path: root/toplevel/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
commit6b649aba925b6f7462da07599fe67ebb12a3460e (patch)
tree43656bcaa51164548f3fa14e5b10de5ef1088574 /toplevel/
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl1upstream/8.0pl1
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/')
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1525c17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:31:50 herbelin Exp $ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Tacexpr
+open Extend
+open Genarg
+open Topconstr
+open Decl_kinds
+open Ppextend
+(* Toplevel control exceptions *)
+exception ProtectedLoop
+exception Drop
+exception Quit
+open Libnames
+open Nametab
+type lident = identifier located
+type lname = name located
+type lstring = string
+type lreference = reference
+type class_rawexpr = FunClass | SortClass | RefClass of reference
+type printable =
+ | PrintTables
+ | PrintLocalContext
+ | PrintFullContext
+ | PrintSectionContext of reference
+ | PrintInspect of int
+ | PrintGrammar of string * string
+ | PrintLoadPath
+ | PrintModules
+ | PrintModule of reference
+ | PrintModuleType of reference
+ | PrintMLLoadPath
+ | PrintMLModules
+ | PrintName of reference
+ | PrintOpaqueName of reference
+ | PrintGraph
+ | PrintClasses
+ | PrintCoercions
+ | PrintCoercionPaths of class_rawexpr * class_rawexpr
+ | PrintUniverses of string option
+ | PrintHint of reference
+ | PrintHintGoal
+ | PrintHintDbName of string
+ | PrintHintDb
+ | PrintScopes
+ | PrintScope of string
+ | PrintVisibility of string option
+ | PrintAbout of reference
+ | PrintImplicit of reference
+type search_about_item =
+ | SearchRef of reference
+ | SearchString of string
+type searchable =
+ | SearchPattern of pattern_expr
+ | SearchRewrite of pattern_expr
+ | SearchHead of reference
+ | SearchAbout of search_about_item list
+type locatable =
+ | LocateTerm of reference
+ | LocateLibrary of reference
+ | LocateFile of string
+ | LocateNotation of notation
+type goable =
+ | GoTo of int
+ | GoTop
+ | GoNext
+ | GoPrev
+type showable =
+ | ShowGoal of int option
+ | ShowGoalImplicitly of int option
+ | ShowProof
+ | ShowNode
+ | ShowScript
+ | ShowExistentials
+ | ShowTree
+ | ShowProofNames
+ | ShowIntros of bool
+ | ExplainProof of int list
+ | ExplainTree of int list
+type comment =
+ | CommentConstr of constr_expr
+ | CommentString of string
+ | CommentInt of int
+type hints =
+ | HintsResolve of (identifier option * constr_expr) list
+ | HintsImmediate of (identifier option * constr_expr) list
+ | HintsUnfold of (identifier option * reference) list
+ | HintsConstructors of identifier option * reference list
+ | HintsExtern of identifier option * int * constr_expr * raw_tactic_expr
+ | HintsDestruct of identifier *
+ int * (bool,unit) location * constr_expr * raw_tactic_expr
+type search_restriction =
+ | SearchInside of reference list
+ | SearchOutside of reference list
+type option_value =
+ | StringValue of string
+ | IntValue of int
+ | BoolValue of bool
+type option_ref_value =
+ | StringRefValue of string
+ | QualidRefValue of reference
+type rec_flag = bool (* true = Rec; false = NoRec *)
+type verbose_flag = bool (* true = Verbose; false = Silent *)
+type opacity_flag = bool (* true = Opaque; false = Transparent *)
+type locality_flag = bool (* true = Local; false = Global *)
+type coercion_flag = bool (* true = AddCoercion; false = NoCoercion *)
+type export_flag = bool (* true = Export; false = Import *)
+type specif_flag = bool (* true = Specification; false = Implementation *)
+type inductive_flag = bool (* true = Inductive; false = CoInductive *)
+type onlyparsing_flag = bool (* true = Parse only; false = Print also *)
+type sort_expr = Rawterm.rawsort
+type decl_notation = (string * constr_expr * scope_name option) option
+type simple_binder = lident list * constr_expr
+type 'a with_coercion = coercion_flag * 'a
+type constructor_expr = (lident * constr_expr) with_coercion
+type inductive_expr =
+ lident * decl_notation * local_binder list * constr_expr
+ * constructor_expr list
+type definition_expr =
+ | ProveBody of local_binder list * constr_expr
+ | DefineBody of local_binder list * raw_red_expr option * constr_expr
+ * constr_expr option
+type local_decl_expr =
+ | AssumExpr of lname * constr_expr
+ | DefExpr of lname * constr_expr * constr_expr option
+type module_binder = lident list * module_type_ast
+type proof_end =
+ | Admitted
+ | Proved of opacity_flag * (lident * theorem_kind option) option
+type vernac_expr =
+ (* Control *)
+ | VernacList of located_vernac_expr list
+ | VernacLoad of verbose_flag * lstring
+ | VernacTime of vernac_expr
+ | VernacVar of lident
+ (* Syntax *)
+ | VernacGrammar of lstring * raw_grammar_entry list
+ | VernacTacticGrammar of
+ (lstring * (lstring * grammar_production list) * raw_tactic_expr) list
+ | VernacSyntax of lstring * raw_syntax_entry list
+ | VernacSyntaxExtension of locality_flag *
+ (lstring * syntax_modifier list) option
+ * (lstring * syntax_modifier list) option
+ | VernacDistfix of locality_flag *
+ grammar_associativity * precedence * lstring * lreference *
+ scope_name option
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope of (locality_flag * bool * scope_name)
+ | VernacDelimiters of scope_name * lstring
+ | VernacBindScope of scope_name * class_rawexpr list
+ | VernacArgumentsScope of lreference * scope_name option list
+ | VernacInfix of locality_flag * (lstring * syntax_modifier list) *
+ lreference * (lstring * syntax_modifier list) option * scope_name option
+ | VernacNotation of
+ locality_flag * constr_expr * (lstring * syntax_modifier list) option *
+ (lstring * syntax_modifier list) option * scope_name option
+ (* Gallina *)
+ | VernacDefinition of definition_kind * lident * definition_expr *
+ declaration_hook
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof of theorem_kind * lident *
+ (local_binder list * constr_expr) * bool * declaration_hook
+ | VernacEndProof of proof_end
+ | VernacExactProof of constr_expr
+ | VernacAssumption of assumption_kind * simple_binder with_coercion list
+ | VernacInductive of inductive_flag * inductive_expr list
+ | VernacFixpoint of (fixpoint_expr * decl_notation) list
+ | VernacCoFixpoint of cofixpoint_expr list
+ | VernacScheme of (lident * bool * lreference * sort_expr) list
+ (* Gallina extensions *)
+ | VernacRecord of bool (* = Record or Structure *)
+ * lident with_coercion * local_binder list
+ * constr_expr * lident option * local_decl_expr with_coercion list
+ | VernacBeginSection of lident
+ | VernacEndSegment of lident
+ | VernacRequire of
+ export_flag option * specif_flag option * lreference list
+ | VernacImport of export_flag * lreference list
+ | VernacCanonical of lreference
+ | VernacCoercion of strength * lreference * class_rawexpr * class_rawexpr
+ | VernacIdentityCoercion of strength * lident *
+ class_rawexpr * class_rawexpr
+ (* Modules and Module Types *)
+ | VernacDeclareModule of lident *
+ module_binder list * (module_type_ast * bool) option * module_ast option
+ | VernacDefineModule of lident *
+ module_binder list * (module_type_ast * bool) option * module_ast option
+ | VernacDeclareModuleType of lident *
+ module_binder list * module_type_ast option
+ (* Solving *)
+ | VernacSolve of int * raw_tactic_expr * bool
+ | VernacSolveExistential of int * constr_expr
+ (* Auxiliary file and library management *)
+ | VernacRequireFrom of export_flag option * specif_flag option * lstring
+ | VernacAddLoadPath of rec_flag * lstring * dir_path option
+ | VernacRemoveLoadPath of lstring
+ | VernacAddMLPath of rec_flag * lstring
+ | VernacDeclareMLModule of lstring list
+ | VernacChdir of lstring option
+ (* State management *)
+ | VernacWriteState of lstring
+ | VernacRestoreState of lstring
+ (* Resetting *)
+ | VernacResetName of lident
+ | VernacResetInitial
+ | VernacBack of int
+ (* Commands *)
+ | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition of
+ rec_flag * (lident * raw_tactic_expr) list
+ | VernacHints of locality_flag * lstring list * hints
+ | VernacSyntacticDefinition of identifier * constr_expr * locality_flag *
+ onlyparsing_flag
+ | VernacDeclareImplicits of lreference * explicitation list option
+ | VernacReserve of lident list * constr_expr
+ | VernacSetOpacity of opacity_flag * lreference list
+ | VernacUnsetOption of Goptions.option_name
+ | VernacSetOption of Goptions.option_name * option_value
+ | VernacAddOption of Goptions.option_name * option_ref_value list
+ | VernacRemoveOption of Goptions.option_name * option_ref_value list
+ | VernacMemOption of Goptions.option_name * option_ref_value list
+ | VernacPrintOption of Goptions.option_name
+ | VernacCheckMayEval of raw_red_expr option * int option * constr_expr
+ | VernacGlobalCheck of constr_expr
+ | VernacPrint of printable
+ | VernacSearch of searchable * search_restriction
+ | VernacLocate of locatable
+ | VernacComments of comment list
+ | VernacNop
+ (* Proof management *)
+ | VernacGoal of constr_expr
+ | VernacAbort of lident option
+ | VernacAbortAll
+ | VernacRestart
+ | VernacSuspend
+ | VernacResume of lident option
+ | VernacUndo of int
+ | VernacFocus of int option
+ | VernacUnfocus
+ | VernacGo of goable
+ | VernacShow of showable
+ | VernacCheckGuard
+ | VernacDebug of bool
+ | VernacProof of raw_tactic_expr
+ (* Toplevel control *)
+ | VernacToplevelControl of exn
+ (* For translation from V7 to V8 syntax *)
+ | VernacV8only of vernac_expr
+ | VernacV7only of vernac_expr
+ (* For extension *)
+ | VernacExtend of string * raw_generic_argument list
+and located_vernac_expr = loc * vernac_expr