path: root/theories/Reals/Rseries.v
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authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2013-05-08 18:03:54 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2013-05-08 18:03:54 +0200
commitdb38bb4ad9aff74576d3b7f00028d48f0447d5bd (patch)
tree09dafc3e5c7361d3a28e93677eadd2b7237d4f9f /theories/Reals/Rseries.v
parent6e34b272d789455a9be589e27ad3a998cf25496b (diff)
parent499a11a45b5711d4eaabe84a80f0ad3ae539d500 (diff)
Merge branch 'experimental/upstream' into upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Reals/Rseries.v')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 60 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Reals/Rseries.v b/theories/Reals/Rseries.v
index db0fddad..3c10725b 100644
--- a/theories/Reals/Rseries.v
+++ b/theories/Reals/Rseries.v
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2011 *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2012 *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(*i $Id: Rseries.v 14641 2011-11-06 11:59:10Z herbelin $ i*)
Require Import Rbase.
Require Import Rfunctions.
-Require Import Classical.
Require Import Compare.
-Open Local Scope R_scope.
+Local Open Scope R_scope.
Implicit Type r : R.
@@ -28,7 +25,7 @@ Section sequence.
Variable Un : nat -> R.
- Boxed Fixpoint Rmax_N (N:nat) : R :=
+ Fixpoint Rmax_N (N:nat) : R :=
match N with
| O => Un 0
| S n => Rmax (Un (S n)) (Rmax_N n)
@@ -57,20 +54,20 @@ Section sequence.
Lemma EUn_noempty : exists r : R, EUn r.
- unfold EUn in |- *; split with (Un 0); split with 0%nat; trivial.
+ unfold EUn; split with (Un 0); split with 0%nat; trivial.
Lemma Un_in_EUn : forall n:nat, EUn (Un n).
- intro; unfold EUn in |- *; split with n; trivial.
+ intro; unfold EUn; split with n; trivial.
Lemma Un_bound_imp :
forall x:R, (forall n:nat, Un n <= x) -> is_upper_bound EUn x.
- intros; unfold is_upper_bound in |- *; intros; unfold EUn in H0; elim H0;
+ intros; unfold is_upper_bound; intros; unfold EUn in H0; elim H0;
clear H0; intros; generalize (H x1); intro; rewrite <- H0 in H1;
@@ -80,7 +77,7 @@ Section sequence.
forall n m:nat, Un_growing -> (n >= m)%nat -> Un n >= Un m.
double induction n m; intros.
- unfold Rge in |- *; right; trivial.
+ unfold Rge; right; trivial.
exfalso; unfold ge in H1; generalize (le_Sn_O n0); intro; auto.
cut (n0 >= 0)%nat.
generalize H0; intros; unfold Un_growing in H0;
@@ -92,7 +89,7 @@ Section sequence.
elim y; clear y; intro y.
unfold ge in H2; generalize (le_not_lt n0 n1 (le_S_n n0 n1 H2)); intro;
exfalso; auto.
- rewrite y; unfold Rge in |- *; right; trivial.
+ rewrite y; unfold Rge; right; trivial.
unfold ge in H0; generalize (H0 (S n0) H1 (lt_le_S n0 n1 y)); intro;
unfold Un_growing in H1;
@@ -100,47 +97,173 @@ Section sequence.
(Rle_ge (Un n1) (Un (S n1)) (H1 n1)) H3).
+ Lemma Un_cv_crit_lub : Un_growing -> forall l, is_lub EUn l -> Un_cv l.
+ Proof.
+ intros Hug l H eps Heps.
+ cut (exists N, Un N > l - eps).
+ intros (N, H3).
+ exists N.
+ intros n H4.
+ unfold R_dist.
+ rewrite Rabs_left1, Ropp_minus_distr.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (Un n - eps).
+ apply Rlt_le_trans with (Un N).
+ now replace (Un n - eps + (l - Un n)) with (l - eps) by ring.
+ replace (Un n - eps + eps) with (Un n) by ring.
+ apply Rge_le.
+ now apply growing_prop.
+ apply Rle_minus.
+ apply (proj1 H).
+ now exists n.
+ assert (Hi2pn: forall n, 0 < (/ 2)^n).
+ clear. intros n.
+ apply pow_lt.
+ apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
+ now apply (IZR_lt 0 2).
+ pose (test := fun n => match Rle_lt_dec (Un n) (l - eps) with left _ => false | right _ => true end).
+ pose (sum := let fix aux n := match n with S n' => aux n' +
+ if test n' then (/ 2)^n else 0 | O => 0 end in aux).
+ assert (Hsum': forall m n, sum m <= sum (m + n)%nat <= sum m + (/2)^m - (/2)^(m + n)).
+ clearbody test.
+ clear -Hi2pn.
+ intros m.
+ induction n.
+ rewrite<- plus_n_O.
+ ring_simplify (sum m + (/ 2) ^ m - (/ 2) ^ m).
+ split ; apply Rle_refl.
+ rewrite <- plus_n_Sm.
+ simpl.
+ split.
+ apply Rle_trans with (sum (m + n)%nat + 0).
+ rewrite Rplus_0_r.
+ apply IHn.
+ apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
+ case (test (m + n)%nat).
+ apply Rlt_le.
+ exact (Hi2pn (S (m + n))).
+ apply Rle_refl.
+ apply Rle_trans with (sum (m + n)%nat + / 2 * (/ 2) ^ (m + n)).
+ apply Rplus_le_compat_l.
+ case (test (m + n)%nat).
+ apply Rle_refl.
+ apply Rlt_le.
+ exact (Hi2pn (S (m + n))).
+ apply Rplus_le_reg_r with (-(/ 2 * (/ 2) ^ (m + n))).
+ rewrite Rplus_assoc, Rplus_opp_r, Rplus_0_r.
+ apply Rle_trans with (1 := proj2 IHn).
+ apply Req_le.
+ field.
+ assert (Hsum: forall n, 0 <= sum n <= 1 - (/2)^n).
+ intros N.
+ generalize (Hsum' O N).
+ simpl.
+ now rewrite Rplus_0_l.
+ destruct (completeness (fun x : R => exists n : nat, x = sum n)) as (m, (Hm1, Hm2)).
+ exists 1.
+ intros x (n, H1).
+ rewrite H1.
+ apply Rle_trans with (1 := proj2 (Hsum n)).
+ apply Rlt_le.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with ((/2)^n - 1).
+ now ring_simplify.
+ exists 0. now exists O.
+ destruct (Rle_or_lt m 0) as [[Hm|Hm]|Hm].
+ elim Rlt_not_le with (1 := Hm).
+ apply Hm1.
+ now exists O.
+ assert (Hs0: forall n, sum n = 0).
+ intros n.
+ specialize (Hm1 (sum n) (ex_intro _ _ (eq_refl _))).
+ apply Rle_antisym with (2 := proj1 (Hsum n)).
+ now rewrite <- Hm.
+ assert (Hub: forall n, Un n <= l - eps).
+ intros n.
+ generalize (eq_refl (sum (S n))).
+ simpl sum at 1.
+ rewrite 2!Hs0, Rplus_0_l.
+ unfold test.
+ destruct Rle_lt_dec. easy.
+ intros H'.
+ elim Rgt_not_eq with (2 := H').
+ exact (Hi2pn (S n)).
+ clear -Heps H Hub.
+ destruct H as (_, H).
+ refine (False_ind _ (Rle_not_lt _ _ (H (l - eps) _) _)).
+ intros x (n, H1).
+ now rewrite H1.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with (eps - l).
+ now ring_simplify.
+ assert (Rabs (/2) < 1).
+ rewrite Rabs_pos_eq.
+ rewrite <- Rinv_1 at 3.
+ apply Rinv_lt_contravar.
+ rewrite Rmult_1_l.
+ now apply (IZR_lt 0 2).
+ now apply (IZR_lt 1 2).
+ apply Rlt_le.
+ apply Rinv_0_lt_compat.
+ now apply (IZR_lt 0 2).
+ destruct (pow_lt_1_zero (/2) H0 m Hm) as [N H4].
+ exists N.
+ apply Rnot_le_lt.
+ intros H5.
+ apply Rlt_not_le with (1 := H4 _ (le_refl _)).
+ rewrite Rabs_pos_eq. 2: now apply Rlt_le.
+ apply Hm2.
+ intros x (n, H6).
+ rewrite H6. clear x H6.
+ assert (Hs: sum N = 0).
+ clear H4.
+ induction N.
+ easy.
+ simpl.
+ assert (H6: Un N <= l - eps).
+ apply Rle_trans with (2 := H5).
+ apply Rge_le.
+ apply growing_prop ; try easy.
+ apply le_n_Sn.
+ rewrite (IHN H6), Rplus_0_l.
+ unfold test.
+ destruct Rle_lt_dec.
+ apply eq_refl.
+ now elim Rlt_not_le with (1 := r).
+ destruct (le_or_lt N n) as [Hn|Hn].
+ rewrite le_plus_minus with (1 := Hn).
+ apply Rle_trans with (1 := proj2 (Hsum' N (n - N)%nat)).
+ rewrite Hs, Rplus_0_l.
+ set (k := (N + (n - N))%nat).
+ apply Rlt_le.
+ apply Rplus_lt_reg_r with ((/2)^k - (/2)^N).
+ now ring_simplify.
+ apply Rle_trans with (sum N).
+ rewrite le_plus_minus with (1 := Hn).
+ rewrite plus_Snm_nSm.
+ exact (proj1 (Hsum' _ _)).
+ rewrite Hs.
+ now apply Rlt_le.
+ Qed.
-(** classical is needed: [not_all_not_ex] *)
Lemma Un_cv_crit : Un_growing -> bound EUn -> exists l : R, Un_cv l.
- unfold Un_growing, Un_cv in |- *; intros;
- generalize (completeness_weak EUn H0 EUn_noempty);
- intro; elim H1; clear H1; intros; split with x; intros;
- unfold is_lub in H1; unfold bound in H0; unfold is_upper_bound in H0, H1;
- elim H0; clear H0; intros; elim H1; clear H1; intros;
- generalize (H3 x0 H0); intro; cut (forall n:nat, Un n <= x);
- intro.
- cut (exists N : nat, x - eps < Un N).
- intro; elim H6; clear H6; intros; split with x1.
- intros; unfold R_dist in |- *; apply (Rabs_def1 (Un n - x) eps).
- unfold Rgt in H2;
- apply (Rle_lt_trans (Un n - x) 0 eps (Rle_minus (Un n) x (H5 n)) H2).
- fold Un_growing in H; generalize (growing_prop n x1 H H7); intro;
- generalize
- (Rlt_le_trans (x - eps) (Un x1) (Un n) H6 (Rge_le (Un n) (Un x1) H8));
- intro; generalize (Rplus_lt_compat_l (- x) (x - eps) (Un n) H9);
- unfold Rminus in |- *; rewrite <- (Rplus_assoc (- x) x (- eps));
- rewrite (Rplus_comm (- x) (Un n)); fold (Un n - x) in |- *;
- rewrite Rplus_opp_l; rewrite (let (H1, H2) := Rplus_ne (- eps) in H2);
- trivial.
- cut (~ (forall N:nat, x - eps >= Un N)).
- intro; apply (not_all_not_ex nat (fun N:nat => x - eps < Un N)); red in |- *;
- intro; red in H6; elim H6; clear H6; intro;
- apply (Rnot_lt_ge (x - eps) (Un N) (H7 N)).
- red in |- *; intro; cut (forall N:nat, Un N <= x - eps).
- intro; generalize (Un_bound_imp (x - eps) H7); intro;
- unfold is_upper_bound in H8; generalize (H3 (x - eps) H8);
- intro; generalize (Rle_minus x (x - eps) H9); unfold Rminus in |- *;
- rewrite Ropp_plus_distr; rewrite <- Rplus_assoc; rewrite Rplus_opp_r;
- rewrite (let (H1, H2) := Rplus_ne (- - eps) in H2);
- rewrite Ropp_involutive; intro; unfold Rgt in H2;
- generalize (Rgt_not_le eps 0 H2); intro; auto.
- intro; elim (H6 N); intro; unfold Rle in |- *.
- left; unfold Rgt in H7; assumption.
- right; auto.
- apply (H1 (Un n) (Un_in_EUn n)).
+ intros Hug Heub.
+ exists (projT1 (completeness EUn Heub EUn_noempty)).
+ destruct (completeness EUn Heub EUn_noempty) as (l, H).
+ now apply Un_cv_crit_lub.
@@ -149,20 +272,20 @@ Section sequence.
intro; induction N as [| N HrecN].
split with (Un 0); intros; rewrite (le_n_O_eq n H);
- apply (Req_le (Un n) (Un n) (refl_equal (Un n))).
+ apply (Req_le (Un n) (Un n) (eq_refl (Un n))).
elim HrecN; clear HrecN; intros; split with (Rmax (Un (S N)) x); intros;
elim (Rmax_Rle (Un (S N)) x (Un n)); intros; clear H1;
inversion H0.
rewrite <- H1; rewrite <- H1 in H2;
- (H2 (or_introl (Un n <= x) (Req_le (Un n) (Un n) (refl_equal (Un n))))).
+ (H2 (or_introl (Un n <= x) (Req_le (Un n) (Un n) (eq_refl (Un n))))).
apply (H2 (or_intror (Un n <= Un (S N)) (H n H3))).
Lemma cauchy_bound : Cauchy_crit -> bound EUn.
- unfold Cauchy_crit, bound in |- *; intros; unfold is_upper_bound in |- *;
+ unfold Cauchy_crit, bound; intros; unfold is_upper_bound;
unfold Rgt in H; elim (H 1 Rlt_0_1); clear H; intros;
generalize (H x); intro; generalize (le_dec x); intro;
elim (finite_greater x); intros; split with (Rmax x0 (Un x + 1));
@@ -201,12 +324,12 @@ End Isequence.
Lemma GP_infinite :
forall x:R, Rabs x < 1 -> Pser (fun n:nat => 1) x (/ (1 - x)).
- intros; unfold Pser in |- *; unfold infinite_sum in |- *; intros;
+ intros; unfold Pser; unfold infinite_sum; intros;
elim (Req_dec x 0).
intros; exists 0%nat; intros; rewrite H1; rewrite Rminus_0_r; rewrite Rinv_1;
cut (sum_f_R0 (fun n0:nat => 1 * 0 ^ n0) n = 1).
intros; rewrite H3; rewrite R_dist_eq; auto.
- elim n; simpl in |- *.
+ elim n; simpl.
intros; rewrite H3; ring.
intro; cut (0 < eps * (Rabs (1 - x) * Rabs (/ x))).
@@ -221,11 +344,11 @@ Proof.
apply Rabs_pos_lt.
apply Rminus_eq_contra.
apply Rlt_dichotomy_converse.
- right; unfold Rgt in |- *.
+ right; unfold Rgt.
apply (Rle_lt_trans x (Rabs x) 1).
apply RRle_abs.
- unfold R_dist in |- *; rewrite <- Rabs_mult.
+ unfold R_dist; rewrite <- Rabs_mult.
rewrite Rmult_minus_distr_l.
((1 - x) * sum_f_R0 (fun n0:nat => x ^ n0) n =
@@ -236,7 +359,7 @@ Proof.
cut (- (x ^ (n + 1) - 1) - 1 = - x ^ (n + 1)).
intro; rewrite H7.
rewrite Rabs_Ropp; cut ((n + 1)%nat = S n); auto.
- intro H8; rewrite H8; simpl in |- *; rewrite Rabs_mult;
+ intro H8; rewrite H8; simpl; rewrite Rabs_mult;
(Rlt_le_trans (Rabs x * Rabs (x ^ n))
(Rabs x * (eps * (Rabs (1 - x) * Rabs (/ x)))) (
@@ -250,7 +373,7 @@ Proof.
Rabs x * Rabs (/ x) * (eps * Rabs (1 - x))).
clear H8; intros; rewrite H8; rewrite <- Rabs_mult; rewrite Rinv_r.
rewrite Rabs_R1; cut (1 * (eps * Rabs (1 - x)) = Rabs (1 - x) * eps).
- intros; rewrite H9; unfold Rle in |- *; right; reflexivity.
+ intros; rewrite H9; unfold Rle; right; reflexivity.
@@ -258,12 +381,12 @@ Proof.
apply Rminus_eq_contra.
apply Rlt_dichotomy_converse.
- right; unfold Rgt in |- *.
+ right; unfold Rgt.
apply (Rle_lt_trans x (Rabs x) 1).
apply RRle_abs.
ring; ring.
- elim n; simpl in |- *.
+ elim n; simpl.
intros; rewrite H5.
@@ -273,7 +396,7 @@ Proof.
apply Rabs_pos_lt.
apply Rminus_eq_contra.
apply Rlt_dichotomy_converse.
- right; unfold Rgt in |- *.
+ right; unfold Rgt.
apply (Rle_lt_trans x (Rabs x) 1).
apply RRle_abs.