path: root/checker/
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Diffstat (limited to 'checker/')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/checker/ b/checker/
index 29593cb7..7c954d6f 100644
--- a/checker/
+++ b/checker/
@@ -10,11 +10,44 @@ open Values
(** {6 Interactive visit of a vo} *)
-(** Name of a value *)
-type dyn = { dyn_tag : string; dyn_obj : Obj.t; }
+type 'a repr =
+| INT of int
+| STRING of string
+| BLOCK of int * 'a array
+module type S =
+ type obj
+ val input : in_channel -> obj
+ val repr : obj -> obj repr
+ val size : int list -> int
+module Repr : S =
+ type obj = Obj.t
+ let input chan =
+ let obj = input_value chan in
+ let () = CObj.register_shared_size obj in
+ obj
+ let repr obj =
+ if Obj.is_block obj then
+ let tag = Obj.tag obj in
+ if tag = Obj.string_tag then STRING (Obj.magic obj)
+ else if tag < Obj.no_scan_tag then
+ let data = Obj.dup obj in
+ let () = Obj.set_tag data 0 in
+ BLOCK (tag, Obj.magic data)
+ else OTHER
+ else INT (Obj.magic obj)
+ let size p = CObj.shared_size_of_pos p
-let to_dyn obj = (Obj.magic obj : dyn)
+(** Name of a value *)
let rec get_name ?(extra=false) = function
|Any -> "?"
@@ -32,69 +65,101 @@ let rec get_name ?(extra=false) = function
(** For tuples, its quite handy to display the inner 1st string (if any).
Cf. [structure_body] for instance *)
-let get_string_in_tuple v o =
+let get_string_in_tuple o =
- for i = 0 to Array.length v - 1 do
- if v.(i) = String then
- failwith (" [.."^(Obj.magic (Obj.field o i) : string)^"..]");
+ for i = 0 to Array.length o - 1 do
+ match Repr.repr o.(i) with
+ | STRING s ->
+ failwith (Printf.sprintf " [..%s..]" s)
+ | _ -> ()
with Failure s -> s
(** Some details : tags, integer value for non-block, etc etc *)
-let rec get_details v o = match v with
- |String | Any when (Obj.is_block o && Obj.tag o = Obj.string_tag) ->
- " [" ^ String.escaped (Obj.magic o : string) ^"]"
- |Tuple (_,v) -> get_string_in_tuple v o
- |(Sum _|Any) when Obj.is_block o ->
- " [tag=" ^ string_of_int (Obj.tag o) ^"]"
- |(Sum _|Any) ->
- " [imm=" ^ string_of_int (Obj.magic o : int) ^"]"
- |Int -> " [" ^ string_of_int (Obj.magic o : int) ^"]"
- |Annot (s,v) -> get_details v o
+let rec get_details v o = match v, Repr.repr o with
+ | (String | Any), STRING s ->
+ Printf.sprintf " [%s]" (String.escaped s)
+ |Tuple (_,v), BLOCK (_, o) -> get_string_in_tuple o
+ |(Sum _|Any), BLOCK (tag, _) ->
+ Printf.sprintf " [tag=%i]" tag
+ |(Sum _|Any), INT i ->
+ Printf.sprintf " [imm=%i]" i
+ |Int, INT i -> Printf.sprintf " [imm=%i]" i
+ |Annot (s,v), _ -> get_details v o
|_ -> ""
let node_info (v,o,p) =
get_name ~extra:true v ^ get_details v o ^
- " (size "^ string_of_int (CObj.shared_size_of_pos p)^"w)"
+ " (size "^ string_of_int (Repr.size p)^"w)"
(** Children of a block : type, object, position.
For lists, we collect all elements of the list at once *)
-let access_children vs o pos =
- Array.mapi (fun i v -> v, Obj.field o i, i::pos) vs
+let access_children vs os pos =
+ if Array.length os = Array.length vs then
+ Array.mapi (fun i v -> v, os.(i), i::pos) vs
+ else raise Exit
+let access_list v o pos =
+ let rec loop o pos = match Repr.repr o with
+ | INT 0 -> []
+ | BLOCK (0, [|hd; tl|]) ->
+ (v, hd, 0 :: pos) :: loop tl (1 :: pos)
+ | _ -> raise Exit
+ in
+ Array.of_list (loop o pos)
+let access_block o = match Repr.repr o with
+| BLOCK (tag, os) -> (tag, os)
+| _ -> raise Exit
+let access_int o = match Repr.repr o with INT i -> i | _ -> raise Exit
+(** raises Exit if the object has not the expected structure *)
let rec get_children v o pos = match v with
- |Tuple (_,v) -> access_children v o pos
- |Sum (_,_,vv) ->
- if Obj.is_block o then access_children vv.(Obj.tag o) o pos
- else [||]
- |Array v -> access_children (Array.make (Obj.size o) v) o pos
- |List v ->
- let rec loop pos = function
- | [] -> []
- | o :: ol -> (v,o,0::pos) :: loop (1::pos) ol
- in
- Array.of_list (loop pos (Obj.magic o : Obj.t list))
+ |Tuple (_, v) ->
+ let (_, os) = access_block o in
+ access_children v os pos
+ |Sum (_, _, vv) ->
+ begin match Repr.repr o with
+ | BLOCK (tag, os) -> access_children vv.(tag) os pos
+ | INT _ -> [||]
+ | _ -> raise Exit
+ end
+ |Array v ->
+ let (_, os) = access_block o in
+ access_children (Array.make (Array.length os) v) os pos
+ |List v -> access_list v o pos
|Opt v ->
- if Obj.is_block o then [|v,Obj.field o 0,0::pos|] else [||]
+ begin match Repr.repr o with
+ | INT 0 -> [||]
+ | BLOCK (0, [|x|]) -> [|(v, x, 0 :: pos)|]
+ | _ -> raise Exit
+ end
|String | Int -> [||]
|Annot (s,v) -> get_children v o pos
- |Any ->
- if Obj.is_block o && Obj.tag o < Obj.no_scan_tag then
- Array.init (Obj.size o) (fun i -> (Any,Obj.field o i,i::pos))
- else [||]
+ |Any -> raise Exit
|Dyn ->
- let t = to_dyn o in
- let tpe = find_dyn t.dyn_tag in
- [|(String, Obj.repr t.dyn_tag, 0 :: pos); (tpe, t.dyn_obj, 1 :: pos)|]
+ begin match Repr.repr o with
+ | BLOCK (0, [|id; o|]) ->
+ let n = access_int id in
+ let tpe = find_dyn n in
+ [|(Int, id, 0 :: pos); (tpe, o, 1 :: pos)|]
+ | _ -> raise Exit
+ end
|Fail s -> failwith "forbidden"
+let get_children v o pos =
+ try get_children v o pos
+ with Exit -> match Repr.repr o with
+ | BLOCK (_, os) -> Array.mapi (fun i o -> Any, o, i :: pos) os
+ | _ -> [||]
type info = {
nam : string;
typ : value;
- obj : Obj.t;
+ obj : Repr.obj;
pos : int list
@@ -154,7 +219,7 @@ let visit_vo f =
{name="library"; pos=0; typ=Values.v_lib};
{name="univ constraints of opaque proofs"; pos=0;typ=Values.v_univopaques};
{name="discharging info"; pos=0; typ=Opt Any};
- {name="STM tasks"; pos=0; typ=Opt Any};
+ {name="STM tasks"; pos=0; typ=Opt Values.v_stm_seg};
{name="opaque proofs"; pos=0; typ=Values.v_opaques};
|] in
while true do
@@ -176,8 +241,7 @@ let visit_vo f =
let l = read_line () in
let seg = int_of_string l in
seek_in ch segments.(seg).pos;
- let o = (input_value ch : Obj.t) in
- let () = CObj.register_shared_size o in
+ let o = Repr.input ch in
let () = init () in
visit segments.(seg).typ o []