path: root/dev/doc
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Diffstat (limited to 'dev/doc')
7 files changed, 1181 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/dev/doc/ b/dev/doc/
index c825f088..d4014303 100644
--- a/dev/doc/
+++ b/dev/doc/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ see build-system.txt .
happy only. To ensure they are not used for compilation, they contain
invalid OCaml.
multi-stage build
@@ -37,6 +38,7 @@ Le Makefile a été séparé en plusieurs fichiers :
The build needs to be cut in stages because make will not take into
account one include when making another include.
@@ -68,3 +70,62 @@ d'étape pour chaque fichier:
Mais seule la première est gérée explicitement, la seconde est
+The recommended style of using FIND_VCS_CLAUSE is for example
+ find . $(FIND_VCS_CLAUSE) '(' -name '*.example' ')' -print
+ find . $(FIND_VCS_CLAUSE) '(' -name '*.example' -or -name '*.foo' ')' -print
+The parentheses even in the one-criteria case is so that if one adds
+other conditions, e.g. change the first example to the second
+ find . $(FIND_VCS_CLAUSE) '(' -name '*.example' -and -not -name '*.bak.example' ')' -print
+one is not tempted to write
+ find . $(FIND_VCS_CLAUSE) -name '*.example' -and -not -name '*.bak.example' -print
+because this will not necessarily work as expected; $(FIND_VCS_CLAUSE)
+ends with an -or, and how it combines with what comes later depends on
+operator precedence and all that. Much safer to override it with
+In short, it protects against the -or one doesn't see.
+As to the -print at the end, yes it is necessary. Here's why.
+You are used to write:
+ find . -name '*.example'
+and it works fine. But the following will not:
+ find . $(FIND_VCS_CLAUSE) -name '*.example'
+it will also list things directly matched by FIND_VCS_CLAUSE
+(directories we want to prune, in which we don't want to find
+anything). C'est subtil... Il y a effectivement un -print implicite à
+la fin, qui fait que la commande habituelle sans print fonctionne
+bien, mais dès que l'on introduit d'autres commandes dans le lot (le
+-prune de FIND_VCS_CLAUSE), ça se corse à cause d'histoires de
+parenthèses du -print implicite par rapport au parenthésage dans la
+forme recommandée d'utilisation:
+Si on explicite le -print et les parenthèses implicites, cela devient:
+find . '(' '(' '(' -name .git -or -name debian ')' -prune ')' -or \
+ '(' -name '*.example' ')'
+ ')'
+ -print
+Le print agit TOUT ce qui précède, soit sur ce qui matche "'(' -name
+.git -or -name debian ')'" ET sur ce qui matche "'(' -name '*.example' ')'".
+alors qu'ajouter le print explicite change cela en
+find . '(' '(' -name .git -or -name debian ')' -prune ')' -or \
+ '(' '(' -name '*.example' ')' -print ')'
+Le print n'agit plus que sur ce qui matche "'(' -name '*.example' ')'"
diff --git a/dev/doc/changes.txt b/dev/doc/changes.txt
index cae948a0..91255202 100644
--- a/dev/doc/changes.txt
+++ b/dev/doc/changes.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,114 @@
+** Light cleaning in **
+whd_castappevar is now whd_head_evar
+obsolete whd_ise disappears
+** Semantical change of h_induction_destruct **
+Warning, the order of the isrec and evar_flag was inconsistent and has
+been permuted. Tactic induction_destruct in is unchanged.
+** Internal tactics renamed
+There is no more difference between bindings and ebindings. The
+following tactics are therefore renamed
+apply_with_ebindings_gen -> apply_with_bindings_gen
+left_with_ebindings -> left_with_bindings
+right_with_ebindings -> right_with_bindings
+split_with_ebindings -> split_with_bindings
+and the following tactics are removed
+apply_with_ebindings (use instead apply_with_bindings)
+eapply_with_ebindings (use instead eapply_with_bindings)
+** Obsolete functions in
+For mtype_of, msort_of, mcheck, now use type_of, sort_of, check
+** Renaming functions renamed
+concrete_name -> compute_displayed_name_in
+concrete_let_name -> compute_displayed_let_name_in
+rename_rename_bound_var -> rename_bound_vars_as_displayed
+lookup_name_as_renamed -> lookup_name_as_displayed
+next_global_ident_away true -> next_ident_away_in_goal
+next_global_ident_away false -> next_global_ident_away
+** Cleaning in
+Functions about starting/ending a lemma are in
+Functions about inductive schemes are in
+Functions renamed:
+declare_one_assumption -> declare_assumption
+declare_assumption -> declare_assumptions
+Command.syntax_definition -> Metasyntax.add_syntactic_definition
+declare_interning_data merged with add_notation_interpretation
+compute_interning_datas -> compute_full_internalization_env
+implicits_env -> internalization_env
+full_implicits_env -> full_internalization_env
+build_mutual -> do_mutual_inductive
+build_recursive -> do_fixpoint
+build_corecursive -> do_cofixpoint
+build_induction_scheme -> build_mutual_induction_scheme
+build_indrec -> build_induction_scheme
+instantiate_type_indrec_scheme -> weaken_sort_scheme
+instantiate_indrec_scheme -> modify_sort_scheme
+make_case_dep, make_case_nodep -> build_case_analysis_scheme
+make_case_gen -> build_case_analysis_scheme_default
+decl_notation -> decl_notation option
+** Cleaning in libnames/nametab interfaces
+dirpath_prefix -> pop_dirpath
+extract_dirpath_prefix pop_dirpath_n
+extend_dirpath -> add_dirpath_suffix
+qualid_of_sp -> qualid_of_path
+pr_sp -> pr_path
+make_short_qualid -> qualid_of_ident
+sp_of_syntactic_definition -> path_of_syntactic_definition
+sp_of_global -> path_of_global
+id_of_global -> basename_of_global
+absolute_reference -> global_of_path
+locate_syntactic_definition -> locate_syndef
+path_of_syntactic_definition -> path_of_syndef
+push_syntactic_definition -> push_syndef
+section_path -> full_path
+** Cleaning in parsing extensions (commit 12108)
+Many moves and renamings, one new file (Extrawit, that contains wit_tactic).
+** Cleaning in tactical.mli
+tclLAST_HYP -> onLastHyp
+tclLAST_DECL -> onLastDecl
+tclLAST_NHYPS -> onNLastHypsId
+tclNTH_DECL -> onNthDecl
+tclNTH_HYP -> onNthHyp
+onLastHyp -> onLastHypId
+onNLastHyps -> onNLastDecls
+onClauses -> onClause
+allClauses -> allHypsAndConcl
++ removal of various unused combinators on type "clause"
@@ -8,7 +118,8 @@ A few differences in Coq ML interfaces between Coq V8.1 and V8.2
** Datatypes
List of occurrences moved from "int list" to "Termops.occurrences" (an
-alias to "bool * int list").
+ alias to "bool * int list")
+ETIdent renamed to ETName
** Functions
@@ -325,7 +436,7 @@ Proof_type: subproof field in type proof_tree glued with the ref field
Tacmach: no more echo from functions of module Refiner
-Files contrib/*/g_*.ml4 take the place of files contrib/*/*.v.
+Files plugins/*/g_*.ml4 take the place of files plugins/*/*.v.
Files parsing/{vernac,tac}{4,i} implements TACTIC EXTEND andd
File syntax/PPTactic.v moved to parsing/
diff --git a/dev/doc/debugging.txt b/dev/doc/debugging.txt
index e5c83139..50b3b45c 100644
--- a/dev/doc/debugging.txt
+++ b/dev/doc/debugging.txt
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ Debugging from Coq toplevel using Caml trace mechanism
1. Launch bytecode version of Coq (coqtop.byte or coqtop -byte)
2. Access Ocaml toplevel using vernacular command 'Drop.'
3. Install load paths and pretty printers for terms, idents, ... using
- Ocaml command '#use "base_include";;' (use '#use "include";;' for a rawer
- term pretty printer)
+ Ocaml command '#use "base_include";;' (use '#use "include";;' for
+ installing the advanced term pretty printers)
4. Use #trace to tell which function(s) to trace
5. Go back to Coq toplevel with 'go();;'
6. Test your Coq command and observe the result of tracing your functions
@@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ Debugging from Coq toplevel using Caml trace mechanism
notations, ...), use "Set Printing All". It will affect the #trace
printers too.
+Note for Ocaml 3.10.x: Ocaml 3.10.x requires that modules compiled
+with -rectypes are loaded in an environment with -rectypes set but
+there is no way to tell the toplevel to support -rectypes. To make it
+works, use "patch -p0 < dev/doc/patch.ocaml-3.10.drop.rectypes" to
+hack script/, then recompile coqtop.byte. The procedure
+above then works as soon as coqtop.byte is called with at least one
+argument (add neutral option -byte to ensure at least one argument).
Debugging from Caml debugger
diff --git a/dev/doc/naming-conventions.tex b/dev/doc/naming-conventions.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e7c8975b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/doc/naming-conventions.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+% Macros
+Name: \texttt{#2}
+Proposed naming conventions for the Coq standard library
+The following document describes a proposition of canonical naming
+schemes for the Coq standard library. Obviously and unfortunately, the
+current state of the library is not as homogeneous as it would be if
+it would systematically follow such a scheme. To tend in this
+direction, we however recommend to follow the following suggestions.
+\section{General conventions}
+\subsection{Variable names}
+\item Variables are preferably quantified at the head of the
+ statement, even if some premisses do not depend of one of them. For
+ instance, one would state
+ {forall x y z:D, x <= y -> x+z <= y+z}
+and not
+ {forall x y:D, x <= y -> forall z:D, x+z <= y+z}
+\item Variables are preferably quantified (and named) in the order of
+ ``importance'', then of appearance, from left to right, even if
+ for the purpose of some tactics it would have been more convenient
+ to have, say, the variables not occurring in the conclusion
+ first. For instance, one would state
+ {forall x y z:D, x+z <= y+z -> x <= y}
+and not
+ {forall z x y:D, x+z <= y+z -> x <= y}
+ {forall x y z:D, y+x <= z+x -> y <= z}
+\item Choice of effective names is domain-dependent. For instance, on
+ natural numbers, the convention is to use the variables $n$, $m$,
+ $p$, $q$, $r$, $s$ in this order.
+ On generic domains, the convention is to use the letters $x$, $y$,
+ $z$, $t$. When more than three variables are needed, indexing variables
+ It is conventional to use specific names for variables having a
+ special meaning. For instance, $eps$ or $\epsilon$ can be used to
+ denote a number intended to be as small as possible. Also, $q$ and
+ $r$ can be used to denote a quotient and a rest. This is good
+ practice.
+\subsection{Disjunctive statements}
+A disjunctive statement with a computational content will be suffixed
+by \name{\_inf}. For instance, if
+{forall x y, op x y = zero -> x = zero \/ y = zero}
+has name \texttt{D\_integral}, then
+{forall x y, op x y = zero -> \{x = zero\} + \{y = zero\}}
+will have name \texttt{D\_integral\_inf}.
+As an exception, decidability statements, such as
+{forall x y, \{x = y\} + \{x <> y\}}
+will have a named ended in \texttt{\_dec}. Idem for cotransitivity
+lemmas which are inherently computational that are ended in
+\subsection{Inductive types constructor names}
+As a general rule, constructor names start with the name of the
+inductive type being defined as in \texttt{Inductive Z := Z0 : Z |
+ Zpos : Z -> Z | Zneg : Z -> Z} to the exception of very standard
+types like \texttt{bool}, \texttt{nat}, \texttt{list}...
+For inductive predicates, constructor names also start with the name
+of the notion being defined with one or more suffixes separated with
+\texttt{\_} for discriminating the different cases as e.g. in
+Inductive even : nat -> Prop :=
+ | even_O : even 0
+ | even_S n : odd n -> even (S n)
+with odd : nat -> Prop :=
+ | odd_S n : even n -> odd (S n).
+As a general rule, inductive predicate names should be lowercase (to
+the exception of notions referring to a proper name, e.g. \texttt{Bezout})
+and multiple words must be separated by ``{\_}''.
+As an exception, when extending libraries whose general rule is that
+predicates names start with a capital letter, the convention of this
+library should be kept and the separation between multiple words is
+done by making the initial of each work a capital letter (if one of
+these words is a proper name, then a ``{\_}'' is added to emphasize
+that the capital letter is proper and not an application of the rule
+for marking the change of word).
+Inductive predicates that characterize the specification of a function
+should be named after the function it specifies followed by
+\texttt{\_spec} as in:
+Inductive nth_spec : list A -> nat -> A -> Prop :=
+ | nth_spec_O a l : nth_spec (a :: l) 0 a
+ | nth_spec_S n a b l : nth_spec l n a -> nth_spec (b :: l) (S n) a.
+\section{Equational properties of operations}
+\subsection{General conventions}
+If the conclusion is in the other way than listed below, add suffix
+\name{\_reverse} to the lemma name.
+\subsection{Specific conventions}
+\itemrule{Associativity of binary operator {\op} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_assoc}
+{forall x y z:D, op x (op y z) = op (op x y) z}
+ Remark: Symmetric form: \name{Dop\_assoc\_reverse}:
+ \formula{forall x y z:D, op (op x y) z = op x (op y z)}
+\itemrule{Commutativity of binary operator {\op} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_comm}
+{forall x y:D, op x y = op y x}
+ Remark: Avoid \formula{forall x y:D, op y x = op x y}, or at worst, call it
+ \name{Dop\_comm\_reverse}
+\itemrule{Left neutrality of element elt for binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_elt\_l}
+{forall x:D, op elt x = x}
+ Remark: In English, ``{\elt} is an identity for {\op}'' seems to be
+ a more common terminology.
+\itemrule{Right neutrality of element elt for binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_elt\_r}
+{forall x:D, op x elt = x}
+ Remark: By convention, if the identities are reminiscent to zero or one, they
+ are written 1 and 0 in the name of the property.
+\itemrule{Left absorption of element elt for binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_elt\_l}
+{forall x:D, op elt x = elt}
+ Remarks:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item In French school, this property is named "elt est absorbant pour op"
+ \item English, the property seems generally named "elt is a zero of op"
+ \item In the context of lattices, this a boundedness property, it may
+ be called "elt is a bound on D", or referring to a (possibly
+ arbitrarily oriented) order "elt is a least element of D" or "elt
+ is a greatest element of D"
+ \end{itemize}
+\itemrule{Right absorption of element {\elt} for binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_elt\_l [BAD ??]}
+{forall x:D, op x elt = elt}
+\itemrule{Left distributivity of binary operator {\op} over {\opPrime} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_op'\_distr\_l}
+{forall x y z:D, op (op' x y) z = op' (op x z) (op y z)}
+ Remark: Some authors say ``distribution''.
+\itemrule{Right distributivity of binary operator {\op} over {\opPrime} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_op'\_distr\_r}
+{forall x y z:D, op z (op' x y) = op' (op z x) (op z y)}
+ Remark: Note the order of arguments.
+\itemrule{Distributivity of unary operator {\op} over binary op' on domain {\D}}{Dop\_op'\_distr}
+{forall x y:D, op (op' x y) = op' (op x) (op y)}
+\itemrule{Distributivity of unary operator {\op} over binary op' on domain {\D}}{Dop\_op'\_distr}
+{forall x y:D, op (op' x y) = op' (op x) (op y)}
+ Remark: For a non commutative operation with inversion of arguments, as in
+ \formula{forall x y z:D, op (op' x y) = op' (op y) (op y z)},
+ we may probably still call the property distributivity since there
+ is no ambiguity.
+ Example: \formula{forall n m : Z, -(n+m) = (-n)+(-m)}.
+ Example: \formula{forall l l' : list A, rev (l++l') = (rev l)++(rev l')}.
+\itemrule{Left extrusion of unary operator {\op} over binary op' on domain {\D}}{Dop\_op'\_distr\_l}
+{forall x y:D, op (op' x y) = op' (op x) y}
+ Question: Call it left commutativity ?? left swap ?
+\itemrule{Right extrusion of unary operator {\op} over binary op' on domain {\D}}{Dop\_op'\_distr\_r}
+{forall x y:D, op (op' x y) = op' x (op y)}
+\itemrule{Idempotency of binary operator {\op} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_idempotent}
+{forall x:D, op x n = x}
+\itemrule{Idempotency of unary operator {\op} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_idempotent}
+{forall x:D, op (op x) = op x}
+ Remark: This is actually idempotency of {\op} wrt to composition and
+ identity.
+\itemrule{Idempotency of element elt for binary operator {\op} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_elt\_idempotent}
+{op elt elt = elt}
+ Remark: Generally useless in CIC for concrete, computable operators
+ Remark: The general definition is ``exists n, iter n op x = x''.
+\itemrule{Nilpotency of element elt wrt a ring D with additive neutral
+element {\zero} and multiplicative binary operator
+{op elt elt = zero}
+ Remark: We leave the ring structure of D implicit; the general definition is ``exists n, iter n op elt = zero''.
+\itemrule{Zero-product property in a ring D with additive neutral
+element {\zero} and multiplicative binary operator
+{forall x y, op x y = zero -> x = zero \/ y = zero}
+ Remark: We leave the ring structure of D implicit; the Coq library
+ uses either \texttt{\_is\_O} (for \texttt{nat}), \texttt{\_integral}
+ (for \texttt{Z}, \texttt{Q} and \texttt{R}), \texttt{eq\_mul\_0} (for
+ \texttt{NZ}).
+ Remark: The French school says ``integrité''.
+\itemrule{Nilpotency of binary operator {\op} wrt to its absorbing element
+zero in D}{Dop\_nilpotent} {forall x, op x x = zero}
+ Remark: Did not find this definition on the web, but it used in
+ the Coq library (to characterize \name{xor}).
+\itemrule{Involutivity of unary op on D}{Dop\_involutive}
+{forall x:D, op (op x) = x}
+\itemrule{Absorption law on the left for binary operator {\op} over binary operator {\op}' on the left}{Dop\_op'\_absorption\_l\_l}
+{forall x y:D, op x (op' x y) = x}
+\itemrule{Absorption law on the left for binary operator {\op} over binary operator {\op}' on the right}{Dop\_op'\_absorption\_l\_r}
+{forall x y:D, op x (op' y x) = x}
+ Remark: Similarly for \name{Dop\_op'\_absorption\_r\_l} and \name{Dop\_op'\_absorption\_r\_r}.
+\itemrule{De Morgan law's for binary operators {\opPrime} and {\opSecond} wrt
+to unary op on domain {\D}}{Dop'\_op''\_de\_morgan,
+Dop''\_op'\_de\_morgan ?? \mbox{leaving the complementing operation
+{forall x y:D, op (op' x y) = op'' (op x) (op y)\\
+forall x y:D, op (op'' x y) = op' (op x) (op y)}
+\itemrule{Left complementation of binary operator {\op} by means of unary {\opPrime} wrt neutral element {\elt} of {\op} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_op'\_opp\_l}
+{forall x:D, op (op' x) x = elt}
+Remark: If the name of the opposite function is reminiscent of the
+notion of complement (e.g. if it is called \texttt{opp}), one can
+simply say {Dop\_opp\_l}.
+\itemrule{Right complementation of binary operator {\op} by means of unary {\op'} wrt neutral element {\elt} of {\op} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_opp\_r}
+{forall x:D, op x (op' x) = elt}
+Example: \formula{Radd\_opp\_l: forall r : R, - r + r = 0}
+\itemrule{Associativity of binary operators {\op} and {\op'}}{Dop\_op'\_assoc}
+{forall x y z, op x (op' y z) = op (op' x y) z}
+Example: \formula{forall x y z, x + (y - z) = (x + y) - z}
+\itemrule{Right extrusion of binary operator {\opPrime} over binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_op'\_extrusion\_r}
+{forall x y z, op x (op' y z) = op' (op x y) z}
+Remark: This requires {\op} and {\opPrime} to have their right and left
+argument respectively and their return types identical.
+Example: \formula{forall x y z, x + (y - z) = (x + y) - z}
+Remark: Other less natural combinations are possible, such
+as \formula{forall x y z, op x (op' y z) = op' y (op x z)}.
+\itemrule{Left extrusion of binary operator {\opPrime} over binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_op'\_extrusion\_l}
+{forall x y z, op (op' x y) z = op' x (op y z)}
+Remark: Operations are not necessarily internal composition laws. It
+is only required that {\op} and {\opPrime} have their right and left
+argument respectively and their return type identical.
+Remark: When the type are heterogeneous, only one extrusion law is possible and it can simply be named {Dop\_op'\_extrusion}.
+Example: \formula{app\_cons\_extrusion : forall a l l', (a :: l) ++ l' = a :: (l ++ l')}.
+%\section{Properties of elements}
+%Remark: Not used in current library
+\section{Preservation and compatibility properties of operations}
+\subsection{With respect to equality}
+\itemrule{Injectivity of unary operator {\op}}{Dop\_inj}
+{forall x y:D, op x = op y -> x = y}
+\itemrule{Left regularity of binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_reg\_l, Dop\_inj\_l, or Dop\_cancel\_l}
+{forall x y z:D, op z x = op z y -> x = y}
+ Remark: Note the order of arguments.
+ Remark: The Coq usage is to called it regularity but the English
+ standard seems to be cancellation. The recommended form is not
+ decided yet.
+ Remark: Shall a property like $n^p \leq n^q \rightarrow p \leq q$
+ (for $n\geq 1$) be called cancellation or should it be reserved for
+ operators that have an inverse?
+\itemrule{Right regularity of binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_reg\_r, Dop\_inj\_r, Dop\_cancel\_r}
+{forall x y z:D, op x z = op y z -> x = y}
+\subsection{With respect to a relation {\rel}}
+\itemrule{Compatibility of unary operator {\op}}{Dop\_rel\_compat}
+{forall x y:D, rel x y -> rel (op x) (op y)}
+\itemrule{Left compatibility of binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_rel\_compat\_l}
+{forall x y z:D, rel x y -> rel (op z x) (op z y)}
+\itemrule{Right compatibility of binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_rel\_compat\_r}
+{forall x y z:D, rel x y -> rel (op x z) (op y z)}
+ Remark: For equality, use names of the form \name{Dop\_eq\_compat\_l} or
+ \name{Dop\_eq\_compat\_r}
+(\formula{forall x y z:D, y = x -> op y z = op x z} and
+\formula{forall x y z:D, y = x -> op y z = op x z})
+ Remark: Should we admit (or even prefer) the name
+ \name{Dop\_rel\_monotone}, \name{Dop\_rel\_monotone\_l},
+ \name{Dop\_rel\_monotone\_r} when {\rel} is an order ?
+\itemrule{Left regularity of binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_rel\_reg\_l}
+{forall x y z:D, rel (op z x) (op z y) -> rel x y}
+\itemrule{Right regularity of binary operator {\op}}{Dop\_rel\_reg\_r}
+{forall x y z:D, rel (op x z) (op y z) -> rel x y}
+ Question: Would it be better to have \name{z} as first argument, since it
+ is missing in the conclusion ?? (or admit we shall use the options
+ ``\texttt{with p}''?)
+\itemrule{Left distributivity of binary operator {\op} over {\opPrime} along relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_op'\_rel\_distr\_l}
+{forall x y z:D, rel (op (op' x y) z) (op' (op x z) (op y z))}
+ Example: standard property of (not necessarily distributive) lattices
+ Remark: In a (non distributive) lattice, by swapping join and meet,
+ one would like also,
+\formula{forall x y z:D, rel (op' (op x z) (op y z)) (op (op' x y) z)}.
+ How to name it with a symmetric name (use
+ \name{Dop\_op'\_rel\_distr\_mon\_l} and
+ \name{Dop\_op'\_rel\_distr\_anti\_l})?
+\itemrule{Commutativity of binary operator {\op} along (equivalence) relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_op'\_rel\_comm}
+{forall x y z:D, rel (op x y) (op y x)}
+ Example:
+\formula{forall l l':list A, Permutation (l++l') (l'++l)}
+\itemrule{Irreducibility of binary operator {\op} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_irreducible}
+{forall x y z:D, z = op x y -> z = x $\backslash/$ z = y}
+ Question: What about the constructive version ? Call it \name{Dop\_irreducible\_inf} ?
+\formula{forall x y z:D, z = op x y -> \{z = x\} + \{z = y\}}
+\itemrule{Primality of binary operator {\op} along relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Dop\_rel\_prime}
+{forall x y z:D, rel z (op x y) -> rel z x $\backslash/$ rel z y}
+\itemrule{Morphism between structures {\D} and {\D'}}{\name{D'\_of\_D}}{D -> D'}
+Remark: If the domains are one-letter long, one can used \texttt{IDD'} as for
+\name{INR} or \name{INZ}.
+\itemrule{Morphism {\phimapping} mapping unary operators {\op} to {\op'}}{phi\_op\_op', phi\_op\_op'\_morphism}
+{forall x:D, phi (op x) = op' (phi x)}
+Remark: If the operators have the same name in both domains, one use
+\texttt{D'\_of\_D\_op} or \texttt{IDD'\_op}.
+Example: \formula{Z\_of\_nat\_mult: forall n m : nat, Z\_of\_nat (n * m) = (Z\_of\_nat n * Z\_of\_nat m)\%Z}.
+Remark: If the operators have different names on distinct domains, one
+can use \texttt{op\_op'}.
+\itemrule{Morphism {\phimapping} mapping binary operators {\op} to
+{\op'}}{phi\_op\_op', phi\_op\_op'\_morphism} {forall
+x y:D, phi (op x y) = op' (phi x) (phi y)}
+Remark: If the operators have the same name in both domains, one use
+\texttt{D'\_of\_D\_op} or \texttt{IDD'\_op}.
+Remark: If the operators have different names on distinct domains, one
+can use \texttt{op\_op'}.
+\itemrule{Morphism {\phimapping} mapping binary operator {\op} to
+binary relation {\rel}}{phi\_op\_rel, phi\_op\_rel\_morphism}
+{forall x y:D, phi (op x y) <-> rel (phi x) (phi y)}
+Remark: If the operator and the relation have similar name, one uses
+Question: How to name each direction? (add \_elim for -> and \_intro
+for <- ?? -- as done in Bool.v ??)
+Example: \formula{eq\_true\_neg: \~{} eq\_true b <-> eq\_true (negb b)}.
+\section{Preservation and compatibility properties of operations wrt order}
+\itemrule{Compatibility of binary operator {\op} wrt (strict order) {\rel} and (large order) {\rel'}}{Dop\_rel\_rel'\_compat}
+{forall x y z t:D, rel x y -> rel' z t -> rel (op x z) (op y t)}
+\itemrule{Compatibility of binary operator {\op} wrt (large order) {\relp} and (strict order) {\rel}}{Dop\_rel'\_rel\_compat}
+{forall x y z t:D, rel' x y -> rel z t -> rel (op x z) (op y t)}
+\section{Properties of relations}
+\itemrule{Reflexivity of relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Drel\_refl}
+{forall x:D, rel x x}
+\itemrule{Symmetry of relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Drel\_sym}
+{forall x y:D, rel x y -> rel y x}
+\itemrule{Transitivity of relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Drel\_trans}
+{forall x y z:D, rel x y -> rel y z -> rel x z}
+\itemrule{Antisymmetry of relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Drel\_antisym}
+{forall x y:D, rel x y -> rel y x -> x = y}
+\itemrule{Irreflexivity of relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Drel\_irrefl}
+{forall x:D, \~{} rel x x}
+\itemrule{Asymmetry of relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Drel\_asym}
+{forall x y:D, rel x y -> \~{} rel y x}
+\itemrule{Cotransitivity of relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Drel\_cotrans}
+{forall x y z:D, rel x y -> \{rel z y\} + \{rel x z\}}
+\itemrule{Linearity of relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Drel\_trichotomy}
+{forall x y:D, \{rel x y\} + \{x = y\} + \{rel y x\}}
+ Questions: Or call it \name{Drel\_total}, or \name{Drel\_linear}, or
+ \name{Drel\_connected}? Use
+ $\backslash/$ ? or use a ternary sumbool, or a ternary disjunction,
+ for nicer elimination.
+\itemrule{Informative decidability of relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Drel\_dec (or Drel\_dect, Drel\_dec\_inf ?)}
+{forall x y:D, \{rel x y\} + \{\~{} rel x y\}}
+ Remark: If equality: \name{D\_eq\_dec} or \name{D\_dec} (not like
+ \name{eq\_nat\_dec})
+\itemrule{Non informative decidability of relation {\rel} on domain {\D}}{Drel\_dec\_prop (or Drel\_dec)}
+{forall x y:D, rel x y $\backslash/$ \~{} rel x y}
+\itemrule{Inclusion of relation {\rel} in relation {\rel}' on domain {\D}}{Drel\_rel'\_incl (or Drel\_incl\_rel')}
+{forall x y:D, rel x y -> rel' x y}
+ Remark: Use \name{Drel\_rel'\_weak} for a strict inclusion ??
+\section{Relations between properties}
+\itemrule{Equivalence of properties \texttt{P} and \texttt{Q}}{P\_Q\_iff}
+{forall x1 .. xn, P <-> Q}
+ Remark: Alternatively use \name{P\_iff\_Q} if it is too difficult to
+ recover what pertains to \texttt{P} and what pertains to \texttt{Q}
+ in their concatenation (as e.g. in
+ \texttt{Godel\_Dummett\_iff\_right\_distr\_implication\_over\_disjunction}).
+\section{Arithmetical conventions}
+\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\thempfootnote} % For footnotes...
+Zero on domain {\D} & D0 & (notation \verb=0=)\\
+One on domain {\D} & D1 (if explicitly defined) & (notation \verb=1=)\\
+Successor on domain {\D} & Dsucc\\
+Predessor on domain {\D} & Dpred\\
+Addition on domain {\D} & Dadd/Dplus\footnote{Coq historically uses \texttt{plus} and \texttt{mult} for addition and multiplication which are inconsistent notations, the recommendation is to use \texttt{add} and \texttt{mul} except in existng libraries that already use \texttt{plus} and \texttt{mult}}
+ & (infix notation \verb=+= [50,L])\\
+Multiplication on domain {\D} & Dmul/Dmult\footnotemark[\value{footnote}] & (infix notation \verb=*= [40,L]))\\
+Soustraction on domain {\D} & Dminus & (infix notation \verb=-= [50,L])\\
+Opposite on domain {\D} & Dopp (if any) & (prefix notation \verb=-= [35,R]))\\
+Inverse on domain {\D} & Dinv (if any) & (prefix notation \verb=/= [35,R]))\\
+Power on domain {\D} & Dpower & (infix notation \verb=^= [30,R])\\
+Minimal element on domain {\D} & Dmin\\
+Maximal element on domain {\D} & Dmax\\
+Large less than order on {\D} & Dle & (infix notations \verb!<=! and \verb!>=! [70,N]))\\
+Strict less than order on {\D} & Dlt & (infix notations \verb=<= and \verb=>= [70,N]))\\
+The status of \verb!>=! and \verb!>! is undecided yet. It will eithet
+be accepted only as parsing notations or may also accepted as a {\em
+ definition} for the \verb!<=! and \verb!<! (like in \texttt{nat}) or
+even as a different definition (like it is the case in \texttt{Z}).
+Exception: Peano Arithmetic which is used for pedagogical purpose:
+\item domain name is implicit
+\item \term{0} (digit $0$) is \term{O} (the 15th letter of the alphabet)
+\item \term{succ} is \verb!S! (but \term{succ} can be used in theorems)
diff --git a/dev/doc/patch.ocaml-3.10.drop.rectypes b/dev/doc/patch.ocaml-3.10.drop.rectypes
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba7a3e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/doc/patch.ocaml-3.10.drop.rectypes
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Index: scripts/
+--- scripts/ (révision 12084)
++++ scripts/ (copie de travail)
+@@ -231,12 +231,25 @@
+ end;;
+ let ppf = Format.std_formatter;;
++ let set_rectypes_hack () =
++ if String.length (Sys.ocaml_version) >= 4 &
++ String.sub (Sys.ocaml_version) 0 4 = \"3.10\"
++ then
++ (* ocaml 3.10 does not have #rectypes but needs it *)
++ (* simulate a call with option -rectypes before *)
++ (* jumping to the ocaml toplevel *)
++ for i = 1 to Array.length Sys.argv - 1 do
++ Sys.argv.(i) <- \"-rectypes\"
++ done
++ else
++ () in
+ Mltop.set_top
+ {Mltop.load_obj=
+ (fun f -> if not (Topdirs.load_file ppf f) then failwith \"error\");
+ Mltop.use_file=Topdirs.dir_use ppf;
+ Mltop.add_dir=Topdirs.dir_directory;
+- Mltop.ml_loop=(fun () -> Toploop.loop ppf) };;\n"
++ Mltop.ml_loop=(fun () -> set_rectypes_hack(); Topmain.main()) };;\n"
+ (* create a temporary main file to link *)
+ let create_tmp_main_file modules =
diff --git a/dev/doc/perf-analysis b/dev/doc/perf-analysis
index 8e481544..d23bf835 100644
--- a/dev/doc/perf-analysis
+++ b/dev/doc/perf-analysis
@@ -1,6 +1,14 @@
Performance analysis (trunk repository)
+Dec 1, 2009 - Dec 19, 2009: Temporary addition of [forall x, P x] hints to
+ exact (generally not significative but, e.g., +25% on Subst, +8% on
+ ZFC, +5% on AreaMethod)
+Oct 19, 2009: Change in modules (CoLoR +35%)
+Aug 9, 2009: new files added in AreaMethod
May 21, 2008: New version of CoRN
(needs +84% more time to compile)
diff --git a/dev/doc/versions-history.tex b/dev/doc/versions-history.tex
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..175297f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/doc/versions-history.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
+\newcommand{\feature}[1]{{\em #1}}
+An history of Coq versions
+\centerline{\large 1984-1989: The Calculus of Constructions}
+version & date & comments \\
+CoC V1.10& mention of dates from 6 December & implementation language is Caml\\
+ & 1984 to 13 February 1985 \\
+CoC V1.11& mention of dates from 6 December\\
+ & 1984 to 19 February 1985\\
+CoC V2.13& dated 16 December 1985\\
+CoC V2.13& dated 25 June 1986\\
+CoC V3.1& dated 20 November 1986 & \feature{auto}\\
+CoC V3.2& dated 27 November 1986\\
+CoC V3.3 and V3.4& dated 1 January 1987 & creation of a directory for examples\\
+CoC V4.1& dated 24 July 1987\\
+CoC V4.2& dated 10 September 1987\\
+CoC V4.3& dated 15 September 1987\\
+CoC V4.4& dated 27 January 1988\\
+CoC V4.5 and V4.5.5& dated 15 March 1988\\
+CoC V4.6 and V4.7& dated 1 September 1988\\
+CoC V4.8& dated 1 December 1988\\
+CoC V4.8.5& dated 1 February 1989\\
+CoC V4.9& dated 1 March 1989\\
+CoC V4.10 and 4.10.1& dated 1 May 1989 & first public release - in English\\
+\centerline{\large 1989-now: The Calculus of Inductive Constructions}
+\centerline{I- RCS archives in Caml and Caml-Light}
+version & date & comments \\
+Coq V5.0 & headers dated 1 January 1990 & internal use \\
+ & & \feature{inductive types with primitive recursor}\\
+Coq V5.1 & ended 12 July 1990 & internal use \\
+Coq V5.2 & log dated 4 October 1990 & internal use \\
+Coq V5.3 & log dated 12 October 1990 & internal use \\
+Coq V5.4 & headers dated 24 October 1990 & internal use, \feature{extraction} (version 1) [3-12-90]\\
+Coq V5.5 & started 6 December 1990 & internal use \\
+Coq V5.6 beta & 1991 & first announce of the new Coq based on CIC \\
+ & & (in May at TYPES?)\\
+ & & \feature{rewrite tactic}\\
+ & & use of RCS at least from February 1991\\
+Coq V5.6& 7 August 1991 & \\
+Coq V5.6 patch 1& 13 November 1991 & \\
+Coq V5.6 (last) & mention of 27 November 1992\\
+Coq V5.7.0& 1992 & translation to Caml-Light \footnotemark\\
+Coq V5.8& 12 February 1993 & \feature{Program} (version 1), \feature{simpl}\\
+& & has the xcoq graphical interface\\
+& & first explicit notion of standard library\\
+& & includes a MacOS 7-9 version\\
+Coq V5.8.1& released 28 April 1993 & with xcoq graphical interface and MacOS 7-9 support\\
+Coq V5.8.2& released 9 July 1993 & with xcoq graphical interface and MacOS 7-9 support\\
+Coq V5.8.3& released 6 December 1993 % Announce on coq-club
+ & with xcoq graphical interface and MacOS 7-9 support\\
+ & & 3 branches: Lyon (V5.8.x), Ulm (V5.10.x) and Rocq (V5.9)\\
+Coq V5.9 alpha& 7 July 1993 &
+experimental version based on evars refinement \\
+ & & (merge from experimental ``V6.0'' and some pre-V5.8.3 \\
+ & & version), not released\\
+& March 1994 & \feature{tauto} tactic in V5.9 branch\\
+Coq V5.9 & 27 January 1993 & experimental version based on evars refinement\\
+ & & not released\\
+\footnotetext{archive lost?}
+\centerline{II- Starting with CVS archives in Caml-Light}
+version & date & comments \\
+Coq V5.10 ``Murthy'' & 22 January 1994 &
+introduction of the ``DOPN'' structure\\
+ & & \feature{eapply/prolog} tactics\\
+ & & private use of cvs on\\
+Coq V5.10.1 ``Murthy''& 15 April 1994 \\
+Coq V5.10.2 ``Murthy''& 19 April 1994 & \feature{mutual inductive types, fixpoint} (from Lyon's branch)\\
+Coq V5.10.3& 28 April 1994 \\
+Coq V5.10.5& dated 13 May 1994 & \feature{inversion}, \feature{discriminate}, \feature{injection} \\
+ & & \feature{type synthesis of hidden arguments}\\
+ & & \feature{separate compilation}, \feature{reset mechanism} \\
+Coq V5.10.6& dated 30 May 1994\\
+Coq Lyon's archive & in 1994 & cvs server set up on\\
+Coq V5.10.9& announced on 17 August 1994 &
+ % Announced by Catherine Parent on coqdev
+ % Version avec une copie de THEORIES pour les inductifs mutuels
+ \\
+Coq V5.10.11& announced on 2 February 1995 & \feature{compute}\\
+Coq Rocq's archive & on 16 February 1995 & set up of ``V5.10'' cvs archive on \\
+ & & with first dispatch of files over src/* directories\\
+Coq V5.10.12& dated 30 January 1995 & on Lyon's cvs\\
+Coq V5.10.13& dated 9 June 1995 & on Lyon's cvs\\
+Coq V5.10.14.OO& dated 30 June 1995 & on Lyon's cvs\\
+Coq V5.10.14.a& announced 5 September 1995 & bug-fix release \\ % Announce on coq-club by BW
+Coq V5.10.14.b& released 2 October 1995 & bug-fix release\\
+ & & MS-DOS version released on 30 October 1995\\
+ % still available at in May 2009
+ % also known in /net/pauillac/constr archive as ``V5.11 old'' \\
+ % A copy of Coq V5.10.15 dated 1 January 1996 coming from Lyon's CVS is
+ % known in /net/pauillac/constr archive as ``V5.11 new old'' \\
+Coq V5.10.15 & released 20 February 1996 & \feature{Logic, Sorting, new Sets and Relations libraries} \\
+ % Announce on coq-club by BW
+ % dated 15 February 1996 and bound to pauillac's cvs in /net/pauillac/constr archive
+ & & MacOS 7-9 version released on 1 March 1996 \\ % Announce on coq-club by BW
+Coq V5.11 & dated 1 March 1996 & not released, not in pauillac's CVS, \feature{eauto} \\
+\centerline{III- A CVS archive in Caml Special Light}
+version & date & comments \\
+Coq ``V6'' archive & 20 March 1996 & new cvs repository on with code ported \\
+ & & to Caml Special Light (to later become Objective Caml)\\
+ & & has implicit arguments and coercions\\
+Coq V6.1beta& released 18 November 1996 & \feature{coercions} [23-5-1996], \feature{user-level implicit arguments} [23-5-1996]\\
+ & & \feature{omega} [10-9-1996] \\
+ & & \feature{natural language proof printing} (stopped from Coq V7) [6-9-1996]\\
+ & & \feature{pattern-matching compilation} [7-10-1996]\\
+ & & \feature{ring} (version 1, ACSimpl) [11-12-1996]\\
+Coq V6.1& released December 1996 & \\
+Coq V6.2beta& released 30 January 1998 & % Announced on coq-club 2-2-1998 by CP
+ \feature{SearchIsos} (stopped from Coq V7) [9-11-1997]\\
+ & & grammar extension mechanism moved to Camlp4 [12-6-1997]\\
+ & & \feature{refine tactic}\\
+ & & includes a Windows version\\
+Coq V6.2& released 4 May 1998 & % Announced on coq-club 5-5-1998 by CP
+ \feature{ring} (version 2) [7-4-1998] \\
+Coq V6.2.1& released 23 July 1998\\
+Coq V6.2.2 beta& released 30 January 1998\\
+Coq V6.2.2& released 23 September 1998\\
+Coq V6.2.3& released 22 December 1998 & \feature{Real numbers library} [from 13-11-1998] \\
+Coq V6.2.4& released 8 February 1999\\
+Coq V6.3& released 27 July 1999 & \feature{autorewrite} [25-3-1999]\\
+ & & \feature{Correctness} (deprecated in V8, led to Why) [28-10-1997]\\
+Coq V6.3.1& released 7 December 1999\\
+\centerline{IV- New CVS, back to a kernel-centric implementation}
+version & date & comments \\
+Coq ``V7'' archive & August 1999 & new cvs archive based on J.-C. Filliâtre's \\
+ & & \feature{kernel-centric} architecture \\
+ & & more care for outside readers\\
+ & & (indentation, ocaml warning protection)\\
+Coq V7.0beta& released 27 December 2000 & \feature{${\cal L}_{\mathit{tac}}$} \\
+Coq V7.0beta2& released 2 February 2001\\
+Coq V7.0& released 25 April 2001 & \feature{extraction} (version 2) [6-2-2001] \\
+ & & \feature{field} (version 1) [19-4-2001], \feature{fourier} [20-4-2001] \\
+Coq V7.1& released 25 September 2001 & \feature{setoid rewriting} (version 1) [10-7-2001]\\
+Coq V7.2& released 10 January 2002\\
+Coq V7.3& released 16 May 2002\\
+Coq V7.3.1& released 5 October 2002 & \feature{module system} [2-8-2002]\\
+ & & \feature{pattern-matching compilation} (version 2) [13-6-2002]\\
+Coq V7.4& released 6 February 2003 & \feature{notation}, \feature{scopes} [13-10-2002]\\
+Coq V8.0& released 21 April 2004 & \feature{new concrete syntax}, \feature{Set predicative}, \feature{CoqIDE} [from 4-2-2003]\\
+Coq V8.0pl1& released 18 July 2004\\
+Coq V8.0pl2& released 22 January 2005\\
+Coq V8.0pl3& released 13 January 2006\\
+Coq V8.0pl4& released 26 January 2007\\
+Coq ``svn'' archive & 6 March 2006 & cvs archive moved to subversion control management\\
+Coq V8.1beta& released 12 July 2006 & \feature{bytecode compiler} [20-10-2004] \\
+ & & \feature{setoid rewriting} (version 2) [3-9-2004]\\
+ & & \feature{functional induction} [1-2-2006]\\
+ & & \feature{Strings library} [8-2-2006], \feature{FSets/FMaps library} [15-3-2006] \\
+ & & \feature{Program} (version 2, Russell) [5-3-2006] \\
+ & & \feature{declarative language} [20-9-2006]\\
+ & & \feature{ring} (version 3) [18-11-2005]\\
+Coq V8.1gamma& released 7 November 2006 & \feature{field} (version 2) [29-9-2006]\\
+Coq V8.1& released 10 February 2007 & \\
+Coq V8.1pl1& released 27 July 2007 & \\
+Coq V8.1pl2& released 13 October 2007 & \\
+Coq V8.1pl3& released 13 December 2007 & \\
+Coq V8.1pl4& released 9 October 2008 & \\
+Coq V8.2 beta1& released 13 June 2008 & \\
+Coq V8.2 beta2& released 19 June 2008 & \\
+Coq V8.2 beta3& released 27 June 2008 & \\
+Coq V8.2 beta4& released 8 August 2008 & \\
+Coq V8.2 & released 17 February 2009 & \feature{type classes} [10-12-2007], \feature{machine words} [11-5-2007]\\
+ & & \feature{big integers} [11-5-2007], \feature{abstract arithmetics} [9-2007]\\
+ & & \feature{setoid rewriting} (version 3) [18-12-2007] \\
+ & & \feature{micromega solving platform} [19-5-2008]\\
+& & a first package released on
+February 11 was incomplete\\
+\centerline{\large Other important dates}
+version & date & comments \\
+Lechenadec's version in C& mention of \\
+ & 13 January 1985 on \\
+ & some vernacular files\\
+Set up of the coq-club mailing list & 28 July 1993\\
+Coq V6.0 ``evars'' & & experimentation based on evars
+refinement started \\
+ & & in 1991 by Gilles from V5.6 beta,\\
+ & & with work by Hugo in July 1992\\
+Coq V6.0 ``evars'' ``light'' & July 1993 & Hugo's port of the first
+evars-based experimentation \\
+ & & to Coq V5.7, version from October/November
+CtCoq & released 25 October 1995 & first beta-version \\ % Announce on coq-club by Janet
+Proto with explicit substitutions & 1997 &\\
+Coq web site & 15 April 1998 & new site designed by David Delahaye \\
+Coq web site & January 2004 & web site new style \\
+ & & designed by Julien Narboux and Florent Kirchner \\
+Coq web site & April 2009 & new Drupal-based site \\
+ & & designed by Jean-Marc Notin and Denis Cousineau \\