path: root/contrib/funind
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16 files changed, 0 insertions, 10011 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/funind/Recdef.v b/contrib/funind/Recdef.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d206220..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/Recdef.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-Require Compare_dec.
-Require Wf_nat.
-Section Iter.
-Variable A : Type.
-Fixpoint iter (n : nat) : (A -> A) -> A -> A :=
- fun (fl : A -> A) (def : A) =>
- match n with
- | O => def
- | S m => fl (iter m fl def)
- end.
-End Iter.
-Theorem SSplus_lt : forall p p' : nat, p < S (S (p + p')).
- intro p; intro p'; change (S p <= S (S (p + p')));
- apply le_S; apply Gt.gt_le_S; change (p < S (p + p'));
- apply Lt.le_lt_n_Sm; apply Plus.le_plus_l.
-Theorem Splus_lt : forall p p' : nat, p' < S (p + p').
- intro p; intro p'; change (S p' <= S (p + p'));
- apply Gt.gt_le_S; change (p' < S (p + p')); apply Lt.le_lt_n_Sm;
- apply Plus.le_plus_r.
-Theorem le_lt_SS : forall x y, x <= y -> x < S (S y).
-intro x; intro y; intro H; change (S x <= S (S y));
- apply le_S; apply Gt.gt_le_S; change (x < S y);
- apply Lt.le_lt_n_Sm; exact H.
-Inductive max_type (m n:nat) : Set :=
- cmt : forall v, m <= v -> n <= v -> max_type m n.
-Definition max : forall m n:nat, max_type m n.
-intros m n; case (Compare_dec.le_gt_dec m n).
-intros h; exists n; [exact h | apply le_n].
-intros h; exists m; [apply le_n | apply Lt.lt_le_weak; exact h].
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
deleted file mode 100644
index b13bea9d..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1658 +0,0 @@
-open Printer
-open Util
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Names
-open Declarations
-open Pp
-open Entries
-open Hiddentac
-open Evd
-open Tacmach
-open Proof_type
-open Tacticals
-open Tactics
-open Indfun_common
-open Libnames
-let msgnl = Pp.msgnl
-let observe strm =
- if do_observe ()
- then Pp.msgnl strm
- else ()
-let observennl strm =
- if do_observe ()
- then begin Pp.msg strm;Pp.pp_flush () end
- else ()
-let do_observe_tac s tac g =
- try let v = tac g in (* msgnl (goal ++ fnl () ++ (str s)++(str " ")++(str "finished")); *) v
- with e ->
- let goal = begin try (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)) with _ -> assert false end in
- msgnl (str "observation "++ s++str " raised exception " ++
- Cerrors.explain_exn e ++ str " on goal " ++ goal );
- raise e;;
-let observe_tac_stream s tac g =
- if do_observe ()
- then do_observe_tac s tac g
- else tac g
-let observe_tac s tac g = observe_tac_stream (str s) tac g
-(* let tclTRYD tac = *)
-(* if !Flags.debug || do_observe () *)
-(* then (fun g -> try (\* do_observe_tac "" *\)tac g with _ -> tclIDTAC g) *)
-(* else tac *)
-let list_chop ?(msg="") n l =
- try
- list_chop n l
- with Failure (msg') ->
- failwith (msg ^ msg')
-let make_refl_eq type_of_t t =
- let refl_equal_term = Lazy.force refl_equal in
- mkApp(refl_equal_term,[|type_of_t;t|])
-type pte_info =
- {
- proving_tac : (identifier list -> Tacmach.tactic);
- is_valid : constr -> bool
- }
-type ptes_info = pte_info Idmap.t
-type 'a dynamic_info =
- {
- nb_rec_hyps : int;
- rec_hyps : identifier list ;
- eq_hyps : identifier list;
- info : 'a
- }
-type body_info = constr dynamic_info
-let finish_proof dynamic_infos g =
- observe_tac "finish"
- ( h_assumption)
- g
-let refine c =
- Tacmach.refine_no_check c
-let thin l =
- Tacmach.thin_no_check l
-let cut_replacing id t tac :tactic=
- tclTHENS (cut t)
- [ tclTHEN (thin_no_check [id]) (introduction_no_check id);
- tac
- ]
-let intro_erasing id = tclTHEN (thin [id]) (introduction id)
-let rec_hyp_id = id_of_string "rec_hyp"
-let is_trivial_eq t =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | App(f,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq) ->
- eq_constr t1 t2
- | _ -> false
-let rec incompatible_constructor_terms t1 t2 =
- let c1,arg1 = decompose_app t1
- and c2,arg2 = decompose_app t2
- in
- (not (eq_constr t1 t2)) &&
- isConstruct c1 && isConstruct c2 &&
- (
- not (eq_constr c1 c2) ||
- List.exists2 incompatible_constructor_terms arg1 arg2
- )
-let is_incompatible_eq t =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | App(f,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr f (Lazy.force eq) ->
- incompatible_constructor_terms t1 t2
- | _ -> false
-let change_hyp_with_using msg hyp_id t tac : tactic =
- fun g ->
- let prov_id = pf_get_new_id hyp_id g in
- tclTHENS
- ((* observe_tac msg *) (assert_by (Name prov_id) t (tclCOMPLETE tac)))
- [
- (* observe_tac "change_hyp_with_using thin" *) (thin [hyp_id]);
- (* observe_tac "change_hyp_with_using rename " *) (h_rename [prov_id,hyp_id])
- ]] g
-exception TOREMOVE
-let prove_trivial_eq h_id context (type_of_term,term) =
- let nb_intros = List.length context in
- [
- tclDO nb_intros intro; (* introducing context *)
- (fun g ->
- let context_hyps =
- fst (list_chop ~msg:"prove_trivial_eq : " nb_intros (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
- in
- let context_hyps' =
- (mkApp(Lazy.force refl_equal,[|type_of_term;term|]))::
- ( mkVar context_hyps)
- in
- let to_refine = applist(mkVar h_id,List.rev context_hyps') in
- refine to_refine g
- )
- ]
-let isAppConstruct t =
- if isApp t
- then isConstruct (fst (destApp t))
- else false
-let nf_betaiotazeta = (* Reductionops.local_strong Reductionops.whd_betaiotazeta *)
- let clos_norm_flags flgs env sigma t =
- Closure.norm_val (Closure.create_clos_infos flgs env) (Closure.inject (Reductionops.nf_evar sigma t)) in
- clos_norm_flags Closure.betaiotazeta Environ.empty_env Evd.empty
-let change_eq env sigma hyp_id (context:Sign.rel_context) x t end_of_type =
- let nochange msg =
- begin
-(* observe (str ("Not treating ( "^msg^" )") ++ pr_lconstr t ); *)
- failwith "NoChange";
- end
- in
- let eq_constr = Reductionops.is_conv env sigma in
- if not (noccurn 1 end_of_type)
- then nochange "dependent"; (* if end_of_type depends on this term we don't touch it *)
- if not (isApp t) then nochange "not an equality";
- let f_eq,args = destApp t in
- if not (eq_constr f_eq (Lazy.force eq)) then nochange "not an equality";
- let t1 = args.(1)
- and t2 = args.(2)
- and t1_typ = args.(0)
- in
- if not (closed0 t1) then nochange "not a closed lhs";
- let rec compute_substitution sub t1 t2 =
-(* observe (str "compute_substitution : " ++ pr_lconstr t1 ++ str " === " ++ pr_lconstr t2); *)
- if isRel t2
- then
- let t2 = destRel t2 in
- begin
- try
- let t1' = Intmap.find t2 sub in
- if not (eq_constr t1 t1') then nochange "twice bound variable";
- sub
- with Not_found ->
- assert (closed0 t1);
- Intmap.add t2 t1 sub
- end
- else if isAppConstruct t1 && isAppConstruct t2
- then
- begin
- let c1,args1 = destApp t1
- and c2,args2 = destApp t2
- in
- if not (eq_constr c1 c2) then anomaly "deconstructing equation";
- array_fold_left2 compute_substitution sub args1 args2
- end
- else
- if (eq_constr t1 t2) then sub else nochange "cannot solve"
- in
- let sub = compute_substitution Intmap.empty t1 t2 in
- let end_of_type_with_pop = pop end_of_type in (*the equation will be removed *)
- let new_end_of_type =
- (* Ugly hack to prevent Map.fold order change between ocaml-3.08.3 and ocaml-3.08.4
- Can be safely replaced by the next comment for Ocaml >= 3.08.4
- *)
- let sub' = Intmap.fold (fun i t acc -> (i,t)::acc) sub [] in
- let sub'' = List.sort (fun (x,_) (y,_) -> x y) sub' in
- List.fold_left (fun end_of_type (i,t) -> lift 1 (substnl [t] (i-1) end_of_type))
- end_of_type_with_pop
- sub''
- in
- let old_context_length = List.length context + 1 in
- let witness_fun =
- mkLetIn(Anonymous,make_refl_eq t1_typ t1,t,
- mkApp(mkVar hyp_id,Array.init old_context_length (fun i -> mkRel (old_context_length - i)))
- )
- in
- let new_type_of_hyp,ctxt_size,witness_fun =
- list_fold_left_i
- (fun i (end_of_type,ctxt_size,witness_fun) ((x',b',t') as decl) ->
- try
- let witness = Intmap.find i sub in
- if b' <> None then anomaly "can not redefine a rel!";
- (pop end_of_type,ctxt_size,mkLetIn(x',witness,t',witness_fun))
- with Not_found ->
- (mkProd_or_LetIn decl end_of_type, ctxt_size + 1, mkLambda_or_LetIn decl witness_fun)
- )
- 1
- (new_end_of_type,0,witness_fun)
- context
- in
- let new_type_of_hyp =
- Reductionops.nf_betaiota Evd.empty new_type_of_hyp in
- let new_ctxt,new_end_of_type =
- Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum ctxt_size new_type_of_hyp
- in
- let prove_new_hyp : tactic =
- tclTHEN
- (tclDO ctxt_size intro)
- (fun g ->
- let all_ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- let new_ids,_ = list_chop ctxt_size all_ids in
- let to_refine = applist(witness_fun,List.rev_map mkVar new_ids) in
- refine to_refine g
- )
- in
- let simpl_eq_tac =
- change_hyp_with_using "prove_pattern_simplification" hyp_id new_type_of_hyp prove_new_hyp
- in
-(* observe (str "In " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id ++ *)
-(* str "removing an equation " ++ fnl ()++ *)
-(* str "old_typ_of_hyp :=" ++ *)
-(* Printer.pr_lconstr_env *)
-(* env *)
-(* (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:end_of_type ((x,None,t)::context)) *)
-(* ++ fnl () ++ *)
-(* str "new_typ_of_hyp := "++ *)
-(* Printer.pr_lconstr_env env new_type_of_hyp ++ fnl () *)
-(* ++ str "old context := " ++ pr_rel_context env context ++ fnl () *)
-(* ++ str "new context := " ++ pr_rel_context env new_ctxt ++ fnl () *)
-(* ++ str "old type := " ++ pr_lconstr end_of_type ++ fnl () *)
-(* ++ str "new type := " ++ pr_lconstr new_end_of_type ++ fnl () *)
-(* ); *)
- new_ctxt,new_end_of_type,simpl_eq_tac
-let is_property ptes_info t_x full_type_of_hyp =
- if isApp t_x
- then
- let pte,args = destApp t_x in
- if isVar pte && array_for_all closed0 args
- then
- try
- let info = Idmap.find (destVar pte) ptes_info in
- info.is_valid full_type_of_hyp
- with Not_found -> false
- else false
- else false
-let isLetIn t =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | LetIn _ -> true
- | _ -> false
-let h_reduce_with_zeta =
- h_reduce
- (Rawterm.Cbv
- {Rawterm.all_flags
- with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
- })
-let rewrite_until_var arg_num eq_ids : tactic =
- (* tests if the declares recursive argument is neither a Constructor nor
- an applied Constructor since such a form for the recursive argument
- will break the Guard when trying to save the Lemma.
- *)
- let test_var g =
- let _,args = destApp (pf_concl g) in
- not ((isConstruct args.(arg_num)) || isAppConstruct args.(arg_num))
- in
- let rec do_rewrite eq_ids g =
- if test_var g
- then tclIDTAC g
- else
- match eq_ids with
- | [] -> anomaly "Cannot find a way to prove recursive property";
- | eq_id::eq_ids ->
- tclTHEN
- (tclTRY (Equality.rewriteRL (mkVar eq_id)))
- (do_rewrite eq_ids)
- g
- in
- do_rewrite eq_ids
-let rec_pte_id = id_of_string "Hrec"
-let clean_hyp_with_heq ptes_infos eq_hyps hyp_id env sigma =
- let coq_False = Coqlib.build_coq_False () in
- let coq_True = Coqlib.build_coq_True () in
- let coq_I = Coqlib.build_coq_I () in
- let rec scan_type context type_of_hyp : tactic =
- if isLetIn type_of_hyp then
- let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:type_of_hyp context in
- let reduced_type_of_hyp = nf_betaiotazeta real_type_of_hyp in
- (* length of context didn't change ? *)
- let new_context,new_typ_of_hyp =
- Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum (List.length context) reduced_type_of_hyp
- in
- [
- h_reduce_with_zeta
- (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)
- ;
- scan_type new_context new_typ_of_hyp
- ]
- else if isProd type_of_hyp
- then
- begin
- let (x,t_x,t') = destProd type_of_hyp in
- let actual_real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:t' context in
- if is_property ptes_infos t_x actual_real_type_of_hyp then
- begin
- let pte,pte_args = (destApp t_x) in
- let (* fix_info *) prove_rec_hyp = (Idmap.find (destVar pte) ptes_infos).proving_tac in
- let popped_t' = pop t' in
- let real_type_of_hyp = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context in
- let prove_new_type_of_hyp =
- let context_length = List.length context in
- [
- tclDO context_length intro;
- (fun g ->
- let context_hyps_ids =
- fst (list_chop ~msg:"rec hyp : context_hyps"
- context_length (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
- in
- let rec_pte_id = pf_get_new_id rec_pte_id g in
- let to_refine =
- applist(mkVar hyp_id,
- List.rev_map mkVar (rec_pte_id::context_hyps_ids)
- )
- in
-(* observe_tac "rec hyp " *)
- (tclTHENS
- (assert_tac (Name rec_pte_id) t_x)
- [
- (* observe_tac "prove rec hyp" *) (prove_rec_hyp eq_hyps);
-(* observe_tac "prove rec hyp" *)
- (refine to_refine)
- ])
- g
- )
- ]
- in
- [
-(* observe_tac "hyp rec" *)
- (change_hyp_with_using "rec_hyp_tac" hyp_id real_type_of_hyp prove_new_type_of_hyp);
- scan_type context popped_t'
- ]
- end
- else if eq_constr t_x coq_False then
- begin
-(* observe (str "Removing : "++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id++ *)
-(* str " since it has False in its preconds " *)
-(* ); *)
- raise TOREMOVE; (* False -> .. useless *)
- end
- else if is_incompatible_eq t_x then raise TOREMOVE (* t_x := C1 ... = C2 ... *)
- else if eq_constr t_x coq_True (* Trivial => we remove this precons *)
- then
-(* observe (str "In "++Ppconstr.pr_id hyp_id++ *)
-(* str " removing useless precond True" *)
-(* ); *)
- let popped_t' = pop t' in
- let real_type_of_hyp =
- it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context
- in
- let prove_trivial =
- let nb_intro = List.length context in
- tclDO nb_intro intro;
- (fun g ->
- let context_hyps =
- fst (list_chop ~msg:"removing True : context_hyps "nb_intro (pf_ids_of_hyps g))
- in
- let to_refine =
- applist (mkVar hyp_id,
- List.rev ( mkVar context_hyps)
- )
- in
- refine to_refine g
- )
- ]
- in
- change_hyp_with_using "prove_trivial" hyp_id real_type_of_hyp
- ((* observe_tac "prove_trivial" *) prove_trivial);
- scan_type context popped_t'
- ]
- else if is_trivial_eq t_x
- then (* t_x := t = t => we remove this precond *)
- let popped_t' = pop t' in
- let real_type_of_hyp =
- it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:popped_t' context
- in
- let _,args = destApp t_x in
- [
- change_hyp_with_using
- "prove_trivial_eq"
- hyp_id
- real_type_of_hyp
- ((* observe_tac "prove_trivial_eq" *) (prove_trivial_eq hyp_id context (args.(0),args.(1))));
- scan_type context popped_t'
- ]
- else
- begin
- try
- let new_context,new_t',tac = change_eq env sigma hyp_id context x t_x t' in
- tclTHEN
- tac
- (scan_type new_context new_t')
- with Failure "NoChange" ->
- (* Last thing todo : push the rel in the context and continue *)
- scan_type ((x,None,t_x)::context) t'
- end
- end
- else
- tclIDTAC
- in
- try
- scan_type [] (Typing.type_of env sigma (mkVar hyp_id)), [hyp_id]
- with TOREMOVE ->
- thin [hyp_id],[]
-let clean_goal_with_heq ptes_infos continue_tac dyn_infos =
- fun g ->
- let env = pf_env g
- and sigma = project g
- in
- let tac,new_hyps =
- List.fold_left (
- fun (hyps_tac,new_hyps) hyp_id ->
- let hyp_tac,new_hyp =
- clean_hyp_with_heq ptes_infos dyn_infos.eq_hyps hyp_id env sigma
- in
- (tclTHEN hyp_tac hyps_tac),new_hyp@new_hyps
- )
- (tclIDTAC,[])
- dyn_infos.rec_hyps
- in
- let new_infos =
- { dyn_infos with
- rec_hyps = new_hyps;
- nb_rec_hyps = List.length new_hyps
- }
- in
- [
- tac ;
- (* observe_tac "clean_hyp_with_heq continue" *) (continue_tac new_infos)
- ]
- g
-let heq_id = id_of_string "Heq"
-let treat_new_case ptes_infos nb_prod continue_tac term dyn_infos =
- fun g ->
- let heq_id = pf_get_new_id heq_id g in
- let nb_first_intro = nb_prod - 1 - dyn_infos.nb_rec_hyps in
- [
- (* We first introduce the variables *)
- tclDO nb_first_intro (intro_avoiding dyn_infos.rec_hyps);
- (* Then the equation itself *)
- introduction_no_check heq_id;
- (* Then the new hypothesis *)
- tclMAP introduction_no_check dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
- (* observe_tac "after_introduction" *)(fun g' ->
- (* We get infos on the equations introduced*)
- let new_term_value_eq = pf_type_of g' (mkVar heq_id) in
- (* compute the new value of the body *)
- let new_term_value =
- match kind_of_term new_term_value_eq with
- | App(f,[| _;_;args2 |]) -> args2
- | _ ->
- observe (str "cannot compute new term value : " ++ pr_gls g' ++ fnl () ++ str "last hyp is" ++
- pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g') new_term_value_eq
- );
- anomaly "cannot compute new term value"
- in
- let fun_body =
- mkLambda(Anonymous,
- pf_type_of g' term,
- replace_term term (mkRel 1)
- )
- in
- let new_body = pf_nf_betaiota g' (mkApp(fun_body,[| new_term_value |])) in
- let new_infos =
- {dyn_infos with
- info = new_body;
- eq_hyps = heq_id::dyn_infos.eq_hyps
- }
- in
- clean_goal_with_heq ptes_infos continue_tac new_infos g'
- )
- ]
- g
-let my_orelse tac1 tac2 g =
- try
- tac1 g
- with e ->
-(* observe (str "using snd tac since : " ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e); *)
- tac2 g
-let instanciate_hyps_with_args (do_prove:identifier list -> tactic) hyps args_id =
- let args = Array.of_list ( mkVar args_id) in
- let instanciate_one_hyp hid =
- my_orelse
- ( (* we instanciate the hyp if possible *)
- fun g ->
- let prov_hid = pf_get_new_id hid g in
- pose_proof (Name prov_hid) (mkApp(mkVar hid,args));
- thin [hid];
- h_rename [prov_hid,hid]
- ] g
- )
- ( (*
- if not then we are in a mutual function block
- and this hyp is a recursive hyp on an other function.
- We are not supposed to use it while proving this
- principle so that we can trash it
- *)
- (fun g ->
-(* observe (str "Instanciation: removing hyp " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hid); *)
- thin [hid] g
- )
- )
- in
- if args_id = []
- then
- tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) hyps;
- do_prove hyps
- ]
- else
- [
- tclMAP (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id)) hyps;
- tclMAP instanciate_one_hyp hyps;
- (fun g ->
- let all_g_hyps_id =
- List.fold_right Idset.add (pf_ids_of_hyps g) Idset.empty
- in
- let remaining_hyps =
- List.filter (fun id -> Idset.mem id all_g_hyps_id) hyps
- in
- do_prove remaining_hyps g
- )
- ]
-let build_proof
- (interactive_proof:bool)
- (fnames:constant list)
- ptes_infos
- dyn_infos
- : tactic =
- let rec build_proof_aux do_finalize dyn_infos : tactic =
- fun g ->
-(* observe (str "proving on " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) term);*)
- match kind_of_term with
- | Case(ci,ct,t,cb) ->
- let do_finalize_t dyn_info' =
- fun g ->
- let t = dyn_info'.info in
- let dyn_infos = {dyn_info' with info =
- mkCase(ci,ct,t,cb)} in
- let g_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
- let type_of_term = pf_type_of g t in
- let term_eq =
- make_refl_eq type_of_term t
- in
- [
- h_generalize (term_eq::( mkVar dyn_infos.rec_hyps));
- thin dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
- pattern_option [(false,[1]),t] None;
- h_simplest_case t;
- (fun g' ->
- let g'_nb_prod = nb_prod (pf_concl g') in
- let nb_instanciate_partial = g'_nb_prod - g_nb_prod in
- observe_tac "treat_new_case"
- (treat_new_case
- ptes_infos
- nb_instanciate_partial
- (build_proof do_finalize)
- t
- dyn_infos)
- g'
- )
- ] g
- in
- build_proof do_finalize_t {dyn_infos with info = t} g
- | Lambda(n,t,b) ->
- begin
- match kind_of_term( pf_concl g) with
- | Prod _ ->
- tclTHEN
- intro
- (fun g' ->
- let (id,_,_) = pf_last_hyp g' in
- let new_term =
- pf_nf_betaiota g'
- (mkApp(,[|mkVar id|]))
- in
- let new_infos = {dyn_infos with info = new_term} in
- let do_prove new_hyps =
- build_proof do_finalize
- {new_infos with
- rec_hyps = new_hyps;
- nb_rec_hyps = List.length new_hyps
- }
- in
-(* observe_tac "Lambda" *) (instanciate_hyps_with_args do_prove new_infos.rec_hyps [id]) g'
- (* build_proof do_finalize new_infos g' *)
- ) g
- | _ ->
- do_finalize dyn_infos g
- end
- | Cast(t,_,_) ->
- build_proof do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = t} g
- | Const _ | Var _ | Meta _ | Evar _ | Sort _ | Construct _ | Ind _ ->
- do_finalize dyn_infos g
- | App(_,_) ->
- let f,args = decompose_app in
- begin
- match kind_of_term f with
- | App _ -> assert false (* we have collected all the app in decompose_app *)
- | Var _ | Construct _ | Rel _ | Evar _ | Meta _ | Ind _ | Sort _ | Prod _ ->
- let new_infos =
- { dyn_infos with
- info = (f,args)
- }
- in
- build_proof_args do_finalize new_infos g
- | Const c when not (List.mem c fnames) ->
- let new_infos =
- { dyn_infos with
- info = (f,args)
- }
- in
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "proving in " ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g); *)
- build_proof_args do_finalize new_infos g
- | Const _ ->
- do_finalize dyn_infos g
- | Lambda _ ->
- let new_term =
- Reductionops.nf_beta Evd.empty in
- build_proof do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = new_term}
- g
- | LetIn _ ->
- let new_infos =
- { dyn_infos with info = nf_betaiotazeta }
- in
- [tclMAP
- (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id))
- dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
- h_reduce_with_zeta Tacticals.onConcl;
- build_proof do_finalize new_infos
- ]
- g
- | Cast(b,_,_) ->
- build_proof do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = b } g
- | Case _ | Fix _ | CoFix _ ->
- let new_finalize dyn_infos =
- let new_infos =
- { dyn_infos with
- info =,args
- }
- in
- build_proof_args do_finalize new_infos
- in
- build_proof new_finalize {dyn_infos with info = f } g
- end
- | Fix _ | CoFix _ ->
- error ( "Anonymous local (co)fixpoints are not handled yet")
- | Prod _ -> error "Prod"
- | LetIn _ ->
- let new_infos =
- { dyn_infos with
- info = nf_betaiotazeta
- }
- in
- [tclMAP
- (fun hyp_id -> h_reduce_with_zeta (Tacticals.onHyp hyp_id))
- dyn_infos.rec_hyps;
- h_reduce_with_zeta Tacticals.onConcl;
- build_proof do_finalize new_infos
- ] g
- | Rel _ -> anomaly "Free var in goal conclusion !"
- and build_proof do_finalize dyn_infos g =
-(* observe (str "proving with "++Printer.pr_lconstr str " on goal " ++ pr_gls g); *)
- observe_tac "build_proof" (build_proof_aux do_finalize dyn_infos) g
- and build_proof_args do_finalize dyn_infos (* f_args' args *) :tactic =
- fun g ->
- let (f_args',args) = in
- let tac : tactic =
- fun g ->
- match args with
- | [] ->
- do_finalize {dyn_infos with info = f_args'} g
- | arg::args ->
-(* observe (str "build_proof_args with arg := "++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) arg++ *)
-(* fnl () ++ *)
-(* pr_goal (Tacmach.sig_it g) *)
-(* ); *)
- let do_finalize dyn_infos =
- let new_arg = in
- (* tclTRYD *)
- (build_proof_args
- do_finalize
- {dyn_infos with info = (mkApp(f_args',[|new_arg|])), args}
- )
- in
- build_proof do_finalize
- {dyn_infos with info = arg }
- g
- in
- (* observe_tac "build_proof_args" *) (tac ) g
- in
- let do_finish_proof dyn_infos =
- (* tclTRYD *) (clean_goal_with_heq
- ptes_infos
- finish_proof dyn_infos)
- in
- (* observe_tac "build_proof" *)
- (build_proof (clean_goal_with_heq ptes_infos do_finish_proof) dyn_infos)
-(* Proof of principles from structural functions *)
-let is_pte_type t =
- isSort (snd (decompose_prod t))
-let is_pte (_,_,t) = is_pte_type t
-type static_fix_info =
- {
- idx : int;
- name : identifier;
- types : types;
- offset : int;
- nb_realargs : int;
- body_with_param : constr;
- num_in_block : int
- }
-let prove_rec_hyp_for_struct fix_info =
- (fun eq_hyps -> tclTHEN
- (rewrite_until_var (fix_info.idx) eq_hyps)
- (fun g ->
- let _,pte_args = destApp (pf_concl g) in
- let rec_hyp_proof =
- mkApp(mkVar,array_get_start pte_args)
- in
- refine rec_hyp_proof g
- ))
-let prove_rec_hyp fix_info =
- { proving_tac = prove_rec_hyp_for_struct fix_info
- ;
- is_valid = fun _ -> true
- }
-exception Not_Rec
-let generalize_non_dep hyp g =
-(* observe (str "rec id := " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hyp); *)
- let hyps = [hyp] in
- let env = Global.env () in
- let hyp_typ = pf_type_of g (mkVar hyp) in
- let to_revert,_ =
- Environ.fold_named_context_reverse (fun (clear,keep) (hyp,_,_ as decl) ->
- if List.mem hyp hyps
- or List.exists (occur_var_in_decl env hyp) keep
- or occur_var env hyp hyp_typ
- or Termops.is_section_variable hyp (* should be dangerous *)
- then (clear,decl::keep)
- else (hyp::clear,keep))
- ~init:([],[]) (pf_env g)
- in
-(* observe (str "to_revert := " ++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id to_revert); *)
- tclTHEN
- ((* observe_tac "h_generalize" *) (h_generalize ( mkVar to_revert) ))
- ((* observe_tac "thin" *) (thin to_revert))
- g
-let id_of_decl (na,_,_) = (Nameops.out_name na)
-let var_of_decl decl = mkVar (id_of_decl decl)
-let revert idl =
- tclTHEN
- (generalize ( mkVar idl))
- (thin idl)
-let generate_equation_lemma fnames f fun_num nb_params nb_args rec_args_num =
-(* observe (str "nb_args := " ++ str (string_of_int nb_args)); *)
-(* observe (str "nb_params := " ++ str (string_of_int nb_params)); *)
-(* observe (str "rec_args_num := " ++ str (string_of_int (rec_args_num + 1) )); *)
- let f_def = Global.lookup_constant (destConst f) in
- let eq_lhs = mkApp(f,Array.init (nb_params + nb_args) (fun i -> mkRel(nb_params + nb_args - i))) in
- let f_body =
- force (Option.get f_def.const_body)
- in
- let params,f_body_with_params = decompose_lam_n nb_params f_body in
- let (_,num),(_,_,bodies) = destFix f_body_with_params in
- let fnames_with_params =
- let params = Array.init nb_params (fun i -> mkRel(nb_params - i)) in
- let fnames = List.rev (Array.to_list ( (fun f -> mkApp(f,params)) fnames)) in
- fnames
- in
-(* observe (str "fnames_with_params " ++ prlist_with_sep fnl pr_lconstr fnames_with_params); *)
-(* observe (str "body " ++ pr_lconstr bodies.(num)); *)
- let f_body_with_params_and_other_fun = substl fnames_with_params bodies.(num) in
-(* observe (str "f_body_with_params_and_other_fun " ++ pr_lconstr f_body_with_params_and_other_fun); *)
- let eq_rhs = nf_betaiotazeta (mkApp(compose_lam params f_body_with_params_and_other_fun,Array.init (nb_params + nb_args) (fun i -> mkRel(nb_params + nb_args - i)))) in
-(* observe (str "eq_rhs " ++ pr_lconstr eq_rhs); *)
- let type_ctxt,type_of_f = Sign.decompose_prod_n_assum (nb_params + nb_args)
- (Typeops.type_of_constant_type (Global.env()) f_def.const_type) in
- let eqn = mkApp(Lazy.force eq,[|type_of_f;eq_lhs;eq_rhs|]) in
- let lemma_type = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:eqn type_ctxt in
- let f_id = id_of_label (con_label (destConst f)) in
- let prove_replacement =
- [
- tclDO (nb_params + rec_args_num + 1) intro;
- (* observe_tac "" *) (fun g ->
- let rec_id = pf_nth_hyp_id g 1 in
- [(* observe_tac "generalize_non_dep in generate_equation_lemma" *) (generalize_non_dep rec_id);
- (* observe_tac "h_case" *) (h_case false (mkVar rec_id,Rawterm.NoBindings));
- intros_reflexivity] g
- )
- ]
- in
- Command.start_proof
- (*i The next call to mk_equation_id is valid since we are constructing the lemma
- Ensures by: obvious
- i*)
- (mk_equation_id f_id)
- (Decl_kinds.Global,(Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Theorem))
- lemma_type
- (fun _ _ -> ());
- (prove_replacement);
- Command.save_named false
-let do_replace params rec_arg_num rev_args_id f fun_num all_funs g =
- let equation_lemma =
- try
- let finfos = find_Function_infos (destConst f) in
- mkConst (Option.get finfos.equation_lemma)
- with (Not_found | Option.IsNone as e) ->
- let f_id = id_of_label (con_label (destConst f)) in
- (*i The next call to mk_equation_id is valid since we will construct the lemma
- Ensures by: obvious
- i*)
- let equation_lemma_id = (mk_equation_id f_id) in
- generate_equation_lemma all_funs f fun_num (List.length params) (List.length rev_args_id) rec_arg_num;
- let _ =
- match e with
- | Option.IsNone ->
- let finfos = find_Function_infos (destConst f) in
- update_Function
- {finfos with
- equation_lemma = Some (match Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid equation_lemma_id) with
- ConstRef c -> c
- | _ -> Util.anomaly "Not a constant"
- )
- }
- | _ -> ()
- in
- Tacinterp.constr_of_id (pf_env g) equation_lemma_id
- in
- let nb_intro_to_do = nb_prod (pf_concl g) in
- tclTHEN
- (tclDO nb_intro_to_do intro)
- (
- fun g' ->
- let just_introduced = nLastHyps nb_intro_to_do g' in
- let just_introduced_id = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) just_introduced in
- tclTHEN (Equality.rewriteLR equation_lemma) (revert just_introduced_id) g'
- )
- g
-let prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof fun_num fnames all_funs _nparams : tactic =
- fun g ->
- let princ_type = pf_concl g in
- let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
- let fresh_id =
- let avoid = ref (pf_ids_of_hyps g) in
- (fun na ->
- let new_id =
- match na with
- Name id -> fresh_id !avoid (string_of_id id)
- | Anonymous -> fresh_id !avoid "H"
- in
- avoid := new_id :: !avoid;
- (Name new_id)
- )
- in
- let fresh_decl =
- (fun (na,b,t) ->
- (fresh_id na,b,t)
- )
- in
- let princ_info : elim_scheme =
- { princ_info with
- params = fresh_decl princ_info.params;
- predicates = fresh_decl princ_info.predicates;
- branches = fresh_decl princ_info.branches;
- args = fresh_decl princ_info.args
- }
- in
- let get_body const =
- match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
- | Some b ->
- let body = force b in
- Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
- (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
- (Global.env ())
- (Evd.empty)
- body
- | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
- in
- let fbody = get_body fnames.(fun_num) in
- let f_ctxt,f_body = decompose_lam fbody in
- let f_ctxt_length = List.length f_ctxt in
- let diff_params = princ_info.nparams - f_ctxt_length in
- let full_params,princ_params,fbody_with_full_params =
- if diff_params > 0
- then
- let princ_params,full_params =
- list_chop diff_params princ_info.params
- in
- (full_params, (* real params *)
- princ_params, (* the params of the principle which are not params of the function *)
- substl (* function instanciated with real params *)
- ( var_of_decl full_params)
- f_body
- )
- else
- let f_ctxt_other,f_ctxt_params =
- list_chop (- diff_params) f_ctxt in
- let f_body = compose_lam f_ctxt_other f_body in
- (princ_info.params, (* real params *)
- [],(* all params are full params *)
- substl (* function instanciated with real params *)
- ( var_of_decl princ_info.params)
- f_body
- )
- in
-(* observe (str "full_params := " ++ *)
-(* prlist_with_sep spc (fun (na,_,_) -> Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name na)) *)
-(* full_params *)
-(* ); *)
-(* observe (str "princ_params := " ++ *)
-(* prlist_with_sep spc (fun (na,_,_) -> Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name na)) *)
-(* princ_params *)
-(* ); *)
-(* observe (str "fbody_with_full_params := " ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr fbody_with_full_params *)
-(* ); *)
- let all_funs_with_full_params =
- (fun f -> applist(f, List.rev_map var_of_decl full_params)) all_funs
- in
- let fix_offset = List.length princ_params in
- let ptes_to_fix,infos =
- match kind_of_term fbody_with_full_params with
- | Fix((idxs,i),(names,typess,bodies)) ->
- let bodies_with_all_params =
- (fun body ->
- Reductionops.nf_betaiota Evd.empty
- (applist(substl (List.rev (Array.to_list all_funs_with_full_params)) body,
- List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params))
- )
- bodies
- in
- let info_array =
- Array.mapi
- (fun i types ->
- let types = prod_applist types (List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params) in
- { idx = idxs.(i) - fix_offset;
- name = Nameops.out_name (fresh_id names.(i));
- types = types;
- offset = fix_offset;
- nb_realargs =
- List.length
- (fst (decompose_lam bodies.(i))) - fix_offset;
- body_with_param = bodies_with_all_params.(i);
- num_in_block = i
- }
- )
- typess
- in
- let pte_to_fix,rev_info =
- list_fold_left_i
- (fun i (acc_map,acc_info) (pte,_,_) ->
- let infos = info_array.(i) in
- let type_args,_ = decompose_prod infos.types in
- let nargs = List.length type_args in
- let f = applist(mkConst fnames.(i), List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_info.params) in
- let first_args = Array.init nargs (fun i -> mkRel (nargs -i)) in
- let app_f = mkApp(f,first_args) in
- let pte_args = (Array.to_list first_args)@[app_f] in
- let app_pte = applist(mkVar (Nameops.out_name pte),pte_args) in
- let body_with_param,num =
- let body = get_body fnames.(i) in
- let body_with_full_params =
- Reductionops.nf_betaiota Evd.empty (
- applist(body,List.rev_map var_of_decl full_params))
- in
- match kind_of_term body_with_full_params with
- | Fix((_,num),(_,_,bs)) ->
- Reductionops.nf_betaiota Evd.empty
- (
- (applist
- (substl
- (List.rev
- (Array.to_list all_funs_with_full_params))
- bs.(num),
- List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params))
- ),num
- | _ -> error "Not a mutual block"
- in
- let info =
- {infos with
- types = compose_prod type_args app_pte;
- body_with_param = body_with_param;
- num_in_block = num
- }
- in
-(* observe (str "binding " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id (Nameops.out_name pte) ++ *)
-(* str " to " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id; *)
- (Idmap.add (Nameops.out_name pte) info acc_map,info::acc_info)
- )
- 0
- (Idmap.empty,[])
- (List.rev princ_info.predicates)
- in
- pte_to_fix,List.rev rev_info
- | _ -> Idmap.empty,[]
- in
- let mk_fixes : tactic =
- let pre_info,infos = list_chop fun_num infos in
- match pre_info,infos with
- | [],[] -> tclIDTAC
- | _, this_fix_info::others_infos ->
- let other_fix_infos =
- (fun fi ->,fi.idx + 1 ,fi.types)
- (pre_info@others_infos)
- in
- if other_fix_infos = []
- then
- (* observe_tac ("h_fix") *) (h_fix (Some (this_fix_info.idx +1))
- else
- h_mutual_fix false (this_fix_info.idx + 1)
- other_fix_infos
- | _ -> anomaly "Not a valid information"
- in
- let first_tac : tactic = (* every operations until fix creations *)
- [ (* observe_tac "introducing params" *) (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.params));
- (* observe_tac "introducing predictes" *) (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.predicates));
- (* observe_tac "introducing branches" *) (intros_using (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches));
- (* observe_tac "building fixes" *) mk_fixes;
- ]
- in
- let intros_after_fixes : tactic =
- fun gl ->
- let ctxt,pte_app = (Sign.decompose_prod_assum (pf_concl gl)) in
- let pte,pte_args = (decompose_app pte_app) in
- try
- let pte = try destVar pte with _ -> anomaly "Property is not a variable" in
- let fix_info = Idmap.find pte ptes_to_fix in
- let nb_args = fix_info.nb_realargs in
- [
- (* observe_tac ("introducing args") *) (tclDO nb_args intro);
- (fun g -> (* replacement of the function by its body *)
- let args = nLastHyps nb_args g in
- let fix_body = fix_info.body_with_param in
-(* observe (str "fix_body := "++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env gl) fix_body); *)
- let args_id = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) args in
- let dyn_infos =
- {
- nb_rec_hyps = -100;
- rec_hyps = [];
- info =
- Reductionops.nf_betaiota Evd.empty
- (applist(fix_body,List.rev_map mkVar args_id));
- eq_hyps = []
- }
- in
- [
-(* observe_tac "do_replace" *)
- (do_replace
- full_params
- (fix_info.idx + List.length princ_params)
- (args_id@( (fun (id,_,_) -> Nameops.out_name id ) princ_params))
- (all_funs.(fix_info.num_in_block))
- fix_info.num_in_block
- all_funs
- );
-(* observe_tac "do_replace" *)
-(* (do_replace princ_info.params fix_info.idx args_id *)
-(* (List.hd (List.rev pte_args)) fix_body); *)
- let do_prove =
- build_proof
- interactive_proof
- (Array.to_list fnames)
- ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
- in
- let prove_tac branches =
- let dyn_infos =
- {dyn_infos with
- rec_hyps = branches;
- nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches
- }
- in
- (* observe_tac "cleaning" *) (clean_goal_with_heq
- ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
- do_prove
- dyn_infos)
- in
-(* observe (str "branches := " ++ *)
-(* prlist_with_sep spc (fun decl -> Ppconstr.pr_id (id_of_decl decl)) princ_info.branches ++ fnl () ++ *)
-(* str "args := " ++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id args_id *)
-(* ); *)
- (* observe_tac "instancing" *) (instanciate_hyps_with_args prove_tac
- (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches)
- (List.rev args_id))
- ]
- g
- );
- ] gl
- with Not_found ->
- let nb_args = min (princ_info.nargs) (List.length ctxt) in
- [
- tclDO nb_args intro;
- (fun g -> (* replacement of the function by its body *)
- let args = nLastHyps nb_args g in
- let args_id = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) args in
- let dyn_infos =
- {
- nb_rec_hyps = -100;
- rec_hyps = [];
- info =
- Reductionops.nf_betaiota Evd.empty
- (applist(fbody_with_full_params,
- (List.rev_map var_of_decl princ_params)@
- (List.rev_map mkVar args_id)
- ));
- eq_hyps = []
- }
- in
- let fname = destConst (fst (decompose_app (List.hd (List.rev pte_args)))) in
- [unfold_in_concl [(all_occurrences,Names.EvalConstRef fname)];
- let do_prove =
- build_proof
- interactive_proof
- (Array.to_list fnames)
- ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
- in
- let prove_tac branches =
- let dyn_infos =
- {dyn_infos with
- rec_hyps = branches;
- nb_rec_hyps = List.length branches
- }
- in
- clean_goal_with_heq
- ( prove_rec_hyp ptes_to_fix)
- do_prove
- dyn_infos
- in
- instanciate_hyps_with_args prove_tac
- (List.rev_map id_of_decl princ_info.branches)
- (List.rev args_id)
- ]
- g
- )
- ]
- gl
- in
- tclTHEN
- first_tac
- intros_after_fixes
- g
-(* Proof of principles of general functions *)
-let h_id = Recdef.h_id
-and hrec_id = Recdef.hrec_id
-and acc_inv_id = Recdef.acc_inv_id
-and ltof_ref = Recdef.ltof_ref
-and acc_rel = Recdef.acc_rel
-and well_founded = Recdef.well_founded
-and delayed_force = Recdef.delayed_force
-and h_intros = Recdef.h_intros
-and list_rewrite = Recdef.list_rewrite
-and evaluable_of_global_reference = Recdef.evaluable_of_global_reference
-let prove_with_tcc tcc_lemma_constr eqs : tactic =
- match !tcc_lemma_constr with
- | None -> anomaly "No tcc proof !!"
- | Some lemma ->
- fun gls ->
-(* let hid = next_global_ident_away true h_id (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in *)
-(* let ids = hid::pf_ids_of_hyps gls in *)
- [
-(* generalize [lemma]; *)
-(* h_intro hid; *)
-(* Elim.h_decompose_and (mkVar hid); *)
- tclTRY(list_rewrite true eqs);
-(* (fun g -> *)
-(* let ids' = pf_ids_of_hyps g in *)
-(* let ids = List.filter (fun id -> not (List.mem id ids)) ids' in *)
-(* rewrite *)
-(* ) *)
- Eauto.gen_eauto false (false,5) [] (Some [])
- ]
- gls
-let backtrack_eqs_until_hrec hrec eqs : tactic =
- fun gls ->
- let eqs = mkVar eqs in
- let rewrite =
- tclFIRST ( Equality.rewriteRL eqs )
- in
- let _,hrec_concl = decompose_prod (pf_type_of gls (mkVar hrec)) in
- let f_app = array_last (snd (destApp hrec_concl)) in
- let f = (fst (destApp f_app)) in
- let rec backtrack : tactic =
- fun g ->
- let f_app = array_last (snd (destApp (pf_concl g))) in
- match kind_of_term f_app with
- | App(f',_) when eq_constr f' f -> tclIDTAC g
- | _ -> tclTHEN rewrite backtrack g
- in
- backtrack gls
-let build_clause eqs =
- {
- Tacexpr.onhyps =
- Some (
- (fun id -> (Rawterm.all_occurrences_expr,id),InHyp)
- eqs
- );
- Tacexpr.concl_occs = Rawterm.no_occurrences_expr
- }
-let rec rewrite_eqs_in_eqs eqs =
- match eqs with
- | [] -> tclIDTAC
- | eq::eqs ->
- tclTHEN
- (tclMAP
- (fun id gl ->
- observe_tac
- (Format.sprintf "rewrite %s in %s " (string_of_id eq) (string_of_id id))
- (tclTRY (Equality.general_rewrite_in true all_occurrences id (mkVar eq) false))
- gl
- )
- eqs
- )
- (rewrite_eqs_in_eqs eqs)
-let new_prove_with_tcc is_mes acc_inv hrec tcc_hyps eqs : tactic =
- fun gls ->
- [
- backtrack_eqs_until_hrec hrec eqs;
- (* observe_tac ("new_prove_with_tcc ( applying "^(string_of_id hrec)^" )" ) *)
- (tclTHENS (* We must have exactly ONE subgoal !*)
- (apply (mkVar hrec))
- [ tclTHENSEQ
- [
- keep (tcc_hyps@eqs);
- apply (Lazy.force acc_inv);
- (fun g ->
- if is_mes
- then
- unfold_in_concl [(all_occurrences, evaluable_of_global_reference (delayed_force ltof_ref))] g
- else tclIDTAC g
- );
- observe_tac "rew_and_finish"
- [tclTRY(Recdef.list_rewrite false ( mkVar eqs));
- observe_tac "rewrite_eqs_in_eqs" (rewrite_eqs_in_eqs eqs);
- (observe_tac "finishing using"
- (
- Eauto.eauto_with_bases
- false
- (true,5)
- [Lazy.force refl_equal]
- [Auto.Hint_db.empty empty_transparent_state false]
- )
- )
- )
- ]
- )
- ]
- ])
- ])
- gls
-let is_valid_hypothesis predicates_name =
- let predicates_name = List.fold_right Idset.add predicates_name Idset.empty in
- let is_pte typ =
- if isApp typ
- then
- let pte,_ = destApp typ in
- if isVar pte
- then Idset.mem (destVar pte) predicates_name
- else false
- else false
- in
- let rec is_valid_hypothesis typ =
- is_pte typ ||
- match kind_of_term typ with
- | Prod(_,pte,typ') -> is_pte pte && is_valid_hypothesis typ'
- | _ -> false
- in
- is_valid_hypothesis
-let prove_principle_for_gen
- (f_ref,functional_ref,eq_ref) tcc_lemma_ref is_mes
- rec_arg_num rec_arg_type relation gl =
- let princ_type = pf_concl gl in
- let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
- let fresh_id =
- let avoid = ref (pf_ids_of_hyps gl) in
- fun na ->
- let new_id =
- match na with
- | Name id -> fresh_id !avoid (string_of_id id)
- | Anonymous -> fresh_id !avoid "H"
- in
- avoid := new_id :: !avoid;
- Name new_id
- in
- let fresh_decl (na,b,t) = (fresh_id na,b,t) in
- let princ_info : elim_scheme =
- { princ_info with
- params = fresh_decl princ_info.params;
- predicates = fresh_decl princ_info.predicates;
- branches = fresh_decl princ_info.branches;
- args = fresh_decl princ_info.args
- }
- in
- let wf_tac =
- if is_mes
- then
- (fun b -> Recdef.tclUSER_if_not_mes tclIDTAC b None)
- else fun _ -> prove_with_tcc tcc_lemma_ref []
- in
- let real_rec_arg_num = rec_arg_num - princ_info.nparams in
- let npost_rec_arg = princ_info.nargs - real_rec_arg_num + 1 in
-(* observe ( *)
-(* str "princ_type := " ++ pr_lconstr princ_type ++ fnl () ++ *)
-(* str "princ_info.nparams := " ++ int princ_info.nparams ++ fnl () ++ *)
-(* str "princ_info.nargs := " ++ int princ_info.nargs ++ fnl () ++ *)
-(* str "rec_arg_num := " ++ int rec_arg_num ++ fnl() ++ *)
-(* str "real_rec_arg_num := " ++ int real_rec_arg_num ++ fnl () ++ *)
-(* str "npost_rec_arg := " ++ int npost_rec_arg ); *)
- let (post_rec_arg,pre_rec_arg) =
- Util.list_chop npost_rec_arg princ_info.args
- in
- let rec_arg_id =
- match List.rev post_rec_arg with
- | (Name id,_,_)::_ -> id
- | _ -> assert false
- in
-(* observe (str "rec_arg_id := " ++ pr_lconstr (mkVar rec_arg_id)); *)
- let subst_constrs = (fun (na,_,_) -> mkVar (Nameops.out_name na)) (pre_rec_arg@princ_info.params) in
- let relation = substl subst_constrs relation in
- let input_type = substl subst_constrs rec_arg_type in
- let wf_thm_id = Nameops.out_name (fresh_id (Name (id_of_string "wf_R"))) in
- let acc_rec_arg_id =
- Nameops.out_name (fresh_id (Name (id_of_string ("Acc_"^(string_of_id rec_arg_id)))))
- in
- let revert l =
- tclTHEN (h_generalize ( mkVar l)) (clear l)
- in
- let fix_id = Nameops.out_name (fresh_id (Name hrec_id)) in
- let prove_rec_arg_acc g =
- ((* observe_tac "prove_rec_arg_acc" *)
- (tclTHEN
- (assert_by (Name wf_thm_id)
- (mkApp (delayed_force well_founded,[|input_type;relation|]))
- (fun g -> (* observe_tac "prove wf" *) (tclCOMPLETE (wf_tac is_mes)) g))
- (
- (* observe_tac *)
-(* "apply wf_thm" *)
- h_simplest_apply (mkApp(mkVar wf_thm_id,[|mkVar rec_arg_id|]))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- g
- in
- let args_ids = (fun (na,_,_) -> Nameops.out_name na) princ_info.args in
- let lemma =
- match !tcc_lemma_ref with
- | None -> anomaly ( "No tcc proof !!")
- | Some lemma -> lemma
- in
-(* let rec list_diff del_list check_list = *)
-(* match del_list with *)
-(* [] -> *)
-(* [] *)
-(* | f::r -> *)
-(* if List.mem f check_list then *)
-(* list_diff r check_list *)
-(* else *)
-(* f::(list_diff r check_list) *)
-(* in *)
- let tcc_list = ref [] in
- let start_tac gls =
- let hyps = pf_ids_of_hyps gls in
- let hid =
- next_global_ident_away true
- (id_of_string "prov")
- hyps
- in
- [
- generalize [lemma];
- h_intro hid;
- Elim.h_decompose_and (mkVar hid);
- (fun g ->
- let new_hyps = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- tcc_list := List.rev (list_subtract new_hyps (hid::hyps));
- if !tcc_list = []
- then
- begin
- tcc_list := [hid];
- tclIDTAC g
- end
- else thin [hid] g
- )
- ]
- gls
- in
- [
- observe_tac "start_tac" start_tac;
- h_intros
- (List.rev_map (fun (na,_,_) -> Nameops.out_name na)
- (princ_info.args@princ_info.branches@princ_info.predicates@princ_info.params)
- );
- (* observe_tac "" *) (assert_by
- (Name acc_rec_arg_id)
- (mkApp (delayed_force acc_rel,[|input_type;relation;mkVar rec_arg_id|]))
- (prove_rec_arg_acc)
- );
-(* observe_tac "reverting" *) (revert (List.rev (acc_rec_arg_id::args_ids)));
-(* (fun g -> observe (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g) ++ fnl () ++ *)
-(* str "fix arg num" ++ int (List.length args_ids + 1) ); tclIDTAC g); *)
- (* observe_tac "h_fix " *) (h_fix (Some fix_id) (List.length args_ids + 1));
-(* (fun g -> observe (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g) ++ fnl() ++ pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g ) (pf_type_of g (mkVar fix_id) )); tclIDTAC g); *)
- h_intros (List.rev (acc_rec_arg_id::args_ids));
- Equality.rewriteLR (mkConst eq_ref);
- (* observe_tac "finish" *) (fun gl' ->
- let body =
- let _,args = destApp (pf_concl gl') in
- array_last args
- in
- let body_info rec_hyps =
- {
- nb_rec_hyps = List.length rec_hyps;
- rec_hyps = rec_hyps;
- eq_hyps = [];
- info = body
- }
- in
- let acc_inv =
- lazy (
- mkApp (
- delayed_force acc_inv_id,
- [|input_type;relation;mkVar rec_arg_id|]
- )
- )
- in
- let acc_inv = lazy (mkApp(Lazy.force acc_inv, [|mkVar acc_rec_arg_id|])) in
- let predicates_names =
- (fun (na,_,_) -> Nameops.out_name na) princ_info.predicates
- in
- let pte_info =
- { proving_tac =
- (fun eqs ->
-(* msgnl (str "tcc_list := "++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id !tcc_list); *)
-(* msgnl (str "princ_info.args := "++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id ( (fun (na,_,_) -> (Nameops.out_name na)) princ_info.args)); *)
-(* msgnl (str "princ_info.params := "++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id ( (fun (na,_,_) -> (Nameops.out_name na)) princ_info.params)); *)
-(* msgnl (str "acc_rec_arg_id := "++ Ppconstr.pr_id acc_rec_arg_id); *)
-(* msgnl (str "eqs := "++ prlist_with_sep spc Ppconstr.pr_id eqs); *)
- (* observe_tac "new_prove_with_tcc" *)
- (new_prove_with_tcc
- is_mes acc_inv fix_id
- (!tcc_list@(
- (fun (na,_,_) -> (Nameops.out_name na))
- (princ_info.args@princ_info.params)
- )@ ([acc_rec_arg_id])) eqs
- )
- );
- is_valid = is_valid_hypothesis predicates_names
- }
- in
- let ptes_info : pte_info Idmap.t =
- List.fold_left
- (fun map pte_id ->
- Idmap.add pte_id
- pte_info
- map
- )
- Idmap.empty
- predicates_names
- in
- let make_proof rec_hyps =
- build_proof
- false
- [f_ref]
- ptes_info
- (body_info rec_hyps)
- in
- (* observe_tac "instanciate_hyps_with_args" *)
- (instanciate_hyps_with_args
- make_proof
- ( (fun (na,_,_) -> Nameops.out_name na) princ_info.branches)
- (List.rev args_ids)
- )
- gl'
- )
- ]
- gl
diff --git a/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.mli b/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 62eb528e..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/functional_principles_proofs.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-open Names
-open Term
-val prove_princ_for_struct :
- bool ->
- int -> constant array -> constr array -> int -> Tacmach.tactic
-val prove_principle_for_gen :
- constant*constant*constant -> (* name of the function, the fonctionnal and the fixpoint equation *)
- constr option ref -> (* a pointer to the obligation proofs lemma *)
- bool -> (* is that function uses measure *)
- int -> (* the number of recursive argument *)
- types -> (* the type of the recursive argument *)
- constr -> (* the wf relation used to prove the function *)
- Tacmach.tactic
-(* val is_pte : rel_declaration -> bool *)
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
deleted file mode 100644
index b03bdf31..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,733 +0,0 @@
-open Printer
-open Util
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Names
-open Declarations
-open Pp
-open Entries
-open Hiddentac
-open Evd
-open Tacmach
-open Proof_type
-open Tacticals
-open Tactics
-open Indfun_common
-open Functional_principles_proofs
-exception Toberemoved_with_rel of int*constr
-exception Toberemoved
-let pr_elim_scheme el =
- let env = Global.env () in
- let msg = str "params := " ++ Printer.pr_rel_context env el.params in
- let env = Environ.push_rel_context el.params env in
- let msg = msg ++ fnl () ++ str "predicates := "++ Printer.pr_rel_context env el.predicates in
- let env = Environ.push_rel_context el.predicates env in
- let msg = msg ++ fnl () ++ str "branches := " ++ Printer.pr_rel_context env el.branches in
- let env = Environ.push_rel_context el.branches env in
- let msg = msg ++ fnl () ++ str "args := " ++ Printer.pr_rel_context env el.args in
- let env = Environ.push_rel_context el.args env in
- msg ++ fnl () ++ str "concl := " ++ pr_lconstr_env env el.concl
-let observe s =
- if do_observe ()
- then Pp.msgnl s
-let pr_elim_scheme el =
- let env = Global.env () in
- let msg = str "params := " ++ Printer.pr_rel_context env el.params in
- let env = Environ.push_rel_context el.params env in
- let msg = msg ++ fnl () ++ str "predicates := "++ Printer.pr_rel_context env el.predicates in
- let env = Environ.push_rel_context el.predicates env in
- let msg = msg ++ fnl () ++ str "branches := " ++ Printer.pr_rel_context env el.branches in
- let env = Environ.push_rel_context el.branches env in
- let msg = msg ++ fnl () ++ str "args := " ++ Printer.pr_rel_context env el.args in
- let env = Environ.push_rel_context el.args env in
- msg ++ fnl () ++ str "concl := " ++ pr_lconstr_env env el.concl
-let observe s =
- if do_observe ()
- then Pp.msgnl s
- Transform an inductive induction principle into
- a functional one
-let compute_new_princ_type_from_rel rel_to_fun sorts princ_type =
- let princ_type_info = compute_elim_sig princ_type in
- let env = Global.env () in
- let env_with_params = Environ.push_rel_context princ_type_info.params env in
- let tbl = Hashtbl.create 792 in
- let rec change_predicates_names (avoid:identifier list) (predicates:Sign.rel_context) : Sign.rel_context =
- match predicates with
- | [] -> []
- |(Name x,v,t)::predicates ->
- let id = Nameops.next_ident_away x avoid in
- Hashtbl.add tbl id x;
- (Name id,v,t)::(change_predicates_names (id::avoid) predicates)
- | (Anonymous,_,_)::_ -> anomaly "Anonymous property binder "
- in
- let avoid = (Termops.ids_of_context env_with_params ) in
- let princ_type_info =
- { princ_type_info with
- predicates = change_predicates_names avoid princ_type_info.predicates
- }
- in
-(* observe (str "starting princ_type := " ++ pr_lconstr_env env princ_type); *)
-(* observe (str "princ_infos : " ++ pr_elim_scheme princ_type_info); *)
- let change_predicate_sort i (x,_,t) =
- let new_sort = sorts.(i) in
- let args,_ = decompose_prod t in
- let real_args =
- if princ_type_info.indarg_in_concl
- then args
- else args
- in
- Nameops.out_name x,None,compose_prod real_args (mkSort new_sort)
- in
- let new_predicates =
- list_map_i
- change_predicate_sort
- 0
- princ_type_info.predicates
- in
- let env_with_params_and_predicates = List.fold_right Environ.push_named new_predicates env_with_params in
- let rel_as_kn =
- fst (match princ_type_info.indref with
- | Some (Libnames.IndRef ind) -> ind
- | _ -> error "Not a valid predicate"
- )
- in
- let ptes_vars = (fun (id,_,_) -> id) new_predicates in
- let is_pte =
- let set = List.fold_right Idset.add ptes_vars Idset.empty in
- fun t ->
- match kind_of_term t with
- | Var id -> Idset.mem id set
- | _ -> false
- in
- let pre_princ =
- it_mkProd_or_LetIn
- ~init:
- (it_mkProd_or_LetIn
- ~init:(Option.fold_right
- mkProd_or_LetIn
- princ_type_info.indarg
- princ_type_info.concl
- )
- princ_type_info.args
- )
- princ_type_info.branches
- in
- let pre_princ = substl ( mkVar ptes_vars) pre_princ in
- let is_dom c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Ind((u,_)) -> u = rel_as_kn
- | Construct((u,_),_) -> u = rel_as_kn
- | _ -> false
- in
- let get_fun_num c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Ind(_,num) -> num
- | Construct((_,num),_) -> num
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let dummy_var = mkVar (id_of_string "________") in
- let mk_replacement c i args =
- let res = mkApp(rel_to_fun.(i), pop (array_get_start args)) in
-(* observe (str "replacing " ++ pr_lconstr c ++ str " by " ++ pr_lconstr res); *)
- res
- in
- let rec has_dummy_var t =
- fold_constr
- (fun b t -> b || (eq_constr t dummy_var) || (has_dummy_var t))
- false
- t
- in
- let rec compute_new_princ_type remove env pre_princ : types*(constr list) =
- let (new_princ_type,_) as res =
- match kind_of_term pre_princ with
- | Rel n ->
- begin
- try match Environ.lookup_rel n env with
- | _,_,t when is_dom t -> raise Toberemoved
- | _ -> pre_princ,[] with Not_found -> assert false
- end
- | Prod(x,t,b) ->
- compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove mkProd env x t b
- | Lambda(x,t,b) ->
- compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove mkLambda env x t b
- | Ind _ | Construct _ when is_dom pre_princ -> raise Toberemoved
- | App(f,args) when is_dom f ->
- let var_to_be_removed = destRel (array_last args) in
- let num = get_fun_num f in
- raise (Toberemoved_with_rel (var_to_be_removed,mk_replacement pre_princ num args))
- | App(f,args) ->
- let args =
- if is_pte f && remove
- then array_get_start args
- else args
- in
- let new_args,binders_to_remove =
- Array.fold_right (compute_new_princ_type_with_acc remove env)
- args
- ([],[])
- in
- let new_f,binders_to_remove_from_f = compute_new_princ_type remove env f in
- applist(new_f, new_args),
- list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_f binders_to_remove
- | LetIn(x,v,t,b) ->
- compute_new_princ_type_for_letin remove env x v t b
- | _ -> pre_princ,[]
- in
-(* let _ = match kind_of_term pre_princ with *)
-(* | Prod _ -> *)
-(* observe(str "compute_new_princ_type for "++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env env pre_princ ++ *)
-(* str" is "++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr_env env new_princ_type ++ fnl ()) *)
-(* | _ -> () in *)
- res
- and compute_new_princ_type_for_binder remove bind_fun env x t b =
- begin
- try
- let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type remove env t in
- let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
- let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,None,t) env in
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove new_env b in
- if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
- then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- else
- (
- bind_fun(new_x,new_t,new_b),
- list_union_eq
- eq_constr
- binders_to_remove_from_t
- ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- )
- with
- | Toberemoved ->
-(* observe (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
- new_b, pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
-(* observe (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [c] n b) in
- new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- end
- and compute_new_princ_type_for_letin remove env x v t b =
- begin
- try
- let new_t,binders_to_remove_from_t = compute_new_princ_type remove env t in
- let new_v,binders_to_remove_from_v = compute_new_princ_type remove env v in
- let new_x : name = get_name (ids_of_context env) x in
- let new_env = Environ.push_rel (x,Some v,t) env in
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove new_env b in
- if List.exists (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) binders_to_remove_from_b
- then (pop new_b),filter_map (eq_constr (mkRel 1)) pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- else
- (
- mkLetIn(new_x,new_v,new_t,new_b),
- list_union_eq
- eq_constr
- (list_union_eq eq_constr binders_to_remove_from_t binders_to_remove_from_v)
- ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- )
- with
- | Toberemoved ->
-(* observe (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [dummy_var] 1 b) in
- new_b, pop binders_to_remove_from_b
- | Toberemoved_with_rel (n,c) ->
-(* observe (str "Decl of "++Ppconstr.pr_name x ++ str " is removed "); *)
- let new_b,binders_to_remove_from_b = compute_new_princ_type remove env (substnl [c] n b) in
- new_b, list_add_set_eq eq_constr (mkRel n) ( pop binders_to_remove_from_b)
- end
- and compute_new_princ_type_with_acc remove env e (c_acc,to_remove_acc) =
- let new_e,to_remove_from_e = compute_new_princ_type remove env e
- in
- new_e::c_acc,list_union_eq eq_constr to_remove_from_e to_remove_acc
- in
-(* observe (str "Computing new principe from " ++ pr_lconstr_env env_with_params_and_predicates pre_princ); *)
- let pre_res,_ =
- compute_new_princ_type princ_type_info.indarg_in_concl env_with_params_and_predicates pre_princ
- in
- let pre_res =
- replace_vars
- (list_map_i (fun i id -> (id, mkRel i)) 1 ptes_vars)
- (lift (List.length ptes_vars) pre_res)
- in
- it_mkProd_or_LetIn
- ~init:(it_mkProd_or_LetIn
- ~init:pre_res ( (fun (id,t,b) -> Name(Hashtbl.find tbl id), t,b)
- new_predicates)
- )
- princ_type_info.params
-let change_property_sort toSort princ princName =
- let princ_info = compute_elim_sig princ in
- let change_sort_in_predicate (x,v,t) =
- (x,None,
- let args,_ = decompose_prod t in
- compose_prod args (mkSort toSort)
- )
- in
- let princName_as_constr = Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) princName in
- let init =
- let nargs = (princ_info.nparams + (List.length princ_info.predicates)) in
- mkApp(princName_as_constr,
- Array.init nargs
- (fun i -> mkRel (nargs - i )))
- in
- it_mkLambda_or_LetIn
- ~init:
- (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ~init
- ( change_sort_in_predicate princ_info.predicates)
- )
- princ_info.params
-let pp_dur time time' =
- str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time time'))
-(* let qed () = save_named true *)
-let defined () =
- try
- Command.save_named false
- with
- | UserError("extract_proof",msg) ->
- Util.errorlabstrm
- "defined"
- ((try
- str "On goal : " ++ fnl () ++ pr_open_subgoals () ++ fnl ()
- with _ -> mt ()
- ) ++msg)
- | e -> raise e
-let build_functional_principle interactive_proof old_princ_type sorts funs i proof_tac hook =
- (* First we get the type of the old graph principle *)
- let mutr_nparams = (compute_elim_sig old_princ_type).nparams in
- (* let time1 = System.get_time () in *)
- let new_principle_type =
- compute_new_princ_type_from_rel
- ( mkConst funs)
- sorts
- old_princ_type
- in
- (* let time2 = System.get_time () in *)
- (* Pp.msgnl (str "computing principle type := " ++ System.fmt_time_difference time1 time2); *)
- (* observe (str "new_principle_type : " ++ pr_lconstr new_principle_type); *)
- let new_princ_name =
- next_global_ident_away true (id_of_string "___________princ_________") []
- in
- begin
- Command.start_proof
- new_princ_name
- (Decl_kinds.Global,(Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Theorem))
- new_principle_type
- (hook new_principle_type)
- ;
- (* let _tim1 = System.get_time () in *)
- (proof_tac ( mkConst funs) mutr_nparams);
- (* let _tim2 = System.get_time () in *)
- (* begin *)
- (* let dur1 = System.time_difference tim1 tim2 in *)
- (* Pp.msgnl (str ("Time to compute proof: ") ++ str (string_of_float dur1)); *)
- (* end; *)
- get_proof_clean true
- end
-let generate_functional_principle
- interactive_proof
- old_princ_type sorts new_princ_name funs i proof_tac
- =
- try
- let f = funs.(i) in
- let type_sort = Termops.new_sort_in_family InType in
- let new_sorts =
- match sorts with
- | None -> Array.make (Array.length funs) (type_sort)
- | Some a -> a
- in
- let base_new_princ_name,new_princ_name =
- match new_princ_name with
- | Some (id) -> id,id
- | None ->
- let id_of_f = id_of_label (con_label f) in
- id_of_f,Indrec.make_elimination_ident id_of_f (family_of_sort type_sort)
- in
- let names = ref [new_princ_name] in
- let hook new_principle_type _ _ =
- if sorts = None
- then
- (* let id_of_f = id_of_label (con_label f) in *)
- let register_with_sort fam_sort =
- let s = Termops.new_sort_in_family fam_sort in
- let name = Indrec.make_elimination_ident base_new_princ_name fam_sort in
- let value = change_property_sort s new_principle_type new_princ_name in
- (* Pp.msgnl (str "new principle := " ++ pr_lconstr value); *)
- let ce =
- { const_entry_body = value;
- const_entry_type = None;
- const_entry_opaque = false;
- const_entry_boxed = Flags.boxed_definitions()
- }
- in
- ignore(
- Declare.declare_constant
- name
- (Entries.DefinitionEntry ce,
- Decl_kinds.IsDefinition (Decl_kinds.Scheme)
- )
- );
- Flags.if_verbose
- (fun id -> Pp.msgnl (Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ str " is defined"))
- name;
- names := name :: !names
- in
- register_with_sort InProp;
- register_with_sort InSet
- in
- let (id,(entry,g_kind,hook)) =
- build_functional_principle interactive_proof old_princ_type new_sorts funs i proof_tac hook
- in
- (* Pr 1278 :
- Don't forget to close the goal if an error is raised !!!!
- *)
- save false new_princ_name entry g_kind hook
- with e ->
- begin
- begin
- try
- let id = Pfedit.get_current_proof_name () in
- let s = string_of_id id in
- let n = String.length "___________princ_________" in
- if String.length s >= n
- then if String.sub s 0 n = "___________princ_________"
- then Pfedit.delete_current_proof ()
- else ()
- else ()
- with _ -> ()
- end;
- raise (Defining_principle e)
- end
-(* defined () *)
-exception Not_Rec
-let get_funs_constant mp dp =
- let rec get_funs_constant const e : (Names.constant*int) array =
- match kind_of_term (snd (decompose_lam e)) with
- | Fix((_,(na,_,_))) ->
- Array.mapi
- (fun i na ->
- match na with
- | Name id ->
- let const = make_con mp dp (label_of_id id) in
- const,i
- | Anonymous ->
- anomaly "Anonymous fix"
- )
- na
- | _ -> [|const,0|]
- in
- function const ->
- let find_constant_body const =
- match (Global.lookup_constant const ).const_body with
- | Some b ->
- let body = force b in
- let body = Tacred.cbv_norm_flags
- (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
- (Global.env ())
- (Evd.empty)
- body
- in
- body
- | None -> error ( "Cannot define a principle over an axiom ")
- in
- let f = find_constant_body const in
- let l_const = get_funs_constant const f in
- (*
- We need to check that all the functions found are in the same block
- to prevent Reset stange thing
- *)
- let l_bodies = find_constant_body (Array.to_list ( fst l_const)) in
- let l_params,l_fixes = List.split ( decompose_lam l_bodies) in
- (* all the paremeter must be equal*)
- let _check_params =
- let first_params = List.hd l_params in
- List.iter
- (fun params ->
- if not ((=) first_params params)
- then error "Not a mutal recursive block"
- )
- l_params
- in
- (* The bodies has to be very similar *)
- let _check_bodies =
- try
- let extract_info is_first body =
- match kind_of_term body with
- | Fix((idxs,_),(na,ta,ca)) -> (idxs,na,ta,ca)
- | _ ->
- if is_first && (List.length l_bodies = 1)
- then raise Not_Rec
- else error "Not a mutal recursive block"
- in
- let first_infos = extract_info true (List.hd l_bodies) in
- let check body = (* Hope this is correct *)
- if not (first_infos = (extract_info false body))
- then error "Not a mutal recursive block"
- in
- List.iter check l_bodies
- with Not_Rec -> ()
- in
- l_const
-exception No_graph_found
-exception Found_type of int
-let make_scheme (fas : (constant*Rawterm.rawsort) list) : Entries.definition_entry list =
- let env = Global.env ()
- and sigma = Evd.empty in
- let funs = fst fas in
- let first_fun = List.hd funs in
- let funs_mp,funs_dp,_ = Names.repr_con first_fun in
- let first_fun_kn =
- try
- fst (find_Function_infos first_fun).graph_ind
- with Not_found -> raise No_graph_found
- in
- let this_block_funs_indexes = get_funs_constant funs_mp funs_dp first_fun in
- let this_block_funs = fst this_block_funs_indexes in
- let prop_sort = InProp in
- let funs_indexes =
- let this_block_funs_indexes = Array.to_list this_block_funs_indexes in
- (function const -> List.assoc const this_block_funs_indexes)
- funs
- in
- let ind_list =
- (fun (idx) ->
- let ind = first_fun_kn,idx in
- let (mib,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
- ind,mib,mip,true,prop_sort
- )
- funs_indexes
- in
- let l_schemes =
- (Typing.type_of env sigma)
- (Indrec.build_mutual_indrec env sigma ind_list)
- in
- let i = ref (-1) in
- let sorts =
- List.rev_map (fun (_,x) ->
- Termops.new_sort_in_family (Pretyping.interp_elimination_sort x)
- )
- fas
- in
- (* We create the first priciple by tactic *)
- let first_type,other_princ_types =
- match l_schemes with
- s::l_schemes -> s,l_schemes
- | _ -> anomaly ""
- in
- let (_,(const,_,_)) =
- try
- build_functional_principle false
- first_type
- (Array.of_list sorts)
- this_block_funs
- 0
- (prove_princ_for_struct false 0 (Array.of_list funs))
- (fun _ _ _ -> ())
- with e ->
- begin
- begin
- try
- let id = Pfedit.get_current_proof_name () in
- let s = string_of_id id in
- let n = String.length "___________princ_________" in
- if String.length s >= n
- then if String.sub s 0 n = "___________princ_________"
- then Pfedit.delete_current_proof ()
- else ()
- else ()
- with _ -> ()
- end;
- raise (Defining_principle e)
- end
- in
- incr i;
- let opacity =
- let finfos = find_Function_infos this_block_funs.(0) in
- try
- let equation = Option.get finfos.equation_lemma in
- (Global.lookup_constant equation).Declarations.const_opaque
- with Option.IsNone -> (* non recursive definition *)
- false
- in
- let const = {const with const_entry_opaque = opacity } in
- (* The others are just deduced *)
- if other_princ_types = []
- then
- [const]
- else
- let other_fun_princ_types =
- let funs = mkConst this_block_funs in
- let sorts = Array.of_list sorts in
- (compute_new_princ_type_from_rel funs sorts) other_princ_types
- in
- let first_princ_body,first_princ_type = const.Entries.const_entry_body, const.Entries.const_entry_type in
- let ctxt,fix = Sign.decompose_lam_assum first_princ_body in (* the principle has for forall ...., fix .*)
- let (idxs,_),(_,ta,_ as decl) = destFix fix in
- let other_result =
- (* we can now compute the other principles *)
- (fun scheme_type ->
- incr i;
- observe (Printer.pr_lconstr scheme_type);
- let type_concl = snd (Sign.decompose_prod_assum scheme_type) in
- let applied_f = List.hd (List.rev (snd (decompose_app type_concl))) in
- let f = fst (decompose_app applied_f) in
- try (* we search the number of the function in the fix block (name of the function) *)
- Array.iteri
- (fun j t ->
- let t = snd (Sign.decompose_prod_assum t) in
- let applied_g = List.hd (List.rev (snd (decompose_app t))) in
- let g = fst (decompose_app applied_g) in
- if eq_constr f g
- then raise (Found_type j);
- observe (Printer.pr_lconstr f ++ str " <> " ++
- Printer.pr_lconstr g)
- )
- ta;
- (* If we reach this point, the two principle are not mutually recursive
- We fall back to the previous method
- *)
- let (_,(const,_,_)) =
- build_functional_principle
- false
- (List.nth other_princ_types (!i - 1))
- (Array.of_list sorts)
- this_block_funs
- !i
- (prove_princ_for_struct false !i (Array.of_list funs))
- (fun _ _ _ -> ())
- in
- const
- with Found_type i ->
- let princ_body =
- Termops.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ~init:(mkFix((idxs,i),decl)) ctxt
- in
- {const with
- Entries.const_entry_body = princ_body;
- Entries.const_entry_type = Some scheme_type
- }
- )
- other_fun_princ_types
- in
- const::other_result
-let build_scheme fas =
- let bodies_types =
- make_scheme
- (
- (fun (_,f,sort) ->
- let f_as_constant =
- try
- match f with
- | Libnames.ConstRef c -> c
- | _ -> Util.error "Functional Scheme can only be used with functions"
- with Not_found ->
- Util.error ("Cannot find "^ Libnames.string_of_reference f)
- in
- (f_as_constant,sort)
- )
- fas
- )
- in
- List.iter2
- (fun (princ_id,_,_) def_entry ->
- ignore
- (Declare.declare_constant
- princ_id
- (Entries.DefinitionEntry def_entry,Decl_kinds.IsProof Decl_kinds.Theorem));
- Flags.if_verbose
- (fun id -> Pp.msgnl (Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ str " is defined")) princ_id
- )
- fas
- bodies_types
-let build_case_scheme fa =
- let env = Global.env ()
- and sigma = Evd.empty in
-(* let id_to_constr id = *)
-(* Tacinterp.constr_of_id env id *)
-(* in *)
- let funs = (fun (_,f,_) ->
- try Libnames.constr_of_global ( f)
- with Not_found ->
- Util.error ("Cannot find "^ Libnames.string_of_reference f)) fa in
- let first_fun = destConst funs in
- let funs_mp,funs_dp,_ = Names.repr_con first_fun in
- let first_fun_kn = try fst (find_Function_infos first_fun).graph_ind with Not_found -> raise No_graph_found in
- let this_block_funs_indexes = get_funs_constant funs_mp funs_dp first_fun in
- let this_block_funs = fst this_block_funs_indexes in
- let prop_sort = InProp in
- let funs_indexes =
- let this_block_funs_indexes = Array.to_list this_block_funs_indexes in
- List.assoc (destConst funs) this_block_funs_indexes
- in
- let ind_fun =
- let ind = first_fun_kn,funs_indexes in
- ind,prop_sort
- in
- let scheme_type = (Typing.type_of env sigma ) ((fun (ind,sf) -> Indrec.make_case_gen env sigma ind sf) ind_fun) in
- let sorts =
- (fun (_,_,x) ->
- Termops.new_sort_in_family (Pretyping.interp_elimination_sort x)
- )
- fa
- in
- let princ_name = (fun (x,_,_) -> x) fa in
- let _ =
-(* observe (str "Generating " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id princ_name ++str " with " ++ *)
-(* pr_lconstr scheme_type ++ str " and " ++ (fun a -> prlist_with_sep spc (fun c -> pr_lconstr (mkConst c)) (Array.to_list a)) this_block_funs *)
-(* ); *)
- generate_functional_principle
- false
- scheme_type
- (Some ([|sorts|]))
- (Some princ_name)
- this_block_funs
- 0
- (prove_princ_for_struct false 0 [|destConst funs|])
- in
- ()
diff --git a/contrib/funind/functional_principles_types.mli b/contrib/funind/functional_principles_types.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index cf28c6e6..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/functional_principles_types.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-open Names
-open Term
-val generate_functional_principle :
- (* do we accept interactive proving *)
- bool ->
- (* induction principle on rel *)
- types ->
- (* *)
- sorts array option ->
- (* Name of the new principle *)
- (identifier) option ->
- (* the compute functions to use *)
- constant array ->
- (* We prove the nth- principle *)
- int ->
- (* The tactic to use to make the proof w.r
- the number of params
- *)
- (constr array -> int -> Tacmach.tactic) ->
- unit
-val compute_new_princ_type_from_rel : constr array -> sorts array ->
- types -> types
-exception No_graph_found
-val make_scheme : (constant*Rawterm.rawsort) list -> Entries.definition_entry list
-val build_scheme : (identifier*Libnames.reference*Rawterm.rawsort) list -> unit
-val build_case_scheme : (identifier*Libnames.reference*Rawterm.rawsort) -> unit
diff --git a/contrib/funind/g_indfun.ml4 b/contrib/funind/g_indfun.ml4
deleted file mode 100644
index a79b46d9..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/g_indfun.ml4
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,524 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-open Util
-open Term
-open Names
-open Pp
-open Topconstr
-open Indfun_common
-open Indfun
-open Genarg
-open Pcoq
-open Tacticals
-let pr_binding prc = function
- | loc, Rawterm.NamedHyp id, c -> hov 1 (Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ str " := " ++ cut () ++ prc c)
- | loc, Rawterm.AnonHyp n, c -> hov 1 (int n ++ str " := " ++ cut () ++ prc c)
-let pr_bindings prc prlc = function
- | Rawterm.ImplicitBindings l ->
- brk (1,1) ++ str "with" ++ brk (1,1) ++
- Util.prlist_with_sep spc prc l
- | Rawterm.ExplicitBindings l ->
- brk (1,1) ++ str "with" ++ brk (1,1) ++
- Util.prlist_with_sep spc (fun b -> str"(" ++ pr_binding prlc b ++ str")") l
- | Rawterm.NoBindings -> mt ()
-let pr_with_bindings prc prlc (c,bl) =
- prc c ++ hv 0 (pr_bindings prc prlc bl)
-let pr_fun_ind_using prc prlc _ opt_c =
- match opt_c with
- | None -> mt ()
- | Some (p,b) -> spc () ++ hov 2 (str "using" ++ spc () ++ pr_with_bindings prc prlc (p,b))
-(* Duplication of printing functions because "'a with_bindings" is
- (internally) not uniform in 'a: indeed constr_with_bindings at the
- "typed" level has type "open_constr with_bindings" instead of
- "constr with_bindings"; hence, its printer cannot be polymorphic in
- (prc,prlc)... *)
-let pr_with_bindings_typed prc prlc (c,bl) =
- prc c ++
- hv 0 (pr_bindings (fun c -> prc (snd c)) (fun c -> prlc (snd c)) bl)
-let pr_fun_ind_using_typed prc prlc _ opt_c =
- match opt_c with
- | None -> mt ()
- | Some (p,b) -> spc () ++ hov 2 (str "using" ++ spc () ++ pr_with_bindings_typed prc prlc (p,b))
-ARGUMENT EXTEND fun_ind_using
- TYPED AS constr_with_bindings_opt
- PRINTED BY pr_fun_ind_using_typed
- RAW_TYPED AS constr_with_bindings_opt
- RAW_PRINTED BY pr_fun_ind_using
- GLOB_TYPED AS constr_with_bindings_opt
- GLOB_PRINTED BY pr_fun_ind_using
-| [ "using" constr_with_bindings(c) ] -> [ Some c ]
-| [ ] -> [ None ]
-TACTIC EXTEND newfuninv
- [ "functional" "inversion" quantified_hypothesis(hyp) reference_opt(fname) ] ->
- [
- Invfun.invfun hyp fname
- ]
-let pr_intro_as_pat prc _ _ pat =
- match pat with
- | Some pat -> spc () ++ str "as" ++ spc () ++ pr_intro_pattern pat
- | None -> mt ()
-ARGUMENT EXTEND with_names TYPED AS intro_pattern_opt PRINTED BY pr_intro_as_pat
-| [ "as" simple_intropattern(ipat) ] -> [ Some ipat ]
-| [] ->[ None ]
-TACTIC EXTEND newfunind
- ["functional" "induction" ne_constr_list(cl) fun_ind_using(princl) with_names(pat)] ->
- [
- let c = match cl with
- | [] -> assert false
- | [c] -> c
- | c::cl -> applist(c,cl)
- in
- functional_induction true c princl pat ]
-(***** debug only ***)
-TACTIC EXTEND snewfunind
- ["soft" "functional" "induction" ne_constr_list(cl) fun_ind_using(princl) with_names(pat)] ->
- [
- let c = match cl with
- | [] -> assert false
- | [c] -> c
- | c::cl -> applist(c,cl)
- in
- functional_induction false c princl pat ]
-let pr_constr_coma_sequence prc _ _ = Util.prlist_with_sep Util.pr_coma prc
-ARGUMENT EXTEND constr_coma_sequence'
- TYPED AS constr_list
- PRINTED BY pr_constr_coma_sequence
-| [ constr(c) "," constr_coma_sequence'(l) ] -> [ c::l ]
-| [ constr(c) ] -> [ [c] ]
-let pr_auto_using prc _prlc _prt = Pptactic.pr_auto_using prc
-ARGUMENT EXTEND auto_using'
- TYPED AS constr_list
- PRINTED BY pr_auto_using
-| [ "using" constr_coma_sequence'(l) ] -> [ l ]
-| [ ] -> [ [] ]
-let pr_rec_annotation2_aux s r id l =
- str ("{"^s^" ") ++ Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr r ++
- Util.pr_opt Nameops.pr_id id ++
- Pptactic.pr_auto_using Ppconstr.pr_constr_expr l ++ str "}"
-let pr_rec_annotation2 = function
- | Struct id -> str "{struct" ++ Nameops.pr_id id ++ str "}"
- | Wf(r,id,l) -> pr_rec_annotation2_aux "wf" r id l
- | Mes(r,id,l) -> pr_rec_annotation2_aux "measure" r id l
-PRINTED BY pr_rec_annotation2
- [ "{" "struct" ident(id) "}"] -> [ Struct id ]
-| [ "{" "wf" constr(r) ident_opt(id) auto_using'(l) "}" ] -> [ Wf(r,id,l) ]
-| [ "{" "measure" constr(r) ident_opt(id) auto_using'(l) "}" ] -> [ Mes(r,id,l) ]
-let pr_binder2 (idl,c) =
- str "(" ++ Util.prlist_with_sep spc Nameops.pr_id idl ++ spc () ++
- str ": " ++ Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr c ++ str ")"
-PRINTED BY pr_binder2
- [ "(" ne_ident_list(idl) ":" lconstr(c) ")"] -> [ (idl,c) ]
-let make_binder2 (idl,c) =
- LocalRawAssum ( (fun id -> (Util.dummy_loc,Name id)) idl,Topconstr.default_binder_kind,c)
-let pr_rec_definition2 (id,bl,annot,type_,def) =
- Nameops.pr_id id ++ spc () ++ Util.prlist_with_sep spc pr_binder2 bl ++
- Util.pr_opt pr_rec_annotation2 annot ++ spc () ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++
- Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr type_ ++ str " :=" ++ spc () ++
- Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr def
-PRINTED BY pr_rec_definition2
- [ ident(id) binder2_list(bl)
- rec_annotation2_opt(annot) ":" lconstr(type_)
- ":=" lconstr(def)] ->
- [ (id,bl,annot,type_,def) ]
-let make_rec_definitions2 (id,bl,annot,type_,def) =
- let bl = make_binder2 bl in
- let names = snd (Topconstr.names_of_local_assums bl) in
- let check_one_name () =
- if List.length names > 1 then
- Util.user_err_loc
- (Util.dummy_loc,"Function",
- Pp.str "the recursive argument needs to be specified");
- in
- let check_exists_args an =
- try
- let id = match an with
- | Struct id -> id | Wf(_,Some id,_) -> id | Mes(_,Some id,_) -> id
- | Wf(_,None,_) | Mes(_,None,_) -> failwith "check_exists_args"
- in
- (try ignore(Util.list_index0 (Name id) names); annot
- with Not_found -> Util.user_err_loc
- (Util.dummy_loc,"Function",
- Pp.str "No argument named " ++ Nameops.pr_id id)
- )
- with Failure "check_exists_args" -> check_one_name ();annot
- in
- let ni =
- match annot with
- | None ->
- annot
- | Some an ->
- check_exists_args an
- in
- ((Util.dummy_loc,id), ni, bl, type_, def)
- ["Function" ne_rec_definition2_list_sep(recsl,"with")] ->
- [
- do_generate_principle false ( make_rec_definitions2 recsl);
- ]
-let pr_fun_scheme_arg (princ_name,fun_name,s) =
- Nameops.pr_id princ_name ++ str " :=" ++ spc() ++ str "Induction for " ++
- Libnames.pr_reference fun_name ++ spc() ++ str "Sort " ++
- Ppconstr.pr_rawsort s
-PRINTED BY pr_fun_scheme_arg
-| [ ident(princ_name) ":=" "Induction" "for" reference(fun_name) "Sort" sort(s) ] -> [ (princ_name,fun_name,s) ]
-let warning_error names e =
- match e with
- | Building_graph e ->
- Pp.msg_warning
- (str "Cannot define graph(s) for " ++
- h 1 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str","++spc ()) Libnames.pr_reference names) ++
- if do_observe () then (spc () ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e) else mt ())
- | Defining_principle e ->
- Pp.msg_warning
- (str "Cannot define principle(s) for "++
- h 1 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str","++spc ()) Libnames.pr_reference names) ++
- if do_observe () then Cerrors.explain_exn e else mt ())
- | _ -> anomaly ""
- ["Functional" "Scheme" ne_fun_scheme_arg_list_sep(fas,"with") ] ->
- [
- begin
- try
- Functional_principles_types.build_scheme fas
- with Functional_principles_types.No_graph_found ->
- begin
- match fas with
- | (_,fun_name,_)::_ ->
- begin
- begin
- make_graph ( fun_name)
- end
- ;
- try Functional_principles_types.build_scheme fas
- with Functional_principles_types.No_graph_found ->
- Util.error ("Cannot generate induction principle(s)")
- | e ->
- let names = (fun (_,na,_) -> na) fas in
- warning_error names e
- end
- | _ -> assert false (* we can only have non empty list *)
- end
- | e ->
- let names = (fun (_,na,_) -> na) fas in
- warning_error names e
- end
- ]
-(***** debug only ***)
- ["Functional" "Case" fun_scheme_arg(fas) ] ->
- [
- Functional_principles_types.build_case_scheme fas
- ]
-(***** debug only ***)
-["Generate" "graph" "for" reference(c)] -> [ make_graph ( c) ]
-(* comment this line to see debug msgs *)
-let msg x = () ;; let pr_lconstr c = str ""
- (* uncomment this to see debugging *)
-let prconstr c = msg (str" " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c ++ str"\n")
-let prlistconstr lc = List.iter prconstr lc
-let prstr s = msg(str s)
-let prNamedConstr s c =
- begin
- msg(str "");
- msg(str(s^"==>\n ") ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c ++ str "\n<==\n");
- msg(str "");
- end
-(** Information about an occurrence of a function call (application)
- inside a term. *)
-type fapp_info = {
- fname: constr; (** The function applied *)
- largs: constr list; (** List of arguments *)
- free: bool; (** [true] if all arguments are debruijn free *)
- max_rel: int; (** max debruijn index in the funcall *)
- onlyvars: bool (** [true] if all arguments are variables (and not debruijn) *)
-(** [constr_head_match(a b c) a] returns true, false otherwise. *)
-let constr_head_match u t=
- if isApp u
- then
- let uhd,args= destApp u in
- uhd=t
- else false
-(** [hdMatchSub inu t] returns the list of occurrences of [t] in
- [inu]. DeBruijn are not pushed, so some of them may be unbound in
- the result. *)
-let rec hdMatchSub inu (test: constr -> bool) : fapp_info list =
- let subres =
- match kind_of_term inu with
- | Lambda (nm,tp,cstr) | Prod (nm,tp,cstr) ->
- hdMatchSub tp test @ hdMatchSub (lift 1 cstr) test
- | Fix (_,(lna,tl,bl)) -> (* not sure Fix is correct *)
- Array.fold_left
- (fun acc cstr -> acc @ hdMatchSub (lift (Array.length tl) cstr) test)
- [] bl
- | _ -> (* Cofix will be wrong *)
- fold_constr
- (fun l cstr ->
- l @ hdMatchSub cstr test) [] inu in
- if not (test inu) then subres
- else
- let f,args = decompose_app inu in
- let freeset = Termops.free_rels inu in
- let max_rel = try Util.Intset.max_elt freeset with Not_found -> -1 in
- {fname = f; largs = args; free = Util.Intset.is_empty freeset;
- max_rel = max_rel; onlyvars = List.for_all isVar args }
- ::subres
-let mkEq typ c1 c2 =
- mkApp (Coqlib.build_coq_eq(),[| typ; c1; c2|])
-let poseq_unsafe idunsafe cstr gl =
- let typ = Tacmach.pf_type_of gl cstr in
- tclTHEN
- (Tactics.letin_tac None (Name idunsafe) cstr None allClauses)
- (Tactics.assert_tac Anonymous (mkEq typ (mkVar idunsafe) cstr))
- Tactics.reflexivity)
- gl
-let poseq id cstr gl =
- let x = Tactics.fresh_id [] id gl in
- poseq_unsafe x cstr gl
-(* dirty? *)
-let list_constr_largs = ref []
-let rec poseq_list_ids_rec lcstr gl =
- match lcstr with
- | [] -> tclIDTAC gl
- | c::lcstr' ->
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Var _ ->
- (list_constr_largs:=c::!list_constr_largs ; poseq_list_ids_rec lcstr' gl)
- | _ ->
- let _ = prstr "c = " in
- let _ = prconstr c in
- let _ = prstr "\n" in
- let typ = Tacmach.pf_type_of gl c in
- let cname = Termops.id_of_name_using_hdchar (Global.env()) typ Anonymous in
- let x = Tactics.fresh_id [] cname gl in
- let _ = list_constr_largs:=mkVar x :: !list_constr_largs in
- let _ = prstr " list_constr_largs = " in
- let _ = prlistconstr !list_constr_largs in
- let _ = prstr "\n" in
- tclTHEN
- (poseq_unsafe x c)
- (poseq_list_ids_rec lcstr')
- gl
-let poseq_list_ids lcstr gl =
- let _ = list_constr_largs := [] in
- poseq_list_ids_rec lcstr gl
-(** [find_fapp test g] returns the list of [app_info] of all calls to
- functions that satisfy [test] in the conclusion of goal g. Trivial
- repetition (not modulo conversion) are deleted. *)
-let find_fapp (test:constr -> bool) g : fapp_info list =
- let pre_res = hdMatchSub (Tacmach.pf_concl g) test in
- let res =
- List.fold_right (fun x acc -> if List.mem x acc then acc else x::acc) pre_res [] in
- (prlistconstr ( (fun x -> applist (x.fname,x.largs)) res);
- res)
-(** [finduction id filter g] tries to apply functional induction on
- an occurence of function [id] in the conclusion of goal [g]. If
- [id]=[None] then calls to any function are selected. In any case
- [heuristic] is used to select the most pertinent occurrence. *)
-let finduction (oid:identifier option) (heuristic: fapp_info list -> fapp_info list)
- (nexttac:Proof_type.tactic) g =
- let test = match oid with
- | Some id ->
- let idconstr = mkConst (const_of_id id) in
- (fun u -> constr_head_match u idconstr) (* select only id *)
- | None -> (fun u -> isApp u) in (* select calls to any function *)
- let info_list = find_fapp test g in
- let ordered_info_list = heuristic info_list in
- prlistconstr ( (fun x -> applist (x.fname,x.largs)) ordered_info_list);
- if List.length ordered_info_list = 0 then Util.error "function not found in goal\n";
- let taclist: Proof_type.tactic list =
- (fun info ->
- (tclTHEN
- (tclTHEN (poseq_list_ids info.largs)
- (
- fun gl ->
- (functional_induction
- true (applist (info.fname, List.rev !list_constr_largs))
- None None) gl))
- nexttac)) ordered_info_list in
- (* we try each (f t u v) until one does not fail *)
- (* TODO: try also to mix functional schemes *)
- tclFIRST taclist g
-(** [chose_heuristic oi x] returns the heuristic for reordering
- (and/or forgetting some elts of) a list of occurrences of
- function calls infos to chose first with functional induction. *)
-let chose_heuristic (oi:int option) : fapp_info list -> fapp_info list =
- match oi with
- | Some i -> (fun l -> [ List.nth l (i-1) ]) (* occurrence was given by the user *)
- | None ->
- (* Default heuristic: put first occurrences where all arguments
- are *bound* (meaning already introduced) variables *)
- let ordering x y =
- if && x.onlyvars && && y.onlyvars then 0 (* both pertinent *)
- else if && x.onlyvars then -1
- else if && y.onlyvars then 1
- else 0 (* both not pertinent *)
- in
- List.sort ordering
-TACTIC EXTEND finduction
- ["finduction" ident(id) natural_opt(oi)] ->
- [
- match oi with
- | Some(n) when n<=0 -> Util.error "numerical argument must be > 0"
- | _ ->
- let heuristic = chose_heuristic oi in
- finduction (Some id) heuristic tclIDTAC
- ]
- [ "fauto" tactic(tac)] ->
- [
- let heuristic = chose_heuristic None in
- finduction None heuristic (snd tac)
- ]
- |
- [ "fauto" ] ->
- [
- let heuristic = chose_heuristic None in
- finduction None heuristic tclIDTAC
- ]
- [ "poseq" ident(x) constr(c) ] ->
- [ poseq x c ]
- [ "showindinfo" ident(x) ] -> [ Merge.showind x ]
- [ "Mergeschemes" "(" ident(id1) ne_ident_list(cl1) ")"
- "with" "(" ident(id2) ne_ident_list(cl2) ")" "using" ident(id) ] ->
- [
- let f1 = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env())
- (CRef (Libnames.Ident (Util.dummy_loc,id1))) in
- let f2 = Constrintern.interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env())
- (CRef (Libnames.Ident (Util.dummy_loc,id2))) in
- let f1type = Typing.type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty f1 in
- let f2type = Typing.type_of (Global.env()) Evd.empty f2 in
- let ar1 = List.length (fst (decompose_prod f1type)) in
- let ar2 = List.length (fst (decompose_prod f2type)) in
- let _ =
- if ar1 <> List.length cl1 then
- Util.error ("not the right number of arguments for " ^ string_of_id id1) in
- let _ =
- if ar2 <> List.length cl2 then
- Util.error ("not the right number of arguments for " ^ string_of_id id2) in
- Merge.merge id1 id2 (Array.of_list cl1) (Array.of_list cl2) id
- ]
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
deleted file mode 100644
index b6b2cbd1..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,752 +0,0 @@
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Pp
-open Indfun_common
-open Libnames
-open Rawterm
-open Declarations
-let is_rec_info scheme_info =
- let test_branche min acc (_,_,br) =
- acc || (
- let new_branche =
- Sign.it_mkProd_or_LetIn mkProp (fst (Sign.decompose_prod_assum br)) in
- let free_rels_in_br = Termops.free_rels new_branche in
- let max = min + scheme_info.Tactics.npredicates in
- Util.Intset.exists (fun i -> i >= min && i< max) free_rels_in_br
- )
- in
- Util.list_fold_left_i test_branche 1 false (List.rev scheme_info.Tactics.branches)
-let choose_dest_or_ind scheme_info =
- if is_rec_info scheme_info
- then Tactics.new_induct false
- else Tactics.new_destruct false
-let functional_induction with_clean c princl pat =
- let f,args = decompose_app c in
- fun g ->
- let princ,bindings, princ_type =
- match princl with
- | None -> (* No principle is given let's find the good one *)
- begin
- match kind_of_term f with
- | Const c' ->
- let princ_option =
- let finfo = (* we first try to find out a graph on f *)
- try find_Function_infos c'
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot find induction information on "++
- Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst c') )
- in
- match Tacticals.elimination_sort_of_goal g with
- | InProp -> finfo.prop_lemma
- | InSet -> finfo.rec_lemma
- | InType -> finfo.rect_lemma
- in
- let princ = (* then we get the principle *)
- try mkConst (Option.get princ_option )
- with Option.IsNone ->
- (*i If there is not default lemma defined then,
- we cross our finger and try to find a lemma named f_ind
- (or f_rec, f_rect) i*)
- let princ_name =
- Indrec.make_elimination_ident
- (id_of_label (con_label c'))
- (Tacticals.elimination_sort_of_goal g)
- in
- try
- mkConst(const_of_id princ_name )
- with Not_found -> (* This one is neither defined ! *)
- errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot find induction principle for "
- ++Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst c') )
- in
- (princ,Rawterm.NoBindings, Tacmach.pf_type_of g princ)
- | _ -> raise (UserError("",str "functional induction must be used with a function" ))
- end
- | Some ((princ,binding)) ->
- princ,binding,Tacmach.pf_type_of g princ
- in
- let princ_infos = Tactics.compute_elim_sig princ_type in
- let args_as_induction_constr =
- let c_list =
- if princ_infos.Tactics.farg_in_concl
- then [c] else []
- in
- (fun c -> Tacexpr.ElimOnConstr (c,NoBindings)) (args@c_list)
- in
- let princ' = Some (princ,bindings) in
- let princ_vars =
- List.fold_right
- (fun a acc ->
- try Idset.add (destVar a) acc
- with _ -> acc
- )
- args
- Idset.empty
- in
- let old_idl = List.fold_right Idset.add (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps g) Idset.empty in
- let old_idl = Idset.diff old_idl princ_vars in
- let subst_and_reduce g =
- if with_clean
- then
- let idl =
- map_succeed
- (fun id ->
- if Idset.mem id old_idl then failwith "subst_and_reduce";
- id
- )
- (Tacmach.pf_ids_of_hyps g)
- in
- let flag =
- Rawterm.Cbv
- {Rawterm.all_flags
- with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
- }
- in
- Tacticals.tclTHEN
- (Tacticals.tclMAP (fun id -> Tacticals.tclTRY (Equality.subst [id])) idl )
- (Hiddentac.h_reduce flag Tacticals.allClauses)
- g
- else Tacticals.tclIDTAC g
- in
- Tacticals.tclTHEN
- (choose_dest_or_ind
- princ_infos
- args_as_induction_constr
- princ'
- (None,pat)
- None)
- subst_and_reduce
- g
-type annot =
- Struct of identifier
- | Wf of Topconstr.constr_expr * identifier option * Topconstr.constr_expr list
- | Mes of Topconstr.constr_expr * identifier option * Topconstr.constr_expr list
-type newfixpoint_expr =
- identifier * annot * Topconstr.local_binder list * Topconstr.constr_expr * Topconstr.constr_expr
-let rec abstract_rawconstr c = function
- | [] -> c
- | Topconstr.LocalRawDef (x,b)::bl -> Topconstr.mkLetInC(x,b,abstract_rawconstr c bl)
- | Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (idl,k,t)::bl ->
- List.fold_right (fun x b -> Topconstr.mkLambdaC([x],k,t,b)) idl
- (abstract_rawconstr c bl)
-let interp_casted_constr_with_implicits sigma env impls c =
-(* Constrintern.interp_rawconstr_with_implicits sigma env [] impls c *)
- Constrintern.intern_gen false sigma env ~impls:([],impls)
- ~allow_patvar:false ~ltacvars:([],[]) c
- Construct a fixpoint as a Rawterm
- and not as a constr
-let build_newrecursive
-(lnameargsardef) =
- let env0 = Global.env()
- and sigma = Evd.empty
- in
- let (rec_sign,rec_impls) =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (env,impls) ((_,recname),_,bl,arityc,_) ->
- let arityc = Command.generalize_constr_expr arityc bl in
- let arity = Constrintern.interp_type sigma env0 arityc in
- let impl =
- if Impargs.is_implicit_args()
- then Impargs.compute_implicits env0 arity
- else [] in
- let impls' =(recname,(Constrintern.Recursive,[],impl,Notation.compute_arguments_scope arity))::impls in
- (Environ.push_named (recname,None,arity) env, impls'))
- (env0,[]) lnameargsardef in
- let recdef =
- (* Declare local notations *)
- let fs = States.freeze() in
- let def =
- try
- (fun (_,_,bl,_,def) ->
- let def = abstract_rawconstr def bl in
- interp_casted_constr_with_implicits
- sigma rec_sign rec_impls def
- )
- lnameargsardef
- with e ->
- States.unfreeze fs; raise e in
- States.unfreeze fs; def
- in
- recdef,rec_impls
-let compute_annot (name,annot,args,types,body) =
- let names = snd (Topconstr.names_of_local_assums args) in
- match annot with
- | None ->
- if List.length names > 1 then
- user_err_loc
- (dummy_loc,"Function",
- Pp.str "the recursive argument needs to be specified");
- let new_annot = (id_of_name (List.hd names)) in
- (name,Struct new_annot,args,types,body)
- | Some r -> (name,r,args,types,body)
-(* Checks whether or not the mutual bloc is recursive *)
-let rec is_rec names =
- let names = List.fold_right Idset.add names Idset.empty in
- let check_id id names = Idset.mem id names in
- let rec lookup names = function
- | RVar(_,id) -> check_id id names
- | RRef _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ | RSort _ | RHole _ | RDynamic _ -> false
- | RCast(_,b,_) -> lookup names b
- | RRec _ -> error "RRec not handled"
- | RIf(_,b,_,lhs,rhs) ->
- (lookup names b) || (lookup names lhs) || (lookup names rhs)
- | RLetIn(_,na,t,b) | RLambda(_,na,_,t,b) | RProd(_,na,_,t,b) ->
- lookup names t || lookup (Nameops.name_fold Idset.remove na names) b
- | RLetTuple(_,nal,_,t,b) -> lookup names t ||
- lookup
- (List.fold_left
- (fun acc na -> Nameops.name_fold Idset.remove na acc)
- names
- nal
- )
- b
- | RApp(_,f,args) -> List.exists (lookup names) (f::args)
- | RCases(_,_,_,el,brl) ->
- List.exists (fun (e,_) -> lookup names e) el ||
- List.exists (lookup_br names) brl
- and lookup_br names (_,idl,_,rt) =
- let new_names = List.fold_right Idset.remove idl names in
- lookup new_names rt
- in
- lookup names
-let prepare_body (name,annot,args,types,body) rt =
- let n = (Topconstr.local_binders_length args) in
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "nb lambda to chop : " ++ str (string_of_int n) ++ fnl () ++Printer.pr_rawconstr rt); *)
- let fun_args,rt' = chop_rlambda_n n rt in
- (fun_args,rt')
-let derive_inversion fix_names =
- try
- (* we first transform the fix_names identifier into their corresponding constant *)
- let fix_names_as_constant =
- (fun id -> destConst (Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) id)) fix_names
- in
- (*
- Then we check that the graphs have been defined
- If one of the graphs haven't been defined
- we do nothing
- *)
- List.iter (fun c -> ignore (find_Function_infos c)) fix_names_as_constant ;
- try
- Invfun.derive_correctness
- Functional_principles_types.make_scheme
- functional_induction
- fix_names_as_constant
- (*i The next call to mk_rel_id is valid since we have just construct the graph
- Ensures by : register_built
- i*)
- (
- (fun id -> destInd (Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) (mk_rel_id id)))
- fix_names
- )
- with e ->
- msg_warning
- (str "Cannot built inversion information" ++
- if do_observe () then Cerrors.explain_exn e else mt ())
- with _ -> ()
-let warning_error names e =
- match e with
- | Building_graph e ->
- Pp.msg_warning
- (str "Cannot define graph(s) for " ++
- h 1 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str","++spc ()) Ppconstr.pr_id names) ++
- if do_observe () then (spc () ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e) else mt ())
- | Defining_principle e ->
- Pp.msg_warning
- (str "Cannot define principle(s) for "++
- h 1 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str","++spc ()) Ppconstr.pr_id names) ++
- if do_observe () then Cerrors.explain_exn e else mt ())
- | _ -> anomaly ""
-let error_error names e =
- match e with
- | Building_graph e ->
- errorlabstrm ""
- (str "Cannot define graph(s) for " ++
- h 1 (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str","++spc ()) Ppconstr.pr_id names) ++
- if do_observe () then (spc () ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e) else mt ())
- | _ -> anomaly ""
-let generate_principle on_error
- is_general do_built fix_rec_l recdefs interactive_proof
- (continue_proof : int -> Names.constant array -> Term.constr array -> int ->
- Tacmach.tactic) : unit =
- let names = (function ((_, name),_,_,_,_) -> name) fix_rec_l in
- let fun_bodies = List.map2 prepare_body fix_rec_l recdefs in
- let funs_args = fst fun_bodies in
- let funs_types = (function (_,_,_,types,_) -> types) fix_rec_l in
- try
- (* We then register the Inductive graphs of the functions *)
- Rawterm_to_relation.build_inductive names funs_args funs_types recdefs;
- if do_built
- then
- begin
- (*i The next call to mk_rel_id is valid since we have just construct the graph
- Ensures by : do_built
- i*)
- let f_R_mut = Ident (dummy_loc,mk_rel_id (List.nth names 0)) in
- let ind_kn =
- fst (locate_with_msg
- (pr_reference f_R_mut++str ": Not an inductive type!")
- locate_ind
- f_R_mut)
- in
- let fname_kn (fname,_,_,_,_) =
- let f_ref = Ident fname in
- locate_with_msg
- (pr_reference f_ref++str ": Not an inductive type!")
- locate_constant
- f_ref
- in
- let funs_kn = Array.of_list ( fname_kn fix_rec_l) in
- let _ =
- list_map_i
- (fun i x ->
- let princ = destConst (Indrec.lookup_eliminator (ind_kn,i) (InProp)) in
- let princ_type = Typeops.type_of_constant (Global.env()) princ
- in
- Functional_principles_types.generate_functional_principle
- interactive_proof
- princ_type
- None
- None
- funs_kn
- i
- (continue_proof 0 [|funs_kn.(i)|])
- )
- 0
- fix_rec_l
- in
- Array.iter (add_Function is_general) funs_kn;
- ()
- end
- with e ->
- on_error names e
-let register_struct is_rec fixpoint_exprl =
- match fixpoint_exprl with
- | [((_,fname),_,bl,ret_type,body),_] when not is_rec ->
- Command.declare_definition
- fname
- (Decl_kinds.Global,Flags.boxed_definitions (),Decl_kinds.Definition)
- bl
- None
- body
- (Some ret_type)
- (fun _ _ -> ())
- | _ ->
- Command.build_recursive fixpoint_exprl (Flags.boxed_definitions())
-let generate_correction_proof_wf f_ref tcc_lemma_ref
- is_mes functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation
- (_: int) (_:Names.constant array) (_:Term.constr array) (_:int) : Tacmach.tactic =
- Functional_principles_proofs.prove_principle_for_gen
- (f_ref,functional_ref,eq_ref)
- tcc_lemma_ref is_mes rec_arg_num rec_arg_type relation
-let register_wf ?(is_mes=false) fname rec_impls wf_rel_expr wf_arg using_lemmas args ret_type body
- pre_hook
- =
- let type_of_f = Command.generalize_constr_expr ret_type args in
- let rec_arg_num =
- let names =
- snd
- (Topconstr.names_of_local_assums args)
- in
- match wf_arg with
- | None ->
- if List.length names = 1 then 1
- else error "Recursive argument must be specified"
- | Some wf_arg ->
- list_index (Name wf_arg) names
- in
- let unbounded_eq =
- let f_app_args =
- Topconstr.CAppExpl
- (dummy_loc,
- (None,(Ident (dummy_loc,fname))) ,
- (
- (function
- | _,Anonymous -> assert false
- | _,Name e -> (Topconstr.mkIdentC e)
- )
- (Topconstr.names_of_local_assums args)
- )
- )
- in
- Topconstr.CApp (dummy_loc,(None,Topconstr.mkRefC (Qualid (dummy_loc,(qualid_of_string "Logic.eq")))),
- [(f_app_args,None);(body,None)])
- in
- let eq = Command.generalize_constr_expr unbounded_eq args in
- let hook f_ref tcc_lemma_ref functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type
- nb_args relation =
- try
- pre_hook
- (generate_correction_proof_wf f_ref tcc_lemma_ref is_mes
- functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type nb_args relation
- );
- derive_inversion [fname]
- with e ->
- (* No proof done *)
- ()
- in
- Recdef.recursive_definition
- is_mes fname rec_impls
- type_of_f
- wf_rel_expr
- rec_arg_num
- eq
- hook
- using_lemmas
-let register_mes fname rec_impls wf_mes_expr wf_arg using_lemmas args ret_type body =
- let wf_arg_type,wf_arg =
- match wf_arg with
- | None ->
- begin
- match args with
- | [Topconstr.LocalRawAssum ([(_,Name x)],k,t)] -> t,x
- | _ -> error "Recursive argument must be specified"
- end
- | Some wf_args ->
- try
- match
- List.find
- (function
- | Topconstr.LocalRawAssum(l,k,t) ->
- List.exists
- (function (_,Name id) -> id = wf_args | _ -> false)
- l
- | _ -> false
- )
- args
- with
- | Topconstr.LocalRawAssum(_,k,t) -> t,wf_args
- | _ -> assert false
- with Not_found -> assert false
- in
- let ltof =
- let make_dir l = make_dirpath ( id_of_string (List.rev l)) in
- Libnames.Qualid (dummy_loc,Libnames.qualid_of_sp
- (Libnames.make_path (make_dir ["Arith";"Wf_nat"]) (id_of_string "ltof")))
- in
- let fun_from_mes =
- let applied_mes =
- Topconstr.mkAppC(wf_mes_expr,[Topconstr.mkIdentC wf_arg]) in
- Topconstr.mkLambdaC ([(dummy_loc,Name wf_arg)],Topconstr.default_binder_kind,wf_arg_type,applied_mes)
- in
- let wf_rel_from_mes =
- Topconstr.mkAppC(Topconstr.mkRefC ltof,[wf_arg_type;fun_from_mes])
- in
- register_wf ~is_mes:true fname rec_impls wf_rel_from_mes (Some wf_arg)
- using_lemmas args ret_type body
-let do_generate_principle on_error register_built interactive_proof fixpoint_exprl =
- let recdefs,rec_impls = build_newrecursive fixpoint_exprl in
- let _is_struct =
- match fixpoint_exprl with
- | [(((_,name),Some (Wf (wf_rel,wf_x,using_lemmas)),args,types,body))] ->
- let pre_hook =
- generate_principle
- on_error
- true
- register_built
- fixpoint_exprl
- recdefs
- true
- in
- if register_built
- then register_wf name rec_impls wf_rel wf_x using_lemmas args types body pre_hook;
- false
- | [(((_,name),Some (Mes (wf_mes,wf_x,using_lemmas)),args,types,body))] ->
- let pre_hook =
- generate_principle
- on_error
- true
- register_built
- fixpoint_exprl
- recdefs
- true
- in
- if register_built
- then register_mes name rec_impls wf_mes wf_x using_lemmas args types body pre_hook;
- true
- | _ ->
- let fix_names =
- (function ((_,name),_,_,_,_) -> name) fixpoint_exprl
- in
- let is_one_rec = is_rec fix_names in
- let old_fixpoint_exprl =
- (function
- | (name,Some (Struct id),args,types,body),_ ->
- let annot =
- try Some (dummy_loc, id), Topconstr.CStructRec
- with Not_found ->
- raise (UserError("",str "Cannot find argument " ++
- Ppconstr.pr_id id))
- in
- (name,annot,args,types,body),(None:Vernacexpr.decl_notation)
- | (name,None,args,types,body),recdef ->
- let names = (Topconstr.names_of_local_assums args) in
- if is_one_rec recdef && List.length names > 1 then
- user_err_loc
- (dummy_loc,"Function",
- Pp.str "the recursive argument needs to be specified in Function")
- else
- let loc, na = List.hd names in
- (name,(Some (loc, Nameops.out_name na), Topconstr.CStructRec),args,types,body),
- (None:Vernacexpr.decl_notation)
- | (_,Some (Wf _),_,_,_),_ | (_,Some (Mes _),_,_,_),_->
- error
- ("Cannot use mutual definition with well-founded recursion or measure")
- )
- (List.combine fixpoint_exprl recdefs)
- in
- (* ok all the expressions are structural *)
- let fix_names =
- (function ((_,name),_,_,_,_) -> name) fixpoint_exprl
- in
- let is_rec = List.exists (is_rec fix_names) recdefs in
- if register_built then register_struct is_rec old_fixpoint_exprl;
- generate_principle
- on_error
- false
- register_built
- fixpoint_exprl
- recdefs
- interactive_proof
- (Functional_principles_proofs.prove_princ_for_struct interactive_proof);
- if register_built then derive_inversion fix_names;
- true;
- in
- ()
-open Topconstr
-let rec add_args id new_args b =
- match b with
- | CRef r ->
- begin match r with
- | Libnames.Ident(loc,fname) when fname = id ->
- CAppExpl(dummy_loc,(None,r),new_args)
- | _ -> b
- end
- | CFix _ | CCoFix _ -> anomaly "add_args : todo"
- | CArrow(loc,b1,b2) ->
- CArrow(loc,add_args id new_args b1, add_args id new_args b2)
- | CProdN(loc,nal,b1) ->
- CProdN(loc,
- (fun (nal,k,b2) -> (nal,k,add_args id new_args b2)) nal,
- add_args id new_args b1)
- | CLambdaN(loc,nal,b1) ->
- CLambdaN(loc,
- (fun (nal,k,b2) -> (nal,k,add_args id new_args b2)) nal,
- add_args id new_args b1)
- | CLetIn(loc,na,b1,b2) ->
- CLetIn(loc,na,add_args id new_args b1,add_args id new_args b2)
- | CAppExpl(loc,(pf,r),exprl) ->
- begin
- match r with
- | Libnames.Ident(loc,fname) when fname = id ->
- CAppExpl(loc,(pf,r),new_args@( (add_args id new_args) exprl))
- | _ -> CAppExpl(loc,(pf,r), (add_args id new_args) exprl)
- end
- | CApp(loc,(pf,b),bl) ->
- CApp(loc,(pf,add_args id new_args b),
- (fun (e,o) -> add_args id new_args e,o) bl)
- | CCases(loc,sty,b_option,cel,cal) ->
- CCases(loc,sty, (add_args id new_args) b_option,
- (fun (b,(na,b_option)) ->
- add_args id new_args b,
- (na, (add_args id new_args) b_option)) cel,
- (fun (loc,cpl,e) -> (loc,cpl,add_args id new_args e)) cal
- )
- | CLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,b_option),b1,b2) ->
- CLetTuple(loc,nal,(na, (add_args id new_args) b_option),
- add_args id new_args b1,
- add_args id new_args b2
- )
- | CIf(loc,b1,(na,b_option),b2,b3) ->
- CIf(loc,add_args id new_args b1,
- (na, (add_args id new_args) b_option),
- add_args id new_args b2,
- add_args id new_args b3
- )
- | CHole _ -> b
- | CPatVar _ -> b
- | CEvar _ -> b
- | CSort _ -> b
- | CCast(loc,b1,CastConv(ck,b2)) ->
- CCast(loc,add_args id new_args b1,CastConv(ck,add_args id new_args b2))
- | CCast(loc,b1,CastCoerce) ->
- CCast(loc,add_args id new_args b1,CastCoerce)
- | CRecord _ -> anomaly "add_args : CRecord"
- | CNotation _ -> anomaly "add_args : CNotation"
- | CGeneralization _ -> anomaly "add_args : CGeneralization"
- | CPrim _ -> b
- | CDelimiters _ -> anomaly "add_args : CDelimiters"
- | CDynamic _ -> anomaly "add_args : CDynamic"
-exception Stop of Topconstr.constr_expr
-(* [chop_n_arrow n t] chops the [n] first arrows in [t]
- Acts on Topconstr.constr_expr
-let rec chop_n_arrow n t =
- if n <= 0
- then t (* If we have already removed all the arrows then return the type *)
- else (* If not we check the form of [t] *)
- match t with
- | Topconstr.CArrow(_,_,t) -> (* If we have an arrow, we discard it and recall [chop_n_arrow] *)
- chop_n_arrow (n-1) t
- | Topconstr.CProdN(_,nal_ta',t') -> (* If we have a forall, to result are possible :
- either we need to discard more than the number of arrows contained
- in this product declaration then we just recall [chop_n_arrow] on
- the remaining number of arrow to chop and [t'] we discard it and
- recall [chop_n_arrow], either this product contains more arrows
- than the number we need to chop and then we return the new type
- *)
- begin
- try
- let new_n =
- let rec aux (n:int) = function
- [] -> n
- | (nal,k,t'')::nal_ta' ->
- let nal_l = List.length nal in
- if n >= nal_l
- then
- aux (n - nal_l) nal_ta'
- else
- let new_t' =
- Topconstr.CProdN(dummy_loc,
- ((snd (list_chop n nal)),k,t'')::nal_ta',t')
- in
- raise (Stop new_t')
- in
- aux n nal_ta'
- in
- chop_n_arrow new_n t'
- with Stop t -> t
- end
- | _ -> anomaly "Not enough products"
-let rec get_args b t : Topconstr.local_binder list *
- Topconstr.constr_expr * Topconstr.constr_expr =
- match b with
- | Topconstr.CLambdaN (loc, (nal_ta), b') ->
- begin
- let n =
- (List.fold_left (fun n (nal,_,_) ->
- n+List.length nal) 0 nal_ta )
- in
- let nal_tas,b'',t'' = get_args b' (chop_n_arrow n t) in
- ( (fun (nal,k,ta) ->
- (Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,k,ta))) nal_ta)@nal_tas, b'',t''
- end
- | _ -> [],b,t
-let make_graph (f_ref:global_reference) =
- let c,c_body =
- match f_ref with
- | ConstRef c ->
- begin try c,Global.lookup_constant c
- with Not_found ->
- raise (UserError ("",str "Cannot find " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst c)) )
- end
- | _ -> raise (UserError ("", str "Not a function reference") )
- in
- match c_body.const_body with
- | None -> error "Cannot build a graph over an axiom !"
- | Some b ->
- let env = Global.env () in
- let body = (force b) in
- let extern_body,extern_type =
- with_full_print
- (fun () ->
- (Constrextern.extern_constr false env body,
- Constrextern.extern_type false env
- (Typeops.type_of_constant_type env c_body.const_type)
- )
- )
- ()
- in
- let (nal_tas,b,t) = get_args extern_body extern_type in
- let expr_list =
- match b with
- | Topconstr.CFix(loc,l_id,fixexprl) ->
- let l =
- (fun (id,(n,recexp),bl,t,b) ->
- let loc, rec_id = Option.get n in
- let new_args =
- List.flatten
- (
- (function
- | Topconstr.LocalRawDef (na,_)-> []
- | Topconstr.LocalRawAssum (nal,_,_) ->
- (fun (loc,n) ->
- CRef(Libnames.Ident(loc, Nameops.out_name n)))
- nal
- )
- nal_tas
- )
- in
- let b' = add_args (snd id) new_args b in
- (id, Some (Struct rec_id),nal_tas@bl,t,b')
- )
- fixexprl
- in
- l
- | _ ->
- let id = id_of_label (con_label c) in
- [((dummy_loc,id),None,nal_tas,t,b)]
- in
- do_generate_principle error_error false false expr_list;
- (* We register the infos *)
- let mp,dp,_ = repr_con c in
- List.iter
- (fun ((_,id),_,_,_,_) -> add_Function false (make_con mp dp (label_of_id id)))
- expr_list
-(* let make_graph _ = assert false *)
-let do_generate_principle = do_generate_principle warning_error true
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
deleted file mode 100644
index a3c169b7..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-open Names
-open Pp
-open Libnames
-let mk_prefix pre id = id_of_string (pre^(string_of_id id))
-let mk_rel_id = mk_prefix "R_"
-let mk_correct_id id = Nameops.add_suffix (mk_rel_id id) "_correct"
-let mk_complete_id id = Nameops.add_suffix (mk_rel_id id) "_complete"
-let mk_equation_id id = Nameops.add_suffix id "_equation"
-let msgnl m =
- ()
-let invalid_argument s = raise (Invalid_argument s)
-let fresh_id avoid s = Termops.next_global_ident_away true (id_of_string s) avoid
-let fresh_name avoid s = Name (fresh_id avoid s)
-let get_name avoid ?(default="H") = function
- | Anonymous -> fresh_name avoid default
- | Name n -> Name n
-let array_get_start a =
- try
- Array.init
- (Array.length a - 1)
- (fun i -> a.(i))
- with Invalid_argument "index out of bounds" ->
- invalid_argument "array_get_start"
-let id_of_name = function
- Name id -> id
- | _ -> raise Not_found
-let locate ref =
- let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference ref in
- Nametab.locate qid
-let locate_ind ref =
- match locate ref with
- | IndRef x -> x
- | _ -> raise Not_found
-let locate_constant ref =
- match locate ref with
- | ConstRef x -> x
- | _ -> raise Not_found
-let locate_with_msg msg f x =
- try
- f x
- with
- | Not_found -> raise (Util.UserError("", msg))
- | e -> raise e
-let filter_map filter f =
- let rec it = function
- | [] -> []
- | e::l ->
- if filter e
- then
- (f e) :: it l
- else it l
- in
- it
-let chop_rlambda_n =
- let rec chop_lambda_n acc n rt =
- if n == 0
- then List.rev acc,rt
- else
- match rt with
- | Rawterm.RLambda(_,name,k,t,b) -> chop_lambda_n ((name,t,false)::acc) (n-1) b
- | Rawterm.RLetIn(_,name,v,b) -> chop_lambda_n ((name,v,true)::acc) (n-1) b
- | _ ->
- raise (Util.UserError("chop_rlambda_n",
- str "chop_rlambda_n: Not enough Lambdas"))
- in
- chop_lambda_n []
-let chop_rprod_n =
- let rec chop_prod_n acc n rt =
- if n == 0
- then List.rev acc,rt
- else
- match rt with
- | Rawterm.RProd(_,name,k,t,b) -> chop_prod_n ((name,t)::acc) (n-1) b
- | _ -> raise (Util.UserError("chop_rprod_n",str "chop_rprod_n: Not enough products"))
- in
- chop_prod_n []
-let list_union_eq eq_fun l1 l2 =
- let rec urec = function
- | [] -> l2
- | a::l -> if List.exists (eq_fun a) l2 then urec l else a::urec l
- in
- urec l1
-let list_add_set_eq eq_fun x l =
- if List.exists (eq_fun x) l then l else x::l
-let const_of_id id =
- let _,princ_ref =
- qualid_of_reference (Libnames.Ident (Util.dummy_loc,id))
- in
- try Nametab.locate_constant princ_ref
- with Not_found -> Util.error ("cannot find "^ string_of_id id)
-let def_of_const t =
- match (Term.kind_of_term t) with
- Term.Const sp ->
- (try (match (Global.lookup_constant sp) with
- {Declarations.const_body=Some c} -> Declarations.force c
- |_ -> assert false)
- with _ -> assert false)
- |_ -> assert false
-let coq_constant s =
- Coqlib.gen_constant_in_modules "RecursiveDefinition"
- (Coqlib.init_modules @ Coqlib.arith_modules) s;;
-let constant sl s =
- constr_of_global
- (Nametab.locate (make_qualid(Names.make_dirpath
- ( id_of_string (List.rev sl)))
- (id_of_string s)));;
-let find_reference sl s =
- (Nametab.locate (make_qualid(Names.make_dirpath
- ( id_of_string (List.rev sl)))
- (id_of_string s)));;
-let eq = lazy(coq_constant "eq")
-let refl_equal = lazy(coq_constant "refl_equal")
-(* Copy of the standart save mechanism but without the much too *)
-(* slow reduction function *)
-open Declarations
-open Entries
-open Decl_kinds
-open Declare
-let definition_message id =
- Flags.if_verbose message ((string_of_id id) ^ " is defined")
-let save with_clean id const (locality,kind) hook =
- let {const_entry_body = pft;
- const_entry_type = tpo;
- const_entry_opaque = opacity } = const in
- let l,r = match locality with
- | Local when Lib.sections_are_opened () ->
- let k = logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
- let c = SectionLocalDef (pft, tpo, opacity) in
- let _ = declare_variable id (Lib.cwd(), c, k) in
- (Local, VarRef id)
- | Local ->
- let k = logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
- let kn = declare_constant id (DefinitionEntry const, k) in
- (Global, ConstRef kn)
- | Global ->
- let k = logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
- let kn = declare_constant id (DefinitionEntry const, k) in
- (Global, ConstRef kn) in
- if with_clean then Pfedit.delete_current_proof ();
- hook l r;
- definition_message id
-let extract_pftreestate pts =
- let pfterm,subgoals = Refiner.extract_open_pftreestate pts in
- let tpfsigma = Refiner.evc_of_pftreestate pts in
- let exl = Evarutil.non_instantiated tpfsigma in
- if subgoals <> [] or exl <> [] then
- Util.errorlabstrm "extract_proof"
- (if subgoals <> [] then
- str "Attempt to save an incomplete proof"
- else
- str "Attempt to save a proof with existential variables still non-instantiated");
- let env = Global.env_of_context (Refiner.proof_of_pftreestate pts).Proof_type.goal.Evd.evar_hyps in
- env,tpfsigma,pfterm
-let nf_betaiotazeta =
- let clos_norm_flags flgs env sigma t =
- Closure.norm_val (Closure.create_clos_infos flgs env) (Closure.inject (Reductionops.nf_evar sigma t)) in
- clos_norm_flags Closure.betaiotazeta
-let nf_betaiota =
- let clos_norm_flags flgs env sigma t =
- Closure.norm_val (Closure.create_clos_infos flgs env) (Closure.inject (Reductionops.nf_evar sigma t)) in
- clos_norm_flags Closure.betaiota
-let cook_proof do_reduce =
- let pfs = Pfedit.get_pftreestate ()
-(* and ident = Pfedit.get_current_proof_name () *)
- and (ident,strength,concl,hook) = Pfedit.current_proof_statement () in
- let env,sigma,pfterm = extract_pftreestate pfs in
- let pfterm =
- if do_reduce
- then nf_betaiota env sigma pfterm
- else pfterm
- in
- (ident,
- ({ const_entry_body = pfterm;
- const_entry_type = Some concl;
- const_entry_opaque = false;
- const_entry_boxed = false},
- strength, hook))
-let new_save_named opacity =
- let id,(const,persistence,hook) = cook_proof true in
- let const = { const with const_entry_opaque = opacity } in
- save true id const persistence hook
-let get_proof_clean do_reduce =
- let result = cook_proof do_reduce in
- Pfedit.delete_current_proof ();
- result
-let with_full_print f a =
- let old_implicit_args = Impargs.is_implicit_args ()
- and old_strict_implicit_args = Impargs.is_strict_implicit_args ()
- and old_contextual_implicit_args = Impargs.is_contextual_implicit_args () in
- let old_rawprint = !Flags.raw_print in
- Flags.raw_print := true;
- Impargs.make_implicit_args false;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args false;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args false;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args false;
- Dumpglob.pause ();
- try
- let res = f a in
- Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
- Flags.raw_print := old_rawprint;
- Dumpglob.continue ();
- res
- with
- | e ->
- Impargs.make_implicit_args old_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_strict_implicit_args old_strict_implicit_args;
- Impargs.make_contextual_implicit_args old_contextual_implicit_args;
- Flags.raw_print := old_rawprint;
- Dumpglob.continue ();
- raise e
-type function_info =
- {
- function_constant : constant;
- graph_ind : inductive;
- equation_lemma : constant option;
- correctness_lemma : constant option;
- completeness_lemma : constant option;
- rect_lemma : constant option;
- rec_lemma : constant option;
- prop_lemma : constant option;
- is_general : bool; (* Has this function been defined using general recursive definition *)
- }
-(* type function_db = function_info list *)
-(* let function_table = ref ([] : function_db) *)
-let from_function = ref Cmap.empty
-let from_graph = ref Indmap.empty
-let rec do_cache_info finfo = function
- | [] -> raise Not_found
- | (finfo'::finfos as l) ->
- if finfo' == finfo then l
- else if finfo'.function_constant = finfo.function_constant
- then finfo::finfos
- else
- let res = do_cache_info finfo finfos in
- if res == finfos then l else finfo'::l
-let cache_Function (_,(finfos)) =
- let new_tbl =
- try do_cache_info finfos !function_table
- with Not_found -> finfos::!function_table
- in
- if new_tbl != !function_table
- then function_table := new_tbl
-let cache_Function (_,finfos) =
- from_function := Cmap.add finfos.function_constant finfos !from_function;
- from_graph := Indmap.add finfos.graph_ind finfos !from_graph
-let load_Function _ = cache_Function
-let open_Function _ = cache_Function
-let subst_Function (_,subst,finfos) =
- let do_subst_con c = fst (Mod_subst.subst_con subst c)
- and do_subst_ind (kn,i) = (Mod_subst.subst_kn subst kn,i)
- in
- let function_constant' = do_subst_con finfos.function_constant in
- let graph_ind' = do_subst_ind finfos.graph_ind in
- let equation_lemma' = Option.smartmap do_subst_con finfos.equation_lemma in
- let correctness_lemma' = Option.smartmap do_subst_con finfos.correctness_lemma in
- let completeness_lemma' = Option.smartmap do_subst_con finfos.completeness_lemma in
- let rect_lemma' = Option.smartmap do_subst_con finfos.rect_lemma in
- let rec_lemma' = Option.smartmap do_subst_con finfos.rec_lemma in
- let prop_lemma' = Option.smartmap do_subst_con finfos.prop_lemma in
- if function_constant' == finfos.function_constant &&
- graph_ind' == finfos.graph_ind &&
- equation_lemma' == finfos.equation_lemma &&
- correctness_lemma' == finfos.correctness_lemma &&
- completeness_lemma' == finfos.completeness_lemma &&
- rect_lemma' == finfos.rect_lemma &&
- rec_lemma' == finfos.rec_lemma &&
- prop_lemma' == finfos.prop_lemma
- then finfos
- else
- { function_constant = function_constant';
- graph_ind = graph_ind';
- equation_lemma = equation_lemma' ;
- correctness_lemma = correctness_lemma' ;
- completeness_lemma = completeness_lemma' ;
- rect_lemma = rect_lemma' ;
- rec_lemma = rec_lemma';
- prop_lemma = prop_lemma';
- is_general = finfos.is_general
- }
-let classify_Function (_,infos) = Libobject.Substitute infos
-let export_Function infos = Some infos
-let discharge_Function (_,finfos) =
- let function_constant' = Lib.discharge_con finfos.function_constant
- and graph_ind' = Lib.discharge_inductive finfos.graph_ind
- and equation_lemma' = Option.smartmap Lib.discharge_con finfos.equation_lemma
- and correctness_lemma' = Option.smartmap Lib.discharge_con finfos.correctness_lemma
- and completeness_lemma' = Option.smartmap Lib.discharge_con finfos.completeness_lemma
- and rect_lemma' = Option.smartmap Lib.discharge_con finfos.rect_lemma
- and rec_lemma' = Option.smartmap Lib.discharge_con finfos.rec_lemma
- and prop_lemma' = Option.smartmap Lib.discharge_con finfos.prop_lemma
- in
- if function_constant' == finfos.function_constant &&
- graph_ind' == finfos.graph_ind &&
- equation_lemma' == finfos.equation_lemma &&
- correctness_lemma' == finfos.correctness_lemma &&
- completeness_lemma' == finfos.completeness_lemma &&
- rect_lemma' == finfos.rect_lemma &&
- rec_lemma' == finfos.rec_lemma &&
- prop_lemma' == finfos.prop_lemma
- then Some finfos
- else
- Some { function_constant = function_constant' ;
- graph_ind = graph_ind' ;
- equation_lemma = equation_lemma' ;
- correctness_lemma = correctness_lemma' ;
- completeness_lemma = completeness_lemma';
- rect_lemma = rect_lemma';
- rec_lemma = rec_lemma';
- prop_lemma = prop_lemma' ;
- is_general = finfos.is_general
- }
-open Term
-let pr_info f_info =
- str "function_constant := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst f_info.function_constant)++ fnl () ++
- str "function_constant_type := " ++
- (try Printer.pr_lconstr (Global.type_of_global (ConstRef f_info.function_constant)) with _ -> mt ()) ++ fnl () ++
- str "equation_lemma := " ++ (Option.fold_right (fun v acc -> Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst v)) f_info.equation_lemma (mt ()) ) ++ fnl () ++
- str "completeness_lemma :=" ++ (Option.fold_right (fun v acc -> Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst v)) f_info.completeness_lemma (mt ()) ) ++ fnl () ++
- str "correctness_lemma := " ++ (Option.fold_right (fun v acc -> Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst v)) f_info.correctness_lemma (mt ()) ) ++ fnl () ++
- str "rect_lemma := " ++ (Option.fold_right (fun v acc -> Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst v)) f_info.rect_lemma (mt ()) ) ++ fnl () ++
- str "rec_lemma := " ++ (Option.fold_right (fun v acc -> Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst v)) f_info.rec_lemma (mt ()) ) ++ fnl () ++
- str "prop_lemma := " ++ (Option.fold_right (fun v acc -> Printer.pr_lconstr (mkConst v)) f_info.prop_lemma (mt ()) ) ++ fnl () ++
- str "graph_ind := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr (mkInd f_info.graph_ind) ++ fnl ()
-let pr_table tb =
- let l = Cmap.fold (fun k v acc -> v::acc) tb [] in
- Util.prlist_with_sep fnl pr_info l
-let in_Function,out_Function =
- Libobject.declare_object
- {(Libobject.default_object "FUNCTIONS_DB") with
- Libobject.cache_function = cache_Function;
- Libobject.load_function = load_Function;
- Libobject.classify_function = classify_Function;
- Libobject.subst_function = subst_Function;
- Libobject.export_function = export_Function;
- Libobject.discharge_function = discharge_Function
-(* Libobject.open_function = open_Function; *)
- }
-(* Synchronisation with reset *)
-let freeze () =
- !from_function,!from_graph
-let unfreeze (functions,graphs) =
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "unfreezing function_table : " ++ pr_table l); *)
- from_function := functions;
- from_graph := graphs
-let init () =
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "reseting function_table"); *)
- from_function := Cmap.empty;
- from_graph := Indmap.empty
-let _ =
- Summary.declare_summary "functions_db_sum"
- { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
- Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
- Summary.init_function = init;
- Summary.survive_module = false;
- Summary.survive_section = false }
-let find_or_none id =
- try Some
- (match Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid id) with ConstRef c -> c | _ -> Util.anomaly "Not a constant"
- )
- with Not_found -> None
-let find_Function_infos f =
- Cmap.find f !from_function
-let find_Function_of_graph ind =
- Indmap.find ind !from_graph
-let update_Function finfo =
-(* Pp.msgnl (pr_info finfo); *)
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (in_Function finfo)
-let add_Function is_general f =
- let f_id = id_of_label (con_label f) in
- let equation_lemma = find_or_none (mk_equation_id f_id)
- and correctness_lemma = find_or_none (mk_correct_id f_id)
- and completeness_lemma = find_or_none (mk_complete_id f_id)
- and rect_lemma = find_or_none (Nameops.add_suffix f_id "_rect")
- and rec_lemma = find_or_none (Nameops.add_suffix f_id "_rec")
- and prop_lemma = find_or_none (Nameops.add_suffix f_id "_ind")
- and graph_ind =
- match Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid (mk_rel_id f_id))
- with | IndRef ind -> ind | _ -> Util.anomaly "Not an inductive"
- in
- let finfos =
- { function_constant = f;
- equation_lemma = equation_lemma;
- completeness_lemma = completeness_lemma;
- correctness_lemma = correctness_lemma;
- rect_lemma = rect_lemma;
- rec_lemma = rec_lemma;
- prop_lemma = prop_lemma;
- graph_ind = graph_ind;
- is_general = is_general
- }
- in
- update_Function finfos
-let pr_table () = pr_table !from_function
-(* Debuging *)
-let function_debug = ref false
-open Goptions
-let function_debug_sig =
- {
- optsync = false;
- optname = "Function debug";
- optkey = PrimaryTable("Function_debug");
- optread = (fun () -> !function_debug);
- optwrite = (fun b -> function_debug := b)
- }
-let _ = declare_bool_option function_debug_sig
-let do_observe () =
- !function_debug = true
-exception Building_graph of exn
-exception Defining_principle of exn
diff --git a/contrib/funind/indfun_common.mli b/contrib/funind/indfun_common.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 7da1d6f0..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/indfun_common.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-open Names
-open Pp
- The mk_?_id function build different name w.r.t. a function
- Each of their use is justified in the code
-val mk_rel_id : identifier -> identifier
-val mk_correct_id : identifier -> identifier
-val mk_complete_id : identifier -> identifier
-val mk_equation_id : identifier -> identifier
-val msgnl : std_ppcmds -> unit
-val invalid_argument : string -> 'a
-val fresh_id : identifier list -> string -> identifier
-val fresh_name : identifier list -> string -> name
-val get_name : identifier list -> ?default:string -> name -> name
-val array_get_start : 'a array -> 'a array
-val id_of_name : name -> identifier
-val locate_ind : Libnames.reference -> inductive
-val locate_constant : Libnames.reference -> constant
-val locate_with_msg :
- Pp.std_ppcmds -> (Libnames.reference -> 'a) ->
- Libnames.reference -> 'a
-val filter_map : ('a -> bool) -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
-val list_union_eq :
- ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val list_add_set_eq :
- ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
-val chop_rlambda_n : int -> Rawterm.rawconstr ->
- (name*Rawterm.rawconstr*bool) list * Rawterm.rawconstr
-val chop_rprod_n : int -> Rawterm.rawconstr ->
- (name*Rawterm.rawconstr) list * Rawterm.rawconstr
-val def_of_const : Term.constr -> Term.constr
-val eq : Term.constr Lazy.t
-val refl_equal : Term.constr Lazy.t
-val const_of_id: identifier -> constant
-(* [save_named] is a copy of [Command.save_named] but uses
- [nf_betaiotazeta] instead of [nf_betaiotaevar_preserving_vm_cast]
- DON'T USE IT if you cannot ensure that there is no VMcast in the proof
-(* val nf_betaiotazeta : Reductionops.reduction_function *)
-val new_save_named : bool -> unit
-val save : bool -> identifier -> Entries.definition_entry -> Decl_kinds.goal_kind ->
- Tacexpr.declaration_hook -> unit
-(* [get_proof_clean do_reduce] : returns the proof name, definition, kind and hook and
- abort the proof
-val get_proof_clean : bool ->
- Names.identifier *
- (Entries.definition_entry * Decl_kinds.goal_kind *
- Tacexpr.declaration_hook)
-(* [with_full_print f a] applies [f] to [a] in full printing environment
- This function preserves the print settings
-val with_full_print : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
-type function_info =
- {
- function_constant : constant;
- graph_ind : inductive;
- equation_lemma : constant option;
- correctness_lemma : constant option;
- completeness_lemma : constant option;
- rect_lemma : constant option;
- rec_lemma : constant option;
- prop_lemma : constant option;
- is_general : bool;
- }
-val find_Function_infos : constant -> function_info
-val find_Function_of_graph : inductive -> function_info
-(* WARNING: To be used just after the graph definition !!! *)
-val add_Function : bool -> constant -> unit
-val update_Function : function_info -> unit
-(** debugging *)
-val pr_info : function_info -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val pr_table : unit -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-(* val function_debug : bool ref *)
-val do_observe : unit -> bool
-(* To localize pb *)
-exception Building_graph of exn
-exception Defining_principle of exn
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c8f0871..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1022 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Tacexpr
-open Declarations
-open Util
-open Names
-open Term
-open Pp
-open Libnames
-open Tacticals
-open Tactics
-open Indfun_common
-open Tacmach
-open Termops
-open Sign
-open Hiddentac
-(* Some pretty printing function for debugging purpose *)
-let pr_binding prc =
- function
- | loc, Rawterm.NamedHyp id, (_,c) -> hov 1 (Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ str " := " ++ Pp.cut () ++ prc c)
- | loc, Rawterm.AnonHyp n, (_,c) -> hov 1 (int n ++ str " := " ++ Pp.cut () ++ prc c)
-let pr_bindings prc prlc = function
- | Rawterm.ImplicitBindings l ->
- brk (1,1) ++ str "with" ++ brk (1,1) ++
- Util.prlist_with_sep spc (fun (_,c) -> prc c) l
- | Rawterm.ExplicitBindings l ->
- brk (1,1) ++ str "with" ++ brk (1,1) ++
- Util.prlist_with_sep spc (fun b -> str"(" ++ pr_binding prlc b ++ str")") l
- | Rawterm.NoBindings -> mt ()
-let pr_with_bindings prc prlc (c,bl) =
- prc c ++ hv 0 (pr_bindings prc prlc bl)
-let pr_constr_with_binding prc (c,bl) : Pp.std_ppcmds =
- pr_with_bindings prc prc (c,bl)
-(* The local debuging mechanism *)
-let msgnl = Pp.msgnl
-let observe strm =
- if do_observe ()
- then Pp.msgnl strm
- else ()
-let observennl strm =
- if do_observe ()
- then begin Pp.msg strm;Pp.pp_flush () end
- else ()
-let do_observe_tac s tac g =
- let goal = begin try (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)) with _ -> assert false end in
- try
- let v = tac g in msgnl (goal ++ fnl () ++ s ++(str " ")++(str "finished")); v
- with e ->
- msgnl (str "observation "++ s++str " raised exception " ++
- Cerrors.explain_exn e ++ str " on goal " ++ goal );
- raise e;;
-let observe_tac s tac g =
- if do_observe ()
- then do_observe_tac (str s) tac g
- else tac g
-(* [nf_zeta] $\zeta$-normalization of a term *)
-let nf_zeta =
- Reductionops.clos_norm_flags (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
- Environ.empty_env
- Evd.empty
-(* [id_to_constr id] finds the term associated to [id] in the global environment *)
-let id_to_constr id =
- try
- Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ()) id
- with Not_found ->
- raise (UserError ("",str "Cannot find " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id id))
-(* [generate_type g_to_f f graph i] build the completeness (resp. correctness) lemma type if [g_to_f = true]
- (resp. g_to_f = false) where [graph] is the graph of [f] and is the [i]th function in the block.
- [generate_type true f i] returns
- \[\forall (x_1:t_1)\ldots(x_n:t_n), let fv := f x_1\ldots x_n in, forall res,
- graph\ x_1\ldots x_n\ res \rightarrow res = fv \] decomposed as the context and the conclusion
- [generate_type false f i] returns
- \[\forall (x_1:t_1)\ldots(x_n:t_n), let fv := f x_1\ldots x_n in, forall res,
- res = fv \rightarrow graph\ x_1\ldots x_n\ res\] decomposed as the context and the conclusion
- *)
-let generate_type g_to_f f graph i =
- (*i we deduce the number of arguments of the function and its returned type from the graph i*)
- let graph_arity = Inductive.type_of_inductive (Global.env()) (Global.lookup_inductive (destInd graph)) in
- let ctxt,_ = decompose_prod_assum graph_arity in
- let fun_ctxt,res_type =
- match ctxt with
- | [] | [_] -> anomaly "Not a valid context"
- | (_,_,res_type)::fun_ctxt -> fun_ctxt,res_type
- in
- let nb_args = List.length fun_ctxt in
- let args_from_decl i decl =
- match decl with
- | (_,Some _,_) -> incr i; failwith "args_from_decl"
- | _ -> let j = !i in incr i;mkRel (nb_args - j + 1)
- in
- (*i We need to name the vars [res] and [fv] i*)
- let res_id =
- Termops.next_global_ident_away
- true
- (id_of_string "res")
- (map_succeed (function (Name id,_,_) -> id | (Anonymous,_,_) -> failwith "") fun_ctxt)
- in
- let fv_id =
- Termops.next_global_ident_away
- true
- (id_of_string "fv")
- (res_id::(map_succeed (function (Name id,_,_) -> id | (Anonymous,_,_) -> failwith "Anonymous!") fun_ctxt))
- in
- (*i we can then type the argument to be applied to the function [f] i*)
- let args_as_rels =
- let i = ref 0 in
- Array.of_list ((map_succeed (args_from_decl i) (List.rev fun_ctxt)))
- in
- let args_as_rels = Termops.pop args_as_rels in
- (*i
- the hypothesis [res = fv] can then be computed
- We will need to lift it by one in order to use it as a conclusion
- i*)
- let res_eq_f_of_args =
- mkApp(Coqlib.build_coq_eq (),[|lift 2 res_type;mkRel 1;mkRel 2|])
- in
- (*i
- The hypothesis [graph\ x_1\ldots x_n\ res] can then be computed
- We will need to lift it by one in order to use it as a conclusion
- i*)
- let graph_applied =
- let args_and_res_as_rels =
- let i = ref 0 in
- Array.of_list ((map_succeed (args_from_decl i) (List.rev ((Name res_id,None,res_type)::fun_ctxt))) )
- in
- let args_and_res_as_rels =
- Array.mapi (fun i c -> if i <> Array.length args_and_res_as_rels - 1 then lift 1 c else c) args_and_res_as_rels
- in
- mkApp(graph,args_and_res_as_rels)
- in
- (*i The [pre_context] is the defined to be the context corresponding to
- \[\forall (x_1:t_1)\ldots(x_n:t_n), let fv := f x_1\ldots x_n in, forall res, \]
- i*)
- let pre_ctxt =
- (Name res_id,None,lift 1 res_type)::(Name fv_id,Some (mkApp(mkConst f,args_as_rels)),res_type)::fun_ctxt
- in
- (*i and we can return the solution depending on which lemma type we are defining i*)
- if g_to_f
- then (Anonymous,None,graph_applied)::pre_ctxt,(lift 1 res_eq_f_of_args)
- else (Anonymous,None,res_eq_f_of_args)::pre_ctxt,(lift 1 graph_applied)
- [find_induction_principle f] searches and returns the [body] and the [type] of [f_rect]
- WARNING: while convertible, [type_of body] and [type] can be non equal
-let find_induction_principle f =
- let f_as_constant = match kind_of_term f with
- | Const c' -> c'
- | _ -> error "Must be used with a function"
- in
- let infos = find_Function_infos f_as_constant in
- match infos.rect_lemma with
- | None -> raise Not_found
- | Some rect_lemma ->
- let rect_lemma = mkConst rect_lemma in
- let typ = Typing.type_of (Global.env ()) Evd.empty rect_lemma in
- rect_lemma,typ
-(* let fname = *)
-(* match kind_of_term f with *)
-(* | Const c' -> *)
-(* id_of_label (con_label c') *)
-(* | _ -> error "Must be used with a function" *)
-(* in *)
-(* let princ_name = *)
-(* ( *)
-(* Indrec.make_elimination_ident *)
-(* fname *)
-(* InType *)
-(* ) *)
-(* in *)
-(* let c = (\* mkConst(mk_from_const (destConst f) princ_name ) in *\) failwith "" in *)
-(* c,Typing.type_of (Global.env ()) Evd.empty c *)
-let rec generate_fresh_id x avoid i =
- if i == 0
- then []
- else
- let id = Termops.next_global_ident_away true x avoid in
- id::(generate_fresh_id x (id::avoid) (pred i))
-(* [prove_fun_correct functional_induction funs_constr graphs_constr schemes lemmas_types_infos i ]
- is the tactic used to prove correctness lemma.
- [functional_induction] is the tactic defined in [indfun] (dependency problem)
- [funs_constr], [graphs_constr] [schemes] [lemmas_types_infos] are the mutually recursive functions
- (resp. graphs of the functions and principles and correctness lemma types) to prove correct.
- [i] is the indice of the function to prove correct
- The lemma to prove if suppose to have been generated by [generate_type] (in $\zeta$ normal form that is
- it looks like~:
- [\forall (x_1:t_1)\ldots(x_n:t_n), forall res,
- res = f x_1\ldots x_n in, \rightarrow graph\ x_1\ldots x_n\ res]
- The sketch of the proof is the following one~:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item intros until $x_n$
- \item $functional\ induction\ (f.(i)\ x_1\ldots x_n)$ using schemes.(i)
- \item for each generated branch intro [res] and [hres :res = f x_1\ldots x_n], rewrite [hres] and the
- apply the corresponding constructor of the corresponding graph inductive.
- \end{enumerate}
-let prove_fun_correct functional_induction funs_constr graphs_constr schemes lemmas_types_infos i : tactic =
- fun g ->
- (* first of all we recreate the lemmas types to be used as predicates of the induction principle
- that is~:
- \[fun (x_1:t_1)\ldots(x_n:t_n)=> fun fv => fun res => res = fv \rightarrow graph\ x_1\ldots x_n\ res\]
- *)
- let lemmas =
- (fun (_,(ctxt,concl)) ->
- match ctxt with
- | [] | [_] | [_;_] -> anomaly "bad context"
- | hres::res::(x,_,t)::ctxt ->
- Termops.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn
- ~init:(Termops.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:concl [hres;res])
- ((x,None,t)::ctxt)
- )
- lemmas_types_infos
- in
- (* we the get the definition of the graphs block *)
- let graph_ind = destInd graphs_constr.(i) in
- let kn = fst graph_ind in
- let mib,_ = Global.lookup_inductive graph_ind in
- (* and the principle to use in this lemma in $\zeta$ normal form *)
- let f_principle,princ_type = schemes.(i) in
- let princ_type = nf_zeta princ_type in
- let princ_infos = Tactics.compute_elim_sig princ_type in
- (* The number of args of the function is then easilly computable *)
- let nb_fun_args = nb_prod (pf_concl g) - 2 in
- let args_names = generate_fresh_id (id_of_string "x") [] nb_fun_args in
- let ids = args_names@(pf_ids_of_hyps g) in
- (* Since we cannot ensure that the funcitonnal principle is defined in the
- environement and due to the bug #1174, we will need to pose the principle
- using a name
- *)
- let principle_id = Termops.next_global_ident_away true (id_of_string "princ") ids in
- let ids = principle_id :: ids in
- (* We get the branches of the principle *)
- let branches = List.rev princ_infos.branches in
- (* and built the intro pattern for each of them *)
- let intro_pats =
- (fun (_,_,br_type) ->
- (fun id -> dummy_loc, Genarg.IntroIdentifier id)
- (generate_fresh_id (id_of_string "y") ids (List.length (fst (decompose_prod_assum br_type))))
- )
- branches
- in
- (* before building the full intro pattern for the principle *)
- let pat = Some (dummy_loc,Genarg.IntroOrAndPattern intro_pats) in
- let eq_ind = Coqlib.build_coq_eq () in
- let eq_construct = mkConstruct((destInd eq_ind),1) in
- (* The next to referencies will be used to find out which constructor to apply in each branch *)
- let ind_number = ref 0
- and min_constr_number = ref 0 in
- (* The tactic to prove the ith branch of the principle *)
- let prove_branche i g =
- (* We get the identifiers of this branch *)
- let this_branche_ids =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (_,pat) acc ->
- match pat with
- | Genarg.IntroIdentifier id -> Idset.add id acc
- | _ -> anomaly "Not an identifier"
- )
- (List.nth intro_pats (pred i))
- Idset.empty
- in
- (* and get the real args of the branch by unfolding the defined constant *)
- let pre_args,pre_tac =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (id,b,t) (pre_args,pre_tac) ->
- if Idset.mem id this_branche_ids
- then
- match b with
- | None -> (id::pre_args,pre_tac)
- | Some b ->
- (pre_args,
- tclTHEN (h_reduce (Rawterm.Unfold([Rawterm.all_occurrences_expr,EvalVarRef id])) allHyps) pre_tac
- )
- else (pre_args,pre_tac)
- )
- (pf_hyps g)
- ([],tclIDTAC)
- in
- (*
- We can then recompute the arguments of the constructor.
- For each [hid] introduced by this branch, if [hid] has type
- $forall res, res=fv -> graph.(j)\ x_1\ x_n res$ the corresponding arguments of the constructor are
- [ fv (hid fv (refl_equal fv)) ].
- If [hid] has another type the corresponding argument of the constructor is [hid]
- *)
- let constructor_args =
- List.fold_right
- (fun hid acc ->
- let type_of_hid = pf_type_of g (mkVar hid) in
- match kind_of_term type_of_hid with
- | Prod(_,_,t') ->
- begin
- match kind_of_term t' with
- | Prod(_,t'',t''') ->
- begin
- match kind_of_term t'',kind_of_term t''' with
- | App(eq,args), App(graph',_)
- when
- (eq_constr eq eq_ind) &&
- array_exists (eq_constr graph') graphs_constr ->
- ((mkApp(mkVar hid,[|args.(2);(mkApp(eq_construct,[|args.(0);args.(2)|]))|]))
- ::args.(2)::acc)
- | _ -> mkVar hid :: acc
- end
- | _ -> mkVar hid :: acc
- end
- | _ -> mkVar hid :: acc
- ) pre_args []
- in
- (* in fact we must also add the parameters to the constructor args *)
- let constructor_args =
- let params_id = fst (list_chop princ_infos.nparams args_names) in
- ( mkVar params_id)@(List.rev constructor_args)
- in
- (* We then get the constructor corresponding to this branch and
- modifies the references has needed i.e.
- if the constructor is the last one of the current inductive then
- add one the number of the inductive to take and add the number of constructor of the previous
- graph to the minimal constructor number
- *)
- let constructor =
- let constructor_num = i - !min_constr_number in
- let length = Array.length (mib.Declarations.mind_packets.(!ind_number).Declarations.mind_consnames) in
- if constructor_num <= length
- then
- begin
- (kn,!ind_number),constructor_num
- end
- else
- begin
- incr ind_number;
- min_constr_number := !min_constr_number + length ;
- (kn,!ind_number),1
- end
- in
- (* we can then build the final proof term *)
- let app_constructor = applist((mkConstruct(constructor)),constructor_args) in
- (* an apply the tactic *)
- let res,hres =
- match generate_fresh_id (id_of_string "z") (ids(* @this_branche_ids *)) 2 with
- | [res;hres] -> res,hres
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- observe (str "constructor := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g) app_constructor);
- (
- [
- (* unfolding of all the defined variables introduced by this branch *)
- observe_tac "unfolding" pre_tac;
- (* $zeta$ normalizing of the conclusion *)
- h_reduce
- (Rawterm.Cbv
- { Rawterm.all_flags with
- Rawterm.rDelta = false ;
- Rawterm.rConst = []
- }
- )
- onConcl;
- (* introducing the the result of the graph and the equality hypothesis *)
- observe_tac "introducing" (tclMAP h_intro [res;hres]);
- (* replacing [res] with its value *)
- observe_tac "rewriting res value" (Equality.rewriteLR (mkVar hres));
- (* Conclusion *)
- observe_tac "exact" (h_exact app_constructor)
- ]
- )
- g
- in
- (* end of branche proof *)
- let param_names = fst (list_chop princ_infos.nparams args_names) in
- let params = mkVar param_names in
- let lemmas = Array.to_list ( (fun c -> applist(c,params)) lemmas) in
- (* The bindings of the principle
- that is the params of the principle and the different lemma types
- *)
- let bindings =
- let params_bindings,avoid =
- List.fold_left2
- (fun (bindings,avoid) (x,_,_) p ->
- let id = Nameops.next_ident_away (Nameops.out_name x) avoid in
- (dummy_loc,Rawterm.NamedHyp id,inj_open p)::bindings,id::avoid
- )
- ([],pf_ids_of_hyps g)
- princ_infos.params
- (List.rev params)
- in
- let lemmas_bindings =
- List.rev (fst (List.fold_left2
- (fun (bindings,avoid) (x,_,_) p ->
- let id = Nameops.next_ident_away (Nameops.out_name x) avoid in
- (dummy_loc,Rawterm.NamedHyp id,inj_open (nf_zeta p))::bindings,id::avoid)
- ([],avoid)
- princ_infos.predicates
- (lemmas)))
- in
- Rawterm.ExplicitBindings (params_bindings@lemmas_bindings)
- in
- [ observe_tac "intro args_names" (tclMAP h_intro args_names);
- observe_tac "principle" (assert_by
- (Name principle_id)
- princ_type
- (h_exact f_principle));
- tclTHEN_i
- (observe_tac "functional_induction" (
- fun g ->
- observe
- (pr_constr_with_binding (Printer.pr_lconstr_env (pf_env g)) (mkVar principle_id,bindings));
- functional_induction false (applist(funs_constr.(i), mkVar args_names))
- (Some (mkVar principle_id,bindings))
- pat g
- ))
- (fun i g -> observe_tac ("proving branche "^string_of_int i) (prove_branche i) g )
- ]
- g
-(* [generalize_dependent_of x hyp g]
- generalize every hypothesis which depends of [x] but [hyp]
-let generalize_dependent_of x hyp g =
- tclMAP
- (function
- | (id,None,t) when not (id = hyp) &&
- (Termops.occur_var (pf_env g) x t) -> tclTHEN (h_generalize [mkVar id]) (thin [id])
- | _ -> tclIDTAC
- )
- (pf_hyps g)
- g
- (* [intros_with_rewrite] do the intros in each branch and treat each new hypothesis
- (unfolding, substituting, destructing cases \ldots)
- *)
-let rec intros_with_rewrite g =
- observe_tac "intros_with_rewrite" intros_with_rewrite_aux g
-and intros_with_rewrite_aux : tactic =
- fun g ->
- let eq_ind = Coqlib.build_coq_eq () in
- match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
- | Prod(_,t,t') ->
- begin
- match kind_of_term t with
- | App(eq,args) when (eq_constr eq eq_ind) ->
- if Reductionops.is_conv (pf_env g) (project g) args.(1) args.(2)
- then
- let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "y") g in
- tclTHENSEQ [ h_intro id; thin [id]; intros_with_rewrite ] g
- else if isVar args.(1)
- then
- let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "y") g in
- tclTHENSEQ [ h_intro id;
- generalize_dependent_of (destVar args.(1)) id;
- tclTRY (Equality.rewriteLR (mkVar id));
- intros_with_rewrite
- ]
- g
- else
- begin
- let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "y") g in
- h_intro id;
- tclTRY (Equality.rewriteLR (mkVar id));
- intros_with_rewrite
- ] g
- end
- | Ind _ when eq_constr t (Coqlib.build_coq_False ()) ->
- Tauto.tauto g
- | Case(_,_,v,_) ->
- h_case false (v,Rawterm.NoBindings);
- intros_with_rewrite
- ] g
- | LetIn _ ->
- h_reduce
- (Rawterm.Cbv
- {Rawterm.all_flags
- with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
- })
- onConcl
- ;
- intros_with_rewrite
- ] g
- | _ ->
- let id = pf_get_new_id (id_of_string "y") g in
- tclTHENSEQ [ h_intro id;intros_with_rewrite] g
- end
- | LetIn _ ->
- h_reduce
- (Rawterm.Cbv
- {Rawterm.all_flags
- with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
- })
- onConcl
- ;
- intros_with_rewrite
- ] g
- | _ -> tclIDTAC g
-let rec reflexivity_with_destruct_cases g =
- let destruct_case () =
- try
- match kind_of_term (snd (destApp (pf_concl g))).(2) with
- | Case(_,_,v,_) ->
- h_case false (v,Rawterm.NoBindings);
- intros;
- observe_tac "reflexivity_with_destruct_cases" reflexivity_with_destruct_cases
- ]
- | _ -> reflexivity
- with _ -> reflexivity
- in
- let eq_ind = Coqlib.build_coq_eq () in
- let discr_inject =
- Tacticals.onAllClauses (
- fun sc g ->
- match sc with
- None -> tclIDTAC g
- | Some ((_,id),_) ->
- match kind_of_term (pf_type_of g (mkVar id)) with
- | App(eq,[|_;t1;t2|]) when eq_constr eq eq_ind ->
- if Equality.discriminable (pf_env g) (project g) t1 t2
- then Equality.discrHyp id g
- else if Equality.injectable (pf_env g) (project g) t1 t2
- then tclTHENSEQ [Equality.injHyp id;thin [id];intros_with_rewrite] g
- else tclIDTAC g
- | _ -> tclIDTAC g
- )
- in
- (tclFIRST
- [ reflexivity;
- tclTHEN (tclPROGRESS discr_inject) (destruct_case ());
- (* We reach this point ONLY if
- the same value is matched (at least) two times
- along binding path.
- In this case, either we have a discriminable hypothesis and we are done,
- either at least an injectable one and we do the injection before continuing
- *)
- tclTHEN (tclPROGRESS discr_inject ) reflexivity_with_destruct_cases
- ])
- g
-(* [prove_fun_complete funs graphs schemes lemmas_types_infos i]
- is the tactic used to prove completness lemma.
- [funcs], [graphs] [schemes] [lemmas_types_infos] are the mutually recursive functions
- (resp. definitions of the graphs of the functions, principles and correctness lemma types) to prove correct.
- [i] is the indice of the function to prove complete
- The lemma to prove if suppose to have been generated by [generate_type] (in $\zeta$ normal form that is
- it looks like~:
- [\forall (x_1:t_1)\ldots(x_n:t_n), forall res,
- graph\ x_1\ldots x_n\ res, \rightarrow res = f x_1\ldots x_n in]
- The sketch of the proof is the following one~:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item intros until $H:graph\ x_1\ldots x_n\ res$
- \item $elim\ H$ using schemes.(i)
- \item for each generated branch, intro the news hyptohesis, for each such hyptohesis [h], if [h] has
- type [x=?] with [x] a variable, then subst [x],
- if [h] has type [t=?] with [t] not a variable then rewrite [t] in the subterms, else
- if [h] is a match then destruct it, else do just introduce it,
- after all intros, the conclusion should be a reflexive equality.
- \end{enumerate}
-let prove_fun_complete funcs graphs schemes lemmas_types_infos i : tactic =
- fun g ->
- (* We compute the types of the different mutually recursive lemmas
- in $\zeta$ normal form
- *)
- let lemmas =
- (fun (_,(ctxt,concl)) -> nf_zeta (Termops.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ~init:concl ctxt))
- lemmas_types_infos
- in
- (* We get the constant and the principle corresponding to this lemma *)
- let f = funcs.(i) in
- let graph_principle = nf_zeta schemes.(i) in
- let princ_type = pf_type_of g graph_principle in
- let princ_infos = Tactics.compute_elim_sig princ_type in
- (* Then we get the number of argument of the function
- and compute a fresh name for each of them
- *)
- let nb_fun_args = nb_prod (pf_concl g) - 2 in
- let args_names = generate_fresh_id (id_of_string "x") [] nb_fun_args in
- let ids = args_names@(pf_ids_of_hyps g) in
- (* and fresh names for res H and the principle (cf bug bug #1174) *)
- let res,hres,graph_principle_id =
- match generate_fresh_id (id_of_string "z") ids 3 with
- | [res;hres;graph_principle_id] -> res,hres,graph_principle_id
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let ids = res::hres::graph_principle_id::ids in
- (* we also compute fresh names for each hyptohesis of each branche of the principle *)
- let branches = List.rev princ_infos.branches in
- let intro_pats =
- (fun (_,_,br_type) ->
- (fun id -> id)
- (generate_fresh_id (id_of_string "y") ids (nb_prod br_type))
- )
- branches
- in
- (* We will need to change the function by its body
- using [f_equation] if it is recursive (that is the graph is infinite
- or unfold if the graph is finite
- *)
- let rewrite_tac j ids : tactic =
- let graph_def = graphs.(j) in
- let infos = try find_Function_infos (destConst funcs.(j)) with Not_found -> error "No graph found" in
- if infos.is_general || Rtree.is_infinite graph_def.mind_recargs
- then
- let eq_lemma =
- try Option.get (infos).equation_lemma
- with Option.IsNone -> anomaly "Cannot find equation lemma"
- in
- tclMAP h_intro ids;
- Equality.rewriteLR (mkConst eq_lemma);
- (* Don't forget to $\zeta$ normlize the term since the principles have been $\zeta$-normalized *)
- h_reduce
- (Rawterm.Cbv
- {Rawterm.all_flags
- with Rawterm.rDelta = false;
- })
- onConcl
- ;
- h_generalize ( mkVar ids);
- thin ids
- ]
- else unfold_in_concl [(all_occurrences,Names.EvalConstRef (destConst f))]
- in
- (* The proof of each branche itself *)
- let ind_number = ref 0 in
- let min_constr_number = ref 0 in
- let prove_branche i g =
- (* we fist compute the inductive corresponding to the branch *)
- let this_ind_number =
- let constructor_num = i - !min_constr_number in
- let length = Array.length (graphs.(!ind_number).Declarations.mind_consnames) in
- if constructor_num <= length
- then !ind_number
- else
- begin
- incr ind_number;
- min_constr_number := !min_constr_number + length;
- !ind_number
- end
- in
- let this_branche_ids = List.nth intro_pats (pred i) in
- (* we expand the definition of the function *)
- observe_tac "rewrite_tac" (rewrite_tac this_ind_number this_branche_ids);
- (* introduce hypothesis with some rewrite *)
- observe_tac "intros_with_rewrite" intros_with_rewrite;
- (* The proof is (almost) complete *)
- observe_tac "reflexivity" (reflexivity_with_destruct_cases)
- ]
- g
- in
- let params_names = fst (list_chop princ_infos.nparams args_names) in
- let params = mkVar params_names in
- [ tclMAP h_intro (args_names@[res;hres]);
- observe_tac "h_generalize"
- (h_generalize [mkApp(applist(graph_principle,params), (fun c -> applist(c,params)) lemmas)]);
- h_intro graph_principle_id;
- observe_tac "" (tclTHEN_i
- (observe_tac "elim" ((elim false (mkVar hres,Rawterm.NoBindings) (Some (mkVar graph_principle_id,Rawterm.NoBindings)))))
- (fun i g -> observe_tac "prove_branche" (prove_branche i) g ))
- ]
- g
-let do_save () = Command.save_named false
-(* [derive_correctness make_scheme functional_induction funs graphs] create correctness and completeness
- lemmas for each function in [funs] w.r.t. [graphs]
- [make_scheme] is Functional_principle_types.make_scheme (dependency pb) and
- [functional_induction] is Indfun.functional_induction (same pb)
-let derive_correctness make_scheme functional_induction (funs: constant list) (graphs:inductive list) =
- let funs = Array.of_list funs and graphs = Array.of_list graphs in
- let funs_constr = mkConst funs in
- try
- let graphs_constr = mkInd graphs in
- let lemmas_types_infos =
- Util.array_map2_i
- (fun i f_constr graph ->
- let const_of_f = destConst f_constr in
- let (type_of_lemma_ctxt,type_of_lemma_concl) as type_info =
- generate_type false const_of_f graph i
- in
- let type_of_lemma = Termops.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:type_of_lemma_concl type_of_lemma_ctxt in
- let type_of_lemma = nf_zeta type_of_lemma in
- observe (str "type_of_lemma := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr type_of_lemma);
- type_of_lemma,type_info
- )
- funs_constr
- graphs_constr
- in
- let schemes =
- (* The functional induction schemes are computed and not saved if there is more that one function
- if the block contains only one function we can safely reuse [f_rect]
- *)
- try
- if Array.length funs_constr <> 1 then raise Not_found;
- [| find_induction_principle funs_constr.(0) |]
- with Not_found ->
- Array.of_list
- (
- (fun entry ->
- (entry.Entries.const_entry_body, Option.get entry.Entries.const_entry_type )
- )
- (make_scheme (array_map_to_list (fun const -> const,Rawterm.RType None) funs))
- )
- in
- let proving_tac =
- prove_fun_correct functional_induction funs_constr graphs_constr schemes lemmas_types_infos
- in
- Array.iteri
- (fun i f_as_constant ->
- let f_id = id_of_label (con_label f_as_constant) in
- Command.start_proof
- (*i The next call to mk_correct_id is valid since we are constructing the lemma
- Ensures by: obvious
- i*)
- (mk_correct_id f_id)
- (Decl_kinds.Global,(Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Theorem))
- (fst lemmas_types_infos.(i))
- (fun _ _ -> ());
- (observe_tac ("prove correctness ("^(string_of_id f_id)^")") (proving_tac i));
- do_save ();
- let finfo = find_Function_infos f_as_constant in
- update_Function
- {finfo with
- correctness_lemma = Some (destConst (Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ())(mk_correct_id f_id)))
- }
- )
- funs;
- let lemmas_types_infos =
- Util.array_map2_i
- (fun i f_constr graph ->
- let const_of_f = destConst f_constr in
- let (type_of_lemma_ctxt,type_of_lemma_concl) as type_info =
- generate_type true const_of_f graph i
- in
- let type_of_lemma = Termops.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ~init:type_of_lemma_concl type_of_lemma_ctxt in
- let type_of_lemma = nf_zeta type_of_lemma in
- observe (str "type_of_lemma := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr type_of_lemma);
- type_of_lemma,type_info
- )
- funs_constr
- graphs_constr
- in
- let kn,_ as graph_ind = destInd graphs_constr.(0) in
- let mib,mip = Global.lookup_inductive graph_ind in
- let schemes =
- Array.of_list
- (Indrec.build_mutual_indrec (Global.env ()) Evd.empty
- (Array.to_list
- (Array.mapi
- (fun i mip -> (kn,i),mib,mip,true,InType)
- mib.Declarations.mind_packets
- )
- )
- )
- in
- let proving_tac =
- prove_fun_complete funs_constr mib.Declarations.mind_packets schemes lemmas_types_infos
- in
- Array.iteri
- (fun i f_as_constant ->
- let f_id = id_of_label (con_label f_as_constant) in
- Command.start_proof
- (*i The next call to mk_complete_id is valid since we are constructing the lemma
- Ensures by: obvious
- i*)
- (mk_complete_id f_id)
- (Decl_kinds.Global,(Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Theorem))
- (fst lemmas_types_infos.(i))
- (fun _ _ -> ());
- (observe_tac ("prove completeness ("^(string_of_id f_id)^")") (proving_tac i));
- do_save ();
- let finfo = find_Function_infos f_as_constant in
- update_Function
- {finfo with
- completeness_lemma = Some (destConst (Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env ())(mk_complete_id f_id)))
- }
- )
- funs;
- with e ->
- (* In case of problem, we reset all the lemmas *)
- (*i The next call to mk_correct_id is valid since we are erasing the lemmas
- Ensures by: obvious
- i*)
- let first_lemma_id =
- let f_id = id_of_label (con_label funs.(0)) in
- mk_correct_id f_id
- in
- ignore(try Vernacentries.vernac_reset_name (Util.dummy_loc,first_lemma_id) with _ -> ());
- raise e
-(* [revert_graph kn post_tac hid] transforme an hypothesis [hid] having type Ind(kn,num) t1 ... tn res
- when [kn] denotes a graph block into
- f_num t1... tn = res (by applying [f_complete] to the first type) before apply post_tac on the result
- if the type of hypothesis has not this form or if we cannot find the completeness lemma then we do nothing
-let revert_graph kn post_tac hid g =
- let typ = pf_type_of g (mkVar hid) in
- match kind_of_term typ with
- | App(i,args) when isInd i ->
- let ((kn',num) as ind') = destInd i in
- if kn = kn'
- then (* We have generated a graph hypothesis so that we must change it if we can *)
- let info =
- try find_Function_of_graph ind'
- with Not_found -> (* The graphs are mutually recursive but we cannot find one of them !*)
- anomaly "Cannot retrieve infos about a mutual block"
- in
- (* if we can find a completeness lemma for this function
- then we can come back to the functional form. If not, we do nothing
- *)
- match info.completeness_lemma with
- | None -> tclIDTAC g
- | Some f_complete ->
- let f_args,res = array_chop (Array.length args - 1) args in
- [
- h_generalize [applist(mkConst f_complete,(Array.to_list f_args)@[res.(0);mkVar hid])];
- thin [hid];
- h_intro hid;
- post_tac hid
- ]
- g
- else tclIDTAC g
- | _ -> tclIDTAC g
- [functional_inversion hid fconst f_correct ] is the functional version of [inversion]
- [hid] is the hypothesis to invert, [fconst] is the function to invert and [f_correct]
- is the correctness lemma for [fconst].
- The sketch is the follwing~:
- \begin{enumerate}
- \item Transforms the hypothesis [hid] such that its type is now $res\ =\ f\ t_1 \ldots t_n$
- (fails if it is not possible)
- \item replace [hid] with $R\_f t_1 \ldots t_n res$ using [f_correct]
- \item apply [inversion] on [hid]
- \item finally in each branch, replace each hypothesis [R\_f ..] by [f ...] using [f_complete] (whenever
- such a lemma exists)
- \end{enumerate}
-let functional_inversion kn hid fconst f_correct : tactic =
- fun g ->
- let old_ids = List.fold_right Idset.add (pf_ids_of_hyps g) Idset.empty in
- let type_of_h = pf_type_of g (mkVar hid) in
- match kind_of_term type_of_h with
- | App(eq,args) when eq_constr eq (Coqlib.build_coq_eq ()) ->
- let pre_tac,f_args,res =
- match kind_of_term args.(1),kind_of_term args.(2) with
- | App(f,f_args),_ when eq_constr f fconst ->
- ((fun hid -> h_symmetry (onHyp hid)),f_args,args.(2))
- |_,App(f,f_args) when eq_constr f fconst ->
- ((fun hid -> tclIDTAC),f_args,args.(1))
- | _ -> (fun hid -> tclFAIL 1 (mt ())),[||],args.(2)
- in
- pre_tac hid;
- h_generalize [applist(f_correct,(Array.to_list f_args)@[res;mkVar hid])];
- thin [hid];
- h_intro hid;
- Inv.inv FullInversion None (Rawterm.NamedHyp hid);
- (fun g ->
- let new_ids = List.filter (fun id -> not (Idset.mem id old_ids)) (pf_ids_of_hyps g) in
- tclMAP (revert_graph kn pre_tac) (hid::new_ids) g
- );
- ] g
- | _ -> tclFAIL 1 (mt ()) g
-let invfun qhyp f =
- let f =
- match f with
- | ConstRef f -> f
- | _ -> raise (Util.UserError("",str "Not a function"))
- in
- try
- let finfos = find_Function_infos f in
- let f_correct = mkConst(Option.get finfos.correctness_lemma)
- and kn = fst finfos.graph_ind
- in
- Tactics.try_intros_until (fun hid -> functional_inversion kn hid (mkConst f) f_correct) qhyp
- with
- | Not_found -> error "No graph found"
- | Option.IsNone -> error "Cannot use equivalence with graph!"
-let invfun qhyp f g =
- match f with
- | Some f -> invfun qhyp f g
- | None ->
- Tactics.try_intros_until
- (fun hid g ->
- let hyp_typ = pf_type_of g (mkVar hid) in
- match kind_of_term hyp_typ with
- | App(eq,args) when eq_constr eq (Coqlib.build_coq_eq ()) ->
- begin
- let f1,_ = decompose_app args.(1) in
- try
- if not (isConst f1) then failwith "";
- let finfos = find_Function_infos (destConst f1) in
- let f_correct = mkConst(Option.get finfos.correctness_lemma)
- and kn = fst finfos.graph_ind
- in
- functional_inversion kn hid f1 f_correct g
- with | Failure "" | Option.IsNone | Not_found ->
- try
- let f2,_ = decompose_app args.(2) in
- if not (isConst f2) then failwith "";
- let finfos = find_Function_infos (destConst f2) in
- let f_correct = mkConst(Option.get finfos.correctness_lemma)
- and kn = fst finfos.graph_ind
- in
- functional_inversion kn hid f2 f_correct g
- with
- | Failure "" ->
- errorlabstrm "" (str "Hypothesis" ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hid ++ str " must contain at leat one Function")
- | Option.IsNone ->
- if do_observe ()
- then
- error "Cannot use equivalence with graph for any side of the equality"
- else errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot find inversion information for hypothesis " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hid)
- | Not_found ->
- if do_observe ()
- then
- error "No graph found for any side of equality"
- else errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot find inversion information for hypothesis " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id hid)
- end
- | _ -> errorlabstrm "" (Ppconstr.pr_id hid ++ str " must be an equality ")
- )
- qhyp
- g
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bbd165d..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1034 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* Merging of induction principles. *)
-(*i $Id: i*)
-open Libnames
-open Tactics
-open Indfun_common
-open Util
-open Topconstr
-open Vernacexpr
-open Pp
-open Names
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Declarations
-open Environ
-open Rawterm
-open Rawtermops
-(** {1 Utilities} *)
-(** {2 Useful operations on constr and rawconstr} *)
-let rec popn i c = if i<=0 then c else pop (popn (i-1) c)
-(** Substitutions in constr *)
-let compare_constr_nosub t1 t2 =
- if compare_constr (fun _ _ -> false) t1 t2
- then true
- else false
-let rec compare_constr' t1 t2 =
- if compare_constr_nosub t1 t2
- then true
- else (compare_constr (compare_constr') t1 t2)
-let rec substitterm prof t by_t in_u =
- if (compare_constr' (lift prof t) in_u)
- then (lift prof by_t)
- else map_constr_with_binders succ
- (fun i -> substitterm i t by_t) prof in_u
-let lift_ldecl n ldecl = (fun (x,y) -> x,lift n y) ldecl
-let understand = Pretyping.Default.understand Evd.empty (Global.env())
-(** Operations on names and identifiers *)
-let id_of_name = function
- Anonymous -> id_of_string "H"
- | Name id -> id;;
-let name_of_string str = Name (id_of_string str)
-let string_of_name nme = string_of_id (id_of_name nme)
-(** [isVarf f x] returns [true] if term [x] is of the form [(Var f)]. *)
-let isVarf f x =
- match x with
- | RVar (_,x) -> x f = 0
- | _ -> false
-(** [ident_global_exist id] returns true if identifier [id] is linked
- in global environment. *)
-let ident_global_exist id =
- try
- let ans = CRef (Libnames.Ident (dummy_loc,id)) in
- let _ = ignore (Constrintern.intern_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) ans) in
- true
- with _ -> false
-(** [next_ident_fresh id] returns a fresh identifier (ie not linked in
- global env) with base [id]. *)
-let next_ident_fresh (id:identifier) =
- let res = ref id in
- while ident_global_exist !res do res := Nameops.lift_ident !res done;
- !res
-(** {2 Debugging} *)
-(* comment this line to see debug msgs *)
-let msg x = () ;; let pr_lconstr c = str ""
-(* uncomment this to see debugging *)
-let prconstr c = msg (str" " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c)
-let prconstrnl c = msg (str" " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c ++ str"\n")
-let prlistconstr lc = List.iter prconstr lc
-let prstr s = msg(str s)
-let prNamedConstr s c =
- begin
- msg(str "");
- msg(str(s^" {§ ") ++ Printer.pr_lconstr c ++ str " §} ");
- msg(str "");
- end
-let prNamedRConstr s c =
- begin
- msg(str "");
- msg(str(s^" {§ ") ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr c ++ str " §} ");
- msg(str "");
- end
-let prNamedLConstr_aux lc = List.iter (prNamedConstr "\n") lc
-let prNamedLConstr s lc =
- begin
- prstr "[§§§ ";
- prstr s;
- prNamedLConstr_aux lc;
- prstr " §§§]\n";
- end
-let prNamedLDecl s lc =
- begin
- prstr s; prstr "\n";
- List.iter (fun (nm,_,tp) -> prNamedConstr (string_of_name nm) tp) lc;
- prstr "\n";
- end
-let prNamedRLDecl s lc =
- begin
- prstr s; prstr "\n"; prstr "{§§ ";
- List.iter
- (fun x ->
- match x with
- | (nm,None,Some tp) -> prNamedRConstr (string_of_name nm) tp
- | (nm,Some bdy,None) -> prNamedRConstr ("(letin) "^string_of_name nm) bdy
- | _ -> assert false
- ) lc;
- prstr " §§}\n";
- prstr "\n";
- end
-let showind (id:identifier) =
- let cstrid = Tacinterp.constr_of_id (Global.env()) id in
- let ind1,cstrlist = Inductiveops.find_inductive (Global.env()) Evd.empty cstrid in
- let mib1,ib1 = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind1 in
- List.iter (fun (nm, optcstr, tp) ->
- print_string (string_of_name nm^":");
- prconstr tp; print_string "\n")
- ib1.mind_arity_ctxt;
- (match ib1.mind_arity with
- | Monomorphic x ->
- Printf.printf "arity :"; prconstr x.mind_user_arity
- | Polymorphic x ->
- Printf.printf "arity : universe?");
- Array.iteri
- (fun i x -> Printf.printf"type constr %d :" i ; prconstr x)
- ib1.mind_user_lc
-(** {2 Misc} *)
-exception Found of int
-(* Array scanning *)
-let array_find (arr: 'a array) (pred: int -> 'a -> bool): int option =
- try
- for i=0 to Array.length arr - 1 do if pred i (arr.(i)) then raise (Found i) done;
- None
- with Found i -> Some i
-let array_prfx (arr: 'a array) (pred: int -> 'a -> bool): int =
- try
- for i=0 to Array.length arr - 1 do if pred i (arr.(i)) then raise (Found i) done;
- Array.length arr (* all elt are positive *)
- with Found i -> i
-let array_fold_lefti (f: int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a) (acc:'a) (arr:'b array): 'a =
- let i = ref 0 in
- Array.fold_left
- (fun acc x ->
- let res = f !i acc x in i := !i + 1; res)
- acc arr
-(* Like list_chop but except that [i] is the size of the suffix of [l]. *)
-let list_chop_end i l =
- let size_prefix = List.length l -i in
- if size_prefix < 0 then failwith "list_chop_end"
- else list_chop size_prefix l
-let list_fold_lefti (f: int -> 'a -> 'b -> 'a) (acc:'a) (arr:'b list): 'a =
- let i = ref 0 in
- List.fold_left
- (fun acc x ->
- let res = f !i acc x in i := !i + 1; res)
- acc arr
-let list_filteri (f: int -> 'a -> bool) (l:'a list):'a list =
- let i = ref 0 in
- List.filter (fun x -> let res = f !i x in i := !i + 1; res) l
-(** Iteration module *)
-module For =
- let rec map i j (f: int -> 'a) = if i>j then [] else f i :: (map (i+1) j f)
- let rec foldup i j (f: 'a -> int -> 'a) acc =
- if i>j then acc else let newacc = f acc i in foldup (i+1) j f newacc
- let rec folddown i j (f: 'a -> int -> 'a) acc =
- if i>j then acc else let newacc = f acc j in folddown i (j-1) f newacc
- let fold i j = if i<j then foldup i j else folddown i j
-(** {1 Parameters shifting and linking information} *)
-(** This type is used to deal with debruijn linked indices. When a
- variable is linked to a previous one, we will ignore it and refer
- to previous one. *)
-type linked_var =
- | Linked of int
- | Unlinked
- | Funres
-(** When merging two graphs, parameters may become regular arguments,
- and thus be shifted. This type describes the result of computing
- the changes. *)
-type 'a shifted_params =
- {
- nprm1:'a;
- nprm2:'a;
- prm2_unlinked:'a list; (* ranks of unlinked params in nprms2 *)
- nuprm1:'a;
- nuprm2:'a;
- nargs1:'a;
- nargs2:'a;
- }
-let prlinked x =
- match x with
- | Linked i -> Printf.sprintf "Linked %d" i
- | Unlinked -> Printf.sprintf "Unlinked"
- | Funres -> Printf.sprintf "Funres"
-let linkmonad f lnkvar =
- match lnkvar with
- | Linked i -> Linked (f i)
- | Unlinked -> Unlinked
- | Funres -> Funres
-let linklift lnkvar i = linkmonad (fun x -> x+i) lnkvar
-(* This map is used to deal with debruijn linked indices. *)
-module Link = Map.Make (struct type t = int let compare = end)
-let pr_links l =
- Printf.printf "links:\n";
- Link.iter (fun k e -> Printf.printf "%d : %s\n" k (prlinked e)) l;
- Printf.printf "_____________\n"
-type 'a merged_arg =
- | Prm_stable of 'a
- | Prm_linked of 'a
- | Prm_arg of 'a
- | Arg_stable of 'a
- | Arg_linked of 'a
- | Arg_funres
-(** Information about graph merging of two inductives.
- All rel_decl list are IN REVERSE ORDER (ie well suited for compose) *)
-type merge_infos =
- {
- ident:identifier; (** new inductive name *)
- mib1: mutual_inductive_body;
- oib1: one_inductive_body;
- mib2: mutual_inductive_body;
- oib2: one_inductive_body;
- (** Array of links of the first inductive (should be all stable) *)
- lnk1: int merged_arg array;
- (** Array of links of the second inductive (point to the first ind param/args) *)
- lnk2: int merged_arg array;
- (** rec params which remain rec param (ie not linked) *)
- recprms1: rel_declaration list;
- recprms2: rel_declaration list;
- nrecprms1: int;
- nrecprms2: int;
- (** rec parms which became non parm (either linked to something
- or because after a rec parm that became non parm) *)
- otherprms1: rel_declaration list;
- otherprms2: rel_declaration list;
- notherprms1:int;
- notherprms2:int;
- (** args which remain args in merge *)
- args1:rel_declaration list;
- args2:rel_declaration list;
- nargs1:int;
- nargs2:int;
- (** functional result args *)
- funresprms1: rel_declaration list;
- funresprms2: rel_declaration list;
- nfunresprms1:int;
- nfunresprms2:int;
- }
-let pr_merginfo x =
- let i,s=
- match x with
- | Prm_linked i -> Some i,"Prm_linked"
- | Arg_linked i -> Some i,"Arg_linked"
- | Prm_stable i -> Some i,"Prm_stable"
- | Prm_arg i -> Some i,"Prm_arg"
- | Arg_stable i -> Some i,"Arg_stable"
- | Arg_funres -> None , "Arg_funres" in
- match i with
- | Some i -> Printf.sprintf "%s(%d)" s i
- | None -> Printf.sprintf "%s" s
-let isPrm_stable x = match x with Prm_stable _ -> true | _ -> false
-(* ?? prm_linked?? *)
-let isArg_stable x = match x with Arg_stable _ | Prm_arg _ -> true | _ -> false
-let is_stable x =
- match x with Arg_stable _ | Prm_stable _ | Prm_arg _ -> true | _ -> false
-let isArg_funres x = match x with Arg_funres -> true | _ -> false
-let filter_shift_stable (lnk:int merged_arg array) (l:'a list): 'a list =
- let prms = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isPrm_stable lnk.(i)) l in
- let args = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable lnk.(i)) l in
- let fres = list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_funres lnk.(i)) l in
- prms@args@fres
-(** Reverse the link map, keeping only linked vars, elements are list
- of int as several vars may be linked to the same var. *)
-let revlinked lnk =
- For.fold 0 (Array.length lnk - 1)
- (fun acc k ->
- match lnk.(k) with
- | Unlinked | Funres -> acc
- | Linked i ->
- let old = try Link.find i acc with Not_found -> [] in
- Link.add i (k::old) acc)
- Link.empty
-let array_switch arr i j =
- let aux = arr.(j) in arr.(j) <- arr.(i); arr.(i) <- aux
-let filter_shift_stable_right (lnk:int merged_arg array) (l:'a list): 'a list =
- let larr = Array.of_list l in
- let _ =
- Array.iteri
- (fun j x ->
- match x with
- | Prm_linked i -> array_switch larr i j
- | Arg_linked i -> array_switch larr i j
- | Prm_stable i -> ()
- | Prm_arg i -> ()
- | Arg_stable i -> ()
- | Arg_funres -> ()
- ) lnk in
- filter_shift_stable lnk (Array.to_list larr)
-(** {1 Utilities for merging} *)
-let ind1name = id_of_string "__ind1"
-let ind2name = id_of_string "__ind2"
-(** Performs verifications on two graphs before merging: they must not
- be co-inductive, and for the moment they must not be mutual
- either. *)
-let verify_inds mib1 mib2 =
- if not mib1.mind_finite then error "First argument is coinductive";
- if not mib2.mind_finite then error "Second argument is coinductive";
- if mib1.mind_ntypes <> 1 then error "First argument is mutual";
- if mib2.mind_ntypes <> 1 then error "Second argument is mutual";
- ()
-(** [build_raw_params prms_decl avoid] returns a list of variables
- attributed to the list of decl [prms_decl], avoiding names in
- [avoid]. *)
-let build_raw_params prms_decl avoid =
- let dummy_constr = compose_prod ( (fun (x,_,z) -> x,z) prms_decl) (mkRel 1) in
- let _ = prNamedConstr "DUMMY" dummy_constr in
- let dummy_rawconstr = Detyping.detype false avoid [] dummy_constr in
- let _ = prNamedRConstr "RAWDUMMY" dummy_rawconstr in
- let res,_ = raw_decompose_prod dummy_rawconstr in
- let comblist = List.combine prms_decl res in
- comblist, res , (avoid @ (Idset.elements (ids_of_rawterm dummy_rawconstr)))
-let ids_of_rawlist avoid rawl =
- List.fold_left Idset.union avoid ( ids_of_rawterm rawl)
-(** {1 Merging function graphs} *)
-(** [shift_linked_params mib1 mib2 lnk] Computes which parameters (rec
- uniform and ordinary ones) of mutual inductives [mib1] and [mib2]
- remain uniform when linked by [lnk]. All parameters are
- considered, ie we take parameters of the first inductive body of
- [mib1] and [mib2].
- Explanation: The two inductives have parameters, some of the first
- are recursively uniform, some of the last are functional result of
- the functional graph.
- (I x1 x2 ... xk ... xk' ... xn)
- (J y1 y2 ... xl ... yl' ... ym)
- Problem is, if some rec unif params are linked to non rec unif
- ones, they become non rec (and the following too). And functinal
- argument have to be shifted at the end *)
-let shift_linked_params mib1 mib2 (lnk1:linked_var array) (lnk2:linked_var array) id =
- let _ = prstr "\nYOUHOU shift\n" in
- let linked_targets = revlinked lnk2 in
- let is_param_of_mib1 x = x < mib1.mind_nparams_rec in
- let is_param_of_mib2 x = x < mib2.mind_nparams_rec in
- let is_targetted_by_non_recparam_lnk1 i =
- try
- let targets = Link.find i linked_targets in
- List.exists (fun x -> not (is_param_of_mib2 x)) targets
- with Not_found -> false in
- let mlnk1 =
- Array.mapi
- (fun i lkv ->
- let isprm = is_param_of_mib1 i in
- let prmlost = is_targetted_by_non_recparam_lnk1 i in
- match isprm , prmlost, lnk1.(i) with
- | true , true , _ -> Prm_arg i (* recparam becoming ordinary *)
- | true , false , _-> Prm_stable i (* recparam remains recparam*)
- | false , false , Funres -> Arg_funres
- | _ , _ , Funres -> assert false (* fun res cannot be a rec param or lost *)
- | false , _ , _ -> Arg_stable i) (* Args of lnk1 are not linked *)
- lnk1 in
- let mlnk2 =
- Array.mapi
- (fun i lkv ->
- (* Is this correct if some param of ind2 is lost? *)
- let isprm = is_param_of_mib2 i in
- match isprm , lnk2.(i) with
- | true , Linked j when not (is_param_of_mib1 j) ->
- Prm_arg j (* recparam becoming ordinary *)
- | true , Linked j -> Prm_linked j (*recparam linked to recparam*)
- | true , Unlinked -> Prm_stable i (* recparam remains recparam*)
- | false , Linked j -> Arg_linked j (* Args of lnk2 lost *)
- | false , Unlinked -> Arg_stable i (* Args of lnk2 remains *)
- | false , Funres -> Arg_funres
- | true , Funres -> assert false (* fun res cannot be a rec param *)
- )
- lnk2 in
- let oib1 = mib1.mind_packets.(0) in
- let oib2 = mib2.mind_packets.(0) in
- (* count params remaining params *)
- let n_params1 = array_prfx mlnk1 (fun i x -> not (isPrm_stable x)) in
- let n_params2 = array_prfx mlnk2 (fun i x -> not (isPrm_stable x)) in
- let bldprms arity_ctxt mlnk =
- list_fold_lefti
- (fun i (acc1,acc2,acc3,acc4) x ->
- prstr (pr_merginfo mlnk.(i));prstr "\n";
- match mlnk.(i) with
- | Prm_stable _ -> x::acc1 , acc2 , acc3, acc4
- | Prm_arg _ -> acc1 , x::acc2 , acc3, acc4
- | Arg_stable _ -> acc1 , acc2 , x::acc3, acc4
- | Arg_funres -> acc1 , acc2 , acc3, x::acc4
- | _ -> acc1 , acc2 , acc3, acc4)
- ([],[],[],[]) arity_ctxt in
-(* let arity_ctxt2 =
- build_raw_params oib2.mind_arity_ctxt
- (Idset.elements (ids_of_rawterm oib1.mind_arity_ctxt)) in*)
- let recprms1,otherprms1,args1,funresprms1 = bldprms (List.rev oib1.mind_arity_ctxt) mlnk1 in
- let _ = prstr "\n\n\n" in
- let recprms2,otherprms2,args2,funresprms2 = bldprms (List.rev oib2.mind_arity_ctxt) mlnk2 in
- let _ = prstr "\notherprms1:\n" in
- let _ =
- List.iter (fun (x,_,y) -> prstr (string_of_name x^" : ");prconstr y;prstr "\n")
- otherprms1 in
- let _ = prstr "\notherprms2:\n" in
- let _ =
- List.iter (fun (x,_,y) -> prstr (string_of_name x^" : ");prconstr y;prstr "\n")
- otherprms2 in
- {
- ident=id;
- mib1=mib1;
- oib1 = oib1;
- mib2=mib2;
- oib2 = oib2;
- lnk1 = mlnk1;
- lnk2 = mlnk2;
- nrecprms1 = n_params1;
- recprms1 = recprms1;
- otherprms1 = otherprms1;
- args1 = args1;
- funresprms1 = funresprms1;
- notherprms1 = Array.length mlnk1 - n_params1;
- nfunresprms1 = List.length funresprms1;
- nargs1 = List.length args1;
- nrecprms2 = n_params2;
- recprms2 = recprms2;
- otherprms2 = otherprms2;
- args2 = args2;
- funresprms2 = funresprms2;
- notherprms2 = Array.length mlnk2 - n_params2;
- nargs2 = List.length args2;
- nfunresprms2 = List.length funresprms2;
- }
-(** {1 Merging functions} *)
-exception NoMerge
-let rec merge_app c1 c2 id1 id2 shift filter_shift_stable =
- let lnk = Array.append shift.lnk1 shift.lnk2 in
- match c1 , c2 with
- | RApp(_,f1, arr1), RApp(_,f2,arr2) when isVarf id1 f1 && isVarf id2 f2 ->
- let _ = prstr "\nICI1!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
- let args = filter_shift_stable lnk (arr1 @ arr2) in
- RApp (dummy_loc,RVar (dummy_loc,shift.ident) , args)
- | RApp(_,f1, arr1), RApp(_,f2,arr2) -> raise NoMerge
- | RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) , _ ->
- let _ = prstr "\nICI2!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
- let newtrm = merge_app trm c2 id1 id2 shift filter_shift_stable in
- RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm)
- | _, RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) ->
- let _ = prstr "\nICI3!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
- let newtrm = merge_app c1 trm id1 id2 shift filter_shift_stable in
- RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm)
- | _ -> let _ = prstr "\nICI4!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
- raise NoMerge
-let rec merge_app_unsafe c1 c2 shift filter_shift_stable =
- let lnk = Array.append shift.lnk1 shift.lnk2 in
- match c1 , c2 with
- | RApp(_,f1, arr1), RApp(_,f2,arr2) ->
- let args = filter_shift_stable lnk (arr1 @ arr2) in
- RApp (dummy_loc,RVar(dummy_loc,shift.ident) , args)
- (* FIXME: what if the function appears in the body of the let? *)
- | RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) , _ ->
- let _ = prstr "\nICI2 '!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
- let newtrm = merge_app_unsafe trm c2 shift filter_shift_stable in
- RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm)
- | _, RLetIn(_,nme,bdy,trm) ->
- let _ = prstr "\nICI3 '!\n";Pp.flush_all() in
- let newtrm = merge_app_unsafe c1 trm shift filter_shift_stable in
- RLetIn(dummy_loc,nme,bdy,newtrm)
- | _ -> let _ = prstr "\nICI4 '!\n";Pp.flush_all() in raise NoMerge
-(* Heuristic when merging two lists of hypothesis: merge every rec
- calls of branch 1 with all rec calls of branch 2. *)
-(* TODO: reecrire cette heuristique (jusqu'a merge_types) *)
-let rec merge_rec_hyps shift accrec
- (ltyp:( * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list)
- filter_shift_stable : ( * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list =
- let mergeonehyp t reldecl =
- match reldecl with
- | (nme,x,Some (RApp(_,i,args) as ind))
- -> nme,x, Some (merge_app_unsafe ind t shift filter_shift_stable)
- | (nme,Some _,None) -> error "letins with recursive calls not treated yet"
- | (nme,None,Some _) -> assert false
- | (nme,None,None) | (nme,Some _,Some _) -> assert false in
- match ltyp with
- | [] -> []
- | (nme,None,Some (RApp(_,f, largs) as t)) :: lt when isVarf ind2name f ->
- let rechyps = (mergeonehyp t) accrec in
- rechyps @ merge_rec_hyps shift accrec lt filter_shift_stable
- | e::lt -> e :: merge_rec_hyps shift accrec lt filter_shift_stable
-let rec build_suppl_reccall (accrec:(name * rawconstr) list) concl2 shift =
- (fun (nm,tp) -> (nm,merge_app_unsafe tp concl2 shift)) accrec
-let find_app (nme:identifier) ltyp =
- try
- ignore
- (
- (fun x ->
- match x with
- | _,None,Some (RApp(_,f,_)) when isVarf nme f -> raise (Found 0)
- | _ -> ())
- ltyp);
- false
- with Found _ -> true
-let prnt_prod_or_letin nm letbdy typ =
- match letbdy , typ with
- | Some lbdy , None -> prNamedRConstr ("(letin) " ^ string_of_name nm) lbdy
- | None , Some tp -> prNamedRConstr (string_of_name nm) tp
- | _ , _ -> assert false
-let rec merge_types shift accrec1
- (ltyp1:(name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list)
- (concl1:rawconstr) (ltyp2:(name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list) concl2
- : (name * rawconstr option * rawconstr option) list * rawconstr =
- let _ = prstr "MERGE_TYPES\n" in
- let _ = prstr "ltyp 1 : " in
- let _ = List.iter (fun (nm,lbdy,tp) -> prnt_prod_or_letin nm lbdy tp) ltyp1 in
- let _ = prstr "\nltyp 2 : " in
- let _ = List.iter (fun (nm,lbdy,tp) -> prnt_prod_or_letin nm lbdy tp) ltyp2 in
- let _ = prstr "\n" in
- let res =
- match ltyp1 with
- | [] ->
- let isrec1 = (accrec1<>[]) in
- let isrec2 = find_app ind2name ltyp2 in
- let rechyps =
- if isrec1 && isrec2
- then (* merge_rec_hyps shift accrec1 ltyp2 filter_shift_stable *)
- merge_rec_hyps shift [name_of_string "concl1",None,Some concl1] ltyp2
- filter_shift_stable_right
- @ merge_rec_hyps shift accrec1 [name_of_string "concl2",None, Some concl2]
- filter_shift_stable
- else if isrec1
- (* if rec calls in accrec1 and not in ltyp2, add one to ltyp2 *)
- then
- merge_rec_hyps shift accrec1
- (ltyp2@[name_of_string "concl2",None,Some concl2]) filter_shift_stable
- else if isrec2
- then merge_rec_hyps shift [name_of_string "concl1",None,Some concl1] ltyp2
- filter_shift_stable_right
- else ltyp2 in
- let _ = prstr"\nrechyps : " in
- let _ = List.iter(fun (nm,lbdy,tp)-> prnt_prod_or_letin nm lbdy tp) rechyps in
- let _ = prstr "MERGE CONCL : " in
- let _ = prNamedRConstr "concl1" concl1 in
- let _ = prstr " with " in
- let _ = prNamedRConstr "concl2" concl2 in
- let _ = prstr "\n" in
- let concl =
- merge_app concl1 concl2 ind1name ind2name shift filter_shift_stable in
- let _ = prstr "FIN " in
- let _ = prNamedRConstr "concl" concl in
- let _ = prstr "\n" in
- rechyps , concl
- | (nme,None, Some t1)as e ::lt1 ->
- (match t1 with
- | RApp(_,f,carr) when isVarf ind1name f ->
- merge_types shift (e::accrec1) lt1 concl1 ltyp2 concl2
- | _ ->
- let recres, recconcl2 =
- merge_types shift accrec1 lt1 concl1 ltyp2 concl2 in
- ((nme,None,Some t1) :: recres) , recconcl2)
- | (nme,Some bd, None) ::lt1 ->
- (* FIXME: what if ind1name appears in bd? *)
- let recres, recconcl2 =
- merge_types shift accrec1 lt1 concl1 ltyp2 concl2 in
- ((nme,Some bd,None) :: recres) , recconcl2
- | (_,None,None)::_ | (_,Some _,Some _)::_ -> assert false
- in
- res
-(** [build_link_map_aux allargs1 allargs2 shift] returns the mapping of
- linked args [allargs2] to target args of [allargs1] as specified
- in [shift]. [allargs1] and [allargs2] are in reverse order. Also
- returns the list of unlinked vars of [allargs2]. *)
-let build_link_map_aux (allargs1:identifier array) (allargs2:identifier array)
- (lnk:int merged_arg array) =
- array_fold_lefti
- (fun i acc e ->
- if i = Array.length lnk - 1 then acc (* functional arg, not in allargs *)
- else
- match e with
- | Prm_linked j | Arg_linked j -> Idmap.add allargs2.(i) allargs1.(j) acc
- | _ -> acc)
- Idmap.empty lnk
-let build_link_map allargs1 allargs2 lnk =
- let allargs1 =
- Array.of_list (List.rev ( (fun (x,_,_) -> id_of_name x) allargs1)) in
- let allargs2 =
- Array.of_list (List.rev ( (fun (x,_,_) -> id_of_name x) allargs2)) in
- build_link_map_aux allargs1 allargs2 lnk
-(** [merge_one_constructor lnk shift typcstr1 typcstr2] merges the two
- constructor rawtypes [typcstr1] and [typcstr2]. [typcstr1] and
- [typcstr2] contain all parameters (including rec. unif. ones) of
- their inductive.
- if [typcstr1] and [typcstr2] are of the form:
- forall recparams1, forall ordparams1, H1a -> H2a... (I1 x1 y1 ... z1)
- forall recparams2, forall ordparams2, H2b -> H2b... (I2 x2 y2 ... z2)
- we build:
- forall recparams1 (recparams2 without linked params),
- forall ordparams1 (ordparams2 without linked params),
- H1a' -> H2a' -> ... -> H2a' -> H2b'(shifted) -> ...
- -> (newI x1 ... z1 x2 y2 ...z2 without linked params)
- where Hix' have been adapted, ie:
- - linked vars have been changed,
- - rec calls to I1 and I2 have been replaced by rec calls to
- newI. More precisely calls to I1 and I2 have been merge by an
- experimental heuristic (in particular if n o rec calls for I1
- or I2 is found, we use the conclusion as a rec call). See
- [merge_types] above.
- Precond: vars sets of [typcstr1] and [typcstr2] must be disjoint.
- TODO: return nothing if equalities (after linking) are contradictory. *)
-let merge_one_constructor (shift:merge_infos) (typcstr1:rawconstr)
- (typcstr2:rawconstr) : rawconstr =
- (* FIXME: les noms des parametres corerspondent en principe au
- parametres du niveau mib, mais il faudrait s'en assurer *)
- (* shift.nfunresprmsx last args are functional result *)
- let nargs1 =
- shift.mib1.mind_nparams + shift.oib1.mind_nrealargs - shift.nfunresprms1 in
- let nargs2 =
- shift.mib2.mind_nparams + shift.oib2.mind_nrealargs - shift.nfunresprms2 in
- let allargs1,rest1 = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin_n nargs1 typcstr1 in
- let allargs2,rest2 = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin_n nargs2 typcstr2 in
- (* Build map of linked args of [typcstr2], and apply it to [typcstr2]. *)
- let linked_map = build_link_map allargs1 allargs2 shift.lnk2 in
- let rest2 = change_vars linked_map rest2 in
- let hyps1,concl1 = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin rest1 in
- let hyps2,concl2' = raw_decompose_prod_or_letin rest2 in
- let ltyp,concl2 =
- merge_types shift [] (List.rev hyps1) concl1 (List.rev hyps2) concl2' in
- let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp result:" ltyp in
- let typ = raw_compose_prod_or_letin concl2 (List.rev ltyp) in
- let revargs1 =
- list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable shift.lnk1.(i)) (List.rev allargs1) in
- let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp allargs1" allargs1 in
- let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp revargs1" revargs1 in
- let revargs2 =
- list_filteri (fun i _ -> isArg_stable shift.lnk2.(i)) (List.rev allargs2) in
- let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp allargs2" allargs2 in
- let _ = prNamedRLDecl "ltyp revargs2" revargs2 in
- let typwithprms =
- raw_compose_prod_or_letin typ (List.rev revargs2 @ List.rev revargs1) in
- typwithprms
-(** constructor numbering *)
-let fresh_cstror_suffix , cstror_suffix_init =
- let cstror_num = ref 0 in
- (fun () ->
- let res = string_of_int !cstror_num in
- cstror_num := !cstror_num + 1;
- res) ,
- (fun () -> cstror_num := 0)
-(** [merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift] returns the identifier of the
- new constructor from the id of the two merged constructor and
- the merging info. *)
-let merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift:identifier =
- let id = string_of_id shift.ident ^ "_" ^ fresh_cstror_suffix () in
- next_ident_fresh (id_of_string id)
-(** [merge_constructors lnk shift avoid] merges the two list of
- constructor [(name*type)]. These are translated to rawterms
- first, each of them having distinct var names. *)
-let rec merge_constructors (shift:merge_infos) (avoid:Idset.t)
- (typcstr1:(identifier * rawconstr) list)
- (typcstr2:(identifier * rawconstr) list) : (identifier * rawconstr) list =
- List.flatten
- (
- (fun (id1,rawtyp1) ->
- (fun (id2,rawtyp2) ->
- let typ = merge_one_constructor shift rawtyp1 rawtyp2 in
- let newcstror_id = merge_constructor_id id1 id2 shift in
- let _ = prstr "\n**************\n" in
- newcstror_id , typ)
- typcstr2)
- typcstr1)
-(** [merge_inductive_body lnk shift avoid oib1 oib2] merges two
- inductive bodies [oib1] and [oib2], linking with [lnk], params
- info in [shift], avoiding identifiers in [avoid]. *)
-let rec merge_inductive_body (shift:merge_infos) avoid (oib1:one_inductive_body)
- (oib2:one_inductive_body) =
- (* building rawconstr type of constructors *)
- let mkrawcor nme avoid typ =
- (* first replace rel 1 by a varname *)
- let substindtyp = substitterm 0 (mkRel 1) (mkVar nme) typ in
- Detyping.detype false (Idset.elements avoid) [] substindtyp in
- let lcstr1: rawconstr list =
- Array.to_list ( (mkrawcor ind1name avoid) oib1.mind_user_lc) in
- (* add to avoid all indentifiers of lcstr1 *)
- let avoid2 = Idset.union avoid (ids_of_rawlist avoid lcstr1) in
- let lcstr2 =
- Array.to_list ( (mkrawcor ind2name avoid2) oib2.mind_user_lc) in
- let avoid3 = Idset.union avoid (ids_of_rawlist avoid lcstr2) in
- let params1 =
- try fst (raw_decompose_prod_n shift.nrecprms1 (List.hd lcstr1))
- with _ -> [] in
- let params2 =
- try fst (raw_decompose_prod_n shift.nrecprms2 (List.hd lcstr2))
- with _ -> [] in
- let lcstr1 = List.combine (Array.to_list oib1.mind_consnames) lcstr1 in
- let lcstr2 = List.combine (Array.to_list oib2.mind_consnames) lcstr2 in
- cstror_suffix_init();
- params1,params2,merge_constructors shift avoid3 lcstr1 lcstr2
-(** [merge_mutual_inductive_body lnk mib1 mib2 shift] merge mutual
- inductive bodies [mib1] and [mib2] linking vars with
- [lnk]. [shift] information on parameters of the new inductive.
- For the moment, inductives are supposed to be non mutual.
-let rec merge_mutual_inductive_body
- (mib1:mutual_inductive_body) (mib2:mutual_inductive_body) (shift:merge_infos) =
- (* Mutual not treated, we take first ind body of each. *)
- merge_inductive_body shift Idset.empty mib1.mind_packets.(0) mib2.mind_packets.(0)
-let rawterm_to_constr_expr x = (* build a constr_expr from a rawconstr *)
- Flags.with_option Flags.raw_print (Constrextern.extern_rawtype Idset.empty) x
-let merge_rec_params_and_arity prms1 prms2 shift (concl:constr) =
- let params = prms2 @ prms1 in
- let resparams =
- List.fold_left
- (fun acc (nme,tp) ->
- let _ = prstr "param :" in
- let _ = prNamedRConstr (string_of_name nme) tp in
- let _ = prstr " ; " in
- let typ = rawterm_to_constr_expr tp in
- LocalRawAssum ([(dummy_loc,nme)], Topconstr.default_binder_kind, typ) :: acc)
- [] params in
- let concl = Constrextern.extern_constr false (Global.env()) concl in
- let arity,_ =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (acc,env) (nm,_,c) ->
- let typ = Constrextern.extern_constr false env c in
- let newenv = Environ.push_rel (nm,None,c) env in
- CProdN (dummy_loc, [[(dummy_loc,nm)],Topconstr.default_binder_kind,typ] , acc) , newenv)
- (concl,Global.env())
- (shift.funresprms2 @ shift.funresprms1
- @ shift.args2 @ shift.args1 @ shift.otherprms2 @ shift.otherprms1) in
- resparams,arity
-(** [rawterm_list_to_inductive_expr ident rawlist] returns the
- induct_expr corresponding to the the list of constructor types
- [rawlist], named ident.
- FIXME: params et cstr_expr (arity) *)
-let rawterm_list_to_inductive_expr prms1 prms2 mib1 mib2 shift
- (rawlist:(identifier * rawconstr) list) =
- let lident = dummy_loc, shift.ident in
- let bindlist , cstr_expr = (* params , arities *)
- merge_rec_params_and_arity prms1 prms2 shift mkSet in
- let lcstor_expr : (bool * (lident * constr_expr)) list =
- (* zeta_normalize t ? *)
- (fun (id,t) -> false, ((dummy_loc,id),rawterm_to_constr_expr t))
- rawlist in
- lident , bindlist , Some cstr_expr , lcstor_expr
-let mkProd_reldecl (rdecl:rel_declaration) (t2:rawconstr) =
- match rdecl with
- | (nme,None,t) ->
- let traw = Detyping.detype false [] [] t in
- RProd (dummy_loc,nme,Explicit,traw,t2)
- | (_,Some _,_) -> assert false
-let mkProd_reldecl (rdecl:rel_declaration) (t2:rawconstr) =
- match rdecl with
- | (nme,None,t) ->
- let traw = Detyping.detype false [] [] t in
- RProd (dummy_loc,nme,Explicit,traw,t2)
- | (_,Some _,_) -> assert false
-(** [merge_inductive ind1 ind2 lnk] merges two graphs, linking
- variables specified in [lnk]. Graphs are not supposed to be mutual
- inductives for the moment. *)
-let merge_inductive (ind1: inductive) (ind2: inductive)
- (lnk1: linked_var array) (lnk2: linked_var array) id =
- let env = Global.env() in
- let mib1,_ = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind1 in
- let mib2,_ = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind2 in
- let _ = verify_inds mib1 mib2 in (* raises an exception if something wrong *)
- (* compute params that become ordinary args (because linked to ord. args) *)
- let shift_prm = shift_linked_params mib1 mib2 lnk1 lnk2 id in
- let prms1,prms2, rawlist = merge_mutual_inductive_body mib1 mib2 shift_prm in
- let _ = prstr "\nrawlist : " in
- let _ =
- List.iter (fun (nm,tp) -> prNamedRConstr (string_of_id nm) tp;prstr "\n") rawlist in
- let _ = prstr "\nend rawlist\n" in
-(* FIX: retransformer en constr ici
- let shift_prm =
- { shift_prm with
- recprms1=prms1;
- recprms1=prms1;
- } in *)
- let indexpr = rawterm_list_to_inductive_expr prms1 prms2 mib1 mib2 shift_prm rawlist in
- (* Declare inductive *)
- Command.build_mutual [(indexpr,None)] true (* means: not coinductive *)
-(* Find infos on identifier id. *)
-let find_Function_infos_safe (id:identifier): Indfun_common.function_info =
- let kn_of_id x =
- let f_ref = Libnames.Ident (dummy_loc,x) in
- locate_with_msg (str "Don't know what to do with " ++ Libnames.pr_reference f_ref)
- locate_constant f_ref in
- try find_Function_infos (kn_of_id id)
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "indfun" (Nameops.pr_id id ++ str " has no functional scheme")
-(** [merge id1 id2 args1 args2 id] builds and declares a new inductive
- type called [id], representing the merged graphs of both graphs
- [ind1] and [ind2]. identifiers occuring in both arrays [args1] and
- [args2] are considered linked (i.e. are the same variable) in the
- new graph.
- Warning: For the moment, repetitions of an id in [args1] or
- [args2] are not supported. *)
-let merge (id1:identifier) (id2:identifier) (args1:identifier array)
- (args2:identifier array) id : unit =
- let finfo1 = find_Function_infos_safe id1 in
- let finfo2 = find_Function_infos_safe id2 in
- (* FIXME? args1 are supposed unlinked. mergescheme (G x x) ?? *)
- (* We add one arg (functional arg of the graph) *)
- let lnk1 = Array.make (Array.length args1 + 1) Unlinked in
- let lnk2' = (* args2 may be linked to args1 members. FIXME: same
- as above: vars may be linked inside args2?? *)
- Array.mapi
- (fun i c ->
- match array_find args1 (fun i x -> x=c) with
- | Some j -> Linked j
- | None -> Unlinked)
- args2 in
- (* We add one arg (functional arg of the graph) *)
- let lnk2 = Array.append lnk2' (Array.make 1 Unlinked) in
- (* setting functional results *)
- let _ = lnk1.(Array.length lnk1 - 1) <- Funres in
- let _ = lnk2.(Array.length lnk2 - 1) <- Funres in
- merge_inductive finfo1.graph_ind finfo2.graph_ind lnk1 lnk2 id
-let remove_last_arg c =
- let (x,y) = decompose_prod c in
- let xnolast = List.rev ( (List.rev x)) in
- compose_prod xnolast y
-let rec remove_n_fst_list n l = if n=0 then l else remove_n_fst_list (n-1) ( l)
-let remove_n_last_list n l = List.rev (remove_n_fst_list n (List.rev l))
-let remove_last_n_arg n c =
- let (x,y) = decompose_prod c in
- let xnolast = remove_n_last_list n x in
- compose_prod xnolast y
-(* [funify_branches relinfo nfuns branch] returns the branch [branch]
- of the relinfo [relinfo] modified to fit in a functional principle.
- Things to do:
- - remove indargs from rel applications
- - replace *variables only* corresponding to function (recursive)
- results by the actual function application. *)
-let funify_branches relinfo nfuns branch =
- let mut_induct, induct =
- match relinfo.indref with
- | None -> assert false
- | Some (IndRef ((mutual_ind,i) as ind)) -> mutual_ind,ind
- | _ -> assert false in
- let is_dom c =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Ind((u,_)) | Construct((u,_),_) -> u = mut_induct
- | _ -> false in
- let _dom_i c =
- assert (is_dom c);
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Ind((u,i)) | Construct((u,_),i) -> i
- | _ -> assert false in
- let _is_pred c shift =
- match kind_of_term c with
- | Rel i -> let reali = i-shift in (reali>=0 && reali<relinfo.nbranches)
- | _ -> false in
- (* FIXME: *)
- (Anonymous,Some mkProp,mkProp)
-let relprinctype_to_funprinctype relprinctype nfuns =
- let relinfo = compute_elim_sig relprinctype in
- assert (not relinfo.farg_in_concl);
- assert (relinfo.indarg_in_concl);
- (* first remove indarg and indarg_in_concl *)
- let relinfo_noindarg = { relinfo with
- indarg_in_concl = false; indarg = None;
- concl = remove_last_arg (pop relinfo.concl); } in
- (* the nfuns last induction arguments are functional ones: remove them *)
- let relinfo_argsok = { relinfo_noindarg with
- nargs = relinfo_noindarg.nargs - nfuns;
- (* args is in reverse order, so remove fst *)
- args = remove_n_fst_list nfuns relinfo_noindarg.args;
- concl = popn nfuns relinfo_noindarg.concl
- } in
- let new_branches =
- (funify_branches relinfo_argsok nfuns) relinfo_argsok.branches in
- let relinfo_branches = { relinfo_argsok with branches = new_branches } in
- relinfo_branches
-(* @article{ bundy93rippling,
- author = "Alan Bundy and Andrew Stevens and Frank van Harmelen and Andrew Ireland and Alan Smaill",
- title = "Rippling: A Heuristic for Guiding Inductive Proofs",
- journal = "Artificial Intelligence",
- volume = "62",
- number = "2",
- pages = "185-253",
- year = "1993",
- url = "" }
- *)
-*** Local Variables: ***
-*** compile-command: "make -C ../.. contrib/funind/merge.cmo" ***
-*** indent-tabs-mode: nil ***
-*** End: ***
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
deleted file mode 100644
index 09b7fbdf..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1262 +0,0 @@
-open Printer
-open Pp
-open Names
-open Term
-open Rawterm
-open Libnames
-open Indfun_common
-open Util
-open Rawtermops
-let observe strm =
- if do_observe ()
- then Pp.msgnl strm
- else ()
-let observennl strm =
- if do_observe ()
- then Pp.msg strm
- else ()
-type binder_type =
- | Lambda of name
- | Prod of name
- | LetIn of name
-type raw_context = (binder_type*rawconstr) list
- compose_raw_context [(bt_1,n_1,t_1);......] rt returns
- b_1(n_1,t_1,.....,bn(n_k,t_k,rt)) where the b_i's are the
- binders corresponding to the bt_i's
-let compose_raw_context =
- let compose_binder (bt,t) acc =
- match bt with
- | Lambda n -> mkRLambda(n,t,acc)
- | Prod n -> mkRProd(n,t,acc)
- | LetIn n -> mkRLetIn(n,t,acc)
- in
- List.fold_right compose_binder
- The main part deals with building a list of raw constructor expressions
- from the rhs of a fixpoint equation.
-type 'a build_entry_pre_return =
- {
- context : raw_context; (* the binding context of the result *)
- value : 'a; (* The value *)
- }
-type 'a build_entry_return =
- {
- result : 'a build_entry_pre_return list;
- to_avoid : identifier list
- }
- [combine_results combine_fun res1 res2] combine two results [res1] and [res2]
- w.r.t. [combine_fun].
- Informally, both [res1] and [res2] are lists of "constructors" [res1_1;...]
- and [res2_1,....] and we need to produce
- [combine_fun res1_1 res2_1;combine_fun res1_1 res2_2;........]
-let combine_results
- (combine_fun : 'a build_entry_pre_return -> 'b build_entry_pre_return ->
- 'c build_entry_pre_return
- )
- (res1: 'a build_entry_return)
- (res2 : 'b build_entry_return)
- : 'c build_entry_return
- =
- let pre_result =
- ( fun res1 -> (* for each result in arg_res *)
- (* we add it in each args_res *)
- (fun res2 ->
- combine_fun res1 res2
- )
- res2.result
- )
- res1.result
- in (* and then we flatten the map *)
- {
- result = List.concat pre_result;
- to_avoid = list_union res1.to_avoid res2.to_avoid
- }
- The combination function for an argument with a list of argument
-let combine_args arg args =
- {
- context = arg.context@args.context;
- (* Note that the binding context of [arg] MUST be placed before the one of
- [args] in order to preserve possible type dependencies
- *)
- value = arg.value::args.value;
- }
-let ids_of_binder = function
- | LetIn Anonymous | Prod Anonymous | Lambda Anonymous -> []
- | LetIn (Name id) | Prod (Name id) | Lambda (Name id) -> [id]
-let rec change_vars_in_binder mapping = function
- [] -> []
- | (bt,t)::l ->
- let new_mapping = List.fold_right Idmap.remove (ids_of_binder bt) mapping in
- (bt,change_vars mapping t)::
- (if idmap_is_empty new_mapping
- then l
- else change_vars_in_binder new_mapping l
- )
-let rec replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term = function
- | [] -> []
- | (bt,t)::l ->
- (bt,replace_var_by_term x_id term t)::
- if List.mem x_id (ids_of_binder bt)
- then l
- else replace_var_by_term_in_binder x_id term l
-let add_bt_names bt = List.append (ids_of_binder bt)
-let apply_args ctxt body args =
- let need_convert_id avoid id =
- List.exists (is_free_in id) args || List.mem id avoid
- in
- let need_convert avoid bt =
- List.exists (need_convert_id avoid) (ids_of_binder bt)
- in
- let next_name_away (na:name) (mapping: identifier Idmap.t) (avoid: identifier list) =
- match na with
- | Name id when List.mem id avoid ->
- let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id avoid in
- Name new_id,Idmap.add id new_id mapping,new_id::avoid
- | _ -> na,mapping,avoid
- in
- let next_bt_away bt (avoid:identifier list) =
- match bt with
- | LetIn na ->
- let new_na,mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na Idmap.empty avoid in
- LetIn new_na,mapping,new_avoid
- | Prod na ->
- let new_na,mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na Idmap.empty avoid in
- Prod new_na,mapping,new_avoid
- | Lambda na ->
- let new_na,mapping,new_avoid = next_name_away na Idmap.empty avoid in
- Lambda new_na,mapping,new_avoid
- in
- let rec do_apply avoid ctxt body args =
- match ctxt,args with
- | _,[] -> (* No more args *)
- (ctxt,body)
- | [],_ -> (* no more fun *)
- let f,args' = raw_decompose_app body in
- (ctxt,mkRApp(f,args'@args))
- | (Lambda Anonymous,t)::ctxt',arg::args' ->
- do_apply avoid ctxt' body args'
- | (Lambda (Name id),t)::ctxt',arg::args' ->
- let new_avoid,new_ctxt',new_body,new_id =
- if need_convert_id avoid id
- then
- let new_avoid = id::avoid in
- let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id new_avoid in
- let new_avoid' = new_id :: new_avoid in
- let mapping = Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty in
- let new_ctxt' = change_vars_in_binder mapping ctxt' in
- let new_body = change_vars mapping body in
- new_avoid',new_ctxt',new_body,new_id
- else
- id::avoid,ctxt',body,id
- in
- let new_body = replace_var_by_term new_id arg new_body in
- let new_ctxt' = replace_var_by_term_in_binder new_id arg new_ctxt' in
- do_apply avoid new_ctxt' new_body args'
- | (bt,t)::ctxt',_ ->
- let new_avoid,new_ctxt',new_body,new_bt =
- let new_avoid = add_bt_names bt avoid in
- if need_convert avoid bt
- then
- let new_bt,mapping,new_avoid = next_bt_away bt new_avoid in
- (
- new_avoid,
- change_vars_in_binder mapping ctxt',
- change_vars mapping body,
- new_bt
- )
- else new_avoid,ctxt',body,bt
- in
- let new_ctxt',new_body =
- do_apply new_avoid new_ctxt' new_body args
- in
- (new_bt,t)::new_ctxt',new_body
- in
- do_apply [] ctxt body args
-let combine_app f args =
- let new_ctxt,new_value = apply_args f.context f.value args.value in
- {
- (* Note that the binding context of [args] MUST be placed before the one of
- the applied value in order to preserve possible type dependencies
- *)
- context = args.context@new_ctxt;
- value = new_value;
- }
-let combine_lam n t b =
- {
- context = [];
- value = mkRLambda(n, compose_raw_context t.context t.value,
- compose_raw_context b.context b.value )
- }
-let combine_prod n t b =
- { context = t.context@((Prod n,t.value)::b.context); value = b.value}
-let combine_letin n t b =
- { context = t.context@((LetIn n,t.value)::b.context); value = b.value}
-let mk_result ctxt value avoid =
- {
- result =
- [{context = ctxt;
- value = value}]
- ;
- to_avoid = avoid
- }
- Some functions to deal with overlapping patterns
-let coq_True_ref =
- lazy (Coqlib.gen_reference "" ["Init";"Logic"] "True")
-let coq_False_ref =
- lazy (Coqlib.gen_reference "" ["Init";"Logic"] "False")
- [make_discr_match_el \[e1,...en\]] builds match e1,...,en with
- (the list of expresions on which we will do the matching)
- *)
-let make_discr_match_el =
- (fun e -> (e,(Anonymous,None)))
- [make_discr_match_brl i \[pat_1,...,pat_n\]] constructs a discrimination pattern matching on the ith expression.
- that is.
- match ?????? with \\
- | pat_1 => False \\
- | pat_{i-1} => False \\
- | pat_i => True \\
- | pat_{i+1} => False \\
- \vdots
- | pat_n => False
- end
-let make_discr_match_brl i =
- list_map_i
- (fun j (_,idl,patl,_) ->
- if j=i
- then (dummy_loc,idl,patl, mkRRef (Lazy.force coq_True_ref))
- else (dummy_loc,idl,patl, mkRRef (Lazy.force coq_False_ref))
- )
- 0
- [make_discr_match brl el i] generates an hypothesis such that it reduce to true iff
- brl_{i} is the first branch matched by [el]
- Used when we want to simulate the coq pattern matching algorithm
-let make_discr_match brl =
- fun el i ->
- mkRCases(None,
- make_discr_match_el el,
- make_discr_match_brl i brl)
-let pr_name = function
- | Name id -> Ppconstr.pr_id id
- | Anonymous -> str "_"
-(* functions used to build case expression from lettuple and if ones *)
-(* [build_constructors_of_type] construct the array of pattern of its inductive argument*)
-let build_constructors_of_type ind' argl =
- let (mib,ind) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind' in
- let npar = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
- Array.mapi (fun i _ ->
- let construct = ind',i+1 in
- let constructref = ConstructRef(construct) in
- let _implicit_positions_of_cst =
- Impargs.implicits_of_global constructref
- in
- let cst_narg =
- Inductiveops.mis_constructor_nargs_env
- (Global.env ())
- construct
- in
- let argl =
- if argl = []
- then
- Array.to_list
- (Array.init (cst_narg - npar) (fun _ -> mkRHole ())
- )
- else argl
- in
- let pat_as_term =
- mkRApp(mkRRef (ConstructRef(ind',i+1)),argl)
- in
- cases_pattern_of_rawconstr Anonymous pat_as_term
- )
- ind.Declarations.mind_consnames
-(* [find_type_of] very naive attempts to discover the type of an if or a letin *)
-let rec find_type_of nb b =
- let f,_ = raw_decompose_app b in
- match f with
- | RRef(_,ref) ->
- begin
- let ind_type =
- match ref with
- | VarRef _ | ConstRef _ ->
- let constr_of_ref = constr_of_global ref in
- let type_of_ref = Typing.type_of (Global.env ()) Evd.empty constr_of_ref in
- let (_,ret_type) = Reduction.dest_prod (Global.env ()) type_of_ref in
- let ret_type,_ = decompose_app ret_type in
- if not (isInd ret_type) then
- begin
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "not an inductive" ++ pr_lconstr ret_type); *)
- raise (Invalid_argument "not an inductive")
- end;
- destInd ret_type
- | IndRef ind -> ind
- | ConstructRef c -> fst c
- in
- let _,ind_type_info = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif (Global.env()) ind_type in
- if not (Array.length ind_type_info.Declarations.mind_consnames = nb )
- then raise (Invalid_argument "find_type_of : not a valid inductive");
- ind_type
- end
- | RCast(_,b,_) -> find_type_of nb b
- | RApp _ -> assert false (* we have decomposed any application via raw_decompose_app *)
- | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "not a ref")
-(* Main functions *)
-let raw_push_named (na,raw_value,raw_typ) env =
- match na with
- | Anonymous -> env
- | Name id ->
- let value = (Pretyping.Default.understand Evd.empty env) raw_value in
- let typ = Pretyping.Default.understand_type Evd.empty env raw_typ in
- Environ.push_named (id,value,typ) env
-let add_pat_variables pat typ env : Environ.env =
- let rec add_pat_variables env pat typ : Environ.env =
- observe (str "new rel env := " ++ Printer.pr_rel_context_of env);
- match pat with
- | PatVar(_,na) -> Environ.push_rel (na,None,typ) env
- | PatCstr(_,c,patl,na) ->
- let Inductiveops.IndType(indf,indargs) =
- try Inductiveops.find_rectype env Evd.empty typ
- with Not_found -> assert false
- in
- let constructors = Inductiveops.get_constructors env indf in
- let constructor : Inductiveops.constructor_summary = List.find (fun cs -> cs.Inductiveops.cs_cstr = c) (Array.to_list constructors) in
- let cs_args_types :types list = (fun (_,_,t) -> t) constructor.Inductiveops.cs_args in
- List.fold_left2 add_pat_variables env patl (List.rev cs_args_types)
- in
- let new_env = add_pat_variables env pat typ in
- let res =
- fst (
- Sign.fold_rel_context
- (fun (na,v,t) (env,ctxt) ->
- match na with
- | Anonymous -> assert false
- | Name id ->
- let new_t = substl ctxt t in
- let new_v = (substl ctxt) v in
- observe (str "for variable " ++ Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ fnl () ++
- str "old type := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr t ++ fnl () ++
- str "new type := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr new_t ++ fnl () ++
- Option.fold_right (fun v _ -> str "old value := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr v ++ fnl ()) v (mt ()) ++
- Option.fold_right (fun v _ -> str "new value := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr v ++ fnl ()) new_v (mt ())
- );
- (Environ.push_named (id,new_v,new_t) env,mkVar id::ctxt)
- )
- (Environ.rel_context new_env)
- ~init:(env,[])
- )
- in
- observe (str "new var env := " ++ Printer.pr_named_context_of res);
- res
-let rec pattern_to_term_and_type env typ = function
- | PatVar(loc,Anonymous) -> assert false
- | PatVar(loc,Name id) ->
- mkRVar id
- | PatCstr(loc,constr,patternl,_) ->
- let cst_narg =
- Inductiveops.mis_constructor_nargs_env
- (Global.env ())
- constr
- in
- let Inductiveops.IndType(indf,indargs) =
- try Inductiveops.find_rectype env Evd.empty typ
- with Not_found -> assert false
- in
- let constructors = Inductiveops.get_constructors env indf in
- let constructor = List.find (fun cs -> cs.Inductiveops.cs_cstr = constr) (Array.to_list constructors) in
- let cs_args_types :types list = (fun (_,_,t) -> t) constructor.Inductiveops.cs_args in
- let _,cstl = Inductiveops.dest_ind_family indf in
- let csta = Array.of_list cstl in
- let implicit_args =
- Array.to_list
- (Array.init
- (cst_narg - List.length patternl)
- (fun i -> Detyping.detype false [] (Termops.names_of_rel_context env) csta.(i))
- )
- in
- let patl_as_term =
- List.map2 (pattern_to_term_and_type env) (List.rev cs_args_types) patternl
- in
- mkRApp(mkRRef(ConstructRef constr),
- implicit_args@patl_as_term
- )
-(* [build_entry_lc funnames avoid rt] construct the list (in fact a build_entry_return)
- of constructors corresponding to [rt] when replacing calls to [funnames] by calls to the
- corresponding graphs.
- The idea to transform a term [t] into a list of constructors [lc] is the following:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item if the term is a binder (bind x, body) then first compute [lc'] the list corresponding
- to [body] and add (bind x. _) to each elements of [lc]
- \item if the term has the form (g t1 ... ... tn) where g does not appears in (fnames)
- then compute [lc1] ... [lcn] the lists of constructors corresponding to [t1] ... [tn],
- then combine those lists and [g] as follows~: for each element [c1,...,cn] of [lc1\times...\times lcn],
- [g c1 ... cn] is an element of [lc]
- \item if the term has the form (f t1 .... tn) where [f] appears in [fnames] then
- compute [lc1] ... [lcn] the lists of constructors corresponding to [t1] ... [tn],
- then compute those lists and [f] as follows~: for each element [c1,...,cn] of [lc1\times...\times lcn]
- create a new variable [res] and [forall res, R_f c1 ... cn res] is in [lc]
- \item if the term is a cast just treat its body part
- \item
- if the term is a match, an if or a lettuple then compute the lists corresponding to each branch of the case
- and concatenate them (informally, each branch of a match produces a new constructor)
- \end{itemize}
- WARNING: The terms constructed here are only USING the rawconstr syntax but are highly bad formed.
- We must wait to have complete all the current calculi to set the recursive calls.
- At this point, each term [f t1 ... tn] (where f appears in [funnames]) is replaced by
- a pseudo term [forall res, res t1 ... tn, res]. A reconstruction phase is done later.
- We in fact not create a constructor list since then end of each constructor has not the expected form
- but only the value of the function
-let rec build_entry_lc env funnames avoid rt : rawconstr build_entry_return =
- observe (str " Entering : " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr rt);
- match rt with
- | RRef _ | RVar _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ | RSort _ | RHole _ ->
- (* do nothing (except changing type of course) *)
- mk_result [] rt avoid
- | RApp(_,_,_) ->
- let f,args = raw_decompose_app rt in
- let args_res : (rawconstr list) build_entry_return =
- List.fold_right (* create the arguments lists of constructors and combine them *)
- (fun arg ctxt_argsl ->
- let arg_res = build_entry_lc env funnames ctxt_argsl.to_avoid arg in
- combine_results combine_args arg_res ctxt_argsl
- )
- args
- (mk_result [] [] avoid)
- in
- begin
- match f with
- | RVar(_,id) when Idset.mem id funnames ->
- (* if we have [f t1 ... tn] with [f]$\in$[fnames]
- then we create a fresh variable [res],
- add [res] and its "value" (i.e. [res v1 ... vn]) to each
- pseudo constructor build for the arguments (i.e. a pseudo context [ctxt] and
- a pseudo value "v1 ... vn".
- The "value" of this branch is then simply [res]
- *)
- let rt_as_constr = Pretyping.Default.understand Evd.empty env rt in
- let rt_typ = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty rt_as_constr in
- let res_raw_type = Detyping.detype false [] (Termops.names_of_rel_context env) rt_typ in
- let res = fresh_id args_res.to_avoid "res" in
- let new_avoid = res::args_res.to_avoid in
- let res_rt = mkRVar res in
- let new_result =
- (fun arg_res ->
- let new_hyps =
- [Prod (Name res),res_raw_type;
- Prod Anonymous,mkRApp(res_rt,(mkRVar id)::arg_res.value)]
- in
- {context = arg_res.context@new_hyps; value = res_rt }
- )
- args_res.result
- in
- { result = new_result; to_avoid = new_avoid }
- | RVar _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ | RHole _ | RSort _ | RRef _ ->
- (* if have [g t1 ... tn] with [g] not appearing in [funnames]
- then
- foreach [ctxt,v1 ... vn] in [args_res] we return
- [ctxt, g v1 .... vn]
- *)
- {
- args_res with
- result =
- (fun args_res ->
- {args_res with value = mkRApp(f,args_res.value)})
- args_res.result
- }
- | RApp _ -> assert false (* we have collected all the app in [raw_decompose_app] *)
- | RLetIn(_,n,t,b) ->
- (* if we have [(let x := v in b) t1 ... tn] ,
- we discard our work and compute the list of constructor for
- [let x = v in (b t1 ... tn)] up to alpha conversion
- *)
- let new_n,new_b,new_avoid =
- match n with
- | Name id when List.exists (is_free_in id) args ->
- (* need to alpha-convert the name *)
- let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id avoid in
- let new_avoid = id:: avoid in
- let new_b =
- replace_var_by_term
- id
- (RVar(dummy_loc,id))
- b
- in
- (Name new_id,new_b,new_avoid)
- | _ -> n,b,avoid
- in
- build_entry_lc
- env
- funnames
- avoid
- (mkRLetIn(new_n,t,mkRApp(new_b,args)))
- | RCases _ | RLambda _ | RIf _ | RLetTuple _ ->
- (* we have [(match e1, ...., en with ..... end) t1 tn]
- we first compute the result from the case and
- then combine each of them with each of args one
- *)
- let f_res = build_entry_lc env funnames args_res.to_avoid f in
- combine_results combine_app f_res args_res
- | RDynamic _ ->error "Not handled RDynamic"
- | RCast(_,b,_) ->
- (* for an applied cast we just trash the cast part
- and restart the work.
- WARNING: We need to restart since [b] itself should be an application term
- *)
- build_entry_lc env funnames avoid (mkRApp(b,args))
- | RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
- | RProd _ -> error "Cannot apply a type"
- end (* end of the application treatement *)
- | RLambda(_,n,_,t,b) ->
- (* we first compute the list of constructor
- corresponding to the body of the function,
- then the one corresponding to the type
- and combine the two result
- *)
- let t_res = build_entry_lc env funnames avoid t in
- let new_n =
- match n with
- | Name _ -> n
- | Anonymous -> Name (Indfun_common.fresh_id [] "_x")
- in
- let new_env = raw_push_named (new_n,None,t) env in
- let b_res = build_entry_lc new_env funnames avoid b in
- combine_results (combine_lam new_n) t_res b_res
- | RProd(_,n,_,t,b) ->
- (* we first compute the list of constructor
- corresponding to the body of the function,
- then the one corresponding to the type
- and combine the two result
- *)
- let t_res = build_entry_lc env funnames avoid t in
- let new_env = raw_push_named (n,None,t) env in
- let b_res = build_entry_lc new_env funnames avoid b in
- combine_results (combine_prod n) t_res b_res
- | RLetIn(_,n,v,b) ->
- (* we first compute the list of constructor
- corresponding to the body of the function,
- then the one corresponding to the value [t]
- and combine the two result
- *)
- let v_res = build_entry_lc env funnames avoid v in
- let v_as_constr = Pretyping.Default.understand Evd.empty env v in
- let v_type = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty v_as_constr in
- let new_env =
- match n with
- Anonymous -> env
- | Name id -> Environ.push_named (id,Some v_as_constr,v_type) env
- in
- let b_res = build_entry_lc new_env funnames avoid b in
- combine_results (combine_letin n) v_res b_res
- | RCases(_,_,_,el,brl) ->
- (* we create the discrimination function
- and treat the case itself
- *)
- let make_discr = make_discr_match brl in
- build_entry_lc_from_case env funnames make_discr el brl avoid
- | RIf(_,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) ->
- let b_as_constr = Pretyping.Default.understand Evd.empty env b in
- let b_typ = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty b_as_constr in
- let (ind,_) =
- try Inductiveops.find_inductive env Evd.empty b_typ
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot find the inductive associated to " ++
- Printer.pr_rawconstr b ++ str " in " ++
- Printer.pr_rawconstr rt ++ str ". try again with a cast")
- in
- let case_pats = build_constructors_of_type ind [] in
- assert (Array.length case_pats = 2);
- let brl =
- list_map_i
- (fun i x -> (dummy_loc,[],[case_pats.(i)],x))
- 0
- [lhs;rhs]
- in
- let match_expr =
- mkRCases(None,[(b,(Anonymous,None))],brl)
- in
- (* Pp.msgnl (str "new case := " ++ Printer.pr_rawconstr match_expr); *)
- build_entry_lc env funnames avoid match_expr
- | RLetTuple(_,nal,_,b,e) ->
- begin
- let nal_as_rawconstr =
- (function
- Name id -> mkRVar id
- | Anonymous -> mkRHole ()
- )
- nal
- in
- let b_as_constr = Pretyping.Default.understand Evd.empty env b in
- let b_typ = Typing.type_of env Evd.empty b_as_constr in
- let (ind,_) =
- try Inductiveops.find_inductive env Evd.empty b_typ
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "" (str "Cannot find the inductive associated to " ++
- Printer.pr_rawconstr b ++ str " in " ++
- Printer.pr_rawconstr rt ++ str ". try again with a cast")
- in
- let case_pats = build_constructors_of_type ind nal_as_rawconstr in
- assert (Array.length case_pats = 1);
- let br =
- (dummy_loc,[],[case_pats.(0)],e)
- in
- let match_expr = mkRCases(None,[b,(Anonymous,None)],[br]) in
- build_entry_lc env funnames avoid match_expr
- end
- | RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
- | RCast(_,b,_) ->
- build_entry_lc env funnames avoid b
- | RDynamic _ -> error "Not handled RDynamic"
-and build_entry_lc_from_case env funname make_discr
- (el:tomatch_tuples)
- (brl:Rawterm.cases_clauses) avoid :
- rawconstr build_entry_return =
- match el with
- | [] -> assert false (* this case correspond to match <nothing> with .... !*)
- | el ->
- (* this case correspond to
- match el with brl end
- we first compute the list of lists corresponding to [el] and
- combine them .
- Then for each elemeent of the combinations,
- we compute the result we compute one list per branch in [brl] and
- finally we just concatenate those list
- *)
- let case_resl =
- List.fold_right
- (fun (case_arg,_) ctxt_argsl ->
- let arg_res = build_entry_lc env funname avoid case_arg in
- combine_results combine_args arg_res ctxt_argsl
- )
- el
- (mk_result [] [] avoid)
- in
- (****** The next works only if the match is not dependent ****)
- let types =
- (fun (case_arg,_) ->
- let case_arg_as_constr = Pretyping.Default.understand Evd.empty env case_arg in
- Typing.type_of env Evd.empty case_arg_as_constr
- ) el
- in
- let results =
- (build_entry_lc_from_case_term
- env types
- funname (make_discr (* ( fst el) *))
- [] brl
- case_resl.to_avoid)
- case_resl.result
- in
- {
- result = List.concat ( (fun r -> r.result) results);
- to_avoid =
- List.fold_left (fun acc r -> list_union acc r.to_avoid) [] results
- }
-and build_entry_lc_from_case_term env types funname make_discr patterns_to_prevent brl avoid
- matched_expr =
- match brl with
- | [] -> (* computed_branches *) {result = [];to_avoid = avoid}
- | br::brl' ->
- (* alpha convertion to prevent name clashes *)
- let _,idl,patl,return = alpha_br avoid br in
- let new_avoid = idl@avoid in (* for now we can no more use idl as an indentifier *)
- (* building a list of precondition stating that we are not in this branch
- (will be used in the following recursive calls)
- *)
- let new_env = List.fold_right2 add_pat_variables patl types env in
- let not_those_patterns : (identifier list -> rawconstr -> rawconstr) list =
- List.map2
- (fun pat typ ->
- fun avoid pat'_as_term ->
- let renamed_pat,_,_ = alpha_pat avoid pat in
- let pat_ids = get_pattern_id renamed_pat in
- let env_with_pat_ids = add_pat_variables pat typ new_env in
- List.fold_right
- (fun id acc ->
- let typ_of_id = Typing.type_of env_with_pat_ids Evd.empty (mkVar id) in
- let raw_typ_of_id =
- Detyping.detype false [] (Termops.names_of_rel_context env_with_pat_ids) typ_of_id
- in
- mkRProd (Name id,raw_typ_of_id,acc))
- pat_ids
- (raw_make_neq pat'_as_term (pattern_to_term renamed_pat))
- )
- patl
- types
- in
- (* Checking if we can be in this branch
- (will be used in the following recursive calls)
- *)
- let unify_with_those_patterns : (cases_pattern -> bool*bool) list =
- (fun pat pat' -> are_unifiable pat pat',eq_cases_pattern pat pat')
- patl
- in
- (*
- we first compute the other branch result (in ordrer to keep the order of the matching
- as much as possible)
- *)
- let brl'_res =
- build_entry_lc_from_case_term
- env
- types
- funname
- make_discr
- ((unify_with_those_patterns,not_those_patterns)::patterns_to_prevent)
- brl'
- avoid
- matched_expr
- in
- (* We now create the precondition of this branch i.e.
- 1- the list of variable appearing in the different patterns of this branch and
- the list of equation stating than el = patl (List.flatten ...)
- 2- If there exists a previous branch which pattern unify with the one of this branch
- then a discrimination precond stating that we are not in a previous branch (if List.exists ...)
- *)
- let those_pattern_preconds =
- (List.flatten
- (
- list_map3
- (fun pat e typ_as_constr ->
- let this_pat_ids = ids_of_pat pat in
- let typ = Detyping.detype false [] (Termops.names_of_rel_context new_env) typ_as_constr in
- let pat_as_term = pattern_to_term pat in
- List.fold_right
- (fun id acc ->
- if Idset.mem id this_pat_ids
- then (Prod (Name id),
- let typ_of_id = Typing.type_of new_env Evd.empty (mkVar id) in
- let raw_typ_of_id =
- Detyping.detype false [] (Termops.names_of_rel_context new_env) typ_of_id
- in
- raw_typ_of_id
- )::acc
- else acc
- )
- idl
- [(Prod Anonymous,raw_make_eq ~typ pat_as_term e)]
- )
- patl
- matched_expr.value
- types
- )
- )
- @
- (if List.exists (function (unifl,_) ->
- let (unif,_) =
- List.split (List.map2 (fun x y -> x y) unifl patl)
- in
- List.for_all (fun x -> x) unif) patterns_to_prevent
- then
- let i = List.length patterns_to_prevent in
- let pats_as_constr = List.map2 (pattern_to_term_and_type new_env) types patl in
- [(Prod Anonymous,make_discr pats_as_constr i )]
- else
- []
- )
- in
- (* We compute the result of the value returned by the branch*)
- let return_res = build_entry_lc new_env funname new_avoid return in
- (* and combine it with the preconds computed for this branch *)
- let this_branch_res =
- (fun res ->
- { context = matched_expr.context@those_pattern_preconds@res.context ;
- value = res.value}
- )
- return_res.result
- in
- { brl'_res with result = this_branch_res@brl'_res.result }
-let is_res id =
- try
- String.sub (string_of_id id) 0 3 = "res"
- with Invalid_argument _ -> false
- The second phase which reconstruct the real type of the constructor.
- rebuild the raw constructors expression.
- eliminates some meaningless equalities, applies some rewrites......
-let rec rebuild_cons nb_args relname args crossed_types depth rt =
- match rt with
- | RProd(_,n,k,t,b) ->
- let not_free_in_t id = not (is_free_in id t) in
- let new_crossed_types = t::crossed_types in
- begin
- match t with
- | RApp(_,(RVar(_,res_id) as res_rt),args') when is_res res_id ->
- begin
- match args' with
- | (RVar(_,this_relname))::args' ->
- let new_b,id_to_exclude =
- rebuild_cons
- nb_args relname
- args new_crossed_types
- (depth + 1) b
- in
- (*i The next call to mk_rel_id is valid since we are constructing the graph
- Ensures by: obvious
- i*)
- let new_t =
- mkRApp(mkRVar(mk_rel_id this_relname),args'@[res_rt])
- in mkRProd(n,new_t,new_b),
- Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude
- | _ -> (* the first args is the name of the function! *)
- assert false
- end
- | RApp(_,RRef(_,eq_as_ref),[_;RVar(_,id);rt])
- when eq_as_ref = Lazy.force Coqlib.coq_eq_ref && n = Anonymous
- ->
- let is_in_b = is_free_in id b in
- let _keep_eq =
- not (List.exists (is_free_in id) args) || is_in_b ||
- List.exists (is_free_in id) crossed_types
- in
- let new_args = (replace_var_by_term id rt) args in
- let subst_b =
- if is_in_b then b else replace_var_by_term id rt b
- in
- let new_b,id_to_exclude =
- rebuild_cons
- nb_args relname
- new_args new_crossed_types
- (depth + 1) subst_b
- in
- mkRProd(n,t,new_b),id_to_exclude
- (* J.F:. keep this comment it explain how to remove some meaningless equalities
- if keep_eq then
- mkRProd(n,t,new_b),id_to_exclude
- else new_b, Idset.add id id_to_exclude
- *)
- | _ ->
- let new_b,id_to_exclude =
- rebuild_cons
- nb_args relname
- args new_crossed_types
- (depth + 1) b
- in
- match n with
- | Name id when Idset.mem id id_to_exclude && depth >= nb_args ->
- new_b,Idset.remove id
- (Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude)
- | _ -> mkRProd(n,t,new_b),Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude
- end
- | RLambda(_,n,k,t,b) ->
- begin
- let not_free_in_t id = not (is_free_in id t) in
- let new_crossed_types = t :: crossed_types in
- match n with
- | Name id ->
- let new_b,id_to_exclude =
- rebuild_cons
- nb_args relname
- (args@[mkRVar id])new_crossed_types
- (depth + 1 ) b
- in
- if Idset.mem id id_to_exclude && depth >= nb_args
- then
- new_b, Idset.remove id (Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude)
- else
- RProd(dummy_loc,n,k,t,new_b),Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude
- | _ -> anomaly "Should not have an anonymous function here"
- (* We have renamed all the anonymous functions during alpha_renaming phase *)
- end
- | RLetIn(_,n,t,b) ->
- begin
- let not_free_in_t id = not (is_free_in id t) in
- let new_b,id_to_exclude =
- rebuild_cons
- nb_args relname
- args (t::crossed_types)
- (depth + 1 ) b in
- match n with
- | Name id when Idset.mem id id_to_exclude && depth >= nb_args ->
- new_b,Idset.remove id (Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude)
- | _ -> RLetIn(dummy_loc,n,t,new_b),
- Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude
- end
- | RLetTuple(_,nal,(na,rto),t,b) ->
- assert (rto=None);
- begin
- let not_free_in_t id = not (is_free_in id t) in
- let new_t,id_to_exclude' =
- rebuild_cons
- nb_args
- relname
- args (crossed_types)
- depth t
- in
- let new_b,id_to_exclude =
- rebuild_cons
- nb_args relname
- args (t::crossed_types)
- (depth + 1) b
- in
-(* match n with *)
-(* | Name id when Idset.mem id id_to_exclude -> *)
-(* new_b,Idset.remove id (Idset.filter not_free_in_t id_to_exclude) *)
-(* | _ -> *)
- RLetTuple(dummy_loc,nal,(na,None),t,new_b),
- Idset.filter not_free_in_t (Idset.union id_to_exclude id_to_exclude')
- end
- | _ -> mkRApp(mkRVar relname,args@[rt]),Idset.empty
-(* debuging wrapper *)
-let rebuild_cons nb_args relname args crossed_types rt =
-(* observennl (str "rebuild_cons : rt := "++ pr_rawconstr rt ++ *)
-(* str "nb_args := " ++ str (string_of_int nb_args)); *)
- let res =
- rebuild_cons nb_args relname args crossed_types 0 rt
- in
-(* observe (str " leads to "++ pr_rawconstr (fst res)); *)
- res
-(* naive implementation of parameter detection.
- A parameter is an argument which is only preceded by parameters and whose
- calls are all syntaxically equal.
- TODO: Find a valid way to deal with implicit arguments here!
-let rec compute_cst_params relnames params = function
- | RRef _ | RVar _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ -> params
- | RApp(_,RVar(_,relname'),rtl) when Idset.mem relname' relnames ->
- compute_cst_params_from_app [] (params,rtl)
- | RApp(_,f,args) ->
- List.fold_left (compute_cst_params relnames) params (f::args)
- | RLambda(_,_,_,t,b) | RProd(_,_,_,t,b) | RLetIn(_,_,t,b) | RLetTuple(_,_,_,t,b) ->
- let t_params = compute_cst_params relnames params t in
- compute_cst_params relnames t_params b
- | RCases _ ->
- params (* If there is still cases at this point they can only be
- discriminitation ones *)
- | RSort _ -> params
- | RHole _ -> params
- | RIf _ | RRec _ | RCast _ | RDynamic _ ->
- raise (UserError("compute_cst_params", str "Not handled case"))
-and compute_cst_params_from_app acc (params,rtl) =
- match params,rtl with
- | _::_,[] -> assert false (* the rel has at least nargs + 1 arguments ! *)
- | ((Name id,_,is_defined) as param)::params',(RVar(_,id'))::rtl'
- when id_ord id id' == 0 && not is_defined ->
- compute_cst_params_from_app (param::acc) (params',rtl')
- | _ -> List.rev acc
-let compute_params_name relnames (args : ( * Rawterm.rawconstr * bool) list array) csts =
- let rels_params =
- Array.mapi
- (fun i args ->
- List.fold_left
- (fun params (_,cst) -> compute_cst_params relnames params cst)
- args
- csts.(i)
- )
- args
- in
- let l = ref [] in
- let _ =
- try
- list_iter_i
- (fun i ((n,nt,is_defined) as param) ->
- if array_for_all
- (fun l ->
- let (n',nt',is_defined') = List.nth l i in
- n = n' && Topconstr.eq_rawconstr nt nt' && is_defined = is_defined')
- rels_params
- then
- l := param::!l
- )
- rels_params.(0)
- with _ ->
- ()
- in
- List.rev !l
-let rec rebuild_return_type rt =
- match rt with
- | Topconstr.CProdN(loc,n,t') ->
- Topconstr.CProdN(loc,n,rebuild_return_type t')
- | Topconstr.CArrow(loc,t,t') ->
- Topconstr.CArrow(loc,t,rebuild_return_type t')
- | Topconstr.CLetIn(loc,na,t,t') ->
- Topconstr.CLetIn(loc,na,t,rebuild_return_type t')
- | _ -> Topconstr.CArrow(dummy_loc,rt,Topconstr.CSort(dummy_loc,RType None))
-let do_build_inductive
- funnames (funsargs: ( * rawconstr * bool) list list)
- returned_types
- (rtl:rawconstr list) =
- let _time1 = System.get_time () in
-(* Pp.msgnl (prlist_with_sep fnl Printer.pr_rawconstr rtl); *)
- let funnames_as_set = List.fold_right Idset.add funnames Idset.empty in
- let funnames = Array.of_list funnames in
- let funsargs = Array.of_list funsargs in
- let returned_types = Array.of_list returned_types in
- (* alpha_renaming of the body to prevent variable capture during manipulation *)
- let rtl_alpha = (function rt -> expand_as (alpha_rt [] rt)) rtl in
- let rta = Array.of_list rtl_alpha in
- (*i The next call to mk_rel_id is valid since we are constructing the graph
- Ensures by: obvious
- i*)
- let relnames = mk_rel_id funnames in
- let relnames_as_set = Array.fold_right Idset.add relnames Idset.empty in
- (* Construction of the pseudo constructors *)
- let env =
- Array.fold_right
- (fun id env ->
- Environ.push_named (id,None,Typing.type_of env Evd.empty (Tacinterp.constr_of_id env id)) env
- )
- funnames
- (Global.env ())
- in
- let resa = (build_entry_lc env funnames_as_set []) rta in
- (* and of the real constructors*)
- let constr i res =
- (function result (* (args',concl') *) ->
- let rt = compose_raw_context result.context result.value in
- let nb_args = List.length funsargs.(i) in
- (* with_full_print (fun rt -> Pp.msgnl (str "raw constr " ++ pr_rawconstr rt)) rt; *)
- fst (
- rebuild_cons nb_args relnames.(i)
- []
- []
- rt
- )
- )
- res.result
- in
- (* adding names to constructors *)
- let next_constructor_id = ref (-1) in
- let mk_constructor_id i =
- incr next_constructor_id;
- (*i The next call to mk_rel_id is valid since we are constructing the graph
- Ensures by: obvious
- i*)
- id_of_string ((string_of_id (mk_rel_id funnames.(i)))^"_"^(string_of_int !next_constructor_id))
- in
- let rel_constructors i rt : (identifier*rawconstr) list =
- next_constructor_id := (-1);
- (fun constr -> (mk_constructor_id i),constr) (constr i rt)
- in
- let rel_constructors = Array.mapi rel_constructors resa in
- (* Computing the set of parameters if asked *)
- let rels_params = compute_params_name relnames_as_set funsargs rel_constructors in
- let nrel_params = List.length rels_params in
- let rel_constructors = (* Taking into account the parameters in constructors *)
- (
- (fun (id,rt) -> (id,snd (chop_rprod_n nrel_params rt))))
- rel_constructors
- in
- let rel_arity i funargs = (* Reduilding arities (with parameters) *)
- let rel_first_args :( * Rawterm.rawconstr * bool ) list =
- (snd (list_chop nrel_params funargs))
- in
- List.fold_right
- (fun (n,t,is_defined) acc ->
- if is_defined
- then
- Topconstr.CLetIn(dummy_loc,(dummy_loc, n),Constrextern.extern_rawconstr Idset.empty t,
- acc)
- else
- Topconstr.CProdN
- (dummy_loc,
- [[(dummy_loc,n)],Topconstr.default_binder_kind,Constrextern.extern_rawconstr Idset.empty t],
- acc
- )
- )
- rel_first_args
- (rebuild_return_type returned_types.(i))
- in
- (* We need to lift back our work topconstr but only with all information
- We mimick a Set Printing All.
- Then save the graphs and reset Printing options to their primitive values
- *)
- let rel_arities = Array.mapi rel_arity funsargs in
- let rel_params =
- (fun (n,t,is_defined) ->
- if is_defined
- then
- Topconstr.LocalRawDef((dummy_loc,n), Constrextern.extern_rawconstr Idset.empty t)
- else
- Topconstr.LocalRawAssum
- ([(dummy_loc,n)], Topconstr.default_binder_kind, Constrextern.extern_rawconstr Idset.empty t)
- )
- rels_params
- in
- let ext_rels_constructors =
- (
- (fun (id,t) ->
- false,((dummy_loc,id),
- Flags.with_option
- Flags.raw_print
- (Constrextern.extern_rawtype Idset.empty) ((* zeta_normalize *) t)
- )
- ))
- (rel_constructors)
- in
- let rel_ind i ext_rel_constructors =
- ((dummy_loc,relnames.(i)),
- rel_params,
- Some rel_arities.(i),
- ext_rel_constructors),None
- in
- let ext_rel_constructors = (Array.mapi rel_ind ext_rels_constructors) in
- let rel_inds = Array.to_list ext_rel_constructors in
-(* let _ = *)
-(* Pp.msgnl (\* observe *\) ( *)
-(* str "Inductive" ++ spc () ++ *)
-(* prlist_with_sep *)
-(* (fun () -> fnl ()++spc () ++ str "with" ++ spc ()) *)
-(* (function ((_,id),_,params,ar,constr) -> *)
-(* Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ spc () ++ *)
-(* Ppconstr.pr_binders params ++ spc () ++ *)
-(* str ":" ++ spc () ++ *)
-(* Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr ar ++ spc () ++ str ":=" ++ *)
-(* prlist_with_sep *)
-(* (fun _ -> fnl () ++ spc () ++ str "|" ++ spc ()) *)
-(* (function (_,((_,id),t)) -> *)
-(* Ppconstr.pr_id id ++ spc () ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++ *)
-(* Ppconstr.pr_lconstr_expr t) *)
-(* constr *)
-(* ) *)
-(* rel_inds *)
-(* ) *)
-(* in *)
- let _time2 = System.get_time () in
- try
- with_full_print (Flags.silently (Command.build_mutual rel_inds)) true
- with
- | UserError(s,msg) as e ->
- let _time3 = System.get_time () in
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "error : "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
- let repacked_rel_inds =
- (fun ((a , b , c , l),ntn) -> ((false,a) , b, c , Vernacexpr.Inductive_kw, Vernacexpr.Constructors l),ntn )
- rel_inds
- in
- let msg =
- str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++
- Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(Decl_kinds.Finite,repacked_rel_inds))
- ++ fnl () ++
- msg
- in
- observe (msg);
- raise e
- | e ->
- let _time3 = System.get_time () in
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "error : "++ str (string_of_float (System.time_difference time2 time3))); *)
- let repacked_rel_inds =
- (fun ((a , b , c , l),ntn) -> ((false,a) , b, c , Vernacexpr.Inductive_kw, Vernacexpr.Constructors l),ntn )
- rel_inds
- in
- let msg =
- str "while trying to define"++ spc () ++
- Ppvernac.pr_vernac (Vernacexpr.VernacInductive(Decl_kinds.Finite,repacked_rel_inds))
- ++ fnl () ++
- Cerrors.explain_exn e
- in
- observe msg;
- raise e
-let build_inductive funnames funsargs returned_types rtl =
- try
- do_build_inductive funnames funsargs returned_types rtl
- with e -> raise (Building_graph e)
diff --git a/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.mli b/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 0075fb0a..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/rawterm_to_relation.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- [build_inductive parametrize funnames funargs returned_types bodies]
- constructs and saves the graphs of the functions [funnames] taking [funargs] as arguments
- and returning [returned_types] using bodies [bodies]
-val build_inductive :
- Names.identifier list -> (* The list of function name *)
- (*Rawterm.rawconstr*bool) list list -> (* The list of function args *)
- Topconstr.constr_expr list -> (* The list of function returned type *)
- Rawterm.rawconstr list -> (* the list of body *)
- unit
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
deleted file mode 100644
index 92396af5..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,718 +0,0 @@
-open Pp
-open Rawterm
-open Util
-open Names
-(* Ocaml 3.06 Map.S does not handle is_empty *)
-let idmap_is_empty m = m = Idmap.empty
- Some basic functions to rebuild rawconstr
- In each of them the location is Util.dummy_loc
-let mkRRef ref = RRef(dummy_loc,ref)
-let mkRVar id = RVar(dummy_loc,id)
-let mkRApp(rt,rtl) = RApp(dummy_loc,rt,rtl)
-let mkRLambda(n,t,b) = RLambda(dummy_loc,n,Explicit,t,b)
-let mkRProd(n,t,b) = RProd(dummy_loc,n,Explicit,t,b)
-let mkRLetIn(n,t,b) = RLetIn(dummy_loc,n,t,b)
-let mkRCases(rto,l,brl) = RCases(dummy_loc,Term.RegularStyle,rto,l,brl)
-let mkRSort s = RSort(dummy_loc,s)
-let mkRHole () = RHole(dummy_loc,Evd.BinderType Anonymous)
-let mkRCast(b,t) = RCast(dummy_loc,b,CastConv (Term.DEFAULTcast,t))
- Some basic functions to decompose rawconstrs
- These are analogous to the ones constrs
-let raw_decompose_prod =
- let rec raw_decompose_prod args = function
- | RProd(_,n,k,t,b) ->
- raw_decompose_prod ((n,t)::args) b
- | rt -> args,rt
- in
- raw_decompose_prod []
-let raw_decompose_prod_or_letin =
- let rec raw_decompose_prod args = function
- | RProd(_,n,k,t,b) ->
- raw_decompose_prod ((n,None,Some t)::args) b
- | RLetIn(_,n,t,b) ->
- raw_decompose_prod ((n,Some t,None)::args) b
- | rt -> args,rt
- in
- raw_decompose_prod []
-let raw_compose_prod =
- List.fold_left (fun b (n,t) -> mkRProd(n,t,b))
-let raw_compose_prod_or_letin =
- List.fold_left (
- fun concl decl ->
- match decl with
- | (n,None,Some t) -> mkRProd(n,t,concl)
- | (n,Some bdy,None) -> mkRLetIn(n,bdy,concl)
- | _ -> assert false)
-let raw_decompose_prod_n n =
- let rec raw_decompose_prod i args c =
- if i<=0 then args,c
- else
- match c with
- | RProd(_,n,_,t,b) ->
- raw_decompose_prod (i-1) ((n,t)::args) b
- | rt -> args,rt
- in
- raw_decompose_prod n []
-let raw_decompose_prod_or_letin_n n =
- let rec raw_decompose_prod i args c =
- if i<=0 then args,c
- else
- match c with
- | RProd(_,n,_,t,b) ->
- raw_decompose_prod (i-1) ((n,None,Some t)::args) b
- | RLetIn(_,n,t,b) ->
- raw_decompose_prod (i-1) ((n,Some t,None)::args) b
- | rt -> args,rt
- in
- raw_decompose_prod n []
-let raw_decompose_app =
- let rec decompose_rapp acc rt =
-(* msgnl (str "raw_decompose_app on : "++ Printer.pr_rawconstr rt); *)
- match rt with
- | RApp(_,rt,rtl) ->
- decompose_rapp (List.fold_left (fun y x -> x::y) acc rtl) rt
- | rt -> rt,List.rev acc
- in
- decompose_rapp []
-(* [raw_make_eq t1 t2] build the rawconstr corresponding to [t2 = t1] *)
-let raw_make_eq ?(typ= mkRHole ()) t1 t2 =
- mkRApp(mkRRef (Lazy.force Coqlib.coq_eq_ref),[typ;t2;t1])
-(* [raw_make_neq t1 t2] build the rawconstr corresponding to [t1 <> t2] *)
-let raw_make_neq t1 t2 =
- mkRApp(mkRRef (Lazy.force Coqlib.coq_not_ref),[raw_make_eq t1 t2])
-(* [raw_make_or P1 P2] build the rawconstr corresponding to [P1 \/ P2] *)
-let raw_make_or t1 t2 = mkRApp (mkRRef(Lazy.force Coqlib.coq_or_ref),[t1;t2])
-(* [raw_make_or_list [P1;...;Pn]] build the rawconstr corresponding
- to [P1 \/ ( .... \/ Pn)]
-let rec raw_make_or_list = function
- | [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "mk_or")
- | [e] -> e
- | e::l -> raw_make_or e (raw_make_or_list l)
-let remove_name_from_mapping mapping na =
- match na with
- | Anonymous -> mapping
- | Name id -> Idmap.remove id mapping
-let change_vars =
- let rec change_vars mapping rt =
- match rt with
- | RRef _ -> rt
- | RVar(loc,id) ->
- let new_id =
- try
- Idmap.find id mapping
- with Not_found -> id
- in
- RVar(loc,new_id)
- | REvar _ -> rt
- | RPatVar _ -> rt
- | RApp(loc,rt',rtl) ->
- RApp(loc,
- change_vars mapping rt',
- (change_vars mapping) rtl
- )
- | RLambda(loc,name,k,t,b) ->
- RLambda(loc,
- name,
- k,
- change_vars mapping t,
- change_vars (remove_name_from_mapping mapping name) b
- )
- | RProd(loc,name,k,t,b) ->
- RProd(loc,
- name,
- k,
- change_vars mapping t,
- change_vars (remove_name_from_mapping mapping name) b
- )
- | RLetIn(loc,name,def,b) ->
- RLetIn(loc,
- name,
- change_vars mapping def,
- change_vars (remove_name_from_mapping mapping name) b
- )
- | RLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,rto),b,e) ->
- let new_mapping = List.fold_left remove_name_from_mapping mapping nal in
- RLetTuple(loc,
- nal,
- (na, (change_vars mapping) rto),
- change_vars mapping b,
- change_vars new_mapping e
- )
- | RCases(loc,sty,infos,el,brl) ->
- RCases(loc,sty,
- infos,
- (fun (e,x) -> (change_vars mapping e,x)) el,
- (change_vars_br mapping) brl
- )
- | RIf(loc,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) ->
- RIf(loc,
- change_vars mapping b,
- (na, (change_vars mapping) e_option),
- change_vars mapping lhs,
- change_vars mapping rhs
- )
- | RRec _ -> error "Local (co)fixes are not supported"
- | RSort _ -> rt
- | RHole _ -> rt
- | RCast(loc,b,CastConv (k,t)) ->
- RCast(loc,change_vars mapping b, CastConv (k,change_vars mapping t))
- | RCast(loc,b,CastCoerce) ->
- RCast(loc,change_vars mapping b,CastCoerce)
- | RDynamic _ -> error "Not handled RDynamic"
- and change_vars_br mapping ((loc,idl,patl,res) as br) =
- let new_mapping = List.fold_right Idmap.remove idl mapping in
- if idmap_is_empty new_mapping
- then br
- else (loc,idl,patl,change_vars new_mapping res)
- in
- change_vars
-let rec alpha_pat excluded pat =
- match pat with
- | PatVar(loc,Anonymous) ->
- let new_id = Indfun_common.fresh_id excluded "_x" in
- PatVar(loc,Name new_id),(new_id::excluded),Idmap.empty
- | PatVar(loc,Name id) ->
- if List.mem id excluded
- then
- let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id excluded in
- PatVar(loc,Name new_id),(new_id::excluded),
- (Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty)
- else pat,excluded,Idmap.empty
- | PatCstr(loc,constr,patl,na) ->
- let new_na,new_excluded,map =
- match na with
- | Name id when List.mem id excluded ->
- let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id excluded in
- Name new_id,new_id::excluded, Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty
- | _ -> na,excluded,Idmap.empty
- in
- let new_patl,new_excluded,new_map =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (patl,excluded,map) pat ->
- let new_pat,new_excluded,new_map = alpha_pat excluded pat in
- (new_pat::patl,new_excluded,Idmap.fold Idmap.add new_map map)
- )
- ([],new_excluded,map)
- patl
- in
- PatCstr(loc,constr,List.rev new_patl,new_na),new_excluded,new_map
-let alpha_patl excluded patl =
- let patl,new_excluded,map =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (patl,excluded,map) pat ->
- let new_pat,new_excluded,new_map = alpha_pat excluded pat in
- new_pat::patl,new_excluded,(Idmap.fold Idmap.add new_map map)
- )
- ([],excluded,Idmap.empty)
- patl
- in
- (List.rev patl,new_excluded,map)
-let raw_get_pattern_id pat acc =
- let rec get_pattern_id pat =
- match pat with
- | PatVar(loc,Anonymous) -> assert false
- | PatVar(loc,Name id) ->
- [id]
- | PatCstr(loc,constr,patternl,_) ->
- List.fold_right
- (fun pat idl ->
- let idl' = get_pattern_id pat in
- idl'@idl
- )
- patternl
- []
- in
- (get_pattern_id pat)@acc
-let get_pattern_id pat = raw_get_pattern_id pat []
-let rec alpha_rt excluded rt =
- let new_rt =
- match rt with
- | RRef _ | RVar _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ -> rt
- | RLambda(loc,Anonymous,k,t,b) ->
- let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away (id_of_string "_x") excluded in
- let new_excluded = new_id :: excluded in
- let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in
- let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded b in
- RLambda(loc,Name new_id,k,new_t,new_b)
- | RProd(loc,Anonymous,k,t,b) ->
- let new_t = alpha_rt excluded t in
- let new_b = alpha_rt excluded b in
- RProd(loc,Anonymous,k,new_t,new_b)
- | RLetIn(loc,Anonymous,t,b) ->
- let new_t = alpha_rt excluded t in
- let new_b = alpha_rt excluded b in
- RLetIn(loc,Anonymous,new_t,new_b)
- | RLambda(loc,Name id,k,t,b) ->
- let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id excluded in
- let t,b =
- if new_id = id
- then t,b
- else
- let replace = change_vars (Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty) in
- (t,replace b)
- in
- let new_excluded = new_id::excluded in
- let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in
- let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded b in
- RLambda(loc,Name new_id,k,new_t,new_b)
- | RProd(loc,Name id,k,t,b) ->
- let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id excluded in
- let new_excluded = new_id::excluded in
- let t,b =
- if new_id = id
- then t,b
- else
- let replace = change_vars (Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty) in
- (t,replace b)
- in
- let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in
- let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded b in
- RProd(loc,Name new_id,k,new_t,new_b)
- | RLetIn(loc,Name id,t,b) ->
- let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id excluded in
- let t,b =
- if new_id = id
- then t,b
- else
- let replace = change_vars (Idmap.add id new_id Idmap.empty) in
- (t,replace b)
- in
- let new_excluded = new_id::excluded in
- let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded t in
- let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded b in
- RLetIn(loc,Name new_id,new_t,new_b)
- | RLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,rto),t,b) ->
- let rev_new_nal,new_excluded,mapping =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (nal,excluded,mapping) na ->
- match na with
- | Anonymous -> (na::nal,excluded,mapping)
- | Name id ->
- let new_id = Nameops.next_ident_away id excluded in
- if new_id = id
- then
- na::nal,id::excluded,mapping
- else
- (Name new_id)::nal,id::excluded,(Idmap.add id new_id mapping)
- )
- ([],excluded,Idmap.empty)
- nal
- in
- let new_nal = List.rev rev_new_nal in
- let new_rto,new_t,new_b =
- if idmap_is_empty mapping
- then rto,t,b
- else let replace = change_vars mapping in
- ( replace rto, t,replace b)
- in
- let new_t = alpha_rt new_excluded new_t in
- let new_b = alpha_rt new_excluded new_b in
- let new_rto = (alpha_rt new_excluded) new_rto in
- RLetTuple(loc,new_nal,(na,new_rto),new_t,new_b)
- | RCases(loc,sty,infos,el,brl) ->
- let new_el =
- (function (rt,i) -> alpha_rt excluded rt, i) el
- in
- RCases(loc,sty,infos,new_el, (alpha_br excluded) brl)
- | RIf(loc,b,(na,e_o),lhs,rhs) ->
- RIf(loc,alpha_rt excluded b,
- (na, (alpha_rt excluded) e_o),
- alpha_rt excluded lhs,
- alpha_rt excluded rhs
- )
- | RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
- | RSort _ -> rt
- | RHole _ -> rt
- | RCast (loc,b,CastConv (k,t)) ->
- RCast(loc,alpha_rt excluded b,CastConv(k,alpha_rt excluded t))
- | RCast (loc,b,CastCoerce) ->
- RCast(loc,alpha_rt excluded b,CastCoerce)
- | RDynamic _ -> error "Not handled RDynamic"
- | RApp(loc,f,args) ->
- RApp(loc,
- alpha_rt excluded f,
- (alpha_rt excluded) args
- )
- in
- new_rt
-and alpha_br excluded (loc,ids,patl,res) =
- let new_patl,new_excluded,mapping = alpha_patl excluded patl in
- let new_ids = List.fold_right raw_get_pattern_id new_patl [] in
- let new_excluded = new_ids@excluded in
- let renamed_res = change_vars mapping res in
- let new_res = alpha_rt new_excluded renamed_res in
- (loc,new_ids,new_patl,new_res)
- [is_free_in id rt] checks if [id] is a free variable in [rt]
-let is_free_in id =
- let rec is_free_in = function
- | RRef _ -> false
- | RVar(_,id') -> id_ord id' id == 0
- | REvar _ -> false
- | RPatVar _ -> false
- | RApp(_,rt,rtl) -> List.exists is_free_in (rt::rtl)
- | RLambda(_,n,_,t,b) | RProd(_,n,_,t,b) | RLetIn(_,n,t,b) ->
- let check_in_b =
- match n with
- | Name id' -> id_ord id' id <> 0
- | _ -> true
- in
- is_free_in t || (check_in_b && is_free_in b)
- | RCases(_,_,_,el,brl) ->
- (List.exists (fun (e,_) -> is_free_in e) el) ||
- List.exists is_free_in_br brl
- | RLetTuple(_,nal,_,b,t) ->
- let check_in_nal =
- not (List.exists (function Name id' -> id'= id | _ -> false) nal)
- in
- is_free_in t || (check_in_nal && is_free_in b)
- | RIf(_,cond,_,br1,br2) ->
- is_free_in cond || is_free_in br1 || is_free_in br2
- | RRec _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled RRec"))
- | RSort _ -> false
- | RHole _ -> false
- | RCast (_,b,CastConv (_,t)) -> is_free_in b || is_free_in t
- | RCast (_,b,CastCoerce) -> is_free_in b
- | RDynamic _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled RDynamic"))
- and is_free_in_br (_,ids,_,rt) =
- (not (List.mem id ids)) && is_free_in rt
- in
- is_free_in
-let rec pattern_to_term = function
- | PatVar(loc,Anonymous) -> assert false
- | PatVar(loc,Name id) ->
- mkRVar id
- | PatCstr(loc,constr,patternl,_) ->
- let cst_narg =
- Inductiveops.mis_constructor_nargs_env
- (Global.env ())
- constr
- in
- let implicit_args =
- Array.to_list
- (Array.init
- (cst_narg - List.length patternl)
- (fun _ -> mkRHole ())
- )
- in
- let patl_as_term =
- pattern_to_term patternl
- in
- mkRApp(mkRRef(Libnames.ConstructRef constr),
- implicit_args@patl_as_term
- )
-let replace_var_by_term x_id term =
- let rec replace_var_by_pattern rt =
- match rt with
- | RRef _ -> rt
- | RVar(_,id) when id_ord id x_id == 0 -> term
- | RVar _ -> rt
- | REvar _ -> rt
- | RPatVar _ -> rt
- | RApp(loc,rt',rtl) ->
- RApp(loc,
- replace_var_by_pattern rt',
- replace_var_by_pattern rtl
- )
- | RLambda(_,Name id,_,_,_) when id_ord id x_id == 0 -> rt
- | RLambda(loc,name,k,t,b) ->
- RLambda(loc,
- name,
- k,
- replace_var_by_pattern t,
- replace_var_by_pattern b
- )
- | RProd(_,Name id,_,_,_) when id_ord id x_id == 0 -> rt
- | RProd(loc,name,k,t,b) ->
- RProd(loc,
- name,
- k,
- replace_var_by_pattern t,
- replace_var_by_pattern b
- )
- | RLetIn(_,Name id,_,_) when id_ord id x_id == 0 -> rt
- | RLetIn(loc,name,def,b) ->
- RLetIn(loc,
- name,
- replace_var_by_pattern def,
- replace_var_by_pattern b
- )
- | RLetTuple(_,nal,_,_,_)
- when List.exists (function Name id -> id = x_id | _ -> false) nal ->
- rt
- | RLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,rto),def,b) ->
- RLetTuple(loc,
- nal,
- (na, replace_var_by_pattern rto),
- replace_var_by_pattern def,
- replace_var_by_pattern b
- )
- | RCases(loc,sty,infos,el,brl) ->
- RCases(loc,sty,
- infos,
- (fun (e,x) -> (replace_var_by_pattern e,x)) el,
- replace_var_by_pattern_br brl
- )
- | RIf(loc,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) ->
- RIf(loc, replace_var_by_pattern b,
- (na, replace_var_by_pattern e_option),
- replace_var_by_pattern lhs,
- replace_var_by_pattern rhs
- )
- | RRec _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled RRec"))
- | RSort _ -> rt
- | RHole _ -> rt
- | RCast(loc,b,CastConv(k,t)) ->
- RCast(loc,replace_var_by_pattern b,CastConv(k,replace_var_by_pattern t))
- | RCast(loc,b,CastCoerce) ->
- RCast(loc,replace_var_by_pattern b,CastCoerce)
- | RDynamic _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled RDynamic"))
- and replace_var_by_pattern_br ((loc,idl,patl,res) as br) =
- if List.exists (fun id -> id_ord id x_id == 0) idl
- then br
- else (loc,idl,patl,replace_var_by_pattern res)
- in
- replace_var_by_pattern
-(* checking unifiability of patterns *)
-exception NotUnifiable
-let rec are_unifiable_aux = function
- | [] -> ()
- | eq::eqs ->
- match eq with
- | PatVar _,_ | _,PatVar _ -> are_unifiable_aux eqs
- | PatCstr(_,constructor1,cpl1,_),PatCstr(_,constructor2,cpl2,_) ->
- if constructor2 <> constructor1
- then raise NotUnifiable
- else
- let eqs' =
- try ((List.combine cpl1 cpl2)@eqs)
- with _ -> anomaly "are_unifiable_aux"
- in
- are_unifiable_aux eqs'
-let are_unifiable pat1 pat2 =
- try
- are_unifiable_aux [pat1,pat2];
- true
- with NotUnifiable -> false
-let rec eq_cases_pattern_aux = function
- | [] -> ()
- | eq::eqs ->
- match eq with
- | PatVar _,PatVar _ -> eq_cases_pattern_aux eqs
- | PatCstr(_,constructor1,cpl1,_),PatCstr(_,constructor2,cpl2,_) ->
- if constructor2 <> constructor1
- then raise NotUnifiable
- else
- let eqs' =
- try ((List.combine cpl1 cpl2)@eqs)
- with _ -> anomaly "eq_cases_pattern_aux"
- in
- eq_cases_pattern_aux eqs'
- | _ -> raise NotUnifiable
-let eq_cases_pattern pat1 pat2 =
- try
- eq_cases_pattern_aux [pat1,pat2];
- true
- with NotUnifiable -> false
-let ids_of_pat =
- let rec ids_of_pat ids = function
- | PatVar(_,Anonymous) -> ids
- | PatVar(_,Name id) -> Idset.add id ids
- | PatCstr(_,_,patl,_) -> List.fold_left ids_of_pat ids patl
- in
- ids_of_pat Idset.empty
-let id_of_name = function
- | Names.Anonymous -> id_of_string "x"
- | Names.Name x -> x
-(* TODO: finish Rec caes *)
-let ids_of_rawterm c =
- let rec ids_of_rawterm acc c =
- let idof = id_of_name in
- match c with
- | RVar (_,id) -> id::acc
- | RApp (loc,g,args) ->
- ids_of_rawterm [] g @ List.flatten ( (ids_of_rawterm []) args) @ acc
- | RLambda (loc,na,k,ty,c) -> idof na :: ids_of_rawterm [] ty @ ids_of_rawterm [] c @ acc
- | RProd (loc,na,k,ty,c) -> idof na :: ids_of_rawterm [] ty @ ids_of_rawterm [] c @ acc
- | RLetIn (loc,na,b,c) -> idof na :: ids_of_rawterm [] b @ ids_of_rawterm [] c @ acc
- | RCast (loc,c,CastConv(k,t)) -> ids_of_rawterm [] c @ ids_of_rawterm [] t @ acc
- | RCast (loc,c,CastCoerce) -> ids_of_rawterm [] c @ acc
- | RIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) -> ids_of_rawterm [] c @ ids_of_rawterm [] b1 @ ids_of_rawterm [] b2 @ acc
- | RLetTuple (_,nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
- idof nal @ ids_of_rawterm [] b @ ids_of_rawterm [] c @ acc
- | RCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt,tml,brchl) ->
- List.flatten ( (fun (_,idl,patl,c) -> idl @ ids_of_rawterm [] c) brchl)
- | RRec _ -> failwith "Fix inside a constructor branch"
- | (RSort _ | RHole _ | RRef _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ | RDynamic _) -> []
- in
- (* build the set *)
- List.fold_left (fun acc x -> Idset.add x acc) Idset.empty (ids_of_rawterm [] c)
-let zeta_normalize =
- let rec zeta_normalize_term rt =
- match rt with
- | RRef _ -> rt
- | RVar _ -> rt
- | REvar _ -> rt
- | RPatVar _ -> rt
- | RApp(loc,rt',rtl) ->
- RApp(loc,
- zeta_normalize_term rt',
- zeta_normalize_term rtl
- )
- | RLambda(loc,name,k,t,b) ->
- RLambda(loc,
- name,
- k,
- zeta_normalize_term t,
- zeta_normalize_term b
- )
- | RProd(loc,name,k,t,b) ->
- RProd(loc,
- name,
- k,
- zeta_normalize_term t,
- zeta_normalize_term b
- )
- | RLetIn(_,Name id,def,b) ->
- zeta_normalize_term (replace_var_by_term id def b)
- | RLetIn(loc,Anonymous,def,b) -> zeta_normalize_term b
- | RLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,rto),def,b) ->
- RLetTuple(loc,
- nal,
- (na, zeta_normalize_term rto),
- zeta_normalize_term def,
- zeta_normalize_term b
- )
- | RCases(loc,sty,infos,el,brl) ->
- RCases(loc,sty,
- infos,
- (fun (e,x) -> (zeta_normalize_term e,x)) el,
- zeta_normalize_br brl
- )
- | RIf(loc,b,(na,e_option),lhs,rhs) ->
- RIf(loc, zeta_normalize_term b,
- (na, zeta_normalize_term e_option),
- zeta_normalize_term lhs,
- zeta_normalize_term rhs
- )
- | RRec _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled RRec"))
- | RSort _ -> rt
- | RHole _ -> rt
- | RCast(loc,b,CastConv(k,t)) ->
- RCast(loc,zeta_normalize_term b,CastConv(k,zeta_normalize_term t))
- | RCast(loc,b,CastCoerce) ->
- RCast(loc,zeta_normalize_term b,CastCoerce)
- | RDynamic _ -> raise (UserError("",str "Not handled RDynamic"))
- and zeta_normalize_br (loc,idl,patl,res) =
- (loc,idl,patl,zeta_normalize_term res)
- in
- zeta_normalize_term
-let expand_as =
- let rec add_as map pat =
- match pat with
- | PatVar _ -> map
- | PatCstr(_,_,patl,Name id) ->
- Idmap.add id (pattern_to_term pat) (List.fold_left add_as map patl)
- | PatCstr(_,_,patl,_) -> List.fold_left add_as map patl
- in
- let rec expand_as map rt =
- match rt with
- | RRef _ | REvar _ | RPatVar _ | RSort _ | RHole _ -> rt
- | RVar(_,id) ->
- begin
- try
- Idmap.find id map
- with Not_found -> rt
- end
- | RApp(loc,f,args) -> RApp(loc,expand_as map f, (expand_as map) args)
- | RLambda(loc,na,k,t,b) -> RLambda(loc,na,k,expand_as map t, expand_as map b)
- | RProd(loc,na,k,t,b) -> RProd(loc,na,k,expand_as map t, expand_as map b)
- | RLetIn(loc,na,v,b) -> RLetIn(loc,na, expand_as map v,expand_as map b)
- | RLetTuple(loc,nal,(na,po),v,b) ->
- RLetTuple(loc,nal,(na, (expand_as map) po),
- expand_as map v, expand_as map b)
- | RIf(loc,e,(na,po),br1,br2) ->
- RIf(loc,expand_as map e,(na, (expand_as map) po),
- expand_as map br1, expand_as map br2)
- | RRec _ -> error "Not handled RRec"
- | RDynamic _ -> error "Not handled RDynamic"
- | RCast(loc,b,CastConv(kind,t)) -> RCast(loc,expand_as map b,CastConv(kind,expand_as map t))
- | RCast(loc,b,CastCoerce) -> RCast(loc,expand_as map b,CastCoerce)
- | RCases(loc,sty,po,el,brl) ->
- RCases(loc, sty, (expand_as map) po, (fun (rt,t) -> expand_as map rt,t) el,
- (expand_as_br map) brl)
- and expand_as_br map (loc,idl,cpl,rt) =
- (loc,idl,cpl, expand_as (List.fold_left add_as map cpl) rt)
- in
- expand_as Idmap.empty
diff --git a/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli b/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index 358c6ba6..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/rawtermops.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-open Rawterm
-(* Ocaml 3.06 Map.S does not handle is_empty *)
-val idmap_is_empty : 'a Names.Idmap.t -> bool
-(* [get_pattern_id pat] returns a list of all the variable appearing in [pat] *)
-val get_pattern_id : cases_pattern -> Names.identifier list
-(* [pattern_to_term pat] returns a rawconstr corresponding to [pat].
- [pat] must not contain occurences of anonymous pattern
-val pattern_to_term : cases_pattern -> rawconstr
- Some basic functions to rebuild rawconstr
- In each of them the location is Util.dummy_loc
-val mkRRef : Libnames.global_reference -> rawconstr
-val mkRVar : Names.identifier -> rawconstr
-val mkRApp : rawconstr*(rawconstr list) -> rawconstr
-val mkRLambda :*rawconstr*rawconstr -> rawconstr
-val mkRProd :*rawconstr*rawconstr -> rawconstr
-val mkRLetIn :*rawconstr*rawconstr -> rawconstr
-val mkRCases : rawconstr option * tomatch_tuples * cases_clauses -> rawconstr
-val mkRSort : rawsort -> rawconstr
-val mkRHole : unit -> rawconstr (* we only build Evd.BinderType Anonymous holes *)
-val mkRCast : rawconstr* rawconstr -> rawconstr
- Some basic functions to decompose rawconstrs
- These are analogous to the ones constrs
-val raw_decompose_prod : rawconstr -> (*rawconstr) list * rawconstr
-val raw_decompose_prod_or_letin :
- rawconstr -> (*rawconstr option*rawconstr option) list * rawconstr
-val raw_decompose_prod_n : int -> rawconstr -> (*rawconstr) list * rawconstr
-val raw_decompose_prod_or_letin_n : int -> rawconstr ->
- (*rawconstr option*rawconstr option) list * rawconstr
-val raw_compose_prod : rawconstr -> (*rawconstr) list -> rawconstr
-val raw_compose_prod_or_letin: rawconstr ->
- (*rawconstr option*rawconstr option) list -> rawconstr
-val raw_decompose_app : rawconstr -> rawconstr*(rawconstr list)
-(* [raw_make_eq t1 t2] build the rawconstr corresponding to [t2 = t1] *)
-val raw_make_eq : ?typ:rawconstr -> rawconstr -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
-(* [raw_make_neq t1 t2] build the rawconstr corresponding to [t1 <> t2] *)
-val raw_make_neq : rawconstr -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
-(* [raw_make_or P1 P2] build the rawconstr corresponding to [P1 \/ P2] *)
-val raw_make_or : rawconstr -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
-(* [raw_make_or_list [P1;...;Pn]] build the rawconstr corresponding
- to [P1 \/ ( .... \/ Pn)]
-val raw_make_or_list : rawconstr list -> rawconstr
-(* alpha_conversion functions *)
-(* Replace the var mapped in the rawconstr/context *)
-val change_vars : Names.identifier Names.Idmap.t -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
-(* [alpha_pat avoid pat] rename all the variables present in [pat] s.t.
- the result does not share variables with [avoid]. This function create
- a fresh variable for each occurence of the anonymous pattern.
- Also returns a mapping from old variables to new ones and the concatenation of
- [avoid] with the variables appearing in the result.
- val alpha_pat :
- Names.Idmap.key list ->
- Rawterm.cases_pattern ->
- Rawterm.cases_pattern * Names.Idmap.key list *
- Names.identifier Names.Idmap.t
-(* [alpha_rt avoid rt] alpha convert [rt] s.t. the result repects barendregt
- conventions and does not share bound variables with avoid
-val alpha_rt : Names.identifier list -> rawconstr -> rawconstr
-(* same as alpha_rt but for case branches *)
-val alpha_br : Names.identifier list ->
- Util.loc * Names.identifier list * Rawterm.cases_pattern list *
- Rawterm.rawconstr ->
- Util.loc * Names.identifier list * Rawterm.cases_pattern list *
- Rawterm.rawconstr
-(* Reduction function *)
-val replace_var_by_term :
- Names.identifier ->
- Rawterm.rawconstr -> Rawterm.rawconstr -> Rawterm.rawconstr
- [is_free_in id rt] checks if [id] is a free variable in [rt]
-val is_free_in : Names.identifier -> rawconstr -> bool
-val are_unifiable : cases_pattern -> cases_pattern -> bool
-val eq_cases_pattern : cases_pattern -> cases_pattern -> bool
- ids_of_pat : cases_pattern -> Idset.t
- returns the set of variables appearing in a pattern
-val ids_of_pat : cases_pattern -> Names.Idset.t
-(* TODO: finish this function (Fix not treated) *)
-val ids_of_rawterm: rawconstr -> Names.Idset.t
- removing let_in construction in a rawterm
-val zeta_normalize : Rawterm.rawconstr -> Rawterm.rawconstr
-val expand_as : rawconstr -> rawconstr
diff --git a/contrib/funind/ b/contrib/funind/
deleted file mode 100644
index 14bf7cf8..00000000
--- a/contrib/funind/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1436 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i camlp4deps: "parsing/grammar.cma" i*)
-(* $Id: 12221 2009-07-04 21:53:12Z jforest $ *)
-open Term
-open Termops
-open Environ
-open Declarations
-open Entries
-open Pp
-open Names
-open Libnames
-open Nameops
-open Util
-open Closure
-open RedFlags
-open Tacticals
-open Typing
-open Tacmach
-open Tactics
-open Nametab
-open Decls
-open Declare
-open Decl_kinds
-open Tacred
-open Proof_type
-open Vernacinterp
-open Pfedit
-open Topconstr
-open Rawterm
-open Pretyping
-open Pretyping.Default
-open Safe_typing
-open Constrintern
-open Hiddentac
-open Equality
-open Auto
-open Eauto
-open Genarg
-let compute_renamed_type gls c =
- rename_bound_var (pf_env gls) [] (pf_type_of gls c)
-let qed () = Command.save_named true
-let defined () = Command.save_named false
-let pf_get_new_ids idl g =
- let ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- List.fold_right
- (fun id acc -> next_global_ident_away false id (acc@ids)::acc)
- idl
- []
-let pf_get_new_id id g =
- List.hd (pf_get_new_ids [id] g)
-let h_intros l =
- tclMAP h_intro l
-let do_observe_tac s tac g =
- let goal = begin (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g)) end in
- try let v = tac g in msgnl (goal ++ fnl () ++ (str "recdef ") ++
- (str s)++(str " ")++(str "finished")); v
- with e ->
- msgnl (str "observation "++str s++str " raised exception " ++
- Cerrors.explain_exn e ++ str " on goal " ++ goal );
- raise e;;
-let observe_tac s tac g =
- if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff
- then do_observe_tac s tac g
- else tac g
-let hyp_ids = id_of_string
- ["x";"v";"k";"def";"p";"h";"n";"h'"; "anonymous"; "teq"; "rec_res";
- "hspec";"heq"; "hrec"; "hex"; "teq"; "pmax";"hle"];;
-let rec nthtl = function
- l, 0 -> l | _::tl, n -> nthtl (tl, n-1) | [], _ -> [];;
-let hyp_id n l = List.nth l n;;
-let (x_id:identifier) = hyp_id 0 hyp_ids;;
-let (v_id:identifier) = hyp_id 1 hyp_ids;;
-let (k_id:identifier) = hyp_id 2 hyp_ids;;
-let (def_id:identifier) = hyp_id 3 hyp_ids;;
-let (p_id:identifier) = hyp_id 4 hyp_ids;;
-let (h_id:identifier) = hyp_id 5 hyp_ids;;
-let (n_id:identifier) = hyp_id 6 hyp_ids;;
-let (h'_id:identifier) = hyp_id 7 hyp_ids;;
-let (ano_id:identifier) = hyp_id 8 hyp_ids;;
-let (rec_res_id:identifier) = hyp_id 10 hyp_ids;;
-let (hspec_id:identifier) = hyp_id 11 hyp_ids;;
-let (heq_id:identifier) = hyp_id 12 hyp_ids;;
-let (hrec_id:identifier) = hyp_id 13 hyp_ids;;
-let (hex_id:identifier) = hyp_id 14 hyp_ids;;
-let (teq_id:identifier) = hyp_id 15 hyp_ids;;
-let (pmax_id:identifier) = hyp_id 16 hyp_ids;;
-let (hle_id:identifier) = hyp_id 17 hyp_ids;;
-let message s = if Flags.is_verbose () then msgnl(str s);;
-let def_of_const t =
- match (kind_of_term t) with
- Const sp ->
- (try (match (Global.lookup_constant sp) with
- {const_body=Some c} -> Declarations.force c
- |_ -> assert false)
- with _ ->
- anomaly ("Cannot find definition of constant "^
- (string_of_id (id_of_label (con_label sp))))
- )
- |_ -> assert false
-let type_of_const t =
- match (kind_of_term t) with
- Const sp -> Typeops.type_of_constant (Global.env()) sp
- |_ -> assert false
-let arg_type t =
- match kind_of_term (def_of_const t) with
- Lambda(a,b,c) -> b
- | _ -> assert false;;
-let evaluable_of_global_reference r =
- match r with
- ConstRef sp -> EvalConstRef sp
- | VarRef id -> EvalVarRef id
- | _ -> assert false;;
-let rank_for_arg_list h =
- let predicate a b =
- try List.for_all2 eq_constr a b with
- Invalid_argument _ -> false in
- let rec rank_aux i = function
- | [] -> None
- | x::tl -> if predicate h x then Some i else rank_aux (i+1) tl in
- rank_aux 0;;
-let rec (find_call_occs : int -> constr -> constr ->
- (constr list -> constr) * constr list list) =
- fun nb_lam f expr ->
- match (kind_of_term expr) with
- App (g, args) when g = f ->
- (fun l -> List.hd l), [Array.to_list args]
- | App (g, args) ->
- let (largs: constr list) = Array.to_list args in
- let rec find_aux = function
- [] -> (fun x -> []), []
- | a::upper_tl ->
- (match find_aux upper_tl with
- (cf, ((arg1::args) as args_for_upper_tl)) ->
- (match find_call_occs nb_lam f a with
- cf2, (_ :: _ as other_args) ->
- let rec avoid_duplicates args =
- match args with
- | [] -> (fun _ -> []), []
- | h::tl ->
- let recomb_tl, args_for_tl =
- avoid_duplicates tl in
- match rank_for_arg_list h args_for_upper_tl with
- | None ->
- (fun l -> List.hd l::recomb_tl( l)),
- h::args_for_tl
- | Some i ->
- (fun l -> List.nth l (i+List.length args_for_tl)::
- recomb_tl l),
- args_for_tl
- in
- let recombine, other_args' =
- avoid_duplicates other_args in
- let len1 = List.length other_args' in
- (fun l -> cf2 (recombine l)::cf(nthtl(l,len1))),
- other_args'@args_for_upper_tl
- | _, [] -> (fun x -> a::cf x), args_for_upper_tl)
- | _, [] ->
- (match find_call_occs nb_lam f a with
- cf, (arg1::args) -> (fun l -> cf l::upper_tl), (arg1::args)
- | _, [] -> (fun x -> a::upper_tl), [])) in
- begin
- match (find_aux largs) with
- cf, [] -> (fun l -> mkApp(g, args)), []
- | cf, args ->
- (fun l -> mkApp (g, Array.of_list (cf l))), args
- end
- | Rel(v) -> if v > nb_lam then error "find_call_occs : Rel" else ((fun l -> expr),[])
- | Var(id) -> (fun l -> expr), []
- | Meta(_) -> error "find_call_occs : Meta"
- | Evar(_) -> error "find_call_occs : Evar"
- | Sort(_) -> (fun l -> expr), []
- | Cast(b,_,_) -> find_call_occs nb_lam f b
- | Prod(_,_,_) -> error "find_call_occs : Prod"
- | Lambda(na,t,b) ->
- begin
- match find_call_occs (succ nb_lam) f b with
- | _, [] -> (* Lambda are authorized as long as they do not contain
- recursives calls *)
- (fun l -> expr),[]
- | _ -> error "find_call_occs : Lambda"
- end
- | LetIn(na,v,t,b) ->
- begin
- match find_call_occs nb_lam f v, find_call_occs (succ nb_lam) f b with
- | (_,[]),(_,[]) ->
- ((fun l -> expr), [])
- | (_,[]),(cf,(_::_ as l)) ->
- ((fun l -> mkLetIn(na,v,t,cf l)),l)
- | (cf,(_::_ as l)),(_,[]) ->
- ((fun l -> mkLetIn(na,cf l,t,b)), l)
- | _ -> error "find_call_occs : LetIn"
- end
- | Const(_) -> (fun l -> expr), []
- | Ind(_) -> (fun l -> expr), []
- | Construct (_, _) -> (fun l -> expr), []
- | Case(i,t,a,r) ->
- (match find_call_occs nb_lam f a with
- cf, (arg1::args) -> (fun l -> mkCase(i, t, (cf l), r)),(arg1::args)
- | _ -> (fun l -> expr),[])
- | Fix(_) -> error "find_call_occs : Fix"
- | CoFix(_) -> error "find_call_occs : CoFix";;
-let coq_constant s =
- Coqlib.gen_constant_in_modules "RecursiveDefinition"
- (Coqlib.init_modules @ Coqlib.arith_modules) s;;
-let constant sl s =
- constr_of_global
- (locate (make_qualid(Names.make_dirpath
- ( id_of_string (List.rev sl)))
- (id_of_string s)));;
-let find_reference sl s =
- (locate (make_qualid(Names.make_dirpath
- ( id_of_string (List.rev sl)))
- (id_of_string s)));;
-let delayed_force f = f ()
-let le_lt_SS = function () -> (constant ["Recdef"] "le_lt_SS")
-let le_lt_n_Sm = function () -> (coq_constant "le_lt_n_Sm")
-let le_trans = function () -> (coq_constant "le_trans")
-let le_lt_trans = function () -> (coq_constant "le_lt_trans")
-let lt_S_n = function () -> (coq_constant "lt_S_n")
-let le_n = function () -> (coq_constant "le_n")
-let refl_equal = function () -> (coq_constant "refl_equal")
-let eq = function () -> (coq_constant "eq")
-let ex = function () -> (coq_constant "ex")
-let coq_sig_ref = function () -> (find_reference ["Coq";"Init";"Specif"] "sig")
-let coq_sig = function () -> (coq_constant "sig")
-let coq_O = function () -> (coq_constant "O")
-let coq_S = function () -> (coq_constant "S")
-let gt_antirefl = function () -> (coq_constant "gt_irrefl")
-let lt_n_O = function () -> (coq_constant "lt_n_O")
-let lt_n_Sn = function () -> (coq_constant "lt_n_Sn")
-let f_equal = function () -> (coq_constant "f_equal")
-let well_founded_induction = function () -> (coq_constant "well_founded_induction")
-let well_founded = function () -> (coq_constant "well_founded")
-let acc_rel = function () -> (coq_constant "Acc")
-let acc_inv_id = function () -> (coq_constant "Acc_inv")
-let well_founded_ltof = function () -> (Coqlib.coq_constant "" ["Arith";"Wf_nat"] "well_founded_ltof")
-let iter_ref = function () -> (try find_reference ["Recdef"] "iter" with Not_found -> error "module Recdef not loaded")
-let max_ref = function () -> (find_reference ["Recdef"] "max")
-let iter = function () -> (constr_of_global (delayed_force iter_ref))
-let max_constr = function () -> (constr_of_global (delayed_force max_ref))
-let ltof_ref = function () -> (find_reference ["Coq";"Arith";"Wf_nat"] "ltof")
-let coq_conj = function () -> find_reference ["Coq";"Init";"Logic"] "conj"
-(* These are specific to experiments in nat with lt as well_founded_relation, *)
-(* but this should be made more general. *)
-let nat = function () -> (coq_constant "nat")
-let lt = function () -> (coq_constant "lt")
-(* This is simply an implementation of the case_eq tactic. this code
- should be replaced with the tactic defined in Ltac in Init/Tactics.v *)
-let mkCaseEq a : tactic =
- (fun g ->
- let type_of_a = pf_type_of g a in
- [h_generalize [mkApp(delayed_force refl_equal, [| type_of_a; a|])];
- (fun g2 ->
- change_in_concl None
- (pattern_occs [((false,[1]), a)] (pf_env g2) Evd.empty (pf_concl g2))
- g2);
- simplest_case a] g);;
-(* This is like the previous one except that it also rewrite on all
- hypotheses except the ones given in the first argument. All the
- modified hypotheses are generalized in the process and should be
- introduced back later; the result is the pair of the tactic and the
- list of hypotheses that have been generalized and cleared. *)
-let mkDestructEq :
- identifier list -> constr -> goal sigma -> tactic * identifier list =
- fun not_on_hyp expr g ->
- let hyps = pf_hyps g in
- let to_revert =
- Util.map_succeed
- (fun (id,_,t) ->
- if List.mem id not_on_hyp || not (Termops.occur_term expr t)
- then failwith "is_expr_context";
- id) hyps in
- let to_revert_constr = List.rev_map mkVar to_revert in
- let type_of_expr = pf_type_of g expr in
- let new_hyps = mkApp(delayed_force refl_equal, [|type_of_expr; expr|])::
- to_revert_constr in
- [h_generalize new_hyps;
- (fun g2 ->
- change_in_concl None
- (pattern_occs [((false,[1]), expr)] (pf_env g2) Evd.empty (pf_concl g2)) g2);
- simplest_case expr], to_revert
-let rec mk_intros_and_continue thin_intros (extra_eqn:bool)
- cont_function (eqs:constr list) nb_lam (expr:constr) g =
- let finalize () = if extra_eqn then
- let teq = pf_get_new_id teq_id g in
- [ h_intro teq;
- thin thin_intros;
- h_intros thin_intros;
- tclMAP
- (fun eq -> tclTRY (Equality.general_rewrite_in true all_occurrences teq eq false))
- (List.rev eqs);
- (fun g1 ->
- let ty_teq = pf_type_of g1 (mkVar teq) in
- let teq_lhs,teq_rhs =
- let _,args = try destApp ty_teq with _ -> Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_goal (sig_it g1) ++ fnl () ++ pr_id teq ++ str ":" ++ Printer.pr_lconstr ty_teq); assert false in
- args.(1),args.(2)
- in
- cont_function (mkVar teq::eqs) (replace_term teq_lhs teq_rhs expr) g1
- )
- ]
- g
- else
- thin thin_intros;
- h_intros thin_intros;
- cont_function eqs expr
- ] g
- in
- if nb_lam = 0
- then finalize ()
- else
- match kind_of_term expr with
- | Lambda (n, _, b) ->
- let n1 =
- match n with
- Name x -> x
- | Anonymous -> ano_id
- in
- let new_n = pf_get_new_id n1 g in
- tclTHEN (h_intro new_n)
- (mk_intros_and_continue thin_intros extra_eqn cont_function eqs
- (pred nb_lam) (subst1 (mkVar new_n) b)) g
- | _ ->
- assert false
-(* finalize () *)
-let const_of_ref = function
- ConstRef kn -> kn
- | _ -> anomaly "ConstRef expected"
-let simpl_iter clause =
- reduce
- (Lazy
- {rBeta=true;rIota=true;rZeta= true; rDelta=false;
- rConst = [ EvalConstRef (const_of_ref (delayed_force iter_ref))]})
-(* (Simpl (Some ([],mkConst (const_of_ref (delayed_force iter_ref))))) *)
- clause
-(* The boolean value is_mes expresses that the termination is expressed
- using a measure function instead of a well-founded relation. *)
-let tclUSER tac is_mes l g =
- let clear_tac =
- match l with
- | None -> h_clear true []
- | Some l -> tclMAP (fun id -> tclTRY (h_clear false [id])) (List.rev l)
- in
- [
- clear_tac;
- if is_mes
- then tclTHEN
- (unfold_in_concl [(all_occurrences, evaluable_of_global_reference
- (delayed_force ltof_ref))])
- tac
- else tac
- ]
- g
-let list_rewrite (rev:bool) (eqs: constr list) =
- (List.fold_right
- (fun eq i -> tclORELSE (rewriteLR eq) i)
- (if rev then (List.rev eqs) else eqs) (tclFAIL 0 (mt())));;
-let base_leaf_terminate (func:global_reference) eqs expr =
-(* let _ = msgnl (str "entering base_leaf") in *)
- (fun g ->
- let k',h =
- match pf_get_new_ids [k_id;h_id] g with
- [k';h] -> k',h
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- [observe_tac "first split" (split (ImplicitBindings [expr]));
- observe_tac "second split"
- (split (ImplicitBindings [delayed_force coq_O]));
- observe_tac "intro k" (h_intro k');
- observe_tac "case on k"
- (tclTHENS (simplest_case (mkVar k'))
- [(tclTHEN (h_intro h)
- (tclTHEN (simplest_elim (mkApp (delayed_force gt_antirefl,
- [| delayed_force coq_O |])))
- default_auto)); tclIDTAC ]);
- intros;
- simpl_iter onConcl;
- unfold_constr func;
- list_rewrite true eqs;
- default_auto] g);;
-(* La fonction est donnee en premier argument a la
- fonctionnelle suivie d'autres Lambdas et de Case ...
- Pour recuperer la fonction f a partir de la
- fonctionnelle *)
-let get_f foncl =
- match (kind_of_term (def_of_const foncl)) with
- Lambda (Name f, _, _) -> f
- |_ -> error "la fonctionnelle est mal definie";;
-let rec compute_le_proofs = function
- [] -> assumption
- | a::tl ->
- tclORELSE assumption
- (tclTHENS
- (fun g ->
- let le_trans = delayed_force le_trans in
- let t_le_trans = compute_renamed_type g le_trans in
- let m_id =
- let _,_,t = destProd t_le_trans in
- let na,_,_ = destProd t in
- Nameops.out_name na
- in
- apply_with_bindings
- (le_trans,
- ExplicitBindings[dummy_loc,NamedHyp m_id,a])
- g)
- [compute_le_proofs tl;
- tclORELSE (apply (delayed_force le_n)) assumption])
-let make_lt_proof pmax le_proof =
- tclTHENS
- (fun g ->
- let le_lt_trans = delayed_force le_lt_trans in
- let t_le_lt_trans = compute_renamed_type g le_lt_trans in
- let m_id =
- let _,_,t = destProd t_le_lt_trans in
- let na,_,_ = destProd t in
- Nameops.out_name na
- in
- apply_with_bindings
- (le_lt_trans,
- ExplicitBindings[dummy_loc,NamedHyp m_id, pmax]) g)
- [observe_tac "compute_le_proofs" (compute_le_proofs le_proof);
- tclTHENLIST[observe_tac "lt_S_n" (apply (delayed_force lt_S_n)); default_full_auto]];;
-let rec list_cond_rewrite k def pmax cond_eqs le_proofs =
- match cond_eqs with
- [] -> tclIDTAC
- | eq::eqs ->
- (fun g ->
- let t_eq = compute_renamed_type g (mkVar eq) in
- let k_id,def_id =
- let k_na,_,t = destProd t_eq in
- let _,_,t = destProd t in
- let def_na,_,_ = destProd t in
- Nameops.out_name k_na,Nameops.out_name def_na
- in
- tclTHENS
- (general_rewrite_bindings false all_occurrences
- (mkVar eq,
- ExplicitBindings[dummy_loc, NamedHyp k_id, mkVar k;
- dummy_loc, NamedHyp def_id, mkVar def]) false)
- [list_cond_rewrite k def pmax eqs le_proofs;
- observe_tac "make_lt_proof" (make_lt_proof pmax le_proofs)] g
- )
-let rec introduce_all_equalities func eqs values specs bound le_proofs
- cond_eqs =
- match specs with
- [] ->
- fun g ->
- let ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- let s_max = mkApp(delayed_force coq_S, [|bound|]) in
- let k = next_global_ident_away true k_id ids in
- let ids = k::ids in
- let h' = next_global_ident_away true (h'_id) ids in
- let ids = h'::ids in
- let def = next_global_ident_away true def_id ids in
- [observe_tac "introduce_all_equalities_final split" (split (ImplicitBindings [s_max]));
- observe_tac "introduce_all_equalities_final intro k" (h_intro k);
- tclTHENS
- (observe_tac "introduce_all_equalities_final case k" (simplest_case (mkVar k)))
- [
- tclTHENLIST[h_intro h';
- simplest_elim(mkApp(delayed_force lt_n_O,[|s_max|]));
- default_full_auto];
- tclIDTAC
- ];
- observe_tac "clearing k " (clear [k]);
- observe_tac "intros k h' def" (h_intros [k;h';def]);
- observe_tac "simple_iter" (simpl_iter onConcl);
- observe_tac "unfold functional"
- (unfold_in_concl[((true,[1]),evaluable_of_global_reference func)]);
- observe_tac "rewriting equations"
- (list_rewrite true eqs);
- observe_tac ("cond rewrite "^(string_of_id k)) (list_cond_rewrite k def bound cond_eqs le_proofs);
- observe_tac "refl equal" (apply (delayed_force refl_equal))] g
- | spec1::specs ->
- fun g ->
- let ids = ids_of_named_context (pf_hyps g) in
- let p = next_global_ident_away true p_id ids in
- let ids = p::ids in
- let pmax = next_global_ident_away true pmax_id ids in
- let ids = pmax::ids in
- let hle1 = next_global_ident_away true hle_id ids in
- let ids = hle1::ids in
- let hle2 = next_global_ident_away true hle_id ids in
- let ids = hle2::ids in
- let heq = next_global_ident_away true heq_id ids in
- [simplest_elim (mkVar spec1);
- list_rewrite true eqs;
- h_intros [p; heq];
- simplest_elim (mkApp(delayed_force max_constr, [| bound; mkVar p|]));
- h_intros [pmax; hle1; hle2];
- introduce_all_equalities func eqs values specs
- (mkVar pmax) ((mkVar pmax)::le_proofs)
- (heq::cond_eqs)] g;;
-let string_match s =
- if String.length s < 3 then failwith "string_match";
- try
- for i = 0 to 3 do
- if String.get s i <> String.get "Acc_" i then failwith "string_match"
- done;
- with Invalid_argument _ -> failwith "string_match"
-let retrieve_acc_var g =
- (* Julien: I don't like this version .... *)
- let hyps = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- map_succeed
- (fun id -> string_match (string_of_id id);id)
- hyps
-let rec introduce_all_values concl_tac is_mes acc_inv func context_fn
- eqs hrec args values specs =
- (match args with
- [] ->
- [observe_tac "split" (split(ImplicitBindings
- [context_fn ( mkVar (List.rev values))]));
- observe_tac "introduce_all_equalities" (introduce_all_equalities func eqs
- (List.rev values) (List.rev specs) (delayed_force coq_O) [] [])]
- | arg::args ->
- (fun g ->
- let ids = ids_of_named_context (pf_hyps g) in
- let rec_res = next_global_ident_away true rec_res_id ids in
- let ids = rec_res::ids in
- let hspec = next_global_ident_away true hspec_id ids in
- let tac =
- observe_tac "introduce_all_values" (
- introduce_all_values concl_tac is_mes acc_inv func context_fn eqs
- hrec args
- (rec_res::values)(hspec::specs)) in
- (tclTHENS
- (observe_tac "elim h_rec"
- (simplest_elim (mkApp(mkVar hrec, Array.of_list arg)))
- )
- [tclTHENLIST [h_intros [rec_res; hspec];
- tac];
- (tclTHENS
- (observe_tac "acc_inv" (apply (Lazy.force acc_inv)))
- [(* tclTHEN (tclTRY(list_rewrite true eqs)) *)
- (observe_tac "h_assumption" h_assumption)
- ;
- [
- tclTRY(list_rewrite true eqs);
- observe_tac "user proof"
- (fun g ->
- tclUSER
- concl_tac
- is_mes
- (Some (hrec::hspec::(retrieve_acc_var g)@specs))
- g
- )
- ]
- ]
- )
- ]) g)
- )
-let rec_leaf_terminate f_constr concl_tac is_mes acc_inv hrec (func:global_reference) eqs expr =
- match find_call_occs 0 f_constr expr with
- | context_fn, args ->
- observe_tac "introduce_all_values"
- (introduce_all_values concl_tac is_mes acc_inv func context_fn eqs hrec args [] [])
-let proveterminate rec_arg_id is_mes acc_inv (hrec:identifier)
- (f_constr:constr) (func:global_reference) base_leaf rec_leaf =
- let rec proveterminate (eqs:constr list) (expr:constr) =
- try
- (* let _ = msgnl (str "entering proveterminate") in *)
- let v =
- match (kind_of_term expr) with
- Case (ci, t, a, l) ->
- (match find_call_occs 0 f_constr a with
- _,[] ->
- (fun g ->
- let destruct_tac, rev_to_thin_intro =
- mkDestructEq rec_arg_id a g in
- tclTHENS destruct_tac
- (list_map_i
- (fun i -> mk_intros_and_continue
- (List.rev rev_to_thin_intro)
- true
- proveterminate
- eqs
- ci.ci_cstr_nargs.(i))
- 0 (Array.to_list l)) g)
- | _, _::_ ->
- (match find_call_occs 0 f_constr expr with
- _,[] -> observe_tac "base_leaf" (base_leaf func eqs expr)
- | _, _:: _ ->
- observe_tac "rec_leaf"
- (rec_leaf is_mes acc_inv hrec func eqs expr)))
- | _ ->
- (match find_call_occs 0 f_constr expr with
- _,[] ->
- (try observe_tac "base_leaf" (base_leaf func eqs expr)
- with e -> (msgerrnl (str "failure in base case");raise e ))
- | _, _::_ ->
- observe_tac "rec_leaf"
- (rec_leaf is_mes acc_inv hrec func eqs expr)) in
- v
- with e -> begin msgerrnl(str "failure in proveterminate"); raise e end
- in
- proveterminate
-let hyp_terminates nb_args func =
- let a_arrow_b = arg_type (constr_of_global func) in
- let rev_args,b = decompose_prod_n nb_args a_arrow_b in
- let left =
- mkApp(delayed_force iter,
- Array.of_list
- (lift 5 a_arrow_b:: mkRel 3::
- constr_of_global func::mkRel 1::
- List.rev (list_map_i (fun i _ -> mkRel (6+i)) 0 rev_args)
- )
- )
- in
- let right = mkRel 5 in
- let equality = mkApp(delayed_force eq, [|lift 5 b; left; right|]) in
- let result = (mkProd ((Name def_id) , lift 4 a_arrow_b, equality)) in
- let cond = mkApp(delayed_force lt, [|(mkRel 2); (mkRel 1)|]) in
- let nb_iter =
- mkApp(delayed_force ex,
- [|delayed_force nat;
- (mkLambda
- (Name
- p_id,
- delayed_force nat,
- (mkProd (Name k_id, delayed_force nat,
- mkArrow cond result))))|])in
- let value = mkApp(delayed_force coq_sig,
- [|b;
- (mkLambda (Name v_id, b, nb_iter))|]) in
- compose_prod rev_args value
-let tclUSER_if_not_mes concl_tac is_mes names_to_suppress =
- if is_mes
- then tclCOMPLETE (h_simplest_apply (delayed_force well_founded_ltof))
- else tclUSER concl_tac is_mes names_to_suppress
-let termination_proof_header is_mes input_type ids args_id relation
- rec_arg_num rec_arg_id tac wf_tac : tactic =
- begin
- fun g ->
- let nargs = List.length args_id in
- let pre_rec_args =
- List.rev_map
- mkVar (fst (list_chop (rec_arg_num - 1) args_id))
- in
- let relation = substl pre_rec_args relation in
- let input_type = substl pre_rec_args input_type in
- let wf_thm = next_global_ident_away true (id_of_string ("wf_R")) ids in
- let wf_rec_arg =
- next_global_ident_away true
- (id_of_string ("Acc_"^(string_of_id rec_arg_id)))
- (wf_thm::ids)
- in
- let hrec = next_global_ident_away true hrec_id
- (wf_rec_arg::wf_thm::ids) in
- let acc_inv =
- lazy (
- mkApp (
- delayed_force acc_inv_id,
- [|input_type;relation;mkVar rec_arg_id|]
- )
- )
- in
- tclTHEN
- (h_intros args_id)
- (tclTHENS
- (observe_tac
- "first assert"
- (assert_tac
- (Name wf_rec_arg)
- (mkApp (delayed_force acc_rel,
- [|input_type;relation;mkVar rec_arg_id|])
- )
- )
- )
- [
- (* accesibility proof *)
- tclTHENS
- (observe_tac
- "second assert"
- (assert_tac
- (Name wf_thm)
- (mkApp (delayed_force well_founded,[|input_type;relation|]))
- )
- )
- [
- (* interactive proof that the relation is well_founded *)
- observe_tac "wf_tac" (wf_tac is_mes (Some args_id));
- (* this gives the accessibility argument *)
- observe_tac
- "apply wf_thm"
- (h_simplest_apply (mkApp(mkVar wf_thm,[|mkVar rec_arg_id|]))
- )
- ]
- ;
- (* rest of the proof *)
- [observe_tac "generalize"
- (onNLastHyps (nargs+1)
- (fun (id,_,_) ->
- tclTHEN (h_generalize [mkVar id]) (h_clear false [id])
- ))
- ;
- observe_tac "h_fix" (h_fix (Some hrec) (nargs+1));
- h_intros args_id;
- h_intro wf_rec_arg;
- observe_tac "tac" (tac wf_rec_arg hrec acc_inv)
- ]
- ]
- ) g
- end
-let rec instantiate_lambda t l =
- match l with
- | [] -> t
- | a::l ->
- let (bound_name, _, body) = destLambda t in
- instantiate_lambda (subst1 a body) l
-let whole_start (concl_tac:tactic) nb_args is_mes func input_type relation rec_arg_num : tactic =
- begin
- fun g ->
- let ids = ids_of_named_context (pf_hyps g) in
- let func_body = (def_of_const (constr_of_global func)) in
- let (f_name, _, body1) = destLambda func_body in
- let f_id =
- match f_name with
- | Name f_id -> next_global_ident_away true f_id ids
- | Anonymous -> anomaly "Anonymous function"
- in
- let n_names_types,_ = decompose_lam_n nb_args body1 in
- let n_ids,ids =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (n_ids,ids) (n_name,_) ->
- match n_name with
- | Name id ->
- let n_id = next_global_ident_away true id ids in
- n_id::n_ids,n_id::ids
- | _ -> anomaly "anonymous argument"
- )
- ([],(f_id::ids))
- n_names_types
- in
- let rec_arg_id = List.nth n_ids (rec_arg_num - 1) in
- let expr = instantiate_lambda func_body (mkVar f_id::( mkVar n_ids)) in
- termination_proof_header
- is_mes
- input_type
- ids
- n_ids
- relation
- rec_arg_num
- rec_arg_id
- (fun rec_arg_id hrec acc_inv g ->
- (proveterminate
- [rec_arg_id]
- is_mes
- acc_inv
- hrec
- (mkVar f_id)
- func
- base_leaf_terminate
- (rec_leaf_terminate (mkVar f_id) concl_tac)
- []
- expr
- )
- g
- )
- (tclUSER_if_not_mes concl_tac)
- g
- end
-let get_current_subgoals_types () =
- let pts = get_pftreestate () in
- let _,subs = extract_open_pftreestate pts in
- snd ((* List.sort (fun (x,_) (y,_) -> x -y ) *)subs )
-let build_and_l l =
- let and_constr = Coqlib.build_coq_and () in
- let conj_constr = coq_conj () in
- let mk_and p1 p2 =
- Term.mkApp(and_constr,[|p1;p2|]) in
- let rec f = function
- | [] -> failwith "empty list of subgoals!"
- | [p] -> p,tclIDTAC,1
- | p1::pl ->
- let c,tac,nb = f pl in
- mk_and p1 c,
- tclTHENS
- (apply (constr_of_global conj_constr))
- [tclIDTAC;
- tac
- ],nb+1
- in f l
-let is_rec_res id =
- let rec_res_name = string_of_id rec_res_id in
- let id_name = string_of_id id in
- try
- String.sub id_name 0 (String.length rec_res_name) = rec_res_name
- with _ -> false
-let clear_goals =
- let rec clear_goal t =
- match kind_of_term t with
- | Prod(Name id as na,t,b) ->
- let b' = clear_goal b in
- if noccurn 1 b' && (is_rec_res id)
- then pop b'
- else if b' == b then t
- else mkProd(na,t,b')
- | _ -> map_constr clear_goal t
- in
- clear_goal
-let build_new_goal_type () =
- let sub_gls_types = get_current_subgoals_types () in
- let sub_gls_types = clear_goals sub_gls_types in
- let res = build_and_l sub_gls_types in
- res
- (*
-let prove_with_tcc lemma _ : tactic =
- fun gls ->
- let hid = next_global_ident_away true h_id (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in
- [
- h_generalize [lemma];
- h_intro hid;
- Elim.h_decompose_and (mkVar hid);
- gen_eauto(* default_eauto *) false (false,5) [] (Some [])
- (* default_auto *)
- ]
- gls
- *)
-let open_new_goal (build_proof:tactic -> tactic -> unit) using_lemmas ref_ goal_name (gls_type,decompose_and_tac,nb_goal) =
- let current_proof_name = get_current_proof_name () in
- let name = match goal_name with
- | Some s -> s
- | None ->
- try (add_suffix current_proof_name "_subproof")
- with _ -> anomaly "open_new_goal with an unamed theorem"
- in
- let sign = Global.named_context () in
- let sign = clear_proofs sign in
- let na = next_global_ident_away false name [] in
- if occur_existential gls_type then
- Util.error "\"abstract\" cannot handle existentials";
- let hook _ _ =
- let opacity =
- let na_ref = Libnames.Ident (dummy_loc,na) in
- let na_global = na_ref in
- match na_global with
- ConstRef c ->
- let cb = Global.lookup_constant c in
- if cb.Declarations.const_opaque then true
- else begin match cb.const_body with None -> true | _ -> false end
- | _ -> anomaly "equation_lemma: not a constant"
- in
- let lemma = mkConst (Lib.make_con na) in
- ref_ := Some lemma ;
- let lid = ref [] in
- let h_num = ref (-1) in
- Flags.silently Vernacentries.interp (Vernacexpr.VernacAbort None);
- build_proof
- ( fun gls ->
- let hid = next_global_ident_away true h_id (pf_ids_of_hyps gls) in
- [
- h_generalize [lemma];
- h_intro hid;
- (fun g ->
- let ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- tclTHEN
- (Elim.h_decompose_and (mkVar hid))
- (fun g ->
- let ids' = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- lid := List.rev (list_subtract ids' ids);
- if !lid = [] then lid := [hid];
- tclIDTAC g
- )
- g
- );
- ] gls)
- (fun g ->
- match kind_of_term (pf_concl g) with
- | App(f,_) when eq_constr f (well_founded ()) ->
- Auto.h_auto None [] (Some []) g
- | _ ->
- incr h_num;
- (observe_tac "finishing using"
- (
- tclFIRST[
- tclTHEN
- (eapply_with_bindings (mkVar (List.nth !lid !h_num), NoBindings))
- e_assumption;
- Eauto.eauto_with_bases
- false
- (true,5)
- [delayed_force refl_equal]
- [Auto.Hint_db.empty empty_transparent_state false]
- ]
- )
- )
- )
- g)
- Command.save_named opacity;
- in
- start_proof
- na
- (Decl_kinds.Global, Decl_kinds.Proof Decl_kinds.Lemma)
- sign
- gls_type
- hook ;
- by (
- fun g ->
- tclTHEN
- (decompose_and_tac)
- (tclORELSE
- (tclFIRST
- (
- (fun c ->
- [intros;
- h_simplest_apply (interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) c);
- tclCOMPLETE Auto.default_auto
- ]
- )
- using_lemmas)
- ) tclIDTAC)
- g);
- try
- by tclIDTAC; (* raises UserError _ if the proof is complete *)
- if Flags.is_verbose () then (pp (Printer.pr_open_subgoals()))
- with UserError _ ->
- defined ()
-let com_terminate
- tcc_lemma_name
- tcc_lemma_ref
- is_mes
- fonctional_ref
- input_type
- relation
- rec_arg_num
- thm_name using_lemmas
- nb_args
- hook =
- let start_proof (tac_start:tactic) (tac_end:tactic) =
- let (evmap, env) = Command.get_current_context() in
- start_proof thm_name
- (Global, Proof Lemma) (Environ.named_context_val env)
- (hyp_terminates nb_args fonctional_ref) hook;
- by (observe_tac "starting_tac" tac_start);
- by (observe_tac "whole_start" (whole_start tac_end nb_args is_mes fonctional_ref
- input_type relation rec_arg_num ))
- in
- start_proof tclIDTAC tclIDTAC;
- try
- let new_goal_type = build_new_goal_type () in
- open_new_goal start_proof using_lemmas tcc_lemma_ref
- (Some tcc_lemma_name)
- (new_goal_type)
- with Failure "empty list of subgoals!" ->
- (* a non recursive function declared with measure ! *)
- defined ()
-let ind_of_ref = function
- | IndRef (ind,i) -> (ind,i)
- | _ -> anomaly "IndRef expected"
-let (value_f:constr list -> global_reference -> constr) =
- fun al fterm ->
- let d0 = dummy_loc in
- let rev_x_id_l =
- (
- List.fold_left
- (fun x_id_l _ ->
- let x_id = next_global_ident_away true x_id x_id_l in
- x_id::x_id_l
- )
- []
- al
- )
- in
- let fun_body =
- RCases
- (d0,RegularStyle,None,
- [RApp(d0, RRef(d0,fterm), List.rev_map (fun x_id -> RVar(d0, x_id)) rev_x_id_l),
- (Anonymous,None)],
- [d0, [v_id], [PatCstr(d0,(ind_of_ref
- (delayed_force coq_sig_ref),1),
- [PatVar(d0, Name v_id);
- PatVar(d0, Anonymous)],
- Anonymous)],
- RVar(d0,v_id)])
- in
- let value =
- List.fold_left2
- (fun acc x_id a ->
- RLambda
- (d0, Name x_id, Explicit, RDynamic(d0, constr_in a),
- acc
- )
- )
- fun_body
- rev_x_id_l
- (List.rev al)
- in
- understand Evd.empty (Global.env()) value;;
-let (declare_fun : identifier -> logical_kind -> constr -> global_reference) =
- fun f_id kind value ->
- let ce = {const_entry_body = value;
- const_entry_type = None;
- const_entry_opaque = false;
- const_entry_boxed = true} in
- ConstRef(declare_constant f_id (DefinitionEntry ce, kind));;
-let (declare_f : identifier -> logical_kind -> constr list -> global_reference -> global_reference) =
- fun f_id kind input_type fterm_ref ->
- declare_fun f_id kind (value_f input_type fterm_ref);;
-let rec n_x_id ids n =
- if n = 0 then []
- else let x = next_global_ident_away true x_id ids in
- x::n_x_id (x::ids) (n-1);;
-let start_equation (f:global_reference) (term_f:global_reference)
- (cont_tactic:identifier list -> tactic) g =
- let ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- let terminate_constr = constr_of_global term_f in
- let nargs = nb_prod (type_of_const terminate_constr) in
- let x = n_x_id ids nargs in
- h_intros x;
- unfold_in_concl [(all_occurrences, evaluable_of_global_reference f)];
- observe_tac "simplest_case"
- (simplest_case (mkApp (terminate_constr,
- Array.of_list ( mkVar x))));
- observe_tac "prove_eq" (cont_tactic x)] g;;
-let base_leaf_eq func eqs f_id g =
- let ids = pf_ids_of_hyps g in
- let k = next_global_ident_away true k_id ids in
- let p = next_global_ident_away true p_id (k::ids) in
- let v = next_global_ident_away true v_id (p::k::ids) in
- let heq = next_global_ident_away true heq_id (v::p::k::ids) in
- let heq1 = next_global_ident_away true heq_id (heq::v::p::k::ids) in
- let hex = next_global_ident_away true hex_id (heq1::heq::v::p::k::ids) in
- h_intros [v; hex];
- simplest_elim (mkVar hex);
- h_intros [p;heq1];
- tclTRY
- (rewriteRL
- (mkApp(mkVar heq1,
- [|mkApp (delayed_force coq_S, [|mkVar p|]);
- mkApp(delayed_force lt_n_Sn, [|mkVar p|]); f_id|])));
- simpl_iter onConcl;
- tclTRY (unfold_in_concl [((true,[1]), evaluable_of_global_reference func)]);
- list_rewrite true eqs;
- apply (delayed_force refl_equal)] g;;
-let f_S t = mkApp(delayed_force coq_S, [|t|]);;
-let rec introduce_all_values_eq cont_tac functional termine
- f p heq1 pmax bounds le_proofs eqs ids =
- function
- [] ->
- let heq2 = next_global_ident_away true heq_id ids in
- [pose_proof (Name heq2)
- (mkApp(mkVar heq1, [|f_S(f_S(mkVar pmax))|]));
- simpl_iter (onHyp heq2);
- unfold_in_hyp [((true,[1]), evaluable_of_global_reference
- (global_of_constr functional))]
- ((all_occurrences_expr, heq2), InHyp);
- tclTHENS
- (fun gls ->
- let t_eq = compute_renamed_type gls (mkVar heq2) in
- let def_id =
- let _,_,t = destProd t_eq in let def_na,_,_ = destProd t in
- Nameops.out_name def_na
- in
- observe_tac "rewrite heq" (general_rewrite_bindings false all_occurrences
- (mkVar heq2,
- ExplicitBindings[dummy_loc,NamedHyp def_id,
- f]) false) gls)
- [observe_tac "list_rewrite" (list_rewrite true eqs);
- cont_tac pmax le_proofs];
- tclTHENLIST[apply (delayed_force le_lt_SS);
- compute_le_proofs le_proofs]]]
- | arg::args ->
- let v' = next_global_ident_away true v_id ids in
- let ids = v'::ids in
- let hex' = next_global_ident_away true hex_id ids in
- let ids = hex'::ids in
- let p' = next_global_ident_away true p_id ids in
- let ids = p'::ids in
- let new_pmax = next_global_ident_away true pmax_id ids in
- let ids = pmax::ids in
- let hle1 = next_global_ident_away true hle_id ids in
- let ids = hle1::ids in
- let hle2 = next_global_ident_away true hle_id ids in
- let ids = hle2::ids in
- let heq = next_global_ident_away true heq_id ids in
- let ids = heq::ids in
- let heq2 = next_global_ident_away true heq_id ids in
- let ids = heq2::ids in
- [mkCaseEq(mkApp(termine, Array.of_list arg));
- h_intros [v'; hex'];
- simplest_elim(mkVar hex');
- h_intros [p'];
- simplest_elim(mkApp(delayed_force max_constr, [|mkVar pmax;
- mkVar p'|]));
- h_intros [new_pmax;hle1;hle2];
- introduce_all_values_eq
- (fun pmax' le_proofs'->
- [cont_tac pmax' le_proofs';
- h_intros [heq;heq2];
- observe_tac ("rewriteRL " ^ (string_of_id heq2))
- (tclTRY (rewriteLR (mkVar heq2)));
- tclTRY (tclTHENS
- ( fun g ->
- let t_eq = compute_renamed_type g (mkVar heq) in
- let k_id,def_id =
- let k_na,_,t = destProd t_eq in
- let _,_,t = destProd t in
- let def_na,_,_ = destProd t in
- Nameops.out_name k_na,Nameops.out_name def_na
- in
- let c_b = (mkVar heq,
- ExplicitBindings
- [dummy_loc, NamedHyp k_id,
- f_S(mkVar pmax');
- dummy_loc, NamedHyp def_id, f])
- in
- observe_tac "general_rewrite_bindings" ( (general_rewrite_bindings false all_occurrences
- c_b false))
- g
- )
- [tclIDTAC;
- [apply (delayed_force le_lt_n_Sm);
- compute_le_proofs le_proofs']])])
- functional termine f p heq1 new_pmax
- (p'::bounds)((mkVar pmax)::le_proofs) eqs
- (heq2::heq::hle2::hle1::new_pmax::p'::hex'::v'::ids) args]
-let rec_leaf_eq termine f ids functional eqs expr fn args =
- let p = next_global_ident_away true p_id ids in
- let ids = p::ids in
- let v = next_global_ident_away true v_id ids in
- let ids = v::ids in
- let hex = next_global_ident_away true hex_id ids in
- let ids = hex::ids in
- let heq1 = next_global_ident_away true heq_id ids in
- let ids = heq1::ids in
- let hle1 = next_global_ident_away true hle_id ids in
- let ids = hle1::ids in
- [observe_tac "intros v hex" (h_intros [v;hex]);
- simplest_elim (mkVar hex);
- h_intros [p;heq1];
- h_generalize [mkApp(delayed_force le_n,[|mkVar p|])];
- h_intros [hle1];
- observe_tac "introduce_all_values_eq" (introduce_all_values_eq
- (fun _ _ -> tclIDTAC)
- functional termine f p heq1 p [] [] eqs ids args);
- observe_tac "failing here" (apply (delayed_force refl_equal))]
-let rec prove_eq (termine:constr) (f:constr)(functional:global_reference)
- (eqs:constr list) (expr:constr) =
-(* tclTRY *)
- (match kind_of_term expr with
- Case(ci,t,a,l) ->
- (match find_call_occs 0 f a with
- _,[] ->
- (fun g ->
- let destruct_tac,rev_to_thin_intro = mkDestructEq [] a g in
- tclTHENS
- destruct_tac
- (list_map_i
- (fun i -> mk_intros_and_continue
- (List.rev rev_to_thin_intro) true
- (prove_eq termine f functional)
- eqs ci.ci_cstr_nargs.(i))
- 0 (Array.to_list l)) g)
- | _,_::_ ->
- (match find_call_occs 0 f expr with
- _,[] -> base_leaf_eq functional eqs f
- | fn,args ->
- fun g ->
- let ids = ids_of_named_context (pf_hyps g) in
- rec_leaf_eq termine f ids
- (constr_of_global functional)
- eqs expr fn args g))
- | _ ->
- (match find_call_occs 0 f expr with
- _,[] -> base_leaf_eq functional eqs f
- | fn,args ->
- fun g ->
- let ids = ids_of_named_context (pf_hyps g) in
- observe_tac "rec_leaf_eq" (rec_leaf_eq
- termine f ids (constr_of_global functional)
- eqs expr fn args) g));;
-let (com_eqn : identifier ->
- global_reference -> global_reference -> global_reference
- -> constr -> unit) =
- fun eq_name functional_ref f_ref terminate_ref equation_lemma_type ->
- let opacity =
- match terminate_ref with
- | ConstRef c ->
- let cb = Global.lookup_constant c in
- if cb.Declarations.const_opaque then true
- else begin match cb.const_body with None -> true | _ -> false end
- | _ -> anomaly "terminate_lemma: not a constant"
- in
- let (evmap, env) = Command.get_current_context() in
- let f_constr = (constr_of_global f_ref) in
- let equation_lemma_type = subst1 f_constr equation_lemma_type in
- (start_proof eq_name (Global, Proof Lemma)
- (Environ.named_context_val env) equation_lemma_type (fun _ _ -> ());
- by
- (start_equation f_ref terminate_ref
- (fun x ->
- prove_eq
- (constr_of_global terminate_ref)
- f_constr
- functional_ref
- []
- (instantiate_lambda
- (def_of_const (constr_of_global functional_ref))
- ( mkVar x)
- )
- )
- );
-(* (try Vernacentries.interp (Vernacexpr.VernacShow Vernacexpr.ShowProof) with _ -> ()); *)
-(* Vernacentries.interp (Vernacexpr.VernacShow Vernacexpr.ShowScript); *)
- Flags.silently (fun () ->Command.save_named opacity) () ;
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "eqn finished"); *)
- );;
-let nf_zeta env =
- Reductionops.clos_norm_flags (Closure.RedFlags.mkflags [Closure.RedFlags.fZETA])
- env
- Evd.empty
-let recursive_definition is_mes function_name rec_impls type_of_f r rec_arg_num eq
- generate_induction_principle using_lemmas : unit =
- let function_type = interp_constr Evd.empty (Global.env()) type_of_f in
- let env = push_named (function_name,None,function_type) (Global.env()) in
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "function type := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr function_type); *)
- let equation_lemma_type = interp_gen (OfType None) Evd.empty env ~impls:([],rec_impls) eq in
-(* Pp.msgnl (Printer.pr_lconstr equation_lemma_type); *)
- let res_vars,eq' = decompose_prod equation_lemma_type in
- let env_eq' = Environ.push_rel_context ( (fun (x,y) -> (x,None,y)) res_vars) env in
- let eq' = nf_zeta env_eq' eq' in
- let res =
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "res_var :=" ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_env (push_rel_context ( (function (x,t) -> (x,None,t)) res_vars) env) eq'); *)
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "rec_arg_num := " ++ str (string_of_int rec_arg_num)); *)
-(* Pp.msgnl (str "eq' := " ++ str (string_of_int rec_arg_num)); *)
- match kind_of_term eq' with
- | App(e,[|_;_;eq_fix|]) ->
- mkLambda (Name function_name,function_type,subst_var function_name (compose_lam res_vars eq_fix))
- | _ -> failwith "Recursive Definition (res not eq)"
- in
- let pre_rec_args,function_type_before_rec_arg = decompose_prod_n (rec_arg_num - 1) function_type in
- let (_, rec_arg_type, _) = destProd function_type_before_rec_arg in
- let arg_types = List.rev_map snd (fst (decompose_prod_n (List.length res_vars) function_type)) in
- let equation_id = add_suffix function_name "_equation" in
- let functional_id = add_suffix function_name "_F" in
- let term_id = add_suffix function_name "_terminate" in
- let functional_ref = declare_fun functional_id (IsDefinition Definition) res in
- let env_with_pre_rec_args = push_rel_context( (function (x,t) -> (x,None,t)) pre_rec_args) env in
- let relation =
- interp_constr
- Evd.empty
- env_with_pre_rec_args
- r
- in
- let tcc_lemma_name = add_suffix function_name "_tcc" in
- let tcc_lemma_constr = ref None in
-(* let _ = Pp.msgnl (str "relation := " ++ Printer.pr_lconstr_env env_with_pre_rec_args relation) in *)
- let hook _ _ =
- let term_ref = Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid term_id) in
- let f_ref = declare_f function_name (IsProof Lemma) arg_types term_ref in
-(* message "start second proof"; *)
- let stop = ref false in
- begin
- try com_eqn equation_id functional_ref f_ref term_ref (subst_var function_name equation_lemma_type)
- with e ->
- begin
- if Tacinterp.get_debug () <> Tactic_debug.DebugOff
- then pperrnl (str "Cannot create equation Lemma " ++ Cerrors.explain_exn e)
- else anomaly "Cannot create equation Lemma"
- ;
-(* ignore(try Vernacentries.vernac_reset_name (Util.dummy_loc,functional_id) with _ -> ()); *)
- stop := true;
- end
- end;
- if not !stop
- then
- let eq_ref = Nametab.locate (make_short_qualid equation_id ) in
- let f_ref = destConst (constr_of_global f_ref)
- and functional_ref = destConst (constr_of_global functional_ref)
- and eq_ref = destConst (constr_of_global eq_ref) in
- generate_induction_principle f_ref tcc_lemma_constr
- functional_ref eq_ref rec_arg_num rec_arg_type (nb_prod res) relation;
- if Flags.is_verbose ()
- then msgnl (h 1 (Ppconstr.pr_id function_name ++
- spc () ++ str"is defined" )++ fnl () ++
- h 1 (Ppconstr.pr_id equation_id ++
- spc () ++ str"is defined" )
- )
- in
- try
- com_terminate
- tcc_lemma_name
- tcc_lemma_constr
- is_mes functional_ref
- rec_arg_type
- relation rec_arg_num
- term_id
- using_lemmas
- (List.length res_vars)
- hook
- with e ->
- begin
- ignore(try Vernacentries.vernac_reset_name (Util.dummy_loc,functional_id) with _ -> ());
-(* anomaly "Cannot create termination Lemma" *)
- raise e
- end