path: root/contrib/interface/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/interface/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 76 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/interface/ b/contrib/interface/
deleted file mode 100644
index 67279bb8..00000000
--- a/contrib/interface/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-(* A copy of pre V7 ast *)
-open Names
-open Libnames
-type loc = Util.loc
-type t =
- | Node of loc * string * t list
- | Nvar of loc * string
- | Slam of loc * string option * t
- | Num of loc * int
- | Id of loc * string
- | Str of loc * string
- | Path of loc * string list
- | Dynamic of loc * Dyn.t
-let section_path sl =
- match List.rev sl with
- | s::pa ->
- Libnames.encode_kn
- (make_dirpath ( id_of_string pa))
- (id_of_string s)
- | [] -> invalid_arg "section_path"
-let is_meta s = String.length s > 0 && s.[0] == '$'
-let purge_str s =
- if String.length s == 0 || s.[0] <> '$' then s
- else String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1)
-let rec ct_to_ast = function
- | Node (loc,a,b) -> Coqast.Node (loc,a, ct_to_ast b)
- | Nvar (loc,a) ->
- if is_meta a then Coqast.Nmeta (loc,purge_str a)
- else Coqast.Nvar (loc,id_of_string a)
- | Slam (loc,Some a,b) ->
- if is_meta a then Coqast.Smetalam (loc,purge_str a,ct_to_ast b)
- else Coqast.Slam (loc,Some (id_of_string a),ct_to_ast b)
- | Slam (loc,None,b) -> Coqast.Slam (loc,None,ct_to_ast b)
- | Num (loc,a) -> Coqast.Num (loc,a)
- | Id (loc,a) -> Coqast.Id (loc,a)
- | Str (loc,a) -> Coqast.Str (loc,a)
- | Path (loc,sl) -> Coqast.Path (loc,section_path sl)
- | Dynamic (loc,a) -> Coqast.Dynamic (loc,a)
-let rec ast_to_ct = function x -> failwith "ast_to_ct: not TODO?"
- | Coqast.Node (loc,a,b) -> Node (loc,a, ast_to_ct b)
- | Coqast.Nvar (loc,a) -> Nvar (loc,string_of_id a)
- | Coqast.Nmeta (loc,a) -> Nvar (loc,"$"^a)
- | Coqast.Slam (loc,Some a,b) ->
- Slam (loc,Some (string_of_id a),ast_to_ct b)
- | Coqast.Slam (loc,None,b) -> Slam (loc,None,ast_to_ct b)
- | Coqast.Smetalam (loc,a,b) -> Slam (loc,Some ("$"^a),ast_to_ct b)
- | Coqast.Num (loc,a) -> Num (loc,a)
- | Coqast.Id (loc,a) -> Id (loc,a)
- | Coqast.Str (loc,a) -> Str (loc,a)
- | Coqast.Path (loc,a) ->
- let (sl,bn) = Libnames.decode_kn a in
- Path(loc, ( string_of_id
- (List.rev (repr_dirpath sl))) @ [string_of_id bn])
- | Coqast.Dynamic (loc,a) -> Dynamic (loc,a)
-let loc = function
- | Node (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | Nvar (loc,_) -> loc
- | Slam (loc,_,_) -> loc
- | Num (loc,_) -> loc
- | Id (loc,_) -> loc
- | Str (loc,_) -> loc
- | Path (loc,_) -> loc
- | Dynamic (loc,_) -> loc
-let str s = Str(Util.dummy_loc,s)