path: root/contrib/correctness/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/correctness/')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/correctness/ b/contrib/correctness/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..820d1cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/correctness/
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Certification of Imperative Programs / Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:30:01 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Pmisc
+open Past
+open Ptype
+open Names
+open Nameops
+open Libobject
+open Library
+open Term
+(* Environments for imperative programs.
+ *
+ * An environment of programs is an association tables
+ * from identifiers (Names.identifier) to types of values with effects
+ * (ProgAst.ml_type_v), together with a list of these associations, since
+ * the order is relevant (we have dependent types e.g. [x:nat; t:(array x T)])
+ *)
+module Env = struct
+ type 'a t = ('a Idmap.t)
+ * ((identifier * 'a) list)
+ * ((identifier * (identifier * variant)) list)
+ let empty = Idmap.empty, [], []
+ let add id v (m,l,r) = (Idmap.add id v m, (id,v)::l, r)
+ let find id (m,_,_) = Idmap.find id m
+ let fold f (_,l,_) x0 = List.fold_right f l x0
+ let add_rec (id,var) (m,l,r) = (m,l,(id,var)::r)
+ let find_rec id (_,_,r) = List.assoc id r
+(* Local environments *)
+type type_info = Set | TypeV of type_v
+type local_env = type_info Env.t
+let empty = (Env.empty : local_env)
+let add (id,v) = Env.add id (TypeV v)
+let add_set id = Env.add id Set
+let find id env =
+ match Env.find id env with TypeV v -> v | Set -> raise Not_found
+let is_local env id =
+ try
+ match Env.find id env with TypeV _ -> true | Set -> false
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+let is_local_set env id =
+ try
+ match Env.find id env with TypeV _ -> false | Set -> true
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+(* typed programs *)
+type typing_info = {
+ env : local_env;
+ kappa : constr ml_type_c
+type typed_program = (typing_info, constr) t
+(* The global environment.
+ *
+ * We have a global typing environment env
+ * We also keep a table of programs for extraction purposes
+ * and a table of initializations (still for extraction)
+ *)
+let (env : type_info Env.t ref) = ref Env.empty
+let (pgm_table : (typed_program option) Idmap.t ref) = ref Idmap.empty
+let (init_table : constr Idmap.t ref) = ref Idmap.empty
+let freeze () = (!env, !pgm_table, !init_table)
+let unfreeze (e,p,i) = env := e; pgm_table := p; init_table := i
+let init () =
+ env := Env.empty; pgm_table := Idmap.empty; init_table := Idmap.empty
+Summary.declare_summary "programs-environment"
+ { Summary.freeze_function = freeze;
+ Summary.unfreeze_function = unfreeze;
+ Summary.init_function = init;
+ Summary.survive_module = false;
+ Summary.survive_section = false }
+(* Operations on the global environment. *)
+let add_pgm id p = pgm_table := Idmap.add id p !pgm_table
+let cache_global (_,(id,v,p)) =
+ env := Env.add id v !env; add_pgm id p
+let type_info_app f = function Set -> Set | TypeV v -> TypeV (f v)
+let subst_global (_,s,(id,v,p)) = (id, type_info_app (type_v_knsubst s) v, p)
+let (inProg,outProg) =
+ declare_object { object_name = "programs-objects";
+ cache_function = cache_global;
+ load_function = (fun _ -> cache_global);
+ open_function = (fun _ _ -> ());
+ classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
+ subst_function = subst_global;
+ export_function = (fun x -> Some x) }
+let is_mutable = function Ref _ | Array _ -> true | _ -> false
+let add_global id v p =
+ try
+ let _ = Env.find id !env in
+ Perror.clash id None
+ with
+ Not_found -> begin
+ let id' =
+ if is_mutable v then id
+ else id_of_string ("prog_" ^ (string_of_id id))
+ in
+ Lib.add_leaf id' (inProg (id,TypeV v,p))
+ end
+let add_global_set id =
+ try
+ let _ = Env.find id !env in
+ Perror.clash id None
+ with
+ Not_found -> Lib.add_leaf id (inProg (id,Set,None))
+let is_global id =
+ try
+ match Env.find id !env with TypeV _ -> true | Set -> false
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+let is_global_set id =
+ try
+ match Env.find id !env with TypeV _ -> false | Set -> true
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+let lookup_global id =
+ match Env.find id !env with TypeV v -> v | Set -> raise Not_found
+let find_pgm id = Idmap.find id !pgm_table
+let all_vars () =
+ Env.fold
+ (fun (id,v) l -> match v with TypeV (Arrow _|TypePure _) -> id::l | _ -> l)
+ !env []
+let all_refs () =
+ Env.fold
+ (fun (id,v) l -> match v with TypeV (Ref _ | Array _) -> id::l | _ -> l)
+ !env []
+(* initializations *)
+let cache_init (_,(id,c)) =
+ init_table := Idmap.add id c !init_table
+let subst_init (_,s,(id,c)) = (id, subst_mps s c)
+let (inInit,outInit) =
+ declare_object { object_name = "programs-objects-init";
+ cache_function = cache_init;
+ load_function = (fun _ -> cache_init);
+ open_function = (fun _ _-> ());
+ classify_function = (fun (_,x) -> Substitute x);
+ subst_function = subst_init;
+ export_function = (fun x -> Some x) }
+let initialize id c = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inInit (id,c))
+let find_init id = Idmap.find id !init_table
+(* access in env, local then global *)
+let type_in_env env id =
+ try find id env with Not_found -> lookup_global id
+let is_in_env env id =
+ (is_global id) or (is_local env id)
+let fold_all f lenv x0 =
+ let x1 = Env.fold f !env x0 in
+ Env.fold f lenv x1
+(* recursions *)
+let add_recursion = Env.add_rec
+let find_recursion = Env.find_rec
+(* We also maintain a table of the currently edited proofs of programs
+ * in order to add them in the environnement when the user does Save *)
+open Pp
+open Himsg
+let (edited : (type_v * typed_program) Idmap.t ref) = ref Idmap.empty
+let new_edited id v =
+ edited := Idmap.add id v !edited
+let is_edited id =
+ try let _ = Idmap.find id !edited in true with Not_found -> false
+let register id id' =
+ try
+ let (v,p) = Idmap.find id !edited in
+ let _ = add_global id' v (Some p) in
+ Options.if_verbose
+ msgnl (hov 0 (str"Program " ++ pr_id id' ++ spc () ++ str"is defined"));
+ edited := Idmap.remove id !edited
+ with Not_found -> ()