path: root/contrib/micromega/CheckerMaker.v
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diff --git a/contrib/micromega/CheckerMaker.v b/contrib/micromega/CheckerMaker.v
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+++ b/contrib/micromega/CheckerMaker.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* *)
+(* Micromega: A reflexive tactic using the Positivstellensatz *)
+(* *)
+(* Frédéric Besson (Irisa/Inria) 2006-2008 *)
+(* *)
+Require Import Setoid.
+Require Import Decidable.
+Require Import List.
+Require Import Refl.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Section CheckerMaker.
+(* 'Formula' is a syntactic representation of a certain kind of propositions. *)
+Variable Formula : Type.
+Variable Env : Type.
+Variable eval : Env -> Formula -> Prop.
+Variable Formula' : Type.
+Variable eval' : Env -> Formula' -> Prop.
+Variable normalise : Formula -> Formula'.
+Variable negate : Formula -> Formula'.
+Hypothesis normalise_sound :
+ forall (env : Env) (t : Formula), eval env t -> eval' env (normalise t).
+Hypothesis negate_correct :
+ forall (env : Env) (t : Formula), eval env t <-> ~ (eval' env (negate t)).
+Variable Witness : Type.
+Variable check_formulas' : list Formula' -> Witness -> bool.
+Hypothesis check_formulas'_sound :
+ forall (l : list Formula') (w : Witness),
+ check_formulas' l w = true ->
+ forall env : Env, make_impl (eval' env) l False.
+Definition normalise_list : list Formula -> list Formula' := map normalise.
+Definition negate_list : list Formula -> list Formula' := map negate.
+Definition check_formulas (l : list Formula) (w : Witness) : bool :=
+ check_formulas' (map normalise l) w.
+(* Contraposition of normalise_sound for lists *)
+Lemma normalise_sound_contr : forall (env : Env) (l : list Formula),
+ make_impl (eval' env) (map normalise l) False -> make_impl (eval env) l False.
+intros env l; induction l as [| t l IH]; simpl in *.
+intros H1 H2. apply IH. apply H1. now apply normalise_sound.
+Theorem check_formulas_sound :
+ forall (l : list Formula) (w : Witness),
+ check_formulas l w = true -> forall env : Env, make_impl (eval env) l False.
+unfold check_formulas; intros l w H env. destruct l as [| t l]; simpl in *.
+pose proof (check_formulas'_sound H env) as H1; now simpl in H1.
+intro H1. apply normalise_sound in H1.
+pose proof (check_formulas'_sound H env) as H2; simpl in H2.
+apply H2 in H1. now apply normalise_sound_contr.
+(* In check_conj_formulas', t2 is supposed to be a list of negations of
+formulas. If, for example, t1 = [A1, A2] and t2 = [~ B1, ~ B2], then
+check_conj_formulas' checks that each of [~ B1, A1, A2] and [~ B2, A1, A2] is
+inconsistent. This means that A1 /\ A2 -> B1 and A1 /\ A2 -> B1, i.e., that
+A1 /\ A2 -> B1 /\ B2. *)
+Fixpoint check_conj_formulas'
+ (t1 : list Formula') (wits : list Witness) (t2 : list Formula') {struct wits} : bool :=
+match t2 with
+| nil => true
+| t':: rt2 =>
+ match wits with
+ | nil => false
+ | w :: rwits =>
+ match check_formulas' (t':: t1) w with
+ | true => check_conj_formulas' t1 rwits rt2
+ | false => false
+ end
+ end
+(* checks whether the conjunction of t1 implies the conjunction of t2 *)
+Definition check_conj_formulas
+ (t1 : list Formula) (wits : list Witness) (t2 : list Formula) : bool :=
+ check_conj_formulas' (normalise_list t1) wits (negate_list t2).
+Theorem check_conj_formulas_sound :
+ forall (t1 : list Formula) (t2 : list Formula) (wits : list Witness),
+ check_conj_formulas t1 wits t2 = true ->
+ forall env : Env, make_impl (eval env) t1 (make_conj (eval env) t2).
+intro t1; induction t2 as [| a2 t2' IH].
+intros; apply make_impl_true.
+intros wits H env.
+unfold check_conj_formulas in H; simpl in H.
+destruct wits as [| w ws]; simpl in H. discriminate.
+case_eq (check_formulas' (negate a2 :: normalise_list t1) w);
+intro H1; rewrite H1 in H; [| discriminate].
+assert (H2 : make_impl (eval' env) (negate a2 :: normalise_list t1) False) by
+now apply check_formulas'_sound with (w := w). clear H1.
+pose proof (IH ws H env) as H1. simpl in H2.
+assert (H3 : eval' env (negate a2) -> make_impl (eval env) t1 False)
+by auto using normalise_sound_contr. clear H2.
+rewrite <- make_conj_impl in *.
+rewrite make_conj_cons. intro H2. split.
+apply <- negate_correct. intro; now elim H3. exact (H1 H2).
+End CheckerMaker.