path: root/contrib/omega/
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/omega/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1824 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/omega/ b/contrib/omega/
deleted file mode 100644
index 58873c2d..00000000
--- a/contrib/omega/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1824 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* *)
-(* Omega: a solver of quantifier-free problems in Presburger Arithmetic *)
-(* *)
-(* Pierre Crégut (CNET, Lannion, France) *)
-(* *)
-(* $Id: 11735 2009-01-02 17:22:31Z herbelin $ *)
-open Util
-open Pp
-open Reduction
-open Proof_type
-open Names
-open Nameops
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Declarations
-open Environ
-open Sign
-open Inductive
-open Tacticals
-open Tacmach
-open Evar_refiner
-open Tactics
-open Clenv
-open Logic
-open Libnames
-open Nametab
-open Contradiction
-module OmegaSolver = Omega.MakeOmegaSolver (Bigint)
-open OmegaSolver
-(* Added by JCF, 09/03/98 *)
-let elim_id id gl = simplest_elim (pf_global gl id) gl
-let resolve_id id gl = apply (pf_global gl id) gl
-let timing timer_name f arg = f arg
-let display_time_flag = ref false
-let display_system_flag = ref false
-let display_action_flag = ref false
-let old_style_flag = ref false
-let read f () = !f
-let write f x = f:=x
-open Goptions
-let _ =
- declare_bool_option
- { optsync = false;
- optname = "Omega system time displaying flag";
- optkey = SecondaryTable ("Omega","System");
- optread = read display_system_flag;
- optwrite = write display_system_flag }
-let _ =
- declare_bool_option
- { optsync = false;
- optname = "Omega action display flag";
- optkey = SecondaryTable ("Omega","Action");
- optread = read display_action_flag;
- optwrite = write display_action_flag }
-let _ =
- declare_bool_option
- { optsync = false;
- optname = "Omega old style flag";
- optkey = SecondaryTable ("Omega","OldStyle");
- optread = read old_style_flag;
- optwrite = write old_style_flag }
-let all_time = timing "Omega "
-let solver_time = timing "Solver "
-let exact_time = timing "Rewrites "
-let elim_time = timing "Elim "
-let simpl_time = timing "Simpl "
-let generalize_time = timing "Generalize"
-let new_identifier =
- let cpt = ref 0 in
- (fun () -> let s = "Omega" ^ string_of_int !cpt in incr cpt; id_of_string s)
-let new_identifier_state =
- let cpt = ref 0 in
- (fun () -> let s = make_ident "State" (Some !cpt) in incr cpt; s)
-let new_identifier_var =
- let cpt = ref 0 in
- (fun () -> let s = "Zvar" ^ string_of_int !cpt in incr cpt; id_of_string s)
-let new_id =
- let cpt = ref 0 in fun () -> incr cpt; !cpt
-let new_var_num =
- let cpt = ref 1000 in (fun () -> incr cpt; !cpt)
-let new_var =
- let cpt = ref 0 in fun () -> incr cpt; Nameops.make_ident "WW" (Some !cpt)
-let display_var i = Printf.sprintf "X%d" i
-let intern_id,unintern_id =
- let cpt = ref 0 in
- let table = Hashtbl.create 7 and co_table = Hashtbl.create 7 in
- (fun (name : identifier) ->
- try Hashtbl.find table name with Not_found ->
- let idx = !cpt in
- Hashtbl.add table name idx;
- Hashtbl.add co_table idx name;
- incr cpt; idx),
- (fun idx ->
- try Hashtbl.find co_table idx with Not_found ->
- let v = new_var () in
- Hashtbl.add table v idx; Hashtbl.add co_table idx v; v)
-let mk_then = tclTHENLIST
-let exists_tac c = constructor_tac false (Some 1) 1 (Rawterm.ImplicitBindings [c])
-let generalize_tac t = generalize_time (generalize t)
-let elim t = elim_time (simplest_elim t)
-let exact t = exact_time (Tactics.refine t)
-let unfold s = Tactics.unfold_in_concl [all_occurrences, Lazy.force s]
-let rev_assoc k =
- let rec loop = function
- | [] -> raise Not_found | (v,k')::_ when k = k' -> v | _ :: l -> loop l
- in
- loop
-let tag_hypothesis,tag_of_hyp, hyp_of_tag =
- let l = ref ([]:(identifier * int) list) in
- (fun h id -> l := (h,id):: !l),
- (fun h -> try List.assoc h !l with Not_found -> failwith "tag_hypothesis"),
- (fun h -> try rev_assoc h !l with Not_found -> failwith "tag_hypothesis")
-let hide_constr,find_constr,clear_tables,dump_tables =
- let l = ref ([]:(constr * (identifier * identifier * bool)) list) in
- (fun h id eg b -> l := (h,(id,eg,b)):: !l),
- (fun h -> try List.assoc h !l with Not_found -> failwith "find_contr"),
- (fun () -> l := []),
- (fun () -> !l)
-(* Lazy evaluation is used for Coq constants, because this code
- is evaluated before the compiled modules are loaded.
- To use the constant Zplus, one must type "Lazy.force coq_Zplus"
- This is the right way to access to Coq constants in tactics ML code *)
-open Coqlib
-let logic_dir = ["Coq";"Logic";"Decidable"]
-let init_arith_modules = init_modules @ arith_modules
-let coq_modules =
- init_arith_modules @ [logic_dir] @ zarith_base_modules
- @ [["Coq"; "omega"; "OmegaLemmas"]]
-let init_arith_constant = gen_constant_in_modules "Omega" init_arith_modules
-let constant = gen_constant_in_modules "Omega" coq_modules
-(* Zarith *)
-let coq_xH = lazy (constant "xH")
-let coq_xO = lazy (constant "xO")
-let coq_xI = lazy (constant "xI")
-let coq_Z0 = lazy (constant "Z0")
-let coq_Zpos = lazy (constant "Zpos")
-let coq_Zneg = lazy (constant "Zneg")
-let coq_Z = lazy (constant "Z")
-let coq_comparison = lazy (constant "comparison")
-let coq_Gt = lazy (constant "Gt")
-let coq_Zplus = lazy (constant "Zplus")
-let coq_Zmult = lazy (constant "Zmult")
-let coq_Zopp = lazy (constant "Zopp")
-let coq_Zminus = lazy (constant "Zminus")
-let coq_Zsucc = lazy (constant "Zsucc")
-let coq_Zgt = lazy (constant "Zgt")
-let coq_Zle = lazy (constant "Zle")
-let coq_Z_of_nat = lazy (constant "Z_of_nat")
-let coq_inj_plus = lazy (constant "inj_plus")
-let coq_inj_mult = lazy (constant "inj_mult")
-let coq_inj_minus1 = lazy (constant "inj_minus1")
-let coq_inj_minus2 = lazy (constant "inj_minus2")
-let coq_inj_S = lazy (constant "inj_S")
-let coq_inj_le = lazy (constant "inj_le")
-let coq_inj_lt = lazy (constant "inj_lt")
-let coq_inj_ge = lazy (constant "inj_ge")
-let coq_inj_gt = lazy (constant "inj_gt")
-let coq_inj_neq = lazy (constant "inj_neq")
-let coq_inj_eq = lazy (constant "inj_eq")
-let coq_fast_Zplus_assoc_reverse = lazy (constant "fast_Zplus_assoc_reverse")
-let coq_fast_Zplus_assoc = lazy (constant "fast_Zplus_assoc")
-let coq_fast_Zmult_assoc_reverse = lazy (constant "fast_Zmult_assoc_reverse")
-let coq_fast_Zplus_permute = lazy (constant "fast_Zplus_permute")
-let coq_fast_Zplus_comm = lazy (constant "fast_Zplus_comm")
-let coq_fast_Zmult_comm = lazy (constant "fast_Zmult_comm")
-let coq_Zmult_le_approx = lazy (constant "Zmult_le_approx")
-let coq_OMEGA1 = lazy (constant "OMEGA1")
-let coq_OMEGA2 = lazy (constant "OMEGA2")
-let coq_OMEGA3 = lazy (constant "OMEGA3")
-let coq_OMEGA4 = lazy (constant "OMEGA4")
-let coq_OMEGA5 = lazy (constant "OMEGA5")
-let coq_OMEGA6 = lazy (constant "OMEGA6")
-let coq_OMEGA7 = lazy (constant "OMEGA7")
-let coq_OMEGA8 = lazy (constant "OMEGA8")
-let coq_OMEGA9 = lazy (constant "OMEGA9")
-let coq_fast_OMEGA10 = lazy (constant "fast_OMEGA10")
-let coq_fast_OMEGA11 = lazy (constant "fast_OMEGA11")
-let coq_fast_OMEGA12 = lazy (constant "fast_OMEGA12")
-let coq_fast_OMEGA13 = lazy (constant "fast_OMEGA13")
-let coq_fast_OMEGA14 = lazy (constant "fast_OMEGA14")
-let coq_fast_OMEGA15 = lazy (constant "fast_OMEGA15")
-let coq_fast_OMEGA16 = lazy (constant "fast_OMEGA16")
-let coq_OMEGA17 = lazy (constant "OMEGA17")
-let coq_OMEGA18 = lazy (constant "OMEGA18")
-let coq_OMEGA19 = lazy (constant "OMEGA19")
-let coq_OMEGA20 = lazy (constant "OMEGA20")
-let coq_fast_Zred_factor0 = lazy (constant "fast_Zred_factor0")
-let coq_fast_Zred_factor1 = lazy (constant "fast_Zred_factor1")
-let coq_fast_Zred_factor2 = lazy (constant "fast_Zred_factor2")
-let coq_fast_Zred_factor3 = lazy (constant "fast_Zred_factor3")
-let coq_fast_Zred_factor4 = lazy (constant "fast_Zred_factor4")
-let coq_fast_Zred_factor5 = lazy (constant "fast_Zred_factor5")
-let coq_fast_Zred_factor6 = lazy (constant "fast_Zred_factor6")
-let coq_fast_Zmult_plus_distr_l = lazy (constant "fast_Zmult_plus_distr_l")
-let coq_fast_Zmult_opp_comm = lazy (constant "fast_Zmult_opp_comm")
-let coq_fast_Zopp_plus_distr = lazy (constant "fast_Zopp_plus_distr")
-let coq_fast_Zopp_mult_distr_r = lazy (constant "fast_Zopp_mult_distr_r")
-let coq_fast_Zopp_eq_mult_neg_1 = lazy (constant "fast_Zopp_eq_mult_neg_1")
-let coq_fast_Zopp_involutive = lazy (constant "fast_Zopp_involutive")
-let coq_Zegal_left = lazy (constant "Zegal_left")
-let coq_Zne_left = lazy (constant "Zne_left")
-let coq_Zlt_left = lazy (constant "Zlt_left")
-let coq_Zge_left = lazy (constant "Zge_left")
-let coq_Zgt_left = lazy (constant "Zgt_left")
-let coq_Zle_left = lazy (constant "Zle_left")
-let coq_new_var = lazy (constant "new_var")
-let coq_intro_Z = lazy (constant "intro_Z")
-let coq_dec_eq = lazy (constant "dec_eq")
-let coq_dec_Zne = lazy (constant "dec_Zne")
-let coq_dec_Zle = lazy (constant "dec_Zle")
-let coq_dec_Zlt = lazy (constant "dec_Zlt")
-let coq_dec_Zgt = lazy (constant "dec_Zgt")
-let coq_dec_Zge = lazy (constant "dec_Zge")
-let coq_not_Zeq = lazy (constant "not_Zeq")
-let coq_Znot_le_gt = lazy (constant "Znot_le_gt")
-let coq_Znot_lt_ge = lazy (constant "Znot_lt_ge")
-let coq_Znot_ge_lt = lazy (constant "Znot_ge_lt")
-let coq_Znot_gt_le = lazy (constant "Znot_gt_le")
-let coq_neq = lazy (constant "neq")
-let coq_Zne = lazy (constant "Zne")
-let coq_Zle = lazy (constant "Zle")
-let coq_Zgt = lazy (constant "Zgt")
-let coq_Zge = lazy (constant "Zge")
-let coq_Zlt = lazy (constant "Zlt")
-(* Peano/Datatypes *)
-let coq_le = lazy (init_arith_constant "le")
-let coq_lt = lazy (init_arith_constant "lt")
-let coq_ge = lazy (init_arith_constant "ge")
-let coq_gt = lazy (init_arith_constant "gt")
-let coq_minus = lazy (init_arith_constant "minus")
-let coq_plus = lazy (init_arith_constant "plus")
-let coq_mult = lazy (init_arith_constant "mult")
-let coq_pred = lazy (init_arith_constant "pred")
-let coq_nat = lazy (init_arith_constant "nat")
-let coq_S = lazy (init_arith_constant "S")
-let coq_O = lazy (init_arith_constant "O")
-(* Compare_dec/Peano_dec/Minus *)
-let coq_pred_of_minus = lazy (constant "pred_of_minus")
-let coq_le_gt_dec = lazy (constant "le_gt_dec")
-let coq_dec_eq_nat = lazy (constant "dec_eq_nat")
-let coq_dec_le = lazy (constant "dec_le")
-let coq_dec_lt = lazy (constant "dec_lt")
-let coq_dec_ge = lazy (constant "dec_ge")
-let coq_dec_gt = lazy (constant "dec_gt")
-let coq_not_eq = lazy (constant "not_eq")
-let coq_not_le = lazy (constant "not_le")
-let coq_not_lt = lazy (constant "not_lt")
-let coq_not_ge = lazy (constant "not_ge")
-let coq_not_gt = lazy (constant "not_gt")
-(* Logic/Decidable *)
-let coq_eq_ind_r = lazy (constant "eq_ind_r")
-let coq_dec_or = lazy (constant "dec_or")
-let coq_dec_and = lazy (constant "dec_and")
-let coq_dec_imp = lazy (constant "dec_imp")
-let coq_dec_iff = lazy (constant "dec_iff")
-let coq_dec_not = lazy (constant "dec_not")
-let coq_dec_False = lazy (constant "dec_False")
-let coq_dec_not_not = lazy (constant "dec_not_not")
-let coq_dec_True = lazy (constant "dec_True")
-let coq_not_or = lazy (constant "not_or")
-let coq_not_and = lazy (constant "not_and")
-let coq_not_imp = lazy (constant "not_imp")
-let coq_not_iff = lazy (constant "not_iff")
-let coq_not_not = lazy (constant "not_not")
-let coq_imp_simp = lazy (constant "imp_simp")
-let coq_iff = lazy (constant "iff")
-(* uses build_coq_and, build_coq_not, build_coq_or, build_coq_ex *)
-(* For unfold *)
-open Closure
-let evaluable_ref_of_constr s c = match kind_of_term (Lazy.force c) with
- | Const kn when Tacred.is_evaluable (Global.env()) (EvalConstRef kn) ->
- EvalConstRef kn
- | _ -> anomaly ("Coq_omega: "^s^" is not an evaluable constant")
-let sp_Zsucc = lazy (evaluable_ref_of_constr "Zsucc" coq_Zsucc)
-let sp_Zminus = lazy (evaluable_ref_of_constr "Zminus" coq_Zminus)
-let sp_Zle = lazy (evaluable_ref_of_constr "Zle" coq_Zle)
-let sp_Zgt = lazy (evaluable_ref_of_constr "Zgt" coq_Zgt)
-let sp_Zge = lazy (evaluable_ref_of_constr "Zge" coq_Zge)
-let sp_Zlt = lazy (evaluable_ref_of_constr "Zlt" coq_Zlt)
-let sp_not = lazy (evaluable_ref_of_constr "not" (lazy (build_coq_not ())))
-let mk_var v = mkVar (id_of_string v)
-let mk_plus t1 t2 = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zplus, [| t1; t2 |])
-let mk_times t1 t2 = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zmult, [| t1; t2 |])
-let mk_minus t1 t2 = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zminus, [| t1;t2 |])
-let mk_eq t1 t2 = mkApp (build_coq_eq (), [| Lazy.force coq_Z; t1; t2 |])
-let mk_le t1 t2 = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zle, [| t1; t2 |])
-let mk_gt t1 t2 = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zgt, [| t1; t2 |])
-let mk_inv t = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zopp, [| t |])
-let mk_and t1 t2 = mkApp (build_coq_and (), [| t1; t2 |])
-let mk_or t1 t2 = mkApp (build_coq_or (), [| t1; t2 |])
-let mk_not t = mkApp (build_coq_not (), [| t |])
-let mk_eq_rel t1 t2 = mkApp (build_coq_eq (),
- [| Lazy.force coq_comparison; t1; t2 |])
-let mk_inj t = mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Z_of_nat, [| t |])
-let mk_integer n =
- let rec loop n =
- if n =? one then Lazy.force coq_xH else
- mkApp((if n mod two =? zero then Lazy.force coq_xO else Lazy.force coq_xI),
- [| loop (n/two) |])
- in
- if n =? zero then Lazy.force coq_Z0
- else mkApp ((if n >? zero then Lazy.force coq_Zpos else Lazy.force coq_Zneg),
- [| loop (abs n) |])
-type omega_constant =
- | Zplus | Zmult | Zminus | Zsucc | Zopp
- | Plus | Mult | Minus | Pred | S | O
- | Zpos | Zneg | Z0 | Z_of_nat
- | Eq | Neq
- | Zne | Zle | Zlt | Zge | Zgt
- | Z | Nat
- | And | Or | False | True | Not | Iff
- | Le | Lt | Ge | Gt
- | Other of string
-type omega_proposition =
- | Keq of constr * constr * constr
- | Kn
-type result =
- | Kvar of identifier
- | Kapp of omega_constant * constr list
- | Kimp of constr * constr
- | Kufo
-let destructurate_prop t =
- let c, args = decompose_app t in
- match kind_of_term c, args with
- | _, [_;_;_] when c = build_coq_eq () -> Kapp (Eq,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_neq -> Kapp (Neq,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zne -> Kapp (Zne,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zle -> Kapp (Zle,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zlt -> Kapp (Zlt,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zge -> Kapp (Zge,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zgt -> Kapp (Zgt,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = build_coq_and () -> Kapp (And,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = build_coq_or () -> Kapp (Or,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_iff -> Kapp (Iff, args)
- | _, [_] when c = build_coq_not () -> Kapp (Not,args)
- | _, [] when c = build_coq_False () -> Kapp (False,args)
- | _, [] when c = build_coq_True () -> Kapp (True,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_le -> Kapp (Le,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_lt -> Kapp (Lt,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_ge -> Kapp (Ge,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_gt -> Kapp (Gt,args)
- | Const sp, args ->
- Kapp (Other (string_of_id (id_of_global (ConstRef sp))),args)
- | Construct csp , args ->
- Kapp (Other (string_of_id (id_of_global (ConstructRef csp))), args)
- | Ind isp, args ->
- Kapp (Other (string_of_id (id_of_global (IndRef isp))),args)
- | Var id,[] -> Kvar id
- | Prod (Anonymous,typ,body), [] -> Kimp(typ,body)
- | Prod (Name _,_,_),[] -> error "Omega: Not a quantifier-free goal"
- | _ -> Kufo
-let destructurate_type t =
- let c, args = decompose_app t in
- match kind_of_term c, args with
- | _, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_Z -> Kapp (Z,args)
- | _, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_nat -> Kapp (Nat,args)
- | _ -> Kufo
-let destructurate_term t =
- let c, args = decompose_app t in
- match kind_of_term c, args with
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zplus -> Kapp (Zplus,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zmult -> Kapp (Zmult,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zminus -> Kapp (Zminus,args)
- | _, [_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zsucc -> Kapp (Zsucc,args)
- | _, [_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zopp -> Kapp (Zopp,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_plus -> Kapp (Plus,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_mult -> Kapp (Mult,args)
- | _, [_;_] when c = Lazy.force coq_minus -> Kapp (Minus,args)
- | _, [_] when c = Lazy.force coq_pred -> Kapp (Pred,args)
- | _, [_] when c = Lazy.force coq_S -> Kapp (S,args)
- | _, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_O -> Kapp (O,args)
- | _, [_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zpos -> Kapp (Zneg,args)
- | _, [_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Zneg -> Kapp (Zpos,args)
- | _, [] when c = Lazy.force coq_Z0 -> Kapp (Z0,args)
- | _, [_] when c = Lazy.force coq_Z_of_nat -> Kapp (Z_of_nat,args)
- | Var id,[] -> Kvar id
- | _ -> Kufo
-let recognize_number t =
- let rec loop t =
- match decompose_app t with
- | f, [t] when f = Lazy.force coq_xI -> one + two * loop t
- | f, [t] when f = Lazy.force coq_xO -> two * loop t
- | f, [] when f = Lazy.force coq_xH -> one
- | _ -> failwith "not a number"
- in
- match decompose_app t with
- | f, [t] when f = Lazy.force coq_Zpos -> loop t
- | f, [t] when f = Lazy.force coq_Zneg -> neg (loop t)
- | f, [] when f = Lazy.force coq_Z0 -> zero
- | _ -> failwith "not a number"
-type constr_path =
- | P_APP of int
- (* Abstraction and product *)
- | P_BODY
- | P_TYPE
- (* Case *)
- | P_BRANCH of int
- | P_ARG
-let context operation path (t : constr) =
- let rec loop i p0 t =
- match (p0,kind_of_term t) with
- | (p, Cast (c,k,t)) -> mkCast (loop i p c,k,t)
- | ([], _) -> operation i t
- | ((P_APP n :: p), App (f,v)) ->
- let v' = Array.copy v in
- v'.(pred n) <- loop i p v'.(pred n); mkApp (f, v')
- | ((P_BRANCH n :: p), Case (ci,q,c,v)) ->
- (* avant, y avait mkApp... anyway, BRANCH seems nowhere used *)
- let v' = Array.copy v in
- v'.(n) <- loop i p v'.(n); (mkCase (ci,q,c,v'))
- | ((P_ARITY :: p), App (f,l)) ->
- appvect (loop i p f,l)
- | ((P_ARG :: p), App (f,v)) ->
- let v' = Array.copy v in
- v'.(0) <- loop i p v'.(0); mkApp (f,v')
- | (p, Fix ((_,n as ln),(tys,lna,v))) ->
- let l = Array.length v in
- let v' = Array.copy v in
- v'.(n)<- loop (Pervasives.(+) i l) p v.(n); (mkFix (ln,(tys,lna,v')))
- | ((P_BODY :: p), Prod (n,t,c)) ->
- (mkProd (n,t,loop (succ i) p c))
- | ((P_BODY :: p), Lambda (n,t,c)) ->
- (mkLambda (n,t,loop (succ i) p c))
- | ((P_BODY :: p), LetIn (n,b,t,c)) ->
- (mkLetIn (n,b,t,loop (succ i) p c))
- | ((P_TYPE :: p), Prod (n,t,c)) ->
- (mkProd (n,loop i p t,c))
- | ((P_TYPE :: p), Lambda (n,t,c)) ->
- (mkLambda (n,loop i p t,c))
- | ((P_TYPE :: p), LetIn (n,b,t,c)) ->
- (mkLetIn (n,b,loop i p t,c))
- | (p, _) ->
- ppnl (Printer.pr_lconstr t);
- failwith ("abstract_path " ^ string_of_int(List.length p))
- in
- loop 1 path t
-let occurence path (t : constr) =
- let rec loop p0 t = match (p0,kind_of_term t) with
- | (p, Cast (c,_,_)) -> loop p c
- | ([], _) -> t
- | ((P_APP n :: p), App (f,v)) -> loop p v.(pred n)
- | ((P_BRANCH n :: p), Case (_,_,_,v)) -> loop p v.(n)
- | ((P_ARITY :: p), App (f,_)) -> loop p f
- | ((P_ARG :: p), App (f,v)) -> loop p v.(0)
- | (p, Fix((_,n) ,(_,_,v))) -> loop p v.(n)
- | ((P_BODY :: p), Prod (n,t,c)) -> loop p c
- | ((P_BODY :: p), Lambda (n,t,c)) -> loop p c
- | ((P_BODY :: p), LetIn (n,b,t,c)) -> loop p c
- | ((P_TYPE :: p), Prod (n,term,c)) -> loop p term
- | ((P_TYPE :: p), Lambda (n,term,c)) -> loop p term
- | ((P_TYPE :: p), LetIn (n,b,term,c)) -> loop p term
- | (p, _) ->
- ppnl (Printer.pr_lconstr t);
- failwith ("occurence " ^ string_of_int(List.length p))
- in
- loop path t
-let abstract_path typ path t =
- let term_occur = ref (mkRel 0) in
- let abstract = context (fun i t -> term_occur:= t; mkRel i) path t in
- mkLambda (Name (id_of_string "x"), typ, abstract), !term_occur
-let focused_simpl path gl =
- let newc = context (fun i t -> pf_nf gl t) (List.rev path) (pf_concl gl) in
- convert_concl_no_check newc DEFAULTcast gl
-let focused_simpl path = simpl_time (focused_simpl path)
-type oformula =
- | Oplus of oformula * oformula
- | Oinv of oformula
- | Otimes of oformula * oformula
- | Oatom of identifier
- | Oz of bigint
- | Oufo of constr
-let rec oprint = function
- | Oplus(t1,t2) ->
- print_string "("; oprint t1; print_string "+";
- oprint t2; print_string ")"
- | Oinv t -> print_string "~"; oprint t
- | Otimes (t1,t2) ->
- print_string "("; oprint t1; print_string "*";
- oprint t2; print_string ")"
- | Oatom s -> print_string (string_of_id s)
- | Oz i -> print_string (string_of_bigint i)
- | Oufo f -> print_string "?"
-let rec weight = function
- | Oatom c -> intern_id c
- | Oz _ -> -1
- | Oinv c -> weight c
- | Otimes(c,_) -> weight c
- | Oplus _ -> failwith "weight"
- | Oufo _ -> -1
-let rec val_of = function
- | Oatom c -> mkVar c
- | Oz c -> mk_integer c
- | Oinv c -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zopp, [| val_of c |])
- | Otimes (t1,t2) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zmult, [| val_of t1; val_of t2 |])
- | Oplus(t1,t2) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zplus, [| val_of t1; val_of t2 |])
- | Oufo c -> c
-let compile name kind =
- let rec loop accu = function
- | Oplus(Otimes(Oatom v,Oz n),r) -> loop ({v=intern_id v; c=n} :: accu) r
- | Oz n ->
- let id = new_id () in
- tag_hypothesis name id;
- {kind = kind; body = List.rev accu; constant = n; id = id}
- | _ -> anomaly "compile_equation"
- in
- loop []
-let rec decompile af =
- let rec loop = function
- | ({v=v; c=n}::r) -> Oplus(Otimes(Oatom (unintern_id v),Oz n),loop r)
- | [] -> Oz af.constant
- in
- loop af.body
-let mkNewMeta () = mkMeta (Evarutil.new_meta())
-let clever_rewrite_base_poly typ p result theorem gl =
- let full = pf_concl gl in
- let (abstracted,occ) = abstract_path typ (List.rev p) full in
- let t =
- applist
- (mkLambda
- (Name (id_of_string "P"),
- mkArrow typ mkProp,
- mkLambda
- (Name (id_of_string "H"),
- applist (mkRel 1,[result]),
- mkApp (Lazy.force coq_eq_ind_r,
- [| typ; result; mkRel 2; mkRel 1; occ; theorem |]))),
- [abstracted])
- in
- exact (applist(t,[mkNewMeta()])) gl
-let clever_rewrite_base p result theorem gl =
- clever_rewrite_base_poly (Lazy.force coq_Z) p result theorem gl
-let clever_rewrite_base_nat p result theorem gl =
- clever_rewrite_base_poly (Lazy.force coq_nat) p result theorem gl
-let clever_rewrite_gen p result (t,args) =
- let theorem = applist(t, args) in
- clever_rewrite_base p result theorem
-let clever_rewrite_gen_nat p result (t,args) =
- let theorem = applist(t, args) in
- clever_rewrite_base_nat p result theorem
-let clever_rewrite p vpath t gl =
- let full = pf_concl gl in
- let (abstracted,occ) = abstract_path (Lazy.force coq_Z) (List.rev p) full in
- let vargs = (fun p -> occurence p occ) vpath in
- let t' = applist(t, (vargs @ [abstracted])) in
- exact (applist(t',[mkNewMeta()])) gl
-let rec shuffle p (t1,t2) =
- match t1,t2 with
- | Oplus(l1,r1), Oplus(l2,r2) ->
- if weight l1 > weight l2 then
- let (tac,t') = shuffle (P_APP 2 :: p) (r1,t2) in
- (clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 2];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zplus_assoc_reverse)
- :: tac,
- Oplus(l1,t'))
- else
- let (tac,t') = shuffle (P_APP 2 :: p) (t1,r2) in
- (clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1];[P_APP 2;P_APP 1];[P_APP 2;P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zplus_permute)
- :: tac,
- Oplus(l2,t'))
- | Oplus(l1,r1), t2 ->
- if weight l1 > weight t2 then
- let (tac,t') = shuffle (P_APP 2 :: p) (r1,t2) in
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1]; [P_APP 1; P_APP 2];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zplus_assoc_reverse)
- :: tac,
- Oplus(l1, t')
- else
- [clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zplus_comm)],
- Oplus(t2,t1)
- | t1,Oplus(l2,r2) ->
- if weight l2 > weight t1 then
- let (tac,t') = shuffle (P_APP 2 :: p) (t1,r2) in
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1];[P_APP 2;P_APP 1];[P_APP 2;P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zplus_permute)
- :: tac,
- Oplus(l2,t')
- else [],Oplus(t1,t2)
- | Oz t1,Oz t2 ->
- [focused_simpl p], Oz(Bigint.add t1 t2)
- | t1,t2 ->
- if weight t1 < weight t2 then
- [clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zplus_comm)],
- Oplus(t2,t1)
- else [],Oplus(t1,t2)
-let rec shuffle_mult p_init k1 e1 k2 e2 =
- let rec loop p = function
- | (({c=c1;v=v1}::l1) as l1'),(({c=c2;v=v2}::l2) as l2') ->
- if v1 = v2 then
- let tac =
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA10)
- in
- if Bigint.add (Bigint.mult k1 c1) (Bigint.mult k2 c2) =? zero then
- let tac' =
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zred_factor5) in
- tac :: focused_simpl (P_APP 1::P_APP 2:: p) :: tac' ::
- loop p (l1,l2)
- else tac :: loop (P_APP 2 :: p) (l1,l2)
- else if v1 > v2 then
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA11) ::
- loop (P_APP 2 :: p) (l1,l2')
- else
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA12) ::
- loop (P_APP 2 :: p) (l1',l2)
- | ({c=c1;v=v1}::l1), [] ->
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA11) ::
- loop (P_APP 2 :: p) (l1,[])
- | [],({c=c2;v=v2}::l2) ->
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA12) ::
- loop (P_APP 2 :: p) ([],l2)
- | [],[] -> [focused_simpl p_init]
- in
- loop p_init (e1,e2)
-let rec shuffle_mult_right p_init e1 k2 e2 =
- let rec loop p = function
- | (({c=c1;v=v1}::l1) as l1'),(({c=c2;v=v2}::l2) as l2') ->
- if v1 = v2 then
- let tac =
- clever_rewrite p
- [[P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA15)
- in
- if Bigint.add c1 (Bigint.mult k2 c2) =? zero then
- let tac' =
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zred_factor5)
- in
- tac :: focused_simpl (P_APP 1::P_APP 2:: p) :: tac' ::
- loop p (l1,l2)
- else tac :: loop (P_APP 2 :: p) (l1,l2)
- else if v1 > v2 then
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1]; [P_APP 1; P_APP 2];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zplus_assoc_reverse) ::
- loop (P_APP 2 :: p) (l1,l2')
- else
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA12) ::
- loop (P_APP 2 :: p) (l1',l2)
- | ({c=c1;v=v1}::l1), [] ->
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1]; [P_APP 1; P_APP 2];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zplus_assoc_reverse) ::
- loop (P_APP 2 :: p) (l1,[])
- | [],({c=c2;v=v2}::l2) ->
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA12) ::
- loop (P_APP 2 :: p) ([],l2)
- | [],[] -> [focused_simpl p_init]
- in
- loop p_init (e1,e2)
-let rec shuffle_cancel p = function
- | [] -> [focused_simpl p]
- | ({c=c1}::l1) ->
- let tac =
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];[P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 2; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2; P_APP 1]]
- (if c1 >? zero then
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA13)
- else
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA14))
- in
- tac :: shuffle_cancel p l1
-let rec scalar p n = function
- | Oplus(t1,t2) ->
- let tac1,t1' = scalar (P_APP 1 :: p) n t1 and
- tac2,t2' = scalar (P_APP 2 :: p) n t2 in
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1];[P_APP 1;P_APP 2];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zmult_plus_distr_l) ::
- (tac1 @ tac2), Oplus(t1',t2')
- | Oinv t ->
- [clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zmult_opp_comm);
- focused_simpl (P_APP 2 :: p)], Otimes(t,Oz(neg n))
- | Otimes(t1,Oz x) ->
- [clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1];[P_APP 1;P_APP 2];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zmult_assoc_reverse);
- focused_simpl (P_APP 2 :: p)],
- Otimes(t1,Oz (n*x))
- | Otimes(t1,t2) -> error "Omega: Can't solve a goal with non-linear products"
- | (Oatom _ as t) -> [], Otimes(t,Oz n)
- | Oz i -> [focused_simpl p],Oz(n*i)
- | Oufo c -> [], Oufo (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zmult, [| mk_integer n; c |]))
-let rec scalar_norm p_init =
- let rec loop p = function
- | [] -> [focused_simpl p_init]
- | (_::l) ->
- clever_rewrite p
- [[P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];[P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 2];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA16) :: loop (P_APP 2 :: p) l
- in
- loop p_init
-let rec norm_add p_init =
- let rec loop p = function
- | [] -> [focused_simpl p_init]
- | _:: l ->
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1]; [P_APP 1; P_APP 2];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zplus_assoc_reverse) ::
- loop (P_APP 2 :: p) l
- in
- loop p_init
-let rec scalar_norm_add p_init =
- let rec loop p = function
- | [] -> [focused_simpl p_init]
- | _ :: l ->
- clever_rewrite p
- [[P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2];
- [P_APP 1; P_APP 1; P_APP 2]; [P_APP 2]; [P_APP 1; P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_OMEGA11) :: loop (P_APP 2 :: p) l
- in
- loop p_init
-let rec negate p = function
- | Oplus(t1,t2) ->
- let tac1,t1' = negate (P_APP 1 :: p) t1 and
- tac2,t2' = negate (P_APP 2 :: p) t2 in
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1];[P_APP 1;P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zopp_plus_distr) ::
- (tac1 @ tac2),
- Oplus(t1',t2')
- | Oinv t ->
- [clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1]] (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zopp_involutive)], t
- | Otimes(t1,Oz x) ->
- [clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1];[P_APP 1;P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zopp_mult_distr_r);
- focused_simpl (P_APP 2 :: p)], Otimes(t1,Oz (neg x))
- | Otimes(t1,t2) -> error "Omega: Can't solve a goal with non-linear products"
- | (Oatom _ as t) ->
- let r = Otimes(t,Oz(negone)) in
- [clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1]] (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zopp_eq_mult_neg_1)], r
- | Oz i -> [focused_simpl p],Oz(neg i)
- | Oufo c -> [], Oufo (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zopp, [| c |]))
-let rec transform p t =
- let default isnat t' =
- try
- let v,th,_ = find_constr t' in
- [clever_rewrite_base p (mkVar v) (mkVar th)], Oatom v
- with _ ->
- let v = new_identifier_var ()
- and th = new_identifier () in
- hide_constr t' v th isnat;
- [clever_rewrite_base p (mkVar v) (mkVar th)], Oatom v
- in
- try match destructurate_term t with
- | Kapp(Zplus,[t1;t2]) ->
- let tac1,t1' = transform (P_APP 1 :: p) t1
- and tac2,t2' = transform (P_APP 2 :: p) t2 in
- let tac,t' = shuffle p (t1',t2') in
- tac1 @ tac2 @ tac, t'
- | Kapp(Zminus,[t1;t2]) ->
- let tac,t =
- transform p
- (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zplus,
- [| t1; (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zopp, [| t2 |])) |])) in
- unfold sp_Zminus :: tac,t
- | Kapp(Zsucc,[t1]) ->
- let tac,t = transform p (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zplus,
- [| t1; mk_integer one |])) in
- unfold sp_Zsucc :: tac,t
- | Kapp(Zmult,[t1;t2]) ->
- let tac1,t1' = transform (P_APP 1 :: p) t1
- and tac2,t2' = transform (P_APP 2 :: p) t2 in
- begin match t1',t2' with
- | (_,Oz n) -> let tac,t' = scalar p n t1' in tac1 @ tac2 @ tac,t'
- | (Oz n,_) ->
- let sym =
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zmult_comm) in
- let tac,t' = scalar p n t2' in tac1 @ tac2 @ (sym :: tac),t'
- | _ -> default false t
- end
- | Kapp((Zpos|Zneg|Z0),_) ->
- (try ([],Oz(recognize_number t)) with _ -> default false t)
- | Kvar s -> [],Oatom s
- | Kapp(Zopp,[t]) ->
- let tac,t' = transform (P_APP 1 :: p) t in
- let tac',t'' = negate p t' in
- tac @ tac', t''
- | Kapp(Z_of_nat,[t']) -> default true t'
- | _ -> default false t
- with e when catchable_exception e -> default false t
-let shrink_pair p f1 f2 =
- match f1,f2 with
- | Oatom v,Oatom _ ->
- let r = Otimes(Oatom v,Oz two) in
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1]] (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zred_factor1), r
- | Oatom v, Otimes(_,c2) ->
- let r = Otimes(Oatom v,Oplus(c2,Oz one)) in
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1];[P_APP 2;P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zred_factor2), r
- | Otimes (v1,c1),Oatom v ->
- let r = Otimes(Oatom v,Oplus(c1,Oz one)) in
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 2];[P_APP 1;P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zred_factor3), r
- | Otimes (Oatom v,c1),Otimes (v2,c2) ->
- let r = Otimes(Oatom v,Oplus(c1,c2)) in
- clever_rewrite p
- [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1];[P_APP 1;P_APP 2];[P_APP 2;P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zred_factor4),r
- | t1,t2 ->
- begin
- oprint t1; print_newline (); oprint t2; print_newline ();
- flush Pervasives.stdout; error "shrink.1"
- end
-let reduce_factor p = function
- | Oatom v ->
- let r = Otimes(Oatom v,Oz one) in
- [clever_rewrite p [[]] (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zred_factor0)],r
- | Otimes(Oatom v,Oz n) as f -> [],f
- | Otimes(Oatom v,c) ->
- let rec compute = function
- | Oz n -> n
- | Oplus(t1,t2) -> Bigint.add (compute t1) (compute t2)
- | _ -> error "condense.1"
- in
- [focused_simpl (P_APP 2 :: p)], Otimes(Oatom v,Oz(compute c))
- | t -> oprint t; error "reduce_factor.1"
-let rec condense p = function
- | Oplus(f1,(Oplus(f2,r) as t)) ->
- if weight f1 = weight f2 then begin
- let shrink_tac,t = shrink_pair (P_APP 1 :: p) f1 f2 in
- let assoc_tac =
- clever_rewrite p
- [[P_APP 1];[P_APP 2;P_APP 1];[P_APP 2;P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zplus_assoc) in
- let tac_list,t' = condense p (Oplus(t,r)) in
- (assoc_tac :: shrink_tac :: tac_list), t'
- end else begin
- let tac,f = reduce_factor (P_APP 1 :: p) f1 in
- let tac',t' = condense (P_APP 2 :: p) t in
- (tac @ tac'), Oplus(f,t')
- end
- | Oplus(f1,Oz n) ->
- let tac,f1' = reduce_factor (P_APP 1 :: p) f1 in tac,Oplus(f1',Oz n)
- | Oplus(f1,f2) ->
- if weight f1 = weight f2 then begin
- let tac_shrink,t = shrink_pair p f1 f2 in
- let tac,t' = condense p t in
- tac_shrink :: tac,t'
- end else begin
- let tac,f = reduce_factor (P_APP 1 :: p) f1 in
- let tac',t' = condense (P_APP 2 :: p) f2 in
- (tac @ tac'),Oplus(f,t')
- end
- | Oz _ as t -> [],t
- | t ->
- let tac,t' = reduce_factor p t in
- let final = Oplus(t',Oz zero) in
- let tac' = clever_rewrite p [[]] (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zred_factor6) in
- tac @ [tac'], final
-let rec clear_zero p = function
- | Oplus(Otimes(Oatom v,Oz n),r) when n =? zero ->
- let tac =
- clever_rewrite p [[P_APP 1;P_APP 1];[P_APP 2]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zred_factor5) in
- let tac',t = clear_zero p r in
- tac :: tac',t
- | Oplus(f,r) ->
- let tac,t = clear_zero (P_APP 2 :: p) r in tac,Oplus(f,t)
- | t -> [],t
-let replay_history tactic_normalisation =
- let aux = id_of_string "auxiliary" in
- let aux1 = id_of_string "auxiliary_1" in
- let aux2 = id_of_string "auxiliary_2" in
- let izero = mk_integer zero in
- let rec loop t =
- match t with
- | HYP e :: l ->
- begin
- try
- tclTHEN
- (List.assoc (hyp_of_tag tactic_normalisation)
- (loop l)
- with Not_found -> loop l end
- | NEGATE_CONTRADICT (e2,e1,b) :: l ->
- let eq1 = decompile e1
- and eq2 = decompile e2 in
- let id1 = hyp_of_tag
- and id2 = hyp_of_tag in
- let k = if b then negone else one in
- let p_initial = [P_APP 1;P_TYPE] in
- let tac= shuffle_mult_right p_initial e1.body k e2.body in
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_OMEGA17, [|
- val_of eq1;
- val_of eq2;
- mk_integer k;
- mkVar id1; mkVar id2 |])]);
- (mk_then tac);
- (intros_using [aux]);
- (resolve_id aux);
- reflexivity
- ]
- | CONTRADICTION (e1,e2) :: l ->
- let eq1 = decompile e1
- and eq2 = decompile e2 in
- let p_initial = [P_APP 2;P_TYPE] in
- let tac = shuffle_cancel p_initial e1.body in
- let solve_le =
- let not_sup_sup = mkApp (build_coq_eq (), [|
- Lazy.force coq_comparison;
- Lazy.force coq_Gt;
- Lazy.force coq_Gt |])
- in
- tclTHENS
- (tclTHENLIST [
- (unfold sp_Zle);
- (simpl_in_concl);
- intro;
- (absurd not_sup_sup) ])
- [ assumption ; reflexivity ]
- in
- let theorem =
- mkApp (Lazy.force coq_OMEGA2, [|
- val_of eq1; val_of eq2;
- mkVar (hyp_of_tag;
- mkVar (hyp_of_tag |])
- in
- tclTHEN (tclTHEN (generalize_tac [theorem]) (mk_then tac)) (solve_le)
- | DIVIDE_AND_APPROX (e1,e2,k,d) :: l ->
- let id = hyp_of_tag in
- let eq1 = val_of(decompile e1)
- and eq2 = val_of(decompile e2) in
- let kk = mk_integer k
- and dd = mk_integer d in
- let rhs = mk_plus (mk_times eq2 kk) dd in
- let state_eg = mk_eq eq1 rhs in
- let tac = scalar_norm_add [P_APP 3] e2.body in
- tclTHENS
- (cut state_eg)
- [ tclTHENS
- (tclTHENLIST [
- (intros_using [aux]);
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_OMEGA1,
- [| eq1; rhs; mkVar aux; mkVar id |])]);
- (clear [aux;id]);
- (intros_using [id]);
- (cut (mk_gt kk dd)) ])
- [ tclTHENS
- (cut (mk_gt kk izero))
- [ tclTHENLIST [
- (intros_using [aux1; aux2]);
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zmult_le_approx,
- [| kk;eq2;dd;mkVar aux1;mkVar aux2; mkVar id |])]);
- (clear [aux1;aux2;id]);
- (intros_using [id]);
- (loop l) ];
- (unfold sp_Zgt);
- (simpl_in_concl);
- reflexivity ] ];
- tclTHENLIST [ (unfold sp_Zgt); simpl_in_concl; reflexivity ]
- ];
- tclTHEN (mk_then tac) reflexivity ]
- | NOT_EXACT_DIVIDE (e1,k) :: l ->
- let c = floor_div e1.constant k in
- let d = Bigint.sub e1.constant (Bigint.mult c k) in
- let e2 = {; kind=EQUA;constant = c;
- body = map_eq_linear (fun c -> c / k) e1.body } in
- let eq2 = val_of(decompile e2) in
- let kk = mk_integer k
- and dd = mk_integer d in
- let tac = scalar_norm_add [P_APP 2] e2.body in
- tclTHENS
- (cut (mk_gt dd izero))
- [ tclTHENS (cut (mk_gt kk dd))
- [tclTHENLIST [
- (intros_using [aux2;aux1]);
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_OMEGA4,
- [| dd;kk;eq2;mkVar aux1; mkVar aux2 |])]);
- (clear [aux1;aux2]);
- (unfold sp_not);
- (intros_using [aux]);
- (resolve_id aux);
- (mk_then tac);
- assumption ] ;
- (unfold sp_Zgt);
- simpl_in_concl;
- reflexivity ] ];
- (unfold sp_Zgt);
- simpl_in_concl;
- reflexivity ] ]
- | EXACT_DIVIDE (e1,k) :: l ->
- let id = hyp_of_tag in
- let e2 = map_eq_afine (fun c -> c / k) e1 in
- let eq1 = val_of(decompile e1)
- and eq2 = val_of(decompile e2) in
- let kk = mk_integer k in
- let state_eq = mk_eq eq1 (mk_times eq2 kk) in
- if e1.kind = DISE then
- let tac = scalar_norm [P_APP 3] e2.body in
- tclTHENS
- (cut state_eq)
- [tclTHENLIST [
- (intros_using [aux1]);
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_OMEGA18,
- [| eq1;eq2;kk;mkVar aux1; mkVar id |])]);
- (clear [aux1;id]);
- (intros_using [id]);
- (loop l) ];
- tclTHEN (mk_then tac) reflexivity ]
- else
- let tac = scalar_norm [P_APP 3] e2.body in
- tclTHENS (cut state_eq)
- [
- tclTHENS
- (cut (mk_gt kk izero))
- [tclTHENLIST [
- (intros_using [aux2;aux1]);
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_OMEGA3,
- [| eq1; eq2; kk; mkVar aux2; mkVar aux1;mkVar id|])]);
- (clear [aux1;aux2;id]);
- (intros_using [id]);
- (loop l) ];
- (unfold sp_Zgt);
- simpl_in_concl;
- reflexivity ] ];
- tclTHEN (mk_then tac) reflexivity ]
- | (MERGE_EQ(e3,e1,e2)) :: l ->
- let id = new_identifier () in
- tag_hypothesis id e3;
- let id1 = hyp_of_tag
- and id2 = hyp_of_tag e2 in
- let eq1 = val_of(decompile e1)
- and eq2 = val_of (decompile (negate_eq e1)) in
- let tac =
- clever_rewrite [P_APP 3] [[P_APP 1]]
- (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zopp_eq_mult_neg_1) ::
- scalar_norm [P_APP 3] e1.body
- in
- tclTHENS
- (cut (mk_eq eq1 (mk_inv eq2)))
- [tclTHENLIST [
- (intros_using [aux]);
- (generalize_tac [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_OMEGA8,
- [| eq1;eq2;mkVar id1;mkVar id2; mkVar aux|])]);
- (clear [id1;id2;aux]);
- (intros_using [id]);
- (loop l) ];
- tclTHEN (mk_then tac) reflexivity]
- | STATE {st_new_eq=e;st_def=def;st_orig=orig;st_coef=m;st_var=v} :: l ->
- let id = new_identifier ()
- and id2 = hyp_of_tag in
- tag_hypothesis id;
- let eq1 = val_of(decompile def)
- and eq2 = val_of(decompile orig) in
- let vid = unintern_id v in
- let theorem =
- mkApp (build_coq_ex (), [|
- Lazy.force coq_Z;
- mkLambda
- (Name vid,
- Lazy.force coq_Z,
- mk_eq (mkRel 1) eq1) |])
- in
- let mm = mk_integer m in
- let p_initial = [P_APP 2;P_TYPE] in
- let tac =
- clever_rewrite (P_APP 1 :: P_APP 1 :: P_APP 2 :: p_initial)
- [[P_APP 1]] (Lazy.force coq_fast_Zopp_eq_mult_neg_1) ::
- shuffle_mult_right p_initial
- orig.body m ({c= negone;v= v}::def.body) in
- tclTHENS
- (cut theorem)
- [tclTHENLIST [
- (intros_using [aux]);
- (elim_id aux);
- (clear [aux]);
- (intros_using [vid; aux]);
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_OMEGA9,
- [| mkVar vid;eq2;eq1;mm; mkVar id2;mkVar aux |])]);
- (mk_then tac);
- (clear [aux]);
- (intros_using [id]);
- (loop l) ];
- tclTHEN (exists_tac (inj_open eq1)) reflexivity ]
- | SPLIT_INEQ(e,(e1,act1),(e2,act2)) :: l ->
- let id1 = new_identifier ()
- and id2 = new_identifier () in
- tag_hypothesis id1 e1; tag_hypothesis id2 e2;
- let id = hyp_of_tag in
- let tac1 = norm_add [P_APP 2;P_TYPE] e.body in
- let tac2 = scalar_norm_add [P_APP 2;P_TYPE] e.body in
- let eq = val_of(decompile e) in
- tclTHENS
- (simplest_elim (applist (Lazy.force coq_OMEGA19, [eq; mkVar id])))
- [tclTHENLIST [ (mk_then tac1); (intros_using [id1]); (loop act1) ];
- tclTHENLIST [ (mk_then tac2); (intros_using [id2]); (loop act2) ]]
- | SUM(e3,(k1,e1),(k2,e2)) :: l ->
- let id = new_identifier () in
- tag_hypothesis id e3;
- let id1 = hyp_of_tag
- and id2 = hyp_of_tag in
- let eq1 = val_of(decompile e1)
- and eq2 = val_of(decompile e2) in
- if k1 =? one & e2.kind = EQUA then
- let tac_thm =
- match e1.kind with
- | EQUA -> Lazy.force coq_OMEGA5
- | INEQ -> Lazy.force coq_OMEGA6
- | DISE -> Lazy.force coq_OMEGA20
- in
- let kk = mk_integer k2 in
- let p_initial =
- if e1.kind=DISE then [P_APP 1; P_TYPE] else [P_APP 2; P_TYPE] in
- let tac = shuffle_mult_right p_initial e1.body k2 e2.body in
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (tac_thm, [| eq1; eq2; kk; mkVar id1; mkVar id2 |])]);
- (mk_then tac);
- (intros_using [id]);
- (loop l)
- ]
- else
- let kk1 = mk_integer k1
- and kk2 = mk_integer k2 in
- let p_initial = [P_APP 2;P_TYPE] in
- let tac= shuffle_mult p_initial k1 e1.body k2 e2.body in
- tclTHENS (cut (mk_gt kk1 izero))
- [tclTHENS
- (cut (mk_gt kk2 izero))
- [tclTHENLIST [
- (intros_using [aux2;aux1]);
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_OMEGA7, [|
- eq1;eq2;kk1;kk2;
- mkVar aux1;mkVar aux2;
- mkVar id1;mkVar id2 |])]);
- (clear [aux1;aux2]);
- (mk_then tac);
- (intros_using [id]);
- (loop l) ];
- (unfold sp_Zgt);
- simpl_in_concl;
- reflexivity ] ];
- (unfold sp_Zgt);
- simpl_in_concl;
- reflexivity ] ]
- | CONSTANT_NOT_NUL(e,k) :: l ->
- tclTHEN (generalize_tac [mkVar (hyp_of_tag e)]) Equality.discrConcl
- | CONSTANT_NUL(e) :: l ->
- tclTHEN (resolve_id (hyp_of_tag e)) reflexivity
- | CONSTANT_NEG(e,k) :: l ->
- (generalize_tac [mkVar (hyp_of_tag e)]);
- (unfold sp_Zle);
- simpl_in_concl;
- (unfold sp_not);
- (intros_using [aux]);
- (resolve_id aux);
- reflexivity
- ]
- | _ -> tclIDTAC
- in
- loop
-let normalize p_initial t =
- let (tac,t') = transform p_initial t in
- let (tac',t'') = condense p_initial t' in
- let (tac'',t''') = clear_zero p_initial t'' in
- tac @ tac' @ tac'' , t'''
-let normalize_equation id flag theorem pos t t1 t2 (tactic,defs) =
- let p_initial = [P_APP pos ;P_TYPE] in
- let (tac,t') = normalize p_initial t in
- let shift_left =
- tclTHEN
- (generalize_tac [mkApp (theorem, [| t1; t2; mkVar id |]) ])
- (tclTRY (clear [id]))
- in
- if tac <> [] then
- let id' = new_identifier () in
- ((id',(tclTHENLIST [ (shift_left); (mk_then tac); (intros_using [id']) ]))
- :: tactic,
- compile id' flag t' :: defs)
- else
- (tactic,defs)
-let destructure_omega gl tac_def (id,c) =
- if atompart_of_id id = "State" then
- tac_def
- else
- try match destructurate_prop c with
- | Kapp(Eq,[typ;t1;t2])
- when destructurate_type (pf_nf gl typ) = Kapp(Z,[]) ->
- let t = mk_plus t1 (mk_inv t2) in
- normalize_equation
- id EQUA (Lazy.force coq_Zegal_left) 2 t t1 t2 tac_def
- | Kapp(Zne,[t1;t2]) ->
- let t = mk_plus t1 (mk_inv t2) in
- normalize_equation
- id DISE (Lazy.force coq_Zne_left) 1 t t1 t2 tac_def
- | Kapp(Zle,[t1;t2]) ->
- let t = mk_plus t2 (mk_inv t1) in
- normalize_equation
- id INEQ (Lazy.force coq_Zle_left) 2 t t1 t2 tac_def
- | Kapp(Zlt,[t1;t2]) ->
- let t = mk_plus (mk_plus t2 (mk_integer negone)) (mk_inv t1) in
- normalize_equation
- id INEQ (Lazy.force coq_Zlt_left) 2 t t1 t2 tac_def
- | Kapp(Zge,[t1;t2]) ->
- let t = mk_plus t1 (mk_inv t2) in
- normalize_equation
- id INEQ (Lazy.force coq_Zge_left) 2 t t1 t2 tac_def
- | Kapp(Zgt,[t1;t2]) ->
- let t = mk_plus (mk_plus t1 (mk_integer negone)) (mk_inv t2) in
- normalize_equation
- id INEQ (Lazy.force coq_Zgt_left) 2 t t1 t2 tac_def
- | _ -> tac_def
- with e when catchable_exception e -> tac_def
-let reintroduce id =
- (* [id] cannot be cleared if dependent: protect it by a try *)
- tclTHEN (tclTRY (clear [id])) (intro_using id)
-let coq_omega gl =
- clear_tables ();
- let tactic_normalisation, system =
- List.fold_left (destructure_omega gl) ([],[]) (pf_hyps_types gl) in
- let prelude,sys =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (tac,sys) (t,(v,th,b)) ->
- if b then
- let id = new_identifier () in
- let i = new_id () in
- tag_hypothesis id i;
- (tclTHENLIST [
- (simplest_elim (applist (Lazy.force coq_intro_Z, [t])));
- (intros_using [v; id]);
- (elim_id id);
- (clear [id]);
- (intros_using [th;id]);
- tac ]),
- {kind = INEQ;
- body = [{v=intern_id v; c=one}];
- constant = zero; id = i} :: sys
- else
- (tclTHENLIST [
- (simplest_elim (applist (Lazy.force coq_new_var, [t])));
- (intros_using [v;th]);
- tac ]),
- sys)
- (tclIDTAC,[]) (dump_tables ())
- in
- let system = system @ sys in
- if !display_system_flag then display_system display_var system;
- if !old_style_flag then begin
- try
- let _ = simplify (new_id,new_var_num,display_var) false system in
- tclIDTAC gl
- with UNSOLVABLE ->
- let _,path = depend [] [] (history ()) in
- if !display_action_flag then display_action display_var path;
- (tclTHEN prelude (replay_history tactic_normalisation path)) gl
- end else begin
- try
- let path = simplify_strong (new_id,new_var_num,display_var) system in
- if !display_action_flag then display_action display_var path;
- (tclTHEN prelude (replay_history tactic_normalisation path)) gl
- with NO_CONTRADICTION -> error "Omega can't solve this system"
- end
-let coq_omega = solver_time coq_omega
-let nat_inject gl =
- let rec explore p t =
- try match destructurate_term t with
- | Kapp(Plus,[t1;t2]) ->
- (clever_rewrite_gen p (mk_plus (mk_inj t1) (mk_inj t2))
- ((Lazy.force coq_inj_plus),[t1;t2]));
- (explore (P_APP 1 :: p) t1);
- (explore (P_APP 2 :: p) t2)
- ]
- | Kapp(Mult,[t1;t2]) ->
- (clever_rewrite_gen p (mk_times (mk_inj t1) (mk_inj t2))
- ((Lazy.force coq_inj_mult),[t1;t2]));
- (explore (P_APP 1 :: p) t1);
- (explore (P_APP 2 :: p) t2)
- ]
- | Kapp(Minus,[t1;t2]) ->
- let id = new_identifier () in
- tclTHENS
- (tclTHEN
- (simplest_elim (applist (Lazy.force coq_le_gt_dec, [t2;t1])))
- (intros_using [id]))
- [
- (clever_rewrite_gen p
- (mk_minus (mk_inj t1) (mk_inj t2))
- ((Lazy.force coq_inj_minus1),[t1;t2;mkVar id]));
- (loop [id,mkApp (Lazy.force coq_le, [| t2;t1 |])]);
- (explore (P_APP 1 :: p) t1);
- (explore (P_APP 2 :: p) t2) ];
- (tclTHEN
- (clever_rewrite_gen p (mk_integer zero)
- ((Lazy.force coq_inj_minus2),[t1;t2;mkVar id]))
- (loop [id,mkApp (Lazy.force coq_gt, [| t2;t1 |])]))
- ]
- | Kapp(S,[t']) ->
- let rec is_number t =
- try match destructurate_term t with
- Kapp(S,[t]) -> is_number t
- | Kapp(O,[]) -> true
- | _ -> false
- with e when catchable_exception e -> false
- in
- let rec loop p t =
- try match destructurate_term t with
- Kapp(S,[t]) ->
- (tclTHEN
- (clever_rewrite_gen p
- (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zsucc, [| mk_inj t |]))
- ((Lazy.force coq_inj_S),[t]))
- (loop (P_APP 1 :: p) t))
- | _ -> explore p t
- with e when catchable_exception e -> explore p t
- in
- if is_number t' then focused_simpl p else loop p t
- | Kapp(Pred,[t]) ->
- let t_minus_one =
- mkApp (Lazy.force coq_minus, [| t;
- mkApp (Lazy.force coq_S, [| Lazy.force coq_O |]) |]) in
- tclTHEN
- (clever_rewrite_gen_nat (P_APP 1 :: p) t_minus_one
- ((Lazy.force coq_pred_of_minus),[t]))
- (explore p t_minus_one)
- | Kapp(O,[]) -> focused_simpl p
- | _ -> tclIDTAC
- with e when catchable_exception e -> tclIDTAC
- and loop = function
- | [] -> tclIDTAC
- | (i,t)::lit ->
- begin try match destructurate_prop t with
- Kapp(Le,[t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_inj_le, [| t1;t2;mkVar i |]) ]);
- (explore [P_APP 1; P_TYPE] t1);
- (explore [P_APP 2; P_TYPE] t2);
- (reintroduce i);
- (loop lit)
- ]
- | Kapp(Lt,[t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_inj_lt, [| t1;t2;mkVar i |]) ]);
- (explore [P_APP 1; P_TYPE] t1);
- (explore [P_APP 2; P_TYPE] t2);
- (reintroduce i);
- (loop lit)
- ]
- | Kapp(Ge,[t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_inj_ge, [| t1;t2;mkVar i |]) ]);
- (explore [P_APP 1; P_TYPE] t1);
- (explore [P_APP 2; P_TYPE] t2);
- (reintroduce i);
- (loop lit)
- ]
- | Kapp(Gt,[t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_inj_gt, [| t1;t2;mkVar i |]) ]);
- (explore [P_APP 1; P_TYPE] t1);
- (explore [P_APP 2; P_TYPE] t2);
- (reintroduce i);
- (loop lit)
- ]
- | Kapp(Neq,[t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_inj_neq, [| t1;t2;mkVar i |]) ]);
- (explore [P_APP 1; P_TYPE] t1);
- (explore [P_APP 2; P_TYPE] t2);
- (reintroduce i);
- (loop lit)
- ]
- | Kapp(Eq,[typ;t1;t2]) ->
- if pf_conv_x gl typ (Lazy.force coq_nat) then
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_inj_eq, [| t1;t2;mkVar i |]) ]);
- (explore [P_APP 2; P_TYPE] t1);
- (explore [P_APP 3; P_TYPE] t2);
- (reintroduce i);
- (loop lit)
- ]
- else loop lit
- | _ -> loop lit
- with e when catchable_exception e -> loop lit end
- in
- loop (List.rev (pf_hyps_types gl)) gl
-let rec decidability gl t =
- match destructurate_prop t with
- | Kapp(Or,[t1;t2]) ->
- mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_or, [| t1; t2;
- decidability gl t1; decidability gl t2 |])
- | Kapp(And,[t1;t2]) ->
- mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_and, [| t1; t2;
- decidability gl t1; decidability gl t2 |])
- | Kapp(Iff,[t1;t2]) ->
- mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_iff, [| t1; t2;
- decidability gl t1; decidability gl t2 |])
- | Kimp(t1,t2) ->
- mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_imp, [| t1; t2;
- decidability gl t1; decidability gl t2 |])
- | Kapp(Not,[t1]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_not, [| t1;
- decidability gl t1 |])
- | Kapp(Eq,[typ;t1;t2]) ->
- begin match destructurate_type (pf_nf gl typ) with
- | Kapp(Z,[]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_eq, [| t1;t2 |])
- | Kapp(Nat,[]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_eq_nat, [| t1;t2 |])
- | _ -> errorlabstrm "decidability"
- (str "Omega: Can't solve a goal with equality on " ++
- Printer.pr_lconstr typ)
- end
- | Kapp(Zne,[t1;t2]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_Zne, [| t1;t2 |])
- | Kapp(Zle,[t1;t2]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_Zle, [| t1;t2 |])
- | Kapp(Zlt,[t1;t2]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_Zlt, [| t1;t2 |])
- | Kapp(Zge,[t1;t2]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_Zge, [| t1;t2 |])
- | Kapp(Zgt,[t1;t2]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_Zgt, [| t1;t2 |])
- | Kapp(Le, [t1;t2]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_le, [| t1;t2 |])
- | Kapp(Lt, [t1;t2]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_lt, [| t1;t2 |])
- | Kapp(Ge, [t1;t2]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_ge, [| t1;t2 |])
- | Kapp(Gt, [t1;t2]) -> mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_gt, [| t1;t2 |])
- | Kapp(False,[]) -> Lazy.force coq_dec_False
- | Kapp(True,[]) -> Lazy.force coq_dec_True
- | Kapp(Other t,_::_) -> error
- ("Omega: Unrecognized predicate or connective: "^t)
- | Kapp(Other t,[]) -> error ("Omega: Unrecognized atomic proposition: "^t)
- | Kvar _ -> error "Omega: Can't solve a goal with proposition variables"
- | _ -> error "Omega: Unrecognized proposition"
-let onClearedName id tac =
- (* We cannot ensure that hyps can be cleared (because of dependencies), *)
- (* so renaming may be necessary *)
- tclTHEN
- (tclTRY (clear [id]))
- (fun gl ->
- let id = fresh_id [] id gl in
- tclTHEN (introduction id) (tac id) gl)
-let destructure_hyps gl =
- let rec loop = function
- | [] -> (tclTHEN nat_inject coq_omega)
- | (i,body,t)::lit ->
- begin try match destructurate_prop t with
- | Kapp(False,[]) -> elim_id i
- | Kapp((Zle|Zge|Zgt|Zlt|Zne),[t1;t2]) -> loop lit
- | Kapp(Or,[t1;t2]) ->
- (tclTHENS
- (elim_id i)
- [ onClearedName i (fun i -> (loop ((i,None,t1)::lit)));
- onClearedName i (fun i -> (loop ((i,None,t2)::lit))) ])
- | Kapp(And,[t1;t2]) ->
- (elim_id i);
- (tclTRY (clear [i]));
- (fun gl ->
- let i1 = fresh_id [] (add_suffix i "_left") gl in
- let i2 = fresh_id [] (add_suffix i "_right") gl in
- (introduction i1);
- (introduction i2);
- (loop ((i1,None,t1)::(i2,None,t2)::lit)) ] gl)
- ]
- | Kapp(Iff,[t1;t2]) ->
- (elim_id i);
- (tclTRY (clear [i]));
- (fun gl ->
- let i1 = fresh_id [] (add_suffix i "_left") gl in
- let i2 = fresh_id [] (add_suffix i "_right") gl in
- introduction i1;
- generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_imp_simp,
- [| t1; t2; decidability gl t1; mkVar i1|])];
- onClearedName i1 (fun i1 ->
- introduction i2;
- generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_imp_simp,
- [| t2; t1; decidability gl t2; mkVar i2|])];
- onClearedName i2 (fun i2 ->
- loop
- ((i1,None,mk_or (mk_not t1) t2)::
- (i2,None,mk_or (mk_not t2) t1)::lit))
- ])] gl)
- ]
- | Kimp(t1,t2) ->
- if
- is_Prop (pf_type_of gl t1) &
- is_Prop (pf_type_of gl t2) &
- closed0 t2
- then
- (generalize_tac [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_imp_simp,
- [| t1; t2; decidability gl t1; mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun i ->
- (loop ((i,None,mk_or (mk_not t1) t2)::lit))))
- ]
- else
- loop lit
- | Kapp(Not,[t]) ->
- begin match destructurate_prop t with
- Kapp(Or,[t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_not_or,[| t1; t2; mkVar i |])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun i ->
- (loop ((i,None,mk_and (mk_not t1) (mk_not t2)):: lit))))
- ]
- | Kapp(And,[t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_not_and, [| t1; t2;
- decidability gl t1; mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun i ->
- (loop ((i,None,mk_or (mk_not t1) (mk_not t2))::lit))))
- ]
- | Kapp(Iff,[t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_not_iff, [| t1; t2;
- decidability gl t1; decidability gl t2; mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun i ->
- (loop ((i,None,
- mk_or (mk_and t1 (mk_not t2))
- (mk_and (mk_not t1) t2))::lit))))
- ]
- | Kimp(t1,t2) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_not_imp, [| t1; t2;
- decidability gl t1;mkVar i |])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun i ->
- (loop ((i,None,mk_and t1 (mk_not t2)) :: lit))))
- ]
- | Kapp(Not,[t]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_not_not, [| t;
- decidability gl t; mkVar i |])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun i -> (loop ((i,None,t)::lit))))
- ]
- | Kapp(Zle, [t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Znot_le_gt, [| t1;t2;mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun _ -> loop lit))
- ]
- | Kapp(Zge, [t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Znot_ge_lt, [| t1;t2;mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun _ -> loop lit))
- ]
- | Kapp(Zlt, [t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Znot_lt_ge, [| t1;t2;mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun _ -> loop lit))
- ]
- | Kapp(Zgt, [t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Znot_gt_le, [| t1;t2;mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun _ -> loop lit))
- ]
- | Kapp(Le, [t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_not_le, [| t1;t2;mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun _ -> loop lit))
- ]
- | Kapp(Ge, [t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_not_ge, [| t1;t2;mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun _ -> loop lit))
- ]
- | Kapp(Lt, [t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_not_lt, [| t1;t2;mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun _ -> loop lit))
- ]
- | Kapp(Gt, [t1;t2]) ->
- (generalize_tac
- [mkApp (Lazy.force coq_not_gt, [| t1;t2;mkVar i|])]);
- (onClearedName i (fun _ -> loop lit))
- ]
- | Kapp(Eq,[typ;t1;t2]) ->
- if !old_style_flag then begin
- match destructurate_type (pf_nf gl typ) with
- | Kapp(Nat,_) ->
- (simplest_elim
- (mkApp
- (Lazy.force coq_not_eq, [|t1;t2;mkVar i|])));
- (onClearedName i (fun _ -> loop lit))
- ]
- | Kapp(Z,_) ->
- (simplest_elim
- (mkApp
- (Lazy.force coq_not_Zeq, [|t1;t2;mkVar i|])));
- (onClearedName i (fun _ -> loop lit))
- ]
- | _ -> loop lit
- end else begin
- match destructurate_type (pf_nf gl typ) with
- | Kapp(Nat,_) ->
- (tclTHEN
- (convert_hyp_no_check
- (i,body,
- (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_neq, [| t1;t2|]))))
- (loop lit))
- | Kapp(Z,_) ->
- (tclTHEN
- (convert_hyp_no_check
- (i,body,
- (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_Zne, [| t1;t2|]))))
- (loop lit))
- | _ -> loop lit
- end
- | _ -> loop lit
- end
- | _ -> loop lit
- with e when catchable_exception e -> loop lit
- end
- in
- loop (pf_hyps gl) gl
-let destructure_goal gl =
- let concl = pf_concl gl in
- let rec loop t =
- match destructurate_prop t with
- | Kapp(Not,[t]) ->
- (tclTHEN
- (tclTHEN (unfold sp_not) intro)
- destructure_hyps)
- | Kimp(a,b) -> (tclTHEN intro (loop b))
- | Kapp(False,[]) -> destructure_hyps
- | _ ->
- (tclTHEN
- (tclTHEN
- (Tactics.refine
- (mkApp (Lazy.force coq_dec_not_not, [| t;
- decidability gl t; mkNewMeta () |])))
- intro)
- (destructure_hyps))
- in
- (loop concl) gl
-let destructure_goal = all_time (destructure_goal)
-let omega_solver gl =
- Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"omega";"Omega"];
- let result = destructure_goal gl in
- (* if !display_time_flag then begin text_time ();
- flush Pervasives.stdout end; *)
- result