path: root/tools/coqdoc
diff options
authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
commit6b649aba925b6f7462da07599fe67ebb12a3460e (patch)
tree43656bcaa51164548f3fa14e5b10de5ef1088574 /tools/coqdoc
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl1upstream/8.0pl1
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/coqdoc')
11 files changed, 2460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/ b/tools/coqdoc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2418b6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:31:46 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+let norm_char c = match Char.uppercase c with
+ | '\192'..'\198' -> 'A'
+ | '\199' -> 'C'
+ | '\200'..'\203' -> 'E'
+ | '\204'..'\207' -> 'I'
+ | '\209' -> 'N'
+ | '\210'..'\214' -> 'O'
+ | '\217'..'\220' -> 'U'
+ | '\221' -> 'Y'
+ | c -> c
+let norm_string s =
+ let u = String.copy s in
+ for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
+ u.[i] <- norm_char s.[i]
+ done;
+ u
+let compare_char c1 c2 = match norm_char c1, norm_char c2 with
+ | ('A'..'Z' as c1), ('A'..'Z' as c2) -> compare c1 c2
+ | 'A'..'Z', _ -> -1
+ | _, 'A'..'Z' -> 1
+ | c1, c2 -> compare c1 c2
+let compare_string s1 s2 =
+ let n1 = String.length s1 in
+ let n2 = String.length s2 in
+ let rec cmp i =
+ if i == n1 || i == n2 then
+ n1 - n2
+ else
+ let c = compare_char s1.[i] s2.[i] in
+ if c == 0 then cmp (succ i) else c
+ in
+ cmp 0
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/alpha.mli b/tools/coqdoc/alpha.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..46409c9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/alpha.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: alpha.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:31:46 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Alphabetic order. *)
+val compare_char : char -> char -> int
+val compare_string : string -> string -> int
+(* Alphabetic normalization. *)
+val norm_char : char -> char
+val norm_string : string -> string
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty b/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7f7aa9aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/coqdoc.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+% This is coqdoc.sty, by Jean-Christophe Filliātre
+% This LaTeX package is used by coqdoc (
+% You can modify the following macros to customize the appearance
+% of the document.
+% Headings
+\newcommand{\coqdocleftpageheader}{\thepage\ -- \today}
+\newcommand{\coqdocrightpageheader}{\today\ -- \thepage}
+\plainheadrulewidth 0.4pt
+\plainfootrulewidth 0pt
+% Hevea puts to much space with \medskip and \bigskip
+% own name
+% pretty underscores (the package fontenc causes ugly underscores)
+\def\_{\kern.08em\vbox{\hrule width.35em height.6pt}\kern.08em}
+% macro for typesetting keywords
+% macro for typesetting identifiers
+% newline and indentation
+% macro for typesetting the title of a module implementation
+\newcommand{\coqdocmodule}[1]{\section*{Module #1}\markboth{Module #1}{}}
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/index.mli b/tools/coqdoc/index.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..60c21387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/index.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: index.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:31:46 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+type coq_module = string
+type loc = int
+type entry_type =
+ | Library
+ | Module
+ | Definition
+ | Inductive
+ | Constructor
+ | Lemma
+ | Variable
+ | Axiom
+ | TacticDefinition
+type index_entry =
+ | Def of string * entry_type
+ | Ref of coq_module * string
+ | Mod of coq_module * string
+val find : coq_module -> loc -> index_entry
+val add_module : coq_module -> unit
+type module_kind = Local | Coqlib | Unknown
+val find_module : coq_module -> module_kind
+(*s Scan identifiers introductions from a file *)
+val scan_file : string -> coq_module -> unit
+(*s Read globalizations from a file (produced by coqc -dump-glob) *)
+val read_glob : string -> unit
+(*s Indexes *)
+type 'a index = {
+ idx_name : string;
+ idx_entries : (char * (string * 'a) list) list;
+ idx_size : int }
+val all_entries : unit ->
+ (coq_module * entry_type) index *
+ (entry_type * coq_module index) list
+val map : (string -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a index -> 'b index
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/index.mll b/tools/coqdoc/index.mll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..799825ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/index.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: index.mll,v 2004/07/16 19:31:46 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Filename
+open Lexing
+open Printf
+type coq_module = string
+type loc = int
+type entry_type =
+ | Library
+ | Module
+ | Definition
+ | Inductive
+ | Constructor
+ | Lemma
+ | Variable
+ | Axiom
+ | TacticDefinition
+type index_entry =
+ | Def of string * entry_type
+ | Ref of coq_module * string
+ | Mod of coq_module * string
+let table = Hashtbl.create 97
+let current_module = ref ""
+let add_def loc ty id = Hashtbl.add table (!current_module, loc) (Def (id, ty))
+let add_ref m loc m' id = Hashtbl.add table (m, loc) (Ref (m', id))
+let add_mod m loc m' id = Hashtbl.add table (m, loc) (Mod (m', id))
+let find m l = Hashtbl.find table (m, l)
+let current_type = ref Library
+(* Coq modules *)
+let split_sp s =
+ try
+ let i = String.rindex s '.' in
+ String.sub s 0 i, String.sub s (i + 1) (String.length s - i - 1)
+ with Not_found ->
+ "", s
+let modules = Hashtbl.create 97
+let local_modules = Hashtbl.create 97
+let add_module m =
+ let _,id = split_sp m in
+ Hashtbl.add modules id m;
+ Hashtbl.add local_modules m ()
+type module_kind = Local | Coqlib | Unknown
+let coq_module m =
+ String.length m >= 4 && String.sub m 0 4 = "Coq."
+let find_module m =
+ if Hashtbl.mem local_modules m then
+ Local
+ else if coq_module m then
+ Coqlib
+ else
+ Unknown
+let ref_module loc s =
+ try
+ let n = String.length s in
+ let i = String.rindex s ' ' in
+ let id = String.sub s (i+1) (n-i-1) in
+ add_mod !current_module (loc+i+1) (Hashtbl.find modules id) id
+ with Not_found ->
+ ()
+(* Building indexes *)
+type 'a index = {
+ idx_name : string;
+ idx_entries : (char * (string * 'a) list) list;
+ idx_size : int }
+let map f i =
+ { i with idx_entries =
+ (fun (c,l) -> (c, (fun (s,x) -> (s,f s x)) l))
+ i.idx_entries }
+let compare_entries (s1,_) (s2,_) = Alpha.compare_string s1 s2
+let sort_entries el =
+ let t = Hashtbl.create 97 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun c -> Hashtbl.add t c [])
+ ['A'; 'B'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E'; 'F'; 'G'; 'H'; 'I'; 'J'; 'K'; 'L'; 'M'; 'N';
+ 'O'; 'P'; 'Q'; 'R'; 'S'; 'T'; 'U'; 'V'; 'W'; 'X'; 'Y'; 'Z'; '_'];
+ List.iter
+ (fun ((s,_) as e) ->
+ let c = Alpha.norm_char s.[0] in
+ let l = try Hashtbl.find t c with Not_found -> [] in
+ Hashtbl.replace t c (e :: l))
+ el;
+ let res = ref [] in
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun c l -> res := (c, List.sort compare_entries l) :: !res) t;
+ List.sort (fun (c1,_) (c2,_) -> Alpha.compare_char c1 c2) !res
+let index_size = List.fold_left (fun s (_,l) -> s + List.length l) 0
+let hashtbl_elements h = Hashtbl.fold (fun x y l -> (x,y)::l) h []
+let type_name = function
+ | Library -> "library"
+ | Module -> "module"
+ | Definition -> "definition"
+ | Inductive -> "inductive"
+ | Constructor -> "constructor"
+ | Lemma -> "lemma"
+ | Variable -> "variable"
+ | Axiom -> "axiom"
+ | TacticDefinition -> "tactic"
+let all_entries () =
+ let gl = ref [] in
+ let add_g s m t = gl := (s,(m,t)) :: !gl in
+ let bt = Hashtbl.create 11 in
+ let add_bt t s m =
+ let l = try Hashtbl.find bt t with Not_found -> [] in
+ Hashtbl.replace bt t ((s,m) :: l)
+ in
+ let classify (m,_) e = match e with
+ | Def (s,t) -> add_g s m t; add_bt t s m
+ | Ref _ | Mod _ -> ()
+ in
+ Hashtbl.iter classify table;
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun id m -> add_g id m Library; add_bt Library id m) modules;
+ { idx_name = "global";
+ idx_entries = sort_entries !gl;
+ idx_size = List.length !gl },
+ Hashtbl.fold (fun t e l -> (t, { idx_name = type_name t;
+ idx_entries = sort_entries e;
+ idx_size = List.length e }) :: l) bt []
+(*s Shortcuts for regular expressions. *)
+let space =
+ [' ' '\010' '\013' '\009' '\012']
+let firstchar =
+ ['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255']
+let identchar =
+ ['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255'
+ '\'' '0'-'9']
+let ident =
+ firstchar identchar*
+let begin_hide = "(*" space* "begin" space+ "hide" space* "*)"
+let end_hide = "(*" space* "end" space+ "hide" space* "*)"
+(*s Indexing entry point. *)
+rule traverse = parse
+ | "Definition" space
+ { current_type := Definition; index_ident lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | "Tactic" space+ "Definition" space
+ { current_type := TacticDefinition; index_ident lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | ("Axiom" | "Parameter") space
+ { current_type := Axiom; index_ident lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | "Fixpoint" space
+ { current_type := Definition; index_ident lexbuf; fixpoint lexbuf;
+ traverse lexbuf }
+ | ("Lemma" | "Theorem") space
+ { current_type := Lemma; index_ident lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | "Inductive" space
+ { current_type := Inductive;
+ index_ident lexbuf; inductive lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | "Record" space
+ { current_type := Inductive; index_ident lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | "Module" (space+ "Type")? space
+ { current_type := Module; index_ident lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | "Variable" 's'? space
+ { current_type := Variable; index_idents lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | "Require" (space+ "Export")? space+ ident
+ { ref_module (lexeme_start lexbuf) (lexeme lexbuf); traverse lexbuf }
+ | begin_hide
+ { skip_hide lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | "(*"
+ { comment lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | '"'
+ { string lexbuf; traverse lexbuf }
+ | eof
+ { () }
+ | _
+ { traverse lexbuf }
+(*s Index one identifier. *)
+and index_ident = parse
+ | space+
+ { index_ident lexbuf }
+ | ident
+ { add_def (lexeme_start lexbuf) !current_type (lexeme lexbuf) }
+ | eof
+ { () }
+ | _
+ { () }
+(*s Index identifiers separated by blanks and/or commas. *)
+and index_idents = parse
+ | space+ | ','
+ { index_idents lexbuf }
+ | ident
+ { add_def (lexeme_start lexbuf) !current_type (lexeme lexbuf);
+ index_idents lexbuf }
+ | eof
+ { () }
+ | _
+ { skip_until_point lexbuf }
+(*s Index identifiers in an inductive definition (types and constructors). *)
+and inductive = parse
+ | '|' | ":=" space* '|'?
+ { current_type := Constructor; index_ident lexbuf; inductive lexbuf }
+ | "with" space
+ { current_type := Inductive; index_ident lexbuf; inductive lexbuf }
+ | '.'
+ { () }
+ | eof
+ { () }
+ | _
+ { inductive lexbuf }
+(*s Index identifiers in a Fixpoint declaration. *)
+and fixpoint = parse
+ | "with" space
+ { index_ident lexbuf; fixpoint lexbuf }
+ | '.'
+ { () }
+ | eof
+ { () }
+ | _
+ { fixpoint lexbuf }
+(*s Skip a possibly nested comment. *)
+and comment = parse
+ | "*)" { () }
+ | "(*" { comment lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+ | '"' { string lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+ | eof { eprintf " *** Unterminated comment while indexing" }
+ | _ { comment lexbuf }
+(*s Skip a constant string. *)
+and string = parse
+ | '"' { () }
+ | eof { eprintf " *** Unterminated string while indexing" }
+ | _ { string lexbuf }
+(*s Skip everything until the next dot. *)
+and skip_until_point = parse
+ | '.' { () }
+ | eof { () }
+ | _ { skip_until_point lexbuf }
+(*s Skip everything until [(* end hide *)] *)
+and skip_hide = parse
+ | eof | end_hide { () }
+ | _ { skip_hide lexbuf }
+ let read_glob f =
+ let c = open_in f in
+ let cur_mod = ref "" in
+ try
+ while true do
+ let s = input_line c in
+ let n = String.length s in
+ if n > 0 then begin
+ match s.[0] with
+ | 'F' ->
+ cur_mod := String.sub s 1 (n - 1)
+ | 'R' ->
+ (try
+ let i = String.index s ' ' in
+ let loc = int_of_string (String.sub s 1 (i - 1)) in
+ let sp = String.sub s (i + 1) (n - i - 1) in
+ let m',id = split_sp sp in
+ add_ref !cur_mod loc m' id
+ with Not_found ->
+ ())
+ | _ -> ()
+ end
+ done
+ with End_of_file ->
+ close_in c
+ let scan_file f m =
+ current_module := m;
+ let c = open_in f in
+ let lb = from_channel c in
+ traverse lb;
+ close_in c
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/ b/tools/coqdoc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66d2a993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:31:47 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(* Modified by Lionel Elie Mamane <> on 9 & 10 Mar 2004:
+ * - handling of absolute filenames (function coq_module)
+ * - coq_module: chop ./// (arbitrary amount of slashes), not only "./"
+ * - function chop_prefix not useful anymore. Deleted.
+ * - correct typo in usage message: "-R" -> "--R"
+ * - shorten the definition of make_path
+ * This notice is made to comply with section 2.a of the GPLv2.
+ * It may be removed or abbreviated as far as I am concerned.
+ *)
+open Filename
+open Printf
+open Output
+open Pretty
+(*s \textbf{Usage.} Printed on error output. *)
+let usage () =
+ prerr_endline "";
+ prerr_endline "Usage: coqdoc <options and files>";
+ prerr_endline " --html produce a HTML document (default)";
+ prerr_endline " --latex produce a LaTeX document";
+ prerr_endline " --texmacs produce a TeXmacs document";
+ prerr_endline " --dvi output the DVI";
+ prerr_endline " --ps output the PostScript";
+ prerr_endline " -o <file> write output in file <file>";
+ prerr_endline " -d <dir> output files into directory <dir>";
+ prerr_endline " -g (gallina) skip proofs";
+ prerr_endline " -s (short) no titles for files";
+ prerr_endline " -l light mode (only defs and statements)";
+ prerr_endline " -t <string> give a title to the document";
+ prerr_endline " --body-only suppress LaTeX/HTML header and trailer";
+ prerr_endline " --no-index do not output the index";
+ prerr_endline " --multi-index index split in multiple files";
+ prerr_endline " --toc output a table of contents";
+ prerr_endline " --vernac <file> consider <file> as a .v file";
+ prerr_endline " --tex <file> consider <file> as a .tex file";
+ prerr_endline " -p <string> insert <string> in LaTeX preamble";
+ prerr_endline " --files-from <file> read file names to process in <file>";
+ prerr_endline " --quiet quiet mode";
+ prerr_endline " --glob-from <file> read Coq globalizations from file <file>";
+ prerr_endline " --no-externals no links to Coq standard library";
+ prerr_endline " --coqlib <url> set URL for Coq standard library";
+ prerr_endline " (default is";
+ prerr_endline " -R <dir> <coqdir> map physical dir to Coq dir";
+ prerr_endline " --latin1 set ISO-8859-1 input language";
+ prerr_endline " --utf8 set UTF-8 input language";
+ prerr_endline " --charset <string> set HTML charset";
+ prerr_endline " --inputenc <string> set LaTeX input encoding";
+ prerr_endline "";
+ prerr_endline
+ "On-line documentation at\n";
+ exit 1
+(*s \textbf{Banner.} Always printed. Notice that it is printed on error
+ output, so that when the output of [coqdoc] is redirected this header
+ is not (unless both standard and error outputs are redirected, of
+ course). *)
+let banner () =
+ eprintf "This is coqdoc version %s, compiled on %s\n"
+ Coq_config.version Coq_config.compile_date;
+ flush stderr
+(*s \textbf{Separation of files.} Files given on the command line are
+ separated according to their type, which is determined by their
+ suffix. Coq files have suffixe \verb!.v! or \verb!.g! and \LaTeX\
+ files have suffix \verb!.tex!. *)
+let check_if_file_exists f =
+ if not (Sys.file_exists f) then begin
+ eprintf "\ncoqdoc: %s: no such file\n" f;
+ exit 1
+ end
+let paths = ref []
+let add_path m l = paths := (m,l) :: !paths
+let exists_dir dir =
+ try let _ = Unix.opendir dir in true with Unix.Unix_error _ -> false
+let add_rec_path f l =
+ let rec traverse abs rel =
+ add_path abs rel;
+ let dirh = Unix.opendir abs in
+ try
+ while true do
+ let f = Unix.readdir dirh in
+ if f <> "" && f.[0] <> '.' && f <> "CVS" then
+ let abs' = Filename.concat abs f in
+ try
+ if exists_dir abs' then traverse abs' (rel ^ "." ^ f)
+ with Unix.Unix_error _ ->
+ ()
+ done
+ with End_of_file ->
+ Unix.closedir dirh
+ in
+ if exists_dir f then traverse f l
+(* turn A/B/C into A.B.C *)
+let make_path = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "/") ".";;
+let coq_module file =
+(* TODO
+ * LEM:
+ * We should also remove things like "/./" in the middle of the filename,
+ * rewrite "/foo/../bar" to "/bar", recognise different paths that lead
+ * to the same file / directory (via symlinks), etc. The best way to do
+ * all this would be to use the libc function realpath() on _both_ p and
+ * file / f before comparing them.
+ *
+ * The semantics of realpath() on file symlinks might not be what we
+ * want... (But it is what we want on directory symlinks.) So, we would
+ * have to cook up our own version of realpath()?
+ *
+ * Do all target platforms have realpath()?
+ *)
+ let f = chop_extension file in
+ (* remove leading ./ and any number of slashes after *)
+ let f = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "^\\./+") "" f in
+ if (Str.string_before f 1) = "/" then
+ (* f is an absolute path. Prefixes must be matched with the beginning of f,
+ * not prepended
+ *)
+ let rec trypath = function
+ | [] -> make_path f
+ | (p, lg) :: r ->
+ (* make sure p ends with a single '/'
+ * This guarantees that we don't match a file whose name is
+ * of the form p ^ "foo". It means we may miss p itself,
+ * but this does not matter: coqdoc doesn't do anything
+ * of a directory anyway. *)
+ let p = (Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "/*$") "/" p) in
+ let p_quoted = (Str.quote p) in
+ if (Str.string_match (Str.regexp p_quoted) f 0) then
+ make_path (Filename.concat lg (Str.replace_first (Str.regexp (p_quoted ^ "/*")) "" f))
+ else
+ trypath r
+ in trypath !paths
+ else (* f is a relative path *)
+ let rec trypath = function
+ | [] ->
+ make_path f
+ | (p,lg) :: r ->
+ let p_file = Filename.concat p file in
+ if Sys.file_exists p_file then
+ make_path (Filename.concat lg f)
+ else
+ trypath r
+ in trypath !paths;;
+let what_file f =
+ check_if_file_exists f;
+ if check_suffix f ".v" || check_suffix f ".g" then
+ Vernac_file (f, coq_module f)
+ else if check_suffix f ".tex" then
+ Latex_file f
+ else begin
+ eprintf "\ncoqdoc: don't know what to do with %s\n" f;
+ exit 1
+ end
+(*s \textbf{Reading file names from a file.}
+ File names may be given
+ in a file instead of being given on the command
+ line. [(files_from_file f)] returns the list of file names contained
+ in the file named [f]. These file names must be separated by spaces,
+ tabulations or newlines.
+ *)
+let files_from_file f =
+ let files_from_channel ch =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 80 in
+ let l = ref [] in
+ try
+ while true do
+ match input_char ch with
+ | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' ->
+ if Buffer.length buf > 0 then l := (Buffer.contents buf) :: !l;
+ Buffer.clear buf
+ | c ->
+ Buffer.add_char buf c
+ done; []
+ with End_of_file ->
+ List.rev !l
+ in
+ try
+ check_if_file_exists f;
+ let ch = open_in f in
+ let l = files_from_channel ch in
+ close_in ch;l
+ with Sys_error s -> begin
+ eprintf "\ncoqdoc: cannot read from file %s (%s)\n" f s;
+ exit 1
+ end
+(*s \textbf{Parsing of the command line.} *)
+let output_file = ref ""
+let dvi = ref false
+let ps = ref false
+let parse () =
+ let files = ref [] in
+ let add_file f = files := f :: !files in
+ let rec parse_rec = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | ("-nopreamble" | "--nopreamble" | "--no-preamble"
+ | "-bodyonly" | "--bodyonly" | "--body-only") :: rem ->
+ header_trailer := false; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-p" | "--preamble") :: s :: rem ->
+ push_in_preamble s; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-p" | "--preamble") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("-noindex" | "--noindex" | "--no-index") :: rem ->
+ index := false; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-multi-index" | "--multi-index") :: rem ->
+ multi_index := true; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-toc" | "--toc" | "--table-of-contents") :: rem ->
+ toc := true; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-o" | "--output") :: f :: rem ->
+ output_file := f; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-o" | "--output") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("-d" | "--directory") :: dir :: rem ->
+ output_dir := dir; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-d" | "--directory") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("-s" | "--short") :: rem ->
+ short := true; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-l" | "-light" | "--light") :: rem ->
+ gallina := true; light := true; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-g" | "-gallina" | "--gallina") :: rem ->
+ gallina := true; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-t" | "-title" | "--title") :: s :: rem ->
+ title := s; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-t" | "-title" | "--title") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("-latex" | "--latex") :: rem ->
+ Output.target_language := LaTeX; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-dvi" | "--dvi") :: rem ->
+ Output.target_language := LaTeX; dvi := true; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-ps" | "--ps") :: rem ->
+ Output.target_language := LaTeX; ps := true; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-html" | "--html") :: rem ->
+ Output.target_language := HTML; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-texmacs" | "--texmacs") :: rem ->
+ Output.target_language := TeXmacs; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-charset" | "--charset") :: s :: rem ->
+ Output.charset := s; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-charset" | "--charset") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("-inputenc" | "--inputenc") :: s :: rem ->
+ Output.inputenc := s; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-inputenc" | "--inputenc") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("-raw-comments" | "--raw-comments") :: rem ->
+ Output.raw_comments := true; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-latin1" | "--latin1") :: rem ->
+ Output.set_latin1 (); parse_rec rem
+ | ("-utf8" | "--utf8") :: rem ->
+ Output.set_utf8 (); parse_rec rem
+ | ("-q" | "-quiet" | "--quiet") :: rem ->
+ quiet := true; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-h" | "-help" | "-?" | "--help") :: rem ->
+ banner (); usage ()
+ | ("-v" | "-version" | "--version") :: _ ->
+ banner (); exit 0
+ | ("-vernac-file" | "--vernac-file") :: f :: rem ->
+ check_if_file_exists f;
+ add_file (Vernac_file (f, coq_module f)); parse_rec rem
+ | ("-vernac-file" | "--vernac-file") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("-tex-file" | "--tex-file") :: f :: rem ->
+ add_file (Latex_file f); parse_rec rem
+ | ("-tex-file" | "--tex-file") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("-files" | "--files" | "--files-from") :: f :: rem ->
+ List.iter (fun f -> add_file (what_file f)) (files_from_file f);
+ parse_rec rem
+ | ("-files" | "--files") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | "-R" :: path :: log :: rem ->
+ add_path path log; parse_rec rem
+ | "-R" :: ([] | [_]) ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("-glob-from" | "--glob-from") :: f :: rem ->
+ Index.read_glob f; parse_rec rem
+ | ("-glob-from" | "--glob-from") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | ("--no-externals" | "-no-externals" | "-noexternals") :: rem ->
+ Output.externals := false; parse_rec rem
+ | ("--coqlib" | "-coqlib") :: u :: rem ->
+ Output.coqlib := u; parse_rec rem
+ | ("--coqlib" | "-coqlib") :: [] ->
+ usage ()
+ | f :: rem ->
+ add_file (what_file f); parse_rec rem
+ in
+ parse_rec ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv));
+ List.rev !files
+(*s The following function produces the output. The default output is
+ the \LaTeX\ document: in that case, we just call [Web.produce_document].
+ If option \verb!-dvi!, \verb!-ps! or \verb!-html! is invoked, then
+ we make calls to \verb!latex! or \verb!dvips! accordingly. *)
+let locally dir f x =
+ let cwd = Sys.getcwd () in
+ try
+ Sys.chdir dir; let y = f x in Sys.chdir cwd; y
+ with e ->
+ Sys.chdir cwd; raise e
+let clean_temp_files basefile =
+ let remove f = try Sys.remove f with _ -> () in
+ remove (basefile ^ ".tex");
+ remove (basefile ^ ".log");
+ remove (basefile ^ ".aux");
+ remove (basefile ^ ".dvi");
+ remove (basefile ^ ".ps");
+ remove (basefile ^ ".haux");
+ remove (basefile ^ ".html")
+let clean_and_exit file res = clean_temp_files file; exit res
+let cat file =
+ let c = open_in file in
+ try
+ while true do print_char (input_char c) done
+ with End_of_file ->
+ close_in c
+let copy src dst =
+ let cin = open_in src
+ and cout = open_out dst in
+ try
+ while true do Pervasives.output_char cout (input_char cin) done
+ with End_of_file ->
+ close_in cin; close_out cout
+let produce_output fl =
+ if not (!dvi || !ps) then begin
+ if !output_file <> "" then set_out_file !output_file;
+ produce_document fl
+ end else begin
+ let texfile = temp_file "coqdoc" ".tex" in
+ let basefile = chop_suffix texfile ".tex" in
+ set_out_file texfile;
+ produce_document fl;
+ let command =
+ let file = basename texfile in
+ let file =
+ if !quiet then sprintf "'\\nonstopmode\\input{%s}'" file else file
+ in
+ sprintf "(latex %s && latex %s) 1>&2 %s" file file
+ (if !quiet then "> /dev/null" else "")
+ in
+ let res = locally (dirname texfile) Sys.command command in
+ if res <> 0 then begin
+ eprintf "Couldn't run LaTeX successfully\n";
+ clean_and_exit basefile res
+ end;
+ let dvifile = basefile ^ ".dvi" in
+ if !dvi then begin
+ if !output_file <> "" then
+ (* we cannot use Sys.rename accross file systems *)
+ copy dvifile !output_file
+ else
+ cat dvifile
+ end;
+ if !ps then begin
+ let psfile =
+ if !output_file <> "" then !output_file else basefile ^ ".ps"
+ in
+ let command =
+ sprintf "dvips %s -o %s %s" dvifile psfile
+ (if !quiet then "> /dev/null 2>&1" else "")
+ in
+ let res = Sys.command command in
+ if res <> 0 then begin
+ eprintf "Couldn't run dvips successfully\n";
+ clean_and_exit basefile res
+ end;
+ if !output_file = "" then cat psfile
+ end;
+ clean_temp_files basefile
+ end
+(*s \textbf{Main program.} Print the banner, parse the command line,
+ read the files and then call [produce_document] from module [Web]. *)
+let main () =
+ let files = parse () in
+ if not !quiet then banner ();
+ if List.length files > 0 then produce_output files
+let _ = Printexc.catch main ()
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/ b/tools/coqdoc/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c10f3683
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/
@@ -0,0 +1,812 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id:,v 2004/07/16 19:31:47 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Index
+(*s Target language *)
+type target_language = LaTeX | HTML | TeXmacs
+let target_language = ref HTML
+(*s Low level output *)
+let out_channel = ref stdout
+let output_is_file = ref false
+let output_dir = ref ""
+let set_out_file f =
+ let f = if !output_dir <> "" then Filename.concat !output_dir f else f in
+ out_channel := open_out f;
+ output_is_file := true
+let close () =
+ if !output_is_file then close_out !out_channel
+let output_char c = Pervasives.output_char !out_channel c
+let output_string s = Pervasives.output_string !out_channel s
+let printf s = Printf.fprintf !out_channel s
+let sprintf = Printf.sprintf
+let dump_file f =
+ let ch = open_in f in
+ try
+ while true do
+ Pervasives.output_char !out_channel (input_char ch)
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> close_in ch
+(*s Options *)
+let header_trailer = ref true
+let quiet = ref false
+let light = ref false
+let short = ref false
+let index = ref true
+let multi_index = ref false
+let toc = ref false
+let page_title = ref ""
+let title = ref ""
+let externals = ref true
+let coqlib = ref ""
+let raw_comments = ref false
+let charset = ref ""
+let inputenc = ref ""
+let latin1 = ref false
+let utf8 = ref false
+let set_latin1 () =
+ charset := "iso-8859-1";
+ inputenc := "latin1";
+ latin1 := true
+let set_utf8 () =
+ charset := "utf-8";
+ inputenc := "utf8";
+ utf8 := true
+(*s Coq keywords *)
+let build_table l =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 101 in
+ List.iter (fun key ->Hashtbl.add h key ()) l;
+ function s -> try Hashtbl.find h s; true with Not_found -> false
+let is_keyword =
+ build_table
+ [ "Add"; "AddPath"; "Axiom"; "Chapter"; "CoFixpoint";
+ "CoInductive"; "Defined"; "Definition";
+ "End"; "Export"; "Fact"; "Fix"; "Fixpoint"; "Global"; "Grammar"; "Hint";
+ "Hypothesis"; "Hypotheses";
+ "Immediate"; "Implicit"; "Import"; "Inductive";
+ "Infix"; "Lemma"; "Let"; "Load"; "Local"; "Ltac";
+ "Module"; "Module Type"; "Declare Module";
+ "Mutual"; "Parameter"; "Parameters"; "Print"; "Proof"; "Qed";
+ "Record"; "Recursive"; "Remark"; "Require"; "Save"; "Scheme";
+ "Section"; "Show"; "Syntactic"; "Syntax"; "Tactic"; "Theorem";
+ "Unset"; "Variable"; "Variables";
+ "Notation";
+ (*i (* correctness *)
+ "array"; "assert"; "begin"; "do"; "done"; "else"; "end"; "if";
+ "in"; "invariant"; "let"; "of"; "ref"; "state"; "then"; "variant";
+ "while"; i*)
+ (*i (* coq terms *)
+ "with"; "Case"; "Cases"; "Prop"; "Set"; "Type"; i*)
+ ]
+(*s Current Coq module *)
+let current_module = ref ""
+let set_module m = current_module := m; page_title := m
+(*s Common to both LaTeX and HTML *)
+let item_level = ref 0
+(*s Customized pretty-print *)
+let token_pp = Hashtbl.create 97
+let add_printing_token = Hashtbl.replace token_pp
+let find_printing_token tok =
+ try Hashtbl.find token_pp tok with Not_found -> None, None
+let remove_printing_token = Hashtbl.remove token_pp
+(* predefined pretty-prints *)
+let _ = List.iter
+ (fun (s,l) -> Hashtbl.add token_pp s (Some l, None))
+ [ "*" , "\\ensuremath{\\times}";
+ "->", "\\ensuremath{\\rightarrow}";
+ "->~", "\\ensuremath{\\rightarrow\\lnot}";
+ "->~~", "\\ensuremath{\\rightarrow\\lnot\\lnot}";
+ "<-", "\\ensuremath{\\leftarrow}";
+ "<->", "\\ensuremath{\\leftrightarrow}";
+ "=>", "\\ensuremath{\\Rightarrow}";
+ "<=", "\\ensuremath{\\le}";
+ ">=", "\\ensuremath{\\ge}";
+ "<>", "\\ensuremath{\\not=}";
+ "~", "\\ensuremath{\\lnot}";
+ "/\\", "\\ensuremath{\\land}";
+ "\\/", "\\ensuremath{\\lor}";
+ "|-", "\\ensuremath{\\vdash}";
+ "forall", "\\ensuremath{\\forall}";
+ "exists", "\\ensuremath{\\exists}";
+ ]
+(*s Table of contents *)
+type toc_entry =
+ | Toc_library of string
+ | Toc_section of int * (unit -> unit) * string
+let (toc_q : toc_entry Queue.t) = Queue.create ()
+let add_toc_entry e = Queue.add e toc_q
+let new_label = let r = ref 0 in fun () -> incr r; "lab" ^ string_of_int !r
+(*s LaTeX output *)
+module Latex = struct
+ (*s Latex preamble *)
+ let (preamble : string Queue.t) = Queue.create ()
+ let push_in_preamble s = Queue.add s preamble
+ let header () =
+ if !header_trailer then begin
+ printf "\\documentclass[12pt]{article}\n";
+ if !inputenc != "" then printf "\\usepackage[%s]{inputenc}\n" !inputenc;
+ printf "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n";
+ printf "\\usepackage{fullpage}\n";
+ printf "\\usepackage{coqdoc}\n";
+ Queue.iter (fun s -> printf "%s\n" s) preamble;
+ printf "\\begin{document}\n"
+ end;
+ output_string
+ "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n";
+ output_string
+ "%% This file has been automatically generated with the command\n";
+ output_string "%% ";
+ Array.iter (fun s -> printf "%s " s) Sys.argv;
+ printf "\n";
+ output_string
+ "%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\n"
+ let trailer () =
+ if !header_trailer then begin
+ printf "\\end{document}\n"
+ end
+ let char c = match c with
+ | '\\' ->
+ printf "\\symbol{92}"
+ | '$' | '#' | '%' | '&' | '{' | '}' | '_' ->
+ output_char '\\'; output_char c
+ | '^' | '~' ->
+ output_char '\\'; output_char c; printf "{}"
+ | _ ->
+ output_char c
+ let latex_char = output_char
+ let latex_string = output_string
+ let html_char _ = ()
+ let html_string _ = ()
+ let raw_ident s =
+ for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do char s.[i] done
+ let start_module () =
+ if not !short then begin
+ printf "\\coqdocmodule{";
+ raw_ident !current_module;
+ printf "}\n\n"
+ end
+ let start_latex_math () = output_char '$'
+ let stop_latex_math () = output_char '$'
+ let start_verbatim () = printf "\\begin{verbatim}"
+ let stop_verbatim () = printf "\\end{verbatim}\n"
+ let indentation n =
+ if n == 0 then
+ printf "\\noindent\n"
+ else
+ let space = 0.5 *. (float n) in
+ printf "\\coqdocindent{%2.2fem}\n" space
+ let with_latex_printing f tok =
+ try
+ (match Hashtbl.find token_pp tok with
+ | Some s, _ -> output_string s
+ | _ -> f tok)
+ with Not_found ->
+ f tok
+ let ident s _ =
+ if is_keyword s then begin
+ printf "\\coqdockw{"; raw_ident s; printf "}"
+ end else begin
+ printf "\\coqdocid{"; raw_ident s; printf "}"
+ end
+ let ident s l = with_latex_printing (fun s -> ident s l) s
+ let symbol = with_latex_printing raw_ident
+ let rec reach_item_level n =
+ if !item_level < n then begin
+ printf "\n\\begin{itemize}\n\\item "; incr item_level;
+ reach_item_level n
+ end else if !item_level > n then begin
+ printf "\n\\end{itemize}\n"; decr item_level;
+ reach_item_level n
+ end
+ let item n =
+ let old_level = !item_level in
+ reach_item_level n;
+ if n <= old_level then printf "\n\\item "
+ let stop_item () = reach_item_level 0
+ let start_doc () = printf "\n\n\n\\noindent\n"
+ let end_doc () = stop_item (); printf "\n\n\n"
+ let start_coq () = ()
+ let end_coq () = ()
+ let start_code () = end_doc (); start_coq ()
+ let end_code () = end_coq (); start_doc ()
+ let section_kind = function
+ | 1 -> "\\section{"
+ | 2 -> "\\subsection{"
+ | 3 -> "\\subsubsection{"
+ | 4 -> "\\paragraph{"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let section lev f =
+ stop_item ();
+ output_string (section_kind lev);
+ f ();
+ printf "}\n\n"
+ let rule () =
+ printf "\\par\n\\noindent\\hrulefill\\par\n\\noindent{}"
+ let paragraph () = stop_item (); printf "\n\n\\medskip\n"
+ let line_break () = printf "\\coqdoceol\n"
+ let empty_line_of_code () = printf "\n\n\\medskip\n"
+ let start_inline_coq () = ()
+ let end_inline_coq () = ()
+ let make_index () = ()
+ let make_toc () = printf "\\tableofcontents\n"
+(*s HTML output *)
+module Html = struct
+ let header () =
+ if !header_trailer then begin
+ printf "<html xmlns=\"\">\n<head>\n";
+ if !charset != "" then
+ printf "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=%s\">" !charset;
+ printf "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"style.css\" type=\"text/css\">";
+ printf "<title>%s</title>\n</head>\n\n" !page_title;
+ printf "<body>\n\n"
+ end
+ let self = ""
+ let trailer () =
+ if !index && !current_module <> "Index" then
+ printf "<hr/><a href=\"index.html\">Index</a>";
+ if !header_trailer then begin
+ printf "<hr/><font size=\"-1\">This page has been generated by ";
+ printf "<a href=\"%s\">coqdoc</a></font>\n" self;
+ printf "</body>\n</html>"
+ end
+ let start_module () =
+ if not !short then begin
+ (* add_toc_entry (Toc_library !current_module); *)
+ printf "<h1>Library %s</h1>\n\n" !current_module
+ end
+ let indentation n = for i = 1 to n do printf "&nbsp;" done
+ let line_break () = printf "<br/>\n"
+ let empty_line_of_code () = printf "\n<br/>\n"
+ let char = function
+ | '<' -> printf "&lt;"
+ | '>' -> printf "&gt;"
+ | '&' -> printf "&amp;"
+ | c -> output_char c
+ let raw_ident s = for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do char s.[i] done
+ let latex_char _ = ()
+ let latex_string _ = ()
+ let html_char = output_char
+ let html_string = output_string
+ let start_latex_math () = ()
+ let stop_latex_math () = ()
+ let start_verbatim () = printf "<pre>"
+ let stop_verbatim () = printf "</pre>\n"
+ let module_ref m s =
+ printf "<a href=\"%s.html\">" m; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
+ (*i
+ match find_module m with
+ | Local ->
+ printf "<a href=\"%s.html\">" m; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
+ | Coqlib when !externals ->
+ let m = Filename.concat !coqlib m in
+ printf "<a href=\"%s.html\">" m; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
+ | Coqlib | Unknown ->
+ raw_ident s
+ i*)
+ let ident_ref m s = match find_module m with
+ | Local ->
+ printf "<a href=\"%s.html#%s\">" m s; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
+ | Coqlib when !externals ->
+ let m = Filename.concat !coqlib m in
+ printf "<a href=\"%s.html#%s\">" m s; raw_ident s; printf "</a>"
+ | Coqlib | Unknown ->
+ raw_ident s
+ let ident s loc =
+ if is_keyword s then begin
+ printf "<code class=\"keyword\">";
+ raw_ident s;
+ printf "</code>"
+ end else
+ try
+ (match Index.find !current_module loc with
+ | Def _ ->
+ printf "<a name=\"%s\"></a>" s; raw_ident s
+ | Mod (m,s') when s = s' ->
+ module_ref m s
+ | Ref (m,s') when s = s' ->
+ ident_ref m s
+ | Mod _ | Ref _ ->
+ raw_ident s)
+ with Not_found ->
+ raw_ident s
+ let with_html_printing f tok =
+ try
+ (match Hashtbl.find token_pp tok with
+ | _, Some s -> output_string s
+ | _ -> f tok)
+ with Not_found ->
+ f tok
+ let ident s l = with_html_printing (fun s -> ident s l) s
+ let symbol = with_html_printing raw_ident
+ let rec reach_item_level n =
+ if !item_level < n then begin
+ printf "\n<ul>\n<li>"; incr item_level;
+ reach_item_level n
+ end else if !item_level > n then begin
+ printf "\n</li>\n</ul>\n"; decr item_level;
+ reach_item_level n
+ end
+ let item n =
+ let old_level = !item_level in
+ reach_item_level n;
+ if n <= old_level then printf "\n</li>\n<li>"
+ let stop_item () = reach_item_level 0
+ let start_coq () = if not !raw_comments then printf "<code>\n"
+ let end_coq () = if not !raw_comments then printf "</code>\n"
+ let start_doc () =
+ if not !raw_comments then
+ printf "\n<table width=\"100%%\"><tr class=\"doc\"><td>\n"
+ let end_doc () =
+ stop_item ();
+ if not !raw_comments then printf "\n</td></tr></table>\n"
+ let start_code () = end_doc (); start_coq ()
+ let end_code () = end_coq (); start_doc ()
+ let start_inline_coq () = printf "<code>"
+ let end_inline_coq () = printf "</code>"
+ let paragraph () = stop_item (); printf "\n<br/><br/>\n"
+ let section lev f =
+ let lab = new_label () in
+ let r = sprintf "%s.html#%s" !current_module lab in
+ add_toc_entry (Toc_section (lev, f, r));
+ stop_item ();
+ printf "<a name=\"%s\"></a><h%d>" lab lev;
+ f ();
+ printf "</h%d>\n" lev
+ let rule () = printf "<hr/>\n"
+ let entry_type = function
+ | Library -> "library"
+ | Module -> "module"
+ | Definition -> "definition"
+ | Inductive -> "inductive"
+ | Constructor -> "constructor"
+ | Lemma -> "lemma"
+ | Variable -> "variable"
+ | Axiom -> "axiom"
+ | TacticDefinition -> "tactic definition"
+ (* make a HTML index from a list of triples (name,text,link) *)
+ let index_ref i c =
+ let idxc = sprintf "%s_%c" i.idx_name c in
+ if !multi_index then "index_" ^ idxc ^ ".html" else "index.html#" ^ idxc
+ let letter_index category idx (c,l) =
+ if l <> [] then begin
+ let cat = if category && idx <> "global" then "(" ^ idx ^ ")" else "" in
+ printf "<a name=\"%s_%c\"></a><h2>%c %s</h2>\n" idx c c cat;
+ List.iter
+ (fun (id,(text,link)) ->
+ printf "<a href=\"%s\">%s</a> %s<br/>\n" link id text) l;
+ printf "<br/><br/>"
+ end
+ let all_letters i = List.iter (letter_index false i.idx_name) i.idx_entries
+ let separate_index navig i =
+ let idx = i.idx_name in
+ let one_letter ((c,l) as cl) =
+ set_out_file (sprintf "index_%s_%c.html" idx c);
+ header ();
+ navig ();
+ printf "<hr/>";
+ letter_index true idx cl;
+ if List.length l > 30 then begin printf "<hr/>"; navig () end;
+ trailer ();
+ close ()
+ in
+ List.iter one_letter i.idx_entries
+ let format_global_index =
+ (fun s (m,t) ->
+ if t = Library then
+ "[library]", m ^ ".html"
+ else
+ sprintf "[%s, in <a href=\"%s.html\">%s</a>]" (entry_type t) m m ,
+ sprintf "%s.html#%s" m s)
+ let format_bytype_index = function
+ | Library, idx ->
+ (fun id m -> "", m ^ ".html") idx
+ | (t,idx) ->
+ (fun s m ->
+ let text = sprintf "[in <a href=\"%s.html\">%s</a>]" m m in
+ (text, sprintf "%s.html#%s" m s)) idx
+ let navig_one_index i =
+ printf "<tr>\n<td>%s Index</td>\n" (String.capitalize i.idx_name);
+ List.iter
+ (fun (c,l) ->
+ if l <> [] then
+ printf "<td><a href=\"%s\">%c</a></td>\n" (index_ref i c) c
+ else
+ printf "<td>%c</td>\n" c)
+ i.idx_entries;
+ let n = i.idx_size in
+ printf "<td>(%d %s)</td>\n" n (if n > 1 then "entries" else "entry");
+ printf "</tr>\n"
+ let navig_index il =
+ printf "<table>\n";
+ List.iter navig_one_index il;
+ printf "</table>\n"
+ let make_index () =
+ if !index then begin
+ let idxl =
+ let glob,bt = Index.all_entries () in
+ format_global_index glob ::
+ format_bytype_index bt
+ in
+ let navig () = navig_index idxl in
+ set_out_file "index.html";
+ current_module := "Index";
+ page_title := (if !title <> "" then !title else "Index");
+ header ();
+ if !title <> "" then printf "<h1>%s</h1>\n" !title;
+ navig ();
+ if !multi_index then begin
+ trailer ();
+ close ();
+ List.iter (separate_index navig) idxl;
+ end else begin
+ let one_index i =
+ if i.idx_size > 0 then begin
+ printf "<hr/>\n<h1>%s Index</h1>\n" (String.capitalize i.idx_name);
+ all_letters i
+ end
+ in
+ List.iter one_index idxl;
+ printf "<hr/>";
+ navig ();
+ trailer ();
+ close ()
+ end;
+ end
+ let make_toc () =
+ set_out_file "toc.html";
+ page_title := (if !title <> "" then !title else "Table of contents");
+ header ();
+ if !title <> "" then printf "<h1>%s</h1>\n" !title;
+ let make_toc_entry = function
+ | Toc_library m ->
+ stop_item ();
+ printf "<a href=\"%s.html\"><h2>Library %s</h2></a>\n" m m
+ | Toc_section (n, f, r) ->
+ item n;
+ printf "<a href=\"%s\">" r; f (); printf "</a>\n"
+ in
+ Queue.iter make_toc_entry toc_q;
+ stop_item ();
+ if !index then printf "<a href=\"index.html\"><h2>Index</h2></a>";
+ trailer ();
+ close ()
+(*s TeXmacs-aware output *)
+module TeXmacs = struct
+ (*s Latex preamble *)
+ let in_doc = ref false
+ let (preamble : string Queue.t) =
+ in_doc := false; Queue.create ()
+ let push_in_preamble s = Queue.add s preamble
+ let header () =
+ output_string
+ "(*i This file has been automatically generated with the command \n";
+ output_string
+ " "; Array.iter (fun s -> printf "%s " s) Sys.argv; printf " *)\n"
+ let trailer () = ()
+ let char_true c = match c with
+ | '\\' -> printf "\\\\"
+ | '<' -> printf "\\<"
+ | '|' -> printf "\\|"
+ | '>' -> printf "\\>"
+ | _ -> output_char c
+ let char c = if !in_doc then char_true c else output_char c
+ let latex_char = char_true
+ let latex_string = String.iter latex_char
+ let html_char _ = ()
+ let html_string _ = ()
+ let raw_ident s =
+ for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do char s.[i] done
+ let start_module () = ()
+ let start_latex_math () = printf "<with|mode|math|"
+ let stop_latex_math () = output_char '>'
+ let start_verbatim () = in_doc := true; printf "<\\verbatim>"
+ let stop_verbatim () = in_doc := false; printf "</verbatim>"
+ let indentation n = ()
+ let ident_true s =
+ if is_keyword s then begin
+ printf "<kw|"; raw_ident s; printf ">"
+ end else begin
+ raw_ident s
+ end
+ let ident s _ = if !in_doc then ident_true s else raw_ident s
+ let symbol_true s =
+ let ensuremath x = printf "<with|mode|math|\\<%s\\>>" x in
+ match s with
+ | "*" -> ensuremath "times"
+ | "->" -> ensuremath "rightarrow"
+ | "<-" -> ensuremath "leftarrow"
+ | "<->" ->ensuremath "leftrightarrow"
+ | "=>" -> ensuremath "Rightarrow"
+ | "<=" -> ensuremath "le"
+ | ">=" -> ensuremath "ge"
+ | "<>" -> ensuremath "noteq"
+ | "~" -> ensuremath "lnot"
+ | "/\\" -> ensuremath "land"
+ | "\\/" -> ensuremath "lor"
+ | "|-" -> ensuremath "vdash"
+ | s -> raw_ident s
+ let symbol s = if !in_doc then symbol_true s else raw_ident s
+ let rec reach_item_level n =
+ if !item_level < n then begin
+ printf "\n<\\itemize>\n<item>"; incr item_level;
+ reach_item_level n
+ end else if !item_level > n then begin
+ printf "\n</itemize>"; decr item_level;
+ reach_item_level n
+ end
+ let item n =
+ let old_level = !item_level in
+ reach_item_level n;
+ if n <= old_level then printf "\n\n<item>"
+ let stop_item () = reach_item_level 0
+ let start_doc () = in_doc := true; printf "(** texmacs: "
+ let end_doc () = stop_item (); in_doc := false; printf " *)"
+ let start_coq () = ()
+ let end_coq () = ()
+ let start_code () = in_doc := true; printf "<\\code>\n"
+ let end_code () = in_doc := false; printf "\n</code>"
+ let section_kind = function
+ | 1 -> "section"
+ | 2 -> "subsection"
+ | 3 -> "subsubsection"
+ | 4 -> "paragraph"
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let section lev f =
+ stop_item ();
+ printf "<"; output_string (section_kind lev); printf "|";
+ f (); printf ">\n\n"
+ let rule () =
+ printf "\n<hrule>\n"
+ let paragraph () = stop_item (); printf "\n\n"
+ let line_break_true () = printf "<format|line break>"
+ let line_break () = printf "\n"
+ let empty_line_of_code () = printf "\n"
+ let start_inline_coq () = printf "<verbatim|["
+ let end_inline_coq () = printf "]>"
+ let make_index () = ()
+ let make_toc () = ()
+(*s Generic output *)
+let select f1 f2 f3 x =
+ match !target_language with LaTeX -> f1 x | HTML -> f2 x | TeXmacs -> f3 x
+let push_in_preamble = Latex.push_in_preamble
+let header = select Latex.header Html.header TeXmacs.header
+let trailer = select Latex.trailer Html.trailer TeXmacs.trailer
+let start_module =
+ select Latex.start_module Html.start_module TeXmacs.start_module
+let start_doc = select Latex.start_doc Html.start_doc TeXmacs.start_doc
+let end_doc = select Latex.end_doc Html.end_doc TeXmacs.end_doc
+let start_coq = select Latex.start_coq Html.start_coq TeXmacs.start_coq
+let end_coq = select Latex.end_coq Html.end_coq TeXmacs.end_coq
+let start_code = select Latex.start_code Html.start_code TeXmacs.start_code
+let end_code = select Latex.end_code Html.end_code TeXmacs.end_code
+let start_inline_coq =
+ select Latex.start_inline_coq Html.start_inline_coq TeXmacs.start_inline_coq
+let end_inline_coq =
+ select Latex.end_inline_coq Html.end_inline_coq TeXmacs.end_inline_coq
+let indentation = select Latex.indentation Html.indentation TeXmacs.indentation
+let paragraph = select Latex.paragraph Html.paragraph TeXmacs.paragraph
+let line_break = select Latex.line_break Html.line_break TeXmacs.line_break
+let empty_line_of_code = select
+ Latex.empty_line_of_code Html.empty_line_of_code TeXmacs.empty_line_of_code
+let section = select Latex.section Html.section TeXmacs.section
+let item = select Latex.item Html.item TeXmacs.item
+let stop_item = select Latex.stop_item Html.stop_item TeXmacs.stop_item
+let rule = select Latex.rule Html.rule TeXmacs.rule
+let char = select Latex.char Html.char TeXmacs.char
+let ident = select Latex.ident Html.ident TeXmacs.ident
+let symbol = select Latex.symbol Html.symbol TeXmacs.symbol
+let latex_char = select Latex.latex_char Html.latex_char TeXmacs.latex_char
+let latex_string =
+ select Latex.latex_string Html.latex_string TeXmacs.latex_string
+let html_char = select Latex.html_char Html.html_char TeXmacs.html_char
+let html_string =
+ select Latex.html_string Html.html_string TeXmacs.html_string
+let start_latex_math =
+ select Latex.start_latex_math Html.start_latex_math TeXmacs.start_latex_math
+let stop_latex_math =
+ select Latex.stop_latex_math Html.stop_latex_math TeXmacs.stop_latex_math
+let start_verbatim =
+ select Latex.start_verbatim Html.start_verbatim TeXmacs.start_verbatim
+let stop_verbatim =
+ select Latex.stop_verbatim Html.stop_verbatim TeXmacs.stop_verbatim
+let verbatim_char =
+ select output_char Html.char TeXmacs.char
+let hard_verbatim_char = output_char
+let make_index = select Latex.make_index Html.make_index TeXmacs.make_index
+let make_toc = select Latex.make_toc Html.make_toc TeXmacs.make_toc
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/output.mli b/tools/coqdoc/output.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2195fa53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/output.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: output.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:31:47 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Index
+type target_language = LaTeX | HTML | TeXmacs
+val target_language : target_language ref
+val set_out_file : string -> unit
+val output_dir : string ref
+val close : unit -> unit
+val quiet : bool ref
+val short : bool ref
+val light : bool ref
+val header_trailer : bool ref
+val index : bool ref
+val multi_index : bool ref
+val toc : bool ref
+val title : string ref
+val externals : bool ref
+val coqlib : string ref
+val raw_comments : bool ref
+val charset : string ref
+val inputenc : string ref
+val set_latin1 : unit -> unit
+val set_utf8 : unit -> unit
+val add_printing_token : string -> string option * string option -> unit
+val remove_printing_token : string -> unit
+val set_module : coq_module -> unit
+val header : unit -> unit
+val trailer : unit -> unit
+val push_in_preamble : string -> unit
+val dump_file : string -> unit
+val start_module : unit -> unit
+val start_doc : unit -> unit
+val end_doc : unit -> unit
+val start_coq : unit -> unit
+val end_coq : unit -> unit
+val start_code : unit -> unit
+val end_code : unit -> unit
+val start_inline_coq : unit -> unit
+val end_inline_coq : unit -> unit
+val indentation : int -> unit
+val line_break : unit -> unit
+val paragraph : unit -> unit
+val empty_line_of_code : unit -> unit
+val section : int -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
+val item : int -> unit
+val rule : unit -> unit
+val char : char -> unit
+val ident : string -> loc -> unit
+val symbol : string -> unit
+val latex_char : char -> unit
+val latex_string : string -> unit
+val html_char : char -> unit
+val html_string : string -> unit
+val verbatim_char : char -> unit
+val hard_verbatim_char : char -> unit
+val start_latex_math : unit -> unit
+val stop_latex_math : unit -> unit
+val start_verbatim : unit -> unit
+val stop_verbatim : unit -> unit
+val make_index : unit -> unit
+val make_toc : unit -> unit
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mli b/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..07808fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: pretty.mli,v 2004/07/16 19:31:47 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+open Index
+type file =
+ | Vernac_file of string * coq_module
+ | Latex_file of string
+val gallina : bool ref
+val produce_document : file list -> unit
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll b/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..541939b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/pretty.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: pretty.mll,v 2004/07/16 19:31:47 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(*s Utility functions for the scanners *)
+ open Printf
+ open Index
+ open Lexing
+ open Output
+ (* count the number of spaces at the beginning of a string *)
+ let count_spaces s =
+ let n = String.length s in
+ let rec count c i =
+ if i == n then c else match s.[i] with
+ | '\t' -> count (c + (8 - (c mod 8))) (i + 1)
+ | ' ' -> count (c + 1) (i + 1)
+ | _ -> c
+ in
+ count 0 0
+ let count_dashes s =
+ let c = ref 0 in
+ for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do if s.[i] = '-' then incr c done;
+ !c
+ let cut_head_tail_spaces s =
+ let n = String.length s in
+ let rec look_up i = if i == n || s.[i] <> ' ' then i else look_up (i+1) in
+ let rec look_dn i = if i == -1 || s.[i] <> ' ' then i else look_dn (i-1) in
+ let l = look_up 0 in
+ let r = look_dn (n-1) in
+ if l <= r then String.sub s l (r-l+1) else s
+ let sec_title s =
+ let rec count lev i =
+ if s.[i] = '*' then
+ count (succ lev) (succ i)
+ else
+ let t = String.sub s i (String.length s - i) in
+ lev, cut_head_tail_spaces t
+ in
+ count 0 (String.index s '*')
+ let formatted = ref false
+ let brackets = ref 0
+ let backtrack lexbuf = lexbuf.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.lex_start_pos
+ (* Gallina (skipping proofs). This is a three states automaton. *)
+ let gallina = ref false
+ type gallina_state = Nothing | AfterDot | Proof
+ let gstate = ref AfterDot
+ let is_proof =
+ let t = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ List.iter (fun s -> Hashtbl.add t s true)
+ [ "Theorem"; "Lemma"; "Fact"; "Remark"; "Goal"; "Let";
+ "Correctness"; "Definition"; "Morphism" ];
+ fun s -> try Hashtbl.find t s with Not_found -> false
+ let gallina_id id =
+ if !gstate = AfterDot then
+ if is_proof id then gstate := Proof else
+ if id <> "Add" then gstate := Nothing
+ let gallina_symbol s =
+ if !gstate = AfterDot || (!gstate = Proof && s = ":=") then
+ gstate := Nothing
+ let is_space = function ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' -> true | _ -> false
+ let gallina_char c =
+ if c = '.' then
+ (let skip = !gstate = Proof in gstate := AfterDot; skip)
+ else
+ (if !gstate = AfterDot && not (is_space c) then gstate := Nothing;
+ false)
+ (* saving/restoring the PP state *)
+ type state = {
+ st_gallina : bool;
+ st_light : bool
+ }
+ let state_stack = Stack.create ()
+ let save_state () =
+ Stack.push { st_gallina = !gallina; st_light = !light } state_stack
+ let restore_state () =
+ let s = Stack.pop state_stack in
+ gallina := s.st_gallina;
+ light := s.st_light
+ let without_ref r f x = save_state (); r := false; f x; restore_state ()
+ let without_gallina = without_ref gallina
+ let without_light = without_ref light
+ let show_all f = without_gallina (without_light f)
+ let begin_show () = save_state (); gallina := false; light := false
+ let end_show () = restore_state ()
+ (* Reset the globals *)
+ let reset () =
+ formatted := false;
+ brackets := 0;
+ gstate := AfterDot
+ (* erasing of Section/End *)
+ let section_re = Str.regexp "[ \t]*Section"
+ let end_re = Str.regexp "[ \t]*End"
+ let is_section s = Str.string_match section_re s 0
+ let is_end s = Str.string_match end_re s 0
+ let sections_to_close = ref 0
+ let section_or_end s =
+ if is_section s then begin
+ incr sections_to_close; true
+ end else if is_end s then begin
+ if !sections_to_close > 0 then begin
+ decr sections_to_close; true
+ end else
+ false
+ end else
+ true
+ (* tokens pretty-print *)
+ let token_buffer = Buffer.create 1024
+ let token_re =
+ Str.regexp "[ \t]*(\\*\\*[ \t]+printing[ \t]+\\([^ \t]+\\)"
+ let printing_token_re =
+ Str.regexp
+ "[ \t]*\\(\\(%\\([^%]*\\)%\\)\\|\\(\\$[^$]*\\$\\)\\)?[ \t]*\\(#\\(\\([^#]\\|&#\\)*\\)#\\)?"
+ let add_printing_token toks pps =
+ try
+ if Str.string_match token_re toks 0 then
+ let tok = Str.matched_group 1 toks in
+ if Str.string_match printing_token_re pps 0 then
+ let pp =
+ (try Some (Str.matched_group 3 pps) with _ ->
+ try Some (Str.matched_group 4 pps) with _ -> None),
+ (try Some (Str.matched_group 6 pps) with _ -> None)
+ in
+ Output.add_printing_token tok pp
+ with _ ->
+ ()
+ let remove_token_re =
+ Str.regexp
+ "[ \t]*(\\*\\*[ \t]+remove[ \t]+printing[ \t]+\\([^ \t]+\\)[ \t]*\\*)"
+ let remove_printing_token toks =
+ try
+ if Str.string_match remove_token_re toks 0 then
+ let tok = Str.matched_group 1 toks in
+ Output.remove_printing_token tok
+ with _ ->
+ ()
+ let extract_ident_re = Str.regexp "([ \t]*\\([^ \t]+\\)[ \t]*:="
+ let extract_ident s =
+ assert (String.length s >= 3);
+ if Str.string_match extract_ident_re s 0 then
+ Str.matched_group 1 s
+ else
+ String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 3)
+(*s Regular expressions *)
+let space = [' ' '\t']
+let space_nl = [' ' '\t' '\n' '\r']
+let firstchar =
+ ['A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_'
+ (* iso 8859-1 accents *)
+ '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' ] |
+ (* utf-8 latin 1 supplement *)
+ '\195' ['\128'-'\191'] |
+ (* utf-8 letterlike symbols *)
+ '\226' ('\132' ['\128'-'\191'] | '\133' ['\128'-'\143'])
+let identchar =
+ firstchar | ['\'' '0'-'9' '@']
+let identifier = firstchar identchar*
+let symbolchar_no_brackets =
+ ['!' '$' '%' '&' '*' '+' ',' '@' '^' '#'
+ '\\' '/' '-' '<' '>' '|' ':' '?' '=' '~'
+ '{' '}' '(' ')'] |
+ (* utf-8 symbols *)
+ '\226' ['\134'-'\143' '\152'-'\155' '\164'-'\165' '\168'-'\171'] _
+let symbolchar = symbolchar_no_brackets | '[' | ']'
+let token = symbolchar+ | '[' [^ '[' ']' ':']* ']'
+(* tokens with balanced brackets *)
+let token_brackets =
+ ( symbolchar_no_brackets+ ('[' symbolchar_no_brackets* ']')*
+ | symbolchar_no_brackets* ('[' symbolchar_no_brackets* ']')+ )
+ symbolchar_no_brackets*
+let section = "*" | "**" | "***" | "****"
+let item_space = " "
+let begin_hide = "(*" space* "begin" space+ "hide" space* "*)" space* '\n'
+let end_hide = "(*" space* "end" space+ "hide" space* "*)" space* '\n'
+let begin_show = "(*" space* "begin" space+ "show" space* "*)" space* '\n'
+let end_show = "(*" space* "end" space+ "show" space* "*)" space* '\n'
+let begin_verb = "(*" space* "begin" space+ "verb" space* "*)"
+let end_verb = "(*" space* "end" space+ "verb" space* "*)"
+let coq_command_to_hide =
+ "Implicit" space |
+ "Ltac" space |
+ "Require" space |
+ "Load" space |
+ "Hint" space |
+ "Transparent" space |
+ "Opaque" space |
+ ("Declare" space+ ("Morphism" | "Step") space) |
+ "Section" space |
+ "Variable" 's'? space |
+ ("Hypothesis" | "Hypotheses") space |
+ "End" space |
+ ("Set" | "Unset") space+ "Printing" space+ "Coercions" space |
+ "Declare" space+ ("Left" | "Right") space+ "Step" space
+(*s Scanning Coq, at beginning of line *)
+rule coq_bol = parse
+ | '\n'+
+ { empty_line_of_code (); coq_bol lexbuf }
+ | space* "(**" space_nl
+ { end_coq (); start_doc ();
+ let eol = doc_bol lexbuf in
+ end_doc (); start_coq ();
+ if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf }
+ | space* "Comments" space_nl
+ { end_coq (); start_doc (); comments lexbuf; end_doc ();
+ start_coq (); coq lexbuf }
+ | space* begin_hide
+ { skip_hide lexbuf; coq_bol lexbuf }
+ | space* begin_show
+ { begin_show (); coq_bol lexbuf }
+ | space* end_show
+ { end_show (); coq_bol lexbuf }
+ | space* coq_command_to_hide
+ { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
+ if !light && section_or_end s then begin
+ skip_to_dot lexbuf;
+ coq_bol lexbuf
+ end else begin
+ indentation (count_spaces s);
+ backtrack lexbuf;
+ coq lexbuf
+ end }
+ | space* "(**" space+ "printing" space+ (identifier | token) space+
+ { let tok = lexeme lexbuf in
+ let s = printing_token lexbuf in
+ add_printing_token tok s;
+ coq_bol lexbuf }
+ | space* "(**" space+ "printing" space+
+ { eprintf "warning: bad 'printing' command at character %d\n"
+ (lexeme_start lexbuf); flush stderr;
+ ignore (comment lexbuf);
+ coq_bol lexbuf }
+ | space* "(**" space+ "remove" space+ "printing" space+
+ (identifier | token) space* "*)"
+ { remove_printing_token (lexeme lexbuf);
+ coq_bol lexbuf }
+ | space* "(**" space+ "remove" space+ "printing" space+
+ { eprintf "warning: bad 'remove printing' command at character %d\n"
+ (lexeme_start lexbuf); flush stderr;
+ ignore (comment lexbuf);
+ coq_bol lexbuf }
+ | space* "(*"
+ { let eol = comment lexbuf in
+ if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf }
+ | space+
+ { indentation (count_spaces (lexeme lexbuf)); coq lexbuf }
+ | eof
+ { () }
+ | _
+ { backtrack lexbuf; indentation 0; coq lexbuf }
+(*s Scanning Coq elsewhere *)
+and coq = parse
+ | "\n"
+ { line_break (); coq_bol lexbuf }
+ | "(**" space_nl
+ { end_coq (); start_doc ();
+ let eol = doc_bol lexbuf in
+ end_doc (); start_coq ();
+ if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf }
+ | "(*"
+ { let eol = comment lexbuf in
+ if eol then coq_bol lexbuf else coq lexbuf }
+ | '\n'+ space* "]]"
+ { if not !formatted then begin symbol (lexeme lexbuf); coq lexbuf end }
+ | eof
+ { () }
+ | token
+ { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
+ if !gallina then gallina_symbol s;
+ symbol s;
+ coq lexbuf }
+ | "with" space+ "Module" | "Module" space+ "Type" | "Declare" space+ "Module"
+ (* hack to avoid making Type a keyword *)
+ { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
+ if !gallina then gallina_id s;
+ ident s (lexeme_start lexbuf); coq lexbuf }
+ | "(" space* identifier space* ":="
+ { let id = extract_ident (lexeme lexbuf) in
+ symbol "("; ident id (lexeme_start lexbuf); symbol ":="; coq lexbuf }
+ | (identifier '.')* identifier
+ { let id = lexeme lexbuf in
+ if !gallina then gallina_id id;
+ ident id (lexeme_start lexbuf); coq lexbuf }
+ | _
+ { let c = lexeme_char lexbuf 0 in
+ char c;
+ if !gallina && gallina_char c then skip_proof lexbuf;
+ coq lexbuf }
+(*s Scanning documentation, at beginning of line *)
+and doc_bol = parse
+ | space* "\n" '\n'*
+ { paragraph (); doc_bol lexbuf }
+ | space* section [^')'] ([^'\n' '*'] | '*' [^'\n'')'])*
+ { let lev, s = sec_title (lexeme lexbuf) in
+ section lev (fun () -> ignore (doc (from_string s)));
+ doc lexbuf }
+ | space* '-'+
+ { let n = count_dashes (lexeme lexbuf) in
+ if n >= 4 then rule () else item n;
+ doc lexbuf }
+ | "<<" space*
+ { start_verbatim (); verbatim lexbuf; doc_bol lexbuf }
+ | eof
+ { false }
+ | _
+ { backtrack lexbuf; doc lexbuf }
+(*s Scanning documentation elsewhere *)
+and doc = parse
+ | "\n"
+ { char '\n'; doc_bol lexbuf }
+ | "["
+ { brackets := 1;
+ start_inline_coq (); escaped_coq lexbuf; end_inline_coq ();
+ doc lexbuf }
+ | "[[" '\n' space*
+ { formatted := true; start_code ();
+ indentation (count_spaces (lexeme lexbuf));
+ without_gallina coq lexbuf;
+ end_code (); formatted := false;
+ doc lexbuf }
+ | '*'* "*)" space* '\n'
+ { true }
+ | '*'* "*)"
+ { false }
+ | "$"
+ { start_latex_math (); escaped_math_latex lexbuf; doc lexbuf }
+ | "$$"
+ { char '$'; doc lexbuf }
+ | "%"
+ { escaped_latex lexbuf; doc lexbuf }
+ | "%%"
+ { char '%'; doc lexbuf }
+ | "#"
+ { escaped_html lexbuf; doc lexbuf }
+ | "##"
+ { char '#'; doc lexbuf }
+ | eof
+ { false }
+ | _
+ { char (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); doc lexbuf }
+(*s Various escapings *)
+and escaped_math_latex = parse
+ | "$" { stop_latex_math () }
+ | eof { stop_latex_math () }
+ | _ { latex_char (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); escaped_math_latex lexbuf }
+and escaped_latex = parse
+ | "%" { () }
+ | eof { () }
+ | _ { latex_char (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); escaped_latex lexbuf }
+and escaped_html = parse
+ | "#" { () }
+ | "&#"
+ { html_char '&'; html_char '#'; escaped_html lexbuf }
+ | "##"
+ { html_char '#'; escaped_html lexbuf }
+ | eof { () }
+ | _ { html_char (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); escaped_html lexbuf }
+and verbatim = parse
+ | "\n>>" { verbatim_char '\n'; stop_verbatim () }
+ | eof { stop_verbatim () }
+ | _ { verbatim_char (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); verbatim lexbuf }
+(*s Coq, inside quotations *)
+and escaped_coq = parse
+ | "]"
+ { decr brackets;
+ if !brackets > 0 then begin char ']'; escaped_coq lexbuf end }
+ | "["
+ { incr brackets; char '['; escaped_coq lexbuf }
+ | "(*"
+ { ignore (comment lexbuf); escaped_coq lexbuf }
+ | "*)"
+ { (* likely to be a syntax error: we escape *) backtrack lexbuf }
+ | eof
+ { () }
+ | token_brackets
+ { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
+ symbol s;
+ escaped_coq lexbuf }
+ | (identifier '.')* identifier
+ { ident (lexeme lexbuf) (lexeme_start lexbuf); escaped_coq lexbuf }
+ | _
+ { char (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); escaped_coq lexbuf }
+(*s Coq "Comments" command. *)
+and comments = parse
+ | space_nl+
+ { char ' '; comments lexbuf }
+ | '"' [^ '"']* '"'
+ { let s = lexeme lexbuf in
+ let s = String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 2) in
+ ignore (doc (from_string s)); comments lexbuf }
+ | ([^ '.' '"'] | '.' [^ ' ' '\t' '\n'])+
+ { escaped_coq (from_string (lexeme lexbuf)); comments lexbuf }
+ | "." (space_nl | eof)
+ { () }
+ | eof
+ { () }
+ | _
+ { char (lexeme_char lexbuf 0); comments lexbuf }
+(*s Skip comments *)
+and comment = parse
+ | "(*" { ignore (comment lexbuf); comment lexbuf }
+ | "*)" space* '\n'+ { true }
+ | "*)" { false }
+ | eof { false }
+ | _ { comment lexbuf }
+(*s Skip proofs *)
+and skip_proof = parse
+ | "(*" { ignore (comment lexbuf); skip_proof lexbuf }
+ | "Save" | "Qed" | "Defined"
+ | "Abort" | "Proof" | "Admitted" { skip_to_dot lexbuf }
+ | "Proof" space* '.' { skip_proof lexbuf }
+ | identifier { skip_proof lexbuf } (* to avoid keywords within idents *)
+ | eof { () }
+ | _ { skip_proof lexbuf }
+and skip_to_dot = parse
+ | eof | '.' { if !gallina then gstate := AfterDot }
+ | "(*" { ignore (comment lexbuf); skip_to_dot lexbuf }
+ | _ { skip_to_dot lexbuf }
+and skip_hide = parse
+ | eof | end_hide { () }
+ | _ { skip_hide lexbuf }
+(*s Reading token pretty-print *)
+and printing_token = parse
+ | "*)" | eof
+ { let s = Buffer.contents token_buffer in
+ Buffer.clear token_buffer;
+ s }
+ | _ { Buffer.add_string token_buffer (lexeme lexbuf);
+ printing_token lexbuf }
+(*s Applying the scanners to files *)
+ type file =
+ | Vernac_file of string * coq_module
+ | Latex_file of string
+ let coq_file f m =
+ reset ();
+ Index.scan_file f m;
+ start_module ();
+ let c = open_in f in
+ let lb = from_channel c in
+ start_coq (); coq_bol lb; end_coq ();
+ close_in c
+ (* LaTeX document *)
+ let latex_document l =
+ let file = function
+ | Vernac_file (f,m) -> set_module m; coq_file f m
+ | Latex_file f -> dump_file f
+ in
+ header ();
+ if !toc then make_toc ();
+ List.iter file l;
+ trailer ();
+ close ()
+ (* HTML document *)
+ let html_document l =
+ let file = function
+ | Vernac_file (f,m) ->
+ set_module m;
+ let hf = m ^ ".html" in
+ set_out_file hf;
+ header ();
+ coq_file f m;
+ trailer ();
+ close ()
+ | Latex_file _ -> ()
+ in
+ List.iter file l;
+ make_index ();
+ if !toc then make_toc ()
+ (* TeXmacs document *)
+ let texmacs_document l =
+ let file = function
+ | Vernac_file (f,m) -> set_module m; coq_file f m
+ | Latex_file f -> dump_file f
+ in
+ header ();
+ List.iter file l;
+ trailer ();
+ close ()
+ let index_module = function
+ | Vernac_file (_,m) -> Index.add_module m
+ | Latex_file _ -> ()
+ let produce_document l =
+ List.iter index_module l;
+ (match !target_language with
+ | LaTeX -> latex_document
+ | HTML -> html_document
+ | TeXmacs -> texmacs_document) l
diff --git a/tools/coqdoc/style.css b/tools/coqdoc/style.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5150bd75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/coqdoc/style.css
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+a:visited {color : #416DFF; text-decoration : none; }
+a:link {color : #416DFF; text-decoration : none; font-weight : bold}
+a:hover {color : Red; text-decoration : underline; }
+a:active {color : Red; text-decoration : underline; }
+.keyword { font-weight : bold ; color : Red }
+.keywordsign { color : #C04600 }
+.superscript { font-size : 4 }
+.subscript { font-size : 4 }
+.comment { color : Green }
+.constructor { color : Blue }
+.string { color : Maroon }
+.warning { color : Red ; font-weight : bold } { margin-left : 3em; margin-right : 3em }
+.title1 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #416DFF }
+.title2 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #418DFF }
+.title3 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41ADFF }
+.title4 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41CDFF }
+.title5 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41EDFF }
+.title6 { font-size : 20pt ; background-color : #41FFFF }
+body { background-color : White }
+tr { background-color : White }
+# .doc { background-color :#aaeeff }
+.doc { background-color :#66ff66 }