path: root/contrib/xml/
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/xml/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/xml/ b/contrib/xml/
deleted file mode 100644
index 17d1d5da..00000000
--- a/contrib/xml/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * The HELM Project / The EU MoWGLI Project *)
-(* * University of Bologna *)
-(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2000-2004, HELM Team. *)
-(* *)
-(*CSC: tutto da rifare!!! Basarsi su Retyping che e' meno costoso! *)
-type types = {synthesized : Term.types ; expected : Term.types option};;
-let prerr_endline _ = ();;
-let cprop =
- let module N = Names in
- N.make_con
- (N.MPfile
- (Libnames.dirpath_of_string "CoRN.algebra.CLogic"))
- (N.make_dirpath [])
- (N.mk_label "CProp")
-let whd_betadeltaiotacprop env _evar_map ty =
- let module R = Rawterm in
- let module C = Closure in
- let module CR = C.RedFlags in
- (*** CProp is made Opaque ***)
- let flags = CR.red_sub C.betadeltaiota (CR.fCONST cprop) in
- C.whd_val (C.create_clos_infos flags env) (C.inject ty)
-(* Code similar to the code in the Typing module, but: *)
-(* - the term is already assumed to be well typed *)
-(* - some checks have been removed *)
-(* - both the synthesized and expected types of every *)
-(* node are computed (Coscoy's double type inference) *)
-let assumption_of_judgment env sigma j =
- Typeops.assumption_of_judgment env (Evarutil.j_nf_evar sigma j)
-let type_judgment env sigma j =
- Typeops.type_judgment env (Evarutil.j_nf_evar sigma j)
-let type_judgment_cprop env sigma j =
- match Term.kind_of_term(whd_betadeltaiotacprop env sigma j.Environ.uj_type) with
- | Term.Sort s -> Some {Environ.utj_val = j.Environ.uj_val; Environ.utj_type = s }
- | _ -> None (* None means the CProp constant *)
-let double_type_of env sigma cstr expectedty subterms_to_types =
- (*CSC: the code is inefficient because judgments are created just to be *)
- (*CSC: destroyed using Environ.j_type. Moreover I am pretty sure that the *)
- (*CSC: functions used do checks that we do not need *)
- let rec execute env sigma cstr expectedty =
- let module T = Term in
- let module E = Environ in
- (* the type part is the synthesized type *)
- let judgement =
- match T.kind_of_term cstr with
- T.Meta n ->
- Util.error
- "DoubleTypeInference.double_type_of: found a non-instanciated goal"
- | T.Evar ((n,l) as ev) ->
- let ty = Unshare.unshare (Evd.existential_type sigma ev) in
- let jty = execute env sigma ty None in
- let jty = assumption_of_judgment env sigma jty in
- let evar_context =
- E.named_context_of_val (Evd.find sigma n).Evd.evar_hyps in
- let rec iter actual_args evar_context =
- match actual_args,evar_context with
- [],[] -> ()
- | he1::tl1,(n,_,ty)::tl2 ->
- (* for side-effects *)
- let _ = execute env sigma he1 (Some ty) in
- let tl2' =
- (function (m,bo,ty) ->
- (* Warning: the substitution should be performed also on bo *)
- (* This is not done since bo is not used later yet *)
- (m,bo,Unshare.unshare (T.replace_vars [n,he1] ty))
- ) tl2
- in
- iter tl1 tl2'
- | _,_ -> assert false
- in
- (* for side effects only *)
- iter (List.rev (Array.to_list l)) (List.rev evar_context) ;
- E.make_judge cstr jty
- | T.Rel n ->
- Typeops.judge_of_relative env n
- | T.Var id ->
- Typeops.judge_of_variable env id
- | T.Const c ->
- E.make_judge cstr (Typeops.type_of_constant env c)
- | T.Ind ind ->
- E.make_judge cstr (Inductiveops.type_of_inductive env ind)
- | T.Construct cstruct ->
- E.make_judge cstr (Inductiveops.type_of_constructor env cstruct)
- | T.Case (ci,p,c,lf) ->
- let expectedtype =
- Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota env (Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c) in
- let cj = execute env sigma c (Some expectedtype) in
- let pj = execute env sigma p None in
- let (expectedtypes,_,_) =
- let indspec = Inductive.find_rectype env cj.Environ.uj_type in
- Inductive.type_case_branches env indspec pj cj.Environ.uj_val
- in
- let lfj =
- execute_array env sigma lf
- ( (function x -> Some x) expectedtypes) in
- let (j,_) = Typeops.judge_of_case env ci pj cj lfj in
- j
- | T.Fix ((vn,i as vni),recdef) ->
- let (_,tys,_ as recdef') = execute_recdef env sigma recdef in
- let fix = (vni,recdef') in
- E.make_judge (T.mkFix fix) tys.(i)
- | T.CoFix (i,recdef) ->
- let (_,tys,_ as recdef') = execute_recdef env sigma recdef in
- let cofix = (i,recdef') in
- E.make_judge (T.mkCoFix cofix) tys.(i)
- | T.Sort (T.Prop c) ->
- Typeops.judge_of_prop_contents c
- | T.Sort (T.Type u) ->
-(*CSC: In case of need, I refresh the universe. But exportation of the *)
-(*CSC: right universe level information is destroyed. It must be changed *)
-(*CSC: again once Judicael will introduce his non-bugged algebraic *)
-(*CSC: universes. *)
- Typeops.judge_of_type u
- with _ -> (* Successor of a non universe-variable universe anomaly *)
- (Pp.ppnl (Pp.str "Warning: universe refresh performed!!!") ; flush stdout ) ;
- Typeops.judge_of_type (Termops.new_univ ())
- | T.App (f,args) ->
- let expected_head =
- Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota env (Retyping.get_type_of env sigma f) in
- let j = execute env sigma f (Some expected_head) in
- let expected_args =
- let rec aux typ =
- function
- [] -> []
- | hj::restjl ->
- match T.kind_of_term (Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota env typ) with
- T.Prod (_,c1,c2) ->
- (Some (Reductionops.nf_beta sigma c1)) ::
- (aux (T.subst1 hj c2) restjl)
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- Array.of_list (aux j.Environ.uj_type (Array.to_list args))
- in
- let jl = execute_array env sigma args expected_args in
- let (j,_) = Typeops.judge_of_apply env j jl in
- j
- | T.Lambda (name,c1,c2) ->
- let j = execute env sigma c1 None in
- let var = type_judgment env sigma j in
- let env1 = E.push_rel (name,None,var.E.utj_val) env in
- let expectedc2type =
- match expectedty with
- None -> None
- | Some ety ->
- match T.kind_of_term (Reduction.whd_betadeltaiota env ety) with
- T.Prod (_,_,expected_target_type) ->
- Some (Reductionops.nf_beta sigma expected_target_type)
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let j' = execute env1 sigma c2 expectedc2type in
- Typeops.judge_of_abstraction env1 name var j'
- | T.Prod (name,c1,c2) ->
- let j = execute env sigma c1 None in
- let varj = type_judgment env sigma j in
- let env1 = E.push_rel (name,None,varj.E.utj_val) env in
- let j' = execute env1 sigma c2 None in
- (match type_judgment_cprop env1 sigma j' with
- Some varj' -> Typeops.judge_of_product env name varj varj'
- | None ->
- (* CProp found *)
- { Environ.uj_val = T.mkProd (name, j.Environ.uj_val, j'.Environ.uj_val);
- Environ.uj_type = T.mkConst cprop })
- | T.LetIn (name,c1,c2,c3) ->
-(*CSC: What are the right expected types for the source and *)
-(*CSC: target of a LetIn? None used. *)
- let j1 = execute env sigma c1 None in
- let j2 = execute env sigma c2 None in
- let j2 = type_judgment env sigma j2 in
- let env1 =
- E.push_rel (name,Some j1.E.uj_val,j2.E.utj_val) env
- in
- let j3 = execute env1 sigma c3 None in
- Typeops.judge_of_letin env name j1 j2 j3
- | T.Cast (c,k,t) ->
- let cj = execute env sigma c (Some (Reductionops.nf_beta sigma t)) in
- let tj = execute env sigma t None in
- let tj = type_judgment env sigma tj in
- let j, _ = Typeops.judge_of_cast env cj k tj in
- j
- in
- let synthesized = E.j_type judgement in
- let synthesized' = Reductionops.nf_beta sigma synthesized in
- let types,res =
- match expectedty with
- None ->
- (* No expected type *)
- {synthesized = synthesized' ; expected = None}, synthesized
- | Some ty when Term.eq_constr synthesized' ty ->
- (* The expected type is synthactically equal to the *)
- (* synthesized type. Let's forget it. *)
- (* Note: since eq_constr is up to casts, it is better *)
- (* to keep the expected type, since it can bears casts *)
- (* that change the innersort to CProp *)
- {synthesized = ty ; expected = None}, ty
- | Some expectedty' ->
- {synthesized = synthesized' ; expected = Some expectedty'},
- expectedty'
- in
-(*CSC: debugging stuff to be removed *)
-if Acic.CicHash.mem subterms_to_types cstr then
- (Pp.ppnl (Pp.(++) (Pp.str "DUPLICATE INSERTION: ") (Printer.pr_lconstr cstr)) ; flush stdout ) ;
- Acic.CicHash.add subterms_to_types cstr types ;
- E.make_judge cstr res
- and execute_recdef env sigma (names,lar,vdef) =
- let length = Array.length lar in
- let larj =
- execute_array env sigma lar (Array.make length None) in
- let lara = (assumption_of_judgment env sigma) larj in
- let env1 = Environ.push_rec_types (names,lara,vdef) env in
- let expectedtypes =
- (function i -> Some (Term.lift length i)) lar
- in
- let vdefj = execute_array env1 sigma vdef expectedtypes in
- let vdefv = Environ.j_val vdefj in
- (names,lara,vdefv)
- and execute_array env sigma v expectedtypes =
- let jl =
- execute_list env sigma (Array.to_list v) (Array.to_list expectedtypes)
- in
- Array.of_list jl
- and execute_list env sigma =
- List.map2 (execute env sigma)
- ignore (execute env sigma cstr expectedty)