path: root/contrib/extraction/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/extraction/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 529 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/extraction/ b/contrib/extraction/
deleted file mode 100644
index 057a7b29..00000000
--- a/contrib/extraction/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 13201 2010-06-25 22:36:27Z letouzey $ i*)
-open Term
-open Declarations
-open Names
-open Libnames
-open Pp
-open Util
-open Miniml
-open Table
-open Extraction
-open Modutil
-open Common
-open Mod_subst
-(*S Part I: computing Coq environment. *)
-let toplevel_env () =
- let seg = Lib.contents_after None in
- let get_reference = function
- | (_,kn), Lib.Leaf o ->
- let mp,_,l = repr_kn kn in
- let seb = match Libobject.object_tag o with
- | "CONSTANT" -> SFBconst (Global.lookup_constant (constant_of_kn kn))
- | "INDUCTIVE" -> SFBmind (Global.lookup_mind kn)
- | "MODULE" -> SFBmodule (Global.lookup_module (MPdot (mp,l)))
- | "MODULE TYPE" ->
- SFBmodtype (Global.lookup_modtype (MPdot (mp,l)))
- | _ -> failwith "caught"
- in l,seb
- | _ -> failwith "caught"
- in
- match current_toplevel () with
- | MPself msid -> SEBstruct (msid, List.rev (map_succeed get_reference seg))
- | _ -> assert false
-let environment_until dir_opt =
- let rec parse = function
- | [] when dir_opt = None -> [current_toplevel (), toplevel_env ()]
- | [] -> []
- | d :: l ->
- match (Global.lookup_module (MPfile d)).mod_expr with
- | Some meb ->
- if dir_opt = Some d then [MPfile d, meb]
- else (MPfile d, meb) :: (parse l)
- | _ -> assert false
- in parse (Library.loaded_libraries ())
-(*s Visit:
- a structure recording the needed dependencies for the current extraction *)
-module type VISIT = sig
- (* Reset the dependencies by emptying the visit lists *)
- val reset : unit -> unit
- (* Add the module_path and all its prefixes to the mp visit list *)
- val add_mp : module_path -> unit
- (* Add kernel_name / constant / reference / ... in the visit lists.
- These functions silently add the mp of their arg in the mp list *)
- val add_kn : kernel_name -> unit
- val add_con : constant -> unit
- val add_ref : global_reference -> unit
- val add_decl_deps : ml_decl -> unit
- val add_spec_deps : ml_spec -> unit
- (* Test functions:
- is a particular object a needed dependency for the current extraction ? *)
- val needed_kn : kernel_name -> bool
- val needed_con : constant -> bool
- val needed_mp : module_path -> bool
-module Visit : VISIT = struct
- (* What used to be in a single KNset should now be split into a KNset
- (for inductives and modules names) and a Cset for constants
- (and still the remaining MPset) *)
- type must_visit =
- { mutable kn : KNset.t; mutable con : Cset.t; mutable mp : MPset.t }
- (* the imperative internal visit lists *)
- let v = { kn = KNset.empty ; con = Cset.empty ; mp = MPset.empty }
- (* the accessor functions *)
- let reset () = <- KNset.empty; v.con <- Cset.empty; <- MPset.empty
- let needed_kn kn = KNset.mem kn
- let needed_con c = Cset.mem c v.con
- let needed_mp mp = MPset.mem mp
- let add_mp mp =
- check_loaded_modfile mp; <- MPset.union (prefixes_mp mp)
- let add_kn kn = <- KNset.add kn; add_mp (modpath kn)
- let add_con c = v.con <- Cset.add c v.con; add_mp (con_modpath c)
- let add_ref = function
- | ConstRef c -> add_con c
- | IndRef (kn,_) | ConstructRef ((kn,_),_) -> add_kn kn
- | VarRef _ -> assert false
- let add_decl_deps = decl_iter_references add_ref add_ref add_ref
- let add_spec_deps = spec_iter_references add_ref add_ref add_ref
-exception Impossible
-let check_arity env cb =
- let t = Typeops.type_of_constant_type env cb.const_type in
- if Reduction.is_arity env t then raise Impossible
-let check_fix env cb i =
- match cb.const_body with
- | None -> raise Impossible
- | Some lbody ->
- match kind_of_term (Declarations.force lbody) with
- | Fix ((_,j),recd) when i=j -> check_arity env cb; (true,recd)
- | CoFix (j,recd) when i=j -> check_arity env cb; (false,recd)
- | _ -> raise Impossible
-let factor_fix env l cb msb =
- let _,recd as check = check_fix env cb 0 in
- let n = Array.length (let fi,_,_ = recd in fi) in
- if n = 1 then [|l|], recd, msb
- else begin
- if List.length msb < n-1 then raise Impossible;
- let msb', msb'' = list_chop (n-1) msb in
- let labels = Array.make n l in
- list_iter_i
- (fun j ->
- function
- | (l,SFBconst cb') ->
- if check <> check_fix env cb' (j+1) then raise Impossible;
- labels.(j+1) <- l;
- | _ -> raise Impossible) msb';
- labels, recd, msb''
- end
-let build_mb expr typ_opt =
- { mod_expr = Some expr;
- mod_type = typ_opt;
- mod_constraints = Univ.Constraint.empty;
- mod_alias = Mod_subst.empty_subst;
- mod_retroknowledge = [] }
-let my_type_of_mb env mb =
- match mb.mod_type with
- | Some mtb -> mtb
- | None -> Modops.eval_struct env (Option.get mb.mod_expr)
-(** Ad-hoc update of environment, inspired by [Mod_type.check_with_aux_def].
- To check with Elie. *)
-let env_for_mtb_with env mtb idl =
- let msid,sig_b = match Modops.eval_struct env mtb with
- | SEBstruct(msid,sig_b) -> msid,sig_b
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- let l = label_of_id (List.hd idl) in
- let before = fst (list_split_at (fun (l',_) -> l=l') sig_b) in
- Modops.add_signature (MPself msid) before env
-(* From a [structure_body] (i.e. a list of [structure_field_body])
- to specifications. *)
-let rec extract_sfb_spec env mp = function
- | [] -> []
- | (l,SFBconst cb) :: msig ->
- let kn = make_con mp empty_dirpath l in
- let s = extract_constant_spec env kn cb in
- let specs = extract_sfb_spec env mp msig in
- if logical_spec s then specs
- else begin Visit.add_spec_deps s; (l,Spec s) :: specs end
- | (l,SFBmind _) :: msig ->
- let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
- let s = Sind (kn, extract_inductive env kn) in
- let specs = extract_sfb_spec env mp msig in
- if logical_spec s then specs
- else begin Visit.add_spec_deps s; (l,Spec s) :: specs end
- | (l,SFBmodule mb) :: msig ->
- let specs = extract_sfb_spec env mp msig in
- let spec = extract_seb_spec env (my_type_of_mb env mb) in
- (l,Smodule spec) :: specs
- | (l,SFBmodtype mtb) :: msig ->
- let specs = extract_sfb_spec env mp msig in
- (l,Smodtype (extract_seb_spec env mtb.typ_expr)) :: specs
- | (l,SFBalias(mp1,typ_opt,_))::msig ->
- let mb = build_mb (SEBident mp1) typ_opt in
- extract_sfb_spec env mp ((l,SFBmodule mb) :: msig)
-(* From [struct_expr_body] to specifications *)
-(* Invariant: the [seb] given to [extract_seb_spec] should either come:
- - from a [mod_type] or [type_expr] field
- - from the output of [Modops.eval_struct].
- This way, any encountered [SEBident] should be a true module type.
- For instance, [my_type_of_mb] ensures this invariant.
-and extract_seb_spec env = function
- | SEBident mp -> Visit.add_mp mp; MTident mp
- | SEBwith(mtb',With_definition_body(idl,cb))->
- let env' = env_for_mtb_with env mtb' idl in
- let mtb''= extract_seb_spec env mtb' in
- (match extract_with_type env' cb with (* cb peut contenir des kn *)
- | None -> mtb''
- | Some (vl,typ) -> MTwith(mtb'',ML_With_type(idl,vl,typ)))
- | SEBwith(mtb',With_module_body(idl,mp,_,_))->
- Visit.add_mp mp;
- MTwith(extract_seb_spec env mtb',
- ML_With_module(idl,mp))
-(* TODO: On pourrait peut-etre oter certaines eta-expansion, du genre:
- | SEBfunctor(mbid,_,SEBapply(m,SEBident (MPbound mbid2),_))
- when mbid = mbid2 -> extract_seb_spec env m
- (* faudrait alors ajouter un test de non-apparition de mbid dans mb *)
- | SEBfunctor (mbid, mtb, mtb') ->
- let mp = MPbound mbid in
- let env' = Modops.add_module mp (Modops.module_body_of_type mtb) env in
- MTfunsig (mbid, extract_seb_spec env mtb.typ_expr,
- extract_seb_spec env' mtb')
- | SEBstruct (msid, msig) ->
- let mp = MPself msid in
- let env' = Modops.add_signature mp msig env in
- MTsig (msid, extract_sfb_spec env' mp msig)
- | SEBapply _ as mtb ->
- extract_seb_spec env (Modops.eval_struct env mtb)
-(* From a [structure_body] (i.e. a list of [structure_field_body])
- to implementations.
- NB: when [all=false], the evaluation order of the list is
- important: last to first ensures correct dependencies.
-let rec extract_sfb env mp all = function
- | [] -> []
- | (l,SFBconst cb) :: msb ->
- (try
- let vl,recd,msb = factor_fix env l cb msb in
- let vc = (make_con mp empty_dirpath) vl in
- let ms = extract_sfb env mp all msb in
- let b = array_exists Visit.needed_con vc in
- if all || b then
- let d = extract_fixpoint env vc recd in
- if (not b) && (logical_decl d) then ms
- else begin Visit.add_decl_deps d; (l,SEdecl d) :: ms end
- else ms
- with Impossible ->
- let ms = extract_sfb env mp all msb in
- let c = make_con mp empty_dirpath l in
- let b = Visit.needed_con c in
- if all || b then
- let d = extract_constant env c cb in
- if (not b) && (logical_decl d) then ms
- else begin Visit.add_decl_deps d; (l,SEdecl d) :: ms end
- else ms)
- | (l,SFBmind mib) :: msb ->
- let ms = extract_sfb env mp all msb in
- let kn = make_kn mp empty_dirpath l in
- let b = Visit.needed_kn kn in
- if all || b then
- let d = Dind (kn, extract_inductive env kn) in
- if (not b) && (logical_decl d) then ms
- else begin Visit.add_decl_deps d; (l,SEdecl d) :: ms end
- else ms
- | (l,SFBmodule mb) :: msb ->
- let ms = extract_sfb env mp all msb in
- let mp = MPdot (mp,l) in
- if all || Visit.needed_mp mp then
- (l,SEmodule (extract_module env mp true mb)) :: ms
- else ms
- | (l,SFBmodtype mtb) :: msb ->
- let ms = extract_sfb env mp all msb in
- let mp = MPdot (mp,l) in
- if all || Visit.needed_mp mp then
- (l,SEmodtype (extract_seb_spec env mtb.typ_expr)) :: ms
- else ms
- | (l,SFBalias (mp1,typ_opt,_)) :: msb ->
- let mb = build_mb (SEBident mp1) typ_opt in
- extract_sfb env mp all ((l,SFBmodule mb) :: msb)
-(* From [struct_expr_body] to implementations *)
-and extract_seb env mpo all = function
- | SEBident mp ->
- if is_modfile mp && not (modular ()) then error_MPfile_as_mod mp false;
- Visit.add_mp mp; MEident mp
- | SEBapply (meb, meb',_) ->
- MEapply (extract_seb env None true meb,
- extract_seb env None true meb')
- | SEBfunctor (mbid, mtb, meb) ->
- let mp = MPbound mbid in
- let env' = Modops.add_module mp (Modops.module_body_of_type mtb) env in
- MEfunctor (mbid, extract_seb_spec env mtb.typ_expr,
- extract_seb env' None true meb)
- | SEBstruct (msid, msb) ->
- let mp,msb = match mpo with
- | None -> MPself msid, msb
- | Some mp -> mp, Modops.subst_structure (map_msid msid mp) msb
- in
- let env' = Modops.add_signature mp msb env in
- MEstruct (msid, extract_sfb env' mp all msb)
- | SEBwith (_,_) -> anomaly "Not available yet"
-and extract_module env mp all mb =
- (* [mb.mod_expr <> None ], since we look at modules from outside. *)
- (* Example of module with empty [mod_expr] is X inside a Module F [X:SIG]. *)
- { ml_mod_expr = extract_seb env (Some mp) all (Option.get mb.mod_expr);
- ml_mod_type = extract_seb_spec env (my_type_of_mb env mb) }
-let unpack = function MEstruct (_,sel) -> sel | _ -> assert false
-let mono_environment refs mpl =
- Visit.reset ();
- List.iter Visit.add_ref refs;
- List.iter Visit.add_mp mpl;
- let env = Global.env () in
- let l = List.rev (environment_until None) in
- List.rev_map
- (fun (mp,m) -> mp, unpack (extract_seb env (Some mp) false m)) l
-(*S Part II : Input/Output primitives *)
-let descr () = match lang () with
- | Ocaml -> Ocaml.ocaml_descr
- | Haskell -> Haskell.haskell_descr
- | Scheme -> Scheme.scheme_descr
-(* From a filename string "" or "foo", builds "" and "foo.mli"
- Works similarly for the other languages. *)
-let default_id = id_of_string "Main"
-let mono_filename f =
- let d = descr () in
- match f with
- | None -> None, None, default_id
- | Some f ->
- let f =
- if Filename.check_suffix f d.file_suffix then
- Filename.chop_suffix f d.file_suffix
- else f
- in
- let id =
- if lang () <> Haskell then default_id
- else try id_of_string (Filename.basename f)
- with _ -> error "Extraction: provided filename is not a valid identifier"
- in
- Some (f^d.file_suffix), ((^) f) d.sig_suffix, id
-(* Builds a suitable filename from a module id *)
-let module_filename fc =
- let d = descr () in
- let fn = if d.capital_file then fc else String.uncapitalize fc
- in
- Some (fn^d.file_suffix), ((^) fn) d.sig_suffix, id_of_string fc
-(*s Extraction of one decl to stdout. *)
-let print_one_decl struc mp decl =
- let d = descr () in
- reset_renaming_tables AllButExternal;
- set_phase Pre;
- ignore (d.pp_struct struc);
- set_phase Impl;
- push_visible mp None;
- msgnl (d.pp_decl decl);
- pop_visible ()
-(*s Extraction of a ml struct to a file. *)
-let formatter dry file =
- if dry then Format.make_formatter (fun _ _ _ -> ()) (fun _ -> ())
- else match file with
- | None -> !Pp_control.std_ft
- | Some cout ->
- let ft = Pp_control.with_output_to cout in
- Option.iter (Format.pp_set_margin ft) (Pp_control.get_margin ());
- ft
-let print_structure_to_file (fn,si,mo) dry struc =
- let d = descr () in
- reset_renaming_tables AllButExternal;
- let unsafe_needs = {
- mldummy = struct_ast_search ((=) MLdummy) struc;
- tdummy = struct_type_search Mlutil.isDummy struc;
- tunknown = struct_type_search ((=) Tunknown) struc;
- magic =
- if lang () <> Haskell then false
- else struct_ast_search (function MLmagic _ -> true | _ -> false) struc }
- in
- (* First, a dry run, for computing objects to rename or duplicate *)
- set_phase Pre;
- let devnull = formatter true None in
- msg_with devnull (d.pp_struct struc);
- let opened = opened_libraries () in
- (* Print the implementation *)
- let cout = if dry then None else open_out fn in
- let ft = formatter dry cout in
- begin try
- (* The real printing of the implementation *)
- set_phase Impl;
- msg_with ft (d.preamble mo opened unsafe_needs);
- msg_with ft (d.pp_struct struc);
- Option.iter close_out cout;
- with e ->
- Option.iter close_out cout; raise e
- end;
- if not dry then Option.iter info_file fn;
- (* Now, let's print the signature *)
- Option.iter
- (fun si ->
- let cout = open_out si in
- let ft = formatter false (Some cout) in
- begin try
- set_phase Intf;
- msg_with ft (d.sig_preamble mo opened unsafe_needs);
- msg_with ft (d.pp_sig (signature_of_structure struc));
- close_out cout;
- with e ->
- close_out cout; raise e
- end;
- info_file si)
- (if dry then None else si)
-(*s Part III: the actual extraction commands *)
-let reset () =
- Visit.reset (); reset_tables (); reset_renaming_tables Everything
-let init modular =
- check_inside_section (); check_inside_module ();
- set_keywords (descr ()).keywords;
- set_modular modular;
- reset ();
- if modular && lang () = Scheme then error_scheme ()
-(* From a list of [reference], let's retrieve whether they correspond
- to modules or [global_reference]. Warn the user if both is possible. *)
-let rec locate_ref = function
- | [] -> [],[]
- | r::l ->
- let q = snd (qualid_of_reference r) in
- let mpo = try Some (Nametab.locate_module q) with Not_found -> None
- and ro = try Some (Nametab.locate q) with Not_found -> None in
- match mpo, ro with
- | None, None -> Nametab.error_global_not_found q
- | None, Some r -> let refs,mps = locate_ref l in r::refs,mps
- | Some mp, None -> let refs,mps = locate_ref l in refs,mp::mps
- | Some mp, Some r ->
- warning_both_mod_and_cst q mp r;
- let refs,mps = locate_ref l in refs,mp::mps
-(*s Recursive extraction in the Coq toplevel. The vernacular command is
- \verb!Recursive Extraction! [qualid1] ... [qualidn]. Also used when
- extracting to a file with the command:
- \verb!Extraction "file"! [qualid1] ... [qualidn]. *)
-let full_extr f (refs,mps) =
- init false;
- List.iter (fun mp -> if is_modfile mp then error_MPfile_as_mod mp true) mps;
- let struc = optimize_struct refs (mono_environment refs mps) in
- warning_axioms ();
- print_structure_to_file (mono_filename f) false struc;
- reset ()
-let full_extraction f lr = full_extr f (locate_ref lr)
-(*s Simple extraction in the Coq toplevel. The vernacular command
- is \verb!Extraction! [qualid]. *)
-let simple_extraction r = match locate_ref [r] with
- | ([], [mp]) as p -> full_extr None p
- | [r],[] ->
- init false;
- let struc = optimize_struct [r] (mono_environment [r] []) in
- let d = get_decl_in_structure r struc in
- warning_axioms ();
- if is_custom r then msgnl (str "(** User defined extraction *)");
- print_one_decl struc (modpath_of_r r) d;
- reset ()
- | _ -> assert false
-(*s (Recursive) Extraction of a library. The vernacular command is
- \verb!(Recursive) Extraction Library! [M]. *)
-let extraction_library is_rec m =
- init true;
- let dir_m =
- let q = make_short_qualid m in
- try Nametab.full_name_module q with Not_found -> error_unknown_module q
- in
- Visit.add_mp (MPfile dir_m);
- let env = Global.env () in
- let l = List.rev (environment_until (Some dir_m)) in
- let select l (mp,meb) =
- if Visit.needed_mp mp
- then (mp, unpack (extract_seb env (Some mp) true meb)) :: l
- else l
- in
- let struc = List.fold_left select [] l in
- let struc = optimize_struct [] struc in
- warning_axioms ();
- let print = function
- | (MPfile dir as mp, sel) as e ->
- let dry = not is_rec && dir <> dir_m in
- let s = string_of_modfile mp in
- print_structure_to_file (module_filename s) dry [e]
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- List.iter print struc;
- reset ()