path: root/tools
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2007-08-18 20:34:57 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2007-08-18 20:34:57 +0000
commit72b9a7df489ea47b3e5470741fd39f6100d31676 (patch)
tree60108a573d2a80d2dd4e3833649890e32427ff8d /tools
parent55ce117e8083477593cf1ff2e51a3641c7973830 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.1.pl1+dfsgupstream/8.1.pl1+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
4 files changed, 52 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 3647152a..89f39b22 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 9276 2006-10-25 13:00:22Z barras $ *)
+(* $Id: 9808 2007-04-29 07:15:18Z herbelin $ *)
open Printf
open Coqdep_lexer
@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@ let option_i = ref false
let option_sort = ref false
let option_slash = ref false
+let directories_added = ref false
let suffixe = ref ".vo"
let suffixe_spec = ref ".vi"
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ let file_concat l =
(* Files specified on the command line *)
let mlAccu = ref ([] : (string * string * dir) list)
and mliAccu = ref ([] : (string * string * dir) list)
-and vAccu = ref ([] : string list)
+and vAccu = ref ([] : (string * string) list)
(* Queue operations *)
let addQueue q v = q := v :: !q
@@ -97,6 +99,16 @@ let safe_assoc verbose file k =
List.assoc k !vKnown
+let absolute_dir dir =
+ let current = Sys.getcwd () in
+ Sys.chdir dir;
+ let dir' = Sys.getcwd () in
+ Sys.chdir current;
+ dir'
+let absolute_file_name basename odir =
+ let dir = match odir with Some dir -> dir | None -> "." in
+ absolute_dir dir / basename
let file_name = function
| (s,None) -> file_concat s
@@ -152,9 +164,11 @@ let cut_prefix p s =
let ls = String.length s in
if ls >= lp && String.sub s 0 lp = p then String.sub s lp (ls - lp) else s
-let canonize f = match Sys.os_type with
- | "Win32" when not !option_slash -> cut_prefix ".\\" f
- | _ -> cut_prefix "./" f
+let canonize f =
+ let f' = absolute_dir (Filename.dirname f) / Filename.basename f in
+ match List.filter (fun (_,full) -> f' = full) !vAccu with
+ | (f,_) :: _ -> f
+ | _ -> f
let sort () =
let seen = Hashtbl.create 97 in
@@ -181,7 +195,7 @@ let sort () =
printf "%s%s " file !suffixe
- List.iter loop !vAccu
+ List.iter (fun (name,_) -> loop name) !vAccu
let traite_fichier_Coq verbose f =
@@ -352,7 +366,7 @@ let mL_dependencies () =
let coq_dependencies () =
- (fun name ->
+ (fun (name,_) ->
printf "%s%s: %s.v" name !suffixe name;
traite_fichier_Coq true (name ^ ".v");
printf "\n";
@@ -366,7 +380,7 @@ let coq_dependencies () =
let declare_dependencies () =
- (fun name ->
+ (fun (name,_) ->
traite_Declare (name^".v");
flush stdout)
(List.rev !vAccu)
@@ -410,7 +424,7 @@ let all_subdirs root_dir log_dir =
let usage () =
- "[ usage: coqdep [-w] [-I dir] [-coqlib dir] [-c] [-i] [-D] <filename>+ ]\n";
+ "[ usage: coqdep [-w] [-I dir] [-R dir coqdir] [-coqlib dir] [-c] [-i] [-D] <filename>+ ]\n";
flush stderr;
exit 1
@@ -471,7 +485,8 @@ let coqdep () =
addQueue mliAccu (basename,".mli",dirname)
else if Filename.check_suffix name ".v" then
let basename = Filename.chop_suffix name ".v" in
- addQueue vAccu (file_name ([basename], dirname))
+ let name = file_name ([basename],dirname) in
+ addQueue vAccu (name, absolute_file_name basename dirname)
| _ -> ()
let add_known phys_dir log_dir f =
@@ -496,6 +511,7 @@ let coqdep () =
(fun n -> safe_addQueue clash_v vKnown (n,file)) paths
| _ -> () in
let add_directory (phys_dir, log_dir) =
+ directories_added := true;
match try (stat phys_dir).st_kind with _ -> S_BLK with
| S_DIR ->
(let dir = opendir phys_dir in
@@ -526,7 +542,7 @@ let coqdep () =
| f :: ll -> treat None f; parse ll
| [] -> ()
- add_directory (".", []);
+ if not !directories_added then add_directory (".", []);
parse ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
(fun (s,_) -> add_coqlib_directory s)
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/ b/tools/coqdoc/
index 84e03d92..28a0cd6d 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: 9245 2006-10-17 12:53:34Z notin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: 9976 2007-07-12 11:58:30Z msozeau $ i*)
open Cdglobals
open Index
@@ -40,15 +40,14 @@ let is_keyword =
"Module"; "Module Type"; "Declare Module";
"Mutual"; "Parameter"; "Parameters"; "Print"; "Proof"; "Qed";
"Record"; "Recursive"; "Remark"; "Require"; "Save"; "Scheme";
- "Section"; "Show"; "Syntactic"; "Syntax"; "Tactic"; "Theorem";
+ "Section"; "Show"; "Structure"; "Syntactic"; "Syntax"; "Tactic"; "Theorem";
"Unset"; "Variable"; "Variables";
- (*i (* correctness *)
- "array"; "assert"; "begin"; "do"; "done"; "else"; "end"; "if";
- "in"; "invariant"; "let"; "of"; "ref"; "state"; "then"; "variant";
- "while"; i*)
- (*i (* coq terms *)
- "with"; "Case"; "Cases"; "Prop"; "Set"; "Type"; i*)
+ (* Program *)
+ "Program Definition"; "Program Fixpoint"; "Program Lemma";
+ "Obligation"; "Obligations"; "Solve"; "using"; "Next Obligation"; "Next";
+ (*i (* coq terms *) *)
+ "match"; "as"; "in"; "return"; "with"; "end"; "let"; "dest"; "fun"; "if"; "then"; "else"; "Prop"; "Set"; "Type"; ":="
(*s Current Coq module *)
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll b/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll
index bdb58f86..c63a6a9b 100644
--- a/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: pretty.mll 9204 2006-10-04 13:05:58Z notin $ i*)
+(*i $Id: pretty.mll 10017 2007-07-18 13:23:55Z notin $ i*)
(*s Utility functions for the scanners *)
@@ -212,6 +212,8 @@ let def_token =
| "Scheme"
| "Inductive"
| "CoInductive"
+ | "Program" space+ "Definition"
+ | "Program" space+ "Fixpoint"
let decl_token =
@@ -455,11 +457,11 @@ and doc = parse
start_inline_coq (); escaped_coq lexbuf; end_inline_coq ();
doc lexbuf }
| "[[" '\n' space*
- { formatted := true; start_code ();
+ { formatted := true; line_break (); start_inline_coq ();
indentation (count_spaces (lexeme lexbuf));
- without_gallina coq lexbuf;
- end_code (); formatted := false;
- doc lexbuf }
+ let eol = body_bol lexbuf in
+ end_inline_coq (); formatted := false;
+ if eol then doc_bol lexbuf else doc lexbuf}
| '*'* "*)" space* '\n'
{ true }
| '*'* "*)"
@@ -570,6 +572,8 @@ and body_bol = parse
and body = parse
| '\n' {line_break(); body_bol lexbuf}
+ | '\n'+ space* "]]"
+ { if not !formatted then begin symbol (lexeme lexbuf); body lexbuf end else true }
| eof { false }
| '.' space* '\n' | '.' space* eof { char '.'; line_break(); true }
| '.' space+ { char '.'; char ' '; false }
@@ -577,12 +581,14 @@ and body = parse
if eol then body_bol lexbuf else body lexbuf }
| identifier
{ let s = lexeme lexbuf in
- ident s (lexeme_start lexbuf); body lexbuf }
+ ident s (lexeme_start lexbuf);
+ body lexbuf }
| token
{ let s = lexeme lexbuf in
symbol s; body lexbuf }
| _ { let c = lexeme_char lexbuf 0 in
- char c; body lexbuf }
+ char c;
+ body lexbuf }
and skip_hide = parse
| eof | end_hide { () }
diff --git a/tools/coqwc.mll b/tools/coqwc.mll
index 26b64095..0ce172ea 100644
--- a/tools/coqwc.mll
+++ b/tools/coqwc.mll
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
(* coqwc - counts the lines of spec, proof and comments in Coq sources
* Copyright (C) 2003 Jean-Christophe Filliātre *)
-(*i $Id: coqwc.mll 7095 2005-05-31 15:05:23Z filliatr $ i*)
+(*i $Id: coqwc.mll 9976 2007-07-12 11:58:30Z msozeau $ i*)
(*s {\bf coqwc.} Counts the lines of spec, proof and comments in a Coq source.
It assumes the files to be lexically well-formed. *)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ let rcs = "\036" rcs_keyword [^ '$']* "\036"
let stars = "(*" '*'* "*)"
let dot = '.' (' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' | eof)
let proof_start =
- "Theorem" | "Lemma" | "Fact" | "Remark" | "Goal" | "Correctness"
+ "Theorem" | "Lemma" | "Fact" | "Remark" | "Goal" | "Correctness" | "Obligation" | "Next"
let proof_end =
("Save" | "Qed" | "Defined" | "Abort" | "Admitted") [^'.']* '.'
@@ -114,8 +114,10 @@ rule spec = parse
{ seen_spec := true; spec_to_dot lexbuf; proof lexbuf }
| proof_start '\n'
{ seen_spec := true; newline (); spec_to_dot lexbuf; proof lexbuf }
- | "Definition" space
+ | "Program"? "Definition" space
{ seen_spec := true; definition lexbuf }
+ | "Program"? "Fixpoint" space
+ { seen_spec := true; definition lexbuf }
| character | _
{ seen_spec := true; spec lexbuf }
| eof { () }