path: root/contrib/interface/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/interface/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 422 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/interface/ b/contrib/interface/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1bbab5fe..00000000
--- a/contrib/interface/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,422 +0,0 @@
-open Util;;
-open System;;
-open Pp;;
-open Libnames;;
-open Library;;
-open Ascent;;
-open Vtp;;
-open Xlate;;
-open Line_parser;;
-open Pcoq;;
-open Vernacexpr;;
-open Mltop;;
-type parsed_tree =
- | P_cl of ct_COMMAND_LIST
- | P_c of ct_COMMAND
- | P_t of ct_TACTIC_COM
- | P_f of ct_FORMULA
- | P_id of ct_ID
- | P_s of ct_STRING
- | P_i of ct_INT;;
-let print_parse_results n msg =
- Pp.msg
- ( str "message\nparsed\n" ++
- int n ++
- str "\n" ++
- (match msg with
- | P_cl x -> fCOMMAND_LIST x
- | P_c x -> fCOMMAND x
- | P_t x -> fTACTIC_COM x
- | P_f x -> fFORMULA x
- | P_id x -> fID x
- | P_s x -> fSTRING x
- | P_i x -> fINT x) ++
- str "e\nblabla\n");
- flush stdout;;
-let ctf_SyntaxErrorMessage reqid pps =
- fnl () ++ str "message" ++ fnl () ++ str "syntax_error" ++ fnl () ++
- int reqid ++ fnl () ++
- pps ++ fnl () ++ str "E-n-d---M-e-s-s-a-g-e" ++ fnl ();;
-let ctf_SyntaxWarningMessage reqid pps =
- fnl () ++ str "message" ++ fnl () ++ str "syntax_warning" ++ fnl () ++
- int reqid ++ fnl () ++ pps ++ fnl () ++ str "E-n-d---M-e-s-s-a-g-e" ++ fnl();;
-let ctf_FileErrorMessage reqid pps =
- fnl () ++ str "message" ++ fnl () ++ str "file_error" ++ fnl () ++
- int reqid ++ fnl () ++ pps ++ fnl () ++ str "E-n-d---M-e-s-s-a-g-e" ++
- fnl ();;
-let execute_when_necessary v =
- (match v with
- | VernacOpenCloseScope sc -> Vernacentries.interp v
- | VernacRequire (_,_,l) ->
- (try
- Vernacentries.interp v
- with _ ->
- let l=prlist_with_sep spc pr_reference l in
- msgnl (str "Reinterning of " ++ l ++ str " failed"))
- | VernacRequireFrom (_,_,f) ->
- (try
- Vernacentries.interp v
- with _ ->
- msgnl (str "Reinterning of " ++ Util.pr_str f ++ str " failed"))
- | _ -> ()); v;;
-let parse_to_dot =
- let rec dot st = match st with
- | ("", ".") -> ()
- | ("EOI", "") -> raise End_of_file
- | _ -> dot st in
- Gram.Entry.of_parser "" dot;;
-let rec discard_to_dot stream =
- try Gram.Entry.parse parse_to_dot (Gram.parsable stream) with
- | Stdpp.Exc_located(_, Token.Error _) -> discard_to_dot stream;;
-let rec decompose_string_aux s n =
- try let index = String.index_from s n '\n' in
- (String.sub s n (index - n))::
- (decompose_string_aux s (index + 1))
- with Not_found -> [String.sub s n ((String.length s) - n)];;
-let decompose_string s n =
- match decompose_string_aux s n with
- ""::tl -> tl
- | a -> a;;
-let make_string_list file_chan fst_pos snd_pos =
- let len = (snd_pos - fst_pos) in
- let s = String.create len in
- begin
- seek_in file_chan fst_pos;
- really_input file_chan s 0 len;
- decompose_string s 0;
- end;;
-let rec get_sub_aux string_list snd_pos =
- match string_list with
- [] -> []
- | s::l ->
- let len = String.length s in
- if len >= snd_pos then
- if snd_pos < 0 then
- []
- else
- [String.sub s 0 snd_pos]
- else
- s::(get_sub_aux l (snd_pos - len - 1));;
-let rec get_substring_list string_list fst_pos snd_pos =
- match string_list with
- [] -> []
- | s::l ->
- let len = String.length s in
- if fst_pos > len then
- get_substring_list l (fst_pos - len - 1) (snd_pos - len - 1)
- else
- (* take into account the fact that carriage returns are not in the *)
- (* strings. *)
- let fst_pos2 = if fst_pos = 0 then 1 else fst_pos in
- if snd_pos > len then
- String.sub s (fst_pos2 - 1) (len + 1 - fst_pos2)::
- (get_sub_aux l (snd_pos - len - 2))
- else
- let gap = (snd_pos - fst_pos2) in
- if gap < 0 then
- []
- else
- [String.sub s (fst_pos2 - 1) gap];;
-(* When parsing a list of commands, we try to recover error messages for
- each individual command. *)
-type parse_result =
- | ParseOK of Vernacexpr.vernac_expr located option
- | ParseError of string * string list
-let embed_string s =
- CT_coerce_STRING_OPT_to_VARG (CT_coerce_STRING_to_STRING_OPT (CT_string s))
-let make_parse_error_item s l =
- CT_user_vernac (CT_ident s, CT_varg_list ( embed_string l))
-let parse_command_list reqid stream string_list =
- let rec parse_whole_stream () =
- let this_pos = Stream.count stream in
- let first_ast =
- try ParseOK (Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.main_entry (Gram.parsable stream))
- with
- | (Stdpp.Exc_located(l, Stream.Error txt)) as e ->
- begin
- msgnl (ctf_SyntaxWarningMessage reqid (Cerrors.explain_exn e));
- try
- discard_to_dot stream;
- msgnl (str "debug" ++ fnl () ++ int this_pos ++ fnl () ++
- int (Stream.count stream));
- ParseError ("PARSING_ERROR",
- get_substring_list string_list this_pos
- (Stream.count stream))
- with End_of_file -> ParseOK None
- end
- | e->
- begin
- discard_to_dot stream;
- ParseError ("PARSING_ERROR2",
- get_substring_list string_list this_pos (Stream.count stream))
- end in
- match first_ast with
- | ParseOK (Some (loc,ast)) ->
- let _ast0 = (execute_when_necessary ast) in
- (try xlate_vernac ast
- with e ->
- make_parse_error_item "PARSING_ERROR2"
- (get_substring_list string_list this_pos
- (Stream.count stream)))::parse_whole_stream()
- | ParseOK None -> []
- | ParseError (s,l) ->
- (make_parse_error_item s l)::parse_whole_stream()
- in
- match parse_whole_stream () with
- | first_one::tail -> (P_cl (CT_command_list(first_one, tail)))
- | [] -> raise (UserError ("parse_string", (str "empty text.")));;
-(*When parsing a string using a phylum, the string is first transformed
- into a Coq Ast using the regular Coq parser, then it is transformed into
- the right ascent term using xlate functions, then it is transformed into
- a stream, using the right vtp function. There is a special case for commands,
- since some of these must be executed!*)
-let parse_string_action reqid phylum char_stream string_list =
- try let msg =
- match phylum with
- parse_command_list reqid char_stream string_list
- | "COMMAND" ->
- P_c
- (xlate_vernac
- (execute_when_necessary
- (Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.Vernac_.vernac_eoi (Gram.parsable char_stream))))
- | "TACTIC_COM" ->
- P_t
- (xlate_tactic (Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_eoi
- (Gram.parsable char_stream)))
- | "FORMULA" ->
- P_f
- (xlate_formula
- (Gram.Entry.parse
- (Pcoq.eoi_entry Pcoq.Constr.lconstr) (Gram.parsable char_stream)))
- | "ID" -> P_id (CT_ident
- (Libnames.string_of_qualid
- (snd
- (Gram.Entry.parse (Pcoq.eoi_entry Pcoq.Prim.qualid)
- (Gram.parsable char_stream)))))
- | "STRING" ->
- P_s
- (CT_string (Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.Prim.string
- (Gram.parsable char_stream)))
- | "INT" ->
- P_i (CT_int (Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.Prim.natural
- (Gram.parsable char_stream)))
- | _ -> error "parse_string_action : bad phylum" in
- print_parse_results reqid msg
- with
- | Stdpp.Exc_located(l,Match_failure(_,_,_)) ->
- flush_until_end_of_stream char_stream;
- msgnl (ctf_SyntaxErrorMessage reqid
- (Cerrors.explain_exn
- (Stdpp.Exc_located(l,Stream.Error "match failure"))))
- | e ->
- flush_until_end_of_stream char_stream;
- msgnl (ctf_SyntaxErrorMessage reqid (Cerrors.explain_exn e));;
-let quiet_parse_string_action char_stream =
- try let _ =
- Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.Vernac_.vernac_eoi (Gram.parsable char_stream) in
- ()
- with
- | _ -> flush_until_end_of_stream char_stream; ();;
-let parse_file_action reqid file_name =
- try let file_chan = open_in file_name in
- (* file_chan_err, stream_err are the channel and stream used to
- get the text when a syntax error occurs *)
- let file_chan_err = open_in file_name in
- let stream = Stream.of_channel file_chan in
- let _stream_err = Stream.of_channel file_chan_err in
- let rec discard_to_dot () =
- try Gram.Entry.parse parse_to_dot (Gram.parsable stream)
- with Stdpp.Exc_located(_,Token.Error _) -> discard_to_dot() in
- match let rec parse_whole_file () =
- let this_pos = Stream.count stream in
- match
- try
- ParseOK(Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.main_entry (Gram.parsable stream))
- with
- | Stdpp.Exc_located(l,Stream.Error txt) ->
- msgnl (ctf_SyntaxWarningMessage reqid
- (str "Error with file" ++ spc () ++
- str file_name ++ fnl () ++
- Cerrors.explain_exn
- (Stdpp.Exc_located(l,Stream.Error txt))));
- (try
- begin
- discard_to_dot ();
- ParseError ("PARSING_ERROR",
- (make_string_list file_chan_err this_pos
- (Stream.count stream)))
- end
- with End_of_file -> ParseOK None)
- | e ->
- begin
- Gram.Entry.parse parse_to_dot (Gram.parsable stream);
- ParseError ("PARSING_ERROR2",
- (make_string_list file_chan this_pos
- (Stream.count stream)))
- end
- with
- | ParseOK (Some (_,ast)) ->
- let _ast0=(execute_when_necessary ast) in
- let term =
- (try xlate_vernac ast
- with e ->
- print_string ("translation error between " ^
- (string_of_int this_pos) ^
- " " ^
- (string_of_int (Stream.count stream)) ^
- "\n");
- make_parse_error_item "PARSING_ERROR2"
- (make_string_list file_chan_err this_pos
- (Stream.count stream))) in
- term::parse_whole_file ()
- | ParseOK None -> []
- | ParseError (s,l) ->
- (make_parse_error_item s l)::parse_whole_file () in
- parse_whole_file () with
- | first_one :: tail ->
- print_parse_results reqid
- (P_cl (CT_command_list (first_one, tail)))
- | [] -> raise (UserError ("parse_file_action", str "empty file."))
- with
- | Stdpp.Exc_located(l,Match_failure(_,_,_)) ->
- msgnl
- (ctf_SyntaxErrorMessage reqid
- (str "Error with file" ++ spc () ++ str file_name ++
- fnl () ++
- Cerrors.explain_exn
- (Stdpp.Exc_located(l,Stream.Error "match failure"))))
- | e ->
- msgnl
- (ctf_SyntaxErrorMessage reqid
- (str "Error with file" ++ spc () ++ str file_name ++
- fnl () ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e));;
-let add_rec_path_action reqid string_arg ident_arg =
- let directory_name = expand_path_macros string_arg in
- begin
- add_rec_path directory_name (Libnames.dirpath_of_string ident_arg)
- end;;
-let add_path_action reqid string_arg =
- let directory_name = expand_path_macros string_arg in
- begin
- add_path directory_name Names.empty_dirpath
- end;;
-let print_version_action () =
- msgnl (mt ());
- msgnl (str "$Id: 11749 2009-01-05 14:01:04Z notin $");;
-let load_syntax_action reqid module_name =
- msg (str "loading " ++ str module_name ++ str "... ");
- try
- (let qid = Libnames.make_short_qualid (Names.id_of_string module_name) in
- require_library [dummy_loc,qid] None;
- msg (str "opening... ");
- Declaremods.import_module false (Nametab.locate_module qid);
- msgnl (str "done" ++ fnl ());
- ())
- with
- | UserError (label, pp_stream) ->
- (*This one may be necessary to make sure that the message won't be indented *)
- msgnl (mt ());
- msgnl
- (fnl () ++ str "error while loading syntax module " ++ str module_name ++
- str ": " ++ str label ++ fnl () ++ pp_stream)
- | e ->
- msgnl (mt ());
- msgnl
- (fnl () ++ str "message" ++ fnl () ++ str "load_error" ++ fnl () ++
- int reqid ++ fnl ());
- ();;
-let coqparser_loop inchan =
- (parser_loop : (unit -> unit) *
- (int -> string -> char Stream.t -> string list -> unit) *
- (char Stream.t -> unit) * (int -> string -> unit) *
- (int -> string -> unit) * (int -> string -> string -> unit) *
- (int -> string -> unit) -> in_channel -> unit)
- (print_version_action, parse_string_action, quiet_parse_string_action, parse_file_action,
- add_path_action, add_rec_path_action, load_syntax_action) inchan;;
-if !Sys.interactive then ()
- else
-Libobject.relax true;
-(let coqdir =
- try Sys.getenv "COQDIR"
- with Not_found ->
- let coqdir = Envars.coqlib () in
- if Sys.file_exists coqdir then
- coqdir
- else
- (msgnl (str "could not find the value of COQDIR"); exit 1) in
- begin
- add_rec_path (Filename.concat coqdir "theories")
- (Names.make_dirpath [Nameops.coq_root]);
- add_rec_path (Filename.concat coqdir "contrib")
- (Names.make_dirpath [Nameops.coq_root])
- end;
-(let vernacrc =
- try
- Sys.getenv "VERNACRC"
- with
- Not_found ->
- List.fold_left
- (fun s1 s2 -> (Filename.concat s1 s2))
- coqdir [ "contrib"; "interface"; "vernacrc"] in
- try
- (Gramext.warning_verbose := false;
- coqparser_loop (open_in vernacrc))
- with
- | End_of_file -> ()
- | e ->
- (msgnl (Cerrors.explain_exn e);
- msgnl (str "could not load the VERNACRC file"));
- try
- msgnl (str vernacrc)
- with
- e -> ());
-(try let user_vernacrc =
- try Some(Sys.getenv "USERVERNACRC")
- with
- | Not_found ->
- msgnl (str "no .vernacrc file"); None in
- (match user_vernacrc with
- Some f -> coqparser_loop (open_in f)
- | None -> ())
- with
- | End_of_file -> ()
- | e ->
- msgnl (Cerrors.explain_exn e);
- msgnl (str "error in your .vernacrc file"));
-msgnl (str "Starting Centaur Specialized Parser Loop");
- coqparser_loop stdin
- | End_of_file -> ()
- | e -> msgnl(Cerrors.explain_exn e))