path: root/toplevel/
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
commit3ef7797ef6fc605dfafb32523261fe1b023aeecb (patch)
treead89c6bb57ceee608fcba2bb3435b74e0f57919e /toplevel/
parent018ee3b0c2be79eb81b1f65c3f3fa142d24129c8 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl3+8.1alphaupstream/8.0pl3+8.1alpha
Diffstat (limited to 'toplevel/')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index f5493929..5f385934 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id:,v 2004/11/26 18:06:54 herbelin Exp $ *)
+(* $Id: 7941 2006-01-28 23:07:59Z herbelin $ *)
open Util
open Pp
@@ -92,42 +92,16 @@ let explain_coercion_error g = function
(* Verifications pour l'ajout d'une classe *)
-let rec arity_sort (ctx,a) = match kind_of_term a with
- | Sort (Prop _ | Type _) -> List.length ctx
- | _ -> raise Not_found
let check_reference_arity ref =
- let t = Global.type_of_global ref in
- try arity_sort (Reductionops.splay_prod (Global.env()) Evd.empty t)
- with Not_found -> raise (CoercionError (NotAClass ref))
+ if not (Reductionops.is_arity (Global.env()) Evd.empty (Global.type_of_global ref)) then
+ raise (CoercionError (NotAClass ref))
let check_arity = function
- | CL_FUN | CL_SORT -> 0
+ | CL_FUN | CL_SORT -> ()
| CL_CONST sp -> check_reference_arity (ConstRef sp)
| CL_SECVAR sp -> check_reference_arity (VarRef sp)
| CL_IND sp -> check_reference_arity (IndRef sp)
-(* try_add_class : cl_typ -> strength option -> bool -> unit *)
-let strength_of_cl = function
- | CL_CONST kn -> constant_strength (sp_of_global (ConstRef kn))
- | CL_SECVAR sp -> variable_strength sp
- | _ -> Global
-let try_add_class cl streopt fail_if_exists =
- if not (class_exists cl) then
- let p = check_arity cl in
- let stre' = strength_of_cl cl in
- let stre = match streopt with
- | Some stre -> strength_min (stre,stre')
- | None -> stre'
- in
- declare_class (cl,stre,p)
- else
- if fail_if_exists then errorlabstrm "try_add_new_class"
- (pr_class cl ++ str " is already a class")
(* Coercions *)
(* check that the computed target is the provided one *)
@@ -148,18 +122,18 @@ let uniform_cond nargs lt =
let id_of_cl = function
| CL_FUN -> id_of_string "FUNCLASS"
| CL_SORT -> id_of_string "SORTCLASS"
- | CL_CONST kn -> id_of_label (label kn)
+ | CL_CONST kn -> id_of_label (con_label kn)
| CL_IND ind ->
let (_,mip) = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
| CL_SECVAR id -> id
-let class_of_ref = function
+let class_of_global = function
| ConstRef sp -> CL_CONST sp
| IndRef sp -> CL_IND sp
| VarRef id -> CL_SECVAR id
| ConstructRef _ as c ->
- errorlabstrm "class_of_ref"
+ errorlabstrm "class_of_global"
(str "Constructors, such as " ++ Printer.pr_global c ++
str " cannot be used as class")
@@ -204,14 +178,19 @@ let get_target t ind =
let prods_of t =
let rec aux acc d = match kind_of_term d with
| Prod (_,c1,c2) -> aux (c1::acc) c2
- | Cast (c,_) -> aux acc c
+ | Cast (c,_,_) -> aux acc c
| _ -> (d,acc)
aux [] t
+let strength_of_cl = function
+ | CL_CONST kn -> constant_strength (sp_of_global (ConstRef kn))
+ | CL_SECVAR sp -> variable_strength sp
+ | _ -> Global
let get_strength stre ref cls clt =
- let stres = (snd (class_info cls)).cl_strength in
- let stret = (snd (class_info clt)).cl_strength in
+ let stres = strength_of_cl cls in
+ let stret = strength_of_cl clt in
let stref = strength_of_global ref in
(* 01/00: Supprimé la prise en compte de la force des variables locales. Sens ?
let streunif = stre_unif_cond (s_vardep,f_vardep) in
@@ -265,10 +244,11 @@ let build_id_coercion idf_opt source =
let constr_entry = (* Cast is necessary to express [val_f] is identity *)
- { const_entry_body = mkCast (val_f, typ_f);
+ { const_entry_body = mkCast (val_f, DEFAULTcast, typ_f);
const_entry_type = Some typ_f;
- const_entry_opaque = false } in
- let (_,kn) = declare_constant idf (constr_entry,Decl_kinds.IsDefinition) in
+ const_entry_opaque = false;
+ const_entry_boxed = Options.boxed_definitions()} in
+ let kn = declare_constant idf (constr_entry,IsDefinition IdentityCoercion) in
ConstRef kn
let check_source = function
@@ -288,11 +268,9 @@ lorque source est None alors target est None aussi.
let add_new_coercion_core coef stre source target isid =
check_source source;
- let env = Global.env () in
- let v = constr_of_reference coef in
- let vj = Retyping.get_judgment_of env Evd.empty v in
+ let t = Global.type_of_global coef in
if coercion_exists coef then raise (CoercionError AlreadyExists);
- let tg,lp = prods_of (vj.uj_type) in
+ let tg,lp = prods_of t in
let llp = List.length lp in
if llp = 0 then raise (CoercionError NotAFunction);
let (cls,lvs,ind) =
@@ -311,10 +289,10 @@ let add_new_coercion_core coef stre source target isid =
raise (CoercionError NoTarget)
check_target clt target;
- try_add_class cls None false;
- try_add_class clt None false;
+ check_arity cls;
+ check_arity clt;
let stre' = get_strength stre coef cls clt in
- declare_coercion coef vj stre' isid cls clt (List.length lvs)
+ declare_coercion coef stre' isid cls clt (List.length lvs)
let try_add_new_coercion_core ref b c d e =
try add_new_coercion_core ref b c d e
@@ -345,114 +323,5 @@ let add_coercion_hook stre ref =
^ " is now a coercion")
let add_subclass_hook stre ref =
- let cl = class_of_ref ref in
+ let cl = class_of_global ref in
try_add_new_coercion_subclass cl stre
-(* try_add_new_class : global_reference -> strength -> unit *)
-let class_of_global = function
- | VarRef sp -> CL_SECVAR sp
- | ConstRef sp -> CL_CONST sp
- | IndRef sp -> CL_IND sp
- | ConstructRef _ as ref -> raise (CoercionError (NotAClass ref))
-let try_add_new_class ref stre =
- try try_add_class (class_of_global ref) (Some stre) true
- with CoercionError e ->
- errorlabstrm "try_add_new_class" (explain_coercion_error ref e)
-(* fonctions pour le discharge: encore un peu sale mais ça s'améliore *)
-type coercion_entry =
- global_reference * strength * bool * cl_typ * cl_typ * int
-let add_new_coercion (ref,stre,isid,cls,clt,n) =
- (* Un peu lourd, tout cela pour trouver l'instance *)
- let env = Global.env () in
- let v = constr_of_reference ref in
- let vj = Retyping.get_judgment_of env Evd.empty v in
- declare_coercion ref vj stre isid cls clt n
-let count_extra_abstractions hyps ids_to_discard =
- let _,n =
- List.fold_left
- (fun (hyps,n as sofar) id ->
- match hyps with
- | (hyp,None,_)::rest when id = hyp ->(rest, n+1)
- | _ -> sofar)
- (hyps,0) ids_to_discard
- in n
-let defined_in_sec kn olddir =
- let _,dir,_ = repr_kn kn in
- dir = olddir
-(* This moves the global path one step below *)
-let process_global olddir = function
- | VarRef _ ->
- anomaly "process_global only processes global surviving the section"
- | ConstRef kn as x ->
- if defined_in_sec kn olddir then
- let newkn = Lib.make_kn (id_of_label (label kn)) in
- ConstRef newkn
- else x
- | IndRef (kn,i) as x ->
- if defined_in_sec kn olddir then
- let newkn = Lib.make_kn (id_of_label (label kn)) in
- IndRef (newkn,i)
- else x
- | ConstructRef ((kn,i),j) as x ->
- if defined_in_sec kn olddir then
- let newkn = Lib.make_kn (id_of_label (label kn)) in
- ConstructRef ((newkn,i),j)
- else x
-let process_class olddir ids_to_discard x =
- let (cl,{cl_strength=stre; cl_param=p}) = x in
-(* let env = Global.env () in*)
- match cl with
- | CL_SECVAR _ -> x
- | CL_CONST kn ->
- if defined_in_sec kn olddir then
- let newkn = Lib.make_kn (id_of_label (label kn)) in
- let hyps = (Global.lookup_constant kn).const_hyps in
- let n = count_extra_abstractions hyps ids_to_discard in
- (CL_CONST newkn,{cl_strength=stre;cl_param=p+n})
- else
- x
- | CL_IND (kn,i) ->
- if defined_in_sec kn olddir then
- let newkn = Lib.make_kn (id_of_label (label kn)) in
- let hyps = (Global.lookup_mind kn).mind_hyps in
- let n = count_extra_abstractions hyps ids_to_discard in
- (CL_IND (newkn,i),{cl_strength=stre;cl_param=p+n})
- else
- x
- | _ -> anomaly "process_class"
-let process_cl sec_sp cl =
- match cl with
- | CL_SECVAR id -> cl
- | CL_CONST kn ->
- if defined_in_sec kn sec_sp then
- let newkn = Lib.make_kn (id_of_label (label kn)) in
- CL_CONST newkn
- else
- cl
- | CL_IND (kn,i) ->
- if defined_in_sec kn sec_sp then
- let newkn = Lib.make_kn (id_of_label (label kn)) in
- CL_IND (newkn,i)
- else
- cl
- | _ -> cl
-let process_coercion olddir ids_to_discard (coe,coeinfo,cls,clt) =
- let hyps = context_of_global_reference coe in
- let nargs = count_extra_abstractions hyps ids_to_discard in
- (process_global olddir coe,
- coercion_strength coeinfo,
- coercion_identity coeinfo,
- process_cl olddir cls,
- process_cl olddir clt,
- nargs + coercion_params coeinfo)