path: root/pretyping/
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authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2013-05-08 18:01:07 +0200
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2013-05-08 18:01:07 +0200
commit095eac936751bab72e3c6bbdfa3ede51f7198721 (patch)
tree44cf2859ba6b8486f056efaaf7ee6c2d855f2aae /pretyping/
parent4e6d6dab2ef2de6c1ad7972fc981e55a4fde7ae3 (diff)
parent0b14713e3efd7f8f1cc8a06555d0ec8fbe496130 (diff)
Merge branch 'experimental/master'
Diffstat (limited to 'pretyping/')
1 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pretyping/ b/pretyping/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e4b211f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pretyping/
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2012 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Sign
+open Term
+open Libnames
+open Nametab
+open Evd
+(* Untyped intermediate terms, after ASTs and before constr. *)
+(* locs here refers to the ident's location, not whole pat *)
+(* the last argument of PatCstr is a possible alias ident for the pattern *)
+type cases_pattern =
+ | PatVar of loc * name
+ | PatCstr of loc * constructor * cases_pattern list * name
+let cases_pattern_loc = function
+ PatVar(loc,_) -> loc
+ | PatCstr(loc,_,_,_) -> loc
+type patvar = identifier
+type glob_sort = GProp of Term.contents | GType of Univ.universe option
+type binding_kind = Lib.binding_kind = Explicit | Implicit
+type quantified_hypothesis = AnonHyp of int | NamedHyp of identifier
+type 'a explicit_bindings = (loc * quantified_hypothesis * 'a) list
+type 'a bindings =
+ | ImplicitBindings of 'a list
+ | ExplicitBindings of 'a explicit_bindings
+ | NoBindings
+type 'a with_bindings = 'a * 'a bindings
+type 'a cast_type =
+ | CastConv of cast_kind * 'a
+ | CastCoerce (* Cast to a base type (eg, an underlying inductive type) *)
+type glob_constr =
+ | GRef of (loc * global_reference)
+ | GVar of (loc * identifier)
+ | GEvar of loc * existential_key * glob_constr list option
+ | GPatVar of loc * (bool * patvar) (* Used for patterns only *)
+ | GApp of loc * glob_constr * glob_constr list
+ | GLambda of loc * name * binding_kind * glob_constr * glob_constr
+ | GProd of loc * name * binding_kind * glob_constr * glob_constr
+ | GLetIn of loc * name * glob_constr * glob_constr
+ | GCases of loc * case_style * glob_constr option * tomatch_tuples * cases_clauses
+ | GLetTuple of loc * name list * (name * glob_constr option) *
+ glob_constr * glob_constr
+ | GIf of loc * glob_constr * (name * glob_constr option) * glob_constr * glob_constr
+ | GRec of loc * fix_kind * identifier array * glob_decl list array *
+ glob_constr array * glob_constr array
+ | GSort of loc * glob_sort
+ | GHole of (loc * hole_kind)
+ | GCast of loc * glob_constr * glob_constr cast_type
+and glob_decl = name * binding_kind * glob_constr option * glob_constr
+and fix_recursion_order = GStructRec | GWfRec of glob_constr | GMeasureRec of glob_constr * glob_constr option
+and fix_kind =
+ | GFix of ((int option * fix_recursion_order) array * int)
+ | GCoFix of int
+and predicate_pattern =
+ name * (loc * inductive * int * name list) option
+and tomatch_tuple = (glob_constr * predicate_pattern)
+and tomatch_tuples = tomatch_tuple list
+and cases_clause = (loc * identifier list * cases_pattern list * glob_constr)
+and cases_clauses = cases_clause list
+let cases_predicate_names tml =
+ List.flatten ( (function
+ | (tm,(na,None)) -> [na]
+ | (tm,(na,Some (_,_,_,nal))) -> na::nal) tml)
+let mkGApp loc p t =
+ match p with
+ | GApp (loc,f,l) -> GApp (loc,f,l@[t])
+ | _ -> GApp (loc,p,[t])
+let map_glob_decl_left_to_right f (na,k,obd,ty) =
+ let comp1 = f obd in
+ let comp2 = f ty in
+ (na,k,comp1,comp2)
+let map_glob_constr_left_to_right f = function
+ | GApp (loc,g,args) ->
+ let comp1 = f g in
+ let comp2 = Util.list_map_left f args in
+ GApp (loc,comp1,comp2)
+ | GLambda (loc,na,bk,ty,c) ->
+ let comp1 = f ty in
+ let comp2 = f c in
+ GLambda (loc,na,bk,comp1,comp2)
+ | GProd (loc,na,bk,ty,c) ->
+ let comp1 = f ty in
+ let comp2 = f c in
+ GProd (loc,na,bk,comp1,comp2)
+ | GLetIn (loc,na,b,c) ->
+ let comp1 = f b in
+ let comp2 = f c in
+ GLetIn (loc,na,comp1,comp2)
+ | GCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt,tml,pl) ->
+ let comp1 = f rtntypopt in
+ let comp2 = Util.list_map_left (fun (tm,x) -> (f tm,x)) tml in
+ let comp3 = Util.list_map_left (fun (loc,idl,p,c) -> (loc,idl,p,f c)) pl in
+ GCases (loc,sty,comp1,comp2,comp3)
+ | GLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,po),b,c) ->
+ let comp1 = f po in
+ let comp2 = f b in
+ let comp3 = f c in
+ GLetTuple (loc,nal,(na,comp1),comp2,comp3)
+ | GIf (loc,c,(na,po),b1,b2) ->
+ let comp1 = f po in
+ let comp2 = f b1 in
+ let comp3 = f b2 in
+ GIf (loc,f c,(na,comp1),comp2,comp3)
+ | GRec (loc,fk,idl,bl,tyl,bv) ->
+ let comp1 = (Util.list_map_left (map_glob_decl_left_to_right f)) bl in
+ let comp2 = f tyl in
+ let comp3 = f bv in
+ GRec (loc,fk,idl,comp1,comp2,comp3)
+ | GCast (loc,c,k) ->
+ let comp1 = f c in
+ let comp2 = match k with CastConv (k,t) -> CastConv (k, f t) | x -> x in
+ GCast (loc,comp1,comp2)
+ | (GVar _ | GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) as x -> x
+let map_glob_constr = map_glob_constr_left_to_right
+let name_app f e = function
+ | Name id -> let (id, e) = f id e in (Name id, e)
+ | Anonymous -> Anonymous, e
+let fold_ident g idl e =
+ let (idl,e) =
+ Array.fold_right
+ (fun id (idl,e) -> let id,e = g id e in (id::idl,e)) idl ([],e)
+ in (Array.of_list idl,e)
+let map_glob_constr_with_binders_loc loc g f e = function
+ | GVar (_,id) -> GVar (loc,id)
+ | GApp (_,a,args) -> GApp (loc,f e a, (f e) args)
+ | GLambda (_,na,ty,c) ->
+ let na,e = name_app g e na in GLambda (loc,na,f e ty,f e c)
+ | GProd (_,na,ty,c) ->
+ let na,e = name_app g e na in GProd (loc,na,f e ty,f e c)
+ | GLetIn (_,na,b,c) ->
+ let na,e = name_app g e na in GLetIn (loc,na,f e b,f e c)
+ | GCases (_,tyopt,tml,pl) ->
+ (* We don't modify pattern variable since we don't traverse patterns *)
+ let g' id e = snd (g id e) in
+ let h (_,idl,p,c) = (loc,idl,p,f (List.fold_right g' idl e) c) in
+ GCases
+ (loc, (f e) tyopt, (f e) tml, h pl)
+ | GRec (_,fk,idl,tyl,bv) ->
+ let idl',e' = fold_ident g idl e in
+ GRec (loc,fk,idl', (f e) tyl, (f e') bv)
+ | GCast (_,c,t) -> GCast (loc,f e c,f e t)
+ | GSort (_,x) -> GSort (loc,x)
+ | GHole (_,x) -> GHole (loc,x)
+ | GRef (_,x) -> GRef (loc,x)
+ | GEvar (_,x,l) -> GEvar (loc,x,l)
+ | GPatVar (_,x) -> GPatVar (loc,x)
+let fold_glob_constr f acc =
+ let rec fold acc = function
+ | GVar _ -> acc
+ | GApp (_,c,args) -> List.fold_left fold (fold acc c) args
+ | GLambda (_,_,_,b,c) | GProd (_,_,_,b,c) | GLetIn (_,_,b,c) ->
+ fold (fold acc b) c
+ | GCases (_,_,rtntypopt,tml,pl) ->
+ List.fold_left fold_pattern
+ (List.fold_left fold (Option.fold_left fold acc rtntypopt) ( fst tml))
+ pl
+ | GLetTuple (_,_,rtntyp,b,c) ->
+ fold (fold (fold_return_type acc rtntyp) b) c
+ | GIf (_,c,rtntyp,b1,b2) ->
+ fold (fold (fold (fold_return_type acc rtntyp) c) b1) b2
+ | GRec (_,_,_,bl,tyl,bv) ->
+ let acc = Array.fold_left
+ (List.fold_left (fun acc (na,k,bbd,bty) ->
+ fold (Option.fold_left fold acc bbd) bty)) acc bl in
+ Array.fold_left fold (Array.fold_left fold acc tyl) bv
+ | GCast (_,c,k) -> fold (match k with CastConv (_, t) -> fold acc t | CastCoerce -> acc) c
+ | (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) -> acc
+ and fold_pattern acc (_,idl,p,c) = fold acc c
+ and fold_return_type acc (na,tyopt) = Option.fold_left fold acc tyopt
+ in fold acc
+let iter_glob_constr f = fold_glob_constr (fun () -> f) ()
+let occur_glob_constr id =
+ let rec occur = function
+ | GVar (loc,id') -> id = id'
+ | GApp (loc,f,args) -> (occur f) or (List.exists occur args)
+ | GLambda (loc,na,bk,ty,c) -> (occur ty) or ((na <> Name id) & (occur c))
+ | GProd (loc,na,bk,ty,c) -> (occur ty) or ((na <> Name id) & (occur c))
+ | GLetIn (loc,na,b,c) -> (occur b) or ((na <> Name id) & (occur c))
+ | GCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt,tml,pl) ->
+ (occur_option rtntypopt)
+ or (List.exists (fun (tm,_) -> occur tm) tml)
+ or (List.exists occur_pattern pl)
+ | GLetTuple (loc,nal,rtntyp,b,c) ->
+ occur_return_type rtntyp id
+ or (occur b) or (not (List.mem (Name id) nal) & (occur c))
+ | GIf (loc,c,rtntyp,b1,b2) ->
+ occur_return_type rtntyp id or (occur c) or (occur b1) or (occur b2)
+ | GRec (loc,fk,idl,bl,tyl,bv) ->
+ not (array_for_all4 (fun fid bl ty bd ->
+ let rec occur_fix = function
+ [] -> not (occur ty) && (fid=id or not(occur bd))
+ | (na,k,bbd,bty)::bl ->
+ not (occur bty) &&
+ (match bbd with
+ Some bd -> not (occur bd)
+ | _ -> true) &&
+ (na=Name id or not(occur_fix bl)) in
+ occur_fix bl)
+ idl bl tyl bv)
+ | GCast (loc,c,k) -> (occur c) or (match k with CastConv (_, t) -> occur t | CastCoerce -> false)
+ | (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) -> false
+ and occur_pattern (loc,idl,p,c) = not (List.mem id idl) & (occur c)
+ and occur_option = function None -> false | Some p -> occur p
+ and occur_return_type (na,tyopt) id = na <> Name id & occur_option tyopt
+ in occur
+let add_name_to_ids set na =
+ match na with
+ | Anonymous -> set
+ | Name id -> Idset.add id set
+let free_glob_vars =
+ let rec vars bounded vs = function
+ | GVar (loc,id') -> if Idset.mem id' bounded then vs else Idset.add id' vs
+ | GApp (loc,f,args) -> List.fold_left (vars bounded) vs (f::args)
+ | GLambda (loc,na,_,ty,c) | GProd (loc,na,_,ty,c) | GLetIn (loc,na,ty,c) ->
+ let vs' = vars bounded vs ty in
+ let bounded' = add_name_to_ids bounded na in
+ vars bounded' vs' c
+ | GCases (loc,sty,rtntypopt,tml,pl) ->
+ let vs1 = vars_option bounded vs rtntypopt in
+ let vs2 = List.fold_left (fun vs (tm,_) -> vars bounded vs tm) vs1 tml in
+ List.fold_left (vars_pattern bounded) vs2 pl
+ | GLetTuple (loc,nal,rtntyp,b,c) ->
+ let vs1 = vars_return_type bounded vs rtntyp in
+ let vs2 = vars bounded vs1 b in
+ let bounded' = List.fold_left add_name_to_ids bounded nal in
+ vars bounded' vs2 c
+ | GIf (loc,c,rtntyp,b1,b2) ->
+ let vs1 = vars_return_type bounded vs rtntyp in
+ let vs2 = vars bounded vs1 c in
+ let vs3 = vars bounded vs2 b1 in
+ vars bounded vs3 b2
+ | GRec (loc,fk,idl,bl,tyl,bv) ->
+ let bounded' = Array.fold_right Idset.add idl bounded in
+ let vars_fix i vs fid =
+ let vs1,bounded1 =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (vs,bounded) (na,k,bbd,bty) ->
+ let vs' = vars_option bounded vs bbd in
+ let vs'' = vars bounded vs' bty in
+ let bounded' = add_name_to_ids bounded na in
+ (vs'',bounded')
+ )
+ (vs,bounded')
+ bl.(i)
+ in
+ let vs2 = vars bounded1 vs1 tyl.(i) in
+ vars bounded1 vs2 bv.(i)
+ in
+ array_fold_left_i vars_fix vs idl
+ | GCast (loc,c,k) -> let v = vars bounded vs c in
+ (match k with CastConv (_,t) -> vars bounded v t | _ -> v)
+ | (GSort _ | GHole _ | GRef _ | GEvar _ | GPatVar _) -> vs
+ and vars_pattern bounded vs (loc,idl,p,c) =
+ let bounded' = List.fold_right Idset.add idl bounded in
+ vars bounded' vs c
+ and vars_option bounded vs = function None -> vs | Some p -> vars bounded vs p
+ and vars_return_type bounded vs (na,tyopt) =
+ let bounded' = add_name_to_ids bounded na in
+ vars_option bounded' vs tyopt
+ in
+ fun rt ->
+ let vs = vars Idset.empty Idset.empty rt in
+ Idset.elements vs
+let loc_of_glob_constr = function
+ | GRef (loc,_) -> loc
+ | GVar (loc,_) -> loc
+ | GEvar (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | GPatVar (loc,_) -> loc
+ | GApp (loc,_,_) -> loc
+ | GLambda (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | GProd (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | GLetIn (loc,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | GCases (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | GLetTuple (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | GIf (loc,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | GRec (loc,_,_,_,_,_) -> loc
+ | GSort (loc,_) -> loc
+ | GHole (loc,_) -> loc
+ | GCast (loc,_,_) -> loc
+(* Conversion from glob_constr to cases pattern, if possible *)
+let rec cases_pattern_of_glob_constr na = function
+ | GVar (loc,id) when na<>Anonymous ->
+ (* Unable to manage the presence of both an alias and a variable *)
+ raise Not_found
+ | GVar (loc,id) -> PatVar (loc,Name id)
+ | GHole (loc,_) -> PatVar (loc,na)
+ | GRef (loc,ConstructRef cstr) ->
+ PatCstr (loc,cstr,[],na)
+ | GApp (loc,GRef (_,ConstructRef (ind,_ as cstr)),args) ->
+ let mib,_ = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ let nparams = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ if nparams > List.length args then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",Pp.str "Invalid notation for pattern.");
+ let params,args = list_chop nparams args in
+ List.iter (function GHole _ -> ()
+ | _ -> user_err_loc (loc,"",Pp.str"Invalid notation for pattern."))
+ params;
+ let args = (cases_pattern_of_glob_constr Anonymous) args in
+ PatCstr (loc,cstr,args,na)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let rec cases_pattern_of_glob_constr na = function
+ | GVar (loc,id) when na<>Anonymous ->
+ (* Unable to manage the presence of both an alias and a variable *)
+ raise Not_found
+ | GVar (loc,id) -> PatVar (loc,Name id)
+ | GHole (loc,_) -> PatVar (loc,na)
+ | GRef (loc,ConstructRef cstr) ->
+ PatCstr (loc,cstr,[],na)
+ | GApp (loc,GRef (_,ConstructRef (ind,_ as cstr)),args) ->
+ let mib,_ = Global.lookup_inductive ind in
+ let nparams = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ if nparams > List.length args then
+ user_err_loc (loc,"",Pp.str "Invalid notation for pattern.");
+ let params,args = list_chop nparams args in
+ List.iter (function GHole _ -> ()
+ | _ -> user_err_loc (loc,"",Pp.str"Invalid notation for pattern."))
+ params;
+ let args = (cases_pattern_of_glob_constr Anonymous) args in
+ PatCstr (loc,cstr,args,na)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+(* Turn a closed cases pattern into a glob_constr *)
+let rec glob_constr_of_closed_cases_pattern_aux = function
+ | PatCstr (loc,cstr,[],Anonymous) ->
+ GRef (loc,ConstructRef cstr)
+ | PatCstr (loc,cstr,l,Anonymous) ->
+ let ref = GRef (loc,ConstructRef cstr) in
+ GApp (loc,ref, glob_constr_of_closed_cases_pattern_aux l)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let glob_constr_of_closed_cases_pattern = function
+ | PatCstr (loc,cstr,l,na) ->
+ na,glob_constr_of_closed_cases_pattern_aux (PatCstr (loc,cstr,l,Anonymous))
+ | _ ->
+ raise Not_found
+(* Reduction expressions *)
+type 'a glob_red_flag = {
+ rBeta : bool;
+ rIota : bool;
+ rZeta : bool;
+ rDelta : bool; (* true = delta all but rConst; false = delta only on rConst*)
+ rConst : 'a list
+let all_flags =
+ {rBeta = true; rIota = true; rZeta = true; rDelta = true; rConst = []}
+type 'a or_var = ArgArg of 'a | ArgVar of identifier located
+type occurrences_expr = bool * int or_var list
+let all_occurrences_expr_but l = (false,l)
+let no_occurrences_expr_but l = (true,l)
+let all_occurrences_expr = (false,[])
+let no_occurrences_expr = (true,[])
+type 'a with_occurrences = occurrences_expr * 'a
+type ('a,'b,'c) red_expr_gen =
+ | Red of bool
+ | Hnf
+ | Simpl of 'c with_occurrences option
+ | Cbv of 'b glob_red_flag
+ | Lazy of 'b glob_red_flag
+ | Unfold of 'b with_occurrences list
+ | Fold of 'a list
+ | Pattern of 'a with_occurrences list
+ | ExtraRedExpr of string
+ | CbvVm
+type ('a,'b,'c) may_eval =
+ | ConstrTerm of 'a
+ | ConstrEval of ('a,'b,'c) red_expr_gen * 'a
+ | ConstrContext of (loc * identifier) * 'a
+ | ConstrTypeOf of 'a