path: root/theories/Vectors
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authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2013-05-08 18:03:54 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2013-05-08 18:03:54 +0200
commitdb38bb4ad9aff74576d3b7f00028d48f0447d5bd (patch)
tree09dafc3e5c7361d3a28e93677eadd2b7237d4f9f /theories/Vectors
parent6e34b272d789455a9be589e27ad3a998cf25496b (diff)
parent499a11a45b5711d4eaabe84a80f0ad3ae539d500 (diff)
Merge branch 'experimental/upstream' into upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Vectors')
5 files changed, 647 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Vectors/Fin.v b/theories/Vectors/Fin.v
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index 00000000..a5e37f34
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+++ b/theories/Vectors/Fin.v
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+Require Arith_base.
+(** [fin n] is a convinient way to represent \[1 .. n\]
+[fin n] can be seen as a n-uplet of unit where [F1] is the first element of
+the n-uplet and [FS] set (n-1)-uplet of all the element but the first.
+ Author: Pierre Boutillier
+ Institution: PPS, INRIA 12/2010-01/2012
+Inductive t : nat -> Set :=
+|F1 : forall {n}, t (S n)
+|FS : forall {n}, t n -> t (S n).
+Section SCHEMES.
+Definition case0 P (p: t 0): P p :=
+ match p as p' in t n return
+ match n as n' return t n' -> Type
+ with |0 => fun f0 => P f0 |S _ => fun _ => @ID end p'
+ with |F1 _ => @id |FS _ _ => @id end.
+Definition caseS (P: forall {n}, t (S n) -> Type)
+ (P1: forall n, @P n F1) (PS : forall {n} (p: t n), P (FS p))
+ {n} (p: t (S n)): P p :=
+ match p with
+ |F1 k => P1 k
+ |FS k pp => PS pp
+ end.
+Definition rectS (P: forall {n}, t (S n) -> Type)
+ (P1: forall n, @P n F1) (PS : forall {n} (p: t (S n)), P p -> P (FS p)):
+ forall {n} (p: t (S n)), P p :=
+fix rectS_fix {n} (p: t (S n)): P p:=
+ match p with
+ |F1 k => P1 k
+ |FS 0 pp => case0 (fun f => P (FS f)) pp
+ |FS (S k) pp => PS pp (rectS_fix pp)
+ end.
+Definition rect2 (P: forall {n} (a b: t n), Type)
+ (H0: forall n, @P (S n) F1 F1)
+ (H1: forall {n} (f: t n), P F1 (FS f))
+ (H2: forall {n} (f: t n), P (FS f) F1)
+ (HS: forall {n} (f g : t n), P f g -> P (FS f) (FS g)):
+ forall {n} (a b: t n), P a b :=
+fix rect2_fix {n} (a: t n): forall (b: t n), P a b :=
+match a with
+ |F1 m => fun (b: t (S m)) => match b as b' in t n'
+ return match n',b' with
+ |0,_ => @ID
+ |S n0,b0 => P F1 b0
+ end with
+ |F1 m' => H0 m'
+ |FS m' b' => H1 b'
+ end
+ |FS m a' => fun (b: t (S m)) => match b with
+ |F1 m' => fun aa: t m' => H2 aa
+ |FS m' b' => fun aa: t m' => HS aa b' (rect2_fix aa b')
+ end a'
+Definition FS_inj {n} (x y: t n) (eq: FS x = FS y): x = y :=
+match eq in _ = a return
+ match a as a' in t m return match m with |0 => Prop |S n' => t n' -> Prop end
+ with @F1 _ => fun _ => True |@FS _ y => fun x' => x' = y end x with
+ eq_refl => eq_refl
+(** [to_nat f] = p iff [f] is the p{^ th} element of [fin m]. *)
+Fixpoint to_nat {m} (n : t m) : {i | i < m} :=
+ match n in t k return {i | i< k} with
+ |F1 j => exist (fun i => i< S j) 0 (Lt.lt_0_Sn j)
+ |FS _ p => match to_nat p with |exist i P => exist _ (S i) (Lt.lt_n_S _ _ P) end
+ end.
+(** [of_nat p n] answers the p{^ th} element of [fin n] if p < n or a proof of
+p >= n else *)
+Fixpoint of_nat (p n : nat) : (t n) + { exists m, p = n + m } :=
+ match n with
+ |0 => inright _ (ex_intro (fun x => p = 0 + x) p (@eq_refl _ p))
+ |S n' => match p with
+ |0 => inleft _ (F1)
+ |S p' => match of_nat p' n' with
+ |inleft f => inleft _ (FS f)
+ |inright arg => inright _ (match arg with |ex_intro m e =>
+ ex_intro (fun x => S p' = S n' + x) m (f_equal S e) end)
+ end
+ end
+ end.
+(** [of_nat_lt p n H] answers the p{^ th} element of [fin n]
+it behaves much better than [of_nat p n] on open term *)
+Fixpoint of_nat_lt {p n : nat} : p < n -> t n :=
+ match n with
+ |0 => fun H : p < 0 => False_rect _ (Lt.lt_n_O p H)
+ |S n' => match p with
+ |0 => fun _ => @F1 n'
+ |S p' => fun H => FS (of_nat_lt (Lt.lt_S_n _ _ H))
+ end
+ end.
+Lemma of_nat_to_nat_inv {m} (p : t m) : of_nat_lt (proj2_sig (to_nat p)) = p.
+induction p.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl; destruct (to_nat p). simpl. subst p; repeat f_equal. apply Peano_dec.le_unique.
+(** [weak p f] answers a function witch is the identity for the p{^ th} first
+element of [fin (p + m)] and [FS (FS .. (FS (f k)))] for [FS (FS .. (FS k))]
+with p FSs *)
+Fixpoint weak {m}{n} p (f : t m -> t n) :
+ t (p + m) -> t (p + n) :=
+match p as p' return t (p' + m) -> t (p' + n) with
+ |0 => f
+ |S p' => fun x => match x with
+ |F1 n' => fun eq : n' = p' + m => F1
+ |FS n' y => fun eq : n' = p' + m => FS (weak p' f (eq_rect _ t y _ eq))
+ end (eq_refl _)
+(** The p{^ th} element of [fin m] viewed as the p{^ th} element of
+[fin (m + n)] *)
+Fixpoint L {m} n (p : t m) : t (m + n) :=
+ match p with |F1 _ => F1 |FS _ p' => FS (L n p') end.
+Lemma L_sanity {m} n (p : t m) : proj1_sig (to_nat (L n p)) = proj1_sig (to_nat p).
+induction p.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl; destruct (to_nat (L n p)); simpl in *; rewrite IHp. now destruct (to_nat p).
+(** The p{^ th} element of [fin m] viewed as the p{^ th} element of
+[fin (n + m)]
+Really really ineficient !!! *)
+Definition L_R {m} n (p : t m) : t (n + m).
+induction n.
+ exact p.
+ exact ((fix LS k (p: t k) :=
+ match p with
+ |F1 k' => @F1 (S k')
+ |FS _ p' => FS (LS _ p')
+ end) _ IHn).
+(** The p{^ th} element of [fin m] viewed as the (n + p){^ th} element of
+[fin (n + m)] *)
+Fixpoint R {m} n (p : t m) : t (n + m) :=
+ match n with |0 => p |S n' => FS (R n' p) end.
+Lemma R_sanity {m} n (p : t m) : proj1_sig (to_nat (R n p)) = n + proj1_sig (to_nat p).
+induction n.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl; destruct (to_nat (R n p)); simpl in *; rewrite IHn. now destruct (to_nat p).
+Fixpoint depair {m n} (o : t m) (p : t n) : t (m * n) :=
+match o with
+ |F1 m' => L (m' * n) p
+ |FS m' o' => R n (depair o' p)
+Lemma depair_sanity {m n} (o : t m) (p : t n) :
+ proj1_sig (to_nat (depair o p)) = n * (proj1_sig (to_nat o)) + (proj1_sig (to_nat p)).
+induction o ; simpl.
+ rewrite L_sanity. now rewrite Mult.mult_0_r.
+ rewrite R_sanity. rewrite IHo.
+ rewrite Plus.plus_assoc. destruct (to_nat o); simpl; rewrite Mult.mult_succ_r.
+ now rewrite (Plus.plus_comm n).
diff --git a/theories/Vectors/Vector.v b/theories/Vectors/Vector.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f3e5e338
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Vectors/Vector.v
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** Vectors.
+ Author: Pierre Boutillier
+ Institution: PPS, INRIA 12/2010
+Originally from the contribution bit vector by Jean Duprat (ENS Lyon).
+Based on contents from Util/VecUtil of the CoLoR contribution *)
+Require Fin.
+Require VectorDef.
+Require VectorSpec.
+Include VectorDef.
+Include VectorSpec.
diff --git a/theories/Vectors/VectorDef.v b/theories/Vectors/VectorDef.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..32ffcb3d
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+++ b/theories/Vectors/VectorDef.v
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** Definitions of Vectors and functions to use them
+ Author: Pierre Boutillier
+ Institution: PPS, INRIA 12/2010
+Names should be "caml name in" if exists and order of arguments
+have to be the same. complain if you see mistakes ... *)
+Require Import Arith_base.
+Require Vectors.Fin.
+Import EqNotations.
+Local Open Scope nat_scope.
+A vector is a list of size n whose elements belong to a set A. *)
+Inductive t A : nat -> Type :=
+ |nil : t A 0
+ |cons : forall (h:A) (n:nat), t A n -> t A (S n).
+Local Notation "[]" := (nil _).
+Local Notation "h :: t" := (cons _ h _ t) (at level 60, right associativity).
+Section SCHEMES.
+(** An induction scheme for non-empty vectors *)
+Definition rectS {A} (P:forall {n}, t A (S n) -> Type)
+ (bas: forall a: A, P (a :: []))
+ (rect: forall a {n} (v: t A (S n)), P v -> P (a :: v)) :=
+ fix rectS_fix {n} (v: t A (S n)) : P v :=
+ match v with
+ |nil => fun devil => False_rect (@ID) devil
+ |cons a 0 v =>
+ match v as vnn in t _ nn
+ return
+ match nn,vnn with
+ |0,vm => P (a :: vm)
+ |S _,_ => _
+ end
+ with
+ |nil => bas a
+ |_ :: _ => fun devil => False_rect (@ID) devil
+ end
+ |cons a (S nn') v => rect a v (rectS_fix v)
+ end.
+(** An induction scheme for 2 vectors of same length *)
+Definition rect2 {A B} (P:forall {n}, t A n -> t B n -> Type)
+ (bas : P [] []) (rect : forall {n v1 v2}, P v1 v2 ->
+ forall a b, P (a :: v1) (b :: v2)) :=
+fix rect2_fix {n} (v1:t A n):
+ forall v2 : t B n, P v1 v2 :=
+match v1 as v1' in t _ n1
+ return forall v2 : t B n1, P v1' v2 with
+ |[] => fun v2 =>
+ match v2 with
+ |[] => bas
+ |_ :: _ => fun devil => False_rect (@ID) devil
+ end
+ |h1 :: t1 => fun v2 =>
+ match v2 with
+ |[] => fun devil => False_rect (@ID) devil
+ |h2 :: t2 => fun t1' =>
+ rect (rect2_fix t1' t2) h1 h2
+ end t1
+(** A vector of length [0] is [nil] *)
+Definition case0 {A} (P:t A 0 -> Type) (H:P (nil A)) v:P v :=
+match v with
+ |[] => H
+(** A vector of length [S _] is [cons] *)
+Definition caseS {A} (P : forall {n}, t A (S n) -> Type)
+ (H : forall h {n} t, @P n (h :: t)) {n} (v: t A (S n)) : P v :=
+match v as v' in t _ m return match m, v' with |0, _ => False -> True |S _, v0 => P v' end with
+ |[] => fun devil => False_rect _ devil (* subterm !!! *)
+ |h :: t => H h t
+Section BASES.
+(** The first element of a non empty vector *)
+Definition hd {A} {n} (v:t A (S n)) := Eval cbv delta beta in
+(caseS (fun n v => A) (fun h n t => h) v).
+(** The last element of an non empty vector *)
+Definition last {A} {n} (v : t A (S n)) := Eval cbv delta in
+(rectS (fun _ _ => A) (fun a => a) (fun _ _ _ H => H) v).
+(** Build a vector of n{^ th} [a] *)
+Fixpoint const {A} (a:A) (n:nat) :=
+ match n return t A n with
+ | O => nil A
+ | S n => a :: (const a n)
+ end.
+(** The [p]{^ th} element of a vector of length [m].
+Computational behavior of this function should be the same as
+ocaml function. *)
+Definition nth {A} :=
+fix nth_fix {m} (v' : t A m) (p : Fin.t m) {struct v'} : A :=
+match p in Fin.t m' return t A m' -> A with
+ |Fin.F1 q => fun v => caseS (fun n v' => A) (fun h n t => h) v
+ |Fin.FS q p' => fun v => (caseS (fun n v' => Fin.t n -> A)
+ (fun h n t p0 => nth_fix t p0) v) p'
+end v'.
+(** An equivalent definition of [nth]. *)
+Definition nth_order {A} {n} (v: t A n) {p} (H: p < n) :=
+(nth v (Fin.of_nat_lt H)).
+(** Put [a] at the p{^ th} place of [v] *)
+Fixpoint replace {A n} (v : t A n) (p: Fin.t n) (a : A) {struct p}: t A n :=
+ match p with
+ |Fin.F1 k => fun v': t A (S k) => caseS (fun n _ => t A (S n)) (fun h _ t => a :: t) v'
+ |Fin.FS k p' => fun v' =>
+ (caseS (fun n _ => Fin.t n -> t A (S n)) (fun h _ t p2 => h :: (replace t p2 a)) v') p'
+ end v.
+(** Version of replace with [lt] *)
+Definition replace_order {A n} (v: t A n) {p} (H: p < n) :=
+replace v (Fin.of_nat_lt H).
+(** Remove the first element of a non empty vector *)
+Definition tl {A} {n} (v:t A (S n)) := Eval cbv delta beta in
+(caseS (fun n v => t A n) (fun h n t => t) v).
+(** Remove last element of a non-empty vector *)
+Definition shiftout {A} {n:nat} (v:t A (S n)) : t A n :=
+Eval cbv delta beta in (rectS (fun n _ => t A n) (fun a => [])
+ (fun h _ _ H => h :: H) v).
+(** Add an element at the end of a vector *)
+Fixpoint shiftin {A} {n:nat} (a : A) (v:t A n) : t A (S n) :=
+match v with
+ |[] => a :: []
+ |h :: t => h :: (shiftin a t)
+(** Copy last element of a vector *)
+Definition shiftrepeat {A} {n} (v:t A (S n)) : t A (S (S n)) :=
+Eval cbv delta beta in (rectS (fun n _ => t A (S (S n)))
+ (fun h => h :: h :: []) (fun h _ _ H => h :: H) v).
+(** Remove [p] last elements of a vector *)
+Lemma trunc : forall {A} {n} (p:nat), n > p -> t A n
+ -> t A (n - p).
+ induction p as [| p f]; intros H v.
+ rewrite <- minus_n_O.
+ exact v.
+ apply shiftout.
+ rewrite minus_Sn_m.
+ apply f.
+ auto with *.
+ exact v.
+ auto with *.
+(** Concatenation of two vectors *)
+Fixpoint append {A}{n}{p} (v:t A n) (w:t A p):t A (n+p) :=
+ match v with
+ | [] => w
+ | a :: v' => a :: (append v' w)
+ end.
+Infix "++" := append.
+(** Two definitions of the tail recursive function that appends two lists but
+reverses the first one *)
+(** This one has the exact expected computational behavior *)
+Fixpoint rev_append_tail {A n p} (v : t A n) (w: t A p)
+ : t A (tail_plus n p) :=
+ match v with
+ | [] => w
+ | a :: v' => rev_append_tail v' (a :: w)
+ end.
+Import EqdepFacts.
+(** This one has a better type *)
+Definition rev_append {A n p} (v: t A n) (w: t A p)
+ :t A (n + p) :=
+ rew <- (plus_tail_plus n p) in (rev_append_tail v w).
+(** rev [a₁ ; a₂ ; .. ; an] is [an ; a{n-1} ; .. ; a₁]
+Caution : There is a lot of rewrite garbage in this definition *)
+Definition rev {A n} (v : t A n) : t A n :=
+ rew <- (plus_n_O _) in (rev_append v []).
+Local Notation "v [@ p ]" := (nth v p) (at level 1).
+(** * Here are special non dependent useful instantiation of induction
+schemes *)
+(** Uniform application on the arguments of the vector *)
+Definition map {A} {B} (f : A -> B) : forall {n} (v:t A n), t B n :=
+ fix map_fix {n} (v : t A n) : t B n := match v with
+ | [] => []
+ | a :: v' => (f a) :: (map_fix v')
+ end.
+(** map2 g [x1 .. xn] [y1 .. yn] = [(g x1 y1) .. (g xn yn)] *)
+Definition map2 {A B C} (g:A -> B -> C) {n} (v1:t A n) (v2:t B n)
+ : t C n :=
+Eval cbv delta beta in rect2 (fun n _ _ => t C n) (nil C)
+ (fun _ _ _ H a b => (g a b) :: H) v1 v2.
+(** fold_left f b [x1 .. xn] = f .. (f (f b x1) x2) .. xn *)
+Definition fold_left {A B:Type} (f:B->A->B): forall (b:B) {n} (v:t A n), B :=
+ fix fold_left_fix (b:B) {n} (v : t A n) : B := match v with
+ | [] => b
+ | a :: w => (fold_left_fix (f b a) w)
+ end.
+(** fold_right f [x1 .. xn] b = f x1 (f x2 .. (f xn b) .. ) *)
+Definition fold_right {A B : Type} (f : A->B->B) :=
+ fix fold_right_fix {n} (v : t A n) (b:B)
+ {struct v} : B :=
+ match v with
+ | [] => b
+ | a :: w => f a (fold_right_fix w b)
+ end.
+(** fold_right2 g [x1 .. xn] [y1 .. yn] c = g x1 y1 (g x2 y2 .. (g xn yn c) .. ) *)
+Definition fold_right2 {A B C} (g:A -> B -> C -> C) {n} (v:t A n)
+ (w : t B n) (c:C) : C :=
+Eval cbv delta beta in rect2 (fun _ _ _ => C) c
+ (fun _ _ _ H a b => g a b H) v w.
+(** fold_left2 f b [x1 .. xn] [y1 .. yn] = g .. (g (g a x1 y1) x2 y2) .. xn yn *)
+Definition fold_left2 {A B C: Type} (f : A -> B -> C -> A) :=
+fix fold_left2_fix (a : A) {n} (v : t B n) : t C n -> A :=
+match v in t _ n0 return t C n0 -> A with
+ |[] => fun w => match w in t _ n1
+ return match n1 with |0 => A |S _ => @ID end with
+ |[] => a
+ |_ :: _ => @id end
+ |cons vh vn vt => fun w => match w in t _ n1
+ return match n1 with |0 => @ID |S n => t B n -> A end with
+ |[] => @id
+ |wh :: wt => fun vt' => fold_left2_fix (f a vh wh) vt' wt end vt
+Section SCANNING.
+Inductive Forall {A} (P: A -> Prop): forall {n} (v: t A n), Prop :=
+ |Forall_nil: Forall P []
+ |Forall_cons {n} x (v: t A n): P x -> Forall P v -> Forall P (x::v).
+Hint Constructors Forall.
+Inductive Exists {A} (P:A->Prop): forall {n}, t A n -> Prop :=
+ |Exists_cons_hd {m} x (v: t A m): P x -> Exists P (x::v)
+ |Exists_cons_tl {m} x (v: t A m): Exists P v -> Exists P (x::v).
+Hint Constructors Exists.
+Inductive In {A} (a:A): forall {n}, t A n -> Prop :=
+ |In_cons_hd {m} (v: t A m): In a (a::v)
+ |In_cons_tl {m} x (v: t A m): In a v -> In a (x::v).
+Hint Constructors In.
+Inductive Forall2 {A B} (P:A->B->Prop): forall {n}, t A n -> t B n -> Prop :=
+ |Forall2_nil: Forall2 P [] []
+ |Forall2_cons {m} x1 x2 (v1:t A m) v2: P x1 x2 -> Forall2 P v1 v2 ->
+ Forall2 P (x1::v1) (x2::v2).
+Hint Constructors Forall2.
+Inductive Exists2 {A B} (P:A->B->Prop): forall {n}, t A n -> t B n -> Prop :=
+ |Exists2_cons_hd {m} x1 x2 (v1: t A m) (v2: t B m): P x1 x2 -> Exists2 P (x1::v1) (x2::v2)
+ |Exists2_cons_tl {m} x1 x2 (v1:t A m) v2: Exists2 P v1 v2 -> Exists2 P (x1::v1) (x2::v2).
+Hint Constructors Exists2.
+(** * vector <=> list functions *)
+Fixpoint of_list {A} (l : list A) : t A (length l) :=
+match l as l' return t A (length l') with
+ |Datatypes.nil => []
+ |(h :: tail)%list => (h :: (of_list tail))
+Definition to_list {A}{n} (v : t A n) : list A :=
+Eval cbv delta beta in fold_right (fun h H => Datatypes.cons h H) v Datatypes.nil.
+Module VectorNotations.
+Notation "[]" := [] : vector_scope.
+Notation "h :: t" := (h :: t) (at level 60, right associativity)
+ : vector_scope.
+Notation " [ x ] " := (x :: []) : vector_scope.
+Notation " [ x ; .. ; y ] " := (cons _ x _ .. (cons _ y _ (nil _)) ..) : vector_scope
+Notation "v [@ p ]" := (nth v p) (at level 1, format "v [@ p ]") : vector_scope.
+Open Scope vector_scope.
+End VectorNotations.
diff --git a/theories/Vectors/VectorSpec.v b/theories/Vectors/VectorSpec.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2f4086e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Vectors/VectorSpec.v
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** Proofs of specification for functions defined over Vector
+ Author: Pierre Boutillier
+ Institution: PPS, INRIA 12/2010
+Require Fin.
+Require Import VectorDef.
+Import VectorNotations.
+Definition cons_inj A a1 a2 n (v1 v2 : t A n)
+ (eq : a1 :: v1 = a2 :: v2) : a1 = a2 /\ v1 = v2 :=
+ match eq in _ = x return caseS _ (fun a2' _ v2' => fun v1' => a1 = a2' /\ v1' = v2') x v1
+ with | eq_refl => conj eq_refl eq_refl
+ end.
+(** Lemmas are done for functions that use [Fin.t] but thanks to [Peano_dec.le_unique], all
+is true for the one that use [lt] *)
+Lemma eq_nth_iff A n (v1 v2: t A n):
+ (forall p1 p2, p1 = p2 -> v1 [@ p1 ] = v2 [@ p2 ]) <-> v1 = v2.
+ revert n v1 v2; refine (@rect2 _ _ _ _ _); simpl; intros.
+ reflexivity.
+ f_equal. apply (H0 Fin.F1 Fin.F1 eq_refl).
+ apply H. intros p1 p2 H1;
+ apply (H0 (Fin.FS p1) (Fin.FS p2) (f_equal (@Fin.FS n) H1)).
+ intros; now f_equal.
+Lemma nth_order_last A: forall n (v: t A (S n)) (H: n < S n),
+ nth_order v H = last v.
+unfold nth_order; refine (@rectS _ _ _ _); now simpl.
+Lemma shiftin_nth A a n (v: t A n) k1 k2 (eq: k1 = k2):
+ nth (shiftin a v) (Fin.L_R 1 k1) = nth v k2.
+subst k2; induction k1.
+ generalize dependent n. apply caseS ; intros. now simpl.
+ generalize dependent n. refine (@caseS _ _ _) ; intros. now simpl.
+Lemma shiftin_last A a n (v: t A n): last (shiftin a v) = a.
+induction v ;now simpl.
+Lemma shiftrepeat_nth A: forall n k (v: t A (S n)),
+ nth (shiftrepeat v) (Fin.L_R 1 k) = nth v k.
+refine (@Fin.rectS _ _ _); intros.
+ revert n v; refine (@caseS _ _ _); simpl; intros. now destruct t.
+ revert p H.
+ refine (match v as v' in t _ m return match m as m' return t A m' -> Type with
+ |S (S n) => fun v => forall p : Fin.t (S n),
+ (forall v0 : t A (S n), (shiftrepeat v0) [@ Fin.L_R 1 p ] = v0 [@p]) ->
+ (shiftrepeat v) [@Fin.L_R 1 (Fin.FS p)] = v [@Fin.FS p]
+ |_ => fun _ => @ID end v' with
+ |[] => @id |h :: t => _ end). destruct n0. exact @id. now simpl.
+Lemma shiftrepeat_last A: forall n (v: t A (S n)), last (shiftrepeat v) = last v.
+refine (@rectS _ _ _ _); now simpl.
+Lemma const_nth A (a: A) n (p: Fin.t n): (const a n)[@ p] = a.
+now induction p.
+Lemma nth_map {A B} (f: A -> B) {n} v (p1 p2: Fin.t n) (eq: p1 = p2):
+ (map f v) [@ p1] = f (v [@ p2]).
+subst p2; induction p1.
+ revert n v; refine (@caseS _ _ _); now simpl.
+ revert n v p1 IHp1; refine (@caseS _ _ _); now simpl.
+Lemma nth_map2 {A B C} (f: A -> B -> C) {n} v w (p1 p2 p3: Fin.t n):
+ p1 = p2 -> p2 = p3 -> (map2 f v w) [@p1] = f (v[@p2]) (w[@p3]).
+intros; subst p2; subst p3; revert n v w p1.
+refine (@rect2 _ _ _ _ _); simpl.
+ exact (Fin.case0 _).
+ intros n v1 v2 H a b p; revert n p v1 v2 H; refine (@Fin.caseS _ _ _);
+ now simpl.
+Lemma fold_left_right_assoc_eq {A B} {f: A -> B -> A}
+ (assoc: forall a b c, f (f a b) c = f (f a c) b)
+ {n} (v: t B n): forall a, fold_left f a v = fold_right (fun x y => f y x) v a.
+assert (forall n h (v: t B n) a, fold_left f (f a h) v = f (fold_left f a v) h).
+ induction v0.
+ now simpl.
+ intros; simpl. rewrite<- IHv0. now f_equal.
+ induction v.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl. intros; now rewrite<- (IHv).
+Lemma to_list_of_list_opp {A} (l: list A): to_list (of_list l) = l.
+induction l.
+ reflexivity.
+ unfold to_list; simpl. now f_equal.
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