path: root/contrib/jprover/jall.mli
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+(* JProver provides an efficient refiner for first-order classical
+ and first-order intuitionistic logic. It consists of two main parts:
+ a proof search procedure and a proof reconstruction procedure.
+ Proof Search
+ ============
+ The proof search process is based on a matrix-based (connection-based)
+ proof procedure, i.e.~a non-normalform extension procedure.
+ Besides the well-known quantifier substitution (Martelli Montanari),
+ a special string unifiation procedure is used in order to
+ efficiently compute intuitionistic rule non-permutabilities.
+ Proof Reconstruction
+ ====================
+ The proof reconstruction process converts machine-generated matrix proofs
+ into cut-free Gentzen-style sequent proofs. For classcal logic "C",
+ Gentzen's sequent calculus "LK" is used as target calculus.
+ For intuitionistic logic "J", either Gentzen's single-conclusioned sequent
+ calculus "LJ" or Fitting's multiply-conclusioned sequent calculus "LJmc"
+ can be used. All sequent claculi are implemented in a set-based formulation
+ in order to avoid structural rules.
+ The proof reconstruction procedure combines three main procedures, depending
+ on the selected logics and sequent calculi. It consists of:
+ 1) A uniform traversal algorithm for all logics and target sequent calculi.
+ This procedure converts classical (intuitionistic) matrix proofs
+ directly into cut-free "LK" ("LJmc" or "LJ") sequent proofs.
+ However, the direct construction of "LJ" proofs may fail in some cases
+ due to proof theoretical reasons.
+ 2) A complete redundancy deletion algorithm, which integrates additional
+ knowledge from the proof search process into the reconstruction process.
+ This procedure is called by the traversal algorithms in order to avoid
+ search and deadlocks during proof reconstruciton.
+ 3) A permutation-based proof transformation for converting "LJmc" proofs
+ into "LJ" proofs.
+ This procedure is called by-need, whenever the direct reconstruction
+ of "LJ" proofs from matrix proofs fails.
+ Literature:
+ ==========
+ JProver system description was presented at CADE 2001:
+ @InProceedings{inp:Schmitt+01a,
+ author = "Stephan Schmitt and Lori Lorigo and Christoph Kreitz and
+ Alexey Nogin",
+ title = "{{\sf JProver}}: Integrating Connection-based Theorem
+ Proving into Interactive Proof Assistants",
+ booktitle = "International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning",
+ year = "2001",
+ editor = "R. Gore and A. Leitsch and T. Nipkow",
+ volume = 2083,
+ series = LNAI,
+ pages = "421--426",
+ publisher = SPRINGER,
+ language = English,
+ where = OWN,
+ }
+ The implementation of JProver is based on the following publications:
+ Slides of PRL-seminar talks:
+ ---------------------------
+ An Efficient Refiner for First-order Intuitionistic Logic
+ An Efficient Refiner for First-order Intuitionistic Logic (Part II)
+ Proof search:
+ -------------
+ @InProceedings{inp:OttenKreitz96b,
+ author = "J.~Otten and C.~Kreitz",
+ title = "A uniform proof procedure for classical and
+ non-classical logics",
+ booktitle = "Proceedings of the 20$^{th}$ German Annual Conference on
+ Artificial Intelligence",
+ year = "1996",
+ editor = "G.~G{\"o}rz and S.~H{\"o}lldobler",
+ number = "1137",
+ series = LNAI,
+ pages = "307--319",
+ publisher = SPRINGER
+ }
+ @Article{ar:KreitzOtten99,
+ author = "C.~Kreitz and J.~Otten",
+ title = "Connection-based theorem proving in classical and
+ non-classical logics",
+ journal = "Journal for Universal Computer Science,
+ Special Issue on Integration of Deductive Systems",
+ year = "1999",
+ volume = "5",
+ number = "3",
+ pages = "88--112"
+ }
+ Special string unifiation procedure:
+ ------------------------------------
+ @InProceedings{inp:OttenKreitz96a,
+ author = "J.~Otten and C.~Kreitz",
+ titl = "T-string-unification: unifying prefixes in
+ non-classical proof methods",
+ booktitle = "Proceedings of the 5$^{th}$ Workshop on Theorem Proving
+ with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods",
+ year = 1996,
+ editor = "U.~Moscato",
+ number = "1071",
+ series = LNAI,
+ pages = "244--260",
+ publisher = SPRINGER,
+ month = "May "
+ }
+ Proof reconstruction: Uniform traversal algorithm
+ -------------------------------------------------
+ @InProceedings{inp:SchmittKreitz96a,
+ author = "S.~Schmitt and C.~Kreitz",
+ title = "Converting non-classical matrix proofs into
+ sequent-style systems",
+ booktitle = "Proceedings of the 13$^t{}^h$ Conference on
+ Automated Deduction",
+ editor = M.~A.~McRobbie and J.~K.~Slaney",
+ number = "1104",
+ series = LNAI,
+ pages = "418--432",
+ year = "1996",
+ publisher = SPRINGER,
+ month = "July/August"
+ }
+ @Article{ar:KreitzSchmitt00,
+ author = "C.~Kreitz and S.~Schmitt",
+ title = "A uniform procedure for converting matrix proofs
+ into sequent-style systems",
+ journal = "Journal of Information and Computation",
+ year = "2000",
+ note = "(to appear)"
+ }
+ @Book{bo:Schmitt00,
+ author = "S.~Schmitt",
+ title = "Proof reconstruction in classical and non-classical logics",
+ year = "2000",
+ publisher = "Infix",
+ series = "Dissertationen zur K{\"u}nstlichen Intelleigenz",
+ number = "(to appear)",
+ note = "(Ph.{D}.~{T}hesis, Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt,
+ FG Intellektik, Germany, 1999)"
+ }
+ The traversal algorithm is presented in the Chapters 2 and 3 of my thesis.
+ The thesis will be made available for the Department through Christoph Kreitz,
+ Upson 4159,
+ Proof reconstruction: Complete redundancy deletion
+ --------------------------------------------------
+ @Book{bo:Schmitt00,
+ author = "S.~Schmitt",
+ title = "Proof reconstruction in classical and non-classical logics",
+ year = "2000",
+ publisher = "Infix",
+ series = "Dissertationen zur K{\"u}nstlichen Intelleigenz",
+ note = "(Ph.{D}.~{T}hesis, Technische Universit{\"a}t Darmstadt,
+ FG Intellektik, Germany, 1999)"
+ note = "(to appear)",
+ }
+ The integration of proof knowledge and complete redundancy deletion is presented
+ in Chapter 4 of my thesis.
+ @InProceedings{inp:Schmitt00,
+ author = "S.~Schmitt",
+ title = "A tableau-like representation framework for efficient
+ proof reconstruction",
+ booktitle = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Theorem Proving
+ with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods",
+ year = "2000",
+ series = LNAI,
+ publisher = SPRINGER,
+ month = "June"
+ note = "(to appear)",
+ }
+ Proof Reconstruction: Permutation-based poof transformations "LJ" -> "LJmc"
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ @InProceedings{inp:EglySchmitt98,
+ author = "U.~Egly and S.~Schmitt",
+ title = "Intuitionistic proof transformations and their
+ application to constructive program synthesis",
+ booktitle = "Proceedings of the 4$^{th}$ International Conference
+ on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation",
+ year = "1998",
+ editor = "J.~Calmet and J.~Plaza",
+ number = "1476",
+ series = LNAI,
+ pages = "132--144",
+ publisher = SPRINGER,
+ month = "September"
+ }
+ @Article{ar:EglySchmitt99,
+ author = "U.~Egly and S.~Schmitt",
+ title = "On intuitionistic proof transformations, their
+ complexity, and application to constructive program synthesis",
+ journal = "Fundamenta Informaticae,
+ Special Issue: Symbolic Computation and Artificial Intelligence",
+ year = "1999",
+ volume = "39",
+ number = "1--2",
+ pages = "59--83"
+ }
+(*: open Refiner.Refiner
+open Refiner.Refiner.Term
+open Refiner.Refiner.TermType
+open Refiner.Refiner.TermSubst
+open Jlogic_sig
+open Jterm
+open Opname
+open Jlogic
+val ruletable : rule -> string
+module JProver(JLogic: JLogicSig) :
+ val test : term -> string -> string -> unit
+ (* Procedure call: test conclusion logic calculus
+ test is applied to a first-order formula. The output is some
+ formatted sequent proof for test / debugging purposes.
+ The arguments for test are as follows:
+ logic = "C"|"J"
+ i.e. first-order classical logic or first-order intuitionistic logic
+ calculus = "LK"|"LJ"|"LJmc"
+ i.e. "LK" for classical logic "C", and either Gentzen's single conclusioned
+ calculus "LJ" or Fittings multiply-conclusioned calculus "LJmc" for
+ intuitionistic logic "J".
+ term = first-order formula representing the proof goal.
+ *)
+ val seqtest : term -> string -> string -> unit
+ (* seqtest procedure is for debugging purposes only *)
+ val gen_prover : int option -> string -> string -> term list -> term list -> JLogic.inference
+ (* Procedure call: gen_prover mult_limit logic calculus hypothesis conclusion
+ The arguments for gen_prover are as follows:
+ mult_limit - maximal multiplicity to try, None for unlimited
+ logic = same as in test
+ calculus = same as in test
+ hypothesis = list of first-order terms forming the antecedent of the input sequent
+ conclusion = list of first-order terms forming the succedent of the input sequent
+ This list should contain only one element if logic = "J" and calculus = "LJ".
+ *)
+ val prover : int option -> term list -> term -> JLogic.inference
+ (* Procedure call: gen_prover mult_limit "J" "LJ" hyps [concl]
+ prover provides the first-order refiner for NuPRL, using
+ a single concluisoned succedent [concl] in the sequent.
+ The result is a sequent proof in the single-conclusioned calculus "LJ".
+ *)