path: root/contrib/firstorder/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/firstorder/')
1 files changed, 206 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/firstorder/ b/contrib/firstorder/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1432207d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/firstorder/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: 10410 2007-12-31 13:11:55Z msozeau $ i*)
+open Formula
+open Sequent
+open Unify
+open Rules
+open Util
+open Term
+open Rawterm
+open Tacmach
+open Tactics
+open Tacticals
+open Termops
+open Reductionops
+open Declarations
+open Formula
+open Sequent
+open Names
+open Libnames
+let compare_instance inst1 inst2=
+ match inst1,inst2 with
+ Phantom(d1),Phantom(d2)->
+ ( d1 d2)
+ | Real((m1,c1),n1),Real((m2,c2),n2)->
+ ((-) =? (-) ==? m2 m1 n1 n2 c1 c2
+ | Phantom(_),Real((m,_),_)-> if m=0 then -1 else 1
+ | Real((m,_),_),Phantom(_)-> if m=0 then 1 else -1
+let compare_gr id1 id2=
+ if id1==id2 then 0 else
+ if id1==dummy_id then 1
+ else if id2==dummy_id then -1
+ else id1 id2
+module OrderedInstance=
+ type t=instance * Libnames.global_reference
+ let compare (inst1,id1) (inst2,id2)=
+ (compare_instance =? compare_gr) inst2 inst1 id2 id1
+ (* we want a __decreasing__ total order *)
+module IS=Set.Make(OrderedInstance)
+let make_simple_atoms seq=
+ let ratoms=
+ match seq.glatom with
+ Some t->[t]
+ | None->[]
+ in {negative=seq.latoms;positive=ratoms}
+let do_sequent setref triv id seq i dom atoms=
+ let flag=ref true in
+ let phref=ref triv in
+ let do_atoms a1 a2 =
+ let do_pair t1 t2 =
+ match unif_atoms i dom t1 t2 with
+ None->()
+ | Some (Phantom _) ->phref:=true
+ | Some c ->flag:=false;setref:=IS.add (c,id) !setref in
+ List.iter (fun t->List.iter (do_pair t) a2.negative) a1.positive;
+ List.iter (fun t->List.iter (do_pair t) a2.positive) a1.negative in
+ HP.iter (fun lf->do_atoms atoms lf.atoms) seq.redexes;
+ do_atoms atoms (make_simple_atoms seq);
+ !flag && !phref
+let match_one_quantified_hyp setref seq lf=
+ match lf.pat with
+ Left(Lforall(i,dom,triv))|Right(Rexists(i,dom,triv))->
+ if do_sequent setref triv seq i dom lf.atoms then
+ setref:=IS.add ((Phantom dom), !setref
+ | _ ->anomaly "can't happen"
+let give_instances lf seq=
+ let setref=ref IS.empty in
+ List.iter (match_one_quantified_hyp setref seq) lf;
+ IS.elements !setref
+(* collector for the engine *)
+let rec collect_quantified seq=
+ try
+ let hd,seq1=take_formula seq in
+ (match hd.pat with
+ Left(Lforall(_,_,_)) | Right(Rexists(_,_,_)) ->
+ let (q,seq2)=collect_quantified seq1 in
+ ((hd::q),seq2)
+ | _->[],seq)
+ with Heap.EmptyHeap -> [],seq
+(* open instances processor *)
+let dummy_constr=mkMeta (-1)
+let dummy_bvid=id_of_string "x"
+let mk_open_instance id gl m t=
+ let env=pf_env gl in
+ let evmap=Refiner.project gl in
+ let var_id=
+ if id==dummy_id then dummy_bvid else
+ let typ=pf_type_of gl (constr_of_global id) in
+ (* since we know we will get a product,
+ reduction is not too expensive *)
+ let (nam,_,_)=destProd (whd_betadeltaiota env evmap typ) in
+ match nam with
+ Name id -> id
+ | Anonymous -> dummy_bvid in
+ let revt=substl (list_tabulate (fun i->mkRel (m-i)) m) t in
+ let rec aux n avoid=
+ if n=0 then [] else
+ let nid=(fresh_id avoid var_id gl) in
+ (Name nid,None,dummy_constr)::(aux (n-1) (nid::avoid)) in
+ let nt=it_mkLambda_or_LetIn revt (aux m []) in
+ let rawt=Detyping.detype false [] [] nt in
+ let rec raux n t=
+ if n=0 then t else
+ match t with
+ RLambda(loc,name,k,_,t0)->
+ let t1=raux (n-1) t0 in
+ RLambda(loc,name,k,RHole (dummy_loc,Evd.BinderType name),t1)
+ | _-> anomaly "can't happen" in
+ let ntt=try
+ Pretyping.Default.understand evmap env (raux m rawt)
+ with _ ->
+ error "Untypable instance, maybe higher-order non-prenex quantification" in
+ Sign.decompose_lam_n_assum m ntt
+(* tactics *)
+let left_instance_tac (inst,id) continue seq=
+ match inst with
+ Phantom dom->
+ if lookup (id,None) seq then
+ tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str "already done")
+ else
+ tclTHENS (cut dom)
+ [introf;
+ (fun gls->generalize
+ [mkApp(constr_of_global id,
+ [|mkVar (Tacmach.pf_nth_hyp_id gls 1)|])] gls);
+ introf;
+ tclSOLVE [wrap 1 false continue
+ (deepen (record (id,None) seq))]];
+ tclTRY assumption]
+ | Real((m,t) as c,_)->
+ if lookup (id,Some c) seq then
+ tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str "already done")
+ else
+ let special_generalize=
+ if m>0 then
+ fun gl->
+ let (rc,ot)= mk_open_instance id gl m t in
+ let gt=
+ it_mkLambda_or_LetIn
+ (mkApp(constr_of_global id,[|ot|])) rc in
+ generalize [gt] gl
+ else
+ generalize [mkApp(constr_of_global id,[|t|])]
+ in
+ [special_generalize;
+ introf;
+ tclSOLVE
+ [wrap 1 false continue (deepen (record (id,Some c) seq))]]
+let right_instance_tac inst continue seq=
+ match inst with
+ Phantom dom ->
+ tclTHENS (cut dom)
+ [introf;
+ (fun gls->
+ split (Rawterm.ImplicitBindings
+ [mkVar (Tacmach.pf_nth_hyp_id gls 1)]) gls);
+ tclSOLVE [wrap 0 true continue (deepen seq)]];
+ tclTRY assumption]
+ | Real ((0,t),_) ->
+ (tclTHEN (split (Rawterm.ImplicitBindings [t]))
+ (tclSOLVE [wrap 0 true continue (deepen seq)]))
+ | Real ((m,t),_) ->
+ tclFAIL 0 (Pp.str "not implemented ... yet")
+let instance_tac inst=
+ if (snd inst)==dummy_id then
+ right_instance_tac (fst inst)
+ else
+ left_instance_tac inst
+let quantified_tac lf backtrack continue seq gl=
+ let insts=give_instances lf seq in
+ (tclFIRST ( (fun inst->instance_tac inst continue seq) insts))
+ backtrack gl