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-%\coverpage{Co-inductive types in Coq}{Eduardo Gim\'enez}
-\chapter[Co-inductive types in Coq]{Co-inductive types in Coq\label{Coinductives}}
-{\it Co-inductive} types are types whose elements may not be well-founded.
-A formal study of the Calculus of Constructions extended by
-co-inductive types has been presented
-in \cite{Gim94}. It is based on the notion of
-{\it guarded definitions} introduced by Th. Coquand
-in \cite{Coquand93}. The implementation is by E. Gim\'enez.
-\section{A short introduction to co-inductive types}
-We assume that the reader is rather familiar with inductive types.
-These types are characterized by their {\it constructors}, which can be
-regarded as the basic methods from which the elements
-of the type can be built up. It is implicit in the definition
-of an inductive type that
-its elements are the result of a {\it finite} number of
-applications of its constructors. Co-inductive types arise from
-relaxing this implicit condition and admitting that an element of
-the type can also be introduced by a non-ending (but effective) process
-of construction defined in terms of the basic methods which characterize the
-type. So we could think in the wider notion of types defined by
-constructors (let us call them {\it recursive types}) and classify
-them into inductive and co-inductive ones, depending on whether or not
-we consider non-ending methods as admissible for constructing elements
-of the type. Note that in both cases we obtain a ``closed type'', all whose
-elements are pre-determined in advance (by the constructors). When we
-know that $a$ is an element of a recursive type (no matter if it is
-inductive or co-inductive) what we know is that it is the result of applying
-one of the basic forms of construction allowed for the type.
-So the more primitive way of eliminating an element of a recursive type is
-by case analysis, i.e. by considering through which constructor it could have
-been introduced. In the case of inductive sets, the additional knowledge that
-constructors can be applied only a finite number of times provide
-us with a more powerful way of eliminating their elements, say,
-the principle of
-induction. This principle is obviously not valid for co-inductive types,
-since it is just the expression of this extra knowledge attached to inductive
-An example of a co-inductive type is the type of infinite sequences formed with
-elements of type $A$, or streams for shorter. In Coq,
-it can be introduced using the \verb!CoInductive! command~:
-CoInductive Stream (A:Set) : Set :=
- cons : A -> Stream A -> Stream A.
-The syntax of this command is the same as the
-command \verb!Inductive! (cf. section
-Definition of mutually coinductive types are possible.
-As was already said, there are not principles of
-induction for co-inductive sets, the only way of eliminating these
-elements is by case analysis.
-In the example of streams, this elimination principle can be
-used for instance to define the well known
-destructors on streams $\hd : (\Str\;A)\rightarrow A$
-and $\tl: (\Str\;A)\rightarrow (\Str\;A)$ :
-Section Destructors.
-Variable A : Set.
-Definition hd (x:Stream A) := match x with
- | cons a s => a
- end.
-Definition tl (x:Stream A) := match x with
- | cons a s => s
- end.
-End Destructors.
-\subsection{Non-ending methods of construction}
-At this point the reader should have realized that we have left unexplained
-what is a ``non-ending but effective process of
-construction'' of a stream. In the widest sense, a
-method is a non-ending process of construction if we can eliminate the
-stream that it introduces, in other words, if we can reduce
-any case analysis on it. In this sense, the following ways of
-introducing a stream are not acceptable.
-$\zeros = (\cons\;\nat\;\nO\;(\tl\;\zeros))\;\;:\;\;(\Str\;\nat)$\\[12pt]
-$\filter\;(\cons\;A\;a\;s) = \si\;\;(P\;a)\;\;\alors\;\;(\cons\;A\;a\;(\filter\;s))\;\;\sinon\;\;(\filter\;s) )\;\;:\;\;(\Str\;A)$
-\noindent The former it is not valid since the stream can not be eliminated
-to obtain its tail. In the latter, a stream is naively defined as
-the result of erasing from another (arbitrary) stream
-all the elements which does not verify a certain property $P$. This
-does not always makes sense, for example it does not when all the elements
-of the stream verify $P$, in which case we can not eliminate it to
-obtain its head\footnote{Note that there is no notion of ``the empty
-stream'', a stream is always infinite and build by a \texttt{cons}.}.
-On the contrary, the following definitions are acceptable methods for
-constructing a stream~:
-$\zeros = (\cons\;\nat\;\nO\;\zeros)\;\;:\;\;(\Str\;\nat)\;\;\;(*)$\\[12pt]
-$(\from\;n) = (\cons\;\nat\;n\;(\from\;(\nS\;n)))\;:\;(\Str\;\nat)$\\[12pt]
-$\alter = (\cons\;\bool\;\true\;(\cons\;\bool\;\false\;\alter))\;:\;(\Str\;\bool)$.
-\noindent The first one introduces a stream containing all the natural numbers
-greater than a given one, and the second the stream which infinitely
-alternates the booleans true and false.
-In general it is not evident to realise when a definition can
-be accepted or not. However, there is a class of definitions that
-can be easily recognised as being valid : those
-where (1) all the recursive calls of the method are done
-after having explicitly mentioned which is (at least) the first constructor
-to start building the element, and (2) no other
-functions apart from constructors are applied to recursive calls.
-This class of definitions is usually
-referred as {\it guarded-by-constructors}
-definitions \cite{Coquand93,Gim94}.
-The methods $\from$
-and $\alter$ are examples of definitions which are guarded by constructors.
-The definition of function $\filter$ is not, because there is no
-constructor to guard
-the recursive call in the {\it else} branch. Neither is the one of
-$\zeros$, since there is function applied to the recursive call
-which is not a constructor. However, there is a difference between
-the definition of $\zeros$ and $\filter$. The former may be seen as a
-wrong way of characterising an object which makes sense, and it can
-be reformulated in an admissible way using the equation (*). On the contrary,
-the definition of
-$\filter$ can not be patched, since is the idea itself
-of traversing an infinite
-construction searching for an element whose existence is not ensured
-which does not make sense.
-Guarded definitions are exactly the kind of non-ending process of
-construction which are allowed in Coq. The way of introducing
-a guarded definition in Coq is using the special command
-{\tt CoFixpoint}. This command verifies that the definition introduces an
-element of a co-inductive type, and checks if it is guarded by constructors.
-If we try to
-introduce the definitions above, $\from$ and $\alter$ will be accepted,
-while $\zeros$ and $\filter$ will be rejected giving some explanation
-about why.
-CoFixpoint zeros : Stream nat := cons nat 0%N (tl nat zeros).
-CoFixpoint zeros : Stream nat := cons nat 0%N zeros.
-CoFixpoint from (n:nat) : Stream nat := cons nat n (from (S n)).
-As in the \verb!Fixpoint! command (see Section~\ref{Fixpoint}), it is possible
-to introduce a block of mutually dependent methods. The general syntax
-for this case is :
-{\tt CoFixpoint {\ident$_1$} :{\term$_1$} := {\term$_1'$}\\
- with\\
- \mbox{}\hspace{0.1cm} $\ldots$ \\
- with {\ident$_m$} : {\term$_m$} := {\term$_m'$}}
-\subsection{Non-ending methods and reduction}
-The elimination of a stream introduced by a \verb!CoFixpoint! definition
-is done lazily, i.e. its definition can be expanded only when it occurs
-at the head of an application which is the argument of a case expression.
-Isolately it is considered as a canonical expression which
-is completely evaluated. We can test this using the command \verb!compute!
-to calculate the normal forms of some terms~:
-Eval compute in (from 0).
-Eval compute in (hd nat (from 0)).
-Eval compute in (tl nat (from 0)).
-\noindent Thus, the equality
-$(\from\;n)\equiv(\cons\;\nat\;n\;(\from \; (\S\;n)))$
-does not hold as definitional one. Nevertheless, it can be proved
-as a propositional equality, in the sense of Leibniz's equality.
-The version {\it à la Leibniz} of the equality above follows from
-a general lemma stating that eliminating and then re-introducing a stream
-yields the same stream.
-Lemma unfold_Stream :
- forall x:Stream nat, x = match x with
- | cons a s => cons nat a s
- end.
-\noindent The proof is immediate from the analysis of
-the possible cases for $x$, which transforms
-the equality in a trivial one.
-olddestruct x.
-The application of this lemma to $(\from\;n)$ puts this
-constant at the head of an application which is an argument
-of a case analysis, forcing its expansion.
-We can test the type of this application using Coq's command \verb!Check!,
-which infers the type of a given term.
-Check (fun n:nat => unfold_Stream (from n)).
- \noindent Actually, The elimination of $(\from\;n)$ has actually
-no effect, because it is followed by a re-introduction,
-so the type of this application is in fact
-definitionally equal to the
-desired proposition. We can test this computing
-the normal form of the application above to see its type.
-Transparent unfold_Stream.
-Eval compute in (fun n:nat => unfold_Stream (from n)).
-\section{Reasoning about infinite objects}
-At a first sight, it might seem that
-case analysis does not provide a very powerful way
-of reasoning about infinite objects. In fact, what we can prove about
-an infinite object using
-only case analysis is just what we can prove unfolding its method
-of construction a finite number of times, which is not always
-enough. Consider for example the following method for appending
-two streams~:
-Variable A : Set.
-CoFixpoint conc (s1 s2:Stream A) : Stream A :=
- cons A (hd A s1) (conc (tl A s1) s2).
-Informally speaking, we expect that for all pair of streams $s_1$ and $s_2$,
-defines the ``the same'' stream as $s_1$,
-in the sense that if we would be able to unfold the definition
-``up to the infinite'', we would obtain definitionally equal normal forms.
-However, no finite unfolding of the definitions gives definitionally
-equal terms. Their equality can not be proved just using case analysis.
-The weakness of the elimination principle proposed for infinite objects
-contrast with the power provided by the inductive
-elimination principles, but it is not actually surprising. It just means
-that we can not expect to prove very interesting things about infinite
-objects doing finite proofs. To take advantage of infinite objects we
-have to consider infinite proofs as well. For example,
-if we want to catch up the equality between $(\conc\;s_1\;s_2)$ and
-$s_1$ we have to introduce first the type of the infinite proofs
-of equality between streams. This is a
-co-inductive type, whose elements are build up from a
-unique constructor, requiring a proof of the equality of the
-heads of the streams, and an (infinite) proof of the equality
-of their tails.
-CoInductive EqSt : Stream A -> Stream A -> Prop :=
- eqst :
- forall s1 s2:Stream A,
- hd A s1 = hd A s2 -> EqSt (tl A s1) (tl A s2) -> EqSt s1 s2.
-\noindent Now the equality of both streams can be proved introducing
-an infinite object of type
-\noindent $(\EqSt\;s_1\;(\conc\;s_1\;s_2))$ by a \verb!CoFixpoint!
-CoFixpoint eqproof (s1 s2:Stream A) : EqSt s1 (conc s1 s2) :=
- eqst s1 (conc s1 s2) (refl_equal (hd A (conc s1 s2)))
- (eqproof (tl A s1) s2).
-Reset eqproof.
-\noindent Instead of giving an explicit definition,
-we can use the proof editor of Coq to help us in
-the construction of the proof.
-A tactic \verb!Cofix! allows to place a \verb!CoFixpoint! definition
-inside a proof.
-This tactic introduces a variable in the context which has
-the same type as the current goal, and its application stands
-for a recursive call in the construction of the proof. If no name is
-specified for this variable, the name of the lemma is chosen by
-Lemma eqproof : forall s1 s2:Stream A, EqSt s1 (conc s1 s2).
-\noindent An easy (and wrong!) way of finishing the proof is just to apply the
-variable \verb!eqproof!, which has the same type as the goal.
-apply eqproof.
-\noindent The ``proof'' constructed in this way
-would correspond to the \verb!CoFixpoint! definition
-CoFixpoint eqproof : forall s1 s2:Stream A, EqSt s1 (conc s1 s2) :=
- eqproof.
-\noindent which is obviously non-guarded. This means that
-we can use the proof editor to
-define a method of construction which does not make sense. However,
-the system will never accept to include it as part of the theory,
-because the guard condition is always verified before saving the proof.
-\noindent Thus, the user must be careful in the
-construction of infinite proofs
-with the tactic \verb!Cofix!. Remark that once it has been used
-the application of tactics performing automatic proof search in
-the environment (like for example \verb!Auto!)
-could introduce unguarded recursive calls in the proof.
-The command \verb!Guarded! allows to verify
-if the guarded condition has been violated
-during the construction of the proof. This command can be
-applied even if the proof term is not complete.
-\noindent To finish with this example, let us restart from the
-beginning and show how to construct an admissible proof~:
- cofix.
-apply eqst.
-apply eqproof.
-\section{Experiments with co-inductive types}
-Some examples involving co-inductive types are available with
-the distributed system, in the theories library and in the contributions
-of the Lyon site. Here we present a short description of their contents~:
-\item Directory \verb!theories/LISTS! :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item File \verb!Streams.v! : The type of streams and the
-extensional equality between streams.
- \end{itemize}
-\item Directory \verb!contrib/Lyon/COINDUCTIVES! :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Directory \verb!ARITH! : An arithmetic where $\infty$
-is an explicit constant of the language instead of a metatheoretical notion.
- \item Directory \verb!STREAM! :
- \begin{itemize}
- \item File \verb!Examples! :
-Several examples of guarded definitions, as well as
-of frequent errors in the introduction of a stream. A different
-way of defining the extensional equality of two streams,
-and the proofs showing that it is equivalent to the one in \verb!theories!.
- \item File \verb!Alter.v! : An example showing how
-an infinite proof introduced by a guarded definition can be also described
-using an operator of co-recursion \cite{Gimenez95b}.
- \end{itemize}
-\item Directory \verb!PROCESSES! : A proof of the alternating
-bit protocol based on Pra\-sad's Calculus of Broadcasting Systems \cite{Prasad93},
-and the verification of an interpreter for this calculus.
-See \cite{Gimenez95b} for a complete description about this development.
- \end{itemize}