path: root/contrib/setoid_ring
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16 files changed, 0 insertions, 7716 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/ArithRing.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/ArithRing.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 601cabe0..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/ArithRing.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Import Mult.
-Require Import BinNat.
-Require Import Nnat.
-Require Export Ring.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Lemma natSRth : semi_ring_theory O (S O) plus mult (@eq nat).
- Proof.
- constructor. exact plus_0_l. exact plus_comm. exact plus_assoc.
- exact mult_1_l. exact mult_0_l. exact mult_comm. exact mult_assoc.
- exact mult_plus_distr_r.
- Qed.
-Lemma nat_morph_N :
- semi_morph 0 1 plus mult (eq (A:=nat))
- 0%N 1%N Nplus Nmult Neq_bool nat_of_N.
- constructor;trivial.
- exact nat_of_Nplus.
- exact nat_of_Nmult.
- intros x y H;rewrite (Neq_bool_ok _ _ H);trivial.
-Ltac natcst t :=
- match isnatcst t with
- true => constr:(N_of_nat t)
- | _ => constr:InitialRing.NotConstant
- end.
-Ltac Ss_to_add f acc :=
- match f with
- | S ?f1 => Ss_to_add f1 (S acc)
- | _ => constr:(acc + f)%nat
- end.
-Ltac natprering :=
- match goal with
- |- context C [S ?p] =>
- match p with
- O => fail 1 (* avoid replacing 1 with 1+0 ! *)
- | p => match isnatcst p with
- | true => fail 1
- | false => let v := Ss_to_add p (S 0) in
- fold v; natprering
- end
- end
- | _ => idtac
- end.
-Add Ring natr : natSRth
- (morphism nat_morph_N, constants [natcst], preprocess [natprering]).
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/BinList.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/BinList.v
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index 50902004..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/BinList.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Require Import BinPos.
-Require Export List.
-Require Export ListTactics.
-Open Local Scope positive_scope.
-Section MakeBinList.
- Variable A : Type.
- Variable default : A.
- Fixpoint jump (p:positive) (l:list A) {struct p} : list A :=
- match p with
- | xH => tail l
- | xO p => jump p (jump p l)
- | xI p => jump p (jump p (tail l))
- end.
- Fixpoint nth (p:positive) (l:list A) {struct p} : A:=
- match p with
- | xH => hd default l
- | xO p => nth p (jump p l)
- | xI p => nth p (jump p (tail l))
- end.
- Lemma jump_tl : forall j l, tail (jump j l) = jump j (tail l).
- Proof.
- induction j;simpl;intros.
- repeat rewrite IHj;trivial.
- repeat rewrite IHj;trivial.
- trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma jump_Psucc : forall j l,
- (jump (Psucc j) l) = (jump 1 (jump j l)).
- Proof.
- induction j;simpl;intros.
- repeat rewrite IHj;simpl;repeat rewrite jump_tl;trivial.
- repeat rewrite jump_tl;trivial.
- trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma jump_Pplus : forall i j l,
- (jump (i + j) l) = (jump i (jump j l)).
- Proof.
- induction i;intros.
- rewrite xI_succ_xO;rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
- rewrite <- Pplus_diag;repeat rewrite <- Pplus_assoc.
- repeat rewrite IHi.
- rewrite Pplus_comm;rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r;rewrite jump_Psucc;trivial.
- rewrite <- Pplus_diag;repeat rewrite <- Pplus_assoc.
- repeat rewrite IHi;trivial.
- rewrite Pplus_comm;rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r;rewrite jump_Psucc;trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma jump_Pdouble_minus_one : forall i l,
- (jump (Pdouble_minus_one i) (tail l)) = (jump i (jump i l)).
- Proof.
- induction i;intros;simpl.
- repeat rewrite jump_tl;trivial.
- rewrite IHi. do 2 rewrite <- jump_tl;rewrite IHi;trivial.
- trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma nth_jump : forall p l, nth p (tail l) = hd default (jump p l).
- Proof.
- induction p;simpl;intros.
- rewrite <-jump_tl;rewrite IHp;trivial.
- rewrite <-jump_tl;rewrite IHp;trivial.
- trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma nth_Pdouble_minus_one :
- forall p l, nth (Pdouble_minus_one p) (tail l) = nth p (jump p l).
- Proof.
- induction p;simpl;intros.
- repeat rewrite jump_tl;trivial.
- rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one.
- repeat rewrite <- jump_tl;rewrite IHp;trivial.
- trivial.
- Qed.
-End MakeBinList.
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/Field.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/Field.v
deleted file mode 100644
index a944ba5f..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/Field.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Export Field_theory.
-Require Export Field_tac.
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/Field_tac.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/Field_tac.v
deleted file mode 100644
index cccee604..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/Field_tac.v
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@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Import Ring_tac BinList Ring_polynom InitialRing.
-Require Export Field_theory.
- (* syntaxification *)
- Ltac mkFieldexpr C Cst CstPow radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow t fv :=
- let rec mkP t :=
- match Cst t with
- | InitialRing.NotConstant =>
- match t with
- | (radd ?t1 ?t2) =>
- let e1 := mkP t1 in
- let e2 := mkP t2 in constr:(FEadd e1 e2)
- | (rmul ?t1 ?t2) =>
- let e1 := mkP t1 in
- let e2 := mkP t2 in constr:(FEmul e1 e2)
- | (rsub ?t1 ?t2) =>
- let e1 := mkP t1 in
- let e2 := mkP t2 in constr:(FEsub e1 e2)
- | (ropp ?t1) =>
- let e1 := mkP t1 in constr:(FEopp e1)
- | (rdiv ?t1 ?t2) =>
- let e1 := mkP t1 in
- let e2 := mkP t2 in constr:(FEdiv e1 e2)
- | (rinv ?t1) =>
- let e1 := mkP t1 in constr:(FEinv e1)
- | (rpow ?t1 ?n) =>
- match CstPow n with
- | InitialRing.NotConstant =>
- let p := Find_at t fv in constr:(@FEX C p)
- | ?c => let e1 := mkP t1 in constr:(FEpow e1 c)
- end
- | _ =>
- let p := Find_at t fv in constr:(@FEX C p)
- end
- | ?c => constr:(FEc c)
- end
- in mkP t.
-Ltac FFV Cst CstPow add mul sub opp div inv pow t fv :=
- let rec TFV t fv :=
- match Cst t with
- | InitialRing.NotConstant =>
- match t with
- | (add ?t1 ?t2) => TFV t2 ltac:(TFV t1 fv)
- | (mul ?t1 ?t2) => TFV t2 ltac:(TFV t1 fv)
- | (sub ?t1 ?t2) => TFV t2 ltac:(TFV t1 fv)
- | (opp ?t1) => TFV t1 fv
- | (div ?t1 ?t2) => TFV t2 ltac:(TFV t1 fv)
- | (inv ?t1) => TFV t1 fv
- | (pow ?t1 ?n) =>
- match CstPow n with
- | InitialRing.NotConstant => AddFvTail t fv
- | _ => TFV t1 fv
- end
- | _ => AddFvTail t fv
- end
- | _ => fv
- end
- in TFV t fv.
-Ltac ParseFieldComponents lemma req :=
- match type of lemma with
- | context [
- (* PCond _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> *)
- req (@FEeval ?R ?rO ?radd ?rmul ?rsub ?ropp ?rdiv ?rinv
- ?C ?phi ?Cpow ?Cp_phi ?rpow _ _) _ ] =>
- (fun f => f radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow C)
- | _ => fail 1 "field anomaly: bad correctness lemma (parse)"
- end.
-(* simplifying the non-zero condition... *)
-Ltac fold_field_cond req :=
- let rec fold_concl t :=
- match t with
- ?x /\ ?y =>
- let fx := fold_concl x in let fy := fold_concl y in constr:(fx/\fy)
- | req ?x ?y -> False => constr:(~ req x y)
- | _ => t
- end in
- match goal with
- |- ?t => let ft := fold_concl t in change ft
- end.
-Ltac simpl_PCond req :=
- protect_fv "field_cond";
- (try exact I);
- fold_field_cond req.
-Ltac simpl_PCond_BEURK req :=
- protect_fv "field_cond";
- fold_field_cond req.
-(* Rewriting (field_simplify) *)
-Ltac Field_norm_gen f Cst_tac Pow_tac lemma Cond_lemma req n lH rl :=
- let Main radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow C :=
- let mkFV := FV Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rpow in
- let mkPol := mkPolexpr C Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rpow in
- let mkFFV := FFV Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow in
- let mkFE :=
- mkFieldexpr C Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow in
- let fv := FV_hypo_tac mkFV req lH in
- let simpl_field H := (protect_fv "field" in H;f H) in
- let lemma_tac fv RW_tac :=
- let rr_lemma := fresh "f_rw_lemma" in
- let lpe := mkHyp_tac C req ltac:(fun t => mkPol t fv) lH in
- let vlpe := fresh "list_hyp" in
- let vlmp := fresh "list_hyp_norm" in
- let vlmp_eq := fresh "list_hyp_norm_eq" in
- let prh := proofHyp_tac lH in
- pose (vlpe := lpe);
- match type of lemma with
- | context [mk_monpol_list ?cO ?cI ?cadd ?cmul ?csub ?copp ?cdiv ?ceqb _] =>
- compute_assertion vlmp_eq vlmp
- (mk_monpol_list cO cI cadd cmul csub copp cdiv ceqb vlpe);
- (assert (rr_lemma := lemma n vlpe fv prh vlmp vlmp_eq)
- || fail 1 "type error when build the rewriting lemma");
- RW_tac rr_lemma;
- try clear rr_lemma vlmp_eq vlmp vlpe
- | _ => fail 1 "field_simplify anomaly: bad correctness lemma"
- end in
- ReflexiveRewriteTactic mkFFV mkFE simpl_field lemma_tac fv rl;
- try (apply Cond_lemma; simpl_PCond req) in
- ParseFieldComponents lemma req Main.
-Ltac Field_simplify_gen f :=
- fun req cst_tac pow_tac _ _ field_simplify_ok _ cond_ok pre post lH rl =>
- pre();
- Field_norm_gen f cst_tac pow_tac field_simplify_ok cond_ok req
- ring_subst_niter lH rl;
- post().
-Ltac Field_simplify := Field_simplify_gen ltac:(fun H => rewrite H).
-Tactic Notation (at level 0) "field_simplify" constr_list(rl) :=
- let G := Get_goal in
- field_lookup Field_simplify [] rl G.
-Tactic Notation (at level 0)
- "field_simplify" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" constr_list(rl) :=
- let G := Get_goal in
- field_lookup Field_simplify [lH] rl G.
-Tactic Notation "field_simplify" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(H):=
- let G := Get_goal in
- let t := type of H in
- let g := fresh "goal" in
- set (g:= G);
- generalize H;clear H;
- field_lookup Field_simplify [] rl t;
- intro H;
- unfold g;clear g.
-Tactic Notation "field_simplify"
- "["constr_list(lH) "]" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(H):=
- let G := Get_goal in
- let t := type of H in
- let g := fresh "goal" in
- set (g:= G);
- generalize H;clear H;
- field_lookup Field_simplify [lH] rl t;
- intro H;
- unfold g;clear g.
-Ltac Field_simplify_in hyp:=
- Field_simplify_gen ltac:(fun H => rewrite H in hyp).
-Tactic Notation (at level 0)
- "field_simplify" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(h) :=
- let t := type of h in
- field_lookup (Field_simplify_in h) [] rl t.
-Tactic Notation (at level 0)
- "field_simplify" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(h) :=
- let t := type of h in
- field_lookup (Field_simplify_in h) [lH] rl t.
-(** Generic tactic for solving equations *)
-Ltac Field_Scheme Simpl_tac Cst_tac Pow_tac lemma Cond_lemma req n lH :=
- let Main radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow C :=
- let mkFV := FV Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rpow in
- let mkPol := mkPolexpr C Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rpow in
- let mkFFV := FFV Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow in
- let mkFE :=
- mkFieldexpr C Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow in
- let rec ParseExpr ilemma :=
- match type of ilemma with
- forall nfe, ?fe = nfe -> _ =>
- (fun t =>
- let x := fresh "fld_expr" in
- let H := fresh "norm_fld_expr" in
- compute_assertion H x fe;
- ParseExpr (ilemma x H) t;
- try clear x H)
- | _ => (fun t => t ilemma)
- end in
- let Main_eq t1 t2 :=
- let fv := FV_hypo_tac mkFV req lH in
- let fv := mkFFV t1 fv in
- let fv := mkFFV t2 fv in
- let lpe := mkHyp_tac C req ltac:(fun t => mkPol t fv) lH in
- let prh := proofHyp_tac lH in
- let vlpe := fresh "list_hyp" in
- let fe1 := mkFE t1 fv in
- let fe2 := mkFE t2 fv in
- pose (vlpe := lpe);
- let nlemma := fresh "field_lemma" in
- (assert (nlemma := lemma n fv vlpe fe1 fe2 prh)
- || fail "field anomaly:failed to build lemma");
- ParseExpr nlemma
- ltac:(fun ilemma =>
- apply ilemma
- || fail "field anomaly: failed in applying lemma";
- [ Simpl_tac | apply Cond_lemma; simpl_PCond req]);
- clear vlpe nlemma in
- OnEquation req Main_eq in
- ParseFieldComponents lemma req Main.
-(* solve completely a field equation, leaving non-zero conditions to be
- proved (field) *)
-Ltac FIELD :=
- let Simpl := vm_compute; reflexivity || fail "not a valid field equation" in
- fun req cst_tac pow_tac field_ok _ _ _ cond_ok pre post lH rl =>
- pre();
- Field_Scheme Simpl cst_tac pow_tac field_ok cond_ok req
- Ring_tac.ring_subst_niter lH;
- try exact I;
- post().
-Tactic Notation (at level 0) "field" :=
- let G := Get_goal in
- field_lookup FIELD [] G.
-Tactic Notation (at level 0) "field" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" :=
- let G := Get_goal in
- field_lookup FIELD [lH] G.
-(* transforms a field equation to an equivalent (simplified) ring equation,
- and leaves non-zero conditions to be proved (field_simplify_eq) *)
- let Simpl := (protect_fv "field") in
- fun req cst_tac pow_tac _ field_simplify_eq_ok _ _ cond_ok pre post lH rl =>
- pre();
- Field_Scheme Simpl cst_tac pow_tac field_simplify_eq_ok cond_ok
- req Ring_tac.ring_subst_niter lH;
- post().
-Tactic Notation (at level 0) "field_simplify_eq" :=
- let G := Get_goal in
- field_lookup FIELD_SIMPL [] G.
-Tactic Notation (at level 0) "field_simplify_eq" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" :=
- let G := Get_goal in
- field_lookup FIELD_SIMPL [lH] G.
-(* Same as FIELD_SIMPL but in hypothesis *)
-Ltac Field_simplify_eq Cst_tac Pow_tac lemma Cond_lemma req n lH :=
- let Main radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow C :=
- let hyp := fresh "hyp" in
- intro hyp;
- match type of hyp with
- | req ?t1 ?t2 =>
- let mkFV := FV Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rpow in
- let mkPol := mkPolexpr C Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rpow in
- let mkFFV := FFV Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow in
- let mkFE :=
- mkFieldexpr C Cst_tac Pow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv rpow in
- let rec ParseExpr ilemma :=
- match type of ilemma with
- | forall nfe, ?fe = nfe -> _ =>
- (fun t =>
- let x := fresh "fld_expr" in
- let H := fresh "norm_fld_expr" in
- compute_assertion H x fe;
- ParseExpr (ilemma x H) t;
- try clear H x)
- | _ => (fun t => t ilemma)
- end in
- let fv := FV_hypo_tac mkFV req lH in
- let fv := mkFFV t1 fv in
- let fv := mkFFV t2 fv in
- let lpe := mkHyp_tac C req ltac:(fun t => mkPol t fv) lH in
- let prh := proofHyp_tac lH in
- let fe1 := mkFE t1 fv in
- let fe2 := mkFE t2 fv in
- let vlpe := fresh "vlpe" in
- ParseExpr (lemma n fv lpe fe1 fe2 prh)
- ltac:(fun ilemma =>
- match type of ilemma with
- | req _ _ -> _ -> ?EQ =>
- let tmp := fresh "tmp" in
- assert (tmp : EQ);
- [ apply ilemma;
- [ exact hyp | apply Cond_lemma; simpl_PCond_BEURK req]
- | protect_fv "field" in tmp;
- generalize tmp;clear tmp ];
- clear hyp
- end)
- end in
- ParseFieldComponents lemma req Main.
- fun req cst_tac pow_tac _ _ _ lemma cond_ok pre post lH rl =>
- pre();
- Field_simplify_eq cst_tac pow_tac lemma cond_ok req
- Ring_tac.ring_subst_niter lH;
- post().
-Tactic Notation (at level 0) "field_simplify_eq" "in" hyp(H) :=
- let t := type of H in
- generalize H;
- field_lookup FIELD_SIMPL_EQ [] t;
- [ try exact I
- | clear H;intro H].
-Tactic Notation (at level 0)
- "field_simplify_eq" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" "in" hyp(H) :=
- let t := type of H in
- generalize H;
- field_lookup FIELD_SIMPL_EQ [lH] t;
- [ try exact I
- |clear H;intro H].
-(* Adding a new field *)
-Ltac ring_of_field f :=
- match type of f with
- | almost_field_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(AF_AR f)
- | field_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(F_R f)
- | semi_field_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(SF_SR f)
- end.
-Ltac coerce_to_almost_field set ext f :=
- match type of f with
- | almost_field_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => f
- | field_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(F2AF set ext f)
- | semi_field_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(SF2AF set f)
- end.
-Ltac field_elements set ext fspec pspec sspec dspec rk :=
- let afth := coerce_to_almost_field set ext fspec in
- let rspec := ring_of_field fspec in
- ring_elements set ext rspec pspec sspec dspec rk
- ltac:(fun arth ext_r morph p_spec s_spec d_spec f => f afth ext_r morph p_spec s_spec d_spec).
-Ltac field_lemmas set ext inv_m fspec pspec sspec dspec rk :=
- let get_lemma :=
- match pspec with None => fun x y => x | _ => fun x y => y end in
- let simpl_eq_lemma := get_lemma
- Field_simplify_eq_correct Field_simplify_eq_pow_correct in
- let simpl_eq_in_lemma := get_lemma
- Field_simplify_eq_in_correct Field_simplify_eq_pow_in_correct in
- let rw_lemma := get_lemma
- Field_rw_correct Field_rw_pow_correct in
- field_elements set ext fspec pspec sspec dspec rk
- ltac:(fun afth ext_r morph p_spec s_spec d_spec =>
- match morph with
- | _ =>
- let field_ok1 := constr:(Field_correct set ext_r inv_m afth morph) in
- match p_spec with
- | mkhypo ?pp_spec =>
- let field_ok2 := constr:(field_ok1 _ _ _ pp_spec) in
- match s_spec with
- | mkhypo ?ss_spec =>
- let field_ok3 := constr:(field_ok2 _ ss_spec) in
- match d_spec with
- | mkhypo ?dd_spec =>
- let field_ok := constr:(field_ok3 _ dd_spec) in
- let mk_lemma lemma :=
- constr:(lemma _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- set ext_r inv_m afth
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ morph
- _ _ _ pp_spec _ ss_spec _ dd_spec) in
- let field_simpl_eq_ok := mk_lemma simpl_eq_lemma in
- let field_simpl_ok := mk_lemma rw_lemma in
- let field_simpl_eq_in := mk_lemma simpl_eq_in_lemma in
- let cond1_ok :=
- constr:(Pcond_simpl_gen set ext_r afth morph pp_spec dd_spec) in
- let cond2_ok :=
- constr:(Pcond_simpl_complete set ext_r afth morph pp_spec dd_spec) in
- (fun f =>
- f afth ext_r morph field_ok field_simpl_ok field_simpl_eq_ok field_simpl_eq_in
- cond1_ok cond2_ok)
- | _ => fail 4 "field: bad coefficiant division specification"
- end
- | _ => fail 3 "field: bad sign specification"
- end
- | _ => fail 2 "field: bad power specification"
- end
- | _ => fail 1 "field internal error : field_lemmas, please report"
- end).
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/Field_theory.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/Field_theory.v
deleted file mode 100644
index b2e5cc4b..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/Field_theory.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1944 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Ring.
-Import Ring_polynom Ring_tac Ring_theory InitialRing Setoid List.
-Require Import ZArith_base.
-(*Require Import Omega.*)
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Section MakeFieldPol.
-(* Field elements *)
- Variable R:Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R->R).
- Variable (rdiv : R -> R -> R) (rinv : R -> R).
- Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
- Notation "0" := rO. Notation "1" := rI.
- Notation "x + y" := (radd x y). Notation "x * y " := (rmul x y).
- Notation "x - y " := (rsub x y). Notation "x / y" := (rdiv x y).
- Notation "- x" := (ropp x). Notation "/ x" := (rinv x).
- Notation "x == y" := (req x y) (at level 70, no associativity).
- (* Equality properties *)
- Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
- Variable Reqe : ring_eq_ext radd rmul ropp req.
- Variable SRinv_ext : forall p q, p == q -> / p == / q.
- (* Field properties *)
- Record almost_field_theory : Prop := mk_afield {
- AF_AR : almost_ring_theory rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req;
- AF_1_neq_0 : ~ 1 == 0;
- AFdiv_def : forall p q, p / q == p * / q;
- AFinv_l : forall p, ~ p == 0 -> / p * p == 1
- }.
-Section AlmostField.
- Variable AFth : almost_field_theory.
- Let ARth := AFth.(AF_AR).
- Let rI_neq_rO := AFth.(AF_1_neq_0).
- Let rdiv_def := AFth.(AFdiv_def).
- Let rinv_l := AFth.(AFinv_l).
- (* Coefficients *)
- Variable C: Type.
- Variable (cO cI: C) (cadd cmul csub : C->C->C) (copp : C->C).
- Variable ceqb : C->C->bool.
- Variable phi : C -> R.
- Variable CRmorph : ring_morph rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req
- cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb phi.
-Lemma ceqb_rect : forall c1 c2 (A:Type) (x y:A) (P:A->Type),
- (phi c1 == phi c2 -> P x) -> P y -> P (if ceqb c1 c2 then x else y).
-generalize (fun h => X (morph_eq CRmorph c1 c2 h)).
-case (ceqb c1 c2); auto.
- (* C notations *)
- Notation "x +! y" := (cadd x y) (at level 50).
- Notation "x *! y " := (cmul x y) (at level 40).
- Notation "x -! y " := (csub x y) (at level 50).
- Notation "-! x" := (copp x) (at level 35).
- Notation " x ?=! y" := (ceqb x y) (at level 70, no associativity).
- Notation "[ x ]" := (phi x) (at level 0).
- (* Useful tactics *)
- Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_set1.
- Add Morphism radd : radd_ext. exact (Radd_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext. exact (Rmul_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism ropp : ropp_ext. exact (Ropp_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rsub : rsub_ext. exact (ARsub_ext Rsth Reqe ARth). Qed.
- Add Morphism rinv : rinv_ext. exact SRinv_ext. Qed.
-Let eq_trans := Setoid.Seq_trans _ _ Rsth.
-Let eq_sym := Setoid.Seq_sym _ _ Rsth.
-Let eq_refl := Setoid.Seq_refl _ _ Rsth.
-Hint Resolve eq_refl rdiv_def rinv_l rI_neq_rO CRmorph.(morph1) .
-Hint Resolve (Rmul_ext Reqe) (Rmul_ext Reqe) (Radd_ext Reqe)
- (ARsub_ext Rsth Reqe ARth) (Ropp_ext Reqe) SRinv_ext.
-Hint Resolve (ARadd_0_l ARth) (ARadd_comm ARth) (ARadd_assoc ARth)
- (ARmul_1_l ARth) (ARmul_0_l ARth)
- (ARmul_comm ARth) (ARmul_assoc ARth) (ARdistr_l ARth)
- (ARopp_mul_l ARth) (ARopp_add ARth)
- (ARsub_def ARth) .
- (* Power coefficients *)
- Variable Cpow : Set.
- Variable Cp_phi : N -> Cpow.
- Variable rpow : R -> Cpow -> R.
- Variable pow_th : power_theory rI rmul req Cp_phi rpow.
- (* sign function *)
- Variable get_sign : C -> option C.
- Variable get_sign_spec : sign_theory copp ceqb get_sign.
- Variable cdiv:C -> C -> C*C.
- Variable cdiv_th : div_theory req cadd cmul phi cdiv.
-Notation NPEeval := (PEeval rO radd rmul rsub ropp phi Cp_phi rpow).
-Notation Nnorm:= (norm_subst cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb cdiv).
-Notation NPphi_dev := (Pphi_dev rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp cO cI ceqb phi get_sign).
-Notation NPphi_pow := (Pphi_pow rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp cO cI ceqb phi Cp_phi rpow get_sign).
-(* add abstract semi-ring to help with some proofs *)
-Add Ring Rring : (ARth_SRth ARth).
-(* additional ring properties *)
-Lemma rsub_0_l : forall r, 0 - r == - r.
-intros; rewrite (ARsub_def ARth) in |- *;ring.
-Lemma rsub_0_r : forall r, r - 0 == r.
-intros; rewrite (ARsub_def ARth) in |- *.
-rewrite (ARopp_zero Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *; ring.
- Properties of division
- ***************************************************************************)
-Theorem rdiv_simpl: forall p q, ~ q == 0 -> q * (p / q) == p.
-intros p q H.
-rewrite rdiv_def in |- *.
-transitivity (/ q * q * p); [ ring | idtac ].
-rewrite rinv_l in |- *; auto.
-Hint Resolve rdiv_simpl .
-Theorem SRdiv_ext:
- forall p1 p2, p1 == p2 -> forall q1 q2, q1 == q2 -> p1 / q1 == p2 / q2.
-intros p1 p2 H q1 q2 H0.
-transitivity (p1 * / q1); auto.
-transitivity (p2 * / q2); auto.
-Hint Resolve SRdiv_ext .
- Add Morphism rdiv : rdiv_ext. exact SRdiv_ext. Qed.
-Lemma rmul_reg_l : forall p q1 q2,
- ~ p == 0 -> p * q1 == p * q2 -> q1 == q2.
-rewrite <- (@rdiv_simpl q1 p) in |- *; trivial.
-rewrite <- (@rdiv_simpl q2 p) in |- *; trivial.
-repeat rewrite rdiv_def in |- *.
-repeat rewrite (ARmul_assoc ARth) in |- *.
-Theorem field_is_integral_domain : forall r1 r2,
- ~ r1 == 0 -> ~ r2 == 0 -> ~ r1 * r2 == 0.
-red in |- *; intros.
-apply H0.
-transitivity (1 * r2); auto.
-transitivity (/ r1 * r1 * r2); auto.
-rewrite <- (ARmul_assoc ARth) in |- *.
-rewrite H1 in |- *.
-apply ARmul_0_r with (1 := Rsth) (2 := ARth).
-Theorem ropp_neq_0 : forall r,
- ~ -(1) == 0 -> ~ r == 0 -> ~ -r == 0.
-setoid_replace (- r) with (- (1) * r).
- apply field_is_integral_domain; trivial.
- rewrite <- (ARopp_mul_l ARth) in |- *.
- rewrite (ARmul_1_l ARth) in |- *.
- reflexivity.
-Theorem rdiv_r_r : forall r, ~ r == 0 -> r / r == 1.
-rewrite (AFdiv_def AFth) in |- *.
-rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth) in |- *.
-apply (AFinv_l AFth).
-Theorem rdiv1: forall r, r == r / 1.
-intros r; transitivity (1 * (r / 1)); auto.
-Theorem rdiv2:
- forall r1 r2 r3 r4,
- ~ r2 == 0 ->
- ~ r4 == 0 ->
- r1 / r2 + r3 / r4 == (r1 * r4 + r3 * r2) / (r2 * r4).
-intros r1 r2 r3 r4 H H0.
-assert (~ r2 * r4 == 0) by complete (apply field_is_integral_domain; trivial).
-apply rmul_reg_l with (r2 * r4); trivial.
-rewrite rdiv_simpl in |- *; trivial.
-rewrite (ARdistr_r Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
-apply (Radd_ext Reqe).
- transitivity (r2 * (r1 / r2) * r4); [ ring | auto ].
- transitivity (r2 * (r4 * (r3 / r4))); auto.
- transitivity (r2 * r3); auto.
-Theorem rdiv2b:
- forall r1 r2 r3 r4 r5,
- ~ (r2*r5) == 0 ->
- ~ (r4*r5) == 0 ->
- r1 / (r2*r5) + r3 / (r4*r5) == (r1 * r4 + r3 * r2) / (r2 * (r4 * r5)).
-intros r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 H H0.
-assert (HH1: ~ r2 == 0) by (intros HH; case H; rewrite HH; ring).
-assert (HH2: ~ r5 == 0) by (intros HH; case H; rewrite HH; ring).
-assert (HH3: ~ r4 == 0) by (intros HH; case H0; rewrite HH; ring).
-assert (HH4: ~ r2 * (r4 * r5) == 0)
- by complete (repeat apply field_is_integral_domain; trivial).
-apply rmul_reg_l with (r2 * (r4 * r5)); trivial.
-rewrite rdiv_simpl in |- *; trivial.
-rewrite (ARdistr_r Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
-apply (Radd_ext Reqe).
- transitivity ((r2 * r5) * (r1 / (r2 * r5)) * r4); [ ring | auto ].
- transitivity ((r4 * r5) * (r3 / (r4 * r5)) * r2); [ ring | auto ].
-Theorem rdiv5: forall r1 r2, - (r1 / r2) == - r1 / r2.
-intros r1 r2.
-transitivity (- (r1 * / r2)); auto.
-transitivity (- r1 * / r2); auto.
-Hint Resolve rdiv5 .
-Theorem rdiv3:
- forall r1 r2 r3 r4,
- ~ r2 == 0 ->
- ~ r4 == 0 ->
- r1 / r2 - r3 / r4 == (r1 * r4 - r3 * r2) / (r2 * r4).
-intros r1 r2 r3 r4 H H0.
-assert (~ r2 * r4 == 0) by (apply field_is_integral_domain; trivial).
-transitivity (r1 / r2 + - (r3 / r4)); auto.
-transitivity (r1 / r2 + - r3 / r4); auto.
-transitivity ((r1 * r4 + - r3 * r2) / (r2 * r4)); auto.
-apply rdiv2; auto.
-apply SRdiv_ext; auto.
-transitivity (r1 * r4 + - (r3 * r2)); symmetry; auto.
-Theorem rdiv3b:
- forall r1 r2 r3 r4 r5,
- ~ (r2 * r5) == 0 ->
- ~ (r4 * r5) == 0 ->
- r1 / (r2*r5) - r3 / (r4*r5) == (r1 * r4 - r3 * r2) / (r2 * (r4 * r5)).
-intros r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 H H0.
-transitivity (r1 / (r2 * r5) + - (r3 / (r4 * r5))); auto.
-transitivity (r1 / (r2 * r5) + - r3 / (r4 * r5)); auto.
-transitivity ((r1 * r4 + - r3 * r2) / (r2 * (r4 * r5))).
-apply rdiv2b; auto; try ring.
-apply (SRdiv_ext); auto.
-transitivity (r1 * r4 + - (r3 * r2)); symmetry; auto.
-Theorem rdiv6:
- forall r1 r2,
- ~ r1 == 0 -> ~ r2 == 0 -> / (r1 / r2) == r2 / r1.
-intros r1 r2 H H0.
-assert (~ r1 / r2 == 0) as Hk.
- intros H1; case H.
- transitivity (r2 * (r1 / r2)); auto.
- rewrite H1 in |- *; ring.
- apply rmul_reg_l with (r1 / r2); auto.
- transitivity (/ (r1 / r2) * (r1 / r2)); auto.
- transitivity 1; auto.
- repeat rewrite rdiv_def in |- *.
- transitivity (/ r1 * r1 * (/ r2 * r2)); [ idtac | ring ].
- repeat rewrite rinv_l in |- *; auto.
-Hint Resolve rdiv6 .
- Theorem rdiv4:
- forall r1 r2 r3 r4,
- ~ r2 == 0 ->
- ~ r4 == 0 ->
- (r1 / r2) * (r3 / r4) == (r1 * r3) / (r2 * r4).
-intros r1 r2 r3 r4 H H0.
-assert (~ r2 * r4 == 0) by complete (apply field_is_integral_domain; trivial).
-apply rmul_reg_l with (r2 * r4); trivial.
-rewrite rdiv_simpl in |- *; trivial.
-transitivity (r2 * (r1 / r2) * (r4 * (r3 / r4))); [ ring | idtac ].
-repeat rewrite rdiv_simpl in |- *; trivial.
- Theorem rdiv4b:
- forall r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6,
- ~ r2 * r5 == 0 ->
- ~ r4 * r6 == 0 ->
- ((r1 * r6) / (r2 * r5)) * ((r3 * r5) / (r4 * r6)) == (r1 * r3) / (r2 * r4).
-intros r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 H H0.
-rewrite rdiv4; auto.
-transitivity ((r5 * r6) * (r1 * r3) / ((r5 * r6) * (r2 * r4))).
-apply SRdiv_ext; ring.
-assert (HH: ~ r5*r6 == 0).
- apply field_is_integral_domain.
- intros H1; case H; rewrite H1; ring.
- intros H1; case H0; rewrite H1; ring.
-rewrite <- rdiv4 ; auto.
- rewrite rdiv_r_r; auto.
- apply field_is_integral_domain.
- intros H1; case H; rewrite H1; ring.
- intros H1; case H0; rewrite H1; ring.
-Theorem rdiv7:
- forall r1 r2 r3 r4,
- ~ r2 == 0 ->
- ~ r3 == 0 ->
- ~ r4 == 0 ->
- (r1 / r2) / (r3 / r4) == (r1 * r4) / (r2 * r3).
-rewrite (rdiv_def (r1 / r2)) in |- *.
-rewrite rdiv6 in |- *; trivial.
-apply rdiv4; trivial.
-Theorem rdiv7b:
- forall r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6,
- ~ r2 * r6 == 0 ->
- ~ r3 * r5 == 0 ->
- ~ r4 * r6 == 0 ->
- ((r1 * r5) / (r2 * r6)) / ((r3 * r5) / (r4 * r6)) == (r1 * r4) / (r2 * r3).
-rewrite rdiv7; auto.
-transitivity ((r5 * r6) * (r1 * r4) / ((r5 * r6) * (r2 * r3))).
-apply SRdiv_ext; ring.
-assert (HH: ~ r5*r6 == 0).
- apply field_is_integral_domain.
- intros H2; case H0; rewrite H2; ring.
- intros H2; case H1; rewrite H2; ring.
-rewrite <- rdiv4 ; auto.
-rewrite rdiv_r_r; auto.
- apply field_is_integral_domain.
- intros H2; case H; rewrite H2; ring.
- intros H2; case H0; rewrite H2; ring.
-Theorem rdiv8: forall r1 r2, ~ r2 == 0 -> r1 == 0 -> r1 / r2 == 0.
-intros r1 r2 H H0.
-transitivity (r1 * / r2); auto.
-transitivity (0 * / r2); auto.
-Theorem cross_product_eq : forall r1 r2 r3 r4,
- ~ r2 == 0 -> ~ r4 == 0 -> r1 * r4 == r3 * r2 -> r1 / r2 == r3 / r4.
-transitivity (r1 / r2 * (r4 / r4)).
- rewrite rdiv_r_r in |- *; trivial.
- symmetry in |- *.
- apply (ARmul_1_r Rsth ARth).
- rewrite rdiv4 in |- *; trivial.
- rewrite H1 in |- *.
- rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth r2 r4) in |- *.
- rewrite <- rdiv4 in |- *; trivial.
- rewrite rdiv_r_r in |- * by trivial.
- apply (ARmul_1_r Rsth ARth).
- Some equality test
- ***************************************************************************)
-Fixpoint positive_eq (p1 p2 : positive) {struct p1} : bool :=
- match p1, p2 with
- xH, xH => true
- | xO p3, xO p4 => positive_eq p3 p4
- | xI p3, xI p4 => positive_eq p3 p4
- | _, _ => false
- end.
-Theorem positive_eq_correct:
- forall p1 p2, if positive_eq p1 p2 then p1 = p2 else p1 <> p2.
-intros p1; elim p1;
- (try (intros p2; case p2; simpl; auto; intros; discriminate)).
-intros p3 rec p2; case p2; simpl; auto; (try (intros; discriminate)); intros p4.
-generalize (rec p4); case (positive_eq p3 p4); auto.
-intros H1; apply f_equal with ( f := xI ); auto.
-intros H1 H2; case H1; injection H2; auto.
-intros p3 rec p2; case p2; simpl; auto; (try (intros; discriminate)); intros p4.
-generalize (rec p4); case (positive_eq p3 p4); auto.
-intros H1; apply f_equal with ( f := xO ); auto.
-intros H1 H2; case H1; injection H2; auto.
-Definition N_eq n1 n2 :=
- match n1, n2 with
- | N0, N0 => true
- | Npos p1, Npos p2 => positive_eq p1 p2
- | _, _ => false
- end.
-Lemma N_eq_correct : forall n1 n2, if N_eq n1 n2 then n1 = n2 else n1 <> n2.
- intros [ |p1] [ |p2];simpl;trivial;try(intro H;discriminate H;fail).
- assert (H:=positive_eq_correct p1 p2);destruct (positive_eq p1 p2);
- [rewrite H;trivial | intro H1;injection H1;subst;apply H;trivial].
-(* equality test *)
-Fixpoint PExpr_eq (e1 e2 : PExpr C) {struct e1} : bool :=
- match e1, e2 with
- PEc c1, PEc c2 => ceqb c1 c2
- | PEX p1, PEX p2 => positive_eq p1 p2
- | PEadd e3 e5, PEadd e4 e6 => if PExpr_eq e3 e4 then PExpr_eq e5 e6 else false
- | PEsub e3 e5, PEsub e4 e6 => if PExpr_eq e3 e4 then PExpr_eq e5 e6 else false
- | PEmul e3 e5, PEmul e4 e6 => if PExpr_eq e3 e4 then PExpr_eq e5 e6 else false
- | PEopp e3, PEopp e4 => PExpr_eq e3 e4
- | PEpow e3 n3, PEpow e4 n4 => if N_eq n3 n4 then PExpr_eq e3 e4 else false
- | _, _ => false
- end.
-Add Morphism (pow_pos rmul) : pow_morph.
-intros x y H p;induction p as [p IH| p IH|];simpl;auto;ring[IH].
-Add Morphism (pow_N rI rmul) with signature req ==> (@eq N) ==> req as pow_N_morph.
-intros x y H [|p];simpl;auto. apply pow_morph;trivial.
-Lemma rpow_morph : forall x y n, x == y ->rpow x (Cp_phi n) == rpow y (Cp_phi n).
- intros; repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N).
- destruct n;simpl. apply eq_refl.
- induction p;simpl;try rewrite IHp;try rewrite H; apply eq_refl.
-Theorem PExpr_eq_semi_correct:
- forall l e1 e2, PExpr_eq e1 e2 = true -> NPEeval l e1 == NPEeval l e2.
-intros l e1; elim e1.
-intros c1; intros e2; elim e2; simpl; (try (intros; discriminate)).
-intros c2; apply (morph_eq CRmorph).
-intros p1; intros e2; elim e2; simpl; (try (intros; discriminate)).
-intros p2; generalize (positive_eq_correct p1 p2); case (positive_eq p1 p2);
- (try (intros; discriminate)); intros H; rewrite H; auto.
-intros e3 rec1 e5 rec2 e2; case e2; simpl; (try (intros; discriminate)).
-intros e4 e6; generalize (rec1 e4); case (PExpr_eq e3 e4);
- (try (intros; discriminate)); generalize (rec2 e6); case (PExpr_eq e5 e6);
- (try (intros; discriminate)); auto.
-intros e3 rec1 e5 rec2 e2; case e2; simpl; (try (intros; discriminate)).
-intros e4 e6; generalize (rec1 e4); case (PExpr_eq e3 e4);
- (try (intros; discriminate)); generalize (rec2 e6); case (PExpr_eq e5 e6);
- (try (intros; discriminate)); auto.
-intros e3 rec1 e5 rec2 e2; case e2; simpl; (try (intros; discriminate)).
-intros e4 e6; generalize (rec1 e4); case (PExpr_eq e3 e4);
- (try (intros; discriminate)); generalize (rec2 e6); case (PExpr_eq e5 e6);
- (try (intros; discriminate)); auto.
-intros e3 rec e2; (case e2; simpl; (try (intros; discriminate))).
-intros e4; generalize (rec e4); case (PExpr_eq e3 e4);
- (try (intros; discriminate)); auto.
-intros e3 rec n3 e2;(case e2;simpl;(try (intros;discriminate))).
-intros e4 n4;generalize (N_eq_correct n3 n4);destruct (N_eq n3 n4);
-intros;try discriminate.
-repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);rewrite H;rewrite (rec _ H0);auto.
-(* add *)
-Definition NPEadd e1 e2 :=
- match e1, e2 with
- PEc c1, PEc c2 => PEc (cadd c1 c2)
- | PEc c, _ => if ceqb c cO then e2 else PEadd e1 e2
- | _, PEc c => if ceqb c cO then e1 else PEadd e1 e2
- (* Peut t'on factoriser ici ??? *)
- | _, _ => PEadd e1 e2
- end.
-Theorem NPEadd_correct:
- forall l e1 e2, NPEeval l (NPEadd e1 e2) == NPEeval l (PEadd e1 e2).
-intros l e1 e2.
-destruct e1; destruct e2; simpl in |- *; try reflexivity; try apply ceqb_rect;
- try (intro eq_c; rewrite eq_c in |- *); simpl in |- *;try apply eq_refl;
- try (ring [(morph0 CRmorph)]).
- apply (morph_add CRmorph).
-Definition NPEpow x n :=
- match n with
- | N0 => PEc cI
- | Npos p =>
- if positive_eq p xH then x else
- match x with
- | PEc c =>
- if ceqb c cI then PEc cI else if ceqb c cO then PEc cO else PEc (pow_pos cmul c p)
- | _ => PEpow x n
- end
- end.
-Theorem NPEpow_correct : forall l e n,
- NPEeval l (NPEpow e n) == NPEeval l (PEpow e n).
- destruct n;simpl.
- rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl;auto.
- generalize (positive_eq_correct p xH).
- destruct (positive_eq p 1);intros.
- rewrite H;rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N). trivial.
- clear H;destruct e;simpl;auto.
- repeat apply ceqb_rect;simpl;intros;rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
- symmetry;induction p;simpl;trivial; ring [IHp H CRmorph.(morph1)].
- symmetry; induction p;simpl;trivial;ring [IHp CRmorph.(morph0)].
- induction p;simpl;auto;repeat rewrite CRmorph.(morph_mul);ring [IHp].
-(* mul *)
-Fixpoint NPEmul (x y : PExpr C) {struct x} : PExpr C :=
- match x, y with
- PEc c1, PEc c2 => PEc (cmul c1 c2)
- | PEc c, _ =>
- if ceqb c cI then y else if ceqb c cO then PEc cO else PEmul x y
- | _, PEc c =>
- if ceqb c cI then x else if ceqb c cO then PEc cO else PEmul x y
- | PEpow e1 n1, PEpow e2 n2 =>
- if N_eq n1 n2 then NPEpow (NPEmul e1 e2) n1 else PEmul x y
- | _, _ => PEmul x y
- end.
-Lemma pow_pos_mul : forall x y p, pow_pos rmul (x * y) p == pow_pos rmul x p * pow_pos rmul y p.
-induction p;simpl;auto;try ring [IHp].
-Theorem NPEmul_correct : forall l e1 e2,
- NPEeval l (NPEmul e1 e2) == NPEeval l (PEmul e1 e2).
-induction e1;destruct e2; simpl in |- *;try reflexivity;
- repeat apply ceqb_rect;
- try (intro eq_c; rewrite eq_c in |- *); simpl in |- *; try reflexivity;
- try ring [(morph0 CRmorph) (morph1 CRmorph)].
- apply (morph_mul CRmorph).
-assert (H:=N_eq_correct n n0);destruct (N_eq n n0).
-rewrite NPEpow_correct. simpl.
-repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N).
-rewrite IHe1;rewrite <- H;destruct n;simpl;try ring.
-apply pow_pos_mul.
-(* sub *)
-Definition NPEsub e1 e2 :=
- match e1, e2 with
- PEc c1, PEc c2 => PEc (csub c1 c2)
- | PEc c, _ => if ceqb c cO then PEopp e2 else PEsub e1 e2
- | _, PEc c => if ceqb c cO then e1 else PEsub e1 e2
- (* Peut-on factoriser ici *)
- | _, _ => PEsub e1 e2
- end.
-Theorem NPEsub_correct:
- forall l e1 e2, NPEeval l (NPEsub e1 e2) == NPEeval l (PEsub e1 e2).
-intros l e1 e2.
-destruct e1; destruct e2; simpl in |- *; try reflexivity; try apply ceqb_rect;
- try (intro eq_c; rewrite eq_c in |- *); simpl in |- *;
- try rewrite (morph0 CRmorph) in |- *; try reflexivity;
- try (symmetry; apply rsub_0_l); try (symmetry; apply rsub_0_r).
-apply (morph_sub CRmorph).
-(* opp *)
-Definition NPEopp e1 :=
- match e1 with PEc c1 => PEc (copp c1) | _ => PEopp e1 end.
-Theorem NPEopp_correct:
- forall l e1, NPEeval l (NPEopp e1) == NPEeval l (PEopp e1).
-intros l e1; case e1; simpl; auto.
-intros; apply (morph_opp CRmorph).
-(* simplification *)
-Fixpoint PExpr_simp (e : PExpr C) : PExpr C :=
- match e with
- PEadd e1 e2 => NPEadd (PExpr_simp e1) (PExpr_simp e2)
- | PEmul e1 e2 => NPEmul (PExpr_simp e1) (PExpr_simp e2)
- | PEsub e1 e2 => NPEsub (PExpr_simp e1) (PExpr_simp e2)
- | PEopp e1 => NPEopp (PExpr_simp e1)
- | PEpow e1 n1 => NPEpow (PExpr_simp e1) n1
- | _ => e
- end.
-Theorem PExpr_simp_correct:
- forall l e, NPEeval l (PExpr_simp e) == NPEeval l e.
-intros l e; elim e; simpl; auto.
-intros e1 He1 e2 He2.
-transitivity (NPEeval l (PEadd (PExpr_simp e1) (PExpr_simp e2))); auto.
-apply NPEadd_correct.
-simpl; auto.
-intros e1 He1 e2 He2.
-transitivity (NPEeval l (PEsub (PExpr_simp e1) (PExpr_simp e2))); auto.
-apply NPEsub_correct.
-simpl; auto.
-intros e1 He1 e2 He2.
-transitivity (NPEeval l (PEmul (PExpr_simp e1) (PExpr_simp e2))); auto.
-apply NPEmul_correct.
-simpl; auto.
-intros e1 He1.
-transitivity (NPEeval l (PEopp (PExpr_simp e1))); auto.
-apply NPEopp_correct.
-simpl; auto.
-intros e1 He1 n;simpl.
-rewrite NPEpow_correct;simpl.
-repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N).
-rewrite He1;auto.
- Datastructure
- ***************************************************************************)
-(* The input: syntax of a field expression *)
-Inductive FExpr : Type :=
- FEc: C -> FExpr
- | FEX: positive -> FExpr
- | FEadd: FExpr -> FExpr -> FExpr
- | FEsub: FExpr -> FExpr -> FExpr
- | FEmul: FExpr -> FExpr -> FExpr
- | FEopp: FExpr -> FExpr
- | FEinv: FExpr -> FExpr
- | FEdiv: FExpr -> FExpr -> FExpr
- | FEpow: FExpr -> N -> FExpr .
-Fixpoint FEeval (l : list R) (pe : FExpr) {struct pe} : R :=
- match pe with
- | FEc c => phi c
- | FEX x => BinList.nth 0 x l
- | FEadd x y => FEeval l x + FEeval l y
- | FEsub x y => FEeval l x - FEeval l y
- | FEmul x y => FEeval l x * FEeval l y
- | FEopp x => - FEeval l x
- | FEinv x => / FEeval l x
- | FEdiv x y => FEeval l x / FEeval l y
- | FEpow x n => rpow (FEeval l x) (Cp_phi n)
- end.
-Strategy expand [FEeval].
-(* The result of the normalisation *)
-Record linear : Type := mk_linear {
- num : PExpr C;
- denum : PExpr C;
- condition : list (PExpr C) }.
- Semantics and properties of side condition
- ***************************************************************************)
-Fixpoint PCond (l : list R) (le : list (PExpr C)) {struct le} : Prop :=
- match le with
- | nil => True
- | e1 :: nil => ~ req (NPEeval l e1) rO
- | e1 :: l1 => ~ req (NPEeval l e1) rO /\ PCond l l1
- end.
-Theorem PCond_cons_inv_l :
- forall l a l1, PCond l (a::l1) -> ~ NPEeval l a == 0.
-intros l a l1 H.
-destruct l1; simpl in H |- *; trivial.
-destruct H; trivial.
-Theorem PCond_cons_inv_r : forall l a l1, PCond l (a :: l1) -> PCond l l1.
-intros l a l1 H.
-destruct l1; simpl in H |- *; trivial.
-destruct H; trivial.
-Theorem PCond_app_inv_l: forall l l1 l2, PCond l (l1 ++ l2) -> PCond l l1.
-intros l l1 l2; elim l1; simpl app in |- *.
- simpl in |- *; auto.
- destruct l0; simpl in *.
- destruct l2; firstorder.
- firstorder.
-Theorem PCond_app_inv_r: forall l l1 l2, PCond l (l1 ++ l2) -> PCond l l2.
-intros l l1 l2; elim l1; simpl app; auto.
-intros a l0 H H0; apply H; apply PCond_cons_inv_r with ( 1 := H0 ).
-(* An unsatisfiable condition: issued when a division by zero is detected *)
-Definition absurd_PCond := cons (PEc cO) nil.
-Lemma absurd_PCond_bottom : forall l, ~ PCond l absurd_PCond.
-unfold absurd_PCond in |- *; simpl in |- *.
-red in |- *; intros.
-apply H.
-apply (morph0 CRmorph).
- Normalisation
- ***************************************************************************)
-Fixpoint isIn (e1:PExpr C) (p1:positive)
- (e2:PExpr C) (p2:positive) {struct e2}: option (N * PExpr C) :=
- match e2 with
- | PEmul e3 e4 =>
- match isIn e1 p1 e3 p2 with
- | Some (N0, e5) => Some (N0, NPEmul e5 (NPEpow e4 (Npos p2)))
- | Some (Npos p, e5) =>
- match isIn e1 p e4 p2 with
- | Some (n, e6) => Some (n, NPEmul e5 e6)
- | None => Some (Npos p, NPEmul e5 (NPEpow e4 (Npos p2)))
- end
- | None =>
- match isIn e1 p1 e4 p2 with
- | Some (n, e5) => Some (n,NPEmul (NPEpow e3 (Npos p2)) e5)
- | None => None
- end
- end
- | PEpow e3 N0 => None
- | PEpow e3 (Npos p3) => isIn e1 p1 e3 (Pmult p3 p2)
- | _ =>
- if PExpr_eq e1 e2 then
- match Zminus (Zpos p1) (Zpos p2) with
- | Zpos p => Some (Npos p, PEc cI)
- | Z0 => Some (N0, PEc cI)
- | Zneg p => Some (N0, NPEpow e2 (Npos p))
- end
- else None
- end.
- Definition ZtoN z := match z with Zpos p => Npos p | _ => N0 end.
- Definition NtoZ n := match n with Npos p => Zpos p | _ => Z0 end.
- Notation pow_pos_plus := (Ring_theory.pow_pos_Pplus _ Rsth Reqe.(Rmul_ext)
- ARth.(ARmul_comm) ARth.(ARmul_assoc)).
- Lemma isIn_correct_aux : forall l e1 e2 p1 p2,
- match
- (if PExpr_eq e1 e2 then
- match Zminus (Zpos p1) (Zpos p2) with
- | Zpos p => Some (Npos p, PEc cI)
- | Z0 => Some (N0, PEc cI)
- | Zneg p => Some (N0, NPEpow e2 (Npos p))
- end
- else None)
- with
- | Some(n, e3) =>
- NPEeval l (PEpow e2 (Npos p2)) ==
- NPEeval l (PEmul (PEpow e1 (ZtoN (Zpos p1 - NtoZ n))) e3) /\
- (Zpos p1 > NtoZ n)%Z
- | _ => True
- end.
- intros l e1 e2 p1 p2; generalize (PExpr_eq_semi_correct l e1 e2);
- case (PExpr_eq e1 e2); simpl; auto; intros H.
- case_eq ((p1 ?= p2)%positive Eq);intros;simpl.
- repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl. split. 2:refine (refl_equal _).
- rewrite (Pcompare_Eq_eq _ _ H0).
- rewrite H by trivial. ring [ (morph1 CRmorph)].
- fold (NPEpow e2 (Npos (p2 - p1))).
- rewrite NPEpow_correct;simpl.
- repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
- rewrite H;trivial. split. 2:refine (refl_equal _).
- rewrite <- pow_pos_plus; rewrite Pplus_minus;auto. apply ZC2;trivial.
- repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
- rewrite H;trivial.
- change (ZtoN
- match (p1 ?= p1 - p2)%positive Eq with
- | Eq => 0
- | Lt => Zneg (p1 - p2 - p1)
- | Gt => Zpos (p1 - (p1 - p2))
- end) with (ZtoN (Zpos p1 - Zpos (p1 -p2))).
- replace (Zpos (p1 - p2)) with (Zpos p1 - Zpos p2)%Z.
- split.
- repeat rewrite Zth.(Rsub_def). rewrite (Ring_theory.Ropp_add Zsth Zeqe Zth).
- rewrite Zplus_assoc. simpl. rewrite Pcompare_refl. simpl.
- ring [ (morph1 CRmorph)].
- assert (Zpos p1 > 0 /\ Zpos p2 > 0)%Z. split;refine (refl_equal _).
- apply Zplus_gt_reg_l with (Zpos p2).
- rewrite Zplus_minus. change (Zpos p2 + Zpos p1 > 0 + Zpos p1)%Z.
- apply Zplus_gt_compat_r. refine (refl_equal _).
- simpl;rewrite H0;trivial.
-Lemma pow_pos_pow_pos : forall x p1 p2, pow_pos rmul (pow_pos rmul x p1) p2 == pow_pos rmul x (p1*p2).
-induction p1;simpl;intros;repeat rewrite pow_pos_mul;repeat rewrite pow_pos_plus;simpl.
-ring [(IHp1 p2)]. ring [(IHp1 p2)]. auto.
-Theorem isIn_correct: forall l e1 p1 e2 p2,
- match isIn e1 p1 e2 p2 with
- | Some(n, e3) =>
- NPEeval l (PEpow e2 (Npos p2)) ==
- NPEeval l (PEmul (PEpow e1 (ZtoN (Zpos p1 - NtoZ n))) e3) /\
- (Zpos p1 > NtoZ n)%Z
- | _ => True
- end.
-Opaque NPEpow.
-intros l e1 p1 e2; generalize p1;clear p1;elim e2; intros;
- try (refine (isIn_correct_aux l e1 _ p1 p2);fail);simpl isIn.
-generalize (H p1 p2);clear H;destruct (isIn e1 p1 p p2). destruct p3.
-destruct n.
- simpl. rewrite NPEmul_correct. simpl; rewrite NPEpow_correct;simpl.
- repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
- rewrite pow_pos_mul;intros (H,H1);split;[ring[H]|trivial].
- generalize (H0 p4 p2);clear H0;destruct (isIn e1 p4 p0 p2). destruct p5.
- destruct n;simpl.
- rewrite NPEmul_correct;repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
- intros (H1,H2) (H3,H4).
- unfold Zgt in H2, H4;simpl in H2,H4. rewrite H4 in H3;simpl in H3.
- rewrite pow_pos_mul. rewrite H1;rewrite H3.
- assert (pow_pos rmul (NPEeval l e1) (p1 - p4) * NPEeval l p3 *
- (pow_pos rmul (NPEeval l e1) p4 * NPEeval l p5) ==
- pow_pos rmul (NPEeval l e1) p4 * pow_pos rmul (NPEeval l e1) (p1 - p4) *
- NPEeval l p3 *NPEeval l p5) by ring. rewrite H;clear H.
- rewrite <- pow_pos_plus. rewrite Pplus_minus.
- split. symmetry;apply ARth.(ARmul_assoc). refine (refl_equal _). trivial.
- repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
- intros (H1,H2) (H3,H4).
- unfold Zgt in H2, H4;simpl in H2,H4. rewrite H4 in H3;simpl in H3.
- rewrite H2 in H1;simpl in H1.
- assert (Zpos p1 > Zpos p6)%Z.
- apply Zgt_trans with (Zpos p4). exact H4. exact H2.
- unfold Zgt in H;simpl in H;rewrite H.
- split. 2:exact H.
- rewrite pow_pos_mul. simpl;rewrite H1;rewrite H3.
- assert (pow_pos rmul (NPEeval l e1) (p1 - p4) * NPEeval l p3 *
- (pow_pos rmul (NPEeval l e1) (p4 - p6) * NPEeval l p5) ==
- pow_pos rmul (NPEeval l e1) (p1 - p4) * pow_pos rmul (NPEeval l e1) (p4 - p6) *
- NPEeval l p3 * NPEeval l p5) by ring. rewrite H0;clear H0.
- rewrite <- pow_pos_plus.
- replace (p1 - p4 + (p4 - p6))%positive with (p1 - p6)%positive.
- rewrite NPEmul_correct. simpl;ring.
- assert
- (Zpos p1 - Zpos p6 = Zpos p1 - Zpos p4 + (Zpos p4 - Zpos p6))%Z.
- change ((Zpos p1 - Zpos p6)%Z = (Zpos p1 + (- Zpos p4) + (Zpos p4 +(- Zpos p6)))%Z).
- rewrite <- Zplus_assoc. rewrite (Zplus_assoc (- Zpos p4)).
- simpl. rewrite Pcompare_refl. simpl. reflexivity.
- unfold Zminus, Zopp in H0. simpl in H0.
- rewrite H2 in H0;rewrite H4 in H0;rewrite H in H0. inversion H0;trivial.
- simpl. repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N).
- intros H1 (H2,H3). unfold Zgt in H3;simpl in H3. rewrite H3 in H2;rewrite H3.
- rewrite NPEmul_correct;simpl;rewrite NPEpow_correct;simpl.
- simpl in H2. rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
- rewrite pow_pos_mul. split. ring [H2]. exact H3.
- generalize (H0 p1 p2);clear H0;destruct (isIn e1 p1 p0 p2). destruct p3.
- destruct n;simpl. rewrite NPEmul_correct;simpl;rewrite NPEpow_correct;simpl.
- repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
- intros (H1,H2);split;trivial. rewrite pow_pos_mul;ring [H1].
- rewrite NPEmul_correct;simpl;rewrite NPEpow_correct;simpl.
- repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl. rewrite pow_pos_mul.
- intros (H1, H2);rewrite H1;split.
- unfold Zgt in H2;simpl in H2;rewrite H2;rewrite H2 in H1.
- simpl in H1;ring [H1]. trivial.
- trivial.
- destruct n. trivial.
- generalize (H p1 (p0*p2)%positive);clear H;destruct (isIn e1 p1 p (p0*p2)). destruct p3.
- destruct n;simpl. repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N). simpl.
- intros (H1,H2);split. rewrite pow_pos_pow_pos. trivial. trivial.
- repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N). simpl.
- intros (H1,H2);split;trivial.
- rewrite pow_pos_pow_pos;trivial.
- trivial.
-Record rsplit : Type := mk_rsplit {
- rsplit_left : PExpr C;
- rsplit_common : PExpr C;
- rsplit_right : PExpr C}.
-(* Stupid name clash *)
-Notation left := rsplit_left.
-Notation right := rsplit_right.
-Notation common := rsplit_common.
-Fixpoint split_aux (e1: PExpr C) (p:positive) (e2:PExpr C) {struct e1}: rsplit :=
- match e1 with
- | PEmul e3 e4 =>
- let r1 := split_aux e3 p e2 in
- let r2 := split_aux e4 p (right r1) in
- mk_rsplit (NPEmul (left r1) (left r2))
- (NPEmul (common r1) (common r2))
- (right r2)
- | PEpow e3 N0 => mk_rsplit (PEc cI) (PEc cI) e2
- | PEpow e3 (Npos p3) => split_aux e3 (Pmult p3 p) e2
- | _ =>
- match isIn e1 p e2 xH with
- | Some (N0,e3) => mk_rsplit (PEc cI) (NPEpow e1 (Npos p)) e3
- | Some (Npos q, e3) => mk_rsplit (NPEpow e1 (Npos q)) (NPEpow e1 (Npos (p - q))) e3
- | None => mk_rsplit (NPEpow e1 (Npos p)) (PEc cI) e2
- end
- end.
-Lemma split_aux_correct_1 : forall l e1 p e2,
- let res := match isIn e1 p e2 xH with
- | Some (N0,e3) => mk_rsplit (PEc cI) (NPEpow e1 (Npos p)) e3
- | Some (Npos q, e3) => mk_rsplit (NPEpow e1 (Npos q)) (NPEpow e1 (Npos (p - q))) e3
- | None => mk_rsplit (NPEpow e1 (Npos p)) (PEc cI) e2
- end in
- NPEeval l (PEpow e1 (Npos p)) == NPEeval l (NPEmul (left res) (common res))
- /\
- NPEeval l e2 == NPEeval l (NPEmul (right res) (common res)).
- intros. unfold res;clear res; generalize (isIn_correct l e1 p e2 xH).
- destruct (isIn e1 p e2 1). destruct p0.
- Opaque NPEpow NPEmul.
- destruct n;simpl;
- (repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct;simpl;
- repeat rewrite NPEpow_correct;simpl;
- repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl).
- intros (H, Hgt);split;try ring [H CRmorph.(morph1)].
- intros (H, Hgt). unfold Zgt in Hgt;simpl in Hgt;rewrite Hgt in H.
- simpl in H;split;try ring [H].
- rewrite <- pow_pos_plus. rewrite Pplus_minus. reflexivity. trivial.
- simpl;intros. repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct;simpl.
- rewrite NPEpow_correct;simpl. split;ring [CRmorph.(morph1)].
-Theorem split_aux_correct: forall l e1 p e2,
- NPEeval l (PEpow e1 (Npos p)) ==
- NPEeval l (NPEmul (left (split_aux e1 p e2)) (common (split_aux e1 p e2)))
- NPEeval l e2 == NPEeval l (NPEmul (right (split_aux e1 p e2))
- (common (split_aux e1 p e2))).
-intros l; induction e1;intros k e2; try refine (split_aux_correct_1 l _ k e2);simpl.
-generalize (IHe1_1 k e2); clear IHe1_1.
-generalize (IHe1_2 k (rsplit_right (split_aux e1_1 k e2))); clear IHe1_2.
-simpl. repeat (rewrite NPEmul_correct;simpl).
-repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
-intros (H1,H2) (H3,H4);split.
-rewrite pow_pos_mul. rewrite H1;rewrite H3. ring.
-rewrite H4;rewrite H2;ring.
-destruct n;simpl.
-split. repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
-rewrite NPEmul_correct. simpl.
- induction k;simpl;try ring [CRmorph.(morph1)]; ring [IHk CRmorph.(morph1)].
- rewrite NPEmul_correct;simpl. ring [CRmorph.(morph1)].
-generalize (IHe1 (p*k)%positive e2);clear IHe1;simpl.
-repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct;simpl.
-repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl.
-rewrite pow_pos_pow_pos. intros [H1 H2];split;ring [H1 H2].
-Definition split e1 e2 := split_aux e1 xH e2.
-Theorem split_correct_l: forall l e1 e2,
- NPEeval l e1 == NPEeval l (NPEmul (left (split e1 e2))
- (common (split e1 e2))).
-intros l e1 e2; case (split_aux_correct l e1 xH e2);simpl.
-rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);simpl;auto.
-Theorem split_correct_r: forall l e1 e2,
- NPEeval l e2 == NPEeval l (NPEmul (right (split e1 e2))
- (common (split e1 e2))).
-intros l e1 e2; case (split_aux_correct l e1 xH e2);simpl;auto.
-Fixpoint Fnorm (e : FExpr) : linear :=
- match e with
- | FEc c => mk_linear (PEc c) (PEc cI) nil
- | FEX x => mk_linear (PEX C x) (PEc cI) nil
- | FEadd e1 e2 =>
- let x := Fnorm e1 in
- let y := Fnorm e2 in
- let s := split (denum x) (denum y) in
- mk_linear
- (NPEadd (NPEmul (num x) (right s)) (NPEmul (num y) (left s)))
- (NPEmul (left s) (NPEmul (right s) (common s)))
- (condition x ++ condition y)
- | FEsub e1 e2 =>
- let x := Fnorm e1 in
- let y := Fnorm e2 in
- let s := split (denum x) (denum y) in
- mk_linear
- (NPEsub (NPEmul (num x) (right s)) (NPEmul (num y) (left s)))
- (NPEmul (left s) (NPEmul (right s) (common s)))
- (condition x ++ condition y)
- | FEmul e1 e2 =>
- let x := Fnorm e1 in
- let y := Fnorm e2 in
- let s1 := split (num x) (denum y) in
- let s2 := split (num y) (denum x) in
- mk_linear (NPEmul (left s1) (left s2))
- (NPEmul (right s2) (right s1))
- (condition x ++ condition y)
- | FEopp e1 =>
- let x := Fnorm e1 in
- mk_linear (NPEopp (num x)) (denum x) (condition x)
- | FEinv e1 =>
- let x := Fnorm e1 in
- mk_linear (denum x) (num x) (num x :: condition x)
- | FEdiv e1 e2 =>
- let x := Fnorm e1 in
- let y := Fnorm e2 in
- let s1 := split (num x) (num y) in
- let s2 := split (denum x) (denum y) in
- mk_linear (NPEmul (left s1) (right s2))
- (NPEmul (left s2) (right s1))
- (num y :: condition x ++ condition y)
- | FEpow e1 n =>
- let x := Fnorm e1 in
- mk_linear (NPEpow (num x) n) (NPEpow (denum x) n) (condition x)
- end.
-(* Example *)
-Eval compute
- in (Fnorm
- (FEdiv
- (FEc cI)
- (FEadd (FEinv (FEX xH%positive)) (FEinv (FEX (xO xH)%positive))))).
- Lemma pow_pos_not_0 : forall x, ~x==0 -> forall p, ~pow_pos rmul x p == 0.
- induction p;simpl.
- intro Hp;assert (H1 := @rmul_reg_l _ (pow_pos rmul x p * pow_pos rmul x p) 0 H).
- apply IHp.
- rewrite (@rmul_reg_l _ (pow_pos rmul x p) 0 IHp).
- reflexivity.
- rewrite H1. ring. rewrite Hp;ring.
- intro Hp;apply IHp. rewrite (@rmul_reg_l _ (pow_pos rmul x p) 0 IHp).
- reflexivity. rewrite Hp;ring. trivial.
-Theorem Pcond_Fnorm:
- forall l e,
- PCond l (condition (Fnorm e)) -> ~ NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm e)) == 0.
-intros l e; elim e.
- simpl in |- *; intros _ _; rewrite (morph1 CRmorph) in |- *; exact rI_neq_rO.
- simpl in |- *; intros _ _; rewrite (morph1 CRmorph) in |- *; exact rI_neq_rO.
- intros e1 Hrec1 e2 Hrec2 Hcond.
- simpl condition in Hcond.
- simpl denum in |- *.
- rewrite NPEmul_correct in |- *.
- simpl in |- *.
- apply field_is_integral_domain.
- intros HH; case Hrec1; auto.
- apply PCond_app_inv_l with (1 := Hcond).
- rewrite (split_correct_l l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2))).
- rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl; rewrite HH; ring.
- intros HH; case Hrec2; auto.
- apply PCond_app_inv_r with (1 := Hcond).
- rewrite (split_correct_r l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2))); auto.
- intros e1 Hrec1 e2 Hrec2 Hcond.
- simpl condition in Hcond.
- simpl denum in |- *.
- rewrite NPEmul_correct in |- *.
- simpl in |- *.
- apply field_is_integral_domain.
- intros HH; case Hrec1; auto.
- apply PCond_app_inv_l with (1 := Hcond).
- rewrite (split_correct_l l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2))).
- rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl; rewrite HH; ring.
- intros HH; case Hrec2; auto.
- apply PCond_app_inv_r with (1 := Hcond).
- rewrite (split_correct_r l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2))); auto.
- intros e1 Hrec1 e2 Hrec2 Hcond.
- simpl condition in Hcond.
- simpl denum in |- *.
- rewrite NPEmul_correct in |- *.
- simpl in |- *.
- apply field_is_integral_domain.
- intros HH; apply Hrec1.
- apply PCond_app_inv_l with (1 := Hcond).
- rewrite (split_correct_r l (num (Fnorm e2)) (denum (Fnorm e1))).
- rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl; rewrite HH; ring.
- intros HH; apply Hrec2.
- apply PCond_app_inv_r with (1 := Hcond).
- rewrite (split_correct_r l (num (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2))).
- rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl; rewrite HH; ring.
- intros e1 Hrec1 Hcond.
- simpl condition in Hcond.
- simpl denum in |- *.
- auto.
- intros e1 Hrec1 Hcond.
- simpl condition in Hcond.
- simpl denum in |- *.
- apply PCond_cons_inv_l with (1:=Hcond).
- intros e1 Hrec1 e2 Hrec2 Hcond.
- simpl condition in Hcond.
- simpl denum in |- *.
- rewrite NPEmul_correct in |- *.
- simpl in |- *.
- apply field_is_integral_domain.
- intros HH; apply Hrec1.
- specialize PCond_cons_inv_r with (1:=Hcond); intro Hcond1.
- apply PCond_app_inv_l with (1 := Hcond1).
- rewrite (split_correct_l l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2))).
- rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl; rewrite HH; ring.
- intros HH; apply PCond_cons_inv_l with (1:=Hcond).
- rewrite (split_correct_r l (num (Fnorm e1)) (num (Fnorm e2))).
- rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl; rewrite HH; ring.
- simpl;intros e1 Hrec1 n Hcond.
- rewrite NPEpow_correct.
- simpl;rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N).
- destruct n;simpl;intros.
- apply AFth.(AF_1_neq_0). apply pow_pos_not_0;auto.
-Hint Resolve Pcond_Fnorm.
- Main theorem
- ***************************************************************************)
-Theorem Fnorm_FEeval_PEeval:
- forall l fe,
- PCond l (condition (Fnorm fe)) ->
- FEeval l fe == NPEeval l (num (Fnorm fe)) / NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe)).
-intros l fe; elim fe; simpl.
-intros c H; rewrite CRmorph.(morph1); apply rdiv1.
-intros p H; rewrite CRmorph.(morph1); apply rdiv1.
-intros e1 He1 e2 He2 HH.
-assert (HH1: PCond l (condition (Fnorm e1))).
-apply PCond_app_inv_l with ( 1 := HH ).
-assert (HH2: PCond l (condition (Fnorm e2))).
-apply PCond_app_inv_r with ( 1 := HH ).
-rewrite (He1 HH1); rewrite (He2 HH2).
-rewrite NPEadd_correct; simpl.
-repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl.
-generalize (split_correct_l l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2)))
- (split_correct_r l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2))).
-repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl.
-intros U1 U2; rewrite U1; rewrite U2.
-apply rdiv2b; auto.
- rewrite <- U1; auto.
- rewrite <- U2; auto.
-intros e1 He1 e2 He2 HH.
-assert (HH1: PCond l (condition (Fnorm e1))).
-apply PCond_app_inv_l with ( 1 := HH ).
-assert (HH2: PCond l (condition (Fnorm e2))).
-apply PCond_app_inv_r with ( 1 := HH ).
-rewrite (He1 HH1); rewrite (He2 HH2).
-rewrite NPEsub_correct; simpl.
-repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl.
-generalize (split_correct_l l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2)))
- (split_correct_r l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2))).
-repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl.
-intros U1 U2; rewrite U1; rewrite U2.
-apply rdiv3b; auto.
- rewrite <- U1; auto.
- rewrite <- U2; auto.
-intros e1 He1 e2 He2 HH.
-assert (HH1: PCond l (condition (Fnorm e1))).
-apply PCond_app_inv_l with ( 1 := HH ).
-assert (HH2: PCond l (condition (Fnorm e2))).
-apply PCond_app_inv_r with ( 1 := HH ).
-rewrite (He1 HH1); rewrite (He2 HH2).
-repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl.
-generalize (split_correct_l l (num (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2)))
- (split_correct_r l (num (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2)))
- (split_correct_l l (num (Fnorm e2)) (denum (Fnorm e1)))
- (split_correct_r l (num (Fnorm e2)) (denum (Fnorm e1))).
-repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl.
-intros U1 U2 U3 U4; rewrite U1; rewrite U2; rewrite U3;
- rewrite U4; simpl.
-apply rdiv4b; auto.
- rewrite <- U4; auto.
- rewrite <- U2; auto.
-intros e1 He1 HH.
-rewrite NPEopp_correct; simpl; rewrite (He1 HH); apply rdiv5; auto.
-intros e1 He1 HH.
-assert (HH1: PCond l (condition (Fnorm e1))).
-apply PCond_cons_inv_r with ( 1 := HH ).
-rewrite (He1 HH1); apply rdiv6; auto.
-apply PCond_cons_inv_l with ( 1 := HH ).
-intros e1 He1 e2 He2 HH.
-assert (HH1: PCond l (condition (Fnorm e1))).
-apply PCond_app_inv_l with (condition (Fnorm e2)).
-apply PCond_cons_inv_r with ( 1 := HH ).
-assert (HH2: PCond l (condition (Fnorm e2))).
-apply PCond_app_inv_r with (condition (Fnorm e1)).
-apply PCond_cons_inv_r with ( 1 := HH ).
-rewrite (He1 HH1); rewrite (He2 HH2).
-repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct;simpl.
-generalize (split_correct_l l (num (Fnorm e1)) (num (Fnorm e2)))
- (split_correct_r l (num (Fnorm e1)) (num (Fnorm e2)))
- (split_correct_l l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2)))
- (split_correct_r l (denum (Fnorm e1)) (denum (Fnorm e2))).
-repeat rewrite NPEmul_correct; simpl.
-intros U1 U2 U3 U4; rewrite U1; rewrite U2; rewrite U3;
- rewrite U4; simpl.
-apply rdiv7b; auto.
- rewrite <- U3; auto.
- rewrite <- U2; auto.
-apply PCond_cons_inv_l with ( 1 := HH ).
- rewrite <- U4; auto.
-intros e1 He1 n Hcond;assert (He1' := He1 Hcond);clear He1.
-repeat rewrite NPEpow_correct;simpl;repeat rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N).
-rewrite He1';clear He1'.
-destruct n;simpl. apply rdiv1.
-generalize (NPEeval l (num (Fnorm e1))) (NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm e1)))
- (Pcond_Fnorm _ _ Hcond).
-intros r r0 Hdiff;induction p;simpl.
-repeat (rewrite <- rdiv4;trivial).
-rewrite IHp. reflexivity.
-apply pow_pos_not_0;trivial.
-apply pow_pos_not_0;trivial.
-intro Hp. apply (pow_pos_not_0 Hdiff p).
-rewrite (@rmul_reg_l (pow_pos rmul r0 p) (pow_pos rmul r0 p) 0).
- reflexivity. apply pow_pos_not_0;trivial. ring [Hp].
-rewrite <- rdiv4;trivial.
-rewrite IHp;reflexivity.
-apply pow_pos_not_0;trivial. apply pow_pos_not_0;trivial.
-Theorem Fnorm_crossproduct:
- forall l fe1 fe2,
- let nfe1 := Fnorm fe1 in
- let nfe2 := Fnorm fe2 in
- NPEeval l (PEmul (num nfe1) (denum nfe2)) ==
- NPEeval l (PEmul (num nfe2) (denum nfe1)) ->
- PCond l (condition nfe1 ++ condition nfe2) ->
- FEeval l fe1 == FEeval l fe2.
-intros l fe1 fe2 nfe1 nfe2 Hcrossprod Hcond; subst nfe1 nfe2.
-rewrite Fnorm_FEeval_PEeval in |- * by
- apply PCond_app_inv_l with (1 := Hcond).
- rewrite Fnorm_FEeval_PEeval in |- * by
- apply PCond_app_inv_r with (1 := Hcond).
- apply cross_product_eq; trivial.
- apply Pcond_Fnorm.
- apply PCond_app_inv_l with (1 := Hcond).
- apply Pcond_Fnorm.
- apply PCond_app_inv_r with (1 := Hcond).
-(* Correctness lemmas of reflexive tactics *)
-Notation Ninterp_PElist := (interp_PElist rO radd rmul rsub ropp req phi Cp_phi rpow).
-Notation Nmk_monpol_list := (mk_monpol_list cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb cdiv).
-Theorem Fnorm_correct:
- forall n l lpe fe,
- Ninterp_PElist l lpe ->
- Peq ceqb (Nnorm n (Nmk_monpol_list lpe) (num (Fnorm fe))) (Pc cO) = true ->
- PCond l (condition (Fnorm fe)) -> FEeval l fe == 0.
-intros n l lpe fe Hlpe H H1;
- apply eq_trans with (1 := Fnorm_FEeval_PEeval l fe H1).
-apply rdiv8; auto.
-transitivity (NPEeval l (PEc cO)); auto.
-rewrite (norm_subst_ok Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th cdiv_th n l lpe);auto.
-change (NPEeval l (PEc cO)) with (Pphi 0 radd rmul phi l (Pc cO)).
-apply (Peq_ok Rsth Reqe CRmorph);auto.
-simpl. apply (morph0 CRmorph); auto.
-(* simplify a field expression into a fraction *)
-(* TODO: simplify when den is constant... *)
-Definition display_linear l num den :=
- NPphi_dev l num / NPphi_dev l den.
-Definition display_pow_linear l num den :=
- NPphi_pow l num / NPphi_pow l den.
-Theorem Field_rw_correct :
- forall n lpe l,
- Ninterp_PElist l lpe ->
- forall lmp, Nmk_monpol_list lpe = lmp ->
- forall fe nfe, Fnorm fe = nfe ->
- PCond l (condition nfe) ->
- FEeval l fe == display_linear l (Nnorm n lmp (num nfe)) (Nnorm n lmp (denum nfe)).
- intros n lpe l Hlpe lmp lmp_eq fe nfe eq_nfe H; subst nfe lmp.
- apply eq_trans with (1 := Fnorm_FEeval_PEeval _ _ H).
- unfold display_linear; apply SRdiv_ext;
- eapply (ring_rw_correct Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph);eauto.
-Theorem Field_rw_pow_correct :
- forall n lpe l,
- Ninterp_PElist l lpe ->
- forall lmp, Nmk_monpol_list lpe = lmp ->
- forall fe nfe, Fnorm fe = nfe ->
- PCond l (condition nfe) ->
- FEeval l fe == display_pow_linear l (Nnorm n lmp (num nfe)) (Nnorm n lmp (denum nfe)).
- intros n lpe l Hlpe lmp lmp_eq fe nfe eq_nfe H; subst nfe lmp.
- apply eq_trans with (1 := Fnorm_FEeval_PEeval _ _ H).
- unfold display_pow_linear; apply SRdiv_ext;
- eapply (ring_rw_pow_correct Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph);eauto.
-Theorem Field_correct :
- forall n l lpe fe1 fe2, Ninterp_PElist l lpe ->
- forall lmp, Nmk_monpol_list lpe = lmp ->
- forall nfe1, Fnorm fe1 = nfe1 ->
- forall nfe2, Fnorm fe2 = nfe2 ->
- Peq ceqb (Nnorm n lmp (PEmul (num nfe1) (denum nfe2)))
- (Nnorm n lmp (PEmul (num nfe2) (denum nfe1))) = true ->
- PCond l (condition nfe1 ++ condition nfe2) ->
- FEeval l fe1 == FEeval l fe2.
-intros n l lpe fe1 fe2 Hlpe lmp eq_lmp nfe1 eq1 nfe2 eq2 Hnorm Hcond; subst nfe1 nfe2 lmp.
-apply Fnorm_crossproduct; trivial.
-eapply (ring_correct Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph); eauto.
-(* simplify a field equation : generate the crossproduct and simplify
- polynomials *)
-Theorem Field_simplify_eq_old_correct :
- forall l fe1 fe2 nfe1 nfe2,
- Fnorm fe1 = nfe1 ->
- Fnorm fe2 = nfe2 ->
- NPphi_dev l (Nnorm O nil (PEmul (num nfe1) (denum nfe2))) ==
- NPphi_dev l (Nnorm O nil (PEmul (num nfe2) (denum nfe1))) ->
- PCond l (condition nfe1 ++ condition nfe2) ->
- FEeval l fe1 == FEeval l fe2.
-intros l fe1 fe2 nfe1 nfe2 eq1 eq2 Hcrossprod Hcond; subst nfe1 nfe2.
-apply Fnorm_crossproduct; trivial.
-match goal with
- [ |- NPEeval l ?x == NPEeval l ?y] =>
- rewrite (ring_rw_correct Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th cdiv_th get_sign_spec
- O nil l I (refl_equal nil) x (refl_equal (Nnorm O nil x)));
- rewrite (ring_rw_correct Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th cdiv_th get_sign_spec
- O nil l I (refl_equal nil) y (refl_equal (Nnorm O nil y)))
- end.
-Theorem Field_simplify_eq_correct :
- forall n l lpe fe1 fe2,
- Ninterp_PElist l lpe ->
- forall lmp, Nmk_monpol_list lpe = lmp ->
- forall nfe1, Fnorm fe1 = nfe1 ->
- forall nfe2, Fnorm fe2 = nfe2 ->
- forall den, split (denum nfe1) (denum nfe2) = den ->
- NPphi_dev l (Nnorm n lmp (PEmul (num nfe1) (right den))) ==
- NPphi_dev l (Nnorm n lmp (PEmul (num nfe2) (left den))) ->
- PCond l (condition nfe1 ++ condition nfe2) ->
- FEeval l fe1 == FEeval l fe2.
-intros n l lpe fe1 fe2 Hlpe lmp Hlmp nfe1 eq1 nfe2 eq2 den eq3 Hcrossprod Hcond;
- subst nfe1 nfe2 den lmp.
-apply Fnorm_crossproduct; trivial.
-simpl in |- *.
-rewrite (split_correct_l l (denum (Fnorm fe1)) (denum (Fnorm fe2))) in |- *.
-rewrite (split_correct_r l (denum (Fnorm fe1)) (denum (Fnorm fe2))) in |- *.
-rewrite NPEmul_correct in |- *.
-rewrite NPEmul_correct in |- *.
-simpl in |- *.
-repeat rewrite (ARmul_assoc ARth) in |- *.
-rewrite <-(
- let x := PEmul (num (Fnorm fe1))
- (rsplit_right (split (denum (Fnorm fe1)) (denum (Fnorm fe2)))) in
-ring_rw_correct Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th cdiv_th get_sign_spec n lpe l
- Hlpe (refl_equal (Nmk_monpol_list lpe))
- x (refl_equal (Nnorm n (Nmk_monpol_list lpe) x))) in Hcrossprod.
-rewrite <-(
- let x := (PEmul (num (Fnorm fe2))
- (rsplit_left
- (split (denum (Fnorm fe1)) (denum (Fnorm fe2))))) in
- ring_rw_correct Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th cdiv_th get_sign_spec n lpe l
- Hlpe (refl_equal (Nmk_monpol_list lpe))
- x (refl_equal (Nnorm n (Nmk_monpol_list lpe) x))) in Hcrossprod.
-simpl in Hcrossprod.
-rewrite Hcrossprod in |- *.
-Theorem Field_simplify_eq_pow_correct :
- forall n l lpe fe1 fe2,
- Ninterp_PElist l lpe ->
- forall lmp, Nmk_monpol_list lpe = lmp ->
- forall nfe1, Fnorm fe1 = nfe1 ->
- forall nfe2, Fnorm fe2 = nfe2 ->
- forall den, split (denum nfe1) (denum nfe2) = den ->
- NPphi_pow l (Nnorm n lmp (PEmul (num nfe1) (right den))) ==
- NPphi_pow l (Nnorm n lmp (PEmul (num nfe2) (left den))) ->
- PCond l (condition nfe1 ++ condition nfe2) ->
- FEeval l fe1 == FEeval l fe2.
-intros n l lpe fe1 fe2 Hlpe lmp Hlmp nfe1 eq1 nfe2 eq2 den eq3 Hcrossprod Hcond;
- subst nfe1 nfe2 den lmp.
-apply Fnorm_crossproduct; trivial.
-simpl in |- *.
-rewrite (split_correct_l l (denum (Fnorm fe1)) (denum (Fnorm fe2))) in |- *.
-rewrite (split_correct_r l (denum (Fnorm fe1)) (denum (Fnorm fe2))) in |- *.
-rewrite NPEmul_correct in |- *.
-rewrite NPEmul_correct in |- *.
-simpl in |- *.
-repeat rewrite (ARmul_assoc ARth) in |- *.
-rewrite <-(
- let x := PEmul (num (Fnorm fe1))
- (rsplit_right (split (denum (Fnorm fe1)) (denum (Fnorm fe2)))) in
-ring_rw_pow_correct Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th cdiv_th get_sign_spec n lpe l
- Hlpe (refl_equal (Nmk_monpol_list lpe))
- x (refl_equal (Nnorm n (Nmk_monpol_list lpe) x))) in Hcrossprod.
-rewrite <-(
- let x := (PEmul (num (Fnorm fe2))
- (rsplit_left
- (split (denum (Fnorm fe1)) (denum (Fnorm fe2))))) in
- ring_rw_pow_correct Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th cdiv_th get_sign_spec n lpe l
- Hlpe (refl_equal (Nmk_monpol_list lpe))
- x (refl_equal (Nnorm n (Nmk_monpol_list lpe) x))) in Hcrossprod.
-simpl in Hcrossprod.
-rewrite Hcrossprod in |- *.
-Theorem Field_simplify_eq_pow_in_correct :
- forall n l lpe fe1 fe2,
- Ninterp_PElist l lpe ->
- forall lmp, Nmk_monpol_list lpe = lmp ->
- forall nfe1, Fnorm fe1 = nfe1 ->
- forall nfe2, Fnorm fe2 = nfe2 ->
- forall den, split (denum nfe1) (denum nfe2) = den ->
- forall np1, Nnorm n lmp (PEmul (num nfe1) (right den)) = np1 ->
- forall np2, Nnorm n lmp (PEmul (num nfe2) (left den)) = np2 ->
- FEeval l fe1 == FEeval l fe2 ->
- PCond l (condition nfe1 ++ condition nfe2) ->
- NPphi_pow l np1 ==
- NPphi_pow l np2.
- intros. subst nfe1 nfe2 lmp np1 np2.
- repeat rewrite (Pphi_pow_ok Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th get_sign_spec).
- repeat (rewrite <- (norm_subst_ok Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th);trivial). simpl.
- assert (N1 := Pcond_Fnorm _ _ (PCond_app_inv_l _ _ _ H7)).
- assert (N2 := Pcond_Fnorm _ _ (PCond_app_inv_r _ _ _ H7)).
- apply (@rmul_reg_l (NPEeval l (rsplit_common den))).
- intro Heq;apply N1.
- rewrite (split_correct_l l (denum (Fnorm fe1)) (denum (Fnorm fe2))).
- rewrite H3. rewrite NPEmul_correct. simpl. ring [Heq].
- repeat rewrite (ARth.(ARmul_comm) (NPEeval l (rsplit_common den))).
- repeat rewrite <- ARth.(ARmul_assoc).
- change (NPEeval l (rsplit_right den) * NPEeval l (rsplit_common den)) with
- (NPEeval l (PEmul (rsplit_right den) (rsplit_common den))).
- change (NPEeval l (rsplit_left den) * NPEeval l (rsplit_common den)) with
- (NPEeval l (PEmul (rsplit_left den) (rsplit_common den))).
- repeat rewrite <- NPEmul_correct. rewrite <- H3. rewrite <- split_correct_l.
- rewrite <- split_correct_r.
- apply (@rmul_reg_l (/NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe2)))).
- intro Heq; apply AFth.(AF_1_neq_0).
- rewrite <- (@AFinv_l AFth (NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe2))));trivial.
- ring [Heq]. rewrite (ARth.(ARmul_comm) (/ NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe2)))).
- repeat rewrite <- (ARth.(ARmul_assoc)).
- rewrite <- (AFth.(AFdiv_def)). rewrite rdiv_r_r by trivial.
- apply (@rmul_reg_l (/NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe1)))).
- intro Heq; apply AFth.(AF_1_neq_0).
- rewrite <- (@AFinv_l AFth (NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe1))));trivial.
- ring [Heq]. repeat rewrite (ARth.(ARmul_comm) (/ NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe1)))).
- repeat rewrite <- (ARth.(ARmul_assoc)).
- repeat rewrite <- (AFth.(AFdiv_def)). rewrite rdiv_r_r by trivial.
- rewrite (AFth.(AFdiv_def)). ring_simplify. unfold SRopp.
- rewrite (ARth.(ARmul_comm) (/ NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe2)))).
- repeat rewrite <- (AFth.(AFdiv_def)).
- repeat rewrite <- Fnorm_FEeval_PEeval ; trivial.
- apply (PCond_app_inv_r _ _ _ H7). apply (PCond_app_inv_l _ _ _ H7).
-Theorem Field_simplify_eq_in_correct :
-forall n l lpe fe1 fe2,
- Ninterp_PElist l lpe ->
- forall lmp, Nmk_monpol_list lpe = lmp ->
- forall nfe1, Fnorm fe1 = nfe1 ->
- forall nfe2, Fnorm fe2 = nfe2 ->
- forall den, split (denum nfe1) (denum nfe2) = den ->
- forall np1, Nnorm n lmp (PEmul (num nfe1) (right den)) = np1 ->
- forall np2, Nnorm n lmp (PEmul (num nfe2) (left den)) = np2 ->
- FEeval l fe1 == FEeval l fe2 ->
- PCond l (condition nfe1 ++ condition nfe2) ->
- NPphi_dev l np1 ==
- NPphi_dev l np2.
- intros. subst nfe1 nfe2 lmp np1 np2.
- repeat rewrite (Pphi_dev_ok Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph get_sign_spec).
- repeat (rewrite <- (norm_subst_ok Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th);trivial). simpl.
- assert (N1 := Pcond_Fnorm _ _ (PCond_app_inv_l _ _ _ H7)).
- assert (N2 := Pcond_Fnorm _ _ (PCond_app_inv_r _ _ _ H7)).
- apply (@rmul_reg_l (NPEeval l (rsplit_common den))).
- intro Heq;apply N1.
- rewrite (split_correct_l l (denum (Fnorm fe1)) (denum (Fnorm fe2))).
- rewrite H3. rewrite NPEmul_correct. simpl. ring [Heq].
- repeat rewrite (ARth.(ARmul_comm) (NPEeval l (rsplit_common den))).
- repeat rewrite <- ARth.(ARmul_assoc).
- change (NPEeval l (rsplit_right den) * NPEeval l (rsplit_common den)) with
- (NPEeval l (PEmul (rsplit_right den) (rsplit_common den))).
- change (NPEeval l (rsplit_left den) * NPEeval l (rsplit_common den)) with
- (NPEeval l (PEmul (rsplit_left den) (rsplit_common den))).
- repeat rewrite <- NPEmul_correct;rewrite <- H3. rewrite <- split_correct_l.
- rewrite <- split_correct_r.
- apply (@rmul_reg_l (/NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe2)))).
- intro Heq; apply AFth.(AF_1_neq_0).
- rewrite <- (@AFinv_l AFth (NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe2))));trivial.
- ring [Heq]. rewrite (ARth.(ARmul_comm) (/ NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe2)))).
- repeat rewrite <- (ARth.(ARmul_assoc)).
- rewrite <- (AFth.(AFdiv_def)). rewrite rdiv_r_r by trivial.
- apply (@rmul_reg_l (/NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe1)))).
- intro Heq; apply AFth.(AF_1_neq_0).
- rewrite <- (@AFinv_l AFth (NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe1))));trivial.
- ring [Heq]. repeat rewrite (ARth.(ARmul_comm) (/ NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe1)))).
- repeat rewrite <- (ARth.(ARmul_assoc)).
- repeat rewrite <- (AFth.(AFdiv_def)). rewrite rdiv_r_r by trivial.
- rewrite (AFth.(AFdiv_def)). ring_simplify. unfold SRopp.
- rewrite (ARth.(ARmul_comm) (/ NPEeval l (denum (Fnorm fe2)))).
- repeat rewrite <- (AFth.(AFdiv_def)).
- repeat rewrite <- Fnorm_FEeval_PEeval;trivial.
- apply (PCond_app_inv_r _ _ _ H7). apply (PCond_app_inv_l _ _ _ H7).
-Section Fcons_impl.
-Variable Fcons : PExpr C -> list (PExpr C) -> list (PExpr C).
-Hypothesis PCond_fcons_inv : forall l a l1,
- PCond l (Fcons a l1) -> ~ NPEeval l a == 0 /\ PCond l l1.
-Fixpoint Fapp (l m:list (PExpr C)) {struct l} : list (PExpr C) :=
- match l with
- | nil => m
- | cons a l1 => Fcons a (Fapp l1 m)
- end.
-Lemma fcons_correct : forall l l1,
- PCond l (Fapp l1 nil) -> PCond l l1.
-induction l1; simpl in |- *; intros.
- trivial.
- elim PCond_fcons_inv with (1 := H); intros.
- destruct l1; auto.
-End Fcons_impl.
-Section Fcons_simpl.
-(* Some general simpifications of the condition: eliminate duplicates,
- split multiplications *)
-Fixpoint Fcons (e:PExpr C) (l:list (PExpr C)) {struct l} : list (PExpr C) :=
- match l with
- nil => cons e nil
- | cons a l1 => if PExpr_eq e a then l else cons a (Fcons e l1)
- end.
-Theorem PFcons_fcons_inv:
- forall l a l1, PCond l (Fcons a l1) -> ~ NPEeval l a == 0 /\ PCond l l1.
-intros l a l1; elim l1; simpl Fcons; auto.
-simpl; auto.
-intros a0 l0.
-generalize (PExpr_eq_semi_correct l a a0); case (PExpr_eq a a0).
-intros H H0 H1; split; auto.
-rewrite H; auto.
-generalize (PCond_cons_inv_l _ _ _ H1); simpl; auto.
-intros H H0 H1;
- assert (Hp: ~ NPEeval l a0 == 0 /\ (~ NPEeval l a == 0 /\ PCond l l0)).
-generalize (PCond_cons_inv_l _ _ _ H1); simpl; auto.
-apply H0.
-generalize (PCond_cons_inv_r _ _ _ H1); simpl; auto.
-generalize Hp; case l0; simpl; intuition.
-(* equality of normal forms rather than syntactic equality *)
-Fixpoint Fcons0 (e:PExpr C) (l:list (PExpr C)) {struct l} : list (PExpr C) :=
- match l with
- nil => cons e nil
- | cons a l1 =>
- if Peq ceqb (Nnorm O nil e) (Nnorm O nil a) then l else cons a (Fcons0 e l1)
- end.
-Theorem PFcons0_fcons_inv:
- forall l a l1, PCond l (Fcons0 a l1) -> ~ NPEeval l a == 0 /\ PCond l l1.
-intros l a l1; elim l1; simpl Fcons0; auto.
-simpl; auto.
-intros a0 l0.
-generalize (ring_correct Rsth Reqe ARth CRmorph pow_th cdiv_th O l nil a a0). simpl.
- case (Peq ceqb (Nnorm O nil a) (Nnorm O nil a0)).
-intros H H0 H1; split; auto.
-rewrite H; auto.
-generalize (PCond_cons_inv_l _ _ _ H1); simpl; auto.
-intros H H0 H1;
- assert (Hp: ~ NPEeval l a0 == 0 /\ (~ NPEeval l a == 0 /\ PCond l l0)).
-generalize (PCond_cons_inv_l _ _ _ H1); simpl; auto.
-apply H0.
-generalize (PCond_cons_inv_r _ _ _ H1); simpl; auto.
-clear get_sign get_sign_spec.
-generalize Hp; case l0; simpl; intuition.
-Fixpoint Fcons00 (e:PExpr C) (l:list (PExpr C)) {struct e} : list (PExpr C) :=
- match e with
- PEmul e1 e2 => Fcons00 e1 (Fcons00 e2 l)
- | PEpow e1 _ => Fcons00 e1 l
- | _ => Fcons0 e l
- end.
-Theorem PFcons00_fcons_inv:
- forall l a l1, PCond l (Fcons00 a l1) -> ~ NPEeval l a == 0 /\ PCond l l1.
-intros l a; elim a; try (intros; apply PFcons0_fcons_inv; auto; fail).
- intros p H p0 H0 l1 H1.
- simpl in H1.
- case (H _ H1); intros H2 H3.
- case (H0 _ H3); intros H4 H5; split; auto.
- simpl in |- *.
- apply field_is_integral_domain; trivial.
- simpl;intros. rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N).
- destruct (H _ H0);split;auto.
- destruct n;simpl. apply AFth.(AF_1_neq_0).
- apply pow_pos_not_0;trivial.
-Definition Pcond_simpl_gen :=
- fcons_correct _ PFcons00_fcons_inv.
-(* Specific case when the equality test of coefs is complete w.r.t. the
- field equality: non-zero coefs can be eliminated, and opposite can
- be simplified (if -1 <> 0) *)
-Hypothesis ceqb_complete : forall c1 c2, phi c1 == phi c2 -> ceqb c1 c2 = true.
-Lemma ceqb_rect_complete : forall c1 c2 (A:Type) (x y:A) (P:A->Type),
- (phi c1 == phi c2 -> P x) ->
- (~ phi c1 == phi c2 -> P y) ->
- P (if ceqb c1 c2 then x else y).
-generalize (fun h => X (morph_eq CRmorph c1 c2 h)).
-generalize (@ceqb_complete c1 c2).
-case (c1 ?=! c2); auto; intros.
-apply X0.
-red in |- *; intro.
-absurd (false = true); auto; discriminate.
-Fixpoint Fcons1 (e:PExpr C) (l:list (PExpr C)) {struct e} : list (PExpr C) :=
- match e with
- PEmul e1 e2 => Fcons1 e1 (Fcons1 e2 l)
- | PEpow e _ => Fcons1 e l
- | PEopp e => if ceqb (copp cI) cO then absurd_PCond else Fcons1 e l
- | PEc c => if ceqb c cO then absurd_PCond else l
- | _ => Fcons0 e l
- end.
-Theorem PFcons1_fcons_inv:
- forall l a l1, PCond l (Fcons1 a l1) -> ~ NPEeval l a == 0 /\ PCond l l1.
-intros l a; elim a; try (intros; apply PFcons0_fcons_inv; auto; fail).
- simpl in |- *; intros c l1.
- apply ceqb_rect_complete; intros.
- elim (@absurd_PCond_bottom l H0).
- split; trivial.
- rewrite <- (morph0 CRmorph) in |- *; trivial.
- intros p H p0 H0 l1 H1.
- simpl in H1.
- case (H _ H1); intros H2 H3.
- case (H0 _ H3); intros H4 H5; split; auto.
- simpl in |- *.
- apply field_is_integral_domain; trivial.
- simpl in |- *; intros p H l1.
- apply ceqb_rect_complete; intros.
- elim (@absurd_PCond_bottom l H1).
- destruct (H _ H1).
- split; trivial.
- apply ropp_neq_0; trivial.
- rewrite (morph_opp CRmorph) in H0.
- rewrite (morph1 CRmorph) in H0.
- rewrite (morph0 CRmorph) in H0.
- trivial.
- intros;simpl. destruct (H _ H0);split;trivial.
- rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N). destruct n;simpl.
- apply AFth.(AF_1_neq_0). apply pow_pos_not_0;trivial.
-Definition Fcons2 e l := Fcons1 (PExpr_simp e) l.
-Theorem PFcons2_fcons_inv:
- forall l a l1, PCond l (Fcons2 a l1) -> ~ NPEeval l a == 0 /\ PCond l l1.
-unfold Fcons2 in |- *; intros l a l1 H; split;
- case (PFcons1_fcons_inv l (PExpr_simp a) l1); auto.
-intros H1 H2 H3; case H1.
-transitivity (NPEeval l a); trivial.
-apply PExpr_simp_correct.
-Definition Pcond_simpl_complete :=
- fcons_correct _ PFcons2_fcons_inv.
-End Fcons_simpl.
-End AlmostField.
-Section FieldAndSemiField.
- Record field_theory : Prop := mk_field {
- F_R : ring_theory rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req;
- F_1_neq_0 : ~ 1 == 0;
- Fdiv_def : forall p q, p / q == p * / q;
- Finv_l : forall p, ~ p == 0 -> / p * p == 1
- }.
- Definition F2AF f :=
- mk_afield
- (Rth_ARth Rsth Reqe f.(F_R)) f.(F_1_neq_0) f.(Fdiv_def) f.(Finv_l).
- Record semi_field_theory : Prop := mk_sfield {
- SF_SR : semi_ring_theory rO rI radd rmul req;
- SF_1_neq_0 : ~ 1 == 0;
- SFdiv_def : forall p q, p / q == p * / q;
- SFinv_l : forall p, ~ p == 0 -> / p * p == 1
- }.
-End FieldAndSemiField.
-End MakeFieldPol.
- Definition SF2AF R (rO rI:R) radd rmul rdiv rinv req Rsth
- (sf:semi_field_theory rO rI radd rmul rdiv rinv req) :=
- mk_afield _ _
- (SRth_ARth Rsth sf.(SF_SR))
- sf.(SF_1_neq_0)
- sf.(SFdiv_def)
- sf.(SFinv_l).
-Section Complete.
- Variable R : Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R -> R).
- Variable (rdiv : R -> R -> R) (rinv : R -> R).
- Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
- Notation "0" := rO. Notation "1" := rI.
- Notation "x + y" := (radd x y). Notation "x * y " := (rmul x y).
- Notation "x - y " := (rsub x y). Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
- Notation "x / y " := (rdiv x y). Notation "/ x" := (rinv x).
- Notation "x == y" := (req x y) (at level 70, no associativity).
- Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
- Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_setoid3.
- Variable Reqe : ring_eq_ext radd rmul ropp req.
- Add Morphism radd : radd_ext3. exact (Radd_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext3. exact (Rmul_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism ropp : ropp_ext3. exact (Ropp_ext Reqe). Qed.
-Section AlmostField.
- Variable AFth : almost_field_theory rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv req.
- Let ARth := AFth.(AF_AR).
- Let rI_neq_rO := AFth.(AF_1_neq_0).
- Let rdiv_def := AFth.(AFdiv_def).
- Let rinv_l := AFth.(AFinv_l).
-Hypothesis S_inj : forall x y, 1+x==1+y -> x==y.
-Hypothesis gen_phiPOS_not_0 : forall p, ~ gen_phiPOS1 rI radd rmul p == 0.
-Lemma add_inj_r : forall p x y,
- gen_phiPOS1 rI radd rmul p + x == gen_phiPOS1 rI radd rmul p + y -> x==y.
-intros p x y.
-elim p using Pind; simpl in |- *; intros.
- apply S_inj; trivial.
- apply H.
- apply S_inj.
- repeat rewrite (ARadd_assoc ARth) in |- *.
- rewrite <- (ARgen_phiPOS_Psucc Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *; trivial.
-Lemma gen_phiPOS_inj : forall x y,
- gen_phiPOS rI radd rmul x == gen_phiPOS rI radd rmul y ->
- x = y.
-intros x y.
-repeat rewrite <- (same_gen Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
-ElimPcompare x y; intro.
- intros.
- apply Pcompare_Eq_eq; trivial.
- intro.
- elim gen_phiPOS_not_0 with (y - x)%positive.
- apply add_inj_r with x.
- symmetry in |- *.
- rewrite (ARadd_0_r Rsth ARth) in |- *.
- rewrite <- (ARgen_phiPOS_add Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
- rewrite Pplus_minus in |- *; trivial.
- change Eq with (CompOpp Eq) in |- *.
- rewrite <- Pcompare_antisym in |- *; trivial.
- rewrite H in |- *; trivial.
- intro.
- elim gen_phiPOS_not_0 with (x - y)%positive.
- apply add_inj_r with y.
- rewrite (ARadd_0_r Rsth ARth) in |- *.
- rewrite <- (ARgen_phiPOS_add Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
- rewrite Pplus_minus in |- *; trivial.
-Lemma gen_phiN_inj : forall x y,
- gen_phiN rO rI radd rmul x == gen_phiN rO rI radd rmul y ->
- x = y.
-destruct x; destruct y; simpl in |- *; intros; trivial.
- elim gen_phiPOS_not_0 with p.
- symmetry in |- *.
- rewrite (same_gen Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *; trivial.
- elim gen_phiPOS_not_0 with p.
- rewrite (same_gen Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *; trivial.
- rewrite gen_phiPOS_inj with (1 := H) in |- *; trivial.
-Lemma gen_phiN_complete : forall x y,
- gen_phiN rO rI radd rmul x == gen_phiN rO rI radd rmul y ->
- Neq_bool x y = true.
- replace y with x.
- unfold Neq_bool in |- *.
- rewrite Ncompare_refl in |- *; trivial.
- apply gen_phiN_inj; trivial.
-End AlmostField.
-Section Field.
- Variable Fth : field_theory rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp rdiv rinv req.
- Let Rth := Fth.(F_R).
- Let rI_neq_rO := Fth.(F_1_neq_0).
- Let rdiv_def := Fth.(Fdiv_def).
- Let rinv_l := Fth.(Finv_l).
- Let AFth := F2AF Rsth Reqe Fth.
- Let ARth := Rth_ARth Rsth Reqe Rth.
-Lemma ring_S_inj : forall x y, 1+x==1+y -> x==y.
-transitivity (x + (1 + - (1))).
- rewrite (Ropp_def Rth) in |- *.
- symmetry in |- *.
- apply (ARadd_0_r Rsth ARth).
- transitivity (y + (1 + - (1))).
- repeat rewrite <- (ARplus_assoc ARth) in |- *.
- repeat rewrite (ARadd_assoc ARth) in |- *.
- apply (Radd_ext Reqe).
- repeat rewrite <- (ARadd_comm ARth 1) in |- *.
- trivial.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite (Ropp_def Rth) in |- *.
- apply (ARadd_0_r Rsth ARth).
- Hypothesis gen_phiPOS_not_0 : forall p, ~ gen_phiPOS1 rI radd rmul p == 0.
-Let gen_phiPOS_inject :=
- gen_phiPOS_inj AFth ring_S_inj gen_phiPOS_not_0.
-Lemma gen_phiPOS_discr_sgn : forall x y,
- ~ gen_phiPOS rI radd rmul x == - gen_phiPOS rI radd rmul y.
-red in |- *; intros.
-apply gen_phiPOS_not_0 with (y + x)%positive.
-rewrite (ARgen_phiPOS_add Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
-transitivity (gen_phiPOS1 1 radd rmul y + - gen_phiPOS1 1 radd rmul y).
- apply (Radd_ext Reqe); trivial.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite (same_gen Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
- rewrite (same_gen Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
- trivial.
- apply (Ropp_def Rth).
-Lemma gen_phiZ_inj : forall x y,
- gen_phiZ rO rI radd rmul ropp x == gen_phiZ rO rI radd rmul ropp y ->
- x = y.
-destruct x; destruct y; simpl in |- *; intros.
- trivial.
- elim gen_phiPOS_not_0 with p.
- rewrite (same_gen Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
- symmetry in |- *; trivial.
- elim gen_phiPOS_not_0 with p.
- rewrite (same_gen Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
- rewrite <- (Ropp_opp Rsth Reqe Rth (gen_phiPOS 1 radd rmul p)) in |- *.
- rewrite <- H in |- *.
- apply (ARopp_zero Rsth Reqe ARth).
- elim gen_phiPOS_not_0 with p.
- rewrite (same_gen Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
- trivial.
- rewrite gen_phiPOS_inject with (1 := H) in |- *; trivial.
- elim gen_phiPOS_discr_sgn with (1 := H).
- elim gen_phiPOS_not_0 with p.
- rewrite (same_gen Rsth Reqe ARth) in |- *.
- rewrite <- (Ropp_opp Rsth Reqe Rth (gen_phiPOS 1 radd rmul p)) in |- *.
- rewrite H in |- *.
- apply (ARopp_zero Rsth Reqe ARth).
- elim gen_phiPOS_discr_sgn with p0 p.
- symmetry in |- *; trivial.
- replace p0 with p; trivial.
- apply gen_phiPOS_inject.
- rewrite <- (Ropp_opp Rsth Reqe Rth (gen_phiPOS 1 radd rmul p)) in |- *.
- rewrite <- (Ropp_opp Rsth Reqe Rth (gen_phiPOS 1 radd rmul p0)) in |- *.
- rewrite H in |- *; trivial.
- reflexivity.
-Lemma gen_phiZ_complete : forall x y,
- gen_phiZ rO rI radd rmul ropp x == gen_phiZ rO rI radd rmul ropp y ->
- Zeq_bool x y = true.
- replace y with x.
- unfold Zeq_bool in |- *.
- rewrite Zcompare_refl in |- *; trivial.
- apply gen_phiZ_inj; trivial.
-End Field.
-End Complete.
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/InitialRing.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/InitialRing.v
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index e664b3b7..00000000
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Import ZArith_base.
-Require Import Zpow_def.
-Require Import BinInt.
-Require Import BinNat.
-Require Import Setoid.
-Require Import Ring_theory.
-Require Import Ring_polynom.
-Require Import ZOdiv_def.
-Import List.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Import RingSyntax.
-(* An object to return when an expression is not recognized as a constant *)
-Definition NotConstant := false.
-(** Z is a ring and a setoid*)
-Lemma Zsth : Setoid_Theory Z (@eq Z).
-Proof (Eqsth Z).
-Lemma Zeqe : ring_eq_ext Zplus Zmult Zopp (@eq Z).
-Proof (Eq_ext Zplus Zmult Zopp).
-Lemma Zth : ring_theory Z0 (Zpos xH) Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp (@eq Z).
- constructor. exact Zplus_0_l. exact Zplus_comm. exact Zplus_assoc.
- exact Zmult_1_l. exact Zmult_comm. exact Zmult_assoc.
- exact Zmult_plus_distr_l. trivial. exact Zminus_diag.
-(** Two generic morphisms from Z to (abrbitrary) rings, *)
-(**second one is more convenient for proofs but they are ext. equal*)
- Variable R : Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R -> R).
- Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
- Notation "0" := rO. Notation "1" := rI.
- Notation "x + y" := (radd x y). Notation "x * y " := (rmul x y).
- Notation "x - y " := (rsub x y). Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
- Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
- Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
- Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_setoid3.
- Ltac rrefl := gen_reflexivity Rsth.
- Variable Reqe : ring_eq_ext radd rmul ropp req.
- Add Morphism radd : radd_ext3. exact (Radd_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext3. exact (Rmul_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism ropp : ropp_ext3. exact (Ropp_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Fixpoint gen_phiPOS1 (p:positive) : R :=
- match p with
- | xH => 1
- | xO p => (1 + 1) * (gen_phiPOS1 p)
- | xI p => 1 + ((1 + 1) * (gen_phiPOS1 p))
- end.
- Fixpoint gen_phiPOS (p:positive) : R :=
- match p with
- | xH => 1
- | xO xH => (1 + 1)
- | xO p => (1 + 1) * (gen_phiPOS p)
- | xI xH => 1 + (1 +1)
- | xI p => 1 + ((1 + 1) * (gen_phiPOS p))
- end.
- Definition gen_phiZ1 z :=
- match z with
- | Zpos p => gen_phiPOS1 p
- | Z0 => 0
- | Zneg p => -(gen_phiPOS1 p)
- end.
- Definition gen_phiZ z :=
- match z with
- | Zpos p => gen_phiPOS p
- | Z0 => 0
- | Zneg p => -(gen_phiPOS p)
- end.
- Notation "[ x ]" := (gen_phiZ x).
- Definition get_signZ z :=
- match z with
- | Zneg p => Some (Zpos p)
- | _ => None
- end.
- Lemma get_signZ_th : sign_theory Zopp Zeq_bool get_signZ.
- Proof.
- constructor.
- destruct c;intros;try discriminate.
- injection H;clear H;intros H1;subst c'.
- simpl. unfold Zeq_bool. rewrite Zcompare_refl. trivial.
- Qed.
- Section ALMOST_RING.
- Variable ARth : almost_ring_theory 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req.
- Add Morphism rsub : rsub_ext3. exact (ARsub_ext Rsth Reqe ARth). Qed.
- Ltac norm := gen_srewrite Rsth Reqe ARth.
- Ltac add_push := gen_add_push radd Rsth Reqe ARth.
- Lemma same_gen : forall x, gen_phiPOS1 x == gen_phiPOS x.
- Proof.
- induction x;simpl.
- rewrite IHx;destruct x;simpl;norm.
- rewrite IHx;destruct x;simpl;norm.
- rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma ARgen_phiPOS_Psucc : forall x,
- gen_phiPOS1 (Psucc x) == 1 + (gen_phiPOS1 x).
- Proof.
- induction x;simpl;norm.
- rewrite IHx;norm.
- add_push 1;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma ARgen_phiPOS_add : forall x y,
- gen_phiPOS1 (x + y) == (gen_phiPOS1 x) + (gen_phiPOS1 y).
- Proof.
- induction x;destruct y;simpl;norm.
- rewrite Pplus_carry_spec.
- rewrite ARgen_phiPOS_Psucc.
- rewrite IHx;norm.
- add_push (gen_phiPOS1 y);add_push 1;rrefl.
- rewrite IHx;norm;add_push (gen_phiPOS1 y);rrefl.
- rewrite ARgen_phiPOS_Psucc;norm;add_push 1;rrefl.
- rewrite IHx;norm;add_push(gen_phiPOS1 y); add_push 1;rrefl.
- rewrite IHx;norm;add_push(gen_phiPOS1 y);rrefl.
- add_push 1;rrefl.
- rewrite ARgen_phiPOS_Psucc;norm;add_push 1;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma ARgen_phiPOS_mult :
- forall x y, gen_phiPOS1 (x * y) == gen_phiPOS1 x * gen_phiPOS1 y.
- Proof.
- induction x;intros;simpl;norm.
- rewrite ARgen_phiPOS_add;simpl;rewrite IHx;norm.
- rewrite IHx;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Variable Rth : ring_theory 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req.
- Let ARth := Rth_ARth Rsth Reqe Rth.
- Add Morphism rsub : rsub_ext4. exact (ARsub_ext Rsth Reqe ARth). Qed.
- Ltac norm := gen_srewrite Rsth Reqe ARth.
- Ltac add_push := gen_add_push radd Rsth Reqe ARth.
-(*morphisms are extensionaly equal*)
- Lemma same_genZ : forall x, [x] == gen_phiZ1 x.
- Proof.
- destruct x;simpl; try rewrite (same_gen ARth);rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma gen_Zeqb_ok : forall x y,
- Zeq_bool x y = true -> [x] == [y].
- Proof.
- intros x y H.
- assert (H1 := Zeq_bool_eq x y H);unfold IDphi in H1.
- rewrite H1;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma gen_phiZ1_add_pos_neg : forall x y,
- gen_phiZ1
- match (x ?= y)%positive Eq with
- | Eq => Z0
- | Lt => Zneg (y - x)
- | Gt => Zpos (x - y)
- end
- == gen_phiPOS1 x + -gen_phiPOS1 y.
- Proof.
- intros x y.
- assert (H:= (Pcompare_Eq_eq x y)); assert (H0 := Pminus_mask_Gt x y).
- generalize (Pminus_mask_Gt y x).
- replace Eq with (CompOpp Eq);[intro H1;simpl|trivial].
- rewrite <- Pcompare_antisym in H1.
- destruct ((x ?= y)%positive Eq).
- rewrite H;trivial. rewrite (Ropp_def Rth);rrefl.
- destruct H1 as [h [Heq1 [Heq2 Hor]]];trivial.
- unfold Pminus; rewrite Heq1;rewrite <- Heq2.
- rewrite (ARgen_phiPOS_add ARth);simpl;norm.
- rewrite (Ropp_def Rth);norm.
- destruct H0 as [h [Heq1 [Heq2 Hor]]];trivial.
- unfold Pminus; rewrite Heq1;rewrite <- Heq2.
- rewrite (ARgen_phiPOS_add ARth);simpl;norm.
- add_push (gen_phiPOS1 h);rewrite (Ropp_def Rth); norm.
- Qed.
- Lemma match_compOpp : forall x (B:Type) (be bl bg:B),
- match CompOpp x with Eq => be | Lt => bl | Gt => bg end
- = match x with Eq => be | Lt => bg | Gt => bl end.
- Proof. destruct x;simpl;intros;trivial. Qed.
- Lemma gen_phiZ_add : forall x y, [x + y] == [x] + [y].
- Proof.
- intros x y; repeat rewrite same_genZ; generalize x y;clear x y.
- induction x;destruct y;simpl;norm.
- apply (ARgen_phiPOS_add ARth).
- apply gen_phiZ1_add_pos_neg.
- replace Eq with (CompOpp Eq);trivial.
- rewrite <- Pcompare_antisym;simpl.
- rewrite match_compOpp.
- rewrite (Radd_comm Rth).
- apply gen_phiZ1_add_pos_neg.
- rewrite (ARgen_phiPOS_add ARth); norm.
- Qed.
- Lemma gen_phiZ_mul : forall x y, [x * y] == [x] * [y].
- Proof.
- intros x y;repeat rewrite same_genZ.
- destruct x;destruct y;simpl;norm;
- rewrite (ARgen_phiPOS_mult ARth);try (norm;fail).
- rewrite (Ropp_opp Rsth Reqe Rth);rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma gen_phiZ_ext : forall x y : Z, x = y -> [x] == [y].
- Proof. intros;subst;rrefl. Qed.
-(*proof that [.] satisfies morphism specifications*)
- Lemma gen_phiZ_morph :
- ring_morph 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req Z0 (Zpos xH)
- Zplus Zmult Zminus Zopp Zeq_bool gen_phiZ.
- Proof.
- assert ( SRmorph : semi_morph 0 1 radd rmul req Z0 (Zpos xH)
- Zplus Zmult Zeq_bool gen_phiZ).
- apply mkRmorph;simpl;try rrefl.
- apply gen_phiZ_add. apply gen_phiZ_mul. apply gen_Zeqb_ok.
- apply (Smorph_morph Rsth Reqe Rth Zth SRmorph gen_phiZ_ext).
- Qed.
-(** N is a semi-ring and a setoid*)
-Lemma Nsth : Setoid_Theory N (@eq N).
-Proof (Eqsth N).
-Lemma Nseqe : sring_eq_ext Nplus Nmult (@eq N).
-Proof (Eq_s_ext Nplus Nmult).
-Lemma Nth : semi_ring_theory N0 (Npos xH) Nplus Nmult (@eq N).
- constructor. exact Nplus_0_l. exact Nplus_comm. exact Nplus_assoc.
- exact Nmult_1_l. exact Nmult_0_l. exact Nmult_comm. exact Nmult_assoc.
- exact Nmult_plus_distr_r.
-Definition Nsub := SRsub Nplus.
-Definition Nopp := (@SRopp N).
-Lemma Neqe : ring_eq_ext Nplus Nmult Nopp (@eq N).
-Proof (SReqe_Reqe Nseqe).
-Lemma Nath :
- almost_ring_theory N0 (Npos xH) Nplus Nmult Nsub Nopp (@eq N).
-Proof (SRth_ARth Nsth Nth).
-Definition Neq_bool (x y:N) :=
- match Ncompare x y with
- | Eq => true
- | _ => false
- end.
-Lemma Neq_bool_ok : forall x y, Neq_bool x y = true -> x = y.
- Proof.
- intros x y;unfold Neq_bool.
- assert (H:=Ncompare_Eq_eq x y);
- destruct (Ncompare x y);intros;try discriminate.
- rewrite H;trivial.
- Qed.
-Lemma Neq_bool_complete : forall x y, Neq_bool x y = true -> x = y.
- Proof.
- intros x y;unfold Neq_bool.
- assert (H:=Ncompare_Eq_eq x y);
- destruct (Ncompare x y);intros;try discriminate.
- rewrite H;trivial.
- Qed.
-(**Same as above : definition of two,extensionaly equal, generic morphisms *)
-(**from N to any semi-ring*)
- Variable R : Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul: R->R->R).
- Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
- Notation "0" := rO. Notation "1" := rI.
- Notation "x + y" := (radd x y). Notation "x * y " := (rmul x y).
- Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
- Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_setoid4.
- Ltac rrefl := gen_reflexivity Rsth.
- Variable SReqe : sring_eq_ext radd rmul req.
- Variable SRth : semi_ring_theory 0 1 radd rmul req.
- Let ARth := SRth_ARth Rsth SRth.
- Let Reqe := SReqe_Reqe SReqe.
- Let ropp := (@SRopp R).
- Let rsub := (@SRsub R radd).
- Notation "x - y " := (rsub x y). Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
- Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
- Add Morphism radd : radd_ext4. exact (Radd_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext4. exact (Rmul_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism ropp : ropp_ext4. exact (Ropp_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rsub : rsub_ext5. exact (ARsub_ext Rsth Reqe ARth). Qed.
- Ltac norm := gen_srewrite Rsth Reqe ARth.
- Definition gen_phiN1 x :=
- match x with
- | N0 => 0
- | Npos x => gen_phiPOS1 1 radd rmul x
- end.
- Definition gen_phiN x :=
- match x with
- | N0 => 0
- | Npos x => gen_phiPOS 1 radd rmul x
- end.
- Notation "[ x ]" := (gen_phiN x).
- Lemma same_genN : forall x, [x] == gen_phiN1 x.
- Proof.
- destruct x;simpl. rrefl.
- rewrite (same_gen Rsth Reqe ARth);rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma gen_phiN_add : forall x y, [x + y] == [x] + [y].
- Proof.
- intros x y;repeat rewrite same_genN.
- destruct x;destruct y;simpl;norm.
- apply (ARgen_phiPOS_add Rsth Reqe ARth).
- Qed.
- Lemma gen_phiN_mult : forall x y, [x * y] == [x] * [y].
- Proof.
- intros x y;repeat rewrite same_genN.
- destruct x;destruct y;simpl;norm.
- apply (ARgen_phiPOS_mult Rsth Reqe ARth).
- Qed.
- Lemma gen_phiN_sub : forall x y, [Nsub x y] == [x] - [y].
- Proof. exact gen_phiN_add. Qed.
-(*gen_phiN satisfies morphism specifications*)
- Lemma gen_phiN_morph : ring_morph 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req
- N0 (Npos xH) Nplus Nmult Nsub Nopp Neq_bool gen_phiN.
- Proof.
- constructor;intros;simpl; try rrefl.
- apply gen_phiN_add. apply gen_phiN_sub. apply gen_phiN_mult.
- rewrite (Neq_bool_ok x y);trivial. rrefl.
- Qed.
-(* Words on N : initial structure for almost-rings. *)
-Definition Nword := list N.
-Definition NwO : Nword := nil.
-Definition NwI : Nword := 1%N :: nil.
-Definition Nwcons n (w : Nword) : Nword :=
- match w, n with
- | nil, 0%N => nil
- | _, _ => n :: w
- end.
-Fixpoint Nwadd (w1 w2 : Nword) {struct w1} : Nword :=
- match w1, w2 with
- | n1::w1', n2:: w2' => (n1+n2)%N :: Nwadd w1' w2'
- | nil, _ => w2
- | _, nil => w1
- end.
-Definition Nwopp (w:Nword) : Nword := Nwcons 0%N w.
-Definition Nwsub w1 w2 := Nwadd w1 (Nwopp w2).
-Fixpoint Nwscal (n : N) (w : Nword) {struct w} : Nword :=
- match w with
- | m :: w' => (n*m)%N :: Nwscal n w'
- | nil => nil
- end.
-Fixpoint Nwmul (w1 w2 : Nword) {struct w1} : Nword :=
- match w1 with
- | 0%N::w1' => Nwopp (Nwmul w1' w2)
- | n1::w1' => Nwsub (Nwscal n1 w2) (Nwmul w1' w2)
- | nil => nil
- end.
-Fixpoint Nw_is0 (w : Nword) : bool :=
- match w with
- | nil => true
- | 0%N :: w' => Nw_is0 w'
- | _ => false
- end.
-Fixpoint Nweq_bool (w1 w2 : Nword) {struct w1} : bool :=
- match w1, w2 with
- | n1::w1', n2::w2' =>
- if Neq_bool n1 n2 then Nweq_bool w1' w2' else false
- | nil, _ => Nw_is0 w2
- | _, nil => Nw_is0 w1
- end.
- Variable R : Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R -> R).
- Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
- Notation "0" := rO. Notation "1" := rI.
- Notation "x + y" := (radd x y). Notation "x * y " := (rmul x y).
- Notation "x - y " := (rsub x y). Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
- Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
- Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
- Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_setoid5.
- Ltac rrefl := gen_reflexivity Rsth.
- Variable Reqe : ring_eq_ext radd rmul ropp req.
- Add Morphism radd : radd_ext5. exact (Radd_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext5. exact (Rmul_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism ropp : ropp_ext5. exact (Ropp_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Variable ARth : almost_ring_theory 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req.
- Add Morphism rsub : rsub_ext7. exact (ARsub_ext Rsth Reqe ARth). Qed.
- Ltac norm := gen_srewrite Rsth Reqe ARth.
- Ltac add_push := gen_add_push radd Rsth Reqe ARth.
- Fixpoint gen_phiNword (w : Nword) : R :=
- match w with
- | nil => 0
- | n :: nil => gen_phiN rO rI radd rmul n
- | N0 :: w' => - gen_phiNword w'
- | n::w' => gen_phiN rO rI radd rmul n - gen_phiNword w'
- end.
- Lemma gen_phiNword0_ok : forall w, Nw_is0 w = true -> gen_phiNword w == 0.
-induction w; simpl in |- *; intros; auto.
- reflexivity.
- destruct a.
- destruct w.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite IHw in |- *; trivial.
- apply (ARopp_zero Rsth Reqe ARth).
- discriminate.
- Lemma gen_phiNword_cons : forall w n,
- gen_phiNword (n::w) == gen_phiN rO rI radd rmul n - gen_phiNword w.
-induction w.
- destruct n; simpl in |- *; norm.
- intros.
- destruct n; norm.
- Lemma gen_phiNword_Nwcons : forall w n,
- gen_phiNword (Nwcons n w) == gen_phiN rO rI radd rmul n - gen_phiNword w.
-destruct w; intros.
- destruct n; norm.
- unfold Nwcons in |- *.
- rewrite gen_phiNword_cons in |- *.
- reflexivity.
- Lemma gen_phiNword_ok : forall w1 w2,
- Nweq_bool w1 w2 = true -> gen_phiNword w1 == gen_phiNword w2.
-induction w1; intros.
- simpl in |- *.
- rewrite (gen_phiNword0_ok _ H) in |- *.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite gen_phiNword_cons in |- *.
- destruct w2.
- simpl in H.
- destruct a; try discriminate.
- rewrite (gen_phiNword0_ok _ H) in |- *.
- norm.
- simpl in H.
- rewrite gen_phiNword_cons in |- *.
- case_eq (Neq_bool a n); intros.
- rewrite H0 in H.
- rewrite <- (Neq_bool_ok _ _ H0) in |- *.
- rewrite (IHw1 _ H) in |- *.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite H0 in H; discriminate H.
-Lemma Nwadd_ok : forall x y,
- gen_phiNword (Nwadd x y) == gen_phiNword x + gen_phiNword y.
-induction x; intros.
- simpl in |- *.
- norm.
- destruct y.
- simpl Nwadd; norm.
- simpl Nwadd in |- *.
- repeat rewrite gen_phiNword_cons in |- *.
- rewrite (fun sreq => gen_phiN_add Rsth sreq (ARth_SRth ARth)) in |- * by
- (destruct Reqe; constructor; trivial).
- rewrite IHx in |- *.
- norm.
- add_push (- gen_phiNword x); reflexivity.
-Lemma Nwopp_ok : forall x, gen_phiNword (Nwopp x) == - gen_phiNword x.
-simpl in |- *.
-unfold Nwopp in |- *; simpl in |- *.
-rewrite gen_phiNword_Nwcons in |- *; norm.
-Lemma Nwscal_ok : forall n x,
- gen_phiNword (Nwscal n x) == gen_phiN rO rI radd rmul n * gen_phiNword x.
-induction x; intros.
- norm.
- simpl Nwscal in |- *.
- repeat rewrite gen_phiNword_cons in |- *.
- rewrite (fun sreq => gen_phiN_mult Rsth sreq (ARth_SRth ARth)) in |- *
- by (destruct Reqe; constructor; trivial).
- rewrite IHx in |- *.
- norm.
-Lemma Nwmul_ok : forall x y,
- gen_phiNword (Nwmul x y) == gen_phiNword x * gen_phiNword y.
-induction x; intros.
- norm.
- destruct a.
- simpl Nwmul in |- *.
- rewrite Nwopp_ok in |- *.
- rewrite IHx in |- *.
- rewrite gen_phiNword_cons in |- *.
- norm.
- simpl Nwmul in |- *.
- unfold Nwsub in |- *.
- rewrite Nwadd_ok in |- *.
- rewrite Nwscal_ok in |- *.
- rewrite Nwopp_ok in |- *.
- rewrite IHx in |- *.
- rewrite gen_phiNword_cons in |- *.
- norm.
-(* Proof that [.] satisfies morphism specifications *)
- Lemma gen_phiNword_morph :
- ring_morph 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req
- NwO NwI Nwadd Nwmul Nwsub Nwopp Nweq_bool gen_phiNword.
- reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
- exact Nwadd_ok.
- intros.
- unfold Nwsub in |- *.
- rewrite Nwadd_ok in |- *.
- rewrite Nwopp_ok in |- *.
- norm.
- exact Nwmul_ok.
- exact Nwopp_ok.
- exact gen_phiNword_ok.
-Section GEN_DIV.
- Variables (R : Type) (rO : R) (rI : R) (radd : R -> R -> R)
- (rmul : R -> R -> R) (rsub : R -> R -> R) (ropp : R -> R)
- (req : R -> R -> Prop) (C : Type) (cO : C) (cI : C)
- (cadd : C -> C -> C) (cmul : C -> C -> C) (csub : C -> C -> C)
- (copp : C -> C) (ceqb : C -> C -> bool) (phi : C -> R).
- Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
- Variable Reqe : ring_eq_ext radd rmul ropp req.
- Variable ARth : almost_ring_theory rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req.
- Variable morph : ring_morph rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb phi.
- (* Useful tactics *)
- Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_set1.
- Ltac rrefl := gen_reflexivity Rsth.
- Add Morphism radd : radd_ext. exact (Radd_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext. exact (Rmul_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism ropp : ropp_ext. exact (Ropp_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rsub : rsub_ext. exact (ARsub_ext Rsth Reqe ARth). Qed.
- Ltac rsimpl := gen_srewrite Rsth Reqe ARth.
- Definition triv_div x y :=
- if ceqb x y then (cI, cO)
- else (cO, x).
- Ltac Esimpl :=repeat (progress (
- match goal with
- | |- context [phi cO] => rewrite (morph0 morph)
- | |- context [phi cI] => rewrite (morph1 morph)
- | |- context [phi (cadd ?x ?y)] => rewrite ((morph_add morph) x y)
- | |- context [phi (cmul ?x ?y)] => rewrite ((morph_mul morph) x y)
- | |- context [phi (csub ?x ?y)] => rewrite ((morph_sub morph) x y)
- | |- context [phi (copp ?x)] => rewrite ((morph_opp morph) x)
- end)).
- Lemma triv_div_th : Ring_theory.div_theory req cadd cmul phi triv_div.
- Proof.
- constructor.
- intros a b;unfold triv_div.
- assert (X:= morph.(morph_eq) a b);destruct (ceqb a b).
- Esimpl.
- rewrite X; trivial.
- rsimpl.
- Esimpl; rsimpl.
- Variable zphi : Z -> R.
- Lemma Ztriv_div_th : div_theory req Zplus Zmult zphi ZOdiv_eucl.
- Proof.
- constructor.
- intros; generalize (ZOdiv_eucl_correct a b); case ZOdiv_eucl; intros; subst.
- rewrite Zmult_comm; rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Variable nphi : N -> R.
- Lemma Ntriv_div_th : div_theory req Nplus Nmult nphi Ndiv_eucl.
- constructor.
- intros; generalize (Ndiv_eucl_correct a b); case Ndiv_eucl; intros; subst.
- rewrite Nmult_comm; rsimpl.
- Qed.
- (* syntaxification of constants in an abstract ring:
- the inverse of gen_phiPOS *)
- Ltac inv_gen_phi_pos rI add mul t :=
- let rec inv_cst t :=
- match t with
- rI => constr:1%positive
- | (add rI rI) => constr:2%positive
- | (add rI (add rI rI)) => constr:3%positive
- | (mul (add rI rI) ?p) => (* 2p *)
- match inv_cst p with
- NotConstant => constr:NotConstant
- | 1%positive => constr:NotConstant (* 2*1 is not convertible to 2 *)
- | ?p => constr:(xO p)
- end
- | (add rI (mul (add rI rI) ?p)) => (* 1+2p *)
- match inv_cst p with
- NotConstant => constr:NotConstant
- | 1%positive => constr:NotConstant
- | ?p => constr:(xI p)
- end
- | _ => constr:NotConstant
- end in
- inv_cst t.
-(* The (partial) inverse of gen_phiNword *)
- Ltac inv_gen_phiNword rO rI add mul opp t :=
- match t with
- rO => constr:NwO
- | _ =>
- match inv_gen_phi_pos rI add mul t with
- NotConstant => constr:NotConstant
- | ?p => constr:(Npos p::nil)
- end
- end.
-(* The inverse of gen_phiN *)
- Ltac inv_gen_phiN rO rI add mul t :=
- match t with
- rO => constr:0%N
- | _ =>
- match inv_gen_phi_pos rI add mul t with
- NotConstant => constr:NotConstant
- | ?p => constr:(Npos p)
- end
- end.
-(* The inverse of gen_phiZ *)
- Ltac inv_gen_phiZ rO rI add mul opp t :=
- match t with
- rO => constr:0%Z
- | (opp ?p) =>
- match inv_gen_phi_pos rI add mul p with
- NotConstant => constr:NotConstant
- | ?p => constr:(Zneg p)
- end
- | _ =>
- match inv_gen_phi_pos rI add mul t with
- NotConstant => constr:NotConstant
- | ?p => constr:(Zpos p)
- end
- end.
-(* A simple tactic recognizing only 0 and 1. The inv_gen_phiX above
- are only optimisations that directly returns the reifid constant
- instead of resorting to the constant propagation of the simplification
- algorithm. *)
-Ltac inv_gen_phi rO rI cO cI t :=
- match t with
- | rO => cO
- | rI => cI
- end.
-(* A simple tactic recognizing no constant *)
- Ltac inv_morph_nothing t := constr:NotConstant.
-Ltac coerce_to_almost_ring set ext rspec :=
- match type of rspec with
- | ring_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(Rth_ARth set ext rspec)
- | semi_ring_theory _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(SRth_ARth set rspec)
- | almost_ring_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => rspec
- | _ => fail 1 "not a valid ring theory"
- end.
-Ltac coerce_to_ring_ext ext :=
- match type of ext with
- | ring_eq_ext _ _ _ _ => ext
- | sring_eq_ext _ _ _ => constr:(SReqe_Reqe ext)
- | _ => fail 1 "not a valid ring_eq_ext theory"
- end.
-Ltac abstract_ring_morphism set ext rspec :=
- match type of rspec with
- | ring_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(gen_phiZ_morph set ext rspec)
- | semi_ring_theory _ _ _ _ _ => constr:(gen_phiN_morph set ext rspec)
- | almost_ring_theory _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =>
- constr:(gen_phiNword_morph set ext rspec)
- | _ => fail 1 "bad ring structure"
- end.
-Record hypo : Type := mkhypo {
- hypo_type : Type;
- hypo_proof : hypo_type
- }.
-Ltac gen_ring_pow set arth pspec :=
- match pspec with
- | None =>
- match type of arth with
- | @almost_ring_theory ?R ?rO ?rI ?radd ?rmul ?rsub ?ropp ?req =>
- constr:(mkhypo (@pow_N_th R rI rmul req set))
- | _ => fail 1 "gen_ring_pow"
- end
- | Some ?t => constr:(t)
- end.
-Ltac gen_ring_sign morph sspec :=
- match sspec with
- | None =>
- match type of morph with
- | @ring_morph ?R ?r0 ?rI ?radd ?rmul ?rsub ?ropp ?req
- Z ?c0 ?c1 ?cadd ?cmul ?csub ?copp ?ceqb ?phi =>
- constr:(@mkhypo (sign_theory copp ceqb get_signZ) get_signZ_th)
- | @ring_morph ?R ?r0 ?rI ?radd ?rmul ?rsub ?ropp ?req
- ?C ?c0 ?c1 ?cadd ?cmul ?csub ?copp ?ceqb ?phi =>
- constr:(mkhypo (@get_sign_None_th C copp ceqb))
- | _ => fail 2 "ring anomaly : default_sign_spec"
- end
- | Some ?t => constr:(t)
- end.
-Ltac default_div_spec set reqe arth morph :=
- match type of morph with
- | @ring_morph ?R ?r0 ?rI ?radd ?rmul ?rsub ?ropp ?req
- Z ?c0 ?c1 Zplus Zmult ?csub ?copp ?ceq_b ?phi =>
- constr:(mkhypo (Ztriv_div_th set phi))
- | @ring_morph ?R ?r0 ?rI ?radd ?rmul ?rsub ?ropp ?req
- N ?c0 ?c1 Nplus Nmult ?csub ?copp ?ceq_b ?phi =>
- constr:(mkhypo (Ntriv_div_th set phi))
- | @ring_morph ?R ?r0 ?rI ?radd ?rmul ?rsub ?ropp ?req
- ?C ?c0 ?c1 ?cadd ?cmul ?csub ?copp ?ceq_b ?phi =>
- constr:(mkhypo (triv_div_th set reqe arth morph))
- | _ => fail 1 "ring anomaly : default_sign_spec"
- end.
-Ltac gen_ring_div set reqe arth morph dspec :=
- match dspec with
- | None => default_div_spec set reqe arth morph
- | Some ?t => constr:(t)
- end.
-Ltac ring_elements set ext rspec pspec sspec dspec rk :=
- let arth := coerce_to_almost_ring set ext rspec in
- let ext_r := coerce_to_ring_ext ext in
- let morph :=
- match rk with
- | Abstract => abstract_ring_morphism set ext rspec
- | @Computational ?reqb_ok =>
- match type of arth with
- | almost_ring_theory ?rO ?rI ?add ?mul ?sub ?opp _ =>
- constr:(IDmorph rO rI add mul sub opp set _ reqb_ok)
- | _ => fail 2 "ring anomaly"
- end
- | @Morphism ?m =>
- match type of m with
- | ring_morph _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => m
- | @semi_morph _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =>
- constr:(SRmorph_Rmorph set m)
- | _ => fail 2 "ring anomaly"
- end
- | _ => fail 1 "ill-formed ring kind"
- end in
- let p_spec := gen_ring_pow set arth pspec in
- let s_spec := gen_ring_sign morph sspec in
- let d_spec := gen_ring_div set ext_r arth morph dspec in
- fun f => f arth ext_r morph p_spec s_spec d_spec.
-(* Given a ring structure and the kind of morphism,
- returns 2 lemmas (one for ring, and one for ring_simplify). *)
- Ltac ring_lemmas set ext rspec pspec sspec dspec rk :=
- let gen_lemma2 :=
- match pspec with
- | None => constr:(ring_rw_correct)
- | Some _ => constr:(ring_rw_pow_correct)
- end in
- ring_elements set ext rspec pspec sspec dspec rk
- ltac:(fun arth ext_r morph p_spec s_spec d_spec =>
- match type of morph with
- | @ring_morph ?R ?r0 ?rI ?radd ?rmul ?rsub ?ropp ?req
- ?C ?c0 ?c1 ?cadd ?cmul ?csub ?copp ?ceq_b ?phi =>
- let gen_lemma2_0 :=
- constr:(gen_lemma2 R r0 rI radd rmul rsub ropp req set ext_r arth
- C c0 c1 cadd cmul csub copp ceq_b phi morph) in
- match p_spec with
- | @mkhypo (power_theory _ _ _ ?Cp_phi ?rpow) ?pp_spec =>
- let gen_lemma2_1 := constr:(gen_lemma2_0 _ Cp_phi rpow pp_spec) in
- match d_spec with
- | @mkhypo (div_theory _ _ _ _ ?cdiv) ?dd_spec =>
- let gen_lemma2_2 := constr:(gen_lemma2_1 cdiv dd_spec) in
- match s_spec with
- | @mkhypo (sign_theory _ _ ?get_sign) ?ss_spec =>
- let lemma2 := constr:(gen_lemma2_2 get_sign ss_spec) in
- let lemma1 :=
- constr:(ring_correct set ext_r arth morph pp_spec dd_spec) in
- fun f => f arth ext_r morph lemma1 lemma2
- | _ => fail 4 "ring: bad sign specification"
- end
- | _ => fail 3 "ring: bad coefficiant division specification"
- end
- | _ => fail 2 "ring: bad power specification"
- end
- | _ => fail 1 "ring internal error: ring_lemmas, please report"
- end).
-(* Tactic for constant *)
-Ltac isnatcst t :=
- match t with
- O => constr:true
- | S ?p => isnatcst p
- | _ => constr:false
- end.
-Ltac isPcst t :=
- match t with
- | xI ?p => isPcst p
- | xO ?p => isPcst p
- | xH => constr:true
- (* nat -> positive *)
- | P_of_succ_nat ?n => isnatcst n
- | _ => constr:false
- end.
-Ltac isNcst t :=
- match t with
- N0 => constr:true
- | Npos ?p => isPcst p
- | _ => constr:false
- end.
-Ltac isZcst t :=
- match t with
- Z0 => constr:true
- | Zpos ?p => isPcst p
- | Zneg ?p => isPcst p
- (* injection nat -> Z *)
- | Z_of_nat ?n => isnatcst n
- (* injection N -> Z *)
- | Z_of_N ?n => isNcst n
- (* *)
- | _ => constr:false
- end.
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/NArithRing.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/NArithRing.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ba519fd..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/NArithRing.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Export Ring.
-Require Import BinPos BinNat.
-Import InitialRing.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Ltac Ncst t :=
- match isNcst t with
- true => t
- | _ => constr:NotConstant
- end.
-Add Ring Nr : Nth (decidable Neq_bool_ok, constants [Ncst]).
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/RealField.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/RealField.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 60641bcf..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/RealField.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Nnat.
-Require Import ArithRing.
-Require Export Ring Field.
-Require Import Rdefinitions.
-Require Import Rpow_def.
-Require Import Raxioms.
-Open Local Scope R_scope.
-Lemma RTheory : ring_theory 0 1 Rplus Rmult Rminus Ropp (eq (A:=R)).
- intro; apply Rplus_0_l.
- exact Rplus_comm.
- symmetry in |- *; apply Rplus_assoc.
- intro; apply Rmult_1_l.
- exact Rmult_comm.
- symmetry in |- *; apply Rmult_assoc.
- intros m n p.
- rewrite Rmult_comm in |- *.
- rewrite (Rmult_comm n p) in |- *.
- rewrite (Rmult_comm m p) in |- *.
- apply Rmult_plus_distr_l.
- reflexivity.
- exact Rplus_opp_r.
-Lemma Rfield : field_theory 0 1 Rplus Rmult Rminus Ropp Rdiv Rinv (eq(A:=R)).
- exact RTheory.
- exact R1_neq_R0.
- reflexivity.
- exact Rinv_l.
-Lemma Rlt_n_Sn : forall x, x < x + 1.
-elim archimed with x; intros.
-destruct H0.
- apply Rlt_trans with (IZR (up x)); trivial.
- replace (IZR (up x)) with (x + (IZR (up x) - x))%R.
- apply Rplus_lt_compat_l; trivial.
- unfold Rminus in |- *.
- rewrite (Rplus_comm (IZR (up x)) (- x)) in |- *.
- rewrite <- Rplus_assoc in |- *.
- rewrite Rplus_opp_r in |- *.
- apply Rplus_0_l.
- elim H0.
- unfold Rminus in |- *.
- rewrite (Rplus_comm (IZR (up x)) (- x)) in |- *.
- rewrite <- Rplus_assoc in |- *.
- rewrite Rplus_opp_r in |- *.
- rewrite Rplus_0_l in |- *; trivial.
-Notation Rset := (Eqsth R).
-Notation Rext := (Eq_ext Rplus Rmult Ropp).
-Lemma Rlt_0_2 : 0 < 2.
-apply Rlt_trans with (0 + 1).
- apply Rlt_n_Sn.
- rewrite Rplus_comm in |- *.
- apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
- replace 1 with (0 + 1).
- apply Rlt_n_Sn.
- apply Rplus_0_l.
-Lemma Rgen_phiPOS : forall x, InitialRing.gen_phiPOS1 1 Rplus Rmult x > 0.
-unfold Rgt in |- *.
-induction x; simpl in |- *; intros.
- apply Rlt_trans with (1 + 0).
- rewrite Rplus_comm in |- *.
- apply Rlt_n_Sn.
- apply Rplus_lt_compat_l.
- rewrite <- (Rmul_0_l Rset Rext RTheory 2) in |- *.
- rewrite Rmult_comm in |- *.
- apply Rmult_lt_compat_l.
- apply Rlt_0_2.
- trivial.
- rewrite <- (Rmul_0_l Rset Rext RTheory 2) in |- *.
- rewrite Rmult_comm in |- *.
- apply Rmult_lt_compat_l.
- apply Rlt_0_2.
- trivial.
- replace 1 with (0 + 1).
- apply Rlt_n_Sn.
- apply Rplus_0_l.
-Lemma Rgen_phiPOS_not_0 :
- forall x, InitialRing.gen_phiPOS1 1 Rplus Rmult x <> 0.
-red in |- *; intros.
-specialize (Rgen_phiPOS x).
-rewrite H in |- *; intro.
-apply (Rlt_asym 0 0); trivial.
-Lemma Zeq_bool_complete : forall x y,
- InitialRing.gen_phiZ 0%R 1%R Rplus Rmult Ropp x =
- InitialRing.gen_phiZ 0%R 1%R Rplus Rmult Ropp y ->
- Zeq_bool x y = true.
-Proof gen_phiZ_complete Rset Rext Rfield Rgen_phiPOS_not_0.
-Lemma Rdef_pow_add : forall (x:R) (n m:nat), pow x (n + m) = pow x n * pow x m.
- intros x n; elim n; simpl in |- *; auto with real.
- intros n0 H' m; rewrite H'; auto with real.
-Lemma R_power_theory : power_theory 1%R Rmult (eq (A:=R)) nat_of_N pow.
- constructor. destruct n. reflexivity.
- simpl. induction p;simpl.
- rewrite ZL6. rewrite Rdef_pow_add;rewrite IHp. reflexivity.
- unfold nat_of_P;simpl;rewrite ZL6;rewrite Rdef_pow_add;rewrite IHp;trivial.
- rewrite Rmult_comm;apply Rmult_1_l.
-Ltac Rpow_tac t :=
- match isnatcst t with
- | false => constr:(InitialRing.NotConstant)
- | _ => constr:(N_of_nat t)
- end.
-Add Field RField : Rfield
- (completeness Zeq_bool_complete, power_tac R_power_theory [Rpow_tac]).
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d01b1625..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Import Bool.
-Require Export Ring_theory.
-Require Export Ring_base.
-Require Export InitialRing.
-Require Export Ring_tac.
-Lemma BoolTheory :
- ring_theory false true xorb andb xorb (fun b:bool => b) (eq(A:=bool)).
-split; simpl in |- *.
-destruct x; reflexivity.
-destruct x; destruct y; reflexivity.
-destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; reflexivity.
-destruct x; destruct y; reflexivity.
-destruct x; destruct y; reflexivity.
-destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; reflexivity.
-destruct x; reflexivity.
-Definition bool_eq (b1 b2:bool) :=
- if b1 then b2 else negb b2.
-Lemma bool_eq_ok : forall b1 b2, bool_eq b1 b2 = true -> b1 = b2.
-destruct b1; destruct b2; auto.
-Ltac bool_cst t :=
- let t := eval hnf in t in
- match t with
- true => constr:true
- | false => constr:false
- | _ => constr:NotConstant
- end.
-Add Ring bool_ring : BoolTheory (decidable bool_eq_ok, constants [bool_cst]).
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_base.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_base.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 956a15fe..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_base.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* This module gathers the necessary base to build an instance of the
- ring tactic. Abstract rings need more theory, depending on
- ZArith_base. *)
-Require Export Ring_theory.
-Require Export Ring_tac.
-Require Import InitialRing.
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_equiv.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_equiv.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 945f6c68..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_equiv.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-Require Import Setoid_ring_theory.
-Require Import LegacyRing_theory.
-Require Import Ring_theory.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Section Old2New.
-Variable A : Type.
-Variable Aplus : A -> A -> A.
-Variable Amult : A -> A -> A.
-Variable Aone : A.
-Variable Azero : A.
-Variable Aopp : A -> A.
-Variable Aeq : A -> A -> bool.
-Variable R : Ring_Theory Aplus Amult Aone Azero Aopp Aeq.
-Let Aminus := fun x y => Aplus x (Aopp y).
-Lemma ring_equiv1 :
- ring_theory Azero Aone Aplus Amult Aminus Aopp (eq (A:=A)).
-destruct R.
-split; eauto.
-End Old2New.
-Section New2OldRing.
- Variable R : Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R -> R).
- Variable Rth : ring_theory rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp (eq (A:=R)).
- Variable reqb : R -> R -> bool.
- Variable reqb_ok : forall x y, reqb x y = true -> x = y.
- Lemma ring_equiv2 :
- Ring_Theory radd rmul rI rO ropp reqb.
-elim Rth; intros; constructor; eauto.
-apply reqb_ok.
-destruct (reqb x y); trivial; intros.
-elim H.
- Definition default_eqb : R -> R -> bool := fun x y => false.
- Lemma default_eqb_ok : forall x y, default_eqb x y = true -> x = y.
-discriminate 1.
-End New2OldRing.
-Section New2OldSemiRing.
- Variable R : Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul: R->R->R).
- Variable SRth : semi_ring_theory rO rI radd rmul (eq (A:=R)).
- Variable reqb : R -> R -> bool.
- Variable reqb_ok : forall x y, reqb x y = true -> x = y.
- Lemma sring_equiv2 :
- Semi_Ring_Theory radd rmul rI rO reqb.
-elim SRth; intros; constructor; eauto.
-apply reqb_ok.
-destruct (reqb x y); trivial; intros.
-elim H.
-End New2OldSemiRing.
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_polynom.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_polynom.v
deleted file mode 100644
index d8847036..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_polynom.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1781 +0,0 @@
-(* V * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Require Import Setoid.
-Require Import BinList.
-Require Import BinPos.
-Require Import BinNat.
-Require Import BinInt.
-Require Export Ring_theory.
-Open Local Scope positive_scope.
-Import RingSyntax.
-Section MakeRingPol.
- (* Ring elements *)
- Variable R:Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R->R).
- Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
- (* Ring properties *)
- Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
- Variable Reqe : ring_eq_ext radd rmul ropp req.
- Variable ARth : almost_ring_theory rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req.
- (* Coefficients *)
- Variable C: Type.
- Variable (cO cI: C) (cadd cmul csub : C->C->C) (copp : C->C).
- Variable ceqb : C->C->bool.
- Variable phi : C -> R.
- Variable CRmorph : ring_morph rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req
- cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb phi.
- (* Power coefficients *)
- Variable Cpow : Set.
- Variable Cp_phi : N -> Cpow.
- Variable rpow : R -> Cpow -> R.
- Variable pow_th : power_theory rI rmul req Cp_phi rpow.
- (* division is ok *)
- Variable cdiv: C -> C -> C * C.
- Variable div_th: div_theory req cadd cmul phi cdiv.
- (* R notations *)
- Notation "0" := rO. Notation "1" := rI.
- Notation "x + y" := (radd x y). Notation "x * y " := (rmul x y).
- Notation "x - y " := (rsub x y). Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
- Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
- (* C notations *)
- Notation "x +! y" := (cadd x y). Notation "x *! y " := (cmul x y).
- Notation "x -! y " := (csub x y). Notation "-! x" := (copp x).
- Notation " x ?=! y" := (ceqb x y). Notation "[ x ]" := (phi x).
- (* Useful tactics *)
- Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_set1.
- Ltac rrefl := gen_reflexivity Rsth.
- Add Morphism radd : radd_ext. exact (Radd_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext. exact (Rmul_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism ropp : ropp_ext. exact (Ropp_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rsub : rsub_ext. exact (ARsub_ext Rsth Reqe ARth). Qed.
- Ltac rsimpl := gen_srewrite Rsth Reqe ARth.
- Ltac add_push := gen_add_push radd Rsth Reqe ARth.
- Ltac mul_push := gen_mul_push rmul Rsth Reqe ARth.
- (* Definition of multivariable polynomials with coefficients in C :
- Type [Pol] represents [X1 ... Xn].
- The representation is Horner's where a [n] variable polynomial
- (C[X1..Xn]) is seen as a polynomial on [X1] which coefficients
- are polynomials with [n-1] variables (C[X2..Xn]).
- There are several optimisations to make the repr compacter:
- - [Pc c] is the constant polynomial of value c
- == c*X1^0*..*Xn^0
- - [Pinj j Q] is a polynomial constant w.r.t the [j] first variables.
- variable indices are shifted of j in Q.
- == X1^0 *..* Xj^0 * Q{X1 <- Xj+1;..; Xn-j <- Xn}
- - [PX P i Q] is an optimised Horner form of P*X^i + Q
- with P not the null polynomial
- == P * X1^i + Q{X1 <- X2; ..; Xn-1 <- Xn}
- In addition:
- - polynomials of the form (PX (PX P i (Pc 0)) j Q) are forbidden
- since they can be represented by the simpler form (PX P (i+j) Q)
- - (Pinj i (Pinj j P)) is (Pinj (i+j) P)
- - (Pinj i (Pc c)) is (Pc c)
- *)
- Inductive Pol : Type :=
- | Pc : C -> Pol
- | Pinj : positive -> Pol -> Pol
- | PX : Pol -> positive -> Pol -> Pol.
- Definition P0 := Pc cO.
- Definition P1 := Pc cI.
- Fixpoint Peq (P P' : Pol) {struct P'} : bool :=
- match P, P' with
- | Pc c, Pc c' => c ?=! c'
- | Pinj j Q, Pinj j' Q' =>
- match Pcompare j j' Eq with
- | Eq => Peq Q Q'
- | _ => false
- end
- | PX P i Q, PX P' i' Q' =>
- match Pcompare i i' Eq with
- | Eq => if Peq P P' then Peq Q Q' else false
- | _ => false
- end
- | _, _ => false
- end.
- Notation " P ?== P' " := (Peq P P').
- Definition mkPinj j P :=
- match P with
- | Pc _ => P
- | Pinj j' Q => Pinj ((j + j'):positive) Q
- | _ => Pinj j P
- end.
- Definition mkPinj_pred j P:=
- match j with
- | xH => P
- | xO j => Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) P
- | xI j => Pinj (xO j) P
- end.
- Definition mkPX P i Q :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => if c ?=! cO then mkPinj xH Q else PX P i Q
- | Pinj _ _ => PX P i Q
- | PX P' i' Q' => if Q' ?== P0 then PX P' (i' + i) Q else PX P i Q
- end.
- Definition mkXi i := PX P1 i P0.
- Definition mkX := mkXi 1.
- (** Opposite of addition *)
- Fixpoint Popp (P:Pol) : Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => Pc (-! c)
- | Pinj j Q => Pinj j (Popp Q)
- | PX P i Q => PX (Popp P) i (Popp Q)
- end.
- Notation "-- P" := (Popp P).
- (** Addition et subtraction *)
- Fixpoint PaddC (P:Pol) (c:C) {struct P} : Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c1 => Pc (c1 +! c)
- | Pinj j Q => Pinj j (PaddC Q c)
- | PX P i Q => PX P i (PaddC Q c)
- end.
- Fixpoint PsubC (P:Pol) (c:C) {struct P} : Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c1 => Pc (c1 -! c)
- | Pinj j Q => Pinj j (PsubC Q c)
- | PX P i Q => PX P i (PsubC Q c)
- end.
- Section PopI.
- Variable Pop : Pol -> Pol -> Pol.
- Variable Q : Pol.
- Fixpoint PaddI (j:positive) (P:Pol){struct P} : Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => mkPinj j (PaddC Q c)
- | Pinj j' Q' =>
- match ZPminus j' j with
- | Zpos k => mkPinj j (Pop (Pinj k Q') Q)
- | Z0 => mkPinj j (Pop Q' Q)
- | Zneg k => mkPinj j' (PaddI k Q')
- end
- | PX P i Q' =>
- match j with
- | xH => PX P i (Pop Q' Q)
- | xO j => PX P i (PaddI (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q')
- | xI j => PX P i (PaddI (xO j) Q')
- end
- end.
- Fixpoint PsubI (j:positive) (P:Pol){struct P} : Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => mkPinj j (PaddC (--Q) c)
- | Pinj j' Q' =>
- match ZPminus j' j with
- | Zpos k => mkPinj j (Pop (Pinj k Q') Q)
- | Z0 => mkPinj j (Pop Q' Q)
- | Zneg k => mkPinj j' (PsubI k Q')
- end
- | PX P i Q' =>
- match j with
- | xH => PX P i (Pop Q' Q)
- | xO j => PX P i (PsubI (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q')
- | xI j => PX P i (PsubI (xO j) Q')
- end
- end.
- Variable P' : Pol.
- Fixpoint PaddX (i':positive) (P:Pol) {struct P} : Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => PX P' i' P
- | Pinj j Q' =>
- match j with
- | xH => PX P' i' Q'
- | xO j => PX P' i' (Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q')
- | xI j => PX P' i' (Pinj (xO j) Q')
- end
- | PX P i Q' =>
- match ZPminus i i' with
- | Zpos k => mkPX (Pop (PX P k P0) P') i' Q'
- | Z0 => mkPX (Pop P P') i Q'
- | Zneg k => mkPX (PaddX k P) i Q'
- end
- end.
- Fixpoint PsubX (i':positive) (P:Pol) {struct P} : Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => PX (--P') i' P
- | Pinj j Q' =>
- match j with
- | xH => PX (--P') i' Q'
- | xO j => PX (--P') i' (Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q')
- | xI j => PX (--P') i' (Pinj (xO j) Q')
- end
- | PX P i Q' =>
- match ZPminus i i' with
- | Zpos k => mkPX (Pop (PX P k P0) P') i' Q'
- | Z0 => mkPX (Pop P P') i Q'
- | Zneg k => mkPX (PsubX k P) i Q'
- end
- end.
- End PopI.
- Fixpoint Padd (P P': Pol) {struct P'} : Pol :=
- match P' with
- | Pc c' => PaddC P c'
- | Pinj j' Q' => PaddI Padd Q' j' P
- | PX P' i' Q' =>
- match P with
- | Pc c => PX P' i' (PaddC Q' c)
- | Pinj j Q =>
- match j with
- | xH => PX P' i' (Padd Q Q')
- | xO j => PX P' i' (Padd (Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q) Q')
- | xI j => PX P' i' (Padd (Pinj (xO j) Q) Q')
- end
- | PX P i Q =>
- match ZPminus i i' with
- | Zpos k => mkPX (Padd (PX P k P0) P') i' (Padd Q Q')
- | Z0 => mkPX (Padd P P') i (Padd Q Q')
- | Zneg k => mkPX (PaddX Padd P' k P) i (Padd Q Q')
- end
- end
- end.
- Notation "P ++ P'" := (Padd P P').
- Fixpoint Psub (P P': Pol) {struct P'} : Pol :=
- match P' with
- | Pc c' => PsubC P c'
- | Pinj j' Q' => PsubI Psub Q' j' P
- | PX P' i' Q' =>
- match P with
- | Pc c => PX (--P') i' (*(--(PsubC Q' c))*) (PaddC (--Q') c)
- | Pinj j Q =>
- match j with
- | xH => PX (--P') i' (Psub Q Q')
- | xO j => PX (--P') i' (Psub (Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q) Q')
- | xI j => PX (--P') i' (Psub (Pinj (xO j) Q) Q')
- end
- | PX P i Q =>
- match ZPminus i i' with
- | Zpos k => mkPX (Psub (PX P k P0) P') i' (Psub Q Q')
- | Z0 => mkPX (Psub P P') i (Psub Q Q')
- | Zneg k => mkPX (PsubX Psub P' k P) i (Psub Q Q')
- end
- end
- end.
- Notation "P -- P'" := (Psub P P').
- (** Multiplication *)
- Fixpoint PmulC_aux (P:Pol) (c:C) {struct P} : Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c' => Pc (c' *! c)
- | Pinj j Q => mkPinj j (PmulC_aux Q c)
- | PX P i Q => mkPX (PmulC_aux P c) i (PmulC_aux Q c)
- end.
- Definition PmulC P c :=
- if c ?=! cO then P0 else
- if c ?=! cI then P else PmulC_aux P c.
- Section PmulI.
- Variable Pmul : Pol -> Pol -> Pol.
- Variable Q : Pol.
- Fixpoint PmulI (j:positive) (P:Pol) {struct P} : Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => mkPinj j (PmulC Q c)
- | Pinj j' Q' =>
- match ZPminus j' j with
- | Zpos k => mkPinj j (Pmul (Pinj k Q') Q)
- | Z0 => mkPinj j (Pmul Q' Q)
- | Zneg k => mkPinj j' (PmulI k Q')
- end
- | PX P' i' Q' =>
- match j with
- | xH => mkPX (PmulI xH P') i' (Pmul Q' Q)
- | xO j' => mkPX (PmulI j P') i' (PmulI (Pdouble_minus_one j') Q')
- | xI j' => mkPX (PmulI j P') i' (PmulI (xO j') Q')
- end
- end.
- End PmulI.
-(* A symmetric version of the multiplication *)
- Fixpoint Pmul (P P'' : Pol) {struct P''} : Pol :=
- match P'' with
- | Pc c => PmulC P c
- | Pinj j' Q' => PmulI Pmul Q' j' P
- | PX P' i' Q' =>
- match P with
- | Pc c => PmulC P'' c
- | Pinj j Q =>
- let QQ' :=
- match j with
- | xH => Pmul Q Q'
- | xO j => Pmul (Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) Q) Q'
- | xI j => Pmul (Pinj (xO j) Q) Q'
- end in
- mkPX (Pmul P P') i' QQ'
- | PX P i Q=>
- let QQ' := Pmul Q Q' in
- let PQ' := PmulI Pmul Q' xH P in
- let QP' := Pmul (mkPinj xH Q) P' in
- let PP' := Pmul P P' in
- (mkPX (mkPX PP' i P0 ++ QP') i' P0) ++ mkPX PQ' i QQ'
- end
- end.
-(* Non symmetric *)
- Fixpoint Pmul_aux (P P' : Pol) {struct P'} : Pol :=
- match P' with
- | Pc c' => PmulC P c'
- | Pinj j' Q' => PmulI Pmul_aux Q' j' P
- | PX P' i' Q' =>
- (mkPX (Pmul_aux P P') i' P0) ++ (PmulI Pmul_aux Q' xH P)
- end.
- Definition Pmul P P' :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => PmulC P' c
- | Pinj j Q => PmulI Pmul_aux Q j P'
- | PX P i Q =>
- (mkPX (Pmul_aux P P') i P0) ++ (PmulI Pmul_aux Q xH P')
- end.
- Notation "P ** P'" := (Pmul P P').
- Fixpoint Psquare (P:Pol) : Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => Pc (c *! c)
- | Pinj j Q => Pinj j (Psquare Q)
- | PX P i Q =>
- let twoPQ := Pmul P (mkPinj xH (PmulC Q (cI +! cI))) in
- let Q2 := Psquare Q in
- let P2 := Psquare P in
- mkPX (mkPX P2 i P0 ++ twoPQ) i Q2
- end.
- (** Monomial **)
- Inductive Mon: Set :=
- mon0: Mon
- | zmon: positive -> Mon -> Mon
- | vmon: positive -> Mon -> Mon.
- Fixpoint Mphi(l:list R) (M: Mon) {struct M} : R :=
- match M with
- mon0 => rI
- | zmon j M1 => Mphi (jump j l) M1
- | vmon i M1 =>
- let x := hd 0 l in
- let xi := pow_pos rmul x i in
- (Mphi (tail l) M1) * xi
- end.
- Definition mkZmon j M :=
- match M with mon0 => mon0 | _ => zmon j M end.
- Definition zmon_pred j M :=
- match j with xH => M | _ => mkZmon (Ppred j) M end.
- Definition mkVmon i M :=
- match M with
- | mon0 => vmon i mon0
- | zmon j m => vmon i (zmon_pred j m)
- | vmon i' m => vmon (i+i') m
- end.
- Fixpoint CFactor (P: Pol) (c: C) {struct P}: Pol * Pol :=
- match P with
- | Pc c1 => let (q,r) := cdiv c1 c in (Pc r, Pc q)
- | Pinj j1 P1 =>
- let (R,S) := CFactor P1 c in
- (mkPinj j1 R, mkPinj j1 S)
- | PX P1 i Q1 =>
- let (R1, S1) := CFactor P1 c in
- let (R2, S2) := CFactor Q1 c in
- (mkPX R1 i R2, mkPX S1 i S2)
- end.
- Fixpoint MFactor (P: Pol) (c: C) (M: Mon) {struct P}: Pol * Pol :=
- match P, M with
- _, mon0 =>
- if (ceqb c cI) then (Pc cO, P) else
-(* if (ceqb c (copp cI)) then (Pc cO, Popp P) else Not in almost ring *)
- CFactor P c
- | Pc _, _ => (P, Pc cO)
- | Pinj j1 P1, zmon j2 M1 =>
- match (j1 ?= j2) Eq with
- Eq => let (R,S) := MFactor P1 c M1 in
- (mkPinj j1 R, mkPinj j1 S)
- | Lt => let (R,S) := MFactor P1 c (zmon (j2 - j1) M1) in
- (mkPinj j1 R, mkPinj j1 S)
- | Gt => (P, Pc cO)
- end
- | Pinj _ _, vmon _ _ => (P, Pc cO)
- | PX P1 i Q1, zmon j M1 =>
- let M2 := zmon_pred j M1 in
- let (R1, S1) := MFactor P1 c M in
- let (R2, S2) := MFactor Q1 c M2 in
- (mkPX R1 i R2, mkPX S1 i S2)
- | PX P1 i Q1, vmon j M1 =>
- match (i ?= j) Eq with
- Eq => let (R1,S1) := MFactor P1 c (mkZmon xH M1) in
- (mkPX R1 i Q1, S1)
- | Lt => let (R1,S1) := MFactor P1 c (vmon (j - i) M1) in
- (mkPX R1 i Q1, S1)
- | Gt => let (R1,S1) := MFactor P1 c (mkZmon xH M1) in
- (mkPX R1 i Q1, mkPX S1 (i-j) (Pc cO))
- end
- end.
- Definition POneSubst (P1: Pol) (cM1: C * Mon) (P2: Pol): option Pol :=
- let (c,M1) := cM1 in
- let (Q1,R1) := MFactor P1 c M1 in
- match R1 with
- (Pc c) => if c ?=! cO then None
- else Some (Padd Q1 (Pmul P2 R1))
- | _ => Some (Padd Q1 (Pmul P2 R1))
- end.
- Fixpoint PNSubst1 (P1: Pol) (cM1: C * Mon) (P2: Pol) (n: nat) {struct n}: Pol :=
- match POneSubst P1 cM1 P2 with
- Some P3 => match n with S n1 => PNSubst1 P3 cM1 P2 n1 | _ => P3 end
- | _ => P1
- end.
- Definition PNSubst (P1: Pol) (cM1: C * Mon) (P2: Pol) (n: nat): option Pol :=
- match POneSubst P1 cM1 P2 with
- Some P3 => match n with S n1 => Some (PNSubst1 P3 cM1 P2 n1) | _ => None end
- | _ => None
- end.
- Fixpoint PSubstL1 (P1: Pol) (LM1: list ((C * Mon) * Pol)) (n: nat) {struct LM1}:
- Pol :=
- match LM1 with
- cons (M1,P2) LM2 => PSubstL1 (PNSubst1 P1 M1 P2 n) LM2 n
- | _ => P1
- end.
- Fixpoint PSubstL (P1: Pol) (LM1: list ((C * Mon) * Pol)) (n: nat) {struct LM1}: option Pol :=
- match LM1 with
- cons (M1,P2) LM2 =>
- match PNSubst P1 M1 P2 n with
- Some P3 => Some (PSubstL1 P3 LM2 n)
- | None => PSubstL P1 LM2 n
- end
- | _ => None
- end.
- Fixpoint PNSubstL (P1: Pol) (LM1: list ((C * Mon) * Pol)) (m n: nat) {struct m}: Pol :=
- match PSubstL P1 LM1 n with
- Some P3 => match m with S m1 => PNSubstL P3 LM1 m1 n | _ => P3 end
- | _ => P1
- end.
- (** Evaluation of a polynomial towards R *)
- Fixpoint Pphi(l:list R) (P:Pol) {struct P} : R :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => [c]
- | Pinj j Q => Pphi (jump j l) Q
- | PX P i Q =>
- let x := hd 0 l in
- let xi := pow_pos rmul x i in
- (Pphi l P) * xi + (Pphi (tail l) Q)
- end.
- Reserved Notation "P @ l " (at level 10, no associativity).
- Notation "P @ l " := (Pphi l P).
- (** Proofs *)
- Lemma ZPminus_spec : forall x y,
- match ZPminus x y with
- | Z0 => x = y
- | Zpos k => x = (y + k)%positive
- | Zneg k => y = (x + k)%positive
- end.
- Proof.
- induction x;destruct y.
- replace (ZPminus (xI x) (xI y)) with (Zdouble (ZPminus x y));trivial.
- assert (H := IHx y);destruct (ZPminus x y);unfold Zdouble;rewrite H;trivial.
- replace (ZPminus (xI x) (xO y)) with (Zdouble_plus_one (ZPminus x y));trivial.
- assert (H := IHx y);destruct (ZPminus x y);unfold Zdouble_plus_one;rewrite H;trivial.
- apply Pplus_xI_double_minus_one.
- simpl;trivial.
- replace (ZPminus (xO x) (xI y)) with (Zdouble_minus_one (ZPminus x y));trivial.
- assert (H := IHx y);destruct (ZPminus x y);unfold Zdouble_minus_one;rewrite H;trivial.
- apply Pplus_xI_double_minus_one.
- replace (ZPminus (xO x) (xO y)) with (Zdouble (ZPminus x y));trivial.
- assert (H := IHx y);destruct (ZPminus x y);unfold Zdouble;rewrite H;trivial.
- replace (ZPminus (xO x) xH) with (Zpos (Pdouble_minus_one x));trivial.
- rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_l.
- rewrite Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO;trivial.
- replace (ZPminus xH (xI y)) with (Zneg (xO y));trivial.
- replace (ZPminus xH (xO y)) with (Zneg (Pdouble_minus_one y));trivial.
- rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_l.
- rewrite Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO;trivial.
- simpl;trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma Peq_ok : forall P P',
- (P ?== P') = true -> forall l, P@l == P'@ l.
- Proof.
- induction P;destruct P';simpl;intros;try discriminate;trivial.
- apply (morph_eq CRmorph);trivial.
- assert (H1 := Pcompare_Eq_eq p p0); destruct ((p ?= p0)%positive Eq);
- try discriminate H.
- rewrite (IHP P' H); rewrite H1;trivial;rrefl.
- assert (H1 := Pcompare_Eq_eq p p0); destruct ((p ?= p0)%positive Eq);
- try discriminate H.
- rewrite H1;trivial. clear H1.
- assert (H1 := IHP1 P'1);assert (H2 := IHP2 P'2);
- destruct (P2 ?== P'1);[destruct (P3 ?== P'2); [idtac|discriminate H]
- |discriminate H].
- rewrite (H1 H);rewrite (H2 H);rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma Pphi0 : forall l, P0@l == 0.
- Proof.
- intros;simpl;apply (morph0 CRmorph).
- Qed.
- Lemma Pphi1 : forall l, P1@l == 1.
- Proof.
- intros;simpl;apply (morph1 CRmorph).
- Qed.
- Lemma mkPinj_ok : forall j l P, (mkPinj j P)@l == P@(jump j l).
- Proof.
- intros j l p;destruct p;simpl;rsimpl.
- rewrite <-jump_Pplus;rewrite Pplus_comm;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Let pow_pos_Pplus :=
- pow_pos_Pplus rmul Rsth Reqe.(Rmul_ext) ARth.(ARmul_comm) ARth.(ARmul_assoc).
- Lemma mkPX_ok : forall l P i Q,
- (mkPX P i Q)@l == P@l*(pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) i) + Q@(tail l).
- Proof.
- intros l P i Q;unfold mkPX.
- destruct P;try (simpl;rrefl).
- assert (H := morph_eq CRmorph c cO);destruct (c ?=! cO);simpl;try rrefl.
- rewrite (H (refl_equal true));rewrite (morph0 CRmorph).
- rewrite mkPinj_ok;rsimpl;simpl;rrefl.
- assert (H := @Peq_ok P3 P0);destruct (P3 ?== P0);simpl;try rrefl.
- rewrite (H (refl_equal true));trivial.
- rewrite Pphi0. rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Ltac Esimpl :=
- repeat (progress (
- match goal with
- | |- context [?P@?l] =>
- match P with
- | P0 => rewrite (Pphi0 l)
- | P1 => rewrite (Pphi1 l)
- | (mkPinj ?j ?P) => rewrite (mkPinj_ok j l P)
- | (mkPX ?P ?i ?Q) => rewrite (mkPX_ok l P i Q)
- end
- | |- context [[?c]] =>
- match c with
- | cO => rewrite (morph0 CRmorph)
- | cI => rewrite (morph1 CRmorph)
- | ?x +! ?y => rewrite ((morph_add CRmorph) x y)
- | ?x *! ?y => rewrite ((morph_mul CRmorph) x y)
- | ?x -! ?y => rewrite ((morph_sub CRmorph) x y)
- | -! ?x => rewrite ((morph_opp CRmorph) x)
- end
- end));
- rsimpl; simpl.
- Lemma PaddC_ok : forall c P l, (PaddC P c)@l == P@l + [c].
- Proof.
- induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl;trivial.
- rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma PsubC_ok : forall c P l, (PsubC P c)@l == P@l - [c].
- Proof.
- induction P;simpl;intros.
- Esimpl.
- rewrite IHP;rsimpl.
- rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma PmulC_aux_ok : forall c P l, (PmulC_aux P c)@l == P@l * [c].
- Proof.
- induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl;trivial.
- rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
- mul_push ([c]);rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma PmulC_ok : forall c P l, (PmulC P c)@l == P@l * [c].
- Proof.
- intros c P l; unfold PmulC.
- assert (H:= morph_eq CRmorph c cO);destruct (c ?=! cO).
- rewrite (H (refl_equal true));Esimpl.
- assert (H1:= morph_eq CRmorph c cI);destruct (c ?=! cI).
- rewrite (H1 (refl_equal true));Esimpl.
- apply PmulC_aux_ok.
- Qed.
- Lemma Popp_ok : forall P l, (--P)@l == - P@l.
- Proof.
- induction P;simpl;intros.
- Esimpl.
- apply IHP.
- rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Ltac Esimpl2 :=
- Esimpl;
- repeat (progress (
- match goal with
- | |- context [(PaddC ?P ?c)@?l] => rewrite (PaddC_ok c P l)
- | |- context [(PsubC ?P ?c)@?l] => rewrite (PsubC_ok c P l)
- | |- context [(PmulC ?P ?c)@?l] => rewrite (PmulC_ok c P l)
- | |- context [(--?P)@?l] => rewrite (Popp_ok P l)
- end)); Esimpl.
- Lemma Padd_ok : forall P' P l, (P ++ P')@l == P@l + P'@l.
- Proof.
- induction P';simpl;intros;Esimpl2.
- generalize P p l;clear P p l.
- induction P;simpl;intros.
- Esimpl2;apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
- assert (H := ZPminus_spec p p0);destruct (ZPminus p p0).
- rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP';rrefl.
- rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP';Esimpl.
- rewrite <- jump_Pplus;rewrite Pplus_comm;rrefl.
- rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP.
- rewrite <- jump_Pplus;rewrite Pplus_comm;rrefl.
- destruct p0;simpl.
- rewrite IHP2;simpl;rsimpl.
- rewrite IHP2;simpl.
- rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one;rsimpl.
- rewrite IHP';rsimpl.
- destruct P;simpl.
- Esimpl2;add_push [c];rrefl.
- destruct p0;simpl;Esimpl2.
- rewrite IHP'2;simpl.
- rsimpl;add_push (P'1@l * (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p));rrefl.
- rewrite IHP'2;simpl.
- rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one;rsimpl;add_push (P'1@l * (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p));rrefl.
- rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl. add_push (P @ (tail l));rrefl.
- assert (H := ZPminus_spec p0 p);destruct (ZPminus p0 p);Esimpl2.
- rewrite IHP'1;rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl.
- add_push (P3 @ (tail l));rewrite H;rrefl.
- rewrite IHP'1;rewrite IHP'2;simpl;Esimpl.
- rewrite H;rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
- add_push (P3 @ (tail l));rrefl.
- assert (forall P k l,
- (PaddX Padd P'1 k P) @ l == P@l + P'1@l * pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) k).
- induction P;simpl;intros;try apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
- destruct p2;simpl;try apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
- rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one;apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
- assert (H1 := ZPminus_spec p2 k);destruct (ZPminus p2 k);Esimpl2.
- rewrite IHP'1;rsimpl; rewrite H1;add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rrefl.
- rewrite IHP'1;simpl;Esimpl.
- rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;simpl;Esimpl.
- add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rrefl.
- rewrite IHP1;rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;simpl;rsimpl.
- add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rrefl.
- rewrite H0;rsimpl.
- add_push (P3 @ (tail l)).
- rewrite H;rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite IHP'2;rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
- add_push (P3 @ (tail l));rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma Psub_ok : forall P' P l, (P -- P')@l == P@l - P'@l.
- Proof.
- induction P';simpl;intros;Esimpl2;trivial.
- generalize P p l;clear P p l.
- induction P;simpl;intros.
- Esimpl2;apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
- assert (H := ZPminus_spec p p0);destruct (ZPminus p p0).
- rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP';rsimpl.
- rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP';Esimpl.
- rewrite <- jump_Pplus;rewrite Pplus_comm;rrefl.
- rewrite H;Esimpl. rewrite IHP.
- rewrite <- jump_Pplus;rewrite Pplus_comm;rrefl.
- destruct p0;simpl.
- rewrite IHP2;simpl;rsimpl.
- rewrite IHP2;simpl.
- rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one;rsimpl.
- rewrite IHP';rsimpl.
- destruct P;simpl.
- repeat rewrite Popp_ok;Esimpl2;rsimpl;add_push [c];try rrefl.
- destruct p0;simpl;Esimpl2.
- rewrite IHP'2;simpl;rsimpl;add_push (P'1@l * (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p));trivial.
- add_push (P @ (jump p0 (jump p0 (tail l))));rrefl.
- rewrite IHP'2;simpl;rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one;rsimpl.
- add_push (- (P'1 @ l * pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p));rrefl.
- rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl;add_push (P @ (tail l));rrefl.
- assert (H := ZPminus_spec p0 p);destruct (ZPminus p0 p);Esimpl2.
- rewrite IHP'1; rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl.
- add_push (P3 @ (tail l));rewrite H;rrefl.
- rewrite IHP'1; rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl;simpl;Esimpl.
- rewrite H;rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
- add_push (P3 @ (tail l));rrefl.
- assert (forall P k l,
- (PsubX Psub P'1 k P) @ l == P@l + - P'1@l * pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) k).
- induction P;simpl;intros.
- rewrite Popp_ok;rsimpl;apply (ARadd_comm ARth);trivial.
- destruct p2;simpl;rewrite Popp_ok;rsimpl.
- apply (ARadd_comm ARth);trivial.
- rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one;apply (ARadd_comm ARth);trivial.
- apply (ARadd_comm ARth);trivial.
- assert (H1 := ZPminus_spec p2 k);destruct (ZPminus p2 k);Esimpl2;rsimpl.
- rewrite IHP'1;rsimpl;add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rewrite H1;rrefl.
- rewrite IHP'1;rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;simpl;Esimpl.
- add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rrefl.
- rewrite IHP1;rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;simpl;rsimpl.
- add_push (P5 @ (tail l0));rrefl.
- rewrite H0;rsimpl.
- rewrite IHP'2;rsimpl;add_push (P3 @ (tail l)).
- rewrite H;rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
- Qed.
-(* Proof for the symmetriv version *)
- Lemma PmulI_ok :
- forall P',
- (forall (P : Pol) (l : list R), (Pmul P P') @ l == P @ l * P' @ l) ->
- forall (P : Pol) (p : positive) (l : list R),
- (PmulI Pmul P' p P) @ l == P @ l * P' @ (jump p l).
- Proof.
- induction P;simpl;intros.
- Esimpl2;apply (ARmul_comm ARth).
- assert (H1 := ZPminus_spec p p0);destruct (ZPminus p p0);Esimpl2.
- rewrite H1; rewrite H;rrefl.
- rewrite H1; rewrite H.
- rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite jump_Pplus;simpl;rrefl.
- rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite jump_Pplus;rewrite IHP;rrefl.
- destruct p0;Esimpl2.
- rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;simpl;rsimpl.
- mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p);rrefl.
- rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;simpl;rsimpl.
- mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p); rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one;rrefl.
- rewrite IHP1;simpl;rsimpl.
- mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p).
- rewrite H;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma PmulI_ok :
- forall P',
- (forall (P : Pol) (l : list R), (Pmul_aux P P') @ l == P @ l * P' @ l) ->
- forall (P : Pol) (p : positive) (l : list R),
- (PmulI Pmul_aux P' p P) @ l == P @ l * P' @ (jump p l).
- Proof.
- induction P;simpl;intros.
- Esimpl2;apply (ARmul_comm ARth).
- assert (H1 := ZPminus_spec p p0);destruct (ZPminus p p0);Esimpl2.
- rewrite H1; rewrite H;rrefl.
- rewrite H1; rewrite H.
- rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite jump_Pplus;simpl;rrefl.
- rewrite H1;rewrite Pplus_comm.
- rewrite jump_Pplus;rewrite IHP;rrefl.
- destruct p0;Esimpl2.
- rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;simpl;rsimpl.
- mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p);rrefl.
- rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2;simpl;rsimpl.
- mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p); rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one;rrefl.
- rewrite IHP1;simpl;rsimpl.
- mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p).
- rewrite H;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma Pmul_aux_ok : forall P' P l,(Pmul_aux P P')@l == P@l * P'@l.
- Proof.
- induction P';simpl;intros.
- Esimpl2;trivial.
- apply PmulI_ok;trivial.
- rewrite Padd_ok;Esimpl2.
- rewrite (PmulI_ok P'2 IHP'2). rewrite IHP'1. rrefl.
- Qed.
-(* Proof for the symmetric version *)
- Lemma Pmul_ok : forall P P' l, (P**P')@l == P@l * P'@l.
- Proof.
- intros P P';generalize P;clear P;induction P';simpl;intros.
- apply PmulC_ok. apply PmulI_ok;trivial.
- destruct P.
- rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth);Esimpl2;Esimpl2.
- Esimpl2. rewrite IHP'1;Esimpl2.
- assert (match p0 with
- | xI j => Pinj (xO j) P ** P'2
- | xO j => Pinj (Pdouble_minus_one j) P ** P'2
- | 1 => P ** P'2
- end @ (tail l) == P @ (jump p0 l) * P'2 @ (tail l)).
- destruct p0;simpl;rewrite IHP'2;Esimpl.
- rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one;Esimpl.
- rewrite H;Esimpl.
- rewrite Padd_ok; Esimpl2. rewrite Padd_ok; Esimpl2.
- repeat (rewrite IHP'1 || rewrite IHP'2);simpl.
- rewrite PmulI_ok;trivial.
- mul_push (P'1@l). simpl. mul_push (P'2 @ (tail l)). Esimpl.
- Qed.
-Lemma Pmul_ok : forall P P' l, (P**P')@l == P@l * P'@l.
- Proof.
- destruct P;simpl;intros.
- Esimpl2;apply (ARmul_comm ARth).
- rewrite (PmulI_ok P (Pmul_aux_ok P)).
- apply (ARmul_comm ARth).
- rewrite Padd_ok; Esimpl2.
- rewrite (PmulI_ok P3 (Pmul_aux_ok P3));trivial.
- rewrite Pmul_aux_ok;mul_push (P' @ l).
- rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth (P' @ l));rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma Psquare_ok : forall P l, (Psquare P)@l == P@l * P@l.
- Proof.
- induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl2.
- apply IHP. rewrite Padd_ok. rewrite Pmul_ok;Esimpl2.
- rewrite IHP1;rewrite IHP2.
- mul_push (pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) p). mul_push (P2@l).
- rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma mkZmon_ok: forall M j l,
- Mphi l (mkZmon j M) == Mphi l (zmon j M).
- intros M j l; case M; simpl; intros; rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma zmon_pred_ok : forall M j l,
- Mphi (tail l) (zmon_pred j M) == Mphi l (zmon j M).
- Proof.
- destruct j; simpl;intros auto; rsimpl.
- rewrite mkZmon_ok;rsimpl.
- rewrite mkZmon_ok;simpl. rewrite jump_Pdouble_minus_one; rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma mkVmon_ok : forall M i l, Mphi l (mkVmon i M) == Mphi l M*pow_pos rmul (hd 0 l) i.
- Proof.
- destruct M;simpl;intros;rsimpl.
- rewrite zmon_pred_ok;simpl;rsimpl.
- rewrite Pplus_comm;rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma Mcphi_ok: forall P c l,
- let (Q,R) := CFactor P c in
- P@l == Q@l + (phi c) * (R@l).
- Proof.
- intros P; elim P; simpl; auto; clear P.
- intros c c1 l; generalize (div_th.(div_eucl_th) c c1); case cdiv.
- intros q r H; rewrite H.
- Esimpl.
- rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- intros i P Hrec c l.
- generalize (Hrec c (jump i l)); case CFactor.
- intros R1 S1; Esimpl; auto.
- intros Q1 Qrec i R1 Rrec c l.
- generalize (Qrec c l); case CFactor; intros S1 S2 HS.
- generalize (Rrec c (tail l)); case CFactor; intros S3 S4 HS1.
- rewrite HS; rewrite HS1; Esimpl.
- apply (Radd_ext Reqe); rsimpl.
- repeat rewrite <- (ARadd_assoc ARth).
- apply (Radd_ext Reqe); rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma Mphi_ok: forall P (cM: C * Mon) l,
- let (c,M) := cM in
- let (Q,R) := MFactor P c M in
- P@l == Q@l + (phi c) * (Mphi l M) * (R@l).
- Proof.
- intros P; elim P; simpl; auto; clear P.
- intros c (c1, M) l; case M; simpl; auto.
- assert (H1:= morph_eq CRmorph c1 cI);destruct (c1 ?=! cI).
- rewrite (H1 (refl_equal true));Esimpl.
- try rewrite (morph0 CRmorph); rsimpl.
- generalize (div_th.(div_eucl_th) c c1); case (cdiv c c1).
- intros q r H; rewrite H; clear H H1.
- Esimpl.
- rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- intros p m; Esimpl.
- intros p m; Esimpl.
- intros i P Hrec (c,M) l; case M; simpl; clear M.
- assert (H1:= morph_eq CRmorph c cI);destruct (c ?=! cI).
- rewrite (H1 (refl_equal true));Esimpl.
- Esimpl.
- generalize (Mcphi_ok P c (jump i l)); case CFactor.
- intros R1 Q1 HH; rewrite HH; Esimpl.
- intros j M.
- case_eq ((i ?= j) Eq); intros He; simpl.
- rewrite (Pcompare_Eq_eq _ _ He).
- generalize (Hrec (c, M) (jump j l)); case (MFactor P c M);
- simpl; intros P2 Q2 H; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
- generalize (Hrec (c, (zmon (j -i) M)) (jump i l));
- case (MFactor P c (zmon (j -i) M)); simpl.
- intros P2 Q2 H; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
- rewrite <- (Pplus_minus _ _ (ZC2 _ _ He)).
- rewrite Pplus_comm; rewrite jump_Pplus; auto.
- rewrite (morph0 CRmorph); rsimpl.
- intros P2 m; rewrite (morph0 CRmorph); rsimpl.
- intros P2 Hrec1 i Q2 Hrec2 (c, M) l; case M; simpl; auto.
- assert (H1:= morph_eq CRmorph c cI);destruct (c ?=! cI).
- rewrite (H1 (refl_equal true));Esimpl.
- Esimpl.
- generalize (Mcphi_ok P2 c l); case CFactor.
- intros S1 S2 HS.
- generalize (Mcphi_ok Q2 c (tail l)); case CFactor.
- intros S3 S4 HS1; Esimpl; rewrite HS; rewrite HS1.
- rsimpl.
- apply (Radd_ext Reqe); rsimpl.
- repeat rewrite <- (ARadd_assoc ARth).
- apply (Radd_ext Reqe); rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- intros j M1.
- generalize (Hrec1 (c,zmon j M1) l);
- case (MFactor P2 c (zmon j M1)).
- intros R1 S1 H1.
- generalize (Hrec2 (c, zmon_pred j M1) (List.tail l));
- case (MFactor Q2 c (zmon_pred j M1)); simpl.
- intros R2 S2 H2; rewrite H1; rewrite H2.
- repeat rewrite mkPX_ok; simpl.
- rsimpl.
- apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- rewrite zmon_pred_ok;rsimpl.
- intros j M1.
- case_eq ((i ?= j) Eq); intros He; simpl.
- rewrite (Pcompare_Eq_eq _ _ He).
- generalize (Hrec1 (c, mkZmon xH M1) l); case (MFactor P2 c (mkZmon xH M1));
- simpl; intros P3 Q3 H; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
- rewrite H; rewrite mkPX_ok; rsimpl.
- repeat (rewrite <-(ARadd_assoc ARth)).
- apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
- repeat (rewrite <-(ARmul_assoc ARth)).
- rewrite mkZmon_ok.
- apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
- repeat (rewrite <-(ARmul_assoc ARth)).
- apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- generalize (Hrec1 (c, vmon (j - i) M1) l);
- case (MFactor P2 c (vmon (j - i) M1));
- simpl; intros P3 Q3 H; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
- rewrite H; rsimpl; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
- rewrite mkPX_ok; rsimpl.
- repeat (rewrite <-(ARadd_assoc ARth)).
- apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
- repeat (rewrite <-(ARmul_assoc ARth)).
- apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite <- (ARmul_comm ARth (Mphi (tail l) M1)); rsimpl.
- repeat (rewrite <-(ARmul_assoc ARth)).
- apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite <- pow_pos_Pplus.
- rewrite (Pplus_minus _ _ (ZC2 _ _ He)); rsimpl.
- generalize (Hrec1 (c, mkZmon 1 M1) l);
- case (MFactor P2 c (mkZmon 1 M1));
- simpl; intros P3 Q3 H; repeat rewrite mkPinj_ok; auto.
- rewrite H; rsimpl.
- rewrite mkPX_ok; rsimpl.
- repeat (rewrite <-(ARadd_assoc ARth)).
- apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARadd_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- apply radd_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite mkZmon_ok.
- repeat (rewrite <-(ARmul_assoc ARth)).
- apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- rewrite mkPX_ok; simpl; rsimpl.
- rewrite (morph0 CRmorph); rsimpl.
- repeat (rewrite <-(ARmul_assoc ARth)).
- rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth (Q3@l)); rsimpl.
- apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth); rsimpl.
- repeat (rewrite <- (ARmul_assoc ARth)).
- apply rmul_ext; rsimpl.
- rewrite <- pow_pos_Pplus.
- rewrite (Pplus_minus _ _ He); rsimpl.
- Qed.
-(* Proof for the symmetric version *)
- Lemma POneSubst_ok: forall P1 M1 P2 P3 l,
- POneSubst P1 M1 P2 = Some P3 -> phi (fst M1) * Mphi l (snd M1) == P2@l -> P1@l == P3@l.
- Proof.
- intros P2 (cc,M1) P3 P4 l; unfold POneSubst.
- generalize (Mphi_ok P2 (cc, M1) l); case (MFactor P2 cc M1); simpl; auto.
- intros Q1 R1; case R1.
- intros c H; rewrite H.
- generalize (morph_eq CRmorph c cO);
- case (c ?=! cO); simpl; auto.
- intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; auto; rsimpl.
- discriminate.
- intros _ H1 H2; injection H1; intros; subst.
- rewrite H2; rsimpl.
- (* new version *)
- rewrite Padd_ok; rewrite PmulC_ok; rsimpl.
- intros i P5 H; rewrite H.
- intros HH H1; injection HH; intros; subst; rsimpl.
- rewrite Padd_ok; rewrite PmulI_ok by (intros;apply Pmul_ok). rewrite H1; rsimpl.
- intros i P5 P6 H1 H2 H3; rewrite H1; rewrite H3.
- assert (P4 = Q1 ++ P3 ** PX i P5 P6).
- injection H2; intros; subst;trivial.
- rewrite H;rewrite Padd_ok;rewrite Pmul_ok;rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma POneSubst_ok: forall P1 M1 P2 P3 l,
- POneSubst P1 M1 P2 = Some P3 -> Mphi l M1 == P2@l -> P1@l == P3@l.
- intros P2 M1 P3 P4 l; unfold POneSubst.
- generalize (Mphi_ok P2 M1 l); case (MFactor P2 M1); simpl; auto.
- intros Q1 R1; case R1.
- intros c H; rewrite H.
- generalize (morph_eq CRmorph c cO);
- case (c ?=! cO); simpl; auto.
- intros H1 H2; rewrite H1; auto; rsimpl.
- discriminate.
- intros _ H1 H2; injection H1; intros; subst.
- rewrite H2; rsimpl.
- rewrite Padd_ok; rewrite Pmul_ok; rsimpl.
- intros i P5 H; rewrite H.
- intros HH H1; injection HH; intros; subst; rsimpl.
- rewrite Padd_ok; rewrite Pmul_ok. rewrite H1; rsimpl.
- intros i P5 P6 H1 H2 H3; rewrite H1; rewrite H3.
- injection H2; intros; subst; rsimpl.
- rewrite Padd_ok.
- rewrite Pmul_ok; rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma PNSubst1_ok: forall n P1 M1 P2 l,
- [fst M1] * Mphi l (snd M1) == P2@l -> P1@l == (PNSubst1 P1 M1 P2 n)@l.
- Proof.
- intros n; elim n; simpl; auto.
- intros P2 M1 P3 l H.
- generalize (fun P4 => @POneSubst_ok P2 M1 P3 P4 l);
- case (POneSubst P2 M1 P3); [idtac | intros; rsimpl].
- intros P4 Hrec; rewrite (Hrec P4); auto; rsimpl.
- intros n1 Hrec P2 M1 P3 l H.
- generalize (fun P4 => @POneSubst_ok P2 M1 P3 P4 l);
- case (POneSubst P2 M1 P3); [idtac | intros; rsimpl].
- intros P4 Hrec1; rewrite (Hrec1 P4); auto; rsimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma PNSubst_ok: forall n P1 M1 P2 l P3,
- PNSubst P1 M1 P2 n = Some P3 -> [fst M1] * Mphi l (snd M1) == P2@l -> P1@l == P3@l.
- Proof.
- intros n P2 (cc, M1) P3 l P4; unfold PNSubst.
- generalize (fun P4 => @POneSubst_ok P2 (cc,M1) P3 P4 l);
- case (POneSubst P2 (cc,M1) P3); [idtac | intros; discriminate].
- intros P5 H1; case n; try (intros; discriminate).
- intros n1 H2; injection H2; intros; subst.
- rewrite <- PNSubst1_ok; auto.
- Qed.
- Fixpoint MPcond (LM1: list (C * Mon * Pol)) (l: list R) {struct LM1} : Prop :=
- match LM1 with
- cons (M1,P2) LM2 => ([fst M1] * Mphi l (snd M1) == P2@l) /\ (MPcond LM2 l)
- | _ => True
- end.
- Lemma PSubstL1_ok: forall n LM1 P1 l,
- MPcond LM1 l -> P1@l == (PSubstL1 P1 LM1 n)@l.
- Proof.
- intros n LM1; elim LM1; simpl; auto.
- intros; rsimpl.
- intros (M2,P2) LM2 Hrec P3 l [H H1].
- rewrite <- Hrec; auto.
- apply PNSubst1_ok; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma PSubstL_ok: forall n LM1 P1 P2 l,
- PSubstL P1 LM1 n = Some P2 -> MPcond LM1 l -> P1@l == P2@l.
- Proof.
- intros n LM1; elim LM1; simpl; auto.
- intros; discriminate.
- intros (M2,P2) LM2 Hrec P3 P4 l.
- generalize (PNSubst_ok n P3 M2 P2); case (PNSubst P3 M2 P2 n).
- intros P5 H0 H1 [H2 H3]; injection H1; intros; subst.
- rewrite <- PSubstL1_ok; auto.
- intros l1 H [H1 H2]; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma PNSubstL_ok: forall m n LM1 P1 l,
- MPcond LM1 l -> P1@l == (PNSubstL P1 LM1 m n)@l.
- Proof.
- intros m; elim m; simpl; auto.
- intros n LM1 P2 l H; generalize (fun P3 => @PSubstL_ok n LM1 P2 P3 l);
- case (PSubstL P2 LM1 n); intros; rsimpl; auto.
- intros m1 Hrec n LM1 P2 l H.
- generalize (fun P3 => @PSubstL_ok n LM1 P2 P3 l);
- case (PSubstL P2 LM1 n); intros; rsimpl; auto.
- rewrite <- Hrec; auto.
- Qed.
- (** Definition of polynomial expressions *)
- Inductive PExpr : Type :=
- | PEc : C -> PExpr
- | PEX : positive -> PExpr
- | PEadd : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEsub : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEmul : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEopp : PExpr -> PExpr
- | PEpow : PExpr -> N -> PExpr.
- (** evaluation of polynomial expressions towards R *)
- Definition mk_X j := mkPinj_pred j mkX.
- (** evaluation of polynomial expressions towards R *)
- Fixpoint PEeval (l:list R) (pe:PExpr) {struct pe} : R :=
- match pe with
- | PEc c => phi c
- | PEX j => nth 0 j l
- | PEadd pe1 pe2 => (PEeval l pe1) + (PEeval l pe2)
- | PEsub pe1 pe2 => (PEeval l pe1) - (PEeval l pe2)
- | PEmul pe1 pe2 => (PEeval l pe1) * (PEeval l pe2)
- | PEopp pe1 => - (PEeval l pe1)
- | PEpow pe1 n => rpow (PEeval l pe1) (Cp_phi n)
- end.
-Strategy expand [PEeval].
- (** Correctness proofs *)
- Lemma mkX_ok : forall p l, nth 0 p l == (mk_X p) @ l.
- Proof.
- destruct p;simpl;intros;Esimpl;trivial.
- rewrite <-jump_tl;rewrite nth_jump;rrefl.
- rewrite <- nth_jump.
- rewrite nth_Pdouble_minus_one;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Ltac Esimpl3 :=
- repeat match goal with
- | |- context [(?P1 ++ ?P2)@?l] => rewrite (Padd_ok P2 P1 l)
- | |- context [(?P1 -- ?P2)@?l] => rewrite (Psub_ok P2 P1 l)
- end;Esimpl2;try rrefl;try apply (ARadd_comm ARth).
-(* Power using the chinise algorithm *)
-(*Section POWER.
- Variable subst_l : Pol -> Pol.
- Fixpoint Ppow_pos (P:Pol) (p:positive){struct p} : Pol :=
- match p with
- | xH => P
- | xO p => subst_l (Psquare (Ppow_pos P p))
- | xI p => subst_l (Pmul P (Psquare (Ppow_pos P p)))
- end.
- Definition Ppow_N P n :=
- match n with
- | N0 => P1
- | Npos p => Ppow_pos P p
- end.
- Lemma Ppow_pos_ok : forall l, (forall P, subst_l P@l == P@l) ->
- forall P p, (Ppow_pos P p)@l == (pow_pos Pmul P p)@l.
- Proof.
- intros l subst_l_ok P.
- induction p;simpl;intros;try rrefl;try rewrite subst_l_ok.
- repeat rewrite Pmul_ok;rewrite Psquare_ok;rewrite IHp;rrefl.
- repeat rewrite Pmul_ok;rewrite Psquare_ok;rewrite IHp;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma Ppow_N_ok : forall l, (forall P, subst_l P@l == P@l) ->
- forall P n, (Ppow_N P n)@l == (pow_N P1 Pmul P n)@l.
- Proof. destruct n;simpl. rrefl. apply Ppow_pos_ok. trivial. Qed.
- End POWER. *)
-Section POWER.
- Variable subst_l : Pol -> Pol.
- Fixpoint Ppow_pos (res P:Pol) (p:positive){struct p} : Pol :=
- match p with
- | xH => subst_l (Pmul res P)
- | xO p => Ppow_pos (Ppow_pos res P p) P p
- | xI p => subst_l (Pmul (Ppow_pos (Ppow_pos res P p) P p) P)
- end.
- Definition Ppow_N P n :=
- match n with
- | N0 => P1
- | Npos p => Ppow_pos P1 P p
- end.
- Lemma Ppow_pos_ok : forall l, (forall P, subst_l P@l == P@l) ->
- forall res P p, (Ppow_pos res P p)@l == res@l * (pow_pos Pmul P p)@l.
- Proof.
- intros l subst_l_ok res P p. generalize res;clear res.
- induction p;simpl;intros;try rewrite subst_l_ok; repeat rewrite Pmul_ok;repeat rewrite IHp.
- rsimpl. mul_push (P@l);rsimpl. rsimpl. rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma Ppow_N_ok : forall l, (forall P, subst_l P@l == P@l) ->
- forall P n, (Ppow_N P n)@l == (pow_N P1 Pmul P n)@l.
- Proof. destruct n;simpl. rrefl. rewrite Ppow_pos_ok by trivial. Esimpl. Qed.
- End POWER.
- (** Normalization and rewriting *)
- Variable n : nat.
- Variable lmp:list (C*Mon*Pol).
- Let subst_l P := PNSubstL P lmp n n.
- Let Pmul_subst P1 P2 := subst_l (Pmul P1 P2).
- Let Ppow_subst := Ppow_N subst_l.
- Fixpoint norm_aux (pe:PExpr) : Pol :=
- match pe with
- | PEc c => Pc c
- | PEX j => mk_X j
- | PEadd (PEopp pe1) pe2 => Psub (norm_aux pe2) (norm_aux pe1)
- | PEadd pe1 (PEopp pe2) =>
- Psub (norm_aux pe1) (norm_aux pe2)
- | PEadd pe1 pe2 => Padd (norm_aux pe1) (norm_aux pe2)
- | PEsub pe1 pe2 => Psub (norm_aux pe1) (norm_aux pe2)
- | PEmul pe1 pe2 => Pmul (norm_aux pe1) (norm_aux pe2)
- | PEopp pe1 => Popp (norm_aux pe1)
- | PEpow pe1 n => Ppow_N (fun p => p) (norm_aux pe1) n
- end.
- Definition norm_subst pe := subst_l (norm_aux pe).
- (*
- Fixpoint norm_subst (pe:PExpr) : Pol :=
- match pe with
- | PEc c => Pc c
- | PEX j => subst_l (mk_X j)
- | PEadd (PEopp pe1) pe2 => Psub (norm_subst pe2) (norm_subst pe1)
- | PEadd pe1 (PEopp pe2) =>
- Psub (norm_subst pe1) (norm_subst pe2)
- | PEadd pe1 pe2 => Padd (norm_subst pe1) (norm_subst pe2)
- | PEsub pe1 pe2 => Psub (norm_subst pe1) (norm_subst pe2)
- | PEmul pe1 pe2 => Pmul_subst (norm_subst pe1) (norm_subst pe2)
- | PEopp pe1 => Popp (norm_subst pe1)
- | PEpow pe1 n => Ppow_subst (norm_subst pe1) n
- end.
- Lemma norm_subst_spec :
- forall l pe, MPcond lmp l ->
- PEeval l pe == (norm_subst pe)@l.
- Proof.
- intros;assert (subst_l_ok:forall P, (subst_l P)@l == P@l).
- unfold subst_l;intros.
- rewrite <- PNSubstL_ok;trivial. rrefl.
- assert (Pms_ok:forall P1 P2, (Pmul_subst P1 P2)@l == P1@l*P2@l).
- intros;unfold Pmul_subst;rewrite subst_l_ok;rewrite Pmul_ok;rrefl.
- induction pe;simpl;Esimpl3.
- rewrite subst_l_ok;apply mkX_ok.
- rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2;destruct pe1;destruct pe2;Esimpl3.
- rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2;rrefl.
- rewrite Pms_ok;rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2;rrefl.
- rewrite IHpe;rrefl.
- unfold Ppow_subst. rewrite Ppow_N_ok. trivial.
- rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N). destruct n0;Esimpl3.
- induction p;simpl;try rewrite IHp;try rewrite IHpe;repeat rewrite Pms_ok;
- repeat rewrite Pmul_ok;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma norm_aux_spec :
- forall l pe, MPcond lmp l ->
- PEeval l pe == (norm_aux pe)@l.
- Proof.
- intros.
- induction pe;simpl;Esimpl3.
- apply mkX_ok.
- rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2;destruct pe1;destruct pe2;Esimpl3.
- rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2;rrefl.
- rewrite IHpe1;rewrite IHpe2. rewrite Pmul_ok. rrefl.
- rewrite IHpe;rrefl.
- rewrite Ppow_N_ok by (intros;rrefl).
- rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N). destruct n0;Esimpl3.
- induction p;simpl;try rewrite IHp;try rewrite IHpe;repeat rewrite Pms_ok;
- repeat rewrite Pmul_ok;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma norm_subst_spec :
- forall l pe, MPcond lmp l ->
- PEeval l pe == (norm_subst pe)@l.
- Proof.
- intros;unfold norm_subst.
- unfold subst_l;rewrite <- PNSubstL_ok;trivial. apply norm_aux_spec. trivial.
- Qed.
- Fixpoint interp_PElist (l:list R) (lpe:list (PExpr*PExpr)) {struct lpe} : Prop :=
- match lpe with
- | nil => True
- | (me,pe)::lpe =>
- match lpe with
- | nil => PEeval l me == PEeval l pe
- | _ => PEeval l me == PEeval l pe /\ interp_PElist l lpe
- end
- end.
- Fixpoint mon_of_pol (P:Pol) : option (C * Mon) :=
- match P with
- | Pc c => if (c ?=! cO) then None else Some (c, mon0)
- | Pinj j P =>
- match mon_of_pol P with
- | None => None
- | Some (c,m) => Some (c, mkZmon j m)
- end
- | PX P i Q =>
- if Peq Q P0 then
- match mon_of_pol P with
- | None => None
- | Some (c,m) => Some (c, mkVmon i m)
- end
- else None
- end.
- Fixpoint mk_monpol_list (lpe:list (PExpr * PExpr)) : list (C*Mon*Pol) :=
- match lpe with
- | nil => nil
- | (me,pe)::lpe =>
- match mon_of_pol (norm_subst 0 nil me) with
- | None => mk_monpol_list lpe
- | Some m => (m,norm_subst 0 nil pe):: mk_monpol_list lpe
- end
- end.
- Lemma mon_of_pol_ok : forall P m, mon_of_pol P = Some m ->
- forall l, [fst m] * Mphi l (snd m) == P@l.
- Proof.
- induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl.
- assert (H1 := (morph_eq CRmorph) c cO).
- destruct (c ?=! cO).
- discriminate.
- inversion H;trivial;Esimpl.
- generalize H;clear H;case_eq (mon_of_pol P).
- intros (c1,P2) H0 H1; inversion H1; Esimpl.
- generalize (IHP (c1, P2) H0 (jump p l)).
- rewrite mkZmon_ok;simpl;auto.
- intros; discriminate.
- generalize H;clear H;change match P3 with
- | Pc c => c ?=! cO
- | Pinj _ _ => false
- | PX _ _ _ => false
- end with (P3 ?== P0).
- assert (H := Peq_ok P3 P0).
- destruct (P3 ?== P0).
- case_eq (mon_of_pol P2);try intros (cc, pp); intros.
- inversion H1.
- simpl.
- rewrite mkVmon_ok;simpl.
- rewrite H;trivial;Esimpl.
- generalize (IHP1 _ H0); simpl; intros HH; rewrite HH; rsimpl.
- discriminate.
- intros;discriminate.
- Qed.
- Lemma interp_PElist_ok : forall l lpe,
- interp_PElist l lpe -> MPcond (mk_monpol_list lpe) l.
- Proof.
- induction lpe;simpl. trivial.
- destruct a;simpl;intros.
- assert (HH:=mon_of_pol_ok (norm_subst 0 nil p));
- destruct (mon_of_pol (norm_subst 0 nil p)).
- split.
- rewrite <- norm_subst_spec by exact I.
- destruct lpe;try destruct H;rewrite <- H;
- rewrite (norm_subst_spec 0 nil); try exact I;apply HH;trivial.
- apply IHlpe. destruct lpe;simpl;trivial. destruct H. exact H0.
- apply IHlpe. destruct lpe;simpl;trivial. destruct H. exact H0.
- Qed.
- Lemma norm_subst_ok : forall n l lpe pe,
- interp_PElist l lpe ->
- PEeval l pe == (norm_subst n (mk_monpol_list lpe) pe)@l.
- Proof.
- intros;apply norm_subst_spec. apply interp_PElist_ok;trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma ring_correct : forall n l lpe pe1 pe2,
- interp_PElist l lpe ->
- (let lmp := mk_monpol_list lpe in
- norm_subst n lmp pe1 ?== norm_subst n lmp pe2) = true ->
- PEeval l pe1 == PEeval l pe2.
- Proof.
- simpl;intros.
- do 2 (rewrite (norm_subst_ok n l lpe);trivial).
- apply Peq_ok;trivial.
- Qed.
- (** Generic evaluation of polynomial towards R avoiding parenthesis *)
- Variable get_sign : C -> option C.
- Variable get_sign_spec : sign_theory copp ceqb get_sign.
- (* [mkpow x p] = x^p *)
- Variable mkpow : R -> positive -> R.
- (* [mkpow x p] = -(x^p) *)
- Variable mkopp_pow : R -> positive -> R.
- (* [mkmult_pow r x p] = r * x^p *)
- Variable mkmult_pow : R -> R -> positive -> R.
- Fixpoint mkmult_rec (r:R) (lm:list (R*positive)) {struct lm}: R :=
- match lm with
- | nil => r
- | cons (x,p) t => mkmult_rec (mkmult_pow r x p) t
- end.
- Definition mkmult1 lm :=
- match lm with
- | nil => 1
- | cons (x,p) t => mkmult_rec (mkpow x p) t
- end.
- Definition mkmultm1 lm :=
- match lm with
- | nil => ropp rI
- | cons (x,p) t => mkmult_rec (mkopp_pow x p) t
- end.
- Definition mkmult_c_pos c lm :=
- if c ?=! cI then mkmult1 (rev' lm)
- else mkmult_rec [c] (rev' lm).
- Definition mkmult_c c lm :=
- match get_sign c with
- | None => mkmult_c_pos c lm
- | Some c' =>
- if c' ?=! cI then mkmultm1 (rev' lm)
- else mkmult_rec [c] (rev' lm)
- end.
- Definition mkadd_mult rP c lm :=
- match get_sign c with
- | None => rP + mkmult_c_pos c lm
- | Some c' => rP - mkmult_c_pos c' lm
- end.
- Definition add_pow_list (r:R) n l :=
- match n with
- | N0 => l
- | Npos p => (r,p)::l
- end.
- Fixpoint add_mult_dev
- (rP:R) (P:Pol) (fv:list R) (n:N) (lm:list (R*positive)) {struct P} : R :=
- match P with
- | Pc c =>
- let lm := add_pow_list (hd 0 fv) n lm in
- mkadd_mult rP c lm
- | Pinj j Q =>
- add_mult_dev rP Q (jump j fv) N0 (add_pow_list (hd 0 fv) n lm)
- | PX P i Q =>
- let rP := add_mult_dev rP P fv (Nplus (Npos i) n) lm in
- if Q ?== P0 then rP
- else add_mult_dev rP Q (tail fv) N0 (add_pow_list (hd 0 fv) n lm)
- end.
- Fixpoint mult_dev (P:Pol) (fv : list R) (n:N)
- (lm:list (R*positive)) {struct P} : R :=
- (* P@l * (hd 0 l)^n * lm *)
- match P with
- | Pc c => mkmult_c c (add_pow_list (hd 0 fv) n lm)
- | Pinj j Q => mult_dev Q (jump j fv) N0 (add_pow_list (hd 0 fv) n lm)
- | PX P i Q =>
- let rP := mult_dev P fv (Nplus (Npos i) n) lm in
- if Q ?== P0 then rP
- else
- let lmq := add_pow_list (hd 0 fv) n lm in
- add_mult_dev rP Q (tail fv) N0 lmq
- end.
- Definition Pphi_avoid fv P := mult_dev P fv N0 nil.
- Fixpoint r_list_pow (l:list (R*positive)) : R :=
- match l with
- | nil => rI
- | cons (r,p) l => pow_pos rmul r p * r_list_pow l
- end.
- Hypothesis mkpow_spec : forall r p, mkpow r p == pow_pos rmul r p.
- Hypothesis mkopp_pow_spec : forall r p, mkopp_pow r p == - (pow_pos rmul r p).
- Hypothesis mkmult_pow_spec : forall r x p, mkmult_pow r x p == r * pow_pos rmul x p.
- Lemma mkmult_rec_ok : forall lm r, mkmult_rec r lm == r * r_list_pow lm.
- Proof.
- induction lm;intros;simpl;Esimpl.
- destruct a as (x,p);Esimpl.
- rewrite IHlm. rewrite mkmult_pow_spec. Esimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma mkmult1_ok : forall lm, mkmult1 lm == r_list_pow lm.
- Proof.
- destruct lm;simpl;Esimpl.
- destruct p. rewrite mkmult_rec_ok;rewrite mkpow_spec;Esimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma mkmultm1_ok : forall lm, mkmultm1 lm == - r_list_pow lm.
- Proof.
- destruct lm;simpl;Esimpl.
- destruct p;rewrite mkmult_rec_ok. rewrite mkopp_pow_spec;Esimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma r_list_pow_rev : forall l, r_list_pow (rev' l) == r_list_pow l.
- Proof.
- assert
- (forall l lr : list (R * positive), r_list_pow (rev_append l lr) == r_list_pow lr * r_list_pow l).
- induction l;intros;simpl;Esimpl.
- destruct a;rewrite IHl;Esimpl.
- rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth (pow_pos rmul r p)). rrefl.
- intros;unfold rev'. rewrite H;simpl;Esimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma mkmult_c_pos_ok : forall c lm, mkmult_c_pos c lm == [c]* r_list_pow lm.
- Proof.
- intros;unfold mkmult_c_pos;simpl.
- assert (H := (morph_eq CRmorph) c cI).
- rewrite <- r_list_pow_rev; destruct (c ?=! cI).
- rewrite H;trivial;Esimpl.
- apply mkmult1_ok. apply mkmult_rec_ok.
- Qed.
- Lemma mkmult_c_ok : forall c lm, mkmult_c c lm == [c] * r_list_pow lm.
- Proof.
- intros;unfold mkmult_c;simpl.
- case_eq (get_sign c);intros.
- assert (H1 := (morph_eq CRmorph) c0 cI).
- destruct (c0 ?=! cI).
- rewrite (CRmorph.(morph_eq) _ _ (get_sign_spec.(sign_spec) _ H)). Esimpl. rewrite H1;trivial.
- rewrite <- r_list_pow_rev;trivial;Esimpl.
- apply mkmultm1_ok.
- rewrite <- r_list_pow_rev; apply mkmult_rec_ok.
- apply mkmult_c_pos_ok.
- Lemma mkadd_mult_ok : forall rP c lm, mkadd_mult rP c lm == rP + [c]*r_list_pow lm.
- Proof.
- intros;unfold mkadd_mult.
- case_eq (get_sign c);intros.
- rewrite (CRmorph.(morph_eq) _ _ (get_sign_spec.(sign_spec) _ H));Esimpl.
- rewrite mkmult_c_pos_ok;Esimpl.
- rewrite mkmult_c_pos_ok;Esimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_pow_list_ok :
- forall r n l, r_list_pow (add_pow_list r n l) == pow_N rI rmul r n * r_list_pow l.
- Proof.
- destruct n;simpl;intros;Esimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma add_mult_dev_ok : forall P rP fv n lm,
- add_mult_dev rP P fv n lm == rP + P@fv*pow_N rI rmul (hd 0 fv) n * r_list_pow lm.
- Proof.
- induction P;simpl;intros.
- rewrite mkadd_mult_ok. rewrite add_pow_list_ok; Esimpl.
- rewrite IHP. simpl. rewrite add_pow_list_ok; Esimpl.
- change (match P3 with
- | Pc c => c ?=! cO
- | Pinj _ _ => false
- | PX _ _ _ => false
- end) with (Peq P3 P0).
- change match n with
- | N0 => Npos p
- | Npos q => Npos (p + q)
- end with (Nplus (Npos p) n);trivial.
- assert (H := Peq_ok P3 P0).
- destruct (P3 ?== P0).
- rewrite (H (refl_equal true)).
- rewrite IHP1. destruct n;simpl;Esimpl;rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;Esimpl.
- rewrite IHP2.
- rewrite IHP1. destruct n;simpl;Esimpl;rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;Esimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma mult_dev_ok : forall P fv n lm,
- mult_dev P fv n lm == P@fv * pow_N rI rmul (hd 0 fv) n * r_list_pow lm.
- Proof.
- induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl.
- rewrite mkmult_c_ok;rewrite add_pow_list_ok;Esimpl.
- rewrite IHP. simpl;rewrite add_pow_list_ok;Esimpl.
- change (match P3 with
- | Pc c => c ?=! cO
- | Pinj _ _ => false
- | PX _ _ _ => false
- end) with (Peq P3 P0).
- change match n with
- | N0 => Npos p
- | Npos q => Npos (p + q)
- end with (Nplus (Npos p) n);trivial.
- assert (H := Peq_ok P3 P0).
- destruct (P3 ?== P0).
- rewrite (H (refl_equal true)).
- rewrite IHP1. destruct n;simpl;Esimpl;rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;Esimpl.
- rewrite add_mult_dev_ok. rewrite IHP1; rewrite add_pow_list_ok.
- destruct n;simpl;Esimpl;rewrite pow_pos_Pplus;Esimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma Pphi_avoid_ok : forall P fv, Pphi_avoid fv P == P@fv.
- Proof.
- unfold Pphi_avoid;intros;rewrite mult_dev_ok;simpl;Esimpl.
- Qed.
- Definition Pphi_pow :=
- let mkpow x p :=
- match p with xH => x | _ => rpow x (Cp_phi (Npos p)) end in
- let mkopp_pow x p := ropp (mkpow x p) in
- let mkmult_pow r x p := rmul r (mkpow x p) in
- Pphi_avoid mkpow mkopp_pow mkmult_pow.
- Lemma local_mkpow_ok :
- forall (r : R) (p : positive),
- match p with
- | xI _ => rpow r (Cp_phi (Npos p))
- | xO _ => rpow r (Cp_phi (Npos p))
- | 1 => r
- end == pow_pos rmul r p.
- Proof. intros r p;destruct p;try rewrite pow_th.(rpow_pow_N);reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma Pphi_pow_ok : forall P fv, Pphi_pow fv P == P@fv.
- Proof.
- unfold Pphi_pow;intros;apply Pphi_avoid_ok;intros;try rewrite local_mkpow_ok;rrefl.
- Qed.
- Lemma ring_rw_pow_correct : forall n lH l,
- interp_PElist l lH ->
- forall lmp, mk_monpol_list lH = lmp ->
- forall pe npe, norm_subst n lmp pe = npe ->
- PEeval l pe == Pphi_pow l npe.
- Proof.
- intros n lH l H1 lmp Heq1 pe npe Heq2.
- rewrite Pphi_pow_ok. rewrite <- Heq2;rewrite <- Heq1.
- apply norm_subst_ok. trivial.
- Qed.
- Fixpoint mkmult_pow (r x:R) (p: positive) {struct p} : R :=
- match p with
- | xH => r*x
- | xO p => mkmult_pow (mkmult_pow r x p) x p
- | xI p => mkmult_pow (mkmult_pow (r*x) x p) x p
- end.
- Definition mkpow x p :=
- match p with
- | xH => x
- | xO p => mkmult_pow x x (Pdouble_minus_one p)
- | xI p => mkmult_pow x x (xO p)
- end.
- Definition mkopp_pow x p :=
- match p with
- | xH => -x
- | xO p => mkmult_pow (-x) x (Pdouble_minus_one p)
- | xI p => mkmult_pow (-x) x (xO p)
- end.
- Definition Pphi_dev := Pphi_avoid mkpow mkopp_pow mkmult_pow.
- Lemma mkmult_pow_ok : forall p r x, mkmult_pow r x p == r*pow_pos rmul x p.
- Proof.
- induction p;intros;simpl;Esimpl.
- repeat rewrite IHp;Esimpl.
- repeat rewrite IHp;Esimpl.
- Qed.
- Lemma mkpow_ok : forall p x, mkpow x p == pow_pos rmul x p.
- Proof.
- destruct p;simpl;intros;Esimpl.
- repeat rewrite mkmult_pow_ok;Esimpl.
- rewrite mkmult_pow_ok;Esimpl.
- pattern x at 1;replace x with (pow_pos rmul x 1).
- rewrite <- pow_pos_Pplus.
- rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_l.
- rewrite Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO.
- simpl;Esimpl.
- trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma mkopp_pow_ok : forall p x, mkopp_pow x p == - pow_pos rmul x p.
- Proof.
- destruct p;simpl;intros;Esimpl.
- repeat rewrite mkmult_pow_ok;Esimpl.
- rewrite mkmult_pow_ok;Esimpl.
- pattern x at 1;replace x with (pow_pos rmul x 1).
- rewrite <- pow_pos_Pplus.
- rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_l.
- rewrite Psucc_o_double_minus_one_eq_xO.
- simpl;Esimpl.
- trivial.
- Qed.
- Lemma Pphi_dev_ok : forall P fv, Pphi_dev fv P == P@fv.
- Proof.
- unfold Pphi_dev;intros;apply Pphi_avoid_ok.
- intros;apply mkpow_ok.
- intros;apply mkopp_pow_ok.
- intros;apply mkmult_pow_ok.
- Qed.
- Lemma ring_rw_correct : forall n lH l,
- interp_PElist l lH ->
- forall lmp, mk_monpol_list lH = lmp ->
- forall pe npe, norm_subst n lmp pe = npe ->
- PEeval l pe == Pphi_dev l npe.
- Proof.
- intros n lH l H1 lmp Heq1 pe npe Heq2.
- rewrite Pphi_dev_ok. rewrite <- Heq2;rewrite <- Heq1.
- apply norm_subst_ok. trivial.
- Qed.
-End MakeRingPol.
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v
deleted file mode 100644
index ad20fa08..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_tac.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,386 +0,0 @@
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Require Import Setoid.
-Require Import BinPos.
-Require Import Ring_polynom.
-Require Import BinList.
-Require Import InitialRing.
-(* adds a definition id' on the normal form of t and an hypothesis id
- stating that t = id' (tries to produces a proof as small as possible) *)
-Ltac compute_assertion id id' t :=
- let t' := eval vm_compute in t in
- pose (id' := t');
- assert (id : t = id');
- [vm_cast_no_check (refl_equal id')|idtac].
-(* [exact_no_check (refl_equal id'<: t = id')|idtac]). *)
-(* Tacticals to build reflexive tactics *)
-Ltac OnEquation req :=
- match goal with
- | |- req ?lhs ?rhs => (fun f => f lhs rhs)
- | _ => fail 1 "Goal is not an equation (of expected equality)"
- end.
-Ltac OnMainSubgoal H ty :=
- match ty with
- | _ -> ?ty' =>
- let subtac := OnMainSubgoal H ty' in
- fun tac => lapply H; [clear H; intro H; subtac tac | idtac]
- | _ => (fun tac => tac)
- end.
-Ltac ApplyLemmaThen lemma expr tac :=
- let nexpr := fresh "expr_nf" in
- let H := fresh "eq_nf" in
- let Heq := fresh "thm" in
- let nf_spec :=
- match type of (lemma expr) with
- forall x, ?nf_spec = x -> _ => nf_spec
- | _ => fail 1 "ApplyLemmaThen: cannot find norm expression"
- end in
- compute_assertion H nexpr nf_spec;
- assert (Heq:=lemma _ _ H) || fail "anomaly: failed to apply lemma";
- clear H;
- OnMainSubgoal Heq ltac:(type of Heq) ltac:(tac Heq; clear Heq nexpr).
-Ltac ApplyLemmaThenAndCont lemma expr tac CONT_tac cont_arg :=
- let npe := fresh "expr_nf" in
- let H := fresh "eq_nf" in
- let Heq := fresh "thm" in
- let npe_spec :=
- match type of (lemma expr) with
- forall npe, ?npe_spec = npe -> _ => npe_spec
- | _ => fail 1 "ApplyLemmaThenAndCont: cannot find norm expression"
- end in
- (compute_assertion H npe npe_spec;
- (assert (Heq:=lemma _ _ H) || fail "anomaly: failed to apply lemma");
- clear H;
- OnMainSubgoal Heq ltac:(type of Heq)
- ltac:(try tac Heq; clear Heq npe;CONT_tac cont_arg)).
-(* General scheme of reflexive tactics using of correctness lemma
- that involves normalisation of one expression *)
-Ltac ReflexiveRewriteTactic FV_tac SYN_tac MAIN_tac LEMMA_tac fv terms :=
- (* extend the atom list *)
- let fv := list_fold_left FV_tac fv terms in
- let RW_tac lemma :=
- let fcons term CONT_tac cont_arg :=
- let expr := SYN_tac term fv in
- (ApplyLemmaThenAndCont lemma expr MAIN_tac CONT_tac cont_arg) in
- (* rewrite steps *)
- lazy_list_fold_right fcons ltac:(idtac) terms in
- LEMMA_tac fv RW_tac.
-(* Building the atom list of a ring expression *)
-Ltac FV Cst CstPow add mul sub opp pow t fv :=
- let rec TFV t fv :=
- match Cst t with
- | NotConstant =>
- match t with
- | (add ?t1 ?t2) => TFV t2 ltac:(TFV t1 fv)
- | (mul ?t1 ?t2) => TFV t2 ltac:(TFV t1 fv)
- | (sub ?t1 ?t2) => TFV t2 ltac:(TFV t1 fv)
- | (opp ?t1) => TFV t1 fv
- | (pow ?t1 ?n) =>
- match CstPow n with
- | InitialRing.NotConstant => AddFvTail t fv
- | _ => TFV t1 fv
- end
- | _ => AddFvTail t fv
- end
- | _ => fv
- end
- in TFV t fv.
- (* syntaxification of ring expressions *)
-Ltac mkPolexpr C Cst CstPow radd rmul rsub ropp rpow t fv :=
- let rec mkP t :=
- let f :=
- match Cst t with
- | InitialRing.NotConstant =>
- match t with
- | (radd ?t1 ?t2) =>
- fun _ =>
- let e1 := mkP t1 in
- let e2 := mkP t2 in constr:(PEadd e1 e2)
- | (rmul ?t1 ?t2) =>
- fun _ =>
- let e1 := mkP t1 in
- let e2 := mkP t2 in constr:(PEmul e1 e2)
- | (rsub ?t1 ?t2) =>
- fun _ =>
- let e1 := mkP t1 in
- let e2 := mkP t2 in constr:(PEsub e1 e2)
- | (ropp ?t1) =>
- fun _ =>
- let e1 := mkP t1 in constr:(PEopp e1)
- | (rpow ?t1 ?n) =>
- match CstPow n with
- | InitialRing.NotConstant =>
- fun _ => let p := Find_at t fv in constr:(PEX C p)
- | ?c => fun _ => let e1 := mkP t1 in constr:(PEpow e1 c)
- end
- | _ =>
- fun _ => let p := Find_at t fv in constr:(PEX C p)
- end
- | ?c => fun _ => constr:(@PEc C c)
- end in
- f ()
- in mkP t.
-Ltac ParseRingComponents lemma :=
- match type of lemma with
- | context [@PEeval ?R ?rO ?add ?mul ?sub ?opp ?C ?phi ?Cpow ?powphi ?pow _ _] =>
- (fun f => f R add mul sub opp pow C)
- | _ => fail 1 "ring anomaly: bad correctness lemma (parse)"
- end.
-(* ring tactics *)
-Ltac relation_carrier req :=
- let ty := type of req in
- match eval hnf in ty with
- ?R -> _ => R
- | _ => fail 1000 "Equality has no relation type"
- end.
-Ltac FV_hypo_tac mkFV req lH :=
- let R := relation_carrier req in
- let FV_hypo_l_tac h :=
- match h with @mkhypo (req ?pe _) _ => mkFV pe end in
- let FV_hypo_r_tac h :=
- match h with @mkhypo (req _ ?pe) _ => mkFV pe end in
- let fv := list_fold_right FV_hypo_l_tac (@nil R) lH in
- list_fold_right FV_hypo_r_tac fv lH.
-Ltac mkHyp_tac C req mkPE lH :=
- let mkHyp h res :=
- match h with
- | @mkhypo (req ?r1 ?r2) _ =>
- let pe1 := mkPE r1 in
- let pe2 := mkPE r2 in
- constr:(cons (pe1,pe2) res)
- | _ => fail 1 "hypothesis is not a ring equality"
- end in
- list_fold_right mkHyp (@nil (PExpr C * PExpr C)) lH.
-Ltac proofHyp_tac lH :=
- let get_proof h :=
- match h with
- | @mkhypo _ ?p => p
- end in
- let rec bh l :=
- match l with
- | nil => constr:(I)
- | cons ?h nil => get_proof h
- | cons ?h ?tl =>
- let l := get_proof h in
- let r := bh tl in
- constr:(conj l r)
- end in
- bh lH.
-Definition ring_subst_niter := (10*10*10)%nat.
-Ltac Ring Cst_tac CstPow_tac lemma1 req n lH :=
- let Main lhs rhs R radd rmul rsub ropp rpow C :=
- let mkFV := FV Cst_tac CstPow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rpow in
- let mkPol := mkPolexpr C Cst_tac CstPow_tac radd rmul rsub ropp rpow in
- let fv := FV_hypo_tac mkFV req lH in
- let fv := mkFV lhs fv in
- let fv := mkFV rhs fv in
- check_fv fv;
- let pe1 := mkPol lhs fv in
- let pe2 := mkPol rhs fv in
- let lpe := mkHyp_tac C req ltac:(fun t => mkPol t fv) lH in
- let vlpe := fresh "hyp_list" in
- let vfv := fresh "fv_list" in
- pose (vlpe := lpe);
- pose (vfv := fv);
- (apply (lemma1 n vfv vlpe pe1 pe2)
- || fail "typing error while applying ring");
- [ ((let prh := proofHyp_tac lH in exact prh)
- || idtac "can not automatically proof hypothesis : maybe a left member of a hypothesis is not a monomial")
- | vm_compute;
- (exact (refl_equal true) || fail "not a valid ring equation")] in
- ParseRingComponents lemma1 ltac:(OnEquation req Main).
-Ltac Ring_norm_gen f Cst_tac CstPow_tac lemma2 req n lH rl :=
- let Main R add mul sub opp pow C :=
- let mkFV := FV Cst_tac CstPow_tac add mul sub opp pow in
- let mkPol := mkPolexpr C Cst_tac CstPow_tac add mul sub opp pow in
- let fv := FV_hypo_tac mkFV req lH in
- let simpl_ring H := (protect_fv "ring" in H; f H) in
- let lemma_tac fv RW_tac :=
- let rr_lemma := fresh "r_rw_lemma" in
- let lpe := mkHyp_tac C req ltac:(fun t => mkPol t fv) lH in
- let vlpe := fresh "list_hyp" in
- let vlmp := fresh "list_hyp_norm" in
- let vlmp_eq := fresh "list_hyp_norm_eq" in
- let prh := proofHyp_tac lH in
- pose (vlpe := lpe);
- match type of lemma2 with
- | context [mk_monpol_list ?cO ?cI ?cadd ?cmul ?csub ?copp ?cdiv ?ceqb _]
- =>
- compute_assertion vlmp_eq vlmp
- (mk_monpol_list cO cI cadd cmul csub copp cdiv ceqb vlpe);
- (assert (rr_lemma := lemma2 n vlpe fv prh vlmp vlmp_eq)
- || fail 1 "type error when build the rewriting lemma");
- RW_tac rr_lemma;
- try clear rr_lemma vlmp_eq vlmp vlpe
- | _ => fail 1 "ring_simplify anomaly: bad correctness lemma"
- end in
- ReflexiveRewriteTactic mkFV mkPol simpl_ring lemma_tac fv rl in
- ParseRingComponents lemma2 Main.
-Ltac Ring_gen
- req sth ext morph arth cst_tac pow_tac lemma1 lemma2 pre post lH rl :=
- pre();Ring cst_tac pow_tac lemma1 req ring_subst_niter lH.
-Ltac Get_goal := match goal with [|- ?G] => G end.
-Tactic Notation (at level 0) "ring" :=
- let G := Get_goal in
- ring_lookup Ring_gen [] G.
-Tactic Notation (at level 0) "ring" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" :=
- let G := Get_goal in
- ring_lookup Ring_gen [lH] G.
-(* Simplification *)
-Ltac Ring_simplify_gen f :=
- fun req sth ext morph arth cst_tac pow_tac lemma1 lemma2 pre post lH rl =>
- let l := fresh "to_rewrite" in
- pose (l:= rl);
- generalize (refl_equal l);
- unfold l at 2;
- pre();
- let Tac RL :=
- let Heq := fresh "Heq" in
- intros Heq;clear Heq l;
- Ring_norm_gen f cst_tac pow_tac lemma2 req ring_subst_niter lH RL;
- post() in
- let Main :=
- match goal with
- | [|- l = ?RL -> _ ] => (fun f => f RL)
- | _ => fail 1 "ring_simplify anomaly: bad goal after pre"
- end in
- Main Tac.
-Ltac Ring_simplify := Ring_simplify_gen ltac:(fun H => rewrite H).
-Tactic Notation (at level 0) "ring_simplify" constr_list(rl) :=
- let G := Get_goal in
- ring_lookup Ring_simplify [] rl G.
-Tactic Notation (at level 0)
- "ring_simplify" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" constr_list(rl) :=
- let G := Get_goal in
- ring_lookup Ring_simplify [lH] rl G.
-(* MON DIEU QUE C'EST MOCHE !!!!!!!!!!!!! *)
-Tactic Notation "ring_simplify" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(H):=
- let G := Get_goal in
- let t := type of H in
- let g := fresh "goal" in
- set (g:= G);
- generalize H;clear H;
- ring_lookup Ring_simplify [] rl t;
- intro H;
- unfold g;clear g.
-Tactic Notation
- "ring_simplify" "["constr_list(lH)"]" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(H):=
- let G := Get_goal in
- let t := type of H in
- let g := fresh "goal" in
- set (g:= G);
- generalize H;clear H;
- ring_lookup Ring_simplify [lH] rl t;
- intro H;
- unfold g;clear g.
-Ltac Ring_simplify_in hyp:= Ring_simplify_gen ltac:(fun H => rewrite H in hyp).
-Tactic Notation (at level 0)
- "ring_simplify" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" constr_list(rl) :=
- match goal with [|- ?G] => ring_lookup Ring_simplify [lH] rl G end.
-Tactic Notation (at level 0)
- "ring_simplify" constr_list(rl) :=
- match goal with [|- ?G] => ring_lookup Ring_simplify [] rl G end.
-Tactic Notation (at level 0)
- "ring_simplify" "[" constr_list(lH) "]" constr_list(rl) "in" hyp(h):=
- let t := type of h in
- ring_lookup
- (fun req sth ext morph arth cst_tac pow_tac lemma1 lemma2 pre post lH rl =>
- pre();
- Ring_norm_gen ltac:(fun EQ => rewrite EQ in h) cst_tac pow_tac lemma2 req ring_subst_niter lH rl;
- post())
- [lH] rl t.
-(* ring_lookup ltac:(Ring_simplify_in h) [lH] rl [t]. NE MARCHE PAS ??? *)
-Ltac Ring_simpl_in hyp := Ring_norm_gen ltac:(fun H => rewrite H in hyp).
-Tactic Notation (at level 0)
- "ring_simplify" constr_list(rl) "in" constr(h):=
- let t := type of h in
- ring_lookup
- (fun req sth ext morph arth cst_tac pow_tac lemma1 lemma2 pre post lH rl =>
- pre();
- Ring_simpl_in h cst_tac pow_tac lemma2 req ring_subst_niter lH rl;
- post())
- [] rl t.
-Ltac rw_in H Heq := rewrite Heq in H.
-Ltac simpl_in H :=
- let t := type of H in
- ring_lookup
- (fun req sth ext morph arth cst_tac pow_tac lemma1 lemma2 pre post lH rl =>
- pre();
- Ring_norm_gen ltac:(fun Heq => rewrite Heq in H) cst_tac pow_tac lemma2 req ring_subst_niter lH rl;
- post())
- [] t.
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_theory.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/Ring_theory.v
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-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Import Setoid.
-Require Import BinPos.
-Require Import BinNat.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Module RingSyntax.
-Reserved Notation "x ?=! y" (at level 70, no associativity).
-Reserved Notation "x +! y " (at level 50, left associativity).
-Reserved Notation "x -! y" (at level 50, left associativity).
-Reserved Notation "x *! y" (at level 40, left associativity).
-Reserved Notation "-! x" (at level 35, right associativity).
-Reserved Notation "[ x ]" (at level 0).
-Reserved Notation "x ?== y" (at level 70, no associativity).
-Reserved Notation "x -- y" (at level 50, left associativity).
-Reserved Notation "x ** y" (at level 40, left associativity).
-Reserved Notation "-- x" (at level 35, right associativity).
-Reserved Notation "x == y" (at level 70, no associativity).
-End RingSyntax.
-Import RingSyntax.
-Section Power.
- Variable R:Type.
- Variable rI : R.
- Variable rmul : R -> R -> R.
- Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
- Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
- Notation "x * y " := (rmul x y).
- Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
- Hypothesis mul_ext :
- forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> forall y1 y2, y1 == y2 -> x1 * y1 == x2 * y2.
- Hypothesis mul_comm : forall x y, x * y == y * x.
- Hypothesis mul_assoc : forall x y z, x * (y * z) == (x * y) * z.
- Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_set_Power.
- Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext_Power. exact mul_ext. Qed.
- Fixpoint pow_pos (x:R) (i:positive) {struct i}: R :=
- match i with
- | xH => x
- | xO i => let p := pow_pos x i in rmul p p
- | xI i => let p := pow_pos x i in rmul x (rmul p p)
- end.
- Lemma pow_pos_Psucc : forall x j, pow_pos x (Psucc j) == x * pow_pos x j.
- Proof.
- induction j;simpl.
- rewrite IHj.
- rewrite (mul_comm x (pow_pos x j *pow_pos x j)).
- setoid_rewrite (mul_comm x (pow_pos x j)) at 2.
- repeat rewrite mul_assoc. apply (Seq_refl _ _ Rsth).
- repeat rewrite mul_assoc. apply (Seq_refl _ _ Rsth).
- apply (Seq_refl _ _ Rsth).
- Qed.
- Lemma pow_pos_Pplus : forall x i j, pow_pos x (i + j) == pow_pos x i * pow_pos x j.
- Proof.
- intro x;induction i;intros.
- rewrite xI_succ_xO;rewrite Pplus_one_succ_r.
- rewrite <- Pplus_diag;repeat rewrite <- Pplus_assoc.
- repeat rewrite IHi.
- rewrite Pplus_comm;rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r;rewrite pow_pos_Psucc.
- simpl;repeat rewrite mul_assoc. apply (Seq_refl _ _ Rsth).
- rewrite <- Pplus_diag;repeat rewrite <- Pplus_assoc.
- repeat rewrite IHi;rewrite mul_assoc. apply (Seq_refl _ _ Rsth).
- rewrite Pplus_comm;rewrite <- Pplus_one_succ_r;rewrite pow_pos_Psucc;
- simpl. apply (Seq_refl _ _ Rsth).
- Qed.
- Definition pow_N (x:R) (p:N) :=
- match p with
- | N0 => rI
- | Npos p => pow_pos x p
- end.
- Definition id_phi_N (x:N) : N := x.
- Lemma pow_N_pow_N : forall x n, pow_N x (id_phi_N n) == pow_N x n.
- Proof.
- intros; apply (Seq_refl _ _ Rsth).
- Qed.
-End Power.
- Variable R : Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R -> R).
- Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
- Notation "0" := rO. Notation "1" := rI.
- Notation "x + y" := (radd x y). Notation "x * y " := (rmul x y).
- Notation "x - y " := (rsub x y). Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
- Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
- (** Semi Ring *)
- Record semi_ring_theory : Prop := mk_srt {
- SRadd_0_l : forall n, 0 + n == n;
- SRadd_comm : forall n m, n + m == m + n ;
- SRadd_assoc : forall n m p, n + (m + p) == (n + m) + p;
- SRmul_1_l : forall n, 1*n == n;
- SRmul_0_l : forall n, 0*n == 0;
- SRmul_comm : forall n m, n*m == m*n;
- SRmul_assoc : forall n m p, n*(m*p) == (n*m)*p;
- SRdistr_l : forall n m p, (n + m)*p == n*p + m*p
- }.
- (** Almost Ring *)
-(*Almost ring are no ring : Ropp_def is missing **)
- Record almost_ring_theory : Prop := mk_art {
- ARadd_0_l : forall x, 0 + x == x;
- ARadd_comm : forall x y, x + y == y + x;
- ARadd_assoc : forall x y z, x + (y + z) == (x + y) + z;
- ARmul_1_l : forall x, 1 * x == x;
- ARmul_0_l : forall x, 0 * x == 0;
- ARmul_comm : forall x y, x * y == y * x;
- ARmul_assoc : forall x y z, x * (y * z) == (x * y) * z;
- ARdistr_l : forall x y z, (x + y) * z == (x * z) + (y * z);
- ARopp_mul_l : forall x y, -(x * y) == -x * y;
- ARopp_add : forall x y, -(x + y) == -x + -y;
- ARsub_def : forall x y, x - y == x + -y
- }.
- (** Ring *)
- Record ring_theory : Prop := mk_rt {
- Radd_0_l : forall x, 0 + x == x;
- Radd_comm : forall x y, x + y == y + x;
- Radd_assoc : forall x y z, x + (y + z) == (x + y) + z;
- Rmul_1_l : forall x, 1 * x == x;
- Rmul_comm : forall x y, x * y == y * x;
- Rmul_assoc : forall x y z, x * (y * z) == (x * y) * z;
- Rdistr_l : forall x y z, (x + y) * z == (x * z) + (y * z);
- Rsub_def : forall x y, x - y == x + -y;
- Ropp_def : forall x, x + (- x) == 0
- }.
- (** Equality is extensional *)
- Record sring_eq_ext : Prop := mk_seqe {
- (* SRing operators are compatible with equality *)
- SRadd_ext :
- forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> forall y1 y2, y1 == y2 -> x1 + y1 == x2 + y2;
- SRmul_ext :
- forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> forall y1 y2, y1 == y2 -> x1 * y1 == x2 * y2
- }.
- Record ring_eq_ext : Prop := mk_reqe {
- (* Ring operators are compatible with equality *)
- Radd_ext :
- forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> forall y1 y2, y1 == y2 -> x1 + y1 == x2 + y2;
- Rmul_ext :
- forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> forall y1 y2, y1 == y2 -> x1 * y1 == x2 * y2;
- Ropp_ext : forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> -x1 == -x2
- }.
- (** Interpretation morphisms definition*)
- Section MORPHISM.
- Variable C:Type.
- Variable (cO cI : C) (cadd cmul csub : C->C->C) (copp : C->C).
- Variable ceqb : C->C->bool.
- (* [phi] est un morphisme de [C] dans [R] *)
- Variable phi : C -> R.
- Notation "x +! y" := (cadd x y). Notation "x -! y " := (csub x y).
- Notation "x *! y " := (cmul x y). Notation "-! x" := (copp x).
- Notation "x ?=! y" := (ceqb x y). Notation "[ x ]" := (phi x).
-(*for semi rings*)
- Record semi_morph : Prop := mkRmorph {
- Smorph0 : [cO] == 0;
- Smorph1 : [cI] == 1;
- Smorph_add : forall x y, [x +! y] == [x]+[y];
- Smorph_mul : forall x y, [x *! y] == [x]*[y];
- Smorph_eq : forall x y, x?=!y = true -> [x] == [y]
- }.
-(* for rings*)
- Record ring_morph : Prop := mkmorph {
- morph0 : [cO] == 0;
- morph1 : [cI] == 1;
- morph_add : forall x y, [x +! y] == [x]+[y];
- morph_sub : forall x y, [x -! y] == [x]-[y];
- morph_mul : forall x y, [x *! y] == [x]*[y];
- morph_opp : forall x, [-!x] == -[x];
- morph_eq : forall x y, x?=!y = true -> [x] == [y]
- }.
- Section SIGN.
- Variable get_sign : C -> option C.
- Record sign_theory : Prop := mksign_th {
- sign_spec : forall c c', get_sign c = Some c' -> c ?=! -! c' = true
- }.
- End SIGN.
- Definition get_sign_None (c:C) := @None C.
- Lemma get_sign_None_th : sign_theory get_sign_None.
- Proof. constructor;intros;discriminate. Qed.
- Section DIV.
- Variable cdiv: C -> C -> C*C.
- Record div_theory : Prop := mkdiv_th {
- div_eucl_th : forall a b, let (q,r) := cdiv a b in [a] == [b *! q +! r]
- }.
- End DIV.
- (** Identity is a morphism *)
- Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
- Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_setoid1.
- Variable reqb : R->R->bool.
- Hypothesis morph_req : forall x y, (reqb x y) = true -> x == y.
- Definition IDphi (x:R) := x.
- Lemma IDmorph : ring_morph rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp reqb IDphi.
- Proof.
- apply (mkmorph rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp reqb IDphi);intros;unfold IDphi;
- try apply (Seq_refl _ _ Rsth);auto.
- Qed.
- (** Specification of the power function *)
- Section POWER.
- Variable Cpow : Set.
- Variable Cp_phi : N -> Cpow.
- Variable rpow : R -> Cpow -> R.
- Record power_theory : Prop := mkpow_th {
- rpow_pow_N : forall r n, req (rpow r (Cp_phi n)) (pow_N rI rmul r n)
- }.
- End POWER.
- Definition pow_N_th := mkpow_th id_phi_N (pow_N rI rmul) (pow_N_pow_N rI rmul Rsth).
- Variable R : Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R -> R).
- Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
- Notation "0" := rO. Notation "1" := rI.
- Notation "x + y" := (radd x y). Notation "x * y " := (rmul x y).
- Notation "x - y " := (rsub x y). Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
- Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
- (** Leibniz equality leads to a setoid theory and is extensional*)
- Lemma Eqsth : Setoid_Theory R (@eq R).
- Proof. constructor;red;intros;subst;trivial. Qed.
- Lemma Eq_s_ext : sring_eq_ext radd rmul (@eq R).
- Proof. constructor;intros;subst;trivial. Qed.
- Lemma Eq_ext : ring_eq_ext radd rmul ropp (@eq R).
- Proof. constructor;intros;subst;trivial. Qed.
- Variable Rsth : Setoid_Theory R req.
- Add Setoid R req Rsth as R_setoid2.
- Ltac sreflexivity := apply (Seq_refl _ _ Rsth).
- Section SEMI_RING.
- Variable SReqe : sring_eq_ext radd rmul req.
- Add Morphism radd : radd_ext1. exact (SRadd_ext SReqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext1. exact (SRmul_ext SReqe). Qed.
- Variable SRth : semi_ring_theory 0 1 radd rmul req.
- (** Every semi ring can be seen as an almost ring, by taking :
- -x = x and x - y = x + y *)
- Definition SRopp (x:R) := x. Notation "- x" := (SRopp x).
- Definition SRsub x y := x + -y. Notation "x - y " := (SRsub x y).
- Lemma SRopp_ext : forall x y, x == y -> -x == -y.
- Proof. intros x y H;exact H. Qed.
- Lemma SReqe_Reqe : ring_eq_ext radd rmul SRopp req.
- Proof.
- constructor. exact (SRadd_ext SReqe). exact (SRmul_ext SReqe).
- exact SRopp_ext.
- Qed.
- Lemma SRopp_mul_l : forall x y, -(x * y) == -x * y.
- Proof. intros;sreflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma SRopp_add : forall x y, -(x + y) == -x + -y.
- Proof. intros;sreflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma SRsub_def : forall x y, x - y == x + -y.
- Proof. intros;sreflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma SRth_ARth : almost_ring_theory 0 1 radd rmul SRsub SRopp req.
- Proof (mk_art 0 1 radd rmul SRsub SRopp req
- (SRadd_0_l SRth) (SRadd_comm SRth) (SRadd_assoc SRth)
- (SRmul_1_l SRth) (SRmul_0_l SRth)
- (SRmul_comm SRth) (SRmul_assoc SRth) (SRdistr_l SRth)
- SRopp_mul_l SRopp_add SRsub_def).
- (** Identity morphism for semi-ring equipped with their almost-ring structure*)
- Variable reqb : R->R->bool.
- Hypothesis morph_req : forall x y, (reqb x y) = true -> x == y.
- Definition SRIDmorph : ring_morph 0 1 radd rmul SRsub SRopp req
- 0 1 radd rmul SRsub SRopp reqb (@IDphi R).
- Proof.
- apply mkmorph;intros;try sreflexivity. unfold IDphi;auto.
- Qed.
- (* a semi_morph can be extended to a ring_morph for the almost_ring derived
- from a semi_ring, provided the ring is a setoid (we only need
- reflexivity) *)
- Variable C : Type.
- Variable (cO cI : C) (cadd cmul: C->C->C).
- Variable (ceqb : C -> C -> bool).
- Variable phi : C -> R.
- Variable Smorph : semi_morph rO rI radd rmul req cO cI cadd cmul ceqb phi.
- Lemma SRmorph_Rmorph :
- ring_morph rO rI radd rmul SRsub SRopp req
- cO cI cadd cmul cadd (fun x => x) ceqb phi.
- Proof.
- case Smorph; intros; constructor; auto.
- unfold SRopp in |- *; intros.
- setoid_reflexivity.
- Qed.
- Variable Reqe : ring_eq_ext radd rmul ropp req.
- Add Morphism radd : radd_ext2. exact (Radd_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism rmul : rmul_ext2. exact (Rmul_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism ropp : ropp_ext2. exact (Ropp_ext Reqe). Qed.
- Section RING.
- Variable Rth : ring_theory 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req.
- (** Rings are almost rings*)
- Lemma Rmul_0_l : forall x, 0 * x == 0.
- Proof.
- intro x; setoid_replace (0*x) with ((0+1)*x + -x).
- rewrite (Radd_0_l Rth); rewrite (Rmul_1_l Rth).
- rewrite (Ropp_def Rth);sreflexivity.
- rewrite (Rdistr_l Rth);rewrite (Rmul_1_l Rth).
- rewrite <- (Radd_assoc Rth); rewrite (Ropp_def Rth).
- rewrite (Radd_comm Rth); rewrite (Radd_0_l Rth);sreflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma Ropp_mul_l : forall x y, -(x * y) == -x * y.
- Proof.
- intros x y;rewrite <-(Radd_0_l Rth (- x * y)).
- rewrite (Radd_comm Rth).
- rewrite <-(Ropp_def Rth (x*y)).
- rewrite (Radd_assoc Rth).
- rewrite <- (Rdistr_l Rth).
- rewrite (Rth.(Radd_comm) (-x));rewrite (Ropp_def Rth).
- rewrite Rmul_0_l;rewrite (Radd_0_l Rth);sreflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma Ropp_add : forall x y, -(x + y) == -x + -y.
- Proof.
- intros x y;rewrite <- ((Radd_0_l Rth) (-(x+y))).
- rewrite <- ((Ropp_def Rth) x).
- rewrite <- ((Radd_0_l Rth) (x + - x + - (x + y))).
- rewrite <- ((Ropp_def Rth) y).
- rewrite ((Radd_comm Rth) x).
- rewrite ((Radd_comm Rth) y).
- rewrite <- ((Radd_assoc Rth) (-y)).
- rewrite <- ((Radd_assoc Rth) (- x)).
- rewrite ((Radd_assoc Rth) y).
- rewrite ((Radd_comm Rth) y).
- rewrite <- ((Radd_assoc Rth) (- x)).
- rewrite ((Radd_assoc Rth) y).
- rewrite ((Radd_comm Rth) y);rewrite (Ropp_def Rth).
- rewrite ((Radd_comm Rth) (-x) 0);rewrite (Radd_0_l Rth).
- apply (Radd_comm Rth).
- Qed.
- Lemma Ropp_opp : forall x, - -x == x.
- Proof.
- intros x; rewrite <- (Radd_0_l Rth (- -x)).
- rewrite <- (Ropp_def Rth x).
- rewrite <- (Radd_assoc Rth); rewrite (Ropp_def Rth).
- rewrite ((Radd_comm Rth) x);apply (Radd_0_l Rth).
- Qed.
- Lemma Rth_ARth : almost_ring_theory 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req.
- Proof
- (mk_art 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req (Radd_0_l Rth) (Radd_comm Rth) (Radd_assoc Rth)
- (Rmul_1_l Rth) Rmul_0_l (Rmul_comm Rth) (Rmul_assoc Rth) (Rdistr_l Rth)
- Ropp_mul_l Ropp_add (Rsub_def Rth)).
- (** Every semi morphism between two rings is a morphism*)
- Variable C : Type.
- Variable (cO cI : C) (cadd cmul csub: C->C->C) (copp : C -> C).
- Variable (ceq : C -> C -> Prop) (ceqb : C -> C -> bool).
- Variable phi : C -> R.
- Notation "x +! y" := (cadd x y). Notation "x *! y " := (cmul x y).
- Notation "x -! y " := (csub x y). Notation "-! x" := (copp x).
- Notation "x ?=! y" := (ceqb x y). Notation "[ x ]" := (phi x).
- Variable Csth : Setoid_Theory C ceq.
- Variable Ceqe : ring_eq_ext cadd cmul copp ceq.
- Add Setoid C ceq Csth as C_setoid.
- Add Morphism cadd : cadd_ext. exact (Radd_ext Ceqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism cmul : cmul_ext. exact (Rmul_ext Ceqe). Qed.
- Add Morphism copp : copp_ext. exact (Ropp_ext Ceqe). Qed.
- Variable Cth : ring_theory cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceq.
- Variable Smorph : semi_morph 0 1 radd rmul req cO cI cadd cmul ceqb phi.
- Variable phi_ext : forall x y, ceq x y -> [x] == [y].
- Add Morphism phi : phi_ext1. exact phi_ext. Qed.
- Lemma Smorph_opp : forall x, [-!x] == -[x].
- Proof.
- intros x;rewrite <- (Rth.(Radd_0_l) [-!x]).
- rewrite <- ((Ropp_def Rth) [x]).
- rewrite ((Radd_comm Rth) [x]).
- rewrite <- (Radd_assoc Rth).
- rewrite <- (Smorph_add Smorph).
- rewrite (Ropp_def Cth).
- rewrite (Smorph0 Smorph).
- rewrite (Radd_comm Rth (-[x])).
- apply (Radd_0_l Rth);sreflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma Smorph_sub : forall x y, [x -! y] == [x] - [y].
- Proof.
- intros x y; rewrite (Rsub_def Cth);rewrite (Rsub_def Rth).
- rewrite (Smorph_add Smorph);rewrite Smorph_opp;sreflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma Smorph_morph : ring_morph 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req
- cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb phi.
- Proof
- (mkmorph 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb phi
- (Smorph0 Smorph) (Smorph1 Smorph)
- (Smorph_add Smorph) Smorph_sub (Smorph_mul Smorph) Smorph_opp
- (Smorph_eq Smorph)).
- End RING.
- (** Useful lemmas on almost ring *)
- Variable ARth : almost_ring_theory 0 1 radd rmul rsub ropp req.
- Lemma ARth_SRth : semi_ring_theory 0 1 radd rmul req.
-elim ARth; intros.
-constructor; trivial.
- Lemma ARsub_ext :
- forall x1 x2, x1 == x2 -> forall y1 y2, y1 == y2 -> x1 - y1 == x2 - y2.
- Proof.
- intros.
- setoid_replace (x1 - y1) with (x1 + -y1).
- setoid_replace (x2 - y2) with (x2 + -y2).
- rewrite H;rewrite H0;sreflexivity.
- apply (ARsub_def ARth).
- apply (ARsub_def ARth).
- Qed.
- Add Morphism rsub : rsub_ext. exact ARsub_ext. Qed.
- Ltac mrewrite :=
- repeat first
- [ rewrite (ARadd_0_l ARth)
- | rewrite <- ((ARadd_comm ARth) 0)
- | rewrite (ARmul_1_l ARth)
- | rewrite <- ((ARmul_comm ARth) 1)
- | rewrite (ARmul_0_l ARth)
- | rewrite <- ((ARmul_comm ARth) 0)
- | rewrite (ARdistr_l ARth)
- | sreflexivity
- | match goal with
- | |- context [?z * (?x + ?y)] => rewrite ((ARmul_comm ARth) z (x+y))
- end].
- Lemma ARadd_0_r : forall x, (x + 0) == x.
- Proof. intros; mrewrite. Qed.
- Lemma ARmul_1_r : forall x, x * 1 == x.
- Proof. intros;mrewrite. Qed.
- Lemma ARmul_0_r : forall x, x * 0 == 0.
- Proof. intros;mrewrite. Qed.
- Lemma ARdistr_r : forall x y z, z * (x + y) == z*x + z*y.
- Proof.
- intros;mrewrite.
- repeat rewrite (ARth.(ARmul_comm) z);sreflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma ARadd_assoc1 : forall x y z, (x + y) + z == (y + z) + x.
- Proof.
- intros;rewrite <-(ARth.(ARadd_assoc) x).
- rewrite (ARth.(ARadd_comm) x);sreflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma ARadd_assoc2 : forall x y z, (y + x) + z == (y + z) + x.
- Proof.
- intros; repeat rewrite <- (ARadd_assoc ARth);
- rewrite ((ARadd_comm ARth) x); sreflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma ARmul_assoc1 : forall x y z, (x * y) * z == (y * z) * x.
- Proof.
- intros;rewrite <-((ARmul_assoc ARth) x).
- rewrite ((ARmul_comm ARth) x);sreflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma ARmul_assoc2 : forall x y z, (y * x) * z == (y * z) * x.
- Proof.
- intros; repeat rewrite <- (ARmul_assoc ARth);
- rewrite ((ARmul_comm ARth) x); sreflexivity.
- Qed.
- Lemma ARopp_mul_r : forall x y, - (x * y) == x * -y.
- Proof.
- intros;rewrite ((ARmul_comm ARth) x y);
- rewrite (ARopp_mul_l ARth); apply (ARmul_comm ARth).
- Qed.
- Lemma ARopp_zero : -0 == 0.
- Proof.
- rewrite <- (ARmul_0_r 0); rewrite (ARopp_mul_l ARth).
- repeat rewrite ARmul_0_r; sreflexivity.
- Qed.
-Section AddRing.
-(* Variable R : Type.
- Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R -> R).
- Variable req : R -> R -> Prop. *)
-Inductive ring_kind : Type :=
-| Abstract
-| Computational
- (R:Type)
- (req : R -> R -> Prop)
- (reqb : R -> R -> bool)
- (_ : forall x y, (reqb x y) = true -> req x y)
-| Morphism
- (R : Type)
- (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R -> R)
- (req : R -> R -> Prop)
- (C : Type)
- (cO cI : C) (cadd cmul csub : C->C->C) (copp : C->C)
- (ceqb : C->C->bool)
- phi
- (_ : ring_morph rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req
- cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb phi).
-End AddRing.
-(** Some simplification tactics*)
-Ltac gen_reflexivity Rsth := apply (Seq_refl _ _ Rsth).
-Ltac gen_srewrite Rsth Reqe ARth :=
- repeat first
- [ gen_reflexivity Rsth
- | progress rewrite (ARopp_zero Rsth Reqe ARth)
- | rewrite (ARadd_0_l ARth)
- | rewrite (ARadd_0_r Rsth ARth)
- | rewrite (ARmul_1_l ARth)
- | rewrite (ARmul_1_r Rsth ARth)
- | rewrite (ARmul_0_l ARth)
- | rewrite (ARmul_0_r Rsth ARth)
- | rewrite (ARdistr_l ARth)
- | rewrite (ARdistr_r Rsth Reqe ARth)
- | rewrite (ARadd_assoc ARth)
- | rewrite (ARmul_assoc ARth)
- | progress rewrite (ARopp_add ARth)
- | progress rewrite (ARsub_def ARth)
- | progress rewrite <- (ARopp_mul_l ARth)
- | progress rewrite <- (ARopp_mul_r Rsth Reqe ARth) ].
-Ltac gen_add_push add Rsth Reqe ARth x :=
- repeat (match goal with
- | |- context [add (add ?y x) ?z] =>
- progress rewrite (ARadd_assoc2 Rsth Reqe ARth x y z)
- | |- context [add (add x ?y) ?z] =>
- progress rewrite (ARadd_assoc1 Rsth ARth x y z)
- end).
-Ltac gen_mul_push mul Rsth Reqe ARth x :=
- repeat (match goal with
- | |- context [mul (mul ?y x) ?z] =>
- progress rewrite (ARmul_assoc2 Rsth Reqe ARth x y z)
- | |- context [mul (mul x ?y) ?z] =>
- progress rewrite (ARmul_assoc1 Rsth ARth x y z)
- end).
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/ZArithRing.v b/contrib/setoid_ring/ZArithRing.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 942915ab..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/ZArithRing.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Export Ring.
-Require Import ZArith_base.
-Require Import Zpow_def.
-Import InitialRing.
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Ltac Zcst t :=
- match isZcst t with
- true => t
- | _ => constr:NotConstant
- end.
-Ltac isZpow_coef t :=
- match t with
- | Zpos ?p => isPcst p
- | Z0 => constr:true
- | _ => constr:false
- end.
-Definition N_of_Z x :=
- match x with
- | Zpos p => Npos p
- | _ => N0
- end.
-Ltac Zpow_tac t :=
- match isZpow_coef t with
- | true => constr:(N_of_Z t)
- | _ => constr:NotConstant
- end.
-Ltac Zpower_neg :=
- repeat match goal with
- | [|- ?G] =>
- match G with
- | context c [Zpower _ (Zneg _)] =>
- let t := context c [Z0] in
- change t
- end
- end.
-Add Ring Zr : Zth
- (decidable Zeq_bool_eq, constants [Zcst], preprocess [Zpower_neg;unfold Zsucc],
- power_tac Zpower_theory [Zpow_tac],
- (* The two following option are not needed, it is the default chose when the set of
- coefficiant is usual ring Z *)
- div (InitialRing.Ztriv_div_th (@Eqsth Z) (@IDphi Z)),
- sign get_signZ_th).
diff --git a/contrib/setoid_ring/newring.ml4 b/contrib/setoid_ring/newring.ml4
deleted file mode 100644
index 50b7e47b..00000000
--- a/contrib/setoid_ring/newring.ml4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1172 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(*i $Id: newring.ml4 11800 2009-01-18 18:34:15Z msozeau $ i*)
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Closure
-open Environ
-open Libnames
-open Tactics
-open Rawterm
-open Termops
-open Tacticals
-open Tacexpr
-open Pcoq
-open Tactic
-open Constr
-open Proof_type
-open Coqlib
-open Tacmach
-open Mod_subst
-open Tacinterp
-open Libobject
-open Printer
-open Declare
-open Decl_kinds
-open Entries
-(* controlled reduction *)
-let mark_arg i c = mkEvar(i,[|c|])
-let unmark_arg f c =
- match destEvar c with
- | (i,[|c|]) -> f i c
- | _ -> assert false
-type protect_flag = Eval|Prot|Rec
-let tag_arg tag_rec map subs i c =
- match map i with
- Eval -> mk_clos subs c
- | Prot -> mk_atom c
- | Rec -> if i = -1 then mk_clos subs c else tag_rec c
-let rec mk_clos_but f_map subs t =
- match f_map t with
- | Some map -> tag_arg (mk_clos_but f_map subs) map subs (-1) t
- | None ->
- (match kind_of_term t with
- App(f,args) -> mk_clos_app_but f_map subs f args 0
- | Prod _ -> mk_clos_deep (mk_clos_but f_map) subs t
- | _ -> mk_atom t)
-and mk_clos_app_but f_map subs f args n =
- if n >= Array.length args then mk_atom(mkApp(f, args))
- else
- let fargs, args' = array_chop n args in
- let f' = mkApp(f,fargs) in
- match f_map f' with
- Some map ->
- mk_clos_deep
- (fun s' -> unmark_arg (tag_arg (mk_clos_but f_map s') map s'))
- subs
- (mkApp (mark_arg (-1) f', Array.mapi mark_arg args'))
- | None -> mk_clos_app_but f_map subs f args (n+1)
-let interp_map l c =
- try
- let (im,am) = List.assoc c l in
- Some(fun i ->
- if List.mem i im then Eval
- else if List.mem i am then Prot
- else if i = -1 then Eval
- else Rec)
- with Not_found -> None
-let interp_map l t =
- try Some(List.assoc t l) with Not_found -> None
-let protect_maps = ref ([]:(string*(constr->'a)) list)
-let add_map s m = protect_maps := (s,m) :: !protect_maps
-let lookup_map map =
- try List.assoc map !protect_maps
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm"lookup_map"(str"map "++qs map++str"not found")
-let protect_red map env sigma c =
- kl (create_clos_infos betadeltaiota env)
- (mk_clos_but (lookup_map map c) (Esubst.ESID 0) c);;
-let protect_tac map =
- Tactics.reduct_option (protect_red map,DEFAULTcast) None ;;
-let protect_tac_in map id =
- Tactics.reduct_option (protect_red map,DEFAULTcast)
- (Some((all_occurrences_expr,id),InHyp));;
-TACTIC EXTEND protect_fv
- [ "protect_fv" string(map) "in" ident(id) ] ->
- [ protect_tac_in map id ]
-| [ "protect_fv" string(map) ] ->
- [ protect_tac map ]
-let closed_term t l =
- let l = constr_of_global l in
- let cs = List.fold_right Quote.ConstrSet.add l Quote.ConstrSet.empty in
- if Quote.closed_under cs t then tclIDTAC else tclFAIL 0 (mt())
-TACTIC EXTEND closed_term
- [ "closed_term" constr(t) "[" ne_reference_list(l) "]" ] ->
- [ closed_term t l ]
-| [ "echo" constr(t) ] ->
- [ Pp.msg (Termops.print_constr t); Tacinterp.eval_tactic (TacId []) ]
-let closed_term_ast l =
- TacFun([Some(id_of_string"t")],
- TacAtom(dummy_loc,TacExtend(dummy_loc,"closed_term",
- [Genarg.in_gen Genarg.wit_constr (mkVar(id_of_string"t"));
- Genarg.in_gen (Genarg.wit_list1 Genarg.wit_ref) l])))
-let closed_term_ast l =
- let l = (fun gr -> ArgArg(dummy_loc,gr)) l in
- TacFun([Some(id_of_string"t")],
- TacAtom(dummy_loc,TacExtend(dummy_loc,"closed_term",
- [Genarg.in_gen Genarg.globwit_constr (RVar(dummy_loc,id_of_string"t"),None);
- Genarg.in_gen (Genarg.wit_list1 Genarg.globwit_ref) l])))
-let _ = add_tacdef false ((dummy_loc,id_of_string"ring_closed_term"
-let ic c =
- let env = Global.env() and sigma = Evd.empty in
- Constrintern.interp_constr sigma env c
-let ty c = Typing.type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty c
-let decl_constant na c =
- mkConst(declare_constant (id_of_string na) (DefinitionEntry
- { const_entry_body = c;
- const_entry_type = None;
- const_entry_opaque = true;
- const_entry_boxed = true},
- IsProof Lemma))
-let ltac_call tac (args:glob_tactic_arg list) =
- TacArg(TacCall(dummy_loc, ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force tac),args))
-let ltac_acall tac (args:glob_tactic_arg list) =
- TacCall(dummy_loc, ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force tac),args)
-let ltac_lcall tac args =
- TacArg(TacCall(dummy_loc, ArgVar(dummy_loc, id_of_string tac),args))
-let carg c = TacDynamic(dummy_loc,Pretyping.constr_in c)
-let dummy_goal env =
- { = Evd.make_evar (named_context_val env) mkProp;
- Evd.sigma = Evd.empty}
-let exec_tactic env n f args =
- let lid = list_tabulate(fun i -> id_of_string("x"^string_of_int i)) n in
- let res = ref [||] in
- let get_res ist =
- let l = (fun id -> List.assoc id ist.lfun) lid in
- res := Array.of_list l;
- TacId[] in
- let getter =
- Tacexp(TacFun( id -> Some id) lid,
- glob_tactic(tacticIn get_res))) in
- let _ =
- Tacinterp.eval_tactic(ltac_call f (args@[getter])) (dummy_goal env) in
- !res
-let constr_of = function
- | VConstr c -> c
- | _ -> failwith "Ring.exec_tactic: anomaly"
-let stdlib_modules =
- [["Coq";"Setoids";"Setoid"];
- ["Coq";"Lists";"List"];
- ["Coq";"Init";"Datatypes"];
- ["Coq";"Init";"Logic"];
- ]
-let coq_constant c =
- lazy (Coqlib.gen_constant_in_modules "Ring" stdlib_modules c)
-let coq_mk_Setoid = coq_constant "Build_Setoid_Theory"
-let coq_cons = coq_constant "cons"
-let coq_nil = coq_constant "nil"
-let coq_None = coq_constant "None"
-let coq_Some = coq_constant "Some"
-let coq_eq = coq_constant "eq"
-let lapp f args = mkApp(Lazy.force f,args)
-let dest_rel0 t =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | App(f,args) when Array.length args >= 2 ->
- let rel = mkApp(f,Array.sub args 0 (Array.length args - 2)) in
- if closed0 rel then
- (rel,args.(Array.length args - 2),args.(Array.length args - 1))
- else error "ring: cannot find relation (not closed)"
- | _ -> error "ring: cannot find relation"
-let rec dest_rel t =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | Prod(_,_,c) -> dest_rel c
- | _ -> dest_rel0 t
-(* Library linking *)
-let contrib_name = "setoid_ring"
-let cdir = ["Coq";contrib_name]
-let contrib_modules =
- (fun d -> cdir@d)
- [["Ring_theory"];["Ring_polynom"]; ["Ring_tac"];["InitialRing"];
- ["Field_tac"]; ["Field_theory"]
- ]
-let my_constant c =
- lazy (Coqlib.gen_constant_in_modules "Ring" contrib_modules c)
-let new_ring_path =
- make_dirpath ( id_of_string ["Ring_tac";contrib_name;"Coq"])
-let ltac s =
- lazy(make_kn (MPfile new_ring_path) (make_dirpath []) (mk_label s))
-let znew_ring_path =
- make_dirpath ( id_of_string ["InitialRing";contrib_name;"Coq"])
-let zltac s =
- lazy(make_kn (MPfile znew_ring_path) (make_dirpath []) (mk_label s))
-let mk_cst l s = lazy (Coqlib.gen_constant "newring" l s);;
-let pol_cst s = mk_cst [contrib_name;"Ring_polynom"] s ;;
-(* Ring theory *)
-(* almost_ring defs *)
-let coq_almost_ring_theory = my_constant "almost_ring_theory"
-(* setoid and morphism utilities *)
-let coq_eq_setoid = my_constant "Eqsth"
-let coq_eq_morph = my_constant "Eq_ext"
-let coq_eq_smorph = my_constant "Eq_s_ext"
-(* ring -> almost_ring utilities *)
-let coq_ring_theory = my_constant "ring_theory"
-let coq_mk_reqe = my_constant "mk_reqe"
-(* semi_ring -> almost_ring utilities *)
-let coq_semi_ring_theory = my_constant "semi_ring_theory"
-let coq_mk_seqe = my_constant "mk_seqe"
-let ltac_inv_morph_gen = zltac"inv_gen_phi"
-let ltac_inv_morphZ = zltac"inv_gen_phiZ"
-let ltac_inv_morphN = zltac"inv_gen_phiN"
-let ltac_inv_morphNword = zltac"inv_gen_phiNword"
-let coq_abstract = my_constant"Abstract"
-let coq_comp = my_constant"Computational"
-let coq_morph = my_constant"Morphism"
-(* morphism *)
-let coq_ring_morph = my_constant "ring_morph"
-let coq_semi_morph = my_constant "semi_morph"
-(* power function *)
-let ltac_inv_morph_nothing = zltac"inv_morph_nothing"
-let coq_pow_N_pow_N = my_constant "pow_N_pow_N"
-(* hypothesis *)
-let coq_mkhypo = my_constant "mkhypo"
-let coq_hypo = my_constant "hypo"
-(* Equality: do not evaluate but make recursive call on both sides *)
-let map_with_eq arg_map c =
- let (req,_,_) = dest_rel c in
- interp_map
- ((req,(function -1->Prot|_->Rec))::
- (fun (c,map) -> (Lazy.force c,map)) arg_map)
-let _ = add_map "ring"
- (map_with_eq
- [coq_cons,(function -1->Eval|2->Rec|_->Prot);
- coq_nil, (function -1->Eval|_ -> Prot);
- (* Pphi_dev: evaluate polynomial and coef operations, protect
- ring operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
- pol_cst "Pphi_dev", (function -1|8|9|10|11|12|14->Eval|13->Rec|_->Prot);
- pol_cst "Pphi_pow",
- (function -1|8|9|10|11|13|15|17->Eval|16->Rec|_->Prot);
- (* PEeval: evaluate morphism and polynomial, protect ring
- operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
- pol_cst "PEeval", (function -1|7|9|12->Eval|11->Rec|_->Prot)])
-(* Ring database *)
-type ring_info =
- { ring_carrier : types;
- ring_req : constr;
- ring_setoid : constr;
- ring_ext : constr;
- ring_morph : constr;
- ring_th : constr;
- ring_cst_tac : glob_tactic_expr;
- ring_pow_tac : glob_tactic_expr;
- ring_lemma1 : constr;
- ring_lemma2 : constr;
- ring_pre_tac : glob_tactic_expr;
- ring_post_tac : glob_tactic_expr }
-module Cmap = Map.Make(struct type t = constr let compare = compare end)
-let from_carrier = ref Cmap.empty
-let from_relation = ref Cmap.empty
-let from_name = ref Spmap.empty
-let ring_for_carrier r = Cmap.find r !from_carrier
-let ring_for_relation rel = Cmap.find rel !from_relation
-let ring_lookup_by_name ref =
- Spmap.find (Nametab.locate_obj (snd(qualid_of_reference ref))) !from_name
-let find_ring_structure env sigma l oname =
- match oname, l with
- Some rf, _ ->
- (try ring_lookup_by_name rf
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "ring"
- (str "found no ring named "++pr_reference rf))
- | None, t::cl' ->
- let ty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma t in
- let check c =
- let ty' = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c in
- if not (Reductionops.is_conv env sigma ty ty') then
- errorlabstrm "ring"
- (str"arguments of ring_simplify do not have all the same type")
- in
- List.iter check cl';
- (try ring_for_carrier ty
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "ring"
- (str"cannot find a declared ring structure over"++
- spc()++str"\""++pr_constr ty++str"\""))
- | None, [] -> assert false
- let (req,_,_) = dest_rel cl in
- (try ring_for_relation req
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "ring"
- (str"cannot find a declared ring structure for equality"++
- spc()++str"\""++pr_constr req++str"\"")) *)
-let _ =
- Summary.declare_summary "tactic-new-ring-table"
- { Summary.freeze_function =
- (fun () -> !from_carrier,!from_relation,!from_name);
- Summary.unfreeze_function =
- (fun (ct,rt,nt) ->
- from_carrier := ct; from_relation := rt; from_name := nt);
- Summary.init_function =
- (fun () ->
- from_carrier := Cmap.empty; from_relation := Cmap.empty;
- from_name := Spmap.empty);
- Summary.survive_module = false;
- Summary.survive_section = false }
-let add_entry (sp,_kn) e =
-(* let _ = ty e.ring_lemma1 in
- let _ = ty e.ring_lemma2 in
- from_carrier := Cmap.add e.ring_carrier e !from_carrier;
- from_relation := Cmap.add e.ring_req e !from_relation;
- from_name := Spmap.add sp e !from_name
-let subst_th (_,subst,th) =
- let c' = subst_mps subst th.ring_carrier in
- let eq' = subst_mps subst th.ring_req in
- let set' = subst_mps subst th.ring_setoid in
- let ext' = subst_mps subst th.ring_ext in
- let morph' = subst_mps subst th.ring_morph in
- let th' = subst_mps subst th.ring_th in
- let thm1' = subst_mps subst th.ring_lemma1 in
- let thm2' = subst_mps subst th.ring_lemma2 in
- let tac'= subst_tactic subst th.ring_cst_tac in
- let pow_tac'= subst_tactic subst th.ring_pow_tac in
- let pretac'= subst_tactic subst th.ring_pre_tac in
- let posttac'= subst_tactic subst th.ring_post_tac in
- if c' == th.ring_carrier &&
- eq' == th.ring_req &&
- set' = th.ring_setoid &&
- ext' == th.ring_ext &&
- morph' == th.ring_morph &&
- th' == th.ring_th &&
- thm1' == th.ring_lemma1 &&
- thm2' == th.ring_lemma2 &&
- tac' == th.ring_cst_tac &&
- pow_tac' == th.ring_pow_tac &&
- pretac' == th.ring_pre_tac &&
- posttac' == th.ring_post_tac then th
- else
- { ring_carrier = c';
- ring_req = eq';
- ring_setoid = set';
- ring_ext = ext';
- ring_morph = morph';
- ring_th = th';
- ring_cst_tac = tac';
- ring_pow_tac = pow_tac';
- ring_lemma1 = thm1';
- ring_lemma2 = thm2';
- ring_pre_tac = pretac';
- ring_post_tac = posttac' }
-let (theory_to_obj, obj_to_theory) =
- let cache_th (name,th) = add_entry name th
- and export_th x = Some x in
- declare_object
- {(default_object "tactic-new-ring-theory") with
- open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_th o);
- cache_function = cache_th;
- subst_function = subst_th;
- classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
- export_function = export_th }
-let setoid_of_relation env a r =
- let evm = Evd.empty in
- try
- lapp coq_mk_Setoid
- [|a ; r ;
- Class_tactics.get_reflexive_proof env evm a r ;
- Class_tactics.get_symmetric_proof env evm a r ;
- Class_tactics.get_transitive_proof env evm a r |]
- with Not_found ->
- error "cannot find setoid relation"
-let op_morph r add mul opp req m1 m2 m3 =
- lapp coq_mk_reqe [| r; add; mul; opp; req; m1; m2; m3 |]
-let op_smorph r add mul req m1 m2 =
- lapp coq_mk_seqe [| r; add; mul; req; m1; m2 |]
-(* let default_ring_equality (r,add,mul,opp,req) = *)
-(* let is_setoid = function *)
-(* {rel_refl=Some _; rel_sym=Some _;rel_trans=Some _;rel_aeq=rel} -> *)
-(* eq_constr req rel (\* Qu: use conversion ? *\) *)
-(* | _ -> false in *)
-(* match default_relation_for_carrier ~filter:is_setoid r with *)
-(* Leibniz _ -> *)
-(* let setoid = lapp coq_eq_setoid [|r|] in *)
-(* let op_morph = *)
-(* match opp with *)
-(* Some opp -> lapp coq_eq_morph [|r;add;mul;opp|] *)
-(* | None -> lapp coq_eq_smorph [|r;add;mul|] in *)
-(* (setoid,op_morph) *)
-(* | Relation rel -> *)
-(* let setoid = setoid_of_relation rel in *)
-(* let is_endomorphism = function *)
-(* { args=args } -> List.for_all *)
-(* (function (var,Relation rel) -> *)
-(* var=None && eq_constr req rel *)
-(* | _ -> false) args in *)
-(* let add_m = *)
-(* try default_morphism ~filter:is_endomorphism add *)
-(* with Not_found -> *)
-(* error "ring addition should be declared as a morphism" in *)
-(* let mul_m = *)
-(* try default_morphism ~filter:is_endomorphism mul *)
-(* with Not_found -> *)
-(* error "ring multiplication should be declared as a morphism" in *)
-(* let op_morph = *)
-(* match opp with *)
-(* | Some opp -> *)
-(* (let opp_m = *)
-(* try default_morphism ~filter:is_endomorphism opp *)
-(* with Not_found -> *)
-(* error "ring opposite should be declared as a morphism" in *)
-(* let op_morph = *)
-(* op_morph r add mul opp req add_m.lem mul_m.lem opp_m.lem in *)
-(* msgnl *)
-(* (str"Using setoid \""++pr_constr rel.rel_aeq++str"\""++spc()++ *)
-(* str"and morphisms \""++pr_constr add_m.morphism_theory++ *)
-(* str"\","++spc()++ str"\""++pr_constr mul_m.morphism_theory++ *)
-(* str"\""++spc()++str"and \""++pr_constr opp_m.morphism_theory++ *)
-(* str"\""); *)
-(* op_morph) *)
-(* | None -> *)
-(* (msgnl *)
-(* (str"Using setoid \""++pr_constr rel.rel_aeq++str"\"" ++ spc() ++ *)
-(* str"and morphisms \""++pr_constr add_m.morphism_theory++ *)
-(* str"\""++spc()++str"and \""++ *)
-(* pr_constr mul_m.morphism_theory++str"\""); *)
-(* op_smorph r add mul req add_m.lem mul_m.lem) in *)
-(* (setoid,op_morph) *)
-let ring_equality (r,add,mul,opp,req) =
- match kind_of_term req with
- | App (f, [| _ |]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force coq_eq) ->
- let setoid = lapp coq_eq_setoid [|r|] in
- let op_morph =
- match opp with
- Some opp -> lapp coq_eq_morph [|r;add;mul;opp|]
- | None -> lapp coq_eq_smorph [|r;add;mul|] in
- (setoid,op_morph)
- | _ ->
- let setoid = setoid_of_relation (Global.env ()) r req in
- let signature = [Some (r,req);Some (r,req)],Some(Lazy.lazy_from_val (r,req)) in
- let add_m, add_m_lem =
- try Class_tactics.default_morphism signature add
- with Not_found ->
- error "ring addition should be declared as a morphism" in
- let mul_m, mul_m_lem =
- try Class_tactics.default_morphism signature mul
- with Not_found ->
- error "ring multiplication should be declared as a morphism" in
- let op_morph =
- match opp with
- | Some opp ->
- (let opp_m,opp_m_lem =
- try Class_tactics.default_morphism ([Some(r,req)],Some(Lazy.lazy_from_val (r,req))) opp
- with Not_found ->
- error "ring opposite should be declared as a morphism" in
- let op_morph =
- op_morph r add mul opp req add_m_lem mul_m_lem opp_m_lem in
- Flags.if_verbose
- msgnl
- (str"Using setoid \""++pr_constr req++str"\""++spc()++
- str"and morphisms \""++pr_constr add_m_lem ++
- str"\","++spc()++ str"\""++pr_constr mul_m_lem++
- str"\""++spc()++str"and \""++pr_constr opp_m_lem++
- str"\"");
- op_morph)
- | None ->
- (Flags.if_verbose
- msgnl
- (str"Using setoid \""++pr_constr req ++str"\"" ++ spc() ++
- str"and morphisms \""++pr_constr add_m_lem ++
- str"\""++spc()++str"and \""++
- pr_constr mul_m_lem++str"\"");
- op_smorph r add mul req add_m_lem mul_m_lem) in
- (setoid,op_morph)
-let build_setoid_params r add mul opp req eqth =
- match eqth with
- Some th -> th
- | None -> ring_equality (r,add,mul,opp,req)
-let dest_ring env sigma th_spec =
- let th_typ = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma th_spec in
- match kind_of_term th_typ with
- App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;req|])
- when f = Lazy.force coq_almost_ring_theory ->
- (None,r,zero,one,add,mul,Some sub,Some opp,req)
- | App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;req|])
- when f = Lazy.force coq_semi_ring_theory ->
- (Some true,r,zero,one,add,mul,None,None,req)
- | App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;req|])
- when f = Lazy.force coq_ring_theory ->
- (Some false,r,zero,one,add,mul,Some sub,Some opp,req)
- | _ -> error "bad ring structure"
-let dest_morph env sigma m_spec =
- let m_typ = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma m_spec in
- match kind_of_term m_typ with
- App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;req;
- c;czero;cone;cadd;cmul;csub;copp;ceqb;phi|])
- when f = Lazy.force coq_ring_morph ->
- (c,czero,cone,cadd,cmul,Some csub,Some copp,ceqb,phi)
- | App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;req;c;czero;cone;cadd;cmul;ceqb;phi|])
- when f = Lazy.force coq_semi_morph ->
- (c,czero,cone,cadd,cmul,None,None,ceqb,phi)
- | _ -> error "bad morphism structure"
-type coeff_spec =
- Computational of constr (* equality test *)
- | Abstract (* coeffs = Z *)
- | Morphism of constr (* general morphism *)
-let reflect_coeff rkind =
- (* We build an ill-typed terms on purpose... *)
- match rkind with
- Abstract -> Lazy.force coq_abstract
- | Computational c -> lapp coq_comp [|c|]
- | Morphism m -> lapp coq_morph [|m|]
-type cst_tac_spec =
- CstTac of raw_tactic_expr
- | Closed of reference list
-let interp_cst_tac env sigma rk kind (zero,one,add,mul,opp) cst_tac =
- match cst_tac with
- Some (CstTac t) -> Tacinterp.glob_tactic t
- | Some (Closed lc) ->
- closed_term_ast ( Syntax_def.global_with_alias lc)
- | None ->
- (match rk, opp, kind with
- Abstract, None, _ ->
- let t = ArgArg(dummy_loc,Lazy.force ltac_inv_morphN) in
- TacArg(TacCall(dummy_loc,t, carg [zero;one;add;mul]))
- | Abstract, Some opp, Some _ ->
- let t = ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_inv_morphZ) in
- TacArg(TacCall(dummy_loc,t, carg [zero;one;add;mul;opp]))
- | Abstract, Some opp, None ->
- let t = ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_inv_morphNword) in
- TacArg
- (TacCall(dummy_loc,t, carg [zero;one;add;mul;opp]))
- | Computational _,_,_ ->
- let t = ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_inv_morph_gen) in
- TacArg
- (TacCall(dummy_loc,t, carg [zero;one;zero;one]))
- | Morphism mth,_,_ ->
- let (_,czero,cone,_,_,_,_,_,_) = dest_morph env sigma mth in
- let t = ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_inv_morph_gen) in
- TacArg
- (TacCall(dummy_loc,t, carg [zero;one;czero;cone])))
-let make_hyp env c =
- let t = Retyping.get_type_of env Evd.empty c in
- lapp coq_mkhypo [|t;c|]
-let make_hyp_list env lH =
- let carrier = Lazy.force coq_hypo in
- List.fold_right
- (fun c l -> lapp coq_cons [|carrier; (make_hyp env c); l|]) lH
- (lapp coq_nil [|carrier|])
-let interp_power env pow =
- let carrier = Lazy.force coq_hypo in
- match pow with
- | None ->
- let t = ArgArg(dummy_loc, Lazy.force ltac_inv_morph_nothing) in
- (TacArg(TacCall(dummy_loc,t,[])), lapp coq_None [|carrier|])
- | Some (tac, spec) ->
- let tac =
- match tac with
- | CstTac t -> Tacinterp.glob_tactic t
- | Closed lc ->
- closed_term_ast ( Syntax_def.global_with_alias lc) in
- let spec = make_hyp env (ic spec) in
- (tac, lapp coq_Some [|carrier; spec|])
-let interp_sign env sign =
- let carrier = Lazy.force coq_hypo in
- match sign with
- | None -> lapp coq_None [|carrier|]
- | Some spec ->
- let spec = make_hyp env (ic spec) in
- lapp coq_Some [|carrier;spec|]
- (* Same remark on ill-typed terms ... *)
-let interp_div env div =
- let carrier = Lazy.force coq_hypo in
- match div with
- | None -> lapp coq_None [|carrier|]
- | Some spec ->
- let spec = make_hyp env (ic spec) in
- lapp coq_Some [|carrier;spec|]
- (* Same remark on ill-typed terms ... *)
-let add_theory name rth eqth morphth cst_tac (pre,post) power sign div =
- check_required_library (cdir@["Ring_base"]);
- let env = Global.env() in
- let sigma = Evd.empty in
- let (kind,r,zero,one,add,mul,sub,opp,req) = dest_ring env sigma rth in
- let (sth,ext) = build_setoid_params r add mul opp req eqth in
- let (pow_tac, pspec) = interp_power env power in
- let sspec = interp_sign env sign in
- let dspec = interp_div env div in
- let rk = reflect_coeff morphth in
- let params =
- exec_tactic env 5 (zltac "ring_lemmas")
- ( carg[sth;ext;rth;pspec;sspec;dspec;rk]) in
- let lemma1 = constr_of params.(3) in
- let lemma2 = constr_of params.(4) in
- let lemma1 = decl_constant (string_of_id name^"_ring_lemma1") lemma1 in
- let lemma2 = decl_constant (string_of_id name^"_ring_lemma2") lemma2 in
- let cst_tac =
- interp_cst_tac env sigma morphth kind (zero,one,add,mul,opp) cst_tac in
- let pretac =
- match pre with
- Some t -> Tacinterp.glob_tactic t
- | _ -> TacId [] in
- let posttac =
- match post with
- Some t -> Tacinterp.glob_tactic t
- | _ -> TacId [] in
- let _ =
- Lib.add_leaf name
- (theory_to_obj
- { ring_carrier = r;
- ring_req = req;
- ring_setoid = sth;
- ring_ext = constr_of params.(1);
- ring_morph = constr_of params.(2);
- ring_th = constr_of params.(0);
- ring_cst_tac = cst_tac;
- ring_pow_tac = pow_tac;
- ring_lemma1 = lemma1;
- ring_lemma2 = lemma2;
- ring_pre_tac = pretac;
- ring_post_tac = posttac }) in
- ()
-type ring_mod =
- Ring_kind of coeff_spec
- | Const_tac of cst_tac_spec
- | Pre_tac of raw_tactic_expr
- | Post_tac of raw_tactic_expr
- | Setoid of Topconstr.constr_expr * Topconstr.constr_expr
- | Pow_spec of cst_tac_spec * Topconstr.constr_expr
- (* Syntaxification tactic , correctness lemma *)
- | Sign_spec of Topconstr.constr_expr
- | Div_spec of Topconstr.constr_expr
- | [ "decidable" constr(eq_test) ] -> [ Ring_kind(Computational (ic eq_test)) ]
- | [ "abstract" ] -> [ Ring_kind Abstract ]
- | [ "morphism" constr(morph) ] -> [ Ring_kind(Morphism (ic morph)) ]
- | [ "constants" "[" tactic(cst_tac) "]" ] -> [ Const_tac(CstTac cst_tac) ]
- | [ "closed" "[" ne_global_list(l) "]" ] -> [ Const_tac(Closed l) ]
- | [ "preprocess" "[" tactic(pre) "]" ] -> [ Pre_tac pre ]
- | [ "postprocess" "[" tactic(post) "]" ] -> [ Post_tac post ]
- | [ "setoid" constr(sth) constr(ext) ] -> [ Setoid(sth,ext) ]
- | [ "sign" constr(sign_spec) ] -> [ Sign_spec sign_spec ]
- | [ "power" constr(pow_spec) "[" ne_global_list(l) "]" ] ->
- [ Pow_spec (Closed l, pow_spec) ]
- | [ "power_tac" constr(pow_spec) "[" tactic(cst_tac) "]" ] ->
- [ Pow_spec (CstTac cst_tac, pow_spec) ]
- | [ "div" constr(div_spec) ] -> [ Div_spec div_spec ]
-let set_once s r v =
- if !r = None then r := Some v else error (s^" cannot be set twice")
-let process_ring_mods l =
- let kind = ref None in
- let set = ref None in
- let cst_tac = ref None in
- let pre = ref None in
- let post = ref None in
- let sign = ref None in
- let power = ref None in
- let div = ref None in
- List.iter(function
- Ring_kind k -> set_once "ring kind" kind k
- | Const_tac t -> set_once "tactic recognizing constants" cst_tac t
- | Pre_tac t -> set_once "preprocess tactic" pre t
- | Post_tac t -> set_once "postprocess tactic" post t
- | Setoid(sth,ext) -> set_once "setoid" set (ic sth,ic ext)
- | Pow_spec(t,spec) -> set_once "power" power (t,spec)
- | Sign_spec t -> set_once "sign" sign t
- | Div_spec t -> set_once "div" div t) l;
- let k = match !kind with Some k -> k | None -> Abstract in
- (k, !set, !cst_tac, !pre, !post, !power, !sign, !div)
- | [ "Add" "Ring" ident(id) ":" constr(t) ring_mods(l) ] ->
- [ let (k,set,cst,pre,post,power,sign, div) = process_ring_mods l in
- add_theory id (ic t) set k cst (pre,post) power sign div]
-(* The tactics consist then only in a lookup in the ring database and
- call the appropriate ltac. *)
-let make_args_list rl t =
- match rl with
- | [] -> let (_,t1,t2) = dest_rel0 t in [t1;t2]
- | _ -> rl
-let make_term_list carrier rl =
- List.fold_right
- (fun x l -> lapp coq_cons [|carrier;x;l|]) rl
- (lapp coq_nil [|carrier|])
-let ring_lookup (f:glob_tactic_expr) lH rl t gl =
- let env = pf_env gl in
- let sigma = project gl in
- let rl = make_args_list rl t in
- let e = find_ring_structure env sigma rl None in
- let rl = carg (make_term_list e.ring_carrier rl) in
- let lH = carg (make_hyp_list env lH) in
- let req = carg e.ring_req in
- let sth = carg e.ring_setoid in
- let ext = carg e.ring_ext in
- let morph = carg e.ring_morph in
- let th = carg e.ring_th in
- let cst_tac = Tacexp e.ring_cst_tac in
- let pow_tac = Tacexp e.ring_pow_tac in
- let lemma1 = carg e.ring_lemma1 in
- let lemma2 = carg e.ring_lemma2 in
- let pretac = Tacexp(TacFun([None],e.ring_pre_tac)) in
- let posttac = Tacexp(TacFun([None],e.ring_post_tac)) in
- Tacinterp.eval_tactic
- (TacLetIn
- (false,[(dummy_loc,id_of_string"f"),Tacexp f],
- ltac_lcall "f"
- [req;sth;ext;morph;th;cst_tac;pow_tac;
- lemma1;lemma2;pretac;posttac;lH;rl])) gl
-TACTIC EXTEND ring_lookup
-| [ "ring_lookup" tactic0(f) "[" constr_list(lH) "]" ne_constr_list(lrt) ] ->
- [ let (t,lr) = list_sep_last lrt in ring_lookup (fst f) lH lr t]
-let new_field_path =
- make_dirpath ( id_of_string ["Field_tac";contrib_name;"Coq"])
-let field_ltac s =
- lazy(make_kn (MPfile new_field_path) (make_dirpath []) (mk_label s))
-let _ = add_map "field"
- (map_with_eq
- [coq_cons,(function -1->Eval|2->Rec|_->Prot);
- coq_nil, (function -1->Eval|_ -> Prot);
- (* display_linear: evaluate polynomials and coef operations, protect
- field operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
- my_constant "display_linear",
- (function -1|9|10|11|12|13|15|16->Eval|14->Rec|_->Prot);
- my_constant "display_pow_linear",
- (function -1|9|10|11|12|13|14|16|18|19->Eval|17->Rec|_->Prot);
- (* Pphi_dev: evaluate polynomial and coef operations, protect
- ring operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
- pol_cst "Pphi_dev", (function -1|8|9|10|11|12|14->Eval|13->Rec|_->Prot);
- pol_cst "Pphi_pow",
- (function -1|8|9|10|11|13|15|17->Eval|16->Rec|_->Prot);
- (* PEeval: evaluate morphism and polynomial, protect ring
- operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
- pol_cst "PEeval", (function -1|7|9|12->Eval|11->Rec|_->Prot);
- (* FEeval: evaluate morphism, protect field
- operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
- my_constant "FEeval", (function -1|8|9|10|11|14->Eval|13->Rec|_->Prot)]);;
-let _ = add_map "field_cond"
- (map_with_eq
- [coq_cons,(function -1->Eval|2->Rec|_->Prot);
- coq_nil, (function -1->Eval|_ -> Prot);
- (* PCond: evaluate morphism and denum list, protect ring
- operations and make recursive call on the var map *)
- my_constant "PCond", (function -1|8|10|13->Eval|12->Rec|_->Prot)]);;
-(* (function -1|8|10->Eval|9->Rec|_->Prot)]);;*)
-let afield_theory = my_constant "almost_field_theory"
-let field_theory = my_constant "field_theory"
-let sfield_theory = my_constant "semi_field_theory"
-let af_ar = my_constant"AF_AR"
-let f_r = my_constant"F_R"
-let sf_sr = my_constant"SF_SR"
-let dest_field env sigma th_spec =
- let th_typ = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma th_spec in
- match kind_of_term th_typ with
- | App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;div;inv;req|])
- when f = Lazy.force afield_theory ->
- let rth = lapp af_ar
- [|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;div;inv;req;th_spec|] in
- (None,r,zero,one,add,mul,Some sub,Some opp,div,inv,req,rth)
- | App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;div;inv;req|])
- when f = Lazy.force field_theory ->
- let rth =
- lapp f_r
- [|r;zero;one;add;mul;sub;opp;div;inv;req;th_spec|] in
- (Some false,r,zero,one,add,mul,Some sub,Some opp,div,inv,req,rth)
- | App(f,[|r;zero;one;add;mul;div;inv;req|])
- when f = Lazy.force sfield_theory ->
- let rth = lapp sf_sr
- [|r;zero;one;add;mul;div;inv;req;th_spec|] in
- (Some true,r,zero,one,add,mul,None,None,div,inv,req,rth)
- | _ -> error "bad field structure"
-type field_info =
- { field_carrier : types;
- field_req : constr;
- field_cst_tac : glob_tactic_expr;
- field_pow_tac : glob_tactic_expr;
- field_ok : constr;
- field_simpl_eq_ok : constr;
- field_simpl_ok : constr;
- field_simpl_eq_in_ok : constr;
- field_cond : constr;
- field_pre_tac : glob_tactic_expr;
- field_post_tac : glob_tactic_expr }
-let field_from_carrier = ref Cmap.empty
-let field_from_relation = ref Cmap.empty
-let field_from_name = ref Spmap.empty
-let field_for_carrier r = Cmap.find r !field_from_carrier
-let field_for_relation rel = Cmap.find rel !field_from_relation
-let field_lookup_by_name ref =
- Spmap.find (Nametab.locate_obj (snd(qualid_of_reference ref)))
- !field_from_name
-let find_field_structure env sigma l oname =
- check_required_library (cdir@["Field_tac"]);
- match oname, l with
- Some rf, _ ->
- (try field_lookup_by_name rf
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "field"
- (str "found no field named "++pr_reference rf))
- | None, t::cl' ->
- let ty = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma t in
- let check c =
- let ty' = Retyping.get_type_of env sigma c in
- if not (Reductionops.is_conv env sigma ty ty') then
- errorlabstrm "field"
- (str"arguments of field_simplify do not have all the same type")
- in
- List.iter check cl';
- (try field_for_carrier ty
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "field"
- (str"cannot find a declared field structure over"++
- spc()++str"\""++pr_constr ty++str"\""))
- | None, [] -> assert false
-(* let (req,_,_) = dest_rel cl in
- (try field_for_relation req
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "field"
- (str"cannot find a declared field structure for equality"++
- spc()++str"\""++pr_constr req++str"\"")) *)
-let _ =
- Summary.declare_summary "tactic-new-field-table"
- { Summary.freeze_function =
- (fun () -> !field_from_carrier,!field_from_relation,!field_from_name);
- Summary.unfreeze_function =
- (fun (ct,rt,nt) ->
- field_from_carrier := ct; field_from_relation := rt;
- field_from_name := nt);
- Summary.init_function =
- (fun () ->
- field_from_carrier := Cmap.empty; field_from_relation := Cmap.empty;
- field_from_name := Spmap.empty);
- Summary.survive_module = false;
- Summary.survive_section = false }
-let add_field_entry (sp,_kn) e =
- let _ = ty e.field_ok in
- let _ = ty e.field_simpl_eq_ok in
- let _ = ty e.field_simpl_ok in
- let _ = ty e.field_cond in
- field_from_carrier := Cmap.add e.field_carrier e !field_from_carrier;
- field_from_relation := Cmap.add e.field_req e !field_from_relation;
- field_from_name := Spmap.add sp e !field_from_name
-let subst_th (_,subst,th) =
- let c' = subst_mps subst th.field_carrier in
- let eq' = subst_mps subst th.field_req in
- let thm1' = subst_mps subst th.field_ok in
- let thm2' = subst_mps subst th.field_simpl_eq_ok in
- let thm3' = subst_mps subst th.field_simpl_ok in
- let thm4' = subst_mps subst th.field_simpl_eq_in_ok in
- let thm5' = subst_mps subst th.field_cond in
- let tac'= subst_tactic subst th.field_cst_tac in
- let pow_tac' = subst_tactic subst th.field_pow_tac in
- let pretac'= subst_tactic subst th.field_pre_tac in
- let posttac'= subst_tactic subst th.field_post_tac in
- if c' == th.field_carrier &&
- eq' == th.field_req &&
- thm1' == th.field_ok &&
- thm2' == th.field_simpl_eq_ok &&
- thm3' == th.field_simpl_ok &&
- thm4' == th.field_simpl_eq_in_ok &&
- thm5' == th.field_cond &&
- tac' == th.field_cst_tac &&
- pow_tac' == th.field_pow_tac &&
- pretac' == th.field_pre_tac &&
- posttac' == th.field_post_tac then th
- else
- { field_carrier = c';
- field_req = eq';
- field_cst_tac = tac';
- field_pow_tac = pow_tac';
- field_ok = thm1';
- field_simpl_eq_ok = thm2';
- field_simpl_ok = thm3';
- field_simpl_eq_in_ok = thm4';
- field_cond = thm5';
- field_pre_tac = pretac';
- field_post_tac = posttac' }
-let (ftheory_to_obj, obj_to_ftheory) =
- let cache_th (name,th) = add_field_entry name th
- and export_th x = Some x in
- declare_object
- {(default_object "tactic-new-field-theory") with
- open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_th o);
- cache_function = cache_th;
- subst_function = subst_th;
- classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
- export_function = export_th }
-let field_equality r inv req =
- match kind_of_term req with
- | App (f, [| _ |]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force coq_eq) ->
- mkApp((Coqlib.build_coq_eq_data()).congr,[|r;r;inv|])
- | _ ->
- let _setoid = setoid_of_relation (Global.env ()) r req in
- let signature = [Some (r,req)],Some(Lazy.lazy_from_val (r,req)) in
- let inv_m, inv_m_lem =
- try Class_tactics.default_morphism signature inv
- with Not_found ->
- error "field inverse should be declared as a morphism" in
- inv_m_lem
-let add_field_theory name fth eqth morphth cst_tac inj (pre,post) power sign odiv =
- check_required_library (cdir@["Field_tac"]);
- let env = Global.env() in
- let sigma = Evd.empty in
- let (kind,r,zero,one,add,mul,sub,opp,div,inv,req,rth) =
- dest_field env sigma fth in
- let (sth,ext) = build_setoid_params r add mul opp req eqth in
- let eqth = Some(sth,ext) in
- let _ = add_theory name rth eqth morphth cst_tac (None,None) power sign odiv in
- let (pow_tac, pspec) = interp_power env power in
- let sspec = interp_sign env sign in
- let dspec = interp_div env odiv in
- let inv_m = field_equality r inv req in
- let rk = reflect_coeff morphth in
- let params =
- exec_tactic env 9 (field_ltac"field_lemmas")
- ( carg[sth;ext;inv_m;fth;pspec;sspec;dspec;rk]) in
- let lemma1 = constr_of params.(3) in
- let lemma2 = constr_of params.(4) in
- let lemma3 = constr_of params.(5) in
- let lemma4 = constr_of params.(6) in
- let cond_lemma =
- match inj with
- | Some thm -> mkApp(constr_of params.(8),[|thm|])
- | None -> constr_of params.(7) in
- let lemma1 = decl_constant (string_of_id name^"_field_lemma1") lemma1 in
- let lemma2 = decl_constant (string_of_id name^"_field_lemma2") lemma2 in
- let lemma3 = decl_constant (string_of_id name^"_field_lemma3") lemma3 in
- let lemma4 = decl_constant (string_of_id name^"_field_lemma4") lemma4 in
- let cond_lemma = decl_constant (string_of_id name^"_lemma5") cond_lemma in
- let cst_tac =
- interp_cst_tac env sigma morphth kind (zero,one,add,mul,opp) cst_tac in
- let pretac =
- match pre with
- Some t -> Tacinterp.glob_tactic t
- | _ -> TacId [] in
- let posttac =
- match post with
- Some t -> Tacinterp.glob_tactic t
- | _ -> TacId [] in
- let _ =
- Lib.add_leaf name
- (ftheory_to_obj
- { field_carrier = r;
- field_req = req;
- field_cst_tac = cst_tac;
- field_pow_tac = pow_tac;
- field_ok = lemma1;
- field_simpl_eq_ok = lemma2;
- field_simpl_ok = lemma3;
- field_simpl_eq_in_ok = lemma4;
- field_cond = cond_lemma;
- field_pre_tac = pretac;
- field_post_tac = posttac }) in ()
-type field_mod =
- Ring_mod of ring_mod
- | Inject of Topconstr.constr_expr
- | [ ring_mod(m) ] -> [ Ring_mod m ]
- | [ "completeness" constr(inj) ] -> [ Inject inj ]
-let process_field_mods l =
- let kind = ref None in
- let set = ref None in
- let cst_tac = ref None in
- let pre = ref None in
- let post = ref None in
- let inj = ref None in
- let sign = ref None in
- let power = ref None in
- let div = ref None in
- List.iter(function
- Ring_mod(Ring_kind k) -> set_once "field kind" kind k
- | Ring_mod(Const_tac t) ->
- set_once "tactic recognizing constants" cst_tac t
- | Ring_mod(Pre_tac t) -> set_once "preprocess tactic" pre t
- | Ring_mod(Post_tac t) -> set_once "postprocess tactic" post t
- | Ring_mod(Setoid(sth,ext)) -> set_once "setoid" set (ic sth,ic ext)
- | Ring_mod(Pow_spec(t,spec)) -> set_once "power" power (t,spec)
- | Ring_mod(Sign_spec t) -> set_once "sign" sign t
- | Ring_mod(Div_spec t) -> set_once "div" div t
- | Inject i -> set_once "infinite property" inj (ic i)) l;
- let k = match !kind with Some k -> k | None -> Abstract in
- (k, !set, !inj, !cst_tac, !pre, !post, !power, !sign, !div)
-| [ "Add" "Field" ident(id) ":" constr(t) field_mods(l) ] ->
- [ let (k,set,inj,cst_tac,pre,post,power,sign,div) = process_field_mods l in
- add_field_theory id (ic t) set k cst_tac inj (pre,post) power sign div]
-let field_lookup (f:glob_tactic_expr) lH rl t gl =
- let env = pf_env gl in
- let sigma = project gl in
- let rl = make_args_list rl t in
- let e = find_field_structure env sigma rl None in
- let rl = carg (make_term_list e.field_carrier rl) in
- let lH = carg (make_hyp_list env lH) in
- let req = carg e.field_req in
- let cst_tac = Tacexp e.field_cst_tac in
- let pow_tac = Tacexp e.field_pow_tac in
- let field_ok = carg e.field_ok in
- let field_simpl_ok = carg e.field_simpl_ok in
- let field_simpl_eq_ok = carg e.field_simpl_eq_ok in
- let field_simpl_eq_in_ok = carg e.field_simpl_eq_in_ok in
- let cond_ok = carg e.field_cond in
- let pretac = Tacexp(TacFun([None],e.field_pre_tac)) in
- let posttac = Tacexp(TacFun([None],e.field_post_tac)) in
- Tacinterp.eval_tactic
- (TacLetIn
- (false,[(dummy_loc,id_of_string"f"),Tacexp f],
- ltac_lcall "f"
- [req;cst_tac;pow_tac;field_ok;field_simpl_ok;field_simpl_eq_ok;
- field_simpl_eq_in_ok;cond_ok;pretac;posttac;lH;rl])) gl
-TACTIC EXTEND field_lookup
-| [ "field_lookup" tactic0(f) "[" constr_list(lH) "]" ne_constr_list(lt) ] ->
- [ let (t,l) = list_sep_last lt in field_lookup (fst f) lH l t ]