path: root/contrib7/ring/Setoid_ring_theory.v
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diff --git a/contrib7/ring/Setoid_ring_theory.v b/contrib7/ring/Setoid_ring_theory.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id: Setoid_ring_theory.v,v 2004/07/16 19:30:19 herbelin Exp $ *)
+Require Export Bool.
+Require Export Setoid.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Section Setoid_rings.
+Variable A : Type.
+Variable Aequiv : A -> A -> Prop.
+Infix Local "==" Aequiv (at level 5, no associativity).
+Variable S : (Setoid_Theory A Aequiv).
+Add Setoid A Aequiv S.
+Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
+Variable Aone : A.
+Variable Azero : A.
+Variable Aopp : A -> A.
+Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
+Infix 4 "+" Aplus V8only 50 (left associativity).
+Infix 4 "*" Amult V8only 40 (left associativity).
+Notation "0" := Azero.
+Notation "1" := Aone.
+Notation "- x" := (Aopp x) (at level 0) V8only.
+Variable plus_morph : (a,a0,a1,a2:A) a == a0 -> a1 == a2 -> a+a1 == a0+a2.
+Variable mult_morph : (a,a0,a1,a2:A) a == a0 -> a1 == a2 -> a*a1 == a0*a2.
+Variable opp_morph : (a,a0:A) a == a0 -> -a == -a0.
+Add Morphism Aplus : Aplus_ext.
+Exact plus_morph.
+Add Morphism Amult : Amult_ext.
+Exact mult_morph.
+Add Morphism Aopp : Aopp_ext.
+Exact opp_morph.
+Section Theory_of_semi_setoid_rings.
+Record Semi_Setoid_Ring_Theory : Prop :=
+{ SSR_plus_sym : (n,m:A) n + m == m + n;
+ SSR_plus_assoc : (n,m,p:A) n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p;
+ SSR_mult_sym : (n,m:A) n*m == m*n;
+ SSR_mult_assoc : (n,m,p:A) n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p;
+ SSR_plus_zero_left :(n:A) 0 + n == n;
+ SSR_mult_one_left : (n:A) 1*n == n;
+ SSR_mult_zero_left : (n:A) 0*n == 0;
+ SSR_distr_left : (n,m,p:A) (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p;
+ SSR_plus_reg_left : (n,m,p:A)n + m == n + p -> m == p;
+ SSR_eq_prop : (x,y:A) (Is_true (Aeq x y)) -> x == y
+Variable T : Semi_Setoid_Ring_Theory.
+Local plus_sym := (SSR_plus_sym T).
+Local plus_assoc := (SSR_plus_assoc T).
+Local mult_sym := ( SSR_mult_sym T).
+Local mult_assoc := (SSR_mult_assoc T).
+Local plus_zero_left := (SSR_plus_zero_left T).
+Local mult_one_left := (SSR_mult_one_left T).
+Local mult_zero_left := (SSR_mult_zero_left T).
+Local distr_left := (SSR_distr_left T).
+Local plus_reg_left := (SSR_plus_reg_left T).
+Local equiv_refl := (Seq_refl A Aequiv S).
+Local equiv_sym := (Seq_sym A Aequiv S).
+Local equiv_trans := (Seq_trans A Aequiv S).
+Hints Resolve plus_sym plus_assoc mult_sym mult_assoc
+ plus_zero_left mult_one_left mult_zero_left distr_left
+ plus_reg_left equiv_refl (*equiv_sym*).
+Hints Immediate equiv_sym.
+(* Lemmas whose form is x=y are also provided in form y=x because
+ Auto does not symmetry *)
+Lemma SSR_mult_assoc2 : (n,m,p:A) (n * m) * p == n * (m * p).
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma SSR_plus_assoc2 : (n,m,p:A) (n + m) + p == n + (m + p).
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma SSR_plus_zero_left2 : (n:A) n == 0 + n.
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma SSR_mult_one_left2 : (n:A) n == 1*n.
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma SSR_mult_zero_left2 : (n:A) 0 == 0*n.
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma SSR_distr_left2 : (n,m,p:A) n*p + m*p == (n + m)*p.
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma SSR_plus_permute : (n,m,p:A) n+(m+p) == m+(n+p).
+Rewrite (plus_assoc n m p).
+Rewrite (plus_sym n m).
+Rewrite <- (plus_assoc m n p).
+Lemma SSR_mult_permute : (n,m,p:A) n*(m*p) == m*(n*p).
+Rewrite (mult_assoc n m p).
+Rewrite (mult_sym n m).
+Rewrite <- (mult_assoc m n p).
+Hints Resolve SSR_plus_permute SSR_mult_permute.
+Lemma SSR_distr_right : (n,m,p:A) n*(m+p) == (n*m) + (n*p).
+Rewrite (mult_sym n (Aplus m p)).
+Rewrite (mult_sym n m).
+Rewrite (mult_sym n p).
+Lemma SSR_distr_right2 : (n,m,p:A) (n*m) + (n*p) == n*(m + p).
+Apply equiv_sym.
+Apply SSR_distr_right.
+Lemma SSR_mult_zero_right : (n:A) n*0 == 0.
+Intro; Rewrite (mult_sym n Azero); Auto.
+Lemma SSR_mult_zero_right2 : (n:A) 0 == n*0.
+Intro; Rewrite (mult_sym n Azero); Auto.
+Lemma SSR_plus_zero_right :(n:A) n + 0 == n.
+Intro; Rewrite (plus_sym n Azero); Auto.
+Lemma SSR_plus_zero_right2 :(n:A) n == n + 0.
+Intro; Rewrite (plus_sym n Azero); Auto.
+Lemma SSR_mult_one_right : (n:A) n*1 == n.
+Intro; Rewrite (mult_sym n Aone); Auto.
+Lemma SSR_mult_one_right2 : (n:A) n == n*1.
+Intro; Rewrite (mult_sym n Aone); Auto.
+Lemma SSR_plus_reg_right : (n,m,p:A) m+n == p+n -> m==p.
+Intros n m p; Rewrite (plus_sym m n); Rewrite (plus_sym p n).
+Intro; Apply plus_reg_left with n; Trivial.
+End Theory_of_semi_setoid_rings.
+Section Theory_of_setoid_rings.
+Record Setoid_Ring_Theory : Prop :=
+{ STh_plus_sym : (n,m:A) n + m == m + n;
+ STh_plus_assoc : (n,m,p:A) n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p;
+ STh_mult_sym : (n,m:A) n*m == m*n;
+ STh_mult_assoc : (n,m,p:A) n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p;
+ STh_plus_zero_left :(n:A) 0 + n == n;
+ STh_mult_one_left : (n:A) 1*n == n;
+ STh_opp_def : (n:A) n + (-n) == 0;
+ STh_distr_left : (n,m,p:A) (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p;
+ STh_eq_prop : (x,y:A) (Is_true (Aeq x y)) -> x == y
+Variable T : Setoid_Ring_Theory.
+Local plus_sym := (STh_plus_sym T).
+Local plus_assoc := (STh_plus_assoc T).
+Local mult_sym := (STh_mult_sym T).
+Local mult_assoc := (STh_mult_assoc T).
+Local plus_zero_left := (STh_plus_zero_left T).
+Local mult_one_left := (STh_mult_one_left T).
+Local opp_def := (STh_opp_def T).
+Local distr_left := (STh_distr_left T).
+Local equiv_refl := (Seq_refl A Aequiv S).
+Local equiv_sym := (Seq_sym A Aequiv S).
+Local equiv_trans := (Seq_trans A Aequiv S).
+Hints Resolve plus_sym plus_assoc mult_sym mult_assoc
+ plus_zero_left mult_one_left opp_def distr_left
+ equiv_refl equiv_sym.
+(* Lemmas whose form is x=y are also provided in form y=x because Auto does
+ not symmetry *)
+Lemma STh_mult_assoc2 : (n,m,p:A) (n * m) * p == n * (m * p).
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma STh_plus_assoc2 : (n,m,p:A) (n + m) + p == n + (m + p).
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma STh_plus_zero_left2 : (n:A) n == 0 + n.
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma STh_mult_one_left2 : (n:A) n == 1*n.
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma STh_distr_left2 : (n,m,p:A) n*p + m*p == (n + m)*p.
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma STh_opp_def2 : (n:A) 0 == n + (-n).
+Auto. Save.
+Lemma STh_plus_permute : (n,m,p:A) n + (m + p) == m + (n + p).
+Rewrite (plus_assoc n m p).
+Rewrite (plus_sym n m).
+Rewrite <- (plus_assoc m n p).
+Lemma STh_mult_permute : (n,m,p:A) n*(m*p) == m*(n*p).
+Rewrite (mult_assoc n m p).
+Rewrite (mult_sym n m).
+Rewrite <- (mult_assoc m n p).
+Hints Resolve STh_plus_permute STh_mult_permute.
+Lemma Saux1 : (a:A) a + a == a -> a == 0.
+Rewrite <- (plus_zero_left a).
+Rewrite (plus_sym Azero a).
+Setoid_replace (Aplus a Azero) with (Aplus a (Aplus a (Aopp a))); Auto.
+Rewrite (plus_assoc a a (Aopp a)).
+Rewrite H.
+Apply opp_def.
+Lemma STh_mult_zero_left :(n:A) 0*n == 0.
+Apply Saux1.
+Rewrite <- (distr_left Azero Azero n).
+Rewrite (plus_zero_left Azero).
+Hints Resolve STh_mult_zero_left.
+Lemma STh_mult_zero_left2 : (n:A) 0 == 0*n.
+Lemma Saux2 : (x,y,z:A) x+y==0 -> x+z==0 -> y == z.
+Rewrite <- (plus_zero_left y).
+Rewrite <- H0.
+Rewrite <- (plus_assoc x z y).
+Rewrite (plus_sym z y).
+Rewrite (plus_assoc x y z).
+Rewrite H.
+Lemma STh_opp_mult_left : (x,y:A) -(x*y) == (-x)*y.
+Apply Saux2 with (Amult x y); Auto.
+Rewrite <- (distr_left x (Aopp x) y).
+Rewrite (opp_def x).
+Hints Resolve STh_opp_mult_left.
+Lemma STh_opp_mult_left2 : (x,y:A) (-x)*y == -(x*y) .
+Lemma STh_mult_zero_right : (n:A) n*0 == 0.
+Intro; Rewrite (mult_sym n Azero); Auto.
+Lemma STh_mult_zero_right2 : (n:A) 0 == n*0.
+Intro; Rewrite (mult_sym n Azero); Auto.
+Lemma STh_plus_zero_right :(n:A) n + 0 == n.
+Intro; Rewrite (plus_sym n Azero); Auto.
+Lemma STh_plus_zero_right2 :(n:A) n == n + 0.
+Intro; Rewrite (plus_sym n Azero); Auto.
+Lemma STh_mult_one_right : (n:A) n*1 == n.
+Intro; Rewrite (mult_sym n Aone); Auto.
+Lemma STh_mult_one_right2 : (n:A) n == n*1.
+Intro; Rewrite (mult_sym n Aone); Auto.
+Lemma STh_opp_mult_right : (x,y:A) -(x*y) == x*(-y).
+Rewrite (mult_sym x y).
+Rewrite (mult_sym x (Aopp y)).
+Lemma STh_opp_mult_right2 : (x,y:A) x*(-y) == -(x*y).
+Rewrite (mult_sym x y).
+Rewrite (mult_sym x (Aopp y)).
+Lemma STh_plus_opp_opp : (x,y:A) (-x) + (-y) == -(x+y).
+Apply Saux2 with (Aplus x y); Auto.
+Rewrite (STh_plus_permute (Aplus x y) (Aopp x) (Aopp y)).
+Rewrite <- (plus_assoc x y (Aopp y)).
+Rewrite (opp_def y); Rewrite (STh_plus_zero_right x).
+Rewrite (STh_opp_def2 x); Trivial.
+Lemma STh_plus_permute_opp: (n,m,p:A) (-m)+(n+p) == n+((-m)+p).
+Lemma STh_opp_opp : (n:A) -(-n) == n.
+Apply Saux2 with (Aopp n); Auto.
+Rewrite (plus_sym (Aopp n) n); Auto.
+Hints Resolve STh_opp_opp.
+Lemma STh_opp_opp2 : (n:A) n == -(-n).
+Lemma STh_mult_opp_opp : (x,y:A) (-x)*(-y) == x*y.
+Rewrite (STh_opp_mult_left2 x (Aopp y)).
+Rewrite (STh_opp_mult_right2 x y).
+Lemma STh_mult_opp_opp2 : (x,y:A) x*y == (-x)*(-y).
+Apply equiv_sym.
+Apply STh_mult_opp_opp.
+Lemma STh_opp_zero : -0 == 0.
+Rewrite <- (plus_zero_left (Aopp Azero)).
+Lemma STh_plus_reg_left : (n,m,p:A) n+m == n+p -> m==p.
+Rewrite <- (plus_zero_left m).
+Rewrite <- (plus_zero_left p).
+Rewrite <- (opp_def n).
+Rewrite (plus_sym n (Aopp n)).
+Rewrite <- (plus_assoc (Aopp n) n m).
+Rewrite <- (plus_assoc (Aopp n) n p).
+Lemma STh_plus_reg_right : (n,m,p:A) m+n == p+n -> m==p.
+Apply STh_plus_reg_left with n.
+Rewrite (plus_sym n m); Rewrite (plus_sym n p);
+Lemma STh_distr_right : (n,m,p:A) n*(m+p) == (n*m)+(n*p).
+Rewrite (mult_sym n (Aplus m p)).
+Rewrite (mult_sym n m).
+Rewrite (mult_sym n p).
+Lemma STh_distr_right2 : (n,m,p:A) (n*m)+(n*p) == n*(m+p).
+Apply equiv_sym.
+Apply STh_distr_right.
+End Theory_of_setoid_rings.
+Hints Resolve STh_mult_zero_left STh_plus_reg_left : core.
+Unset Implicit Arguments.
+Definition Semi_Setoid_Ring_Theory_of :
+ Setoid_Ring_Theory -> Semi_Setoid_Ring_Theory.
+Intros until 1; Case H.
+Split; Intros; Simpl; EAuto.
+Coercion Semi_Setoid_Ring_Theory_of :
+ Setoid_Ring_Theory >-> Semi_Setoid_Ring_Theory.
+Section product_ring.
+End product_ring.
+Section power_ring.
+End power_ring.
+End Setoid_rings.