its graph.
- \end{itemize}
-\item \texttt{Function {\ident} {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}
- {\tt \{}{\tt struct} \ident$_0${\tt\}} : type$_0$ := \term$_0$}
- Defines the structural recursive function \ident\ as if declared
- with \texttt{Fixpoint}. Moreover the following are defined:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The same objects as above;
- \item The fixpoint equation of \ident: \texttt{\ident\_equation}.
- \end{itemize}
-\item \texttt{Function {\ident} {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$} {\tt
- \{}{\tt measure \term$_1$} \ident$_0${\tt\}} : type$_0$ :=
- \term$_0$}
-\item \texttt{Function {\ident} {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}
- {\tt \{}{\tt wf \term$_1$} \ident$_0${\tt\}} : type$_0$ := \term$_0$}
-Defines a recursive function by well founded recursion. \textbf{The
-module \texttt{Recdef} of the standard library must be loaded for this
-feature}. The {\tt \{\}} annotation is mandatory and must be one of
-the following:
-\item {\tt \{measure} \term$_1$ \ident$_0${\tt\}} with \ident$_0$
- being the decreasing argument and \term$_1$ being a function
- from type of \ident$_0$ to \texttt{nat} for which value on the
- decreasing argument decreases (for the {\tt lt} order on {\tt
- nat}) at each recursive call of \term$_0$, parameters of the
- function are bound in \term$_0$;
-\item {\tt \{wf} \term$_1$ \ident$_0${\tt\}} with \ident$_0$ being
- the decreasing argument and \term$_1$ an ordering relation on
- the type of \ident$_0$ (i.e. of type T$_{\ident_0}$
- $\to$ T$_{\ident_0}$ $\to$ {\tt Prop}) for which
- the decreasing argument decreases at each recursive call of
- \term$_0$. The order must be well founded. parameters of the
- function are bound in \term$_0$.
-Depending on the annotation, the user is left with some proof
-obligations that will be used to define the function. These proofs
-are: proofs that each recursive call is actually decreasing with
-respect to the given criteria, and (if the criteria is \texttt{wf}) a
-proof that the ordering relation is well founded.
-%Completer sur measure et wf
-Once proof obligations are discharged, the following objects are
-\item The same objects as with the \texttt{struct};
-\item The lemma \texttt{\ident\_tcc} which collects all proof
- obligations in one property;
-\item The lemmas \texttt{\ident\_terminate} and \texttt{\ident\_F}
- which is needed to be inlined during extraction of \ident.
-The way this recursive function is defined is the subject of several
-papers by Yves Bertot and Antonia Balaa on the one hand, and Gilles Barthe,
-Julien Forest, David Pichardie, and Vlad Rusu on the other hand.
-%Exemples ok ici
-\noindent {\bf Remark: } Proof obligations are presented as several
-subgoals belonging to a Lemma {\ident}{\tt\_tcc}. % These subgoals are independent which means that in order to
-% abort them you will have to abort each separately.
-%The decreasing argument cannot be dependent of another??
-%Exemples faux ici
-\section{Section mechanism
-The sectioning mechanism allows to organize a proof in structured
-sections. Then local declarations become available (see
-\subsection{\tt Section {\ident}\comindex{Section}}
-This command is used to open a section named {\ident}.
-%% Discontinued ?
-%% \begin{Variants}
-%% \comindex{Chapter}
-%% \item{\tt Chapter {\ident}}\\
-%% Same as {\tt Section {\ident}}
-%% \end{Variants}
-\subsection{\tt End {\ident}
-This command closes the section named {\ident}. After closing of the
-section, the local declarations (variables and local definitions) get
-{\em discharged}, meaning that they stop being visible and that all
-global objects defined in the section are generalized with respect to
-the variables and local definitions they each depended on in the
-Here is an example :
-Section s1.
-Variables x y : nat.
-Let y' := y.
-Definition x' := S x.
-Definition x'' := x' + y'.
-Print x'.
-End s1.
-Print x'.
-Print x''.
-Notice the difference between the value of {\tt x'} and {\tt x''}
-inside section {\tt s1} and outside.
-\item \errindex{This is not the last opened section}
-\item Most commands, like {\tt Hint}, {\tt Notation}, option management, ...
-which appear inside a section are canceled when the
-section is closed.
-% see Section~\ref{LongNames}
-%\item Usually all identifiers must be distinct.
-%However, a name already used in a closed section (see \ref{Section})
-%can be reused. In this case, the old name is no longer accessible.
-% Obsolète
-%\item A module implicitly open a section. Be careful not to name a
-%module with an identifier already used in the module (see \ref{compiled}).
-\section{Libraries and qualified names}
-\subsection{Names of libraries and files
-\index{Physical paths}
-\index{Logical paths}}
-The theories developed in {\Coq} are stored in {\em library files}
-which are hierarchically classified into {\em libraries} and {\em
-sublibraries}. To express this hierarchy, library names are
-represented by qualified identifiers {\qualid}, i.e. as list of
-identifiers separated by dots (see Section~\ref{qualid}). For
-instance, the library file {\tt Mult} of the standard {\Coq} library
-{\tt Arith} has name {\tt Coq.Arith.Mult}. The identifier
-that starts the name of a library is called a {\em library root}.
-All library files of the standard library of {\Coq} have reserved root
-{\tt Coq} but library file names based on other roots can be obtained
-by using {\tt coqc} options {\tt -I} or {\tt -R} (see
-Section~\ref{coqoptions}). Also, when an interactive {\Coq} session
-starts, a library of root {\tt Top} is started, unless option {\tt
--top} or {\tt -notop} is set (see Section~\ref{coqoptions}).
-As library files are stored on the file system of the underlying
-operating system, a translation from file-system names to {\Coq} names
-is needed. In this translation, names in the file system are called
-{\em physical} paths while {\Coq} names are contrastingly called {\em
-logical} names. Logical names are mapped to physical paths using the
-commands {\tt Add LoadPath} or {\tt Add Rec LoadPath} (see
-Sections~\ref{AddLoadPath} and~\ref{AddRecLoadPath}).
-\subsection{Qualified names
-\index{Qualified identifiers}
-\index{Absolute names}}
-Library files are modules which possibly contain submodules which
-eventually contain constructions (axioms, parameters, definitions,
-lemmas, theorems, remarks or facts). The {\em absolute name}, or {\em
-full name}, of a construction in some library file is a qualified
-identifier starting with the logical name of the library file,
-followed by the sequence of submodules names encapsulating the
-construction and ended by the proper name of the construction.
-Typically, the absolute name {\tt Coq.Init.Logic.eq} denotes Leibniz'
-equality defined in the module {\tt Logic} in the sublibrary {\tt
-Init} of the standard library of \Coq.
-The proper name that ends the name of a construction is the {\it short
-name} (or sometimes {\it base name}) of the construction (for
-instance, the short name of {\tt Coq.Init.Logic.eq} is {\tt eq}). Any
-partial suffix of the absolute name is a {\em partially qualified name}
-(e.g. {\tt Logic.eq} is a partially qualified name for {\tt
-Coq.Init.Logic.eq}). Especially, the short name of a construction is
-its shortest partially qualified name.
-{\Coq} does not accept two constructions (definition, theorem, ...)
-with the same absolute name but different constructions can have the
-same short name (or even same partially qualified names as soon as the
-full names are different).
-Notice that the notion of absolute, partially qualified and
-short names also applies to library file names.
-{\Coq} maintains a table called {\it name table} which maps partially
-qualified names of constructions to absolute names. This table is
-updated by the commands {\tt Require} (see \ref{Require}), {\tt
-Import} and {\tt Export} (see \ref{Import}) and also each time a new
-declaration is added to the context. An absolute name is called {\it
-visible} from a given short or partially qualified name when this
-latter name is enough to denote it. This means that the short or
-partially qualified name is mapped to the absolute name in {\Coq} name
-A similar table exists for library file names. It is updated by the
-vernacular commands {\tt Add LoadPath} and {\tt Add Rec LoadPath} (or
-their equivalent as options of the {\Coq} executables, {\tt -I} and
-{\tt -R}).
-It may happen that a visible name is hidden by the short name or a
-qualified name of another construction. In this case, the name that
-has been hidden must be referred to using one more level of
-qualification. To ensure that a construction always remains
-accessible, absolute names can never be hidden.
-Reset Initial.
-Check 0.
-Definition nat := bool.
-Check 0.
-Check Datatypes.nat.
-Locate nat.
-\SeeAlso Command {\tt Locate} in Section~\ref{Locate} and {\tt Locate
-Library} in Section~\ref{Locate Library}.
-%% \paragraph{The special case of remarks and facts}
-%% In contrast with definitions, lemmas, theorems, axioms and parameters,
-%% the absolute name of remarks includes the segment of sections in which
-%% it is defined. Concretely, if a remark {\tt R} is defined in
-%% subsection {\tt S2} of section {\tt S1} in module {\tt M}, then its
-%% absolute name is {\tt M.S1.S2.R}. The same for facts, except that the
-%% name of the innermost section is dropped from the full name. Then, if
-%% a fact {\tt F} is defined in subsection {\tt S2} of section {\tt S1}
-%% in module {\tt M}, then its absolute name is {\tt M.S1.F}.
-\section{Implicit arguments
-\index{Implicit arguments}
-\label{Implicit Arguments}}
-An implicit argument of a function is an argument which can be
-inferred from contextual knowledge. There are different kinds of
-implicit arguments that can be considered implicit in different
-ways. There are also various commands to control the setting or the
-inference of implicit arguments.
-\subsection{The different kinds of implicit arguments}
-\subsubsection{Implicit arguments inferable from the knowledge of other
-arguments of a function}
-The first kind of implicit arguments covers the arguments that are
-inferable from the knowledge of the type of other arguments of the
-function, or of the type of the surrounding context of the
-application. Especially, such implicit arguments correspond to
-parameters dependent in the type of the function. Typical implicit
-arguments are the type arguments in polymorphic functions.
-There are several kinds of such implicit arguments.
-\paragraph{Strict Implicit Arguments.}
-An implicit argument can be either strict or non strict. An implicit
-argument is said {\em strict} if, whatever the other arguments of the
-function are, it is still inferable from the type of some other
-argument. Technically, an implicit argument is strict if it
-corresponds to a parameter which is not applied to a variable which
-itself is another parameter of the function (since this parameter
-may erase its arguments), not in the body of a {\tt match}, and not
-itself applied or matched against patterns (since the original
-form of the argument can be lost by reduction).
-For instance, the first argument of
-\verb|cons: forall A:Set, A -> list A -> list A|
-in module {\tt List.v} is strict because {\tt list} is an inductive
-type and {\tt A} will always be inferable from the type {\tt
-list A} of the third argument of {\tt cons}.
-On the contrary, the second argument of a term of type
-\verb|forall P:nat->Prop, forall n:nat, P n -> ex nat P|
-is implicit but not strict, since it can only be inferred from the
-type {\tt P n} of the third argument and if {\tt P} is, e.g., {\tt
-fun \_ => True}, it reduces to an expression where {\tt n} does not
-occur any longer. The first argument {\tt P} is implicit but not
-strict either because it can only be inferred from {\tt P n} and {\tt
-P} is not canonically inferable from an arbitrary {\tt n} and the
-normal form of {\tt P n} (consider e.g. that {\tt n} is {\tt 0} and
-the third argument has type {\tt True}, then any {\tt P} of the form
-{\tt fun n => match n with 0 => True | \_ => \mbox{\em anything} end} would
-be a solution of the inference problem).
-\paragraph{Contextual Implicit Arguments.}
-An implicit argument can be {\em contextual} or not. An implicit
-argument is said {\em contextual} if it can be inferred only from the
-knowledge of the type of the context of the current expression. For
-instance, the only argument of
-\verb|nil : forall A:Set, list A|
-is contextual. Similarly, both arguments of a term of type
-\verb|forall P:nat->Prop, forall n:nat, P n \/ n = 0|
-are contextual (moreover, {\tt n} is strict and {\tt P} is not).
-\paragraph{Reversible-Pattern Implicit Arguments.}
-There is another class of implicit arguments that can be reinferred
-unambiguously if all the types of the remaining arguments are
-known. This is the class of implicit arguments occurring in the type
-of another argument in position of reversible pattern, which means it
-is at the head of an application but applied only to uninstantiated
-distinct variables. Such an implicit argument is called {\em
-reversible-pattern implicit argument}. A typical example is the
-argument {\tt P} of {\tt nat\_rec} in
-{\tt nat\_rec : forall P : nat -> Set,
- P 0 -> (forall n : nat, P n -> P (S n)) -> forall x : nat, P x}.
-({\tt P} is reinferable by abstracting over {\tt n} in the type {\tt P n}).
-See Section~\ref{SetReversiblePatternImplicit} for the automatic declaration
-of reversible-pattern implicit arguments.
-\subsubsection{Implicit arguments inferable by resolution}
-This corresponds to a class of non dependent implicit arguments that
-are solved based on the structure of their type only.
-\subsection{Maximal or non maximal insertion of implicit arguments}
-In case a function is partially applied, and the next argument to be
-applied is an implicit argument, two disciplines are applicable. In the
-first case, the function is considered to have no arguments furtherly:
-one says that the implicit argument is not maximally inserted. In
-the second case, the function is considered to be implicitly applied
-to the implicit arguments it is waiting for: one says that the
-implicit argument is maximally inserted.
-Each implicit argument can be declared to have to be inserted
-maximally or non maximally. This can be governed argument per argument
-by the command {\tt Implicit Arguments} (see~\ref{ImplicitArguments})
-or globally by the command {\tt Set Maximal Implicit Insertion}
-(see~\ref{SetMaximalImplicitInsertion}). See also
-\subsection{Casual use of implicit arguments}
-In a given expression, if it is clear that some argument of a function
-can be inferred from the type of the other arguments, the user can
-force the given argument to be guessed by replacing it by ``{\tt \_}''. If
-possible, the correct argument will be automatically generated.
-\item \errindex{Cannot infer a term for this placeholder}
- {\Coq} was not able to deduce an instantiation of a ``{\tt \_}''.
-\subsection{Declaration of implicit arguments for a constant
-In case one wants that some arguments of a given object (constant,
-inductive types, constructors, assumptions, local or not) are always
-inferred by Coq, one may declare once and for all which are the expected
-implicit arguments of this object. There are two ways to do this,
-a priori and a posteriori.
-\subsubsection{Implicit Argument Binders}
-In the first setting, one wants to explicitly give the implicit
-arguments of a constant as part of its definition. To do this, one has
-to surround the bindings of implicit arguments by curly braces:
-Reset Initial.
-Definition id {A : Type} (x : A) : A := x.
-This automatically declares the argument {\tt A} of {\tt id} as a
-maximally inserted implicit argument. One can then do as-if the argument
-was absent in every situation but still be able to specify it if needed:
-Definition compose {A B C} (g : B -> C) (f : A -> B) :=
- fun x => g (f x).
-Goal forall A, compose id id = id (A:=A).
-The syntax is supported in all top-level definitions: {\tt Definition},
-{\tt Fixpoint}, {\tt Lemma} and so on. For (co-)inductive datatype
-declarations, the semantics are the following: an inductive parameter
-declared as an implicit argument need not be repeated in the inductive
-definition but will become implicit for the constructors of the
-inductive only, not the inductive type itself. For example:
-Inductive list {A : Type} : Type :=
-| nil : list
-| cons : A -> list -> list.
-Print list.
-One can always specify the parameter if it is not uniform using the
-usual implicit arguments disambiguation syntax.
-\subsubsection{Declaring Implicit Arguments}
-To set implicit arguments for a constant a posteriori, one can use the
-\tt Arguments {\qualid} \nelist{\possiblybracketedident}{}
-where the list of {\possiblybracketedident} is the list of all arguments of
-{\qualid} where the ones to be declared implicit are surrounded by
-square brackets and the ones to be declared as maximally inserted implicits
-are surrounded by curly braces.
-After the above declaration is issued, implicit arguments can just (and
-have to) be skipped in any expression involving an application of
-\item {\tt Global Arguments {\qualid} \nelist{\possiblybracketedident}{}
-\comindex{Global Arguments}}
-Tell to recompute the implicit arguments of {\qualid} after ending of
-the current section if any, enforcing the implicit arguments known
-from inside the section to be the ones declared by the command.
-\item {\tt Local Arguments {\qualid} \nelist{\possiblybracketedident}{}
-\comindex{Local Arguments}}
-When in a module, tell not to activate the implicit arguments of
-{\qualid} declared by this command to contexts that require the
-\item {\tt \zeroone{Global {\sl |} Local} Arguments {\qualid} \sequence{\nelist{\possiblybracketedident}{}}{,}}
-For names of constants, inductive types, constructors, lemmas which
-can only be applied to a fixed number of arguments (this excludes for
-instance constants whose type is polymorphic), multiple
-implicit arguments decflarations can be given.
-Depending on the number of arguments {\qualid} is applied
-to in practice, the longest applicable list of implicit arguments is
-used to select which implicit arguments are inserted.
-For printing, the omitted arguments are the ones of the longest list
-of implicit arguments of the sequence.
-Reset Initial.
-Inductive list (A:Type) : Type :=
- | nil : list A
- | cons : A -> list A -> list A.
-Check (cons nat 3 (nil nat)).
-Arguments cons [A] _ _.
-Arguments nil [A].
-Check (cons 3 nil).
-Fixpoint map (A B:Type) (f:A->B) (l:list A) : list B :=
- match l with nil => nil | cons a t => cons (f a) (map A B f t) end.
-Fixpoint length (A:Type) (l:list A) : nat :=
- match l with nil => 0 | cons _ m => S (length A m) end.
-Arguments map [A B] f l.
-Arguments length {A} l. (* A has to be maximally inserted *)
-Check (fun l:list (list nat) => map length l).
-Arguments map [A B] f l, [A] B f l, A B f l.
-Check (fun l => map length l = map (list nat) nat length l).
-\Rem To know which are the implicit arguments of an object, use the command
-{\tt Print Implicit} (see \ref{PrintImplicit}).
-\Rem If the list of arguments is empty, the command removes the
-implicit arguments of {\qualid}.
-\subsection{Automatic declaration of implicit arguments for a constant}
-{\Coq} can also automatically detect what are the implicit arguments
-of a defined object. The command is just
-{\tt Arguments {\qualid} : default implicits
-The auto-detection is governed by options telling if strict,
-contextual, or reversible-pattern implicit arguments must be
-considered or not (see
-and also~\ref{SetMaximalImplicitInsertion}).
-\item {\tt Global Arguments {\qualid} : default implicits
-\comindex{Global Arguments}}
-Tell to recompute the implicit arguments of {\qualid} after ending of
-the current section if any.
-\item {\tt Local Arguments {\qualid} : default implicits
-\comindex{Local Arguments}}
-When in a module, tell not to activate the implicit arguments of
-{\qualid} computed by this declaration to contexts that requires the
-Reset Initial.
-Inductive list (A:Set) : Set :=
- | nil : list A
- | cons : A -> list A -> list A.
-Arguments cons : default implicits.
-Print Implicit cons.
-Arguments nil : default implicits.
-Print Implicit nil.
-Set Contextual Implicit.
-Arguments nil : default implicits.
-Print Implicit nil.
-The computation of implicit arguments takes account of the
-unfolding of constants. For instance, the variable {\tt p} below has
-type {\tt (Transitivity R)} which is reducible to {\tt forall x,y:U, R x
-y -> forall z:U, R y z -> R x z}. As the variables {\tt x}, {\tt y} and
-{\tt z} appear strictly in body of the type, they are implicit.
-Variable X : Type.
-Definition Relation := X -> X -> Prop.
-Definition Transitivity (R:Relation) :=
- forall x y:X, R x y -> forall z:X, R y z -> R x z.
-Variables (R : Relation) (p : Transitivity R).
-Arguments p : default implicits.
-Print p.
-Print Implicit p.
-Variables (a b c : X) (r1 : R a b) (r2 : R b c).
-Check (p r1 r2).
-Implicit arguments can be cleared with the following syntax:
-{\tt Arguments {\qualid} : clear implicits
-In the following example implict arguments declarations for the {\tt nil}
-constant are cleared:
-Arguments cons : clear implicits.
-Print Implicit cons.
-\subsection{Mode for automatic declaration of implicit arguments
-\comindex{Set Implicit Arguments}
-\comindex{Unset Implicit Arguments}}
-In case one wants to systematically declare implicit the arguments
-detectable as such, one may switch to the automatic declaration of
-implicit arguments mode by using the command
-\tt Set Implicit Arguments.
-Conversely, one may unset the mode by using {\tt Unset Implicit
-Arguments}. The mode is off by default. Auto-detection of implicit
-arguments is governed by options controlling whether strict and
-contextual implicit arguments have to be considered or not.
-\subsection{Controlling strict implicit arguments
-\comindex{Set Strict Implicit}
-\comindex{Unset Strict Implicit}
-When the mode for automatic declaration of implicit arguments is on,
-the default is to automatically set implicit only the strict implicit
-arguments plus, for historical reasons, a small subset of the non
-strict implicit arguments. To relax this constraint and to
-set implicit all non strict implicit arguments by default, use the command
-\tt Unset Strict Implicit.
-Conversely, use the command {\tt Set Strict Implicit} to
-restore the original mode that declares implicit only the strict implicit arguments plus a small subset of the non strict implicit arguments.
-In the other way round, to capture exactly the strict implicit arguments and no more than the strict implicit arguments, use the command:
-\comindex{Set Strongly Strict Implicit}
-\comindex{Unset Strongly Strict Implicit}
-\tt Set Strongly Strict Implicit.
-Conversely, use the command {\tt Unset Strongly Strict Implicit} to
-let the option ``{\tt Strict Implicit}'' decide what to do.
-\Rem In versions of {\Coq} prior to version 8.0, the default was to
-declare the strict implicit arguments as implicit.
-\subsection{Controlling contextual implicit arguments
-\comindex{Set Contextual Implicit}
-\comindex{Unset Contextual Implicit}
-By default, {\Coq} does not automatically set implicit the contextual
-implicit arguments. To tell {\Coq} to infer also contextual implicit
-argument, use command
-\tt Set Contextual Implicit.
-Conversely, use command {\tt Unset Contextual Implicit} to
-unset the contextual implicit mode.
-\subsection{Controlling reversible-pattern implicit arguments
-\comindex{Set Reversible Pattern Implicit}
-\comindex{Unset Reversible Pattern Implicit}
-By default, {\Coq} does not automatically set implicit the reversible-pattern
-implicit arguments. To tell {\Coq} to infer also reversible-pattern implicit
-argument, use command
-\tt Set Reversible Pattern Implicit.
-Conversely, use command {\tt Unset Reversible Pattern Implicit} to
-unset the reversible-pattern implicit mode.
-\subsection{Controlling the insertion of implicit arguments not followed by explicit arguments
-\comindex{Set Maximal Implicit Insertion}
-\comindex{Unset Maximal Implicit Insertion}
-Implicit arguments can be declared to be automatically inserted when a
-function is partially applied and the next argument of the function is
-an implicit one. In case the implicit arguments are automatically
-declared (with the command {\tt Set Implicit Arguments}), the command
-\tt Set Maximal Implicit Insertion.
-is used to tell to declare the implicit arguments with a maximal
-insertion status. By default, automatically declared implicit
-arguments are not declared to be insertable maximally. To restore the
-default mode for maximal insertion, use command {\tt Unset Maximal
-Implicit Insertion}.
-\subsection{Explicit applications
-\index{Explicitly given implicit arguments}
-\index{qualid@{\qualid}} \index{\symbol{64}}}
-In presence of non strict or contextual argument, or in presence of
-partial applications, the synthesis of implicit arguments may fail, so
-one may have to give explicitly certain implicit arguments of an
-application. The syntax for this is {\tt (\ident:=\term)} where {\ident}
-is the name of the implicit argument and {\term} is its corresponding
-explicit term. Alternatively, one can locally deactivate the hiding of
-implicit arguments of a function by using the notation
-{\tt @{\qualid}~{\term}$_1$..{\term}$_n$}. This syntax extension is
-given Figure~\ref{fig:explicitations}.
-{\term} & ++= & @ {\qualid} \nelist{\term}{}\\
-& $|$ & @ {\qualid}\\
-& $|$ & {\qualid} \nelist{\textrm{\textsl{argument}}}{}\\
-{\textrm{\textsl{argument}}} & ::= & {\term} \\
-& $|$ & {\tt ({\ident}:={\term})}\\
-\caption{Syntax for explicitly giving implicit arguments}
-\noindent {\bf Example (continued): }
-Check (p r1 (z:=c)).
-Check (p (x:=a) (y:=b) r1 (z:=c) r2).
-\subsection{Renaming implicit arguments
-Implicit arguments names can be redefined using the following syntax:
-{\tt Arguments {\qualid} \nelist{\name}{} : rename}
-Without the {\tt rename} flag, {\tt Arguments} can be used to assert
-that a given constant has the expected number of arguments and that
-these arguments are named as expected.
-\noindent {\bf Example (continued): }
-Arguments p [s t] _ [u] _: rename.
-Check (p r1 (u:=c)).
-Check (p (s:=a) (t:=b) r1 (u:=c) r2).
-Fail Arguments p [s t] _ [w] _.
-\subsection{Displaying what the implicit arguments are
-\comindex{Print Implicit}
-To display the implicit arguments associated to an object, and to know
-if each of them is to be used maximally or not, use the command
-\tt Print Implicit {\qualid}.
-\subsection{Explicit displaying of implicit arguments for pretty-printing
-\comindex{Set Printing Implicit}
-\comindex{Unset Printing Implicit}
-\comindex{Set Printing Implicit Defensive}
-\comindex{Unset Printing Implicit Defensive}}
-By default the basic pretty-printing rules hide the inferable implicit
-arguments of an application. To force printing all implicit arguments,
-use command
-{\tt Set Printing Implicit.}
-Conversely, to restore the hiding of implicit arguments, use command
-{\tt Unset Printing Implicit.}
-By default the basic pretty-printing rules display the implicit arguments that are not detected as strict implicit arguments. This ``defensive'' mode can quickly make the display cumbersome so this can be deactivated by using the command
-{\tt Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.}
-Conversely, to force the display of non strict arguments, use command
-{\tt Set Printing Implicit Defensive.}
-\SeeAlso {\tt Set Printing All} in Section~\ref{SetPrintingAll}.
-\subsection{Interaction with subtyping}
-When an implicit argument can be inferred from the type of more than
-one of the other arguments, then only the type of the first of these
-arguments is taken into account, and not an upper type of all of
-them. As a consequence, the inference of the implicit argument of
-``='' fails in
-Check nat = Prop.
-but succeeds in
-Check Prop = nat.
-\subsection{Deactivation of implicit arguments for parsing}
-\comindex{Set Parsing Explicit}
-\comindex{Unset Parsing Explicit}
-Use of implicit arguments can be deactivated by issuing the command:
-{\tt Set Parsing Explicit.}
-In this case, all arguments of constants, inductive types,
-constructors, etc, including the arguments declared as implicit, have
-to be given as if none arguments were implicit. By symmetry, this also
-affects printing. To restore parsing and normal printing of implicit
-arguments, use:
-{\tt Set Parsing Explicit.}
-\subsection{Canonical structures
-\comindex{Canonical Structure}}
-A canonical structure is an instance of a record/structure type that
-can be used to solve equations involving implicit arguments. Assume
-that {\qualid} denotes an object $(Build\_struc~ c_1~ \ldots~ c_n)$ in the
-structure {\em struct} of which the fields are $x_1$, ...,
-$x_n$. Assume that {\qualid} is declared as a canonical structure
-using the command
-{\tt Canonical Structure {\qualid}.}
-Then, each time an equation of the form $(x_i~
-\_)=_{\beta\delta\iota\zeta}c_i$ has to be solved during the
-type-checking process, {\qualid} is used as a solution. Otherwise
-said, {\qualid} is canonically used to extend the field $c_i$ into a
-complete structure built on $c_i$.
-Canonical structures are particularly useful when mixed with
-coercions and strict implicit arguments. Here is an example.
-Require Import Relations.
-Require Import EqNat.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Unset Strict Implicit.
-Structure Setoid : Type :=
- {Carrier :> Set;
- Equal : relation Carrier;
- Prf_equiv : equivalence Carrier Equal}.
-Definition is_law (A B:Setoid) (f:A -> B) :=
- forall x y:A, Equal x y -> Equal (f x) (f y).
-Axiom eq_nat_equiv : equivalence nat eq_nat.
-Definition nat_setoid : Setoid := Build_Setoid eq_nat_equiv.
-Canonical Structure nat_setoid.
-Thanks to \texttt{nat\_setoid} declared as canonical, the implicit
-arguments {\tt A} and {\tt B} can be synthesized in the next statement.
-Lemma is_law_S : is_law S.
-\Rem If a same field occurs in several canonical structure, then
-only the structure declared first as canonical is considered.
-\item {\tt Canonical Structure {\ident} := {\term} : {\type}.}\\
- {\tt Canonical Structure {\ident} := {\term}.}\\
- {\tt Canonical Structure {\ident} : {\type} := {\term}.}
-These are equivalent to a regular definition of {\ident} followed by
-the declaration
-{\tt Canonical Structure {\ident}}.
-\SeeAlso more examples in user contribution \texttt{category}
-\subsubsection{Print Canonical Projections.
-\comindex{Print Canonical Projections}}
-This displays the list of global names that are components of some
-canonical structure. For each of them, the canonical structure of
-which it is a projection is indicated. For instance, the above example
-gives the following output:
-Print Canonical Projections.
-\subsection{Implicit types of variables}
-\comindex{Implicit Types}
-It is possible to bind variable names to a given type (e.g. in a
-development using arithmetic, it may be convenient to bind the names
-{\tt n} or {\tt m} to the type {\tt nat} of natural numbers). The
-command for that is
-\tt Implicit Types \nelist{\ident}{} : {\type}
-The effect of the command is to automatically set the type of bound
-variables starting with {\ident} (either {\ident} itself or
-{\ident} followed by one or more single quotes, underscore or digits)
-to be {\type} (unless the bound variable is already declared with an
-explicit type in which case, this latter type is considered).
-Require Import List.
-Implicit Types m n : nat.
-Lemma cons_inj_nat : forall m n l, n :: l = m :: l -> n = m.
-intros m n.
-Lemma cons_inj_bool : forall (m n:bool) l, n :: l = m :: l -> n = m.
-\item {\tt Implicit Type {\ident} : {\type}}\\
-This is useful for declaring the implicit type of a single variable.
- {\tt Implicit Types\,%
-(\,{\ident$_{1,1}$}\ldots{\ident$_{1,k_1}$}\,{\tt :}\,{\term$_1$} {\tt )}\,%
-\ldots\,{\tt (}\,{\ident$_{n,1}$}\ldots{\ident$_{n,k_n}$}\,{\tt :}\,%
-{\term$_n$} {\tt )}.}\\
- Adds $n$ blocks of implicit types with different specifications.
-\subsection{Implicit generalization
-\comindex{Generalizable Variables}}
-Implicit generalization is an automatic elaboration of a statement with
-free variables into a closed statement where these variables are
-quantified explicitly. Implicit generalization is done inside binders
-starting with a \verb|`| and terms delimited by \verb|`{ }| and
-\verb|`( )|, always introducing maximally inserted implicit arguments for
-the generalized variables. Inside implicit generalization
-delimiters, free variables in the current context are automatically
-quantified using a product or a lambda abstraction to generate a closed
-term. In the following statement for example, the variables \texttt{n}
-and \texttt{m} are autamatically generalized and become explicit
-arguments of the lemma as we are using \verb|`( )|:
-Generalizable All Variables.
-Lemma nat_comm : `(n = n + 0).
-One can control the set of generalizable identifiers with the
-\texttt{Generalizable} vernacular command to avoid unexpected
-generalizations when mistyping identifiers. There are three variants of
-the command:
-{\tt Generalizable (All|No) Variable(s)? ({\ident$_1$ \ident$_n$})?.}
-\item {\tt Generalizable All Variables.} All variables are candidate for
- generalization if they appear free in the context under a
- generalization delimiter. This may result in confusing errors in
- case of typos. In such cases, the context will probably contain some
- unexpected generalized variable.
-\item {\tt Generalizable No Variables.} Disable implicit generalization
- entirely. This is the default behavior.
-\item {\tt Generalizable Variable(s)? {\ident$_1$ \ident$_n$}.}
- Allow generalization of the given identifiers only. Calling this
- command multiple times adds to the allowed identifiers.
-\item {\tt Global Generalizable} Allows to export the choice of
- generalizable variables.
-One can also use implicit generalization for binders, in which case the
-generalized variables are added as binders and set maximally implicit.
-Definition id `(x : A) : A := x.
-Print id.
-The generalizing binders \verb|`{ }| and \verb|`( )| work similarly to
-their explicit counterparts, only binding the generalized variables
-implicitly, as maximally-inserted arguments. In these binders, the
-binding name for the bound object is optional, whereas the type is
-mandatory, dually to regular binders.
-Coercions can be used to implicitly inject terms from one {\em class} in
-which they reside into another one. A {\em class} is either a sort
-(denoted by the keyword {\tt Sortclass}), a product type (denoted by the
-keyword {\tt Funclass}), or a type constructor (denoted by its name),
-e.g. an inductive type or any constant with a type of the form
-\texttt{forall} $(x_1:A_1) .. (x_n:A_n),~s$ where $s$ is a sort.
-Then the user is able to apply an
-object that is not a function, but can be coerced to a function, and
-more generally to consider that a term of type A is of type B provided
-that there is a declared coercion between A and B. The main command is
-\tt Coercion {\qualid} : {\class$_1$} >-> {\class$_2$}.
-which declares the construction denoted by {\qualid} as a
-coercion between {\class$_1$} and {\class$_2$}.
-More details and examples, and a description of the commands related
-to coercions are provided in Chapter~\ref{Coercions-full}.
-\section[Printing constructions in full]{Printing constructions in full\label{SetPrintingAll}
-\comindex{Set Printing All}
-\comindex{Unset Printing All}}
-Coercions, implicit arguments, the type of pattern-matching, but also
-notations (see Chapter~\ref{Addoc-syntax}) can obfuscate the behavior
-of some tactics (typically the tactics applying to occurrences of
-subterms are sensitive to the implicit arguments). The command
-{\tt Set Printing All.}
-deactivates all high-level printing features such as coercions,
-implicit arguments, returned type of pattern-matching, notations and
-various syntactic sugar for pattern-matching or record projections.
-Otherwise said, {\tt Set Printing All} includes the effects
-of the commands {\tt Set Printing Implicit}, {\tt Set Printing
-Coercions}, {\tt Set Printing Synth}, {\tt Unset Printing Projections}
-and {\tt Unset Printing Notations}. To reactivate the high-level
-printing features, use the command
-{\tt Unset Printing All.}
-\section[Printing universes]{Printing universes\label{PrintingUniverses}
-\comindex{Set Printing Universes}
-\comindex{Unset Printing Universes}}
-The following command:
-{\tt Set Printing Universes}
-activates the display of the actual level of each occurrence of
-{\Type}. See Section~\ref{Sorts} for details. This wizard option, in
-combination with \texttt{Set Printing All} (see
-section~\ref{SetPrintingAll}) can help to diagnose failures to unify
-terms apparently identical but internally different in the Calculus of
-Inductive Constructions. To reactivate the display of the actual level
-of the occurrences of {\Type}, use
-{\tt Unset Printing Universes.}
-\comindex{Print Universes}
-\comindex{Print Sorted Universes}
-The constraints on the internal level of the occurrences of {\Type}
-(see Section~\ref{Sorts}) can be printed using the command
-{\tt Print \zeroone{Sorted} Universes.}
-If the optional {\tt Sorted} option is given, each universe will be
-made equivalent to a numbered label reflecting its level (with a
-linear ordering) in the universe hierarchy.
-This command also accepts an optional output filename:
-\tt Print \zeroone{Sorted} Universes {\str}.
-If {\str} ends in \texttt{.dot} or \texttt{.gv}, the constraints are
-printed in the DOT language, and can be processed by Graphviz
-tools. The format is unspecified if {\str} doesn't end in
-\texttt{.dot} or \texttt{.gv}.
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-\chapter{The \gallina{} specification language
-\label{BNF-syntax} % Used referred to as a chapter label
-This chapter describes \gallina, the specification language of {\Coq}.
-It allows to develop mathematical theories and to prove specifications
-of programs. The theories are built from axioms, hypotheses,
-parameters, lemmas, theorems and definitions of constants, functions,
-predicates and sets. The syntax of logical objects involved in
-theories is described in Section~\ref{term}. The language of
-commands, called {\em The Vernacular} is described in section
-In {\Coq}, logical objects are typed to ensure their logical
-correctness. The rules implemented by the typing algorithm are described in
-Chapter \ref{Cic}.
-\subsection*{About the grammars in the manual
-\index{BNF metasyntax}}
-Grammars are presented in Backus-Naur form (BNF). Terminal symbols are
-set in {\tt typewriter font}. In addition, there are special
-notations for regular expressions.
-An expression enclosed in square brackets \zeroone{\ldots} means at
-most one occurrence of this expression (this corresponds to an
-optional component).
-The notation ``\nelist{\entry}{sep}'' stands for a non empty
-sequence of expressions parsed by {\entry} and
-separated by the literal ``{\tt sep}''\footnote{This is similar to the
-expression ``{\entry} $\{$ {\tt sep} {\entry} $\}$'' in
-standard BNF, or ``{\entry}~{$($} {\tt sep} {\entry} {$)$*}'' in
-the syntax of regular expressions.}.
-Similarly, the notation ``\nelist{\entry}{}'' stands for a non
-empty sequence of expressions parsed by the ``{\entry}'' entry,
-without any separator between.
-At the end, the notation ``\sequence{\entry}{\tt sep}'' stands for a
-possibly empty sequence of expressions parsed by the ``{\entry}'' entry,
-separated by the literal ``{\tt sep}''.
-\section{Lexical conventions
-\label{lexical}\index{Lexical conventions}}
-Space, newline and horizontal tabulation are considered as blanks.
-Blanks are ignored but they separate tokens.
-Comments in {\Coq} are enclosed between {\tt (*} and {\tt
- *)}\index{Comments}, and can be nested. They can contain any
-character. However, string literals must be correctly closed. Comments
-are treated as blanks.
-\paragraph{Identifiers and access identifiers}
-Identifiers, written {\ident}, are sequences of letters, digits,
-\verb!_! and \verb!'!, that do not start with a digit or \verb!'!.
-That is, they are recognized by the following lexical class:
-{\firstletter} & ::= & {\tt a..z} $\mid$ {\tt A..Z} $\mid$ {\tt \_}
-$\mid$ {\tt unicode-letter}
-{\subsequentletter} & ::= & {\tt a..z} $\mid$ {\tt A..Z} $\mid$ {\tt 0..9}
-$\mid$ {\tt \_} % $\mid$ {\tt \$}
-$\mid$ {\tt '}
-$\mid$ {\tt unicode-letter}
-$\mid$ {\tt unicode-id-part} \\
-{\ident} & ::= & {\firstletter} \sequencewithoutblank{\subsequentletter}{}
-All characters are meaningful. In particular, identifiers are
-case-sensitive. The entry {\tt unicode-letter} non-exhaustively
-includes Latin, Greek, Gothic, Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew, Georgian,
-Hangul, Hiragana and Katakana characters, CJK ideographs, mathematical
-letter-like symbols, hyphens, non-breaking space, {\ldots} The entry
-{\tt unicode-id-part} non-exhaustively includes symbols for prime
-letters and subscripts.
-Access identifiers, written {\accessident}, are identifiers prefixed
-by \verb!.! (dot) without blank. They are used in the syntax of qualified
-\paragraph{Natural numbers and integers}
-Numerals are sequences of digits. Integers are numerals optionally preceded by a minus sign.
-{\digit} & {\tt 0..9} \\
-{\num} & \nelistwithoutblank{\digit}{} \\
-{\integer} & \zeroone{\tt -}{\num} \\
-Strings are delimited by \verb!"! (double quote), and enclose a
-sequence of any characters different from \verb!"! or the sequence
-\verb!""! to denote the double quote character. In grammars, the
-entry for quoted strings is {\qstring}.
-The following identifiers are reserved keywords, and cannot be
-employed otherwise:
-\verb!_! &
-\verb!as! &
-\verb!at! &
-\verb!cofix! &
-\verb!else! &
-\verb!end! \\
-\verb!exists! &
-\verb!exists2! &
-\verb!fix! &
-\verb!for! &
-\verb!forall! &
-\verb!fun! \\
-\verb!if! &
-\verb!IF! &
-\verb!in! &
-\verb!let! &
-\verb!match! &
-\verb!mod! \\
-\verb!Prop! &
-\verb!return! &
-\verb!Set! &
-\verb!then! &
-\verb!Type! &
-\verb!using! \\
-\verb!where! &
-\verb!with! &
-\paragraph{Special tokens}
-The following sequences of characters are special tokens:
-\verb/!/ &
-\verb!%! &
-\verb!&! &
-\verb!&&! &
-\verb!(! &
-\verb!()! &
-\verb!)! \\
-\verb!*! &
-\verb!+! &
-\verb!++! &
-\verb!,! &
-\verb!-! &
-\verb!->! &
-\verb!.! \\
-\verb!.(! &
-\verb!..! &
-\verb!/! &
-\verb!/\! &
-\verb!:! &
-\verb!::! &
-\verb!:<! \\
-\verb!:=! &
-\verb!:>! &
-\verb!;! &
-\verb!<! &
-\verb!<-! &
-\verb!<->! &
-\verb!<:! \\
-\verb!<=! &
-\verb!<>! &
-\verb!=! &
-\verb!=>! &
-\verb!=_D! &
-\verb!>! &
-\verb!>->! \\
-\verb!>=! &
-\verb!?! &
-\verb!?=! &
-\verb!@! &
-\verb![! &
-\verb!\/! &
-\verb!]! \\
-\verb!^! &
-\verb!{! &
-\verb!|! &
-\verb!|-! &
-\verb!||! &
-\verb!}! &
-\verb!~! \\
-Lexical ambiguities are resolved according to the ``longest match''
-rule: when a sequence of non alphanumerical characters can be decomposed
-into several different ways, then the first token is the longest
-possible one (among all tokens defined at this moment), and so on.
-\section{Terms \label{term}\index{Terms}}
-\subsection{Syntax of terms}
-Figures \ref{term-syntax} and \ref{term-syntax-aux} describe the basic syntax of
-the terms of the {\em Calculus of Inductive Constructions} (also
-called \CIC). The formal presentation of {\CIC} is given in Chapter
-\ref{Cic}. Extensions of this syntax are given in chapter
-\ref{Gallina-extension}. How to customize the syntax is described in Chapter
-\begin{tabular}{lcl@{\quad~}r} % warning: page width exceeded with \qquad
-{\term} & ::= &
- {\tt forall} {\binders} {\tt ,} {\term} &(\ref{products})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt fun} {\binders} {\tt =>} {\term} &(\ref{abstractions})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt fix} {\fixpointbodies} &(\ref{fixpoints})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt cofix} {\cofixpointbodies} &(\ref{fixpoints})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt let} {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} {\typecstr} {\tt :=} {\term}
- {\tt in} {\term} &(\ref{let-in})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt let fix} {\fixpointbody} {\tt in} {\term} &(\ref{fixpoints})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt let cofix} {\cofixpointbody}
- {\tt in} {\term} &(\ref{fixpoints})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt let} {\tt (} \sequence{\name}{,} {\tt )} \zeroone{\ifitem}
- {\tt :=} {\term}
- {\tt in} {\term} &(\ref{caseanalysis}, \ref{Mult-match})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt let '} {\pattern} \zeroone{{\tt in} {\term}} {\tt :=} {\term}
- \zeroone{\returntype} {\tt in} {\term} & (\ref{caseanalysis}, \ref{Mult-match})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt if} {\term} \zeroone{\ifitem} {\tt then} {\term}
- {\tt else} {\term} &(\ref{caseanalysis}, \ref{Mult-match})\\
- & $|$ & {\term} {\tt :} {\term} &(\ref{typecast})\\
- & $|$ & {\term} {\tt <:} {\term} &(\ref{typecast})\\
- & $|$ & {\term} {\tt :>} &(\ref{ProgramSyntax})\\
- & $|$ & {\term} {\tt ->} {\term} &(\ref{products})\\
- & $|$ & {\term} \nelist{\termarg}{}&(\ref{applications})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt @} {\qualid} \sequence{\term}{}
- &(\ref{Implicits-explicitation})\\
- & $|$ & {\term} {\tt \%} {\ident} &(\ref{scopechange})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt match} \nelist{\caseitem}{\tt ,}
- \zeroone{\returntype} {\tt with} &\\
- && ~~~\zeroone{\zeroone{\tt |} \nelist{\eqn}{|}} {\tt end}
- &(\ref{caseanalysis})\\
- & $|$ & {\qualid} &(\ref{qualid})\\
- & $|$ & {\sort} &(\ref{Gallina-sorts})\\
- & $|$ & {\num} &(\ref{numerals})\\
- & $|$ & {\_} &(\ref{hole})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt (} {\term} {\tt )} & \\
- & & &\\
-{\termarg} & ::= & {\term} &\\
- & $|$ & {\tt (} {\ident} {\tt :=} {\term} {\tt )}
- &(\ref{Implicits-explicitation})\\
-%% & $|$ & {\tt (} {\num} {\tt :=} {\term} {\tt )}
-%% &(\ref{Implicits-explicitation})\\
-{\binders} & ::= & \nelist{\binder}{} \\
-{\binder} & ::= & {\name} & (\ref{Binders}) \\
- & $|$ & {\tt (} \nelist{\name}{} {\tt :} {\term} {\tt )} &\\
- & $|$ & {\tt (} {\name} {\typecstr} {\tt :=} {\term} {\tt )} &\\
-& & &\\
-{\name} & ::= & {\ident} &\\
- & $|$ & {\tt \_} &\\
-{\qualid} & ::= & {\ident} & \\
- & $|$ & {\qualid} {\accessident} &\\
- & & &\\
-{\sort} & ::= & {\tt Prop} ~$|$~ {\tt Set} ~$|$~ {\tt Type} &
-\caption{Syntax of terms}
-{\fixpointbodies} & ::= &
- {\fixpointbody} \\
- & $|$ & {\fixpointbody} {\tt with} \nelist{\fixpointbody}{{\tt with}}
- {\tt for} {\ident} \\
-{\cofixpointbodies} & ::= &
- {\cofixpointbody} \\
- & $|$ & {\cofixpointbody} {\tt with} \nelist{\cofixpointbody}{{\tt with}}
- {\tt for} {\ident} \\
-{\fixpointbody} & ::= &
- {\ident} {\binders} \zeroone{\annotation} {\typecstr}
- {\tt :=} {\term} \\
-{\cofixpointbody} & ::= & {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} {\typecstr} {\tt :=} {\term} \\
- & &\\
-{\annotation} & ::= & {\tt \{ struct} {\ident} {\tt \}} \\
-{\caseitem} & ::= & {\term} \zeroone{{\tt as} \name}
- \zeroone{{\tt in} \term} \\
-{\ifitem} & ::= & \zeroone{{\tt as} {\name}} {\returntype} \\
-{\returntype} & ::= & {\tt return} {\term} \\
-{\eqn} & ::= & \nelist{\multpattern}{\tt |} {\tt =>} {\term}\\
-{\multpattern} & ::= & \nelist{\pattern}{\tt ,}\\
-{\pattern} & ::= & {\qualid} \nelist{\pattern}{} \\
- & $|$ & {\pattern} {\tt as} {\ident} \\
- & $|$ & {\pattern} {\tt \%} {\ident} \\
- & $|$ & {\qualid} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt \_} \\
- & $|$ & {\num} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt (} \nelist{\orpattern}{,} {\tt )} \\
-{\orpattern} & ::= & \nelist{\pattern}{\tt |}\\
-\caption{Syntax of terms (continued)}
-{\Coq} terms are typed. {\Coq} types are recognized by the same
-syntactic class as {\term}. We denote by {\type} the semantic subclass
-of types inside the syntactic class {\term}.
-\subsection{Qualified identifiers and simple identifiers
-{\em Qualified identifiers} ({\qualid}) denote {\em global constants}
-(definitions, lemmas, theorems, remarks or facts), {\em global
-variables} (parameters or axioms), {\em inductive
-types} or {\em constructors of inductive types}.
-{\em Simple identifiers} (or shortly {\ident}) are a
-syntactic subset of qualified identifiers. Identifiers may also
-denote local {\em variables}, what qualified identifiers do not.
-Numerals have no definite semantics in the calculus. They are mere
-notations that can be bound to objects through the notation mechanism
-(see Chapter~\ref{Addoc-syntax} for details). Initially, numerals are
-bound to Peano's representation of natural numbers
-Note: negative integers are not at the same level as {\num}, for this
-would make precedence unnatural.
-There are three sorts \Set, \Prop\ and \Type.
-\item \Prop\ is the universe of {\em logical propositions}.
-The logical propositions themselves are typing the proofs.
-We denote propositions by {\form}. This constitutes a semantic
-subclass of the syntactic class {\term}.
-\item \Set\ is is the universe of {\em program
-types} or {\em specifications}.
-The specifications themselves are typing the programs.
-We denote specifications by {\specif}. This constitutes a semantic
-subclass of the syntactic class {\term}.
-\item {\Type} is the type of {\Set} and {\Prop}
-\noindent More on sorts can be found in Section~\ref{Sorts}.
-{\Coq} terms are typed. {\Coq} types are recognized by the same
-syntactic class as {\term}. We denote by {\type} the semantic subclass
-of types inside the syntactic class {\term}.
-Various constructions such as {\tt fun}, {\tt forall}, {\tt fix} and
-{\tt cofix} {\em bind} variables. A binding is represented by an
-identifier. If the binding variable is not used in the expression, the
-identifier can be replaced by the symbol {\tt \_}. When the type of a
-bound variable cannot be synthesized by the system, it can be
-specified with the notation {\tt (}\,{\ident}\,{\tt :}\,{\type}\,{\tt
-)}. There is also a notation for a sequence of binding variables
-sharing the same type: {\tt (}\,{\ident$_1$}\ldots{\ident$_n$}\,{\tt
-:}\,{\type}\,{\tt )}.
-Some constructions allow the binding of a variable to value. This is
-called a ``let-binder''. The entry {\binder} of the grammar accepts
-either an assumption binder as defined above or a let-binder.
-The notation in the
-latter case is {\tt (}\,{\ident}\,{\tt :=}\,{\term}\,{\tt )}. In a
-let-binder, only one variable can be introduced at the same
-time. It is also possible to give the type of the variable as follows:
-{\tt (}\,{\ident}\,{\tt :}\,{\term}\,{\tt :=}\,{\term}\,{\tt )}.
-Lists of {\binder} are allowed. In the case of {\tt fun} and {\tt
- forall}, it is intended that at least one binder of the list is an
-assumption otherwise {\tt fun} and {\tt forall} gets identical. Moreover,
-parentheses can be omitted in the case of a single sequence of
-bindings sharing the same type (e.g.: {\tt fun~(x~y~z~:~A)~=>~t} can
-be shortened in {\tt fun~x~y~z~:~A~=>~t}).
-The expression ``{\tt fun} {\ident} {\tt :} {\type} {\tt =>}~{\term}''
-defines the {\em abstraction} of the variable {\ident}, of type
-{\type}, over the term {\term}. It denotes a function of the variable
-{\ident} that evaluates to the expression {\term} (e.g. {\tt fun x:$A$
-=> x} denotes the identity function on type $A$).
-% The variable {\ident} is called the {\em parameter} of the function
-% (we sometimes say the {\em formal parameter}).
-The keyword {\tt fun} can be followed by several binders as given in
-Section~\ref{Binders}. Functions over several variables are
-equivalent to an iteration of one-variable functions. For instance the
-expression ``{\tt fun}~{\ident$_{1}$}~{\ldots}~{\ident$_{n}$}~{\tt
-:}~\type~{\tt =>}~{\term}'' denotes the same function as ``{\tt
-fun}~{\ident$_{1}$}~{\tt :}~\type~{\tt =>}~{\ldots}~{\tt
-fun}~{\ident$_{n}$}~{\tt :}~\type~{\tt =>}~{\term}''. If a let-binder
-occurs in the list of binders, it is expanded to a local definition
-(see Section~\ref{let-in}).
-The expression ``{\tt forall}~{\ident}~{\tt :}~{\type}{\tt
-,}~{\term}'' denotes the {\em product} of the variable {\ident} of
-type {\type}, over the term {\term}. As for abstractions, {\tt forall}
-is followed by a binder list, and products over several variables are
-equivalent to an iteration of one-variable products.
-Note that {\term} is intended to be a type.
-If the variable {\ident} occurs in {\term}, the product is called {\em
-dependent product}. The intention behind a dependent product {\tt
-forall}~$x$~{\tt :}~{$A$}{\tt ,}~{$B$} is twofold. It denotes either
-the universal quantification of the variable $x$ of type $A$ in the
-proposition $B$ or the functional dependent product from $A$ to $B$ (a
-construction usually written $\Pi_{x:A}.B$ in set theory).
-Non dependent product types have a special notation: ``$A$ {\tt ->}
-$B$'' stands for ``{\tt forall \_:}$A${\tt ,}~$B$''. The non dependent
-product is used both to denote the propositional implication and
-function types.
-The expression \term$_0$ \term$_1$ denotes the application of
-\term$_0$ to \term$_1$.
-The expression {\tt }\term$_0$ \term$_1$ ... \term$_n${\tt}
-denotes the application of the term \term$_0$ to the arguments
-\term$_1$ ... then \term$_n$. It is equivalent to {\tt (} {\ldots}
-{\tt (} {\term$_0$} {\term$_1$} {\tt )} {\ldots} {\tt )} {\term$_n$} {\tt }:
-associativity is to the left.
-The notation {\tt (}\,{\ident}\,{\tt :=}\,{\term}\,{\tt )} for
-arguments is used for making explicit the value of implicit arguments
-(see Section~\ref{Implicits-explicitation}).
-\subsection{Type cast
-The expression ``{\term}~{\tt :}~{\type}'' is a type cast
-expression. It enforces the type of {\term} to be {\type}.
-``{\term}~{\tt <:}~{\type}'' locally sets up the virtual machine (as if option
-{\tt Virtual Machine} were on, see \ref{SetVirtualMachine}) for checking that
-{\term} has type {\type}.
-\subsection{Inferable subterms
-Expressions often contain redundant pieces of information. Subterms that
-can be automatically inferred by {\Coq} can be replaced by the
-symbol ``\_'' and {\Coq} will guess the missing piece of information.
-\subsection{Local definitions (let-in)
-\index{Local definitions}
-{\tt let}~{\ident}~{\tt :=}~{\term$_1$}~{\tt in}~{\term$_2$} denotes
-the local binding of \term$_1$ to the variable $\ident$ in
-There is a syntactic sugar for local definition of functions: {\tt
-let} {\ident} {\binder$_1$} {\ldots} {\binder$_n$} {\tt :=} {\term$_1$}
-{\tt in} {\term$_2$} stands for {\tt let} {\ident} {\tt := fun}
-{\binder$_1$} {\ldots} {\binder$_n$} {\tt =>} {\term$_2$} {\tt in}
-\subsection{Definition by case analysis
-\index{match@{\tt match\ldots with\ldots end}}}
-Objects of inductive types can be destructurated by a case-analysis
-construction called {\em pattern-matching} expression. A
-pattern-matching expression is used to analyze the structure of an
-inductive objects and to apply specific treatments accordingly.
-This paragraph describes the basic form of pattern-matching. See
-Section~\ref{Mult-match} and Chapter~\ref{Mult-match-full} for the
-description of the general form. The basic form of pattern-matching is
-characterized by a single {\caseitem} expression, a {\multpattern}
-restricted to a single {\pattern} and {\pattern} restricted to the
-form {\qualid} \nelist{\ident}{}.
-The expression {\tt match} {\term$_0$} {\returntype} {\tt with}
-{\pattern$_1$} {\tt =>} {\term$_1$} {\tt $|$} {\ldots} {\tt $|$}
-{\pattern$_n$} {\tt =>} {\term$_n$} {\tt end}, denotes a {\em
-pattern-matching} over the term {\term$_0$} (expected to be of an
-inductive type $I$). The terms {\term$_1$}\ldots{\term$_n$} are the
-{\em branches} of the pattern-matching expression. Each of
-{\pattern$_i$} has a form \qualid~\nelist{\ident}{} where {\qualid}
-must denote a constructor. There should be exactly one branch for
-every constructor of $I$.
-The {\returntype} expresses the type returned by the whole {\tt match}
-expression. There are several cases. In the {\em non dependent} case,
-all branches have the same type, and the {\returntype} is the common
-type of branches. In this case, {\returntype} can usually be omitted
-as it can be inferred from the type of the branches\footnote{Except if
-the inductive type is empty in which case there is no equation that can be
-used to infer the return type.}.
-In the {\em dependent} case, there are three subcases. In the first
-subcase, the type in each branch may depend on the exact value being
-matched in the branch. In this case, the whole pattern-matching itself
-depends on the term being matched. This dependency of the term being
-matched in the return type is expressed with an ``{\tt as {\ident}}''
-clause where {\ident} is dependent in the return type.
-For instance, in the following example:
-Inductive bool : Type := true : bool | false : bool.
-Inductive eq (A:Type) (x:A) : A -> Prop := refl_equal : eq A x x.
-Inductive or (A:Prop) (B:Prop) : Prop :=
-| or_introl : A -> or A B
-| or_intror : B -> or A B.
-Definition bool_case (b:bool) : or (eq bool b true) (eq bool b false)
-:= match b as x return or (eq bool x true) (eq bool x false) with
- | true => or_introl (eq bool true true) (eq bool true false)
- (refl_equal bool true)
- | false => or_intror (eq bool false true) (eq bool false false)
- (refl_equal bool false)
- end.
-the branches have respective types {\tt or (eq bool true true) (eq
-bool true false)} and {\tt or (eq bool false true) (eq bool false
-false)} while the whole pattern-matching expression has type {\tt or
-(eq bool b true) (eq bool b false)}, the identifier {\tt x} being used
-to represent the dependency. Remark that when the term being matched
-is a variable, the {\tt as} clause can be omitted and the term being
-matched can serve itself as binding name in the return type. For
-instance, the following alternative definition is accepted and has the
-same meaning as the previous one.
-Definition bool_case (b:bool) : or (eq bool b true) (eq bool b false)
-:= match b return or (eq bool b true) (eq bool b false) with
- | true => or_introl (eq bool true true) (eq bool true false)
- (refl_equal bool true)
- | false => or_intror (eq bool false true) (eq bool false false)
- (refl_equal bool false)
- end.
-The second subcase is only relevant for annotated inductive types such
-as the equality predicate (see Section~\ref{Equality}), the order
-predicate on natural numbers % (see Section~\ref{le}) % undefined reference
-or the type of
-lists of a given length (see Section~\ref{listn}). In this configuration,
-the type of each branch can depend on the type dependencies specific
-to the branch and the whole pattern-matching expression has a type
-determined by the specific dependencies in the type of the term being
-matched. This dependency of the return type in the annotations of the
-inductive type is expressed using a {\tt
-``in~I~\_~$\ldots$~\_~\ident$_1$~$\ldots$~\ident$_n$}'' clause, where
-\item $I$ is the inductive type of the term being matched;
-\item the names \ident$_i$'s correspond to the arguments of the
-inductive type that carry the annotations: the return type is dependent
-on them;
-\item the {\_}'s denote the family parameters of the inductive type:
-the return type is not dependent on them.
-For instance, in the following example:
-Definition sym_equal (A:Type) (x y:A) (H:eq A x y) : eq A y x :=
- match H in eq _ _ z return eq A z x with
- | refl_equal => refl_equal A x
- end.
-the type of the branch has type {\tt eq~A~x~x} because the third
-argument of {\tt eq} is {\tt x} in the type of the pattern {\tt
-refl\_equal}. On the contrary, the type of the whole pattern-matching
-expression has type {\tt eq~A~y~x} because the third argument of {\tt
-eq} is {\tt y} in the type of {\tt H}. This dependency of the case
-analysis in the third argument of {\tt eq} is expressed by the
-identifier {\tt z} in the return type.
-Finally, the third subcase is a combination of the first and second
-subcase. In particular, it only applies to pattern-matching on terms
-in a type with annotations. For this third subcase, both
-the clauses {\tt as} and {\tt in} are available.
-There are specific notations for case analysis on types with one or
-two constructors: ``{\tt if {\ldots} then {\ldots} else {\ldots}}''
-and ``{\tt let (}\nelist{\ldots}{,}{\tt ) := } {\ldots} {\tt in}
-{\ldots}'' (see Sections~\ref{if-then-else} and~\ref{Letin}).
-%\SeeAlso Section~\ref{Mult-match} for convenient extensions of pattern-matching.
-\subsection{Recursive functions
-\index{fix@{fix \ident$_i$\{\dots\}}}}
-The expression ``{\tt fix} \ident$_1$ \binder$_1$ {\tt :} {\type$_1$}
-\texttt{:=} \term$_1$ {\tt with} {\ldots} {\tt with} \ident$_n$
-\binder$_n$~{\tt :} {\type$_n$} \texttt{:=} \term$_n$ {\tt for}
-{\ident$_i$}'' denotes the $i$\nth component of a block of functions
-defined by mutual well-founded recursion. It is the local counterpart
-of the {\tt Fixpoint} command. See Section~\ref{Fixpoint} for more
-details. When $n=1$, the ``{\tt for}~{\ident$_i$}'' clause is omitted.
-The expression ``{\tt cofix} \ident$_1$~\binder$_1$ {\tt :}
-{\type$_1$} {\tt with} {\ldots} {\tt with} \ident$_n$ \binder$_n$ {\tt
-:} {\type$_n$}~{\tt for} {\ident$_i$}'' denotes the $i$\nth component of
-a block of terms defined by a mutual guarded co-recursion. It is the
-local counterpart of the {\tt CoFixpoint} command. See
-Section~\ref{CoFixpoint} for more details. When $n=1$, the ``{\tt
-for}~{\ident$_i$}'' clause is omitted.
-The association of a single fixpoint and a local
-definition have a special syntax: ``{\tt let fix}~$f$~{\ldots}~{\tt
- :=}~{\ldots}~{\tt in}~{\ldots}'' stands for ``{\tt let}~$f$~{\tt :=
- fix}~$f$~\ldots~{\tt :=}~{\ldots}~{\tt in}~{\ldots}''. The same
- applies for co-fixpoints.
-\section{The Vernacular
-{\sentence} & ::= & {\assumption} \\
- & $|$ & {\definition} \\
- & $|$ & {\inductive} \\
- & $|$ & {\fixpoint} \\
- & $|$ & {\assertion} {\proof} \\
-%% Assumptions
-{\assumption} & ::= & {\assumptionkeyword} {\assums} {\tt .} \\
-{\assumptionkeyword} & $\!\!$ ::= & {\tt Axiom} $|$ {\tt Conjecture} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt Parameter} $|$ {\tt Parameters} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt Variable} $|$ {\tt Variables} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt Hypothesis} $|$ {\tt Hypotheses}\\
-{\assums} & ::= & \nelist{\ident}{} {\tt :} {\term} \\
- & $|$ & \nelist{{\tt (} \nelist{\ident}{} {\tt :} {\term} {\tt )}}{} \\
-%% Definitions
-{\definition} & ::= &
- {\tt Definition} {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} {\typecstr} {\tt :=} {\term} {\tt .} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt Let} {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} {\typecstr} {\tt :=} {\term} {\tt .} \\
-%% Inductives
-{\inductive} & ::= &
- {\tt Inductive} \nelist{\inductivebody}{with} {\tt .} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt CoInductive} \nelist{\inductivebody}{with} {\tt .} \\
- & & \\
-{\inductivebody} & ::= &
- {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} {\tt :} {\term} {\tt :=} \\
- && ~~\zeroone{\zeroone{\tt |} \nelist{$\!${\ident}$\!$ \zeroone{\binders} {\typecstrwithoutblank}}{|}} \\
- & & \\ %% TODO: where ...
-%% Fixpoints
-{\fixpoint} & ::= & {\tt Fixpoint} \nelist{\fixpointbody}{with} {\tt .} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt CoFixpoint} \nelist{\cofixpointbody}{with} {\tt .} \\
-%% Lemmas & proofs
-{\assertion} & ::= &
- {\statkwd} {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} {\tt :} {\term} {\tt .} \\
- {\statkwd} & ::= & {\tt Theorem} $|$ {\tt Lemma} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt Remark} $|$ {\tt Fact}\\
- & $|$ & {\tt Corollary} $|$ {\tt Proposition} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt Definition} $|$ {\tt Example} \\\\
-{\proof} & ::= & {\tt Proof} {\tt .} {\dots} {\tt Qed} {\tt .}\\
- & $|$ & {\tt Proof} {\tt .} {\dots} {\tt Defined} {\tt .}\\
- & $|$ & {\tt Proof} {\tt .} {\dots} {\tt Admitted} {\tt .}\\
-\caption{Syntax of sentences}
-Figure \ref{sentences-syntax} describes {\em The Vernacular} which is the
-language of commands of \gallina. A sentence of the vernacular
-language, like in many natural languages, begins with a capital letter
-and ends with a dot.
-The different kinds of command are described hereafter. They all suppose
-that the terms occurring in the sentences are well-typed.
-%% Axioms and Parameters
-Assumptions extend the environment\index{Environment} with axioms,
-parameters, hypotheses or variables. An assumption binds an {\ident}
-to a {\type}. It is accepted by {\Coq} if and only if this {\type} is
-a correct type in the environment preexisting the declaration and if
-{\ident} was not previously defined in the same module. This {\type}
-is considered to be the type (or specification, or statement) assumed
-by {\ident} and we say that {\ident} has type {\type}.
-\subsubsection{{\tt Axiom {\ident} :{\term} .}
-This command links {\term} to the name {\ident} as its specification
-in the global context. The fact asserted by {\term} is thus assumed as
-a postulate.
-\item \errindex{{\ident} already exists}
-\item \comindex{Parameter}\comindex{Parameters}
- {\tt Parameter {\ident} :{\term}.} \\
- Is equivalent to {\tt Axiom {\ident} : {\term}}
-\item {\tt Parameter {\ident$_1$}\ldots{\ident$_n$} {\tt :}{\term}.}\\
- Adds $n$ parameters with specification {\term}
- {\tt Parameter\,%
-(\,{\ident$_{1,1}$}\ldots{\ident$_{1,k_1}$}\,{\tt :}\,{\term$_1$} {\tt )}\,%
-\ldots\,{\tt (}\,{\ident$_{n,1}$}\ldots{\ident$_{n,k_n}$}\,{\tt :}\,%
-{\term$_n$} {\tt )}.}\\
- Adds $n$ blocks of parameters with different specifications.
-\item \comindex{Conjecture}
- {\tt Conjecture {\ident} :{\term}.}\\
- Is equivalent to {\tt Axiom {\ident} : {\term}}.
-\noindent {\bf Remark: } It is possible to replace {\tt Parameter} by
-{\tt Parameters}.
-\subsubsection{{\tt Variable {\ident} :{\term}}.
-This command links {\term} to the name {\ident} in the context of the
-current section (see Section~\ref{Section} for a description of the section
-mechanism). When the current section is closed, name {\ident} will be
-unknown and every object using this variable will be explicitly
-parametrized (the variable is {\em discharged}). Using the {\tt
-Variable} command out of any section is equivalent to using {\tt Parameter}.
-\item \errindex{{\ident} already exists}
-\item {\tt Variable {\ident$_1$}\ldots{\ident$_n$} {\tt :}{\term}.}\\
- Links {\term} to names {\ident$_1$}\ldots{\ident$_n$}.
- {\tt Variable\,%
-(\,{\ident$_{1,1}$}\ldots{\ident$_{1,k_1}$}\,{\tt :}\,{\term$_1$} {\tt )}\,%
-\ldots\,{\tt (}\,{\ident$_{n,1}$}\ldots{\ident$_{n,k_n}$}\,{\tt :}\,%
-{\term$_n$} {\tt )}.}\\
- Adds $n$ blocks of variables with different specifications.
-\item \comindex{Hypothesis}
- \comindex{Hypotheses}
- {\tt Hypothesis {\ident} {\tt :}{\term}.} \\
- \texttt{Hypothesis} is a synonymous of \texttt{Variable}
-\noindent {\bf Remark: } It is possible to replace {\tt Variable} by
-{\tt Variables} and {\tt Hypothesis} by {\tt Hypotheses}.
-It is advised to use the keywords \verb:Axiom: and \verb:Hypothesis:
-for logical postulates (i.e. when the assertion {\term} is of sort
-\verb:Prop:), and to use the keywords \verb:Parameter: and
-\verb:Variable: in other cases (corresponding to the declaration of an
-abstract mathematical entity).
-%% Definitions
-Definitions extend the environment\index{Environment} with
-associations of names to terms. A definition can be seen as a way to
-give a meaning to a name or as a way to abbreviate a term. In any
-case, the name can later be replaced at any time by its definition.
-The operation of unfolding a name into its definition is called
-$\delta$-conversion\index{delta-reduction@$\delta$-reduction} (see
-Section~\ref{delta}). A definition is accepted by the system if and
-only if the defined term is well-typed in the current context of the
-definition and if the name is not already used. The name defined by
-the definition is called a {\em constant}\index{Constant} and the term
-it refers to is its {\em body}. A definition has a type which is the
-type of its body.
-A formal presentation of constants and environments is given in
-\subsubsection{\tt Definition {\ident} := {\term}.
-This command binds {\term} to the name {\ident} in the
-environment, provided that {\term} is well-typed.
-\item \errindex{{\ident} already exists}
-\item {\tt Definition {\ident} {\tt :}{\term$_1$} := {\term$_2$}.}\\
- It checks that the type of {\term$_2$} is definitionally equal to
- {\term$_1$}, and registers {\ident} as being of type {\term$_1$},
- and bound to value {\term$_2$}.
-\item {\tt Definition {\ident} {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}
- {\tt :}\term$_1$ {\tt :=} {\term$_2$}.}\\
- This is equivalent to \\
- {\tt Definition\,{\ident}\,{\tt :\,forall}\,%
- {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}{\tt ,}\,\term$_1$\,{\tt :=}}\,%
- {\tt fun}\,{\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}\,{\tt =>}\,{\term$_2$}\,%
- {\tt .}
-\item {\tt Example {\ident} := {\term}.}\\
-{\tt Example {\ident} {\tt :}{\term$_1$} := {\term$_2$}.}\\
-{\tt Example {\ident} {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_n$}
- {\tt :}\term$_1$ {\tt :=} {\term$_2$}.}\\
-These are synonyms of the {\tt Definition} forms.
-\item \errindex{Error: The term {\term} has type {\type} while it is expected to have type {\type}}
-\SeeAlso Sections \ref{Opaque}, \ref{Transparent}, \ref{unfold}.
-\subsubsection{\tt Let {\ident} := {\term}.
-This command binds the value {\term} to the name {\ident} in the
-environment of the current section. The name {\ident} disappears
-when the current section is eventually closed, and, all
-persistent objects (such as theorems) defined within the
-section and depending on {\ident} are prefixed by the local definition
-{\tt let {\ident} := {\term} in}.
-\item \errindex{{\ident} already exists}
-\item {\tt Let {\ident} : {\term$_1$} := {\term$_2$}.}
-\SeeAlso Sections \ref{Section} (section mechanism), \ref{Opaque},
-\ref{Transparent} (opaque/transparent constants), \ref{unfold} (tactic
- {\tt unfold}).
-%% Inductive Types
-\subsection{Inductive definitions
-\index{Inductive definitions}
-We gradually explain simple inductive types, simple
-annotated inductive types, simple parametric inductive types,
-mutually inductive types. We explain also co-inductive types.
-\subsubsection{Simple inductive types}
-The definition of a simple inductive type has the following form:
-Inductive {\ident} : {\sort} := \\
- & {\ident$_1$} &:& {\type$_1$} \\
- | & {\ldots} && \\
- | & {\ident$_n$} &:& {\type$_n$}
-The name {\ident} is the name of the inductively defined type and
-{\sort} is the universes where it lives.
-The names {\ident$_1$}, {\ldots}, {\ident$_n$}
-are the names of its constructors and {\type$_1$}, {\ldots},
-{\type$_n$} their respective types. The types of the constructors have
-to satisfy a {\em positivity condition} (see Section~\ref{Positivity})
-for {\ident}. This condition ensures the soundness of the inductive
-definition. If this is the case, the constants {\ident},
-{\ident$_1$}, {\ldots}, {\ident$_n$} are added to the environment with
-their respective types. Accordingly to the universe where
-the inductive type lives ({\it e.g.} its type {\sort}), {\Coq} provides a
-number of destructors for {\ident}. Destructors are named
-{\ident}{\tt\_ind}, {\ident}{\tt \_rec} or {\ident}{\tt \_rect} which
-respectively correspond to elimination principles on {\tt Prop}, {\tt
-Set} and {\tt Type}. The type of the destructors expresses structural
-induction/recursion principles over objects of {\ident}. We give below
-two examples of the use of the {\tt Inductive} definitions.
-The set of natural numbers is defined as:
-Inductive nat : Set :=
- | O : nat
- | S : nat -> nat.
-The type {\tt nat} is defined as the least \verb:Set: containing {\tt
- O} and closed by the {\tt S} constructor. The constants {\tt nat},
-{\tt O} and {\tt S} are added to the environment.
-Now let us have a look at the elimination principles. They are three
-of them:
-{\tt nat\_ind}, {\tt nat\_rec} and {\tt nat\_rect}. The type of {\tt
- nat\_ind} is:
-Check nat_ind.
-This is the well known structural induction principle over natural
-numbers, i.e. the second-order form of Peano's induction principle.
-It allows to prove some universal property of natural numbers ({\tt
-forall n:nat, P n}) by induction on {\tt n}.
-The types of {\tt nat\_rec} and {\tt nat\_rect} are similar, except
-that they pertain to {\tt (P:nat->Set)} and {\tt (P:nat->Type)}
-respectively . They correspond to primitive induction principles
-(allowing dependent types) respectively over sorts \verb:Set: and
-\verb:Type:. The constant {\ident}{\tt \_ind} is always provided,
-whereas {\ident}{\tt \_rec} and {\ident}{\tt \_rect} can be impossible
-to derive (for example, when {\ident} is a proposition).
-Reset Initial.
-Inductive nat : Set := O | S (_:nat).
-In the case where inductive types have no annotations (next section
-gives an example of such annotations),
-%the positivity condition implies that
-a constructor can be defined by only giving the type of
-its arguments.
-\subsubsection{Simple annotated inductive types}
-In an annotated inductive types, the universe where the inductive
-type is defined is no longer a simple sort, but what is called an
-arity, which is a type whose conclusion is a sort.
-As an example of annotated inductive types, let us define the
-$even$ predicate:
-Inductive even : nat -> Prop :=
- | even_0 : even O
- | even_SS : forall n:nat, even n -> even (S (S n)).
-The type {\tt nat->Prop} means that {\tt even} is a unary predicate
-(inductively defined) over natural numbers. The type of its two
-constructors are the defining clauses of the predicate {\tt even}. The
-type of {\tt even\_ind} is:
-Check even_ind.
-From a mathematical point of view it asserts that the natural numbers
-satisfying the predicate {\tt even} are exactly in the smallest set of
-naturals satisfying the clauses {\tt even\_0} or {\tt even\_SS}. This
-is why, when we want to prove any predicate {\tt P} over elements of
-{\tt even}, it is enough to prove it for {\tt O} and to prove that if
-any natural number {\tt n} satisfies {\tt P} its double successor {\tt
- (S (S n))} satisfies also {\tt P}. This is indeed analogous to the
-structural induction principle we got for {\tt nat}.
-\item \errindex{Non strictly positive occurrence of {\ident} in {\type}}
-\item \errindex{The conclusion of {\type} is not valid; it must be
-built from {\ident}}
-\subsubsection{Parametrized inductive types}
-In the previous example, each constructor introduces a
-different instance of the predicate {\tt even}. In some cases,
-all the constructors introduces the same generic instance of the
-inductive definition, in which case, instead of an annotation, we use
-a context of parameters which are binders shared by all the
-constructors of the definition.
-% Inductive types may be parameterized. Parameters differ from inductive
-% type annotations in the fact that recursive invokations of inductive
-% types must always be done with the same values of parameters as its
-% specification.
-The general scheme is:
-{\tt Inductive} {\ident} {\binder$_1$}\ldots{\binder$_k$} : {\term} :=
- {\ident$_1$}: {\term$_1$} | {\ldots} | {\ident$_n$}: \term$_n$
-{\tt .}
-Parameters differ from inductive type annotations in the fact that the
-conclusion of each type of constructor {\term$_i$} invoke the inductive
-type with the same values of parameters as its specification.
-A typical example is the definition of polymorphic lists:
-Inductive list (A:Set) : Set :=
- | nil : list A
- | cons : A -> list A -> list A.
-Note that in the type of {\tt nil} and {\tt cons}, we write {\tt
- (list A)} and not just {\tt list}.\\ The constants {\tt nil} and
-{\tt cons} will have respectively types:
-Check nil.
-Check cons.
-Types of destructors are also quantified with {\tt (A:Set)}.
-Reset Initial.
-Inductive list (A:Set) : Set := nil | cons (_:A) (_:list A).
-This is an alternative definition of lists where we specify the
-arguments of the constructors rather than their full type.
-\item \errindex{The {\num}th argument of {\ident} must be {\ident'} in
-\paragraph{New from \Coq{} V8.1} The condition on parameters for
-inductive definitions has been relaxed since \Coq{} V8.1. It is now
-possible in the type of a constructor, to invoke recursively the
-inductive definition on an argument which is not the parameter itself.
-One can define~:
-Inductive list2 (A:Set) : Set :=
- | nil2 : list2 A
- | cons2 : A -> list2 (A*A) -> list2 A.
-Reset list2.
-that can also be written by specifying only the type of the arguments:
-Inductive list2 (A:Set) : Set := nil2 | cons2 (_:A) (_:list2 (A*A)).
-But the following definition will give an error:
-Inductive listw (A:Set) : Set :=
- | nilw : listw (A*A)
- | consw : A -> listw (A*A) -> listw (A*A).
-Because the conclusion of the type of constructors should be {\tt
- listw A} in both cases.
-A parametrized inductive definition can be defined using
-annotations instead of parameters but it will sometimes give a
-different (bigger) sort for the inductive definition and will produce
-a less convenient rule for case elimination.
-\SeeAlso Sections~\ref{Cic-inductive-definitions} and~\ref{Tac-induction}.
-\subsubsection{Mutually defined inductive types
-The definition of a block of mutually inductive types has the form:
-Inductive {\ident$_1$} : {\type$_1$} := \\
- & {\ident$_1^1$} &:& {\type$_1^1$} \\
- | & {\ldots} && \\
- | & {\ident$_{n_1}^1$} &:& {\type$_{n_1}^1$}
-\end{tabular} \\
-~{\ldots} \\
-with {\ident$_m$} : {\type$_m$} := \\
- & {\ident$_1^m$} &:& {\type$_1^m$} \\
- | & {\ldots} \\
- | & {\ident$_{n_m}^m$} &:& {\type$_{n_m}^m$}.
-\noindent It has the same semantics as the above {\tt Inductive}
-definition for each \ident$_1$, {\ldots}, \ident$_m$. All names
-\ident$_1$, {\ldots}, \ident$_m$ and \ident$_1^1$, \dots,
-\ident$_{n_m}^m$ are simultaneously added to the environment. Then
-well-typing of constructors can be checked. Each one of the
-\ident$_1$, {\ldots}, \ident$_m$ can be used on its own.
-It is also possible to parametrize these inductive definitions.
-However, parameters correspond to a local
-context in which the whole set of inductive declarations is done. For
-this reason, the parameters must be strictly the same for each
-inductive types The extended syntax is:
-Inductive {\ident$_1$} {\params} : {\type$_1$} := \\
- & {\ident$_1^1$} &:& {\type$_1^1$} \\
- | & {\ldots} && \\
- | & {\ident$_{n_1}^1$} &:& {\type$_{n_1}^1$}
-\end{tabular} \\
-~{\ldots} \\
-with {\ident$_m$} {\params} : {\type$_m$} := \\
- & {\ident$_1^m$} &:& {\type$_1^m$} \\
- | & {\ldots} \\
- | & {\ident$_{n_m}^m$} &:& {\type$_{n_m}^m$}.
-The typical example of a mutual inductive data type is the one for
-trees and forests. We assume given two types $A$ and $B$ as variables.
-It can be declared the following way.
-Reset Initial.
-Variables A B : Set.
-Inductive tree : Set :=
- node : A -> forest -> tree
-with forest : Set :=
- | leaf : B -> forest
- | cons : tree -> forest -> forest.
-This declaration generates automatically six induction
-principles. They are respectively
-called {\tt tree\_rec}, {\tt tree\_ind}, {\tt
- tree\_rect}, {\tt forest\_rec}, {\tt forest\_ind}, {\tt
- forest\_rect}. These ones are not the most general ones but are
-just the induction principles corresponding to each inductive part
-seen as a single inductive definition.
-To illustrate this point on our example, we give the types of {\tt
- tree\_rec} and {\tt forest\_rec}.
-Check tree_rec.
-Check forest_rec.
-Assume we want to parametrize our mutual inductive definitions with
-the two type variables $A$ and $B$, the declaration should be done the
-following way:
-Reset tree.
-Inductive tree (A B:Set) : Set :=
- node : A -> forest A B -> tree A B
-with forest (A B:Set) : Set :=
- | leaf : B -> forest A B
- | cons : tree A B -> forest A B -> forest A B.
-Assume we define an inductive definition inside a section. When the
-section is closed, the variables declared in the section and occurring
-free in the declaration are added as parameters to the inductive
-\SeeAlso Section~\ref{Section}.
-\subsubsection{Co-inductive types
-The objects of an inductive type are well-founded with respect to the
-constructors of the type. In other words, such objects contain only a
-{\it finite} number of constructors. Co-inductive types arise from
-relaxing this condition, and admitting types whose objects contain an
-infinity of constructors. Infinite objects are introduced by a
-non-ending (but effective) process of construction, defined in terms
-of the constructors of the type.
-An example of a co-inductive type is the type of infinite sequences of
-natural numbers, usually called streams. It can be introduced in \Coq\
-using the \texttt{CoInductive} command:
-CoInductive Stream : Set :=
- Seq : nat -> Stream -> Stream.
-The syntax of this command is the same as the command \texttt{Inductive}
-(see Section~\ref{gal_Inductive_Definitions}). Notice that no
-principle of induction is derived from the definition of a
-co-inductive type, since such principles only make sense for inductive
-ones. For co-inductive ones, the only elimination principle is case
-analysis. For example, the usual destructors on streams
-\texttt{hd:Stream->nat} and \texttt{tl:Str->Str} can be defined as
-Definition hd (x:Stream) := let (a,s) := x in a.
-Definition tl (x:Stream) := let (a,s) := x in s.
-Definition of co-inductive predicates and blocks of mutually
-co-inductive definitions are also allowed. An example of a
-co-inductive predicate is the extensional equality on streams:
-CoInductive EqSt : Stream -> Stream -> Prop :=
- eqst :
- forall s1 s2:Stream,
- hd s1 = hd s2 -> EqSt (tl s1) (tl s2) -> EqSt s1 s2.
-In order to prove the extensionally equality of two streams $s_1$ and
-$s_2$ we have to construct an infinite proof of equality, that is,
-an infinite object of type $(\texttt{EqSt}\;s_1\;s_2)$. We will see
-how to introduce infinite objects in Section~\ref{CoFixpoint}.
-%% (Co-)Fixpoints
-\subsection{Definition of recursive functions}
-\subsubsection{Definition of functions by recursion over inductive objects}
-This section describes the primitive form of definition by recursion
-over inductive objects. See Section~\ref{Function} for more advanced
-constructions. The command:
- \texttt{Fixpoint {\ident} {\params} {\tt \{struct}
- \ident$_0$ {\tt \}} : type$_0$ := \term$_0$
- \comindex{Fixpoint}\label{Fixpoint}}
-allows to define functions by pattern-matching over inductive objects
-using a fixed point construction.
-The meaning of this declaration is to define {\it ident} a recursive
-function with arguments specified by the binders in {\params} such
-that {\it ident} applied to arguments corresponding to these binders
-has type \type$_0$, and is equivalent to the expression \term$_0$. The
-type of the {\ident} is consequently {\tt forall {\params} {\tt,}
- \type$_0$} and the value is equivalent to {\tt fun {\params} {\tt
- =>} \term$_0$}.
-To be accepted, a {\tt Fixpoint} definition has to satisfy some
-syntactical constraints on a special argument called the decreasing
-argument. They are needed to ensure that the {\tt Fixpoint} definition
-always terminates. The point of the {\tt \{struct \ident {\tt \}}}
-annotation is to let the user tell the system which argument decreases
-along the recursive calls. For instance, one can define the addition
-function as :
-Fixpoint add (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n with
- | O => m
- | S p => S (add p m)
- end.
-The {\tt \{struct \ident {\tt \}}} annotation may be left implicit, in
-this case the system try successively arguments from left to right
-until it finds one that satisfies the decreasing condition. Note that
-some fixpoints may have several arguments that fit as decreasing
-arguments, and this choice influences the reduction of the
-fixpoint. Hence an explicit annotation must be used if the leftmost
-decreasing argument is not the desired one. Writing explicit
-annotations can also speed up type-checking of large mutual fixpoints.
-The {\tt match} operator matches a value (here \verb:n:) with the
-various constructors of its (inductive) type. The remaining arguments
-give the respective values to be returned, as functions of the
-parameters of the corresponding constructor. Thus here when \verb:n:
-equals \verb:O: we return \verb:m:, and when \verb:n: equals
-\verb:(S p): we return \verb:(S (add p m)):.
-The {\tt match} operator is formally described
-in detail in Section~\ref{Caseexpr}. The system recognizes that in
-the inductive call {\tt (add p m)} the first argument actually
-decreases because it is a {\em pattern variable} coming from {\tt match
- n with}.
-\Example The following definition is not correct and generates an
-error message:
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is not correct and should produce **********)
-(********* Error: Recursive call to wrongplus ... **********)
-Fixpoint wrongplus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match m with
- | O => n
- | S p => S (wrongplus n p)
- end.
-because the declared decreasing argument {\tt n} actually does not
-decrease in the recursive call. The function computing the addition
-over the second argument should rather be written:
-Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct m} : nat :=
- match m with
- | O => n
- | S p => S (plus n p)
- end.
-The ordinary match operation on natural numbers can be mimicked in the
-following way.
-Fixpoint nat_match
- (C:Set) (f0:C) (fS:nat -> C -> C) (n:nat) {struct n} : C :=
- match n with
- | O => f0
- | S p => fS p (nat_match C f0 fS p)
- end.
-The recursive call may not only be on direct subterms of the recursive
-variable {\tt n} but also on a deeper subterm and we can directly
-write the function {\tt mod2} which gives the remainder modulo 2 of a
-natural number.
-Fixpoint mod2 (n:nat) : nat :=
- match n with
- | O => O
- | S p => match p with
- | O => S O
- | S q => mod2 q
- end
- end.
-In order to keep the strong normalization property, the fixed point
-reduction will only be performed when the argument in position of the
-decreasing argument (which type should be in an inductive definition)
-starts with a constructor.
-The {\tt Fixpoint} construction enjoys also the {\tt with} extension
-to define functions over mutually defined inductive types or more
-generally any mutually recursive definitions.
-\item {\tt Fixpoint {\ident$_1$} {\params$_1$} :{\type$_1$} := {\term$_1$}\\
- with {\ldots} \\
- with {\ident$_m$} {\params$_m$} :{\type$_m$} := {\term$_m$}}\\
- Allows to define simultaneously {\ident$_1$}, {\ldots},
- {\ident$_m$}.
-The size of trees and forests can be defined the following way:
-Reset Initial.
-Variables A B : Set.
-Inductive tree : Set :=
- node : A -> forest -> tree
-with forest : Set :=
- | leaf : B -> forest
- | cons : tree -> forest -> forest.
-Fixpoint tree_size (t:tree) : nat :=
- match t with
- | node a f => S (forest_size f)
- end
- with forest_size (f:forest) : nat :=
- match f with
- | leaf b => 1
- | cons t f' => (tree_size t + forest_size f')
- end.
-A generic command {\tt Scheme} is useful to build automatically various
-mutual induction principles. It is described in Section~\ref{Scheme}.
-\subsubsection{Definitions of recursive objects in co-inductive types}
-The command:
- \texttt{CoFixpoint {\ident} : \type$_0$ := \term$_0$}
- \comindex{CoFixpoint}\label{CoFixpoint}
-introduces a method for constructing an infinite object of a
-coinduc\-tive type. For example, the stream containing all natural
-numbers can be introduced applying the following method to the number
-\texttt{O} (see Section~\ref{CoInductiveTypes} for the definition of
-{\tt Stream}, {\tt hd} and {\tt tl}):
-Reset Initial.
-CoInductive Stream : Set :=
- Seq : nat -> Stream -> Stream.
-Definition hd (x:Stream) := match x with
- | Seq a s => a
- end.
-Definition tl (x:Stream) := match x with
- | Seq a s => s
- end.
-CoFixpoint from (n:nat) : Stream := Seq n (from (S n)).
-Oppositely to recursive ones, there is no decreasing argument in a
-co-recursive definition. To be admissible, a method of construction
-must provide at least one extra constructor of the infinite object for
-each iteration. A syntactical guard condition is imposed on
-co-recursive definitions in order to ensure this: each recursive call
-in the definition must be protected by at least one constructor, and
-only by constructors. That is the case in the former definition, where
-the single recursive call of \texttt{from} is guarded by an
-application of \texttt{Seq}. On the contrary, the following recursive
-function does not satisfy the guard condition:
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is not correct and should produce **********)
-(***************** Error: Unguarded recursive call *******************)
-CoFixpoint filter (p:nat -> bool) (s:Stream) : Stream :=
- if p (hd s) then Seq (hd s) (filter p (tl s)) else filter p (tl s).
-The elimination of co-recursive definition is done lazily, i.e. the
-definition is expanded only when it occurs at the head of an
-application which is the argument of a case analysis expression. In
-any other context, it is considered as a canonical expression which is
-completely evaluated. We can test this using the command
-\texttt{Eval}, which computes the normal forms of a term:
-Eval compute in (from 0).
-Eval compute in (hd (from 0)).
-Eval compute in (tl (from 0)).
-\item{\tt CoFixpoint {\ident$_1$} {\params} :{\type$_1$} :=
- {\term$_1$}}\\ As for most constructions, arguments of co-fixpoints
- expressions can be introduced before the {\tt :=} sign.
-\item{\tt CoFixpoint {\ident$_1$} :{\type$_1$} := {\term$_1$}\\
- with\\
- \mbox{}\hspace{0.1cm} $\ldots$ \\
- with {\ident$_m$} : {\type$_m$} := {\term$_m$}}\\
-As in the \texttt{Fixpoint} command (see Section~\ref{Fixpoint}), it
-is possible to introduce a block of mutually dependent methods.
-%% Theorems & Lemmas
-\subsection{Assertions and proofs}
-An assertion states a proposition (or a type) of which the proof (or
-an inhabitant of the type) is interactively built using tactics. The
-interactive proof mode is described in
-Chapter~\ref{Proof-handling} and the tactics in Chapter~\ref{Tactics}.
-The basic assertion command is:
-\subsubsection{\tt Theorem {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type}.
-After the statement is asserted, {\Coq} needs a proof. Once a proof of
-{\type} under the assumptions represented by {\binders} is given and
-validated, the proof is generalized into a proof of {\tt forall
- \zeroone{\binders}, {\type}} and the theorem is bound to the name
-{\ident} in the environment.
-\item \errindex{The term {\form} has type {\ldots} which should be Set,
- Prop or Type}
-\item \errindexbis{{\ident} already exists}{already exists}
- The name you provided is already defined. You have then to choose
- another name.
-\item {\tt Lemma {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type}.}\comindex{Lemma}\\
- {\tt Remark {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type}.}\comindex{Remark}\\
- {\tt Fact {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type}.}\comindex{Fact}\\
- {\tt Corollary {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type}.}\comindex{Corollary}\\
- {\tt Proposition {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type}.}\comindex{Proposition}
-These commands are synonyms of \texttt{Theorem {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type}}.
-\item {\tt Theorem \nelist{{\ident} \zeroone{\binders}: {\type}}{with}.}
-This command is useful for theorems that are proved by simultaneous
-induction over a mutually inductive assumption, or that assert mutually
-dependent statements in some mutual co-inductive type. It is equivalent
-to {\tt Fixpoint} or {\tt CoFixpoint}
-(see Section~\ref{CoFixpoint}) but using tactics to build the proof of
-the statements (or the body of the specification, depending on the
-point of view). The inductive or co-inductive types on which the
-induction or coinduction has to be done is assumed to be non ambiguous
-and is guessed by the system.
-Like in a {\tt Fixpoint} or {\tt CoFixpoint} definition, the induction
-hypotheses have to be used on {\em structurally smaller} arguments
-(for a {\tt Fixpoint}) or be {\em guarded by a constructor} (for a {\tt
- CoFixpoint}). The verification that recursive proof arguments are
-correct is done only at the time of registering the lemma in the
-environment. To know if the use of induction hypotheses is correct at
-some time of the interactive development of a proof, use the command
-{\tt Guarded} (see Section~\ref{Guarded}).
-The command can be used also with {\tt Lemma},
-{\tt Remark}, etc. instead of {\tt Theorem}.
-\item {\tt Definition {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type}.}
-This allows to define a term of type {\type} using the proof editing mode. It
-behaves as {\tt Theorem} but is intended to be used in conjunction with
- {\tt Defined} (see \ref{Defined}) in order to define a
- constant of which the computational behavior is relevant.
-The command can be used also with {\tt Example} instead
-of {\tt Definition}.
-\SeeAlso Sections~\ref{Opaque} and~\ref{Transparent} ({\tt Opaque}
-and {\tt Transparent}) and~\ref{unfold} (tactic {\tt unfold}).
-\item {\tt Let {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type}.}
-Like {\tt Definition {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\type}.} except
-that the definition is turned into a local definition generalized over
-the declarations depending on it after closing the current section.
-\item {\tt Fixpoint \nelist{{\ident} {\binders} \zeroone{\annotation} {\typecstr} \zeroone{{\tt :=} {\term}}}{with}.}
-This generalizes the syntax of {\tt Fixpoint} so that one or more
-bodies can be defined interactively using the proof editing mode (when
-a body is omitted, its type is mandatory in the syntax). When the
-block of proofs is completed, it is intended to be ended by {\tt
- Defined}.
-\item {\tt CoFixpoint \nelist{{\ident} \zeroone{\binders} {\typecstr} \zeroone{{\tt :=} {\term}}}{with}.}
-This generalizes the syntax of {\tt CoFixpoint} so that one or more bodies
-can be defined interactively using the proof editing mode.
-\subsubsection{{\tt Proof.} {\dots} {\tt Qed.}
-A proof starts by the keyword {\tt Proof}. Then {\Coq} enters the
-proof editing mode until the proof is completed. The proof editing
-mode essentially contains tactics that are described in chapter
-\ref{Tactics}. Besides tactics, there are commands to manage the proof
-editing mode. They are described in Chapter~\ref{Proof-handling}. When
-the proof is completed it should be validated and put in the
-environment using the keyword {\tt Qed}.
-\item \errindex{{\ident} already exists}
-\item Several statements can be simultaneously asserted.
-\item Not only other assertions but any vernacular command can be given
-while in the process of proving a given assertion. In this case, the command is
-understood as if it would have been given before the statements still to be
-\item {\tt Proof} is recommended but can currently be omitted. On the
-opposite side, {\tt Qed} (or {\tt Defined}, see below) is mandatory to
-validate a proof.
-\item Proofs ended by {\tt Qed} are declared opaque. Their content
- cannot be unfolded (see \ref{Conversion-tactics}), thus realizing
- some form of {\em proof-irrelevance}. To be able to unfold a proof,
- the proof should be ended by {\tt Defined} (see below).
-\item \comindex{Defined}
- {\tt Proof.} {\dots} {\tt Defined.}\\
- Same as {\tt Proof.} {\dots} {\tt Qed.} but the proof is
- then declared transparent, which means that its
- content can be explicitly used for type-checking and that it
- can be unfolded in conversion tactics (see
- \ref{Conversion-tactics}, \ref{Opaque}, \ref{Transparent}).
-%Not claimed to be part of Gallina...
-%\item {\tt Proof.} {\dots} {\tt Save.}\\
-% Same as {\tt Proof.} {\dots} {\tt Qed.}
-%\item {\tt Goal} \type {\dots} {\tt Save} \ident \\
-% Same as {\tt Lemma} \ident {\tt :} \type \dots {\tt Save.}
-% This is intended to be used in the interactive mode.
-\item \comindex{Admitted}
- {\tt Proof.} {\dots} {\tt Admitted.}\\
- Turns the current asserted statement into an axiom and exits the
- proof mode.
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-\chapter[\Coq{} Integrated Development Environment]{\Coq{} Integrated Development Environment\label{Addoc-coqide}
-The \Coq{} Integrated Development Environment is a graphical tool, to
-be used as a user-friendly replacement to \texttt{coqtop}. Its main
-purpose is to allow the user to navigate forward and backward into a
-\Coq{} vernacular file, executing corresponding commands or undoing
-them respectively. % CREDITS ? Proof general, lablgtk, ...
-\CoqIDE{} is run by typing the command \verb|coqide| on the command
-line. Without argument, the main screen is displayed with an ``unnamed
-buffer'', and with a file name as argument, another buffer displaying
-the contents of that file. Additionally, \verb|coqide| accepts the same
-options as \verb|coqtop|, given in Chapter~\ref{Addoc-coqc}, the ones having
-obviously no meaning for \CoqIDE{} being ignored. Additionally, \verb|coqide| accepts the option \verb|-enable-geoproof| to enable the support for \emph{GeoProof} \footnote{\emph{GeoProof} is dynamic geometry software which can be used in conjunction with \CoqIDE{} to interactively build a Coq statement corresponding to a geometric figure. More information about \emph{GeoProof} can be found here: \url{} }.
-\ifpdf % si on est en pdflatex
-\caption{\CoqIDE{} main screen}
-A sample \CoqIDE{} main screen, while navigating into a file
-\verb|Fermat.v|, is shown on Figure~\ref{fig:coqide}. At
-the top is a menu bar, and a tool bar below it. The large window on
-the left is displaying the various \emph{script buffers}. The upper right
-window is the \emph{goal window}, where goals to
-prove are displayed. The lower right window is the \emph{message window},
-where various messages resulting from commands are displayed. At the
-bottom is the status bar.
-\section{Managing files and buffers, basic edition}
-In the script window, you may open arbitrarily many buffers to
-edit. The \emph{File} menu allows you to open files or create some,
-save them, print or export them into various formats. Among all these
-buffers, there is always one which is the current \emph{running
- buffer}, whose name is displayed on a green background, which is the
-one where Coq commands are currently executed.
-Buffers may be edited as in any text editor, and classical basic
-editing commands (Copy/Paste, \ldots) are available in the \emph{Edit}
-menu. \CoqIDE{} offers only basic editing commands, so if you need
-more complex editing commands, you may launch your favorite text
-editor on the current buffer, using the \emph{Edit/External Editor}
-\section{Interactive navigation into \Coq{} scripts}
-The running buffer is the one where navigation takes place. The
-toolbar proposes five basic commands for this. The first one,
-represented by a down arrow icon, is for going forward executing one
-command. If that command is successful, the part of the script that
-has been executed is displayed on a green background. If that command
-fails, the error message is displayed in the message window, and the
-location of the error is emphasized by a red underline.
-On Figure~\ref{fig:coqide}, the running buffer is \verb|Fermat.v|, all
-commands until the \verb|Theorem| have been already executed, and the
-user tried to go forward executing \verb|Induction n|. That command
-failed because no such tactic exist (tactics are now in
-lowercase\ldots), and the wrong word is underlined.
-Notice that the green part of the running buffer is not editable. If
-you ever want to modify something you have to go backward using the up
-arrow tool, or even better, put the cursor where you want to go back
-and use the \textsf{goto} button. Unlike with \verb|coqtop|, you
-should never use \verb|Undo| to go backward.
-Two additional tool buttons exist, one to go directly to the end and
-one to go back to the beginning. If you try to go to the end, or in
-general to run several commands using the \textsf{goto} button, the
- execution will stop whenever an error is found.
-If you ever try to execute a command which happens to run during a
-long time, and would like to abort it before its
-termination, you may use the interrupt button (the white cross on a red circle).
-Finally, notice that these navigation buttons are also available in
-the menu, where their keyboard shortcuts are given.
-\section[Try tactics automatically]{Try tactics automatically\label{sec:trytactics}}
-The menu \texttt{Try Tactics} provides some features for automatically
-trying to solve the current goal using simple tactics. If such a
-tactic succeeds in solving the goal, then its text is automatically
-inserted into the script. There is finally a combination of these
-tactics, called the \emph{proof wizard} which will try each of them in
-turn. This wizard is also available as a tool button (the light
-bulb). The set of tactics tried by the wizard is customizable in
-the preferences.
-These tactics are general ones, in particular they do not refer to
-particular hypotheses. You may also try specific tactics related to
-the goal or one of the hypotheses, by clicking with the right mouse
-button on the goal or the considered hypothesis. This is the
-``contextual menu on goals'' feature, that may be disabled in the
-preferences if undesirable.
-\section{Proof folding}
-As your script grows bigger and bigger, it might be useful to hide the proofs
-of your theorems and lemmas.
-This feature is toggled via the \texttt{Hide} entry of the \texttt{Navigation}
-menu. The proof shall be enclosed between \texttt{Proof.} and \texttt{Qed.},
-both with their final dots. The proof that shall be hidden or revealed is the
-first one whose beginning statement (such as \texttt{Theorem}) precedes the
-insertion cursor.
-\section{Vernacular commands, templates}
-The \texttt{Templates} menu allows to use shortcuts to insert
-vernacular commands. This is a nice way to proceed if you are not sure
-of the spelling of the command you want.
-Moreover, this menu offers some \emph{templates} which will automatic
-insert a complex command like Fixpoint with a convenient shape for its
-\ifpdf % si on est en pdflatex
-\caption{\CoqIDE{}: the query window}
-We call \emph{query} any vernacular command that do not change the
-current state, such as \verb|Check|, \verb|SearchAbout|, etc. Those
-commands are of course useless during compilation of a file, hence
-should not be included in scripts. To run such commands without
-writing them in the script, \CoqIDE{} offers another input window
-called the \emph{query window}. This window can be displayed on
-demand, either by using the \texttt{Window} menu, or directly using
-shortcuts given in the \texttt{Queries} menu. Indeed, with \CoqIDE{}
-the simplest way to perform a \texttt{SearchAbout} on some identifier
-is to select it using the mouse, and pressing \verb|F2|. This will
-both make appear the query window and run the \texttt{SearchAbout} in
-it, displaying the result. Shortcuts \verb|F3| and \verb|F4| are for
-\verb|Check| and \verb|Print| respectively.
-Figure~\ref{fig:querywindow} displays the query window after selection
-of the word ``mult'' in the script windows, and pressing \verb|F4| to
-print its definition.
-The \verb|Compile| menu offers direct commands to:
-\item compile the current buffer
-\item run a compilation using \verb|make|
-\item go to the last compilation error
-\item create a \verb|makefile| using \verb|coq_makefile|.
-You may customize your environment using menu
-\texttt{Edit/Preferences}. A new window will be displayed, with
-several customization sections presented as a notebook.
-The first section is for selecting the text font used for scripts, goal
-and message windows.
-The second section is devoted to file management: you may
-configure automatic saving of files, by periodically saving the
-contents into files named \verb|#f#| for each opened file
-\verb|f|. You may also activate the \emph{revert} feature: in case a
-opened file is modified on the disk by a third party, \CoqIDE{} may read
-it again for you. Note that in the case you edited that same file, you
-will be prompt to choose to either discard your changes or not. The
-\texttt{File charset encoding} choice is described below in
-The \verb|Externals| section allows to customize the external commands
-for compilation, printing, web browsing. In the browser command, you
-may use \verb|%s| to denote the URL to open, for example: %
-\verb|mozilla -remote "OpenURL(%s)"|.
-The \verb|Tactics Wizard| section allows to defined the set of tactics
-that should be tried, in sequence, to solve the current goal.
-The last section is for miscellaneous boolean settings, such as the
-``contextual menu on goals'' feature presented in
-Notice that these settings are saved in the file \verb|.coqiderc| of
-your home directory.
-A gtk2 accelerator keymap is saved under the name \verb|.coqide.keys|.
-This file should not be edited manually: to modify a given menu
-shortcut, go to the corresponding menu item without releasing the
-mouse button, press the key you want for the new shortcut, and release
-the mouse button afterwards.
-For experts: it is also possible to set up a specific gtk resource
-file, under the name \verb|.coqide-gtk2rc|, following the gtk2
-resources syntax
-Such a default resource file can be found in the subdirectory
-\verb=lib/coq/ide= of the root installation directory of \Coq{}
-(alternatively, it can be found in the subdirectory \verb=ide= of the
-source archive of \Coq{}). You may
-copy this file into your home directory, and edit it using any text
-editor, \CoqIDE{} itself for example.
-\section{Using unicode symbols}
-\CoqIDE{} supports unicode character encoding in its text windows,
-consequently a large set of symbols is available for notations.
-\subsection{Displaying unicode symbols}
-You just need to define suitable notations as described in
-Chapter~\ref{Addoc-syntax}. For example, to use the mathematical symbols
-$\forall$ and $\exists$, you may define
-Notation "$\forall$ x : t, P" := \\
-\qquad (forall x:t, P) (at level 200, x ident).\\
-Notation "$\exists$ x : t, P" := \\
-\qquad (exists x:t, P) (at level 200, x ident).
-There exists a small set of such notations already defined, in the
-file \verb|utf8.v| of \Coq{} library, so you may enable them just by
-\verb|Require utf8| inside \CoqIDE{}, or equivalently, by starting
-\CoqIDE{} with \verb|coqide -l utf8|.
-However, there are some issues when using such unicode symbols: you of
-course need to use a character font which supports them. In the Fonts
-section of the preferences, the Preview line displays some unicode symbols, so
-you could figure out if the selected font is OK. Related to this, one
-thing you may need to do is choose whether Gtk should use antialiased
-fonts or not, by setting the environment variable \verb|GDK_USE_XFT|
-to 1 or 0 respectively.
-\subsection{Defining an input method for non ASCII symbols}
-To input an Unicode symbol, a general method is to press both the
-CONTROL and the SHIFT keys, and type the hexadecimal code of the
-symbol required, for example \verb|2200| for the $\forall$ symbol.
-A list of symbol codes is available at \url{}.
-This method obviously doesn't scale, that's why the preferred alternative is to
-use an Input Method Editor. On POSIX systems (Linux distros, BSD variants and
-MacOS X), you can use \texttt{uim} version 1.6 or later which provides a \LaTeX{}-style
-input method.
-To configure \texttt{uim}, execute \texttt{uim-pref-gtk} as your regular user.
-In the "Global Settings" group set the default Input Method to "ELatin" (don't
-forget to tick the checkbox "Specify default IM"). In the "ELatin" group set the
-layout to "TeX", and remember the content of the "[ELatin] on" field (by default
-"<Control>\textbackslash"). You can now execute CoqIDE with the following commands (assuming
-you use a Bourne-style shell):
-$ export GTK_IM_MODULE=uim
-$ coqide
-Activate the ELatin Input Method with Ctrl-\textbackslash, then type the
-sequence "\verb=\Gamma=". You will see the sequence being
-replaced by $\Gamma$ as soon as you type the second "a".
-\subsection[Character encoding for saved files]{Character encoding for saved files\label{sec:coqidecharencoding}}
-In the \texttt{Files} section of the preferences, the encoding option
-is related to the way files are saved.
-If you have no need to exchange files with non UTF-8 aware
-applications, it is better to choose the UTF-8 encoding, since it
-guarantees that your files will be read again without problems. (This
-is because when \CoqIDE{} reads a file, it tries to automatically
-detect its character encoding.)
-If you choose something else than UTF-8, then missing characters will
-be written encoded by \verb|\x{....}| or \verb|\x{........}| where
-each dot is an hexadecimal digit: the number between braces is the
-hexadecimal UNICODE index for the missing character.
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-%\coverpage{The module {\tt Equality}}{Cristina CORNES}
-\chapter[Tactics for inductive types and families]{Tactics for inductive types and families\label{Addoc-equality}}
-This chapter details a few special tactics useful for inferring facts
-from inductive hypotheses. They can be considered as tools that
-macro-generate complicated uses of the basic elimination tactics for
-inductive types.
-Sections \ref{inversion_introduction} to \ref{inversion_using} present
-inversion tactics and Section~\ref{scheme} describes
-a command {\tt Scheme} for automatic generation of induction schemes
-for mutual inductive types.
-%\coverpage{Module Inv: Inversion Tactics}{Cristina CORNES}
-\section[Generalities about inversion]{Generalities about inversion\label{inversion_introduction}}
-When working with (co)inductive predicates, we are very often faced to
-some of these situations:
-\item we have an inconsistent instance of an inductive predicate in the
- local context of hypotheses. Thus, the current goal can be trivially
- proved by absurdity.
-\item we have a hypothesis that is an instance of an inductive
- predicate, and the instance has some variables whose constraints we
- would like to derive.
-The inversion tactics are very useful to simplify the work in these
-cases. Inversion tools can be classified in three groups:
-\item tactics for inverting an instance without stocking the inversion
- lemma in the context:
- (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion} and
- (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion\_clear}.
-\item commands for generating and stocking in the context the inversion
- lemma corresponding to an instance: \texttt{Derive}
- (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion}, \texttt{Derive}
- (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion\_clear}.
-\item tactics for inverting an instance using an already defined
- inversion lemma: \texttt{Inversion \ldots using}.
-These tactics work for inductive types of arity $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})s$
-where $s \in \{Prop,Set,Type\}$. Sections \ref{inversion_primitive},
-\ref{inversion_derivation} and \ref{inversion_using}
-describe respectively each group of tools.
-As inversion proofs may be large in size, we recommend the user to
-stock the lemmas whenever the same instance needs to be inverted
-several times.\\
-Let's consider the relation \texttt{Le} over natural numbers and the
-following variables:
-Restore State "Initial".
-Inductive Le : nat -> nat -> Set :=
- | LeO : forall n:nat, Le 0%N n
- | LeS : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Le (S n) (S m).
-Variable P : nat -> nat -> Prop.
-Variable Q : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Prop.
-For example purposes we defined \verb+Le: nat->nat->Set+
- but we may have defined
-it \texttt{Le} of type \verb+nat->nat->Prop+ or \verb+nat->nat->Type+.
-\section[Inverting an instance]{Inverting an instance\label{inversion_primitive}}
-\subsection{The non dependent case}
-\item \texttt{Inversion\_clear} \ident~\\
-\index{Inversion-clear@{\tt Inversion\_clear}}
- Let the type of \ident~ in the local context be $(I~\vec{t})$,
- where $I$ is a (co)inductive predicate. Then,
- \texttt{Inversion} applied to \ident~ derives for each possible
- constructor $c_i$ of $(I~\vec{t})$, {\bf all} the necessary
- conditions that should hold for the instance $(I~\vec{t})$ to be
- proved by $c_i$. Finally it erases \ident~ from the context.
-For example, consider the goal:
-Lemma ex : forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m -> P n m.
-To prove the goal we may need to reason by cases on \texttt{H} and to
- derive that \texttt{m} is necessarily of
-the form $(S~m_0)$ for certain $m_0$ and that $(Le~n~m_0)$.
-Deriving these conditions corresponds to prove that the
-only possible constructor of \texttt{(Le (S n) m)} is
-\texttt{LeS} and that we can invert the
-\texttt{->} in the type of \texttt{LeS}.
-This inversion is possible because \texttt{Le} is the smallest set closed by
-the constructors \texttt{LeO} and \texttt{LeS}.
-inversion_clear H.
-Note that \texttt{m} has been substituted in the goal for \texttt{(S m0)}
-and that the hypothesis \texttt{(Le n m0)} has been added to the
-\item \texttt{Inversion} \ident~\\
-\index{Inversion@{\tt Inversion}}
- This tactic differs from {\tt Inversion\_clear} in the fact that
- it adds the equality constraints in the context and
- it does not erase the hypothesis \ident.
-In the previous example, {\tt Inversion\_clear}
-has substituted \texttt{m} by \texttt{(S m0)}. Sometimes it is
-interesting to have the equality \texttt{m=(S m0)} in the
-context to use it after. In that case we can use \texttt{Inversion} that
-does not clear the equalities:
-inversion H.
-Note that the hypothesis \texttt{(S m0)=m} has been deduced and
-\texttt{H} has not been cleared from the context.
-\item \texttt{Inversion\_clear } \ident~ \texttt{in} \ident$_1$ \ldots
- \ident$_n$\\
-\index{{\tt Inversion\}}
- Let \ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$, be identifiers in the local context. This
- tactic behaves as generalizing \ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$, and then performing
- {\tt Inversion\_clear}.
-\item \texttt{Inversion } \ident~ \texttt{in} \ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$\\
-\index{Inversion ... in@{\tt Inversion ... in}}
- Let \ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$, be identifiers in the local context. This
- tactic behaves as generalizing \ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$, and then performing
- \texttt{Inversion}.
-\item \texttt{Simple Inversion} \ident~ \\
-\index{Simple Inversion@{\tt Simple Inversion}}
- It is a very primitive inversion tactic that derives all the necessary
- equalities but it does not simplify
- the constraints as \texttt{Inversion} and
- {\tt Inversion\_clear} do.
-\subsection{The dependent case}
-\item \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear} \ident~\\
-\index{Dependent Inversion-clear@{\tt Dependent Inversion\_clear}}
- Let the type of \ident~ in the local context be $(I~\vec{t})$,
- where $I$ is a (co)inductive predicate, and let the goal depend both on
- $\vec{t}$ and \ident. Then,
- \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear} applied to \ident~ derives
- for each possible constructor $c_i$ of $(I~\vec{t})$, {\bf all} the
- necessary conditions that should hold for the instance $(I~\vec{t})$ to be
- proved by $c_i$. It also substitutes \ident~ for the corresponding
- term in the goal and it erases \ident~ from the context.
-For example, consider the goal:
-Lemma ex_dep : forall (n m:nat) (H:Le (S n) m), Q (S n) m H.
-As \texttt{H} occurs in the goal, we may want to reason by cases on its
-structure and so, we would like inversion tactics to
-substitute \texttt{H} by the corresponding term in constructor form.
-Neither \texttt{Inversion} nor {\tt Inversion\_clear} make such a
-substitution. To have such a behavior we use the dependent inversion tactics:
-dependent inversion_clear H.
-Note that \texttt{H} has been substituted by \texttt{(LeS n m0 l)} and
-\texttt{m} by \texttt{(S m0)}.
-\item \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear } \ident~ \texttt{ with } \term\\
-\index{Dependent Inversion_clear...with@{\tt Dependent Inversion\_clear...with}}
- \noindent Behaves as \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear} but allows to give
- explicitly the good generalization of the goal. It is useful when
- the system fails to generalize the goal automatically. If
- \ident~ has type $(I~\vec{t})$ and $I$ has type
- $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})s$, then \term~ must be of type
- $I:(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{x})\rightarrow s'$ where $s'$ is the
- type of the goal.
-\item \texttt{Dependent Inversion} \ident~\\
-\index{Dependent Inversion@{\tt Dependent Inversion}}
- This tactic differs from \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear} in the fact that
- it also adds the equality constraints in the context and
- it does not erase the hypothesis \ident~.
-\item \texttt{Dependent Inversion } \ident~ \texttt{ with } \term \\
-\index{Dependent Inversion...with@{\tt Dependent Inversion...with}}
- Analogous to \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear .. with..} above.
-\section[Deriving the inversion lemmas]{Deriving the inversion lemmas\label{inversion_derivation}}
-\subsection{The non dependent case}
-The tactics (\texttt{Dependent}) \texttt{Inversion} and (\texttt{Dependent})
-{\tt Inversion\_clear} work on a
-certain instance $(I~\vec{t})$ of an inductive predicate. At each
-application, they inspect the given instance and derive the
-corresponding inversion lemma. If we have to invert the same
-instance several times it is recommended to stock the lemma in the
-context and to reuse it whenever we need it.
-The families of commands \texttt{Derive Inversion}, \texttt{Derive
-Dependent Inversion}, \texttt{Derive} \\ {\tt Inversion\_clear} and \texttt{Derive Dependent Inversion\_clear}
-allow to generate inversion lemmas for given instances and sorts. Next
-section describes the tactic \texttt{Inversion}$\ldots$\texttt{using} that refines the
-goal with a specified inversion lemma.
-\item \texttt{Derive Inversion\_clear} \ident~ \texttt{with}
- $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ \texttt{Sort} \sort~ \\
-\index{Derive Inversion_clear...with@{\tt Derive Inversion\_clear...with}}
- Let $I$ be an inductive predicate and $\vec{x}$ the variables
- occurring in $\vec{t}$. This command generates and stocks
- the inversion lemma for the sort \sort~ corresponding to the instance
- $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ with the name \ident~ in the {\bf
- global} environment. When applied it is equivalent to have
- inverted the instance with the tactic {\tt Inversion\_clear}.
- For example, to generate the inversion lemma for the instance
- \texttt{(Le (S n) m)} and the sort \texttt{Prop} we do:
-Derive Inversion_clear leminv with (forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m) Sort
- Prop.
-Let us inspect the type of the generated lemma:
-Check leminv.
-%\item \verb+Derive Inversion_clear+ \ident$_1$ \ident$_2$ \\
-%\index{Derive Inversion_clear@{\tt Derive Inversion\_clear}}
-% Let \ident$_1$ have type $(I~\vec{t})$ in the local context ($I$
-% an inductive predicate). Then, this command has the same semantics
-% as \verb+Derive Inversion_clear+ \ident$_2$~ \verb+with+
-% $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ \verb+Sort Prop+ where $\vec{x}$ are the free
-% variables of $(I~\vec{t})$ declared in the local context (variables
-% of the global context are considered as constants).
-%\item \verb+Derive Inversion+ \ident$_1$~ \ident$_2$~\\
-%\index{Derive Inversion@{\tt Derive Inversion}}
-% Analogous to the previous command.
-%\item \verb+Derive Inversion+ $num$ \ident~ \ident~ \\
-%\index{Derive Inversion@{\tt Derive Inversion}}
-% This command behaves as \verb+Derive Inversion+ \ident~ {\it
-% namehyp} performed on the goal number $num$.
-%\item \verb+Derive Inversion_clear+ $num$ \ident~ \ident~ \\
-%\index{Derive Inversion_clear@{\tt Derive Inversion\_clear}}
-% This command behaves as \verb+Derive Inversion_clear+ \ident~
-% \ident~ performed on the goal number $num$.
-A derived inversion lemma is adequate for inverting the instance
-with which it was generated, \texttt{Derive} applied to
-different instances yields different lemmas. In general, if we generate
-the inversion lemma with
-an instance $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ and a sort $s$, the inversion lemma will
-expect a predicate of type $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})s$ as first argument. \\
-\item \texttt{Derive Inversion} \ident~ \texttt{with}
- $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ \texttt{Sort} \sort\\
-\index{Derive Inversion...with@{\tt Derive Inversion...with}}
- Analogous of \texttt{Derive Inversion\_clear .. with ..} but
- when applied it is equivalent to having
- inverted the instance with the tactic \texttt{Inversion}.
-\subsection{The dependent case}
-\item \texttt{Derive Dependent Inversion\_clear} \ident~ \texttt{with}
- $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ \texttt{Sort} \sort~ \\
-\index{Derive Dependent Inversion\_clear...with@{\tt Derive Dependent Inversion\_clear...with}}
- Let $I$ be an inductive predicate. This command generates and stocks
- the dependent inversion lemma for the sort \sort~ corresponding to the instance
- $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ with the name \ident~ in the {\bf
- global} environment. When applied it is equivalent to having
- inverted the instance with the tactic \texttt{Dependent Inversion\_clear}.
-Derive Dependent Inversion_clear leminv_dep with
- (forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m) Sort Prop.
-Check leminv_dep.
-\item \texttt{Derive Dependent Inversion} \ident~ \texttt{with}
- $(\vec{x}:\vec{T})(I~\vec{t})$ \texttt{Sort} \sort~ \\
-\index{Derive Dependent Inversion...with@{\tt Derive Dependent Inversion...with}}
- Analogous to \texttt{Derive Dependent Inversion\_clear}, but when
- applied it is equivalent to having
- inverted the instance with the tactic \texttt{Dependent Inversion}.
-\section[Using already defined inversion lemmas]{Using already defined inversion lemmas\label{inversion_using}}
-\item \texttt{Inversion} \ident \texttt{ using} \ident$'$ \\
-\index{Inversion...using@{\tt Inversion...using}}
- Let \ident~ have type $(I~\vec{t})$ ($I$ an inductive
- predicate) in the local context, and \ident$'$ be a (dependent) inversion
- lemma. Then, this tactic refines the current goal with the specified
- lemma.
-inversion H using leminv.
-\item \texttt{Inversion} \ident~ \texttt{using} \ident$'$ \texttt{in} \ident$_1$\ldots \ident$_n$\\
-This tactic behaves as generalizing \ident$_1$\ldots \ident$_n$,
-then doing \texttt{Use Inversion} \ident~\ident$'$.
-\section[\tt Scheme ...]{\tt Scheme ...\index{Scheme@{\tt Scheme}}\label{Scheme}
-The {\tt Scheme} command is a high-level tool for generating
-automatically (possibly mutual) induction principles for given types
-and sorts. Its syntax follows the schema :
-{\tt Scheme {\ident$_1$} := Induction for \term$_1$ Sort {\sort$_1$} \\
- with\\
- \mbox{}\hspace{0.1cm} .. \\
- with {\ident$_m$} := Induction for {\term$_m$} Sort
- {\sort$_m$}}\\
-\term$_1$ \ldots \term$_m$ are different inductive types belonging to
-the same package of mutual inductive definitions. This command
-generates {\ident$_1$}\ldots{\ident$_m$} to be mutually recursive
-definitions. Each term {\ident$_i$} proves a general principle
-of mutual induction for objects in type {\term$_i$}.
-The definition of principle of mutual induction for {\tt tree} and
-{\tt forest} over the sort {\tt Set} is defined by the command:
-Restore State "Initial".
-Variables A B : Set.
-Inductive tree : Set :=
- node : A -> forest -> tree
-with forest : Set :=
- | leaf : B -> forest
- | cons : tree -> forest -> forest.
-Scheme tree_forest_rec := Induction for tree
- Sort Set
- with forest_tree_rec := Induction for forest Sort Set.
-You may now look at the type of {\tt tree\_forest\_rec} :
-Check tree_forest_rec.
-This principle involves two different predicates for {\tt trees} and
-{\tt forests}; it also has three premises each one corresponding to a
-constructor of one of the inductive definitions.
-The principle {\tt tree\_forest\_rec} shares exactly the same
-premises, only the conclusion now refers to the property of forests.
-Check forest_tree_rec.
-\item {\tt Scheme {\ident$_1$} := Minimality for \term$_1$ Sort {\sort$_1$} \\
- with\\
- \mbox{}\hspace{0.1cm} .. \\
- with {\ident$_m$} := Minimality for {\term$_m$} Sort
- {\sort$_m$}}\\
-Same as before but defines a non-dependent elimination principle more
-natural in case of inductively defined relations.
-With the predicates {\tt odd} and {\tt even} inductively defined as:
-% \begin{coq_eval}
-% Restore State "Initial".
-% \end{coq_eval}
-Inductive odd : nat -> Prop :=
- oddS : forall n:nat, even n -> odd (S n)
-with even : nat -> Prop :=
- | evenO : even 0%N
- | evenS : forall n:nat, odd n -> even (S n).
-The following command generates a powerful elimination
-Scheme odd_even := Minimality for odd Sort Prop
- with even_odd := Minimality for even Sort Prop.
-The type of {\tt odd\_even} for instance will be:
-Check odd_even.
-The type of {\tt even\_odd} shares the same premises but the
-conclusion is {\tt (n:nat)(even n)->(Q n)}.
-\subsection[\tt Combined Scheme ...]{\tt Combined Scheme ...\index{CombinedScheme@{\tt Combined Scheme}}\label{CombinedScheme}
-The {\tt Combined Scheme} command is a tool for combining
-induction principles generated by the {\tt Scheme} command.
-Its syntax follows the schema :
-{\tt Combined Scheme {\ident$_0$} from {\ident$_1$}, .., {\ident$_n$}}\\
-\ident$_1$ \ldots \ident$_n$ are different inductive principles that must belong to
-the same package of mutual inductive principle definitions. This command
-generates {\ident$_0$} to be the conjunction of the principles: it is
-build from the common premises of the principles and concluded by the
-conjunction of their conclusions. For exemple, we can combine the
-induction principles for trees and forests:
-Combined Scheme tree_forest_mutind from tree_ind, forest_ind.
-Check tree_forest_mutind.
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-This document is the Reference Manual of version \coqversion{} of the \Coq\
-proof assistant. A companion volume, the \Coq\ Tutorial, is provided
-for the beginners. It is advised to read the Tutorial first.
-A book~\cite{CoqArt} on practical uses of the \Coq{} system was published in 2004 and is a good support for both the beginner and
-the advanced user.
-%The system \Coq\ is designed to develop mathematical proofs. It can be
-%used by mathematicians to develop mathematical theories and by
-%computer scientists to write formal specifications,
-The \Coq{} system is designed to develop mathematical proofs, and
-especially to write formal specifications, programs and to verify that
-programs are correct with respect to their specification. It provides
-a specification language named \gallina. Terms of \gallina\ can
-represent programs as well as properties of these programs and proofs
-of these properties. Using the so-called \textit{Curry-Howard
- isomorphism}, programs, properties and proofs are formalized in the
-same language called \textit{Calculus of Inductive Constructions},
-that is a $\lambda$-calculus with a rich type system. All logical
-judgments in \Coq\ are typing judgments. The very heart of the Coq
-system is the type-checking algorithm that checks the correctness of
-proofs, in other words that checks that a program complies to its
-specification. \Coq\ also provides an interactive proof assistant to
-build proofs using specific programs called \textit{tactics}.
-All services of the \Coq\ proof assistant are accessible by
-interpretation of a command language called \textit{the vernacular}.
-\Coq\ has an interactive mode in which commands are interpreted as the
-user types them in from the keyboard and a compiled mode where
-commands are processed from a file.
-\item The interactive mode may be used as a debugging mode in which
- the user can develop his theories and proofs step by step,
- backtracking if needed and so on. The interactive mode is run with
- the {\tt coqtop} command from the operating system (which we shall
- assume to be some variety of UNIX in the rest of this document).
-\item The compiled mode acts as a proof checker taking a file
- containing a whole development in order to ensure its correctness.
- Moreover, \Coq's compiler provides an output file containing a
- compact representation of its input. The compiled mode is run with
- the {\tt coqc} command from the operating system.
-These two modes are documented in Chapter~\ref{Addoc-coqc}.
-Other modes of interaction with \Coq{} are possible: through an emacs
-shell window, an emacs generic user-interface for proof assistant
-(ProofGeneral~\cite{ProofGeneral}) or through a customized interface
-(PCoq~\cite{Pcoq}). These facilities are not documented here. There
-is also a \Coq{} Integrated Development Environment described in
-\section*{How to read this book}
-This is a Reference Manual, not a User Manual, then it is not made for a
-continuous reading. However, it has some structure that is explained
-\item The first part describes the specification language,
- Gallina. Chapters~\ref{Gallina} and~\ref{Gallina-extension}
- describe the concrete syntax as well as the meaning of programs,
- theorems and proofs in the Calculus of Inductive
- Constructions. Chapter~\ref{Theories} describes the standard library
- of \Coq. Chapter~\ref{Cic} is a mathematical description of the
- formalism. Chapter~\ref{chapter:Modules} describes the module system.
-\item The second part describes the proof engine. It is divided in
- five chapters. Chapter~\ref{Vernacular-commands} presents all
- commands (we call them \emph{vernacular commands}) that are not
- directly related to interactive proving: requests to the
- environment, complete or partial evaluation, loading and compiling
- files. How to start and stop proofs, do multiple proofs in parallel
- is explained in Chapter~\ref{Proof-handling}. In
- Chapter~\ref{Tactics}, all commands that realize one or more steps
- of the proof are presented: we call them \emph{tactics}. The
- language to combine these tactics into complex proof strategies is
- given in Chapter~\ref{TacticLanguage}. Examples of tactics are
- described in Chapter~\ref{Tactics-examples}.
-%\item The third part describes how to extend the system in two ways:
-% adding parsing and pretty-printing rules
-% (Chapter~\ref{Addoc-syntax}) and writing new tactics
-% (Chapter~\ref{TacticLanguage}).
-\item The third part describes how to extend the syntax of \Coq. It
-corresponds to the Chapter~\ref{Addoc-syntax}.
-\item In the fourth part more practical tools are documented. First in
- Chapter~\ref{Addoc-coqc}, the usage of \texttt{coqc} (batch mode)
- and \texttt{coqtop} (interactive mode) with their options is
- described. Then, in Chapter~\ref{Utilities},
- various utilities that come with the \Coq\ distribution are
- presented.
- Finally, Chapter~\ref{Addoc-coqide} describes the \Coq{} integrated
- development environment.
-At the end of the document, after the global index, the user can find
-specific indexes for tactics, vernacular commands, and error
-\section*{List of additional documentation}
-This manual does not contain all the documentation the user may need
-about \Coq{}. Various informations can be found in the following
- A companion volume to this reference manual, the \Coq{} Tutorial, is
- aimed at gently introducing new users to developing proofs in \Coq{}
- without assuming prior knowledge of type theory. In a second step, the
- user can read also the tutorial on recursive types (document {\tt
-\item[Addendum] The fifth part (the Addendum) of the Reference Manual
- is distributed as a separate document. It contains more
- detailed documentation and examples about some specific aspects of the
- system that may interest only certain users. It shares the indexes,
- the page numbers and
- the bibliography with the Reference Manual. If you see in one of the
- indexes a page number that is outside the Reference Manual, it refers
- to the Addendum.
-\item[Installation] A text file INSTALL that comes with the sources
- explains how to install \Coq{}.
-\item[The \Coq{} standard library]
-A commented version of sources of the \Coq{} standard library
-(including only the specifications, the proofs are removed)
-is given in the additional document {\tt}.
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-\chapter[The {\Coq} library]{The {\Coq} library\index{Theories}\label{Theories}}
-The \Coq\ library is structured into two parts:
-\item[The initial library:] it contains
- elementary logical notions and data-types. It constitutes the
- basic state of the system directly available when running
- \Coq;
-\item[The standard library:] general-purpose libraries containing
- various developments of \Coq\ axiomatizations about sets, lists,
- sorting, arithmetic, etc. This library comes with the system and its
- modules are directly accessible through the \verb!Require! command
- (see Section~\ref{Require});
-In addition, user-provided libraries or developments are provided by
-\Coq\ users' community. These libraries and developments are available
-for download at \texttt{} (see
-The chapter briefly reviews the \Coq\ libraries.
-\section[The basic library]{The basic library\label{Prelude}}
-This section lists the basic notions and results which are directly
-available in the standard \Coq\ system\footnote{Most
-of these constructions are defined in the
-{\tt Prelude} module in directory {\tt theories/Init} at the {\Coq}
-root directory; this includes the modules
-{\tt Notations},
-{\tt Logic},
-{\tt Datatypes},
-{\tt Specif},
-{\tt Peano},
-{\tt Wf} and
-{\tt Tactics}.
-Module {\tt Logic\_Type} also makes it in the initial state}.
-This module defines the parsing and pretty-printing of many symbols
-(infixes, prefixes, etc.). However, it does not assign a meaning to
-these notations. The purpose of this is to define and fix once for all
-the precedence and associativity of very common notations. The main
-notations fixed in the initial state are listed on
-Notation & Precedence & Associativity \\
-\verb!_ <-> _! & 95 & no \\
-\verb!_ \/ _! & 85 & right \\
-\verb!_ /\ _! & 80 & right \\
-\verb!~ _! & 75 & right \\
-\verb!_ = _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ = _ = _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ = _ :> _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ <> _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ <> _ :> _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ < _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ > _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ <= _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ >= _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ < _ < _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ < _ <= _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ <= _ < _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ <= _ <= _! & 70 & no \\
-\verb!_ + _! & 50 & left \\
-\verb!_ || _! & 50 & left \\
-\verb!_ - _! & 50 & left \\
-\verb!_ * _! & 40 & left \\
-\verb!_ && _! & 40 & left \\
-\verb!_ / _! & 40 & left \\
-\verb!- _! & 35 & right \\
-\verb!/ _! & 35 & right \\
-\verb!_ ^ _! & 30 & right \\
-\caption{Notations in the initial state}
-{\form} & ::= & {\tt True} & ({\tt True})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt False} & ({\tt False})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt\char'176} {\form} & ({\tt not})\\
- & $|$ & {\form} {\tt /$\backslash$} {\form} & ({\tt and})\\
- & $|$ & {\form} {\tt $\backslash$/} {\form} & ({\tt or})\\
- & $|$ & {\form} {\tt ->} {\form} & (\em{primitive implication})\\
- & $|$ & {\form} {\tt <->} {\form} & ({\tt iff})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt forall} {\ident} {\tt :} {\type} {\tt ,}
- {\form} & (\em{primitive for all})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt exists} {\ident} \zeroone{{\tt :} {\specif}} {\tt
- ,} {\form} & ({\tt ex})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt exists2} {\ident} \zeroone{{\tt :} {\specif}} {\tt
- ,} {\form} {\tt \&} {\form} & ({\tt ex2})\\
- & $|$ & {\term} {\tt =} {\term} & ({\tt eq})\\
- & $|$ & {\term} {\tt =} {\term} {\tt :>} {\specif} & ({\tt eq})
-\caption{Syntax of formulas}
-The basic library of {\Coq} comes with the definitions of standard
-(intuitionistic) logical connectives (they are defined as inductive
-constructions). They are equipped with an appealing syntax enriching the
-(subclass {\form}) of the syntactic class {\term}. The syntax
-extension is shown on Figure~\ref{formulas-syntax}.
-% The basic library of {\Coq} comes with the definitions of standard
-% (intuitionistic) logical connectives (they are defined as inductive
-% constructions). They are equipped with an appealing syntax enriching
-% the (subclass {\form}) of the syntactic class {\term}. The syntax
-% extension \footnote{This syntax is defined in module {\tt
-% LogicSyntax}} is shown on Figure~\ref{formulas-syntax}.
-\Rem Implication is not defined but primitive (it is a non-dependent
-product of a proposition over another proposition). There is also a
-primitive universal quantification (it is a dependent product over a
-proposition). The primitive universal quantification allows both
-first-order and higher-order quantification.
-\subsubsection[Propositional Connectives]{Propositional Connectives\label{Connectives}
-First, we find propositional calculus connectives:
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-Inductive True : Prop := I.
-Inductive False : Prop := .
-Definition not (A: Prop) := A -> False.
-Inductive and (A B:Prop) : Prop := conj (_:A) (_:B).
-Section Projections.
-Variables A B : Prop.
-Theorem proj1 : A /\ B -> A.
-Theorem proj2 : A /\ B -> B.
-End Projections.
-Abort All.
-Inductive or (A B:Prop) : Prop :=
- | or_introl (_:A)
- | or_intror (_:B).
-Definition iff (P Q:Prop) := (P -> Q) /\ (Q -> P).
-Definition IF_then_else (P Q R:Prop) := P /\ Q \/ ~ P /\ R.
-Then we find first-order quantifiers:
-Definition all (A:Set) (P:A -> Prop) := forall x:A, P x.
-Inductive ex (A: Set) (P:A -> Prop) : Prop :=
- ex_intro (x:A) (_:P x).
-Inductive ex2 (A:Set) (P Q:A -> Prop) : Prop :=
- ex_intro2 (x:A) (_:P x) (_:Q x).
-The following abbreviations are allowed:
- \begin{tabular}[h]{|l|l|}
- \hline
- \verb+exists x:A, P+ & \verb+ex A (fun x:A => P)+ \\
- \verb+exists x, P+ & \verb+ex _ (fun x => P)+ \\
- \verb+exists2 x:A, P & Q+ & \verb+ex2 A (fun x:A => P) (fun x:A => Q)+ \\
- \verb+exists2 x, P & Q+ & \verb+ex2 _ (fun x => P) (fun x => Q)+ \\
- \hline
- \end{tabular}
-The type annotation ``\texttt{:A}'' can be omitted when \texttt{A} can be
-synthesized by the system.
-Then, we find equality, defined as an inductive relation. That is,
-given a type \verb:A: and an \verb:x: of type \verb:A:, the
-predicate \verb:(eq A x): is the smallest one which contains \verb:x:.
-This definition, due to Christine Paulin-Mohring, is equivalent to
-define \verb:eq: as the smallest reflexive relation, and it is also
-equivalent to Leibniz' equality.
-Inductive eq (A:Type) (x:A) : A -> Prop :=
- refl_equal : eq A x x.
-Finally, a few easy lemmas are provided.
-Theorem absurd : forall A C:Prop, A -> ~ A -> C.
-Section equality.
-Variables A B : Type.
-Variable f : A -> B.
-Variables x y z : A.
-Theorem sym_eq : x = y -> y = x.
-Theorem trans_eq : x = y -> y = z -> x = z.
-Theorem f_equal : x = y -> f x = f y.
-Theorem sym_not_eq : x <> y -> y <> x.
-%Definition eq_rect: (A:Set)(x:A)(P:A->Type)(P x)->(y:A)(x=y)->(P y).
-End equality.
-Definition eq_ind_r :
- forall (A:Type) (x:A) (P:A->Prop), P x -> forall y:A, y = x -> P y.
-Definition eq_rec_r :
- forall (A:Type) (x:A) (P:A->Set), P x -> forall y:A, y = x -> P y.
-Definition eq_rect_r :
- forall (A:Type) (x:A) (P:A->Type), P x -> forall y:A, y = x -> P y.
-%Abort (for now predefined eq_rect)
-Hint Immediate sym_eq sym_not_eq : core.
-The theorem {\tt f\_equal} is extended to functions with two to five
-arguments. The theorem are names {\tt f\_equal2}, {\tt f\_equal3},
-{\tt f\_equal4} and {\tt f\_equal5}.
-For instance {\tt f\_equal3} is defined the following way.
-Theorem f_equal3 :
- forall (A1 A2 A3 B:Type) (f:A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> B)
- (x1 y1:A1) (x2 y2:A2) (x3 y3:A3),
- x1 = y1 -> x2 = y2 -> x3 = y3 -> f x1 x2 x3 = f y1 y2 y3.
-{\specif} & ::= & {\specif} {\tt *} {\specif} & ({\tt prod})\\
- & $|$ & {\specif} {\tt +} {\specif} & ({\tt sum})\\
- & $|$ & {\specif} {\tt + \{} {\specif} {\tt \}} & ({\tt sumor})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt \{} {\specif} {\tt \} + \{} {\specif} {\tt \}} &
- ({\tt sumbool})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt \{} {\ident} {\tt :} {\specif} {\tt |} {\form} {\tt \}}
- & ({\tt sig})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt \{} {\ident} {\tt :} {\specif} {\tt |} {\form} {\tt \&}
- {\form} {\tt \}} & ({\tt sig2})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt \{} {\ident} {\tt :} {\specif} {\tt \&} {\specif} {\tt
- \}} & ({\tt sigT})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt \{} {\ident} {\tt :} {\specif} {\tt \&} {\specif} {\tt
- \&} {\specif} {\tt \}} & ({\tt sigT2})\\
- & & & \\
-{\term} & ::= & {\tt (} {\term} {\tt ,} {\term} {\tt )} & ({\tt pair})
-\caption{Syntax of data-types and specifications}
-In the basic library, we find the definition\footnote{They are in {\tt
- Datatypes.v}} of the basic data-types of programming, again
-defined as inductive constructions over the sort \verb:Set:. Some of
-them come with a special syntax shown on Figure~\ref{specif-syntax}.
-Inductive unit : Set := tt.
-Inductive bool : Set := true | false.
-Inductive nat : Set := O | S (n:nat).
-Inductive option (A:Set) : Set := Some (_:A) | None.
-Inductive identity (A:Type) (a:A) : A -> Type :=
- refl_identity : identity A a a.
-Note that zero is the letter \verb:O:, and {\sl not} the numeral
-The predicate {\tt identity} is logically
-equivalent to equality but it lives in sort {\tt
- Type}. It is mainly maintained for compatibility.
-We then define the disjoint sum of \verb:A+B: of two sets \verb:A: and
-\verb:B:, and their product \verb:A*B:.
-Inductive sum (A B:Set) : Set := inl (_:A) | inr (_:B).
-Inductive prod (A B:Set) : Set := pair (_:A) (_:B).
-Section projections.
-Variables A B : Set.
-Definition fst (H: prod A B) := match H with
- | pair x y => x
- end.
-Definition snd (H: prod A B) := match H with
- | pair x y => y
- end.
-End projections.
-Some operations on {\tt bool} are also provided: {\tt andb} (with
-infix notation {\tt \&\&}), {\tt orb} (with
-infix notation {\tt ||}), {\tt xorb}, {\tt implb} and {\tt negb}.
-The following notions\footnote{They are defined in module {\tt
-Specif.v}} allow to build new data-types and specifications.
-They are available with the syntax shown on
-For instance, given \verb|A:Type| and \verb|P:A->Prop|, the construct
-\verb+{x:A | P x}+ (in abstract syntax \verb+(sig A P)+) is a
-\verb:Type:. We may build elements of this set as \verb:(exist x p):
-whenever we have a witness \verb|x:A| with its justification
-\verb|p:P x|.
-From such a \verb:(exist x p): we may in turn extract its witness
-\verb|x:A| (using an elimination construct such as \verb:match:) but
-{\sl not} its justification, which stays hidden, like in an abstract
-data-type. In technical terms, one says that \verb:sig: is a ``weak
-(dependent) sum''. A variant \verb:sig2: with two predicates is also
-\ttindex{\{x:A $\mid$ (P x)\}}
-Inductive sig (A:Set) (P:A -> Prop) : Set := exist (x:A) (_:P x).
-Inductive sig2 (A:Set) (P Q:A -> Prop) : Set :=
- exist2 (x:A) (_:P x) (_:Q x).
-A ``strong (dependent) sum'' \verb+{x:A & P x}+ may be also defined,
-when the predicate \verb:P: is now defined as a
-constructor of types in \verb:Type:.
-\ttindex{\{x:A \& (P x)\}}
-Inductive sigT (A:Type) (P:A -> Type) : Type := existT (x:A) (_:P x).
-Section Projections.
-Variable A : Type.
-Variable P : A -> Type.
-Definition projT1 (H:sigT A P) := let (x, h) := H in x.
-Definition projT2 (H:sigT A P) :=
- match H return P (projT1 H) with
- existT x h => h
- end.
-End Projections.
-Inductive sigT2 (A: Type) (P Q:A -> Type) : Type :=
- existT2 (x:A) (_:P x) (_:Q x).
-A related non-dependent construct is the constructive sum
-\verb"{A}+{B}" of two propositions \verb:A: and \verb:B:.
-Inductive sumbool (A B:Prop) : Set := left (_:A) | right (_:B).
-This \verb"sumbool" construct may be used as a kind of indexed boolean
-data-type. An intermediate between \verb"sumbool" and \verb"sum" is
-the mixed \verb"sumor" which combines \verb"A:Set" and \verb"B:Prop"
-in the \verb"Set" \verb"A+{B}".
-Inductive sumor (A:Set) (B:Prop) : Set :=
-| inleft (_:A)
-| inright (_:B).
-We may define variants of the axiom of choice, like in Martin-Löf's
-Intuitionistic Type Theory.
-Lemma Choice :
- forall (S S':Set) (R:S -> S' -> Prop),
- (forall x:S, {y : S' | R x y}) ->
- {f : S -> S' | forall z:S, R z (f z)}.
-Lemma Choice2 :
- forall (S S':Set) (R:S -> S' -> Set),
- (forall x:S, {y : S' & R x y}) ->
- {f : S -> S' & forall z:S, R z (f z)}.
-Lemma bool_choice :
- forall (S:Set) (R1 R2:S -> Prop),
- (forall x:S, {R1 x} + {R2 x}) ->
- {f : S -> bool |
- forall x:S, f x = true /\ R1 x \/ f x = false /\ R2 x}.
-The next construct builds a sum between a data-type \verb|A:Type| and
-an exceptional value encoding errors:
-Definition Exc := option.
-Definition value := Some.
-Definition error := None.
-This module ends with theorems,
-relating the sorts \verb:Set: or \verb:Type: and
-\verb:Prop: in a way which is consistent with the realizability
-Definition except := False_rec.
-Theorem absurd_set : forall (A:Prop) (C:Set), A -> ~ A -> C.
-Theorem and_rect :
- forall (A B:Prop) (P:Type), (A -> B -> P) -> A /\ B -> P.
-\subsection{Basic Arithmetics}
-The basic library includes a few elementary properties of natural
-numbers, together with the definitions of predecessor, addition and
-multiplication\footnote{This is in module {\tt Peano.v}}. It also
-provides a scope {\tt nat\_scope} gathering standard notations for
-common operations (+, *) and a decimal notation for numbers. That is he
-can write \texttt{3} for \texttt{(S (S (S O)))}. This also works on
-the left hand side of a \texttt{match} expression (see for example
-section~\ref{refine-example}). This scope is opened by default.
-%Remove the redefinition of nat
-Reset Initial.
-The following example is not part of the standard library, but it
-shows the usage of the notations:
-Fixpoint even (n:nat) : bool :=
- match n with
- | 0 => true
- | 1 => false
- | S (S n) => even n
- end.
-Theorem eq_S : forall x y:nat, x = y -> S x = S y.
-Definition pred (n:nat) : nat :=
- match n with
- | 0 => 0
- | S u => u
- end.
-Theorem pred_Sn : forall m:nat, m = pred (S m).
-Theorem eq_add_S : forall n m:nat, S n = S m -> n = m.
-Hint Immediate eq_add_S : core.
-Theorem not_eq_S : forall n m:nat, n <> m -> S n <> S m.
-Abort All.
-Definition IsSucc (n:nat) : Prop :=
- match n with
- | 0 => False
- | S p => True
- end.
-Theorem O_S : forall n:nat, 0 <> S n.
-Theorem n_Sn : forall n:nat, n <> S n.
-Abort All.
-Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n with
- | 0 => m
- | S p => S (p + m)
- end.
-where "n + m" := (plus n m) : nat_scope.
-Lemma plus_n_O : forall n:nat, n = n + 0.
-Lemma plus_n_Sm : forall n m:nat, S (n + m) = n + S m.
-Abort All.
-Fixpoint mult (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n with
- | 0 => 0
- | S p => m + p * m
- end.
-where "n * m" := (mult n m) : nat_scope.
-Lemma mult_n_O : forall n:nat, 0 = n * 0.
-Lemma mult_n_Sm : forall n m:nat, n * m + n = n * (S m).
-Abort All.
-Finally, it gives the definition of the usual orderings \verb:le:,
-\verb:lt:, \verb:ge:, and \verb:gt:.
-Inductive le (n:nat) : nat -> Prop :=
- | le_n : le n n
- | le_S : forall m:nat, n <= m -> n <= (S m).
-where "n <= m" := (le n m) : nat_scope.
-Definition lt (n m:nat) := S n <= m.
-Definition ge (n m:nat) := m <= n.
-Definition gt (n m:nat) := m < n.
-Properties of these relations are not initially known, but may be
-required by the user from modules \verb:Le: and \verb:Lt:. Finally,
-\verb:Peano: gives some lemmas allowing pattern-matching, and a double
-induction principle.
-Theorem nat_case :
- forall (n:nat) (P:nat -> Prop),
- P 0 -> (forall m:nat, P (S m)) -> P n.
-Abort All.
-Theorem nat_double_ind :
- forall R:nat -> nat -> Prop,
- (forall n:nat, R 0 n) ->
- (forall n:nat, R (S n) 0) ->
- (forall n m:nat, R n m -> R (S n) (S m)) -> forall n m:nat, R n m.
-Abort All.
-\subsection{Well-founded recursion}
-The basic library contains the basics of well-founded recursion and
-well-founded induction\footnote{This is defined in module {\tt Wf.v}}.
-\index{Well foundedness}
-\index{Well founded induction}
-Section Well_founded.
-Variable A : Type.
-Variable R : A -> A -> Prop.
-Inductive Acc (x:A) : Prop :=
- Acc_intro : (forall y:A, R y x -> Acc y) -> Acc x.
-Lemma Acc_inv : Acc x -> forall y:A, R y x -> Acc y.
-destruct 1; trivial.
-%% Acc_rect now primitively defined
-%% Section AccRec.
-%% Variable P : A -> Set.
-%% Variable F :
-%% forall x:A,
-%% (forall y:A, R y x -> Acc y) -> (forall y:A, R y x -> P y) -> P x.
-%% Fixpoint Acc_rec (x:A) (a:Acc x) {struct a} : P x :=
-%% F x (Acc_inv x a)
-%% (fun (y:A) (h:R y x) => Acc_rec y (Acc_inv x a y h)).
-%% End AccRec.
-Definition well_founded := forall a:A, Acc a.
-Hypothesis Rwf : well_founded.
-Theorem well_founded_induction :
- forall P:A -> Set,
- (forall x:A, (forall y:A, R y x -> P y) -> P x) -> forall a:A, P a.
-Theorem well_founded_ind :
- forall P:A -> Prop,
- (forall x:A, (forall y:A, R y x -> P y) -> P x) -> forall a:A, P a.
-Abort All.
-The automatically generated scheme {\tt Acc\_rect}
-can be used to define functions by fixpoints using
-well-founded relations to justify termination. Assuming
-extensionality of the functional used for the recursive call, the
-fixpoint equation can be proved.
-Section FixPoint.
-Variable P : A -> Type.
-Variable F : forall x:A, (forall y:A, R y x -> P y) -> P x.
-Fixpoint Fix_F (x:A) (r:Acc x) {struct r} : P x :=
- F x (fun (y:A) (p:R y x) => Fix_F y (Acc_inv x r y p)).
-Definition Fix (x:A) := Fix_F x (Rwf x).
-Hypothesis F_ext :
- forall (x:A) (f g:forall y:A, R y x -> P y),
- (forall (y:A) (p:R y x), f y p = g y p) -> F x f = F x g.
-Lemma Fix_F_eq :
- forall (x:A) (r:Acc x),
- F x (fun (y:A) (p:R y x) => Fix_F y (Acc_inv x r y p)) = Fix_F x r.
-Lemma Fix_F_inv : forall (x:A) (r s:Acc x), Fix_F x r = Fix_F x s.
-Lemma fix_eq : forall x:A, Fix x = F x (fun (y:A) (p:R y x) => Fix y).
-Abort All.
-End FixPoint.
-End Well_founded.
-\subsection{Accessing the {\Type} level}
-The basic library includes the definitions\footnote{This is in module
-{\tt Logic\_Type.v}} of the counterparts of some data-types and logical
-quantifiers at the \verb:Type: level: negation, pair, and properties
-of {\tt identity}.
-Reset Initial.
-Definition notT (A:Type) := A -> False.
-Inductive prodT (A B:Type) : Type := pairT (_:A) (_:B).
-At the end, it defines data-types at the {\Type} level.
-A few tactics defined at the user level are provided in the initial
-state\footnote{This is in module {\tt Tactics.v}}.
-\section{The standard library}
-The rest of the standard library is structured into the following
- {\bf Logic} & Classical logic and dependent equality \\
- {\bf Arith} & Basic Peano arithmetic \\
- {\bf PArith} & Basic positive integer arithmetic \\
- {\bf NArith} & Basic binary natural number arithmetic \\
- {\bf ZArith} & Basic relative integer arithmetic \\
- {\bf Numbers} & Various approaches to natural, integer and cyclic numbers (currently axiomatically and on top of 2$^{31}$ binary words) \\
- {\bf Bool} & Booleans (basic functions and results) \\
- {\bf Lists} & Monomorphic and polymorphic lists (basic functions and
- results), Streams (infinite sequences defined with co-inductive
- types) \\
- {\bf Sets} & Sets (classical, constructive, finite, infinite, power set,
- etc.) \\
- {\bf FSets} & Specification and implementations of finite sets and finite
- maps (by lists and by AVL trees)\\
- {\bf Reals} & Axiomatization of real numbers (classical, basic functions,
- integer part, fractional part, limit, derivative, Cauchy
- series, power series and results,...)\\
- {\bf Relations} & Relations (definitions and basic results) \\
- {\bf Sorting} & Sorted list (basic definitions and heapsort correctness) \\
- {\bf Strings} & 8-bits characters and strings\\
- {\bf Wellfounded} & Well-founded relations (basic results) \\
-These directories belong to the initial load path of the system, and
-the modules they provide are compiled at installation time. So they
-are directly accessible with the command \verb!Require! (see
-The different modules of the \Coq\ standard library are described in the
-additional document \verb!Library.dvi!. They are also accessible on the WWW
-through the \Coq\ homepage
-\subsection[Notations for integer arithmetics]{Notations for integer arithmetics\index{Arithmetical notations}}
-On Figure~\ref{zarith-syntax} is described the syntax of expressions
-for integer arithmetics. It is provided by requiring and opening the
-module {\tt ZArith} and opening scope {\tt Z\_scope}.
-Notation & Interpretation & Precedence & Associativity\\
-\verb!_ < _! & {\tt Zlt} &&\\
-\verb!x <= y! & {\tt Zle} &&\\
-\verb!_ > _! & {\tt Zgt} &&\\
-\verb!x >= y! & {\tt Zge} &&\\
-\verb!x < y < z! & {\tt x < y \verb!/\! y < z} &&\\
-\verb!x < y <= z! & {\tt x < y \verb!/\! y <= z} &&\\
-\verb!x <= y < z! & {\tt x <= y \verb!/\! y < z} &&\\
-\verb!x <= y <= z! & {\tt x <= y \verb!/\! y <= z} &&\\
-\verb!_ ?= _! & {\tt Zcompare} & 70 & no\\
-\verb!_ + _! & {\tt Zplus} &&\\
-\verb!_ - _! & {\tt Zminus} &&\\
-\verb!_ * _! & {\tt Zmult} &&\\
-\verb!_ / _! & {\tt Zdiv} &&\\
-\verb!_ mod _! & {\tt Zmod} & 40 & no \\
-\verb!- _! & {\tt Zopp} &&\\
-\verb!_ ^ _! & {\tt Zpower} &&\\
-\caption{Definition of the scope for integer arithmetics ({\tt Z\_scope})}
-Figure~\ref{zarith-syntax} shows the notations provided by {\tt
-Z\_scope}. It specifies how notations are interpreted and, when not
-already reserved, the precedence and associativity.
-Require Import ZArith.
-Check (2 + 3)%Z.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Check 2 + 3.
-\subsection[Peano's arithmetic (\texttt{nat})]{Peano's arithmetic (\texttt{nat})\index{Peano's arithmetic}
-While in the initial state, many operations and predicates of Peano's
-arithmetic are defined, further operations and results belong to other
-modules. For instance, the decidability of the basic predicates are
-defined here. This is provided by requiring the module {\tt Arith}.
-Figure~\ref{nat-syntax} describes notation available in scope {\tt
-Notation & Interpretation \\
-\verb!_ < _! & {\tt lt} \\
-\verb!x <= y! & {\tt le} \\
-\verb!_ > _! & {\tt gt} \\
-\verb!x >= y! & {\tt ge} \\
-\verb!x < y < z! & {\tt x < y \verb!/\! y < z} \\
-\verb!x < y <= z! & {\tt x < y \verb!/\! y <= z} \\
-\verb!x <= y < z! & {\tt x <= y \verb!/\! y < z} \\
-\verb!x <= y <= z! & {\tt x <= y \verb!/\! y <= z} \\
-\verb!_ + _! & {\tt plus} \\
-\verb!_ - _! & {\tt minus} \\
-\verb!_ * _! & {\tt mult} \\
-\caption{Definition of the scope for natural numbers ({\tt nat\_scope})}
-\subsection{Real numbers library}
-\subsubsection[Notations for real numbers]{Notations for real numbers\index{Notations for real numbers}}
-This is provided by requiring and opening the module {\tt Reals} and
-opening scope {\tt R\_scope}. This set of notations is very similar to
-the notation for integer arithmetics. The inverse function was added.
-Notation & Interpretation \\
-\verb!_ < _! & {\tt Rlt} \\
-\verb!x <= y! & {\tt Rle} \\
-\verb!_ > _! & {\tt Rgt} \\
-\verb!x >= y! & {\tt Rge} \\
-\verb!x < y < z! & {\tt x < y \verb!/\! y < z} \\
-\verb!x < y <= z! & {\tt x < y \verb!/\! y <= z} \\
-\verb!x <= y < z! & {\tt x <= y \verb!/\! y < z} \\
-\verb!x <= y <= z! & {\tt x <= y \verb!/\! y <= z} \\
-\verb!_ + _! & {\tt Rplus} \\
-\verb!_ - _! & {\tt Rminus} \\
-\verb!_ * _! & {\tt Rmult} \\
-\verb!_ / _! & {\tt Rdiv} \\
-\verb!- _! & {\tt Ropp} \\
-\verb!/ _! & {\tt Rinv} \\
-\verb!_ ^ _! & {\tt pow} \\
-\caption{Definition of the scope for real arithmetics ({\tt R\_scope})}
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import Reals.
-Check (2 + 3)%R.
-Open Scope R_scope.
-Check 2 + 3.
-\subsubsection{Some tactics}
-In addition to the \verb|ring|, \verb|field| and \verb|fourier|
-tactics (see Chapter~\ref{Tactics}) there are:
-\item {\tt discrR} \tacindex{discrR}
- Proves that a real integer constant $c_1$ is different from another
- real integer constant $c_2$.
-Require Import DiscrR.
-Goal 5 <> 0.
-\item {\tt split\_Rabs} allows to unfold {\tt Rabs} constant and splits
-corresponding conjunctions.
-Require Import SplitAbsolu.
-Goal forall x:R, x <= Rabs x.
-intro; split_Rabs.
-\item {\tt split\_Rmult} allows to split a condition that a product is
- non null into subgoals corresponding to the condition on each
- operand of the product.
-Require Import SplitRmult.
-Goal forall x y z:R, x * y * z <> 0.
-intros; split_Rmult.
-All this tactics has been written with the tactic language Ltac
-described in Chapter~\ref{TacticLanguage}.
-Reset Initial.
-\subsection[List library]{List library\index{Notations for lists}
-Some elementary operations on polymorphic lists are defined here. They
-can be accessed by requiring module {\tt List}.
-It defines the following notions:
-{\tt length} & length \\
-{\tt head} & first element (with default) \\
-{\tt tail} & all but first element \\
-{\tt app} & concatenation \\
-{\tt rev} & reverse \\
-{\tt nth} & accessing $n$-th element (with default) \\
-{\tt map} & applying a function \\
-{\tt flat\_map} & applying a function returning lists \\
-{\tt fold\_left} & iterator (from head to tail) \\
-{\tt fold\_right} & iterator (from tail to head) \\
-Table show notations available when opening scope {\tt list\_scope}.
-Notation & Interpretation & Precedence & Associativity\\
-\verb!_ ++ _! & {\tt app} & 60 & right \\
-\verb!_ :: _! & {\tt cons} & 60 & right \\
-\caption{Definition of the scope for lists ({\tt list\_scope})}
-\section[Users' contributions]{Users' contributions\index{Contributions}
-Numerous users' contributions have been collected and are available at
-URL \url{}. On this web page, you have a list
-of all contributions with informations (author, institution, quick
-description, etc.) and the possibility to download them one by one.
-You will also find informations on how to submit a new
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-\chapter[The tactic language]{The tactic language\label{TacticLanguage}}
-This chapter gives a compact documentation of Ltac, the tactic
-language available in {\Coq}. We start by giving the syntax, and next,
-we present the informal semantics. If you want to know more regarding
-this language and especially about its foundations, you can refer
-to~\cite{Del00}. Chapter~\ref{Tactics-examples} is devoted to giving
-examples of use of this language on small but also with non-trivial
-The syntax of the tactic language is given Figures~\ref{ltac}
-and~\ref{ltac_aux}. See Chapter~\ref{BNF-syntax} for a description of
-the BNF metasyntax used in these grammar rules. Various already
-defined entries will be used in this chapter: entries
-{\naturalnumber}, {\integer}, {\ident}, {\qualid}, {\term},
-{\cpattern} and {\atomictac} represent respectively the natural and
-integer numbers, the authorized identificators and qualified names,
-{\Coq}'s terms and patterns and all the atomic tactics described in
-Chapter~\ref{Tactics}. The syntax of {\cpattern} is the same as that
-of terms, but it is extended with pattern matching metavariables. In
-{\cpattern}, a pattern-matching metavariable is represented with the
-syntax {\tt ?id} where {\tt id} is an {\ident}. The notation {\tt \_}
-can also be used to denote metavariable whose instance is
-irrelevant. In the notation {\tt ?id}, the identifier allows us to
-keep instantiations and to make constraints whereas {\tt \_} shows
-that we are not interested in what will be matched. On the right hand
-side of pattern-matching clauses, the named metavariable are used
-without the question mark prefix. There is also a special notation for
-second-order pattern-matching problems: in an applicative pattern of
-the form {\tt @?id id$_1$ \ldots id$_n$}, the variable {\tt id}
-matches any complex expression with (possible) dependencies in the
-variables {\tt id$_1$ \ldots id$_n$} and returns a functional term of
-the form {\tt fun id$_1$ \ldots id$_n$ => {\term}}.
-The main entry of the grammar is {\tacexpr}. This language is used in
-proof mode but it can also be used in toplevel definitions as shown in
-\item The infix tacticals ``\dots\ {\tt ||} \dots'' and ``\dots\ {\tt
- ;} \dots'' are associative.
-\item In {\tacarg}, there is an overlap between {\qualid} as a
-direct tactic argument and {\qualid} as a particular case of
-{\term}. The resolution is done by first looking for a reference of
-the tactic language and if it fails, for a reference to a term. To
-force the resolution as a reference of the tactic language, use the
-form {\tt ltac :} {\qualid}. To force the resolution as a reference to
-a term, use the syntax {\tt ({\qualid})}.
-\item As shown by the figure, tactical {\tt ||} binds more than the
-prefix tacticals {\tt try}, {\tt repeat}, {\tt do}, {\tt info} and
-{\tt abstract} which themselves bind more than the postfix tactical
-``{\tt \dots\ ;[ \dots\ ]}'' which binds more than ``\dots\ {\tt ;}
-For instance
-{\tt try repeat \tac$_1$ ||
- \tac$_2$;\tac$_3$;[\tac$_{31}$|\dots|\tac$_{3n}$];\tac$_4$.}
-is understood as
-{\tt (try (repeat (\tac$_1$ || \tac$_2$)));} \\
-{\tt ((\tac$_3$;[\tac$_{31}$|\dots|\tac$_{3n}$]);\tac$_4$).}
-{\tacexpr} & ::= &
- {\tacexpr} {\tt ;} {\tacexpr}\\
-& | & {\tacexpr} {\tt ; [} \nelist{\tacexpr}{|} {\tt ]}\\
-& | & {\tacexprpref}\\
-{\tacexprpref} & ::= &
- {\tt do} {\it (}{\naturalnumber} {\it |} {\ident}{\it )} {\tacexprpref}\\
-& | & {\tt info} {\tacexprpref}\\
-& | & {\tt progress} {\tacexprpref}\\
-& | & {\tt repeat} {\tacexprpref}\\
-& | & {\tt try} {\tacexprpref}\\
-& | & {\tt timeout} {\it (}{\naturalnumber} {\it |} {\ident}{\it )} {\tacexprpref}\\
-& | & {\tacexprinf} \\
-{\tacexprinf} & ::= &
- {\tacexprlow} {\tt ||} {\tacexprpref}\\
-& | & {\tacexprlow}\\
-{\tacexprlow} & ::= &
-{\tt fun} \nelist{\name}{} {\tt =>} {\atom}\\
-& | &
-{\tt let} \zeroone{\tt rec} \nelist{\letclause}{\tt with} {\tt in}
-& | &
-{\tt match goal with} \nelist{\contextrule}{\tt |} {\tt end}\\
-& | &
-{\tt match reverse goal with} \nelist{\contextrule}{\tt |} {\tt end}\\
-& | &
-{\tt match} {\tacexpr} {\tt with} \nelist{\matchrule}{\tt |} {\tt end}\\
-& | &
-{\tt lazymatch goal with} \nelist{\contextrule}{\tt |} {\tt end}\\
-& | &
-{\tt lazymatch reverse goal with} \nelist{\contextrule}{\tt |} {\tt end}\\
-& | &
-{\tt lazymatch} {\tacexpr} {\tt with} \nelist{\matchrule}{\tt |} {\tt end}\\
-& | & {\tt abstract} {\atom}\\
-& | & {\tt abstract} {\atom} {\tt using} {\ident} \\
-& | & {\tt first [} \nelist{\tacexpr}{\tt |} {\tt ]}\\
-& | & {\tt solve [} \nelist{\tacexpr}{\tt |} {\tt ]}\\
-& | & {\tt idtac} \sequence{\messagetoken}{}\\
-& | & {\tt fail} \zeroone{\naturalnumber} \sequence{\messagetoken}{}\\
-& | & {\tt fresh} ~|~ {\tt fresh} {\qstring}\\
-& | & {\tt context} {\ident} {\tt [} {\term} {\tt ]}\\
-& | & {\tt eval} {\nterm{redexpr}} {\tt in} {\term}\\
-& | & {\tt type of} {\term}\\
-& | & {\tt external} {\qstring} {\qstring} \nelist{\tacarg}{}\\
-& | & {\tt constr :} {\term}\\
-& | & \atomictac\\
-& | & {\qualid} \nelist{\tacarg}{}\\
-& | & {\atom}\\
-{\atom} & ::= &
- {\qualid} \\
-& | & ()\\
-& | & {\integer}\\
-& | & {\tt (} {\tacexpr} {\tt )}\\
-{\messagetoken}\!\!\!\!\!\! & ::= & {\qstring} ~|~ {\ident} ~|~ {\integer} \\
-\caption{Syntax of the tactic language}
-\tacarg & ::= &
- {\qualid}\\
-& $|$ & {\tt ()} \\
-& $|$ & {\tt ltac :} {\atom}\\
-& $|$ & {\term}\\
-\letclause & ::= & {\ident} \sequence{\name}{} {\tt :=} {\tacexpr}\\
-\contextrule & ::= &
- \nelist{\contexthyp}{\tt ,} {\tt |-}{\cpattern} {\tt =>} {\tacexpr}\\
-& $|$ & {\tt |-} {\cpattern} {\tt =>} {\tacexpr}\\
-& $|$ & {\tt \_ =>} {\tacexpr}\\
-\contexthyp & ::= & {\name} {\tt :} {\cpattern}\\
- & $|$ & {\name} {\tt :=} {\cpattern} \zeroone{{\tt :} {\cpattern}}\\
-\matchrule & ::= &
- {\cpattern} {\tt =>} {\tacexpr}\\
-& $|$ & {\tt context} {\zeroone{\ident}} {\tt [} {\cpattern} {\tt ]}
- {\tt =>} {\tacexpr}\\
-& $|$ & {\tt appcontext} {\zeroone{\ident}} {\tt [} {\cpattern} {\tt ]}
- {\tt =>} {\tacexpr}\\
-& $|$ & {\tt \_ =>} {\tacexpr}\\
-\caption{Syntax of the tactic language (continued)}
-\nterm{top} & ::= & \zeroone{\tt Local} {\tt Ltac} \nelist{\nterm{ltac\_def}} {\tt with} \\
-\nterm{ltac\_def} & ::= & {\ident} \sequence{\ident}{} {\tt :=}
-& $|$ &{\qualid} \sequence{\ident}{} {\tt ::=}{\tacexpr}
-\caption{Tactic toplevel definitions}
-%% Semantics
-Tactic expressions can only be applied in the context of a goal. The
-evaluation yields either a term, an integer or a tactic. Intermediary
-results can be terms or integers but the final result must be a tactic
-which is then applied to the current goal.
-There is a special case for {\tt match goal} expressions of which
-the clauses evaluate to tactics. Such expressions can only be used as
-end result of a tactic expression (never as argument of a non recursive local
-definition or of an application).
-The rest of this section explains the semantics of every construction
-of Ltac.
-%% \subsection{Values}
-%% Values are given by Figure~\ref{ltacval}. All these values are tactic values,
-%% i.e. to be applied to a goal, except {\tt Fun}, {\tt Rec} and $arg$ values.
-%% \begin{figure}[ht]
-%% \noindent{}\framebox[6in][l]
-%% {\parbox{6in}
-%% {\begin{center}
-%% \begin{tabular}{lp{0.1in}l}
-%% $vexpr$ & ::= & $vexpr$ {\tt ;} $vexpr$\\
-%% & | & $vexpr$ {\tt ; [} {\it (}$vexpr$ {\tt |}{\it )}$^*$ $vexpr$ {\tt
-%% ]}\\
-%% & | & $vatom$\\
-%% \\
-%% $vatom$ & ::= & {\tt Fun} \nelist{\inputfun}{} {\tt ->} {\tacexpr}\\
-%% %& | & {\tt Rec} \recclause\\
-%% & | &
-%% {\tt Rec} \nelist{\recclause}{\tt And} {\tt In}
-%% {\tacexpr}\\
-%% & | &
-%% {\tt Match Context With} {\it (}$context\_rule$ {\tt |}{\it )}$^*$
-%% $context\_rule$\\
-%% & | & {\tt (} $vexpr$ {\tt )}\\
-%% & | & $vatom$ {\tt Orelse} $vatom$\\
-%% & | & {\tt Do} {\it (}{\naturalnumber} {\it |} {\ident}{\it )} $vatom$\\
-%% & | & {\tt Repeat} $vatom$\\
-%% & | & {\tt Try} $vatom$\\
-%% & | & {\tt First [} {\it (}$vexpr$ {\tt |}{\it )}$^*$ $vexpr$ {\tt ]}\\
-%% & | & {\tt Solve [} {\it (}$vexpr$ {\tt |}{\it )}$^*$ $vexpr$ {\tt ]}\\
-%% & | & {\tt Idtac}\\
-%% & | & {\tt Fail}\\
-%% & | & {\primitivetactic}\\
-%% & | & $arg$
-%% \end{tabular}
-%% \end{center}}}
-%% \caption{Values of ${\cal L}_{tac}$}
-%% \label{ltacval}
-%% \end{figure}
-%% \subsection{Evaluation}
-\index{Tacticals!;@{\tt {\tac$_1$};\tac$_2$}}}
-A sequence is an expression of the following form:
-{\tacexpr}$_1$ {\tt ;} {\tacexpr}$_2$
-The expressions {\tacexpr}$_1$ and {\tacexpr}$_2$ are evaluated
-to $v_1$ and $v_2$ which have to be tactic values. The tactic $v_1$ is
-then applied and $v_2$ is applied to every subgoal generated by the
-application of $v_1$. Sequence is left-associative.
-\subsubsection[General sequence]{General sequence\tacindex{;[\ldots$\mid$\ldots$\mid$\ldots]}}
-%\tacindex{; [ | ]}
-%\index{; [ | ]@{\tt ;[\ldots$\mid$\ldots$\mid$\ldots]}}
-\index{Tacticals!; [ \mid ]@{\tt {\tac$_0$};[{\tac$_1$}$\mid$\ldots$\mid$\tac$_n$]}}
-A general sequence has the following form:
-{\tacexpr}$_0$ {\tt ; [} {\tacexpr}$_1$ {\tt |} $...$ {\tt |}
-{\tacexpr}$_n$ {\tt ]}
-The expressions {\tacexpr}$_i$ are evaluated to $v_i$, for $i=0,...,n$
-and all have to be tactics. The tactic $v_0$ is applied and $v_i$ is
-applied to the $i$-th generated subgoal by the application of $v_0$,
-for $=1,...,n$. It fails if the application of $v_0$ does not generate
-exactly $n$ subgoals.
- \item If no tactic is given for the $i$-th generated subgoal, it
-behaves as if the tactic {\tt idtac} were given. For instance, {\tt
-split ; [ | auto ]} is a shortcut for
-{\tt split ; [ idtac | auto ]}.
- \item {\tacexpr}$_0$ {\tt ; [} {\tacexpr}$_1$ {\tt |} $...$ {\tt |}
- {\tacexpr}$_i$ {\tt |} {\tt ..} {\tt |} {\tacexpr}$_{i+1+j}$ {\tt |}
- $...$ {\tt |} {\tacexpr}$_n$ {\tt ]}
- In this variant, {\tt idtac} is used for the subgoals numbered from
- $i+1$ to $i+j$ (assuming $n$ is the number of subgoals).
- Note that {\tt ..} is part of the syntax, while $...$ is the meta-symbol used
- to describe a list of {\tacexpr} of arbitrary length.
- \item {\tacexpr}$_0$ {\tt ; [} {\tacexpr}$_1$ {\tt |} $...$ {\tt |}
- {\tacexpr}$_i$ {\tt |} {\tacexpr} {\tt ..} {\tt |}
- {\tacexpr}$_{i+1+j}$ {\tt |} $...$ {\tt |} {\tacexpr}$_n$ {\tt ]}
- In this variant, {\tacexpr} is used instead of {\tt idtac} for the
- subgoals numbered from $i+1$ to $i+j$.
-\subsubsection[For loop]{For loop\tacindex{do}
-\index{Tacticals!do@{\tt do}}}
-There is a for loop that repeats a tactic {\num} times:
-{\tt do} {\num} {\tacexpr}
-{\tacexpr} is evaluated to $v$. $v$ must be a tactic value. $v$ is
-applied {\num} times. Supposing ${\num}>1$, after the first
-application of $v$, $v$ is applied, at least once, to the generated
-subgoals and so on. It fails if the application of $v$ fails before
-the {\num} applications have been completed.
-\subsubsection[Repeat loop]{Repeat loop\tacindex{repeat}
-\index{Tacticals!repeat@{\tt repeat}}}
-We have a repeat loop with:
-{\tt repeat} {\tacexpr}
-{\tacexpr} is evaluated to $v$. If $v$ denotes a tactic, this tactic
-is applied to the goal. If the application fails, the tactic is
-applied recursively to all the generated subgoals until it eventually
-fails. The recursion stops in a subgoal when the tactic has failed.
-The tactic {\tt repeat {\tacexpr}} itself never fails.
-\subsubsection[Error catching]{Error catching\tacindex{try}
-\index{Tacticals!try@{\tt try}}}
-We can catch the tactic errors with:
-{\tt try} {\tacexpr}
-{\tacexpr} is evaluated to $v$. $v$ must be a tactic value. $v$ is
-applied. If the application of $v$ fails, it catches the error and
-leaves the goal unchanged. If the level of the exception is positive,
-then the exception is re-raised with its level decremented.
-\subsubsection[Detecting progress]{Detecting progress\tacindex{progress}}
-We can check if a tactic made progress with:
-{\tt progress} {\tacexpr}
-{\tacexpr} is evaluated to $v$. $v$ must be a tactic value. $v$ is
-applied. If the application of $v$ produced one subgoal equal to the
-initial goal (up to syntactical equality), then an error of level 0 is
-\ErrMsg \errindex{Failed to progress}
-\index{Tacticals!orelse@{\tt $\mid\mid$}}}
-We can easily branch with the following structure:
-{\tacexpr}$_1$ {\tt ||} {\tacexpr}$_2$
-{\tacexpr}$_1$ and {\tacexpr}$_2$ are evaluated to $v_1$ and
-$v_2$. $v_1$ and $v_2$ must be tactic values. $v_1$ is applied and if
-it fails to progress then $v_2$ is applied. Branching is left-associative.
-\subsubsection[First tactic to work]{First tactic to work\tacindex{first}
-\index{Tacticals!first@{\tt first}}}
-We may consider the first tactic to work (i.e. which does not fail) among a
-panel of tactics:
-{\tt first [} {\tacexpr}$_1$ {\tt |} $...$ {\tt |} {\tacexpr}$_n$ {\tt ]}
-{\tacexpr}$_i$ are evaluated to $v_i$ and $v_i$ must be tactic values, for
-$i=1,...,n$. Supposing $n>1$, it applies $v_1$, if it works, it stops else it
-tries to apply $v_2$ and so on. It fails when there is no applicable tactic.
-\ErrMsg \errindex{No applicable tactic}
-\index{Tacticals!solve@{\tt solve}}}
-We may consider the first to solve (i.e. which generates no subgoal) among a
-panel of tactics:
-{\tt solve [} {\tacexpr}$_1$ {\tt |} $...$ {\tt |} {\tacexpr}$_n$ {\tt ]}
-{\tacexpr}$_i$ are evaluated to $v_i$ and $v_i$ must be tactic values, for
-$i=1,...,n$. Supposing $n>1$, it applies $v_1$, if it solves, it stops else it
-tries to apply $v_2$ and so on. It fails if there is no solving tactic.
-\ErrMsg \errindex{Cannot solve the goal}
-\index{Tacticals!idtac@{\tt idtac}}}
-The constant {\tt idtac} is the identity tactic: it leaves any goal
-unchanged but it appears in the proof script.
-\variant {\tt idtac \nelist{\messagetoken}{}}
-This prints the given tokens. Strings and integers are printed
-literally. If a (term) variable is given, its contents are printed.
-\index{Tacticals!fail@{\tt fail}}}
-The tactic {\tt fail} is the always-failing tactic: it does not solve
-any goal. It is useful for defining other tacticals since it can be
-catched by {\tt try} or {\tt match goal}.
-\item {\tt fail $n$}\\
-The number $n$ is the failure level. If no level is specified, it
-defaults to $0$. The level is used by {\tt try} and {\tt match goal}.
-If $0$, it makes {\tt match goal} considering the next clause
-(backtracking). If non zero, the current {\tt match goal} block or
-{\tt try} command is aborted and the level is decremented.
-\item {\tt fail \nelist{\messagetoken}{}}\\
-The given tokens are used for printing the failure message.
-\item {\tt fail $n$ \nelist{\messagetoken}{}}\\
-This is a combination of the previous variants.
-\ErrMsg \errindex{Tactic Failure {\it message} (level $n$)}.
-\index{Tacticals!timeout@{\tt timeout}}}
-We can force a tactic to stop if it has not finished after a certain
-amount of time:
-{\tt timeout} {\num} {\tacexpr}
-{\tacexpr} is evaluated to $v$. $v$ must be a tactic value. $v$ is
-normally applied, except that it is interrupted after ${\num}$ seconds
-if it is still running. In this case the outcome is a failure.
-Warning: For the moment, {\tt timeout} is based on elapsed time in
-seconds, which is very
-machine-dependent: a script that works on a quick machine may fail
-on a slow one. The converse is even possible if you combine a
-{\tt timeout} with some other tacticals. This tactical is hence
-proposed only for convenience during debug or other development
-phases, we strongly advise you to not leave any {\tt timeout} in
-final scripts. Note also that this tactical isn't available on
-the native Windows port of Coq.
-\subsubsection[Local definitions]{Local definitions\index{Ltac!let}
-\index{Ltac!let rec}
-\index{let!in Ltac}
-\index{let rec!in Ltac}}
-Local definitions can be done as follows:
-{\tt let} {\ident}$_1$ {\tt :=} {\tacexpr}$_1$\\
-{\tt with} {\ident}$_2$ {\tt :=} {\tacexpr}$_2$\\
-{\tt with} {\ident}$_n$ {\tt :=} {\tacexpr}$_n$ {\tt in}\\
-each {\tacexpr}$_i$ is evaluated to $v_i$, then, {\tacexpr} is
-evaluated by substituting $v_i$ to each occurrence of {\ident}$_i$,
-for $i=1,...,n$. There is no dependencies between the {\tacexpr}$_i$
-and the {\ident}$_i$.
-Local definitions can be recursive by using {\tt let rec} instead of
-{\tt let}. In this latter case, the definitions are evaluated lazily
-so that the {\tt rec} keyword can be used also in non recursive cases
-so as to avoid the eager evaluation of local definitions.
-An application is an expression of the following form:
-{\qualid} {\tacarg}$_1$ ... {\tacarg}$_n$
-The reference {\qualid} must be bound to some defined tactic
-definition expecting at least $n$ arguments. The expressions
-{\tacexpr}$_i$ are evaluated to $v_i$, for $i=1,...,n$.
-%If {\tacexpr} is a {\tt Fun} or {\tt Rec} value then the body is evaluated by
-%substituting $v_i$ to the formal parameters, for $i=1,...,n$. For recursive
-%clauses, the bodies are lazily substituted (when an identifier to be evaluated
-%is the name of a recursive clause).
-%\subsection{Application of tactic values}
-\subsubsection[Function construction]{Function construction\index{fun!in Ltac}
-A parameterized tactic can be built anonymously (without resorting to
-local definitions) with:
-{\tt fun} {\ident${}_1$} ... {\ident${}_n$} {\tt =>} {\tacexpr}
-Indeed, local definitions of functions are a syntactic sugar for
-binding a {\tt fun} tactic to an identifier.
-\subsubsection[Pattern matching on terms]{Pattern matching on terms\index{Ltac!match}
-\index{match!in Ltac}}
-We can carry out pattern matching on terms with:
-{\tt match} {\tacexpr} {\tt with}\\
-~~~{\cpattern}$_1$ {\tt =>} {\tacexpr}$_1$\\
-~{\tt |} {\cpattern}$_2$ {\tt =>} {\tacexpr}$_2$\\
-~{\tt |} {\cpattern}$_n$ {\tt =>} {\tacexpr}$_n$\\
-~{\tt |} {\tt \_} {\tt =>} {\tacexpr}$_{n+1}$\\
-{\tt end}
-The expression {\tacexpr} is evaluated and should yield a term which
-is matched against {\cpattern}$_1$. The matching is non-linear: if a
-metavariable occurs more than once, it should match the same
-expression every time. It is first-order except on the
-variables of the form {\tt @?id} that occur in head position of an
-application. For these variables, the matching is second-order and
-returns a functional term.
-If the matching with {\cpattern}$_1$ succeeds, then {\tacexpr}$_1$ is
-evaluated into some value by substituting the pattern matching
-instantiations to the metavariables. If {\tacexpr}$_1$ evaluates to a
-tactic and the {\tt match} expression is in position to be applied to
-a goal (e.g. it is not bound to a variable by a {\tt let in}), then
-this tactic is applied. If the tactic succeeds, the list of resulting
-subgoals is the result of the {\tt match} expression. If
-{\tacexpr}$_1$ does not evaluate to a tactic or if the {\tt match}
-expression is not in position to be applied to a goal, then the result
-of the evaluation of {\tacexpr}$_1$ is the result of the {\tt match}
-If the matching with {\cpattern}$_1$ fails, or if it succeeds but the
-evaluation of {\tacexpr}$_1$ fails, or if the evaluation of
-{\tacexpr}$_1$ succeeds but returns a tactic in execution position
-whose execution fails, then {\cpattern}$_2$ is used and so on. The
-pattern {\_} matches any term and shunts all remaining patterns if
-any. If all clauses fail (in particular, there is no pattern {\_})
-then a no-matching-clause error is raised.
-\item \errindex{No matching clauses for match}
- No pattern can be used and, in particular, there is no {\tt \_} pattern.
-\item \errindex{Argument of match does not evaluate to a term}
- This happens when {\tacexpr} does not denote a term.
-\item \index{lazymatch!in Ltac}
-Using {\tt lazymatch} instead of {\tt match} has an effect if the
-right-hand-side of a clause returns a tactic. With {\tt match}, the
-tactic is applied to the current goal (and the next clause is tried if
-it fails). With {\tt lazymatch}, the tactic is directly returned as
-the result of the whole {\tt lazymatch} block without being first
-tried to be applied to the goal. Typically, if the {\tt lazymatch}
-block is bound to some variable $x$ in a {\tt let in}, then tactic
-expression gets bound to the variable $x$.
-\item \index{context!in pattern}
-There is a special form of patterns to match a subterm against the
-{\tt context} {\ident} {\tt [} {\cpattern} {\tt ]}
-It matches any term with a subterm matching {\cpattern}. If there is
-a match, the optional {\ident} is assigned the ``matched context'', i.e.
-the initial term where the matched subterm is replaced by a
-hole. The example below will show how to use such term contexts.
-If the evaluation of the right-hand-side of a valid match fails, the
-next matching subterm is tried. If no further subterm matches, the
-next clause is tried. Matching subterms are considered top-bottom and
-from left to right (with respect to the raw printing obtained by
-setting option {\tt Printing All}, see Section~\ref{SetPrintingAll}).
-Ltac f x :=
- match x with
- context f [S ?X] =>
- idtac X; (* To display the evaluation order *)
- assert (p := refl_equal 1 : X=1); (* To filter the case X=1 *)
- let x:= context f[O] in assert (x=O) (* To observe the context *)
- end.
-Goal True.
-f (3+4).
-\item \index{appcontext!in pattern}
-For historical reasons, {\tt context} considers $n$-ary applications
-such as {\tt (f 1 2)} as a whole, and not as a sequence of unary
-applications {\tt ((f 1) 2)}. Hence {\tt context [f ?x]} will fail
-to find a matching subterm in {\tt (f 1 2)}: if the pattern is a partial
-application, the matched subterms will be necessarily be
-applications with exactly the same number of arguments.
-Alternatively, one may now use the following variant of {\tt context}:
-{\tt appcontext} {\ident} {\tt [} {\cpattern} {\tt ]}
-The behavior of {\tt appcontext} is the same as the one of {\tt
- context}, except that a matching subterm could be a partial
-part of a longer application. For instance, in {\tt (f 1 2)},
-an {\tt appcontext [f ?x]} will find the matching subterm {\tt (f 1)}.
-\subsubsection[Pattern matching on goals]{Pattern matching on goals\index{Ltac!match goal}
-\index{Ltac!match reverse goal}
-\index{match goal!in Ltac}
-\index{match reverse goal!in Ltac}}
-We can make pattern matching on goals using the following expression:
-{\tt match goal with}\\
-~~\={\tt |} $hyp_{1,1}${\tt ,}...{\tt ,}$hyp_{1,m_1}$
- ~~{\tt |-}{\cpattern}$_1${\tt =>} {\tacexpr}$_1$\\
- \>{\tt |} $hyp_{2,1}${\tt ,}...{\tt ,}$hyp_{2,m_2}$
- ~~{\tt |-}{\cpattern}$_2${\tt =>} {\tacexpr}$_2$\\
- \>{\tt |} $hyp_{n,1}${\tt ,}...{\tt ,}$hyp_{n,m_n}$
- ~~{\tt |-}{\cpattern}$_n${\tt =>} {\tacexpr}$_n$\\
- \>{\tt |\_}~~~~{\tt =>} {\tacexpr}$_{n+1}$\\
-{\tt end}
-If each hypothesis pattern $hyp_{1,i}$, with $i=1,...,m_1$
-is matched (non-linear first-order unification) by an hypothesis of
-the goal and if {\cpattern}$_1$ is matched by the conclusion of the
-goal, then {\tacexpr}$_1$ is evaluated to $v_1$ by substituting the
-pattern matching to the metavariables and the real hypothesis names
-bound to the possible hypothesis names occurring in the hypothesis
-patterns. If $v_1$ is a tactic value, then it is applied to the
-goal. If this application fails, then another combination of
-hypotheses is tried with the same proof context pattern. If there is
-no other combination of hypotheses then the second proof context
-pattern is tried and so on. If the next to last proof context pattern
-fails then {\tacexpr}$_{n+1}$ is evaluated to $v_{n+1}$ and $v_{n+1}$
-is applied. Note also that matching against subterms (using the {\tt
-context} {\ident} {\tt [} {\cpattern} {\tt ]}) is available and may
-itself induce extra backtrackings.
-\ErrMsg \errindex{No matching clauses for match goal}
-No clause succeeds, i.e. all matching patterns, if any,
-fail at the application of the right-hand-side.
-It is important to know that each hypothesis of the goal can be
-matched by at most one hypothesis pattern. The order of matching is
-the following: hypothesis patterns are examined from the right to the
-left (i.e. $hyp_{i,m_i}$ before $hyp_{i,1}$). For each hypothesis
-pattern, the goal hypothesis are matched in order (fresher hypothesis
-first), but it possible to reverse this order (older first) with
-the {\tt match reverse goal with} variant.
-\index{lazymatch goal!in Ltac}
-\index{Ltac!lazymatch goal}
-\index{lazymatch reverse goal!in Ltac}
-\index{Ltac!lazymatch reverse goal}
-Using {\tt lazymatch} instead of {\tt match} has an effect if the
-right-hand-side of a clause returns a tactic. With {\tt match}, the
-tactic is applied to the current goal (and the next clause is tried if
-it fails). With {\tt lazymatch}, the tactic is directly returned as
-the result of the whole {\tt lazymatch} block without being first
-tried to be applied to the goal. Typically, if the {\tt lazymatch}
-block is bound to some variable $x$ in a {\tt let in}, then tactic
-expression gets bound to the variable $x$.
-Ltac test_lazy :=
- lazymatch goal with
- | _ => idtac "here"; fail
- | _ => idtac "wasn't lazy"; trivial
- end.
-Ltac test_eager :=
- match goal with
- | _ => idtac "here"; fail
- | _ => idtac "wasn't lazy"; trivial
- end.
-Goal True.
-test_lazy || idtac "was lazy".
-test_eager || idtac "was lazy".
-\subsubsection[Filling a term context]{Filling a term context\index{context!in expression}}
-The following expression is not a tactic in the sense that it does not
-produce subgoals but generates a term to be used in tactic
-{\tt context} {\ident} {\tt [} {\tacexpr} {\tt ]}
-{\ident} must denote a context variable bound by a {\tt context}
-pattern of a {\tt match} expression. This expression evaluates
-replaces the hole of the value of {\ident} by the value of
-\ErrMsg \errindex{not a context variable}
-\subsubsection[Generating fresh hypothesis names]{Generating fresh hypothesis names\index{Ltac!fresh}
-\index{fresh!in Ltac}}
-Tactics sometimes have to generate new names for hypothesis. Letting
-the system decide a name with the {\tt intro} tactic is not so good
-since it is very awkward to retrieve the name the system gave.
-The following expression returns an identifier:
-{\tt fresh} \nelist{\textrm{\textsl{component}}}{}
-It evaluates to an identifier unbound in the goal. This fresh
-identifier is obtained by concatenating the value of the
-\textrm{\textsl{component}}'s (each of them is, either an {\ident} which
-has to refer to a name, or directly a name denoted by a
-{\qstring}). If the resulting name is already used, it is padded
-with a number so that it becomes fresh. If no component is
-given, the name is a fresh derivative of the name {\tt H}.
-\subsubsection[Computing in a constr]{Computing in a constr\index{Ltac!eval}
-\index{eval!in Ltac}}
-Evaluation of a term can be performed with:
-{\tt eval} {\nterm{redexpr}} {\tt in} {\term}
-where \nterm{redexpr} is a reduction tactic among {\tt red}, {\tt
-hnf}, {\tt compute}, {\tt simpl}, {\tt cbv}, {\tt lazy}, {\tt unfold},
-{\tt fold}, {\tt pattern}.
-\subsubsection{Type-checking a term}
-%\tacindex{type of}
-\index{Ltac!type of}
-\index{type of!in Ltac}
-The following returns the type of {\term}:
-{\tt type of} {\term}
-\subsubsection[Accessing tactic decomposition]{Accessing tactic decomposition\tacindex{info}
-\index{Tacticals!info@{\tt info}}}
-Tactical ``{\tt info} {\tacexpr}'' is not really a tactical. For
-elementary tactics, this is equivalent to \tacexpr. For complex tactic
-like \texttt{auto}, it displays the operations performed by the
-\subsubsection[Proving a subgoal as a separate lemma]{Proving a subgoal as a separate lemma\tacindex{abstract}
-\index{Tacticals!abstract@{\tt abstract}}}
-From the outside ``\texttt{abstract \tacexpr}'' is the same as
-{\tt solve \tacexpr}. Internally it saves an auxiliary lemma called
-{\ident}\texttt{\_subproof}\textit{n} where {\ident} is the name of the
-current goal and \textit{n} is chosen so that this is a fresh name.
-This tactical is useful with tactics such as \texttt{omega} or
-\texttt{discriminate} that generate huge proof terms. With that tool
-the user can avoid the explosion at time of the \texttt{Save} command
-without having to cut manually the proof in smaller lemmas.
-\item \texttt{abstract {\tacexpr} using {\ident}}.\\
- Give explicitly the name of the auxiliary lemma.
-\ErrMsg \errindex{Proof is not complete}
-\subsubsection[Calling an external tactic]{Calling an external tactic\index{Ltac!external}}
-The tactic {\tt external} allows to run an executable outside the
-{\Coq} executable. The communication is done via an XML encoding of
-constructions. The syntax of the command is
-{\tt external} "\textsl{command}" "\textsl{request}" \nelist{\tacarg}{}
-The string \textsl{command}, to be interpreted in the default
-execution path of the operating system, is the name of the external
-command. The string \textsl{request} is the name of a request to be
-sent to the external command. Finally the list of tactic arguments
-have to evaluate to terms. An XML tree of the following form is sent
-to the standard input of the external command.
-\texttt{<REQUEST req="}\textsl{request}\texttt{">}\\
-the XML tree of the first argument\\
-the XML tree of the last argument\\
-Conversely, the external command must send on its standard output an
-XML tree of the following forms:
-the XML tree of a term\\
-\noindent or
-\texttt{<CALL uri="}\textsl{ltac\_qualified\_ident}\texttt{">}\\
-the XML tree of a first argument\\
-the XML tree of a last argument\\
-\noindent where \textsl{ltac\_qualified\_ident} is the name of a
-defined {\ltac} function and each subsequent XML tree is recursively a
-\texttt{CALL} or a \texttt{TERM} node.
-The Document Type Definition (DTD) for terms of the Calculus of
-Inductive Constructions is the one developed as part of the MoWGLI
-European project. It can be found in the file {\tt dev/doc/cic.dtd} of
-the {\Coq} source archive.
-An example of parser for this DTD, written in the Objective Caml -
-Camlp4 language, can be found in the file {\tt parsing/g\_xml.ml4} of
-the {\Coq} source archive.
-\section[Tactic toplevel definitions]{Tactic toplevel definitions\comindex{Ltac}}
-\subsection{Defining {\ltac} functions}
-Basically, {\ltac} toplevel definitions are made as follows:
-%{\tt Tactic Definition} {\ident} {\tt :=} {\tacexpr}\\
-%{\tacexpr} is evaluated to $v$ and $v$ is associated to {\ident}. Next, every
-%script is evaluated by substituting $v$ to {\ident}.
-%We can define functional definitions by:\\
-{\tt Ltac} {\ident} {\ident}$_1$ ... {\ident}$_n$ {\tt :=}
-This defines a new {\ltac} function that can be used in any tactic
-script or new {\ltac} toplevel definition.
-\Rem The preceding definition can equivalently be written:
-{\tt Ltac} {\ident} {\tt := fun} {\ident}$_1$ ... {\ident}$_n$
-{\tt =>} {\tacexpr}
-Recursive and mutual recursive function definitions are also
-possible with the syntax:
-{\tt Ltac} {\ident}$_1$ {\ident}$_{1,1}$ ...
-{\ident}$_{1,m_1}$~~{\tt :=} {\tacexpr}$_1$\\
-{\tt with} {\ident}$_2$ {\ident}$_{2,1}$ ... {\ident}$_{2,m_2}$~~{\tt :=}
-{\tt with} {\ident}$_n$ {\ident}$_{n,1}$ ... {\ident}$_{n,m_n}$~~{\tt :=}
-It is also possible to \emph{redefine} an existing user-defined tactic
-using the syntax:
-{\tt Ltac} {\qualid} {\ident}$_1$ ... {\ident}$_n$ {\tt ::=}
-A previous definition of \qualid must exist in the environment.
-The new definition will always be used instead of the old one and
-it goes accross module boundaries.
-If preceded by the keyword {\tt Local} the tactic definition will not
-be exported outside the current module.
-\subsection[Printing {\ltac} tactics]{Printing {\ltac} tactics\comindex{Print Ltac}}
-Defined {\ltac} functions can be displayed using the command
-{\tt Print Ltac {\qualid}.}
-\section[Debugging {\ltac} tactics]{Debugging {\ltac} tactics\comindex{Set Ltac Debug}
-\comindex{Unset Ltac Debug}
-\comindex{Test Ltac Debug}}
-The {\ltac} interpreter comes with a step-by-step debugger. The
-debugger can be activated using the command
-{\tt Set Ltac Debug.}
-\noindent and deactivated using the command
-{\tt Unset Ltac Debug.}
-To know if the debugger is on, use the command \texttt{Test Ltac Debug}.
-When the debugger is activated, it stops at every step of the
-evaluation of the current {\ltac} expression and it prints information
-on what it is doing. The debugger stops, prompting for a command which
-can be one of the following:
-simple newline: & go to the next step\\
-h: & get help\\
-x: & exit current evaluation\\
-s: & continue current evaluation without stopping\\
-r $n$: & advance $n$ steps further\\
-r {\qstring}: & advance up to the next call to ``{\tt idtac} {\qstring}''\\
-\subsection{Permutation on closed lists}
-Require Import List.
-Section Sort.
-Variable A : Set.
-Inductive permut : list A -> list A -> Prop :=
- | permut_refl : forall l, permut l l
- | permut_cons :
- forall a l0 l1, permut l0 l1 -> permut (a :: l0) (a :: l1)
- | permut_append : forall a l, permut (a :: l) (l ++ a :: nil)
- | permut_trans :
- forall l0 l1 l2, permut l0 l1 -> permut l1 l2 -> permut l0 l2.
-End Sort.
-\caption{Definition of the permutation predicate}
-Another more complex example is the problem of permutation on closed
-lists. The aim is to show that a closed list is a permutation of
-another one. First, we define the permutation predicate as shown on
-Ltac Permut n :=
- match goal with
- | |- (permut _ ?l ?l) => apply permut_refl
- | |- (permut _ (?a :: ?l1) (?a :: ?l2)) =>
- let newn := eval compute in (length l1) in
- (apply permut_cons; Permut newn)
- | |- (permut ?A (?a :: ?l1) ?l2) =>
- match eval compute in n with
- | 1 => fail
- | _ =>
- let l1' := constr:(l1 ++ a :: nil) in
- (apply (permut_trans A (a :: l1) l1' l2);
- [ apply permut_append | compute; Permut (pred n) ])
- end
- end.
-Ltac PermutProve :=
- match goal with
- | |- (permut _ ?l1 ?l2) =>
- match eval compute in (length l1 = length l2) with
- | (?n = ?n) => Permut n
- end
- end.
-\caption{Permutation tactic}
-Lemma permut_ex1 :
- permut nat (1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil) (3 :: 2 :: 1 :: nil).
-Lemma permut_ex2 :
- permut nat
- (0 :: 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 8 :: 9 :: nil)
- (0 :: 2 :: 4 :: 6 :: 8 :: 9 :: 7 :: 5 :: 3 :: 1 :: nil).
-\caption{Examples of {\tt PermutProve} use}
-Next, we can write naturally the tactic and the result can be seen on
-Figure~\ref{permutltac}. We can notice that we use two toplevel
-definitions {\tt PermutProve} and {\tt Permut}. The function to be
-called is {\tt PermutProve} which computes the lengths of the two
-lists and calls {\tt Permut} with the length if the two lists have the
-same length. {\tt Permut} works as expected. If the two lists are
-equal, it concludes. Otherwise, if the lists have identical first
-elements, it applies {\tt Permut} on the tail of the lists. Finally,
-if the lists have different first elements, it puts the first element
-of one of the lists (here the second one which appears in the {\tt
- permut} predicate) at the end if that is possible, i.e., if the new
-first element has been at this place previously. To verify that all
-rotations have been done for a list, we use the length of the list as
-an argument for {\tt Permut} and this length is decremented for each
-rotation down to, but not including, 1 because for a list of length
-$n$, we can make exactly $n-1$ rotations to generate at most $n$
-distinct lists. Here, it must be noticed that we use the natural
-numbers of {\Coq} for the rotation counter. On Figure~\ref{ltac}, we
-can see that it is possible to use usual natural numbers but they are
-only used as arguments for primitive tactics and they cannot be
-handled, in particular, we cannot make computations with them. So, a
-natural choice is to use {\Coq} data structures so that {\Coq} makes
-the computations (reductions) by {\tt eval compute in} and we can get
-the terms back by {\tt match}.
-With {\tt PermutProve}, we can now prove lemmas such those shown on
-\subsection{Deciding intuitionistic propositional logic}
-Ltac Axioms :=
- match goal with
- | |- True => trivial
- | _:False |- _ => elimtype False; assumption
- | _:?A |- ?A => auto
- end.
-Ltac DSimplif :=
- repeat
- (intros;
- match goal with
- | id:(~ _) |- _ => red in id
- | id:(_ /\ _) |- _ =>
- elim id; do 2 intro; clear id
- | id:(_ \/ _) |- _ =>
- elim id; intro; clear id
- | id:(?A /\ ?B -> ?C) |- _ =>
- cut (A -> B -> C);
- [ intro | intros; apply id; split; assumption ]
- | id:(?A \/ ?B -> ?C) |- _ =>
- cut (B -> C);
- [ cut (A -> C);
- [ intros; clear id
- | intro; apply id; left; assumption ]
- | intro; apply id; right; assumption ]
- | id0:(?A -> ?B),id1:?A |- _ =>
- cut B; [ intro; clear id0 | apply id0; assumption ]
- | |- (_ /\ _) => split
- | |- (~ _) => red
- end).
-\caption{Deciding intuitionistic propositions (1)}
-Ltac TautoProp :=
- DSimplif;
- Axioms ||
- match goal with
- | id:((?A -> ?B) -> ?C) |- _ =>
- cut (B -> C);
- [ intro; cut (A -> B);
- [ intro; cut C;
- [ intro; clear id | apply id; assumption ]
- | clear id ]
- | intro; apply id; intro; assumption ]; TautoProp
- | id:(~ ?A -> ?B) |- _ =>
- cut (False -> B);
- [ intro; cut (A -> False);
- [ intro; cut B;
- [ intro; clear id | apply id; assumption ]
- | clear id ]
- | intro; apply id; red; intro; assumption ]; TautoProp
- | |- (_ \/ _) => (left; TautoProp) || (right; TautoProp)
- end.
-\caption{Deciding intuitionistic propositions (2)}
-The pattern matching on goals allows a complete and so a powerful
-backtracking when returning tactic values. An interesting application
-is the problem of deciding intuitionistic propositional logic.
-Considering the contraction-free sequent calculi {\tt LJT*} of
-Roy~Dyckhoff (\cite{Dyc92}), it is quite natural to code such a tactic
-using the tactic language. On Figure~\ref{tautoltaca}, the tactic {\tt
- Axioms} tries to conclude using usual axioms. The {\tt DSimplif}
-tactic applies all the reversible rules of Dyckhoff's system.
-Finally, on Figure~\ref{tautoltacb}, the {\tt TautoProp} tactic (the
-main tactic to be called) simplifies with {\tt DSimplif}, tries to
-conclude with {\tt Axioms} and tries several paths using the
-backtracking rules (one of the four Dyckhoff's rules for the left
-implication to get rid of the contraction and the right or).
-Lemma tauto_ex1 : forall A B:Prop, A /\ B -> A \/ B.
-Lemma tauto_ex2 :
- forall A B:Prop, (~ ~ B -> B) -> (A -> B) -> ~ ~ A -> B.
-\caption{Proofs of tautologies with {\tt TautoProp}}
-For example, with {\tt TautoProp}, we can prove tautologies like those of
-\subsection{Deciding type isomorphisms}
-A more tricky problem is to decide equalities between types and modulo
-isomorphisms. Here, we choose to use the isomorphisms of the simply typed
-$\lb{}$-calculus with Cartesian product and $unit$ type (see, for example,
-\cite{RC95}). The axioms of this $\lb{}$-calculus are given by
-Reset Initial.
-Open Scope type_scope.
-Section Iso_axioms.
-Variables A B C : Set.
-Axiom Com : A * B = B * A.
-Axiom Ass : A * (B * C) = A * B * C.
-Axiom Cur : (A * B -> C) = (A -> B -> C).
-Axiom Dis : (A -> B * C) = (A -> B) * (A -> C).
-Axiom P_unit : A * unit = A.
-Axiom AR_unit : (A -> unit) = unit.
-Axiom AL_unit : (unit -> A) = A.
-Lemma Cons : B = C -> A * B = A * C.
-intro Heq; rewrite Heq; apply refl_equal.
-End Iso_axioms.
-\caption{Type isomorphism axioms}
-The tactic to judge equalities modulo this axiomatization can be written as
-shown on Figures~\ref{isosltac1} and~\ref{isosltac2}. The algorithm is quite
-simple. Types are reduced using axioms that can be oriented (this done by {\tt
-MainSimplif}). The normal forms are sequences of Cartesian
-products without Cartesian product in the left component. These normal forms
-are then compared modulo permutation of the components (this is done by {\tt
-CompareStruct}). The main tactic to be called and realizing this algorithm is
-{\tt IsoProve}.
-Ltac DSimplif trm :=
- match trm with
- | (?A * ?B * ?C) =>
- rewrite <- (Ass A B C); try MainSimplif
- | (?A * ?B -> ?C) =>
- rewrite (Cur A B C); try MainSimplif
- | (?A -> ?B * ?C) =>
- rewrite (Dis A B C); try MainSimplif
- | (?A * unit) =>
- rewrite (P_unit A); try MainSimplif
- | (unit * ?B) =>
- rewrite (Com unit B); try MainSimplif
- | (?A -> unit) =>
- rewrite (AR_unit A); try MainSimplif
- | (unit -> ?B) =>
- rewrite (AL_unit B); try MainSimplif
- | (?A * ?B) =>
- (DSimplif A; try MainSimplif) || (DSimplif B; try MainSimplif)
- | (?A -> ?B) =>
- (DSimplif A; try MainSimplif) || (DSimplif B; try MainSimplif)
- end
- with MainSimplif :=
- match goal with
- | |- (?A = ?B) => try DSimplif A; try DSimplif B
- end.
-Ltac Length trm :=
- match trm with
- | (_ * ?B) => let succ := Length B in constr:(S succ)
- | _ => constr:1
- end.
-Ltac assoc := repeat rewrite <- Ass.
-\caption{Type isomorphism tactic (1)}
-Ltac DoCompare n :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- (?A = ?A) ] => apply refl_equal
- | [ |- (?A * ?B = ?A * ?C) ] =>
- apply Cons; let newn := Length B in DoCompare newn
- | [ |- (?A * ?B = ?C) ] =>
- match eval compute in n with
- | 1 => fail
- | _ =>
- pattern (A * B) at 1; rewrite Com; assoc; DoCompare (pred n)
- end
- end.
-Ltac CompareStruct :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- (?A = ?B) ] =>
- let l1 := Length A
- with l2 := Length B in
- match eval compute in (l1 = l2) with
- | (?n = ?n) => DoCompare n
- end
- end.
-Ltac IsoProve := MainSimplif; CompareStruct.
-\caption{Type isomorphism tactic (2)}
-Figure~\ref{isoslem} gives examples of what can be solved by {\tt IsoProve}.
-Lemma isos_ex1 :
- forall A B:Set, A * unit * B = B * (unit * A).
-intros; IsoProve.
-Lemma isos_ex2 :
- forall A B C:Set,
- (A * unit -> B * (C * unit)) =
- (A * unit -> (C -> unit) * C) * (unit -> A -> B).
-intros; IsoProve.
-\caption{Type equalities solved by {\tt IsoProve}}
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-\section{Module system
-The module system provides a way of packaging related elements
-together, as well as a mean of massive abstraction.
-{\modtype} & ::= & {\qualid} \\
- & $|$ & {\modtype} \texttt{ with Definition }{\qualid} := {\term} \\
- & $|$ & {\modtype} \texttt{ with Module }{\qualid} := {\qualid} \\
- & $|$ & {\qualid} \nelist{\qualid}{}\\
- & $|$ & $!${\qualid} \nelist{\qualid}{}\\
- &&\\
-{\onemodbinding} & ::= & {\tt ( [Import|Export] \nelist{\ident}{} : {\modtype} )}\\
- &&\\
-{\modbindings} & ::= & \nelist{\onemodbinding}{}\\
- &&\\
-{\modexpr} & ::= & \nelist{\qualid}{} \\
- & $|$ & $!$\nelist{\qualid}{}
-\caption{Syntax of modules}
-In the syntax of module application, the $!$ prefix indicates that
-any {\tt Inline} directive in the type of the functor arguments
-will be ignored (see \ref{Inline} below).
-\subsection{\tt Module {\ident}
-This command is used to start an interactive module named {\ident}.
-\item{\tt Module {\ident} {\modbindings}}
- Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by {\modbindings}.
-\item{\tt Module {\ident} \verb.:. {\modtype}}
- Starts an interactive module specifying its module type.
-\item{\tt Module {\ident} {\modbindings} \verb.:. {\modtype}}
- Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by
- {\modbindings}, and output module type {\modtype}.
-\item{\tt Module {\ident} \verb.<:. {\modtype$_1$} \verb.<:. $\ldots$ \verb.<:.{ \modtype$_n$}}
- Starts an interactive module satisfying each {\modtype$_i$}.
-\item{\tt Module {\ident} {\modbindings} \verb.<:. {\modtype$_1$} \verb.<:. $\ldots$ \verb.<:. {\modtype$_n$}}
- Starts an interactive functor with parameters given by
- {\modbindings}. The output module type is verified against each
- module type {\modtype$_i$}.
-\item\texttt{Module [Import|Export]}
- Behaves like \texttt{Module}, but automatically imports or exports
- the module.
-\subsubsection{Reserved commands inside an interactive module:
-\item {\tt Include {\module}}
- Includes the content of {\module} in the current interactive
- module. Here {\module} can be a module expresssion or a module type
- expression. If {\module} is a high-order module or module type
- expression then the system tries to instanciate {\module}
- by the current interactive module.
-\item {\tt Include {\module$_1$} \verb.<+. $\ldots$ \verb.<+. {\module$_n$}}
-is a shortcut for {\tt Include {\module$_1$}} $\ldots$ {\tt Include {\module$_n$}}
-\subsection{\tt End {\ident}
-This command closes the interactive module {\ident}. If the module type
-was given the content of the module is matched against it and an error
-is signaled if the matching fails. If the module is basic (is not a
-functor) its components (constants, inductive types, submodules etc) are
-now available through the dot notation.
-\item \errindex{No such label {\ident}}
-\item \errindex{Signature components for label {\ident} do not match}
-\item \errindex{This is not the last opened module}
-\subsection{\tt Module {\ident} := {\modexpr}
-This command defines the module identifier {\ident} to be equal to
-\item{\tt Module {\ident} {\modbindings} := {\modexpr}}
- Defines a functor with parameters given by {\modbindings} and body {\modexpr}.
-% Particular cases of the next 2 items
-%\item{\tt Module {\ident} \verb.:. {\modtype} := {\modexpr}}
-% Defines a module with body {\modexpr} and interface {\modtype}.
-%\item{\tt Module {\ident} \verb.<:. {\modtype} := {\modexpr}}
-% Defines a module with body {\modexpr}, satisfying {\modtype}.
-\item{\tt Module {\ident} {\modbindings} \verb.:. {\modtype} :=
- {\modexpr}}
- Defines a functor with parameters given by {\modbindings} (possibly none),
- and output module type {\modtype}, with body {\modexpr}.
-\item{\tt Module {\ident} {\modbindings} \verb.<:. {\modtype$_1$} \verb.<:. $\ldots$ \verb.<:. {\modtype$_n$}:=
- {\modexpr}}
- Defines a functor with parameters given by {\modbindings} (possibly none)
- with body {\modexpr}. The body is checked against each {\modtype$_i$}.
-\item{\tt Module {\ident} {\modbindings} := {\modexpr$_1$} \verb.<+. $\ldots$ \verb.<+. {\modexpr$_n$}}
- is equivalent to an interactive module where each {\modexpr$_i$} are included.
-\subsection{\tt Module Type {\ident}
-\comindex{Module Type}}
-This command is used to start an interactive module type {\ident}.
-\item{\tt Module Type {\ident} {\modbindings}}
- Starts an interactive functor type with parameters given by {\modbindings}.
-\subsubsection{Reserved commands inside an interactive module type:
-\item {\tt Include {\module}}
- Same as {\tt Include} inside a module.
-\item {\tt Include {\module$_1$} \verb.<+. $\ldots$ \verb.<+. {\module$_n$}}
-is a shortcut for {\tt Include {\module$_1$}} $\ldots$ {\tt Include {\module$_n$}}
-\item {\tt {\assumptionkeyword} Inline {\assums} }
- The instance of this assumption will be automatically expanded at functor
- application, except when this functor application is prefixed by a $!$ annotation.
-\subsection{\tt End {\ident}
-This command closes the interactive module type {\ident}.
-\item \errindex{This is not the last opened module type}
-\subsection{\tt Module Type {\ident} := {\modtype}}
-Defines a module type {\ident} equal to {\modtype}.
-\item {\tt Module Type {\ident} {\modbindings} := {\modtype}}
- Defines a functor type {\ident} specifying functors taking arguments
- {\modbindings} and returning {\modtype}.
-\item{\tt Module Type {\ident} {\modbindings} := {\modtype$_1$} \verb.<+. $\ldots$ \verb.<+. {\modtype$_n$}}
- is equivalent to an interactive module type were each {\modtype$_i$} are included.
-\subsection{\tt Declare Module {\ident} : {\modtype}}
-Declares a module {\ident} of type {\modtype}.
-\item{\tt Declare Module {\ident} {\modbindings} \verb.:. {\modtype}}
- Declares a functor with parameters {\modbindings} and output module
- type {\modtype}.
-Let us define a simple module.
-Module M.
- Definition T := nat.
- Definition x := 0.
- Definition y : bool.
- exact true.
- Defined.
-End M.
-Inside a module one can define constants, prove theorems and do any
-other things that can be done in the toplevel. Components of a closed
-module can be accessed using the dot notation:
-Print M.x.
-A simple module type:
-Module Type SIG.
- Parameter T : Set.
- Parameter x : T.
-End SIG.
-Now we can create a new module from \texttt{M}, giving it a less
-precise specification: the \texttt{y} component is dropped as well
-as the body of \texttt{x}.
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is not correct and should produce **********)
-(***************** Error: N.y not a defined object *******************)
-Module N : SIG with Definition T := nat := M.
-Print N.T.
-Print N.x.
-Print N.y.
-Reset N.
-The definition of \texttt{N} using the module type expression
-\texttt{SIG with Definition T:=nat} is equivalent to the following
-Module Type SIG'.
- Definition T : Set := nat.
- Parameter x : T.
-End SIG'.
-Module N : SIG' := M.
-If we just want to be sure that the our implementation satisfies a
-given module type without restricting the interface, we can use a
-transparent constraint
-Module P <: SIG := M.
-Print P.y.
-Now let us create a functor, i.e. a parametric module
-Module Two (X Y: SIG).
- Definition T := (X.T * Y.T)%type.
- Definition x := (X.x, Y.x).
-End Two.
-and apply it to our modules and do some computations
-Module Q := Two M N.
-Eval compute in (fst Q.x + snd Q.x).
-In the end, let us define a module type with two sub-modules, sharing
-some of the fields and give one of its possible implementations:
-Module Type SIG2.
- Declare Module M1 : SIG.
- Module M2 <: SIG.
- Definition T := M1.T.
- Parameter x : T.
- End M2.
-End SIG2.
-Module Mod <: SIG2.
- Module M1.
- Definition T := nat.
- Definition x := 1.
- End M1.
- Module M2 := M.
-End Mod.
-Notice that \texttt{M} is a correct body for the component \texttt{M2}
-since its \texttt{T} component is equal \texttt{nat} and hence
-\texttt{M1.T} as specified.
-Reset Initial.
-\item Modules and module types can be nested components of each other.
-\item One can have sections inside a module or a module type, but
- not a module or a module type inside a section.
-\item Commands like \texttt{Hint} or \texttt{Notation} can
- also appear inside modules and module types. Note that in case of a
- module definition like:
- \smallskip
- \noindent
- {\tt Module N : SIG := M.}
- \smallskip
- or
- \smallskip
- {\tt Module N : SIG.\\
- \ \ \dots\\
- End N.}
- \smallskip
- hints and the like valid for \texttt{N} are not those defined in
- \texttt{M} (or the module body) but the ones defined in
- \texttt{SIG}.
-\subsection{\tt Import {\qualid}
-If {\qualid} denotes a valid basic module (i.e. its module type is a
-signature), makes its components available by their short names.
-Module Mod.
- Definition T:=nat.
- Check T.
-End Mod.
-Check Mod.T.
-Check T. (* Incorrect ! *)
-Import Mod.
-Check T. (* Now correct *)
-Reset Mod.
-Some features defined in modules are activated only when a module is
-imported. This is for instance the case of notations (see
-\item{\tt Export {\qualid}}\comindex{Export}
- When the module containing the command {\tt Export {\qualid}} is
- imported, {\qualid} is imported as well.
- \item \errindexbis{{\qualid} is not a module}{is not a module}
-% this error is impossible in the import command
-% \item \errindex{Cannot mask the absolute name {\qualid} !}
- \item Warning: Trying to mask the absolute name {\qualid} !
-\subsection{\tt Print Module {\ident}
-\comindex{Print Module}}
-Prints the module type and (optionally) the body of the module {\ident}.
-\subsection{\tt Print Module Type {\ident}
-\comindex{Print Module Type}}
-Prints the module type corresponding to {\ident}.
-\subsection{\tt Locate Module {\qualid}
-\comindex{Locate Module}}
-Prints the full name of the module {\qualid}.
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-\chapter[The Module System]{The Module System\label{chapter:Modules}}
-The module system extends the Calculus of Inductive Constructions
-providing a convenient way to structure large developments as well as
-a mean of massive abstraction.
-%It is described in details in Judicael's thesis and Jacek's thesis
-\section{Modules and module types}
-\paragraph{Access path.} It is denoted by $p$, it can be either a module
-variable $X$ or, if $p'$ is an access path and $id$ an identifier, then
-$p'.id$ is an access path.
-\paragraph{Structure element.} It is denoted by \elem\ and is either a
-definition of a constant, an assumption, a definition of an inductive,
- a definition of a module, an alias of module or a module type abbreviation.
-\paragraph{Structure expression.} It is denoted by $S$ and can be:
-\item an access path $p$
-\item a plain structure $\struct{\nelist{\elem}{;}}$
-\item a functor $\functor{X}{S}{S'}$, where $X$ is a module variable,
- $S$ and $S'$ are structure expression
-\item an application $S\,p$, where $S$ is a structure expression and $p$
-an access path
-\item a refined structure $\with{S}{p}{p'}$ or $\with{S}{p}{t:T}$ where $S$
-is a structure expression, $p$ and $p'$ are access paths, $t$ is a term
-and $T$ is the type of $t$.
-\paragraph{Module definition,} is written $\Mod{X}{S}{S'}$ and
- consists of a module variable $X$, a module type
-$S$ which can be any structure expression and optionally a module implementation $S'$
- which can be any structure expression except a refined structure.
-\paragraph{Module alias,} is written $\ModA{X}{p}$ and
- consists of a module variable $X$ and a module path $p$.
-\paragraph{Module type abbreviation,} is written $\ModType{Y}{S}$, where
-$Y$ is an identifier and $S$ is any structure expression .
-\section{Typing Modules}
-In order to introduce the typing system we first slightly extend
-the syntactic class of terms and environments given in
-section~\ref{Terms}. The environments, apart from definitions of
-constants and inductive types now also hold any other structure elements.
-Terms, apart from variables, constants and complex terms,
-include also access paths.
-We also need additional typing judgments:
-\item \WFT{E}{S}, denoting that a structure $S$ is well-formed,
-\item \WTM{E}{p}{S}, denoting that the module pointed by $p$ has type $S$ in
-environment $E$.
-\item \WEV{E}{S}{\overline{S}}, denoting that a structure $S$ is evaluated to
-a structure $\overline{S}$ in weak head normal form.
-\item \WS{E}{S_1}{S_2}, denoting that a structure $S_1$ is a subtype of a
-structure $S_2$.
-\item \WS{E}{\elem_1}{\elem_2}, denoting that a structure element
- $\elem_1$ is more precise that a structure element $\elem_2$.
-The rules for forming structures are the following:
- \frac{
- \WF{E;E'}{}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WFT{E}{\struct{E'}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WFT{E;\ModS{X}{S}}{\overline{S'}}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WFT{E}{\functor{X}{S}{S'}}
- }
-Evaluation of structures to weak head normal form:
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEV{E}{S}{\functor{X}{S_1}{S_2}}~~~~~\WEV{E}{S_1}{\overline{S_1}}\\
- \WTM{E}{p}{S_3}\qquad \WS{E}{S_3}{\overline{S_1}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WEV{E}{S\,p}{S_2\{p/X,t_1/p_1.c_1,\ldots,t_n/p_n.c_n\}}
- }
-In the last rule, $\{t_1/p_1.c_1,\ldots,t_n/p_n.c_n\}$ is the resulting
- substitution from the inlining mechanism. We substitute in $S$ the
- inlined fields $p_i.c_i$ form $\ModS{X}{S_1}$ by the corresponding delta-reduced term $t_i$ in $p$.
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEV{E}{S}{\structe{\ModS{X}{S_1}}}~~~~~\WEV{E;\elem_1;\ldots;\elem_i}{S_1}{\overline{S_1}}\\
- \WTM{E}{p}{S_2}\qquad \WS{E;\elem_1;\ldots;\elem_i}{S_2}{\overline{S_1}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEVT{E}{\with{S}{x}{p}}{\structes{\ModA{X}{p}}{p/X}}
- \end{array}
- }
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEV{E}{S}{\structe{\ModS{X_1}{S_1}}}\\
- \WEV{E;\elem_1;\ldots;\elem_i}{\with{S_1}{p}{p_1}}{\overline{S_2}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEVT{E}{\with{S}{X_1.p}{p_1}}{\structes{\ModS{X}{\overline{S_2}}}{p_1/X_1.p}}
- \end{array}
- }
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEV{E}{S}{\structe{\Assum{}{c}{T_1}}}\\
- \WS{E;\elem_1;\ldots;\elem_i}{\Def{}{c}{t}{T}}{\Assum{}{c}{T_1}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEVT{E}{\with{S}{c}{t:T}}{\structe{\Def{}{c}{t}{T}}}
- \end{array}
- }
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEV{E}{S}{\structe{\ModS{X_1}{S_1}}}\\
- \WEV{E;\elem_1;\ldots;\elem_i}{\with{S_1}{p}{p_1}}{\overline{S_2}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEVT{E}{\with{S}{X_1.p}{t:T}}{\structe{\ModS{X}{\overline{S_2}}}}
- \end{array}
- }
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEV{E}{p}{\structe{ \Mod{X}{S}{S_1}}}\\
- \WEV{E;\elem_1;\ldots;\elem_i}{S}{\overline{S}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WEV{E}{p.X}{\overline{S}}
- }
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WF{E}{}~~~~~~\Mod{X}{S}{S_1}\in E\\
- \WEV{E}{S}{\overline{S}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WEV{E}{X}{\overline{S}}
- }
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEV{E}{p}{\structe{\ModA{X}{p_1}}}\\
- \WEV{E;\elem_1;\ldots;\elem_i}{p_1}{\overline{S}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WEV{E}{p.X}{\overline{S}}
- }
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WF{E}{}~~~~~~~\ModA{X}{p_1}\in E\\
- \WEV{E}{p_1}{\overline{S}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WEV{E}{X}{\overline{S}}
- }
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WEV{E}{p}{\structe{\ModType{Y}{S}}}\\
- \WEV{E;\elem_1;\ldots;\elem_i}{S}{\overline{S}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WEV{E}{p.Y}{\overline{S}}
- }
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WF{E}{}~~~~~~~\ModType{Y}{S}\in E\\
- \WEV{E}{S}{\overline{S}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WEV{E}{Y}{\overline{S}}
- }
- Rules for typing module:
- \frac{
- \WEV{E}{p}{\overline{S}}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WTM{E}{p}{\overline{S}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTM{E}{p}{S}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WTM{E}{p}{S/p}
- }
-The last rule, called strengthening is used to make all module fields
-manifestly equal to themselves. The notation $S/p$ has the following
-\item if $S\lra\struct{\elem_1;\dots;\elem_n}$ then
- $S/p=\struct{\elem_1/p;\dots;\elem_n/p}$ where $\elem/p$ is defined as
- follows:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item $\Def{}{c}{t}{T}/p\footnote{Opaque definitions are processed as assumptions.} ~=~ \Def{}{c}{t}{T}$
- \item $\Assum{}{c}{U}/p ~=~ \Def{}{c}{p.c}{U}$
- \item $\ModS{X}{S}/p ~=~ \ModA{X}{p.X}$
- \item $\ModA{X}{p'}/p ~=~ \ModA{X}{p'}$
- \item $\Ind{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}/p ~=~ \Indp{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p}$
- \item $\Indpstr{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p'}{p} ~=~ \Indp{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p'}$
- \end{itemize}
-\item if $S\lra\functor{X}{S'}{S''}$ then $S/p=S$
-The notation $\Indp{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p}$ denotes an
-inductive definition that is definitionally equal to the inductive
-definition in the module denoted by the path $p$. All rules which have
-$\Ind{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}$ as premises are also valid for
-$\Indp{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p}$. We give the formation rule
-for $\Indp{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p}$ below as well as
-the equality rules on inductive types and constructors. \\
-The module subtyping rules:
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WS{E;\elem_1;\dots;\elem_n}{\elem_{\sigma(i)}}{\elem'_i}
- \textrm{ \ for } i=1..m \\
- \sigma : \{1\dots m\} \ra \{1\dots n\} \textrm{ \ injective}
- \end{array}
- }{
- \WS{E}{\struct{\elem_1;\dots;\elem_n}}{\struct{\elem'_1;\dots;\elem'_m}}
- }
-\inference{% T_1 -> T_2 <: T_1' -> T_2'
- \frac{
- \WS{E}{\overline{S_1'}}{\overline{S_1}}~~~~~~~~~~\WS{E;\ModS{X}{S_1'}}{\overline{S_2}}{\overline{S_2'}}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WS{E}{\functor{X}{S_1}{S_2}}{\functor{X}{S_1'}{S_2'}}
- }
-% these are derived rules
-% \item[MSUB-EQ]
-% \inference{%
-% \frac{
-% \WS{E}{T_1}{T_2}~~~~~~~~~~\WTERED{}{T_1}{=}{T_1'}~~~~~~~~~~\WTERED{}{T_2}{=}{T_2'}
-% }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-% \WS{E}{T_1'}{T_2'}
-% }
-% }
-% \item[MSUB-REFL]
-% \inference{%
-% \frac{
-% \WFT{E}{T}
-% }{
-% \WS{E}{T}{T}
-% }
-% }
-Structure element subtyping rules:
- \frac{
- \WTELECONV{}{T_1}{T_2}
- }{
- \WSE{\Assum{}{c}{T_1}}{\Assum{}{c}{T_2}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTELECONV{}{T_1}{T_2}
- }{
- \WSE{\Def{}{c}{t}{T_1}}{\Assum{}{c}{T_2}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTELECONV{}{T_1}{T_2}~~~~~~~~\WTECONV{}{c}{t_2}
- }{
- \WSE{\Assum{}{c}{T_1}}{\Def{}{c}{t_2}{T_2}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTELECONV{}{T_1}{T_2}~~~~~~~~\WTECONV{}{t_1}{t_2}
- }{
- \WSE{\Def{}{c}{t_1}{T_1}}{\Def{}{c}{t_2}{T_2}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTECONV{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_P'}%
- ~~~~~~~~\WTECONV{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_C'}%
- ~~~~~~~~\WTECONV{\Gamma_P;\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_I'}%
- }{
- \WSE{\Ind{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}}%
- {\Ind{}{\Gamma_P'}{\Gamma_C'}{\Gamma_I'}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTECONV{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_P'}%
- ~~~~~~~~\WTECONV{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_C'}%
- ~~~~~~~~\WTECONV{\Gamma_P;\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_I'}%
- }{
- \WSE{\Indp{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p}}%
- {\Ind{}{\Gamma_P'}{\Gamma_C'}{\Gamma_I'}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTECONV{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_P'}%
- ~~~~~~\WTECONV{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_C'}%
- ~~~~~~\WTECONV{\Gamma_P;\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{\Gamma_I'}%
- ~~~~~~\WTECONV{}{p}{p'}
- }{
- \WSE{\Indp{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p}}%
- {\Indp{}{\Gamma_P'}{\Gamma_C'}{\Gamma_I'}{p'}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WSE{S_1}{S_2}
- }{
- \WSE{\ModS{X}{S_1}}{\ModS{X}{S_2}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTM{E}{p}{S_1}~~~~~~~~\WSE{S_1}{S_2}
- }{
- \WSE{\ModA{X}{p}}{\ModS{X}{S_2}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTM{E}{p}{S_2}~~~~~~~~
- \WSE{S_1}{S_2}~~~~~~~~\WTECONV{}{X}{p}
- }{
- \WSE{\ModS{X}{S_1}}{\ModA{X}{p}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTECONV{}{p_1}{p_2}
- }{
- \WSE{\ModA{X}{p_1}}{\ModA{X}{p_2}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WSE{S_1}{S_2}~~~~~~~~\WSE{S_2}{S_1}
- }{
- \WSE{\ModType{Y}{S_1}}{\ModType{Y}{S_2}}
- }
-New environment formation rules
- \frac{
- \WF{E}{}~~~~~~~~\WFT{E}{S}
- }{
- \WF{E;\ModS{X}{S}}{}
- }
- \frac{
- \WS{E}{S_2}{S_1}\\
- \WF{E}{}~~~~~\WFT{E}{S_1}~~~~~\WFT{E}{S_2}
- }{
- \WF{E;\Mod{X}{S_1}{S_2}}{}
- }
- \frac{
- \WF{E}{}~~~~~~~~~~~\WTE{}{p}{S}
- }{
- \WF{E,\ModA{X}{p}}{}
- }
- \frac{
- \WF{E}{}~~~~~~~~~~~\WFT{E}{S}
- }{
- \WF{E,\ModType{Y}{S}}{}
- }
- \frac{
- \begin{array}{c}
- \WF{E;\Ind{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}}{}\\
- \WT{E}{}{p:\struct{\elem_1;\dots;\elem_n;\Ind{}{\Gamma_P'}{\Gamma_C'}{\Gamma_I'};\dots}}\\
- \WS{E}{\Ind{}{\Gamma_P'}{\Gamma_C'}{\Gamma_I'}}{\Ind{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}}
- \end{array}
- }{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \WF{E;\Indp{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p}}{}
- }
-Component access rules
- \frac{
- \WTEG{p}{\struct{\elem_1;\dots;\elem_i;\Assum{}{c}{T};\dots}}
- }{
- \WTEG{p.c}{T}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTEG{p}{\struct{\elem_1;\dots;\elem_i;\Def{}{c}{t}{T};\dots}}
- }{
- \WTEG{p.c}{T}
- }
-Notice that the following rule extends the delta rule defined in
- \frac{
- \WTEG{p}{\struct{\elem_1;\dots;\elem_i;\Def{}{c}{t}{U};\dots}}
- }{
- \WTEGRED{p.c}{\triangleright_\delta}{t}
- }
-In the rules below we assume $\Gamma_P$ is $[p_1:P_1;\ldots;p_r:P_r]$,
- $\Gamma_I$ is $[I_1:A_1;\ldots;I_k:A_k]$, and $\Gamma_C$ is
- $[c_1:C_1;\ldots;c_n:C_n]$
- \frac{
- \WTEG{p}{\struct{\elem_1;\dots;\elem_i;\Ind{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I};\dots}}
- }{
- \WTEG{p.I_j}{(p_1:P_1)\ldots(p_r:P_r)A_j}
- }
- \frac{
- \WTEG{p}{\struct{\elem_1;\dots;\elem_i;\Ind{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I};\dots}}
- }{
- \WTEG{p.c_m}{(p_1:P_1)\ldots(p_r:P_r){C_m}{I_j}{(I_j~p_1\ldots
- p_r)}_{j=1\ldots k}}
- }
- \frac{
- \WT{E}{}{p}{\struct{\elem_1;\dots;\elem_i;\Indp{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p'};\dots}}
- }{
- \WTRED{E}{}{p.I_i}{\triangleright_\delta}{p'.I_i}
- }
- \frac{
- \WT{E}{}{p}{\struct{\elem_1;\dots;\elem_i;\Indp{}{\Gamma_P}{\Gamma_C}{\Gamma_I}{p'};\dots}}
- }{
- \WTRED{E}{}{p.c_i}{\triangleright_\delta}{p'.c_i}
- }
-% %%% replaced by \triangle_\delta
-% Module path equality is a transitive and reflexive closure of the
-% relation generated by ACC-MODEQ and ENV-MODEQ.
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item []MP-EQ-REFL
-% \inference{%
-% \frac{
-% \WTEG{p}{T}
-% }{
-% \WTEG{p}{p}
-% }
-% }
-% \item []MP-EQ-TRANS
-% \inference{%
-% \frac{
-% \WTEGRED{p}{=}{p'}~~~~~~\WTEGRED{p'}{=}{p''}
-% }{
-% \WTEGRED{p'}{=}{p''}
-% }
-% }
-% \end{itemize}
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-\chapter[Vernacular commands]{Vernacular commands\label{Vernacular-commands}
-\subsection[\tt Print {\qualid}.]{\tt Print {\qualid}.\comindex{Print}}
-This command displays on the screen informations about the declared or
-defined object referred by {\qualid}.
-\item {\qualid} \errindex{not a defined object}
-\item {\tt Print Term {\qualid}.}
-\comindex{Print Term}\\
-This is a synonym to {\tt Print {\qualid}} when {\qualid} denotes a
-global constant.
-\item {\tt About {\qualid}.}
-This displays various informations about the object denoted by {\qualid}:
-its kind (module, constant, assumption, inductive,
-constructor, abbreviation\ldots), long name, type, implicit
-arguments and argument scopes. It does not print the body of
-definitions or proofs.
-%\item {\tt Print Proof {\qualid}.}\comindex{Print Proof}\\
-%In case \qualid\ denotes an opaque theorem defined in a section,
-%it is stored on a special unprintable form and displayed as
-%{\tt <recipe>}. {\tt Print Proof} forces the printable form of \qualid\
-%to be computed and displays it.
-\subsection[\tt Print All.]{\tt Print All.\comindex{Print All}}
-This command displays informations about the current state of the
-environment, including sections and modules.
-\item {\tt Inspect \num.}\comindex{Inspect}\\
-This command displays the {\num} last objects of the current
-environment, including sections and modules.
-\item {\tt Print Section {\ident}.}\comindex{Print Section}\\
-should correspond to a currently open section, this command
-displays the objects defined since the beginning of this section.
-% Discontinued
-%% \item {\tt Print.}\comindex{Print}\\
-%% This command displays the axioms and variables declarations in the
-%% environment as well as the constants defined since the last variable
-%% was introduced.
-\section{Options and Flags}
-\subsection[\tt Set {\rm\sl option} {\rm\sl value}.]{\tt Set {\rm\sl option} {\rm\sl value}.\comindex{Set}}
-This command sets {\rm\sl option} to {\rm\sl value}. The original value of
-{\rm\sl option} is restored when the current module ends.
-\item {\tt Set {\rm\sl flag}.}\\
-This command switches {\rm\sl flag} on. The original state of
-{\rm\sl flag} is restored when the current module ends.
-\item {\tt Local Set {\rm\sl option} {\rm\sl value}.\comindex{Local Set}}
-This command sets {\rm\sl option} to {\rm\sl value}. The original value of
-{\rm\sl option} is restored when the current \emph{section} ends.
-\item {\tt Local Set {\rm\sl flag}.}\\
-This command switches {\rm\sl flag} on. The original state of
-{\rm\sl flag} is restored when the current \emph{section} ends.
-\item {\tt Global Set {\rm\sl option} {\rm\sl value}.\comindex{Global Set}}
-This command sets {\rm\sl option} to {\rm\sl value}. The original value of
-{\rm\sl option} is \emph{not} restored at the end of the module. Additionally,
-if set in a file, {\rm\sl option} is set to {\rm\sl value} when the file is
-{\tt Require}-d.
-\item {\tt Global Set {\rm\sl flag}.}\\
-This command switches {\rm\sl flag} on. The original state of
-{\rm\sl flag} is \emph{not} restored at the end of the module. Additionally,
-if set in a file, {\rm\sl flag} is switched on when the file is
-{\tt Require}-d.
-\subsection[\tt Unset {\rm\sl flag}.]{\tt Unset {\rm\sl flag}.\comindex{Unset}}
-This command switches {\rm\sl flag} off. The original state of {\rm\sl flag}
-is restored when the current module ends.
-\item {\tt Local Unset {\rm\sl flag}.\comindex{Local Unset}}\\
-This command switches {\rm\sl flag} off. The original state of {\rm\sl flag}
-is restored when the current \emph{section} ends.
-\item {\tt Global Unset {\rm\sl flag}.\comindex{Global Unset}}\\
-This command switches {\rm\sl flag} off. The original state of
-{\rm\sl flag} is \emph{not} restored at the end of the module. Additionally,
-if set in a file, {\rm\sl flag} is switched on when the file is
-{\tt Require}-d.
-\subsection[\tt Test {\rm\sl option}.]{\tt Test {\rm\sl option}.\comindex{Test}}
-This command prints the current value of {\rm\sl option}.
-\item {\tt Test {\rm\sl flag}.}\\
-This command prints whether {\rm\sl flag} is on or off.
-\section{Requests to the environment}
-\subsection[\tt Check {\term}.]{\tt Check {\term}.\label{Check}
-This command displays the type of {\term}. When called in proof mode,
-the term is checked in the local context of the current subgoal.
-\subsection[\tt Eval {\rm\sl convtactic} in {\term}.]{\tt Eval {\rm\sl convtactic} in {\term}.\comindex{Eval}}
-This command performs the specified reduction on {\term}, and displays
-the resulting term with its type. The term to be reduced may depend on
-hypothesis introduced in the first subgoal (if a proof is in
-\SeeAlso Section~\ref{Conversion-tactics}.
-\subsection[\tt Compute {\term}.]{\tt Compute {\term}.\comindex{Compute}}
-This command performs a call-by-value evaluation of {\term} by using
-the bytecode-based virtual machine. It is a shortcut for
-{\tt Eval vm\_compute in {\term}}.
-\SeeAlso Section~\ref{Conversion-tactics}.
-\subsection[\tt Extraction \term.]{\tt Extraction \term.\label{ExtractionTerm}
-This command displays the extracted term from
-{\term}. The extraction is processed according to the distinction
-between {\Set} and {\Prop}; that is to say, between logical and
-computational content (see Section~\ref{Sorts}). The extracted term is
-displayed in Objective Caml syntax, where global identifiers are still
-displayed as in \Coq\ terms.
-\item \texttt{Recursive Extraction {\qualid$_1$} \ldots{} {\qualid$_n$}.}\\
- Recursively extracts all the material needed for the extraction of
- globals {\qualid$_1$} \ldots{} {\qualid$_n$}.
-\SeeAlso Chapter~\ref{Extraction}.
-\subsection[\tt Print Assumptions {\qualid}.]{\tt Print Assumptions {\qualid}.\comindex{Print Assumptions}}
-This commands display all the assumptions (axioms, parameters and
-variables) a theorem or definition depends on. Especially, it informs
-on the assumptions with respect to which the validity of a theorem
-\item \texttt{\tt Print Opaque Dependencies {\qualid}.
- \comindex{Print Opaque Dependencies}}\\
- Displays the set of opaque constants {\qualid} relies on in addition
- to the assumptions.
-\subsection[\tt Search {\term}.]{\tt Search {\term}.\comindex{Search}}
-This command displays the name and type of all theorems of the current
-context whose statement's conclusion has the form {\tt ({\term} t1 ..
- tn)}. This command is useful to remind the user of the name of
-library lemmas.
-Search le.
-Search (@eq bool).
-{\tt Search {\term} inside {\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.}
-This restricts the search to constructions defined in modules
-{\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.
-\item {\tt Search {\term} outside {\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.}
-This restricts the search to constructions not defined in modules
-{\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.
-\item \errindex{Module/section \module{} not found}
-No module \module{} has been required (see Section~\ref{Require}).
-\subsection[\tt SearchAbout {\qualid}.]{\tt SearchAbout {\qualid}.\comindex{SearchAbout}}
-This command displays the name and type of all objects (theorems,
-axioms, etc) of the current context whose statement contains \qualid.
-This command is useful to remind the user of the name of library
-\item \errindex{The reference \qualid\ was not found in the current
- There is no constant in the environment named \qualid.
-\item {\tt SearchAbout {\str}.}
-If {\str} is a valid identifier, this command displays the name and type
-of all objects (theorems, axioms, etc) of the current context whose
-name contains {\str}. If {\str} is a notation's string denoting some
-reference {\qualid} (referred to by its main symbol as in \verb="+"=
-or by its notation's string as in \verb="_ + _"= or \verb="_ 'U' _"=, see
-Section~\ref{Notation}), the command works like {\tt SearchAbout
-\item {\tt SearchAbout {\str}\%{\delimkey}.}
-The string {\str} must be a notation or the main symbol of a notation
-which is then interpreted in the scope bound to the delimiting key
-{\delimkey} (see Section~\ref{scopechange}).
-\item {\tt SearchAbout {\termpattern}.}
-This searches for all statements or types of definition that contains
-a subterm that matches the pattern {\termpattern} (holes of the
-pattern are either denoted by ``{\texttt \_}'' or
-by ``{\texttt ?{\ident}}'' when non linear patterns are expected).
-\item {\tt SearchAbout \nelist{\zeroone{-}{\termpatternorstr}}{}.}\\
-\noindent where {\termpatternorstr} is a
-{\termpattern} or a {\str}, or a {\str} followed by a scope
-delimiting key {\tt \%{\delimkey}}.
-This generalization of {\tt SearchAbout} searches for all objects
-whose statement or type contains a subterm matching {\termpattern} (or
-{\qualid} if {\str} is the notation for a reference {\qualid}) and
-whose name contains all {\str} of the request that correspond to valid
-identifiers. If a {\termpattern} or a {\str} is prefixed by ``-'', the
-search excludes the objects that mention that {\termpattern} or that
- {\tt SearchAbout \nelist{{\termpatternorstr}}{}
- inside {\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.}
-This restricts the search to constructions defined in modules
-{\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.
- {\tt SearchAbout \nelist{{\termpatternorstr}}{}
- outside {\module$_1$}...{\module$_n$}.}
-This restricts the search to constructions not defined in modules
-{\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.
-\item {\tt SearchAbout [ ... ]. }
-For compatibility with older versions, the list of objects to search
-may be enclosed by optional {\tt [ ]} delimiters.
-Require Import ZArith.
-SearchAbout Zmult Zplus "distr".
-SearchAbout "+"%Z "*"%Z "distr" -positive -Prop.
-SearchAbout (?x * _ + ?x * _)%Z outside OmegaLemmas.
-\subsection[\tt SearchPattern {\termpattern}.]{\tt SearchPattern {\term}.\comindex{SearchPattern}}
-This command displays the name and type of all theorems of the current
-context whose statement's conclusion or last hypothesis and conclusion
-matches the expression {\term} where holes in the latter are denoted
-by ``{\texttt \_}''. It is a variant of {\tt SearchAbout
- {\termpattern}} that does not look for subterms but searches for
-statements whose conclusion has exactly the expected form, or whose
-statement finishes by the given series of hypothesis/conclusion.
-Require Import Arith.
-SearchPattern (_ + _ = _ + _).
-SearchPattern (nat -> bool).
-SearchPattern (forall l : list _, _ l l).
-Patterns need not be linear: you can express that the same expression
-must occur in two places by using pattern variables `{\texttt
-Require Import Arith.
-SearchPattern (?X1 + _ = _ + ?X1).
-\item {\tt SearchPattern {\term} inside
-{\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.}
-This restricts the search to constructions defined in modules
-{\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.
-\item {\tt SearchPattern {\term} outside {\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.}
-This restricts the search to constructions not defined in modules
-{\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.
-\subsection[\tt SearchRewrite {\term}.]{\tt SearchRewrite {\term}.\comindex{SearchRewrite}}
-This command displays the name and type of all theorems of the current
-context whose statement's conclusion is an equality of which one side matches
-the expression {\term}. Holes in {\term} are denoted by ``{\texttt \_}''.
-Require Import Arith.
-SearchRewrite (_ + _ + _).
-\item {\tt SearchRewrite {\term} inside
-{\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.}
-This restricts the search to constructions defined in modules
-{\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.
-\item {\tt SearchRewrite {\term} outside {\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.}
-This restricts the search to constructions not defined in modules
-{\module$_1$} \ldots{} {\module$_n$}.
-% \begin{tabbing}
-% \ \ \ \ \=11.\ \=\kill
-% \>1.\>$A=B\mx{ if }A\stackrel{\bt{}\io{}}{\lra{}}B$\\
-% \>2.\>$\sa{}x:A.B=\sa{}y:A.B[x\la{}y]\mx{ if }y\not\in{}FV(\sa{}x:A.B)$\\
-% \>3.\>$\Pi{}x:A.B=\Pi{}y:A.B[x\la{}y]\mx{ if }y\not\in{}FV(\Pi{}x:A.B)$\\
-% \>4.\>$\sa{}x:A.B=\sa{}x:B.A\mx{ if }x\not\in{}FV(A,B)$\\
-% \>5.\>$\sa{}x:(\sa{}y:A.B).C=\sa{}x:A.\sa{}y:B[y\la{}x].C[x\la{}(x,y)]$\\
-% \>6.\>$\Pi{}x:(\sa{}y:A.B).C=\Pi{}x:A.\Pi{}y:B[y\la{}x].C[x\la{}(x,y)]$\\
-% \>7.\>$\Pi{}x:A.\sa{}y:B.C=\sa{}y:(\Pi{}x:A.B).(\Pi{}x:A.C[y\la{}(y\sm{}x)]$\\
-% \>8.\>$\sa{}x:A.unit=A$\\
-% \>9.\>$\sa{}x:unit.A=A[x\la{}tt]$\\
-% \>10.\>$\Pi{}x:A.unit=unit$\\
-% \>11.\>$\Pi{}x:unit.A=A[x\la{}tt]$
-% \end{tabbing}
-% For more informations about the exact working of this command, see
-% \cite{Del97}.
-\subsection[\tt Locate {\qualid}.]{\tt Locate {\qualid}.\comindex{Locate}
-This command displays the full name of the qualified identifier {\qualid}
-and consequently the \Coq\ module in which it is defined.
-(*************** The last line should produce **************************)
-(*********** Error: I.Dont.Exist not a defined object ******************)
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-Locate nat.
-Locate Datatypes.O.
-Locate Init.Datatypes.O.
-Locate Coq.Init.Datatypes.O.
-Locate I.Dont.Exist.
-\SeeAlso Section \ref{LocateSymbol}
-\subsection{The {\sc Whelp} searching tool
-{\sc Whelp} is an experimental searching and browsing tool for the
-whole {\Coq} library and the whole set of {\Coq} user contributions.
-{\sc Whelp} requires a browser to work. {\sc Whelp} has been developed
-at the University of Bologna as part of the HELM\footnote{Hypertextual
-Electronic Library of Mathematics} and MoWGLI\footnote{Mathematics on
-the Web, Get it by Logics and Interfaces} projects. It can be invoked
-directly from the {\Coq} toplevel or from {\CoqIDE}, assuming a
-graphical environment is also running. The browser to use can be
-selected by setting the environment variable {\tt
-COQREMOTEBROWSER}. If not explicitly set, it defaults to
-\verb!firefox -remote \"OpenURL(%s,new-tab)\" || firefox %s &"! or
-\verb!C:\\PROGRA~1\\INTERN~1\\IEXPLORE %s!, depending on the
-underlying operating system (in the command, the string \verb!%s!
-serves as metavariable for the url to open).
-The Whelp tool relies on a dedicated Whelp server and on another server
-called Getter that retrieves formal documents. The default Whelp server name
-can be obtained using the command {\tt Test Whelp Server}
-\comindex{Test Whelp Server} and the default Getter can be obtained
-using the command: {\tt Test Whelp Getter} \comindex{Test Whelp
-Getter}. The Whelp server name can be changed using the command:
-\noindent {\tt Set Whelp Server {\str}}.\\
-where {\str} is a URL (e.g. {\tt}).
-\comindex{Set Whelp Server}
-\noindent The Getter can be changed using the command:
-\noindent {\tt Set Whelp Getter {\str}}.\\
-where {\str} is a URL (e.g. {\tt}).
-\comindex{Set Whelp Getter}
-The {\sc Whelp} commands are:
-\subsubsection{\tt Whelp Locate "{\sl reg\_expr}".
-\comindex{Whelp Locate}}
-This command opens a browser window and displays the result of seeking
-for all names that match the regular expression {\sl reg\_expr} in the
-{\Coq} library and user contributions. The regular expression can
-contain the special operators are * and ? that respectively stand for
-an arbitrary substring and for exactly one character.
-\variant {\tt Whelp Locate {\ident}.}\\
-This is equivalent to {\tt Whelp Locate "{\ident}"}.
-\subsubsection{\tt Whelp Match {\pattern}.
-\comindex{Whelp Match}}
-This command opens a browser window and displays the result of seeking
-for all statements that match the pattern {\pattern}. Holes in the
-pattern are represented by the wildcard character ``\_''.
-\subsubsection[\tt Whelp Instance {\pattern}.]{\tt Whelp Instance {\pattern}.\comindex{Whelp Instance}}
-This command opens a browser window and displays the result of seeking
-for all statements that are instances of the pattern {\pattern}. The
-pattern is here assumed to be an universally quantified expression.
-\subsubsection[\tt Whelp Elim {\qualid}.]{\tt Whelp Elim {\qualid}.\comindex{Whelp Elim}}
-This command opens a browser window and displays the result of seeking
-for all statements that have the ``form'' of an elimination scheme
-over the type denoted by {\qualid}.
-\subsubsection[\tt Whelp Hint {\term}.]{\tt Whelp Hint {\term}.\comindex{Whelp Hint}}
-This command opens a browser window and displays the result of seeking
-for all statements that can be instantiated so that to prove the
-statement {\term}.
-\variant {\tt Whelp Hint.}\\ This is equivalent to {\tt Whelp Hint
-{\sl goal}} where {\sl goal} is the current goal to prove. Notice that
-{\Coq} does not send the local environment of definitions to the {\sc
-Whelp} tool so that it only works on requests strictly based on, only,
-definitions of the standard library and user contributions.
-\section{Loading files}
-\Coq\ offers the possibility of loading different
-parts of a whole development stored in separate files. Their contents
-will be loaded as if they were entered from the keyboard. This means
-that the loaded files are ASCII files containing sequences of commands
-for \Coq's toplevel. This kind of file is called a {\em script} for
-\Coq\index{Script file}. The standard (and default) extension of
-\Coq's script files is {\tt .v}.
-\subsection[\tt Load {\ident}.]{\tt Load {\ident}.\comindex{Load}\label{Load}}
-This command loads the file named {\ident}{\tt .v}, searching
-successively in each of the directories specified in the {\em
- loadpath}. (see Section~\ref{loadpath})
-\item {\tt Load {\str}.}\label{Load-str}\\
- Loads the file denoted by the string {\str}, where {\str} is any
- complete filename. Then the \verb.~. and {\tt ..}
- abbreviations are allowed as well as shell variables. If no
- extension is specified, \Coq\ will use the default extension {\tt
- .v}
-\item {\tt Load Verbose {\ident}.},
- {\tt Load Verbose {\str}}\\
- \comindex{Load Verbose}
- Display, while loading, the answers of \Coq\ to each command
- (including tactics) contained in the loaded file
- \SeeAlso Section~\ref{Begin-Silent}
-\item \errindex{Can't find file {\ident} on loadpath}
-\section[Compiled files]{Compiled files\label{compiled}\index{Compiled files}}
-This section describes the commands used to load compiled files (see
-Chapter~\ref{Addoc-coqc} for documentation on how to compile a file).
-A compiled file is a particular case of module called {\em library file}.
-% Import and Export described in RefMan-mod.tex
-% the minor difference (to avoid multiple Exporting of libraries) in
-% the treatment of normal modules and libraries by Export omitted
-\subsection[\tt Require {\qualid}.]{\tt Require {\qualid}.\label{Require}
-This command looks in the loadpath for a file containing
-module {\qualid} and adds the corresponding module to the environment
-of {\Coq}. As library files have dependencies in other library files,
-the command {\tt Require {\qualid}} recursively requires all library
-files the module {\qualid} depends on and adds the corresponding modules to the
-environment of {\Coq} too. {\Coq} assumes that the compiled files have
-been produced by a valid {\Coq} compiler and their contents are then not
-replayed nor rechecked.
-To locate the file in the file system, {\qualid} is decomposed under
-the form {\dirpath}{\tt .}{\textsl{ident}} and the file {\ident}{\tt
-.vo} is searched in the physical directory of the file system that is
-mapped in {\Coq} loadpath to the logical path {\dirpath} (see
-Section~\ref{loadpath}). The mapping between physical directories and
-logical names at the time of requiring the file must be consistent
-with the mapping used to compile the file.
-\item {\tt Require Import {\qualid}.} \comindex{Require}
- This loads and declares the module {\qualid} and its dependencies
- then imports the contents of {\qualid} as described in
- Section~\ref{Import}.
- It does not import the modules on which {\qualid} depends unless
- these modules were itself required in module {\qualid} using {\tt
- Require Export}, as described below, or recursively required through
- a sequence of {\tt Require Export}.
- If the module required has already been loaded, {\tt Require Import
- {\qualid}} simply imports it, as {\tt Import {\qualid}} would.
-\item {\tt Require Export {\qualid}.}
- \comindex{Require Export}
- This command acts as {\tt Require Import} {\qualid}, but if a
- further module, say {\it A}, contains a command {\tt Require
- Export} {\it B}, then the command {\tt Require Import} {\it A}
- also imports the module {\it B}.
-\item {\tt Require \zeroone{Import {\sl |} Export} {\qualid}$_1$ \ldots {\qualid}$_n$.}
- This loads the modules {\qualid}$_1$, \ldots, {\qualid}$_n$ and
- their recursive dependencies. If {\tt Import} or {\tt Export} is
- given, it also imports {\qualid}$_1$, \ldots, {\qualid}$_n$ and all
- the recursive dependencies that were marked or transitively marked
- as {\tt Export}.
-\item {\tt Require \zeroone{Import {\sl |} Export} {\str}.}
- This shortcuts the resolution of the qualified name into a library
- file name by directly requiring the module to be found in file
- {\str}.vo.
-\item \errindex{Cannot load {\qualid}: no physical path bound to {\dirpath}}
-\item \errindex{Cannot find library foo in loadpath}
- The command did not find the file {\tt foo.vo}. Either {\tt
- foo.v} exists but is not compiled or {\tt foo.vo} is in a directory
- which is not in your {\tt LoadPath} (see Section~\ref{loadpath}).
-\item \errindex{Compiled library {\ident}.vo makes inconsistent assumptions over library {\qualid}}
- The command tried to load library file {\ident}.vo that depends on
- some specific version of library {\qualid} which is not the one
- already loaded in the current {\Coq} session. Probably {\ident}.v
- was not properly recompiled with the last version of the file
- containing module {\qualid}.
-\item \errindex{Bad magic number}
- \index{Bad-magic-number@{\tt Bad Magic Number}}
- The file {\tt{\ident}.vo} was found but either it is not a \Coq\
- compiled module, or it was compiled with an older and incompatible
- version of \Coq.
-\item \errindex{The file {\ident}.vo contains library {\dirpath} and not
- library {\dirpath'}}
- The library file {\dirpath'} is indirectly required by the {\tt
- Require} command but it is bound in the current loadpath to the file
- {\ident}.vo which was bound to a different library name {\dirpath}
- at the time it was compiled.
-\SeeAlso Chapter~\ref{Addoc-coqc}
-\subsection[\tt Print Libraries.]{\tt Print Libraries.\comindex{Print Libraries}}
-This command displays the list of library files loaded in the current
-{\Coq} session. For each of these libraries, it also tells if it is
-\subsection[\tt Declare ML Module {\str$_1$} .. {\str$_n$}.]{\tt Declare ML Module {\str$_1$} .. {\str$_n$}.\comindex{Declare ML Module}}
-This commands loads the Objective Caml compiled files {\str$_1$} {\dots}
-{\str$_n$} (dynamic link). It is mainly used to load tactics
-% (see Chapter~\ref{WritingTactics}).
- The files are
-searched into the current Objective Caml loadpath (see the command {\tt
-Add ML Path} in the Section~\ref{loadpath}). Loading of Objective Caml
-files is only possible under the bytecode version of {\tt coqtop}
-(i.e. {\tt coqtop} called with options {\tt -byte}, see chapter
-\ref{Addoc-coqc}), or when Coq has been compiled with a version of
-Objective Caml that supports native {\tt Dynlink} ($\ge$ 3.11).
-\item {\tt Local Declare ML Module {\str$_1$} .. {\str$_n$}.}\\
- This variant is not exported to the modules that import the module
- where they occur, even if outside a section.
-\item \errindex{File not found on loadpath : \str}
-\item \errindex{Loading of ML object file forbidden in a native Coq}
-\subsection[\tt Print ML Modules.]{\tt Print ML Modules.\comindex{Print ML Modules}}
-This print the name of all \ocaml{} modules loaded with \texttt{Declare
- ML Module}. To know from where these module were loaded, the user
-should use the command \texttt{Locate File} (see Section~\ref{Locate File})
-There are currently two loadpaths in \Coq. A loadpath where seeking
-{\Coq} files (extensions {\tt .v} or {\tt .vo} or {\tt .vi}) and one where
-seeking Objective Caml files. The default loadpath contains the
-directory ``\texttt{.}'' denoting the current directory and mapped to the empty logical path (see Section~\ref{LongNames}).
-\subsection[\tt Pwd.]{\tt Pwd.\comindex{Pwd}\label{Pwd}}
-This command displays the current working directory.
-\subsection[\tt Cd {\str}.]{\tt Cd {\str}.\comindex{Cd}}
-This command changes the current directory according to {\str}
-which can be any valid path.
-\item {\tt Cd.}\\
- Is equivalent to {\tt Pwd.}
-\subsection[\tt Add LoadPath {\str} as {\dirpath}.]{\tt Add LoadPath {\str} as {\dirpath}.\comindex{Add LoadPath}\label{AddLoadPath}}
-This command adds the physical directory {\str} to the current {\Coq}
-loadpath and maps it to the logical directory {\dirpath}, which means
-that every file \textrm{\textsl{dirname}}/\textrm{\textsl{basename.v}}
-physically lying in subdirectory {\str}/\textrm{\textsl{dirname}}
-becomes accessible in {\Coq} through absolute logical name
-{\dirpath}{\tt .}\textrm{\textsl{dirname}}{\tt
-\Rem {\tt Add LoadPath} also adds {\str} to the current ML loadpath.
-\item {\tt Add LoadPath {\str}.}\\
-Performs as {\tt Add LoadPath {\str} as {\dirpath}} but for the empty directory path.
-\subsection[\tt Add Rec LoadPath {\str} as {\dirpath}.]{\tt Add Rec LoadPath {\str} as {\dirpath}.\comindex{Add Rec LoadPath}\label{AddRecLoadPath}}
-This command adds the physical directory {\str} and all its subdirectories to
-the current \Coq\ loadpath. The top directory {\str} is mapped to the
-logical directory {\dirpath} and any subdirectory {\textsl{pdir}} of it is
-mapped to logical name {\dirpath}{\tt .}\textsl{pdir} and
-recursively. Subdirectories corresponding to invalid {\Coq}
-identifiers are skipped, and, by convention, subdirectories named {\tt
-CVS} or {\tt \_darcs} are skipped too.
-Otherwise, said, {\tt Add Rec LoadPath {\str} as {\dirpath}} behaves
-as {\tt Add LoadPath {\str} as {\dirpath}} excepts that files lying in
-validly named subdirectories of {\str} need not be qualified to be
-In case of files with identical base name, files lying in most recently
-declared {\dirpath} are found first and explicit qualification is
-required to refer to the other files of same base name.
-If several files with identical base name are present in different
-subdirectories of a recursive loadpath declared via a single instance of
-{\tt Add Rec LoadPath}, which of these files is found first is
-system-dependent and explicit qualification is recommended.
-\Rem {\tt Add Rec LoadPath} also recursively adds {\str} to the current ML loadpath.
-\item {\tt Add Rec LoadPath {\str}.}\\
-Works as {\tt Add Rec LoadPath {\str} as {\dirpath}} but for the empty logical directory path.
-\subsection[\tt Remove LoadPath {\str}.]{\tt Remove LoadPath {\str}.\comindex{Remove LoadPath}}
-This command removes the path {\str} from the current \Coq\ loadpath.
-\subsection[\tt Print LoadPath.]{\tt Print LoadPath.\comindex{Print LoadPath}}
-This command displays the current \Coq\ loadpath.
-\item {\tt Print LoadPath {\dirpath}.}\\
-Works as {\tt Print LoadPath} but displays only the paths that extend the {\dirpath} prefix.
-\subsection[\tt Add ML Path {\str}.]{\tt Add ML Path {\str}.\comindex{Add ML Path}}
-This command adds the path {\str} to the current Objective Caml loadpath (see
-the command {\tt Declare ML Module} in the Section~\ref{compiled}).
-\Rem This command is implied by {\tt Add LoadPath {\str} as {\dirpath}}.
-\subsection[\tt Add Rec ML Path {\str}.]{\tt Add Rec ML Path {\str}.\comindex{Add Rec ML Path}}
-This command adds the directory {\str} and all its subdirectories
-to the current Objective Caml loadpath (see
-the command {\tt Declare ML Module} in the Section~\ref{compiled}).
-\Rem This command is implied by {\tt Add Rec LoadPath {\str} as {\dirpath}}.
-\subsection[\tt Print ML Path {\str}.]{\tt Print ML Path {\str}.\comindex{Print ML Path}}
-This command displays the current Objective Caml loadpath.
-This command makes sense only under the bytecode version of {\tt
-coqtop}, i.e. using option {\tt -byte} (see the
-command {\tt Declare ML Module} in the section
-\subsection[\tt Locate File {\str}.]{\tt Locate File {\str}.\comindex{Locate
- File}\label{Locate File}}
-This command displays the location of file {\str} in the current loadpath.
-Typically, {\str} is a \texttt{.cmo} or \texttt{.vo} or \texttt{.v} file.
-\subsection[\tt Locate Library {\dirpath}.]{\tt Locate Library {\dirpath}.\comindex{Locate Library}\label{Locate Library}}
-This command gives the status of the \Coq\ module {\dirpath}. It tells if the
-module is loaded and if not searches in the load path for a module
-of logical name {\dirpath}.
-The backtracking commands described in this section can only be used
-interactively, they cannot be part of a vernacular file loaded via
-{\tt Load} or compiled by {\tt coqc}.
-\subsection[\tt Reset \ident.]{\tt Reset \ident.\comindex{Reset}}
-This command removes all the objects in the environment since \ident\
-was introduced, including \ident. \ident\ may be the name of a defined
-or declared object as well as the name of a section. One cannot reset
-over the name of a module or of an object inside a module.
-\item \ident: \errindex{no such entry}
- \item {\tt Reset Initial.}\comindex{Reset Initial}\\
- Goes back to the initial state, just after the start of the
- interactive session.
-\subsection[\tt Back.]{\tt Back.\comindex{Back}}
-This commands undoes all the effects of the last vernacular
-command. Commands read from a vernacular file via a {\tt Load} are
-considered as a single command. Proof managment commands
-are also handled by this command (see Chapter~\ref{Proof-handling}).
-For that, {\tt Back} may have to undo more than one command in order
-to reach a state where the proof managment information is available.
-For instance, when the last command is a {\tt Qed}, the managment
-information about the closed proof has been discarded. In this case,
-{\tt Back} will then undo all the proof steps up to the statement of
-this proof.
-\item {\tt Back $n$} \\
- Undoes $n$ vernacular commands. As for {\tt Back}, some extra
- commands may be undone in order to reach an adequate state.
- For instance {\tt Back n} will not re-enter a closed proof,
- but rather go just before that proof.
-\item \errindex{Invalid backtrack} \\
- The user wants to undo more commands than available in the history.
-\subsection[\tt BackTo $\num$.]{\tt BackTo $\num$.\comindex{BackTo}}
-This command brings back the system to the state labelled $\num$,
-forgetting the effect of all commands executed after this state.
-The state label is an integer which grows after each successful command.
-It is displayed in the prompt when in \texttt{-emacs} mode.
-Just as {\tt Back} (see above), the {\tt BackTo} command now handles
-proof states. For that, it may have to undo some
-extra commands and end on a state $\num' \leq \num$ if necessary.
-\item {\tt Backtrack $\num_1$ $\num_2$ $\num_3$}.\comindex{Backtrack}\\
- {\tt Backtrack} is a \emph{deprecated} form of {\tt BackTo} which
- allows to explicitely manipulate the proof environment. The three
- numbers $\num_1$, $\num_2$ and $\num_3$ represent the following:
-\item $\num_3$: Number of \texttt{Abort} to perform, i.e. the number
- of currently opened nested proofs that must be canceled (see
- Chapter~\ref{Proof-handling}).
-\item $\num_2$: \emph{Proof state number} to unbury once aborts have
- been done. Coq will compute the number of \texttt{Undo} to perform
- (see Chapter~\ref{Proof-handling}).
-\item $\num_1$: State label to reach, as for {\tt BackTo}.
-\item \errindex{Invalid backtrack} \\
- The destination state label is unknown.
-\section{State files}
-\subsection[\tt Write State \str.]{\tt Write State \str.\comindex{Write State}}
-Writes the current state into a file \str{} for
-use in a further session. This file can be given as the {\tt
- inputstate} argument of the commands {\tt coqtop} and {\tt coqc}.
-\item {\tt Write State \ident}\\
- Equivalent to {\tt Write State "}{\ident}{\tt .coq"}.
- The state is saved in the current directory (see Section~\ref{Pwd}).
-\subsection[\tt Restore State \str.]{\tt Restore State \str.\comindex{Restore State}}
- Restores the state contained in the file \str.
-\item {\tt Restore State \ident}\\
- Equivalent to {\tt Restore State "}{\ident}{\tt .coq"}.
-\section{Quitting and debugging}
-\subsection[\tt Quit.]{\tt Quit.\comindex{Quit}}
-This command permits to quit \Coq.
-\subsection[\tt Drop.]{\tt Drop.\comindex{Drop}\label{Drop}}
-This is used mostly as a debug facility by \Coq's implementors
-and does not concern the casual user.
-This command permits to leave {\Coq} temporarily and enter the
-Objective Caml toplevel. The Objective Caml command:
-#use "include";;
-\noindent add the right loadpaths and loads some toplevel printers for
-all abstract types of \Coq - section\_path, identifiers, terms, judgments,
-\dots. You can also use the file \texttt{base\_include} instead,
-that loads only the pretty-printers for section\_paths and
-% See Section~\ref{test-and-debug} more information on the
-% usage of the toplevel.
-You can return back to \Coq{} with the command:
-\item It only works with the bytecode version of {\Coq} (i.e. {\tt coqtop} called with option {\tt -byte}, see the contents of Section~\ref{binary-images}).
-\item You must have compiled {\Coq} from the source package and set the
- environment variable \texttt{COQTOP} to the root of your copy of the sources (see Section~\ref{EnvVariables}).
-\subsection[\tt Time \textrm{\textsl{command}}.]{\tt Time \textrm{\textsl{command}}.\comindex{Time}
-This command executes the vernacular command \textrm{\textsl{command}}
-and display the time needed to execute it.
-\subsection[\tt Timeout \textrm{\textsl{int}} \textrm{\textsl{command}}.]{\tt Timeout \textrm{\textsl{int}} \textrm{\textsl{command}}.\comindex{Timeout}
-This command executes the vernacular command \textrm{\textsl{command}}. If
-the command has not terminated after the time specified by the integer
-(time expressed in seconds), then it is interrupted and an error message
-is displayed.
-\subsection[\tt Set Default Timeout \textrm{\textsl{int}}.]{\tt Set
- Default Timeout \textrm{\textsl{int}}.\comindex{Set Default Timeout}}
-After using this command, all subsequent commands behave as if they
-were passed to a {\tt Timeout} command. Commands already starting by
-a {\tt Timeout} are unaffected.
-\subsection[\tt Unset Default Timeout.]{\tt Unset Default Timeout.\comindex{Unset Default Timeout}}
-This command turns off the use of a default timeout.
-\subsection[\tt Test Default Timeout.]{\tt Test Default Timeout.\comindex{Test Default Timeout}}
-This command displays whether some default timeout has be set or not.
-\section{Controlling display}
-\subsection[\tt Set Silent.]{\tt Set Silent.\comindex{Set Silent}
-\index{Silent mode}}
-This command turns off the normal displaying.
-\subsection[\tt Unset Silent.]{\tt Unset Silent.\comindex{Unset Silent}}
-This command turns the normal display on.
-\subsection[\tt Set Printing Width {\integer}.]{\tt Set Printing Width {\integer}.\comindex{Set Printing Width}}
-This command sets which left-aligned part of the width of the screen
-is used for display.
-\subsection[\tt Unset Printing Width.]{\tt Unset Printing Width.\comindex{Unset Printing Width}}
-This command resets the width of the screen used for display to its
-default value (which is 78 at the time of writing this documentation).
-\subsection[\tt Test Printing Width.]{\tt Test Printing Width.\comindex{Test Printing Width}}
-This command displays the current screen width used for display.
-\subsection[\tt Set Printing Depth {\integer}.]{\tt Set Printing Depth {\integer}.\comindex{Set Printing Depth}}
-This command sets the nesting depth of the formatter used for
-pretty-printing. Beyond this depth, display of subterms is replaced by
-\subsection[\tt Unset Printing Depth.]{\tt Unset Printing Depth.\comindex{Unset Printing Depth}}
-This command resets the nesting depth of the formatter used for
-pretty-printing to its default value (at the
-time of writing this documentation, the default value is 50).
-\subsection[\tt Test Printing Depth.]{\tt Test Printing Depth.\comindex{Test Printing Depth}}
-This command displays the current nesting depth used for display.
-%\subsection{\tt Abstraction ...}
-%Not yet documented.
-\section{Controlling the reduction strategies and the conversion algorithm}
-\label{Controlling reduction strategy}
-{\Coq} provides reduction strategies that the tactics can invoke and
-two different algorithms to check the convertibility of types.
-The first conversion algorithm lazily
-compares applicative terms while the other is a brute-force but efficient
-algorithm that first normalizes the terms before comparing them. The
-second algorithm is based on a bytecode representation of terms
-similar to the bytecode representation used in the ZINC virtual
-machine~\cite{Leroy90}. It is especially useful for intensive
-computation of algebraic values, such as numbers, and for reflexion-based
-tactics. The commands to fine-tune the reduction strategies and the
-lazy conversion algorithm are described first.
-\subsection[\tt Opaque \qualid$_1$ {\dots} \qualid$_n$.]{\tt Opaque \qualid$_1$ {\dots} \qualid$_n$.\comindex{Opaque}\label{Opaque}}
-This command has an effect on unfoldable constants, i.e.
-on constants defined by {\tt Definition} or {\tt Let} (with an explicit
-body), or by a command assimilated to a definition such as {\tt
-Fixpoint}, {\tt Program Definition}, etc, or by a proof ended by {\tt
-Defined}. The command tells not to unfold
-the constants {\qualid$_1$} {\dots} {\qualid$_n$} in tactics using
-$\delta$-conversion (unfolding a constant is replacing it by its
-{\tt Opaque} has also on effect on the conversion algorithm of {\Coq},
-telling to delay the unfolding of a constant as later as possible in
-case {\Coq} has to check the conversion (see Section~\ref{conv-rules})
-of two distinct applied constants.
-The scope of {\tt Opaque} is limited to the current section, or
-current file, unless the variant {\tt Global Opaque \qualid$_1$ {\dots}
-\qualid$_n$} is used.
-\SeeAlso sections \ref{Conversion-tactics}, \ref{Automatizing},
-\item \errindex{The reference \qualid\ was not found in the current
- There is no constant referred by {\qualid} in the environment.
- Nevertheless, if you asked \texttt{Opaque foo bar}
- and if \texttt{bar} does not exist, \texttt{foo} is set opaque.
-\subsection[\tt Transparent \qualid$_1$ {\dots} \qualid$_n$.]{\tt Transparent \qualid$_1$ {\dots} \qualid$_n$.\comindex{Transparent}\label{Transparent}}
-This command is the converse of {\tt Opaque} and it applies on
-unfoldable constants to restore their unfoldability after an {\tt
-Opaque} command.
-Note in particular that constants defined by a proof ended by {\tt
-Qed} are not unfoldable and {\tt Transparent} has no effect on
-them. This is to keep with the usual mathematical practice of {\em
-proof irrelevance}: what matters in a mathematical development is the
-sequence of lemma statements, not their actual proofs. This
-distinguishes lemmas from the usual defined constants, whose actual
-values are of course relevant in general.
-The scope of {\tt Transparent} is limited to the current section, or
-current file, unless the variant {\tt Global Transparent \qualid$_1$
-\dots \qualid$_n$} is used.
-% \item \errindex{Can not set transparent.}\\
-% It is a constant from a required module or a parameter.
-\item \errindex{The reference \qualid\ was not found in the current
- There is no constant referred by {\qualid} in the environment.
-\SeeAlso sections \ref{Conversion-tactics}, \ref{Automatizing},
-\subsection{\tt Strategy {\it level} [ \qualid$_1$ {\dots} \qualid$_n$
- ].\comindex{Strategy}\comindex{Local Strategy}\label{Strategy}}
-This command generalizes the behavior of {\tt Opaque} and {\tt
- Transparent} commands. It is used to fine-tune the strategy for
-unfolding constants, both at the tactic level and at the kernel
-level. This command associates a level to \qualid$_1$ {\dots}
-\qualid$_n$. Whenever two expressions with two distinct head
-constants are compared (for instance, this comparison can be triggered
-by a type cast), the one with lower level is expanded first. In case
-of a tie, the second one (appearing in the cast type) is expanded.
-Levels can be one of the following (higher to lower):
-\item[opaque]: level of opaque constants. They cannot be expanded by
- tactics (behaves like $+\infty$, see next item).
-\item[\num]: levels indexed by an integer. Level $0$ corresponds
- to the default behavior, which corresponds to transparent
- constants. This level can also be referred to as {\bf transparent}.
- Negative levels correspond to constants to be expanded before normal
- transparent constants, while positive levels correspond to constants
- to be expanded after normal transparent constants.
-\item[expand]: level of constants that should be expanded first
- (behaves like $-\infty$)
-These directives survive section and module closure, unless the
-command is prefixed by {\tt Local}. In the latter case, the behavior
-regarding sections and modules is the same as for the {\tt
- Transparent} and {\tt Opaque} commands.
-\subsection{\tt Declare Reduction \ident\ := {\rm\sl convtactic}.}
-This command allows to give a short name to a reduction expression,
-for instance {\tt lazy beta delta [foo bar]}. This short name can
-then be used in {\tt Eval \ident\ in ...} or {\tt eval} directives.
-This command accepts the {\tt Local} modifier, for discarding
-this reduction name at the end of the file or module. For the moment
-the name cannot be qualified. In particular declaring the same name
-in several modules or in several functor applications will be refused
-if these declarations are not local. The name \ident\ cannot be used
-directly as an Ltac tactic, but nothing prevent the user to also
-perform a {\tt Ltac \ident\ := {\rm\sl convtactic}}.
-\SeeAlso sections \ref{Conversion-tactics}
-\subsection{\tt Set Virtual Machine
-\comindex{Set Virtual Machine}}
-This activates the bytecode-based conversion algorithm.
-\subsection{\tt Unset Virtual Machine
-\comindex{Unset Virtual Machine}}
-This deactivates the bytecode-based conversion algorithm.
-\subsection{\tt Test Virtual Machine
-\comindex{Test Virtual Machine}}
-This tells if the bytecode-based conversion algorithm is
-activated. The default behavior is to have the bytecode-based
-conversion algorithm deactivated.
-\SeeAlso sections~\ref{vmcompute} and~\ref{vmoption}.
-\section{Controlling the locality of commands}
-\subsection{{\tt Local}, {\tt Global}
-Some commands support a {\tt Local} or {\tt Global} prefix modifier to
-control the scope of their effect. There are four kinds of commands:
-\item Commands whose default is to extend their effect both outside the
- section and the module or library file they occur in.
- For these commands, the {\tt Local} modifier limits the effect of
- the command to the current section or module it occurs in.
- As an example, the {\tt Coercion} (see Section~\ref{Coercions})
- and {\tt Strategy} (see Section~\ref{Strategy})
- commands belong to this category.
-\item Commands whose default behavior is to stop their effect at the
- end of the section they occur in but to extent their effect outside
- the module or library file they occur in.
- For these commands, the {\tt Local} modifier limits the effect of
- the command to the current module if the command does not occur in a
- section and the {\tt Global} modifier extends the effect outside the
- current sections and current module if the command occurs in a
- section.
- As an example, the {\tt Implicit Arguments} (see
- Section~\ref{Implicit Arguments}), {\tt Ltac} (see
- Chapter~\ref{TacticLanguage}) or {\tt Notation} (see
- Section~\ref{Notation}) commands belong to this category.
- Notice that a subclass of these commands do not support extension of
- their scope outside sections at all and the {\tt Global} is not
- applicable to them.
-\item Commands whose default behavior is to stop their effect at the
- end of the section or module they occur in.
- For these commands, the {\tt Global} modifier extends their effect
- outside the sections and modules they occurs in.
- The {\tt Transparent} and {\tt Opaque} (see
- Section~\ref{Controlling reduction strategy}) commands belong to
- this category.
-\item Commands whose default behavior is to extend their effect
- outside sections but not outside modules when they occur in a
- section and to extend their effect outside the module or library
- file they occur in when no section contains them.
- For these commands, the {\tt Local} modifier limits the effect to
- the current section or module while the {\tt Global} modifier extends
- the effect outside the module even when the command occurs in a section.
- The {\tt Set} and {\tt Unset} commands belong to this category.
-%%% Local Variables:
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deleted file mode 100644
index 29de89d8..00000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,927 +0,0 @@
-\Coq{}~ is a proof assistant for higher-order logic, allowing the
-development of computer programs consistent with their formal
-specification. It is the result of about ten years of research of the
-Coq project. We shall briefly survey here three main aspects: the
-\emph{logical language} in which we write our axiomatizations and
-specifications, the \emph{proof assistant} which allows the development
-of verified mathematical proofs, and the \emph{program extractor} which
-synthesizes computer programs obeying their formal specifications,
-written as logical assertions in the language.
-The logical language used by {\Coq} is a variety of type theory,
-called the \emph{Calculus of Inductive Constructions}. Without going
-back to Leibniz and Boole, we can date the creation of what is now
-called mathematical logic to the work of Frege and Peano at the turn
-of the century. The discovery of antinomies in the free use of
-predicates or comprehension principles prompted Russell to restrict
-predicate calculus with a stratification of \emph{types}. This effort
-culminated with \emph{Principia Mathematica}, the first systematic
-attempt at a formal foundation of mathematics. A simplification of
-this system along the lines of simply typed $\lambda$-calculus
-occurred with Church's \emph{Simple Theory of Types}. The
-$\lambda$-calculus notation, originally used for expressing
-functionality, could also be used as an encoding of natural deduction
-proofs. This Curry-Howard isomorphism was used by N. de Bruijn in the
-\emph{Automath} project, the first full-scale attempt to develop and
-mechanically verify mathematical proofs. This effort culminated with
-Jutting's verification of Landau's \emph{Grundlagen} in the 1970's.
-Exploiting this Curry-Howard isomorphism, notable achievements in
-proof theory saw the emergence of two type-theoretic frameworks; the
-first one, Martin-L\"of's \emph{Intuitionistic Theory of Types},
-attempts a new foundation of mathematics on constructive principles.
-The second one, Girard's polymorphic $\lambda$-calculus $F_\omega$, is
-a very strong functional system in which we may represent higher-order
-logic proof structures. Combining both systems in a higher-order
-extension of the Automath languages, T. Coquand presented in 1985 the
-first version of the \emph{Calculus of Constructions}, CoC. This strong
-logical system allowed powerful axiomatizations, but direct inductive
-definitions were not possible, and inductive notions had to be defined
-indirectly through functional encodings, which introduced
-inefficiencies and awkwardness. The formalism was extended in 1989 by
-T. Coquand and C. Paulin with primitive inductive definitions, leading
-to the current \emph{Calculus of Inductive Constructions}. This
-extended formalism is not rigorously defined here. Rather, numerous
-concrete examples are discussed. We refer the interested reader to
-relevant research papers for more information about the formalism, its
-meta-theoretic properties, and semantics. However, it should not be
-necessary to understand this theoretical material in order to write
-specifications. It is possible to understand the Calculus of Inductive
-Constructions at a higher level, as a mixture of predicate calculus,
-inductive predicate definitions presented as typed PROLOG, and
-recursive function definitions close to the language ML.
-Automated theorem-proving was pioneered in the 1960's by Davis and
-Putnam in propositional calculus. A complete mechanization (in the
-sense of a semi-decision procedure) of classical first-order logic was
-proposed in 1965 by J.A. Robinson, with a single uniform inference
-rule called \emph{resolution}. Resolution relies on solving equations
-in free algebras (i.e. term structures), using the \emph{unification
- algorithm}. Many refinements of resolution were studied in the
-1970's, but few convincing implementations were realized, except of
-course that PROLOG is in some sense issued from this effort. A less
-ambitious approach to proof development is computer-aided
-proof-checking. The most notable proof-checkers developed in the
-1970's were LCF, designed by R. Milner and his colleagues at U.
-Edinburgh, specialized in proving properties about denotational
-semantics recursion equations, and the Boyer and Moore theorem-prover,
-an automation of primitive recursion over inductive data types. While
-the Boyer-Moore theorem-prover attempted to synthesize proofs by a
-combination of automated methods, LCF constructed its proofs through
-the programming of \emph{tactics}, written in a high-level functional
-meta-language, ML.
-The salient feature which clearly distinguishes our proof assistant
-from say LCF or Boyer and Moore's, is its possibility to extract
-programs from the constructive contents of proofs. This computational
-interpretation of proof objects, in the tradition of Bishop's
-constructive mathematics, is based on a realizability interpretation,
-in the sense of Kleene, due to C. Paulin. The user must just mark his
-intention by separating in the logical statements the assertions
-stating the existence of a computational object from the logical
-assertions which specify its properties, but which may be considered
-as just comments in the corresponding program. Given this information,
-the system automatically extracts a functional term from a consistency
-proof of its specifications. This functional term may be in turn
-compiled into an actual computer program. This methodology of
-extracting programs from proofs is a revolutionary paradigm for
-software engineering. Program synthesis has long been a theme of
-research in artificial intelligence, pioneered by R. Waldinger. The
-Tablog system of Z. Manna and R. Waldinger allows the deductive
-synthesis of functional programs from proofs in tableau form of their
-specifications, written in a variety of first-order logic. Development
-of a systematic \emph{programming logic}, based on extensions of
-Martin-L\"of's type theory, was undertaken at Cornell U. by the Nuprl
-team, headed by R. Constable. The first actual program extractor, PX,
-was designed and implemented around 1985 by S. Hayashi from Kyoto
-University. It allows the extraction of a LISP program from a proof
-in a logical system inspired by the logical formalisms of S. Feferman.
-Interest in this methodology is growing in the theoretical computer
-science community. We can foresee the day when actual computer systems
-used in applications will contain certified modules, automatically
-generated from a consistency proof of their formal specifications. We
-are however still far from being able to use this methodology in a
-smooth interaction with the standard tools from software engineering,
-i.e. compilers, linkers, run-time systems taking advantage of special
-hardware, debuggers, and the like. We hope that {\Coq} can be of use
-to researchers interested in experimenting with this new methodology.
-A first implementation of CoC was started in 1984 by G. Huet and T.
-Coquand. Its implementation language was CAML, a functional
-programming language from the ML family designed at INRIA in
-Rocquencourt. The core of this system was a proof-checker for CoC seen
-as a typed $\lambda$-calculus, called the \emph{Constructive Engine}.
-This engine was operated through a high-level notation permitting the
-declaration of axioms and parameters, the definition of mathematical
-types and objects, and the explicit construction of proof objects
-encoded as $\lambda$-terms. A section mechanism, designed and
-implemented by G. Dowek, allowed hierarchical developments of
-mathematical theories. This high-level language was called the
-\emph{Mathematical Vernacular}. Furthermore, an interactive
-\emph{Theorem Prover} permitted the incremental construction of proof
-trees in a top-down manner, subgoaling recursively and backtracking
-from dead-alleys. The theorem prover executed tactics written in CAML,
-in the LCF fashion. A basic set of tactics was predefined, which the
-user could extend by his own specific tactics. This system (Version
-4.10) was released in 1989. Then, the system was extended to deal
-with the new calculus with inductive types by C. Paulin, with
-corresponding new tactics for proofs by induction. A new standard set
-of tactics was streamlined, and the vernacular extended for tactics
-execution. A package to compile programs extracted from proofs to
-actual computer programs in CAML or some other functional language was
-designed and implemented by B. Werner. A new user-interface, relying
-on a CAML-X interface by D. de Rauglaudre, was designed and
-implemented by A. Felty. It allowed operation of the theorem-prover
-through the manipulation of windows, menus, mouse-sensitive buttons,
-and other widgets. This system (Version 5.6) was released in 1991.
-\Coq{} was ported to the new implementation Caml-light of X. Leroy and
-D. Doligez by D. de Rauglaudre (Version 5.7) in 1992. A new version
-of \Coq{} was then coordinated by C. Murthy, with new tools designed
-by C. Parent to prove properties of ML programs (this methodology is
-dual to program extraction) and a new user-interaction loop. This
-system (Version 5.8) was released in May 1993. A Centaur interface
-\textsc{CTCoq} was then developed by Y. Bertot from the Croap project
-from INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis.
-In parallel, G. Dowek and H. Herbelin developed a new proof engine,
-allowing the general manipulation of existential variables
-consistently with dependent types in an experimental version of \Coq{}
-The version V5.10 of \Coq{} is based on a generic system for
-manipulating terms with binding operators due to Chet Murthy. A new
-proof engine allows the parallel development of partial proofs for
-independent subgoals. The structure of these proof trees is a mixed
-representation of derivation trees for the Calculus of Inductive
-Constructions with abstract syntax trees for the tactics scripts,
-allowing the navigation in a proof at various levels of details. The
-proof engine allows generic environment items managed in an
-object-oriented way. This new architecture, due to C. Murthy,
-supports several new facilities which make the system easier to extend
-and to scale up:
-\item User-programmable tactics are allowed
-\item It is possible to separately verify development modules, and to
- load their compiled images without verifying them again - a quick
- relocation process allows their fast loading
-\item A generic parsing scheme allows user-definable notations, with a
- symmetric table-driven pretty-printer
-\item Syntactic definitions allow convenient abbreviations
-\item A limited facility of meta-variables allows the automatic
- synthesis of certain type expressions, allowing generic notations
- for e.g. equality, pairing, and existential quantification.
-In the Fall of 1994, C. Paulin-Mohring replaced the structure of
-inductively defined types and families by a new structure, allowing
-the mutually recursive definitions. P. Manoury implemented a
-translation of recursive definitions into the primitive recursive
-style imposed by the internal recursion operators, in the style of the
-ProPre system. C. Mu{\~n}oz implemented a decision procedure for
-intuitionistic propositional logic, based on results of R. Dyckhoff.
-J.C. Filli{\^a}tre implemented a decision procedure for first-order
-logic without contraction, based on results of J. Ketonen and R.
-Weyhrauch. Finally C. Murthy implemented a library of inversion
-tactics, relieving the user from tedious definitions of ``inversion
-Rocquencourt, Feb. 1st 1995\\
-Gérard Huet
-\section*{Credits: addendum for version 6.1}
-%\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Credits: addendum for version V6.1}
-The present version 6.1 of \Coq{} is based on the V5.10 architecture. It
-was ported to the new language Objective Caml by Bruno Barras. The
-underlying framework has slightly changed and allows more conversions
-between sorts.
-The new version provides powerful tools for easier developments.
-Cristina Cornes designed an extension of the \Coq{} syntax to allow
-definition of terms using a powerful pattern-matching analysis in the
-style of ML programs.
-Amokrane Saïbi wrote a mechanism to simulate
-inheritance between types families extending a proposal by Peter
-Aczel. He also developed a mechanism to automatically compute which
-arguments of a constant may be inferred by the system and consequently
-do not need to be explicitly written.
-Yann Coscoy designed a command which explains a proof term using
-natural language. Pierre Cr{\'e}gut built a new tactic which solves
-problems in quantifier-free Presburger Arithmetic. Both
-functionalities have been integrated to the \Coq{} system by Hugo
-Samuel Boutin designed a tactic for simplification of commutative
-rings using a canonical set of rewriting rules and equality modulo
-associativity and commutativity.
-Finally the organisation of the \Coq{} distribution has been supervised
-by Jean-Christophe Filliâtre with the help of Judicaël Courant
-and Bruno Barras.
-Lyon, Nov. 18th 1996\\
-Christine Paulin
-\section*{Credits: addendum for version 6.2}
-%\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Credits: addendum for version V6.2}
-In version 6.2 of \Coq{}, the parsing is done using camlp4, a
-preprocessor and pretty-printer for CAML designed by Daniel de
-Rauglaudre at INRIA. Daniel de Rauglaudre made the first adaptation
-of \Coq{} for camlp4, this work was continued by Bruno Barras who also
-changed the structure of \Coq{} abstract syntax trees and the primitives
-to manipulate them. The result of
-these changes is a faster parsing procedure with greatly improved
-syntax-error messages. The user-interface to introduce grammar or
-pretty-printing rules has also changed.
-Eduardo Giménez redesigned the internal
-tactic libraries, giving uniform names
-to Caml functions corresponding to \Coq{} tactic names.
-Bruno Barras wrote new more efficient reductions functions.
-Hugo Herbelin introduced more uniform notations in the \Coq{}
-specification language: the definitions by fixpoints and
-pattern-matching have a more readable syntax. Patrick Loiseleur
-introduced user-friendly notations for arithmetic expressions.
-New tactics were introduced: Eduardo Giménez improved a mechanism to
-introduce macros for tactics, and designed special tactics for
-(co)inductive definitions; Patrick Loiseleur designed a tactic to
-simplify polynomial expressions in an arbitrary commutative ring which
-generalizes the previous tactic implemented by Samuel Boutin.
-Jean-Christophe Filli\^atre introduced a tactic for refining a goal,
-using a proof term with holes as a proof scheme.
-David Delahaye designed the \textsf{SearchIsos} tool to search an
-object in the library given its type (up to isomorphism).
-Henri Laulhère produced the \Coq{} distribution for the Windows environment.
-Finally, Hugo Herbelin was the main coordinator of the \Coq{}
-documentation with principal contributions by Bruno Barras, David Delahaye,
-Jean-Christophe Filli\^atre, Eduardo
-Giménez, Hugo Herbelin and Patrick Loiseleur.
-Orsay, May 4th 1998\\
-Christine Paulin
-\section*{Credits: addendum for version 6.3}
-The main changes in version V6.3 was the introduction of a few new tactics
-and the extension of the guard condition for fixpoint definitions.
-B. Barras extended the unification algorithm to complete partial terms
-and solved various tricky bugs related to universes.\\
-D. Delahaye developed the \texttt{AutoRewrite} tactic. He also designed the new
-behavior of \texttt{Intro} and provided the tacticals \texttt{First} and
-J.-C. Filli\^atre developed the \texttt{Correctness} tactic.\\
-E. Gim\'enez extended the guard condition in fixpoints.\\
-H. Herbelin designed the new syntax for definitions and extended the
-\texttt{Induction} tactic.\\
-P. Loiseleur developed the \texttt{Quote} tactic and
-the new design of the \texttt{Auto}
-tactic, he also introduced the index of
-errors in the documentation.\\
-C. Paulin wrote the \texttt{Focus} command and introduced
-the reduction functions in definitions, this last feature
-was proposed by J.-F. Monin from CNET Lannion.
-Orsay, Dec. 1999\\
-Christine Paulin
-\section*{Credits: versions 7}
-The version V7 is a new implementation started in September 1999 by
-Jean-Christophe Filliâtre. This is a major revision with respect to
-the internal architecture of the system. The \Coq{} version 7.0 was
-distributed in March 2001, version 7.1 in September 2001, version
-7.2 in January 2002, version 7.3 in May 2002 and version 7.4 in
-February 2003.
-Jean-Christophe Filliâtre designed the architecture of the new system, he
-introduced a new representation for environments and wrote a new kernel
-for type-checking terms. His approach was to use functional
-data-structures in order to get more sharing, to prepare the addition
-of modules and also to get closer to a certified kernel.
-Hugo Herbelin introduced a new structure of terms with local
-definitions. He introduced ``qualified'' names, wrote a new
-pattern-matching compilation algorithm and designed a more compact
-algorithm for checking the logical consistency of universes. He
-contributed to the simplification of {\Coq} internal structures and the
-optimisation of the system. He added basic tactics for forward
-reasoning and coercions in patterns.
-David Delahaye introduced a new language for tactics. General tactics
-using pattern-matching on goals and context can directly be written
-from the {\Coq} toplevel. He also provided primitives for the design
-of user-defined tactics in \textsc{Caml}.
-Micaela Mayero contributed the library on real numbers.
-Olivier Desmettre extended this library with axiomatic
-trigonometric functions, square, square roots, finite sums, Chasles
-property and basic plane geometry.
-Jean-Christophe Filliâtre and Pierre Letouzey redesigned a new
-extraction procedure from \Coq{} terms to \textsc{Caml} or
-\textsc{Haskell} programs. This new
-extraction procedure, unlike the one implemented in previous version
-of \Coq{} is able to handle all terms in the Calculus of Inductive
-Constructions, even involving universes and strong elimination. P.
-Letouzey adapted user contributions to extract ML programs when it was
-Jean-Christophe Filliâtre wrote \verb=coqdoc=, a documentation
-tool for {\Coq} libraries usable from version 7.2.
-Bruno Barras improved the reduction algorithms efficiency and
-the confidence level in the correctness of {\Coq} critical type-checking
-Yves Bertot designed the \texttt{SearchPattern} and
-\texttt{SearchRewrite} tools and the support for the \textsc{pcoq} interface
-Micaela Mayero and David Delahaye introduced {\tt Field}, a decision tactic for commutative fields.
-Christine Paulin changed the elimination rules for empty and singleton
-propositional inductive types.
-Loïc Pottier developed {\tt Fourier}, a tactic solving linear inequalities on real numbers.
-Pierre Crégut developed a new version based on reflexion of the {\tt Omega}
-decision tactic.
-Claudio Sacerdoti Coen designed an XML output for the {\Coq}
-modules to be used in the Hypertextual Electronic Library of
-Mathematics (HELM cf \url{}).
-A library for efficient representation of finite maps using binary trees
-contributed by Jean Goubault was integrated in the basic theories.
-Pierre Courtieu developed a command and a tactic to reason on the
-inductive structure of recursively defined functions.
-Jacek Chrz\k{a}szcz designed and implemented the module system of
-{\Coq} whose foundations are in Judicaël Courant's PhD thesis.
-The development was coordinated by C. Paulin.
-Many discussions within the Démons team and the LogiCal project
-influenced significantly the design of {\Coq} especially with
-%J. Chrz\k{a}szcz, P. Courtieu,
-J. Courant, J. Duprat, J. Goubault, A. Miquel,
-C. Marché, B. Monate and B. Werner.
-Intensive users suggested improvements of the system :
-Y. Bertot, L. Pottier, L. Théry, P. Zimmerman from INRIA,
-C. Alvarado, P. Crégut, J.-F. Monin from France Telecom R \& D.
-Orsay, May. 2002\\
-Hugo Herbelin \& Christine Paulin
-\section*{Credits: version 8.0}
-{\Coq} version 8 is a major revision of the {\Coq} proof assistant.
-First, the underlying logic is slightly different. The so-called {\em
-impredicativity} of the sort {\tt Set} has been dropped. The main
-reason is that it is inconsistent with the principle of description
-which is quite a useful principle for formalizing %classical
-mathematics within classical logic. Moreover, even in an constructive
-setting, the impredicativity of {\tt Set} does not add so much in
-practice and is even subject of criticism from a large part of the
-intuitionistic mathematician community. Nevertheless, the
-impredicativity of {\tt Set} remains optional for users interested in
-investigating mathematical developments which rely on it.
-Secondly, the concrete syntax of terms has been completely
-revised. The main motivations were
-\item a more uniform, purified style: all constructions are now lowercase,
- with a functional programming perfume (e.g. abstraction is now
- written {\tt fun}), and more directly accessible to the novice
- (e.g. dependent product is now written {\tt forall} and allows
- omission of types). Also, parentheses and are no longer mandatory
- for function application.
-\item extensibility: some standard notations (e.g. ``<'' and ``>'') were
- incompatible with the previous syntax. Now all standard arithmetic
- notations (=, +, *, /, <, <=, ... and more) are directly part of the
- syntax.
-Together with the revision of the concrete syntax, a new mechanism of
-{\em interpretation scopes} permits to reuse the same symbols
-(typically +, -, *, /, <, <=) in various mathematical theories without
-any ambiguities for {\Coq}, leading to a largely improved readability of
-{\Coq} scripts. New commands to easily add new symbols are also
-Coming with the new syntax of terms, a slight reform of the tactic
-language and of the language of commands has been carried out. The
-purpose here is a better uniformity making the tactics and commands
-easier to use and to remember.
-Thirdly, a restructuration and uniformisation of the standard library
-of {\Coq} has been performed. There is now just one Leibniz' equality
-usable for all the different kinds of {\Coq} objects. Also, the set of
-real numbers now lies at the same level as the sets of natural and
-integer numbers. Finally, the names of the standard properties of
-numbers now follow a standard pattern and the symbolic
-notations for the standard definitions as well.
-The fourth point is the release of \CoqIDE{}, a new graphical
-gtk2-based interface fully integrated to {\Coq}. Close in style from
-the Proof General Emacs interface, it is faster and its integration
-with {\Coq} makes interactive developments more friendly. All
-mathematical Unicode symbols are usable within \CoqIDE{}.
-Finally, the module system of {\Coq} completes the picture of {\Coq}
-version 8.0. Though released with an experimental status in the previous
-version 7.4, it should be considered as a salient feature of the new
-Besides, {\Coq} comes with its load of novelties and improvements: new
-or improved tactics (including a new tactic for solving first-order
-statements), new management commands, extended libraries.
-Bruno Barras and Hugo Herbelin have been the main contributors of the
-reflexion and the implementation of the new syntax. The smart
-automatic translator from old to new syntax released with {\Coq} is also
-their work with contributions by Olivier Desmettre.
-Hugo Herbelin is the main designer and implementor of the notion of
-interpretation scopes and of the commands for easily adding new notations.
-Hugo Herbelin is the main implementor of the restructuration of the
-standard library.
-Pierre Corbineau is the main designer and implementor of the new
-tactic for solving first-order statements in presence of inductive
-types. He is also the maintainer of the non-domain specific automation
-Benjamin Monate is the developer of the \CoqIDE{} graphical
-interface with contributions by Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Pierre
-Letouzey, Claude Marché and Bruno Barras.
-Claude Marché coordinated the edition of the Reference Manual for
- \Coq{} V8.0.
-Pierre Letouzey and Jacek Chrz\k{a}szcz respectively maintained the
-extraction tool and module system of {\Coq}.
-Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Pierre Letouzey, Hugo Herbelin and
-contributors from Sophia-Antipolis and Nijmegen participated to the
-extension of the library.
-Julien Narboux built a NSIS-based automatic {\Coq} installation tool for
-the Windows platform.
-Hugo Herbelin and Christine Paulin coordinated the development which
-was under the responsability of Christine Paulin.
-Palaiseau \& Orsay, Apr. 2004\\
-Hugo Herbelin \& Christine Paulin\\
-(updated Apr. 2006)
-\section*{Credits: version 8.1}
-{\Coq} version 8.1 adds various new functionalities.
-Benjamin Grégoire implemented an alternative algorithm to check the
-convertibility of terms in the {\Coq} type-checker. This alternative
-algorithm works by compilation to an efficient bytecode that is
-interpreted in an abstract machine similar to Xavier Leroy's ZINC
-machine. Convertibility is performed by comparing the normal
-forms. This alternative algorithm is specifically interesting for
-proofs by reflection. More generally, it is convenient in case of
-intensive computations.
-Christine Paulin implemented an extension of inductive types allowing
-recursively non uniform parameters. Hugo Herbelin implemented
-sort-polymorphism for inductive types.
-Claudio Sacerdoti Coen improved the tactics for rewriting on arbitrary
-compatible equivalence relations. He also generalized rewriting to
-arbitrary transition systems.
-Claudio Sacerdoti Coen added new features to the module system.
-Benjamin Grégoire, Assia Mahboubi and Bruno Barras developed a new
-more efficient and more general simplification algorithm on rings and
-Laurent Théry and Bruno Barras developed a new significantly more efficient
-simplification algorithm on fields.
-Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey, Julien Forest, Julien Narboux and
-Claudio Sacerdoti Coen added new tactic features.
-Hugo Herbelin implemented matching on disjunctive patterns.
-New mechanisms made easier the communication between {\Coq} and external
-provers. Nicolas Ayache and Jean-Christophe Filliâtre implemented
-connections with the provers {\sc cvcl}, {\sc Simplify} and {\sc
-zenon}. Hugo Herbelin implemented an experimental protocol for calling
-external tools from the tactic language.
-Matthieu Sozeau developed \textsc{Russell}, an experimental language
-to specify the behavior of programs with subtypes.
-A mechanism to automatically use some specific tactic to solve
-unresolved implicit has been implemented by Hugo Herbelin.
-Laurent Théry's contribution on strings and Pierre Letouzey and
-Jean-Christophe Filliâtre's contribution on finite maps have been
-integrated to the {\Coq} standard library. Pierre Letouzey developed a
-library about finite sets ``à la Objective Caml''. With Jean-Marc
-Notin, he extended the library on lists. Pierre Letouzey's
-contribution on rational numbers has been integrated and extended..
-Pierre Corbineau extended his tactic for solving first-order
-statements. He wrote a reflection-based intuitionistic tautology
-Pierre Courtieu, Julien Forest and Yves Bertot added extra support to
-reason on the inductive structure of recursively defined functions.
-Jean-Marc Notin significantly contributed to the general maintenance
-of the system. He also took care of {\textsf{coqdoc}}.
-Pierre Castéran contributed to the documentation of (co-)inductive
-types and suggested improvements to the libraries.
-Pierre Corbineau implemented a declarative mathematical proof
-language, usable in combination with the tactic-based style of proof.
-Finally, many users suggested improvements of the system through the
-Coq-Club mailing list and bug-tracker systems, especially user groups
-from INRIA Rocquencourt, Radbout University, University of
-Pennsylvania and Yale University.
-Palaiseau, July 2006\\
-Hugo Herbelin
-\section*{Credits: version 8.2}
-{\Coq} version 8.2 adds new features, new libraries and
-improves on many various aspects.
-Regarding the language of Coq, the main novelty is the introduction by
-Matthieu Sozeau of a package of commands providing Haskell-style
-type classes. Type classes, that come with a few convenient features
-such as type-based resolution of implicit arguments, plays a new role
-of landmark in the architecture of Coq with respect to automatization.
-For instance, thanks to type classes support, Matthieu Sozeau could
-implement a new resolution-based version of the tactics dedicated to
-rewriting on arbitrary transitive relations.
-Another major improvement of Coq 8.2 is the evolution of the
-arithmetic libraries and of the tools associated to them. Benjamin
-Grégoire and Laurent Théry contributed a modular library for building
-arbitrarily large integers from bounded integers while Evgeny Makarov
-contributed a modular library of abstract natural and integer
-arithmetics together with a few convenient tactics. On his side,
-Pierre Letouzey made numerous extensions to the arithmetic libraries on
-$\mathbb{Z}$ and $\mathbb{Q}$, including extra support for
-automatization in presence of various number-theory concepts.
-Frédéric Besson contributed a reflexive tactic based on
-Krivine-Stengle Positivstellensatz (the easy way) for validating
-provability of systems of inequalities. The platform is flexible enough
-to support the validation of any algorithm able to produce a
-``certificate'' for the Positivstellensatz and this covers the case of
-Fourier-Motzkin (for linear systems in $\mathbb{Q}$ and $\mathbb{R}$),
-Fourier-Motzkin with cutting planes (for linear systems in
-$\mathbb{Z}$) and sum-of-squares (for non-linear systems). Evgeny
-Makarov made the platform generic over arbitrary ordered rings.
-Arnaud Spiwack developed a library of 31-bits machine integers and,
-relying on Benjamin Grégoire and Laurent Théry's library, delivered a
-library of unbounded integers in base $2^{31}$. As importantly, he
-developed a notion of ``retro-knowledge'' so as to safely extend the
-kernel-located bytecode-based efficient evaluation algorithm of Coq
-version 8.1 to use 31-bits machine arithmetics for efficiently
-computing with the library of integers he developed.
-Beside the libraries, various improvements contributed to provide a
-more comfortable end-user language and more expressive tactic
-language. Hugo Herbelin and Matthieu Sozeau improved the
-pattern-matching compilation algorithm (detection of impossible
-clauses in pattern-matching, automatic inference of the return
-type). Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey and Matthieu Sozeau contributed
-various new convenient syntactic constructs and new tactics or tactic
-features: more inference of redundant information, better unification,
-better support for proof or definition by fixpoint, more expressive
-rewriting tactics, better support for meta-variables, more convenient
-notations, ...
-Élie Soubiran improved the module system, adding new features (such as
-an ``include'' command) and making it more flexible and more
-general. He and Pierre Letouzey improved the support for modules in
-the extraction mechanism.
-Matthieu Sozeau extended the \textsc{Russell} language, ending in an
-convenient way to write programs of given specifications, Pierre
-Corbineau extended the Mathematical Proof Language and the
-automatization tools that accompany it, Pierre Letouzey supervised and
-extended various parts the standard library, Stéphane Glondu
-contributed a few tactics and improvements, Jean-Marc Notin provided
-help in debugging, general maintenance and {\tt coqdoc} support,
-Vincent Siles contributed extensions of the {\tt Scheme} command and
-of {\tt injection}.
-Bruno Barras implemented the {\tt coqchk} tool: this is a stand-alone
-type-checker that can be used to certify {\tt .vo} files. Especially,
-as this verifier runs in a separate process, it is granted not to be
-``hijacked'' by virtually malicious extensions added to {\Coq}.
-Yves Bertot, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre, Pierre Courtieu and
-Julien Forest acted as maintainers of features they implemented in
-previous versions of Coq.
-Julien Narboux contributed to {\CoqIDE}.
-Nicolas Tabareau made the adaptation of the interface of the old
-``setoid rewrite'' tactic to the new version. Lionel Mamane worked on
-the interaction between Coq and its external interfaces. With Samuel
-Mimram, he also helped making Coq compatible with recent software
-tools. Russell O'Connor, Cezary Kaliscyk, Milad Niqui contributed to
-improved the libraries of integers, rational, and real numbers. We
-also thank many users and partners for suggestions and feedback, in
-particular Pierre Castéran and Arthur Charguéraud, the INRIA Marelle
-team, Georges Gonthier and the INRIA-Microsoft Mathematical Components team,
-the Foundations group at Radbout university in Nijmegen, reporters of bugs
-and participants to the Coq-Club mailing list.
-Palaiseau, June 2008\\
-Hugo Herbelin\\
-\section*{Credits: version 8.3}
-{\Coq} version 8.3 is before all a transition version with refinements
-or extensions of the existing features and libraries and a new tactic
-{\tt nsatz} based on Hilbert's Nullstellensatz for deciding systems of
-equations over rings.
-With respect to libraries, the main evolutions are due to Pierre
-Letouzey with a rewriting of the library of finite sets {\tt FSets}
-and a new round of evolutions in the modular development of arithmetic
-(library {\tt Numbers}). The reason for making {\tt FSets} evolve is
-that the computational and logical contents were quite intertwined in
-the original implementation, leading in some cases to longer
-computations than expected and this problem is solved in the new {\tt
- MSets} implementation. As for the modular arithmetic library, it was
-only dealing with the basic arithmetic operators in the former version
-and its current extension adds the standard theory of the division,
-min and max functions, all made available for free to any
-implementation of $\mathbb{N}$, $\mathbb{Z}$ or
-The main other evolutions of the library are due to Hugo Herbelin who
-made a revision of the sorting library (includingh a certified
-merge-sort) and to Guillaume Melquiond who slightly revised and
-cleaned up the library of reals.
-The module system evolved significantly. Besides the resolution of
-some efficiency issues and a more flexible construction of module
-types, Élie Soubiran brought a new model of name equivalence, the
-$\Delta$-equivalence, which respects as much as possible the names
-given by the users. He also designed with Pierre Letouzey a new
-convenient operator \verb!<+! for nesting functor application, what
-provides a light notation for inheriting the properties of cascading
-The new tactic {\tt nsatz} is due to Loïc Pottier. It works by
-computing Gr\"obner bases. Regarding the existing tactics, various
-improvements have been done by Matthieu Sozeau, Hugo Herbelin and
-Pierre Letouzey.
-Matthieu Sozeau extended and refined the type classes and {\tt
- Program} features (the {\sc Russell} language). Pierre Letouzey
-maintained and improved the extraction mechanism. Bruno Barras and
-\'Elie Soubiran maintained the Coq checker, Julien Forest maintained
-the {\tt Function} mechanism for reasoning over recursively defined
-functions. Matthieu Sozeau, Hugo Herbelin and Jean-Marc Notin
-maintained {\tt coqdoc}. Frédéric Besson maintained the {\sc
- Micromega} plateform for deciding systems of inequalities. Pierre
-Courtieu maintained the support for the Proof General Emacs
-interface. Claude Marché maintained the plugin for calling external
-provers ({\tt dp}). Yves Bertot made some improvements to the
-libraries of lists and integers. Matthias Puech improved the search
-functions. Guillaume Melquiond usefully contributed here and
-there. Yann Régis-Gianas grounded the support for Unicode on a more
-standard and more robust basis.
-Though invisible from outside, Arnaud Spiwack improved the general
-process of management of existential variables. Pierre Letouzey and
-Stéphane Glondu improved the compilation scheme of the Coq archive.
-Vincent Gross provided support to {\CoqIDE}. Jean-Marc Notin provided
-support for benchmarking and archiving.
-Many users helped by reporting problems, providing patches, suggesting
-improvements or making useful comments, either on the bug tracker or
-on the Coq-club mailing list. This includes but not exhaustively
-Cédric Auger, Arthur Charguéraud, François Garillot, Georges Gonthier,
-Robin Green, Stéphane Lescuyer, Eelis van der Weegen,~...
-Though not directly related to the implementation, special thanks are
-going to Yves Bertot, Pierre Castéran, Adam Chlipala, and Benjamin
-Pierce for the excellent teaching materials they provided.
-Paris, April 2010\\
-Hugo Herbelin\\
-\section*{Credits: version 8.4}
-{\Coq} version 8.4 contains the result of three long-term projects: a
-new modular library of arithmetic by Pierre Letouzey, a new proof
-engine by Arnaud Spiwack and a new communication protocol for {\CoqIDE}
-by Vincent Gross.
-The new modular library of arithmetic extends, generalizes and
-unifies the existing libraries on Peano arithmetic (types {\tt nat},
-{\tt N} and {\tt BigN}), positive arithmetic (type {\tt positive}),
-integer arithmetic ({\tt Z} and {\tt BigZ}) and machine word
-arithmetic (type {\tt Int31}). It provides with unified notations
-(e.g. systematic use of {\tt add} and {\tt mul} for denoting the
-addition and multiplication operators), systematic and generic
-development of operators and properties of these operators for all the
-types mentioned above, including gcd, pcm, power, square root, base 2
-logarithm, division, modulo, bitwise operations, logical shifts,
-comparisons, iterators, ...
-The most visible feature of the new proof engine is the support for
-structured scripts (bullets and proof brackets) but, even if yet not
-user-available, the new engine also provides the basis for refining
-existential variables using tactics, for applying tactics to several
-goals simultaneously, for reordering goals, all features which are
-planned for the next release.
-Before version 8.4, {\CoqIDE} was linked to {\Coq} with the graphical
-interface living in a separate thread. From version 8.4, {\CoqIDE} is a
-separate process communicating with {\Coq} through a textual
-channel. This allows for a more robust interfacing, the ability to
-interrupt {\Coq} without interrupting the interface, and the ability to
-manage several sessions in parallel. Relying on the infrastructure
-work made by Vincent Gross, Pierre Letouzey, Pierre Boutillier and
-Pierre-Marie P\'edrot contributed many various refinements of {\CoqIDE}.
-{\Coq} 8.4 also comes with a bunch of many various smaller-scale changes
-and improvements regarding the different components of the system.
-The underlying logic has been extended with $\eta$-conversion thanks
-to Hugo Herbelin, St\'ephane Glondu and Benjamin Gr\'egoire. The
-addition of $\eta$-conversion is justified by the confidence that the
-formulation of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions based on typed
-equality (such as the one considered in Lee and Werner to build a
-set-theoretic model of CIC~\cite{LeeWerner11}) is applicable to the
-concrete implementation of {\Coq}.
-The underlying logic benefited also from a refinement of the guard
-condition for fixpoints by Pierre Boutillier, the point being that it
-is safe to propagate the information about structurally smaller
-arguments through $\beta$-redexes that are blocked by the
-``match'' construction (blocked commutative cuts).
-Relying on the added permissiveness of the guard condition, Hugo
-Herbelin could extend the pattern-matching compilation algorithm
-so that matching over a sequence of terms involving
-dependencies of a term or of the indices of the type of a term in the
-type of other terms is systematically supported.
-Regarding the high-level specification language, Pierre Boutillier
-introduced the ability to give implicit arguments to anonymous
-functions, Hugo Herbelin introduced the ability to define notations
-with several binders (e.g. \verb=exists x y z, P=), Matthieu Sozeau
-made the type classes inference mechanism more robust and predictable,
-Enrico Tassi introduced a command {\tt Arguments} that generalizes
-{\tt Implicit Arguments} and {\tt Arguments Scope} for assigning
-various properties to arguments of constants. Various improvements in
-the type inference algorithm were provided by Matthieu Sozeau and Hugo
-Herbelin with contributions from Enrico Tassi.
-Regarding tactics, Hugo Herbelin introduced support for referring to
-expressions occurring in the goal by pattern in tactics such as {\tt
- set} or {\tt destruct}. Hugo Herbelin also relied on ideas from
-Chung-Kil Hur's {\tt Heq} plugin to introduce automatic computation of
-occurrences to generalize when using {\tt destruct} and {\tt
- induction} on types with indices. St\'ephane Glondu introduced new
-tactics {\tt constr\_eq}, {\tt is\_evar} and {\tt has\_evar} to be
-used when writing complex tactics. Enrico Tassi added support to
-fine-tuning the behavior of {\tt simpl}. Enrico Tassi added the
-ability to specify over which variables of a section a lemma has
-to be exactly generalized. Pierre Letouzey added a tactic {\tt
- timeout} and the interruptibility of {\tt vm\_compute}. Bug fixes
-and miscellaneous improvements of the tactic language came from Hugo
-Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey and Matthieu Sozeau.
-Regarding decision tactics, Lo\"ic Pottier maintained {\tt Nsatz},
-moving in particular to a type-class based reification of goals while
-Fr\'ed\'eric Besson maintained {\tt Micromega}, adding in particular
-support for division.
-Regarding vernacular commands, St\'ephane Glondu provided new commands
-to analyze the structure of type universes.
-Regarding libraries, a new library about lists of a given length
-(called vectors) has been provided by Pierre Boutillier.
-Pierre Corbineau maintained the C-zar proof mode.
-Bruno Barras and Benjamin Gr\'egoire maintained the call-by-value
-reduction machines.
-The extraction mechanism benefited from several improvements provided by
-Pierre Letouzey.
-Pierre Letouzey maintained the module system, with contributions from
-\'Elie Soubiran.
-Julien Forest maintained the {\tt Function} command.
-Matthieu Sozeau maintained the setoid rewriting mechanism.
-{\Coq} related tools have been upgraded too. In particular, {\tt
- coq\_makefile} has been largely revised by Pierre Boutillier.
-Bruno Barras and Pierre Letouzey maintained the {\tt coqchk} checker.
-Pierre Courtieu and Arnaud Spiwack contributed new features for using
-{\Coq} through Proof General.
-Under the hood, the {\Coq} architecture benefited from improvements in
-terms of efficiency and robustness thanks to Pierre Letouzey and Yann
-R\'egis-Gianas with contributions from St\'ephane Glondu and Matthias
-Puech. The build system is maintained by Pierre Letouzey with
-contributions from St\'ephane Glondu and Pierre Boutillier.
-The general maintenance was done by Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey,
-Pierre Boutillier and St\'ephane Glondu with local contributions from
-Guillaume Melquiond and Julien Narboux.
-Packaging tools were provided by Pierre Letouzey (Windows), Pierre
-Boutillier (MacOS), St\'ephane Glondu (Debian). Releasing, testing and
-benchmarking support was provided by Jean-Marc Notin.
-Many suggestions for improvements were motivated by feedback from
-users, on either the bug tracker or the coq-club mailing list. Special
-thanks are going to the users who contributed patches, starting with
-Tom Prince. Other patch contributors include C\'edric Auger, David
-Baelde, Dan Grayson, Paolo Herms, Robbert Krebbers, Marc Lasson,
-Hendrik Tews and Eelis van der Weegen.
-Paris, December 2011\\
-Hugo Herbelin\\
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-\chapter[Proof handling]{Proof handling\index{Proof editing}
-In \Coq's proof editing mode all top-level commands documented in
-Chapter~\ref{Vernacular-commands} remain available
-and the user has access to specialized commands dealing with proof
-development pragmas documented in this section. He can also use some
-other specialized commands called {\em tactics}. They are the very
-tools allowing the user to deal with logical reasoning. They are
-documented in Chapter~\ref{Tactics}.\\
-When switching in editing proof mode, the prompt
-{\tt Coq <} is changed into {\tt {\ident} <} where {\ident} is the
-declared name of the theorem currently edited.
-At each stage of a proof development, one has a list of goals to
-prove. Initially, the list consists only in the theorem itself. After
-having applied some tactics, the list of goals contains the subgoals
-generated by the tactics.
-To each subgoal is associated a number of
-hypotheses called the {\em \index*{local context}} of the goal.
-Initially, the local context contains the local variables and
-hypotheses of the current section (see Section~\ref{Variable}) and the
-local variables and hypotheses of the theorem statement. It is
-enriched by the use of certain tactics (see e.g. {\tt intro} in
-When a proof is completed, the message {\tt Proof completed} is
-displayed. One can then register this proof as a defined constant in the
-environment. Because there exists a correspondence between proofs and
-terms of $\lambda$-calculus, known as the {\em Curry-Howard
-isomorphism} \cite{How80,Bar91,Gir89,Hue89}, \Coq~ stores proofs as
-terms of {\sc Cic}. Those terms are called {\em proof
- terms}\index{Proof term}.
-\ErrMsg When one attempts to use a proof editing command out of the
-proof editing mode, \Coq~ raises the error message : \errindex{No focused
- proof}.
-\section{Switching on/off the proof editing mode}
-The proof editing mode is entered by asserting a statement, which
-typically is the assertion of a theorem:
-{\tt Theorem {\ident} \zeroone{\binders} : {\form}.\comindex{Theorem}
-The list of assertion commands is given in
-Section~\ref{Assertions}. The command {\tt Goal} can also be used.
-\subsection[Goal {\form}.]{\tt Goal {\form}.\comindex{Goal}\label{Goal}}
-This is intended for quick assertion of statements, without knowing in
-advance which name to give to the assertion, typically for quick
-testing of the provability of a statement. If the proof of the
-statement is eventually completed and validated, the statement is then
-bound to the name {\tt Unnamed\_thm} (or a variant of this name not
-already used for another statement).
-\subsection[\tt Qed.]{\tt Qed.\comindex{Qed}\label{Qed}}
-This command is available in interactive editing proof mode when the
-proof is completed. Then {\tt Qed} extracts a proof term from the
-proof script, switches back to {\Coq} top-level and attaches the
-extracted proof term to the declared name of the original goal. This
-name is added to the environment as an {\tt Opaque} constant.
-\item \errindex{Attempt to save an incomplete proof}
-%\item \ident\ \errindex{already exists}\\
-% The implicit name is already defined. You have then to provide
-% explicitly a new name (see variant 3 below).
-\item Sometimes an error occurs when building the proof term,
-because tactics do not enforce completely the term construction
-The user should also be aware of the fact that since the proof term is
-completely rechecked at this point, one may have to wait a while when
-the proof is large. In some exceptional cases one may even incur a
-memory overflow.
-\item {\tt Defined.}
- Defines the proved term as a transparent constant.
-\item {\tt Save.}
- This is a deprecated equivalent to {\tt Qed}.
-\item {\tt Save {\ident}.}
- Forces the name of the original goal to be {\ident}. This command
- (and the following ones) can only be used if the original goal has
- been opened using the {\tt Goal} command.
-\item {\tt Save Theorem {\ident}.} \\
- {\tt Save Lemma {\ident}.} \\
- {\tt Save Remark {\ident}.}\\
- {\tt Save Fact {\ident}.}
- {\tt Save Corollary {\ident}.}
- {\tt Save Proposition {\ident}.}
- Are equivalent to {\tt Save {\ident}.}
-\subsection[\tt Admitted.]{\tt Admitted.\comindex{Admitted}\label{Admitted}}
-This command is available in interactive editing proof mode to give up
-the current proof and declare the initial goal as an axiom.
-\subsection[\tt Proof {\term}.]{\tt Proof {\term}.\comindex{Proof}
-This command applies in proof editing mode. It is equivalent to {\tt
- exact {\term}; Save.} That is, you have to give the full proof in
-one gulp, as a proof term (see Section~\ref{exact}).
-\variant {\tt Proof.}
- Is a noop which is useful to delimit the sequence of tactic commands
- which start a proof, after a {\tt Theorem} command. It is a good
- practice to use {\tt Proof.} as an opening parenthesis, closed in
- the script with a closing {\tt Qed.}
-\SeeAlso {\tt Proof with {\tac}.} in Section~\ref{ProofWith}.
-\subsection[\tt Proof using {\ident$_1$ \dots {\ident$_n$}}.]
-{\tt Proof using {\ident$_1$ \dots {\ident$_n$}}.
-\comindex{Proof using} \label{ProofUsing}}
-This command applies in proof editing mode.
-It declares the set of section variables (see~\ref{Variable})
-used by the proof. At {\tt Qed} time, the system will assert that
-the set of section variables actually used in the proof is a subset of
-the declared one.
-The set of declared variables is closed under type dependency.
-For example if {\tt T} is variable and {\tt a} is a variable of
-type {\tt T}, the commands {\tt Proof using a} and
-{\tt Proof using T a} are actually equivalent.
-\variant {\tt Proof using {\ident$_1$ \dots {\ident$_n$}} with {\tac}.}
-in Section~\ref{ProofWith}.
-\subsection[\tt Abort.]{\tt Abort.\comindex{Abort}}
-This command cancels the current proof development, switching back to
-the previous proof development, or to the \Coq\ toplevel if no other
-proof was edited.
-\item \errindex{No focused proof (No proof-editing in progress)}
-\item {\tt Abort {\ident}.}
- Aborts the editing of the proof named {\ident}.
-\item {\tt Abort All.}
- Aborts all current goals, switching back to the \Coq\ toplevel.
-\subsection[\tt Existential {\num} := {\term}.]{\tt Existential {\num} := {\term}.\comindex{Existential}
-This command allows to instantiate an existential variable. {\tt \num}
-is an index in the list of uninstantiated existential variables
-displayed by {\tt Show Existentials.} (described in Section~\ref{Show})
-This command is intended to be used to instantiate existential
-variables when the proof is completed but some uninstantiated
-existential variables remain. To instantiate existential variables
-during proof edition, you should use the tactic {\tt instantiate}.
-\SeeAlso {\tt instantiate (\num:= \term).} in Section~\ref{instantiate}.
-\SeeAlso {\tt Grab Existential Variables.} below.
-\subsection[\tt Grab Existential Variables.]{\tt Grab Existential Variables.\comindex{Grab Existential Variables}
-This command can be run when a proof has no more goal to be solved but has remaining
-uninstantiated existential variables. It takes every uninstantiated existential variable
-and turns it into a goal.
-\section{Navigation in the proof tree}
-\subsection[\tt Undo.]{\tt Undo.\comindex{Undo}}
-This command cancels the effect of the last tactic command. Thus, it
-backtracks one step.
-\item \errindex{No focused proof (No proof-editing in progress)}
-\item {\tt Undo {\num}.}
- Repeats {\tt Undo} {\num} times.
-\subsection[\tt Restart.]{\tt Restart.\comindex{Restart}}
-This command restores the proof editing process to the original goal.
-\item \errindex{No focused proof to restart}
-\subsection[\tt Focus.]{\tt Focus.\comindex{Focus}}
-This focuses the attention on the first subgoal to prove and the printing
-of the other subgoals is suspended until the focused subgoal is
-solved or unfocused. This is useful when there are many current
-subgoals which clutter your screen.
-\item {\tt Focus {\num}.}\\
-This focuses the attention on the $\num^{th}$ subgoal to prove.
-\subsection[\tt Unfocus.]{\tt Unfocus.\comindex{Unfocus}}
-This command restores to focus the goal that were suspended by the
-last {\tt Focus} command.
-\subsection[\tt Unfocused.]{\tt Unfocused.\comindex{Unfocused}}
-Succeeds in the proof is fully unfocused, fails is there are some
-goals out of focus.
-\subsection[\tt \{ \textrm{and} \}]{\tt \{ \textrm{and} \}\comindex{\{}\comindex{\}}}
-The command {\tt \{} (without a terminating period) focuses on the
-first goal, much like {\tt Focus.} does, however, the subproof can
-only be unfocused when it has been fully solved (\emph{i.e.} when
-there is no focused goal left). Unfocusing is then handled by {\tt \}}
-(again, without a terminating period). See also example in next section.
-\subsection[Bullets]{Bullets\comindex{+ (command)}\comindex{- (command)}\comindex{* (command)}\index{Bullets}}
-Alternatively to {\tt \{} and {\tt \}}, proofs can be structured with
-bullets. The use of a bullet for the first time focuses on the first
-goal, the same bullet cannot be used again until the subproof in
-completed, then it focuses on the next goal. Different bullets can be
-used to nest levels. The scope of bullet does not go beyond enclosing
-{\tt \{} and {\tt \}}, so bullets can be reused as further nesting
-level provided they are delimited by these. Available bullets are
-{\tt -}, {\tt +} and {\tt *} (without a terminating period).
-The following example script illustrates all these features:
-Goal (((True/\True)/\True)/\True)/\True.
- split.
- - split.
- + split.
- * { split.
- - trivial.
- - trivial.
- }
- * trivial.
- + trivial.
- - trivial.
-\section{Requesting information}
-\subsection[\tt Show.]{\tt Show.\comindex{Show}\label{Show}}
-This command displays the current goals.
-\item {\tt Show {\num}.}\\
- Displays only the {\num}-th subgoal.\\
-\item \errindex{No such goal}
-\item \errindex{No focused proof}
-\item {\tt Show Implicits.}\comindex{Show Implicits}\\
- Displays the current goals, printing the implicit arguments of
- constants.
-\item {\tt Show Implicits {\num}.}\\
- Same as above, only displaying the {\num}-th subgoal.
-\item {\tt Show Script.}\comindex{Show Script}\\
- Displays the whole list of tactics applied from the beginning
- of the current proof.
- This tactics script may contain some holes (subgoals not yet proved).
- They are printed under the form \verb!<Your Tactic Text here>!.
-\item {\tt Show Tree.}\comindex{Show Tree}\\
-This command can be seen as a more structured way of
-displaying the state of the proof than that
-provided by {\tt Show Script}. Instead of just giving
-the list of tactics that have been applied, it
-shows the derivation tree constructed by then.
-Each node of the tree contains the conclusion
-of the corresponding sub-derivation (i.e. a
-goal with its corresponding local context) and
-the tactic that has generated all the
-sub-derivations. The leaves of this tree are
-the goals which still remain to be proved.
-%\item {\tt Show Node}\comindex{Show Node}\\
-% Not yet documented
-\item {\tt Show Proof.}\comindex{Show Proof}\\
-It displays the proof term generated by the
-tactics that have been applied.
-If the proof is not completed, this term contain holes,
-which correspond to the sub-terms which are still to be
-constructed. These holes appear as a question mark indexed
-by an integer, and applied to the list of variables in
-the context, since it may depend on them.
-The types obtained by abstracting away the context from the
-type of each hole-placer are also printed.
-\item {\tt Show Conjectures.}\comindex{Show Conjectures}\\
-It prints the list of the names of all the theorems that
-are currently being proved.
-As it is possible to start proving a previous lemma during
-the proof of a theorem, this list may contain several
-\item{\tt Show Intro.}\comindex{Show Intro}\\
-If the current goal begins by at least one product, this command
-prints the name of the first product, as it would be generated by
-an anonymous {\tt Intro}. The aim of this command is to ease the
-writing of more robust scripts. For example, with an appropriate
-Proof General macro, it is possible to transform any anonymous {\tt
- Intro} into a qualified one such as {\tt Intro y13}.
-In the case of a non-product goal, it prints nothing.
-\item{\tt Show Intros.}\comindex{Show Intros}\\
-This command is similar to the previous one, it simulates the naming
-process of an {\tt Intros}.
-\item{\tt Show Existentials}\comindex{Show Existentials}\\ It displays
-the set of all uninstantiated existential variables in the current proof tree,
-along with the type and the context of each variable.
-\subsection[\tt Guarded.]{\tt Guarded.\comindex{Guarded}\label{Guarded}}
-Some tactics (e.g. refine \ref{refine}) allow to build proofs using
-fixpoint or co-fixpoint constructions. Due to the incremental nature
-of interactive proof construction, the check of the termination (or
-guardedness) of the recursive calls in the fixpoint or cofixpoint
-constructions is postponed to the time of the completion of the proof.
-The command \verb!Guarded! allows to verify if the guard condition for
-fixpoint and cofixpoint is violated at some time of the construction
-of the proof without having to wait the completion of the proof."
-\section{Controlling the effect of proof editing commands}
-\subsection[\tt Set Hyps Limit {\num}.]{\tt Set Hyps Limit {\num}.\comindex{Set Hyps Limit}}
-This command sets the maximum number of hypotheses displayed in
-goals after the application of a tactic.
-All the hypotheses remains usable in the proof development.
-\subsection[\tt Unset Hyps Limit.]{\tt Unset Hyps Limit.\comindex{Unset Hyps Limit}}
-This command goes back to the default mode which is to print all
-available hypotheses.
-\subsection[\tt Set Automatic Introduction.]{\tt Set Automatic Introduction.\comindex{Set Automatic Introduction}\comindex{Unset Automatic Introduction}\label{Set Automatic Introduction}}
-The option {\tt Automatic Introduction} controls the way binders are
-handled in assertion commands such as {\tt Theorem {\ident}
- \zeroone{\binders} : {\form}}. When the option is set, which is the
-default, {\binders} are automatically put in the local context of the
-goal to prove.
-The option can be unset by issuing {\tt Unset Automatic Introduction}.
-When the option is unset, {\binders} are discharged on the statement
-to be proved and a tactic such as {\tt intro} (see
-Section~\ref{intro}) has to be used to move the assumptions to the
-local context.
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-\chapter[Syntax extensions and interpretation scopes]{Syntax extensions and interpretation scopes\label{Addoc-syntax}}
-In this chapter, we introduce advanced commands to modify the way
-{\Coq} parses and prints objects, i.e. the translations between the
-concrete and internal representations of terms and commands. The main
-commands are {\tt Notation} and {\tt Infix} which are described in
-section \ref{Notation}. It also happens that the same symbolic
-notation is expected in different contexts. To achieve this form of
-overloading, {\Coq} offers a notion of interpretation scope. This is
-described in Section~\ref{scopes}.
-\Rem The commands {\tt Grammar}, {\tt Syntax} and {\tt Distfix} which
-were present for a while in {\Coq} are no longer available from {\Coq}
-version 8.0. The underlying AST structure is also no longer available.
-The functionalities of the command {\tt Syntactic Definition} are
-still available, see Section~\ref{Abbreviations}.
-\subsection{Basic notations}
-A {\em notation} is a symbolic abbreviation denoting some term
-or term pattern.
-A typical notation is the use of the infix symbol \verb=/\= to denote
-the logical conjunction (\texttt{and}). Such a notation is declared
-Notation "A /\ B" := (and A B).
-The expression \texttt{(and A B)} is the abbreviated term and the
-string \verb="A /\ B"= (called a {\em notation}) tells how it is
-symbolically written.
-A notation is always surrounded by double quotes (excepted when the
-abbreviation is a single identifier, see \ref{Abbreviations}). The
-notation is composed of {\em tokens} separated by spaces. Identifiers
-in the string (such as \texttt{A} and \texttt{B}) are the {\em
-parameters} of the notation. They must occur at least once each in the
-denoted term. The other elements of the string (such as \verb=/\=) are
-the {\em symbols}.
-An identifier can be used as a symbol but it must be surrounded by
-simple quotes to avoid the confusion with a parameter. Similarly,
-every symbol of at least 3 characters and starting with a simple quote
-must be quoted (then it starts by two single quotes). Here is an example.
-Notation "'IF' c1 'then' c2 'else' c3" := (IF_then_else c1 c2 c3).
-%TODO quote the identifier when not in front, not a keyword, as in "x 'U' y" ?
-A notation binds a syntactic expression to a term. Unless the parser
-and pretty-printer of {\Coq} already know how to deal with the
-syntactic expression (see \ref{ReservedNotation}), explicit precedences and
-associativity rules have to be given.
-\subsection[Precedences and associativity]{Precedences and associativity\index{Precedences}
-Mixing different symbolic notations in a same text may cause serious
-parsing ambiguity. To deal with the ambiguity of notations, {\Coq}
-uses precedence levels ranging from 0 to 100 (plus one extra level
-numbered 200) and associativity rules.
-Consider for example the new notation
-Notation "A \/ B" := (or A B).
-Clearly, an expression such as {\tt forall A:Prop, True \verb=/\= A \verb=\/=
-A \verb=\/= False} is ambiguous. To tell the {\Coq} parser how to
-interpret the expression, a priority between the symbols \verb=/\= and
-\verb=\/= has to be given. Assume for instance that we want conjunction
-to bind more than disjunction. This is expressed by assigning a
-precedence level to each notation, knowing that a lower level binds
-more than a higher level. Hence the level for disjunction must be
-higher than the level for conjunction.
-Since connectives are the less tight articulation points of a text, it
-is reasonable to choose levels not so far from the higher level which
-is 100, for example 85 for disjunction and 80 for
-conjunction\footnote{which are the levels effectively chosen in the
-current implementation of {\Coq}}.
-Similarly, an associativity is needed to decide whether {\tt True \verb=/\=
-False \verb=/\= False} defaults to {\tt True \verb=/\= (False
-\verb=/\= False)} (right associativity) or to {\tt (True
-\verb=/\= False) \verb=/\= False} (left associativity). We may
-even consider that the expression is not well-formed and that
-parentheses are mandatory (this is a ``no associativity'')\footnote{
-{\Coq} accepts notations declared as no associative but the parser on
-which {\Coq} is built, namely {\camlpppp}, currently does not implement the
-no-associativity and replace it by a left associativity; hence it is
-the same for {\Coq}: no-associativity is in fact left associativity}.
-We don't know of a special convention of the associativity of
-disjunction and conjunction, let's apply for instance a right
-associativity (which is the choice of {\Coq}).
-Precedence levels and associativity rules of notations have to be
-given between parentheses in a list of modifiers that the
-\texttt{Notation} command understands. Here is how the previous
-examples refine.
-Notation "A /\ B" := (and A B) (at level 80, right associativity).
-Notation "A \/ B" := (or A B) (at level 85, right associativity).
-By default, a notation is considered non associative, but the
-precedence level is mandatory (except for special cases whose level is
-canonical). The level is either a number or the mention {\tt next
-level} whose meaning is obvious. The list of levels already assigned
-is on Figure~\ref{init-notations}.
-\subsection{Complex notations}
-Notations can be made from arbitraly complex symbols. One can for
-instance define prefix notations.
-Notation "~ x" := (not x) (at level 75, right associativity).
-One can also define notations for incomplete terms, with the hole
-expected to be inferred at typing time.
-Notation "x = y" := (@eq _ x y) (at level 70, no associativity).
-One can define {\em closed} notations whose both sides are symbols. In
-this case, the default precedence level for inner subexpression is 200.
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is correct but produces **********)
-(**** an incompatibility with the reserved notation ********)
-Notation "( x , y )" := (@pair _ _ x y) (at level 0).
-One can also define notations for binders.
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is correct but produces **********)
-(**** an incompatibility with the reserved notation ********)
-Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig A (fun x => P)) (at level 0).
-In the last case though, there is a conflict with the notation for
-type casts. This last notation, as shown by the command {\tt Print Grammar
-constr} is at level 100. To avoid \verb=x : A= being parsed as a type cast,
-it is necessary to put {\tt x} at a level below 100, typically 99. Hence, a
-correct definition is
-Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig A (fun x => P)) (at level 0, x at level 99).
-%This change has retrospectively an effect on the notation for notation
-%{\tt "{ A } + { B }"}. For the sake of factorization, {\tt A} must be
-%put at level 99 too, which gives
-%Notation "{ A } + { B }" := (sumbool A B) (at level 0, A at level 99).
-See the next section for more about factorization.
-\subsection{Simple factorization rules}
-{\Coq} extensible parsing is performed by Camlp5 which is essentially a
-LL1 parser. Hence, some care has to be taken not to hide already
-existing rules by new rules. Some simple left factorization work has
-to be done. Here is an example.
-(********** The next rule for notation _ < _ < _ produces **********)
-(*** Error: Notation _ < _ < _ is already defined at level 70 ... ***)
-Notation "x < y" := (lt x y) (at level 70).
-Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) (at level 70).
-In order to factorize the left part of the rules, the subexpression
-referred by {\tt y} has to be at the same level in both rules. However
-the default behavior puts {\tt y} at the next level below 70
-in the first rule (no associativity is the default), and at the level
-200 in the second rule (level 200 is the default for inner expressions).
-To fix this, we need to force the parsing level of {\tt y},
-as follows.
-Notation "x < y" := (lt x y) (at level 70).
-Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) (at level 70, y at next level).
-For the sake of factorization with {\Coq} predefined rules, simple
-rules have to be observed for notations starting with a symbol:
-e.g. rules starting with ``\{'' or ``('' should be put at level 0. The
-list of {\Coq} predefined notations can be found in Chapter~\ref{Theories}.
-The command to display the current state of the {\Coq} term parser is
-\comindex{Print Grammar constr}
-\tt Print Grammar constr.
-\comindex{Print Grammar pattern}
-{\tt Print Grammar pattern.}\\
-This displays the state of the subparser of patterns (the parser
-used in the grammar of the {\tt match} {\tt with} constructions).
-\subsection{Displaying symbolic notations}
-The command \texttt{Notation} has an effect both on the {\Coq} parser and
-on the {\Coq} printer. For example:
-Check (and True True).
-However, printing, especially pretty-printing, requires
-more care than parsing. We may want specific indentations,
-line breaks, alignment if on several lines, etc.
-The default printing of notations is very rudimentary. For printing a
-notation, a {\em formatting box} is opened in such a way that if the
-notation and its arguments cannot fit on a single line, a line break
-is inserted before the symbols of the notation and the arguments on
-the next lines are aligned with the argument on the first line.
-A first, simple control that a user can have on the printing of a
-notation is the insertion of spaces at some places of the
-notation. This is performed by adding extra spaces between the symbols
-and parameters: each extra space (other than the single space needed
-to separate the components) is interpreted as a space to be inserted
-by the printer. Here is an example showing how to add spaces around
-the bar of the notation.
-Notation "{{ x : A | P }}" := (sig (fun x : A => P))
- (at level 0, x at level 99).
-Check (sig (fun x : nat => x=x)).
-The second, more powerful control on printing is by using the {\tt
-format} modifier. Here is an example
-Notation "'If' c1 'then' c2 'else' c3" := (IF_then_else c1 c2 c3)
-(at level 200, right associativity, format
-"'[v ' 'If' c1 '/' '[' 'then' c2 ']' '/' '[' 'else' c3 ']' ']'").
-A {\em format} is an extension of the string denoting the notation with
-the possible following elements delimited by single quotes:
-\item extra spaces are translated into simple spaces
-\item tokens of the form \verb='/ '= are translated into breaking point,
- in case a line break occurs, an indentation of the number of spaces
- after the ``\verb=/='' is applied (2 spaces in the given example)
-\item token of the form \verb='//'= force writing on a new line
-\item well-bracketed pairs of tokens of the form \verb='[ '= and \verb=']'=
- are translated into printing boxes; in case a line break occurs,
- an extra indentation of the number of spaces given after the ``\verb=[=''
- is applied (4 spaces in the example)
-\item well-bracketed pairs of tokens of the form \verb='[hv '= and \verb=']'=
- are translated into horizontal-orelse-vertical printing boxes;
- if the content of the box does not fit on a single line, then every breaking
- point forces a newline and an extra indentation of the number of spaces
- given after the ``\verb=[='' is applied at the beginning of each newline
- (3 spaces in the example)
-\item well-bracketed pairs of tokens of the form \verb='[v '= and
- \verb=']'= are translated into vertical printing boxes; every
- breaking point forces a newline, even if the line is large enough to
- display the whole content of the box, and an extra indentation of the
- number of spaces given after the ``\verb=[='' is applied at the beginning
- of each newline
-Thus, for the previous example, we get
-%\footnote{The ``@'' is here to shunt
-%the notation "'IF' A 'then' B 'else' C" which is defined in {\Coq}
-%initial state}:
-Notations do not survive the end of sections. No typing of the denoted
-expression is performed at definition time. Type-checking is done only
-at the time of use of the notation.
- (IF_then_else (IF_then_else True False True)
- (IF_then_else True False True)
- (IF_then_else True False True)).
-Sometimes, a notation is expected only for the parser.
-%(e.g. because
-%the underlying parser of {\Coq}, namely {\camlpppp}, is LL1 and some extra
-%rules are needed to circumvent the absence of factorization).
-To do so, the option {\em only parsing} is allowed in the list of modifiers of
-\subsection{The \texttt{Infix} command
-The \texttt{Infix} command is a shortening for declaring notations of
-infix symbols. Its syntax is
-\noindent\texttt{Infix "{\symbolentry}" :=} {\qualid} {\tt (} \nelist{\em modifier}{,} {\tt )}.
-and it is equivalent to
-\noindent\texttt{Notation "x {\symbolentry} y" := ({\qualid} x y) (} \nelist{\em modifier}{,} {\tt )}.
-where {\tt x} and {\tt y} are fresh names distinct from {\qualid}. Here is an example.
-Infix "/\" := and (at level 80, right associativity).
-\subsection{Reserving notations
-\comindex{Reserved Notation}}
-A given notation may be used in different contexts. {\Coq} expects all
-uses of the notation to be defined at the same precedence and with the
-same associativity. To avoid giving the precedence and associativity
-every time, it is possible to declare a parsing rule in advance
-without giving its interpretation. Here is an example from the initial
-state of {\Coq}.
-Reserved Notation "x = y" (at level 70, no associativity).
-Reserving a notation is also useful for simultaneously defined an
-inductive type or a recursive constant and a notation for it.
-\Rem The notations mentioned on Figure~\ref{init-notations} are
-reserved. Hence their precedence and associativity cannot be changed.
-\subsection{Simultaneous definition of terms and notations
-\comindex{Fixpoint {\ldots} where {\ldots}}
-\comindex{CoFixpoint {\ldots} where {\ldots}}
-\comindex{Inductive {\ldots} where {\ldots}}}
-Thanks to reserved notations, the inductive, co-inductive, recursive
-and corecursive definitions can benefit of customized notations. To do
-this, insert a {\tt where} notation clause after the definition of the
-(co)inductive type or (co)recursive term (or after the definition of
-each of them in case of mutual definitions). The exact syntax is given
-on Figure~\ref{notation-syntax}. Here are examples:
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is correct but produces an error **********)
-(********** because the symbol /\ is already bound **********)
-(**** Error: The conclusion of A -> B -> A /\ B is not valid *****)
-Inductive and (A B:Prop) : Prop := conj : A -> B -> A /\ B
-where "A /\ B" := (and A B).
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is correct but produces an error **********)
-(********** because the symbol + is already bound **********)
-(**** Error: no recursive definition *****)
-Fixpoint plus (n m:nat) {struct n} : nat :=
- match n with
- | O => m
- | S p => S (p+m)
- end
-where "n + m" := (plus n m).
-\subsection{Displaying informations about notations
-\comindex{Set Printing Notations}
-\comindex{Unset Printing Notations}}
-To deactivate the printing of all notations, use the command
-\tt Unset Printing Notations.
-To reactivate it, use the command
-\tt Set Printing Notations.
-The default is to use notations for printing terms wherever possible.
-\SeeAlso {\tt Set Printing All} in Section~\ref{SetPrintingAll}.
-\subsection{Locating notations
-To know to which notations a given symbol belongs to, use the command
-\tt Locate {\symbolentry}
-where symbol is any (composite) symbol surrounded by quotes. To locate
-a particular notation, use a string where the variables of the
-notation are replaced by ``\_''.
-Locate "exists".
-Locate "'exists' _ , _".
-\SeeAlso Section \ref{Locate}.
-{\sentence} & ::= &
- \zeroone{\tt Local} \texttt{Notation} {\str} \texttt{:=} {\term}
- \zeroone{\modifiers} \zeroone{:{\scope}} .\\
- & $|$ &
- \zeroone{\tt Local} \texttt{Infix} {\str} \texttt{:=} {\qualid}
- \zeroone{\modifiers} \zeroone{:{\scope}} .\\
- & $|$ &
- \zeroone{\tt Local} \texttt{Reserved Notation} {\str}
- \zeroone{\modifiers} .\\
- & $|$ & {\tt Inductive}
- \nelist{{\inductivebody} \zeroone{\declnotation}}{with}{\tt .}\\
- & $|$ & {\tt CoInductive}
- \nelist{{\inductivebody} \zeroone{\declnotation}}{with}{\tt .}\\
- & $|$ & {\tt Fixpoint}
- \nelist{{\fixpointbody} \zeroone{\declnotation}}{with} {\tt .} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt CoFixpoint}
- \nelist{{\cofixpointbody} \zeroone{\declnotation}}{with} {\tt .} \\
-{\declnotation} & ::= &
- \zeroone{{\tt where} \nelist{{\str} {\tt :=} {\term} \zeroone{:{\scope}}}{\tt and}}.
- & ::= & \nelist{\ident}{,} {\tt at level} {\naturalnumber} \\
- & $|$ & \nelist{\ident}{,} {\tt at next level} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt at level} {\naturalnumber} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt left associativity} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt right associativity} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt no associativity} \\
- & $|$ & {\ident} {\tt ident} \\
- & $|$ & {\ident} {\tt binder} \\
- & $|$ & {\ident} {\tt closed binder} \\
- & $|$ & {\ident} {\tt global} \\
- & $|$ & {\ident} {\tt bigint} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt only parsing} \\
- & $|$ & {\tt format} {\str}
-\caption{Syntax of the variants of {\tt Notation}}
-\subsection{Notations and simple binders}
-Notations can be defined for binders as in the example:
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following is correct but produces **********)
-(**** an incompatibility with the reserved notation ********)
-Notation "{ x : A | P }" := (sig (fun x : A => P)) (at level 0).
-The binding variables in the left-hand-side that occur as a parameter
-of the notation naturally bind all their occurrences appearing in
-their respective scope after instantiation of the parameters of the
-Contrastingly, the binding variables that are not a parameter of the
-notation do not capture the variables of same name that
-could appear in their scope after instantiation of the
-notation. E.g., for the notation
-Notation "'exists_different' n" := (exists p:nat, p<>n) (at level 200).
-the next command fails because {\tt p} does not bind in
-the instance of {\tt n}.
-Set Printing Depth 50.
-(********** The following produces **********)
-(**** The reference p was not found in the current environment ********)
-Check (exists_different p).
-\Rem Binding variables must not necessarily be parsed using the
-{\tt ident} entry. For factorization purposes, they can be said to be
-parsed at another level (e.g. {\tt x} in \verb="{ x : A | P }"= must be
-parsed at level 99 to be factorized with the notation
-\verb="{ A } + { B }"= for which {\tt A} can be any term).
-However, even if parsed as a term, this term must at the end be effectively
-a single identifier.
-\subsection{Notations with recursive patterns}
-A mechanism is provided for declaring elementary notations with
-recursive patterns. The basic example is:
-Notation "[ x ; .. ; y ]" := (cons x .. (cons y nil) ..).
-On the right-hand side, an extra construction of the form {\tt ..} $t$
-{\tt ..} can be used. Notice that {\tt ..} is part of the {\Coq}
-syntax and it must not be confused with the three-dots notation
-$\ldots$ used in this manual to denote a sequence of arbitrary size.
-On the left-hand side, the part ``$x$ $s$ {\tt ..} $s$ $y$'' of the
-notation parses any number of time (but at least one time) a sequence
-of expressions separated by the sequence of tokens $s$ (in the
-example, $s$ is just ``{\tt ;}'').
-In the right-hand side, the term enclosed within {\tt ..} must be a
-pattern with two holes of the form $\phi([~]_E,[~]_I)$ where the first
-hole is occupied either by $x$ or by $y$ and the second hole is
-occupied by an arbitrary term $t$ called the {\it terminating}
-expression of the recursive notation. The subterm {\tt ..} $\phi(x,t)$
-{\tt ..} (or {\tt ..} $\phi(y,t)$ {\tt ..}) must itself occur at
-second position of the same pattern where the first hole is occupied
-by the other variable, $y$ or $x$. Otherwise said, the right-hand side
-must contain a subterm of the form either $\phi(x,${\tt ..}
-$\phi(y,t)$ {\tt ..}$)$ or $\phi(y,${\tt ..} $\phi(x,t)$ {\tt ..}$)$.
-The pattern $\phi$ is the {\em iterator} of the recursive notation
-and, of course, the name $x$ and $y$ can be chosen arbitrarily.
-The parsing phase produces a list of expressions which are used to
-fill in order the first hole of the iterating pattern which is
-repeatedly nested as many times as the length of the list, the second
-hole being the nesting point. In the innermost occurrence of the
-nested iterating pattern, the second hole is finally filled with the
-terminating expression.
-In the example above, the iterator $\phi([~]_E,[~]_I)$ is {\tt cons
- $[~]_E$ $[~]_I$} and the terminating expression is {\tt nil}. Here are
-other examples:
-Notation "( x , y , .. , z )" := (pair .. (pair x y) .. z) (at level 0).
-Notation "[| t * ( x , y , .. , z ) ; ( a , b , .. , c ) * u |]" :=
- (pair (pair .. (pair (pair t x) (pair t y)) .. (pair t z))
- (pair .. (pair (pair a u) (pair b u)) .. (pair c u)))
- (t at level 39).
-Notations with recursive patterns can be reserved like standard
-notations, they can also be declared within interpretation scopes (see
-section \ref{scopes}).
-\subsection{Notations with recursive patterns involving binders}
-Recursive notations can also be used with binders. The basic example is:
-Notation "'exists' x .. y , p" := (ex (fun x => .. (ex (fun y => p)) ..))
- (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity).
-The principle is the same as in Section~\ref{RecursiveNotations}
-except that in the iterator $\phi([~]_E,[~]_I)$, the first hole is a
-placeholder occurring at the position of the binding variable of a {\tt
- fun} or a {\tt forall}.
-To specify that the part ``$x$ {\tt ..} $y$'' of the notation
-parses a sequence of binders, $x$ and $y$ must be marked as {\tt
- binder} in the list of modifiers of the notation. Then, the list of
-binders produced at the parsing phase are used to fill in the first
-hole of the iterating pattern which is repeatedly nested as many times
-as the number of binders generated. If ever the generalization
-operator {\tt `} (see Section~\ref{implicit-generalization}) is used
-in the binding list, the added binders are taken into account too.
-Binders parsing exist in two flavors. If $x$ and $y$ are marked as
-{\tt binder}, then a sequence such as {\tt a b c : T} will be accepted
-and interpreted as the sequence of binders {\tt (a:T) (b:T)
- (c:T)}. For instance, in the notation above, the syntax {\tt exists
- a b : nat, a = b} is provided.
-The variables $x$ and $y$ can also be marked as {\tt closed binder} in
-which case only well-bracketed binders of the form {\tt (a b c:T)} or
-{\tt \{a b c:T\}} etc. are accepted.
-With closed binders, the recursive sequence in the left-hand side can
-be of the general form $x$ $s$ {\tt ..} $s$ $y$ where $s$ is an
-arbitrary sequence of tokens. With open binders though, $s$ has to be
-empty. Here is an example of recursive notation with closed binders:
-Notation "'mylet' f x .. y := t 'in' u":=
- (let f := fun x => .. (fun y => t) .. in u)
- (x closed binder, y closed binder, at level 200, right associativity).
-\paragraph{Syntax of notations}
-The different syntactic variants of the command \texttt{Notation} are
-given on Figure~\ref{notation-syntax}. The optional {\tt :{\scope}} is
-described in the Section~\ref{scopes}.
-\Rem No typing of the denoted expression is performed at definition
-time. Type-checking is done only at the time of use of the notation.
-\Rem Many examples of {\tt Notation} may be found in the files
-composing the initial state of {\Coq} (see directory {\tt
-\Rem The notation \verb="{ x }"= has a special status in such a way
-that complex notations of the form \verb="x + { y }"= or
-\verb="x * { y }"= can be nested with correct precedences. Especially,
-every notation involving a pattern of the form \verb="{ x }"= is
-parsed as a notation where the pattern \verb="{ x }"= has been simply
-replaced by \verb="x"= and the curly brackets are parsed separately.
-E.g. \verb="y + { z }"= is not parsed as a term of the given form but
-as a term of the form \verb="y + z"= where \verb=z= has been parsed
-using the rule parsing \verb="{ x }"=. Especially, level and
-precedences for a rule including patterns of the form \verb="{ x }"=
-are relative not to the textual notation but to the notation where the
-curly brackets have been removed (e.g. the level and the associativity
-given to some notation, say \verb="{ y } & { z }"= in fact applies to
-the underlying \verb="{ x }"=-free rule which is \verb="y & z"=).
-\paragraph{Persistence of notations}
-Notations do not survive the end of sections. They survive modules
-unless the command {\tt Local Notation} is used instead of {\tt
-\section[Interpretation scopes]{Interpretation scopes\index{Interpretation scopes}
-% Introduction
-An {\em interpretation scope} is a set of notations for terms with
-their interpretation. Interpretation scopes provides with a weak,
-purely syntactical form of notations overloading: a same notation, for
-instance the infix symbol \verb=+= can be used to denote distinct
-definitions of an additive operator. Depending on which interpretation
-scopes is currently open, the interpretation is different.
-Interpretation scopes can include an interpretation for
-numerals and strings. However, this is only made possible at the
-{\ocaml} level.
-See Figure \ref{notation-syntax} for the syntax of notations including
-the possibility to declare them in a given scope. Here is a typical
-example which declares the notation for conjunction in the scope {\tt
-Notation "A /\ B" := (and A B) : type_scope.
-\Rem A notation not defined in a scope is called a {\em lonely} notation.
-\subsection{Global interpretation rules for notations}
-At any time, the interpretation of a notation for term is done within
-a {\em stack} of interpretation scopes and lonely notations. In case a
-notation has several interpretations, the actual interpretation is the
-one defined by (or in) the more recently declared (or open) lonely
-notation (or interpretation scope) which defines this notation.
-Typically if a given notation is defined in some scope {\scope} but
-has also an interpretation not assigned to a scope, then, if {\scope}
-is open before the lonely interpretation is declared, then the lonely
-interpretation is used (and this is the case even if the
-interpretation of the notation in {\scope} is given after the lonely
-interpretation: otherwise said, only the order of lonely
-interpretations and opening of scopes matters, and not the declaration
-of interpretations within a scope).
-The initial state of {\Coq} declares three interpretation scopes and
-no lonely notations. These scopes, in opening order, are {\tt
-core\_scope}, {\tt type\_scope} and {\tt nat\_scope}.
-The command to add a scope to the interpretation scope stack is
-\comindex{Open Scope}
-\comindex{Close Scope}
-{\tt Open Scope} {\scope}.
-It is also possible to remove a scope from the interpretation scope
-stack by using the command
-{\tt Close Scope} {\scope}.
-Notice that this command does not only cancel the last {\tt Open Scope
-{\scope}} but all the invocation of it.
-\Rem {\tt Open Scope} and {\tt Close Scope} do not survive the end of
-sections where they occur. When defined outside of a section, they are
-exported to the modules that import the module where they occur.
-\item {\tt Local Open Scope} {\scope}.
-\item {\tt Local Close Scope} {\scope}.
-These variants are not exported to the modules that import the module
-where they occur, even if outside a section.
-\item {\tt Global Open Scope} {\scope}.
-\item {\tt Global Close Scope} {\scope}.
-These variants survive sections. They behave as if {\tt Global} were
-absent when not inside a section.
-\subsection{Local interpretation rules for notations}
-In addition to the global rules of interpretation of notations, some
-ways to change the interpretation of subterms are available.
-\subsubsection{Local opening of an interpretation scope
-\comindex{Delimit Scope}}
-It is possible to locally extend the interpretation scope stack using
-the syntax ({\term})\%{\delimkey} (or simply {\term}\%{\delimkey}
-for atomic terms), where {\delimkey} is a special identifier called
-{\em delimiting key} and bound to a given scope.
-In such a situation, the term {\term}, and all its subterms, are
-interpreted in the scope stack extended with the scope bound to
-To bind a delimiting key to a scope, use the command
-\texttt{Delimit Scope} {\scope} \texttt{with} {\ident}
-\subsubsection{Binding arguments of a constant to an interpretation scope
-It is possible to set in advance that some arguments of a given
-constant have to be interpreted in a given scope. The command is
-{\tt Arguments} {\qualid} \nelist{\name {\tt \%}\scope}{}
-where the list is the list of the arguments of {\qualid} eventually
-annotated with their {\scope}. Grouping round parentheses can
-be used to decorate multiple arguments with the same scope.
-{\scope} can be either a scope name or its delimiting key. For example
-the following command puts the first two arguments of {\tt plus\_fct}
-in the scope delimited by the key {\tt F} ({\tt Rfun\_scope}) and the
-last argument in the scope delimited by the key {\tt R} ({\tt R\_scope}).
-Arguments plus_fct (f1 f2)%F x%R.
-The {\tt Arguments} command accepts scopes decoration to all grouping
-parentheses. In the following example arguments {\tt A} and {\tt B}
-are marked as maximally inserted implicit arguments and are
-put into the {\tt type\_scope} scope.
-Arguments respectful {A B}%type (R R')%signature _ _.
-When interpreting a term, if some of the
-arguments of {\qualid} are built from a notation, then this notation
-is interpreted in the scope stack extended by the scopes bound (if any)
-to these arguments.
-Arguments scopes can be cleared with the following command:
-{\tt Arguments {\qualid} : clear scopes}
-\item {\tt Global Arguments} {\qualid} \nelist{\name {\tt \%}\scope}{}
-This behaves like {\tt Arguments} {\qualid} \nelist{\name {\tt \%}\scope}{}
-but survives when a section is closed instead
-of stopping working at section closing. Without the {\tt Global} modifier,
-the effect of the command stops when the section it belongs to ends.
-\item {\tt Local Arguments} {\qualid} \nelist{\name {\tt \%}\scope}{}
-This behaves like {\tt Arguments} {\qualid} \nelist{\name {\tt \%}\scope}{}
-but does not survive modules and files.
-Without the {\tt Local} modifier, the effect of the command is
-visible from within other modules or files.
-\SeeAlso The command to show the scopes bound to the arguments of a
-function is described in Section~\ref{About}.
-\subsubsection{Binding types of arguments to an interpretation scope}
-When an interpretation scope is naturally associated to a type
-(e.g. the scope of operations on the natural numbers), it may be
-convenient to bind it to this type. The effect of this is that any
-argument of a function that syntactically expects a parameter of this
-type is interpreted using scope. More precisely, it applies only if
-this argument is built from a notation, and if so, this notation is
-interpreted in the scope stack extended by this particular scope. It
-does not apply to the subterms of this notation (unless the
-interpretation of the notation itself expects arguments of the same
-type that would trigger the same scope).
-\comindex{Bind Scope}
-More generally, any {\class} (see Chapter~\ref{Coercions-full}) can be
-bound to an interpretation scope. The command to do it is
-{\tt Bind Scope} {\scope} \texttt{with} {\class}
-Parameter U : Set.
-Bind Scope U_scope with U.
-Parameter Uplus : U -> U -> U.
-Parameter P : forall T:Set, T -> U -> Prop.
-Parameter f : forall T:Set, T -> U.
-Infix "+" := Uplus : U_scope.
-Unset Printing Notations.
-Open Scope nat_scope. (* Define + on the nat as the default for + *)
-Check (fun x y1 y2 z t => P _ (x + t) ((f _ (y1 + y2) + z))).
-\Rem The scope {\tt type\_scope} has also a local effect on
-interpretation. See the next section.
-\SeeAlso The command to show the scopes bound to the arguments of a
-function is described in Section~\ref{About}.
-\subsection[The {\tt type\_scope} interpretation scope]{The {\tt type\_scope} interpretation scope\index{type\_scope}}
-The scope {\tt type\_scope} has a special status. It is a primitive
-interpretation scope which is temporarily activated each time a
-subterm of an expression is expected to be a type. This includes goals
-and statements, types of binders, domain and codomain of implication,
-codomain of products, and more generally any type argument of a
-declared or defined constant.
-\subsection{Interpretation scopes used in the standard library of {\Coq}}
-We give an overview of the scopes used in the standard library of
-{\Coq}. For a complete list of notations in each scope, use the
-commands {\tt Print Scopes} or {\tt Print Scope {\scope}}.
-\subsubsection{\tt type\_scope}
-This includes infix {\tt *} for product types and infix {\tt +} for
-sum types. It is delimited by key {\tt type}.
-\subsubsection{\tt nat\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt nat}. Positive numerals in this scope are mapped to their
-canonical representent built from {\tt O} and {\tt S}. The scope is
-delimited by key {\tt nat}.
-\subsubsection{\tt N\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt N} (binary natural numbers). It is delimited by key {\tt N}
-and comes with an interpretation for numerals as closed term of type {\tt Z}.
-\subsubsection{\tt Z\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt Z} (binary integer numbers). It is delimited by key {\tt Z}
-and comes with an interpretation for numerals as closed term of type {\tt Z}.
-\subsubsection{\tt positive\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt positive} (binary strictly positive numbers). It is
-delimited by key {\tt positive} and comes with an interpretation for
-numerals as closed term of type {\tt positive}.
-\subsubsection{\tt Q\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt Q} (rational numbers defined as fractions of an integer and
-a strictly positive integer modulo the equality of the
-numerator-denominator cross-product). As for numerals, only $0$ and
-$1$ have an interpretation in scope {\tt Q\_scope} (their
-interpretations are $\frac{0}{1}$ and $\frac{1}{1}$ respectively).
-\subsubsection{\tt Qc\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on the
-type {\tt Qc} of rational numbers defined as the type of irreducible
-fractions of an integer and a strictly positive integer.
-\subsubsection{\tt real\_scope}
-This includes the standard arithmetical operators and relations on
-type {\tt R} (axiomatic real numbers). It is delimited by key {\tt R}
-and comes with an interpretation for numerals as term of type {\tt
-R}. The interpretation is based on the binary decomposition. The
-numeral 2 is represented by $1+1$. The interpretation $\phi(n)$ of an
-odd positive numerals greater $n$ than 3 is {\tt 1+(1+1)*$\phi((n-1)/2)$}.
-The interpretation $\phi(n)$ of an even positive numerals greater $n$
-than 4 is {\tt (1+1)*$\phi(n/2)$}. Negative numerals are represented as the
-opposite of the interpretation of their absolute value. E.g. the
-syntactic object {\tt -11} is interpreted as {\tt
--(1+(1+1)*((1+1)*(1+(1+1))))} where the unit $1$ and all the operations are
-those of {\tt R}.
-\subsubsection{\tt bool\_scope}
-This includes notations for the boolean operators. It is
-delimited by key {\tt bool}.
-\subsubsection{\tt list\_scope}
-This includes notations for the list operators. It is
-delimited by key {\tt list}.
-\subsubsection{\tt core\_scope}
-This includes the notation for pairs. It is delimited by key {\tt core}.
-\subsubsection{\tt string\_scope}
-This includes notation for strings as elements of the type {\tt
-string}. Special characters and escaping follow {\Coq} conventions
-on strings (see Section~\ref{strings}). Especially, there is no
-convention to visualize non printable characters of a string. The
-file {\tt String.v} shows an example that contains quotes, a newline
-and a beep (i.e. the ascii character of code 7).
-\subsubsection{\tt char\_scope}
-This includes interpretation for all strings of the form
-\verb!"!$c$\verb!"! where $c$ is an ascii character, or of the form
-\verb!"!$nnn$\verb!"! where $nnn$ is a three-digits number (possibly
-with leading 0's), or of the form \verb!""""!. Their respective
-denotations are the ascii code of $c$, the decimal ascii code $nnn$,
-or the ascii code of the character \verb!"! (i.e. the ascii code
-34), all of them being represented in the type {\tt ascii}.
-\subsection{Displaying informations about scopes}
-\subsubsection{\tt Print Visibility\comindex{Print Visibility}}
-This displays the current stack of notations in scopes and lonely
-notations that is used to interpret a notation. The top of the stack
-is displayed last. Notations in scopes whose interpretation is hidden
-by the same notation in a more recently open scope are not
-displayed. Hence each notation is displayed only once.
-{\tt Print Visibility {\scope}}\\
-This displays the current stack of notations in scopes and lonely
-notations assuming that {\scope} is pushed on top of the stack. This
-is useful to know how a subterm locally occurring in the scope of
-{\scope} is interpreted.
-\subsubsection{\tt Print Scope {\scope}\comindex{Print Scope}}
-This displays all the notations defined in interpretation scope
-{\scope}. It also displays the delimiting key if any and the class to
-which the scope is bound, if any.
-\subsubsection{\tt Print Scopes\comindex{Print Scopes}}
-This displays all the notations, delimiting keys and corresponding
-class of all the existing interpretation scopes.
-It also displays the lonely notations.
-An {\em abbreviation} is a name, possibly applied to arguments, that
-denotes a (presumably) more complex expression. Here are examples:
-Require Import List.
-Require Import Relations.
-Set Printing Notations.
-Notation Nlist := (list nat).
-Check 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil.
-Notation reflexive R := (forall x, R x x).
-Check forall A:Prop, A <-> A.
-Check reflexive iff.
-An abbreviation expects no precedence nor associativity, since it
-follows the usual syntax of application. Abbreviations are used as
-much as possible by the {\Coq} printers unless the modifier
-\verb=(only parsing)= is given.
-Abbreviations are bound to an absolute name as an ordinary
-definition is, and they can be referred by qualified names too.
-Abbreviations are syntactic in the sense that they are bound to
-expressions which are not typed at the time of the definition of the
-abbreviation but at the time it is used. Especially, abbreviations can
-be bound to terms with holes (i.e. with ``\_''). The general syntax
-for abbreviations is
-\zeroone{{\tt Local}} \texttt{Notation} {\ident} \sequence{\ident} {\ident} \texttt{:=} {\term}
- \zeroone{{\tt (only parsing)}}~\verb=.=
-Set Strict Implicit.
-Reset Initial.
-Definition explicit_id (A:Set) (a:A) := a.
-Notation id := (explicit_id _).
-Check (id 0).
-Abbreviations do not survive the end of sections. No typing of the denoted
-expression is performed at definition time. Type-checking is done only
-at the time of use of the abbreviation.
-%\Rem \index{Syntactic Definition} %
-%Abbreviations are similar to the {\em syntactic
-%definitions} available in versions of {\Coq} prior to version 8.0,
-%except that abbreviations are used for printing (unless the modifier
-%\verb=(only parsing)= is given) while syntactic definitions were not.
-\section{Tactic Notations
-\comindex{Tactic Notation}}
-Tactic notations allow to customize the syntax of the tactics of the
-tactic language\footnote{Tactic notations are just a simplification of
-the {\tt Grammar tactic simple\_tactic} command that existed in
-versions prior to version 8.0.}. Tactic notations obey the following
-{\sentence} & ::= & \texttt{Tactic Notation} \zeroone{\taclevel} \nelist{\proditem}{} \\
-& & \texttt{:= {\tac} .}\\
-{\proditem} & ::= & {\str} $|$ {\tacargtype}{\tt ({\ident})} \\
-{\taclevel} & ::= & {\tt (at level} {\naturalnumber}{\tt )} \\
-{\tacargtype} & ::= &
-%{\tt preident} $|$
-{\tt ident} $|$
-{\tt simple\_intropattern} $|$
-{\tt reference} \\ & $|$ &
-{\tt hyp} $|$
-{\tt hyp\_list} $|$
-{\tt ne\_hyp\_list} \\ & $|$ &
-% {\tt quantified\_hypothesis} \\ & $|$ &
-{\tt constr} $|$
-{\tt constr\_list} $|$
-{\tt ne\_constr\_list} \\ & $|$ &
-%{\tt castedopenconstr} $|$
-{\tt integer} $|$
-{\tt integer\_list} $|$
-{\tt ne\_integer\_list} \\ & $|$ &
-{\tt int\_or\_var} $|$
-{\tt int\_or\_var\_list} $|$
-{\tt ne\_int\_or\_var\_list} \\ & $|$ &
-{\tt tactic} $|$ {\tt tactic$n$} \qquad\mbox{(for $0\leq n\leq 5$)}
-A tactic notation {\tt Tactic Notation {\taclevel}
-{\sequence{\proditem}{}} := {\tac}} extends the parser and
-pretty-printer of tactics with a new rule made of the list of
-production items. It then evaluates into the tactic expression
-{\tac}. For simple tactics, it is recommended to use a terminal
-symbol, i.e. a {\str}, for the first production item. The tactic
-level indicates the parsing precedence of the tactic notation. This
-information is particularly relevant for notations of tacticals.
-Levels 0 to 5 are available (default is 0).
-To know the parsing precedences of the
-existing tacticals, use the command {\tt Print Grammar tactic.}
-Each type of tactic argument has a specific semantic regarding how it
-is parsed and how it is interpreted. The semantic is described in the
-following table. The last command gives examples of tactics which
-use the corresponding kind of argument.
-Tactic argument type & parsed as & interpreted as & as in tactic \\
-\hline & & & \\
-{\tt\small ident} & identifier & a user-given name & {\tt intro} \\
-{\tt\small simple\_intropattern} & intro\_pattern & an intro\_pattern & {\tt intros}\\
-{\tt\small hyp} & identifier & an hypothesis defined in context & {\tt clear}\\
-%% quantified_hypothesis actually not supported
-%%{\tt\small quantified\_hypothesis} & identifier or integer & a named or non dep. hyp. of the goal & {\tt intros until}\\
-{\tt\small reference} & qualified identifier & a global reference of term & {\tt unfold}\\
-{\tt\small constr} & term & a term & {\tt exact} \\
-%% castedopenconstr actually not supported
-%%{\tt\small castedopenconstr} & term & a term with its sign. of exist. var. & {\tt refine}\\
-{\tt\small integer} & integer & an integer & \\
-{\tt\small int\_or\_var} & identifier or integer & an integer & {\tt do} \\
-{\tt\small tactic} & tactic at level 5 & a tactic & \\
-{\tt\small tactic$n$} & tactic at level $n$ & a tactic & \\
-{\tt\small {\nterm{entry}}\_list} & list of {\nterm{entry}} & a list of how {\nterm{entry}} is interpreted & \\
-{\tt\small ne\_{\nterm{entry}}\_list} & non-empty list of {\nterm{entry}} & a list of how {\nterm{entry}} is interpreted& \\
-\Rem In order to be bound in tactic definitions, each syntactic entry
-for argument type must include the case of simple {\ltac} identifier
-as part of what it parses. This is naturally the case for {\tt ident},
-{\tt simple\_intropattern}, {\tt reference}, {\tt constr}, ... but not
-for {\tt integer}. This is the reason for introducing a special entry
-{\tt int\_or\_var} which evaluates to integers only but which
-syntactically includes identifiers in order to be usable in tactic
-\Rem The {\tt {\nterm{entry}}\_list} and {\tt ne\_{\nterm{entry}}\_list}
-entries can be used in primitive tactics or in other notations at
-places where a list of the underlying entry can be used: {\nterm{entry}} is
-either {\tt\small constr}, {\tt\small hyp}, {\tt\small integer} or
-{\tt\small int\_or\_var}.
-%%% Local Variables:
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diff --git a/doc/refman/RefMan-tac.tex b/doc/refman/RefMan-tac.tex
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-% TODO: unify the use of \form and \type to mean a type
-% or use \form specifically for a type of type Prop
-A deduction rule is a link between some (unique) formula, that we call
-the {\em conclusion} and (several) formulas that we call the {\em
-premises}. A deduction rule can be read in two ways. The first
-one says: {\it ``if I know this and this then I can deduce
-this''}. For instance, if I have a proof of $A$ and a proof of $B$
-then I have a proof of $A \land B$. This is forward reasoning from
-premises to conclusion. The other way says: {\it ``to prove this I
-have to prove this and this''}. For instance, to prove $A \land B$, I
-have to prove $A$ and I have to prove $B$. This is backward reasoning
-from conclusion to premises. We say that the conclusion
-is the {\em goal}\index{goal} to prove and premises are the {\em
-subgoals}\index{subgoal}. The tactics implement {\em backward
-reasoning}. When applied to a goal, a tactic replaces this goal with
-the subgoals it generates. We say that a tactic reduces a goal to its
-Each (sub)goal is denoted with a number. The current goal is numbered
-1. By default, a tactic is applied to the current goal, but one can
-address a particular goal in the list by writing {\sl n:\tac} which
-means {\it ``apply tactic {\tac} to goal number {\sl n}''}.
-We can show the list of subgoals by typing {\tt Show} (see
-Since not every rule applies to a given statement, every tactic cannot be
-used to reduce any goal. In other words, before applying a tactic to a
-given goal, the system checks that some {\em preconditions} are
-satisfied. If it is not the case, the tactic raises an error message.
-Tactics are built from atomic tactics and tactic expressions (which
-extends the folklore notion of tactical) to combine those atomic
-tactics. This chapter is devoted to atomic tactics. The tactic
-language will be described in Chapter~\ref{TacticLanguage}.
-\section{Invocation of tactics
-A tactic is applied as an ordinary command. If the tactic is not meant to
-address the first subgoal, the command may be preceded by the wished
-subgoal number as shown below:
-{\commandtac} & ::= & {\num} {\tt :} {\tac} {\tt .}\\
- & $|$ & {\tac} {\tt .}
-\subsection{Bindings list
-\index{Binding list}
-Tactics that take a term as argument may also support a bindings list, so
-as to instantiate some parameters of the term by name or position.
-The general form of a term equipped with a bindings list is {\tt
-{\term} with {\bindinglist}} where {\bindinglist} may be of two
-different forms:
-\item In a bindings list of the form {\tt (\vref$_1$ := \term$_1$)
- \dots\ (\vref$_n$ := \term$_n$)}, {\vref} is either an {\ident} or a
- {\num}. The references are determined according to the type of
- {\term}. If \vref$_i$ is an identifier, this identifier has to be
- bound in the type of {\term} and the binding provides the tactic
- with an instance for the parameter of this name. If \vref$_i$ is
- some number $n$, this number denotes the $n$-th non dependent
- premise of the {\term}, as determined by the type of {\term}.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{No such binder}
-\item A bindings list can also be a simple list of terms {\tt
- \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$}. In that case the references to
- which these terms correspond are determined by the tactic. In case
- of {\tt induction}, {\tt destruct}, {\tt elim} and {\tt case} (see
- Section~\ref{elim}) the terms have to provide instances for all the
- dependent products in the type of \term\ while in the case of {\tt
- apply}, or of {\tt constructor} and its variants, only instances for
- the dependent products that are not bound in the conclusion of the
- type are required.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{Not the right number of missing arguments}
-\subsection{Occurrences sets and occurrences clauses}
-\label{Occurrences clauses}
-\index{Occurrences clauses}
-An occurrences clause is a modifier to some tactics that obeys the
-following syntax:
-{\occclause} & ::= & {\tt in} {\occgoalset} \\
-{\occgoalset} & ::= &
- \zeroone{{\ident$_1$} \zeroone{\atoccurrences} {\tt ,} \\
-& & {\dots} {\tt ,}\\
-& & {\ident$_m$} \zeroone{\atoccurrences}}\\
-& & \zeroone{{\tt |-} \zeroone{{\tt *} \zeroone{\atoccurrences}}}\\
-& | &
- {\tt *} {\tt |-} \zeroone{{\tt *} \zeroone{\atoccurrences}}\\
-& | &
- {\tt *}\\
-{\atoccurrences} & ::= & {\tt at} {\occlist}\\
-{\occlist} & ::= & \zeroone{{\tt -}} {\num$_1$} \dots\ {\num$_n$}
-The role of an occurrence clause is to select a set of occurrences of
-a {\term} in a goal. In the first case, the {{\ident$_i$}
-\zeroone{{\tt at} {\num$_1^i$} \dots\ {\num$_{n_i}^i$}}} parts
-indicate that occurrences have to be selected in the hypotheses named
-{\ident$_i$}. If no numbers are given for hypothesis {\ident$_i$},
-then all the occurrences of {\term} in the hypothesis are selected. If
-numbers are given, they refer to occurrences of {\term} when the term
-is printed using option {\tt Set Printing All} (see
-Section~\ref{SetPrintingAll}), counting from left to right. In
-particular, occurrences of {\term} in implicit arguments (see
-Section~\ref{Implicit Arguments}) or coercions (see
-Section~\ref{Coercions}) are counted.
-If a minus sign is given between {\tt at} and the list of occurrences,
-it negates the condition so that the clause denotes all the occurrences except
-the ones explicitly mentioned after the minus sign.
-As an exception to the left-to-right order, the occurrences in the
-{\tt return} subexpression of a {\tt match} are considered {\em
-before} the occurrences in the matched term.
-In the second case, the {\tt *} on the left of {\tt |-} means that
-all occurrences of {\term} are selected in every hypothesis.
-In the first and second case, if {\tt *} is mentioned on the right of
-{\tt |-}, the occurrences of the conclusion of the goal have to be
-selected. If some numbers are given, then only the occurrences denoted
-by these numbers are selected. In no numbers are given, all
-occurrences of {\term} in the goal are selected.
-Finally, the last notation is an abbreviation for {\tt * |- *}. Note
-also that {\tt |-} is optional in the first case when no {\tt *} is
-Here are some tactics that understand occurrences clauses:
-{\tt set}, {\tt remember}, {\tt induction}, {\tt destruct}.
-\SeeAlso~Sections~\ref{tactic:set}, \ref{Tac-induction}, \ref{SetPrintingAll}.
-\section{Applying theorems}
-\subsection{\tt exact \term}
-This tactic applies to any goal. It gives directly the exact proof
-term of the goal. Let {\T} be our goal, let {\tt p} be a term of type
-{\tt U} then {\tt exact p} succeeds iff {\tt T} and {\tt U} are
-convertible (see Section~\ref{conv-rules}).
-\item \errindex{Not an exact proof}
- \item \texttt{eexact \term}\tacindex{eexact}
- This tactic behaves like \texttt{exact} but is able to handle terms
- and goals with meta-variables.
-\subsection{\tt assumption}
-This tactic looks in the local context for an
-hypothesis which type is equal to the goal. If it is the case, the
-subgoal is proved. Otherwise, it fails.
-\item \errindex{No such assumption}
- \item \texttt{eassumption}
- This tactic behaves like \texttt{assumption} but is able to handle
- goals with meta-variables.
-\subsection{\tt refine \term}
-This tactic applies to any goal. It behaves like {\tt exact} with a big
-difference: the user can leave some holes (denoted by \texttt{\_} or
-{\tt (\_:\type)}) in the term. {\tt refine} will generate as
-many subgoals as there are holes in the term. The type of holes must be
-either synthesized by the system or declared by an
-explicit cast like \verb|(_:nat->Prop)|. This low-level
-tactic can be useful to advanced users.
-Inductive Option : Set :=
- | Fail : Option
- | Ok : bool -> Option.
-Definition get : forall x:Option, x <> Fail -> bool.
- (fun x:Option =>
- match x return x <> Fail -> bool with
- | Fail => _
- | Ok b => fun _ => b
- end).
-intros; absurd (Fail = Fail); trivial.
-\item \errindex{invalid argument}:
- the tactic \texttt{refine} does not know what to do
- with the term you gave.
-\item \texttt{Refine passed ill-formed term}: the term you gave is not
- a valid proof (not easy to debug in general).
- This message may also occur in higher-level tactics that call
- \texttt{refine} internally.
-\item \errindex{Cannot infer a term for this placeholder}:
- there is a hole in the term you gave
- which type cannot be inferred. Put a cast around it.
-\subsection{\tt apply \term}
-This tactic applies to any goal. The argument {\term} is a term
-well-formed in the local context. The tactic {\tt apply} tries to
-match the current goal against the conclusion of the type of {\term}.
-If it succeeds, then the tactic returns as many subgoals as the number
-of non-dependent premises of the type of {\term}. If the conclusion of
-the type of {\term} does not match the goal {\em and} the conclusion
-is an inductive type isomorphic to a tuple type, then each component
-of the tuple is recursively matched to the goal in the left-to-right
-The tactic {\tt apply} relies on first-order unification with
-dependent types unless the conclusion of the type of {\term} is of the
-form {\tt ($P$ $t_1$ \dots\ $t_n$)} with $P$ to be instantiated. In
-the latter case, the behavior depends on the form of the goal. If the
-goal is of the form {\tt (fun $x$ => $Q$)~$u_1$~\ldots~$u_n$} and the
-$t_i$ and $u_i$ unifies, then $P$ is taken to be {\tt (fun $x$ => $Q$)}.
-Otherwise, {\tt apply} tries to define $P$ by abstracting over
-$t_1$~\ldots ~$t_n$ in the goal. See {\tt pattern} in
-Section~\ref{pattern} to transform the goal so that it gets the form
-{\tt (fun $x$ => $Q$)~$u_1$~\ldots~$u_n$}.
-\item \errindex{Impossible to unify \dots\ with \dots}
- The {\tt apply}
- tactic failed to match the conclusion of {\term} and the current goal.
- You can help the {\tt apply} tactic by transforming your
- goal with the {\tt change} or {\tt pattern} tactics (see
- sections~\ref{pattern},~\ref{change}).
-\item \errindex{Unable to find an instance for the variables
-{\ident} \dots\ {\ident}}
- This occurs when some instantiations of the premises of {\term} are not
- deducible from the unification. This is the case, for instance, when
- you want to apply a transitivity property. In this case, you have to
- use one of the variants below:
-\item{\tt apply {\term} with {\term$_1$} \dots\ {\term$_n$}}
- \tacindex{apply \dots\ with}
- Provides {\tt apply} with explicit instantiations for all dependent
- premises of the type of {\term} which do not occur in the conclusion
- and consequently cannot be found by unification. Notice that
- {\term$_1$} \dots\ {\term$_n$} must be given according to the order
- of these dependent premises of the type of {\term}.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{Not the right number of missing arguments}
-\item{\tt apply {\term} with ({\vref$_1$} := {\term$_1$}) \dots\ ({\vref$_n$}
- := {\term$_n$})}
- This also provides {\tt apply} with values for instantiating
- premises. Here, variables are referred by names and non-dependent
- products by increasing numbers (see syntax in Section~\ref{Binding-list}).
-\item {\tt apply} {\term$_1$} {\tt ,} \ldots {\tt ,} {\term$_n$}
- This is a shortcut for {\tt apply} {\term$_1$} {\tt ; [ ..~|}
- \ldots~{\tt ; [ ..~| {\tt apply} {\term$_n$} ]} \ldots~{\tt ]}, i.e. for the
- successive applications of {\term$_{i+1}$} on the last subgoal
- generated by {\tt apply} {\term$_i$}, starting from the application
- of {\term$_1$}.
-\item {\tt eapply \term}\tacindex{eapply}\label{eapply}
- The tactic {\tt eapply} behaves like {\tt apply} but it does not fail
- when no instantiations are deducible for some variables in the
- premises. Rather, it turns these variables into so-called
- existential variables which are variables still to instantiate. An
- existential variable is identified by a name of the form {\tt ?$n$}
- where $n$ is a number. The instantiation is intended to be found
- later in the proof.
-\item {\tt simple apply {\term}} \tacindex{simple apply}
- This behaves like {\tt apply} but it reasons modulo conversion only
- on subterms that contain no variables to instantiate. For instance,
- the following example does not succeed because it would require the
- conversion of {\tt id ?1234} and {\tt O}.
-Reset Initial.
-Definition id (x : nat) := x.
-Hypothesis H : forall y, id y = y.
-Goal O = O.
-simple apply H.
- Because it reasons modulo a limited amount of conversion, {\tt
- simple apply} fails quicker than {\tt apply} and it is then
- well-suited for uses in used-defined tactics that backtrack often.
- Moreover, it does not traverse tuples as {\tt apply} does.
-\item \zeroone{{\tt simple}} {\tt apply} {\term$_1$} \zeroone{{\tt with}
- {\bindinglist$_1$}} {\tt ,} \ldots {\tt ,} {\term$_n$} \zeroone{{\tt with}
- {\bindinglist$_n$}}\\
- \zeroone{{\tt simple}} {\tt eapply} {\term$_1$} \zeroone{{\tt with}
- {\bindinglist$_1$}} {\tt ,} \ldots {\tt ,} {\term$_n$} \zeroone{{\tt with}
- {\bindinglist$_n$}}
- This summarizes the different syntaxes for {\tt apply} and {\tt eapply}.
-\item {\tt lapply {\term}} \tacindex{lapply}
- This tactic applies to any goal, say {\tt G}. The argument {\term}
- has to be well-formed in the current context, its type being
- reducible to a non-dependent product {\tt A -> B} with {\tt B}
- possibly containing products. Then it generates two subgoals {\tt
- B->G} and {\tt A}. Applying {\tt lapply H} (where {\tt H} has type
- {\tt A->B} and {\tt B} does not start with a product) does the same
- as giving the sequence {\tt cut B. 2:apply H.} where {\tt cut} is
- described below.
- \Warning When {\term} contains more than one non
- dependent product the tactic {\tt lapply} only takes into account the
- first product.
-Assume we have a transitive relation {\tt R} on {\tt nat}:
-Reset Initial.
-Variable R : nat -> nat -> Prop.
-Hypothesis Rtrans : forall x y z:nat, R x y -> R y z -> R x z.
-Variables n m p : nat.
-Hypothesis Rnm : R n m.
-Hypothesis Rmp : R m p.
-Consider the goal {\tt (R n p)} provable using the transitivity of
-{\tt R}:
-Goal R n p.
-The direct application of {\tt Rtrans} with {\tt apply} fails because
-no value for {\tt y} in {\tt Rtrans} is found by {\tt apply}:
-%Set Printing Depth 50.
-%(********** The following is not correct and should produce **********)
-%(**** Error: generated subgoal (R n ?17) has metavariables in it *****)
-apply Rtrans.
-A solution is to apply {\tt (Rtrans n m p)} or {\tt (Rtrans n m)}.
-apply (Rtrans n m p).
-Note that {\tt n} can be inferred from the goal, so the following would
-work too.
-apply (Rtrans _ m).
-More elegantly, {\tt apply Rtrans with (y:=m)} allows to only mention
-the unknown {\tt m}:
-apply Rtrans with (y := m).
-Another solution is to mention the proof of {\tt (R x y)} in {\tt
-Rtrans} \ldots
-apply Rtrans with (1 := Rnm).
-\ldots or the proof of {\tt (R y z)}.
-apply Rtrans with (2 := Rmp).
-On the opposite, one can use {\tt eapply} which postpone the problem
-of finding {\tt m}. Then one can apply the hypotheses {\tt Rnm} and {\tt
-Rmp}. This instantiates the existential variable and completes the proof.
-eapply Rtrans.
-apply Rnm.
-apply Rmp.
-Reset R.
-\subsection{\tt apply {\term} in {\ident}}
-\tacindex{apply \dots\ in}
-This tactic applies to any goal. The argument {\term} is a term
-well-formed in the local context and the argument {\ident} is an
-hypothesis of the context. The tactic {\tt apply {\term} in {\ident}}
-tries to match the conclusion of the type of {\ident} against a
-non-dependent premise of the type of {\term}, trying them from right to
-left. If it succeeds, the statement of hypothesis {\ident} is
-replaced by the conclusion of the type of {\term}. The tactic also
-returns as many subgoals as the number of other non-dependent premises
-in the type of {\term} and of the non-dependent premises of the type
-of {\ident}. If the conclusion of the type of {\term} does not match
-the goal {\em and} the conclusion is an inductive type isomorphic to a
-tuple type, then the tuple is (recursively) decomposed and the first
-component of the tuple of which a non-dependent premise matches the
-conclusion of the type of {\ident}. Tuples are decomposed in a
-width-first left-to-right order (for instance if the type of {\tt H1}
-is a \verb=A <-> B= statement, and the type of {\tt H2} is \verb=A=
-then {\tt apply H1 in H2} transforms the type of {\tt H2} into {\tt
- B}). The tactic {\tt apply} relies on first-order pattern-matching
-with dependent types.
-\item \errindex{Statement without assumptions}
-This happens if the type of {\term} has no non dependent premise.
-\item \errindex{Unable to apply}
-This happens if the conclusion of {\ident} does not match any of the
-non dependent premises of the type of {\term}.
-\item {\tt apply \nelist{\term}{,} in {\ident}}
-This applies each of {\term} in sequence in {\ident}.
-\item {\tt apply \nelist{{\term} with {\bindinglist}}{,} in {\ident}}
-This does the same but uses the bindings in each {\bindinglist} to
-instantiate the parameters of the corresponding type of {\term}
-(see syntax of bindings in Section~\ref{Binding-list}).
-\item {\tt eapply \nelist{{\term} with {\bindinglist}}{,} in {\ident}}
-\tacindex{eapply \dots\ in}
-This works as {\tt apply \nelist{{\term} with {\bindinglist}}{,} in
-{\ident}} but turns unresolved bindings into existential variables, if
-any, instead of failing.
-\item {\tt apply \nelist{{\term}{,} with {\bindinglist}}{,} in {\ident} as {\disjconjintropattern}}
-This works as {\tt apply \nelist{{\term}{,} with {\bindinglist}}{,} in
-{\ident}} then destructs the hypothesis {\ident} along
-{\disjconjintropattern} as {\tt destruct {\ident} as
-{\disjconjintropattern}} would.
-\item {\tt eapply \nelist{{\term}{,} with {\bindinglist}}{,} in {\ident} as {\disjconjintropattern}}
-This works as {\tt apply \nelist{{\term}{,} with {\bindinglist}}{,} in {\ident} as {\disjconjintropattern}} but using {\tt eapply}.
-\item {\tt simple apply {\term} in {\ident}}
-\tacindex{simple apply \dots\ in}
-\tacindex{simple eapply \dots\ in}
-This behaves like {\tt apply {\term} in {\ident}} but it reasons
-modulo conversion only on subterms that contain no variables to
-instantiate. For instance, if {\tt id := fun x:nat => x} and {\tt H :
- forall y, id y = y -> True} and {\tt H0 :\ O = O} then {\tt simple
- apply H in H0} does not succeed because it would require the
-conversion of {\tt id ?1234} and {\tt O} where {\tt ?1234} is a variable to
-instantiate. Tactic {\tt simple apply {\term} in {\ident}} does not
-either traverse tuples as {\tt apply {\term} in {\ident}} does.
-\item {\tt \zeroone{simple} apply \nelist{{\term} \zeroone{with {\bindinglist}}}{,} in {\ident} \zeroone{as {\disjconjintropattern}}}\\
-{\tt \zeroone{simple} eapply \nelist{{\term} \zeroone{with {\bindinglist}}}{,} in {\ident} \zeroone{as {\disjconjintropattern}}}
-This summarizes the different syntactic variants of {\tt apply {\term}
- in {\ident}} and {\tt eapply {\term} in {\ident}}.
-\subsection{\tt constructor \num}
-This tactic applies to a goal such that its conclusion is
-an inductive type (say {\tt I}). The argument {\num} must be less
-or equal to the numbers of constructor(s) of {\tt I}. Let {\tt ci} be
-the {\tt i}-th constructor of {\tt I}, then {\tt constructor i} is
-equivalent to {\tt intros; apply ci}.
-\item \errindex{Not an inductive product}
-\item \errindex{Not enough constructors}
-\item \texttt{constructor}
- This tries \texttt{constructor 1} then \texttt{constructor 2},
- \dots\ , then \texttt{constructor} \textit{n} where \textit{n} is
- the number of constructors of the head of the goal.
-\item {\tt constructor \num~with} {\bindinglist}
- Let {\tt ci} be the {\tt i}-th constructor of {\tt I}, then {\tt
- constructor i with \bindinglist} is equivalent to {\tt intros;
- apply ci with \bindinglist}.
- \Warning the terms in the \bindinglist\ are checked
- in the context where {\tt constructor} is executed and not in the
- context where {\tt apply} is executed (the introductions are not
- taken into account).
-% To document?
-% \item {\tt constructor {\tactic}}
-\item {\tt split}\tacindex{split}
- This applies only if {\tt I} has a single constructor. It is then
- equivalent to {\tt constructor 1}. It is typically used in the case
- of a conjunction $A\land B$.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{Not an inductive goal with 1 constructor}
-\item {\tt exists {\bindinglist}}\tacindex{exists}
- This applies only if {\tt I} has a single constructor. It is then
- equivalent to {\tt intros; constructor 1 with \bindinglist}. It is
- typically used in the case of an existential quantification $\exists
- x, P(x)$.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{Not an inductive goal with 1 constructor}
-\item {\tt exists \nelist{\bindinglist}{,}}
- This iteratively applies {\tt exists {\bindinglist}}.
-\item {\tt left}\tacindex{left}\\
- {\tt right}\tacindex{right}
- These tactics apply only if {\tt I} has two constructors, for instance
- in the case of a
- disjunction $A\lor B$. Then, they are respectively equivalent to {\tt
- constructor 1} and {\tt constructor 2}.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{Not an inductive goal with 2 constructors}
-\item {\tt left with \bindinglist}\\
- {\tt right with \bindinglist}\\
- {\tt split with \bindinglist}
- As soon as the inductive type has the right number of constructors,
- these expressions are equivalent to calling {\tt
- constructor $i$ with \bindinglist} for the appropriate $i$.
-\item \texttt{econstructor}\tacindex{econstructor}\\
- \texttt{eexists}\tacindex{eexists}\\
- \texttt{esplit}\tacindex{esplit}\\
- \texttt{eleft}\tacindex{eleft}\\
- \texttt{eright}\tacindex{eright}
- These tactics and their variants behave like \texttt{constructor},
- \texttt{exists}, \texttt{split}, \texttt{left}, \texttt{right} and
- their variants but they introduce existential variables instead of
- failing when the instantiation of a variable cannot be found (cf
- \texttt{eapply} and Section~\ref{eapply-example}).
-\section{Managing the local context}
-\subsection{\tt intro}
-This tactic applies to a goal that is either a product or starts with
-a let binder. If the goal is a product, the tactic implements the
-``Lam''\index{Typing rules!Lam} rule given in
-Section~\ref{Typed-terms}\footnote{Actually, only the second subgoal will be
-generated since the other one can be automatically checked.}. If the
-goal starts with a let binder, then the tactic implements a mix of the
-``Let''\index{Typing rules!Let} and ``Conv''\index{Typing rules!Conv}.
-If the current goal is a dependent product $\forall x:T,~U$ (resp {\tt
-let $x$:=$t$ in $U$}) then {\tt intro} puts {\tt $x$:$T$} (resp {\tt $x$:=$t$})
- in the local context.
-% Obsolete (quantified names already avoid hypotheses names):
-% Otherwise, it puts
-% {\tt x}{\it n}{\tt :T} where {\it n} is such that {\tt x}{\it n} is a
-%fresh name.
-The new subgoal is $U$.
-% If the {\tt x} has been renamed {\tt x}{\it n} then it is replaced
-% by {\tt x}{\it n} in {\tt U}.
-If the goal is a non-dependent product $T \to U$, then it puts
-in the local context either {\tt H}{\it n}{\tt :$T$} (if $T$ is of
-type {\tt Set} or {\tt Prop}) or {\tt X}{\it n}{\tt :$T$} (if the type
-of $T$ is {\tt Type}). The optional index {\it n} is such that {\tt
-H}{\it n} or {\tt X}{\it n} is a fresh identifier.
-In both cases, the new subgoal is $U$.
-If the goal is neither a product nor starting with a let definition,
-the tactic {\tt intro} applies the tactic {\tt red} until the tactic
-{\tt intro} can be applied or the goal is not reducible.
-\item \errindex{No product even after head-reduction}
-\item \errindexbis{{\ident} is already used}{is already used}
-\item {\tt intros}\tacindex{intros}
- This repeats {\tt intro} until it meets the head-constant. It never reduces
- head-constants and it never fails.
-\item {\tt intro {\ident}}
- This applies {\tt intro} but forces {\ident} to be the name of the
- introduced hypothesis.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{name {\ident} is already used}
- \Rem If a name used by {\tt intro} hides the base name of a global
- constant then the latter can still be referred to by a qualified name
- (see \ref{LongNames}).
-\item {\tt intros \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
- This is equivalent to the composed tactic {\tt intro \ident$_1$; \dots\ ;
- intro \ident$_n$}.
- More generally, the \texttt{intros} tactic takes a pattern as
- argument in order to introduce names for components of an inductive
- definition or to clear introduced hypotheses. This is explained
- in~\ref{intros-pattern}.
-\item {\tt intros until {\ident}} \tacindex{intros until}
- This repeats {\tt intro} until it meets a premise of the goal having form
- {\tt (} {\ident}~{\tt :}~{\term} {\tt )} and discharges the variable
- named {\ident} of the current goal.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{No such hypothesis in current goal}
-\item {\tt intros until {\num}} \tacindex{intros until}
- This repeats {\tt intro} until the {\num}-th non-dependent product. For
- instance, on the subgoal %
- \verb+forall x y:nat, x=y -> y=x+ the tactic \texttt{intros until 1}
- is equivalent to \texttt{intros x y H}, as \verb+x=y -> y=x+ is the
- first non-dependent product. And on the subgoal %
- \verb+forall x y z:nat, x=y -> y=x+ the tactic \texttt{intros until 1}
- is equivalent to \texttt{intros x y z} as the product on \texttt{z}
- can be rewritten as a non-dependent product: %
- \verb+forall x y:nat, nat -> x=y -> y=x+
- \ErrMsg \errindex{No such hypothesis in current goal}
- This happens when {\num} is 0 or is greater than the number of non-dependent
- products of the goal.
-\item {\tt intro after \ident} \tacindex{intro after}\\
- {\tt intro before \ident} \tacindex{intro before}\\
- {\tt intro at top} \tacindex{intro at top}\\
- {\tt intro at bottom} \tacindex{intro at bottom}
- These tactics apply {\tt intro} and move the freshly introduced hypothesis
- respectively after the hypothesis \ident{}, before the hypothesis
- \ident{}, at the top of the local context, or at the bottom of the
- local context. All hypotheses on which the new hypothesis depends
- are moved too so as to respect the order of dependencies between
- hypotheses. Note that {\tt intro at bottom} is a synonym for {\tt
- intro} with no argument.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{No such hypothesis} : {\ident}
-\item {\tt intro \ident$_1$ after \ident$_2$}\\
- {\tt intro \ident$_1$ before \ident$_2$}\\
- {\tt intro \ident$_1$ at top}\\
- {\tt intro \ident$_1$ at bottom}
- These tactics behave as previously but naming the introduced hypothesis
- \ident$_1$. It is equivalent to {\tt intro \ident$_1$} followed by
- the appropriate call to {\tt move}~(see Section~\ref{move}).
-\subsection{\tt intros {\intropattern} {\ldots} {\intropattern}}
-\tacindex{intros \intropattern}
-\index{Introduction patterns}
-\index{Naming introduction patterns}
-\index{Disjunctive/conjunctive introduction patterns}
-This extension of the tactic {\tt intros} combines introduction of
-variables or hypotheses and case analysis. An {\em introduction pattern} is
-\item a {\em naming introduction pattern}, i.e. either one of:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item the pattern \texttt{?}
- \item the pattern \texttt{?\ident}
- \item an identifier
- \end{itemize}
-\item a {\em disjunctive/conjunctive introduction pattern}, i.e. either one of:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item a disjunction of lists of patterns:
- {\tt [$p_{11}$ \dots\ $p_{1m_1}$ | \dots\ | $p_{11}$ \dots\ $p_{nm_n}$]}
- \item a conjunction of patterns: {\tt ($p_1$ , \dots\ , $p_n$)}
- \item a list of patterns {\tt ($p_1$ \&\ \dots\ \&\ $p_n$)}
- for sequence of right-associative binary constructs
- \end{itemize}
-\item the wildcard: {\tt \_}
-\item the rewriting orientations: {\tt ->} or {\tt <-}
-Assuming a goal of type $Q \to P$ (non-dependent product), or
-of type $\forall x:T,~P$ (dependent product), the behavior of
-{\tt intros $p$} is defined inductively over the structure of the
-introduction pattern~$p$:
-\item introduction on \texttt{?} performs the introduction, and lets {\Coq}
- choose a fresh name for the variable;
-\item introduction on \texttt{?\ident} performs the introduction, and
- lets {\Coq} choose a fresh name for the variable based on {\ident};
-\item introduction on \texttt{\ident} behaves as described in
- Section~\ref{intro};
-\item introduction over a disjunction of list of patterns {\tt
- [$p_{11}$ \dots\ $p_{1m_1}$ | \dots\ | $p_{11}$ \dots\ $p_{nm_n}$]}
- expects the product to be over an inductive type
- whose number of constructors is $n$ (or more generally over a type
- of conclusion an inductive type built from $n$ constructors,
- e.g. {\tt C -> A\textbackslash/B if $n=2$}): it destructs the introduced
- hypothesis as {\tt destruct} (see Section~\ref{destruct}) would and
- applies on each generated subgoal the corresponding tactic;
- \texttt{intros}~$p_{i1}$ {\ldots} $p_{im_i}$; if the disjunctive
- pattern is part of a sequence of patterns and is not the last
- pattern of the sequence, then {\Coq} completes the pattern so that all
- the argument of the constructors of the inductive type are
- introduced (for instance, the list of patterns {\tt [$\;$|$\;$] H}
- applied on goal {\tt forall x:nat, x=0 -> 0=x} behaves the same as
- the list of patterns {\tt [$\,$|$\,$?$\,$] H});
-\item introduction over a conjunction of patterns {\tt ($p_1$, \ldots,
- $p_n$)} expects the goal to be a product over an inductive type $I$ with a
- single constructor that itself has at least $n$ arguments: it
- performs a case analysis over the hypothesis, as {\tt destruct}
- would, and applies the patterns $p_1$~\ldots~$p_n$ to the arguments
- of the constructor of $I$ (observe that {\tt ($p_1$, {\ldots},
- $p_n$)} is an alternative notation for {\tt [$p_1$ {\ldots}
- $p_n$]});
-\item introduction via {\tt ($p_1$ \& \dots\ \& $p_n$)}
- is a shortcut for introduction via
- {\tt ($p_1$,(\ldots,(\dots,$p_n$)\ldots))}; it expects the
- hypothesis to be a sequence of right-associative binary inductive
- constructors such as {\tt conj} or {\tt ex\_intro}; for instance, an
- hypothesis with type {\tt A\verb|/\|exists x, B\verb|/\|C\verb|/\|D} can be
- introduced via pattern {\tt (a \& x \& b \& c \& d)};
-\item introduction on the wildcard depends on whether the product is
- dependent or not: in the non-dependent case, it erases the
- corresponding hypothesis (i.e. it behaves as an {\tt intro} followed
- by a {\tt clear}, cf Section~\ref{clear}) while in the dependent
- case, it succeeds and erases the variable only if the wildcard is
- part of a more complex list of introduction patterns that also
- erases the hypotheses depending on this variable;
-\item introduction over {\tt ->} (respectively {\tt <-}) expects the
- hypothesis to be an equality and the right-hand-side (respectively
- the left-hand-side) is replaced by the left-hand-side (respectively
- the right-hand-side) in both the conclusion and the context of the goal;
- if moreover the term to substitute is a variable, the hypothesis is
- removed.
-Goal forall A B C:Prop, A \/ B /\ C -> (A -> C) -> C.
-intros A B C [a| [_ c]] f.
-apply (f a).
-exact c.
-\Rem {\tt intros $p_1~\ldots~p_n$} is not equivalent to \texttt{intros
- $p_1$;\ldots; intros $p_n$} for the following reasons:
-\item A wildcard pattern never succeeds when applied isolated on a
- dependent product, while it succeeds as part of a list of
- introduction patterns if the hypotheses that depends on it are
- erased too.
-\item A disjunctive or conjunctive pattern followed by an introduction
- pattern forces the introduction in the context of all arguments of
- the constructors before applying the next pattern while a terminal
- disjunctive or conjunctive pattern does not. Here is an example
-Goal forall n:nat, n = 0 -> n = 0.
-intros [ | ] H.
-Show 2.
-intros [ | ]; intros H.
-Show 2.
-\subsection{\tt clear \ident}
-This tactic erases the hypothesis named {\ident} in the local context
-of the current goal. As a consequence, {\ident} is no more displayed and no more
-usable in the proof development.
-\item \errindex{No such hypothesis}
-\item \errindexbis{{\ident} is used in the conclusion}{is used in the
- conclusion}
-\item \errindexbis{{\ident} is used in the hypothesis {\ident'}}{is
- used in the hypothesis}
-\item {\tt clear {\ident$_1$} \dots\ {\ident$_n$}}
- This is equivalent to {\tt clear {\ident$_1$}. {\ldots} clear
- {\ident$_n$}.}
-\item {\tt clearbody {\ident}}\tacindex{clearbody}
- This tactic expects {\ident} to be a local definition then clears
- its body. Otherwise said, this tactic turns a definition into an
- assumption.
- \ErrMsg \errindexbis{{\ident} is not a local definition}{is not a local definition}
-\item \texttt{clear - {\ident$_1$} \dots\ {\ident$_n$}}
- This tactic clears all the hypotheses except the ones depending in
- the hypotheses named {\ident$_1$} {\ldots} {\ident$_n$} and in the
- goal.
-\item \texttt{clear}
- This tactic clears all the hypotheses except the ones the goal depends on.
-\item {\tt clear dependent \ident \tacindex{clear dependent}}
- This clears the hypothesis \ident\ and all the hypotheses
- that depend on it.
-\subsection{\tt revert \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
-This applies to any goal with variables \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$.
-It moves the hypotheses (possibly defined) to the goal, if this respects
-dependencies. This tactic is the inverse of {\tt intro}.
-\item \errindex{No such hypothesis}
-\item \errindexbis{{\ident} is used in the hypothesis {\ident'}}{is
- used in the hypothesis}
-\item {\tt revert dependent \ident \tacindex{revert dependent}}
- This moves to the goal the hypothesis \ident\ and all hypotheses
- which depend on it.
-\subsection{\tt move {\ident$_1$} after {\ident$_2$}}
-This moves the hypothesis named {\ident$_1$} in the local context
-after the hypothesis named {\ident$_2$}. The proof term is not changed.
-If {\ident$_1$} comes before {\ident$_2$} in the order of dependences,
-then all hypotheses between {\ident$_1$} and {\ident$_2$} that
-(possibly indirectly) depend on {\ident$_1$} are moved also.
-If {\ident$_1$} comes after {\ident$_2$} in the order of dependences,
-then all hypotheses between {\ident$_1$} and {\ident$_2$} that
-(possibly indirectly) occur in {\ident$_1$} are moved also.
-\item {\tt move {\ident$_1$} before {\ident$_2$}}
-This moves {\ident$_1$} towards and just before the hypothesis named {\ident$_2$}.
-\item {\tt move {\ident} at top}
-This moves {\ident} at the top of the local context (at the beginning of the context).
-\item {\tt move {\ident} at bottom}
-This moves {\ident} at the bottom of the local context (at the end of the context).
-\item \errindex{No such hypothesis}
-\item \errindex{Cannot move {\ident$_1$} after {\ident$_2$}:
- it occurs in {\ident$_2$}}
-\item \errindex{Cannot move {\ident$_1$} after {\ident$_2$}:
- it depends on {\ident$_2$}}
-\subsection{\tt rename {\ident$_1$} into {\ident$_2$}}
-This renames hypothesis {\ident$_1$} into {\ident$_2$} in the current
-context. The name of the hypothesis in the proof-term, however, is left
-\item {\tt rename {\ident$_1$} into {\ident$_2$}, \ldots,
- {\ident$_{2k-1}$} into {\ident$_{2k}$}}
-This is equivalent to the sequence of the corresponding atomic {\tt rename}.
-\item \errindex{No such hypothesis}
-\item \errindexbis{{\ident$_2$} is already used}{is already used}
-\subsection{\tt set ( {\ident} := {\term} )}
-This replaces {\term} by {\ident} in the conclusion of the current goal
-and adds the new definition {\tt {\ident} := \term} to the local context.
-If {\term} has holes (i.e. subexpressions of the form ``\_''), the
-tactic first checks that all subterms matching the pattern are
-compatible before doing the replacement using the leftmost subterm
-matching the pattern.
-\item \errindex{The variable {\ident} is already defined}
-\item {\tt set ( {\ident} := {\term} ) in {\occgoalset}}
-This notation allows to specify which occurrences of {\term} have to
-be substituted in the context. The {\tt in {\occgoalset}} clause is an
-occurrence clause whose syntax and behavior are described in
-Section~\ref{Occurrences clauses}.
-\item {\tt set ( {\ident} \nelist{\binder}{} := {\term} )}
- This is equivalent to {\tt set ( {\ident} := fun
- \nelist{\binder}{} => {\term} )}.
-\item {\tt set \term}
- This behaves as {\tt set (} {\ident} := {\term} {\tt )} but {\ident}
- is generated by {\Coq}. This variant also supports an occurrence clause.
-\item {\tt set ( {\ident$_0$} \nelist{\binder}{} := {\term} ) in {\occgoalset}}\\
- {\tt set {\term} in {\occgoalset}}
- These are the general forms which combine the previous possibilities.
-\item {\tt remember {\term} as {\ident}}\tacindex{remember}
- This behaves as {\tt set ( {\ident} := {\term} ) in *} and using a
- logical (Leibniz's) equality instead of a local definition.
-\item {\tt remember {\term} as {\ident} in {\occgoalset}}
- This is a more general form of {\tt remember} that remembers the
- occurrences of {\term} specified by an occurrences set.
-\item {\tt pose ( {\ident} := {\term} )}\tacindex{pose}
- This adds the local definition {\ident} := {\term} to the current
- context without performing any replacement in the goal or in the
- hypotheses. It is equivalent to {\tt set ( {\ident} {\tt :=}
- {\term} {\tt ) in |-}}.
-\item {\tt pose ( {\ident} \nelist{\binder}{} := {\term} )}
- This is equivalent to {\tt pose (} {\ident} {\tt :=} {\tt fun}
- \nelist{\binder}{} {\tt =>} {\term} {\tt )}.
-\item{\tt pose {\term}}
- This behaves as {\tt pose ( {\ident} := {\term} )} but
- {\ident} is generated by {\Coq}.
-\subsection{\tt decompose [ {\qualid$_1$} \dots\ {\qualid$_n$} ] \term}
-This tactic allows to recursively decompose a
-complex proposition in order to obtain atomic ones.
-Reset Initial.
-Goal forall A B C:Prop, A /\ B /\ C \/ B /\ C \/ C /\ A -> C.
-intros A B C H; decompose [and or] H; assumption.
-{\tt decompose} does not work on right-hand sides of implications or products.
-\item {\tt decompose sum \term}\tacindex{decompose sum}
- This decomposes sum types (like \texttt{or}).
-\item {\tt decompose record \term}\tacindex{decompose record}
- This decomposes record types (inductive types with one constructor,
- like \texttt{and} and \texttt{exists} and those defined with the
- \texttt{Record} macro, see Section~\ref{Record}).
-\section{Controlling the proof flow}
-\subsection{\tt assert ( {\ident} :\ {\form} )}
-This tactic applies to any goal. {\tt assert (H : U)} adds a new
-hypothesis of name \texttt{H} asserting \texttt{U} to the current goal
-and opens a new subgoal \texttt{U}\footnote{This corresponds to the
- cut rule of sequent calculus.}. The subgoal {\texttt U} comes first
-in the list of subgoals remaining to prove.
-\item \errindex{Not a proposition or a type}
- Arises when the argument {\form} is neither of type {\tt Prop}, {\tt
- Set} nor {\tt Type}.
-\item{\tt assert {\form}}
- This behaves as {\tt assert ( {\ident} :\ {\form} )} but
- {\ident} is generated by {\Coq}.
-\item{\tt assert ( {\ident} := {\term} )}
- This behaves as {\tt assert ({\ident} :\ {\type});[exact
- {\term}|idtac]} where {\type} is the type of {\term}.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{Variable {\ident} is already declared}
-\item {\tt cut {\form}}\tacindex{cut}
- This tactic applies to any goal. It implements the non-dependent
- case of the ``App''\index{Typing rules!App} rule given in
- Section~\ref{Typed-terms}. (This is Modus Ponens inference rule.)
- {\tt cut U} transforms the current goal \texttt{T} into the two
- following subgoals: {\tt U -> T} and \texttt{U}. The subgoal {\tt U
- -> T} comes first in the list of remaining subgoal to prove.
-\item \texttt{assert {\form} by {\tac}}\tacindex{assert by}
- This tactic behaves like \texttt{assert} but applies {\tac}
- to solve the subgoals generated by \texttt{assert}.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{Proof is not complete}
-\item \texttt{assert {\form} as {\intropattern}\tacindex{assert as}}
- If {\intropattern} is a naming introduction pattern (see
- Section~\ref{intros-pattern}), the hypothesis is named after this
- introduction pattern (in particular, if {\intropattern} is {\ident},
- the tactic behaves like \texttt{assert ({\ident} :\ {\form})}).
- If {\intropattern} is a disjunctive/conjunctive introduction
- pattern, the tactic behaves like \texttt{assert {\form}} then destructing the
- resulting hypothesis using the given introduction pattern.
-\item \texttt{assert {\form} as {\intropattern} by {\tac}}
- This combines the two previous variants of {\tt assert}.
-\item \texttt{pose proof {\term} as {\intropattern}\tacindex{pose proof}}
- This tactic behaves like \texttt{assert T as {\intropattern} by
- exact {\term}} where \texttt{T} is the type of {\term}.
- In particular, \texttt{pose proof {\term} as {\ident}} behaves as
- \texttt{assert ({\ident} := {\term})} and \texttt{pose proof {\term} as
- {\disjconjintropattern}\tacindex{pose proof}} behaves
- like \texttt{destruct {\term} as {\disjconjintropattern}}.
-\item {\tt specialize ({\ident} \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$)\tacindex{specialize}} \\
- {\tt specialize {\ident} with \bindinglist}
- The tactic {\tt specialize} works on local hypothesis \ident.
- The premises of this hypothesis (either universal
- quantifications or non-dependent implications) are instantiated
- by concrete terms coming either from arguments \term$_1$
- $\ldots$ \term$_n$ or from a bindings list (see
- Section~\ref{Binding-list} for more about bindings lists). In the
- second form, all instantiation elements must be given, whereas
- in the first form the application to \term$_1$ {\ldots}
- \term$_n$ can be partial. The first form is equivalent to
- {\tt assert (\ident' := {\ident} {\term$_1$} \dots\ \term$_n$);
- clear \ident; rename \ident' into \ident}.
- The name {\ident} can also refer to a global lemma or
- hypothesis. In this case, for compatibility reasons, the
- behavior of {\tt specialize} is close to that of {\tt
- generalize}: the instantiated statement becomes an additional
- premise of the goal.
- \begin{ErrMsgs}
- \item \errindexbis{{\ident} is used in hypothesis \ident'}{is used in hypothesis}
- \item \errindexbis{{\ident} is used in conclusion}{is used in conclusion}
- \end{ErrMsgs}
-%% Moreover, the old syntax allows the use of a number after {\tt specialize}
-%% for controlling the number of premises to instantiate. Giving this
-%% number should not be mandatory anymore (automatic detection of how
-%% many premises can be eaten without leaving meta-variables). Hence
-%% no documentation for this integer optional argument of specialize
-\subsection{\tt generalize \term}
-This tactic applies to any goal. It generalizes the conclusion with
-respect to one of its subterms.
-Goal forall x y:nat, (0 <= x + y + y).
-generalize (x + y + y).
-If the goal is $G$ and $t$ is a subterm of type $T$ in the goal, then
-{\tt generalize} \textit{t} replaces the goal by {\tt forall (x:$T$), $G'$}
-where $G'$ is obtained from $G$ by replacing all occurrences of $t$ by
-{\tt x}. The name of the variable (here {\tt n}) is chosen based on $T$.
-\item {\tt generalize {\term$_1$ , \dots\ , \term$_n$}}
- This is equivalent to {\tt generalize \term$_n$; \dots\ ; generalize
- \term$_1$}. Note that the sequence of \term$_i$'s are processed
- from $n$ to $1$.
-\item {\tt generalize {\term} at {\num$_1$ \dots\ \num$_i$}}
- This is equivalent to {\tt generalize \term} but it generalizes only over
- the specified occurrences of {\term} (counting from left to right on the
- expression printed using option {\tt Set Printing All}).
-\item {\tt generalize {\term} as {\ident}}
- This is equivalent to {\tt generalize \term} but it uses {\ident} to name the
- generalized hypothesis.
-\item {\tt generalize {\term$_1$} at {\num$_{11}$ \dots\ \num$_{1i_1}$}
- as {\ident$_1$}
- , {\ldots} ,
- {\term$_n$} at {\num$_{n1}$ \dots\ \num$_{ni_n}$}
- as {\ident$_2$}}
- This is the most general form of {\tt generalize} that combines the
- previous behaviors.
-\item {\tt generalize dependent \term} \tacindex{generalize dependent}
- This generalizes {\term} but also {\em all} hypotheses that depend
- on {\term}. It clears the generalized hypotheses.
-\subsection{\tt evar ( {\ident} :\ {\term} )}
-The {\tt evar} tactic creates a new local definition named \ident\ with
-type \term\ in the context. The body of this binding is a fresh
-existential variable.
-\subsection{\tt instantiate ( {\num} := {\term} )}
-The {\tt instantiate} tactic allows to refine (see Section~\ref{refine})
-an existential variable
-with the term \term. The \num\ argument is the position of the
-existential variable from right to left in the conclusion. This cannot be
-the number of the existential variable since this number is different
-in every session.
- \item {\tt instantiate ( {\num} := {\term} ) in \ident}
- \item {\tt instantiate ( {\num} := {\term} ) in ( Value of {\ident} )}
- \item {\tt instantiate ( {\num} := {\term} ) in ( Type of {\ident} )}
-These allow to refer respectively to existential variables occurring in
-a hypothesis or in the body or the type of a local definition.
- \item {\tt instantiate}
- Without argument, the {\tt instantiate} tactic tries to solve as
- many existential variables as possible, using information gathered
- from other tactics in the same tactical. This is automatically
- done after each complete tactic (i.e. after a dot in proof mode),
- but not, for example, between each tactic when they are sequenced
- by semicolons.
-\subsection{\tt admit}
-The {\tt admit} tactic ``solves'' the current subgoal by an
-axiom. This typically allows to temporarily skip a subgoal so as to
-progress further in the rest of the proof. To know if some proof still
-relies on unproved subgoals, one can use the command {\tt Print
-Assumptions} (see Section~\ref{PrintAssumptions}). Admitted subgoals
-have names of the form {\ident}\texttt{\_admitted} possibly followed
-by a number.
-\subsection{\tt absurd \term}
-This tactic applies to any goal. The argument {\term} is any
-proposition {\tt P} of type {\tt Prop}. This tactic applies {\tt
- False} elimination, that is it deduces the current goal from {\tt
- False}, and generates as subgoals {\tt $\sim$P} and {\tt P}. It is
-very useful in proofs by cases, where some cases are impossible. In
-most cases, \texttt{P} or $\sim$\texttt{P} is one of the hypotheses of
-the local context.
-\subsection{\tt contradiction}
-This tactic applies to any goal. The {\tt contradiction} tactic
-attempts to find in the current context (after all {\tt intros}) one
-hypothesis that is equivalent to {\tt False}. It permits to prune
-irrelevant cases. This tactic is a macro for the tactics sequence
-{\tt intros; elimtype False; assumption}.
-\item \errindex{No such assumption}
-\item {\tt contradiction \ident}
-The proof of {\tt False} is searched in the hypothesis named \ident.
-\subsection{\tt contradict \ident}
-This tactic allows to manipulate negated hypothesis and goals. The
-name \ident\ should correspond to a hypothesis. With
-{\tt contradict H}, the current goal and context is transformed in
-the following way:
-\item {\tt H:$\neg$A $\vd$ B} \ becomes \ {\tt $\vd$ A}
-\item {\tt H:$\neg$A $\vd$ $\neg$B} \ becomes \ {\tt H: B $\vd$ A }
-\item {\tt H: A $\vd$ B} \ becomes \ {\tt $\vd$ $\neg$A}
-\item {\tt H: A $\vd$ $\neg$B} \ becomes \ {\tt H: B $\vd$ $\neg$A}
-\subsection{\tt exfalso}
-This tactic implements the ``ex falso quodlibet'' logical principle:
-an elimination of {\tt False} is performed on the current goal, and the
-user is then required to prove that {\tt False} is indeed provable in
-the current context. This tactic is a macro for {\tt elimtype False}.
-\section{Case analysis and induction}
-The tactics presented in this section implement induction or case
-analysis on inductive or co-inductive objects (see
-\subsection{\tt destruct \term}
-This tactic applies to any goal. The argument {\term} must be of
-inductive or co-inductive type and the tactic generates subgoals, one
-for each possible form of {\term}, i.e. one for each constructor of
-the inductive or co-inductive type. Unlike {\tt induction}, no
-induction hypothesis is generated by {\tt destruct}.
-If the argument is dependent in either the conclusion or some
-hypotheses of the goal, the argument is replaced by the appropriate
-constructor form in each of the resulting subgoals, thus performing
-case analysis. If non-dependent, the tactic simply exposes the
-inductive or co-inductive structure of the argument.
-There are special cases:
-\item If {\term} is an identifier {\ident} denoting a quantified
-variable of the conclusion of the goal, then {\tt destruct {\ident}}
-behaves as {\tt intros until {\ident}; destruct {\ident}}.
-\item If {\term} is a {\num}, then {\tt destruct {\num}} behaves as
-{\tt intros until {\num}} followed by {\tt destruct} applied to the
-last introduced hypothesis. Remark: For destruction of a numeral, use
-syntax {\tt destruct ({\num})} (not very interesting anyway).
-\item The argument {\term} can also be a pattern of which holes are
- denoted by ``\_''. In this case, the tactic checks that all subterms
- matching the pattern in the conclusion and the hypotheses are
- compatible and performs case analysis using this subterm.
-\item{\tt destruct {\term} as {\disjconjintropattern}}
- This behaves as {\tt destruct {\term}} but uses the names in
- {\intropattern} to name the variables introduced in the context.
- The {\intropattern} must have the form {\tt [} $p_{11}$ \ldots
- $p_{1n_1}$ {\tt |} {\ldots} {\tt |} $p_{m1}$ \ldots $p_{mn_m}$ {\tt
- ]} with $m$ being the number of constructors of the type of
- {\term}. Each variable introduced by {\tt destruct} in the context
- of the $i^{th}$ goal gets its name from the list $p_{i1}$ \ldots
- $p_{in_i}$ in order. If there are not enough names, {\tt destruct}
- invents names for the remaining variables to introduce. More
- generally, the $p_{ij}$ can be any disjunctive/conjunctive
- introduction pattern (see Section~\ref{intros-pattern}). This
- provides a concise notation for nested destruction.
-% It is recommended to use this variant of {\tt destruct} for
-% robust proof scripts.
-\item{\tt destruct {\term} as {\disjconjintropattern} \_eqn}
- This behaves as {\tt destruct {\term}} but adds an equation between
- {\term} and the value that {\term} takes in each of the possible
- cases. The name of the equation is chosen by Coq. If
- {\disjconjintropattern} is simply {\tt []}, it is automatically considered
- as a disjunctive pattern of the appropriate size.
-\item{\tt destruct {\term} as {\disjconjintropattern} \_eqn:~{\namingintropattern}}
- This behaves as {\tt destruct {\term} as
- {\disjconjintropattern} \_eqn} but use {\namingintropattern} to
- name the equation (see Section~\ref{intros-pattern}). Note that spaces
- can generally be removed around {\tt \_eqn}.
-\item{\tt destruct {\term} with \bindinglist}
- This behaves like \texttt{destruct {\term}} providing explicit
- instances for the dependent premises of the type of {\term} (see
- syntax of bindings in Section~\ref{Binding-list}).
-\item{\tt edestruct {\term}\tacindex{edestruct}}
- This tactic behaves like \texttt{destruct {\term}} except that it
- does not fail if the instance of a dependent premises of the type of
- {\term} is not inferable. Instead, the unresolved instances are left
- as existential variables to be inferred later, in the same way as
- {\tt eapply} does (see Section~\ref{eapply-example}).
-\item{\tt destruct {\term$_1$} using {\term$_2$}}\\
- {\tt destruct {\term$_1$} using {\term$_2$} with {\bindinglist}}
- These are synonyms of {\tt induction {\term$_1$} using {\term$_2$}} and
- {\tt induction {\term$_1$} using {\term$_2$} with {\bindinglist}}.
-\item \texttt{destruct {\term} in {\occgoalset}}
- This syntax is used for selecting which occurrences of {\term} the
- case analysis has to be done on. The {\tt in {\occgoalset}} clause is an
- occurrence clause whose syntax and behavior is described in
- Section~\ref{Occurrences clauses}.
-% When an occurrence clause is given, an equation between {\term} and
-% the value it gets in each case of the analysis is added to the
-% context of the subgoals corresponding to the cases (even
-% if no clause {\tt as {\namingintropattern}} is given).
-\item{\tt destruct {\term$_1$} with {\bindinglist$_1$} as {\disjconjintropattern} \_eqn:~{\namingintropattern} using {\term$_2$} with {\bindinglist$_2$} in {\occgoalset}}\\
- {\tt edestruct {\term$_1$} with {\bindinglist$_1$} as {\disjconjintropattern} \_eqn:~{\namingintropattern} using {\term$_2$} with {\bindinglist$_2$} in {\occgoalset}}
- These are the general forms of {\tt destruct} and {\tt edestruct}.
- They combine the effects of the {\tt with}, {\tt as}, {\tt using},
- and {\tt in} clauses.
-\item{\tt case \term}\label{case}\tacindex{case}
- The tactic {\tt case} is a more basic tactic to perform case
- analysis without recursion. It behaves as {\tt elim \term} but using
- a case-analysis elimination principle and not a recursive one.
-\item {\tt case {\term} with {\bindinglist}}
- Analogous to {\tt elim {\term} with {\bindinglist}} above.
-\item{\tt ecase {\term}\tacindex{ecase}}\\
- {\tt ecase {\term} with {\bindinglist}}
- In case the type of {\term} has dependent premises, or dependent
- premises whose values are not inferable from the {\tt with
- {\bindinglist}} clause, {\tt ecase} turns them into existential
- variables to be resolved later on.
-\item {\tt simple destruct \ident}\tacindex{simple destruct}
- This tactic behaves as {\tt intros until
- {\ident}; case {\tt {\ident}}} when {\ident} is a quantified
- variable of the goal.
-\item {\tt simple destruct {\num}}
- This tactic behaves as {\tt intros until
- {\num}; case {\tt {\ident}}} where {\ident} is the name given by
- {\tt intros until {\num}} to the {\num}-th non-dependent premise of
- the goal.
-\item{\tt case\_eq \term}\label{case_eq}\tacindex{case\_eq}
- The tactic {\tt case\_eq} is a variant of the {\tt case} tactic that
- allow to perform case analysis on a term without completely
- forgetting its original form. This is done by generating equalities
- between the original form of the term and the outcomes of the case
- analysis.
-% The effect of this tactic is similar to the effect of {\tt
-% destruct {\term} in |- *} with the exception that no new hypotheses
-% are introduced in the context.
-\subsection{\tt induction \term}
-This tactic applies to any goal. The argument {\term} must be of
-inductive type and the tactic {\tt induction} generates subgoals,
-one for each possible form of {\term}, i.e. one for each constructor
-of the inductive type.
-If the argument is dependent in either the conclusion or some
-hypotheses of the goal, the argument is replaced by the appropriate
-constructor form in each of the resulting subgoals and induction
-hypotheses are added to the local context using names whose prefix is
-{\tt IH}.
-There are particular cases:
-\item If {\term} is an identifier {\ident} denoting a quantified
-variable of the conclusion of the goal, then {\tt induction {\ident}}
-behaves as {\tt intros until {\ident}; induction {\ident}}.
-\item If {\term} is a {\num}, then {\tt induction {\num}} behaves as
-{\tt intros until {\num}} followed by {\tt induction} applied to the
-last introduced hypothesis. Remark: For simple induction on a numeral,
-use syntax {\tt induction ({\num})} (not very interesting anyway).
-\item The argument {\term} can also be a pattern of which holes are
- denoted by ``\_''. In this case, the tactic checks that all subterms
- matching the pattern in the conclusion and the hypotheses are
- compatible and performs induction using this subterm.
-Lemma induction_test : forall n:nat, n = n -> n <= n.
-intros n H.
-induction n.
-\item \errindex{Not an inductive product}
-\item \errindex{Unable to find an instance for the variables
-{\ident} \ldots {\ident}}
- Use in this case
- the variant {\tt elim \dots\ with \dots} below.
-\item{\tt induction {\term} as {\disjconjintropattern}}
- This behaves as {\tt induction {\term}} but uses the names in
- {\disjconjintropattern} to name the variables introduced in the context.
- The {\disjconjintropattern} must typically be of the form
- {\tt [} $p_{11}$ \ldots
- $p_{1n_1}$ {\tt |} {\ldots} {\tt |} $p_{m1}$ \ldots $p_{mn_m}$ {\tt
- ]} with $m$ being the number of constructors of the type of
- {\term}. Each variable introduced by {\tt induction} in the context
- of the $i^{th}$ goal gets its name from the list $p_{i1}$ \ldots
- $p_{in_i}$ in order. If there are not enough names, {\tt induction}
- invents names for the remaining variables to introduce. More
- generally, the $p_{ij}$ can be any disjunctive/conjunctive
- introduction pattern (see Section~\ref{intros-pattern}). For instance,
- for an inductive type with one constructor, the pattern notation
- {\tt ($p_{1}$,\ldots,$p_{n}$)} can be used instead of
- {\tt [} $p_{1}$ \ldots $p_{n}$ {\tt ]}.
-%\item{\tt induction {\term} as {\namingintropattern}}
-% This behaves as {\tt induction {\term}} but adds an equation between
-% {\term} and the value that {\term} takes in each of the induction
-% case. The name of the equation is built according to
-% {\namingintropattern} which can be an identifier, a ``?'', etc, as
-% indicated in Section~\ref{intros-pattern}.
-%\item{\tt induction {\term} as {\namingintropattern} {\disjconjintropattern}}
-% This combines the two previous forms.
-\item{\tt induction {\term} with \bindinglist}
- This behaves like \texttt{induction {\term}} providing explicit
- instances for the premises of the type of {\term} (see the syntax of
- bindings in Section~\ref{Binding-list}).
-\item{\tt einduction {\term}\tacindex{einduction}}
- This tactic behaves like \texttt{induction {\term}} excepts that it
- does not fail if some dependent premise of the type of {\term} is
- not inferable. Instead, the unresolved premises are posed as
- existential variables to be inferred later, in the same way as {\tt
- eapply} does (see Section~\ref{eapply-example}).
-\item {\tt induction {\term$_1$} using {\term$_2$}}
- This behaves as {\tt induction {\term$_1$}} but using {\term$_2$} as
- induction scheme. It does not expect the conclusion of the type of
- {\term$_1$} to be inductive.
-\item {\tt induction {\term$_1$} using {\term$_2$} with {\bindinglist}}
- This behaves as {\tt induction {\term$_1$} using {\term$_2$}} but
- also providing instances for the premises of the type of {\term$_2$}.
-\item \texttt{induction {\term}$_1$ $\ldots$ {\term}$_n$ using {\qualid}}
- This syntax is used for the case {\qualid} denotes an induction principle
- with complex predicates as the induction principles generated by
- {\tt Function} or {\tt Functional Scheme} may be.
-\item \texttt{induction {\term} in {\occgoalset}}
- This syntax is used for selecting which occurrences of {\term} the
- induction has to be carried on. The {\tt in \occgoalset} clause is an
- occurrence clause whose syntax and behavior is described in
- Section~\ref{Occurrences clauses}.
-% When an occurrence clause is given, an equation between {\term} and
-% the value it gets in each case of the induction is added to the
-% context of the subgoals corresponding to the induction cases (even
-% if no clause {\tt as {\namingintropattern}} is given).
-\item {\tt induction {\term$_1$} with {\bindinglist$_1$} as {\namingintropattern} {\disjconjintropattern} using {\term$_2$} with {\bindinglist$_2$} in {\occgoalset}}\\
- {\tt einduction {\term$_1$} with {\bindinglist$_1$} as {\namingintropattern} {\disjconjintropattern} using {\term$_2$} with {\bindinglist$_2$} in {\occgoalset}}
- These are the most general forms of {\tt induction} and {\tt
- einduction}. It combines the effects of the {\tt with}, {\tt as},
- {\tt using}, and {\tt in} clauses.
-\item {\tt elim \term}\label{elim}
- This is a more basic induction tactic. Again, the type of the
- argument {\term} must be an inductive type. Then, according to
- the type of the goal, the tactic {\tt elim} chooses the appropriate
- destructor and applies it as the tactic {\tt apply}
- would do. For instance, if the proof context contains {\tt
- n:nat} and the current goal is {\tt T} of type {\tt
- Prop}, then {\tt elim n} is equivalent to {\tt apply nat\_ind with
- (n:=n)}. The tactic {\tt elim} does not modify the context of
- the goal, neither introduces the induction loading into the context
- of hypotheses.
- More generally, {\tt elim \term} also works when the type of {\term}
- is a statement with premises and whose conclusion is inductive. In
- that case the tactic performs induction on the conclusion of the
- type of {\term} and leaves the non-dependent premises of the type as
- subgoals. In the case of dependent products, the tactic tries to
- find an instance for which the elimination lemma applies and fails
- otherwise.
-\item {\tt elim {\term} with {\bindinglist}}
- Allows to give explicit instances to the premises of the type
- of {\term} (see Section~\ref{Binding-list}).
-\item{\tt eelim {\term}\tacindex{eelim}}
- In case the type of {\term} has dependent premises, this turns them into
- existential variables to be resolved later on.
-\item{\tt elim {\term$_1$} using {\term$_2$}}\\
- {\tt elim {\term$_1$} using {\term$_2$} with {\bindinglist}\tacindex{elim \dots\ using}}
-Allows the user to give explicitly an elimination predicate
-{\term$_2$} which is not the standard one for the underlying inductive
-type of {\term$_1$}. The {\bindinglist} clause allows to
-instantiate premises of the type of {\term$_2$}.
-\item{\tt elim {\term$_1$} with {\bindinglist$_1$} using {\term$_2$} with {\bindinglist$_2$}}\\
- {\tt eelim {\term$_1$} with {\bindinglist$_1$} using {\term$_2$} with {\bindinglist$_2$}}
- These are the most general forms of {\tt elim} and {\tt eelim}. It
- combines the effects of the {\tt using} clause and of the two uses
- of the {\tt with} clause.
-\item {\tt elimtype \form}\tacindex{elimtype}
- The argument {\form} must be inductively defined. {\tt elimtype I}
- is equivalent to {\tt cut I. intro H{\rm\sl n}; elim H{\rm\sl n};
- clear H{\rm\sl n}}. Therefore the hypothesis {\tt H{\rm\sl n}} will
- not appear in the context(s) of the subgoal(s). Conversely, if {\tt
- t} is a term of (inductive) type {\tt I} and which does not occur
- in the goal then {\tt elim t} is equivalent to {\tt elimtype I; 2:
- exact t.}
-\item {\tt simple induction \ident}\tacindex{simple induction}
- This tactic behaves as {\tt intros until
- {\ident}; elim {\tt {\ident}}} when {\ident} is a quantified
- variable of the goal.
-\item {\tt simple induction {\num}}
- This tactic behaves as {\tt intros until
- {\num}; elim {\tt {\ident}}} where {\ident} is the name given by
- {\tt intros until {\num}} to the {\num}-th non-dependent premise of
- the goal.
-%% \item {\tt simple induction {\term}}\tacindex{simple induction}
-%% If {\term} is an {\ident} corresponding to a quantified variable of
-%% the goal then the tactic behaves as {\tt intros until {\ident}; elim
-%% {\tt {\ident}}}. If {\term} is a {\num} then the tactic behaves as
-%% {\tt intros until {\ident}; elim {\tt {\ident}}}. Otherwise, it is
-%% a synonym for {\tt elim {\term}}.
-%% \Rem For simple induction on a numeral, use syntax {\tt simple
-%% induction ({\num})}.
-%\subsection[\tt FixPoint \dots]{\tt FixPoint \dots\tacindex{Fixpoint}}
-%Not yet documented.
-\subsection{\tt double induction \ident$_1$ \ident$_2$}
-\tacindex{double induction}
-This tactic is deprecated and should be replaced by {\tt induction \ident$_1$; induction \ident$_2$} (or {\tt induction \ident$_1$; destruct \ident$_2$} depending on the exact needs).
-%% This tactic applies to any goal. If the variables {\ident$_1$} and
-%% {\ident$_2$} of the goal have an inductive type, then this tactic
-%% performs double induction on these variables. For instance, if the
-%% current goal is \verb+forall n m:nat, P n m+ then, {\tt double induction n
-%% m} yields the four cases with their respective inductive hypotheses.
-%% In particular, for proving \verb+(P (S n) (S m))+, the generated induction
-%% hypotheses are \verb+(P (S n) m)+ and \verb+(m:nat)(P n m)+ (of the latter,
-%% \verb+(P n m)+ and \verb+(P n (S m))+ are derivable).
-%% \Rem When the induction hypothesis \verb+(P (S n) m)+ is not
-%% needed, {\tt induction \ident$_1$; destruct \ident$_2$} produces
-%% more concise subgoals.
-\item {\tt double induction \num$_1$ \num$_2$}
-This tactic is deprecated and should be replaced by {\tt induction
- \num$_1$; induction \num$_3$} where \num$_3$ is the result of
-%% This tactic applies to any goal. If the variables {\ident$_1$} and
-%% This applies double induction on the \num$_1^{th}$ and \num$_2^{th}$ {\it
-%% non dependent} premises of the goal. More generally, any combination of an
-%% {\ident} and a {\num} is valid.
-\subsection{\tt dependent induction \ident}
-\tacindex{dependent induction}
-The \emph{experimental} tactic \texttt{dependent induction} performs
-induction-inversion on an instantiated inductive predicate.
-One needs to first require the {\tt Coq.Program.Equality} module to use
-this tactic. The tactic is based on the BasicElim tactic by Conor
-McBride \cite{DBLP:conf/types/McBride00} and the work of Cristina Cornes
-around inversion \cite{DBLP:conf/types/CornesT95}. From an instantiated
-inductive predicate and a goal, it generates an equivalent goal where the
-hypothesis has been generalized over its indexes which are then
-constrained by equalities to be the right instances. This permits to
-state lemmas without resorting to manually adding these equalities and
-still get enough information in the proofs.
-Reset Initial.
-Lemma le_minus : forall n:nat, n < 1 -> n = 0.
-intros n H ; induction H.
-Here we did not get any information on the indexes to help fulfill this
-proof. The problem is that, when we use the \texttt{induction} tactic,
-we lose information on the hypothesis instance, notably that the second
-argument is \texttt{1} here. Dependent induction solves this problem by
-adding the corresponding equality to the context.
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
-Lemma le_minus : forall n:nat, n < 1 -> n = 0.
-intros n H ; dependent induction H.
-The subgoal is cleaned up as the tactic tries to automatically
-simplify the subgoals with respect to the generated equalities.
-In this enriched context, it becomes possible to solve this subgoal.
-Now we are in a contradictory context and the proof can be solved.
-inversion H.
-This technique works with any inductive predicate.
-In fact, the \texttt{dependent induction} tactic is just a wrapper around
-the \texttt{induction} tactic. One can make its own variant by just
-writing a new tactic based on the definition found in
-\item {\tt dependent induction {\ident} generalizing {\ident$_1$} \dots
- {\ident$_n$}}\tacindex{dependent induction \dots\ generalizing}
- This performs dependent induction on the hypothesis {\ident} but first
- generalizes the goal by the given variables so that they are
- universally quantified in the goal. This is generally what one wants
- to do with the variables that are inside some constructors in the
- induction hypothesis. The other ones need not be further generalized.
-\item {\tt dependent destruction {\ident}}\tacindex{dependent destruction}
- This performs the generalization of the instance {\ident} but uses {\tt destruct}
- instead of {\tt induction} on the generalized hypothesis. This gives
- results equivalent to {\tt inversion} or {\tt dependent inversion} if
- the hypothesis is dependent.
-\SeeAlso \ref{dependent-induction-example} for a larger example of
-dependent induction and an explanation of the underlying technique.
-\subsection{\tt functional induction (\qualid\ \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$)}
-\tacindex{functional induction}
-The \emph{experimental} tactic \texttt{functional induction} performs
-case analysis and induction following the definition of a function. It
-makes use of a principle generated by \texttt{Function}
-(see Section~\ref{Function}) or \texttt{Functional Scheme}
-(see Section~\ref{FunScheme}).
-Reset Initial.
-Functional Scheme minus_ind := Induction for minus Sort Prop.
-Check minus_ind.
-Lemma le_minus (n m:nat) : n - m <= n.
-functional induction (minus n m); simpl; auto.
-\Rem \texttt{(\qualid\ \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$)} must be a correct
-full application of \qualid. In particular, the rules for implicit
-arguments are the same as usual. For example use \texttt{@\qualid} if
-you want to write implicit arguments explicitly.
-\Rem Parentheses over \qualid \dots \term$_n$ are mandatory.
-\Rem \texttt{functional induction (f x1 x2 x3)} is actually a wrapper
-for \texttt{induction x1 x2 x3 (f x1 x2 x3) using \qualid} followed by
-a cleaning phase, where {\qualid} is the induction principle
-registered for $f$ (by the \texttt{Function} (see Section~\ref{Function})
-or \texttt{Functional Scheme} (see Section~\ref{FunScheme}) command)
-corresponding to the sort of the goal. Therefore \texttt{functional
- induction} may fail if the induction scheme {\qualid} is
-not defined. See also Section~\ref{Function} for the function terms
-accepted by \texttt{Function}.
-\Rem There is a difference between obtaining an induction scheme for a
-function by using \texttt{Function} (see Section~\ref{Function}) and by
-using \texttt{Functional Scheme} after a normal definition using
-\texttt{Fixpoint} or \texttt{Definition}. See \ref{Function} for
- \ref{sec:functional-inversion}}
-\item \errindex{Cannot find induction information on \qualid}
-\item \errindex{Not the right number of induction arguments}
-\item {\tt functional induction (\qualid\ \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$)
- as {\disjconjintropattern} using \term$_{m+1}$ with \bindinglist}
- Similarly to \texttt{Induction} and \texttt{elim}
- (see Section~\ref{Tac-induction}), this allows to give explicitly the
- name of the introduced variables, the
- induction principle, and the values of dependent premises of the
- elimination scheme, including \emph{predicates} for mutual induction
- when {\qualid} is part of a mutually recursive definition.
-\subsection{\tt discriminate \term}
-This tactic proves any goal from an assumption stating that two
-structurally different terms of an inductive set are equal. For
-example, from {\tt (S (S O))=(S O)} we can derive by absurdity any
-The argument {\term} is assumed to be a proof of a statement
-of conclusion {\tt{\term$_1$} = {\term$_2$}} with {\term$_1$} and
-{\term$_2$} being elements of an inductive set. To build the proof,
-the tactic traverses the normal forms\footnote{Reminder: opaque
- constants will not be expanded by $\delta$ reductions.} of
-{\term$_1$} and {\term$_2$} looking for a couple of subterms {\tt u}
-and {\tt w} ({\tt u} subterm of the normal form of {\term$_1$} and
-{\tt w} subterm of the normal form of {\term$_2$}), placed at the same
-positions and whose head symbols are two different constructors. If
-such a couple of subterms exists, then the proof of the current goal
-is completed, otherwise the tactic fails.
-\Rem The syntax {\tt discriminate {\ident}} can be used to refer to a
-hypothesis quantified in the goal. In this case, the quantified
-hypothesis whose name is {\ident} is first introduced in the local
-context using \texttt{intros until \ident}.
-\item \errindex{No primitive equality found}
-\item \errindex{Not a discriminable equality}
-\item \texttt{discriminate \num}
- This does the same thing as \texttt{intros until \num} followed by
- \texttt{discriminate \ident} where {\ident} is the identifier for
- the last introduced hypothesis.
-\item \texttt{discriminate {\term} with \bindinglist}
- This does the same thing as \texttt{discriminate {\term}} but using
-the given bindings to instantiate parameters or hypotheses of {\term}.
-\item \texttt{ediscriminate \num}\tacindex{ediscriminate}\\
- \texttt{ediscriminate {\term} \zeroone{with \bindinglist}}
- This works the same as {\tt discriminate} but if the type of {\term},
- or the type of the hypothesis referred to by {\num}, has uninstantiated
- parameters, these parameters are left as existential variables.
-\item \texttt{discriminate}
- This behaves like {\tt discriminate {\ident}} if {\ident} is the
- name of an hypothesis to which {\tt discriminate} is applicable; if
- the current goal is of the form {\term$_1$} {\tt <>} {\term$_2$},
- this behaves as {\tt intro {\ident}; injection {\ident}}.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{No discriminable equalities}
-\subsection{\tt injection \term}
-The {\tt injection} tactic is based on the fact that constructors of
-inductive sets are injections. That means that if $c$ is a constructor
-of an inductive set, and if $(c~\vec{t_1})$ and $(c~\vec{t_2})$ are two
-terms that are equal then $~\vec{t_1}$ and $~\vec{t_2}$ are equal
-If {\term} is a proof of a statement of conclusion
- {\tt {\term$_1$} = {\term$_2$}},
-then {\tt injection} applies injectivity as deep as possible to
-derive the equality of all the subterms of {\term$_1$} and {\term$_2$}
-placed in the same positions. For example, from {\tt (S
- (S n))=(S (S (S m)))} we may derive {\tt n=(S m)}. To use this
-tactic {\term$_1$} and {\term$_2$} should be elements of an inductive
-set and they should be neither explicitly equal, nor structurally
-different. We mean by this that, if {\tt n$_1$} and {\tt n$_2$} are
-their respective normal forms, then:
-\item {\tt n$_1$} and {\tt n$_2$} should not be syntactically equal,
-\item there must not exist any pair of subterms {\tt u} and {\tt w},
- {\tt u} subterm of {\tt n$_1$} and {\tt w} subterm of {\tt n$_2$} ,
- placed in the same positions and having different constructors as
- head symbols.
-If these conditions are satisfied, then, the tactic derives the
-equality of all the subterms of {\term$_1$} and {\term$_2$} placed in
-the same positions and puts them as antecedents of the current goal.
-\Example Consider the following goal:
-Inductive list : Set :=
- | nil : list
- | cons : nat -> list -> list.
-Variable P : list -> Prop.
-Lemma ex :
- forall (l:list) (n:nat), P nil -> cons n l = cons 0 nil -> P l.
-intros l n H H0.
-injection H0.
-Beware that \texttt{injection} yields always an equality in a sigma type
-whenever the injected object has a dependent type.
-\Rem There is a special case for dependent pairs. If we have a decidable
-equality over the type of the first argument, then it is safe to do
-the projection on the second one, and so {\tt injection} will work fine.
-To define such an equality, you have to use the {\tt Scheme} command
-(see \ref{Scheme}).
-\Rem If some quantified hypothesis of the goal is named {\ident}, then
-{\tt injection {\ident}} first introduces the hypothesis in the local
-context using \texttt{intros until \ident}.
-\item \errindex{Not a projectable equality but a discriminable one}
-\item \errindex{Nothing to do, it is an equality between convertible terms}
-\item \errindex{Not a primitive equality}
-\item \texttt{injection \num}
- This does the same thing as \texttt{intros until \num} followed by
-\texttt{injection \ident} where {\ident} is the identifier for the last
-introduced hypothesis.
-\item \texttt{injection {\term} with \bindinglist}
- This does the same as \texttt{injection {\term}} but using
- the given bindings to instantiate parameters or hypotheses of {\term}.
-\item \texttt{einjection \num}\tacindex{einjection}\\
- \texttt{einjection {\term} \zeroone{with \bindinglist}}
- This works the same as {\tt injection} but if the type of {\term},
- or the type of the hypothesis referred to by {\num}, has uninstantiated
- parameters, these parameters are left as existential variables.
-\item{\tt injection}
- If the current goal is of the form {\term$_1$} {\tt <>} {\term$_2$},
- this behaves as {\tt intro {\ident}; injection {\ident}}.
- \ErrMsg \errindex{goal does not satisfy the expected preconditions}
-\item \texttt{injection {\term} \zeroone{with \bindinglist} as \nelist{\intropattern}{}}\\
-\texttt{injection {\num} as {\intropattern} \dots\ \intropattern}\\
-\texttt{injection as {\intropattern} \dots\ \intropattern}\\
-\texttt{einjection {\term} \zeroone{with \bindinglist} as \nelist{\intropattern}{}}\\
-\texttt{einjection {\num} as {\intropattern} \dots\ \intropattern}\\
-\texttt{einjection as {\intropattern} \dots\ \intropattern}
-\tacindex{injection \dots\ as}
-These variants apply \texttt{intros} \nelist{\intropattern}{} after
-the call to \texttt{injection} or \texttt{einjection}.
-\subsection{\tt inversion \ident}
-Let the type of {\ident} in the local context be $(I~\vec{t})$,
-where $I$ is a (co)inductive predicate. Then,
-\texttt{inversion} applied to \ident~ derives for each possible
-constructor $c_i$ of $(I~\vec{t})$, {\bf all} the necessary
-conditions that should hold for the instance $(I~\vec{t})$ to be
-proved by $c_i$.
-\Rem If {\ident} does not denote a hypothesis in the local context
-but refers to a hypothesis quantified in the goal, then the
-latter is first introduced in the local context using
-\texttt{intros until \ident}.
-\Rem As inversion proofs may be large in size, we recommend the user to
-stock the lemmas whenever the same instance needs to be inverted
-several times. See Section~\ref{Derive-Inversion}.
-\item \texttt{inversion \num}
- This does the same thing as \texttt{intros until \num} then
- \texttt{inversion \ident} where {\ident} is the identifier for the
- last introduced hypothesis.
-\item \tacindex{inversion\_clear} \texttt{inversion\_clear \ident}
- This behaves as \texttt{inversion} and then erases \ident~ from the
- context.
-\item \tacindex{inversion \dots\ as} \texttt{inversion {\ident} as \intropattern}
- This behaves as \texttt{inversion} but using names in
- {\intropattern} for naming hypotheses. The {\intropattern} must have
- the form {\tt [} $p_{11}$ \ldots $p_{1n_1}$ {\tt |} {\ldots} {\tt |}
- $p_{m1}$ \ldots $p_{mn_m}$ {\tt ]} with $m$ being the number of
- constructors of the type of {\ident}. Be careful that the list must
- be of length $m$ even if {\tt inversion} discards some cases (which
- is precisely one of its roles): for the discarded cases, just use an
- empty list (i.e. $n_i=0$).
- The arguments of the $i^{th}$ constructor and the
- equalities that {\tt inversion} introduces in the context of the
- goal corresponding to the $i^{th}$ constructor, if it exists, get
- their names from the list $p_{i1}$ \ldots $p_{in_i}$ in order. If
- there are not enough names, {\tt induction} invents names for the
- remaining variables to introduce. In case an equation splits into
- several equations (because {\tt inversion} applies {\tt injection}
- on the equalities it generates), the corresponding name $p_{ij}$ in
- the list must be replaced by a sublist of the form {\tt [$p_{ij1}$
- \ldots $p_{ijq}$]} (or, equivalently, {\tt ($p_{ij1}$,
- \ldots, $p_{ijq}$)}) where $q$ is the number of subequalities
- obtained from splitting the original equation. Here is an example.
-Require Import List.
-Inductive contains0 : list nat -> Prop :=
- | in_hd : forall l, contains0 (0 :: l)
- | in_tl : forall l b, contains0 l -> contains0 (b :: l).
-Goal forall l:list nat, contains0 (1 :: l) -> contains0 l.
-intros l H; inversion H as [ | l' p Hl' [Heqp Heql'] ].
-\item \texttt{inversion {\num} as \intropattern}
- This allows to name the hypotheses introduced by
- \texttt{inversion \num} in the context.
-\item \tacindex{inversion\_clear \dots\ as} \texttt{inversion\_clear
- {\ident} as \intropattern}
- This allows to name the hypotheses introduced by
- \texttt{inversion\_clear} in the context.
-\item \tacindex{inversion \dots\ in} \texttt{inversion {\ident}
- in \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
- Let \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$, be identifiers in the local context. This
- tactic behaves as generalizing \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$, and
- then performing \texttt{inversion}.
-\item \tacindex{inversion \dots\ as \dots\ in} \texttt{inversion
- {\ident} as {\intropattern} in \ident$_1$ \dots\
- \ident$_n$}
- This allows to name the hypotheses introduced in the context by
- \texttt{inversion {\ident} in \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}.
-\item \tacindex{inversion\_clear \dots\ in} \texttt{inversion\_clear
- {\ident} in \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
- Let \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$, be identifiers in the local context. This
- tactic behaves as generalizing \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$, and
- then performing {\tt inversion\_clear}.
-\item \tacindex{inversion\_clear \dots\ as \dots\ in}
- \texttt{inversion\_clear {\ident} as {\intropattern}
- in \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
- This allows to name the hypotheses introduced in the context by
- \texttt{inversion\_clear {\ident} in \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}.
-\item \tacindex{dependent inversion} \texttt{dependent inversion \ident}
- That must be used when \ident\ appears in the current goal. It acts
- like \texttt{inversion} and then substitutes \ident\ for the
- corresponding term in the goal.
-\item \tacindex{dependent inversion \dots\ as } \texttt{dependent
- inversion {\ident} as \intropattern}
- This allows to name the hypotheses introduced in the context by
- \texttt{dependent inversion} {\ident}.
-\item \tacindex{dependent inversion\_clear} \texttt{dependent
- inversion\_clear \ident}
- Like \texttt{dependent inversion}, except that {\ident} is cleared
- from the local context.
-\item \tacindex{dependent inversion\_clear \dots\ as}
- \texttt{dependent inversion\_clear {\ident} as \intropattern}
- This allows to name the hypotheses introduced in the context by
- \texttt{dependent inversion\_clear} {\ident}.
-\item \tacindex{dependent inversion \dots\ with} \texttt{dependent
- inversion {\ident} with \term}
- This variant allows you to specify the generalization of the goal. It
- is useful when the system fails to generalize the goal automatically. If
- {\ident} has type $(I~\vec{t})$ and $I$ has type
- $\forall (\vec{x}:\vec{T}), s$, then \term~ must be of type
- $I:\forall (\vec{x}:\vec{T}), I~\vec{x}\to s'$ where $s'$ is the
- type of the goal.
-\item \tacindex{dependent inversion \dots\ as \dots\ with}
- \texttt{dependent inversion {\ident} as {\intropattern}
- with \term}
- This allows to name the hypotheses introduced in the context by
- \texttt{dependent inversion {\ident} with \term}.
-\item \tacindex{dependent inversion\_clear \dots\ with}
- \texttt{dependent inversion\_clear {\ident} with \term}
- Like \texttt{dependent inversion \dots\ with} but clears {\ident} from
- the local context.
-\item \tacindex{dependent inversion\_clear \dots\ as \dots\ with}
- \texttt{dependent inversion\_clear {\ident} as
- {\intropattern} with \term}
- This allows to name the hypotheses introduced in the context by
- \texttt{dependent inversion\_clear {\ident} with \term}.
-\item \tacindex{simple inversion} \texttt{simple inversion \ident}
- It is a very primitive inversion tactic that derives all the necessary
- equalities but it does not simplify the constraints as
- \texttt{inversion} does.
-\item \tacindex{simple inversion \dots\ as} \texttt{simple inversion
- {\ident} as \intropattern}
- This allows to name the hypotheses introduced in the context by
- \texttt{simple inversion}.
-\item \tacindex{inversion \dots\ using} \texttt{inversion {\ident}
- using \ident$'$}
- Let {\ident} have type $(I~\vec{t})$ ($I$ an inductive
- predicate) in the local context, and \ident$'$ be a (dependent) inversion
- lemma. Then, this tactic refines the current goal with the specified
- lemma.
-\item \tacindex{inversion \dots\ using \dots\ in} \texttt{inversion
- {\ident} using \ident$'$ in \ident$_1$\dots\ \ident$_n$}
- This tactic behaves as generalizing \ident$_1$\dots\ \ident$_n$,
- then doing \texttt{inversion {\ident} using \ident$'$}.
-\example{Non-dependent inversion}
-Let us consider the relation \texttt{Le} over natural numbers and the
-following variables:
-Reset Initial.
-Inductive Le : nat -> nat -> Set :=
- | LeO : forall n:nat, Le 0 n
- | LeS : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Le (S n) (S m).
-Variable P : nat -> nat -> Prop.
-Variable Q : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Prop.
-Let us consider the following goal:
-Lemma ex : forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m -> P n m.
-To prove the goal, we may need to reason by cases on \texttt{H} and to
-derive that \texttt{m} is necessarily of
-the form $(S~m_0)$ for certain $m_0$ and that $(Le~n~m_0)$.
-Deriving these conditions corresponds to prove that the
-only possible constructor of \texttt{(Le (S n) m)} is
-\texttt{LeS} and that we can invert the
-\texttt{->} in the type of \texttt{LeS}.
-This inversion is possible because \texttt{Le} is the smallest set closed by
-the constructors \texttt{LeO} and \texttt{LeS}.
-inversion_clear H.
-Note that \texttt{m} has been substituted in the goal for \texttt{(S m0)}
-and that the hypothesis \texttt{(Le n m0)} has been added to the
-Sometimes it is
-interesting to have the equality \texttt{m=(S m0)} in the
-context to use it after. In that case we can use \texttt{inversion} that
-does not clear the equalities:
-inversion H.
-\example{Dependent inversion}
-Let us consider the following goal:
-Lemma ex_dep : forall (n m:nat) (H:Le (S n) m), Q (S n) m H.
-As \texttt{H} occurs in the goal, we may want to reason by cases on its
-structure and so, we would like inversion tactics to
-substitute \texttt{H} by the corresponding term in constructor form.
-Neither \texttt{Inversion} nor {\tt Inversion\_clear} make such a
-To have such a behavior we use the dependent inversion tactics:
-dependent inversion_clear H.
-Note that \texttt{H} has been substituted by \texttt{(LeS n m0 l)} and
-\texttt{m} by \texttt{(S m0)}.
-\subsection{\tt fix {\ident} {\num}}
-This tactic is a primitive tactic to start a proof by induction. In
-general, it is easier to rely on higher-level induction tactics such
-as the ones described in Section~\ref{Tac-induction}.
-In the syntax of the tactic, the identifier {\ident} is the name given
-to the induction hypothesis. The natural number {\num} tells on which
-premise of the current goal the induction acts, starting
-from 1 and counting both dependent and non dependent
-products. Especially, the current lemma must be composed of at least
-{\num} products.
-Like in a {\tt fix} expression, the induction
-hypotheses have to be used on structurally smaller arguments.
-The verification that inductive proof arguments are correct is done
-only at the time of registering the lemma in the environment. To know
-if the use of induction hypotheses is correct at some
-time of the interactive development of a proof, use the command {\tt
- Guarded} (see Section~\ref{Guarded}).
- \item {\tt fix \ident$_1$ {\num} with ( \ident$_2$
- \nelist{\binder$_2$}{} \zeroone{\{ struct \ident$'_2$
- \}} :~\type$_2$ ) \dots\ ( \ident$_n$
- \nelist{\binder$_n$}{} \zeroone{\{ struct \ident$'_n$ \}} :~\type$_n$ )}
-This starts a proof by mutual induction. The statements to be
-simultaneously proved are respectively {\tt forall}
- \nelist{{\binder}$_2$}{}{\tt ,} {\type}$_2$, {\ldots}, {\tt forall}
- \nelist{{\binder}$_n$}{}{\tt ,} {\type}$_n$. The identifiers
-{\ident}$_1$ {\ldots} {\ident}$_n$ are the names of the induction
-hypotheses. The identifiers {\ident}$'_2$ {\ldots} {\ident}$'_n$ are the
-respective names of the premises on which the induction is performed
-in the statements to be simultaneously proved (if not given, the
-system tries to guess itself what they are).
-\subsection{\tt cofix \ident}
-This tactic starts a proof by coinduction. The identifier {\ident} is
-the name given to the coinduction hypothesis. Like in a {\tt cofix}
-expression, the use of induction hypotheses have to guarded by a
-constructor. The verification that the use of co-inductive hypotheses
-is correct is done only at the time of registering the lemma in the
-environment. To know if the use of coinduction hypotheses is correct
-at some time of the interactive development of a proof, use the
-command {\tt Guarded} (see Section~\ref{Guarded}).
- \item {\tt cofix \ident$_1$ with ( \ident$_2$
- \nelist{\binder$_2$}{} :~\type$_2$ ) \dots\ (
- \ident$_n$ \nelist{\binder$_n$}{} :~\type$_n$ )}
-This starts a proof by mutual coinduction. The statements to be
-simultaneously proved are respectively {\tt forall}
-\nelist{{\binder}$_2$}{}{\tt ,} {\type}$_2$, {\ldots}, {\tt forall}
- \nelist{{\binder}$_n$}{}{\tt ,} {\type}$_n$. The identifiers
- {\ident}$_1$ {\ldots} {\ident}$_n$ are the names of the
- coinduction hypotheses.
-\section{Rewriting expressions}
-These tactics use the equality {\tt eq:forall A:Type, A->A->Prop}
-defined in file {\tt Logic.v} (see Section~\ref{Equality}). The
-notation for {\tt eq}~$T~t~u$ is simply {\tt $t$=$u$} dropping the
-implicit type of $t$ and $u$.
-\subsection{\tt rewrite \term
-This tactic applies to any goal. The type of {\term}
-must have the form
-\texttt{forall (x$_1$:A$_1$) \dots\ (x$_n$:A$_n$)}\texttt{eq} \term$_1$ \term$_2$.
-\noindent where \texttt{eq} is the Leibniz equality or a registered
-setoid equality.
-\noindent Then {\tt rewrite \term} finds the first subterm matching
-\term$_1$ in the goal, resulting in instances \term$_1'$ and \term$_2'$
-and then replaces every occurrence of \term$_1'$ by \term$_2'$.
-Hence, some of the variables x$_i$ are
-solved by unification, and some of the types \texttt{A}$_1$, \dots,
-\texttt{A}$_n$ become new subgoals.
-% \Rem In case the type of
-% \term$_1$ contains occurrences of variables bound in the
-% type of \term, the tactic tries first to find a subterm of the goal
-% which matches this term in order to find a closed instance \term$'_1$
-% of \term$_1$, and then all instances of \term$'_1$ will be replaced.
-\item \errindex{The term provided does not end with an equation}
-\item \errindex{Tactic generated a subgoal identical to the original goal}\\
-This happens if \term$_1$ does not occur in the goal.
-\item {\tt rewrite -> {\term}}\tacindex{rewrite ->}\\
- Is equivalent to {\tt rewrite \term}
-\item {\tt rewrite <- {\term}}\tacindex{rewrite <-}\\
- Uses the equality \term$_1${\tt=}\term$_2$ from right to left
-\item {\tt rewrite {\term} in \textit{clause}}
- \tacindex{rewrite \dots\ in}\\
- Analogous to {\tt rewrite {\term}} but rewriting is done following
- \textit{clause} (similarly to \ref{Conversion-tactics}). For
- instance:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \texttt{rewrite H in H1} will rewrite \texttt{H} in the hypothesis
- \texttt{H1} instead of the current goal.
- \item \texttt{rewrite H in H1 at 1, H2 at - 2 |- *} means \texttt{rewrite H; rewrite H in H1 at 1;
- rewrite H in H2 at - 2}. In particular a failure will happen if any of
- these three simpler tactics fails.
- \item \texttt{rewrite H in * |- } will do \texttt{rewrite H in
- H$_i$} for all hypothesis \texttt{H$_i$ <> H}. A success will happen
- as soon as at least one of these simpler tactics succeeds.
- \item \texttt{rewrite H in *} is a combination of \texttt{rewrite H}
- and \texttt{rewrite H in * |-} that succeeds if at
- least one of these two tactics succeeds.
- \end{itemize}
- Orientation {\tt ->} or {\tt <-} can be
- inserted before the term to rewrite.
-\item {\tt rewrite {\term} at {\occlist}}
- \tacindex{rewrite \dots\ at}
- Rewrite only the given occurrences of \term$_1'$. Occurrences are
- specified from left to right as for \texttt{pattern} (\S
- \ref{pattern}). The rewrite is always performed using setoid
- rewriting, even for Leibniz's equality, so one has to
- \texttt{Import Setoid} to use this variant.
-\item {\tt rewrite {\term} by {\tac}}
- \tacindex{rewrite \dots\ by}
- Use {\tac} to completely solve the side-conditions arising from the
- rewrite.
-\item {\tt rewrite $\term_1$, \ldots, $\term_n$}\\
- Is equivalent to the $n$ successive tactics {\tt rewrite $\term_1$}
- up to {\tt rewrite $\term_n$}, each one working on the first subgoal
- generated by the previous one.
- Orientation {\tt ->} or {\tt <-} can be
- inserted before each term to rewrite. One unique \textit{clause}
- can be added at the end after the keyword {\tt in}; it will
- then affect all rewrite operations.
-\item In all forms of {\tt rewrite} described above, a term to rewrite
- can be immediately prefixed by one of the following modifiers:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item {\tt ?} : the tactic {\tt rewrite ?$\term$} performs the
- rewrite of $\term$ as many times as possible (perhaps zero time).
- This form never fails.
- \item {\tt $n$?} : works similarly, except that it will do at most
- $n$ rewrites.
- \item {\tt !} : works as {\tt ?}, except that at least one rewrite
- should succeed, otherwise the tactic fails.
- \item {\tt $n$!} (or simply {\tt $n$}) : precisely $n$ rewrites
- of $\term$ will be done, leading to failure if these $n$ rewrites are not possible.
- \end{itemize}
-\item {\tt erewrite {\term}\tacindex{erewrite}}
-This tactic works as {\tt rewrite {\term}} but turning unresolved
-bindings into existential variables, if any, instead of failing. It has
-the same variants as {\tt rewrite} has.
-\subsection{\tt cutrewrite -> \term$_1$ = \term$_2$
-This tactic acts like {\tt replace {\term$_1$} with {\term$_2$}}
-(see below).
-\subsection{\tt replace {\term$_1$} with {\term$_2$}
-\tacindex{replace \dots\ with}}
-This tactic applies to any goal. It replaces all free occurrences of
-{\term$_1$} in the current goal with {\term$_2$} and generates the
-equality {\term$_2$}{\tt =}{\term$_1$} as a subgoal. This equality is
-automatically solved if it occurs amongst the assumption, or if its
-symmetric form occurs. It is equivalent to {\tt cut
-\term$_2$=\term$_1$; [intro H{\sl n}; rewrite <- H{\sl n}; clear H{\sl
-n}| assumption || symmetry; try assumption]}.
-\item \errindex{terms do not have convertible types}
-\item {\tt replace {\term$_1$} with {\term$_2$} by \tac}\\ This acts
- as {\tt replace {\term$_1$} with {\term$_2$}} but applies {\tt \tac}
- to solve the generated subgoal {\tt \term$_2$=\term$_1$}.
-\item {\tt replace {\term}}\\ Replace {\term} with {\term'} using the
- first assumption whose type has the form {\tt \term=\term'} or {\tt
- \term'=\term}
-\item {\tt replace -> {\term}}\\ Replace {\term} with {\term'} using the
- first assumption whose type has the form {\tt \term=\term'}
-\item {\tt replace <- {\term}}\\ Replace {\term} with {\term'} using the
- first assumption whose type has the form {\tt \term'=\term}
-\item {\tt replace {\term$_1$} with {\term$_2$} \textit{clause} }\\
- {\tt replace {\term$_1$} with {\term$_2$} \textit{clause} by \tac }\\
- {\tt replace {\term} \textit{clause}}\\
- {\tt replace -> {\term} \textit{clause}}\\
- {\tt replace <- {\term} \textit{clause}}\\
- Act as before but the replacements take place in
- \textit{clause}~(see Section~\ref{Conversion-tactics}) and not only
- in the conclusion of the goal.\\
- The \textit{clause} argument must not contain any \texttt{type of} nor \texttt{value of}.
-\subsection{\tt reflexivity
-This tactic applies to a goal which has the form {\tt t=u}. It checks
-that {\tt t} and {\tt u} are convertible and then solves the goal.
-It is equivalent to {\tt apply refl\_equal}.
-\item \errindex{The conclusion is not a substitutive equation}
-\item \errindex{Impossible to unify \dots\ with \dots.}
-\subsection{\tt symmetry
-\tacindex{symmetry in}}
-This tactic applies to a goal which has the form {\tt t=u} and changes it
-into {\tt u=t}.
-\variant {\tt symmetry in {\ident}}\\
-If the statement of the hypothesis {\ident} has the form {\tt t=u},
-the tactic changes it to {\tt u=t}.
-\subsection{\tt transitivity \term
-This tactic applies to a goal which has the form {\tt t=u}
-and transforms it into the two subgoals
-{\tt t={\term}} and {\tt {\term}=u}.
-\subsection{\tt subst {\ident}
-This tactic applies to a goal which has \ident\ in its context and
-(at least) one hypothesis, say {\tt H}, of type {\tt
- \ident=t} or {\tt t=\ident}. Then it replaces
-\ident\ by {\tt t} everywhere in the goal (in the hypotheses
-and in the conclusion) and clears \ident\ and {\tt H} from the context.
-When several hypotheses have the form {\tt \ident=t} or {\tt
- t=\ident}, the first one is used.
- \item {\tt subst \ident$_1$ \dots \ident$_n$} \\
- Is equivalent to {\tt subst \ident$_1$; \dots; subst \ident$_n$}.
- \item {\tt subst} \\
- Applies {\tt subst} repeatedly to all identifiers from the context
- for which an equality exists.
-\subsection[{\tt stepl {\term}}]{{\tt stepl {\term}}\tacindex{stepl}}
-This tactic is for chaining rewriting steps. It assumes a goal of the
-form ``$R$ {\term}$_1$ {\term}$_2$'' where $R$ is a binary relation
-and relies on a database of lemmas of the form {\tt forall} $x$ $y$
-$z$, $R$ $x$ $y$ {\tt ->} $eq$ $x$ $z$ {\tt ->} $R$ $z$ $y$ where $eq$
-is typically a setoid equality. The application of {\tt stepl {\term}}
-then replaces the goal by ``$R$ {\term} {\term}$_2$'' and adds a new
-goal stating ``$eq$ {\term} {\term}$_1$''.
-Lemmas are added to the database using the command
-\comindex{Declare Left Step}
-{\tt Declare Left Step {\term}.}
-The tactic is especially useful for parametric setoids which are not
-accepted as regular setoids for {\tt rewrite} and {\tt
- setoid\_replace} (see Chapter~\ref{setoid_replace}).
-\comindex{Declare Right Step}
-\item{\tt stepl {\term} by {\tac}}\\
-This applies {\tt stepl {\term}} then applies {\tac} to the second goal.
-\item{\tt stepr {\term}}\\
- {\tt stepr {\term} by {\tac}}\\
-This behaves as {\tt stepl} but on the right-hand-side of the binary relation.
-Lemmas are expected to be of the form
-``{\tt forall} $x$ $y$
-$z$, $R$ $x$ $y$ {\tt ->} $eq$ $y$ $z$ {\tt ->} $R$ $x$ $z$''
-and are registered using the command
-{\tt Declare Right Step {\term}.}
-\subsection{\tt change \term
-This tactic applies to any goal. It implements the rule
-``Conv''\index{Typing rules!Conv} given in Section~\ref{Conv}. {\tt
- change U} replaces the current goal \T\ with \U\ providing that
-\U\ is well-formed and that \T\ and \U\ are convertible.
-\item \errindex{Not convertible}
-\tacindex{change \dots\ in}
-\item {\tt change \term$_1$ with \term$_2$}
- This replaces the occurrences of \term$_1$ by \term$_2$ in the
- current goal. The terms \term$_1$ and \term$_2$ must be
- convertible.
-\item {\tt change \term$_1$ at \num$_1$ \dots\ \num$_i$ with \term$_2$}
- This replaces the occurrences numbered \num$_1$ \dots\ \num$_i$ of
- \term$_1$ by \term$_2$ in the current goal.
- The terms \term$_1$ and \term$_2$ must be convertible.
- \ErrMsg {\tt Too few occurrences}
-\item {\tt change {\term} in {\ident}}
-\item {\tt change \term$_1$ with \term$_2$ in {\ident}}
-\item {\tt change \term$_1$ at \num$_1$ \dots\ \num$_i$ with \term$_2$ in
- {\ident}}
- This applies the {\tt change} tactic not to the goal but to the
- hypothesis {\ident}.
-\SeeAlso \ref{Conversion-tactics}
-\section{Performing computations
-\index{Conversion tactics}
-This set of tactics implements different specialized usages of the
-tactic \texttt{change}.
-All conversion tactics (including \texttt{change}) can be
-parameterized by the parts of the goal where the conversion can
-occur. This is done using \emph{goal clauses} which consists in a list
-of hypotheses and, optionally, of a reference to the conclusion of the
-goal. For defined hypothesis it is possible to specify if the
-conversion should occur on the type part, the body part or both
-\index{Goal clauses}
-Goal clauses are written after a conversion tactic (tactics
-\texttt{set}~\ref{tactic:set}, \texttt{rewrite}~\ref{rewrite},
-\texttt{replace}~\ref{tactic:replace} and
-\texttt{autorewrite}~\ref{tactic:autorewrite} also use goal clauses) and
-are introduced by the keyword \texttt{in}. If no goal clause is provided,
-the default is to perform the conversion only in the conclusion.
-The syntax and description of the various goal clauses is the following:
-\item[]\texttt{in {\ident}$_1$ $\ldots$ {\ident}$_n$ |- } only in hypotheses {\ident}$_1$
- \ldots {\ident}$_n$
-\item[]\texttt{in {\ident}$_1$ $\ldots$ {\ident}$_n$ |- *} in hypotheses {\ident}$_1$ \ldots
- {\ident}$_n$ and in the conclusion
-\item[]\texttt{in * |-} in every hypothesis
-\item[]\texttt{in *} (equivalent to \texttt{in * |- *}) everywhere
-\item[]\texttt{in (type of {\ident}$_1$) (value of {\ident}$_2$) $\ldots$ |-} in
- type part of {\ident}$_1$, in the value part of {\ident}$_2$, etc.
-For backward compatibility, the notation \texttt{in}~{\ident}$_1$\ldots {\ident}$_n$
-performs the conversion in hypotheses {\ident}$_1$\ldots {\ident}$_n$.
-%voir reduction__conv_x : histoires d'univers.
-\subsection[{\tt cbv \flag$_1$ \dots\ \flag$_n$}, {\tt lazy \flag$_1$
-\dots\ \flag$_n$} and {\tt compute}]
-{{\tt cbv \flag$_1$ \dots\ \flag$_n$}, {\tt lazy \flag$_1$
-\dots\ \flag$_n$} and {\tt compute}
-These parameterized reduction tactics apply to any goal and perform
-the normalization of the goal according to the specified flags. In
-correspondence with the kinds of reduction considered in \Coq\, namely
-$\beta$ (reduction of functional application), $\delta$ (unfolding of
-transparent constants, see \ref{Transparent}), $\iota$ (reduction of
-pattern-matching over a constructed term, and unfolding of {\tt fix}
-and {\tt cofix} expressions) and $\zeta$ (contraction of local
-definitions), the flag are either {\tt beta}, {\tt delta}, {\tt iota}
-or {\tt zeta}. The {\tt delta} flag itself can be refined into {\tt
-delta [\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$]} or {\tt delta
--[\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$]}, restricting in the first case the
-constants to unfold to the constants listed, and restricting in the
-second case the constant to unfold to all but the ones explicitly
-mentioned. Notice that the {\tt delta} flag does not apply to
-variables bound by a let-in construction inside the term itself (use
-here the {\tt zeta} flag). In any cases, opaque constants are not
-unfolded (see Section~\ref{Opaque}).
-The goal may be normalized with two strategies: {\em lazy} ({\tt lazy}
-tactic), or {\em call-by-value} ({\tt cbv} tactic). The lazy strategy
-is a call-by-need strategy, with sharing of reductions: the arguments of a
-function call are partially evaluated only when necessary, and if an
-argument is used several times then it is computed only once. This
-reduction is efficient for reducing expressions with dead code. For
-instance, the proofs of a proposition {\tt exists~$x$. $P(x)$} reduce to a
-pair of a witness $t$, and a proof that $t$ satisfies the predicate
-$P$. Most of the time, $t$ may be computed without computing the proof
-of $P(t)$, thanks to the lazy strategy.
-The call-by-value strategy is the one used in ML languages: the
-arguments of a function call are evaluated first, using a weak
-reduction (no reduction under the $\lambda$-abstractions). Despite the
-lazy strategy always performs fewer reductions than the call-by-value
-strategy, the latter is generally more efficient for evaluating purely
-computational expressions (i.e. with few dead code).
-\item {\tt compute} \tacindex{compute}\\
- {\tt cbv}
- These are synonyms for {\tt cbv beta delta iota zeta}.
-\item {\tt lazy}
- This is a synonym for {\tt lazy beta delta iota zeta}.
-\item {\tt compute [\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$]}\\
- {\tt cbv [\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$]}
- These are synonyms of {\tt cbv beta delta
- [\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$] iota zeta}.
-\item {\tt compute -[\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$]}\\
- {\tt cbv -[\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$]}
- These are synonyms of {\tt cbv beta delta
- -[\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$] iota zeta}.
-\item {\tt lazy [\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$]}\\
- {\tt lazy -[\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$]}
- These are respectively synonyms of {\tt lazy beta delta
- [\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$] iota zeta} and {\tt lazy beta delta
- -[\qualid$_1$\ldots\qualid$_k$] iota zeta}.
-\item {\tt vm\_compute} \tacindex{vm\_compute}
- This tactic evaluates the goal using the optimized call-by-value
- evaluation bytecode-based virtual machine. This algorithm is
- dramatically more efficient than the algorithm used for the {\tt
- cbv} tactic, but it cannot be fine-tuned. It is specially
- interesting for full evaluation of algebraic objects. This includes
- the case of reflexion-based tactics.
-% Obsolete? Anyway not very important message
-%\item \errindex{Delta must be specified before}
-% A list of constants appeared before the {\tt delta} flag.
-\subsection{{\tt red}
-This tactic applies to a goal which has the form {\tt
- forall (x:T1)\dots(xk:Tk), c t1 \dots\ tn} where {\tt c} is a constant. If
-{\tt c} is transparent then it replaces {\tt c} with its definition
-(say {\tt t}) and then reduces {\tt (t t1 \dots\ tn)} according to
-$\beta\iota\zeta$-reduction rules.
-\item \errindex{Not reducible}
-\subsection{{\tt hnf}
-This tactic applies to any goal. It replaces the current goal with its
-head normal form according to the $\beta\delta\iota\zeta$-reduction
-rules, i.e. it reduces the head of the goal until it becomes a
-product or an irreducible term.
-The term \verb+forall n:nat, (plus (S n) (S n))+ is not reduced by {\tt hnf}.
-\Rem The $\delta$ rule only applies to transparent constants
-(see Section~\ref{Opaque} on transparency and opacity).
-\subsection{\tt simpl
-This tactic applies to any goal. The tactic {\tt simpl} first applies
-$\beta\iota$-reduction rule. Then it expands transparent constants
-and tries to reduce {\tt T'} according, once more, to $\beta\iota$
-rules. But when the $\iota$ rule is not applicable then possible
-$\delta$-reductions are not applied. For instance trying to use {\tt
-simpl} on {\tt (plus n O)=n} changes nothing. Notice that only
-transparent constants whose name can be reused as such in the
-recursive calls are possibly unfolded. For instance a constant defined
-by {\tt plus' := plus} is possibly unfolded and reused in the
-recursive calls, but a constant such as {\tt succ := plus (S O)} is
-never unfolded.
-The behavior of {\tt simpl} can be tuned using the {\tt Arguments} vernacular
-command as follows:
-A constant can be marked to be never unfolded by {\tt simpl}:
-Arguments minus x y : simpl never
-After that command an expression like {\tt (minus (S x) y)} is left untouched by
-the {\tt simpl} tactic.
-A constant can be marked to be unfolded only if applied to enough arguments.
-The number of arguments required can be specified using
-the {\tt /} symbol in the arguments list of the {\tt Arguments} vernacular
-Definition fcomp A B C f (g : A -> B) (x : A) : C := f (g x).
-Notation "f \o g" := (fcomp f g) (at level 50).
-Arguments fcomp {A B C} f g x /.
-After that command the expression {\tt (f \verb+\+o g)} is left untouched by
-{\tt simpl} while {\tt ((f \verb+\+o g) t)} is reduced to {\tt (f (g t))}.
-The same mechanism can be used to make a constant volatile, i.e. always
-unfolded by {\tt simpl}.
-Definition volatile := fun x : nat => x.
-Arguments volatile / x.
-A constant can be marked to be unfolded only if an entire set of arguments
-evaluates to a constructor. The {\tt !} symbol can be used to mark such
-Arguments minus !x !y.
-After that command, the expression {\tt (minus (S x) y)} is left untouched by
-{\tt simpl}, while {\tt (minus (S x) (S y))} is reduced to {\tt (minus x y)}.
-A special heuristic to determine if a constant has to be unfolded can be
-activated with the following command:
-Arguments minus x y : simpl nomatch
-The heuristic avoids to perform a simplification step that would
-expose a {\tt match} construct in head position. For example the
-expression {\tt (minus (S (S x)) (S y))} is simplified to
-{\tt (minus (S x) y)} even if an extra simplification is possible.
-\tacindex{simpl \dots\ in}
-\item {\tt simpl {\term}}
- This applies {\tt simpl} only to the occurrences of {\term} in the
- current goal.
-\item {\tt simpl {\term} at \num$_1$ \dots\ \num$_i$}
- This applies {\tt simpl} only to the \num$_1$, \dots, \num$_i$
- occurrences of {\term} in the current goal.
- \ErrMsg {\tt Too few occurrences}
-\item {\tt simpl {\ident}}
- This applies {\tt simpl} only to the applicative subterms whose head
- occurrence is {\ident}.
-\item {\tt simpl {\ident} at \num$_1$ \dots\ \num$_i$}
- This applies {\tt simpl} only to the \num$_1$, \dots, \num$_i$
-applicative subterms whose head occurrence is {\ident}.
-\subsection{\tt unfold \qualid
-This tactic applies to any goal. The argument {\qualid} must denote a
-defined transparent constant or local definition (see Sections~\ref{Basic-definitions} and~\ref{Transparent}). The tactic {\tt
- unfold} applies the $\delta$ rule to each occurrence of the constant
-to which {\qualid} refers in the current goal and then replaces it
-with its $\beta\iota$-normal form.
-\item {\qualid} \errindex{does not denote an evaluable constant}
-\item {\tt unfold {\qualid}$_1$, \dots, \qualid$_n$}
- \tacindex{unfold \dots\ in}
- Replaces {\em simultaneously} {\qualid}$_1$, \dots, {\qualid}$_n$
- with their definitions and replaces the current goal with its
- $\beta\iota$ normal form.
-\item {\tt unfold {\qualid}$_1$ at \num$_1^1$, \dots, \num$_i^1$,
-\dots,\ \qualid$_n$ at \num$_1^n$ \dots\ \num$_j^n$}
- The lists \num$_1^1$, \dots, \num$_i^1$ and \num$_1^n$, \dots,
- \num$_j^n$ specify the occurrences of {\qualid}$_1$, \dots,
- \qualid$_n$ to be unfolded. Occurrences are located from left to
- right.
- \ErrMsg {\tt bad occurrence number of {\qualid}$_i$}
- \ErrMsg {\qualid}$_i$ {\tt does not occur}
-\item {\tt unfold {\qstring}}
- If {\qstring} denotes the discriminating symbol of a notation (e.g. {\tt
- "+"}) or an expression defining a notation (e.g. \verb!"_ + _"!), and
- this notation refers to an unfoldable constant, then the tactic
- unfolds it.
-\item {\tt unfold {\qstring}\%{\delimkey}}
- This is variant of {\tt unfold {\qstring}} where {\qstring} gets its
- interpretation from the scope bound to the delimiting key
- {\delimkey} instead of its default interpretation (see
- Section~\ref{scopechange}).
-\item {\tt unfold \qualidorstring$_1$ at \num$_1^1$, \dots, \num$_i^1$,
-\dots,\ \qualidorstring$_n$ at \num$_1^n$ \dots\ \num$_j^n$}
- This is the most general form, where {\qualidorstring} is either a
- {\qualid} or a {\qstring} referring to a notation.
-\subsection{{\tt fold} \term
-This tactic applies to any goal. The term \term\ is reduced using the {\tt red}
-tactic. Every occurrence of the resulting term in the goal is then
-replaced by \term.
-\item {\tt fold} \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$
- Equivalent to {\tt fold} \term$_1${\tt;}\ldots{\tt; fold} \term$_n$.
-\subsection{{\tt pattern {\term}}
-This command applies to any goal. The argument {\term} must be a free
-subterm of the current goal. The command {\tt pattern} performs
-$\beta$-expansion (the inverse of $\bt$-reduction) of the current goal
-(say \T) by
-\item replacing all occurrences of {\term} in {\T} with a fresh variable
-\item abstracting this variable
-\item applying the abstracted goal to {\term}
-For instance, if the current goal $T$ is expressible has $\phi(t)$
-where the notation captures all the instances of $t$ in $\phi(t)$,
-then {\tt pattern $t$} transforms it into {\tt (fun x:$A$ => $\phi(${\tt
-x}$)$) $t$}. This command can be used, for instance, when the tactic
-{\tt apply} fails on matching.
-\item {\tt pattern {\term} at {\num$_1$} \dots\ {\num$_n$}}
- Only the occurrences {\num$_1$} \dots\ {\num$_n$} of {\term} are
- considered for $\beta$-expansion. Occurrences are located from left
- to right.
-\item {\tt pattern {\term} at - {\num$_1$} \dots\ {\num$_n$}}
- All occurrences except the occurrences of indexes {\num$_1$} \dots\
- {\num$_n$} of {\term} are considered for
- $\beta$-expansion. Occurrences are located from left to right.
-\item {\tt pattern {\term$_1$}, \dots, {\term$_m$}}
- Starting from a goal $\phi(t_1 \dots\ t_m)$, the tactic
- {\tt pattern $t_1$, \dots,\ $t_m$} generates the equivalent goal {\tt
- (fun (x$_1$:$A_1$) \dots\ (x$_m$:$A_m$) => $\phi(${\tt x$_1$\dots\
- x$_m$}$)$) $t_1$ \dots\ $t_m$}.\\ If $t_i$ occurs in one of the
- generated types $A_j$ these occurrences will also be considered and
- possibly abstracted.
-\item {\tt pattern {\term$_1$} at {\num$_1^1$} \dots\ {\num$_{n_1}^1$}, \dots,
- {\term$_m$} at {\num$_1^m$} \dots\ {\num$_{n_m}^m$}}
- This behaves as above but processing only the occurrences \num$_1^1$,
- \dots, \num$_i^1$ of \term$_1$, \dots, \num$_1^m$, \dots, \num$_j^m$
- of \term$_m$ starting from \term$_m$.
-\item {\tt pattern} {\term$_1$} \zeroone{{\tt at \zeroone{-}} {\num$_1^1$} \dots\ {\num$_{n_1}^1$}} {\tt ,} \dots {\tt ,}
- {\term$_m$} \zeroone{{\tt at \zeroone{-}} {\num$_1^m$} \dots\ {\num$_{n_m}^m$}}
- This is the most general syntax that combines the different variants.
-\subsection{Conversion tactics applied to hypotheses}
-{\convtactic} {\tt in} \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$
-Applies the conversion tactic {\convtactic} to the
-hypotheses \ident$_1$, \ldots, \ident$_n$. The tactic {\convtactic} is
-any of the conversion tactics listed in this section.
-If \ident$_i$ is a local definition, then \ident$_i$ can be replaced
-by (Type of \ident$_i$) to address not the body but the type of the
-local definition. Example: {\tt unfold not in (Type of H1) (Type of H3).}
-\item \errindex{No such hypothesis} : {\ident}.
-\subsection{\tt auto
-This tactic implements a Prolog-like resolution procedure to solve the
-current goal. It first tries to solve the goal using the {\tt
- assumption} tactic, then it reduces the goal to an atomic one using
-{\tt intros} and introducing the newly generated hypotheses as hints.
-Then it looks at the list of tactics associated to the head symbol of
-the goal and tries to apply one of them (starting from the tactics
-with lower cost). This process is recursively applied to the generated
-By default, \texttt{auto} only uses the hypotheses of the current goal and the
-hints of the database named {\tt core}.
-\item {\tt auto \num}
- Forces the search depth to be \num. The maximal search depth is 5 by
- default.
-\item {\tt auto with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
- Uses the hint databases $\ident_1$ \dots\ $\ident_n$ in addition to
- the database {\tt core}. See Section~\ref{Hints-databases} for the
- list of pre-defined databases and the way to create or extend a
- database. This option can be combined with the previous one.
-\item {\tt auto with *}
- Uses all existing hint databases, minus the special database
- {\tt v62}. See Section~\ref{Hints-databases}
-\item \texttt{auto using \nterm{lemma}$_1$ , \ldots , \nterm{lemma}$_n$}
- Uses \nterm{lemma}$_1$, \ldots, \nterm{lemma}$_n$ in addition to
- hints (can be combined with the \texttt{with \ident} option). If
- $lemma_i$ is an inductive type, it is the collection of its
- constructors which is added as hints.
-\item \texttt{auto using \nterm{lemma}$_1$ , \ldots , \nterm{lemma}$_n$ with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
- This combines the effects of the {\tt using} and {\tt with} options.
-\item {\tt trivial}\tacindex{trivial}
- This tactic is a restriction of {\tt auto} that is not recursive and
- tries only hints which cost 0. Typically it solves trivial
- equalities like $X=X$.
-\item \texttt{trivial with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
-\item \texttt{trivial with *}
-\Rem {\tt auto} either solves completely the goal or else leaves it
-intact. \texttt{auto} and \texttt{trivial} never fail.
-\SeeAlso Section~\ref{Hints-databases}
-\subsection{\tt eauto
-This tactic generalizes {\tt auto}. In contrast with
-the latter, {\tt eauto} uses unification of the goal
-against the hints rather than pattern-matching
-(in other words, it uses {\tt eapply} instead of
-{\tt apply}).
-As a consequence, {\tt eauto} can solve such a goal:
-Hint Resolve ex_intro.
-Goal forall P:nat -> Prop, P 0 -> exists n, P n.
-Note that {\tt ex\_intro} should be declared as an
-\SeeAlso Section~\ref{Hints-databases}
-\subsection{\tt autounfold with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$
-This tactic unfolds constants that were declared through a {\tt Hint
- Unfold} in the given databases.
-\item {\tt autounfold with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ in \textit{clause}}
- Perform the unfolding in the given clause.
-\item {\tt autounfold with *}
- Uses the unfold hints declared in all the hint databases.
-\subsection{\tt autorewrite with \ident$_1$ \dots \ident$_n$.
-This tactic \footnote{The behavior of this tactic has much changed compared to
-the versions available in the previous distributions (V6). This may cause
-significant changes in your theories to obtain the same result. As a drawback
-of the re-engineering of the code, this tactic has also been completely revised
-to get a very compact and readable version.} carries out rewritings according
-the rewriting rule bases {\tt \ident$_1$ \dots \ident$_n$}.
-Each rewriting rule of a base \ident$_i$ is applied to the main subgoal until
-it fails. Once all the rules have been processed, if the main subgoal has
-progressed (e.g., if it is distinct from the initial main goal) then the rules
-of this base are processed again. If the main subgoal has not progressed then
-the next base is processed. For the bases, the behavior is exactly similar to
-the processing of the rewriting rules.
-The rewriting rule bases are built with the {\tt Hint~Rewrite} vernacular
-\Warning{} This tactic may loop if you build non terminating rewriting systems.
-\item {\tt autorewrite with \ident$_1$ \dots \ident$_n$ using \tac}\\
-Performs, in the same way, all the rewritings of the bases {\tt \ident$_1$ $...$
-\ident$_n$} applying {\tt \tac} to the main subgoal after each rewriting step.
-\item \texttt{autorewrite with {\ident$_1$} \dots \ident$_n$ in {\qualid}}
- Performs all the rewritings in hypothesis {\qualid}.
-\item \texttt{autorewrite with {\ident$_1$} \dots \ident$_n$ in {\qualid} using \tac}
- Performs all the rewritings in hypothesis {\qualid} applying {\tt
- \tac} to the main subgoal after each rewriting step.
-\item \texttt{autorewrite with {\ident$_1$} \dots \ident$_n$ in \textit{clause}}
- Performs all the rewritings in the clause \textit{clause}. \\
- The \textit{clause} argument must not contain any \texttt{type of} nor \texttt{value of}.
-\SeeAlso Section~\ref{HintRewrite} for feeding the database of lemmas used by {\tt autorewrite}.
-\SeeAlso Section~\ref{autorewrite-example} for examples showing the use of
-this tactic.
-% En attente d'un moyen de valoriser les fichiers de demos
-%\SeeAlso file \texttt{contrib/Rocq/DEMOS/Demo\_AutoRewrite.v}
-\section{Controlling automation}
-\subsection{The hints databases for {\tt auto} and {\tt eauto}
-\index{Hints databases}
-The hints for \texttt{auto} and \texttt{eauto} are stored in
-databases. Each database maps head symbols to a list of hints. One can
-use the command \texttt{Print Hint \ident} to display the hints
-associated to the head symbol \ident{} (see \ref{PrintHint}). Each
-hint has a cost that is an nonnegative integer, and an optional pattern.
-The hints with lower cost are tried first. A hint is tried by
-\texttt{auto} when the conclusion of the current goal
-matches its pattern or when it has no pattern.
-\subsubsection*{Creating Hint databases
- \label{CreateHintDb}\comindex{CreateHintDb}}
-One can optionally declare a hint database using the command
-\texttt{Create HintDb}. If a hint is added to an unknown database, it
-will be automatically created.
-\texttt{Create HintDb} {\ident} [\texttt{discriminated}]
-This command creates a new database named \ident.
-The database is implemented by a Discrimination Tree (DT) that serves as
-an index of all the lemmas. The DT can use transparency information to decide
-if a constant should be indexed or not (c.f. \ref{HintTransparency}),
-making the retrieval more efficient.
-The legacy implementation (the default one for new databases) uses the
-DT only on goals without existentials (i.e., auto goals), for non-Immediate
-hints and do not make use of transparency hints, putting more work on the
-unification that is run after retrieval (it keeps a list of the lemmas
-in case the DT is not used). The new implementation enabled by
-the {\tt discriminated} option makes use of DTs in all cases and takes
-transparency information into account. However, the order in which hints
-are retrieved from the DT may differ from the order in which they were
-inserted, making this implementation observationally different from the
-legacy one.
-\item\texttt{Local Hint} \textsl{hint\_definition} \texttt{:}
- \ident$_1$ \ldots\ \ident$_n$
- This is used to declare a hint database that must not be exported to the other
- modules that require and import the current module. Inside a
- section, the option {\tt Local} is useless since hints do not
- survive anyway to the closure of sections.
-The general
-command to add a hint to some database \ident$_1$, \dots, \ident$_n$ is:
- \texttt{Hint} \textsl{hint\_definition} \texttt{:} \ident$_1$ \ldots\ \ident$_n$
-where {\sl hint\_definition} is one of the following expressions:
-\item \texttt{Resolve} {\term}
- \comindex{Hint Resolve}
- This command adds {\tt apply {\term}} to the hint list
- with the head symbol of the type of \term. The cost of that hint is
- the number of subgoals generated by {\tt apply {\term}}.
- In case the inferred type of \term\ does not start with a product the
- tactic added in the hint list is {\tt exact {\term}}. In case this
- type can be reduced to a type starting with a product, the tactic {\tt
- apply {\term}} is also stored in the hints list.
- If the inferred type of \term\ contains a dependent
- quantification on a predicate, it is added to the hint list of {\tt
- eapply} instead of the hint list of {\tt apply}. In this case, a
- warning is printed since the hint is only used by the tactic {\tt
- eauto} (see \ref{eauto}). A typical example of a hint that is used
- only by \texttt{eauto} is a transitivity lemma.
- \begin{ErrMsgs}
- \item \errindex{Bound head variable}
- The head symbol of the type of {\term} is a bound variable such
- that this tactic cannot be associated to a constant.
- \item \term\ \errindex{cannot be used as a hint}
- The type of \term\ contains products over variables which do not
- appear in the conclusion. A typical example is a transitivity axiom.
- In that case the {\tt apply} tactic fails, and thus is useless.
- \end{ErrMsgs}
- \begin{Variants}
- \item \texttt{Resolve} {\term$_1$} \dots {\term$_m$}
- Adds each \texttt{Resolve} {\term$_i$}.
- \end{Variants}
-\item \texttt{Immediate {\term}}
-\comindex{Hint Immediate}
- This command adds {\tt apply {\term}; trivial} to the hint list
- associated with the head symbol of the type of {\ident} in the given
- database. This tactic will fail if all the subgoals generated by
- {\tt apply {\term}} are not solved immediately by the {\tt trivial}
- tactic (which only tries tactics with cost $0$).
- This command is useful for theorems such as the symmetry of equality
- or $n+1=m+1 \to n=m$ that we may like to introduce with a
- limited use in order to avoid useless proof-search.
- The cost of this tactic (which never generates subgoals) is always 1,
- so that it is not used by {\tt trivial} itself.
- \begin{ErrMsgs}
- \item \errindex{Bound head variable}
- \item \term\ \errindex{cannot be used as a hint}
- \end{ErrMsgs}
- \begin{Variants}
- \item \texttt{Immediate} {\term$_1$} \dots {\term$_m$}
- Adds each \texttt{Immediate} {\term$_i$}.
- \end{Variants}
-\item \texttt{Constructors} {\ident}
-\comindex{Hint Constructors}
- If {\ident} is an inductive type, this command adds all its
- constructors as hints of type \texttt{Resolve}. Then, when the
- conclusion of current goal has the form \texttt{({\ident} \dots)},
- \texttt{auto} will try to apply each constructor.
- \begin{ErrMsgs}
- \item {\ident} \errindex{is not an inductive type}
- \item {\ident} \errindex{not declared}
- \end{ErrMsgs}
- \begin{Variants}
- \item \texttt{Constructors} {\ident$_1$} \dots {\ident$_m$}
- Adds each \texttt{Constructors} {\ident$_i$}.
- \end{Variants}
-\item \texttt{Unfold} {\qualid}
-\comindex{Hint Unfold}
- This adds the tactic {\tt unfold {\qualid}} to the hint list that
- will only be used when the head constant of the goal is \ident. Its
- cost is 4.
- \begin{Variants}
- \item \texttt{Unfold} {\ident$_1$} \dots {\ident$_m$}
- Adds each \texttt{Unfold} {\ident$_i$}.
- \end{Variants}
-\item \texttt{Transparent}, \texttt{Opaque} {\qualid}
-\comindex{Hint Transparent}
-\comindex{Hint Opaque}
- This adds a transparency hint to the database, making {\tt {\qualid}}
- a transparent or opaque constant during resolution. This information
- is used during unification of the goal with any lemma in the database
- and inside the discrimination network to relax or constrain it in the
- case of \texttt{discriminated} databases.
- \begin{Variants}
- \item \texttt{Transparent}, \texttt{Opaque} {\ident$_1$} \dots {\ident$_m$}
- Declares each {\ident$_i$} as a transparent or opaque constant.
- \end{Variants}
-\item \texttt{Extern \num\ [\pattern]\ => }\textsl{tactic}
-\comindex{Hint Extern}
- This hint type is to extend \texttt{auto} with tactics other than
- \texttt{apply} and \texttt{unfold}. For that, we must specify a
- cost, an optional pattern and a tactic to execute. Here is an example:
-Hint Extern 4 (~(_ = _)) => discriminate.
- Now, when the head of the goal is a disequality, \texttt{auto} will
- try \texttt{discriminate} if it does not manage to solve the goal
- with hints with a cost less than 4.
- One can even use some sub-patterns of the pattern in the tactic
- script. A sub-pattern is a question mark followed by an ident, like
- \texttt{?X1} or \texttt{?X2}. Here is an example:
-% Require EqDecide.
-Require Import List.
-Hint Extern 5 ({?X1 = ?X2} + {?X1 <> ?X2}) =>
- generalize X1, X2; decide equality : eqdec.
-forall a b:list (nat * nat), {a = b} + {a <> b}.
-info auto with eqdec.
-\Rem One can use an \texttt{Extern} hint with no pattern to do
-pattern-matching on hypotheses using \texttt{match goal with} inside
-the tactic.
-\item \texttt{Hint} \textsl{hint\_definition}
- No database name is given: the hint is registered in the {\tt core}
- database.
-\item\texttt{Hint Local} \textsl{hint\_definition} \texttt{:}
- \ident$_1$ \ldots\ \ident$_n$
- This is used to declare hints that must not be exported to the other
- modules that require and import the current module. Inside a
- section, the option {\tt Local} is useless since hints do not
- survive anyway to the closure of sections.
-\item\texttt{Hint Local} \textsl{hint\_definition}
- Idem for the {\tt core} database.
-% There are shortcuts that allow to define several goal at once:
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item \comindex{Hints Resolve}\texttt{Hints Resolve \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ : \ident.}\\
-% This command is a shortcut for the following ones:
-% \begin{quotation}
-% \noindent\texttt{Hint \ident$_1$ : \ident\ := Resolve \ident$_1$}\\
-% \dots\\
-% \texttt{Hint \ident$_1$ : \ident := Resolve \ident$_1$}
-% \end{quotation}
-% Notice that the hint name is the same that the theorem given as
-% hint.
-% \item \comindex{Hints Immediate}\texttt{Hints Immediate \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ : \ident.}\\
-% \item \comindex{Hints Unfold}\texttt{Hints Unfold \qualid$_1$ \dots\ \qualid$_n$ : \ident.}\\
-% \end{itemize}
-% \item \texttt{Overriding hint named \dots\ in database \dots}
-\subsection{Hint databases defined in the \Coq\ standard library}
-Several hint databases are defined in the \Coq\ standard library. The
-actual content of a database is the collection of the hints declared
-to belong to this database in each of the various modules currently
-loaded. Especially, requiring new modules potentially extend a
-database. At {\Coq} startup, only the {\tt core} and {\tt v62}
-databases are non empty and can be used.
-\item[\tt core] This special database is automatically used by
- \texttt{auto}, except when pseudo-database \texttt{nocore} is
- given to \texttt{auto}. The \texttt{core} database contains
- only basic lemmas about negation,
- conjunction, and so on from. Most of the hints in this database come
- from the \texttt{Init} and \texttt{Logic} directories.
-\item[\tt arith] This database contains all lemmas about Peano's
- arithmetic proved in the directories \texttt{Init} and
- \texttt{Arith}
-\item[\tt zarith] contains lemmas about binary signed integers from
- the directories \texttt{theories/ZArith}. When required, the module
- {\tt Omega} also extends the database {\tt zarith} with a high-cost
- hint that calls {\tt omega} on equations and inequalities in {\tt
- nat} or {\tt Z}.
-\item[\tt bool] contains lemmas about booleans, mostly from directory
- \texttt{theories/Bool}.
-\item[\tt datatypes] is for lemmas about lists, streams and so on that
- are mainly proved in the \texttt{Lists} subdirectory.
-\item[\tt sets] contains lemmas about sets and relations from the
- directories \texttt{Sets} and \texttt{Relations}.
-\item[\tt typeclass\_instances] contains all the type class instances
- declared in the environment, including those used for \texttt{setoid\_rewrite},
- from the \texttt{Classes} directory.
-There is also a special database called {\tt v62}. It collects all
-hints that were declared in the versions of {\Coq} prior to version
-6.2.4 when the databases {\tt core}, {\tt arith}, and so on were
-introduced. The purpose of the database {\tt v62} is to ensure
-compatibility with further versions of {\Coq} for developments done in
-versions prior to 6.2.4 ({\tt auto} being replaced by {\tt auto with v62}).
-The database {\tt v62} is intended not to be extended (!). It is not
-included in the hint databases list used in the {\tt auto with *} tactic.
-Furthermore, you are advised not to put your own hints in the
-{\tt core} database, but use one or several databases specific to your
-\subsection{\tt Print Hint
-\comindex{Print Hint}}
-This command displays all hints that apply to the current goal. It
-fails if no proof is being edited, while the two variants can be used at
-every moment.
-\item {\tt Print Hint {\ident} }
- This command displays only tactics associated with \ident\ in the
- hints list. This is independent of the goal being edited, so this
- command will not fail if no goal is being edited.
-\item {\tt Print Hint *}
- This command displays all declared hints.
-\item {\tt Print HintDb {\ident} }
-\comindex{Print HintDb}
- This command displays all hints from database \ident.
-\subsection{\tt Hint Rewrite \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$ : \ident
-\comindex{Hint Rewrite}}
-This vernacular command adds the terms {\tt \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$}
-(their types must be equalities) in the rewriting base {\tt \ident}
-with the default orientation (left to right). Notice that the
-rewriting bases are distinct from the {\tt auto} hint bases and that
-{\tt auto} does not take them into account.
-This command is synchronous with the section mechanism (see \ref{Section}):
-when closing a section, all aliases created by \texttt{Hint Rewrite} in that
-section are lost. Conversely, when loading a module, all \texttt{Hint Rewrite}
-declarations at the global level of that module are loaded.
-\item {\tt Hint Rewrite -> \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$ : \ident}\\
-This is strictly equivalent to the command above (we only make explicit the
-orientation which otherwise defaults to {\tt ->}).
-\item {\tt Hint Rewrite <- \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$ : \ident}\\
-Adds the rewriting rules {\tt \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$} with a right-to-left
-orientation in the base {\tt \ident}.
-\item {\tt Hint Rewrite \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$ using {\tac} : {\ident}}\\
-When the rewriting rules {\tt \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$} in {\tt \ident} will
-be used, the tactic {\tt \tac} will be applied to the generated subgoals, the
-main subgoal excluded.
-%% \item
-%% {\tt Hint Rewrite [ \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$ ] in \ident}\\
-%% {\tt Hint Rewrite [ \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$ ] in {\ident} using {\tac}}\\
-%% These are deprecated syntactic variants for
-%% {\tt Hint Rewrite \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$ : \ident} and
-%% {\tt Hint Rewrite \term$_1$ \dots \term$_n$ using {\tac} : {\ident}}.
-\item \texttt{Print Rewrite HintDb {\ident}}
- This command displays all rewrite hints contained in {\ident}.
-\subsection{Hints and sections
-Hints provided by the \texttt{Hint} commands are erased when closing a
-section. Conversely, all hints of a module \texttt{A} that are not
-defined inside a section (and not defined with option {\tt Local}) become
-available when the module {\tt A} is imported (using
-e.g. \texttt{Require Import A.}).
-\subsection{Setting implicit automation tactics}
-\subsubsection[\tt Proof with {\tac}.]{\tt Proof with {\tac}.\label{ProofWith}
-\comindex{Proof with}}
- This command may be used to start a proof. It defines a default
- tactic to be used each time a tactic command {\tac$_1$} is ended by
- ``\verb#...#''. In this case the tactic command typed by the user is
- equivalent to \tac$_1$;{\tac}.
-\SeeAlso {\tt Proof.} in Section~\ref{BeginProof}.
-\item {\tt Proof with {\tac} using {\ident$_1$ \dots {\ident$_n$}}}
- Combines in a single line {\tt Proof with} and {\tt Proof using},
- see~\ref{ProofUsing}
-\item {\tt Proof using {\ident$_1$ \dots {\ident$_n$}} with {\tac}}
- Combines in a single line {\tt Proof with} and {\tt Proof using},
- see~\ref{ProofUsing}
-\subsubsection[\tt Declare Implicit Tactic {\tac}.]{\tt Declare Implicit Tactic {\tac}.\comindex{Declare Implicit Tactic}}
-This command declares a tactic to be used to solve implicit arguments
-that {\Coq} does not know how to solve by unification. It is used
-every time the term argument of a tactic has one of its holes not
-fully resolved.
-Here is an example:
-Parameter quo : nat -> forall n:nat, n<>0 -> nat.
-Notation "x // y" := (quo x y _) (at level 40).
-Declare Implicit Tactic assumption.
-Goal forall n m, m<>0 -> { q:nat & { r | q * m + r = n } }.
-exists (n // m).
-The tactic {\tt exists (n // m)} did not fail. The hole was solved by
-{\tt assumption} so that it behaved as {\tt exists (quo n m H)}.
-\section{Decision procedures}
-\subsection{\tt tauto
-This tactic implements a decision procedure for intuitionistic propositional
-calculus based on the contraction-free sequent calculi LJT* of Roy Dyckhoff
-\cite{Dyc92}. Note that {\tt tauto} succeeds on any instance of an
-intuitionistic tautological proposition. {\tt tauto} unfolds negations
-and logical equivalence but does not unfold any other definition.
-The following goal can be proved by {\tt tauto} whereas {\tt auto}
-would fail:
-Goal forall (x:nat) (P:nat -> Prop), x = 0 \/ P x -> x <> 0 -> P x.
- intros.
- tauto.
-Moreover, if it has nothing else to do, {\tt tauto} performs
-introductions. Therefore, the use of {\tt intros} in the previous
-proof is unnecessary. {\tt tauto} can for instance prove the
-(* auto would fail *)
-Goal forall (A:Prop) (P:nat -> Prop),
- A \/ (forall x:nat, ~ A -> P x) -> forall x:nat, ~ A -> P x.
- tauto.
-\Rem In contrast, {\tt tauto} cannot solve the following goal
-Goal forall (A:Prop) (P:nat -> Prop),
- A \/ (forall x:nat, ~ A -> P x) -> forall x:nat, ~ ~ (A \/ P x).
-because \verb=(forall x:nat, ~ A -> P x)= cannot be treated as atomic and an
-instantiation of \verb=x= is necessary.
-\subsection{\tt intuition {\tac}
-The tactic \texttt{intuition} takes advantage of the search-tree built
-by the decision procedure involved in the tactic {\tt tauto}. It uses
-this information to generate a set of subgoals equivalent to the
-original one (but simpler than it) and applies the tactic
-{\tac} to them \cite{Mun94}. If this tactic fails on some goals then
-{\tt intuition} fails. In fact, {\tt tauto} is simply {\tt intuition
- fail}.
-For instance, the tactic {\tt intuition auto} applied to the goal
-(forall (x:nat), P x)/\B -> (forall (y:nat),P y)/\ P O \/B/\ P O
-internally replaces it by the equivalent one:
-(forall (x:nat), P x), B |- P O
-and then uses {\tt auto} which completes the proof.
-Originally due to C{\'e}sar~Mu{\~n}oz, these tactics ({\tt tauto} and {\tt intuition})
-have been completely re-engineered by David~Delahaye using mainly the tactic
-language (see Chapter~\ref{TacticLanguage}). The code is now much shorter and
-a significant increase in performance has been noticed. The general behavior
-with respect to dependent types, unfolding and introductions has
-slightly changed to get clearer semantics. This may lead to some
-\item {\tt intuition}\\
- Is equivalent to {\tt intuition auto with *}.
-% En attente d'un moyen de valoriser les fichiers de demos
-%\SeeAlso file \texttt{contrib/Rocq/DEMOS/Demo\_tauto.v}
-\subsection{\tt rtauto
-The {\tt rtauto} tactic solves propositional tautologies similarly to what {\tt tauto} does. The main difference is that the proof term is built using a reflection scheme applied to a sequent calculus proof of the goal. The search procedure is also implemented using a different technique.
-Users should be aware that this difference may result in faster proof-search but slower proof-checking, and {\tt rtauto} might not solve goals that {\tt tauto} would be able to solve (e.g. goals involving universal quantifiers).
-\subsection{{\tt firstorder}
-The tactic \texttt{firstorder} is an {\it experimental} extension of
-\texttt{tauto} to
-first-order reasoning, written by Pierre Corbineau.
-It is not restricted to usual logical connectives but
-instead may reason about any first-order class inductive definition.
- \item {\tt firstorder {\tac}}
- \tacindex{firstorder {\tac}}
- Tries to solve the goal with {\tac} when no logical rule may apply.
- \item {\tt firstorder with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ }
- \tacindex{firstorder with}
- Adds lemmas \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ to the proof-search
- environment.
- \item {\tt firstorder using {\qualid}$_1$ , \dots\ , {\qualid}$_n$ }
- \tacindex{firstorder using}
- Adds lemmas in {\tt auto} hints bases {\qualid}$_1$ \dots\ {\qualid}$_n$
- to the proof-search environment. If {\qualid}$_i$ refers to an inductive
- type, it is the collection of its constructors which is added as hints.
-\item \texttt{firstorder using {\qualid}$_1$ , \dots\ , {\qualid}$_n$ with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}
- This combines the effects of the {\tt using} and {\tt with} options.
-Proof-search is bounded by a depth parameter which can be set by typing the
-{\nobreak \tt Set Firstorder Depth $n$} \comindex{Set Firstorder Depth}
-vernacular command.
-\subsection{\tt congruence
-The tactic {\tt congruence}, by Pierre Corbineau, implements the standard Nelson and Oppen
-congruence closure algorithm, which is a decision procedure for ground
-equalities with uninterpreted symbols. It also include the constructor theory
-(see \ref{injection} and \ref{discriminate}).
-If the goal is a non-quantified equality, {\tt congruence} tries to
-prove it with non-quantified equalities in the context. Otherwise it
-tries to infer a discriminable equality from those in the context. Alternatively, congruence tries to prove that a hypothesis is equal to the goal or to the negation of another hypothesis.
-{\tt congruence} is also able to take advantage of hypotheses stating quantified equalities, you have to provide a bound for the number of extra equalities generated that way. Please note that one of the members of the equality must contain all the quantified variables in order for {\tt congruence} to match against it.
-Reset Initial.
-Variable A:Set.
-Variables a b:A.
-Variable f:A->A.
-Variable g:A->A->A.
-Theorem T:
- a=(f a) -> (g b (f a))=(f (f a)) -> (g a b)=(f (g b a)) -> (g a b)=a.
-Reset Initial.
-Variable A:Set.
-Variables a c d:A.
-Variable f:A->A*A.
-Theorem inj : f = pair a -> Some (f c) = Some (f d) -> c=d.
- \item {\tt congruence {\sl n}}\\
- Tries to add at most {\tt \sl n} instances of hypotheses stating quantified equalities to the problem in order to solve it. A bigger value of {\tt \sl n} does not make success slower, only failure. You might consider adding some lemmas as hypotheses using {\tt assert} in order for congruence to use them.
-\item {\tt congruence with \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$}\\
- Adds {\tt \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$} to the pool of terms used by
- {\tt congruence}. This helps in case you have partially applied
- constructors in your goal.
- \item \errindex{I don't know how to handle dependent equality} \\
- The decision procedure managed to find a proof of the goal or of
- a discriminable equality but this proof couldn't be built in {\Coq}
- because of dependently-typed functions.
- \item \errindex{I couldn't solve goal} \\
- The decision procedure didn't find any way to solve the goal.
- \item \errindex{Goal is solvable by congruence but some arguments are missing. Try "congruence with \dots", replacing metavariables by arbitrary terms.} \\
- The decision procedure could solve the goal with the provision
- that additional arguments are supplied for some partially applied
- constructors. Any term of an appropriate type will allow the
- tactic to successfully solve the goal. Those additional arguments
- can be given to {\tt congruence} by filling in the holes in the
- terms given in the error message, using the {\tt with} variant
- described above.
-\section{Things that do not fit other sections}
-\section{Everything after this point has yet to be sorted}
-\subsection{\tt constr\_eq \term$_1$ \term$_2$
-This tactic applies to any goal. It checks whether its arguments are
-equal modulo alpha conversion and casts.
-\ErrMsg \errindex{Not equal}
-\subsection{\tt unify \term$_1$ \term$_2$
-This tactic applies to any goal. It checks whether its arguments are
-unifiable, potentially instantiating existential variables.
-\ErrMsg \errindex{Not unifiable}
-\item {\tt unify \term$_1$ \term$_2$ with \ident}
- Unification takes the transparency information defined in the
- hint database {\tt \ident} into account (see Section~\ref{HintTransparency}).
-\subsection{\tt is\_evar \term
-This tactic applies to any goal. It checks whether its argument is an
-existential variable. Existential variables are uninstantiated
-variables generated by e.g. {\tt eapply} (see Section~\ref{apply}).
-\ErrMsg \errindex{Not an evar}
-\subsection{\tt has\_evar \term
-This tactic applies to any goal. It checks whether its argument has an
-existential variable as a subterm. Unlike {\tt context} patterns
-combined with {\tt is\_evar}, this tactic scans all subterms,
-including those under binders.
-\ErrMsg \errindex{No evars}
-\subsection{\tt is\_var \term
-This tactic applies to any goal. It checks whether its argument is a
-variable or hypothesis in the current goal context or in the opened sections.
-\ErrMsg \errindex{Not a variable or hypothesis}
-\subsection{\tt f\_equal
-This tactic applies to a goal of the form $f\ a_1\ \ldots\ a_n = f'\
-a'_1\ \ldots\ a'_n$. Using {\tt f\_equal} on such a goal leads to
-subgoals $f=f'$ and $a_1=a'_1$ and so on up to $a_n=a'_n$. Amongst
-these subgoals, the simple ones (e.g. provable by
-reflexivity or congruence) are automatically solved by {\tt f\_equal}.
-\section{Equality and inductive sets}
-We describe in this section some special purpose tactics dealing with
-equality and inductive sets or types. These tactics use the equality
-{\tt eq:forall (A:Type), A->A->Prop}, simply written with the
-infix symbol {\tt =}.
-\subsection{\tt decide equality
-\tacindex{decide equality}}
-This tactic solves a goal of the form
-{\tt forall $x$ $y$:$R$, \{$x$=$y$\}+\{\verb|~|$x$=$y$\}}, where $R$
-is an inductive type such that its constructors do not take proofs or
-functions as arguments, nor objects in dependent types.
-It solves goals of the form {\tt \{$x$=$y$\}+\{\verb|~|$x$=$y$\}} as well.
-\subsection{\tt compare \term$_1$ \term$_2$
-This tactic compares two given objects \term$_1$ and \term$_2$
-of an inductive datatype. If $G$ is the current goal, it leaves the sub-goals
-\term$_1${\tt =}\term$_2$ {\tt ->} $G$ and \verb|~|\term$_1${\tt =}\term$_2$
-{\tt ->} $G$. The type
-of \term$_1$ and \term$_2$ must satisfy the same restrictions as in the tactic
-\texttt{decide equality}.
-\subsection{\tt simplify\_eq {\term}
-Let {\term} be the proof of a statement of conclusion {\tt
- {\term$_1$}={\term$_2$}}. If {\term$_1$} and
-{\term$_2$} are structurally different (in the sense described for the
-tactic {\tt discriminate}), then the tactic {\tt simplify\_eq} behaves as {\tt
- discriminate {\term}}, otherwise it behaves as {\tt injection
- {\term}}.
-\Rem If some quantified hypothesis of the goal is named {\ident}, then
-{\tt simplify\_eq {\ident}} first introduces the hypothesis in the local
-context using \texttt{intros until \ident}.
-\item \texttt{simplify\_eq} \num
- This does the same thing as \texttt{intros until \num} then
-\texttt{simplify\_eq \ident} where {\ident} is the identifier for the last
-introduced hypothesis.
-\item \texttt{simplify\_eq} \term{} {\tt with} {\bindinglist}
- This does the same as \texttt{simplify\_eq {\term}} but using
- the given bindings to instantiate parameters or hypotheses of {\term}.
-\item \texttt{esimplify\_eq} \num\\
- \texttt{esimplify\_eq} \term{} \zeroone{{\tt with} {\bindinglist}}
- This works the same as {\tt simplify\_eq} but if the type of {\term},
- or the type of the hypothesis referred to by {\num}, has uninstantiated
- parameters, these parameters are left as existential variables.
-\item{\tt simplify\_eq}
-If the current goal has form $t_1\verb=<>=t_2$, it behaves as
-\texttt{intro {\ident}; simplify\_eq {\ident}}.
-\subsection{\tt dependent rewrite -> {\ident}
-\tacindex{dependent rewrite ->}
-This tactic applies to any goal. If \ident\ has type
-\verb+(existT B a b)=(existT B a' b')+
-in the local context (i.e. each term of the
-equality has a sigma type $\{ a:A~ \&~(B~a)\}$) this tactic rewrites
-\verb+a+ into \verb+a'+ and \verb+b+ into \verb+b'+ in the current
-goal. This tactic works even if $B$ is also a sigma type. This kind
-of equalities between dependent pairs may be derived by the injection
-and inversion tactics.
-\item{\tt dependent rewrite <- {\ident}}
-\tacindex{dependent rewrite <-} \\
-Analogous to {\tt dependent rewrite ->} but uses the equality from
-right to left.
-\subsection[\tt functional inversion \ident]{\tt functional inversion \ident\label{sec:functional-inversion}}
-\texttt{functional inversion} is a \emph{highly} experimental tactic
-which performs inversion on hypothesis \ident\ of the form
-\texttt{\qualid\ \term$_1$\dots\term$_n$\ = \term} or \texttt{\term\ =
- \qualid\ \term$_1$\dots\term$_n$} where \qualid\ must have been
-defined using \texttt{Function} (see Section~\ref{Function}).
-\item \errindex{Hypothesis {\ident} must contain at least one Function}
-\item \errindex{Cannot find inversion information for hypothesis \ident}
- This error may be raised when some inversion lemma failed to be
- generated by Function.
-\item {\tt functional inversion \num}
- This does the same thing as \texttt{intros until \num} then
- \texttt{functional inversion \ident} where {\ident} is the
- identifier for the last introduced hypothesis.
-\item {\tt functional inversion \ident\ \qualid}\\
- {\tt functional inversion \num\ \qualid}
- In case the hypothesis {\ident} (or {\num}) has a type of the form
- \texttt{\qualid$_1$\ \term$_1$\dots\term$_n$\ =\ \qualid$_2$\
- \term$_{n+1}$\dots\term$_{n+m}$} where \qualid$_1$ and \qualid$_2$
- are valid candidates to functional inversion, this variant allows to
- choose which must be inverted.
-\subsection{\tt quote \ident
-\index{2-level approach}}
-This kind of inversion has nothing to do with the tactic
-\texttt{inversion} above. This tactic does \texttt{change (\ident\
- t)}, where \texttt{t} is a term built in order to ensure the
-convertibility. In other words, it does inversion of the function
-\ident. This function must be a fixpoint on a simple recursive
-datatype: see~\ref{quote-examples} for the full details.
-\item \errindex{quote: not a simple fixpoint}\\
- Happens when \texttt{quote} is not able to perform inversion properly.
-\item \texttt{quote {\ident} [ \ident$_1$ \dots \ident$_n$ ]}\\
- All terms that are built only with \ident$_1$ \dots \ident$_n$ will be
- considered by \texttt{quote} as constants rather than variables.
-% En attente d'un moyen de valoriser les fichiers de demos
-% \SeeAlso file \texttt{theories/DEMOS/DemoQuote.v} in the distribution
-\section[Classical tactics]{Classical tactics\label{ClassicalTactics}}
-In order to ease the proving process, when the {\tt Classical} module is loaded. A few more tactics are available. Make sure to load the module using the \texttt{Require Import} command.
-\subsection{{\tt classical\_left, classical\_right} \tacindex{classical\_left} \tacindex{classical\_right}}
-The tactics \texttt{classical\_left} and \texttt{classical\_right} are the analog of the \texttt{left} and \texttt{right} but using classical logic. They can only be used for disjunctions.
-Use \texttt{classical\_left} to prove the left part of the disjunction with the assumption that the negation of right part holds.
-Use \texttt{classical\_right} to prove the right part of the disjunction with the assumption that the negation of left part holds.
-% \subsection{\tt Prolog [ \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$ ] \num}
-% \tacindex{Prolog}\label{Prolog}
-% This tactic, implemented by Chet Murthy, is based upon the concept of
-% existential variables of Gilles Dowek, stating that resolution is a
-% kind of unification. It tries to solve the current goal using the {\tt
-% Assumption} tactic, the {\tt intro} tactic, and applying hypotheses
-% of the local context and terms of the given list {\tt [ \term$_1$
-% \dots\ \term$_n$\ ]}. It is more powerful than {\tt auto} since it
-% may apply to any theorem, even those of the form {\tt (x:A)(P x) -> Q}
-% where {\tt x} does not appear free in {\tt Q}. The maximal search
-% depth is {\tt \num}.
-% \begin{ErrMsgs}
-% \item \errindex{Prolog failed}\\
-% The Prolog tactic was not able to prove the subgoal.
-% \end{ErrMsgs}
-%% \subsection{{\tt jp} {\em (Jprover)}
-%% \tacindex{jp}
-%% \label{jprover}}
-%% The tactic \texttt{jp}, due to Huang Guan-Shieng, is an experimental
-%% port of the {\em Jprover}\cite{SLKN01} semi-decision procedure for
-%% first-order intuitionistic logic implemented in {\em
-%% NuPRL}\cite{Kre02}.
-%% The tactic \texttt{jp}, due to Huang Guan-Shieng, is an {\it
-%% experimental} port of the {\em Jprover}\cite{SLKN01} semi-decision
-%% procedure for first-order intuitionistic logic implemented in {\em
-%% NuPRL}\cite{Kre02}.
-%% Search may optionnaly be bounded by a multiplicity parameter
-%% indicating how many (at most) copies of a formula may be used in
-%% the proof process, its absence may lead to non-termination of the tactic.
-%% %\begin{coq_eval}
-%% %Variable S:Set.
-%% %Variables P Q:S->Prop.
-%% %Variable f:S->S.
-%% %\end{coq_eval}
-%% %\begin{coq_example*}
-%% %Lemma example: (exists x |P x\/Q x)->(exists x |P x)\/(exists x |Q x).
-%% %jp.
-%% %Qed.
-%% %Lemma example2: (forall x ,P x->P (f x))->forall x,P x->P (f(f x)).
-%% %jp.
-%% %Qed.
-%% %\end{coq_example*}
-%% \begin{Variants}
-%% \item {\tt jp $n$}\\
-%% \tacindex{jp $n$}
-%% Tries the {\em Jprover} procedure with multiplicities up to $n$,
-%% starting from 1.
-%% \item {\tt jp}\\
-%% Tries the {\em Jprover} procedure without multiplicity bound,
-%% possibly running forever.
-%% \end{Variants}
-%% \begin{ErrMsgs}
-%% \item \errindex{multiplicity limit reached}\\
-%% The procedure tried all multiplicities below the limit and
-%% failed. Goal might be solved by increasing the multiplicity limit.
-%% \item \errindex{formula is not provable}\\
-%% The procedure determined that goal was not provable in
-%% intuitionistic first-order logic, no matter how big the
-%% multiplicity is.
-%% \end{ErrMsgs}
-% \subsection[\tt Linear]{\tt Linear\tacindex{Linear}\label{Linear}}
-% The tactic \texttt{Linear}, due to Jean-Christophe Filli{\^a}atre
-% \cite{Fil94}, implements a decision procedure for {\em Direct
-% Predicate Calculus}, that is first-order Gentzen's Sequent Calculus
-% without contraction rules \cite{KeWe84,BeKe92}. Intuitively, a
-% first-order goal is provable in Direct Predicate Calculus if it can be
-% proved using each hypothesis at most once.
-% Unlike the previous tactics, the \texttt{Linear} tactic does not belong
-% to the initial state of the system, and it must be loaded explicitly
-% with the command
-% \begin{coq_example*}
-% Require Linear.
-% \end{coq_example*}
-% For instance, assuming that \texttt{even} and \texttt{odd} are two
-% predicates on natural numbers, and \texttt{a} of type \texttt{nat}, the
-% tactic \texttt{Linear} solves the following goal
-% \begin{coq_eval}
-% Variables even,odd : nat -> Prop.
-% Variable a:nat.
-% \end{coq_eval}
-% \begin{coq_example*}
-% Lemma example : (even a)
-% -> ((x:nat)((even x)->(odd (S x))))
-% -> (EX y | (odd y)).
-% \end{coq_example*}
-% You can find examples of the use of \texttt{Linear} in
-% \texttt{theories/DEMOS/DemoLinear.v}.
-% \begin{coq_eval}
-% Abort.
-% \end{coq_eval}
-% \begin{Variants}
-% \item {\tt Linear with \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$}\\
-% \tacindex{Linear with}
-% Is equivalent to apply first {\tt generalize \ident$_1$ \dots
-% \ident$_n$} (see Section~\ref{generalize}) then the \texttt{Linear}
-% tactic. So one can use axioms, lemmas or hypotheses of the local
-% context with \texttt{Linear} in this way.
-% \end{Variants}
-% \begin{ErrMsgs}
-% \item \errindex{Not provable in Direct Predicate Calculus}
-% \item \errindex{Found $n$ classical proof(s) but no intuitionistic one}\\
-% The decision procedure looks actually for classical proofs of the
-% goals, and then checks that they are intuitionistic. In that case,
-% classical proofs have been found, which do not correspond to
-% intuitionistic ones.
-% \end{ErrMsgs}
-\subsection{\tt omega
-The tactic \texttt{omega}, due to Pierre Cr{\'e}gut,
-is an automatic decision procedure for Presburger
-arithmetic. It solves quantifier-free
-formulas built with \verb|~|, \verb|\/|, \verb|/\|,
-\verb|->| on top of equalities, inequalities and disequalities on
-both the type \texttt{nat} of natural numbers and \texttt{Z} of binary
-integers. This tactic must be loaded by the command \texttt{Require Import
- Omega}. See the additional documentation about \texttt{omega}
-(see Chapter~\ref{OmegaChapter}).
-\subsection{{\tt ring} and {\tt ring\_simplify \term$_1$ \dots\ \term$_n$}
-\comindex{Add Ring}}
-The {\tt ring} tactic solves equations upon polynomial expressions of
-a ring (or semi-ring) structure. It proceeds by normalizing both hand
-sides of the equation (w.r.t. associativity, commutativity and
-distributivity, constant propagation) and comparing syntactically the
-{\tt ring\_simplify} applies the normalization procedure described
-above to the terms given. The tactic then replaces all occurrences of
-the terms given in the conclusion of the goal by their normal
-forms. If no term is given, then the conclusion should be an equation
-and both hand sides are normalized.
-See Chapter~\ref{ring} for more information on the tactic and how to
-declare new ring structures.
-\subsection{{\tt field}, {\tt field\_simplify \term$_1$\dots\ \term$_n$}
- and {\tt field\_simplify\_eq}
-\comindex{Add Field}}
-The {\tt field} tactic is built on the same ideas as {\tt ring}: this
-is a reflexive tactic that solves or simplifies equations in a field
-structure. The main idea is to reduce a field expression (which is an
-extension of ring expressions with the inverse and division
-operations) to a fraction made of two polynomial expressions.
-Tactic {\tt field} is used to solve subgoals, whereas {\tt
- field\_simplify \term$_1$\dots\term$_n$} replaces the provided terms
-by their reduced fraction. {\tt field\_simplify\_eq} applies when the
-conclusion is an equation: it simplifies both hand sides and multiplies
-so as to cancel denominators. So it produces an equation without
-division nor inverse.
-All of these 3 tactics may generate a subgoal in order to prove that
-denominators are different from zero.
-See Chapter~\ref{ring} for more information on the tactic and how to
-declare new field structures.
-Require Import Reals.
-Goal forall x y:R,
- (x * y > 0)%R ->
- (x * (1 / x + x / (x + y)))%R =
- ((- 1 / y) * y * (- x * (x / (x + y)) - 1))%R.
-intros; field.
-Reset Initial.
-\SeeAlso file {\tt plugins/setoid\_ring/RealField.v} for an example of instantiation,\\
-\phantom{\SeeAlso}theory {\tt theories/Reals} for many examples of use of {\tt
-\subsection{\tt fourier
-This tactic written by Lo{\"\i}c Pottier solves linear inequalities on
-real numbers using Fourier's method~\cite{Fourier}. This tactic must
-be loaded by {\tt Require Import Fourier}.
-Require Import Reals.
-Require Import Fourier.
-Goal forall x y:R, (x < y)%R -> (y + 1 >= x - 1)%R.
-intros; fourier.
-Reset Initial.
-\section{Simple tactic macros
-\index{Tactic macros}
-\comindex{Tactic Definition}
-A simple example has more value than a long explanation:
-Ltac Solve := simpl; intros; auto.
-Ltac ElimBoolRewrite b H1 H2 :=
- elim b; [ intros; rewrite H1; eauto | intros; rewrite H2; eauto ].
-The tactics macros are synchronous with the \Coq\ section mechanism:
-a tactic definition is deleted from the current environment
-when you close the section (see also \ref{Section})
-where it was defined. If you want that a
-tactic macro defined in a module is usable in the modules that
-require it, you should put it outside of any section.
-Chapter~\ref{TacticLanguage} gives examples of more complex
-user-defined tactics.
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-\chapter[Detailed examples of tactics]{Detailed examples of tactics\label{Tactics-examples}}
-This chapter presents detailed examples of certain tactics, to
-illustrate their behavior.
-\section[\tt dependent induction]{\tt dependent induction\label{dependent-induction-example}}
-\def\depind{{\tt dependent induction}~}
-\def\depdestr{{\tt dependent destruction}~}
-The tactics \depind and \depdestr are another solution for inverting
-inductive predicate instances and potentially doing induction at the
-same time. It is based on the \texttt{BasicElim} tactic of Conor McBride which
-works by abstracting each argument of an inductive instance by a variable
-and constraining it by equalities afterwards. This way, the usual
-{\tt induction} and {\tt destruct} tactics can be applied to the
-abstracted instance and after simplification of the equalities we get
-the expected goals.
-The abstracting tactic is called {\tt generalize\_eqs} and it takes as
-argument an hypothesis to generalize. It uses the {\tt JMeq} datatype
-defined in {\tt Coq.Logic.JMeq}, hence we need to require it before.
-For example, revisiting the first example of the inversion documentation above:
-Require Import Coq.Logic.JMeq.
-Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
-Inductive Le : nat -> nat -> Set :=
- | LeO : forall n:nat, Le 0 n
- | LeS : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Le (S n) (S m).
-Variable P : nat -> nat -> Prop.
-Variable Q : forall n m:nat, Le n m -> Prop.
-Goal forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m -> P n m.
-intros n m H.
-generalize_eqs H.
-The index {\tt S n} gets abstracted by a variable here, but a
-corresponding equality is added under the abstract instance so that no
-information is actually lost. The goal is now almost amenable to do induction
-or case analysis. One should indeed first move {\tt n} into the goal to
-strengthen it before doing induction, or {\tt n} will be fixed in
-the inductive hypotheses (this does not matter for case analysis).
-As a rule of thumb, all the variables that appear inside constructors in
-the indices of the hypothesis should be generalized. This is exactly
-what the \texttt{generalize\_eqs\_vars} variant does:
-Undo 1.
-generalize_eqs_vars H.
-induction H.
-As the hypothesis itself did not appear in the goal, we did not need to
-use an heterogeneous equality to relate the new hypothesis to the old
-one (which just disappeared here). However, the tactic works just a well
-in this case, e.g.:
-Goal forall n m (p : Le (S n) m), Q (S n) m p.
-intros n m p ; generalize_eqs_vars p.
-One drawback of this approach is that in the branches one will have to
-substitute the equalities back into the instance to get the right
-assumptions. Sometimes injection of constructors will also be needed to
-recover the needed equalities. Also, some subgoals should be directly
-solved because of inconsistent contexts arising from the constraints on
-indexes. The nice thing is that we can make a tactic based on
-discriminate, injection and variants of substitution to automatically
-do such simplifications (which may involve the K axiom).
-This is what the {\tt simplify\_dep\_elim} tactic from
-{\tt Coq.Program.Equality} does. For example, we might simplify the
-previous goals considerably:
-% \begin{coq_eval}
-% Abort.
-% Goal forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m -> P n m.
-% intros n m H ; generalize_eqs_vars H.
-% \end{coq_eval}
-induction p ; simplify_dep_elim.
-The higher-order tactic {\tt do\_depind} defined in {\tt
- Coq.Program.Equality} takes a tactic and combines the
-building blocks we have seen with it: generalizing by equalities
-calling the given tactic with the
-generalized induction hypothesis as argument and cleaning the subgoals
-with respect to equalities. Its most important instantiations are
-\depind and \depdestr that do induction or simply case analysis on the
-generalized hypothesis. For example we can redo what we've done manually
-with \depdestr:
-Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
-Lemma ex : forall n m:nat, Le (S n) m -> P n m.
-intros n m H.
-dependent destruction H.
-This gives essentially the same result as inversion. Now if the
-destructed hypothesis actually appeared in the goal, the tactic would
-still be able to invert it, contrary to {\tt dependent
- inversion}. Consider the following example on vectors:
-Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Variable A : Set.
-Inductive vector : nat -> Type :=
-| vnil : vector 0
-| vcons : A -> forall n, vector n -> vector (S n).
-Goal forall n, forall v : vector (S n),
- exists v' : vector n, exists a : A, v = vcons a v'.
- intros n v.
- dependent destruction v.
-In this case, the {\tt v} variable can be replaced in the goal by the
-generalized hypothesis only when it has a type of the form {\tt vector
- (S n)}, that is only in the second case of the {\tt destruct}. The
-first one is dismissed because {\tt S n <> 0}.
-\subsection{A larger example}
-Let's see how the technique works with {\tt induction} on inductive
-predicates on a real example. We will develop an example application to the
-theory of simply-typed lambda-calculus formalized in a dependently-typed style:
-Inductive type : Type :=
-| base : type
-| arrow : type -> type -> type.
-Notation " t --> t' " := (arrow t t') (at level 20, t' at next level).
-Inductive ctx : Type :=
-| empty : ctx
-| snoc : ctx -> type -> ctx.
-Notation " G , tau " := (snoc G tau) (at level 20, t at next level).
-Fixpoint conc (G D : ctx) : ctx :=
- match D with
- | empty => G
- | snoc D' x => snoc (conc G D') x
- end.
-Notation " G ; D " := (conc G D) (at level 20).
-Inductive term : ctx -> type -> Type :=
-| ax : forall G tau, term (G, tau) tau
-| weak : forall G tau,
- term G tau -> forall tau', term (G, tau') tau
-| abs : forall G tau tau',
- term (G , tau) tau' -> term G (tau --> tau')
-| app : forall G tau tau',
- term G (tau --> tau') -> term G tau -> term G tau'.
-We have defined types and contexts which are snoc-lists of types. We
-also have a {\tt conc} operation that concatenates two contexts.
-The {\tt term} datatype represents in fact the possible typing
-derivations of the calculus, which are isomorphic to the well-typed
-terms, hence the name. A term is either an application of:
-\item the axiom rule to type a reference to the first variable in a context,
-\item the weakening rule to type an object in a larger context
-\item the abstraction or lambda rule to type a function
-\item the application to type an application of a function to an argument
-Once we have this datatype we want to do proofs on it, like weakening:
-Lemma weakening : forall G D tau, term (G ; D) tau ->
- forall tau', term (G , tau' ; D) tau.
- Abort.
-The problem here is that we can't just use {\tt induction} on the typing
-derivation because it will forget about the {\tt G ; D} constraint
-appearing in the instance. A solution would be to rewrite the goal as:
-Lemma weakening' : forall G' tau, term G' tau ->
- forall G D, (G ; D) = G' ->
- forall tau', term (G, tau' ; D) tau.
- Abort.
-With this proper separation of the index from the instance and the right
-induction loading (putting {\tt G} and {\tt D} after the inducted-on
-hypothesis), the proof will go through, but it is a very tedious
-process. One is also forced to make a wrapper lemma to get back the
-more natural statement. The \depind tactic alleviates this trouble by
-doing all of this plumbing of generalizing and substituting back automatically.
-Indeed we can simply write:
-Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
-Lemma weakening : forall G D tau, term (G ; D) tau ->
- forall tau', term (G , tau' ; D) tau.
-Proof with simpl in * ; simpl_depind ; auto.
- intros G D tau H. dependent induction H generalizing G D ; intros.
-This call to \depind has an additional arguments which is a list of
-variables appearing in the instance that should be generalized in the
-goal, so that they can vary in the induction hypotheses. By default, all
-variables appearing inside constructors (except in a parameter position)
-of the instantiated hypothesis will be generalized automatically but
-one can always give the list explicitly.
- Show.
-The {\tt simpl\_depind} tactic includes an automatic tactic that tries
-to simplify equalities appearing at the beginning of induction
-hypotheses, generally using trivial applications of
-reflexivity. In cases where the equality is not between constructor
-forms though, one must help the automation by giving
-some arguments, using the {\tt specialize} tactic.
-destruct D... apply weak ; apply ax. apply ax.
-destruct D...
- specialize (IHterm G empty).
-Then the automation can find the needed equality {\tt G = G} to narrow
-the induction hypothesis further. This concludes our example.
- simpl_depind.
-\SeeAlso The induction \ref{elim}, case \ref{case} and inversion \ref{inversion} tactics.
-\section[\tt autorewrite]{\tt autorewrite\label{autorewrite-example}}
-Here are two examples of {\tt autorewrite} use. The first one ({\em Ackermann
-function}) shows actually a quite basic use where there is no conditional
-rewriting. The second one ({\em Mac Carthy function}) involves conditional
-rewritings and shows how to deal with them using the optional tactic of the
-{\tt Hint~Rewrite} command.
-\example{Ackermann function}
-%Here is a basic use of {\tt AutoRewrite} with the Ackermann function:
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import Arith.
-Variable Ack :
- nat -> nat -> nat.
-Axiom Ack0 :
- forall m:nat, Ack 0 m = S m.
-Axiom Ack1 : forall n:nat, Ack (S n) 0 = Ack n 1.
-Axiom Ack2 : forall n m:nat, Ack (S n) (S m) = Ack n (Ack (S n) m).
-Hint Rewrite Ack0 Ack1 Ack2 : base0.
-Lemma ResAck0 :
- Ack 3 2 = 29.
-autorewrite with base0 using try reflexivity.
-Reset Initial.
-\example{Mac Carthy function}
-%The Mac Carthy function shows a more complex case:
-Require Import Omega.
-Variable g :
- nat -> nat -> nat.
-Axiom g0 :
- forall m:nat, g 0 m = m.
- g1 :
- forall n m:nat,
- (n > 0) -> (m > 100) -> g n m = g (pred n) (m - 10).
- g2 :
- forall n m:nat,
- (n > 0) -> (m <= 100) -> g n m = g (S n) (m + 11).
-Hint Rewrite g0 g1 g2 using omega : base1.
-Lemma Resg0 :
- g 1 110 = 100.
-autorewrite with base1 using reflexivity || simpl.
-Lemma Resg1 : g 1 95 = 91.
-autorewrite with base1 using reflexivity || simpl.
-Reset Initial.
-\section[\tt quote]{\tt quote\tacindex{quote}
-The tactic \texttt{quote} allows to use Barendregt's so-called
-2-level approach without writing any ML code. Suppose you have a
-language \texttt{L} of
-'abstract terms' and a type \texttt{A} of 'concrete terms'
-and a function \texttt{f : L -> A}. If \texttt{L} is a simple
-inductive datatype and \texttt{f} a simple fixpoint, \texttt{quote f}
-will replace the head of current goal by a convertible term of the form
-\texttt{(f t)}. \texttt{L} must have a constructor of type: \texttt{A
- -> L}.
-Here is an example:
-Require Import Quote.
-Parameters A B C : Prop.
-Inductive formula : Type :=
- | f_and : formula -> formula -> formula (* binary constructor *)
- | f_or : formula -> formula -> formula
- | f_not : formula -> formula (* unary constructor *)
- | f_true : formula (* 0-ary constructor *)
- | f_const : Prop -> formula (* constructor for constants *).
-Fixpoint interp_f (f:
- formula) : Prop :=
- match f with
- | f_and f1 f2 => interp_f f1 /\ interp_f f2
- | f_or f1 f2 => interp_f f1 \/ interp_f f2
- | f_not f1 => ~ interp_f f1
- | f_true => True
- | f_const c => c
- end.
-Goal A /\ (A \/ True) /\ ~ B /\ (A <-> A).
-quote interp_f.
-The algorithm to perform this inversion is: try to match the
-term with right-hand sides expression of \texttt{f}. If there is a
-match, apply the corresponding left-hand side and call yourself
-recursively on sub-terms. If there is no match, we are at a leaf:
-return the corresponding constructor (here \texttt{f\_const}) applied
-to the term.
-\item \errindex{quote: not a simple fixpoint} \\
- Happens when \texttt{quote} is not able to perform inversion properly.
-\subsection{Introducing variables map}
-The normal use of \texttt{quote} is to make proofs by reflection: one
-defines a function \texttt{simplify : formula -> formula} and proves a
-theorem \texttt{simplify\_ok: (f:formula)(interp\_f (simplify f)) ->
- (interp\_f f)}. Then, one can simplify formulas by doing:
- quote interp_f.
- apply simplify_ok.
- compute.
-But there is a problem with leafs: in the example above one cannot
-write a function that implements, for example, the logical simplifications
-$A \land A \ra A$ or $A \land \lnot A \ra \texttt{False}$. This is
-because the \Prop{} is impredicative.
-It is better to use that type of formulas:
-Reset formula.
-Inductive formula : Set :=
- | f_and : formula -> formula -> formula
- | f_or : formula -> formula -> formula
- | f_not : formula -> formula
- | f_true : formula
- | f_atom : index -> formula.
-\texttt{index} is defined in module \texttt{quote}. Equality on that
-type is decidable so we are able to simplify $A \land A$ into $A$ at
-the abstract level.
-When there are variables, there are bindings, and \texttt{quote}
-provides also a type \texttt{(varmap A)} of bindings from
-\texttt{index} to any set \texttt{A}, and a function
-\texttt{varmap\_find} to search in such maps. The interpretation
-function has now another argument, a variables map:
-Fixpoint interp_f (vm:
- varmap Prop) (f:formula) {struct f} : Prop :=
- match f with
- | f_and f1 f2 => interp_f vm f1 /\ interp_f vm f2
- | f_or f1 f2 => interp_f vm f1 \/ interp_f vm f2
- | f_not f1 => ~ interp_f vm f1
- | f_true => True
- | f_atom i => varmap_find True i vm
- end.
-\noindent\texttt{quote} handles this second case properly:
-Goal A /\ (B \/ A) /\ (A \/ ~ B).
-quote interp_f.
-It builds \texttt{vm} and \texttt{t} such that \texttt{(f vm t)} is
-convertible with the conclusion of current goal.
-\subsection{Combining variables and constants}
-One can have both variables and constants in abstracts terms; that is
-the case, for example, for the \texttt{ring} tactic (chapter
-\ref{ring}). Then one must provide to \texttt{quote} a list of
-\emph{constructors of constants}. For example, if the list is
-\texttt{[O S]} then closed natural numbers will be considered as
-constants and other terms as variables.
-Reset formula.
-Inductive formula : Type :=
- | f_and : formula -> formula -> formula
- | f_or : formula -> formula -> formula
- | f_not : formula -> formula
- | f_true : formula
- | f_const : Prop -> formula (* constructor for constants *)
- | f_atom : index -> formula.
-Fixpoint interp_f
- (vm: (* constructor for variables *)
- varmap Prop) (f:formula) {struct f} : Prop :=
- match f with
- | f_and f1 f2 => interp_f vm f1 /\ interp_f vm f2
- | f_or f1 f2 => interp_f vm f1 \/ interp_f vm f2
- | f_not f1 => ~ interp_f vm f1
- | f_true => True
- | f_const c => c
- | f_atom i => varmap_find True i vm
- end.
-A /\ (A \/ True) /\ ~ B /\ (C <-> C).
-quote interp_f [ A B ].
- quote interp_f [ B C iff ].
-\Warning Since function inversion
-is undecidable in general case, don't expect miracles from it!
-\item {\tt quote {\ident} in {\term} using {\tac}}
- \tac\ must be a functional tactic (starting with {\tt fun x =>})
- and will be called with the quoted version of \term\ according to
- \ident.
-\item {\tt quote {\ident} [ \ident$_1$ \dots\ \ident$_n$ ] in {\term} using {\tac}}
- Same as above, but will use \ident$_1$, \dots, \ident$_n$ to
- chose which subterms are constants (see above).
-% \SeeAlso file \texttt{theories/DEMOS/DemoQuote.v}
-\SeeAlso comments of source file \texttt{plugins/quote/}
-\SeeAlso the \texttt{ring} tactic (Chapter~\ref{ring})
-\section{Using the tactical language}
-\subsection{About the cardinality of the set of natural numbers}
-A first example which shows how to use the pattern matching over the proof
-contexts is the proof that natural numbers have more than two elements. The
-proof of such a lemma can be done as %shown on Figure~\ref{cnatltac}.
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import Arith.
-Require Import List.
-Lemma card_nat :
- ~ (exists x : nat, exists y : nat, forall z:nat, x = z \/ y = z).
-red; intros (x, (y, Hy)).
-elim (Hy 0); elim (Hy 1); elim (Hy 2); intros;
- match goal with
- | [_:(?a = ?b),_:(?a = ?c) |- _ ] =>
- cut (b = c); [ discriminate | apply trans_equal with a; auto ]
- end.
-%\caption{A proof on cardinality of natural numbers}
-We can notice that all the (very similar) cases coming from the three
-eliminations (with three distinct natural numbers) are successfully solved by
-a {\tt match goal} structure and, in particular, with only one pattern (use
-of non-linear matching).
-\subsection{Permutation on closed lists}
-Another more complex example is the problem of permutation on closed lists. The
-aim is to show that a closed list is a permutation of another one.
-First, we define the permutation predicate as shown in table~\ref{permutpred}.
-Section Sort.
-Variable A : Set.
-Inductive permut : list A -> list A -> Prop :=
- | permut_refl : forall l, permut l l
- | permut_cons :
- forall a l0 l1, permut l0 l1 -> permut (a :: l0) (a :: l1)
- | permut_append : forall a l, permut (a :: l) (l ++ a :: nil)
- | permut_trans :
- forall l0 l1 l2, permut l0 l1 -> permut l1 l2 -> permut l0 l2.
-End Sort.
-\caption{Definition of the permutation predicate}
-A more complex example is the problem of permutation on closed lists.
-The aim is to show that a closed list is a permutation of another one.
-First, we define the permutation predicate as shown on
-Ltac Permut n :=
- match goal with
- | |- (permut _ ?l ?l) => apply permut_refl
- | |- (permut _ (?a :: ?l1) (?a :: ?l2)) =>
- let newn := eval compute in (length l1) in
- (apply permut_cons; Permut newn)
- | |- (permut ?A (?a :: ?l1) ?l2) =>
- match eval compute in n with
- | 1 => fail
- | _ =>
- let l1' := constr:(l1 ++ a :: nil) in
- (apply (permut_trans A (a :: l1) l1' l2);
- [ apply permut_append | compute; Permut (pred n) ])
- end
- end.
-Ltac PermutProve :=
- match goal with
- | |- (permut _ ?l1 ?l2) =>
- match eval compute in (length l1 = length l2) with
- | (?n = ?n) => Permut n
- end
- end.
-\caption{Permutation tactic}
-Next, we can write naturally the tactic and the result can be seen on
-Figure~\ref{permutltac}. We can notice that we use two toplevel
-definitions {\tt PermutProve} and {\tt Permut}. The function to be
-called is {\tt PermutProve} which computes the lengths of the two
-lists and calls {\tt Permut} with the length if the two lists have the
-same length. {\tt Permut} works as expected. If the two lists are
-equal, it concludes. Otherwise, if the lists have identical first
-elements, it applies {\tt Permut} on the tail of the lists. Finally,
-if the lists have different first elements, it puts the first element
-of one of the lists (here the second one which appears in the {\tt
- permut} predicate) at the end if that is possible, i.e., if the new
-first element has been at this place previously. To verify that all
-rotations have been done for a list, we use the length of the list as
-an argument for {\tt Permut} and this length is decremented for each
-rotation down to, but not including, 1 because for a list of length
-$n$, we can make exactly $n-1$ rotations to generate at most $n$
-distinct lists. Here, it must be noticed that we use the natural
-numbers of {\Coq} for the rotation counter. On Figure~\ref{ltac}, we
-can see that it is possible to use usual natural numbers but they are
-only used as arguments for primitive tactics and they cannot be
-handled, in particular, we cannot make computations with them. So, a
-natural choice is to use {\Coq} data structures so that {\Coq} makes
-the computations (reductions) by {\tt eval compute in} and we can get
-the terms back by {\tt match}.
-With {\tt PermutProve}, we can now prove lemmas as
-% shown on Figure~\ref{permutlem}.
-Lemma permut_ex1 :
- permut nat (1 :: 2 :: 3 :: nil) (3 :: 2 :: 1 :: nil).
-Proof. PermutProve. Qed.
-Lemma permut_ex2 :
- permut nat
- (0 :: 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: 5 :: 6 :: 7 :: 8 :: 9 :: nil)
- (0 :: 2 :: 4 :: 6 :: 8 :: 9 :: 7 :: 5 :: 3 :: 1 :: nil).
-Proof. PermutProve. Qed.
-%\caption{Examples of {\tt PermutProve} use}
-\subsection{Deciding intuitionistic propositional logic}
-Ltac Axioms :=
- match goal with
- | |- True => trivial
- | _:False |- _ => elimtype False; assumption
- | _:?A |- ?A => auto
- end.
-\caption{Deciding intuitionistic propositions (1)}
-Ltac DSimplif :=
- repeat
- (intros;
- match goal with
- | id:(~ _) |- _ => red in id
- | id:(_ /\ _) |- _ =>
- elim id; do 2 intro; clear id
- | id:(_ \/ _) |- _ =>
- elim id; intro; clear id
- | id:(?A /\ ?B -> ?C) |- _ =>
- cut (A -> B -> C);
- [ intro | intros; apply id; split; assumption ]
- | id:(?A \/ ?B -> ?C) |- _ =>
- cut (B -> C);
- [ cut (A -> C);
- [ intros; clear id
- | intro; apply id; left; assumption ]
- | intro; apply id; right; assumption ]
- | id0:(?A -> ?B),id1:?A |- _ =>
- cut B; [ intro; clear id0 | apply id0; assumption ]
- | |- (_ /\ _) => split
- | |- (~ _) => red
- end).
-Ltac TautoProp :=
- DSimplif;
- Axioms ||
- match goal with
- | id:((?A -> ?B) -> ?C) |- _ =>
- cut (B -> C);
- [ intro; cut (A -> B);
- [ intro; cut C;
- [ intro; clear id | apply id; assumption ]
- | clear id ]
- | intro; apply id; intro; assumption ]; TautoProp
- | id:(~ ?A -> ?B) |- _ =>
- cut (False -> B);
- [ intro; cut (A -> False);
- [ intro; cut B;
- [ intro; clear id | apply id; assumption ]
- | clear id ]
- | intro; apply id; red; intro; assumption ]; TautoProp
- | |- (_ \/ _) => (left; TautoProp) || (right; TautoProp)
- end.
-\caption{Deciding intuitionistic propositions (2)}
-The pattern matching on goals allows a complete and so a powerful
-backtracking when returning tactic values. An interesting application
-is the problem of deciding intuitionistic propositional logic.
-Considering the contraction-free sequent calculi {\tt LJT*} of
-Roy~Dyckhoff (\cite{Dyc92}), it is quite natural to code such a tactic
-using the tactic language as shown on Figures~\ref{tautoltaca}
-and~\ref{tautoltacb}. The tactic {\tt Axioms} tries to conclude using
-usual axioms. The tactic {\tt DSimplif} applies all the reversible
-rules of Dyckhoff's system. Finally, the tactic {\tt TautoProp} (the
-main tactic to be called) simplifies with {\tt DSimplif}, tries to
-conclude with {\tt Axioms} and tries several paths using the
-backtracking rules (one of the four Dyckhoff's rules for the left
-implication to get rid of the contraction and the right or).
-For example, with {\tt TautoProp}, we can prove tautologies like
- those:
-% on Figure~\ref{tautolem}.
-Lemma tauto_ex1 : forall A B:Prop, A /\ B -> A \/ B.
-Proof. TautoProp. Qed.
-Lemma tauto_ex2 :
- forall A B:Prop, (~ ~ B -> B) -> (A -> B) -> ~ ~ A -> B.
-Proof. TautoProp. Qed.
-%\caption{Proofs of tautologies with {\tt TautoProp}}
-\subsection{Deciding type isomorphisms}
-A more tricky problem is to decide equalities between types and modulo
-isomorphisms. Here, we choose to use the isomorphisms of the simply typed
-$\lb{}$-calculus with Cartesian product and $unit$ type (see, for example,
-\cite{RC95}). The axioms of this $\lb{}$-calculus are given by
-Reset Initial.
-Open Scope type_scope.
-Section Iso_axioms.
-Variables A B C : Set.
-Axiom Com : A * B = B * A.
-Axiom Ass : A * (B * C) = A * B * C.
-Axiom Cur : (A * B -> C) = (A -> B -> C).
-Axiom Dis : (A -> B * C) = (A -> B) * (A -> C).
-Axiom P_unit : A * unit = A.
-Axiom AR_unit : (A -> unit) = unit.
-Axiom AL_unit : (unit -> A) = A.
-Lemma Cons : B = C -> A * B = A * C.
-intro Heq; rewrite Heq; apply refl_equal.
-End Iso_axioms.
-\caption{Type isomorphism axioms}
-A more tricky problem is to decide equalities between types and modulo
-isomorphisms. Here, we choose to use the isomorphisms of the simply typed
-$\lb{}$-calculus with Cartesian product and $unit$ type (see, for example,
-\cite{RC95}). The axioms of this $\lb{}$-calculus are given on
-Ltac DSimplif trm :=
- match trm with
- | (?A * ?B * ?C) =>
- rewrite <- (Ass A B C); try MainSimplif
- | (?A * ?B -> ?C) =>
- rewrite (Cur A B C); try MainSimplif
- | (?A -> ?B * ?C) =>
- rewrite (Dis A B C); try MainSimplif
- | (?A * unit) =>
- rewrite (P_unit A); try MainSimplif
- | (unit * ?B) =>
- rewrite (Com unit B); try MainSimplif
- | (?A -> unit) =>
- rewrite (AR_unit A); try MainSimplif
- | (unit -> ?B) =>
- rewrite (AL_unit B); try MainSimplif
- | (?A * ?B) =>
- (DSimplif A; try MainSimplif) || (DSimplif B; try MainSimplif)
- | (?A -> ?B) =>
- (DSimplif A; try MainSimplif) || (DSimplif B; try MainSimplif)
- end
- with MainSimplif :=
- match goal with
- | |- (?A = ?B) => try DSimplif A; try DSimplif B
- end.
-Ltac Length trm :=
- match trm with
- | (_ * ?B) => let succ := Length B in constr:(S succ)
- | _ => constr:1
- end.
-Ltac assoc := repeat rewrite <- Ass.
-\caption{Type isomorphism tactic (1)}
-Ltac DoCompare n :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- (?A = ?A) ] => apply refl_equal
- | [ |- (?A * ?B = ?A * ?C) ] =>
- apply Cons; let newn := Length B in
- DoCompare newn
- | [ |- (?A * ?B = ?C) ] =>
- match eval compute in n with
- | 1 => fail
- | _ =>
- pattern (A * B) at 1; rewrite Com; assoc; DoCompare (pred n)
- end
- end.
-Ltac CompareStruct :=
- match goal with
- | [ |- (?A = ?B) ] =>
- let l1 := Length A
- with l2 := Length B in
- match eval compute in (l1 = l2) with
- | (?n = ?n) => DoCompare n
- end
- end.
-Ltac IsoProve := MainSimplif; CompareStruct.
-\caption{Type isomorphism tactic (2)}
-The tactic to judge equalities modulo this axiomatization can be written as
-shown on Figures~\ref{isosltac1} and~\ref{isosltac2}. The algorithm is quite
-simple. Types are reduced using axioms that can be oriented (this done by {\tt
-MainSimplif}). The normal forms are sequences of Cartesian
-products without Cartesian product in the left component. These normal forms
-are then compared modulo permutation of the components (this is done by {\tt
-CompareStruct}). The main tactic to be called and realizing this algorithm is
-{\tt IsoProve}.
-% Figure~\ref{isoslem} gives
-Here are examples of what can be solved by {\tt IsoProve}.
-Lemma isos_ex1 :
- forall A B:Set, A * unit * B = B * (unit * A).
-intros; IsoProve.
-Lemma isos_ex2 :
- forall A B C:Set,
- (A * unit -> B * (C * unit)) =
- (A * unit -> (C -> unit) * C) * (unit -> A -> B).
-intros; IsoProve.
-%\caption{Type equalities solved by {\tt IsoProve}}
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-%\title{Writing ad-hoc Tactics in Coq}
-\chapter[Writing ad-hoc Tactics in Coq]{Writing ad-hoc Tactics in Coq\label{WritingTactics}}
-\Coq\ is an open proof environment, in the sense that the collection of
-proof strategies offered by the system can be extended by the user.
-This feature has two important advantages. First, the user can develop
-his/her own ad-hoc proof procedures, customizing the system for a
-particular domain of application. Second, the repetitive and tedious
-aspects of the proofs can be abstracted away implementing new tactics
-for dealing with them. For example, this may be useful when a theorem
-needs several lemmas which are all proven in a similar but not exactly
-the same way. Let us illustrate this with an example.
-Consider the problem of deciding the equality of two booleans. The
-theorem establishing that this is always possible is state by
-the following theorem:
-Theorem decideBool : (x,y:bool){x=y}+{~x=y}.
-The proof proceeds by case analysis on both $x$ and $y$. This yields
-four cases to solve. The cases $x=y=\textsl{true}$ and
-$x=y=\textsl{false}$ are immediate by the reflexivity of equality.
-The other two cases follow by discrimination. The following script
-describes the proof:
-Destruct x.
- Destruct y.
- Left ; Reflexivity.
- Right; Discriminate.
- Destruct y.
- Right; Discriminate.
- Left ; Reflexivity.
-Now, consider the theorem stating the same property but for the
-following enumerated type:
-Inductive Set Color := Blue:Color | White:Color | Red:Color.
-Theorem decideColor : (c1,c2:Color){c1=c2}+{~c1=c2}.
-This theorem can be proven in a very similar way, reasoning by case
-analysis on $c_1$ and $c_2$. Once more, each of the (now six) cases is
-solved either by reflexivity or by discrimination:
-Destruct c1.
- Destruct c2.
- Left ; Reflexivity.
- Right ; Discriminate.
- Right ; Discriminate.
- Destruct c2.
- Right ; Discriminate.
- Left ; Reflexivity.
- Right ; Discriminate.
- Destruct c2.
- Right ; Discriminate.
- Right ; Discriminate.
- Left ; Reflexivity.
-If we face the same theorem for an enumerated datatype corresponding
-to the days of the week, it would still follow a similar pattern. In
-general, the general pattern for proving the property
-$(x,y:R)\{x=y\}+\{\neg x =y\}$ for an enumerated type $R$ proceeds as
-\item Analyze the cases for $x$.
-\item For each of the sub-goals generated by the first step, analyze
-the cases for $y$.
-\item The remaining subgoals follow either by reflexivity or
-by discrimination.
-Let us describe how this general proof procedure can be introduced in
-\section{Tactic Macros}
-The simplest way to introduce it is to define it as new a
-\textsl{tactic macro}, as follows:
-Tactic Definition DecideEq [$a $b] :=
- [<:tactic:<Destruct $a;
- Destruct $b;
- (Left;Reflexivity) Orelse (Right;Discriminate)>>].
-The general pattern of the proof is abstracted away using the
-tacticals ``\texttt{;}'' and \texttt{Orelse}, and introducing two
-parameters for the names of the arguments to be analyzed.
-Once defined, this tactic can be called like any other tactic, just
-supplying the list of terms corresponding to its real arguments. Let us
-revisit the proof of the former theorems using the new tactic
-Theorem decideBool : (x,y:bool){x=y}+{~x=y}.
-DecideEq x y.
-Theorem decideColor : (c1,c2:Color){c1=c2}+{~c1=c2}.
-DecideEq c1 c2.
-In general, the command \texttt{Tactic Definition} associates a name
-to a parameterized tactic expression, built up from the tactics and
-tacticals that are already available. The general syntax rule for this
-command is the following:
-\texttt{Tactic Definition} \textit{tactic-name} \=
-\texttt{[}\$$id_1\ldots \$id_n$\texttt{]}\\
-\> := \texttt{[<:tactic:<} \textit{tactic-expression} \verb+>>]+
-This command provides a quick but also very primitive mechanism for
-introducing new tactics. It does not support recursive definitions,
-and the arguments of a tactic macro are restricted to term
-expressions. Moreover, there is no static checking of the definition
-other than the syntactical one. Any error in the definition of the
-tactic ---for instance, a call to an undefined tactic--- will not be
-noticed until the tactic is called.
-%This command provides a very primitive mechanism for introducing new
-%tactics. The arguments of a tactic macro are restricted to term
-%expressions. Hence, it is not possible to define higher order tactics
-%with this command. Also, there is no static checking of the definition
-%other than syntactical. If the tactic contain errors in its definition
-%--for instance, a call to an undefined tactic-- this will be noticed
-%during the tactic call.
-Let us illustrate the weakness of this way of introducing new tactics
-trying to extend our proof procedure to work on a larger class of
-inductive types. Consider for example the decidability of equality
-for pairs of booleans and colors:
-Theorem decideBoolXColor : (p1,p2:bool*Color){p1=p2}+{~p1=p2}.
-The proof still proceeds by a double case analysis, but now the
-constructors of the type take two arguments. Therefore, the sub-goals
-that can not be solved by discrimination need further considerations
-about the equality of such arguments:
- Destruct p1;
- Destruct p2; Try (Right;Discriminate);Intros.
-The half of the disjunction to be chosen depends on whether or not
-$b=b_0$ and $c=c_0$. These equalities can be decided automatically
-using the previous lemmas about booleans and colors. If both
-equalities are satisfied, then it is sufficient to rewrite $b$ into
-$b_0$ and $c$ into $c_0$, so that the left half of the goal follows by
-reflexivity. Otherwise, the right half follows by first contraposing
-the disequality, and then applying the invectiveness of the pairing
-As the cases associated to each argument of the pair are very similar,
-a tactic macro can be introduced to abstract this part of the proof:
-Hints Resolve decideBool decideColor.
-Tactic Definition SolveArg [$t1 $t2] :=
- [<:tactic:<
- ElimType {$t1=$t2}+{~$t1=$t2};
- [(Intro equality;Rewrite equality;Clear equality) |
- (Intro diseq; Right; Red; Intro absurd;
- Apply diseq;Injection absurd;Trivial) |
- Auto]>>].
-This tactic is applied to each corresponding pair of arguments of the
-arguments, until the goal can be solved by reflexivity:
-SolveArg b b0;
- SolveArg c c0;
- Left; Reflexivity.
-Therefore, a more general strategy for deciding the property
-$(x,y:R)\{x=y\}+\{\neg x =y\}$ on $R$ can be sketched as follows:
-\item Eliminate $x$ and then $y$.
-\item Try discrimination to solve those goals where $x$ and $y$ has
-been introduced by different constructors.
-\item If $x$ and $y$ have been introduced by the same constructor,
-then iterate the tactic \textsl{SolveArg} for each pair of
-\item Finally, solve the left half of the goal by reflexivity.
-The implementation of this stronger proof strategy needs to perform a
-term decomposition, in order to extract the list of arguments of each
-constructor. It also requires the introduction of recursively defined
-tactics, so that the \textsl{SolveArg} can be iterated on the lists of
-arguments. These features are not supported by the \texttt{Tactic
-Definition} command. One possibility could be extended this command in
-order to introduce recursion, general parameter passing,
-pattern-matching, etc, but this would quickly lead us to introduce the
-whole \ocaml{} into \Coq\footnote{This is historically true. In fact,
-\ocaml{} is a direct descendent of ML, a functional programming language
-conceived language for programming the tactics of the theorem prover
-LCF.}. Instead of doing this, we prefer to give to the user the
-possibility of writing his/her own tactics directly in \ocaml{}, and then
-to link them dynamically with \Coq's code. This requires a minimal
-knowledge about \Coq's implementation. The next section provides an
-overview of \Coq's architecture.
-%It is important to point out that the introduction of a new tactic
-%never endangers the correction of the theorems proven in the extended
-%system. In order to understand why, let us introduce briefly the system
-\section{An Overview of \Coq's Architecture}
-The implementation of \Coq\ is based on eight \textsl{logical
-modules}. By ``module'' we mean here a logical piece of code having a
-conceptual unity, that may concern several \ocaml{} files. By the sake of
-organization, all the \ocaml{} files concerning a logical module are
-grouped altogether into the same sub-directory. The eight modules
-1. & The logical framework & (directory \texttt{src/generic})\\
-2. & The language of constructions & (directory \texttt{src/constr})\\
-3. & The type-checker & (directory \texttt{src/typing})\\
-4. & The proof engine & (directory \texttt{src/proofs})\\
-5. & The language of basic tactics & (directory \texttt{src/tactics})\\
-6. & The vernacular interpreter & (directory \texttt{src/env})\\
-7. & The parser and the pretty-printer & (directory \texttt{src/parsing})\\
-8. & The standard library & (directory \texttt{src/lib})
-The following sections briefly present each of the modules above.
-This presentation is not intended to be a complete description of \Coq's
-implementation, but rather a guideline to be read before taking a look
-at the sources. For each of the modules, we also present some of its
-most important functions, which are sufficient to implement a large
-class of tactics.
-\subsection[The Logical Framework]{The Logical Framework\label{LogicalFramework}}
-At the very heart of \Coq there is a generic untyped language for
-expressing abstractions, applications and global constants. This
-language is used as a meta-language for expressing the terms of the
-Calculus of Inductive Constructions. General operations on terms like
-collecting the free variables of an expression, substituting a term for
-a free variable, etc, are expressed in this language.
-The meta-language \texttt{'op term} of terms has seven main
-\item $(\texttt{VAR}\;id)$, a reference to a global identifier called $id$;
-\item $(\texttt{Rel}\;n)$, a bound variable, whose binder is the $nth$
- binder up in the term;
-\item $\texttt{DLAM}\;(x,t)$, a deBruijn's binder on the term $t$;
-\item $\texttt{DLAMV}\;(x,vt)$, a deBruijn's binder on all the terms of
- the vector $vt$;
-\item $(\texttt{DOP0}\;op)$, a unary operator $op$;
-\item $\texttt{DOP2}\;(op,t_1,t_2)$, the application of a binary
-operator $op$ to the terms $t_1$ and $t_2$;
-\item $\texttt{DOPN} (op,vt)$, the application of an n-ary operator $op$ to the
-vector of terms $vt$.
-In this meta-language, bound variables are represented using the
-so-called deBrujin's indexes. In this representation, an occurrence of
-a bound variable is denoted by an integer, meaning the number of
-binders that must be traversed to reach its own
-binder\footnote{Actually, $(\texttt{Rel}\;n)$ means that $(n-1)$ binders
-have to be traversed, since indexes are represented by strictly
-positive integers.}. On the other hand, constants are referred by its
-name, as usual. For example, if $A$ is a variable of the current
-section, then the lambda abstraction $[x:A]x$ of the Calculus of
-Constructions is represented in the meta-language by the term:
-(DOP2 (Lambda,(Var\;A),DLAM (x,(Rel\;1)))
-In this term, $Lambda$ is a binary operator. Its first argument
-correspond to the type $A$ of the bound variable, while the second is
-a body of the abstraction, where $x$ is bound. The name $x$ is just kept
-to pretty-print the occurrences of the bound variable.
-%Similarly, the product
-%$(A:Prop)A$ of the Calculus of Constructions is represented by the
-%DOP2 (Prod, DOP0 (Sort (Prop Null)), DLAM (Name \#A, Rel 1))
-The following functions perform some of the most frequent operations
-on the terms of the meta-language:
-\fun{val Generic.subst1 : 'op term -> 'op term -> 'op term}
- {$(\texttt{subst1}\;t_1\;t_2)$ substitutes $t_1$ for
- $\texttt{(Rel}\;1)$ in $t_2$.}
-\fun{val Generic.occur\_var : identifier -> 'op term -> bool}
- {Returns true when the given identifier appears in the term,
- and false otherwise.}
-\fun{val Generic.eq\_term : 'op term -> 'op term -> bool}
- {Implements $\alpha$-equality for terms.}
-\fun{val Generic.dependent : 'op term -> 'op term -> bool}
- {Returns true if the first term is a sub-term of the second.}
-%\fun{val Generic.subst\_var : identifier -> 'op term -> 'op term}
-% { $(\texttt{subst\_var}\;id\;t)$ substitutes the deBruijn's index
-% associated to $id$ to every occurrence of the term
-% $(\texttt{VAR}\;id)$ in $t$.}
-\subsubsection{Identifiers, names and sections paths.}
-Three different kinds of names are used in the meta-language. They are
-all defined in the \ocaml{} file \texttt{Names}.
-\paragraph{Identifiers.} The simplest kind of names are
-\textsl{identifiers}. An identifier is a string possibly indexed by an
-integer. They are used to represent names that are not unique, like
-for example the name of a variable in the scope of a section. The
-following operations can be used for handling identifiers:
-\fun{val Names.make\_ident : string -> int -> identifier}
- {The value $(\texttt{make\_ident}\;x\;i)$ creates the
- identifier $x_i$. If $i=-1$, then the identifier has
- is created with no index at all.}
-\fun{val Names.repr\_ident : identifier -> string * int}
- {The inverse operation of \texttt{make\_ident}:
- it yields the string and the index of the identifier.}
-\fun{val Names.lift\_ident : identifier -> identifier}
- {Increases the index of the identifier by one.}
-\fun{val\_ident\_away : \\
-\qquad identifier -> identifier list -> identifier}
- {\\ Generates a new identifier with the same root string than the
- given one, but with a new index, different from all the indexes of
- a given list of identifiers.}
-\fun{val\_of\_string : string ->
- identifier}
- {Creates an identifier from a string.}
-\fun{val Names.string\_of\_id : identifier -> string}
- {The inverse operation: transforms an identifier into a string}
-\paragraph{Names.} A \textsl{name} is either an identifier or the
-special name \texttt{Anonymous}. Names are used as arguments of
-binders, in order to pretty print bound variables.
-The following operations can be used for handling names:
-\fun{val Names.Name: identifier -> Name}
- {Constructs a name from an identifier.}
-\fun{val Names.Anonymous : Name}
- {Constructs a special, anonymous identifier, like the variable abstracted
- in the term $[\_:A]0$.}
-\_name\_away\_with\_default : \\ \qquad
- string->name->identifier list->identifier}
-{\\ If the name is not anonymous, then this function generates a new
- identifier different from all the ones in a given list. Otherwise, it
- generates an identifier from the given string.}
-\paragraph[Section paths.]{Section paths.\label{SectionPaths}}
-A \textsl{section-path} is a global name to refer to an object without
-ambiguity. It can be seen as a sort of filename, where open sections
-play the role of directories. Each section path is formed by three
-components: a \textsl{directory} (the list of open sections); a
-\textsl{basename} (the identifier for the object); and a \textsl{kind}
-(either CCI for the terms of the Calculus of Constructions, FW for the
-the terms of $F_\omega$, or OBJ for other objects). For example, the
-name of the following constant:
- Section A.
- Section B.
- Section C.
- Definition zero := O.
-is internally represented by the section path:
-\underbrace{\mathtt{\tt \#zero}}_{\mbox{basename}}
-\underbrace{\mathtt{\tt .cci}_{\;}}_{\mbox{kind}}$$
-When one of the sections is closed, a new constant is created with an
-updated section-path,a nd the old one is no longer reachable. In our
-example, after closing the section \texttt{C}, the new section-path
-for the constant {\tt zero} becomes:
-\texttt{ \#A\#B\#zero.cci}
-The following operations can be used to handle section paths:
-\fun{val Names.string\_of\_path : section\_path -> string}
- {Transforms the section path into a string.}
-\fun{val Names.path\_of\_string : string -> section\_path}
- {Parses a string an returns the corresponding section path.}
-\fun{val Names.basename : section\_path -> identifier}
- {Provides the basename of a section path}
-\fun{val Names.dirpath : section\_path -> string list}
- {Provides the directory of a section path}
-\fun{val Names.kind\_of\_path : section\_path -> path\_kind}
- {Provides the kind of a section path}
-A \textsl{signature} is a mapping associating different informations
-to identifiers (for example, its type, its definition, etc). The
-following operations could be useful for working with signatures:
-\fun{val Names.ids\_of\_sign : 'a signature -> identifier list}
- {Gets the list of identifiers of the signature.}
-\fun{val Names.vals\_of\_sign : 'a signature -> 'a list}
- {Gets the list of values associated to the identifiers of the signature.}
-\fun{val Names.lookup\_glob1 : \\ \qquad
-identifier -> 'a signature -> (identifier *
- 'a)}
- {\\ Gets the value associated to a given identifier of the signature.}
-\subsection{The Terms of the Calculus of Constructions}
-The language of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions described in
-Chapter \ref{Cic} is implemented on the top of the logical framework,
-instantiating the parameter $op$ of the meta-language with a
-particular set of operators. In the implementation this language is
-called \texttt{constr}, the language of constructions.
-% The only difference
-%with respect to the one described in Section \ref{} is that the terms
-%of \texttt{constr} may contain \textsl{existential variables}. An
-%existential variable is a place holder representing a part of the term
-%that is still to be constructed. Such ``open terms'' are necessary
-%when building proofs interactively.
-\subsubsection{Building Constructions}
-The user does not need to know the choices made to represent
-\texttt{constr} in the meta-language. They are abstracted away by the
-following constructor functions:
-\fun{val Term.mkRel : int -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{mkRel}\;n)$ represents deBrujin's index $n$.}
-\fun{val Term.mkVar : identifier -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{mkVar}\;id)$
- represents a global identifier named $id$, like a variable
- inside the scope of a section, or a hypothesis in a proof}.
-\fun{val Term.mkExistential : constr}
- {\texttt{mkExistential} represents an implicit sub-term, like the question
- marks in the term \texttt{(pair ? ? O true)}.}
-%\fun{val Term.mkMeta : int -> constr}
-% {$(\texttt{mkMeta}\;n)$ represents an existential variable, whose
-% name is the integer $n$.}
-\fun{val Term.mkProp : constr}
- {$\texttt{mkProp}$ represents the sort \textsl{Prop}.}
-\fun{val Term.mkSet : constr}
- {$\texttt{mkSet}$ represents the sort \textsl{Set}.}
-\fun{val Term.mkType : Impuniv.universe -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{mkType}\;u)$ represents the term
- $\textsl{Type}(u)$. The universe $u$ is represented as a
- section path indexed by an integer. }
-\fun{val Term.mkConst : section\_path -> constr array -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{mkConst}\;c\;v)$ represents a constant whose name is
- $c$. The body of the constant is stored in a global table,
- accessible through the name of the constant. The array of terms
- $v$ corresponds to the variables of the environment appearing in
- the body of the constant when it was defined. For instance, a
- constant defined in the section \textsl{Foo} containing the
- variable $A$, and whose body is $[x:Prop\ra Prop](x\;A)$ is
- represented inside the scope of the section by
- $(\texttt{mkConst}\;\texttt{\#foo\#f.cci}\;[| \texttt{mkVAR}\;A
- |])$. Once the section is closed, the constant is represented by
- the term $(\texttt{mkConst}\;\#f.cci\;[| |])$, and its body
- becomes $[A:Prop][x:Prop\ra Prop](x\;A)$}.
-\fun{val Term.mkMutInd : section\_path -> int -> constr array ->constr}
- {$(\texttt{mkMutInd}\;c\;i)$ represents the $ith$ type
- (starting from zero) of the block of mutually dependent
- (co)inductive types, whose first type is $c$. Similarly to the
- case of constants, the array of terms represents the current
- environment of the (co)inductive type. The definition of the type
- (its arity, its constructors, whether it is inductive or co-inductive, etc.)
- is stored in a global hash table, accessible through the name of
- the type.}
-\fun{val Term.mkMutConstruct : \\ \qquad section\_path -> int -> int -> constr array
- ->constr} {\\ $(\texttt{mkMutConstruct}\;c\;i\;j)$ represents the
- $jth$ constructor of the $ith$ type of the block of mutually
- dependent (co)inductive types whose first type is $c$. The array
- of terms represents the current environment of the (co)inductive
- type.}
-\fun{val Term.mkCast : constr -> constr -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{mkCast}\;t\;T)$ represents the annotated term $t::T$ in
- \Coq's syntax.}
-\fun{val Term.mkProd : name ->constr ->constr -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{mkProd}\;x\;A\;B)$ represents the product $(x:A)B$.
- The free ocurrences of $x$ in $B$ are represented by deBrujin's
- indexes.}
-\fun{val Term.mkNamedProd : identifier -> constr -> constr -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{produit}\;x\;A\;B)$ represents the product $(x:A)B$,
- but the bound occurrences of $x$ in $B$ are denoted by
- the identifier $(\texttt{mkVar}\;x)$. The function automatically
- changes each occurrences of this identifier into the corresponding
- deBrujin's index.}
-\fun{val Term.mkArrow : constr -> constr -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{arrow}\;A\;B)$ represents the type $(A\rightarrow B)$.}
-\fun{val Term.mkLambda : name -> constr -> constr -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{mkLambda}\;x\;A\;b)$ represents the lambda abstraction
- $[x:A]b$. The free ocurrences of $x$ in $B$ are represented by deBrujin's
- indexes.}
-\fun{val Term.mkNamedLambda : identifier -> constr -> constr -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{lambda}\;x\;A\;b)$ represents the lambda abstraction
- $[x:A]b$, but the bound occurrences of $x$ in $B$ are denoted by
- the identifier $(\texttt{mkVar}\;x)$. }
-\fun{val Term.mkAppLA : constr array -> constr}
- {$(\texttt{mkAppLA}\;t\;[|t_1\ldots t_n|])$ represents the application
- $(t\;t_1\;\ldots t_n)$.}
-\fun{val Term.mkMutCaseA : \\ \qquad
- case\_info -> constr ->constr
- ->constr array -> constr}
- {\\ $(\texttt{mkMutCaseA}\;r\;P\;m\;[|f_1\ldots f_n|])$
- represents the term \Case{P}{m}{f_1\ldots f_n}. The first argument
- $r$ is either \texttt{None} or $\texttt{Some}\;(c,i)$, where the
- pair $(c,i)$ refers to the inductive type that $m$ belongs to.}
-\fun{val Term.mkFix : \\ \qquad
-int array->int->constr array->name
- list->constr array->constr}
- {\\ $(\texttt{mkFix}\;[|k_1\ldots k_n |]\;i\;[|A_1\ldots
- A_n|]\;[|f_1\ldots f_n|]\;[|t_1\ldots t_n|])$ represents the term
- $\Fix{f_i}{f_1/k_1:A_1:=t_1 \ldots f_n/k_n:A_n:=t_n}$}
-\fun{val Term.mkCoFix : \\ \qquad
- int -> constr array -> name list ->
- constr array -> constr}
- {\\ $(\texttt{mkCoFix}\;i\;[|A_1\ldots
- A_n|]\;[|f_1\ldots f_n|]\;[|t_1\ldots t_n|])$ represents the term
- $\CoFix{f_i}{f_1:A_1:=t_1 \ldots f_n:A_n:=t_n}$. There are no
- decreasing indexes in this case.}
-\subsubsection{Decomposing Constructions}
-Each of the construction functions above has its corresponding
-(partial) destruction function, whose name is obtained changing the
-prefix \texttt{mk} by \texttt{dest}. In addition to these functions, a
-concrete datatype \texttt{kindOfTerm} can be used to do pattern
-matching on terms without dealing with their internal representation
-in the meta-language. This concrete datatype is described in the \ocaml{}
-file \texttt{term.mli}. The following function transforms a construction
-into an element of type \texttt{kindOfTerm}:
-\fun{val Term.kind\_of\_term : constr -> kindOfTerm}
- {Destructs a term of the language \texttt{constr},
-yielding the direct components of the term. Hence, in order to do
-pattern matching on an object $c$ of \texttt{constr}, it is sufficient
-to do pattern matching on the value $(\texttt{kind\_of\_term}\;c)$.}
-Part of the information associated to the constants is stored in
-global tables. The following functions give access to such
-\fun{val Termenv.constant\_value : constr -> constr}
- {If the term denotes a constant, projects the body of a constant}
-\fun{Termenv.constant\_type : constr -> constr}
- {If the term denotes a constant, projects the type of the constant}
-\fun{val mind\_arity : constr -> constr}
- {If the term denotes an inductive type, projects its arity (i.e.,
- the type of the inductive type).}
-\fun{val Termenv.mis\_is\_finite : mind\_specif -> bool}
- {Determines whether a recursive type is inductive or co-inductive.}
-\fun{val Termenv.mind\_nparams : constr -> int}
- {If the term denotes an inductive type, projects the number of
- its general parameters.}
-\fun{val Termenv.mind\_is\_recursive : constr -> bool}
- {If the term denotes an inductive type,
- determines if the type has at least one recursive constructor. }
-\fun{val Termenv.mind\_recargs : constr -> recarg list array array}
- {If the term denotes an inductive type, returns an array $v$ such
- that the nth element of $v.(i).(j)$ is
- \texttt{Mrec} if the $nth$ argument of the $jth$ constructor of
- the $ith$ type is recursive, and \texttt{Norec} if it is not.}.
-\subsection[The Type Checker]{The Type Checker\label{TypeChecker}}
-The third logical module is the type checker. It concentrates two main
-tasks concerning the language of constructions.
-On one hand, it contains the type inference and type-checking
-functions. The type inference function takes a term
-$a$ and a signature $\Gamma$, and yields a term $A$ such that
-$\Gamma \vdash a:A$. The type-checking function takes two terms $a$
-and $A$ and a signature $\Gamma$, and determines whether or not
-$\Gamma \vdash a:A$.
-On the other hand, this module is in charge of the compilation of
-\Coq's abstract syntax trees into the language \texttt{constr} of
-constructions. This compilation seeks to eliminate all the ambiguities
-contained in \Coq's abstract syntax, restoring the information
-necessary to type-check it. It concerns at least the following steps:
-\item Compiling the pattern-matching expressions containing
-constructor patterns, wild-cards, etc, into terms that only
-use the primitive \textsl{Case} described in Chapter \ref{Cic}
-\item Restoring type coercions and synthesizing the implicit arguments
-(the one denoted by question marks in
-{\Coq} syntax: see Section~\ref{Coercions}).
-\item Transforming the named bound variables into deBrujin's indexes.
-\item Classifying the global names into the different classes of
-constants (defined constants, constructors, inductive types, etc).
-\subsection{The Proof Engine}
-The fourth stage of \Coq's implementation is the \textsl{proof engine}:
-the interactive machine for constructing proofs. The aim of the proof
-engine is to construct a top-down derivation or \textsl{proof tree},
-by the application of \textsl{tactics}. A proof tree has the following
-general structure:\\
-\frac{\Gamma \vdash ? = t(?_1,\ldots?_n) : G}
- {\hspace{3ex}\frac{\displaystyle \Gamma_1 \vdash ?_1 = t_1(\ldots) : G_1}
- {\stackrel{\vdots}{\displaystyle {\Gamma_{i_1} \vdash ?_{i_1}
- : G_{i_1}}}}(tac_1)
- \;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;
- \frac{\displaystyle \Gamma_n \vdash ?_n = t_n(\ldots) : G_n}
- {\displaystyle \stackrel{\vdots}{\displaystyle {\Gamma_{i_m} \vdash ?_{i_m} :
- G_{i_m}}}}(tac_n)} (tac)
-\noindent Each node of the tree is called a \textsl{goal}. A goal
-is a record type containing the following three fields:
-\item the conclusion $G$ to be proven;
-\item a typing signature $\Gamma$ for the free variables in $G$;
-\item if the goal is an internal node of the proof tree, the
-definition $t(?_1,\ldots?_n)$ of an \textsl{existential variable}
-(i.e. a possible undefined constant) $?$ of type $G$ in terms of the
-existential variables of the children sub-goals. If the node is a
-leaf, the existential variable maybe still undefined.
-Once all the existential variables have been defined the derivation is
-completed, and a construction can be generated from the proof tree,
-replacing each of the existential variables by its definition. This
-is exactly what happens when one of the commands
-\texttt{Qed}, \texttt{Save} or \texttt{Defined} is invoked
-(see Section~\ref{Qed}). The saved theorem becomes a defined constant,
-whose body is the proof object generated.
-\paragraph{Important:} Before being added to the
-context, the proof object is type-checked, in order to verify that it is
-actually an object of the expected type $G$. Hence, the correctness
-of the proof actually does not depend on the tactics applied to
-generate it or the machinery of the proof engine, but only on the
-type-checker. In other words, extending the system with a potentially
-bugged new tactic never endangers the consistency of the system.
-\subsubsection[What is a Tactic?]{What is a Tactic?\label{WhatIsATactic}}
-%Let us now explain what is a tactic, and how the user can introduce
-%new ones.
-From an operational point of view, the current state of the proof
-engine is given by the mapping $emap$ from existential variables into
-goals, plus a pointer to one of the leaf goals $g$. Such a pointer
-indicates where the proof tree will be refined by the application of a
-\textsl{tactic}. A tactic is a function from the current state
-$(g,emap)$ of the proof engine into a pair $(l,val)$. The first
-component of this pair is the list of children sub-goals $g_1,\ldots
-g_n$ of $g$ to be yielded by the tactic. The second one is a
-\textsl{validation function}. Once the proof trees $\pi_1,\ldots
-\pi_n$ for $g_1,\ldots g_n$ have been completed, this validation
-function must yield a proof tree $(val\;\pi_1,\ldots \pi_n)$ deriving
-Tactics can be classified into \textsl{primitive} ones and
-\textsl{defined} ones. Primitive tactics correspond to the five basic
-operations of the proof engine:
-\item Introducing a universally quantified variable into the local
-context of the goal.
-\item Defining an undefined existential variable
-\item Changing the conclusion of the goal for another
---definitionally equal-- term.
-\item Changing the type of a variable in the local context for another
-definitionally equal term.
-\item Erasing a variable from the local context.
-\textsl{Defined} tactics are tactics constructed by combining these
-primitive operations. Defined tactics are registered in a hash table,
-so that they can be introduced dynamically. In order to define such a
-tactic table, it is necessary to fix what a \textsl{possible argument}
-of a tactic may be. The type \texttt{tactic\_arg} of the possible
-arguments for tactics is a union type including:
-\item quoted strings;
-\item integers;
-\item identifiers;
-\item lists of identifiers;
-\item plain terms, represented by its abstract syntax tree;
-\item well-typed terms, represented by a construction;
-\item a substitution for bound variables, like the
-substitution in the tactic \\$\texttt{Apply}\;t\;\texttt{with}\;x:=t_1\ldots
-x_n:=t_n$, (see Section~\ref{apply});
-\item a reduction expression, denoting the reduction strategy to be
-Therefore, for each function $tac:a \rightarrow tactic$ implementing a
-defined tactic, an associated dynamic tactic $tacargs\_tac:
-\texttt{tactic\_arg}\;list \rightarrow tactic$ calling $tac$ must be
-written. The aim of the auxiliary function $tacargs\_tac$ is to inject
-the arguments of the tactic $tac$ into the type of possible arguments
-for a tactic.
-The following function can be used for registering and calling a
-defined tactic:
-\fun{val Tacmach.add\_tactic : \\ \qquad
-string -> (tactic\_arg list ->tactic) -> unit}
- {\\ Registers a dynamic tactic with the given string as access index.}
-\fun{val Tacinterp.vernac\_tactic : string*tactic\_arg list -> tactic}
- {Interprets a defined tactic given by its entry in the
- tactics table with a particular list of possible arguments.}
-\fun{val Tacinterp.vernac\_interp : CoqAst.t -> tactic}
- {Interprets a tactic expression formed combining \Coq's tactics and
- tacticals, and described by its abstract syntax tree.}
-When programming a new tactic that calls an already defined tactic
-$tac$, we have the choice between using the \ocaml{} function
-implementing $tac$, or calling the tactic interpreter with the name
-and arguments for interpreting $tac$. In the first case, a tactic call
-will left the trace of the whole implementation of $tac$ in the proof
-tree. In the second, the implementation of $tac$ will be hidden, and
-only an invocation of $tac$ will be recalled (cf. the example of
-Section \ref{ACompleteExample}. The following combinators can be used
-to hide the implementation of a tactic:
-type 'a hiding_combinator = string -> ('a -> tactic) -> ('a -> tactic)
-val Tacmach.hide_atomic_tactic : string -> tactic -> tactic
-val Tacmach.hide_constr_tactic : constr hiding_combinator
-val Tacmach.hide_constrl_tactic : (constr list) hiding_combinator
-val Tacmach.hide_numarg_tactic : int hiding_combinator
-val Tacmach.hide_ident_tactic : identifier hiding_combinator
-val Tacmach.hide_identl_tactic : identifier hiding_combinator
-val Tacmach.hide_string_tactic : string hiding_combinator
-val Tacmach.hide_bindl_tactic : substitution hiding_combinator
-val Tacmach.hide_cbindl_tactic :
- (constr * substitution) hiding_combinator
-These functions first register the tactic by a side effect, and then
-yield a function calling the interpreter with the registered name and
-the right injection into the type of possible arguments.
-\subsection{Tactics and Tacticals Provided by \Coq}
-The fifth logical module is the library of tacticals and basic tactics
-provided by \Coq. This library is distributed into the directories
-\texttt{tactics} and \texttt{src/tactics}. The former contains those
-basic tactics that make use of the types contained in the basic state
-of \Coq. For example, inversion or rewriting tactics are in the
-directory \texttt{tactics}, since they make use of the propositional
-equality type. Those tactics which are independent from the context
---like for example \texttt{Cut}, \texttt{Intros}, etc-- are defined in
-the directory \texttt{src/tactics}. This latter directory also
-contains some useful tools for programming new tactics, referred in
-Section \ref{SomeUsefulToolsforWrittingTactics}.
-In practice, it is very unusual that the list of sub-goals and the
-validation function of the tactic must be explicitly constructed by
-the user. In most of the cases, the implementation of a new tactic
-consists in supplying the appropriate arguments to the basic tactics
-and tacticals.
-\subsubsection{Basic Tactics}
-The file \texttt{Tactics} contain the implementation of the basic
-tactics provided by \Coq. The following tactics are some of the most
-used ones:
-val Tactics.intro : tactic
-val Tactics.assumption : tactic
-val Tactics.clear : identifier list -> tactic
-val Tactics.apply : constr -> constr substitution -> tactic
-val Tactics.one_constructor : int -> constr substitution -> tactic
-val Tactics.simplest_elim : constr -> tactic
-val Tactics.elimType : constr -> tactic
-val Tactics.simplest_case : constr -> tactic
-val Tactics.caseType : constr -> tactic
-val Tactics.cut : constr -> tactic
-val Tactics.reduce : redexpr -> tactic
-val Tactics.exact : constr -> tactic
-val : int option -> tactic
-val Auto.trivial : tactic
-The functions hiding the implementation of these tactics are defined
-in the module \texttt{Hiddentac}. Their names are prefixed by ``h\_''.
-The following tacticals can be used to combine already existing
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclIDTAC : tactic}
- {The identity tactic: it leaves the goal as it is.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclORELSE : tactic -> tactic -> tactic}
- {Tries the first tactic and in case of failure applies the second one.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclTHEN : tactic -> tactic -> tactic}
- {Applies the first tactic and then the second one to each generated subgoal.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclTHENS : tactic -> tactic list -> tactic}
- {Applies a tactic, and then applies each tactic of the tactic list to the
- corresponding generated subgoal.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclTHENL : tactic -> tactic -> tactic}
- {Applies the first tactic, and then applies the second one to the last
- generated subgoal.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclREPEAT : tactic -> tactic}
- {If the given tactic succeeds in producing a subgoal, then it
- is recursively applied to each generated subgoal,
- and so on until it fails. }
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclFIRST : tactic list -> tactic}
- {Tries the tactics of the given list one by one, until one of them
- succeeds.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclTRY : tactic -> tactic}
- {Tries the given tactic and in case of failure applies the {\tt
- tclIDTAC} tactical to the original goal.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclDO : int -> tactic -> tactic}
- {Applies the tactic a given number of times.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclFAIL : tactic}
- {The always failing tactic: it raises a {\tt UserError} exception.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclPROGRESS : tactic -> tactic}
- {Applies the given tactic to the current goal and fails if the
- tactic leaves the goal unchanged}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclNTH\_HYP : int -> (constr -> tactic) -> tactic}
- {Applies a tactic to the nth hypothesis of the local context.
- The last hypothesis introduced correspond to the integer 1.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclLAST\_HYP : (constr -> tactic) -> tactic}
- {Applies a tactic to the last hypothesis introduced.}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclCOMPLETE : tactic -> tactic}
- {Applies a tactic and fails if the tactic did not solve completely the
- goal}
-\fun{val Tacticals.tclMAP : ('a -> tactic) -> 'a list -> tactic}
- {Applied to the function \texttt{f} and the list \texttt{[x\_1;
- ... ; x\_n]}, this tactical applies the tactic
- \texttt{tclTHEN (f x1) (tclTHEN (f x2) ... ))))}}
-\fun{val Tacicals.tclIF : (goal sigma -> bool) -> tactic -> tactic -> tactic}
- {If the condition holds, apply the first tactic; otherwise,
- apply the second one}
-\subsection{The Vernacular Interpreter}
-The sixth logical module of the implementation corresponds to the
-interpreter of the vernacular phrases of \Coq. These phrases may be
-expressions from the \gallina{} language (definitions), general
-directives (setting commands) or tactics to be applied by the proof
-\subsection[The Parser and the Pretty-Printer]{The Parser and the Pretty-Printer\label{PrettyPrinter}}
-The last logical module is the parser and pretty printer of \Coq,
-which is the interface between the vernacular interpreter and the
-user. They translate the chains of characters entered at the input
-into abstract syntax trees, and vice versa. Abstract syntax trees are
-represented by labeled n-ary trees, and its type is called
-\texttt{CoqAst.t}. For instance, the abstract syntax tree associated
-to the term $[x:A]x$ is:
- ((0,6), "LAMBDA",
- [\texttt{Nvar}~((3, 4),"A");~\texttt{Slam}~((0,6),~Some~"x",~\texttt{Nvar}~((5,6),"x"))])
-The numbers correspond to \textsl{locations}, used to point to some
-input line and character positions in the error messages. As it was
-already explained in Section \ref{TypeChecker}, this term is then
-translated into a construction term in order to be typed.
-The parser of \Coq\ is implemented using \camlpppp. The lexer and the data
-used by \camlpppp\ to generate the parser lay in the directory
-\texttt{src/parsing}. This directory also contains \Coq's
-pretty-printer. The printing rules lay in the directory
-\texttt{src/syntax}. The different entries of the grammar are
-described in the module \texttt{Pcoq.Entry}. Let us present here two
-important functions of this logical module:
-\fun{val Pcoq.parse\_string : 'a Grammar.Entry.e -> string -> 'a}
- {Parses a given string, trying to recognize a phrase
- corresponding to some entry in the grammar. If it succeeds,
- it yields a value associated to the grammar entry. For example,
- applied to the entry \texttt{Pcoq.Command.command}, this function
- parses a term of \Coq's language, and yields a value of type
- \texttt{CoqAst.t}. When applied to the entry
- \texttt{Pcoq.Vernac.vernac}, it parses a vernacular command and
- returns the corresponding Ast.}
-\fun{val gentermpr : \\ \qquad
-path\_kind -> constr assumptions -> constr -> std\_ppcmds}
- {\\ Pretty-prints a well-typed term of certain kind (cf. Section
- \ref{SectionPaths}) under its context of typing assumption.}
-\fun{val gentacpr : CoqAst.t -> std\_ppcmds}
- {Pretty-prints a given abstract syntax tree representing a tactic
- expression.}
-\subsection{The General Library}
-In addition to the ones laying in the standard library of \ocaml{},
-several useful modules about lists, arrays, sets, mappings, balanced
-trees, and other frequently used data structures can be found in the
-directory \texttt{lib}. Before writing a new one, check if it is not
-already there!
-\subsubsection{The module \texttt{Std}}
-This module in the directory \texttt{src/lib/util} is opened by almost
-all modules of \Coq{}. Among other things, it contains a definition of
-the different kinds of errors used in \Coq{} :
-\fun{exception UserError of string * std\_ppcmds}
- {This is the class of ``users exceptions''. Such errors arise when
- the user attempts to do something illegal, for example \texttt{Intro}
- when the current goal conclusion is not a product.}
-\fun{val Std.error : string -> 'a}
- {For simple error messages}
-\fun{val Std.errorlabstrm : string -> std\_ppcmds -> 'a}
- {See Section~\ref{PrettyPrinter} : this can be used if the user
- want to display a term or build a complex error message}
-\fun{exception Anomaly of string * std\_ppcmds}
- {This for reporting bugs or things that should not
- happen. The tacticals \texttt{tclTRY} and
- \texttt{tclTRY} described in Section~\ref{OcamlTacticals} catch the
- exceptions of type \texttt{UserError}, but they don't catch the
- anomalies. So, in your code, don't raise any anomaly, unless you
- know what you are doing. We also recommend to avoid constructs
- such as \texttt{try ... with \_ -> ...} : such constructs can trap
- an anomaly and make the debugging process harder.}
-\fun{val Std.anomaly : string -> 'a}{}
-\fun{val Std.anomalylabstrm : string -> std\_ppcmds -> 'a}{}
-\section{The tactic writer mini-HOWTO}
-\subsection{How to add a vernacular command}
-The command to register a vernacular command can be found
-in module \texttt{Vernacinterp}:
-val vinterp_add : string * (vernac_arg list -> unit -> unit) -> unit;;
-The first argument is the name, the second argument is a function that
-parses the arguments and returns a function of type
-\texttt{unit}$\rightarrow$\texttt{unit} that do the job.
-In this section we will show how to add a vernacular command
-\texttt{CheckCheck} that print a type of a term and the type of its
-File \texttt{}:
-open Vernacinterp;;
-open Trad;;
-let _ =
- vinterp_add
- ("DblCheck",
- function [VARG_COMMAND com] ->
- (fun () ->
- let evmap = Evd.mt_evd ()
- and sign = Termenv.initial_sign () in
- let {vAL=c;tYP=t;kIND=k} =
- fconstruct_with_univ evmap sign com in
- Pp.mSGNL [< Printer.prterm c; 'sTR ":";
- Printer.prterm t; 'sTR ":";
- Printer.prterm k >] )
- | _ -> bad_vernac_args "DblCheck")
-Like for a new tactic, a new syntax entry must be created.
-File \texttt{DCheck.v}:
-Declare ML Module "".
-Grammar vernac vernac :=
- dblcheck [ "CheckCheck" comarg($c) ] -> [(DblCheck $c)].
-We are now able to test our new command:
-Coq < Require DCheck.
-Coq < CheckCheck O.
-Most Coq vernacular commands are registered in the module
- \verb+src/env/ One can see more examples here.
-\subsection{How to keep a hashtable synchronous with the reset mechanism}
-This is far more tricky. Some vernacular commands modify some
-sort of state (for example by adding something in a hashtable). One
-wants that \texttt{Reset} has the expected behavior with this
-\Coq{} provides a general mechanism to do that. \Coq{} environments
-contains objects of three kinds: CCI, FW and OBJ. CCI and FW are for
-constants of the calculus. OBJ is a dynamically extensible datatype
-that contains sections, tactic definitions, hints for auto, and so
-The simplest example of use of such a mechanism is in file
-\verb+src/proofs/ (which implements the \texttt{Tactic
- Definition} command). Tactic macros are stored in the imperative
-hashtable \texttt{mactab}. There are two functions freeze and unfreeze
-to make a copy of the table and to restore the state of table from the
-copy. Then this table is declared using \texttt{Library.declare\_summary}.
-What does \Coq{} with that ? \Coq{} defines synchronization points.
-At each synchronisation point, the declared tables are frozen (that
-is, a copy of this tables is stored).
-When \texttt{Reset }$i$ is called, \Coq{} goes back to the first
-synchronisation point that is above $i$ and ``replays'' all objects
-between that point
-and $i$. It will re-declare constants, re-open section, etc.
-So we need to declare a new type of objects, TACTIC-MACRO-DATA. To
-``replay'' on object of that type is to add the corresponding tactic
-macro to \texttt{mactab}
-So, now, we can say that \texttt{mactab} is synchronous with the Reset
-Notice that this works for hash tables but also for a single integer
-(the Undo stack size, modified by the \texttt{Set Undo} command, for
-\subsection{The right way to access to Coq constants from your ML code}
-With their long names, Coq constants are stored using:
-\item a section path
-\item an identifier
-The identifier is exactly the identifier that is used in \Coq{} to
-denote the constant; the section path can be known using the
-\texttt{Locate} command:
- Locate S.
- Locate nat.
- Locate eq.
-Now it is easy to get a constant by its name and section path:
-let constant sp id =
- Machops.global_reference (Names.gLOB (Termenv.initial_sign ()))
- (Names.path_of_string sp) (Names.id_of_string id);;
-The only issue is that if one cannot put:
-let coq_S = constant "#Datatypes#nat.cci" "S";;
-in his tactic's code. That is because this sentence is evaluated
-\emph{before} the module \texttt{Datatypes} is loaded. The solution is
-to use the lazy evaluation of \ocaml{}:
-let coq_S = lazy (constant "#Datatypes#nat.cci" "S");;
-... (Lazy.force coq_S) ...
-Be sure to call always Lazy.force behind a closure -- i.e. inside a
-function body or behind the \texttt{lazy} keyword.
-One can see examples of that technique in the source code of \Coq{},
-for example
-\section[Some Useful Tools for Writing Tactics]{Some Useful Tools for Writing Tactics\label{SomeUsefulToolsforWrittingTactics}}
-When the implementation of a tactic is not a straightforward
-combination of tactics and tacticals, the module \texttt{Tacmach}
-provides several useful functions for handling goals, calling the
-type-checker, parsing terms, etc. This module is intended to be
-the interface of the proof engine for the user.
-\fun{val\_hyps : goal sigma -> constr signature}
- {Projects the local typing context $\Gamma$ from a given goal $\Gamma\vdash ?:G$.}
-\fun{val pf\_concl : goal sigma -> constr}
- {Projects the conclusion $G$ from a given goal $\Gamma\vdash ?:G$.}
-\fun{val\_nth\_hyp : goal sigma -> int -> identifier *
- constr}
- {Projects the $ith$ typing constraint $x_i:A_i$ from the local
- context of the given goal.}
-\fun{val\_fexecute : goal sigma -> constr -> judgement}
- {Given a goal whose local context is $\Gamma$ and a term $a$, this
- function infers a type $A$ and a kind $K$ such that the judgement
- $a:A:K$ is valid under $\Gamma$, or raises an exception if there
- is no such judgement. A judgement is just a record type containing
- the three terms $a$, $A$ and $K$.}
-\fun{val\_infexecute : \\
- \qquad
-goal sigma -> constr -> judgement * information}
- {\\ In addition to the typing judgement, this function also extracts
- the $F_{\omega}$ program underlying the term.}
-\fun{val\_type\_of : goal sigma -> constr -> constr}
- {Infers a term $A$ such that $\Gamma\vdash a:A$ for a given term
- $a$, where $\Gamma$ is the local typing context of the goal.}
-\fun{val\_check\_type : goal sigma -> constr -> constr -> bool}
- {This function yields a type $A$ if the two given terms $a$ and $A$ verify $\Gamma\vdash
- a:A$ in the local typing context $\Gamma$ of the goal. Otherwise,
- it raises an exception.}
-\fun{val\_constr\_of\_com : goal sigma -> CoqAst.t -> constr}
- {Transforms an abstract syntax tree into a well-typed term of the
- language of constructions. Raises an exception if the term cannot
- be typed.}
-\fun{val\_constr\_of\_com\_sort : goal sigma -> CoqAst.t -> constr}
- {Transforms an abstract syntax tree representing a type into
- a well-typed term of the language of constructions. Raises an
- exception if the term cannot be typed.}
-\fun{val\_parse\_const : goal sigma -> string -> constr}
- {Constructs the constant whose name is the given string.}
-\fun{val\_reduction\_of\_redexp : \\
- \qquad goal sigma -> red\_expr -> constr -> constr}
- {\\ Applies a certain kind of reduction function, specified by an
- element of the type red\_expr.}
-\fun{val\_conv\_x : goal sigma -> constr -> constr -> bool}
- {Test whether two given terms are definitionally equal.}
-The \ocaml{} file \texttt{Pattern} provides a quick way for describing a
-term pattern and performing second-order, binding-preserving, matching
-on it. Patterns are described using an extension of \Coq's concrete
-syntax, where the second-order meta-variables of the pattern are
-denoted by indexed question marks.
-Patterns may depend on constants, and therefore only to make have
-sense when certain theories have been loaded. For this reason, they
-are stored with a \textsl{module-marker}, telling us which modules
-have to be open in order to use the pattern. The following functions
-can be used to store and retrieve patterns form the pattern table:
-\fun{val Pattern.make\_module\_marker : string list -> module\_mark}
- {Constructs a module marker from a list of module names.}
-\fun{val Pattern.put\_pat : module\_mark -> string -> marked\_term}
- {Constructs a pattern from a parseable string containing holes
- and a module marker.}
-\fun{val Pattern.somatches : constr -> marked\_term-> bool}
- {Tests if a term matches a pattern.}
-\fun{val dest\_somatch : constr -> marked\_term -> constr list}
- {If the term matches the pattern, yields the list of sub-terms
- matching the occurrences of the pattern variables (ordered from
- left to right). Raises a \texttt{UserError} exception if the term
- does not match the pattern.}
-\fun{val Pattern.soinstance : marked\_term -> constr list -> constr}
- {Substitutes each hole in the pattern
- by the corresponding term of the given the list.}
-\paragraph{Warning:} Sometimes, a \Coq\ term may have invisible
-sub-terms that the matching functions are nevertheless sensible to.
-For example, the \Coq\ term $(?_1,?_2)$ is actually a shorthand for
-the expression $(\texttt{pair}\;?\;?\;?_1\;?_2)$.
-Hence, matching this term pattern
-with the term $(\texttt{true},\texttt{O})$ actually yields the list
-$[?;?;\texttt{true};\texttt{O}]$ as result (and \textbf{not}
-$[\texttt{true};\texttt{O}]$, as could be expected).
-\subsection{Patterns on Inductive Definitions}
-The module \texttt{Pattern} also includes some functions for testing
-if the definition of an inductive type satisfies certain
-properties. Such functions may be used to perform pattern matching
-independently from the name given to the inductive type and the
-universe it inhabits. They yield the value $(\texttt{Some}\;r::l)$ if
-the input term reduces into an application of an inductive type $r$ to
-a list of terms $l$, and the definition of $r$ satisfies certain
-conditions. Otherwise, they yield the value \texttt{None}.
-\fun{val Pattern.match\_with\_non\_recursive\_type : constr list option}
- {Tests if the inductive type $r$ has no recursive constructors}
-\fun{val Pattern.match\_with\_disjunction : constr list option}
- {Tests if the inductive type $r$ is a non-recursive type
- such that all its constructors have a single argument.}
-\fun{val Pattern.match\_with\_conjunction : constr list option}
- {Tests if the inductive type $r$ is a non-recursive type
- with a unique constructor.}
-\fun{val Pattern.match\_with\_empty\_type : constr list option}
- {Tests if the inductive type $r$ has no constructors at all}
-\fun{val Pattern.match\_with\_equation : constr list option}
- {Tests if the inductive type $r$ has a single constructor
- expressing the property of reflexivity for some type. For
- example, the types $a=b$, $A\mbox{==}B$ and $A\mbox{===}B$ satisfy
- this predicate.}
-\subsection{Elimination Tacticals}
-It is frequently the case that the subgoals generated by an
-elimination can all be solved in a similar way, possibly parametrized
-on some information about each case, like for example:
-\item the inductive type of the object being eliminated;
-\item its arguments (if it is an inductive predicate);
-\item the branch number;
-\item the predicate to be proven;
-\item the number of assumptions to be introduced by the case
-\item the signature of the branch, i.e., for each argument of
-the branch whether it is recursive or not.
-The following tacticals can be useful to deal with such situations.
-\fun{val Elim.simple\_elimination\_then : \\ \qquad
-(branch\_args -> tactic) -> constr -> tactic}
- {\\ Performs the default elimination on the last argument, and then
- tries to solve the generated subgoals using a given parametrized
- tactic. The type branch\_args is a record type containing all
- information mentioned above.}
-\fun{val Elim.simple\_case\_then : \\ \qquad
-(branch\_args -> tactic) -> constr -> tactic}
- {\\ Similarly, but it performs case analysis instead of induction.}
-\section[A Complete Example]{A Complete Example\label{ACompleteExample}}
-In order to illustrate the implementation of a new tactic, let us come
-back to the problem of deciding the equality of two elements of an
-inductive type.
-Let us call \texttt{newtactic} the directory that will contain the
-implementation of the new tactic. In this directory will lay two
-files: a file \texttt{}, containing the \ocaml{} sources that
-implements the tactic, and a \Coq\ file \texttt{Eqdecide.v}, containing
-its associated grammar rules and the commands to generate a module
-that can be loaded dynamically from \Coq's toplevel.
-To compile our project, we will create a \texttt{Makefile} with the
-command \texttt{do\_Makefile} (see Section~\ref{Makefile}) :
- \texttt{do\_Makefile EqDecide.v > Makefile}\\
- \texttt{touch .depend}\\
- \texttt{make depend}
-We must have kept the sources of \Coq{} somewhere and to set an
-environment variable \texttt{COQTOP} that points to that directory.
-\subsection{Implementing the Tactic}
-The file \texttt{} contains the implementation of the
-tactic in \ocaml{}. Let us recall the main steps of the proof strategy
-for deciding the proposition $(x,y:R)\{x=y\}+\{\neg x=y\}$ on the
-inductive type $R$:
-\item Eliminate $x$ and then $y$.
-\item Try discrimination to solve those goals where $x$ and $y$ has
-been introduced by different constructors.
-\item If $x$ and $y$ have been introduced by the same constructor,
- then analyze one by one the corresponding pairs of arguments.
- If they are equal, rewrite one into the other. If they are
- not, derive a contradiction from the invectiveness of the
- constructor.
-\item Once all the arguments have been rewritten, solve the left half
-of the goal by reflexivity.
-In the sequel we implement these steps one by one. We start opening
-the modules necessary for the implementation of the tactic:
-open Names
-open Term
-open Tactics
-open Tacticals
-open Hiddentac
-open Equality
-open Auto
-open Pattern
-open Names
-open Termenv
-open Std
-open Proof_trees
-open Tacmach
-The first step of the procedure can be straightforwardly implemented as
-let clear_last = (tclLAST_HYP (fun c -> (clear_one (destVar c))));;
-let mkBranches =
- (tclTHEN intro
- (tclTHEN (tclLAST_HYP h_simplest_elim)
- (tclTHEN clear_last
- (tclTHEN intros
- (tclTHEN (tclLAST_HYP h_simplest_case)
- (tclTHEN clear_last
- intros))))));;
-Notice the use of the tactical \texttt{tclLAST\_HYP}, which avoids to
-give a (potentially clashing) name to the quantified variables of the
-goal when they are introduced.
-The second step of the procedure is implemented by the following
-let solveRightBranch = (tclTHEN simplest_right discrConcl);;
-In order to illustrate how the implementation of a tactic can be
-hidden, let us do it with the tactic above:
-let h_solveRightBranch =
- hide_atomic_tactic "solveRightBranch" solveRightBranch
-As it was already mentioned in Section \ref{WhatIsATactic}, the
-combinator \texttt{hide\_atomic\_tactic} first registers the tactic
-\texttt{solveRightBranch} in the table, and returns a tactic which
-calls the interpreter with the used to register it. Hence, when the
-tactical \texttt{Info} is used, our tactic will just inform that
-\texttt{solveRightBranch} was applied, omitting all the details
-corresponding to \texttt{simplest\_right} and \texttt{discrConcl}.
-The third step requires some auxiliary functions for constructing the
-type $\{c_1=c_2\}+\{\neg c_1=c_2\}$ for a given inductive type $R$ and
-two constructions $c_1$ and $c_2$, and for generalizing this type over
-$c_1$ and $c_2$:
-let mmk = make_module_marker ["#Logic.obj";"#Specif.obj"];;
-let eqpat = put_pat mmk "eq";;
-let sumboolpat = put_pat mmk "sumbool";;
-let notpat = put_pat mmk "not";;
-let eq = get_pat eqpat;;
-let sumbool = get_pat sumboolpat;;
-let not = get_pat notpat;;
-let mkDecideEqGoal rectype c1 c2 g =
- let equality = mkAppL [eq;rectype;c1;c2] in
- let disequality = mkAppL [not;equality]
- in mkAppL [sumbool;equality;disequality]
-let mkGenDecideEqGoal rectype g =
- let hypnames = ids_of_sign (pf_hyps g) in
- let xname = next_ident_away (id_of_string "x") hypnames
- and yname = next_ident_away (id_of_string "y") hypnames
- in (mkNamedProd xname rectype
- (mkNamedProd yname rectype
- (mkDecideEqGoal rectype (mkVar xname) (mkVar yname) g)))
-The tactic will depend on the \Coq modules \texttt{Logic} and
-\texttt{Specif}, since we use the constants corresponding to
-propositional equality (\texttt{eq}), computational disjunction
-(\texttt{sumbool}), and logical negation (\texttt{not}), defined in
-that modules. This is specified creating the module maker
-\texttt{mmk} (see Section~\ref{Patterns}).
-The third step of the procedure can be divided into three sub-steps.
-Assume that both $x$ and $y$ have been introduced by the same
-constructor. For each corresponding pair of arguments of that
-constructor, we have to consider whether they are equal or not. If
-they are equal, the following tactic is applied to rewrite one into
-the other:
-let eqCase tac =
- (tclTHEN intro
- (tclTHEN (tclLAST_HYP h_rewriteLR)
- (tclTHEN clear_last
- tac)))
-If they are not equal, then the goal is contraposed and a
-contradiction is reached form the invectiveness of the constructor:
-let diseqCase =
- let diseq = (id_of_string "diseq") in
- let absurd = (id_of_string "absurd")
- in (tclTHEN (intro_using diseq)
- (tclTHEN h_simplest_right
- (tclTHEN red_in_concl
- (tclTHEN (intro_using absurd)
- (tclTHEN (h_simplest_apply (mkVar diseq))
- (tclTHEN (h_injHyp absurd)
- trivial ))))))
-In the tactic above we have chosen to name the hypotheses because
-they have to be applied later on. This introduces a potential risk
-of name clashing if the context already contains other hypotheses
-also named ``diseq'' or ``absurd''.
-We are now ready to implement the tactic \textsl{SolveArg}. Given the
-two arguments $a_1$ and $a_2$ of the constructor, this tactic cuts the
-goal with the proposition $\{a_1=a_2\}+\{\neg a_1=a_2\}$, and then
-applies the tactics above to each of the generated cases. If the
-disjunction cannot be solved automatically, it remains as a sub-goal
-to be proven.
-let solveArg a1 a2 tac g =
- let rectype = pf_type_of g a1 in
- let decide = mkDecideEqGoal rectype a1 a2 g
- in (tclTHENS (h_elimType decide)
- [(eqCase tac);diseqCase;default_auto]) g
-The following tactic implements the third and fourth steps of the
-proof procedure:
-let conclpatt = put_pat mmk "{<?1>?2=?3}+{?4}"
-let solveLeftBranch rectype g =
- let (_::(lhs::(rhs::_))) =
- try (dest_somatch (pf_concl g) conclpatt)
- with UserError ("somatch",_)-> error "Unexpected conclusion!" in
- let nparams = mind_nparams rectype in
- let getargs l = snd (chop_list nparams (snd (decomp_app l))) in
- let rargs = getargs rhs
- and largs = getargs lhs
- in List.fold_right2
- solveArg largs rargs (tclTHEN h_simplest_left h_reflexivity) g
-Notice the use of a pattern to decompose the goal and obtain the
-inductive type and the left and right hand sides of the equality. A
-certain number of arguments correspond to the general parameters of
-the type, and must be skipped over. Once the corresponding list of
-arguments \texttt{rargs} and \texttt{largs} have been obtained, the
-tactic \texttt{solveArg} is iterated on them, leaving a disjunction
-whose left half can be solved by reflexivity.
-The following tactic joints together the three steps of the
-proof procedure:
-let initialpatt = put_pat mmk "(x,y:?1){<?1>x=y}+{~(<?1>x=y)}"
-let decideGralEquality g =
- let (typ::_) = try (dest_somatch (pf_concl g) initialpatt)
- with UserError ("somatch",_) ->
- error "The goal does not have the expected form" in
- let headtyp = hd_app (pf_compute g typ) in
- let rectype = match (kind_of_term headtyp) with
- IsMutInd _ -> headtyp
- | _ -> error ("This decision procedure only"
- " works for inductive objects")
- in (tclTHEN mkBranches
- (tclORELSE h_solveRightBranch (solveLeftBranch rectype))) g
-The tactic above can be specialized in two different ways: either to
-decide a particular instance $\{c_1=c_2\}+\{\neg c_1=c_2\}$ of the
-universal quantification; or to eliminate this property and obtain two
-subgoals containing the hypotheses $c_1=c_2$ and $\neg c_1=c_2$
-let decideGralEquality =
- (tclTHEN mkBranches (tclORELSE h_solveRightBranch solveLeftBranch))
-let decideEquality c1 c2 g =
- let rectype = pf_type_of g c1 in
- let decide = mkGenDecideEqGoal rectype g
- in (tclTHENS (cut decide) [default_auto;decideGralEquality]) g
-let compare c1 c2 g =
- let rectype = pf_type_of g c1 in
- let decide = mkDecideEqGoal rectype c1 c2 g
- in (tclTHENS (cut decide)
- [(tclTHEN intro
- (tclTHEN (tclLAST_HYP simplest_case)
- clear_last));
- decideEquality c1 c2]) g
-Next, for each of the tactics that will have an entry in the grammar
-we construct the associated dynamic one to be registered in the table
-of tactics. This function can be used to overload a tactic name with
-several similar tactics. For example, the tactic proving the general
-decidability property and the one proving a particular instance for
-two terms can be grouped together with the following convention: if
-the user provides two terms as arguments, then the specialized tactic
-is used; if no argument is provided then the general tactic is invoked.
-let dyn_decideEquality args g =
- match args with
- [(COMMAND com1);(COMMAND com2)] ->
- let c1 = pf_constr_of_com g com1
- and c2 = pf_constr_of_com g com2
- in decideEquality c1 c2 g
- | [] -> decideGralEquality g
- | _ -> error "Invalid arguments for dynamic tactic"
-add_tactic "DecideEquality" dyn_decideEquality
-let dyn_compare args g =
- match args with
- [(COMMAND com1);(COMMAND com2)] ->
- let c1 = pf_constr_of_com g com1
- and c2 = pf_constr_of_com g com2
- in compare c1 c2 g
- | _ -> error "Invalid arguments for dynamic tactic"
-add_tactic "Compare" tacargs_compare
-This completes the implementation of the tactic. We turn now to the
-\Coq file \texttt{Eqdecide.v}.
-\subsection{The Grammar Rules}
-Associated to the implementation of the tactic there is a \Coq\ file
-containing the grammar and pretty-printing rules for the new tactic,
-and the commands to generate an object module that can be then loaded
-dynamically during a \Coq\ session. In order to generate an ML module,
-the \Coq\ file must contain a
-\texttt{Declare ML module} command for all the \ocaml{} files concerning
-the implementation of the tactic --in our case there is only one file,
-the file \texttt{}:
-Declare ML Module "eqdecide".
-The following grammar and pretty-printing rules are
-self-explanatory. We refer the reader to the Section \ref{Grammar} for
-the details:
-Grammar tactic simple_tactic :=
- EqDecideRuleG1
- [ "Decide" "Equality" comarg($com1) comarg($com2)] ->
- [(DecideEquality $com1 $com2)]
-| EqDecideRuleG2
- [ "Decide" "Equality" ] ->
- [(DecideEquality)]
-| CompareRule
- [ "Compare" comarg($com1) comarg($com2)] ->
- [(Compare $com1 $com2)].
-Syntax tactic level 0:
- EqDecideRulePP1
- [(DecideEquality)] ->
- ["Decide" "Equality"]
-| EqDecideRulePP2
- [(DecideEquality $com1 $com2)] ->
- ["Decide" "Equality" $com1 $com2]
-| ComparePP
- [(Compare $com1 $com2)] ->
- ["Compare" $com1 $com2].
-\paragraph{Important:} The names used to label the abstract syntax tree
-in the grammar rules ---in this case ``DecideEquality'' and
-``Compare''--- must be the same as the name used to register the
-tactic in the tactics table. This is what makes the links between the
-input entered by the user and the tactic executed by the interpreter.
-\subsection{Loading the Tactic}
-Once the module \texttt{EqDecide.v} has been compiled, the tactic can
-be dynamically loaded using the \texttt{Require} command.
-Require EqDecide.
-Goal (x,y:nat){x=y}+{~x=y}.
-Decide Equality.
-The implementation of the tactic can be accessed through the
-tactical \texttt{Info}:
-Info Decide Equality.
-Remark that the task performed by the tactic \texttt{solveRightBranch}
-is not displayed, since we have chosen to hide its implementation.
-\section[Testing and Debugging your Tactic]{Testing and Debugging your Tactic\label{test-and-debug}}
-When your tactic does not behave as expected, it is possible to trace
-it dynamically from \Coq. In order to do this, you have first to leave
-the toplevel of \Coq, and come back to the \ocaml{} interpreter. This can
-be done using the command \texttt{Drop} (see Section~\ref{Drop}). Once
-in the \ocaml{} toplevel, load the file \texttt{tactics/}.
-This file installs several pretty printers for proof trees, goals,
-terms, abstract syntax trees, names, etc. It also contains the
-function \texttt{go:unit -> unit} that enables to go back to \Coq's
-The modules \texttt{Tacmach} and \texttt{Pfedit} contain some basic
-functions for extracting information from the state of the proof
-engine. Such functions can be used to debug your tactic if
-necessary. Let us mention here some of them:
-\fun{val get\_pftreestate : unit -> pftreestate}
- {Projects the current state of the proof engine.}
-\fun{val proof\_of\_pftreestate : pftreestate -> proof}
- {Projects the current state of the proof tree. A pretty-printer
- displays it in a readable form. }
-\fun{val top\_goal\_of\_pftreestate : pftreestate -> goal sigma}
- {Projects the goal and the existential variables mapping from
- the current state of the proof engine.}
-\fun{val nth\_goal\_of\_pftreestate : int -> pftreestate -> goal sigma}
- {Projects the goal and mapping corresponding to the $nth$ subgoal
- that remains to be proven}
-\fun{val traverse : int -> pftreestate -> pftreestate}
- {Yields the children of the node that the current state of the
- proof engine points to.}
-\fun{val solve\_nth\_pftreestate : \\ \qquad
-int -> tactic -> pftreestate -> pftreestate}
- {\\ Provides the new state of the proof engine obtained applying
- a given tactic to some unproven sub-goal.}
-Finally, the traditional \ocaml{} debugging tools like the directives
-\texttt{trace} and \texttt{untrace} can be used to follow the
-execution of your functions. Frequently, a better solution is to use
-the \ocaml{} debugger, see Chapter \ref{Utilities}.
-\section[Concrete syntax for ML tactic and vernacular command]{Concrete syntax for ML tactic and vernacular command\label{Notations-for-ML-command}}
-\subsection{The general case}
-The standard way to bind an ML-written tactic or vernacular command to
-a concrete {\Coq} syntax is to use the
-\verb=TACTIC EXTEND= and \verb=VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND= macros.
-These macros can be used in any {\ocaml} file defining a (new) ML tactic
-or vernacular command. They are expanded into pure {\ocaml} code by
-the {\camlpppp} preprocessor of {\ocaml}. Concretely, files that use
-these macros need to be compiled by giving to {\tt ocamlc} the option
-\verb=-pp "camlp4o -I $(COQTOP)/parsing grammar.cma pa_extend.cmo"=
-\noindent which is the default for every file compiled by means of a Makefile
-generated by {\tt coq\_makefile} (see Chapter~\ref{Addoc-coqc}). So,
-just do \verb=make= in this latter case.
-The syntax of the macros is given on figure
-\ref{EXTEND-syntax}. They can be used at any place of an {\ocaml}
-files where an ML sentence (called \verb=str_item= in the {\tt ocamlc}
-parser) is expected. For each rule, the left-hand-side describes the
-grammar production and the right-hand-side its interpretation which
-must be an {\ocaml} expression. Each grammar production starts with
-the concrete name of the tactic or command in {\Coq} and is followed
-by arguments, possibly separated by terminal symbols or words.
-Here is an example:
- [ "replace" constr(c1) "with" constr(c2) ] -> [ replace c1 c2 ]
- & ::= &
-\multicolumn{2}{l|}{{\tt TACTIC EXTEND} {\ident} \nelist{\grule}{$|$} {\tt END}}\\
- & $|$ & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{{\tt VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND} {\ident} \nelist{\grule}{$|$} {\tt END}}\\
-{\grule} & ::= &
-\multicolumn{2}{l|}{{\tt [} {\str} \sequence{\argument}{} {\tt ] -> [} {\camlexpr} {\tt ]}}\\
-{\argument} & ::= & {\str} &\mbox{(terminal)}\\
- & $|$ & {\entry} {\tt (} {\lident} {\tt )} &\mbox{(non-terminal)}\\
- & ::= & {\tt string} & (a string)\\
- & $|$ & {\tt preident} & (an identifier typed as a {\tt string})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt ident} & (an identifier of type {\tt identifier})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt global} & (a qualified identifier)\\
- & $|$ & {\tt constr} & (a {\Coq} term)\\
- & $|$ & {\tt openconstr} & (a {\Coq} term with holes)\\
- & $|$ & {\tt sort} & (a {\Coq} sort)\\
- & $|$ & {\tt tactic} & (an ${\cal L}_{tac}$ expression)\\
- & $|$ & {\tt constr\_with\_bindings} & (a {\Coq} term with a list of bindings\footnote{as for the tactics {\tt apply} and {\tt elim}})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt int\_or\_var} & (an integer or an identifier denoting an integer)\\
- & $|$ & {\tt quantified\_hypothesis} & (a quantified hypothesis\footnote{as for the tactics {\tt intros until}})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt {\entry}\_opt} & (an optional {\entry} )\\
- & $|$ & {\tt ne\_{\entry}\_list} & (a non empty list of {\entry})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt {\entry}\_list} & (a list of {\entry})\\
- & $|$ & {\tt bool} & (a boolean: no grammar rule, just for typing)\\
- & $|$ & {\lident} & (a user-defined entry)\\
-\caption{Syntax of the macros binding {\ocaml} tactics or commands to a {\Coq} syntax}
-There is a set of predefined non-terminal entries which are
-automatically translated into an {\ocaml} object of a given type. The
-type is not the same for tactics and for vernacular commands. It is
-given in the following table:
-\noindent \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
-{\entry} & {\it type for tactics} & {\it type for commands} \\
-{\tt string} & {\tt string} & {\tt string}\\
-{\tt preident} & {\tt string} & {\tt string}\\
-{\tt ident} & {\tt identifier} & {\tt identifier}\\
-{\tt global} & {\tt global\_reference} & {\tt qualid}\\
-{\tt constr} & {\tt constr} & {\tt constr\_expr}\\
-{\tt openconstr} & {\tt open\_constr} & {\tt constr\_expr}\\
-{\tt sort} & {\tt sorts} & {\tt rawsort}\\
-{\tt tactic} & {\tt glob\_tactic\_expr * tactic} & {\tt raw\_tactic\_expr}\\
-{\tt constr\_with\_bindings} & {\tt constr with\_bindings} & {\tt constr\_expr with\_bindings}\\\\
-{\tt int\_or\_var} & {\tt int or\_var} & {\tt int or\_var}\\
-{\tt quantified\_hypothesis} & {\tt quantified\_hypothesis} & {\tt quantified\_hypothesis}\\
-{\tt {\entry}\_opt} & {\it the type of entry} {\tt option} & {\it the type of entry} {\tt option}\\
-{\tt ne\_{\entry}\_list} & {\it the type of entry} {\tt list} & {\it the type of entry} {\tt list}\\
-{\tt {\entry}\_list} & {\it the type of entry} {\tt list} & {\it the type of entry} {\tt list}\\
-{\tt bool} & {\tt bool} & {\tt bool}\\
-{\lident} & {user-provided, cf next section} & {user-provided, cf next section}\\
-Notice that {\entry} consists in a single identifier and that the {\tt
-\_opt}, {\tt \_list}, ... modifiers are part of the identifier.
-Here is now another example of a tactic which takes either a non empty
-list of identifiers and executes the {\ocaml} function {\tt subst} or
-takes no arguments and executes the{\ocaml} function {\tt subst\_all}.
-| [ "subst" ne_ident_list(l) ] -> [ subst l ]
-| [ "subst" ] -> [ subst_all ]
-\subsection{Adding grammar entries for tactic or command arguments}
-In case parsing the arguments of the tactic or the vernacular command
-involves grammar entries other than the predefined entries listed
-above, you have to declare a new entry using the macros
-\verb=ARGUMENT EXTEND= or \verb=VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND=. The syntax is
-given on Figure~\ref{ARGUMENT-EXTEND-syntax}. Notice that arguments
-declared by \verb=ARGUMENT EXTEND= can be used for arguments of both
-tactics and vernacular commands while arguments declared by
-\verb=VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND= can only be used by vernacular commands.
-For \verb=VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND=, the identifier is the name of the
-entry and it must be a valid {\ocaml} identifier (especially it must
-be lowercase). The grammar rules works as before except that they do
-not have to start by a terminal symbol or word. As an example, here
-is how the {\Coq} {\tt Extraction Language {\it language}} parses its
-| [ "Ocaml" ] -> [ Ocaml ]
-| [ "Haskell" ] -> [ Haskell ]
-| [ "Scheme" ] -> [ Scheme ]
-For tactic arguments, and especially for \verb=ARGUMENT EXTEND=, the
-procedure is more subtle because tactics are objects of the {\Coq}
-environment which can be printed and interpreted. Then the syntax
-requires extra information providing a printer and a type telling how
-the argument behaves. Here is an example of entry parsing a pair of
-optional {\Coq} terms.
-let pp_minus_div_arg pr_constr pr_tactic (omin,odiv) =
- if omin=None && odiv=None then mt() else
- spc() ++ str "with" ++
- pr_opt (fun c -> str "minus := " ++ pr_constr c) omin ++
- pr_opt (fun c -> str "div := " ++ pr_constr c) odiv
-ARGUMENT EXTEND minus_div_arg
- TYPED AS constr_opt * constr_opt
- PRINTED BY pp_minus_div_arg
-| [ "with" minusarg(m) divarg_opt(d) ] -> [ Some m, d ]
-| [ "with" divarg(d) minusarg_opt(m) ] -> [ m, Some d ]
-| [ ] -> [ None, None ]
-Notice that the type {\tt constr\_opt * constr\_opt} tells that the
-object behaves as a pair of optional {\Coq} terms, i.e. as an object
-of {\ocaml} type {\tt constr option * constr option} if in a
-\verb=TACTIC EXTEND= macro and of type {\tt constr\_expr option *
-constr\_expr option} if in a \verb=VERNAC COMMAND EXTEND= macro.
-As for the printer, it must be a function expecting a printer for
-terms, a printer for tactics and returning a printer for the created
-argument. Especially, each sub-{\term} and each sub-{\tac} in the
-argument must be typed by the corresponding printers. Otherwise, the
-{\ocaml} code will not be well-typed.
-\Rem The entry {\tt bool} is bound to no syntax but it can be used to
-give the type of an argument as in the following example:
-let pr_orient _prc _prt = function
- | true -> mt ()
- | false -> str " <-"
-| [ "->" ] -> [ true ]
-| [ "<-" ] -> [ false ]
-| [ ] -> [ true ]
-{\stritem} & ::= &
- {\tt ARGUMENT EXTEND} {\ident} {\arginfo} {\nelist{\grule}{$|$}} {\tt END}\\
-& $|$ & {\tt VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND} {\ident} {\nelist{\grule}{$|$}} {\tt END}\\
-{\arginfo} & ::= & {\tt TYPED AS} {\argtype} \\
-&& {\tt PRINTED BY} {\lident} \\
-%&& \zeroone{{\tt INTERPRETED BY} {\lident}}\\
-%&& \zeroone{{\tt GLOBALIZED BY} {\lident}}\\
-%&& \zeroone{{\tt SUBSTITUTED BY} {\lident}}\\
-%&& \zeroone{{\tt RAW\_TYPED AS} {\lident} {\tt RAW\_PRINTED BY} {\lident}}\\
-%&& \zeroone{{\tt GLOB\_TYPED AS} {\lident} {\tt GLOB\_PRINTED BY} {\lident}}\\
-{\argtype} & ::= & {\argtype} {\tt *} {\argtype} \\
-& $|$ & {\entry} \\
-\caption{Syntax of the macros binding {\ocaml} tactics or commands to a {\Coq} syntax}
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-The distribution provides utilities to simplify some tedious works
-beside proof development, tactics writing or documentation.
-\section[Building a toplevel extended with user tactics]{Building a toplevel extended with user tactics\label{Coqmktop}\index{Coqmktop@{\tt coqmktop}}}
-The native-code version of \Coq\ cannot dynamically load user tactics
-using Objective Caml code. It is possible to build a toplevel of \Coq,
-with Objective Caml code statically linked, with the tool {\tt
- coqmktop}.
-For example, one can build a native-code \Coq\ toplevel extended with a tactic
-which source is in {\tt} with the command
- % coqmktop -opt -o mytop.out tactic.cmx
-where {\tt} has been compiled with the native-code
-compiler {\tt ocamlopt}. This command generates an executable
-called {\tt mytop.out}. To use this executable to compile your \Coq\
-files, use {\tt coqc -image mytop.out}.
-A basic example is the native-code version of \Coq\ ({\tt coqtop.opt}),
-which can be generated by {\tt coqmktop -opt -o coqopt.opt}.
-\paragraph[Application: how to use the Objective Caml debugger with Coq.]{Application: how to use the Objective Caml debugger with Coq.\index{Debugger}}
-One useful application of \texttt{coqmktop} is to build a \Coq\ toplevel in
-order to debug your tactics with the Objective Caml debugger.
-You need to have configured and compiled \Coq\ for debugging
-(see the file \texttt{INSTALL} included in the distribution).
-Then, you must compile the Caml modules of your tactic with the
-option \texttt{-g} (with the bytecode compiler) and build a stand-alone
-bytecode toplevel with the following command:
-\texttt{\% coqmktop -g -o coq-debug}~\emph{<your \texttt{.cmo} files>}
-To launch the \ocaml\ debugger with the image you need to execute it in
-an environment which correctly sets the \texttt{COQLIB} variable.
-Moreover, you have to indicate the directories in which
-\texttt{ocamldebug} should search for Caml modules.
-A possible solution is to use a wrapper around \texttt{ocamldebug}
-which detects the executables containing the word \texttt{coq}. In
-this case, the debugger is called with the required additional
-arguments. In other cases, the debugger is simply called without additional
-arguments. Such a wrapper can be found in the \texttt{dev/}
-subdirectory of the sources.
-\section[Modules dependencies]{Modules dependencies\label{Dependencies}\index{Dependencies}
- \index{Coqdep@{\tt coqdep}}}
-In order to compute modules dependencies (so to use {\tt make}),
-\Coq\ comes with an appropriate tool, {\tt coqdep}.
-{\tt coqdep} computes inter-module dependencies for \Coq\ and
-\ocaml\ programs, and prints the dependencies on the standard
-output in a format readable by make. When a directory is given as
-argument, it is recursively looked at.
-Dependencies of \Coq\ modules are computed by looking at {\tt Require}
-commands ({\tt Require}, {\tt Requi\-re Export}, {\tt Require Import},
-but also at the command {\tt Declare ML Module}.
-Dependencies of \ocaml\ modules are computed by looking at
-\verb!open! commands and the dot notation {\em module.value}. However,
-this is done approximatively and you are advised to use {\tt ocamldep}
-instead for the \ocaml\ modules dependencies.
-See the man page of {\tt coqdep} for more details and options.
-\section[Creating a {\tt Makefile} for \Coq\ modules]{Creating a {\tt Makefile} for \Coq\ modules\label{Makefile}
-\index{Makefile@{\tt Makefile}}
-\index{CoqMakefile@{\tt coq\_Makefile}}}
-When a proof development becomes large, is split into several files or contains
-Ocaml plugins, it becomes crucial to use a tool like {\tt make} to compile
-\Coq\ modules.
-The writing of a generic and complete {\tt Makefile} may be a tedious work
-and that's why \Coq\ provides a tool to automate its creation,
-{\tt coq\_makefile}.
-You can get a description of the arguments by the command \texttt{\% coq\_makefile
- --help}. Arguments can be directly written on the command line interface but it is recommended
-to write them in a file ({\tt \_CoqProject} by default) and then call {\tt
- coq\_makefile -f \_CoqProject -o Makefile}. That means options are read from {\tt
- \_CoqProject} and written in {\tt Makefile}. This way, {\tt Makefile} will be
-automagically regenerated when something changes in {\tt \_CoqProject}.
-The first time you use this tool, you may be happy with:
-\texttt{\% \{ echo '-R .} {\em MyFancyLib} \texttt{' ; find -name '*.v' -print \} >
- \_CoqProject \&\& coq\_makefile -f \_CoqProject -o Makefile}
-To customize things further, remember the following:
-\item \Coq files must end in {\tt .v}, \ocaml modules in {\tt .ml4} if they
- require camlp preproccessing (and in {\tt .ml} otherwise), and \ocaml module
- signatures in {\tt .mli}.
-\item Whenever a directory is passed as argument, any inner {\tt Makefile} will be
- recursively called.
-\item {\tt -R} option is for \Coq, {\tt -I} for \ocaml. The same directory can be
- ``included'' by both.
- Using {\tt -R} option gives a correct logical path and a correct installation
- emplacement to your coq files.
-\item If your files depend on an external library, never use {\tt -R \dots} to
- include it in the path, the {\em make clean} command would erase it! Take
- advantage of the \verb:COQPATH: variable (see \ref{envars}) instead if
- necessary.
-Under normal circumstances, the only other variable that you may use is
-\verb:$COQBIN: to specify the directory where the binaries are.
-\section[Documenting \Coq\ files with coqdoc]{Documenting \Coq\ files with coqdoc\label{coqdoc}
-\index{Coqdoc@{\sf coqdoc}}}
-\section{Exporting \Coq\ theories to XML}
-\section[Embedded \Coq\ phrases inside \LaTeX\ documents]{Embedded \Coq\ phrases inside \LaTeX\ documents\label{Latex}
- \index{Coqtex@{\tt coq-tex}}\index{Latex@{\LaTeX}}}
-When writing a documentation about a proof development, one may want
-to insert \Coq\ phrases inside a \LaTeX\ document, possibly together with
-the corresponding answers of the system. We provide a
-mechanical way to process such \Coq\ phrases embedded in \LaTeX\ files: the
-{\tt coq-tex} filter. This filter extracts Coq phrases embedded in
-LaTeX files, evaluates them, and insert the outcome of the evaluation
-after each phrase.
-Starting with a file {\em file}{\tt.tex} containing \Coq\ phrases,
-the {\tt coq-tex} filter produces a file named {\em file}{\tt.v.tex} with
-the \Coq\ outcome.
-There are options to produce the \Coq\ parts in smaller font, italic,
-between horizontal rules, etc.
-See the man page of {\tt coq-tex} for more details.
-\medskip\noindent {\bf Remark.} This Reference Manual and the Tutorial
-have been completely produced with {\tt coq-tex}.
-\section[\Coq\ and \emacs]{\Coq\ and \emacs\label{Emacs}\index{Emacs}}
-\subsection{The \Coq\ Emacs mode}
-\Coq\ comes with a Major mode for \emacs, {\tt coq.el}. This mode provides
-syntax highlighting
-and also a rudimentary indentation facility
-in the style of the Caml \emacs\ mode.
-Add the following lines to your \verb!.emacs! file:
- (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\\.v$" . coq-mode) auto-mode-alist))
- (autoload 'coq-mode "coq" "Major mode for editing Coq vernacular." t)
-The \Coq\ major mode is triggered by visiting a file with extension {\tt .v},
-or manually with the command \verb!M-x coq-mode!.
-It gives you the correct syntax table for
-the \Coq\ language, and also a rudimentary indentation facility:
- \item pressing {\sc Tab} at the beginning of a line indents the line like
- the line above;
- \item extra {\sc Tab}s increase the indentation level
- (by 2 spaces by default);
- \item M-{\sc Tab} decreases the indentation level.
-An inferior mode to run \Coq\ under Emacs, by Marco Maggesi, is also
-included in the distribution, in file \texttt{coq-inferior.el}.
-Instructions to use it are contained in this file.
-\subsection[Proof General]{Proof General\index{Proof General}}
-Proof General is a generic interface for proof assistants based on
-Emacs. The main idea is that the \Coq\ commands you are
-editing are sent to a \Coq\ toplevel running behind Emacs and the
-answers of the system automatically inserted into other Emacs buffers.
-Thus you don't need to copy-paste the \Coq\ material from your files
-to the \Coq\ toplevel or conversely from the \Coq\ toplevel to some
-Proof General is developped and distributed independently of the
-system \Coq. It is freely available at \verb!!.
-\section[Module specification]{Module specification\label{gallina}\index{Gallina@{\tt gallina}}}
-Given a \Coq\ vernacular file, the {\tt gallina} filter extracts its
-specification (inductive types declarations, definitions, type of
-lemmas and theorems), removing the proofs parts of the file. The \Coq\
-file {\em file}{\tt.v} gives birth to the specification file
-{\em file}{\tt.g} (where the suffix {\tt.g} stands for \gallina).
-See the man page of {\tt gallina} for more details and options.
-\section[Man pages]{Man pages\label{ManPages}\index{Man pages}}
-There are man pages for the commands {\tt coqdep}, {\tt gallina} and
-{\tt coq-tex}. Man pages are installed at installation time
-(see installation instructions in file {\tt INSTALL}, step 6).
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End:
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-% \documentclass[11pt,a4paper,pdftex]{book}
- \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{book}
-\usepackage{headers} % in this directory
-% for coqide
-\ifpdf % si on est pas en pdflatex
- \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
- \usepackage[dvips]{graphicx}
-\input{../common/macros.tex}% extension .tex pour htmlgen
-\input{../common/title.tex}% extension .tex pour htmlgen
-% The manual advises to load hyperref package last to be able to redefine
-% necessary commands.
-% The above should work for both latex and pdflatex. Even if PDF is produced
-% through DVI and PS using dvips and ps2pdf, hyperlinks should still work.
-% linktocpage option makes page numbers, not section names, to be links in
-% the table of contents.
-% colorlinks option colors the links instead of using boxes.
-% The command \tocnumber was added to HEVEA in version 1.06-6.
-% It instructs HEVEA to put chapter numbers into the table of
-% content entries. The table of content is produced by HACHA using
-% the options -tocbis -o toc.html. HEVEA produces a warning when
-% a command is not recognized, so versions earlier than 1.06-6 can
-% still be used.
-\coverpage{Reference Manual}
-{The Coq Development Team}
-{This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and
-conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v1.0 or later
-(the latest version is presently available at
-Options A and B of the licence are {\em not} elected.}
-\include{RefMan-int}% Introduction
-\include{RefMan-pre}% Credits
-\part{The language}
-\include{RefMan-gal.v}% Gallina
-\include{RefMan-ext.v}% Gallina extensions
-\include{RefMan-lib.v}% The coq library
-\include{RefMan-cic.v}% The Calculus of Constructions
-\include{RefMan-modr}% The module system
-\part{The proof engine}
-\include{RefMan-oth.v}% Vernacular commands
-\include{RefMan-pro.v}% Proof handling
-\include{RefMan-tac.v}% Tactics and tacticals
-\include{RefMan-ltac.v}% Writing tactics
-\include{RefMan-tacex.v}% Detailed Examples of tactics
-\include{RefMan-decl.v}% The mathematical proof language
-\part{User extensions}
-\include{RefMan-syn.v}% The Syntax and the Grammar commands
-%%SUPPRIME \include{RefMan-tus.v}% Writing tactics
-\include{RefMan-sch.v}% The Scheme commands
-\part{Practical tools}
-\include{RefMan-com}% The coq commands (coqc coqtop)
-\include{RefMan-uti}% utilities (gallina, do_Makefile, etc)
-\include{RefMan-ide}% Coq IDE
-\part{Addendum to the Reference Manual}
-%%SUPPRIME \include{Natural.v}%
-%%SUPPRIME \include{Correctness.v}% = preuve de pgms imperatifs
-\include{Polynom.v}% = Ring
-\include{Setoid.v}% Tactique pour les setoides
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-\achapter{\protect{User defined equalities and relations}}
-\aauthor{Matthieu Sozeau}
-This chapter presents the extension of several equality related tactics to
-work over user-defined structures (called setoids) that are equipped with
-ad-hoc equivalence relations meant to behave as equalities.
-Actually, the tactics have also been generalized to relations weaker then
-equivalences (e.g. rewriting systems).
-This documentation is adapted from the previous setoid documentation by
-Claudio Sacerdoti Coen (based on previous work by Cl\'ement Renard).
-The new implementation is a drop-in replacement for the old one \footnote{Nicolas
-Tabareau helped with the gluing}, hence most of the documentation still applies.
-The work is a complete rewrite of the previous implementation, based on
-the type class infrastructure. It also improves on and generalizes
-the previous implementation in several ways:
-\item User-extensible algorithm. The algorithm is separated in two
- parts: generations of the rewriting constraints (done in ML) and
- solving of these constraints using type class resolution. As type
- class resolution is extensible using tactics, this allows users to define
- general ways to solve morphism constraints.
-\item Sub-relations. An example extension to the base algorithm is the
- ability to define one relation as a subrelation of another so that
- morphism declarations on one relation can be used automatically for
- the other. This is done purely using tactics and type class search.
-\item Rewriting under binders. It is possible to rewrite under binders
- in the new implementation, if one provides the proper
- morphisms. Again, most of the work is handled in the tactics.
-\item First-class morphisms and signatures. Signatures and morphisms are
- ordinary Coq terms, hence they can be manipulated inside Coq, put
- inside structures and lemmas about them can be proved inside the
- system. Higher-order morphisms are also allowed.
-\item Performance. The implementation is based on a depth-first search for the first
- solution to a set of constraints which can be as fast as linear in the
- size of the term, and the size of the proof term is linear
- in the size of the original term. Besides, the extensibility allows the
- user to customize the proof-search if necessary.
-\asection{Relations and morphisms}
-A parametric \emph{relation} \texttt{R} is any term of type
-\texttt{forall ($x_1$:$T_1$) \ldots ($x_n$:$T_n$), relation $A$}. The
-expression $A$, which depends on $x_1$ \ldots $x_n$, is called the
-\emph{carrier} of the relation and \texttt{R} is
-said to be a relation over \texttt{A}; the list $x_1,\ldots,x_n$
-is the (possibly empty) list of parameters of the relation.
-\begin{cscexample}[Parametric relation]
-It is possible to implement finite sets of elements of type \texttt{A}
-as unordered list of elements of type \texttt{A}. The function
-\texttt{set\_eq: forall (A: Type), relation (list A)} satisfied by two lists
-with the same elements is a parametric relation over \texttt{(list A)} with
-one parameter \texttt{A}. The type of \texttt{set\_eq} is convertible with
-\texttt{forall (A: Type), list A -> list A -> Prop}.
-An \emph{instance} of a parametric relation \texttt{R} with $n$ parameters
-is any term \texttt{(R $t_1$ \ldots $t_n$)}.
-Let \texttt{R} be a relation over \texttt{A} with $n$ parameters.
-A term is a parametric proof of reflexivity for \texttt{R} if it has type
-\texttt{forall ($x_1$:$T_1$) \ldots ($x_n$:$T_n$),
- reflexive (R $x_1$ \ldots $x_n$)}. Similar definitions are given for
-parametric proofs of symmetry and transitivity.
-\begin{cscexample}[Parametric relation (cont.)]
-The \texttt{set\_eq} relation of the previous example can be proved to be
-reflexive, symmetric and transitive.
-A parametric unary function $f$ of type
-\texttt{forall ($x_1$:$T_1$) \ldots ($x_n$:$T_n$), $A_1$ -> $A_2$}
-covariantly respects two parametric relation instances $R_1$ and $R_2$ if,
-whenever $x, y$ satisfy $R_1~x~y$, their images $(f~x)$ and $(f~y)$
-satisfy $R_2~(f~x)~(f~y)$ . An $f$ that respects its input and output relations
-will be called a unary covariant \emph{morphism}. We can also say that $f$ is
-a monotone function with respect to $R_1$ and $R_2$.
-The sequence $x_1,\ldots x_n$ represents the parameters of the morphism.
-Let $R_1$ and $R_2$ be two parametric relations.
-The \emph{signature} of a parametric morphism of type
-\texttt{forall ($x_1$:$T_1$) \ldots ($x_n$:$T_n$), $A_1$ -> $A_2$} that
-covariantly respects two instances $I_{R_1}$ and $I_{R_2}$ of $R_1$ and $R_2$ is written $I_{R_1} \texttt{++>} I_{R_2}$.
-Notice that the special arrow \texttt{++>}, which reminds the reader
-of covariance, is placed between the two relation instances, not
-between the two carriers. The signature relation instances and morphism will
-be typed in a context introducing variables for the parameters.
-The previous definitions are extended straightforwardly to $n$-ary morphisms,
-that are required to be simultaneously monotone on every argument.
-Morphisms can also be contravariant in one or more of their arguments.
-A morphism is contravariant on an argument associated to the relation instance
-$R$ if it is covariant on the same argument when the inverse relation
-$R^{-1}$ (\texttt{inverse R} in Coq) is considered.
-The special arrow \texttt{-{}->} is used in signatures
-for contravariant morphisms.
-Functions having arguments related by symmetric relations instances are both
-covariant and contravariant in those arguments. The special arrow
-\texttt{==>} is used in signatures for morphisms that are both covariant
-and contravariant.
-An instance of a parametric morphism $f$ with $n$ parameters is any term
-\texttt{f $t_1$ \ldots $t_n$}.
-Continuing the previous example, let
-\texttt{union: forall (A: Type), list A -> list A -> list A} perform the union
-of two sets by appending one list to the other. \texttt{union} is a binary
-morphism parametric over \texttt{A} that respects the relation instance
-\texttt{(set\_eq A)}. The latter condition is proved by showing
-\texttt{forall (A: Type) (S1 S1' S2 S2': list A), set\_eq A S1 S1' ->
- set\_eq A S2 S2' -> set\_eq A (union A S1 S2) (union A S1' S2')}.
-The signature of the function \texttt{union A} is
-\texttt{set\_eq A ==> set\_eq A ==> set\_eq A} for all \texttt{A}.
-\begin{cscexample}[Contravariant morphism]
-The division function \texttt{Rdiv: R -> R -> R} is a morphism of
-signature \texttt{le ++> le -{}-> le} where \texttt{le} is
-the usual order relation over real numbers. Notice that division is
-covariant in its first argument and contravariant in its second
-Leibniz equality is a relation and every function is a
-morphism that respects Leibniz equality. Unfortunately, Leibniz equality
-is not always the intended equality for a given structure.
-In the next section we will describe the commands to register terms as
-parametric relations and morphisms. Several tactics that deal with equality
-in \Coq\ can also work with the registered relations.
-The exact list of tactic will be given in Sect.~\ref{setoidtactics}.
-For instance, the
-tactic \texttt{reflexivity} can be used to close a goal $R~n~n$ whenever
-$R$ is an instance of a registered reflexive relation. However, the tactics
-that replace in a context $C[]$ one term with another one related by $R$
-must verify that $C[]$ is a morphism that respects the intended relation.
-Currently the verification consists in checking whether $C[]$ is a syntactic
-composition of morphism instances that respects some obvious
-compatibility constraints.
-Continuing the previous examples, suppose that the user must prove
-\texttt{set\_eq int (union int (union int S1 S2) S2) (f S1 S2)} under the
-hypothesis \texttt{H: set\_eq int S2 (nil int)}. It is possible to
-use the \texttt{rewrite} tactic to replace the first two occurrences of
-\texttt{S2} with \texttt{nil int} in the goal since the context
-\texttt{set\_eq int (union int (union int S1 nil) nil) (f S1 S2)}, being
-a composition of morphisms instances, is a morphism. However the tactic
-will fail replacing the third occurrence of \texttt{S2} unless \texttt{f}
-has also been declared as a morphism.
-\asection{Adding new relations and morphisms}
-A parametric relation
-\textit{Aeq}\texttt{: forall ($y_1 : \beta_!$ \ldots $y_m : \beta_m$), relation (A $t_1$ \ldots $t_n$)} over
-\textit{(A : $\alpha_i$ -> \ldots $\alpha_n$ -> }\texttt{Type})
-can be declared with the following command:
-\comindex{Add Parametric Relation}
- \texttt{Add Parametric Relation} ($x_1 : T_1$) \ldots ($x_n : T_k$) :
- \textit{(A $t_1$ \ldots $t_n$) (Aeq $t'_1$ \ldots $t'_m$)}\\
- ~\zeroone{\texttt{reflexivity proved by} \textit{refl}}\\
- ~\zeroone{\texttt{symmetry proved by} \textit{sym}}\\
- ~\zeroone{\texttt{transitivity proved by} \textit{trans}}\\
- \texttt{~as} \textit{id}.
-after having required the \texttt{Setoid} module with the
-\texttt{Require Setoid} command.
-The identifier \textit{id} gives a unique name to the morphism and it is
-used by the command to generate fresh names for automatically provided lemmas
-used internally.
-Notice that the carrier and relation parameters may refer to the context
-of variables introduced at the beginning of the declaration, but the
-instances need not be made only of variables.
-Also notice that \textit{A} is \emph{not} required to be a term
-having the same parameters as \textit{Aeq}, although that is often the
-case in practice (this departs from the previous implementation).
-\comindex{Add Relation}
-In case the carrier and relations are not parametric, one can use the
-command \texttt{Add Relation} instead, whose syntax is the same except
-there is no local context.
-The proofs of reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity can be omitted if the
-relation is not an equivalence relation. The proofs must be instances of the
-corresponding relation definitions: e.g. the proof of reflexivity must
-have a type convertible to \texttt{reflexive (A $t_1$ \ldots $t_n$) (Aeq $t'_1$ \ldots
- $t'_n$)}. Each proof may refer to the introduced variables as well.
-\begin{cscexample}[Parametric relation]
-For Leibniz equality, we may declare:
-\texttt{Add Parametric Relation (A : Type) :} \texttt{A (@eq A)}\\
-~\zeroone{\texttt{reflexivity proved by} \texttt{@refl\_equal A}}\\
-Some tactics
-(\texttt{reflexivity}, \texttt{symmetry}, \texttt{transitivity}) work only
-on relations that respect the expected properties. The remaining tactics
-(\texttt{replace}, \texttt{rewrite} and derived tactics such as
-\texttt{autorewrite}) do not require any properties over the relation.
-However, they are able to replace terms with related ones only in contexts
-that are syntactic compositions of parametric morphism instances declared with
-the following command.
-\comindex{Add Parametric Morphism}
- \texttt{Add Parametric Morphism} ($x_1 : \T_!$) \ldots ($x_k : \T_k$)\\
- (\textit{f $t_1$ \ldots $t_n$})\\
- \texttt{~with signature} \textit{sig}\\
- \texttt{~as id}.\\
- \texttt{Proof}\\
- ~\ldots\\
- \texttt{Qed}
-The command declares \textit{f} as a parametric morphism of signature
-\textit{sig}. The identifier \textit{id} gives a unique name to the morphism
-and it is used as the base name of the type class instance definition
-and as the name of the lemma that proves the well-definedness of the morphism.
-The parameters of the morphism as well as the signature may refer to the
-context of variables.
-The command asks the user to prove interactively that \textit{f} respects
-the relations identified from the signature.
-We start the example by assuming a small theory over homogeneous sets and
-we declare set equality as a parametric equivalence relation and
-union of two sets as a parametric morphism.
-Require Export Setoid.
-Require Export Relation_Definitions.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Parameter set: Type -> Type.
-Parameter empty: forall A, set A.
-Parameter eq_set: forall A, set A -> set A -> Prop.
-Parameter union: forall A, set A -> set A -> set A.
-Axiom eq_set_refl: forall A, reflexive _ (eq_set (A:=A)).
-Axiom eq_set_sym: forall A, symmetric _ (eq_set (A:=A)).
-Axiom eq_set_trans: forall A, transitive _ (eq_set (A:=A)).
-Axiom empty_neutral: forall A (S: set A), eq_set (union S (empty A)) S.
-Axiom union_compat:
- forall (A : Type),
- forall x x' : set A, eq_set x x' ->
- forall y y' : set A, eq_set y y' ->
- eq_set (union x y) (union x' y').
-Add Parametric Relation A : (set A) (@eq_set A)
- reflexivity proved by (eq_set_refl (A:=A))
- symmetry proved by (eq_set_sym (A:=A))
- transitivity proved by (eq_set_trans (A:=A))
- as eq_set_rel.
-Add Parametric Morphism A : (@union A) with
-signature (@eq_set A) ==> (@eq_set A) ==> (@eq_set A) as union_mor.
-Proof. exact (@union_compat A). Qed.
-Is is possible to reduce the burden of specifying parameters using
-(maximally inserted) implicit arguments. If \texttt{A} is always set as
-maximally implicit in the previous example, one can write:
-Reset Initial.
-Require Export Setoid.
-Require Export Relation_Definitions.
-Parameter set: Type -> Type.
-Parameter empty: forall {A}, set A.
-Parameter eq_set: forall {A}, set A -> set A -> Prop.
-Parameter union: forall {A}, set A -> set A -> set A.
-Axiom eq_set_refl: forall {A}, reflexive (set A) eq_set.
-Axiom eq_set_sym: forall {A}, symmetric (set A) eq_set.
-Axiom eq_set_trans: forall {A}, transitive (set A) eq_set.
-Axiom empty_neutral: forall A (S: set A), eq_set (union S empty) S.
-Axiom union_compat:
- forall (A : Type),
- forall x x' : set A, eq_set x x' ->
- forall y y' : set A, eq_set y y' ->
- eq_set (union x y) (union x' y').
-Add Parametric Relation A : (set A) eq_set
- reflexivity proved by eq_set_refl
- symmetry proved by eq_set_sym
- transitivity proved by eq_set_trans
- as eq_set_rel.
-Add Parametric Morphism A : (@union A) with
- signature eq_set ==> eq_set ==> eq_set as union_mor.
-Proof. exact (@union_compat A). Qed.
-We proceed now by proving a simple lemma performing a rewrite step
-and then applying reflexivity, as we would do working with Leibniz
-equality. Both tactic applications are accepted
-since the required properties over \texttt{eq\_set} and
-\texttt{union} can be established from the two declarations above.
-Goal forall (S: set nat),
- eq_set (union (union S empty) S) (union S S).
-Proof. intros. rewrite empty_neutral. reflexivity. Qed.
-The tables of relations and morphisms are managed by the type class
-instance mechanism. The behavior on section close is to generalize
-the instances by the variables of the section (and possibly hypotheses
-used in the proofs of instance declarations) but not to export them in
-the rest of the development for proof search. One can use the
-\texttt{Existing Instance} command to do so outside the section,
-using the name of the declared morphism suffixed by \texttt{\_Morphism},
-or use the \texttt{Global} modifier for the corresponding class instance
-declaration (see \S\ref{setoid:first-class}) at definition time.
-When loading a compiled file or importing a module,
-all the declarations of this module will be loaded.
-\asection{Rewriting and non reflexive relations}
-To replace only one argument of an n-ary morphism it is necessary to prove
-that all the other arguments are related to themselves by the respective
-relation instances.
-To replace \texttt{(union S empty)} with \texttt{S} in
-\texttt{(union (union S empty) S) (union S S)} the rewrite tactic must
-exploit the monotony of \texttt{union} (axiom \texttt{union\_compat} in
-the previous example). Applying \texttt{union\_compat} by hand we are left
-with the goal \texttt{eq\_set (union S S) (union S S)}.
-When the relations associated to some arguments are not reflexive, the tactic
-cannot automatically prove the reflexivity goals, that are left to the user.
-Setoids whose relation are partial equivalence relations (PER)
-are useful to deal with partial functions. Let \texttt{R} be a PER. We say
-that an element \texttt{x} is defined if \texttt{R x x}. A partial function
-whose domain comprises all the defined elements only is declared as a
-morphism that respects \texttt{R}. Every time a rewriting step is performed
-the user must prove that the argument of the morphism is defined.
-Let \texttt{eqO} be \texttt{fun x y => x = y $\land$ ~x$\neq$ 0} (the smaller PER over
-non zero elements). Division can be declared as a morphism of signature
-\texttt{eq ==> eq0 ==> eq}. Replace \texttt{x} with \texttt{y} in
-\texttt{div x n = div y n} opens the additional goal \texttt{eq0 n n} that
-is equivalent to \texttt{n=n $\land$ n$\neq$0}.
-\asection{Rewriting and non symmetric relations}
-When the user works up to relations that are not symmetric, it is no longer
-the case that any covariant morphism argument is also contravariant. As a
-result it is no longer possible to replace a term with a related one in
-every context, since the obtained goal implies the previous one if and
-only if the replacement has been performed in a contravariant position.
-In a similar way, replacement in an hypothesis can be performed only if
-the replaced term occurs in a covariant position.
-\begin{cscexample}[Covariance and contravariance]
-Suppose that division over real numbers has been defined as a
-morphism of signature \texttt{Zdiv: Zlt ++> Zlt -{}-> Zlt} (i.e.
-\texttt{Zdiv} is increasing in its first argument, but decreasing on the
-second one). Let \texttt{<} denotes \texttt{Zlt}.
-Under the hypothesis \texttt{H: x < y} we have
-\texttt{k < x / y -> k < x / x}, but not
-\texttt{k < y / x -> k < x / x}.
-Dually, under the same hypothesis \texttt{k < x / y -> k < y / y} holds,
-but \texttt{k < y / x -> k < y / y} does not.
-Thus, if the current goal is \texttt{k < x / x}, it is possible to replace
-only the second occurrence of \texttt{x} (in contravariant position)
-with \texttt{y} since the obtained goal must imply the current one.
-On the contrary, if \texttt{k < x / x} is
-an hypothesis, it is possible to replace only the first occurrence of
-\texttt{x} (in covariant position) with \texttt{y} since
-the current hypothesis must imply the obtained one.
-Contrary to the previous implementation, no specific error message will
-be raised when trying to replace a term that occurs in the wrong
-position. It will only fail because the rewriting constraints are not
-satisfiable. However it is possible to use the \texttt{at} modifier to
-specify which occurrences should be rewritten.
-As expected, composing morphisms together propagates the variance annotations by
-switching the variance every time a contravariant position is traversed.
-Let us continue the previous example and let us consider the goal
-\texttt{x / (x / x) < k}. The first and third occurrences of \texttt{x} are
-in a contravariant position, while the second one is in covariant position.
-More in detail, the second occurrence of \texttt{x} occurs
-covariantly in \texttt{(x / x)} (since division is covariant in its first
-argument), and thus contravariantly in \texttt{x / (x / x)} (since division
-is contravariant in its second argument), and finally covariantly in
-\texttt{x / (x / x) < k} (since \texttt{<}, as every transitive relation,
-is contravariant in its first argument with respect to the relation itself).
-\asection{Rewriting in ambiguous setoid contexts}
-One function can respect several different relations and thus it can be
-declared as a morphism having multiple signatures.
-Union over homogeneous lists can be given all the following signatures:
-\texttt{eq ==> eq ==> eq} (\texttt{eq} being the equality over ordered lists)
-\texttt{set\_eq ==> set\_eq ==> set\_eq} (\texttt{set\_eq} being the equality
-over unordered lists up to duplicates),
-\texttt{multiset\_eq ==> multiset\_eq ==> multiset\_eq} (\texttt{multiset\_eq}
-being the equality over unordered lists).
-To declare multiple signatures for a morphism, repeat the \texttt{Add Morphism}
-When morphisms have multiple signatures it can be the case that a rewrite
-request is ambiguous, since it is unclear what relations should be used to
-perform the rewriting. Contrary to the previous implementation, the
-tactic will always choose the first possible solution to the set of
-constraints generated by a rewrite and will not try to find \emph{all}
-possible solutions to warn the user about.
-\asection{First class setoids and morphisms}
-The implementation is based on a first-class representation of
-properties of relations and morphisms as type classes. That is,
-the various combinations of properties on relations and morphisms
-are represented as records and instances of theses classes are put
-in a hint database.
-For example, the declaration:
- \texttt{Add Parametric Relation} ($x_1 : T_1$) \ldots ($x_n : T_k$) :
- \textit{(A $t_1$ \ldots $t_n$) (Aeq $t'_1$ \ldots $t'_m$)}\\
- ~\zeroone{\texttt{reflexivity proved by} \textit{refl}}\\
- ~\zeroone{\texttt{symmetry proved by} \textit{sym}}\\
- ~\zeroone{\texttt{transitivity proved by} \textit{trans}}\\
- \texttt{~as} \textit{id}.
-is equivalent to an instance declaration:
- \texttt{Instance} ($x_1 : T_1$) \ldots ($x_n : T_k$) \texttt{=>}
- \textit{id} : \texttt{@Equivalence} \textit{(A $t_1$ \ldots $t_n$) (Aeq
- $t'_1$ \ldots $t'_m$)} :=\\
- ~\zeroone{\texttt{Equivalence\_Reflexive :=} \textit{refl}}\\
- ~\zeroone{\texttt{Equivalence\_Symmetric :=} \textit{sym}}\\
- ~\zeroone{\texttt{Equivalence\_Transitive :=} \textit{trans}}.
-The declaration itself amounts to the definition of an object of the
-record type \texttt{Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.Equivalence} and a
-hint added to the \texttt{typeclass\_instances} hint database.
-Morphism declarations are also instances of a type class defined in
-See the documentation on type classes \ref{typeclasses} and
-the theories files in \texttt{Classes} for further explanations.
-One can inform the rewrite tactic about morphisms and relations just by
-using the typeclass mechanism to declare them using \texttt{Instance}
-and \texttt{Context} vernacular commands.
-Any object of type \texttt{Proper} (the type of morphism declarations)
-in the local context will also be automatically used by the rewriting
-tactic to solve constraints.
-Other representations of first class setoids and morphisms can also
-be handled by encoding them as records. In the following example,
-the projections of the setoid relation and of the morphism function
-can be registered as parametric relations and morphisms.
-\begin{cscexample}[First class setoids]
-Require Import Relation_Definitions Setoid.
-Record Setoid: Type :=
-{ car:Type;
- eq:car->car->Prop;
- refl: reflexive _ eq;
- sym: symmetric _ eq;
- trans: transitive _ eq
-Add Parametric Relation (s : Setoid) : (@car s) (@eq s)
- reflexivity proved by (refl s)
- symmetry proved by (sym s)
- transitivity proved by (trans s) as eq_rel.
-Record Morphism (S1 S2:Setoid): Type :=
-{ f:car S1 ->car S2;
- compat: forall (x1 x2: car S1), eq S1 x1 x2 -> eq S2 (f x1) (f x2) }.
-Add Parametric Morphism (S1 S2 : Setoid) (M : Morphism S1 S2) :
- (@f S1 S2 M) with signature (@eq S1 ==> @eq S2) as apply_mor.
-Proof. apply (compat S1 S2 M). Qed.
-Lemma test: forall (S1 S2:Setoid) (m: Morphism S1 S2)
- (x y: car S1), eq S1 x y -> eq S2 (f _ _ m x) (f _ _ m y).
-Proof. intros. rewrite H. reflexivity. Qed.
-\asection{Tactics enabled on user provided relations}
-The following tactics, all prefixed by \texttt{setoid\_},
-deal with arbitrary
-registered relations and morphisms. Moreover, all the corresponding unprefixed
-tactics (i.e. \texttt{reflexivity, symmetry, transitivity, replace, rewrite})
-have been extended to fall back to their prefixed counterparts when
-the relation involved is not Leibniz equality. Notice, however, that using
-the prefixed tactics it is possible to pass additional arguments such as
-\texttt{using relation}.
-\texttt{setoid\_symmetry} \zeroone{\texttt{in} \textit{ident}}
-\texttt{setoid\_rewrite} \zeroone{\textit{orientation}} \textit{term}
-~\zeroone{\texttt{at} \textit{occs}} ~\zeroone{\texttt{in} \textit{ident}}
-\texttt{setoid\_replace} \textit{term} \texttt{with} \textit{term}
-~\zeroone{\texttt{in} \textit{ident}}
-~\zeroone{\texttt{using relation} \textit{term}}
-~\zeroone{\texttt{by} \textit{tactic}}
-The \texttt{using relation}
-arguments cannot be passed to the unprefixed form. The latter argument
-tells the tactic what parametric relation should be used to replace
-the first tactic argument with the second one. If omitted, it defaults
-to the \texttt{DefaultRelation} instance on the type of the objects.
-By default, it means the most recent \texttt{Equivalence} instance in
-the environment, but it can be customized by declaring new
-\texttt{DefaultRelation} instances. As Leibniz equality is a declared
-equivalence, it will fall back to it if no other relation is declared on
-a given type.
-Every derived tactic that is based on the unprefixed forms of the tactics
-considered above will also work up to user defined relations. For instance,
-it is possible to register hints for \texttt{autorewrite} that are
-not proof of Leibniz equalities. In particular it is possible to exploit
-\texttt{autorewrite} to simulate normalization in a term rewriting system
-up to user defined equalities.
-\asection{Printing relations and morphisms}
-The \texttt{Print Instances} command can be used to show the list of
-currently registered \texttt{Reflexive} (using \texttt{Print Instances Reflexive}),
-\texttt{Symmetric} or \texttt{Transitive} relations,
-\texttt{Equivalence}s, \texttt{PreOrder}s, \texttt{PER}s, and
-Morphisms (implemented as \texttt{Proper} instances). When
- the rewriting tactics refuse to replace a term in a context
-because the latter is not a composition of morphisms, the \texttt{Print Instances}
-commands can be useful to understand what additional morphisms should be
-\asection{Deprecated syntax and backward incompatibilities}
-Due to backward compatibility reasons, the following syntax for the
-declaration of setoids and morphisms is also accepted.
-\comindex{Add Setoid}
- \texttt{Add Setoid} \textit{A Aeq ST} \texttt{as} \textit{ident}
-where \textit{Aeq} is a congruence relation without parameters,
-\textit{A} is its carrier and \textit{ST} is an object of type
-\texttt{(Setoid\_Theory A Aeq)} (i.e. a record packing together the reflexivity,
-symmetry and transitivity lemmas). Notice that the syntax is not completely
-backward compatible since the identifier was not required.
-\comindex{Add Morphism}
- \texttt{Add Morphism} \textit{f}:\textit{ident}.\\
- Proof.\\
- \ldots\\
- Qed.
-The latter command also is restricted to the declaration of morphisms without
-parameters. It is not fully backward compatible since the property the user
-is asked to prove is slightly different: for $n$-ary morphisms the hypotheses
-of the property are permuted; moreover, when the morphism returns a
-proposition, the property is now stated using a bi-implication in place of
-a simple implication. In practice, porting an old development to the new
-semantics is usually quite simple.
-Notice that several limitations of the old implementation have been lifted.
-In particular, it is now possible to declare several relations with the
-same carrier and several signatures for the same morphism. Moreover, it is
-now also possible to declare several morphisms having the same signature.
-Finally, the replace and rewrite tactics can be used to replace terms in
-contexts that were refused by the old implementation. As discussed in
-the next section, the semantics of the new \texttt{setoid\_rewrite}
-command differs slightly from the old one and \texttt{rewrite}.
-\asection{Rewriting under binders}
-\textbf{Warning}: Due to compatibility issues, this feature is enabled only when calling
-the \texttt{setoid\_rewrite} tactics directly and not \texttt{rewrite}.
-To be able to rewrite under binding constructs, one must declare
-morphisms with respect to pointwise (setoid) equivalence of functions.
-Example of such morphisms are the standard \texttt{all} and \texttt{ex}
-combinators for universal and existential quantification respectively.
-They are declared as morphisms in the \texttt{Classes.Morphisms\_Prop}
-module. For example, to declare that universal quantification is a
-morphism for logical equivalence:
-Reset Initial.
-Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
-Instance all_iff_morphism (A : Type) :
- Proper (pointwise_relation A iff ==> iff) (@all A).
-Proof. simpl_relation.
-One then has to show that if two predicates are equivalent at every
-point, their universal quantifications are equivalent. Once we have
-declared such a morphism, it will be used by the setoid rewriting tactic
-each time we try to rewrite under an \texttt{all} application (products
-in \Prop{} are implicitly translated to such applications).
-Indeed, when rewriting under a lambda, binding variable $x$, say from
-$P~x$ to $Q~x$ using the relation \texttt{iff}, the tactic will generate
-a proof of \texttt{pointwise\_relation A iff (fun x => P x) (fun x => Q
-x)} from the proof of \texttt{iff (P x) (Q x)} and a constraint of the
-form \texttt{Proper (pointwise\_relation A iff ==> ?) m} will be
-generated for the surrounding morphism \texttt{m}.
-Hence, one can add higher-order combinators as morphisms by providing
-signatures using pointwise extension for the relations on the functional
-arguments (or whatever subrelation of the pointwise extension).
-For example, one could declare the \texttt{map} combinator on lists as
-a morphism:
-Require Import List.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Inductive list_equiv {A:Type} (eqA : relation A) : relation (list A) :=
-| eq_nil : list_equiv eqA nil nil
-| eq_cons : forall x y, eqA x y ->
- forall l l', list_equiv eqA l l' -> list_equiv eqA (x :: l) (y :: l').
-Instance map_morphism `{Equivalence A eqA, Equivalence B eqB} :
- Proper ((eqA ==> eqB) ==> list_equiv eqA ==> list_equiv eqB)
- (@map A B).
-where \texttt{list\_equiv} implements an equivalence on lists
-parameterized by an equivalence on the elements.
-Note that when one does rewriting with a lemma under a binder
-using \texttt{setoid\_rewrite}, the application of the lemma may capture
-the bound variable, as the semantics are different from rewrite where
-the lemma is first matched on the whole term. With the new
-\texttt{setoid\_rewrite}, matching is done on each subterm separately
-and in its local environment, and all matches are rewritten
-\emph{simultaneously} by default. The semantics of the previous
-\texttt{setoid\_rewrite} implementation can almost be recovered using
-the \texttt{at 1} modifier.
-Sub-relations can be used to specify that one relation is included in
-another, so that morphisms signatures for one can be used for the other.
-If a signature mentions a relation $R$ on the left of an arrow
-\texttt{==>}, then the signature also applies for any relation $S$ that
-is smaller than $R$, and the inverse applies on the right of an arrow.
-One can then declare only a few morphisms instances that generate the complete set
-of signatures for a particular constant. By default, the only declared
-subrelation is \texttt{iff}, which is a subrelation of \texttt{impl}
-and \texttt{inverse impl} (the dual of implication). That's why we can
-declare only two morphisms for conjunction:
-\texttt{Proper (impl ==> impl ==> impl) and} and
-\texttt{Proper (iff ==> iff ==> iff) and}. This is sufficient to satisfy
-any rewriting constraints arising from a rewrite using \texttt{iff},
-\texttt{impl} or \texttt{inverse impl} through \texttt{and}.
-Sub-relations are implemented in \texttt{Classes.Morphisms} and are a
-prime example of a mostly user-space extension of the algorithm.
-\asection{Constant unfolding}
-The resolution tactic is based on type classes and hence regards user-defined
-constants as transparent by default. This may slow down the resolution
-due to a lot of unifications (all the declared \texttt{Proper}
-instances are tried at each node of the search tree).
-To speed it up, declare your constant as rigid for proof search
-using the command \texttt{Typeclasses Opaque} (see \S \ref{TypeclassesTransparency}).
-%%% Local Variables:
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diff --git a/doc/refman/biblio.bib b/doc/refman/biblio.bib
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index 192a9699..00000000
--- a/doc/refman/biblio.bib
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@@ -1,1286 +0,0 @@
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-@String{lncs = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}
-@String{lnai = "Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence"}
-@String{SV = "{Sprin­ger-Verlag}"}
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- booktitle = {Proceedings of the sixth Conf. on Logic in Computer Science.},
- publisher = {IEEE},
- title = {Partial {Objects} in the {Calculus of Constructions}},
- year = {1991}
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- title = {Extension du Calcul des Constructions par Points fixes},
- year = {1992}
- author = {Ph. Audebaud},
- booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 1992 Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs}},
- editor = {{B. Nordstr\"om and K. Petersson and G. Plotkin}},
- note = {Also Research Report LIP-ENS-Lyon},
- pages = {21--34},
- title = {{CC+ : an extension of the Calculus of Constructions with fixpoints}},
- year = {1992}
- author = {L. Augustsson},
- title = {{Compiling Pattern Matching}},
- booktitle = {Conference Functional Programming and
-Computer Architecture},
- year = {1985}
- author = {J.L. Bates and R.L. Constable},
- journal = {ACM transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
- title = {Proofs as {Programs}},
- volume = {7},
- year = {1985}
- author = {H.P. Barendregt},
- publisher = {North-Holland},
- title = {The Lambda Calculus its Syntax and Semantics},
- year = {1981}
- author = {H. Barendregt},
- institution = {Catholic University Nijmegen},
- note = {In Handbook of Logic in Computer Science, Vol II},
- number = {91-19},
- title = {Lambda {Calculi with Types}},
- year = {1991}
- author = {G. Bellin and J. Ketonen},
- journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- pages = {115--142},
- title = {A decision procedure revisited : Notes on direct logic, linear logic and its implementation},
- volume = {95},
- year = {1992}
- author = {M.J. Beeson},
- publisher = SV,
- title = {Foundations of Constructive Mathematics, Metamathematical Studies},
- year = {1985}
- author = {E. Bishop},
- publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
- title = {Foundations of Constructive Analysis},
- year = {1967}
- author = {R.S. Boyer and J.S. Moore},
- key = {BoMo79},
- publisher = {Academic Press},
- series = {ACM Monograph},
- title = {A computational logic},
- year = {1979}
- author = {S. Boutin},
- month = sep,
- school = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- title = {Certification d'un compilateur {ML en Coq}},
- year = {1992}
- title = {Using reflection to build efficient and certified decision procedure
- author = {S. Boutin},
- booktitle = {TACS'97},
- editor = {Martin Abadi and Takahashi Ito},
- publisher = SV,
- series = lncs,
- volume = 1281,
- year = {1997}
- author = {S. Boutin},
- title = {R\'eflexions sur les quotients},
- school = {Paris 7},
- year = 1997,
- type = {th\`ese d'Universit\'e},
- month = apr
- author = {N.J. de Bruijn},
- journal = {Indag. Math.},
- title = {{Lambda-Calculus Notation with Nameless Dummies, a Tool for Automatic Formula Manipulation, with Application to the Church-Rosser Theorem}},
- volume = {34},
- year = {1972}
- author = {N.J. de Bruijn},
- booktitle = {to H.B. Curry : Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and Formalism.},
- editor = {J.P. Seldin and J.R. Hindley},
- publisher = {Academic Press},
- title = {A survey of the project {Automath}},
- year = {1980}
- author = {G. Dowek and A. Felty and H. Herbelin and G. Huet and C. Murthy and C. Parent and C. Paulin-Mohring and B. Werner},
- institution = {INRIA},
- month = may,
- number = {154},
- title = {{The Coq Proof Assistant User's Guide Version 5.8}},
- year = {1993}
- author = {The Coq Development Team},
- institution = {INRIA},
- month = Feb,
- number = {255},
- title = {{The Coq Proof Assistant Reference Manual Version 7.2}},
- year = {2002}
- author = {C. Parent},
- institution = {Ecole {Normale} {Sup\'erieure} de {Lyon}},
- month = oct,
- note = {Also in~\cite{Nijmegen93}},
- number = {93-29},
- title = {Developing certified programs in the system {Coq}- {The} {Program} tactic},
- year = {1993}
- author = {C. Parent},
- school = {Ecole {Normale} {Sup\'erieure} de {Lyon}},
- title = {{Synth\`ese de preuves de programmes dans le Calcul des Constructions Inductives}},
- year = {1995}
- author = {P. Weis and X. Leroy},
- publisher = {InterEditions},
- title = {Le langage Caml},
- year = {1993}
- author = {Laurent Chicli and Lo\"{\i}c Pottier and Carlos Simpson},
- title = {Mathematical Quotients and Quotient Types in Coq},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/2002},
- year = {2002}
- author = {Projet Formel},
- institution = {INRIA},
- number = {110},
- title = {{The Calculus of Constructions. Documentation and user's guide, Version 4.10}},
- year = {1989}
- author = {Th. Coquand and G. Huet},
- address = {Linz},
- booktitle = {EUROCAL'85},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {{Constructions : A Higher Order Proof System for Mechanizing Mathematics}},
- volume = {203},
- year = {1985}
- author = {Th. Coquand and G. Huet},
- booktitle = {Logic Colloquium'85},
- editor = {The Paris Logic Group},
- publisher = {North-Holland},
- title = {{Concepts Math\'ematiques et Informatiques formalis\'es dans le Calcul des Constructions}},
- year = {1987}
- author = {Th. Coquand and G. Huet},
- journal = {Information and Computation},
- number = {2/3},
- title = {The {Calculus of Constructions}},
- volume = {76},
- year = {1988}
- author = {Th. Coquand and C. Paulin-Mohring},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of Colog'88},
- editor = {P. Martin-L\"of and G. Mints},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {Inductively defined types},
- volume = {417},
- year = {1990}
- author = {R.L. {Constable et al.}},
- publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
- title = {{Implementing Mathematics with the Nuprl Proof Development System}},
- year = {1986}
- author = {Th. Coquand},
- month = jan,
- school = {Universit\'e Paris~7},
- title = {Une Th\'eorie des Constructions},
- year = {1985}
- author = {Th. Coquand},
- address = {Cambridge, MA},
- booktitle = {Symposium on Logic in Computer Science},
- publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
- title = {{An Analysis of Girard's Paradox}},
- year = {1986}
- author = {Th. Coquand},
- booktitle = {Logic and Computer Science},
- editor = {P. Oddifredi},
- note = {INRIA Research Report 1088, also in~\cite{CoC89}},
- publisher = {Academic Press},
- title = {{Metamathematical Investigations of a Calculus of Constructions}},
- year = {1990}
- author = {Th. Coquand},
- booktitle = {Proceedings 9th Int. Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science},
- title = {{A New Paradox in Type Theory}},
- month = {August},
- year = {1991}
- author = {Th. Coquand},
- title = {{Pattern Matching with Dependent Types}},
- year = {1992},
- crossref = {Bastad92}
- author = {Th. Coquand},
- title = {{Infinite Objects in Type Theory}},
- year = {1993},
- crossref = {Nijmegen93}
- author = {P. Corbineau},
- title = {A Declarative Language for the Coq Proof Assistant},
- editor = {M. Miculan and I. Scagnetto and F. Honsell},
- booktitle = {TYPES '07, Cividale del Friuli, Revised Selected Papers},
- publisher = {Springer},
- series = LNCS,
- volume = {4941},
- year = {2007},
- pages = {69-84},
- ee = {},
- author = {C. Cornes},
- month = nov,
- school = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- title = {Conception d'un langage de haut niveau de représentation de preuves},
- type = {Th\`ese de Doctorat},
- year = {1997}
- author = {J. Courant},
- month = sep,
- school = {DEA d'Informatique, ENS Lyon},
- title = {Explicitation de preuves par r\'ecurrence implicite},
- year = {1994}
- author = {Delahaye, D.},
- title = {Information Retrieval in a Coq Proof Library using
- Type Isomorphisms},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of TYPES '99, L\"okeberg},
- publisher = SV,
- series = lncs,
- year = {1999},
- url =
- "\\{\sf}"#
- "{\sf}"
- author = {Delahaye, D.},
- title = {A {T}actic {L}anguage for the {S}ystem {{\sf Coq}}},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of Logic for Programming and Automated Reasoning
- (LPAR), Reunion Island},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- volume = {1955},
- pages = {85--95},
- month = {November},
- year = {2000},
- url =
- "{\sf}"#
- "{\sf}"
- author = {Delahaye, D. and Mayero, M.},
- title = {{\tt Field}: une proc\'edure de d\'ecision pour les nombres r\'eels en {\Coq}},
- booktitle = {Journ\'ees Francophones des Langages Applicatifs, Pontarlier},
- publisher = {INRIA},
- month = {Janvier},
- year = {2001},
- url =
- "\\{\sf}"#
- "{\sf}"
- author = {G. Dowek},
- institution = {INRIA},
- number = {1283},
- title = {Naming and Scoping in a Mathematical Vernacular},
- type = {Research Report},
- year = {1990}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- journal = {Compte-Rendus de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences},
- note = {The undecidability of Third Order Pattern Matching in Calculi with Dependent Types or Type Constructors},
- number = {12},
- pages = {951--956},
- title = {L'Ind\'ecidabilit\'e du Filtrage du Troisi\`eme Ordre dans les Calculs avec Types D\'ependants ou Constructeurs de Types},
- volume = {I, 312},
- year = {1991}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science},
- note = {Also INRIA Research Report},
- pages = {151--160},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {A Second Order Pattern Matching Algorithm in the Cube of Typed $\lambda$-calculi},
- volume = {520},
- year = {1991}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- month = dec,
- school = {Universit\'e Paris 7},
- title = {D\'emonstration automatique dans le Calcul des Constructions},
- year = {1991}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- title = {The Undecidability of Pattern Matching in Calculi where Primitive Recursive Functions are Representable},
- year = 1993,
- journal = tcs,
- volume = 107,
- number = 2,
- pages = {349-356}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic},
- volume = {69},
- pages = {135--155},
- title = {Third order matching is decidable},
- year = {1994}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the second international conference on typed lambda calculus and applications},
- title = {Lambda-calculus, Combinators and the Comprehension Schema},
- year = {1995}
- author = {P. Dybjer},
- booktitle = {Logical Frameworks},
- editor = {G. Huet and G. Plotkin},
- pages = {59--79},
- publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
- title = {Inductive sets and families in {Martin-Löf's}
- Type Theory and their set-theoretic semantics: An inversion principle for {Martin-L\"of's} type theory},
- volume = {14},
- year = {1991}
- author = {Roy Dyckhoff},
- journal = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic},
- month = sep,
- number = {3},
- title = {Contraction-free sequent calculi for intuitionistic logic},
- volume = {57},
- year = {1992}
- author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
- month = sep,
- school = {DEA d'Informatique, ENS Lyon},
- title = {Une proc\'edure de d\'ecision pour le Calcul des Pr\'edicats Direct. Étude et impl\'ementation dans le syst\`eme {\Coq}},
- year = {1994}
- author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
- institution = {LIP-ENS-Lyon},
- title = {A decision procedure for Direct Predicate Calculus},
- type = {Research report},
- number = {96--25},
- year = {1995}
- author = {J.-C. Filliâtre},
- title = {Verification of Non-Functional Programs
- using Interpretations in Type Theory},
- journal = jfp,
- volume = 13,
- number = 4,
- pages = {709--745},
- month = jul,
- year = 2003,
- note = {[English translation of \cite{Filliatre99}]},
- url = {},
- topics = {team, lri},
- type_publi = {irevcomlec}
- author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
- title = {Preuve de programmes imp\'eratifs en th\'eorie des types},
- type = {Thèse de Doctorat},
- school = {Universit\'e Paris-Sud},
- year = 1999,
- month = {July},
- url = {\url{}}
- author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
- title = {{Formal Proof of a Program: Find}},
- month = {January},
- year = 2000,
- note = {Submitted to \emph{Science of Computer Programming}},
- url = {\url{}}
- author = {J.-C. Filli\^atre and N. Magaud},
- title = {Certification of sorting algorithms in the system {\Coq}},
- booktitle = {Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics:
- Emerging Trends},
- year = 1999,
- url = {\url{}}
- author = {E. Fleury},
- month = jul,
- note = {Rapport de Stage},
- title = {Implantation des algorithmes de {Floyd et de Dijkstra} dans le {Calcul des Constructions}},
- year = {1990}
- author = {Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier},
- publisher = {Gauthier-Villars},
- title = {Fourier's method to solve linear
- inequations/equations systems.},
- year = {1890}
- author = {E. Gim\'enez},
- booktitle = {Types'94 : Types for Proofs and Programs},
- note = {Extended version in LIP research report 95-07, ENS Lyon},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {Codifying guarded definitions with recursive schemes},
- volume = {996},
- year = {1994}
- author = {E. Gim\'enez},
- title = {A Tutorial on Recursive Types in Coq},
- institution = {INRIA},
- year = 1998,
- month = mar
- author = {E. Gim\'enez and P. Cast\'eran},
- title = {A Tutorial on [Co-]Inductive Types in Coq},
- institution = {INRIA},
- year = 2005,
- month = jan,
- note = {available at \url{}}
- author = {E. Gim\'enez},
- booktitle = {Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs},
- series = LNCS,
- number = {1158},
- pages = {135-152},
- title = {An application of co-Inductive types in Coq:
- verification of the Alternating Bit Protocol},
- editorS = {S. Berardi and M. Coppo},
- publisher = SV,
- year = {1995}
- author = {J.-Y. Girard},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Scandinavian Logic Symposium},
- publisher = {North-Holland},
- title = {Une extension de l'interpr\'etation de {G\"odel} \`a l'analyse, et son application \`a l'\'elimination des coupures dans l'analyse et la th\'eorie des types},
- year = {1970}
- author = {J.-Y. Girard},
- school = {Universit\'e Paris~7},
- title = {Interpr\'etation fonctionnelle et \'elimination des coupures de l'arithm\'etique d'ordre sup\'erieur},
- year = {1972}
- author = {J.-Y. Girard and Y. Lafont and P. Taylor},
- publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
- series = {Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science 7},
- title = {Proofs and Types},
- year = {1989}
- author = {John Harrison},
- title = {Metatheory and Reflection in Theorem Proving: A Survey and Critique},
- institution = {SRI International Cambridge Computer Science Research Centre,},
- year = 1995,
- type = {Technical Report},
- number = {CRC-053},
- abstract = {}
- author = {D. Hirschkoff},
- month = sep,
- school = {DEA IARFA, Ecole des Ponts et Chauss\'ees, Paris},
- title = {Écriture d'une tactique arithm\'etique pour le syst\`eme {\Coq}},
- year = {1994}
- author = {Martin Hofmann and Thomas Streicher},
- title = {The groupoid interpretation of type theory},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the meeting Twenty-five years of constructive type theory},
- publisher = {Oxford University Press},
- year = {1998}
- author = {W.A. Howard},
- booktitle = {to H.B. Curry : Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and Formalism.},
- editor = {J.P. Seldin and J.R. Hindley},
- note = {Unpublished 1969 Manuscript},
- publisher = {Academic Press},
- title = {The Formulae-as-Types Notion of Constructions},
- year = {1980}
- author = {G. Huet},
- title = {Programming of Future Generation Computers},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of TAPSOFT87},
- series = LNCS,
- volume = 249,
- pages = {276--286},
- year = 1987,
- publisher = SV
- author = {G. Huet},
- booktitle = {Programming of Future Generation Computers},
- editor = {K. Fuchi and M. Nivat},
- note = {Also in \cite{Hue87tapsoft}},
- publisher = {Elsevier Science},
- title = {Induction Principles Formalized in the {Calculus of Constructions}},
- year = {1988}
- author = {G. Huet},
- booktitle = {A perspective in Theoretical Computer Science. Commemorative Volume for Gift Siromoney},
- editor = {R. Narasimhan},
- note = {Also in~\cite{CoC89}},
- publisher = {World Scientific Publishing},
- title = {{The Constructive Engine}},
- year = {1989}
- editor = {G. Huet},
- publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
- series = {The UT Year of Programming Series},
- title = {Logical Foundations of Functional Programming},
- year = {1989}
- author = {G. Huet},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of 12th FST/TCS Conference, New Delhi},
- pages = {229--240},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {The Gallina Specification Language : A case study},
- volume = {652},
- year = {1992}
- author = {G. Huet},
- journal = {J. Functional Programming},
- pages = {371--394},
- publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
- title = {Residual theory in $\lambda$-calculus: a formal development},
- volume = {4,3},
- year = {1994}
- author = {G. Huet and J.-J. L\'{e}vy},
- title = {Call by Need Computations in Non-Ambigous
-Linear Term Rewriting Systems},
- note = {Also research report 359, INRIA, 1979},
- booktitle = {Computational Logic, Essays in Honor of
-Alan Robinson},
- editor = {J.-L. Lassez and G. Plotkin},
- publisher = {The MIT press},
- year = {1991}
- author = {J. Ketonen and R. Weyhrauch},
- journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- pages = {297--307},
- title = {A decidable fragment of {P}redicate {C}alculus},
- volume = {32},
- year = {1984}
- author = {S.C. Kleene},
- publisher = {North-Holland},
- series = {Bibliotheca Mathematica},
- title = {Introduction to Metamathematics},
- year = {1952}
- author = {J.-L. Krivine},
- publisher = {Masson},
- series = {Etudes et recherche en informatique},
- title = {Lambda-calcul {types et mod\`eles}},
- year = {1990}
- editor = {G. Huet and G. Plotkin},
- publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
- title = {Logical Environments},
- year = {1992}
- editor = {G. Huet and G. Plotkin},
- publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
- title = {Logical Frameworks},
- year = {1991}
- author = {A. Laville},
- title = {Comparison of Priority Rules in Pattern
-Matching and Term Rewriting},
- journal = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
- volume = {11},
- pages = {321--347},
- year = {1991}
- author = {F. Leclerc and C. Paulin-Mohring},
- booktitle = {{Types for Proofs and Programs, Types' 93}},
- editor = {H. Barendregt and T. Nipkow},
- publisher = SV,
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{Programming with Streams in Coq. A case study : The Sieve of Eratosthenes}},
- volume = {806},
- year = {1994}
- author = {X. Leroy},
- title = {The {ZINC} experiment: an economical implementation
-of the {ML} language},
- institution = {INRIA},
- number = {117},
- year = {1990}
- author = {P. Letouzey},
- title = {A New Extraction for Coq},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- year = 2002,
- crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/2002},
- url = {draft at \url{}}
- author = {Z. Luo},
- title = {An Extended Calculus of Constructions},
- school = {University of Edinburgh},
- year = {1990}
- author = {{P. Martin-L\"of}},
- publisher = {Bibliopolis},
- series = {Studies in Proof Theory},
- title = {Intuitionistic Type Theory},
- year = {1984}
- author = {P. Manoury and M. Simonot},
- title = {Automatizing Termination Proofs of Recursively Defined Functions.},
- journal = {TCS},
- volume = {135},
- number = {2},
- year = {1994},
- pages = {319-343},
- author = {A. Miquel},
- title = {A Model for Impredicative Type Systems with Universes,
-Intersection Types and Subtyping},
- booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 15th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS'00)}},
- publisher = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
- year = {2000}
- author = {A. Miquel},
- title = {Le Calcul des Constructions implicite: syntaxe et s\'emantique},
- month = {dec},
- school = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- year = {2001}
- author = {A. Miquel},
- title = {The Implicit Calculus of Constructions: Extending Pure Type Systems with an Intersection Type Binder and Subtyping},
- booktitle = {{Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA01), Krakow, Poland}},
- publisher = SV,
- series = {LNCS},
- number = 2044,
- year = {2001}
- author = {A. Miquel and B. Werner},
- title = {The Not So Simple Proof-Irrelevant Model of CC},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- year = {2002},
- pages = {240-258},
- ee = {},
- crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/2002},
- bibsource = {DBLP,}
- editor = {H. Geuvers and F. Wiedijk},
- title = {Types for Proofs and Programs, Second International Workshop,
- TYPES 2002, Berg en Dal, The Netherlands, April 24-28, 2002,
- Selected Papers},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- volume = {2646},
- year = {2003},
- isbn = {3-540-14031-X},
- bibsource = {DBLP,}
- author = {C. Paulin-Mohring},
- address = {Austin},
- booktitle = {Sixteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
- month = jan,
- publisher = {ACM},
- title = {Extracting ${F}_{\omega}$'s programs from proofs in the {Calculus of Constructions}},
- year = {1989}
- author = {C. Paulin-Mohring},
- month = jan,
- school = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- title = {Extraction de programmes dans le {Calcul des Constructions}},
- year = {1989}
- author = {C. Paulin-Mohring},
- booktitle = {Proceedings of the conference Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications},
- editor = {M. Bezem and J.-F. Groote},
- note = {Also LIP research report 92-49, ENS Lyon},
- number = {664},
- publisher = SV,
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{Inductive Definitions in the System Coq - Rules and Properties}},
- year = {1993}
- author = {C. Paulin-Mohring},
- month = jan,
- publisher = {{ENS Lyon}},
- title = {{Le syst\`eme Coq. \mbox{Th\`ese d'habilitation}}},
- year = {1997}
- author = {C. Muñoz},
- month = sep,
- school = {DEA d'Informatique Fondamentale, Universit\'e Paris 7},
- title = {D\'emonstration automatique dans la logique propositionnelle intuitionniste},
- year = {1994}
- author = {C. Mu{\~{n}}oz},
- title = {Un calcul de substitutions pour la repr\'esentation
- de preuves partielles en th\'eorie de types},
- school = {Universit\'e Paris 7},
- year = {1997},
- note = {Version en anglais disponible comme rapport de
- recherche INRIA RR-3309},
- type = {Th\`ese de Doctorat}
- author = {B. {Nordstr\"om} and K. Peterson and J. Smith},
- booktitle = {Information Processing 83},
- publisher = {Oxford Science Publications},
- series = {International Series of Monographs on Computer Science},
- title = {Programming in {Martin-L\"of's} Type Theory},
- year = {1990}
- author = {B. {Nordstr\"om}},
- journal = {BIT},
- title = {Terminating General Recursion},
- volume = {28},
- year = {1988}
- editor = {P. Odifreddi},
- publisher = {Academic Press},
- title = {Logic and Computer Science},
- year = {1990}
- author = {M. Parigot and P. Manoury and M. Simonot},
- address = {St. Petersburg, Russia},
- booktitle = {Logic Programming and automated reasoning},
- editor = {A. Voronkov},
- month = jul,
- number = {624},
- publisher = SV,
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{ProPre : A Programming language with proofs}},
- year = {1992}
- author = {C. Paulin-Mohring and B. Werner},
- journal = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
- pages = {607--640},
- title = {{Synthesis of ML programs in the system Coq}},
- volume = {15},
- year = {1993}
- author = {M. Parigot},
- journal = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- number = {2},
- pages = {335--356},
- title = {{Recursive Programming with Proofs}},
- volume = {94},
- year = {1992}
- author = {C. Parent},
- booktitle = {{Mathematics of Program Construction'95}},
- publisher = SV,
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{Synthesizing proofs from programs in
-the Calculus of Inductive Constructions}},
- volume = {947},
- year = {1995}
- author = {K.V. Prasad},
- booktitle = {{Proceedings of CONCUR'93}},
- publisher = SV,
- series = {LNCS},
- title = {{Programming with broadcasts}},
- volume = {715},
- year = {1993}
- author = {di~Cosmo, R.},
- title = {Isomorphisms of Types: from $\lambda$-calculus to information
- retrieval and language design},
- series = {Progress in Theoretical Computer Science},
- publisher = {Birkhauser},
- year = {1995},
- note = {ISBN-0-8176-3763-X}
- author = {J. Rouyer},
- institution = {INRIA},
- month = nov,
- number = {1795},
- title = {{Développement de l'Algorithme d'Unification dans le Calcul des Constructions}},
- year = {1992}
- title = {Subtypes for Specifications: Predicate Subtyping in
- {PVS}},
- author = {John Rushby and Sam Owre and N. Shankar},
- journal = {IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering},
- pages = {709--720},
- volume = 24,
- number = 9,
- month = sep,
- year = 1998
- author = {A. Sa\"{\i}bi},
- institution = {INRIA},
- month = dec,
- number = {2345},
- title = {{Axiomatization of a lambda-calculus with explicit-substitutions in the Coq System}},
- year = {1994}
- author = {D. Terrasse},
- month = sep,
- school = {IARFA},
- title = {{Traduction de TYPOL en COQ. Application \`a Mini ML}},
- year = {1992}
- author = {L. Th\'ery and Y. Bertot and G. Kahn},
- institution = {INRIA Sophia},
- month = may,
- number = {1684},
- title = {Real theorem provers deserve real user-interfaces},
- type = {Research Report},
- year = {1992}
- author = {A.S. Troelstra and D. van Dalen},
- publisher = {North-Holland},
- series = {Studies in Logic and the foundations of Mathematics, volumes 121 and 123},
- title = {Constructivism in Mathematics, an introduction},
- year = {1988}
- author = {B. Werner},
- school = {Universit\'e Paris 7},
- title = {Une th\'eorie des constructions inductives},
- type = {Th\`ese de Doctorat},
- year = {1994}
- author = {B. Barras},
- school = {Universit\'e Paris 7},
- title = {Auto-validation d'un système de preuves avec familles inductives},
- type = {Th\`ese de Doctorat},
- year = {1999}
- author = {D. de Rauglaudre},
- title = {Camlp4 version 1.07.2},
- year = {1998},
- note = {In Camlp4 distribution}
- author = {G. Dowek},
- title = {{A Complete Proof Synthesis Method for the Cube of Type Systems}},
- journal = {Journal Logic Computation},
- volume = {3},
- number = {3},
- pages = {287--315},
- month = {June},
- year = {1993}
- author = {P. Manoury},
- title = {{A User's Friendly Syntax to Define
-Recursive Functions as Typed $\lambda-$Terms}},
- booktitle = {{Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES'94}},
- series = {LNCS},
- volume = {996},
- month = jun,
- year = {1994}
- author = {L. Maranget},
- institution = {INRIA},
- number = {2385},
- title = {{Two Techniques for Compiling Lazy Pattern Matching}},
- year = {1994}
- author = {L.Puel and A. Su\'arez},
- booktitle = {{Conference Lisp and Functional Programming}},
- series = {ACM},
- publisher = SV,
- title = {{Compiling Pattern Matching by Term
- year = {1990}
- author = {H. Saidi},
- month = sep,
- school = {DEA d'Informatique Fondamentale, Universit\'e Paris 7},
- title = {R\'esolution d'\'equations dans le syst\`eme T
- de G\"odel},
- year = {1994}
- author = {Matthieu Sozeau},
- title = {Subset Coercions in {C}oq},
- year = {2007},
- booktitle = {TYPES'06},
- pages = {237-252},
- volume = {4502},
- publisher = "Springer",
- series = {LNCS}
- Author = {Matthieu Sozeau and Nicolas Oury},
- booktitle = {TPHOLs'08},
- Pdf = {},
- Title = {{F}irst-{C}lass {T}ype {C}lasses},
- Year = {2008},
- author = {T. Streicher},
- title = {Semantical Investigations into Intensional Type Theory},
- note = {Habilitationsschrift, LMU Munchen.},
- year = {1993}
- author = {Lemme Team},
- title = {Pcoq a graphical user-interface for {Coq}},
- note = {\url{}}
- author = {David Aspinall},
- title = {Proof General},
- note = {\url{}}
- title = {Interactive Theorem Proving and Program Development.
- Coq'Art: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions},
- author = {Yves Bertot and Pierre Castéran},
- publisher = {Springer Verlag},
- series = {Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS series},
- year = 2004
- author = {P. Wadler},
- title = {Efficient Compilation of Pattern Matching},
- booktitle = {The Implementation of Functional Programming
- editor = {S.L. Peyton Jones},
- publisher = {Prentice-Hall},
- year = {1987}
- author = {Cristina Cornes and
- Delphine Terrasse},
- title = {Automating Inversion of Inductive Predicates in Coq},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- year = {1995},
- pages = {85-104},
- crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/1995},
- bibsource = {DBLP,}
- editor = {Stefano Berardi and
- Mario Coppo},
- title = {Types for Proofs and Programs, International Workshop TYPES'95,
- Torino, Italy, June 5-8, 1995, Selected Papers},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- publisher = {Springer},
- series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- volume = {1158},
- year = {1996},
- isbn = {3-540-61780-9},
- bibsource = {DBLP,}
- author = {Conor McBride},
- title = {Elimination with a Motive},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- year = {2000},
- pages = {197-216},
- ee = {},
- crossref = {DBLP:conf/types/2000},
- bibsource = {DBLP,}
- editor = {Paul Callaghan and
- Zhaohui Luo and
- James McKinna and
- Robert Pollack},
- title = {Types for Proofs and Programs, International Workshop, TYPES
- 2000, Durham, UK, December 8-12, 2000, Selected Papers},
- booktitle = {TYPES},
- publisher = {Springer},
- series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
- volume = {2277},
- year = {2002},
- isbn = {3-540-43287-6},
- bibsource = {DBLP,}
- author = {Alessandro Giovini and Teo Mora and Gianfranco Niesi and Lorenzo Robbiano and Carlo Traverso},
- title = {"One sugar cube, please" or Selection strategies in the Buchberger algorithm},
- booktitle = { Proceedings of the ISSAC'91, ACM Press},
- year = {1991},
- pages = {5--4},
- publisher = {}
- author = {Gyesik Lee and
- Benjamin Werner},
- title = {Proof-irrelevant model of {CC} with predicative induction
- and judgmental equality},
- journal = {Logical Methods in Computer Science},
- volume = {7},
- number = {4},
- year = {2011},
- ee = {},
- bibsource = {DBLP,}
-@Comment{cross-references, must be at end}
- editor = {B. Nordstr\"om and K. Petersson and G. Plotkin},
- publisher = {Available by ftp at site},
- title = {Proceedings of the 1992 Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs},
- year = {1992}
- editor = {H. Barendregt and T. Nipkow},
- publisher = SV,
- series = LNCS,
- title = {Types for Proofs and Programs},
- volume = {806},
- year = {1994}
-@article{ TheOmegaPaper,
- author = "W. Pugh",
- title = "The Omega test: a fast and practical integer programming algorithm for dependence analysis",
- journal = "Communication of the ACM",
- pages = "102--114",
- year = "1992",
diff --git a/doc/refman/coqdoc.tex b/doc/refman/coqdoc.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index c2591a7b..00000000
--- a/doc/refman/coqdoc.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
-%\newcommand{\lnot}{not} % Hevea handles these symbols nicely
-%%% attention : -- dans un argument de \texttt est affiché comme un
-%%% seul - d'où l'utilisation de la macro suivante
-\coqdoc\ is a documentation tool for the proof assistant
-\Coq, similar to \javadoc\ or \ocamldoc.
-The task of \coqdoc\ is
-\item to produce a nice \LaTeX\ and/or HTML document from the \Coq\
- sources, readable for a human and not only for the proof assistant;
-\item to help the user navigating in his own (or third-party) sources.
-Documentation is inserted into \Coq\ files as \emph{special comments}.
-Thus your files will compile as usual, whether you use \coqdoc\ or not.
-\coqdoc\ presupposes that the given \Coq\ files are well-formed (at
-least lexically). Documentation starts with
-\texttt{(**}, followed by a space, and ends with the pending \texttt{*)}.
-The documentation format is inspired
- by Todd~A.~Coram's \emph{Almost Free Text (AFT)} tool: it is mainly
-ASCII text with some syntax-light controls, described below.
-\coqdoc\ is robust: it shouldn't fail, whatever the input is. But
-remember: ``garbage in, garbage out''.
-\paragraph{\Coq\ material inside documentation.}
-\Coq\ material is quoted between the
-delimiters \texttt{[} and \texttt{]}. Square brackets may be nested,
-the inner ones being understood as being part of the quoted code (thus
-you can quote a term like \texttt{fun x => u} by writing
-\texttt{[fun x => u]}). Inside quotations, the code is pretty-printed in
-the same way as it is in code parts.
-Pre-formatted vernacular is enclosed by \texttt{[[} and
-\texttt{]]}. The former must be followed by a newline and the latter
-must follow a newline.
-\coqdoc\ uses different faces for identifiers and keywords.
-The pretty-printing of \Coq\ tokens (identifiers or symbols) can be
-controlled using one of the following commands:
-(** printing \emph{token} %...\LaTeX...% #...HTML...# *)
-(** printing \emph{token} $...\LaTeX\ math...$ #...HTML...# *)
-It gives the \LaTeX\ and HTML texts to be produced for the given \Coq\
-token. One of the \LaTeX\ or HTML text may be omitted, causing the
-default pretty-printing to be used for this token.
-The printing for one token can be removed with
-(** remove printing \emph{token} *)
-Initially, the pretty-printing table contains the following mapping:
- \begin{tabular}{ll@{\qquad\qquad}ll@{\qquad\qquad}ll@{\qquad\qquad}}
- \verb!->! & $\rightarrow$ &
- \verb!<-! & $\leftarrow$ &
- \verb|*| & $\times$ \\
- \verb|<=| & $\le$ &
- \verb|>=| & $\ge$ &
- \verb|=>| & $\Rightarrow$ \\
- \verb|<>| & $\not=$ &
- \verb|<->| & $\leftrightarrow$ &
- \verb!|-! & $\vdash$ \\
- \verb|\/| & $\lor$ &
- \verb|/\| & $\land$ &
- \verb|~| & $\lnot$
- \end{tabular}
-Any of these can be overwritten or suppressed using the
-\texttt{printing} commands.
-Important note: the recognition of tokens is done by a (ocaml)lex
-automaton and thus applies the longest-match rule. For instance,
-\verb!->~! is recognized as a single token, where \Coq\ sees two
-tokens. It is the responsibility of the user to insert space between
-tokens \emph{or} to give pretty-printing rules for the possible
-combinations, e.g.
-(** printing ->~ %\ensuremath{\rightarrow\lnot}% *)
-Sections are introduced by 1 to 4 leading stars (i.e. at the beginning of the
-line) followed by a space. One star is a section, two stars a sub-section, etc.
-The section title is given on the remaining of the line.
- (** * Well-founded relations
- In this section, we introduce... *)
-%TODO \paragraph{Fonts.}
-List items are introduced by a leading dash. \coqdoc\ uses whitespace
-to determine the depth of a new list item and which text belongs in
-which list items. A list ends when a line of text starts at or before
-the level of indenting of the list's dash. A list item's dash must
-always be the first non-space character on its line (so, in
-particular, a list can not begin on the first line of a comment -
-start it on the second line instead).
- We go by induction on [n]:
- - If [n] is 0...
- - If [n] is [S n'] we require...
- two paragraphs of reasoning, and two subcases:
- - In the first case...
- - In the second case...
- So the theorem holds.
-More than 4 leading dashes produce an horizontal rule.
-Text can be italicized by placing it in underscores. A non-identifier
-character must precede the leading underscore and follow the trailing
-underscore, so that uses of underscores in names aren't mistaken for
-emphasis. Usually, these are spaces or punctuation.
- This sentence contains some _emphasized text_.
-\paragraph{Escaping to \LaTeX\ and HTML.}
-Pure \LaTeX\ or HTML material can be inserted using the following
-escape sequences:
-\item \verb+$...LaTeX stuff...$+ inserts some \LaTeX\ material in math mode.
- Simply discarded in HTML output.
-\item \verb+%...LaTeX stuff...%+ inserts some \LaTeX\ material.
- Simply discarded in HTML output.
-\item \verb+#...HTML stuff...#+ inserts some HTML material. Simply
- discarded in \LaTeX\ output.
-Note: to simply output the characters \verb+$+, \verb+%+ and \verb+#+
-and escaping their escaping role, these characters must be doubled.
-Verbatim material is introduced by a leading \verb+<<+ and closed by
-\verb+>>+ at the beginning of a line. Example:
-Here is the corresponding caml code:
- let rec fact n =
- if n <= 1 then 1 else n * fact (n-1)
-Hyperlinks can be inserted into the HTML output, so that any
-identifier is linked to the place of its definition.
-\texttt{coqc \emph{file}.v} automatically dumps localization information
-in \texttt{\emph{file}.glob} or appends it to a file specified using option
-\texttt{\mm{}dump-glob \emph{file}}. Take care of erasing this global file, if
-any, when starting the whole compilation process.
-Then invoke \texttt{coqdoc} or \texttt{coqdoc \mm{}glob-from \emph{file}} to tell
-\coqdoc\ to look for name resolutions into the file \texttt{\emph{file}}
-(it will look in \texttt{\emph{file}.glob} by default).
-Identifiers from the \Coq\ standard library are linked to the \Coq\
-web site at \url{}. This behavior can be
-changed using command line options \url{--no-externals} and
-\url{--coqlib}; see below.
-\paragraph{Hiding / Showing parts of the source.}
-Some parts of the source can be hidden using command line options
-\texttt{-g} and \texttt{-l} (see below), or using such comments:
-(* begin hide *)
-\emph{some Coq material}
-(* end hide *)
-Conversely, some parts of the source which would be hidden can be
-shown using such comments:
-(* begin show *)
-\emph{some Coq material}
-(* end show *)
-The latter cannot be used around some inner parts of a proof, but can
-be used around a whole proof.
-\coqdoc\ is invoked on a shell command line as follows:
- \texttt{coqdoc }<\textit{options and files}>
-Any command line argument which is not an option is considered to be a
-file (even if it starts with a \verb!-!). \Coq\ files are identified
-by the suffixes \verb!.v! and \verb!.g! and \LaTeX\ files by the
-suffix \verb!.tex!.
-\item[HTML output] ~\par
- This is the default output.
- One HTML file is created for each \Coq\ file given on the command line,
- together with a file \texttt{index.html} (unless option
- \texttt{-no-index} is passed). The HTML pages use a style sheet
- named \texttt{style.css}. Such a file is distributed with \coqdoc.
-\item[\LaTeX\ output] ~\par
- A single \LaTeX\ file is created, on standard output. It can be
- redirected to a file with option \texttt{-o}.
- The order of files on the command line is kept in the final
- document. \LaTeX\ files given on the command line are copied `as is'
- in the final document .
- DVI and PostScript can be produced directly with the options
- \texttt{-dvi} and \texttt{-ps} respectively.
-\item[\texmacs\ output] ~\par
- To translate the input files to \texmacs\ format, to be used by
- the \texmacs\ Coq interface
- (see \url{}).
-\subsubsection*{Command line options}
-\paragraph{Overall options}
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}html}] ~\par
- Select a HTML output.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}latex}] ~\par
- Select a \LaTeX\ output.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}dvi}] ~\par
- Select a DVI output.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}ps}] ~\par
- Select a PostScript output.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}texmacs}] ~\par
- Select a \texmacs\ output.
-\item[\texttt{--stdout}] ~\par
- Write output to stdout.
-\item[\texttt{-o }\textit{file}, \texttt{\mm{}output }\textit{file}] ~\par
- Redirect the output into the file `\textit{file}' (meaningless with
- \texttt{-html}).
-\item[\texttt{-d }\textit{dir}, \texttt{\mm{}directory }\textit{dir}] ~\par
- Output files into directory `\textit{dir}' instead of current
- directory (option \texttt{-d} does not change the filename specified
- with option \texttt{-o}, if any).
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}body-only}] ~\par
- Suppress the header and trailer of the final document. Thus, you can
- insert the resulting document into a larger one.
-\item[\texttt{-p} \textit{string}, \texttt{\mm{}preamble} \textit{string}]~\par
- Insert some material in the \LaTeX\ preamble, right before
- \verb!\begin{document}! (meaningless with \texttt{-html}).
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}vernac-file }\textit{file},
- \texttt{\mm{}tex-file }\textit{file}] ~\par
- Considers the file `\textit{file}' respectively as a \verb!.v!
- (or \verb!.g!) file or a \verb!.tex! file.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}files-from }\textit{file}] ~\par
- Read file names to process in file `\textit{file}' as if they were
- given on the command line. Useful for program sources split up into
- several directories.
-\item[\texttt{-q}, \texttt{\mm{}quiet}] ~\par
- Be quiet. Do not print anything except errors.
-\item[\texttt{-h}, \texttt{\mm{}help}] ~\par
- Give a short summary of the options and exit.
-\item[\texttt{-v}, \texttt{\mm{}version}] ~\par
- Print the version and exit.
-\paragraph{Index options}
-Default behavior is to build an index, for the HTML output only, into
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}no-index}] ~\par
- Do not output the index.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}multi-index}] ~\par
- Generate one page for each category and each letter in the index,
- together with a top page \texttt{index.html}.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}index }\textit{string}] ~\par
- Make the filename of the index \textit{string} instead of ``index''.
- Useful since ``index.html'' is special.
-\paragraph{Table of contents option}
-\item[\texttt{-toc}, \texttt{\mm{}table-of-contents}] ~\par
- Insert a table of contents.
- For a \LaTeX\ output, it inserts a \verb!\tableofcontents! at the
- beginning of the document. For a HTML output, it builds a table of
- contents into \texttt{toc.html}.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}toc-depth }\textit{int}] ~\par
- Only include headers up to depth \textit{int} in the table of
- contents.
-\paragraph{Hyperlinks options}
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}glob-from }\textit{file}] ~\par
- Make references using \Coq\ globalizations from file \textit{file}.
- (Such globalizations are obtained with \Coq\ option \texttt{-dump-glob}).
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}no-externals}] ~\par
- Do not insert links to the \Coq\ standard library.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}external }\textit{url}~\textit{coqdir}] ~\par
- Use given URL for linking references whose name starts with prefix
- \textit{coqdir}.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}coqlib }\textit{url}] ~\par
- Set base URL for the \Coq\ standard library (default is
- \url{}). This is equivalent to
- \texttt{\mm{}external }\textit{url}~\texttt{Coq}.
-\item[\texttt{-R }\textit{dir }\textit{coqdir}] ~\par
- Map physical directory \textit{dir} to \Coq\ logical directory
- \textit{coqdir} (similarly to \Coq\ option \texttt{-R}).
- Note: option \texttt{-R} only has effect on the files
- \emph{following} it on the command line, so you will probably need
- to put this option first.
-\paragraph{Title options}
-\item[\texttt{-s }, \texttt{\mm{}short}] ~\par
- Do not insert titles for the files. The default behavior is to
- insert a title like ``Library Foo'' for each file.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}lib-name }\textit{string}] ~\par
- Print ``\textit{string} Foo'' instead of ``Library Foo'' in titles.
- For example ``Chapter'' and ``Module'' are reasonable choices.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}no-lib-name}] ~\par
- Print just ``Foo'' instead of ``Library Foo'' in titles.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}lib-subtitles}] ~\par
- Look for library subtitles. When enabled, the beginning of each
- file is checked for a comment of the form:
-(** * ModuleName : text *)
- where \texttt{ModuleName} must be the name of the file. If it is
- present, the \texttt{text} is used as a subtitle for the module in
- appropriate places.
-\item[\texttt{-t }\textit{string},
- \texttt{\mm{}title }\textit{string}] ~\par
- Set the document title.
-\paragraph{Contents options}
-\item[\texttt{-g}, \texttt{\mm{}gallina}] ~\par
- Do not print proofs.
-\item[\texttt{-l}, \texttt{\mm{}light}] ~\par
- Light mode. Suppress proofs (as with \texttt{-g}) and the following commands:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item {}[\texttt{Recursive}] \texttt{Tactic Definition}
- \item \texttt{Hint / Hints}
- \item \texttt{Require}
- \item \texttt{Transparent / Opaque}
- \item \texttt{Implicit Argument / Implicits}
- \item \texttt{Section / Variable / Hypothesis / End}
- \end{itemize}
-The behavior of options \texttt{-g} and \texttt{-l} can be locally
-overridden using the \texttt{(* begin show *)} \dots\ \texttt{(* end
- show *)} environment (see above).
-There are a few options to drive the parsing of comments:
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}parse-comments}] ~\par
- Parses regular comments delimited by \texttt{(*} and \texttt{*)} as
- well. They are typeset inline.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}plain-comments}] ~\par
- Do not interpret comments, simply copy them as plain-text.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}interpolate}] ~\par
- Use the globalization information to typeset identifiers appearing in
- \Coq{} escapings inside comments.
-\paragraph{Language options}
-Default behavior is to assume ASCII 7 bits input files.
-\item[\texttt{-latin1}, \texttt{\mm{}latin1}] ~\par
- Select ISO-8859-1 input files. It is equivalent to
- \texttt{--inputenc latin1 --charset iso-8859-1}.
-\item[\texttt{-utf8}, \texttt{\mm{}utf8}] ~\par
- Select UTF-8 (Unicode) input files. It is equivalent to
- \texttt{--inputenc utf8 --charset utf-8}.
- \LaTeX\ UTF-8 support can be found at
- \url{}.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}inputenc} \textit{string}] ~\par
- Give a \LaTeX\ input encoding, as an option to \LaTeX\ package
- \texttt{inputenc}.
-\item[\texttt{\mm{}charset} \textit{string}] ~\par
- Specify the HTML character set, to be inserted in the HTML header.
-\subsection[The coqdoc \LaTeX{} style file]{The coqdoc \LaTeX{} style file\label{section:coqdoc.sty}}
-In case you choose to produce a document without the default \LaTeX{}
-preamble (by using option \verb|--no-preamble|), then you must insert
-into your own preamble the command
- \verb|\usepackage{coqdoc}|
-The package optionally takes the argument \verb|[color]| to typeset
-identifiers with colors (this requires the \verb|xcolor| package).
-Then you may alter the rendering of the document by
-redefining some macros:
-\item[\texttt{coqdockw}, \texttt{coqdocid}, \ldots] ~
- The one-argument macros for typesetting keywords and identifiers.
- Defaults are sans-serif for keywords and italic for identifiers.
- For example, if you would like a slanted font for keywords, you
- may insert
- \renewcommand{\coqdockw}[1]{\textsl{#1}}
- anywhere between \verb|\usepackage{coqdoc}| and
- \verb|\begin{document}|.
-\item[\texttt{coqdocmodule}] ~
- One-argument macro for typesetting the title of a \verb|.v| file.
- Default is
-\newcommand{\coqdocmodule}[1]{\section*{Module #1}}
- and you may redefine it using \verb|\renewcommand|.
diff --git a/doc/refman/coqide-queries.eps b/doc/refman/coqide-queries.eps
deleted file mode 100644
index 6345bb29..00000000
--- a/doc/refman/coqide-queries.eps
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-%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
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-% Use own dictionary to avoid conflicts
-10 dict begin
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-% Translate for offset
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-% Translate to begin of first scanline
-0 515 translate
-852 -515 scale
-% Image geometry
-852 515 8
-% Transformation matrix
-[ 852 0 0 515 0 0 ]
-% Strings to hold RGB-samples per scanline
-/rstr 852 string def
-/gstr 852 string def
-/bstr 852 string def
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deleted file mode 100644
index dea5626f..00000000
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/refman/coqide.eps b/doc/refman/coqide.eps
deleted file mode 100644
index 9902ea98..00000000
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diff --git a/doc/refman/coqide.png b/doc/refman/coqide.png
deleted file mode 100644
index a6a0f585..00000000
--- a/doc/refman/coqide.png
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Binary files differ
diff --git a/doc/refman/headers.hva b/doc/refman/headers.hva
deleted file mode 100644
index f65e1c10..00000000
--- a/doc/refman/headers.hva
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-% File headers.hva
-% Hevea version of headers.sty
-% Commands for indexes
-\protect\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Tactics Index}Tactics Index}
-\protect\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Vernacular Commands Index}%
-Vernacular Commands Index}
-\protect\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index of Error Messages}Index of Error Messages}
-\protect\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Global Index}%
-Global Index}
-% For the Addendum table of contents
-\newcommand{\aauthor}[1]{{\LARGE \bf #1} \bigskip} % 3 \bigskip's that were here originally
- % may be good for LaTeX but too much for HTML
diff --git a/doc/refman/headers.sty b/doc/refman/headers.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index bc5f5c6c..00000000
--- a/doc/refman/headers.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-% File headers.sty
-% Commands for pretty headers, multiple indexes, and the appendix.
-\newcommand{\coqfooter}{\tiny Coq Reference Manual, V\coqversion{}, \today}
-\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{{\bf \thechapter~#1}}{}}
-\protect\setheaders{Table of contents}Table of contents}
-% Commands for indexes
-\protect\setheaders{Tactics Index}%
-\protect\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Tactics Index}Tactics Index}
-\protect\setheaders{Vernacular Commands Index}%
-\protect\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Vernacular Commands Index}%
-Vernacular Commands Index}
-\protect\setheaders{Index of Error Messages}%
-\protect\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index of Error Messages}Index of Error Messages}
-\protect\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Global Index}%
-\protect\setheaders{Global Index}Global Index}
-% For the Addendum table of contents
-\newcommand{\aauthor}[1]{{\LARGE \bf #1} \bigskip \bigskip \bigskip}
- \chapter{#1}\addcontentsline{atoc}{chapter}{#1}}
- \section{#1}\addcontentsline{atoc}{section}{#1}}
- \subsection{#1}\addcontentsline{atoc}{subsection}{#1}}
- \subsubsection{#1}\addcontentsline{atoc}{subsubsection}{#1}}
-% is generated to cut the Postscript
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: "Reference-Manual"
-%%% End:
diff --git a/doc/refman/hevea.sty b/doc/refman/hevea.sty
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d49aa8c..00000000
--- a/doc/refman/hevea.sty
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-% hevea : hevea.sty
-% This is a very basic style file for latex document to be processed
-% with hevea. It contains definitions of LaTeX environment which are
-% processed in a special way by the translator.
-% Mostly :
-% - latexonly, not processed by hevea, processed by latex.
-% - htmlonly , the reverse.
-% - rawhtml, to include raw HTML in hevea output.
-% - toimage, to send text to the image file.
-% The package also provides hevea logos, html related commands (ahref
-% etc.), void cutting and image commands.
-\raise #1\hbox{$\m@th$%
- \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
- \fontsize\sf@size 0%
- \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
-%%%%%%%%% Hyperlinks hevea style
-{%url package is not loaded
-%% Void cutting instructions
-%%%% Html only
-%%%% Latex only
-%%%% Image file stuff
-%%% Bgcolor definition
- {\newcommand{\@mycolor}{#2}\begin{lrbox}{\@bgcolorbin}\vbox\bgroup}
- {\egroup\end{lrbox}%
- \begin{flushleft}%
- \colorbox{\@mycolor}{\usebox{\@bgcolorbin}}%
- \end{flushleft}}
-%%% Postlude
diff --git a/doc/refman/index.html b/doc/refman/index.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b5250ab..00000000
--- a/doc/refman/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<TITLE>The Coq Proof Assistant Reference Manual</TITLE>
- <FRAME SRC="cover.html" NAME="UP">
- <FRAME SRC="menu.html">
-</HTML> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/doc/refman/menu.html b/doc/refman/menu.html
deleted file mode 100644
index db19678f..00000000
--- a/doc/refman/menu.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<TD><CENTER><A HREF="cover.html" TARGET="UP"><FONT SIZE=2>Cover page</FONT></A></CENTER></TD>
-<TD><CENTER><A HREF="toc.html" TARGET="UP"><FONT SIZE=2>Table of contents</FONT></A></CENTER></TD>
-<TD><CENTER><A HREF="biblio.html" TARGET="UP"><FONT SIZE=2>
-<TD><CENTER><A HREF="general-index.html" TARGET="UP"><FONT SIZE=2>
-Global Index
-<TD><CENTER><A HREF="tactic-index.html" TARGET="UP"><FONT SIZE=2>
-Tactics Index
-<TD><CENTER><A HREF="command-index.html" TARGET="UP"><FONT SIZE=2>
-Vernacular Commands Index
-<TD><CENTER><A HREF="error-index.html" TARGET="UP"><FONT SIZE=2>
-Index of Error Messages
-</BODY></HTML> \ No newline at end of file