path: root/proofs/
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authorGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-11-21 21:38:49 +0000
committerGravatar Samuel Mimram <>2006-11-21 21:38:49 +0000
commit208a0f7bfa5249f9795e6e225f309cbe715c0fad (patch)
tree591e9e512063e34099782e2518573f15ffeac003 /proofs/
parentde0085539583f59dc7c4bf4e272e18711d565466 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.1~gammaupstream/8.1.gamma
Diffstat (limited to 'proofs/')
1 files changed, 130 insertions, 96 deletions
diff --git a/proofs/ b/proofs/
index 067ae471..70a0e3db 100644
--- a/proofs/
+++ b/proofs/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-(* $Id: 8759 2006-04-28 12:24:14Z herbelin $ *)
+(* $Id: 9261 2006-10-23 10:01:40Z barras $ *)
open Pp
open Util
@@ -43,6 +43,31 @@ let and_status = List.fold_left (+) 0
let pf_env gls = Global.env_of_context (sig_it gls).evar_hyps
let pf_hyps gls = named_context_of_val (sig_it gls).evar_hyps
+let descend n p =
+ match p.ref with
+ | None -> error "It is a leaf."
+ | Some(r,pfl) ->
+ if List.length pfl >= n then
+ (match list_chop (n-1) pfl with
+ | left,(wanted::right) ->
+ (wanted,
+ (fun pfl' ->
+ if (List.length pfl' = 1)
+ & (List.hd pfl').goal = wanted.goal
+ then
+ let pf' = List.hd pfl' in
+ let spfl = left@(pf'::right) in
+ let newstatus = and_status ( pf_status spfl) in
+ { p with
+ open_subgoals = newstatus;
+ ref = Some(r,spfl) }
+ else
+ error "descend: validation"))
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ else
+ error "Too few subproofs"
(* Normalizing evars in a goal. Called by tactic Local_constraints
(i.e. when the sigma of the proof tree changes). Detect if the
goal is unchanged *)
@@ -50,10 +75,10 @@ let norm_goal sigma gl =
let red_fun = Evarutil.nf_evar sigma in
let ncl = red_fun gl.evar_concl in
let ngl =
- { evar_concl = ncl;
- evar_hyps = map_named_val red_fun gl.evar_hyps;
- evar_body = gl.evar_body} in
- if Evd.eq_evar_info ngl gl then None else Some ngl
+ { gl with
+ evar_concl = ncl;
+ evar_hyps = map_named_val red_fun gl.evar_hyps } in
+ if Evd.eq_evar_info ngl gl then None else Some ngl
(* [mapshape [ l1 ; ... ; lk ] [ v1 ; ... ; vk ] [ p_1 ; .... ; p_(l1+...+lk) ]]
@@ -91,9 +116,9 @@ let rec frontier p =
(List.flatten gll,
(fun retpfl ->
let pfl' = mapshape ( List.length gll) vl retpfl in
- { open_subgoals = and_status ( pf_status pfl');
- goal = p.goal;
- ref = Some(r,pfl')}))
+ { p with
+ open_subgoals = and_status ( pf_status pfl');
+ ref = Some(r,pfl')}))
let rec frontier_map_rec f n p =
@@ -111,9 +136,9 @@ let rec frontier_map_rec f n p =
(fun (n,acc) p -> (n-p.open_subgoals,frontier_map_rec f n p::acc))
(n,[]) pfl in
let pfl' = List.rev rpfl' in
- { open_subgoals = and_status ( pf_status pfl');
- goal = p.goal;
- ref = Some(r,pfl')}
+ { p with
+ open_subgoals = and_status ( pf_status pfl');
+ ref = Some(r,pfl')}
let frontier_map f n p =
let nmax = p.open_subgoals in
@@ -137,9 +162,9 @@ let rec frontier_mapi_rec f i p =
(fun (n,acc) p -> (n+p.open_subgoals,frontier_mapi_rec f n p::acc))
(i,[]) pfl in
let pfl' = List.rev rpfl' in
- { open_subgoals = and_status ( pf_status pfl');
- goal = p.goal;
- ref = Some(r,pfl')}
+ { p with
+ open_subgoals = and_status ( pf_status pfl');
+ ref = Some(r,pfl')}
let frontier_mapi f p = frontier_mapi_rec f 1 p
@@ -152,50 +177,35 @@ let rec nb_unsolved_goals pf = pf.open_subgoals
(* leaf g is the canonical incomplete proof of a goal g *)
-let leaf g = {
- open_subgoals = 1;
- goal = g;
- ref = None }
-(* Tactics table. *)
-let tac_tab = Hashtbl.create 17
-let add_tactic s t =
- if Hashtbl.mem tac_tab s then
- errorlabstrm ("Refiner.add_tactic: ")
- (str ("Cannot redeclare tactic "^s));
- Hashtbl.add tac_tab s t
-let overwriting_add_tactic s t =
- if Hashtbl.mem tac_tab s then begin
- Hashtbl.remove tac_tab s;
- warning ("Overwriting definition of tactic "^s)
- end;
- Hashtbl.add tac_tab s t
-let lookup_tactic s =
- try
- Hashtbl.find tac_tab s
- with Not_found ->
- errorlabstrm "Refiner.lookup_tactic"
- (str"The tactic " ++ str s ++ str" is not installed")
+let leaf g =
+ { open_subgoals = 1;
+ goal = g;
+ ref = None }
(* refiner r is a tactic applying the rule r *)
let check_subproof_connection gl spfl =
list_for_all2eq (fun g pf -> Evd.eq_evar_info g pf.goal) gl spfl
-let abstract_tactic_expr te tacfun gls =
- let (sgl_sigma,v) = tacfun gls in
- let hidden_proof = v ( leaf in
+let abstract_operation syntax semantics gls =
+ let (sgl_sigma,validation) = semantics gls in
+ let hidden_proof = validation ( leaf in
fun spfl ->
assert (check_subproof_connection spfl);
{ open_subgoals = and_status ( pf_status spfl);
goal =;
- ref = Some(Tactic(te,hidden_proof),spfl) })
+ ref = Some(Nested(syntax,hidden_proof),spfl)})
+let abstract_tactic_expr ?(dflt=false) te tacfun gls =
+ abstract_operation (Tactic(te,dflt)) tacfun gls
+let abstract_tactic ?(dflt=false) te =
+ abstract_tactic_expr ~dflt (Tacexpr.TacAtom (dummy_loc,te))
+let abstract_extended_tactic ?(dflt=false) s args =
+ abstract_tactic ~dflt (Tacexpr.TacExtend (dummy_loc, s, args))
let refiner = function
| Prim pr as r ->
@@ -209,8 +219,21 @@ let refiner = function
goal =;
ref = Some(r,spfl) })))
- | Tactic _ -> failwith "Refiner: should not occur"
+ | Nested (_,_) | Decl_proof _ ->
+ failwith "Refiner: should not occur"
+ (* Daimon is a canonical unfinished proof *)
+ | Daimon ->
+ fun gls ->
+ ({it=[];sigma=gls.sigma},
+ fun spfl ->
+ assert (spfl=[]);
+ { open_subgoals = 0;
+ goal =;
+ ref = Some(Daimon,[])})
(* [Local_constraints lc] makes the local constraints be [lc] and
normalizes evars *)
@@ -237,19 +260,11 @@ let local_Constraints gl = refiner Change_evars gl
let norm_evar_tac = local_Constraints
-let vernac_tactic (s,args) =
- let tacfun = lookup_tactic s args in
- abstract_extra_tactic s args tacfun
-let abstract_tactic te = abstract_tactic_expr (Tacexpr.TacAtom (dummy_loc,te))
-let abstract_extended_tactic s args =
- abstract_tactic (Tacexpr.TacExtend (dummy_loc, s, args))
-let vernac_tactic (s,args) =
- let tacfun = lookup_tactic s args in
- abstract_extended_tactic s args tacfun
+let norm_evar_proof sigma pf =
+ let nf_subgoal i sgl =
+ let (gll,v) = norm_evar_tac {it=sgl.goal;sigma=sigma} in
+ v ( leaf in
+ frontier_mapi nf_subgoal pf
(* [extract_open_proof : proof_tree -> constr * (int * constr) list]
takes a (not necessarly complete) proof and gives a pair (pfterm,obl)
@@ -271,14 +286,16 @@ let extract_open_proof sigma pf =
let rec proof_extractor vl = function
| {ref=Some(Prim _,_)} as pf -> prim_extractor proof_extractor vl pf
- | {ref=Some(Tactic (_,hidden_proof),spfl)} ->
+ | {ref=Some(Nested(_,hidden_proof),spfl)} ->
let sgl,v = frontier hidden_proof in
let flat_proof = v spfl in
proof_extractor vl flat_proof
| {ref=Some(Change_evars,[pf])} -> (proof_extractor vl) pf
+ | {ref=Some(Decl_proof _,[pf])} -> (proof_extractor vl) pf
- | {ref=None;goal=goal} ->
+ | {ref=(None|Some(Daimon,[]));goal=goal} ->
let visible_rels =
(fun id ->
@@ -555,6 +572,8 @@ let tclIFTHENSELSE=ite_gen tclTHENS
let tclIFTHENSVELSE=ite_gen tclTHENSV
+let tclIFTHENTRYELSEMUST tac1 tac2 gl =
+ tclIFTHENELSE tac1 (tclTRY tac2) tac2 gl
(* Fails if a tactic did not solve the goal *)
let tclCOMPLETE tac = tclTHEN tac (tclFAIL_s "Proof is not complete.")
@@ -633,7 +652,6 @@ let tactic_list_tactic tac gls =
(* The type of proof-trees state and a few utilities
A proof-tree state is built from a proof-tree, a set of global
constraints, and a stack which allows to navigate inside the
@@ -665,41 +683,19 @@ let nth_goal_of_pftreestate n pts =
try {it = List.nth goals (n-1); sigma = pts.tpfsigma }
with Invalid_argument _ | Failure _ -> non_existent_goal n
-let descend n p =
- match p.ref with
- | None -> error "It is a leaf."
- | Some(r,pfl) ->
- if List.length pfl >= n then
- (match list_chop (n-1) pfl with
- | left,(wanted::right) ->
- (wanted,
- (fun pfl' ->
- if (List.length pfl' = 1)
- & (List.hd pfl').goal = wanted.goal
- then
- let pf' = List.hd pfl' in
- let spfl = left@(pf'::right) in
- let newstatus = and_status ( pf_status spfl) in
- { open_subgoals = newstatus;
- goal = p.goal;
- ref = Some(r,spfl) }
- else
- error "descend: validation"))
- | _ -> assert false)
- else
- error "Too few subproofs"
let traverse n pts = match n with
| 0 -> (* go to the parent *)
(match pts.tstack with
| [] -> error "traverse: no ancestors"
| (_,v)::tl ->
- { tpf = v [pts.tpf];
+ let pf = v [pts.tpf] in
+ let pf = norm_evar_proof pts.tpfsigma pf in
+ { tpf = pf;
tstack = tl;
tpfsigma = pts.tpfsigma })
| -1 -> (* go to the hidden tactic-proof, if any, otherwise fail *)
(match pts.tpf.ref with
- | Some (Tactic (_,spf),_) ->
+ | Some (Nested (_,spf),_) ->
let v = (fun pfl -> pts.tpf) in
{ tpf = spf;
tstack = (-1,v)::pts.tstack;
@@ -718,17 +714,23 @@ let app_tac sigr tac p =
sigr := gll.sigma;
v ( leaf
-(* solve the nth subgoal with tactic tac *)
-let solve_nth_pftreestate n tac pts =
+(* modify proof state at current position *)
+let map_pftreestate f pts =
let sigr = ref pts.tpfsigma in
- let tpf' = frontier_map (app_tac sigr tac) n pts.tpf in
+ let tpf' = f sigr pts.tpf in
let tpf'' =
- if !sigr == pts.tpfsigma then tpf'
- else frontier_mapi (fun _ g -> app_tac sigr norm_evar_tac g) tpf' in
+ if !sigr == pts.tpfsigma then tpf' else norm_evar_proof !sigr tpf' in
{ tpf = tpf'';
tpfsigma = !sigr;
tstack = pts.tstack }
+(* solve the nth subgoal with tactic tac *)
+let solve_nth_pftreestate n tac =
+ map_pftreestate
+ (fun sigr pt -> frontier_map (app_tac sigr tac) n pt)
let solve_pftreestate = solve_nth_pftreestate 1
(* This function implements a poor man's undo at the current goal.
@@ -880,6 +882,38 @@ let prev_unproven pts =
let rec top_of_tree pts =
if is_top_pftreestate pts then pts else top_of_tree(traverse 0 pts)
+let change_rule f pts =
+ let mark_top _ pt =
+ match pt.ref with
+ Some (oldrule,l) ->
+ {pt with ref=Some (f oldrule,l)}
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "change_rule" in
+ map_pftreestate mark_top pts
+let match_rule p pts =
+ match (proof_of_pftreestate pts).ref with
+ Some (r,_) -> p r
+ | None -> false
+let rec up_until_matching_rule p pts =
+ if is_top_pftreestate pts then
+ raise Not_found
+ else
+ let one_up = traverse 0 pts in
+ if match_rule p one_up then
+ pts
+ else
+ up_until_matching_rule p one_up
+let rec up_to_matching_rule p pts =
+ if match_rule p pts then
+ pts
+ else
+ if is_top_pftreestate pts then
+ raise Not_found
+ else
+ let one_up = traverse 0 pts in
+ up_to_matching_rule p one_up
(* Change evars *)
let tclEVARS sigma gls = tclIDTAC {gls with sigma=sigma}