path: root/contrib/jprover/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/jprover/')
1 files changed, 106 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/jprover/ b/contrib/jprover/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c074e93e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/jprover/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+open Opname
+open Jterm
+type rule =
+ | Ax | Andr | Andl | Orr | Orr1 | Orr2 | Orl | Impr | Impl | Negr | Negl
+ | Allr | Alll| Exr | Exl | Fail | Falsel | Truer
+let ruletable = function
+ | Fail -> "Fail"
+ | Ax -> "Ax"
+ | Negl -> "Negl"
+ | Negr -> "Negr"
+ | Andl -> "Andl"
+ | Andr -> "Andr"
+ | Orl -> "Orl"
+ | Orr -> "Orr"
+ | Orr1 -> "Orr1"
+ | Orr2 -> "Orr2"
+ | Impl -> "Impl"
+ | Impr -> "Impr"
+ | Exl -> "Exl"
+ | Exr -> "Exr"
+ | Alll -> "Alll"
+ | Allr -> "Allr"
+ | Falsel -> "Falsel"
+ | Truer -> "Truer"
+module type JLogicSig =
+ (* understanding the input *)
+ val is_all_term : term -> bool
+ val dest_all : term -> string * term * term
+ val is_exists_term : term -> bool
+ val dest_exists : term -> string * term * term
+ val is_and_term : term -> bool
+ val dest_and : term -> term * term
+ val is_or_term : term -> bool
+ val dest_or : term -> term * term
+ val is_implies_term : term -> bool
+ val dest_implies : term -> term * term
+ val is_not_term : term -> bool
+ val dest_not : term -> term
+ (* processing the output *)
+ type inf_step = rule * (string * term) * (string * term)
+ type inference = inf_step list
+(* type inference *)
+ val empty_inf : inference
+ val append_inf : inference -> (string * term) -> (string * term) -> rule -> inference
+ val print_inf : inference -> unit
+(* Copy from []: *)
+ let rec print_address int_list =
+ match int_list with
+ | [] ->
+ Format.print_string ""
+ | hd::rest ->
+ begin
+ Format.print_int hd;
+ print_address rest
+ end
+module JLogic: JLogicSig =
+ let is_all_term = Jterm.is_all_term
+ let dest_all = Jterm.dest_all
+ let is_exists_term = Jterm.is_exists_term
+ let dest_exists = Jterm.dest_exists
+ let is_and_term = Jterm.is_and_term
+ let dest_and = Jterm.dest_and
+ let is_or_term = Jterm.is_or_term
+ let dest_or = Jterm.dest_or
+ let is_implies_term = Jterm.is_implies_term
+ let dest_implies = Jterm.dest_implies
+ let is_not_term = Jterm.is_not_term
+ let dest_not = Jterm.dest_not
+ type inf_step = rule * (string * term) * (string * term)
+ type inference = inf_step list
+ let empty_inf = []
+ let append_inf inf t1 t2 rule =
+ (rule, t1, t2)::inf
+ let rec print_inf inf =
+ match inf with
+ | [] -> print_string "."; Format.print_flush ()
+ | (rule, (n1,t1), (n2,t2))::d ->
+ print_string (ruletable rule);
+ print_string (":("^n1^":");
+ print_term stdout t1;
+ print_string (","^n2^":");
+ print_term stdout t2;
+ print_string ")\n";
+ print_inf d
+let show_loading s = print_string s
+type my_Debug = { mutable debug_name: string;
+ mutable debug_description: string;
+ debug_value: bool
+ }
+let create_debug x = ref false