path: root/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2008-07-25 15:12:53 +0200
commita0cfa4f118023d35b767a999d5a2ac4b082857b4 (patch)
treedabcac548e299fee1da464c93b3dba98484f45b1 /theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ
parent2281410e38ef99d025ea77194585a9bc019fdaa9 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.2~beta3+dfsgupstream/8.2.beta3+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ')
2 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSig.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSig.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0af98c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSig.v
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Benjamin Gregoire, Laurent Thery, INRIA, 2007 *)
+(*i $Id: ZSig.v 11027 2008-06-01 13:28:59Z letouzey $ i*)
+Require Import ZArith Znumtheory.
+Open Scope Z_scope.
+(** * ZSig *)
+(** Interface of a rich structure about integers.
+ Specifications are written via translation to Z.
+Module Type ZType.
+ Parameter t : Type.
+ Parameter to_Z : t -> Z.
+ Notation "[ x ]" := (to_Z x).
+ Definition eq x y := ([x] = [y]).
+ Parameter of_Z : Z -> t.
+ Parameter spec_of_Z: forall x, to_Z (of_Z x) = x.
+ Parameter zero : t.
+ Parameter one : t.
+ Parameter minus_one : t.
+ Parameter spec_0: [zero] = 0.
+ Parameter spec_1: [one] = 1.
+ Parameter spec_m1: [minus_one] = -1.
+ Parameter compare : t -> t -> comparison.
+ Parameter spec_compare: forall x y,
+ match compare x y with
+ | Eq => [x] = [y]
+ | Lt => [x] < [y]
+ | Gt => [x] > [y]
+ end.
+ Definition lt n m := compare n m = Lt.
+ Definition le n m := compare n m <> Gt.
+ Definition min n m := match compare n m with Gt => m | _ => n end.
+ Definition max n m := match compare n m with Lt => m | _ => n end.
+ Parameter eq_bool : t -> t -> bool.
+ Parameter spec_eq_bool: forall x y,
+ if eq_bool x y then [x] = [y] else [x] <> [y].
+ Parameter succ : t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_succ: forall n, [succ n] = [n] + 1.
+ Parameter add : t -> t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_add: forall x y, [add x y] = [x] + [y].
+ Parameter pred : t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_pred: forall x, [pred x] = [x] - 1.
+ Parameter sub : t -> t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_sub: forall x y, [sub x y] = [x] - [y].
+ Parameter opp : t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_opp: forall x, [opp x] = - [x].
+ Parameter mul : t -> t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_mul: forall x y, [mul x y] = [x] * [y].
+ Parameter square : t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_square: forall x, [square x] = [x] * [x].
+ Parameter power_pos : t -> positive -> t.
+ Parameter spec_power_pos: forall x n, [power_pos x n] = [x] ^ Zpos n.
+ Parameter sqrt : t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_sqrt: forall x, 0 <= [x] ->
+ [sqrt x] ^ 2 <= [x] < ([sqrt x] + 1) ^ 2.
+ Parameter div_eucl : t -> t -> t * t.
+ Parameter spec_div_eucl: forall x y, [y] <> 0 ->
+ let (q,r) := div_eucl x y in ([q], [r]) = Zdiv_eucl [x] [y].
+ Parameter div : t -> t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_div: forall x y, [y] <> 0 -> [div x y] = [x] / [y].
+ Parameter modulo : t -> t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_modulo: forall x y, [y] <> 0 ->
+ [modulo x y] = [x] mod [y].
+ Parameter gcd : t -> t -> t.
+ Parameter spec_gcd: forall a b, [gcd a b] = Zgcd (to_Z a) (to_Z b).
+End ZType.
diff --git a/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSigZAxioms.v b/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSigZAxioms.v
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7c56267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/theories/Numbers/Integer/SpecViaZ/ZSigZAxioms.v
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * CNRS-Ecole Polytechnique-INRIA Futurs-Universite Paris Sud *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(*i $Id: ZSigZAxioms.v 11040 2008-06-03 00:04:16Z letouzey $ i*)
+Require Import ZArith.
+Require Import ZAxioms.
+Require Import ZSig.
+(** * The interface [ZSig.ZType] implies the interface [ZAxiomsSig] *)
+Module ZSig_ZAxioms (Z:ZType) <: ZAxiomsSig.
+Delimit Scope IntScope with Int.
+Bind Scope IntScope with Z.t.
+Open Local Scope IntScope.
+Notation "[ x ]" := (Z.to_Z x) : IntScope.
+Infix "==" := Z.eq (at level 70) : IntScope.
+Notation "0" := : IntScope.
+Infix "+" := Z.add : IntScope.
+Infix "-" := Z.sub : IntScope.
+Infix "*" := Z.mul : IntScope.
+Notation "- x" := (Z.opp x) : IntScope.
+Hint Rewrite
+ Z.spec_0 Z.spec_1 Z.spec_add Z.spec_sub Z.spec_pred Z.spec_succ
+ Z.spec_mul Z.spec_opp Z.spec_of_Z : Zspec.
+Ltac zsimpl := unfold Z.eq in *; autorewrite with Zspec.
+Module Export NZOrdAxiomsMod <: NZOrdAxiomsSig.
+Module Export NZAxiomsMod <: NZAxiomsSig.
+Definition NZ := Z.t.
+Definition NZeq := Z.eq.
+Definition NZ0 :=
+Definition NZsucc := Z.succ.
+Definition NZpred := Z.pred.
+Definition NZadd := Z.add.
+Definition NZsub := Z.sub.
+Definition NZmul := Z.mul.
+Theorem NZeq_equiv : equiv Z.t Z.eq.
+repeat split; repeat red; intros; auto; congruence.
+Add Relation Z.t Z.eq
+ reflexivity proved by (proj1 NZeq_equiv)
+ symmetry proved by (proj2 (proj2 NZeq_equiv))
+ transitivity proved by (proj1 (proj2 NZeq_equiv))
+ as NZeq_rel.
+Add Morphism NZsucc with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq as NZsucc_wd.
+intros; zsimpl; f_equal; assumption.
+Add Morphism NZpred with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq as NZpred_wd.
+intros; zsimpl; f_equal; assumption.
+Add Morphism NZadd with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> Z.eq as NZadd_wd.
+intros; zsimpl; f_equal; assumption.
+Add Morphism NZsub with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> Z.eq as NZsub_wd.
+intros; zsimpl; f_equal; assumption.
+Add Morphism NZmul with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> Z.eq as NZmul_wd.
+intros; zsimpl; f_equal; assumption.
+Theorem NZpred_succ : forall n, Z.pred (Z.succ n) == n.
+intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+Section Induction.
+Variable A : Z.t -> Prop.
+Hypothesis A_wd : predicate_wd Z.eq A.
+Hypothesis A0 : A 0.
+Hypothesis AS : forall n, A n <-> A (Z.succ n).
+Add Morphism A with signature Z.eq ==> iff as A_morph.
+Proof. apply A_wd. Qed.
+Let B (z : Z) := A (Z.of_Z z).
+Lemma B0 : B 0.
+unfold B; simpl.
+rewrite <- (A_wd 0); auto.
+zsimpl; auto.
+Lemma BS : forall z : Z, B z -> B (z + 1).
+intros z H.
+unfold B in *. apply -> AS in H.
+setoid_replace (Z.of_Z (z + 1)) with (Z.succ (Z.of_Z z)); auto.
+zsimpl; auto.
+Lemma BP : forall z : Z, B z -> B (z - 1).
+intros z H.
+unfold B in *. rewrite AS.
+setoid_replace (Z.succ (Z.of_Z (z - 1))) with (Z.of_Z z); auto.
+zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+Lemma B_holds : forall z : Z, B z.
+intros; destruct (Z_lt_le_dec 0 z).
+apply natlike_ind; auto with zarith.
+apply B0.
+intros; apply BS; auto.
+replace z with (-(-z))%Z in * by (auto with zarith).
+remember (-z)%Z as z'.
+pattern z'; apply natlike_ind.
+apply B0.
+intros; rewrite Zopp_succ; unfold Zpred; apply BP; auto.
+subst z'; auto with zarith.
+Theorem NZinduction : forall n, A n.
+intro n. setoid_replace n with (Z.of_Z (Z.to_Z n)).
+apply B_holds.
+zsimpl; auto.
+End Induction.
+Theorem NZadd_0_l : forall n, 0 + n == n.
+intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+Theorem NZadd_succ_l : forall n m, (Z.succ n) + m == Z.succ (n + m).
+intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+Theorem NZsub_0_r : forall n, n - 0 == n.
+intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+Theorem NZsub_succ_r : forall n m, n - (Z.succ m) == Z.pred (n - m).
+intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+Theorem NZmul_0_l : forall n, 0 * n == 0.
+intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+Theorem NZmul_succ_l : forall n m, (Z.succ n) * m == n * m + m.
+intros; zsimpl; ring.
+End NZAxiomsMod.
+Definition NZlt :=
+Definition NZle := Z.le.
+Definition NZmin := Z.min.
+Definition NZmax := Z.max.
+Infix "<=" := Z.le : IntScope.
+Infix "<" := : IntScope.
+Lemma spec_compare_alt : forall x y, x y = ([x] ?= [y])%Z.
+ intros; generalize (Z.spec_compare x y).
+ destruct ( x y); auto.
+ intros H; rewrite H; symmetry; apply Zcompare_refl.
+Lemma spec_lt : forall x y, (x<y) <-> ([x]<[y])%Z.
+ intros; unfold, Zlt; rewrite spec_compare_alt; intuition.
+Lemma spec_le : forall x y, (x<=y) <-> ([x]<=[y])%Z.
+ intros; unfold Z.le, Zle; rewrite spec_compare_alt; intuition.
+Lemma spec_min : forall x y, [Z.min x y] = Zmin [x] [y].
+ intros; unfold Z.min, Zmin.
+ rewrite spec_compare_alt; destruct Zcompare; auto.
+Lemma spec_max : forall x y, [Z.max x y] = Zmax [x] [y].
+ intros; unfold Z.max, Zmax.
+ rewrite spec_compare_alt; destruct Zcompare; auto.
+Add Morphism with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> (@eq comparison) as compare_wd.
+intros x x' Hx y y' Hy.
+rewrite 2 spec_compare_alt; rewrite Hx, Hy; intuition.
+Add Morphism with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> iff as NZlt_wd.
+intros x x' Hx y y' Hy; unfold; rewrite Hx, Hy; intuition.
+Add Morphism Z.le with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> iff as NZle_wd.
+intros x x' Hx y y' Hy; unfold Z.le; rewrite Hx, Hy; intuition.
+Add Morphism Z.min with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> Z.eq as NZmin_wd.
+intros; red; rewrite 2 spec_min; congruence.
+Add Morphism Z.max with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq ==> Z.eq as NZmax_wd.
+intros; red; rewrite 2 spec_max; congruence.
+Theorem NZlt_eq_cases : forall n m, n <= m <-> n < m \/ n == m.
+unfold Z.eq; rewrite spec_lt, spec_le; omega.
+Theorem NZlt_irrefl : forall n, ~ n < n.
+intros; rewrite spec_lt; auto with zarith.
+Theorem NZlt_succ_r : forall n m, n < (Z.succ m) <-> n <= m.
+intros; rewrite spec_lt, spec_le, Z.spec_succ; omega.
+Theorem NZmin_l : forall n m, n <= m -> Z.min n m == n.
+intros n m; unfold Z.eq; rewrite spec_le, spec_min.
+generalize (Zmin_spec [n] [m]); omega.
+Theorem NZmin_r : forall n m, m <= n -> Z.min n m == m.
+intros n m; unfold Z.eq; rewrite spec_le, spec_min.
+generalize (Zmin_spec [n] [m]); omega.
+Theorem NZmax_l : forall n m, m <= n -> Z.max n m == n.
+intros n m; unfold Z.eq; rewrite spec_le, spec_max.
+generalize (Zmax_spec [n] [m]); omega.
+Theorem NZmax_r : forall n m, n <= m -> Z.max n m == m.
+intros n m; unfold Z.eq; rewrite spec_le, spec_max.
+generalize (Zmax_spec [n] [m]); omega.
+End NZOrdAxiomsMod.
+Definition Zopp := Z.opp.
+Add Morphism Z.opp with signature Z.eq ==> Z.eq as Zopp_wd.
+intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zsucc_pred : forall n, Z.succ (Z.pred n) == n.
+red; intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zopp_0 : - 0 == 0.
+red; intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+Theorem Zopp_succ : forall n, - (Z.succ n) == Z.pred (- n).
+intros; zsimpl; auto with zarith.
+End ZSig_ZAxioms.