path: root/test-suite/success/Inversion.v
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-04-28 14:59:16 +0000
commit2c4a6b4efe55a2c6ca9ca7b185723e7909e57269 (patch)
treee1542c8adb83ff297284eefc23a2703461713d9b /test-suite/success/Inversion.v
parent514dce2dfe717e3ed2e37dce6467b56219d451c1 (diff)
parent3ef7797ef6fc605dfafb32523261fe1b023aeecb (diff)
Merge commit 'upstream/8.0pl3+8.1alpha' into 8.0pl3+8.1alpha
Diffstat (limited to 'test-suite/success/Inversion.v')
1 files changed, 67 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/test-suite/success/Inversion.v b/test-suite/success/Inversion.v
index a9e4a843..f83328e8 100644
--- a/test-suite/success/Inversion.v
+++ b/test-suite/success/Inversion.v
@@ -1,85 +1,101 @@
-Axiom magic:False.
+Axiom magic : False.
(* Submitted by Dachuan Yu (bug #220) *)
-Fixpoint T[n:nat] : Type :=
- Cases n of
- | O => (nat -> Prop)
- | (S n') => (T n')
- end.
-Inductive R : (n:nat)(T n) -> nat -> Prop :=
- | RO : (Psi:(T O); l:nat)
- (Psi l) -> (R O Psi l)
- | RS : (n:nat; Psi:(T (S n)); l:nat)
- (R n Psi l) -> (R (S n) Psi l).
-Definition Psi00 : (nat -> Prop) := [n:nat] False.
-Definition Psi0 : (T O) := Psi00.
-Lemma Inversion_RO : (l:nat)(R O Psi0 l) -> (Psi00 l).
-Inversion 1.
+Fixpoint T (n : nat) : Type :=
+ match n with
+ | O => nat -> Prop
+ | S n' => T n'
+ end.
+Inductive R : forall n : nat, T n -> nat -> Prop :=
+ | RO : forall (Psi : T 0) (l : nat), Psi l -> R 0 Psi l
+ | RS :
+ forall (n : nat) (Psi : T (S n)) (l : nat), R n Psi l -> R (S n) Psi l.
+Definition Psi00 (n : nat) : Prop := False.
+Definition Psi0 : T 0 := Psi00.
+Lemma Inversion_RO : forall l : nat, R 0 Psi0 l -> Psi00 l.
+inversion 1.
(* Submitted by Pierre Casteran (bug #540) *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
-Parameter rule: Set -> Type.
+Unset Strict Implicit.
+Parameter rule : Set -> Type.
-Inductive extension [I:Set]:Type :=
- NL : (extension I)
-|add_rule : (rule I) -> (extension I) -> (extension I).
+Inductive extension (I : Set) : Type :=
+ | NL : extension I
+ | add_rule : rule I -> extension I -> extension I.
-Inductive in_extension [I :Set;r: (rule I)] : (extension I) -> Type :=
- in_first : (e:?)(in_extension r (add_rule r e))
-|in_rest : (e,r':?)(in_extension r e) -> (in_extension r (add_rule r' e)).
+Inductive in_extension (I : Set) (r : rule I) : extension I -> Type :=
+ | in_first : forall e, in_extension r (add_rule r e)
+ | in_rest : forall e r', in_extension r e -> in_extension r (add_rule r' e).
-Implicits NL [1].
+Implicit Arguments NL [I].
-Inductive super_extension [I:Set;e :(extension I)] : (extension I) -> Type :=
- super_NL : (super_extension e NL)
-| super_add : (r:?)(e': (extension I))
- (in_extension r e) ->
- (super_extension e e') ->
- (super_extension e (add_rule r e')).
+Inductive super_extension (I : Set) (e : extension I) :
+extension I -> Type :=
+ | super_NL : super_extension e NL
+ | super_add :
+ forall r (e' : extension I),
+ in_extension r e ->
+ super_extension e e' -> super_extension e (add_rule r e').
-Lemma super_def : (I :Set)(e1, e2: (extension I))
- (super_extension e2 e1) ->
- (ru:?)
- (in_extension ru e1) ->
- (in_extension ru e2).
+Lemma super_def :
+ forall (I : Set) (e1 e2 : extension I),
+ super_extension e2 e1 -> forall ru, in_extension ru e1 -> in_extension ru e2.
- Induction 1.
- Inversion 1; Auto.
- Elim magic.
+ simple induction 1.
+ inversion 1; auto.
+ elim magic.
(* Example from Norbert Schirmer on Coq-Club, Sep 2000 *)
+Set Strict Implicit.
Unset Implicit Arguments.
-Definition Q[n,m:nat;prf:(le n m)]:=True.
-Goal (n,m:nat;H:(le (S n) m))(Q (S n) m H)==True.
-Dependent Inversion_clear H.
-Elim magic.
-Elim magic.
+Definition Q (n m : nat) (prf : n <= m) := True.
+Goal forall (n m : nat) (H : S n <= m), Q (S n) m H = True.
+dependent inversion_clear H.
+elim magic.
+elim magic.
(* Submitted by Boris Yakobowski (bug #529) *)
(* Check that Inversion does not fail due to unnormalized evars *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
+Unset Strict Implicit.
Require Import Bvector.
Inductive I : nat -> Set :=
-| C1 : (I (S O))
-| C2 : (k,i:nat)(vector (I i) k) -> (I i).
+ | C1 : I 1
+ | C2 : forall k i : nat, vector (I i) k -> I i.
-Inductive SI : (k:nat)(I k) -> (vector nat k) -> nat -> Prop :=
-| SC2 : (k,i,vf:nat) (v:(vector (I i) k))(xi:(vector nat i))(SI (C2 v) xi vf).
+Inductive SI : forall k : nat, I k -> vector nat k -> nat -> Prop :=
+ SC2 :
+ forall (k i vf : nat) (v : vector (I i) k) (xi : vector nat i),
+ SI (C2 v) xi vf.
-Theorem SUnique : (k:nat)(f:(I k))(c:(vector nat k))
-(v,v':?) (SI f c v) -> (SI f c v') -> v=v'.
+Theorem SUnique :
+ forall (k : nat) (f : I k) (c : vector nat k) v v',
+ SI f c v -> SI f c v' -> v = v'.
-NewInduction 1.
-Intros H ; Inversion H.
+induction 1.
+intros H; inversion H.
+(* Used to failed at some time *)
+Set Strict Implicit.
+Unset Implicit Arguments.
+Parameter bar : forall p q : nat, p = q -> Prop.
+Inductive foo : nat -> nat -> Prop :=
+ C : forall (a b : nat) (Heq : a = b), bar a b Heq -> foo a b.
+Lemma depinv : forall a b, foo a b -> True.
+intros a b H.
+inversion H.