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-@STRING{toappear="To appear"}
-@STRING{lncs="Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}
- AUTHOR = {Bruno~Barras, Samuel~Boutin,
- Cristina~Cornes, Judicaël~Courant, Yann~Coscoy, David~Delahaye,
- Daniel~de~Rauglaudre, Jean-Christophe~Filliâtre, Eduardo~Giménez,
- Hugo~Herbelin, Gérard~Huet, Henri~Laulhère, César~Muñoz,
- Chetan~Murthy, Catherine~Parent-Vigouroux, Patrick~Loiseleur,
- Christine~Paulin-Mohring, Amokrane~Saïbi, Benjamin~Werner},
- TITLE = {{The Coq Proof Assistant Reference Manual -- Version V6.2}},
- YEAR = {1998}
- AUTHOR = {Ph. Audebaud},
- BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the sixth Conf. on Logic in Computer Science.},
- TITLE = {Partial {Objects} in the {Calculus of Constructions}},
- YEAR = {1991}
- AUTHOR = {Ph. Audebaud},
- SCHOOL = {{Universit\'e} Bordeaux I},
- TITLE = {Extension du Calcul des Constructions par Points fixes},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {Ph. Audebaud},
- BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of the 1992 Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs}},
- EDITOR = {{B. Nordstr\"om and K. Petersson and G. Plotkin}},
- NOTE = {Also Research Report LIP-ENS-Lyon},
- PAGES = {pp 21--34},
- TITLE = {{CC+ : an extension of the Calculus of Constructions with fixpoints}},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {L. Augustsson},
- TITLE = {{Compiling Pattern Matching}},
- BOOKTITLE = {Conference Functional Programming and
-Computer Architecture},
- YEAR = {1985}
- AUTHOR = {E. Gim\'enez},
- EDITORS = {P. Dybjer and B. Nordstr\"om and J. Smith},
- BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs},
- PAGES = {39-59},
- NUMBER = {996},
- TITLE = {{Codifying guarded definitions with recursive schemes}},
- YEAR = {1994},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- AUTHOR = {E. Gim\'enez},
- BOOKTITLE = {Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs},
- NUMBER = {1158},
- PAGES = {135-152},
- TITLE = {An application of co-Inductive types in Coq:
- verification of the Alternating Bit Protocol},
- EDITORS = {S. Berardi and M. Coppo},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- YEAR = {1995}
- author = {E. Gim\'enez},
- title = {A Calculus of Infinite Constructions and its
- application to the verification of communicating systems},
- school = {Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure de Lyon},
- year = {1996}
- AUTHOR = {J.L. Bates and R.L. Constable},
- JOURNAL = {ACM transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
- TITLE = {Proofs as {Programs}},
- VOLUME = {7},
- YEAR = {1985}
- AUTHOR = {H.P. Barendregt},
- PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
- TITLE = {The Lambda Calculus its Syntax and Semantics},
- YEAR = {1981}
- AUTHOR = {H. Barendregt},
- INSTITUTION = {Catholic University Nijmegen},
- NOTE = {In Handbook of Logic in Computer Science, Vol II},
- NUMBER = {91-19},
- TITLE = {Lambda {Calculi with Types}},
- YEAR = {1991}
- EDITOR = {B. Nordstr\"om and K. Petersson and G. Plotkin},
- PUBLISHER = {Available by ftp at site},
- TITLE = {Proceedings of the 1992 Workshop on Types for Proofs and Programs},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {M.J. Beeson},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {Foundations of Constructive Mathematics, Metamathematical Studies},
- YEAR = {1985}
- AUTHOR = {G. Bellin and J. Ketonen},
- JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- PAGES = {115--142},
- TITLE = {A decision procedure revisited : Notes on direct logic, linear logic and its implementation},
- VOLUME = {95},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {E. Bishop},
- PUBLISHER = {McGraw-Hill},
- TITLE = {Foundations of Constructive Analysis},
- YEAR = {1967}
- AUTHOR = {R.S. Boyer and J.S. Moore},
- KEY = {BoMo79},
- PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
- SERIES = {ACM Monograph},
- TITLE = {A computational logic},
- YEAR = {1979}
- AUTHOR = {S. Boutin},
- MONTH = sep,
- SCHOOL = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- TITLE = {Certification d'un compilateur {ML en Coq}},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {N.J. de Bruijn},
- JOURNAL = {Indag. Math.},
- TITLE = {{Lambda-Calculus Notation with Nameless Dummies, a Tool for Automatic Formula Manipulation, with Application to the Church-Rosser Theorem}},
- VOLUME = {34},
- YEAR = {1972}
- AUTHOR = {N.J. de Bruijn},
- BOOKTITLE = {to H.B. Curry : Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and Formalism.},
- EDITOR = {J.P. Seldin and J.R. Hindley},
- PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
- TITLE = {A survey of the project {Automath}},
- YEAR = {1980}
- AUTHOR = {X. Leroy},
- TITLE = {The {ZINC} experiment: an economical implementation
-of the {ML} language},
- NUMBER = {117},
- YEAR = {1990}
- AUTHOR = {P. Weis and X. Leroy},
- PUBLISHER = {InterEditions},
- TITLE = {Le langage Caml},
- YEAR = {1993}
- AUTHOR = {Projet Formel},
- NUMBER = {110},
- TITLE = {{The Calculus of Constructions. Documentation and user's guide, Version 4.10}},
- YEAR = {1989}
- AUTHOR = {Th. Coquand and G. Huet},
- ADDRESS = {Linz},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {{Constructions : A Higher Order Proof System for Mechanizing Mathematics}},
- VOLUME = {203},
- YEAR = {1985}
- author = {B. Barras},
- title = {A formalisation of
- \uppercase{B}urali-\uppercase{F}orti's paradox in Coq},
- howpublished = {Distributed within the bunch of contribution to the
- Coq system},
- year = {1998},
- month = {March},
- note = {\texttt{}}
- AUTHOR = {Th. Coquand and G. Huet},
- BOOKTITLE = {Logic Colloquium'85},
- EDITOR = {The Paris Logic Group},
- PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
- TITLE = {{Concepts Math\'ematiques et Informatiques formalis\'es dans le Calcul des Constructions}},
- YEAR = {1987}
- AUTHOR = {Th. Coquand and G. Huet},
- JOURNAL = {Information and Computation},
- NUMBER = {2/3},
- TITLE = {The {Calculus of Constructions}},
- VOLUME = {76},
- YEAR = {1988}
- AUTHOR = {R.L. {Constable et al.}},
- PUBLISHER = {Prentice-Hall},
- TITLE = {{Implementing Mathematics with the Nuprl Proof Development System}},
- YEAR = {1986}
- AUTHOR = {Th. Coquand and C. Paulin-Mohring},
- BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Colog'88},
- EDITOR = {P. Martin-L{\"o}f and G. Mints},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {Inductively defined types},
- VOLUME = {417},
- YEAR = {1990}
- AUTHOR = {Th. Coquand},
- MONTH = jan,
- SCHOOL = {Universit\'e Paris~7},
- TITLE = {Une Th\'eorie des Constructions},
- YEAR = {1985}
- AUTHOR = {Th. Coquand},
- ADDRESS = {Cambridge, MA},
- BOOKTITLE = {Symposium on Logic in Computer Science},
- PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press},
- TITLE = {{An Analysis of Girard's Paradox}},
- YEAR = {1986}
- AUTHOR = {Th. Coquand},
- BOOKTITLE = {Logic and Computer Science},
- EDITOR = {P. Oddifredi},
- NOTE = {INRIA Research Report 1088, also in~\cite{CoC89}},
- PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
- TITLE = {{Metamathematical Investigations of a Calculus of Constructions}},
- YEAR = {1990}
- AUTHOR = {Th. Coquand},
- BOOKTITLE = {in \cite{Bastad92}},
- TITLE = {{Pattern Matching with Dependent Types}},
- YEAR = {1992},
- crossref = {Bastad92}
- AUTHOR = {G. Dowek and A. Felty and H. Herbelin and G. Huet and C. Murthy and C. Parent and C. Paulin-Mohring and B. Werner},
- MONTH = may,
- NUMBER = {154},
- TITLE = {{The Coq Proof Assistant User's Guide Version 5.8}},
- YEAR = {1993}
- AUTHOR = {Th. Coquand},
- BOOKTITLE = {in \cite{Nijmegen93}},
- TITLE = {{Infinite Objects in Type Theory}},
- YEAR = {1993},
- crossref = {Nijmegen93}
- AUTHOR = {J. Courant},
- MONTH = sep,
- SCHOOL = {DEA d'Informatique, ENS Lyon},
- TITLE = {Explicitation de preuves par r\'ecurrence implicite},
- YEAR = {1994}
- AUTHOR = {C. Parent},
- INSTITUTION = {Ecole {Normale} {Sup\'erieure} de {Lyon}},
- MONTH = oct,
- NOTE = {Also in~\cite{Nijmegen93}},
- NUMBER = {93-29},
- TITLE = {Developing certified programs in the system {Coq}- {The} {Program} tactic},
- YEAR = {1993}
- AUTHOR = {C. Parent},
- SCHOOL = {Ecole {Normale} {Sup\'erieure} de {Lyon}},
- TITLE = {{Synth\`ese de preuves de programmes dans le Calcul des Constructions Inductives}},
- YEAR = {1995}
- AUTHOR = {G. Dowek},
- NUMBER = {1283},
- TITLE = {{Naming and Scoping in a Mathematical Vernacular}},
- TYPE = {Research Report},
- YEAR = {1990}
- AUTHOR = {G. Dowek},
- JOURNAL = {{Compte Rendu de l'Acad\'emie des Sciences}},
- NOTE = {(The undecidability of Third Order Pattern Matching in Calculi with Dependent Types or Type Constructors)},
- NUMBER = {12},
- PAGES = {951--956},
- TITLE = {{L'Ind\'ecidabilit\'e du Filtrage du Troisi\`eme Ordre dans les Calculs avec Types D\'ependants ou Constructeurs de Types}},
- VOLUME = {I, 312},
- YEAR = {1991}
- AUTHOR = {G. Dowek},
- BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science},
- NOTE = {Also INRIA Research Report},
- PAGES = {151--160},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {{A Second Order Pattern Matching Algorithm in the Cube of Typed {$\lambda$}-calculi}},
- VOLUME = {520},
- YEAR = {1991}
- AUTHOR = {G. Dowek},
- MONTH = dec,
- SCHOOL = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- TITLE = {{D\'emonstration automatique dans le Calcul des Constructions}},
- YEAR = {1991}
- AUTHOR = {G. Dowek},
- TITLE = {{A Complete Proof Synthesis Method for the Cube of Type Systems}},
- JOURNAL = {Journal Logic Computation},
- VOLUME = {3},
- NUMBER = {3},
- PAGES = {287--315},
- MONTH = {June},
- YEAR = {1993}
- AUTHOR = {G. Dowek},
- NOTE = {To appear in Theoretical Computer Science},
- TITLE = {{The Undecidability of Pattern Matching in Calculi where Primitive Recursive Functions are Representable}},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {G. Dowek},
- JOURNAL = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic},
- VOLUME = {69},
- PAGES = {135--155},
- TITLE = {Third order matching is decidable},
- YEAR = {1994}
- AUTHOR = {G. Dowek},
- BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the second international conference on typed lambda calculus and applications},
- TITLE = {{Lambda-calculus, Combinators and the Comprehension Schema}},
- YEAR = {1995}
- AUTHOR = {P. Dybjer},
- BOOKTITLE = {Logical Frameworks},
- EDITOR = {G. Huet and G. Plotkin},
- PAGES = {59--79},
- PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
- TITLE = {{Inductive sets and families in {Martin-L{\"o}f's Type Theory} and their set-theoretic semantics : An inversion principle for {Martin-L\"of's} type theory}},
- VOLUME = {14},
- YEAR = {1991}
- AUTHOR = {Roy Dyckhoff},
- JOURNAL = {The Journal of Symbolic Logic},
- MONTH = sep,
- NUMBER = {3},
- TITLE = {Contraction-free sequent calculi for intuitionistic logic},
- VOLUME = {57},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
- MONTH = sep,
- SCHOOL = {DEA d'Informatique, ENS Lyon},
- TITLE = {Une proc\'edure de d\'ecision pour le {C}alcul des {P}r\'edicats {D}irect. {E}tude et impl\'ementation dans le syst\`eme {C}oq},
- YEAR = {1994}
- AUTHOR = {J.-C. Filli\^atre},
- TITLE = {{A decision procedure for Direct Predicate Calculus}},
- TYPE = {Research report},
- NUMBER = {96--25},
- YEAR = {1995}
- AUTHOR = {E. Fleury},
- MONTH = jul,
- NOTE = {Rapport de Stage},
- TITLE = {Implantation des algorithmes de {Floyd et de Dijkstra} dans le {Calcul des Constructions}},
- YEAR = {1990}
- author = {E. Gim\'nez},
- title = {A Tutorial on Recursive Types in Coq},
- institution = {INRIA},
- year = {1998}
- author = {G. Huet and G. Kahn and Ch. Paulin-Mohring},
- title = {The {Coq} Proof Assistant - A tutorial, Version 6.1},
- institution = {INRIA},
- type = {rapport technique},
- month = {Août},
- year = {1997},
- note = {Version révisée distribuée avec {Coq}},
- number = {204},
- AUTHOR = {J.-Y. Girard},
- BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 2nd Scandinavian Logic Symposium},
- PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
- TITLE = {Une extension de l'interpr\'etation de {G\"odel} \`a l'analyse, et son application \`a l'\'elimination des coupures dans l'analyse et la th\'eorie des types},
- YEAR = {1970}
- AUTHOR = {J.-Y. Girard},
- SCHOOL = {Universit\'e Paris~7},
- TITLE = {Interpr\'etation fonctionnelle et \'elimination des coupures de l'arithm\'etique d'ordre sup\'erieur},
- YEAR = {1972}
- AUTHOR = {J.-Y. Girard and Y. Lafont and P. Taylor},
- PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
- SERIES = {Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science 7},
- TITLE = {Proofs and Types},
- YEAR = {1989}
- AUTHOR = {D. Hirschkoff},
- MONTH = sep,
- SCHOOL = {DEA IARFA, Ecole des Ponts et Chauss\'ees, Paris},
- TITLE = {{Ecriture d'une tactique arithm\'etique pour le syst\`eme Coq}},
- YEAR = {1994}
- AUTHOR = {W.A. Howard},
- BOOKTITLE = {to H.B. Curry : Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus and Formalism.},
- EDITOR = {J.P. Seldin and J.R. Hindley},
- NOTE = {Unpublished 1969 Manuscript},
- PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
- TITLE = {The Formulae-as-Types Notion of Constructions},
- YEAR = {1980}
- AUTHOR = {G. Huet and J.-J. L\'{e}vy},
- TITLE = {Call by Need Computations in Non-Ambigous
-Linear Term Rewriting Systems},
- NOTE = {Also research report 359, INRIA, 1979},
- BOOKTITLE = {Computational Logic, Essays in Honor of
-Alan Robinson},
- EDITOR = {J.-L. Lassez and G. Plotkin},
- PUBLISHER = {The MIT press},
- YEAR = {1991}
- AUTHOR = {G. Huet},
- BOOKTITLE = {Programming of Future Generation Computers},
- EDITOR = {K. Fuchi and M. Nivat},
- NOTE = {Also in Proceedings of TAPSOFT87, LNCS 249, Springer-Verlag, 1987, pp 276--286},
- PUBLISHER = {Elsevier Science},
- TITLE = {Induction Principles Formalized in the {Calculus of Constructions}},
- YEAR = {1988}
- AUTHOR = {G. Huet},
- BOOKTITLE = {A perspective in Theoretical Computer Science. Commemorative Volume for Gift Siromoney},
- EDITOR = {R. Narasimhan},
- NOTE = {Also in~\cite{CoC89}},
- PUBLISHER = {World Scientific Publishing},
- TITLE = {{The Constructive Engine}},
- YEAR = {1989}
- EDITOR = {G. Huet},
- PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley},
- SERIES = {The UT Year of Programming Series},
- TITLE = {Logical Foundations of Functional Programming},
- YEAR = {1989}
- AUTHOR = {G. Huet},
- BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of 12th FST/TCS Conference, New Delhi},
- PAGES = {229--240},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer Verlag},
- TITLE = {{The Gallina Specification Language : A case study}},
- VOLUME = {652},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {G. Huet},
- JOURNAL = {J. Functional Programming},
- PAGES = {371--394},
- PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
- TITLE = {Residual theory in $\lambda$-calculus: a formal development},
- VOLUME = {4,3},
- YEAR = {1994}
- AUTHOR = {J. Ketonen and R. Weyhrauch},
- JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- PAGES = {297--307},
- TITLE = {A decidable fragment of {P}redicate {C}alculus},
- VOLUME = {32},
- YEAR = {1984}
- AUTHOR = {S.C. Kleene},
- PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
- SERIES = {Bibliotheca Mathematica},
- TITLE = {Introduction to Metamathematics},
- YEAR = {1952}
- AUTHOR = {J.-L. Krivine},
- PUBLISHER = {Masson},
- SERIES = {Etudes et recherche en informatique},
- TITLE = {Lambda-calcul {types et mod\`eles}},
- YEAR = {1990}
- AUTHOR = {A. Laville},
- TITLE = {Comparison of Priority Rules in Pattern
-Matching and Term Rewriting},
- JOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
- VOLUME = {11},
- PAGES = {321--347},
- YEAR = {1991}
- EDITOR = {G. Huet and G. Plotkin},
- PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
- TITLE = {Logical Environments},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {F. Leclerc and C. Paulin-Mohring},
- BOOKTITLE = {{Types for Proofs and Programs, Types' 93}},
- EDITOR = {H. Barendregt and T. Nipkow},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {{Programming with Streams in Coq. A case study : The Sieve of Eratosthenes}},
- VOLUME = {806},
- YEAR = {1994}
- EDITOR = {G. Huet and G. Plotkin},
- PUBLISHER = {Cambridge University Press},
- TITLE = {Logical Frameworks},
- YEAR = {1991}
- AUTHOR = {{P. Martin-L\"of}},
- PUBLISHER = {Bibliopolis},
- SERIES = {Studies in Proof Theory},
- TITLE = {Intuitionistic Type Theory},
- YEAR = {1984}
- AUTHOR = {P. Manoury},
- TITLE = {{A User's Friendly Syntax to Define
-Recursive Functions as Typed $\lambda-$Terms}},
- BOOKTITLE = {{Types for Proofs and Programs, TYPES'94}},
- VOLUME = {996},
- MONTH = jun,
- YEAR = {1994}
- AUTHOR = {P. Manoury and M. Simonot},
- TITLE = {Automatizing termination proof of recursively defined function},
- YEAR = {To appear}
- AUTHOR = {L. Maranget},
- NUMBER = {2385},
- TITLE = {{Two Techniques for Compiling Lazy Pattern Matching}},
- YEAR = {1994}
- AUTHOR = {C. Paulin-Mohring},
- ADDRESS = {Austin},
- BOOKTITLE = {Sixteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
- MONTH = jan,
- TITLE = {Extracting ${F}_{\omega}$'s programs from proofs in the {Calculus of Constructions}},
- YEAR = {1989}
- AUTHOR = {C. Paulin-Mohring},
- MONTH = jan,
- SCHOOL = {{Universit\'e Paris 7}},
- TITLE = {Extraction de programmes dans le {Calcul des Constructions}},
- YEAR = {1989}
- AUTHOR = {C. Paulin-Mohring},
- BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the conference Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications},
- EDITOR = {M. Bezem and J.-F. Groote},
- NOTE = {Also LIP research report 92-49, ENS Lyon},
- NUMBER = {664},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {{Inductive Definitions in the System Coq - Rules and Properties}},
- YEAR = {1993}
- AUTHOR = {C. Mu\~noz},
- MONTH = sep,
- SCHOOL = {DEA d'Informatique Fondamentale, Universit\'e Paris 7},
- TITLE = {D\'emonstration automatique dans la logique propositionnelle intuitionniste},
- YEAR = {1994}
- EDITOR = {H. Barendregt and T. Nipkow},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {Types for Proofs and Programs},
- VOLUME = {806},
- YEAR = {1994}
- AUTHOR = {B. {Nordstr\"om} and K. Peterson and J. Smith},
- BOOKTITLE = {Information Processing 83},
- PUBLISHER = {Oxford Science Publications},
- SERIES = {International Series of Monographs on Computer Science},
- TITLE = {Programming in {Martin-L\"of's} Type Theory},
- YEAR = {1990}
- AUTHOR = {B. {Nordstr\"om}},
- TITLE = {Terminating General Recursion},
- VOLUME = {28},
- YEAR = {1988}
- EDITOR = {P. Odifreddi},
- PUBLISHER = {Academic Press},
- TITLE = {Logic and Computer Science},
- YEAR = {1990}
- AUTHOR = {M. Parigot and P. Manoury and M. Simonot},
- ADDRESS = {St. Petersburg, Russia},
- BOOKTITLE = {Logic Programming and automated reasoning},
- EDITOR = {A. Voronkov},
- MONTH = jul,
- NUMBER = {624},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {{ProPre : A Programming language with proofs}},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {M. Parigot},
- JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science},
- NUMBER = {2},
- PAGES = {335--356},
- TITLE = {{Recursive Programming with Proofs}},
- VOLUME = {94},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {C. Parent},
- BOOKTITLE = {{Mathematics of Program Construction'95}},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {{Synthesizing proofs from programs in
-the Calculus of Inductive Constructions}},
- VOLUME = {947},
- YEAR = {1995}
- AUTHOR = {C. Paulin-Mohring and B. Werner},
- JOURNAL = {Journal of Symbolic Computation},
- PAGES = {607--640},
- TITLE = {{Synthesis of ML programs in the system Coq}},
- VOLUME = {15},
- YEAR = {1993}
- AUTHOR = {K.V. Prasad},
- BOOKTITLE = {{Proceedings of CONCUR'93}},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {{Programming with broadcasts}},
- VOLUME = {715},
- YEAR = {1993}
- AUTHOR = {L.Puel and A. Su\'arez},
- BOOKTITLE = {{Conference Lisp and Functional Programming}},
- PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag},
- TITLE = {{Compiling Pattern Matching by Term
- YEAR = {1990}
- AUTHOR = {J. Rouyer},
- MONTH = aug,
- NOTE = {To appear as a technical report},
- TITLE = {{D\'eveloppement de l'Algorithme d'Unification dans le Calcul des Constructions}},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {A. Sa\"{\i}bi},
- MONTH = dec,
- NUMBER = {2345},
- TITLE = {{Axiomatization of a lambda-calculus with explicit-substitutions in the Coq System}},
- YEAR = {1994}
- AUTHOR = {H. Saidi},
- MONTH = sep,
- SCHOOL = {DEA d'Informatique Fondamentale, Universit\'e Paris 7},
- TITLE = {R\'esolution d'\'equations dans le syst\`eme T
- de G\"odel},
- YEAR = {1994}
- AUTHOR = {D. Terrasse},
- MONTH = sep,
- TITLE = {{Traduction de TYPOL en COQ. Application \`a Mini ML}},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {L. Th\'ery and Y. Bertot and G. Kahn},
- MONTH = may,
- NUMBER = {1684},
- TITLE = {Real theorem provers deserve real user-interfaces},
- TYPE = {Research Report},
- YEAR = {1992}
- AUTHOR = {A.S. Troelstra and D. van Dalen},
- PUBLISHER = {North-Holland},
- SERIES = {Studies in Logic and the foundations of Mathematics, volumes 121 and 123},
- TITLE = {Constructivism in Mathematics, an introduction},
- YEAR = {1988}
- AUTHOR = {P. Wadler},
- TITLE = {Efficient Compilation of Pattern Matching},
- BOOKTITLE = {The Implementation of Functional Programming
- EDITOR = {S.L. Peyton Jones},
- PUBLISHER = {Prentice-Hall},
- YEAR = {1987}
- AUTHOR = {B. Werner},
- SCHOOL = {Universit\'e Paris 7},
- TITLE = {Une th\'eorie des constructions inductives},
- TYPE = {Th\`ese de Doctorat},
- YEAR = {1994}