path: root/plugins/ssrmatching/ssrmatching.mli
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authorGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2016-12-27 16:53:30 +0100
committerGravatar Enrico Tassi <>2016-12-27 18:33:25 +0100
commit1b92c226e563643da187b8614d5888dc4855eb43 (patch)
treec4c3d204b36468b58cb71050ba95f06b8dd7bc2e /plugins/ssrmatching/ssrmatching.mli
parent7c9b0a702976078b813e6493c1284af62a3f093c (diff)
Imported Upstream version 8.6
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/ssrmatching/ssrmatching.mli')
1 files changed, 241 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/ssrmatching/ssrmatching.mli b/plugins/ssrmatching/ssrmatching.mli
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..288a04e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/ssrmatching/ssrmatching.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+(* (c) Copyright 2006-2015 Microsoft Corporation and Inria. *)
+(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
+open Genarg
+open Tacexpr
+open Environ
+open Tacmach
+open Evd
+open Proof_type
+open Term
+(** ******** Small Scale Reflection pattern matching facilities ************* *)
+(** Pattern parsing *)
+(** The type of context patterns, the patterns of the [set] tactic and
+ [:] tactical. These are patterns that identify a precise subterm. *)
+type cpattern
+val pr_cpattern : cpattern -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(** CS cpattern: (f _), (X in t), (t in X in t), (t as X in t) *)
+val cpattern : cpattern Pcoq.Gram.entry
+val wit_cpattern : cpattern uniform_genarg_type
+(** OS cpattern: f _, (X in t), (t in X in t), (t as X in t) *)
+val lcpattern : cpattern Pcoq.Gram.entry
+val wit_lcpattern : cpattern uniform_genarg_type
+(** The type of rewrite patterns, the patterns of the [rewrite] tactic.
+ These patterns also include patterns that identify all the subterms
+ of a context (i.e. "in" prefix) *)
+type rpattern
+val pr_rpattern : rpattern -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(** OS rpattern: f _, in t, X in t, in X in t, t in X in t, t as X in t *)
+val rpattern : rpattern Pcoq.Gram.entry
+val wit_rpattern : rpattern uniform_genarg_type
+(** Pattern interpretation and matching *)
+exception NoMatch
+exception NoProgress
+(** AST for [rpattern] (and consequently [cpattern]) *)
+type ('ident, 'term) ssrpattern =
+ | T of 'term
+ | In_T of 'term
+ | X_In_T of 'ident * 'term
+ | In_X_In_T of 'ident * 'term
+ | E_In_X_In_T of 'term * 'ident * 'term
+ | E_As_X_In_T of 'term * 'ident * 'term
+type pattern = evar_map * (constr, constr) ssrpattern
+val pp_pattern : pattern -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(** Extracts the redex and applies to it the substitution part of the pattern.
+ @raise Anomaly if called on [In_T] or [In_X_In_T] *)
+val redex_of_pattern :
+ ?resolve_typeclasses:bool -> env -> pattern ->
+ constr Evd.in_evar_universe_context
+(** [interp_rpattern ise gl rpat] "internalizes" and "interprets" [rpat]
+ in the current [Ltac] interpretation signature [ise] and tactic input [gl]*)
+val interp_rpattern :
+ Tacinterp.interp_sign -> goal sigma ->
+ rpattern ->
+ pattern
+(** [interp_cpattern ise gl cpat ty] "internalizes" and "interprets" [cpat]
+ in the current [Ltac] interpretation signature [ise] and tactic input [gl].
+ [ty] is an optional type for the redex of [cpat] *)
+val interp_cpattern :
+ Tacinterp.interp_sign -> goal sigma ->
+ cpattern -> glob_constr_and_expr option ->
+ pattern
+(** The set of occurrences to be matched. The boolean is set to true
+ * to signal the complement of this set (i.e. {-1 3}) *)
+type occ = (bool * int list) option
+(** [subst e p t i]. [i] is the number of binders
+ traversed so far, [p] the term from the pattern, [t] the matched one *)
+type subst = env -> constr -> constr -> int -> constr
+(** [eval_pattern b env sigma t pat occ subst] maps [t] calling [subst] on every
+ [occ] occurrence of [pat]. The [int] argument is the number of
+ binders traversed. If [pat] is [None] then then subst is called on [t].
+ [t] must live in [env] and [sigma], [pat] must have been interpreted in
+ (an extension of) [sigma].
+ @raise NoMatch if [pat] has no occurrence and [b] is [true] (default [false])
+ @return [t] where all [occ] occurrences of [pat] have been mapped using
+ [subst] *)
+val eval_pattern :
+ ?raise_NoMatch:bool ->
+ env -> evar_map -> constr ->
+ pattern option -> occ -> subst ->
+ constr
+(** [fill_occ_pattern b env sigma t pat occ h] is a simplified version of
+ [eval_pattern].
+ It replaces all [occ] occurrences of [pat] in [t] with Rel [h].
+ [t] must live in [env] and [sigma], [pat] must have been interpreted in
+ (an extension of) [sigma].
+ @raise NoMatch if [pat] has no occurrence and [b] is [true] (default [false])
+ @return the instance of the redex of [pat] that was matched and [t]
+ transformed as described above. *)
+val fill_occ_pattern :
+ ?raise_NoMatch:bool ->
+ env -> evar_map -> constr ->
+ pattern -> occ -> int ->
+ constr Evd.in_evar_universe_context * constr
+(** *************************** Low level APIs ****************************** *)
+(* The primitive matching facility. It matches of a term with holes, like
+ the T pattern above, and calls a continuation on its occurrences. *)
+type ssrdir = L2R | R2L
+val pr_dir_side : ssrdir -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(** a pattern for a term with wildcards *)
+type tpattern
+(** [mk_tpattern env sigma0 sigma_p ok p_origin dir t] compiles a term [t]
+ living in [env] [sigma] (an extension of [sigma0]) intro a [tpattern].
+ The [tpattern] can hold a (proof) term [p] and a diction [dir]. The [ok]
+ callback is used to filter occurrences.
+ @return the compiled [tpattern] and its [evar_map]
+ @raise UserEerror is the pattern is a wildcard *)
+val mk_tpattern :
+ ?p_origin:ssrdir * constr ->
+ env -> evar_map ->
+ evar_map * constr ->
+ (constr -> evar_map -> bool) ->
+ ssrdir -> constr ->
+ evar_map * tpattern
+(** [findP env t i k] is a stateful function that finds the next occurrence
+ of a tpattern and calls the callback [k] to map the subterm matched.
+ The [int] argument passed to [k] is the number of binders traversed so far
+ plus the initial value [i].
+ @return [t] where the subterms identified by the selected occurrences of
+ the patter have been mapped using [k]
+ @raise NoMatch if the raise_NoMatch flag given to [mk_tpattern_matcher] is
+ [true] and if the pattern did not match
+ @raise UserEerror if the raise_NoMatch flag given to [mk_tpattern_matcher] is
+ [false] and if the pattern did not match *)
+type find_P =
+ env -> constr -> int -> k:subst -> constr
+(** [conclude ()] asserts that all mentioned ocurrences have been visited.
+ @return the instance of the pattern, the evarmap after the pattern
+ instantiation, the proof term and the ssrdit stored in the tpattern
+ @raise UserEerror if too many occurrences were specified *)
+type conclude =
+ unit -> constr * ssrdir * (evar_map * Evd.evar_universe_context * constr)
+(** [mk_tpattern_matcher b o sigma0 occ sigma_tplist] creates a pair
+ a function [find_P] and [conclude] with the behaviour explained above.
+ The flag [b] (default [false]) changes the error reporting behaviour
+ of [find_P] if none of the [tpattern] matches. The argument [o] can
+ be passed to tune the [UserError] eventually raised (useful if the
+ pattern is coming from the LHS/RHS of an equation) *)
+val mk_tpattern_matcher :
+ ?all_instances:bool ->
+ ?raise_NoMatch:bool ->
+ ?upats_origin:ssrdir * constr ->
+ evar_map -> occ -> evar_map * tpattern list ->
+ find_P * conclude
+(** Example of [mk_tpattern_matcher] to implement
+ [rewrite \{occ\}\[in t\]rules].
+ It first matches "in t" (called [pat]), then in all matched subterms
+ it matches the LHS of the rules using [find_R].
+ [concl0] is the initial goal, [concl] will be the goal where some terms
+ are replaced by a De Bruijn index. The [rw_progress] extra check
+ selects only occurrences that are not rewritten to themselves (e.g.
+ an occurrence "x + x" rewritten with the commutativity law of addition
+ is skipped) {[
+ let find_R, conclude = match pat with
+ | Some (_, In_T _) ->
+ let aux (sigma, pats) (d, r, lhs, rhs) =
+ let sigma, pat =
+ mk_tpattern env0 sigma0 (sigma, r) (rw_progress rhs) d lhs in
+ sigma, pats @ [pat] in
+ let rpats = List.fold_left aux (r_sigma, []) rules in
+ let find_R, end_R = mk_tpattern_matcher sigma0 occ rpats in
+ find_R ~k:(fun _ _ h -> mkRel h),
+ fun cl -> let rdx, d, r = end_R () in (d,r),rdx
+ | _ -> ... in
+ let concl = eval_pattern env0 sigma0 concl0 pat occ find_R in
+ let (d, r), rdx = conclude concl in ]} *)
+(* convenience shortcut: [pf_fill_occ_term gl occ (sigma,t)] returns
+ * the conclusion of [gl] where [occ] occurrences of [t] have been replaced
+ * by [Rel 1] and the instance of [t] *)
+val pf_fill_occ_term : goal sigma -> occ -> evar_map * constr -> constr * constr
+(* It may be handy to inject a simple term into the first form of cpattern *)
+val cpattern_of_term : char * glob_constr_and_expr -> cpattern
+(** Helpers to make stateful closures. Example: a [find_P] function may be
+ called many times, but the pattern instantiation phase is performed only the
+ first time. The corresponding [conclude] has to return the instantiated
+ pattern redex. Since it is up to [find_P] to raise [NoMatch] if the pattern
+ has no instance, [conclude] considers it an anomaly if the pattern did
+ not match *)
+(** [do_once r f] calls [f] and updates the ref only once *)
+val do_once : 'a option ref -> (unit -> 'a) -> unit
+(** [assert_done r] return the content of r. @raise Anomaly is r is [None] *)
+val assert_done : 'a option ref -> 'a
+(** Very low level APIs.
+ these are calls to evarconv's [the_conv_x] followed by
+ [solve_unif_constraints_with_heuristics] and [resolve_typeclasses].
+ In case of failure they raise [NoMatch] *)
+val unify_HO : env -> evar_map -> constr -> constr -> evar_map
+val pf_unify_HO : goal sigma -> constr -> constr -> goal sigma
+(** Some more low level functions needed to implement the full SSR language
+ on top of the former APIs *)
+val tag_of_cpattern : cpattern -> char
+val loc_of_cpattern : cpattern -> Loc.t
+val id_of_pattern : pattern -> Names.variable option
+val is_wildcard : cpattern -> bool
+val cpattern_of_id : Names.variable -> cpattern
+val cpattern_of_id : Names.variable -> cpattern
+val pr_constr_pat : constr -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+val pf_merge_uc : Evd.evar_universe_context -> goal Evd.sigma -> goal Evd.sigma
+val pf_unsafe_merge_uc : Evd.evar_universe_context -> goal Evd.sigma -> goal Evd.sigma
+(* One can also "Set SsrMatchingDebug" from a .v *)
+val debug : bool -> unit
+(* One should delimit a snippet with "Set SsrMatchingProfiling" and
+ * "Unset SsrMatchingProfiling" to get timings *)
+val profile : bool -> unit
+(* eof *)