path: root/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction/miniml.mli')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli b/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..866ff847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/extraction/miniml.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: miniml.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:30:08 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*s Target language for extraction: a core ML called MiniML. *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libnames
+(* The [signature] type is used to know how many arguments a CIC
+ object expects, and what these arguments will become in the ML
+ object. *)
+(* Convention: outmost lambda/product gives the head of the list,
+ and [true] means that the argument is to be kept. *)
+type signature = bool list
+(*s ML type expressions. *)
+type ml_type =
+ | Tarr of ml_type * ml_type
+ | Tglob of global_reference * ml_type list
+ | Tvar of int
+ | Tvar' of int (* same as Tvar, used to avoid clash *)
+ | Tmeta of ml_meta (* used during ML type reconstruction *)
+ | Tdummy
+ | Tunknown
+ | Taxiom
+ | Tcustom of string
+and ml_meta = { id : int; mutable contents : ml_type option }
+(* ML type schema.
+ The integer is the number of variable in the schema. *)
+type ml_schema = int * ml_type
+(*s ML inductive types. *)
+type inductive_info = Record | Singleton | Coinductive | Standard
+(* A [ml_ind_packet] is the miniml counterpart of a [one_inductive_body].
+ If the inductive is logical ([ip_logical = false]), then all other fields
+ are unused. Otherwise,
+ [ip_sign] is a signature concerning the arguments of the inductive,
+ [ip_vars] contains the names of the type variables surviving in ML,
+ [ip_types] contains the ML types of all constructors.
+type ml_ind_packet = {
+ ip_typename : identifier;
+ ip_consnames : identifier array;
+ ip_logical : bool;
+ ip_sign : signature;
+ ip_vars : identifier list;
+ ip_types : (ml_type list) array }
+(* [ip_nparams] contains the number of parameters. *)
+type ml_ind = {
+ ind_info : inductive_info;
+ ind_nparams : int;
+ ind_packets : ml_ind_packet array }
+(*s ML terms. *)
+type ml_ast =
+ | MLrel of int
+ | MLapp of ml_ast * ml_ast list
+ | MLlam of identifier * ml_ast
+ | MLletin of identifier * ml_ast * ml_ast
+ | MLglob of global_reference
+ | MLcons of global_reference * ml_ast list
+ | MLcase of ml_ast * (global_reference * identifier list * ml_ast) array
+ | MLfix of int * identifier array * ml_ast array
+ | MLexn of string
+ | MLdummy
+ | MLaxiom
+ | MLmagic of ml_ast
+(*s ML declarations. *)
+type ml_decl =
+ | Dind of kernel_name * ml_ind
+ | Dtype of global_reference * identifier list * ml_type
+ | Dterm of global_reference * ml_ast * ml_type
+ | Dfix of global_reference array * ml_ast array * ml_type array
+type ml_spec =
+ | Sind of kernel_name * ml_ind
+ | Stype of global_reference * identifier list * ml_type option
+ | Sval of global_reference * ml_type
+type ml_specif =
+ | Spec of ml_spec
+ | Smodule of ml_module_type
+ | Smodtype of ml_module_type
+and ml_module_type =
+ | MTident of kernel_name
+ | MTfunsig of mod_bound_id * ml_module_type * ml_module_type
+ | MTsig of mod_self_id * ml_module_sig
+and ml_module_sig = (label * ml_specif) list
+type ml_structure_elem =
+ | SEdecl of ml_decl
+ | SEmodule of ml_module
+ | SEmodtype of ml_module_type
+and ml_module_expr =
+ | MEident of module_path
+ | MEfunctor of mod_bound_id * ml_module_type * ml_module_expr
+ | MEstruct of mod_self_id * ml_module_structure
+ | MEapply of ml_module_expr * ml_module_expr
+and ml_module_structure = (label * ml_structure_elem) list
+and ml_module =
+ { ml_mod_expr : ml_module_expr;
+ ml_mod_type : ml_module_type }
+(* NB: we do not translate the [mod_equiv] field, since [mod_equiv = mp]
+ implies that [mod_expr = MEBident mp]. Same with [msb_equiv]. *)
+type ml_structure = (module_path * ml_module_structure) list
+type ml_signature = (module_path * ml_module_sig) list
+(*s Pretty-printing of MiniML in a given concrete syntax is parameterized
+ by a function [pp_global] that pretty-prints global references.
+ The resulting pretty-printer is a module of type [Mlpp] providing
+ functions to print types, terms and declarations. *)
+module type Mlpp_param = sig
+ val globals : unit -> Idset.t
+ val pp_global : module_path list -> global_reference -> std_ppcmds
+ val pp_module : module_path list -> module_path -> std_ppcmds
+module type Mlpp = sig
+ val pp_decl : module_path list -> ml_decl -> std_ppcmds
+ val pp_struct : ml_structure -> std_ppcmds
+ val pp_signature : ml_signature -> std_ppcmds
+type extraction_params =
+ { modular : bool;
+ mod_name : identifier;
+ to_appear : global_reference list }