path: root/theories7/ZArith/Zsqrt.v
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
commit3ef7797ef6fc605dfafb32523261fe1b023aeecb (patch)
treead89c6bb57ceee608fcba2bb3435b74e0f57919e /theories7/ZArith/Zsqrt.v
parent018ee3b0c2be79eb81b1f65c3f3fa142d24129c8 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl3+8.1alphaupstream/8.0pl3+8.1alpha
Diffstat (limited to 'theories7/ZArith/Zsqrt.v')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 136 deletions
diff --git a/theories7/ZArith/Zsqrt.v b/theories7/ZArith/Zsqrt.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 72a2e9cf..00000000
--- a/theories7/ZArith/Zsqrt.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: Zsqrt.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:44 herbelin Exp $ *)
-Require Omega.
-Require Export ZArith_base.
-Require Export ZArithRing.
-V7only [Import Z_scope.].
-Open Local Scope Z_scope.
-(** Definition and properties of square root on Z *)
-(** The following tactic replaces all instances of (POS (xI ...)) by
- `2*(POS ...)+1` , but only when ... is not made only with xO, XI, or xH. *)
-Tactic Definition compute_POS :=
- Match Context With
- | [|- [(POS (xI ?1))]] ->
- (Match ?1 With
- | [[xH]] -> Fail
- | _ -> Rewrite (POS_xI ?1))
- | [|- [(POS (xO ?1))]] ->
- (Match ?1 With
- | [[xH]] -> Fail
- | _ -> Rewrite (POS_xO ?1)).
-Inductive sqrt_data [n : Z] : Set :=
- c_sqrt: (s, r :Z)`n=s*s+r`->`0<=r<=2*s`->(sqrt_data n) .
-Definition sqrtrempos: (p : positive) (sqrt_data (POS p)).
-Refine (Fix sqrtrempos {
- sqrtrempos [p : positive] : (sqrt_data (POS p)) :=
- <[p : ?] (sqrt_data (POS p))> Cases p of
- xH => (c_sqrt `1` `1` `0` ? ?)
- | (xO xH) => (c_sqrt `2` `1` `1` ? ?)
- | (xI xH) => (c_sqrt `3` `1` `2` ? ?)
- | (xO (xO p')) =>
- Cases (sqrtrempos p') of
- (c_sqrt s' r' Heq Hint) =>
- Cases (Z_le_gt_dec `4*s'+1` `4*r'`) of
- (left Hle) =>
- (c_sqrt (POS (xO (xO p'))) `2*s'+1` `4*r'-(4*s'+1)` ? ?)
- | (right Hgt) =>
- (c_sqrt (POS (xO (xO p'))) `2*s'` `4*r'` ? ?)
- end
- end
- | (xO (xI p')) =>
- Cases (sqrtrempos p') of
- (c_sqrt s' r' Heq Hint) =>
- Cases
- (Z_le_gt_dec `4*s'+1` `4*r'+2`) of
- (left Hle) =>
- (c_sqrt
- (POS (xO (xI p'))) `2*s'+1` `4*r'+2-(4*s'+1)` ? ?)
- | (right Hgt) =>
- (c_sqrt (POS (xO (xI p'))) `2*s'` `4*r'+2` ? ?)
- end
- end
- | (xI (xO p')) =>
- Cases (sqrtrempos p') of
- (c_sqrt s' r' Heq Hint) =>
- Cases
- (Z_le_gt_dec `4*s'+1` `4*r'+1`) of
- (left Hle) =>
- (c_sqrt
- (POS (xI (xO p'))) `2*s'+1` `4*r'+1-(4*s'+1)` ? ?)
- | (right Hgt) =>
- (c_sqrt (POS (xI (xO p'))) `2*s'` `4*r'+1` ? ?)
- end
- end
- | (xI (xI p')) =>
- Cases (sqrtrempos p') of
- (c_sqrt s' r' Heq Hint) =>
- Cases
- (Z_le_gt_dec `4*s'+1` `4*r'+3`) of
- (left Hle) =>
- (c_sqrt
- (POS (xI (xI p'))) `2*s'+1` `4*r'+3-(4*s'+1)` ? ?)
- | (right Hgt) =>
- (c_sqrt (POS (xI (xI p'))) `2*s'` `4*r'+3` ? ?)
- end
- end
- end
- }); Clear sqrtrempos; Repeat compute_POS;
- Try (Try Rewrite Heq; Ring; Fail); Try Omega.
-(** Define with integer input, but with a strong (readable) specification. *)
-Definition Zsqrt : (x:Z)`0<=x`->{s:Z & {r:Z | x=`s*s+r` /\ `s*s<=x<(s+1)*(s+1)`}}.
-Refine [x]
- <[x:Z]`0<=x`->{s:Z & {r:Z | x=`s*s+r` /\ `s*s<=x<(s+1)*(s+1)`}}>Cases x of
- (POS p) => [h]Cases (sqrtrempos p) of
- (c_sqrt s r Heq Hint) =>
- (existS ? [s:Z]{r:Z | `(POS p)=s*s+r` /\
- `s*s<=(POS p)<(s+1)*(s+1)`}
- s
- (exist Z [r:Z]((POS p)=`s*s+r` /\ `s*s<=(POS p)<(s+1)*(s+1)`)
- r ?))
- end
- | (NEG p) => [h](False_rec
- {s:Z & {r:Z |
- (NEG p)=`s*s+r` /\ `s*s<=(NEG p)<(s+1)*(s+1)`}}
- (h (refl_equal ? SUPERIEUR)))
- | ZERO => [h](existS ? [s:Z]{r:Z | `0=s*s+r` /\ `s*s<=0<(s+1)*(s+1)`}
- `0` (exist Z [r:Z](`0=0*0+r`/\`0*0<=0<(0+1)*(0+1)`)
- `0` ?))
- end;Try Omega.
-Split;[Omega|Rewrite Heq;Ring `(s+1)*(s+1)`;Omega].
-(** Define a function of type Z->Z that computes the integer square root,
- but only for positive numbers, and 0 for others. *)
-Definition Zsqrt_plain : Z->Z :=
- [x]Cases x of
- (POS p)=>Cases (Zsqrt (POS p) (ZERO_le_POS p)) of (existS s _) => s end
- |(NEG p)=>`0`
- |ZERO=>`0`
- end.
-(** A basic theorem about Zsqrt_plain *)
-Theorem Zsqrt_interval :(x:Z)`0<=x`->
- `(Zsqrt_plain x)*(Zsqrt_plain x)<= x < ((Zsqrt_plain x)+1)*((Zsqrt_plain x)+1)`.
-Intros x;Case x.
-Unfold Zsqrt_plain;Omega.
-Intros p;Unfold Zsqrt_plain;Case (Zsqrt (POS p) (ZERO_le_POS p)).
-Intros s (r,(Heq,Hint)) Hle;Assumption.
-Intros p Hle;Elim Hle;Auto.