path: root/tactics/
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authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-01-25 14:43:16 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-01-25 14:43:16 +0100
commitf219abfed720305c13875c3c63f9240cf63f78bc (patch)
tree69d2c026916128fdb50b8d1c0dbf1be451340d30 /tactics/
parent476d60ef0fe0ac015c1e902204cdd7029e10ef0f (diff)
parentcec4741afacd2e80894232850eaf9f9c0e45d6d7 (diff)
Merge tag 'upstream/8.5_beta1+dfsg'
Upstream version 8.5~beta1+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'tactics/')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tactics/ b/tactics/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e3624fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tactics/
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(** This file extends Matching with the main logic for Ltac's
+ (lazy)match and (lazy)match goal. *)
+open Names
+open Tacexpr
+(** [t] is the type of matching successes. It ultimately contains a
+ {!Tacexpr.glob_tactic_expr} representing the left-hand side of the
+ corresponding matching rule, a matching substitution to be
+ applied, a context substitution mapping identifier to context like
+ those of {!Matching.matching_result}), and a {!Term.constr}
+ substitution mapping corresponding to matched hypotheses. *)
+type 'a t = {
+ subst : Constr_matching.bound_ident_map * Pattern.extended_patvar_map ;
+ context : Term.constr Id.Map.t;
+ terms : Term.constr Id.Map.t;
+ lhs : 'a;
+(** {6 Utilities} *)
+(** Some of the functions of {!Matching} return the substitution with a
+ [patvar_map] instead of an [extended_patvar_map]. [adjust] coerces
+ substitution of the former type to the latter. *)
+let adjust : Constr_matching.bound_ident_map * Pattern.patvar_map ->
+ Constr_matching.bound_ident_map * Pattern.extended_patvar_map =
+ fun (l, lc) -> (l, (fun c -> [], c) lc)
+(** Adds a binding to a {!Id.Map.t} if the identifier is [Some id] *)
+let id_map_try_add id x m =
+ match id with
+ | Some id -> Id.Map.add id x m
+ | None -> m
+(** Adds a binding to a {!Id.Map.t} if the name is [Name id] *)
+let id_map_try_add_name id x m =
+ match id with
+ | Name id -> Id.Map.add id x m
+ | Anonymous -> m
+(** Takes the union of two {!Id.Map.t}. If there is conflict,
+ the binding of the right-hand argument shadows that of the left-hand
+ argument. *)
+let id_map_right_biased_union m1 m2 =
+ if Id.Map.is_empty m1 then m2 (** Don't reconstruct the whole map *)
+ else Id.Map.fold Id.Map.add m2 m1
+(** Tests whether the substitution [s] is empty. *)
+let is_empty_subst (ln,lm) =
+ Id.Map.(is_empty ln && is_empty lm)
+(** {6 Non-linear patterns} *)
+(** The patterns of Ltac are not necessarily linear. Non-linear
+ pattern are partially handled by the {!Matching} module, however
+ goal patterns are not primitive to {!Matching}, hence we must deal
+ with non-linearity between hypotheses and conclusion. Subterms are
+ considered equal up to the equality implemented in
+ [equal_instances]. *)
+(* spiwack: it doesn't seem to be quite the same rule for non-linear
+ term patterns and non-linearity between hypotheses and/or
+ conclusion. Indeed, in [Matching], matching is made modulo
+ syntactic equality, and here we merge modulo conversion. It may be
+ a good idea to have an entry point of [Matching] with a partial
+ substitution as argument instead of merging substitution here. That
+ would ensure consistency. *)
+let equal_instances env sigma (ctx',c') (ctx,c) =
+ (* How to compare instances? Do we want the terms to be convertible?
+ unifiable? Do we want the universe levels to be relevant?
+ (historically, conv_x is used) *)
+ CList.equal Id.equal ctx ctx' && Reductionops.is_conv env sigma c' c
+(** Merges two substitutions. Raises [Not_coherent_metas] when
+ encountering two instances of the same metavariable which are not
+ equal according to {!equal_instances}. *)
+exception Not_coherent_metas
+let verify_metas_coherence env sigma (ln1,lcm) (ln,lm) =
+ let merge id oc1 oc2 = match oc1, oc2 with
+ | None, None -> None
+ | None, Some c | Some c, None -> Some c
+ | Some c1, Some c2 ->
+ if equal_instances env sigma c1 c2 then Some c1
+ else raise Not_coherent_metas
+ in
+ let (+++) lfun1 lfun2 = Id.Map.fold Id.Map.add lfun1 lfun2 in
+ (** ppedrot: Is that even correct? *)
+ let merged = ln +++ ln1 in
+ (merged, Id.Map.merge merge lcm lm)
+let matching_error =
+ Errors.UserError ("tactic matching" , Pp.str "No matching clauses for match.")
+let imatching_error = (matching_error, Exninfo.null)
+(** A functor is introduced to share the environment and the
+ evar_map. They do not change and it would be a pity to introduce
+ closures everywhere just for the occasional calls to
+ {!equal_instances}. *)
+module type StaticEnvironment = sig
+ val env : Environ.env
+ val sigma : Evd.evar_map
+module PatternMatching (E:StaticEnvironment) = struct
+ (** {6 The pattern-matching monad } *)
+ (** To focus on the algorithmic portion of pattern-matching, the
+ bookkeeping is relegated to a monad: the composition of the
+ bactracking monad of {!IStream.t} with a "writer" effect. *)
+ (* spiwack: as we don't benefit from the various stream optimisations
+ of Haskell, it may be costly to give the monad in direct style such as
+ here. We may want to use some continuation passing style. *)
+ type 'a tac = 'a Proofview.tactic
+ type 'a m = { stream : 'r. ('a -> unit t -> 'r tac) -> unit t -> 'r tac }
+ (** The empty substitution. *)
+ let empty_subst = Id.Map.empty , Id.Map.empty
+ (** Composes two substitutions using {!verify_metas_coherence}. It
+ must be a monoid with neutral element {!empty_subst}. Raises
+ [Not_coherent_metas] when composition cannot be achieved. *)
+ let subst_prod s1 s2 =
+ if is_empty_subst s1 then s2
+ else if is_empty_subst s2 then s1
+ else verify_metas_coherence E.env E.sigma s1 s2
+ (** The empty context substitution. *)
+ let empty_context_subst = Id.Map.empty
+ (** Compose two context substitutions, in case of conflict the
+ right hand substitution shadows the left hand one. *)
+ let context_subst_prod = id_map_right_biased_union
+ (** The empty term substitution. *)
+ let empty_term_subst = Id.Map.empty
+ (** Compose two terms substitutions, in case of conflict the
+ right hand substitution shadows the left hand one. *)
+ let term_subst_prod = id_map_right_biased_union
+ (** Merge two writers (and ignore the first value component). *)
+ let merge m1 m2 =
+ try Some {
+ subst = subst_prod m1.subst m2.subst;
+ context = context_subst_prod m1.context m2.context;
+ terms = term_subst_prod m1.terms m2.terms;
+ lhs = m2.lhs;
+ }
+ with Not_coherent_metas -> None
+ (** Monadic [return]: returns a single success with empty substitutions. *)
+ let return (type a) (lhs:a) : a m =
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> k lhs ctx }
+ (** Monadic bind: each success of [x] is replaced by the successes
+ of [f x]. The substitutions of [x] and [f x] are composed,
+ dropping the apparent successes when the substitutions are not
+ coherent. *)
+ let (>>=) (type a) (type b) (m:a m) (f:a -> b m) : b m =
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> (fun x ctx -> (f x).stream k ctx) ctx }
+ (** A variant of [(>>=)] when the first argument returns [unit]. *)
+ let (<*>) (type a) (m:unit m) (y:a m) : a m =
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> (fun () ctx -> k ctx) ctx }
+ (** Failure of the pattern-matching monad: no success. *)
+ let fail (type a) : a m = { stream = fun _ _ -> Proofview.tclZERO matching_error }
+ let run (m : 'a m) =
+ let ctx = {
+ subst = empty_subst ;
+ context = empty_context_subst ;
+ terms = empty_term_subst ;
+ lhs = ();
+ } in
+ let eval lhs ctx = Proofview.tclUNIT { ctx with lhs } in
+ eval ctx
+ (** Chooses in a list, in the same order as the list *)
+ let rec pick (l:'a list) (e, info) : 'a m = match l with
+ | [] -> { stream = fun _ _ -> Proofview.tclZERO ~info e }
+ | x :: l ->
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> Proofview.tclOR (k x ctx) (fun e -> (pick l e).stream k ctx) }
+ let pick l = pick l imatching_error
+ (** Declares a subsitution, a context substitution and a term substitution. *)
+ let put subst context terms : unit m =
+ let s = { subst ; context ; terms ; lhs = () } in
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> match merge s ctx with None -> Proofview.tclZERO matching_error | Some s -> k () s }
+ (** Declares a substitution. *)
+ let put_subst subst : unit m = put subst empty_context_subst empty_term_subst
+ (** Declares a term substitution. *)
+ let put_terms terms : unit m = put empty_subst empty_context_subst terms
+ (** {6 Pattern-matching} *)
+ (** [wildcard_match_term lhs] matches a term against a wildcard
+ pattern ([_ => lhs]). It has a single success with an empty
+ substitution. *)
+ let wildcard_match_term = return
+ (** [pattern_match_term refresh pat term lhs] returns the possible
+ matchings of [term] with the pattern [pat => lhs]. If refresh is
+ true, refreshes the universes of [term]. *)
+ let pattern_match_term refresh pat term lhs =
+(* let term = if refresh then Termops.refresh_universes_strict term else term in *)
+ match pat with
+ | Term p ->
+ begin
+ try
+ put_subst (Constr_matching.extended_matches E.env E.sigma p term) <*>
+ return lhs
+ with Constr_matching.PatternMatchingFailure -> fail
+ end
+ | Subterm (with_app_context,id_ctxt,p) ->
+ let rec map s (e, info) =
+ { stream = fun k ctx -> match IStream.peek s with
+ | IStream.Nil -> Proofview.tclZERO ~info e
+ | IStream.Cons ({ Constr_matching.m_sub ; m_ctx }, s) ->
+ let subst = adjust m_sub in
+ let context = id_map_try_add id_ctxt m_ctx Id.Map.empty in
+ let terms = empty_term_subst in
+ let nctx = { subst ; context ; terms ; lhs = () } in
+ match merge ctx nctx with
+ | None -> (map s (e, info)).stream k ctx
+ | Some nctx -> Proofview.tclOR (k lhs nctx) (fun e -> (map s e).stream k ctx)
+ }
+ in
+ map (Constr_matching.match_subterm_gen E.env E.sigma with_app_context p term) imatching_error
+ (** [rule_match_term term rule] matches the term [term] with the
+ matching rule [rule]. *)
+ let rule_match_term term = function
+ | All lhs -> wildcard_match_term lhs
+ | Pat ([],pat,lhs) -> pattern_match_term false pat term lhs
+ | Pat _ ->
+ (** Rules with hypotheses, only work in match goal. *)
+ fail
+ (** [match_term term rules] matches the term [term] with the set of
+ matching rules [rules].*)
+ let rec match_term (e, info) term rules = match rules with
+ | [] -> { stream = fun _ _ -> Proofview.tclZERO ~info e }
+ | r :: rules ->
+ { stream = fun k ctx ->
+ let head = rule_match_term term r in
+ let tail e = match_term e term rules in
+ Proofview.tclOR ( k ctx) (fun e -> (tail e).stream k ctx)
+ }
+ (** [hyp_match_type hypname pat hyps] matches a single
+ hypothesis pattern [hypname:pat] against the hypotheses in
+ [hyps]. Tries the hypotheses in order. For each success returns
+ the name of the matched hypothesis. *)
+ let hyp_match_type hypname pat hyps =
+ pick hyps >>= fun (id,b,hyp) ->
+ let refresh = not (Option.is_empty b) in
+ pattern_match_term refresh pat hyp () <*>
+ put_terms (id_map_try_add_name hypname (Term.mkVar id) empty_term_subst) <*>
+ return id
+ (** [hyp_match_type hypname bodypat typepat hyps] matches a single
+ hypothesis pattern [hypname := bodypat : typepat] against the
+ hypotheses in [hyps].Tries the hypotheses in order. For each
+ success returns the name of the matched hypothesis. *)
+ let hyp_match_body_and_type hypname bodypat typepat hyps =
+ pick hyps >>= function
+ | (id,Some body,hyp) ->
+ pattern_match_term false bodypat body () <*>
+ pattern_match_term true typepat hyp () <*>
+ put_terms (id_map_try_add_name hypname (Term.mkVar id) empty_term_subst) <*>
+ return id
+ | (id,None,hyp) -> fail
+ (** [hyp_match pat hyps] dispatches to
+ {!hyp_match_type} or {!hyp_match_body_and_type} depending on whether
+ [pat] is [Hyp _] or [Def _]. *)
+ let hyp_match pat hyps =
+ match pat with
+ | Hyp ((_,hypname),typepat) ->
+ hyp_match_type hypname typepat hyps
+ | Def ((_,hypname),bodypat,typepat) ->
+ hyp_match_body_and_type hypname bodypat typepat hyps
+ (** [hyp_pattern_list_match pats hyps lhs], matches the list of
+ patterns [pats] against the hypotheses in [hyps], and eventually
+ returns [lhs]. *)
+ let rec hyp_pattern_list_match pats hyps lhs =
+ match pats with
+ | pat::pats ->
+ hyp_match pat hyps >>= fun matched_hyp ->
+ (* spiwack: alternatively it is possible to return the list
+ with the matched hypothesis removed directly in
+ [hyp_match]. *)
+ let select_matched_hyp (id,_,_) = Id.equal id matched_hyp in
+ let hyps = CList.remove_first select_matched_hyp hyps in
+ hyp_pattern_list_match pats hyps lhs
+ | [] -> return lhs
+ (** [rule_match_goal hyps concl rule] matches the rule [rule]
+ against the goal [hyps|-concl]. *)
+ let rule_match_goal hyps concl = function
+ | All lhs -> wildcard_match_term lhs
+ | Pat (hyppats,conclpat,lhs) ->
+ (* the rules are applied from the topmost one (in the concrete
+ syntax) to the bottommost. *)
+ let hyppats = List.rev hyppats in
+ pattern_match_term false conclpat concl () <*>
+ hyp_pattern_list_match hyppats hyps lhs
+ (** [match_goal hyps concl rules] matches the goal [hyps|-concl]
+ with the set of matching rules [rules]. *)
+ let rec match_goal (e, info) hyps concl rules = match rules with
+ | [] -> { stream = fun _ _ -> Proofview.tclZERO ~info e }
+ | r :: rules ->
+ { stream = fun k ctx ->
+ let head = rule_match_goal hyps concl r in
+ let tail e = match_goal e hyps concl rules in
+ Proofview.tclOR ( k ctx) (fun e -> (tail e).stream k ctx)
+ }
+(** [match_term env sigma term rules] matches the term [term] with the
+ set of matching rules [rules]. The environment [env] and the
+ evar_map [sigma] are not currently used, but avoid code
+ duplication. *)
+let match_term env sigma term rules =
+ let module E = struct
+ let env = env
+ let sigma = sigma
+ end in
+ let module M = PatternMatching(E) in
+ (M.match_term imatching_error term rules)
+(** [match_goal env sigma hyps concl rules] matches the goal
+ [hyps|-concl] with the set of matching rules [rules]. The
+ environment [env] and the evar_map [sigma] are used to check
+ convertibility for pattern variables shared between hypothesis
+ patterns or the conclusion pattern. *)
+let match_goal env sigma hyps concl rules =
+ let module E = struct
+ let env = env
+ let sigma = sigma
+ end in
+ let module M = PatternMatching(E) in
+ (M.match_goal imatching_error hyps concl rules)