path: root/contrib/micromega/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/micromega/')
1 files changed, 667 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/micromega/ b/contrib/micromega/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..415d3a3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/micromega/
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+(* Yet another implementation of Fourier *)
+open Num
+module Cmp =
+ (* How to compare pairs, lists ... *)
+ let rec compare_lexical l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> 0 (* Equal *)
+ | f::l ->
+ let cmp = f () in
+ if cmp = 0 then compare_lexical l else cmp
+ let rec compare_list cmp l1 l2 =
+ match l1 , l2 with
+ | [] , [] -> 0
+ | [] , _ -> -1
+ | _ , [] -> 1
+ | e1::l1 , e2::l2 ->
+ let c = cmp e1 e2 in
+ if c = 0 then compare_list cmp l1 l2 else c
+ let hash_list hash l =
+ let rec xhash res l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> res
+ | e::l -> xhash ((hash e) lxor res) l in
+ xhash (Hashtbl.hash []) l
+module Interval =
+ (** The type of intervals. **)
+ type intrvl = Empty | Point of num | Itv of num option * num option
+ (**
+ Different intervals can denote the same set of variables e.g.,
+ Point n && Itv (Some n, Some n)
+ Itv (Some x) (Some y) && Empty if x > y
+ see the 'belongs_to' function.
+ **)
+ (* The set of numerics that belong to an interval *)
+ let belongs_to n = function
+ | Empty -> false
+ | Point x -> n =/ x
+ | Itv(Some x, Some y) -> x <=/ n && n <=/ y
+ | Itv(None,Some y) -> n <=/ y
+ | Itv(Some x,None) -> x <=/ n
+ | Itv(None,None) -> true
+ let string_of_bound = function
+ | None -> "oo"
+ | Some n -> Printf.sprintf "Bd(%s)" (string_of_num n)
+ let string_of_intrvl = function
+ | Empty -> "[]"
+ | Point n -> Printf.sprintf "[%s]" (string_of_num n)
+ | Itv(bd1,bd2) ->
+ Printf.sprintf "[%s,%s]" (string_of_bound bd1) (string_of_bound bd2)
+ let pick_closed_to_zero = function
+ | Empty -> None
+ | Point n -> Some n
+ | Itv(None,None) -> Some (Int 0)
+ | Itv(None,Some i) ->
+ Some (if (Int 0) <=/ (floor_num i) then Int 0 else floor_num i)
+ | Itv(Some i,None) ->
+ Some (if i <=/ (Int 0) then Int 0 else ceiling_num i)
+ | Itv(Some i,Some j) ->
+ Some (
+ if i <=/ Int 0 && Int 0 <=/ j
+ then Int 0
+ else if ceiling_num i <=/ floor_num j
+ then ceiling_num i (* why not *) else i)
+ type status =
+ | O | Qonly | Z | Q
+ let interval_kind = function
+ | Empty -> O
+ | Point n -> if ceiling_num n =/ n then Z else Qonly
+ | Itv(None,None) -> Z
+ | Itv(None,Some i) -> if ceiling_num i <>/ i then Q else Z
+ | Itv(Some i,None) -> if ceiling_num i <>/ i then Q else Z
+ | Itv(Some i,Some j) ->
+ if ceiling_num i <>/ i or floor_num j <>/ j then Q else Z
+ let empty_z = function
+ | Empty -> true
+ | Point n -> ceiling_num n <>/ n
+ | Itv(None,None) | Itv(None,Some _) | Itv(Some _,None) -> false
+ | Itv(Some i,Some j) -> ceiling_num i >/ floor_num j
+ let normalise b1 b2 =
+ match b1 , b2 with
+ | Some i , Some j ->
+ (match compare_num i j with
+ | 1 -> Empty
+ | 0 -> Point i
+ | _ -> Itv(b1,b2)
+ )
+ | _ -> Itv(b1,b2)
+ let min x y =
+ match x , y with
+ | None , x | x , None -> x
+ | Some i , Some j -> Some (min_num i j)
+ let max x y =
+ match x , y with
+ | None , x | x , None -> x
+ | Some i , Some j -> Some (max_num i j)
+ let inter i1 i2 =
+ match i1,i2 with
+ | Empty , _ -> Empty
+ | _ , Empty -> Empty
+ | Point n , Point m -> if n =/ m then i1 else Empty
+ | Point n , Itv (mn,mx) | Itv (mn,mx) , Point n->
+ if (match mn with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some mn -> mn <=/ n) &&
+ (match mx with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some mx -> n <=/ mx) then Point n else Empty
+ | Itv (min1,max1) , Itv (min2,max2) ->
+ let bmin = max min1 min2
+ and bmax = min max1 max2 in
+ normalise bmin bmax
+ (* a.x >= b*)
+ let bound_of_constraint (a,b) =
+ match compare_num a (Int 0) with
+ | 0 ->
+ if compare_num b (Int 0) = 1
+ then Empty
+ (*actually this is a contradiction failwith "bound_of_constraint" *)
+ else Itv (None,None)
+ | 1 -> Itv (Some (div_num b a),None)
+ | -1 -> Itv (None, Some (div_num b a))
+ | x -> failwith "bound_of_constraint(2)"
+ let bounded x =
+ match x with
+ | Itv(None,_) | Itv(_,None) -> false
+ | _ -> true
+ let range = function
+ | Empty -> Some (Int 0)
+ | Point n -> Some (Int (if ceiling_num n =/ n then 1 else 0))
+ | Itv(None,_) | Itv(_,None)-> None
+ | Itv(Some i,Some j) -> Some (floor_num j -/ceiling_num i +/ (Int 1))
+ (* Returns the interval of smallest range *)
+ let smaller_itv i1 i2 =
+ match range i1 , range i2 with
+ | None , _ -> false
+ | _ , None -> true
+ | Some i , Some j -> i <=/ j
+open Interval
+(* A set of constraints *)
+module Sys(V:Vector.S) (* : Vector.SystemS with module Vect = V*) =
+ module Vect = V
+ module Cstr = Vector.Cstr(V)
+ open Cstr
+ module CMap = Map.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = Vect.t
+ let compare =
+ end)
+ module CstrBag =
+ struct
+ type mut_itv = { mutable itv : intrvl}
+ type t = mut_itv CMap.t
+ exception Contradiction
+ let cstr_to_itv cstr =
+ let (n,l) = V.normalise cstr.coeffs in
+ if n =/ (Int 0)
+ then (Vect.null, bound_of_constraint (Int 0,cstr.cst)) (* Might be empty *)
+ else
+ match cstr.op with
+ | Eq -> let n = cstr.cst // n in (l, Point n)
+ | Ge ->
+ match compare_num n (Int 0) with
+ | 0 -> failwith "intrvl_of_constraint"
+ | 1 -> (l,Itv (Some (cstr.cst // n), None))
+ | -1 -> (l, Itv(None,Some (cstr.cst // n)))
+ | _ -> failwith "cstr_to_itv"
+ let empty = CMap.empty
+ let is_empty = CMap.is_empty
+ let find_vect v bag =
+ try
+ (bag,CMap.find v bag)
+ with Not_found -> let x = { itv = Itv(None,None)} in (CMap.add v x bag ,x)
+ let add (v,b) bag =
+ match b with
+ | Empty -> raise Contradiction
+ | Itv(None,None) -> bag
+ | _ ->
+ let (bag,intrl) = find_vect v bag in
+ match inter b with
+ | Empty -> raise Contradiction
+ | itv -> <- itv ; bag
+ exception Found of cstr
+ let find_equation bag =
+ try
+ CMap.fold (fun v i () ->
+ match with
+ | Point n -> let e = {coeffs = v ; op = Eq ; cst = n}
+ in raise (Found e)
+ | _ -> () ) bag () ; None
+ with Found c -> Some c
+ let fold f bag acc =
+ CMap.fold (fun v itv acc ->
+ match with
+ | Empty | Itv(None,None) -> failwith "fold Empty"
+ | Itv(None ,Some i) ->
+ f {coeffs = V.mul (Int (-1)) v ; op = Ge ; cst = minus_num i} acc
+ | Point n -> f {coeffs = v ; op = Eq ; cst = n} acc
+ | Itv(x,y) ->
+ (match x with
+ | None -> (fun x -> x)
+ | Some i -> f {coeffs = v ; op = Ge ; cst = i})
+ (match y with
+ | None -> acc
+ | Some i ->
+ f {coeffs = V.mul (Int (-1)) v ; op = Ge ; cst = minus_num i} acc
+ ) ) bag acc
+ let remove l _ = failwith "remove:Not implemented"
+ module Map =
+ Map.Make(
+ struct
+ type t = int
+ let compare : int -> int -> int =
+ end)
+ let split f (t:t) =
+ let res =
+ fold (fun e m -> let i = f e in
+ Map.add i (add (cstr_to_itv e)
+ (try Map.find i m with
+ Not_found -> empty)) m) t Map.empty in
+ (fun i -> try Map.find i res with Not_found -> empty)
+ type map = (int list * int list) Map.t
+ let status (b:t) =
+ let _ , map = fold (fun c ( (idx:int),(res: map)) ->
+ ( idx + 1,
+ List.fold_left (fun (res:map) (pos,s) ->
+ let (lp,ln) = try Map.find pos res with Not_found -> ([],[]) in
+ match s with
+ | Vect.Pos -> Map.add pos (idx::lp,ln) res
+ | Vect.Neg ->
+ Map.add pos (lp, idx::ln) res) res
+ (Vect.status c.coeffs))) b (0,Map.empty) in
+ Map.fold (fun k e res -> (k,e)::res) map []
+ type it = num CMap.t
+ let iterator x = x
+ let element it = failwith "element:Not implemented"
+ end
+module Fourier(Vect : Vector.S) =
+ module Vect = Vect
+ module Sys = Sys( Vect)
+ module Cstr = Sys.Cstr
+ module Bag = Sys.CstrBag
+ open Cstr
+ open Sys
+ let debug = false
+ let print_bag msg b =
+ print_endline msg;
+ CstrBag.fold (fun e () -> print_endline (Cstr.string_of_cstr e)) b ()
+ let print_bag_file file msg b =
+ let f = open_out file in
+ output_string f msg;
+ CstrBag.fold (fun e () ->
+ Printf.fprintf f "%s\n" (Cstr.string_of_cstr e)) b ()
+ (* A system with only inequations --
+ *)
+ let partition i m =
+ let splitter cstr = compare_num (Vect.get i cstr.coeffs ) (Int 0) in
+ let split = CstrBag.split splitter m in
+ (split (-1) , split 0, split 1)
+ (* op of the result is arbitrary Ge *)
+ let lin_comb n1 c1 n2 c2 =
+ { coeffs = Vect.lin_comb n1 c1.coeffs n2 c2.coeffs ;
+ op = Ge ;
+ cst = (n1 */ c1.cst) +/ (n2 */ c2.cst)}
+ (* BUG? : operator of the result ? *)
+ let combine_project i c1 c2 =
+ let p = Vect.get i c1.coeffs
+ and n = Vect.get i c2.coeffs in
+ assert (n </ Int 0 && p >/ Int 0) ;
+ let nopp = minus_num n in
+ let c =lin_comb nopp c1 p c2 in
+ let op = if c1.op = Ge || c2.op = Ge then Ge else Eq in
+ CstrBag.cstr_to_itv {coeffs = c.coeffs ; op = op ; cst= c.cst }
+ let project i m =
+ let (neg,zero,pos) = partition i m in
+ let project1 cpos acc =
+ CstrBag.fold (fun cneg res ->
+ CstrBag.add (combine_project i cpos cneg) res) neg acc in
+ (CstrBag.fold project1 pos zero)
+ (* Given a vector [x1 -> v1; ... ; xn -> vn]
+ and a constraint {x1 ; .... xn >= c }
+ *)
+ let evaluate_constraint i map cstr =
+ let {coeffs = _coeffs ; op = _op ; cst = _cst} = cstr in
+ let vi = Vect.get i _coeffs in
+ let v = Vect.set i (Int 0) _coeffs in
+ (vi, _cst -/ Vect.dotp map v)
+ let rec bounds m itv =
+ match m with
+ | [] -> itv
+ | e::m -> bounds m (inter itv (bound_of_constraint e))
+ let compare_status (i,(lp,ln)) (i',(lp',ln')) =
+ let cmp =
+ ((List.length lp) * (List.length ln))
+ ((List.length lp') * (List.length ln')) in
+ if cmp = 0
+ then i i'
+ else cmp
+ let cardinal m = CstrBag.fold (fun _ x -> x + 1) m 0
+ let lightest_projection l c m =
+ let bound = c in
+ if debug then (Printf.printf "l%i" bound; flush stdout) ;
+ let rec xlight best l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> best
+ | i::l ->
+ let proj = (project i m) in
+ let cproj = cardinal proj in
+ (*Printf.printf " p %i " cproj; flush stdout;*)
+ match best with
+ | None ->
+ if cproj < bound
+ then Some(cproj,proj,i)
+ else xlight (Some(cproj,proj,i)) l
+ | Some (cbest,_,_) ->
+ if cproj < cbest
+ then
+ if cproj < bound then Some(cproj,proj,i)
+ else xlight (Some(cproj,proj,i)) l
+ else xlight best l in
+ match xlight None l with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some(_,p,i) -> Some (p,i)
+ exception Equality of cstr
+ let find_equality m = Bag.find_equation m
+ let pivot (n,v) eq ge =
+ assert (eq.op = Eq) ;
+ let res =
+ match
+ compare_num v (Int 0),
+ compare_num (Vect.get n ge.coeffs) (Int 0)
+ with
+ | 0 , _ -> failwith "Buggy"
+ | _ ,0 -> (CstrBag.cstr_to_itv ge)
+ | 1 , -1 -> combine_project n eq ge
+ | -1 , 1 -> combine_project n ge eq
+ | 1 , 1 ->
+ combine_project n ge
+ {coeffs = Vect.mul (Int (-1)) eq.coeffs;
+ op = eq.op ;
+ cst = minus_num eq.cst}
+ | -1 , -1 ->
+ combine_project n
+ {coeffs = Vect.mul (Int (-1)) eq.coeffs;
+ op = eq.op ; cst = minus_num eq.cst} ge
+ | _ -> failwith "pivot" in
+ res
+ let check_cstr v c =
+ let {coeffs = _coeffs ; op = _op ; cst = _cst} = c in
+ let vl = Vect.dotp v _coeffs in
+ match _op with
+ | Eq -> vl =/ _cst
+ | Ge -> vl >= _cst
+ let forall p sys =
+ try
+ CstrBag.fold (fun c () -> if p c then () else raise Not_found) sys (); true
+ with Not_found -> false
+ let check_sys v sys = forall (check_cstr v) sys
+ let check_null_cstr c =
+ let {coeffs = _coeffs ; op = _op ; cst = _cst} = c in
+ match _op with
+ | Eq -> (Int 0) =/ _cst
+ | Ge -> (Int 0) >= _cst
+ let check_null sys = forall check_null_cstr sys
+ let optimise_ge
+ quick_check choose choose_idx return_empty return_ge return_eq m =
+ let c = cardinal m in
+ let bound = 2 * c in
+ if debug then (Printf.printf "optimise_ge: %i\n" c; flush stdout);
+ let rec xoptimise m =
+ if debug then (Printf.printf "x%i" (cardinal m) ; flush stdout);
+ if debug then (print_bag "xoptimise" m ; flush stdout);
+ if quick_check m
+ then return_empty m
+ else
+ match find_equality m with
+ | None -> xoptimise_ge m
+ | Some eq -> xoptimise_eq eq m
+ and xoptimise_ge m =
+ begin
+ let c = cardinal m in
+ let l = fst (List.sort compare_status (CstrBag.status m)) in
+ let idx = choose bound l c m in
+ match idx with
+ | None -> return_empty m
+ | Some (proj,i) ->
+ match xoptimise proj with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some mapping -> return_ge m i mapping
+ end
+ and xoptimise_eq eq m =
+ let l = fst (Vect.status eq.coeffs) in
+ match choose_idx l with
+ | None -> (*if l = [] then None else*) return_empty m
+ | Some i ->
+ let p = (i,Vect.get i eq.coeffs) in
+ let m' = CstrBag.fold
+ (fun ge res -> CstrBag.add (pivot p eq ge) res) m CstrBag.empty in
+ match xoptimise ( m') with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some mapp -> return_eq m eq i mapp in
+ try
+ let res = xoptimise m in res
+ with CstrBag.Contradiction -> (*print_string "contradiction" ;*) None
+ let minimise m =
+ let opt_zero_choose bound l c m =
+ if c > bound
+ then lightest_projection l c m
+ else match l with
+ | [] -> None
+ | i::_ -> Some (project i m, i) in
+ let choose_idx = function [] -> None | x::l -> Some x in
+ let opt_zero_return_empty m = Some Vect.null in
+ let opt_zero_return_ge m i mapping =
+ let (it:intrvl) = CstrBag.fold (fun cstr itv -> Interval.inter
+ (bound_of_constraint (evaluate_constraint i mapping cstr)) itv) m
+ (Itv (None, None)) in
+ match pick_closed_to_zero it with
+ | None -> print_endline "Cannot pick" ; None
+ | Some v ->
+ let res = (Vect.set i v mapping) in
+ if debug
+ then Printf.printf "xoptimise res %i [%s]" i (Vect.string res) ;
+ Some res in
+ let opt_zero_return_eq m eq i mapp =
+ let (a,b) = evaluate_constraint i mapp eq in
+ Some (Vect.set i (div_num b a) mapp) in
+ optimise_ge check_null opt_zero_choose
+ choose_idx opt_zero_return_empty opt_zero_return_ge opt_zero_return_eq m
+ let normalise cstr = [CstrBag.cstr_to_itv cstr]
+ let find_point l =
+ (* List.iter (fun e -> print_endline (Cstr.string_of_cstr e)) l;*)
+ try
+ let m = List.fold_left (fun sys e -> CstrBag.add (CstrBag.cstr_to_itv e) sys)
+ CstrBag.empty l in
+ match minimise m with
+ | None -> None
+ | Some res ->
+ if debug then Printf.printf "[%s]" (Vect.string res);
+ Some res
+ with CstrBag.Contradiction -> None
+ let find_q_interval_for x m =
+ if debug then Printf.printf "find_q_interval_for %i\n" x ;
+ let choose bound l c m =
+ let rec xchoose l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> None
+ | i::l -> if i = x then xchoose l else Some (project i m,i) in
+ xchoose l in
+ let rec choose_idx = function
+ [] -> None
+ | e::l -> if e = x then choose_idx l else Some e in
+ let return_empty m = (* Beurk *)
+ (* returns the interval of x *)
+ Some (CstrBag.fold (fun cstr itv ->
+ let i = if cstr.op = Eq
+ then Point (cstr.cst // Vect.get x cstr.coeffs)
+ else if Vect.is_null (Vect.set x (Int 0) cstr.coeffs)
+ then bound_of_constraint (Vect.get x cstr.coeffs , cstr.cst)
+ else itv
+ in
+ Interval.inter i itv) m (Itv (None, None))) in
+ let return_ge m i res = Some res in
+ let return_eq m eq i res = Some res in
+ try
+ optimise_ge
+ (fun x -> false) choose choose_idx return_empty return_ge return_eq m
+ with CstrBag.Contradiction -> None
+ let find_q_intervals sys =
+ let variables =
+ fst (List.sort compare_status (CstrBag.status sys)) in
+ (fun x -> (x,find_q_interval_for x sys)) variables
+ let pp_option f o = function
+ None -> Printf.fprintf o "None"
+ | Some x -> Printf.fprintf o "Some %a" f x
+ let optimise vect sys =
+ (* we have to modify the system with a dummy variable *)
+ let fresh =
+ List.fold_left (fun fr c -> Pervasives.max fr (Vect.fresh c.coeffs)) 0 sys in
+ assert (List.for_all (fun x -> Vect.get fresh x.coeffs =/ Int 0) sys);
+ let cstr = {
+ coeffs = Vect.set fresh (Int (-1)) vect ;
+ op = Eq ;
+ cst = (Int 0)} in
+ try
+ find_q_interval_for fresh
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun bg c -> CstrBag.add (CstrBag.cstr_to_itv c) bg)
+ CstrBag.empty (cstr::sys))
+ with CstrBag.Contradiction -> None
+ let optimise vect sys =
+ let res = optimise vect sys in
+ if debug
+ then Printf.printf "optimise %s -> %a\n"
+ (Vect.string vect) (pp_option (fun o x -> Printf.printf "%s" (string_of_intrvl x))) res
+ ; res
+ let find_Q_interval sys =
+ try
+ let sys =
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun bg c -> CstrBag.add (CstrBag.cstr_to_itv c) bg) CstrBag.empty sys) in
+ let candidates =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun l (x,i) -> match i with
+ None -> (x,Empty)::l
+ | Some i -> (x,i)::l) [] (find_q_intervals sys) in
+ match List.fold_left
+ (fun (x1,i1) (x2,i2) ->
+ if smaller_itv i1 i2
+ then (x1,i1) else (x2,i2)) (-1,Itv(None,None)) candidates
+ with
+ | (i,Empty) -> None
+ | (x,Itv(Some i, Some j)) -> Some(i,x,j)
+ | (x,Point n) -> Some(n,x,n)
+ | _ -> None
+ with CstrBag.Contradiction -> None