path: root/plugins/subtac/
diff options
authorGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-01-12 16:04:54 +0100
committerGravatar Stephane Glondu <>2012-01-12 16:04:54 +0100
commit39efc41237ec906226a3a53d7396d51173495204 (patch)
tree87cd58d72d43469d2a2a0a127c1060d7c9e0206b /plugins/subtac/
parent5fe4ac437bed43547b3695664974f492b55cb553 (diff)
parent97fefe1fcca363a1317e066e7f4b99b9c1e9987b (diff)
Remove non-DFSG contentsupstream/8.4_beta+dfsg
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/subtac/')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/subtac/ b/plugins/subtac/
index a83611a4..ecae6759 100644
--- a/plugins/subtac/
+++ b/plugins/subtac/
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ open Libobject
open Pattern
open Matching
open Pp
-open Rawterm
+open Glob_term
open Sign
open Tacred
open Util
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ open Tacmach
open Tactic_debug
open Topconstr
open Term
-open Termops
open Tacexpr
open Safe_typing
open Typing
@@ -53,7 +52,7 @@ let evar_nf isevars c =
Evarutil.nf_evar !isevars c
let interp_gen kind isevars env
- ?(impls=[]) ?(allow_patvar=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[]))
+ ?(impls=Constrintern.empty_internalization_env) ?(allow_patvar=false) ?(ltacvars=([],[]))
c =
let c' = Constrintern.intern_gen (kind=IsType) ~impls ~allow_patvar ~ltacvars ( !isevars) env c in
let c' = SPretyping.understand_tcc_evars isevars env kind c' in
@@ -62,13 +61,13 @@ let interp_gen kind isevars env
let interp_constr isevars env c =
interp_gen (OfType None) isevars env c
-let interp_type_evars isevars env ?(impls=[]) c =
+let interp_type_evars isevars env ?(impls=Constrintern.empty_internalization_env) c =
interp_gen IsType isevars env ~impls c
-let interp_casted_constr isevars env ?(impls=[]) c typ =
+let interp_casted_constr isevars env ?(impls=Constrintern.empty_internalization_env) c typ =
interp_gen (OfType (Some typ)) isevars env ~impls c
-let interp_casted_constr_evars isevars env ?(impls=[]) c typ =
+let interp_casted_constr_evars isevars env ?(impls=Constrintern.empty_internalization_env) c typ =
interp_gen (OfType (Some typ)) isevars env ~impls c
let interp_open_constr isevars env c =
@@ -85,25 +84,25 @@ let interp_constr_judgment isevars env c =
{ uj_val = evar_nf isevars j.uj_val; uj_type = evar_nf isevars j.uj_type }
let locate_if_isevar loc na = function
- | RHole _ ->
+ | GHole _ ->
(try match na with
- | Name id -> Reserve.find_reserved_type id
+ | Name id -> glob_constr_of_aconstr loc (Reserve.find_reserved_type id)
| Anonymous -> raise Not_found
- with Not_found -> RHole (loc, Evd.BinderType na))
+ with Not_found -> GHole (loc, Evd.BinderType na))
| x -> x
let interp_binder sigma env na t =
let t = Constrintern.intern_gen true ( !sigma) env t in
- SPretyping.understand_tcc_evars sigma env IsType (locate_if_isevar (loc_of_rawconstr t) na t)
+ SPretyping.understand_tcc_evars sigma env IsType (locate_if_isevar (loc_of_glob_constr t) na t)
let interp_context_evars evdref env params =
- let bl = Constrintern.intern_context false ( !evdref) env params in
+ let int_env, bl = Constrintern.intern_context false !evdref env Constrintern.empty_internalization_env params in
let (env, par, _, impls) =
(fun (env,params,n,impls) (na, k, b, t) ->
match b with
None ->
- let t' = locate_if_isevar (loc_of_rawconstr t) na t in
+ let t' = locate_if_isevar (loc_of_glob_constr t) na t in
let t = SPretyping.understand_tcc_evars evdref env IsType t' in
let d = (na,None,t) in
let impls =
@@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ let collect_non_rec env =
let i =
(fun i f ->
- if List.for_all (fun (_, def) -> not (occur_var env f def)) ldefrec
+ if List.for_all (fun (_, def) -> not (Termops.occur_var env f def)) ldefrec
then i else failwith "try_find_i")
0 lnamerec
@@ -184,11 +183,11 @@ let sigT = Lazy.lazy_from_fun build_sigma_type
let sigT_info = lazy
{ ci_ind = destInd (Lazy.force sigT).typ;
ci_npar = 2;
- ci_cstr_nargs = [|2|];
+ ci_cstr_ndecls = [|2|];
ci_pp_info = { ind_nargs = 0; style = LetStyle }
-let telescope = function
+let rec telescope = function
| [] -> assert false
| [(n, None, t)] -> t, [n, Some (mkRel 1), t], mkRel 1
| (n, None, t) :: tl ->
@@ -209,13 +208,14 @@ let telescope = function
(List.rev tys) tl (mkRel 1, [])
in ty, ((n, Some last, t) :: subst), constr
- | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "telescope")
+ | (n, Some b, t) :: tl -> let ty, subst, term = telescope tl in
+ ty, ((n, Some b, t) :: subst), lift 1 term
let nf_evar_context isevars ctx = (fun (n, b, t) ->
(n, (Evarutil.nf_evar isevars) b, Evarutil.nf_evar isevars t)) ctx
-let build_wellfounded (recname,n,bl,arityc,body) r measure notation boxed =
+let build_wellfounded (recname,n,bl,arityc,body) r measure notation =
Coqlib.check_required_library ["Coq";"Program";"Wf"];
let sigma = Evd.empty in
let isevars = ref (Evd.create_evar_defs sigma) in
@@ -300,11 +300,11 @@ let build_wellfounded (recname,n,bl,arityc,body) r measure notation boxed =
Constrintern.compute_internalization_data env
Constrintern.Recursive full_arity impls
- let newimpls = [(recname, (r, l, impls @
- [Some (id_of_string "recproof", Impargs.Manual, (true, false))],
- scopes @ [None]))] in
- interp_casted_constr isevars ~impls:newimpls
- (push_rel_context ctx env) body (lift 1 top_arity)
+ let newimpls = Idmap.singleton recname
+ (r, l, impls @ [(Some (id_of_string "recproof", Impargs.Manual, (true, false)))],
+ scopes @ [None]) in
+ interp_casted_constr isevars ~impls:newimpls
+ (push_rel_context ctx env) body (lift 1 top_arity)
let intern_body_lam = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn intern_body (curry_fun :: lift_lets @ fun_bl) in
let prop = mkLambda (Name argname, argtyp, top_arity_let) in
@@ -325,10 +325,10 @@ let build_wellfounded (recname,n,bl,arityc,body) r measure notation boxed =
let body = it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (mkApp (constr_of_global gr, [|make|])) binders_rel in
let ty = it_mkProd_or_LetIn top_arity binders_rel in
let ce =
- { const_entry_body = Evarutil.nf_evar !isevars body;
+ { const_entry_body = Evarutil.nf_evar !isevars body;
+ const_entry_secctx = None;
const_entry_type = Some ty;
- const_entry_opaque = false;
- const_entry_boxed = false}
+ const_entry_opaque = false }
let c = Declare.declare_constant recname (DefinitionEntry ce, IsDefinition Definition) in
let gr = ConstRef c in
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ let out_def = function
| Some def -> def
| None -> error "Program Fixpoint needs defined bodies."
-let interp_recursive fixkind l boxed =
+let interp_recursive fixkind l =
let env = Global.env() in
let fixl, ntnl = List.split l in
let kind = fixkind <> IsCoFixpoint in
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ let out_n = function
Some n -> n
| None -> raise Not_found
-let build_recursive l b =
+let build_recursive l =
let g = (fun ((_,wf,_,_,_),_) -> wf) l in
match g, l with
[(n, CWfRec r)], [(((_,id),_,bl,typ,def),ntn)] ->
@@ -514,24 +514,24 @@ let build_recursive l b =
(match n with Some n -> mkIdentC (snd n) | None ->
errorlabstrm "Subtac_command.build_recursive"
(str "Recursive argument required for well-founded fixpoints"))
- ntn false)
+ ntn)
| [(n, CMeasureRec (m, r))], [(((_,id),_,bl,typ,def),ntn)] ->
ignore(build_wellfounded (id, n, bl, typ, out_def def) (Option.default (CRef lt_ref) r)
- m ntn false)
+ m ntn)
| _, _ when List.for_all (fun (n, ro) -> ro = CStructRec) g ->
let fixl = (fun (((_,id),(n,ro),bl,typ,def),ntn) ->
({Command.fix_name = id; Command.fix_binders = bl; Command.fix_annot = n;
Command.fix_body = def; Command.fix_type = typ},ntn)) l
- in interp_recursive (IsFixpoint g) fixl b
+ in interp_recursive (IsFixpoint g) fixl
| _, _ ->
errorlabstrm "Subtac_command.build_recursive"
(str "Well-founded fixpoints not allowed in mutually recursive blocks")
-let build_corecursive l b =
+let build_corecursive l =
let fixl = (fun (((_,id),bl,typ,def),ntn) ->
({Command.fix_name = id; Command.fix_binders = bl; Command.fix_annot = None;
Command.fix_body = def; Command.fix_type = typ},ntn))
l in
- interp_recursive IsCoFixpoint fixl b
+ interp_recursive IsCoFixpoint fixl