path: root/stm
diff options
authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-01-25 14:42:51 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2015-01-25 14:42:51 +0100
commit7cfc4e5146be5666419451bdd516f1f3f264d24a (patch)
treee4197645da03dc3c7cc84e434cc31d0a0cca7056 /stm
parent420f78b2caeaaddc6fe484565b2d0e49c66888e5 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.5~beta1+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'stm')
31 files changed, 5857 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..672527d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,344 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Errors
+open Pp
+open Util
+let pr_err s = Printf.eprintf "%s] %s\n" (System.process_id ()) s; flush stderr
+let prerr_endline s = if !Flags.debug then begin pr_err s end else ()
+type 'a worker_status = [ `Fresh | `Old of 'a ]
+module type Task = sig
+ type task
+ type competence
+ (* Marshallable *)
+ type request
+ type response
+ val name : string ref (* UID of the task kind, for -toploop *)
+ val extra_env : unit -> string array
+ (* run by the master, on a thread *)
+ val request_of_task : competence worker_status -> task -> request option
+ val task_match : competence worker_status -> task -> bool
+ val use_response :
+ competence worker_status -> task -> response ->
+ [ `Stay of competence * task list | `End ]
+ val on_marshal_error : string -> task -> unit
+ val on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death : task option -> unit
+ val forward_feedback : -> unit
+ (* run by the worker *)
+ val perform : request -> response
+ (* debugging *)
+ val name_of_task : task -> string
+ val name_of_request : request -> string
+type expiration = bool ref
+module Make(T : Task) = struct
+ exception Die
+ type response =
+ | Response of T.response
+ | RespFeedback of
+ | RespGetCounterNewUnivLevel
+ type request = Request of T.request
+ type more_data =
+ | MoreDataUnivLevel of Univ.universe_level list
+ let request_expiry_of_task (t, c) = T.request_of_task t, c
+ let slave_respond (Request r) =
+ let res = T.perform r in
+ Response res
+ exception MarshalError of string
+ let marshal_to_channel oc data =
+ Marshal.to_channel oc data [];
+ flush oc
+ let marshal_err s = raise (MarshalError s)
+ let marshal_request oc (req : request) =
+ try marshal_to_channel oc req
+ with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
+ marshal_err ("marshal_request: "^s)
+ let unmarshal_request ic =
+ try (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic : request)
+ with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
+ marshal_err ("unmarshal_request: "^s)
+ let marshal_response oc (res : response) =
+ try marshal_to_channel oc res
+ with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
+ marshal_err ("marshal_response: "^s)
+ let unmarshal_response ic =
+ try (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic : response)
+ with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
+ marshal_err ("unmarshal_response: "^s)
+ let marshal_more_data oc (res : more_data) =
+ try marshal_to_channel oc res
+ with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
+ marshal_err ("marshal_more_data: "^s)
+ let unmarshal_more_data ic =
+ try (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic : more_data)
+ with Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
+ marshal_err ("unmarshal_more_data: "^s)
+ let report_status ?(id = !Flags.async_proofs_worker_id) s =
+ ~state_id:Stateid.initial (Feedback.WorkerStatus(id, s))
+ module Worker = Spawn.Sync(struct end)
+ module Model = struct
+ type process = Worker.process
+ type extra = (T.task * expiration) TQueue.t
+ let spawn id =
+ let name = Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" ! id in
+ let proc, ic, oc =
+ let rec set_slave_opt = function
+ | [] -> !Flags.async_proofs_flags_for_workers @
+ ["-toploop"; !^"top";
+ "-worker-id"; name;
+ "-async-proofs-worker-priority";
+ Flags.string_of_priority !Flags.async_proofs_worker_priority]
+ | ("-ideslave"|"-emacs"|"-emacs-U"|"-batch")::tl -> set_slave_opt tl
+ | ("-async-proofs" |"-toploop" |"-vi2vo" |"-compile"
+ |"-load-vernac-source" |"-compile-verbose"
+ |"-async-proofs-worker-priority" |"-worker-id") :: _ :: tl ->
+ set_slave_opt tl
+ | x::tl -> x :: set_slave_opt tl in
+ let args =
+ Array.of_list (set_slave_opt ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv))) in
+ let env = Array.append (T.extra_env ()) (Unix.environment ()) in
+ Worker.spawn ~env Sys.argv.(0) args in
+ name, proc, CThread.prepare_in_channel_for_thread_friendly_io ic, oc
+ let manager cpanel (id, proc, ic, oc) =
+ let { WorkerPool.extra = queue; exit; cancelled } = cpanel in
+ let exit () = report_status ~id "Dead"; exit () in
+ let last_task = ref None in
+ let worker_age = ref `Fresh in
+ let got_token = ref false in
+ let giveback_exec_token () =
+ if !got_token then (CoqworkmgrApi.giveback 1; got_token := false) in
+ let stop_waiting = ref false in
+ let expiration_date = ref (ref false) in
+ let pick_task () =
+ prerr_endline "waiting for a task";
+ let pick age (t, c) = not !c && T.task_match age t in
+ let task, task_expiration =
+ TQueue.pop ~picky:(pick !worker_age) ~destroy:stop_waiting queue in
+ expiration_date := task_expiration;
+ last_task := Some task;
+ prerr_endline ("got task: "^T.name_of_task task);
+ task in
+ let add_tasks l =
+ List.iter (fun t -> TQueue.push queue (t,!expiration_date)) l in
+ let get_exec_token () =
+ ignore(CoqworkmgrApi.get 1);
+ got_token := true;
+ prerr_endline ("got execution token") in
+ let kill proc =
+ Worker.kill proc;
+ prerr_endline ("Worker exited: " ^
+ match Worker.wait proc with
+ | Unix.WEXITED 0x400 -> "exit code unavailable"
+ | Unix.WEXITED i -> Printf.sprintf "exit(%d)" i
+ | Unix.WSIGNALED sno -> Printf.sprintf "signalled(%d)" sno
+ | Unix.WSTOPPED sno -> Printf.sprintf "stopped(%d)" sno) in
+ let more_univs n =
+ CList.init 10 (fun _ ->
+ Universes.new_univ_level (Global.current_dirpath ())) in
+ let rec kill_if () =
+ if not (Worker.is_alive proc) then ()
+ else if cancelled () || !(!expiration_date) then
+ let () = stop_waiting := true in
+ let () = TQueue.signal_destruction queue in
+ Worker.kill proc
+ else
+ let () = Unix.sleep 1 in
+ kill_if ()
+ in
+ let _ = Thread.create kill_if () in
+ try while true do
+ report_status ~id "Idle";
+ let task = pick_task () in
+ match T.request_of_task !worker_age task with
+ | None -> prerr_endline ("Task expired: " ^ T.name_of_task task)
+ | Some req ->
+ try
+ get_exec_token ();
+ marshal_request oc (Request req);
+ let rec continue () =
+ match unmarshal_response ic with
+ | RespGetCounterNewUnivLevel ->
+ marshal_more_data oc (MoreDataUnivLevel (more_univs 10));
+ continue ()
+ | RespFeedback fbk -> T.forward_feedback fbk; continue ()
+ | Response resp ->
+ match T.use_response !worker_age task resp with
+ | `End -> raise Die
+ | `Stay(competence, new_tasks) ->
+ last_task := None;
+ giveback_exec_token ();
+ worker_age := `Old competence;
+ add_tasks new_tasks
+ in
+ continue ()
+ with
+ | (Sys_error _|Invalid_argument _|End_of_file|Die) as e ->
+ raise e (* we pass the exception to the external handler *)
+ | MarshalError s -> T.on_marshal_error s task; raise Die
+ | e ->
+ pr_err ("Uncaught exception in worker manager: "^
+ string_of_ppcmds (print e));
+ flush_all (); raise Die
+ done with
+ | (Die | TQueue.BeingDestroyed) ->
+ giveback_exec_token (); kill proc; exit ()
+ | Sys_error _ | Invalid_argument _ | End_of_file ->
+ giveback_exec_token ();
+ T.on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death !last_task;
+ kill proc;
+ exit ()
+ end
+ module Pool = WorkerPool.Make(Model)
+ type queue = {
+ active : Pool.pool;
+ queue : (T.task * expiration) TQueue.t;
+ cleaner : Thread.t;
+ }
+ let create size =
+ let cleaner queue =
+ while true do
+ try ignore(TQueue.pop ~picky:(fun (_,cancelled) -> !cancelled) queue)
+ with TQueue.BeingDestroyed -> Thread.exit ()
+ done in
+ let queue = TQueue.create () in
+ {
+ active = Pool.create queue ~size;
+ queue;
+ cleaner = Thread.create cleaner queue;
+ }
+ let destroy { active; queue } =
+ Pool.destroy active;
+ TQueue.destroy queue
+ let enqueue_task { queue; active } (t, _ as item) =
+ prerr_endline ("Enqueue task "^T.name_of_task t);
+ TQueue.push queue item
+ let cancel_worker { active } n = Pool.cancel n active
+ let name_of_request (Request r) = T.name_of_request r
+ let set_order { queue } cmp =
+ TQueue.set_order queue (fun (t1,_) (t2,_) -> cmp t1 t2)
+ let join { queue; active } =
+ if not (Pool.is_empty active) then
+ TQueue.wait_until_n_are_waiting_and_queue_empty
+ (Pool.n_workers active + 1(*cleaner*))
+ queue
+ let cancel_all { queue; active } =
+ TQueue.clear queue;
+ Pool.cancel_all active
+ let slave_ic = ref None
+ let slave_oc = ref None
+ let init_stdout () =
+ let ic, oc = Spawned.get_channels () in
+ slave_oc := Some oc; slave_ic := Some ic
+ let bufferize f =
+ let l = ref [] in
+ fun () ->
+ match !l with
+ | [] -> let data = f () in l := data; List.hd data
+ | x::tl -> l := tl; x
+ let slave_handshake () =
+ Pool.worker_handshake (Option.get !slave_ic) (Option.get !slave_oc)
+ let main_loop () =
+ let slave_feeder oc fb =
+ Marshal.to_channel oc (RespFeedback fb) []; flush oc in
+ Pp.set_feeder (fun x -> slave_feeder (Option.get !slave_oc) x);
+ Pp.log_via_feedback ();
+ Universes.set_remote_new_univ_level (bufferize (fun () ->
+ marshal_response (Option.get !slave_oc) RespGetCounterNewUnivLevel;
+ match unmarshal_more_data (Option.get !slave_ic) with
+ | MoreDataUnivLevel l -> l));
+ let working = ref false in
+ slave_handshake ();
+ while true do
+ try
+ working := false;
+ let request = unmarshal_request (Option.get !slave_ic) in
+ working := true;
+ report_status (name_of_request request);
+ let response = slave_respond request in
+ report_status "Idle";
+ marshal_response (Option.get !slave_oc) response;
+ Ephemeron.clear ()
+ with
+ | MarshalError s ->
+ pr_err ("Fatal marshal error: " ^ s); flush_all (); exit 2
+ | End_of_file ->
+ prerr_endline "connection lost"; flush_all (); exit 2
+ | e ->
+ pr_err ("Slave: critical exception: " ^ Pp.string_of_ppcmds (print e));
+ flush_all (); exit 1
+ done
+ let clear { queue; active } =
+ assert(Pool.is_empty active); (* We allow that only if no slaves *)
+ TQueue.clear queue
+ let snapshot { queue; active } =
+ fst
+ (TQueue.wait_until_n_are_waiting_then_snapshot
+ (Pool.n_workers active) queue)
+ let with_n_workers n f =
+ let q = create n in
+ try let rc = f q in destroy q; rc
+ with e -> let e = Errors.push e in destroy q; iraise e
+ let n_workers { active } = Pool.n_workers active
+module MakeQueue(T : Task) = struct include Make(T) end
+module MakeWorker(T : Task) = struct include Make(T) end
diff --git a/stm/asyncTaskQueue.mli b/stm/asyncTaskQueue.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..78f295d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/asyncTaskQueue.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+type 'a worker_status = [ `Fresh | `Old of 'a ]
+module type Task = sig
+ type task
+ type competence
+ (* Marshallable *)
+ type request
+ type response
+ val name : string ref (* UID of the task kind, for -toploop *)
+ val extra_env : unit -> string array
+ (* run by the master, on a thread *)
+ val request_of_task : competence worker_status -> task -> request option
+ val task_match : competence worker_status -> task -> bool
+ val use_response :
+ competence worker_status -> task -> response ->
+ [ `Stay of competence * task list | `End ]
+ val on_marshal_error : string -> task -> unit
+ val on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death : task option -> unit
+ val forward_feedback : -> unit
+ (* run by the worker *)
+ val perform : request -> response
+ (* debugging *)
+ val name_of_task : task -> string
+ val name_of_request : request -> string
+type expiration = bool ref
+module MakeQueue(T : Task) : sig
+ type queue
+ (* Number of workers, 0 = lazy local *)
+ val create : int -> queue
+ val destroy : queue -> unit
+ val n_workers : queue -> int
+ val enqueue_task : queue -> T.task * expiration -> unit
+ (* blocking function that waits for the task queue to be empty *)
+ val join : queue -> unit
+ val cancel_all : queue -> unit
+ val cancel_worker : queue -> WorkerPool.worker_id -> unit
+ val set_order : queue -> (T.task -> T.task -> int) -> unit
+ (* Take a snapshot (non destructive but waits until all workers are
+ * enqueued) *)
+ val snapshot : queue -> T.task list
+ (* Clears the queue, only if the worker prool is empty *)
+ val clear : queue -> unit
+ (* create a queue, run the function, destroy the queue.
+ * the user should call join *)
+ val with_n_workers : int -> (queue -> 'a) -> 'a
+module MakeWorker(T : Task) : sig
+ val main_loop : unit -> unit
+ val init_stdout : unit -> unit
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c34d447e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+let debug = false
+type request =
+ | Hello of Flags.priority
+ | Get of int
+ | TryGet of int
+ | GiveBack of int
+ | Ping
+type response =
+ | Tokens of int
+ | Noluck
+ | Pong of int * int * int
+exception ParseError
+(* make it work with telnet: strip trailing \r *)
+let strip_r s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ if s.[len - 1] <> '\r' then s else String.sub s 0 (len - 1)
+let positive_int_of_string n =
+ try
+ let n = int_of_string n in
+ if n <= 0 then raise ParseError else n
+ with Invalid_argument _ | Failure _ -> raise ParseError
+let parse_request s =
+ if debug then Printf.eprintf "parsing '%s'\n" s;
+ match Str.split (Str.regexp " ") (strip_r s) with
+ | [ "HELLO"; "LOW" ] -> Hello Flags.Low
+ | [ "HELLO"; "HIGH" ] -> Hello Flags.High
+ | [ "GET"; n ] -> Get (positive_int_of_string n)
+ | [ "TRYGET"; n ] -> TryGet (positive_int_of_string n)
+ | [ "GIVEBACK"; n ] -> GiveBack (positive_int_of_string n)
+ | [ "PING" ] -> Ping
+ | _ -> raise ParseError
+let parse_response s =
+ if debug then Printf.eprintf "parsing '%s'\n" s;
+ match Str.split (Str.regexp " ") (strip_r s) with
+ | [ "TOKENS"; n ] -> Tokens (positive_int_of_string n)
+ | [ "NOLUCK" ] -> Noluck
+ | [ "PONG"; n; m; p ] ->
+ let n = try int_of_string n with _ -> raise ParseError in
+ let m = try int_of_string m with _ -> raise ParseError in
+ let p = try int_of_string p with _ -> raise ParseError in
+ Pong (n,m,p)
+ | _ -> raise ParseError
+let print_request = function
+ | Hello Flags.Low -> "HELLO LOW\n"
+ | Hello Flags.High -> "HELLO HIGH\n"
+ | Get n -> Printf.sprintf "GET %d\n" n
+ | TryGet n -> Printf.sprintf "TRYGET %d\n" n
+ | GiveBack n -> Printf.sprintf "GIVEBACK %d\n" n
+ | Ping -> "PING\n"
+let print_response = function
+ | Tokens n -> Printf.sprintf "TOKENS %d\n" n
+ | Noluck -> "NOLUCK\n"
+ | Pong (n,m,p) -> Printf.sprintf "PONG %d %d %d\n" n m p
+let connect s =
+ try
+ match Str.split (Str.regexp ":") s with
+ | [ h; p ] ->
+ let open Unix in
+ let s = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
+ connect s (ADDR_INET (inet_addr_of_string h,int_of_string p));
+ Some s
+ | _ -> None
+ with Unix.Unix_error _ -> None
+let manager = ref None
+let option_map f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
+let init p =
+ try
+ let sock = Sys.getenv "COQWORKMGR_SOCK" in
+ manager := option_map (fun s ->
+ let cout = Unix.out_channel_of_descr s in
+ set_binary_mode_out cout true;
+ let cin = Unix.in_channel_of_descr s in
+ set_binary_mode_in cin true;
+ output_string cout (print_request (Hello p)); flush cout;
+ cin, cout) (connect sock)
+ with Not_found | End_of_file -> ()
+let with_manager f g =
+ try
+ match !manager with
+ | None -> f ()
+ | Some (cin, cout) -> g cin cout
+ with
+ | ParseError | End_of_file -> manager := None; f ()
+let get n =
+ with_manager
+ (fun () ->
+ min n (min !Flags.async_proofs_n_workers !Flags.async_proofs_n_tacworkers))
+ (fun cin cout ->
+ output_string cout (print_request (Get n));
+ flush cout;
+ let l = input_line cin in
+ match parse_response l with
+ | Tokens m -> m
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "coqworkmgr protocol error"))
+let tryget n =
+ with_manager
+ (fun () ->
+ Some
+ (min n
+ (min !Flags.async_proofs_n_workers !Flags.async_proofs_n_tacworkers)))
+ (fun cin cout ->
+ output_string cout (print_request (TryGet n));
+ flush cout;
+ let l = input_line cin in
+ match parse_response l with
+ | Tokens m -> Some m
+ | Noluck -> None
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "coqworkmgr protocol error"))
+let giveback n =
+ with_manager
+ (fun () -> ())
+ (fun cin cout ->
+ output_string cout (print_request (GiveBack n));
+ flush cout)
diff --git a/stm/coqworkmgrApi.mli b/stm/coqworkmgrApi.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42dd39b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/coqworkmgrApi.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* High level api for clients of the service (like coqtop) *)
+(* Connects to a work manager if any. If no worker manager, then
+ -async-proofs-j and -async-proofs-tac-j are used *)
+val init : Flags.priority -> unit
+(* blocking *)
+val get : int -> int
+(* not blocking *)
+val tryget : int -> int option
+val giveback : int -> unit
+(* Low level *)
+type request =
+ | Hello of Flags.priority
+ | Get of int
+ | TryGet of int
+ | GiveBack of int
+ | Ping
+type response =
+ | Tokens of int
+ | Noluck
+ | Pong of int * int * int (* cur, max, pid *)
+val connect : string -> Unix.file_descr option
+exception ParseError
+(* Intended to be used with input_line and output_string *)
+val parse_request : string -> request
+val parse_response : string -> response
+val print_request : request -> string
+val print_response : response -> string
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0515d3f
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+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+module type S = sig
+ module Cluster :
+ sig
+ type 'd t
+ val equal : 'd t -> 'd t -> bool
+ val compare : 'd t -> 'd t -> int
+ val to_string : 'd t -> string
+ val data : 'd t -> 'd
+ end
+ type node
+ module NodeSet : Set.S with type elt = node
+ type ('edge,'info,'cdata) t
+ val empty : ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val add_edge : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> 'e -> node -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val from_node : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> (node * 'e) list
+ val mem : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> bool
+ val del_edge : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> node -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val del_nodes : ('e,'i,'d) t -> NodeSet.t -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val all_nodes : ('e,'i,'d) t -> NodeSet.t
+ val iter : ('e,'i,'d) t ->
+ (node -> 'd Cluster.t option -> 'i option ->
+ (node * 'e) list -> unit) -> unit
+ val create_cluster : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node list -> 'd -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val cluster_of : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> 'd Cluster.t option
+ val del_cluster : ('e,'i,'d) t -> 'd Cluster.t -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val get_info : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> 'i option
+ val set_info : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> 'i -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val clear_info : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+module Make(OT : Map.OrderedType) = struct
+module Cluster =
+ type 'd t = 'd * int
+ let equal (_,i1) (_,i2) = Int.equal i1 i2
+ let compare (_,i1) (_,i2) = i1 i2
+ let to_string (_,i) = string_of_int i
+ let data (d,_) = d
+type node = OT.t
+module NodeMap = CMap.Make(OT)
+module NodeSet = Set.Make(OT)
+type ('edge,'info,'data) t = {
+ graph : (node * 'edge) list NodeMap.t;
+ clusters : 'data Cluster.t NodeMap.t;
+ infos : 'info NodeMap.t;
+let empty = {
+ graph = NodeMap.empty;
+ clusters = NodeMap.empty;
+ infos = NodeMap.empty;
+let mem { graph } id = NodeMap.mem id graph
+let add_edge dag from trans dest = { dag with
+ graph =
+ try NodeMap.modify from (fun _ arcs -> (dest, trans) :: arcs) dag.graph
+ with Not_found -> NodeMap.add from [dest, trans] dag.graph }
+let from_node { graph } id = NodeMap.find id graph
+let del_edge dag id tgt = { dag with
+ graph =
+ try
+ let modify _ arcs =
+ let filter (d, _) = d tgt <> 0 in
+ List.filter filter arcs
+ in
+ NodeMap.modify id modify dag.graph
+ with Not_found -> dag.graph }
+let del_nodes dag s = {
+ infos = NodeMap.filter (fun n _ -> not(NodeSet.mem n s)) dag.infos;
+ clusters = NodeMap.filter (fun n _ -> not(NodeSet.mem n s)) dag.clusters;
+ graph = NodeMap.filter (fun n l ->
+ let drop = NodeSet.mem n s in
+ if not drop then
+ assert(List.for_all (fun (n',_) -> not(NodeSet.mem n' s)) l);
+ not drop)
+ dag.graph }
+let clid = ref 1
+let create_cluster dag l data =
+ incr clid;
+ { dag with clusters =
+ List.fold_right (fun x clusters ->
+ NodeMap.add x (data, !clid) clusters) l dag.clusters }
+let cluster_of dag id =
+ try Some (NodeMap.find id dag.clusters)
+ with Not_found -> None
+let del_cluster dag c =
+ { dag with clusters =
+ NodeMap.filter (fun _ c' -> not (Cluster.equal c' c)) dag.clusters }
+let get_info dag id =
+ try Some (NodeMap.find id dag.infos)
+ with Not_found -> None
+let set_info dag id info = { dag with infos = NodeMap.add id info dag.infos }
+let clear_info dag id = { dag with infos = NodeMap.remove id dag.infos }
+let iter dag f =
+ NodeMap.iter (fun k v -> f k (cluster_of dag k) (get_info dag k) v) dag.graph
+let all_nodes dag = NodeMap.domain dag.graph
diff --git a/stm/dag.mli b/stm/dag.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..14ccdc9f
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+++ b/stm/dag.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+module type S = sig
+ (* A cluster is just a set of nodes. This set holds some data.
+ Stm uses this to group nodes contribution to the same proofs and
+ that can be evaluated asynchronously *)
+ module Cluster :
+ sig
+ type 'd t
+ val equal : 'd t -> 'd t -> bool
+ val compare : 'd t -> 'd t -> int
+ val to_string : 'd t -> string
+ val data : 'd t -> 'd
+ end
+ type node
+ module NodeSet : Set.S with type elt = node
+ type ('edge,'info,'cdata) t
+ val empty : ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val add_edge : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> 'e -> node -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val from_node : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> (node * 'e) list
+ val mem : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> bool
+ val del_edge : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> node -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val del_nodes : ('e,'i,'d) t -> NodeSet.t -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val all_nodes : ('e,'i,'d) t -> NodeSet.t
+ val iter : ('e,'i,'d) t ->
+ (node -> 'd Cluster.t option -> 'i option ->
+ (node * 'e) list -> unit) -> unit
+ val create_cluster : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node list -> 'd -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val cluster_of : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> 'd Cluster.t option
+ val del_cluster : ('e,'i,'d) t -> 'd Cluster.t -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val get_info : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> 'i option
+ val set_info : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> 'i -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+ val clear_info : ('e,'i,'d) t -> node -> ('e,'i,'d) t
+module Make(OT : Map.OrderedType) : S with type node = OT.t
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f2e68779
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Created by Hugo Herbelin from contents related to lemma proofs in
+ file, Aug 2009 *)
+open Errors
+open Util
+open Flags
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Term
+open Declarations
+open Declareops
+open Entries
+open Environ
+open Nameops
+open Globnames
+open Decls
+open Decl_kinds
+open Declare
+open Pretyping
+open Termops
+open Namegen
+open Reductionops
+open Constrexpr
+open Constrintern
+open Impargs
+type 'a declaration_hook = Decl_kinds.locality -> Globnames.global_reference -> 'a
+let mk_hook hook = hook
+let call_hook fix_exn hook l c =
+ try hook l c
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ let e = Errors.push e in
+ iraise (fix_exn e)
+(* Support for mutually proved theorems *)
+let retrieve_first_recthm = function
+ | VarRef id ->
+ (pi2 (Global.lookup_named id),variable_opacity id)
+ | ConstRef cst ->
+ let cb = Global.lookup_constant cst in
+ (Global.body_of_constant_body cb, is_opaque cb)
+ | _ -> assert false
+let adjust_guardness_conditions const = function
+ | [] -> const (* Not a recursive statement *)
+ | possible_indexes ->
+ (* Try all combinations... not optimal *)
+ let env = Global.env() in
+ { const with const_entry_body =
+ Future.chain ~greedy:true ~pure:true const.const_entry_body
+ (fun ((body, ctx), eff) ->
+ match kind_of_term body with
+ | Fix ((nv,0),(_,_,fixdefs as fixdecls)) ->
+(* let possible_indexes =
+ List.map2 (fun i c -> match i with Some i -> i | None ->
+ List.interval 0 (List.length ((lam_assum c))))
+ lemma_guard (Array.to_list fixdefs) in
+ let add c cb e =
+ let exists c e =
+ try ignore(Environ.lookup_constant c e); true
+ with Not_found -> false in
+ if exists c e then e else Environ.add_constant c cb e in
+ let env = Declareops.fold_side_effects (fun env -> function
+ | SEsubproof (c, cb,_) -> add c cb env
+ | SEscheme (l,_) ->
+ List.fold_left (fun e (_,c,cb,_) -> add c cb e) env l)
+ env (Declareops.uniquize_side_effects eff) in
+ let indexes =
+ search_guard Loc.ghost env
+ possible_indexes fixdecls in
+ (mkFix ((indexes,0),fixdecls), ctx), eff
+ | _ -> (body, ctx), eff) }
+let find_mutually_recursive_statements thms =
+ let n = List.length thms in
+ let inds = (fun (id,(t,impls,annot)) ->
+ let (hyps,ccl) = decompose_prod_assum t in
+ let x = (id,(t,impls)) in
+ match annot with
+ (* Explicit fixpoint decreasing argument is given *)
+ | Some (Some (_,id),CStructRec) ->
+ let i,b,typ = lookup_rel_id id hyps in
+ (match kind_of_term t with
+ | Ind ((kn,_ as ind), u) when
+ let mind = Global.lookup_mind kn in
+ mind.mind_finite == Decl_kinds.Finite && Option.is_empty b ->
+ [ind,x,i],[]
+ | _ ->
+ error "Decreasing argument is not an inductive assumption.")
+ (* Unsupported cases *)
+ | Some (_,(CWfRec _|CMeasureRec _)) ->
+ error "Only structural decreasing is supported for mutual statements."
+ (* Cofixpoint or fixpoint w/o explicit decreasing argument *)
+ | None | Some (None, CStructRec) ->
+ let whnf_hyp_hds = map_rel_context_in_env
+ (fun env c -> fst (whd_betadeltaiota_stack env Evd.empty c))
+ (Global.env()) hyps in
+ let ind_hyps =
+ List.flatten (List.map_i (fun i (_,b,t) ->
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Ind ((kn,_ as ind),u) when
+ let mind = Global.lookup_mind kn in
+ mind.mind_finite <> Decl_kinds.CoFinite && Option.is_empty b ->
+ [ind,x,i]
+ | _ ->
+ []) 0 (List.rev whnf_hyp_hds)) in
+ let ind_ccl =
+ let cclenv = push_rel_context hyps (Global.env()) in
+ let whnf_ccl,_ = whd_betadeltaiota_stack cclenv Evd.empty ccl in
+ match kind_of_term whnf_ccl with
+ | Ind ((kn,_ as ind),u) when
+ let mind = Global.lookup_mind kn in
+ Int.equal mind.mind_ntypes n && mind.mind_finite == Decl_kinds.CoFinite ->
+ [ind,x,0]
+ | _ ->
+ [] in
+ ind_hyps,ind_ccl) thms in
+ let inds_hyps,ind_ccls = List.split inds in
+ let of_same_mutind ((kn,_),_,_) = function ((kn',_),_,_) -> eq_mind kn kn' in
+ (* Check if all conclusions are coinductive in the same type *)
+ (* (degenerated cartesian product since there is at most one coind ccl) *)
+ let same_indccl =
+ List.cartesians_filter (fun hyp oks ->
+ if List.for_all (of_same_mutind hyp) oks
+ then Some (hyp::oks) else None) [] ind_ccls in
+ let ordered_same_indccl =
+ List.filter (List.for_all_i (fun i ((kn,j),_,_) -> Int.equal i j) 0) same_indccl in
+ (* Check if some hypotheses are inductive in the same type *)
+ let common_same_indhyp =
+ List.cartesians_filter (fun hyp oks ->
+ if List.for_all (of_same_mutind hyp) oks
+ then Some (hyp::oks) else None) [] inds_hyps in
+ let ordered_inds,finite,guard =
+ match ordered_same_indccl, common_same_indhyp with
+ | indccl::rest, _ ->
+ assert (List.is_empty rest);
+ (* One occ. of common coind ccls and no common inductive hyps *)
+ if not (List.is_empty common_same_indhyp) then
+ if_verbose msg_info (str "Assuming mutual coinductive statements.");
+ flush_all ();
+ indccl, true, []
+ | [], _::_ ->
+ let () = match same_indccl with
+ | ind :: _ ->
+ if List.distinct_f ind_ord ( pi1 ind)
+ then
+ if_verbose msg_info
+ (strbrk
+ ("Coinductive statements do not follow the order of "^
+ "definition, assuming the proof to be by induction."));
+ flush_all ()
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ let possible_guards = ( pi3) inds_hyps in
+ (* assume the largest indices as possible *)
+ List.last common_same_indhyp, false, possible_guards
+ | _, [] ->
+ error
+ ("Cannot find common (mutual) inductive premises or coinductive" ^
+ " conclusions in the statements.")
+ in
+ (finite,guard,None), ordered_inds
+let look_for_possibly_mutual_statements = function
+ | [id,(t,impls,None)] ->
+ (* One non recursively proved theorem *)
+ None,[id,(t,impls)],None
+ | _::_ as thms ->
+ (* More than one statement and/or an explicit decreasing mark: *)
+ (* we look for a common inductive hyp or a common coinductive conclusion *)
+ let recguard,ordered_inds = find_mutually_recursive_statements thms in
+ let thms = pi2 ordered_inds in
+ Some recguard,thms, Some ( (fun (_,_,i) -> succ i) ordered_inds)
+ | [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "Empty list of theorems.")
+(* Saving a goal *)
+let save id const cstrs do_guard (locality,poly,kind) hook =
+ let fix_exn = Future.fix_exn_of const.Entries.const_entry_body in
+ try
+ let const = adjust_guardness_conditions const do_guard in
+ let k = Kindops.logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
+ let l,r = match locality with
+ | Discharge when Lib.sections_are_opened () ->
+ let c = SectionLocalDef const in
+ let _ = declare_variable id (Lib.cwd(), c, k) in
+ (Local, VarRef id)
+ | Local | Global | Discharge ->
+ let local = match locality with
+ | Local | Discharge -> true
+ | Global -> false
+ in
+ let kn = declare_constant id ~local (DefinitionEntry const, k) in
+ (locality, ConstRef kn) in
+ definition_message id;
+ call_hook (fun exn -> exn) hook l r
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ let e = Errors.push e in
+ iraise (fix_exn e)
+let default_thm_id = Id.of_string "Unnamed_thm"
+let compute_proof_name locality = function
+ | Some (loc,id) ->
+ (* We check existence here: it's a bit late at Qed time *)
+ if Nametab.exists_cci (Lib.make_path id) || is_section_variable id ||
+ locality == Global && Nametab.exists_cci (Lib.make_path_except_section id)
+ then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",pr_id id ++ str " already exists.");
+ id
+ | None ->
+ next_global_ident_away default_thm_id (Pfedit.get_all_proof_names ())
+let save_remaining_recthms (locality,p,kind) norm ctx body opaq i (id,(t_i,(_,imps))) =
+ let t_i = norm t_i in
+ match body with
+ | None ->
+ (match locality with
+ | Discharge ->
+ let impl = false in (* copy values from Vernacentries *)
+ let k = IsAssumption Conjectural in
+ let c = SectionLocalAssum ((t_i,ctx),p,impl) in
+ let _ = declare_variable id (Lib.cwd(),c,k) in
+ (Discharge, VarRef id,imps)
+ | Local | Global ->
+ let k = IsAssumption Conjectural in
+ let local = match locality with
+ | Local -> true
+ | Global -> false
+ | Discharge -> assert false
+ in
+ let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx in
+ let decl = (ParameterEntry (None,p,(t_i,ctx),None), k) in
+ let kn = declare_constant id ~local decl in
+ (locality,ConstRef kn,imps))
+ | Some body ->
+ let body = norm body in
+ let k = Kindops.logical_kind_of_goal_kind kind in
+ let body_i = match kind_of_term body with
+ | Fix ((nv,0),decls) -> mkFix ((nv,i),decls)
+ | CoFix (0,decls) -> mkCoFix (i,decls)
+ | _ -> anomaly Pp.(str "Not a proof by induction: " ++ Printer.pr_constr body) in
+ match locality with
+ | Discharge ->
+ let const = definition_entry ~types:t_i ~opaque:opaq ~poly:p
+ ~univs:(Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx) body_i in
+ let c = SectionLocalDef const in
+ let _ = declare_variable id (Lib.cwd(), c, k) in
+ (Discharge,VarRef id,imps)
+ | Local | Global ->
+ let ctx = Univ.ContextSet.to_context ctx in
+ let local = match locality with
+ | Local -> true
+ | Global -> false
+ | Discharge -> assert false
+ in
+ let const =
+ Declare.definition_entry ~types:t_i ~poly:p ~univs:ctx ~opaque:opaq body_i
+ in
+ let kn = declare_constant id ~local (DefinitionEntry const, k) in
+ (locality,ConstRef kn,imps)
+let save_hook = ref ignore
+let set_save_hook f = save_hook := f
+let save_named proof =
+ let id,const,cstrs,do_guard,persistence,hook = proof in
+ save id const cstrs do_guard persistence hook
+let check_anonymity id save_ident =
+ if not (String.equal (atompart_of_id id) (Id.to_string (default_thm_id))) then
+ error "This command can only be used for unnamed theorem."
+let save_anonymous proof save_ident =
+ let id,const,cstrs,do_guard,persistence,hook = proof in
+ check_anonymity id save_ident;
+ save save_ident const cstrs do_guard persistence hook
+let save_anonymous_with_strength proof kind save_ident =
+ let id,const,cstrs,do_guard,_,hook = proof in
+ check_anonymity id save_ident;
+ (* we consider that non opaque behaves as local for discharge *)
+ save save_ident const cstrs do_guard (Global, const.const_entry_polymorphic, Proof kind) hook
+(* Admitted *)
+let admit hook () =
+ let (id,k,typ) = Pfedit.current_proof_statement () in
+ let ctx =
+ let evd = fst (Pfedit.get_current_goal_context ()) in
+ Evd.universe_context evd
+ in
+ let e = Pfedit.get_used_variables(), pi2 k, (typ, ctx), None in
+ let kn = declare_constant id (ParameterEntry e, IsAssumption Conjectural) in
+ let () = match k with
+ | Global, _, _ -> ()
+ | Local, _, _ | Discharge, _, _ ->
+ msg_warning (str "Let definition" ++ spc () ++ pr_id id ++ spc () ++
+ str "declared as an axiom.")
+ in
+ let () = assumption_message id in
+ call_hook (fun exn -> exn) hook Global (ConstRef kn)
+(* Starting a goal *)
+let start_hook = ref ignore
+let set_start_hook = (:=) start_hook
+let get_proof proof do_guard hook opacity =
+ let (id,(const,cstrs,persistence)) =
+ Pfedit.cook_this_proof proof
+ in
+ (** FIXME *)
+ id,{const with const_entry_opaque = opacity},cstrs,do_guard,persistence,hook
+let standard_proof_terminator compute_guard hook =
+ let open Proof_global in function
+ | Admitted ->
+ admit hook ();
+ Feedback.AddedAxiom
+ | Proved (is_opaque,idopt,proof) ->
+ let proof = get_proof proof compute_guard hook is_opaque in
+ begin match idopt with
+ | None -> save_named proof
+ | Some ((_,id),None) -> save_anonymous proof id
+ | Some ((_,id),Some kind) ->
+ save_anonymous_with_strength proof kind id
+ end
+let universe_proof_terminator compute_guard hook =
+ let open Proof_global in function
+ | Admitted ->
+ admit (hook None) ();
+ Feedback.AddedAxiom
+ | Proved (is_opaque,idopt,proof) ->
+ let proof = get_proof proof compute_guard
+ (hook (Some proof.Proof_global.universes)) is_opaque in
+ begin match idopt with
+ | None -> save_named proof
+ | Some ((_,id),None) -> save_anonymous proof id
+ | Some ((_,id),Some kind) ->
+ save_anonymous_with_strength proof kind id
+ end
+let start_proof id kind sigma ?sign c ?init_tac ?(compute_guard=[]) hook =
+ let terminator = standard_proof_terminator compute_guard hook in
+ let sign =
+ match sign with
+ | Some sign -> sign
+ | None -> initialize_named_context_for_proof ()
+ in
+ !start_hook c;
+ Pfedit.start_proof id kind sigma sign c ?init_tac terminator
+let start_proof_univs id kind sigma ?sign c ?init_tac ?(compute_guard=[]) hook =
+ let terminator = universe_proof_terminator compute_guard hook in
+ let sign =
+ match sign with
+ | Some sign -> sign
+ | None -> initialize_named_context_for_proof ()
+ in
+ !start_hook c;
+ Pfedit.start_proof id kind sigma sign c ?init_tac terminator
+let rec_tac_initializer finite guard thms snl =
+ if finite then
+ match (fun (id,(t,_)) -> (id,t)) thms with
+ | (id,_)::l -> Tactics.mutual_cofix id l 0
+ | _ -> assert false
+ else
+ (* nl is dummy: it will be recomputed at Qed-time *)
+ let nl = match snl with
+ | None -> succ ( List.last guard)
+ | Some nl -> nl
+ in match List.map2 (fun (id,(t,_)) n -> (id,n,t)) thms nl with
+ | (id,n,_)::l -> Tactics.mutual_fix id n l 0
+ | _ -> assert false
+let start_proof_with_initialization kind ctx recguard thms snl hook =
+ let intro_tac (_, (_, (ids, _))) =
+ Tacticals.New.tclMAP (function
+ | Name id -> Tactics.intro_mustbe_force id
+ | Anonymous -> Tactics.intro) (List.rev ids) in
+ let init_tac,guard = match recguard with
+ | Some (finite,guard,init_tac) ->
+ let rec_tac = Proofview.V82.tactic (rec_tac_initializer finite guard thms snl) in
+ Some (match init_tac with
+ | None ->
+ if Flags.is_auto_intros () then
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENS rec_tac ( intro_tac thms)
+ else
+ rec_tac
+ | Some tacl ->
+ Tacticals.New.tclTHENS rec_tac
+ (if Flags.is_auto_intros () then
+ List.map2 (fun tac thm -> Tacticals.New.tclTHEN tac (intro_tac thm)) tacl thms
+ else
+ tacl)),guard
+ | None ->
+ let () = match thms with [_] -> () | _ -> assert false in
+ (if Flags.is_auto_intros () then Some (intro_tac (List.hd thms)) else None), [] in
+ match thms with
+ | [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "No proof to start")
+ | (id,(t,(_,imps)))::other_thms ->
+ let hook ctx strength ref =
+ let ctx = match ctx with
+ | None -> Evd.empty_evar_universe_context
+ | Some ctx -> ctx
+ in
+ let other_thms_data =
+ if List.is_empty other_thms then [] else
+ (* there are several theorems defined mutually *)
+ let body,opaq = retrieve_first_recthm ref in
+ let subst = Evd.evar_universe_context_subst ctx in
+ let norm c = Universes.subst_opt_univs_constr subst c in
+ let ctx = Evd.evar_universe_context_set ctx in
+ let body = norm body in
+ List.map_i (save_remaining_recthms kind norm ctx body opaq) 1 other_thms in
+ let thms_data = (strength,ref,imps)::other_thms_data in
+ List.iter (fun (strength,ref,imps) ->
+ maybe_declare_manual_implicits false ref imps;
+ call_hook (fun exn -> exn) hook strength ref) thms_data in
+ start_proof_univs id kind ctx t ?init_tac (fun ctx -> mk_hook (hook ctx)) ~compute_guard:guard
+let start_proof_com kind thms hook =
+ let env0 = Global.env () in
+ let evdref = ref (Evd.from_env env0) in
+ let thms = (fun (sopt,(bl,t,guard)) ->
+ let impls, ((env, ctx), imps) = interp_context_evars env0 evdref bl in
+ let t', imps' = interp_type_evars_impls ~impls env evdref t in
+ check_evars_are_solved env !evdref (Evd.empty,!evdref);
+ let ids = pi1 ctx in
+ (compute_proof_name (pi1 kind) sopt,
+ (nf_evar !evdref (it_mkProd_or_LetIn t' ctx),
+ (ids, imps @ lift_implicits (List.length ids) imps'),
+ guard)))
+ thms in
+ let recguard,thms,snl = look_for_possibly_mutual_statements thms in
+ let evd, nf = Evarutil.nf_evars_and_universes !evdref in
+ let thms = (fun (n, (t, info)) -> (n, (nf t, info))) thms in
+ start_proof_with_initialization kind evd
+ recguard thms snl hook
+(* Saving a proof *)
+let save_proof ?proof = function
+ | Vernacexpr.Admitted ->
+ Proof_global.get_terminator() Proof_global.Admitted
+ | Vernacexpr.Proved (is_opaque,idopt) ->
+ let (proof_obj,terminator) =
+ match proof with
+ | None ->
+ Proof_global.close_proof ~keep_body_ucst_sepatate:false (fun x -> x)
+ | Some proof -> proof
+ in
+ (* if the proof is given explicitly, nothing has to be deleted *)
+ if Option.is_empty proof then Pfedit.delete_current_proof ();
+ terminator (Proof_global.Proved (is_opaque,idopt,proof_obj))
+(* Miscellaneous *)
+let get_current_context () =
+ try Pfedit.get_current_goal_context ()
+ with e when Logic.catchable_exception e ->
+ (Evd.empty, Global.env())
diff --git a/stm/lemmas.mli b/stm/lemmas.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d0669d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/lemmas.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Decl_kinds
+open Constrexpr
+open Tacexpr
+open Vernacexpr
+open Pfedit
+type 'a declaration_hook
+val mk_hook :
+ (Decl_kinds.locality -> Globnames.global_reference -> 'a) -> 'a declaration_hook
+val call_hook :
+ Future.fix_exn -> 'a declaration_hook -> Decl_kinds.locality -> Globnames.global_reference -> 'a
+(** A hook start_proof calls on the type of the definition being started *)
+val set_start_hook : (types -> unit) -> unit
+val start_proof : Id.t -> goal_kind -> Evd.evar_map -> ?sign:Environ.named_context_val -> types ->
+ ?init_tac:unit Proofview.tactic -> ?compute_guard:lemma_possible_guards ->
+ unit declaration_hook -> unit
+val start_proof_univs : Id.t -> goal_kind -> Evd.evar_map -> ?sign:Environ.named_context_val -> types ->
+ ?init_tac:unit Proofview.tactic -> ?compute_guard:lemma_possible_guards ->
+ (Proof_global.proof_universes option -> unit declaration_hook) -> unit
+val start_proof_com : goal_kind ->
+ (lident option * (local_binder list * constr_expr * (lident option * recursion_order_expr) option)) list ->
+ unit declaration_hook -> unit
+val start_proof_with_initialization :
+ goal_kind -> Evd.evar_map -> (bool * lemma_possible_guards * unit Proofview.tactic list option) option ->
+ (Id.t * (types * (Name.t list * Impargs.manual_explicitation list))) list
+ -> int list option -> unit declaration_hook -> unit
+val standard_proof_terminator :
+ Proof_global.lemma_possible_guards -> unit declaration_hook ->
+ Proof_global.proof_terminator
+(** {6 ... } *)
+(** A hook the next three functions pass to cook_proof *)
+val set_save_hook : (Proof.proof -> unit) -> unit
+val save_proof : ?proof:Proof_global.closed_proof -> Vernacexpr.proof_end -> unit
+(** [get_current_context ()] returns the evar context and env of the
+ current open proof if any, otherwise returns the empty evar context
+ and the current global env *)
+val get_current_context : unit -> Evd.evar_map * Environ.env
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e40c345
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+module W = AsyncTaskQueue.MakeWorker(Stm.ProofTask)
+let () = Coqtop.toploop_init := (fun args ->
+ Flags.make_silent true;
+ W.init_stdout ();
+ CoqworkmgrApi.init !Flags.async_proofs_worker_priority;
+ args)
+let () = Coqtop.toploop_run := W.main_loop
diff --git a/stm/proofworkertop.mllib b/stm/proofworkertop.mllib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9f6c22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/proofworkertop.mllib
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8e6432b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+module W = AsyncTaskQueue.MakeWorker(Stm.QueryTask)
+let () = Coqtop.toploop_init := (fun args ->
+ Flags.make_silent true;
+ W.init_stdout ();
+ CoqworkmgrApi.init !Flags.async_proofs_worker_priority;
+ args)
+let () = Coqtop.toploop_run := W.main_loop
diff --git a/stm/queryworkertop.mllib b/stm/queryworkertop.mllib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2f73089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/queryworkertop.mllib
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..18159288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Spawn
+let pr_err s = Printf.eprintf "(Spawned,%d) %s\n%!" (Unix.getpid ()) s
+let prerr_endline s = if !Flags.debug then begin pr_err s end else ()
+type chandescr = AnonPipe | Socket of string * int
+let handshake cin cout =
+ try
+ match input_value cin with
+ | Hello(v, pid) when v = proto_version ->
+ prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "Handshake with %d OK" pid);
+ output_value cout (Hello (proto_version,Unix.getpid ())); flush cout
+ | _ -> raise (Failure "handshake protocol")
+ with
+ | Failure s | Invalid_argument s | Sys_error s ->
+ pr_err ("Handshake failed: " ^ s); raise (Failure "handshake")
+ | End_of_file ->
+ pr_err "Handshake failed: End_of_file"; raise (Failure "handshake")
+let open_bin_connection h p =
+ let open Unix in
+ let cin, cout = open_connection (ADDR_INET (inet_addr_of_string h,p)) in
+ set_binary_mode_in cin true;
+ set_binary_mode_out cout true;
+ let cin = CThread.prepare_in_channel_for_thread_friendly_io cin in
+ cin, cout
+let controller h p =
+ prerr_endline "starting controller thread";
+ let main () =
+ let ic, oc = open_bin_connection h p in
+ let rec loop () =
+ try
+ match CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic with
+ | Hello _ -> prerr_endline "internal protocol error"; exit 1
+ | ReqDie -> prerr_endline "death sentence received"; exit 0
+ | ReqStats ->
+ output_value oc (RespStats (Gc.quick_stat ())); flush oc; loop ()
+ with
+ | e ->
+ prerr_endline ("control channel broken: " ^ Printexc.to_string e);
+ exit 1 in
+ loop () in
+ ignore(Thread.create main ())
+let main_channel = ref None
+let control_channel = ref None
+let channels = ref None
+let init_channels () =
+ if !channels <> None then Errors.anomaly(Pp.str "init_channels called twice");
+ let () = match !main_channel with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (Socket(mh,mp)) ->
+ channels := Some (open_bin_connection mh mp);
+ | Some AnonPipe ->
+ let stdin = Unix.in_channel_of_descr (Unix.dup Unix.stdin) in
+ let stdout = Unix.out_channel_of_descr (Unix.dup Unix.stdout) in
+ Unix.dup2 Unix.stderr Unix.stdout;
+ set_binary_mode_in stdin true;
+ set_binary_mode_out stdout true;
+ let stdin = CThread.prepare_in_channel_for_thread_friendly_io stdin in
+ channels := Some (stdin, stdout);
+ in
+ match !control_channel with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (Socket (ch, cp)) ->
+ controller ch cp
+ | Some AnonPipe ->
+ Errors.anomaly (Pp.str "control channel cannot be a pipe")
+let get_channels () =
+ match !channels with
+ | None -> Errors.anomaly(Pp.str "init_channels not called")
+ | Some(ic, oc) -> ic, oc
diff --git a/stm/spawned.mli b/stm/spawned.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9e7baff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/spawned.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* To link this file, threads are needed *)
+type chandescr = AnonPipe | Socket of string * int
+(* Argument parsing should set these *)
+val main_channel : chandescr option ref
+val control_channel : chandescr option ref
+(* Immediately after argument parsing one *must* call this *)
+val init_channels : unit -> unit
+(* Once initialized, these are the channels to talk with our master *)
+val get_channels : unit -> CThread.thread_ic * out_channel
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7b246854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,2407 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+let pr_err s = Printf.eprintf "%s] %s\n" (System.process_id ()) s; flush stderr
+let prerr_endline s = if !Flags.debug then begin pr_err s end else ()
+open Vernacexpr
+open Errors
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Util
+open Ppvernac
+open Vernac_classifier
+module Hooks = struct
+let process_error, process_error_hook = Hook.make ()
+let interp, interp_hook = Hook.make ()
+let with_fail, with_fail_hook = Hook.make ()
+let state_computed, state_computed_hook = Hook.make
+ ~default:(fun state_id ~in_cache ->
+ feedback ~state_id Feedback.Processed) ()
+let state_ready, state_ready_hook = Hook.make
+ ~default:(fun state_id -> ()) ()
+let forward_feedback, forward_feedback_hook = Hook.make
+ ~default:(function
+ | { = Feedback.Edit edit_id; route; contents } ->
+ feedback ~edit_id ~route contents
+ | { = Feedback.State state_id; route; contents } ->
+ feedback ~state_id ~route contents) ()
+let parse_error, parse_error_hook = Hook.make
+ ~default:(function
+ | Feedback.Edit edit_id -> fun loc msg ->
+ feedback ~edit_id (Feedback.ErrorMsg (loc, string_of_ppcmds msg))
+ | Feedback.State state_id -> fun loc msg ->
+ feedback ~state_id (Feedback.ErrorMsg (loc, string_of_ppcmds msg))) ()
+let execution_error, execution_error_hook = Hook.make
+ ~default:(fun state_id loc msg ->
+ feedback ~state_id (Feedback.ErrorMsg (loc, string_of_ppcmds msg))) ()
+let unreachable_state, unreachable_state_hook = Hook.make
+ ~default:(fun _ -> ()) ()
+include Hook
+(* enables: Hooks.(call foo args) *)
+let call = get
+let call_process_error_once =
+ let processed : unit Exninfo.t = Exninfo.make () in
+ fun (_, info as ei) ->
+ match Exninfo.get info processed with
+ | Some _ -> ei
+ | None ->
+ let e, info = call process_error ei in
+ let info = Exninfo.add info processed () in
+ e, info
+(* During interactive use we cache more states so that Undoing is fast *)
+let interactive () =
+ if !Flags.ide_slave || !Flags.print_emacs || not !Flags.batch_mode then `Yes
+ else `No
+let async_proofs_workers_extra_env = ref [||]
+type ast = { verbose : bool; loc : Loc.t; mutable expr : vernac_expr }
+let pr_ast { expr } = pr_vernac expr
+(* Wrapper for Vernacentries.interp to set the feedback id *)
+let vernac_interp ?proof id ?route { verbose; loc; expr } =
+ let rec internal_command = function
+ | VernacResetName _ | VernacResetInitial | VernacBack _
+ | VernacBackTo _ | VernacRestart | VernacUndo _ | VernacUndoTo _
+ | VernacBacktrack _ | VernacAbortAll | VernacAbort _ -> true
+ | VernacTime el -> List.for_all (fun (_,e) -> internal_command e) el
+ | _ -> false in
+ if internal_command expr then begin
+ prerr_endline ("ignoring " ^ string_of_ppcmds(pr_vernac expr))
+ end else begin
+ set_id_for_feedback ?route (Feedback.State id);
+ Aux_file.record_in_aux_set_at loc;
+ prerr_endline ("interpreting " ^ string_of_ppcmds(pr_vernac expr));
+ try Hooks.(call interp ?verbosely:(Some verbose) ?proof (loc, expr))
+ with e ->
+ let e = Errors.push e in
+ iraise Hooks.(call_process_error_once e)
+ end
+(* Wrapper for Vernac.parse_sentence to set the feedback id *)
+let vernac_parse ?newtip ?route eid s =
+ let feedback_id =
+ if Option.is_empty newtip then Feedback.Edit eid
+ else Feedback.State (Option.get newtip) in
+ set_id_for_feedback ?route feedback_id;
+ let pa = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s) in
+ Flags.with_option Flags.we_are_parsing (fun () ->
+ try
+ match Pcoq.Gram.entry_parse Pcoq.main_entry pa with
+ | None -> raise (Invalid_argument "vernac_parse")
+ | Some ast -> ast
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ let loc = Option.default Loc.ghost (Loc.get_loc info) in
+ Hooks.(call parse_error feedback_id loc (iprint (e, info)));
+ iraise (e, info))
+ ()
+let pr_open_cur_subgoals () =
+ try Printer.pr_open_subgoals ()
+ with Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> str""
+module Vcs_ = Vcs.Make(Stateid)
+type future_proof = Proof_global.closed_proof_output Future.computation
+type proof_mode = string
+type depth = int
+type cancel_switch = bool ref
+type branch_type =
+ [ `Master
+ | `Proof of proof_mode * depth
+ | `Edit of proof_mode * Stateid.t * Stateid.t ]
+type cmd_t = {
+ cast : ast;
+ cids : Id.t list;
+ cqueue : [ `MainQueue | `TacQueue of cancel_switch | `QueryQueue of cancel_switch ] }
+type fork_t = ast * Vcs_.Branch.t * Vernacexpr.opacity_guarantee * Id.t list
+type qed_t = {
+ qast : ast;
+ keep : vernac_qed_type;
+ mutable fproof : (future_proof * cancel_switch) option;
+ brname : Vcs_.Branch.t;
+ brinfo : branch_type Vcs_.branch_info
+type seff_t = ast option
+type alias_t = Stateid.t
+type transaction =
+ | Cmd of cmd_t
+ | Fork of fork_t
+ | Qed of qed_t
+ | Sideff of seff_t
+ | Alias of alias_t
+ | Noop
+type step =
+ [ `Cmd of cmd_t
+ | `Fork of fork_t * Stateid.t option
+ | `Qed of qed_t * Stateid.t
+ | `Sideff of [ `Ast of ast * Stateid.t | `Id of Stateid.t ]
+ | `Alias of alias_t ]
+type visit = { step : step; next : Stateid.t }
+type state = {
+ system : States.state;
+ proof : Proof_global.state;
+ shallow : bool
+type branch = Vcs_.Branch.t * branch_type Vcs_.branch_info
+type backup = { mine : branch; others : branch list }
+type 'vcs state_info = { (* Make private *)
+ mutable n_reached : int;
+ mutable n_goals : int;
+ mutable state : state option;
+ mutable vcs_backup : 'vcs option * backup option;
+let default_info () =
+ { n_reached = 0; n_goals = 0; state = None; vcs_backup = None,None }
+(* Functions that work on a Vcs with a specific branch type *)
+module Vcs_aux : sig
+ val proof_nesting : (branch_type, 't,'i) Vcs_.t -> int
+ val find_proof_at_depth :
+ (branch_type, 't, 'i) Vcs_.t -> int ->
+ Vcs_.Branch.t * branch_type Vcs_.branch_info
+ exception Expired
+ val visit : (branch_type, transaction,'i) Vcs_.t -> Vcs_.Dag.node -> visit
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+ let proof_nesting vcs =
+ List.fold_left max 0
+ (List.map_filter
+ (function
+ | { Vcs_.kind = `Proof (_,n) } -> Some n
+ | { Vcs_.kind = `Edit _ } -> Some 1
+ | _ -> None)
+ ( (Vcs_.get_branch vcs) (Vcs_.branches vcs)))
+ let find_proof_at_depth vcs pl =
+ try List.find (function
+ | _, { Vcs_.kind = `Proof(m, n) } -> Int.equal n pl
+ | _, { Vcs_.kind = `Edit _ } -> anomaly(str"find_proof_at_depth")
+ | _ -> false)
+ ( (fun h -> h, Vcs_.get_branch vcs h) (Vcs_.branches vcs))
+ with Not_found -> failwith "find_proof_at_depth"
+ exception Expired
+ let visit vcs id =
+ if Stateid.equal id Stateid.initial then
+ anomaly(str"Visiting the initial state id")
+ else if Stateid.equal id Stateid.dummy then
+ anomaly(str"Visiting the dummy state id")
+ else
+ try
+ match Vcs_.Dag.from_node (Vcs_.dag vcs) id with
+ | [n, Cmd x] -> { step = `Cmd x; next = n }
+ | [n, Alias x] -> { step = `Alias x; next = n }
+ | [n, Fork x] -> { step = `Fork (x,None); next = n }
+ | [n, Fork x; p, Noop] -> { step = `Fork (x,Some p); next = n }
+ | [p, Noop; n, Fork x] -> { step = `Fork (x,Some p); next = n }
+ | [n, Qed x; p, Noop]
+ | [p, Noop; n, Qed x] -> { step = `Qed (x,p); next = n }
+ | [n, Sideff None; p, Noop]
+ | [p, Noop; n, Sideff None]-> { step = `Sideff (`Id p); next = n }
+ | [n, Sideff (Some x); p, Noop]
+ | [p, Noop; n, Sideff (Some x)]-> { step = `Sideff(`Ast (x,p)); next = n }
+ | [n, Sideff (Some x)]-> {step = `Sideff(`Ast (x,Stateid.dummy)); next=n}
+ | _ -> anomaly (str ("Malformed VCS at node "^Stateid.to_string id))
+ with Not_found -> raise Expired
+end (* }}} *)
+(*************************** THE DOCUMENT *************************************)
+(* Imperative wrap around VCS to obtain _the_ VCS that is the
+ * representation of the document Coq is currently processing *)
+module VCS : sig
+ exception Expired
+ module Branch : (module type of Vcs_.Branch with type t = Vcs_.Branch.t)
+ type id = Stateid.t
+ type 'branch_type branch_info = 'branch_type Vcs_.branch_info = {
+ kind : [> `Master] as 'branch_type;
+ root : id;
+ pos : id;
+ }
+ type vcs = (branch_type, transaction, vcs state_info) Vcs_.t
+ val init : id -> unit
+ val current_branch : unit -> Branch.t
+ val checkout : Branch.t -> unit
+ val branches : unit -> Branch.t list
+ val get_branch : Branch.t -> branch_type branch_info
+ val get_branch_pos : Branch.t -> id
+ val new_node : ?id:Stateid.t -> unit -> id
+ val merge : id -> ours:transaction -> ?into:Branch.t -> Branch.t -> unit
+ val rewrite_merge : id -> ours:transaction -> at:id -> Branch.t -> unit
+ val delete_branch : Branch.t -> unit
+ val commit : id -> transaction -> unit
+ val mk_branch_name : ast -> Branch.t
+ val edit_branch : Branch.t
+ val branch : ?root:id -> ?pos:id -> Branch.t -> branch_type -> unit
+ val reset_branch : Branch.t -> id -> unit
+ val reachable : id -> Vcs_.NodeSet.t
+ val cur_tip : unit -> id
+ val get_info : id -> vcs state_info
+ val reached : id -> bool -> unit
+ val goals : id -> int -> unit
+ val set_state : id -> state -> unit
+ val get_state : id -> state option
+ (* cuts from start -> stop, raising Expired if some nodes are not there *)
+ val slice : start:id -> stop:id -> vcs
+ val nodes_in_slice : start:id -> stop:id -> Stateid.t list
+ val create_cluster : id list -> qed:id -> start:id -> unit
+ val cluster_of : id -> (id * id) option
+ val delete_cluster_of : id -> unit
+ val proof_nesting : unit -> int
+ val checkout_shallowest_proof_branch : unit -> unit
+ val propagate_sideff : ast option -> unit
+ val gc : unit -> unit
+ val visit : id -> visit
+ val print : ?now:bool -> unit -> unit
+ val backup : unit -> vcs
+ val restore : vcs -> unit
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+ include Vcs_
+ exception Expired = Vcs_aux.Expired
+ module StateidSet = Set.Make(Stateid)
+ open Printf
+ let print_dag vcs () =
+ let fname =
+ "stm_" ^ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp " ") "_" (System.process_id ()) in
+ let string_of_transaction = function
+ | Cmd { cast = t } | Fork (t, _,_,_) ->
+ (try string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t) with _ -> "ERR")
+ | Sideff (Some t) ->
+ sprintf "Sideff(%s)"
+ (try string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t) with _ -> "ERR")
+ | Sideff None -> "EnvChange"
+ | Noop -> " "
+ | Alias id -> sprintf "Alias(%s)" (Stateid.to_string id)
+ | Qed { qast } -> string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast qast) in
+ let is_green id =
+ match get_info vcs id with
+ | Some { state = Some _ } -> true
+ | _ -> false in
+ let is_red id =
+ match get_info vcs id with
+ | Some s -> Int.equal s.n_reached ~-1
+ | _ -> false in
+ let head = current_branch vcs in
+ let heads =
+ (fun x -> x, (get_branch vcs x).pos) (branches vcs) in
+ let graph = dag vcs in
+ let quote s =
+ Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "<BR/>"
+ (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "<") "&lt;"
+ (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ">") "&gt;"
+ (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\"") "&quot;"
+ (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "&") "&amp;"
+ (String.sub s 0 (min (String.length s) 20)))))) in
+ let fname_dot, fname_ps =
+ let f = "/tmp/" ^ Filename.basename fname in
+ f ^ ".dot", f ^ ".pdf" in
+ let node id = "s" ^ Stateid.to_string id in
+ let edge tr =
+ sprintf "<<FONT POINT-SIZE=\"12\" FACE=\"sans\">%s</FONT>>"
+ (quote (string_of_transaction tr)) in
+ let ids = ref StateidSet.empty in
+ let clus = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ let node_info id =
+ match get_info vcs id with
+ | None -> ""
+ | Some info ->
+ sprintf "<<FONT POINT-SIZE=\"12\">%s</FONT>" (Stateid.to_string id) ^
+ sprintf " <FONT POINT-SIZE=\"11\">r:%d g:%d</FONT>>"
+ info.n_reached info.n_goals in
+ let color id =
+ if is_red id then "red" else if is_green id then "green" else "white" in
+ let nodefmt oc id =
+ fprintf oc "%s [label=%s,style=filled,fillcolor=%s];\n"
+ (node id) (node_info id) (color id) in
+ let add_to_clus_or_ids from cf =
+ match cf with
+ | None -> ids := StateidSet.add from !ids; false
+ | Some c -> Hashtbl.replace clus c
+ (try let n = Hashtbl.find clus c in from::n
+ with Not_found -> [from]); true in
+ let oc = open_out fname_dot in
+ output_string oc "digraph states {\nsplines=ortho\n";
+ Dag.iter graph (fun from cf _ l ->
+ let c1 = add_to_clus_or_ids from cf in
+ List.iter (fun (dest, trans) ->
+ let c2 = add_to_clus_or_ids dest (Dag.cluster_of graph dest) in
+ fprintf oc "%s -> %s [xlabel=%s,labelfloat=%b];\n"
+ (node from) (node dest) (edge trans) (c1 && c2)) l
+ );
+ StateidSet.iter (nodefmt oc) !ids;
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun c nodes ->
+ fprintf oc "subgraph cluster_%s {\n" (Dag.Cluster.to_string c);
+ List.iter (nodefmt oc) nodes;
+ fprintf oc "color=blue; }\n"
+ ) clus;
+ List.iteri (fun i (b,id) ->
+ let shape = if Branch.equal head b then "box3d" else "box" in
+ fprintf oc "b%d -> %s;\n" i (node id);
+ fprintf oc "b%d [shape=%s,label=\"%s\"];\n" i shape
+ (Branch.to_string b);
+ ) heads;
+ output_string oc "}\n";
+ close_out oc;
+ ignore(Sys.command
+ ("dot -Tpdf -Gcharset=latin1 " ^ fname_dot ^ " -o" ^ fname_ps))
+ type vcs = (branch_type, transaction, vcs state_info) t
+ let vcs : vcs ref = ref (empty Stateid.dummy)
+ let init id =
+ vcs := empty id;
+ vcs := set_info !vcs id (default_info ())
+ let current_branch () = current_branch !vcs
+ let checkout head = vcs := checkout !vcs head
+ let branches () = branches !vcs
+ let get_branch head = get_branch !vcs head
+ let get_branch_pos head = (get_branch head).pos
+ let new_node ?(id=Stateid.fresh ()) () =
+ assert(Vcs_.get_info !vcs id = None);
+ vcs := set_info !vcs id (default_info ());
+ id
+ let merge id ~ours ?into branch =
+ vcs := merge !vcs id ~ours ~theirs:Noop ?into branch
+ let delete_branch branch = vcs := delete_branch !vcs branch
+ let reset_branch branch id = vcs := reset_branch !vcs branch id
+ let commit id t = vcs := commit !vcs id t
+ let rewrite_merge id ~ours ~at branch =
+ vcs := rewrite_merge !vcs id ~ours ~theirs:Noop ~at branch
+ let reachable id = reachable !vcs id
+ let mk_branch_name { expr = x } = Branch.make
+ (match x with
+ | VernacDefinition (_,(_,i),_) -> string_of_id i
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof (_,[Some (_,i),_],_) -> string_of_id i
+ | _ -> "branch")
+ let edit_branch = Branch.make "edit"
+ let branch ?root ?pos name kind = vcs := branch !vcs ?root ?pos name kind
+ let get_info id =
+ match get_info !vcs id with
+ | Some x -> x
+ | None -> raise Vcs_aux.Expired
+ let set_state id s =
+ (get_info id).state <- Some s;
+ if Flags.async_proofs_is_master () then Hooks.(call state_ready id)
+ let get_state id = (get_info id).state
+ let reached id b =
+ let info = get_info id in
+ if b then info.n_reached <- info.n_reached + 1
+ else info.n_reached <- -1
+ let goals id n = (get_info id).n_goals <- n
+ let cur_tip () = get_branch_pos (current_branch ())
+ let proof_nesting () = Vcs_aux.proof_nesting !vcs
+ let checkout_shallowest_proof_branch () =
+ if List.mem edit_branch (Vcs_.branches !vcs) then begin
+ checkout edit_branch;
+ match get_branch edit_branch with
+ | { kind = `Edit (mode, _, _) } -> Proof_global.activate_proof_mode mode
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end else
+ let pl = proof_nesting () in
+ try
+ let branch, mode = match Vcs_aux.find_proof_at_depth !vcs pl with
+ | h, { Vcs_.kind = `Proof (m, _) } -> h, m | _ -> assert false in
+ checkout branch;
+ prerr_endline ("mode:" ^ mode);
+ Proof_global.activate_proof_mode mode
+ with Failure _ ->
+ checkout Branch.master;
+ Proof_global.disactivate_proof_mode "Classic"
+ (* copies the transaction on every open branch *)
+ let propagate_sideff t =
+ List.iter (fun b ->
+ checkout b;
+ let id = new_node () in
+ merge id ~ours:(Sideff t) ~into:b Branch.master)
+ (List.filter (fun b -> not (Branch.equal b Branch.master)) (branches ()))
+ let visit id = Vcs_aux.visit !vcs id
+ let nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop =
+ let rec aux id =
+ if Stateid.equal id start then [] else
+ match visit id with
+ | { next = n; step = `Cmd x } -> (id,Cmd x) :: aux n
+ | { next = n; step = `Alias x } -> (id,Alias x) :: aux n
+ | { next = n; step = `Sideff (`Ast (x,_)) } ->
+ (id,Sideff (Some x)) :: aux n
+ | _ -> anomaly(str("Cannot slice from "^ Stateid.to_string start ^
+ " to "^Stateid.to_string stop))
+ in aux stop
+ let slice ~start ~stop =
+ let l = nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop in
+ let copy_info v id =
+ Vcs_.set_info v id
+ { (get_info id) with state = None; vcs_backup = None,None } in
+ let copy_info_w_state v id =
+ Vcs_.set_info v id { (get_info id) with vcs_backup = None,None } in
+ let v = Vcs_.empty start in
+ let v = copy_info v start in
+ let v = List.fold_right (fun (id,tr) v ->
+ let v = Vcs_.commit v id tr in
+ let v = copy_info v id in
+ v) l v in
+ (* Stm should have reached the beginning of proof *)
+ assert (not (Option.is_empty (get_info start).state));
+ (* We put in the new dag the most recent state known to master *)
+ let rec fill id =
+ if (get_info id).state = None then fill (Vcs_aux.visit v id).next
+ else copy_info_w_state v id in
+ fill stop
+ let nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop =
+ List.rev ( fst (nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop))
+ let create_cluster l ~qed ~start = vcs := create_cluster !vcs l (qed,start)
+ let cluster_of id = (cluster_of !vcs id)
+ let delete_cluster_of id =
+ Option.iter (fun x -> vcs := delete_cluster !vcs x) (Vcs_.cluster_of !vcs id)
+ let gc () =
+ let old_vcs = !vcs in
+ let new_vcs, erased_nodes = gc old_vcs in
+ Vcs_.NodeSet.iter (fun id ->
+ match (Vcs_aux.visit old_vcs id).step with
+ | `Qed ({ fproof = Some (_, cancel_switch) }, _)
+ | `Cmd { cqueue = `TacQueue cancel_switch }
+ | `Cmd { cqueue = `QueryQueue cancel_switch } ->
+ cancel_switch := true
+ | _ -> ())
+ erased_nodes;
+ vcs := new_vcs
+ module NB : sig (* Non blocking Sys.command *)
+ val command : now:bool -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
+ end = struct
+ let m = Mutex.create ()
+ let c = Condition.create ()
+ let job = ref None
+ let worker = ref None
+ let set_last_job j =
+ Mutex.lock m;
+ job := Some j;
+ Condition.signal c;
+ Mutex.unlock m
+ let get_last_job () =
+ Mutex.lock m;
+ while Option.is_empty !job do Condition.wait c m; done;
+ match !job with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some x -> job := None; Mutex.unlock m; x
+ let run_command () =
+ try while true do get_last_job () () done
+ with e -> () (* No failure *)
+ let command ~now job =
+ if now then job ()
+ else begin
+ set_last_job job;
+ if Option.is_empty !worker then
+ worker := Some (Thread.create run_command ())
+ end
+ end
+ let print ?(now=false) () =
+ if not !Flags.debug && not now then () else NB.command ~now (print_dag !vcs)
+ let backup () = !vcs
+ let restore v = vcs := v
+end (* }}} *)
+let state_of_id id =
+ try `Valid (VCS.get_info id).state
+ with VCS.Expired -> `Expired
+(****** A cache: fills in the nodes of the VCS document with their value ******)
+module State : sig
+ (** The function is from unit, so it uses the current state to define
+ a new one. I.e. one may been to install the right state before
+ defining a new one.
+ Warning: an optimization in installed_cached requires that state
+ modifying functions are always executed using this wrapper. *)
+ val define :
+ ?safe_id:Stateid.t ->
+ ?redefine:bool -> ?cache:Summary.marshallable ->
+ ?feedback_processed:bool -> (unit -> unit) -> Stateid.t -> unit
+ val install_cached : Stateid.t -> unit
+ val is_cached : ?cache:Summary.marshallable -> Stateid.t -> bool
+ val exn_on : Stateid.t -> ?valid:Stateid.t -> iexn -> iexn
+ (* to send states across worker/master *)
+ type frozen_state
+ val get_cached : Stateid.t -> frozen_state
+ val same_env : frozen_state -> frozen_state -> bool
+ type partial_state =
+ [ `Full of frozen_state | `Proof of Stateid.t * Proof_global.state ]
+ val proof_part_of_frozen : frozen_state -> Proof_global.state
+ val assign : Stateid.t -> partial_state -> unit
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+ (* cur_id holds Stateid.dummy in case the last attempt to define a state
+ * failed, so the global state may contain garbage *)
+ let cur_id = ref Stateid.dummy
+ (* helpers *)
+ let freeze_global_state marshallable =
+ { system = States.freeze ~marshallable;
+ proof = Proof_global.freeze ~marshallable;
+ shallow = (marshallable = `Shallow) }
+ let unfreeze_global_state { system; proof } =
+ States.unfreeze system; Proof_global.unfreeze proof
+ (* hack to make futures functional *)
+ let in_t, out_t = Dyn.create "state4future"
+ let () = Future.set_freeze
+ (fun () -> in_t (freeze_global_state `No, !cur_id))
+ (fun t -> let s,i = out_t t in unfreeze_global_state s; cur_id := i)
+ type frozen_state = state
+ type partial_state =
+ [ `Full of frozen_state | `Proof of Stateid.t * Proof_global.state ]
+ let proof_part_of_frozen { proof } = proof
+ let freeze marhallable id = VCS.set_state id (freeze_global_state marhallable)
+ let is_cached ?(cache=`No) id =
+ if Stateid.equal id !cur_id then
+ try match VCS.get_info id with
+ | { state = None } when cache = `Yes -> freeze `No id; true
+ | { state = None } when cache = `Shallow -> freeze `Shallow id; true
+ | _ -> true
+ with VCS.Expired -> false
+ else
+ try match VCS.get_info id with
+ | { state = Some _ } -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ with VCS.Expired -> false
+ let install_cached id =
+ if Stateid.equal id !cur_id then () else (* optimization *)
+ let s =
+ match VCS.get_info id with
+ | { state = Some s } -> s
+ | _ -> anomaly (str "unfreezing a non existing state") in
+ unfreeze_global_state s; cur_id := id
+ let get_cached id =
+ try match VCS.get_info id with
+ | { state = Some s } -> s
+ | _ -> anomaly (str "not a cached state")
+ with VCS.Expired -> anomaly (str "not a cached state (expired)")
+ let assign id what =
+ if VCS.get_state id <> None then () else
+ try match what with
+ | `Full s -> VCS.set_state id s
+ | `Proof(ontop,p) ->
+ if is_cached ontop then (
+ VCS.set_state id { (get_cached ontop) with proof = p })
+ with VCS.Expired -> ()
+ let exn_on id ?valid (e, info) =
+ match Stateid.get info with
+ | Some _ -> (e, info)
+ | None ->
+ let loc = Option.default Loc.ghost (Loc.get_loc info) in
+ let (e, info) = Hooks.(call_process_error_once (e, info)) in
+ Hooks.(call execution_error id loc (iprint (e, info)));
+ (e, Stateid.add info ?valid id)
+ let same_env { system = s1 } { system = s2 } =
+ let s1 = States.summary_of_state s1 in
+ let e1 = Summary.project_summary s1 [Global.global_env_summary_name] in
+ let s2 = States.summary_of_state s2 in
+ let e2 = Summary.project_summary s2 [Global.global_env_summary_name] in
+ Summary.pointer_equal e1 e2
+ let define ?safe_id ?(redefine=false) ?(cache=`No) ?(feedback_processed=true)
+ f id
+ =
+ feedback ~state_id:id Feedback.(ProcessingIn !Flags.async_proofs_worker_id);
+ let str_id = Stateid.to_string id in
+ if is_cached id && not redefine then
+ anomaly (str"defining state "++str str_id++str" twice");
+ try
+ prerr_endline("defining "^str_id^" (cache="^
+ if cache = `Yes then "Y)" else if cache = `Shallow then "S)" else "N)");
+ f ();
+ if cache = `Yes then freeze `No id
+ else if cache = `Shallow then freeze `Shallow id;
+ prerr_endline ("setting cur id to "^str_id);
+ cur_id := id;
+ if feedback_processed then
+ Hooks.(call state_computed id ~in_cache:false);
+ VCS.reached id true;
+ if Proof_global.there_are_pending_proofs () then
+ VCS.goals id (Proof_global.get_open_goals ());
+ with e ->
+ let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ let good_id = !cur_id in
+ cur_id := Stateid.dummy;
+ VCS.reached id false;
+ Hooks.(call unreachable_state id);
+ match Stateid.get info, safe_id with
+ | None, None -> iraise (exn_on id ~valid:good_id (e, info))
+ | None, Some good_id -> iraise (exn_on id ~valid:good_id (e, info))
+ | Some _, None -> iraise (e, info)
+ | Some (_,at), Some id -> iraise (e, Stateid.add info ~valid:id at)
+end (* }}} *)
+(****************************** CRUFT *****************************************)
+(* The backtrack module simulates the classic behavior of a linear document *)
+module Backtrack : sig
+ val record : unit -> unit
+ val backto : Stateid.t -> unit
+ val back_safe : unit -> unit
+ (* we could navigate the dag, but this ways easy *)
+ val branches_of : Stateid.t -> backup
+ (* To be installed during initialization *)
+ val undo_vernac_classifier : vernac_expr -> vernac_classification
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+ let record () =
+ List.iter (fun current_branch ->
+ let mine = current_branch, VCS.get_branch current_branch in
+ let info = VCS.get_info (VCS.get_branch_pos current_branch) in
+ let others =
+ CList.map_filter (fun b ->
+ if Vcs_.Branch.equal b current_branch then None
+ else Some(b, VCS.get_branch b)) (VCS.branches ()) in
+ let backup = if fst info.vcs_backup <> None then fst info.vcs_backup
+ else Some (VCS.backup ()) in
+ let branches = if snd info.vcs_backup <> None then snd info.vcs_backup
+ else Some { mine; others } in
+ info.vcs_backup <- backup, branches)
+ [VCS.current_branch (); VCS.Branch.master]
+ let backto oid =
+ let info = VCS.get_info oid in
+ match info.vcs_backup with
+ | None, _ ->
+ anomaly(str"Backtrack.backto "++str(Stateid.to_string oid)++
+ str": a state with no vcs_backup")
+ | Some vcs, _ -> VCS.restore vcs
+ let branches_of id =
+ let info = VCS.get_info id in
+ match info.vcs_backup with
+ | _, None ->
+ anomaly(str"Backtrack.branches_of "++str(Stateid.to_string id)++
+ str": a state with no vcs_backup")
+ | _, Some x -> x
+ let rec fold_until f acc id =
+ let next acc =
+ if id = Stateid.initial then raise Not_found
+ else fold_until f acc (VCS.visit id).next in
+ let info = VCS.get_info id in
+ match info.vcs_backup with
+ | None, _ -> next acc
+ | Some vcs, _ ->
+ let ids =
+ if id = Stateid.initial || id = Stateid.dummy then [] else
+ match VCS.visit id with
+ | { step = `Fork ((_,_,_,l),_) } -> l
+ | { step = `Cmd { cids = l } } -> l
+ | _ -> [] in
+ match f acc (id, vcs, ids) with
+ | `Stop x -> x
+ | `Cont acc -> next acc
+ let back_safe () =
+ let id =
+ fold_until (fun n (id,_,_) ->
+ if n >= 0 && State.is_cached id then `Stop id else `Cont (succ n))
+ 0 (VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ())) in
+ backto id
+ let undo_vernac_classifier v =
+ try
+ match v with
+ | VernacResetInitial ->
+ VtStm (VtBack Stateid.initial, true), VtNow
+ | VernacResetName (_,name) ->
+ msg_warning
+ (str"Reset not implemented for automatically generated constants");
+ let id = VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()) in
+ (try
+ let oid =
+ fold_until (fun b (id,_,label) ->
+ if b then `Stop id else `Cont (List.mem name label))
+ false id in
+ VtStm (VtBack oid, true), VtNow
+ with Not_found ->
+ VtStm (VtBack id, true), VtNow)
+ | VernacBack n ->
+ let id = VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()) in
+ let oid = fold_until (fun n (id,_,_) ->
+ if Int.equal n 0 then `Stop id else `Cont (n-1)) n id in
+ VtStm (VtBack oid, true), VtNow
+ | VernacUndo n ->
+ let id = VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()) in
+ let oid = fold_until (fun n (id,_,_) ->
+ if Int.equal n 0 then `Stop id else `Cont (n-1)) n id in
+ if n = 1 && !Flags.coqtop_ui && not !Flags.batch_mode &&
+ not !Flags.print_emacs then
+ VtStm (VtBack oid, false), VtNow
+ else VtStm (VtBack oid, true), VtLater
+ | VernacUndoTo _
+ | VernacRestart as e ->
+ let m = match e with VernacUndoTo m -> m | _ -> 0 in
+ let id = VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()) in
+ let vcs =
+ match (VCS.get_info id).vcs_backup with
+ | None, _ -> anomaly(str"Backtrack: tip with no vcs_backup")
+ | Some vcs, _ -> vcs in
+ let cb, _ =
+ Vcs_aux.find_proof_at_depth vcs (Vcs_aux.proof_nesting vcs) in
+ let n = fold_until (fun n (_,vcs,_) ->
+ if List.mem cb (Vcs_.branches vcs) then `Cont (n+1) else `Stop n)
+ 0 id in
+ let oid = fold_until (fun n (id,_,_) ->
+ if Int.equal n 0 then `Stop id else `Cont (n-1)) (n-m-1) id in
+ VtStm (VtBack oid, true), VtLater
+ | VernacAbortAll ->
+ let id = VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()) in
+ let oid = fold_until (fun () (id,vcs,_) ->
+ match Vcs_.branches vcs with [_] -> `Stop id | _ -> `Cont ())
+ () id in
+ VtStm (VtBack oid, true), VtLater
+ | VernacBacktrack (id,_,_)
+ | VernacBackTo id ->
+ VtStm (VtBack (Stateid.of_int id), not !Flags.print_emacs), VtNow
+ | _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ msg_warning(str"undo_vernac_classifier: going back to the initial state.");
+ VtStm (VtBack Stateid.initial, true), VtNow
+end (* }}} *)
+let hints = ref Aux_file.empty_aux_file
+let set_compilation_hints file =
+ hints := Aux_file.load_aux_file_for file
+let get_hint_ctx loc =
+ let s = Aux_file.get !hints loc "context_used" in
+ let ids = Names.Id.of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp " ") s) in
+ let ids = (fun id -> Loc.ghost, id) ids in
+ SsExpr (SsSet ids)
+let get_hint_bp_time proof_name =
+ try float_of_string (Aux_file.get !hints Loc.ghost proof_name)
+ with Not_found -> 1.0
+let record_pb_time proof_name loc time =
+ let proof_build_time = Printf.sprintf "%.3f" time in
+ Aux_file.record_in_aux_at loc "proof_build_time" proof_build_time;
+ if proof_name <> "" then begin
+ Aux_file.record_in_aux_at Loc.ghost proof_name proof_build_time;
+ hints := Aux_file.set !hints Loc.ghost proof_name proof_build_time
+ end
+exception RemoteException of std_ppcmds
+let _ = Errors.register_handler (function
+ | RemoteException ppcmd -> ppcmd
+ | _ -> raise Unhandled)
+(****************************** THE SCHEDULER *********************************)
+module rec ProofTask : sig
+ type competence = Stateid.t list
+ type task_build_proof = {
+ t_exn_info : Stateid.t * Stateid.t;
+ t_start : Stateid.t;
+ t_stop : Stateid.t;
+ t_states : competence;
+ t_assign : Proof_global.closed_proof_output Future.assignement -> unit;
+ t_loc : Loc.t;
+ t_uuid : Future.UUID.t;
+ t_name : string }
+ type task =
+ | BuildProof of task_build_proof
+ | States of Stateid.t list
+ type request =
+ | ReqBuildProof of (Future.UUID.t,VCS.vcs) Stateid.request * competence
+ | ReqStates of Stateid.t list
+ include AsyncTaskQueue.Task
+ with type task := task
+ and type competence := competence
+ and type request := request
+ val build_proof_here :
+ Stateid.t * Stateid.t -> Loc.t -> Stateid.t ->
+ Proof_global.closed_proof_output Future.computation
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+ let forward_feedback msg = Hooks.(call forward_feedback msg)
+ type competence = Stateid.t list
+ type task_build_proof = {
+ t_exn_info : Stateid.t * Stateid.t;
+ t_start : Stateid.t;
+ t_stop : Stateid.t;
+ t_states : competence;
+ t_assign : Proof_global.closed_proof_output Future.assignement -> unit;
+ t_loc : Loc.t;
+ t_uuid : Future.UUID.t;
+ t_name : string }
+ type task =
+ | BuildProof of task_build_proof
+ | States of Stateid.t list
+ type request =
+ | ReqBuildProof of (Future.UUID.t,VCS.vcs) Stateid.request * competence
+ | ReqStates of Stateid.t list
+ type error = {
+ e_error_at : Stateid.t;
+ e_safe_id : Stateid.t;
+ e_msg : std_ppcmds;
+ e_safe_states : Stateid.t list }
+ type response =
+ | RespBuiltProof of Proof_global.closed_proof_output * float
+ | RespError of error
+ | RespStates of (Stateid.t * State.partial_state) list
+ | RespDone
+ let name = ref "proofworker"
+ let extra_env () = !async_proofs_workers_extra_env
+ let task_match age t =
+ match age, t with
+ | `Fresh, BuildProof _ -> true
+ | `Old my_states, States l ->
+ List.for_all (fun x -> CList.mem_f Stateid.equal x my_states) l
+ | _ -> false
+ let name_of_task = function
+ | BuildProof t -> "proof: " ^ t.t_name
+ | States l -> "states: " ^ String.concat "," ( Stateid.to_string l)
+ let name_of_request = function
+ | ReqBuildProof(r,_) -> "proof: " ^
+ | ReqStates l -> "states: "^String.concat "," ( Stateid.to_string l)
+ let request_of_task age = function
+ | States l -> Some (ReqStates l)
+ | BuildProof { t_exn_info;t_start;t_stop;t_loc;t_uuid;t_name;t_states } ->
+ assert(age = `Fresh);
+ try Some (ReqBuildProof ({
+ Stateid.exn_info = t_exn_info;
+ stop = t_stop;
+ document = VCS.slice ~start:t_start ~stop:t_stop;
+ loc = t_loc;
+ uuid = t_uuid;
+ name = t_name }, t_states))
+ with VCS.Expired -> None
+ let use_response (s : competence AsyncTaskQueue.worker_status) t r =
+ match s, t, r with
+ | `Old c, States _, RespStates l ->
+ List.iter (fun (id,s) -> State.assign id s) l; `End
+ | `Fresh, BuildProof { t_assign; t_loc; t_name; t_states },
+ RespBuiltProof (pl, time) ->
+ feedback (Feedback.InProgress ~-1);
+ t_assign (`Val pl);
+ record_pb_time t_name t_loc time;
+ if not !Flags.async_proofs_full then `End
+ else `Stay(t_states,[States t_states])
+ | `Fresh, BuildProof { t_assign; t_loc; t_name; t_states },
+ RespError { e_error_at; e_safe_id = valid; e_msg; e_safe_states } ->
+ feedback (Feedback.InProgress ~-1);
+ let info = Stateid.add ~valid Exninfo.null e_error_at in
+ let e = (RemoteException e_msg, info) in
+ t_assign (`Exn e);
+ `Stay(t_states,[States e_safe_states])
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death = function
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (States _) -> ()
+ | Some (BuildProof { t_start = start; t_assign }) ->
+ let s = "Worker dies or task expired" in
+ let info = Stateid.add ~valid:start Exninfo.null start in
+ let e = (RemoteException (strbrk s), info) in
+ t_assign (`Exn e);
+ Hooks.(call execution_error start Loc.ghost (strbrk s));
+ feedback (Feedback.InProgress ~-1)
+ let build_proof_here (id,valid) loc eop =
+ Future.create (State.exn_on id ~valid) (fun () ->
+ let wall_clock1 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ if !Flags.batch_mode then Reach.known_state ~cache:`No eop
+ else Reach.known_state ~cache:`Shallow eop;
+ let wall_clock2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ Aux_file.record_in_aux_at loc "proof_build_time"
+ (Printf.sprintf "%.3f" (wall_clock2 -. wall_clock1));
+ Proof_global.return_proof ())
+ let perform_buildp { Stateid.exn_info; stop; document; loc } my_states =
+ try
+ VCS.restore document;
+ VCS.print ();
+ let proof, future_proof, time =
+ let wall_clock = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ let fp = build_proof_here exn_info loc stop in
+ let proof = Future.force fp in
+ proof, fp, Unix.gettimeofday () -. wall_clock in
+ (* We typecheck the proof with the kernel (in the worker) to spot
+ * the few errors tactics don't catch, like the "fix" tactic building
+ * a bad fixpoint *)
+ let fix_exn = Future.fix_exn_of future_proof in
+ let checked_proof = Future.chain ~pure:false future_proof (fun p ->
+ let pobject, _ =
+ Proof_global.close_future_proof stop (Future.from_val ~fix_exn p) in
+ let terminator = (* The one sent by master is an InvalidKey *)
+ Lemmas.(standard_proof_terminator [] (mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ()))) in
+ vernac_interp stop
+ ~proof:(pobject, terminator)
+ { verbose = false; loc;
+ expr = (VernacEndProof (Proved (true,None))) }) in
+ ignore(Future.join checked_proof);
+ RespBuiltProof(proof,time)
+ with
+ | e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ (* This can happen if the proof is broken. The error has also been
+ * signalled as a feedback, hence we can silently recover *)
+ let e_error_at, e_safe_id = match Stateid.get info with
+ | Some (safe, err) -> err, safe
+ | None -> Stateid.dummy, Stateid.dummy in
+ let e_msg = iprint (e, info) in
+ prerr_endline "failed with the following exception:";
+ prerr_endline (string_of_ppcmds e_msg);
+ let e_safe_states = List.filter State.is_cached my_states in
+ RespError { e_error_at; e_safe_id; e_msg; e_safe_states }
+ let perform_states query =
+ if query = [] then [] else
+ let initial =
+ let rec aux id =
+ try match VCS.visit id with { next } -> aux next
+ with VCS.Expired -> id in
+ aux (List.hd query) in
+ let get_state seen id =
+ let prev =
+ try
+ let { next = prev; step } = VCS.visit id in
+ if State.is_cached prev && List.mem prev seen
+ then Some (prev, State.get_cached prev, step)
+ else None
+ with VCS.Expired -> None in
+ let this =
+ if State.is_cached id then Some (State.get_cached id) else None in
+ match prev, this with
+ | _, None -> None
+ | Some (prev, o, `Cmd { cast = { expr = VernacSolve _ }}), Some n
+ when State.same_env o n -> (* A pure tactic *)
+ Some (id, `Proof (prev, State.proof_part_of_frozen n))
+ | Some _, Some s ->
+ msg_warning (str "Sending back a fat state");
+ Some (id, `Full s)
+ | _, Some s -> Some (id, `Full s) in
+ let rec aux seen = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | id :: rest ->
+ match get_state seen id with
+ | None -> aux seen rest
+ | Some stuff -> stuff :: aux (id :: seen) rest in
+ aux [initial] query
+ let perform = function
+ | ReqBuildProof (bp,states) -> perform_buildp bp states
+ | ReqStates sl -> RespStates (perform_states sl)
+ let on_marshal_error s = function
+ | States _ -> msg_error(strbrk("Marshalling error: "^s^". "^
+ "The system state could not be sent to the master process."))
+ | BuildProof { t_exn_info; t_stop; t_assign; t_loc } ->
+ msg_error(strbrk("Marshalling error: "^s^". "^
+ "The system state could not be sent to the worker process. "^
+ "Falling back to local, lazy, evaluation."));
+ t_assign(`Comp(build_proof_here t_exn_info t_loc t_stop));
+ feedback (Feedback.InProgress ~-1)
+end (* }}} *)
+(* Slave processes (if initialized, otherwise local lazy evaluation) *)
+and Slaves : sig
+ (* (eventually) remote calls *)
+ val build_proof : loc:Loc.t ->
+ exn_info:(Stateid.t * Stateid.t) -> start:Stateid.t -> stop:Stateid.t ->
+ name:string -> future_proof * cancel_switch
+ (* blocking function that waits for the task queue to be empty *)
+ val wait_all_done : unit -> unit
+ (* initialize the whole machinery (optional) *)
+ val init : unit -> unit
+ type 'a tasks = ('a,VCS.vcs) Stateid.request list
+ val dump_snapshot : unit -> Future.UUID.t tasks
+ val check_task : string -> int tasks -> int -> bool
+ val info_tasks : 'a tasks -> (string * float * int) list
+ val finish_task :
+ string ->
+ Library.seg_univ -> Library.seg_discharge -> Library.seg_proofs ->
+ int tasks -> int -> Library.seg_univ
+ val cancel_worker : WorkerPool.worker_id -> unit
+ val reset_task_queue : unit -> unit
+ val set_perspective : Stateid.t list -> unit
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+ module TaskQueue = AsyncTaskQueue.MakeQueue(ProofTask)
+ let queue = ref None
+ let init () =
+ if Flags.async_proofs_is_master () then
+ queue := Some (TaskQueue.create !Flags.async_proofs_n_workers)
+ else
+ queue := Some (TaskQueue.create 0)
+ let check_task_aux extra name l i =
+ let { Stateid.stop; document; loc; name = r_name } = List.nth l i in
+ msg_info(
+ str(Printf.sprintf "Checking task %d (%s%s) of %s" i r_name extra name));
+ VCS.restore document;
+ let start =
+ let rec aux cur =
+ try aux (VCS.visit cur).next
+ with VCS.Expired -> cur in
+ aux stop in
+ try
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:`No stop;
+ (* The original terminator, a hook, has not been saved in the .vio*)
+ Proof_global.set_terminator
+ (Lemmas.standard_proof_terminator []
+ (Lemmas.mk_hook (fun _ _ -> ())));
+ let proof =
+ Proof_global.close_proof ~keep_body_ucst_sepatate:true (fun x -> x) in
+ (* We jump at the beginning since the kernel handles side effects by also
+ * looking at the ones that happen to be present in the current env *)
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:`No start;
+ vernac_interp stop ~proof
+ { verbose = false; loc;
+ expr = (VernacEndProof (Proved (true,None))) };
+ Some proof
+ with e ->
+ let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ (try match Stateid.get info with
+ | None ->
+ pperrnl (
+ str"File " ++ str name ++ str ": proof of " ++ str r_name ++
+ spc () ++ iprint (e, info))
+ | Some (_, cur) ->
+ match VCS.visit cur with
+ | { step = `Cmd { cast = { loc } } }
+ | { step = `Fork (( { loc }, _, _, _), _) }
+ | { step = `Qed ( { qast = { loc } }, _) }
+ | { step = `Sideff (`Ast ( { loc }, _)) } ->
+ let start, stop = Loc.unloc loc in
+ pperrnl (
+ str"File " ++ str name ++ str ": proof of " ++ str r_name ++
+ str ": chars " ++ int start ++ str "-" ++ int stop ++
+ spc () ++ iprint (e, info))
+ | _ ->
+ pperrnl (
+ str"File " ++ str name ++ str ": proof of " ++ str r_name ++
+ spc () ++ iprint (e, info))
+ with e ->
+ msg_error (str"unable to print error message: " ++
+ str (Printexc.to_string e))); None
+ let finish_task name (u,cst,_) d p l i =
+ let bucket = (List.nth l i).Stateid.uuid in
+ match check_task_aux (Printf.sprintf ", bucket %d" bucket) name l i with
+ | None -> exit 1
+ | Some (po,_) ->
+ let discharge c = List.fold_right Cooking.cook_constr d.(bucket) c in
+ let con =
+ Nametab.locate_constant
+ (Libnames.qualid_of_ident in
+ let c = Global.lookup_constant con in
+ let o = match c.Declarations.const_body with
+ | Declarations.OpaqueDef o -> o
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let uc =
+ Option.get
+ (Opaqueproof.get_constraints (Global.opaque_tables ()) o) in
+ let pr =
+ Future.from_val (Option.get (Global.body_of_constant_body c)) in
+ let uc =
+ Future.chain
+ ~greedy:true ~pure:true uc Univ.hcons_universe_context_set in
+ let pr = Future.chain ~greedy:true ~pure:true pr discharge in
+ let pr = Future.chain ~greedy:true ~pure:true pr Constr.hcons in
+ Future.sink pr;
+ let extra = Future.join uc in
+ u.(bucket) <- uc;
+ p.(bucket) <- pr;
+ u, Univ.ContextSet.union cst extra, false
+ let check_task name l i =
+ match check_task_aux "" name l i with
+ | Some _ -> true
+ | None -> false
+ let info_tasks l =
+ CList.map_i (fun i { Stateid.loc; name } ->
+ let time1 =
+ try float_of_string (Aux_file.get !hints loc "proof_build_time")
+ with Not_found -> 0.0 in
+ let time2 =
+ try float_of_string (Aux_file.get !hints loc "proof_check_time")
+ with Not_found -> 0.0 in
+ name, max (time1 +. time2) 0.0001,i) 0 l
+ let set_perspective idl =
+ let open Stateid in
+ let open ProofTask in
+ let overlap s1 s2 =
+ List.exists (fun x -> CList.mem_f Stateid.equal x s2) s1 in
+ let overlap_rel s1 s2 =
+ match overlap s1 idl, overlap s2 idl with
+ | true, true | false, false -> 0
+ | true, false -> -1
+ | false, true -> 1 in
+ TaskQueue.set_order (Option.get !queue) (fun task1 task2 ->
+ match task1, task2 with
+ | BuildProof { t_states = s1 },
+ BuildProof { t_states = s2 } -> overlap_rel s1 s2
+ | _ -> 0)
+ let build_proof ~loc ~exn_info ~start ~stop ~name:pname =
+ let id, valid as t_exn_info = exn_info in
+ let cancel_switch = ref false in
+ if TaskQueue.n_workers (Option.get !queue) = 0 then
+ if !Flags.compilation_mode = Flags.BuildVio then begin
+ let f,assign =
+ Future.create_delegate ~blocking:true (State.exn_on id ~valid) in
+ let t_uuid = Future.uuid f in
+ let task = ProofTask.(BuildProof {
+ t_exn_info; t_start = start; t_stop = stop;
+ t_assign = assign; t_loc = loc; t_uuid; t_name = pname;
+ t_states = VCS.nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop }) in
+ TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue) (task,cancel_switch);
+ f, cancel_switch
+ end else
+ ProofTask.build_proof_here t_exn_info loc stop, cancel_switch
+ else
+ let f, t_assign = Future.create_delegate (State.exn_on id ~valid) in
+ let t_uuid = Future.uuid f in
+ feedback (Feedback.InProgress 1);
+ let task = ProofTask.(BuildProof {
+ t_exn_info; t_start = start; t_stop = stop; t_assign;
+ t_loc = loc; t_uuid; t_name = pname;
+ t_states = VCS.nodes_in_slice ~start ~stop }) in
+ TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue) (task,cancel_switch);
+ f, cancel_switch
+ let wait_all_done () = TaskQueue.join (Option.get !queue)
+ let cancel_worker n = TaskQueue.cancel_worker (Option.get !queue) n
+ (* For external users this name is nicer than request *)
+ type 'a tasks = ('a,VCS.vcs) Stateid.request list
+ let dump_snapshot () =
+ let tasks = TaskQueue.snapshot (Option.get !queue) in
+ let reqs =
+ CList.map_filter
+ ProofTask.(fun x ->
+ match request_of_task `Fresh x with
+ | Some (ReqBuildProof (r, _)) -> Some r
+ | _ -> None)
+ tasks in
+ prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "dumping %d tasks\n" (List.length reqs));
+ reqs
+ let reset_task_queue () = TaskQueue.clear (Option.get !queue)
+end (* }}} *)
+and TacTask : sig
+ type output = Constr.constr * Evd.evar_universe_context
+ type task = {
+ t_state : Stateid.t;
+ t_state_fb : Stateid.t;
+ t_assign : output Future.assignement -> unit;
+ t_ast : ast;
+ t_goal : Goal.goal;
+ t_kill : unit -> unit;
+ t_name : string }
+ include AsyncTaskQueue.Task with type task := task
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+ type output = Constr.constr * Evd.evar_universe_context
+ let forward_feedback msg = Hooks.(call forward_feedback msg)
+ type task = {
+ t_state : Stateid.t;
+ t_state_fb : Stateid.t;
+ t_assign : output Future.assignement -> unit;
+ t_ast : ast;
+ t_goal : Goal.goal;
+ t_kill : unit -> unit;
+ t_name : string }
+ type request = {
+ r_state : Stateid.t;
+ r_state_fb : Stateid.t;
+ r_document : VCS.vcs option;
+ r_ast : ast;
+ r_goal : Goal.goal;
+ r_name : string }
+ type response =
+ | RespBuiltSubProof of output
+ | RespError of std_ppcmds
+ let name = ref "tacworker"
+ let extra_env () = [||]
+ type competence = unit
+ let task_match _ _ = true
+ (* run by the master, on a thread *)
+ let request_of_task age { t_state; t_state_fb; t_ast; t_goal; t_name } =
+ try Some {
+ r_state = t_state;
+ r_state_fb = t_state_fb;
+ r_document =
+ if age <> `Fresh then None
+ else Some (VCS.slice ~start:t_state ~stop:t_state);
+ r_ast = t_ast;
+ r_goal = t_goal;
+ r_name = t_name }
+ with VCS.Expired -> None
+ let use_response _ { t_assign; t_state; t_state_fb; t_kill } resp =
+ match resp with
+ | RespBuiltSubProof o -> t_assign (`Val o); `Stay ((),[])
+ | RespError msg ->
+ let info = Stateid.add ~valid:t_state Exninfo.null t_state_fb in
+ let e = (RemoteException msg, info) in
+ t_assign (`Exn e);
+ t_kill ();
+ `Stay ((),[])
+ let on_marshal_error err { t_name } =
+ pr_err ("Fatal marshal error: " ^ t_name );
+ flush_all (); exit 1
+ let on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death = function
+ | Some { t_kill } -> t_kill ()
+ | _ -> ()
+ let perform { r_state = id; r_state_fb; r_document = vcs; r_ast; r_goal } =
+ Option.iter VCS.restore vcs;
+ try
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:`No id;
+ let t, uc = Future.purify (fun () ->
+ vernac_interp r_state_fb r_ast;
+ let _,_,_,_,sigma = Proof.proof (Proof_global.give_me_the_proof ()) in
+ match Evd.(evar_body (find sigma r_goal)) with
+ | Evd.Evar_empty -> Errors.errorlabstrm "Stm" (str "no progress")
+ | Evd.Evar_defined t ->
+ let t = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma t in
+ if Evarutil.is_ground_term sigma t then
+ t, Evd.evar_universe_context sigma
+ else Errors.errorlabstrm "Stm" (str"The solution is not ground"))
+ () in
+ RespBuiltSubProof (t,uc)
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e -> RespError (Errors.print e)
+ let name_of_task { t_name } = t_name
+ let name_of_request { r_name } = r_name
+end (* }}} *)
+and Partac : sig
+ val vernac_interp :
+ cancel_switch -> int -> Stateid.t -> Stateid.t -> ast -> unit
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+ module TaskQueue = AsyncTaskQueue.MakeQueue(TacTask)
+ let vernac_interp cancel nworkers safe_id id { verbose; loc; expr = e } =
+ let e, etac, time, fail =
+ let rec find time fail = function
+ | VernacSolve(_,_,re,b) -> re, b, time, fail
+ | VernacTime [_,e] -> find true fail e
+ | VernacFail e -> find time true e
+ | _ -> errorlabstrm "Stm" (str"unsupported") in find false false e in
+ Hooks.with_fail fail (fun () ->
+ (if time then System.with_time false else (fun x -> x)) (fun () ->
+ ignore(TaskQueue.with_n_workers nworkers (fun queue ->
+ Proof_global.with_current_proof (fun _ p ->
+ let goals, _, _, _, _ = Proof.proof p in
+ let open TacTask in
+ let res = CList.map_i (fun i g ->
+ let f,assign= Future.create_delegate (State.exn_on id ~valid:safe_id) in
+ let t_ast =
+ { verbose;loc;expr = VernacSolve(SelectNth i,None,e,etac) } in
+ let t_name = Goal.uid g in
+ TaskQueue.enqueue_task queue
+ ({ t_state = safe_id; t_state_fb = id;
+ t_assign = assign; t_ast; t_goal = g; t_name;
+ t_kill = (fun () -> TaskQueue.cancel_all queue) }, cancel);
+ Goal.uid g,f)
+ 1 goals in
+ TaskQueue.join queue;
+ let assign_tac : unit Proofview.tactic =
+ Proofview.V82.tactic (fun gl ->
+ let open Tacmach in
+ let sigma, g = project gl, sig_it gl in
+ let gid = Goal.uid g in
+ let f =
+ try List.assoc gid res
+ with Not_found -> Errors.anomaly(str"Partac: wrong focus") in
+ if Future.is_over f then
+ let pt, uc = Future.join f in
+ prerr_endline (string_of_ppcmds(hov 0 (
+ str"g=" ++ str gid ++ spc () ++
+ str"t=" ++ (Printer.pr_constr pt) ++ spc () ++
+ str"uc=" ++ Evd.pr_evar_universe_context uc)));
+ let sigma = Goal.V82.partial_solution sigma g pt in
+ let sigma = Evd.merge_universe_context sigma uc in
+ re_sig [] sigma
+ else (* One has failed and cancelled the others, but not this one *)
+ re_sig [g] sigma) in
+ Proof.run_tactic (Global.env()) assign_tac p)))) ())
+end (* }}} *)
+and QueryTask : sig
+ type task = { t_where : Stateid.t; t_for : Stateid.t ; t_what : ast }
+ include AsyncTaskQueue.Task with type task := task
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+ type task =
+ { t_where : Stateid.t; t_for : Stateid.t ; t_what : ast }
+ type request =
+ { r_where : Stateid.t ; r_for : Stateid.t ; r_what : ast; r_doc : VCS.vcs }
+ type response = unit
+ let name = ref "queryworker"
+ let extra_env _ = [||]
+ type competence = unit
+ let task_match _ _ = true
+ let request_of_task _ { t_where; t_what; t_for } =
+ try Some {
+ r_where = t_where;
+ r_for = t_for;
+ r_doc = VCS.slice ~start:t_where ~stop:t_where;
+ r_what = t_what }
+ with VCS.Expired -> None
+ let use_response _ _ _ = `End
+ let on_marshal_error _ _ =
+ pr_err ("Fatal marshal error in query");
+ flush_all (); exit 1
+ let on_task_cancellation_or_expiration_or_slave_death _ = ()
+ let forward_feedback msg = Hooks.(call forward_feedback msg)
+ let perform { r_where; r_doc; r_what; r_for } =
+ VCS.restore r_doc;
+ VCS.print ();
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:`No r_where;
+ try
+ vernac_interp r_for { r_what with verbose = true };
+ feedback ~state_id:r_for Feedback.Processed
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ let msg = string_of_ppcmds (print e) in
+ feedback ~state_id:r_for (Feedback.ErrorMsg (Loc.ghost, msg))
+ let name_of_task { t_what } = string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast t_what)
+ let name_of_request { r_what } = string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast r_what)
+end (* }}} *)
+and Query : sig
+ val init : unit -> unit
+ val vernac_interp : cancel_switch -> Stateid.t -> Stateid.t -> ast -> unit
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+ module TaskQueue = AsyncTaskQueue.MakeQueue(QueryTask)
+ let queue = ref None
+ let vernac_interp switch prev id q =
+ assert(TaskQueue.n_workers (Option.get !queue) > 0);
+ TaskQueue.enqueue_task (Option.get !queue)
+ QueryTask.({ QueryTask.t_where = prev; t_for = id; t_what = q }, switch)
+ let init () = queue := Some (TaskQueue.create
+ (if !Flags.async_proofs_full then 1 else 0))
+end (* }}} *)
+(* Runs all transactions needed to reach a state *)
+and Reach : sig
+ val known_state :
+ ?redefine_qed:bool -> cache:Summary.marshallable -> Stateid.t -> unit
+end = struct (* {{{ *)
+let pstate = ["meta counter"; "evar counter"; "program-tcc-table"]
+let async_policy () =
+ let open Flags in
+ if interactive () = `Yes then
+ (async_proofs_is_master () || !async_proofs_mode = Flags.APonLazy)
+ else
+ (!compilation_mode = Flags.BuildVio || !async_proofs_mode <> Flags.APoff)
+let delegate name =
+ let time = get_hint_bp_time name in
+ time >= 1.0 || !Flags.compilation_mode = Flags.BuildVio
+let collect_proof keep cur hd brkind id =
+ prerr_endline ("Collecting proof ending at "^Stateid.to_string id);
+ let no_name = "" in
+ let name = function
+ | [] -> no_name
+ | id :: _ -> Id.to_string id in
+ let loc = (snd cur).loc in
+ let is_defined = function
+ | _, { expr = VernacEndProof (Proved (false,_)) } -> true
+ | _ -> false in
+ let proof_using_ast = function
+ | Some (_, ({ expr = VernacProof(_,Some _) } as v)) -> Some v
+ | _ -> None in
+ let has_proof_using x = proof_using_ast x <> None in
+ let proof_no_using = function
+ | Some (_, ({ expr = VernacProof(t,None) } as v)) -> t,v
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ let has_proof_no_using = function
+ | Some (_, { expr = VernacProof(_,None) }) -> true
+ | _ -> false in
+ let parent = function Some (p, _) -> p | None -> assert false in
+ let rec collect last accn id =
+ let view = VCS.visit id in
+ match view.step with
+ | `Cmd { cast = x } -> collect (Some (id,x)) (id::accn)
+ (* An Alias could jump everywhere... we hope we can ignore it*)
+ | `Alias _ -> `Sync (no_name,None,`Alias)
+ | `Fork((_,_,_,_::_::_), _) ->
+ `Sync (no_name,proof_using_ast last,`MutualProofs)
+ | `Fork((_,_,Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity,_), _) ->
+ `Sync (no_name,proof_using_ast last,`Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity)
+ | `Fork((_,hd',GuaranteesOpacity,ids), _) when has_proof_using last ->
+ assert (VCS.Branch.equal hd hd' || VCS.Branch.equal hd VCS.edit_branch);
+ let name = name ids in
+ `ASync (parent last,proof_using_ast last,accn,name,delegate name)
+ | `Fork((_, hd', GuaranteesOpacity, ids), _) when
+ has_proof_no_using last && not (State.is_cached (parent last)) &&
+ !Flags.compilation_mode = Flags.BuildVio ->
+ assert (VCS.Branch.equal hd hd'||VCS.Branch.equal hd VCS.edit_branch);
+ (try
+ let name, hint = name ids, get_hint_ctx loc in
+ let t, v = proof_no_using last in
+ v.expr <- VernacProof(t, Some hint);
+ `ASync (parent last,proof_using_ast last,accn,name,delegate name)
+ with Not_found -> `Sync (no_name,None,`NoHint))
+ | `Fork((_, hd', GuaranteesOpacity, ids), _) ->
+ assert (VCS.Branch.equal hd hd' || VCS.Branch.equal hd VCS.edit_branch);
+ let name = name ids in
+ `MaybeASync (parent last, None, accn, name, delegate name)
+ | `Sideff _ -> `Sync (no_name,None,`NestedProof)
+ | _ -> `Sync (no_name,None,`Unknown) in
+ let make_sync why = function
+ | `Sync(name,pua,_) -> `Sync (name,pua,why)
+ | `MaybeASync(_,pua,_,name,_) -> `Sync (name,pua,why)
+ | `ASync(_,pua,_,name,_) -> `Sync (name,pua,why) in
+ let check_policy rc = if async_policy () then rc else make_sync `Policy rc in
+ match cur, (VCS.visit id).step, brkind with
+ | (parent, { expr = VernacExactProof _ }), `Fork _, _ ->
+ `Sync (no_name,None,`Immediate)
+ | _, _, { VCS.kind = `Edit _ } -> check_policy (collect (Some cur) [] id)
+ | _ ->
+ if is_defined cur then `Sync (no_name,None,`Transparent)
+ else if keep == VtDrop then `Sync (no_name,None,`Aborted)
+ else
+ let rc = collect (Some cur) [] id in
+ if keep == VtKeep &&
+ (not(State.is_cached id) || !Flags.async_proofs_full)
+ then check_policy rc
+ else make_sync `AlreadyEvaluated rc
+let string_of_reason = function
+ | `Transparent -> "Transparent"
+ | `AlreadyEvaluated -> "AlreadyEvaluated"
+ | `Policy -> "Policy"
+ | `NestedProof -> "NestedProof"
+ | `Immediate -> "Immediate"
+ | `Alias -> "Alias"
+ | `NoHint -> "NoHint"
+ | `Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity -> "Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity"
+ | `Aborted -> "Aborted"
+ | _ -> "Unknown Reason"
+let wall_clock_last_fork = ref 0.0
+let known_state ?(redefine_qed=false) ~cache id =
+ (* ugly functions to process nested lemmas, i.e. hard to reproduce
+ * side effects *)
+ let cherry_pick_non_pstate () =
+ Summary.freeze_summary ~marshallable:`No ~complement:true pstate,
+ Lib.freeze ~marshallable:`No in
+ let inject_non_pstate (s,l) = Summary.unfreeze_summary s; Lib.unfreeze l in
+ let rec pure_cherry_pick_non_pstate id = Future.purify (fun id ->
+ prerr_endline ("cherry-pick non pstate " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ reach id;
+ cherry_pick_non_pstate ()) id
+ (* traverses the dag backward from nodes being already calculated *)
+ and reach ?(redefine_qed=false) ?(cache=cache) id =
+ prerr_endline ("reaching: " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ if not redefine_qed && State.is_cached ~cache id then begin
+ State.install_cached id;
+ Hooks.(call state_computed id ~in_cache:true);
+ prerr_endline ("reached (cache)")
+ end else
+ let step, cache_step, feedback_processed =
+ let view = VCS.visit id in
+ match view.step with
+ | `Alias id -> (fun () ->
+ reach; reach id
+ ), cache, true
+ | `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `TacQueue cancel } -> (fun () ->
+ reach ~cache:`Shallow;
+ Partac.vernac_interp
+ cancel !Flags.async_proofs_n_tacworkers id x
+ ), cache, true
+ | `Cmd { cast = x; cqueue = `QueryQueue cancel }
+ when Flags.async_proofs_is_master () -> (fun () ->
+ reach ~cache:`Shallow;
+ Query.vernac_interp cancel id x
+ ), cache, false
+ | `Cmd { cast = x } -> (fun () ->
+ reach; vernac_interp id x
+ ), cache, true
+ | `Fork ((x,_,_,_), None) -> (fun () ->
+ reach; vernac_interp id x;
+ wall_clock_last_fork := Unix.gettimeofday ()
+ ), `Yes, true
+ | `Fork ((x,_,_,_), Some prev) -> (fun () ->
+ reach ~cache:`Shallow prev;
+ reach;
+ (try vernac_interp id x;
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ let info = Stateid.add info ~valid:prev id in
+ iraise (e, info));
+ wall_clock_last_fork := Unix.gettimeofday ()
+ ), `Yes, true
+ | `Qed ({ qast = x; keep; brinfo; brname } as qed, eop) ->
+ let rec aux = function
+ | `ASync (start, pua, nodes, name, delegate) -> (fun () ->
+ assert(keep == VtKeep);
+ let stop, exn_info, loc = eop, (id, eop), x.loc in
+ prerr_endline ("Asynchronous " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ VCS.create_cluster nodes ~qed:id ~start;
+ begin match brinfo, qed.fproof with
+ | { VCS.kind = `Edit _ }, None -> assert false
+ | { VCS.kind = `Edit _ }, Some (ofp, cancel) ->
+ assert(redefine_qed = true);
+ let fp, cancel =
+ Slaves.build_proof ~loc ~exn_info ~start ~stop ~name in
+ Future.replace ofp fp;
+ qed.fproof <- Some (fp, cancel)
+ | { VCS.kind = `Proof _ }, Some _ -> assert false
+ | { VCS.kind = `Proof _ }, None ->
+ reach ~cache:`Shallow start;
+ let fp, cancel =
+ if delegate then
+ Slaves.build_proof ~loc ~exn_info ~start ~stop ~name
+ else
+ ProofTask.build_proof_here exn_info loc stop, ref false
+ in
+ qed.fproof <- Some (fp, cancel);
+ let proof =
+ Proof_global.close_future_proof ~feedback_id:id fp in
+ if not delegate then ignore(Future.compute fp);
+ reach;
+ vernac_interp id ~proof x;
+ feedback ~state_id:id Feedback.Incomplete
+ | { VCS.kind = `Master }, _ -> assert false
+ end;
+ Proof_global.discard_all ()
+ ), (if redefine_qed then `No else `Yes), true
+ | `Sync (name, _, `Immediate) -> (fun () ->
+ assert (Stateid.equal eop);
+ reach eop; vernac_interp id x; Proof_global.discard_all ()
+ ), `Yes, true
+ | `Sync (name, pua, reason) -> (fun () ->
+ prerr_endline ("Synchronous " ^ Stateid.to_string id ^ " " ^
+ string_of_reason reason);
+ reach eop;
+ let wall_clock = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ record_pb_time name x.loc (wall_clock -. !wall_clock_last_fork);
+ let proof =
+ if keep != VtKeep then None
+ else Some(Proof_global.close_proof
+ ~keep_body_ucst_sepatate:false
+ (State.exn_on id ~valid:eop)) in
+ if proof = None then prerr_endline "NONE!!!!!";
+ reach;
+ if keep == VtKeepAsAxiom then
+ Option.iter (vernac_interp id) pua;
+ let wall_clock2 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ vernac_interp id ?proof x;
+ let wall_clock3 = Unix.gettimeofday () in
+ Aux_file.record_in_aux_at x.loc "proof_check_time"
+ (Printf.sprintf "%.3f" (wall_clock3 -. wall_clock2));
+ Proof_global.discard_all ()
+ ), `Yes, true
+ | `MaybeASync (start, pua, nodes, name, delegate) -> (fun () ->
+ prerr_endline ("MaybeAsynchronous " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ reach ~cache:`Shallow start;
+ (* no sections *)
+ if List.is_empty (Environ.named_context (Global.env ()))
+ then pi1 (aux (`ASync (start, pua, nodes, name, delegate))) ()
+ else pi1 (aux (`Sync (name, pua, `Unknown))) ()
+ ), (if redefine_qed then `No else `Yes), true
+ in
+ aux (collect_proof keep (, x) brname brinfo eop)
+ | `Sideff (`Ast (x,_)) -> (fun () ->
+ reach; vernac_interp id x;
+ ), cache, true
+ | `Sideff (`Id origin) -> (fun () ->
+ reach;
+ inject_non_pstate (pure_cherry_pick_non_pstate origin);
+ ), cache, true
+ in
+ let cache_step =
+ if !Flags.async_proofs_cache = Some Flags.Force then `Yes
+ else cache_step in
+ State.define
+ ~cache:cache_step ~redefine:redefine_qed ~feedback_processed step id;
+ prerr_endline ("reached: "^ Stateid.to_string id) in
+ reach ~redefine_qed id
+end (* }}} *)
+(********************************* STM API ************************************)
+let init () =
+ VCS.init Stateid.initial;
+ set_undo_classifier Backtrack.undo_vernac_classifier;
+ State.define ~cache:`Yes (fun () -> ()) Stateid.initial;
+ Backtrack.record ();
+ Slaves.init ();
+ if Flags.async_proofs_is_master () then begin
+ prerr_endline "Initialising workers";
+ Query.init ();
+ let opts = match !Flags.async_proofs_private_flags with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some s -> Str.split_delim (Str.regexp ",") s in
+ begin try
+ let env_opt = Str.regexp "^extra-env=" in
+ let env = List.find (fun s -> Str.string_match env_opt s 0) opts in
+ async_proofs_workers_extra_env := Array.of_list
+ (Str.split_delim (Str.regexp ";") (Str.replace_first env_opt "" env))
+ with Not_found -> () end;
+ end
+let observe id =
+ let vcs = VCS.backup () in
+ try
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) id;
+ VCS.print ()
+ with e ->
+ let e = Errors.push e in
+ VCS.print ();
+ VCS.restore vcs;
+ iraise e
+let finish ?(print_goals=false) () =
+ observe (VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()));
+ if print_goals then msg_notice (pr_open_cur_subgoals ());
+ VCS.print ()
+let wait () =
+ Slaves.wait_all_done ();
+ VCS.print ()
+let join () =
+ finish ();
+ wait ();
+ prerr_endline "Joining the environment";
+ Global.join_safe_environment ();
+ VCS.print ();
+ VCS.print ()
+let dump_snapshot () = Slaves.dump_snapshot (), RemoteCounter.snapshot ()
+type document = VCS.vcs
+type tasks = int Slaves.tasks * RemoteCounter.remote_counters_status
+let check_task name (tasks,rcbackup) i =
+ RemoteCounter.restore rcbackup;
+ let vcs = VCS.backup () in
+ try
+ let rc = Future.purify (Slaves.check_task name tasks) i in
+ pperr_flush ();
+ VCS.restore vcs;
+ rc
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e -> VCS.restore vcs; false
+let info_tasks (tasks,_) = Slaves.info_tasks tasks
+let finish_tasks name u d p (t,rcbackup as tasks) =
+ RemoteCounter.restore rcbackup;
+ let finish_task u (_,_,i) =
+ let vcs = VCS.backup () in
+ let u = Future.purify (Slaves.finish_task name u d p t) i in
+ pperr_flush ();
+ VCS.restore vcs;
+ u in
+ try
+ let u, a, _ = List.fold_left finish_task u (info_tasks tasks) in
+ (u,a,true), p
+ with e ->
+ let e = Errors.push e in
+ pperrnl (str"File " ++ str name ++ str ":" ++ spc () ++ iprint e);
+ exit 1
+let merge_proof_branch ?id qast keep brname =
+ let brinfo = VCS.get_branch brname in
+ let qed fproof = { qast; keep; brname; brinfo; fproof } in
+ match brinfo with
+ | { VCS.kind = `Proof _ } ->
+ VCS.checkout VCS.Branch.master;
+ let id = VCS.new_node ?id () in
+ VCS.merge id ~ours:(Qed (qed None)) brname;
+ VCS.delete_branch brname;
+ if keep <> VtDrop then VCS.propagate_sideff None;
+ `Ok
+ | { VCS.kind = `Edit (mode, qed_id, master_id) } ->
+ let ofp =
+ match VCS.visit qed_id with
+ | { step = `Qed ({ fproof }, _) } -> fproof
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ VCS.rewrite_merge qed_id ~ours:(Qed (qed ofp)) ~at:master_id brname;
+ VCS.delete_branch brname;
+ VCS.gc ();
+ Reach.known_state ~redefine_qed:true ~cache:`No qed_id;
+ VCS.checkout VCS.Branch.master;
+ `Unfocus qed_id
+ | { VCS.kind = `Master } ->
+ iraise (State.exn_on Stateid.dummy (Proof_global.NoCurrentProof, Exninfo.null))
+(* When tty is true, this code also does some of the job of the user interface:
+ jump back to a state that is valid *)
+let handle_failure (e, info) vcs tty =
+ if e = Errors.Drop then iraise (e, info) else
+ match Stateid.get info with
+ | None ->
+ VCS.restore vcs;
+ VCS.print ();
+ if tty && interactive () = `Yes then begin
+ (* Hopefully the 1 to last state is valid *)
+ Backtrack.back_safe ();
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ end;
+ VCS.print ();
+ anomaly(str"error with no safe_id attached:" ++ spc() ++
+ Errors.print_no_report e)
+ | Some (safe_id, id) ->
+ prerr_endline ("Failed at state " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ VCS.restore vcs;
+ if tty && interactive () = `Yes then begin
+ (* We stay on a valid state *)
+ Backtrack.backto safe_id;
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) safe_id;
+ end;
+ VCS.print ();
+ iraise (e, info)
+let snapshot_vio ldir long_f_dot_v =
+ finish ();
+ if List.length (VCS.branches ()) > 1 then
+ Errors.errorlabstrm "stm" (str"Cannot dump a vio with open proofs");
+ Library.save_library_to ~todo:(dump_snapshot ()) ldir long_f_dot_v
+ (Global.opaque_tables ())
+let reset_task_queue = Slaves.reset_task_queue
+(* Document building *)
+let process_transaction ?(newtip=Stateid.fresh ()) ~tty verbose c (loc, expr) =
+ let warn_if_pos a b =
+ if b then msg_warning(pr_ast a ++ str" should not be part of a script") in
+ let v, x = expr, { verbose = verbose; loc; expr } in
+ prerr_endline ("{{{ processing: "^ string_of_ppcmds (pr_ast x));
+ let vcs = VCS.backup () in
+ try
+ let head = VCS.current_branch () in
+ VCS.checkout head;
+ let rc = begin
+ prerr_endline (" classified as: " ^ string_of_vernac_classification c);
+ match c with
+ (* PG stuff *)
+ | VtStm(VtPG,false), VtNow -> vernac_interp Stateid.dummy x; `Ok
+ | VtStm(VtPG,_), _ -> anomaly(str "PG command in script or VtLater")
+ (* Joining various parts of the document *)
+ | VtStm (VtJoinDocument, b), VtNow -> warn_if_pos x b; join (); `Ok
+ | VtStm (VtFinish, b), VtNow -> warn_if_pos x b; finish (); `Ok
+ | VtStm (VtWait, b), VtNow -> warn_if_pos x b; finish (); wait (); `Ok
+ | VtStm (VtPrintDag, b), VtNow ->
+ warn_if_pos x b; VCS.print ~now:true (); `Ok
+ | VtStm (VtObserve id, b), VtNow -> warn_if_pos x b; observe id; `Ok
+ | VtStm ((VtObserve _ | VtFinish | VtJoinDocument
+ |VtPrintDag |VtWait),_), VtLater ->
+ anomaly(str"classifier: join actions cannot be classified as VtLater")
+ (* Back *)
+ | VtStm (VtBack oid, true), w ->
+ let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
+ let { mine; others } = Backtrack.branches_of oid in
+ List.iter (fun branch ->
+ if not (List.mem_assoc branch (mine::others)) then
+ ignore(merge_proof_branch x VtDrop branch))
+ (VCS.branches ());
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ let head = VCS.current_branch () in
+ List.iter (fun b ->
+ if not(VCS.Branch.equal b head) then begin
+ VCS.checkout b;
+ VCS.commit (VCS.new_node ()) (Alias oid);
+ end)
+ (VCS.branches ());
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ VCS.commit id (Alias oid);
+ Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish (); `Ok
+ | VtStm (VtBack id, false), VtNow ->
+ prerr_endline ("undo to state " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ Backtrack.backto id;
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) id; `Ok
+ | VtStm (VtBack id, false), VtLater ->
+ anomaly(str"classifier: VtBack + VtLater must imply part_of_script")
+ (* Query *)
+ | VtQuery (false,(report_id,route)), VtNow when tty = true ->
+ finish ();
+ (try Future.purify (vernac_interp report_id ~route)
+ { verbose = true; loc; expr }
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ let e = Errors.push e in
+ iraise (State.exn_on report_id e)); `Ok
+ | VtQuery (false,(report_id,route)), VtNow ->
+ (try vernac_interp report_id ~route x
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ let e = Errors.push e in
+ iraise (State.exn_on report_id e)); `Ok
+ | VtQuery (true,(report_id,_)), w ->
+ assert(Stateid.equal report_id Stateid.dummy);
+ let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
+ let queue =
+ if !Flags.async_proofs_full then `QueryQueue (ref false)
+ else `MainQueue in
+ VCS.commit id (Cmd { cast = x; cids = []; cqueue = queue });
+ Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish (); `Ok
+ | VtQuery (false,_), VtLater ->
+ anomaly(str"classifier: VtQuery + VtLater must imply part_of_script")
+ (* Proof *)
+ | VtStartProof (mode, guarantee, names), w ->
+ let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
+ let bname = VCS.mk_branch_name x in
+ VCS.checkout VCS.Branch.master;
+ if VCS.Branch.equal head VCS.Branch.master then begin
+ VCS.commit id (Fork (x, bname, guarantee, names));
+ VCS.branch bname (`Proof (mode, VCS.proof_nesting () + 1))
+ end else begin
+ VCS.branch bname (`Proof (mode, VCS.proof_nesting () + 1));
+ VCS.merge id ~ours:(Fork (x, bname, guarantee, names)) head
+ end;
+ Proof_global.activate_proof_mode mode;
+ Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish (); `Ok
+ | VtProofMode _, VtLater ->
+ anomaly(str"VtProofMode must be executed VtNow")
+ | VtProofMode mode, VtNow ->
+ let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
+ VCS.checkout VCS.Branch.master;
+ VCS.commit id (Cmd {cast = x; cids=[]; cqueue = `MainQueue});
+ VCS.propagate_sideff (Some x);
+ List.iter
+ (fun bn -> match VCS.get_branch bn with
+ | { VCS.root; kind = `Master; pos } -> ()
+ | { VCS.root; kind = `Proof(_,d); pos } ->
+ VCS.delete_branch bn;
+ VCS.branch ~root ~pos bn (`Proof(mode,d))
+ | { VCS.root; kind = `Edit(_,f,q); pos } ->
+ VCS.delete_branch bn;
+ VCS.branch ~root ~pos bn (`Edit(mode,f,q)))
+ (VCS.branches ());
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ Backtrack.record ();
+ finish ();
+ `Ok
+ | VtProofStep paral, w ->
+ let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
+ let queue = if paral then `TacQueue (ref false) else `MainQueue in
+ VCS.commit id (Cmd {cast = x; cids = []; cqueue = queue });
+ Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish (); `Ok
+ | VtQed keep, w ->
+ let rc = merge_proof_branch ~id:newtip x keep head in
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish ();
+ rc
+ (* Side effect on all branches *)
+ | VtUnknown, _ when expr = VernacToplevelControl Drop ->
+ vernac_interp (VCS.get_branch_pos head) x; `Ok
+ | VtSideff l, w ->
+ let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
+ VCS.checkout VCS.Branch.master;
+ VCS.commit id (Cmd { cast = x; cids = l; cqueue = `MainQueue});
+ VCS.propagate_sideff (Some x);
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ Backtrack.record (); if w == VtNow then finish (); `Ok
+ (* Unknown: we execute it, check for open goals and propagate sideeff *)
+ | VtUnknown, VtNow ->
+ let id = VCS.new_node ~id:newtip () in
+ let head_id = VCS.get_branch_pos head in
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:`Yes head_id; (* ensure it is ok *)
+ let step () =
+ VCS.checkout VCS.Branch.master;
+ let mid = VCS.get_branch_pos VCS.Branch.master in
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) mid;
+ vernac_interp id x;
+ (* Vernac x may or may not start a proof *)
+ if VCS.Branch.equal head VCS.Branch.master &&
+ Proof_global.there_are_pending_proofs ()
+ then begin
+ let bname = VCS.mk_branch_name x in
+ VCS.commit id (Fork (x,bname,Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity,[]));
+ VCS.branch bname (`Proof ("Classic", VCS.proof_nesting () + 1));
+ Proof_global.activate_proof_mode "Classic";
+ end else begin
+ VCS.commit id (Cmd { cast = x; cids = []; cqueue = `MainQueue});
+ VCS.propagate_sideff (Some x);
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ end in
+ State.define ~safe_id:head_id ~cache:`Yes step id;
+ Backtrack.record (); `Ok
+ | VtUnknown, VtLater ->
+ anomaly(str"classifier: VtUnknown must imply VtNow")
+ end in
+ (* Proof General *)
+ begin match v with
+ | VernacStm (PGLast _) ->
+ if not (VCS.Branch.equal head VCS.Branch.master) then
+ vernac_interp Stateid.dummy
+ { verbose = true; loc = Loc.ghost;
+ expr = VernacShow (ShowGoal OpenSubgoals) }
+ | _ -> ()
+ end;
+ prerr_endline "processed }}}";
+ VCS.print ();
+ rc
+ with e ->
+ let e = Errors.push e in
+ handle_failure e vcs tty
+let print_ast id =
+ try
+ match VCS.visit id with
+ | { step = `Cmd { cast = { loc; expr } } }
+ | { step = `Fork (({ loc; expr }, _, _, _), _) }
+ | { step = `Qed ({ qast = { loc; expr } }, _) } ->
+ let xml =
+ try Texmacspp.tmpp expr loc
+ with e -> Xml_datatype.PCData ("ERROR " ^ Printexc.to_string e) in
+ xml;
+ | _ -> Xml_datatype.PCData "ERROR"
+ with _ -> Xml_datatype.PCData "ERROR"
+let stop_worker n = Slaves.cancel_worker n
+let add ~ontop ?newtip ?(check=ignore) verb eid s =
+ let cur_tip = VCS.cur_tip () in
+ if Stateid.equal ontop cur_tip then begin
+ let _, ast as loc_ast = vernac_parse ?newtip eid s in
+ check(loc_ast);
+ let clas = classify_vernac ast in
+ match process_transaction ?newtip ~tty:false verb clas loc_ast with
+ | `Ok -> VCS.cur_tip (), `NewTip
+ | `Unfocus qed_id -> qed_id, `Unfocus (VCS.cur_tip ())
+ end else begin
+ (* For now, arbitrary edits should be announced with edit_at *)
+ anomaly(str"Not yet implemented, the GUI should not try this")
+ end
+let set_perspective id_list = Slaves.set_perspective id_list
+type focus = {
+ start : Stateid.t;
+ stop : Stateid.t;
+ tip : Stateid.t
+let query ~at ?(report_with=(Stateid.dummy,Feedback.default_route)) s =
+ Future.purify (fun s ->
+ if Stateid.equal at Stateid.dummy then finish ()
+ else Reach.known_state ~cache:`Yes at;
+ let newtip, route = report_with in
+ let _, ast as loc_ast = vernac_parse ~newtip ~route 0 s in
+ let clas = classify_vernac ast in
+ match clas with
+ | VtStm (w,_), _ ->
+ ignore(process_transaction
+ ~tty:false true (VtStm (w,false), VtNow) loc_ast)
+ | _ ->
+ ignore(process_transaction
+ ~tty:false true (VtQuery (false,report_with), VtNow) loc_ast))
+ s
+let edit_at id =
+ if Stateid.equal id Stateid.dummy then anomaly(str"edit_at dummy") else
+ let vcs = VCS.backup () in
+ let on_cur_branch id =
+ let rec aux cur =
+ if id = cur then true
+ else match VCS.visit cur with
+ | { step = `Fork _ } -> false
+ | { next } -> aux next in
+ aux (VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ())) in
+ let is_ancestor_of_cur_branch id =
+ Vcs_.NodeSet.mem id
+ (VCS.reachable (VCS.get_branch_pos (VCS.current_branch ()))) in
+ let has_failed qed_id =
+ match VCS.visit qed_id with
+ | { step = `Qed ({ fproof = Some (fp,_) }, _) } -> Future.is_exn fp
+ | _ -> false in
+ let rec master_for_br root tip =
+ if Stateid.equal tip Stateid.initial then tip else
+ match VCS.visit tip with
+ | { next } when next = root -> root
+ | { step = `Fork _ } -> tip
+ | { step = `Sideff (`Ast(_,id)|`Id id) } -> id
+ | { next } -> master_for_br root next in
+ let reopen_branch start at_id mode qed_id tip =
+ let master_id, cancel_switch =
+ (* Hum, this should be the real start_id in the clusted and not next *)
+ match VCS.visit qed_id with
+ | { step = `Qed ({ fproof = Some (_,cs)},_) } -> start, cs
+ | _ -> anomaly (str "Cluster not ending with Qed") in
+ VCS.branch ~root:master_id ~pos:id
+ VCS.edit_branch (`Edit (mode, qed_id, master_id));
+ VCS.delete_cluster_of id;
+ cancel_switch := true;
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) id;
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ `Focus { stop = qed_id; start = master_id; tip } in
+ let backto id =
+ List.iter VCS.delete_branch (VCS.branches ());
+ let ancestors = VCS.reachable id in
+ let { mine = brname, brinfo; others } = Backtrack.branches_of id in
+ List.iter (fun (name,{ VCS.kind = k; root; pos }) ->
+ if not(VCS.Branch.equal name VCS.Branch.master) &&
+ Vcs_.NodeSet.mem root ancestors then
+ VCS.branch ~root ~pos name k)
+ others;
+ VCS.reset_branch VCS.Branch.master (master_for_br brinfo.VCS.root id);
+ VCS.branch ~root:brinfo.VCS.root ~pos:brinfo.VCS.pos brname brinfo.VCS.kind;
+ VCS.delete_cluster_of id;
+ VCS.gc ();
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) id;
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ `NewTip in
+ try
+ let rc =
+ let focused = List.exists ((=) VCS.edit_branch) (VCS.branches ()) in
+ let branch_info =
+ match snd (VCS.get_info id).vcs_backup with
+ | Some{ mine = _, { VCS.kind = (`Proof(m,_)|`Edit(m,_,_)) }} -> Some m
+ | _ -> None in
+ match focused, VCS.cluster_of id, branch_info with
+ | _, Some _, None -> assert false
+ | false, Some (qed_id,start), Some mode ->
+ let tip = VCS.cur_tip () in
+ if has_failed qed_id && not !Flags.async_proofs_never_reopen_branch
+ then reopen_branch start id mode qed_id tip
+ else backto id
+ | true, Some (qed_id,_), Some mode ->
+ if on_cur_branch id then begin
+ assert false
+ end else if is_ancestor_of_cur_branch id then begin
+ backto id
+ end else begin
+ anomaly(str"Cannot leave an `Edit branch open")
+ end
+ | true, None, _ ->
+ if on_cur_branch id then begin
+ VCS.reset_branch (VCS.current_branch ()) id;
+ Reach.known_state ~cache:(interactive ()) id;
+ VCS.checkout_shallowest_proof_branch ();
+ `NewTip
+ end else if is_ancestor_of_cur_branch id then begin
+ backto id
+ end else begin
+ anomaly(str"Cannot leave an `Edit branch open")
+ end
+ | false, None, _ -> backto id
+ in
+ VCS.print ();
+ rc
+ with e ->
+ let (e, info) = Errors.push e in
+ match Stateid.get info with
+ | None ->
+ VCS.print ();
+ anomaly (str ("edit_at "^Stateid.to_string id^": ") ++
+ Errors.print_no_report e)
+ | Some (_, id) ->
+ prerr_endline ("Failed at state " ^ Stateid.to_string id);
+ VCS.restore vcs;
+ VCS.print ();
+ iraise (e, info)
+(*********************** TTY API (PG, coqtop, coqc) ***************************)
+let interp verb (_,e as lexpr) =
+ let clas = classify_vernac e in
+ let rc = process_transaction ~tty:true verb clas lexpr in
+ if rc <> `Ok then anomaly(str"tty loop can't be mixed with the STM protocol");
+ if interactive () = `Yes ||
+ (!Flags.async_proofs_mode = Flags.APoff &&
+ !Flags.compilation_mode = Flags.BuildVo) then
+ let vcs = VCS.backup () in
+ let print_goals =
+ verb && match clas with
+ | VtQuery _, _ -> false
+ | (VtProofStep _ | VtStm (VtBack _, _)), _ -> true
+ | _ -> not !Flags.coqtop_ui || !Flags.print_emacs in
+ try finish ~print_goals ()
+ with e ->
+ let e = Errors.push e in
+ handle_failure e vcs true
+let finish () = finish ()
+let get_current_state () = VCS.cur_tip ()
+let current_proof_depth () =
+ let head = VCS.current_branch () in
+ match VCS.get_branch head with
+ | { VCS.kind = `Master } -> 0
+ | { VCS.pos = cur; VCS.kind = (`Proof _ | `Edit _); VCS.root = root } ->
+ let rec distance root =
+ if Stateid.equal cur root then 0
+ else 1 + distance (VCS.visit cur).next in
+ distance cur
+let unmangle n =
+ let n = VCS.Branch.to_string n in
+ let idx = String.index n '_' + 1 in
+ Names.id_of_string (String.sub n idx (String.length n - idx))
+let proofname b = match VCS.get_branch b with
+ | { VCS.kind = (`Proof _| `Edit _) } -> Some b
+ | _ -> None
+let get_all_proof_names () =
+ unmangle (List.map_filter proofname (VCS.branches ()))
+let get_current_proof_name () =
+ unmangle (proofname (VCS.current_branch ()))
+let get_script prf =
+ let branch, test =
+ match prf with
+ | None -> VCS.Branch.master, fun _ -> true
+ | Some name -> VCS.current_branch (), List.mem name in
+ let rec find acc id =
+ if Stateid.equal id Stateid.initial ||
+ Stateid.equal id Stateid.dummy then acc else
+ let view = VCS.visit id in
+ match view.step with
+ | `Fork((_,_,_,ns), _) when test ns -> acc
+ | `Qed (qed, proof) -> find [qed.qast.expr, (VCS.get_info id).n_goals] proof
+ | `Sideff (`Ast (x,_)) ->
+ find ((x.expr, (VCS.get_info id).n_goals)::acc)
+ | `Sideff (`Id id) -> find acc id
+ | `Cmd {cast = x} -> find ((x.expr, (VCS.get_info id).n_goals)::acc)
+ | `Alias id -> find acc id
+ | `Fork _ -> find acc
+ in
+ find [] (VCS.get_branch_pos branch)
+(* indentation code for Show Script, initially contributed
+ by D. de Rauglaudre *)
+let indent_script_item ((ng1,ngl1),nl,beginend,ppl) (cmd,ng) =
+ (* ng1 : number of goals remaining at the current level (before cmd)
+ ngl1 : stack of previous levels with their remaining goals
+ ng : number of goals after the execution of cmd
+ beginend : special indentation stack for { } *)
+ let ngprev = List.fold_left (+) ng1 ngl1 in
+ let new_ngl =
+ if ng > ngprev then
+ (* We've branched *)
+ (ng - ngprev + 1, ng1 - 1 :: ngl1)
+ else if ng < ngprev then
+ (* A subgoal have been solved. Let's compute the new current level
+ by discarding all levels with 0 remaining goals. *)
+ let rec loop = function
+ | (0, ng2::ngl2) -> loop (ng2,ngl2)
+ | p -> p
+ in loop (ng1-1, ngl1)
+ else
+ (* Standard case, same goal number as before *)
+ (ng1, ngl1)
+ in
+ (* When a subgoal have been solved, separate this block by an empty line *)
+ let new_nl = (ng < ngprev)
+ in
+ (* Indentation depth *)
+ let ind = List.length ngl1
+ in
+ (* Some special handling of bullets and { }, to get a nicer display *)
+ let pred n = max 0 (n-1) in
+ let ind, nl, new_beginend = match cmd with
+ | VernacSubproof _ -> pred ind, nl, (pred ind)::beginend
+ | VernacEndSubproof -> List.hd beginend, false, beginend
+ | VernacBullet _ -> pred ind, nl, beginend
+ | _ -> ind, nl, beginend
+ in
+ let pp =
+ (if nl then fnl () else mt ()) ++
+ (hov (ind+1) (str (String.make ind ' ') ++ Ppvernac.pr_vernac cmd))
+ in
+ (new_ngl, new_nl, new_beginend, pp :: ppl)
+let show_script ?proof () =
+ try
+ let prf =
+ try match proof with
+ | None -> Some (Pfedit.get_current_proof_name ())
+ | Some (p,_) -> Some (
+ with Proof_global.NoCurrentProof -> None
+ in
+ let cmds = get_script prf in
+ let _,_,_,indented_cmds =
+ List.fold_left indent_script_item ((1,[]),false,[],[]) cmds
+ in
+ let indented_cmds = List.rev (indented_cmds) in
+ msg_notice (v 0 (prlist_with_sep fnl (fun x -> x) indented_cmds))
+ with Vcs_aux.Expired -> ()
+(* Export hooks *)
+let state_computed_hook = Hooks.state_computed_hook
+let state_ready_hook = Hooks.state_ready_hook
+let parse_error_hook = Hooks.parse_error_hook
+let execution_error_hook = Hooks.execution_error_hook
+let forward_feedback_hook = Hooks.forward_feedback_hook
+let process_error_hook = Hooks.process_error_hook
+let interp_hook = Hooks.interp_hook
+let with_fail_hook = Hooks.with_fail_hook
+let unreachable_state_hook = Hooks.unreachable_state_hook
+(* vim:set foldmethod=marker: *)
diff --git a/stm/stm.mli b/stm/stm.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1d926e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/stm.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2010 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Vernacexpr
+open Names
+open Feedback
+(** state-transaction-machine interface *)
+(* [add ontop check vebose eid s] adds a new command [s] on the state [ontop]
+ having edit id [eid]. [check] is called on the AST.
+ The [ontop] parameter is just for asserting the GUI is on sync, but
+ will eventually call edit_at on the fly if needed.
+ The sentence [s] is parsed in the state [ontop].
+ If [newtip] is provided, then the returned state id is guaranteed to be
+ [newtip] *)
+val add : ontop:Stateid.t -> ?newtip:Stateid.t -> ?check:(located_vernac_expr -> unit) ->
+ bool -> edit_id -> string ->
+ Stateid.t * [ `NewTip | `Unfocus of Stateid.t ]
+(* parses and executes a command at a given state, throws away its side effects
+ but for the printings. Feedback is sent with report_with (defaults to dummy
+ state id) *)
+val query :
+ at:Stateid.t -> ?report_with:(Stateid.t * Feedback.route_id) -> string -> unit
+(* [edit_at id] is issued to change the editing zone. [`NewTip] is returned if
+ the requested id is the new document tip hence the document portion following
+ [id] is dropped by Coq. [`Focus fo] is returned to say that [fo.tip] is the
+ new document tip, the document between [id] and [fo.stop] has been dropped.
+ The portion between [fo.stop] and [fo.tip] has been kept. [fo.start] is
+ just to tell the gui where the editing zone starts, in case it wants to
+ graphically denote it. All subsequent [add] happen on top of [id]. *)
+type focus = { start : Stateid.t; stop : Stateid.t; tip : Stateid.t }
+val edit_at : Stateid.t -> [ `NewTip | `Focus of focus ]
+(* Evaluates the tip of the current branch *)
+val finish : unit -> unit
+val observe : Stateid.t -> unit
+val stop_worker : string -> unit
+(* Joins the entire document. Implies finish, but also checks proofs *)
+val join : unit -> unit
+(* Saves on the dist a .vio corresponding to the current status:
+ - if the worker prool is empty, all tasks are saved
+ - if the worker proof is not empty, then it waits until all workers
+ are done with their current jobs and then dumps (or fails if one
+ of the completed tasks is a failuere) *)
+val snapshot_vio : DirPath.t -> string -> unit
+(* Empties the task queue, can be used only if the worker pool is empty (E.g.
+ * after having built a .vio in batch mode *)
+val reset_task_queue : unit -> unit
+(* A .vio contains tasks to be completed *)
+type tasks
+val check_task : string -> tasks -> int -> bool
+val info_tasks : tasks -> (string * float * int) list
+val finish_tasks : string ->
+ Library.seg_univ -> Library.seg_discharge -> Library.seg_proofs ->
+ tasks -> Library.seg_univ * Library.seg_proofs
+(* Id of the tip of the current branch *)
+val get_current_state : unit -> Stateid.t
+(* Misc *)
+val init : unit -> unit
+val print_ast : Stateid.t -> Xml_datatype.xml
+(* Filename *)
+val set_compilation_hints : string -> unit
+(* Reorders the task queue putting forward what is in the perspective *)
+val set_perspective : Stateid.t list -> unit
+(** workers **************************************************************** **)
+module ProofTask : AsyncTaskQueue.Task
+module TacTask : AsyncTaskQueue.Task
+module QueryTask : AsyncTaskQueue.Task
+(** customization ********************************************************** **)
+(* From the master (or worker, but beware that to install the hook
+ * into a worker one has to build the worker toploop to do so and
+ * the alternative toploop for the worker can be selected by changing
+ * the name of the Task(s) above) *)
+val state_computed_hook : (Stateid.t -> in_cache:bool -> unit) Hook.t
+val parse_error_hook :
+ (Feedback.edit_or_state_id -> Loc.t -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit) Hook.t
+val execution_error_hook : (Stateid.t -> Loc.t -> Pp.std_ppcmds -> unit) Hook.t
+val unreachable_state_hook : (Stateid.t -> unit) Hook.t
+(* ready means that master has it at hand *)
+val state_ready_hook : (Stateid.t -> unit) Hook.t
+(* Messages from the workers to the master *)
+val forward_feedback_hook : ( -> unit) Hook.t
+type state = {
+ system : States.state;
+ proof : Proof_global.state;
+ shallow : bool
+val state_of_id : Stateid.t -> [ `Valid of state option | `Expired ]
+(** read-eval-print loop compatible interface ****************************** **)
+(* Adds a new line to the document. It replaces the core of Vernac.interp.
+ [finish] is called as the last bit of this function is the system
+ is running interactively (-emacs or coqtop). *)
+val interp : bool -> located_vernac_expr -> unit
+(* Queries for backward compatibility *)
+val current_proof_depth : unit -> int
+val get_all_proof_names : unit -> Id.t list
+val get_current_proof_name : unit -> Id.t option
+val show_script : ?proof:Proof_global.closed_proof -> unit -> unit
+(** Reverse dependency hooks *)
+val process_error_hook : Future.fix_exn Hook.t
+val interp_hook : (?verbosely:bool -> ?proof:Proof_global.closed_proof ->
+ Loc.t * Vernacexpr.vernac_expr -> unit) Hook.t
+val with_fail_hook : (bool -> (unit -> unit) -> unit) Hook.t
diff --git a/stm/stm.mllib b/stm/stm.mllib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..92b3a869
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/stm.mllib
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8a62fe79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+module PriorityQueue : sig
+ type 'a t
+ val create : unit -> 'a t
+ val set_rel : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> unit
+ val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
+ val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
+ val pop : ?picky:('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a
+ val push : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
+ val clear : 'a t -> unit
+end = struct
+ type 'a item = int * 'a
+ type 'a rel = 'a item -> 'a item -> int
+ type 'a t = ('a item list * 'a rel) ref
+ let sort_timestamp (i,_) (j,_) = i - j
+ let age = ref 0
+ let create () = ref ([],sort_timestamp)
+ let is_empty t = fst !t = []
+ let exists p t = List.exists (fun (_,x) -> p x) (fst !t)
+ let pop ?(picky=(fun _ -> true)) ({ contents = (l, rel) } as t) =
+ let rec aux acc = function
+ | [] -> raise Queue.Empty
+ | (_,x) :: xs when picky x -> t := (List.rev acc @ xs, rel); x
+ | (_,x) as hd :: xs -> aux (hd :: acc) xs in
+ aux [] l
+ let push ({ contents = (xs, rel) } as t) x =
+ incr age;
+ (* re-roting the whole list is not the most efficient way... *)
+ t := (List.sort rel (xs @ [!age,x]), rel)
+ let clear ({ contents = (l, rel) } as t) = t := ([], rel)
+ let set_rel rel ({ contents = (xs, _) } as t) =
+ let rel (_,x) (_,y) = rel x y in
+ t := (List.sort rel xs, rel)
+type 'a t = {
+ queue: 'a PriorityQueue.t;
+ lock : Mutex.t;
+ cond : Condition.t;
+ mutable nwaiting : int;
+ cond_waiting : Condition.t;
+ mutable release : bool;
+exception BeingDestroyed
+let create () = {
+ queue = PriorityQueue.create ();
+ lock = Mutex.create ();
+ cond = Condition.create ();
+ nwaiting = 0;
+ cond_waiting = Condition.create ();
+ release = false;
+let pop ?(picky=(fun _ -> true)) ?(destroy=ref false)
+ ({ queue = q; lock = m; cond = c; cond_waiting = cn } as tq)
+ Mutex.lock m;
+ if tq.release then (Mutex.unlock m; raise BeingDestroyed);
+ while not (PriorityQueue.exists picky q || !destroy) do
+ tq.nwaiting <- tq.nwaiting + 1;
+ Condition.broadcast cn;
+ Condition.wait c m;
+ tq.nwaiting <- tq.nwaiting - 1;
+ if tq.release || !destroy then (Mutex.unlock m; raise BeingDestroyed)
+ done;
+ if !destroy then (Mutex.unlock m; raise BeingDestroyed);
+ let x = PriorityQueue.pop ~picky q in
+ Condition.signal c;
+ Condition.signal cn;
+ Mutex.unlock m;
+ x
+let signal_destruction { lock = m; cond = c } =
+ Mutex.lock m;
+ Condition.broadcast c;
+ Mutex.unlock m
+let push { queue = q; lock = m; cond = c; release } x =
+ if release then Errors.anomaly(Pp.str
+ "TQueue.push while being destroyed! Only 1 producer/destroyer allowed");
+ Mutex.lock m;
+ PriorityQueue.push q x;
+ Condition.broadcast c;
+ Mutex.unlock m
+let clear { queue = q; lock = m; cond = c } =
+ Mutex.lock m;
+ PriorityQueue.clear q;
+ Mutex.unlock m
+let is_empty { queue = q } = PriorityQueue.is_empty q
+let destroy tq =
+ tq.release <- true;
+ while tq.nwaiting > 0 do
+ Mutex.lock tq.lock;
+ Condition.broadcast tq.cond;
+ Mutex.unlock tq.lock;
+ done;
+ tq.release <- false
+let wait_until_n_are_waiting_and_queue_empty j tq =
+ Mutex.lock tq.lock;
+ while not (PriorityQueue.is_empty tq.queue) || tq.nwaiting < j do
+ Condition.wait tq.cond_waiting tq.lock
+ done;
+ Mutex.unlock tq.lock
+let wait_until_n_are_waiting_then_snapshot j tq =
+ let l = ref [] in
+ Mutex.lock tq.lock;
+ while not (PriorityQueue.is_empty tq.queue) do
+ l := PriorityQueue.pop tq.queue :: !l
+ done;
+ while tq.nwaiting < j do Condition.wait tq.cond_waiting tq.lock done;
+ List.iter (PriorityQueue.push tq.queue) (List.rev !l);
+ if !l <> [] then Condition.broadcast tq.cond;
+ Mutex.unlock tq.lock;
+ List.rev !l
+let set_order tq rel =
+ Mutex.lock tq.lock;
+ PriorityQueue.set_rel rel tq.queue;
+ Mutex.unlock tq.lock
diff --git a/stm/tQueue.mli b/stm/tQueue.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc3922b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/tQueue.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Thread safe queue with some extras *)
+type 'a t
+val create : unit -> 'a t
+val pop : ?picky:('a -> bool) -> ?destroy:bool ref -> 'a t -> 'a
+val push : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
+val set_order : 'a t -> ('a -> 'a -> int) -> unit
+val wait_until_n_are_waiting_and_queue_empty : int -> 'a t -> unit
+val signal_destruction : 'a t -> unit
+(* Non destructive *)
+val wait_until_n_are_waiting_then_snapshot : int -> 'a t -> 'a list
+val clear : 'a t -> unit
+val is_empty : 'a t -> bool
+exception BeingDestroyed
+(* Threads blocked in pop can get this exception if the queue is being
+ * destroyed *)
+val destroy : 'a t -> unit
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c1a37fed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+module W = AsyncTaskQueue.MakeWorker(Stm.TacTask)
+let () = Coqtop.toploop_init := (fun args ->
+ Flags.make_silent true;
+ W.init_stdout ();
+ CoqworkmgrApi.init !Flags.async_proofs_worker_priority;
+ args)
+let () = Coqtop.toploop_run := W.main_loop
diff --git a/stm/tacworkertop.mllib b/stm/tacworkertop.mllib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db38fde2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/tacworkertop.mllib
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d71c169d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Xml_datatype
+open Vernacexpr
+open Constrexpr
+open Names
+open Misctypes
+open Bigint
+open Decl_kinds
+open Extend
+open Libnames
+open Flags
+let unlock loc =
+ let start, stop = Loc.unloc loc in
+ (string_of_int start, string_of_int stop)
+let xmlNoop = (* almost noop *)
+ PCData ""
+let xmlWithLoc loc ename attr xml =
+ let start, stop = unlock loc in
+ Element(ename, [ "begin", start; "end", stop ] @ attr, xml)
+let get_fst_attr_in_xml_list attr xml_list =
+ let attrs_list =
+ (function
+ | Element (_, attrs, _) -> (List.filter (fun (a,_) -> a = attr) attrs)
+ | _ -> [])
+ xml_list in
+ match List.flatten attrs_list with
+ | [] -> (attr, "")
+ | l -> (List.hd l)
+let backstep_loc xmllist =
+ let start_att = get_fst_attr_in_xml_list "begin" xmllist in
+ let stop_att = get_fst_attr_in_xml_list "end" (List.rev xmllist) in
+ [start_att ; stop_att]
+let compare_begin_att xml1 xml2 =
+ let att1 = get_fst_attr_in_xml_list "begin" [xml1] in
+ let att2 = get_fst_attr_in_xml_list "begin" [xml2] in
+ match att1, att2 with
+ | (_, s1), (_, s2) when s1 == "" || s2 == "" -> 0
+ | (_, s1), (_, s2) when int_of_string s1 > int_of_string s2 -> 1
+ | (_, s1), (_, s2) when int_of_string s1 < int_of_string s2 -> -1
+ | _ -> 0
+let xmlBeginSection loc name = xmlWithLoc loc "beginsection" ["name", name] []
+let xmlEndSegment loc name = xmlWithLoc loc "endsegment" ["name", name] []
+let xmlThm typ name loc xml =
+ xmlWithLoc loc "theorem" ["type", typ; "name", name] xml
+let xmlDef typ name loc xml =
+ xmlWithLoc loc "definition" ["type", typ; "name", name] xml
+let xmlNotation attr name loc xml =
+ xmlWithLoc loc "notation" (("name", name) :: attr) xml
+let xmlReservedNotation attr name loc =
+ xmlWithLoc loc "reservednotation" (("name", name) :: attr) []
+let xmlCst name ?(attr=[]) loc =
+ xmlWithLoc loc "constant" (("name", name) :: attr) []
+let xmlOperator name ?(attr=[]) ?(pprules=[]) loc =
+ xmlWithLoc loc "operator"
+ (("name", name) :: (fun (a,b) -> "format"^a,b) pprules @ attr) []
+let xmlApply loc ?(attr=[]) xml = xmlWithLoc loc "apply" attr xml
+let xmlToken loc ?(attr=[]) xml = xmlWithLoc loc "token" attr xml
+let xmlTyped xml = Element("typed", (backstep_loc xml), xml)
+let xmlReturn ?(attr=[]) xml = Element("return", attr, xml)
+let xmlCase xml = Element("case", [], xml)
+let xmlScrutinee ?(attr=[]) xml = Element("scrutinee", attr, xml)
+let xmlWith xml = Element("with", [], xml)
+let xmlAssign id xml = Element("assign", ["target",string_of_id id], [xml])
+let xmlInductive kind loc xml = xmlWithLoc loc "inductive" ["kind",kind] xml
+let xmlCoFixpoint xml = Element("cofixpoint", [], xml)
+let xmlFixpoint xml = Element("fixpoint", [], xml)
+let xmlCheck loc xml = xmlWithLoc loc "check" [] xml
+let xmlAssumption kind loc xml = xmlWithLoc loc "assumption" ["kind",kind] xml
+let xmlComment loc xml = xmlWithLoc loc "comment" [] xml
+let xmlCanonicalStructure attr loc = xmlWithLoc loc "canonicalstructure" attr []
+let xmlQed ?(attr=[]) loc = xmlWithLoc loc "qed" attr []
+let xmlPatvar id loc = xmlWithLoc loc "patvar" ["id", id] []
+let xmlReference ref =
+ let name = Libnames.string_of_reference ref in
+ let i, j = Loc.unloc (Libnames.loc_of_reference ref) in
+ let b, e = string_of_int i, string_of_int j in
+ Element("reference",["name", name; "begin", b; "end", e] ,[])
+let xmlRequire loc ?(attr=[]) xml = xmlWithLoc loc "require" attr xml
+let xmlImport loc ?(attr=[]) xml = xmlWithLoc loc "import" attr xml
+let xmlAddLoaPath loc ?(attr=[]) xml = xmlWithLoc loc "addloadpath" attr xml
+let xmlRemoveLoaPath loc ?(attr=[]) = xmlWithLoc loc "removeloadpath" attr
+let xmlAddMLPath loc ?(attr=[]) = xmlWithLoc loc "addmlpath" attr
+let xmlExtend loc xml = xmlWithLoc loc "extend" [] xml
+let xmlScope loc action ?(attr=[]) name xml =
+ xmlWithLoc loc "scope" (["name",name;"action",action] @ attr) xml
+let xmlProofMode loc name = xmlWithLoc loc "proofmode" ["name",name] []
+let xmlProof loc xml = xmlWithLoc loc "proof" [] xml
+let xmlRawTactic name rtac =
+ Element("rawtactic", ["name",name],
+ [PCData (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Pptactic.pr_raw_tactic rtac))])
+let xmlSectionSubsetDescr name ssd =
+ Element("sectionsubsetdescr",["name",name],
+ [PCData (Proof_using.to_string ssd)])
+let xmlDeclareMLModule loc s =
+ xmlWithLoc loc "declarexmlmodule" []
+ ( (fun x -> Element("path",["value",x],[])) s)
+(* tactics *)
+let xmlLtac loc xml = xmlWithLoc loc "ltac" [] xml
+(* toplevel commands *)
+let xmlGallina loc xml = xmlWithLoc loc "gallina" [] xml
+let xmlTODO loc x =
+ xmlWithLoc loc "todo" [] [PCData (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Ppvernac.pr_vernac x))]
+let string_of_name n =
+ match n with
+ | Anonymous -> "_"
+ | Name id -> Id.to_string id
+let string_of_glob_sort s =
+ match s with
+ | GProp -> "Prop"
+ | GSet -> "Set"
+ | GType _ -> "Type"
+let string_of_cast_sort c =
+ match c with
+ | CastConv _ -> "CastConv"
+ | CastVM _ -> "CastVM"
+ | CastNative _ -> "CastNative"
+ | CastCoerce -> "CastCoerce"
+let string_of_case_style s =
+ match s with
+ | LetStyle -> "Let"
+ | IfStyle -> "If"
+ | LetPatternStyle -> "LetPattern"
+ | MatchStyle -> "Match"
+ | RegularStyle -> "Regular"
+let attribute_of_syntax_modifier sm =
+match sm with
+ | SetItemLevel (sl, NumLevel n) ->
+ (fun s -> ("itemlevel", s)) sl @ ["level", string_of_int n]
+ | SetItemLevel (sl, NextLevel) ->
+ (fun s -> ("itemlevel", s)) sl @ ["level", "next"]
+ | SetLevel i -> ["level", string_of_int i]
+ | SetAssoc a ->
+ begin match a with
+ | NonA -> ["",""]
+ | RightA -> ["associativity", "right"]
+ | LeftA -> ["associativity", "left"]
+ end
+ | SetEntryType (s, _) -> ["entrytype", s]
+ | SetOnlyParsing v -> ["compat", Flags.pr_version v]
+ | SetFormat (system, (loc, s)) ->
+ let start, stop = unlock loc in
+ ["format-"^system, s; "begin", start; "end", stop]
+let string_of_assumption_kind l a many =
+ match l, a, many with
+ | (Discharge, Logical, true) -> "Hypotheses"
+ | (Discharge, Logical, false) -> "Hypothesis"
+ | (Discharge, Definitional, true) -> "Variables"
+ | (Discharge, Definitional, false) -> "Variable"
+ | (Global, Logical, true) -> "Axioms"
+ | (Global, Logical, false) -> "Axiom"
+ | (Global, Definitional, true) -> "Parameters"
+ | (Global, Definitional, false) -> "Parameter"
+ | (Local, Logical, true) -> "Local Axioms"
+ | (Local, Logical, false) -> "Local Axiom"
+ | (Local, Definitional, true) -> "Local Parameters"
+ | (Local, Definitional, false) -> "Local Parameter"
+ | (Global, Conjectural, _) -> "Conjecture"
+ | ((Discharge | Local), Conjectural, _) -> assert false
+let rec pp_bindlist bl =
+ let tlist =
+ List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun (loc_names, _, e) ->
+ let names =
+ (
+ (fun (loc, name) ->
+ xmlCst (string_of_name name) loc) loc_names) in
+ match e with
+ | CHole _ -> names
+ | _ -> names @ [pp_expr e])
+ bl) in
+ match tlist with
+ | [e] -> e
+ | l -> xmlTyped l
+and pp_decl_notation ((_, s), ce, sc) = (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ Element ("decl_notation", ["name", s], [pp_expr ce])
+and pp_local_binder lb = (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ match lb with
+ | LocalRawDef ((_, nam), ce) ->
+ let attrs = ["name", string_of_name nam] in
+ pp_expr ~attr:attrs ce
+ | LocalRawAssum (namll, _, ce) ->
+ let ppl =
+ (fun (loc, nam) -> (xmlCst (string_of_name nam) loc)) namll in
+ xmlTyped (ppl @ [pp_expr ce])
+and pp_local_decl_expr lde = (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ match lde with
+ | AssumExpr (_, ce) -> pp_expr ce
+ | DefExpr (_, ce, _) -> pp_expr ce
+and pp_inductive_expr ((_, (l, id)), lbl, ceo, _, cl_or_rdexpr) =
+ (* inductive_expr *)
+ let b,e = Loc.unloc l in
+ let location = ["begin", string_of_int b; "end", string_of_int e] in
+ [Element ("lident", ["name", Id.to_string id] @ location, [])] @ (* inductive name *)
+ begin match cl_or_rdexpr with
+ | Constructors coel -> (fun (_, (_, ce)) -> pp_expr ce) coel
+ | RecordDecl (_, ldewwwl) ->
+ (fun (((_, x), _), _) -> pp_local_decl_expr x) ldewwwl
+ end @
+ begin match ceo with (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ | Some ce -> [pp_expr ce]
+ | None -> []
+ end @
+ ( pp_local_binder lbl)
+and pp_recursion_order_expr optid roe = (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ let attrs =
+ match optid with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some (loc, id) ->
+ let start, stop = unlock loc in
+ ["begin", start; "end", stop ; "name", Id.to_string id] in
+ let kind, expr =
+ match roe with
+ | CStructRec -> "struct", []
+ | CWfRec e -> "rec", [pp_expr e]
+ | CMeasureRec (e, None) -> "mesrec", [pp_expr e]
+ | CMeasureRec (e, Some rel) -> "mesrec", [pp_expr e] @ [pp_expr rel] in
+ Element ("recursion_order", ["kind", kind] @ attrs, expr)
+and pp_fixpoint_expr ((loc, id), (optid, roe), lbl, ce, ceo) =
+ (* fixpoint_expr *)
+ let start, stop = unlock loc in
+ let id = Id.to_string id in
+ [Element ("lident", ["begin", start; "end", stop ; "name", id], [])] @
+ (* fixpoint name *)
+ [pp_recursion_order_expr optid roe] @
+ ( pp_local_binder lbl) @
+ [pp_expr ce] @
+ begin match ceo with (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ | Some ce -> [pp_expr ce]
+ | None -> []
+ end
+and pp_cofixpoint_expr ((loc, id), lbl, ce, ceo) = (* cofixpoint_expr *)
+ (* Nota: it is like fixpoint_expr without (optid, roe)
+ * so could be merged if there is no more differences *)
+ let start, stop = unlock loc in
+ let id = Id.to_string id in
+ [Element ("lident", ["begin", start; "end", stop ; "name", id], [])] @
+ (* cofixpoint name *)
+ ( pp_local_binder lbl) @
+ [pp_expr ce] @
+ begin match ceo with (* don't know what it is for now *)
+ | Some ce -> [pp_expr ce]
+ | None -> []
+ end
+and pp_lident (loc, id) = xmlCst (Id.to_string id) loc
+and pp_simple_binder (idl, ce) = pp_lident idl @ [pp_expr ce]
+and pp_cases_pattern_expr cpe =
+ match cpe with
+ | CPatAlias (loc, cpe, id) ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "alias" ~attr:["name", string_of_id id] loc ::
+ [pp_cases_pattern_expr cpe])
+ | CPatCstr (loc, ref, cpel1, cpel2) ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "reference"
+ ~attr:["name", Libnames.string_of_reference ref] loc ::
+ [Element ("impargs", [], ( pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel1));
+ Element ("args", [], ( pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel2))])
+ | CPatAtom (loc, optr) ->
+ let attrs = match optr with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some r -> ["name", Libnames.string_of_reference r] in
+ xmlApply loc (xmlOperator "atom" ~attr:attrs loc :: [])
+ | CPatOr (loc, cpel) ->
+ xmlApply loc (xmlOperator "or" loc :: pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel)
+ | CPatNotation (loc, n, (subst_constr, subst_rec), cpel) ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "notation" loc ::
+ [xmlOperator n loc;
+ Element ("subst", [],
+ [Element ("subterms", [],
+ pp_cases_pattern_expr subst_constr);
+ Element ("recsubterms", [],
+ (fun (cpel) ->
+ Element ("recsubterm", [],
+ pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel))
+ subst_rec)]);
+ Element ("args", [], ( pp_cases_pattern_expr cpel))])
+ | CPatPrim (loc, tok) -> pp_token loc tok
+ | CPatRecord (loc, rcl) ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "record" loc ::
+ (fun (r, cpe) ->
+ Element ("field",
+ ["reference", Libnames.string_of_reference r],
+ [pp_cases_pattern_expr cpe]))
+ rcl)
+ | CPatDelimiters (loc, delim, cpe) ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "delimiter" ~attr:["name", delim] loc ::
+ [pp_cases_pattern_expr cpe])
+and pp_case_expr (e, (name, pat)) =
+ match name, pat with
+ | None, None -> xmlScrutinee [pp_expr e]
+ | Some (loc, name), None ->
+ let start, stop= unlock loc in
+ xmlScrutinee ~attr:["name", string_of_name name;
+ "begin", start; "end", stop] [pp_expr e]
+ | Some (loc, name), Some p ->
+ let start, stop= unlock loc in
+ xmlScrutinee ~attr:["name", string_of_name name;
+ "begin", start; "end", stop]
+ [Element ("in", [], [pp_cases_pattern_expr p]) ; pp_expr e]
+ | None, Some p ->
+ xmlScrutinee [Element ("in", [], [pp_cases_pattern_expr p]) ; pp_expr e]
+and pp_branch_expr_list bel =
+ xmlWith
+ (
+ (fun (_, cpel, e) ->
+ let ppcepl =
+ pp_cases_pattern_expr (List.flatten ( snd cpel)) in
+ let ppe = [pp_expr e] in
+ xmlCase (ppcepl @ ppe))
+ bel)
+and pp_token loc tok =
+ let tokstr =
+ match tok with
+ | String s -> PCData s
+ | Numeral n -> PCData (to_string n) in
+ xmlToken loc [tokstr]
+and pp_local_binder_list lbl =
+ let l = ( pp_local_binder lbl) in
+ Element ("recurse", (backstep_loc l), l)
+and pp_const_expr_list cel =
+ let l = pp_expr cel in
+ Element ("recurse", (backstep_loc l), l)
+and pp_expr ?(attr=[]) e =
+ match e with
+ | CRef (r, _) ->
+ xmlCst ~attr
+ (Libnames.string_of_reference r) (Libnames.loc_of_reference r)
+ | CProdN (loc, bl, e) ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "forall" loc :: [pp_bindlist bl] @ [pp_expr e])
+ | CApp (loc, (_, hd), args) ->
+ xmlApply ~attr loc (pp_expr hd :: (fun (e,_) -> pp_expr e) args)
+ | CAppExpl (loc, (_, r, _), args) ->
+ xmlApply ~attr loc
+ (xmlCst (Libnames.string_of_reference r)
+ (Libnames.loc_of_reference r) :: pp_expr args)
+ | CNotation (loc, notation, ([],[],[])) ->
+ xmlOperator notation loc
+ | CNotation (loc, notation, (args, cell, lbll)) ->
+ let fmts = Notation.find_notation_extra_printing_rules notation in
+ let oper = xmlOperator notation loc ~pprules:fmts in
+ let cels = pp_const_expr_list cell in
+ let lbls = pp_local_binder_list lbll in
+ let args = pp_expr args in
+ xmlApply loc (oper :: (List.sort compare_begin_att (args @ cels @ lbls)))
+ | CSort(loc, s) ->
+ xmlOperator (string_of_glob_sort s) loc
+ | CDelimiters (loc, scope, ce) ->
+ xmlApply loc (xmlOperator "delimiter" ~attr:["name", scope] loc ::
+ [pp_expr ce])
+ | CPrim (loc, tok) -> pp_token loc tok
+ | CGeneralization (loc, kind, _, e) ->
+ let kind= match kind with
+ | Explicit -> "explicit"
+ | Implicit -> "implicit" in
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "generalization" ~attr:["kind", kind] loc :: [pp_expr e])
+ | CCast (loc, e, tc) ->
+ begin match tc with
+ | CastConv t | CastVM t |CastNative t ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator ":" loc ~attr:["kind", (string_of_cast_sort tc)] ::
+ [pp_expr e; pp_expr t])
+ | CastCoerce ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator ":" loc ~attr:["kind", "CastCoerce"] ::
+ [pp_expr e])
+ end
+ | CEvar (loc, ek, cel) ->
+ let ppcel = (fun (id,e) -> xmlAssign id (pp_expr e)) cel in
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "evar" loc ~attr:["id", string_of_id ek] ::
+ ppcel)
+ | CPatVar (loc, id) -> xmlPatvar (string_of_id id) loc
+ | CHole (loc, _, _, _) -> xmlCst ~attr "_" loc
+ | CIf (loc, test, (_, ret), th, el) ->
+ let return = match ret with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some r -> [xmlReturn [pp_expr r]] in
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "if" loc ::
+ return @ [pp_expr th] @ [pp_expr el])
+ | CLetTuple (loc, names, (_, ret), value, body) ->
+ let return = match ret with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some r -> [xmlReturn [pp_expr r]] in
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "lettuple" loc ::
+ return @
+ ( (fun (loc, var) -> xmlCst (string_of_name var) loc) names) @
+ [pp_expr value; pp_expr body])
+ | CCases (loc, sty, ret, cel, bel) ->
+ let return = match ret with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some r -> [xmlReturn [pp_expr r]] in
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "match" loc ~attr:["style", (string_of_case_style sty)] ::
+ (return @
+ [Element ("scrutinees", [], pp_case_expr cel)] @
+ [pp_branch_expr_list bel]))
+ | CRecord (_, _, _) -> assert false
+ | CLetIn (loc, (varloc, var), value, body) ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "let" loc ::
+ [xmlCst (string_of_name var) varloc; pp_expr value; pp_expr body])
+ | CLambdaN (loc, bl, e) ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "lambda" loc :: [pp_bindlist bl] @ [pp_expr e])
+ | CCoFix (_, _, _) -> assert false
+ | CFix (loc, lid, fel) ->
+ xmlApply loc
+ (xmlOperator "fix" loc ::
+ List.flatten (
+ (fun (a,b,cl,c,d) -> pp_fixpoint_expr (a,b,cl,c,Some d))
+ fel))
+let pp_comment (c) =
+ match c with
+ | CommentConstr e -> [pp_expr e]
+ | CommentString s -> [Element ("string", [], [PCData s])]
+ | CommentInt i -> [PCData (string_of_int i)]
+let rec tmpp v loc =
+ match v with
+ (* Control *)
+ | VernacLoad (verbose,f) ->
+ xmlWithLoc loc "load" ["verbose",string_of_bool verbose;"file",f] []
+ | VernacTime l ->
+ xmlApply loc (Element("time",[],[]) ::
+ (fun(loc,e) ->tmpp e loc) l)
+ | VernacTimeout (s,e) ->
+ xmlApply loc (Element("timeout",["val",string_of_int s],[]) ::
+ [tmpp e loc])
+ | VernacFail e -> xmlApply loc (Element("fail",[],[]) :: [tmpp e loc])
+ | VernacError _ -> xmlWithLoc loc "error" [] []
+ (* Syntax *)
+ | VernacTacticNotation _ as x ->
+ xmlLtac loc [PCData (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Ppvernac.pr_vernac x))]
+ | VernacSyntaxExtension (_, ((_, name), sml)) ->
+ let attrs = List.flatten ( attribute_of_syntax_modifier sml) in
+ xmlReservedNotation attrs name loc
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope (_,(true,name)) -> xmlScope loc "open" name []
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope (_,(false,name)) -> xmlScope loc "close" name []
+ | VernacDelimiters (name,tag) ->
+ xmlScope loc "delimit" name ~attr:["delimiter",tag] []
+ | VernacBindScope (name,l) ->
+ xmlScope loc "bind" name
+ ( (function
+ | ByNotation(loc,name,None) -> xmlNotation [] name loc []
+ | ByNotation(loc,name,Some d) ->
+ xmlNotation ["delimiter",d] name loc []
+ | AN ref -> xmlReference ref) l)
+ | VernacInfix (_,((_,name),sml),ce,sn) ->
+ let attrs = List.flatten ( attribute_of_syntax_modifier sml) in
+ let sc_attr =
+ match sn with
+ | Some scope -> ["scope", scope]
+ | None -> [] in
+ xmlNotation (sc_attr @ attrs) name loc [pp_expr ce]
+ | VernacNotation (_, ce, (lstr, sml), sn) ->
+ let name = snd lstr in
+ let attrs = List.flatten ( attribute_of_syntax_modifier sml) in
+ let sc_attr =
+ match sn with
+ | Some scope -> ["scope", scope]
+ | None -> [] in
+ xmlNotation (sc_attr @ attrs) name loc [pp_expr ce]
+ | VernacNotationAddFormat _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacUniverse _
+ | VernacConstraint _
+ | VernacPolymorphic (_, _) as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ (* Gallina *)
+ | VernacDefinition (ldk, (_,id), de) ->
+ let l, dk =
+ match ldk with
+ | Some l, dk -> (l, dk)
+ | None, dk -> (Global, dk) in (* Like in, l 585 *)
+ let e =
+ match de with
+ | ProveBody (_, ce) -> ce
+ | DefineBody (_, Some _, ce, None) -> ce
+ | DefineBody (_, None , ce, None) -> ce
+ | DefineBody (_, Some _, ce, Some _) -> ce
+ | DefineBody (_, None , ce, Some _) -> ce in
+ let str_dk = Kindops.string_of_definition_kind (l, false, dk) in
+ let str_id = Id.to_string id in
+ (xmlDef str_dk str_id loc [pp_expr e])
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof (tk, [ Some (_,id), ([], statement, None) ], b) ->
+ let str_tk = Kindops.string_of_theorem_kind tk in
+ let str_id = Id.to_string id in
+ (xmlThm str_tk str_id loc [pp_expr statement])
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacEndProof pe ->
+ begin
+ match pe with
+ | Admitted -> xmlQed loc
+ | Proved (_, Some ((_, id), Some tk)) ->
+ let nam = Id.to_string id in
+ let typ = Kindops.string_of_theorem_kind tk in
+ xmlQed ~attr:["name", nam; "type", typ] loc
+ | Proved (_, Some ((_, id), None)) ->
+ let nam = Id.to_string id in
+ xmlQed ~attr:["name", nam] loc
+ | Proved _ -> xmlQed loc
+ end
+ | VernacExactProof _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacAssumption ((l, a), _, sbwcl) ->
+ let many =
+ List.length (List.flatten ( fst ( snd sbwcl))) > 1 in
+ let exprs =
+ List.flatten ( pp_simple_binder ( snd sbwcl)) in
+ let l = match l with Some x -> x | None -> Decl_kinds.Global in
+ let kind = string_of_assumption_kind l a many in
+ xmlAssumption kind loc exprs
+ | VernacInductive (_, _, iednll) ->
+ let kind =
+ let (_, _, _, k, _),_ = List.hd iednll in
+ begin
+ match k with
+ | Record -> "Record"
+ | Structure -> "Structure"
+ | Inductive_kw -> "Inductive"
+ | CoInductive -> "CoInductive"
+ | Class _ -> "Class"
+ | Variant -> "Variant"
+ end in
+ let exprs =
+ List.flatten (* should probably not be flattened *)
+ (
+ (fun (ie, dnl) -> (pp_inductive_expr ie) @
+ ( pp_decl_notation dnl)) iednll) in
+ xmlInductive kind loc exprs
+ | VernacFixpoint (_, fednll) ->
+ let exprs =
+ List.flatten (* should probably not be flattened *)
+ (
+ (fun (fe, dnl) -> (pp_fixpoint_expr fe) @
+ ( pp_decl_notation dnl)) fednll) in
+ xmlFixpoint exprs
+ | VernacCoFixpoint (_, cfednll) ->
+ (* Nota: it is like VernacFixpoint without so could be merged *)
+ let exprs =
+ List.flatten (* should probably not be flattened *)
+ (
+ (fun (cfe, dnl) -> (pp_cofixpoint_expr cfe) @
+ ( pp_decl_notation dnl)) cfednll) in
+ xmlCoFixpoint exprs
+ | VernacScheme _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacCombinedScheme _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ (* Gallina extensions *)
+ | VernacBeginSection (_, id) -> xmlBeginSection loc (Id.to_string id)
+ | VernacEndSegment (_, id) -> xmlEndSegment loc (Id.to_string id)
+ | VernacNameSectionHypSet _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacRequire (None,l) ->
+ xmlRequire loc ( (fun ref ->
+ xmlReference ref) l)
+ | VernacRequire (Some true,l) ->
+ xmlRequire loc ~attr:["export","true"] ( (fun ref ->
+ xmlReference ref) l)
+ | VernacRequire (Some false,l) ->
+ xmlRequire loc ~attr:["import","true"] ( (fun ref ->
+ xmlReference ref) l)
+ | VernacImport (true,l) ->
+ xmlImport loc ~attr:["export","true"] ( (fun ref ->
+ xmlReference ref) l)
+ | VernacImport (false,l) ->
+ xmlImport loc ( (fun ref ->
+ xmlReference ref) l)
+ | VernacCanonical r ->
+ let attr =
+ match r with
+ | AN (Qualid (_, q)) -> ["qualid", string_of_qualid q]
+ | AN (Ident (_, id)) -> ["id", Id.to_string id]
+ | ByNotation (_, s, _) -> ["notation", s] in
+ xmlCanonicalStructure attr loc
+ | VernacCoercion _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacIdentityCoercion _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ (* Type classes *)
+ | VernacInstance _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacContext _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacDeclareInstances _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacDeclareClass _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ (* Modules and Module Types *)
+ | VernacDeclareModule _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacDefineModule _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacDeclareModuleType _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacInclude _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ (* Solving *)
+ | (VernacSolve _ | VernacSolveExistential _) as x ->
+ xmlLtac loc [PCData (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Ppvernac.pr_vernac x))]
+ (* Auxiliary file and library management *)
+ | VernacAddLoadPath (recf,name,None) ->
+ xmlAddLoaPath loc ~attr:["rec",string_of_bool recf;"path",name] []
+ | VernacAddLoadPath (recf,name,Some dp) ->
+ xmlAddLoaPath loc ~attr:["rec",string_of_bool recf;"path",name]
+ [PCData (Names.DirPath.to_string dp)]
+ | VernacRemoveLoadPath name -> xmlRemoveLoaPath loc ~attr:["path",name] []
+ | VernacAddMLPath (recf,name) ->
+ xmlAddMLPath loc ~attr:["rec",string_of_bool recf;"path",name] []
+ | VernacDeclareMLModule sl -> xmlDeclareMLModule loc sl
+ | VernacChdir _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ (* State management *)
+ | VernacWriteState _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacRestoreState _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ (* Resetting *)
+ | VernacResetName _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacResetInitial as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacBack _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacBackTo _ -> PCData "VernacBackTo"
+ (* Commands *)
+ | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacCreateHintDb _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacRemoveHints _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacHints _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacSyntacticDefinition ((_, name), (idl, ce), _, _) ->
+ let name = Id.to_string name in
+ let attrs = (fun id -> ("id", Id.to_string id)) idl in
+ xmlNotation attrs name loc [pp_expr ce]
+ | VernacDeclareImplicits _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacArguments _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacArgumentsScope _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacReserve _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacGeneralizable _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacSetOpacity _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacSetStrategy _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacUnsetOption _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacSetOption _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacAddOption _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacRemoveOption _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacMemOption _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacPrintOption _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacCheckMayEval (_,_,e) -> xmlCheck loc [pp_expr e]
+ | VernacGlobalCheck _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacDeclareReduction _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacPrint _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacSearch _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacLocate _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacRegister _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacComments (cl) ->
+ xmlComment loc (List.flatten ( pp_comment cl))
+ | VernacNop as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ (* Stm backdoor *)
+ | VernacStm _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ (* Proof management *)
+ | VernacGoal _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacAbort _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacAbortAll -> PCData "VernacAbortAll"
+ | VernacRestart as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacUndo _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacUndoTo _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacBacktrack _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacFocus _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacUnfocus as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacUnfocused as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacBullet _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacSubproof _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacEndSubproof as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacShow _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacCheckGuard as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ | VernacProof (tac,using) ->
+ let tac = (xmlRawTactic "closingtactic") tac in
+ let using = (xmlSectionSubsetDescr "using") using in
+ xmlProof loc (Option.List.(cons tac (cons using [])))
+ | VernacProofMode name -> xmlProofMode loc name
+ (* Toplevel control *)
+ | VernacToplevelControl _ as x -> xmlTODO loc x
+ (* For extension *)
+ | VernacExtend _ as x ->
+ xmlExtend loc [PCData (Pp.string_of_ppcmds (Ppvernac.pr_vernac x))]
+ (* Flags *)
+ | VernacProgram e -> xmlApply loc (Element("program",[],[]) :: [tmpp e loc])
+ | VernacLocal (b,e) ->
+ xmlApply loc (Element("local",["flag",string_of_bool b],[]) ::
+ [tmpp e loc])
+let tmpp v loc =
+ match tmpp v loc with
+ | Element("ltac",_,_) as x -> x
+ | xml -> xmlGallina loc [xml]
diff --git a/stm/texmacspp.mli b/stm/texmacspp.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..58dec8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/texmacspp.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Xml_datatype
+open Vernacexpr
+val tmpp : vernac_expr -> Loc.t -> xml
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dfcbc19a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Pp
+open Errors
+module type S = sig
+ module Branch :
+ sig
+ type t
+ val make : string -> t
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ val master : t
+ end
+ type id
+ (* Branches have [branch_info] attached to them. *)
+ type ('kind) branch_info = {
+ kind : [> `Master] as 'kind;
+ root : id;
+ pos : id;
+ }
+ type ('kind,'diff,'info) t constraint 'kind = [> `Master ]
+ val empty : id -> ('kind,'diff,'info) t
+ val current_branch : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t
+ val branches : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t list
+ val get_branch : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t -> 'k branch_info
+ val reset_branch : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t -> id -> ('k,'e,'i) t
+ val branch :
+ ('kind,'e,'i) t -> ?root:id -> ?pos:id ->
+ Branch.t -> 'kind -> ('kind,'e,'i) t
+ val delete_branch : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t -> ('k,'e,'i) t
+ val merge :
+ ('k,'diff,'i) t -> id -> ours:'diff -> theirs:'diff -> ?into:Branch.t ->
+ Branch.t -> ('k,'diff,'i) t
+ val commit : ('k,'diff,'i) t -> id -> 'diff -> ('k,'diff,'i) t
+ val rewrite_merge :
+ ('k,'diff,'i) t -> id -> ours:'diff -> theirs:'diff -> at:id ->
+ Branch.t -> ('k,'diff,'i) t
+ val checkout : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t -> ('k,'e,'i) t
+ val set_info : ('k,'e,'info) t -> id -> 'info -> ('k,'e,'info) t
+ val get_info : ('k,'e,'info) t -> id -> 'info option
+ module NodeSet : Set.S with type elt = id
+ val gc : ('k,'e,'info) t -> ('k,'e,'info) t * NodeSet.t
+ val reachable : ('k,'e,'info) t -> id -> NodeSet.t
+ module Dag : Dag.S with type node = id
+ val dag : ('kind,'diff,'info) t -> ('diff,'info,id*id) Dag.t
+ val create_cluster : ('k,'e,'i) t -> id list -> (id * id) -> ('k,'e,'i) t
+ val cluster_of : ('k,'e,'i) t -> id -> (id * id) Dag.Cluster.t option
+ val delete_cluster : ('k,'e,'i) t -> (id * id) Dag.Cluster.t -> ('k,'e,'i) t
+module Make(OT : Map.OrderedType) = struct
+module Dag = Dag.Make(OT)
+type id = OT.t
+module NodeSet = Dag.NodeSet
+module Branch =
+ type t = string
+ let make =
+ let bid = ref 0 in
+ fun s -> incr bid; string_of_int !bid ^ "_" ^ s
+ let equal = CString.equal
+ let compare =
+ let to_string s = s
+ let master = "master"
+module BranchMap = Map.Make(Branch)
+type 'kind branch_info = {
+ kind : [> `Master] as 'kind;
+ root : id;
+ pos : id;
+type ('kind,'edge,'info) t = {
+ cur_branch : Branch.t;
+ heads : 'kind branch_info BranchMap.t;
+ dag : ('edge,'info,id*id) Dag.t;
+let empty root = {
+ cur_branch = Branch.master;
+ heads = BranchMap.singleton Branch.master { root = root; pos = root; kind = `Master };
+ dag = Dag.empty;
+let add_node vcs id edges =
+ assert (not (CList.is_empty edges));
+ { vcs with dag =
+ List.fold_left (fun g (t,tgt) -> Dag.add_edge g id t tgt) vcs.dag edges }
+let get_branch vcs head =
+ try BranchMap.find head vcs.heads
+ with Not_found -> anomaly (str"head " ++ str head ++ str" not found")
+let reset_branch vcs head id =
+ let map name h =
+ if Branch.equal name head then { h with pos = id } else h
+ in
+ { vcs with heads = BranchMap.mapi map vcs.heads; }
+let current_branch vcs = vcs.cur_branch
+let branch
+ vcs ?(root=(get_branch vcs vcs.cur_branch).pos) ?(pos=root) name kind
+ { vcs with
+ heads = BranchMap.add name { kind; root; pos } vcs.heads;
+ cur_branch = name }
+let delete_branch vcs name =
+ if Branch.equal Branch.master name then vcs else
+ let filter n _ = not (Branch.equal n name) in
+ { vcs with heads = BranchMap.filter filter vcs.heads }
+let merge vcs id ~ours:tr1 ~theirs:tr2 ?(into = vcs.cur_branch) name =
+ assert (not (Branch.equal name into));
+ let br_id = (get_branch vcs name).pos in
+ let cur_id = (get_branch vcs into).pos in
+ let vcs = add_node vcs id [tr1,cur_id; tr2,br_id] in
+ let vcs = reset_branch vcs into id in
+ vcs
+let del_edge id vcs tgt = { vcs with dag = Dag.del_edge vcs.dag id tgt }
+let rewrite_merge vcs id ~ours:tr1 ~theirs:tr2 ~at:cur_id name =
+ let br_id = (get_branch vcs name).pos in
+ let old_edges = fst (Dag.from_node vcs.dag id) in
+ let vcs = List.fold_left (del_edge id) vcs old_edges in
+ let vcs = add_node vcs id [tr1,cur_id; tr2,br_id] in
+ vcs
+let commit vcs id tr =
+ let vcs = add_node vcs id [tr, (get_branch vcs vcs.cur_branch).pos] in
+ let vcs = reset_branch vcs vcs.cur_branch id in
+ vcs
+let checkout vcs name = { vcs with cur_branch = name }
+let set_info vcs id info = { vcs with dag = Dag.set_info vcs.dag id info }
+let get_info vcs id = Dag.get_info vcs.dag id
+let create_cluster vcs l i = { vcs with dag = Dag.create_cluster vcs.dag l i }
+let cluster_of vcs i = Dag.cluster_of vcs.dag i
+let delete_cluster vcs c = { vcs with dag = Dag.del_cluster vcs.dag c }
+let branches vcs = BranchMap.fold (fun x _ accu -> x :: accu) vcs.heads []
+let dag vcs = vcs.dag
+let rec closure s d n =
+ let l = try Dag.from_node d n with Not_found -> [] in
+ List.fold_left (fun s (n',_) ->
+ if Dag.NodeSet.mem n' s then s
+ else closure s d n')
+ (Dag.NodeSet.add n s) l
+let reachable vcs i = closure Dag.NodeSet.empty vcs.dag i
+let gc vcs =
+ let alive =
+ BranchMap.fold (fun b { pos } s -> closure s vcs.dag pos)
+ vcs.heads Dag.NodeSet.empty in
+ let dead = Dag.NodeSet.diff (Dag.all_nodes vcs.dag) alive in
+ { vcs with dag = Dag.del_nodes vcs.dag dead }, dead
diff --git a/stm/vcs.mli b/stm/vcs.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb79d02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/vcs.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* This module builds a VCS like interface on top of Dag, used to build
+ a Dag instance by the State Transaction Machine.
+ This data structure does not hold system states:
+ - Edges are meant to hold a diff.
+ The delta between two states, or equivalent data like a vernac_expr whose
+ execution corresponds to the application of the diff.
+ - Nodes are empty, unless one adds explicit info.
+ The info could be a system state, obtaind by applying all the diffs
+ from the initial state, but is not necessarily there.
+ As a consequence, "checkout" just updates the current branch.
+ The type [id] is the type of commits (a node in the dag)
+ The type [Vcs.t] has 3 parameters:
+ ['info] data attached to a node (like a system state)
+ ['diff] data attached to an edge (the commit content, a "patch")
+ ['kind] extra data attached to a branch (like being the master branch)
+module type S = sig
+ module Branch :
+ sig
+ type t
+ val make : string -> t
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ val master : t
+ end
+ type id
+ type ('kind) branch_info = {
+ kind : [> `Master] as 'kind;
+ root : id;
+ pos : id;
+ }
+ type ('kind,'diff,'info) t constraint 'kind = [> `Master ]
+ val empty : id -> ('kind,'diff,'info) t
+ val current_branch : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t
+ val branches : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t list
+ val get_branch : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t -> 'k branch_info
+ val reset_branch : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t -> id -> ('k,'e,'i) t
+ val branch :
+ ('kind,'e,'i) t -> ?root:id -> ?pos:id ->
+ Branch.t -> 'kind -> ('kind,'e,'i) t
+ val delete_branch : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t -> ('k,'e,'i) t
+ val merge :
+ ('k,'diff,'i) t -> id -> ours:'diff -> theirs:'diff -> ?into:Branch.t ->
+ Branch.t -> ('k,'diff,'i) t
+ val commit : ('k,'diff,'i) t -> id -> 'diff -> ('k,'diff,'i) t
+ val rewrite_merge :
+ ('k,'diff,'i) t -> id -> ours:'diff -> theirs:'diff -> at:id ->
+ Branch.t -> ('k,'diff,'i) t
+ val checkout : ('k,'e,'i) t -> Branch.t -> ('k,'e,'i) t
+ val set_info : ('k,'e,'info) t -> id -> 'info -> ('k,'e,'info) t
+ val get_info : ('k,'e,'info) t -> id -> 'info option
+ module NodeSet : Set.S with type elt = id
+ (* Removes all unreachable nodes and returns them *)
+ val gc : ('k,'e,'info) t -> ('k,'e,'info) t * NodeSet.t
+ val reachable : ('k,'e,'info) t -> id -> NodeSet.t
+ (* read only dag *)
+ module Dag : Dag.S with type node = id
+ val dag : ('kind,'diff,'info) t -> ('diff,'info,id * id) Dag.t
+ val create_cluster : ('k,'e,'i) t -> id list -> (id * id) -> ('k,'e,'i) t
+ val cluster_of : ('k,'e,'i) t -> id -> (id * id) Dag.Cluster.t option
+ val delete_cluster : ('k,'e,'i) t -> (id * id) Dag.Cluster.t -> ('k,'e,'i) t
+module Make(OT : Map.OrderedType) : S with type id = OT.t
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e9302bb7
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+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Vernacexpr
+open Errors
+open Pp
+let string_of_in_script b = if b then " (inside script)" else ""
+let string_of_vernac_type = function
+ | VtUnknown -> "Unknown"
+ | VtStartProof _ -> "StartProof"
+ | VtSideff _ -> "Sideff"
+ | VtQed VtKeep -> "Qed(keep)"
+ | VtQed VtKeepAsAxiom -> "Qed(admitted)"
+ | VtQed VtDrop -> "Qed(drop)"
+ | VtProofStep false -> "ProofStep"
+ | VtProofStep true -> "ProofStep (parallel)"
+ | VtProofMode s -> "ProofMode " ^ s
+ | VtQuery (b,(id,route)) ->
+ "Query " ^ string_of_in_script b ^ " report " ^ Stateid.to_string id ^
+ " route " ^ string_of_int route
+ | VtStm ((VtFinish|VtJoinDocument|VtObserve _|VtPrintDag|VtWait), b) ->
+ "Stm " ^ string_of_in_script b
+ | VtStm (VtPG, b) -> "Stm PG " ^ string_of_in_script b
+ | VtStm (VtBack _, b) -> "Stm Back " ^ string_of_in_script b
+let string_of_vernac_when = function
+ | VtLater -> "Later"
+ | VtNow -> "Now"
+let string_of_vernac_classification (t,w) =
+ string_of_vernac_type t ^ " " ^ string_of_vernac_when w
+let classifiers = ref []
+let declare_vernac_classifier
+ (s : Vernacexpr.extend_name)
+ (f : Genarg.raw_generic_argument list -> unit -> vernac_classification)
+ classifiers := !classifiers @ [s,f]
+let elide_part_of_script_and_now (a, _) =
+ match a with
+ | VtQuery (_,id) -> VtQuery (false,id), VtNow
+ | VtStm (x, _) -> VtStm (x, false), VtNow
+ | x -> x, VtNow
+let make_polymorphic (a, b as x) =
+ match a with
+ | VtStartProof (x, _, ids) ->
+ VtStartProof (x, Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity, ids), b
+ | _ -> x
+let undo_classifier = ref (fun _ -> assert false)
+let set_undo_classifier f = undo_classifier := f
+let rec classify_vernac e =
+ let rec static_classifier e = match e with
+ (* PG compatibility *)
+ | VernacUnsetOption (["Silent"]|["Undo"]|["Printing";"Depth"])
+ | VernacSetOption ((["Silent"]|["Undo"]|["Printing";"Depth"]),_)
+ when !Flags.print_emacs -> VtStm(VtPG,false), VtNow
+ (* Stm *)
+ | VernacStm Finish -> VtStm (VtFinish, true), VtNow
+ | VernacStm Wait -> VtStm (VtWait, true), VtNow
+ | VernacStm JoinDocument -> VtStm (VtJoinDocument, true), VtNow
+ | VernacStm PrintDag -> VtStm (VtPrintDag, true), VtNow
+ | VernacStm (Observe id) -> VtStm (VtObserve id, true), VtNow
+ | VernacStm (Command x) -> elide_part_of_script_and_now (classify_vernac x)
+ | VernacStm (PGLast x) -> fst (classify_vernac x), VtNow
+ (* Nested vernac exprs *)
+ | VernacProgram e -> classify_vernac e
+ | VernacLocal (_,e) -> classify_vernac e
+ | VernacPolymorphic (b, e) ->
+ if b || Flags.is_universe_polymorphism () (* Ok or not? *) then
+ make_polymorphic (classify_vernac e)
+ else classify_vernac e
+ | VernacTimeout (_,e) -> classify_vernac e
+ | VernacTime e -> classify_vernac_list e
+ | VernacFail e -> (* Fail Qed or Fail Lemma must not join/fork the DAG *)
+ (match classify_vernac e with
+ | ( VtQuery _ | VtProofStep _ | VtSideff _
+ | VtStm _ | VtProofMode _ ), _ as x -> x
+ | VtQed _, _ -> VtProofStep false, VtNow
+ | (VtStartProof _ | VtUnknown), _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow)
+ (* Qed *)
+ | VernacAbort _ -> VtQed VtDrop, VtLater
+ | VernacEndProof Admitted -> VtQed VtKeepAsAxiom, VtLater
+ | VernacEndProof _ | VernacExactProof _ -> VtQed VtKeep, VtLater
+ (* Query *)
+ | VernacShow _ | VernacPrint _ | VernacSearch _ | VernacLocate _
+ | VernacCheckMayEval _ ->
+ VtQuery (true,(Stateid.dummy,Feedback.default_route)), VtLater
+ (* ProofStep *)
+ | VernacSolve (SelectAllParallel,_,_,_) -> VtProofStep true, VtLater
+ | VernacProof _
+ | VernacBullet _
+ | VernacFocus _ | VernacUnfocus
+ | VernacSubproof _ | VernacEndSubproof
+ | VernacSolve _
+ | VernacCheckGuard
+ | VernacUnfocused
+ | VernacSolveExistential _ -> VtProofStep false, VtLater
+ (* Options changing parser *)
+ | VernacUnsetOption (["Default";"Proof";"Using"])
+ | VernacSetOption (["Default";"Proof";"Using"],_) -> VtSideff [], VtNow
+ (* StartProof *)
+ | VernacDefinition (
+ (Some Decl_kinds.Discharge,Decl_kinds.Definition),(_,i),ProveBody _) ->
+ VtStartProof("Classic",Doesn'tGuaranteeOpacity,[i]), VtLater
+ | VernacDefinition (_,(_,i),ProveBody _) ->
+ VtStartProof("Classic",GuaranteesOpacity,[i]), VtLater
+ | VernacStartTheoremProof (_,l,_) ->
+ let ids =
+ CList.map_filter (function (Some(_,i), _) -> Some i | _ -> None) l in
+ VtStartProof ("Classic",GuaranteesOpacity,ids), VtLater
+ | VernacGoal _ -> VtStartProof ("Classic",GuaranteesOpacity,[]), VtLater
+ | VernacFixpoint (_,l) ->
+ let ids, open_proof =
+ List.fold_left (fun (l,b) (((_,id),_,_,_,p),_) ->
+ id::l, b || p = None) ([],false) l in
+ if open_proof
+ then VtStartProof ("Classic",GuaranteesOpacity,ids), VtLater
+ else VtSideff ids, VtLater
+ | VernacCoFixpoint (_,l) ->
+ let ids, open_proof =
+ List.fold_left (fun (l,b) (((_,id),_,_,p),_) ->
+ id::l, b || p = None) ([],false) l in
+ if open_proof
+ then VtStartProof ("Classic",GuaranteesOpacity,ids), VtLater
+ else VtSideff ids, VtLater
+ (* Sideff: apply to all open branches. usually run on master only *)
+ | VernacAssumption (_,_,l) ->
+ let ids = List.flatten ( (fun (_,(l,_)) -> snd l) l) in
+ VtSideff ids, VtLater
+ | VernacDefinition (_,(_,id),DefineBody _) -> VtSideff [id], VtLater
+ | VernacInductive (_,_,l) ->
+ let ids = (fun (((_,(_,id)),_,_,_,cl),_) -> id :: match cl with
+ | Constructors l -> (fun (_,((_,id),_)) -> id) l
+ | RecordDecl (oid,l) -> (match oid with Some (_,x) -> [x] | _ -> []) @
+ CList.map_filter (function
+ | ((_,AssumExpr((_,Names.Name n),_)),_),_ -> Some n
+ | _ -> None) l) l in
+ VtSideff (List.flatten ids), VtLater
+ | VernacScheme l ->
+ let ids = snd (CList.map_filter (fun (x,_) -> x) l) in
+ VtSideff ids, VtLater
+ | VernacCombinedScheme ((_,id),_) -> VtSideff [id], VtLater
+ | VernacUniverse _ | VernacConstraint _
+ | VernacBeginSection _
+ | VernacCanonical _ | VernacCoercion _ | VernacIdentityCoercion _
+ | VernacAddLoadPath _ | VernacRemoveLoadPath _ | VernacAddMLPath _
+ | VernacChdir _
+ | VernacCreateHintDb _ | VernacRemoveHints _ | VernacHints _
+ | VernacDeclareImplicits _ | VernacArguments _ | VernacArgumentsScope _
+ | VernacReserve _
+ | VernacGeneralizable _
+ | VernacSetOpacity _ | VernacSetStrategy _
+ | VernacUnsetOption _ | VernacSetOption _
+ | VernacAddOption _ | VernacRemoveOption _
+ | VernacMemOption _ | VernacPrintOption _
+ | VernacGlobalCheck _
+ | VernacDeclareReduction _
+ | VernacDeclareClass _ | VernacDeclareInstances _
+ | VernacRegister _
+ | VernacDeclareTacticDefinition _
+ | VernacNameSectionHypSet _
+ | VernacComments _ -> VtSideff [], VtLater
+ (* Who knows *)
+ | VernacLoad _ -> VtSideff [], VtNow
+ (* (Local) Notations have to disappear *)
+ | VernacEndSegment _ -> VtSideff [], VtNow
+ (* Modules with parameters have to be executed: can import notations *)
+ | VernacDeclareModule (exp,(_,id),bl,_)
+ | VernacDefineModule (exp,(_,id),bl,_,_) ->
+ VtSideff [id], if bl = [] && exp = None then VtLater else VtNow
+ | VernacDeclareModuleType ((_,id),bl,_,_) ->
+ VtSideff [id], if bl = [] then VtLater else VtNow
+ (* These commands alter the parser *)
+ | VernacOpenCloseScope _ | VernacDelimiters _ | VernacBindScope _
+ | VernacInfix _ | VernacNotation _ | VernacNotationAddFormat _
+ | VernacSyntaxExtension _
+ | VernacSyntacticDefinition _
+ | VernacTacticNotation _
+ | VernacRequire _ | VernacImport _ | VernacInclude _
+ | VernacDeclareMLModule _
+ | VernacContext _ (* TASSI: unsure *)
+ | VernacProofMode _
+ (* These are ambiguous *)
+ | VernacInstance _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow
+ (* Stm will install a new classifier to handle these *)
+ | VernacBack _ | VernacAbortAll
+ | VernacUndoTo _ | VernacUndo _
+ | VernacResetName _ | VernacResetInitial
+ | VernacBacktrack _ | VernacBackTo _ | VernacRestart -> !undo_classifier e
+ (* What are these? *)
+ | VernacNop
+ | VernacToplevelControl _
+ | VernacRestoreState _
+ | VernacWriteState _ -> VtUnknown, VtNow
+ | VernacError _ -> assert false
+ (* Plugins should classify their commands *)
+ | VernacExtend (s,l) ->
+ try List.assoc s !classifiers l ()
+ with Not_found -> anomaly(str"No classifier for"++spc()++str (fst s))
+ and classify_vernac_list = function
+ (* spiwack: It would be better to define a monoid on classifiers.
+ So that the classifier of the list would be the composition of
+ the classifier of the individual commands. Currently: special
+ case for singleton lists.*)
+ | [_,c] -> static_classifier c
+ | l -> VtUnknown,VtNow
+ in
+ let res = static_classifier e in
+ if Flags.is_universe_polymorphism () then
+ make_polymorphic res
+ else res
+let classify_as_query =
+ VtQuery (true,(Stateid.dummy,Feedback.default_route)), VtLater
+let classify_as_sideeff = VtSideff [], VtLater
+let classify_as_proofstep = VtProofStep false, VtLater
diff --git a/stm/vernac_classifier.mli b/stm/vernac_classifier.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0680fe84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/vernac_classifier.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Vernacexpr
+open Genarg
+val string_of_vernac_classification : vernac_classification -> string
+(** What does a vernacular do *)
+val classify_vernac : vernac_expr -> vernac_classification
+(** Install a vernacular classifier for VernacExtend *)
+val declare_vernac_classifier :
+ Vernacexpr.extend_name -> (raw_generic_argument list -> unit -> vernac_classification) -> unit
+(** Set by Stm *)
+val set_undo_classifier : (vernac_expr -> vernac_classification) -> unit
+(** Standard constant classifiers *)
+val classify_as_query : vernac_classification
+val classify_as_sideeff : vernac_classification
+val classify_as_proofstep : vernac_classification
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..84df3ecd
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+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Util
+let check_vio (ts,f) =
+ Dumpglob.noglob ();
+ let long_f_dot_v, _, _, _, tasks, _ = Library.load_library_todo f in
+ Stm.set_compilation_hints long_f_dot_v;
+ List.fold_left (fun acc ids -> Stm.check_task f tasks ids && acc) true ts
+module Worker = Spawn.Sync(struct end)
+module IntOT = struct
+ type t = int
+ let compare = compare
+module Pool = Map.Make(IntOT)
+let schedule_vio_checking j fs =
+ if j < 1 then Errors.error "The number of workers must be bigger than 0";
+ let jobs = ref [] in
+ List.iter (fun f ->
+ let f =
+ if Filename.check_suffix f ".vio" then Filename.chop_extension f
+ else f in
+ let long_f_dot_v, _,_,_, tasks, _ = Library.load_library_todo f in
+ Stm.set_compilation_hints long_f_dot_v;
+ let infos = Stm.info_tasks tasks in
+ let eta = List.fold_left (fun a (_,t,_) -> a +. t) 0.0 infos in
+ if infos <> [] then jobs := (f, eta, infos) :: !jobs)
+ fs;
+ let cmp_job (_,t1,_) (_,t2,_) = compare t2 t1 in
+ jobs := List.sort cmp_job !jobs;
+ let eta = ref (List.fold_left (fun a j -> a +. pi2 j) 0.0 !jobs) in
+ let pool : Worker.process Pool.t ref = ref Pool.empty in
+ let rec filter_argv b = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | "-schedule-vio-checking" :: rest -> filter_argv true rest
+ | s :: rest when s.[0] = '-' && b -> filter_argv false (s :: rest)
+ | _ :: rest when b -> filter_argv b rest
+ | s :: rest -> s :: filter_argv b rest in
+ let pack = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | ((f,_),_,_) :: _ as l ->
+ let rec aux last acc = function
+ | [] -> [last,acc]
+ | ((f',id),_,_) :: tl when last = f' -> aux last (id::acc) tl
+ | ((f',id),_,_) :: _ as l -> (last,acc) :: aux f' [] l in
+ aux f [] l in
+ let prog = Sys.argv.(0) in
+ let stdargs = filter_argv false ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv)) in
+ let make_job () =
+ let cur = ref 0.0 in
+ let what = ref [] in
+ let j_left = j - Pool.cardinal !pool in
+ let take_next_file () =
+ let f, t, tasks = List.hd !jobs in
+ jobs := !jobs;
+ cur := !cur +. t;
+ what := ( (fun (n,t,id) -> (f,id),n,t) tasks) @ !what in
+ if List.length !jobs >= j_left then take_next_file ()
+ else while !jobs <> [] &&
+ !cur < max 0.0 (min 60.0 (!eta /. float_of_int j_left)) do
+ let f, t, tasks = List.hd !jobs in
+ jobs := !jobs;
+ let n, tt, id = List.hd tasks in
+ if List.length tasks > 1 then
+ jobs := (f, t -. tt, tasks) :: !jobs;
+ cur := !cur +. tt;
+ what := ((f,id),n,tt) :: !what;
+ done;
+ if !what = [] then take_next_file ();
+ eta := !eta -. !cur;
+ let cmp_job (f1,_,_) (f2,_,_) = compare f1 f2 in
+ List.flatten
+ ( (fun (f, tl) ->
+ "-check-vio-tasks" ::
+ String.concat "," ( string_of_int tl) :: [f])
+ (pack (List.sort cmp_job !what))) in
+ let rc = ref 0 in
+ while !jobs <> [] || Pool.cardinal !pool > 0 do
+ while Pool.cardinal !pool < j && !jobs <> [] do
+ let args = Array.of_list (stdargs @ make_job ()) in
+ let proc, _, _ = Worker.spawn prog args in
+ pool := Pool.add (Worker.unixpid proc) proc !pool;
+ done;
+ let pid, ret = Unix.wait () in
+ if ret <> Unix.WEXITED 0 then rc := 1;
+ pool := Pool.remove pid !pool;
+ done;
+ exit !rc
+let schedule_vio_compilation j fs =
+ if j < 1 then Errors.error "The number of workers must be bigger than 0";
+ let jobs = ref [] in
+ List.iter (fun f ->
+ let f =
+ if Filename.check_suffix f ".vio" then Filename.chop_extension f
+ else f in
+ let paths = Loadpath.get_paths () in
+ let _, long_f_dot_v =
+ System.find_file_in_path ~warn:(Flags.is_verbose()) paths (f^".v") in
+ let aux = Aux_file.load_aux_file_for long_f_dot_v in
+ let eta =
+ try float_of_string (Aux_file.get aux Loc.ghost "vo_compile_time")
+ with Not_found -> 0.0 in
+ jobs := (f, eta) :: !jobs)
+ fs;
+ let cmp_job (_,t1) (_,t2) = compare t2 t1 in
+ jobs := List.sort cmp_job !jobs;
+ let pool : Worker.process Pool.t ref = ref Pool.empty in
+ let rec filter_argv b = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | "-schedule-vio2vo" :: rest -> filter_argv true rest
+ | s :: rest when s.[0] = '-' && b -> filter_argv false (s :: rest)
+ | _ :: rest when b -> filter_argv b rest
+ | s :: rest -> s :: filter_argv b rest in
+ let prog = Sys.argv.(0) in
+ let stdargs = filter_argv false ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv)) in
+ let make_job () =
+ let f, t = List.hd !jobs in
+ jobs := !jobs;
+ [ "-vio2vo"; f ] in
+ let rc = ref 0 in
+ while !jobs <> [] || Pool.cardinal !pool > 0 do
+ while Pool.cardinal !pool < j && !jobs <> [] do
+ let args = Array.of_list (stdargs @ make_job ()) in
+ let proc, _, _ = Worker.spawn prog args in
+ pool := Pool.add (Worker.unixpid proc) proc !pool;
+ done;
+ let pid, ret = Unix.wait () in
+ if ret <> Unix.WEXITED 0 then rc := 1;
+ pool := Pool.remove pid !pool;
+ done;
+ exit !rc
diff --git a/stm/vio_checking.mli b/stm/vio_checking.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2da5026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/vio_checking.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* [check_vio tasks file] checks the [tasks] stored in [file] *)
+val check_vio : int list * string -> bool
+val schedule_vio_checking : int -> string list -> unit
+val schedule_vio_compilation : int -> string list -> unit
diff --git a/stm/ b/stm/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db3bb5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+type worker_id = string
+type 'a cpanel = {
+ exit : unit -> unit; (* called by manager to exit instead of Thread.exit *)
+ cancelled : unit -> bool; (* manager checks for a request of termination *)
+ extra : 'a; (* extra stuff to pass to the manager *)
+module type PoolModel = sig
+ (* this shall come from a Spawn.* model *)
+ type process
+ val spawn : int -> worker_id * process * CThread.thread_ic * out_channel
+ (* this defines the main loop of the manager *)
+ type extra
+ val manager :
+ extra cpanel -> worker_id * process * CThread.thread_ic * out_channel -> unit
+module Make(Model : PoolModel) = struct
+type worker = {
+ name : worker_id;
+ cancel : bool ref;
+ manager : Thread.t;
+ process : Model.process;
+type pre_pool = {
+ workers : worker list ref;
+ count : int ref;
+ extra_arg : Model.extra;
+type pool = { lock : Mutex.t; pool : pre_pool }
+let magic_no = 17
+let master_handshake worker_id ic oc =
+ try
+ Marshal.to_channel oc magic_no []; flush oc;
+ let n = (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value ic : int) in
+ if n <> magic_no then begin
+ Printf.eprintf "Handshake with %s failed: protocol mismatch\n" worker_id;
+ exit 1;
+ end
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ Printf.eprintf "Handshake with %s failed: %s\n"
+ worker_id (Printexc.to_string e);
+ exit 1
+let worker_handshake slave_ic slave_oc =
+ try
+ let v = (CThread.thread_friendly_input_value slave_ic : int) in
+ if v <> magic_no then begin
+ prerr_endline "Handshake failed: protocol mismatch\n";
+ exit 1;
+ end;
+ Marshal.to_channel slave_oc v []; flush slave_oc;
+ with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ prerr_endline ("Handshake failed: " ^ Printexc.to_string e);
+ exit 1
+let locking { lock; pool = p } f =
+ try
+ Mutex.lock lock;
+ let x = f p in
+ Mutex.unlock lock;
+ x
+ with e -> Mutex.unlock lock; raise e
+let rec create_worker extra pool id =
+ let cancel = ref false in
+ let name, process, ic, oc as worker = Model.spawn id in
+ master_handshake name ic oc;
+ let exit () = cancel := true; cleanup pool; Thread.exit () in
+ let cancelled () = !cancel in
+ let cpanel = { exit; cancelled; extra } in
+ let manager = Thread.create (Model.manager cpanel) worker in
+ { name; cancel; manager; process }
+and cleanup x = locking x begin fun { workers; count; extra_arg } ->
+ workers := (function
+ | { cancel } as w when !cancel = false -> w
+ | _ -> let n = !count in incr count; create_worker extra_arg x n)
+ !workers
+let n_workers x = locking x begin fun { workers } ->
+ List.length !workers
+let is_empty x = locking x begin fun { workers } -> !workers = [] end
+let create extra_arg ~size = let x = {
+ lock = Mutex.create ();
+ pool = {
+ extra_arg;
+ workers = ref [];
+ count = ref size;
+ }} in
+ locking x begin fun { workers } ->
+ workers := CList.init size (create_worker extra_arg x)
+ end;
+ x
+let cancel n x = locking x begin fun { workers } ->
+ List.iter (fun { name; cancel } -> if n = name then cancel := true) !workers
+let cancel_all x = locking x begin fun { workers } ->
+ List.iter (fun { cancel } -> cancel := true) !workers
+let destroy x = locking x begin fun { workers } ->
+ List.iter (fun { cancel } -> cancel := true) !workers;
+ workers := []
diff --git a/stm/workerPool.mli b/stm/workerPool.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f46303b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm/workerPool.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+type worker_id = string
+type 'a cpanel = {
+ exit : unit -> unit; (* called by manager to exit instead of Thread.exit *)
+ cancelled : unit -> bool; (* manager checks for a request of termination *)
+ extra : 'a; (* extra stuff to pass to the manager *)
+module type PoolModel = sig
+ (* this shall come from a Spawn.* model *)
+ type process
+ val spawn : int -> worker_id * process * CThread.thread_ic * out_channel
+ (* this defines the main loop of the manager *)
+ type extra
+ val manager :
+ extra cpanel -> worker_id * process * CThread.thread_ic * out_channel -> unit
+module Make(Model : PoolModel) : sig
+ type pool
+ val create : Model.extra -> size:int -> pool
+ val is_empty : pool -> bool
+ val n_workers : pool -> int
+ (* cancel signal *)
+ val cancel : worker_id -> pool -> unit
+ val cancel_all : pool -> unit
+ (* camcel signal + true removal, the pool is empty afterward *)
+ val destroy : pool -> unit
+ (* The worker should call this function *)
+ val worker_handshake : CThread.thread_ic -> out_channel -> unit