path: root/toplevel/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2010-07-21 09:46:51 +0200
commit5b7eafd0f00a16d78f99a27f5c7d5a0de77dc7e6 (patch)
tree631ad791a7685edafeb1fb2e8faeedc8379318ae /toplevel/
parentda178a880e3ace820b41d38b191d3785b82991f5 (diff)
Imported Upstream snapshot 8.3~beta0+13298
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 821a73f7..5e497846 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -6,9 +6,10 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 12882 2010-03-23 22:34:38Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id$ *)
open Pp
+open Flags
open Util
open Names
open Topconstr
@@ -24,34 +25,39 @@ open Libnames
open Lexer
open Egrammar
open Notation
+open Nameops
(* Tokens *)
-let cache_token (_,s) = Compat.using Pcoq.lexer ("", s)
+let cache_token (_,s) = add_token ("", s)
let (inToken, outToken) =
declare_object {(default_object "TOKEN") with
open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_token o);
cache_function = cache_token;
subst_function = Libobject.ident_subst_function;
- classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o);
- export_function = (fun x -> Some x)}
+ classify_function = (fun o -> Substitute o)}
let add_token_obj s = Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inToken s)
(* Tactic Notation *)
+let interp_prod_item lev = function
+ | TacTerm s -> GramTerminal s
+ | TacNonTerm (loc, nt, po) ->
+ let sep = match po with Some (_,sep) -> sep | _ -> "" in
+ let (etyp, e) = interp_entry_name true (Some lev) nt sep in
+ GramNonTerminal (loc, etyp, e, fst po)
let make_terminal_status = function
- | VTerm s -> Some s
- | VNonTerm _ -> None
-let rec make_tags lev = function
- | VTerm s :: l -> make_tags lev l
- | VNonTerm (loc, nt, po) :: l ->
- let (etyp, _) = Egrammar.interp_entry_name lev nt in
- etyp :: make_tags lev l
+ | GramTerminal s -> Some s
+ | GramNonTerminal _ -> None
+let rec make_tags = function
+ | GramTerminal s :: l -> make_tags l
+ | GramNonTerminal (loc, etyp, _, po) :: l -> etyp :: make_tags l
| [] -> []
let cache_tactic_notation (_,(pa,pp)) =
@@ -61,7 +67,7 @@ let cache_tactic_notation (_,(pa,pp)) =
let subst_tactic_parule subst (key,n,p,(d,tac)) =
(key,n,p,(d,Tacinterp.subst_tactic subst tac))
-let subst_tactic_notation (_,subst,(pa,pp)) =
+let subst_tactic_notation (subst,(pa,pp)) =
(subst_tactic_parule subst pa,pp)
let (inTacticGrammar, outTacticGrammar) =
@@ -69,15 +75,14 @@ let (inTacticGrammar, outTacticGrammar) =
open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_tactic_notation o);
cache_function = cache_tactic_notation;
subst_function = subst_tactic_notation;
- classify_function = (fun (_,o) -> Substitute o);
- export_function = (fun x -> Some x)}
+ classify_function = (fun o -> Substitute o)}
let cons_production_parameter l = function
- | VTerm _ -> l
- | VNonTerm (_,_,ido) -> Option.List.cons ido l
+ | GramTerminal _ -> l
+ | GramNonTerminal (_,_,_,ido) -> Option.List.cons ido l
let rec tactic_notation_key = function
- | VTerm id :: _ -> id
+ | GramTerminal id :: _ -> id
| _ :: l -> tactic_notation_key l
| [] -> "terminal_free_notation"
@@ -86,7 +91,8 @@ let rec next_key_away key t =
else key
let add_tactic_notation (n,prods,e) =
- let tags = make_tags n prods in
+ let prods = (interp_prod_item n) prods in
+ let tags = make_tags prods in
let key = next_key_away (tactic_notation_key prods) tags in
let pprule = (key,tags,(n, make_terminal_status prods)) in
let ids = List.fold_left cons_production_parameter [] prods in
@@ -109,14 +115,14 @@ let print_grammar = function
Gram.Entry.print Pcoq.Constr.operconstr;
| "pattern" ->
Gram.Entry.print Pcoq.Constr.pattern
- | "tactic" ->
+ | "tactic" ->
msgnl (str "Entry tactic_expr is");
Gram.Entry.print Pcoq.Tactic.tactic_expr;
msgnl (str "Entry binder_tactic is");
Gram.Entry.print Pcoq.Tactic.binder_tactic;
msgnl (str "Entry simple_tactic is");
Gram.Entry.print Pcoq.Tactic.simple_tactic;
- | "vernac" ->
+ | "vernac" ->
msgnl (str "Entry vernac is");
Gram.Entry.print Pcoq.Vernac_.vernac;
msgnl (str "Entry command is");
@@ -168,7 +174,7 @@ let parse_format (loc,str) =
(* Parse " // " *)
| '/' when i <= String.length str & str.[i+1] = '/' ->
(* We forget the useless n spaces... *)
- push_token (UnpCut PpFnl)
+ push_token (UnpCut PpFnl)
(parse_token (close_quotation (i+2)))
(* Parse " .. / .. " *)
| '/' when i <= String.length str ->
@@ -234,16 +240,14 @@ let parse_format (loc,str) =
type symbol_token = WhiteSpace of int | String of string
-(* Decompose the notation string into tokens *)
let split_notation_string str =
let push_token beg i l =
if beg = i then l else
let s = String.sub str beg (i - beg) in
- String s :: l
+ String s :: l
let push_whitespace beg i l =
- if beg = i then l else WhiteSpace (i-beg) :: l
+ if beg = i then l else WhiteSpace (i-beg) :: l
let rec loop beg i =
if i < String.length str then
@@ -271,7 +275,7 @@ let out_nt = function NonTerminal x -> x | _ -> assert false
let rec find_pattern nt xl = function
| Break n as x :: l, Break n' :: l' when n=n' ->
find_pattern nt (x::xl) (l,l')
- | Terminal s as x :: l, Terminal s' :: l' when s = s' ->
+ | Terminal s as x :: l, Terminal s' :: l' when s = s' ->
find_pattern nt (x::xl) (l,l')
| [], NonTerminal x' :: l' ->
(out_nt nt,x',List.rev xl),l'
@@ -279,8 +283,10 @@ let rec find_pattern nt xl = function
error ("The token "^s^" occurs on one side of \"..\" but not on the other side.")
| [], Break s :: _ | Break s :: _, _ ->
error ("A break occurs on one side of \"..\" but not on the other side.")
- | ((SProdList _ | NonTerminal _) :: _ | []), _ ->
+ | _, [] ->
error ("The special symbol \"..\" must occur in a configuration of the form\n\"x symbs .. symbs y\".")
+ | ((SProdList _ | NonTerminal _) :: _), _ | _, (SProdList _ :: _) ->
+ anomaly "Only Terminal or Break expected on left, non-SProdList on right"
let rec interp_list_parser hd = function
| [] -> [], [], List.rev hd
@@ -292,7 +298,7 @@ let rec interp_list_parser hd = function
(* remove the second copy of it afterwards *)
(y,x)::yl, x::xl, SProdList (x,sl) :: tl''
| (Terminal _ | Break _) as s :: tl ->
- if hd = [] then
+ if hd = [] then
let yl,xl,tl' = interp_list_parser [] tl in
yl, xl, s :: tl'
@@ -305,10 +311,6 @@ let rec interp_list_parser hd = function
(* Find non-terminal tokens of notation *)
-let unquote_notation_token s =
- let n = String.length s in
- if n > 2 & s.[0] = '\'' & s.[n-1] = '\'' then String.sub s 1 (n-2) else s
let is_normal_token str =
try let _ = Lexer.check_ident str in true with Lexer.Error _ -> false
@@ -319,36 +321,43 @@ let quote_notation_token x =
if (n > 0 & norm) or (n > 2 & x.[0] = '\'') then "'"^x^"'"
else x
-let rec raw_analyse_notation_tokens = function
- | [] -> [], []
- | String ".." :: sl ->
- let (vars,l) = raw_analyse_notation_tokens sl in
- (list_add_set ldots_var vars, NonTerminal ldots_var :: l)
+let rec raw_analyze_notation_tokens = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | String ".." :: sl -> NonTerminal ldots_var :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl
| String "_" :: _ -> error "_ must be quoted."
| String x :: sl when is_normal_token x ->
Lexer.check_ident x;
- let id = Names.id_of_string x in
- let (vars,l) = raw_analyse_notation_tokens sl in
- if List.mem id vars then
- error ("Variable "^x^" occurs more than once.");
- (id::vars, NonTerminal id :: l)
+ NonTerminal (Names.id_of_string x) :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl
| String s :: sl ->
Lexer.check_keyword s;
- let (vars,l) = raw_analyse_notation_tokens sl in
- (vars, Terminal (unquote_notation_token s) :: l)
+ Terminal (drop_simple_quotes s) :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl
| WhiteSpace n :: sl ->
- let (vars,l) = raw_analyse_notation_tokens sl in
- (vars, Break n :: l)
+ Break n :: raw_analyze_notation_tokens sl
-let is_numeral symbs =
+let is_numeral symbs =
match List.filter (function Break _ -> false | _ -> true) symbs with
| ([Terminal "-"; Terminal x] | [Terminal x]) ->
(try let _ = Bigint.of_string x in true with _ -> false)
| _ ->
-let analyse_notation_tokens l =
- let vars,l = raw_analyse_notation_tokens l in
+let rec get_notation_vars = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | NonTerminal id :: sl ->
+ let vars = get_notation_vars sl in
+ if List.mem id vars then
+ if id <> ldots_var then
+ error ("Variable "^string_of_id id^" occurs more than once.")
+ else
+ vars
+ else
+ id::vars
+ | (Terminal _ | Break _) :: sl -> get_notation_vars sl
+ | SProdList _ :: _ -> assert false
+let analyze_notation_tokens l =
+ let l = raw_analyze_notation_tokens l in
+ let vars = get_notation_vars l in
let extrarecvars,recvars,l = interp_list_parser [] l in
(if extrarecvars = [] then [], [], vars, l
else extrarecvars, recvars, list_subtract vars recvars, l)
@@ -360,10 +369,10 @@ let remove_extravars extrarecvars (vars,recvars) =
"Two end variables of a recursive notation are not in the same scope."
- List.remove_assoc x l)
+ List.remove_assoc x l)
extrarecvars (List.remove_assoc ldots_var vars) in
(* Build pretty-printing rules *)
@@ -381,7 +390,6 @@ let precedence_of_entry_type from = function
n, let (lp,rp) = prec_assoc a in if b=Left then lp else rp
| ETConstr (NumLevel n,InternalProd) -> n, Prec n
| ETConstr (NextLevel,_) -> from, L
- | ETOther ("constr","annot") -> 10, Prec 10
| _ -> 0, E (* ?? *)
(* Some breaking examples *)
@@ -455,7 +463,7 @@ let make_hunks etyps symbols from =
else if is_operator s then
if ws = CanBreak then
UnpTerminal (" "^s) :: add_break 1 (make NoBreak prods)
- else
+ else
UnpTerminal s :: add_break 1 (make NoBreak prods)
else if is_ident_tail s.[String.length s - 1] then
let sep = if is_prod_ident (List.hd prods) then "" else " " in
@@ -500,14 +508,14 @@ let error_format () = error "The format does not match the notation."
let rec split_format_at_ldots hd = function
| UnpTerminal s :: fmt when s = string_of_id ldots_var -> List.rev hd, fmt
- | u :: fmt ->
+ | u :: fmt ->
check_no_ldots_in_box u;
split_format_at_ldots (u::hd) fmt
| [] -> raise Exit
and check_no_ldots_in_box = function
| UnpBox (_,fmt) ->
- (try
+ (try
let _ = split_format_at_ldots [] fmt in
error ("The special symbol \"..\" must occur at the same formatting depth than the variables of which it is the ellipse.")
with Exit -> ())
@@ -531,19 +539,19 @@ let read_recursive_format sl fmt =
let slfmt, fmt = get_head fmt in
slfmt, get_tail (slfmt, fmt)
-let hunks_of_format (from,(vars,typs)) symfmt =
+let hunks_of_format (from,(vars,typs)) symfmt =
let rec aux = function
| symbs, (UnpTerminal s' as u) :: fmt
when s' = String.make (String.length s') ' ' ->
let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, u :: l
| Terminal s :: symbs, (UnpTerminal s') :: fmt
- when s = unquote_notation_token s' ->
+ when s = drop_simple_quotes s' ->
let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, UnpTerminal s :: l
| NonTerminal s :: symbs, UnpTerminal s' :: fmt when s = id_of_string s' ->
let i = list_index s vars in
let _,prec = precedence_of_entry_type from (List.nth typs (i-1)) in
let symbs, l = aux (symbs,fmt) in symbs, UnpMetaVar (i,prec) :: l
- | symbs, UnpBox (a,b) :: fmt ->
+ | symbs, UnpBox (a,b) :: fmt ->
let symbs', b' = aux (symbs,b) in
let symbs', l = aux (symbs',fmt) in
symbs', UnpBox (a,b') :: l
@@ -575,45 +583,62 @@ let is_not_small_constr = function
| _ -> false
let rec define_keywords_aux = function
- NonTerm(_,Some(_,e)) as n1 :: Term("IDENT",k) :: l
+ | GramConstrNonTerminal(e,Some _) as n1 :: GramConstrTerminal("IDENT",k) :: l
when is_not_small_constr e ->
message ("Defining '"^k^"' as keyword");
- n1 :: Term("",k) :: define_keywords_aux l
+ n1 :: GramConstrTerminal("",k) :: define_keywords_aux l
| n :: l -> n :: define_keywords_aux l
| [] -> []
+ (* Ensure that IDENT articulation terminal symbols are keywords *)
let define_keywords = function
- Term("IDENT",k)::l ->
+ | GramConstrTerminal("IDENT",k)::l ->
message ("Defining '"^k^"' as keyword");
- Term("",k) :: define_keywords_aux l
+ GramConstrTerminal("",k) :: define_keywords_aux l
| l -> define_keywords_aux l
+let distribute a ll = (fun l -> a @ l) ll
+ (* Expand LIST1(t,sep) into the combination of t and t;sep;LIST1(t,sep)
+ as many times as expected in [n] argument *)
+let rec expand_list_rule typ tkl x n i hds ll =
+ if i = n then
+ let hds =
+ GramConstrListMark (n,true) :: hds
+ @ [GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstrList (typ,tkl), Some x)] in
+ distribute hds ll
+ else
+ let camlp4_message_name = Some (add_suffix x ("_"^string_of_int n)) in
+ let main = GramConstrNonTerminal (ETConstr typ, camlp4_message_name) in
+ let tks = (fun x -> GramConstrTerminal x) tkl in
+ distribute (GramConstrListMark (i+1,false) :: hds @ [main]) ll @
+ expand_list_rule typ tkl x n (i+1) (main :: tks @ hds) ll
let make_production etyps symbols =
let prod =
- (fun t l -> match t with
+ (fun t ll -> match t with
| NonTerminal m ->
let typ = List.assoc m etyps in
- NonTerm (typ, Some (m,typ)) :: l
+ distribute [GramConstrNonTerminal (typ, Some m)] ll
| Terminal s ->
- Term (terminal s) :: l
+ distribute [GramConstrTerminal (terminal s)] ll
| Break _ ->
- l
+ ll
| SProdList (x,sl) ->
- let sl = List.flatten
- ( (function Terminal s -> [terminal s]
+ let tkl = List.flatten
+ ( (function Terminal s -> [terminal s]
| Break _ -> []
| _ -> anomaly "Found a non terminal token in recursive notation separator") sl) in
- let y = match List.assoc x etyps with
+ let typ = match List.assoc x etyps with
| ETConstr x -> x
| _ ->
error "Component of recursive patterns in notation must be constr." in
- let typ = ETConstrList (y,sl) in
- NonTerm (typ, Some (x,typ)) :: l)
- symbols [] in
- define_keywords prod
+ expand_list_rule typ tkl x 1 0 [] ll)
+ symbols [[]] in
+ define_keywords prod
let rec find_symbols c_current c_next c_last = function
| [] -> []
@@ -622,7 +647,7 @@ let rec find_symbols c_current c_next c_last = function
(id, prec) :: (find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl)
| Terminal s :: sl -> find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl
| Break n :: sl -> find_symbols c_current c_next c_last sl
- | SProdList (x,_) :: sl' ->
+ | SProdList (x,_) :: sl' ->
(x,c_next)::(find_symbols c_next c_next c_last sl')
let border = function
@@ -648,17 +673,17 @@ let pr_arg_level from = function
let pr_level ntn (from,args) =
str "at level " ++ int from ++ spc () ++ str "with arguments" ++ spc() ++
- prlist_with_sep pr_coma (pr_arg_level from) args
+ prlist_with_sep pr_comma (pr_arg_level from) args
let error_incompatible_level ntn oldprec prec =
errorlabstrm ""
- (str ("Notation "^ntn^" is already defined") ++ spc() ++
- pr_level ntn oldprec ++
- spc() ++ str "while it is now required to be" ++ spc() ++
+ (str ("Notation "^ntn^" is already defined") ++ spc() ++
+ pr_level ntn oldprec ++
+ spc() ++ str "while it is now required to be" ++ spc() ++
pr_level ntn prec ++ str ".")
let cache_one_syntax_extension (prec,ntn,gr,pp) =
- try
+ try
let oldprec = Notation.level_of_notation ntn in
if prec <> oldprec then error_incompatible_level ntn oldprec prec
with Not_found ->
@@ -676,23 +701,19 @@ let subst_parsing_rule subst x = x
let subst_printing_rule subst x = x
-let subst_syntax_extension (_,subst,(local,sy)) =
+let subst_syntax_extension (subst,(local,sy)) =
(local, (fun (prec,ntn,gr,pp) ->
(prec,ntn, subst_parsing_rule subst gr, subst_printing_rule subst pp)) sy)
-let classify_syntax_definition (_,(local,_ as o)) =
+let classify_syntax_definition (local,_ as o) =
if local then Dispose else Substitute o
-let export_syntax_definition (local,_ as o) =
- if local then None else Some o
let (inSyntaxExtension, outSyntaxExtension) =
declare_object {(default_object "SYNTAX-EXTENSION") with
open_function = (fun i o -> if i=1 then cache_syntax_extension o);
cache_function = cache_syntax_extension;
subst_function = subst_syntax_extension;
- classify_function = classify_syntax_definition;
- export_function = export_syntax_definition}
+ classify_function = classify_syntax_definition}
(* Precedences *)
@@ -734,25 +755,25 @@ let interp_modifiers modl =
let check_infix_modifiers modifiers =
let (assoc,level,t,b,fmt) = interp_modifiers modifiers in
if t <> [] then
- error "explicit entry level or type unexpected in infix notation."
+ error "Explicit entry level or type unexpected in infix notation."
-let no_syntax_modifiers modifiers =
+let no_syntax_modifiers modifiers =
modifiers = [] or modifiers = [SetOnlyParsing]
(* Compute precedences from modifiers (or find default ones) *)
let set_entry_type etyps (x,typ) =
- let typ = try
+ let typ = try
match List.assoc x etyps, typ with
| ETConstr (n,()), (_,BorderProd (left,_)) ->
ETConstr (n,BorderProd (left,None))
| ETConstr (n,()), (_,InternalProd) -> ETConstr (n,InternalProd)
- | (ETPattern | ETIdent | ETBigint | ETOther _ | ETReference as t), _ -> t
+ | (ETPattern | ETName | ETBigint | ETOther _ | ETReference as t), _ -> t
| (ETConstrList _, _) -> assert false
with Not_found -> ETConstr typ
in (x,typ)
-let check_rule_productivity l =
+let check_rule_productivity l =
if List.for_all (function NonTerminal _ -> true | _ -> false) l then
error "A notation must include at least one symbol.";
if (match l with SProdList _ :: _ -> true | _ -> false) then
@@ -768,9 +789,9 @@ let find_precedence lev etyps symbols =
(try match List.assoc x etyps with
| ETConstr _ ->
error "The level of the leftmost non-terminal cannot be changed."
- | ETIdent | ETBigint | ETReference ->
- if lev = None then
- Flags.if_verbose msgnl (str "Setting notation at level 0.")
+ | ETName | ETBigint | ETReference ->
+ if lev = None then
+ if_verbose msgnl (str "Setting notation at level 0.")
if lev <> Some 0 then
error "A notation starting with an atomic expression must be at level 0.";
@@ -780,15 +801,15 @@ let find_precedence lev etyps symbols =
error "Need an explicit level."
else Option.get lev
| ETConstrList _ -> assert false (* internally used in grammar only *)
- with Not_found ->
+ with Not_found ->
if lev = None then
error "A left-recursive notation must have an explicit level."
else Option.get lev)
| Terminal _ ::l when
(match list_last symbols with Terminal _ -> true |_ -> false)
- ->
+ ->
if lev = None then
- (Flags.if_verbose msgnl (str "Setting notation at level 0."); 0)
+ (if_verbose msgnl (str "Setting notation at level 0."); 0)
else Option.get lev
| _ ->
if lev = None then error "Cannot determine the level.";
@@ -796,18 +817,18 @@ let find_precedence lev etyps symbols =
let check_curly_brackets_notation_exists () =
try let _ = Notation.level_of_notation "{ _ }" in ()
- with Not_found ->
+ with Not_found ->
error "Notations involving patterns of the form \"{ _ }\" are treated \n\
specially and require that the notation \"{ _ }\" is already reserved."
(* Remove patterns of the form "{ _ }", unless it is the "{ _ }" notation *)
-let remove_curly_brackets l =
+let remove_curly_brackets l =
let rec next = function
| Break _ :: l -> next l
| l -> l in
let rec aux deb = function
| [] -> []
- | Terminal "{" as t1 :: l ->
+ | Terminal "{" as t1 :: l ->
(match next l with
| NonTerminal _ as x :: l' as l0 ->
(match next l' with
@@ -828,7 +849,7 @@ let compute_syntax_data (df,modifiers) =
(* Notation defaults to NONA *)
let assoc = match assoc with None -> Some Gramext.NonA | a -> a in
let toks = split_notation_string df in
- let (extrarecvars,recvars,vars,symbols) = analyse_notation_tokens toks in
+ let (extrarecvars,recvars,vars,symbols) = analyze_notation_tokens toks in
let ntn_for_interp = make_notation_key symbols in
let symbols' = remove_curly_brackets symbols in
let need_squash = (symbols <> symbols') in
@@ -846,7 +867,7 @@ let compute_syntax_data (df,modifiers) =
let typs = (set_entry_type etyps) typs in
let prec = (n, (assoc_of_type n) typs) in
let sy_data = (ntn_for_grammar,prec,need_squash,(n,typs,symbols',fmt)) in
- let df' = (Lib.library_dp(),df) in
+ let df' = ((Lib.library_dp(),Lib.current_dirpath true),df) in
let i_data = (onlyparse,extrarecvars,recvars,vars,(ntn_for_interp,df')) in
@@ -869,23 +890,19 @@ let cache_notation o =
load_notation 1 o;
open_notation 1 o
-let subst_notation (_,subst,(lc,scope,pat,b,ndf)) =
+let subst_notation (subst,(lc,scope,pat,b,ndf)) =
(lc,scope,subst_interpretation subst pat,b,ndf)
-let classify_notation (_,(local,_,_,_,_ as o)) =
+let classify_notation (local,_,_,_,_ as o) =
if local then Dispose else Substitute o
-let export_notation (local,_,_,_,_ as o) =
- if local then None else Some o
let (inNotation, outNotation) =
declare_object {(default_object "NOTATION") with
open_function = open_notation;
cache_function = cache_notation;
subst_function = subst_notation;
load_function = load_notation;
- classify_function = classify_notation;
- export_function = export_notation}
+ classify_function = classify_notation}
(* Recovering existing syntax *)
@@ -896,17 +913,17 @@ let contract_notation ntn =
if i <= String.length ntn - 5 then
let ntn' =
if String.sub ntn i 5 = "{ _ }" then
- String.sub ntn 0 i ^ "_" ^
+ String.sub ntn 0 i ^ "_" ^
String.sub ntn (i+5) (String.length ntn -i-5)
else ntn in
- aux ntn' (i+1)
+ aux ntn' (i+1)
else ntn in
aux ntn 0
exception NoSyntaxRule
let recover_syntax ntn =
- try
+ try
let prec = Notation.level_of_notation ntn in
let pprule,_ = Notation.find_notation_printing_rule ntn in
let gr = Egrammar.recover_notation_grammar ntn prec in
@@ -924,7 +941,7 @@ let recover_notation_syntax rawntn =
(* Main entry point for building parsing and printing rules *)
let make_pa_rule (n,typs,symbols,_) ntn =
let assoc = recompute_assoc typs in
let prod = make_production typs symbols in
@@ -954,78 +971,77 @@ let add_notation_in_scope local df c mods scope =
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension(local,sy_rules));
(* Declare interpretation *)
let (onlyparse,extrarecvars,recvars,vars,df') = i_data in
- let (acvars,ac) = interp_aconstr [] (vars,recvars) c in
+ let (acvars,ac) = interp_aconstr (vars,recvars) c in
let a = (remove_extravars extrarecvars acvars,ac) in
let onlyparse = onlyparse or is_not_printable ac in
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation (local,scope,a,onlyparse,df'))
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation (local,scope,a,onlyparse,df'));
+ df'
-let add_notation_interpretation_core local df names c scope onlyparse =
+let add_notation_interpretation_core local df ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) c scope onlyparse =
let dfs = split_notation_string df in
- let (extrarecvars,recvars,vars,symbs) = analyse_notation_tokens dfs in
+ let (extrarecvars,recvars,vars,symbs) = analyze_notation_tokens dfs in
(* Redeclare pa/pp rules *)
if not (is_numeral symbs) then begin
let sy_rules = recover_notation_syntax (make_notation_key symbs) in
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension (local,sy_rules))
(* Declare interpretation *)
- let df' = (make_notation_key symbs,(Lib.library_dp(),df)) in
- let (acvars,ac) = interp_aconstr names (vars,recvars) c in
+ let path = (Lib.library_dp(),Lib.current_dirpath true) in
+ let df' = (make_notation_key symbs,(path,df)) in
+ let (acvars,ac) = interp_aconstr ~impls (vars,recvars) c in
let a = (remove_extravars extrarecvars acvars,ac) in
let onlyparse = onlyparse or is_not_printable ac in
- Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation (local,scope,a,onlyparse,df'))
+ Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inNotation (local,scope,a,onlyparse,df'));
+ df'
(* Notations without interpretation (Reserved Notation) *)
-let add_syntax_extension local mv =
- let (_,sy_data) = compute_syntax_data mv in
+let add_syntax_extension local ((loc,df),mods) =
+ let (_,sy_data) = compute_syntax_data (df,mods) in
let sy_rules = make_syntax_rules sy_data in
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inSyntaxExtension(local,sy_rules))
(* Notations with only interpretation *)
-let add_notation_interpretation df names c sc =
- try add_notation_interpretation_core false df names c sc false
+let add_notation_interpretation ((loc,df),c,sc) =
+ let df' = add_notation_interpretation_core false df c sc false in
+ Dumpglob.dump_notation (loc,df') sc true
+let set_notation_for_interpretation impls ((_,df),c,sc) =
+ (try ignore
+ (silently (add_notation_interpretation_core false df ~impls c sc) false);
with NoSyntaxRule ->
- error "Parsing rule for this notation has to be previously declared."
+ error "Parsing rule for this notation has to be previously declared.");
+ Option.iter (fun sc -> Notation.open_close_scope (false,true,sc)) sc
(* Main entry point *)
-let add_notation local c (df,modifiers) sc =
- if no_syntax_modifiers modifiers then
+let add_notation local c ((loc,df),modifiers) sc =
+ let df' =
+ if no_syntax_modifiers modifiers then
(* No syntax data: try to rely on a previously declared rule *)
let onlyparse = modifiers=[SetOnlyParsing] in
- try add_notation_interpretation_core local df [] c sc onlyparse
+ try add_notation_interpretation_core local df c sc onlyparse
with NoSyntaxRule ->
(* Try to determine a default syntax rule *)
add_notation_in_scope local df c modifiers sc
- else
+ else
(* Declare both syntax and interpretation *)
add_notation_in_scope local df c modifiers sc
+ in
+ Dumpglob.dump_notation (loc,df') sc true
(* Infix notations *)
let inject_var x = CRef (Ident (dummy_loc, id_of_string x))
-let add_infix local (inf,modifiers) pr sc =
+let add_infix local ((loc,inf),modifiers) pr sc =
check_infix_modifiers modifiers;
(* check the precedence *)
let metas = [inject_var "x"; inject_var "y"] in
- let c = mkAppC (mkRefC pr,metas) in
+ let c = mkAppC (pr,metas) in
let df = "x "^(quote_notation_token inf)^" y" in
- add_notation local c (df,modifiers) sc
-(* Miscellaneous *)
-let standardize_locatable_notation ntn =
- let unquote = function
- | String s -> [unquote_notation_token s]
- | _ -> [] in
- if String.contains ntn ' ' then
- String.concat " "
- (List.flatten ( unquote (split_notation_string ntn)))
- else
- unquote_notation_token ntn
+ add_notation local c ((loc,df),modifiers) sc
(* Delimiters and classes bound to scopes *)
@@ -1045,23 +1061,37 @@ let cache_scope_command o =
load_scope_command 1 o;
open_scope_command 1 o
-let subst_scope_command (_,subst,(scope,o as x)) = match o with
- | ScopeClasses cl ->
+let subst_scope_command (subst,(scope,o as x)) = match o with
+ | ScopeClasses cl ->
let cl' = Classops.subst_cl_typ subst cl in if cl'==cl then x else
scope, ScopeClasses cl'
| _ -> x
-let (inScopeCommand,outScopeCommand) =
+let (inScopeCommand,outScopeCommand) =
declare_object {(default_object "DELIMITERS") with
cache_function = cache_scope_command;
open_function = open_scope_command;
load_function = load_scope_command;
subst_function = subst_scope_command;
- classify_function = (fun (_,obj) -> Substitute obj);
- export_function = (fun x -> Some x) }
+ classify_function = (fun obj -> Substitute obj)}
let add_delimiters scope key =
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScopeCommand(scope,ScopeDelim key))
-let add_class_scope scope cl =
+let add_class_scope scope cl =
Lib.add_anonymous_leaf (inScopeCommand(scope,ScopeClasses cl))
+(* Check if abbreviation to a name and avoid early insertion of
+ maximal implicit arguments *)
+let try_interp_name_alias = function
+ | [], CRef ref -> intern_reference ref
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let add_syntactic_definition ident (vars,c) local onlyparse =
+ let vars,pat =
+ try [], ARef (try_interp_name_alias (vars,c))
+ with Not_found -> let (vars,_),pat = interp_aconstr (vars,[]) c in vars,pat
+ in
+ let onlyparse = onlyparse or is_not_printable pat in
+ Syntax_def.declare_syntactic_definition local ident onlyparse (vars,pat)