path: root/contrib/xml/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/xml/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 708 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/xml/ b/contrib/xml/
deleted file mode 100644
index f4719594..00000000
--- a/contrib/xml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,708 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * The HELM Project / The EU MoWGLI Project *)
-(* * University of Bologna *)
-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2000-2004, HELM Team. *)
-(* *)
-let verbose = ref false;;
-(* HOOKS *)
-let print_proof_tree, set_print_proof_tree =
- let print_proof_tree = ref (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ -> None) in
- (fun () -> !print_proof_tree),
- (fun f ->
- print_proof_tree :=
- fun
- curi sigma0 pf proof_tree_to_constr proof_tree_to_flattened_proof_tree
- constr_to_ids
- ->
- Some
- (f curi sigma0 pf proof_tree_to_constr
- proof_tree_to_flattened_proof_tree constr_to_ids))
-let print_if_verbose s = if !verbose then print_string s;;
-(* Next exception is used only inside print_coq_object and tag_of_string_tag *)
-exception Uninteresting;;
-(* NOT USED anymore, we back to the V6 point of view with global parameters
-(* Internally, for Coq V7, params of inductive types are associated *)
-(* not to the whole block of mutual inductive (as it was in V6) but to *)
-(* each member of the block; but externally, all params are required *)
-(* to be the same; the following function checks that the parameters *)
-(* of each inductive of a same block are all the same, then returns *)
-(* this number; it fails otherwise *)
-let extract_nparams pack =
- let module D = Declarations in
- let module U = Util in
- let module S = Sign in
- let {D.mind_nparams=nparams0} = pack.(0) in
- let arity0 = pack.(0).D.mind_user_arity in
- let params0, _ = S.decompose_prod_n_assum nparams0 arity0 in
- for i = 1 to Array.length pack - 1 do
- let {D.mind_nparams=nparamsi} = pack.(i) in
- let arityi = pack.(i).D.mind_user_arity in
- let paramsi, _ = S.decompose_prod_n_assum nparamsi arityi in
- if params0 <> paramsi then U.error "Cannot convert a block of inductive definitions with parameters specific to each inductive to a block of mutual inductive definitions with parameters global to the whole block"
- done;
- nparams0
-(* could_have_namesakes sp = true iff o is an object that could be cooked and *)
-(* than that could exists in cooked form with the same name in a super *)
-(* section of the actual section *)
-let could_have_namesakes o sp = (* namesake = omonimo in italian *)
- let module DK = Decl_kinds in
- let module D = Declare in
- let tag = Libobject.object_tag o in
- print_if_verbose ("Object tag: " ^ tag ^ "\n") ;
- match tag with
- "CONSTANT" -> true (* constants/parameters are non global *)
- | "INDUCTIVE" -> true (* mutual inductive types are never local *)
- | "VARIABLE" -> false (* variables are local, so no namesakes *)
- | _ -> false (* uninteresting thing that won't be printed*)
-(* filter_params pvars hyps *)
-(* filters out from pvars (which is a list of lists) all the variables *)
-(* that does not belong to hyps (which is a simple list) *)
-(* It returns a list of couples relative section path -- list of *)
-(* variable names. *)
-let filter_params pvars hyps =
- let rec aux ids =
- function
- [] -> []
- | (id,he)::tl ->
- let ids' = id::ids in
- let ids'' =
- "cic:/" ^
- String.concat "/" (List.rev ( Names.string_of_id ids')) in
- let he' =
- ids'', List.rev (List.filter (function x -> List.mem x hyps) he) in
- let tl' = aux ids' tl in
- match he' with
- _,[] -> tl'
- | _,_ -> he'::tl'
- in
- let cwd = Lib.cwd () in
- let cwdsp = Libnames.make_path cwd (Names.id_of_string "dummy") in
- let modulepath = Cic2acic.get_module_path_of_section_path cwdsp in
- aux (Names.repr_dirpath modulepath) (List.rev pvars)
-type variables_type =
- Definition of string * Term.constr * Term.types
- | Assumption of string * Term.constr
-(* The computation is very inefficient, but we can't do anything *)
-(* better unless this function is reimplemented in the Declare *)
-(* module. *)
-let search_variables () =
- let module N = Names in
- let cwd = Lib.cwd () in
- let cwdsp = Libnames.make_path cwd (Names.id_of_string "dummy") in
- let modulepath = Cic2acic.get_module_path_of_section_path cwdsp in
- let rec aux =
- function
- [] -> []
- | he::tl as modules ->
- let one_section_variables =
- let dirpath = N.make_dirpath (modules @ N.repr_dirpath modulepath) in
- let t = N.string_of_id (Decls.last_section_hyps dirpath) in
- [he,t]
- in
- one_section_variables @ aux tl
- in
- aux
- (Cic2acic.remove_module_dirpath_from_dirpath
- ~basedir:modulepath cwd)
-let rec join_dirs cwd =
- function
- [] -> cwd
- | he::tail ->
- (try
- Unix.mkdir cwd 0o775
- with _ -> () (* Let's ignore the errors on mkdir *)
- ) ;
- let newcwd = cwd ^ "/" ^ he in
- join_dirs newcwd tail
-let filename_of_path xml_library_root tag =
- let module N = Names in
- match xml_library_root with
- None -> None (* stdout *)
- | Some xml_library_root' ->
- let tokens = Cic2acic.token_list_of_kernel_name tag in
- Some (join_dirs xml_library_root' tokens)
-let body_filename_of_filename =
- function
- Some f -> Some (f ^ ".body")
- | None -> None
-let types_filename_of_filename =
- function
- Some f -> Some (f ^ ".types")
- | None -> None
-let prooftree_filename_of_filename =
- function
- Some f -> Some (f ^ ".proof_tree")
- | None -> None
-let theory_filename xml_library_root =
- let module N = Names in
- match xml_library_root with
- None -> None (* stdout *)
- | Some xml_library_root' ->
- let toks = N.string_of_id (N.repr_dirpath (Lib.library_dp ())) in
- (* theory from A/B/C/F.v goes into A/B/C/F.theory *)
- let alltoks = List.rev toks in
- Some (join_dirs xml_library_root' alltoks ^ ".theory")
-let print_object uri obj sigma proof_tree_infos filename =
- (* function to pretty print and compress an XML file *)
-(*CSC: Unix.system "gzip ..." is an horrible non-portable solution. *)
- let pp xml filename =
- Xml.pp xml filename ;
- match filename with
- None -> ()
- | Some fn ->
- let fn' =
- let rec escape s n =
- try
- let p = String.index_from s n '\'' in
- String.sub s n (p - n) ^ "\\'" ^ escape s (p+1)
- with Not_found -> String.sub s n (String.length s - n)
- in
- escape fn 0
- in
- ignore (Unix.system ("gzip " ^ fn' ^ ".xml"))
- in
- let (annobj,_,constr_to_ids,_,ids_to_inner_sorts,ids_to_inner_types,_,_) =
- Cic2acic.acic_object_of_cic_object sigma obj in
- let (xml, xml') = Acic2Xml.print_object uri ids_to_inner_sorts annobj in
- let xmltypes =
- Acic2Xml.print_inner_types uri ids_to_inner_sorts ids_to_inner_types in
- pp xml filename ;
- begin
- match xml' with
- None -> ()
- | Some xml' -> pp xml' (body_filename_of_filename filename)
- end ;
- pp xmltypes (types_filename_of_filename filename) ;
- match proof_tree_infos with
- None -> ()
- | Some (sigma0,proof_tree,proof_tree_to_constr,
- proof_tree_to_flattened_proof_tree) ->
- let xmlprooftree =
- print_proof_tree ()
- uri sigma0 proof_tree proof_tree_to_constr
- proof_tree_to_flattened_proof_tree constr_to_ids
- in
- match xmlprooftree with
- None -> ()
- | Some xmlprooftree ->
- pp xmlprooftree (prooftree_filename_of_filename filename)
-let string_list_of_named_context_list =
- (function (n,_,_) -> Names.string_of_id n)
-(* Function to collect the variables that occur in a term. *)
-(* Used only for variables (since for constants and mutual *)
-(* inductive types this information is already available. *)
-let find_hyps t =
- let module T = Term in
- let rec aux l t =
- match T.kind_of_term t with
- T.Var id when not (List.mem id l) ->
- let (_,bo,ty) = Global.lookup_named id in
- let boids =
- match bo with
- Some bo' -> aux l bo'
- | None -> l
- in
- id::(aux boids ty)
- | T.Var _
- | T.Rel _
- | T.Meta _
- | T.Evar _
- | T.Sort _ -> l
- | T.Cast (te,_, ty) -> aux (aux l te) ty
- | T.Prod (_,s,t) -> aux (aux l s) t
- | T.Lambda (_,s,t) -> aux (aux l s) t
- | T.LetIn (_,s,_,t) -> aux (aux l s) t
- | T.App (he,tl) -> Array.fold_left (fun i x -> aux i x) (aux l he) tl
- | T.Const con ->
- let hyps = (Global.lookup_constant con).Declarations.const_hyps in
- map_and_filter l hyps @ l
- | T.Ind ind
- | T.Construct (ind,_) ->
- let hyps = (fst (Global.lookup_inductive ind)).Declarations.mind_hyps in
- map_and_filter l hyps @ l
- | T.Case (_,t1,t2,b) ->
- Array.fold_left (fun i x -> aux i x) (aux (aux l t1) t2) b
- | T.Fix (_,(_,tys,bodies))
- | T.CoFix (_,(_,tys,bodies)) ->
- let r = Array.fold_left (fun i x -> aux i x) l tys in
- Array.fold_left (fun i x -> aux i x) r bodies
- and map_and_filter l =
- function
- [] -> []
- | (n,_,_)::tl when not (List.mem n l) -> n::(map_and_filter l tl)
- | _::tl -> map_and_filter l tl
- in
- aux [] t
-(* Functions to construct an object *)
-let mk_variable_obj id body typ =
- let hyps,unsharedbody =
- match body with
- None -> [],None
- | Some bo -> find_hyps bo, Some (Unshare.unshare bo)
- in
- let hyps' = find_hyps typ @ hyps in
- let hyps'' = Names.string_of_id hyps' in
- let variables = search_variables () in
- let params = filter_params variables hyps'' in
- Acic.Variable
- (Names.string_of_id id, unsharedbody, Unshare.unshare typ, params)
-(* Unsharing is not performed on the body, that must be already unshared. *)
-(* The evar map and the type, instead, are unshared by this function. *)
-let mk_current_proof_obj is_a_variable id bo ty evar_map env =
- let unshared_ty = Unshare.unshare ty in
- let metasenv =
- (function
- (n, {Evd.evar_concl = evar_concl ;
- Evd.evar_hyps = evar_hyps}
- ) ->
- (* We map the named context to a rel context and every Var to a Rel *)
- let final_var_ids,context =
- let rec aux var_ids =
- function
- [] -> var_ids,[]
- | (n,None,t)::tl ->
- let final_var_ids,tl' = aux (n::var_ids) tl in
- let t' = Term.subst_vars var_ids t in
- final_var_ids,(n, Acic.Decl (Unshare.unshare t'))::tl'
- | (n,Some b,t)::tl ->
- let final_var_ids,tl' = aux (n::var_ids) tl in
- let b' = Term.subst_vars var_ids b in
- (* t will not be exported to XML. Thus no unsharing performed *)
- final_var_ids,(n, Acic.Def (Unshare.unshare b',t))::tl'
- in
- aux [] (List.rev (Environ.named_context_of_val evar_hyps))
- in
- (* We map the named context to a rel context and every Var to a Rel *)
- (n,context,Unshare.unshare (Term.subst_vars final_var_ids evar_concl))
- ) (Evarutil.non_instantiated evar_map)
- in
- let id' = Names.string_of_id id in
- if metasenv = [] then
- let ids =
- Names.Idset.union
- (Environ.global_vars_set env bo) (Environ.global_vars_set env ty) in
- let hyps0 = Environ.keep_hyps env ids in
- let hyps = string_list_of_named_context_list hyps0 in
- (* Variables are the identifiers of the variables in scope *)
- let variables = search_variables () in
- let params = filter_params variables hyps in
- if is_a_variable then
- Acic.Variable (id',Some bo,unshared_ty,params)
- else
- Acic.Constant (id',Some bo,unshared_ty,params)
- else
- Acic.CurrentProof (id',metasenv,bo,unshared_ty)
-let mk_constant_obj id bo ty variables hyps =
- let hyps = string_list_of_named_context_list hyps in
- let ty = Unshare.unshare ty in
- let params = filter_params variables hyps in
- match bo with
- None ->
- Acic.Constant (Names.string_of_id id,None,ty,params)
- | Some c ->
- Acic.Constant
- (Names.string_of_id id, Some (Unshare.unshare (Declarations.force c)),
- ty,params)
-let mk_inductive_obj sp mib packs variables nparams hyps finite =
- let module D = Declarations in
- let hyps = string_list_of_named_context_list hyps in
- let params = filter_params variables hyps in
-(* let nparams = extract_nparams packs in *)
- let tys =
- let tyno = ref (Array.length packs) in
- Array.fold_right
- (fun p i ->
- decr tyno ;
- let {D.mind_consnames=consnames ;
- D.mind_typename=typename } = p
- in
- let arity = Inductive.type_of_inductive (Global.env()) (mib,p) in
- let lc = Inductiveops.arities_of_constructors (Global.env ()) (sp,!tyno) in
- let cons =
- (Array.fold_right (fun (name,lc) i -> (name,lc)::i)
- (Array.mapi
- (fun j x ->(x,Unshare.unshare lc.(j))) consnames)
- []
- )
- in
- (typename,finite,Unshare.unshare arity,cons)::i
- ) packs []
- in
- Acic.InductiveDefinition (tys,params,nparams)
-(* The current channel for .theory files *)
-let theory_buffer = Buffer.create 4000;;
-let theory_output_string ?(do_not_quote = false) s =
- (* prepare for coqdoc post-processing *)
- let s = if do_not_quote then s else "(** #"^s^"\n#*)\n" in
- print_if_verbose s;
- Buffer.add_string theory_buffer s
-let kind_of_global_goal = function
- | Decl_kinds.Global, Decl_kinds.DefinitionBody _ -> "DEFINITION","InteractiveDefinition"
- | Decl_kinds.Global, (Decl_kinds.Proof k) -> "THEOREM",Decl_kinds.string_of_theorem_kind k
- | Decl_kinds.Local, _ -> assert false
-let kind_of_inductive isrecord kn =
- if (fst (Global.lookup_inductive (kn,0))).Declarations.mind_finite
- then if isrecord then "Record" else "Inductive"
- else "CoInductive"
-let kind_of_variable id =
- let module DK = Decl_kinds in
- match Decls.variable_kind id with
- | DK.IsAssumption DK.Definitional -> "VARIABLE","Assumption"
- | DK.IsAssumption DK.Logical -> "VARIABLE","Hypothesis"
- | DK.IsAssumption DK.Conjectural -> "VARIABLE","Conjecture"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.Definition -> "VARIABLE","LocalDefinition"
- | DK.IsProof _ -> "VARIABLE","LocalFact"
- | _ -> Util.anomaly "Unsupported variable kind"
-let kind_of_constant kn =
- let module DK = Decl_kinds in
- match Decls.constant_kind kn with
- | DK.IsAssumption DK.Definitional -> "AXIOM","Declaration"
- | DK.IsAssumption DK.Logical -> "AXIOM","Axiom"
- | DK.IsAssumption DK.Conjectural ->
- Pp.warning "Conjecture not supported in dtd (used Declaration instead)";
- "AXIOM","Declaration"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.Definition -> "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.Example ->
- Pp.warning "Example not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.Coercion ->
- Pp.warning "Coercion not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.SubClass ->
- Pp.warning "SubClass not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.CanonicalStructure ->
- Pp.warning "CanonicalStructure not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.Fixpoint ->
- Pp.warning "Fixpoint not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.CoFixpoint ->
- Pp.warning "CoFixpoint not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.Scheme ->
- Pp.warning "Scheme not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.StructureComponent ->
- Pp.warning "StructureComponent not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.IdentityCoercion ->
- Pp.warning "IdentityCoercion not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.Instance ->
- Pp.warning "Instance not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsDefinition DK.Method ->
- Pp.warning "Method not supported in dtd (used Definition instead)";
- "DEFINITION","Definition"
- | DK.IsProof (DK.Theorem|DK.Lemma|DK.Corollary|DK.Fact|DK.Remark as thm) ->
- "THEOREM",DK.string_of_theorem_kind thm
- | DK.IsProof _ ->
- Pp.warning "Unsupported theorem kind (used Theorem instead)";
- "THEOREM",DK.string_of_theorem_kind DK.Theorem
-let kind_of_global r =
- let module Ln = Libnames in
- let module DK = Decl_kinds in
- match r with
- | Ln.IndRef kn | Ln.ConstructRef (kn,_) ->
- let isrecord =
- try let _ = Recordops.lookup_projections kn in true
- with Not_found -> false in
- kind_of_inductive isrecord (fst kn)
- | Ln.VarRef id -> kind_of_variable id
- | Ln.ConstRef kn -> kind_of_constant kn
-let print_object_kind uri (xmltag,variation) =
- let s =
- Printf.sprintf "<ht:%s uri=\"%s\" as=\"%s\"/>\n" xmltag uri variation
- in
- theory_output_string s
-(* print id dest *)
-(* where sp is the qualified identifier (section path) of a *)
-(* definition/theorem, variable or inductive definition *)
-(* and dest is either None (for stdout) or (Some filename) *)
-(* pretty prints via Xml.pp the object whose identifier is id on dest *)
-(* Note: it is printed only (and directly) the most cooked available *)
-(* form of the definition (all the parameters are *)
-(* lambda-abstracted, but the object can still refer to variables) *)
-let print internal glob_ref kind xml_library_root =
- let module D = Declarations in
- let module De = Declare in
- let module G = Global in
- let module N = Names in
- let module Nt = Nametab in
- let module T = Term in
- let module X = Xml in
- let module Ln = Libnames in
- (* Variables are the identifiers of the variables in scope *)
- let variables = search_variables () in
- let tag,obj =
- match glob_ref with
- Ln.VarRef id ->
- (* this kn is fake since it is not provided by Coq *)
- let kn =
- let (mod_path,dir_path) = Lib.current_prefix () in
- N.make_kn mod_path dir_path (N.label_of_id id)
- in
- let (_,body,typ) = G.lookup_named id in
- Cic2acic.Variable kn,mk_variable_obj id body typ
- | Ln.ConstRef kn ->
- let id = N.id_of_label (N.con_label kn) in
- let {D.const_body=val0 ; D.const_type = typ ; D.const_hyps = hyps} =
- G.lookup_constant kn in
- let typ = Typeops.type_of_constant_type (Global.env()) typ in
- Cic2acic.Constant kn,mk_constant_obj id val0 typ variables hyps
- | Ln.IndRef (kn,_) ->
- let mib = G.lookup_mind kn in
- let {D.mind_nparams=nparams;
- D.mind_packets=packs ;
- D.mind_hyps=hyps;
- D.mind_finite=finite} = mib in
- Cic2acic.Inductive kn,mk_inductive_obj kn mib packs variables nparams hyps finite
- | Ln.ConstructRef _ ->
- Util.error ("a single constructor cannot be printed in XML")
- in
- let fn = filename_of_path xml_library_root tag in
- let uri = Cic2acic.uri_of_kernel_name tag in
- if not internal then print_object_kind uri kind;
- print_object uri obj Evd.empty None fn
-let print_ref qid fn =
- let ref = qid in
- print false ref (kind_of_global ref) fn
-(* show dest *)
-(* where dest is either None (for stdout) or (Some filename) *)
-(* pretty prints via Xml.pp the proof in progress on dest *)
-let show_pftreestate internal fn (kind,pftst) id =
- let pf = Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pftst in
- let typ = (Proof_trees.goal_of_proof pf).Evd.evar_concl in
- let val0,evar_map,proof_tree_to_constr,proof_tree_to_flattened_proof_tree,
- unshared_pf
- =
- Proof2aproof.extract_open_pftreestate pftst in
- let env = Global.env () in
- let obj =
- mk_current_proof_obj (fst kind = Decl_kinds.Local) id val0 typ evar_map env in
- let uri =
- match kind with
- Decl_kinds.Local, _ ->
- let uri =
- "cic:/" ^ String.concat "/"
- (Cic2acic.token_list_of_path (Lib.cwd ()) id Cic2acic.TVariable)
- in
- let kind_of_var = "VARIABLE","LocalFact" in
- if not internal then print_object_kind uri kind_of_var;
- uri
- | Decl_kinds.Global, _ ->
- let uri = Cic2acic.uri_of_declaration id Cic2acic.TConstant in
- if not internal then print_object_kind uri (kind_of_global_goal kind);
- uri
- in
- print_object uri obj evar_map
- (Some (Tacmach.evc_of_pftreestate pftst,unshared_pf,proof_tree_to_constr,
- proof_tree_to_flattened_proof_tree)) fn
-let show fn =
- let pftst = Pfedit.get_pftreestate () in
- let (id,kind,_,_) = Pfedit.current_proof_statement () in
- show_pftreestate false fn (kind,pftst) id
-(* Let's register the callbacks *)
-let xml_library_root =
- try
- Some (Sys.getenv "COQ_XML_LIBRARY_ROOT")
- with Not_found -> None
-let proof_to_export = ref None (* holds the proof-tree to export *)
-let _ =
- Pfedit.set_xml_cook_proof
- (function pftreestate -> proof_to_export := Some pftreestate)
-let _ =
- Declare.set_xml_declare_variable
- (function (sp,kn) ->
- let id = Libnames.basename sp in
- print false (Libnames.VarRef id) (kind_of_variable id) xml_library_root ;
- proof_to_export := None)
-let _ =
- Declare.set_xml_declare_constant
- (function (internal,kn) ->
- match !proof_to_export with
- None ->
- print internal (Libnames.ConstRef kn) (kind_of_constant kn)
- xml_library_root
- | Some pftreestate ->
- (* It is a proof. Let's export it starting from the proof-tree *)
- (* I saved in the Pfedit.set_xml_cook_proof callback. *)
- let fn = filename_of_path xml_library_root (Cic2acic.Constant kn) in
- show_pftreestate internal fn pftreestate
- (Names.id_of_label (Names.con_label kn)) ;
- proof_to_export := None)
-let _ =
- Declare.set_xml_declare_inductive
- (function (isrecord,(sp,kn)) ->
- print false (Libnames.IndRef (kn,0)) (kind_of_inductive isrecord kn)
- xml_library_root)
-let _ =
- Vernac.set_xml_start_library
- (function () ->
- Buffer.reset theory_buffer;
- theory_output_string "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"latin1\"?>\n";
- theory_output_string ("<!DOCTYPE html [\n" ^
- "<!ENTITY % xhtml-lat1.ent SYSTEM \"\">\n" ^
- "<!ENTITY % xhtml-special.ent SYSTEM \"\">\n" ^
- "<!ENTITY % xhtml-symbol.ent SYSTEM \"\">\n\n" ^
- "%xhtml-lat1.ent;\n" ^
- "%xhtml-special.ent;\n" ^
- "%xhtml-symbol.ent;\n" ^
- "]>\n\n");
- theory_output_string "<html xmlns=\"\" xmlns:ht=\"\" xmlns:helm=\"\">\n";
- theory_output_string "<head></head>\n<body>\n")
-let _ =
- Vernac.set_xml_end_library
- (function () ->
- theory_output_string "</body>\n</html>\n";
- let ofn = theory_filename xml_library_root in
- begin
- match ofn with
- None ->
- Buffer.output_buffer stdout theory_buffer ;
- | Some fn ->
- let ch = open_out (fn ^ ".v") in
- Buffer.output_buffer ch theory_buffer ;
- close_out ch;
- (* dummy glob file *)
- let ch = open_out (fn ^ ".glob") in
- close_out ch
- end ;
- Option.iter
- (fun fn ->
- let coqdoc = Filename.concat (Envars.coqbin ()) ("coqdoc" ^ Coq_config.exec_extension) in
- let options = " --html -s --body-only --no-index --latin1 --raw-comments" in
- let command cmd =
- if Sys.command cmd <> 0 then
- Util.anomaly ("Error executing \"" ^ cmd ^ "\"")
- in
- command (coqdoc^options^" -o "^fn^".xml "^fn^".v");
- command ("rm "^fn^".v "^fn^".glob");
- print_string("\nWriting on file \"" ^ fn ^ ".xml\" was successful\n"))
- ofn)
-let _ = Lexer.set_xml_output_comment (theory_output_string ~do_not_quote:true) ;;
-let uri_of_dirpath dir =
- "/" ^ String.concat "/"
- ( Names.string_of_id (List.rev (Names.repr_dirpath dir)))
-let _ =
- Lib.set_xml_open_section
- (fun _ ->
- let s = "cic:" ^ uri_of_dirpath (Lib.cwd ()) in
- theory_output_string ("<ht:SECTION uri=\""^s^"\">"))
-let _ =
- Lib.set_xml_close_section
- (fun _ -> theory_output_string "</ht:SECTION>")
-let _ =
- Library.set_xml_require
- (fun d -> theory_output_string
- (Printf.sprintf "<b>Require</b> <a helm:helm_link=\"href\" href=\"theory:%s.theory\">%s</a>.<br/>"
- (uri_of_dirpath d) (Names.string_of_dirpath d)))