path: root/contrib
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib')
73 files changed, 5457 insertions, 3543 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
index 29d8fdcf..076b11cd 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ b/contrib/correctness/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ let rec type_v_knsubst s = function
and type_c_knsubst s ((id,v),e,pl,q) =
((id, type_v_knsubst s v), e, (fun p -> { p with p_value = subst_mps s p.p_value }) pl,
- option_app (fun q -> { q with a_value = subst_mps s q.a_value }) q)
+ option_map (fun q -> { q with a_value = subst_mps s q.a_value }) q)
and binder_knsubst s (id,b) =
(id, match b with BindType v -> BindType (type_v_knsubst s v) | _ -> b)
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
index 31effc1b..8f1b5946 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ b/contrib/correctness/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ let rec abstract_post ren env (e,q) =
let after_id id = id_of_string ((string_of_id id) ^ "'") in
let (_,go) = Peffect.get_repr e in
let al = (fun id -> (id,after_id id)) go in
- let q = option_app (named_app (subst_in_constr al)) q in
+ let q = option_map (named_app (subst_in_constr al)) q in
let tgo = (fun (id,aid) -> (aid, trad_type_in_env ren env id)) al in
- option_app (named_app (abstract tgo)) q
+ option_map (named_app (abstract tgo)) q
(* Translation of effects types in cic types.
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ let make_app env ren args ren' (tf,cf) ((bl,cb),s,capp) c =
@(eq_phi ren'' env s svi tf)
@( (fun c -> CC_hole c) holes))
- let qapp' = option_app (named_app (subst_in_constr svi)) qapp in
+ let qapp' = option_map (named_app (subst_in_constr svi)) qapp in
let t =
make_let_in ren'' env fe [] (current_vars ren''' outf,qapp')
(res,tyres) (t,ty)
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/psyntax.ml4 b/contrib/correctness/psyntax.ml4
index eeec28a5..98d43112 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/psyntax.ml4
+++ b/contrib/correctness/psyntax.ml4
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
-(* $Id: psyntax.ml4 7740 2005-12-26 20:07:21Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: psyntax.ml4 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ END
[ "Correctness" preident(str) program(pgm) then_tac(tac) ]
- -> [ Ptactic.correctness str pgm (option_app Tacinterp.interp tac) ]
+ -> [ Ptactic.correctness str pgm (option_map Tacinterp.interp tac) ]
(* Show Programs *)
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
index e5347670..babc607d 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ b/contrib/correctness/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
-(* $Id: 7837 2006-01-11 09:47:32Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8759 2006-04-28 12:24:14Z herbelin $ *)
open Pp
open Options
@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@ let reduce_open_constr (em0,c) =
| Cast (c',t) ->
(match kind_of_term c' with
| Evar (ev,_) ->
- if not (Evd.in_dom em ev) then
- Evd.add em ev ( em0 ev)
+ if not (Evd.mem em ev) then
+ Evd.add em ev (Evd.find em0 ev)
| _ -> fold_constr collect em c)
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
index 0eb8806c..18c3ba35 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ b/contrib/correctness/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
-(* $Id: 7837 2006-01-11 09:47:32Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ let anonymous x = { a_name = Anonymous; a_value = x }
let anonymous_pre b x = { p_assert = b; p_name = Anonymous; p_value = x }
let force_name f x =
- option_app (fun q -> { a_name = Name (f q.a_name); a_value = q.a_value }) x
+ option_map (fun q -> { a_name = Name (f q.a_name); a_value = q.a_value }) x
let force_post_name x = force_name post_name x
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ let rec type_c_subst s ((id,t),e,p,q) =
let s' = s @ (fun (x,x') -> (at_id x "", at_id x' "")) s in
(id, type_v_subst s t), Peffect.subst s e, (pre_app (subst_in_constr s)) p,
- option_app (post_app (subst_in_constr s')) q
+ option_map (post_app (subst_in_constr s')) q
and type_v_subst s = function
Ref v -> Ref (type_v_subst s v)
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ and binder_subst s = function
let rec type_c_rsubst s ((id,t),e,p,q) =
(id, type_v_rsubst s t), e, (pre_app (real_subst_in_constr s)) p,
- option_app (post_app (real_subst_in_constr s)) q
+ option_map (post_app (real_subst_in_constr s)) q
and type_v_rsubst s = function
Ref v -> Ref (type_v_rsubst s v)
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
index 1e485180..f422c5cd 100644
--- a/contrib/correctness/
+++ b/contrib/correctness/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
-(* $Id: 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ let update_post env top ef c =
let force_post up env top q e =
let (res,ef,p,_) = in
let q' =
- if up then option_app (named_app (update_post env top ef)) q else q
+ if up then option_map (named_app (update_post env top ef)) q else q
let i = { env =; kappa = (res,ef,p,q') } in
{ desc = e.desc; pre = e.pre; post = q'; loc = e.loc; info = i }
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ and propagate ren p =
| Apply (f,l) ->
let _,(_,so,ok),(_,_,_,qapp) = effect_app ren env f l in
if ok then
- let q = option_app (named_app (real_subst_in_constr so)) qapp in
+ let q = option_map (named_app (real_subst_in_constr so)) qapp in
post_if_none env q p
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ and propagate ren p =
None -> Some (anonymous s)
| Some i -> Some { a_value = conj i.a_value s; a_name = i.a_name }
- let q = option_app (named_app abstract_unit) q in
+ let q = option_map (named_app abstract_unit) q in
post_if_none env q p
| SApp ([Variable id], [e1;e2])
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ b/contrib/extraction/
index 8d8438dc..346201ec 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/
+++ b/contrib/extraction/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 7651 2005-12-16 03:19:20Z letouzey $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 8930 2006-06-09 02:14:34Z letouzey $ i*)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -112,7 +112,8 @@ let contents_first_level mp =
| Extraction.Term -> add false (id_of_label l))
| (_, SPBmind mib) ->
- (fun mip -> if mip.mind_sort <> (Prop Null) then begin
+ (fun mip -> if snd (Inductive.mind_arity mip) <> InProp
+ then begin
add upper_type mip.mind_typename;
Array.iter (add true) mip.mind_consnames
@@ -267,8 +268,6 @@ module StdParams = struct
let globals () = !global_ids
- (* TODO: remettre des conditions [lang () = Haskell] disant de qualifier. *)
let unquote s =
if lang () <> Scheme then s
@@ -288,23 +287,31 @@ module StdParams = struct
let mp = modpath_of_r r in
let ls =
if mp = List.hd mpl then [s] (* simpliest situation *)
- else
- try (* has [mp] something in common with one of those in [mpl] ? *)
- let pref = common_prefix_from_list mp mpl in
- (*i TODO: possibilité de clash i*)
- list_firstn ((mp_length mp)-(mp_length pref)+1) ls
- with Not_found -> (* [mp] is othogonal with every element of [mp]. *)
- let base = base_mp mp in
- if !modular &&
- (at_toplevel mp) &&
- not (Refset.mem r !to_qualify) &&
- not (clash base [] s mpl)
- then snd (list_sep_last ls)
- else ls
+ else match lang () with
+ | Scheme -> [s] (* no modular Scheme extraction... *)
+ | Toplevel -> [s] (* idem *)
+ | Haskell ->
+ if !modular then
+ ls (* for the moment we always qualify in modular Haskell *)
+ else [s]
+ | Ocaml ->
+ try (* has [mp] something in common with one of those in [mpl] ? *)
+ let pref = common_prefix_from_list mp mpl in
+ (*i TODO: possibilité de clash i*)
+ list_firstn ((mp_length mp)-(mp_length pref)+1) ls
+ with Not_found -> (* [mp] is othogonal with every element of [mp]. *)
+ let base = base_mp mp in
+ if !modular &&
+ (at_toplevel mp) &&
+ not (Refset.mem r !to_qualify) &&
+ not (clash base [] s mpl)
+ then snd (list_sep_last ls)
+ else ls
add_module_contents mp s; (* update the visible environment *)
str (dottify ls)
+ (* The next function is used only in Ocaml extraction...*)
let pp_module mpl mp =
let ls =
if !modular
@@ -393,15 +400,15 @@ let print_structure_to_file f prm struc =
let print_dummys =
(struct_ast_search ((=) MLdummy) struc,
- struct_type_search Tdummy struc,
- struct_type_search Tunknown struc)
+ struct_type_search Mlutil.isDummy struc,
+ struct_type_search ((=) Tunknown) struc)
let print_magic =
if lang () <> Haskell then false
else struct_ast_search (function MLmagic _ -> true | _ -> false) struc
(* print the implementation *)
- let cout = option_app (fun (f,_) -> open_out f) f in
+ let cout = option_map (fun (f,_) -> open_out f) f in
let ft = match cout with
| None -> !Pp_control.std_ft
| Some cout -> Pp_control.with_output_to cout in
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ b/contrib/extraction/
index a4bf973d..e97df539 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/
+++ b/contrib/extraction/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 7639 2005-12-02 10:01:15Z gregoire $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 8931 2006-06-09 07:43:37Z letouzey $ i*)
open Util
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ exception I of inductive_info
to avoid loops in [extract_inductive] *)
let internal_call = ref KNset.empty
+(* A set of all fixpoint functions currently being extracted *)
+let current_fixpoints = ref ([] : constant list)
let none = Evd.empty
let type_of env c = Retyping.get_type_of env none (strip_outer_cast c)
@@ -80,6 +83,14 @@ let rec flag_of_type env t =
let is_default env t = (flag_of_type env t = (Info, Default))
+exception NotDefault of kill_reason
+let check_default env t =
+ match flag_of_type env t with
+ | _,TypeScheme -> raise (NotDefault Ktype)
+ | Logic,_ -> raise (NotDefault Kother)
+ | _ -> ()
let is_info_scheme env t = (flag_of_type env t = (Info, TypeScheme))
(*s [type_sign] gernerates a signature aimed at treating a type application. *)
@@ -87,7 +98,8 @@ let is_info_scheme env t = (flag_of_type env t = (Info, TypeScheme))
let rec type_sign env c =
match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env none c) with
| Prod (n,t,d) ->
- (is_info_scheme env t)::(type_sign (push_rel_assum (n,t) env) d)
+ (if is_info_scheme env t then Keep else Kill Kother)
+ :: (type_sign (push_rel_assum (n,t) env) d)
| _ -> []
let rec type_scheme_nb_args env c =
@@ -105,8 +117,8 @@ let rec type_sign_vl env c =
match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env none c) with
| Prod (n,t,d) ->
let s,vl = type_sign_vl (push_rel_assum (n,t) env) d in
- if not (is_info_scheme env t) then false::s, vl
- else true::s, (next_ident_away (id_of_name n) vl) :: vl
+ if not (is_info_scheme env t) then Kill Kother::s, vl
+ else Keep::s, (next_ident_away (id_of_name n) vl) :: vl
| _ -> [],[]
let rec nb_default_params env c =
@@ -126,8 +138,8 @@ let rec nb_default_params env c =
let db_from_sign s =
let rec make i acc = function
| [] -> acc
- | true :: l -> make (i+1) (i::acc) l
- | false :: l -> make i (0::acc) l
+ | Keep :: l -> make (i+1) (i::acc) l
+ | Kill _ :: l -> make i (0::acc) l
in make 1 [] s
(*s Create a type variable context from indications taken from
@@ -150,8 +162,8 @@ let rec db_from_ind dbmap i =
let parse_ind_args si args relmax =
let rec parse i j = function
| [] -> Intmap.empty
- | false :: s -> parse (i+1) j s
- | true :: s ->
+ | Kill _ :: s -> parse (i+1) j s
+ | Keep :: s ->
(match kind_of_term args.(i-1) with
| Rel k -> Intmap.add (relmax+1-k) j (parse (i+1) (j+1) s)
| _ -> parse (i+1) (j+1) s)
@@ -167,6 +179,7 @@ let parse_ind_args si args relmax =
(* [j] stands for the next ML type var. [j=0] means we do not
generate ML type var anymore (in subterms for example). *)
let rec extract_type env db j c args =
match kind_of_term (whd_betaiotazeta c) with
| App (d, args') ->
@@ -183,19 +196,24 @@ let rec extract_type env db j c args =
| (Info, Default) ->
(* Standard case: two [extract_type] ... *)
let mld = extract_type env' (0::db) j d [] in
- if type_eq (mlt_env env) mld Tdummy then Tdummy
- else Tarr (extract_type env db 0 t [], mld)
+ (match expand env mld with
+ | Tdummy d -> Tdummy d
+ | _ -> Tarr (extract_type env db 0 t [], mld))
| (Info, TypeScheme) when j > 0 ->
(* A new type var. *)
let mld = extract_type env' (j::db) (j+1) d [] in
- if type_eq (mlt_env env) mld Tdummy then Tdummy
- else Tarr (Tdummy, mld)
- | _ ->
+ (match expand env mld with
+ | Tdummy d -> Tdummy d
+ | _ -> Tarr (Tdummy Ktype, mld))
+ | _,lvl ->
let mld = extract_type env' (0::db) j d [] in
- if type_eq (mlt_env env) mld Tdummy then Tdummy
- else Tarr (Tdummy, mld))
- | Sort _ -> Tdummy (* The two logical cases. *)
- | _ when sort_of env (applist (c, args)) = InProp -> Tdummy
+ (match expand env mld with
+ | Tdummy d -> Tdummy d
+ | _ ->
+ let reason = if lvl=TypeScheme then Ktype else Kother in
+ Tarr (Tdummy reason, mld)))
+ | Sort _ -> Tdummy Ktype (* The two logical cases. *)
+ | _ when sort_of env (applist (c, args)) = InProp -> Tdummy Kother
| Rel n ->
(match lookup_rel n env with
| (_,Some t,_) -> extract_type env db j (lift n t) args
@@ -222,7 +240,7 @@ let rec extract_type env db j c args =
(* The more precise is [mlt'], extracted after reduction *)
(* The shortest is [mlt], which use abbreviations *)
(* If possible, we take [mlt], otherwise [mlt']. *)
- if type_eq (mlt_env env) mlt mlt' then mlt else mlt')
+ if expand env mlt = expand env mlt' then mlt else mlt')
| _ -> (* only other case here: Info, Default, i.e. not an ML type *)
(match cb.const_body with
| None -> Tunknown (* Brutal approximation ... *)
@@ -242,7 +260,7 @@ let rec extract_type env db j c args =
and extract_maybe_type env db c =
let t = whd_betadeltaiota env none (type_of env c) in
if isSort t then extract_type env db 0 c []
- else if sort_of env t = InProp then Tdummy else Tunknown
+ else if sort_of env t = InProp then Tdummy Kother else Tunknown
(*s Auxiliary function dealing with type application.
Precondition: [r] is a type scheme represented by the signature [s],
@@ -251,7 +269,7 @@ and extract_maybe_type env db c =
and extract_type_app env db (r,s) args =
let ml_args =
- (fun (b,c) a -> if b then
+ (fun (b,c) a -> if b=Keep then
let p = List.length (fst (splay_prod env none (type_of env c))) in
let db = iterate (fun l -> 0 :: l) p db in
(extract_type_scheme env db c p) :: a
@@ -301,9 +319,10 @@ and extract_ind env kn = (* kn is supposed to be in long form *)
(* their type var list. *)
let packets =
- (fun mip ->
- let b = mip.mind_sort <> (Prop Null) in
- let s,v = if b then type_sign_vl env mip.mind_nf_arity else [],[] in
+ (fun mip ->
+ let b = snd (mind_arity mip) <> InProp in
+ let ar = Inductive.type_of_inductive (mib,mip) in
+ let s,v = if b then type_sign_vl env ar else [],[] in
let t = Array.make (Array.length mip.mind_nf_lc) [] in
{ ip_typename = mip.mind_typename;
ip_consnames = mip.mind_consnames;
@@ -341,7 +360,7 @@ and extract_ind env kn = (* kn is supposed to be in long form *)
if p.ip_logical then raise (I Standard);
if Array.length p.ip_types <> 1 then raise (I Standard);
let typ = p.ip_types.(0) in
- let l = List.filter (type_neq (mlt_env env) Tdummy) typ in
+ let l = List.filter (fun t -> not (isDummy (expand env t))) typ in
if List.length l = 1 && not (type_mem_kn kn (List.hd l))
then raise (I Singleton);
if l = [] then raise (I Standard);
@@ -365,14 +384,15 @@ and extract_ind env kn = (* kn is supposed to be in long form *)
let rec select_fields l typs = match l,typs with
| [],[] -> []
| (Name id)::l, typ::typs ->
- if type_eq (mlt_env env) Tdummy typ then select_fields l typs
+ if isDummy (expand env typ) then select_fields l typs
let knp = make_con mp d (label_of_id id) in
- if not (List.mem false (type_to_sign (mlt_env env) typ)) then
+ if not (List.exists isKill (type2signature env typ))
+ then
projs := Cset.add knp !projs;
(ConstRef knp) :: (select_fields l typs)
| Anonymous::l, typ::typs ->
- if type_eq (mlt_env env) Tdummy typ then select_fields l typs
+ if isDummy (expand env typ) then select_fields l typs
else error_record r
| _ -> assert false
@@ -381,7 +401,8 @@ and extract_ind env kn = (* kn is supposed to be in long form *)
(* Is this record officially declared with its projections ? *)
(* If so, we use this information. *)
begin try
- let n = nb_default_params env mip0.mind_nf_arity in
+ let n = nb_default_params env (Inductive.type_of_inductive(mib,mip0))
+ in
(fun kn -> if Cset.mem kn !projs then add_projection n kn))
@@ -439,9 +460,9 @@ and mlt_env env r = match r with
| _ -> None))
| _ -> None
-let type_expand env = type_expand (mlt_env env)
-let type_neq env = type_neq (mlt_env env)
-let type_to_sign env = type_to_sign (mlt_env env)
+and expand env = type_expand (mlt_env env)
+and type2signature env = type_to_signature (mlt_env env)
+let type2sign env = type_to_sign (mlt_env env)
let type_expunge env = type_expunge (mlt_env env)
(*s Extraction of the type of a constant. *)
@@ -478,10 +499,9 @@ let rec extract_term env mle mlt c args =
in extract_term env mle mlt d' []
| [] ->
let env' = push_rel_assum (Name id, t) env in
- let id, a =
- if is_default env t
- then id, new_meta ()
- else dummy_name, Tdummy in
+ let id, a = try check_default env t; id, new_meta()
+ with NotDefault d -> dummy_name, Tdummy d
+ in
let b = new_meta () in
(* If [mlt] cannot be unified with an arrow type, then magic! *)
let magic = needs_magic (mlt, Tarr (a, b)) in
@@ -491,15 +511,16 @@ let rec extract_term env mle mlt c args =
let id = id_of_name n in
let env' = push_rel (Name id, Some c1, t1) env in
let args' = (lift 1) args in
- if is_default env t1 then
+ (try
+ check_default env t1;
let a = new_meta () in
let c1' = extract_term env mle a c1 [] in
(* The type of [c1'] is generalized and stored in [mle]. *)
let mle' = Mlenv.push_gen mle a in
MLletin (id, c1', extract_term env' mle' mlt c2 args')
- else
- let mle' = Mlenv.push_std_type mle Tdummy in
- ast_pop (extract_term env' mle' mlt c2 args')
+ with NotDefault d ->
+ let mle' = Mlenv.push_std_type mle (Tdummy d) in
+ ast_pop (extract_term env' mle' mlt c2 args'))
| Const kn ->
extract_cst_app env mle mlt kn args
| Construct cp ->
@@ -521,8 +542,10 @@ let rec extract_term env mle mlt c args =
(*s [extract_maybe_term] is [extract_term] for usual terms, else [MLdummy] *)
and extract_maybe_term env mle mlt c =
- if is_default env (type_of env c) then extract_term env mle mlt c []
- else put_magic (mlt, Tdummy) MLdummy
+ try check_default env (type_of env c);
+ extract_term env mle mlt c []
+ with NotDefault d ->
+ put_magic (mlt, Tdummy d) MLdummy
(*s Generic way to deal with an application. *)
@@ -540,7 +563,7 @@ and extract_app env mle mlt mk_head args =
and make_mlargs env e s args typs =
let l = ref s in
- let keep () = match !l with [] -> true | b :: s -> l:=s; b in
+ let keep () = match !l with [] -> true | b :: s -> l:=s; b=Keep in
let rec f = function
| [], [] -> []
| a::la, t::lt when keep() -> extract_maybe_term env e t a :: (f (la,lt))
@@ -553,19 +576,25 @@ and make_mlargs env e s args typs =
and extract_cst_app env mle mlt kn args =
(* First, the [ml_schema] of the constant, in expanded version. *)
let nb,t = record_constant_type env kn None in
- let schema = nb, type_expand env t in
+ let schema = nb, expand env t in
+ (* Can we instantiate types variables for this constant ? *)
+ (* In Ocaml, inside the definition of this constant, the answer is no. *)
+ let instantiated =
+ if lang () = Ocaml && List.mem kn !current_fixpoints then var2var' (snd schema)
+ else instantiation schema
+ in
(* Then the expected type of this constant. *)
- let metas = new_meta args in
+ let a = new_meta () in
(* We compare stored and expected types in two steps. *)
(* First, can [kn] be applied to all args ? *)
- let a = new_meta () in
- let magic1 = needs_magic (type_recomp (metas, a), instantiation schema) in
+ let metas = new_meta args in
+ let magic1 = needs_magic (type_recomp (metas, a), instantiated) in
(* Second, is the resulting type compatible with the expected type [mlt] ? *)
let magic2 = needs_magic (a, mlt) in
(* The internal head receives a magic if [magic1] *)
let head = put_magic_if magic1 (MLglob (ConstRef kn)) in
(* Now, the extraction of the arguments. *)
- let s = type_to_sign env (snd schema) in
+ let s = type2signature env (snd schema) in
let ls = List.length s in
let la = List.length args in
let mla = make_mlargs env mle s args metas in
@@ -580,8 +609,8 @@ and extract_cst_app env mle mlt kn args =
(* Different situations depending of the number of arguments: *)
if ls = 0 then put_magic_if magic2 head
- else if List.mem true s then
- if la >= ls || not (List.mem false s)
+ else if List.mem Keep s then
+ if la >= ls || not (List.exists isKill s)
put_magic_if (magic2 && not magic1) (MLapp (head, mla))
@@ -590,12 +619,17 @@ and extract_cst_app env mle mlt kn args =
let s' = list_lastn ls' s in
let mla = ( (ast_lift ls') mla) @ (eta_args_sign ls' s') in
put_magic_if magic2 (anonym_or_dummy_lams (MLapp (head, mla)) s')
- else
+ else if List.mem (Kill Kother) s then
(* In the special case of always false signature, one dummy lam is left. *)
(* So a [MLdummy] is left accordingly. *)
if la >= ls
then put_magic_if (magic2 && not magic1) (MLapp (head, MLdummy :: mla))
else put_magic_if magic2 (dummy_lams head (ls-la-1))
+ else (* s is made only of [Kill Ktype] *)
+ if la >= ls
+ then put_magic_if (magic2 && not magic1) (MLapp (head, mla))
+ else put_magic_if magic2 (dummy_lams head (ls-la))
(*s Extraction of an inductive constructor applied to arguments. *)
@@ -613,12 +647,12 @@ and extract_cons_app env mle mlt (((kn,i) as ip,j) as cp) args =
let params_nb = mi.ind_nparams in
let oi = mi.ind_packets.(i) in
let nb_tvars = List.length oi.ip_vars
- and types = (type_expand env) oi.ip_types.(j-1) in
+ and types = (expand env) oi.ip_types.(j-1) in
let list_tvar = (fun i -> Tvar i) (interval 1 nb_tvars) in
let type_cons = type_recomp (types, Tglob (IndRef ip, list_tvar)) in
let type_cons = instantiation (nb_tvars, type_cons) in
(* Then, the usual variables [s], [ls], [la], ... *)
- let s = (type_neq env Tdummy) types in
+ let s = (type2sign env) types in
let ls = List.length s in
let la = List.length args in
assert (la <= ls + params_nb);
@@ -671,8 +705,8 @@ and extract_case env mle ((kn,i) as ip,c,br) mlt =
(* Logical singleton case: *)
(* [match c with C i j k -> t] becomes [t'] *)
assert (br_size = 1);
- let s = iterate (fun l -> false :: l) ni.(0) [] in
- let mlt = iterate (fun t -> Tarr (Tdummy, t)) ni.(0) mlt in
+ let s = iterate (fun l -> Kill Kother :: l) ni.(0) [] in
+ let mlt = iterate (fun t -> Tarr (Tdummy Kother, t)) ni.(0) mlt in
let e = extract_maybe_term env mle mlt br.(0) in
snd (case_expunge s e)
@@ -686,10 +720,10 @@ and extract_case env mle ((kn,i) as ip,c,br) mlt =
(* The extraction of each branch. *)
let extract_branch i =
(* The types of the arguments of the corresponding constructor. *)
- let f t = type_subst_vect metas (type_expand env t) in
+ let f t = type_subst_vect metas (expand env t) in
let l = f oi.ip_types.(i) in
(* the corresponding signature *)
- let s = (type_neq env Tdummy) oi.ip_types.(i) in
+ let s = (type2sign env) oi.ip_types.(i) in
(* Extraction of the branch (in functional form). *)
let e = extract_maybe_term env mle (type_recomp (l,mlt)) br.(i) in
(* We suppress dummy arguments according to signature. *)
@@ -745,8 +779,8 @@ let extract_std_constant env kn body typ =
let t = snd (record_constant_type env kn (Some typ)) in
(* The real type [t']: without head lambdas, expanded, *)
(* and with [Tvar] translated to [Tvar'] (not instantiable). *)
- let l,t' = type_decomp (type_expand env (var2var' t)) in
- let s = (type_neq env Tdummy) l in
+ let l,t' = type_decomp (expand env (var2var' t)) in
+ let s = (type2sign env) l in
(* The initial ML environment. *)
let mle = List.fold_left Mlenv.push_std_type Mlenv.empty l in
(* Decomposing the top level lambdas of [body]. *)
@@ -762,10 +796,12 @@ let extract_std_constant env kn body typ =
let extract_fixpoint env vkn (fi,ti,ci) =
let n = Array.length vkn in
- let types = Array.make n Tdummy
+ let types = Array.make n (Tdummy Kother)
and terms = Array.make n MLdummy in
+ let kns = Array.to_list vkn in
+ current_fixpoints := kns;
(* for replacing recursive calls [Rel ..] by the corresponding [Const]: *)
- let sub = List.rev_map mkConst (Array.to_list vkn) in
+ let sub = List.rev_map mkConst kns in
for i = 0 to n-1 do
if sort_of env ti.(i) <> InProp then begin
let e,t = extract_std_constant env vkn.(i) (substl sub ci.(i)) ti.(i) in
@@ -773,6 +809,7 @@ let extract_fixpoint env vkn (fi,ti,ci) =
types.(i) <- t;
+ current_fixpoints := [];
Dfix ( (fun kn -> ConstRef kn) vkn, terms, types)
let extract_constant env kn cb =
@@ -790,12 +827,14 @@ let extract_constant env kn cb =
if not (is_custom r) then warning_info_ax r;
let t = snd (record_constant_type env kn (Some typ)) in
Dterm (r, MLaxiom, type_expunge env t)
- | (Logic,TypeScheme) -> warning_log_ax r; Dtype (r, [], Tdummy)
- | (Logic,Default) -> warning_log_ax r; Dterm (r, MLdummy, Tdummy))
+ | (Logic,TypeScheme) ->
+ warning_log_ax r; Dtype (r, [], Tdummy Ktype)
+ | (Logic,Default) ->
+ warning_log_ax r; Dterm (r, MLdummy, Tdummy Kother))
| Some body ->
(match flag_of_type env typ with
- | (Logic, Default) -> Dterm (r, MLdummy, Tdummy)
- | (Logic, TypeScheme) -> Dtype (r, [], Tdummy)
+ | (Logic, Default) -> Dterm (r, MLdummy, Tdummy Kother)
+ | (Logic, TypeScheme) -> Dtype (r, [], Tdummy Ktype)
| (Info, Default) ->
let e,t = extract_std_constant env kn (force body) typ in
Dterm (r,e,t)
@@ -809,8 +848,8 @@ let extract_constant_spec env kn cb =
let r = ConstRef kn in
let typ = cb.const_type in
match flag_of_type env typ with
- | (Logic, TypeScheme) -> Stype (r, [], Some Tdummy)
- | (Logic, Default) -> Sval (r, Tdummy)
+ | (Logic, TypeScheme) -> Stype (r, [], Some (Tdummy Ktype))
+ | (Logic, Default) -> Sval (r, Tdummy Kother)
| (Info, TypeScheme) ->
let s,vl = type_sign_vl env typ in
(match cb.const_body with
@@ -826,7 +865,7 @@ let extract_constant_spec env kn cb =
let extract_inductive env kn =
let ind = extract_ind env kn in
add_recursors env kn;
- let f l = List.filter (type_neq env Tdummy) l in
+ let f l = List.filter (fun t -> not (isDummy (expand env t))) l in
let packets = (fun p -> { p with ip_types = f p.ip_types })
@@ -853,19 +892,19 @@ let constant_kind env cb =
(*s Is a [ml_decl] logical ? *)
let logical_decl = function
- | Dterm (_,MLdummy,Tdummy) -> true
- | Dtype (_,[],Tdummy) -> true
+ | Dterm (_,MLdummy,Tdummy _) -> true
+ | Dtype (_,[],Tdummy _) -> true
| Dfix (_,av,tv) ->
(array_for_all ((=) MLdummy) av) &&
- (array_for_all ((=) Tdummy) tv)
+ (array_for_all isDummy tv)
| Dind (_,i) -> array_for_all (fun ip -> ip.ip_logical) i.ind_packets
| _ -> false
(*s Is a [ml_spec] logical ? *)
let logical_spec = function
- | Stype (_, [], Some Tdummy) -> true
- | Sval (_,Tdummy) -> true
+ | Stype (_, [], Some (Tdummy _)) -> true
+ | Sval (_,Tdummy _) -> true
| Sind (_,i) -> array_for_all (fun ip -> ip.ip_logical) i.ind_packets
| _ -> false
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ b/contrib/extraction/
index c4ed364a..f924396c 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/
+++ b/contrib/extraction/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 7653 2005-12-16 04:12:26Z letouzey $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 8930 2006-06-09 02:14:34Z letouzey $ i*)
(*s Production of Haskell syntax. *)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ let rec pp_type par vl t =
| Tarr (t1,t2) ->
pp_par par
(pp_rec true t1 ++ spc () ++ str "->" ++ spc () ++ pp_rec false t2)
- | Tdummy -> str "()"
+ | Tdummy _ -> str "()"
| Tunknown -> str "()"
| Taxiom -> str "() -- AXIOM TO BE REALIZED\n"
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ and pp_function env f t =
(f ++ pr_binding (List.rev bl) ++
str " =" ++ fnl () ++ str " " ++
hov 2 (pp_expr false env' [] t'))
(*s Pretty-printing of inductive types declaration. *)
let pp_comment s = str "-- " ++ s ++ fnl ()
@@ -289,12 +289,16 @@ let pp_decl mpl =
else str "=" ++ spc () ++ pp_type false l t
hov 2 (str "type " ++ pp_global r ++ spc () ++ st) ++ fnl () ++ fnl ()
- | Dfix (rv, defs,_) ->
- let ppv = pp_global rv in
- prlist_with_sep (fun () -> fnl () ++ fnl ())
- (fun (pi,ti) -> pp_function (empty_env ()) pi ti)
- (List.combine (Array.to_list ppv) (Array.to_list defs))
- ++ fnl () ++ fnl ()
+ | Dfix (rv, defs, typs) ->
+ let max = Array.length rv in
+ let rec iter i =
+ if i = max then mt ()
+ else
+ let e = pp_global rv.(i) in
+ e ++ str " :: " ++ pp_type false [] typs.(i) ++ fnl ()
+ ++ pp_function (empty_env ()) e defs.(i) ++ fnl () ++ fnl ()
+ ++ iter (i+1)
+ in iter 0
| Dterm (r, a, t) ->
if is_inline_custom r then mt ()
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli b/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli
index cf722e4e..e34abe02 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: miniml.mli 6064 2004-09-06 07:49:51Z letouzey $ i*)
+(*i $Id: miniml.mli 8724 2006-04-20 09:57:01Z letouzey $ i*)
(*s Target language for extraction: a core ML called MiniML. *)
@@ -18,11 +18,18 @@ open Libnames
(* The [signature] type is used to know how many arguments a CIC
object expects, and what these arguments will become in the ML
object. *)
+(* We eliminate from terms: 1) types 2) logical parts.
+ [Kother] stands both for logical or unknown reason. *)
+type kill_reason = Ktype | Kother
+type sign = Keep | Kill of kill_reason
-(* Convention: outmost lambda/product gives the head of the list,
- and [true] means that the argument is to be kept. *)
+(* Convention: outmost lambda/product gives the head of the list. *)
-type signature = bool list
+type signature = sign list
(*s ML type expressions. *)
@@ -32,7 +39,7 @@ type ml_type =
| Tvar of int
| Tvar' of int (* same as Tvar, used to avoid clash *)
| Tmeta of ml_meta (* used during ML type reconstruction *)
- | Tdummy
+ | Tdummy of kill_reason
| Tunknown
| Taxiom
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ b/contrib/extraction/
index facab18e..6bfedce5 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/
+++ b/contrib/extraction/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 7574 2005-11-17 15:48:45Z letouzey $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 8886 2006-06-01 13:53:45Z letouzey $ i*)
open Pp
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ let rec mgu = function
List.iter mgu (List.combine l l')
| Tvar i, Tvar j when i = j -> ()
| Tvar' i, Tvar' j when i = j -> ()
- | Tdummy, Tdummy -> ()
+ | Tdummy _, Tdummy _ -> ()
| Tunknown, Tunknown -> ()
| _ -> raise Impossible
@@ -252,7 +252,6 @@ type abbrev_map = global_reference -> ml_type option
(*s Delta-reduction of type constants everywhere in a ML type [t].
[env] is a function of type [ml_type_env]. *)
let type_expand env t =
let rec expand = function
| Tmeta {contents = Some t} -> expand t
@@ -281,34 +280,39 @@ let type_weak_expand env t =
| a -> a
in expand t
-(*s Equality over ML types modulo delta-reduction *)
-let type_eq env t t' = (type_expand env t = type_expand env t')
-let type_neq env t t' = (type_expand env t <> type_expand env t')
(*s Generating a signature from a ML type. *)
-let type_to_sign env t =
+let type_to_sign env t = match type_expand env t with
+ | Tdummy d -> Kill d
+ | _ -> Keep
+let type_to_signature env t =
let rec f = function
| Tmeta {contents = Some t} -> f t
- | Tarr (a,b) -> (Tdummy <> a) :: (f b)
+ | Tarr (Tdummy d, b) -> Kill d :: f b
+ | Tarr (_, b) -> Keep :: f b
| _ -> []
in f (type_expand env t)
+let isKill = function Kill _ -> true | _ -> false
+let isDummy = function Tdummy _ -> true | _ -> false
+let sign_of_id i = if i = dummy_name then Kill Kother else Keep
(*s Removing [Tdummy] from the top level of a ML type. *)
let type_expunge env t =
- let s = type_to_sign env t in
+ let s = type_to_signature env t in
if s = [] then t
- else if List.mem true s then
+ else if List.mem Keep s then
let rec f t s =
- if List.mem false s then
+ if List.exists isKill s then
match t with
| Tmeta {contents = Some t} -> f t s
| Tarr (a,b) ->
let t = f b ( s) in
- if List.hd s then Tarr (a, t) else t
+ if List.hd s = Keep then Tarr (a, t) else t
| Tglob (r,l) ->
(match env r with
| Some mlt -> f (type_subst_list l mlt) s
@@ -316,7 +320,9 @@ let type_expunge env t =
| _ -> assert false
else t
in f t s
- else Tarr (Tdummy, snd (type_decomp (type_weak_expand env t)))
+ else if List.mem (Kill Kother) s then
+ Tarr (Tdummy Kother, snd (type_decomp (type_weak_expand env t)))
+ else snd (type_decomp (type_weak_expand env t))
(*S Generic functions over ML ast terms. *)
@@ -536,8 +542,8 @@ let rec dummy_lams a = function
let rec anonym_or_dummy_lams a = function
| [] -> a
- | true :: s -> MLlam(anonymous, anonym_or_dummy_lams a s)
- | false :: s -> MLlam(dummy_name, anonym_or_dummy_lams a s)
+ | Keep :: s -> MLlam(anonymous, anonym_or_dummy_lams a s)
+ | Kill _ :: s -> MLlam(dummy_name, anonym_or_dummy_lams a s)
(*S Operations concerning eta. *)
@@ -550,8 +556,8 @@ let rec eta_args n =
let rec eta_args_sign n = function
| [] -> []
- | true :: s -> (MLrel n) :: (eta_args_sign (n-1) s)
- | false :: s -> eta_args_sign (n-1) s
+ | Keep :: s -> (MLrel n) :: (eta_args_sign (n-1) s)
+ | Kill _ :: s -> eta_args_sign (n-1) s
(*s This one tests [MLrel (n+k); ... ;MLrel (1+k)] *)
@@ -820,33 +826,33 @@ let rec post_simpl = function
(*S Local prop elimination. *)
(* We try to eliminate as many [prop] as possible inside an [ml_ast]. *)
-(*s In a list, it selects only the elements corresponding to a [true]
+(*s In a list, it selects only the elements corresponding to a [Keep]
in the boolean list [l]. *)
let rec select_via_bl l args = match l,args with
| [],_ -> args
- | true::l,a::args -> a :: (select_via_bl l args)
- | false::l,a::args -> select_via_bl l args
+ | Keep::l,a::args -> a :: (select_via_bl l args)
+ | Kill _::l,a::args -> select_via_bl l args
| _ -> assert false
-(*s [kill_some_lams] removes some head lambdas according to the bool list [bl].
+(*s [kill_some_lams] removes some head lambdas according to the signature [bl].
This list is build on the identifier list model: outermost lambda
- is on the right. [true] means "to keep" and [false] means "to eliminate".
+ is on the right.
[Rels] corresponding to removed lambdas are supposed not to occur, and
the other [Rels] are made correct via a [gen_subst].
Output is not directly a [ml_ast], compose with [named_lams] if needed. *)
let kill_some_lams bl (ids,c) =
let n = List.length bl in
- let n' = List.fold_left (fun n b -> if b then (n+1) else n) 0 bl in
+ let n' = List.fold_left (fun n b -> if b=Keep then (n+1) else n) 0 bl in
if n = n' then ids,c
else if n' = 0 then [],ast_lift (-n) c
else begin
let v = Array.make n MLdummy in
let rec parse_ids i j = function
| [] -> ()
- | true :: l -> v.(i) <- MLrel j; parse_ids (i+1) (j+1) l
- | false :: l -> parse_ids (i+1) j l
+ | Keep :: l -> v.(i) <- MLrel j; parse_ids (i+1) (j+1) l
+ | Kill _ :: l -> parse_ids (i+1) j l
in parse_ids 0 1 bl ;
select_via_bl bl ids, gen_subst v (n'-n) c
@@ -857,8 +863,8 @@ let kill_some_lams bl (ids,c) =
let kill_dummy_lams c =
let ids,c = collect_lams c in
- let bl = ((<>) dummy_name) ids in
- if (List.mem true bl) && (List.mem false bl) then
+ let bl = sign_of_id ids in
+ if (List.mem Keep bl) && (List.exists isKill bl) then
let ids',c = kill_some_lams bl (ids,c) in
ids, named_lams ids' c
else raise Impossible
@@ -866,7 +872,7 @@ let kill_dummy_lams c =
(*s [eta_expansion_sign] takes a function [fun idn ... id1 -> c]
and a signature [s] and builds a eta-long version. *)
-(* For example, if [s = [true;true;false;true]] then the output is :
+(* For example, if [s = [Keep;Keep;Kill Prop;Keep]] then the output is :
[fun idn ... id1 x x _ x -> (c' 4 3 __ 1)] with [c' = lift 4 c] *)
let eta_expansion_sign s (ids,c) =
@@ -874,13 +880,13 @@ let eta_expansion_sign s (ids,c) =
| [] ->
let a = List.rev_map (function MLrel x -> MLrel (i-x) | a -> a) rels
in ids, MLapp (ast_lift (i-1) c, a)
- | true :: l -> abs (anonymous :: ids) (MLrel i :: rels) (i+1) l
- | false :: l -> abs (dummy_name :: ids) (MLdummy :: rels) (i+1) l
+ | Keep :: l -> abs (anonymous :: ids) (MLrel i :: rels) (i+1) l
+ | Kill _ :: l -> abs (dummy_name :: ids) (MLdummy :: rels) (i+1) l
in abs ids [] 1 s
(*s If [s = [b1; ... ; bn]] then [case_expunge] decomposes [e]
in [n] lambdas (with eta-expansion if needed) and removes all dummy lambdas
- corresponding to [false] in [s]. *)
+ corresponding to [Del] in [s]. *)
let case_expunge s e =
let m = List.length s in
@@ -892,13 +898,14 @@ let case_expunge s e =
(*s [term_expunge] takes a function [fun idn ... id1 -> c]
and a signature [s] and remove dummy lams. The difference
with [case_expunge] is that we here leave one dummy lambda
- if all lambdas are dummy. *)
+ if all lambdas are logical dummy. *)
let term_expunge s (ids,c) =
if s = [] then c
let ids,c = kill_some_lams (List.rev s) (ids,c) in
- if ids = [] then MLlam (dummy_name, ast_lift 1 c)
+ if ids = [] && List.mem (Kill Kother) s then
+ MLlam (dummy_name, ast_lift 1 c)
else named_lams ids c
(*s [kill_dummy_args ids t0 t] looks for occurences of [t0] in [t] and
@@ -907,7 +914,7 @@ let term_expunge s (ids,c) =
let kill_dummy_args ids t0 t =
let m = List.length ids in
- let bl = List.rev_map ((<>) dummy_name) ids in
+ let bl = List.rev_map sign_of_id ids in
let rec killrec n = function
| MLapp(e, a) when e = ast_lift n t0 ->
let k = max 0 (m - (List.length a)) in
@@ -974,7 +981,8 @@ let general_optimize_fix f ids n args m c =
let v = Array.make n 0 in
for i=0 to (n-1) do v.(i)<-i done;
let aux i = function
- | MLrel j when v.(j-1)>=0 -> v.(j-1)<-(-i-1)
+ | MLrel j when v.(j-1)>=0 ->
+ if ast_occurs (j+1) c then raise Impossible else v.(j-1)<-(-i-1)
| _ -> raise Impossible
in list_iter_i aux args;
let args_f = List.rev_map (fun i -> MLrel (i+m+1)) (Array.to_list v) in
@@ -1001,8 +1009,7 @@ let optimize_fix a =
-> a'
| MLfix(_,[|f|],[|c|]) ->
(try general_optimize_fix f ids n args m c
- with Impossible ->
- named_lams ids (MLapp (MLfix (0,[|f|],[|c|]),args)))
+ with Impossible -> a)
| _ -> a)
| _ -> a
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
index 1ba1df64..a55caaf2 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/mlutil.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: mlutil.mli 6303 2004-11-16 12:37:40Z sacerdot $ i*)
+(*i $Id: mlutil.mli 8724 2006-04-20 09:57:01Z letouzey $ i*)
open Util
open Names
@@ -62,13 +62,15 @@ val var2var' : ml_type -> ml_type
type abbrev_map = global_reference -> ml_type option
val type_expand : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> ml_type
-val type_eq : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> ml_type -> bool
-val type_neq : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> ml_type -> bool
-val type_to_sign : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> bool list
+val type_to_sign : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> sign
+val type_to_signature : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> signature
val type_expunge : abbrev_map -> ml_type -> ml_type
-val case_expunge : bool list -> ml_ast -> identifier list * ml_ast
-val term_expunge : bool list -> identifier list * ml_ast -> ml_ast
+val isDummy : ml_type -> bool
+val isKill : sign -> bool
+val case_expunge : signature -> ml_ast -> identifier list * ml_ast
+val term_expunge : signature -> identifier list * ml_ast -> ml_ast
(*s Special identifiers. [dummy_name] is to be used for dead code
@@ -86,9 +88,9 @@ val collect_n_lams : int -> ml_ast -> identifier list * ml_ast
val nb_lams : ml_ast -> int
val dummy_lams : ml_ast -> int -> ml_ast
-val anonym_or_dummy_lams : ml_ast -> bool list -> ml_ast
+val anonym_or_dummy_lams : ml_ast -> signature -> ml_ast
-val eta_args_sign : int -> bool list -> ml_ast list
+val eta_args_sign : int -> signature -> ml_ast list
(*s Utility functions over ML terms. *)
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ b/contrib/extraction/
index ff8daf46..46d4a5a6 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/
+++ b/contrib/extraction/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 7632 2005-12-01 14:35:21Z letouzey $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 8724 2006-04-20 09:57:01Z letouzey $ i*)
open Names
open Declarations
@@ -252,40 +252,40 @@ let struct_get_references_list struc =
exception Found
-let rec ast_search t a =
- if t a then raise Found else ast_iter (ast_search t) a
+let rec ast_search f a =
+ if f a then raise Found else ast_iter (ast_search f) a
-let decl_ast_search t = function
- | Dterm (_,a,_) -> ast_search t a
- | Dfix (_,c,_) -> Array.iter (ast_search t) c
+let decl_ast_search f = function
+ | Dterm (_,a,_) -> ast_search f a
+ | Dfix (_,c,_) -> Array.iter (ast_search f) c
| _ -> ()
-let struct_ast_search t s =
- try struct_iter (decl_ast_search t) (fun _ -> ()) s; false
+let struct_ast_search f s =
+ try struct_iter (decl_ast_search f) (fun _ -> ()) s; false
with Found -> true
-let rec type_search t = function
- | Tarr (a,b) -> type_search t a; type_search t b
- | Tglob (r,l) -> List.iter (type_search t) l
- | u -> if t = u then raise Found
+let rec type_search f = function
+ | Tarr (a,b) -> type_search f a; type_search f b
+ | Tglob (r,l) -> List.iter (type_search f) l
+ | u -> if f u then raise Found
-let decl_type_search t = function
+let decl_type_search f = function
| Dind (_,{ind_packets=p}) ->
- (fun {ip_types=v} -> Array.iter (List.iter (type_search t)) v) p
- | Dterm (_,_,u) -> type_search t u
- | Dfix (_,_,v) -> Array.iter (type_search t) v
- | Dtype (_,_,u) -> type_search t u
+ (fun {ip_types=v} -> Array.iter (List.iter (type_search f)) v) p
+ | Dterm (_,_,u) -> type_search f u
+ | Dfix (_,_,v) -> Array.iter (type_search f) v
+ | Dtype (_,_,u) -> type_search f u
-let spec_type_search t = function
+let spec_type_search f = function
| Sind (_,{ind_packets=p}) ->
- (fun {ip_types=v} -> Array.iter (List.iter (type_search t)) v) p
- | Stype (_,_,ot) -> option_iter (type_search t) ot
- | Sval (_,u) -> type_search t u
+ (fun {ip_types=v} -> Array.iter (List.iter (type_search f)) v) p
+ | Stype (_,_,ot) -> option_iter (type_search f) ot
+ | Sval (_,u) -> type_search f u
-let struct_type_search t s =
- try struct_iter (decl_type_search t) (spec_type_search t) s; false
+let struct_type_search f s =
+ try struct_iter (decl_type_search f) (spec_type_search f) s; false
with Found -> true
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ let dfix_to_mlfix rv av i =
let rec optim prm s = function
| [] -> []
- | (Dtype (r,_,Tdummy) | Dterm(r,MLdummy,_)) as d :: l ->
+ | (Dtype (r,_,Tdummy _) | Dterm(r,MLdummy,_)) as d :: l ->
if List.mem r prm.to_appear then d :: (optim prm s l) else optim prm s l
| Dterm (r,t,typ) :: l ->
let t = normalize (ast_glob_subst !s t) in
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/modutil.mli b/contrib/extraction/modutil.mli
index f5208c0d..115a42ca 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/modutil.mli
+++ b/contrib/extraction/modutil.mli
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: modutil.mli 7632 2005-12-01 14:35:21Z letouzey $ i*)
+(*i $Id: modutil.mli 8724 2006-04-20 09:57:01Z letouzey $ i*)
open Names
open Declarations
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ val add_labels_mp : module_path -> label list -> module_path
(*s Functions upon ML modules. *)
val struct_ast_search : (ml_ast -> bool) -> ml_structure -> bool
-val struct_type_search : ml_type -> ml_structure -> bool
+val struct_type_search : (ml_type -> bool) -> ml_structure -> bool
type do_ref = global_reference -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ b/contrib/extraction/
index a0620d72..483da236 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/
+++ b/contrib/extraction/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 7632 2005-12-01 14:35:21Z letouzey $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 8930 2006-06-09 02:14:34Z letouzey $ i*)
(*s Production of Ocaml syntax. *)
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ let rec pp_type par vl t =
| Tarr (t1,t2) ->
pp_par par
(pp_rec true t1 ++ spc () ++ str "->" ++ spc () ++ pp_rec false t2)
- | Tdummy -> str "__"
+ | Tdummy _ -> str "__"
| Tunknown -> str "__"
hov 0 (pp_rec par t)
@@ -343,13 +343,9 @@ and pp_pat env i pv =
and pp_function env f t =
let bl,t' = collect_lams t in
let bl,env' = push_vars bl env in
- let is_function pv =
- let ktl = array_map_to_list (fun (_,l,t0) -> (List.length l,t0)) pv in
- not (List.exists (fun (k,t0) -> ast_occurs (k+1) t0) ktl)
- in
match t' with
- | MLcase(i,MLrel 1,pv) when i=Standard ->
- if is_function pv then
+ | MLcase(i,MLrel 1,pv) when i=Standard ->
+ if not (ast_occurs 1 (MLcase(i,MLdummy,pv))) then
(f ++ pr_binding (List.rev ( bl)) ++
str " = function" ++ fnl () ++
v 0 (str " | " ++ pp_pat env' i pv))
@@ -358,7 +354,6 @@ and pp_function env f t =
str " = match " ++
pr_id (List.hd bl) ++ str " with" ++ fnl () ++
v 0 (str " | " ++ pp_pat env' i pv))
| _ -> (f ++ pr_binding (List.rev bl) ++
str " =" ++ fnl () ++ str " " ++
hov 2 (pp_expr false env' [] t'))
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/.depend b/contrib/extraction/test/.depend
index 641b50a7..31d46eeb 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/test/.depend
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/.depend
@@ -2,110 +2,318 @@ theories/Arith/arith.cmo: theories/Arith/arith.cmi
theories/Arith/arith.cmx: theories/Arith/arith.cmi
theories/Arith/between.cmo: theories/Arith/between.cmi
theories/Arith/between.cmx: theories/Arith/between.cmi
-theories/Arith/bool_nat.cmo: theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+theories/Arith/bool_nat.cmo: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
-theories/Arith/bool_nat.cmx: theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
+theories/Arith/bool_nat.cmx: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmx \
-theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi
-theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi
-theories/Arith/compare.cmo: theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi
+theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi
+theories/Arith/compare.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
-theories/Arith/compare.cmx: theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/Arith/compare.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmx \
-theories/Arith/div2.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Arith/div2.cmi
-theories/Arith/div2.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Arith/div2.cmi
-theories/Arith/eqNat.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Arith/eqNat.cmi
-theories/Arith/eqNat.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Arith/eqNat.cmi
-theories/Arith/euclid.cmo: theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/Arith/div2.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/div2.cmi
+theories/Arith/div2.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/div2.cmi
+theories/Arith/eqNat.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/eqNat.cmi
+theories/Arith/eqNat.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/eqNat.cmi
+theories/Arith/euclid.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
-theories/Arith/euclid.cmx: theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/Arith/euclid.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmx \
-theories/Arith/even.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/Arith/even.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
-theories/Arith/even.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/Arith/even.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
-theories/Arith/factorial.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Arith/factorial.cmi
-theories/Arith/factorial.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/peano.cmx theories/Arith/factorial.cmi
+theories/Arith/factorial.cmo: theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/factorial.cmi
+theories/Arith/factorial.cmx: theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/factorial.cmi
theories/Arith/gt.cmo: theories/Arith/gt.cmi
theories/Arith/gt.cmx: theories/Arith/gt.cmi
theories/Arith/le.cmo: theories/Arith/le.cmi
theories/Arith/le.cmx: theories/Arith/le.cmi
theories/Arith/lt.cmo: theories/Arith/lt.cmi
theories/Arith/lt.cmx: theories/Arith/lt.cmi
-theories/Arith/max.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/Arith/max.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
-theories/Arith/max.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/Arith/max.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
-theories/Arith/min.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/Arith/min.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
-theories/Arith/min.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/Arith/min.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
theories/Arith/minus.cmo: theories/Arith/minus.cmi
theories/Arith/minus.cmx: theories/Arith/minus.cmi
-theories/Arith/mult.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/plus.cmi \
+theories/Arith/mult.cmo: theories/Arith/plus.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
-theories/Arith/mult.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/plus.cmx \
+theories/Arith/mult.cmx: theories/Arith/plus.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
-theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi
-theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi
-theories/Arith/plus.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi
+theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi
+theories/Arith/plus.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
-theories/Arith/plus.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/Arith/plus.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
theories/Arith/wf_nat.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
theories/Arith/wf_nat.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
-theories/Bool/boolEq.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/boolEq.cmi
-theories/Bool/boolEq.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Bool/boolEq.cmi
-theories/Bool/bool.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/Bool/boolEq.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/boolEq.cmi
+theories/Bool/boolEq.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Bool/boolEq.cmi
+theories/Bool/bool.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
-theories/Bool/bool.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/Bool/bool.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
-theories/Bool/bvector.cmo: theories/Bool/bool.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Bool/bvector.cmi
-theories/Bool/bvector.cmx: theories/Bool/bool.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/peano.cmx theories/Bool/bvector.cmi
+theories/Bool/bvector.cmo: theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/bool.cmi \
+ theories/Bool/bvector.cmi
+theories/Bool/bvector.cmx: theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Bool/bool.cmx \
+ theories/Bool/bvector.cmi
theories/Bool/decBool.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/decBool.cmi
theories/Bool/decBool.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Bool/decBool.cmi
-theories/Bool/ifProp.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/ifProp.cmi
-theories/Bool/ifProp.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Bool/ifProp.cmi
-theories/Bool/sumbool.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
-theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
+theories/Bool/ifProp.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/ifProp.cmi
+theories/Bool/ifProp.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Bool/ifProp.cmi
+theories/Bool/sumbool.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
+theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
theories/Bool/zerob.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/zerob.cmi
theories/Bool/zerob.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Bool/zerob.cmi
+theories/FSets/decidableTypeEx.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmi theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/decidableTypeEx.cmi
+theories/FSets/decidableTypeEx.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmx theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/decidableTypeEx.cmi
+theories/FSets/decidableType.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi
+theories/FSets/decidableType.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapAVL.cmo: theories/Init/wf.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/int.cmi theories/FSets/fMapList.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/FSets/fMapAVL.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapAVL.cmx: theories/Init/wf.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/int.cmx theories/FSets/fMapList.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/FSets/fMapAVL.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapFacts.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/FSets/fMapInterface.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/fMapFacts.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapFacts.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/FSets/fMapInterface.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/fMapFacts.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapInterface.cmo: theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fMapInterface.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapInterface.cmx: theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fMapInterface.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapIntMap.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fMapList.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi theories/FSets/fMapIntMap.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapIntMap.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/NArith/ndigits.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fMapList.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmx theories/FSets/fMapIntMap.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapList.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/fMapList.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapList.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/fMapList.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapPositive.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fMapPositive.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapPositive.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fMapPositive.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMaps.cmo: theories/FSets/fMaps.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMaps.cmx: theories/FSets/fMaps.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeakFacts.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/FSets/fMapWeakInterface.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/fMapWeakFacts.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeakFacts.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/FSets/fMapWeakInterface.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/fMapWeakFacts.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeakInterface.cmo: theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fMapWeakInterface.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeakInterface.cmx: theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/decidableType.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fMapWeakInterface.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeakList.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/fMapWeakList.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeakList.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/FSets/decidableType.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/fMapWeakList.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeak.cmo: theories/FSets/fMapWeak.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeak.cmx: theories/FSets/fMapWeak.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetAVL.cmo: theories/Init/wf.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/FSets/int.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetList.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetAVL.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetAVL.cmx: theories/Init/wf.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/peano.cmx theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/FSets/int.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetList.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetAVL.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetBridge.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetBridge.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetBridge.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetBridge.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetEqProperties.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/FSets/fSetProperties.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/Bool/bool.cmi theories/FSets/fSetEqProperties.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetEqProperties.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/FSets/fSetProperties.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/Bool/bool.cmx theories/FSets/fSetEqProperties.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetFacts.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetFacts.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetFacts.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmx theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetFacts.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetList.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/fSetList.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetList.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/fSetList.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetProperties.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetFacts.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetProperties.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetProperties.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmx theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetFacts.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetProperties.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSets.cmo: theories/FSets/fSets.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSets.cmx: theories/FSets/fSets.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetToFiniteSet.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetProperties.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetToFiniteSet.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetToFiniteSet.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmx theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetProperties.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetToFiniteSet.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakFacts.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/fSetWeakFacts.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakFacts.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmx theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/fSetWeakFacts.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmo: theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmx: theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/decidableType.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakList.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/fSetWeakList.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakList.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/FSets/decidableType.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/fSetWeakList.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeak.cmo: theories/FSets/fSetWeak.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeak.cmx: theories/FSets/fSetWeak.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakProperties.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmi theories/FSets/fSetWeakFacts.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/fSetWeakProperties.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakProperties.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmx theories/FSets/fSetWeakFacts.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/fSetWeakProperties.cmi
+theories/FSets/int.cmo: theories/ZArith/zmax.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/int.cmi
+theories/FSets/int.cmx: theories/ZArith/zmax.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/int.cmi
+theories/FSets/orderedTypeAlt.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedTypeAlt.cmi
+theories/FSets/orderedTypeAlt.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedTypeAlt.cmi
+theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmi
+theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmx theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
+ theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmi
+theories/FSets/orderedType.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi
+theories/FSets/orderedType.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi
theories/Init/datatypes.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
theories/Init/datatypes.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
theories/Init/logic.cmo: theories/Init/logic.cmi
theories/Init/logic.cmx: theories/Init/logic.cmi
-theories/Init/logic_Type.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/logic_Type.cmi
-theories/Init/logic_Type.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/logic_Type.cmi
+theories/Init/logic_Type.cmo: theories/Init/logic_Type.cmi
+theories/Init/logic_Type.cmx: theories/Init/logic_Type.cmi
theories/Init/notations.cmo: theories/Init/notations.cmi
theories/Init/notations.cmx: theories/Init/notations.cmi
theories/Init/peano.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi
@@ -116,152 +324,146 @@ theories/Init/specif.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
theories/Init/specif.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+theories/Init/tactics.cmo: theories/Init/tactics.cmi
+theories/Init/tactics.cmx: theories/Init/tactics.cmi
theories/Init/wf.cmo: theories/Init/wf.cmi
theories/Init/wf.cmx: theories/Init/wf.cmi
-theories/IntMap/adalloc.cmo: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/adalloc.cmi
-theories/IntMap/adalloc.cmx: theories/IntMap/addec.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/adalloc.cmi
-theories/IntMap/addec.cmo: theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/addec.cmi
-theories/IntMap/addec.cmx: theories/IntMap/addr.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/addec.cmi
-theories/IntMap/addr.cmo: theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Bool/bool.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmi
-theories/IntMap/addr.cmx: theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Bool/bool.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmi
-theories/IntMap/adist.cmo: theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/adist.cmi
-theories/IntMap/adist.cmx: theories/IntMap/addr.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/adist.cmi
+theories/IntMap/adalloc.cmo: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi theories/IntMap/adalloc.cmi
+theories/IntMap/adalloc.cmx: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/NArith/ndec.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmx theories/IntMap/adalloc.cmi
theories/IntMap/allmaps.cmo: theories/IntMap/allmaps.cmi
theories/IntMap/allmaps.cmx: theories/IntMap/allmaps.cmi
-theories/IntMap/fset.cmo: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/IntMap/fset.cmi
-theories/IntMap/fset.cmx: theories/IntMap/addec.cmx theories/IntMap/addr.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/IntMap/fset.cmi
-theories/IntMap/lsort.cmo: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Bool/bool.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/lsort.cmi
-theories/IntMap/lsort.cmx: theories/IntMap/addec.cmx theories/IntMap/addr.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Bool/bool.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/lsort.cmi
+theories/IntMap/fset.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi theories/IntMap/fset.cmi
+theories/IntMap/fset.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmx theories/NArith/ndec.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmx theories/IntMap/fset.cmi
+theories/IntMap/lsort.cmo: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi theories/IntMap/lsort.cmi
+theories/IntMap/lsort.cmx: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmx theories/NArith/ndec.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmx theories/IntMap/lsort.cmi
theories/IntMap/mapaxioms.cmo: theories/IntMap/mapaxioms.cmi
theories/IntMap/mapaxioms.cmx: theories/IntMap/mapaxioms.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmo: theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmx: theories/IntMap/map.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapcard.cmo: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
- theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi theories/Arith/plus.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/mapcard.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapcard.cmx: theories/IntMap/addec.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
- theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmx theories/Arith/plus.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/mapcard.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapcard.cmo: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Arith/plus.cmi \
+ theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi theories/IntMap/mapcard.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapcard.cmx: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Arith/plus.cmx \
+ theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmx theories/NArith/ndec.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmx theories/IntMap/mapcard.cmi
theories/IntMap/mapc.cmo: theories/IntMap/mapc.cmi
theories/IntMap/mapc.cmx: theories/IntMap/mapc.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapfold.cmo: theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/IntMap/fset.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/IntMap/mapfold.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapfold.cmx: theories/IntMap/addr.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/IntMap/fset.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/IntMap/mapfold.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmo: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx: theories/IntMap/addec.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi
-theories/IntMap/maplists.cmo: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/fset.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi theories/IntMap/maplists.cmi
-theories/IntMap/maplists.cmx: theories/IntMap/addec.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/fset.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx theories/IntMap/maplists.cmi
-theories/IntMap/map.cmo: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi
-theories/IntMap/map.cmx: theories/IntMap/addec.cmx theories/IntMap/addr.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/peano.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapsubset.cmo: theories/Bool/bool.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/IntMap/fset.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi \
+theories/IntMap/mapfold.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/fset.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/mapfold.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapfold.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/fset.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/mapfold.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmo: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndec.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binNat.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/NArith/ndigits.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/ndec.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binNat.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi
+theories/IntMap/maplists.cmo: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/IntMap/fset.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/IntMap/maplists.cmi
+theories/IntMap/maplists.cmx: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/NArith/ndec.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/IntMap/fset.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/IntMap/maplists.cmi
+theories/IntMap/map.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi
+theories/IntMap/map.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmx theories/NArith/ndec.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmx theories/IntMap/map.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapsubset.cmo: theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/IntMap/fset.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/bool.cmi \
-theories/IntMap/mapsubset.cmx: theories/Bool/bool.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/IntMap/fset.cmx \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx \
+theories/IntMap/mapsubset.cmx: theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmx \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmx theories/IntMap/fset.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Bool/bool.cmx \
-theories/Lists/list.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/Lists/list.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
-theories/Lists/list.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/Lists/list.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
-theories/Lists/listSet.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Lists/listSet.cmi
-theories/Lists/listSet.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
- theories/Lists/listSet.cmi
+theories/Lists/listSet.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Lists/listSet.cmi
+theories/Lists/listSet.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Lists/listSet.cmi
theories/Lists/monoList.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
theories/Lists/monoList.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+theories/Lists/setoidList.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/setoidList.cmi
+theories/Lists/setoidList.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/setoidList.cmi
theories/Lists/streams.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
theories/Lists/streams.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
-theories/Lists/theoryList.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/Lists/theoryList.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
-theories/Lists/theoryList.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/Lists/theoryList.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
theories/Logic/berardi.cmo: theories/Logic/berardi.cmi
theories/Logic/berardi.cmx: theories/Logic/berardi.cmi
-theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmo: theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmi
-theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmx: theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmi
+theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmi
+theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmi
theories/Logic/classicalChoice.cmo: theories/Logic/classicalChoice.cmi
theories/Logic/classicalChoice.cmx: theories/Logic/classicalChoice.cmi
-theories/Logic/classicalDescription.cmo: \
- theories/Logic/classicalDescription.cmi
-theories/Logic/classicalDescription.cmx: \
- theories/Logic/classicalDescription.cmi
+theories/Logic/classicalDescription.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmi theories/Logic/classicalDescription.cmi
+theories/Logic/classicalDescription.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmx theories/Logic/classicalDescription.cmi
+theories/Logic/classicalEpsilon.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmi theories/Logic/classicalEpsilon.cmi
+theories/Logic/classicalEpsilon.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmx theories/Logic/classicalEpsilon.cmi
theories/Logic/classicalFacts.cmo: theories/Logic/classicalFacts.cmi
theories/Logic/classicalFacts.cmx: theories/Logic/classicalFacts.cmi
theories/Logic/classical.cmo: theories/Logic/classical.cmi
@@ -272,38 +474,118 @@ theories/Logic/classical_Pred_Type.cmo: \
theories/Logic/classical_Pred_Type.cmx: \
-theories/Logic/classical_Prop.cmo: theories/Logic/classical_Prop.cmi
-theories/Logic/classical_Prop.cmx: theories/Logic/classical_Prop.cmi
+theories/Logic/classical_Prop.cmo: theories/Logic/eqdepFacts.cmi \
+ theories/Logic/classical_Prop.cmi
+theories/Logic/classical_Prop.cmx: theories/Logic/eqdepFacts.cmx \
+ theories/Logic/classical_Prop.cmi
theories/Logic/classical_Type.cmo: theories/Logic/classical_Type.cmi
theories/Logic/classical_Type.cmx: theories/Logic/classical_Type.cmi
+theories/Logic/classicalUniqueChoice.cmo: \
+ theories/Logic/classicalUniqueChoice.cmi
+theories/Logic/classicalUniqueChoice.cmx: \
+ theories/Logic/classicalUniqueChoice.cmi
theories/Logic/decidable.cmo: theories/Logic/decidable.cmi
theories/Logic/decidable.cmx: theories/Logic/decidable.cmi
-theories/Logic/diaconescu.cmo: theories/Logic/diaconescu.cmi
-theories/Logic/diaconescu.cmx: theories/Logic/diaconescu.cmi
-theories/Logic/eqdep_dec.cmo: theories/Logic/eqdep_dec.cmi
-theories/Logic/eqdep_dec.cmx: theories/Logic/eqdep_dec.cmi
-theories/Logic/eqdep.cmo: theories/Logic/eqdep.cmi
-theories/Logic/eqdep.cmx: theories/Logic/eqdep.cmi
+theories/Logic/diaconescu.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Logic/diaconescu.cmi
+theories/Logic/diaconescu.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Logic/diaconescu.cmi
+theories/Logic/eqdep_dec.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Logic/eqdep_dec.cmi
+theories/Logic/eqdep_dec.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Logic/eqdep_dec.cmi
+theories/Logic/eqdepFacts.cmo: theories/Logic/eqdepFacts.cmi
+theories/Logic/eqdepFacts.cmx: theories/Logic/eqdepFacts.cmi
+theories/Logic/eqdep.cmo: theories/Logic/eqdepFacts.cmi \
+ theories/Logic/eqdep.cmi
+theories/Logic/eqdep.cmx: theories/Logic/eqdepFacts.cmx \
+ theories/Logic/eqdep.cmi
theories/Logic/hurkens.cmo: theories/Logic/hurkens.cmi
theories/Logic/hurkens.cmx: theories/Logic/hurkens.cmi
theories/Logic/jMeq.cmo: theories/Logic/jMeq.cmi
theories/Logic/jMeq.cmx: theories/Logic/jMeq.cmi
-theories/Logic/proofIrrelevance.cmo: theories/Logic/proofIrrelevance.cmi
-theories/Logic/proofIrrelevance.cmx: theories/Logic/proofIrrelevance.cmi
+theories/Logic/proofIrrelevanceFacts.cmo: theories/Logic/eqdepFacts.cmi \
+ theories/Logic/proofIrrelevanceFacts.cmi
+theories/Logic/proofIrrelevanceFacts.cmx: theories/Logic/eqdepFacts.cmx \
+ theories/Logic/proofIrrelevanceFacts.cmi
+theories/Logic/proofIrrelevance.cmo: theories/Logic/proofIrrelevanceFacts.cmi \
+ theories/Logic/proofIrrelevance.cmi
+theories/Logic/proofIrrelevance.cmx: theories/Logic/proofIrrelevanceFacts.cmx \
+ theories/Logic/proofIrrelevance.cmi
theories/Logic/relationalChoice.cmo: theories/Logic/relationalChoice.cmi
theories/Logic/relationalChoice.cmx: theories/Logic/relationalChoice.cmi
-theories/NArith/binNat.cmo: theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
-theories/NArith/binNat.cmx: theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
-theories/NArith/binPos.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi
-theories/NArith/binPos.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/peano.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmi
+theories/NArith/binNat.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/NArith/binNat.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/NArith/binPos.cmo: theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi
+theories/NArith/binPos.cmx: theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmi
theories/NArith/nArith.cmo: theories/NArith/nArith.cmi
theories/NArith/nArith.cmx: theories/NArith/nArith.cmi
+theories/NArith/ndec.cmo: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/nnat.cmi theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/NArith/binNat.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndec.cmi
+theories/NArith/ndec.cmx: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/nnat.cmx theories/NArith/ndigits.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/NArith/binNat.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/ndec.cmi
+theories/NArith/ndigits.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/bvector.cmi \
+ theories/Bool/bool.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi
+theories/NArith/ndigits.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Bool/bvector.cmx \
+ theories/Bool/bool.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmx theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi
+theories/NArith/ndist.cmo: theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi theories/Arith/min.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi theories/NArith/ndist.cmi
+theories/NArith/ndist.cmx: theories/NArith/ndigits.cmx theories/Arith/min.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmx theories/NArith/ndist.cmi
+theories/NArith/nnat.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/NArith/binNat.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/nnat.cmi
+theories/NArith/nnat.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/NArith/binNat.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/nnat.cmi
theories/NArith/pnat.cmo: theories/NArith/pnat.cmi
theories/NArith/pnat.cmx: theories/NArith/pnat.cmi
+theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmo: theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmi
+theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmx: theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Setoids/setoid.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmi
+theories/QArith/qArith.cmo: theories/QArith/qArith.cmi
+theories/QArith/qArith.cmx: theories/QArith/qArith.cmi
+theories/QArith/qreals.cmo: theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/QArith/qreals.cmi
+theories/QArith/qreals.cmx: theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/QArith/qreals.cmi
+theories/QArith/qreduction.cmo: theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/QArith/qreduction.cmi
+theories/QArith/qreduction.cmx: theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmx \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmx theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/QArith/qreduction.cmi
+theories/QArith/qring.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/QArith/qring.cmi
+theories/QArith/qring.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/QArith/qring.cmi
theories/Relations/newman.cmo: theories/Relations/newman.cmi
theories/Relations/newman.cmx: theories/Relations/newman.cmi
theories/Relations/operators_Properties.cmo: \
@@ -314,16 +596,18 @@ theories/Relations/relation_Definitions.cmo: \
theories/Relations/relation_Definitions.cmx: \
-theories/Relations/relation_Operators.cmo: theories/Lists/list.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Relations/relation_Operators.cmi
-theories/Relations/relation_Operators.cmx: theories/Lists/list.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Relations/relation_Operators.cmi
+theories/Relations/relation_Operators.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Relations/relation_Operators.cmi
+theories/Relations/relation_Operators.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Relations/relation_Operators.cmi
theories/Relations/relations.cmo: theories/Relations/relations.cmi
theories/Relations/relations.cmx: theories/Relations/relations.cmi
theories/Relations/rstar.cmo: theories/Relations/rstar.cmi
theories/Relations/rstar.cmx: theories/Relations/rstar.cmi
-theories/Setoids/setoid.cmo: theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi
-theories/Setoids/setoid.cmx: theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi
+theories/Setoids/setoid.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi
+theories/Setoids/setoid.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi
theories/Sets/classical_sets.cmo: theories/Sets/classical_sets.cmi
theories/Sets/classical_sets.cmx: theories/Sets/classical_sets.cmi
theories/Sets/constructive_sets.cmo: theories/Sets/constructive_sets.cmi
@@ -340,20 +624,18 @@ theories/Sets/image.cmo: theories/Sets/image.cmi
theories/Sets/image.cmx: theories/Sets/image.cmi
theories/Sets/infinite_sets.cmo: theories/Sets/infinite_sets.cmi
theories/Sets/infinite_sets.cmx: theories/Sets/infinite_sets.cmi
-theories/Sets/integers.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi theories/Sets/integers.cmi
-theories/Sets/integers.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmx theories/Sets/integers.cmi
-theories/Sets/multiset.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Sets/multiset.cmi
-theories/Sets/multiset.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/peano.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
- theories/Sets/multiset.cmi
-theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmo: theories/Sets/ensembles.cmi \
- theories/Sets/relations_1.cmi theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi
-theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmx: theories/Sets/ensembles.cmx \
- theories/Sets/relations_1.cmx theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi
+theories/Sets/integers.cmo: theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Sets/integers.cmi
+theories/Sets/integers.cmx: theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Sets/integers.cmi
+theories/Sets/multiset.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Sets/multiset.cmi
+theories/Sets/multiset.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Sets/multiset.cmi
+theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmo: theories/Sets/relations_1.cmi \
+ theories/Sets/ensembles.cmi theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi
+theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmx: theories/Sets/relations_1.cmx \
+ theories/Sets/ensembles.cmx theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi
theories/Sets/permut.cmo: theories/Sets/permut.cmi
theories/Sets/permut.cmx: theories/Sets/permut.cmi
theories/Sets/powerset_Classical_facts.cmo: \
@@ -362,10 +644,10 @@ theories/Sets/powerset_Classical_facts.cmx: \
theories/Sets/powerset_facts.cmo: theories/Sets/powerset_facts.cmi
theories/Sets/powerset_facts.cmx: theories/Sets/powerset_facts.cmi
-theories/Sets/powerset.cmo: theories/Sets/ensembles.cmi \
- theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi theories/Sets/powerset.cmi
-theories/Sets/powerset.cmx: theories/Sets/ensembles.cmx \
- theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmx theories/Sets/powerset.cmi
+theories/Sets/powerset.cmo: theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi \
+ theories/Sets/ensembles.cmi theories/Sets/powerset.cmi
+theories/Sets/powerset.cmx: theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmx \
+ theories/Sets/ensembles.cmx theories/Sets/powerset.cmi
theories/Sets/relations_1_facts.cmo: theories/Sets/relations_1_facts.cmi
theories/Sets/relations_1_facts.cmx: theories/Sets/relations_1_facts.cmi
theories/Sets/relations_1.cmo: theories/Sets/relations_1.cmi
@@ -378,30 +660,46 @@ theories/Sets/relations_3_facts.cmo: theories/Sets/relations_3_facts.cmi
theories/Sets/relations_3_facts.cmx: theories/Sets/relations_3_facts.cmi
theories/Sets/relations_3.cmo: theories/Sets/relations_3.cmi
theories/Sets/relations_3.cmx: theories/Sets/relations_3.cmi
-theories/Sets/uniset.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Sets/uniset.cmi
-theories/Sets/uniset.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Sets/uniset.cmi
-theories/Sorting/heap.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Sets/multiset.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Sorting/sorting.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Sorting/heap.cmi
-theories/Sorting/heap.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Sets/multiset.cmx \
- theories/Init/peano.cmx theories/Sorting/sorting.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Sorting/heap.cmi
-theories/Sorting/permutation.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Sets/multiset.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/Sets/uniset.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Sets/uniset.cmi
+theories/Sets/uniset.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Sets/uniset.cmi
+theories/Sorting/heap.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Sorting/sorting.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Sets/multiset.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Sorting/heap.cmi
+theories/Sorting/heap.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Sorting/sorting.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/Sets/multiset.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Sorting/heap.cmi
+theories/Sorting/permutation.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Sets/multiset.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
-theories/Sorting/permutation.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Sets/multiset.cmx \
- theories/Init/peano.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/Sorting/permutation.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/peano.cmx theories/Sets/multiset.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
-theories/Sorting/sorting.cmo: theories/Lists/list.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Sorting/sorting.cmi
-theories/Sorting/sorting.cmx: theories/Lists/list.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Sorting/sorting.cmi
+theories/Sorting/permutEq.cmo: theories/Sorting/permutEq.cmi
+theories/Sorting/permutEq.cmx: theories/Sorting/permutEq.cmi
+theories/Sorting/permutSetoid.cmo: theories/Sorting/permutSetoid.cmi
+theories/Sorting/permutSetoid.cmx: theories/Sorting/permutSetoid.cmi
+theories/Sorting/sorting.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Sorting/sorting.cmi
+theories/Sorting/sorting.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Sorting/sorting.cmi
+theories/Strings/ascii.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/bool.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Strings/ascii.cmi
+theories/Strings/ascii.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Bool/bool.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Strings/ascii.cmi
+theories/Strings/string.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Strings/ascii.cmi \
+ theories/Strings/string.cmi
+theories/Strings/string.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Strings/ascii.cmx \
+ theories/Strings/string.cmi
theories/Wellfounded/disjoint_Union.cmo: \
theories/Wellfounded/disjoint_Union.cmx: \
@@ -434,280 +732,405 @@ theories/Wellfounded/well_Ordering.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
theories/ZArith/auxiliary.cmo: theories/ZArith/auxiliary.cmi
theories/ZArith/auxiliary.cmx: theories/ZArith/auxiliary.cmi
-theories/ZArith/binInt.cmo: theories/NArith/binNat.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+theories/ZArith/binInt.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/NArith/binNat.cmi \
-theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx: theories/NArith/binNat.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/NArith/binNat.cmx \
-theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi
-theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/peano.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zabs.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi theories/ZArith/zabs.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zabs.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx theories/ZArith/zabs.cmi
+theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi
+theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zabs.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/zabs.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zabs.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/zabs.cmi
theories/ZArith/zArith_base.cmo: theories/ZArith/zArith_base.cmi
theories/ZArith/zArith_base.cmx: theories/ZArith/zArith_base.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmo: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi
theories/ZArith/zArith.cmo: theories/ZArith/zArith.cmi
theories/ZArith/zArith.cmx: theories/ZArith/zArith.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zbinary.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Bool/bvector.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi \
+theories/ZArith/zbinary.cmo: theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/bvector.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
-theories/ZArith/zbinary.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Bool/bvector.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/ZArith/zeven.cmx \
+theories/ZArith/zbinary.cmx: theories/ZArith/zeven.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Bool/bvector.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
-theories/ZArith/zbool.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi theories/ZArith/zbool.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zbool.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx \
- theories/ZArith/zeven.cmx theories/ZArith/zbool.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zbool.cmo: theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/zbool.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zbool.cmx: theories/ZArith/zeven.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx theories/Bool/sumbool.cmx \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/zbool.cmi
theories/ZArith/zcompare.cmo: theories/ZArith/zcompare.cmi
theories/ZArith/zcompare.cmx: theories/ZArith/zcompare.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zcomplements.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zabs.cmi theories/ZArith/zcomplements.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zcomplements.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Lists/list.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmx \
- theories/ZArith/zabs.cmx theories/ZArith/zcomplements.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zbool.cmi theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx \
- theories/ZArith/zbool.cmx theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zeven.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zeven.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zcomplements.cmo: theories/ZArith/zabs.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/zcomplements.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zcomplements.cmx: theories/ZArith/zabs.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Lists/list.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/zcomplements.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmo: theories/ZArith/zbool.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmx: theories/ZArith/zbool.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zeven.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zeven.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi
theories/ZArith/zhints.cmo: theories/ZArith/zhints.cmi
theories/ZArith/zhints.cmx: theories/ZArith/zhints.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zlogarithm.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/ZArith/zlogarithm.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zlogarithm.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/ZArith/zlogarithm.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zmin.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/ZArith/zmin.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zmin.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/ZArith/zmin.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+theories/ZArith/zlogarithm.cmo: theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/zlogarithm.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zlogarithm.cmx: theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/zlogarithm.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zmax.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/zmax.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zmax.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/zmax.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zminmax.cmo: theories/ZArith/zminmax.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zminmax.cmx: theories/ZArith/zminmax.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zmin.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/zmin.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zmin.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/zmin.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmo: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
-theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmx: theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
theories/ZArith/znat.cmo: theories/ZArith/znat.cmi
theories/ZArith/znat.cmx: theories/ZArith/znat.cmi
-theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zorder.cmi theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmi
-theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmx \
- theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmx \
- theories/ZArith/zorder.cmx theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zorder.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmo: theories/ZArith/zorder.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmi theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmi
+theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmx: theories/ZArith/zorder.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmx theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/Init/peano.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zorder.cmo: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
-theories/ZArith/zorder.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+theories/ZArith/zorder.cmx: theories/Init/specif.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
-theories/ZArith/zpower.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmi theories/ZArith/zpower.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zpower.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/datatypes.cmx \
- theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmx theories/ZArith/zpower.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zsqrt.cmo: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi theories/ZArith/zsqrt.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zsqrt.cmx: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmx theories/Init/specif.cmx \
- theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx theories/ZArith/zsqrt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zpower.cmo: theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/zpower.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zpower.cmx: theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmx \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/zpower.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zsqrt.cmo: theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/ZArith/zsqrt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zsqrt.cmx: theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmx \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmx theories/NArith/binPos.cmx \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmx theories/ZArith/zsqrt.cmi
theories/ZArith/zwf.cmo: theories/ZArith/zwf.cmi
theories/ZArith/zwf.cmx: theories/ZArith/zwf.cmi
-theories/Arith/bool_nat.cmi: theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
-theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Arith/compare.cmi: theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Arith/div2.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Arith/eqNat.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Arith/euclid.cmi: theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Arith/even.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Arith/factorial.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi
-theories/Arith/max.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Arith/min.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Arith/mult.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/plus.cmi
-theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Arith/plus.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
+theories/Arith/bool_nat.cmi: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi
+theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Arith/compare.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi
+theories/Arith/div2.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Arith/eqNat.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Arith/euclid.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi
+theories/Arith/even.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Arith/factorial.cmi: theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Arith/max.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Arith/min.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Arith/mult.cmi: theories/Arith/plus.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Arith/plus.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
theories/Arith/wf_nat.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
-theories/Bool/boolEq.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Bool/bool.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Bool/bvector.cmi: theories/Bool/bool.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi
+theories/Bool/boolEq.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Bool/bool.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Bool/bvector.cmi: theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/bool.cmi
theories/Bool/decBool.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Bool/ifProp.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
+theories/Bool/ifProp.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
theories/Bool/zerob.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
-theories/Init/logic_Type.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/decidableTypeEx.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmi theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapAVL.cmi: theories/Init/wf.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/int.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapFacts.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fMapInterface.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapInterface.cmi: theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapIntMap.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapList.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapPositive.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeakFacts.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/FSets/fMapWeakInterface.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeakInterface.cmi: theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fMapWeakList.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetAVL.cmi: theories/Init/wf.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/FSets/int.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetBridge.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetEqProperties.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/Bool/bool.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetFacts.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetList.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetProperties.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetInterface.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetToFiniteSet.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakFacts.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmi: theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakList.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/FSets/decidableType.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/fSetWeakProperties.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/fSetWeakInterface.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/int.cmi: theories/ZArith/zmax.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/FSets/orderedTypeAlt.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/FSets/orderedTypeEx.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/FSets/orderedType.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
theories/Init/peano.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
theories/Init/specif.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
-theories/IntMap/adalloc.cmi: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
-theories/IntMap/addec.cmi: theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
-theories/IntMap/addr.cmi: theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Bool/bool.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/IntMap/adist.cmi: theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
-theories/IntMap/fset.cmi: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/IntMap/lsort.cmi: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Bool/bool.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmi: theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapcard.cmi: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
- theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi theories/Arith/plus.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapfold.cmi: theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/IntMap/fset.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
-theories/IntMap/maplists.cmi: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/addr.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/fset.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
-theories/IntMap/map.cmi: theories/IntMap/addec.cmi theories/IntMap/addr.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/IntMap/mapsubset.cmi: theories/Bool/bool.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/IntMap/fset.cmi \
- theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi
-theories/Lists/list.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Lists/listSet.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
+theories/IntMap/adalloc.cmi: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/IntMap/fset.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/IntMap/lsort.cmi: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapcanon.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapcard.cmi: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Arith/plus.cmi \
+ theories/Arith/peano_dec.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapfold.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/fset.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndec.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/IntMap/maplists.cmi: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi theories/IntMap/map.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/IntMap/fset.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/IntMap/map.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi theories/NArith/ndec.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/IntMap/mapsubset.cmi: theories/IntMap/mapiter.cmi \
+ theories/IntMap/map.cmi theories/IntMap/fset.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/bool.cmi
+theories/Lists/list.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Lists/listSet.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
theories/Lists/monoList.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Lists/setoidList.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
theories/Lists/streams.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
-theories/Lists/theoryList.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/NArith/binNat.cmi: theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+theories/Lists/theoryList.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
-theories/NArith/binPos.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi
-theories/Relations/relation_Operators.cmi: theories/Lists/list.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
+theories/Logic/classicalDescription.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmi
+theories/Logic/classicalEpsilon.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Logic/choiceFacts.cmi
+theories/Logic/diaconescu.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi
+theories/Logic/eqdep_dec.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi
+theories/NArith/binNat.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi
+theories/NArith/binPos.cmi: theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/NArith/ndec.cmi: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/nnat.cmi theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Arith/compare_dec.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/bvector.cmi \
+ theories/Bool/bool.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/NArith/ndist.cmi: theories/NArith/ndigits.cmi theories/Arith/min.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/NArith/nnat.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmi: theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/QArith/qreals.cmi: theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/QArith/qreduction.cmi: theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmi \
+ theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/QArith/qring.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/QArith/qArith_base.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Relations/relation_Operators.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi
+theories/Setoids/setoid.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
theories/Sets/cpo.cmi: theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi
-theories/Sets/integers.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi
-theories/Sets/multiset.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi: theories/Sets/ensembles.cmi \
- theories/Sets/relations_1.cmi
-theories/Sets/powerset.cmi: theories/Sets/ensembles.cmi \
- theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi
-theories/Sets/uniset.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Sorting/heap.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Sets/multiset.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Sorting/sorting.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Sorting/permutation.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Sets/multiset.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Sorting/sorting.cmi: theories/Lists/list.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/Wellfounded/well_Ordering.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi: theories/NArith/binNat.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
-theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zabs.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zbinary.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Bool/bvector.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zbool.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zcomplements.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zabs.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zbool.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zlogarithm.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zmin.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
+theories/Sets/integers.cmi: theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi \
-theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
-theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zorder.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zorder.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zpower.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmi
-theories/ZArith/zsqrt.cmi: theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi \
- theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
- theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi
+theories/Sets/multiset.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi: theories/Sets/relations_1.cmi \
+ theories/Sets/ensembles.cmi
+theories/Sets/powerset.cmi: theories/Sets/partial_Order.cmi \
+ theories/Sets/ensembles.cmi
+theories/Sets/uniset.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Sorting/heap.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Sorting/sorting.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Sets/multiset.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Sorting/permutation.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/peano.cmi theories/Sets/multiset.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi
+theories/Sorting/sorting.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Lists/list.cmi
+theories/Strings/ascii.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/bool.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi
+theories/Strings/string.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Strings/ascii.cmi
+theories/Wellfounded/well_Ordering.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi
+theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/NArith/binNat.cmi
+theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zabs.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi: theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zbinary.cmi: theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/Bool/bvector.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zbool.cmi: theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi theories/Bool/sumbool.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zcomplements.cmi: theories/ZArith/zabs.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Lists/list.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmi: theories/ZArith/zbool.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zeven.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zlogarithm.cmi: theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zmax.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zmin.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmi: theories/Init/datatypes.cmi \
+ theories/NArith/binPos.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/znumtheory.cmi: theories/ZArith/zorder.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/zdiv.cmi theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/wf_Z.cmi theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/Init/peano.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zorder.cmi: theories/Init/specif.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zpower.cmi: theories/ZArith/zmisc.cmi \
+ theories/Init/datatypes.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
+theories/ZArith/zsqrt.cmi: theories/ZArith/zArith_dec.cmi \
+ theories/Init/specif.cmi theories/NArith/binPos.cmi \
+ theories/ZArith/binInt.cmi
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/Makefile b/contrib/extraction/test/Makefile
index c9bb5623..65a54090 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/test/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/Makefile
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ AXIOMSVO:= \
theories/Reals/% \
-DIRS:= $(shell (cd $(TOPDIR);find theories -type d ! -name CVS))
+DIRS:= $(shell (cd $(TOPDIR);find theories -type d ! -path \*.svn\*))
INCL:= $(patsubst %,-I %,$(DIRS))
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ all: v2ml ml $(MLI) $(CMO)
ml: $(ML)
-depend: $(ML)
+depend: #$(ML)
rm -f .depend; ocamldep $(INCL) theories/*/*.ml theories/*/*.mli > .depend
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Adalloc b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Adalloc
index 0fb556aa..e7204838 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Adalloc
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Adalloc
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Require Import Addr.
-Extraction NoInline ad_double ad_double_plus_un.
+Require Import BinNat.
+Extraction NoInline Ndouble Ndouble_plus_one.
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Lsort b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Lsort
index 6a185683..22ab18e3 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Lsort
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Lsort
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Require Import Addr.
-Extraction NoInline ad_double ad_double_plus_un.
+Require Import BinNat.
+Extraction NoInline Ndouble Ndouble_plus_one.
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Map b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Map
index 3e464e39..f024dbd7 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Map
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Map
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-Require Import Addr.
-Extraction NoInline ad_double ad_double_plus_un.
+Require Import BinNat.
+Extraction NoInline Ndouble Ndouble_plus_one.
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Mapcard b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Mapcard
index ca555aa3..5932cf7b 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Mapcard
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Mapcard
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Require Import Plus.
Extraction NoInline plus_is_one.
-Require Import Addr.
-Extraction NoInline ad_double ad_double_plus_un.
+Require Import BinNat.
+Extraction NoInline Ndouble Ndouble_plus_one.
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Mapiter b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Mapiter
index 6a185683..22ab18e3 100644
--- a/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Mapiter
+++ b/contrib/extraction/test/custom/Mapiter
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-Require Import Addr.
-Extraction NoInline ad_double ad_double_plus_un.
+Require Import BinNat.
+Extraction NoInline Ndouble Ndouble_plus_one.
diff --git a/contrib/field/Field_Compl.v b/contrib/field/Field_Compl.v
index 774b3084..f018359e 100644
--- a/contrib/field/Field_Compl.v
+++ b/contrib/field/Field_Compl.v
@@ -6,56 +6,33 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: Field_Compl.v 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: Field_Compl.v 8866 2006-05-28 16:21:04Z herbelin $ *)
-Inductive listT (A:Type) : Type :=
- | nilT : listT A
- | consT : A -> listT A -> listT A.
-Fixpoint appT (A:Type) (l m:listT A) {struct l} : listT A :=
- match l with
- | nilT => m
- | consT a l1 => consT A a (appT A l1 m)
- end.
-Inductive prodT (A B:Type) : Type :=
- pairT : A -> B -> prodT A B.
+Require Import List.
Definition assoc_2nd :=
(fix assoc_2nd_rec (A:Type) (B:Set)
(eq_dec:forall e1 e2:B, {e1 = e2} + {e1 <> e2})
- (lst:listT (prodT A B)) {struct lst} :
+ (lst:list (prod A B)) {struct lst} :
B -> A -> A :=
fun (key:B) (default:A) =>
match lst with
- | nilT => default
- | consT (pairT v e) l =>
+ | nil => default
+ | (v,e) :: l =>
match eq_dec e key with
| left _ => v
| right _ => assoc_2nd_rec A B eq_dec l key default
-Definition fstT (A B:Type) (c:prodT A B) := match c with
- | pairT a _ => a
- end.
-Definition sndT (A B:Type) (c:prodT A B) := match c with
- | pairT _ a => a
- end.
Definition mem :=
(fix mem (A:Set) (eq_dec:forall e1 e2:A, {e1 = e2} + {e1 <> e2})
- (a:A) (l:listT A) {struct l} : bool :=
+ (a:A) (l:list A) {struct l} : bool :=
match l with
- | nilT => false
- | consT a1 l1 =>
+ | nil => false
+ | a1 :: l1 =>
match eq_dec a a1 with
| left _ => true
| right _ => mem A eq_dec a l1
-Inductive field_rel_option (A:Type) : Type :=
- | Field_None : field_rel_option A
- | Field_Some : (A -> A -> A) -> field_rel_option A. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/field/Field_Tactic.v b/contrib/field/Field_Tactic.v
index afa0a814..8d727536 100644
--- a/contrib/field/Field_Tactic.v
+++ b/contrib/field/Field_Tactic.v
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: Field_Tactic.v 8134 2006-03-05 16:39:17Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: Field_Tactic.v 8866 2006-05-28 16:21:04Z herbelin $ *)
+Require Import List.
Require Import Ring.
Require Export Field_Compl.
Require Export Field_Theory.
@@ -20,8 +21,8 @@ Ltac body_of s := eval cbv beta iota delta [s] in s.
Ltac mem_assoc var lvar :=
match constr:lvar with
- | (nilT _) => constr:false
- | (consT _ ?X1 ?X2) =>
+ | nil => constr:false
+ | ?X1 :: ?X2 =>
match constr:(X1 = var) with
| (?X1 = ?X1) => constr:true
| _ => mem_assoc var X2
@@ -31,10 +32,10 @@ Ltac mem_assoc var lvar :=
Ltac number lvar :=
let rec number_aux lvar cpt :=
match constr:lvar with
- | (nilT ?X1) => constr:(nilT (prodT X1 nat))
- | (consT ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) =>
+ | (@nil ?X1) => constr:(@nil (prod X1 nat))
+ | ?X2 :: ?X3 =>
let l2 := number_aux X3 (S cpt) in
- constr:(consT (prodT X1 nat) (pairT X1 nat X2 cpt) l2)
+ constr:((X2,cpt) :: l2)
in number_aux lvar 0.
@@ -62,17 +63,17 @@ Ltac build_varlist FT trm :=
let res := mem_assoc X1 lvar in
match constr:res with
| true => lvar
- | false => constr:(consT AT X1 lvar)
+ | false => constr:(X1 :: lvar)
end in
let AT := get_component A FT in
- let lvar := seek_var (nilT AT) trm in
+ let lvar := seek_var (@nil AT) trm in
number lvar.
Ltac assoc elt lst :=
match constr:lst with
- | (nilT _) => fail
- | (consT (prodT _ nat) (pairT _ nat ?X1 ?X2) ?X3) =>
+ | nil => fail
+ | (?X1,?X2) :: ?X3 =>
match constr:(elt = X1) with
| (?X1 = ?X1) => constr:X2
| _ => assoc elt X3
@@ -113,32 +114,31 @@ Ltac interp_A FT lvar trm :=
Ltac remove e l :=
match constr:l with
- | (nilT _) => l
- | (consT ?X1 e ?X2) => constr:X2
- | (consT ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) => let nl := remove e X3 in
- constr:(consT X1 X2 nl)
+ | nil => l
+ | e :: ?X2 => constr:X2
+ | ?X2 :: ?X3 => let nl := remove e X3 in constr:(X2 :: nl)
Ltac union l1 l2 :=
match constr:l1 with
- | (nilT _) => l2
- | (consT ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) =>
+ | nil => l2
+ | ?X2 :: ?X3 =>
let nl2 := remove X2 l2 in
let nl := union X3 nl2 in
- constr:(consT X1 X2 nl)
+ constr:(X2 :: nl)
Ltac raw_give_mult trm :=
match constr:trm with
- | (EAinv ?X1) => constr:(consT ExprA X1 (nilT ExprA))
+ | (EAinv ?X1) => constr:(X1 :: nil)
| (EAopp ?X1) => raw_give_mult X1
| (EAplus ?X1 ?X2) =>
let l1 := raw_give_mult X1 with l2 := raw_give_mult X2 in
union l1 l2
| (EAmult ?X1 ?X2) =>
let l1 := raw_give_mult X1 with l2 := raw_give_mult X2 in
- eval compute in (appT ExprA l1 l2)
- | _ => constr:(nilT ExprA)
+ eval compute in (app l1 l2)
+ | _ => constr:(@nil ExprA)
Ltac give_mult trm :=
@@ -254,13 +254,13 @@ Ltac apply_simplif sfun :=
Ltac unfolds FT :=
match get_component Aminus FT with
- | (Field_Some _ ?X1) => unfold X1 in |- *
+ | Some ?X1 => unfold X1 in |- *
| _ => idtac
- match get_component Adiv FT with
- | (Field_Some _ ?X1) => unfold X1 in |- *
- | _ => idtac
- end.
+ match get_component Adiv FT with
+ | Some ?X1 => unfold X1 in |- *
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
Ltac reduce FT :=
let AzeroT := get_component Azero FT
@@ -304,11 +304,11 @@ Ltac field_gen FT := unfolds FT; (inverse_test FT; ring) || field_gen_aux FT.
Ltac init_exp FT trm :=
let e :=
(match get_component Aminus FT with
- | (Field_Some _ ?X1) => eval cbv beta delta [X1] in trm
+ | Some ?X1 => eval cbv beta delta [X1] in trm
| _ => trm
end) in
match get_component Adiv FT with
- | (Field_Some _ ?X1) => eval cbv beta delta [X1] in e
+ | Some ?X1 => eval cbv beta delta [X1] in e
| _ => e
@@ -341,21 +341,21 @@ Ltac simpl_inv trm :=
Ltac map_tactic fcn lst :=
match constr:lst with
- | (nilT _) => lst
- | (consT ?X1 ?X2 ?X3) =>
+ | nil => lst
+ | ?X2 :: ?X3 =>
let r := fcn X2 with t := map_tactic fcn X3 in
- constr:(consT X1 r t)
+ constr:(r :: t)
Ltac build_monom_aux lst trm :=
match constr:lst with
- | (nilT _) => eval compute in (assoc trm)
- | (consT _ ?X1 ?X2) => build_monom_aux X2 (EAmult trm X1)
+ | nil => eval compute in (assoc trm)
+ | ?X1 :: ?X2 => build_monom_aux X2 (EAmult trm X1)
Ltac build_monom lnum lden :=
let ildn := map_tactic ltac:(fun e => constr:(EAinv e)) lden in
- let ltot := eval compute in (appT ExprA lnum ildn) in
+ let ltot := eval compute in (app lnum ildn) in
let trm := build_monom_aux ltot EAone in
match constr:trm with
| (EAmult _ ?X1) => constr:X1
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ Ltac simpl_monom_aux lnum lden trm :=
| true =>
let newlnum := remove X1 lnum in
simpl_monom_aux newlnum lden X2
- | false => simpl_monom_aux lnum (consT ExprA X1 lden) X2
+ | false => simpl_monom_aux lnum (X1 :: lden) X2
| (EAmult ?X1 ?X2) =>
let mma := mem_assoc X1 lden in
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ Ltac simpl_monom_aux lnum lden trm :=
| true =>
let newlden := remove X1 lden in
simpl_monom_aux lnum newlden X2
- | false => simpl_monom_aux (consT ExprA X1 lnum) lden X2
+ | false => simpl_monom_aux (X1 :: lnum) lden X2
| (EAinv ?X1) =>
let mma := mem_assoc X1 lnum in
@@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ Ltac simpl_monom_aux lnum lden trm :=
| true =>
let newlnum := remove X1 lnum in
build_monom newlnum lden
- | false => build_monom lnum (consT ExprA X1 lden)
+ | false => build_monom lnum (X1 :: lden)
| ?X1 =>
let mma := mem_assoc X1 lden in
@@ -394,11 +394,11 @@ Ltac simpl_monom_aux lnum lden trm :=
| true =>
let newlden := remove X1 lden in
build_monom lnum newlden
- | false => build_monom (consT ExprA X1 lnum) lden
+ | false => build_monom (X1 :: lnum) lden
-Ltac simpl_monom trm := simpl_monom_aux (nilT ExprA) (nilT ExprA) trm.
+Ltac simpl_monom trm := simpl_monom_aux (@nil ExprA) (@nil ExprA) trm.
Ltac simpl_all_monomials trm :=
match constr:trm with
diff --git a/contrib/field/Field_Theory.v b/contrib/field/Field_Theory.v
index 2c954652..fff3c414 100644
--- a/contrib/field/Field_Theory.v
+++ b/contrib/field/Field_Theory.v
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: Field_Theory.v 5920 2004-07-16 20:01:26Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: Field_Theory.v 8866 2006-05-28 16:21:04Z herbelin $ *)
+Require Import List.
Require Import Peano_dec.
Require Import Ring.
Require Import Field_Compl.
@@ -21,8 +22,8 @@ Record Field_Theory : Type :=
Aopp : A -> A;
Aeq : A -> A -> bool;
Ainv : A -> A;
- Aminus : field_rel_option A;
- Adiv : field_rel_option A;
+ Aminus : option (A -> A -> A);
+ Adiv : option (A -> A -> A);
RT : Ring_Theory Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aopp Aeq;
Th_inv_def : forall n:A, n <> Azero -> Amult (Ainv n) n = Aone}.
@@ -66,10 +67,10 @@ Definition eqExprA := Eval compute in eqExprA_O.
(**** Generation of the multiplier ****)
-Fixpoint mult_of_list (e:listT ExprA) : ExprA :=
+Fixpoint mult_of_list (e:list ExprA) : ExprA :=
match e with
- | nilT => EAone
- | consT e1 l1 => EAmult e1 (mult_of_list l1)
+ | nil => EAone
+ | e1 :: l1 => EAmult e1 (mult_of_list l1)
Section Theory_of_fields.
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ Qed.
(**** ExprA --> A ****)
-Fixpoint interp_ExprA (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)) (e:ExprA) {struct e} :
+Fixpoint interp_ExprA (lvar:list (AT * nat)) (e:ExprA) {struct e} :
AT :=
match e with
| EAzero => AzeroT
@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ Fixpoint assoc (e:ExprA) : ExprA :=
Lemma merge_mult_correct1 :
- forall (e1 e2 e3:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e1 e2 e3:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (merge_mult (EAmult e1 e2) e3) =
interp_ExprA lvar (EAmult e1 (merge_mult e2 e3)).
@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ unfold merge_mult at 1 in |- *; fold merge_mult in |- *;
Lemma merge_mult_correct :
- forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (merge_mult e1 e2) = interp_ExprA lvar (EAmult e1 e2).
simple induction e1; auto; intros.
@@ -290,7 +291,7 @@ ring.
Lemma assoc_mult_correct1 :
- forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
AmultT (interp_ExprA lvar (assoc_mult e1))
(interp_ExprA lvar (assoc_mult e2)) =
interp_ExprA lvar (assoc_mult (EAmult e1 e2)).
@@ -302,7 +303,7 @@ rewrite <- (H e0 lvar); simpl in |- *; rewrite merge_mult_correct;
Lemma assoc_mult_correct :
- forall (e:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (assoc_mult e) = interp_ExprA lvar e.
simple induction e; auto; intros.
@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ simpl in |- *; rewrite (H0 lvar); auto.
Lemma merge_plus_correct1 :
- forall (e1 e2 e3:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e1 e2 e3:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (merge_plus (EAplus e1 e2) e3) =
interp_ExprA lvar (EAplus e1 (merge_plus e2 e3)).
@@ -339,7 +340,7 @@ unfold merge_plus at 1 in |- *; fold merge_plus in |- *;
Lemma merge_plus_correct :
- forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (merge_plus e1 e2) = interp_ExprA lvar (EAplus e1 e2).
simple induction e1; auto; intros.
@@ -358,7 +359,7 @@ ring.
Lemma assoc_plus_correct :
- forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
AplusT (interp_ExprA lvar (assoc e1)) (interp_ExprA lvar (assoc e2)) =
interp_ExprA lvar (assoc (EAplus e1 e2)).
@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@ rewrite <- (H e0 lvar); simpl in |- *; rewrite merge_plus_correct;
Lemma assoc_correct :
- forall (e:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (assoc e) = interp_ExprA lvar e.
simple induction e; auto; intros.
@@ -448,7 +449,7 @@ Fixpoint distrib_main (e:ExprA) : ExprA :=
Definition distrib (e:ExprA) : ExprA := distrib_main (distrib_EAopp e).
Lemma distrib_mult_right_correct :
- forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (distrib_mult_right e1 e2) =
AmultT (interp_ExprA lvar e1) (interp_ExprA lvar e2).
@@ -458,7 +459,7 @@ rewrite AmultT_sym; rewrite AmultT_AplusT_distr; rewrite (H e2 lvar);
Lemma distrib_mult_left_correct :
- forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e1 e2:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (distrib_mult_left e1 e2) =
AmultT (interp_ExprA lvar e1) (interp_ExprA lvar e2).
@@ -480,7 +481,7 @@ rewrite distrib_mult_right_correct; simpl in |- *; apply AmultT_sym.
Lemma distrib_correct :
- forall (e:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (distrib e) = interp_ExprA lvar e.
simple induction e; intros; auto.
@@ -496,7 +497,7 @@ Qed.
(**** Multiplication by the inverse product ****)
Lemma mult_eq :
- forall (e1 e2 a:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e1 e2 a:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar a <> AzeroT ->
interp_ExprA lvar (EAmult a e1) = interp_ExprA lvar (EAmult a e2) ->
interp_ExprA lvar e1 = interp_ExprA lvar e2.
@@ -520,7 +521,7 @@ Definition multiply (e:ExprA) : ExprA :=
Lemma multiply_aux_correct :
- forall (a e:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (a e:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (multiply_aux a e) =
AmultT (interp_ExprA lvar a) (interp_ExprA lvar e).
@@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ simple induction e; simpl in |- *; intros; try rewrite merge_mult_correct;
Lemma multiply_correct :
- forall (e:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar (multiply e) = interp_ExprA lvar e.
simple induction e; simpl in |- *; auto.
@@ -578,7 +579,7 @@ Fixpoint inverse_simplif (a e:ExprA) {struct e} : ExprA :=
Lemma monom_remove_correct :
- forall (e a:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e a:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar a <> AzeroT ->
interp_ExprA lvar (monom_remove a e) =
AmultT (interp_ExprA lvar a) (interp_ExprA lvar e).
@@ -608,7 +609,7 @@ unfold monom_remove in |- *; case (eqExprA (EAvar n) (EAinv a)); intros;
Lemma monom_simplif_rem_correct :
- forall (a e:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (a e:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar a <> AzeroT ->
interp_ExprA lvar (monom_simplif_rem a e) =
AmultT (interp_ExprA lvar a) (interp_ExprA lvar e).
@@ -622,7 +623,7 @@ ring.
Lemma monom_simplif_correct :
- forall (e a:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e a:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar a <> AzeroT ->
interp_ExprA lvar (monom_simplif a e) = interp_ExprA lvar e.
@@ -633,7 +634,7 @@ simpl in |- *; trivial.
Lemma inverse_correct :
- forall (e a:ExprA) (lvar:listT (prodT AT nat)),
+ forall (e a:ExprA) (lvar:list (AT * nat)),
interp_ExprA lvar a <> AzeroT ->
interp_ExprA lvar (inverse_simplif a e) = interp_ExprA lvar e.
@@ -642,4 +643,4 @@ simpl in |- *; rewrite (H0 a lvar H1); rewrite monom_simplif_correct; auto.
unfold inverse_simplif in |- *; rewrite monom_simplif_correct; auto.
-End Theory_of_fields. \ No newline at end of file
+End Theory_of_fields.
diff --git a/contrib/field/field.ml4 b/contrib/field/field.ml4
index 35591f23..47e583fd 100644
--- a/contrib/field/field.ml4
+++ b/contrib/field/field.ml4
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(* $Id: field.ml4 7837 2006-01-11 09:47:32Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: field.ml4 8866 2006-05-28 16:21:04Z herbelin $ *)
open Names
open Pp
@@ -22,19 +22,22 @@ open Vernacinterp
open Vernacexpr
open Tacexpr
open Mod_subst
+open Coqlib
(* Interpretation of constr's *)
let constr_of c = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) c
(* Construction of constants *)
-let constant dir s = Coqlib.gen_constant "Field" ("field"::dir) s
+let constant dir s = gen_constant "Field" ("field"::dir) s
+let init_constant s = gen_constant_in_modules "Field" init_modules s
(* To deal with the optional arguments *)
let constr_of_opt a opt =
let ac = constr_of a in
+ let ac3 = mkArrow ac (mkArrow ac ac) in
match opt with
- | None -> mkApp ((constant ["Field_Compl"] "Field_None"),[|ac|])
- | Some f -> mkApp ((constant ["Field_Compl"] "Field_Some"),[|ac;constr_of f|])
+ | None -> mkApp (init_constant "None",[|ac3|])
+ | Some f -> mkApp (init_constant "Some",[|ac3;constr_of f|])
(* Table of theories *)
let th_tab = ref (Gmap.empty : (constr,constr) Gmap.t)
diff --git a/contrib/first-order/g_ground.ml4 b/contrib/first-order/g_ground.ml4
index 0970d5db..f9c4cea2 100644
--- a/contrib/first-order/g_ground.ml4
+++ b/contrib/first-order/g_ground.ml4
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(* $Id: g_ground.ml4 7909 2006-01-21 11:09:18Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: g_ground.ml4 8752 2006-04-27 19:37:33Z herbelin $ *)
open Formula
open Sequent
@@ -83,14 +83,14 @@ let normalize_evaluables=
TACTIC EXTEND firstorder
[ "firstorder" tactic_opt(t) "with" ne_reference_list(l) ] ->
- [ gen_ground_tac true (option_app eval_tactic t) (Ids l) ]
+ [ gen_ground_tac true (option_map eval_tactic t) (Ids l) ]
| [ "firstorder" tactic_opt(t) "using" ne_preident_list(l) ] ->
- [ gen_ground_tac true (option_app eval_tactic t) (Bases l) ]
+ [ gen_ground_tac true (option_map eval_tactic t) (Bases l) ]
| [ "firstorder" tactic_opt(t) ] ->
- [ gen_ground_tac true (option_app eval_tactic t) Void ]
+ [ gen_ground_tac true (option_map eval_tactic t) Void ]
TACTIC EXTEND gintuition
[ "gintuition" tactic_opt(t) ] ->
- [ gen_ground_tac false (option_app eval_tactic t) Void ]
+ [ gen_ground_tac false (option_map eval_tactic t) Void ]
diff --git a/contrib/first-order/ b/contrib/first-order/
index f6653b82..6c51eda3 100644
--- a/contrib/first-order/
+++ b/contrib/first-order/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 7909 2006-01-21 11:09:18Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8878 2006-05-30 16:44:25Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -211,6 +211,6 @@ let normalize_evaluables=
None->unfold_in_concl (Lazy.force defined_connectives)
- | Some (id,_,_)->
+ | Some ((_,id),_)->
unfold_in_hyp (Lazy.force defined_connectives)
- (id,[],Tacexpr.InHypTypeOnly))
+ (([],id),Tacexpr.InHypTypeOnly))
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f0e986fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/funind/
@@ -0,0 +1,1538 @@
+open Printer
+open Util
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Names
+open Declarations
+open Pp
+open Entries
+open Hiddentac
+open Evd
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Indfun_common
+open Libnames
+let msgnl = Pp.msgnl
+let do_observe () =
+ Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff
+let observe strm =
+ if do_observe ()
+ then Pp.msgnl strm
+ else ()
+let observennl strm =
+ if do_observe ()
+ then begin Pp.msg strm;Pp.pp_flush () end
+ else ()
+let do_observe_tac s tac g =
+ try let v = tac g in (* msgnl (goal ++ fnl () ++ (str s)++(str " ")++(str "finished")); *) v
+ with e ->
+ let goal = begin try (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)) with _ -> assert false end in
+ msgnl (str "observation "++ s++str " raised exception " ++
+ Cerrors.explain_exn e ++ str " on goal " ++ goal );
+ raise e;;
+let observe_tac s tac g =
+ if do_observe ()
+ then do_observe_tac (str s) tac g
+ else tac g
+let tclTRYD tac =
+ if !Options.debug || do_observe ()
+ then (fun g -> try (* do_observe_tac "" *)tac g with _ -> tclIDTAC g)
+ else tac
+let list_chop ?(msg="") n l =
+ try
+ list_chop n l
+ with Failure (msg') ->
+ failwith (msg ^ msg')
+let make_refl_eq type_of_t t =
+ let refl_equal_term = Lazy.force refl_equal in
+ mkApp(refl_equal_term,[|type_of_t;t|])
+type pte_info =
+ {
+ proving_tac : (identifier list -> Tacmach.tactic);
+ is_valid : constr -> bool
+ }
+type ptes_info = pte_info Idmap.t
+type 'a dynamic_info =
+ {
+ nb_rec_hyps : int;
+ rec_hyps : identifier list ;
+ eq_hyps : identifier list;
+ info : 'a
+ }
+type body_info = constr dynamic_info
+let finish_proof dynamic_infos g =
+ observe_tac "finish"
+ ( h_assumption)
+ g
+let refine c =
+ Tacmach.refine_no_check c
+let thin l =
+ Tacmach.thin_no_check l
+let cut_replacing id t tac :tactic=
+ tclTHENS (cut t)
+ [ tclTHEN (thin_no_check [id]) (introduction_no_check id);
+ tac
+ ]
+let intro_erasing id = tclTHEN (thin [id]) (introduction id)
+let rec_hyp_id = id_of_string "rec_hyp"
+let is_trivial_eq t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | App(f,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq) ->
+ eq_constr t1 t2
+ | _ -> false
+let rec incompatible_constructor_terms t1 t2 =
+ let c1,arg1 = decompose_app t1
+ and c2,arg2 = decompose_app t2
+ in
+ (not (eq_constr t1 t2)) &&
+ isConstruct c1 && isConstruct c2 &&
+ (
+ not (eq_constr c1 c2) ||
+ List.exists2 incompatible_constructor_terms arg1 arg2
+ )
+let is_incompatible_eq t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | App(f,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq) ->
+ incompatible_constructor_terms t1 t2
+ | _ -> false
+let change_hyp_with_using msg hyp_id t tac : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ let prov_id = pf_get_new_id hyp_id g in
+ tclTHENS
+ (observe_tac msg (forward (Some (tclCOMPLETE tac)) (Genarg.IntroIdentifier prov_id) t))
+ [
+ observe_tac "change_hyp_with_using thin" (thin [hyp_id]);
+ observe_tac "change_hyp_with_using rename " (h_rename prov_id hyp_id)
+ ]] g
+exception TOREMOVE
+let prove_trivial_eq h_id context (type_of_term,term) =
+ let nb_intros = List.length context in
+ [
+ tclDO nb_intros intro; (* introducing context *)
+ (fun g ->
+ let context_hyps =
+ fst (list_chop ~msg:"prove_trivial_eq : " nb_intros (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
+ in
+ let context_hyps' =
+ (mkApp(Lazy.force refl_equal,[|type_of_term;term|]))::
+ ( mkVar context_hyps)
+ in
+ let to_refine = applist(mkVar h_id,List.rev context_hyps') in
+ refine to_refine g
+ )
+ ]
+let isAppConstruct t =
+ if isApp t
+ then isConstruct (fst (destApp t))
+ else false
+let nf_betaiotazeta = Reductionops.local_strong Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta
+let change_eq env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) x t end_of_type =
+ let nochange msg =
+ begin
+(* observe (str ("Not treating ( "^msg^" )") ++ pr_lconstr t ); *)
+ failwith "NoChange";
+ end
+ in
+ if not (noccurn 1 end_of_type)
+ then nochange "dependent"; (* if end_of_type depends on this term we don't touch it *)
+ if not (isApp t) then nochange "not an equality";
+ let f_eq,args = destApp t in
+ if not (eq_constr f_eq (Lazy.force eq)) then nochange "not an equality";
+ let t1 = args.(1)
+ and t2 = args.(2)
+ and t1_typ = args.(0)
+ in
+ if not (closed0 t1) then nochange "not a closed lhs";
+ let rec compute_substitution sub t1 t2 =
+ if isRel t2
+ then
+ let t2 = destRel t2 in
+ begin
+ try
+ let t1' = Intmap.find t2 sub in
+ if not (eq_constr t1 t1') then nochange "twice bound variable";
+ sub
+ with Not_found ->
+ assert (closed0 t1);
+ Intmap.add t2 t1 sub
+ end
+ else if isAppConstruct t1 && isAppConstruct t2
+ then
+ begin
+ let c1,args1 = destApp t1
+ and c2,args2 = destApp t2
+ in
+ if not (eq_constr c1 c2) then anomaly "deconstructing equation";
+ array_fold_left2 compute_substitution sub args1 args2
+ end
+ else
+ if (eq_constr t1 t2) then sub else nochange "cannot solve"
+ in
+ let sub = compute_substitution Intmap.empty t1 t2 in
+ let end_of_type_with_pop = pop end_of_type in (*the equation will be removed *)
+ let new_end_of_type =
+ (* Ugly hack to prevent Map.fold order change between ocaml-3.08.3 and ocaml-3.08.4
+ Can be safely replaced by the next comment for Ocaml >= 3.08.4
+ *)
+ let sub' = Intmap.fold (fun i t acc -> (i,t)::acc) sub [] in
+ let sub'' = List.sort (fun (x,_) (y,_) -> x y) sub' in
+ List.fold_left (fun end_of_type (i,t) -> lift 1 (substnl [t] (i-1) end_of_type))
+ end_of_type_with_pop
+ sub''
+ in
+ (* let new_end_of_type = *)
+ (* Intmap.fold *)
+ (* (fun i t end_of_type -> lift 1 (substnl [t] (i-1) end_of_type)) *)
+ (* sub *)
+ (* end_of_type_with_pop *)
+ (* in *)
+ let old_context_length = List.length context + 1 in
+ let witness_fun =
+ mkLetIn(Anonymous,make_refl_eq t1_typ t1,t,
+ mkApp(mkVar hyp_id,Array.init old_context_length (fun i -> mkRel (old_context_length - i)))
+ )
+ in
+ let new_type_of_hyp,ctxt_size,witness_fun =
+ list_fold_left_i
+ (fun i (end_of_type,ctxt_size,witness_fun) ((x',b',t') as decl) ->
+ try
+ let witness = Intmap.find i sub in
+ if b' <> None then anomaly "can not redefine a rel!";
+ (pop end_of_type,ctxt_size,mkLetIn(x',witness,t',witness_fun))
+ with Not_found ->
+ (mkProd_or_LetIn decl end_of_type, ctxt_size + 1, mkLambda_or_LetIn decl witness_fun)
+ )
+ 1
+ (new_end_of_type,0,witness_fun)
+ context
+ in
+ let new_type_of_hyp = Reductionops.nf_betaiota new_type_of_hyp in
+ let new_ctxt,new_end_of_type =
+ Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum ctxt_size new_type_of_hyp
+ in
+ let prove_new_hyp : tactic =
+ tclTHEN
+ (tclDO ctxt_size intro)
+ (fun g ->
+ let all_ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
+ let new_ids,_ = list_chop ctxt_size all_ids in
+ let to_refine = applist(witness_fun,List.rev_map mkVar new_ids) in
+ refine to_refine g
+ )
+ in
+ let simpl_eq_tac =
+ change_hyp_with_using "prove_pattern_simplification" hyp_id new_type_of_hyp prove_new_hyp
+ in
+(* observe (str "In " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id ++ *)
+(* str "removing an equation " ++ fnl ()++ *)
+(* str "old_typ_of_hyp :=" ++ *)
+(* Printer.pr_lconstr_env *)
+(* env *)
+(* (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:end_of_type ((x,None,t)::context)) *)
+(* ++ fnl () ++ *)
+(* str "new_typ_of_hyp := "++ *)
+(* Printer.pr_lconstr_env env new_type_of_hyp ++ fnl () *)
+(* ++ str "old context := " ++ pr_rel_context env context ++ fnl () *)
+(* ++ str "new context := " ++ pr_rel_context env new_ctxt ++ fnl () *)
+(* ++ str "old type := " ++ pr_lconstr end_of_type ++ fnl () *)
+(* ++ str "new type := " ++ pr_lconstr new_end_of_type ++ fnl () *)
+(* ); *)
+ new_ctxt,new_end_of_type,simpl_eq_tac
+let is_property ptes_info t_x full_type_of_hyp =
+ if isApp t_x
+ then
+ let pte,args = destApp t_x in
+ if isVar pte && array_for_all closed0 args
+ then
+ try
+ let info = Idmap.find (destVar pte) ptes_info in
+ info.is_valid full_type_of_hyp
+ with Not_found -> false
+ else false
+ else false
+let isLetIn t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | LetIn _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let h_reduce_with_zeta =
+ h_reduce
+ (Rawterm.Cbv
+ {Rawterm.all_flags
+ with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
+ })
+let rewrite_until_var arg_num eq_ids : tactic =
+ let test_var g =
+ let _,args = destApp (pf_concl g) in
+ not (isConstruct args.(arg_num))
+ in
+ let rec do_rewrite eq_ids g =
+ if test_var g
+ then tclIDTAC g
+ else
+ match eq_ids with
+ | [] -> anomaly "Cannot find a way to prove recursive property";
+ | eq_id::eq_ids ->
+ tclTHEN
+ (tclTRY (Equality.rewriteRL (mkVar eq_id)))
+ (do_rewrite eq_ids)
+ g
+ in
+ do_rewrite eq_ids
+let rec_pte_id = id_of_string "Hrec"
+let clean_hyp_with_heq ptes_infos eq_hyps hyp_id env sigma =
+ let coq_False = Coqlib.build_coq_False () in
+ let coq_True = Coqlib.build_coq_True () in
+ let coq_I = Coqlib.build_coq_I () in
+ let rec scan_type context type_of_hyp : tactic =
+ if isLetIn type_of_hyp then
+ let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:type_of_hyp context in
+ let reduced_type_of_hyp = nf_betaiotazeta real_type_of_hyp in
+ (* length of context didn't change ? *)
+ let new_context,new_typ_of_hyp =
+ Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum (List.length context) reduced_type_of_hyp
+ in
+ [
+ h_reduce_with_zeta
+ (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)
+ ;
+ scan_type new_context new_typ_of_hyp
+ ]
+ else if isProd type_of_hyp
+ then
+ begin
+ let (x,t_x,t') = destProd type_of_hyp in
+ let actual_real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:t' context in
+ if is_property ptes_infos t_x actual_real_type_of_hyp then
+ begin
+ let pte,pte_args = (destApp t_x) in
+ let (* fix_info *) prove_rec_hyp = (Idmap.find (destVar pte) ptes_infos).proving_tac in
+ let popped_t' = pop t' in
+ let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context in
+ let prove_new_type_of_hyp =
+ let context_length = List.length context in
+ [
+ tclDO context_length intro;
+ (fun g ->
+ let context_hyps_ids =
+ fst (list_chop ~msg:"rec hyp : context_hyps"
+ context_length (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
+ in
+ let rec_pte_id = pf_get_new_id rec_pte_id g in
+ let to_refine =
+ applist(mkVar hyp_id,
+ List.rev_map mkVar (rec_pte_id::context_hyps_ids)
+ )
+ in
+ observe_tac "rec hyp "
+ (tclTHENS
+ (assert_as true (Genarg.IntroIdentifier rec_pte_id) t_x)
+ [observe_tac "prove rec hyp" (prove_rec_hyp eq_hyps);
+ observe_tac "prove rec hyp"
+ (refine to_refine)
+ ])
+ g
+ )
+ ]
+ in
+ [
+ observe_tac "hyp rec"
+ (change_hyp_with_using "rec_hyp_tac" hyp_id real_type_of_hyp prove_new_type_of_hyp);
+ scan_type context popped_t'
+ ]
+ end
+ else if eq_constr t_x coq_False then
+ begin
+(* observe (str "Removing : "++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id++ *)
+(* str " since it has False in its preconds " *)
+(* ); *)
+ raise TOREMOVE; (* False -> .. useless *)
+ end
+ else if is_incompatible_eq t_x then raise TOREMOVE (* t_x := C1 ... = C2 ... *)
+ else if eq_constr t_x coq_True (* Trivial => we remove this precons *)
+ then
+(* observe (str "In "++Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id++ *)
+(* str " removing useless precond True" *)
+(* ); *)
+ let popped_t' = pop t' in
+ let real_type_of_hyp =
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context
+ in
+ let prove_trivial =
+ let nb_intro = List.length context in
+ tclDO nb_intro intro;
+ (fun g ->
+ let context_hyps =
+ fst (list_chop ~msg:"removing True : context_hyps "nb_intro (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
+ in
+ let to_refine =
+ applist (mkVar hyp_id,
+ List.rev ( mkVar context_hyps)
+ )
+ in
+ refine to_refine g
+ )
+ ]
+ in
+ change_hyp_with_using "prove_trivial" hyp_id real_type_of_hyp
+ (observe_tac "prove_trivial" prove_trivial);
+ scan_type context popped_t'
+ ]
+ else if is_trivial_eq t_x
+ then (* t_x := t = t => we remove this precond *)
+ let popped_t' = pop t' in
+ let real_type_of_hyp =
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context
+ in
+ let _,args = destApp t_x in
+ [
+ change_hyp_with_using
+ "prove_trivial_eq"
+ hyp_id
+ real_type_of_hyp
+ (observe_tac "prove_trivial_eq" (prove_trivial_eq hyp_id context (args.(0),args.(1))));
+ scan_type context popped_t'
+ ]
+ else
+ begin
+ try
+ let new_context,new_t',tac = change_eq env sigma hyp_id context x t_x t' in
+ tclTHEN
+ tac
+ (scan_type new_context new_t')
+ with Failure "NoChange" ->
+ (* Last thing todo : push the rel in the context and continue *)
+ scan_type ((x,None,t_x)::context) t'
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ tclIDTAC
+ in
+ try
+ scan_type [] (Typing.type_of env sigma (mkVar hyp_id)), [hyp_id]
+ with TOREMOVE ->
+ thin [hyp_id],[]
+let clean_goal_with_heq ptes_infos continue_tac dyn_infos =
+ fun g ->
+ let env = pf_env g
+ and sigma = project g
+ in
+ let tac,new_hyps =
+ List.fold_left (
+ fun (hyps_tac,new_hyps) hyp_id ->
+ let hyp_tac,new_hyp =
+ clean_hyp_with_heq ptes_infos dyn_infos.eq_hyps hyp_id env sigma
+ in
+ (tclTHEN hyp_tac hyps_tac),new_hyp@new_hyps
+ )
+ (tclIDTAC,[])
+ dyn_infos.rec_hyps
+ in
+ let new_infos =
+ { dyn_infos with
+ rec_hyps = new_hyps;
+ nb_rec_hyps = List.length new_hyps
+ }
+ in
+ [
+ tac ;
+ (continue_tac new_infos)
+ ]
+ g
+let heq_id = id_of_string "Heq"
+let treat_new_case ptes_infos nb_prod continue_tac term dyn_infos =
+ fun g ->
+ let heq_id = pf_get_new_id heq_id g in
+ let nb_first_intro = nb_prod - 1 - dyn_infos.nb_rec_hyps in
+ [
+ (* We first introduce the variables *)
+ tclDO nb_first_intro (intro_avoiding dyn_infos.rec_hyps);
+ (* Then the equation itself *)
+ introduction_no_check heq_id;
+ (* Then the new hypothesis *)
+ tclMAP introduction_no_check dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
+ observe_tac "after_introduction" (fun g' ->
+ (* We get infos on the equations introduced*)
+ let new_term_value_eq = pf_type_of g' (mkVar heq_id) in
+ (* compute the new value of the body *)
+ let new_term_value =
+ match kind_of_term new_term_value_eq with
+ | App(f,[| _;_;args2 |]) -> args2
+ | _ ->
+ observe (str "cannot compute new term value : " ++ pr_gls g' ++ fnl () ++ str "last hyp is" ++
+ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g') new_term_value_eq
+ );
+ anomaly "cannot compute new term value"
+ in
+ let fun_body =
+ mkLambda(Anonymous,
+ pf_type_of g' term,
+ replace_term term (mkRel 1)
+ )
+ in
+ let new_body = pf_nf_betaiota g' (mkApp(fun_body,[| new_term_value |])) in
+ let new_infos =
+ {dyn_infos with
+ info = new_body;
+ eq_hyps = heq_id::dyn_infos.eq_hyps
+ }
+ in
+ clean_goal_with_heq ptes_infos continue_tac new_infos g'
+ )
+ ]
+ g
+let instanciate_hyps_with_args (do_prove:identifier list -> tactic) hyps args_id =
+ let args = Array.of_list ( mkVar args_id) in
+ let instanciate_one_hyp hid =
+ ( (* we instanciate the hyp if possible *)
+ fun g ->
+ let prov_hid = pf_get_new_id hid g in
+ forward None (Genarg.IntroIdentifier prov_hid) (mkApp(mkVar hid,args));
+ thin [hid];
+ h_rename prov_hid hid
+ ] g
+ )
+ ( (*
+ if not then we are in a mutual function block
+ and this hyp is a recursive hyp on an other function.
+ We are not supposed to use it while proving this
+ principle so that we can trash it
+ *)
+ (fun g ->
+(* observe (str "Instanciation: removing hyp " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hid); *)
+ thin [hid] g
+ )
+ )
+ in
+ if args_id = []
+ then
+ tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) hyps;
+ do_prove hyps
+ ]
+ else
+ [
+ tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) hyps;
+ tclMAP instanciate_one_hyp hyps;
+ (fun g ->
+ let all_g_hyps_id =
+ List.fold_right Idset.add (pf_ids_of_hyps g) Idset.empty
+ in
+ let remaining_hyps =
+ List.filter (fun id -> Idset.mem id all_g_hyps_id) hyps
+ in
+ do_prove remaining_hyps g
+ )
+ ]
+let build_proof
+ (interactive_proof:bool)
+ (fnames:constant list)
+ ptes_infos
+ dyn_infos
+ : tactic =
+ let rec build_proof_aux do_finalize dyn_infos : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+(* observe (str "proving on " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term);*)
+ match kind_of_term with
+ | Case(_,_,t,_) ->
+ let g_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
+ let type_of_term = pf_type_of g t in
+ let term_eq =
+ make_refl_eq type_of_term t
+ in
+ [
+ h_generalize (term_eq::( mkVar dyn_infos.rec_hyps));
+ thin dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
+ pattern_option [[-1],t] None;
+ h_simplest_case t;
+ (fun g' ->
+ let g'_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g') in
+ let nb_instanciate_partial = g'_nb_prod - g_nb_prod in
+ observe_tac "treat_new_case"
+ (treat_new_case
+ ptes_infos
+ nb_instanciate_partial
+ (build_proof do_finalize)
+ t
+ dyn_infos)
+ g'
+ )
+ ] g
+ | Lambda(n,t,b) ->
+ begin
+ match kind_of_term( pf_concl g) with
+ | Prod _ ->
+ tclTHEN
+ intro
+ (fun g' ->
+ let (id,_,_) = pf_last_hyp g' in
+ let new_term =
+ pf_nf_betaiota g'
+ (mkApp(,[|mkVar id|]))
+ in
+ let new_infos = {dyn_infos with info = new_term} in
+ let do_prove new_hyps =
+ build_proof do_finalize
+ {new_infos with
+ rec_hyps = new_hyps;
+ nb_rec_hyps = List.length new_hyps
+ }
+ in
+ observe_tac "Lambda" (instanciate_hyps_with_args do_prove new_infos.rec_hyps [id]) g'
+ (* build_proof do_finalize new_infos g' *)
+ ) g
+ | _ ->
+ do_finalize dyn_infos g
+ end
+ | Cast(t,_,_) ->
+ build_proof do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = t} g
+ | Const _ | Var _ | Meta _ | Evar _ | Sort _ | Construct _ | Ind _ ->
+ do_finalize dyn_infos g
+ | App(_,_) ->
+ let f,args = decompose_app in
+ begin
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | App _ -> assert false (* we have collected all the app in decompose_app *)
+ | Var _ | Construct _ | Rel _ | Evar _ | Meta _ | Ind _ | Sort _ | Prod _ ->
+ let new_infos =
+ { dyn_infos with
+ info = (f,args)
+ }
+ in
+ build_proof_args do_finalize new_infos g
+ | Const c when not (List.mem c fnames) ->
+ let new_infos =
+ { dyn_infos with
+ info = (f,args)
+ }
+ in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "proving in " ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g); *)
+ build_proof_args do_finalize new_infos g
+ | Const _ ->
+ do_finalize dyn_infos g
+ | Lambda _ ->
+ let new_term = Reductionops.nf_beta in
+ build_proof do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = new_term}
+ g
+ | LetIn _ ->
+ let new_infos =
+ { dyn_infos with info = nf_betaiotazeta }
+ in
+ [tclMAP
+ (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id))
+ dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
+ h_reduce_with_zeta Tacticals.onConcl;
+ build_proof do_finalize new_infos
+ ]
+ g
+ | Cast(b,_,_) ->
+ build_proof do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = b } g
+ | Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _ ->
+ let new_finalize dyn_infos =
+ let new_infos =
+ { dyn_infos with
+ info =,args
+ }
+ in
+ build_proof_args do_finalize new_infos
+ in
+ build_proof new_finalize {dyn_infos with info = f } g
+ end
+ | Fix _ | CoFix _ ->
+ error ( "Anonymous local (co)fixpoints are not handled yet")
+ | Prod _ -> error "Prod"
+ | LetIn _ ->
+ let new_infos =
+ { dyn_infos with
+ info = nf_betaiotazeta
+ }
+ in
+ [tclMAP
+ (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id))
+ dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
+ h_reduce_with_zeta Tacticals.onConcl;
+ build_proof do_finalize new_infos
+ ] g
+ | Rel _ -> anomaly "Free var in goal conclusion !"
+ and build_proof do_finalize dyn_infos g =
+(* observe (str "proving with "++Printer.pr_lconstr str " on goal " ++ pr_gls g); *)
+ (build_proof_aux do_finalize dyn_infos) g
+ and build_proof_args do_finalize dyn_infos (* f_args' args *) :tactic =
+ fun g ->
+(* if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff *)
+(* then msgnl (str "build_proof_args with " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f_args' *)
+(* ); *)
+ let (f_args',args) = in
+ let tac : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ match args with
+ | [] ->
+ do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = f_args'} g
+ | arg::args ->
+(* observe (str "build_proof_args with arg := "++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) arg++ *)
+(* fnl () ++ *)
+(* pr_goal (Tacmach.sig_it g) *)
+(* ); *)
+ let do_finalize dyn_infos =
+ let new_arg = in
+ (* tclTRYD *)
+ (build_proof_args
+ do_finalize
+ {dyn_infos with info = (mkApp(f_args',[|new_arg|])), args}
+ )
+ in
+ build_proof do_finalize
+ {dyn_infos with info = arg }
+ g
+ in
+ observe_tac "build_proof_args" (tac ) g
+ in
+ let do_finish_proof dyn_infos =
+ (* tclTRYD *) (clean_goal_with_heq
+ ptes_infos
+ finish_proof dyn_infos)
+ in
+ observe_tac "build_proof"
+ (build_proof do_finish_proof dyn_infos)
+(* Proof of principles from structural functions *)
+let is_pte_type t =
+ isSort (snd (decompose_prod t))
+let is_pte (_,_,t) = is_pte_type t
+type static_fix_info =
+ {
+ idx : int;
+ name : identifier;
+ types : types;
+ offset : int;
+ nb_realargs : int;
+ body_with_param : constr
+ }
+let prove_rec_hyp_for_struct fix_info =
+ (fun eq_hyps -> tclTHEN
+ (rewrite_until_var (fix_info.idx) eq_hyps)
+ (fun g ->
+ let _,pte_args = destApp (pf_concl g) in
+ let rec_hyp_proof =
+ mkApp(mkVar,array_get_start pte_args)
+ in
+ refine rec_hyp_proof g
+ ))
+let prove_rec_hyp fix_info =
+ { proving_tac = prove_rec_hyp_for_struct fix_info
+ ;
+ is_valid = fun _ -> true
+ }
+exception Not_Rec
+let generalize_non_dep hyp g =
+ let hyps = [hyp] in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let hyp_typ = pf_type_of g (mkVar hyp) in
+ let to_revert,_ =
+ Environ. fold_named_context_reverse (fun (clear,keep) (hyp,_,_ as decl) ->
+ if List.mem hyp hyps
+ or List.exists (occur_var_in_decl env hyp) keep
+ or occur_var env hyp hyp_typ
+ or Termops.is_section_variable hyp (* should be dangerous *)
+ then (clear,decl::keep)
+ else (hyp::clear,keep))
+ ~init:([],[]) (pf_env g)
+ in
+(* observe (str "to_revert := " ++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id to_revert); *)
+ tclTHEN
+ (observe_tac "h_generalize" (h_generalize ( mkVar to_revert)))
+ (observe_tac "thin" (thin to_revert))
+ g
+let id_of_decl (na,_,_) = (Nameops.out_name na)
+let var_of_decl decl = mkVar (id_of_decl decl)
+let revert idl =
+ tclTHEN
+ (generalize ( mkVar idl))
+ (thin idl)
+let do_replace params rec_arg_num rev_args_id fun_to_replace body =
+ fun g ->
+ let nb_intro_to_do = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
+ tclTHEN
+ (tclDO nb_intro_to_do intro)
+ (
+ fun g' ->
+ let just_introduced = nLastHyps nb_intro_to_do g' in
+ let just_introduced_id = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) just_introduced in
+ let old_rev_args_id = rev_args_id in
+ let rev_args_id = just_introduced_id@rev_args_id in
+ let to_replace =
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota (substl ( mkVar rev_args_id) fun_to_replace )
+ and by =
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota (applist(body,List.rev_map mkVar rev_args_id))
+ in
+(* observe (str "to_replace := " ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g') to_replace); *)
+(* observe (str "by := " ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g') by); *)
+ let prove_replacement =
+ let rec_id = List.nth (List.rev old_rev_args_id) (rec_arg_num) in
+ observe_tac "prove_replacement"
+ [
+ revert just_introduced_id;
+ keep (( id_of_decl params)@ old_rev_args_id);
+ generalize_non_dep rec_id;
+ observe_tac "h_case" (h_case(mkVar rec_id,Rawterm.NoBindings));
+ intros_reflexivity
+ ]
+ )
+ in
+ tclTHENS
+ (observe_tac "replacement" (Equality.replace to_replace by))
+ [ revert just_introduced_id;
+ tclSOLVE [prove_replacement]]
+ g'
+ )
+ g
+let prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof fun_num fnames all_funs _nparams : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ let princ_type = pf_concl g in
+ let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
+ let fresh_id =
+ let avoid = ref (pf_ids_of_hyps g) in
+ (fun na ->
+ let new_id =
+ match na with
+ Name id -> fresh_id !avoid (string_of_id id)
+ | Anonymous -> fresh_id !avoid "H"
+ in
+ avoid := new_id :: !avoid;
+ (Name new_id)
+ )
+ in
+ let fresh_decl =
+ (fun (na,b,t) ->
+ (fresh_id na,b,t)
+ )
+ in
+ let princ_info : elim_scheme =
+ { princ_info with
+ params = fresh_decl princ_info.params;
+ predicates = fresh_decl princ_info.predicates;
+ branches = fresh_decl princ_info.branches;
+ args = fresh_decl princ_info.args
+ }
+ in
+ let get_body const =
+ match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
+ | Some b ->
+ let body = force b in
+ Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
+ (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
+ (Global.env ())
+ (Evd.empty)
+ body
+ | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
+ in
+ let fbody = get_body fnames.(fun_num) in
+ let f_ctxt,f_body = decompose_lam fbody in
+ let f_ctxt_length = List.length f_ctxt in
+ let diff_params = princ_info.nparams - f_ctxt_length in
+ let full_params,princ_params,fbody_with_full_params =
+ if diff_params > 0
+ then
+ let princ_params,full_params =
+ list_chop diff_params princ_info.params
+ in
+ (full_params, (* real params *)
+ princ_params, (* the params of the principle which are not params of the function *)
+ substl (* function instanciated with real params *)
+ ( var_of_decl full_params)
+ f_body
+ )
+ else
+ let f_ctxt_other,f_ctxt_params =
+ list_chop (- diff_params) f_ctxt in
+ let f_body = compose_lam f_ctxt_other f_body in
+ (princ_info.params, (* real params *)
+ [],(* all params are full params *)
+ substl (* function instanciated with real params *)
+ ( var_of_decl princ_info.params)
+ f_body
+ )
+ in
+(* observe (str "full_params := " ++ *)
+(* prlist_with_sep spc (fun (na,_,_) -> Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name na)) *)
+(* full_params *)
+(* ); *)
+(* observe (str "princ_params := " ++ *)
+(* prlist_with_sep spc (fun (na,_,_) -> Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name na)) *)
+(* princ_params *)
+(* ); *)
+(* observe (str "fbody_with_full_params := " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr fbody_with_full_params *)
+(* ); *)
+ let all_funs_with_full_params =
+ (fun f -> applist(f, List.rev_map var_of_decl full_params)) all_funs
+ in
+ let fix_offset = List.length princ_params in
+ let ptes_to_fix,infos =
+ match kind_of_term fbody_with_full_params with
+ | Fix((idxs,i),(names,typess,bodies)) ->
+ let bodies_with_all_params =
+ (fun body ->
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota
+ (applist(substl (List.rev (Array.to_list all_funs_with_full_params)) body,
+ List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params))
+ )
+ bodies
+ in
+ let info_array =
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i types ->
+ let types = prod_applist types (List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params) in
+ { idx = idxs.(i) - fix_offset;
+ name = Nameops.out_name (fresh_id names.(i));
+ types = types;
+ offset = fix_offset;
+ nb_realargs =
+ List.length
+ (fst (decompose_lam bodies.(i))) - fix_offset;
+ body_with_param = bodies_with_all_params.(i)
+ }
+ )
+ typess
+ in
+ let pte_to_fix,rev_info =
+ list_fold_left_i
+ (fun i (acc_map,acc_info) (pte,_,_) ->
+ let infos = info_array.(i) in
+ let type_args,_ = decompose_prod infos.types in
+ let nargs = List.length type_args in
+ let f = applist(mkConst fnames.(i), List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_info.params) in
+ let first_args = Array.init nargs (fun i -> mkRel (nargs -i)) in
+ let app_f = mkApp(f,first_args) in
+ let pte_args = (Array.to_list first_args)@[app_f] in
+ let app_pte = applist(mkVar (Nameops.out_name pte),pte_args) in
+ let body_with_param =
+ let body = get_body fnames.(i) in
+ let body_with_full_params =
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota (
+ applist(body,List.rev_map var_of_decl full_params))
+ in
+ match kind_of_term body_with_full_params with
+ | Fix((_,num),(_,_,bs)) ->
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota
+ (
+ (applist
+ (substl
+ (List.rev
+ (Array.to_list all_funs_with_full_params))
+ bs.(num),
+ List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params))
+ )
+ | _ -> error "Not a mutual block"
+ in
+ let info =
+ {infos with
+ types = compose_prod type_args app_pte;
+ body_with_param = body_with_param
+ }
+ in
+(* observe (str "binding " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name pte) ++ *)
+(* str " to " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id; *)
+ (Idmap.add (Nameops.out_name pte) info acc_map,info::acc_info)
+ )
+ 0
+ (Idmap.empty,[])
+ (List.rev princ_info.predicates)
+ in
+ pte_to_fix,List.rev rev_info
+ | _ -> Idmap.empty,[]
+ in
+ let mk_fixes : tactic =
+ let pre_info,infos = list_chop fun_num infos in
+ match pre_info,infos with
+ | [],[] -> tclIDTAC
+ | _, this_fix_info::others_infos ->
+ let other_fix_infos =
+ (fun fi ->,fi.idx + 1 ,fi.types)
+ (pre_info@others_infos)
+ in
+ if other_fix_infos = []
+ then
+ observe_tac ("h_fix") (h_fix (Some (this_fix_info.idx +1))
+ else
+ h_mutual_fix (this_fix_info.idx + 1)
+ other_fix_infos
+ | _ -> anomaly "Not a valid information"
+ in
+ let first_tac : tactic = (* every operations until fix creations *)
+ [ observe_tac "introducing params" (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.params));
+ observe_tac "introducing predictes" (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.predicates));
+ observe_tac "introducing branches" (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches));
+ observe_tac "building fixes" mk_fixes;
+ ]
+ in
+ let intros_after_fixes : tactic =
+ fun gl ->
+ let ctxt,pte_app = (Sign.decompose_prod_assum (pf_concl gl)) in
+ let pte,pte_args = (decompose_app pte_app) in
+ try
+ let pte = try destVar pte with _ -> anomaly "Property is not a variable" in
+ let fix_info = Idmap.find pte ptes_to_fix in
+ let nb_args = fix_info.nb_realargs in
+ [
+ observe_tac ("introducing args") (tclDO nb_args intro);
+ (fun g -> (* replacement of the function by its body *)
+ let args = nLastHyps nb_args g in
+ let fix_body = fix_info.body_with_param in
+(* observe (str "fix_body := "++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env gl) fix_body); *)
+ let args_id = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) args in
+ let dyn_infos =
+ {
+ nb_rec_hyps = -100;
+ rec_hyps = [];
+ info =
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota
+ (applist(fix_body,List.rev_map mkVar args_id));
+ eq_hyps = []
+ }
+ in
+ [
+ observe_tac "do_replace"
+ (do_replace princ_info.params fix_info.idx args_id
+ (List.hd (List.rev pte_args)) fix_body);
+ let do_prove =
+ build_proof
+ interactive_proof
+ (Array.to_list fnames)
+ ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
+ in
+ let prove_tac branches =
+ let dyn_infos =
+ {dyn_infos with
+ rec_hyps = branches;
+ nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches
+ }
+ in
+ clean_goal_with_heq
+ ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
+ do_prove
+ dyn_infos
+ in
+(* observe (str "branches := " ++ *)
+(* prlist_with_sep spc (fun decl -> Ppconstr.pr_id (id_of_decl decl)) princ_info.branches); *)
+ observe_tac "instancing" (instanciate_hyps_with_args prove_tac
+ (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches)
+ (List.rev args_id))
+ ]
+ g
+ );
+ ] gl
+ with Not_found ->
+ let nb_args = min (princ_info.nargs) (List.length ctxt) in
+ [
+ tclDO nb_args intro;
+ (fun g -> (* replacement of the function by its body *)
+ let args = nLastHyps nb_args g in
+ let args_id = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) args in
+ let dyn_infos =
+ {
+ nb_rec_hyps = -100;
+ rec_hyps = [];
+ info =
+ Reductionops.nf_betaiota
+ (applist(fbody_with_full_params,
+ (List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params)@
+ (List.rev_map mkVar args_id)
+ ));
+ eq_hyps = []
+ }
+ in
+ let fname = destConst (fst (decompose_app (List.hd (List.rev pte_args)))) in
+ [unfold_in_concl [([],Names.EvalConstRef fname)];
+ let do_prove =
+ build_proof
+ interactive_proof
+ (Array.to_list fnames)
+ ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
+ in
+ let prove_tac branches =
+ let dyn_infos =
+ {dyn_infos with
+ rec_hyps = branches;
+ nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches
+ }
+ in
+ clean_goal_with_heq
+ ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
+ do_prove
+ dyn_infos
+ in
+ instanciate_hyps_with_args prove_tac
+ (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches)
+ (List.rev args_id)
+ ]
+ g
+ )
+ ]
+ gl
+ in
+ tclTHEN
+ first_tac
+ intros_after_fixes
+ g
+(* Proof of principles of general functions *)
+let h_id = Recdef.h_id
+and hrec_id = Recdef.hrec_id
+and acc_inv_id = Recdef.acc_inv_id
+and ltof_ref = Recdef.ltof_ref
+and acc_rel = Recdef.acc_rel
+and well_founded = Recdef.well_founded
+and delayed_force = Recdef.delayed_force
+and h_intros = Recdef.h_intros
+and list_rewrite = Recdef.list_rewrite
+and evaluable_of_global_reference = Recdef.evaluable_of_global_reference
+let prove_with_tcc tcc_lemma_constr eqs : tactic =
+ match !tcc_lemma_constr with
+ | None -> anomaly "No tcc proof !!"
+ | Some lemma ->
+ fun gls ->
+ let hid = next_global_ident_away true h_id (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in
+ [
+ generalize [lemma];
+ h_intro hid;
+ Elim.h_decompose_and (mkVar hid);
+ tclTRY(list_rewrite true eqs);
+ Eauto.gen_eauto false (false,5) [] (Some [])
+ ]
+ gls
+let backtrack_eqs_until_hrec hrec eqs : tactic =
+ fun gls ->
+ let rewrite =
+ tclFIRST ( Equality.rewriteRL eqs )
+ in
+ let _,hrec_concl = decompose_prod (pf_type_of gls (mkVar hrec)) in
+ let f_app = array_last (snd (destApp hrec_concl)) in
+ let f = (fst (destApp f_app)) in
+ let rec backtrack : tactic =
+ fun g ->
+ let f_app = array_last (snd (destApp (pf_concl g))) in
+ match kind_of_term f_app with
+ | App(f',_) when eq_constr f' f -> tclIDTAC g
+ | _ -> tclTHEN rewrite backtrack g
+ in
+ backtrack gls
+let new_prove_with_tcc is_mes acc_inv hrec tcc_lemma_constr eqs : tactic =
+ match !tcc_lemma_constr with
+ | None -> tclIDTAC_MESSAGE (str "No tcc proof !!")
+ | Some lemma ->
+ fun gls ->
+ let hid = next_global_ident_away true Recdef.h_id (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in
+ [
+ generalize [lemma];
+ h_intro hid;
+ Elim.h_decompose_and (mkVar hid);
+ backtrack_eqs_until_hrec hrec eqs;
+ tclCOMPLETE (tclTHENS (* We must have exactly ONE subgoal !*)
+ (apply (mkVar hrec))
+ [ tclTHENSEQ
+ [
+ thin [hrec];
+ apply (Lazy.force acc_inv);
+ (fun g ->
+ if is_mes
+ then
+ unfold_in_concl [([], evaluable_of_global_reference (delayed_force ltof_ref))] g
+ else tclIDTAC g
+ );
+ tclTRY(Recdef.list_rewrite true eqs);
+ observe_tac "finishing" (tclCOMPLETE (Eauto.gen_eauto false (false,5) [] (Some [])))
+ ]
+ ]
+ )
+ ])
+ gls
+let is_valid_hypothesis predicates_name =
+ let predicates_name = List.fold_right Idset.add predicates_name Idset.empty in
+ let is_pte typ =
+ if isApp typ
+ then
+ let pte,_ = destApp typ in
+ if isVar pte
+ then Idset.mem (destVar pte) predicates_name
+ else false
+ else false
+ in
+ let rec is_valid_hypothesis typ =
+ is_pte typ ||
+ match kind_of_term typ with
+ | Prod(_,pte,typ') -> is_pte pte && is_valid_hypothesis typ'
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ is_valid_hypothesis
+let fresh_id avoid na =
+ let id =
+ match na with
+ | Name id -> id
+ | Anonymous -> h_id
+ in
+ next_global_ident_away true id avoid
+let prove_principle_for_gen
+ (f_ref,functional_ref,eq_ref) tcc_lemma_ref is_mes
+ rec_arg_num rec_arg_type relation =
+ fun g ->
+ let type_of_goal = pf_concl g in
+ let goal_ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
+ let goal_elim_infos = compute_elim_sig type_of_goal in
+ let params_names,ids = List.fold_left
+ (fun (params_names,avoid) (na,_,_) ->
+ let new_id = fresh_id avoid na in
+ (new_id::params_names,new_id::avoid)
+ )
+ ([],goal_ids)
+ goal_elim_infos.params
+ in
+ let predicates_names,ids =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (predicates_names,avoid) (na,_,_) ->
+ let new_id = fresh_id avoid na in
+ (new_id::predicates_names,new_id::avoid)
+ )
+ ([],ids)
+ goal_elim_infos.predicates
+ in
+ let branches_names,ids =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (branches_names,avoid) (na,_,_) ->
+ let new_id = fresh_id avoid na in
+ (new_id::branches_names,new_id::avoid)
+ )
+ ([],ids)
+ goal_elim_infos.branches
+ in
+ let to_intro = params_names@predicates_names@branches_names in
+ let nparams = List.length params_names in
+ let rec_arg_num = rec_arg_num - nparams in
+ let tac_intro_static = h_intros to_intro in
+ let args_info = ref None in
+ let arg_tac g = (* introducing args *)
+ let ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
+ let func_body = def_of_const (mkConst functional_ref) in
+ (* let _ = Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_lconstr func_body) in *)
+ let (f_name, _, body1) = destLambda func_body in
+ let f_id =
+ match f_name with
+ | Name f_id -> next_global_ident_away true f_id ids
+ | Anonymous -> anomaly "anonymous function"
+ in
+ let n_names_types,_ = decompose_lam body1 in
+ let n_ids,ids =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (n_ids,ids) (n_name,_) ->
+ match n_name with
+ | Name id ->
+ let n_id = next_global_ident_away true id ids in
+ n_id::n_ids,n_id::ids
+ | _ -> anomaly "anonymous argument"
+ )
+ ([],(f_id::ids))
+ n_names_types
+ in
+ let rec_arg_id = List.nth n_ids (rec_arg_num - 1 ) in
+ let args_ids = snd (list_chop nparams n_ids) in
+ args_info := Some (ids,args_ids,rec_arg_id);
+ h_intros args_ids g
+ in
+ let wf_tac =
+ if is_mes
+ then
+ Recdef.tclUSER_if_not_mes
+ else fun _ -> prove_with_tcc tcc_lemma_ref []
+ in
+ let start_tac g =
+ let ids,args_ids,rec_arg_id = out_some !args_info in
+ let nargs = List.length args_ids in
+ let pre_rec_arg =
+ List.rev_map
+ mkVar
+ (fst (list_chop (rec_arg_num - 1) args_ids))
+ in
+ let args_before_rec = pre_rec_arg@( mkVar params_names) in
+ let relation = substl args_before_rec relation in
+ let input_type = substl args_before_rec rec_arg_type in
+ let wf_thm = next_global_ident_away true (id_of_string ("wf_R")) ids in
+ let wf_rec_arg =
+ next_global_ident_away true
+ (id_of_string ("Acc_"^(string_of_id rec_arg_id)))
+ (wf_thm::ids)
+ in
+ let hrec = next_global_ident_away true hrec_id (wf_rec_arg::wf_thm::ids) in
+ let acc_inv =
+ lazy (
+ mkApp (
+ delayed_force acc_inv_id,
+ [|input_type;relation;mkVar rec_arg_id|]
+ )
+ )
+ in
+ (tclTHENS
+ (observe_tac
+ "first assert"
+ (assert_tac
+ true (* the assert thm is in first subgoal *)
+ (Name wf_rec_arg)
+ (mkApp (delayed_force acc_rel,
+ [|input_type;relation;mkVar rec_arg_id|])
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ [
+ (* accesibility proof *)
+ tclTHENS
+ (observe_tac
+ "second assert"
+ (assert_tac
+ true
+ (Name wf_thm)
+ (mkApp (delayed_force well_founded,[|input_type;relation|]))
+ )
+ )
+ [
+ (* interactive proof of the well_foundness of the relation *)
+ wf_tac is_mes;
+ (* well_foundness -> Acc for any element *)
+ observe_tac
+ "apply wf_thm"
+ (h_apply ((mkApp(mkVar wf_thm,
+ [|mkVar rec_arg_id |])),Rawterm.NoBindings)
+ )
+ ]
+ ;
+ (* rest of the proof *)
+ [
+ observe_tac "generalize" (fun g ->
+ let to_thin =
+ fst (list_chop ( nargs + 1) (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
+ in
+ let to_thin_c = List.rev_map mkVar to_thin in
+ tclTHEN (generalize to_thin_c) (observe_tac "thin" (h_clear false to_thin)) g
+ );
+ observe_tac "h_fix" (h_fix (Some hrec) (nargs+1));
+ h_intros args_ids;
+ h_intro wf_rec_arg;
+ Equality.rewriteLR (mkConst eq_ref);
+ (fun g' ->
+ let body =
+ let _,args = destApp (pf_concl g') in
+ array_last args
+ in
+ let body_info rec_hyps =
+ {
+ nb_rec_hyps = List.length rec_hyps;
+ rec_hyps = rec_hyps;
+ eq_hyps = [];
+ info = body
+ }
+ in
+ let acc_inv = lazy (mkApp(Lazy.force acc_inv, [|mkVar wf_rec_arg|]) ) in
+ let pte_info =
+ { proving_tac =
+ (fun eqs ->
+ observe_tac "prove_with_tcc"
+ (new_prove_with_tcc is_mes acc_inv hrec tcc_lemma_ref ( mkVar eqs))
+ );
+ is_valid = is_valid_hypothesis predicates_names
+ }
+ in
+ let ptes_info : pte_info Idmap.t =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun map pte_id ->
+ Idmap.add pte_id
+ pte_info
+ map
+ )
+ Idmap.empty
+ predicates_names
+ in
+ let make_proof rec_hyps =
+ build_proof
+ false
+ [f_ref]
+ ptes_info
+ (body_info rec_hyps)
+ in
+ instanciate_hyps_with_args
+ make_proof
+ branches_names
+ args_ids
+ g'
+ )
+ ]
+ ]
+ g
+ )
+ in
+ [tac_intro_static;
+ arg_tac;
+ start_tac
+ ] g
diff --git a/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.mli b/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35da5d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+open Names
+open Term
+val prove_princ_for_struct :
+ bool ->
+ int -> constant array -> constr array -> int -> Tacmach.tactic
+val prove_principle_for_gen :
+ constant*constant*constant -> (* name of the function, the fonctionnal and the fixpoint equation *)
+ constr option ref -> (* a pointer to the obligation proofs lemma *)
+ bool -> (* is that function uses measure *)
+ int -> (* the number of recursive argument *)
+ types -> (* the type of the recursive argument *)
+ constr -> (* the wf relation used to prove the function *)
+ Tacmach.tactic
+val is_pte : rel_declaration -> bool
+val do_observe : unit -> bool
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ef13264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/funind/
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+open Printer
+open Util
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Names
+open Declarations
+open Pp
+open Entries
+open Hiddentac
+open Evd
+open Tacmach
+open Proof_type
+open Tacticals
+open Tactics
+open Indfun_common
+open Functional_principles_proofs
+exception Toberemoved_with_rel of int*constr
+exception Toberemoved
+ Transform an inductive induction principle into
+ a functional one
+let compute_new_princ_type_from_rel rel_to_fun sorts princ_type =
+ let princ_type_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let change_predicate_sort i (x,_,t) =
+ let new_sort = sorts.(i) in
+ let args,_ = decompose_prod t in
+ let real_args =
+ if princ_type_info.indarg_in_concl
+ then args
+ else args
+ in
+ x,None,compose_prod real_args (mkSort new_sort)
+ in
+ let new_predicates =
+ list_map_i
+ change_predicate_sort
+ 0
+ princ_type_info.predicates
+ in
+ let env_with_params_and_predicates =
+ Environ.push_rel_context
+ new_predicates
+ (Environ.push_rel_context
+ princ_type_info.params
+ env
+ )
+ in
+ let rel_as_kn =
+ fst (match princ_type_info.indref with
+ | Some (Libnames.IndRef ind) -> ind
+ | _ -> failwith "Not a valid predicate"
+ )
+ in
+ let pre_princ =
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn
+ ~init:
+ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn
+ ~init:(option_fold_right
+ mkProd_or_LetIn
+ princ_type_info.indarg
+ princ_type_info.concl
+ )
+ princ_type_info.args
+ )
+ princ_type_info.branches
+ in
+ let is_dom c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind((u,_)) -> u = rel_as_kn
+ | Construct((u,_),_) -> u = rel_as_kn
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let get_fun_num c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Ind(_,num) -> num
+ | Construct((_,num),_) -> num
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let dummy_var = mkVar (id_of_string "________") in
+ let mk_replacement c i args =
+ let res = mkApp(rel_to_fun.(i), pop (array_get_start args)) in
+(* observe (str "replacing " ++ pr_lconstr c ++ str " by " ++ pr_lconstr res); *)
+ res
+ in
+ let rec has_dummy_var t =
+ fold_constr
+ (fun b t -> b || (eq_constr t dummy_var) || (has_dummy_var t))
+ false
+ t
+ in
+ let rec compute_new_princ_type remove env pre_princ : types*(constr list) =
+ let (new_princ_type,_) as res =
+ match kind_of_term pre_princ with
+ | Rel n ->
+ begin
+ try match Environ.lookup_rel n env with
+ | _,_,t when is_dom t -> raise Toberemoved
+ | _ -> pre_princ,[] with Not_found -> assert false
+ end
+ | Prod(x,t,b) ->
+ compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove mkProd env x t b
+ | Lambda(x,t,b) ->
+ compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove mkLambda env x t b
+ | Ind _ | Construct _ when is_dom pre_princ -> raise Toberemoved
+ | App(f,args) when is_dom f ->
+ let var_to_be_removed = destRel (array_last args) in
+ let num = get_fun_num f in
+ raise (Toberemoved_with_rel (var_to_be_removed,mk_replacement pre_princ num args))
+ | App(f,args) ->
+ let is_pte =
+ match kind_of_term f with
+ | Rel n ->
+ is_pte (Environ.lookup_rel n env)
+ | _ -> false
+ in
+ let args =
+ if is_pte && remove
+ then array_get_start args
+ else args
+ in
+ let new_args,binders_to_remove =
+ Array.fold_right (compute_new_princ_type_with_acc remove env)
+ args
+ ([],[])
+ in
+ let new_f,binders_to_remove_from_f = compute_new_princ_type remove env f in
+ applist(new_f, new_args),
+ list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_f binders_to_remove
+ | LetIn(x,v,t,b) ->
+ compute_new_princ_type_for_letin remove env x v t b
+ | _ -> pre_princ,[]
+ in
+(* observennl ( *)
+(* match kind_of_term pre_princ with *)
+(* | Prod _ -> *)
+(* str "compute_new_princ_type for "++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env env pre_princ ++ *)
+(* str" is "++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr_env env new_princ_type ++ fnl () *)
+(* | _ -> str "" *)
+(* ); *)
+ res
+ and compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove bind_fun env x t b =
+ begin
+ try
+ let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type remove env t in
+ let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
+ let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,None,t) env in
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove new_env b in
+ if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
+ then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ else
+ (
+ bind_fun(new_x,new_t,new_b),
+ list_union_eq
+ eq_constr
+ binders_to_remove_from_t
+ ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ )
+ with
+ | Toberemoved ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
+ new_b, pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [c] n b) in
+ new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ end
+ and compute_new_princ_type_for_letin remove env x v t b =
+ begin
+ try
+ let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type remove env t in
+ let new_v,binders_to_remove_from_v = compute_new_princ_type remove env v in
+ let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
+ let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,Some v,t) env in
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove new_env b in
+ if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
+ then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ else
+ (
+ mkLetIn(new_x,new_v,new_t,new_b),
+ list_union_eq
+ eq_constr
+ (list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_t binders_to_remove_from_v)
+ ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ )
+ with
+ | Toberemoved ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
+ new_b, pop binders_to_remove_from_b
+ | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
+(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
+ let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [c] n b) in
+ new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
+ end
+ and compute_new_princ_type_with_acc remove env e (c_acc,to_remove_acc) =
+ let new_e,to_remove_from_e = compute_new_princ_type remove env e
+ in
+ new_e::c_acc,list_union_eq eq_constr to_remove_from_e to_remove_acc
+ in
+(* observe (str "Computing new principe from " ++ pr_lconstr_env env_with_params_and_predicates pre_princ); *)
+ let pre_res,_ =
+ compute_new_princ_type princ_type_info.indarg_in_concl env_with_params_and_predicates pre_princ in
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn
+ ~init:(it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:pre_res new_predicates)
+ princ_type_info.params
+let change_property_sort toSort princ princName =
+ let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ in
+ let change_sort_in_predicate (x,v,t) =
+ (x,None,
+ let args,_ = decompose_prod t in
+ compose_prod args (mkSort toSort)
+ )
+ in
+ let princName_as_constr = Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) princName in
+ let init =
+ let nargs = (princ_info.nparams + (List.length princ_info.predicates)) in
+ mkApp(princName_as_constr,
+ Array.init nargs
+ (fun i -> mkRel (nargs - i )))
+ in
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn
+ ~init:
+ (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ~init
+ ( change_sort_in_predicate princ_info.predicates)
+ )
+ princ_info.params
+let pp_dur time time' =
+ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time time'))
+(* End of things to be removed latter : just here to compare
+ saving proof with and without normalizing the proof
+let qed () = Command.save_named true
+let defined () = Command.save_named false
+let generate_functional_principle
+ interactive_proof
+ old_princ_type sorts new_princ_name funs i proof_tac
+ =
+ let f = funs.(i) in
+ let type_sort = Termops.new_sort_in_family InType in
+ let new_sorts =
+ match sorts with
+ | None -> Array.make (Array.length funs) (type_sort)
+ | Some a -> a
+ in
+ (* First we get the type of the old graph principle *)
+ let mutr_nparams = (compute_elim_sig old_princ_type).nparams in
+ (* First we get the type of the old graph principle *)
+ let new_principle_type =
+ compute_new_princ_type_from_rel
+ ( mkConst funs)
+ new_sorts
+ old_princ_type
+ in
+(* observe (str "new_principle_type : " ++ pr_lconstr new_principle_type); *)
+ let base_new_princ_name,new_princ_name =
+ match new_princ_name with
+ | Some (id) -> id,id
+ | None ->
+ let id_of_f = id_of_label (con_label f) in
+ id_of_f,Indrec.make_elimination_ident id_of_f (family_of_sort type_sort)
+ in
+ let names = ref [new_princ_name] in
+ let hook _ _ =
+ if sorts = None
+ then
+(* let id_of_f = id_of_label (con_label f) in *)
+ let register_with_sort fam_sort =
+ let s = Termops.new_sort_in_family fam_sort in
+ let name = Indrec.make_elimination_ident base_new_princ_name fam_sort in
+ let value =
+ change_property_sort s new_principle_type new_princ_name
+ in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "new principle := " ++ pr_lconstr value); *)
+ let ce =
+ { const_entry_body = value;
+ const_entry_type = None;
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_boxed = Options.boxed_definitions()
+ }
+ in
+ ignore(
+ Declare.declare_constant
+ name
+ (Entries.DefinitionEntry ce,
+ Decl_kinds.IsDefinition (Decl_kinds.Scheme)
+ )
+ );
+ names := name :: !names
+ in
+ register_with_sort InProp;
+ register_with_sort InSet
+ in
+ begin
+ Command.start_proof
+ new_princ_name
+ (Decl_kinds.Global,(Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Theorem))
+ new_principle_type
+ hook
+ ;
+ try
+ let _tim1 = System.get_time () in
+ (proof_tac ( mkConst funs) mutr_nparams);
+ let _tim2 = System.get_time () in
+(* begin *)
+(* let dur1 = System.time_difference tim1 tim2 in *)
+(* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to compute proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float dur1)); *)
+(* end; *)
+ let do_save = not (do_observe ()) && not interactive_proof in
+ let _ =
+ try
+(* Vernacentries.show_script (); *)
+ Options.silently defined ();
+ let _dur2 = System.time_difference _tim2 (System.get_time ()) in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to check proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float dur2)); *)
+ Options.if_verbose
+ (fun () ->
+ Pp.msgnl (
+ prlist_with_sep
+ (fun () -> str" is defined " ++ fnl ())
+ Ppconstr.pr_id
+ (List.rev !names) ++ str" is defined "
+ )
+ )
+ ()
+ with e when do_save ->
+ msg_warning
+ (
+ Cerrors.explain_exn e
+ );
+ if not (do_observe ())
+ then begin Vernacentries.interp (Vernacexpr.VernacAbort None);raise e end
+ in
+ ()
+(* let tim3 = Sys.time () in *)
+(* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to save proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float (tim3 -. tim2))); *)
+ with
+ | e ->
+ msg_warning
+ (
+ Cerrors.explain_exn e
+ );
+ if not ( do_observe ())
+ then begin Vernacentries.interp (Vernacexpr.VernacAbort None);raise e end
+ end
+exception Not_Rec
+let get_funs_constant mp dp =
+ let rec get_funs_constant const e : (Names.constant*int) array =
+ match kind_of_term (snd (decompose_lam e)) with
+ | Fix((_,(na,_,_))) ->
+ Array.mapi
+ (fun i na ->
+ match na with
+ | Name id ->
+ let const = make_con mp dp (label_of_id id) in
+ const,i
+ | Anonymous ->
+ anomaly "Anonymous fix"
+ )
+ na
+ | _ -> [|const,0|]
+ in
+ function const ->
+ let find_constant_body const =
+ match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
+ | Some b ->
+ let body = force b in
+ let body = Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
+ (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
+ (Global.env ())
+ (Evd.empty)
+ body
+ in
+ body
+ | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
+ in
+ let f = find_constant_body const in
+ let l_const = get_funs_constant const f in
+ (*
+ We need to check that all the functions found are in the same block
+ to prevent Reset stange thing
+ *)
+ let l_bodies = find_constant_body (Array.to_list ( fst l_const)) in
+ let l_params,l_fixes = List.split ( decompose_lam l_bodies) in
+ (* all the paremeter must be equal*)
+ let _check_params =
+ let first_params = List.hd l_params in
+ List.iter
+ (fun params ->
+ if not ((=) first_params params)
+ then error "Not a mutal recursive block"
+ )
+ l_params
+ in
+ (* The bodies has to be very similar *)
+ let _check_bodies =
+ try
+ let extract_info is_first body =
+ match kind_of_term body with
+ | Fix((idxs,_),(na,ta,ca)) -> (idxs,na,ta,ca)
+ | _ ->
+ if is_first && (List.length l_bodies = 1)
+ then raise Not_Rec
+ else error "Not a mutal recursive block"
+ in
+ let first_infos = extract_info true (List.hd l_bodies) in
+ let check body = (* Hope this is correct *)
+ if not (first_infos = (extract_info false body))
+ then error "Not a mutal recursive block"
+ in
+ List.iter check l_bodies
+ with Not_Rec -> ()
+ in
+ l_const
+exception No_graph_found
+let make_scheme fas =
+ let env = Global.env ()
+ and sigma = Evd.empty in
+ let id_to_constr id =
+ Tacinterp.constr_of_id env id
+ in
+ let funs =
+ (fun (_,f,_) ->
+ try id_to_constr f
+ with Not_found ->
+ Util.error ("Cannot find "^ string_of_id f)
+ )
+ fas
+ in
+ let first_fun = destConst (List.hd funs) in
+ let funs_mp,funs_dp,first_fun_id = Names.repr_con first_fun in
+ let first_fun_rel_id = mk_rel_id (id_of_label first_fun_id) in
+ let first_fun_kn =
+ try
+ (* Fixme: take into account funs_mp and funs_dp *)
+ fst (destInd (id_to_constr first_fun_rel_id))
+ with Not_found -> raise No_graph_found
+ in
+ let this_block_funs_indexes = get_funs_constant funs_mp funs_dp first_fun in
+ let this_block_funs = fst this_block_funs_indexes in
+ let prop_sort = InProp in
+ let funs_indexes =
+ let this_block_funs_indexes = Array.to_list this_block_funs_indexes in
+ (function const -> List.assoc (destConst const) this_block_funs_indexes)
+ funs
+ in
+ let ind_list =
+ (fun (idx) ->
+ let ind = first_fun_kn,idx in
+ let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ ind,mib,mip,true,prop_sort
+ )
+ funs_indexes
+ in
+ let l_schemes = (Typing.type_of env sigma ) (Indrec.build_mutual_indrec env sigma ind_list) in
+ let i = ref (-1) in
+ let sorts =
+ List.rev_map (fun (_,_,x) ->
+ Termops.new_sort_in_family (Pretyping.interp_elimination_sort x)
+ )
+ fas
+ in
+ let princ_names = (fun (x,_,_) -> x) fas in
+ let _ = List.map2
+ (fun princ_name scheme_type ->
+ incr i;
+(* observe (str "Generating " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id princ_name ++str " with " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr scheme_type ++ str " and " ++ (fun a -> prlist_with_sep spc (fun c -> pr_lconstr (mkConst c)) (Array.to_list a)) this_block_funs *)
+(* ); *)
+ generate_functional_principle
+ false
+ scheme_type
+ (Some (Array.of_list sorts))
+ (Some princ_name)
+ this_block_funs
+ !i
+ (prove_princ_for_struct false !i (Array.of_list ( destConst funs)))
+ )
+ princ_names
+ l_schemes
+ in
+ ()
+let make_case_scheme fa =
+ let env = Global.env ()
+ and sigma = Evd.empty in
+ let id_to_constr id =
+ Tacinterp.constr_of_id env id
+ in
+ let funs = (fun (_,f,_) -> id_to_constr f) fa in
+ let first_fun = destConst funs in
+ let funs_mp,funs_dp,first_fun_id = Names.repr_con first_fun in
+ let first_fun_rel_id = mk_rel_id (id_of_label first_fun_id) in
+ let first_fun_kn =
+ (* Fixme: take into accour funs_mp and funs_dp *)
+ fst (destInd (id_to_constr first_fun_rel_id))
+ in
+ let this_block_funs_indexes = get_funs_constant funs_mp funs_dp first_fun in
+ let this_block_funs = fst this_block_funs_indexes in
+ let prop_sort = InProp in
+ let funs_indexes =
+ let this_block_funs_indexes = Array.to_list this_block_funs_indexes in
+ List.assoc (destConst funs) this_block_funs_indexes
+ in
+ let ind_fun =
+ let ind = first_fun_kn,funs_indexes in
+ ind,prop_sort
+ in
+ let scheme_type = (Typing.type_of env sigma ) ((fun (ind,sf) -> Indrec.make_case_gen env sigma ind sf) ind_fun) in
+ let sorts =
+ (fun (_,_,x) ->
+ Termops.new_sort_in_family (Pretyping.interp_elimination_sort x)
+ )
+ fa
+ in
+ let princ_name = (fun (x,_,_) -> x) fa in
+ let _ =
+(* observe (str "Generating " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id princ_name ++str " with " ++ *)
+(* pr_lconstr scheme_type ++ str " and " ++ (fun a -> prlist_with_sep spc (fun c -> pr_lconstr (mkConst c)) (Array.to_list a)) this_block_funs *)
+(* ); *)
+ generate_functional_principle
+ false
+ scheme_type
+ (Some ([|sorts|]))
+ (Some princ_name)
+ this_block_funs
+ 0
+ (prove_princ_for_struct false 0 [|destConst funs|])
+ in
+ ()
diff --git a/contrib/funind/functional_principles_types.mli b/contrib/funind/functional_principles_types.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8b4faaf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/funind/functional_principles_types.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+open Names
+open Term
+val generate_functional_principle :
+ (* do we accept interactive proving *)
+ bool ->
+ (* induction principle on rel *)
+ types ->
+ (* *)
+ sorts array option ->
+ (* Name of the new principle *)
+ (identifier) option ->
+ (* the compute functions to use *)
+ constant array ->
+ (* We prove the nth- principle *)
+ int ->
+ (* The tactic to use to make the proof w.r
+ the number of params
+ *)
+ (constr array -> int -> Tacmach.tactic) ->
+ unit
+val compute_new_princ_type_from_rel : constr array -> sorts array ->
+ types -> types
+exception No_graph_found
+val make_scheme : (identifier*identifier*Rawterm.rawsort) list -> unit
+val make_case_scheme : (identifier*identifier*Rawterm.rawsort) -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
index 2fcdd3a7..f6d554a8 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ b/contrib/funind/
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
open Util
open Names
open Term
open Pp
open Indfun_common
open Libnames
@@ -29,6 +28,11 @@ let interp_casted_constr_with_implicits sigma env impls c =
Constrintern.intern_gen false sigma env ~impls:([],impls)
~allow_soapp:false ~ltacvars:([],[]) c
+ Construct a fixpoint as a Rawterm
+ and not as a constr
let build_newrecursive
(lnameargsardef) =
let env0 = Global.env()
@@ -71,31 +75,43 @@ let compute_annot (name,annot,args,types,body) =
| None ->
if List.length names > 1 then
- (dummy_loc,"GenFixpoint",
+ (dummy_loc,"Function",
Pp.str "the recursive argument needs to be specified");
let new_annot = (id_of_name (List.hd names)) in
(name,Struct new_annot,args,types,body)
| Some r -> (name,r,args,types,body)
+(* Checks whether or not the mutual bloc is recursive *)
let rec is_rec names =
let names = List.fold_right Idset.add names Idset.empty in
- let check_id id = Idset.mem id names in
- let rec lookup = function
- | RVar(_,id) -> check_id id
+ let check_id id names = Idset.mem id names in
+ let rec lookup names = function
+ | RVar(_,id) -> check_id id names
| RRef _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ | RSort _ | RHole _ | RDynamic _ -> false
- | RCast(_,b,_,_) -> lookup b
- | RRec _ -> assert false
- | RIf _ -> failwith "Rif not implemented"
- | RLetIn(_,_,t,b) | RLambda(_,_,t,b) | RProd(_,_,t,b) | RLetTuple(_,_,_,t,b) ->
- lookup t || lookup b
- | RApp(_,f,args) -> List.exists lookup (f::args)
+ | RCast(_,b,_,_) -> lookup names b
+ | RRec _ -> error "RRec not handled"
+ | RIf(_,b,_,lhs,rhs) ->
+ (lookup names b) || (lookup names lhs) || (lookup names rhs)
+ | RLetIn(_,na,t,b) | RLambda(_,na,t,b) | RProd(_,na,t,b) ->
+ lookup names t || lookup (Nameops.name_fold Idset.remove na names) b
+ | RLetTuple(_,nal,_,t,b) -> lookup names t ||
+ lookup
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun acc na -> Nameops.name_fold Idset.remove na acc)
+ names
+ nal
+ )
+ b
+ | RApp(_,f,args) -> List.exists (lookup names) (f::args)
| RCases(_,_,el,brl) ->
- List.exists (fun (e,_) -> lookup e) el ||
- List.exists (fun (_,_,_,ret)-> lookup ret) brl
+ List.exists (fun (e,_) -> lookup names e) el ||
+ List.exists (lookup_br names) brl
+ and lookup_br names (_,idl,_,rt) =
+ let new_names = List.fold_right Idset.remove idl names in
+ lookup new_names rt
- lookup
+ lookup names
let prepare_body (name,annot,args,types,body) rt =
let n = (Topconstr.local_binders_length args) in
@@ -139,7 +155,7 @@ let generate_principle
let princ_type =
(Global.lookup_constant princ).Declarations.const_type
- New_arg_principle.generate_functional_principle
+ Functional_principles_types.generate_functional_principle
@@ -171,12 +187,12 @@ let register_struct is_rec fixpoint_exprl =
| _ ->
Command.build_recursive fixpoint_exprl (Options.boxed_definitions())
-let generate_correction_proof_wf tcc_lemma_ref
- is_mes f_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation
+let generate_correction_proof_wf f_ref tcc_lemma_ref
+ is_mes functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation
(_: int) (_:Names.constant array) (_:Term.constr array) (_:int) : Tacmach.tactic =
- Recdef.prove_principle tcc_lemma_ref
- is_mes f_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation
+ Functional_principles_proofs.prove_principle_for_gen
+ (f_ref,functional_ref,eq_ref)
+ tcc_lemma_ref is_mes rec_arg_num rec_arg_type relation
let register_wf ?(is_mes=false) fname wf_rel_expr wf_arg args ret_type body
@@ -214,11 +230,11 @@ let register_wf ?(is_mes=false) fname wf_rel_expr wf_arg args ret_type body
let eq = Command.generalize_constr_expr unbounded_eq args in
- let hook tcc_lemma_ref f_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation =
+ let hook f_ref tcc_lemma_ref functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation =
- (generate_correction_proof_wf tcc_lemma_ref is_mes
- f_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation
+ (generate_correction_proof_wf f_ref tcc_lemma_ref is_mes
+ functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation
Command.save_named true
with e ->
@@ -317,7 +333,7 @@ let do_generate_principle register_built interactive_proof fixpoint_exprl =
(Topconstr.names_of_local_assums args)
let annot =
- try Util.list_index (Name id) names - 1, Topconstr.CStructRec
+ try Some (Util.list_index (Name id) names - 1), Topconstr.CStructRec
with Not_found -> raise (UserError("",str "Cannot find argument " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id id))
@@ -325,10 +341,10 @@ let do_generate_principle register_built interactive_proof fixpoint_exprl =
let names = (Topconstr.names_of_local_assums args) in
if is_one_rec recdef && List.length names > 1 then
- (Util.dummy_loc,"GenFixpoint",
- Pp.str "the recursive argument needs to be specified")
+ (Util.dummy_loc,"Function",
+ Pp.str "the recursive argument needs to be specified in Function")
- (name,(0, Topconstr.CStructRec),args,types,body),(None:Vernacexpr.decl_notation)
+ (name,(Some 0, Topconstr.CStructRec),args,types,body),(None:Vernacexpr.decl_notation)
| (_,Some (Wf _),_,_,_),_ | (_,Some (Mes _),_,_,_),_->
("Cannot use mutual definition with well-founded recursion")
@@ -347,12 +363,69 @@ let do_generate_principle register_built interactive_proof fixpoint_exprl =
- (New_arg_principle.prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof);
+ (Functional_principles_proofs.prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof);
+open Topconstr
+let rec add_args id new_args b =
+ match b with
+ | CRef r ->
+ begin match r with
+ | Libnames.Ident(loc,fname) when fname = id ->
+ CAppExpl(dummy_loc,(None,r),new_args)
+ | _ -> b
+ end
+ | CFix _ | CCoFix _ -> anomaly "add_args : todo"
+ | CArrow(loc,b1,b2) ->
+ CArrow(loc,add_args id new_args b1, add_args id new_args b2)
+ | CProdN(loc,nal,b1) ->
+ CProdN(loc, (fun (nal,b2) -> (nal,add_args id new_args b2)) nal, add_args id new_args b1)
+ | CLambdaN(loc,nal,b1) ->
+ CLambdaN(loc, (fun (nal,b2) -> (nal,add_args id new_args b2)) nal, add_args id new_args b1)
+ | CLetIn(loc,na,b1,b2) ->
+ CLetIn(loc,na,add_args id new_args b1,add_args id new_args b2)
+ | CAppExpl(loc,(pf,r),exprl) ->
+ begin
+ match r with
+ | Libnames.Ident(loc,fname) when fname = id ->
+ CAppExpl(loc,(pf,r),new_args@( (add_args id new_args) exprl))
+ | _ -> CAppExpl(loc,(pf,r), (add_args id new_args) exprl)
+ end
+ | CApp(loc,(pf,b),bl) ->
+ CApp(loc,(pf,add_args id new_args b), (fun (e,o) -> add_args id new_args e,o) bl)
+ | CCases(loc,b_option,cel,cal) ->
+ CCases(loc,Util.option_map (add_args id new_args) b_option,
+ (fun (b,(na,b_option)) -> add_args id new_args b,(na,Util.option_map (add_args id new_args) b_option)) cel,
+ (fun (loc,cpl,e) -> (loc,cpl,add_args id new_args e)) cal
+ )
+ | CLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,b_option),b1,b2) ->
+ CLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,Util.option_map (add_args id new_args) b_option),
+ add_args id new_args b1,
+ add_args id new_args b2
+ )
+ | CIf(loc,b1,(na,b_option),b2,b3) ->
+ CIf(loc,add_args id new_args b1,
+ (na,Util.option_map (add_args id new_args) b_option),
+ add_args id new_args b2,
+ add_args id new_args b3
+ )
+ | CHole _ -> b
+ | CPatVar _ -> b
+ | CEvar _ -> b
+ | CSort _ -> b
+ | CCast(loc,b1,ck,b2) ->
+ CCast(loc,add_args id new_args b1,ck,add_args id new_args b2)
+ | CNotation _ -> anomaly "add_args : CNotation"
+ | CPrim _ -> b
+ | CDelimiters _ -> anomaly "add_args : CDelimiters"
+ | CDynamic _ -> anomaly "add_args : CDynamic"
let make_graph (id:identifier) =
let c_body =
@@ -367,8 +440,6 @@ let make_graph (id:identifier) =
| Some b ->
let env = Global.env () in
let body = (force b) in
let extern_body,extern_type =
let old_implicit_args = Impargs.is_implicit_args ()
and old_strict_implicit_args = Impargs.is_strict_implicit_args ()
@@ -400,68 +471,102 @@ let make_graph (id:identifier) =
Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
raise e
+ let rec get_args b t : Topconstr.local_binder list *
+ Topconstr.constr_expr * Topconstr.constr_expr =
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "body: " ++Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr b); *)
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "type: " ++ Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr t); *)
+(* Pp.msgnl (fnl ()); *)
+ match b with
+ | Topconstr.CLambdaN (loc, (nal_ta), b') ->
+ begin
+ let n =
+ (List.fold_left (fun n (nal,_) ->
+ n+List.length nal) 0 nal_ta )
+ in
+ let rec chop_n_arrow n t =
+ if n > 0
+ then
+ match t with
+ | Topconstr.CArrow(_,_,t) -> chop_n_arrow (n-1) t
+ | Topconstr.CProdN(_,nal_ta',t') ->
+ let n' =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun n (nal,t'') ->
+ n+List.length nal) n nal_ta'
+ in
+ assert (n'<= n);
+ chop_n_arrow (n - n') t'
+ | _ -> anomaly "Not enough products"
+ else t
+ in
+ let nal_tas,b'',t'' = get_args b' (chop_n_arrow n t) in
+ ( (fun (nal,ta) -> (Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,ta))) nal_ta)@nal_tas, b'',t''
+ end
+ | _ -> [],b,t
+ in
+ let (nal_tas,b,t) = get_args extern_body extern_type in
let expr_list =
- match extern_body with
+ match b with
| Topconstr.CFix(loc,l_id,fixexprl) ->
- let l =
- (fun (id,(n,recexp),bl,t,b) ->
- let nal =
- List.flatten
- (
- (function
- | Topconstr.LocalRawDef (na,_)-> []
- | Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,_) -> nal
- )
- bl
- )
- in
- let rec_id =
- match List.nth nal n with |(_,Name id) -> id | _ -> anomaly ""
- in
- (id, Some (Struct rec_id),bl,t,b)
- )
- fixexprl
- in
- l
- | _ ->
- let rec get_args b t : Topconstr.local_binder list *
- Topconstr.constr_expr * Topconstr.constr_expr =
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "body: " ++Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr b); *)
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "type: " ++ Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr t); *)
-(* Pp.msgnl (fnl ()); *)
- match b with
- | Topconstr.CLambdaN (loc, (nal_ta), b') ->
- begin
- let n =
- (List.fold_left (fun n (nal,_) ->
- n+List.length nal) 0 nal_ta )
- in
- let rec chop_n_arrow n t =
- if n > 0
- then
- match t with
- | Topconstr.CArrow(_,_,t) -> chop_n_arrow (n-1) t
- | Topconstr.CProdN(_,nal_ta',t') ->
- let n' =
- List.fold_left
- (fun n (nal,t'') ->
- n+List.length nal) n nal_ta'
- in
- assert (n'<= n);
- chop_n_arrow (n - n') t'
- | _ -> anomaly "Not enough products"
- else t
- in
- let nal_tas,b'',t'' = get_args b' (chop_n_arrow n t) in
- ( (fun (nal,ta) -> (Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,ta))) nal_ta)@nal_tas, b'',t''
- end
- | _ -> [],b,t
+ let l =
+ (fun (id,(n,recexp),bl,t,b) ->
+(* let nal = *)
+(* List.flatten *)
+(* ( *)
+(* (function *)
+(* | Topconstr.LocalRawDef (na,_)-> [] *)
+(* | Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,_) -> nal *)
+(* ) *)
+(* (nal_tas@bl) *)
+(* ) *)
+(* in *)
+ let bl' =
+ List.flatten
+ (
+ (function
+ | Topconstr.LocalRawDef (na,_)-> []
+ | Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,_) -> nal
+ )
+ bl
+ )
+ in
+ let rec_id =
+ match List.nth bl' (out_some n) with |(_,Name id) -> id | _ -> anomaly ""
+ in
+ let new_args =
+ List.flatten
+ (
+ (function
+ | Topconstr.LocalRawDef (na,_)-> []
+ | Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,_) -> (fun (loc,n) -> CRef(Libnames.Ident(loc, Nameops.out_name n))) nal
+ )
+ nal_tas
+ )
+ in
+ let b' = add_args id new_args b in
+ (id, Some (Struct rec_id),nal_tas@bl,t,b')
+ )
+ fixexprl
- let nal_tas,b,t = get_args extern_body extern_type in
+ l
+ | _ ->
+(* List.iter (fun (id,rec_arg,bl,t,b) -> *)
+(* Pp.msgnl *)
+(* (Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ *)
+(* Ppconstr.pr_binders bl ++ *)
+(* begin match rec_arg with *)
+(* | Some (Struct id) -> str " { struct " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ str " }" *)
+(* | _ -> (mt ()) *)
+(* end ++ *)
+(* str " : " ++ Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr t ++ *)
+(* str " := " ++ *)
+(* Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr b *)
+(* ) *)
+(* ) *)
+(* expr_list; *)
do_generate_principle false false expr_list
(* let make_graph _ = assert false *)
diff --git a/contrib/funind/indfun_main.ml4 b/contrib/funind/indfun_main.ml4
index 7b3d8cbd..61f26d30 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/indfun_main.ml4
+++ b/contrib/funind/indfun_main.ml4
@@ -13,37 +13,72 @@ open Topconstr
open Indfun_common
open Indfun
open Genarg
+open Pcoq
-TACTIC EXTEND newfuninv
- [ "functional" "inversion" ident(hyp) ident(fname) ] ->
- [
- Invfun.invfun hyp fname
- ]
+let pr_binding prc = function
+ | loc, Rawterm.NamedHyp id, c -> hov 1 (Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ str " := " ++ cut () ++ prc c)
+ | loc, Rawterm.AnonHyp n, c -> hov 1 (int n ++ str " := " ++ cut () ++ prc c)
+let pr_bindings prc prlc = function
+ | Rawterm.ImplicitBindings l ->
+ brk (1,1) ++ str "with" ++ brk (1,1) ++
+ Util.prlist_with_sep spc prc l
+ | Rawterm.ExplicitBindings l ->
+ brk (1,1) ++ str "with" ++ brk (1,1) ++
+ Util.prlist_with_sep spc (fun b -> str"(" ++ pr_binding prlc b ++ str")") l
+ | Rawterm.NoBindings -> mt ()
+let pr_with_bindings prc prlc (c,bl) =
+ prc c ++ hv 0 (pr_bindings prc prlc bl)
-let pr_fun_ind_using prc _ _ opt_c =
- match opt_c with
+let pr_fun_ind_using prc prlc _ opt_c =
+ match opt_c with
| None -> mt ()
- | Some c -> spc () ++ hov 2 (str "using" ++ spc () ++ prc c)
+ | Some c -> spc () ++ hov 2 (str "using" ++ spc () ++ pr_with_bindings prc prlc c)
ARGUMENT EXTEND fun_ind_using
- TYPED AS constr_opt
+ TYPED AS constr_with_bindings_opt
PRINTED BY pr_fun_ind_using
-| [ "using" constr(c) ] -> [ Some c ]
+| [ "using" constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ Some c ]
| [ ] -> [ None ]
-let pr_intro_as_pat prc _ _ pat =
- str "as" ++ spc () ++ pr_intro_pattern pat
+TACTIC EXTEND newfuninv
+ [ "functional" "inversion" ident(hyp) ident(fname) fun_ind_using(princl)] ->
+ [
+ fun g ->
+ let fconst = const_of_id fname in
+ let princ =
+ match princl with
+ | None ->
+ let f_ind_id =
+ (
+ Indrec.make_elimination_ident
+ fname
+ (Tacticals.elimination_sort_of_goal g)
+ )
+ in
+ let princ = const_of_id f_ind_id in
+ princ
+ | Some princ -> destConst (fst princ)
+ in
+ Invfun.invfun hyp fconst princ g
+ ]
+let pr_intro_as_pat prc _ _ pat =
+ match pat with
+ | Some pat -> spc () ++ str "as" ++ spc () ++ pr_intro_pattern pat
+ | None -> mt ()
-ARGUMENT EXTEND with_names TYPED AS intro_pattern PRINTED BY pr_intro_as_pat
-| [ "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) ] -> [ ipat ]
-| [] ->[ IntroAnonymous ]
+ARGUMENT EXTEND with_names TYPED AS intro_pattern_opt PRINTED BY pr_intro_as_pat
+| [ "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) ] -> [ Some ipat ]
+| [] ->[ None ]
@@ -61,16 +96,25 @@ let is_rec scheme_info =
let choose_dest_or_ind scheme_info =
if is_rec scheme_info
then Tactics.new_induct
- else
- Tactics.new_destruct
+ else Tactics.new_destruct
- ["new" "functional" "induction" constr(c) fun_ind_using(princl) with_names(pat)] ->
+ ["functional" "induction" ne_constr_list(cl) fun_ind_using(princl) with_names(pat)] ->
+ let pat =
+ match pat with
+ | None -> IntroAnonymous
+ | Some pat -> pat
+ in
+ let c = match cl with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [c] -> c
+ | c::cl -> applist(c,cl)
+ in
let f,args = decompose_app c in
fun g ->
- let princ =
+ let princ,bindings =
match princl with
| None -> (* No principle is given let's find the good one *)
let fname =
@@ -86,7 +130,7 @@ TACTIC EXTEND newfunind
(Tacticals.elimination_sort_of_goal g)
- mkConst(const_of_id princ_name )
+ mkConst(const_of_id princ_name ),Rawterm.NoBindings
| Some princ -> princ
let princ_type = Tacmach.pf_type_of g princ in
@@ -98,12 +142,46 @@ TACTIC EXTEND newfunind
in (fun c -> Tacexpr.ElimOnConstr c) (args@c_list)
- let princ' = Some (princ,Rawterm.NoBindings) in
- choose_dest_or_ind
+ let princ' = Some (princ,bindings) in
+ let princ_vars =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun a acc ->
+ try Idset.add (destVar a) acc
+ with _ -> acc
+ )
+ args
+ Idset.empty
+ in
+ let old_idl = List.fold_right Idset.add (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps g) Idset.empty in
+ let old_idl = Idset.diff old_idl princ_vars in
+ let subst_and_reduce g =
+ let idl =
+ Util.map_succeed
+ (fun id ->
+ if Idset.mem id old_idl then failwith "";
+ id
+ )
+ (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps g)
+ in
+ let flag =
+ Rawterm.Cbv
+ {Rawterm.all_flags
+ with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
+ }
+ in
+ Tacticals.tclTHEN
+ (Tacticals.tclMAP (fun id -> Tacticals.tclTRY (Equality.subst [id])) idl )
+ (Hiddentac.h_reduce flag Tacticals.allClauses)
+ g
+ in
+ Tacticals.tclTHEN
+ (choose_dest_or_ind
- pat g
+ pat)
+ subst_and_reduce
+ g
@@ -111,7 +189,7 @@ END
[ "{" "struct" ident(id) "}"] -> [ Struct id ]
| [ "{" "wf" constr(r) ident_opt(id) "}" ] -> [ Wf(r,id) ]
-| [ "{" "mes" constr(r) ident_opt(id) "}" ] -> [ Mes(r,id) ]
+| [ "{" "measure" constr(r) ident_opt(id) "}" ] -> [ Mes(r,id) ]
@@ -130,7 +208,7 @@ VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND rec_definition2
let check_one_name () =
if List.length names > 1 then
- (Util.dummy_loc,"GenFixpoint",
+ (Util.dummy_loc,"Function",
Pp.str "the recursive argument needs to be specified");
let check_exists_args an =
@@ -138,7 +216,7 @@ VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND rec_definition2
let id = match an with Struct id -> id | Wf(_,Some id) -> id | Mes(_,Some id) -> id | Wf(_,None) | Mes(_,None) -> failwith "check_exists_args" in
(try ignore(Util.list_index (Name id) names - 1); annot
with Not_found -> Util.user_err_loc
- (Util.dummy_loc,"GenFixpoint",
+ (Util.dummy_loc,"Function",
Pp.str "No argument named " ++ Nameops.pr_id id)
with Failure "check_exists_args" -> check_one_name ();annot
@@ -160,16 +238,11 @@ VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND rec_definitions2
- ["GenFixpoint" rec_definitions2(recsl)] ->
+ ["Function" rec_definitions2(recsl)] ->
[ do_generate_principle false recsl]
- ["IGenFixpoint" rec_definitions2(recsl)] ->
- [ do_generate_principle true recsl]
| [ ident(princ_name) ":=" "Induction" "for" ident(fun_name) "Sort" sort(s) ] -> [ (princ_name,fun_name,s) ]
@@ -181,17 +254,28 @@ VERNAC ARGUMENT EXTEND fun_scheme_args
- ["New" "Functional" "Scheme" fun_scheme_args(fas) ] ->
+ ["Functional" "Scheme" fun_scheme_args(fas) ] ->
- New_arg_principle.make_scheme fas
+ try
+ Functional_principles_types.make_scheme fas
+ with Functional_principles_types.No_graph_found ->
+ match fas with
+ | (_,fun_name,_)::_ ->
+ begin
+ make_graph fun_name;
+ try Functional_principles_types.make_scheme fas
+ with Functional_principles_types.No_graph_found ->
+ Util.error ("Cannot generate induction principle(s)")
+ end
+ | _ -> assert false (* we can only have non empty list *)
- ["New" "Functional" "Case" fun_scheme_arg(fas) ] ->
+ ["Functional" "Case" fun_scheme_arg(fas) ] ->
- New_arg_principle.make_case_scheme fas
+ Functional_principles_types.make_case_scheme fas
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
index 1f711297..2e5616f0 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ b/contrib/funind/
@@ -88,18 +88,9 @@ let gen_fargs fargs : tactic =
-let invfun (hypname:identifier) (fid:identifier) : tactic=
+let invfun (hypname:identifier) fname princ : tactic=
fun g ->
let nprod_goal = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
- let f_ind_id =
- (
- Indrec.make_elimination_ident
- fid
- (Tacticals.elimination_sort_of_goal g)
- )
- in
- let fname = const_of_id fid in
- let princ = const_of_id f_ind_id in
let princ_info =
let princ_type =
(try (match (Global.lookup_constant princ) with
@@ -114,7 +105,7 @@ let invfun (hypname:identifier) (fid:identifier) : tactic=
let frealargs = (snd (array_chop (List.length princ_info.params) fargs))
let pat_args =
- ( (fun e -> ([-1],e)) (Array.to_list frealargs)) @ [[],appf]
+ ( (fun e -> ([Rawterm.ArgArg (-1)],e)) (Array.to_list frealargs)) @ [[],appf]
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ef23c48..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1770 +0,0 @@
-open Printer
-open Util
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Names
-open Declarations
-open Pp
-open Entries
-open Hiddentac
-open Evd
-open Tacmach
-open Proof_type
-open Tacticals
-open Tactics
-open Indfun_common
-let msgnl = Pp.msgnl
-let do_observe () =
- Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff
-let observe strm =
- if do_observe ()
- then Pp.msgnl strm
- else ()
-let observennl strm =
- if do_observe ()
- then begin Pp.msg strm;Pp.pp_flush () end
- else ()
-let do_observe_tac s tac g =
- try let v = tac g in (* msgnl (goal ++ fnl () ++ (str s)++(str " ")++(str "finished")); *) v
- with e ->
- let goal = begin try (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)) with _ -> assert false end in
- msgnl (str "observation "++str s++str " raised exception " ++
- Cerrors.explain_exn e ++ str "on goal " ++ goal );
- raise e;;
-let observe_tac s tac g =
- if do_observe ()
- then do_observe_tac s tac g
- else tac g
-let tclTRYD tac =
- if !Options.debug || do_observe ()
- then (fun g -> try do_observe_tac "" tac g with _ -> tclIDTAC g)
- else tac
-let list_chop ?(msg="") n l =
- try
- list_chop n l
- with Failure (msg') ->
- failwith (msg ^ msg')
-let make_refl_eq type_of_t t =
- let refl_equal_term = Lazy.force refl_equal in
- mkApp(refl_equal_term,[|type_of_t;t|])
-type static_fix_info =
- {
- idx : int;
- name : identifier;
- types : types
- }
-type static_infos =
- {
- fixes_ids : identifier list;
- ptes_to_fixes : static_fix_info Idmap.t
- }
-type 'a dynamic_info =
- {
- nb_rec_hyps : int;
- rec_hyps : identifier list ;
- eq_hyps : identifier list;
- info : 'a
- }
-let finish_proof dynamic_infos g =
- observe_tac "finish"
- h_assumption
- g
-let refine c =
- Tacmach.refine_no_check c
-let thin l =
- Tacmach.thin_no_check l
-let cut_replacing id t tac :tactic=
- tclTHENS (cut t)
- [ tclTHEN (thin_no_check [id]) (introduction_no_check id);
- tac
- ]
-let intro_erasing id = tclTHEN (thin [id]) (introduction id)
-let rec_hyp_id = id_of_string "rec_hyp"
-let is_trivial_eq t =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | App(f,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq) ->
- eq_constr t1 t2
- | _ -> false
-let rec incompatible_constructor_terms t1 t2 =
- let c1,arg1 = decompose_app t1
- and c2,arg2 = decompose_app t2
- in
- (not (eq_constr t1 t2)) &&
- isConstruct c1 && isConstruct c2 &&
- (
- not (eq_constr c1 c2) ||
- List.exists2 incompatible_constructor_terms arg1 arg2
- )
-let is_incompatible_eq t =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | App(f,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq) ->
- incompatible_constructor_terms t1 t2
- | _ -> false
-let change_hyp_with_using hyp_id t tac =
- fun g ->
- let prov_id = pf_get_new_id hyp_id g in
- [
- forward (Some tac) (Genarg.IntroIdentifier prov_id) t;
- thin [hyp_id];
- h_rename prov_id hyp_id
- ] g
-exception TOREMOVE
-let prove_trivial_eq h_id context (type_of_term,term) =
- let nb_intros = List.length context in
- [
- tclDO nb_intros intro; (* introducing context *)
- (fun g ->
- let context_hyps =
- fst (list_chop ~msg:"prove_trivial_eq : " nb_intros (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
- in
- let context_hyps' =
- (mkApp(Lazy.force refl_equal,[|type_of_term;term|]))::
- ( mkVar context_hyps)
- in
- let to_refine = applist(mkVar h_id,List.rev context_hyps') in
- refine to_refine g
- )
- ]
-let isAppConstruct t =
- if isApp t
- then isConstruct (fst (destApp t))
- else false
-let nf_betaoiotazeta = Reductionops.local_strong Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta
-let remove_useless_rel env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) t end_of_type t1 t2 =
- let rel_num = destRel t2 in
- let nb_kept = List.length context - rel_num
- and nb_popped = rel_num - 1
- in
- (* We remove the equation *)
- let new_end_of_type = pop end_of_type in
- let lt_relnum,ge_relnum =
- list_chop
- ~msg:("removing useless variable "^(string_of_int rel_num)^" :")
- nb_popped
- context
- in
- (* we rebuilt the type of hypothesis after the rel to remove *)
- let hyp_type_lt_relnum =
- it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:new_end_of_type lt_relnum
- in
- (* we replace Rel 1 by t1 *)
- let new_hyp_type_lt_relnum = subst1 t1 hyp_type_lt_relnum in
- (* we resplit the type of hyp_type *)
- let new_lt_relnum,new_end_of_type =
- Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum nb_popped new_hyp_type_lt_relnum
- in
- (* and rebuilt new context of hyp *)
- let new_context = new_lt_relnum@( ge_relnum) in
- let new_typ_of_hyp =
- nf_betaoiotazeta (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:new_end_of_type new_context)
- in
- let prove_simpl_eq =
- [
- tclDO (nb_popped + nb_kept) intro;
- (fun g' ->
- let new_hyps_ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g' in
- let popped_ids,others =
- list_chop ~msg:"removing useless variable pop :"
- nb_popped new_hyps_ids in
- let kept_ids,_ =
- list_chop ~msg: " removing useless variable kept : "
- nb_kept others
- in
- let rev_to_apply =
- (mkApp(Lazy.force refl_equal,[|Typing.type_of env sigma t1;t1|]))::
- (( mkVar popped_ids)@
- (t1::
- ( mkVar kept_ids)))
- in
- let to_refine = applist(mkVar hyp_id,List.rev rev_to_apply) in
- refine to_refine g'
- )
- ]
- in
- let simpl_eq_tac = change_hyp_with_using hyp_id new_typ_of_hyp
- (observe_tac "prove_simpl_eq" prove_simpl_eq)
- in
- let new_end_of_type = nf_betaoiotazeta new_end_of_type in
- (new_context,new_end_of_type,simpl_eq_tac),new_typ_of_hyp,
- (str " removing useless variable " ++ str (string_of_int rel_num) )
-let decompose_eq env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) t end_of_type t1 t2 =
- let c1,args1 = destApp t1
- and c2,args2 = destApp t2
- in
- (* This tactic must be used after is_incompatible_eq *)
- assert (eq_constr c1 c2);
- (* we remove this equation *)
- let new_end_of_type = pop end_of_type in
- let new_eqs =
- array_map2_i
- (fun i arg1 arg2 ->
- let new_eq =
- let type_of_arg = Typing.type_of env sigma arg1 in
- mkApp(Lazy.force eq,[|type_of_arg;arg1;arg2|])
- in
- Anonymous,None,lift i new_eq
- )
- args1
- args2
- in
- let nb_new_eqs = Array.length new_eqs in
- (* we add the new equation *)
- let new_end_of_type = lift nb_new_eqs new_end_of_type in
- let local_context =
- List.rev (Array.to_list new_eqs) in
- let new_end_of_type = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:new_end_of_type local_context in
- let new_typ_of_hyp =
- nf_betaoiotazeta (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:new_end_of_type context)
- in
- let prove_pattern_simplification =
- let context_length = List.length context in
- [
- tclDO (context_length + nb_new_eqs) intro ;
- (fun g ->
- let new_eqs,others =
- list_chop ~msg:"simplifying pattern : new_eqs" nb_new_eqs (pf_hyps g)
- in
- let context_hyps,_ = list_chop ~msg:"simplifying pattern : context_hyps"
- context_length others in
- let eq_args =
- List.rev_map
- (fun (_,_, eq) -> let _,args = destApp eq in args.(1),args.(2))
- new_eqs
- in
- let lhs_args,rhs_args = List.split eq_args in
- let lhs_eq = applist(c1,lhs_args)
- and rhs_eq = applist(c1,rhs_args)
- in
- let type_of_eq = pf_type_of g lhs_eq in
- let eq_to_assert =
- mkApp(Lazy.force eq,[|type_of_eq;lhs_eq;rhs_eq|])
- in
- let prove_new_eq =
- tclMAP
- (fun (id,_,_) ->
- (* The tclTRY here is used when trying to rewrite
- on Set
- eg (@cons A x l)=(@cons A x' l') generates 3 eqs
- A=A -> x=x' -> l = l' ...
- *)
- tclTRY (Equality.rewriteLR (mkVar id))
- )
- new_eqs;
- reflexivity
- ]
- in
- let new_eq_id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "H") g in
- let create_new_eq =
- forward
- (Some (observe_tac "prove_new_eq" (prove_new_eq)))
- (Genarg.IntroIdentifier new_eq_id)
- eq_to_assert
- in
- let to_refine =
- applist (
- mkVar hyp_id,
- List.rev ((mkVar new_eq_id)::
- ( (fun (id,_,_) -> mkVar id) context_hyps)))
- in
- tclTHEN
- (observe_tac "create_new_eq" create_new_eq )
- (observe_tac "refine in decompose_eq " (refine to_refine))
- g
- )
- ]
- in
- let simpl_eq_tac =
- change_hyp_with_using hyp_id new_typ_of_hyp (observe_tac "prove_pattern_simplification " prove_pattern_simplification)
- in
- (context,nf_betaoiotazeta new_end_of_type,simpl_eq_tac),new_typ_of_hyp,
- str "simplifying an equation "
-let change_eq env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) x t end_of_type =
- if not (noccurn 1 end_of_type)
- then (* if end_of_type depends on this term we don't touch it *)
- begin
- observe (str "Not treating " ++ pr_lconstr t );
- failwith "NoChange";
- end;
- let res,new_typ_of_hyp,msg =
- if not (isApp t) then failwith "NoChange";
- let f,args = destApp t in
- if not (eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq)) then failwith "NoChange";
- let t1 = args.(1)
- and t2 = args.(2)
- in
- if isRel t2 && closed0 t1 then (* closed_term = x with x bound in context *)
- begin
- remove_useless_rel env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) t end_of_type t1 t2
- end
- else if isAppConstruct t1 && isAppConstruct t2 (* C .... = C .... *)
- then decompose_eq env sigma hyp_id context t end_of_type t1 t2
- else failwith "NoChange"
- in
- observe (str "In " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id ++
- msg ++ fnl ()++
- str "old_typ_of_hyp :=" ++
- Printer.pr_lconstr_env
- env
- (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:end_of_type ((x,None,t)::context))
- ++ fnl () ++
- str "new_typ_of_hyp := "++
- Printer.pr_lconstr_env env new_typ_of_hyp ++ fnl ());
- (res:'a*'b*'c)
-let is_property static_info t_x =
- if isApp t_x
- then
- let pte,args = destApp t_x in
- if isVar pte && array_for_all closed0 args
- then Idmap.mem (destVar pte) static_info.ptes_to_fixes
- else false
- else false
-let isLetIn t =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | LetIn _ -> true
- | _ -> false
-let h_reduce_with_zeta =
- h_reduce
- (Rawterm.Cbv
- {Rawterm.all_flags
- with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
- })
-let rewrite_until_var arg_num : tactic =
- let constr_eq = Lazy.force eq in
- let replace_if_unify arg (pat,cl,id,lhs) : tactic =
- fun g ->
- try
- let (evd,matched) =
- Unification.w_unify_to_subterm
- (pf_env g) ~mod_delta:false (pat,arg) cl.Clenv.env
- in
- let cl' = {cl with Clenv.env = evd } in
- let c2 = Clenv.clenv_nf_meta cl' lhs in
- (Equality.replace matched c2) g
- with _ -> tclFAIL 0 (str "") g
- in
- let rewrite_on_step equalities : tactic =
- fun g ->
- match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
- | App(_,args) when (not (test_var args arg_num)) ->
-(* tclFIRST ( (fun a -> observe_tac (str "replace_if_unify") (replace_if_unify args.(arg_num) a)) equalities) g *)
- tclFIRST ( (replace_if_unify args.(arg_num)) equalities) g
- | _ ->
- raise (Util.UserError("", (str "No more rewrite" ++
- pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) (pf_concl g))))
- in
- fun g ->
- let equalities =
- List.filter
- (
- fun (_,_,id_t) ->
- match kind_of_term id_t with
- | App(f,_) -> eq_constr f constr_eq
- | _ -> false
- )
- (pf_hyps g)
- in
- let f (id,_,ctype) =
- let c = mkVar id in
- let eqclause = Clenv.make_clenv_binding g (c,ctype) Rawterm.NoBindings in
- let clause_type = Clenv.clenv_type eqclause in
- let f,args = decompose_app (clause_type) in
- let rec split_last_two = function
- | [c1;c2] -> (c1, c2)
- | x::y::z ->
- split_last_two (y::z)
- | _ ->
- error ("The term provided is not an equivalence")
- in
- let (c1,c2) = split_last_two args in
- (c2,eqclause,id,c1)
- in
- let matching_hyps = f equalities in
- tclTRY (tclREPEAT (tclPROGRESS (rewrite_on_step matching_hyps))) g
-let rewrite_until_var arg_num eq_ids : tactic =
- let test_var g =
- let _,args = destApp (pf_concl g) in
- isVar args.(arg_num)
- in
- let rec do_rewrite eq_ids g =
- if test_var g
- then tclIDTAC g
- else
- match eq_ids with
- | [] -> anomaly "Cannot find a way to prove recursive property";
- | eq_id::eq_ids ->
- tclTHEN
- (tclTRY (Equality.rewriteRL (mkVar eq_id)))
- (do_rewrite eq_ids)
- g
- in
- do_rewrite eq_ids
-let prove_rec_hyp eq_hyps fix_info =
- tclTHEN
- (rewrite_until_var (fix_info.idx - 1) eq_hyps)
- (fun g ->
- let _,pte_args = destApp (pf_concl g) in
- let rec_hyp_proof =
- mkApp(mkVar,array_get_start pte_args)
- in
- refine rec_hyp_proof g
- )
-let rec_pte_id = id_of_string "Hrec"
-let clean_hyp_with_heq static_infos eq_hyps hyp_id env sigma =
- let coq_False = Coqlib.build_coq_False () in
- let coq_True = Coqlib.build_coq_True () in
- let coq_I = Coqlib.build_coq_I () in
- let rec scan_type context type_of_hyp : tactic =
- if isLetIn type_of_hyp then
- let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:type_of_hyp context in
- let reduced_type_of_hyp = nf_betaoiotazeta real_type_of_hyp in
- (* length of context didn't change ? *)
- let new_context,new_typ_of_hyp =
- Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum (List.length context) reduced_type_of_hyp
- in
- [
- h_reduce_with_zeta
- (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)
- ;
- scan_type new_context new_typ_of_hyp
- ]
- else if isProd type_of_hyp
- then
- begin
- let (x,t_x,t') = destProd type_of_hyp in
- if is_property static_infos t_x then
- begin
- let pte,pte_args = (destApp t_x) in
- let fix_info = Idmap.find (destVar pte) static_infos.ptes_to_fixes in
- let popped_t' = pop t' in
- let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context in
- let prove_new_type_of_hyp =
- let context_length = List.length context in
- [
- tclDO context_length intro;
- (fun g ->
- let context_hyps_ids =
- fst (list_chop ~msg:"rec hyp : context_hyps"
- context_length (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
- in
- let rec_pte_id = pf_get_new_id rec_pte_id g in
- let to_refine =
- applist(mkVar hyp_id,
- List.rev_map mkVar (rec_pte_id::context_hyps_ids)
- )
- in
- [
- forward
- (Some (prove_rec_hyp eq_hyps fix_info))
- (Genarg.IntroIdentifier rec_pte_id)
- t_x;
- refine to_refine
- ]
- g
- )
- ]
- in
- [
- observe_tac "hyp rec"
- (change_hyp_with_using hyp_id real_type_of_hyp prove_new_type_of_hyp);
- scan_type context popped_t'
- ]
- end
- else if eq_constr t_x coq_False then
- begin
- observe (str "Removing : "++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id++
- str " since it has False in its preconds "
- );
- raise TOREMOVE; (* False -> .. useless *)
- end
- else if is_incompatible_eq t_x then raise TOREMOVE (* t_x := C1 ... = C2 ... *)
- else if eq_constr t_x coq_True (* Trivial => we remove this precons *)
- then
- let _ =
- observe (str "In "++Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id++
- str " removing useless precond True"
- )
- in
- let popped_t' = pop t' in
- let real_type_of_hyp =
- it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context
- in
- let prove_trivial =
- let nb_intro = List.length context in
- tclDO nb_intro intro;
- (fun g ->
- let context_hyps =
- fst (list_chop ~msg:"removing True : context_hyps "nb_intro (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
- in
- let to_refine =
- applist (mkVar hyp_id,
- List.rev ( mkVar context_hyps)
- )
- in
- refine to_refine g
- )
- ]
- in
- change_hyp_with_using hyp_id real_type_of_hyp (observe_tac "prove_trivial" prove_trivial);
- scan_type context popped_t'
- ]
- else if is_trivial_eq t_x
- then (* t_x := t = t => we remove this precond *)
- let popped_t' = pop t' in
- let real_type_of_hyp =
- it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context
- in
- let _,args = destApp t_x in
- [
- change_hyp_with_using
- hyp_id
- real_type_of_hyp
- (observe_tac "prove_trivial_eq" (prove_trivial_eq hyp_id context (args.(0),args.(1))));
- scan_type context popped_t'
- ]
- else
- begin
- try
- let new_context,new_t',tac = change_eq env sigma hyp_id context x t_x t' in
- tclTHEN
- tac
- (scan_type new_context new_t')
- with Failure "NoChange" ->
- (* Last thing todo : push the rel in the context and continue *)
- scan_type ((x,None,t_x)::context) t'
- end
- end
- else
- tclIDTAC
- in
- try
- scan_type [] (Typing.type_of env sigma (mkVar hyp_id)), [hyp_id]
- with TOREMOVE ->
- thin [hyp_id],[]
-let clean_goal_with_heq static_infos continue_tac dyn_infos =
- fun g ->
- let env = pf_env g
- and sigma = project g
- in
- let tac,new_hyps =
- List.fold_left (
- fun (hyps_tac,new_hyps) hyp_id ->
- let hyp_tac,new_hyp =
- clean_hyp_with_heq static_infos dyn_infos.eq_hyps hyp_id env sigma
- in
- (tclTHEN hyp_tac hyps_tac),new_hyp@new_hyps
- )
- (tclIDTAC,[])
- dyn_infos.rec_hyps
- in
- let new_infos =
- { dyn_infos with
- rec_hyps = new_hyps;
- nb_rec_hyps = List.length new_hyps
- }
- in
- [
- tac ;
- (continue_tac new_infos)
- ]
- g
-let heq_id = id_of_string "Heq"
-let treat_new_case static_infos nb_prod continue_tac term dyn_infos =
- fun g ->
- let heq_id = pf_get_new_id heq_id g in
- let nb_first_intro = nb_prod - 1 - dyn_infos.nb_rec_hyps in
- [
- (* We first introduce the variables *)
- tclDO nb_first_intro (intro_avoiding dyn_infos.rec_hyps);
- (* Then the equation itself *)
- introduction_no_check heq_id;
- (* Then the new hypothesis *)
- tclMAP introduction_no_check dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
- observe_tac "after_introduction" (fun g' ->
- (* We get infos on the equations introduced*)
- let new_term_value_eq = pf_type_of g' (mkVar heq_id) in
- (* compute the new value of the body *)
- let new_term_value =
- match kind_of_term new_term_value_eq with
- | App(f,[| _;_;args2 |]) -> args2
- | _ ->
- observe (pr_gls g' ++ fnl () ++ str "last hyp is" ++
- pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g') new_term_value_eq
- );
- assert false
- in
- let fun_body =
- mkLambda(Anonymous,
- pf_type_of g' term,
- replace_term term (mkRel 1)
- )
- in
- let new_body = pf_nf_betaiota g' (mkApp(fun_body,[| new_term_value |])) in
- let new_infos =
- {dyn_infos with
- info = new_body;
- eq_hyps = heq_id::dyn_infos.eq_hyps
- }
- in
- clean_goal_with_heq static_infos continue_tac new_infos g'
- )
- ]
- g
-let do_prove_princ_for_struct
- (interactive_proof:bool)
- (fnames:constant list)
- static_infos
-(* (ptes:identifier list) *)
-(* (fixes:(int*constr*identifier*constr) Idmap.t) *)
-(* (hyps: identifier list) *)
-(* (term:constr) *)
- dyn_infos
- : tactic =
-(* let fixes_ids = Idmap.fold (fun _ (_,_,id,_) acc -> id::acc) fixes [] in *)
- let rec do_prove_princ_for_struct_aux do_finalize dyn_infos : tactic =
- fun g ->
-(* observe (str "proving on " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term);*)
- match kind_of_term with
- | Case(_,_,t,_) ->
- let g_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
- let type_of_term = pf_type_of g t in
- let term_eq =
- make_refl_eq type_of_term t
- in
- [
- h_generalize ( mkVar dyn_infos.rec_hyps);
- thin dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
- pattern_option [[-1],t] None;
- h_simplest_case t;
- (fun g' ->
- let g'_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g') in
- let nb_instanciate_partial = g'_nb_prod - g_nb_prod in
- observe_tac "treat_new_case"
- (treat_new_case
- static_infos
- nb_instanciate_partial
- (do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize)
- t
- dyn_infos)
- g'
- )
- ] g
- | Lambda(n,t,b) ->
- begin
- match kind_of_term( pf_concl g) with
- | Prod _ ->
- tclTHEN
- intro
- (fun g' ->
- let (id,_,_) = pf_last_hyp g' in
- let new_term =
- pf_nf_betaiota g'
- (mkApp(,[|mkVar id|]))
- in
- let new_infos = {dyn_infos with info = new_term} in
- do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize new_infos g'
- ) g
- | _ ->
- do_finalize dyn_infos g
- end
- | Cast(t,_,_) ->
- do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = t} g
- | Const _ | Var _ | Meta _ | Evar _ | Sort _ | Construct _ | Ind _ ->
- do_finalize dyn_infos g
- | App(_,_) ->
- let f,args = decompose_app in
- begin
- match kind_of_term f with
- | Var _ | Construct _ | Rel _ | Evar _ | Meta _ | Ind _ ->
- let new_infos =
- { dyn_infos with
- info = (f,args)
- }
- in
- do_prove_princ_for_struct_args do_finalize new_infos g
- | Const c when not (List.mem c fnames) ->
- let new_infos =
- { dyn_infos with
- info = (f,args)
- }
- in
- do_prove_princ_for_struct_args do_finalize new_infos g
- | Const _ ->
- do_finalize dyn_infos g
- | _ ->
-(* observe *)
-(* (str "Applied binders not yet implemented: in "++ fnl () ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term ++ fnl () ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f ++ spc () ++ str "is applied") ; *)
- tclFAIL 0 (str "TODO : Applied binders not yet implemented") g
- end
- | Fix _ | CoFix _ ->
- error ( "Anonymous local (co)fixpoints are not handled yet")
- | Prod _ -> assert false
- | LetIn _ ->
- let new_infos =
- { dyn_infos with
- info = nf_betaoiotazeta
- }
- in
- [tclMAP
- (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id))
- dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
- h_reduce_with_zeta Tacticals.onConcl;
- do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize new_infos
- ] g
- | _ ->
- errorlabstrm "" (str "in do_prove_princ_for_struct found : "(* ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term *)
- )
- and do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize dyn_infos g =
-(* observe (str "proving with "++Printer.pr_lconstr term++ str " on goal " ++ pr_gls g); *)
- do_prove_princ_for_struct_aux do_finalize dyn_infos g
- and do_prove_princ_for_struct_args do_finalize dyn_infos (* f_args' args *) :tactic =
- fun g ->
-(* if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff *)
-(* then msgnl (str "do_prove_princ_for_struct_args with " ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) f_args' *)
-(* ); *)
- let (f_args',args) = in
- let tac =
- match args with
- | [] ->
- do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = f_args'}
- | arg::args ->
- let do_finalize dyn_infos =
- let new_arg = in
- tclTRYD
- (do_prove_princ_for_struct_args
- do_finalize
- {dyn_infos with info = (mkApp(f_args',[|new_arg|])), args}
- )
- in
- do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finalize
- {dyn_infos with info = arg }
- in
- tclTRYD(tac ) g
- in
- let do_finish_proof dyn_infos =
- clean_goal_with_heq
- static_infos
- finish_proof dyn_infos
- in
- observe_tac "do_prove_princ_for_struct"
- (do_prove_princ_for_struct do_finish_proof dyn_infos)
-let is_pte_type t =
- isSort (snd (decompose_prod t))
-let is_pte (_,_,t) = is_pte_type t
-exception Not_Rec
-let instanciate_hyps_with_args (do_prove:identifier list -> tactic) hyps args_id =
- let args = Array.of_list ( mkVar args_id) in
- let instanciate_one_hyp hid =
- ( (* we instanciate the hyp if possible *)
-(* tclTHENLIST *)
-(* [h_generalize [mkApp(mkVar hid,args)]; *)
-(* intro_erasing hid] *)
- fun g ->
- let prov_hid = pf_get_new_id hid g in
- forward None (Genarg.IntroIdentifier prov_hid) (mkApp(mkVar hid,args));
- thin [hid];
- h_rename prov_hid hid
- ] g
- )
- ( (*
- if not then we are in a mutual function block
- and this hyp is a recursive hyp on an other function.
- We are not supposed to use it while proving this
- principle so that we can trash it
- *)
- (fun g ->
- observe (str "Instanciation: removing hyp " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hid);
- thin [hid] g
- )
- )
- in
- (* if no args then no instanciation ! *)
- if args_id = []
- then
- tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) hyps;
- do_prove hyps
- ]
- else
- [
- tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) hyps;
- tclMAP instanciate_one_hyp hyps;
- (fun g ->
- let all_g_hyps_id =
- List.fold_right Idset.add (pf_ids_of_hyps g) Idset.empty
- in
- let remaining_hyps =
- List.filter (fun id -> Idset.mem id all_g_hyps_id) hyps
- in
- do_prove remaining_hyps g
- )
- ]
-let prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof fun_num fnames all_funs _naprams : tactic =
- fun goal ->
-(* observe (str "Proving principle for "++ str (string_of_int fun_num) ++ str "th function : " ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr (mkConst fnames.(fun_num))); *)
- let princ_type = pf_concl goal in
- let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
- let get_body const =
- match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
- | Some b ->
- let body = force b in
- Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
- (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
- (Global.env ())
- (Evd.empty)
- body
- | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
- in
- let fbody = get_body fnames.(fun_num) in
- let params : identifier list ref = ref [] in
- let predicates : identifier list ref = ref [] in
- let args : identifier list ref = ref [] in
- let branches : identifier list ref = ref [] in
- let pte_to_fix = ref Idmap.empty in
- let fbody_with_params = ref None in
- let intro_with_remembrance ref number : tactic =
- tclTHEN
- ( tclDO number intro )
- (fun g ->
- let last_n = list_chop number (pf_hyps g) in
- ref := (fun (id,_,_) -> id) (fst last_n)@ !ref;
- tclIDTAC g
- )
- in
- let rec partial_combine body params =
- match kind_of_term body,params with
- | Lambda (x,t,b),param::params ->
- partial_combine (subst1 param b) params
- | Fix(infos),_ ->
- body,params, Some (infos)
- | _ -> body,params,None
- in
- let build_pte_to_fix (offset:int) params predicates
- ((idxs,fix_num),(na,typearray,ca)) (avoid,_) =
-(* let true_params,_ = list_chop offset params in *)
- let true_params = List.rev params in
- let avoid = ref avoid in
- let res = list_fold_left_i
- (fun i acc pte_id ->
- let this_fix_id = fresh_id !avoid "fix___" in
- avoid := this_fix_id::!avoid;
-(* let this_body = substl (List.rev fnames_as_constr) ca.(i) in *)
- let new_type = prod_applist typearray.(i) true_params in
- let new_type_args,_ = decompose_prod new_type in
- let nargs = List.length new_type_args in
- let pte_args =
- (* let rev_args = List.rev_map (fun (id,_,_) -> mkVar id) new_type_args in *)
- let f = applist((* all_funs *)mkConst fnames.(i),true_params) in
- let app_f = mkApp(f,Array.init nargs (fun i -> mkRel(nargs - i))) in
- (Array.to_list (Array.init nargs (fun i -> mkRel(nargs - i))))@[app_f]
- in
- let app_pte = applist(mkVar pte_id,pte_args) in
- let new_type = compose_prod new_type_args app_pte in
- let fix_info =
- {
- idx = idxs.(i) - offset + 1;
- name = this_fix_id;
- types = new_type
- }
- in
- pte_to_fix := Idmap.add pte_id fix_info !pte_to_fix;
- fix_info::acc
- )
- 0
- []
- predicates
- in
- !avoid,List.rev res
- in
- let mk_fixes : tactic =
- fun g ->
- let body_p,params',fix_infos =
- partial_combine fbody (List.rev_map mkVar !params)
- in
- fbody_with_params := Some body_p;
- let offset = List.length params' in
- let not_real_param,true_params =
- list_chop
- ((List.length !params ) - offset)
- !params
- in
- params := true_params; args := not_real_param;
-(* observe (str "mk_fixes : params are "++ *)
-(* prlist_with_sep spc *)
-(* (fun id -> pr_lconstr (mkVar id)) *)
-(* !params *)
-(* ); *)
- let new_avoid,infos =
- option_fold_right
- (build_pte_to_fix
- offset
- ( mkVar !params)
- (List.rev !predicates)
- )
- fix_infos
- ((pf_ids_of_hyps g),[])
- in
- let pre_info,infos = list_chop fun_num infos in
- match pre_info,infos with
- | [],[] -> tclIDTAC g
- | _,this_fix_info::infos' ->
- let other_fix_info =
- (fun fix_info ->,fix_info.idx,fix_info.types)
- (pre_info@infos')
- in
- (h_mutual_fix this_fix_info.idx other_fix_info)
- (tclFAIL 1000 (str "bad index" ++
- str (string_of_int this_fix_info.idx) ++
- str "offset := " ++
- (str (string_of_int offset))))
- g
- | _,[] -> anomaly "Not a valid information"
- in
- let do_prove ptes_to_fixes args branches : tactic =
- fun g ->
- let static_infos =
- {
- ptes_to_fixes = ptes_to_fixes;
- fixes_ids =
- Idmap.fold
- (fun _ fix_info acc ->
- ptes_to_fixes []
- }
- in
- match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
- | App(pte,pte_args) when isVar pte ->
- begin
- let pte = destVar pte in
- try
- if not (Idmap.mem pte ptes_to_fixes) then raise Not_Rec;
- let nparams = List.length !params in
- let args_as_constr = mkVar args in
- let rec_num,new_body =
- let idx' = list_index pte (List.rev !predicates) - 1 in
- let f = fnames.(idx') in
- let body_with_params = match !fbody_with_params with Some f -> f | _ -> anomaly ""
- in
- let name_of_f = Name ( id_of_label (con_label f)) in
- let ((rec_nums,_),(na,_,bodies)) = destFix body_with_params in
- let idx'' = list_index name_of_f (Array.to_list na) - 1 in
- let body = substl (List.rev (Array.to_list all_funs)) bodies.(idx'') in
- let body = Reductionops.nf_beta (applist(body,(List.rev_map mkVar !params))) in
- rec_nums.(idx'') - nparams ,body
- in
- let applied_body =
- Reductionops.nf_beta
- (applist(new_body,List.rev args_as_constr))
- in
- let do_prove branches applied_body =
- do_prove_princ_for_struct
- interactive_proof
- (Array.to_list fnames)
- static_infos
- branches
- applied_body
- in
- let replace_and_prove =
- tclTHENS
- (fun g ->
-(* observe (str "replacing " ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) (array_last pte_args) ++ *)
-(* str " with " ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) applied_body ++ *)
-(* str " rec_arg_num is " ++ str (string_of_int rec_num) *)
-(* ); *)
- (Equality.replace (array_last pte_args) applied_body) g
- )
- [
- clean_goal_with_heq
- static_infos do_prove
- {
- nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches;
- rec_hyps = branches;
- info = applied_body;
- eq_hyps = [];
- } ;
- try
- let id = List.nth (List.rev args_as_constr) (rec_num) in
- (* observe (str "choosen var := "++ pr_lconstr id); *)
- [(h_simplest_case id);
- Tactics.intros_reflexivity
- ])
- with _ -> tclIDTAC
- ]
- in
- (observe_tac "doing replacement" ( replace_and_prove)) g
- with Not_Rec ->
- let fname = destConst (fst (decompose_app (array_last pte_args))) in
- tclTHEN
- (unfold_in_concl [([],Names.EvalConstRef fname)])
- (observe_tac ""
- (fun g' ->
- let body = array_last (snd (destApp (pf_concl g'))) in
- let dyn_infos =
- { nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches;
- rec_hyps = branches;
- info = body;
- eq_hyps = []
- }
- in
- let do_prove =
- do_prove_princ_for_struct
- interactive_proof
- (Array.to_list fnames)
- static_infos
- in
- clean_goal_with_heq static_infos
- do_prove dyn_infos g'
- )
- )
- g
- end
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- [
- (fun g -> observe_tac "introducing params" (intro_with_remembrance params princ_info.nparams) g);
- (fun g -> observe_tac "introducing predicate" (intro_with_remembrance predicates princ_info.npredicates) g);
- (fun g -> observe_tac "introducing branches" (intro_with_remembrance branches princ_info.nbranches) g);
- (fun g -> observe_tac "declaring fix(es)" mk_fixes g);
- (fun g ->
- let nb_prod_g = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
- tclDO nb_prod_g intro;
- (fun g' ->
- let args =
- fst (list_chop ~msg:"args" nb_prod_g (pf_ids_of_hyps g'))
- in
- let do_prove_on_branches branches : tactic =
- observe_tac "proving" (do_prove !pte_to_fix args branches)
- in
- observe_tac "instanciating rec hyps"
- (instanciate_hyps_with_args do_prove_on_branches !branches (List.rev args))
- g'
- )
- ]
- g
- )
- ]
- goal
-exception Toberemoved_with_rel of int*constr
-exception Toberemoved
-let compute_new_princ_type_from_rel rel_to_fun sorts princ_type =
- let princ_type_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
- let env = Global.env () in
-(* let type_sort = (Termops.new_sort_in_family InType) in *)
- let change_predicate_sort i (x,_,t) =
- let new_sort = sorts.(i) in
- let args,_ = decompose_prod t in
- let real_args =
- if princ_type_info.indarg_in_concl
- then args
- else args
- in
- x,None,compose_prod real_args (mkSort new_sort)
- in
- let new_predicates =
- list_map_i
- change_predicate_sort
- 0
- princ_type_info.predicates
- in
- let env_with_params_and_predicates =
- Environ.push_rel_context
- new_predicates
- (Environ.push_rel_context
- princ_type_info.params
- env
- )
- in
- let rel_as_kn =
- fst (match princ_type_info.indref with
- | Some (Libnames.IndRef ind) -> ind
- | _ -> failwith "Not a valid predicate"
- )
- in
- let pre_princ =
- it_mkProd_or_LetIn
- ~init:
- (it_mkProd_or_LetIn
- ~init:(option_fold_right
- mkProd_or_LetIn
- princ_type_info.indarg
- princ_type_info.concl
- )
- princ_type_info.args
- )
- princ_type_info.branches
- in
- let is_dom c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Ind((u,_)) -> u = rel_as_kn
- | Construct((u,_),_) -> u = rel_as_kn
- | _ -> false
- in
- let get_fun_num c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Ind(_,num) -> num
- | Construct((_,num),_) -> num
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let dummy_var = mkVar (id_of_string "________") in
- let mk_replacement c i args =
- let res = mkApp(rel_to_fun.(i), pop (array_get_start args)) in
-(* observe (str "replacing " ++ pr_lconstr c ++ str " by " ++ pr_lconstr res); *)
- res
- in
- let rec has_dummy_var t =
- fold_constr
- (fun b t -> b || (eq_constr t dummy_var) || (has_dummy_var t))
- false
- t
- in
- let rec compute_new_princ_type remove env pre_princ : types*(constr list) =
- let (new_princ_type,_) as res =
- match kind_of_term pre_princ with
- | Rel n ->
- begin
- try match Environ.lookup_rel n env with
- | _,_,t when is_dom t -> raise Toberemoved
- | _ -> pre_princ,[] with Not_found -> assert false
- end
- | Prod(x,t,b) ->
- compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove mkProd env x t b
- | Lambda(x,t,b) ->
- compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove mkLambda env x t b
- | Ind _ | Construct _ when is_dom pre_princ -> raise Toberemoved
- | App(f,args) when is_dom f ->
- let var_to_be_removed = destRel (array_last args) in
- let num = get_fun_num f in
- raise (Toberemoved_with_rel (var_to_be_removed,mk_replacement pre_princ num args))
- | App(f,args) ->
- let is_pte =
- match kind_of_term f with
- | Rel n ->
- is_pte (Environ.lookup_rel n env)
- | _ -> false
- in
- let args =
- if is_pte && remove
- then array_get_start args
- else args
- in
- let new_args,binders_to_remove =
- Array.fold_right (compute_new_princ_type_with_acc remove env)
- args
- ([],[])
- in
- let new_f,binders_to_remove_from_f = compute_new_princ_type remove env f in
- applist(new_f, new_args),
- list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_f binders_to_remove
- | LetIn(x,v,t,b) ->
- compute_new_princ_type_for_letin remove env x v t b
- | _ -> pre_princ,[]
- in
-(* observennl ( *)
-(* match kind_of_term pre_princ with *)
-(* | Prod _ -> *)
-(* str "compute_new_princ_type for "++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env env pre_princ ++ *)
-(* str" is "++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env env new_princ_type ++ fnl () *)
-(* | _ -> str "" *)
-(* ); *)
- res
- and compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove bind_fun env x t b =
- begin
- try
- let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type remove env t in
- let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
- let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,None,t) env in
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove new_env b in
- if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
- then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- else
- (
- bind_fun(new_x,new_t,new_b),
- list_union_eq
- eq_constr
- binders_to_remove_from_t
- ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- )
- with
- | Toberemoved ->
-(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
- new_b, pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
-(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [c] n b) in
- new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- end
- and compute_new_princ_type_for_letin remove env x v t b =
- begin
- try
- let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type remove env t in
- let new_v,binders_to_remove_from_v = compute_new_princ_type remove env v in
- let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
- let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,Some v,t) env in
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove new_env b in
- if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
- then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- else
- (
- mkLetIn(new_x,new_v,new_t,new_b),
- list_union_eq
- eq_constr
- (list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_t binders_to_remove_from_v)
- ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- )
- with
- | Toberemoved ->
-(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
- new_b, pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
-(* msgnl (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [c] n b) in
- new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- end
- and compute_new_princ_type_with_acc remove env e (c_acc,to_remove_acc) =
- let new_e,to_remove_from_e = compute_new_princ_type remove env e
- in
- new_e::c_acc,list_union_eq eq_constr to_remove_from_e to_remove_acc
- in
-(* observe (str "Computing new principe from " ++ pr_lconstr_env env_with_params_and_predicates pre_princ); *)
- let pre_res,_ =
- compute_new_princ_type princ_type_info.indarg_in_concl env_with_params_and_predicates pre_princ in
- it_mkProd_or_LetIn
- ~init:(it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:pre_res new_predicates)
- princ_type_info.params
-let change_property_sort toSort princ princName =
- let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ in
- let change_sort_in_predicate (x,v,t) =
- (x,None,
- let args,_ = decompose_prod t in
- compose_prod args (mkSort toSort)
- )
- in
- let princName_as_constr = Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) princName in
- let init =
- let nargs = (princ_info.nparams + (List.length princ_info.predicates)) in
- mkApp(princName_as_constr,
- Array.init nargs
- (fun i -> mkRel (nargs - i )))
- in
- it_mkLambda_or_LetIn
- ~init:
- (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ~init
- ( change_sort_in_predicate princ_info.predicates)
- )
- princ_info.params
-let pp_dur time time' =
- str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time time'))
-(* Things to be removed latter : just here to compare
- saving proof with and without normalizing the proof
-let new_save id const (locality,kind) hook =
- let {const_entry_body = pft;
- const_entry_type = tpo;
- const_entry_opaque = opacity } = const in
- let l,r = match locality with
- | Decl_kinds.Local when Lib.sections_are_opened () ->
- let k = Decl_kinds.logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
- let c = Declare.SectionLocalDef (pft, tpo, opacity) in
- let _ = Declare.declare_variable id (Lib.cwd(), c, k) in
- (Decl_kinds.Local, Libnames.VarRef id)
- | Decl_kinds.Local ->
- let k = Decl_kinds.logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
- let kn = Declare.declare_constant id (DefinitionEntry const, k) in
- (Decl_kinds.Global, Libnames.ConstRef kn)
- | Decl_kinds.Global ->
- let k = Decl_kinds.logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
- let kn = Declare.declare_constant id (DefinitionEntry const, k) in
- (Decl_kinds.Global, Libnames.ConstRef kn) in
- let time1 = System.get_time () in
- Pfedit.delete_current_proof ();
- let time2 = System.get_time () in
- hook l r;
- time1,time2
-(* definition_message id *)
-let new_save_named opacity =
-(* if do_observe () *)
-(* then *)
- let time1 = System.get_time () in
- let id,(const,persistence,hook) = Pfedit.cook_proof () in
- let time2 = System.get_time () in
- let const =
- { const with
- const_entry_body = (* nf_betaoiotazeta *)const.const_entry_body ;
- const_entry_opaque = opacity
- }
- in
- let time3 = System.get_time () in
- let time4,time5 = new_save id const persistence hook in
- let time6 = System.get_time () in
- Pp.msgnl
- (str "cooking proof time : " ++ pp_dur time1 time2 ++ fnl () ++
- str "reducing proof time : " ++ pp_dur time2 time3 ++ fnl () ++
- str "saving proof time : " ++ pp_dur time3 time4 ++fnl () ++
- str "deleting proof time : " ++ pp_dur time4 time5 ++fnl () ++
- str "hook time :" ++ pp_dur time5 time6
- )
-(* End of things to be removed latter : just here to compare
- saving proof with and without normalizing the proof
-let generate_functional_principle
- interactive_proof
- old_princ_type sorts new_princ_name funs i proof_tac
- =
- let f = funs.(i) in
- let type_sort = Termops.new_sort_in_family InType in
- let new_sorts =
- match sorts with
- | None -> Array.make (Array.length funs) (type_sort)
- | Some a -> a
- in
- (* First we get the type of the old graph principle *)
- let mutr_nparams = (compute_elim_sig old_princ_type).nparams in
- (* First we get the type of the old graph principle *)
- let new_principle_type =
- compute_new_princ_type_from_rel
- ( mkConst funs)
- new_sorts
- old_princ_type
- in
-(* observe (str "new_principle_type : " ++ pr_lconstr new_principle_type); *)
- let base_new_princ_name,new_princ_name =
- match new_princ_name with
- | Some (id) -> id,id
- | None ->
- let id_of_f = id_of_label (con_label f) in
- id_of_f,Indrec.make_elimination_ident id_of_f (family_of_sort type_sort)
- in
- let names = ref [new_princ_name] in
- let hook _ _ =
- if sorts = None
- then
-(* let id_of_f = id_of_label (con_label f) in *)
- let register_with_sort fam_sort =
- let s = Termops.new_sort_in_family fam_sort in
- let name = Indrec.make_elimination_ident base_new_princ_name fam_sort in
- let value =
- change_property_sort s new_principle_type new_princ_name
- in
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "new principle := " ++ pr_lconstr value); *)
- let ce =
- { const_entry_body = value;
- const_entry_type = None;
- const_entry_opaque = false;
- const_entry_boxed = Options.boxed_definitions()
- }
- in
- ignore(
- Declare.declare_constant
- name
- (Entries.DefinitionEntry ce,
- Decl_kinds.IsDefinition (Decl_kinds.Scheme)
- )
- );
- names := name :: !names
- in
- register_with_sort InProp;
- register_with_sort InSet
- in
- begin
- Command.start_proof
- new_princ_name
- (Decl_kinds.Global,(Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Theorem))
- new_principle_type
- hook
- ;
- try
- let _tim1 = System.get_time () in
- (proof_tac ( mkConst funs) mutr_nparams);
- let _tim2 = System.get_time () in
-(* begin *)
-(* let dur1 = System.time_difference tim1 tim2 in *)
-(* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to compute proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float dur1)); *)
-(* end; *)
- let do_save = not (do_observe ()) && not interactive_proof in
- let _ =
- try
- Options.silently Command.save_named true;
- let _dur2 = System.time_difference _tim2 (System.get_time ()) in
-(* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to check proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float dur2)); *)
- Options.if_verbose
- (fun () ->
- Pp.msgnl (
- prlist_with_sep
- (fun () -> str" is defined " ++ fnl ())
- Ppconstr.pr_id
- (List.rev !names) ++ str" is defined "
- )
- )
- ()
- with e when do_save ->
- msg_warning
- (
- Cerrors.explain_exn e
- );
- if not (do_observe ())
- then begin Vernacentries.interp (Vernacexpr.VernacAbort None);raise e end
- in
- ()
-(* let tim3 = Sys.time () in *)
-(* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to save proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float (tim3 -. tim2))); *)
- with
- | e ->
- msg_warning
- (
- Cerrors.explain_exn e
- );
- if not ( do_observe ())
- then begin Vernacentries.interp (Vernacexpr.VernacAbort None);raise e end
- end
-let get_funs_constant mp dp =
- let rec get_funs_constant const e : (Names.constant*int) array =
- match kind_of_term (snd (decompose_lam e)) with
- | Fix((_,(na,_,_))) ->
- Array.mapi
- (fun i na ->
- match na with
- | Name id ->
- let const = make_con mp dp (label_of_id id) in
- const,i
- | Anonymous ->
- anomaly "Anonymous fix"
- )
- na
- | _ -> [|const,0|]
- in
- function const ->
- let find_constant_body const =
- match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
- | Some b ->
- let body = force b in
- let body = Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
- (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
- (Global.env ())
- (Evd.empty)
- body
- in
- body
- | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
- in
- let f = find_constant_body const in
- let l_const = get_funs_constant const f in
- (*
- We need to check that all the functions found are in the same block
- to prevent Reset stange thing
- *)
- let l_bodies = find_constant_body (Array.to_list ( fst l_const)) in
- let l_params,l_fixes = List.split ( decompose_lam l_bodies) in
- (* all the paremeter must be equal*)
- let _check_params =
- let first_params = List.hd l_params in
- List.iter
- (fun params ->
- if not ((=) first_params params)
- then error "Not a mutal recursive block"
- )
- l_params
- in
- (* The bodies has to be very similar *)
- let _check_bodies =
- try
- let extract_info is_first body =
- match kind_of_term body with
- | Fix((idxs,_),(na,ta,ca)) -> (idxs,na,ta,ca)
- | _ ->
- if is_first && (List.length l_bodies = 1)
- then raise Not_Rec
- else error "Not a mutal recursive block"
- in
- let first_infos = extract_info true (List.hd l_bodies) in
- let check body = (* Hope this is correct *)
- if not (first_infos = (extract_info false body))
- then error "Not a mutal recursive block"
- in
- List.iter check l_bodies
- with Not_Rec -> ()
- in
- l_const
-let make_scheme fas =
- let env = Global.env ()
- and sigma = Evd.empty in
- let id_to_constr id =
- Tacinterp.constr_of_id env id
- in
- let funs = (fun (_,f,_) -> id_to_constr f) fas in
- let first_fun = destConst (List.hd funs) in
- let funs_mp,funs_dp,first_fun_id = Names.repr_con first_fun in
- let first_fun_rel_id = mk_rel_id (id_of_label first_fun_id) in
- let first_fun_kn =
- (* Fixme: take into accour funs_mp and funs_dp *)
- fst (destInd (id_to_constr first_fun_rel_id))
- in
- let this_block_funs_indexes = get_funs_constant funs_mp funs_dp first_fun in
- let this_block_funs = fst this_block_funs_indexes in
- let prop_sort = InProp in
- let funs_indexes =
- let this_block_funs_indexes = Array.to_list this_block_funs_indexes in
- (function const -> List.assoc (destConst const) this_block_funs_indexes)
- funs
- in
- let ind_list =
- (fun (idx) ->
- let ind = first_fun_kn,idx in
- let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
- ind,mib,mip,true,prop_sort
- )
- funs_indexes
- in
- let l_schemes = (Typing.type_of env sigma ) (Indrec.build_mutual_indrec env sigma ind_list) in
- let i = ref (-1) in
- let sorts =
- List.rev_map (fun (_,_,x) ->
- Termops.new_sort_in_family (Pretyping.interp_elimination_sort x)
- )
- fas
- in
- let princ_names = (fun (x,_,_) -> x) fas in
- let _ = List.map2
- (fun princ_name scheme_type ->
- incr i;
-(* observe (str "Generating " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id princ_name ++str " with " ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr scheme_type ++ str " and " ++ (fun a -> prlist_with_sep spc (fun c -> pr_lconstr (mkConst c)) (Array.to_list a)) this_block_funs *)
-(* ); *)
- generate_functional_principle
- false
- scheme_type
- (Some (Array.of_list sorts))
- (Some princ_name)
- this_block_funs
- !i
- (prove_princ_for_struct false !i (Array.of_list ( destConst funs)))
- )
- princ_names
- l_schemes
- in
- ()
-let make_case_scheme fa =
- let env = Global.env ()
- and sigma = Evd.empty in
- let id_to_constr id =
- Tacinterp.constr_of_id env id
- in
- let funs = (fun (_,f,_) -> id_to_constr f) fa in
- let first_fun = destConst funs in
- let funs_mp,funs_dp,first_fun_id = Names.repr_con first_fun in
- let first_fun_rel_id = mk_rel_id (id_of_label first_fun_id) in
- let first_fun_kn =
- (* Fixme: take into accour funs_mp and funs_dp *)
- fst (destInd (id_to_constr first_fun_rel_id))
- in
- let this_block_funs_indexes = get_funs_constant funs_mp funs_dp first_fun in
- let this_block_funs = fst this_block_funs_indexes in
- let prop_sort = InProp in
- let funs_indexes =
- let this_block_funs_indexes = Array.to_list this_block_funs_indexes in
- List.assoc (destConst funs) this_block_funs_indexes
- in
- let ind_fun =
- let ind = first_fun_kn,funs_indexes in
- ind,prop_sort
- in
- let scheme_type = (Typing.type_of env sigma ) ((fun (ind,sf) -> Indrec.make_case_gen env sigma ind sf) ind_fun) in
- let sorts =
- (fun (_,_,x) ->
- Termops.new_sort_in_family (Pretyping.interp_elimination_sort x)
- )
- fa
- in
- let princ_name = (fun (x,_,_) -> x) fa in
- let _ =
-(* observe (str "Generating " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id princ_name ++str " with " ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr scheme_type ++ str " and " ++ (fun a -> prlist_with_sep spc (fun c -> pr_lconstr (mkConst c)) (Array.to_list a)) this_block_funs *)
-(* ); *)
- generate_functional_principle
- false
- scheme_type
- (Some ([|sorts|]))
- (Some princ_name)
- this_block_funs
- 0
- (prove_princ_for_struct false 0 [|destConst funs|])
- in
- ()
diff --git a/contrib/funind/new_arg_principle.mli b/contrib/funind/new_arg_principle.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index cad68da6..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/new_arg_principle.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-val generate_functional_principle :
- (* do we accept interactive proving *)
- bool ->
- (* induction principle on rel *)
- Term.types ->
- (* *)
- Term.sorts array option ->
- (* Name of the new principle *)
- (Names.identifier) option ->
- (* the compute functions to use *)
- Names.constant array ->
- (* We prove the nth- principle *)
- int ->
- (* The tactic to use to make the proof w.r
- the number of params
- *)
- (Term.constr array -> int -> Tacmach.tactic) ->
- unit
-(* val my_reflexivity : Tacmach.tactic *)
-val prove_princ_for_struct :
- bool ->
- int -> Names.constant array -> Term.constr array -> int -> Tacmach.tactic
-val compute_new_princ_type_from_rel : Term.constr array -> Term.sorts array ->
- Term.types -> Term.types
-val make_scheme : (Names.identifier*Names.identifier*Rawterm.rawsort) list -> unit
-val make_case_scheme : (Names.identifier*Names.identifier*Rawterm.rawsort) -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
index 327198b9..b6f26dfd 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ b/contrib/funind/
@@ -17,18 +17,11 @@ let observennl strm =
then Pp.msg strm
else ()
-(* type binder_type = *)
-(* | Lambda *)
-(* | Prod *)
-(* | LetIn *)
-(* type raw_context = (binder_type*name*rawconstr) list *)
type binder_type =
| Lambda of name
| Prod of name
| LetIn of name
-(* | LetTuple of name list * name *)
type raw_context = (binder_type*rawconstr) list
@@ -44,8 +37,6 @@ let compose_raw_context =
| Lambda n -> mkRLambda(n,t,acc)
| Prod n -> mkRProd(n,t,acc)
| LetIn n -> mkRLetIn(n,t,acc)
-(* | LetTuple (nal,na) -> *)
-(* RLetTuple(dummy_loc,nal,(na,None),t,acc) *)
List.fold_right compose_binder
@@ -145,37 +136,6 @@ let rec replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term = function
let add_bt_names bt = List.append (ids_of_binder bt)
-(* let rec replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term = function *)
-(* | [] -> [] *)
-(* | (bt,Name id,t)::l when id_ord id x_id = 0 -> *)
-(* (bt,Name id,replace_var_by_term x_id term t)::l *)
-(* | (bt,na,t)::l -> *)
-(* (bt,na,replace_var_by_term x_id term t)::(replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term l) *)
-(* let rec change_vars_in_binder mapping = function *)
-(* | [] -> [] *)
-(* | (bt,(Name id as na),t)::l when Idmap.mem id mapping -> *)
-(* (bt,na,change_vars mapping t):: l *)
-(* | (bt,na,t)::l -> *)
-(* (bt,na,change_vars mapping t):: *)
-(* (change_vars_in_binder mapping l) *)
-(* let alpha_ctxt avoid b = *)
-(* let rec alpha_ctxt = function *)
-(* | [] -> [],b *)
-(* | (bt,n,t)::ctxt -> *)
-(* let new_ctxt,new_b = alpha_ctxt ctxt in *)
-(* match n with *)
-(* | Name id when List.mem id avoid -> *)
-(* let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id avoid in *)
-(* let mapping = Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty in *)
-(* (bt,Name new_id,t):: *)
-(* (change_vars_in_binder mapping new_ctxt), *)
-(* change_vars mapping new_b *)
-(* | _ -> (bt,n,t)::new_ctxt,new_b *)
-(* in *)
-(* alpha_ctxt *)
let apply_args ctxt body args =
let need_convert_id avoid id =
List.exists (is_free_in id) args || List.mem id avoid
@@ -183,11 +143,6 @@ let apply_args ctxt body args =
let need_convert avoid bt =
List.exists (need_convert_id avoid) (ids_of_binder bt)
-(* let add_name na avoid = *)
-(* match na with *)
-(* | Anonymous -> avoid *)
-(* | Name id -> id::avoid *)
-(* in *)
let next_name_away (na:name) (mapping: identifier Idmap.t) (avoid: identifier list) =
match na with
| Name id when List.mem id avoid ->
@@ -206,17 +161,6 @@ let apply_args ctxt body args =
| Lambda na ->
let new_na,mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na Idmap.empty avoid in
Lambda new_na,mapping,new_avoid
-(* | LetTuple (nal,na) -> *)
-(* let rev_new_nal,mapping,new_avoid = *)
-(* List.fold_left *)
-(* (fun (nal,mapping,(avoid:identifier list)) na -> *)
-(* let new_na,new_mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na mapping avoid in *)
-(* (new_na::nal,new_mapping,new_avoid) *)
-(* ) *)
-(* ([],Idmap.empty,avoid) *)
-(* nal *)
-(* in *)
-(* (LetTuple(List.rev rev_new_nal,na),mapping,new_avoid) *)
let rec do_apply avoid ctxt body args =
match ctxt,args with
@@ -292,11 +236,6 @@ let combine_prod n t b =
let combine_letin n t b =
{ context = t.context@((LetIn n,t.value)::b.context); value = b.value}
-(* let combine_tuple nal na b in_e = *)
-(* { *)
-(* context = b.context@(LetTuple(nal,na),b.value)::in_e.context; *)
-(* value = in_e.value *)
-(* } *)
let mk_result ctxt value avoid =
@@ -402,6 +341,77 @@ let make_pattern_eq_precond id e pat =
+let build_constructors_of_type msg ind' argl =
+ let (mib,ind) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind' in
+ let npar = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ Array.mapi (fun i _ ->
+ let construct = ind',i+1 in
+ let constructref = ConstructRef(construct) in
+ let _implicit_positions_of_cst =
+ Impargs.implicits_of_global constructref
+ in
+ let cst_narg =
+ Inductiveops.mis_constructor_nargs_env
+ (Global.env ())
+ construct
+ in
+ let argl =
+ if argl = []
+ then
+ Array.to_list
+ (Array.init (cst_narg - npar) (fun _ -> mkRHole ())
+ )
+ else argl
+ in
+ let pat_as_term =
+ mkRApp(mkRRef (ConstructRef(ind',i+1)),argl)
+ in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "new constructor := " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr pat_as_term); *)
+ cases_pattern_of_rawconstr Anonymous pat_as_term
+ )
+ ind.Declarations.mind_consnames
+let find_constructors_of_raw_type msg t argl : Rawterm.cases_pattern array =
+ let ind,args = raw_decompose_app t in
+ match ind with
+ | RRef(_,IndRef ind') ->
+(* let _,ind = Global.lookup_inductive ind' in *)
+ build_constructors_of_type msg ind' argl
+ | _ -> error msg
+let rec find_type_of nb b =
+ let f,_ = raw_decompose_app b in
+ match f with
+ | RRef(_,ref) ->
+ begin
+ let ind_type =
+ match ref with
+ | VarRef _ | ConstRef _ ->
+ let constr_of_ref = constr_of_global ref in
+ let type_of_ref = Typing.type_of (Global.env ()) Evd.empty constr_of_ref in
+ let (_,ret_type) = Reduction.dest_prod (Global.env ()) type_of_ref in
+ let ret_type,_ = decompose_app ret_type in
+ if not (isInd ret_type) then
+ begin
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "not an inductive" ++ pr_lconstr ret_type); *)
+ raise (Invalid_argument "not an inductive")
+ end;
+ destInd ret_type
+ | IndRef ind -> ind
+ | ConstructRef c -> fst c
+ in
+ let _,ind_type_info = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind_type in
+ if not (Array.length ind_type_info.Declarations.mind_consnames = nb )
+ then raise (Invalid_argument "find_type_of : not a valid inductive");
+ ind_type
+ end
+ | RCast(_,b,_,_) -> find_type_of nb b
+ | RApp _ -> assert false (* we have decomposed any application via raw_decompose_app *)
+ | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "not a ref")
let rec build_entry_lc funnames avoid rt : rawconstr build_entry_return =
(* Pp.msgnl (str " Entering : " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr rt); *)
match rt with
@@ -466,14 +476,13 @@ let rec build_entry_lc funnames avoid rt : rawconstr build_entry_return =
- | RCases _ | RLambda _ ->
+ | RCases _ | RLambda _ | RIf _ | RLetTuple _ ->
let f_res = build_entry_lc funnames args_res.to_avoid f in
combine_results combine_app f_res args_res
| RDynamic _ ->error "Not handled RDynamic"
- | RCast _ -> error "Not handled RCast"
+ | RCast(_,b,_,_) ->
+ build_entry_lc funnames avoid (mkRApp(b,args))
| RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
- | RIf _ -> error "Not handled RIf"
- | RLetTuple _ -> error "Not handled RLetTuple"
| RProd _ -> error "Cannot apply a type"
| RLambda(_,n,t,b) ->
@@ -496,16 +505,88 @@ let rec build_entry_lc funnames avoid rt : rawconstr build_entry_return =
| RCases(_,_,el,brl) ->
let make_discr = make_discr_match brl in
build_entry_lc_from_case funnames make_discr el brl avoid
- | RIf _ -> error "Not handled RIf"
- | RLetTuple _ -> error "Not handled RLetTuple"
+ | RIf(_,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) ->
+ begin
+ match b with
+ | RCast(_,b,_,t) ->
+ let msg = "If construction must be used with cast" in
+ let case_pat = find_constructors_of_raw_type msg t [] in
+ assert (Array.length case_pat = 2);
+ let brl =
+ list_map_i
+ (fun i x -> (dummy_loc,[],[case_pat.(i)],x))
+ 0
+ [lhs;rhs]
+ in
+ let match_expr =
+ mkRCases(None,[(b,(Anonymous,None))],brl)
+ in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "new case := " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr match_expr); *)
+ build_entry_lc funnames avoid match_expr
+ | _ ->
+ try
+ let ind = find_type_of 2 b in
+ let case_pat = build_constructors_of_type (str "") ind [] in
+ let brl =
+ list_map_i
+ (fun i x -> (dummy_loc,[],[case_pat.(i)],x))
+ 0
+ [lhs;rhs]
+ in
+ let match_expr =
+ mkRCases(None,[(b,(Anonymous,None))],brl)
+ in
+ (* Pp.msgnl (str "new case := " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr match_expr); *)
+ build_entry_lc funnames avoid match_expr
+ with Invalid_argument s ->
+ let msg = "If construction must be used with cast : "^ s in
+ error msg
+ end
+ | RLetTuple(_,nal,_,b,e) ->
+ begin
+ let nal_as_rawconstr =
+ (function
+ Name id -> mkRVar id
+ | Anonymous -> mkRHole ()
+ )
+ nal
+ in
+ match b with
+ | RCast(_,b,_,t) ->
+ let case_pat =
+ find_constructors_of_raw_type
+ "LetTuple construction must be used with cast" t nal_as_rawconstr in
+ assert (Array.length case_pat = 1);
+ let br =
+ (dummy_loc,[],[case_pat.(0)],e)
+ in
+ let match_expr = mkRCases(None,[b,(Anonymous,None)],[br]) in
+ build_entry_lc funnames avoid match_expr
+ | _ ->
+ try
+ let ind = find_type_of 1 b in
+ let case_pat =
+ build_constructors_of_type
+ (str "LetTuple construction must be used with cast") ind nal_as_rawconstr in
+ let br =
+ (dummy_loc,[],[case_pat.(0)],e)
+ in
+ let match_expr = mkRCases(None,[b,(Anonymous,None)],[br]) in
+ build_entry_lc funnames avoid match_expr
+ with Invalid_argument s ->
+ let msg = "LetTuple construction must be used with cast : "^ s in
+ error msg
+ end
| RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
- | RCast _ -> error "Not handled RCast"
+ | RCast(_,b,_,_) ->
+ build_entry_lc funnames avoid b
| RDynamic _ -> error "Not handled RDynamic"
and build_entry_lc_from_case funname make_discr
- (el:(Rawterm.rawconstr *
- ( * (loc * Names.inductive * list) option) )
- list)
- (brl:(loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list) avoid :
+ (el:tomatch_tuple)
+ (brl:Rawterm.cases_clauses) avoid :
rawconstr build_entry_return =
match el with
| [] -> assert false (* matched on Nothing !*)
@@ -521,7 +602,7 @@ and build_entry_lc_from_case funname make_discr
let results =
- (build_entry_lc_from_case_term funname make_discr [] brl case_resl.to_avoid)
+ (build_entry_lc_from_case_term funname (make_discr ( fst el)) [] brl case_resl.to_avoid)
@@ -567,7 +648,6 @@ and build_entry_lc_from_case_term funname make_discr patterns_to_prevent brl avo
-(* let ids = (fun id -> Prod (Name id),mkRHole ()) idl in *)
let those_pattern_preconds =
( List.flatten
@@ -597,7 +677,7 @@ and build_entry_lc_from_case_term funname make_discr patterns_to_prevent brl avo
List.for_all (fun x -> x) unif) patterns_to_prevent
let i = List.length patterns_to_prevent in
- [(Prod Anonymous,make_discr ( pattern_to_term patl) i )]
+ [(Prod Anonymous,make_discr i )]
@@ -839,6 +919,7 @@ let rec rebuild_return_type rt =
let build_inductive parametrize funnames (funsargs: ( * rawconstr * bool) list list) returned_types (rtl:rawconstr list) =
+ let _time1 = System.get_time () in
(* Pp.msgnl (prlist_with_sep fnl Printer.pr_rawconstr rtl); *)
let funnames_as_set = List.fold_right Idset.add funnames Idset.empty in
let funnames = Array.of_list funnames in
@@ -975,14 +1056,25 @@ let build_inductive parametrize funnames (funsargs: ( * rawconstr * bo
Impargs.make_implicit_args false;
Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args false;
Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args false;
+ let _time2 = System.get_time () in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "Bulding Inductive : " ++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time1 time2))); *)
Options.silently (Command.build_mutual rel_inds) true;
+ let _time3 = System.get_time () in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "Bulding Done: "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
+(* let msg = *)
+(* str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++ *)
+(* Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(true,rel_inds)) ++ fnl () *)
+(* in *)
+(* Pp.msgnl msg; *)
Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
Options.raw_print := old_rawprint;
- | UserError(s,msg) ->
+ | UserError(s,msg) ->
+ let _time3 = System.get_time () in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "error : "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
@@ -996,6 +1088,8 @@ let build_inductive parametrize funnames (funsargs: ( * rawconstr * bo
(UserError(s, msg))
| e ->
+ let _time3 = System.get_time () in
+(* Pp.msgnl (str "error : "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
@@ -1010,3 +1104,4 @@ let build_inductive parametrize funnames (funsargs: ( * rawconstr * bo
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
index 99bf2bf1..c6406468 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ b/contrib/funind/
@@ -68,7 +68,10 @@ let rec raw_make_or_list = function
| e::l -> raw_make_or e (raw_make_or_list l)
+let remove_name_from_mapping mapping na =
+ match na with
+ | Anonymous -> mapping
+ | Name id -> Idmap.remove id mapping
let change_vars =
let rec change_vars mapping rt =
@@ -88,34 +91,31 @@ let change_vars =
change_vars mapping rt', (change_vars mapping) rtl
- | RLambda(_,Name id,_,_) when Idmap.mem id mapping -> rt
| RLambda(loc,name,t,b) ->
change_vars mapping t,
- change_vars mapping b
+ change_vars (remove_name_from_mapping mapping name) b
- | RProd(_,Name id,_,_) when Idmap.mem id mapping -> rt
| RProd(loc,name,t,b) ->
change_vars mapping t,
- change_vars mapping b
+ change_vars (remove_name_from_mapping mapping name) b
- | RLetIn(_,Name id,_,_) when Idmap.mem id mapping -> rt
| RLetIn(loc,name,def,b) ->
change_vars mapping def,
- change_vars mapping b
+ change_vars (remove_name_from_mapping mapping name) b
- | RLetTuple(_,nal,(na,_),_,_) when List.exists (function Name id -> Idmap.mem id mapping | _ -> false) (na::nal) -> rt
| RLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,rto),b,e) ->
+ let new_mapping = List.fold_left remove_name_from_mapping mapping nal in
- nal,
- (na, option_app (change_vars mapping) rto),
- change_vars mapping b,
- change_vars mapping e
+ nal,
+ (na, option_map (change_vars mapping) rto),
+ change_vars mapping b,
+ change_vars new_mapping e
| RCases(loc,infos,el,brl) ->
@@ -123,8 +123,14 @@ let change_vars = (fun (e,x) -> (change_vars mapping e,x)) el, (change_vars_br mapping) brl
- | RIf _ -> error "Not handled RIf"
- | RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
+ | RIf(loc,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) ->
+ RIf(loc,
+ change_vars mapping b,
+ (na,option_map (change_vars mapping) e_option),
+ change_vars mapping lhs,
+ change_vars mapping rhs
+ )
+ | RRec _ -> error "Local (co)fixes are not supported"
| RSort _ -> rt
| RHole _ -> rt
| RCast(loc,b,k,t) ->
@@ -230,7 +236,7 @@ let rec alpha_rt excluded rt =
then t,b
let replace = change_vars (Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty) in
- (replace t,replace b)
+ (t,replace b)
let new_excluded = new_id::excluded in
let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in
@@ -244,7 +250,7 @@ let rec alpha_rt excluded rt =
then t,b
let replace = change_vars (Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty) in
- (replace t,replace b)
+ (t,replace b)
let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in
let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded b in
@@ -256,7 +262,7 @@ let rec alpha_rt excluded rt =
then t,b
let replace = change_vars (Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty) in
- (replace t,replace b)
+ (t,replace b)
let new_excluded = new_id::excluded in
let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in
@@ -286,18 +292,23 @@ let rec alpha_rt excluded rt =
if idmap_is_empty mapping
then rto,t,b
else let replace = change_vars mapping in
- (option_app replace rto,replace t,replace b)
+ (option_map replace rto, t,replace b)
let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded new_t in
let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded new_b in
- let new_rto = option_app (alpha_rt new_excluded) new_rto in
+ let new_rto = option_map (alpha_rt new_excluded) new_rto in
| RCases(loc,infos,el,brl) ->
let new_el = (function (rt,i) -> alpha_rt excluded rt, i) el
RCases(loc,infos,new_el, (alpha_br excluded) brl)
- | RIf _ -> error "Not handled RIf"
+ | RIf(loc,b,(na,e_o),lhs,rhs) ->
+ RIf(loc,alpha_rt excluded b,
+ (na,option_map (alpha_rt excluded) e_o),
+ alpha_rt excluded lhs,
+ alpha_rt excluded rhs
+ )
| RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
| RSort _ -> rt
| RHole _ -> rt
@@ -439,7 +450,7 @@ let replace_var_by_term x_id term =
| RLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,rto),def,b) ->
- (na,option_app replace_var_by_pattern rto),
+ (na,option_map replace_var_by_pattern rto),
replace_var_by_pattern def,
replace_var_by_pattern b
@@ -449,7 +460,12 @@ let replace_var_by_term x_id term = (fun (e,x) -> (replace_var_by_pattern e,x)) el, replace_var_by_pattern_br brl
- | RIf _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled RIf"))
+ | RIf(loc,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) ->
+ RIf(loc, replace_var_by_pattern b,
+ (na,option_map replace_var_by_pattern e_option),
+ replace_var_by_pattern lhs,
+ replace_var_by_pattern rhs
+ )
| RRec _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled RRec"))
| RSort _ -> rt
| RHole _ -> rt
diff --git a/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli b/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli
index 92df0ec6..5dcdb15c 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli
+++ b/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli
@@ -22,10 +22,7 @@ val mkRApp : rawconstr*(rawconstr list) -> rawconstr
val mkRLambda :*rawconstr*rawconstr -> rawconstr
val mkRProd :*rawconstr*rawconstr -> rawconstr
val mkRLetIn :*rawconstr*rawconstr -> rawconstr
-val mkRCases : rawconstr option *
- (rawconstr * ( * (Util.loc * Names.inductive * list) option)) list *
- (Util.loc * Names.identifier list * cases_pattern list * rawconstr) list ->
- rawconstr
+val mkRCases : rawconstr option * tomatch_tuple * cases_clauses -> rawconstr
val mkRSort : rawsort -> rawconstr
val mkRHole : unit -> rawconstr (* we only build Evd.BinderType Anonymous holes *)
diff --git a/contrib/funind/tacinv.ml4 b/contrib/funind/tacinv.ml4
index c2410d55..2c7e4d33 100644
--- a/contrib/funind/tacinv.ml4
+++ b/contrib/funind/tacinv.ml4
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ let rec proofPrinc mi: constr funind =
(* <pcase> Cases b of arrPt end.*)
| Case (cinfo, pcase, b, arrPt) ->
let prod_pcase,_ = decompose_lam pcase in
- let nmeb,_ = List.hd prod_pcase in
+ let _nmeb,_ = List.hd prod_pcase in
let newb'= apply_leqtrpl_t b mi.lst_eqs in
let type_of_b = Typing.type_of mi.env mi.sigma b in
(* Replace the recursive calls to the function by calls to the constant *)
@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ let rec proofPrinc mi: constr funind =
let varnames = snd mi.lst_vars in
let nb_vars = List.length varnames in
let nb_eqs = List.length mi.lst_eqs in
- let eqrels = fst mi.lst_eqs in
+ let _eqrels = fst mi.lst_eqs in
(* [terms_recs]: appel rec du fixpoint, On concatčne les appels recs
trouvés dans les let in et les Cases avec ceux trouves dans u (ie
mi.mimick). *)
@@ -772,11 +772,6 @@ let invfun_verif c l dorew gl =
else error "wrong number of arguments for the function"
-TACTIC EXTEND functional_induction
- [ "functional" "induction" constr(c) ne_constr_list(l) ]
- -> [ invfun_verif c l true ]
(* Construction of the functional scheme. *)
@@ -847,15 +842,20 @@ let declareFunScheme f fname mutflist =
+TACTIC EXTEND functional_induction
+ [ "old" "functional" "induction" constr(c) ne_constr_list(l) ]
+ -> [ invfun_verif c l true ]
- [ "Functional" "Scheme" ident(na) ":=" "Induction" "for"
+ [ "Old" "Functional" "Scheme" ident(na) ":=" "Induction" "for"
ident(c) "with" ne_ident_list(l) ]
-> [ declareFunScheme c na l ]
-| [ "Functional" "Scheme" ident(na) ":=" "Induction" "for" ident (c) ]
+| [ "Old" "Functional" "Scheme" ident(na) ":=" "Induction" "for" ident (c) ]
-> [ declareFunScheme c na [] ]
diff --git a/contrib/interface/ascent.mli b/contrib/interface/ascent.mli
index fb71288a..8f880a76 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/ascent.mli
+++ b/contrib/interface/ascent.mli
@@ -685,8 +685,8 @@ and ct_TACTIC_COM =
| CT_rename of ct_ID * ct_ID
| CT_repeat of ct_TACTIC_COM
| CT_replace_with of ct_FORMULA * ct_FORMULA * ct_ID_OPT * ct_TACTIC_OPT
- | CT_rewrite_lr of ct_FORMULA * ct_SPEC_LIST * ct_ID_OPT
- | CT_rewrite_rl of ct_FORMULA * ct_SPEC_LIST * ct_ID_OPT
+ | CT_rewrite_lr of ct_FORMULA * ct_SPEC_LIST * ct_CLAUSE
+ | CT_rewrite_rl of ct_FORMULA * ct_SPEC_LIST * ct_CLAUSE
| CT_right of ct_SPEC_LIST
| CT_ring of ct_FORMULA_LIST
| CT_simple_user_tac of ct_ID * ct_TACTIC_ARG_LIST
diff --git a/contrib/interface/ b/contrib/interface/
index 21f977f1..9e450068 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/
+++ b/contrib/interface/
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ let rec def_const_in_term_rec vl x =
| Sort(c) -> c
| Ind(ind) ->
let (mib, mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
- mip.mind_sort
+ new_sort_in_family (inductive_sort_family mip)
| Construct(c) ->
def_const_in_term_rec vl (mkInd (inductive_of_constructor c))
| Case(_,x,t,a)
diff --git a/contrib/interface/debug_tac.ml4 b/contrib/interface/debug_tac.ml4
index 56abfb82..e1b8e712 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/debug_tac.ml4
+++ b/contrib/interface/debug_tac.ml4
@@ -239,9 +239,9 @@ and checked_then: report_holder -> glob_tactic_expr -> glob_tactic_expr -> tacti
by the list of integers given as extra arguments.
-let rawwit_main_tactic = rawwit_tactic Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_main_level
-let globwit_main_tactic = globwit_tactic Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_main_level
-let wit_main_tactic = wit_tactic Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_main_level
+let rawwit_main_tactic = Pcoq.rawwit_tactic Pcoq.tactic_main_level
+let globwit_main_tactic = Pcoq.globwit_tactic Pcoq.tactic_main_level
+let wit_main_tactic = Pcoq.wit_tactic Pcoq.tactic_main_level
let on_then = function [t1;t2;l] ->
diff --git a/contrib/interface/ b/contrib/interface/
index b7da5c1b..ce2ee1e7 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/
+++ b/contrib/interface/
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ let rec nsortrec vl x =
| Sort(c) -> c
| Ind(ind) ->
let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif vl ind in
- mip.mind_sort
+ new_sort_in_family (inductive_sort_family mip)
| Construct(c) ->
nsortrec vl (mkInd (inductive_of_constructor c))
| Case(_,x,t,a)
diff --git a/contrib/interface/ b/contrib/interface/
index 5a7ccc26..064d20ab 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/
+++ b/contrib/interface/
@@ -1717,12 +1717,12 @@ and fTACTIC_COM = function
| CT_rewrite_lr(x1, x2, x3) ->
- fID_OPT x3;
+ fCLAUSE x3;
fNODE "rewrite_lr" 3
| CT_rewrite_rl(x1, x2, x3) ->
- fID_OPT x3;
+ fCLAUSE x3;
fNODE "rewrite_rl" 3
| CT_right(x1) ->
diff --git a/contrib/interface/ b/contrib/interface/
index da87086e..ecb04e07 100644
--- a/contrib/interface/
+++ b/contrib/interface/
@@ -113,8 +113,16 @@ let nums_to_int_list_aux l = (fun x -> CT_int x) l;;
let nums_to_int_list l = CT_int_list(nums_to_int_list_aux l);;
-let nums_to_int_ne_list n l =
- CT_int_ne_list(CT_int n, nums_to_int_list_aux l);;
+let num_or_var_to_int = function
+ | ArgArg x -> CT_int x
+ | _ -> xlate_error "TODO: nums_to_int_list_aux ArgVar";;
+let nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l = num_or_var_to_int l;;
+let nums_or_var_to_int_list l = CT_int_list(nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l);;
+let nums_or_var_to_int_ne_list n l =
+ CT_int_ne_list(num_or_var_to_int n, nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l);;
type iTARG = Targ_command of ct_FORMULA
| Targ_intropatt of ct_INTRO_PATT_LIST
@@ -298,9 +306,11 @@ let rec decompose_last = function
let make_fix_struct (n,bl) =
let names = names_of_local_assums bl in
let nn = List.length names in
- if nn = 1 then ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
- else if n < nn then xlate_id_opt(List.nth names n)
- else xlate_error "unexpected result of parsing for Fixpoint";;
+ if nn = 1 || n = None then ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
+ else
+ let n = out_some n in
+ if n < nn then xlate_id_opt(List.nth names n)
+ else xlate_error "unexpected result of parsing for Fixpoint";;
let rec xlate_binder = function
@@ -417,7 +427,10 @@ and (xlate_formula:Topconstr.constr_expr -> Ascent.ct_FORMULA) = function
| CFix (_, (_, id), lm::lmi) ->
let strip_mutrec (fid, (n, ro), bl, arf, ardef) =
let (struct_arg,bl,arf,ardef) =
+ (* Pierre L: could the case [n=None && bl=[]] happen ? Normally not *)
+ (* By the way, how could [bl = []] happen in V8 syntax ? *)
if bl = [] then
+ let n = out_some n in
let (bl,arf,ardef) = Ppconstr.split_fix (n+1) arf ardef in
(xlate_id_opt(List.nth (names_of_local_assums bl) n),bl,arf,ardef)
else (make_fix_struct (n, bl),bl,arf,ardef) in
@@ -469,18 +482,19 @@ let xlate_hyp = function
let xlate_hyp_location =
- | AI (_,id), nums, InHypTypeOnly ->
- CT_intype(xlate_ident id, nums_to_int_list nums)
- | AI (_,id), nums, InHypValueOnly ->
- CT_invalue(xlate_ident id, nums_to_int_list nums)
- | AI (_,id), [], InHyp ->
+ | (nums, AI (_,id)), InHypTypeOnly ->
+ CT_intype(xlate_ident id, nums_or_var_to_int_list nums)
+ | (nums, AI (_,id)), InHypValueOnly ->
+ CT_invalue(xlate_ident id, nums_or_var_to_int_list nums)
+ | ([], AI (_,id)), InHyp ->
(CT_coerce_ID_to_UNFOLD (xlate_ident id))
- | AI (_,id), a::l, InHyp ->
+ | (a::l, AI (_,id)), InHyp ->
(CT_unfold_occ (xlate_ident id,
- CT_int_ne_list(CT_int a, nums_to_int_list_aux l)))
- | MetaId _, _,_ ->
+ CT_int_ne_list(num_or_var_to_int a,
+ nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l)))
+ | (_, MetaId _),_ ->
xlate_error "MetaId not supported in xlate_hyp_location (should occur only in quotations)"
let xlate_clause cls =
@@ -661,13 +675,14 @@ let xlate_using = function
let xlate_one_unfold_block = function
([],qid) -> CT_coerce_ID_to_UNFOLD(tac_qualid_to_ct_ID qid)
| (n::nums, qid) ->
- CT_unfold_occ(tac_qualid_to_ct_ID qid, nums_to_int_ne_list n nums);;
+ CT_unfold_occ(tac_qualid_to_ct_ID qid, nums_or_var_to_int_ne_list n nums)
let xlate_with_names = function
IntroAnonymous -> CT_coerce_ID_OPT_to_INTRO_PATT_OPT ctv_ID_OPT_NONE
| fp -> CT_coerce_INTRO_PATT_to_INTRO_PATT_OPT (xlate_intro_pattern fp)
-let rawwit_main_tactic = rawwit_tactic Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_main_level
+let rawwit_main_tactic = Pcoq.rawwit_tactic Pcoq.tactic_main_level
let rec (xlate_tacarg:raw_tactic_arg -> ct_TACTIC_ARG) =
@@ -723,7 +738,7 @@ and xlate_red_tactic =
- (CT_int_list( (fun n -> CT_int n) l), xlate_formula c)))
+ (CT_int_list(nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l), xlate_formula c)))
| Cbv flag_list ->
let conv_flags, red_ids = get_flag flag_list in
CT_cbv (CT_conversion_flag_list conv_flags, red_ids)
@@ -740,7 +755,7 @@ and xlate_red_tactic =
| Pattern l ->
let pat_list = (fun (nums,c) ->
- (CT_int_list ( (fun x -> CT_int x) nums),
+ (CT_int_list (nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux nums),
xlate_formula c)) l in
(match pat_list with
| first :: others -> CT_pattern (CT_pattern_ne_list (first, others))
@@ -898,7 +913,7 @@ and xlate_tac =
| TacChange (Some(l,c), f, b) ->
(* TODO LATER: combine with other constructions of pattern_occ *)
- CT_pattern_occ(CT_int_list( (fun n -> CT_int n) l),
+ CT_pattern_occ(CT_int_list(nums_or_var_to_int_list_aux l),
xlate_formula c),
xlate_formula f,
xlate_clause b)
@@ -973,19 +988,12 @@ and xlate_tac =
CT_replace_with (c1, c2,id_opt,tac_opt)
- | TacExtend (_,"rewrite", [b; cbindl]) ->
- let b = out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_orient b in
- let (c,bindl) = out_gen rawwit_constr_with_bindings cbindl in
- let c = xlate_formula c and bindl = xlate_bindings bindl in
- if b then CT_rewrite_lr (c, bindl, ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
- else CT_rewrite_rl (c, bindl, ctv_ID_OPT_NONE)
- | TacExtend (_,"rewrite_in", [b; cbindl; id]) ->
- let b = out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_orient b in
- let (c,bindl) = out_gen rawwit_constr_with_bindings cbindl in
- let c = xlate_formula c and bindl = xlate_bindings bindl in
- let id = ctf_ID_OPT_SOME (xlate_ident (snd (out_gen rawwit_var id))) in
- if b then CT_rewrite_lr (c, bindl, id)
- else CT_rewrite_rl (c, bindl, id)
+ | TacRewrite(b,cbindl,cl) ->
+ let cl = xlate_clause cl
+ and c = xlate_formula (fst cbindl)
+ and bindl = xlate_bindings (snd cbindl) in
+ if b then CT_rewrite_lr (c, bindl, cl)
+ else CT_rewrite_rl (c, bindl, cl)
| TacExtend (_,"conditional_rewrite", [t; b; cbindl]) ->
let t = out_gen rawwit_main_tactic t in
let b = out_gen Extraargs.rawwit_orient b in
@@ -1094,7 +1102,7 @@ and xlate_tac = (fun x -> CT_ident x) l))))
| TacExtend (_,"prolog", [cl; n]) ->
let cl = xlate_formula (out_gen (wit_list0 rawwit_constr) cl) in
- (match out_gen wit_int_or_var n with
+ (match out_gen rawwit_int_or_var n with
| ArgVar _ -> xlate_error ""
| ArgArg n -> CT_prolog (CT_formula_list cl, CT_int n))
| TacExtend (_,"eapply", [cbindl]) ->
@@ -1263,14 +1271,15 @@ and coerce_genarg_to_TARG x =
(CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_SCOMMENT_CONTENT (xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr x)))
| ConstrMayEvalArgType -> xlate_error"TODO: generic constr-may-eval argument"
| QuantHypArgType ->xlate_error"TODO: generic quantified hypothesis argument"
- | TacticArgType n ->
- let t = xlate_tactic (out_gen (rawwit_tactic n) x) in
- CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TARG t
| OpenConstrArgType b ->
(snd (out_gen
(rawwit_open_constr_gen b) x))))
+ | ExtraArgType s as y when Pcoq.is_tactic_genarg y ->
+ let n = out_some (Pcoq.tactic_genarg_level s) in
+ let t = xlate_tactic (out_gen (Pcoq.rawwit_tactic n) x) in
+ CT_coerce_TACTIC_COM_to_TARG t
| ConstrWithBindingsArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic constr with bindings"
| BindingsArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic with bindings"
| RedExprArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic red expr"
@@ -1360,8 +1369,9 @@ let coerce_genarg_to_VARG x =
(CT_coerce_FORMULA_to_FORMULA_OPT (xlate_formula (out_gen rawwit_constr x)))
| ConstrMayEvalArgType -> xlate_error"TODO: generic constr-may-eval argument"
| QuantHypArgType ->xlate_error"TODO: generic quantified hypothesis argument"
- | TacticArgType n ->
- let t = xlate_tactic (out_gen (rawwit_tactic n) x) in
+ | ExtraArgType s as y when Pcoq.is_tactic_genarg y ->
+ let n = out_some (Pcoq.tactic_genarg_level s) in
+ let t = xlate_tactic (out_gen (Pcoq.rawwit_tactic n) x) in
| OpenConstrArgType _ -> xlate_error "TODO: generic open constr"
| ConstrWithBindingsArgType -> xlate_error "TODO: generic constr with bindings"
@@ -1813,7 +1823,7 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
CT_theorem_goal (CT_coerce_THM_to_DEFN_OR_THM (xlate_thm k), xlate_ident s,
xlate_binder_list bl, xlate_formula c))
| VernacSuspend -> CT_suspend
- | VernacResume idopt -> CT_resume (xlate_ident_opt (option_app snd idopt))
+ | VernacResume idopt -> CT_resume (xlate_ident_opt (option_map snd idopt))
| VernacDefinition (k,(_,s),ProveBody (bl,typ),_) ->
@@ -1855,7 +1865,7 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
(_, (add_coercion, (_,s)), binders, c1,
rec_constructor_or_none, field_list) ->
let record_constructor =
- xlate_ident_opt (option_app snd rec_constructor_or_none) in
+ xlate_ident_opt (option_map snd rec_constructor_or_none) in
((if add_coercion then CT_coercion_atm else
@@ -1875,7 +1885,10 @@ let rec xlate_vernac =
| VernacFixpoint ((lm :: lmi),boxed) ->
let strip_mutrec ((fid, (n, ro), bl, arf, ardef), ntn) =
let (struct_arg,bl,arf,ardef) =
+ (* Pierre L: could the case [n=None && bl=[]] happen ? Normally not *)
+ (* By the way, how could [bl = []] happen in V8 syntax ? *)
if bl = [] then
+ let n = out_some n in
let (bl,arf,ardef) = Ppconstr.split_fix (n+1) arf ardef in
(xlate_id_opt(List.nth (names_of_local_assums bl) n),bl,arf,ardef)
else (make_fix_struct (n, bl),bl,arf,ardef) in
diff --git a/contrib/omega/ b/contrib/omega/
index ee3301d7..da0817d1 100644
--- a/contrib/omega/
+++ b/contrib/omega/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
(* *)
-(* $Id: 7837 2006-01-11 09:47:32Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 8934 2006-06-09 14:30:12Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Pp
@@ -162,10 +162,12 @@ let hide_constr,find_constr,clear_tables,dump_tables =
open Coqlib
let logic_dir = ["Coq";"Logic";"Decidable"]
+let init_arith_modules = init_modules @ arith_modules
let coq_modules =
- init_modules @ [logic_dir] @ arith_modules @ zarith_base_modules
+ init_arith_modules @ [logic_dir] @ zarith_base_modules
@ [["Coq"; "omega"; "OmegaLemmas"]]
+let init_arith_constant = gen_constant_in_modules "Omega" init_arith_modules
let constant = gen_constant_in_modules "Omega" coq_modules
(* Zarith *)
@@ -268,17 +270,17 @@ let coq_Zge = lazy (constant "Zge")
let coq_Zlt = lazy (constant "Zlt")
(* Peano/Datatypes *)
-let coq_le = lazy (constant "le")
-let coq_lt = lazy (constant "lt")
-let coq_ge = lazy (constant "ge")
-let coq_gt = lazy (constant "gt")
-let coq_minus = lazy (constant "minus")
-let coq_plus = lazy (constant "plus")
-let coq_mult = lazy (constant "mult")
-let coq_pred = lazy (constant "pred")
-let coq_nat = lazy (constant "nat")
-let coq_S = lazy (constant "S")
-let coq_O = lazy (constant "O")
+let coq_le = lazy (init_arith_constant "le")
+let coq_lt = lazy (init_arith_constant "lt")
+let coq_ge = lazy (init_arith_constant "ge")
+let coq_gt = lazy (init_arith_constant "gt")
+let coq_minus = lazy (init_arith_constant "minus")
+let coq_plus = lazy (init_arith_constant "plus")
+let coq_mult = lazy (init_arith_constant "mult")
+let coq_pred = lazy (init_arith_constant "pred")
+let coq_nat = lazy (init_arith_constant "nat")
+let coq_S = lazy (init_arith_constant "S")
+let coq_O = lazy (init_arith_constant "O")
(* Compare_dec/Peano_dec/Minus *)
let coq_pred_of_minus = lazy (constant "pred_of_minus")
diff --git a/contrib/recdef/recdef.ml4 b/contrib/recdef/recdef.ml4
index cf09e63a..ed2e5b5f 100644
--- a/contrib/recdef/recdef.ml4
+++ b/contrib/recdef/recdef.ml4
@@ -46,20 +46,35 @@ open Eauto
open Genarg
+let qed () = Command.save_named true
+let defined () = Command.save_named false
+let pf_get_new_ids idl g =
+ let ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun id acc -> next_global_ident_away false id (acc@ids)::acc)
+ idl
+ []
+let pf_get_new_id id g =
+ List.hd (pf_get_new_ids [id] g)
let h_intros l =
tclMAP h_intro l
let do_observe_tac s tac g =
- let goal = begin try (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)) with _ -> assert false end in
+ let goal = begin (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)) end in
try let v = tac g in msgnl (goal ++ fnl () ++ (str s)++(str " ")++(str "finished")); v
with e ->
msgnl (str "observation "++str s++str " raised exception " ++
- Cerrors.explain_exn e ++ str "on goal " ++ goal );
+ Cerrors.explain_exn e ++ str " on goal " ++ goal );
raise e;;
-let observe_tac s tac g = tac g
+let observe_tac s tac g =
+ if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff
+ then do_observe_tac s tac g
+ else tac g
let hyp_ids = id_of_string
["x";"v";"k";"def";"p";"h";"n";"h'"; "anonymous"; "teq"; "rec_res";
@@ -96,8 +111,11 @@ let def_of_const t =
(try (match (Global.lookup_constant sp) with
{const_body=Some c} -> Declarations.force c
|_ -> assert false)
- with _ -> anomaly ("Cannot find definition of constant "^(string_of_id (id_of_label (con_label sp)))))
- |_ -> assert false
+ with _ ->
+ anomaly ("Cannot find definition of constant "^
+ (string_of_id (id_of_label (con_label sp))))
+ )
+ |_ -> assert false
let type_of_const t =
match (kind_of_term t) with
@@ -121,7 +139,6 @@ let rec (find_call_occs:
fun f expr ->
match (kind_of_term expr) with
App (g, args) when g = f ->
- (* For now we suppose that the function takes only one argument. *)
(fun l -> List.hd l), [Array.to_list args]
| App (g, args) ->
let (largs: constr list) = Array.to_list args in
@@ -222,8 +239,8 @@ let lt = function () -> (coq_constant "lt")
let mkCaseEq a : tactic =
(fun g ->
-(* commentaire de Yves: on pourra avoir des problemes si
- a n'est pas bien type dans l'environnement du but *)
+ (* commentaire de Yves: on pourra avoir des problemes si
+ a n'est pas bien type dans l'environnement du but *)
let type_of_a = pf_type_of g a in
(tclTHEN (generalize [mkApp(delayed_force refl_equal, [| type_of_a; a|])])
@@ -235,7 +252,6 @@ let mkCaseEq a : tactic =
let rec mk_intros_and_continue (extra_eqn:bool)
cont_function (eqs:constr list) (expr:constr) g =
- let ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
match kind_of_term expr with
| Lambda (n, _, b) ->
let n1 =
@@ -243,15 +259,19 @@ let rec mk_intros_and_continue (extra_eqn:bool)
Name x -> x
| Anonymous -> ano_id
- let new_n = next_global_ident_away true n1 ids in
+ let new_n = pf_get_new_id n1 g in
tclTHEN (h_intro new_n)
(mk_intros_and_continue extra_eqn cont_function eqs
(subst1 (mkVar new_n) b)) g
| _ ->
if extra_eqn then
- let teq = next_global_ident_away true teq_id ids in
- tclTHEN (h_intro teq)
- (cont_function (mkVar teq::eqs) expr) g
+ let teq = pf_get_new_id teq_id g in
+ [ h_intro teq;
+ tclMAP (fun eq -> tclTRY (Equality.general_rewrite_in true teq eq)) (List.rev eqs);
+ cont_function (mkVar teq::eqs) expr
+ ]
+ g
cont_function eqs expr g
@@ -291,13 +311,15 @@ let list_rewrite (rev:bool) (eqs: constr list) =
let base_leaf_terminate (func:global_reference) eqs expr =
(* let _ = msgnl (str "entering base_leaf") in *)
(fun g ->
- let ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- let k' = next_global_ident_away true k_id ids in
- let h = next_global_ident_away true h_id (k'::ids) in
- tclTHENLIST [observe_tac "first split" (split (ImplicitBindings [expr]));
- observe_tac "second split" (split (ImplicitBindings [delayed_force coq_O]));
- observe_tac "intro k" (h_intro k');
- observe_tac "case on k"
+ let k',h =
+ match pf_get_new_ids [k_id;h_id] g with
+ [k';h] -> k',h
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ tclTHENLIST [observe_tac "first split" (split (ImplicitBindings [expr]));
+ observe_tac "second split" (split (ImplicitBindings [delayed_force coq_O]));
+ observe_tac "intro k" (h_intro k');
+ observe_tac "case on k"
(simplest_case (mkVar k'))
[(tclTHEN (h_intro h)
@@ -305,17 +327,17 @@ let base_leaf_terminate (func:global_reference) eqs expr =
(mkApp (delayed_force gt_antirefl,
[| delayed_force coq_O |])))
default_auto)); tclIDTAC ]);
- intros;
- simpl_iter();
- unfold_constr func;
- list_rewrite true eqs;
- default_auto ] g);;
+ intros;
+ simpl_iter();
+ unfold_constr func;
+ list_rewrite true eqs;
+ default_auto ] g);;
(* La fonction est donnee en premier argument a la
fonctionnelle suivie d'autres Lambdas et de Case ...
Pour recuperer la fonction f a partir de la
fonctionnelle *)
let get_f foncl =
match (kind_of_term (def_of_const foncl)) with
Lambda (Name f, _, _) -> f
@@ -345,14 +367,15 @@ let rec list_cond_rewrite k def pmax cond_eqs le_proofs =
match cond_eqs with
[] -> tclIDTAC
| eq::eqs ->
- tclTHENS
- (general_rewrite_bindings false
- (mkVar eq,
- ExplicitBindings[dummy_loc, NamedHyp k_id, mkVar k;
- dummy_loc, NamedHyp def_id, mkVar def]))
- [list_cond_rewrite k def pmax eqs le_proofs;
- make_lt_proof pmax le_proofs];;
+ (fun g ->
+ tclTHENS
+ (general_rewrite_bindings false
+ (mkVar eq,
+ ExplicitBindings[dummy_loc, NamedHyp k_id, mkVar k;
+ dummy_loc, NamedHyp def_id, mkVar def]))
+ [list_cond_rewrite k def pmax eqs le_proofs;
+ make_lt_proof pmax le_proofs] g
+ )
let rec introduce_all_equalities func eqs values specs bound le_proofs
cond_eqs =
@@ -371,16 +394,21 @@ let rec introduce_all_equalities func eqs values specs bound le_proofs
observe_tac "introduce_all_equalities_final intro k" (h_intro k);
(observe_tac "introduce_all_equalities_final case k" (simplest_case (mkVar k)))
- [tclTHENLIST[h_intro h';
- simplest_elim(mkApp(delayed_force lt_n_O,[|s_max|]));
- default_full_auto]; tclIDTAC];
+ [
+ tclTHENLIST[h_intro h';
+ simplest_elim(mkApp(delayed_force lt_n_O,[|s_max|]));
+ default_full_auto];
+ tclIDTAC
+ ];
observe_tac "clearing k " (clear [k]);
- h_intros [k;h';def];
- simpl_iter();
- unfold_in_concl[([1],evaluable_of_global_reference func)];
- list_rewrite true eqs;
- list_cond_rewrite k def bound cond_eqs le_proofs;
- apply (delayed_force refl_equal)] g
+ observe_tac "intros k h' def" (h_intros [k;h';def]);
+ observe_tac "simple_iter" (simpl_iter());
+ observe_tac "unfold functional"
+ (unfold_in_concl[([1],evaluable_of_global_reference func)]);
+ observe_tac "rewriting equations"
+ (list_rewrite true eqs);
+ observe_tac "cond rewrite" (list_cond_rewrite k def bound cond_eqs le_proofs);
+ observe_tac "refl equal" (apply (delayed_force refl_equal))] g
| spec1::specs ->
fun g ->
let ids = ids_of_named_context (pf_hyps g) in
@@ -406,19 +434,15 @@ let rec introduce_all_equalities func eqs values specs bound le_proofs
let string_match s =
for i = 0 to 3 do
- if String.get s i <> String.get "Acc_" i then failwith ""
+ if String.get s i <> String.get "Acc_" i then failwith "string_match"
- with Invalid_argument _ -> failwith ""
+ with Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "string_match"
let retrieve_acc_var g =
(* Julien: I don't like this version .... *)
let hyps = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- (fun id ->
- try
- string_match (string_of_id id);
- id
- with _ -> failwith "")
+ (fun id -> string_match (string_of_id id);id)
let rec introduce_all_values is_mes acc_inv func context_fn
@@ -426,8 +450,8 @@ let rec introduce_all_values is_mes acc_inv func context_fn
(match args with
[] ->
- [split(ImplicitBindings
- [context_fn ( mkVar (List.rev values))]);
+ [observe_tac "split" (split(ImplicitBindings
+ [context_fn ( mkVar (List.rev values))]));
observe_tac "introduce_all_equalities" (introduce_all_equalities func eqs
(List.rev values) (List.rev specs) (delayed_force coq_O) [] [])]
| arg::args ->
@@ -436,23 +460,25 @@ let rec introduce_all_values is_mes acc_inv func context_fn
let rec_res = next_global_ident_away true rec_res_id ids in
let ids = rec_res::ids in
let hspec = next_global_ident_away true hspec_id ids in
- let tac = introduce_all_values is_mes acc_inv func context_fn eqs
- hrec args
- (rec_res::values)(hspec::specs) in
+ let tac =
+ observe_tac "introduce_all_values" (
+ introduce_all_values is_mes acc_inv func context_fn eqs
+ hrec args
+ (rec_res::values)(hspec::specs)) in
- (simplest_elim (mkApp(mkVar hrec, Array.of_list arg)))
+ (observe_tac "elim h_rec" (simplest_elim (mkApp(mkVar hrec, Array.of_list arg))))
[tclTHENLIST [h_intros [rec_res; hspec];
- (apply (Lazy.force acc_inv))
- [ h_assumption
+ (observe_tac "acc_inv" (apply (Lazy.force acc_inv)))
+ [ observe_tac "h_assumption" h_assumption
- (fun g ->
- tclUSER
- is_mes
- (Some (hrec::hspec::(retrieve_acc_var g)@specs))
- g
- )
+ observe_tac "user proof" (fun g ->
+ tclUSER
+ is_mes
+ (Some (hrec::hspec::(retrieve_acc_var g)@specs))
+ g
+ )
]) g)
@@ -466,48 +492,6 @@ let rec_leaf_terminate is_mes acc_inv hrec (func:global_reference) eqs expr =
observe_tac "introduce_all_values"
(introduce_all_values is_mes acc_inv func context_fn eqs hrec args [] [])
-let rec proveterminate is_mes acc_inv (hrec:identifier)
- (f_constr:constr) (func:global_reference) (eqs:constr list) (expr:constr) =
-(* let _ = msgnl (str "entering proveterminate") in *)
- let v =
- match (kind_of_term expr) with
- Case (_, t, a, l) ->
- (match find_call_occs f_constr a with
- _,[] ->
- tclTHENS (fun g ->
-(* let _ = msgnl(str "entering mkCaseEq") in *)
- let v = (mkCaseEq a) g in
-(* let _ = msgnl (str "exiting mkCaseEq") in *)
- v
- )
- ( (mk_intros_and_continue true
- (proveterminate is_mes acc_inv hrec f_constr func)
- eqs)
- (Array.to_list l))
- | _, _::_ ->
- (
- match find_call_occs f_constr expr with
- _,[] -> observe_tac "base_leaf" (base_leaf func eqs expr)
- | _, _:: _ ->
- observe_tac "rec_leaf" (rec_leaf is_mes acc_inv hrec func eqs expr)
- )
- )
- | _ -> (match find_call_occs f_constr expr with
- _,[] ->
- (try
- observe_tac "base_leaf" (base_leaf func eqs expr)
- with e -> (msgerrnl (str "failure in base case");raise e ))
- | _, _::_ ->
- observe_tac "rec_leaf" (rec_leaf is_mes acc_inv hrec func eqs expr)
- ) in
- (* let _ = msgnl(str "exiting proveterminate") in *)
- v
-with e ->
- msgerrnl(str "failure in proveterminate");
- raise e
let proveterminate is_mes acc_inv (hrec:identifier)
(f_constr:constr) (func:global_reference) base_leaf rec_leaf =
let rec proveterminate (eqs:constr list) (expr:constr) =
@@ -551,8 +535,10 @@ let proveterminate is_mes acc_inv (hrec:identifier)
(* let _ = msgnl(str "exiting proveterminate") in *)
with e ->
- msgerrnl(str "failure in proveterminate");
- raise e
+ begin
+ msgerrnl(str "failure in proveterminate");
+ raise e
+ end
@@ -691,7 +677,7 @@ let whole_start is_mes func input_type relation rec_arg_num : tactic =
let f_id =
match f_name with
| Name f_id -> next_global_ident_away true f_id ids
- | Anonymous -> assert false
+ | Anonymous -> anomaly "Anonymous function"
let n_names_types,_ = decompose_lam body1 in
let n_ids,ids =
@@ -701,7 +687,7 @@ let whole_start is_mes func input_type relation rec_arg_num : tactic =
| Name id ->
let n_id = next_global_ident_away true id ids in
- | _ -> assert false
+ | _ -> anomaly "anonymous argument"
@@ -747,7 +733,7 @@ let build_and_l l =
let mk_and p1 p2 =
Term.mkApp(and_constr,[|p1;p2|]) in
let rec f = function
- | [] -> assert false
+ | [] -> failwith "empty list of subgoals!"
| [p] -> p,tclIDTAC,1
| p1::pl ->
let c,tac,nb = f pl in
@@ -765,43 +751,6 @@ let build_new_goal_type () =
-let interpretable_as_section_decl d1 d2 = match d1,d2 with
- | (_,Some _,_), (_,None,_) -> false
- | (_,Some b1,t1), (_,Some b2,t2) -> eq_constr b1 b2 & eq_constr t1 t2
- | (_,None,t1), (_,_,t2) -> eq_constr t1 t2
-(* let final_decompose lemma n : tactic = *)
-(* fun gls -> *)
-(* let hid = next_global_ident_away true h_id (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in *)
-(* tclTHENSEQ *)
-(* [ *)
-(* generalize [lemma]; *)
-(* tclDO *)
-(* n *)
-(* (tclTHENSEQ *)
-(* [h_intro hid; *)
-(* h_case (mkVar hid,Rawterm.NoBindings); *)
-(* clear [hid]; *)
-(* intro_patterns [Genarg.IntroWildcard] *)
-(* ] *)
-(* ); *)
-(* h_intro hid; *)
-(* tclTRY *)
-(* (tclTHENSEQ [h_case (mkVar hid,Rawterm.NoBindings); *)
-(* clear [hid]; *)
-(* h_intro hid; *)
-(* intro_patterns [Genarg.IntroWildcard] *)
-(* ]); *)
-(* e_resolve_constr (mkVar hid); *)
-(* e_assumption *)
-(* ] *)
-(* gls *)
let prove_with_tcc lemma _ : tactic =
fun gls ->
@@ -823,25 +772,19 @@ let open_new_goal ref goal_name (gls_type,decompose_and_tac,nb_goal) =
let name = match goal_name with
| Some s -> s
| None ->
- try (add_suffix current_proof_name "_subproof") with _ -> assert false
+ try (add_suffix current_proof_name "_subproof")
+ with _ -> anomaly "open_new_goal with an unamed theorem"
let sign = Global.named_context () in
let sign = clear_proofs sign in
let na = next_global_ident_away false name [] in
if occur_existential gls_type then
Util.error "\"abstract\" cannot handle existentials";
- (* let v = let lemme = mkConst (Lib.make_con na) in *)
-(* Tactics.exact_no_check *)
-(* (applist (lemme, *)
-(* List.rev (Array.to_list (Sign.instance_from_named_context sign)))) *)
-(* gls in *)
let hook _ _ =
let lemma = mkConst (Lib.make_con na) in
Array.iteri (fun i _ -> by (observe_tac "tac" (prove_with_tcc lemma i))) (Array.make nb_goal ());
ref := Some lemma ;
- Command.save_named true;
+ defined ();
@@ -850,9 +793,17 @@ let open_new_goal ref goal_name (gls_type,decompose_and_tac,nb_goal) =
hook ;
by (decompose_and_tac);
- ()
+ if Options.is_verbose () then (pp (Printer.pr_open_subgoals()))
-let com_terminate ref is_mes fonctional_ref input_type relation rec_arg_num
+let com_terminate
+ tcc_lemma_name
+ tcc_lemma_ref
+ is_mes
+ fonctional_ref
+ input_type
+ relation
+ rec_arg_num
thm_name hook =
let (evmap, env) = Command.get_current_context() in
start_proof thm_name
@@ -860,10 +811,14 @@ let com_terminate ref is_mes fonctional_ref input_type relation rec_arg_num
(hyp_terminates fonctional_ref) hook;
by (observe_tac "whole_start" (whole_start is_mes fonctional_ref
input_type relation rec_arg_num ));
- open_new_goal ref
- None
- (build_new_goal_type ())
+ try
+ let new_goal_type = build_new_goal_type () in
+ open_new_goal tcc_lemma_ref
+ (Some tcc_lemma_name)
+ (new_goal_type)
+ with Failure "empty list of subgoals!" ->
+ (* a non recursive function declared with measure ! *)
+ defined ()
@@ -1111,13 +1066,14 @@ let (com_eqn : identifier ->
- Command.save_named true);;
+ defined ();
+ );;
-let recursive_definition is_mes f type_of_f r rec_arg_num eq
+let recursive_definition is_mes function_name type_of_f r rec_arg_num eq
generate_induction_principle : unit =
let function_type = interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) type_of_f in
- let env = push_rel (Name f,None,function_type) (Global.env()) in
+ let env = push_rel (Name function_name,None,function_type) (Global.env()) in
let res_vars,eq' = decompose_prod (interp_constr Evd.empty env eq) in
let res =
(* Pp.msgnl (str "res_var :=" ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_env (push_rel_context ( (function (x,t) -> (x,None,t)) res_vars) env) eq'); *)
@@ -1125,17 +1081,16 @@ let recursive_definition is_mes f type_of_f r rec_arg_num eq
(* Pp.msgnl (str "eq' := " ++ str (string_of_int rec_arg_num)); *)
match kind_of_term eq' with
| App(e,[|_;_;eq_fix|]) ->
- mkLambda (Name f,function_type,compose_lam res_vars eq_fix)
+ mkLambda (Name function_name,function_type,compose_lam res_vars eq_fix)
| _ -> failwith "Recursive Definition (res not eq)"
let pre_rec_args,function_type_before_rec_arg = decompose_prod_n (rec_arg_num - 1) function_type in
let (_, rec_arg_type, _) = destProd function_type_before_rec_arg in
let arg_types = List.rev_map snd (fst (decompose_prod_n (List.length res_vars) function_type)) in
- let equation_id = add_suffix f "_equation" in
- let functional_id = add_suffix f "_F" in
- let term_id = add_suffix f "_terminate" in
+ let equation_id = add_suffix function_name "_equation" in
+ let functional_id = add_suffix function_name "_F" in
+ let term_id = add_suffix function_name "_terminate" in
let functional_ref = declare_fun functional_id (IsDefinition Definition) res in
-(* let _ = Pp.msgnl (str "res := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr res) in *)
let env_with_pre_rec_args = push_rel_context( (function (x,t) -> (x,None,t)) pre_rec_args) env in
let relation =
@@ -1143,242 +1098,66 @@ let recursive_definition is_mes f type_of_f r rec_arg_num eq
+ let tcc_lemma_name = add_suffix function_name "_tcc" in
let tcc_lemma_constr = ref None in
(* let _ = Pp.msgnl (str "relation := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_env env_with_pre_rec_args relation) in *)
let hook _ _ =
let term_ref = Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid term_id) in
- let f_ref = declare_f f (IsProof Lemma) arg_types term_ref in
-(* let _ = message "start second proof" in *)
- com_eqn equation_id functional_ref f_ref term_ref eq;
- let eq_ref = Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid equation_id ) in
- generate_induction_principle tcc_lemma_constr
- functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type (nb_prod res) relation;
- ()
- in
- com_terminate
- tcc_lemma_constr
- is_mes functional_ref
- rec_arg_type
- relation rec_arg_num
- term_id
- hook
-(* let observe_tac = do_observe_tac *)
-let base_leaf_princ eq_cst functional_ref eqs expr =
- [rewriteLR (mkConst eq_cst);
- tclTRY (list_rewrite true eqs);
- gen_eauto(* default_eauto *) false (false,5) [] (Some [])
- ]
-let prove_with_tcc tcc_lemma_constr eqs : tactic =
- match !tcc_lemma_constr with
- | None -> tclIDTAC_MESSAGE (str "No tcc proof !!")
- | Some lemma ->
- fun gls ->
- let hid = next_global_ident_away true h_id (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in
- [
- generalize [lemma];
- h_intro hid;
- Elim.h_decompose_and (mkVar hid);
- tclTRY(list_rewrite true eqs);
- gen_eauto(* default_eauto *) false (false,5) [] (Some [])
- (* default_auto *)
- ]
- gls
-let finalize_rec_leaf_princ_with tcc_lemma_constr is_mes hrec acc_inv eqs br =
- fun g ->
- tclTHENSEQ [
- Eauto.e_resolve_constr (mkVar br);
- tclFIRST
- [
- e_assumption;
- reflexivity;
- tclTHEN (apply (mkVar hrec))
- (tclTHENS
- (* (try *) (observe_tac "applying inversion" (apply (Lazy.force acc_inv)))
-(* with e -> Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_lconstr (Lazy.force acc_inv));raise e *)
-(* ) *)
- [ h_assumption
- ;
- tclTHEN
- (fun g ->
- tclUSER
- is_mes
- (Some (hrec::(retrieve_acc_var g)))
- g
- )
- (fun g -> prove_with_tcc tcc_lemma_constr eqs g)
- ]
- );
- gen_eauto(* default_eauto *) false (false,5) [] (Some []);
- (fun g -> tclIDTAC_MESSAGE (str "here" ++ Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)) g)
- ]
- ]
- g
-let rec_leaf_princ
- tcc_lemma_constr
- eq_cst
- branches_names
- is_mes
- acc_inv
- hrec
- (functional_ref:global_reference)
- eqs
- expr
- =
- fun g ->
- [ rewriteLR (mkConst eq_cst);
- list_rewrite true eqs;
- tclFIRST
- ( (finalize_rec_leaf_princ_with tcc_lemma_constr is_mes hrec acc_inv eqs) branches_names)
- ]
- g
-let fresh_id avoid na =
- let id =
- match na with
- | Name id -> id
- | Anonymous -> h_id
- in
- next_global_ident_away true id avoid
-let prove_principle tcc_lemma_ref is_mes functional_ref
- eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation =
-(* f_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation *)
- let eq_cst =
- match eq_ref with
- ConstRef sp -> sp
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- fun g ->
- let type_of_goal = pf_concl g in
- let goal_ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- let goal_elim_infos = compute_elim_sig type_of_goal in
- let params_names,ids = List.fold_left
- (fun (params_names,avoid) (na,_,_) ->
- let new_id = fresh_id avoid na in
- (new_id::params_names,new_id::avoid)
- )
- ([],goal_ids)
- goal_elim_infos.params
- in
- let predicates_names,ids =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (predicates_names,avoid) (na,_,_) ->
- let new_id = fresh_id avoid na in
- (new_id::predicates_names,new_id::avoid)
- )
- ([],ids)
- goal_elim_infos.predicates
- in
- let branches_names,ids =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (branches_names,avoid) (na,_,_) ->
- let new_id = fresh_id avoid na in
- (new_id::branches_names,new_id::avoid)
- )
- ([],ids)
- goal_elim_infos.branches
- in
- let to_intro = params_names@predicates_names@branches_names in
- let nparams = List.length params_names in
- let rec_arg_num = rec_arg_num - nparams in
+ let f_ref = declare_f function_name (IsProof Lemma) arg_types term_ref in
+(* message "start second proof"; *)
- tclTHEN
- (h_intros to_intro)
- (observe_tac (string_of_int (rec_arg_num))
- (fun g ->
- let ids = ids_of_named_context (pf_hyps g) in
- let func_body = (def_of_const (constr_of_reference functional_ref)) in
-(* let _ = Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_lconstr func_body) in *)
- let (f_name, _, body1) = destLambda func_body in
- let f_id =
- match f_name with
- | Name f_id -> next_global_ident_away true f_id ids
- | Anonymous -> assert false
- in
- let n_names_types,_ = decompose_lam body1 in
- let n_ids,ids =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (n_ids,ids) (n_name,_) ->
- match n_name with
- | Name id ->
- let n_id = next_global_ident_away true id ids in
- n_id::n_ids,n_id::ids
- | _ -> assert false
+ try com_eqn equation_id functional_ref f_ref term_ref eq
+ with e ->
+ begin
+ ignore(try Vernacentries.vernac_reset_name (Util.dummy_loc,functional_id) with _ -> ());
+ anomaly "Cannot create equation Lemma"
+ end
+ end;
+ let eq_ref = Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid equation_id ) in
+ let f_ref = destConst (constr_of_reference f_ref)
+ and functional_ref = destConst (constr_of_reference functional_ref)
+ and eq_ref = destConst (constr_of_reference eq_ref) in
+ generate_induction_principle f_ref tcc_lemma_constr
+ functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type (nb_prod res) relation;
+ if Options.is_verbose ()
+ then msgnl (h 1 (Ppconstr.pr_id function_name ++
+ spc () ++ str"is defined" )++ fnl () ++
+ h 1 (Ppconstr.pr_id equation_id ++
+ spc () ++ str"is defined" )
- ([],(f_id::ids))
- n_names_types
- in
- let rec_arg_id = List.nth n_ids (rec_arg_num - 1 ) in
- let expr =
- instantiate_lambda func_body
- (mkVar f_id::( mkVar n_ids))
- in
- start
- is_mes
- rec_arg_type
- ids
- (snd (list_chop nparams n_ids))
- (substl ( mkVar params_names) relation)
- (rec_arg_num)
- rec_arg_id
- (fun hrec acc_inv g ->
- (proveterminate
- is_mes
- acc_inv
- hrec
- (mkVar f_id)
- functional_ref
- (base_leaf_princ eq_cst)
- (rec_leaf_princ tcc_lemma_ref eq_cst branches_names)
- []
- expr
- )
- g
- )
- (if is_mes
- then
- tclUSER_if_not_mes
- else fun _ -> prove_with_tcc tcc_lemma_ref [])
- g
- )
- )
+ in
+ try
+ com_terminate
+ tcc_lemma_name
+ tcc_lemma_constr
+ is_mes functional_ref
+ rec_arg_type
+ relation rec_arg_num
+ term_id
+ hook
+ with e ->
+ begin
+ ignore(try Vernacentries.vernac_reset_name (Util.dummy_loc,functional_id) with _ -> ());
+(* anomaly "Cannot create termination Lemma" *)
+ raise e
- g
[ "Recursive" "Definition" ident(f) constr(type_of_f) constr(r) constr(wf)
constr(proof) integer_opt(rec_arg_num) constr(eq) ] ->
- [ ignore(proof);ignore(wf);
+ [
+ warning "Recursive Definition is obsolete. Use Function instead";
+ ignore(proof);ignore(wf);
let rec_arg_num =
match rec_arg_num with
| None -> 1
| Some n -> n
- recursive_definition false f type_of_f r rec_arg_num eq (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> ())]
+ recursive_definition false f type_of_f r rec_arg_num eq (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> ())]
| [ "Recursive" "Definition" ident(f) constr(type_of_f) constr(r) constr(wf)
"[" ne_constr_list(proof) "]" constr(eq) ] ->
- [ ignore(proof);ignore(wf);recursive_definition false f type_of_f r 1 eq (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> ())]
+ [ ignore(proof);ignore(wf);recursive_definition false f type_of_f r 1 eq (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> ())]
diff --git a/contrib/rtauto/Bintree.v b/contrib/rtauto/Bintree.v
index 97d80a92..f4b24d4b 100644
--- a/contrib/rtauto/Bintree.v
+++ b/contrib/rtauto/Bintree.v
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: Bintree.v 7233 2005-07-15 12:34:56Z corbinea $ *)
+(* $Id: Bintree.v 8881 2006-05-31 18:16:34Z jforest $ *)
Require Export List.
Require Export BinPos.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Open Scope positive_scope.
Ltac clean := try (simpl; congruence).
Ltac caseq t := generalize (refl_equal t); pattern t at -1; case t.
-Functional Scheme Pcompare_ind := Induction for Pcompare.
+Functional Scheme Pcompare_ind := Induction for Pcompare Sort Prop.
Lemma Prect : forall P : positive -> Type,
P 1 ->
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@ Qed.
Lemma Gt_Eq_Gt : forall p q cmp,
(p ?= q) Eq = Gt -> (p ?= q) cmp = Gt.
-apply (Pcompare_ind (fun p q cmp => (p ?= q) Eq = Gt -> (p ?= q) cmp = Gt));
+apply (Pcompare_ind (fun p q cmp _ => (p ?= q) Eq = Gt -> (p ?= q) cmp = Gt));
Lemma Gt_Lt_Gt : forall p q cmp,
(p ?= q) Lt = Gt -> (p ?= q) cmp = Gt.
-apply (Pcompare_ind (fun p q cmp => (p ?= q) Lt = Gt -> (p ?= q) cmp = Gt));
+apply (Pcompare_ind (fun p q cmp _ => (p ?= q) Lt = Gt -> (p ?= q) cmp = Gt));
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/newring.ml4 b/contrib/setoid_ring/newring.ml4
index 7041d7e8..bc2bcb0c 100644
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/newring.ml4
+++ b/contrib/setoid_ring/newring.ml4
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(*i $Id: newring.ml4 7974 2006-02-01 19:02:09Z barras $ i*)
+(*i $Id: newring.ml4 8878 2006-05-30 16:44:25Z herbelin $ i*)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ let protect_tac =
Tactics.reduct_option (protect_red,DEFAULTcast) None ;;
let protect_tac_in id =
- Tactics.reduct_option (protect_red,DEFAULTcast) (Some(id,[],InHyp));;
+ Tactics.reduct_option (protect_red,DEFAULTcast) (Some(([],id),InHyp));;
TACTIC EXTEND protect_fv
@@ -442,10 +442,10 @@ let add_theory name rth eqth morphth cst_tac =
| None ->
(match kind with
Some true ->
- let t = Genarg.ArgArg(dummy_loc,Lazy.force ltac_inv_morphN) in
+ let t = ArgArg(dummy_loc,Lazy.force ltac_inv_morphN) in
TacArg(TacCall(dummy_loc,t, carg [zero;one;add;mul]))
| Some false ->
- let t = Genarg.ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_inv_morphZ) in
+ let t = ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_inv_morphZ) in
TacArg(TacCall(dummy_loc,t, carg [zero;one;add;mul;opp]))
| _ -> error"a tactic must be specified for an almost_ring") in
let _ =
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ let ring gl =
spc()++str"\""++pr_constr req++str"\"") in
- Genarg.ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_setoid_ring),
+ ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_setoid_ring),
Tacexp e.ring_cst_tac:: carg [e.ring_lemma1;e.ring_lemma2;e.ring_req])))
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ let ring_rewrite rl =
(lapp coq_nil [|ty|]) in
- Genarg.ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_setoid_ring_rewrite),
+ ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_setoid_ring_rewrite),
Tacexp carg [e.ring_lemma2;e.ring_req;rl])))
let setoid_ring = function
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/Utils.v b/contrib/subtac/Utils.v
index 9acb10ae..db10cb2a 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/Utils.v
+++ b/contrib/subtac/Utils.v
@@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
Set Implicit Arguments.
+Notation "'fun' { x : A | P } => Q" :=
+ (fun x:{x:A|P} => Q)
+ (at level 200, x ident, right associativity).
+Notation "( x & y )" := (@existS _ _ x y) : core_scope.
Definition ex_pi1 (A : Prop) (P : A -> Prop) (t : ex P) : A.
induction t.
exact x.
-Check proj1_sig.
-Lemma subset_simpl : forall (A : Set) (P : A -> Prop)
- (t : sig P), P (proj1_sig t).
-induction t.
- simpl ; auto.
Lemma ex_pi2 : forall (A : Prop) (P : A -> Prop) (t : ex P),
P (ex_pi1 t).
intros A P.
@@ -23,12 +20,17 @@ simpl.
exact p.
+Notation "` t" := (proj1_sig t) (at level 100) : core_scope.
Notation "'forall' { x : A | P } , Q" :=
(forall x:{x:A|P}, Q)
(at level 200, x ident, right associativity).
-Notation "'fun' { x : A | P } => Q" :=
- (fun x:{x:A|P} => Q)
- (at level 200, x ident, right associativity).
+Lemma subset_simpl : forall (A : Set) (P : A -> Prop)
+ (t : sig P), P (` t).
+induction t.
+ simpl ; auto.
-Notation "( x & y )" := (@existS _ _ x y) : core_scope.
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/ b/contrib/subtac/
index 5703c0ef..382ae2d5 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/
+++ b/contrib/subtac/
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ let subst_evars evs n t =
| Evar (k, args) ->
let index, hyps = evar_info k in
- trace (str "Evar " ++ int k ++ str " found, applied to " ++ int (Array.length args) ++ str "arguments," ++
- int (List.length hyps) ++ str " hypotheses");
+ (try trace (str "Evar " ++ int k ++ str " found, applied to " ++ int (Array.length args) ++ str "arguments," ++
+ int (List.length hyps) ++ str " hypotheses"); with _ -> () );
let ex = mkRel (index + depth) in
(* Evar arguments are created in inverse order,
and we must not apply to defined ones (i.e. LetIn's)
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ let eterm_term evm t tycon =
let anon_evar_bl = (fun (_, x, y) -> (Anonymous, x, y)) evar_bl in
(* Generalize over the existential variables *)
let t'' = Termops.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn t' evar_bl
- and tycon = option_app
+ and tycon = option_map
(fun typ -> Termops.it_mkProd_wo_LetIn typ anon_evar_bl) tycon
let _declare_evar (id, c) =
@@ -140,15 +140,17 @@ let eterm_term evm t tycon =
let id = id_of_string ("Evar" ^ string_of_int id) in
tclTHEN acc (Tactics.assert_tac false (Name id) c)
- trace (str "Term given to eterm" ++ spc () ++
- Termops.print_constr_env (Global.env ()) t);
- trace (str "Term constructed in eterm" ++ spc () ++
- Termops.print_constr_env (Global.env ()) t'');
- ignore(option_app
- (fun typ ->
- trace (str "Type :" ++ spc () ++
- Termops.print_constr_env (Global.env ()) typ))
- tycon);
+ (try
+ trace (str "Term given to eterm" ++ spc () ++
+ Termops.print_constr_env (Global.env ()) t);
+ trace (str "Term constructed in eterm" ++ spc () ++
+ Termops.print_constr_env (Global.env ()) t'');
+ ignore(option_map
+ (fun typ ->
+ trace (str "Type :" ++ spc () ++
+ Termops.print_constr_env (Global.env ()) typ))
+ tycon);
+ with _ -> ());
t'', tycon, evar_names
let mkMetas n =
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/g_subtac.ml4 b/contrib/subtac/g_subtac.ml4
index c3f2a24d..b56ecc3d 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/g_subtac.ml4
+++ b/contrib/subtac/g_subtac.ml4
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
Syntax for the subtac terms and types.
Elaborated from correctness/psyntax.ml4 by Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
-(* $Id: g_subtac.ml4 8688 2006-04-07 15:08:12Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: g_subtac.ml4 8917 2006-06-07 16:59:05Z herbelin $ *)
(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ GEXTEND Gram
-type gallina_loc_argtype = (Vernacexpr.vernac_expr located, constr_expr, Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr) Genarg.abstract_argument_type
+type ('a,'b) gallina_loc_argtype = (Vernacexpr.vernac_expr located, 'a, 'b) Genarg.abstract_argument_type
-let (wit_subtac_gallina_loc : gallina_loc_argtype),
- (globwit_subtac_gallina_loc : gallina_loc_argtype),
- (rawwit_subtac_gallina_loc : gallina_loc_argtype) =
+let (wit_subtac_gallina_loc : (Genarg.tlevel, Proof_type.tactic) gallina_loc_argtype),
+ (globwit_subtac_gallina_loc : (Genarg.glevel, Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr) gallina_loc_argtype),
+ (rawwit_subtac_gallina_loc : (Genarg.rlevel, Tacexpr.raw_tactic_expr) gallina_loc_argtype) =
Genarg.create_arg "subtac_gallina_loc"
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/ b/contrib/subtac/
index 84b7d39b..cd2e7c43 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/
+++ b/contrib/subtac/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8688 2006-04-07 15:08:12Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8889 2006-06-01 20:23:56Z msozeau $ *)
open Global
open Pp
@@ -48,8 +48,10 @@ let subtac_one_fixpoint env isevars (f, decl) =
let ((id, n, bl, typ, body), decl) =
Subtac_interp_fixpoint.rewrite_fixpoint env [] (f, decl)
- let _ = trace (str "Working on a single fixpoint rewritten as: " ++ spc () ++
- Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr body)
+ let _ =
+ try trace (str "Working on a single fixpoint rewritten as: " ++ spc () ++
+ Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr body)
+ with _ -> ()
in ((id, n, bl, typ, body), decl)
@@ -115,16 +117,44 @@ let subtac_end_proof = function
+open Pp
+open Ppconstr
+open Decl_kinds
+let start_proof_com env isevars sopt kind (bl,t) hook =
+ let id = match sopt with
+ | Some id ->
+ (* We check existence here: it's a bit late at Qed time *)
+ if Nametab.exists_cci (Lib.make_path id) or is_section_variable id then
+ errorlabstrm "start_proof" (pr_id id ++ str " already exists");
+ id
+ | None ->
+ next_global_ident_away false (id_of_string "Unnamed_thm")
+ (Pfedit.get_all_proof_names ())
+ in
+ let evm, c, typ =
+ Subtac_pretyping.subtac_process env isevars id [] (Command.generalize_constr_expr t bl) None
+ in
+ let _ = Typeops.infer_type env c in
+ Command.start_proof id kind c hook
+let print_subgoals () = Options.if_verbose (fun () -> msg (Printer.pr_open_subgoals ())) ()
+let start_proof_and_print env isevars idopt k t hook =
+ start_proof_com env isevars idopt k t hook;
+ print_subgoals ()
+ (*if !pcoq <> None then (out_some !pcoq).start_proof ()*)
let subtac (loc, command) =
check_required_library ["Coq";"Init";"Datatypes"];
check_required_library ["Coq";"Init";"Specif"];
require_library "Coq.subtac.FixSub";
require_library "Coq.subtac.Utils";
+ let env = Global.env () in
+ let isevars = ref (create_evar_defs Evd.empty) in
match command with
VernacDefinition (defkind, (locid, id), expr, hook) ->
- let env = Global.env () in
- let isevars = ref (create_evar_defs Evd.empty) in
(match expr with
ProveBody (bl, c) ->
let evm, c, ctyp = Subtac_pretyping.subtac_process env isevars id bl c None in
@@ -142,6 +172,19 @@ let subtac (loc, command) =
| VernacFixpoint (l, b) ->
let _ = trace (str "Building fixpoint") in
ignore(Subtac_command.build_recursive l b)
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof (thkind, (locid, id), (bl, t), lettop, hook) ->
+ if not(Pfedit.refining ()) then
+ if lettop then
+ errorlabstrm "Subtac_command.StartProof"
+ (str "Let declarations can only be used in proof editing mode");
+ if Lib.is_modtype () then
+ errorlabstrm "Subtac_command.StartProof"
+ (str "Proof editing mode not supported in module types");
+ start_proof_and_print env isevars (Some id) (Global, Proof thkind) (bl,t) hook
(*| VernacEndProof e ->
subtac_end_proof e*)
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/ b/contrib/subtac/
index 7c8ea2d6..7428e1ed 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/
+++ b/contrib/subtac/
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8695 2006-04-10 16:33:52Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8889 2006-06-01 20:23:56Z msozeau $ *)
open Util
open Names
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ module Coercion = struct
| _ -> None
and disc_exist env x =
- trace (str "Disc_exist: " ++ my_print_constr env x);
+ (try trace (str "Disc_exist: " ++ my_print_constr env x)
+ with _ -> ());
match kind_of_term x with
| App (c, l) ->
(match kind_of_term c with
@@ -66,7 +67,8 @@ module Coercion = struct
let disc_proj_exist env x =
- trace (str "disc_proj_exist: " ++ my_print_constr env x);
+ (try trace (str "disc_proj_exist: " ++ my_print_constr env x);
+ with _ -> ());
match kind_of_term x with
| App (c, l) ->
(if Term.eq_constr c (Lazy.force sig_).proj1
@@ -97,30 +99,34 @@ module Coercion = struct
app_opt f (mkApp ((Lazy.force sig_).proj1,
[| u; p; x |]))),
- | None -> (None, t)
+ | None -> (None, v)
in aux t
and coerce loc env isevars (x : Term.constr) (y : Term.constr)
: (Term.constr -> Term.constr) option
let x = nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) x and y = nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) y in
- trace (str "Coerce called for " ++ (my_print_constr env x) ++
- str " and "++ my_print_constr env y ++
- str " with evars: " ++ spc () ++
- my_print_evardefs !isevars);
+ (try trace (str "Coerce called for " ++ (my_print_constr env x) ++
+ str " and "++ my_print_constr env y ++
+ str " with evars: " ++ spc () ++
+ my_print_evardefs !isevars);
+ with _ -> ());
let rec coerce_unify env x y =
- trace (str "coerce_unify from " ++ (my_print_constr env x) ++
- str " to "++ my_print_constr env y);
+ (try trace (str "coerce_unify from " ++ (my_print_constr env x) ++
+ str " to "++ my_print_constr env y)
+ with _ -> ());
isevars := the_conv_x_leq env x y !isevars;
- trace (str "Unified " ++ (my_print_constr env x) ++
- str " and "++ my_print_constr env y);
+ (try (trace (str "Unified " ++ (my_print_constr env x) ++
+ str " and "++ my_print_constr env y));
+ with _ -> ());
with Reduction.NotConvertible -> coerce' env (hnf env isevars x) (hnf env isevars y)
and coerce' env x y : (Term.constr -> Term.constr) option =
let subco () = subset_coerce env isevars x y in
- trace (str "coerce' from " ++ (my_print_constr env x) ++
- str " to "++ my_print_constr env y);
+ (try trace (str "coerce' from " ++ (my_print_constr env x) ++
+ str " to "++ my_print_constr env y);
+ with _ -> ());
match (kind_of_term x, kind_of_term y) with
| Sort s, Sort s' ->
(match s, s' with
@@ -153,7 +159,7 @@ module Coercion = struct
if i = Term.destInd existS.typ
- debug 1 (str "In coerce sigma types");
+ trace (str "In coerce sigma types");
let (a, pb), (a', pb') =
pair_of_array l, pair_of_array l'
@@ -244,7 +250,7 @@ module Coercion = struct
let coerce_itf loc env isevars v t c1 =
let evars = ref isevars in
let coercion = coerce loc env evars t c1 in
- !evars, option_app (app_opt coercion) v, t
+ !evars, option_map (app_opt coercion) v, t
(* Taken from pretyping/ *)
@@ -339,6 +345,13 @@ module Coercion = struct
| _ ->
inh_tosort_force loc env isevars j
+ let inh_coerce_to_base loc env isevars j =
+ let typ = whd_betadeltaiota env (evars_of isevars) j.uj_type in
+ let ct, typ' = mu env isevars typ in
+ isevars, { uj_val = app_opt ct j.uj_val;
+ uj_type = typ' }
let inh_coerce_to_fail env isevars c1 v t =
let v', t' =
@@ -371,7 +384,7 @@ module Coercion = struct
(match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env (evars_of isevars) t),
kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env (evars_of isevars) c1) with
| Prod (_,t1,t2), Prod (name,u1,u2) ->
- let v' = option_app (whd_betadeltaiota env (evars_of isevars)) v in
+ let v' = option_map (whd_betadeltaiota env (evars_of isevars)) v in
let (evd',b) =
match v' with
Some v' ->
@@ -387,7 +400,7 @@ module Coercion = struct
let env1 = push_rel (x,None,v1) env in
let (evd'', v2', t2') = inh_conv_coerce_to_fail loc env1 evd'
(Some v2) t2 u2 in
- (evd'', option_app (fun v2' -> mkLambda (x, v1, v2')) v2',
+ (evd'', option_map (fun v2' -> mkLambda (x, v1, v2')) v2',
mkProd (x, v1, t2'))
| None ->
(* Mismatch on t1 and u1 or not a lambda: we eta-expand *)
@@ -404,7 +417,7 @@ module Coercion = struct
let (evd'', v2', t2') =
let v2 =
match v with
- Some v -> option_app (fun v1' -> mkApp (lift 1 v, [|v1'|])) v1'
+ Some v -> option_map (fun v1' -> mkApp (lift 1 v, [|v1'|])) v1'
| None -> None
and evd', t2 =
match v1' with
@@ -415,7 +428,7 @@ module Coercion = struct
inh_conv_coerce_to_fail loc env1 evd' v2 t2 u2
- (evd'', option_app (fun v2' -> mkLambda (name, u1, v2')) v2',
+ (evd'', option_map (fun v2' -> mkLambda (name, u1, v2')) v2',
mkProd (name, u1, t2')))
| _ -> raise NoCoercion))
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/ b/contrib/subtac/
index 1b92c691..b09228c0 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/
+++ b/contrib/subtac/
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ let interp_gen kind isevars env
?(impls=([],[])) ?(allow_soapp=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[]))
c =
let c' = Constrintern.intern_gen (kind=IsType) ~impls ~allow_soapp ~ltacvars (Evd.evars_of !isevars) env c in
- let c' = Subtac_interp_fixpoint.rewrite_cases env c' in
- msgnl (str "Pretyping " ++ my_print_constr_expr c);
+ let c' = Subtac_utils.rewrite_cases env c' in
+ (try trace (str "Pretyping " ++ my_print_constr_expr c) with _ -> ());
let c' = SPretyping.pretype_gen isevars env ([],[]) kind c' in
evar_nf isevars c'
@@ -200,15 +200,18 @@ let build_recursive (lnameargsardef:(fixpoint_expr * decl_notation) list) boxed
let impls' =(recname,([],impl,compute_arguments_scope arity))::impls in
(Environ.push_named (recname,None,arity) env, impls', (isevars, None, arity)::arl)
| CWfRec r ->
- let _ = trace (str "Rewriting fixpoint: " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id recname ++
- Ppconstr.pr_binders bl ++ str " : " ++
- Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr arityc ++ str " := " ++ spc () ++
- Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr body)
+ let n = out_some n in
+ let _ =
+ try trace (str "Rewriting fixpoint: " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id recname ++
+ Ppconstr.pr_binders bl ++ str " : " ++
+ Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr arityc ++ str " := " ++ spc () ++
+ Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr body)
+ with _ -> ()
let env', binders_rel = interp_context isevars env0 bl in
let after, ((argname, _, argtyp) as arg), before = list_chop_hd n binders_rel in
let argid = match argname with Name n -> n | _ -> assert(false) in
- let after' = (fun (n, c, t) -> (n, option_app (lift 1) c, lift 1 t)) after in
+ let after' = (fun (n, c, t) -> (n, option_map (lift 1) c, lift 1 t)) after in
let envwf = push_rel_context before env0 in
let wf_rel = interp_constr isevars envwf r in
let accarg_id = id_of_string ("Acc_" ^ string_of_id argid) in
@@ -233,10 +236,11 @@ let build_recursive (lnameargsardef:(fixpoint_expr * decl_notation) list) boxed
let _ =
let pr c = my_print_constr env c in
let prr = Printer.pr_rel_context env in
- trace (str "Fun bl: " ++ prr fun_bl ++ spc () ++
- str "Intern bl" ++ prr intern_bl ++ spc () ++
- str "Extern bl" ++ prr new_bl ++ spc () ++
- str "Intern arity: " ++ pr intern_arity)
+ try trace (str "Fun bl: " ++ prr fun_bl ++ spc () ++
+ str "Intern bl" ++ prr intern_bl ++ spc () ++
+ str "Extern bl" ++ prr new_bl ++ spc () ++
+ str "Intern arity: " ++ pr intern_arity)
+ with _ -> ()
let impl =
if Impargs.is_implicit_args()
@@ -279,14 +283,15 @@ let build_recursive (lnameargsardef:(fixpoint_expr * decl_notation) list) boxed
let (lnonrec,(namerec,defrec,arrec,nvrec)) =
collect_non_rec env0 lrecnames recdef arityl nv in
- let nvrec' = fst nvrec in(* ignore rec order *)
+ let nvrec' = (function (Some n,_) -> n | _ -> 0) nvrec in(* ignore rec order *)
let declare arrec defrec =
let recvec = (subst_vars (List.rev (Array.to_list namerec))) defrec in
let recdecls = ( (fun id -> Name id) namerec, arrec, recvec) in
let rec declare i fi =
- trace (str "Declaring: " ++ pr_id fi ++ spc () ++
- my_print_constr env0 (recvec.(i)));
+ (try trace (str "Declaring: " ++ pr_id fi ++ spc () ++
+ my_print_constr env0 (recvec.(i)));
+ with _ -> ());
let ce =
{ const_entry_body = mkFix ((nvrec',i),recdecls);
const_entry_type = Some arrec.(i);
@@ -331,20 +336,20 @@ let build_recursive (lnameargsardef:(fixpoint_expr * decl_notation) list) boxed
let rec collect_evars i acc =
if i < recdefs then
let (isevars, info, def) = defrec.(i) in
- let _ = trace (str "In solve evars, isevars is: " ++ Evd.pr_evar_defs !isevars) in
+ let _ = try trace (str "In solve evars, isevars is: " ++ Evd.pr_evar_defs !isevars) with _ -> () in
let def = evar_nf isevars def in
let isevars = Evd.undefined_evars !isevars in
- let _ = trace (str "In solve evars, undefined is: " ++ Evd.pr_evar_defs isevars) in
+ let _ = try trace (str "In solve evars, undefined is: " ++ Evd.pr_evar_defs isevars) with _ -> () in
let evm = Evd.evars_of isevars in
let _, _, typ = arrec.(i) in
let id = namerec.(i) in
- let evars_def, evars_typ, evars = Eterm.eterm_term evm def (Some typ) in
(* Generalize by the recursive prototypes *)
let def =
Termops.it_mkNamedLambda_or_LetIn def (Environ.named_context rec_sign)
and typ =
Termops.it_mkNamedProd_or_LetIn typ (Environ.named_context rec_sign)
+ let evars_def, evars_typ, evars = Eterm.eterm_term evm def (Some typ) in
(*let evars_typ = match evars_typ with Some t -> t | None -> assert(false) in*)
(*let fi = id_of_string (string_of_id id ^ "_evars") in*)
(*let ce =
@@ -357,10 +362,16 @@ let build_recursive (lnameargsardef:(fixpoint_expr * decl_notation) list) boxed
trace (str (string_of_id fi) ++ str " is defined");*)
let evar_sum =
if evars = [] then None
- else
+ else (
+ (try trace (str "Building evars sum for : ");
+ List.iter
+ (fun (n, t) -> trace (str "Evar " ++ str (string_of_id n) ++ spc () ++ my_print_constr env0 t))
+ evars;
+ with _ -> ());
let sum = Subtac_utils.build_dependent_sum evars in
- trace (str "Evars sum: " ++ my_print_constr env0 (pi1 sum));
- Some sum
+ (try trace (str "Evars sum: " ++ my_print_constr env0 (snd sum));
+ with _ -> ());
+ Some sum)
collect_evars (succ i) ((id, evars_def, evar_sum) :: acc)
else acc
@@ -370,32 +381,34 @@ let build_recursive (lnameargsardef:(fixpoint_expr * decl_notation) list) boxed
(* Solve evars then create the definitions *)
let real_evars =
filter_map (fun (id, kn, sum) ->
- match sum with Some (sumg, sumtac, _) -> Some (id, kn, sumg, sumtac) | None -> None)
+ match sum with Some (sumtac, sumg) -> Some (id, kn, sumg, sumtac) | None -> None)
Subtac_utils.and_tac real_evars
(fun f _ gr ->
- let _ = trace (str "Got a proof of: " ++ pr_global gr) in
+ let _ = trace (str "Got a proof of: " ++ pr_global gr ++
+ str "type: " ++ my_print_constr (Global.env ()) (Global.type_of_global gr)) in
let constant = match gr with Libnames.ConstRef c -> c
| _ -> assert(false)
(*let value = Environ.constant_value (Global.env ()) constant in*)
let pis = f (mkConst constant) in
- trace (str "Accessors: " ++
- List.fold_right (fun (_, _, _, c) acc -> my_print_constr env0 c ++ spc () ++ acc)
- pis (mt()));
- trace (str "Applied existentials: " ++
- (List.fold_right
- (fun (id, kn, sumg, pi) acc ->
- let args = Subtac_utils.destruct_ex pi sumg in
- my_print_constr env0 (mkApp (kn, Array.of_list args)))
- pis (mt ())));
+ (try (trace (str "Accessors: " ++
+ List.fold_right (fun (_, _, _, c) acc -> my_print_constr env0 c ++ spc () ++ acc)
+ pis (mt()));
+ trace (str "Applied existentials: " ++
+ (List.fold_right
+ (fun (id, kn, sumg, pi) acc ->
+ let args = Subtac_utils.destruct_ex pi sumg in
+ my_print_constr env0 (mkApp (kn, Array.of_list args)))
+ pis (mt ()))))
+ with _ -> ());
let rec aux pis acc = function
(id, kn, sum) :: tl ->
(match sum with
None -> aux pis (kn :: acc) tl
- | Some (sumg, _, _) ->
+ | Some (_, sumg) ->
let (id, kn, sumg, pi), pis = List.hd pis, pis in
let args = Subtac_utils.destruct_ex pi sumg in
let args =
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/ b/contrib/subtac/
index 599dbe39..858fad1a 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/
+++ b/contrib/subtac/
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ let rewrite_fixpoint env l (f, decl) =
let body =
(* cast or we will loose some info at pretyping time as body
is a function *)
- CCast (dummy_loc, body, DEFAULTcast, typ)
+ CCast (dummy_loc, body, CastConv DEFAULTcast, typ)
let body' = (* body abstracted by rec call *)
mkLambdaC ([(dummy_loc, Name id)], internal_type, body)
@@ -151,69 +151,3 @@ let rewrite_fixpoint env l (f, decl) =
Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr body')
in (id, (succ n, ro), bl', typ, body'), decl
-let list_mapi f =
- let rec aux i = function
- hd :: tl -> f i hd :: aux (succ i) tl
- | [] -> []
- in aux 0
-let rewrite_cases_aux (loc, po, tml, eqns) =
- let tml = list_mapi (fun i (c, (n, opt)) -> c,
- ((match n with
- Name id -> (match c with
- | RVar (_, id') when id = id' ->
- Name (id_of_string (string_of_id id ^ "'"))
- | _ -> n)
- | Anonymous -> Name (id_of_string ("x" ^ string_of_int i))),
- opt)) tml
- in
- let mkHole = RHole (dummy_loc, InternalHole) in
- let mkeq c n = RApp (dummy_loc, RRef (dummy_loc, (Lazy.force eqind_ref)),
- [mkHole; c; n])
- in
- let eqs_types =
- (fun (c, (n, _)) ->
- let id = match n with Name id -> id | _ -> assert false in
- let heqid = id_of_string ("Heq" ^ string_of_id id) in
- Name heqid, mkeq c (RVar (dummy_loc, id)))
- tml
- in
- let po =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (n,t) acc ->
- RProd (dummy_loc, Anonymous, t, acc))
- eqs_types (match po with
- Some e -> e
- | None -> mkHole)
- in
- let eqns =
- (fun (loc, idl, cpl, c) ->
- let c' =
- List.fold_left
- (fun acc (n, t) ->
- RLambda (dummy_loc, n, mkHole, acc))
- c eqs_types
- in (loc, idl, cpl, c'))
- eqns
- in
- let mk_refl_equal c = RApp (dummy_loc, RRef (dummy_loc, Lazy.force refl_equal_ref),
- [mkHole; c])
- in
- let refls = (fun (c, _) -> mk_refl_equal c) tml in
- let case = RCases (loc,Some po,tml,eqns) in
- let app = RApp (dummy_loc, case, refls) in
- app
-let rec rewrite_cases c =
- match c with
- RCases _ -> let c' = map_rawconstr rewrite_cases c in
- (match c' with
- | RCases (x, y, z, w) -> rewrite_cases_aux (x,y,z,w)
- | _ -> assert(false))
- | _ -> map_rawconstr rewrite_cases c
-let rewrite_cases env c =
- let c' = rewrite_cases c in
- let _ = trace (str "Rewrote cases: " ++ spc () ++ my_print_rawconstr env c') in
- c'
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/subtac_interp_fixpoint.mli b/contrib/subtac/subtac_interp_fixpoint.mli
index b0de0641..fafbb2da 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/subtac_interp_fixpoint.mli
+++ b/contrib/subtac/subtac_interp_fixpoint.mli
@@ -26,14 +26,3 @@ val rewrite_fixpoint :
Topconstr.local_binder list * Topconstr.constr_expr *
Topconstr.constr_expr) *
-val list_mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
-val rewrite_cases_aux :
- Util.loc * Rawterm.rawconstr option *
- (Rawterm.rawconstr *
- ( * (Util.loc * Names.inductive * list) option))
- list *
- (Util.loc * Names.identifier list * Rawterm.cases_pattern list *
- Rawterm.rawconstr)
- list -> Rawterm.rawconstr
-val rewrite_cases : Environ.env -> Rawterm.rawconstr -> Rawterm.rawconstr
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/ b/contrib/subtac/
index 104a0a58..261e0c5b 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/
+++ b/contrib/subtac/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8688 2006-04-07 15:08:12Z msozeau $ *)
+(* $Id: 8889 2006-06-01 20:23:56Z msozeau $ *)
open Global
open Pp
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ open Subtac_errors
open Context
open Eterm
-module Pretyping = Pretyping.Pretyping_F(Subtac_coercion.Coercion)
+module Pretyping = Subtac_pretyping_F.SubtacPretyping_F(Subtac_coercion.Coercion)
open Pretyping
@@ -116,24 +116,26 @@ let subtac_process env isevars id l c tycon =
let evars () = evars_of !isevars in
let _ = trace (str "Creating env with binders") in
let env_binders, binders_rel = env_with_binders env isevars l in
- let _ = trace (str "New env created:" ++ my_print_context env_binders) in
+ let _ = try (trace (str "New env created:" ++ my_print_context env_binders)) with _ -> () in
let tycon =
match tycon with
None -> empty_tycon
| Some t ->
let t = coqintern !isevars env_binders t in
- let _ = trace (str "Internalized specification: " ++ my_print_rawconstr env_binders t) in
+ let _ = try trace (str "Internalized specification: " ++ my_print_rawconstr env_binders t) with _ -> () in
let coqt, ttyp = interp env_binders isevars t empty_tycon in
- let _ = trace (str "Interpreted type: " ++ my_print_constr env_binders coqt) in
+ let _ = try trace (str "Interpreted type: " ++ my_print_constr env_binders coqt) with _ -> () in
mk_tycon coqt
let c = coqintern !isevars env_binders c in
- let _ = trace (str "Internalized term: " ++ my_print_rawconstr env c) in
+ let c = Subtac_utils.rewrite_cases env c in
+ let _ = try trace (str "Internalized term: " ++ my_print_rawconstr env c) with _ -> () in
let coqc, ctyp = interp env_binders isevars c tycon in
- let _ = trace (str "Interpreted term: " ++ my_print_constr env_binders coqc ++ spc () ++
+ let _ = try trace (str "Interpreted term: " ++ my_print_constr env_binders coqc ++ spc () ++
str "Coq type: " ++ my_print_constr env_binders ctyp)
+ with _ -> ()
- let _ = trace (str "Original evar map: " ++ Evd.pr_evar_map (evars ())) in
+ let _ = try trace (str "Original evar map: " ++ Evd.pr_evar_map (evars ())) with _ -> () in
let fullcoqc = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn coqc binders_rel
and fullctyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctyp binders_rel
@@ -141,10 +143,11 @@ let subtac_process env isevars id l c tycon =
let fullcoqc = Evarutil.nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) fullcoqc in
let fullctyp = Evarutil.nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) fullctyp in
- let _ = trace (str "After evar normalization: " ++ spc () ++
+ let _ = try trace (str "After evar normalization: " ++ spc () ++
str "Coq term: " ++ my_print_constr env fullcoqc ++ spc ()
++ str "Coq type: " ++ my_print_constr env fullctyp)
+ with _ -> ()
let evm = non_instanciated_map env isevars in
- let _ = trace (str "Non instanciated evars map: " ++ Evd.pr_evar_map evm) in
+ let _ = try trace (str "Non instanciated evars map: " ++ Evd.pr_evar_map evm) with _ -> () in
evm, fullcoqc, fullctyp
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/ b/contrib/subtac/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65952750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/subtac/
@@ -0,0 +1,639 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: 8889 2006-06-01 20:23:56Z msozeau $ *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Sign
+open Evd
+open Term
+open Termops
+open Reductionops
+open Environ
+open Type_errors
+open Typeops
+open Libnames
+open Nameops
+open Classops
+open List
+open Recordops
+open Evarutil
+open Pretype_errors
+open Rawterm
+open Evarconv
+open Pattern
+open Dyn
+open Pretyping
+(* This concerns Cases *)
+open Declarations
+open Inductive
+open Inductiveops
+module SubtacPretyping_F (Coercion : Coercion.S) = struct
+ module Cases = Cases.Cases_F(Coercion)
+ (* Allow references to syntaxically inexistent variables (i.e., if applied on an inductive) *)
+ let allow_anonymous_refs = ref true
+ let evd_comb0 f isevars =
+ let (evd',x) = f !isevars in
+ isevars := evd';
+ x
+ let evd_comb1 f isevars x =
+ let (evd',y) = f !isevars x in
+ isevars := evd';
+ y
+ let evd_comb2 f isevars x y =
+ let (evd',z) = f !isevars x y in
+ isevars := evd';
+ z
+ let evd_comb3 f isevars x y z =
+ let (evd',t) = f !isevars x y z in
+ isevars := evd';
+ t
+ let mt_evd = Evd.empty
+ let vect_lift_type = Array.mapi (fun i t -> type_app (lift i) t)
+ (* Utilisé pour inférer le prédicat des Cases *)
+ (* Semble exagérement fort *)
+ (* Faudra préférer une unification entre les types de toutes les clauses *)
+ (* et autoriser des ? ą rester dans le résultat de l'unification *)
+ let evar_type_fixpoint loc env isevars lna lar vdefj =
+ let lt = Array.length vdefj in
+ if Array.length lar = lt then
+ for i = 0 to lt-1 do
+ if not (e_cumul env isevars (vdefj.(i)).uj_type
+ (lift lt lar.(i))) then
+ error_ill_typed_rec_body_loc loc env (evars_of !isevars)
+ i lna vdefj lar
+ done
+ let check_branches_message loc env isevars c (explft,lft) =
+ for i = 0 to Array.length explft - 1 do
+ if not (e_cumul env isevars lft.(i) explft.(i)) then
+ let sigma = evars_of !isevars in
+ error_ill_formed_branch_loc loc env sigma c i lft.(i) explft.(i)
+ done
+ (* coerce to tycon if any *)
+ let inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars j = function
+ | None -> j
+ | Some t -> evd_comb2 (Coercion.inh_conv_coerce_to loc env) isevars j t
+ let push_rels vars env = List.fold_right push_rel vars env
+ (*
+ let evar_type_case isevars env ct pt lft p c =
+ let (mind,bty,rslty) = type_case_branches env (evars_of isevars) ct pt p c
+ in check_branches_message isevars env (c,ct) (bty,lft); (mind,rslty)
+ *)
+ let strip_meta id = (* For Grammar v7 compatibility *)
+ let s = string_of_id id in
+ if s.[0]='$' then id_of_string (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1))
+ else id
+ let pretype_id loc env (lvar,unbndltacvars) id =
+ let id = strip_meta id in (* May happen in tactics defined by Grammar *)
+ try
+ let (n,typ) = lookup_rel_id id (rel_context env) in
+ { uj_val = mkRel n; uj_type = type_app (lift n) typ }
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ List.assoc id lvar
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let (_,_,typ) = lookup_named id env in
+ { uj_val = mkVar id; uj_type = typ }
+ with Not_found ->
+ try (* To build a nicer ltac error message *)
+ match List.assoc id unbndltacvars with
+ | None -> user_err_loc (loc,"",
+ str "variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " should be bound to a term")
+ | Some id0 -> Pretype_errors.error_var_not_found_loc loc id0
+ with Not_found ->
+ error_var_not_found_loc loc id
+ (* make a dependent predicate from an undependent one *)
+ let make_dep_of_undep env (IndType (indf,realargs)) pj =
+ let n = List.length realargs in
+ let rec decomp n p =
+ if n=0 then p else
+ match kind_of_term p with
+ | Lambda (_,_,c) -> decomp (n-1) c
+ | _ -> decomp (n-1) (applist (lift 1 p, [mkRel 1]))
+ in
+ let sign,s = decompose_prod_n n pj.uj_type in
+ let ind = build_dependent_inductive env indf in
+ let s' = mkProd (Anonymous, ind, s) in
+ let ccl = lift 1 (decomp n pj.uj_val) in
+ let ccl' = mkLambda (Anonymous, ind, ccl) in
+ {uj_val=lam_it ccl' sign; uj_type=prod_it s' sign}
+ (*************************************************************************)
+ (* Main pretyping function *)
+ let pretype_ref isevars env ref =
+ let c = constr_of_global ref in
+ make_judge c (Retyping.get_type_of env Evd.empty c)
+ let pretype_sort = function
+ | RProp c -> judge_of_prop_contents c
+ | RType _ -> judge_of_new_Type ()
+ (* [pretype tycon env isevars lvar lmeta cstr] attempts to type [cstr] *)
+ (* in environment [env], with existential variables [(evars_of isevars)] and *)
+ (* the type constraint tycon *)
+ let rec pretype (tycon : type_constraint) env isevars lvar = function
+ | RRef (loc,ref) ->
+ inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars
+ (pretype_ref isevars env ref)
+ tycon
+ | RVar (loc, id) ->
+ inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars
+ (pretype_id loc env lvar id)
+ tycon
+ | REvar (loc, ev, instopt) ->
+ (* Ne faudrait-il pas s'assurer que hyps est bien un
+ sous-contexte du contexte courant, et qu'il n'y a pas de Rel "caché" *)
+ let hyps = evar_context (Evd.find (evars_of !isevars) ev) in
+ let args = match instopt with
+ | None -> instance_from_named_context hyps
+ | Some inst -> failwith "Evar subtitutions not implemented" in
+ let c = mkEvar (ev, args) in
+ let j = (Retyping.get_judgment_of env (evars_of !isevars) c) in
+ inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars j tycon
+ | RPatVar (loc,(someta,n)) ->
+ anomaly "Found a pattern variable in a rawterm to type"
+ | RHole (loc,k) ->
+ let ty =
+ match tycon with
+ | Some (None, ty) -> ty
+ | None | Some _ ->
+ e_new_evar isevars env ~src:(loc,InternalHole) (new_Type ()) in
+ { uj_val = e_new_evar isevars env ~src:(loc,k) ty; uj_type = ty }
+ | RRec (loc,fixkind,names,bl,lar,vdef) ->
+ let rec type_bl env ctxt = function
+ [] -> ctxt
+ | (na,None,ty)::bl ->
+ let ty' = pretype_type empty_valcon env isevars lvar ty in
+ let dcl = (na,None,ty'.utj_val) in
+ type_bl (push_rel dcl env) (add_rel_decl dcl ctxt) bl
+ | (na,Some bd,ty)::bl ->
+ let ty' = pretype_type empty_valcon env isevars lvar ty in
+ let bd' = pretype (mk_tycon ty'.utj_val) env isevars lvar ty in
+ let dcl = (na,Some bd'.uj_val,ty'.utj_val) in
+ type_bl (push_rel dcl env) (add_rel_decl dcl ctxt) bl in
+ let ctxtv = (type_bl env empty_rel_context) bl in
+ let larj =
+ array_map2
+ (fun e ar ->
+ pretype_type empty_valcon (push_rel_context e env) isevars lvar ar)
+ ctxtv lar in
+ let lara = (fun a -> a.utj_val) larj in
+ let ftys = array_map2 (fun e a -> it_mkProd_or_LetIn a e) ctxtv lara in
+ let nbfix = Array.length lar in
+ let names = (fun id -> Name id) names in
+ (* Note: bodies are not used by push_rec_types, so [||] is safe *)
+ let newenv = push_rec_types (names,ftys,[||]) env in
+ let vdefj =
+ array_map2_i
+ (fun i ctxt def ->
+ (* we lift nbfix times the type in tycon, because of
+ * the nbfix variables pushed to newenv *)
+ let (ctxt,ty) =
+ decompose_prod_n_assum (rel_context_length ctxt)
+ (lift nbfix ftys.(i)) in
+ let nenv = push_rel_context ctxt newenv in
+ let j = pretype (mk_tycon ty) nenv isevars lvar def in
+ { uj_val = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn j.uj_val ctxt;
+ uj_type = it_mkProd_or_LetIn j.uj_type ctxt })
+ ctxtv vdef in
+ evar_type_fixpoint loc env isevars names ftys vdefj;
+ let fixj = match fixkind with
+ | RFix (vn,i) ->
+ let guard_indexes = Array.mapi
+ (fun i (n,_) -> match n with
+ | Some n -> n
+ | None ->
+ (* Recursive argument was not given by the user : We
+ check that there is only one inductive argument *)
+ let ctx = ctxtv.(i) in
+ let isIndApp t =
+ isInd (fst (decompose_app (strip_head_cast t))) in
+ (* This could be more precise (e.g. do some delta) *)
+ let lb = List.rev_map (fun (_,_,t) -> isIndApp t) ctx in
+ try (list_unique_index true lb) - 1
+ with Not_found ->
+ Util.user_err_loc
+ (loc,"pretype",
+ Pp.str "cannot guess decreasing argument of fix"))
+ vn
+ in
+ let fix = ((guard_indexes, i),(names,ftys, j_val vdefj)) in
+ (try check_fix env fix with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e);
+ make_judge (mkFix fix) ftys.(i)
+ | RCoFix i ->
+ let cofix = (i,(names,ftys, j_val vdefj)) in
+ (try check_cofix env cofix with e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e);
+ make_judge (mkCoFix cofix) ftys.(i) in
+ inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars fixj tycon
+ | RSort (loc,s) ->
+ inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars (pretype_sort s) tycon
+ | RApp (loc,f,args) ->
+ let length = List.length args in
+ let ftycon =
+ match tycon with
+ None -> None
+ | Some (None, ty) -> mk_abstr_tycon length ty
+ | Some (Some (init, cur), ty) ->
+ Some (Some (length + init, length + cur), ty)
+ in
+ let fj = pretype ftycon env isevars lvar f in
+ let floc = loc_of_rawconstr f in
+ let rec apply_rec env n resj tycon = function
+ | [] -> resj
+ | c::rest ->
+ let argloc = loc_of_rawconstr c in
+ let resj = evd_comb1 (Coercion.inh_app_fun env) isevars resj in
+ let resty = whd_betadeltaiota env (evars_of !isevars) resj.uj_type in
+ match kind_of_term resty with
+ | Prod (na,c1,c2) ->
+ let hj = pretype (mk_tycon c1) env isevars lvar c in
+ let value, typ = applist (j_val resj, [j_val hj]), subst1 hj.uj_val c2 in
+ let typ' = nf_isevar !isevars typ in
+ let tycon =
+ option_map
+ (fun (abs, ty) ->
+ match abs with
+ None ->
+ isevars := Coercion.inh_conv_coerces_to loc env !isevars typ'
+ (abs, ty);
+ (abs, ty)
+ | Some (init, cur) ->
+ isevars := Coercion.inh_conv_coerces_to loc env !isevars typ'
+ (abs, ty);
+ (Some (init, pred cur), ty))
+ tycon
+ in
+ apply_rec env (n+1)
+ { uj_val = nf_isevar !isevars value;
+ uj_type = nf_isevar !isevars typ' }
+ (option_map (fun (abs, c) -> abs, nf_isevar !isevars c) tycon) rest
+ | _ ->
+ let hj = pretype empty_tycon env isevars lvar c in
+ error_cant_apply_not_functional_loc
+ (join_loc floc argloc) env (evars_of !isevars)
+ resj [hj]
+ in
+ let ftycon = option_map (lift_abstr_tycon_type (-1)) ftycon in
+ let resj = j_nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) (apply_rec env 1 fj ftycon args) in
+ let resj =
+ match kind_of_term resj.uj_val with
+ | App (f,args) when isInd f ->
+ let sigma = evars_of !isevars in
+ let t = Retyping.type_of_inductive_knowing_parameters env sigma (destInd f) args in
+ let s = snd (splay_arity env sigma t) in
+ on_judgment_type (set_inductive_level env s) resj
+ (* Rem: no need to send sigma: no head evar, it's an arity *)
+ | _ -> resj in
+ inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars resj tycon
+ | RLambda(loc,name,c1,c2) ->
+ let (name',dom,rng) = evd_comb1 (split_tycon loc env) isevars tycon in
+ let dom_valcon = valcon_of_tycon dom in
+ let j = pretype_type dom_valcon env isevars lvar c1 in
+ let var = (name,None,j.utj_val) in
+ let j' = pretype rng (push_rel var env) isevars lvar c2 in
+ judge_of_abstraction env name j j'
+ | RProd(loc,name,c1,c2) ->
+ let j = pretype_type empty_valcon env isevars lvar c1 in
+ let var = (name,j.utj_val) in
+ let env' = push_rel_assum var env in
+ let j' = pretype_type empty_valcon env' isevars lvar c2 in
+ let resj =
+ try judge_of_product env name j j'
+ with TypeError _ as e -> Stdpp.raise_with_loc loc e in
+ inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars resj tycon
+ | RLetIn(loc,name,c1,c2) ->
+ let j = pretype empty_tycon env isevars lvar c1 in
+ let t = refresh_universes j.uj_type in
+ let var = (name,Some j.uj_val,t) in
+ let tycon = lift_tycon 1 tycon in
+ let j' = pretype tycon (push_rel var env) isevars lvar c2 in
+ { uj_val = mkLetIn (name, j.uj_val, t, j'.uj_val) ;
+ uj_type = subst1 j.uj_val j'.uj_type }
+ | RLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,po),c,d) ->
+ let cj = pretype empty_tycon env isevars lvar c in
+ let (IndType (indf,realargs)) =
+ try find_rectype env (evars_of !isevars) cj.uj_type
+ with Not_found ->
+ let cloc = loc_of_rawconstr c in
+ error_case_not_inductive_loc cloc env (evars_of !isevars) cj
+ in
+ let cstrs = get_constructors env indf in
+ if Array.length cstrs <> 1 then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",str "Destructing let is only for inductive types with one constructor");
+ let cs = cstrs.(0) in
+ if List.length nal <> cs.cs_nargs then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"", str "Destructing let on this type expects " ++ int cs.cs_nargs ++ str " variables");
+ let fsign = List.map2 (fun na (_,c,t) -> (na,c,t))
+ (List.rev nal) cs.cs_args in
+ let env_f = push_rels fsign env in
+ (* Make dependencies from arity signature impossible *)
+ let arsgn =
+ let arsgn,_ = get_arity env indf in
+ if not !allow_anonymous_refs then
+ (fun (_,b,t) -> (Anonymous,b,t)) arsgn
+ else arsgn
+ in
+ let psign = (na,None,build_dependent_inductive env indf)::arsgn in
+ let nar = List.length arsgn in
+ (match po with
+ | Some p ->
+ let env_p = push_rels psign env in
+ let pj = pretype_type empty_valcon env_p isevars lvar p in
+ let ccl = nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) pj.utj_val in
+ let psign = make_arity_signature env true indf in (* with names *)
+ let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ccl psign in
+ let inst =
+ (Array.to_list cs.cs_concl_realargs)
+ @[build_dependent_constructor cs] in
+ let lp = lift cs.cs_nargs p in
+ let fty = hnf_lam_applist env (evars_of !isevars) lp inst in
+ let fj = pretype (mk_tycon fty) env_f isevars lvar d in
+ let f = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn fj.uj_val fsign in
+ let v =
+ let mis,_ = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let ci = make_default_case_info env LetStyle mis in
+ mkCase (ci, p, cj.uj_val,[|f|]) in
+ { uj_val = v; uj_type = substl (realargs@[cj.uj_val]) ccl }
+ | None ->
+ let tycon = lift_tycon cs.cs_nargs tycon in
+ let fj = pretype tycon env_f isevars lvar d in
+ let f = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn fj.uj_val fsign in
+ let ccl = nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) fj.uj_type in
+ let ccl =
+ if noccur_between 1 cs.cs_nargs ccl then
+ lift (- cs.cs_nargs) ccl
+ else
+ error_cant_find_case_type_loc loc env (evars_of !isevars)
+ cj.uj_val in
+ let p = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (lift (nar+1) ccl) psign in
+ let v =
+ let mis,_ = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let ci = make_default_case_info env LetStyle mis in
+ mkCase (ci, p, cj.uj_val,[|f|] )
+ in
+ { uj_val = v; uj_type = ccl })
+ | RIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ let cj = pretype empty_tycon env isevars lvar c in
+ let (IndType (indf,realargs)) =
+ try find_rectype env (evars_of !isevars) cj.uj_type
+ with Not_found ->
+ let cloc = loc_of_rawconstr c in
+ error_case_not_inductive_loc cloc env (evars_of !isevars) cj in
+ let cstrs = get_constructors env indf in
+ if Array.length cstrs <> 2 then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",
+ str "If is only for inductive types with two constructors");
+ let arsgn =
+ let arsgn,_ = get_arity env indf in
+ if not !allow_anonymous_refs then
+ (* Make dependencies from arity signature impossible *)
+ (fun (_,b,t) -> (Anonymous,b,t)) arsgn
+ else arsgn
+ in
+ let nar = List.length arsgn in
+ let psign = (na,None,build_dependent_inductive env indf)::arsgn in
+ let pred,p = match po with
+ | Some p ->
+ let env_p = push_rels psign env in
+ let pj = pretype_type empty_valcon env_p isevars lvar p in
+ let ccl = nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) pj.utj_val in
+ let pred = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ccl psign in
+ let typ = lift (- nar) (beta_applist (pred,[cj.uj_val])) in
+ let jtyp = inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars {uj_val = pred;
+ uj_type = typ} tycon
+ in
+ jtyp.uj_val, jtyp.uj_type
+ | None ->
+ let p = match tycon with
+ | Some (None, ty) -> ty
+ | None | Some _ ->
+ e_new_evar isevars env ~src:(loc,InternalHole) (new_Type ())
+ in
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (lift (nar+1) p) psign, p in
+ let pred = nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) pred in
+ let p = nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) p in
+ (* msgnl (str "Pred is: " ++ Termops.print_constr_env env pred);*)
+ let f cs b =
+ let n = rel_context_length cs.cs_args in
+ let pi = lift n pred in (* liftn n 2 pred ? *)
+ let pi = beta_applist (pi, [build_dependent_constructor cs]) in
+ let csgn =
+ if not !allow_anonymous_refs then
+ (fun (_,b,t) -> (Anonymous,b,t)) cs.cs_args
+ else
+ (fun (n, b, t) ->
+ match n with
+ Name _ -> (n, b, t)
+ | Anonymous -> (Name (id_of_string "H"), b, t))
+ cs.cs_args
+ in
+ let env_c = push_rels csgn env in
+(* msgnl (str "Pi is: " ++ Termops.print_constr_env env_c pi); *)
+ let bj = pretype (mk_tycon pi) env_c isevars lvar b in
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn bj.uj_val cs.cs_args in
+ let b1 = f cstrs.(0) b1 in
+ let b2 = f cstrs.(1) b2 in
+ let v =
+ let mis,_ = dest_ind_family indf in
+ let ci = make_default_case_info env IfStyle mis in
+ mkCase (ci, pred, cj.uj_val, [|b1;b2|])
+ in
+ { uj_val = v; uj_type = p }
+ | RCases (loc,po,tml,eqns) ->
+ Cases.compile_cases loc
+ ((fun vtyc env -> pretype vtyc env isevars lvar),isevars)
+ tycon env (* loc *) (po,tml,eqns)
+ | RCast(loc,c,k,t) ->
+ let cj =
+ match k with
+ CastCoerce ->
+ let cj = pretype empty_tycon env isevars lvar c in
+ evd_comb1 (Coercion.inh_coerce_to_base loc env) isevars cj
+ | CastConv k ->
+ let tj = pretype_type empty_valcon env isevars lvar t in
+ let cj = pretype (mk_tycon tj.utj_val) env isevars lvar c in
+ (* User Casts are for helping pretyping, experimentally not to be kept*)
+ (* ... except for Correctness *)
+ let v = mkCast (cj.uj_val, k, tj.utj_val) in
+ { uj_val = v; uj_type = tj.utj_val }
+ in
+ inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars cj tycon
+ | RDynamic (loc,d) ->
+ if (tag d) = "constr" then
+ let c = constr_out d in
+ let j = (Retyping.get_judgment_of env (evars_of !isevars) c) in
+ j
+ (*inh_conv_coerce_to_tycon loc env isevars j tycon*)
+ else
+ user_err_loc (loc,"pretype",(str "Not a constr tagged Dynamic"))
+ (* [pretype_type valcon env isevars lvar c] coerces [c] into a type *)
+ and pretype_type valcon env isevars lvar = function
+ | RHole loc ->
+ (match valcon with
+ | Some v ->
+ let s =
+ let sigma = evars_of !isevars in
+ let t = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma v in
+ match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma t) with
+ | Sort s -> s
+ | Evar v when is_Type (existential_type sigma v) ->
+ evd_comb1 (define_evar_as_sort) isevars v
+ | _ -> anomaly "Found a type constraint which is not a type"
+ in
+ { utj_val = v;
+ utj_type = s }
+ | None ->
+ let s = new_Type_sort () in
+ { utj_val = e_new_evar isevars env ~src:loc (mkSort s);
+ utj_type = s})
+ | c ->
+ let j = pretype empty_tycon env isevars lvar c in
+ let loc = loc_of_rawconstr c in
+ let tj = evd_comb1 (Coercion.inh_coerce_to_sort loc env) isevars j in
+ match valcon with
+ | None -> tj
+ | Some v ->
+ if e_cumul env isevars v tj.utj_val then tj
+ else
+ error_unexpected_type_loc
+ (loc_of_rawconstr c) env (evars_of !isevars) tj.utj_val v
+ let pretype_gen isevars env lvar kind c =
+ let c' = match kind with
+ | OfType exptyp ->
+ let tycon = match exptyp with None -> empty_tycon | Some t -> mk_tycon t in
+ (pretype tycon env isevars lvar c).uj_val
+ | IsType ->
+ (pretype_type empty_valcon env isevars lvar c).utj_val in
+ nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) c'
+ (* [check_evars] fails if some unresolved evar remains *)
+ (* it assumes that the defined existentials have already been substituted
+ (should be done in unsafe_infer and unsafe_infer_type) *)
+ let check_evars env initial_sigma isevars c =
+ let sigma = evars_of !isevars in
+ let rec proc_rec c =
+ match kind_of_term c with
+ | Evar (ev,args) ->
+ assert (Evd.mem sigma ev);
+ if not (Evd.mem initial_sigma ev) then
+ let (loc,k) = evar_source ev !isevars in
+ error_unsolvable_implicit loc env sigma k
+ | _ -> iter_constr proc_rec c
+ in
+ proc_rec c(*;
+ let (_,pbs) = get_conv_pbs !isevars (fun _ -> true) in
+ if pbs <> [] then begin
+ pperrnl
+ (str"TYPING OF "++Termops.print_constr_env env c++fnl()++
+ prlist_with_sep fnl
+ (fun (pb,c1,c2) ->
+ Termops.print_constr c1 ++
+ (if pb=Reduction.CUMUL then str " <="++ spc()
+ else str" =="++spc()) ++
+ Termops.print_constr c2)
+ pbs ++ fnl())
+ end*)
+ (* TODO: comment faire remonter l'information si le typage a resolu des
+ variables du sigma original. il faudrait que la fonction de typage
+ retourne aussi le nouveau sigma...
+ *)
+ let understand_judgment sigma env c =
+ let isevars = ref (create_evar_defs sigma) in
+ let j = pretype empty_tycon env isevars ([],[]) c in
+ let j = j_nf_evar (evars_of !isevars) j in
+ check_evars env sigma isevars (mkCast(j.uj_val,DEFAULTcast, j.uj_type));
+ j
+ let understand_judgment_tcc isevars env c =
+ let j = pretype empty_tycon env isevars ([],[]) c in
+ let sigma = evars_of !isevars in
+ let j = j_nf_evar sigma j in
+ j
+ (* Raw calls to the unsafe inference machine: boolean says if we must
+ fail on unresolved evars; the unsafe_judgment list allows us to
+ extend env with some bindings *)
+ let ise_pretype_gen fail_evar sigma env lvar kind c =
+ let isevars = ref (Evd.create_evar_defs sigma) in
+ let c = pretype_gen isevars env lvar kind c in
+ if fail_evar then check_evars env sigma isevars c;
+ !isevars, c
+ (** Entry points of the high-level type synthesis algorithm *)
+ let understand_gen kind sigma env c =
+ snd (ise_pretype_gen true sigma env ([],[]) kind c)
+ let understand sigma env ?expected_type:exptyp c =
+ snd (ise_pretype_gen true sigma env ([],[]) (OfType exptyp) c)
+ let understand_type sigma env c =
+ snd (ise_pretype_gen true sigma env ([],[]) IsType c)
+ let understand_ltac sigma env lvar kind c =
+ ise_pretype_gen false sigma env lvar kind c
+ let understand_tcc_evars isevars env kind c =
+ pretype_gen isevars env ([],[]) kind c
+ let understand_tcc sigma env ?expected_type:exptyp c =
+ let ev, t = ise_pretype_gen false sigma env ([],[]) (OfType exptyp) c in
+ Evd.evars_of ev, t
+module Default : S = SubtacPretyping_F(Coercion.Default)
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/ b/contrib/subtac/
index 6c165dad..59c858a6 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/
+++ b/contrib/subtac/
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ let natind = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Datatypes"] "nat")
let intind = lazy (init_constant ["ZArith"; "binint"] "Z")
let existSind = lazy (init_constant ["Init"; "Specif"] "sigS")
-let existS = lazy (build_sigma_set ())
+let existS = lazy (build_sigma_type ())
let prod = lazy (build_prod ())
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ let print_args env args =
let make_existential loc env isevars c =
let evar = Evarutil.e_new_evar isevars env ~src:(loc, QuestionMark) c in
let (key, args) = destEvar evar in
- debug 2 (str "Constructed evar " ++ int key ++ str " applied to args: " ++
- print_args env args);
+ (try debug 2 (str "Constructed evar " ++ int key ++ str " applied to args: " ++
+ print_args env args) with _ -> ());
let make_existential_expr loc env c =
@@ -160,26 +160,27 @@ open Tactics
open Tacticals
let build_dependent_sum l =
- let rec aux (acc, tac, typ) = function
+ let rec aux (tac, typ) = function
(n, t) :: tl ->
let t' = mkLambda (Name n, t, typ) in
- trace (str ("treating " ^ string_of_id n) ++
- str "assert: " ++ my_print_constr (Global.env ()) t);
+ trace (spc () ++ str ("treating evar " ^ string_of_id n));
+ (try trace (str " assert: " ++ my_print_constr (Global.env ()) t)
+ with _ -> ());
let tac' =
- tclTHEN (assert_tac true (Name n) t)
- [intros;
- [tclTRY (constructor_tac (Some 1) 1
- (Rawterm.ImplicitBindings [mkVar n]));
- tac]);
- ])
+ tclTHENS (assert_tac true (Name n) t)
+ ([intros;
+ [constructor_tac (Some 1) 1
+ (Rawterm.ImplicitBindings [mkVar n]);
+ tac]);
+ ])
- aux (mkApp (Lazy.force ex_ind, [| t; t'; |]), tac', t') tl
- | [] -> acc, tac, typ
+ let newt = mkApp (Lazy.force ex_ind, [| t; t'; |]) in
+ aux (tac', newt) tl
+ | [] -> tac, typ
match l with
- (_, hd) :: tl -> aux (hd, intros, hd) tl
+ (_, hd) :: tl -> aux (intros, hd) tl
| [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "build_dependent_sum")
open Proof_type
@@ -218,7 +219,8 @@ let and_tac l hook =
let and_proof_id, and_goal, and_tac, and_extract =
match l with
| [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "and_tac: empty list of goals")
- | (hdid, x, hdg, hdt) :: tl -> aux (string_of_id hdid, hdg, hdt, [hdid, x, hdg, (fun c -> c)]) tl
+ | (hdid, x, hdg, hdt) :: tl ->
+ aux (string_of_id hdid, hdg, hdt, [hdid, x, hdg, (fun c -> c)]) tl
let and_proofid = id_of_string (and_proof_id ^ "_and_proof") in
Command.start_proof and_proofid goal_kind and_goal
@@ -238,9 +240,91 @@ let destruct_ex ext ex =
try (args.(0), args.(1))
with _ -> assert(false)
- (mk_ex_pi1 dom rng acc) :: aux rng (mk_ex_pi2 dom rng acc)
+ let pi1 = (mk_ex_pi1 dom rng acc) in
+ let rng_body =
+ match kind_of_term rng with
+ Lambda (_, _, t) -> subst1 pi1 t
+ | t -> rng
+ in
+ pi1 :: aux rng_body (mk_ex_pi2 dom rng acc)
| _ -> [acc])
| _ -> [acc]
in aux ex ext
+let list_mapi f =
+ let rec aux i = function
+ hd :: tl -> f i hd :: aux (succ i) tl
+ | [] -> []
+ in aux 0
+open Rawterm
+let rewrite_cases_aux (loc, po, tml, eqns) =
+ let tml' = list_mapi (fun i (c, (n, opt)) -> c,
+ ((match n with
+ Name id -> (match c with
+ | RVar (_, id') when id = id' ->
+ id, (id_of_string (string_of_id id ^ "Heq_id"))
+ | RVar (_, id') ->
+ id', id
+ | _ -> id_of_string (string_of_id id ^ "Heq_id"), id)
+ | Anonymous ->
+ let str = "Heq_id" ^ string_of_int i in
+ id_of_string str, id_of_string (str ^ "'")),
+ opt)) tml
+ in
+ let mkHole = RHole (dummy_loc, InternalHole) in
+ let mkCoerceCast c = RCast (dummy_loc, c, CastCoerce, mkHole) in
+ let mkeq c n = RApp (dummy_loc, RRef (dummy_loc, (Lazy.force eqind_ref)),
+ [mkHole; c; n])
+ in
+ let eqs_types =
+ (fun (c, ((id, id'), _)) ->
+ let heqid = id_of_string ("Heq" ^ string_of_id id) in
+ Name heqid, mkeq (RVar (dummy_loc, id')) c)
+ tml'
+ in
+ let po =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (n,t) acc ->
+ RProd (dummy_loc, Anonymous, t, acc))
+ eqs_types (match po with
+ Some e -> e
+ | None -> mkHole)
+ in
+ let eqns =
+ (fun (loc, idl, cpl, c) ->
+ let c' =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun acc (n, t) ->
+ RLambda (dummy_loc, n, mkHole, acc))
+ c eqs_types
+ in (loc, idl, cpl, c'))
+ eqns
+ in
+ let mk_refl_equal c = RApp (dummy_loc, RRef (dummy_loc, Lazy.force refl_equal_ref),
+ [mkHole; c])
+ in
+ let refls = (fun (c, ((id, _), _)) -> mk_refl_equal (mkCoerceCast c)) tml' in
+ let tml'' = (fun (c, ((id, id'), opt)) -> c, (Name id', opt)) tml' in
+ let case = RCases (loc,Some po,tml'',eqns) in
+ let app = RApp (dummy_loc, case, refls) in
+(* let letapp = List.fold_left (fun acc (c, ((id, id'), opt)) -> RLetIn (dummy_loc, Name id, c, acc)) *)
+(* app tml' *)
+(* in *)
+ app
+let rec rewrite_cases c =
+ match c with
+ RCases _ -> let c' = map_rawconstr rewrite_cases c in
+ (match c' with
+ | RCases (x, y, z, w) -> rewrite_cases_aux (x,y,z,w)
+ | _ -> assert(false))
+ | _ -> map_rawconstr rewrite_cases c
+let rewrite_cases env c =
+ let c' = rewrite_cases c in
+ let _ = trace (str "Rewrote cases: " ++ spc () ++ my_print_rawconstr env c') in
+ c'
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/subtac_utils.mli b/contrib/subtac/subtac_utils.mli
index 92a995c8..a90f281f 100644
--- a/contrib/subtac/subtac_utils.mli
+++ b/contrib/subtac/subtac_utils.mli
@@ -78,8 +78,10 @@ val mkProj1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr
val mk_ex_pi1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr
val mk_ex_pi1 : constr -> constr -> constr -> constr
-val build_dependent_sum : (identifier * types) list -> constr * Proof_type.tactic * types
+val build_dependent_sum : (identifier * types) list -> Proof_type.tactic * types
val and_tac : (identifier * 'a * constr * Proof_type.tactic) list ->
((constr -> (identifier * 'a * constr * constr) list) -> Tacexpr.declaration_hook) -> unit
val destruct_ex : constr -> constr -> constr list
+val rewrite_cases : Environ.env -> Rawterm.rawconstr -> Rawterm.rawconstr
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/test/ListsTest.v b/contrib/subtac/test/ListsTest.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a29cd039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/subtac/test/ListsTest.v
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Require Import Coq.subtac.Utils.
+Require Import List.
+Variable A : Set.
+Program Definition myhd : forall { l : list A | length l <> 0 }, A :=
+ fun l =>
+ match l with
+ | nil => _
+ | hd :: tl => hd
+ end.
+ destruct l ; simpl ; intro H ; rewrite <- H in n ; intuition.
+Extraction myhd.
+Extraction Inline proj1_sig.
+Program Definition mytail : forall { l : list A | length l <> 0 }, list A :=
+ fun l =>
+ match l with
+ | nil => _
+ | hd :: tl => tl
+ end.
+destruct l ; simpl ; intro H ; rewrite <- H in n ; intuition.
+Extraction mytail.
+Variable a : A.
+Program Definition test_hd : A := myhd (cons a nil).
+simpl ; auto.
+Extraction test_hd.
+(*Program Definition test_tail : list A := mytail nil.*)
+Program Fixpoint append (l : list A) (l' : list A) { struct l } :
+ { r : list A | length r = length l + length l' } :=
+ match l with
+ | nil => l'
+ | hd :: tl => hd :: (append tl l')
+ end.
+subst ; auto.
+simpl ; rewrite (subset_simpl (append tl0 l')).
+simpl ; subst.
+simpl ; auto.
+Extraction append.
+Program Lemma append_app' : forall l : list A, l = append nil l.
+simpl ; auto.
+Program Lemma append_app : forall l : list A, l = append l nil.
+induction l ; simpl ; auto.
+simpl in IHl.
+rewrite <- IHl.
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/test/Mutind.v b/contrib/subtac/test/Mutind.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab200354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/subtac/test/Mutind.v
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Fixpoint f (a : nat) : nat := match a with 0 => 0
+| S a' => g a a'
+ end
+with g (a b : nat) { struct b } : nat :=
+ match b with 0 => 0
+ | S b' => f b'
+ end. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/test/Test1.v b/contrib/subtac/test/Test1.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14b80854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/subtac/test/Test1.v
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+Program Definition test (a b : nat) : { x : nat | x = a + b } :=
+ ((a + b) : { x : nat | x = a + b }).
+Print test.
+Require Import List.
+Program hd_opt (l : list nat) : { x : nat | x <> 0 } :=
+ match l with
+ nil => 1
+ | a :: l => a
+ end.
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/test/euclid.v b/contrib/subtac/test/euclid.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..481b6708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/subtac/test/euclid.v
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+Notation "( x & y )" := (@existS _ _ x y) : core_scope.
+Unset Printing All.
+Definition t := fun (Evar46 : forall a : nat, (fun y : nat => @eq nat a y) a) (a : nat) =>
+@existS nat (fun x : nat => @sig nat (fun y : nat => @eq nat x y)) a
+ (@exist nat (fun y : nat => @eq nat a y) a (Evar46 a)).
+Program Definition testsig (a : nat) : { x : nat & { y : nat | x = y } } :=
+ (a & a).
+Extraction testsig.
+Extraction sigS.
+Extract Inductive sigS => "" [ "" ].
+Extraction testsig.
+Require Import Coq.Arith.Compare_dec.
+Require Import Omega.
+Lemma minus_eq_add : forall x y z w, y <= x -> x - y = y * z + w -> x = y * S z + w.
+assert(y * S z = y * z + y).
+rewrite H1.
+Program Fixpoint euclid (a : nat) (b : { b : nat | b <> O }) {wf a lt} :
+ { q : nat & { r : nat | a = b * q + r /\ r < b } } :=
+ if le_lt_dec b a then let (q', r) := euclid (a - b) b in
+ (S q' & r)
+ else (O & a).
+intro euclid.
+simpl ; intros.
+Print euclid_evars.
+eapply euclid_evars with euclid.
+refine (euclid_evars _ _ _ euclid a Acc_a b).
+; simpl ; intros.
+Show Existentials.
+induction b0 ; induction r.
+simpl in H.
+simpl in p0.
+destruct p0.
+apply minus_eq_add.
+auto with arith.
+induction b0 ; simpl.
+split ; auto.
+exact (euclid a0 Acc_a0 b0).
+exact (Acc_a).
+Focus 1.
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/test/id.v b/contrib/subtac/test/id.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ae11088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/subtac/test/id.v
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+Require Coq.Arith.Arith.
+Require Import Coq.subtac.Utils.
+Program Fixpoint id (n : nat) : { x : nat | x = n } :=
+ match n with
+ | O => O
+ | S p => S (id p)
+ end.
+intros ; auto.
+pose (subset_simpl (id p)).
+simpl in e.
+unfold p0.
+rewrite e.
+Check id.
+Print id.
+Extraction id.
+Axiom le_gt_dec : forall n m, { n <= m } + { n > m }.
+Require Import Omega.
+Program Fixpoint id_if (n : nat) { wf n lt }: { x : nat | x = n } :=
+ if le_gt_dec n 0 then 0
+ else S (id_if (pred n)).
+auto with arith.
+pose (subset_simpl (id_if (pred n))).
+simpl in e.
+rewrite e.
+induction n ; auto with arith.
+Print id_if_instance.
+Extraction id_if_instance.
+Notation "( x & y )" := (@existS _ _ x y) : core_scope.
+Program Definition testsig ( a : nat ) : { x : nat & { y : nat | x = y }} :=
+ (a & a).
diff --git a/contrib/subtac/test/rec.v b/contrib/subtac/test/rec.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aaefd8cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/subtac/test/rec.v
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith.
+Require Import Lt.
+Require Import Omega.
+Axiom lt_ge_dec : forall x y : nat, { x < y } + { x >= y }.
+ intros.
+ elim (le_lt_dec y x) ; intros ; auto with arith.
+Require Import Coq.subtac.FixSub.
+Require Import Wf_nat.
+Lemma preda_lt_a : forall a, 0 < a -> pred a < a.
+auto with arith.
+Program Fixpoint id_struct (a : nat) : nat :=
+ match a with
+ 0 => 0
+ | S n => S (id_struct n)
+ end.
+Check struct_rec.
+ if (lt_ge_dec O a)
+ then S (wfrec (pred a))
+ else O.
+Program Fixpoint wfrec (a : nat) { wf a lt } : nat :=
+ if (lt_ge_dec O a)
+ then S (wfrec (pred a))
+ else O.
+apply preda_lt_a ; auto.
+Extraction wfrec.
+Extraction Inline proj1_sig.
+Extract Inductive bool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ].
+Extract Inductive sumbool => "bool" [ "true" "false" ].
+Extract Inlined Constant lt_ge_dec => "<".
+Extraction wfrec.
+Extraction Inline lt_ge_dec le_lt_dec.
+Extraction wfrec.
+Program Fixpoint structrec (a : nat) { wf a lt } : nat :=
+ match a with
+ S n => S (structrec n)
+ | 0 => 0
+ end.
+unfold n0.
+Print structrec.
+Extraction structrec.
+Extraction structrec.
+Definition structrec_fun (a : nat) : nat := structrec a (lt_wf a).
+Print structrec_fun.
diff --git a/contrib/xml/ b/contrib/xml/
index bac7ad7c..f217b037 100644
--- a/contrib/xml/
+++ b/contrib/xml/
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ let get_uri_of_var v pvars =
let rec search_in_open_sections =
- [] -> Util.error "Variable not found"
+ [] -> Util.error ("Variable "^v^" not found")
| he::tl as modules ->
let dirpath = N.make_dirpath modules in
if List.mem (N.id_of_string v) (D.last_section_hyps dirpath) then
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@ let token_list_of_kernel_name tag =
N.id_of_label (N.label kn), Lib.cwd ()
| Constant con ->
N.id_of_label (N.con_label con),
- Lib.library_part (LN.ConstRef con)
+ Lib.remove_section_part (LN.ConstRef con)
| Inductive kn ->
N.id_of_label (N.label kn),
- Lib.library_part (LN.IndRef (kn,0))
+ Lib.remove_section_part (LN.IndRef (kn,0))
token_list_of_path dir id (etag_of_tag tag)
diff --git a/contrib/xml/ b/contrib/xml/
index 518f6c11..a3336817 100644
--- a/contrib/xml/
+++ b/contrib/xml/
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ let double_type_of env sigma cstr expectedty subterms_to_types =
let jty = execute env sigma ty None in
let jty = assumption_of_judgment env sigma jty in
let evar_context =
- E.named_context_of_val ( sigma n).Evd.evar_hyps in
+ E.named_context_of_val (Evd.find sigma n).Evd.evar_hyps in
let rec iter actual_args evar_context =
match actual_args,evar_context with
[],[] -> ()
diff --git a/contrib/xml/ b/contrib/xml/
index dff546c9..678b650c 100644
--- a/contrib/xml/
+++ b/contrib/xml/
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ let nf_evar sigma ~preserve =
| _ -> T.mkApp (c', l')
| _ -> T.mkApp (c', l'))
- | T.Evar (e,l) when Evd.in_dom sigma e & Evd.is_defined sigma e ->
+ | T.Evar (e,l) when Evd.mem sigma e & Evd.is_defined sigma e ->
aux (Evd.existential_value sigma (e,l))
| T.Evar (e,l) -> T.mkEvar (e, aux l)
| T.Case (ci,p,c,bl) -> T.mkCase (ci, aux p, aux c, aux bl)
diff --git a/contrib/xml/ b/contrib/xml/
index 871a7f15..2235be4a 100644
--- a/contrib/xml/
+++ b/contrib/xml/
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ let mk_constant_obj id bo ty variables hyps =
-let mk_inductive_obj sp packs variables nparams hyps finite =
+let mk_inductive_obj sp mib packs variables nparams hyps finite =
let module D = Declarations in
let hyps = string_list_of_named_context_list hyps in
let params = filter_params variables hyps in
@@ -406,9 +406,9 @@ let mk_inductive_obj sp packs variables nparams hyps finite =
(fun p i ->
decr tyno ;
let {D.mind_consnames=consnames ;
- D.mind_typename=typename ;
- D.mind_nf_arity=arity} = p
+ D.mind_typename=typename } = p
+ let arity = Inductive.type_of_inductive (mib,p) in
let lc = Inductiveops.arities_of_constructors (Global.env ()) (sp,!tyno) in
let cons =
(Array.fold_right (fun (name,lc) i -> (name,lc)::i)
@@ -524,11 +524,12 @@ let print internal glob_ref kind xml_library_root =
G.lookup_constant kn in
Cic2acic.Constant kn,mk_constant_obj id val0 typ variables hyps
| Ln.IndRef (kn,_) ->
+ let mib = G.lookup_mind kn in
let {D.mind_nparams=nparams;
D.mind_packets=packs ;
- D.mind_finite=finite} = G.lookup_mind kn in
- Cic2acic.Inductive kn,mk_inductive_obj kn packs variables nparams hyps finite
+ D.mind_finite=finite} = mib in
+ Cic2acic.Inductive kn,mk_inductive_obj kn mib packs variables nparams hyps finite
| Ln.ConstructRef _ ->
Util.anomaly ("print: this should not happen")