path: root/theories7/Sorting
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2004-07-28 21:54:47 +0000
commit6b649aba925b6f7462da07599fe67ebb12a3460e (patch)
tree43656bcaa51164548f3fa14e5b10de5ef1088574 /theories7/Sorting
Imported Upstream version 8.0pl1upstream/8.0pl1
Diffstat (limited to 'theories7/Sorting')
3 files changed, 451 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/theories7/Sorting/Heap.v b/theories7/Sorting/Heap.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..63e7f324
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: Heap.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:41 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+(** A development of Treesort on Heap trees *)
+(* G. Huet 1-9-95 uses Multiset *)
+Require PolyList.
+Require Multiset.
+Require Permutation.
+Require Relations.
+Require Sorting.
+Section defs.
+Variable A : Set.
+Variable leA : (relation A).
+Variable eqA : (relation A).
+Local gtA := [x,y:A]~(leA x y).
+Hypothesis leA_dec : (x,y:A){(leA x y)}+{(leA y x)}.
+Hypothesis eqA_dec : (x,y:A){(eqA x y)}+{~(eqA x y)}.
+Hypothesis leA_refl : (x,y:A) (eqA x y) -> (leA x y).
+Hypothesis leA_trans : (x,y,z:A) (leA x y) -> (leA y z) -> (leA x z).
+Hypothesis leA_antisym : (x,y:A)(leA x y) -> (leA y x) -> (eqA x y).
+Hints Resolve leA_refl.
+Hints Immediate eqA_dec leA_dec leA_antisym.
+Local emptyBag := (EmptyBag A).
+Local singletonBag := (SingletonBag eqA_dec).
+Inductive Tree : Set :=
+ Tree_Leaf : Tree
+ | Tree_Node : A -> Tree -> Tree -> Tree.
+(** [a] is lower than a Tree [T] if [T] is a Leaf
+ or [T] is a Node holding [b>a] *)
+Definition leA_Tree := [a:A; t:Tree]
+ Cases t of
+ Tree_Leaf => True
+ | (Tree_Node b T1 T2) => (leA a b)
+ end.
+Lemma leA_Tree_Leaf : (a:A)(leA_Tree a Tree_Leaf).
+Simpl; Auto with datatypes.
+Lemma leA_Tree_Node : (a,b:A)(G,D:Tree)(leA a b) ->
+ (leA_Tree a (Tree_Node b G D)).
+Simpl; Auto with datatypes.
+Hints Resolve leA_Tree_Leaf leA_Tree_Node.
+(** The heap property *)
+Inductive is_heap : Tree -> Prop :=
+ nil_is_heap : (is_heap Tree_Leaf)
+ | node_is_heap : (a:A)(T1,T2:Tree)
+ (leA_Tree a T1) ->
+ (leA_Tree a T2) ->
+ (is_heap T1) -> (is_heap T2) ->
+ (is_heap (Tree_Node a T1 T2)).
+Hint constr_is_heap := Constructors is_heap.
+Lemma invert_heap : (a:A)(T1,T2:Tree)(is_heap (Tree_Node a T1 T2))->
+ (leA_Tree a T1) /\ (leA_Tree a T2) /\
+ (is_heap T1) /\ (is_heap T2).
+Intros; Inversion H; Auto with datatypes.
+(* This lemma ought to be generated automatically by the Inversion tools *)
+Lemma is_heap_rec : (P:Tree->Set)
+ (P Tree_Leaf)->
+ ((a:A)
+ (T1:Tree)
+ (T2:Tree)
+ (leA_Tree a T1)->
+ (leA_Tree a T2)->
+ (is_heap T1)->
+ (P T1)->(is_heap T2)->(P T2)->(P (Tree_Node a T1 T2)))
+ -> (T:Tree)(is_heap T) -> (P T).
+Induction T; Auto with datatypes.
+Intros a G PG D PD PN.
+Elim (invert_heap a G D); Auto with datatypes.
+Intros H1 H2; Elim H2; Intros H3 H4; Elim H4; Intros.
+Apply H0; Auto with datatypes.
+Lemma low_trans :
+ (T:Tree)(a,b:A)(leA a b) -> (leA_Tree b T) -> (leA_Tree a T).
+Induction T; Auto with datatypes.
+Intros; Simpl; Apply leA_trans with b; Auto with datatypes.
+(** contents of a tree as a multiset *)
+(** Nota Bene : In what follows the definition of SingletonBag
+ in not used. Actually, we could just take as postulate:
+ [Parameter SingletonBag : A->multiset]. *)
+Fixpoint contents [t:Tree] : (multiset A) :=
+ Cases t of
+ Tree_Leaf => emptyBag
+ | (Tree_Node a t1 t2) => (munion (contents t1)
+ (munion (contents t2) (singletonBag a)))
+(** equivalence of two trees is equality of corresponding multisets *)
+Definition equiv_Tree := [t1,t2:Tree](meq (contents t1) (contents t2)).
+(** specification of heap insertion *)
+Inductive insert_spec [a:A; T:Tree] : Set :=
+ insert_exist : (T1:Tree)(is_heap T1) ->
+ (meq (contents T1) (munion (contents T) (singletonBag a))) ->
+ ((b:A)(leA b a)->(leA_Tree b T)->(leA_Tree b T1)) ->
+ (insert_spec a T).
+Lemma insert : (T:Tree)(is_heap T) -> (a:A)(insert_spec a T).
+Induction 1; Intros.
+Apply insert_exist with (Tree_Node a Tree_Leaf Tree_Leaf); Auto with datatypes.
+Simpl; Unfold meq munion; Auto with datatypes.
+Elim (leA_dec a a0); Intros.
+Elim (H3 a0); Intros.
+Apply insert_exist with (Tree_Node a T2 T0); Auto with datatypes.
+Simpl; Apply treesort_twist1; Trivial with datatypes.
+Elim (H3 a); Intros T3 HeapT3 ConT3 LeA.
+Apply insert_exist with (Tree_Node a0 T2 T3); Auto with datatypes.
+Apply node_is_heap; Auto with datatypes.
+Apply low_trans with a; Auto with datatypes.
+Apply LeA; Auto with datatypes.
+Apply low_trans with a; Auto with datatypes.
+Simpl; Apply treesort_twist2; Trivial with datatypes.
+(** building a heap from a list *)
+Inductive build_heap [l:(list A)] : Set :=
+ heap_exist : (T:Tree)(is_heap T) ->
+ (meq (list_contents eqA_dec l)(contents T)) ->
+ (build_heap l).
+Lemma list_to_heap : (l:(list A))(build_heap l).
+Induction l.
+Apply (heap_exist (nil A) Tree_Leaf); Auto with datatypes.
+Simpl; Unfold meq; Auto with datatypes.
+Induction 1.
+Intros T i m; Elim (insert T i a).
+Intros; Apply heap_exist with T1; Simpl; Auto with datatypes.
+Apply meq_trans with (munion (contents T) (singletonBag a)).
+Apply meq_trans with (munion (singletonBag a) (contents T)).
+Apply meq_right; Trivial with datatypes.
+Apply munion_comm.
+Apply meq_sym; Trivial with datatypes.
+(** building the sorted list *)
+Inductive flat_spec [T:Tree] : Set :=
+ flat_exist : (l:(list A))(sort leA l) ->
+ ((a:A)(leA_Tree a T)->(lelistA leA a l)) ->
+ (meq (contents T) (list_contents eqA_dec l)) ->
+ (flat_spec T).
+Lemma heap_to_list : (T:Tree)(is_heap T) -> (flat_spec T).
+ Intros T h; Elim h; Intros.
+ Apply flat_exist with (nil A); Auto with datatypes.
+ Elim H2; Intros l1 s1 i1 m1; Elim H4; Intros l2 s2 i2 m2.
+ Elim (merge leA_dec eqA_dec s1 s2); Intros.
+ Apply flat_exist with (cons a l); Simpl; Auto with datatypes.
+ Apply meq_trans with
+ (munion (list_contents eqA_dec l1) (munion (list_contents eqA_dec l2)
+ (singletonBag a))).
+ Apply meq_congr; Auto with datatypes.
+ Apply meq_trans with
+ (munion (singletonBag a) (munion (list_contents eqA_dec l1)
+ (list_contents eqA_dec l2))).
+ Apply munion_rotate.
+ Apply meq_right; Apply meq_sym; Trivial with datatypes.
+(** specification of treesort *)
+Theorem treesort : (l:(list A))
+ {m:(list A) | (sort leA m) & (permutation eqA_dec l m)}.
+ Intro l; Unfold permutation.
+ Elim (list_to_heap l).
+ Intros.
+ Elim (heap_to_list T); Auto with datatypes.
+ Intros.
+ Exists l0; Auto with datatypes.
+ Apply meq_trans with (contents T); Trivial with datatypes.
+End defs.
diff --git a/theories7/Sorting/Permutation.v b/theories7/Sorting/Permutation.v
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index 00000000..46b8da00
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+++ b/theories7/Sorting/Permutation.v
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: Permutation.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:41 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+Require Relations.
+Require PolyList.
+Require Multiset.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Section defs.
+Variable A : Set.
+Variable leA : (relation A).
+Variable eqA : (relation A).
+Local gtA := [x,y:A]~(leA x y).
+Hypothesis leA_dec : (x,y:A){(leA x y)}+{~(leA x y)}.
+Hypothesis eqA_dec : (x,y:A){(eqA x y)}+{~(eqA x y)}.
+Hypothesis leA_refl : (x,y:A) (eqA x y) -> (leA x y).
+Hypothesis leA_trans : (x,y,z:A) (leA x y) -> (leA y z) -> (leA x z).
+Hypothesis leA_antisym : (x,y:A)(leA x y) -> (leA y x) -> (eqA x y).
+Hints Resolve leA_refl : default.
+Hints Immediate eqA_dec leA_dec leA_antisym : default.
+Local emptyBag := (EmptyBag A).
+Local singletonBag := (SingletonBag eqA_dec).
+(** contents of a list *)
+Fixpoint list_contents [l:(list A)] : (multiset A) :=
+ Cases l of
+ nil => emptyBag
+ | (cons a l) => (munion (singletonBag a) (list_contents l))
+ end.
+Lemma list_contents_app : (l,m:(list A))
+ (meq (list_contents (app l m)) (munion (list_contents l) (list_contents m))).
+Induction l; Simpl; Auto with datatypes.
+Apply meq_trans with
+ (munion (singletonBag a) (munion (list_contents l0) (list_contents m))); Auto with datatypes.
+Hints Resolve list_contents_app.
+Definition permutation := [l,m:(list A)](meq (list_contents l) (list_contents m)).
+Lemma permut_refl : (l:(list A))(permutation l l).
+Unfold permutation; Auto with datatypes.
+Hints Resolve permut_refl.
+Lemma permut_tran : (l,m,n:(list A))
+ (permutation l m) -> (permutation m n) -> (permutation l n).
+Unfold permutation; Intros.
+Apply meq_trans with (list_contents m); Auto with datatypes.
+Lemma permut_right : (l,m:(list A))
+ (permutation l m) -> (a:A)(permutation (cons a l) (cons a m)).
+Unfold permutation; Simpl; Auto with datatypes.
+Hints Resolve permut_right.
+Lemma permut_app : (l,l',m,m':(list A))
+ (permutation l l') -> (permutation m m') ->
+ (permutation (app l m) (app l' m')).
+Unfold permutation; Intros.
+Apply meq_trans with (munion (list_contents l) (list_contents m)); Auto with datatypes.
+Apply meq_trans with (munion (list_contents l') (list_contents m')); Auto with datatypes.
+Apply meq_trans with (munion (list_contents l') (list_contents m)); Auto with datatypes.
+Hints Resolve permut_app.
+Lemma permut_cons : (l,m:(list A))(permutation l m) ->
+ (a:A)(permutation (cons a l) (cons a m)).
+Intros l m H a.
+Change (permutation (app (cons a (nil A)) l) (app (cons a (nil A)) m)).
+Apply permut_app; Auto with datatypes.
+Hints Resolve permut_cons.
+Lemma permut_middle : (l,m:(list A))
+ (a:A)(permutation (cons a (app l m)) (app l (cons a m))).
+Unfold permutation.
+Induction l; Simpl; Auto with datatypes.
+Apply meq_trans with (munion (singletonBag a)
+ (munion (singletonBag a0) (list_contents (app l0 m)))); Auto with datatypes.
+Apply munion_perm_left; Auto with datatypes.
+Hints Resolve permut_middle.
+End defs.
+Unset Implicit Arguments.
diff --git a/theories7/Sorting/Sorting.v b/theories7/Sorting/Sorting.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a6e38976
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+++ b/theories7/Sorting/Sorting.v
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: Sorting.v,v 2004/07/16 19:31:41 herbelin Exp $ i*)
+Require PolyList.
+Require Multiset.
+Require Permutation.
+Require Relations.
+Set Implicit Arguments.
+Section defs.
+Variable A : Set.
+Variable leA : (relation A).
+Variable eqA : (relation A).
+Local gtA := [x,y:A]~(leA x y).
+Hypothesis leA_dec : (x,y:A){(leA x y)}+{(leA y x)}.
+Hypothesis eqA_dec : (x,y:A){(eqA x y)}+{~(eqA x y)}.
+Hypothesis leA_refl : (x,y:A) (eqA x y) -> (leA x y).
+Hypothesis leA_trans : (x,y,z:A) (leA x y) -> (leA y z) -> (leA x z).
+Hypothesis leA_antisym : (x,y:A)(leA x y) -> (leA y x) -> (eqA x y).
+Hints Resolve leA_refl.
+Hints Immediate eqA_dec leA_dec leA_antisym.
+Local emptyBag := (EmptyBag A).
+Local singletonBag := (SingletonBag eqA_dec).
+(** [lelistA] *)
+Inductive lelistA [a:A] : (list A) -> Prop :=
+ nil_leA : (lelistA a (nil A))
+ | cons_leA : (b:A)(l:(list A))(leA a b)->(lelistA a (cons b l)).
+Hint constr_lelistA := Constructors lelistA.
+Lemma lelistA_inv : (a,b:A)(l:(list A))
+ (lelistA a (cons b l)) -> (leA a b).
+ Intros; Inversion H; Trivial with datatypes.
+(** definition for a list to be sorted *)
+Inductive sort : (list A) -> Prop :=
+ nil_sort : (sort (nil A))
+ | cons_sort : (a:A)(l:(list A))(sort l) -> (lelistA a l) -> (sort (cons a l)).
+Hint constr_sort := Constructors sort.
+Lemma sort_inv : (a:A)(l:(list A))(sort (cons a l))->(sort l) /\ (lelistA a l).
+Intros; Inversion H; Auto with datatypes.
+Lemma sort_rec : (P:(list A)->Set)
+ (P (nil A)) ->
+ ((a:A)(l:(list A))(sort l)->(P l)->(lelistA a l)->(P (cons a l))) ->
+ (y:(list A))(sort y) -> (P y).
+Induction y; Auto with datatypes.
+Intros; Elim (!sort_inv a l); Auto with datatypes.
+(** merging two sorted lists *)
+Inductive merge_lem [l1:(list A);l2:(list A)] : Set :=
+ merge_exist : (l:(list A))(sort l) ->
+ (meq (list_contents eqA_dec l)
+ (munion (list_contents eqA_dec l1) (list_contents eqA_dec l2))) ->
+ ((a:A)(lelistA a l1)->(lelistA a l2)->(lelistA a l)) ->
+ (merge_lem l1 l2).
+Lemma merge : (l1:(list A))(sort l1)->(l2:(list A))(sort l2)->(merge_lem l1 l2).
+ Induction 1; Intros.
+ Apply merge_exist with l2; Auto with datatypes.
+ Elim H3; Intros.
+ Apply merge_exist with (cons a l); Simpl; Auto with datatypes.
+ Elim (leA_dec a a0); Intros.
+(* 1 (leA a a0) *)
+ Cut (merge_lem l (cons a0 l0)); Auto with datatypes.
+ Intros (l3, l3sorted, l3contents, Hrec).
+ Apply merge_exist with (cons a l3); Simpl; Auto with datatypes.
+ Apply meq_trans with (munion (singletonBag a)
+ (munion (list_contents eqA_dec l)
+ (list_contents eqA_dec (cons a0 l0)))).
+ Apply meq_right; Trivial with datatypes.
+ Apply meq_sym; Apply munion_ass.
+ Intros; Apply cons_leA.
+ Apply lelistA_inv with l; Trivial with datatypes.
+(* 2 (leA a0 a) *)
+ Elim H5; Simpl; Intros.
+ Apply merge_exist with (cons a0 l3); Simpl; Auto with datatypes.
+ Apply meq_trans with (munion (singletonBag a0)
+ (munion (munion (singletonBag a)
+ (list_contents eqA_dec l))
+ (list_contents eqA_dec l0))).
+ Apply meq_right; Trivial with datatypes.
+ Apply munion_perm_left.
+ Intros; Apply cons_leA; Apply lelistA_inv with l0; Trivial with datatypes.
+End defs.
+Unset Implicit Arguments.
+Hint constr_sort : datatypes v62 := Constructors sort.
+Hint constr_lelistA : datatypes v62 := Constructors lelistA.